Holt biology assessment quiz section mendel s theory

good academic record, mid EC's: cooked or no?

2024.06.05 05:47 throw_away1845 good academic record, mid EC's: cooked or no?

demographics: hispanic female living in florida, sophomore low income. i aim to graduate 1 year early during my junior year (health/financial reasons). i'm mostly worried about how shoddy my EC's are, since i wasn't allowed by my parents to take as much EC's. right now the few that i have right now seem shoddy compared to the majority of stats i've seen here.
GPA: 4.0 unweighted, 5.5 weighted. straight A's for all of high school.
my school doesn't allow students to take the SAT, nor the ACT until they reach their junior year, so i don't have scores for those yet.
PERT - Reading : 119 - Writing: 125 - Math: 119
PSAT: 1250 (apparently WAY better than my peers)
AP classes: - AP Human Geography (4) - AP US History (pending) - AP Biology (pending) - taking AP Pre Calc, and AP Stats next year.
AICE classes (aiming to get the cambridge diploma by graduation.) - AICE General Paper (A) - AICE Psychology AS (pending) - AICE English Language (pending) - AICE Sociology (pending) - going to take AICE Environmental Science, AICE Global Perspectives, and AICE English Literature next year.
dual enrollment classes at the local community college: - probation/parole class (A) - intro to criminal justice (A) - criminology (A) - currently taking U.S. government (A)
extracurriculars: - clarinet in my high school's marching/concert band (2 years so far, still ongoing). just got appointed as the clarinet section leader for next school year. i've been playing the clarinet for 5 years as of now. - just got appointed as a member of my school's student government. - i was the historian of the school's 9th grade GSA (gay-straight alliance) during my freshman year, though idk if that counts because it was largely informal/we didn't really do much. - i also aim to join my school's National Honors Society
internships: - currently pending on whether i'm accepted to a paid summer internship that introduces various careers.
awards: - Most Outstanding 9th Grade Band Member
currently going to do some writing comps + alot of volunteering over the summer to raise my chances. i was thinking of starting a law club this year at my school, where members learn about different law-related things, and stuff about the criminal justice field. genuinely don't know if i'd go through with it or not.
i want to go into the criminal justice field in the future, and i aim to go to a college in the Northern U.S., preferably a Top 50 due to my academic scores (NYU, Northwestern, Stony Brook Uni). but i'm worried that since my EC's aren't insane OR strong, i don't have a chance. cooked or no?
submitted by throw_away1845 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:53 QuietAffectionate498 Type him

In spite of the fact that he had no children himself, he (at a very young age, in his twenties) dated and married a woman (IxFJ 3w2) who had a child of her own (she gave birth at 17.) This woman has proven to be successful, and is able to afford to take vacations. However, this is interesting to me, as there are a lot of high-earning men who wouldn’t have dated or married a woman who had had a child at a young age. They have been separated for seven years, though his eldest daughter described them as having good communication/getting along well in spite of the separation. He tends to comment “congrats” on the posts of others, particularly those who are in the field he is in (he is coordinating manager at a children’s hospital. He has experience as an emergency medical technician, and has returned to school multiple times.)
He still liked his wife’s social media post five months ago in spite of the fact that she referred to herself as a single mother on her profile.
He and his wife actually decided to give their relationship another try, though seem to now be separated for good. They haven’t officially divorced, though she has stopped using his last name. They had another child two years after the separation started (I suspect it’s possible that his wife just figured, seeing as how she was nearing thirty-five then, that this was her last chance to have a child before it became dangerous. Though who knows.) He has three biological children.
There is a video from about about 16 years ago filmed with his wife wherein he points out that his eldest daughter has “mixed race hair” as though this is a positive thing (they are black, and the daughter in question has a lighter skin tone.) He holds her hair briefly while mentioning this. This makes me think that he may be a colorist (he himself has lighter skin.) The video starts with him saying in a soft voice “this is called love” and kissing his wife. He then introduces himself, and states with affection that those who he is surrounded by (wife, eldest daughter, his wife’s child,) is his family. He allows his wife’s child from her pregnancy as a teen to call him “daddy” without growing upset about it. He pulls his wife back when she starts to move away from the camera, and introduces her. I had the impression while watching the video that he was very into his looks (making faces at the camera toward the end, noticeably checking out his hair.) Toward the end, he asks the kids to go clean up their room (well, actually, he may have been addressing the eldest who actually would have been old enough to clean up their room.)
He has more than 1,000 followers on his business account, and 500+ connections on it. He has these kinds of descriptions under his job sections, noticeably detailed: “Examine and evaluate patients to determine necessary care. Provide patients with emergency care by utilizing appropriate techniques and equipment. Document patient information, condition, and treatment. Maintain patient confidentiality and perform all care with respect for patient rights. Transport patients in accordance with outined policies and procedures. Maintain a safe, clean, and well-stocked environment for patients Operate and drive ambulance in conjunction with applicable safety policies and laws Provide basic life support and gather patient data. Run code 3 calls and respond first on scene to an emergency and wait for ALS, and set up triage.”
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submitted by QuietAffectionate498 to TypologyJunction [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:33 QuietAffectionate498 Type him

In spite of the fact that he had no children himself, he (at a very young age, in his twenties) dated and married a woman (IxFJ 3w2) who had a child of her own (she gave birth at 17.) This woman has proven to be successful, and is able to afford to take vacations. However, this is interesting to me, as there are a lot of high-earning men who wouldn’t have dated or married a woman who had had a child at a young age. They have been separated for seven years, though his eldest daughter described them as having good communication/getting along well in spite of the separation. He tends to comment “congrats” on the posts of others, particularly those who are in the field he is in (he is coordinating manager at a children’s hospital. He has experience as an emergency medical technician, and has returned to school multiple times.)
He still liked his wife’s social media post five months ago in spite of the fact that she referred to herself as a single mother on her profile.
He and his wife actually decided to give their relationship another try, though seem to now be separated for good. They haven’t officially divorced, though she has stopped using his last name. They had another child two years after the separation started (I suspect it’s possible that his wife just figured, seeing as how she was nearing thirty-five then, that this was her last chance to have a child before it became dangerous. Though who knows.) He has three biological children.
There is a video from about about 16 years ago filmed with his wife wherein he points out that his eldest daughter has “mixed race hair” as though this is a positive thing (they are black, and the daughter in question has a lighter skin tone.) He holds her hair briefly while mentioning this. This makes me think that he may be a colorist (he himself has lighter skin.) The video starts with him saying in a soft voice “this is called love” and kissing his wife. He then introduces himself, and states with affection that those who he is surrounded by (wife, eldest daughter, his wife’s child,) is his family. He allows his wife’s child from her pregnancy as a teen to call him “daddy” without growing upset about it. He pulls his wife back when she starts to move away from the camera, and introduces her. I had the impression while watching the video that he was very into his looks (making faces at the camera toward the end, noticeably checking out his hair.) Toward the end, he asks the kids to go clean up their room (well, actually, he may have been addressing the eldest who actually would have been old enough to clean up their room.)
He has more than 1,000 followers on his business account, and 500+ connections on it. He has these kinds of descriptions under his job sections, noticeably detailed: “Examine and evaluate patients to determine necessary care. Provide patients with emergency care by utilizing appropriate techniques and equipment. Document patient information, condition, and treatment. Maintain patient confidentiality and perform all care with respect for patient rights. Transport patients in accordance with outined policies and procedures. Maintain a safe, clean, and well-stocked environment for patients Operate and drive ambulance in conjunction with applicable safety policies and laws Provide basic life support and gather patient data. Run code 3 calls and respond first on scene to an emergency and wait for ALS, and set up triage.”
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submitted by QuietAffectionate498 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:21 ar_david_hh In-depth discussions reveal Armenia's efforts to integrate with EU market & system: GSP+, ATM, CEPA, GI & standards \\ Visa lib. & queues \\ EU's €2.6B aid \\ Bagrat's LTP ties \\ Peace talks \\ Black Sea ferry & sea access \\ Remittances \\ and more

13 minutes of Armenia coverage by Transcaucasian Telegraph. Follow for regular updates.


• U.S. NatSec Jake Sullivan and Erdogan's Advisor Kilic (not that Kilic) discussed a range of topics including the "importance of a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan."
• During a meeting dedicated to Turkey-Azerbaijan energy cooperation, Turkish President Erdogan welcomed the progress in the AZ-AM peace process and said he expects a peace agreement ASAP.
• Joe Biden's letter to Baku Energy Week forum participants: A durable and dignified peace agreement that ends decades of conflict would transform the South Caucasus and fundamentally change Azerbaijan's role in the region. The United States stands ready to support this noble ambition. We owe it to future generations to ensure peace and prosperity remain our guiding principles.
• Armenia has made amendments to the draft peace agreement and sent the 9th revision to Baku as part of the back-and-forth process.
source, source, source, source,

new or notable information from FM Mirzoyan's hourslong parliament presentation about diplomacy in 2023 and 2024:

• Armenia wants Turkey to display tangible progress on the ground by unblocking the border.
• Relations deepened with the US, UK, and France.
• Cooperation with the EU has expanded to include new areas including defense.
• FM Mirzoyan accused an ARF MP of parroting "imported" Russian "imperial" narratives after the ARF MP spoke against the border delimitation process with Azerbaijan.
• An ARF MP said the presence of the EU border mission makes Armenia more vulnerable. FM Mirzoyan countered it by saying there have been no incursions since the deployment of the EU mission. Mirzoyan accused ARF and its allies of "setting up a trap" for Armenia by advancing a dangerous foreign policy for decades which forced Armenia to be dependent on Russia. "It was a sweet strategy to ensure Armenia's captivity."
• A ruling party MP accused ARF, Levon Ter-Petrosyan's ANC, and Azerbaijan of being the only parties today that are attempting to revive the topic of Khojalu. The ARF MP disagreed. FM Mirzoyan said he sees synchronous activities between the Azerbaijani government, opposition-run media outlets in Armenia, and certain circles in Russia.
• FM Mirzoyan asked ARF MP to explain his vision for returning to Nagorno-Karabakh. The ARF MP said Nagorno-Karabakh must have a certain level of autonomy. Mirzoyan said that's what the Pashinyan administration was attempting to accomplish last year and that ARF rejected it. Pashinyan at the time said there was a need to lower the status bar from full independence to a lower level of autonomy in order to rally international support. That idea was sharply rejected by ARF and its satellites in Nagorno-Karabakh who controlled the parliament. FM Mirzoyan accused Nagorno-Karabakh's ARF wing of adopting a resolution that further entrenched maximalism and "from sea to sea Artsakh" during the blockade, instead of lowering the bar to increase international support.
• Armenia was able to significantly deepen relations with Georgia (Strategic Agreement in February) and Iran (economic relations).
• Relations with Russia are more transparent than ever.
• After decades of efforts, last year Armenia was finally able to establish diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia.
• Unprecedented: Armenia's Foreign Minister participated in the Arab League's ministerial meeting this year.
• Unprecedented: Armenia took part for the first time in Manama Dialogue.
• Armenia and UAE established a visa-free regime in February.
• Armenia won the elections in 5 out of 5 international organizations (UN, OSCE, UNESCO, Francophonie, etc.) where it submitted a candidacy.
• Still frozen with CSTO. No new developments.
• New diplomatic offices in Tabriz and Serbia, and an embassy in Cyprus. Diplomatic relations were established with Botswana and Trinidad and Tobago. Armenia has relations with 182 countries.
• Armenia and Hungary continue to restore relations; resident embassies will open. Belgium, Canada, and Qatar opened embassies in Yerevan. GIZ and KfW opened offices. Etc.
• Armenia sees a problem in Azerbaijan's constitution and Azerbaijan sees a problem in Armenia's constitution but the topic of constitutional changes is not part of the AM-AZ negotiation agenda and Armenia does not believe these constitutional issues can obstruct long-term peace.
• South Korea and Armenia have agreed to open embassies and other offices.
• Yerevan and New Delhi have agreed to hold direct flights. FM Mirzoyan sees great economic potential. He urged Armenian businesses to trade with India and not export exclusively to the "traditional markets".
• Armenia expects non-lethal technologies and mostly military medical-related assistance from the EU's Peace Facility.
• Two main channels of cooperation with EU: 1) The upgraded CEPA is currently being discussed, 2) April 5 Brussels programs for Armenia's resilience. These talks include the European Peace Facility, the visa-free regime, etc.
• Certain things could get delayed because of the June elections in the European Union, said a ruling party MP.

Armenia's Deputy FM Hovhannisyan about Armenia-EU relations

• The EU remains the largest donor for Armenia.
• EU provided €12 million in aid to Nagorno-Karabakh refugees.
• Active discussions are underway to upgrade CEPA.

France was one of the countries blocking the visa-free regime between Armenia and EU: ranking ruling party MP tasked with EU affairs

YEGHOYAN: Certain EU states do not want to deal with the potential problem of deporting more Armenians in the event visa liberalization leads to increased migration and illegal stays. We are negotiating to change that. Lately, a series of countries that had concerns have changed their stance and during recent official meetings, they have not opposed the launch of the liberalization discussions. There is only one group of states, 1-2 countries, that still oppose it.
REPORTER: Which country shows the strongest opposition?
YEGHOYAN: At this time... it's not the country in your mind anymore. There is a process...
REPORTER: We have information that it was France that strongly opposed it.
YEGHOYAN: Not anymore. France has withdrawn its objections. Yes, they initially objected to the liberalization because of the large Armenian community but we negotiated with them and implemented reforms in Armenia. There is another group of states, again with high living standards, who are currently on the fence. In any case, their opposition is not as strong as Hungary's veto to Armenia receiving military assistance from the European Peace Facility. These countries instead want Armenia to remedy more problems so they can show their own populations that having a visa-free regime with Armenia won't lead to their taxpayer funds being wasted on deporting Armenians. This is more of an internal political issue for them, and we understand that.

... here is why visa lines are so long to travel to EU for tourism or business

REPORTER: Why does it take forever to get a visa to a European country today?
YEGHOYAN: Many Russians are coming to Armenia to get a visa to Europe, so the lines got long. To this day the diplomatic offices have been unable to keep up with the demand; we are trying to find solutions. On top of that, some tourism agencies can use programs to reserve large numbers of visas and resell them to others at a higher price. I asked embassies to stop granting visas to individuals with other names, so whoever took the spot must be the one to use it. I think the German embassy has chosen that option; we are working with them right now.
REPORTER: Could the developments in Georgia have an impact on Armenia and EU?
YEGHOYAN: Yes. We hope Georgia finds a balanced solution.
REPORTER: And what about right-wingers gaining power in the EU during upcoming elections?
YEGHOYAN: The Right is improving its numbers but they do not have the numbers to form the government. I can't predict how much influence the Right will have on the new government and it's something that also depends on the performance of Right in their respective countries.

Armenia's economy ministry is drafting a new export strategy; notable parts from Minister Papoyan's presentation in parliament

• The new Strategy is almost ready and will soon be presented to relevant committees.
• Every product with export potential has been examined by Armenian and foreign experts with the help of EU and USAID. The export potential and possible destination of each product were calculated.
• The experience of similar countries was studied. If Armenia currently produces A-B-C, the study reveals that certain countries similar to Armenia also produce D, so the advice is to expand the scope of production and exports, to include items not currently part of the chain.
• Armenia and Turkey are engaged in active trade via 3rd countries despite closed borders. The ministry doesn't expect a "shock" if it opens. What we need from them and what they need from us is more or less already being traded, at a higher price.
• The first truck arrived from China to Armenia through the Silk Road and Crossroads of Peace in 20 days. This is down from 35-40 days if the route is through Russia and other routes. The new route is much faster, said Papoyan.
• The Armenian government is taking steps to receive unobstructed access to seas with the help of WTO and EU. Armenia is a landlocked country so the access must be granted by WTO members Turkey and Georgia. Economy Minister Papoyan criticized the former governments for spending their diplomatic efforts on "other things" [genocide recognition] but not holding a dialogue with Turkey to grant Armenia access to the sea. Minister Papoyan implied that the ministry has employees who are going through a shock because of the rapid shift in policy to improve ties with Turkey.
• Georgia, too, is not properly complying with its WTO obligation of providing unobstructed access to Armenia to seas, said Minister Papoyan.
• Minister Papoyan explained why the Black Sea ferry project did not materialize. There was a time when Armenia was the one that desperately needed the ferry to transport the goods to Russia. Then Russia became the one that needed the Armenian goods, so Russia quickly expanded the Upper Lars capacity to accept the Armenian trucks. The ferry was no longer needed.
• To implement CEPA's economic component, a committee was formed, managed by the economy ministry. This committee consists of 3 sub-committees: geographical indication (GI) sub-committee, economic cooperation sub-committee, and customs sub-committee.
• The committee held a meeting on October 17 in Yerevan. They discussed 12 roadmaps for the implementation of CEPA.
• One of them is the renaming of Armenian cognac into Armenian brandy. Other topics relating to geographical indication and customs were discussed. The next meeting of the committee will be held this October in Brussels.
• The GI sub-committee recently discussed "cognac" and "champagne", the AM-EU legal framework around GI, etc.
• The economic cooperation and customs sub-committees held meetings in March 2023.
• Economic cooperation sub-committee has 12 roadmaps: trade of goods, customs, technical barriers, phytosanitary, services & electronic sales, payments and movement of capital, intellectual property rights, state purchases, trade & stable development, competition, state organizations, and transparency.
• Armenia informed the EU in October 2023 that it plans to rebrand Armenian cognac to Armenian brandy, which will be registered as an Armenian GI. This will allow Armenian producers to export and advertise domestic brandy. The EU has provided $2.9 million for the transition, which is in progress.
• Labs will be required to check the quality of exported brandy. The government must have a procedure for checking and certifying the quality.
• To sell a product under the GI Armenian Brandy, the company must meet the quality standards and use specific mechanisms of quality control during production. Every Armenian company that advertises its brandy as Armenian Brandy must meet these standards.
• Ruling QP MP urged the Government to ensure companies do not use cheap wheat spirit to produce low-quality alcohol and sell it as "brandy" under the new GI. The MP urged Armenia's inspection agencies to increase oversight of the wine industry as well.
• Some Armenian alcohol producers are taking additional steps to certify their goods to unlock exports to the EU, and this has raised their prices by ֏40 per liter, said Minister Papoyan. He wants the state to support Armenian laboratories that undergo processes to receive international accreditation. Many lab services are not available in Armenia, including due to a lack of specialists, so domestic producers are forced to send their products to European countries for certification, wait a long time, and pay a hefty sum.

Favorable tax policies for Armenian goods exported to the EU

• A QP MP asked if it's possible to revive or sign a new GSP+ preferential trade system. Armenia lost access to it after exiting the list of poor countries. Economy Minister Papoyan said there is currently the ATM (Autonomous Trade Measures) for some other countries, and as a result of Armenia's policy of strengthening ties with the EU, there could be an opportunity for Armenia to use ATM to export certain types of agricultural and industrial products without taxes. Armenia is negotiating for the EU to add Armenia to the list of beneficiaries of ATM.
• ATM would also allow Armenia to avoid major issues in the event of force majeure [if Russia cuts economic ties with Armenia].
• Countries that apply to receive tax waivers under ATM must submit a list of products they want to export to EU and negotiate with relevant EU agencies. Certain agricultural and industrial exports can be exported at 0%, and without quantity limits.
• Armenia has prepared a list of goods it wants to export to the EU under ATM and it will be submitted to the EU soon.
• The Armenian government and EU's Ambassador to Armenia recently discussed Armenia's possible inclusion in ATM.
• The GSP+ is a thing of the past unless Armenia becomes poor enough to once again qualify for it. The GDP per capita in Armenia is $8,200, which is above the average, let alone in the poverty zone [$4,000?].

Where does the EU plan to invest €2.6 billion in Armenia?

• €500M to 30,000 small and medium enterprises for a stable and competitive economy.
• €600M for North-South highway, tunnels, bridges.
• €220M digital transformation, science, and tech.
• €110M Syunik resilience.
• €170M to make Yerevan smart and green.
• €530M for accessible education.
• €470M water reservoirs, irrigation systems, landfills.
• The SME and infrastructure projects are still being developed. Some programs are already being implemented.

... Armenia is receiving technical assistance through the European Commission's TAIEX instrument

• TAIEX helps Armenian government bodies bring their legislation and standards closer to the EU.
• TAIEX sends expert groups for advisory and evaluation.
• The economy ministry developed and submitted TAIEX requests in 2023 to improve agriculture, capital markets, textile, tourism legislation, consumer protection, etc. Five have been approved and two have been fully implemented.
source, source, source,

PM Pashinyan receives the director of the European External Action Service

Pashinyan emphasized the consistent development and expansion of Armenia-European Union cooperation in political and economic directions.
Michael Siebert emphasized the EU's commitment and readiness to develop cooperation with Armenia. According to him, the EU will continue to actively contribute to the full implementation of the agenda for the expansion of relations with Armenia.

Pashinyan forms an interdepartmental working group tasked with improving Armenia's position in the World Bank's Business Ready report

Business Ready (B-READY) is the World Bank’s new flagship report benchmarking the business environment and investment climate in most economies worldwide. The first B-READY report will be launched on September 25, 2024.
source, source,

pro-Russian opposition movement co-leader Bagrat Galstanyan says he discussed the situation in Armenia with ex-President Levon Ter-Petrosyan 15 days before the movement to oust PM Pashinyan

Galstanyan revealed that he is being advised by ex-President Levon Ter-Petrosyan's team on how to lead the movement.
REPORTER: Have you ever met any of the former presidents?
GALSTANYAN: I'm friends with the ANC party members and have close relations with many of LTP's associates. Throughout this process, they have given me advice on what to do, how to speak, where to place the emphasis, and I have followed it. I received advice on internal and external issues. They came and shared their stance; I accepted some and rejected others. I had relations with them prior to 2018 as well.
REPORTER: Do you plan to meet LTP?
GALSTANYAN: I met him before this movement. We held extensive discussions about the situation.
REPORTER: How long ago was that?
GALSTANYAN: About 15 days.
REPORTER: 15 days before May 9?
GALSTANYAN: No, [15 days] before Kirants. //
Bagrat Galstanyan went in front of the Human Rights Defender's office and demanded to meet her. She agreed to meet him and a group of protesters to discuss the issues in privacy. The meeting did not take place because Galstanyan demanded the meeting to be live-streamed.
In response to famous actor Hovhannes Azoyan's repeated criticism of his movement, Galstanyan urged journalists to wash their mouths after speaking Azoyan's name. He quickly apologized for his statement, before proceeding to call Azoyan a satan.
Authorities charged a protester with assaulting a police officer while the latter was attempting to remove a roadblock on the Yerevan-Meghri road. The incident happened earlier.
One protester is arrested for 1 month after the Friday clashes with the police in front of the foreign ministry. Another 4 are charged.
source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source,

Russia is no longer an attractive place for many Armenian migrant workers: Central Bank President Martin Galstyan

The share of remittances in GDP has gone from 18% a decade ago to 4.1% last year.
Last year the inflow was $5.7B (+9.7% YoY). Sources: $4B from Russia, $663M from USA, $141M from Switzerland, ...
Last year the outflow was $4B, so the net inflow was $1.7B.

500-year-old Armenian church in Diyarbakir, Turkey, will be renovated

It was damaged during the 2023 earthquakes. The renovation project, approved and funded by the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry, aims to revive the church and will officially begin this month. The process will be supported by the Armenian community's resources and contributions.

2 of the 8 sections of the railway destroyed during floods have been restored with the help of the Russian company that manages the Armenian railway: VIDEO

video, source,

at the request of the Armenian government, Switzerland deployed specialists to assess the structural strength of bridges and infrastructure in flood-affected areas


Georgia's ruling party introduces another Putin-style law, this time to ban queer ‘propaganda’, gender affirmation treatment, and prevent queer people from adopting children


Armenia and Serbia discussed defense cooperation

Defense Minister Papikyan met Serbian Ambassador and Defense Attaché. An agreement was reached to carry out work to sign an agreement between the Governments of Armenia and Serbia on defense cooperation. Topics regarding reforms being carried out in the Armenian Armed Forces and regional security were also discussed.

the Road Department has acquired devices to check the reflectiveness of road paint and traffic signs: VIDEO

The M2 highway was checked to see if it meets the standards.

anti-corruption: a customs agent is charged with extorting money from 11 Iranian cargo drivers

Pay or else you'll have problems.

Armenian consumers continue to spend more: May 2024

Number of transactions with receipts: 60 million (+8 YoY)
Total value: ֏87 billion (+12% YoY)

bear attacks a man picking plants in the field in village Arates

He noticed a bear and scared it away by making loud noises. However, he didn't notice the second bear nearby, which attacked the man, causing serious injuries. He is expected to survive.
source, source,
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2024.06.05 03:43 Morainechiri [For Hire] for Reliable and Expert Research Assistance

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2024.06.05 02:48 ConsciousRun6137 Brain Dead People May Not Be Dead – Here’s Why.

Brain Dead People May Not Be Dead – Here’s Why.

A brain-dead person is legally dead, but whether they may be biologically alive is still up for debate.

By Marina Zhang June 02, 2024
It was 1989, and she was still a resident anesthesiologist, Dr. Heidi Klessig recalled in her book, “The Brain Death Fallacy.”
One day, her attending anesthesiologist told her to prepare a brain-dead organ donor for organ removal surgery.
Upon examining the patient, Dr. Klessig was surprised to find that the man looked exactly like every other critically ill, living patient and, in fact, better than most.
“He was warm, his heart was beating, and his monitors showed stable vital signs,” wrote Dr. Klessig. “Nevertheless, on his bedside exam, he checked all the boxes for brain death, and the neurologist declared him ‘dead.’”
Dr. Klessig’s supervising attending anesthesiologist asked her what anesthesia she was going to give the donor for the operation.
Her answer was a paralyzing agent so the donor would not move during surgery, as well as some fentanyl to blunt the body’s responses to pain.
The anesthesiologist looked at her and asked, “Well, are you going to give anything to block consciousness?”
Dr. Heidi Klessig in the 1990s. (Courtesy of Dr. Heidi Klessig)
Dr. Klessig was stunned. Consciousness blockers are given to patients to ensure they are not awake and aware during an operation.
Her education told her that brain-dead patients should not be conscious; apart from having a biologically active body, their minds were gone.
“I looked at him and said, ‘Why would I do that? Isn’t he dead?’”
Her attending anesthesiologist looked at her, asking, “Why don’t you give him something to block consciousness—just in case.”
“I get a pit in my stomach every time I remember his face,” Dr. Klessig told The Epoch Times. “I remember him looking at me over his mask ... It seemed very confusing.
“I did as I was told, and I’m very grateful [that I did.]”

Is Brain Dead, Dead?

Once a person is brain dead, they become legally dead, but their bodies are technically still alive.
The definition of brain death, also known as death by neurological criteria, is when a person falls into a permanent coma, loses their brainstem reflexes and consciousness, and cannot breathe without stimulus or support.
Yet a person’s heart can be beating, his or her organs functional, and he or she can fight off infection, grow, and even carry babies to term.
Though they may exhibit no signs of consciousness, some areas of the brain may still work. Around 50 percent of brain-death patients retain activity in their hypothalamus, which coordinates the body’s endocrine system and regulates body temperature.
However, all of this stops if they get taken off life support.
For this reason, physicians hotly contest whether brain death is synonymous with death.
Dr. James Bernat, a neurologist and professor emeritus at the Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, told The Epoch Times that people who are brain dead are dead because their bodies “no longer function as an organism as a whole.” Without the technology to develop these life support machines, these people would be dead, he said.
Radiologist Dr. Joseph Eble and previous academic hematopathologist Dr. Doyen Nguyen, on the other hand, wrote in an article that machines can only sustain life, not generate it—much like how a dead man could not breathe while on a ventilator.
Another topic regarding brain death is whether a patient can still feel.
Among European anesthesiologists, there is an ongoing debate about whether brain-dead organ donors should be given consciousness blockers during organ procurement.
Some argue that they should do so in case patients feel pain. Others disagree. Surprisingly, the anesthesiologists’ position is “not based on the claim that patients were incapable of experiencing pain,” but, instead, out of concern that the public might have doubts about the brain-death diagnosis, bioethicists Dr. Robert Truog and Franklin Miller (who has a doctorate in philosophy) wrote in their book, “Death, Dying, and Organ Transplantation.”
Dr. Ronald Dworkin, a research fellow and anesthesiologist, wrote in an article on organ procurement that he chose to give consciousness blockers because he thought his patient “might still be a ‘little alive’, [sic] whatever that means,” he said.
Mr. Miller, who is also a professor of medical ethics in medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College, said the label of brain death is misleading. He and Dr. Truog, professor of anesthesiology and director emeritus of the Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics, are of the opinion that brain-dead people are alive but will likely not regain consciousness and recover.
Some say brain-dead patients might actually recover, as in the famous case of Jahi McMath, a 13-year-old girl who was declared brain-dead on Dec. 12, 2013. Her mother opposed her brain-death diagnosis and kept Jahi on life support for four and a half years. Though Jahi could not speak and never regained full consciousness, two neurologists testified that in her final days, she was in a “minimally conscious state.”
Jahi would move to instructions, nurses and doctors testified. Later, an electroencephalogram (EEG) detected brain wave signals.
The EEG of Jahi McMath, who was declared brain dead, should have shown no activity. (Illustration by The Epoch Times)
“Jahi McMath is the sterling example of someone ‘correctly/properly’ diagnosed as being brain dead who subsequently was documented to have recovered brain function,” Dr. Klessig said. The girl was indisputably diagnosed brain dead according to the guidelines of her time and would be diagnosed as such under the new guidelines, she added.

How Is Brain Death Assessed?

According to the most recent brain-death assessment guidelines, published by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) in 2023, brain death is determined through a bedside assessment.
Before the brain-death assessment is conducted, neuroimaging must be done to ensure there is damage to the brain.
“If you see a normal CAT scan or a normal MRI, then you need to be very, very careful and cognizant that you may be going to a false-positive situation,” Dr. Panayiotis Varelas, one of the co-authors of AAN’s 2010 guidelines and chair of the Department of Neurology at Albany Medical College, told The Epoch Times.
After brain injury is confirmed, two doctors then complete the brain-death assessment. The patient is tested twice for their responsiveness to pain stimulus and brainstem reflexes, with a 24-hour interval between each test.
If the patient tests positive both times, the doctors will conduct an apnea test—considered the most conclusive—to see if the person has lost breathing reflexes. In children, there are two apnea tests, one after each bedside brain-death assessment.
To assess brain death, doctors use a pain stimulus, check for brainstem reflexes, then conduct an apnea test if the patient fails both tests. (Illustration by The Epoch Times)
During the apnea test, the patient is taken off the ventilator for 10 minutes. A tube carrying pure oxygen is inserted into the airways. If the patient does not breathe voluntarily, they are considered brain dead.
The apnea test comes with several risks.
For example, those with respiratory failure may experience complications, including severe hypotension, hypoxia, and cardiac arrhythmia.
In a patient whose brain is already compromised, an apnea test may worsen the person’s condition or cause further damage, Dr. Paul Byrne, regarded as a pioneer in neonatology and involved in treating supposedly brain-dead neonates, told The Epoch Times. A worse condition can compound a brain-death diagnosis in individuals who may actually be on track for recovery.
Misdiagnosis could also occur during brain-death assessment.
One example is Zack Dunlap. In November 2007, he got into a traffic accident and was pronounced brain dead at the hospital.
Zack Dunlap unconscious in the hospital. (Courtesy of Zack Dunlap)
Mr. Dunlap told The Epoch Times that he regained consciousness in the hospital after he was pronounced brain dead and his friends and family were saying their goodbyes.
He tried to scream and move, but nothing happened. Since he was an organ donor, he was soon scheduled for organ procurement.
The family prayed for Mr. Dunlap in the hospital. Mr. Dunlap’s cousin, who is a nurse, didn’t believe it was his time.
Zack Dunlap recovering in the hospital. (Courtesy of Zack Dunlap)
The cousin conducted additional tests on him. When the cousin pressed under Mr. Dunlap’s thumbnail, Mr. Dunlap pulled his arm to the other side of the body. This movement revoked the diagnosis.
After a few more days, Mr. Dunlap began breathing on his own. He was discharged a month later.
Dr. Varelas, who reviewed media reports on Mr. Dunlap, told The Epoch Times that Mr. Dunlap’s outcomes looked so good that he suspects some steps may have been missed during the assessment.
If doctors had adequate experience with brain-death assessments and diligently followed the AAN’s guidelines, false positives would not occur, said Dr. Varelas.
While his hospital makes 50 to 60 brain-death assessments every year, smaller community hospitals may make very few. Therefore, doctors at these hospitals may not have enough experience, miss signs, or carry out the brain-death assessments out of order, he added.
Dr. Bernat said that the test often performed incorrectly is the apnea test.
In 2010, neurologists conducted a review for the AAN to evaluate all cases of recovery from brain death in adults between 1996 and 2009. They determined that there were “no published reports of recovery” from brain death if patients were diagnosed correctly using the brain-death diagnostic criteria of the time. Mr. Dunlap’s case was not assessed.
To further complicate matters, several conditions can mimic brain death. These must be excluded before starting brain-death assessments.

Deceptive Death Conditions

The authors of the 2023 AAN guidelines advise that prior to brain-death assessment, all of the following conditions should be eliminated, including:
  • Hypothermia (low body temperature)
  • Autoimmune nervous system diseases
  • Drug overdoses
  • Poisoning
Therapeutic hypothermia, a treatment that lowers body temperature, is commonly used in patients who have been resuscitated after a cardiac arrest. Cooling devices are applied to help the body and brain recover and heal. However, hypothermic patients can take up to a week to regain consciousness
Autoimmune conditions like Guillain-Barré syndrome, which damages a person’s nervous system, can also rob someone of their reflexes and consciousness.
Dr. May Kim-Tenser, associate professor of clinical neurology at Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, reported in 2016 on a case where a patient with a form of Guillain-Barré syndrome was initially misdiagnosed as brain dead.
The patient was admitted to the hospital after showing severe symptoms. Within several days, he became unconscious and unresponsive, lost his brainstem reflexes, and needed a ventilator to breathe.
An apnea test was not conducted. Had the patient been tested in such a way, he would have failed because he would have been too weak to breathe, said Dr. Kim-Tenser.
The patient was then transferred to Dr. Kim-Tenser’s hospital, where he was prescribed autoimmune disease medication. Later, he regained consciousness and some function of his limbs.
Drug overdoses from opioids and cocaine can also cause signs of brain death. An overdose on the muscle relaxant baclofen, for instance, has been known to mimic brain death.
“The brain death guidelines talk about what the mimickers are but not necessarily ways to exclude them. A neurologist should be able to exclude them with testing,” said Dr. Kim-Tenser.

Conflicts of Interest

“There is an intense interest in [brain death] by [organ-procurement organizations], the transplantation community, and patients on organ-waiting lists,” Dr. Varelas wrote in a 2016 article on brain death.
Around 90 percent of all organ donors are brain-dead people. This is because the brain-death definition allows surgeons to procure healthy organs without invoking the “dead-donor rule.”
According to the dead-donor rule, an ethical norm, organ donors must be declared dead before organ procurement, and organ procurement must not cause the donor’s death.
Organs cannot be transplanted from people who are biologically dead, which occurs after a person’s heart stops and he or she cannot be resuscitated.
“When you’re biologically dead, the loss of oxygen to your vital organs causes them to decompose so quickly that you cannot donate an organ,” said Dr. Klessig.
Once a person is biologically dead, their organs cannot be harvested for donation. (Illustration by The Epoch Times)
That said, tissues like cornea, cartilage, bone, and skin can come from dead donors. Live-organ donation can also be done to transplant the lobe of a lung, liver, or kidney.
Doctors who make brain-death assessments must not be involved in the organ procurement process.
“We try to disassociate ourselves from the organ-donation process,” Dr. Varelas said. “In my mind, we try to save the patient’s life, and that’s the goal because the Hippocratic Oath is to do no harm.”
Nevertheless, conflicts of interest exist. Forty-nine percent of the authors of the AAN’s 2023 guidelines on brain-death assessment reported conflicts of interest related to organ procurement.
Synonymizing brain death with death is an issue of non-transparency, Mr. Miller said. However, he said he would not consider organ procurement unethical as long as the donor is well informed.
In the United States, many people sign up to become organ donors when they apply for a driver’s license, and most of them assume that their organs will only be removed in the case of their death, Dr. Klessig said.
“They think, ‘If I’m as good as done, might as well take my organs anyway,’” Dr. Byrne said.
The reality is that their donor status can result in their organs being procured if they become “brain dead,” with their family members unable to override donor status.

Still a Mystery

The concept of brain death started half a century ago, a few years after the first organ transplant was successfully performed.
Organ procurement from comatose people started in the late 1950s. However, this was rare and not practiced under any guidelines. During the same era came a shift in the definition of death.
In 1959, French doctors Pierre Mollaret and Maurice Goulon coined the term “le coma dépassé,“ meaning ”beyond coma“ or ”irreversible coma,“ as a condition synonymous with death. Gradually, brain death, also called ”death of the nervous system,” became a new definition, and organs could, therefore, be procured from such patients.
A month after Dr. Barnard’s monumental surgery, Dr. Norman Shumway performed the first human heart transplant in the United States at Stanford Hospital, removing the heart from a brain-dead donor.
In August of 1968, the Ad Hoc Committee of Harvard Medical School published “A Definition of Irreversible Coma” in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
They defined irreversible coma as a “new criterion for death,” which has become a foundational cornerstone to the brain-death definition.
Despite this, scientists are still uncertain whether the definition or the consequent assessment is perfect.
Regarding Mr. Dunlap’s recovery, Dr. Varelas said, “I am glad this young man survived.” He believes the family’s prayers for Mr. Dunlap could have contributed to his outcome.
“There are powers much higher than our medical knowledge—or the lack thereof,” he said.
“The secret of life—including the definition of life—still remains the deepest and most mysterious one,” said Dr. Dworkins.
Nature may never “permit anyone to know the exact point where brain death becomes real death,” he added.
Source: theepochtimes.com
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2024.06.05 02:32 champagnepapi111 CHANCE ME FOR LOW GPA UMICH INSTATE

Demographics: Asian, Male, Public, No Hooks
Intended Major(s): Biology
ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1570 (W 770, M 800)
UW/W GPA and Rank: 3.5/3.8 -> large upward trend, 4.0 in junior year
Coursework: 2 Honors, 7 APs + 1 Self Study, 3 Dual Enrollment
(Placed 1st out of 40 Teams) in State HOSA Competitive Event (State) & one of 3 teams in Michigan sent to ILC
Top 3 Place at International Leadership Conference Competition in HOSA Competitive Event (International)
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Econ School Award - 5s on Both AP Exams
Honor Roll
Research Poster and Paper on Biotechnology and Next Genome Sequencing - Research to detect how genetic variation could lead to inherited diseases. Also touched upon Nucleotide Hybridization. The Research Poster will compete in SefMed/ISEF, as well as IFoRE. The Research Paper is peer-edited by professors and will compete in JSHS.
11th and 12th grade, 10hrs/wk, 20wk/yr
  1. Biotechnology and Research Sequencing at the University of Michigan (501c3 research organization) - Explored Nucleotide Hybridization, and led group research linking it to a real-world disease. Analyzed related Thermodynamics, PCR, Advanced Linux, and mapping genomes. Presented a business plan on Biotechnology and Next Generation Sequencing Technology (showing how genetic variation could lead to disease).
    1. 11th and 12th grade, 20hrs/wk, 3wk/yr
  2. Co-Founder of Biomed Club (Only Student-Made Medical Club @ School) (4yrs) - Led in-school Biomedical-Based Medical Club focused on healthcare careers, connecting with licensed doctors and current medical students to inspire youth and teach them about the experience through the medical process. Expanded membership from 4 to 150 in 4 years by organizing talks for younger classmen about life as a doctor.
    1. 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grade, 8hrs/wk, 35wk/yr
  3. Shadowed Internal Medicine Physician at University of Michigan - Physician has won several awards in America’s top Physicians by Consumers Research Council, as well as is a part of the John Hopkins Delta Omega Honor Society. I worked in the Biomedical Lab analyzing samples and results for patients (in real-time). I shadowed the actual checkups as well.
    1. 11th and 12th grade, 30hrs/wk, 3wk/yr
  4. HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) Competitor (all 50 states + 11 countries competed) (2yrs) - State Champion (1st out of 40 teams) in my 1st year, Only three teams are sent to ILC from Michigan, Qualified for ILC (International Leadership Conference), and placed Top 3 at ILC. Posted on 10+ nationwide news sites, as well as covered by the media. 260,000 members nationwide.
    1. 11th and 12th grade, 10hrs/wk, 30wk/yr
  5. Goldfish Summer Volunteer connected w/City's Children’s Care Center (most vulnerable kids) - Instructed and taught children who have been impaired with neurological, social, and developmental challenges, as well as kids that have dealt with major trauma at a very young age to swim. Participated in a 3-week long program teaching them the basics of swimming.
    1. 11th, 12th grade, 8-10hrs/wk, 4wk/yr
  6. Swim Instructor at Swim School - Worked for ~1 year, over 400 hours of work, about 8-10 hours weekly on school weeks, and closer to 15 hours during summer, CPR and Lifeguard Certified. Had several classes, weekly, with kids with disabilities, such as Down Syndrome, Autism, and ADHD.
    1. 11th, 12th grade, 8-10hrs/wk, 40wk/yr
  7. Medical Student Shadowing and Cardiac Medicine Exploration at the University of Brown Alpert Medical School - Completed a Medical Interview, a Cardiopulmonary Physical Exam with a patient, reviewed different medical careers, learned about the pathophysiology of the heart, and completed an ethics course on heart transplants.
    1. 11th and 12th grade, 20hrs/wk, 4wk/yr
  8. Student Made Club Tutor Board - Nonprofit focused in middle schools to help struggling middle school students with tutoring. We have tutored in homeless shelters, libraries, as well as all 7 middle schools in our district, K-8th grade. We have also tutored at Child Care centers, affiliated with Rescue Mission Ministries.
    1. 11th, 12th grade, 5-6hrs/wk, 25wk/yr
  9. Michigan Ref Certified - Participated in overall 50+ hours of ref-related activities, played soccer for 13 years and competed in competitive/travel soccer for 10 years.
  10. 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grade, 2hrs/wk, 13wk/yr (for reffing)
  11. 9th, 10th grade, 8hrs/wk, 35wk/yr (for soccer)
2 strong LORS from ap science teachers, 1 from doctor I shadowed
Really good essays/essay writers, will explain reasons why gpa was so low in additional sections
Schools: (in michigan) applying to a shit ton of reaches but only expecting to get into 1 or 2 that I pass the gpa check on
UPenn (ED)
UMich (EA)
Wayne State
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2024.06.05 02:24 torturedpoet0419 Taylor The Gladiator - Are You Not Entertained?

Taylor The Gladiator - Are You Not Entertained?
This is my first full fledged post on the sub. I apologize in advance for any formatting issues, the sheer length, any inaccurate takes, or if I’m potentially reaching. Constructive criticism is welcome (please be gentle though). I also humbly ask my elder Gaylors for their input on any Gaylore I may have missed weaving into this theory. I truly am a Baby Gaylor - having fallen down the rabbit hole before TTPD came out. I have devoured the posts on this sub as if I was starving. In some ways, I was. I now fully believe that she is laying the path to coming out. How this analysis ties into that story is beyond my knowledge; if anyone has great theories, I will happily add (with credit of course).
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in Roman history, so if I have any facts incorrect, please let me know. Additionally, in discussing gladiators, it cannot be done without a large caveat. Many gladiators were prisoners of war, criminals, or slaves. For the purpose of this analysis, I am exclusively focusing on those that chose to enter the arena under their own free will. I am not well-versed enough on this topic to speak to the experience of those that were prisoners of war, criminals, or slaves. I can only imagine they had a vastly different experience than their free-person counterparts that was instead characterized by horrid treatment and conditions that resulted in a death they did not choose.

On with the show - Please enjoy!

In the Times Person of the Year article, Taylor quotes the line “Are you not entertained?” from the 2000 film Gladiator. From the about section on Google regarding the film: “Set in Roman times, the story of a once-powerful general forced to become a common gladiator. The emperor's son is enraged when he is passed over as heir in favour of his father's favourite general. He kills his father and arranges the murder of the general's family, and the general is sold into slavery to be trained as a gladiator - but his subsequent popularity in the arena threatens the throne.”
The main character, Maximus (played by Russell Crow) makes that specific line at the end of a gladiatorial game. However, the full quote states: Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is that not why you are here?” Source
Entertainment is why the spectators are there.
From the Times POTY article: I included more than what was just surrounding the use of “are you not entertained” because I think it ties into several of the theories I’ve read on this sub regarding the religious imagery, the performance art, and the use of drug metaphors.
“This is the proudest and happiest I’ve ever felt, and the most creatively fulfilled and free I’ve ever been,” Swift tells me. “Ultimately, we can convolute it all we want, or try to overcomplicate it, but there’s only one question.” Here, she adopts a booming voice. “Are you not entertained?”’ A few months before I sit with Swift in New York, on a summer night in Santa Clara, Calif., which has been temporarily renamed Swiftie Clara in her honor, I am in a stadium with nearly 70,000 other people having a religious experience. The crowd is rapturous and Swift beatific as she gazes out at us, all high on the same drug. Her fans are singularly passionate, not just in the venue but also online, as they analyze clues, hints, and secret messages in everything from her choreography to her costumes—some deliberately planted, others not. (“Taylor Swift fans are the modern-day equivalent of those cults who would consistently have inaccurate rapture predictions like once a month,” as one viral tweet noted.)”
Comparing the concert as a religious experience, is likely extremely accurate. I have not had the privilege of seeing Taylor in concert (yet), but I have been to other concerts where there is a high from being in the crowd. It feels more spiritual to me than any church service I’ve been to previously (not knocking church - just not for me). Like a church (or a cult) the audience is captured by the person speaking, performing, and absorbing the shared experience around them. If you’ve ever been in an amazing crowd, you can attest to it being an euphoric and intoxicating experience - AKA a drug. Again, the spectators (this time the crowd at Taylor’s shows) are there for the entertainment.... I'll show you every version of yourself tonight. "Put narcotics into all of my songs. And that's why, you're still singing along."

Origins of the Gladiator

This led me to start diving into the history of gladiators. The origins of the gladiator are subject to debate. Some believe they originated as part of the Etruscan Society as early as 1st century BC. Ancient Roman historian, Livy, believed the first games were held by Campanians in 310 BC as a victory celebration against their defeat of the Samnites.
One thing is agreed upon though, is that gladiatorial games began as....funeral rites. Source. Where have we seen funerals and death?
We gather here, weeping in a sunlit room... My Tears Ricochet Eras Tour
Zombie Taylor LWYMMD Music Video
Taylor at Her Own Funeral Anti-Hero Music Video
Why would anyone volunteer to potentially fight to the death? Money. Fame. Glory.
Successful gladiators were the movie stars of the first century – so famous that free men queued to take their chances in the arena...... The games were so popular that successful gladiators could become extremely rich and very famous. Source.
But did they fight to the death? Yes, but only between 10 and 20% of gladiators died during matches (Source). Gladiators were valuable. They trained for months in specialized schools. This was funded by sponsors or wealthy investors. They were an investment (looking at you Scott Swift).
Sponsors of private gladiatorial games had to front the expense of hosting the events. However, it was very effective in being used for self-promotion and provided exciting entertainment for their clients and potential voters. It became a business, a status symbol.
So if the gladiators didn’t fight to the death, what happened? How did you determine who won? The fighting progressed until one of them surrendered. Surrendering was done by laying down their weapons and holding up a single finger.
Taylor at QuestLove's Uno Party 2023. Note: the single finger and what appears to be pink wine.
Taylor isn't pointing here (far right), but there is a lot of pointing going on. Taylor is also reaching for white wine now. Wine theory?

Cool, but gladiators were men, right? Not exclusively.

"While sparse, evidence exists in art, laws and written accounts that women did participate in the brutal sport during the late Roman Republic and early Roman Empire, fighting each other fiercely with weapons for entertainment. But they didn’t fight nearly to the same degree as men did—and did so mostly as novelty acts." Source.
Roman marble carving depicting two female gladiators battling with swords and shields Found in present day Turkey
Female gladiators in ancient Rome are referred to as gladiatrix in modern usage; in ancient texts they were referred to as ludia (female performers in a ludi, a festival or entertainment).
An excerpt regarding women's time in Rome:
Women in ancient Rome did not have a lot of freedom and they were defined by their relationship with men. Brian K. Harvey, scholar, writes: Unlike men's virtues, women were praised for their home and married life. Their virtues included sexual fidelity (castitas), a sense of decency (pudicitia), love for her husband (caritas), marital concord (concordia), devotion to family (pietas), fertility (fecunditas), beauty (pulchritude), cheerfulness (hilaritas), and happiness (laetitia)…As exemplified by the power of the paterfamilias [husband or father, head of the house], Rome was a patriarchal society. Source.
And you were tossing me the car keys, "Fuck the Patriarchy;" that 1950s shit they want from me; I'm having his baby.... no I'm not.
Small Tangent: There are poems by Sulpicia (1st century BCE) who is believed to have been a female poet of the time. Her poems tell a love-story arc that can be found translated here. I do think an analysis of her work in comparison to Taylor's would be interesting. There are similar themes in them. However, this post is long enough already.
Back to the main event: how were gladiators trained?
Female gladiators were most likely trained by their fathers or in private lessons with a lanista. Wooden swords were used in training by both men and women following the revolt of the gladiator Spartacus (73-71 BCE) who had used the iron weapons of his school to launch the insurrection. Men and women were trained in different types of combat and there were four types of gladiator: The Myrmillo (Murmillo) had a helmet (with a fish crest), oblong shield and sword. The Retiarius (who usually fought a Myrmillo): lightly armed with a net and trident or dagger. The Samnite had a sword, visored helmet, and oblong shield. The Thracian (Thrax): armed with a curved blade (a sica) and round shield. Source.
Taylor has referenced combat, war, and daggers throughout her discography. More on this later.
However, women were not welcome in this space and were criticized by satirists and historians. A few excerpts below:
In his Satires, Roman satirist Juvenal (1st/2nd century CE) wrote: “What sense of shame can be found in a woman wearing a helmet, who shuns femininity and loves brute force...If an auction is held of your wife's effects, how proud you will be of her belt and arm-pads and plumes, and her half-length left-leg shin-guard! Or, if instead, she prefers a different form of combat how pleased you will be when the girl of your heart sells off her greaves! Hear her grunt while she practices thrusts as shown by the trainer, wilting under the weight of the helmet.” Historian Cassius Dio (155 - 235 CE) wrote: “There was another exhibition that was at once most disgraceful and most shocking, when men and women not only of the equestrian but even of the senatorial order appeared as performers in the orchestra, in the Circus, and in the [Colosseum], like those who are held in lowest esteem. Some of them played the flute and danced in pantomimes or acted in tragedies and comedies or sang to the lyre; they drove horses, killed wild beasts and fought as gladiators.” Source
I think it's interesting the idea of female gladiators preferring a different type of combat. Combat, I'm ready for combat, I say I don't want that, but what if I do? Furthermore, the idea of the Circus, Colosseum, and the orchestra all being forms of entertainment I think speak to
"I was tame, I was gentle, 'til the (Your - OG lyrics) circus life made me mean. Don't you worry folks we took out all her teeth." Is this further commentary how the circus (media/entertainment industry), the orchestra (the music), and the gladiator (Taylor Swift™) are all interconnected?
Battle: 17 uses
“Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur.” The Great War, Midnights “And every day is like a battle.” New Romantics, 1989 “The battle’s in your hands now” The Story of Us, Speak Now “And the battle was long, it’s the fight of our lives.” Change, Fearless
Weapons: 5 uses
“Memories feel like weapons.” Would’ve, Could’ve Should’ve, Midnights “When did all our lessons start to look like weapons.” happiness, evermore “And swords and weapons that you use against me.” Mean, Speak Now
Armor: 3 uses
“You come around and the armor falls.” State of Grace, Red “But I would lay my armor down.” The Story of Us, Speak Now
Dagger: 3 uses (Thanks u/Kai_the_Fox for the additions!)
“Threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it’s morning now.” Daylight, Lover "Took this dagger in me and removed it." tolerate it, evermore "One less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen." The Albatross, The Tortured Poets Department
Swords: 2 uses
“And swords and weapons that you use against me.” Mean, Speak Now “In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords.” Eyes Open, Not released (note: this reminds me of the fact that they had to switch to wooden post Spartacus rebellion)
War: 21 uses
“Flesh and blood amongst war machines.” Clara Bow, The Tortured Poets Department "If we survived the Great War.” The Great War, Midnights “There’s no morning glory, it was war, it wasn’t fair.” The Great War, Midnights “So yeah, it’s a war. It’s the goddamn fight of my life.” ivy, evermore “Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep.” long story short, evermore “No more tug of war. Now I just know there’s more.” long story short, evermore “Hung my head as I lost the war.” Clean, 1989 “Why they lost their minds and fought the wars” You Are In Love, 1989 “Left yourself in your war path.” Innocent, Speak Now “And you were headed off to fight in the war.” Timeless, Speak Now “Everyday now they’re talking war and I know this time is like it’s never been before.” Can I Go With You, Unreleased “Looks like we’re going to war.” Let’s Go (Battle), unreleased “The war outside our door keeps raging on.” Safe & Sound, The Hunger Games

So tying it all together, aka TL;DR

Gladiators were used as a source of entertainment for the wealthy. Initially the gladiatorial games began as funeral rites; however, it evolved into a tool to be used by the elite to gain favor amongst each other and to garner support. Free men (and women) voluntarily chose to enter the games because if they were successful, they were the celebrities of the time, gaining money and fame. Evidence exists of women participating in the games, and they were met with heavy criticism for their participation. Lastly, gladiators did not always die in the games, but instead they would surrender by laying their weapons down and holding up a single finger. Taylor has referenced war, battles, swords, armor, and weapons throughout her entire discography.
I think we are continuing to see the duality of Taylor. Taylor Swift, the authentic person, has been fighting with Taylor Swift™. Only one of them can come out victorious. I think Taylor Swift™ is surrendering now, holding up a single finger in her final battle.
submitted by torturedpoet0419 to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

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2024.06.05 02:02 freebagofbirdhair Charged an extra $45 every month

(Montana) There’s been a tacked on $45 in addition to my rent since I moved in about 8 months ago. It was first listed as a “CAM move in charge: charges, assessments, and fees”. I figured that was a one time charge (although I was suspicious of it even then since none of the lease paperwork I signed mentioned it).
Then it was added as an additional charge to my rent every single month after that. They removed “move in charge” and have just been charging me $45 for “charges, assessments, and maintenance.” The lease says nothing about this charge in the maintenance section or any other section of the document.
Now they’ve changed the description to “monthly fee for water, sewer and garbage” just this month. The lease says nothing about a utility charge, it just says that the landlord is responsible for providing water, sewer and garbage. Nowhere does it say anything about a $45 fee.
What can I do here? Should I just not pay it next month and see what they say? If they don’t say anything about it being required when I don’t pay it, is there a way to get my money back from all these months I’ve overpaid? I’m tired of paying this “fee because fuck you”
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2024.06.05 01:38 DisneyGirl0121 Della Vlogs Are The Worst Parents On Earth

Hello, Lovelies! I don’t know what flair to put on here, but here it goes.
I decided to start doing recaps of all of Josh’s videos in case you wonder what’s going on with him, but don’t want to give him views. Unfortunately, yew.tube is down for me right now, so I had to watch his video on regular YouTube which I don’t mind, but for those of you who do hopefully it’s either just me who’s having this problem or it will be fixed by the time you’re reading this. Let’s get right into it.
Today, Jawsh is talking about Della Vlogs throwing their first birthday party ‘for the kid that they bought.’ I don’t know Della Vlogs all too well, so he might be talking about a kid they adopted. Despite what the situation is and how these people treat their adopted child, I think he and his stans are the only people on the planet who would refer to adopting as buying a child.’ Jawsh says Bella’s video is very stupid and out of touch and he brings up the fact that people are dying for some reason that I still don’t understand why any person outside of a mental association would do, but I don’t know the laws in Canada, I’m ‘just a mentally r######d child from Minnesota,’ so what do I know. Jawsh also brings up that there are people who she takes advantage of which kind of gives him permission to bring up the fact that people are dying, but changing the subject like that is still the dumbest thing I’ve seen/heard someone do all day. Josh says that Bella and Dallin are a bunch of buttholes, which I don’t understand. Did Josh not go to school or did he just forget that 2 is not ‘a bunch? The intro that I never understood has anything to do with his channel comes on and he says that someone on the Della Vlogs snark page (hi, Josh!) posted some video with a guitar and he starts going off on the non animate object and ‘how goddamn ugly it is.’ Josh shudders then says he wants to show his viewers how much they’ve lied this month which is ironic once you think about it. Bella says something in the video he pulled up about a mama bear which tempts Josh into doing his annoying as heck ‘vlogger’ voice and asking the audience if they’re a mama bear, then says he would rather be stuck in the woods with a bear than with her ‘mama bear’ because her mama bear’s garbage. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good yo mama joke as much as the next person in line, but grown ass men on the internet should not be making them up. Josh says that what Bella means when she says mama bear is an overprotective mother. He says that this woman is self centered and narcissistic which he says that word is overused ‘and it’s very rare that a person of population actually has narcissism, it really is very rare, but not when it comes to people who share their entire lives with the internet who buy babies for clout.’ Josh says that Bella ‘bought’ the baby for herself and freaked out when the baby wouldn’t crawl to her. He then says that she’s no mama bear and she has no idea what protection of a child looks like because ‘we’ve seen what her mama bear looks like.’ He says they’ve shown their kid every single day since they ‘bought it from the internet.’ Bella says she’s overprotective of the baby she doesn’t have yet and Josh asks if she really is. Bella says that her baby’s adoption story is sacred and private and Josh says that before they even touched the baby they were filming the process and the moment they laid eyes on the baby, the viewers got to as well through a camera. Then he tells the viewers not to listen to anything she says and that she looks like the guy from George Of The Jungle that wears the yellow hat ‘and stuff’ (true confessions time, even though I’m a late 90s/early 2000s kid who loves family movies, I have not seen George Of The Jungle). Bella says that she and Dallin won’t share a lot of details which makes the vlogger voice come out for a second time. Dallin says that they’re not going to share where the baby came from and without a moment’s hesitation, Josh says they did (again I don’t follow their family so I don’t know if they shared where the baby came from). Josh brings up a Matt and Abby video that has since been deleted that he’s trying to memory hole and that he has a video on his channel and tells his viewers to watch it. Josh says that Bella and her husband made 5 promises to the child’s biological mother and that they ‘haven’t kept a single one.’ Bella says they’re planning not to share details on her birth and Josh brings up the fact that they share every single day with their baby on the internet and that they travel all over the world and that the baby has no inkling of a schedule or normalcy, which of COURSE they don’t! Did you know what a schedule was when you were eleven and a half months old? He then says that Dallin is sick of staying with Bella and only does it because of money and ‘at this point it’s not even worth it.’ He says that they have so much money they don’t know what to do with their lives so all they do is travel and they never had to exploit their children for money and that they don’t because they don’t need the money and that Bella exploits her kid for acolyte and that it makes it so much worse because there are people out there who exploit their kids because they think it’s their only way to make money and you can ‘sorta understand but not really.’ Then he says that Bella doesn’t exploit her kid for money and that people who do that are the worst of them all because there’s just no need to do it (I honestly understand where he’s coming from with this, the family vloggers who do it as a source of income aren’t AS bad as the people who do it even though they don’t need money) and that most people who are rich and have kids know to protect them and Bella and Dallin only vlog so people can praise their parenting and that ‘we know she’s not a good mom.’ Dallin says that they document their experiences and Josh says they document their kid and every day of their life so far and that ‘they’re worse than Dougherty Dozen at this point.’ Dallin says they regulated something and Josh asks if they really did. Bella says that they’re protective of their baby and Josh says they’re not protective of the baby. Josh says he can’t stand Bella because she can’t wait to spoil her kid rotten and have a first birthday party for them with expensive party planners and that she takes pictures of herself because she’s so self centered and that her kid’s an accessory to get comments and likes and that she has ‘zero mama bear instincts.’ Josh asks what happened to not videotaping their kid and why they’re ‘such liars.’ Josh looks in the comments section of the video and reads one of them that they document every single thing about the baby from letting strangers take photos of their baby to talking about their baby’s sleep schedule (who DOESN’T talk about their baby’s sleep schedules with their friends). He brings up the 5 promises they made to the bio mom and that she has zero mama bear instincts because she lets people in Korea take pictures of her white kid.
He switches the video to the one of S’s birthday party and says that Dallin has a choice to protect the kid and that he doesn’t do it. Josh again says that Dallin only stays with Bella because she’s rich. The video starts with Bella saying they hired a party planner and Josh says that she Dallin ‘don’t do anything’ and that they ‘want to be the Kardashians so badly.’ Bella says she hopes that the party planner did a good job and Josh seems surprised that they didn’t do anything to plan the party. Bella says her heart is pounding out of her chest and Josh says that ‘it’s a party for a one year old, dumbass.’ Bella says the storybook theme is so cute (it is a really cute idea for a first or second birthday party) and Josh asks how she knows because she hasn’t seen it yet. Josh says that they’re going to an origami owl sight (Josh mentioned that Bella runs an MLM kind of thing with her mom, so that might be the name of their business). Bella says she’s going to cry and Josh asks who’s filming with both her and her husband in the shot. Josh asks how self centered she can get because ‘she thinks the party’s for her.’ Josh again brings up the fact that she hired a planner and that she didn’t do anything to plan for it. Della wishes their daughter a happy birthday and Josh says that ‘she finally remembers who the party’s for.’ There are some Disney Princesses Bella hired to be there and Josh points them out, saying that even they think the party is too extravagant for a one year old (I think it’s too much for a one year old’s birthday party too, but I’m not gonna judge how people with that much money spend it). They have a copyrighted song in the background of the video and Josh starts screaming about how they bought the rights to use it in a video. Josh looks in the comments of this video and reads the top one that talks about how rich Bella and Dallin are and that a few balloons and a smash cake at your kid’s first birthday doesn’t make you any less of a parent and that all your baby needs is love and that the kid won’t even remember it. Josh says that Bella didn’t pin the comment and that it’s only the top comment because enough other people liked it. Josh tells everyone to stop watching people like her because the people who do this in real life and do a one year old’s birthday party to this degree is about them and not their kid because the kid won’t remember it and that if you know anyone like that in real life, you should cut them off. Josh keeps looking through the comments and stops on one saying that their daughter got the jackpot of parents. He stops on another one that says imagine S watching this and having tears of joy and laughs at it. Josh points out another comment saying that Bella wasn’t focusing on S when everyone was singing happy birthday to her and kept looking at everyone else.
Josh moves onto yet another video of what Bella and Dallin got S for her birthday. The video starts with Bella feeding S some yogurt and fruit and Josh says that people have been pointing out in the comments that S looks like Bella and he says that she doesn’t look like either of them a little bit. Of course she doesn’t look like either of them! They ‘bought’ her! Bella shows a banner of pictures from every month of S’s life so far and Josh says we already know that. Dallin tells S she’s one years old and Josh goes off that one is singular (so apparently it’s okay to correct people when they get elementary school math wrong, but it’s okay when you do it). Dallin asks S if she can hold up one finger then tells her she was born today. Josh says Bella constantly looks like she’s about to die at this point. Josh points out that Bella edited her and Dallin’s Instagram names into the video and says that’s all that matters to them. Bella says she can’t believe that she’s a year old and Josh says he can’t believe it either and that she doesn’t deserve a child. Dallin says that they didn’t know she was born (she might’ve been a premie or they might not have known they were gonna adopt). Josh brings out his vlogger voice again to say that they said they weren’t going to put her on the internet and to say that she claimed to be a mama bear. The scene cuts to Dallin in the living room, saying that they took S to a splash pad and all her friends were there. Josh tells him to stop referring to people the same age as her as her friends because apparently he thinks it’s illegal or something for a 1 year old to have friends. Dallin says that S fell asleep in the car and that Bella’s putting her down in her crib. Dallin says that the party was a few days earlier and Josh asks why they’d have a party not on her birthday. Dallin says he wanted to give S a present and says it’s from him and Bella and that they got her one of those little cars that kids can drive. Josh shakes his head and starts screaming that she can’t even walk yet. Dallin says that when S wakes up, they’ll give it to her and see how she likes it. Bella comes into the shot, holding up a set of Little People princesses, saying that S loves Little People and that she already got the castle from someone at her party, then names a few of the princesses it comes with and says it comes with a little dwarf and Josh calls her a little dwarf. Bella says she loves the dwarves and Dallin says she’s obsessed and Josh says ‘she’s gonna like that, she’s not gonna like the stupid car they got her,’ and goes on about it costing $500 (which again isn’t something I personally would spend that kind of money on, but I’m not gonna stop rich people from buying whatever they want). Dallin sets some stuff up and we see pink and purple and yellow balloons. He opens the box the car came in and says ‘it’s epic!’ Josh tells them to get it out of the box. Bella lets the dog inside while Dallin reads about some of the features the car has. Josh says he’s surprised that he’s putting it together instead of calling somebody because apparently that’s all they know how to do. Dallin husband reads the instructions and Josh says that he ‘sucks at this.’ Dallin says the doors open and Josh says it’s a car as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world and all of those little cars have always had doors that open. Dallin puts the wheels on the car and says they forgot to install the motor banks. Dallin says the alignment on the car looks good. Bella kisses Dallin and Josh asks how he knows the alignment is good. The car starts up and Dallin starts playing around with it and showing some of the features, Josh laughs and says ‘made in China much.’ For some apparent reason, Josh brings up the fact that all the things that can connect to Bluetooth say ‘you are now connected to Bluetooth’ (mine either say ‘paired’ or ‘your device is connected,’ which I guess is two ways of saying the same thing he’s saying, but they don’t say that word for word), then brings up a picture of a smartwatch with a background voice that says ‘your Bluetooth device is connected successfully,’ then laughs about it. Back to Dallin, he’s trying to connect the car to his phone so they can play music for S while she rides in it and Josh says that’s crazy and points out that he’s playing his wife’s music (does Bella have songs? Like I said, I know little about them). Dallin is now sitting in the car about to test it out, then turns the car on to see how fast it can go. Josh screams that the car is loud, then says that Bella and Dallin bought themselves a toy. Dallin test runs the car through the living room and Josh laughs at the dog watching it from the couch and says his dog would eat that thing (his dog is also about five times the size of their dog, but again what do I know). Josh starts talking about a remote controlled Tesla cyber track that he found on sale for fifty percent off in some treasure hunt store and if he starts it up, Gus will try to eat it. Josh starts talking about some secondhand Power Wheels for his nieces and nephews when they come over and Gus will bite the wheels like he wants to eat them whenever he hears that sound, then he starts talking to Gus who’s napping on a dog bed behind him (I swear, he puts that dog on camera more often than the moms he makes his money laughing at put their kids on camera). Dallin says that S woke up and he’s going to get her and show her the car. He starts showing her in her crib and Josh points out the beige walls, screaming that she doesn’t get colors. Josh points out the kind of pillow Bella and Dallin put in S’s crib then makes a face and says that it’s dangerous. Dallin asks S if she wants to see her birthday present and tells her that it’s really cool. The next scene cuts to S using the car for balance and Josh says she doesn’t give a s##t and that she’s reaching for one of the balloons that landed on the car and starts screaming about the balloon. Bella tells S that it’s a car and Josh keeps screaming about the how she wants the balloon. The next scene cuts to S in the car, driving around the living room and Dallin says she loves it and Josh asks why he says those things when ‘we can see with our eyes that she clearly doesn’t care.’ S starts crying and Bella puts on some music to play through the car’s Bluetooth. Josh starts screaming, demanding to know if it’s the whole video. The video cuts to Bella holding Story on her lap while Dallin sits on the floor next to her. Bella says that they’re going to show everything else they got S for her birthday and she and Dallin hold up a couple of stuffed toys and Bella says that they’re vintage. Dallin says something about S liking something similar to one of them on a vacation and finding something similar at Hobby Lobby which of course, Josh makes a joke of. Bella says they’re going to someone’s house for the next portion of the video. Bella puts some socks on S and Dallin says they’re all wearing the same socks. Josh pauses the video and screams at him to shut up, then says he means that sincerely and smiles at the camera. Dallin says that the company that made the socks they’re wearing sponsored the video and Josh laughs and screams ‘you’ve gotta be kidding me,’ then stabs fun at the fact that they had their daughter’s first birthday video sponsored. Josh says he will never ever ever ever ever buy those socks in a million years then adds another never in there to make it clear that he’s not buying a pair. Dallin says that a year ago, they were at the friends’ house who they’re going to, celebrating a birthday and they had no idea that their daughter was being born. Josh brings out the vlogger voice once again and goes ‘you didn’t know, like, ehmahgawd!’ Dallin says it was a year ago and asks where time goes and says S is an angel. The scene cuts to Bella showing a cake she made to the camera, asking if it’s gorgeous and Josh says that that’s all they had to do and that they didn’t need a $10,000 birthday party to show everybody how rich they are. The scene cuts to a picnic table in their friends’ backyard and Josh says that’s a ‘proper way to have a one year old birthday party.’ Dallin zooms in on the cake and everyone in the backyard sings happy birthday which Josh says nonononono to and screams that they did the whole song. He says that one of their friends is ‘trying to be a singer,’ then does his laugh because what’s a video of his without the laugh, am I right? Josh then starts singing happy birthday off key on purpose and asks why they didn’t get Northwest to come sing it. The scene cuts to Dallin pushing S in a baby swing and Josh screams that the owners of the house have fake grass (which again isn’t something I’d do, but it isn’t my job to s##t on how influencers spend their money) and says that that’s super dangerous. Dallin goes down a slide and Josh asks if the house belongs to some couple from The Bachelor and brings up the fake grass again, then starts screaming that cutting grass is a righteous passage into manhood and how these people are too lazy to cut their grass then goes on about how much he loves cutting grass. Then he says that the house owners’ dog poops and the fake grass. Josh says that they only made that video so they could have a sponsorship, then calls them disgusting twice in the same breath. He reads off names of some of their travel vlogs and says their view counts are going down. He starts reading off the names of other vlogs. Josh says that S can’t have a normal life because of how much they travel. Josh again forgets simple math and call them a bunch of buttholes, then says that the mama bear thing at the beginning should make people pause and ask themselves if she really did that, then starts screaming about how they got sponsored to put their kid in socks.
I don’t know if this is even going to get verified but if it does, thank you so much to everyone who took time out of their day to read this. I know it’s a lot and it took me even longer to watch the video and take notes on it, so thank you.
submitted by DisneyGirl0121 to Dadchallengepodcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:58 mugg74 Common Questions about grades (N, NH, WAF, S and lower than expected), scaling and what to do now (preparing for results release SM1 2024)

This post has been updated and reposted for SM1 2024. The previous posts with comments and questions can be found here. I updated it before the flood starts.

Updated for SM1 2024

To minimise the number of posts (and get DMs) asking the same thing, I'm posting a summary of common questions (like I have the last few semesters). This will link to other posts that others or myself have posted. I also added a few links to threads for questions that have been common in prior semesters. The Reddit links are getting a bit old but remain relevant.
Grade Release Timeline
Grades should be available by June 28th at 3 p.m. The main factor impacting when grades are released is internal department timelines, NOT when exams are sat. Some departments won't release grades until close to this date/time. Law is known to release their grades the following week in most semesters.
I want to dispute my result.
Please take a look at this post here. - PSA - Disputing Results: unimelb Note the date should now be July 5th. This post includes what to do (from ) and from me what not to do (the not to do is very common; please don't do it).
I Have a WAF
See this reply to a question from (note the second time I linked them - usually excellent advice). I add that for 2) minor misconduct, you should attend an educative response hearing to help you identify the issue and how to avoid it in the future, in addition to the formal warning.
A WAF grade can also be used where grades are not yet finished (e.g., due to an extension—see question below) in the same way an MIS might be used.
I have a MIS
This is usually a placeholder grade to ensure something is uploaded to meet department deadlines. Something should be uploaded before July 5th
I have an S grade and a score of 50 or above.
Congrats, you passed. You will receive the score if you don't sit the Special exam.
If you do not want to sit for the special exam, please use the decline special exam form and do not even open the exam (if you have access) when it is available. Make sure you do this if you plan to graduate this semester. If you don't, you likely miss the August graduations!
If you scored above 50 and want to sit the exam, think carefully and read this thread
I have an S grade and a score of 49 or below.
You are currently failing the subject, get ready to sit the special exam.
I have a mark which, means I failed the hurdle but passed.
One of two things happened. The most likely reason is that the subject was scaled by lowering the hurdle (independently of any mark adjustment).
Or the subject coordinator made a mistake. Do you want to point it out to them and be given a 49 NH?
I failed my final subject.
If you are one subject from graduating, after failing a single subject, you may be awarded a Final Subject Rule Assessment, provided your final mark is between 40% and 49% ask. unimelb: FAQ / Final subject assessment.
It's important to note that this is awarded, not applied for. Most, but not all, degrees have it (see the link for those that don't).
You can only be awarded it once you have one subject left to go—it must literally be your final subject. It can, however, be awarded for a subject undertaken in your penultimate semester if you pass everything in your final semester and generally take a full load (or not be able to retake that subject or one in its place with a reduced load). Otherwise, you may be seen to be voluntarily extending your degree.
Just because you are eligible to get one means you will (see the link for some other exclusions). Still, the most common reason for not receiving one is what I have described above, not taking an additional subject (when able) within load to complete your degree.
Suppose you have any S grades (or other placeholder grades). In that case, an FSA will be awarded once all other results are finalised (sometimes this might need an enquiry to trigger - this is the only time I suggest asking the uni about it, but give it a few days first). In FBE, I have seen FSAs being approved after taking a special on special, making the FSA the 4th exam sat (I feel sorry for any Academic that needs to write 4 exams in one semester!).
The most you can be awarded on an FSA is 50% (see next section).
The difference between a special exam and a supplementary exam.
A special exam is an exam that results from special consideration and replaces the previous exam (it doesn't matter if you sat it or not); your result will be calculated as usual.
A supplementary exam is an additional exam, the main one being an FSA discussed above. The maximum you can score on the supplementary exam is 50%. If you sit and fail again, you will be awarded the new mark, even if it is lower.
From a practical point of view, the exam paper is typically the same paper sat at the same time. However, the outcome depends on why it was awarded.
I have a special exam, will it be more difficult? Will it get scaled?
There is a good discussion about this here: special exams: unimelb (reddit.com). The discussion focuses on why some students often do worse in special exams than in the main exam; it's not normally due to the special exam being harder.
It's a different exam, do not assume it will get scaled the same way (see below).
I Have a 49(NH). Can, I get one 1 more mark to pass?
A 49NH is when your raw score is above 50, but you have not passed a hurdle.
If you failed due to a non-exam hurdle (e.g., attendance), there is not much you can do. Some subjects can make up the hurdle, but usually, these need to be completed by now.
If it is an exam hurdle you missing (or a grade hurdle of some kind), chances are you are more than 1 mark from passing the hurdle, It is rare for an academic to leave someone one 1 mark from passing. See here for a discussion - Barely failing a hurdle: unimelb (reddit.com)
Benchmark WAM, Excluded subjects
Read this page: Weighted Average Mark (WAM) (unimelb.edu.au) (only relevant for students who started during Covid).
What is Scaling at unimelb/Are grades standardised?
Start here for normal exams. I would also add that just because the main exam is scaled, do not assume a special exam will be scaled the same way. It is a different exam and has a very different group of students sitting it (often dominated by students who failed the main exam).
How do I view my exam
Wait until July 5th and follow the link above.
Will my results change between the release and the official release date
It is highly unlikely - the only time I have known this to occur is for subject-wide (or at least a group of students) error.
Why is there a difference between when grades are released and the official release date?
The difference in timing is so that things like CAPC, Graduation, FSA, etc., can be organised before the official release date. The system does not hide grades until the official release date.
I may update this with any more common questions.
submitted by mugg74 to unimelb [link] [comments]

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  • Full Courses: Final rates for full class help depend all the foregoing plus: total number of hw, quizzes, exams, discussion posts, and other academic tasks left that need to be completed, total number of weeks or modules left in the class to complete.
  • Essays Papers Discussion Posts: Final rates for writing tasks depend on the required number of words or pages. topic of interest, type of citations, required number and type of sources & bibliography style , level of research required, and type of additional software required to complete the essay like: Excel, R, or Minitab.
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I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
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  • Provide Telephone References: Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
  • My Mission: Thank you for taking the time to read my Reddit post. I take what I do very seriously and I always strive to get the highest possible grades for all students who entrust me with their coursework.
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