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Cinematography: An online resource for filmmakers

2010.02.11 20:14 lkmeq Cinematography: An online resource for filmmakers

/cinematography is a forum dedicated to becoming an active resource for cinematographers of all skill levels.

2010.05.03 20:39 leftnode Gun Deals - Deals for firearms, ammunition, and accessories

/GunDeals is a community dedicated to the collection and sharing of firearm related deals.

2012.07.06 18:51 "Yes! More! Yes, yes, yes!"

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2024.06.05 11:54 woshixiwangmu Is it selfish to want to give my kids an "international experience"?

Tl;Dr: Planning on moving continents with future offspring and wondering if it would be unfair to uproot them in order to give them an international experience.
I'm a child of first generation immigrants from China to Australia (currently living in Australia) and I'm planning to get my teaching qualification so that I can get a job at an international school overseas.
I can see myself living on more than one continent because I love to travel, but I'm not sure how fair that would be for my future kids (I'm planning to have a child next year and hopefully another one after that).
I have relatives in China so I'm looking at maybe staying there while my kids finish primary school, and after that I'd like to live in Europe, potentially France because I know a bit of French and could pick up the language reasonably quickly (I used to be quite fluent but forgot most of it from lack of use).
I guess the tentative timeline for the oldest kid would be:
Age 0-6: Australia
Age 6-12: China
Age 12-18: France
After they turn 18 they can decide where they want to live and study.
I'd like to be based in China and France so that we can travel around to different countries in Asia and Europe because Australia is too far away from Eurasia to be able to travel efficiently on a regular basis.
I guess my main concern with this plan is that my kids won't feel like they belong anywhere, although I think having international experience and being multilingual will definitely help them in the future.
What do you think? I know this is years in the future but I really do want to think my plan through before I follow through with it.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by woshixiwangmu to Internationalteachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:53 Kawa-996 Written work for monologue from Inglourious Basterds

Analysis Questions:
  1. Who am I? I am Col. Hans Landa. I am a Nazi officer. I have recently been transferred from Austria to France.
  2. Who am I talking to? I am talking to Perrier LaPadite. He is a farmer in French cow country.
  3. Where am I? I am in LaPadite's kitchen. I am seated alongside him around the dining table.
  4. What do I want? I want to find out if the farmer is hiding any Jews somewhere inside his house.
  1. What happened just before the scene? LaPadite is seen chopping up wood outside his house when he sees me (Landa) and Nazi soldiers approaching his house in their automobile and motorcycles. He asks his three daughters to go indoors. I ask him to take us inside his so that we could "have a short discussion". He guides us to his kitchen. I ask him the whereabouts of the four Jewish families who make up four of the five dairy farming families in that area. LaPadite says that he does not know much.
COL LANDA Now if one were to determine what attribute the German people share with a beast, it would be the cunning and the predatory instinct of a hawk. But if one were to determine what attributes the Jews share with a beast, it would be that of the rat. If a rat were to walk in here right now as I’m talking, would you treat it with a saucer of your delicious milk? I didn’t think so. You don’t like them. You don’t really know why you don’t like them. All you know is you find them repulsive. Consequently, a German soldier conducts a search of a house suspected of hiding Jews. Where does the hawk look? He looks in the barn, he looks in the attic, he looks in the cellar, he looks everywhere he would hide, but there’s so many places it would never occur to a hawk to hide. However, the reason the Führer’s brought me off my Alps in Austria and placed me in French cow country today is because it does occur to me. Because I’m aware what tremendous feats human beings are capable of once they abandon dignity.
Script Analysis:
COL LANDA Monsieur LaPadite, are you aware of the nickname the people of France have given me?
PERRIER I have no interest in such things.
COL LANDA But you are aware of what they call me?
PERRIER I'm aware.
COL LANDA What are you aware of?
PERRIER That they call you, "The Jew Hunter".
COL LANDA The feature that makes me such a effective hunter of the Jews, is, as opposed to most German soldiers, I can think like a jew, where they can only think like a German or more precisely, a German soldier.
(Start of monologue)
(Tactic: Praise the Germans. Compare them to beasts)
COL LANDA Now if one were to determine what attribute the German people share with a beast, it would be the cunning and the predatory instinct of a hawk.
PERRIER Perhaps.
(Tactic: Degrade the Jews. Compare them to rats)
COL LANDA But if one were to determine what attributes the Jews share with a beast, it would be that of the rat. If a rat were to walk in here right now as I’m talking, would you treat it with a saucer of your delicious milk?
PERRIER Probably not.
(Tactic: Insult the rat, thereby insulting the Jews indirectly)
COL LANDA I didn’t think so. You don’t like them. You don’t really know why you don’t like them. All you know is you find them repulsive.
PERRIER Probably, if you say it to be true.
(Tactic: Indicate as to how the Jews could be hiding in unusual places.)
COL LANDA Consequently, a German soldier conducts a search of a house suspected of hiding Jews. Where does the hawk look? He looks in the barn, he looks in the attic, he looks in the cellar, he looks everywhere he would hide, but there’s so many places it would never occur to a hawk to hide.
PERRIER I would know very little as to that matter.
(Tactic: Indirectly indicate how he knows where the Jews are hiding)
COL LANDA However, the reason the Führer’s brought me off my Alps in Austria and placed me in French cow country today is because it does occur to me.
PERRIER How would you guess?
(Tactic: Indirectly imply that he knows LaPadite is hiding the Jews in a very unusual area)
COL LANDA Because I’m aware what tremendous feats human beings are capable of once they abandon dignity.
PERRIER Perhaps. I would not know much.
submitted by Kawa-996 to Actingclass [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:53 snowinsummer00 Has anyone quit school due to shitty teachers?

I've only been in my school for a month but my teacher is so incredibly rude to everyone. She belittles students for not knowing the right answer or making mistakes. She gets extremely frustrated with students when teaching practicals and rushes through them so fast that no one can actually learn. She'll say one thing, ie "you don't need your xyz tomorrow" and then when you don't bring your xyz she chastises you for being irresponsible. She often starts class early and then gets mad at students for showing up on time and missing instruction. When I enrolled into my school the admissions lady told me that I could go as little as once per week, that it was no issue. I'm a SAHM and can only afford childcare twice per week so that's when I go to school. I'm literally in a hybrid program for this reason. But she constantly tells me that I am not committed or working as hard as others because I can't go to school 5 days a week.

I'm 31 years old. I would love to become a licensed professional esthetician but not if I'm going to be verbally abused in the process of getting there. I'm too old for this bullshit and frankly, I don't need to work or have a job, I just really want to. Because you know financial independence and 2 income household and all that. But atp I'd rather become a housekeeper because she has crushed my interest in the field.

I want to add that this isn't my first time in cosmo school. I was in a cosmetology program 15 years ago and almost finished. During that time I was never treated this way by any of my teachers.
submitted by snowinsummer00 to Esthetics [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:52 Available_Sweet_1279 Past due rent

I’m not sure how to go about this. I’m 18 and I’ve been on my own since January of this year due to family issues. I was able to afford rent through March of this year. Fortunately my landlord has been kind enough to give me time to find a job stable enough to afford rent. While this has been an extremely helpful gesture, I do not want to take advantage of it. I have been job searching for the past 6 months and I have not been able to land any sort of job. I do not use any sort of substances and have lots of work experience from being younger and working jobs then. I just would like to not stress about paying rent any longer. Just until I can find a job. I don’t want to give a set date as to when I could pay anyone who is willing/able to help back. However, I will be sure to make a commitment to do so once I can find a job. I appreciate everyone here’s time.
submitted by Available_Sweet_1279 to INeedMoneyNow [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:52 M4xs0n Modding is holding me back to play SkyrimVR

The only thing that is holding me back from finally diving into Skyrim VR is the modding process. I absolutely do NOT want to use any Modlist with Wabbajack. I’ve tried some, but every Modpack adds a bunch of mods I don't want and I am not sure if I should customize it because of the load order (after all these years I forgot how to optimize the load order).
I've modded the flat version of Skyrim countless times and enjoyed it, but for some reason, it feels 'harder' with the VR version. One time, I wanted to play on a weekend but ended up not playing at all because it didn't work or the modding part took the whole weekend. Often, when I follow a guide, it mentions a mod to install, but the mod’s own page often lists additional mods needed for it to work. This endless loop of having to check for more mods just to get one main mod running has been too annoying. And then also learning how to use a mod in-game, etc. Because of all this, I've never experienced Skyrim VR the way I would love to.
Oh, and I also have to use my own or search for others' translations of the mods because I am not playing in English.
I'm also unsure if it's as easy to install mods for the VR version as it was for the flat version. I'm not certain if all mods work in VR, except for those that explicitly say they don't.
How are you guys doing it? Did you everything yourself or did you just use A Wabbajack Modlist and went in the game? I have seen people who mentioned they have over 1900+ Mods installed.
submitted by M4xs0n to skyrimvr [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:52 BeeEnvironmental8659 Paid for car and is registered in ex-partners name

TLDR; I paid for my car, which I sent the money to my ex and registered it in his name. We separated. He won’t sign the car back into my name unless I pay him $5500.
Moved to new country in foreign continent and language for my ex boyfriend. When I arrived I sent money to my ex for my new car for him to purchase it and registered in his name. Value of car is registered $10000 and I have proof on bank statements that I have sent him $9750.
Relationship got abusive directly after this, I left and moved out with my car. He began threatening me for $5500 or the possession of the car back otherwise he will report it as stolen. I predict that $5500 includes a bunch of gifts he had given me over the relationship, I can agree I owe him money probably to around $1500. I was terrified of his threats and dropped the car off, and ended up making a statement at the police against him due to the threats and violence and invasion of privacy after finding out he was logged into my messages.
I have tried for months now to mediate with him directly and be reasonable, I have asked numerous times for a list and invoices of the money he says I owe him but he never sends me anything. I have contacted his parents to try mediate as well and they tried their best to no avail. He threatens me by telling me he knows where I live and if I take any legal action ‘I will see what happens’.
I have contacted a lawyer for legal mediation and she explained how she could help but he needs to be willing to mediate as well, the mediator will act as a neutral counsel and not defend me. She then said if this won’t help she would suggest I seek legal advice from a family lawyer.
I am hoping to get the car back and signed into my name considering I have the proof of sale amount my ex signed with the last owner and proof of me sending him money for the car. I am willing to pay him the money I owe but not for things that were gifted. I am worried counsel will see my car as a ‘gift’ which I can rebut with further proof and recordings of him admitting it is my car.
It’s really complicated and happy to answer questions.
What should I do?
submitted by BeeEnvironmental8659 to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:52 PlantMediicine Mom & Dad Had the BIGGEST Fight Ever Today. HELP PLEASE.

In my entire time living & being a son to my parents, I have never seen a fight between them go this BAD. I'm 25M, have a brother who is 36M, & to be fair we both haven't exactly made our parents feel like the proudest. We have both made very bad mistakes in our life, especially me with a history of fentanyl addiction after a serious surgery, & never really ever being able to get or hold a steady real job due to the crippling IBS I have dealt with everyday since I was 16. Today they fought over the simplest matter which I cant get into due to privacy reasons, but it was a very STUPID reason, & of course, it was due to something related to me.
My Mom has a certain personality where she yells & raises her voice to my father & I, and pretty much everyone she cares about pretty often, almost everyday, and for the smallest dumb reasons. My brother has been moved out living with his wife for 5-6 years now & I have a beautiful niece and nephew that brightens both of their days. But since then, I am the one seeing everything everyday so I understand the situation. I feel like 80% of the fights they have had were all because of topics related to me. I feel unworthy of being their son. She has also dealt with A LOT of trauma through her life, not counting what we (my dad, but mostly brother and VERY mostly, I, have put her through). He is a very respected doctor who works from 5am to 7-8pm every day, comes home very exhausted and gets very little time to interact with us in the first place. The crazy thing is they were doing just fine days ago. Today they had just started drinking some wine, listening to music, and working on the house together until I got home & a conversation led to her reacting which led to him blowing up.
Today however, I heard & saw my father act in a way I have never seen him act since I was born, & confirmed by my older brother, in a way that he never has talked or acted towards her in 25+ years of marriage. He was saying things he said himself he will never take back like "fuck you, you stupid bitch" "I hate you you're a bitch, an idiot," "Get out of my face I don't want to see your face ever again" "It was my fault to deal with you for 25 years" "It's over from today on" "You're a fucking dumb bitch" which he said a good 10 times to her face while slamming things around him. I was putting all of my energy into not having a panic attack & breaking down. She just fuels the flame and continues to try and talk to him by getting close in his face and trying to talk him out of being upset/raging, I kept telling her to stop and to just end the talking because it was apparent she was just fueling the flame, but today it was like he had years of built up anger which just suddenly exploded. He was saying things like "get the fuck out of the house". "go live with your other son", and I got really involved when I saw him lightly/aggressively shove her away with one hand multiple times in a gtfo of my way form.
When they got towards the end of him cussing her out in English and in their native language, they were face to face and she asked if he was going to hit him and he said "yes I would." I think he meant it too. He even made sure to say he was done after today. Since it happened 10 hours ago, both of them have been locked in their own separate rooms & haven't walked out once. I would've of course did something to him if he hit her, I don't know what I would have done, maybe punch him constantly and hurt him so badly that he wouldn't be able to move after, badly even though I love him very much. After this all happened my dad went up to his room slammed the door and has locked himself in there since. She went to hers, took a shower, and has done the same since then. 10+ hours now. He is the calmer one of them both. To her, she thinks its because he doesn't care as much, which I don't think is true because its just that natural chill most men have. They disagree on a lot of things, & so do I, so does my brother, she said if I do what my father and I suggested that she will not talk to me or help me again. She yelled again of course, and was acting the way she always acts, yelling (which she says is out of love & care), but she does not understand what my father, me or my brother deal with on a day to day basis mentally. She can be very draining with the way she forces her opinions on all of us without an ounce of consideration or just letting us make our own choices. If she lets us make our own choices without yelling her opinion first in a VERY loud aggravating tone, she makes sure to threaten by saying "I won't help you anymore, I wont talk to you if you do this, you're an idiot if you do this..etc. My father has been calm & dealt with this for YEARS, until recently she has just changed and apparently had "enough" of dealing with us when we don't listen to her. She treats everyone like kids or lesser than her which I get but not my father included.
I just needed to get this out today because it ALL happened in front of me, I was in shock that he even said all of that in front of his youngest son. Even back when he used to have some anger issues & throw fits 10 years ago, he hasn't done so since, so I guess this just may be his boiling point that finally exploded. The point is, neither my brother or I do not know what to do, we just got such amazing news that he found a house just down the street from us he is hopefully going to move in this month with his family. I don't know what to do or say. I don't think she will ever forgive him for this, and I don't think he will ever take it back.
If you made it this far thank you for reading & hopefully commenting what you think about a marriage that's been for so long then all of a sudden your partner blows up and says all of that to you while physically touching hepushing. I am now even more depressed than I was before. Nearly every argument/fight has been due to something related to me ever since my brother moved out. I have been nothing but alone for 5 years now. I have no friends since my opioid addiction/coming out about it. I lost friends that were like brothers to me for 10+ years because I chose to neglect them due to what I was going through. I am miserable, in a dark hole with only one thought, I am in the lowest point in my life I have ever been in emotionally and physically after today. Nothing will help, nothing does help. After 5 years of being secluded, suffering everyday, all I can do is think about what I just saw/experienced, and I'm having thoughts I am not allowed to mention in this sub. That's all that's going through my head now. I don't want sympathy. I don't want attention. I don't want anything but to see my parents/family happy, which consists of only 4 people at this point because, well, we've lost/secluded ourselves from everyone else. Now, I've lost that too. Peace.
submitted by PlantMediicine to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:49 vak_16 Norwegian Citizenship

I have read some other discussions about this topic and all I see is everyone keeps repeating that it is hard to get norwegian citizenship, without actually pointing out the reasons why it is hard? Let's compare with sweden.
1) Residency requirements 🇸🇪 Sweden - 5 years as temporary resident + 5 years as pernament = 10 years 🇳🇴 Norway - 3 years as temporary resident + 4 years as pernamet = 7 years
2) Language requirements 🇸🇪 Sweden - You should learn Swedish 🇳🇴 Norway - You should learn Norwegian
3) Income 🇸🇪 Not less than a specific amount 🇳🇴 Not less than a specific amount
4) Job 🇸🇪 Get a job 🇳🇴 Get a job
5) Other exams 🇸🇪 - Swedish society 🇳🇴 - citizenship test or the social studies test in Norwegian.
Is there anything I am missing and how becoming a norwegian citizen is harder?
submitted by vak_16 to norwegian [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:49 Violet_Daydreams Is it a bad sign for me as an internal candidate that they're delaying results?

I interviewed Monday with my company for a higher position. I felt the interview went really well and was happy with my answers and general performance.
I was however against 4 other people, all external candidates. Originally we were told they'd release their decision by today, but I've now received an email saying there's a delay and they will be in touch next week.
I know no-one from the panel is away or ill, so it's nothing to do with that. I just feel like if I'd got the job, there would be no reason to delay results, and it must be due to complications with their actual choice.
I'll also note that it will have nothing to do with my own manager, as he encouraged me to go for the role and is anxiously awaiting results with me! I'd just be interested to see what others think
submitted by Violet_Daydreams to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:48 revill00 0%…. It’s coming 😃

0%…. It’s coming 😃 submitted by revill00 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:47 sirpringleman Please Help Me Find This Book!

I read this book probably about 10-15 years ago. I can’t remember the name or author (obviously). It was a science fiction book about a man who was living a monotonous life. He had an intelligent but acts dumb/silly rich IT friend who founded a company and made an extremely popular VR game. However, his technology was extremely advanced and it would put you in the actual game and had AIs in the game that were so realistic you couldn’t tell the difference between a real player and an AI.
The game was an MMORPG fantasy game with the typical classes you’d find (warrior, scout, warlock, healer, etc) but you wouldn’t choose your own class. When you first connect to the game, it would read you and assign you accurately into the correct class for you (I think?). The rich friend pushes the protagonist to try the game to break out of his monotony of life. Eventually the protagonist agrees and joins.
Upon first logging in, he meets an AI girl that is there to show him the ropes like a tutorial (I feel like her name was like Akana (feel like it was a Japanese-like name) or maybe another letter A-starting name. He gets fascinated with her because she truly does act extremely realistic and he keeps getting to know her and asking questions about her thoughts on consciousness and such. Anyway, the protagonist, his rich friend, the AI girl, rich friend’s assistant and some others all form a party (name for when you join up together in a game and do quests for those that aren’t familiar) and play the game and do its quests for enjoyment and things are great.
Eventually, the book takes a turn and everyone logged into the game cannot log out or else they die. The protagonist is stuck inside along with his entire party and they’re trying to figure out what to do. This part gets hazy for me but I vaguely remember towards the end, learning that the rich friends assistant is actually an AI and she’s the one who caused this whole incident and she did it on purpose. However, we also learn that she did it on the orders of the rich friend but not for a malicious reason. I can’t remember what the exact reason was for. Could have been a ‘love’ related reason (somehow). I don’t remember if they all die inside or if it gets resolved. This is as much as I can remember.
I’ve been searching for this book for years and could never find it. I FEEL like the name of the book is a 2 word name and it is SOMETHING like ONE LIFE or ONE UNIVERSE or OTHER WORLD. It could also just be a 1 word name like LIFE or UNIVERSE or something. Although, seeing as I could never find it again, I could be way off.
submitted by sirpringleman to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:46 ladolcevita1993 Pros and cons of expressed milk vs. formula for the occasional bottle

Hi there!
I am currently EBF my 11wo baby. She has only ever had my milk. For the last month and a half, I've been pumping as well as nursing her to build up a freezer supply - this is so I can occasionally take time away from her and know that she will be fed. However, these occasions are likely to be pretty rare: I went out for a gig for the first time last Friday and she had a couple of bottles of expressed milk while I was gone. Otherwise, I've not gone out and left her to be fed by bottle - my husband has fed her a few times by bottle, but while I've been there pumping at the same time.
I really don't like pumping. So I'm wondering if it makes sense just to use formula instead for the occasions that I want to go out for the evening or leave her with someone. This isn't likely to be often enough to affect my supply, and I can always hand express or take a manual pump with me if I really feel like I need to.
Are there any good reasons why I shouldn't do this? As she will overwhelmingly be getting my milk, I don't think any of the benefits of breastfeeding are likely to be reduced. And it would mean I don't need to worry about keeping a freezer supply, replacing anything that gets used, etc.! I feel like my only reason against is that right now I like that literally all her growth has come from me since she was first conceived. But I don't think that's a very good reason for doing something I hate doing several times a week.
Any useful information? When I try to search online for advice on this, there's not much information about giving the occasional bottle as I'm planning to do - most of it seems to be about people who need to go back to work so can't nurse all the time.
submitted by ladolcevita1993 to ScienceBasedParenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:46 BeeEnvironmental8659 Paid for car and is registered in ex-partners name

TLDR; I paid for my car, which I sent the money to my ex and registered it in his name. We separated. He won’t sign the car back into my name unless I pay him $5500.
Moved to new country in foreign continent and language for my ex boyfriend. When I arrived I sent money to my ex for my new car for him to purchase it and registered in his name. Value of car is registered $10000 and I have proof on bank statements that I have sent him $9750.
Relationship got abusive directly after this, I left and moved out with my car. He began threatening me for $5500 or the possession of the car back otherwise he will report it as stolen. I predict that $5500 includes a bunch of gifts he had given me over the relationship, I can agree I owe him money probably to around $1500. I was terrified of his threats and dropped the car off, and ended up making a statement at the police against him due to the threats and violence and invasion of privacy after finding out he was logged into my messages.
I have tried for months now to mediate with him directly and be reasonable, I have asked numerous times for a list and invoices of the money he says I owe him but he never sends me anything. I have contacted his parents to try mediate as well and they tried their best to no avail. He threatens me by telling me he knows where I live and if I take any legal action ‘I will see what happens’.
I have contacted a lawyer for legal mediation and she explained how she could help but he needs to be willing to mediate as well, the mediator will act as a neutral counsel and not defend me. She then said if this won’t help she would suggest I seek legal advice from a family lawyer.
I am hoping to get the car back and signed into my name considering I have the proof of sale amount my ex signed with the last owner and proof of me sending him money for the car. I am willing to pay him the money I owe but not for things that were gifted. I am worried counsel will see my car as a ‘gift’ which I can rebut with further proof and recordings of him admitting it is my car.
It’s really complicated and happy to answer questions.
What should I do?
submitted by BeeEnvironmental8659 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:46 VishwasHospital Unveiling the Finest Psychiatrist at Vishwas Hospital Nurturing Mental Health

Unveiling the Finest Psychiatrist at Vishwas Hospital Nurturing Mental Health


Mental health is a very important part of our lives and self, and those seeking help must get the right support from the right practitioner. Widely populated, the town of Panchkula too understands the significance of a mentally healthy society.
This is an article regarding Mental Health Services to emphasize the unparalleled services of the best psychiatrist in Panchkula of Vishwas Hospital. If you are looking for patience, understanding, and positive direction when it comes to a serious illness of the mind, then you should continue reading to find the true essence of mental health care.

Understanding the Need for Expert Mental Health Care

Like any other city in the world, Panchkula has not been left out on developments that come with the unsolvable issues of mental health.
Amid work-oriented life and increasing changes in stress levels, it becomes essential to find the best psychiatrist in Panchkula.
However, in the midst of all this, there is one name that stands out, not just in the attempt at being at the best, but in their effort to deliver optimal mental health services.

A Beacon of Mental Health Care

Established in response to the troubled minds of Panchkula, Vishwas Hospital stands tall as a beacon of care concerning these important factors.
Headed by well-experienced psychiatrists, Vishwas Hospital is a complete solution for mental health and behavior-related conditions in patients across all age groups.

The Essence of the Best Psychiatrist in Panchkula

Holistic Approach

It explains that the leading psychiatrist in Panchkula, currently associated with Vishwas Hospital, comprehends the fact that mental disorders are intricate and have multiple dimensions. All levels of health, physical, emotional, and psychological are used to deal with each case.

Personalized Care

Mental health disorders are generally unique in a way that they do not present themselves with similar symptoms. Mentioned below are some of the ways that make Vishwas Hospital stand out from others: Contrary to other hospitals, the psychiatrist at Vishwas interacts with patients for a longer time and tries to know what has happened in their life which might have led them to this state and what is best for them right now.

Collaborative Efforts

The treatment of mental health is thus a teamwork affair. The best psychiatrist in Panchkula at Vishwas Hospital understands talking to different people and patients, family members, and other chains of doctors thus enhancing the Bis trust in the overall treatment plan.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How can I determine if should have to go and see a psychiatrist?
Common signs of depression include increasing feelings of sadness, anxiety, changes in sleep and eating patterns, or a decrease in the ability to concentrate, and if you are having a hard time carrying out your daily activities, it is recommended that you consult a psychiatrist. They can assist in deciding on your state and consequently administer the right course of action.
Q: During a psychiatric consultation, what is a patient likely to encounter?
In a psychiatric consultation, a doctor is going to sit with you and discuss the issues they wish to explore: your worries, previous illnesses, and present symptoms. They may also conduct tests to check on your symptoms and advise you on the best course of action to undertake.
Q: Mental health care is treatment only for serious conditions or do they exist for more common disorders as well?
Mental health can be considered to involve a continuum of disorders — ranging from the less severe to the more acute. From simple stress and anxiety, cases of depression, to larger mental disorders, self-referral for treatment can have a profound impact on an individual’s quality of life.

A Sanctuary of Healing and Hope

Mental disorders can bring about a sense of loneliness and helplessness, especially for those suffering from them. For this reason, Vishwas Hospital was created to provide patients with the best atmosphere for healing, embracing differences, and bringing hope.
The place that we have provided with the advanced facilities and thoughtful staff members is safe enough to let people talk about their concerns and get the help that they need.

Empowering Through Education

Here in Vishwas Hospital, one of the top Psychiatrists in Panchkula not only works for the cure of a disease but also gives the patient some knowledge about our mind. Students are among society’s vulnerable groups, and education helps to eliminate the barriers for them in addressing mental health problems.
The psychiatrist will spend time to discover the details of the condition itself, the available treatment methods, and the ways for managing the illness, which enables individuals to be active participants in treatment.

A Lifeline in Crisis

When things are going bad, there is a difference between having a trusted Mental Health Expert to turn to. Panchkula has a distinguished psychiatrist available at Vishwas Hospital, who is capable of quick assessments and intervention in situations that may call for it.
We can also assist persons in need on time so that their conditions do not aggravate and make them find a way out of their condition.

A Ripple of Transformation

The use of mental health care by the best psychiatrist in Panchkula at Vishwas Hospital is not limited to its recipients but is much broader.
When one person needs some help and manages to find a way to get better, they are changing their families, their communities, and society in general. It supports that mental health makes personal and social relationships better, enhances productivity, and helps make society more tolerant.

Breaking Barriers, Bridging Gaps

The availability of mental health care is another issue that people face due to the stigmatization of normal seeking. Vishwas Hospital cements its commitment to removing such barriers and filling these knowledge gaps.
Thus, the best psychiatrist in Panchkula provides an atmosphere of accepting the fact that it is not shameful to get help when one is struggling with mental health issues and it is the brave thing to do.

Empowering Through Progress

The process of becoming or constructing a mentally sound person is a process of evolution, and the top psychiatrist in Panchkula at Vishwas Hospital has already iterated, that change is not a linear progression.
It is common practice that every gain, however colossal or minute, is embraced as a triumph. The wisdom we offer helps people to take within them the ability to trust in life’s strength and to come to appreciate the strength of change.
Rather than solely offering medical services for mental health, Vishwas Hospital has extended medical services mixed with emulating the care they have exhibited in the healthcare industry. In the following sections, we are going to explore in detail how the best psychiatrist in Panchkula strives to make every person who attends the practice feel welcome and appreciated.
You can be assured of one thing, at Mental Health America, we take a professional approach to making sure that you get the help that you need, but, more than anything, we care for you.

Community Impact and Awareness

However, it is important to note that Vishwas Hospital is not only concerned with the health and well-being of the individual but also plays its part in the development of the mental health culture in society.
They conduct a series of meetings that include seminars, workshops, and awareness campaigns to reduce stigmatization and encourage people to embrace the open-discussion feature of mental health.

Tailored Solutions for Every Individual

As with any other illness, mental health disorders are rich in variation and can affect each person differently. To the best of our ability, Vishwas Hospital, the best psychiatrist in Panchkula, acknowledges such richness and adapts the methods accordingly.
From group therapy to antidepressants and any other therapy, the shows are compiled to cater to the treatment intentions of the concerned patient.

A Ripple of Transformation

The role of mental health care being the most prominent field offered by the best psychiatrist in Panchkula, Vishwas Hospital goes beyond an individual.
Humbly when one person feels helpless and receives treatment, it has a domino that goes down to families, communes, and society in general.
One of the reasons often argued regarding mental health includes better relationships, higher work satisfaction, and a less cruel population.

Breaking Barriers, Bridging Gaps

Another consideration when it comes to getting treatment for mental health concerns is the issue of stigma. Thus, Vishwas Hospital aims at reducing such barriers and narrowing the existing gaps.
The best psychiatrist in Panchkula ensures that people do not feel embarrassed to seek mental health services for treatment but instead, they are encouraged to go for the services as it is a sign of strength.

Empowering Through Progress

The path to mental health is the path of becoming, and the top psychiatrist in Panchkula at Vishwas Hospital appreciates that growth is not always linear. Each achievement, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is viewed as a triumph. Our guidance fosters confidence in people and the transformation process.


Searching and striving for managing improved mental health is a beautiful process and having the best psychiatrist in Panchkula at Vishwas Hospital by your side makes this journey easier and more fulfilling. In difficult and distressing situations, the service guarantees stability, support, and concern, while in the quest for a better today and tomorrow, it serves as a guiding light.
If you are looking for a psychiatrist in Panchkula, stop searching as the best psychiatrist in Panchkula at Vishwas Hospital is widely experienced in dealing with different mental health issues and will stand beside you, empower you, and guide you to embrace your unique potential and build a vibrant life.
Therefore, the consequences of your experience with Black Health Matters do not end when you leave the clinic but pervade your everyday existence as well as how you interact with your friends and family members and even how you feel about yourself.
At Vishwas Hospital, you are not only in search of treatment; you are engaging yourself in a new chapter toward creating a change. Write your mental health narrative with the assistance of our awesome medical team.
It is however surprising that while there has been an uproar on how to maintain physical fitness, not much has been said or perhaps done about a healthy state of mind. Vishwas Hospital is not just a workplace for employed hard-working mental health professionals, but also a safety net for the publicly traded, lost, and confused patient.
The best psychiatrist in Panchkula isn’t a doctor who only practices medicine, he/she is a fighter for the patient’s soul and a crisis intervener. The best psychiatrist in Panchkula at Vishwas Hospital is not just a title as we believe it is a promise of commitment, change, and healing people.
Come here if you need help, if you need someone to comprehend, or if you just need someone to listen and treat your mind ailing. It is not a healthcare facility just, it is a lifeline, a companionship, and a sign of hope for all those who are struggling and yearning for life and health.
submitted by VishwasHospital to u/VishwasHospital [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:45 ladolcevita1993 Pros and cons of formula vs pumping for occasional bottle?

Hi there!
I am currently EBF my 11wo baby. She has only ever had my milk. For the last month and a half, I've been pumping as well as nursing her to build up a freezer supply - this is so I can occasionally take time away from her and know that she will be fed. However, these occasions are likely to be pretty rare: I went out for a gig for the first time last Friday and she had a couple of bottles of expressed milk while I was gone. Otherwise, I've not gone out and left her to be fed by bottle - my husband has fed her a few times by bottle, but while I've been there pumping at the same time.
I really don't like pumping. So I'm wondering if it makes sense just to use formula instead for the occasions that I want to go out for the evening or leave her with someone. This isn't likely to be often enough to affect my supply, and I can always hand express or take a manual pump with me if I really feel like I need to.
Are there any good reasons why I shouldn't do this? As she will overwhelmingly be getting my milk, I don't think any of the benefits of breastfeeding are likely to be reduced. And it would mean I don't need to worry about keeping a freezer supply, replacing anything that gets used, etc.! I feel like my only reason against is that right now I like that literally all her growth has come from me since she was first conceived. But I don't think that's a very good reason for doing something I hate doing several times a week.
Any tips? When I try to search online for advice on this, there's not much information about giving the occasional bottle as I'm planning to do - most of it seems to be about people who need to go back to work so can't nurse all the time.
submitted by ladolcevita1993 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:43 SeunAbi Please help me. British Gas has left an uncompleted job at my house. No hot water for 3 weeks.

British gas has abandoned and half fitted cylinder job and left me unable to live in my home. Help please.
British gas is officially one of the worst companies I ever encountered. I have been a homecare customer at my property since 2016. British gas was called out in November 2023 to a hot water cylinder that was producing enough hot water. The cylinder was a boiler mate 2000. British gas decided they couldn’t just change the pump that was malfunctioning and would just replace the cylinder. They left saying someone would be in touch and they would come fit the new cylinder in December.
All through December, January and February, I didnt hear back from them. I called a few times and was passed from one person to the other and given several excuses.
Finally, I got fed up and raised a complaint in March. Someone got on it and reached out to the people and I was fixed an appointment for April for the job to be done. I was told this would take a day and a half maximum. I got a call later for them to cancel the initial April date and re book for last week of April.
On the day of the April appointment, with no notice, after waiting for so long, I called to find out where they are only to be told they wont be coming. I was furious. I had to book time off work. They rebooked for May and this time they turned up. They took out the old cylinder and after a few hours, told me that their electrician would wire it up and would be good to go. The installation guys left and left the electrician.
He spent some time and then told me he needed to come back the next day to finish off. I once again mare myself available only for him to call on that day to say it would now be the Monday so I had to wait over the weekend.
Please keep in mind it is now going on days that they removed the old cylinder which means no hot water at the property.
The electrician guy came on the Monday and after sometime declared he wasn’t experienced enough to wire the system and would come back with someone else.
Well this was 3 weeks ago and since then british gas has left my home without hot water, the cylinder is sat there half installed, I am being told they have no one experienced enough to wire it up. They said they have e been searching for independent people and can’t find any and even had the gall to task me wit finding someone ene to finish the job, saying they would refund and cover the cost.
Out of desperation of now not being able to live in my home with my children, I asked on my local area facebook page and found someone who has now given a quote to fix it. Well well well, since then british gas has ghosted me. I guess they don’t nt like the quote.
I am stuck and don’t nt know what to do. I have no hot water for over 3 weeks. No one cares about sorting this. My family cant stay at home as no hotwater. I have very young children. My mental health is suffering as I am now consumed with this issue and have to keep chasing British gas who keep ignoring me.
I never asked for a new cylinder. They chose and ordered the product. Why would they choose something they have no expertise in fitting? Is it fair to leave me in this limbo?
What do I do?
submitted by SeunAbi to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:41 SnooMacarons467 Being IT Savvy is a life skill, just like cooking

I work in IT and the title pretty much sums it up. Being IT savvy is a life skill that people these days really suck at,
I think the IT industry has coddled people a little too much. If you disagree, but are also able to right click on your desktop, I am not talking about you. You have been coddled just right.
/begin rant I am specifically talking about the people we are forced to support where everyday their account gets locked out because for some fucked up reason they insist on using the capslock key to type in their passwords. They willfully fail to understand that the computer see's pASSWORD1 and Password1 as two completely different passwords. Even after you have explained the functioning of the shift key every day for multiple years. My analogy for this is we are just like car mechanics, we spend all day fixing them and getting our hands dirty on stuff that you have no idea about, but for some reason you understand that it is weird to call your mechanic everyday cos you cant work out how the key to your car works.
/end rant
These people exist and it is maddening. It gets worse when they feel qualified to tell you what to do, and wont take "computers dont do that though" for an answer.
I honestly believe, that in the next 5-10 years we are going to be running into a huge issue where the older generations wont be able to access money because they no longer know how. Think about it, how many people do you think you can have this exact conversation with...
"How are you going to do your banking if you don't know how to use the app?"
"I will just use cash, I don't need to know how to use the app"
"Well what about when they get rid of the cash machines, they keep removing them cos no one really uses them anymore"
"I do, if they get rid of them I will just go into the bank to do my banking"
"And talk to who? there wont be any tellers, just loan managers etc, no one will help you cos it isn't their job?"
"Well I will call them and talk to them"
"And talk to a robot that will send you in circles and there will never be anyone on the other end and you will just be referred back to the app"
submitted by SnooMacarons467 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:40 CyberWeeb1 Are the servers down again?

Are the servers down again?
I get this every second retry. The firs time I get the normal error code.
submitted by CyberWeeb1 to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:40 Candid_gurl Labour and overseas recruitment

NHS figures, published earlier this year, revealed that one in five NHS staff in England are non-UK nationals. Healthcare workers from 214 countries are employed in the health service, and the proportion of roles filled by non-British nationals has risen to a record high.
"The NHS is over-reliant on migrant workers," said Mr Streeting. "That's problematic for three reasons. Firstly, we are recruiting from countries on the World Health Organisation red list with severe healthcare shortages of their own. So it's unethical.
"Secondly, we are turning away thousands of straight-A students from studying medicine each year because we're capping their aspiration, and there has been a short- termist mindset that says 'don't bother training our own homegrown talent, we'll recruit from overseas'. I think that is deeply unfair on bright UK students who could serve the NHS.
"And thirdly, it's a long-term risk to the country because there is a global shortage of healthcare workers, so we should not assume that we will always be able to draw on that global workforce. So there's a strategic risk there too."
He said he saw it as "part of my job" to assist with the task of bringing down net migration and "reducing reliance on workers from overseas".
Does this mean that RLMT would be reintroduced or any sort of priority would be given to UK doctors?
submitted by Candid_gurl to doctorsUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:39 Illustrious-Act7104 How to cope with the mental / emotional challenge of LD

Hi! I come to share my story hoping to get advice from ppl that understand how mentally challenging LDRs can be and read your tips, insights, words.
I’d appreciate you sharing on: What helps? How do you find balance? How do you manage building a home in your current location, while building the relationship?
Context: I (F28) have been dealing on and off with mental health these last months since my LDR started (M31). We met when I had an opportunity to consult for my company in the US. We’ve been together for 6 months (2 months apart now),. We practically lived together the initial 4 months since it just felt natural, we’re both amazing partners to each other, very compatible, and caring. We feel like that cheesy couple you roll your eyes at cause they’re dripping honey all over the place (honeymoon phase?). Before I had to leave, we talked many times about doing LD and agreed that we want to keep sharing our lives and having a 5 hour flight separating us was doable.
Moving back was really hard for me (and for him too). I had spent 6 months out of my country and home. Readapting to my old office, habits, space, friends. It was all hard. I cried a lot many times. Initially we focused on building trust thru open communication and reconnection. It worked perfectly, but I felt my life was divided in between what I have here and what I deeply miss due to being in a different country.
We reunited after 4 weeks. Once back, things were going better: I focused more on my job and friends. After another 4 weeks we met again. This time has been harder. I’ve felt depressed. It’s as if life is very difficult to handle.
We have plans to close the distance, but the realistic worst case scenario timeline is 2 years.
The reason I’m here: I have struggled with mental health in the past. I have anxious attachment, and have dealt with anxiety and depression. I have a lot of difficulty dealing with changes (I am the one who flies), have abandonment issues and feelings of non-deserving.
I am working slowly all these in therapy. By working on my self-steem, communicating needs, understanding my feeling-thought pathway, and generating habits of a secure partner.
But I feel like I’ve been stuck in sadness for the last week. On top of that, existing feels complicated. Like so difficult. My latest achievements have been: getting my job done, journaling, and eating 3 meals a day -aside from loving him. Sleeping and working out haven’t been great. This week I’m putting focus on connecting with family and friends.
It just all feels too much. I’m afraid I’m spiraling down. I’m afraid I’ll push him away (he knows I’m struggling lately).
He recognizes how much work I’ve done. But every time I feel sad feels like a “relapse” of my old self. It makes me feel like “I’m broken”. That this is all I am and that it will end things.
Thank you so much. Your inputs are appreciated
submitted by Illustrious-Act7104 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:38 SeunAbi British gas has abandoned and half fitted cylinder job and left me unable to live in my home. Help please.

British gas is officially one of the worst companies I ever encountered. I have been a homecare customer at my property since 2016. British gas was called out in November 2023 to a hot water cylinder that was producing enough hot water. The cylinder was a boiler mate 2000. British gas decided they couldn’t just change the pump that was malfunctioning and would just replace the cylinder. They left saying someone would be in touch and they would come fit the new cylinder in December.
All through December, January and February, I didnt hear back from them. I called a few times and was passed from one person to the other and given several excuses.
Finally, I got fed up and raised a complaint in March. Someone got on it and reached out to the people and I was fixed an appointment for April for the job to be done. I was told this would take a day and a half maximum. I got a call later for them to cancel the initial April date and re book for last week of April.
On the day of the April appointment, with no notice, after waiting for so long, I called to find out where they are only to be told they wont be coming. I was furious. I had to book time off work. They rebooked for May and this time they turned up. They took out the old cylinder and after a few hours, told me that their electrician would wire it up and would be good to go. The installation guys left and left the electrician with me.
He spent some time and then told me he needed to come back the next day to finish off. I once again made myself available only for him to call on that day to say it would now be the Monday so I had to wait over the weekend.
Please keep in mind it is now going on days that they removed the old cylinder which means no hot water at the property.
The electrician guy came on the Monday and after sometime declared he wasn’t experienced enough to wire the system and would come back with someone else.
Well this was 3 weeks ago and since then british gas has left my home without hot water, the cylinder is sat there half installed, I am being told they have no one experienced enough to wire it up. They said they have e been searching for independent people and can’t find any and even had the gall to task me wit finding someone ene to finish the job, saying they would refund and cover the cost.
Out of desperation of now not being able to live in my home with my children, I asked on my local area facebook page and found someone who has now given a quote to fix it. Well well well, since then british gas has ghosted me. I guess they don’t nt like the quote.
I am stuck and don’t nt know what to do. I have no hot water for over 3 weeks. No one cares about sorting this. My family cant stay at home as no hotwater. I have very young children. My mental health is suffering as I am now consumed with this issue and have to keep chasing British gas who keep ignoring me.
I never asked for a new cylinder. They chose and ordered the product. Why would they choose something they have no expertise in fitting? Is it fair to leave me in this limbo?
What do I do?
submitted by SeunAbi to BritishGas [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 11:38 0257521 I'm grateful for all of you

I'm schocked how many od us have the same problems. I joined not a long time ago and before that I was thinking that I have some mysterious disease and that I'm the only one in the world. But being here helped me to understand that there's a lot of people with the same condition. A lot of them are improving and curing themselves and I'm so happy for all of you. Most of us have just reflux, Gerd, LPR. I spent years searching for the reason, I checked teeth, allergies, sinuses, tongue, throat, parasites, bacterias and fungus in throat... maaany of things, and I was depressed because I thought that there is No cure for me. I found out recently, thanks to you, that I have LPR. All docs told me that it is not reflux because I didn't have typical symptomps. So I just wanted to tell you that I am really happy and grateful that I found you.
submitted by 0257521 to badbreath [link] [comments]