Pearson ap bio test chapter 16


2024.06.05 07:29 Odd_Indication_5208 BOOK OF DAEDRA: ALDMERETADA AGGREGATE

This is a catalog of known Daedra Lords, the ones whose nymics were stripped from or not recorded in the codex of Xarxes by judgment of stealth or habit or base instinct. And they had hereupon been made wanderers unto their own kind, without law or limit to guide them, and they became unchecked sums that unleashed vermin and void mockery. This is why they are not our ancestors.
In times just before the Akatosh had declared the time of Dawning. Lorkhan's presence would first become apparent to digitals of Oblivion, whose cross-woven and restitched nymics had become most familiar with the un-shapes of the void, so Lorkhan was free to influence them as a comrade and hide no essential portion of his nature. Therefore Lorkhan took for himself students from their cohort, and sought to corrupt their ways into the path of the non-essential center and make them into spirits of rupturing, hunger, mutation or decay.
Lorkhan's disciples were six in sum and called Boethiah, Molag Bal, Sanguine, Clavicus Vile, Hircine and Mehrunes Dagon. These spirits learned their ways ways of unseen fire, treachery, slovenry, deceit and savagery under the tutelage of Lorkhan like so:
It was Boethiah who learned from Lorkhan's movements and sword-styles such that it would be her domain to be the strider of non-nymic and the attempt of adaptations into the non-digital, this is why he is a spirit of deceit.
It was Molag Bal who by a bare urge, saw into the underskin of Lorkhan's image, and by a micro glimpse saw the inner machinations of his black and hungry heart. Molag Bal saw the innate aspect of the heart as his own station, and would make it his mission to subjugate the wheels to the effect of total annihilation.
It was Sanguine who adopted attitudes of the preeminence of urge before all manners and matters of Motivation. It is such that he became a spirit of unchecked humors to the effect that he is the image of razor-fine decadence. It goes without saying that Lorkhan is his most Jubilant Inspiration.
It was Clavicus Vile that became a spirit of the wicked oath and bitter consequence. Lorkhan taught Clavicus Vile to ways of swindling by offering to him corruptions of cosmic exchange. Sages say that Clavicus Vile intends to use abuses of exchange and cyclical motion in order to gain imperishable dominion over the cosmic cycle.
It was Hircine, The Goat of Chase, and Deer of Sport. Lorkhan taught him the urges of savage murder, greed, thrill and hungers as the onus of the vengeance of living breath.
The case of the Mehrunes Dagon is a peculiar one. As he is the only one of the students of Lorkhan to have enjoyed the prosperity of a prior nature as a God of Harvests and Evening Records. The Sun-Runner Digitals say that this spirit was imbued with a bio-mechanical nature through a fusion of nymic razors. An act usually credited to the Errant Craftsmaiden, Merid-Nunda. It is said that the Mehrunes Dagon learned his stride of ambition from the proud musings of Lorkhan, and that to this day the Mehrunes seeks to free his cherished master from the bowels of Nirn.
Auri-El, in his divine grace, wanted to make Nirn as hospitable as possible for the passing of souls upon it, for he knew that mortal existences were tragic. It was therefore that Auri-El saw it proper to attempt to draw out some of the void beasts in an effort to soothe the aches of mortal existence. As a method of imprisonment Auri-El commanded Trinimac construct the moons, out of the hollowed skins of Lorkhan. He set them into their trajectories so that they would gather up all of void beasts that Auri-El would draw out(an act that the Khajiit call "The Lunar Lattice").
The Next Daedra are of an especially taboo nature, due them having been among the void beasts that Auri-El attempted to draw from the Nirn. These spirits are corrosive and volatile and have been known to proliferate their destruction across the whole Aurbis. These spirits are three in sum: Namira, Sheogorath, Nocturnal
Namira is Arch-Villainess of The Universe, Death-Queen and Limbo Matriarch. A spirit of unbounded non-digital. She was among the first of the spirits drawn out of the impure world, and one of only two to be drawn directly out from the Heart of Lorkhan. As such she remains central to the downfall of all reality. Her hunger is a matter of total darkness, all that has been mangled and consumed by her is lost and cannot even be refitted with a suitable nymic.
Sheogorath is a two-tone mad tyrant, he fancies himself another name in old forms typically unknown or unseen. His nature as a non-digital is as unique and multivariate as the effervescence of every folding of the Aether. But his modes are contradictory and his thoughtform is riddled with droning nonsense that never settles to coherent truth. It is said that when Auri-El drew him up out of the Heart of Lorkhan, he was of another form, one of such unapologetic mockery that he was actually immediately sealed within the moons, but its rhythms and cascading struck dissonance with his own and he became what we see now, an escapee of asylum.
The Nocturnal Spirit has evaded all attempts at census therefore, it lacks any recorded nymic. Therefore for simplicity she shall be called "Nocturnal." Records of this spirit are neglible at best, leaving only Scant traces of Absences, and Preeminence of Shadows. Great thefts of whole swaths of creatia from the surface world are often to the credit of her and her cohort. Digitals that have scoured the surface worlds for signs of her presence often return to the surprise that their nymics have been swapped by sleight of hand, an issue which has come to cause great conflict among houses. Auri-El was able to track her possipoints by constructing the crystal tower, and as such was able to draw her out of the earth with great ease. however, her stealth still got the better of him and she remains on the prowl. Scribes say that this is why the moons appear most often at night.
In times just after the Dawning it came to the matter of decision for the Auriel-Trinimac who would become the eight members of the eidetic lens. The Gods who would be remembered evermore as the root-infolding and the foundation of all proper hosts. Auri-El in his divine grace sought to include only the finest geniuses, artisans, logicians and philosophers in this folding. So that whatever world might need to be built for the sake of ever-continued knowledge, would be of stout and strident nymic.
These next Daedra Lords are among those who had been rejected by Auri-El as members of the Eidetic Lens. For they were unable to hide, or laid bare deceitful natures that wafted the selfsame destruction that Lorkhan would soon bring upon them. They are four in sum, and are called: Vaermina, Hermaeus Mora, Merid-Nunda, Mephala.
Vaermina is Known as Prince of the Umbrian Moment and Foul Omen. Her station is as a fascination with the macabre and the amplifications of suffering. Her architecture is always a device for the sinister and the irreconcilably traumatic. Auri-El first encountered this spirit in the twilight hour of the eidetic lens, where she attempted to sneak under the guise of a friendlier spirit. Auri-El slew this one by way of the Triumvirate, and now she is but a simple shade of dissent and a sleep devil.
Merid-Nunda is more commonly referred to as Meridia in this day and age. However, her station remains just the same, a traitorous glimmer-witch. It was Auri-El's intention to offer this one a nymic within the Eidetic Lens, so that she might breathe life ever-after into the worlds possible. But Merid-Nunda rejected Auri-El's Arkayn politic and preferred to cavort in her boundless spectral anomalies. An issue which has brought forth a monster or two in the Aurbis.
Hermaeus Mora was explicitly constructed by Auri-El as a candidate for the scribe of the Eidetic Lens. However, it became apparent that, by no fault of his own, his proclivity for the maintenance of moment coincided too readily with the station of Auri-El. And in wanting no dispute of equivalence Auri-El shunned him away. Since then Hermaeus Mora had set his gaze firmly upon the shriven fragments of knowledge which bubble up out of chaos. A fixation which has corrupted him completely.
Mephala's history is inconclusive, incomplete and incoherent. Her station has evaded all record. But what is known of her is that she was and still is a great architect, although her machinations are beyond scope, and decidedly convoluted. Auri-El once considered enlisting her as a member of the Eidetic Lens, but she rejected such petitions on the grounds that she preferred her preeminent menagerie be kept a secret only the misfortunate would bear.
These Daedra Lords are from miscellaneous periods along the possipoints of the Arenaead and as such fill a unique category of spirits whose pasts are checkered and natures are blasphemous. These daedra lords are three in sum: Azura, Peryite and Malacath
Azura, Prince of The In-between Hour, Queen of the Not-Quite, Lord of The Liminal. Signals of this spirit are questionable in nature, and always bent on deception. Azura has taken upon many roles of Auri-El in his absence as of late. An issue which has caused him much displeasure. The Khajiit of the Elswhere have credited this spirit with mythic roles belonging to Auri-El, and even go so far as to suppose her overwhelming sympathy for the creature.
Peryite was once A Faithful and Obedient Servant of Auri-El as The Barrier of Oblivion, The Bastion-Between, Solar Regulator and The Gate Aggregate. Now he serves a multitude of splintered and fragmented roles, however, still retaining the characterstic of cycle-collection. He was initially constructed by the Errant Craftsmaiden Merid-Nunda, whose incomplete weavings, while strong could not always withstand the test of all fiberings. It is as such that the Taskmaster's great breadth could not withstand the great tides of all Oblivion for eternity and so he is shattered. His station only a faint remembrance of forgotten importance. He is now a petty God of The Infirm and The Forlorn Watcher.
It Is said that when the Nirn was created, The Eidetic Lens set themselves into the world like eight precious gemstones. Such that their exuberance would shine through us and guide us as resplendent teachers. Trinimac was no different, some great warriors of Truth and Heroism were able to wear the Mantle of Tri-Nymic without effort. These heroes would be mythically indistinguishable from the God himself. Some say Malacath, Daedra of The Forlorn Oath was born from the bloody death of one of these heroes, during a fateful battle with the prince of treachery.
submitted by Odd_Indication_5208 to teslore [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:29 JTHousek1 14.12 Full Patch Preview

Patch 14.12 Full!
We've cut Varus and Xayah from the patch. We're waiting a little longer for the meta to settle before acting.
ADC changes will be isolated to Corki, Ezreal and Ashe who are solo Q (especially) outliers.
Item Changes
  • Item changes this patch are aimed at bringing up some of the weaker options in Void, Seryldas while smoothing out some of the build paths for some Crit items
  • Some difficult build paths are good for having clear success and failure between good (I've done it moments) and bad recalls, but these are a bit too painful, even for those
  • Talon warrants a bit of a buff on this patch, however we want to avoid jungle getting too strong
  • Vlad is pretty weak across the board, buffing him to be a little less punished on using W to dodge, as well as increasing incentives to go forward with pool
  • Akali is a pretty high mastery champ and her current performance levels are cresting over 50%
  • Additionally, our anti-Pro/Elite skew work done on Akali to make her easier to play in recent years has been pretty effective to the point that she's actually as equally potent in normal play as she is in the higher skill brackets
  • As a result, we're targeting some changes that will be more effective at nerfing regular play than higher skill levels
  • It's somewhat desirable that there are some champions that are demonstrably more powerful in higher skill brackets as they have a skill fantasy associated with them
  • Akshan is a bit too strong, especially in Elite, bringing his early trading down
Ashe, Corki
  • Ashe has risen to the top of the ADC ranks, similar to Corki, spiking well on 1 and 2 items, we're bringing both of them down a bit
  • For Corki, we're redistributing power into his Q max over E max

>>> Champion Buffs <<<



"Changes that are geared at bringing her support up, now that she's no longer a predominant flex"
  • [E] Inspire buffs:
    • Bonus Move Speed duration increased 1.5 >>> 2 seconds
    • Base shield increased 80/125/170/215/260 >>> 80/130/180/230/280
    • [R-E] Defiance base bonus shield increased 50/90/130/170 >>> 50/100/150/200


"Naafiri has struggled to find an audience, despite being at pretty high power levels (relatively)"
"We're experimenting with her in the Jungle to see if the gameplay is healthy, balanceable and effective"
  • [P] We Are More Packmate AD increased 6-30 (+4.5% bAD) >>> 12-32 (based on levels 1-18) (+5% bAD)
  • [Q] Darkin Daggers buffs:
    • Cooldown reduced 11/10/9/8/7 >>> 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds
    • Bleed execute now affects small monsters
    • [Q2] Heal now works on large/epic monsters


"Nilah was overnerfed pretty heavily in our last set of changes"
"We're bringing some of that power back in a way that makes her less feast/famine"
  • Base HP Regeneration increased 4 >>> 6
  • Armor per level increased 4.2 >>> 4.5


  • [Q] Noxian Diplomacy cast time now scales with Attack Speed
  • [W] Rake adjustments:
    • Outgoing damage increased 40/50/60/70/80 >>> 50/60/70/80/90
    • Monster damage ratio reduced 105% >>> 100%


  • [W] Sanguine Pool buffs:
    • Current HP cost reduced 20% >>> 15%
    • Pre-mitigation damage heal ratio increased 15% >>> 30%
    • Damage per tick bonus HP ratio increased 2.5% >>> 3.75% (10% >>> 15% total)


"Yone has dropped a bit more patch over patch than his brother after the 14.10 changes"
"Targeting some buffs that allow him to get through lane a little better"
"He also dropped a bit more in top, so armor should help in a lot more matchups up there"
  • Base Armor increased 30 >>> 33
  • Recommended Rune Update


"Yuumi is just weak on the patch"
"We know some players are going to be upset that we're buffing Yuumi and prefer she just not be a champion. Definitely understand that perspective"
"However, we see the value of Yuumi for her audiences, she's quite popular with them, she serves her purpose in the game well being a good learning/bonding moment for players with their new friends and we're doing a disservice to those players by keeping her weak"
  • [E] Zoomies cooldown reduced 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 >>> 10 seconds
  • [R] Final Chapter base heal per hit increased 25/40/55 >>> 35/50/65

Recommended Runes Updates

  • Seraphine
  • Yone
  • Draven
  • Talon
  • Karma
  • LeBlanc
  • Zoe

>>> Champion Nerfs <<<


  • [E] Shuriken Flip nerfs:
    • [E1] Shuriken damage adjusted 30/56.25/82.5/108.75/135 (+25.5% AD) (+36% AP) >>> 21/42/63/84/105 (+30% AD) (+33% AP)
    • [E2] Dash damage adjusted 70/131.25/192.5/253.75/315 (+59.5% AD) (+84% AP) >>> 49/98/147/196/245 (+70% AD) (+77% AP)


  • [P] Dirty Fighting base damage adjusted 10-165 (based on levels 1-18, back-loaded) >>> 15/40/80/150 (based on levels 1/6/11/16)
  • [E] Heroic Swing damage per shot adjusted 25/40/55/70/85 (+17.5% bonus AD) × (1 + 0.3 per 100% bonus Attack Speed) >>> 15/30/45/60/75 (+15% total AD) × (1 + 0.3 per 100% bonus Attack Speed)


  • [P] Frost Shot base bonus damage against targets with Frost reduced 120% >>> 110%


"Blitzcrank is pretty powerful right now and additionally is drawing a lot of bans, especially in China where he's the most banned support in higher skill brackets"
"Bringing down his power level some as a result"
  • Base HP reduced 650 >>> 600
  • [P] Mana Barrier shield duration increased 4 >>> 10 seconds

Master Yi

"Master Yi is a bit too strong"
"We think we've made Master Yi too hard to play and as a result are underserving some of his target audience who are looking for a simple champion who just clicks on you"
"The nerfs are aimed at reducing some of the optimization intensive power in his kit (not all the way back to where it was)"
  • [Q] Alpha Strike monster bonus damage reduced 75/100/125/150/175 >>> 65/90/115/140/165
  • [W] Meditate nerfs:
    • Initial 0.5 seconds damage reduction reduced 90% >>> 70%
    • Cooldown increased 9 >>> 10 seconds


"For a high mastery champ, Rek'Sai is sitting a bit too high and has been stale for a while"
"Targeting some changes to bring her back down"
  • [Unburrowed-Q] Queen's Wrath bonus Attack Speed reduced 45% >>> 35%
  • [Burrowed-W] Unburrow base damage reduced 50/75/100/125/150 >>> 30/55/80/105/130


"Fun fact: Skarner does not get played in Jungle in China and only played in Top"
"By contrast, other regions love playing him as a Jungler and Top"
"Top vs Jungle seem ~similarly strong, but Top's gameplay pattern presents few vulnerabilities"
"We've resolved W max, so now we're going after how statchecky he is in early lane phase"
  • Base HP reduced 650 >>> 610
  • HP per level increased 102 >>> 105
  • [P] Threads of Vibration target max HP damage adjusted 7-10% >>> 5-11% (based on levels 1-18)


"Trynd is too strong right now; realistically he should be closer to 49/50, rather than 51-ish where he currently is due to his play pattern being rather frustrating for the other 9 players"
"We're not particularly happy about him rushing Ravenous as it makes his gameplan even more about uninteractive split push, but we're not going to be able to resolve that in this changelist"
"Right now, we're just trying to get his power level under control"
  • [Q-P] Bloodlust bonus AD reduced 10/15/20/25/30 >>> 5/10/15/20/25
  • [E] Spinning Slash base damage reduced 80/110/140/170/200 >>> 75/105/135/165/195

Twisted Fate

"TF has shown to have 2 distinct builds in 2 roles which is great and we want to continue to support"
"He is a bit too strong overall though, so we're giving him a tap down with a slight lean towards nerfing Top a little more as that's his stronger role"
  • AD per level reduced 3.3 >>> 2.5
  • [W] Pick a Card adjustments:
    • Mana cost increased 30/40/50/60/70 >>> 50/55/60/65/70
    • Blue Card Bonus mana restore increased 50/75/100/125/150 >>> 70/90/110/130/150

>>> Champion Adjustments <<<


"Aatrox has been building lethality for a while and now we're getting around to making his more durable builds shine a bit more with health incentives"
  • HP regeneration per level reduced 1 >>> 0.5
  • Armor per level increased 4.45 >>> 4.8
  • [E-P] Umbral Dash adjustments:
    • Healing changed 18/19.5/21/22.5/24% >>> 16% (+0.9% per 100 bonus HP)
    • Healing no longer increased to 20/24/28/32/36% during [R] World Ender
  • [R] World Ender increased healing increased 25/35/45% >>> 50/75/100%


  • Base AD reduced 55 >>> 52
  • Attack Speed per level increased 2.3% >>> 2.8%
  • [Q] Phosphorus Bomb buffs:
    • Damage increased 70/115/160/205/250 (+120% bAD) (+70% AP) >>> 70/120/170/220/270 (+120% bAD) (+100% AP)
    • Cooldown reduced 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 >>> 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
  • [E] Gatling Gun nerfs:
    • Base damage per tick reduced 6.25/9.375/12.5/15.625/18.75 >>> 6.25/9.0625/11.875/14.6875/17.5 (25/37.5/50/62.5/75 >>> 25/36.25/47.5/58.75/70 per second)
    • Armor and Magic Resistance reduction per stack reduced 3/3.75/4.5/5.25/6 >>> 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 (12/15/18/21/24 >>> 12/14/16/18/20 maximum)
    • Mana cost increased 50/55/60/65/70 >>> 50/60/70/80/90

>>> System Buffs <<<

Lord Dominik's Regards

  • Build path changed Last Whisper + Cloak of Agility + 950 gold >>> Last Whisper + Noonquiver + 150 gold

Serylda's Grudge

  • Rancor base Armor Penetration increased 20% >>> 25%

Scout's Slingshot

  • Cost reduced 900 >>> 800 gold
  • Build path changed Dagger + 600 gold >>> Dagger + Dagger + 200 gold

Statikk Shiv

  • Build path changed Scout's Slingshot + Rectrix + 1000 gold >>> Scout's Slingshot + Rectrix + Pickaxe + 225 gold

>>> System Nerfs <<<

First Strike

  • Base gold reduced 15 >>> 10
  • Bonus damage reduced 8% >>> 7%


  • AD reduced 25 >>> 20
  • Build path changed Long Sword + Cloak of Agility + 450 gold >>> Long Sword + Cloak of Agility + Long Sword + 100 gold (Change on PBE but not post, leaving it since there is no reason to believe this will be reverted)
submitted by JTHousek1 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:25 Acceptable_Pin_9570 class of 2025 stressing abt college (kinda long post)

hi i’m a rising senior from alabama and i think after a bunch of summers of somewhat stressing about college it has finally hit me the hardest now. i feel like my stats are kinda mid compared to some of the ones i’m seeing online so i’m really stressed about getting into a good school. (for context, my parents are nigerian immigrants so there’s kinda A LOT of pressure to get into a top school or like t50.
GPA: 3.84 uw/ 4.4W (competitive stem school) (also i plant to retake 2 classes next yr so by the end of the year my uw should be around 3.9 BUT obviously that will be past application season)
ACT: currently 33 superscore but i’m gonna retake soon and my practice tests are coming back 34s and 35s so hopefully some luck there
APS and Honors: AP Bio, AP Chem, APUSH, AP Calc AB (all jnr year (i think i will likely submit apush and ap bio and maybe ap calc when they come out but very likely not ap chem) and i am going to take AP Calc BC, AP French, and both AP Phys C exams by the end of snr year. all classes at school are honors classes.
current ECs/honors/awards and stuff: vice president of student government association, president of international council, president of french club, honorable mention in toshiba exploravision competition, neuroscience program at auburn uni, mu alpha theta, société honoraire de français, national african american recognition award, tutoring in school’s tutoring program, ambassador for school (it’s a boarding school), key club and MUN (prob won’t put on application)
I also plan to try and shadow a doctor this summer and work at kumon but it’s still tentative. also snr year, BEFORE submitting applications i plan to go for head ambassador as its a snr only position.
intended major: either molecular bio or neuroscience (most likely molecular bio)
i need some good target schools and safety for my major (ones that won’t disappoint my parents) (OOS PREFERRED) also some reach that i might get into with some great essays please🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 i have a somewhat decentish list of schools but need as much help as i can get😭😭😭
submitted by Acceptable_Pin_9570 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:09 Party_Needleworker71 [USA-CA] [H] Ryzen 5 7600X ES, Ryzen 5 3600, RX 5700, 16GB DDR4, 512GB NVME SSD PC Build, Corsair 4000D Airflow Black Mid ATX Tower Case w/x3 pre-installed fans, iPhone/iOS x2 mics (lightning cable), free empty boxes, free 120mm + 80mm fans [W] Local Cash, PayPal

repost w/slight reduction on asking prices + additions
please comment on this thread before pm'in me. no messages.
cleaning & selling these items. these funds will tremendously help! feel free to give me reasonable offers, more so lenient if it's especially local.
i can meet up as soon as tomorrow afternoon. i usually am free all day during the afternoon. the rest of the items can be shipped as noted for each.
7600x es - got this second handruns between a 7600 n 7600x. theres big limitations to adjustin the pbo of this cpu, thats the only catch. but i was able to run this 100% perfectly fine @ 75c when under any load. just got an insane 7700 deal elsewhere n would want to sell this.
asking $150 shipped OBO, $140 local cash. will ship the cpu no later than friday afternoon.
for sale:
PC build ~
CPU - Ryzen 5 3600
[BN] CPU Cooler - Thermalright Assassin X 120 SE (white)
Motherboard - MSI B450 Tomahawk Max
GPU - ASRock Challenger D OC Radeon RX 5700 8 GB (cleaned thoroughly & re-pasted w/fresh Arctic MX-4)
Ram - GeIL SUPER LUCE RGB SYNC 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 CL16
Storage - 512GB Samsung OEM 960 Pro NVME SSD
PSU - High Power 80+ Gold Non-Modular PSU w/power cord
[BN] OS Key - Windows 10 Home key
[BN] Extras - Okinos White Sleeved Cable Extension Cable kit
[OB] PC case - Zalman Z7 NEO RGB ATX Mid-Tower w/4 pre installed RGB fans
(OB means open box, BN means brand new)
bios driver & all basic drivers are up to date.
built w/a mix of almost all used, n a few open box/new parts. all parts have been fully tested. this includes in games n stress tested w/multiple workloads. pc is cleaned through w an electric duster & sanitized all around ready. pc is also cable managed properly. can provide more pics.
will also come w an hdmi cable.
asking $545 local cash only
Corsair 4000D Airflow Black Mid ATX Tower Case - in used condition, some signs of use like light visible scratches & minimal wear. x2 pre installed Thermalright C12 PWN fans on the front & x1 Zalman DC/Molex on the back. all io covers included n has most additional accessories/screws. i have the hdd cage & one additional ssd cage but they wont have the screws to put it back inside of the case theyre suppose to be in. you can have both of them or not, up to you.
asking $45 local cash only, can install the 120mm Zalman molex fan for free if you want me to
iPhone/iOS x2 mics (lightning cable) - includes x2 mics, pairing part, chargin cable (never used), & remote to take pics. used this at least twice, then left it collectin dust. works without any issues.
$13 shipped, $5 local cash or bundled n shipped w/any other item
free boxes - boxes for an asus rx 6600 w/some paper work , msi b450 tomahawk max w some paper work & disc, & intel i5 10400f .
free locally, $1 + shipping costs if you really want these shipped. depends on your location.
120mm zalman molex fan + 80mm generic 80mm fan - from other pc cases , brand new.
$2 w/any other item bundled n shipped. free w/any item locally, can install the 120mm zalman molex fan on the 4000d case for no extra charge. just didnt put it on the case before this listing.
submitted by Party_Needleworker71 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:38 IQ-128 HELP!!! I am a tenth grader who is completely lost 😭

There are no schools in my country that teach AP subjects; i need to take at least 1 AP this year. I dont know anything about ap resources or how teachers play a major role in the AP grading. I will enroll in a course for my APs. Can i just study a book for AP and take the test or should i do more things; please tell me what to do. i feel suicidal because of how lost i am.
In the next 3 years i will have taken at least 3 AP subjects (1 in sophomore year 2 in junior year). Do you advise me to take more? (I have 0 guidance from anyone; no one knows anything)
which Ap subject(s) do you advise me to take in my first year (noting that i have to take bio and chem no matter what)
submitted by IQ-128 to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:39 soly_bear Girl with no grades gets into T10

Intended Major(s): Literature
Standardized Testing
List the highest scores earned and all scores that were reported.
List all extracurricular involvements, including leadership roles, time commitments, major achievements, etc.
  1. Author of book published by subsidiary of penguin random house. grades 10, 11, 12 Year 6 hwk, 45 wk/yr
  2. Extemporaneous Captain(12)/Debater Speech and Debate Team. grades 9, 10, 11, 12, 18 hwk, 28 wk/yr
    1. Competed at FL Blue Key Round Robin '23, States '23, XTOC '23, and NSDA Districts '23, no awards though
  3. FoundeEditor in Chief, Annual literary magazine. grades 10, 11, 12. 2.5 hwk, 36 wk/yr
  4. Leadership Board MembeVolunteer of local chapter of national org. Raised 10k for walkathon. grades 9, 10, 11, 12 - 4 hwk, 36 wk/yr
  5. Varsity Golf- grades 9, 10, 11, 12, 18 hwk, 8 wk/yr
  6. Homestay Participant, CIEE Seville Honors Program - summer before 12th, 112 hwk, 4 wk/yr
  7. Creatoeditor of yt channel - grades 10, 11, 12, 2 hwk, 26 wk/yr
  8. Teen Board President of local chapter of national org (different one) - raised 20k, grades 9, 10, 11, 12 1 hwk, 36 wk/yr
  9. Pianist - Qualified to compete in the international competition American Protege, and played at Carnegie Hall five times. grades 9, 10, 11, 12, 2 hwk, 36 wk/yr
Letters of Recommendation
AdvisoEnglish teacher: 7.5/10- She is super nice and a great writer, but our connection wasn't the strongest
Math Teacher: 6.5/10- Great guy, but I also sucked at math for pretty much the whole year so idk what he put down about that
Speech and Debate Coach: 10/10- He asked me to become captain of team before interviews and said he would always be there for any recommendation I needed.
Only interview was at Northwestern and it went perfectly. Guy even said I was a great fit. 10/10
I visited Columbia, Kenyon, Northwestern, Occidental, NYU, and GW
Spent five months reviewing and reviewing everything - also had essay consultant. I'd say for NU 10/10 and for the rest a solid 8/10
Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD)
I did not apply for financial aid to any schools, but some gave me merit. Did not EA anywhere.
submitted by soly_bear to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:28 ElkPurple9882 Terrible GPA, perfect SAT

demographics: white male, current junior, 1200ish student high school, upper class (700k household income, 12M in assets)
Location: Kalamazoo area, MI
intended majors: biochemical engineering, biochemistry, or organic chemistry
SAT: 1600 (not superscored)
gpa: UW:3.5 W: 4.1 class rank: 42/350ish
coursework: 7 APs (5 chem, 3 physics, awaiting euro, Calc ab, Lang, will take Bio and calc bc next year). 7 college classes (community college: organic chem 1 and 2, 3 computer science classes- Western Michigan university: 2 more chemistry classes, will take next year, haven't decided which ones yet)
ecs: 1. Science olympiad (strong team, placed first or second in our region for past 5 years, top 30 at states)- been a member of both middle school and high school scioly teams, total of 6 years when I graduate 2. Briefly was a member of frc robotics team, but I quickly dropped out because I felt that it wasn't for me (I probably shouldn't include this in apps?) 3. Middle school conservation club 4. Member of our schools fairly competitive marching band for all 4 years of high school
awards: 1. 3rd place in forestry at Michigan state science olympiad state competition 2. 5th place in botany event at Michigan state science olympiad competition 3. Have 20 medals from placing at other (slightly less competitive) science olympiad tournaments 4. Will get more science olympiad awards next year too 5. 2nd place in middle school geography bee in 7th grade
I am one of the only students in my schools history to take ap chem my sophomore year (usually sophomores have to take honors chem, but I tested out of honors to go straight to ap chem)
I started taking college classes my junior year, most of which are generally for 2nd year college students
My gpa kinda sucks because (a) I had mental health issues sophomore year, and (b) because college classes are hard
My parents both grew up to very poor families (trailer parks), and my mom only has an associates and my dad only has a bachelor's. My mom is an executive at a pharmaceutical company and my dad doesn't work except trading stocks.
IDEAL: Vanderbilt, University of Chicago, Stanford, MIT,
BACKUP: university of Michigan
SAFE: WMU, Michigan tech, msu
Open to suggestions as well
Will my perfect SAT help lessen the impact of my crappy GPA?
Edit: I haven't done any jobs or volunteer hours, not sure how much that will hurt me
submitted by ElkPurple9882 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:13 TryNotToShootYoself Packet loss w/ Cox

Over the past few months I've noticed pretty severe packet loss when playing online games, calling (VOIP, FaceTime, Discord, etc.) and streaming. I initially thought it was just because I was on WiFi in a very busy house, but since switching to an ethernet connection it has not improved.
I've done some ping tests and I think I've determined the issue is with Cox (or my Arris Surfboard S33) and am not sure where to proceed from here. There is 0 packet loss within my network, so I doubt my router is the culprit.
--- ping statistics --- 209 packets transmitted, 209 received, 0% packet loss, time 212985ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.126/0.217/0.505/0.043 ms --- ping statistics --- 234 packets transmitted, 225 received, 3.84615% packet loss, time 233402ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.820/16.408/35.397/1.844 ms 
I've also noticed connections randomly dropping and very rarely the entire modem crashing. I've tried 2 different S33 modems - these issues have only happened since upgrading from DOCSIS 3.0 to 3.1. I've read it could be something due to downstream power (?) but I'm not sure how to check that.
If the problem is with Cox, I have no idea how to get them to fix it. They'll just blam the modem and try to "upgrade" me to a panoramic modem/routeap.
Thank you.
submitted by TryNotToShootYoself to CoxCommunications [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:20 Obsequium_Minaris Ballistic Coefficient - Chapter 17

First / Previous / Royal Road / [Patreon](Read 12 Chapters Ahead)](
"Kayla, move!" Pale shouted as she hurriedly reloaded her weapon, then began to pour fire down on the advancing horde. Several people dropped dead under her onslaught of bullets, but they kept coming, and she was forced to retreat backwards, Kayla following after her.
Pale reloaded once more, continuing to shoot even as she ran away. Her and Kayla sprinted deeper into the forest, trying their best to lose their pursuers, but it was no use – Pale wasn't sure how many she'd cut down, but it simply wasn't enough, as she could still hear them all lumbering through the forest after them.
"What do we do?!" Kayla shouted.
Pale looked around, frantically looking for something they could use. Her gaze landed on the nearby trees, and her eyes narrowed.
"Burn the forest."
"What?! But-"
"Now, Kayla!"
Kayla didn't argue further, instead obliging Pale's request. In an instant, several trees went up in flames, which began to spread through the dense, dead foliage with ease. Once she saw that the fire had been started, Pale grabbed Kayla and pushed her deeper into the forest, then followed after her, taking shots at anything that moved behind them.
The fire spread rapidly, and before long, Pale heard a chorus of panicked screams erupt from behind them. That was both reassuring and worrying – the former because it meant her impromptu plan had bought them some time, and the latter because it wouldn't be long before the flames reached them, as well.
"Back to the beach," Pale commanded.
Kayla bristled. "We can't leave-"
"We aren't. But we need to leave the forest now, while we still have a chance."
Kayla hesitated. Pale instantly grabbed her and forced her to stare into her eyes.
"Do you trust me?" Kayla nodded. "Then listen. We need to get back to the beach, and fast. Understand?" That earned her another nod. Pale let her go, then without another word, began to double-time it back to the beach. Behind her, the forest continued to burn, the bandits still screaming as they were set upon by the flames.
Eventually, they reached the beach, and Kayla doubled over, gasping for breath. She looked up at Pale, and through gulps of air, managed to get out, "What… is your plan now?"
"This. Cover your ears."
Pale snapped her fingers. For a moment, nothing happened, but then, something came streaking across the sky, almost faster than either girl could track it. It fell into the forest, and the moment it did, the entire thing went up in a massive explosion. Kayla was knocked down by the shockwave, landing in a heap on the ground; all she could do was stop and stare at the crater where the forest had once stood, watching the smoke curl up from it into the sky.
"W-what…" She swallowed nervously. "What did you just do?"
"250-millimeter explosive shell," Pale reported. She offered Kayla a hand and pulled her to her feet.
"And… you have more of those?"
"Only a few."
"Y-you… you couldn't use something a little less destructive?"
Pale's face darkened. "That was the less destructive option."
Again, Kayla swallowed nervously, her whole body beginning to tremble as she surveyed the destruction once more. After a moment, Pale checked her weapon to make sure it was fully loaded, then began to march back towards the forest.
"Wait!" Kayla called. "You're going back in?"
"Of course," Pale said without looking back. "We still need to get your father back." She cast a glance back at Kayla over her shoulder. "You coming or what?"
Kayla didn't need to be told twice.
The girls marched through the remnants of the forest, Pale listening as Kayla dry-heaved behind her at every mutilated body they found. By her estimate, a good portion of the bandits had died to smoke inhalation or been burned to death before she'd even called in the artillery shell. There must have been a few mages with them, because she could see traces where they'd attempted to douse the flames with water or earth, only to be caught by surprise when she called down the shell on top of them.
There were a few odd survivors, still managing to cling to life through ruined limbs or grievous burns; Pale, for her part, was careful to put them all out of their misery with a single well-placed shot. Kayla whimpered at every man she executed, but she paid it no mind.
This was war as she knew it – brutal, without mercy, and on a certain level, inevitable. As far as she was concerned, these men had signed their own death warrants the moment they'd made a mad dash for the two of them with murder in their eyes. Putting them down was necessary for the success of the mission, same as it always was.
They made it through the remnants of the forest easily enough, emerging out the other side and marching towards the town. The women and children were still there, and upon seeing them and only them exit the forest in one piece, many of them screamed and began to rush them; Pale tensed, raising her weapon just in case, but it proved unnecessary for most, as the people simply ran past them and towards what remained of the trees, trying in vain to search for their loved ones.
"Gods…" Kayla muttered. "I… I didn't think-"
"Don't feel bad," Pale said without looking over to her. "Those men did the same thing to countless other people. Ultimately, they had this coming to them."
Kayla said nothing in response. Pale could tell she wasn't happy with that answer, but it was all she had to offer at the moment.
The two of them made their way to the center of town, where Sven's house was situated. He was still there, Kayla's father still bound and kneeling at his feet. When he saw them approach, his eyes widened.
"Kayla…" he breathed, tears filling his eyes.
"Dad!" she called. She was about to rush him when Pale stopped her by holding out a hand.
"Wait," she said.
"Wait?! My father is-"
"Sven wants you to rush in." Pale turned her attention towards the bandit leader, giving him a pointed look. "He's waiting for one of us to do something stupid."
"Don't argue this point with me. I can tell just by looking at him that Sven is a cut above the others we've had to fight."
"You have me at a loss, I'm afraid," Sven Greymane said evenly. "You know who I am, and yet, I know nothing of the two of you."
"And we'll be keeping it that way. I'll make this simple – hand over the girl's father or this town will be razed to its very foundation, along with everyone in it."
"Pale!" Kayla protested.
Sven merely smirked. "I think not."
Pale bristled. "Did you not see what happened to all your men in the forest? Do not try to test me, Greymane."
"First off, those weren't all my men. Those weren't even a fraction of my men. Did you truly think I was warrior-king over just this little village?" Sven shook his head. "I have a great many men at my disposal, young lady, not that you will ever get to meet them in-person. As for your little ultimatum… there is one problem with it – if you were going to raze this town and everyone in it, as you claim, then you would have done so already without having to expose yourself to me." His grin widened. "You know what I think? I think whatever you did in the forest, it's much more indiscriminate than you would have me believe. You can't risk doing that again for fear of killing the girl's father, because you need him back for her."
Pale scowled. Sven barked out a laugh. "Ah, I knew I was correct! Well, now that I have you figured out, let's say we have a little chat, hm? Tell me who you are, otherwise I'll kill him right here."
Sven drew his knife again, placing it against his captive's throat. Immediately, Kayla screamed.
"No, don't!" she begged. "Pale, please talk to him!"
"If you kill him, you'll lose your only hostage," she warned. "There will be nothing stopping me at that point."
"You still won't be able to use your strange magic without killing yourself and your friend," Sven pointed out. "And before you say you'll simply walk out and use it once you're a safe distance away, I assure you, that won't happen, either."
"And why is that?"
"Because I'll have killed you both long before you've made it to the outskirts of town. Simple as that."
"You're awfully confident."
"Because I know your weapon doesn't work on me." Sven stretched his arms out. "Don't believe me? Try it. I'll give you as many free hits as you want, even. It'll just make killing you all the sweeter."
Pale's scowl deepened, but she didn't take his bait. Instead, she stood there, trying to desperately think of some way out of this. The only thing that was clear to her was that Sven was right – he must have been a mage of some kind, because just like earlier, her bullets kept pinging off some kind of invisible barrier before they could make impact with him.
That meant her only option was to get up close and personal with him.
Grimacing, she slung her rifle, then drew her pistol in one hand and her own knife in the other. Sven grinned at her once more.
"Ooh, how daring!" he complimented. "It's not often that I find someone with a backbone like you, whoever you are. Tell me, before I kill you – what's your name?"
Pale didn't rise to the challenge, instead beginning to cautiously creep forwards, her pistol trained directly on Sven's head. After a few seconds, his grin faded.
"I said, what's your name?"
Still, she offered no response. Sven's face suddenly contorted in rage.
"Such dishonor…! Very well, then – I suppose I will simply have to have my fun another way."
Then, before Pale could react, Sven pointed past her, at Kayla. A large mound of earth and stone suddenly tore its way out of the ground, and came flying towards her. Kayla was unprepared to deal with it, and Pale heard a dull crack followed by a moan of pain come from just behind her. Instantly, her eyes widened in shock, and she whipped around.
Kayla was lying in a heap on the ground, a trickle of blood flowing out from a crack in her forehead deep enough to expose part of her skull underneath. Still, against all odds, she wasn't out of the fight – she struggled to her feet, wincing as she did so. A wave of relief washed over Pale, though it was quick to fade when she heard Sven rush her down.
She turned just in time to avoid having her throat slashed by Sven's dagger. Her heart skipped a beat, and Pale instinctively tried to bring her .45 around, but Sven intercepted it. Pain blossomed across her dominant arm as he impaled it with his knife, forcing her to drop her pistol, the gun discharging a shot that harmlessly pinged off of his barrier before landing on the ground. Before Pale could recover and go for a stab of her own, Sven brutally kicked her in the torso, sending her skidding across the ground; she landed next to Kayla, but leaped to her feet.
"Interesting," Sven observed, his gaze dropping to the discarded handgun lying at his feet. He went to bend down and pick it up, and as he did so, Kayla fired several bolts of lightning at him, but they had no effect. Pale tensed as he picked up the gun, and then aimed it at them.
"How does it work, I wonder?"
Sven's finger stroked the trigger, and the gun barked, discharging a shot into the ground a few meters away from him. Slowly, a wide smile split his face.
"Oh, I like this," he observed, aiming it at them once more. "I like it a lot."
"Kayla, behind me!" Pale shouted. Kayla ducked behind her just in time for a shot to ring out; it struck Pale directly in her body armor, her plates catching the round, causing her to let out a grunt of discomfort as she felt the lightweight depleted uranium deform slightly in order to contain the bullet.
Sven was unperturbed, however – he continued to pull the trigger even as Pale started to advance, her knife in hand. He fired again and again; his technique was off, but by sheer luck, he managed to get a hit in her left shoulder. Pale grunted as she felt the .45 caliber hollow point burrow its way into her shoulder, missing the bone by mere millimeters.
She was counting his shots as he advanced, and by this time, she knew he only had one left. Sven took aim at her once more, and Pale tensed.
Then, at the last moment, Kayla's father moved. He jumped up from his spot on the ground, latching onto Sven's arm and throwing his aim off. The gun discharged one final time, but it wasn't a miss – instead, Pale watched as the round erupted out of the man's back.
"Father, no!" Kayla screamed.
He fell to the ground, clutching at the hole in his torso with wide eyes. Blood poured from his wound; Pale grit her teeth at the sight of it, but there was nothing she could do about it, even as he fell to the ground and laid there motionlessly. Kayla tried to charge past her, but Pale stopped her, holding her there.
"Let me go, damn it!" Kayla screamed, tears pouring down her face. "Father! Father!"
Across from them, Sven stared at the gun, its slide locked back. He attempted to raise it towards them and fire it again, but got nothing. He shrugged, then unceremoniously dumped it on the ground.
"I suppose that was a fun play-fight," he blithely stated as Kayla dropped to her knees and began to sob, her eyes locked on to her father's corpse. "Now then, what to do with you two…? The Beastkin would make a good slave, but the other seems a bit feisty to be a good slave… then again, perhaps her weapons could be useful, if she knows how to make more of them…"
Pale grit her teeth, rage welling up within her. With a final, desperate cry, she reached for her rifle, raising it and dumping another full mag directly into Sven. Just like the last one, it had absolutely no effect. Across from her, Sven shrugged.
"It can't be helped, I suppose," he stated, taking a step towards them. "I'll find a spot for you two yet."
Pale didn't wait to hear more. Instead, she dropped her rifle and took Kayla by the hand, then began to run. Kayla tried to fight her, but Pale wasn't having it – she used all her strength to drag Kayla along as she ran out of the camp, and as she did so, with her free hand, she snapped her fingers just as they reached the treeline.
Unlike the last artillery strike, this was no mere single shell. Behind them, the night sky was suddenly illuminated by an entire orbital bombardment. Kayla gave another choked sob as she watched the entire bandit encampment go up in explosion after explosion, knowing that if her father wasn't already gone for sure, he would be now.
Pale dragged Kayla back to the boat and threw her in, then climbed in herself before pushing off from the shore. She gave one final look behind her, but Sven seemed to have stopped his pursuit at some point, as he was no longer following them. She breathed a sigh of relief as the wind struck the boat's sail, propelling them forwards across the sea. Pale stared up at the night sky as it was rocked by a final few explosions, listening to the symphony of destruction she'd left behind her, as well as Kayla's crying. A hollow pit formed in her stomach as the realization of what had just happened sank in.
She'd failed.
Special thanks to my good friend and co-writer, Ickbard for the help with writing this story.
submitted by Obsequium_Minaris to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:16 Lifetbh13 Friend fight

Hi I (16 f) have a “friend” G (18 f) we started off the school year as friends. As the year has gone on she has shown some true colors. She has been messing around a lot of you know what I mean. She also has a poor me complex. I am a big take accountably for your actions person. She has made a lot of inappropriate jokes about serous topics. I really distended my self from her but we have a class together and she sits next to me and my best friend (17 f). I really pushed away when for our AP test she was all poor me and as I said I can’t stand that. She made it as if she was the only one who had to take this test. Most recently we got in a big fight. G da aid one of my coworkers was cheating on his girlfriend. As you would I was shocked and said ohhhh I’m gonna have a talk with him. G started to freak out. I just went back to what I was doing. She kept hitting me yelling don’t say anything. I said I was joking and to stop touching me. She kept yelling and hitting me. So I yelled at her to stop. G called me a bitch. So I looked at her and said your ego is way to big I haven’t been a bitch I’ve hardly talk to you. She stormed out of class and didn’t come back. Now she is talking about fighting me. I think that this is all stupid and she needs to grow up. I haven’t had a class with her today and I may confront her about it. AITA for yelling at her to stop touching me.
submitted by Lifetbh13 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

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If you are unable to pass your Real Estate Certification Exam, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  1. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  2. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
  3. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  4. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  5. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor, Examplify, ExamSoft, Lockdown Browser
  6. Test Taking Experts: With the vast experience my team and I have in taking classes for students, we are proficient in a wide range of subjects and can ace exams across various disciplines. We have specialists in every area, guaranteeing you'll be paired with a test-taker who will deliver outstanding results.
  7. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  8. 1,000+ Exam Score Photos: I have a collection containing literally over 1,000+ photos of the grades I achieved on over 1,000+ exams I completed for other students since Jan 2020.
  9. Reviews & Testimonials: I have multiple verified testimonials from actual students who have used my services in the past praising my legit five-star academic services.
  • Exams & Quizzes: Final rates for exams and quizzes depend on various factors including: whether or not there is proctoring, how many hours the exam is, total number of questions including sub-parts, preferred method of me delivering solutions, whether it's show all work or just the answer only, and whether the assessment has a flexible window of time to complete or a fixed & rigid start and end time.
  • Full Courses: Final rates for full class help depend all the foregoing plus: total number of hw, quizzes, exams, discussion posts, and other academic tasks left that need to be completed, total number of weeks or modules left in the class to complete.
  • Essays Papers Discussion Posts: Final rates for writing tasks depend on the required number of words or pages. topic of interest, type of citations, required number and type of sources & bibliography style , level of research required, and type of additional software required to complete the essay like: Excel, R, or Minitab.
  • Rationale for My Rates: I sincerely believe my rates are more than fair considering my education, skills, legitimacy, and the substantial amount of value, stress relief, and saved time & energy I’d be providing you in exchange for my valuable, irretrievable time, energy, and effort.
  • Disclaimer About Rates: Services that are reliable and deliver high-quality results are difficult to find and are very high in demand. Thus, I expect to be compensated fairly for all the value, stress relief, and saved time & energy my services provide.
  • Payment Methods: Zelle, Apple pay, Btc
I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
  • Engage in a Telephone interview: Speak with you on the phone and answer any questions you may have.
  • Provide Telephone References: Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
  • My Mission: Thank you for taking the time to read my Reddit post. I take what I do very seriously and I always strive to get the highest possible grades for all students who entrust me with their coursework.
  • Closing Words: Please feel free to reach out to me if you're sincerely interested in having help you with your school work. I am available via text and phone almost 24/7/365.
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If you are unable to Pass your AWS Exams, Quizzes, Tests or Unable to Handle Homework Assignments or full course online, Get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  • Online Courses (1 - 20 Weeks Long)
  • Homework Assignments
  • Exams Quizzes Tests
  • Excel Projects
  • Discussion Forum Posts
  • Research Papers Term Papers Essays
  • Employment Assessments
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
  • Advanced Placement Honors High School Level Math
  • AP Calculus AB A.P. Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics
  • Biostatistics Bio-Statistics
  • College Algebra Intermediate Algebra
  • Business Calculus
  • Business Statistics
  • Business Math
  • Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III (Calc)
  • Geometry
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Maths
  • Liberal Arts Math
  • Logic & Reasoning
  • Multivariable Calculus Multi variable Calculus
  • Precalculus Pre-calculus
  • Probability & Statistics
  • Psychology Statistics Psych Stats
  • Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Methods Quantitative Literacy (Quant)
  • Statistics (Stats)
  • Statistics for Social Sciences
  • Trigonometry (Trig)
  • I have a master's degree in Applied Statistics from a university in New Jersey, USA. As a result, I am very proficient in helping students with various types of Statistics courses including Biostatistics Business Statistics Elementary Statistics Probability & Statistics Psychology Statistics.
  • I have extensive knowledge and skill with helping students get through various statistical concepts including all of the following in alphabetical order:
  • ANOVA Bar Graph, Boxplot, Dot Plot, Histogram, Pie Chart Bias Binomial, Exponential, Poisson, Gamma, Uniform Distribution Central Limit Theorem Chi-Square Test Coefficient of Determination (R^2) Conditional & Relative Probability Confidence Interval Correlation Coefficient (r) Critical Region Critical Value Descriptive & Inferential Statistics Effect Size Expected Value Experiment vs Observation Goodness of Fit Test Hypothesis Testing Interpolation & Extrapolation Interquartile Range (IQR) Kurtosis Left, Negative, Right, Positive Skewed Distribution Logistic Regression Mean, Median, Mode, Midrange Multiple Regression Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio I Population Parameter Normal, Symmetric & Bell Shaped Distribution Null & Alternate Hypothesis One & Two Sample T-Test One & Two Sample Z-Test Ordinary Least Squares Outliers P-Value Pooled Variance (Equal Variances) Proportion R^2 Range Regression Regression Line Reject & Fail to Reject Ho Relative & Cumulative Frequency Distributions Relativity & Reliability Right, Left, One, Two Tailed Tailed Hypothesis Test Sample Statistics Sampling Methods (Convenience, Stratified, Simple, Cluster, Systematic) Significance Level (1%, 5%, 10%) Skewness Standard Deviation& Variance T-Score Test Statistic Time Series Type I & Type II Errors Unbiased Estimators Z-Score
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Algebra 1 & 2 College Algebra Intermediate Algebra Pre-Algebra and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following algebra topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute Values Circle Equation Domain Exponents Graphing Horizontal & Vertical Asymptotes Inequalities, Equations & Functions Inverse Functions Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Quadratic Equations Logarithms Maximum & Minimum Values of a Graph Number Lines One-to-One Functions Parallel & Perpendicular Lines Plotting Points & Ordered Pairs Point-Slope Form Polynomial Division Polynomials Radicals Range Rational & Irrational Expressions Rational Functions Real Roots Real Zeros Relations & Functions Slope Slope-Intercept Form Square Roots Standard Form of a Line System of Equations System of Inequalities Variables X and Y Intercepts
  • I am well-versed in helping students do well in Calculus I, II & III, Calculus 1, 2 & 3, Business Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Vector Calculus and I am very knowledgeable and proficient in the following calculus topics in alphabetical order:
  • Absolute & Local Maximum and Minimum Antiderivative Area & Volume Chain Rule Concavity Continuity Convergence Test Critical Points Curvature Curve of Rotation Curve Sketching Derivatives Divergence Test First & Second Derivative Test Fourier Series Implicit Differentiation Increasing / Decreasing Functions Infinite Series Integrals Integration by Parts Jacobian Matrix Limits L’Hopital’s Rule Maclaurin Series Mean Value Theorem Partial Derivative Product & Quotient Rule Reiman Sum Related Rates Simpson’s Rule Solid of Revolution Substitution Rule Taylor Series
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  • I firmly believe that I have many attributes and skills that set me apart from other tutors. Below is a list of qualities that makes me an ideal fit to help you master your coursework:
  • Proficient in CollegeBoard AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC & AP Statistics exams.
  • Skilled with International Baccalaureate Math Exams: IB Maths HL & IB Maths SL
  • Can intentionally answer a few problems incorrectly at the student's request.
  • Can text solutions to the student while they are taking a proctored exam.
  • Upon request, can purposely obtain grades below an A (ex: B+, B, C+, C-).
  • I can stretch out the time to a plausible length for timed exams and assignments before submitting them.
  • Have reliable software that can change my IP address to match the closest major city near the student.
  • I have exceptional multiple-choice exam-taking skills. I have mastered the various techniques to make calculated guesses for the correct option in standardized exams such as the SAT & GRE.
  • I have no problem with requests to solve sample problems upfront to prove my knowledge & proficiency of the course concepts.
  • I can provide glowing references & strong examples of work done for past clients to verify my academic skills.
  • I can also provide, upon request, complete detailed calculations with explanations for solutions to the problems worked on.
  • I am quite skilled and adept in using multiple modernized educational platforms and software, including but not limited to: Brightspace MyStatLab D2L WebAssign Canvas MyMathLab Blackboard ALEKS
  • Can format term papers and discussion posts in APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE format.
  • I have multiple paid subscriptions to a wide range of academic tutoring resources, including Chegg, Quizlet, CourseHero, Brainly, Grammarly, Study. com, Bartleby, Slader, Transtutors, Slideshare, StudocU, Turnitin, Academia, SymboLab, WolframAlpha, and Scribd to help guide to solve exam & homework questions that I may not immediately know.
  • However, I am smart enough not to blatantly plagiarize solutions online but instead write them in my own unique words, formatting, & mathematical terminology.
  • I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  • I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, or PDF formats.
  • Depending on my availability, I can accommodate immediate tutoring requests, 1-24 hour, and 1-30-day deadlines.
  • I can schedule live real-time online sessions and meet deadlines in an impressively timely fashion.
  • I can provide quick notifications and updates of progress made in the student's class via email text phone calls.
  • I can also be available to tutor students for Fall 2021 Spring 2022 Summer 2022 semesters.
  • I am very knowledgeable and well-versed in a wide range of educational software to tutor students in including but not limited to: Acellus ALEKS APEX Learning Aplia Blackboard Brightspace Canvas Cengage CengageNow Connect ConnectMath Connexus CPM D2L Discord Edmentum Eviews Examity Excel Hawkes Learning Honorlock Khan Academy Knewton LimeSpring Lumen Maple MasteringChemistry MasteringPhysics MathXL (XL) MATLAB McGraw-Hill Microsoft Word Minitab Moodle MyAccountingLab MyEconLab MyITLab MyLab My Lab MyMathLab My Math Lab MyOpenMath MyPsychLab MySocLab MyStatLab My Stat Lab NCSS Open Source Software Pearson PERT PlatoWeb PowerPoint Prezi R Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam Sapling SPSS Stata StraighterLine Straighter Line WebAssign Web Assign Webex (Cisco) WebWork Wiley WileyPlus Wonderlic Zoom
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
  • A - C: American Public University System (APUS) Arizona State Ashford Brigham Young Brown Broward California State (Fullerton) Capella Chamberlain (Illinois) Colorado Technical Columbia Columbia Southern Cornell
  • D - K: Dallas College Dartmouth DeVry Excelsior College Florida International Florida State Full Sail Georgia State Grand Canyon Harvard Houston Community College Ivy Tech Community College Kaplan Kennesaw State Kent State
  • L - T: Liberty Lone Star College System Kaplan Miami Dade Michigan State CUNY State University of New York (SUNY) Northern Virginia Ohio State University of Phoenix (UOP) Penn State Princeton Purdue (Davenport) San Diego State San Francisco State San Jose State Southern New Hampshire Southern Nevada Stanford St. Petersburg Strayer Texas Tech
  • UNIVERSITY OF: Alabama Arizona California (UC) Central Florida Chicago Cincinnati Florida Houston Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Iowa Maryland Minnesota Michigan North Texas Pennsylvania Southern Florida Texas Toronto
  • U - Z: UCLA Extension Utah State Utah Valley Valencia Walden U Wake Technical Western Governors Wilmington Yale
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  • I offer several unique payment plans, including a weekly plan, a discounted monthly plan, a discounted half-now / half-later plan, and highly discounted up-front rates.
  • I can accept the following payment methods for my services: PayPal Debit Cards Square Cash Credit Cards Cash App Venmo.
  • Only people located in North America have access to Venmo Cash App Zelle.
  • This is an excellent way to determine if the person you're dealing with is from the United States.
  • Within reason, I offer a partial or full money-Back guarantee if the student is very unsatisfied with my academic services.
  • For other subjects, you can reach out to me, and I can connect you with one of my tutoring partners who can provide general academic assistance for the following subjects:
  • Art & Design: Art History Design Film Studies
  • Business: Accounting (Acc) Biz Courses Business Administration (Biz Admn) Business Calculus Business Law Business Statistics Corporate Finance Economics (Econ) Finance (Fin) Financial Accounting Intermediate Accounting Intermediate Microeconomics (Micro) Macroeconomics (Macro) Management (Mgmt) Managerial Accounting Marketing MBA
  • Computer Science: C C++ Computer Programming (Comp) Java Python R (Introduction & Intermediate Level Only)
  • Humanities: Communications (Comm) English Literature Essay & Term Paper Writing, Editing, Proofreading Essays History Papers Philosophy (Phil) Religious Studies Theology (Theo)
  • Mathematics: A.P. Calculus AB & BC Psychology Statistics AP Statistics Bio statistics Calculus I (1) Calculus II (2) Calculus III (3) College Algebra Differential Equations Discrete Math Finite Math Functions General Math Geometry Liberal Arts Math Linear Algebra Multi-variable Calculus Partial Differential Equations Precalculus Probability Quantitative Reasoning Real Analysis Statistics Trigonometry (Trig) Vector Calculus
  • Science & Medicine: Anatomy & Physiology (A & P) Biochemistry Biology (Bio) Biostatistics Earth Science Environmental Science General Chemistry (Chem) Healthcare Medicine Nursing Nutrition Organic Chemistry Physics (Phys)
  • Social Sciences: Anthropology Economics (Econ) Geology Law & Justice Liberal Arts Liberal Studies Political Science Psychology Sociology
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
  • 1) Speak with you on the phone and answer any questions you may have so that you have the opportunity to assess and analyze my tone, articulation, accent, diction, dialect, regionalisms, pitch, vocabulary, word choice, intonations, and inflections.
  • NOTE: I’m a New Jersey-born Irish/Italian-American, but I have been told that I speak in an erudite & articulate suburban American accent with a “professor style” voice somewhat resembling the voice of actor: Ben Stein.
  • 2) Agree to do some homework questions of yours upfront with the work fully shown in real-time to prove my mastery of the course content.
  • 3) Send you screenshots of at least five past scores I attained from completing exams & homework assignments for other students in the same type of class you need help with.
  • 4) Send you full screenshots of written exam solutions I wrote up by hand for students in the past in the same course that you need help with so that you can see my neat handwriting.
  • 5) Provide you with the contact information of students who have utilized my services in the past who would be more than willing to vouch for my skills.
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
  • I certainly wouldn’t do it for such paltry amounts of money. (i.e., anything less than $1,000 per victim.)
  • I certainly wouldn’t choose high school & college students as my “target audience” to scam, considering that most people without college degrees have abysmally low annual incomes. Why choose low-income victims when it would be much more profitable to target high-income, high-net-worth individuals earning at least six figures a year? I have knowledge in business consulting, and I promise you that a business owner would be a MUCH more lucrative mark than a low-income college student.
  • I wouldn’t choose such a time & energy-draining method of scamming people. Also, communicating back and forth with potential clients is an absurdly long time sink since only less than 10% of all potential clients who reach out to me actually become paying clients of mine. This means that 90% of my time communicating with potential clients ultimately proves to be a colossal waste of my irretrievable time & energy.
  • If you pay me to provide academic services and I don’t deliver, you can always dispute the payment with the payment app and easily get your money refunded. If I were in the habit of swindling money from people, then all of my payment accounts would have been investigated and be completely shut down by now. And I would have been permanently banned from opening new accounts. Therefore, the fact that all my payment apps have been fully active for years should be sufficient proof that I haven’t had people consistently disputing payments sent to me.
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  • I take my work as a tutor very seriously, and I always aim to do my best to help my students excel in school. I have a solid and sincere passion for academic achievement, and with my help, I am positive that I can help students obtain very high grades with minimal stress and effort.
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submitted by tbrowndolly to certificationsyouneed [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:06 GregLXStang [US-WV] [H] Games and/or consoles for NES, SNES, GB, GBA, GBC, DS, 3DS, PS Vita, PS, PS2, PS3, PS4, Genesis, Dreamcast, Xbox, Xbox One, and 360 Games including SEALED US first print edition Pokemon X and Pokemon Omega Ruby; [W] PayPal / Cash Local Pickup

Greetings! Round five for my posting!
Everything here has been purchased for or by me, and I have them all in my hand...well sitting on the desk waiting to ship out!
If my pricing is way wrong let me know, I'm open to reasonable offers! Shipping is not included, but I can and will ship! Runs about $5ish per game, will adjust shipping for bundles.

Nintendo Systems / Accessories:

System Name Condition Price
NES Zapper Decent condition $15
SNES Mouse Decent condition, no mouse ball $10
N64 Console Console Only $50 SOLD to u/spiff-o-matic

Nintendo Games:

System Name Condition Price
NES Adventure Island Loose $10
SNES Star Fox Loose, see photo descriptions $15
SNES Mario Paint Loose, see photo descriptions $5
GB Marble Madness Loose $5
GBC Paperboy Loose w/Instructions $20
GBC Grand Theft Auto Loose w/Instructions $35
GBC Game and Watch Gallery 2 Loose $5
GBC Jeff Gordon X2 Racing Loose w/Instructions $5
GBC Chase HQ Secret Police Loose w/Instructions $10
DS Chrono Trigger Loose $65
DS Cop The Recruit Loose $20
DS Star Wars Battlefront Elite Squadron Loose $10
3DS New Super Mario Brothers 2 (First Print) Factory Sealed $40
3DS Pokémon Omega Ruby Factory Sealed, First Print $70
3DS Pokémon X Factory Sealed, First Print $80
3DS Puzzle Dragons Z & Puzzle Dragons Super Mario World Edition CIB $15
3DS Ultimate NES Remix Factory Sealed, First Print $40 SOLD to u/spiff-o-matic

Nintendo Game, BOXES ONLY:

System Name Condition Price
DS New Super Mario Bros Has manuals $5
DS Super Mario 64 DS Has manuals $5

Sony Systems:

System Name Condition Price
PS2 Slim Black in Color AV and Power Cable included, no controllers $80

Sony Games:

System Name Condition Price
PS Vita Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate CIB $20
PS Need For Speed II CIB $15
PS2 NBA Live 2001 CIB $5
PS2 Madden 2001 CIB $5
PS2 Gran Turismo 3 A Spec Box no manuals $5
PS3 Need for Speed The Run Limited Edition CIB x2 $5
PS3 Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Limited Edition CIB $5
PS3 Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock CIB $5
PS3 Guitar Hero Van Halen CIB $5
PS3 Assassin's Creed II CIB $5
PS3 Assassin's Creed Revelations CIB $5
PS3 Batman Arkham City CIB $5
PS3 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 CIB $5
PS3 Resistance 3 CIB $5
PS3 Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception CIB $5
PS3 Gran Turismo 5 XL Edition CIB $5 SOLD to u/spiff-o-matic
PS4 Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeros CIB $10
PS4 The Crew CIB $5
PS4 Knack CIB $5
PS4 Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition CIB $5

Sega Consoles / Accessories:

System Name Condition Price
Genesis 16 Bit Model 1 HD Console Console w/all cables and one controller $55
Dreamcast Console Comes with controller and memory card $100
Dreamcast Visual Memory Unit VMU Works, has new batteries $20

Sega Games:

System Name Condition Price
Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog Box no manuals $30
Genesis Desert Strike CIB $10
Genesis Jungle Strike CIB $15 SOLD to u/spiff-o-matic
Genesis Sonic Spinball CIB $15
Dreamcast Tokyo Xtreme Racer Loose $15

XBox Accessories:

System Name Condition Price
Xbox 360 Guitar Hero II Legends of Rock Guitar Controller Wireless Controller Only, in bundle box $150

XBox Games:

System Name Condition Price
Xbox Call of Duty 2: Big Red One Loose $5
Xbox 360 Mass Effect 3 CIB $5
Xbox 360 Call of Duty MW3 CIB $5
Xbox 360 Battlefield 3 Premium Edition CIB $5
Xbox 360 Battlefield 4 CIB $5
Xbox 360 Forza 4 Game of the Year Edition CIB $10
Xbox 360 Mass Effect 3 CIB $5
Xbox 360 Halo 4 CIB $5
Xbox 360 Test Drive Unlimited 2 Loose $10
Xbox 360 Marvel Ultimate Alliance Loose $5
Xbox 360 Lost Planet Extreme Condition Loose $5
Xbox 360 Heroes Over Europe Loose $5
Xbox 360 Crysis 2 Loose $5
Xbox 360 Grand Theft Auto IV Loose $5
Xbox 360 Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Loose $10
Xbox 360 Bio Shock Infinite Loose $5
Xbox 360 Hitman HD Trilogy Loose $15
Xbox 360 Hitman Absolution Loose $5
Xbox 360 XCom Enemy Unknown Loose $5
Xbox 360 Gears of War 2 CIB $5
Xbox One Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition CIB $5
Xbox One Forza 5 Metal Box, just no sleeve $10
submitted by GregLXStang to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:03 Soft_Replacement_517 Dat breakdown: 24 AA 24 TS 20 PAT

Dat breakdown: 24 AA 24 TS 20 PAT
Hey y’all, took my DAT today and I wanted to post a breakdown. I saw a ton of recent booster breakdowns and fewer bootcamp ones which had me stressing bc I started worrying that bootcamp wasn’t preparing me as well but luckily I actually did better than expected. So I just wanted to say if you’re a fellow BC only user, don’t worry you’ll still be well prepared. Please don’t start doomscrolling like I did
Resources used: just bootcamp lol. Originally bought 3 months then extended it to 5 months. When deciding between booster and bootcamp, I read that bootcamp is better for chem and booster is better for bio so I went with bootcamp bc I was more confident in bio than chem. I tried using the bc anki decks but I didn’t feel like they helped so I just stopped.
Timeline: started studying during January and was originally going to take the exam May 31 but I pushed it back a couple days bc I was behind schedule. I started out following the 2.5 months BC study schedule but this was way too difficult for me to manage so I extended my membership to 5 months and followed the 5 months schedule as well. I was consistently behind the BC schedule so I ended up only half following it. I mostly used it as a marker for where I should roughly be ex. About a month before I should start taking practice tests. I focused on finishing bio and gen chem first bc they felt the most content heavy and I felt like the rest I could speed run. About 1.5 months from my DAT I was done with content review and just doing practice tests. Looking back, I wish I spent more time on QR especially since math is my weak point. I kinda just gave up and figured I could make up for a low QR score with a high RC score which did happen but I might’ve been able to do better if I’d just practiced more (might bc I’m REALLY REALLY bad at doing timed math)
Biology (23 DAT/ 20 BC estimate): Would definitely agree with everyone else saying breadth>depth. This was the one area I felt bootcamp didn’t prepare me as well for. I think BC was good for learning content but on the actual DAT, the wording for the questions was different than on BC practice tests. I felt like the wording was more confusing and less direct and it threw me off a bit. If you know your content you’ll still do fine, but to anyone else using only bootcamp just a heads up be prepared for some weird question wording. In terms of studying for bio, after watching all the videos for a chapter I would do some bio bites questions then complete the entire question bank. Once I finished learning everything, I went back and restudied anything I felt less confident on. I rewatched some videos, reread the notes and then completed all the bio bite questions. I found the high yield bio notes really useful for studying. Overall I didn’t do anything special, just reviewed everything over and over again. What I would do differently though is actually taking notes while watching the videos. I didn’t take any bc bootcamp provided notes but I felt like sometimes I would just watch videos and the info would fly out my brain as it entered.
Gen chem (22 DAT/20 BC): Again I started out by watching all the videos and then completing the question bank. After finishing all the videos, I got rlly panicky bc I felt like I’d forgotten everything and reread all the chapter notes and redid all the question banks. I would NOT recommend doing this. The BC gen chem question banks are a lot harder than the actual test questions. If I were to go back in time, I would just start doing practice tests. I would say there’s a pattern to questions they tend to ask (a lot of gas law, periodic trend, redox) so redoing all the question banks was very unnecessary lol. I struggled a lot with chemistry even in hs so one thing I liked about bootcamp is they explain every detail in their videos. For someone who struggled a bit with the basics, this was really nice. Also the gen chem section on the dat felt easier than on BC. Most of my calculation questions I didn’t have to actually calculate it, they had the answers in a (0.4 mol / 2L) type format which helped since I’m bad at math
Orgo (30 DAT/ 19 BC): I was REALLY shocked when I saw my score for this. I struggled soo much when I took orgo and I scored 4 straight 18s during my last month studying for the dat. I was actually expecting this to be my lowest science score but it ended up being my highest. I think this section is similar to gen chem where they tend to ask certain types of questions. After getting a general sense of what questions I kept seeing on my practice tests, I reread notes related to those sections and kept doing practice problems. The one thing I didn’t like about BC with regards to orgo is there were less questions available to practice with. However the questions on the actual dat felt easier than the ones on BC. Overall my recommendations for this section is just to practice as much as possible. Once you start seeing a trend it gets easier to answer questions.
PAT (20 DAT/ 20 BC): My biggest regret with PAT was not doing timed practices sooner. I took my first PAT practice test about 1.5 months before my DAT and I couldn’t even finish answering all the questions. What I ended up doing was I would set a timer for 10 minutes then try to answer 15 questions from a section. I kept doing this until I felt comfortable with the time limit. I’m actually a little disappointed in my score (still rlly happy overall tho lol) because I felt the actual DAT questions were easier than the BC ones and was hoping I’d score a little higher. Something that helped bring my score up was practicing hole punching and cube counting so I could get all the questions on those two sections right. I feel like those two sections are the easiest to improve on and doing well on those sections helped cover up the fact that I always did terrible on angle ranking
QR (19 DAT/18 BC): yeah I wouldn’t take any advice from myself on this section lol. I felt like the questions were a bit easier on the dat (no long complicated word problems) but I’m bad at math so it was still hard for me. I saw a lot of ppl saw geometry isn’t on the DAT anymore but I did have one very simple geometry question. Another thing is I had a handheld calculator on my test which was nice.
RC (27 DAT/25 BC): I’m a fast reader and my strategy was completely dependent on this. I would read all the questions for the passage, read the passage and highlight keywords I remembered from the questions, read and answer the questions and go back to the passage to double check my answer. I’m a fast enough reader that I could do this with 10 minutes to spare at the end to double check everything. When practicing, i tried out different methods but in the end I felt that reading the entire passage was what worked best for me. I also didn’t finish all the practice tests for RC bc i felt like it wasn’t necessary. I know bc says to finish all of them, but personally I don’t think not doing this hurt me. On the actual test, the lag on my computer was SO bad I skipped the first part of my strategy and just read the passage and highlighted both the key point of the paragraph (ex. In a paragraph talking about types of fruit I would highlight “fruit” so I’d know any question about fruit, the info was likely to be in this paragraph) and any details I thought would be important ex. Key dates or statistics. I felt that RC on the DAT was harder than on BC. I had 3 scientific passages filled with a lot of jargon. Additionally the lag made this section hard to manage. If you’re using BC, personally I felt that the RC question banks were more representative of the difficulty level than the practice tests.
Final thoughts: My overall advice would be to take practice tests earlier rather than later. I kept delaying taking them bc I felt unprepared but once I started taking them, I had a better sense of what I needed to study. Also, I struggled a lot with timing when I first started taking practice tests. If I could go back, I would be more conscious of time while doing practice problems. On the actual DAT though, I finished earlier than usual (10 minutes to go over all TS questions) bc I was super focused. Ngl sometimes taking a practice test I would start thinking what I wanted to eat for lunch… Another thing is I really liked the tagging feature on BC. During the last month of studying I would go to the tagged question section and do timed practice for each section using questions I marked as learning.
Some random notes: I wanted to talk a bit about the actual logistic of taking the test since I couldn’t find much info about it. The testing center I went to was doing multiple different tests at the same time. While taking my DAT, I was seated beside ppl taking different tests. This was not something I was expecting. Another thing I didn’t expect was that after my break, I had to be checked in again (pass through security, sign in). I also had to sign out to take my break. This ended up detracting from my break time and I took a shorter break than usual bc I was worried I wouldn’t get back in in time. I was also allowed to use my phone during the break which I didn’t expect. Another thing is my post test survey was not optional. I tried to skip it and the computer wouldn’t let me. It was like 9 questions and took 2 minutes so it wasn’t the biggest deal but atp point I really wanted to know my score. Finally, the lag on my computer was SO SO bad. During the first section it was managable but during the section I was averaging 5 second lag between each question (as in a 1 missisippi second). This stressed me out so badly, at one point I thought my computer had broke down because I was just staring at a white screen for 7 seconds (yes I counted lol).
To anyone studying for the dat, good luck! You got this. My average AA was 20 and I scored 24 on my actual DAT so if your practice scores are a little low please don’t stress out too much like I did.
submitted by Soft_Replacement_517 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:23 Silver_liver The Ashtapadan Ch.25/43. Delving even deeper. This time in a non-sexual way

chapters 1&2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
The place where Gentry’s fleeing instinct ultimately guided her wasn’t in the middle of the crowd. In fact, though she initially wanted to get rid of the pursuit among the many people walking outside at this hour, the panic made her sight latch onto the nearest escape route that was within the narrow alley: a metal ladder leading up one of the buildings on the side. Her understanding of the hounds’ design said that it was impossible for them to even jump on those hooves let alone climb anything that wasn’t specifically planned to be climbable.
Bless the excellent human knees!
Her calculation was lightning-fast: if the hound was too fast for her to reach the open space in time, the robot could simply crush her bones with a single step, but there was no way it would follow her in the vertical direction.
It seemed to work. One good leap of the short lightweight body, and G was able to grab onto the bottom bar of the ladder to climb up as fast as possible. Without looking down, she kept on climbing up and up, towards the roofs, hoping to lose the pursuer and escape without much trouble. She only hoped the beast wouldn’t use any kind of harpoon to drag her down. That would definitely hurt.
Only after her feet thumped on the solid horizontal surface of the roof did she dare to look down to see that the offending machine wasn’t anywhere to be seen. She double-checked that it wasn’t making its way up with some ropes and hooks, but it really did look like she had lost it.
Was it that easy? A bit of vandalism and a good old run for your life? Or was the machine counting on her gullibility and was ready to strike once she came down?
Better find a way to the ground as far from here as possible then.
The building she was walking atop was nothing special: a five- or seven-story concrete box with some giant vents and metal structures spread around. She had an excellent opportunity to see what those self-building structures looked like up-close. Vertical pipes that peeked out of the unfinished walls were spraying on the new layer of dissolved concrete. If the article she read were to be believed, the daytime sun was going to evaporate the excess liquid throughout the day, hiding these ducts within. In the evening, a team of construction hounds would come here with the new quickly-assembling pipeline to extend those.
This meant that there had to be a way down that those hounds could climb: a way for her to escape!
Careful with her step, Gentry went around the perimeter until she saw it — the door in, human-sized, completely normal.
And, of course, locked.
No other entrances were to be found and after briefly considering another act of vandalism, Gee decided against it in fear of being deported for municipal property damage that couldn’t be explained by self-defense this time.
She had a lot of experience thinking her future excuses through!
Instead, she walked around the edge of the roof again, this time looking down in search of another ladder that could take her back to the ground without alerting the hound, but instead, she noticed something peculiar: what she initially thought was a square building seemed to have a small dent that stretched all the way from the bottom up, forming a little dead-end that cut into the concrete structure from the alley with the vending machines.
What was more peculiar though was the fact that the hounds below seemed to gravitate towards the dead end, disappearing there in neat rows, as if the building itself swallowed them together with the cargo they carried.
They weren’t going after her, were they?
Gentry looked back at the door in panic. A minute passed, but no sirens, blinding lights and orders to freeze seemed to be coming out.
Puzzled, she lay on the edge of the roof to watch the ant-like stream of robots that turned from the alley into the little nook. None went out. The machines queued in an orderly fashion, waiting for their turn to go in. Then, she noticed the big hound she had just encountered. It strode from around the corner, as if it was circling it in search of its prey in vain. Gee noted with satisfaction that its broken camera made its motions lose the cunning agility it had before it dared lay its paws on her.
Not so smug now, huh?
The hound took its place in the queue and after a short delay at the entrance was allowed in.
Had it alerted the police? Do they know her location now? She’d better run away then. Or...?
Gentry used the same ladder to get to the ground, and, unable to resist her feline curiosity, carefully approached the dead end, standing to the side of the neat line of the hounds that seemed to ignore her completely. Some of them were light delivery ones, no bigger than a lap dog, larger ones carried heavy containers on their backs and in the extendable hammock-like fixtures under their bellies that allowed to fit more weight. Every single one stopped for a split-second in front of a gaping gate before an affirmative signal confirmed that it could proceed into the dim insides of the building. Sometimes, the scan took a second or two, but all the hounds got in.
It looked like it was the entrance to the underground transportation system that distributed mail and goods around the city.
Should she...?
Gentry made a step sideways, cutting into the line of the hounds that didn’t seem to mind much. But when her turn to be scanned came, the approving sound didn’t come as fast. Then, a low-pitched negative beep announced that she wasn’t allowed in.
Well, no surprise there.
G ran the experiment a couple more times to make sure the system wouldn’t glitch and let her in or somehow otherwise change its mind. She briefly considered just running inside and hoping the gate wouldn’t chop her in half in an attempt to stop the intruder, but then decided it wasn’t worth it.
Did she really need to know where the hounds were going? If her hooved attacker had snitched on her, the authorities could arrive any minute… Besides, Ashtapada was a city run by AI and machines, if it didn’t want to let her in, it probably wasn’t a good...
Then, something changed in the routine at the gate. The hounds, as if at the click of a switch, stopped approaching the gate and stepped to the side, clearing the way. A sound of giant vents came from within, bringing an overwhelming stream of warm air, indistinct machinery noises and... a smell of something intoxicatingly sweet.
The sweetness in the air momentarily dizzied Gentry’s sugar-deprived brain, and she nearly forgot to step aside too, narrowly avoiding the first hounds that appeared from the mouth of the tunnel, bringing their own boxes and containers, like industrious little bees arriving at the hive with their fresh booty.
Could they be transporting something sugary in the middle of the night? The pink-haired assistant made it clear that any “stimulants” were banned in Ashtapada, but perhaps the elites could enjoy a little smuggled sugar as long as the rest of the citizens didn’t know they were doing so.
If this was the case, she had to find out how to get some. The hounds that carried the cargo out of the gate looked too secure though so it was not a good idea to rob the outgoing caravan waving a Jolly Roger flag, but if she could sneak in...
The mysterious gate was probably the best place to hide, as well. Since no human was allowed in, the potential police squad would never think to look for her there. She’d investigate where the sweet smell was coming from and then, in a matter of hours, she’d reappear on the opposite end of Ashtapada. She could claim she wasn’t here at the time of the incident. The little nook didn’t seem to have any cameras, so to complete the alibi…
Gentry took her wristcomm off and quickly hid it under a broken vending machine nearby. Suppose she’d lost it earlier that day…
It was just a matter of fooling that scanner now.
The machines that patiently waited for their turn to come in weren’t all filled to the brim. G approached one of the bigger ones that didn’t have any cargo loaded under its belly and carefully tapped it on the muzzle. It shook its head like a nervous horse but otherwise didn’t protest, which was encouraging. She pulled at the fasteners below like she saw some people do and the extendable mechanism easily unfolded into a cot-like shelf that was supposed to fit in some extra load. With one last apprehensive look around, G climbed onto it, fully expecting to be shaken off by the beast, but the hound showed no signs of discomfort. As far as it was concerned, it just needed to carry a little extra.
It took some waiting before the stream of the hounds coming out ended, together with the sound of huge fans and the dizzying fragrance of sweetness, and Gentry’s hound started moving again. Like all the other machines, it patiently waited for its turn and after a while, stopped at the gate to be scanned. G stopped breathing.
Could it really work?
Was it affirmative?
The hound started moving.
It was! It was! She did it!
Still not daring to breathe, G lay down even quieter in case there were more scanners in the depths within, but the hound just happily strode along, the cot swaying gently, as if there wasn’t live contraband strapped to it. The dim lights of the city night went out completely, and G couldn’t help but feel that she was being carried into the depths of hell, lured by a sweet smell of temptation, with no way out. But perhaps, if she found the source, looking for the black market wouldn’t be necessary: she could borrow some sweet stuff from where it was kept and restock her stash from time to time with no one needing to know. Like this, her life in Ashtapada would be set, the only missing piece of her sugar addiction falling into place and completing the puzzle of a perfect place to settle: advanced free society, beautiful men, and desserts.
There were more beeping gates and scanners of sorts, but none of them picked up on the intruder, however much Gentry sweated and squeezed herself into a ball. It felt like several hours, but could have easily been mere thirty minutes of travelling through dimly-lit subway-like tunnels. Then, she felt before she saw it: a change in the way the sound travelled in the surrounding air. While they were carelessly clip-plopping through narrow tunnels, the sound of the metal hooves of dozens of hounds on bare concrete filled Gee’s ears with a lulling monotonous cacophony. However, now the sound stopped bouncing off of the walls and started echoing. She realised they were coming to some kind of clearing, or at least a bigger hall which was in turn exuding its own set of mechanical noises.
Judging by the echo, they were still underground and, by the feel of it, had only burrowed deeper. Gentry peeked out and checked for any witnesses.
No glory in being captured after pulling something like that!
Then, when the hound was passing a pile of containers stored in a relative disarray, she rolled out of the cot and swiftly hid behind them, hoping no one saw that manoeuvre, and strained her senses.
No human voices, no obvious cameras.
G finally looked out and her breath was immediately taken away by the sheer vastness of the space. Her whole communal block could probably fit under the giant concrete dome that housed what looked like one of the inner organs of the city, full of conveyor belts, hounds, pipes and who knew what else, all entangled in an ordered network, working in perfect sync, like a grandiose mechanical ballet.
From behind her hideaway, G could see the interlude that she unwittingly had taken part in. The stream of loaded hounds of all shapes and sizes came in endlessly, dropping their boxes and containers onto the moving belts that branched out, carrying the cargo somewhere she could not yet see. The belts separated into narrower ones, merged with others and spread through the whole enormous space, from the floor to immensity above, no ceiling in sight.
Gentry couldn’t see where the light came from. It was brighter than in the tunnels she had travelled through, but no light fixtures were visible on the walls. The only sense one could rely on was hearing: the sound of whizzing and clicking from up there that hinted at more transport belts.
The belts at the floor also distributed new boxes to the hounds that dutifully started their journey anew, no doubt ready to emerge from the building at the end of these intestines, and deliver the cargo to the impatient citizens up above.
It was still too hard to see the rest. Because of how massive the space was, Gentry could only see a small part of it, so she carefully relocated in her hideout to see better. What she finally saw after daring to quite literally stick her neck out blew her away. The place seemed to be a central node of sorts, with the city’s most important systems intertwining in a hypnotic pattern. No, nothing like that could have been designed by humans. That, right there, was the genius of the AI at work. A force as powerful as millions of years of evolution that came up with the human brain must have designed this place and perhaps many others like it.
The transport belts Gentry spotted earlier disappeared into and emerged from one of the four giant tunnels. It was clearly the mail and delivery system.
The hounds like the one that brought G in picked up their new cargo after dropping the previous load and got back to work, but some went into another tunnel. After paying a bit more attention, Gentry noticed that all of them were damaged somehow: some limped, some sparked, some had to be dragged by their hivemates to what appeared to be a repair facility.
Two more openings in the bare walls seemed more mysterious: one belched steel pipes so huge that a highway could easily fit into some of them, most disappearing in the fourth tunnel that no hounds and belts came near. Some pipes, like conveyors, branched out into smaller ones and went into the rest of the other two, or even grew into the walls like roots of a gigantic tree.
These definitely didn’t look like the neat and straight pipes that brought concrete to the unfinished buildings above!
Was it the bio-fuel that the corn factories produced to power the city?
No matter.
There was no security in sight. Was it safe to come out?
Getry took a step outside the pile, then another, but when nothing reacted, no sirens went off and no warnings were barked, she decided she was probably good.
Ashtapada is a city of personal freedoms, right? There was no “NO ENTRY” sign, so technically, she didn’t break any rules by coming here.
After a while, Gentry got even more bold, casually walking around the hounds that paid her no mind. It was time to return to the issue of the sweet fragrance that lured her here in the first place. Despite the overwhelming smell that hung in the air, she soon identified that it was most potent near the fourth tunnel that swallowed most of the pipes.
To her dismay, there was no way she could explore further, though. It was blocked by two huge fans that were installed on both sides of the pipes like two humming sentinels. They tirelessly pumped out the saccharine air from within and into G’s long-suffering nostrils. Both were as big as a grown human and would easily fit Gentry if only she dared to slip between the spinning blades.
What was being made there, behind the fans? And why did it require so much fuel being pumped in?
Gentry waited for a while, hoping that the fans would stop their ceaseless rotation and give her a chance to sneak inside but after a while her patience ran dry. Alas, they just mocked her with a promise of unlimited heavenly treats but kept the ecstasy just out of reach.
Growing bored and frustrated, she decided to track the pipes back to where they emerged from tunnel number three in search of another secret entrance, but to no avail: there was no way she could even crawl in between the giant metal tubes let alone somehow make her way into where they appeared from. She did notice something curious however: a small fleet of deft little spider-like hounds climbed the pipes here and there, looking like they were inspecting the metal surfaces and seams, scratching and knocking on the exterior and tightening the bolts from time to time. Some of them seemed to patch up the pipes by welding the leaks if the small cascades of sparks that spilled from above were anything to go by.
Wasn’t ethanol supposed to be highly flammable?
Although Gentry was utterly overcome with the immensity of the place, she remembered to take it all in hopes that Sereen would answer the hundred of questions swarming in her head.
Who built this place? Why did it smell like this? What was behind the fans?
Looking for a better angle to look at the evasive robotic bug crawling up the pipe, G stepped into something sticky. A leak. A fresh stream of the substance that had just been fixed by a robot that narrowly escaped her attention dropped thick strands on the floor, the puddle already starting to harden.
It didn’t look like any fuel she’d ever seen before.
Was it... a syrup?
Against her better judgment, without knowing if it was safe, Gee scooped a little viscous fluid with her index finger and gave it a cautious sniff.
It smelled sweet. It smelled like... corn syrup, there was no doubt about that.
Should she...?
Tentatively, Gentry licked the thick drop and her senses screamed in delight.
It was sweet!
Narrowly resisting the temptation to fall on her knees and lick the rest of the syrup from the floor, G sucked the rest of the sweetness off her finger. Through the haze of excitement, questions started popping up in her head.
Upon her arrival, she was shown the great expanses of corn fields just outside Ashtapada and told that it was the backbone of the city’s energy independence. The corn was made into bio fuel, ethanol, that powered the whole city and kept it fumes-free, effectively making this place the most eco-friendly city on the planet, every motor running on electricity, every light bulb being effectively zero CO2. The corn provided so much energy that there was no need to rely on burning coal and gas.
But why were the colossal pipes leaking something sweet?
G couldn’t stop thinking about it on the way back, safely tucked under the belly of another docile hound. She came out of the dark womb of the underground undisturbed, the scanner ignoring the intruder again, and breathed in the early morning air of the surface.
She needed to go back and see what was behind that giant fan.
submitted by Silver_liver to RoleReversal [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:15 No-Cantaloupe-8261 Arena Breakout: Infinite Stutter

Good afternoon,
I've been dealing with this weird stutter issue for the last week and a half or so...
I've been browsing all over the internet to see what might be causing this and I figured just posting a video might be the best option so everyone can see what this issue looks and feels like.
Here's the link to the video:
  1. MSI MEG z690 ACE
  2. Intel i7-14700k
  3. DDR5 TridentZ5 7200Mhz XMP 3.0
  4. EVGA Geforce RTX 3080 FTW3
  5. Samsung 970 EVO M.2 1TB
  6. Samsung 870 EVO SSD 1TB
  7. BENQ 240Hz Monitor
(UPDATED) Here's what I've tried so far:
  1. Updated BIOS to newest version.
  2. DDU in safe boot and cleared all Nvidia driver + Reinstalled without an internet connection + no Nvidia Experience software.
  3. Cleared all DXCache here: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache.
  4. Turned polling rate of mouse down from 1000 to 500.
  5. Updated Windows 11 to most current version: 23H2.
  6. Updated all drivers to latest version.
  7. Enabled GPU Scheduling for the UAGame.exe and enabled High-Performance.
  8. Enabled Shader Cache unlimited.
  9. Not using any overlays and Nvidia GeForce Experience isn't installed.
  10. Windows 11 Game mode is ON.
  11. Tried 240FPS and 144FPS no difference here.
  12. Tried FSR2.0 and DLSS no difference here.
  13. Uninstalled Game and Reinstalled
  14. Checked Integrity of the Game files.
  15. Tried running with No-E cores no difference.
  16. Tried running with No C-States no difference.
  17. Tried running with no XMP 3.0 enabled. no difference.
  18. Tried running with no Intel Turbo Boost no difference.
I'm not experiencing these issues in the following games: Escape From Tarkov, RUST, and Chivalry 2.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been doing A/B tests for the last week and can't seem to find the culprit. The only thing I'm seeing is when stutter happens the CPU utilization drops for a split second then ramps back up. No overheating CPU is staying at a nice 68-75C during all of my testing and isn't over utilized at all.
Happy Gaming!
submitted by No-Cantaloupe-8261 to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:52 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Four: The Road Back (MGT)

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
After suffering a devastating defeat at the hands of AJ Styles, John Cena finds himself at a crossroads in his career. With the NWA World Heavyweight Championship slipping through his fingers, Cena knows that he must embark on a journey of redemption if he hopes to reclaim his status as the top star in TNA Wrestling. Following his loss, Cena makes the difficult decision to take a hiatus from wrestling. Needing time to heal both physically and mentally, Cena retreats from the spotlight, immersing himself in a period of introspection and self-discovery. As the summer months pass by, Cena focuses on regaining his strength and rekindling the fire that once burned within him.
During his time away, Cena dedicates himself to healing his body, spirit, and mind. Through a combination of rest, rehabilitation, and introspection, Cena begins to find clarity and perspective, rediscovering the passion and determination that made him a champion in the first place. With each passing day, Cena feels himself growing stronger, both inside and out. As the summer draws to a close, Cena emerges from his hiatus with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Vowing to reclaim the throne he lost control of, Cena sets his sights on a path of redemption, knowing that he'll have to start from the ground up to earn it. With his eyes firmly set on the future, Cena knows that his journey is far from over, but he's ready to do whatever it takes to make his dreams a reality.
After months of soul-searching and rejuvenation, John Cena makes his long-awaited return to TNA Wrestling in September. Stepping back into the spotlight with a renewed sense of purpose, Cena is determined to prove that he is still a force to be reckoned with and that he is ready to reclaim his rightful place among the top stars in the company. As Cena's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring, the crowd erupts in thunderous applause, welcoming back their hero with open arms. But his return is not without drama, as he quickly finds himself coming to the aid of his friend Ron Killings, who is being mercilessly beaten down by the nefarious Team Canada. Without hesitation, Cena rushes to the ring, leaping into action to fend off the attackers and save Killings from further harm.
As Cena clears the ring of Team Canada and helps Killings to his feet, the crowd erupts in cheers, grateful for Cena's timely intervention. With his friend safe and sound, Cena embraces Killings, the two happy to see each other once again. With his trademark swagger and confidence, Cena stands tall in the center of the ring, ready to make his presence felt once again.
As tensions between John Cena, Ron Killings, and Team Canada escalate, the stage is set for an epic showdown between the two rival teams. What begins as a goofy rivalry quickly turns into a heated feud, with pranks, rap battles, and sabotage tactics becoming the norm as both teams vie for dominance and bragging rights. Cena and Killings engage in a series of hilarious pranks and intense rap battles with Team Canada, each side trying to outdo the other in their quest for superiority. From filling their opponents' lockers with shaving cream to dropping fiery disses in the middle of the ring, the rivalry between the two teams reaches new heights with each passing week.
But as the rivalry intensifies, so too do the stakes, with both teams costing each other crucial #1 Contender matches for the NWA World Tag Team Championships. With tensions reaching a boiling point, it becomes clear that the only way to settle the score is in the ring, where actions speak louder than words. Finally, after weeks of back-and-forth skirmishes, Cena and Killings agree to settle their differences with Team Canada in a tag team match. The stage is set for an epic showdown, with both teams putting everything on the line in pursuit of victory and bragging rights. As the bell rings, all hell breaks loose in the ring as Cena and Killings go to war with Team Canada. Bodies fly and fists clash as both teams unleash their full arsenal of moves and tactics in a bid to emerge victorious. The crowd is on their feet, electrified by the intensity of the battle unfolding before them.
In the end, it's Cena and Killings who emerge victorious, their teamwork and determination proving to be too much for Team Canada to handle. With their heads held high, Cena and Killings celebrate their hard-fought victory, knowing that they have finally put an end to their bitter feud and emerged triumphant. As Cena and Killings shake hands in the center of the ring, a newfound respect is forged between the two teams, signaling the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. With their rivalry behind them, Cena and Killings look towards the future, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way as they continue to rise to the top of TNA Wrestling.
With his feud against Team Canada behind him, John Cena sets his sights on reasserting himself as a singles star in TNA Wrestling. As he surveys the landscape of the company, one man catches his eye: the enigmatic Jeff Hardy. Having recently joined TNA, Hardy has quickly made a name for himself as a high-flying daredevil with a penchant for thrilling the fans. Interrupting one of Hardy's promos, Cena makes his intentions clear: he wants to face Hardy in the ring. Recognizing the potential of a match between two of the most dynamic performers in TNA, Cena challenges Hardy to a showdown at TNA's December PPV, Turning Point. Hardy, never one to back down from a challenge, accepts without hesitation, eager to test his skills against the former world champion.
Despite the competitive nature of their upcoming match, Cena and Hardy share a mutual respect for each other's abilities. Both men understand that in order to succeed in TNA, they must be willing to face the best competition the company has to offer, and they see each other as worthy adversaries. As the date of their match at Turning Point draws near, anticipation reaches a fever pitch among the TNA faithful. The arena is buzzing with excitement as Cena and Hardy prepare to do battle in what promises to be an epic clash of styles and personalities.
Turning Point (Sponsored by Brazzers)
Jeff Hardy vs John Cena
When the bell rings, Cena and Hardy leave it all in the ring, delivering a match that exceeds even the loftiest expectations. From breathtaking high-flying maneuvers to hard-hitting power moves, the two competitors pull out all the stops in their quest for victory. In a shocking turn of events, it's Hardy who emerges victorious, stunning Cena and the entire wrestling world with his incredible performance. Despite Cena's best efforts, Hardy's resilience and innovative offense prove to be too much to overcome, as he secures the victory with a breathtaking Swanton Bomb from the top rope.
Jeff Hardy defeats John Cena (15:28)
After the match, Cena graciously accepts defeat and raises Hardy's hand in a show of respect, acknowledging the younger competitor's incredible talent and fighting spirit. Despite the loss, Cena remains determined to continue pursuing greatness in TNA, knowing that every setback is an opportunity for growth and improvement.
As the calendar turns to 2005, John Cena stands at a critical juncture in his career. Determined to rise from the ashes of defeat and rebuild his empire in TNA Wrestling, he sees the new year as an opportunity for redemption. He racks up wins to start the new year out, defeating the likes of Christopher Daniels and Bobby Roode. Hoping to reenter the World Championship picture, he’s ready for all comers. However, his aspirations are quickly overshadowed by a sense of impending doom, as he becomes increasingly convinced that he is being targeted by an unknown assailant. It all starts when Cena is interrupted during his pre match warm ups, having to answer a call. After opening his phone and throwing out a greeting, all he’s met with is deep, shaky breathing. Immediately freaked out, he asks who it is, only for the breathing to get more raspy, more shaky, before quickly cutting off as Cena now hears the dial tone. Thrown off by the moment, Cena tries his best to forget about it, to no avail.
January and February pass in a haze of uncertainty for Cena. While he racks up victories on TNA Impact, his nights are haunted by a sense of unease that refuses to dissipate. Strange occurrences begin to punctuate his days – mysterious figures lurking in the shadows, unexplained noises echoing through empty corridors, and the feeling of being watched wherever he goes. The lights go out during a post match interview, leaving Cena disturbed and uncomfortable as he shakes his head and walks away prematurely. The world is just as clueless as he is… who is messing with the Doctor of Thuganomics?
Despite his best efforts to uncover the identity of his stalker, Cena finds himself trapped in a web of paranoia and fear. He pores over security footage, interrogates his peers, and even hires private investigators in a desperate bid for answers. But each lead turns out to be a dead end, leaving Cena more frustrated and isolated than ever before. In his search for the truth, Cena's paranoia begins to strain his relationships with those closest to him. His once-solid friendship with Ron Killings begins to unravel, as Cena's suspicions and accusations drive a wedge between them. When Cena finally confronts Killings in a fit of rage, accusing him of betrayal, Killings vehemently denies any involvement, leaving Cena alone with his doubts and fears.
With his back against the wall and no allies to turn to, Cena reaches a breaking point. He begins to question his own sanity, plagued by nightmares and hallucinations that blur the lines between reality and illusion. As his grip on reality slips further and further away, Cena finds himself teetering on the brink of madness, desperate for a lifeline to pull him back from the edge. Whoever is targeting him and messing with him every week might just be succeeding.
But even in his darkest moments, Cena refuses to succumb to despair. With a steely determination born of adversity, he resolves to confront his fears head-on and uncover the truth behind the conspiracy that threatens to consume him. Armed with newfound resolve, Cena embarks on a perilous journey into the heart of darkness, determined to emerge victorious and reclaim his place in the spotlight.
As Cena's search for his stalker intensifies, he finds himself plunged into a nightmare of relentless attacks orchestrated by mysterious assailants. Week after week, he is ambushed by shadowy figures clad in grungy attire, their numbers growing with each passing encounter. They wear ripped and dirty clothes and have glazed eyes with a thousand yard stare. Hollow faces that scream malnourishment. Armed with nothing but his wits and his fighting spirit, Cena battles for his life against the relentless onslaught, determined to uncover the truth behind the orchestrated attacks.
As the attacks escalate, Cena's world spirals into chaos. He finds himself constantly looking over his shoulder, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger. Every shadow becomes a potential threat, every noise a harbinger of impending violence. Despite his best efforts to fight back, Cena soon realizes that he is outnumbered and outmatched, his assailants closing in with each passing day. The Doctor of Thuganomics is being surrounded, and he has no answers, no solutions, no one to turn to for help.
Driven to the brink of desperation, Cena decides to take a stand. Walking out to the ring, he issues a defiant challenge to anyone who dares to come at him, armed with nothing but a chair and his padlock chain. To his surprise, dozens of assailants swarm the ring, surrounding Cena with hostile intent. They wear blank expressions on their face, as if they’ve been brainwashed or mind controlled to commit these dastardly deeds. But Cena refuses to back down, unleashing a ferocious assault on his attackers with a combination of brute force and tactical precision.
As the dust settles and the last of his assailants lie defeated at his feet, Cena stands alone in the ring, bloodied but unbowed. Seizing one of the assailants by the collar, he demands answers, threatening them with his chain. With a chilling revelation, the assailant utters the cryptic words, "Quoth the Raven Nevermore," revealing the identity of their mysterious boss. In a fit of rage, Cena pulls back his fist, and brings it down with no remorse, clocking the assailant with the padlock chain, causing a healthy stream of blood to leak down his face and shirt. Cena storms off, finally making progress in his search for the truth.
With the truth finally laid bare, Cena's mind races with the implications of what he has learned. Realizing that he has been targeted by none other than Raven, a formidable and enigmatic figure in TNA Wrestling, Cena's resolve hardens. With newfound determination, he vows to confront Raven head-on and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all. As Cena prepares for the inevitable showdown with Raven, he knows that the battle ahead will be the toughest of his career. But armed with the truth and fueled by a burning desire for justice, Cena stands ready to face whatever challenges lie in his path. With the fate of TNA Wrestling hanging in the balance, Cena's fight for survival is far from over.
Frustration boils over as John Cena, fueled by months of harassment, assault, and uncertainty, calls out his tormentor, Raven. Standing in the center of the ring, Cena demands answers, his voice echoing throughout the arena. But Raven, ever the master of mind games, remains elusive, taunting Cena from the safety of the shadows. Raven's responses are cryptic, his words laced with mystery and intrigue. He toys with Cena, stoking the flames of his anger and confusion, always staying one step ahead. From the safety of the stage or the confines of a video screen, Raven dances around Cena's questions, reveling in the chaos he has created.
But as tensions reach a fever pitch, Raven finally reveals the truth behind his relentless pursuit of Cena. With chilling clarity, he explains that Cena's success and popularity have long been a thorn in his side, a constant reminder of his own perceived shortcomings. In Cena, Raven sees a reflection of everything he despises about himself – and he is determined to snuff out that light once and for all. With his motives laid bare, Raven issues a challenge to Cena – a Clockwork Orange match at Lockdown, a brutal and unforgiving contest designed to push both competitors to their limits. For Raven, it's not just about defeating Cena in the ring – it's about breaking him, both physically and mentally, and proving once and for all that he is the true master of darkness.
Faced with the ultimate test of his courage and resolve, Cena accepts Raven's challenge without hesitation. Stepping into the twisted world of Raven's creation, he knows that the odds are stacked against him. But with the support of the TNA faithful behind him, Cena is determined to emerge victorious and put an end to Raven's reign of terror once and for all.
As Lockdown draws near, tensions between Cena and Raven continue to escalate, each man preparing for the battle that will define their legacy in TNA Wrestling. For Cena, it's not just about winning the match – it's about reclaiming his dignity, his pride, and his sense of self. And as he steps into the Clockwork Orange match, Cena knows that the fate of TNA Wrestling hangs in the balance.
In the weeks leading up to Lockdown, the intensity of Cena's feud with Raven reaches a fever pitch. The mind games between the two adversaries escalate, with Raven's enigmatic messages leaving Cena increasingly frustrated and on edge. Meanwhile, Cena's determination to unravel the mystery behind Raven's vendetta drives him to the brink of obsession, as he pours over every clue in search of the truth. As tensions boil over, Cena finds himself facing a barrage of attacks from Raven's minions, each assault pushing him closer to the breaking point. But despite the odds stacked against him, Cena refuses to back down, his resolve only strengthening with each new challenge thrown his way.
With the clock ticking down to Lockdown, anticipation reaches a fever pitch as fans eagerly await the clash between Cena and Raven. In a match shrouded in darkness and uncertainty, both men are prepared to lay it all on the line in a battle for supremacy that will leave an indelible mark on the annals of TNA history.
As the steel structure of the Six Sides of Steel looms ominously over the ring, anticipation reaches a fever pitch for the clash between John Cena and Raven in the Clockwork Orange House of Deathmatch. Weapons of destruction hang from the walls, serving as grim reminders of the brutality that is about to unfold.
Clockwork Orange House of DeathMatch: Raven vs John Cena
As the bell rings, Cena and Raven waste no time in unleashing their pent-up aggression on each other. The air is filled with the sound of steel meeting flesh as they exchange bone-crushing blows amidst the chaos of the weapon-laden environment. Chairs, kendo sticks, and even steel chains become instruments of pain as both men fight tooth and nail for supremacy. With each passing moment, the violence escalates to new heights as Cena and Raven push each other to their physical and mental limits. Blood flows freely as they trade devastating maneuvers, the ring becoming a battleground soaked in sweat, blood, and desperation. The audience watches in awe and horror as the two warriors refuse to relent, determined to emerge victorious at any cost.
As the match rages on, Cena finds himself pushed to the brink by Raven's relentless onslaught. But just when it seems like all hope is lost, Cena summons the strength to mount a comeback. With a defiant roar, he hoists Raven onto his shoulders and delivers a thunderous FU through a table adorned with thumbtacks, the impact reverberating throughout the arena. The crowd erupts in a deafening roar as Cena covers Raven for the three-count, the sound of the bell signaling the end of a grueling battle. With sweat dripping from his brow and blood staining his skin, Cena stands tall in the center of the ring, his victory a testament to his resilience and determination. As he raises his hand in triumph, Cena knows that he has emerged from the darkness stronger than ever before, his redemption complete.
John Cena defeats Raven (19:02)
As Cena celebrates his hard-fought victory, the chapter closes on his bitter feud with Raven. Cena limps from the demonic structure, wiping blood from his face as he winces with pain. Despite winning a war of mental and physical attrition, Cena doesn’t feel victorious in any way. He looks out at the Lockdown audience with a blank stare, tired and fatigued as he limps backstage and leaves the building.
As Cena emerges victorious from his brutal encounter with Raven at Lockdown, he finds himself on a path towards redemption and renewal. With the weight of his past struggles lifted from his shoulders, Cena begins the journey back to the light, guided by a newfound sense of clarity and purpose. With TNA management hesitant to rush him back into in-ring competition, Cena embraces the opportunity to focus on his mental and emotional well-being. Taking each day as it comes, he immerses himself in activities that bring him peace and solace, whether it be meditation, reflection, or spending time with loved ones.
One of the most significant steps in Cena's journey towards healing comes in the form of reconnecting with his longtime friend and ally, Ron Killings. The two men share a bond forged through years of triumphs and tribulations, and as they come together once again, Cena finds solace in Killings' unwavering support and friendship. As Cena continues to mend the fractured pieces of his psyche, he begins to show signs of his former self, the charismatic and larger-than-life persona that endeared him to fans around the world. His trademark swagger and confidence slowly return, serving as a beacon of hope for those who have stood by him through thick and thin.
With each passing day, Cena grows stronger, both mentally and emotionally. He knows that the road ahead may be fraught with challenges, but he faces it head-on, armed with a newfound sense of resilience and determination. As he looks towards the future, Cena is filled with a sense of optimism and excitement, ready to reclaim his rightful place among the pantheon of wrestling greats.
Cena's return to in-ring competition is eagerly anticipated by the TNA faithful, the atmosphere crackling with excitement and anticipation. The Doctor of Thuganomics is back, and the fans can't wait to see him in action once again. But as Cena steps through the ropes and into the ring, it quickly becomes apparent that something has changed. From the opening bell, it's clear that Cena is operating on a different level. His movements are sharper, his strikes more brutal, and his demeanor more intense than ever before. Gone is the jovial and charismatic persona of old – in its place stands a man fueled by raw aggression and a thirst for victory at any cost.
With each match, Cena's aggression only intensifies. He unleashes a barrage of punishing maneuvers on his opponents, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake. The TNA faithful watch in awe and, at times, trepidation as Cena tears through his competition with ruthless efficiency. Despite his best efforts to move forward, it's clear that Cena is still haunted by the memories of his harrowing battle with Raven. The horrors of the Clockwork Orange House of DeathMatch linger in his mind, driving him to fight as if his life depends on it every time he steps into the ring. As Cena's aggression continues to escalate, concern begins to mount among both fans and fellow wrestlers alike. While his ferocity may yield results in the short term, many worry about the toll it will take on Cena's physical and mental well-being in the long run. Is he willing to sacrifice everything – including his own health and sanity – in pursuit of victory?
Cena's response to the concerns about his mental health and well-being is as defiant as ever. With a smirk on his face, he brushes off the rumors, dismissing any notion of vulnerability with a confident swagger. To Cena, the world of professional wrestling is a cutthroat industry where only the strongest survive – and he's determined to prove that he's the baddest man in TNA. Rather than shy away from his reputation as a fierce competitor, Cena leans into it with gusto. He proudly boasts about his past accomplishments, from winning the X Division Championship to holding the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, and makes it clear that he's not about to let anyone take his place at the top of the food chain.
For those who question his methods or his sanity, Cena has a simple message: come and see him in person. He's not one to back down from a challenge, and he's more than willing to prove his dominance in the ring against anyone who dares to test him. With each defiant declaration, Cena reaffirms his commitment to his own brand of ruthless aggression. He's not here to make friends or play by the rules – he's here to kick ass and take names, plain and simple. And if anyone has a problem with that, they better be prepared to face the consequences.
As Cena's bravado echoes through the halls of TNA, it's clear that he's not about to let anyone stand in his way. With his sights set firmly on domination, he's prepared to do whatever it takes to maintain his status as the baddest man in professional wrestling – and woe betide anyone who dares to challenge him.
As May and June roll by, Cena becomes an unstoppable force within the TNA roster. His aggression and physicality reach new heights with each match, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. Embracing his newfound brutality, Cena revels in the fear he instills in his opponents, viewing it as a sign of his own power and dominance. Determined to make up for his past losses and reclaim his status as the top dog in TNA, Cena sets his sights on Jeff Hardy once again. Seeing Hardy as a worthy opponent and a chance for redemption, Cena wastes no time in challenging him to a rematch at Slammiversary, one of TNA's biggest events of the year.
As the anticipation builds for their highly anticipated rematch, Cena and Hardy prepare to square off once again in the ring. The atmosphere is electric as they step into the arena, both men fueled by a burning desire to emerge victorious.
Jeff Hardy vs John Cena II
From the opening bell, it's clear that Cena is on a mission. He unleashes a relentless barrage of strikes and maneuvers, overwhelming Hardy with his sheer intensity and aggression. Hardy fights back with everything he has, but Cena's ferocity proves to be too much to handle. In the end, Cena's onslaught proves to be too much for Hardy to withstand. With a thunderous FU, Cena puts Hardy down for the count, securing a decisive victory and solidifying his place at the top of the TNA ranks once again.
John Cena defeats Jeff Hardy (16:39)
As Cena's hand is raised in victory, it sends a clear message to the rest of the TNA roster: he is back, and he is more dangerous than ever before. With his sights set on even greater heights, Cena stands tall in the center of the ring, ready to take on all challengers and prove that he is truly the undisputed king of TNA.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:43 kayenano The Villainess Is An SS+ Rank Adventurer: Chapter 248

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Juliette Contzen is a lazy, good-for-nothing princess. Overshadowed by her siblings, she's left with little to do but nap, read … and occasionally cut the falling raindrops with her sword. Spotted one day by an astonished adventurer, he insists on grading Juliette's swordsmanship, then promptly has a mental breakdown at the result.
Soon after, Juliette is given the news that her kingdom is on the brink of bankruptcy. At threat of being married off, the lazy princess vows to do whatever it takes to maintain her current lifestyle, and taking matters into her own hands, escapes in the middle of the night in order to restore her kingdom's finances.
Tags: Comedy, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Copious Ohohohohos.
Chapter 248: A Lesson In The Making
I woke up to the sight of a pillow in my face.
But this wasn’t an assassination attempt so half-hearted that dumping a fruit slime on my head would be more effective.
No, this was a carefully optimised pose.
Just as I stood as straight as a reed when inspecting the new strawberry shortcakes in the kitchens, so too did I lay with my arms splayed, face against the pillow as I assessed the improvements made upon the Winter Queen’s bed.
My verdict …
“Heheheheh …”
I was satisfied.
Silken sheets as soft as powdery snow. Pillows immersed in the scent of freshly blooming daisies. Spring and winter entwined. A song of honey bees and snow fawns.
A truly exquisite bed by every metric–the delicate laughter of a princess being the highest of them.
But the true reason I was smiling into a pillow fluffier than a meadow wasn’t because this was the finest bed I’d ever sloppily arranged myself on.
No … it was because it was only the second best.
“Heheheh … heheho … ohoho …”
Indeed … my own bed was still superior!
Meticulously improved over years of daily adjustments, I had personally and painstakingly overseen the servants tasked with carrying the various bed frames and mattresses up the steps of my tower until I was satisfied. And then once I was satisfied, I repeated the process until I was more than satisfied.
The result?
A bed that not even the magic of two seasons could hope to reach.
Ohohoho! A pity for the Spring Queen!
Why, she did not understand what luxury truly entailed! Had she merely wished to see dreams beyond the beauty of the twilight horizon, she should have sought to pilfer my own bed, not her sister’s!
For despite its snowy softness, there was one major defect which separated her bed from my own.
I was awake.
This, frankly, was a significant demerit.
Even as I burrowed my face in the pillow, I could sense the veil of night on me like a second duvet. And as fine as a bed of fae magic was, it was little good to me if I somehow woke before the kitchen staff.
Thus–I went back to sleep.
Performing the necessary ritual to imbue slumber, I pressed my face deeper into the pillow. When that failed, I hugged it and rolled to my side. When that failed, I rolled to my other side. And then I rolled again and again, back and forth as I cradled the pillow in my arms.
At last, I felt my eyelids fluttering as my body relaxed … and then failed to sleep.
Now it had gone from a significant demerit to an inexcusable blemish.
Why, there was no scenario where I’d still be conscious after performing my full array of pre-sleep manoeuvres! That was a tried-and-tested routine more effective than any alchemist’s potion or spell!
In fact … I felt wide awake!
“Morning! How’d you sleep?”
Nor was I the only one!
I opened my eyes to the world. The dark, dark, world. No blistering sunlight came through the window of this freshly requisitioned tavern. Only a starless sky doing little to help reveal where Coppelia was stretching on the floor.
“Coppelia … ?” I said, rightfully confused as I blinked away my fatigue. “Do you often perform your stretches in the middle of the night … ?”
“Nope~ I prefer sleeping.”
“I see … are you perhaps suffering from insomnia, then?”
“Not at all. I slept really well! So did you.”
I shook my head, knowing what was to come.
“A mere illusion. As a princess, I always look better than how I feel. Yet the fatigue will doubtless come. I clearly haven’t slept long enough. And neither have you. Why, the time must be …”
“It’s currently 11 o’clock in the morning, generously rounded down by 51 minutes and 14 seconds.”
I rubbed my eyes.
Still dark. And now slightly blurry. I hope that wasn’t a problem.
“Really now, I’m afraid you’ll need to propose a more likely time should you wish to properly alarm me. For one thing, I’m not so slovenly as to rise so close to midday …”
I paused.
“... On consecutive days.”
Coppelia giggled, her energy always apparent no matter how little she slept.
“Nope~ that’s definitely the time!” she said confidently. “I checked my clockwork timekeeping against the clocktower in the town. Theirs is off by a whopping 16 minutes and 54 seconds.”
Now came my confusion.
I hugged my pillow as I blinked purposefully towards the window.
“It’s … It’s really almost midday?”
“Mmh! My clockwork timekeeping is faultless. It’s definitely the same time you claim we never wake up on consecutive days to. And yet I can recount at least–”
“Shhshhshh! That’s not important! … Coppelia, why is it so dark outside?”
“Well, I have good news, bad news and really bad news relating to that. Which do you want first?”
I pursed my lips … all the while squeezing my pillow firmer.
“... What is the good news?”
“The good news is that there’s a bakery downstairs that’s doing a 70% sale on crêpes.”
My pillow fell as I clapped my hands in delight.
Why, that was wonderful!
At such worryingly suspicious prices, I could afford to purchase enough emergency provisions to ensure that both Apple and Coppelia were fed for at least an hour!
“T-Truly? … If so, we have no time to waste! If it’s so late in the day, the crêpes are certain to have almost sold out by now!”
“Ahaha, don’t worry~” Coppelia gave a dismissive wave. “Nobody’s really bothering with buying treats right now. That’s where the bad news kicks in.”
I hesitated.
Frankly, it must truly be awful if time could not be spared for important nutrition. The type famously found warmed and layered amidst whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.
“Very well … what is the bad news? Surely, it’s nothing which cannot be overridden by the sheer volume of bakery provisions we’re about to purchase.”
“Well, you know the sun which usually hangs around your sky?”
I briefly closed my eyes as I parsed Coppelia’s sentence.
“... Yes? What about the sun which always, without fail, hangs around my sky?”
“It’s gone.”
I gave a short nod.
Very well.
That was somewhat bad news.
I would acknowledge that.
“I see … are you certain?”
“Yup. Pretty certain.”
“... Very well, and what is the really bad news, then?”
“The really bad news is that instead of the sun, a super big, super ominous black hole is there instead. It’s sort of pulsing, on fire and giving off this really sinister aura.”
Coppelia stretched her toe to meet her pinky, idly continuing with her stretching routine.
A moment later, I nodded. Naturally, her words were somewhat concerning. But I was a princess. The very picture of calm and serenity.
… Which was why I was no less calm and serene as I tossed aside the pillow and duvet both, before hopping out of my bed and hurrying over to the window in a fit of morning bed hair.
I slammed my palms down against the wooden frame as I leaned out. And then I stopped being the picture of calm and serenity.
“Who … Who stole the sun from my sky … ?!”
My eyes widened to the sight.
To glance up and see the sun hiding behind the clouds wasn’t unusual. All children were taught not to stare at bright things. And there was only so many seconds the sun could look down at me before it was forced to turn its gaze.
What was unusual, however, was that the sun wasn’t even there at all.
There was an endless brush of midnight, sweeping away even the stars.
Instead of the sun shining over my fair realm and burning my irises, there was a ring of darkness silhouetted by magic so visceral even my eyes could see it. Tendrils stretched out from its circular form, dragging in shafts of sunlight which were attempting to fold around it.
That was most excellent.
Why, the sun hadn’t vanished at all! It was merely being absorbed by a giant black hole in front of it! One which pulsed like an egg seeking to hatch while an aura of sickly malice ringed its fiery form!
Indeed … that was much better!
“Coppelia … what are the chances both of us are hallucinating due to overexposure to the countryside?”
“I’d say very low. The rest of the town are already huddling in their basements and wardrobes, convinced the world is about to end.”
“I see … and is it?”
“Nah. An ominous black hole this size isn’t enough to doom the world. Just your tiny kingdom.”
I nodded, my finger tapping against the window frame.
An eclipse.
A shadow.
A hole.
It was all of those things. A blot so unnatural it did not flee from the light.
It consumed it.
And that meant a calamity greater than any plague to sweep across our fields. For this touched more than my kingdom’s wheat.
It was an omen of the end.
A signpost telling every farmer in my realm to rush to the arms of the nearest barbarian selling a fully furnished homestead to the afterlife. For what was treasonous nobility and plotting vagabonds compared to darkness itself hovering over rooftops?
Indeed, it was a sight to cause any princess to drop to her knees in fright, clinging to themselves like a castaway holding onto flotsam.
Which was why, against such a perilous sight … it was all I could do to gently lean through the window, my eyes wide upon the darkened horizon and the doom which hovered over us all.
And then–
I asked it a single question.
“... Is this all you have?”
Slowly, I raised a hand to my lips … and offered a maidenly smile to the blackened sky. A gift of sweetness to all watching from beyond it.
“Oho … ohohoh … ohhohohohohoho!!”
My beautiful laughter filled the solemn air, breaking the hold of lightlessness as horrified gazes from Hartzwiese’s streets turned in their droves to me instead.
“Oooh, are we allowed to laugh?” asked Coppelia excitedly. “I didn’t know that! I thought for sure you’d get annoyed if I laughed … but what are you laughing at? Because I don’t want to laugh if we’re actually laughing at different things.”
“That’s very unlikely, Coppelia. I’m laughing at the only thing there is.”
“... Your kingdom’s inevitable demise?”
“No, Coppelia. I’m laughing at them.”
I pointed everywhere.
The ceiling. The window. The walls.
For my adversaries were countless. And so were my audience who wished to indulge in a sight rarer than a macaron tower still symmetrical after being brought up to my bedroom tower.
Me. Juliette Contzen. 3rd Princess to the Kingdom of Tirea. Winner of the inaugural Princess of the Year competition before I was even born. Shamed. Broken. Defeated.
And were I a lesser princess, they would have their wish.
Others would look to the sky and see the darkness come to swallow their every effort whole.
… But me?
I saw only desperation.
“Someone … Someone out there wishes for me to drop to my knees in despair, Coppelia. Whether it is a tea party of fae queens eating bricks around a rocking horse or the lady of fate herself, I can feel it. This … opportunism as flagrant as shredded carrots in a cupcake!”
I tightly squeezed my fists.
“Make no mistake, that a hole in my sky should appear the moment I seek to return to my orchard is no coincidence. There are as many eyes wishing for me to fail as there are hearts to overflow with jealousy. But I will neither bend nor break. I am Juliette Conzen. And I fear the scuttling in the ceiling more than the whims of my audience!”
I stepped away from the window and twirled on the spot, arms dramatically raised in open invitation towards all four walls, before settling on the blackened horizon.
“... So I ask again–is this all you have? A black hole in my sky? Why not two black holes? Why not three? How dare you insult me with this cakewalk. What are you trying to do? Send me to sleep? Why don’t you fill my sky with a falling meteor gift wrapped from the hells? Or innumerable rifts spitting out horned demons and creatures of chaos?”
“Ooh, ooh! Why not dinosaurs? Just loads of dinosaurs raining from the sky? That’d be awesome!”
“Yes, why not a veritable shower of scaled reptilian behemoths descending from the heavens?”
“And cats! Lots of cats!”
“W-What? No, Coppelia, that’s awful … but everything other than cats, I heartily dare–no, I double dare, triple dare. Because a single black hole sucking up the sun means less to me than a caterpillar on a leaf. So please–throw every calamity at me. Throw them all at the same time. I insist. That would allow me to be more efficient. I’ll erase them all, again and again and again, only to forget them beneath the boughs of my orchard. I shall return to read my books, roll on my grass and fire my servants. And there is nothing any of you celestial tramps, abyssal horrors, hellish fiends or fae gremlins can do to stop me!”
I waited for a response.
Only silence dared answer me … and also the giggling by my loyal handmaiden, whose wish to see dinosaurs raining from the sky would need to wait until the powers that be had the courage to raise their heads and accept my challenge.
“I mean, I don’t know about celestial tramps, abyssal horrors, hellish fiends or fae gremlins, but I think a single black hole of doom is probably the limit of what any mages conspiring with them can do.”
“Excuse me?”
“What mages?”
“The ones in the shiny tower right beneath the black hole.”
I squinted into the distance.
Lacking Coppelia’s eyesight, nothing could be seen amidst the darkened horizon. But I knew every tower which sought to compete with my own. And of all that held enough boredom within its walls to see the sun being replaced by a ring of darkness, there was only one.
The Royal Institute of Mages.
I clicked my tongue at once.
Of course.
Because why not?
The home of magical learning and research in my kingdom. A lavish tower funded generations ago by my own ancestors to keep the best, the worst, and the most ambitious under a watchful eye.
Clearly, someone had fallen asleep. And they would all need awakening.
“... So the most likely culprits reveal themselves,” I said, as unimpressed as I was unsurprised. “Can mages not exist for one moment without causing calamity? … At the very least, if they were going to break the fabric of existence merely to spite me, why not do it in a rival kingdom!”
“Look on the bright side. It could be worse.”
I nodded.
“Yes … for them, it will be.”
Thus, I sucked in a deep breath.
Very well!
A black hole in my sky was a new problem … but no matter!
I can fix this! … Somehow!
Maybe not now, but tomorrow, certainly! I might not have the answers at present, but future me did! And she was the only person more ingenious than I was!
Thus, I turned from the window and headed towards the door.
“Come, Coppelia! We make for the Royal Institute of Mages! It’s plain that mages are not taxed enough to suit their lifestyles! We shall relieve them of their boredom, their crowns and all their magical artifacts they keep hoarded from official appraisal!”
Coppelia hopped to her feet, arm stretched enthusiastically into the air.
“Compensation! Restitution! Fines so personally bankrupting they’ll work all their lives just to watch the interest spiral out of control!”
I smiled in joy, pleased that my loyal handmaiden understood the intricacies of my plan.
“By the way, I just have one question~”
“Yes, what is it? … If it’s about my plan, rest assured, I … well, I will explain it in due course!”
She nodded enthusiastically, doubtless as confident in future me as I was.
“Okie~ but what about the bakery?”
“Excuse me?”
“The crêpes are 70% off. Don’t you want to take advantage of that?”
I was aghast.
“Coppelia, this is no time to be consuming crêpes! There’s a literal black hole threatening my kingdom and the official release schedule of A Court Lady’s Indiscretion, Vol. 5! I am no vampire with a network of industry insiders under my influence! … I actually need to wait. We cannot afford to delay!”
“Oh, okay. I understand. It’s just that this one does new flavours we haven’t seen before.”
“New flavours? … Such as what?”
“Caramelised pistachio. Banana trifle sorbet. Hot chocolate ice cream. Strawberry shortcake surprise.”
My mouth widened.
Not at the thought of indulging in such rare … experimental … and fabulously enticing varieties of crêpe flavours … but at the suggestion we could loiter even a moment to–
“You’re drooling.”
“Ffftp.” I wiped a mysterious raindrop that’d seeped through the ceiling. “Very well. You secure us essential provisions. I shall have Apple say farewell to his legion of admiring farmers.”
I nodded, the path ahead clear, and my loyal handmaiden’s morale secured.
Once our bakery bags were resupplied, we would make for a horizon weighed down by a curtain of darkness. Someone was responsible for casting a shadow over my kingdom. And I cared not how black their magic was.
My soles were even darker.
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submitted by kayenano to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:52 TG101_BrawlStars Asian Kid Unsuccessfully Shotguns for T20

  • Gender: Male
  • Race/Ethnicity: South Asian
  • Residence: Suburban
  • Income Bracket: Upper Middle Class
  • Type of School: Public
  • Hooks (Recruited Athlete, URM, First-Gen, Geographic, Legacy, etc.): None
Intended Major(s): Mathematics
  • GPA (UW/W): 3.96/4.67
  • Rank (or percentile): School doesn't do
  • # of Honors/AP/IB/Dual Enrollment/etc.: 14 AP Classes by end of senior year, 7 Honors
  • Senior Year Course Load: AP Lit, AP Bio, AP Psych, AP Stats, Honors French 4(Calculus 3 first semester at community college as a night class)
Standardized Testing
List the highest scores earned and all scores that were reported.
  • SAT I: 1510 (710 RW, 800 M), submitted everywhere
  • AP/IB: submitted HUG(4), WorldH(4), Chem(4), Lang(4), Calc BC(5). Rest were 3's
List all extracurricular involvements, including leadership roles, time commitments, major achievements, etc.
  1. HOSA-Secretary: qualified for and attended state(in club all four years)
  2. Math Team-State medalist(in club all four years)
  3. Boys Varsity Tennis-3 years
  4. Chess Team-qualified for and attended state(in club all four years)
  5. Hospital Volunteering-1 year
  6. Lifeguard/Swim Instructor-2 years(staff of the week 2x)
  7. Math Tutor-all four years
  8. Cook/Baker-self taught and shared creations on social media
  9. Church Volunteer-freshman year
  10. Varsity Scholastic Bowl-2 years
List all awards and honors submitted on your application.
  1. 5th place math team state in team event(freshman)
  2. 7th place math team regionals in individual event(sophmore)
  3. 5th place math team regionals in individual event(junior)
  4. AP Scholar with Distinction
  5. National Honor Society💀
Letters of Recommendation
Math Teacher: 9/10-very close with and was my math team coach and Calc BC teacher
Physics Teacher: 8/10-close with and was my chess team coach and Physics C teacher
Middle School Advanced Math/English Teacher: 9/10-very close with(used as "additional recommender")
Only interview was Northwestern and could not find any commonalities. Very dry and composed of me asking most of the questions to try and deepen the conversation. (maybe too many): 5/10
Spent at least 3 weeks writing it. Checked and given advice by both AP Lit teacher and Middle School Advanced Class Teacher. Showed growth from overreacting to things in beginning of high school to calmly planning the best course of action when faced with a difficult situation. 8/10
Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD)
  • EA UIUC In State (6k/year scholarship): Committed
  • EA UW-Madison
  • EA UMich-Ann Arbor
  • EA Case Western(45.5k/year scholarship)
  • EA Georgia Tech(deferred->waitlisted)
  • RD CMU
  • RD UChicago(waitlisted->eventually rejected)
  • RD Emory
  • RD Vanderbilt
  • RD Northwestern(dream school)
  • RD Notre Dame
  • RD WashU
  • RD Johns Hopkins
  • RD Cornell
  • RD Yale
Additional Information:
Honestly, I think my EC's are what ruined me. They were all over the place and not heavily showing a spike.
submitted by TG101_BrawlStars to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:15 SauceLegend 523 as a full time student: tips and reflections

523 as a full time student: tips and reflections
Abstract & Introduction
I should be writing secondaries but here we are. I've gained so much from this sub so I thought I'd summarize my study methods here to give back. The consensus is THE way. As the man himself, u/BrainRavens says, "Anki+UW+FLs+analyzed missed". There is no better set of materials or secret sauce about it. This post is more of a timeline specific to what I did with tips.
I studied as a full-time student, over 8 months or so. I worked about 20 hours per week as a scribe during the whole process, with ECs as well. I took all of April off. I had to find ways to fit in Anki time between stuff. The extended time period was definitely necessary for me. Outlined below are materials (+ my thoughts) and a timeline. Take this post as an example that it is possible to do well on this test while being busy. I didn't have a "goal score". I tested April 27th and scored a 523 (131/130/130/132).
Kaplan Textbooks: Good for broad-base content. Covers everything you need. 40% of the content in the books is very low yield. Watch YouTube videos to learn as well. I found this helpful with the lab techniques.
Khan: I used the 300 page P/S doc and watched some physics videos (f*** you optics)
Anki: I primarily used JackSparrow for CP, BB. I used MrPankow's deck for P/S. I made my own decks from missed UW and FL questions. This is the river by which all MCAT knowledge flows. I used this every step along the way. Buy the phone app please. It costs as much as fast food for 2 and is worth it.
BP: I bought their bundle of 4 practice tests. I used these tests to develop stamina. The content is very dense, so take the scores you get with a grain of salt.
UEarth: The most important resource I used. I analyzed every missed question and made Anki cards when applicable. The volume is insane here, and this is what truly made me a better MCATer. I didn't actually do any timed tests, but I did most of it untutored and reviewed after.
AAMC bundle: Most test-like resource. SBs were harder than the real test. Question Packs were slighly easier. The CARS material was the best CARS resource.
Timeline, & Results
August 2023: BPFL1 as a diagnostic: 502 (128/125/123/126). This was before I had taken biochemistry. My first real exposure to anything MCAT related.
September-December 2023: Kaplan Books + Anki. My advice here is to SKIM over anything you know well. For example, I was very good with Acid-base equilibrium, so I literally skimmed through those chapters. Don't waste time on stuff you're already familiar with. I did Anki in a very disorganized manner, but I still got my cards done. BPFL2 as a post-content-review diagnostic: 508 (127/126/128/127)
December-March 2024: UEarth. I did sets of 10-30 questions at a time. Making sure to cover every section at least once a day. I did CARS as well to help with stamina. My final percentage correct was 77% with 97% usage. The important thing here was the upward trend. I started out at about 60% or so. At the end, I was scoring 80-100% on most tests. I didn't set a question amount per day, I just did questions until I was tired/frustrated.
March-April 2024 (8 week timeline): AAMC Content. Percentages were mostly in the 80s.
March-April 2024: BP + AAMC Full Length exams (n=8). 1 weekly, results below.
BP FL3: 510 (128/126/128/128). BP FL4: 510 (126/126/128/130). AAMC Unscored: 515 (129/129/130/127). AAMC FL1: 518 (130/129/129/130). AAMC FL2: 519 (130/130/129/130). AAMC FL3: 520 (131/128/130/131). AAMC FL4: 518 (130/128/131/129). AAMC Scored: 520 (131/128/131/130). Test day, 4/27: 523 (131/130/130/132)
It's important to note that I did Anki for the entire 8 months. Anki is my everything (don't tell my gf).
Discussion (with Section tips)
CP: I have a theory that all of chem branches off of a handful of topics: Kinetics, equilibrium (acid base falls into this), and Le Chatelier's principle. Every single chem, ochem, and biochem topic branches off from this. These concepts should be more familiar to you than your face in the mirror. Know every equation. Most math questions are plug and chug. On FLs and exams, try answering questions before reading the passage. This saved me a lot of time. CP is much less passage-dependent than other sections.
CARS: I claim the least credibility here. CARS was my weakest FL section. The AAMC content was very helpful. URine CARS was also underrated IMO. May not have been the most representative, but it helped me develop an attention span. I saw a 2 point jump from baseline on test day so I got a bit lucky here.
BB: While I was doing content review, I was taking cell bio, physiology, and biochem in the fall semester. This helped tremendously, as studying for the MCAT meant studying for class and vice versa. BB was my lowest diagnostic score, so I saw a huge improvement because of this. UGhanda helped out with that as well. Keep up with your ANKI as there's a LOT of content to memorize.
P/S: AAMC is making P/S a more passage-based section. My P/S section felt like CARS 2.0. The 300 page KA document and MrPankow's Anki deck are still the way to go. Just be sure to spend time practicing with UPangea and the AAMC section bank as well.
Health is important. Eat well, sleep well. That's quite literally half the battle. TAKE DAYS OFF. Go to a party. Being locked in studying doesn't necessitate becoming a monk. Strike a balance for your own mental health.
A thing about content review, don't ever be "done with it". I constantly found myself going back to textbooks and re-hashing concepts. You can forget just as easily as you can learn. Be adaptable. Be honest with yourself. Set the ego aside and target your self-proclaimed weakest points. I sucked at renal physiology and optics, so I spent a LOT of time on those subjects. Study with a targeted approach.
I will answer as many questions as I can. Feel free to DM me as well. Here's to more procrastination.
submitted by SauceLegend to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:24 alexiskurien Part number of power port

I am a complete noob. Please help. My laptop is not charging. It seems the power port is jot working as the adaptor works with other laptop. I tried to find it using service tag but couldn't understand the jargon. Please see below
UK/EN Inspiron 7591 2-in-1 Log in to add alias Inspiron 7591 2-in-1 Service Tag: G0XVFW2
Express Service Code: 34885411634
Support Services: Expired 16 MAR 2021
Manage Services
Change product System Configuration
Original Configuration Detailed below is your device's (Service Tag: G0XVFW2) original configuration and the system specifications it shipped with.
Export Collapse All X101C : Module,Cord,Power,250V,1M,C5,U nited Kingdom Part Number
WRXCJ : MOD,ASSY,BASE,I7-10510U,U,7591 Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
WJ8P2 : BASE,NBK,INSP,BTX,7591 Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
V33K7 : Module,Information,Direct Ship ,Wistron,CHENGDU Part Number
RN0NJ : MOD,SW,DPK,W10H,HE Part Number
PRF01 : Module,Plate,Software Support Diskette,Thermal,7590 Part Number
P7HXK : MOD,LBL,REG,INSP,WW,7591 Part Number
P6XPR : Module,Software,CRRS,Multiple User Interface Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
N4V2Y : Module,Software,Appian,NETFLIX Part Number
Part Number
MX962 : Module,Information,NO MEDIA Part Number
MTYW0 : Module,Software,Office,Multipl e User Interface,Factory Insta ll Part Number
Part Number
MM4KC : MOD,SW,DMC,ROW Part Number
Part Number
M945V : MOD,LCD,15.6FHD,TS,LB,AUO,7590 Part Number
Part Number
JVW5F : MOD,CVR,LCD,SLVR,FHD,7591 Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
JJ8DK : MOD,SW,WIN10,64,ENGLISH,WW Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Service Charge,Operating System,Windows XP OCA-MARKER
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
JJ7YH : MOD,CRD,NTWK,M2,9560AC,WW,CSMB Part Number
Part Number
J79YK : MOD,BTRY,51WHR,3C,LITH,BYD Part Number
GMXR6 : Module,Information,Label,Print On Demand,Dell Energy Offerin g,Energy Star Part Number
Part Number
G4F9T : MOD,SSDR,512G,P34,30S3,BG4 Part Number
Part Number
DT8TF : MOD,BRKT,HDD,W/CBL,7590 Part Number
CWF0W : Module,Software,DELL-UPDATE Part Number
Part Number
C2WVP : Module,Adapter,Alternating Cur rent,65W,Liteon,3P,Pwa Integra ted,WW2 Part Number
Adapter,Alternating Current,65W,Liteon,3P,Pwa Integrated,4.5MM
9KC7Y : MOD,PLCMT,GETS,7591,SLVR,WW Part Number
9JMWH : MOD,KYBD,102,UK,M18NXR-UBSK Part Number
Part Number
9G58W : MOD,LBL,INTEL,CI7,10, SMALL Part Number
97FD6 : MOD,LBL,BLNK,2.25X9.875,XPS13 Part Number
85Y47 : Module,Software,COMMONBUILD,Ac ross Line Of Business Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
7FN80 : MOD,INFO,EMEA Part Number
5J7CF : Module,Software,Microsoft,Tran slator,W10 Part Number
4XMG3 : Module,Software,PULSE Part Number
4267X : MOD,LBL,RTL,PLMRST,FHD,ENG,15 Part Number
40HKW : Module,Software,DROPBOX,Factor y Install Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
22NYC : MOD-SRV,SW,9560,JEDI Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
0WMJV : Module,Software,Appian,MY DELL Part Number
0P1H1 : MOD,SW,QFE,WIN10 Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
03N80 : MOD-SRV,SW,INSP,WIN,7591 Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Service Charge,Software, Windows 98,Fully Integrated System Test
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
031K7 : MOD,DIMM,16GB,2X8G,2667,N-ECC Part Number
Can someone please identify the power port part number from the above?
submitted by alexiskurien to Dell [link] [comments]