Medical terminology game ideas

woofe woofe whats for lumch haha

2015.12.07 05:02 woofe woofe whats for lumch haha

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2024.06.02 19:59 ItzJooshy Pc build problem

Pc build problem
So my friend is building a pc, his motherboard is a msi B650 gaming with Wi-Fi. He bought a 4070ti for it but when hooking it up, I’m left with this screen no matter what I do, all connections are right as I’ve triple checked. I put his old gpu in from his old computer to test and it worked fine. It’s a 5700xt I think. Any idea what I should do? Everything online said the b650 was compatible with the 4070ti. For now I just set the computer up using his old gpu until I figure out a solution, he’s kinda bummed about it understandably so spending 800 on a paperweight for now.
Also I’ve already exchanged it for a new one thinking it was defective, still left with the same issue.
Here is a link to his build:
submitted by ItzJooshy to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:59 TheTrucker101 40 plus.

I’ve lived in Cincinnati my entire life besides living in Columbus for college. However I grew up in the suburbs and never really got into the city that much. Still to this day I mainly do everything within the west Chester area…unless I’m going to a bengals or reds game.
My question that I want to pose to the group is where do us elderly 40 year olds hang out at? I’m pretty much a loner and never really get out due to kids and such. But lately I’ve wanted to get on a patio and enjoy the company of some people relatively close to my age. I’m a guy. Who is a severe introvert but I do enjoy socializing sometime…just have no idea where to start…any suggestions would be very much appreciated!
submitted by TheTrucker101 to cincinnati [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:57 GOnli Can't launch the game

Hi guys, I can't play at all because when I launch the game I've got an error "can't log in to your WB games account". I tried reinstalling the game, launching it in admin etc... Nothing works.
Any ideas ?
submitted by GOnli to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:56 Brunnittu Random Characters and Random Competitions

Random Characters and Random Competitions
I had this random idea and now I'm quite invested. Will probably get more parts. So, i made a wheel with all 48 characters from each main game and then a wheel with some random competitions that came to my mind. The first competition to be chosen was CHESS , and here are some pairs that were chosen ramdonly using the wheel, so which character do you guys think would win in a chess game from each pair?
submitted by Brunnittu to danganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:55 Raindrops_snow Have to restart my computer to be able to play games?

I’m not too sure how to search this so hopefully you guys can help? I recently pretty much gutted and redid my computer, but now I have to restart my computer. If I just start my computer up, it will flash black and then completely make my screen back (but only on my game and only if it’s in full screen) but if I restart it (not shut off and turn back on it has to specifically be the restart button for some reason) everything works just fine. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
submitted by Raindrops_snow to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:55 Swytch7 How do you guys approach world building?

Hey guys! I've been playing D&D for quite a while, but I haven't really DM'ed too much in the last 10 years or so. How do you guys approach building a homebrew world?
I've got an overarching plot/lore already; who is causing the calamity, why, how, and where. I've got my world map and major cities, and I have the first few questlines planned out. I plan to railroad for the first few sessions because nearly everyone is brand new to even the concept of D&D, and afterwards I will open the world up entirely.
I have quests and locations I want to do things with. I started by planning out different directions and associated quests, but I know that's a bad idea given how games never progress like the DM expects.
My thoughts are to plan the railroad quests, and pre-create dungeons/quests for all the major points. I am thinking of creating quite a few other quests and just throw them in the players' ways, while adjusting the content (like treasure, monsters, lore findings, etc) to accommodate their levels, sort of in a modular approach.
Obviously I will pivot when needed and create things fresh if the players do something unexpected, and will adjust the direction of the plot/events based on their decisions. I'm just curious as to how everyone else approached world creation.
submitted by Swytch7 to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:55 Jolly-Manufacturer35 Can I get a depression/anxiety /SI waiver for this

Alright, so short story summary. Need depresso and wanted to KMS waiver (no hospitalization, only ideation no plan) LONGER SUMMARY AT BOTTOM. TYPED ON PHONE, APOLOGIES FOR LACK OF CONCISENESS.
Law student with MH history. I have realized I HATE LAW and want to start fresh. I always wanted to do medical stuff, but unfortunately. My family pushed me to law because of their own legal issues. I have thrived academically alwayso; I have put up with the bs of law school and excelled past my classmates out of sheer grit, but I'm fed up with having a lack of purpose.
I don't want to be a JAG and I want to enlist, not be an officer ($ doesn't matter, my ego isn't going to be hurt by being told what to do. I have more respect for people who didn't follow my career path than the entire legal industry).
I took antidepressants for 5-6 months (Lexapro) in (March - July) 2022 at age 22/23. Diagnosed with MDD-recurrent, unspecified anxiety nurse practitioner notes mentions SI-no plan (and I mentioned I've felt this way for years) - This diagnosis stems from family pressures and being forced to study for the LSAT for hours each day for an entire year. I literally tortured myself for a career I hate (I'm stupid)
I had a poor childhood and my parents forced their legal problems (my dad was accused of SAing someone, and parents thought it would be good to force me to learn about their issues fully - not fun).
The notes from Lexapro visit reference a depression screening I had when I was 19 or 20 where I screened positive for mild depression (checked yes to the, "Have you ever felt like you would be better off not alive). This screening was from around the time that my dad was finally being incarcerated after years of having to deal with his legal shit and their business problems.
I have a clearance that I stopped taking medication in July 2022, and 2 psych evals clearing me of current depression and anxiety.
It will be two years no meds this July.
I don't want to hear about 'military will make it worse' I have been through so many fuck fuck games for a career I never wanted. Attending little ROTC events and getting yelled at was the most enjoyment I've had in like 10 years. I'll be good. Just help me get IN as an enlisted. Stress has NEVER affected my ability to perform. Law school is hard enough when you want to be there, I killed it, hating every single moment I had to walk through those doors. Help me out 🙏
What are my chances of getting a waiver for Navy and/or Army or hell even Army National Guard. (I know AF has some medical stuff too, but I think my chances are shit with them because of BH)
Summary: 1 actual MDD depression diagnosis (2y 3mo), 1 depression screening for mild depression (3+ years), two instances of SI-no plan (newest 2y 3mo, oldest 3+ years). No inpatient, no attempt or SH. Almost 2 years of no medication in July. Solid work/career evidence even from period where I was depressed. 2 evals, one from a psych NP one from a psychologist. Statement from NP I stopped taking meds in July 2022. I am 25 and physically fit.
submitted by Jolly-Manufacturer35 to Militaryfaq [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:55 Dung_Eon_Master The Climax to my Adventure is going to suck and the BBEG appearing will feel shoehorned - How to fix?

Hello Community,
I am looking for Suggestions on how to fix a Story-Writing Mistake in an ongoing Adventure. I am going to DM the 3. and probably the final Session of an Adventure. So far my Players have not yet encountered or interacted with what is supposed to be the BBEG and I am afraid that it will feel like bad writing / very unrewarding when the BBEG surprisingly appears for the final fight when they have no relationship to him.
We are playing a grimdark take on the Peter-Pan Tale on an Island with 4 Factions (based on the Book "The Childthief by Brom). Peter and his Army of Children, Captain Hook and his Pirates, The Fairy-folk and the Elves with their Royal Family who rule over the Island. The players are Children that got tricked into contracts and now they are Part of the Child-Army that Peter builds to fight Captain-Hook and his Pirates. Peter fights the Pirates to death to stop them from pillaging and completely burning down the Island. Nobody besides Peter can leave due to the Queen of the Island who puts all her Magic into creating a Fog-Barrier to shield the Island from the Outside-World. The Plot-Twist of the Story is, that the Pirates are actually open to negotiate to leave the Island peacefully and that they just havent been given the Opportunity to do so because the other Factions are to biased / afraid to step forward with a truce. The Players have not yet discovered that and in the upcoming Session they will trick the Pirates into an ambush where they are probably going to win but also suffer serious casualties.
The BBEG is Ulfgar, he is a member of the Royal Family, Brother of the Queen and Commander of the Elven Troops. His goal is to take the Throne, for this he needs to overpower the other factions. This is why he let the threat of the Pirats escalate and gaslight every factions into thinking violence is the only Option. We are now in the part of the Story where Ulfgar is waiting for Peter and the Players to deliver the final blow to the Pirates in hopes that he can flank the Army of Children when they are disctracted and at a disadvantage. His next step would then be to tell the Queen that he took Peter Hostage so he can lure the Queen out of her Castle and fight her next. He is probably going to appear at the battlefield with his troops around the end of the fight against the Pirates. If I do this as planned and as it would be very logical to make the BBEG take this rare Chance of achieving his goal, then the Players would probably just feel steamrolled by some random bad guy instead of it being the climactic and tactically challenging clash of Armys that I hoped for.
The Players have so far bypassed encountering Ulfgar, his Troops or NPCs who might talk about him and completely focused the Pirate-Threat. They have only heard warnings of their Armies Scouts to not go to Ulfgars part of the Island due to him taking Children as Prisoners. And even tho they understood, that Peter is just a stubborn Child who does not think about consequences and should not lead an army, they are following him with great loyalty and no critical thinking.
I completly agree that it is my mistake that I have realised so late that the Players lack Knowledge about Ulfgar and have no realationship to him. I should have made it more explicit that they cant ignore Ulfgar for to long and that Peter takes to many risks. How should I fix this?
So far I have come up with this Ideas and I would like to know if you think they would be good or what your Ideas would be:
submitted by Dung_Eon_Master to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:54 IAMKAH How many games in each nfl season not including preseason and how to get them all ondemand

So last year tried DVRing as many as I could get in spectrum live tv cable. And there was a lot! But I know there were some games only shown live on other platforms and I assume shown later on regular cable. But that's to much to keep track of for me. Then someone mentioned there's a way to pay and get all the games, but didn't know if that meant ondemand so I can watch each game [in order] when I have the time. I watched the last Super Bowl more then a month late and that's just fine for me. Any ideas?
submitted by IAMKAH to NFLNoobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:54 hannahstorm1216 Invalid credentials when attempting to log in

Invalid credentials when attempting to log in
This morning as I attempt to log in after the latest update this code appeared. I have deleted and reinstalled the game and have tried again to no avail. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to fix it before I go to contact them. I know I’m choosing the correct server because something like this has happened in the past but sent me to the tutorial multiple times.
A friend is having a similar issue but they just keep getting sent to the tutorial, they have linked 2 ways to get into their account just incase and have the correct server.
I’m lvl 57 I believe and they are lvl 90. We don’t want to lose our progress. Please help if possible 💞
submitted by hannahstorm1216 to DragonVillageM [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:53 sproock network problem even with ethernet

my ping is low, my internet isn’t bad, yet on valorant I’m always lagging with no explanation. I’ve never had this issue in a game before I have no idea what the issue is, is there a possible solution? I run on ethernet so there’s nothing else I can really do on that end. I always get the low client FPS, high average ping, and network problem icons in the top right corner even with high fps and low ping. no clue why this is happening, it’s been happening since I started playing (about a month ago)
submitted by sproock to ValorantTechSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 robobachelor How do you threshold an image and make contour lines?

Might be a basic thing and I am just not using the right terminology. What I would like to do is take the render of scene, lets say a box with a light, and render it. Then I would like to threshold it into sections by value, and create contours around them.
So lets say in 0 -255, 0 being black, 0-64 is one section, 64-128 is another, 128 to 255 is the last. Essentially the final image would have 3 values with contours around each section.
Any ideas?
submitted by robobachelor to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 Sea_Perspective6891 How about a demolition derby update?

I think this would be the perfect idea for an update since crash physics are a big part of the game. I know of mods but I think the devs should consider this as part of a major content update. They could add a lore friendly demolition derby map & car configs & parts related to demolition derbies.
submitted by Sea_Perspective6891 to BeamNG [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 RagnothRebirth So I have a dumb idea and need advice.

Myself and one of my players is looking to hire out an office space to play d&d. The local game shop is OK but it's getting super popular and loud, we have those that are hard of hearing and we need an alternate place to play. Most people's houses are to cramped/chaotic and Airbnbs are only good for special occasions given how expensive they are. So an office space seemed like the best bright idea. We tell them that we're writing/editing and we utalize the private office space that we're given.
Problem is, its required that we have a registered business. So, we thought, why not just make a business? We'd never actually do anything with it. We'd fill in all the forms legitimately of course and use the office space as we see fit. We'd never make a profit, so we'd never have to pay tax. Worst that could happen is they find us out and kick us out? Right?
My question is, is this illegal? Are there any caveats we're not thinking of? Is this a bad idea?
submitted by RagnothRebirth to DnDUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 slayeryamcha Entire forgery shit if it was better

"I...I forged the documents," Jaune blurted out, closing his eyes. He knew what revealing this could cause but his conscience couldn't bear the weight of this act anymore.
Pyrrha's expression changed from concerned to terrified, the red-haired girl blinked in surprise, wondering if she heard him correctly - "Sorry, I must have heard it wrong. Could you repeat?" -Nikos said in a shaky voice, unable to believe her ears.
Jaune sighed and then straightened up in front of his teammate - "You heard right, I forged paper. I'm an impostor who shouldn't be at this school." - as he said this, he looked her straight in to her eyes.
Pyrrha was speechless, she didn't know how to express the feelings that were bubbling inside her. Seeing her hesitation, Arc looked down ashamed. They stood there in silence for a few moments, when finally Nikos decided to break it - "Jaune... How could you do something so stupid?" - she said in an cold tone.
Jaune shuddered- "I... I always wanted to be a Hunter."-he replied, wanting to sink into the ground, realizing that this in no way justified his actions.
"Being a hunter is not game! And you decided to get into this school without needed skill!"-Mistralian Champion screamed at the pseudo-knight, shaking with justified anger.
Pyrrha held her head, she couldn't believe what an idiot her leader turned out to be. Nikos exhaled loudly through her nose and then took a deep breath, trying to control her anger. She opened her eyes and looked at shaking Arc.
"Even though I'm still furious, thank you for revealing it to me."-Nikos said in a still icy tone, Jaune hung his head in shame.
"I am sorry Pyrr, in movies it all looked....easier. I thought I could easily keep up with others, but as we both saw. I'm worthless compared even to a 15-year-old girl."-Knight said in a weak voice, burning with shame. If only his parents could see him now!
"For fucks sake! Stop whinning already, crying over spilled Milk won't change anything."-Nikos bursted out with anger once again-"Instead of solving the problem, you are still waiting for a miracle."
Pyrrha pointed a finger at him in an accusatory gesture.-"Arc, from now on, you're going to start training. I'll help you, but don't count on mercy. If you want to be in this school, you have to work for it."
Jaune straightened up and replied with optimism- "Of course!" - Pyrrha raised her eye brow -"I hope so."-she said with tired expresion.
"I won't let you down."-Arc replied with smile, this didn't made Pyr happy. Without second of hesitation, she slapped him. Young man grabbed his red cheek - "And what is that for?"-he asked, suprised.
"Don't make your situation worse."-The red-haired champion said annoyed-"You're not doing it for me, you're doing it for yourself. Starting tomorrow you're going to take lessons and training seriously, because if you won't. Getting kicked out of school will be the least of your problems"-Pyrrha hissed at him, making blonde sweat.
"Of course!" - The knight shouted in a frightened voice and straightening up again, Nikos rolled her eyes-"Now go to the room, go get some sleep. Tommorow, i need you to be at your best."
Arc nodded eagerly before turning towards door. When he entered staircase, Jaune realized that Champion didn't come with him, he turned himself to face her again-"You aren't coming with me?"
Red headed beauty herself was looking at city-"I will come later, i have to sort out the whole situation in my head."-she said without looking back at him-"Alright, i will hit the shower."-Knight said before closing door behind himself.
As the door closed behind Arc, Pyrrha let out a breath and said aloud to herself-"What a complete moron, how could he come up with that idea."-She held her head.
"I agree, Jauney is a complete idiot, but I have no idea why you decided to help him."- a familiar voice replied from downstairs.
Nikos jumped starled away from the balustrade, Winchester pulled himself up and a moment later was standing in front of the Mistral representative.
The red-haired warrior looked at him, Cardin was standing in only his underwear and wet hair. Pyrrha cursed in her thoughts as she realized that Winchester had overheard them due to a stupid coincidence, realizing incoming troubles.
"What did you hear?"-Nikos hissed at him, the young man ignored her hostility and walked up to her-"Thanks to a lucky coincidence, I heard everything," he replied with a smile.
Nikos's blood went cold- "Oh Fuck." - she cursed in her mind. Seeing her shock mixed with a small amount of fear, Cardin smiled - "At first I thought Jauney-boy would decide to confess his love to you, but when he blurted out it turned out to be much more interesting."
"What do you want for silence?" - Mistralian beauty asked, pushing him away from her - "Because if you think you're going to score..." -before she could finish threat, Cardin interrupted her.
"Stop, stop. Where did you get that idea?"- Winchester raised an eyebrow -"I was thinking about something completely different. I don't even have a way to blackmail you, because it wasn't you who forged the documents after all."
"Right."-Pyrrha wanted to punch herself in the face, why did you think he would want to blackmail her?-"So what did you wanted to say?"-she asked the almost naked student.
Cardin clapped his hands - "I had a little bet in mind." - he leaned towards the champion - "We're going on a school trip next week to collect some Sap, right?"
"Yes, we do."-Pyrrha replied after a moment of thought, Goodwitch had mentioned something about Forever fall forest-"What are you getting at?"
"Simple, on this trip I'll throw our dear blond boy to some bigger grimm."- Winchester smiled - "If he won't be able defeat it, he'll be expelled from school. If he survives, of course." - the paladin laughed.
"What if he would defeat it?" Nikos asked crossing her arms, not not sharing Cardin's joy. Jock stopped laughing and scratched his chin - "I'll definitely forget about our entire conversation. As a bonus, I'll take you on a date." - Cardin replied generously.
"Date? So you were expecting sex!"-Pyrrha shouted at the young man, then pointed an accusatory finger at him. The paladin raised an eyebrow - "You're the one who thought about sex on the first date. Did my hungry friend thought about bread?"- Winchester joked, then flexed his muscles -"Not that I blame you. I look delicious."
The Mistralian beauty face color matched her hair's- "That's not what i meant!"-she replied defensively-"Besides, why would I agree to those terms?"
Cardin shrugged - "You don't have to, nt like you will lose anything if Arc gets kicked out of school." - he said and then turned to go down to his room.
"Shit."-Champion hissed in her mind, remembering about Jaune, after all, he wasn't that bad. Nikos exhaled through her nose-"I'll go on that date with you, but don't count on anything more." -she called after Cardin-"One date at his expense won't kill me."-she said to herself in her thoughts.
"Fantastic, I'm glad we reached an agreement."-Winchester replied, turning around immediately with a smile from ear to ear. He walked up to his classmate and shook her hand. Pyrrha raised an eyebrow- And why do you really want to take me on a date?"-she asked
Smile fell from Cardin's face-"My father wanted me to show up in front of the paparazzi with a girl from another country to pretend that my family doesn't think that foreigners are animals."-he replied without hesitation.
Pyrrha nodded in understanding, she had to pretend more than once that she tolerated someone in front of the cameras. After sealing the deal, they went to their rooms.
Thanks to the combined efforts of Pyrrha and Cardin, Jaune was able to defeat Ursa Major single-handedly and remain in Beacon. A short time later on her date with Winchester, Pyrrha quickly changed her mind about sleeping with him. Even the lack of feeling in her legs after intercourse did not change her new opinion.
submitted by slayeryamcha to Cardinposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 Mark-Bot Sparks of ideas

I had an idea since I've been getting back into Pokemon Infinite Fusion and some ideas sparked up, what if we were to put some of the characters in the game? For instance fusing something like Kirlia and Mimicyu may make something like Skyn or Magnemite with Gurdurr and you get Khan but instead of a steel beam, he holds a door. Maybe even Scolipede with Klang would make Eldritch J, I mean just think about all the potential fusions and whatnot that could be possible if we were to make these.
submitted by Mark-Bot to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 Wqrp reverse chance a sophomore year fuck up who is trying desperately to make up for it their junior year

Demographics: Gender, race/ethnicity, state, type of school, and hooks (URM, first generation, legacy, athlete, etc.)
Essays/LORs/Other: Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances.
Schools: List of colleges, ED/EA/RD, etc:
submitted by Wqrp to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 goldpearl22 Help me find a laptop to play videogames under 1000$

I want to buy a new laptop, mine doesn't allow me to play videogames I want. The disk is too small (236GB) and it can't run a lot of games. It has an AMD Radeon Vega 8 Graphics and an 8GB RAM, which I think is really not enough for most games, it freezes or crashes regularly.
I'll use it mostly for videogames and for university, so if it's light it's better, but if it's not I'd use my actual laptop for uni. I want it to be able to run easily games like the Sims 4, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, GTA V, and more...
Have you any idea ? Is it possible at that price ?
Edit : 1000$ is really the maximum, I'd prefer something around 700-800$ if it's possible.
submitted by goldpearl22 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 Dieggu F1 24 - No ERS Deployment - Anybody else with this problem?

F1 24 - No ERS Deployment - Anybody else with this problem?
After 40+ hours of playing, all of a sudden, ERS does not work any more in different game modes. Button press is acknowledged, also hotlap mode is selected, but no ERS is used.
Problem persists even after rebooting and reinstalling the game on steam. Anybody else with this problem? Any ideas? See in the vid below.
submitted by Dieggu to F1Game [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 Square-Cook-8574 I hate how disrespected childfree women are in the dating hellscape and in society in general and I'm TIRED!

^(\I tried to post this under a different throwaway account to remain anonymous but couldn't. So I'll probably delete this late but here goes...)*
I am a Black woman in my late-30s, queer (bisexual), spiritual but not religious (so I don't follow any Abrahamic religions), and HAPPILY childfree. But I'm single and childfree, and people in my culture have painted all childfree Black women as selfish or former-whores that no one wants to "wife up", and all childfree Black men as gay. 😐 While I'm fine being single most of the time, there have been recent events that have been triggering me and making me feel like "my ship has sailed".
Mind you, many people find me attractive (or maybe even beautiful), so I don't have issues attracting people of any race. In addition, I'm successful, educated, take care of my health and body, etc. However, I don't want children and not even open to the idea of having them.
Years ago, I met a great guy who became distant when I mentioned I was unsure about kids. He was honest and told me that he wanted a woman to have his kids, and he wanted five kids. Hell, he even said he wanted kids more than marriage. We broke it off. He eventually met and married a woman who was willing to breed his many children and blow up from it like a broodmare.
My ex is a single father. Early in our relationship, he wanted one more child. I was on the fence again (in my early 30s). Then, he eventually didn't want another. Well after breaking up, I see pictures of him with his daughter and a mysterious little girl with them on trips. I'm assuming, he changed his mind again and would like another child.
Why do we childfree women have to only be the "fun time girls"? The so-called Jezebels, whores, Liliths, the "ran-through thots" too damaged to breed children for a man's "LeGaCy"? Why are we always diminished to the "woman who's luring married men from their wives"? This shit pisses me off.
It goes to show that in the dating game, even in 2024, women are only seen as valuable as how fresh their eggs are and how willing they are to breed. Men will lay out the red carpet for the future breeders in the dating game, but treat us happily childfree gals like shit.
submitted by Square-Cook-8574 to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:48 geneticdeadender New Keyboard: Who dis?

I've been going through hell this weekend. Got new internet and phone and been trying to get it all set up. Automation is so frustrating if you don't know what order they want things.
Anyway, I also bought a new logitech keyboard. I swore I would never buy one again but I was desperate and the price was right.
Anyway, one of my problems is that while playing Kenshi I open up the window where I can type in the name of my base or my faction. I can't click on it with the mouse but I can't type anything in the box.
I can use the keyboard fine to play the game but if I have to write anything I can't.
Any idea how to fix this? I tried looking up the manual. It's 148 pages, but only 5 pages are in English and thew hole thing only covers setting up the mouse. It's literally the dumbest fucking thing ever to try to get user manuals for products nowadays. fml
submitted by geneticdeadender to Kenshi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:48 I_kiss_nerds Ummmm fighting mode?

Wacky idea. What if they develop fighting game modes in fortnite one in 2d (SF) and other in 3d (TKKN).
They could sell characters from other videogames and other media including their representative move sets and also fortnite's original characters with a move set acording to their theme an example: a skins of a wrestler could be a grabbler with moves inspired on wrestling moves and so with all archetypes in a fighting game.
These modes could have each their ranked mode and casual mode.
Emote in our lockers can be our victory poses.
Pros: it could attract new and old players to the game that have interes in those types games and try to give a new competitive approach in fortnite, like imagine all the posible scenarios that involve current and future collaborations.
...Cons: i dont know how much this can take and i don't know how focused they have to be on this and that they don't leave aside the rest of the experiences and having to balance every character move set..
P.D. NOT EVERY SKIN must have his own move set, we can put the move set of other characters to our skins.
What do you think?
submitted by I_kiss_nerds to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]