Canna bulbs

Gardening, Plants, and Agriculture.

2008.03.20 07:13 Gardening, Plants, and Agriculture.

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2024.06.01 22:16 anniesmacnchz Planting Bulbs in Summer Zone 7b?

Hi! I'm fairly new to gardening and obviously a little late to this grow season. I'm in zone 7b. I have two 25sqft raised beds - one for edibles, one for flowers.
Late may/early June I have started melons, peppers, brussels, bush beans, and cucumbers going outside and I'm praying my herbs might grow. Planning to try some lettuce, spinach, and broccoli indoors to move outside in August/September.
I'm wondering what flowers I might be able to plant now for some late summefall blooms. Based on my research it seems like I might have some luck with dahlias, gladiolus, maybe canna lillies? Any other recommendations?
And what else should I plant along with my lettuces and broccoli in August/September? Will my flower bed be too crowded with both summer-blooming and spring-blooming bulbs?
Appreciate any tips! Thanks so much!
submitted by anniesmacnchz to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 13:18 Appropriate_Low6575 Canna lily

Just remembered I have a bunch of canna lily bulbs in my crawlspace. I forgot to plant them last year. Will they still be viable and can I plant them right now? I live in Southern ontario, Canada eh
submitted by Appropriate_Low6575 to Gardens [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 02:28 zinniastardust Where to buy Tropicanna Canna Lily bulbs?

I’m looking to replace my Tropicanna canna lily bulbs that sadly rotted from too much rain. I purchased them a couple years ago from Blue Buddha Farms. They don’t seem to carry them anymore and when I google, every place that comes up has horrible reviews (Wayside gardens, Jackson & Perkins, Holland bulb farm.) I came across this subreddit when googling the names of those places to find out if they’re scams or not. Anyone know of a place that is not horrible where I can find them? Thanks!
submitted by zinniastardust to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:36 jessedorn79 Who sells red canna lilies in the Metro?

I left some red canna lily bulb in my garage and they froze. My mom gave them to me when she moved, so I’ve never purchased myself and can’t find anywhere. They’re so beautiful and hummingbird magnets! Does anyone know where to get them?
submitted by jessedorn79 to TwinCities [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:32 WorkingMinimumMum Are these bulbs a lost cause or just slow to come up?

Zone 8B, Portland, OR metro area
In mid March I planted a bunch of bulbs once the ground was soft and workable; and am having some success but no signs of life from other bulbs. We’ve had pretty mild temperatures since I planted with some cold nights, but no freezes.
Success: Bleeding hearts: planted 3, all flourishing, one blooming. Gladiolus: planted 16, 15 have emerged. Dahlias: planted MANY, 4 have emerged so far. Anemones: planted 6, all have emerged.
Failures (so far): Elephant ears: planted 4, no signs of life. Asparagus: planted 3 green, 3 purple, no signs of life. Rain lillys: planted 10, no signs of life. Canna Lilly: planted 4, no signs of life.
Are the plants in the failures column just slower to emerge or are they a lost cause? I figured I’d see some growth from them after 2 months. I will be patient if that’s all that’s needed, but if nothings gonna emerge I’d like to plant something else where those bulbs are.
submitted by WorkingMinimumMum to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 16:21 WorkingMinimumMum Are these bulbs a lost cause or just slow to come up?

Zone 8B, Portland, OR metro area
In mid March I planted a bunch of bulbs once the ground was soft and workable; and am having some success but no signs of life from other bulbs. We’ve had pretty mild temperatures since I planted with some cold nights, but no freezes.
Success: Bleeding hearts: planted 3, all flourishing, one blooming. Gladiolus: planted 16, 15 have emerged. Dahlias: planted MANY, 4 have emerged so far. Anemones: planted 6, all have emerged.
Failures (so far): Elephant ears: planted 4, no signs of life. Asparagus: planted 3 green, 3 purple, no signs of life. Rain lillys: planted 10, no signs of life. Canna Lilly: planted 4, no signs of life.
Are the plants in the failures column just slower to emerge or are they a lost cause? I figured I’d see some growth from them after 2 months. I will be patient if that’s all that’s needed, but if nothings gonna emerge I’d like to plant something else where those bulbs are.
submitted by WorkingMinimumMum to pnwgardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 00:13 Sea-Essay-6039 Canna bulb update #2

Canna bulb update #2
My canna’s are growing so wellll
But I am concerned about some brown spots. Though they are growing strong should I buy something to help with it?
submitted by Sea-Essay-6039 to GardeningHelp [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 00:03 Interesting_Sign1870 Need advice

Need advice
What can I do here to prevent all this dirt from continually getting washed out if it rains heavy? I don’t have any before pictures but we just put in the mulch and lambs ear plants with canna bulbs behind it and put in those landscaping pavers.
I had filled in this area with a truck load of dirt and smoothed it out it and pounded it down some but not solidly enough. What can I put in besides dirt to prevent the run off? We want to put flat pavers down leading past the fence and into our backyard and put some rocks around them but before doing so I’d appreciate any recommendations so that this doesn’t keep happening when it rains heavy and keeps getting washed/rutted out
submitted by Interesting_Sign1870 to landscaping [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 22:58 Sea-Essay-6039 Update on canna bulb!

Update on canna bulb!
I repotted my bulb and watered it and now it’s coming back in :D after a month or so ???
submitted by Sea-Essay-6039 to GardeningHelp [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 23:09 T2trott Mulch over bulbs?

I just put down some iris bulbs, canna bulbs, and lily of the valley. Can I mulch over them or do I need to let them get started first?
submitted by T2trott to garden [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 18:57 Chickenwingding666 Do these canna lily bulbs look okay?

Do these canna lily bulbs look okay?
I stupidly broke up my canna lily clumps last year because I didn’t do any research first on how to dig them up and store them. I was shocked at how large the clump of bulbs was and thought no way I just store this whole thing lol so I broke it up into parts but don’t know if they even look useable?
submitted by Chickenwingding666 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 06:56 Sea-Essay-6039 Canna bulb snapped :(

Canna bulb snapped :(
I bought some canna bulbs from Walmart just for fun to see if I have some type of gardening skills. I planted them in their own pot, So after a month or so I finally saw one of them sprouting and out of pure excitement I started repotting the bulb since I planted it sideways (I couldn’t find the “eye”). While putting the soil in the pot my shovel hit it and part of it snapped off!! The roots and everything is still perfectly fine but the stem that was making its way through the soil is what came off.
Will it be fine ?
submitted by Sea-Essay-6039 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 14:50 Much-Mention-5589 Planting bulbs/tubers

I'm in Southern Ontario ... its been crazy weather - warm and rainy. I want to plant some bulbs, and my canna lily but I don't want them to grow and then get killed by some freak last "seasonal" frost --- should I do it or wait till the typical May 24 weekend ?
submitted by Much-Mention-5589 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 23:58 mcampo84 Brighten up my garden

Brighten up my garden
I have some canna rhizomes in the pots above, thinking of putting a few butterfly bushes between them and the house.
In front of the collapsing retaining wall (that's its own job) I have a row of Lucifer bulbs planted, and I'm thinking of putting assorted perennials to bloom throughout the spring/summefall inn the middle with purple phlox in front.
Would love some feedback.
Zone 7a, mostly rocky clay soil.
submitted by mcampo84 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 17:52 Patient_Deal_3251 A lot of flowers seeds but zero colour palette sense. Please help!

A lot of flowers seeds but zero colour palette sense. Please help!
I plan to surprise my mom this year by planting seeds and bulbs indoors early and them bringing them over after the last frost day, in 6-8 weeks. It would allow her to cut some of them and keep bouquets in her house! Whatever she doesn’t like/ can’t keep, I’ll keep for myself/ bring cut stems over when then bloom.
And don’t worry, I’m the one who always comes over to do most of the heavy lifting in her garden (tilling, mixing soil, adding compost, planting, watering) since it’s too physically demanding for her nowadays, however much she loves her garden and flowers.
Now here’s the problem: I have zero colour awareness! I’m always in awe of florists and can’t seem to make sense of it all till I see the final product 😅 My mom is amazing at it so I’d like to provide her a wide variety to plant/choose from.
I’d really appreciate any help/advice to edit my flower choices and make some amendments colour wise since I have limited space.
I’m only planning on sowing half/a third of these seeds but so far I have:
Red: - 4 deep red peonies (potted) - scarlet zinnias - burgundy amaranth
Pink: - 13 pinkish lilies (potted) - mix of light pink zinnias - sweet peas - cosmos
Purple: - Dark purple lobelias (not for cutting) - light purple asters
Light blue: - asters
White: - Flowering tobacco - Nigella seeds
Grey: - Dusty miller to plant among dark leaf red begonias (begonias will be purchased later) in a rectangular pot.
Orange: - 3 canna lilies (potted) - Venidium - Gaillarda
I’d love to add some sunflowers (my mom loves them!). Also some clarkia, larkspur and alstroemerias as well but I wonder if it’s too much? I already have so much variants of pink.
I feel like I’m being a little too ambitious/greedy for a first time indoor sowing so any feedback would be appreciated!
Also, none of the photos are mine!
submitted by Patient_Deal_3251 to Cutflowers [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 17:44 CatTriesGaming When tdo you start flower seeds?

This year I'm trying flowers from seed. I have phlox dwarf beauty, soapwort rock, and nemophilia penny black (all McKenzie seed pouches), and I'm planning to get calendula pacific beauty, and maybe bachelor buttons and a nasturtium variety. The idea is to use them in pots surrounding my existing cannas and calla lillies (bulbs in storage atm).
Side note-- I saved some of my canna seeds from last year and currently trying to germinate them!
Anyhow, I was just wondering when would be the right time to sow them indoor, or outdoors in a cold frame. Any thoughts?
submitted by CatTriesGaming to OntarioGardeners [link] [comments]

2024.03.03 06:45 snail_on_the_trail Too late to plant canna bulbs?

My husband came home from Costco with a bag of 12 canna bulbs (you never leave Costco with just one item). The back of the bag said you can plant them from January through March but I don’t know if that’s specific to our region. Can we plant the bulbs still? If not, can you keep bulbs or should we just return them to Costco?
submitted by snail_on_the_trail to AustinGardening [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 20:34 Incagirl19 Looking for Lots of Bang for the Buck

Hi everyone! So I have a big courtyard to fill and I am look for big lush tropicals to fill the space. I just moved all the ones that had been inside for the winter in to the shade outside, but they are all pretty short right now. I am looking for bigger or fast growing plants that can really fill up the space.
And since the space is so big, looking for plants that are either on the less expensive side either bc they are inexpensive or the nursery/store/seller has good prices.
I guess I am after some drama: both plants growing tall and full or dramatically draping down.
And this is hopefully the year I build a greenhouse to keep them safe during the winter.
Any advice on plants/bulbs/seeds and where to source them are much appreciated. The courtyard is on the west side of the building. Pretty sunny, but there is a nice shaded area I drag all the plants in to when it gets hella hot and we get no rain.
Bananas, cannas, bromeliads, alocasias and begonias have all have thrived. As was as cactus.
Oh and I should mention I mainly do terracotta pots (so I can move plants around) but would also like to plant directly in the ground where I have dirt to encourage bigger growth.
So excited for spring! Happy gardening everyone!
submitted by Incagirl19 to AustinGardening [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 19:57 Much-Mention-5589 Canna Lily bulbs...

So in the summer I grew a bunch of canna lily , I'm in Hamilton Ontario. I harvested them st the end of season, cleaned them then stored them in the garage ... I totally forgot to put them somewhere indoors (the weather has been unusually warm) and then it snapped cold. I think they may have been hit by frost (freeze thaw) do you think they're good still ... I pushed into a few and they aren't mushie but I'm wondering if I ruined my rhizomes :(
submitted by Much-Mention-5589 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 17:06 Individual-Fox5795 Bulb storage question…

Bulb storage question…
Hello! I have awesome Dahlias every year and struggle to keep the bulbs over the winter. Last year about 25% seemed to plantable come spring. I am in Minnesota.
My problem this year is that my cold storage is too cold I am afraid (-6 here today) and even though my storage is not outside, it is not heated so I think it’s too cold to store bulbs in. I placed them in a large plastic tray this year with medium and stored in my laundry room.(not very cold) No dahlia bulbs have sprouted yet in storage (elephant ears and cannas have) but noticed minimal mold on some of the dahlia bulbs. I tried spraying these with a mixture of neem oil and water and that seemed to clear the mold growth….. and I am hoping that I didn’t damage the bulbs after reading other posts in this group. Fingers crossed…
My real question is will my bulbs be damaged if they weren’t stored in “cold” over the winter season? They were dug up after the first freeze. Any thoughts against the idea of completing covering them in potting soil and bringing them to light to start the indoor growing process now to transplant them in a few months? I did this last year and it seemed to work okay.
Thanks for any suggestions or advice!!! Here are some of my favorite picts from last years blooms… some of my Dahlia’s grow taller than the roof and really hoping to replant so that I quit dropping a fortune on replacing bulbs on a yearly basis!
submitted by Individual-Fox5795 to dahlias [link] [comments]

2024.01.09 23:08 KhunPhaen Anybody have mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum)?

Hi all,
I am trying to make an Incan food patch in my garden, and have started off with some Queensland arrowroot (Canna edulis) and red oca (Oxalis tuberosa). I'm keen to get my hands on some mashua, but I can't find any online shops with it in stock. Does anybody have some bulbs they would be willing to sell me? DM me if so.
Also, anybody have any other suggestions for interesting Andean crops?
Please remove this post if it is not appropriate for this sub.
submitted by KhunPhaen to GardeningAustralia [link] [comments]

2023.12.15 21:53 squirrely-badger Calathea

TLDR: Will Calathea go dormant like dahlia, canna, calla lilies?
Has anyone grown a calathea in an aquarium with the bulb out of water and the roots dipping into the water, like a pathos or peace lily?
I have a calathea that struggled in low humidity. It was pushing new leaves, then they crisped and died. Kept it watered and allowing it to slightly dry out.
It got taken home and someone placed a clear plastic lid on it by accident, I mean it looked dead, so I get it. The new leaves completely rotted. I dug it up, but it has what looks like healthy tissue around the bulb. The bulb and tissue is not mushy.
I am assuming it is basically dormant.
I decided I would try to grow it out of an aquarium because it says this is possible on aquarium sites. The bulb is suspended, roots in water, but the bulb out. The whole thing is damp from capillary action.
My question is, will calathe go dormant like dahlias, canna lilies, and can anyone tell me if they think the bulb will survive?
submitted by squirrely-badger to gardening [link] [comments]