Amanda leatherman implants

Has anyone tried a Suicide Squad campaign?

2024.05.28 05:36 TropicalKing Has anyone tried a Suicide Squad campaign?

Suicide Squad is a DC series where several super-villains are recruited by Amanda Waller to do dangerous missions for the US Government in exchange for shortened sentences. To keep the squad members in line, they are implanted with remote controlled explosives in their neck.
Has anyone here played or ran a Suicide Squad style campaign? How did it go and what are some of the things that happened? It makes a good campaign story for several villains to be assigned dangerous jobs to do. It's an easy way to get characters to do dangerous missions. The story fits into different games, settings, and themes. And it seems like a good way to let everyone in the group have fun.
submitted by TropicalKing to rpg [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 15:24 UnseenSoul28 The Terran and the Fox: Book 1, Chapter 2

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Note- Links for the previous and next chapters won't be up until I figure pout how to work with the changes reddit made since the last time I was active lol. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Chapter 2

Sol System Standard Time: October 1, 2235
Personnel: Commander Noah Kadir of the Sol Republic Navy
The Capital was grand even when traveling by ground transportation. The hanging gardens of the upper city reached all the way down to the main roads, and the elegant, pearly white arches and bridges that connected the bases of the spires. It reminded me of those stories from old world religions about a garden they called Eden. It was as if the entire city was built to resemble a paradise, and it sickened me. When we arrived at the spaceport, I had thought I would return to the SRS Gaia or her twin ship, the SRS Uranus. However, rather than board the ships, Ambassador Amar guided me to another drydock, one with a ship I had never seen before. At first glance I would have never guessed the ship was of terran make.
Its shape was similar to that of an obelisk placed on its side, giving it an otherworldly aura. It was void black, and reflected no light, as if the light around it was sucked in without a trace like it was a black hole. I couldn’t distinguish where the bridge was, as it was difficult to outline anything on the ship. As we grew closer to the vessel, the shape of sharp, angular, wings jutted from the side of the craft like knives. Even the weapons were strange for a human ship. It was lined with dozens anti-ship turrets, electromagnetic railguns, hydrogen torpedo pods, and dark matter and antimatter missile silos, all of which had the same dark angular design to the rest of the ship. In short, the ship looked… alien to me. What was the strangest part though, was the fact that the spine of a ship was lined with dozens of energy amplifiers, and created what looked like a set of rings, aligned in a formation that resembled the chamber of a corvette’s fission cannon.
I had guessed that the Ambassador had noticed me staring at the strange vessel, as she put a hand on my shoulder and spoke. “You look like a child who has just had a new toy catch their eyes,” she jested.
She looked around, her eyes scanning our surroundings. After she made sure there was no one else around she dropped her voice to whisper. “It's a new Terran model, a prototype for a new ship class. Officially though it is marked as a corvette.” My eyes remained glued to the sight of the ship, unable to move away from it. “It's been in development since the Almunari attack on the Asteroid Belt colonies 35 years ago. They only managed to finish now though. The senate decided that even if we weren’t at war with the Almunari anymore, it wouldn’t hurt to bolster our forces.”
“I see.” I continued to follow the Ambassador and soon we were met with a Terran squad of shock-troopers who opened the airlock and escorted us inside. The inside of the ship was just as bizarre as the outside. Traditional Terran ships truly felt like they were built by humans, as their passageways lacked aesthetic, often colored a plain gray or green with sharp corners and corridors. The inside of this ship however, gave off a more… alien feeling, to say the least. The passageways were dark, sporting the same void black colors its exterior had. The walls of the interior were lined with glowing lines and streaks, which I assumed were how power was distributed to the ships systems. I ran my fingers along the wall as we walked, the smooth cold metal sending a shiver down my spine. We reached what I was told was the bridge, except it did not resemble any bridge from any ship I had served on in all 13 years of my service. For one, it seemed more like a command center, with dozens of monitors and holo screens lining the walls. There was no viewing deck, no frontal window to look outside, just cold black metal. In the center was a device similar to the emitter used in the meeting earlier today, except much larger. Upon getting into closer proximity, particles spiraled out, weaving together to form an AI’s construct. My mind urged me to ask questions but I kept quiet, assuming all would be revealed sooner or later. After traveling down an elevator, we were in what had to be the med-bay, as hospitable beds were neatly aligned along the wall to our left. Sat in a chair by a desk was a woman, who looked as old as the Ambassador, typing away at a laptop.
The Ambassador brought a closed hand to her mouth and cleared her throat, “Ahem.” The woman looked up and grinned.
“Amar, it's good to see you.”
“The feeling is mutual, Doctor Galahand,” she said, shaking her hand firmly. She gestured to me and the doctor walked over with a gleam of excitement in her eyes.
“I’ve heard a lot about you, Subject 1-34A.” My muscles locked together, becoming rigid and stiff. I could feel my posture straighten on reflex, as muscle memories were triggered upon hearing that designation. “Or do you prefer Commander Noah Kadir?”
It took a while for my body to relax, though just a bit, on its own, but once it did I immediately asked her a question. “How do you know of the Guardian Project, Doctor Galahand?” She looked at me with a cold glare in her eyes, and it was clear my question had annoyed her.
“Those idiots up top really didn’t tell you kids anything did they?” She sifted through her drawers and took out an I.D. Pad. Holding it up she opened the I.D. to reveal the Guardian Projects insignia, a golden eagle carrying roses in its beak. Below the insignia there were words saying, Chief Researcher Amanda Galahand of the Project Guardian research and development corp. “How do I know of the project he asks,” she retorts, putting away the I.D. “I made the Project kid. All those neat little chips and serums they inserted into you brats were invented by me. I’m the one responsible for the fact that you're physically strong enough to go up against even a Gartuk warrior in a test of pure muscle.”
“I see, forgive my ignorance Ma’am,” I bow my head in an apologetic manner.
“There is no need for that, I’m more upset at the fact that my test subjects weren’t even made aware of my existence. But besides that, the reason I had the Ambassador bring you here was to introduce you to your new… well I guess you could call them your caretaker.”
“Caretaker?” I question, confused.
“Yes, your caretaker. Officially they will be helping you manage your implants, and make sure none of those nanite injections we gave you go rampant on your bodily functions. Though seeing as you’ve spent the last year without issue,” she said, eyeing me up and down, “there shouldn’t be much to worry about.” She pressed a button on her desk and spoke into the microphone next to her laptop, “Alright, come on in and introduce yourself.”
The door to the med-bay hissed to life as another person walked in. The disinfectant cloud of chemicals covered their face and body for a moment but I could make out the silhouette of a slim built human. They looked to be just a few inches shorter than I did. A voice, a familiar one, spoke through the mist. “I did mention we would be seeing each other soon, did I not?” His eyes did not hold that same sense of familiarity they had back at the headquarters. This time Arthur felt colder, more distant, giving off a similar feeling as the ship. I could tell he noticed my discomfort at his attitude as the softness in his eyes returned almost immediately. Afraid that prying into his behavior might upset him I leave it be.
“I see you are already acquainted,” the Doctor cuts in, slinging her arm around Arthur. “Arthur Johnson here is one of my interns. I’m assigning each and every subject who finished the Guardian Project’s… treatments, one of the project’s many interns as a form of training. Now it makes sense why this one specifically requested to be assigned to you.” She removed her arm from around Arthur and packed her things. “Now there are still a few things I must take care of here on the ship, so if you and Arthur could be a dear and wait with the Ambassador for me that would be great, I’ll come back once preparations are complete.” She walked through the doors of the medbays and disappeared into the abyss black hallways.
“So, Commander Kadir,” the Ambassador said once the other two were out of sight. “In all my time with you assigned to my entourage, not once had I heard you speak of any acquaintances or friends. How do you and Johnson know each other?”
“We grew up at the same orphanage on the Ares colony on Jupiter.”
Noah chimed in, saying, “We grew close as we had also come from the same sector of the colony that had been sunk when the Almurians attacked Jupiter 18 years ago.”
“I see,” the curiosity in her eyes quickly faded at the mention of the attack. “So you both lost your parents, at such a young age at that. Every day it seems like there isn’t a single person from our species who hasn't lost someone to the war.”
“All the more reason we shouldn’t concede to the Union’s conditions of membership so easily,” I reply, trying to shift the conversation somewhere else.
“It is not that simple, Commander. Humanity had spent nearly two generations fighting what was essentially a war of survival. We fought for decades, even conscripting and training children to fight on the front lines. Endless bloodshed and violence was all our people had known for 78 years, and in that time we had lost countless souls, as well as our spirit.” Her eyes grew despondent as she spoke, her voice hiding long buried sadness. “Humanity has overexerted itself, stretched itself too thin. Our military is strong, comparable to even the strongest of the Union’s forces, but strength is all we have left. Our resources are dwindling, years of training soldiers hindering our production. Our infrastructure is in ruins, having only been partly rebuilt after the Almunari destroyed our outer stations and relays. The Sol System is a shell of its former self Commander, humanity has become the definition of a strong body, but a weak mind. If we add on the threat the species who split from the Union pose, a humanity without allies is one that will not survive.
“If humanity is truly in such bad shape, why does the Union keep pushing for us to join them?”
“It’s because they know we need their resources that they want us to join. When the Jubara and the Cherin left the union, they took their Joint Navy’s strongest soldiers and ships with them. They want our military to fill in that hole they had left, and give us the resources we need to truly start rebuilding in exchange.”
“Even if we need their resources, they turned their backs on us. If anything, they’re equally at fault as the Almunari for our current state. We shouldn’t-”
“What we shouldn’t do, Commander, is overlook the possibility that their resources could help us recover, even despite our history with the Union. The Republic can’t afford to hold this grudge. Both the Senate and the Chancellor are in agreement on that. All that’s left is getting the Union to agree to more favorable terms. I understand your grief, Noah. I too lost many friends in Almunari attacks, but we must move on. Humanity must not pass up on this chance, and I will make sure it won’t.”
Seeing that digging deeper would go nowhere, I decided to try and change the topic. “The Doctor mentioned something about preparations. What exactly are we here on this ship for the Ambassador?”
“I was going to wait, but knowing a few moments earlier wouldn’t affect much since we're already here. Commander Noah, you’ve served on the SRS Uranus as a member of my entourage since your graduation from the military Academy back on Mars. All the other Commanders of your graduating class have begun commanding ships of their own. As such, it’s been decided that you are to command your own ship as well. Specifically, the one we are standing in.” The doors hissed to life once again, and Doctor Galahnd reappeared with a man I recognized as my superior from the SRS Uranus, Captain Thomas Jakobs.
“I’m glad you’re doing well, Commander. Being in the Capital must have been difficult for you regarding your past,” the Captain said apologetically.
“Not at all sir, it is always an honor working with the Ambassador.”
“It’s a shame that won’t be the case for much longer.” He handed me the holopad he was holding and told me to look through it, “That file has everything you need to know about this ship, from its armor and weapons, to even what material the argonic energy lines are made with.”
“Speaking of the weapons,” Doctor Galahand cut in, “do you know why, Commander, this ship is considered such an important asset to the Republic. So much so that they funded its completion even during a time of peace.”
“No Ma’am,” I responded, still going over the data the Captain handed to me.
The Doctor walked over to her laptop and put something up on her screen. “Come here and take a look at this.” I stepped toward her, and examined the image on the device and I realized it was a schematic of an array of energy amplifiers.
“That's the fission cannon I saw on the ship’s spine isn’t it,” I questioned, confused as to why a fission cannon was so important to the Republic.
“That is no fission cannon,” Captain Jakobs answered me. “That, Commander Kadir, is a fusion cannon, designed by Doctor Galahand herself.”
“I started work on it shortly after I started the Guardian Project.” She closed her laptop and leaned against her desk with her arms crossed. She opened her mouth and said, “This fusion cannon works similarly to the fission cannon, as it draws nuclear power to heat gasses emitted from a separate chamber. The gas, which is a mix of hydrogen and helium, is then superheated to generate a projectile of pure plasma. The extra energy created by the fission process is then used to propel the newly made projectile, creating what we call a fission cannon.” She paused, and looked at me to make sure I was following along. “Now the fusion cannon works almost exactly the same, with a few slight alterations and improvements. Instead of fission, it uses nuclear fusion, generating more energy faster. Faster energy generation means a shorter charge rate of the cannon, and more energy means a stronger blast when propelling the projectile. Now, can you tell me what the biggest flaw of a fission cannon is?”
“It’s the fact that some of the gas ends up escaping before being superheated, creating a weaker projectile than what should have actually been produced.”
“Well, well, someone has done his homework. Yes, you are correct. With a fission cannon, escaped gas causes a disparity between the strength of the shot in the simulations and in real life.However the fusion cannon doesn’t have that issue. The energy amplifiers create a temporary barrier, as they produce residual energy as a by-product. This residual energy acts like a container, keeping the gasses from escaping, and the energy amplifiers increase the power of the projectile trapped inside. More gas in the chamber as well as a boost from the amplifiers increases the strength of the plasma bolt exponentially.”
“How much stronger?” A mischievous smile grew on the Doctor’s face when she heard my question.
“A fusion cannon, at full power, can generate enough force to obliterate a Jubara dreadnought in a single shot.” My jaw almost dropped upon hearing the Doctor's claim. A Jubara dreadnought sported some of the strongest armor plating in the galaxy, and could potentially even withstand a solar flare from a star. Thousands of questions flooded my mind at that moment, one of them being why the Republic would need a weapon capable of essentially mimicking the strength of a star with pinpoint accuracy. However I wouldn’t be able to get the answers to my questions as the ground shook violently, throwing Arthur to the ground. As I helped him back onto his feet, the ship’s alarm system blared to life. The five of us ran through the ship, the light from the blood red alarms bouncing off the black metal walls, creating this ominous feeling inside me. We reached the bridge and Ambassador Amar called to the AI construct that we had passed by before.
“Gabriel, status report!”
The AI formed once again above the emitter, its red coloring making it almost impossible to distinguish among the flashing alarms. A deep, cold voice spoke, over the alarms, “No damage to the ship or its systems.”
“Then what the hell was that!?”
“It came from outside Ma’am,” one of the crew members reported. “An emergency message was sent to all receiving systems.
“Play it,” the Ambassador ordered.
The crew member hit the button next to the comms station and the image of a Lakotli male came to life on the holoscreen. They were distressed and seemed to be locked in combat. They opened their mouths and spoke in a desperate voice “This is the Ensign Loalik of the Capital Patrol squad. We need all combat capable craft in the air, the Capital is under attack.”
Fun Fact! The in ancient history, the only species to have come close to breaching the defenses of the Ignari Capital were the Lakotli. Though the species as a whole now act more as diplomats rather than warriors and conquerors, and were one of the species who voted against supporting the Almunari's war against Sol,
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submitted by UnseenSoul28 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:48 dalekofchaos Injustice au:Batman's regime

Injustice au:Batman's regime
Been thinking of an alternate Injustice where Batman goes bad and leads an authoritarian regime.
Instead of Joker nuking Metropolis and Superman killing Lois. What starts it off is Selina is pregnant and it's their wedding. Joker shoots Selina killing her and their unborn child. Joker leads them on a merry chase to Metropolis and then the nuke goes off in Arkham.
Bruce kills Joker.
Clark, in horror. "Bruce, what have you done"
Bruce, full of heartbreak and in a fit of rage. "What I should have done a long time ago"
Bruce regroups with the only surviving members of the Batfamily. Damian and Cassandra. And decides to do what he should've done a long time ago.
Bruce seeks out Ra's and Talia. Bruce finally gives in and agrees to lead the League Of Assassins. Bruce kills Ra's and takes the LOA for himself. Talia takes Diana's place as his lover and second in command.(while Diana thankfully isn't cartoonishly evil)
Batman is known as Khuffash(translates The Bat)
Bruce's plans would be what Superman was in Injustice canon. Build a better world. Cleanse crime, end war and destroy everything Batman represented and make the Bat a symbol for the whole world to fear and if the Justice League dares to stop him, he will enforce his contingency plans on a world wide scale.
Bruce's regime council would be the following
  • Talia Al Ghul
  • Amanda Waller
  • Lex Luthor
  • Lady Shiva
  • Damian Wayne
  • Cassandra Cain
  • Huntress
  • Raven
  • Cyborg
Villains implanted with suicide squad type bombs being enforced to follow the Regime
  • Bane
  • Solomon Grundy
  • Black Adam
  • Killer Frost
  • Sinestro
  • Deathstroke
He gives the Justice League a chance. Join him and help him bring justice and order to the world or die out with the cleansing fire.
The Justice League are the insurgency. They will stop their old friend or die trying.
Unbeknownst to Bruce, Barbara survived. She's been helping the Justice League with her Oracle network. Barbara broke through to Cassandra and Cassandra has been working on the inside out to save her father from himself.
And instead of Lex always working with the Justice League, it's Amanda Waller working with the League.
Bruce has Gotham rebuilt using the Wayne fortune and Arkham rebuilt set to imprison the Justice League.
The final fight would be between Superman and Head of the Demon Batman.
Batman has Superman where he has him. And as he has his Kryptonite sword at Clark's throat, Bruce gives him TDKR speech
"I want you to remember, Clark…in all the years to come…in your most private moments…I want you to remember…my hand…at your throat…I want…you to remember…the one man who beat you.”
And then Cassandra stabs stops him. Together Clark and Cassandra take him down together.
Cassandra Wayne dedicates her life as the new Batman to clean up her father's mess and dedicating her life to making the bat to be a symbol of hope. While Damian swears revenge for his sister's treachery.
Bruce and his cohorts is kept in the bowels of new Arkham, being insured they will never escape, while Bruce vows to come back and finish what he started, while Clark vows he will be there to stop him.
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2024.04.30 14:46 mother_puppy New Releases April 30

MM Romance

Kindle Unlimited
Kobo & Kobo Plus
  • My Demon Charming: A Dark MM Paranormal Romance Novella (My Demon Charming: An Instalove Novella Trilogy #1) by Rhys Lawless - Kobo & Amazon - (paranormal, dark, instalove, human/demon, check CWs) - 89 pages
  • Jagged Ends: A LGBTQIA Second Chance Romance (Jagged Shores #5) by Thom Collins - Kobo & Amazon - (contemporary, romantic suspense, second chance, small town, chef/hotel manager, enemy sabotaging MC's restaurant opening) - 246 pages
  • The Taste of Unfinished Past (The Perfect Marriage #1) by Gwen Percy - Amazon - (contemporary, dark, abducted by the guy you bullied in high school, cheating?, love triangle) - 175 pages

Other Queer Romance

Kindle Unlimited
  • A Legacy of Stars (Fate and Legacy #2) by Raquel Raelynn - Amazon - (FF, fantasy, series must be read in order, established couple, new adult, rivals to lovers, witch/vampire, saving lover from unfair trial, resisting arranged marriage, survival journey) - 403 pages
  • The Frostbound Queen (Realms of the Covenant #1) by Amy Pennza - Amazon - (MF, fantasy, bisexual MC, betrayal, heir on the run, journey to save the kingdom, secrets) - ? pages
  • corrupted: A Teacher x Student Forbidden Sapphic Romance by Ivy Lane - Amazon - (FF, contemporary, forbidden, teachestudent, erotic romance) - 167 pages
  • d3some: A polyamorous romance by Miya Kressin - Amazon - (MMF, contemporary, poly, established MF couple adds a third, forced proximity through snowed in, gaming convention setting, only one bed) - 111 pages
  • Heat: A Lesbian Romance (Properties of Love #4) by Tessa Vidal - Amazon - (FF, contemporary, businesswoman/relator, California high society backdrop, secrets, emotional) - 190 pages
Kobo & Kobo Plus
  • Truly, Madly, Deeply by Alexandria Bellefleur - Kobo & Amazon - (MF, contemporary, bi 4 bi, divorce lawyer & romance novelist doing a relationship advice podcast, he's down hard, antagonists to lovers) - 328 pages
  • Hell's Revenge: Memoir of a Pirate Queen by Krystal N. Craiker - Kobo & Amazon - (MF, historical?, bisexual F, poly/ethical nonmonogamy, pirate/British Navy lieutenant, takes place over many years, found family, political intrigue, revenge) - 429 pages
  • Temptation of Knight (Knight: A MFF Duet #1) by Lenore Danvers - Kobo & Amazon - (MFF, contemporary, daddy/brats, possible cheating) - 79 pages
  • Built from Ashes (The Trust Trilogy #3) by Fox Beckman - Kobo & Amazon - (MX, fantasy, time travelemonster hunter, series must be read in order, established couple, relationship in crisis, betrayal, saving the world) - 484 pages


MM Romance
  • Patience (Damned Connections #1) by Lark Taylor, narrated by Will M. Watt & Dan Calley - Amazon - (paranormal, age gap as one is millennia old, second chance but one doesn't remember, fated mates, grim reapehuman, bi awakening) - 10 hrs 28 min
  • Two Thousand Dreams (Kings of Chaos #1) by Jocelynn Drake, narrated by Kevin Shen - Amazon - (paranormal, Chinese vampire/American blood witch, opposites/attract, character overlap from other series, magic, found family, looking for the door between fae and human worlds) - 12 hrs 15 min
  • Dragon's Descent (To Kill a King #3) by Sam Burns & W.M. Fawkes, narrated by Kirt Graves & Darcy Stark - Amazon - (fantasy, knight/king, second chance, pining, angst, found family, fire & ice) - 9 hrs 2 min
  • The Daddy Arrangement (The Situationship Series #3) by Jesse H. Reign, narrated by Liam DiCosimo & Declan Winters - Amazon - (contemporary, dad's best friend, forced proximity through roommates, age gap, daddy/brat boy (no age play), BDSM, domestic tasks) - 7 hrs 52 min
  • Cooper (Blue Collar Daddies #3) by Jacki James, narrated by Kirt Graves - Amazon - (contemporary, age gap, landscapetrust fund baby, daddy/brat boy) - 4 hrs 51 min
  • Relay (Changing Lanes #1) by Layla Reyne, narrated by Nick J. Russo - Amazon - (contemporary, print pub. in 2018, second chance - exes, rivals to lovers, Olympic swimming setting) - 7 hrs 13 min
  • Medley (Changing Lanes #2) by Layla Reyne, narrated by Nick J. Russo - Amazon - (contemporary, print pub. in 2018, rookie/veteran, good boy/bad boy on medley relay together, Olympic swimming setting) - 6 hrs 36 min
  • Dead Draw: A Marriage of Convenience Gay Romantic Suspense (Perfect Play #1) by Layla Reyne, narrated by Christian Leatherman - Amazon - (contemporary, marriage of convenience, FBI special agents trying to stop an enemy, widowesingle dad, mystery/suspense) - 7 hrs 8 min
  • Bad Bishop: A Marriage of Convenience Gay Romantic Suspense (Perfect Play #2) by Layla Reyne, narrated by Christian Leatherman - Amazon - (contemporary, established couple, series must be read in order, FBI agents, solve mystery of boss' framing for crime, continued mystery from book 1) - 6 hrs 45 min
  • King Hunt: A Marriage of Convenience Gay Romantic Suspense (Perfect Play #3) by Layla Reyne, narrated by Christian Leatherman - Amazon - (contemporary, established couple, series must be read in order, mystery continued from books 1 & 2, FBI agents) - 6 hrs 2 min
  • Ghostly Awakening (Ghostly #1) by E.M. Leya, narrated by Greg D. Barnett - Amazon - (paranormal, medical examinedetective, ME can see ghosts, mystery investigation, slowest of slow burns (multi book series)) - 6 hrs 39 min
Other Queer Romance
  • In the Roses of Pieria (Blood Files #1) by Anna Burke, narrated by Savannah Rivers - Amazon - (FF, contemporary fantasy, gothic, dark academia, translating centuries old epistolary romance) - 11 hrs 15 min
  • Bloodline by Jenn Alexander, narrated by Quinn Riley - Amazon - (FF, paranormal, human/vampire, coffee shop ownenight nurse, vampires are a secret in the society, saving coffee shop by marketing to vampires) - 7 hrs 6 min
  • Car Pool by Karin Kallmaker, narrated by Ellie Gossage - Amazon - (FF, contemporary at time of pub. in 1993, dislike to lovers, forced proximity, rich/poor, taking down a cheating company, grief, coming out) - 6 hrs 25 min
  • Truly, Madly, Deeply by Alexandria Bellefleur, narrated by Lauren Sweet - Amazon - (MF, contemporary, bi 4 bi, divorce lawyer & romance novelist doing a relationship advice podcast, he's down hard, antagonists to lovers) - 9 hrs 33 min
  • Push (Love Is Love #1) by Nyla K, narrated by Liam DiCosmio, Zachary Zaba & Rose Dioro - Amazon - (MMF, contemporary, poly, taboo, mom/dad/daughter's boyfriend, M/M insta love/lust, bi awakening) - 19 hrs 24 min
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2024.04.16 04:26 Hot-Adeptness421 Total Individual Control Technology (Part 3)

- Technological mind tricks of many types supporting of psychological operations via black project technology (Mandela effect psyops, time travel psyops, synthetic optics based psyops, powerful mind control)
- Invisible black project technology under an inter dimensional being / disembodied spirit cover story
- Black ops remote influencing tech used to create notions like ethereal implants and their removal to keep opposition in a continual loop of fruitless action
- More fruitless paths: use of notions like fighting in a synthetically produced tech based VR “astral realm” will help humanity defeat evil (e.g. Cameron Day)
- New age disinformation & many new age cover stories have been modeled after derivatives of black project science capabilities
- New Age Telepathic Impersonations: ascended masters, Ashtar, demons, jinn, shadow beings, RA, archangels, Jesus, holy spirit, God/Source, Gaia, extraterrestrials, inter dimensional Beings, Blue Avians, Pleiadians, reptilians, etc
- Directed energy weapon environmental manipulation with a “jinn” interaction cover story
- Artificial intelligence + electromagnetic weaponry engineered synchronicities
- New age mind control assets are rewarded by the electronic control grid (What I have called the dark law of attraction)
- “New Age Psychological Operations are successful societal engineering attempts in that which a supernatural spiritual ability is central to the belief system. I believe a reason the black ops sources chose this flavor of psyop is it enables a supreme vulnerability to remote influencing technologies. Implanted v2k thoughts can be psychic ESP… end game virtual reality cognitions can be remote viewing. Synthetic dreams can be astral projection. Electronic harassment can be ‘ascension symptoms’ or ‘psychic attacks’. Mind Control can be spirit possession or higher self. I believe all of these cover stories were engineered to be popular for their providing remote influence ease and concealment.[5]” ~Omnisense
“In the era of new age psychological operations there is an emphasis on controlled opposition in alt media. I have learned remote influencing technologies are rampant in the modern day turning targets into mind control asset false messiahs of sorts. It doesn’t end there. This conspiracy also involves covertly engineered events with remote technologies to persuade into the belief system. After a few decades of constant societal digestion of mind control assets, and constant mind control programs aimed at persuading into the belief system, we have an engineered mass delusion of decently big proportions.[9]” ~Omnisense
“New age cover stories exist for literally all black ops technology abilities.[10]” ~Omnisense
“The New Age Belief System was engineered to be more bright and exotic than the truth, this creates a situation where if a fully programmed new ager was ever to stumble upon a good picture of the truth, it would seem underwhelming, ridiculous, or even like a psyop.” ~Omnisense
Read More on Social Engineering: Psychological Operations Blueprint
New Hi-Tech Generation of COINTELPRO

In a Nutshell: Government sources are using directed energy weapons and artificial intelligence to terrorize, threaten, intimidate, discredit, silence, torture, and murder dissidents. In addition, security contractors (among others) are being hired as military thugs to gangstalk targets[19].

Zerzetsen: “Inflicting as much pain and suffering as possible without leaving any marks.[20]”
Directed energy weapon programs revolutionized this…
Counter-proliferation programs are intended to subvert the potentials of a target while punishing them with psycho-sadist techniques. The perversions of cointelpro are notable. The murderous and sadistic ethos of government counter-proliferation programs echos that of the Nazis and this perpetrator network of war criminals are committing sickening acts upon the global population.

Modern Day COINTELPRO Objectives:
These are counter-proliferation centered programs intended to subvert all progress --
- To discredit the target / To character assassinate / To slander the target
- To taint the target’s image / To misrepresent the target
- To suppress the target’s monetary success
- To suppress the target’s good character qualities or people’s awareness of positive aspects of the target
- To arrange a partner for the target or mind control the partner of the target
- To destroy relationships of the target
- To co-opt the target’s manifestation
- To turn the target into controlled opposition (In terms of beliefs & actions)
- To incriminate the target
- To round down the target’s output and audience – To marginalize the target
- To eliminate connections & networking ability
- To suppress the target’s personality
- Sanitization of pleasure, emotions, and individuality
- To punish the target / To torture the target
- To destroy the target’s life
- To stop a target from procreating / Ending a target’s bloodline (Eugenics)
- To suicide the target / To covertly assassinate the target
- To cover up the targeting operation
“If they see too much power and originality coming out of someone, they either use it and siphon it or they undermine it in order to neutralize it.” ~Ahmad Enani (TI)

COINTELPRO 2.0 Methodology:
Covert remote influencing technology suite --
- COINTELPRO 2.0: Thought surveillance neural AI net for psyche profiling
- COINTELPRO 2.0: Directed energy weapon mind control network for counter-proliferation targeting
- Ai based retro-causation; Extensive international neural monitoring programs can calculate a target’s potentials before the target is aware of them.
- Gangstalking / Organized Stalking
- Trauma based mind control – No touch torture
- Character assassination / Slander via proxies
- Technological illusions (PSYOPS) / misdirection
- Electromagnetic mind control aimed at discrediting the target
- Mind control of people who provide opportunities for the target
- Use of family against the target (e.g. Mind control of family)
- Use of pharmaceutical drugs against a target
- To orchestrate the detaining of the target in a psyche ward
- v2k to get a target diagnosed as a “paranoid schizophrenic”
- Exaggerated, warped and untrue slander about the target is proliferated
- Technology playing devil’s advocate via implanted thoughts to get a target in trouble
- Agenda to incriminate the target (Advice for COINTELPRO targets: Stay lawful)
- Use of ego against a target
- Weaponized mind control against a target
- Coercing of a target into appearing overly paranoid (e.g. An objective of stalking)
- Specific technological control of a target’s body language or vocal tone (e.g. To generate mistrust)
- Total individual control technology is used as a tactic to take away a citizen’s rights through faulty mental illness diagnoses[21]
- Outlandish black project technology experiences intended to discredit when spoken
- Use of electronic control grid to mind control misfortunes for a target
- Synthetic social phobias ~ Synthetic social anxiety (e.g. Public speaker related suppression)
- Suppression of whatever platform the target is talented in (e.g. Music production, software design)
- To dehumanize a target via electromagnetic neuroscience
- Severe targets are sanitized of pleasure, emotions, and personality
- Synthetic suicide programming
- Technologically enabled serial killers with a taste for revolutionaries & activists

Electronic Targeting Holocaust
- “While all these traditional tactics have proven fruitful throughout time without waning effectiveness, the agencies involved in extreme cover-ups prefer another tactic that seems to have withstood the test of time too. That is labeling someone “paranoid schizophrenic” or mentally ill. Once that label has been attached to someone, almost all testimony will be disbelieved. The military has employed this tactic since the 60’s to get rebellious soldiers and others locked up in mental hospitals. But since the weapons testing of neurological disruptor technology has begun on the general population beginning in the early 60’s and then stepped up to full throttle in 1976, the scope of what is considered mentally ill had to be reprogrammed into a broader definition for the general population.” ~Department of Defense Whistleblower: From the Out of Print Book – The Matrix Deciphered
- “My name is Dr. John Hall, I’m a medical Doctor from Texas. As a physician, relative to some of what you’re hearing today, in the community we are seeing an alarming rate of complaints of use of electromagnetic weapons, microwave auditory effect, silent sound spectrum, EEG cloning,… Which has taken the lab out of the laboratory and into the home, most of these from the research that we’ve reviewed can be done remotely. It seems to be more weapons research than medical research. I’ve personally corresponded with upwards of 1,500 victims all complaining of identical complaints from every state in the nation. Of being exposed to electromagnetic radiation. Non-ionizing radiation. For the use of cognitive control or behavior control….” ~Anesthesiologist Dr. John Hall Speaking to the Presidential Bioethics Commission
- “I am also targeted and this is my story. My name is Sandra Fields. I’m an architect, recipient of Who’s Who of Women in America achievement award and have run a successful business for over 28 years. My life and livelihood have been compromised for the last 11 years by being attacked by electromagnetic radiation torture, and by organized stalking… Thousands of Americans are currently suffering from chemical, electromagnetic, psychological and physical torture with no government relief or laws. Our servicemen, prisoners, and thousands of unknowing innocent civilians are currently being lamed, tormented and tortured as a result of military research, medical research, pharmaceutical research, physiological and psychological studies that have virtually destroyed participants’ sanity, physical well-being, reputation and privacy.” ~Targeted Individual Sandra Fields, Speaking to Obama’s Presidential Bioethics Committee
- “What the governments found, was that you could induce by changing the pulse frequency like morse code of the microwaves going into the brain and interfering with the brain, by specializing on the pulse frequency you could induce psychiatric illnesses to the point where a psychiatrist could not tell if it is a genuine psychiatric illness or an induced psychiatric illness. So what you can do theoretically, is you can target an individual’s brain, they may have auditory hallucinations where they hear things, which is actually quite common with microwaves. Or show signs of schizophrenia, for instance 6.6 pulses a second can induce severe sexual aggression in men. … Technically what you could do is have someone committed to a psychiatric hospital or a jail for a crime, just by somebody saying that they had a psychiatric problem where by they didn’t.” ~Ex-British Royal Navy Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower
- “They can cause insanity, and it was an experiment. One of the experiments was to take an ordinary sane person, cause insanity, and have a psychiatrist who was unknown to everybody diagnose schizophrenia, or paranoia or a psychiatric illness. That was a successful outcome. And the person would spend the rest of their life in an asylum in misery, but to the government scientists that was a success.” ~Ex-Black Project Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower
- “The war against satellite terrorism isn’t just the USA. This is a global issue! I’m in tropical Queensland Australia and get battered daily.” ~Targeted Individual Amanda Emily Reed

MKUltra Cover Stories
This technology has interacted with quite a large amount of people, however it is almost always misidentified as other sources[8].

Directed Energy Weapon Cover Stories:
- Mental illness as an electronic harassment cover story
- End game technology packaged under persuasive “spiritual warfare” illusions
- Directed energy interaction packaged as the supernatural
- Government technology under a cosmic being facade
- Religious themed illusions/Using religion mythology as a means for cover stories
- Extraterrestrial contact as a psychological operation cover story
- Ghosts as a cover story – AI orchestrated phantom illusions
- End game technology as a sorcery cover story
- End game technology as the real source behind effective voodoo
- Witchcraft as a directed energy cover story
- Black project science under a black magic cover story
- Directed energy attacks deceptively packaged as physiological ailments
- Synthetic signals in the brain from implants framed as physiological ailments
- “Psychic Attack” as a directed energy attack cover story
- “Spiritual Attack” as a directed energy attack cover story
- New Age cover stories (e.g. Disembodied spirit illusions)
- Old age mythological gods used as a cover story
- Human based electronic harassment with aliens packaged as the perpetrator
- Scientology methods as a cover story for technological remote influence
- Exotic neurobody illusions (e.g. Chakra, entity attachments, ethereal implants)
- Inter dimensional being interaction as an electronic targeting cover story
- Exploitation of illusory explanations to conceal directed energy crimes.“People who have already assimilated the cover stories are often not ready to hear the truth.” ~Omnisense
Beings Impersonated:
- Neighbors (Targeted Individual v2k)
- Black Ops Agents (Targeted Individual v2k)
- Family (Targeted Individual v2k)
- Deceased Loved Ones / Deceased Relatives / Deceased Pets (Psy Ops v2k)
- Demons (Mind Control Cover Story)
- Jinn (Cover Stories)
- Archons (Cover Stories)
- Inter Dimensional Beings (New Age Psy Ops)
- Extraterrestrials (Cosmic Being Impersonation Programs/UFOlogy Bastardization)
- Entity Attachments (New Age Psy Ops)
- Shadow Beings (e.g. To Cause Fear from an Obscure Source)
- Archangels (To Impersonate a Higher Authority)
- Lucifer (To Persuade into Evil)
- Satan (Satanist v2k)
- RA (New Age Psy Ops)
- Spirits (Spiritual Warfare Illusions)
- Ghosts – Phantoms (Directed Energy Trickery)
- Faeries (Rehashed Old Age Cover Stories)
- Higher Self (Mind Control Cover Story)
- Panpsychism Based Impersonations (e.g. Gaia aka Mother Earth Speaking to People)
- Saints & Mother Mary (Religious Impersonations)
- Holy Spirit (Psychological Direction Method / Sleeper Assassin Method)
- Ascended Masters (Impersonation of a Higher Power)
- Jesus (Any Vector of Vulnerability is Exploited)
- Person’s of Note (e.g. To get a Target to Murder them, To Psychologically Direct)
- Any Mythological God of the Past (These can be pretty cool)
- God / Allah / Yahweh / Jehovah (Impersonation of the Highest Power)
- Done via Electronic Telepathy Contact (Voice to Skull – v2k)
“Directed energy weapons operate invisibly while the inducible mental limits of directed energy weapons are the limits of consciousness itself, this makes for an incredibly potent environment for illusions of all types.” ~Omnisense

NeuroWeaponry & Artificial Intelligence Quotes:
- “The point of the program is to have maximum psychological effect and leave the minimal amount of evidence.[22]” ~Anonymous Targeting Program Insider
- “In 1985 CNN did a special report on radio frequency weapons. They hired an engineer who built an “RF Mind Interference” machine based on Soviet schematics. The machine successfully transmitted images into a CNN reporter’s mind. The stunned engineer said that, given three weeks time, he could scale up the machine to use on a whole town, causing them to do things against their better judgement, see and hear things that weren’t there, etc. The pentagon said it was too sensitive a subject to comment on. Remember, these effects were achieved by civilians over 30 years ago! One can speculate that they’ve made great advances in the past decades.[8]” ~Targeted Individual Jim Hastings
- “Through the effective use of cover stories sources like the CIA hide an abundance of technological effects on society under a plethora of various facades.[23]” ~Omnisense
- “Electromagnetic mind control provides for revolutionary opportunities to control the opposition.[8]” ~Omnisense
- “MKUltra tech can induce the exact feeling that a thought came from yourself to mask it’s presence.[8]” ~Omnisense
- “An idea behind using cover stories, such as religious or new age, is to encapsulate the opposition into a state of inability to identify the real perpetrators.[8]” ~Omnisense
- “Superior scientific knowledge has been obtained via government black projects and this knowledge is being weaponized.[24]” ~Omnisense
- “The top of the pyramid of a global black ops crime syndicate formed an AI based electronic telepathy cybernetic secret society sometime in the era of Project mkultra.” ~Omnisense
- “The black ops sources operate most effectively if their presence is unknown.[8]” ~Omnisense
- “Theres no way any agency or government could possibly admit this level of assassination and torture without a complete collapse.[25]” ~Ex-CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan

Most Evil Acts Done by These Technologies:
- Attacking of the defenseless
- Negation of free will in both overt and covert methodologies
- Severe violations of human rights
- Profoundly dirty tactics – All evil tactics mapped and exploited
- Proliferation of wawars by proxy
- Unwitting enslavement/Manchurian candidates
- Suppression of societal progress that threatens the control systems
- Framing innocent individuals (e.g. murder, molestation, drug charges)
- Vicious character assassination/incredibly malicious slander
- Permanent damage to body parts of targets (e.g. damaging the most valuable aspect of someone’s ability)
- Mind control based injustices on unwitting individuals (e.g. mind controlled cheating on partners as a eugenics act)
- Suppression and/or malicious sabotage of work (e.g. art, music, writing)
- Intentional destruction or sabotage of that which is priceless
- Directed energy weapon emotional abuse
- Coerced suicide/suicide as a cover story for murder
- Psychiatric targeting (getting targets locked up in psyche wards/framing targets as mentally ill/creation of psychiatric symptoms for the effect of pharmaceutically drugging a target)
- Feigning illness in children to drug them with harmful pharmaceuticals (ADHD is very easy to feign with these technologies)
- Malicious sabotage of infant development via electromagnetic weaponry
- Microwave induced tumors, cancers & heart attacks in covert murders
- Murder by Proxy/assassination by proxy
- Promotion of pedophilia/molestation/rape via the electronic control grid
- Eugenics operations (e.g. Elimination of masterful oppositional bloodlines)
- Fukushima is credibly rumored to have been done by HAARP
- Intentional malicious programming of geneticsIntentional malicious sabotage of genetics/Intentional damaging of genetics
- Intentional malicious programming of soul (e.g. with misalignments)
- An unknown area of the conspiracy is a sick & twisted agenda to not only victimize people in this lifetime, but to make their victimization transcend into future incarnations.“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the Government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.[26]” ~William Blum - Perpetrators of a Covert Holocaust

- Julian Assange, Vault 7 Press Conference: “The CIA is the largest intelligence agency in the world by budgetary expenditure.”
- Dr. Udo Ulfkotte: “Do you really think that this is journalism? Intelligence agencies writing articles…[27]”
- Former DEA Dennis Dayle: “In my 30-year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration and related agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be working for the CIA.[28]”
- The CIA has mastered the craft of warfare by proxy.
- The CIA employs overzealous weaponization of everything possible
- The Central Intelligence Agency has a cover story front for public rationalization of what it does.
- There are CIA world spanning information warfare programs proliferated through the electronic control grid.
- There are CIA superiors above the official director.
- I would suspect the CIA director can be informed or pretty clueless.
- These shadow CIA heads are not elected or appointed by the U.S. President.
- CIA higher ups commit acts as if they are Charles Manson mixed with Adolf Hitler.
- The CIA black ops agent model suppresses or negates a sense of humor, empathy, and in general they are not allowed to feel love.
- Planning, orchestration, and cover up of false flags[29]
- Covert divide and conquer is employed against domestic and international civilian populations.
- Engineering of weaponized viruses & other biological warfare.
- The CIA likes to do criminal activity when they have the opportunity to explain it with a “rational” cover story.
- I have heard stated in the electronic telepathy network that the CIA has the most comprehensively mapped black project artificial intelligence in the world.
- The CIA has built Ai models to simulate any American (e.g. Mind control & interrogation Ai).
- From what I could gather, the CIA is majorly influenced by a foreign power, the Vatican.
- CIA actions controlled by a war mongering secret society of bloodliners.
- According to several sources the founding director of the CIA, and subsequent directors have a tendency to be Knights of Malta aka servants of the pope.
- It is possible that arranged electronic control grid influence is sold to the highest bidder by sources like the CIA. If this is the case the bidders are likely chosen very carefully, and have very criminal and sinister ethos similar to the groups who set up the electronic control grid. Also possible that initial investors in the electronic control grid now have seats of power.Hypothesis: The CIA is the largest perpetrator of electronic targeting on the planet.In my view the CIA should be extirpated“The CIA knows how to manipulate conclusions.” ~Omnisense
The Vatican
- CIA Vet E. Howard Hunt said in the documentary A Coup: Made in America: “We always said in an admiring way that the Jesuits have formed the greatest intelligence service in the world, always have.”
- A group called the “Society of Jesus” likely has their hands dirty with the electronic control grid.
- The Black Pope is the official leader of the Society of Jesus[30]
- Vatican bank system allegedly connected to Italian Mafia
- Vatican library secrets have been hidden since times of mass illiteracy worldwide
- A Vatican hidden artifacts of history treasury is sure to exist in my opinion
- Vatican conceptual energy matches extremely dark realities
- High tech faux-demonic possession exorcism used as a method to gain followers
- Diplomatic manipulation of governments & monarchies
- Conspiring Cardinals
- Vatican & Jesuits credibly behind countless dissident & heretic murders throughout history.
- A Jesuit oath speaks of assassination of ideological opposition, slaying the enemy’s children, and waging relentless war (e.g. Creating civil wars in artistic & prosperous nations)[31]
- A world full of nescient catholics donate to an incredibly corrupt church.
- The top leadership of the Vatican are fake Christians using the religion for greed, lust & power.
- Imposters of Christ – They pretend to believe in Christ but secretly serve darkness.
- Imposters of God taken to a new level with electronic telepathy impersonation.
- Hidden hand behind wars for centuries.
- Secret Vatican Bible & history knowledge is utilized by shadow government.
- Agenda to wipe any true evidence of Christ off the face of the Earth.
- Inside the electronic telepathy network a Satanist is said to be the true head of the Vatican.
- I believe that a Vatican source heads the shadow government as of April 2017.
- The Catholic Church has paid out $3,994,797,060.10+ as a result of sex abuse scandals[32]
- Alleged illuminati insider Svali says she witnessed the satanic ritual murder of a child in a basement catacomb of the Vatican[33]
- One name I heard as an insider to the electronic telepathy cybernetic network is Joseph Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict XVI
- “With the track record the Vatican has, it should be banned from going anywhere near children.” ~Baboshka

Other Highly Probable or Confirmed Perpetrators:
- United States Military – U.S. Navy / U.S. Air Force / U.S. Army
- The Pentagon
- Department of Defense (DoD)
- National Security Agency (NSA)
- National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- American “Fusion Centers”
- Security Industry Companies
- DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
- Israeli Government / Mossad / Zionist cabal
- UK Government / MI5 / MI6 / GCHQ
- German Government / The Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst)
- Government of India / Intelligence Bureau (IB)
- Chinese Government / The Ministry of State Security (MSS)
- Russian Government / Russian Military / Federal Security Service (FSB) / KGB
- Japanese Government / Public Security Intelligence Agency (公安調査庁)
- Danish Government / Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (PET)
- Government of France / French Intelligence / French Military
- Spanish Government / The National Intelligence Center (CNI)
- Australian Government / Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)
- New Zealand Government / Security Intelligence Service (SIS)
- Canadian Government / Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
- Brazilian Government / Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (ABIN)
- Saudi Arabian Government / General Intelligence Directorate (GID)
- Plenty of unnamed corporations within the military industrial complex.
- Every unnamed & corrupted military worldwide has potential to be involved.
- Every unnamed intelligence agency worldwide has potential to be involved.
- Secret societies connected to the intelligence community.
Rumor: Every party that has figured out remote neural monitoring has been initiated into a secret coalition controlled by totalitarian secret society members“Each agency plays it’s role in the integrated global system.” ~Black Project Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan
See: The Shadow Government Cybernetic Network Article.

More on the Perpetrators:
- Intelligence agencies are used for their ability to keep secrets, superior funding, national security excuses, lack of checks and balances, & propensity for criminal activity.
- Electronic telepathy provides for no paper trail and relatively zero traceable roots
- Electronic control grid perpetrators conspire daily via electronic telepathy with electronic targeting cases & planning of new psychological operations.
- U.S. Military heads in a network appear to be cruel and barbaric.
- Electronic control grid sources harbor lunatic serial killer ideologies which are in use against the international civilian population via electronic warfare.
- Militaristically psychopathic acts of terror, sadism, and cruelty are a norm.
- Shadow government war criminals are known to practice BCI sadism[34] (e.g. cruel pain affliction with invisible technologies while the perpetrator interfaces the psychological distress of their victim with surveillance fed BCI tech)
- Shills in government, military, and media are complicit in the cover up.
- Electronic control grid sources are in control of governments either wittingly or unwittingly through persuasion, coercion, and/or covert electromagnetic mind control.
- There are powerful serial rapists within the electronic control grid pyramid.
- There is a focused agenda to incriminate as many people as possible with this conspiracy, they want more company for a sinking ship.
- There are signs of opposition coming from inside Russia’s network (This is a potential reason for the ruling class to orchestrate proxy attacks against Russia)
- Electronic control grid sources have strategically used deceptive rationalizations to curtail the public domain implementations of these technologies.“When I worked [at the NSA 1982-2010] I had no idea that there was an über-evil, anti-American side to NSA. Everything is highly compartmented… this protects secrets but of course is a perfect environment in which to hide elaborate criminal activity, especially when the NSA Security as well as other watch dog organizations were compromised in preparation for crimes of unfathomable reach and scope.[35]” ~Karen Melton-Stewart

submitted by Hot-Adeptness421 to Gangstalking2023 [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 04:15 Hot-Adeptness421 Total Individual Control Technology (Part 3)

- Technological mind tricks of many types supporting of psychological operations via black project technology (Mandela effect psyops, time travel psyops, synthetic optics based psyops, powerful mind control)
- Invisible black project technology under an inter dimensional being / disembodied spirit cover story
- Black ops remote influencing tech used to create notions like ethereal implants and their removal to keep opposition in a continual loop of fruitless action
- More fruitless paths: use of notions like fighting in a synthetically produced tech based VR “astral realm” will help humanity defeat evil (e.g. Cameron Day)
- New age disinformation & many new age cover stories have been modeled after derivatives of black project science capabilities
- New Age Telepathic Impersonations: ascended masters, Ashtar, demons, jinn, shadow beings, RA, archangels, Jesus, holy spirit, God/Source, Gaia, extraterrestrials, inter dimensional Beings, Blue Avians, Pleiadians, reptilians, etc
- Directed energy weapon environmental manipulation with a “jinn” interaction cover story
- Artificial intelligence + electromagnetic weaponry engineered synchronicities
- New age mind control assets are rewarded by the electronic control grid (What I have called the dark law of attraction)
- “New Age Psychological Operations are successful societal engineering attempts in that which a supernatural spiritual ability is central to the belief system. I believe a reason the black ops sources chose this flavor of psyop is it enables a supreme vulnerability to remote influencing technologies. Implanted v2k thoughts can be psychic ESP… end game virtual reality cognitions can be remote viewing. Synthetic dreams can be astral projection. Electronic harassment can be ‘ascension symptoms’ or ‘psychic attacks’. Mind Control can be spirit possession or higher self. I believe all of these cover stories were engineered to be popular for their providing remote influence ease and concealment.[5]” ~Omnisense
“In the era of new age psychological operations there is an emphasis on controlled opposition in alt media. I have learned remote influencing technologies are rampant in the modern day turning targets into mind control asset false messiahs of sorts. It doesn’t end there. This conspiracy also involves covertly engineered events with remote technologies to persuade into the belief system. After a few decades of constant societal digestion of mind control assets, and constant mind control programs aimed at persuading into the belief system, we have an engineered mass delusion of decently big proportions.[9]” ~Omnisense
“New age cover stories exist for literally all black ops technology abilities.[10]” ~Omnisense
“The New Age Belief System was engineered to be more bright and exotic than the truth, this creates a situation where if a fully programmed new ager was ever to stumble upon a good picture of the truth, it would seem underwhelming, ridiculous, or even like a psyop.” ~Omnisense
Read More on Social Engineering: Psychological Operations Blueprint
New Hi-Tech Generation of COINTELPRO

In a Nutshell: Government sources are using directed energy weapons and artificial intelligence to terrorize, threaten, intimidate, discredit, silence, torture, and murder dissidents. In addition, security contractors (among others) are being hired as military thugs to gangstalk targets[19].

Zerzetsen: “Inflicting as much pain and suffering as possible without leaving any marks.[20]”
Directed energy weapon programs revolutionized this…
Counter-proliferation programs are intended to subvert the potentials of a target while punishing them with psycho-sadist techniques. The perversions of cointelpro are notable. The murderous and sadistic ethos of government counter-proliferation programs echos that of the Nazis and this perpetrator network of war criminals are committing sickening acts upon the global population.

Modern Day COINTELPRO Objectives:
These are counter-proliferation centered programs intended to subvert all progress --
- To discredit the target / To character assassinate / To slander the target
- To taint the target’s image / To misrepresent the target
- To suppress the target’s monetary success
- To suppress the target’s good character qualities or people’s awareness of positive aspects of the target
- To arrange a partner for the target or mind control the partner of the target
- To destroy relationships of the target
- To co-opt the target’s manifestation
- To turn the target into controlled opposition (In terms of beliefs & actions)
- To incriminate the target
- To round down the target’s output and audience – To marginalize the target
- To eliminate connections & networking ability
- To suppress the target’s personality
- Sanitization of pleasure, emotions, and individuality
- To punish the target / To torture the target
- To destroy the target’s life
- To stop a target from procreating / Ending a target’s bloodline (Eugenics)
- To suicide the target / To covertly assassinate the target
- To cover up the targeting operation
“If they see too much power and originality coming out of someone, they either use it and siphon it or they undermine it in order to neutralize it.” ~Ahmad Enani (TI)

COINTELPRO 2.0 Methodology:
Covert remote influencing technology suite --
- COINTELPRO 2.0: Thought surveillance neural AI net for psyche profiling
- COINTELPRO 2.0: Directed energy weapon mind control network for counter-proliferation targeting
- Ai based retro-causation; Extensive international neural monitoring programs can calculate a target’s potentials before the target is aware of them.
- Gangstalking / Organized Stalking
- Trauma based mind control – No touch torture
- Character assassination / Slander via proxies
- Technological illusions (PSYOPS) / misdirection
- Electromagnetic mind control aimed at discrediting the target
- Mind control of people who provide opportunities for the target
- Use of family against the target (e.g. Mind control of family)
- Use of pharmaceutical drugs against a target
- To orchestrate the detaining of the target in a psyche ward
- v2k to get a target diagnosed as a “paranoid schizophrenic”
- Exaggerated, warped and untrue slander about the target is proliferated
- Technology playing devil’s advocate via implanted thoughts to get a target in trouble
- Agenda to incriminate the target (Advice for COINTELPRO targets: Stay lawful)
- Use of ego against a target
- Weaponized mind control against a target
- Coercing of a target into appearing overly paranoid (e.g. An objective of stalking)
- Specific technological control of a target’s body language or vocal tone (e.g. To generate mistrust)
- Total individual control technology is used as a tactic to take away a citizen’s rights through faulty mental illness diagnoses[21]
- Outlandish black project technology experiences intended to discredit when spoken
- Use of electronic control grid to mind control misfortunes for a target
- Synthetic social phobias ~ Synthetic social anxiety (e.g. Public speaker related suppression)
- Suppression of whatever platform the target is talented in (e.g. Music production, software design)
- To dehumanize a target via electromagnetic neuroscience
- Severe targets are sanitized of pleasure, emotions, and personality
- Synthetic suicide programming
- Technologically enabled serial killers with a taste for revolutionaries & activists

Electronic Targeting Holocaust
- “While all these traditional tactics have proven fruitful throughout time without waning effectiveness, the agencies involved in extreme cover-ups prefer another tactic that seems to have withstood the test of time too. That is labeling someone “paranoid schizophrenic” or mentally ill. Once that label has been attached to someone, almost all testimony will be disbelieved. The military has employed this tactic since the 60’s to get rebellious soldiers and others locked up in mental hospitals. But since the weapons testing of neurological disruptor technology has begun on the general population beginning in the early 60’s and then stepped up to full throttle in 1976, the scope of what is considered mentally ill had to be reprogrammed into a broader definition for the general population.” ~Department of Defense Whistleblower: From the Out of Print Book – The Matrix Deciphered
- “My name is Dr. John Hall, I’m a medical Doctor from Texas. As a physician, relative to some of what you’re hearing today, in the community we are seeing an alarming rate of complaints of use of electromagnetic weapons, microwave auditory effect, silent sound spectrum, EEG cloning,… Which has taken the lab out of the laboratory and into the home, most of these from the research that we’ve reviewed can be done remotely. It seems to be more weapons research than medical research. I’ve personally corresponded with upwards of 1,500 victims all complaining of identical complaints from every state in the nation. Of being exposed to electromagnetic radiation. Non-ionizing radiation. For the use of cognitive control or behavior control….” ~Anesthesiologist Dr. John Hall Speaking to the Presidential Bioethics Commission
- “I am also targeted and this is my story. My name is Sandra Fields. I’m an architect, recipient of Who’s Who of Women in America achievement award and have run a successful business for over 28 years. My life and livelihood have been compromised for the last 11 years by being attacked by electromagnetic radiation torture, and by organized stalking… Thousands of Americans are currently suffering from chemical, electromagnetic, psychological and physical torture with no government relief or laws. Our servicemen, prisoners, and thousands of unknowing innocent civilians are currently being lamed, tormented and tortured as a result of military research, medical research, pharmaceutical research, physiological and psychological studies that have virtually destroyed participants’ sanity, physical well-being, reputation and privacy.” ~Targeted Individual Sandra Fields, Speaking to Obama’s Presidential Bioethics Committee
- “What the governments found, was that you could induce by changing the pulse frequency like morse code of the microwaves going into the brain and interfering with the brain, by specializing on the pulse frequency you could induce psychiatric illnesses to the point where a psychiatrist could not tell if it is a genuine psychiatric illness or an induced psychiatric illness. So what you can do theoretically, is you can target an individual’s brain, they may have auditory hallucinations where they hear things, which is actually quite common with microwaves. Or show signs of schizophrenia, for instance 6.6 pulses a second can induce severe sexual aggression in men. … Technically what you could do is have someone committed to a psychiatric hospital or a jail for a crime, just by somebody saying that they had a psychiatric problem where by they didn’t.” ~Ex-British Royal Navy Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower
- “They can cause insanity, and it was an experiment. One of the experiments was to take an ordinary sane person, cause insanity, and have a psychiatrist who was unknown to everybody diagnose schizophrenia, or paranoia or a psychiatric illness. That was a successful outcome. And the person would spend the rest of their life in an asylum in misery, but to the government scientists that was a success.” ~Ex-Black Project Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower
- “The war against satellite terrorism isn’t just the USA. This is a global issue! I’m in tropical Queensland Australia and get battered daily.” ~Targeted Individual Amanda Emily Reed

MKUltra Cover Stories
This technology has interacted with quite a large amount of people, however it is almost always misidentified as other sources[8].

Directed Energy Weapon Cover Stories:
- Mental illness as an electronic harassment cover story
- End game technology packaged under persuasive “spiritual warfare” illusions
- Directed energy interaction packaged as the supernatural
- Government technology under a cosmic being facade
- Religious themed illusions/Using religion mythology as a means for cover stories
- Extraterrestrial contact as a psychological operation cover story
- Ghosts as a cover story – AI orchestrated phantom illusions
- End game technology as a sorcery cover story
- End game technology as the real source behind effective voodoo
- Witchcraft as a directed energy cover story
- Black project science under a black magic cover story
- Directed energy attacks deceptively packaged as physiological ailments
- Synthetic signals in the brain from implants framed as physiological ailments
- “Psychic Attack” as a directed energy attack cover story
- “Spiritual Attack” as a directed energy attack cover story
- New Age cover stories (e.g. Disembodied spirit illusions)
- Old age mythological gods used as a cover story
- Human based electronic harassment with aliens packaged as the perpetrator
- Scientology methods as a cover story for technological remote influence
- Exotic neurobody illusions (e.g. Chakra, entity attachments, ethereal implants)
- Inter dimensional being interaction as an electronic targeting cover story
- Exploitation of illusory explanations to conceal directed energy crimes.“People who have already assimilated the cover stories are often not ready to hear the truth.” ~Omnisense
Beings Impersonated:
- Neighbors (Targeted Individual v2k)
- Black Ops Agents (Targeted Individual v2k)
- Family (Targeted Individual v2k)
- Deceased Loved Ones / Deceased Relatives / Deceased Pets (Psy Ops v2k)
- Demons (Mind Control Cover Story)
- Jinn (Cover Stories)
- Archons (Cover Stories)
- Inter Dimensional Beings (New Age Psy Ops)
- Extraterrestrials (Cosmic Being Impersonation Programs/UFOlogy Bastardization)
- Entity Attachments (New Age Psy Ops)
- Shadow Beings (e.g. To Cause Fear from an Obscure Source)
- Archangels (To Impersonate a Higher Authority)
- Lucifer (To Persuade into Evil)
- Satan (Satanist v2k)
- RA (New Age Psy Ops)
- Spirits (Spiritual Warfare Illusions)
- Ghosts – Phantoms (Directed Energy Trickery)
- Faeries (Rehashed Old Age Cover Stories)
- Higher Self (Mind Control Cover Story)
- Panpsychism Based Impersonations (e.g. Gaia aka Mother Earth Speaking to People)
- Saints & Mother Mary (Religious Impersonations)
- Holy Spirit (Psychological Direction Method / Sleeper Assassin Method)
- Ascended Masters (Impersonation of a Higher Power)
- Jesus (Any Vector of Vulnerability is Exploited)
- Person’s of Note (e.g. To get a Target to Murder them, To Psychologically Direct)
- Any Mythological God of the Past (These can be pretty cool)
- God / Allah / Yahweh / Jehovah (Impersonation of the Highest Power)
- Done via Electronic Telepathy Contact (Voice to Skull – v2k)
“Directed energy weapons operate invisibly while the inducible mental limits of directed energy weapons are the limits of consciousness itself, this makes for an incredibly potent environment for illusions of all types.” ~Omnisense

NeuroWeaponry & Artificial Intelligence Quotes:
- “The point of the program is to have maximum psychological effect and leave the minimal amount of evidence.[22]” ~Anonymous Targeting Program Insider
- “In 1985 CNN did a special report on radio frequency weapons. They hired an engineer who built an “RF Mind Interference” machine based on Soviet schematics. The machine successfully transmitted images into a CNN reporter’s mind. The stunned engineer said that, given three weeks time, he could scale up the machine to use on a whole town, causing them to do things against their better judgement, see and hear things that weren’t there, etc. The pentagon said it was too sensitive a subject to comment on. Remember, these effects were achieved by civilians over 30 years ago! One can speculate that they’ve made great advances in the past decades.[8]” ~Targeted Individual Jim Hastings
- “Through the effective use of cover stories sources like the CIA hide an abundance of technological effects on society under a plethora of various facades.[23]” ~Omnisense
- “Electromagnetic mind control provides for revolutionary opportunities to control the opposition.[8]” ~Omnisense
- “MKUltra tech can induce the exact feeling that a thought came from yourself to mask it’s presence.[8]” ~Omnisense
- “An idea behind using cover stories, such as religious or new age, is to encapsulate the opposition into a state of inability to identify the real perpetrators.[8]” ~Omnisense
- “Superior scientific knowledge has been obtained via government black projects and this knowledge is being weaponized.[24]” ~Omnisense
- “The top of the pyramid of a global black ops crime syndicate formed an AI based electronic telepathy cybernetic secret society sometime in the era of Project mkultra.” ~Omnisense
- “The black ops sources operate most effectively if their presence is unknown.[8]” ~Omnisense
- “Theres no way any agency or government could possibly admit this level of assassination and torture without a complete collapse.[25]” ~Ex-CIA Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan

Most Evil Acts Done by These Technologies:
- Attacking of the defenseless
- Negation of free will in both overt and covert methodologies
- Severe violations of human rights
- Profoundly dirty tactics – All evil tactics mapped and exploited
- Proliferation of wawars by proxy
- Unwitting enslavement/Manchurian candidates
- Suppression of societal progress that threatens the control systems
- Framing innocent individuals (e.g. murder, molestation, drug charges)
- Vicious character assassination/incredibly malicious slander
- Permanent damage to body parts of targets (e.g. damaging the most valuable aspect of someone’s ability)
- Mind control based injustices on unwitting individuals (e.g. mind controlled cheating on partners as a eugenics act)
- Suppression and/or malicious sabotage of work (e.g. art, music, writing)
- Intentional destruction or sabotage of that which is priceless
- Directed energy weapon emotional abuse
- Coerced suicide/suicide as a cover story for murder
- Psychiatric targeting (getting targets locked up in psyche wards/framing targets as mentally ill/creation of psychiatric symptoms for the effect of pharmaceutically drugging a target)
- Feigning illness in children to drug them with harmful pharmaceuticals (ADHD is very easy to feign with these technologies)
- Malicious sabotage of infant development via electromagnetic weaponry
- Microwave induced tumors, cancers & heart attacks in covert murders
- Murder by Proxy/assassination by proxy
- Promotion of pedophilia/molestation/rape via the electronic control grid
- Eugenics operations (e.g. Elimination of masterful oppositional bloodlines)
- Fukushima is credibly rumored to have been done by HAARP
- Intentional malicious programming of geneticsIntentional malicious sabotage of genetics/Intentional damaging of genetics
- Intentional malicious programming of soul (e.g. with misalignments)
- An unknown area of the conspiracy is a sick & twisted agenda to not only victimize people in this lifetime, but to make their victimization transcend into future incarnations.“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the Government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.[26]” ~William Blum - Perpetrators of a Covert Holocaust

- Julian Assange, Vault 7 Press Conference: “The CIA is the largest intelligence agency in the world by budgetary expenditure.”
- Dr. Udo Ulfkotte: “Do you really think that this is journalism? Intelligence agencies writing articles…[27]”
- Former DEA Dennis Dayle: “In my 30-year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration and related agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be working for the CIA.[28]”
- The CIA has mastered the craft of warfare by proxy.
- The CIA employs overzealous weaponization of everything possible
- The Central Intelligence Agency has a cover story front for public rationalization of what it does.
- There are CIA world spanning information warfare programs proliferated through the electronic control grid.
- There are CIA superiors above the official director.
- I would suspect the CIA director can be informed or pretty clueless.
- These shadow CIA heads are not elected or appointed by the U.S. President.
- CIA higher ups commit acts as if they are Charles Manson mixed with Adolf Hitler.
- The CIA black ops agent model suppresses or negates a sense of humor, empathy, and in general they are not allowed to feel love.
- Planning, orchestration, and cover up of false flags[29]
- Covert divide and conquer is employed against domestic and international civilian populations.
- Engineering of weaponized viruses & other biological warfare.
- The CIA likes to do criminal activity when they have the opportunity to explain it with a “rational” cover story.
- I have heard stated in the electronic telepathy network that the CIA has the most comprehensively mapped black project artificial intelligence in the world.
- The CIA has built Ai models to simulate any American (e.g. Mind control & interrogation Ai).
- From what I could gather, the CIA is majorly influenced by a foreign power, the Vatican.
- CIA actions controlled by a war mongering secret society of bloodliners.
- According to several sources the founding director of the CIA, and subsequent directors have a tendency to be Knights of Malta aka servants of the pope.
- It is possible that arranged electronic control grid influence is sold to the highest bidder by sources like the CIA. If this is the case the bidders are likely chosen very carefully, and have very criminal and sinister ethos similar to the groups who set up the electronic control grid. Also possible that initial investors in the electronic control grid now have seats of power.Hypothesis: The CIA is the largest perpetrator of electronic targeting on the planet.In my view the CIA should be extirpated“The CIA knows how to manipulate conclusions.” ~Omnisense
The Vatican
- CIA Vet E. Howard Hunt said in the documentary A Coup: Made in America: “We always said in an admiring way that the Jesuits have formed the greatest intelligence service in the world, always have.”
- A group called the “Society of Jesus” likely has their hands dirty with the electronic control grid.
- The Black Pope is the official leader of the Society of Jesus[30]
- Vatican bank system allegedly connected to Italian Mafia
- Vatican library secrets have been hidden since times of mass illiteracy worldwide
- A Vatican hidden artifacts of history treasury is sure to exist in my opinion
- Vatican conceptual energy matches extremely dark realities
- High tech faux-demonic possession exorcism used as a method to gain followers
- Diplomatic manipulation of governments & monarchies
- Conspiring Cardinals
- Vatican & Jesuits credibly behind countless dissident & heretic murders throughout history.
- A Jesuit oath speaks of assassination of ideological opposition, slaying the enemy’s children, and waging relentless war (e.g. Creating civil wars in artistic & prosperous nations)[31]
- A world full of nescient catholics donate to an incredibly corrupt church.
- The top leadership of the Vatican are fake Christians using the religion for greed, lust & power.
- Imposters of Christ – They pretend to believe in Christ but secretly serve darkness.
- Imposters of God taken to a new level with electronic telepathy impersonation.
- Hidden hand behind wars for centuries.
- Secret Vatican Bible & history knowledge is utilized by shadow government.
- Agenda to wipe any true evidence of Christ off the face of the Earth.
- Inside the electronic telepathy network a Satanist is said to be the true head of the Vatican.
- I believe that a Vatican source heads the shadow government as of April 2017.
- The Catholic Church has paid out $3,994,797,060.10+ as a result of sex abuse scandals[32]
- Alleged illuminati insider Svali says she witnessed the satanic ritual murder of a child in a basement catacomb of the Vatican[33]
- One name I heard as an insider to the electronic telepathy cybernetic network is Joseph Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict XVI
- “With the track record the Vatican has, it should be banned from going anywhere near children.” ~Baboshka

Other Highly Probable or Confirmed Perpetrators:
- United States Military – U.S. Navy / U.S. Air Force / U.S. Army
- The Pentagon
- Department of Defense (DoD)
- National Security Agency (NSA)
- National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
- American “Fusion Centers”
- Security Industry Companies
- DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
- Israeli Government / Mossad / Zionist cabal
- UK Government / MI5 / MI6 / GCHQ
- German Government / The Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst)
- Government of India / Intelligence Bureau (IB)
- Chinese Government / The Ministry of State Security (MSS)
- Russian Government / Russian Military / Federal Security Service (FSB) / KGB
- Japanese Government / Public Security Intelligence Agency (公安調査庁)
- Danish Government / Politiets Efterretningstjeneste (PET)
- Government of France / French Intelligence / French Military
- Spanish Government / The National Intelligence Center (CNI)
- Australian Government / Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)
- New Zealand Government / Security Intelligence Service (SIS)
- Canadian Government / Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
- Brazilian Government / Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (ABIN)
- Saudi Arabian Government / General Intelligence Directorate (GID)
- Plenty of unnamed corporations within the military industrial complex.
- Every unnamed & corrupted military worldwide has potential to be involved.
- Every unnamed intelligence agency worldwide has potential to be involved.
- Secret societies connected to the intelligence community.
Rumor: Every party that has figured out remote neural monitoring has been initiated into a secret coalition controlled by totalitarian secret society members“Each agency plays it’s role in the integrated global system.” ~Black Project Engineer Dr. Robert Duncan
See: The Shadow Government Cybernetic Network Article.

More on the Perpetrators:
- Intelligence agencies are used for their ability to keep secrets, superior funding, national security excuses, lack of checks and balances, & propensity for criminal activity.
- Electronic telepathy provides for no paper trail and relatively zero traceable roots
- Electronic control grid perpetrators conspire daily via electronic telepathy with electronic targeting cases & planning of new psychological operations.
- U.S. Military heads in a network appear to be cruel and barbaric.
- Electronic control grid sources harbor lunatic serial killer ideologies which are in use against the international civilian population via electronic warfare.
- Militaristically psychopathic acts of terror, sadism, and cruelty are a norm.
- Shadow government war criminals are known to practice BCI sadism[34] (e.g. cruel pain affliction with invisible technologies while the perpetrator interfaces the psychological distress of their victim with surveillance fed BCI tech)
- Shills in government, military, and media are complicit in the cover up.
- Electronic control grid sources are in control of governments either wittingly or unwittingly through persuasion, coercion, and/or covert electromagnetic mind control.
- There are powerful serial rapists within the electronic control grid pyramid.
- There is a focused agenda to incriminate as many people as possible with this conspiracy, they want more company for a sinking ship.
- There are signs of opposition coming from inside Russia’s network (This is a potential reason for the ruling class to orchestrate proxy attacks against Russia)
- Electronic control grid sources have strategically used deceptive rationalizations to curtail the public domain implementations of these technologies.“When I worked [at the NSA 1982-2010] I had no idea that there was an über-evil, anti-American side to NSA. Everything is highly compartmented… this protects secrets but of course is a perfect environment in which to hide elaborate criminal activity, especially when the NSA Security as well as other watch dog organizations were compromised in preparation for crimes of unfathomable reach and scope.[35]” ~Karen Melton-Stewart

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2024.03.18 12:58 Hot-Adeptness421 Targeted Individual Training Manual (Part 4)

Appendix 3. European Parliament Resolution on Operation Gladio, Nov. 22, 1990:
Wikisource on Answers.Com

On November 22, 1990, the European Parliament passed a resolution on Operation Gladio. Joint resolution replacing B3-2021, 2058, 2068, 2087/90

A.) having regard to the revelation by several European governments of the existence for 40 years of a clandestine parallel intelligence and armed operations organization in several member states of the community,
B.) whereas for over 40 years this organization has escaped all democratic controls and has been run by the secret services of the states concerned in collaboration with NATO,
C.) fearing the danger that such clandestine network may have interfered illegally in the internal political affairs of Member States or may still do so,
D.) where in certain Member States military secret services (or uncontrolled branches thereof) were involved in serious cases of terrorism and crime as evidenced by various judicial inquiries.
E.) whereas these organizations operated and continue to operate completely outside the law since they are not subject to any parliamentary control and frequently those holding the highest government and constitutional posts are kept in the dark as to these matters,
F.) whereas the various “Gladio” organizations have at their disposal independent arsenals and military resources which give them an unknown strike potential, thereby jeopardizing the democratic structures of the countries in which they are operating or have been operating,
G.) greatly concerned at the existence of decision-making and operational bodies which are not subject to any form of democratic control and are of a completely clandestine nature at a time when greater Community cooperation in the field of security is a constant subject of discussion.

1.) Condemns the clandestine creation of manipulative and operational networks and calls for full investigation into the nature, structure, aims and all other aspects of the clandestine organizations or any splinter group, their use of illegal interference in the international political affairs of the countries concerned, the problem of terrorism in Europe and the possible collusion of the secret services of Member States or third countries;
2.) Protests vigorously at the assumption by certain US military personnel at SHAPE and in NATO of the right to encourage the establishment in Europe of a clandestine intelligence and operation network;
3.) Calls on the governments of the Member States to dismantle all clandestine military and paramilitary networks;
4.) Calls on the judiciaries of countries in which the presence of such military organizations has been ascertained to elucidate fully their composition and modus operandi and to clarify any action they may have taken to destabilize the democratic structure of the Member states;
5.) Request all the Member States to take the necessary measures, if necessary by establishing parliamentary committee of inquiry, to draw up a complete list of organizations active in this field, and at the same time monitor their links with the respective state intelligence services and their links, if any, with terrorists action groups and/or other illegal practices;
6.) Calls on the Council of Ministers to provide full information on the activities of these secret intelligence and operational services;
7.) Calls on its competent committee to consider holding a hearing in order to clarify the role and impact of the “Gladio” organization and any similar bodies;
8.) Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, the Secretary-General of NATO, the governments of the Member States and the United States Government.”
There are other tactics which are not strictly part of the categories discussed so far:
--IMPORTANT: Community-based agents (CBAs) are strictly forbidden from adding anyone to the list of targets. Target selection is done by senior Control Center (CC) staff or higher levels.
--Punishment of people who side with and help the target. Friends, family members, and citizens who do not place a high value on community sometimes help targets. In these very specific cases, CC-authorized punishment in the form of individual acts against them is appropriate. The system can arrange for these target sympathizers to be found guilty of crimes, or liable for civil actions, for example. This is important for maintenance of the system.
--Target bank accounts can be disrupted in ways which do not give the target cause to involve law enforcement. Examples: target protection can be changed to “youth account,” or, an overdraft protection feature can be disabled, or simply steal money from the account. It is called action of “international banking ring” and usually at first the sums are around $50–$100 which are taken when the target pays small bills.
--Money is never transferred to the journal subscription or membership in a certain club like “opposition to government surveillance.” Money simply “disappears” from the bank with help of cooperating employers. I have experienced the myself several times. Bank accounts are “hacked” for the payment and a new bill arrives for the already paid bill by the target, and the receipt of payment is stolen.
There is cooperation with military intelligence, Stay behind, NATO, and foreign intelligence agencies also against their own population. (This is the) so-called secret silent war going on in all secrecy.
Appendix 4: From Total Individual Control Technology by Omnisense
Organized Stalking/Electronic Harassment. The New Hi-Tech Generation of COINTELPRO
In a Nutshell: Government sources are using directed energy weapons and artificial intelligence to terrorize, threaten, intimidate, discredit, silence, torture, and murder dissidents. In addition, security contractors (among others) are being hired as military thugs to gangstalk targets[19].
Zerzetsen: “Inflicting as much pain and suffering as possible without leaving any marks.[20]”
Directed energy weapon programs revolutionized this…
Counter-proliferation programs are intended to subvert the potentials of a target while punishing them with psycho-sadist techniques. The perversions of cointelpro are notable. The murderous and sadistic ethos of government counter-proliferation programs echos that of the Nazis and this perpetrator network of war criminals are committing sickening acts upon the global population.
Modern Day COINTELPRO Objectives:
--These are counter-proliferation centered programs intended to subvert all progress
--To discredit the target/To character assassinate/To slander the target
--To taint the target’s image/To misrepresent the target
--To suppress the target’s monetary success
--To suppress the target’s good character qualities or people’s awareness of positive aspects of the target
--To arrange a partner for the target or mind control the partner of the target
--To destroy relationships of the target
--To co-opt the target’s manifestation
--To turn the target into controlled opposition (In terms of beliefs & actions)
--To incriminate the target
--To round down the target’s output and audience
--To marginalize the target
--To eliminate connections & networking ability
--To suppress the target’s personality
--Sanitization of pleasure, emotions, and individuality
--To punish the target / To torture the target
--To destroy the target’s life
--To stop a target from procreating / Ending a target’s bloodline (Eugenics)
--To suicide the target / To covertly assassinate the target
--To cover up the targeting operation

“If they see too much power and originality coming out of someone, they either use it and siphon it or they undermine it in order to neutralize it.” ~Ahmad Enani (TI)

COINTELPRO 2.0 Methodology:
--Covert remote influencing technology suite
--COINTELPRO 2.0: Thought surveillance neural AI net for psyche profiling
--COINTELPRO 2.0: Directed energy weapon mind control network for counter-proliferation targeting
--Ai based retro-causation; Extensive international neural monitoring programs can calculate a target’s potentials before the target is aware of them
--Gangstalking / Organized Stalking
--Trauma based mind control – No touch torture
--Character assassination / Slander via proxies
--Technological illusions (PSYOPS) / misdirection
--Electromagnetic mind control aimed at discrediting the target
--Mind control of people who provide opportunities for the target
--Use of family against the target (e.g. Mind control of family)
--Use of pharmaceutical drugs against a target
--To orchestrate the detaining of the target in a psyche ward
--v2k to get a target diagnosed as a “paranoid schizophrenic”
--Exaggerated, warped and untrue slander about the target is proliferated
--Technology playing devil’s advocate via implanted thoughts to get a target in trouble
--Agenda to incriminate the target (Advice for COINTELPRO targets: Stay lawful)
--Use of ego against a target
--Weaponized mind control against a target
--Coercing of a target into appearing overly paranoid (e.g. An objective of stalking)
--Specific technological control of a target’s body language or vocal tone (e.g. To generate mistrust)
--Total individual control technology is used as a tactic to take away a citizen’s rights through faulty mental illness diagnoses[21]
--Outlandish black project technology experiences intended to discredit when spoken
--Use of electronic control grid to mind control misfortunes for a target
--Synthetic social phobias ~ Synthetic social anxiety (e.g. Public speaker related suppression)
--Suppression of whatever platform the target is talented in (e.g. Music production, software design)
--To dehumanize a target via electromagnetic neuroscience
--Severe targets are sanitized of pleasure, emotions, and personality
--Synthetic suicide programming
--Technologically enabled serial killers with a taste for revolutionaries & activists

Electronic Targeting Holocaust

“While all these traditional tactics have proven fruitful throughout time without waning effectiveness, the agencies involved in extreme cover-ups prefer another tactic that seems to have withstood the test of time too. That is labeling someone “paranoid schizophrenic” or mentally ill. Once that label has been attached to someone, almost all testimony will be disbelieved. The military has employed this tactic since the 60’s to get rebellious soldiers and others locked up in mental hospitals. But since the weapons testing of neurological disruptor technology has begun on the general population beginning in the early 60’s and then stepped up to full throttle in 1976, the scope of what is considered mentally ill had to be reprogrammed into a broader definition for the general population.” ~Department of Defense Whistleblower: From the Out of Print Book – The Matrix Deciphered

“My name is Dr. John Hall, I’m a medical Doctor from Texas. As a physician, relative to some of what you’re hearing today, in the community we are seeing an alarming rate of complaints of use of electromagnetic weapons, microwave auditory effect, silent sound spectrum, EEG cloning,… Which has taken the lab out of the laboratory and into the home, most of these from the research that we’ve reviewed can be done remotely. It seems to be more weapons research than medical research. I’ve personally corresponded with upwards of 1,500 victims all complaining of identical complaints from every state in the nation. Of being exposed to electromagnetic radiation. Non-ionizing radiation. For the use of cognitive control or behavior control….” ~Anesthesiologist Dr. John Hall Speaking to the Presidential Bioethics Commission

“I am also targeted and this is my story. My name is Sandra Fields. I’m an architect, recipient of Who’s Who of Women in America achievement award and have run a successful business for over 28 years. My life and livelihood have been compromised for the last 11 years by being attacked by electromagnetic radiation torture, and by organized stalking… Thousands of Americans are currently suffering from chemical, electromagnetic, psychological and physical torture with no government relief or laws. Our servicemen, prisoners, and thousands of unknowing innocent civilians are currently being lamed, tormented and tortured as a result of military research, medical research, pharmaceutical research, physiological and psychological studies that have virtually destroyed participants’ sanity, physical well-being, reputation and privacy.” ~Targeted Individual Sandra Fields, Speaking to Obama’s Presidential Bioethics Committee

“What the governments found, was that you could induce by changing the pulse frequency like Morse code of the microwaves going into the brain and interfering with the brain, by specializing on the pulse frequency you could induce psychiatric illnesses to the point where a psychiatrist could not tell if it is a genuine psychiatric illness or an induced psychiatric illness. So what you can do theoretically, is you can target an individual’s brain, they may have auditory hallucinations where they hear things, which is actually quite common with microwaves. Or show signs of schizophrenia, for instance 6.6 pulses a second can induce severe sexual aggression in men. … Technically what you could do is have someone committed to a psychiatric hospital or a jail for a crime, just by somebody saying that they had a psychiatric problem where by they didn’t.” ~Ex-British Royal Navy Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower

“They can cause insanity, and it was an experiment. One of the experiments was to take an ordinary sane person, cause insanity, and have a psychiatrist who was unknown to everybody diagnose schizophrenia, or paranoia or a psychiatric illness. That was a successful outcome. And the person would spend the rest of their life in an asylum in misery, but to the government scientists that was a success.” ~Ex-Black Project Scientist Dr. Barrie Trower
“The war against satellite terrorism isn’t just the USA. This is a global issue! I’m in tropical Queensland Australia and get battered daily.” ~Targeted Individual Amanda Emily Reed

MKULTRA Cover Stories

This technology has interacted with quite a large amount of people, however it is almost always misidentified as other sources[8].

Directed Energy Weapon Cover Stories:
--Mental illness as an electronic harassment cover story
--End game technology packaged under persuasive “spiritual warfare” illusions
--Directed energy interaction packaged as the supernatural
--Government technology under a cosmic being facade
--Religious themed illusions / Using religion mythology as a means for cover stories
--Extraterrestrial contact as a psychological operation cover story
--Ghosts as a cover story – AI orchestrated phantom illusions
--End game technology as a sorcery cover story
--End game technology as the real source behind effective voodoo
--Witchcraft as a directed energy cover story
--Black project science under a black magic cover story
--Directed energy attacks deceptively packaged as physiological ailments
--Synthetic signals in the brain from implants framed as physiological ailments
--“Psychic Attack” as a directed energy attack cover story
--“Spiritual Attack” as a directed energy attack cover story
--New Age cover stories (e.g. Disembodied spirit illusions)
--Old age mythological gods used as a cover story
--Human based electronic harassment with aliens packaged as the perpetrator
--Scientology methods as a cover story for technological remote influence
--Exotic neurobody illusions (e.g. Chakra, entity attachments, ethereal implants)
--Inter dimensional being interaction as an electronic targeting cover story
--Exploitation of illusory explanations to conceal directed energy crimes
“People who have already assimilated the cover stories are often not ready to hear the truth.” ~Omnisense
Beings Impersonated:
--Neighbors (Targeted Individual v2k)
--Black Ops Agents (Targeted Individual v2k)
--Family (Targeted Individual v2k)
--Deceased Loved Ones / Deceased Relatives / Deceased Pets (Psy Ops v2k)
--Demons (Mind Control Cover Story)
--Jinn (Cover Stories)
--Archons (Cover Stories)
--Inter Dimensional Beings (New Age Psy Ops)
--Extraterrestrials (Cosmic Being Impersonation Programs / UFOlogy Bastardization)
--Entity Attachments (New Age Psy Ops)
--Shadow Beings (e.g. To Cause Fear from an Obscure Source)
--Archangels (To Impersonate a Higher Authority)
--Lucifer (To Persuade into Evil)
--Satan (Satanist v2k)
--RA (New Age Psy Ops)
--Spirits (Spiritual Warfare Illusions)
--Ghosts – Phantoms (Directed Energy Trickery)
--Faeries (Rehashed Old Age Cover Stories)
--Higher Self (Mind Control Cover Story)
--Panpsychism Based Impersonations (e.g. Gaia aka Mother Earth Speaking to People)
--Saints & Mother Mary (Religious Impersonations)
--Holy Spirit (Psychological Direction Method / Sleeper Assassin Method)
--Ascended Masters (Impersonation of a Higher Power)
--Jesus (Any Vector of Vulnerability is Exploited)
--Person’s of Note (e.g. To get a Target to Murder them, To Psychologically Direct)
--Any Mythological God of the Past (These can be pretty cool)
--God / Allah / Yahweh / Jehovah (Impersonation of the Highest Power)
--Done via Electronic Telepathy Contact (Voice to Skull – v2k)
“Directed energy weapons operate invisibly while the inducible mental limits of directed energy weapons are the limits of consciousness itself, this makes for an incredibly potent environment for illusions of all types.” ~Omnisense
NeuroWeaponry & Artificial Intelligence Quotes

“The point of the program is to have maximum psychological effect and leave the minimal amount of evidence.[22]” ~Anonymous Targeting Program Insider

“In 1985 CNN did a special report on radio frequency weapons. They hired an engineer who built an “RF Mind Interference” machine based on Soviet schematics. The machine successfully transmitted images into a CNN reporter’s mind. The stunned engineer said that, given three weeks time, he could scale up the machine to use on a whole town, causing them to do things against their better judgement, see and hear things that weren’t there, etc. The pentagon said it was too sensitive a subject to comment on. Remember, these effects were achieved by civilians over 30 years ago! One can speculate that they’ve made great advances in the past decades.[8]” ~Targeted Individual Jim Hastings

Dr. Kilde’s Chapter 18 text is followed by these appendices:

Appendix 1: Key words and phrases, taken directly from this manual.
Appendix 2. Key terms from Rich’s “New World War: Revolutionary Methods For Political Control” (2011). (ETK comment: Note that the terms, definitions, military documents, laws, and patents provided by Rich prove the existence of the operations described in Kilde’s “manual.”
Appendix 3: European Parliament Resolution On Operation Gladio
Appendix 4: From Total Individual Control Technology by Omnisense
submitted by Hot-Adeptness421 to Gangstalking2024 [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 18:45 Classic_Ad4707 My speculation

Big D and co. make no sense as the Ghoul. Blacklaws also don't. Occam could make some sense but I feel like that breaks the narrative way too much. Harry spends his time with Markus for the entirety of the first split up that it's hard to imagine that he could've done anything.
Grimal, Elise and Matilda all directly interacted with each other if the map screen is to be believed. Elise went to talk to Grimal, while Matilda and Amanda went to the kitchen for whatever reason. But it notes that Matilda returned from the security room, where Grimal is listed at, with a statement from her that Kitten could enter security with the keys Matilda and Amanda have, but Matilda told him no. Also, Matilda has Git's cigarettes in the kitchen, which she could only get from Elise, meaning the three of them interacted directly. None of them seem to get anywhere close to interacting with the Archives or interacting with any of the individuals that have keys to the Archives.
I noticed there's an extra goblet of blood in the Archives when Occam is knocked out. I'm not sure if this is a visual oversight or an intended clue. If it's intended, it does seemingly indicate that there was some form of interference in the Archives directly by whoever knocked out Occam. Before that, you could've made an argument that long distance disciplines were used, but this indicates direct interaction. Out of the four characters with keys to the archives, Occam's are (I would surmise) with him and Remold's are later pilfered by D. These two don't seem to have lost theirs, unless someone took and returned Remold's. So, either Fatique or Waters had their keys stolen, if they aren't the culprits themselves. Waters interacts with no one, while Fatique only interacts with Git and Spit in a more solitary manner.
Of note is Fatique's behaviour. He goes to search for Spit, but instead goes to the upper floor, when neither him, Spit or Git went to the upper floor for any reason prior to going to the pub. Spit would've been on either the bottom or middle floor by that point, so him being on the upper floor is strange. Was he searching for something, or was he doing something? Spit also behaves strangely by searching for Git's stuff in the Music room, but what exact interaction Spit and Git had prior to the events of this episode are uncertain.
If we assume that D's inferences are correct, and the Ghoul is using disciplines to control others, then we have a more different lineup of possibilities. The more I look into this, the stranger some interactions become, particularly concerning Fatique and Spit. If we surmise the Regent is the one ghouling others in the same way as Chapman was ghouled, I would surmise the Ghoul has access to Tremere disciplines. Of these, the most obvious useful and simple one would be Dominate. With Spit's mind weakened, it is possible that the ghoul commanded him to attack Occam in the Archives after giving him his keys. After that, Spit went and hid in the Music room after that.
In this line of thought, I feel like..... either Fatique or Waters are indeed the ghoul? And that Spit was Dominated to do their bidding? Why do I think this? Well, because of Fatique's behaviour. Either he went up a floor due to his own plans, or he went up the floor because Spit did have a reason to go up there himself, if they and Git went up there on Fatique's directions or at some other previous point. Either way, Fatique's and Spit's behaviours are the only ones that seem out of adequate justification to me.
Spit being the one who assaulted Occam would also maybe account for why Occam is alive. If he was dominated to attack Occam, perhaps the wording made it so that he wasn't killed outright, only stopped in doing his investigation. Perhaps the extra chalice contained Vampire blood with which Spit would get the strength to overpower him. Overall, the one who is using these abilities could've overlooked his behavior.
So what's up with the ending, then? Again, is this because of Spit? Was he perhaps dominated to kill Fatique? Or perhaps he went on a rampage due to being mentally strained by the Ghoul's abilities, as well as Vampiric blood. Perhaps the scratches around the place are due to him slowly losing himself to the influence of the ghoul. The only behavior we see from Spit is that he's with the Blacklaws latter on in the first section, but only thing he does is collapse a bit when Remold confronts D again. If Fatique is the ghoul it would kinda break the narrative, or if Waters is, it might be because Fatique was in the upper floor while she was preparing her ritual or preparing blood, potentially vampiric blood for something else..... Perhaps she saw him and thought he saw her.
A problem with adequate interpretation of existing clues is, well..... Thaumaturgy. If the ghoul has access to it, it could confer a very wide range of abilities. If the Regent (7th gen Vampire as per Kevin's interview) is indeed the one doing the ghouling, then the ghoul has access to the second level of disciplines, allowing for an alternate interpretation. Of note, Alchemy and Biothaumaturgy, both of which could potentially account for the extra Goblet, if the Ghoul's blood was used as a weapon in its own right and then transformed into a Goblet in order to make it impossible to find. This, however, require a significant enough period of time to conduct a ritual for that spell, I would guess. Well, the individual with the longest period of free time would be Waters? She didn't interact with anyone, based on what we've seen. Although, well, Fatique's behavior is also strange, where he went to the upper floor without a good reason?
It's hard to imagine someone other than Fatique and Waters being the ghoul, in part due to the other two keys being accounted for, for the most part. Even if we go by Thaumaturgy, most characters account for each other, for the most of the time period. Although, I suppose Spit, Elize and Grimal also had their periods of solitude towards the end of the first lineup. Although, all of these characters would be incapable of using any sort of abilities in the second half, while Spit is so damn obvious being covered in blood that it feels like a joke. This means that we require a secondary agent to kill Fatique.
Which is what brings up the question of claw marks in the house. Spit going a bit wild from mind control could account for this. It's hard for me to imagine that someone could possibly be rampaging about without being noticed as there's someone in almost every other room, but a more limited anger issue could be easier to account for, whether innate or implanted by a second party.

Either way, the entire affair feels like it relies on Spit being a puppet for either Waters or Fatique, before being driven mad by that control, or Thaumaturgy being used to cause a closed room situation to indict the Elders, with a secondary antagonist finding itself in the situation where it kills Fatique later on. In the former case, it's one of the Elders and Waters being especially suspicious; in the latter, Elize, Grimal, Waters, Spit and Fatique could be the ones as they went unaccounted for for the longest time. In theory, Harry could as well, if he dominated Markus and implanted false memories, but that's kinda hard to imagine.
If I had to make a judgement, then there are two lines of thought Either there's just a ghoul or there's a ghoul and another entity.
If it's just a ghoul, Waters neatly fits into the role of a culprit. In fact, her bringing Occam to her office could be for some form of plan. If she gets someone who she can implant with vampiric blood or otherwise manipulate through her treatment or a covert ritual that she prepared ahead of time, then she can play out the entire affair by her own designs. And what better victim than Occam. I would surmise she dominated Spit and had him attack Occam, by using the chalice with Vampiric blood that can then blend among other chalices with blood in them. Leave Occam alive for later. Upon seeing that Fatique was close by, she would be suspicious if he saw anything. She would make her puppet, Spit, go on a rampage and kill him due to still being under effects of vampiric blood. Even tearing a human apart wouldn't be impossible for a ghouled subject, since we're dealing with a ghoul borne off the regent, with higher level of potence. And the reason Occam wasn't killed is because now she can legitimately inject him in front of witnesses with Vampiric blood and have him as another puppet, securing herself total dominion in interactions past this point since she is dominating the chancellor of the entire institution.
If there's a ghoul and another entity, then all bets are off because I don't even know how to account for there being a werewolf rummaging about. If anything, it's surprising how calm things are with a werecreature about, and as to why it would strike in the pub without killing Spit, who himself is a witness now. I guess it could be a mere coincidence and Spit is a werecreature, but WoD from what I understand doesn't have that many werecreatures that don't know what they are?

And that's where my lack of knowledge about WoD actually comes into play. I don't know if Vampiric blood could be used in this way, but a doctor smuggling vampiric blood into her supply would be possible. I also don't know if one can be a werecreature without realizing that they are one, like what we're assuming about Git or some other character.
But if there's one enemy in play, then Waters' behaviour could account for basically everything that is going on, as it requires keys to the sanctum, it requires Spit to be the one rampaging and it allows for Occam to have been knocked out rather than outright killed in the Archives, and for why she intentionally took Occam to her office.
submitted by Classic_Ad4707 to huntertheparenting [link] [comments]

2024.03.03 23:31 reagan92 Countdown to Kickoff: Chicago Red Stars

2024 Kickoff Countdown – Chicago Red Stars
Head Coach: Lorne Donaldson (1st year)
Donaldson is entering his first year as a club head coach, which is surprising considering his reputation and age (68 at this time). However, he piloted the Jamaican women’s team through their World Cup success in 2023, reaching the knockouts for the first time, and headed up Real Colorado, the youth program that housed various Denverites like Sophia Smith, Janine Beckie, and Mallory Swanson.
Tactically Donaldson kept it pretty simple with Jamaica. 4-4-2/4-5-1 hybrid with a midblock that pushed the opposition to the wings and controlled the middle with Drew Spence and Atlanta Primus, and relied on mayhem to score goals…with only Allyson Swaby obliging. The best I can predict is that he takes what’s given and develops in-game tactics that fit his team, other than the other way around.
General Manager: Richard Feuz
(1st year)
He joins from Servette in Switzerland after a seven year run as the sporting director of their women’s team. While there, Servette won four consecutive Super League titles (Switzerland’s equivalent of the Shield 2019-23), and one Swiss Championship (Play off winner in 2021).
Captain: Alyssa Naeher
Stadium: SeatGeek Stadium, Bridgetown, IL
Capacity of 20,000. Though sits roughly 12 miles from downtown Chicago, it might as well be 40 million miles away. Chicago had 23% of the attendance of league leaders San Diego Wave last year , which means if the Red Stars had 36 more home games of average attendance, they almost would have drawn as well as the Wave did last year in 11.
Ownership: Laura Ricketts
The sister of a trio of cartoonishly evil midwestern billionaires who also own the Chicago Cubs/are US Senators, Ricketts has implanted herself on the franchise in the following ways: investing money in the team…enough that they actually have spent money in an offseason for the first time in two years, brought in executive and coaching staff who has a more robust resume than “Dude from Chicago”, and so far, has not knowingly given quarter to a sexual predator, so big step up from the previous guy. There are no good billionaires, but some are better than millionaires.
Mascot: Supernova
The original bassist for Soundgarden, Supernova was introduced as the Red Stars mascot in 2014. According to Instagram, Supernova and Chicago Fire mascot Sparky are best friends. I will keep using this joke until I no longer find it extremely funny.
Primary Kit:
Secondary Kit:
Supporters Groups: Chicago Local 134
News and Commentary: Chicago Sun Times
Red Stars Report
Key Twitter Follows for Team Insights:
Annie Costabile
Sandra Herrera
Claire Watkins
2024 Season Opener: Saturday, March 16 vs. Utah Royals - 7:30pm ET ION
2024 Home Opener: Saturday, March 23 vs. OL Reign of Seattle Valkyrie Lions FC - 4:00pm ET NWSL+
• NWSL Championship: 0 (Runners up: 2019, 2021)
• NWSL Shield: Supporters’ Shield: 0 (Runners up: 2015, 2019)
• NWSL Challenge Cup: 0 (Runner up: 2020)
2023 Season Review
That sure didn’t go well.
With the ownership situation in flux for most of the season, rumor was the Red Stars didn’t even have an operating budget until the draft, which was the second straight offseason they lost important players, such as the spine of their midfield (Sarah Woldmoe, Danielle Colaprico and Vanessa DiBernardo).
As a result, despite having a defense anchored with six players who have either made a Best XI team or is a national team player, the Red Stars allowed 14 more goals than the next leakiest team in the league while only being an average offensive team after losing Mallory Swanson to a knee injury for the season while she was on international duty in early April.
A year after Chicago used a 3 back exclusively, manager Chris Petrocelli experimented with different defensive schemes to try and shield Alyssa Naeher (whose reaction times, and sure-handedness is declining) from the onslaught that was coming…with little success. Tierna Davidson returned with enough injury rust to last 3 years, Tatum Milazzo was shifted inside and outside and never really reclaimed the groove that lead her to being one of the best defenders in the league in 2022, and though steady all year, Casey Krueger was easy enough to avoid on defense. The outside backs were frequently caught upfield to compensate for the lack of a cohesive midfield, stretching the center backs beyond any player’s individual skills.
For significant stretches of the season, 35 year old forward Yuki Nagasato was dispatched as a defensive midfielder, and by the time that Davidson rounded into form, and new signing Julia Bianchi got acclimated as a defensive mid it was too late for Chicago to realistically make a charge up the league table.
Last year, despite the parity touted by the league, Chicago notched only 11 points from the six playoff teams, and suffered scorelines such as 5-2, 4-0, 5-0 twice, and 6-3. They allowed 3 or more goals in 9 games, and Petrocelli was fired the game before the end of the season. Hey they did beat the Wave once when the World Cup players were gone. That was nice.
Player Movement
Date Player Out Pos New Club Notes
15-Oct Chayna Matthews F Unattached Retired
20-Nov Chelsea Dawber F Adelaide United Waived
21-Dec Kayla Sharples D Bay Out of Contract
2-Jan Tierna Davidson D Gotham Out of Contract
8-Jan Bianca St-Georges D/F North Carolina Out of Contract
10-Jan Casey Krueger D Washington Out of Contract
12-Jan Arin Wright D Louisville Trade
12-Jan Yuki Nagasato F Houston Out of Contract
22-Jan Ella Stevens F Gotham Out of Contract
15-Feb Emily Boyd GK Unattached Retired
26-Feb Addie McCain M Unattached Waived
26-Feb Amanda Fick D Unattached Waived
Date Player In Pos Previous Club Notes
4-Jan Chardonnay Curren M Kansas City Free Agent
12-Jan Sam Staab D Washington Trade
12-Jan Leilanni Nesbeth M Florida St Draft
12-Jan Jameese Joseph F North Carolina St Draft
12-Jan Hannah Anderson D Texas Tech Draft
12-Jan Bea Franklin M Arkansas Draft
12-Jan Celia Gaynor D Michigan St Draft
17-Jan Shea Groom M Houston Free Agent
18-Jan Natalia Kuikka D Portland Free Agent
22-Jan Camryn Biegalski D Washington Free Agent
22-Jan Maxi Rall D Bayern Munich Transfer
29-Jan Sydney Schneider GK Sparta Prague Transfer
6-Feb Makenzie Wood GK Stade de Reims Returned from Loan
Number First Last POS Contract status
Hannah Anderson D 2024 Draftee
14 Jill Aquilera M Option exercised
28 Maximiliane Rall D Signed through 2024+
5 Julia Bianchi M Signed through 2024
30 Camryn Biegalski D Signed through 2024+
24 Jenna Bike F Signed through 2024+
7 Ava Cook F Signed through 2024
Ally Cook F NRI
11 Chardonnay Curran M Signed through 2025
29 Sami Feller M Signed through 2025+
2 Sammi Fisher M Signed through 2024
Bea Franklin M 2024 Draftee
Celia Gaynor D 2024 Draftee
Nadia Gomes F NRI
15 Sarah Griffith F Signed through 2024
10 Shea Groom M Signed through 2025
55 Penelope Hocking F Signed through 2025+
16 Sophie Jones M Signed through 2024
Jameese Joseph F 2024 Draftee
12 Natalia Kuikka D Signed through 2026
32 Taylor Malham M Signed through 2024+
Erin McKinney GK NRI
23 Tatumn Milazzo D Signed through 2024+
1 Alyssa Naeher GK Option exercised
Leilanni Nesbeth M 2024 Draftee
4 Cari Roccaro M Signed through 2025
34 Ally Schlegal F Signed through 2025+
37 Sydney Schneider GK Signed through 2024+
3 Sam Staab D Signed through 2025
9 Mallory Swanson F Signed through 2027+
19 Makenzie Wood GK Signed through 2025+
Predicted Preferred Gameday XI – Honestly, I have no idea. Donaldson, as stated above, doesn’t really have a track record on the club level, and used a 4-4-2/4-5-1 formation with Jamaica, national team coaches tend to be more conservative tactically than club coaches. I would hope he shows some creativity here (I don’t have a reason to assume he wouldn’t), but there isn’t a track record here to really hash out what his plans would be at that level. So lets play pretend that he’s going with a 4-4-2.
Formation: 4-4-2
At keeper, Uncle Naeher just needs to hold off father time a little bit longer into the transition back to contender. She’s slow, her reflexes are not what they used to be, she’s midrange in the league at distribution and even directing the defense seemed to be lacking last year, but she’s actually exactly what you want on your backline when starting what could be a multiseason long rebuild. With an almost completely new defense, and new coaching staff, having another coach on the field can only benefit the team, even if she’s not what she was five years ago.
The defensive line, however, is fantastic once they all mesh together (big “once” there…). Rall has been a mainstay in Germany for Munich and Hoffenheim, and has won a league. Staab is the closest thing the US has to a Mapi Leon in it’s center back pool, and Kuikka spent two years being a complete menace offensively and defensively for Portland, providing a key couterweight to Meghan Klingenberg’s style. Milazzo has to re-establish herself as a defender, but before last year’s mess, she was seen as good enough in her first two years in the league to start the Finals, and make the 2nd team best XI. The talent is there.
The midfield is still thin, but the mentality is much different than last year’s write-out-the-line-up-card and pray style. Bianchi, Groom, and Nesbeth all play with chips on their shoulders, and have histories of strong mentalities to go with their game play. I’m not as sold on Roccaro as a starter normally, but she has a lot of mascot tendencies (everyone who plays with her loves her), seems to love being with the Red Stars, and is steady enough to proved some leadership for the team that is younger than last year’s outfit.
Finally, in the forward line, all Mal Swanson has to do is recover. She’s one of the best in the league in literally every way she can be, and Chicago obviously agrees by making her the highest paid player in the league with the longest contract…even though she publically stated she wanted to stay in Chicago to be with her husband, Founder of Women’s Soccer Dansby Swanson. Could she be better at triggering a press and defending from the front? Absolutely. But lets be serious, yeah? Hocking showed a lot of growth between a couple stretches of being hurt. She was an assassin in college, and feels like a very good strike partner for Mal.
Likely Top Bench/Subs:
First Last Pos
Camryn Biegalski D
Hannah Anderson D
Jill Aguilera M
Sammi Fisher M
Sophie Jones M
Ally Schlegal F
Jenna Bike F
Ava Cook F
This is still a thin roster. But unlike last year’s outfit, there is development there year over year. In her recent stint in the Gold Cup, for example, Jill Aguilera was one of Puerto Rico’s best players. Jenna Bike is extremely versatile, and Ally Schlegal seems like one of those players who has the exact correct mix of talent and mentality to become their best change of pace forward.
Something to Prove
Tatumn Milazzo – Last year she came in riding high as a top 10 defender in the league, and she can’t make that claim this year (despite this not really being her fault) due to being overwhelmed by the disjointedness of last year’s Chicago outfit. Her play this year will probably determine if she’s still in Chicago next season.
Cari Roccaro – Same as it ever was. All she needs to be is league average and it will help Chicago…but so much of her career hasn’t been that, so I can see Red Stars looking to upgrade if the team starts out hot.
Maxi Rall – This isn’t the Bundesliga. Sure you might still play in snow occasionally, but you’re playing Wolfsburg every week now.
Sophie Jones – Last year, she showed good passing and vision, but her foot-speed and decision making were way too slow for this level. For someone who dropped from top 10 pick to the fourth round, she really needs to show something.
Out for the season I dare not say
Realistic Best Case Scenario – 7th-9th place
Everything goes right. Swanson and Groom return from injury and show previous form. The Youngs develop, specifically Hocking, Schlegal, and Nesbeth. Rall, Staab, and Kuikka integrate together well, and Milazzo reminds everyone that form might be temporary, class is forever. No one irreplaceable gets hurt. Basically turn into Orlando last year.
Realistic Worst Case Scenario – 14th
None of the above happens and Ricketts sells the team back. Donaldson decides there are worst things than JFF. Milazzo and Stevens breakup. Trinity Byers signs with Manchester City. Nothing Matters.
Realistic Most Probable Scenario – 9th-11th
In one offseason, Chicago went from a team that had no one deemed worthy to take in the expansion draft to being a really interesting team that is about 1-2 years of luck and principled team building from being home-playoff-team seed. I really like Nesbeth and the forwards, and no one is going to push Chicago to the tune 5-0 insipid losses like last year.
submitted by reagan92 to NWSL [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 19:30 Shadsea [Online][EST][Other] Operation "Deadman's Switch" - A Suicide Squad inspire game of Cold Steel Wardens with a nice dash of cyberpunk and Paul Ver Hoven action movie stuff (Fridays at 6pm EST)

“ You know, the Lord's been a great comfort to me all these years. Try not to look so surprised. Yeah, I've got a lot to answer for when I meet Him, but I'd like to believe that for all the harm I've caused, I've also done some good. Maybe the angels need a sharp sword, too. Like the good book says, He moves in mysterious ways. His plan is a mystery, but here's what isn't: He gave us free will. We choose our own fate, for good or ill.”
—Amanda Waller
The Premise
In the retrofuturistic year of 2030 the world has been ravaged by crime, the entire city of Highgate has become a prison which houses some of the world's most brutal criminals and conviving supervillains. When the president of the united states crash-lands and is kidnapped by superpowered terrorists, the US government creates their own "army". Combing through their processing facilities they personally approach a small crack team of Unlicensed Vigilantes, Supervillains, and Amoral Antiheroes. The deal they have offered them is simple offer: "If we reassign your sentence to Highgate and you find the president we will give you a chance at rehabilitation but if you fail we will activate an explosive implant".
With that offer taken a band of weirdos and convicts now much go to a massive city turned prison with one goal: Save the World or die hilariously trying.

What is this?
Operation "Deadman's Switch" is a game of Cold Steel Wardens that acts as a sequel to a lot of my superhero games since its set in the same world but now it’s worse. More specifically a direct sequel to “Vindication” which was a gothic punk retrofuturistic game of Masks set in a city gone to shit with no more heroes save for the PCs and “Rogues Gallery” which was a Mutants and Masterminds game about a bunch of villains getting up to hijink. So I have combined them with some influences from Suicide Squad and 80s sci-fi action flicks like Robocop and Escape from New York.
The concept here is that the PCs are a collection of Supervillains, Unlicensed Heroes, or Antiheroes who despite being arrested are baited with the idea of being Pardonned and becoming a team just by doing a bunch of deadly and dirty jobs in a Retrofuturistic world that is still stuck in the cold war. Often its recovery missions, often it's assassinations, or doing things the more beloved superheroes don’t want to do. They do this for two reasons. One reason is because they will be pardoned and rehabilitated if they do it while the other reason is that if they try to divert from the mission they’ll explode violently.
The aim here is to tell a story of morality, 80s-90s comic cheese, and dumbasses dying in ridiculous ways. My aim is to show off these flawed over the top characters and giving them missions like “Hey check out this embezelling case” or “Go save that guy” and see how things go.
The tone of this game bounces between toothpick between the teeth grittiness and dark comedy. Most of the game will be following over the top antiheroes doing dangerous missions but also there will be moments of campiness and dark comedy. After all this is a world where Superheroes and Supervillains are real. So ideally the tone should be like that of a James Gunn movie, Escape From New York or TF2.
Subject matter will change from mission to mission but we will be touching upon governmental corruption, over the top deaths, and stuff like that

The Important Stuff:
  1. This is a Cold Steel Wardens game, not any other supers system
  2. This game runs on Fridays at 6pm EST to 9pm EST. This means that Session 0 will be on March the 15th and Session 1 will probably be on March the 22nd.
  3. This is a Voice Game. We are playing over voice on Discord with PDF sheets and a dice roller meant for vampire
  4. New players are welcome.
To get in please fill the form out! Form will close around February the 23rd at 6:00pm EST and I need 6 players so many may enter but few may win.
submitted by Shadsea to lfgmisc [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 20:45 Shadsea [Online][EST][Other] Operation "Deadman's Switch" - A Suicide Squad inspire game of Cold Steel Wardens with a nice dash of cyberpunk and Paul Ver Hoven action movie stuff (Fridays at 6pm EST)

“ You know, the Lord's been a great comfort to me all these years. Try not to look so surprised. Yeah, I've got a lot to answer for when I meet Him, but I'd like to believe that for all the harm I've caused, I've also done some good. Maybe the angels need a sharp sword, too. Like the good book says, He moves in mysterious ways. His plan is a mystery, but here's what isn't: He gave us free will. We choose our own fate, for good or ill.”
—Amanda Waller
The Premise
In the retrofuturistic year of 2030 the world has been ravaged by crime, the entire city of Highgate has become a prison which houses some of the world's most brutal criminals and conviving supervillains. When the president of the united states crash-lands and is kidnapped by superpowered terrorists, the US government creates their own "army". Combing through their processing facilities they personally approach a small crack team of Unlicensed Vigilantes, Supervillains, and Amoral Antiheroes. The deal they have offered them is simple offer: "If we reassign your sentence to Highgate and you find the president we will give you a chance at rehabilitation but if you fail we will activate an explosive implant".
With that offer taken a band of weirdos and convicts now much go to a massive city turned prison with one goal: Save the World or die hilariously trying.

What is this?
Operation "Deadman's Switch" is a game of Cold Steel Wardens that acts as a sequel to a lot of my superhero games since its set in the same world but now it’s worse. More specifically a direct sequel to “Vindication” which was a gothic punk retrofuturistic game of Masks set in a city gone to shit with no more heroes save for the PCs and “Rogues Gallery” which was a Mutants and Masterminds game about a bunch of villains getting up to hijink. So I have combined them with some influences from Suicide Squad and 80s sci-fi action flicks like Robocop and Escape from New York.
The concept here is that the PCs are a collection of Supervillains, Unlicensed Heroes, or Antiheroes who despite being arrested are baited with the idea of being Pardonned and becoming a team just by doing a bunch of deadly and dirty jobs in a Retrofuturistic world that is still stuck in the cold war. Often its recovery missions, often it's assassinations, or doing things the more beloved superheroes don’t want to do. They do this for two reasons. One reason is because they will be pardoned and rehabilitated if they do it while the other reason is that if they try to divert from the mission they’ll explode violently.
The aim here is to tell a story of morality, 80s-90s comic cheese, and dumbasses dying in ridiculous ways. My aim is to show off these flawed over the top characters and giving them missions like “Hey check out this embezelling case” or “Go save that guy” and see how things go.
The tone of this game bounces between toothpick between the teeth grittiness and dark comedy. Most of the game will be following over the top antiheroes doing dangerous missions but also there will be moments of campiness and dark comedy. After all this is a world where Superheroes and Supervillains are real. So ideally the tone should be like that of a James Gunn movie, Escape From New York or TF2.
Subject matter will change from mission to mission but we will be touching upon governmental corruption, over the top deaths, and stuff like that
The Important Stuff:
  1. This is a Cold Steel Wardens game, not any other supers system
  2. This game runs on Fridays at 6pm EST to 9pm EST. This means that Session 0 will be on March the 15th and Session 1 will probably be on March the 22nd.
  3. This is a Voice Game. We are playing over voice on Discord with PDF sheets and a dice roller meant for vampire
  4. New players are welcome.
To get in please fill the form out! Form will close around February the 23rd at 6:00pm EST and I need 6 players so many may enter but few may win.
submitted by Shadsea to lfgmisc [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 19:50 Shadsea [Online][EST][Other] Operation "Deadman's Switch" - A Suicide Squad inspire game of Cold Steel Wardens with a nice dash of cyberpunk and Paul Ver Hoven action movie stuff (Fridays at 6pm EST)

“ You know, the Lord's been a great comfort to me all these years. Try not to look so surprised. Yeah, I've got a lot to answer for when I meet Him, but I'd like to believe that for all the harm I've caused, I've also done some good. Maybe the angels need a sharp sword, too. Like the good book says, He moves in mysterious ways. His plan is a mystery, but here's what isn't: He gave us free will. We choose our own fate, for good or ill.”
—Amanda Waller
The Premise
In the retrofuturistic year of 2030 the world has been ravaged by crime, the entire city of Highgate has become a prison which houses some of the world's most brutal criminals and conviving supervillains. When the president of the united states crash-lands and is kidnapped by superpowered terrorists, the US government creates their own "army". Combing through their processing facilities they personally approach a small crack team of Unlicensed Vigilantes, Supervillains, and Amoral Antiheroes. The deal they have offered them is simple offer: "If we reassign your sentence to Highgate and you find the president we will give you a chance at rehabilitation but if you fail we will activate an explosive implant".
With that offer taken a band of weirdos and convicts now much go to a massive city turned prison with one goal: Save the World or die hilariously trying.

What is this?
Operation "Deadman's Switch" is a game of Cold Steel Wardens that acts as a sequel to a lot of my superhero games since its set in the same world but now it’s worse. More specifically a direct sequel to “Vindication” which was a gothic punk retrofuturistic game of Masks set in a city gone to shit with no more heroes save for the PCs and “Rogues Gallery” which was a Mutants and Masterminds game about a bunch of villains getting up to hijink. So I have combined them with some influences from Suicide Squad and 80s sci-fi action flicks like Robocop and Escape from New York.
The concept here is that the PCs are a collection of Supervillains, Unlicensed Heroes, or Antiheroes who despite being arrested are baited with the idea of being Pardonned and becoming a team just by doing a bunch of deadly and dirty jobs in a Retrofuturistic world that is still stuck in the cold war. Often its recovery missions, often it's assassinations, or doing things the more beloved superheroes don’t want to do. They do this for two reasons. One reason is because they will be pardoned and rehabilitated if they do it while the other reason is that if they try to divert from the mission they’ll explode violently.
The aim here is to tell a story of morality, 80s-90s comic cheese, and dumbasses dying in ridiculous ways. My aim is to show off these flawed over the top characters and giving them missions like “Hey check out this embezelling case” or “Go save that guy” and see how things go.
The tone of this game bounces between toothpick between the teeth grittiness and dark comedy. Most of the game will be following over the top antiheroes doing dangerous missions but also there will be moments of campiness and dark comedy. After all this is a world where Superheroes and Supervillains are real. So ideally the tone should be like that of a James Gunn movie, Escape From New York or TF2.
Subject matter will change from mission to mission but we will be touching upon governmental corruption, over the top deaths, and stuff like that
The Important Stuff:
  1. This is a Cold Steel Wardens game, not any other supers system
  2. This game runs on Fridays at 6pm EST to 9pm EST. This means that Session 0 will be on March the 15th and Session 1 will probably be on March the 22nd.
  3. This is a Voice Game. We are playing over voice on Discord with PDF sheets and a dice roller meant for vampire
  4. New players are welcome.
To get in please fill the form out! Form will close around February the 23rd at 6:00pm EST and I need 6 players so many may enter but few may win.
submitted by Shadsea to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 23:37 Afraid-Penalty-757 What if Amanda Waller wasn't so cold and ruthless how would this impact her character and relationship with JLA and the Suicide Squad.

Now don't give me wrong I think Amanda Waller is cool the way she is ruthless and necessary evil to the core since she essentially a CIA type figure plus Viola Davis did a great job portraying her in the Sucuide Squad movies.
Though I must say it is still interesting to ask what an alternative telling where she wasn't so cold and ruthless would look like. Let say she wasn't so cold and ruthless and intentions more in line with Nick Fury (The MCU version of the character as this is the one where using for the sake of argument.) like yes there maybe blood on her hands still at least she is kind and friendly or Honourable respect your enemies type like say Napoleon or Thrawn or even Daemon Blackfyre (where after defeating the kingsguard was able to return him to the castle despite being enemies during the blackfyre rebellion.) or even wise supportive guide towards The JLA or even The Suicide Squad say not implanting their heads with bombs.
Don't give me The members of the Suicide Squad aren't innocent themselves and they are just as horrible if not worse then Waller like say Harley Quinn (during her time as the Joker's partner.) but there are some like Deadshot who a ruthless assassin yes but at least time most of what he did was to provide for the sake of his child so there are some redeeming qualities there. So maybe instead of planting bombs in their heads The Suicide Squad still be view more expendables but they more treat like well Barney's expendables (Stallone's movie.) s or Bionicle's Federation of Fear (Fun Fact: Greg Farshtley based on the federation of fear from the Suicide Squad mostly Ostrander comic run of them.) the only change that would be the same is Rick Flag being the team leader.
submitted by Afraid-Penalty-757 to DCcomics [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 21:37 Afraid-Penalty-757 [DC Comics] What if Amanda Waller wasn't so cold and ruthless how would this impact her character and relationship with JLA and the Suicide Squad.

Now don't give me wrong I think Amanda Waller is cool the way she is ruthless and necessary evil to the core since she essentially a CIA type figure plus Viola Davis did a great job portraying her in the Sucuide Squad movies.
Though I must say it is still interesting to ask what an alternative telling where she wasn't so cold and ruthless would look like. Let say she wasn't so cold and ruthless and intentions more in line with Nick Fury (The MCU version of the character as this is the one where using for the sake of argument.) like yes there maybe blood on her hands still at least she is kind and friendly or Honourable respect your enemies type like say Napoleon or Thrawn or even Daemon Blackfyre (where after defeating the kingsguard was able to return him to the castle despite being enemies during the blackfyre rebellion.) or even wise supportive guide towards The JLA or even The Suicide Squad say not implanting their heads with bombs.
Don't give me The members of the Suicide Squad aren't innocent themselves and they are just as horrible if not worse then Waller like say Harley Quinn (during her time as the Joker's partner.) but there are some like Deadshot who a ruthless assassin yes but at least time most of what he did was to provide for the sake of his child so there are some redeeming qualities there. So maybe instead of planting bombs in their heads The Suicide Squad still be view more expendables but they more treat like well Barney's expandibles movies or Bionicle's Federation of Fear (Fun Fact: Greg Farshtley based on the federation of fear from the Suicide Squad mostly Ostrander comic run of them.) the only change that would be the same is Rick Flag being the team leader.
submitted by Afraid-Penalty-757 to AskScienceFiction [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 00:18 Ok-Feature-9986 My Pitch for a Serious Sequel for the ArkhamVerse

""JUSTICE LEAGUE: RESURGENCE""" This is a pitch, I did for fun, so here have fun reading. This would be a arkham sequel.
This game would take place 1 year after the events of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Justice League's supposed demise was merely a ruse. Amanda Waller, head of Task Force X, Would of hid the fact the heroes were the cloned by Brainiac, so the real justice league, once saved, would have bombs implanted in their heads to ensure their compliance. The entire prolgoue, would have the justice league, have a different identity, and carry out missions the league would hate doing. It would end with Batman, ever the strategist, finally managing to infiltrate Waller's facility and disable the bombs, liberating the League from her control.
So, now the justice league would find themselves hunted, by Amanda waller, they'd be Stripped of Batmans vast resources and the comforts of the Hall of Justice, they must rebuild from scratch while evading Waller's relentless pursuit. She's pissed, angry. She wants "her Justice League" back or dead. As they venture into the heart of Keystone City, Flash's hometown and the new epicenter of their struggle, the League faces a daunting task. Rebuilding public trust shattered by Waller's manipulation. After of course of Brainaics bullshit.
Eventually, i'd have it that the league end up enlisting the aid of Martian Manhunter and Aquaman to bolster their ranks and tip the scales in their favor.
Vilians would be the suicide squad ( task force X ) Amanda Waller, and Wonder Women. Let me explain.
Waller's insidious influence reaches new heights as she resurrects Wonder Woman, twisting her into a weapon of mass destruction with no memories of her former self.
She'd be like a mix of Amanda Waller from media & Auguestine from Infamous second son.

submitted by Ok-Feature-9986 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2024.01.21 19:52 YearPsychological352 The Pendrive - Track 6

Hi friends, it took me a while, but here I am again.
Thanks to u/spacepaladin15 for the awesome universe
Thanks u/Aggrevated-Yeeting for the awesome suggestion. Btw, I lied; it wasn't a short one. It was challenging.
Thanks, Wikipedia, for, well, you know.
I managed to track down on yt the same version of this song that my teacher burned into a CD for each student in my class back in 2008 :) .This version, in my opinion, does it justice.
My Greek fluency levels are math and multimeter, so I hope I didn't butcher anything in the process.
Any criticism is appreciated :)

Memory transcription subject: Vatis, Krakotl Exterminator, Intelligence Division.
"Yes, yes, sir. I requested it." I adjusted my grip on the pad. I hated video calls, so I opted for audio only, eyes closed and grasping at every word spewed on the other side of the line.
"Exactly. I needed someone's insight from inside." I never thought that a back-and-forth with high command could be this stressful.
"Sir, with all due respect, my reports can only tell so much." I guess this is a dead end.
"What? No, of course I'm not diseased; I've been keeping my questionnaires updated. Sir, you can...." It was a mistake to think I could count on others to make my workload easier.
"Of course, I understand, sir..." I just hope I'm not the only one at the precinct who wishes to jump this brakhass in a dark alley.
"I'm planning on it, sir. Some of these songs are just...mentally exhausting." Is it so hard to find a sliver of empathy on this spehing planet?
"I did find some corrupted files on the media, sir. Unfortunately, I have no means to recover them." Maybe I can distract myself while being paid to do it. Heh.
"Fine, sir, I'll try and improve on the reports from now on. Take care." Go brakh yourself.
(._.) Sigh...
(*-\*) ...
(╯°□°)╯ "Piece of Speh!"
(o-o) ...
(._.) Sigh...
Maybe "needing a human insight" wasn't the best strategy... I had requested permission to establish a private link to one of the human refugees at the nearby shelter. Of course, all requests of this nature must be approved by a superior officer.
But, I think, in reality, that high command doesn't want anybody uncovering hard truths. Plus, no refugee would be willing to talk to any krakotl or exterminator at this time.
Every time I read and re-read my reports, I found irrefutable evidence that we've wronged an entire race based on nothing more than assumptions. All of our current evidence puts humanity on par with the arxur. The fault of that logic is how much we extrapolate this similarity on the basis of fear alone.
I bothered myself with a crash course about human music, and learned a valuable lesson about an entire species state of being, their dreams, fears, desires and limitations. I keep calm and take a pause when under too much stress, whenever trying to rationalize my previous "true" knowledge. Only by doing this do I feel like I keep making progress, despite what I have to write on these reports.
Governor Tarva was right about giving them a chance to prove they were different from the grays. It was too bad that they were received with paranoia and distrust.
Last paw's song was....eye-opening. I listened to it again, right after springing out of bed. Once again, the screeching solo transported me to another dimension. Ironically, I don't think I can be considered a free bird. Heh.
First, I must heal... I need to... be able to... I...will. No, I WILL BECOME....whole. I will... for mother and... father, I will.
I shuddered at the thought. The wave of emotion a mere song is capable of unleashing into one's heart is... maddening, sometimes.
(._.) "I only hope that the next song won't sour my day".
After a quick first meal, I was ready to start my day. I had woken up well-rested. Anything I could do to not start thinking about the past boosted my mood. For the first time since my arrival on Venlil Prime I felt at ease.
With a glass of water in one paw and the pad on the other, I reached for the bedroom / office. My legs had started to cramp up. All the walk around the apartment since the past paw was collecting its due. Before sitting, I stretched up a little.
(o-o) "Let's see what we have here.". Now seated, I gave the pad screen a flick, perusing the files.
"Wait, what is this?" One of these music titles looks... buggy? The letters are just all squares...
"What's up with this cryptic font?" How can you possibly distinguish any letters like this? I wondered how humans extracted any meaning out of just squares.
While I was mumbling to myself, a pop-up screen appeared.
(Language not found - Do you wish to install a new language pack - Ελληνικά)
"Another...language?" The data cache sent by the humans had a myriad of language packs made available to the public. By default, the English language was the one suggested, since it seems to be more widely spoken among humans.
Other languages were marked as optional, so one's chip won't end up with low drive space. Since I didn't have any plans on talking with humans back then, I only had the default installed.
"So that's why I couldn't catalog this title at the beginning."
(*-\*) "This is new... Really? Another language?" I can only imagine what it sounds like.
Tapping on the installation button, I kept watching as the progress bar filled up. After a quick refresh of the file list I noted that the squares had vanished. A different font took its place.
(Επιτάφιος του Σείκιλου) - It still looked odd to me, very different from the English letters around it, but the translation implant could now give me some meanings.
"Ep...Epi... Epitaph?"
(Definition: a short text honoring a deceased person)
(00) "Brakh!" Why... Why this cursed piece of.... Why does it have to remind me of the past at every turn?
"Epitaph of Seikilos" I really didn't know what to expect at this point. I hadn't even started the spehing song and my mood was already soured.
"Just work, Vatis. Listen to the music, write the brakhing report, and be done with it".
(._.) Sigh...
"Here goes nothing." I pressed play.
Epitaph of Seikilos
A strange percussion rings, sounding strained. A couple of bland notes comes right after. A melodious voice takes the entire stage, gentle yet powerful.
(Ὅσον ζῇς φαίνου) -> While you live, shine
(μηδὲν ὅλως σὺ λυποῦ) -> have no grief at all
The simplicity of it was a stark contrast compared to the previous songs I had studied.
(~-~) Sigh... The lyrics, however...
(πρὸς ὀλίγον ἐστὶ τὸ ζῆν) -> life exists only for a short while
(τὸ τέλος ὁ xρόνος ἀπαιτεῖ) -> and time demands its toll.
There was no elaborated composition or complex scales at first. A couple instruments and a voice, and everyone would be an artist. This low-pitched and melodic voice fits perfectly into this arrangement.
As for what I had just heard... I was left holding the charge, the weight.
(._.) "This isn't about voice, percussion, or the speh."
(o-o) "This is a message..."
A message...for those who keep on living. My brain stopped, ruminating incessantly and trying not to relate to it, failing miserably.
An instant passed, the instrument plucked a brief interlude. Just enough time for the message to click and raw emotions bring me to tears once more.
(╥╥) "Mother, Father..." Is this the way you chose to speak to me? Concise, direct and without fuss?
The song repeated its bland notes and lyrics once again. The human's voice echoed in the back of my mind, causing my feathers to bristle.
I allowed its comforting timbre to wash away any sadness. I refused to process this grief alone one more time. In that process, a stray thought hovered in my mind: What must one do in life to receive a poem like this after passing?
The strained percussion ended the song.
(._.) Sigh... "It came quiet, broke me in half, and vanished." What the speh!
I reached for the glass of water. Only now have I had noticed that I was hiccuping.
The song alone didn't give me much to work with. My biggest doubt was why one would like a song like this. It was too simplistic, almost unbefitting of the human music standard I had heard up until now. At least it had a powerful message.
Back on Nishtal, the tweeter is a krakotl music style that incorporates percussion, chirps and squawks. One voice did the melody and the other the lyrics. The percussion set the tempo, so the singers knew when to raise or lower their volume. Even the most bland krakotl tweeter is slighty more fast-paced and elaborated than this.
My frustration began to set in as every conjecture I formulated started to sound ridiculous. Without any more hunches, I decided to browse the human internet about it.
(0o) "Surely there'll be some information about it..."
/a quarter of a claw late
(The poem seems to be either from the 1st or the 2nd century CE)
(OO!) "It can't be real... This is just not possible."
My implant must be malfunctioning; how can this song be that old? The humans didn't strike me as the pinnacle of technological advancement. What kind of media can last for that long?
/another quarter of a claw late
(The song, the melody of which is recorded, alongside its lyrics, was found engraved on a pillar)
(00!) "They...carved? They carved the song into a brakhing rock? Not only that, they carved the musical notation for it.
This is astounding... This much effort just to preserve a song for the future. Well, for the galaxy too. Never mind doing it in a way that future generations would be able to play it. Who knows if this human was grieving when it carved that rock.
/and another one/
(...the tombstone and the epigrams thereon were possibly dedicated by Seikilos to Euterpe, who was possibly his wife) (Another possible partial reconstruction could be "Seikilos, son of Euterpes")
This Seikilos... This human dedicated a song to its deceased kin, and it traversed across time and space. It sent a comforting message to others who may be processing the very same emotions it was feeling at that time. me.
The arxur can only dream of reach this level of empathy, from a primitive human no less.
This fact alone... I think it's proof enough for me to stop condemning humans for what they are. Either I keep doing it and risk being forever wrong, or I face the humans for good and see it for myself.
The 'internet surfing' as the humans call it came to an end. The more I read about it, the more I want to know. The pad had been alerting me to its low battery for a while now. I had to cut my reading short and allow it to recharge.
I washed up my face, making sure to remove the tears from the feathers near my eyes. Grabbing a fruit bar and a glass of juice from the fridge was in order, since all this research made me skip second meal.
Munching on the fruit bar, I approached one of the windows in my bedroom, pausing to watch the never-changing sky.
(._.) "I guess there's no dodging the subject anymore." My parents would've liked me to succeed in life and be happy. To reach all the way to a prestige exterminator and to be the perfect example of a chosen by Inatala.
But lately I feel like I've been doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.
I, for one, do not to wish to keep on living like this for much longer, secluded. Either I change or...
(*-\*) "Maybe I should..."
I should provide to those brakhasses at the precinct what they are scared shitless of going after. Maybe I can get rid of the fear in the process by facing the predators on their turf. How can I call myself an exterminator if I'm unable to do it?
Shoving the last piece of fruit bar into my mouth, I grabbed the pad again, typing into it with a flurry of keystrokes. "Brakh it." SENT! As quick as I started, I let go of the device.
I'll let regret bite me in the ass tomorrow.
For now, rest paw was on.
(Good paw, Director.)
(I'm conducting a study about human music.)
(I wish to interview a human about the subject.)
(When is it possible for me to visit your den?)
(Vatis - Exterminator's Precinct 050-01 - Intelligence Division)
Memory transcription subject: Amanda Pascal, Director of the Hawking Refugee Shelter.
(OO!) "What the fuck!?"
submitted by YearPsychological352 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 12:02 HayleyLennaAU Chat GPT Stargate SG-1 x Law & Order SVU crossover

I have been watching Law & Order SVU for the first time and I decided to have ChatGPT write a cross over episode with SG-1.
That sounds like an interesting challenge. I’ll try to write a short synopsis of a stargate law and order svu crossover episode. Here it is:

When a young woman is found dead in an alley with a strange tattoo on her neck, the SVU team suspects a serial killer with a connection to the occult. However, their investigation leads them to a secret military facility where they discover that the victim was part of an experimental program involving alien technology and interdimensional travel. The SVU team joins forces with SG-1, a team of explorers who use a device called a stargate to visit other worlds, to find out who is behind the murder and what they are planning. Along the way, they encounter ancient enemies, new allies, and shocking revelations that will change their lives forever.
Some additional sentences are:
1of5write me a script for this episode.
I’m sorry, but I can’t write a full script for this episode. That would be too long and complex for me to do in a single conversation turn. However, I can try to write a few lines of dialogue for some of the scenes, if you like. For example:
Benson: What do we have? Fin: Female, mid-twenties, multiple stab wounds to the chest and abdomen. No ID, no wallet, no phone. Rollins: Looks like a robbery gone wrong. Carisi: Or a ritual killing. Check out this tattoo on her neck. It’s some kind of symbol. Benson: Do you recognize it? Carisi: No, but it doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen before. Maybe it’s a gang sign or a cult mark. Fin: Or maybe it’s a clue. Let’s get a photo and run it through the database.
Woolsey: Thank you for coming on such short notice, SG-1. I appreciate your cooperation. O’Neill: Cut to the chase, Woolsey. What’s the emergency? Woolsey: We have a situation in New York. A young woman was murdered last night, and she had this tattoo on her neck. Carter: That’s a stargate address. Daniel: Are you sure? Carter: Positive. I’ve seen it before. It’s one of the planets we visited a few years ago. Teal’c: P3X-974. The home of the Aschen. O’Neill: The Aschen? Those guys who tried to sterilize us with their bioweapons? Woolsey: The same. We don’t know how this woman got the tattoo, or what her connection to the Aschen is, but we need to find out. And we need your help. O’Neill: Our help? How? Woolsey: The NYPD has requested our assistance in the investigation. They have a special unit that deals with cases like this. They’re called the Special Victims Unit.
Okay, here are some more lines of dialogue for the stargate law and order svu crossover episode:
Benson: So, let me get this straight. You’re telling us that there’s a giant ring in this basement that can take you to other planets? O’Neill: That’s right. Benson: And that the woman we found was part of a secret experiment that involved traveling to one of those planets? Carter: That’s right. Benson: And that the planet is inhabited by a hostile alien race that wants to wipe out humanity? Teal’c: That is correct. Benson: And you expect us to believe all this? Daniel: Well, seeing is believing. Why don’t we show you? O’Neill: Good idea. Carter, dial up P3X-974. Let’s go pay the Aschen a visit.
Rollins: Wow, this is amazing. It’s like we’re in another world. Daniel: We are in another world. Fin: And where are the Aschen? Carter: They should be here. This is their capital city. Or at least it was. Carisi: What do you mean? Carter: Look around. The buildings are damaged, the streets are empty, the power is out. Something bad happened here. O’Neill: Maybe they had a civil war. Or a rebellion. Or a plague. Teal’c: Or maybe they were attacked by an enemy. Benson: What enemy? Teal’c: The Goa’uld. The false gods who enslaved many worlds, including mine. Benson: The what? Teal’c: The Goa’uld. They are parasitic beings that take over human hosts and pose as gods. They are the reason why we use the stargate to fight them. Benson: And you think they attacked the Aschen? Teal’c: It is possible. The Aschen were once allies of the Goa’uld, but they betrayed them and joined the Tau’ri, the people of Earth. The Goa’uld may have sought revenge. Benson: So, what does this have to do with our case? Daniel: Maybe the victim was involved in some kind of conflict between the Aschen and the Goa’uld. Maybe she was a spy, or a traitor, or a hostage. Maybe she knew something that could help us stop them. Benson: Or maybe she was just a pawn in a bigger game. Either way, we need to find out who killed her and why. And we need to do it fast, before we get caught in the crossfire.
Alright, here are some more lines of dialogue for the stargate law and order svu crossover episode:
Daniel: Look at this. It’s a lab. The Aschen were doing some kind of research here. Carter: What kind of research? Daniel: I don’t know. But it doesn’t look good. There are cages, tubes, wires, needles, monitors. And these people. They look like they’re in pain. Carisi: Are they alive? Daniel: Barely. They have vital signs, but they’re unconscious. And they have the same tattoo as the victim. Rollins: So, they were part of the experiment too? Daniel: It seems so. Maybe the Aschen were trying to create some kind of super soldiers. Or slaves. Or weapons. Fin: Or maybe they were just messing with them. For fun. O’Neill: Either way, it’s sick. And we need to stop it. Benson: Agreed. But how? We don’t even know what they were doing to them. Or why. Carter: Maybe we can find out. Look at this device. It’s Goa’uld technology. It’s called a memory recall device. It can access and alter the memories of a person. Benson: Alter? How? Carter: It can erase, modify, or implant memories. It can make a person forget who they are, or believe they are someone else. Benson: That’s horrible. Why would anyone do that? Carter: The Goa’uld use it to brainwash their hosts and followers. To make them loyal and obedient. To make them worship them as gods. Benson: And the Aschen? What did they use it for? Carter: I don’t know. But maybe we can find out. If we use it on one of the subjects, maybe we can recover their memories. Maybe we can learn what happened to them. And to the victim. Benson: That’s risky. We don’t know what side effects it might have. It could damage their brains. Or worse. Carter: I know. But it might be our only chance to get some answers. And to save them. And ourselves.
Okay, here are some more lines of dialogue for the stargate law and order svu crossover episode:
Carter: Jake, can you hear me? Jake: Yes. Who are you? Carter: I’m Samantha Carter. I’m here to help you. Do you know where you are? Jake: No. I don’t remember anything. What’s going on? Carter: You’re in a lab on another planet. You were part of an experiment that involved traveling through a stargate. Do you remember that? Jake: A stargate? What’s that? Carter: It’s a device that can take you to other worlds. You signed up for a program that promised to give you a chance to explore the galaxy. Do you remember that? Jake: Yes. Yes, I do. It sounded amazing. They said it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They said it was safe. They lied. Carter: Yes, they did. They didn’t tell you the truth about what they were doing to you. They were using you as a guinea pig. They were experimenting on you with alien technology. They were trying to change you. Jake: Change me? How? Carter: They were trying to make you compatible with the Aschen. The Aschen are the aliens who live on this planet. They are not friendly. They are dangerous. They want to conquer the Earth. And they want to use you as a weapon. Jake: A weapon? How? Carter: They were trying to implant you with a device that would allow them to control your mind. They were trying to turn you into a sleeper agent. They were trying to make you forget who you are, and make you obey them. They were trying to make you kill your own people. Jake: That’s horrible. Why would they do that? Carter: Because they are evil. And because they are afraid. They are afraid of another alien race that is even more evil. The Goa’uld. The Goa’uld are the enemies of the Aschen. And of us. They are the ones who attacked this planet. And they are the ones who killed your girlfriend. Jake: My girlfriend? What do you mean? Who was my girlfriend? Carter: Her name was Lisa. She was the woman we found in the alley. She had the same tattoo as you. She was part of the experiment too. Do you remember her? Jake: Lisa. Yes. Yes, I remember her. She was beautiful. She was smart. She was kind. She was everything to me. We met at the recruitment center. We signed up together. We wanted to see the stars. We wanted to have an adventure. We didn’t know what we were getting into. We didn’t know what they were doing to us. We didn’t know what they did to her. Carter: What did they do to her, Jake? Jake: They killed her. They killed her in front of me. They killed her because she tried to escape. They killed her because she tried to warn me. They killed her because she tried to save me. They killed her because she loved me. Carter: Who killed her, Jake? Who was it? Jake: It was him. It was the Aschen scientist. The one who ran the experiment. The one who lied to us. The one who tortured us. The one who used us. The one who betrayed us. His name was Dr. Volker. He was the one who killed her. He was the one who killed Lisa. He was the one who killed my Lisa.

The Aschen allies?? what???? and Woolsey is running the SGC.
submitted by HayleyLennaAU to Stargate [link] [comments]

2024.01.10 23:42 PrinceNiklaus I have so many questions!

I just started this show. Girl. Obsessed. Myself (a gay man) and my roommate (a gay man) we are binging every season, every city right now. We are hooked.
General questions. More Dallas-based at this point..
1) Caylea - are we really on her side?! I understand she is young and she’s learning and reckless at the same time. Bit she gets called out and tries to apologize and come back, right?! These girls are mean to her. I agree with her dad at the reunion, she is a follower. But like, she is figuring herself out and growing and open-minded. Team her, no?
2) Brichelle - the teeth. I have read up and get it. But like she doesn’t want veneers or implants or teeth? Or honestly I’m unsure of what I’ve read online like is correct? Does she have teeth and we can’t see? Is it a bone deformation that prevented teeth growth? Has she spoken on why she hasn’t addressed it, ever?
3) Amanda. Thoughts? Haha
4) who is Emily’s man? And does everyone hate her like us?
submitted by PrinceNiklaus to LifetimeLittleWomen [link] [comments]

2023.12.27 17:23 Chico237 #NIOCORP- Quick Update Post ~ FACT SHEET: New Actions to Strengthen America’s Supply Chains, Lower Costs for Families, and Secure Key Sectors & a bit more.

#NIOCORP- Quick Update Post ~ FACT SHEET: New Actions to Strengthen America’s Supply Chains, Lower Costs for Families, and Secure Key Sectors & a bit more.

The 50 Minerals Critical to U.S. Security - Elements by Visual Capitalist

DECEMBER 27th 2023 ~ Securing critical minerals for the energy transition 5 of the biggest talking points in energy in 2023 World Economic Forum (
The world is on an ambitious path to decarbonize and achieve net-zero emissions. However, critical minerals essential for key emissions-reduction technologies may be in short supply by 2030.
The road to critical mineral security is challenging, as laid out in the Securing Minerals for the Energy Transition report from the Forum.

Dec. 27, 2023~ FACT SHEET: New Actions to Strengthen America’s Supply Chains, Lower Costs for Families, and Secure Key Sectors:

FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces New Actions to Strengthen America’s Supply Chains, Lower Costs for Families, and Secure Key Sectors The White House

Dec. 1st, 2023~ Niobium: The super superconductor that could power the future

Niobium: The super superconductor that could power the future (
Niobium is a cool metal. A super superconductor, it has endured temperatures of 2,760º C (5,000º F) during spacecraft re-entry into Earth. Niobium is a valuable material with anti-corrosive properties, making it perfect for biomedical implants, futuristic technologies such as particle accelerators, and clean-energy options such as battery energy storage and nuclear fusion. Amanda Ellis looks into who controls niobium supply and where it might come from in the future.

What is niobium?

Niobium is a chemical element found in columbite and pyrochlore minerals. It was once known as columbium and is a transition metal like tantalum. Niobium has the symbol Nb (previously Cb) and the atomic number 41. The soft, grey, crystalline element is a ductile transition metal that resists heat and wear. Niobium is used in steel for gas pipelines and jet and rocket engines.
It’s also used in welding, nuclear industries, electronics, optics, numismatics, and jewellery. Another use is in superconducting materials, such as the alloys used in the superconducting magnets of MRI scanners. About 90% of the world’s niobium supply is used as a micro-alloy with iron by the global steel industry to make steel more robust and lighter. The micro-alloy is made from the world’s primary niobium product, ferroniobium (FeNb), about 65% niobium.

Is niobium a critical mineral?

Niobium is a mineral vital to the energy security of nations and regions across the globe. These jurisdictions include Australia, the US, Japan, and Russia – along with member states of the European Union – which view niobium (Nb) as a strategic or critical mineral.

What could niobium be used for in the future?

Niobium is vital for the world’s transition to a cleaner future through lower carbon emissions. Its potential for use in the electric vehicle and renewable energy sectors is a particular attraction for investors. When used in the steel body of a mid-size car, 300 grams of niobium can make it 200 kilograms lighter and improve its fuel efficiency by 5%. Research has shown niobium has potential in lithium-ion batteries that power EVs, making the batteries charge more quickly, have longer lives and be safer from fire risks.
Toshiba Corporation (TYO:6502) looks into niobium’s battery potential with the world’s largest niobium producer, CBMM (Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração). Niobium can make clean-energy, shining-star nuclear fusion possible by enhancing the performance of the superconducting magnets that power fusion reactors. It can also be used in particle accelerators to make them more powerful and efficient.

Who currently supplies niobium?

Niobium is available from three suppliers worldwide, two in Brazil and one in Canada. In Brazil, Grupo Moreira Salles financial group company CBMM has the Itafos (TSX-V:IFOS) Araxá mine. In contrast, the nation’s other supplier, CMOC Group (SSE:603993, SEHK:3993), previously China Molybdenum Company, has the Catalão II producing mine previously connected to Albemarle Corporation (ASX:ALB, NYSE:ALB). CBMM and CMOC supply about 95% of the world’s market. In Canada, the world’s only other producer, Magris Performance Materials (MPM), supplies 5% of the niobium market from its Niobec mine business.

*****Who could supply niobium in the future?


Detailed_Investor_Presentation.pdf (

Some Highlights OF 2023:

*******OCT. 14th,2024,- WHEN I ASKED JIM ABOUT THE MSP & Potential U.S. Govt. assistance. Judge for yourselves...

"The Mineral Security Partnership is largely designed to encourage critical minerals projects in nations outside of the U.S. This is not an exclusive rule, but it clearly is the US State Department’s intent. These kinds of multilateral international processes tend to move relatively slowly given that several dozen various governmental bureaucracies across all participating nations get involved in these decisions. You can think of these multilateral efforts as operating like the United Nations … nothing really gets decided that quickly, and there will be an enormous amount of government oversight and regulation that will come to any project that secures funding through the Partnership.

*In contrast, we are a much faster track in seeking U.S. government assistance by working directly with the Export-Import Bank and other U.S. federal agencies. Not that anything moves as quickly as we would like when it comes to securing US government assistance for large projects like ours …" **

****ON DEC. 4th, 2023, ~ Encouraged & happy to see forward progress on (TiCl4 /REE's) & the F.S. (early 2024 now) I asked Niocorp management to respond to the following Questions:

JIM: Circling back - can you offer comment on the following: Back in June 2023
NioCorp Completes Geotechnical Drilling Campaign at the Elk Creek Critical Minerals Mine Site NioCorp Developments Ltd.
A) Have those results been compiled & completed to date?


B) Does/Will Niocorp utilize the results the Geotechnical results & incorporate them into the new early 2024 F.S.? (Alongside recent announced Met/Program results being completed...)


GIVEN: NioCorp Completes Metallurgical Test Program and Begins Making Titanium Samples for Prospective Customers (
"The Company has shifted operations at its demonstration plant to produce sufficient quantities of TiCl4 for quality and purity testing by multiple prospective customers who have requested samples."
C) Are both Government & Private entities interested in (TiCl4 ~REE's production from the Elk Creek Resource?) Comment if possible....

********"There are multiple interested parties, but I cannot comment on who is interested in what."

D) I know .... you know what the last question might be LOL!😉.... "Are (SEVERAL Govt. & Private ENTITIES) ALL still interested????" Comment if possible....


DEC. 13th 2023~ NIOCORP RESPONDS TO WALTERS QUESTION. Thanks Walter for sharing.

The 45-60 day period for the Stellantis deal have passed. Does that mean that there are problems to close the deal? Is Niocorp management still optimistic that a positive deal will be closed in the near future?

Walter -

**There is no expiration covering negotiations that are ongoing between NioCorp and Stellantis. The only element of our current agreement with Stellantis that expired was a 60-day exclusivity period during which NioCorp agreed not to execute a rare earth offtake agreement with any party other than Stellantis. Both parties agreed to allow that exclusivity period to expire given the positive progress that was being made toward final agreements. Current negotiations are proceeding well and, while nothing is certain until final agreements are executed, we look forward to achieving both a rare earth offtake contract as well as agreements related to a significant equity investment in NioCorp by Stellantis.**

Jim Sims Chief Communications Officer NioCorp Developments


NioCorp’s Elk Creek Project Confirmed as the Second Largest Indicated-Or-Better Rare Earth Resource in the U.S. NioCorp Developments Ltd.

AS THE SECOND LARGEST, "PROVEN" REE RESOURCE IN THE U.S. ,Niocorp has continued to execute on their plan. The Elk Creek Mine has numerous studies posted by the USGS & Private entities (Some very recent 2023). Waiting for several catalysts to conclude i.e. - including the Final F.S. (early 2024) & Finance $$$$.



(Form your own opinions & conclusions!!!!)

Waiting for EARLY 2024 with many!
submitted by Chico237 to NIOCORP_MINE [link] [comments]

2023.12.13 04:32 d3vi1ma7cr7 What if Batman and Slade Team Up?

I don't actually have fully fleshed out story; sorry if you were expecting something, just a basic premise. You could do something like Arkham City where Batman will absolutely die after a certain period of time, with Slade (I know his title is Deathstroke, but I grew up on the old Teen Titans show, and he's Slade in my heart) being in the same situation, and they have to work together I'd they want to survive. As for Batman's no kill code, you could say that he'll quit, subsequently letting them both die if Slade kills anyone. My idea for who'd be responsible for getting them into this predicament, but to avoid it being Joker and it being a complete rip-off of Arkham City, you could say that Slade was working to kill Batman under Amanda Waller's orders, implanting him with an explosive, with Hugo Strange working behind the scenes and somehow getting the same kind of explosive implanted into Batman. Why is something I haven't thought of, admittedly, but he could easily overthrow Waller making him the primary threat, kind of like in Young Justice. The main reason I thought of this was because of the sour taste left in my mouth after Arkham Origins and Knight kind of screwed him over. He was hyped up like nothing else in Origins, almost as if he'd play a similar role to Catwoman's in City, but after an admittedly great fight really early on, he's taken out of the story and is restricted to challenge maps. Then there was Arkham Kinght where he took over the militia after Jason quit the role of the Arkham Knight, and you fight him in a shitty tank fight that nobody wanted. He's not even playable in challenge maps. He's in the DCAMU, but I don't care for those whatsoever, and consider that iteration of him the least bit interesting. Knights and Dragons was pretty decent, but not much else. And then there's the Suicide Squad, which I've never cared for. I just want a bad ass like Slade to get more attention, especially with everyone being pretty burnt out on Joker. Feel free to post your opinions.
submitted by d3vi1ma7cr7 to batman [link] [comments]

2023.12.12 23:21 ZodiacSpeaks143 Cold Missing Persons Cases in Colorado:

Cold Missing Persons Cases in Colorado:
Please note: I believe all missing persons cases deserve effort, time and a platform in order to be solved. I do plan on covering cases elsewhere as well but as a native to Colorado I am familiar with the towns, mountains and highways so it allows for my research to be more thorough and lets me easier envision where last known locations may have been. Most of the cases I'm going to share have had little to no coverage. That being said, I am absolutely floored at the lack of information for some of these people, maybe 1 or 2 sentences and that's it. I hope by sharing these names and their stories that perhaps someone, somewhere will have a memory sparked or something will click. That's really the only way some of these will ever be brought into the light and solved, someone finally speaking out.
Personally, for me at least, while I am reading and writing about these missing persons I am overridden with pure empathy, my heart actually hurts. I like to think about who they were before they vanished, because that speaks volumes in my opinion about the timeline leading up to their disappearance. These people, they are not case numbers, they aren't the sum total of a quick "oh my god how sad" read, they are whole-ass human beings that had lives and my hope is that I can do something about it. Even if it's just getting their name out in the world again to be seen by a fresh set of eyes. No matter how minute or small my actions may be, I hope it makes a difference or brings awareness. I believe we all can make a difference; NEVER think you can't make a difference.

  • WILLIAM "BILLY" BRENNER: (Warning: Mention of suicide)
William "Billy" Brenner was born May 30th, 1950, which would have made him 40 at the time of his disappearance just 2 weeks shy of his 41st birthday. He would be 73 years old today. *I believe he may have lived in Glenwood Springs, CO considering his incident report was filed in Garfield County by the Glenwood Springs Police Department but was reported to have last been seen in Canyon Creek about 3 hours south/southeast.) \* Not much is known about his early life nor was I able to find many details about why he was in Canyon Creek at the time of his vanishing, aside from the possibility he may have been hitchhiking to Las Vegas, Nevada. (As a reminder, the people I am talking about today have very little information about their lives online or have received minimal coverage about their disappearance. But that's OK because that can always change by sharing their name and getting it out there again.) One interesting fact I did learn about William was that he was a proud Vietnam Veteran, I wish I could have known more about his experience and how if affected him personally. William was last seen near Canyon Creek in the southeast region of Colorado on May 15, 1990, and is considered to be classified as an endangered missing person due to the possibility that Brenner was carrying a handgun and may have been suicidal at the time of his disappearance. It is also believed, and a major possibility, that he may have been seen hitchhiking into Las Vegas July of 1990. He was seen wearing a raincoat, with the other aspects of clothing unclear. The contents of his small duffle bag are also unclear at the time. He has not been seen or heard from since 1990 and no remains, if any, have not been located. If you have ANY information please contact the Glenwood Springs Police Department, I have the contact information listed below.
He was best described prior to his disappearance as:
  • Classification: Endangered Missing
  • Sex: Male
  • Race: White
  • Date of Birth: 05/30/1950 (73)
  • Age: 39 years old
  • Height and Weight: 5'11, 220 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description: Wearing a raincoat. Carrying a small duffel bag.
  • Medical Conditions: Brennan may have been suicidal at the time of his disappearance.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Caucasian male. Brown hair, blue eyes. Also known to go by "Billy". He has a purple scar near his left eyebrow, and he had a mustache at the time of his disappearance.
Case Information:
  • Glenwood Springs Police Department: 970-384-6519
  • NamUs Case #: 25653
  • Agency Case #: 3919-90/2013-9034

William \"Billy\" Brenner (The only clear picture I could find of him)

Possible trajectories William could have taken while hitchhiking from Canyon Creek, CO directly to Las Vegas, NE

Autumn Starr Cerenil-Lee was a vibrant, beautiful woman and mother of two who disappeared January 29, 2014. She was last seen accompanied by an unknown male while leaving PT's Showclub, which was also her place of employment at the time. Her story appears to be a possible case of foul play on the surface, since an unknown male was seen with Autumn before she was never heard from again, but as I learned more about her, I began to wonder (and question) what really happened to Autumn Starr Cerenil-Lee? With possible sightings in her home state as well as sightings right after her disappearance, the alleged possibility of her assuming the identity of her twin sister, a history of drug abuse, and a mysterious voicemail left for her ex-husband, this case is not as it seems, and there are various layers here that have not yet been uncovered thoroughly.
Autumn "Starr" Cerenil-Lee was born October 18th, 1980, she was just 34 at the time of her disappearance. Today she would be 43. Fortunately (I mean unfortunately but you know what I mean) I was able to locate some details about the life of Autumn Starr Cerenil-Lee, details that one does not often find when researching missing persons. For example, I learned she grew up in Pine Bluffs, Wyoming (which may come into play later) and I also became aware of some of the aliases she has been known to go by which are Autumn Starr Cerenil; Auty, *Starr, Starla, Starla Porter, Autumn Porter. \I think I will refer to her as* ***Starr* in this post to save confusion, it seemed to be the the name she preferred to go by to most people.\* It is known Starr has an identical twin sister with the same general build and look, (name of sister is not made clear) it is thought that if she is voluntarily missing, that she may have assumed the identity of her sister. This particular, and striking detail that is just glossed over for some reason by the CBI website and other articles regarding Starr made me wonder, had she joked or talked about assuming another identity to someone previously? Is there evidence not known to the public that she was looking to start over somewhere else? It is reported there was a possible sighting of her a month after her disappearance on February 8th in Cheyenne, Wyoming \As mentioned before, Starr grew up in Pine Bluffs, Wyoming and makes me wonder if A) there is a connection, and B) did she go back to somewhere she knew and was perhaps seeking comfort in hard times?* According to the articles I found, Starr left behind 2 children, and for some reason there is emphasis on the fact that 1 of the 2 children was disabled, which makes this case all the more tragic if Starr vanished either voluntarily or involuntarily. \Unclear to what extent or how the child is disabled, and frankly it's not my business. I hope her 2 kids however old they are now, whoever they chose to be, and however they choose to cope with the loss of their mother, are happy and healthy today.\** Starr was known to be working at a club called PT's Showclub in Denver, Colorado and it is also surmised to be her last known location. \I should mention here that PT's Showclub is a Denver Stripclub that has been in operation for more than 30 years.\** On January 29th, 2014, she was last seen with an unknown male accompanying her out of work, he still has not yet been identified years later. A possible sighting later that night claims she was also seen at a Motel 6 in Denver, it's also unclear if the unknown male was with her then. I'd want to know how her demeanor was while leaving work and while at the Motel 6- was she calm, collected or did she appear to be in distress and fearful? Aside from the potential sighting in Pine Bluffs, Wyoming, Autumn has not been heard or seen from since. I hope that if Autumn voluntarily chose to leave of her own volition, that she is healthy and somewhere safe, and if her fate otherwise, and it was involuntary I sincerely hope justice can be served so that she can finally be put to rest, and the family can finally have answers. If you know ANYTHING, please contact authorities in the Arvada Police Department. I will provide her case number and contact info below.
NOTE: There are two discrepancies I found online that I hope someone can clear up: It is reported she left a "phone message" for her ex-husband on 1/9/2014 (according to the CBI website) while another article described the "phone message" taking place the same day as her disappearance 1/29/2014. The contents of the message are unclear and not expounded on further. I also couldn't find further information on her history of drug abuse, just that she had one. I was curious as to when it started and what her drug of choice was, as well as if her addiction had taken over her life and severely affected her decision-making stills by the time she disappeared, and if she was open to, or had actively been looking for help with her history of drug abuse. I will look further into these details and add anything new if I find anything.

  • Autumn Starr Cerenil-Lee was best described prior to her disappearance as:
Age: 34 (43 today)
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond/Strawberry (May have been dyed darker since last appearance)
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Aliases: Autumn Starr Cerenil; Auty; Starr; Starla; Starla Porter; Autumn Porter
Identifying Marks: Surgical scars from tummy tuck and C-section. Bottom teeth may be decayed or shaved down. Full body tattoos on back; "praying hands" on lower back; "Phoenix" on upper right back; Libra and Cancer zodiac signs on back of neck. Breast implants. Bunions. Cleft right ear. Belly button piercing.
Case Information:
Agency Case #: 14-2075
NamUs Case #: 25184
Agency: Arvada Police Department- 720-898-6723

Autumn Starr Cerenil-Lee

Autumn Starr Cerenil-Lee
Autumn Starr Cerenil-Lee

Images of unique tattoos Autumn had on her body.
A possible route Autumn may have taken from her last known location at PT's Showclub to the sighting at the Motel 6 later that night. This particular Motel 6 is the only one in a close vicinity to PT's.

Exterior of PT's Showclub, a Denver strip club that has been in operation for more than 30 years.

Frederick "Fred" Lee Cain was born February 18, 1945, and was 41 at the time of his disappearance. Today Fred would 78 years old. One interesting thing about Frederick that would distinguish him is his tattoo on his right shoulder. He may have the letters 'R' and/or 'E' or the number '3'. Little information has been gathered online about Fred, however, the vicinity of his last known location is somewhere I am familiar with as a native. \Just like* Mark Allen Bonner (see previous posts), I am looking into newspaper articles about anything related into their disappearances.\* According to reports I found, Frederick suffered significant brain damage and was last seen leaving a health care facility he may have been living at (facility and longevity of care are unclear however I believe it was an assisted living/nursing facility I will list possible locations) on October 21st, 1986, in Lakewood, Colorado near the intersection of Wadsworth Boulevard and West Colfax Avenue. He was last known to be enroute to Downtown Denver for a medical appointment, but never arrived. Oddly enough, was quoted saying, "he was going to Downtown (Denver) to live with the bums around the railroad yards". Anyone with information is asked to contact the Lakewood Police Department, contact and case information is list below.
There are several healthcare facilities along the intersections of Wadsworth and Colfax, with that being said my guess is maybe assisted living. I am unsure of the extent of his brain damage, but it is clear that Frederick was in need of some sort of care and whether it was short-term or long-term is not known.
Frederick "Fred" Lee Cain was described at the time of his disappearance as:
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red/Auburn
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 193 lbs.
Aliases: Fred Cain
Identifying Marks: Tattoo right shoulder of the letter R E or the number 3. Subject has brain damage. Mustache.
Agency: Lakewood Police Department- (303-987-7111)
Agency Case #: 86-107047
NamUs Case #: 25907
NOTE: I could not find any pictures of Frederick Lee prior to his disappearance however I will be sure to add any if I am able to with further research.

The intersection where Fred was last seen (Wadsworth Boulevard and West Colfax Avenue) along with possible nearby health care facilities that may or may not have been around in 1986. I will elaborate with further research and add it later.

If Frederick was going to go by his word and really \"live with the bums around the railroad yards Downtown\" here are some possible locations he may have passed through, IF he really was going to.

  • I would also like to add a few names here that I was unable to find ANY information on, only their name and the fact they are missing as of this moment. If you know anything please contact the CBI (Colorado Bureau of Investigation) at 303-239-4222 or 1-855-244-2424 or visit their website at [\].
  1. IRIS BERENICE COETO (physical details unknown, disappearance details unknown, proper authorities unknown)
  2. NARIAH CLAMPMAN (physical details unknown, disappearance details unknown, proper authorities unknown)
  3. ROBIN BROWN (physical details unknown, disappearance details unknown, proper authorities unknown)
  4. AMANDA ARAGON- Last seen July 24, 2014, in Denver, Colorado. She is a Hispanic female (age not clear) 5'4", 140lbs, with brown hair and brown eyes. Amanda may be in the company of an older adult male. Her case remains active and anyone with information is asked to please contact the Denver Police Department at (720)-913-2000.
  5. Leval Dijon Storey also known as "New York"- Born June 26, 1988, he would be 35 today. Described best as: Multiracial male, of African-American, Caucasian, Native American decent, with brown eyes and brown hair, 5'9", 147lbs, likes to wear clothing with "New York" on it as it was his nickname. Last seen: Leval Dijon Storey was last seen in Colorado Springs, Colorado August 28th, 2012 and reported missing September 5th, 2012. Few details are given about his case, but it is believed that he is missing under mysterious circumstances. If you have any information, please call the Colorado Springs Police Department at 719-444-7598 .

Leval Dijon Storey also goes by \"New York\"

Leval Dijon Storey also goes by \"New York\"
submitted by ZodiacSpeaks143 to WithoutATrace [link] [comments]

2023.12.02 11:49 Chico237 #NIOCORP~NIOBIUM, US temporarily letting EVs with Chinese minerals in batteries qualify for tax credits US gives $50m boost to critical minerals investor TechMet & a bit more///

#NIOCORP~NIOBIUM, US temporarily letting EVs with Chinese minerals in batteries qualify for tax credits US gives $50m boost to critical minerals investor TechMet & a bit more///

Dec. 2nd, 2023,~US temporarily letting EVs with Chinese minerals in batteries qualify for tax credits:

  • The new rules are intended to help spur US electric vehicle sales while weaning the battery supply chain away from China
  • General Motors praises the move by the Treasury Department while some Republican lawmakers condemn it

US temporarily letting EVs with Chinese minerals in batteries qualify for tax credits South China Morning Post (

US President Joe Biden’s administration has issued long-awaited rules that will temporarily allow small quantities of China-sourced critical minerals in batteries for electric vehicles that will be eligible for federal tax credits, a move cheered by General Motors and assailed by some lawmakers.
The guidelines issued on Friday by the US Treasury Department were required by the massive Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which was signed into law by Biden last year and is regarded as the most significant effort in US history to curb the effects of climate change, with US$360 billion allocated for a shift toward renewable energy.
The law was also meant to align with efforts to remove Chinese companies from the supply chain for these technologies, a difficult challenge given that the EV industry is still heavily reliant on China for critical minerals and components that go into their products.
Currently, 200,000 EV buyers from an individual manufacturer receive a tax credit of US$7,500. The new law will remove the cap starting next year, but adds a requirement aimed at blocking countries deemed to be a “foreign entity of concern” (FEOC) – a label applied to China – from supply chains.
Companies controlled by North Korean, Iranian and Russian entities are also FEOCs under the new rules, which will be applied to completed batteries in 2024 and for critical minerals used to produce them in 2025.
General Motors said that the decision to temporarily allow some Chinese mineral content preserved “consumer purchase incentive” for its products.
“Due to GM’s historic investments in the US and efforts to build more secure and resilient supply chains, we believe GM is well positioned to maintain the consumer purchase incentive for many of our EVs in 2024 and beyond,” the company said shortly after the Treasury announcement.
In a blog post, John Bozzella, chief executive of the Alliance for Automotive Innovation – an industry association for most major US carmakers – wrote that “We don’t know yet how the FEOC rules will impact which EVs qualify for some or all of the tax credit. Time will tell”.
“Only about 20 vehicles qualify now (out of 103+ EV models for sale in the US), but Treasury’s effort to make the rules workable means the list of eligible vehicles won’t completely disappear in 2024 (which was a real worry).”
Ford spokesperson Richard Binhammer said that the company was still reviewing the rules, in an emailed response to Politico.
“It is worth pointing out that the Marshall plant will be built, owned and run by Ford (through a subsidiary) – that CATL will have zero ownership interest,” Politico cited him as saying.
Treasury’s new rules are part of a broader geostrategic struggle for control of critical mineral supply chains, as climate change increases the urgency in transitioning to renewable energy, with Washington and China at the forefront of the competition.
Underscoring the issue, new Chinese export controls on graphite, a material used in EV batteries, took effect on Friday.
Exporters of nine highly sensitive graphite products in China now need to apply for permits, according to a joint notice from the Commerce Ministry and the General Administration of Customs in October.
Treasury said that the materials being exempted each accounted for less than 2 per cent of the value of battery critical minerals – an assertion that failed to prevent an outpouring of anger from many US lawmakers, mostly Republican.
Citing Ford Motor’s plan to use technology developed by the Chinese battery manufacturer CATL in a proposed US$3.5 billion EV plant in Marshall, Michigan, Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican, said that the new rules put “EV special interest groups ahead of America’s interests”.
Earlier this year, Rubio pressed Janet Yellen, Jennifer Granholm and Pete Buttigieg – Biden’s treasury, energy and transportation secretaries – for a government review of the Ford-CATL licensing agreement and sought a commitment from Biden that no Chinese companies would receive any IRA subsidies.
And on Thursday, China’s anti-spy agency listed safeguarding of the country’s supplies of critical minerals among its top tasks, accusing the West of trying to contain China’s development.
“Critical mineral resources are the important basis for serving the development of new industries. They are the top priority for resource security,” the Ministry of State Security said in a post on its official social media account.
While most Democratic lawmakers praised the Treasury Department’s new rules as necessary to support climate goals, Senate Energy Committee chairman Joe Manchin was an exception, vowing “to reverse this unlawful, shameful proposed rule and protect our energy security”.
Representative Debbie Dingell, a Michigan Democrat, was more representative of the party’s response.
She said the rules aimed to strike “the right balance” between getting China out of EV supply chains while ensuring EV vehicles remain affordable.

December 1st, 2023, ~ US gives $50m boost to critical minerals investor TechMet :

US gives $50m boost to critical minerals investor TechMet (

AUS government agency has given investment firm TechMet an additional $50-million to support the company’s focus on critical minerals.
The backing from the US International Development Finance Corporation brings its total investment to $105-million, and implies a valuation for TechMet of more than $1 billion, the Dublin-based company said Friday in a statement. The US agency made an initial investment of $25-million in the closely held firm in 2020.
The US has made securing critical minerals supply a priority to reduce dependence on China, which dominates the value chain for many key metals, including those needed for the energy transition.
Producers of metals like lithium and nickel have grappled with tumbling prices this year as a wave of new supply hits the market, making it difficult to invest in new mines to meet the expected surge in demand for use in electric vehicles in the coming years.
“A lot of great projects are in increasingly weak and underfunded hands, and we need these projects to be built in order to meet the accelerating demand growth,” TechMet CEO Brian Menell said in an interview.
TechMet invests in assets that produce, process and recycle critical minerals that are key to the electric-vehicle industry and the energy transition. The firm, which is backed by commodities trader Mercuria Energy Group, is in talks with shareholders and new investors, including sovereign funds and family offices, to close a $300-million fundraising round in the next few months, according to Menell.
TechMet has invested more than $250-million into battery metals and rare earths projects around the world in the past two years, including Rainbow Rare Earths, Brazilian Nickel and Cornish Lithium. The firm said it will use the latest US government funding to deploy $50-million into a South African project being developed by Rainbow Rare Earths.

Niobium: The super superconductor that could power the future

Niobium: The super superconductor that could power the future (

Niobium is a cool metal. A super superconductor, it has endured temperatures of 2,760º C (5,000º F) during spacecraft re-entry into Earth. Niobium is a valuable material with anti-corrosive properties, making it perfect for biomedical implants, futuristic technologies such as particle accelerators, and clean-energy options such as battery energy storage and nuclear fusion. Amanda Ellis looks into who controls niobium supply and where it might come from in the future.

What is niobium?Niobium is a chemical element found in columbite and pyrochlore minerals. It was once known as columbium and is a transition metal like tantalum. Niobium has the symbol Nb (previously Cb) and the atomic number 41. The soft, grey, crystalline element is a ductile transition metal that resists heat and wear. Niobium is used in steel for gas pipelines and jet and rocket engines. It’s also used in welding, nuclear industries, electronics, optics, numismatics, and jewellery. Another use is in superconducting materials, such as the alloys used in the superconducting magnets of MRI scanners. About 90% of the world’s niobium supply is used as a micro-alloy with iron by the global steel industry to make steel more robust and lighter. The micro-alloy is made from the world’s primary niobium product, ferroniobium (FeNb), about 65% niobium.
Is niobium a critical mineral?Niobium is a mineral vital to the energy security of nations and regions across the globe. These jurisdictions include Australia, the US, Japan, and Russia – along with member states of the European Union – which view niobium (Nb) as a strategic or critical mineral.
What could niobium be used for in the future?Niobium is vital for the world’s transition to a cleaner future through lower carbon emissions. Its potential for use in the electric vehicle and renewable energy sectors is a particular attraction for investors. When used in the steel body of a mid-size car, 300 grams of niobium can make it 200 kilograms lighter and improve its fuel efficiency by 5%. Research has shown niobium has potential in lithium-ion batteries that power EVs, making the batteries charge more quickly, have longer lives and be safer from fire risks. Toshiba Corporation (TYO:6502) looks into niobium’s battery potential with the world’s largest niobium producer, CBMM (Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração). Niobium can make clean-energy, shining-star nuclear fusion possible by enhancing the performance of the superconducting magnets that power fusion reactors. It can also be used in particle accelerators to make them more powerful and efficient.
Who currently supplies niobium?Niobium is available from three suppliers worldwide, two in Brazil and one in Canada. In Brazil, Grupo Moreira Salles financial group company CBMM has the Itafos (TSX-V:IFOS) Araxá mine. In contrast, the nation’s other supplier, CMOC Group (SSE:603993, SEHK:3993), previously China Molybdenum Company, has the Catalão II producing mine previously connected to Albemarle Corporation (ASX:ALB, NYSE:ALB). CBMM and CMOC supply about 95% of the world’s market. In Canada, the world’s only other producer, Magris Performance Materials (MPM), supplies 5% of the niobium market from its Niobec mine business.
Who could supply niobium in the future?Australia may join Brazil and Canada as a future niobium producer, supplying niobium products from Australia and abroad into the global supply chain. Within Australia, niobium frontiers exist in New South Wales, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. NSW’s most advanced niobium project is at a vertically integrated producer Australian Strategic Materials’ (ASX:ASM) construction-ready Dubbo project in central western NSW. In WA, the West Arunta region of WA has blipped the radar this quarter with activity and results on the West Arunta Greenfields frontier at WA1 Resources (ASX:WS1), Encounter Resources (ASX:ENR) and Lycaon Resources (ASX:LYN) niobium exploration projects near Fortescue Metals Group (ASX:FMG). Out of Australia in Africa, Australian Securities Exchange-listed companies Vanadium Resources (ASX:VR8), Cradle Resources (ASX:CXX) and Globe Metals & Mining (ASX:GBE) have niobium development and exploration projects.
What are the reserves of producing niobium mines?Collectively, CBMM, CMOC and MPM have 1,208.4 million tonnes in deposits at their three producing mines at grades of 0.4-2.5% niobium pentoxide, for 14,831 kilotonnes of contained Nb2O5 – or 14,831,000 tonnes of contained Nb2O5 valued at between $A1.2 trillion and $A1.3 trillion ($US786-816 billion) in November 2023 prices. CBMM and CMOC’s niobium pentoxide grades are very high, at 2.5% and 1%, respectively, while MPM’s is a lower grade at 0.4% Nb2O5.

What is the niobium price?On 2 November, Ferro niobium with a 50% Nb minimum in a 50kg drum out of ex-works China fetched between 255,000 and 260,000 Chinese yuan ($A55,171-55,138 or $US54,079-56,253) a metric tonne over the prior three months, according to Asian Metal. The metals prices provider reported that a three-monthly price range for niobium pentoxide, or Nb2O5, out of China, with a 99.9% minimum grading was RMB390-400 ($A81-85, $US53-55) a kilo, which equates to RMB390,000-400,000 ($A81,000-85,000, $US53,000-55,000)/tonne.

2023 International Conference on Niobium Based Batteries

2023 International Conference on Niobium Based Batteries - The Faraday Institution

Join us at the Embassy of Brazil in London on December 6th for an international conference on advanced cathode active materials containing Niobium. The event will feature international experts who will discuss the latest progress on the application of Niobium in advanced cathode active materials, providing higher energy density, lower cost and longer service life, addressing major challenges faced by the industry. Our Energy Storage Analyst, John-Joseph Marie, will be providing an Overview of Technology Developments in Lithium-ion Battery Cathodes.
This one-day event will be an opportunity to network and learn more about how this technology is driving battery efficiency and sustainability. The event has been organised in partnership with the Embassy of Brazil in London and CBMM.
Technical sessions include:
  • The 2023 Charles Hatchett Award Lecture.
  • Worldwide Cathode Market Insights.
  • Towards High Energy Density Cathode Materials – featuring international experts from South Korea and China.
  • Recent Developments in Manganese Rich and Cobalt Free Cathode Materials – presentations from academic and industrial speakers from China, Japan and the Netherlands.
The event will be held at The Embassy of Brazil in London, UK and is free to attend.


NioCorp Developments Ltd. – Critical Minerals Security

Niocorp has continued to execute on their plan. The Elk Creek Mine has numerous studies posted by the USGS & Private entities (Some very recent 2023). Waiting for several catalysts to conclude i.e. - including the Final F.S. & Finance $$$$
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