Nightshade allergy

Food Allergies

2012.08.03 10:11 PenisPieTrap Food Allergies

Community info source on everything relating to food allergies. Share allergen-free recipes, rant about your struggles, ask questions, and find answers about food allergies and sensitivities. If you are a person who has lived with an allergy for many years, please stick around to advise the newly diagnosed who are looking for guidance. We are all in this together.

2011.02.25 08:02 HCmarket Allergy and Sensitivity, discussion, news, advice and questions.

A commonplace for discussion, news, advice and questions with fellow sufferers. This sub is under reconstruction, please be patient as we work to improve it.

2024.05.28 11:37 No-Associate1991 Drittlei!

Akkurat nå er jeg så drittlei kronisk sykdom, og jeg er drittlei av å prøve å finne gode løsninger for meg selv!
Jeg er sliten av å føle meg syk hver eneste dag. Og den eneste siste tingen som gir meg et løft og glede, nemlig kaffe - viser seg og også være et problem for kroppen min!
Jeg har kuttet ut så mange forskjellige matvarer pga. allergier og autoimmune sykdommer og sitter igjen med en håndfull matvarer som er trygt å spise uten at det fører til masse betennelser og fordyelsesplager.
Men nå er jeg så lei meg og sint fordi det føles ikke som om jeg skal kunne kose meg med noe i livet!
Jeg er full av traumer etter oppveksten, jeg har et tonn av allergier. 2 autoimmune sykdommer. Depresjon, angst og hyperaktivitet om hverandre. Ikke kan jeg spise normalt. Ikke spise sukker (da får jeg for høyt blodsukker og soppinfeksjoner). Ikke fordøyes maten jeg spiser skikkelig fordi jeg lever i konstant stress. Ikke kan jeg spise potet og andre matvarer i nightshade familien - fordi det inneholder stoffer som fucker opp leddene (har påbegynt leddgikt som autoimmune sykodm nr.3) Jeg prøver alt! Kosthold, trening, yoga, turer, holde det i orden rundt meg, har god kontroll på økonomien osv.
Men det er faen meg et hellevete å være mennekse uansett hva jeg gjør! Jeg skulle ønske jeg hvertfall kunne nye en kopp kaffe om morran, men NEI! Da skal jeg få utslett og vondt i alle ledd!
Åååh! Sånn, jeg måtte få dette ut! Nå lurer jeg på hvordan dere andre som lever med sykdom takler livene deres. Hva aksepterer dere, hva har dere gitt slipp på? Hvordan finner dere motivasjon til å ikke bare gi opp?
Takk for alle tilbakemeldinger, omsorg og tips! Jeg orker ikke å svare på alt. Men det jeg har lest igjennom har fått meg til å innse at jeg bare må gjøre det jeg vet er bra og funker for meg. Så må jeg klare å gi slipp på den forbanna kaffen! og leve med de begrensinger jeg har og finne muligheter der de er. Blir noe dritt å håndtere nedturen som kommer av å kutte ut kaffe, men jeg skal prøve sort te for å gjøre prosessen lettere for meg selv. Også skal jeg gråte! Gråte og sørge over det jeg ikke kan, så skal jeg gi slipp - så gå videre med hode hevet tross at alle rundt meg synes jeg spiser rart og er sær.
Igjen, tusen takk for så mye bra respons. Dere har bidratt med klarhet i livet mitt <3
submitted by No-Associate1991 to norge [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:39 Fox95822 Being a Vegetarian with MCAS etc

Hi everyone! I am 45 I have been a vegetarian most of my life. I had undiagnosed Celiac for a long time and was very sick. Through elimination diets and such I was able to sort that out. It killed my father when he was 47 and my grandfather lived with an ileostomy for about 30 years. In my early 30s I developed MCAS. I have severe life threatening reactions to many common foods including ALL grains and all legumes except chickpeas. I also have Ehlers-Danlos and POTS. I mention all of this because I have noticed there seems to be people with that cluster of issues, EDS, MCAS, POTS.
Once the MCAS set in I started to eat a bit of meat because I felt I had to. I hated it and could barely do so. It seems to make me feel ill and it's also just I don't like to eat animals. I make my family food with meat, we buy from a local farm grass fed pasture etc. I try and eat it but I just literally can't, it's frustrating. So I'm not out here judging folks for eating it, I cook it for my family daily, it's just a personal thing. I'd have a few bites a week and basically turned to lactose free milk and lactose free milk protein and cheeses.
I am also allergic to eggs, mushrooms, nightshade (tomato can be tolerated in a small scale but causes GI issues and inflammation), garlic, onions peaches, watermelon. Avacado cross reacts for me but if my inflammation is in check I can have 1/4 of one or so. I am also allergic to other random things like nuts except pecans, quinoa, some high histamine foods. All legumes is all beans or bean gums, soy, peanut. All grains is wheat, corn, rice, oats etc, anything that comes from grass.
I have basically not been eating much and I am getting really sick. Nutritionist didn't help he was unable to wrap his brain around eating with all of my allergies.
I have a lot of green salads, which I add goat cheese, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, pecans. I found a frozen pizza I can kind of tolerate (banza 4 cheese). I make Saag with paneer and chick peas/garbanzo beans a lot. I am trying to rely less on cow milk and cow milk protein but I do some (it causes some inflammation for me even when lactose free). I make these crackers with sweet potato, ground pumpkin and ground sunflower seeds, chia, and then also whole seeds. Those are pretty good. I can also do squashes. I also have a lot of artichokes and asparagus. I have a lot of whey based shakes I make with added berries and seeds (pumpkin,chia and sunflower). Mostly after working all day and cooking for my family who have less allergies I have the spoons to eat some.cheese and that's all I have many days a week is some cheese.
I have to cook from scratch for my family everyday too, different things bc they have allergies but different than mine. I don't want their diets as restricted as mine so I make different food for them.
I am exhausted and just find myself not eating. Often I will just have a few pieces of cheese in a day and that's literally it. I also have Hashimotos and lupus and other autoimmune things and have chronically under eaten for decades. I am morbidly obese despite that but my endocrinologist says that is common with Hashimotos, not eating but still obease, body saving everything. My blood sugar and cholesterol are good though.
I guess I am just wondering if there's other folks in this similar kind of boat and what a daily/weekly menu looks like for you if you've managed to figure out how to feel well.
submitted by Fox95822 to MCAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:22 BrittanyLTurnbull Foodie With 14 Food Allergies: Pineapple Loaf (Lemon Loaf Alternative) and Dairy-Free / Nightshade-Free Lasagna (Also, Onions And Garlic-Free)

submitted by BrittanyLTurnbull to foodallergycooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:22 BrittanyLTurnbull Foodie With 14 Food Allergies: Pineapple Loaf (Lemon Loaf Alternative) and Dairy-Free / Nightshade-Free Lasagna (Also, Onions And Garlic-Free)

Hey Everyone,
I wanted to share my most recent recipes with you! First, we have a REALLY tasty pineapple loaf. This is an alternative to the beloved Starbucks lemon loaf for anyone allergic to citrus and/or dairy.
Pineapple Loaf:
Next, we have a nightshade-free lasagna just in time for the newest Garfield movie. This lasagna is made with mangoes instead of tomatoes. It is also dairy-free and onions and garlic-free, but don't worry everything has been accounted for and the flavors have been recreated to taste like the lasagna you know and loved.
Mango Lasagna:
I hope you enjoy these recipes and please share them with anyone who needs them. As always, comment what recipes you'd like to see next or what recipes you miss eating! I'm happy to recreate anything.
From my kitchen to yours. Eat happy!
submitted by BrittanyLTurnbull to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:35 Faegirl247 What age did you learn about your allergy?

Hello, I am new to this sub.
My toddler has been developing a nightshade allergy in the past 2 years since I introduced her to solid foods. At first (6 months old) she was allergic to eggplant with a rash around her mouth/face. I figured that eggplant was easy enough to avoid so I didn’t investigate the allergy further. Within the last 6 months she has started having reactions with tomatoes to varying degrees, but usually a rash on her face and itchy hands.
I finally called the dr and am going to get her to see an allergist to do more testing, but I have some questions and this allergy seems rather rare so Google wasn’t much help.
So if you would be willing to respond to my questions: How old were you when you noticed your nightshade allergy? Did the allergy progressively get worse? Did the allergy ever improve with time? How severe is your allergy?
submitted by Faegirl247 to Nightshade_Free [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:57 Ok_Yesterday_1079 Uncommon intolerance/gastrointestinal issue

Hey everyone! This isn't an emergency or a new issue, but every so often I Google this and find nothing substantial, so I've decided to post about it here in hope someone knows what to make of it. The short of it is - I can't eat peppers. It didn't start until I was about eight or so (I distinctly remember snacking on bell peppers as a preschooler) and for a while I wasn't even sure what was making me sick, but through elimination over the years it turned out to be peppers. All kinds - both fresh and cooked, as well as mild and spicy varieties and even spices like chilli flakes, paprika or cayenne in really small quantities. I don't seem to have a reaction to other nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes or eggplants) and the spice level itself doesn't seem to make it much better or worse (and I can eat other food which has a bit of heat, like ginger, wasabi or peppercorn just fine). Over the years I've learnt to avoid stuff thar makes me sick (I'm 25 now) but sometimes I'll still eat it by accident, especially as a spice at restaurants, premade food or other people's houses.
The reaction doesn't seem to be an allergy and is entirely gastrointestinal. About half an hour to an hour after digesting, my stomach will start hurting a lot and won't stop for at least four hours. Sometimes I'll throw up, but it won't lessen the pain or make it last shorter. It doesn't seem to affect my bowel movements significantly or at all.
Earlier this year a friend (who has issues digesting fresh peppers) suggested trying digestive enzymes and I've used them both as prevention when I wasn't sure about the ingredients of something and once or twice deliberately (I've missed out on years of certain cuisines and just wanted a damn takeout) and they didn't seem to help much or at all.
This isn't something that really affects my quality of life but I guess it would be cool to know what causes it and if there are any ways to grow out of it. I'm of average build and live in southeastern Europe. I have asthma and allergic rhinitis and have used corticosteroid sprays and inhalers every spring since I was six, as well as antihistamine pills. I'm also currently on sertaline, but this has been going on for much longer.
submitted by Ok_Yesterday_1079 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:58 dugalf Nightshades cause flares?

As I’ve become more aware of what does and doesn’t trigger things I’m starting to pick up on nightshades being a huge trigger. Specifically uncooked tomatoes, cooked and raw bell peppers and potatoes. I had an allergy test done and I don’t have an allergy to any food, however these specifically seem to almost always cause a massive flare. Curious what others experiences with them have been/what foods you’ve noticed triggers symptoms
submitted by dugalf to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:38 mischiefkar28 Is this RA, Lupus or IBD

My biggest complaint was crippling fatigue with the inability to walk 10min without having to stop n take a break. Additionally Ive been consistently losing weight. My doctor started me on prednisolone & it was like a light bulb went on in my head. I was energetic & bright from day 3 & bursting with energy. I havean issues with itchy scaly dry skin on my wrist, scalp & jaw.. this got worse on pred. She also put me on methotrexate(on weekends)& HCQ every day. 2hrs after the methotrexate my anxiety would go through the roof with palpitations. With bad hair fall. So she changed it to leflunomide. This got my fatigue to come back, my breathing issues got worse & I lost appetite, lost 1.5kgs in 1week (I was unable to touch 500calories a day). I stopped the leflunomide and a week later I’m feeling slightly better, more appetite & less struggle to breathe. The prefnisolone has been tapered off & my brain fog & muscle aches n pains are back. I don’t feel as energetic any more. Symptoms- Food allergies (gluten stopped eating in 2010-11, dairy stopped eating in 2019, nightshades, soy, pineapple since dec 2023). Dry eyes after I eat gluten(continuously dry after starting medication). Fatigue (slight since 2011-12, crippling since 2022). Breathlessness (very bad in 2018-19, completely cleared up after i went dairy free, came back with a bang in 2022). Muscle aches n pains (since 2022). Neck pain at the back where my head connects my neck. Clinical notes from my doctor- ANA: 1:100, Cytoplasmic pattern. ANA immunoblot:neg. IgE levels increased: borderline. Multiple food allergies. Globulins, ESR: raised. ASCA IgA: Positive. GI Endoscopy (done 20 years back): showed villi loss. 14/03/2024 biopsy: moderate duodenitis, mild colitis.
Also my liver & thyroid panels are normal. Asking here because my doc is on vacation n I was wondering if I should suffer through leflunomide (if it does look like RA)
submitted by mischiefkar28 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:19 feralboneboi Good tomatillo substitute?

A few years back, my mom gave me a recipe for my favorite dish, pork ribs cooked in a sauce consisting of 1 lb of tomatillo, some onion, some garlic, and some chicken bouillon powder. I want to be able to make it in a way that my partner, who has a nightshade allergy, would be able to eat it. Any suggestions for how to replace the tomatillo?
submitted by feralboneboi to Nightshade_Free [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:59 TKWander Pineward Reviews

Hi everyone! The other day when I was sharing all the green scents I had, and my reviews of them, I realized I had never done a full review of all the Pineward scents I've gotten, and my review of the house as a whole, so far...
My rating system: 1/5 - I actively don't like this scent/it makes me sick 2/5 - ehh, I don't really like it very much/it doesn't smell like a perfume at all 3/5 - meh, it's okay. It'll be ok layered with something else, or someone else may like it, it's just not for me. 4/5 - I do like it, it's just got something small missing from making it perfect, ie: I don't like the dry down, or it fades too fast, or it's just missing 1 note or 2 5/5 - I absolutely adore this scent. Any more and I would want to swim in it lol
Overall Review of the House so far:
I've tried 19 scents from them so far. Most of any other house. Mainly cause they have a super affordable sample option (1.8ml/$6) and they gifted me so many with my first order. I bought 13 and they gifted me 6 additional scents.
This is The Most atmospheric scent house I've found yet. Each scent transports you to a different location and tells a story.
Definitely a house to let settle for a while, though. At first I didn't think I liked many of them. After 6 months, I like most all of them. I just end up using a lot of them for mixers. Though, a surprisingly high amount turned out to be standalone scents for me!
They are a bit more of a unisex/masc perfume/cologne house. But, I actually like unisex complex scents, cause I like to layer them underneath sweeter, more one-note scents that I find.
Turn Around Time was actually very fast compared to the other houses (ordered 11/24 of last year, the order was sent out 11/28, and I don't remember exactly when I got it in, but it wasn't a very long time after that. I was actually surprised at the fast TOT, especially because they included in their thank you note an apology for being so late! I was like, huh? Ya'll are super fast actually! (especially compared to houses like Fantome, which I love, but take FOREVER) And they included 6 freebies in there as well, which was phenomenal!
Just be forewarned, some of these scents do stain!! So I wouldn't necessarily spray on clothing.
Apple Tabac 5/5
Notes: fresh red apple, tobacco, fir balsam, rum resin, dried fruits.
First impression: I absolutely love this scent and it is a sweet unisex standalone for me. This scent is Super well balanced. It is a pop of pure red apple juice right in your face, like you're in the apple barn, drinking fresh cider. You smell tobacco drying from the rafters, the fir trees outside, the rum resin, the dried fruits, everything. It all balances Super nicely, but you can still pick out every single note. I absolutely love this and will probably be a Fall Staple for me (or whenever I want to evoke that fall feeling in my chest lol. It's May, but in smelling it, I totally felt the fall chill lol)
Dry down: still smells phenomenal. You don't really lose any of the notes, even the apple, which is rare for me
**I really like layering this over Ponderosa (listed below)*
Boreal 4/5
pine needles, mint, cedar, resins, moss.
Frigid forest of the northern wilderness. Chilly mint gives way to a soft bed of creamy cedar, pine, and moss.
First Reaction out of the bottle: If you like Mint, this one's for you. It is Straight Mint. The cedar pine and moss were almost non existent props to the Very strong Mint, first out the bottle wet. Me personally, I was hoping for more of a Hint of mint overlaying a stronger scent of cedar and pine and moss, but the opposite is truer with this one. You do get an underlayer of cedar on the drydown, but the majority is full on mint.
After months of letting it sit, I came back to it and it is Much more balanced. Much more of a winter vibes forest scent I could get behind. Essentially she's the Winter Witch. A very Minty unisex woods scent
The long Dry down: dries down to a faint crisp woods scent. Still very pleasant to wear

Borealis 2/5 Notes: snowdrifts, peppermint, camphor, black tea, black elder, valerian root, ocean spume, fir balsam, orris root, pine needles, incense, sandalwood, Irish ambergris, cedarmoss, patchouli, deer musk (botanic accord), ashes.
First Reaction: I REALLY did not like this one. It was a freebie given (which they were amazing to include so many freebies), but this one, to me had a very stringent vibe with an underlayer of almost urine smell. I don't get very much of the pine or any of the snowdrifts or peppermint. But it does have a very 'black apothecary' vibe to the smell. Like it's the smell of an old trappegatherer's cabin in the woods. A witch in the woods that you go to, to trade with when you're desperate. If you like musk and dark foresty herbs and dirt, then this one is for you. It's like the dark chaotic marshlands sister witch to Boreal
This is the poster child for letting a scent rest lol.
Dry down: It Definitely softens on the drydown, but there's still that weird note in there, for me, that makes it not so pleasant as its sister Boreal
Also, to note about this scent, the first listed notes are snowdrifts and peppermint, but I do NOT get those notes at all. It's very much more 'Marshland forests by the sea maybe in winter...when winter is year round lol like Alaska....which makes sense with the name now that I think of it lol
Steading 4/5
Notes: tobacco, hay, beeswax, barley, dried needles, poplar, hops, maple, and wisps of peat smoke. A dense wheaty tobacco perfume with dried fir needles and honeyed maple sweetness.
First Reaction: If you like fresh natural straight out the tree, maple syrup, then this is the scent for you! I do definitely get the honey and maple, that is FOR SURE. At first straight out the bottle, I didn't think I liked this scent. It was a Strong Maple front.
BUT, after letting it settle, I tried it again, and it is now strangely becoming one of my fast favorites! The maple has mellowed out a bit and now I almost smell straight honey. The longer I smell it, the more I feel like I've been taking a autumn drive and stopped in at one of those side orchards that are selling homemade honey and maple syrup and you take a tasting tour. Personally, though, I'll still probably layer it onto something a bit more foresty/woodsy/cedar smelling to even out that super strong sweet maple. Cause on the Drydown it still completely smells like Maple honey. It's a really good honey scent though. A lot of honey's come off strangely urine-y on me. This one doesn't. It's like a true maple honey. Really nice. Almost nostalgic when it dries down
Eldritch 3.5/5 (I'll use it as a mixer, but not on it's own. It's a bit much on its own lol)
Notes: Leather, Myrrh, patchouli, fir, oolong tea, opoponax, smoke, pine needles, oakmoss.
Lair of ancient eldritch abominations, a resinous and dark perfume for the bold and unafraid.
this Fall 2023 Version included additional tea & moss
This was a Curiosity's sake purchase when I saw this on a list of 'If you want to smell like a witch' suggestions (very accurate for this to be on that list). First on my skin I definitely get the sharp leather notes and I think the myrrh. It is definitely a challenging scent and more of a unisex or masculine scent, but me as a witchy woman, I love it. I think I'm totally getting the Opoponax (resin that smells like oak honey powder and leather), the smoke and the fir. First out of the gate I feel like it makes me smell like a dark and mysterious witchy apothecary owner during the 1700s in a port town, with gunpowder and fire tinging the air. And you're making poisons and special magical bullets. And I think I do really like the addition of tea and moss into the scent, otherwise, I think it'd be more of a pirate-y unisex/masc scent. With the Leather and Myrrh and oolong tea and smoke, it has a bit of a 'Buccanneepirate' vibe to it. But with the Patchouli and oak moss and pine needles, it gives witchy and slightly southern vibes, which leads my head to go Bayou pirate/witch lol. Right after I got it, though, it was definitely a challenging scent. But, trust me, let it sit, it will get so much better with time.
First dry down it softens beautifully, so if you think it's too strong and overpowering at first, don't worry. It'll mellow
Long dry down, it does get a bit musty and stale herbally after a bit. But, it is Just perfect if you want a remnant scent of 'I just walked through a witchy Apothecary in Savannah'
Just keep in mind, right out the bottle, it is a very challenging scent. Make sure to let it rest a bit, and then try it on your skin, too, before judging.
*note: if you're not an herbally/witchy person, this may be more of a masculine scent pull. I could totally see giving this scent to a guy friend/family member, if you get it and it's not for you. For me personally, though, I love it as a dark wet witchy base layer under something super fruity (like SF&F's Lilac & Gooseberries, or Lorelai from Fantome), to give me the perfect fruity darkly complex witchy scents.
Sadly, the top notes are a fast faders on me (but I think it may just be that my skin gobbles scents ). After about 2 hours it had faded to a Very soft dried herbs, leather, and smoke. It really does perfectly pair w/ Strange Fire & Fumery's Lilac & Gooseberries, though, to give a fruity floral witch vibe. That soft dried herbs, leather, and smoke scent, though lasted a Very long time, till the end of the day pretty much

Ponderosa 5/5
Notes: Ponderosa resin, ponderosa needles, cedar, vanilla, strawberry, cinnamon, butterscotch, beeswax, raisin cookies
First Impressions: definitely another atmospheric scent. I get sweet resins and wood, like I'm in a wood barn or wood lodge. It's a very sweet woodsy scent. Think a wood lodge up in Gatlinburg, where you can get all you can eat pancakes and sweet pastries all day with fresh syrups. I don't get too much strawberry in there, but almost like you can smell someone's strawberry pancakes with maple syrup in this wood lodge.
I feel like this would be a WONDERFUL deepening layer underneath a strawberry vanilla scent that seems too one-note, to really give a full bodied complex scent. But, quite honestly, It's actually a fine stand alone scent for me, too
Dry down: It still smells really great! More into the wood/resin smell with a touch of butterscotch and vanilla, rather than super gourmand-y. But, the drydown is still a super pleasant scent I don't mind wearing
**I actually really like layering this under Apple Tabac**

Hayloft 4/5
Notes: hay, lavender honey, crocus, sweet vernal grass, bison grass, toasted almond, hazelnut, oats, dusty wheat.
Another atmospheric barn scent, but more a springtime barn: fresh sweet grasses and flowers hanging from the rafters, the warm sweet hot cross buns in your basket from breakfast. You're having breakfast in the loft, overlooking your garden. I do wish there was a bit 'more(?)' to this scent though? Like either bring in some more vanilla notes to make it a true gourmand OR bring in more lavender and herbs to make it a more green scent. I think though, because of that, that makes this a perfect layering scent. So, depending on how I want to smell that day, I can layer this under a more gourmand scent. Or, I can layer it under a more floral or green scent
though, after smelling it again after the drydown....nah, it balances out super nicely to a light spring wood barn scent. I don't think you even need to mix it with something. You can wear it on its own. I'll bring it up to a 4.5/5 rating-wise

White Fir 5/5
Notes: orange, ginger, white fir, clove, anise, pine, musk, vetiver, oakmoss
The PERFECT wintery citrus scent. Super crisp. You definitely get the citrus and ginger and white fir. The only more perfect addition would be to maybe layer it with a patchouli or deeper woodsy/cedar scent, I think, to give it a bit more depth and less 'Winter Cleaning day' vibe.
*For a sweeter vibe, though, I layer this under Kinmokusei from Fantome, and it gives me pretty much a perfect witchy lemon citrus green herbal scent*
Clemenpine 1.5/5
Notes: Clementine, Blood Orange, Maritime Pine, Night-Blooming Jasmine, Saffron Flower, Rough Suede, Passion Fruit, White Lotus, Fir Balsam, Tobacco Leaf, Cedar Planks, Leather, Sandalwood, Pacific Ambergris.
I really wish I had had the chance to let this one settle for a few months like the others, but sadly it got dropped onto my cement floor and shattered, so I only had my first impressions of it, which was that it smelled like PURE cleaning fluid. Which really sucks, cause I love orange and citrusy scents and was very hopeful for this one. I may eventually order a sample again, just to give it a second shot, since all the rest of these benefited so much from letting them sit and rest
Meadowmoss 1.5/5
Oakmoss, Alpine Sandwort, Wild grass, Green Wheat, Orange Blossom, Fir Balsam, Tomato Leaf, Azure Bluet, Mountain Wildflowers
First impressions: This one is one of those scents I wouldn't actually wear. BUT, one I would use on like my dryer balls or as a room spray on furniture in spring. It really is like you're standing out in an open field in the Swiss alps singing, the Hills are Alive, next to a wayward nun. If that's what you'd like to smell like? This one is for you! It just screamed 'linen sheet' to me, rather than perfume. Also, I unfortunately have an autoimmune allergy to nightshades and I didn't realize this had Tomato leaf in it :/
So, it's one I'm gifting to my mom
Ivymoss 3.5/5
Notes: Climbing Ivy, Green Tea, Spearmint, Lime Rind, Lemon Verbena, Waterlily, Emerald Cypress, Mugo Pine, Cedarwood, Oakmoss, Treemoss, Cedarmoss.
Another one that DEFINITELY needs rest before you judge. At first it was purely going to be another dryer ball scent. But after Months of letting it rest (like legit half a year), I actually think I like the scent enough to maybe wear it! (at least as an undertone, if not as a standalone). It's a very Bright Green early Springtime vibes scent. Fresh, without smelling overtly like cleaning fluid or laundry detergent. It's truly like walking through a forest in very early spring, with the air still crisp, but new plants starting to grow.
It's not one I would wear a Lot, I don't think....but maybe in early spring layered under an apple-y scent. Or maybe as an undertone layer with something like a honeysuckle scent, to balance it out for me.

Greymist 5/5
Notes: Noble Fir, Scotch Pine, Expressed Citron, Blond Tobacco, Botanical Musk, Vetiver.
Another one that Really needs to rest, before you try, cause I'm pretty sure it was on the list of (I REALLY don't like) when I first scented these, but now months after, this one's gonna be one of my favorite winter scents, I think. It legit smells like Christmas time. The fir and pine Really stands out, and you get that little bit of tobacco in there too, almost like you're hugging Santa and he smokes a pipe lol.
Acadian 3.5/5
Sweet Yuzu, Bergamot, Juniper Berry, Ivy, Eucalyptus, Waterlily, Goldenrod, Heliotrope, Seaweed, Cedar, Oakmoss
This scent reminds me of trips to the Lost sea or Rock city. Smelling the damp mossy forests and wet mountain stone. That smell of caves found along hikes in damp foggy weather. I kinda flip between loving this and not so loving this one. I can't really pick out any of the individual notes at all, which is sad, cause I do like a lot of those individual scents. But, it is a really nice general unisex/masculine scent
A little goes a Very long way, though. It's got a very lengthy throw. I like pairing a DOT of it underneath one of my sweeter fruity or floral scents. If I use too much, there's a note in there that's a bit wonky and it goes a bit powdery and strong and gives me a headache. And I don't like this one as much on the drydown. Powder notes tend to last the longest on me (and they're the worst for me) and it gets very strong and weirdly powdery/perfumey on the drydown, sadly, which is why I put it at a 3.5 for me. It may be great for someone else though. My brother says it smells like a generic male cologne lol
Akero 5/5
Notes: green apple, benzoin, patchouli, sandalwood, cedar.
The first bit of a freshly picked green apple. When I smell this, it transports me to a green apple orchard, with the apples just getting ripe. It's definitely got a Green earthy undertone, but the bright apple evens it out a bunch. I really love this, even alone, or layered with a sweeter fruit scent, like Kinmousekai from fantome. I do wish the Cedasandalwood stood out a bit more, though. I may have to try putting a drop of this onto an actual cedar chip. See how it smells

Caravansary 5/5 freebie
Notes: fir balsam, deer musk (botanic accord), vanilla, black tea, lavender, blue spruce, blue chamomile, treemoss, incense, mulched pinecone, campfire smoke.
First impressions: Like Olle+Max's Summer Witch is like a summer roadtrip for me, hitting up all the hippy/witchy side shops and thrift shops along the way….This is the winter version. Again a super atmospheric scent, it instantly transports me to my car in winter, riding along the backroads, smelling the fresh fir and pine trees, the smell of camp smoke in the distance and the herbs I smoke cleansed the car with before the trip, along with the hot tea I have in my traveler mug for the journey ahead. It's definitely unisex, but honestly, I could probably wear this in winter by itself. Or, I'll use it as a layering element, to bring a bit of smoke/incense/winter travel vibes to a blend
Gingerbread 5/5 freebie
Notes: ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, wheat absolute, butter co2, molasses distillate, brown sugar, black walnut, milk, cream, vanilla.
This one was a freebie thrown in (They included a Ton of freebies, which was so phenomenal!)
First impressions, another very well balanced set for late fall/winter. It smells like a fresh gingerbread snap (those hard old school ginger cookies), you can smell the cinnamon and cloves so much that it almost comes off as fresh cut wood which is definitely a complimentary vibe for this scent. Though, that may also be the wheat absolute and black walnut coming out, too. The sharpness from the ginger is mellowed out by the milk and cream and brown sugar and molasses. Another scent that blends very well, but you can still pick out all the individual notes and they tell a story. It's really cool how this house does that!
Christmas Wine Freebie 3.5/5
Notes: cranberry, plum, blood orange, cloves, nutmeg, fir balsam
It's definitely got the vibe of mulled Christmas wine. I'm kind of meh about it, though? There's a note in there I'm not fond of (I think the nutmeg) and I wish there was a bit of a crisp forest underlayer in there and maybe a bit more fruit, less mulled wine spices. BUT, this does make for a perfect mulled wine top note mixer on one of my more winter woods scents, like Grey Mist and Caravansary…and then maybe getting a winter berry scent to layer over top everything. This is a great mid layer scent for me.
Glühwein Pinewardperfume Freebie 5/5
Notes: Cranberry, champaca, cherry compote, rasberry, fir balsam, chocolate, davana attar, oakmoss, frankincense
Quite honestly everything I want Christmas Wine to be. In the description it says it was actually built on a base of the christmas wine scent, but with additional festive nuance, and this 2023 version is less sweet with more cocoa and champaca. This is actually pretty sweet, so I can't imagine what it was before. It's like sweet winter berries, and you can pretty distinctly scent the fir and frankincense and oakmoss. So, basically, all my notes from Christmas wine and how to improve it…they did it in this lol, it is Gluhwein. Just get this one lol
Then last but not least, they also included another freebie that isn't listed in their scent collection for sale. It's a Mint Cocoa. Which, honestly is Another poster child for letting rest lol. At first it was a bit chemically and I didn't like it at all. Now, it fluctuates from being a photorealistic mint chocolate….to weirdly smelling like my dad's alcoholic egg nogg that he loves every year at after Thanksgiving-New Years. I think it'll be a great mixer or even standalone this winter for me. Very nostalgic vibes.
So, I hope anyone looking for Pineward reviews! They're a really cool house, so I hope they keep growing!
submitted by TKWander to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 04:56 ChippingCoder The Link Between Food Intolerances and Acne

Food intolerances occur when an individual's digestive system cannot properly process certain foods or food components. These intolerances may stem from various sources, including:

Research on Food Intolerances and Acne

Several studies have investigated the potential link between food intolerances and acne:
  1. A 2022 study published in "Voprosy pitaniia" found a high frequency of sensitization to food allergens in acne patients, with significant allergens including chicken egg, chicken meat, barley, oat groats, cow's milk protein, and beef. An elimination diet led to a regression of skin inflammatory manifestations in 71.9% of cases [Barilo & Smirnova, 2022].
  2. A 2014 double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that chocolate consumption exacerbated acne [Caperton et al., 2014].
  3. While a recent study found no significant difference in acne with whey protein supplementation [Sompochpruetikul et al., 2024], other studies have shown that high whey consumption can result in higher serum IGF-1 levels [Hoppe et al., 2009; Hoppe et al., 2004].
  4. A 2020 article in "Cutis" noted that high glycemic index foods are associated with acne vulgaris and that children with atopic dermatitis (AD) are at higher risk for food allergies, with a subset experiencing flares related to non-IgE-mediated food allergies [Greenberg, 2020].
Join the discord here:
submitted by ChippingCoder to acne_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:29 None__Ya UPDATE: rash on newborn

I previously posted asking for suggestions/opinions on a rash that my godson was experiencing.
Well he got an allergy test done and turns out he has a dairy/nightshade vegetable intolerance.
Wanted to post an update in case it came be useful to other moms.
Happy Mother’s Day 💐🥰
submitted by None__Ya to firsttimemom [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 20:39 sunshineesav Difference between milk / dairy?

Is there a difference, allergy-wise? I’ve cut nightshades because I’m just traumatizing my body and it’s crying out for help. Last night I made a totally nightshade free dinner (I double checked, no potato starch or hidden natural flavors or spices). I still had the reaction of mucus coating my throat and having to clear it badly, and an instant headache. Like my nightshade reaction, but just a little less. I cooked with dairy last night, including milk, heavy cream, and cream cheese.
Is there a difference between a dairy allergy vs a milk allergy? Could this be a milk reaction?
submitted by sunshineesav to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 00:53 Kirin1212San Did your OAS calm down after moving to an area known to be good for people with allergies?

I’ve had OAS for over a decade and have been dealing with it easily by avoiding some fruits and nightshades.
I moved to the DFW area a couple of years ago now I have issues with pollen which was never the case before.
This past week, I became suddenly very reactive to way more foods than before. I’m currently eating eggs, blueberries, and Gatorade for the most part because so many foods which were fine 10 days ago no longer feel fine in my mouth and give me the tingles.
I’m thinking of moving to a more allergy friendly place because I’m so miserable.
Did your OAS symptoms improve when you moved?
submitted by Kirin1212San to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:41 Kirin1212San Did your OAS calm down when you moved to a place that is known to be good for people with allergies?

I’ve had OAS for over a decade and have been dealing with it easily by avoiding some fruits and nightshades.
I moved to the DFW area a couple of years ago now I have issues with pollen which was never the case before.
This past week, I became suddenly very reactive to way more foods than before. I’m currently eating eggs, blueberries, and Gatorade for the most part because so many foods which were fine 10 days ago no longer feel fine in my mouth and give me the tingles.
I’m thinking of moving to a more allergy friendly place because I’m so miserable.
Did your OAS symptoms improve when you moved?
submitted by Kirin1212San to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 13:43 Hemi58 🫑 Nightshade Intolerance? A bunch of questions...

It's a long one - if you take the time, thank you in advance.
Hi! Wondering if anyone with a nightshade intolerance gets hit with MASSIVE abdominal cramps a good 12 hours after consumption.
My whole life I've avoided any kind of bell pepper - I've always picked them out of everything because really, I just couldn't stand the taste of them. I mean sure, a tiny chunk might have got in on a slice of pizza or in a potato salad or whatever but a few months ago, I decided I was being a pansy with this whole "ew, I don't like peppers" thing and I cooked pork-stuffed mini bell peppers. I ate one small yellow pepper and I'd say within about 5 hours, I was hit with excruciating stomach cramps and intense gut pain that lasted well over 40 hours. Seriously had NEVER felt such agony from my abdominal region - ever - it was a first. Couldn't sleep, couldn't lie down, couldn't do anything except walk in very, very slow circles clutching my belly and wishing for it to just stop. It was definitely a horrific 48 hours. Took about a week for everything to feel right again and the only think I could think was that maybe I should have just kept on avoiding peppers.
I don't know if it was the pepper. But I feel like it really, really was. So now I just don't touch peppers and that one experience had never been repeated.
Fast forward to a couple days ago. Decided to make lamb curry. Ingredients included curry, potatoes, and canned tomatoes.
I have never had issue with curry, or potatoes. I eat mashed potatoes, potato salad, fries, roast potatoes, all the potatoes. I use paprika often and to my knowledge, have no reaction to it. I do get contact dermatitis from tomato plants and often don't eat a lot of tomatoes because I get teeny tiny smaller than pin-head spots just at the edge of my lip if I eat too many. (I have the spot reaction from pineapples, lemon, lime and other citrus as well). I eat tomatoes sometimes. Just not a lot and not often. Pizza sauce, no problem. Ketchup, no problem. Raw, mostly it'll be in a salad. Or even an actual tomato salad. I can definitely eat raw tomatoes. I don't eat prepared tomato sauce on pasta often (maybe a couple times a year with no ill effect) just because I know I have slight sensitivity and could get those little spots. Also, prepared tomato pasta sauces often contain peppers and I have never liked the taste of peppers. But I had this lamb curry and about 12 hours later... BAM!
The cramps. The agony. It felt exactly like "The Pepper Incident". Absolutely excruciating. Tried so hard to vomit up whatever was in there and because it had been 12 hours, nothing would come up. Pain was 9/10.
This time I actually went to emergency. They thought maybe it was my gall bladder. Took over 24 hours and an ultrasound of the gall bladder area to tell me it wasn't my gall bladder and they don't know what it is. So they slammed me with Tylenol and Bucosomething or other and I came back home and just toughed it out. It feels like someone took out my guts, drove over them with a big truck, and then stuffed them back in. It hurts. It's sore.
Is it possible that this kind of upper abdominal gut pain is from just an overabundance of both potato and tomato at the same time? Is it possible that "The Pepper Incident" has now decreased my level of tolerance to all nightshades? Is this sort of reaction even indicative of a nightshade intolerance?
This is pretty new to me. I mean I can't think what else would cause such a violent reaction except something I ate. I don't have other food allergies. Up until a few months ago, I didn't even know I was bell-pepper intolerant. I just didn't eat them because I don't like the taste.
So the actual questions:
Does this sound like a classic nightshade intolerance?
Is sensitivity to nightshades increased after the first incident?
Can it be tested without having to ingest nightshades? If yes, who does a test like this? (in Canada).
What is the best way to get ease this incredible abdominal pain? Is there a certain food or beverage that works for you? Is there anything I should avoid for a few days, like drinking hot things or bubbly things or eating salty, fatty, dairy things? I'm at a loss. I could be imagining it's peppers and now potatoes/tomatoes. I just don't know. Help?
Thank you again if you took the time - your experiences with nightshades will I'm sure be helpful to me.
submitted by Hemi58 to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 00:21 BrittanyLTurnbull Food with 14 Food Allergies: Lemon-Free Hummus with Tzatziki and Nightshade-Free Mango Ratatouille

submitted by BrittanyLTurnbull to foodallergycooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 00:20 BrittanyLTurnbull Food with 14 Food Allergies: Lemon-Free Hummus with Tzatziki and Nightshade-Free Mango Ratatouille

Hey Everyone,
I wanted to share some recent recipes I have posted. The first one is a lemon-free hummus and tzatziki that uses ingredients with citrusy (but not citrus) flavor profiles to recreate that lemon taste. This recipe is also garlic-free and can be made without tahini. The video does show it made with tahini, but I have made it many times without and it's still great!
Hummus and Tzatziki:
Next, we are continuing to explore nightshade-free tomato recipes with a mango ratatouille (confit byaldi). For those of you who haven't heard yet, mangoes can be used to substitute tomatoes. They are both rich, sweet fruits that break down to form a sauce. As long as you raise the acidity of the dish to counteract the added sweetness they are nearly identical.
Mango Ratatouille:
I hope you all find these recipes as fun and interesting as I do. Feel free to share this post with any communities you think it will help. As always, comment what recipes you'd like to see next or what recipes you find troubling to eat and why! We can recreate anything.
From my kitchen to yours. Eat happy!
submitted by BrittanyLTurnbull to FoodAllergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 04:44 _vananabanana_ Gluten free in Vegas

I am traveling to Vegas in a couple weeks for a show at the sphere.
I must be gluten free. If I'm glutened I get GI upset, inflammation\aches, brain fog, extreme anxiety and almost a mild psychosis. In addition I am on a very restrictive elimination diet by my doctor. I am unable to eat any grains, nuts, seeds, dairy, nightshades, soy or eggs. I usually avoiding going out to eat. Having worked in the service industry I understand how annoying allergies are to the kitchen and the risk of cross contamination is high.
However being that our hotel only has a fridge I'm gonna have to eat out. I am fine with something simple like grilled fish, steak or chicken and a steamed veggie.
Any local celiac\gluten sensitive folks that can vouch for a safe place?? I cannot mentally handle another glutening.It took me about 8 weeks to bounce back mentally from the last we went on vacation.

submitted by _vananabanana_ to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 04:40 _vananabanana_ Looking for gluten free allergy friendly restaurants on the strip

I am traveling to Vegas in a couple weeks for a show at the sphere.
I must be gluten free. In addition I am on a very restrictive elimination diet by my doctor. I am unable to eat any grains, nuts, seeds, dairy, nightshades, soy or eggs. I usually avoiding going out to eat. Having worked in the service industry I understand how annoying allergies are to the kitchen and the risk of cross contamination is high.
However being that our hotel only has a fridge I'm gonna have to eat out. I am fine with something simple like grilled fish, steak or chicken and a steamed veggie.
Any local celiac\gluten sensitive folks that can vouch for a safe place??

submitted by _vananabanana_ to LasVegas [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:28 Jbaghdadi01 Shampoo and Soaps?

Hi everybody,
I recently started dating a guy who has a nightshade allergy. The smapoo and soap he was using is being discontinued. He has spent a while looking for potato free shampoo and soap and is not finding anything. I spent a while on google looking but cant find anything either, but I also dont know exactly what to look for as I am kind of new to this.
Is there a brand of shampoo you are using that is nightshade free? Can you direct me towards it?
submitted by Jbaghdadi01 to Nightshade_Free [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 18:13 iamDadly Fish Sauce, Green Papaya, Gout and Gumbo

Hi all, firstly, I’ve cured another auto-inflammatory condition (Hidradenitis suppurativa, a nasty painful one), with diet - particularly the elimination/AIP diet where it took me about two years to figure out the condition is basically a food allergy to soy, live yeast, and nightshades. Tylenol too.
So having gout, I know diet is still doing something to me and diet can also cure me.
My gout journey:
I went to Vietnam and this is where all my HS problems miraculously went away and prompted me to cure myself with diet, I found groups like this where thousands of others had already cured themselves with diet. The main thing was Vietnam doesn’t use soy, they use fish sauce, so I started eating Vietnamese food regularly when I got back….
Including lots and lots of fish sauce.
Now apparently fish sauce is like the #1 purine concentrated uric acid forming food there is. So I gave myself gout. It didn’t flare until I went to New Orleans and gorged on gumbo and crawdad feasts for a week. I almost missed my flight back the pain was so bad and lasted weeks after I got back.
Have only had three flares since, (2019), and all limited to my right big toe. I know each one was from seafood which as oysters or canned fish. I decided to gamble the other day and had a prawn feast, which are in season here and I was craving them.
Now I have gout flares in two new spots, on the outside of both feet. It’s even more painful than the big toe.
The difference between my last flares and this flare, other than the location of them, is that I have a kid now and I can’t afford to have gout flares anymore!
I want to take the long journey of controlling my uric acid, as the other diet was a long journey too and I know I can do this.
So…for those who have done it. What’s the routine?
From what I’ve researched, increasing potassium intake can help liquify the crystals. Is this true? And if so, what foods are most effective? Bananas, beet tops, cream of tartar?
From there, phytonutrients like those in cherries, turmeric, ginger, lemon, help the body to flush it (along with adequate fluid intake).
There’s a few things I’ve noticed help me, the best one is fresh green papaya. I can feel my blood cool and the crystals dislodge after I eat some. Are there any other foods people notice so this? Does the bromelian in pineapple help anyone? (If so, is the fructose in the juice a neutral factor, or is the whole pineapple better to get the fiber to mitigate the fructose absorption?)
Finally I started taking some mushroom supplements and wondering if they had anything to do with this. I don’t want to cut them out as I notice they help me in other areas of life. Does anyone have anything to say about mushroom supplements and gout? Specifically lions mane, turkey tail, reishi, and shiitake. I was taking 2g of each per day, however this may have been too much and I am sure I can cut it in half while still benefiting from it.
Of special note: my dad also gets gout. We worked together for 16 years and shared similar diets, including lots of canned fish while we were out working, thinking we were eating those healthy fats and Mediterranean diet lol. We also enjoyed our after work beers which I’m sure compounded the issue for both of us.
My dad’s #1 advice for the actual flares has been to take a double dose of anti inflammatory NSAID, the moment you feel the pinch of a flare. He takes indomethacin to stop it in its tracks. I have done this a few times with Aleve and it helped, but of course I was out of Aleve, and other NSAIDs cause my other conditions to get worse. I understand this is because the immune response to the crystals is like a “misfire” for the inflammatory cascade in the body, so stopping the inflammation before it has a chance to take hold and cause the damage to joints, is the key during a flare.
Thanks for any advice and for sharing your stories of healing.
submitted by iamDadly to gout_and_diet [link] [comments]