Horton hatches the egg printable

Pokemon Masters EX

2014.05.12 23:19 kc102 Pokemon Masters EX

A SubReddit for discussion of Pokémon Masters EX, a gacha mobile game developed by DeNA and Nintendo in 2019. This game is available on both iOS and Android.

2023.07.06 04:41 SmashandBasher ChanseyHatersClub

We all feel the need to vent and take out our frustration sometimes, so let’s take it out on a fictional creature. And who better to unleash our anger on than that stupid, lame, weak, saccharine Pokémon known as Chansey. Seriously, that thing is designed to always be happy, taking care of its egg that never hatches, and has never known any misfortune. It’s not fair and should be able to suffer like anyone else can. And seeing how it’s so blobby, it seems like a perfect punching bag. Blissey too

2024.06.02 20:22 falshivka I am rereading Eragon and sharing my thoughts (ch16)

This post may contain spoilers for all the books
previous post
Before we begin I am proud to announce that we are officially done with a quater of the book! Wow!
Dawn was gray and overcast with a cutting wind. The forest was quiet. After a light breakfast, Brom and Eragon doused the fire and shouldered their packs, preparing to leave.
So, the journey begins. Yeah, Eragon has a very long introduction. And you know what? I don't care. I enjoyed it. Not every book has to throw you into action immediately.
I will see this place again, Eragon insisted to himself, looking at the ruined buildings. This cannot, will not, be a permanent exile. Someday when it’s safe, I’ll return. . . .
Oh no...
These eggs, or rather the infants inside, wouldn’t hatch until the person destined to be its Rider came into their presence
I always liked this detail. And it makes me wonder about the eggs that Eragon took with him at the end and about the fork, the witch and the dragon. How was he supposed to create new riders if the eggs were outside of Alagaësia? And because it did hatch, who did it hatch for? Can somebody explain?
Some plants could heal their sicknesses, while others would make them ill. There were various ways to care for their claws and clean their scales.
Definately not suspicious that Brom knows all of this...
What chance did the old man stand? If he wants to play this game, so be it, but if he thinks to beat me, he’s in for a surprise.
How old is Eragon here? Because sometimes he is such a... teenager (just to clarify, I am also a teenager).
To the south he saw the hazy outline of Utgard, sitting like a giant monolith at the end of the valley.
Interesting that in Norse mythology Utgard is the world of giants. I wonder if it's just a coincidence...
What do you think about all of this? I read and appreciate all of your comments!
submitted by falshivka to Eragon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:03 TomatilloAwkward8673 Owlbear egg

Can I not hatch the egg? I looked up on Google and the only three things that it suggesting are using it to trick Esther into thinking that it was a gith egg or eating it at camp as camp supplies or selling it. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could hatch your own Owlbear?
submitted by TomatilloAwkward8673 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:58 NikeVr2324 Any Fun Facts On The Monsterverse I’ll start

Coming From A Always Godzilla Fan and New Shimo Fan
(That doesn’t mean I don’t like Kong) 1. Godzilla was toying with Kong - Adam Wingard 2. Skar King painted his fur red - Adam Wingard 3. Godzilla beat Shimo in the past - Greg Keyes 4. Godzilla Can Beat Shimo or they are equals - At least half of this fanbase 5. Kong can beat Godzilla - WillyWade (I personally don’t agree
  1. Mothra hatched out of the egg on the surface and secretly made her way to the hollow earth and made a cocoon
submitted by NikeVr2324 to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:47 CharlieBoi What is your egg hatching loadout for huges?

As the title says, I'm looking to compare huge egg hatching loadouts to see if I need to change mine to improve my luck somehow.
I have all the gamepasses and I run 6 Luck IX, Huge hunter book and Shiny hunter for my egg hatching loadout. I typically use a luck VIII or IX potion for hatching as well.
Does anyone have any recommendations as to what I can change? I have yet to hatch a single huge in over 500k eggs opened.
submitted by CharlieBoi to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:20 Glum_Pickle_9341 Fascinating video

It's 11hrs but completely worth it. I love the way the creator seamlessly adds in bits and pieces about the Old Town conspiracy and the Maesters. Especially when talking about dragon hatching women. Many Targaryen women that are dragonriders have been proven to be able to hatch dragon eggs. Rhaena Targaryen is the first that comes to mind, but I think the dragon hatching ability actually came from Queen Rhaenys and was passed through King Aenys line to Princess Rhaena Targaryen, (The Queen in the West) Queen Alyssane (The Good Queen) Princess Alyssa, Princess Rhaenys (The Queen Who Never Was) and Queen Rhaenyra (The Half-Year Queen). Helaena Targaryen is also a dragon hatching Targaryen women, but because she submitted to the patriarchy, she is viewed as much less of a threat, even though her dragon is Dreamfyre, and likely the mother to Shyrikos and Morgul
There's already a thick layer of sexism and misogyny over these women, but the fact that they are able to produce dragon riding children, and hatch eggs, makes them a huge threat to the Old Town Conspiracy. If we follow the dragons, Rhaenas dragon Dreamfyre produced multiple clutches of eggs throughout her life. Rhaenas daughter Aerea even goes on to claim Balerion. The eggs Danaerys recieves hundreds of years later are said to be Dreamfyres. I think Danaerys is also one of these special dragon hatching Targaryen women.
Rhaena was the first to put dragons eggs in the cradles of her siblings, Jaehaerys and Alyssane, from which the dragons Vermithor and Silverwing came to be. After that, 3 of Jaehaerys and Alyssanes children became dragon riders, Aemon, Baelon and Alyssa, but Aemon was the only one with a cradle dragon, Caraxes. Baelon and Alyssa claimed Vhagar and Meleys. It's possible Caraxes was the spawn of Vermithor and Silverwing.
Prince Aemon and Jocelyn Baratheon had Princess Rhaenys, who claimed Meleys after Princess Alyssa's death, and then her son Laenor Velaryon claimed Seasmoke. Her daughter Laena Velayron claimed Vhagar, and Laenas daughters by Daemon hatched dragons as well. Baela grew up with Moondancer and Rhaena eventually hatched Morning.
Then you have Rhaenyra, who had a cradle egg that hatched and became known as Syrax. Syrax is one of the most competent dragon mama's aside from Dreamfyre. Every single one of Rhaenyras children was given a dragons egg and each hatched(except Viserys II) Jace had Vermax, Luke Arrax, Jeffery Tyraxes, Aegon III had Stormcloud, and Viserys II egg never hatched. Still i can see why Rhaenyra is written in such a poor light in Fire and Blood. She not only had ambition and power, she was also an extremely competent dragon hatching Targaryen woman, who sat the throne for half a year.
This video goes into detail about how it's possible Jaehaerys was in cahoots with the Maesters, and how they teamed up to keep The Queen in the West, Rhaena Targaryen, a woman with dragon hatching abilities, off the Iron Throne, to bring about the dying of the dragons.
Seriously, go watch this video. If you didn't believe in the Oldtown Conspiracy before, you definitely will after watching this video.
submitted by Glum_Pickle_9341 to HOTDBlacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:13 Riewa00 Alien(?) egg movie with drugs and smart(?) people

A rich dude sends secret invites to a handful of people to come meet at this secret bunker house thing. They do a bunch of drugs (one person specifically does not like drugs or that everyone is doing them I think) the rich guy eventually shows them this room with what appears to be an egg or meteor or something. One of the people smokes in the room and the smoke seeps into the object and it hatches into some monster and destroys the house
submitted by Riewa00 to whatmoviewasthat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 MeisterArt Kalos starters in 10KM eggs

Geez I'm getting so sick of hatching Tyrunt and Amaura. I swear my last 15 10KM eggs have been these two. Anyone have any ideas when they'll change up the pool again? If it's not them it's Carbink.
Edit: Just realized I put "starters" I meant "fossils."
submitted by MeisterArt to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:30 wewillfallagain After waiting for two years, it finally happened !!

After waiting for two years, it finally happened !!
I’ve seen at least 8 babies of various sizes. I’m so happy.😁 After receiving advice from this sub about two months ago I tried putting a mop in the tank and found eggs not long after. Put them in a separate tub and they hatched. Freaked out because I know nothing about raising fry so I put them back in the main tank and hoped for the best. A couple of days ago I checked the tank and saw this little guy and I’m seeing more every time I look. I’m just filled with joy and wanted to share
submitted by wewillfallagain to corydoras [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:11 Laythoun [PC Facebook][late 2000's early 2010's] Monster Collection Game

Hi hello,
It's a monster collection game where you have those islands/theme (you start with bugs I think). Each species start with the red version of it and than you get the "rarer" version (orange - yellow - green - blue than purple) and once you get the purple version you can unlock the rainbow version which is visually very different from the monochrome version of the specie.
I don't remember exactly but I think the second island is for mammals and one of the last islands had a star of David as its symbol.
The game didn't have a fighting system that I recall and you get the rarer specie through breeding and then waiting for the egg to hatch.
submitted by Laythoun to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:05 DoGooder00 First legendary egg

First legendary egg submitted by DoGooder00 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:56 SmolBeanJackz My Team Sky Team

My Team Sky Team
(This is my very first reddit post, please be kind 😅)
So, I found this website called Pokecharms where you can make trainer cards! I made a Team Sky Team a while ago with some lore to the mons and how my character (Jack) got them. So I decided to use these trainer cards to show the progression of the team! 😊 (please note, the character on the trainer card is not my Team Sky OC but it was the most fitting, since I don't have art of my OC yet).
Jack is from Johto and first, they captured a Pidgey called Grain and shortly after found an injured Poochyena they rescued and called Magnus. After both evolved they went to Hoenn where they met a Dragon Tamer who had a male Altaria and a female Flygon and Noivern (besides some other Pokémon) and they produced two eggs but the Dragon Tamer couldn't care for them so Jack adopted them and a Trapinch and Noibat hatched out of them. Jack named these dragon siblings Harp and Din respectively. After that, they went to Unova where they got a Pidove from a Breeder who wanted to set it free but it was too attached to humans to leave so Jack took it with them and named it Petri. While venturing through a cave, a Woobat started to follow Jack and didn't want to leave but also didn't want to go into a Pokéball. So it just kept following and Jack named it Chase. Eventually, it evolved into Swoobat and finally decided to go into a Pokéball.
So yeah, that's the Team, Grain the Pidgeot, Magnus the Mightyena, Harp the Flygon, Din the Noivern, Petri the Pidove and Chase the Swoobat, I hope you like it! 😊
submitted by SmolBeanJackz to MandJTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:51 lotrobsessed2931 Question: could Daemon have gotten Rhaena to claim Vermithor, Silverwing or Seasmoke?

Alright so forgive me in advance if this is a stupid question, I just randomly thought about it: in the show, we're told Rhaena's dragon egg never hatched. And also, in episode 10, Daemon reveals there are three currently riderless dragons (Vermithor, Silverwing and Seasmoke) on Dragonstone and Driftmark. Since he was already set on using the three to fight the greens, could he have sent Rhaena to claim one of them, in order to finally get her a dragon? Or is this too far-fetched?
submitted by lotrobsessed2931 to HouseOfTheDragon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:30 runnah2273 Help

I was playing late last night and got super lucky with eggs pulling 3 legendary eggs. I sped through my endless run to complete 100 floors and ended up hatching mewtwo, zekrom and yveltal. I started a classic run with mewtwo then went to bed. This morning I played a little of it on my phone again but then wanted to try playing on my iPad for a bigger screen. I opened it up and it had me on the wrong floor of my classic run so I closed it and went back to my phone. Now I don’t have mewtwo, zekrom or yeveltal but I still have my classic run with mewtwo in it. wtf do I do?
submitted by runnah2273 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:46 Radiant_Language4348 Yesssss

first ever epic+ level mon with a shiny, the fact the differences were so minute got me
submitted by Radiant_Language4348 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:42 Chelles3000 Dream of a half man half beast/horse thing

Hi everyone,
Every so often I will get dreams and I think I’m pretty good at deciphering my dreams but this one I just had.. I don’t get it. I’m kind of scared, kind of traumatized (TW: assault), kind of intrigued. So I’m hoping someone here could help me understand it.
Im laying on my back tied to a bed like surface with some figure sitting on the left side of my head, as I face up at the nothingness ceiling. By my waist is this basket of a nest with an owl on the ridge, but it doesn’t move (I think it’s symbolic?). Inside are eggs and a snake that moves like an Ouroboros around the eggs. The eggs are supposed to hatch into birds - it was a good omen, but if they don’t it’s bad.
The first time one hatched and it was a bird. After it hatched I found myself talking to what I think is a therapist in a whole different setting. I can’t remember the face. The second time it hatched into nothing but dust. The snake hissed at the bad egg. Then by my feet this half man half horse thing (like the Greek god Pan, but it didn’t feel right) walked towards my legs. And then it started to rub on me.
I turned my head in the direction of the figure by my head and said “look what it’s doing to me” and then woke up before it got too traumatizing.
I’ve been searching my head trying to figure it out. The last time I had such a suggestive dream I was seeing someone who was not good for me and I would have them for nights in a row and it was always 2 people attacking me.
We took a break, and we’re seeing each other again, but it’s been 3 months and it’s been going great honestly.
I haven’t had dreams like that until last night. Do I think it’s cause of him.. no. I would hope not, but I need an unbiased interpretation.
I think it might have something to do with sex, but the eggs and snake is throwing me off. Who was that person and why did I talk to a therapist?
I’d really appreciate an interpretation. I’m close to a headache just trying to put the puzzle pieces together. Thank you for reading :)
submitted by Chelles3000 to Jung [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:17 melyberry Resources for MBA/Consulting problem sets(?)

I was recently given a problem scenario by a friend that goes like this: you're planning to get into the crab farming/supply business, you buy one female crab ready to hatch say 100,000 eggs, with an infant mortality rate of say 20%, it takes around 6-12 months for one crab to completely mature, you feed/care for them the whole time, and when the mature it sells for say $20/lb. accounting for everything: electricity/power consumption, caretaker salary, crab food cost (operation costs(?)) other resources etc. how do you maximize your profit and distribution of the crab?
I've seen some sample consultant interviews with scenarios of business problems that people with MBAs try to solve.
I just finished high school, but planning to learn more about business and expand my reasoning abilities. What aspect of business do I search/learn about in order to be able to competitively answer these types of problems? Are there any resources I could get that provide similar problem sets I could practice with?
submitted by melyberry to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:10 QvorXz Holy i didn't even see that i had got it, was getting ready for bed and seen that i got the huge pineapple monkey if i had to guess it was probably from the boss chest battle thing i doubt i got it from hatching x25 egg. Never gotten a huge this close to update should i sell and rebuy later or keep

Holy i didn't even see that i had got it, was getting ready for bed and seen that i got the huge pineapple monkey if i had to guess it was probably from the boss chest battle thing i doubt i got it from hatching x25 egg. Never gotten a huge this close to update should i sell and rebuy later or keep submitted by QvorXz to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:08 Loose_Leg_8440 What if humans hatched from eggs instead of being born alive?

Would a woman still have to carry a baby for 9 months? How big would the egg be? Would women still get pregnant? How long would an egg stay at the hospital? Could the egg hatch at home?
submitted by Loose_Leg_8440 to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:55 Gengar9275 Did they remove holding "a" or "b" on mobile for keeping the input?

Am I going crazy or can you not keep holding the "a" or "b" button to keep inputing the same command?
I used to be able to just hold down the button to skip egg hatches which took forever. But it seems now i have to press the button for each instance.
submitted by Gengar9275 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:33 PurpleSpark260 How to take care of Sea Monkeys

Before I buy sea monkeys I want to be sure how to take care of them so I have done some research. @chelsbadger on tiktok has a playlist with lots of tips! Correct me if I'm wrong.
  1. Pour in room temp distilled bottled water, not from the tap.
  2. Pour in water purifier and mix.
  3. Wait 24 hours before pouring in the eggs.
  4. Aerate the sea monkey tank with the bubbler tool once a day for 5-6 pumps of air.
  5. Wait for 5-7 days before feeding them with ONE tiny scoop that comes with it, ONCE a week.
It can take anywhere from 24 hours to over 6 weeks for them to hatch so be patient. You don't have to clean the tank because it will clear up all by itself. And you shouldn't put them in direct sunlight.
submitted by PurpleSpark260 to SeaMonkeys [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:27 Agent82605 How many floors does it take to hatch each rarity of egg

just wondering how long it will take to hatch my legendary egg so i might as well know how long the rest take as well
submitted by Agent82605 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:52 cassyboy606 Are there any ways to tell by the eggs which ones will be runts?

When I get a gal, I was thinking, when they start getting old and to the end of their life, I could hatch one of their eggs so I have another gal but they’re also a relative of my old gal, and I could do that for generations!:] but I was wondering if I could tell which one will be the healthiest by the egg size or something like that instead of hatching them and choosing the healthiest one then culling the others when they’re alive
submitted by cassyboy606 to snails [link] [comments]
