2 year old birthday verse

OldSchoolCool: History's cool kids, looking fantastic

2012.04.21 22:38 Apaz OldSchoolCool: History's cool kids, looking fantastic

/OldSchoolCool **History's cool kids, looking fantastic!** A pictorial and video celebration of history's coolest kids, everything from beatniks to bikers, mods to rude boys, hippies to ravers. And everything in between. If you've found a photo, or a photo essay, of people from the past looking fantastic, here's the place to share it.

2012.03.08 23:42 SmellsLikeUpfoo The Way We Were

What was **normal everyday life** like for people living 50, 100, or more years ago? Featuring old photos, scanned documents, articles, and personal anecdotes that offer a glimpse into the past.

2010.08.10 11:42 kmwhite Resident Evil

A community for fans of the Capcom series, Resident Evil, (aka Biohazard in Japan).

2024.06.02 19:01 itme77 Alternative treatment?

Hey all!
I was diagnosed with urticaria when I was around 11 years old and have been taking antihistamines everyday ever since. I’m 38 now and wanting to stop taking them as I’m sure it’s not doing me any good.
My problem is that unless I take the antihistamines, my urticaria flares up almost instantly. So I can’t really stop taking them unless I have something else to take in its place.
Does anyone know of any herbal/natural remedies that I can try instead of antihistamines? Has anything ‘alternative’ treatment worked for you?
Thanks in advance
submitted by itme77 to urticaria [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:01 MatheusAgostin The role of light/seeing and air/breathing in Divers

Ok, we know for a decade that Divers is about time, love and death.
So, just the other day I posted my views on A Pin-Light Bent and why I thought Amora is just “love-chamber” or our hearts and light is love. This is settled for me. Then it occurred me that, just like the theme of circles are persistent all over the songs meaning time, so is light meaning love and aibreathing meaning death.
Let’s dive in. Themes of light: 1. Anecdotes: “It ain’t about how rare you are But how hard you are to see…”
“Then all along the road, the lights stream by I want to go where the dew won’t dry I want to go where the light won’t bend— Far as the eye may reach—nor end But, inasmuch as that light is loaned…”
“Will you come down, before the sun is gone?”
Air theme: “I was only just born into open air” 2. Sapokanikan: “The text will not yield, nor x-ray reveal With any fluorescence” (x-rays are light too, but I’d focus on fluorescence)
“Look, and despair”
Air theme: “the snow swallows me whole” Also the whole imagery of a civilization being interred, sanded and suffocated by powerful people. The plane crash too.
  1. Leaving the city: “Here, the light will seep”
“And I could barely breathe, for seeing All the splintered light that leaked her fissures Fleeing, launched in flight: Unstaunched daylight, brightly bleeding Bleached the night with dawn, deleting In that high sun”
  1. Goose Eggs: This is not a direct one, because we’re talking about facsimiles of love and death, not the real thing: “And we cut facsimiles of love and death (Just separate holes in sheets Where you cannot breathe, and you cannot see)”
Other air the: “the wind blows coals over the sea”
  1. Waltz of the 101st Lightborne Elite: (This one appears right at the title, I guess. Lightborne meaning those carried by light?) This one have tons of references I could paste the whole thing here. I’d focus on the concept of “simulacra” in philosophy and
“Make it stop, my love! We were wrong to try Never saw what we could unravel In traveling light”
Air theme: “That's why we are bound to a round desert island 'neath the sky where our sailors have gone Have they drowned, in those windy highlands? Highlands away, my John”
  1. Things I Say:
“There's an old trick played When the light and the wine conspire To make me think I'm fine I'm not, but I have got half a mind To maybe get there, yet”
  1. Divers: “but would cost her less Than laying at low tide To see her true love phosphoresce”
And also all the shiny pearl references all over the song! But here it is really interesting, because she is clearly connecting love to light (phosphorescent)
Breathing theme: a lot!
“Who takes one breath above, for every hour below the sea;” “How do you choose the time you must exhale And kick, and rise?” “And ever hold my breath Till I may be the diver's wife”
  1. Same Old Man: A little trickier because it is a cover, you can’t just put things in it, but I think she’d put the cover on the album because it matches:
“Hey little leaf, lying on the ground — Now you're turning slightly brown! Why don't you come back on the tree Turn the color green the way you ought to be?”
Again, that theme of lit and obscured by the colors of the leaves.
“My mind is fading and my body grows weak And my lips won't form the words I speak” (lost of breath?)
  1. You will not take my heart alive: “Fine capillaries, glowing with cars? The comfort you drew from the light of the stars?” “And how long did you climb that night With the ice in your lungs, on the rungs of the light?”
Air: “In martial wind, and in clarion rain We minced into battle, wincing in pain;” “Where the lonely wind abides”
  1. A Pin-Light Bent: Well, basically the whole song, but I’d emphasize: “From the Great Light that shines through a pin-hole”
Air: all the flight part. As in Sapokanikan.
  1. Time as a Symptom: “Hardly seen, hardly felt– Deep down where your fight is waiting Down 'till the light in your eyes is fading: joy of life”
“A cave, a grave, a day: arise, ascend”
“A shore, a tide, unmoored–a sight, abroad: A dawn, unmarked, undone, undarked”
Air: “Bow like the field when the wind combs through it: Joy of life And every little gust that chances through Will dance in the dust of me and you”
PLUS - Make Hay: (because make hay was written for divers)
“And the sun stares, stalling Into the dimming barrel of night Where the stars are falling?” (This song reminds me of Cosmia, about a friend’s death. She said she could not keep the night from coming in. Also with lots of agricultural images)
Air: “Where wind made the dust And sin made the snake”
submitted by MatheusAgostin to JoannaNewsom [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:00 SharkvsTRex Strength loss on a cut

Hey all, I (39, 5ft 2”, 181) have been overweight my whole life, but with that has come considerable strength. I’ve been mildly recomping over the last year since losing a ton of muscle during to chronic injury, and have had great strength gains while maintaining 181. Now I want to cut.
For anyone who has cut, how much strength have you lost during the process? I’m terrified of losing my 300 deadlift, lol.
submitted by SharkvsTRex to PetiteFitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:00 Hungry_Slice Confused on What I’m Doing

I’m a STM so you’d think I’d have this down by now, but I’m at a loss and need help. My first had a tongue tie caught late that destroyed our breastfeeding journey so I had hoped I’d get it better this time but I’m realizing I have no clue what I’m doing. Long post incoming…
My babe is 12 days old. First few days in hospital we went through cluster feeding, super painful (shallow) latch, and following week was cracked/scabbed nipples and soreness. No matter what, when baby was hungry and gave cues I fed from the breast, alternating each time. Lactation at the hospital said latch looked good and that my nipples just needed to get used to feeding.
At one week appointment pediatrician said baby’s lost 10% body weight and to introduce formula to top off, and pumping instead would tell me exactly how much she’s eating. Confirmed small lip tie but no tongue tie. Was also advised to use a nipple shield if I really wanted to continue breastfeeding in addition to pumping.
Introducing the formula and nipple shield messed with my milk production, I think. I started out pumping sparingly, but after reading how much milk I’m supposed to be producing (I average 1-1.5oz per pumping session between both breasts), I’ve realized I’m not producing enough. Now I’m pushed to exclusively pumping every 2-3 hours, which seems to slowly be upping my supply but I hate pumping.
I only cared about breastfeeding because I wanted the connection and feel good hormones with my baby. Now I’m exhausted waking up weird hours of the night and I don’t even get to feed baby the milk I’m working so hard to pump because I’m clawing at any amount of rest I can get between baby, my 4 year old, and pumping. This is horrible.
Does it just get better over time? She’ll still take the breast if I offer it, but because we can’t see how much she’s eating when breastfeeding it’s harder to track. Pediatrician appt is tomorrow so I guess we’ll find out if she’s gaining enough weight there and on Wednesday I can make a game plan with lactation services at that appointment. I’m frustrated because how did women do this before pumps existed? I thought if I toughed out the pain and kept her on the breast we could exclusively breastfeed until I return to work after three months, then I could pump. Feeling defeated, frustrated, and woefully unaware of what I’m supposed to be doing here.
submitted by Hungry_Slice to breastfeedingsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:00 BeanCrusade Just got a Rottweiler yesterday, need advice.

Just got a Rottweiler yesterday, need advice.
I have had dogs a long time but this two year-old female Rottweiler has me baffled and I’m looking for training techniques to help.
First off she’s very flighty as in everything scares her and her response is to hammer down, put it in low gear and pull her way to safety (comes to me). This has caused a problem several times already with her on a retractable leash, getting spooked and about taking out two bush’s and a dining room table at separate times because she was still connected to a leash when I let her in.
Second she won’t go the bathroom outside, I let her out every 1-2 hours and she just stands there next to me or wants to just walk circles around me, she always wants to be behind me or circle around, shortened the leash a few times and she just pulls like a draft horse to get behind me and I let her go feeling like she’s gonna try to hurt herself, then she proceeds to circle me and does it again. I can outmuscle her, but I do not want to at this point.
I know she doesn’t know me that well but she runs to me when she’s scared, not away from. When she hammers down if she gets the leash wrapped it’s always to me.
As far as her going outside, she started to pee inside in front of me, I told her no and what she did was bad, grabbed her collar and had her go outside and all she did was stand in the yard doing what I said earlier, for 15 mins, when I went back inside I let her in a dog kennel (not trusting her) with the door open and she sat there and just peed sitting down looking at me telling her that was bad, I took her back outside and she pooped a little on her way outside and again did nothing outside despite having other dogs out there going potty at the same time and their poo in the yard which she sniffed a few times. She just stands or circles me, I walk her around the yard, it’s a big yard, over 2 acres, still nothing. I get dogs don’t use the bathroom in new areas in the beginning, but usually after 8-10 hours of trying they normally go outside, this one held it for almost 24 hours, I let her outside every 1-2 when I was awake, no accidents when I was sleeping, the accident was after I let her out twice this morning.
So one concern is the other dogs were trained on a wireless electric fence, I have trained 5 dogs that way that stayed at the house or dogs I owned, never been a problem but if I’m honest, I fear that her flight response would kick in with a wireless fence and she won’t learn to use it, I have never had a 2 year old dog that scared of stuff and that flighty.
I asked the previous owner before I picked her up if they worked with her at all, if she knew any commands and the owner said “no, we never needed to use any commands on her so we didn’t teach her any”, later I found out they had a small fenced in back yard that her and other dogs spent a lot of time in and basically they got her to breed, they later said when I picked her up that they tried to breed her and all she did was sit down. So they just fed her and let her out in a small fenced in yard. She’s pretty overweight also.
So being it’s an issue I haven’t come across before, do you have any training techniques for me to help her out? The ones in my book of experience hasn’t seemed to be effective so far. I’m used to working with labs, Shepard’s, collies, even a few pit bulls, this would be a first with a Rottweiler.
submitted by BeanCrusade to Rottweiler [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:00 sub-roundup weekly roundup for week of 5/25-6/1

Most Upvoted Posts

  1. I left Ubisoft to go solo, here's my first game. Made on Linux, and for Linux. (32 🡅)
  2. 8 years ago, Linux's creator Linus Torvalds said, "Valve will save the Linux Desktop". He was right all along. (29 🡅)
  3. Unreal engine now available for download on Linux (29 🡅)

Most Commented Posts

  1. Help us Grow the sub (24 💬)
  2. Unreal Engine 5 Megathreaad (16 💬)
  3. Any other professional Game Developers on Linux? (13 💬)
submitted by sub-roundup to linux_gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:00 HugeFun [WTS][ON] VFC HK416 GBBR V3, VFC G19X GBB, Team Wendy LTP bump helmet

First off, pics!
Got a few high quality pieces for sale today,
  1. VFC HK416 GBBR, V3, TAN. Purchased new from Black Blitz last year, only seen 1 skirmish. Comes with tan surfire supressor repro and 4 mags!! Asking 800 + ship OBO
  1. VFC glock 19x, one magazine, great shape, asking $250+ship
  1. Genuine Team Wendy Exfil LTP, size 1, black, like new !! Never sweated in, never worn to a game. Purchased for a night vision setup that didn't end up happening. Bought brand new this year for $650++, only asking $400!
That's all for now, thanks guys, payment through EMT or PayPal, not interested in trades.
submitted by HugeFun to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:00 ErikaShull 33 year old mom/ wife to 3&15 year old—Constant state of overwhelm

submitted by ErikaShull to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:00 AutoModerator [PLEASE READ] Weekly FAQ Reminder

Hello all,

In an effort to mitigate the amount of repetitive questions that have been asked recently, we have set up this thread as a reminder on how certain things in the game works. As of now, this reminder is planned to be posted weekly for visibility.

0. FAQ Wiki Page

1. Monthly Challenges

2. Artist/Group Tickets

3. Account Related Concerns

4. Coupon Codes

5. Shortest Song(s)/What song(s) to Grind/What songs are easy to FSP

6. Powering Up/Rating Up tips

submitted by AutoModerator to superstarsmtown [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:00 MajesticNoodle444 I f33 found condoms in my bf m33 truck. What do you think of the situation?

I f33 am driving with my bf m33 of 5 years. We stopped using condoms years ago. But a couple months ago I insisted on starting to use them again. (Was struggling with yeast infections) so I could build my ph back from meds. So he bought a box. I think we used 2 total before I was like this sucks and stopped using it. So we’re in the truck and he opens his center console and a single condom is there. I think it’s the same type from a couple months ago. When he brought them home it was a brand new box so none could be missing. But they’ve sat untouched for months now so he could have taken one. He said he put it in his truck back then but idk. We so quickly stopped using them. Like in a matter of 2 days we stopped. I also do not trust him due to past issues. What do y’all think? I can see maybe him taking one for us back then. but also idk it’s so fishy. I feel like I’ve seen in his console before now and after the initial condom purchase and I didn’t see it. There have also been issues in the past with him doing not trustworthy things. We’ve also been on and off for the 5 years we’ve been together. But we have not had an off time since 2 years ago
Also update. I did just ask him about them and he said he bought a 3 pack for his truck so we could have sex I. The truck but only 2 were in here. He said the 3rd is at his house and then he refused to go to his house so I could see the 3rd one.
TLDR I found condoms in my bf truck but a few months ago I insisted on us buying some.
submitted by MajesticNoodle444 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:00 HuckleberryMinimum45 Over-gassed Palmetto State Armory 16" mid-length

I bought and put together a PSA 16" mid-length upper (and bought their lower parts assembly kit) a good 5-7 years ago and barely ever shot it. Took it out to an outdoor range yesterday to zero it and noticed that the ejected rounds were WAY forward, as in probably somewhere in the 1:30ish range.
In fairness, there was a table to my right, so it's possible they bounced off of that, but they were *all* in the gravel in front of the firing line in the 1-1:30 position. I'll probably have to get a friend to come with me next time I shoot to stand above/behind me a bit to verify the trajectory, but based on where all the ejected casings landed, it seems like they are likely ejecting WAY forward.
I took a quick look at all of the *current PSA lower parts kits and they seem to include the carbine buffer and likely the same buffer spring for every kit (afaict). I don't recall what lower parts kit I got, but I'm guessing that they've kept it the same.
I checked my gas block and it has a set screw on the bottom but I didn't see any other set screws (none in the front or sides that I could see - at least not without removing the hand rail), so that realistically means I won't be able to adjust the gas.
A friend of mine has the exact same rifle setup (same lower, parts kits, and upper) and his ejects at 3:00 (I was watching it yesterday), so it seems this isn't necessarily a common issue with PSA (or maybe my friend's rifle is uncommonly setup right? haha).
In any event, my understanding is that my only 2 options are a different buffer weight (H? H2? H3?) or a heavier buffer spring?
What would you guys recommend?
Obviously, I can try every combination hoping to arrive at the perfect setup, but that would get expensive for all that trial & error. I'm hoping to arrive at a "close enough" setup with as few purchases as possible.
For example, if an H buffer would only get me from 1-1:30 to maybe 1:30-2:00, it'd be pointless to even buy an H buffer. Maybe even pointless to buy an H2.
I guess what I'm asking is: where do I even start?
submitted by HuckleberryMinimum45 to ar15 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:00 Conjuringfan1985 Fuck Yoga Records?

Seems okay otherwise but has released Ride for Revenge and is realeasing two splits from them this year. Ride for Revenge shares 2 members with Goatmoon, openly NS band
submitted by Conjuringfan1985 to IsItSketch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 Shot_Scallion5321 40+ year old Japanese Maple has some sort of fungus growing in it

I told my father I’d ask for any advice here. It’s a beautiful tree that was already here when my parents bought the house in 1985. If this is anything that would affect the health of the whole tree if left untreated, we’re invested in putting in the work to cure the problem. It’s a very sentimental tree for us- my siblings and I took photos in this tree every year growing up.
If anyone has any advice we would be so thankful
submitted by Shot_Scallion5321 to arborists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 musictrashnumber1 Nitty Gritty Birthday Mug

Crazy question but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know if those free birthday mugs from Nitty Gritty are dishwasher safe? I got my first one this year and I don't want the print coming off in the dishwasher (I have been handfasting it but I'm tired right now). Any chance anyone else has found out the hard way?
submitted by musictrashnumber1 to madisonwi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 irmain222 Tuono factory v4 or rsv4

I've been on the hunt for a bike to replace my cbr600rr for a while now and ever since hearing the aprilia v4 roar I've been set on one. My local aprilia dealer only have tuonos to test ride and when riding one I loved it but I can't fall in love with the front end of them. I've been warned that the rsv4 isn't a great bike unless you're going to be spending a lot of time on the track however as I don't plan to commute on the bike and it will be reserved for sunny weekend rides with the very occasional track day (1 maybe 2 a year). My question is would it be a bad choice to go for an rsv over the tuono? I'm looking at a 2019 rsv4 with 15k miles and fsh at just over £10k, for around about the same money I can probably get a 2020 tuono factory with between 5 and 10k miles
submitted by irmain222 to MotoUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 Plinkywinks Learning how to dress a little more professional as a 35 year old female

So, I am 35. I am taking on a more professional position at my work. For the last 4 years I have worked from home, factory work, and at a youth homeless shelter. Thus, my wardrobe has consisted tee shirts and jeans. My new position is more of a business casual type of environment. My problem is I don’t know if know how to dress myself anymore, put on makeup, or feel more feminine. This is something I have wanted to work on before the professional change, however I just haven’t put any effort into making the change. Any advice or encouragement is appreciated.
submitted by Plinkywinks to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 Important-Dress7910 Scoliosis no ED

I haven't been properly diagnosed but I know I have it and I've known for the past 5-6 years. I mean if you have a physical deformity it's a bit hard to not notice lol
Having scoliosis never really bothered me, at the time I realised I was seeing a lot of creators with scoliosis making jokes about it.
I think it was an hour ago that it I really understood that I was stuck with this for the rest of my life and there was nothing I could do to get rid of it and look normal.
I used to make jokes about it since I thought it was a bit funny yknow, hahaha my spine is shaped funny. 2 years ago I stopped making as many jokes as it just got boring, and hearing another joke about my deformity just wasn't that funny anymore. Sometimes my friends would make jokes about it tho, and that was okay with me, I wasn't upset and would laugh as well.
At some point I had just comepletly forgotten about my scoliosis until my best friend, at the time, would bring it up, and that was fine it wasn't like she was saying anything mean. But this girl was a total bitch and snake and I swear she hated me our entire friendship. Tbh she's not that funny and most of her jokes came from me or our other friends. One of her "jokes" she would move to side of me where my shoulder was tilted higher and rest her elbow on it to "even it out" and yknow I thought it was pretty funny, but as I said before she's unoriginal and a fake mf. We would just be walking around and she would do it, she did it so often that I started to wonder if my scoliosis was actually a problem.(+ all the comments she would make about my appearance) I stopped laughing at some point but her dense ass kept doing it, after that when I would look in the mirror all I could look at was my torso and all its weird curves. I became more self conscious if other people could tell or they could see how I walk different, another friend who was unaware actually asked me why I walked funny so that didn't help lol
Even after we stopped being friends I was still very aware of how I looked and it would always be at the back of my head no matter what I was doing.
"Do I wear my bag in this shoulder?"
"Do I sleep on this side?"
"Does this top make it more noticeable?"
"If I sit like this will my spine get worse?"
I know I should do something to prevent it from worsening but I honestly just don't want to think about at all. I just want to ignore it and live without being worried about my spine.
Then like just an hour and a half ago it really dawned on me that I'll always have scoliosis and in that moment I just felt so ugly and gross
I could do all the stretches and exercises in the would and I would still have scoliosis. I could wear a back brace and I would still have scoliosis. I could get back surgery but then I wouldn't be able to bend over anymore, or I get the more recent one but then I may have to get surgery again if it fails.
No matter what I will always be deformed and it doesn't matter what my face looks and how fit I am my body will always be "ugly".
I'm not proofreading this lol
submitted by Important-Dress7910 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 CatsPogoLifeHikes Anyone done surgery while actively flaring?

Anyone done surgery while actively flaring?
I have a giant cell tumor that's been sitting on my pinky for a couple years. I've decided to finally remove it knowing that it might grow back. It doesn't hurt but I do feel like it does impede some function on my finger.
I've had SLE for 25 years now. Sometimes it gets better, however living in the moment, it's not easy these days. I've had really bad flares and now not so certain about going in for surgery in 10 days. Recovery suggested for 2-4 weeks.
Has anybody done a type of surgery while actively flaring up? Can you let me know how your story went?
The orthopedic doctor told me I would have to be put under for the surgery. In order to prepare, I can't take my multivitamins or plant oil.
There's a lot of high stress with work and also starting to experience depression again.
submitted by CatsPogoLifeHikes to lupus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 0PhilicarrOt_ Question about getting to legendary

I just have one question, how do y'all get to legendary so fast, I've been playing for like 2 or 3 years now, and the closest I've been to legendary was Grandmaster 4, everytime I play ranked, it all ends in a lose streak.
submitted by 0PhilicarrOt_ to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 cris_da_madeira Our landlord wants to sell the building where we've renting for 2+ years. What can we do?

Hi all! We are seeking for some advice.
My girlfriend and I have been living for 2+ years in an studio apartment that makes part of a house in the historical center of a dutch town.
Our landlord wants to sell the place, and suggested moving to a different apartment that he owns. Since we are expats, we don't want to lose the safety that comes with living for 2+ years here (we know we have some rights but we are not sure which).
The apartment is not perfect but we love our street and the life we have built here. The two other tenants in the same house have agreed to move out (they were planing on it anyways).
Does anybody have experience with something similar, or know which are our options? We also wonder what would happen if we say we want to stay.
Thanks in advance for reading and for any advice!
submitted by cris_da_madeira to Netherlands [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 divine9108 My Period Started Almost 2 Months Ago

My Period Stared Almost 2 Months Ago, Help!
To start off: I'm 22F with irregular periods that aren't painful (rarely no cramps at all) and last usually 7-10 days as-well on epilepsy medication that never affected me for years.
My period has started in April 7th, it's already June. I've told my doctor (F) about my worries about PCOS, endo, and other things and she simply brushed it off as "normal", and not risk the incision surgery for endo because "they might not find anything", so she prescribed me with Norethindrone. It's s already been 2 weeks since I started taking the pills, and it simply started to get worse. It started to get heavy, now and then I get cramps, i've had to switch from regular to super+ to NOW ultra tampons and that doesn't help much either since I have to change every 5 hours max.
What do I do??? I am scared, and even though I might want to have kids of my own someday, I don't care about my uterus anymore if it means my health is more important to me.
submitted by divine9108 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 californiaye Why are ppl so mean?

I just discovered Kelsey’s page and was googling her and this sub came up. Genuinely sad for her because of the mean girl comments on here “she eats too much ketchup” “she doesn’t brush her hair” “her apartment isn’t decorated”. Seriously ask yourself why you feel the need to shit on a 25 year old girl who clearly has significant mental and physical health struggles. It’s not easy for everyone to be skinny (I work really hard at it myself), and some people can’t handle that discipline. Some of the comments on here are just nasty for no reason and it makes me feel sorry for her, she is hated for just existing. Live and let live.
submitted by californiaye to kelssjourneysnark [link] [comments]
