Cephalexin 500mg for vaginal bacterial infection

Reading the research - confused

2024.06.02 18:30 Sufficient_Row_2021 Reading the research - confused

Please help me understand, because I've been bed bound for a month with PEM and my brain is made of applesauce.
The best understanding we have of how CFS works now - is it a chronic infection (either bacterial or viral) that is "trapped" in our cells?
Or is it our cells cannot get out of the "no energy" loop and are turning on our neurotransmitters for energy and producing a neurotoxin byproduct?
Something else entirely?
These are the two biggest hypotheses I've come across. My efforts are to determine a place to target this disease so that I may begin to treat myself. I'm attempting to list certain medications I'm interested in trying to improve my symptoms.
So far I'm curious about Rapamycin Metformin Mestonin Zoloft LDN
I'm also attempting various supplements until I can see a doctor.
ETA: What I find interesting is that dextromethorphan found in Nyquil helps me feel better. Not completely, but I notice a small improvement with a full adult dose. More lucidity and a shorter crash.
submitted by Sufficient_Row_2021 to cfs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:27 banamak83 Natural remedies to supplement meds for skin?

Hello, I recently took in a foster dog who has terrible terrible skin; the poor baby is itchy, crusty, flakey, bald from his neck to his rear (tummy side), ears infected, asthma, and oh so very smelly. With all of that, he is still the sweetest, cutest, most gentle baby, who loooves going on walks. He is thought to be 11 years old, some kind of shitzu/cairn terrier mix, and weighs 12-13 pounds. The vets have him on derma-3 gels, apoquel, gabapentin, an antifungal/bacterial/yeast ointment for his ears, and medicated baths, as well as a “food sensitivities” prescription food.
I’m wondering if there is anything natural I can be giving him in addition (ideas are: a probiotic to help boost his microbiome, topical coconut or olive oil, chamomile for anxiety, and oral cbd). Even if they won’t cure anything, I just want to know if any of those will hurt him. It’s very sad to see him suffering and if there is anything that will help in a more sustainable way/help his body sustain health instead of just treating symptoms with pharmaceuticals, I’d love to try them.
Thanks for any info and thanks for your kindness.
submitted by banamak83 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:09 Which_Bell_4575 Herpes discharge white plastic bits ?

I know this sounds weird but I'm having an outbreak and I (female) am having a milku white discharge . However , there are tiny little bits that are hard enought to be like plastic . When I press on them they dissolve but I've never seen discharge with tiny little white bits . I did use vaginal probiotic capsules for 2 nights because I didn't realize it was a herpes infection coming. They were white and at first I thought these white bits must be from the capsule dissolving but it's been too much after over 48 hours. And they would have dissolved anyway completely I would think .
Can herpes discharge have a bit of "chunks" (they can't be considered chunks because they are so tiny ). I always thought the discharge was completely watery .
submitted by Which_Bell_4575 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:06 2kkayess Medication management miscarriage 6 weeks discovered at 11 weeks

36 yo healthy female First OB appt at 11 weeks. They told me there wasn't a baby in there and the uterus and gestational sack were very small and measuring like someone at 6 weeks. They tested my hcg levels 48 hrs apart and did a follow up ultrasound a week later. Hcg levels dropping and no change on ultrasound. They diagnosed miscarriage and recommended medication management due to being at 12 weeks by the end of it with no pain or bleeding. They were worried about possiblity of infection.
Inserted the four 200mcg tabs of misoprostol. 2 hrs in, nothing. 4 hours in, heavy bleeding and 5/10 pain (10 is unbearable). 6 hours of off and on 3-6.5/10 pain managed by 800mg ibuprofen/500mg of acetaminophen, heating pad, and just laying in bed with my snacks and food delivery. The pain is really no joke, but I never felt the need to seek medical help.
After 10 hours, passed a large bit of tissue (the gestational sack?) maybe 2-3 inches in length. Less pain and bleeding after this. Was able to sleep without additional meds. Morning after, zero pain.
Just adding another data point for my experience. Others may be similar or completely different.
submitted by 2kkayess to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:54 dnlzepeda Recurring ear infection

I'm male 39 y/o, with no chronical illness or medication, I'm 1.76m and 79 kg (5'9"- 174 Pounds), I have some seasonal allergies but nothing serios is mostly sneezing. For over a month now, I've been grappling with what seems to be an ear infection in my left ear. The persistent issue has raised my concerns about potential long-term consequences, especially since it hasn't resolved yet. I reside in the UK, so I've been receiving medical care through the NHS.
In early April, I visited an audiologist, suspecting a buildup of wax—something I've experienced before—as I was dealing with a swollen sensation and hearing difficulties. However, the audiologist found my ear to be clean and suggested I consult my GP due to signs of an infection, though it appeared mild with no discharge or bleeding. Consequently, I had a video call with my GP on the 25th of April, which was quicker than waiting for an in-person appointment. During the call, I mentioned a troublesome cough that was disrupting my sleep. The GP prescribed Co-amoxiclav 500mg/125mg tablets, to be taken three times daily for seven days. The medication alleviated my cough, but my ear condition worsened, leading to persistent pain and a sensation of heat and swelling on that side of my head.
On the 29th of April, I had a face-to-face consultation, and the doctor prescribed Chloramphenicol 0.5% ear drops, two drops three times a day for seven days. This treatment brought significant improvement, and by the end of the course, I felt completely healed—though, regrettably, the relief was short-lived.
I attribute the relapse to my excessive use of noise-cancelling headphones. The weather had warmed up, and my work required more travel by train and tube, causing me to sweat while wearing the headphones. Soon, the familiar symptoms of a clogged ear and slight swelling returned, albeit with minimal pain. A pharmacist confirmed the absence of discharge and advised me to speak with my GP again. Following another online consultation on the 23rd of May, the GP prescribed Otomize ear spray, containing Dexamethasone 0.1%, Neomycin Sulfate 0.5%, and Acetic Acid 2.0%, to be used three times a day. Unfortunately, this treatment offered no relief.
By the 30th of May, during another in-person consultation, the doctor suspected swimmer's ear with a possible fungal component and prescribed Canesten 1% clotrimazole. I started the medication midday Friday, after a delay in obtaining the prescription, but have yet to notice any improvement. The doctor mentioned that if there's no change, I should see an ENT specialist.
Should I schedule the ENT appointment immediately? Is there a risk of permanent ear damage? Or is there still hope that the Canesten will take effect and resolve the issue?
Thank you for your time.
submitted by dnlzepeda to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:44 1200pigeons Please help! Ongoing fin rot

Please help! Ongoing fin rot </3
(1&2)This was a few days after I first got my little guy. I noticed a “scratch?” on his side. I treated with Betta Remedy for a while. I also performed daily water changes. (4/12/24) (3&4) I started to notice his fins deteriorating. 4/24/24 & 4/25/24 (5) I assumed he was seeking relief? 4/28/24 (6&7) 5/3/24 (8) I was super hyped he was using his leaf 5/14/24 (9) I moved him to a quarantine tank.(either this day or a few days before) I was treating him with melafix for 7 days. 5/18/24 (10) it did not look like he was getting better 5/22/24- they looked even worse 5/24/24 (11) around 5/26/24 I noticed he had become lethargic and was laying on the bottom. Not hovering but fully relaxed sideways. (He had become lethargic once during his time in there, but it was because I didn’t add a heater. After I added the heater, he perked up) I was nervous this second time he was lethargic because I had never seen him lay on the ground in that way and so frequently. (12) I moved him back into his large tank 5/30/24 because his lethargy was frightening. I added stress coat (13&14) my poor baby today. 6/2/24. He is significantly more active. He’s been eating great. I started incorporating frozen food. He looks and acts lively, but the red on his fins is getting worse. I’m not sure what to do at this point. I’ve tried frequent water changes, aquarium salt, melafix, betta remedy, bacterial infection removal, and none of it has seemed to heal him. I have added almond leaves to his tank. My next thought is to begin daily 50% water changes and to apply meth. blue to the affected areas directly.
submitted by 1200pigeons to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:38 nc1996md It’s been a week… worried about my brain function and understanding what I have?

27 Male 5’10’’ 175lbs, no medications
So I have been noticing unordinary changes in my body and mind for the past week. These changes initially started because I had slept with someone unprotected, which also involved alcohol and smoking a cigarette. I am wondering what my symptoms can tell you what I could have because there are a few scenarios in my mind of what it could be given exposure of germs, fluids, so on. I’m worried because I don’t feel like myself and when I got the flu a few years back it disrupted my brain to a point where it affected me psychologically.
Within the week, every day has been different and varied in which symptoms were worse or on the lighter side. I have been experiencing: a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, light coughing, loss of appetite from being depressed, fatigue, bodily distress, and the thing that is scaring me the most is having a foggy brain - not being able to think properly and connect my thoughts, words and what I know naturally. e.g. I decided to go out on my motorcycle yesterday and it quite literally was like I forgot how to ride a motorcycle…later I took a small fall on it which never happens.
Based on what has been surfacing, just casual things to think about as a person experiencing this stuff. But I am thinking could it be:
A) Covid
C) Bacterial or Viral Infection
D) Some other misc. exposure from contact with a person - mold toxicity, etc.
Thank you for your insights here. I’m most worried about my cognitive abilities. Look forward to hearing what you have to say. As a plus, is there any medicines or natural ways I could help my symptoms?
submitted by nc1996md to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:20 shelovesthestars22 Metro gel dryness?

About 2.5 weeks ago I started experiencing extreme vaginal dryness out of nowhere (no change in products, medication, etc.) I’m 27. No other symptoms besides dryness and discomfort. Eventually got into my doctor and swab came back positive for BV. She gave me a 5 day prescription for metro gel and then told me to use 3 days of good clean love restore.
I am done with the metro gel and still experiencing extreme dryness and irritation.
Could this now be a yeast infection or is this a side effect from the metro gel?
submitted by shelovesthestars22 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:47 lostandthin bacterial vaginosis or UTI

i went to the doctor 2 weeks ago and my test results came back altered. due to my symptoms i was treated with yeast infection meds. the BV score was 4 but no clue cells. i am now having pelvic pain and cramping but i cant tell if its now bacterial vaginosis that wasn’t diagnosed properly or a UTI. can bacterial vaginosis turn into cramping and pain? is this something i need to go to the ER for? it’s sunday and i can’t call them until tomorrow. i’m worried it’s PID from what ive read on google
submitted by lostandthin to VaginalMicrobiome [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:14 BlueGriffinRio Yellow colour in my semen - bacterial infection?

I've had prostatitis symptoms for a few years now and im currently doing everything i can to ease the symptoms. I'm mainly doing daily stretches and internal trigger point release, im not on any medication right now but i have been in the past. I dont masturbate often but when i do recently i've noticed a yellowish colour in my semen. Could this be because i simply don't ejaculate often, or is this indicative of a bacterial infection. Until this happened i thought i had chronic cpps with no bacterial component but now im unsure.
submitted by BlueGriffinRio to Prostatitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:55 Inevitable_Cattle_62 Anxiety

History: Type 2 Diabetic, on Ozempic. Currently have a nexplanon implant to control irregular periods. (since 2023)
May 5 - potential exposure occurred, partner removed condom against my consent. SN: I was on my period.
May 11 - after some flu-like symptoms, swollen glands, and a single bump I panicked and got STI screen and viral culture at an urgent care
May 14 - positive yeast infection, started fluconazole
May 16 - STI panel negative (but I assumed I would have to test again). Viral culture positive for HSV-2. Was in a full outbreak at this point, started valacyclovir. Taking 500mg daily since then.
May 22 - saw my gyno for a follow up, confirmed outbreak was clear visually. Swabbed me again and drew blood to confirm igG levels. Legs kinda tingly.
May 25 - positive for BV, started tinidazole. Light spotting, like I was starting another period. Legs sorta tingly but assumed still in an OB. HSV-2 igG level = 8.71
May 30 - lab notification: positive for ureaplasma, no call from gyno. No meds started. Legs still tingly but less so than before
June 1 - noticed some hives that come and go. still bleeding but pretty light. some cramping, and little tingles in legs.
June 2 - swollen gland in armpit. white spots on tonsils, no fever or pain. Had strep 2x earlier this year, but I didn’t think it was that because no pain. just dry throat.
Given combo of symptoms (irregular period, hives, oral thrush, leg tingles, all these infections!) I start to panic and take Oraquick test (27 days) - test was negative but I still feel really anxious
I know posts like this can be annoying, but I can’t sleep thinking that somehow I got HSV-2 and HIV at the same time. Or that I had HSV-2 (igG levels developed pretty rapidly post exposure) and that made more susceptible to HIV? Any thoughts? Am I overreacting?
submitted by Inevitable_Cattle_62 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:53 Inevitable_Cattle_62 Anxiety

History: Type 2 Diabetic, on Ozempic. Currently have a nexplanon implant to control irregular periods. (since 2023)
May 5 - potential exposure occurred, partner removed condom against my consent. SN: I was on my period.
May 11 - after some flu-like symptoms, swollen glands, and a single bump I panicked and got STI screen and viral culture at an urgent care
May 14 - positive yeast infection, started fluconazole
May 16 - STI panel negative (but I assumed I would have to test again). Viral culture positive for HSV-2. Was in a full outbreak at this point, started valacyclovir. Taking 500mg daily since then.
May 22 - saw my gyno for a follow up, confirmed outbreak was clear visually. Swabbed me again and drew blood to confirm igG levels. Legs kinda tingly.
May 25 - positive for BV, started tinidazole. Light spotting, like I was starting another period. Legs sorta tingly but assumed still in an OB. HSV-2 igG level = 8.71
May 30 - lab notification: positive for ureaplasma, no call from gyno. No meds started. Legs still tingly but less so than before
June 1 - noticed some hives that come and go. still bleeding but pretty light. some cramping, and little tingles in legs.
June 2 - swollen gland in armpit. white spots on tonsils, no fever or pain. Had strep 2x earlier this year, but I didn’t think it was that because no pain. just dry throat.
Given combo of symptoms (irregular period, hives, oral thrush, leg tingles, all these infections!) I start to panic and take Oraquick test (27 days) - test was negative but I still feel really anxious
I know posts like this can be annoying, but I can’t sleep thinking that somehow I got HSV-2 and HIV at the same time. Or that I had HSV-2 (igG levels developed pretty rapidly post exposure) and that made more susceptible to HIV? Any thoughts? Am I overreacting?
submitted by Inevitable_Cattle_62 to hivsymptoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:25 Abena-Ashe Heels Turn White Only When Wet

Hello! I’ve been searching endlessly online and couldn’t find a proper solution, so pardon my Reddit desperation.
I’m 34 yrs old, female, have no known medical issues, and have never smoked tobacco or consumed alcohol.
This whitish ring appeared on my heels 7 months ago after wearing toe sneakers with no socks for about 4 hours (exercising). When I took my shoes off, my feet were soaked in sweat; particularly my heels. It looks like a sweaty impression from the shoe’s padding.
Whenever my feet are wet, they turn white. When dried, the rough whitish patch goes away, but always comes back whenever they are wet. If my feet are soaked in hot water, they also have a warm sensation in the affected area (as if they’re irritated). Both heels are identical.
Is this a bacterial infection? Is there a way to get rid of this completely? This is my first post, so please let me know if I’ve missed or violated anything. I have photos but don’t know how to link them.
Edit: I’ve tried scrubs, exfoliations, chemical peels, graters, stones, endless topical products with no luck.
Any help would be immensely appreciated, truly!
submitted by Abena-Ashe to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:23 ConfidentSeries7243 Understanding Empyema: Symptoms to Watch For

Empyemas Symptoms is a serious medical condition characterized by the accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity, the space between the lungs and the chest wall. This condition typically results from a bacterial infection, often following pneumonia, but it can also occur due to lung abscesses, chest injuries, or surgeries. Recognizing the symptoms of empyema is crucial for early diagnosis and effective treatment.
submitted by ConfidentSeries7243 to u/ConfidentSeries7243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:11 Charlis-angel Immunosuppressants and piercings/tattoos

Hi everyone! I have been on amjevita (adalimubab) and azathioprine for about a year now. Both are immunosuppressants. I really want an eyebrow piercing and a few more ear piercings and possibly a tattoo but my GI doc has warned me against doing any of those things while on this medication due to the risk of a bacterial infection. Since I will be on these meds for possibly my whole life I was wondering if anyone had experience with getting piercings or tattoos while being immunosuppressed (especially on these medications) and if it went ok? Thank you!!!! Sorry for the length.
submitted by Charlis-angel to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:46 CertainVacation1148 Horrible toothache

I did see a dentist today who prescribed me amoxicillin 500mg. Tooth wasn't hurting at the time of visit. All she said was I have a few infections. My mouth is in pretty bad shape and she said my options were to save some teeth and do root canal with partial or dentures. I'm planning on all dentures (had no work done, just xray) but I already took 2 pills, first one at 1240pm.. it is 1140pm and still the pain is horrible. I need a medical clear for extractions and next appointment is in another month. Hopefully this toothache is gone soon. The tooth that is hurting, well more like a piece and gums because over the years my teeth cracked and I've never gone to dentist for financial reasons. I only have naproxen 500mg, is it ok to take 3hrs after I took amoxicillin. BTW I have no other otc meds.
submitted by CertainVacation1148 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:20 Bitter_Panic2873 Urgent need of help with vaginal issues!

I've had vaginal issues since December and can't even go into a walk in doctor until Monday and my real appointment is scheduled for June 20th, please help.
It started out with yeast infection symptoms (itching), then escalated to UTI symptoms (burning/ breaking when peeing), was on and off for months, sometimes more irritable than others but the irritation was still always there. Tried yeast infection medication, the first time it did nothing! Then I had unprotected sex in April and had SEVERE pain and itching inside my vagina and throughout my inner lips, treated myself for a yeast infection, and every symptom went. Until:
Day 3 of my period last month, I decided to skip the sugar pills and go straight to the regular pill. My period ended May 8th, and is still here on the 1st of June. Sometimes the blood is fresh and comes out in clots, the other times I'll find old blood in my underwear. At one point my vagina was so irritated it even felt like I had paper cuts inside.
Now for the past week, my vulva has been smelling like fish! Sometimes I have brown discharge, sometimes it's gray. I got an STI screening (only urine sample) and didn't get a call back with positive results. It's been internally itching and externally burning. I'm betting it's ureaplasma, bacterial vaginosis, or an STI of some sort. Does anyone have any idea what it is and is there anything I can do to ease area until I can get checked?
submitted by Bitter_Panic2873 to VaginalMicrobiome [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:06 ParkingAd144 14yo cat has front leg flesh eating bacteria infection

Hi all,
I was going to post on catadvice but saw the no medical advice rule and thought here might be more appropriate.
Tldr: cats front leg is FUBAR from flesh eating bacteria; amputate or put down. Vet thinks he's got a good shot, and more life to give. Unsure if it is worth putting him through it, outlook looks grim from the limit resources online. Any advice, own experiences or input anyone can share?
Our 14yo male desexed mixed breed cat has been diagnosed with a flesh eating bacterial infection in his front left leg. Most of the tissue afrer his elbow joint is necrotic. We are going in tomorrow morning for either amputation, or euthenisation.
Unfortunately we only got the lab results Friday afternoon with very little opportunity to discuss the facts and stats with the vet, we are very ill prepared to make this decision (especially me).
An antibiotic injection was given 7 days after the first pink bump and swelling started, it is now 23 days in. The cat is quite healthy otherwise, except a heart murmur that has recently been discovered (will require assessment from a cardiologist). Arthritis is his only known health condition. Full blood and urine works were done, aerobic and anaerobic sample cultures and tissue samples were sent for testing. The urine testing revealed his live kidney function was on the highest range before it is considered unhealthy, suggested to be due to 2 weeks of being on anti inflammitories (meloxicam). In retrospect this appears to be a symptom of the infection also. 4 xrays have been done, 2 on the leg (separate days) and one on each half of his body. No abnormalities showed up (nor any indicators on blood tests). Cancer not suspected but the vet noted he cannot guarantee he doesn't have any, just the tests done did not reveal any.
He is progressively getting worse, the leg is almost entirely necrotic after his elbow. The fight in him has been remarkable, I don't think he's ready to go.
He is still very enthusiastic for food ( though has gone off dry food) he comes running up meowing and purring at food time. Until yesterday all waste was normal, but his poos have significantly reduced in size since yesterday. Regularitywise, it's been good. Resting heart rate is 84bpm seems wildly low, but did it twice with identical results. Breaths per minute is 32. He is very tolerant of our kids getting up in his face when they check on him Mobility however has significantly reduced. He barely leaves his new spot on a couch in an unused room.
My reservations is that from what I can find online, very few pets survive this. Though in the same articles, the majority forgoed treatment and opted for euthenising. And above all, i could barely find anything on it, and what was available is very uninformative for me. Is there any basic stats for acual treatment success rates? Does it being contained to leg increase his chances? Knowing nothing is guaranteed, but we need some sort of baseline. An "it might work" isn't the most comforting, nor helpful.
For me if it was 50/50 chance, there is no hesitation, I would go the amputation. My partner is not comfortable with 60% success likelihood, for her he is too far gone and think he's too old, it's too much for him to go through, it's time to let go etc. Given the disparity, we are concerned of a stalemate in the morning, trying to prepare as best we can.
Costs we can afford, but it's certainly not insignificant. Looking at almost $4000AUD, + cost for a needed teeth scaling, and obviously would then need to get that heart murmur diagnosed, so another $1600 for the cardiologist alone. About $3800 spent on this issue so far...definitely adding up
Seeking advice on: What would you do? What do you think is best for the cat? Do you know any statistics on survival rates of this treatment? We've been cautious, but should we be concerned of being infected by him?
submitted by ParkingAd144 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:58 Abena-Ashe Heels Turn White While Wet

Hello! I’ve been searching endlessly online and couldn’t find a proper solution, so pardon my Reddit desperation.
I’m 34 yrs old, female, have no known medical issues, and have never smoked tobacco or consumed alcohol.
This whitish ring appeared on my heels 7 months ago after wearing toe sneakers with no socks for about 4 hours (exercising). When I took my shoes off, my feet were soaked in sweat; particularly my heels. Which kind of made a sweaty rim impression from the shoe’s padding.
Whenever my feet are wet, they turn white. When dried, the rough whitish patch goes away, but always comes back whenever they are wet. If my feet are soaked in hot water, they also have a warm sensation in the affected area (as if they’re irritated). Both heels are identical.
Is this a bacterial infection? Is there a way to get rid of this completely? This is my first post, so please let me know if I’ve missed or violated anything. I have photos but don’t believe I could post them.
Any help would be immensely appreciated, truly!
Edit: Grammar
submitted by Abena-Ashe to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:28 Rynow099 Any ideas what this might be

Just noticed this on our pups rear paw. None of the other paws have this and the pads themselves seem to be intact. Walking and putting weight on it doesn’t seem to be effected was a little sensitive when I was actively examining it. Going to be calling the vet Monday morning just looks for any early info on what it could be. My first thought was some sort of fungal/bacterial infection.
submitted by Rynow099 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:35 research-account2424 a little bit of a tmi, idk who to talk about this to

hey guys so i’m 19, F and i’m a virgin. my vagina has been bleeding and i’m unsure why
i had a uti earlier in may and i went to the ER for it cause i didn’t know what it was and i never had one before. they gave me antibiotics for a uti (cephalexin) and something for a yeast infection as well (fluconazole) (even though i was told you can’t check for yeast through urine) so i was a little confused. the bleeding stopped then after a week i had to take a different set of antibiotics (amoxicillin) for a few days for a different thing not vagina related (for a dog bite, i stopped taking them early cause i was having allergic reaction my doctor said) so maybe my gut is messed up?? idk.
at the end of may, i was bleeding again but not like a normal period but more like discharge / old blood. i made an appointment but i was too hesitant to get my vagina checked out by the doctor because i never done that before and i was too shy (i have sexual trauma) so i was very shaky when she mentioned it. so she just gave me a urine test and said there was no signs of UTI and probably just my period (unfortunately my periods are irregular) eventually the bleeding ended for maybe a day, but i’ve been having horrible stomach pains. and i went to wipe and maybe it was because my vagina was dry cause i opened myself up and checked inside to see if i was prolapsed (i have health anxiety and being prolapsed is my worst nightmare, i was constipated twice this month so) i don’t think i was but my vagina was definitely sore and uncomfortable afterwards. it felt like i had to push out to pee, and afterwards when i wiped there was light red/pink streaks of blood (the red looked like sweet and sour sauce but it wasn’t too much) and my vagina started kind of stinging/burning afterwards. everytime i pee i have the urge to pee again and not much pee comes out tbh, i don’t feel fulfilled when i pee lol
im just confused on what i should do, ill feel awkward making another appointment to get myself checked out when i denied it the first time. but im not so sure what it can be. i haven’t been having any discharge, nothing smells out of the ordinary, but i’ve been having lower abdominal pain. i thought it could be a kidney stone but i recently got all that checked out through CT scans and ultrasounds and everything seemed fine. no sign of infection as i was told from my last checkup. it’s super dry down there though.
advice? i’m scared it might be cancer or something. i don’t remember my last HPV shot if that makes anything any better. and cancer runs through my dads side. he has bone cancer and my cousin died of colon cancer.
more TMI: the only “sexual” stuff i’ve done is been eaten out, dry humped, fingered (kinda) and i gave my bf head, (i didn’t swallow anything) but i haven’t done anything in awhile cause i haven’t been feeling good lately nor have i been in the mood.
submitted by research-account2424 to GirlTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:55 Difficult_Group_264 Abnormal urinalysis during miscarriage?

27F 5'2 156 lbs Asian Midwest USA
Hi, I had a miscarriage 3 months ago and I ended up in the ER where they took blood and urine and then had me waiting in the waiting room for HOURS so I ended up going home. Later I saw the labs updated in MyChart but I thought nothing of them. Recently I've been having really bad pelvic pain and swollen lymph nodes. I have had this issue with pelvic pain before but my doctors always tell me it's not a UTI. I have had kidney stones and every time I drink something other than water I feel my lower back (kidneys) throb and swell. I don't know what this could be as my doctors quite genuinely don't gaf so I stopped going to them to ask for answers. I am positive it is not an STD but could be bacterial vaginosis. I just want to rule out any urinary possibilities because the pain truly does feel like it's more outside my reproductive organs (I've had ovarian cysts in the past and bad period cramps so I know that's not it). I've attached the urinalysis results if anyone could tell me if these point to a UTI or kidney infection?
Glucose NEGATIVE Bilirubin Urine NEGATIVE Ketones NEGATIVE Specific Gravity >=1.030 Blood, Urine LARGE ABNORMAL Protein NEGATIVE Urobilinogen 0.2 Nitrite NEGATIVE Leukocyte Esterase TRACE ABNORMAL
submitted by Difficult_Group_264 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
