Create your own graffiti name


2023.02.11 10:23 AlanRainbow CreateYourOwn

ئەو سابە بۆ کەسانێکە کە دەیانەوێت هاوبەشی بکەن لە داهێنانەکانیاندا. کەسانێک کە هێزی داهێنانیان بەرزە و هەمیشە بیر لە شتێکی نوێ دەکەنەوە. بە ئومێدی دنیایەکی نوێ. This community is for the ones that are *Creative* and powerful in creating something new. you can share the conlang you've made, the world you've built, the code you've created and your drawings. in hope for a new world.

2014.03.09 21:37 porkypenguin CYOC/Nation Creation

This is a subreddit based off of the old forum games Create Your Own Country and Nation Creation.

2024.03.23 19:48 CinderedOne CreateYourOwnRWBYOC

A place for people to share their RWBY oc's.

2024.06.02 18:27 Bunph8108 I’m a writer and need some critiques on some of my stories, willing to help? :)

Hey there! My name is Andrew or Drew. I’m a 21M and I’ve been writing for the last few years. I’ve made my own world so that I could create stories with better details. I just want to pick your brain and get a few opinions on how you like it or dislike it. If anyone wants to talk past that then I’m an open book and a yapper lol. Have a great day, whoever you are and what you decide.
submitted by Bunph8108 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:21 cyclopswashalfright Tom Brevoort Q&A on Stilt-Man, Psylocke, Character Interactions and More

It's that time of week again. X-Men head editor Tom Brevoort is answering questions on Substack again. This time with fewer throuple mentions. As always, you can read it here:
Some questions of interest:
I noticed in the solicit for Stephanie Phillips’ Phoenix #1 that it would guest star Nova, but as of now he’s still in a coma from Pestilence’s arrow in X-Men Red and hasn’t been healed/woken up yet. Will him being back in action be explained in that issue or before then? Just curious.
TB: I’m almost certain that it won’t be explained in PHOENIX #1, Joe. Presumably, he healed up over time.
The vast majority of fans want you to know that they know what the vast majority of fans want.
TB: And whatever it is, Ralf, they want it now.
After reading your most recent newsletter it really got me thinking about another topic that goes through its ups and downs every couple months and I think you did note somewhere else that the divide within the fandom was noticed by the editorial office. And that is the Psylocke conundrum. There are those that feel Betsy owns the codename and the butterfly because she got those from her original creator and before the body swap shenanigans. HoXPoX brought in newer fans that feel that it all belongs to Kwannon because the character of Psylocke became popular in her Asian body.
We know business wise keeping the iconic Jim Lee look and code name with an actual Asian character makes sense but was it necessary to do that when comic book readers (I hope) are not that inept and because we do have both caucasian characters Kitty Pryde and Elektra that were allowed to function in the same capacity but are not Asian; but it was taken away from Betsy for reasons. We could have gotten both Psylocke and Revanche popular established IP.
TB: I think this is a situation analogous to the Jean Grey one from a while back, CG. By which I mean that there is a lot of frankly confusing backstory to Kwannon and Betsy Braddock, to the point where they’re literally difficult to describe to people. But rather than try to “fix” any of that stuff or retcon it or whatever (which is very much what got us to this point), I think the only thing to do from here is to go forward. And that means further defining who Kwannon is as Psylocke and who Betsy is as Captain Britain (or whatever she might become in days to come).
You mentioned before having a "grand unified field theory" about Scott and Jean's relationship, one that you'd peel back like layers of an onion across several stories. Can we expect that to play out in X-Men and Phoenix or is this something that we can expect further down the line? And any hints or elaboration on what you might have meant by this theory?
TB: I think that’s more of a long term things, Mercury, though I’m sure that you’ll see aspects play out in the various comics that Jean and Scott are in, since I’ll want them to be in line with my way of thinking. And eventually, assuming that there are creators among our team that are interested in running with that ball, we may eventually get to it as a story element. Or we may not—X-MEN functioned for years with a lot of its characters’ backstories hidden away, and that mystery didn’t hurt anything, it drove interest among the audience. So it’s really going to depend on where I think we might be able to get the most juice.
Many comments this week allude to the hypothetical Scott-Logan-Jean relationship, and in one of your answers you mention that only one scene is what would support that it was an open relationship over five years.
What this comment has led me to think about is the small number of everyday scenes that exist in today's Marvel comics. I'm a reader who grew up reading in the '70s and '80s, and I really miss the everyday element in superheroes. Because at that time we knew Peter Parker's apartment inside out or what pizza he liked; and there were plenty of character treatment scenes in the Avengers and X-Men mansions or in the Baxter Building. In current times, I have the impression, probably subjective, that that element of everyday life has been lost a lot, that the Marvel characters are more iconic, but less close and identifiable in those aspects.
Recently, I was taking a look at my favorite scenes by Pepe Larraz, an artist who creates spectacular fight scenes, but the ones that stuck in my mind were not any of those, but small moments of characters talking in an everyday environment. I was thinking about a scene that is quite a few years old now: the conversation between Cyclops and the vampire Storm in a cafeteria, in X-Termination. If I remember it so vividly it is precisely because of the magical nature of these types of situations, and that for me they summarize the essence of the Marvel Universe: the way in which the fabulous and fantastic is introduced into the real world. When I remember what hooked me on X-Men, I remember a lot of that. Kitty and Doug playing video games, Peter, Kurt and Logan at a bar, Storm swimming in the Forge pool, or the usual baseball games in the mansion's courtyard. I really miss seeing those types of situations in comics in a more common way. I hope we have many of those in the new run that now begins, because that is also part of the X-Men lore.
TB: We’re definitely looking to do more of that manner of scene, Julian, depending on the series and the preferences of the creative team. One of the things I definitely wanted to get back to, for good or ill, was the X-Men interacting with regular people out in the world rather than segregating themselves with only their own kind in Krakoa.
Tom, the vast majority of fans want Stilt-Man to be in every Marvel comic. When are you all going to give the people what they want?
TB: Stilt-Man IS in every Marvel comic, David. You just have to look up.
submitted by cyclopswashalfright to xmen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:19 ApostleLeeWoo Peace, Peace...No Peace

Peace, Peace...No Peace
Greetings in The Mighty Name of Jesus, The Christ!!!
~Peace, Peace…No Peace~

I make my apologizes for not sending a message this past week. Our electricity went out Saturday night and did not come back on until Monday.

Matthew 10:34 KJV
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

Brothers and Sisters stop trying to make Peace with those who Oppose The Word, for they are Your Enemy, they are God’s Enemy. Too many of you have lost sight of this, that you have been taught to Compromise The Word with a New Definition of Tolerance. There are those who have Taught, that to Show Godly Love, in this Season, in this Time, means that The Word, The Scriptures need to be Re-Defined to Include Fleshly Sin. This is an abomination!!!

2 Timothy 4:3 KJV
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"

The First Commandment is to Love God with ALL of Your Heart, ALL of Your Mind, ALL of Your Soul and ALL of Your Strength, this is the ONLY Acceptable Life that Jesus will Accept.

Matthew 7:21 KJV
“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

Matthew 22:37-38 KJV
"37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment."

Mark 12:30 KJV
"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this [is] the first commandment."

The Second Commandment is to Love Your Neighbor AS Yourself and it is in this Commandment that you have Over Written The First Commandment.

Matthew 22:39 KJV
“And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

You spend so much time trying to figure out how to get people into a church, to help them in their times of need, by Peace, but do not hold the Standard that Jesus comes first. Too many of you participate in Helping Others, but in that Help, Jesus is not present in Your Actions nor in Your Speech to those who need to hear, all because YOU wish NOT to Offend any person, but you are willing to OFFEND Your Savior!!!

Do you NOT Understand that All Men, All Women, All Children of age, are The Enemies Of God, unless they have Accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, then and only then are they NOT Your Enemy, but are now Your Family, Your Brothers and Sisters!!! This also includes members of Your Fleshly Families.

Jesus has said in so many words, that He has come to Forgive Us of Our Sins, to Wash Us Clean in The Spirit, to have Overcome The Enemies Of The Flesh, to Grant Us into Heaven…IF, IF, IF WE Keep His Commandments, which is to Do The Fathers Will On Earth AS it is In Heaven!!!

Matthew 10:35-39 KJV
"35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes [shall be] they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."

Too many of you Honor your children above Jesus, not willing to Stand Upon Jesus Commandments. You are NOT Willing to Break Ties with members of your own household in Keeping Jesus Commandments, but are willing to Compromise, Adjust, Manipulate, Believe False Doctrine for Your Own Fleshly Desires!!! Too many of you Accept the Life Styles that Your Children have made, believing them to be Saved By Grace, but they are not! Do you not understand the Mockery that YOU are doing???

Do any of you NOT Understand that God Is Unchangeable, He who Created All Things is the same from the beginning before time unto the end of all time! God The Father, Jesus The Son, The Holy Spirit will NOT Accept anything that goes against The Fathers Will, in which, has Fleshly Sinful Desires of any kind!!!

John 10:30 KJV
“I and [my] Father are one."

John 5:30 KJV
“I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me."

John 8:28 KJV
“Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am [he], and [that] I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things."

Hebrews 13:8 KJV
“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."

Luke 22:42 KJV
“Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done."

Oh, as a side note to those who Believe that Jesus and The Father are the same PERSON, THEY ARE NOT!!! This has been a False Teaching!!!

Too many of you Cry Peace, Peace when we are at war!! Let me explain to be At War, yet Have Peace. When The Father said to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, He was not saying that you make any Compromises to His Will. For example, I have a Neighbor whom I have been witnessing to for 15 years, who will not Accept Jesus. This neighbor has some very expensive medications that he needs to take, a week ago Saturday our power went out and was out until Monday. On Sunday I went and bought Ice to keep our food and medicines cold, I gave my neighbor some ice, this is Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, but he is still My Enemy, Our Lord Jesus Enemy!!
Another example. My children I have Not Talked to in five years, because they believe in lies more so then The Word. I on purpose separated myself from them because of this, yet I long for them almost daily. I do pray for them daily and not just them but to the fourth generation, every day. But until they Repent and turn from the lies that they believe, they are my Enemy, I will not Compromise The Word for a Relationship with them. Unfortunately that this is, this also includes my grandchildren.

There is No Peace, My Brothers and Sisters we are at War with the Enemy, make no mistake about it. The only Peace that we can obtain at this point in time, in this season, is the Peace that Jesus said He would give us that The World, The Enemy, cannot have!!!

Philippians 4:6-7 KJV
"6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Now also Understand this. We are NOT at War with The Flesh as against Man, but are at War with anything, anyone who Opposes The Fathers Will. It is what is Inside of a Man, Woman, Child, their Spirit that is against God, whom is Our Enemy. Our Brother Paul explained it in this manor…

Ephesians 6:10-13 KJV
"10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."

Understand this, that The Flesh is Ruled by The Spirit, so, as The Spirit Is, so does it Manifest in The Flesh, rather Godly or Ungodly. This why Jesus said and what our Brother James says…

Matthew 7:15-20 KJV
"15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."

James 3:12 KJV
“Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so [can] no fountain both yield salt water and fresh."

Now, with that being said, a Good Person can go to hell! The difference between a Good Person and Ourselves is Jesus and His Blood that has Cleansed us unto Redemption. Too many of you think that because a person Acts Good, that they are Good, but You Weigh things according to The Flesh and not those things that concern Jesus.

I have No Peace with The Flesh, but in The Spirit I have Peace!!! Walk as The Children Of God and Not as The Children Of The World!

We can have Peace within ourselves and Walk in Obedience to Jesus, knowing that not everyone around us is Our Brother or Sister, but could in fact be Our Enemy as they are Jesus Enemy. Our, God’s, Enemy tries to Steal, Kill and Destroy Our Peace with Jesus, do not let him!

Jesus, Our Savior and Lord said…

Matthew 10:34 KJV
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

Amen and Amen!!!

Email: [](
submitted by ApostleLeeWoo to Acts_Of_The_Apostles [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:16 JohnBierce Writing Advice: Economic Progression Fantasy

Progression Fantasy is still a very young subgenre, so I think it fair to forgive it a few growing pains, but...
It's got an economics problem. A real economics problem.
Namely: While there have been quite a few attempts at writing economic progression fantasy, where the MC progresses not just in personal power, but in economic strength (wealth, etc)- remarkably few of them impress me. In fact, the only one that I will outright declare a win is Kyle Kirrin's Shadeslinger. (Which, I should note, is not an attempt to build a functioning "real" economy, but instead to build a functioning videogame economy- a challenging task of its own, and one Kirrin does fantastic at for the purposes of his narrative.) (Also Frank is the best, long live Frank.)
Now, I've hardly exhausted the whole of economic progression fantasy, there's tons of examples I haven't read- but the failed attempts I have read, numbering quite a few, tend to have some fairly similar failure states. (I won't name any of them- I don't generally like speaking ill of other living authors' works,just their politics.)
This is of especial interest to me because I'm literally in the midst of writing an economic progression fantasy. I enjoy reading and writing this stuff! (Though, I should be clear, my upcoming series does not have a commerce-based progression plot- rather, it has a magic system deeply integrated into its economy. Also, it's socialist sword and sorcery.)
So here's a non-exhaustive list of failure states for writing economic progression fantasy, and tips for writing good economic progression fantasy/litrpg. And, while I'm very much a socialist and anti-capitalist, this advice is intended to be useful to anyone writing economic PF, regardless if they share my political and economic leanings. (Though I'm still gonna trash-talk capitalism a bunch lol.) And remember: I call them pitfalls, not rules, because these are not things you're forbidden to do, these are things that are harder to do.
Again, this isn't meant to be an exhaustive list! It's just a few pitfalls and tips, in no particularly coherent order. If you want to write really good economic fantasy, of any subgenre, you need to do your groundwork, do your research, and be ready to stress test the hell out of your worldbuilding.
submitted by JohnBierce to ProgressionFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:15 ShesWrappedInPlastic The Nobodies (2018)

I originally wrote this for Letterboxd and thought I would post it here, I hope that's okay; I never see this film being reviewed anywhere.
This was quite a surprise, to be honest. I wasn't sure how much I was going to enjoy the film, but I was immediately sucked in. The real genius here is the "documentary" parts spliced in between the faux horror film "Pumpkin" created by no-budget filmmakers and doomed lovers Warren Werner and Samantha Dixon who commit suicide (this is explained in the opening monologue so it's not a spoiler and you need to know it going in) when the entire town crucifies them for their graphic homemade serial killer gorefest. I (appropriately) wanted to shake the hell out of the interviewees who seem to blame the double suicide on Warren and his "dark personality" which seems to consist of a perhaps overly exuberant young love affair and an obsession with horror filmmaking; hardly anything to get in a snit about and certainly a far cry from the devil worshippers the town brands Warren and Samantha.
The other part of the film consists of the remaining footage of Warren and Samantha's film "Pumpkin" and I have to admit I thought this part was going to be awful but I loved it! Was it ridiculous? Yes. Was it cheesy? Sure. No budget? Terrible acting? Bad special FX? All present and accounted for. Technically terrible? Oh yeah. Maybe it's just me but I often end up enjoying the kind of SOV gore-and-tit-fests "Pumpkin" would've turned out to be and this one I would've likely watched more than once. It's in such incredibly poor taste that it becomes kind of delightful really, a harkening back to the era of analog without overdoing it. It concerns a serial killer named Taboris DeWitt who is hitchhiking across the country, or well, at least Alabama. But first we sit through a pretty pointless scene involving two bimbos having a pillow fight in their underwear in a seedy motel to the absolute most ear-splitting song I have ever, ever heard... and don't get comfy 'cause it plays many times throughout the film. First one girl gets a room with a "sexy guy" (god help me) named Johnny Knickerbocker, a loser hung up on his ex-girlfriend and traveling aimlessly across the country even though last Halloween he had his arm hacked off by a psycho clown and an old man traveling in a van (this part is important, for what it's worth, lol). The actor is clearly not an amputee by the way, his arm is just under his shirt. He also looks like a junkie about halfway into their nod but far be it from me to cast aspersions. They've only just seated themselves in their new temporary digs when Bimbo #1 (don't expect me to keep track of everybody's names) proceeds to immediately call up her gal pal, Bimbo #2, telling her she's got a hot guy in her motel room (yeah, no, sorry). She shows up, they have their pillow fight, they try to rouse Johnny from his opiate-esque stupor, and he then throws both bimbos out saying he's not ready to be with a woman because of his ex. He's clearly an idiot because these girls were actually pretty cute, especially for a movie like this! It's kind of a weird trend, all the girls bar one (who we'll get to later) are cute. Well I can't tell if the strippers are cute because you only really see their asses, but the asses were decent I guess. I mean, it ain't no high-class club is what I'm sayin'.
Okay, now we switch to storyline #2. Yes, these filmmakers were quite ambitious with their project, adding a whole other storyline, which means we're back with Taboris the serial killer from the beginning. They actually do a pretty decent job of switching between storylines considering. So we're back with Taboris now, who in what can only be dubbed a Tarantino-esque move has the serial killer walk right past Johnny Knickerbocker and get a room at the same motel! He's playing drunk but isn't and is in the process of dragging a very inebriated, rather portly woman (I'm sorry if you're reading this, actress) with the most irritating accent I have ever heard into a motel room. She seems amenable but simply unable - that is, to stand on her own. By some sweet miracle we do not have to watch the first sex scene between these two. He wants a ride in her Cadillac - but whoops, when she said her Cadillac she meant her pussy. Um, yeah. It's not a Cadillac. I admit to knowing this with shame. If you somehow wanted to see these two vastly unattractive people have sex, great! Because that's what happens after the Cadillac convo. And it's doggy-style. Oh yes, this glorious actress and all her rolls hanging down kind of makes her look like a pregnant... you know I'm not gonna say that. In any case, you get a good view of them doin' the nasty with great enthusiasm. He then strangles her and mutilates her body in the bathtub, talking to no one, and then washes all the blood off in the sink and kind of seems to have some sort of orgasmic experience while toweling off. It was weird.
Our two storylines (those being the serial killer plot and the Johnny Knickerbocker plot) are about to merge. Again, being quite ambitious. But you know, the editing's not bad for a camcorder production. I've certainly seen much worse. Anyway, right, so our two malcontent stars finally meet as Johnny picks up Taboris hitchhiking. Now I KNOW your mother told you not to pick up hitchhikers Johnny. Bad boy. Taboris tells him he just needs a lift for a few miles up the road. But oh no! Johnny doesn't realize he's picked up a crafty killer with a fake southern accent masking what I presume is this actor's "I am playing a serial killer" voice; a little bit Lecter-esque but mostly just pretentious. He chokes out Johnny and here I was almost certain they were gonna try and pull a Hitchcock and kill off their star (or at least one of them) early. But no, he merely chokes Johnny into unconsciousness and then ties him up, yes, at that same goddamned motel where you'd think the employees would be suspicious of this guy carrying a giant teddy bear (way to keep your cover doofus) and looking like - and answering to the name of - Taboris DeWitt, the serial killer on all the TV stations that two lamebrain detectives are trying to catch in yet ANOTHER storyline. One guy's words are barely intelligible through a thick accent and hardly any teeth. He tends to kind of force lines out in chunks but he does... okay? I mean you obviously have to keep your expectations in check here. The other guy is chubby and apparently hiding the fact that he's having gay hookups, possibly on the job? This movie has a lot of gayness, but not the good kind. More like the kind that would've been in a splatter movie from Alabama in the early 90's. Again, expectations.
Now that he's cast off the chunky paramour and left her body for motel employees to find, Taboris is moving on to Johnny. He's got him tied to a chair, listens to his story about having his arm hacked off by a psycho clown and an old man on the move in a van (but of course) and then subjects him to what feels like a very, very long and obscene dance in his underwear... to the same fucking song from the double-bimbo room earlier. This movie was starting to give off Greasy Strangler vibes, no shit. Speaking of which, that's the next thing Taboris does... with sound effects. I'm making this movie sound like torture but by god I enjoyed myself. So let's go on. Taboris is now in the mood for action (send help) and we thankfully do not witness this nor does Taboris get to fulfill his desires because... reasons. What, you gonna come for me now because I don't remember the details of the movie I literally just finished? Well, you do you I guess.
Alright, next I remember Taboris meets up with his beloved daughter Dana, who is a stripper in that sleazy-ass club I told you about earlier, but before we see her we see some pole dancing by some, uh, lovely ladies... TO THAT SAME SONG. The one difference with Dana is we can see her face and I don't think she actually gets naked in the film. She is, again, a pretty cute girl (I presume I no longer need to amend these sentences with "...for a film like this.") No really, she is cute and she does pretty much fine in her role, better than a lot of the others, not perfect but fine for... oh, I almost did it again. For some reason, Dana decides the right course of action is to tell her dad to get the hell out, allow him to leave the premises as a wanted murderer (and she knows this) and not inform the police of this amazing new lead. Oh yeah, Dana also knows where Daddy Dearest is heading. Where is he heading you ask? Why, to a horse farm on a rural road where an old man and a strangely-acting clown live. Alarm bells ringing for you? They should be; Johnny mentioned two such characters in his story about losing his arm. For some unknown reason under the sun, Taboris claims he has come seeking revenge for Johnny Knickerbocker, you know, the guy he choked, tied up, molested and almost killed? Right. Taboris gets the clown to come out to look at his car, which is beyond me because the clown is supposed to be intellectually challenged but of course that's not the term they use (which shall remain unnamed for those who can't read the goddamned room). Taboris sneaks up behind him and beats the clown to a bloody pulp with a baseball bat yet doesn't manage to kill him. I think he wanted to um, have relations with the clown. Ugh, some of this is kind of weird recounting. But if you fuckers can sit through Kuso you can sit through this!
Taboris goes back to the house under the presumption of talking about horse-racing with the old man. Uh-oh, twist incoming though! The old man and clown are no strangers. Taboris had found out previously that his real father wasn't who he thought it was, oh no. His real father was some schmuck his mother fooled around with a few times and who was married and unaware of the child's existence. Don't feel bad for him though because as soon as Taboris leaves him unattended, old Pops is getting out of his restraints and grabbing for a kitchen knife. Who will win this most epic battle of wits? Just who will survive and what will be left of them? Will I in turn ever regain my sanity? The answer to the last one is probably no, but there's hope for you (not really, there's no hope for you) if you like the sound of any of this. Oh, you thought this was the end of this gargantuan dictionary of a review? Sorry, not done with you yet. One last important piece of the puzzle has not been placed. That piece of the puzzle is the story of Warren and Samantha, dogged by rumors of devil worship throughout the town after a packed opening turns into a disaster. There are some short bits of what purports to be a local TV program who interviewed Warren on the show and you can see the light slowly going out of his eyes as he's grilled by the somewhat horrified host who clearly doesn't understand horror films or filmmaking or art. It's actually a really good acting job and very subtle and kind of brutal to watch. One can't help but think though that if the entire town hadn't made these two kids out to be some cockamamie cult and demeaned their artistic expression (such as it is), there probably would never have been a tragedy at all. Ignorance kills, and we know it. I think that is part of the story the film is trying to tell.
There's no sugarcoating that "Pumpkin" isn't great, but the documentary portion is also very sympathetic to Warren and Samantha. If a couple of kids in the middle of nowhere with a camcorder, some friends and some Karo syrup can't make an amateur movie without their lives being ruined then what the hell does that say about us as a nation? And no, you're right, it's a fictional story, but it's still a message worth sending, even though it will likely only be preaching to the choir. This type of film was never for normals anyway. What does it matter what their opinions are? They're never gonna get it. Don't chase after these type of "audiences" because they will never get or enjoy anything you make. And if Warren and Samantha had the gift of years to understand that, they would still be alive in their fictional universe and maybe even still making movies. Who knows? All that potential went to waste. And honestly I felt pretty sad after the ending, which I never expected to feel.
submitted by ShesWrappedInPlastic to horror [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:10 sbazzle Using Dropdown Menus to Change Dashboard Views

I've seen a number of dashboards online that have a dropdown menu for changing dashboard views, and I'd like this for my own. Does anyone have this in your dashboard, and how did you get it to work?
For me, I have an input_select entity created for the dropdown. I'm using an entities card to display the dropdown on my dashboard. And then I have an automation set up that I would assume should change the view. It triggers the automation, but doesn't change the view. Here's the code to my automation:
alias: Dashboard Dropdown Change trigger: - platform: state entity_id: input_select.views_dropdown action: - service: browser_mod.navigate data: path: /home-dashboard/monitor 
I will say that I used the input_select entity on a button card, and it works just fine:
type: custom:button-card name: System Monitor tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /home-dashboard/monitor 
Any thoughts?
submitted by sbazzle to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:59 Bernpt Your Expertise is Needed to Shape the Future of Recruitment Technology!

Hi Reddit Community!
I hope you’re all doing well. My name is Bernardo Aguiar from Portugal, we are developing a recruitment software to support and optimize the recruitment process. Our goal is to create a solution that simplifies repetitive tasks, allowing recruitment professionals to focus on strategic and value-added activities. As someone who deeply values the insights and experiences of professionals in the field, I’m reaching out to this amazing community for your help.
Why This Project?
Recruitment is a vital part of any organization, but it often comes with its own set of challenges. We’re developing a tool that leverages AI to handle repetitive tasks, streamline processes, and ultimately make the recruitment journey smoother for both candidates and recruiters. But for this tool to truly make a difference, we need input from the experts—YOU!
How You Can Help
We've created a short survey to gather feedback on various aspects of the recruitment process and how technology can better serve these needs. Your insights will be invaluable in shaping a tool that meets real-world challenges and delivers real value.
Here’s the link to the survey:
It will take just a few minutes of your time, and your responses will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of improving our project.
A Little About Me
I’ve been passionate about leveraging technology to solve real-world problems for years. This project is close to my heart because I believe that with the right tools, we can make the hiring process more efficient, fair, and enjoyable for everyone involved.
Thank You!
Thank you in advance for your time and insights. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please feel free to reach out. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!
Warm regards, Bernardo Aguiar (LinkedIn: )
submitted by Bernpt to recruiting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:54 Bernpt Your Expertise is Needed to Shape the Future of Recruitment Technology!

Hi Reddit Community!
I hope you’re all doing well. My name is Bernardo Aguiar and we are developing a recruitment software to support and optimize the recruitment process. Our goal is to create a solution that simplifies repetitive tasks, allowing recruitment professionals to focus on strategic and value-added activities. As someone who deeply values the insights and experiences of professionals in the field, I’m reaching out to this amazing community for your help.
Why This Project?
Recruitment is a vital part of any organization, but it often comes with its own set of challenges. We’re developing a tool that leverages AI to handle repetitive tasks, streamline processes, and ultimately make the recruitment journey smoother for both candidates and recruiters. But for this tool to truly make a difference, we need input from the experts—YOU!
How You Can Help
We've created a short survey to gather feedback on various aspects of the recruitment process and how technology can better serve these needs. Your insights will be invaluable in shaping a tool that meets real-world challenges and delivers real value.
Here’s the link to the survey:
It will take just a few minutes of your time, and your responses will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of improving our project.
A Little About Me
I’ve been passionate about leveraging technology to solve real-world problems for years. This project is close to my heart because I believe that with the right tools, we can make the hiring process more efficient, fair, and enjoyable for everyone involved.
Thank You!
Thank you in advance for your time and insights. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please feel free to reach out. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!
Warm regards, Bernardo Aguiar (LinkedIn: )
submitted by Bernpt to HumanResourcesUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:44 Ok-Reporter976 Resources for workplace safety in Indian Medical Colleges

Introduction: I am a medical student of 2017 batch... I was selected for PG in NEET 2023 but didn't join, preparing again for NEET 2024. I was humiliated by a surgery resident in my internship, causing me to avoid surgical residency. I would get sudden anxiety whenever I saw him coming in the room. This was totally situational and I knew my neurosis was common as similar stuff started happening to most of my batchmates. Suddenly there was a wave of anxiety issues. I became interested in this particular issue and I realised that it was due to the psychological humiliation in internship that many people wanted to compromise their professional interests... So I wanted to get over this rabid fear neuroses that seniors create when you join a PG course or their department in internship. I researched these resources a tonne and asked with legal experts as well. They all agreed with me on these points as to how to deal with harassment in the workplace...
1) rule 1 - Do not accept harassment..nursing staff, co interns, residents and even professors will try to get you to accept the situation instead of changing it. This is not to be done or else you might develop anxiety and depression. Acceptance of harassment leads to loss of self esteem and it should not be tolerated.
2) rule 2 - Understanding the psychology of abusers and power structures in medical colleges
Most interns are afraid of consequences of disobeying their seniors
Common threats include - 1) holding your attendance 2) failing you on academic evaluations 3) creating uncomfortable work schedule 4) continual over checking of your work 5) making you work longer than usual hours
These threats by your seniors will scare you into compliance.. they will abuse you with these threats.
However, most of these threats are OUTLAWED. Yes you heard it right. You cannot be mentally harassed by anybody on these grounds. It's literally against the law. Yes the professors are psychopathic (lacking empathy) and they will allow it to happen. But guess what it's literally against the LAW. that means all you have to do is catch your seniors saying these things to you on the phone.. or use videography of them saying these things. It's as simple as that. If you gather proofs, you can build an anti ragging case against them.
Modern anti ragging guidelines (2009) include all these kinds of threats as psychological humiliation and make it a COGNIZABLE OFFENSE at par with rape.
Professors will continuously Gaslight you into accepting bullying and humiliation but the law is totally different. Under this regulation, even the principal of the college can easily be booked for allowing ragging.
In the FIR at the police station the Inspector will have to register it (cannot be denied) you can name your abusers at anytime. If you have the proofs with you, your abusers will have to answer their crimes in court. They can't apply for jobs as they'll fail police verification. Since it is congnizable your abusers will literally rot in jail without a warrant. If they're a service candidate, they will literally lose their salaries and increments.. unless the case resolves they can't even get pension. They'll cry everyday.
Another thing is, previous Pg medical education regulation (2000) had no provision of mental health of PG students. Now in 2023 they have added a clause saying everyone in the system will have to give you an appropriate time to rest EVERYDAY. yes, your senior cannot hold you against your will and on contrary to new Regulations. Previously Pg students had no leaves, we were at the mercy of psychopathic professors for leaves. Now we don't have to accept mental harassment for leaves as NMC has clearly defined a minimum of 77 leaves per year. Yes you heard it right 77 leaves per year. They have also removed log book signing.. logbooks will be digitally signed every month.... Also thesis evaluation is to be done by external examiner outside state.. they can't legally do much to hold you against your will, or scare you by saying we won't sign your logbook or thesis. Your PG guide can only guide your thesis someone else will check it.
They will Gaslight you into believing you are learning more or you will face some harsh undedinable consequences But believe me the system has made tonnes of rule for safeguarding human dignity. You can literally write it to the local DM and he will make life extremely difficult for your psychopathic professors and seniors... As per the new rules.
Just to be clear... You only need 80 pc attendance (this is after availing 77 leaves per year) take photos of your attendance register every day you go to college.
The professor cannot make you delay signing logbooks. He has to do it every month. He is powerless here.
They cannot force you to stay over time. They have to give you time to rest every day.
The professor cannot fail you in thesis... Your thesis is going to be examined by someone else.
You only need to present one poster now for final exams. And nothing else. You can even write your own paper and publish as first author without needing your professors help.
You again don't need to ask anyone for permission to start a family... Maternity leave is a right. Please all girls should avail it to the max level. Girls can take one year of leave from PG.
Basic gist is that professors power has been greatly diluted... They cannot make any huge problems for you. They have been rendered powerless as there is no room for ambiguity in guidelines. You don't have to walk on eggshells anymore.. don't fight or say anything just collect evidences and complain directly to the local media, police and district magistrates. There is no ambiguity to shield their psychopathic behaviour anymore. They will have to answer for their crimes.
Code of Professional Ethics 2002 also applies to doctors at any level..
Recently state mental health authorities have been made also.. any non implementation of anti harassment guidelines will land principal into extreme trouble.
Please don't accept ragging and fear and panic in the name of education.. you are not becoming better doctors this way..please change work culture wherever you are. I know to which extent these shameless professors lie....they used to do it because they knew nothing could be done against them... but now time has changed and specifics have been added to the law. Please collect proofs wherever you are..with new guidelines the police will act very quickly...
submitted by Ok-Reporter976 to indianmedschool [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:29 UnDead_Ted For It Is Written

For It Is Written

Today's Verse

1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV) - However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him.

1) Design

  • But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
  • That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

2) Develop

It is written/What the Scriptures mean:
The word is trustworthy and true (Rev. 21:4)
What no human mind has conceived/Entered into the heart of man:
This phrase suggests that the wonders of God’s plans and blessings are beyond human sensory experience. No one has seen or heard the full extent of what God has prepared. This emphasizes that even the human imagination or understanding cannot fully grasp the greatness of what God has in store. It transcends our thoughts and expectations.
Things God has prepared/Hath prepared:
This part highlights that these extraordinary blessings and plans are specifically for those who love God. It underscores the relationship between God's love and human devotion.

3) Actions

What actions develop the story in this verse? What is happening? To whom?
To understand the development and context of the story in 1 Corinthians 2:9, we need to look at the surrounding verses and the overall message of the chapter. Here’s a breakdown of the actions and the narrative flow:

Context of 1 Corinthians 2

  1. Paul’s Preaching and Message (Verses 1-5):
    • Paul begins by reminding the Corinthians that when he came to them, he did not use eloquent words or human wisdom. Instead, he preached Christ crucified, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit so that their faith would rest on God's power, not human wisdom.
  2. God’s Wisdom Revealed by the Spirit (Verses 6-8):
    • Paul contrasts human wisdom with God’s wisdom. He explains that God’s wisdom is a mystery, hidden and destined for the glory of believers. This wisdom was not understood by the rulers of the age, for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified Jesus.
  3. The Verse in Question (Verse 9):
    • Here, Paul emphasizes the incomprehensible nature of God’s plans. He quotes from Isaiah to highlight that what God has prepared for those who love Him is beyond human understanding.
  4. Revelation Through the Spirit (Verses 10-16):
    • Paul explains that God has revealed these things to us through His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. Paul goes on to say that the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God because they are spiritually discerned.

Actions and Development

  1. Paul’s Humble Approach:
    • Paul’s decision to preach not with persuasive words but with the Spirit’s power sets the stage. This establishes the foundation that true understanding and faith come from God’s power, not human intellect.
  2. Contrast of Wisdom:
    • Paul contrasts human wisdom with divine wisdom. Human rulers and their wisdom failed to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, which led to His crucifixion.
  3. Quoting Isaiah:
    • Paul quotes from the Old Testament (Isaiah 64:4) to illustrate the greatness of God’s plans for believers. This quote emphasizes the hidden, glorious nature of God’s promises, preparing the audience to understand that divine wisdom is revealed by the Spirit.
  4. Revelation by the Spirit:
    • Paul asserts that the Holy Spirit reveals God’s wisdom to believers. This revelation process is a crucial action that develops the understanding that spiritual truths are discerned through the Spirit.

What is Happening and To Whom?

  • To the Believers in Corinth:
    • Paul is addressing the Corinthian Christians, encouraging them to seek God’s wisdom through the Holy Spirit rather than relying on human wisdom and eloquence.
  • Revelation of God’s Plan:
    • The key action is the revelation of God’s plans and blessings to believers. This revelation is something that no human sense or understanding can grasp, but it is made known through the Spirit.


In 1 Corinthians 2:9, Paul is explaining that the amazing things God has prepared for those who love Him are beyond human comprehension and can only be revealed through the Spirit. The actions developing this story include Paul’s humble preaching approach, the contrast between human and divine wisdom, the quoting of scripture to illustrate the point, and the ultimate revelation by the Holy Spirit to believers. The recipients of this message are the Corinthian Christians, and the overarching theme is the reliance on spiritual wisdom over human wisdom.

4) Outcome

What is God saying to you today? How can you apply this to your life?
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9, the message God conveys is one of profound hope and assurance. The verse reminds us that God's plans for those who love Him are far greater than anything we can perceive or imagine. Here’s a personalized reflection and application of this message:

God's Message to You Today

  1. Trust in the Unseen: God is encouraging you to trust in His plans, even when you can't see the full picture. His blessings and purposes are beyond your current understanding.
  2. Hope and Assurance: God is reassuring you that He has prepared wonderful things for you, which should fill you with hope and confidence in His love and promises.
  3. Dependence on the Spirit: The verse emphasizes the importance of relying on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding, rather than solely on your own knowledge or human wisdom.

Application to Your Life

  1. Cultivate Trust and Faith:
    • Action: Spend time in prayer and meditation, asking God to help you trust in His plans for your life.
    • Reflection: Reflect on past experiences where God’s plans turned out to be better than you could have imagined, reinforcing your trust in His providence.
  2. Embrace Hope and Joy:
    • Action: Whenever you face uncertainty or challenges, remind yourself of this verse and the promise it holds. Let it be a source of comfort and motivation.
    • Reflection: Keep a journal where you note down moments of blessings and unexpected joys, as reminders of God’s goodness and faithfulness.
  3. Seek Spiritual Wisdom:
    • Action: Make it a habit to read the Bible and seek understanding through the Holy Spirit. Join a Bible study group or find a spiritual mentor who can guide you in your faith journey.
    • Reflection: Ponder on how God’s wisdom has guided you in making decisions that aligned with His will, and how you can continue to seek His guidance.
  4. Share the Message:
    • Action: Share this verse and its message with friends or family members who may need encouragement. Be a source of hope and reassurance to others.
    • Reflection: Think about ways you can demonstrate the love and wisdom of God in your daily interactions, serving as a testimony to His promises.
By integrating these actions and reflections into your daily life, you can live out the profound truths of 1 Corinthians 2:9, experiencing the fullness of God’s love and plans for you.

Verse Thoughts....

  1. The Limitations of Human Understanding
    • The verse underscores the limitations of our sensory and intellectual capacities. Our eyes, ears, and minds cannot fully grasp the depth and breadth of God's plans. This invites humility, acknowledging that God's wisdom and knowledge far surpass our own.
  2. The Promise of Divine Revelation
    • Although human understanding is limited, God has chosen to reveal His wisdom and plans to us through His Spirit. This revelation is not something we achieve through our efforts but is a gift from God, showing His desire to be known by us.
  3. The Depth of God’s Love
    • The verse is a testament to the extraordinary love God has for those who love Him. It suggests that the blessings and plans He has for us are not only beyond our comprehension but are also crafted out of His deep love and care for us.
  4. Encouragement in Uncertainty
    • This passage provides immense comfort during times of uncertainty and doubt. It reassures us that even if we cannot see or understand what lies ahead, God has already prepared something wonderful for us. This encourages trust and patience in God’s timing.
  5. Inspiration for Hope and Faith
    • Knowing that God’s plans are greater than we can imagine inspires hope and strengthens our faith. It reminds us to look beyond our current circumstances and hold onto the promises of God, who is faithful and loving.

Practical Applications

  1. Trust in God's Plan
    • In moments of uncertainty, remind yourself of this verse. Trust that God’s plans are greater than what you can currently see or understand.
  2. Seek Spiritual Wisdom
    • Regularly engage in prayer, Bible study, and meditation to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to reveal His wisdom to you.
  3. Maintain Hope and Positivity
    • Let this verse fuel your hope. When facing challenges, hold onto the assurance that God has amazing things prepared for you.
  4. Share the Encouragement
    • Share this verse with others who may be struggling or in need of encouragement. Help them see the greatness of God’s love and plans.
  5. Live with Expectation
    • Live each day with the expectation that God has wonderful things in store for you. Approach life with a positive and hopeful outlook, grounded in the promises of God.

Reflective Questions

Q-1) How does recognizing the limits of your understanding change your perspective on current challenges?

1. Promotes Humility

  • Shift in Attitude: Acknowledging that your understanding is limited fosters humility. It helps you realize that you don’t have all the answers and that it’s okay to seek help from others and rely on God.
  • Openness to Learning: This humility makes you more open to learning and gaining new perspectives, which can lead to better solutions and personal growth.

2. Encourages Trust in God

  • Dependence on Divine Wisdom: Understanding that God’s wisdom surpasses yours encourages you to rely more on His guidance. This reliance can bring peace and assurance that you are not alone in facing your challenges.
  • Faith in God’s Plan: Trusting that God has a greater plan helps you to have faith that everything will work out for good, even if you don’t understand how at the moment.

3. Reduces Anxiety and Stress

  • Letting Go of Control: When you accept that you don’t need to have everything figured out, it can relieve the pressure of trying to control every aspect of your life. This reduction in stress can improve your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Focus on the Present: You can focus more on what you can do now and leave the unknown future in God’s hands, reducing worry about outcomes that are beyond your control.

4. Enhances Patience and Perseverance

  • Long-Term Perspective: Recognizing your limits helps you to see challenges as part of a larger process. This perspective encourages patience and perseverance, knowing that understanding and resolution might come in time.
  • Resilience: It builds resilience, as you learn to trust the journey and remain steadfast even when immediate solutions are not apparent.

5. Improves Relationships

  • Seeking Support: Realizing you don’t have all the answers makes you more willing to seek advice and support from others, strengthening your relationships and community.
  • Empathy and Compassion: This understanding fosters empathy, as you become more aware of the struggles everyone faces, leading to more compassionate interactions.

6. Inspires Hope and Positivity

  • Belief in Greater Good: Trusting that there’s a bigger picture that you might not fully understand can inspire hope. Believing in God’s good plans for you can bring a sense of optimism and positivity, even in tough times.
  • Focus on Growth: Challenges can be seen as opportunities for growth and learning rather than insurmountable obstacles, leading to a more positive and constructive approach to problems.

Practical Steps to Apply This Perspective

  1. Prayer and Meditation: Regularly spend time in prayer and meditation, asking for God’s guidance and peace. Reflect on scriptures that remind you of God’s wisdom and plans.
  2. Seek Counsel: Don’t hesitate to seek advice and support from trusted friends, family, mentors, or spiritual leaders. They can provide insights and perspectives you might not have considered.
  3. Practice Mindfulness: Stay present and focus on the tasks and decisions you can make today. Let go of the need to control or worry about the future.
  4. Journaling: Keep a journal to document your thoughts, prayers, and the ways you see God’s hand in your life. Reflect on how past challenges have led to growth and blessings.
  5. Gratitude: Cultivate a habit of gratitude, regularly acknowledging and thanking God for His presence and the ways He has guided you through challenges in the past.
By recognizing the limits of your understanding, you can approach current challenges with a more grounded, peaceful, and hopeful mindset, trusting that God’s greater wisdom and plans are at work in your life.

Q-2) In what ways can you seek to deepen your relationship with God to better understand His plans for you?


1. Prayer

  • Consistent Communication: Make prayer a regular part of your daily routine. Use this time to talk to God, share your concerns, and listen for His guidance.
  • Varied Forms of Prayer: Engage in different types of prayer such as adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. This variety helps in developing a well-rounded relationship with God.

2. Bible Study

  • Daily Reading: Commit to reading the Bible daily. It’s God’s Word and the primary way He communicates His will and plans.
  • Study Groups: Join a Bible study group. Discussing scripture with others can provide new insights and a deeper understanding.
  • Meditation on Scripture: Take time to meditate on specific verses or passages, reflecting on how they apply to your life and seeking God’s revelation through them.

3. Worship

  • Personal Worship: Spend time in personal worship through music, singing, or other forms of expression that draw you closer to God.
  • Corporate Worship: Participate regularly in church services and community worship. Being part of a community of believers can strengthen your faith and understanding.

4. Service and Ministry

  • Volunteer Work: Engage in service opportunities within your church or community. Serving others helps you to live out your faith and can provide clarity on your purpose.
  • Ministry Involvement: Get involved in ministry activities. This allows you to use your gifts and talents for God’s glory and often reveals His plans for you through your service.

5. Spiritual Disciplines

  • Fasting: Practice fasting as a way to seek God more intensely. Fasting helps to focus on spiritual needs and seek God’s direction.
  • Silence and Solitude: Spend time in silence and solitude to listen to God without distractions. This practice helps you to hear God’s voice more clearly.

6. Guidance from Spiritual Mentors

  • Mentorship: Seek out a spiritual mentor or advisor who can provide guidance, wisdom, and support as you navigate your faith journey.
  • Discipleship: Engage in discipleship programs where you can learn and grow under the guidance of more mature believers.

7. Reflective Practices

  • Journaling: Keep a spiritual journal to record your prayers, reflections, and any insights or revelations you receive. This helps you track your spiritual growth and discern God’s patterns in your life.
  • Retreats: Participate in spiritual retreats where you can withdraw from daily distractions and focus solely on your relationship with God.

8. Reading Christian Literature

  • Books and Devotionals: Read books and devotionals that help deepen your understanding of God and His plans. Choose literature that challenges and encourages you in your faith.

9. Community and Fellowship

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or home group where you can share life with others, pray together, and support each other’s spiritual growth.
  • Accountability Partners: Establish relationships with accountability partners who can encourage you, pray for you, and help you stay committed to your spiritual goals.

10. Attending Conferences and Seminars

  • Christian Conferences: Attend conferences, seminars, and workshops that focus on spiritual growth and development. These events can provide fresh perspectives and renewed inspiration.


Deepening your relationship with God is an ongoing journey that involves intentionality, discipline, and openness to the Holy Spirit. By engaging in these practices, you create space for God to reveal His plans and guide you more clearly. It’s through a committed and growing relationship with Him that you can better understand His will and purpose for your life.
Q-3) How can you remind yourself of God’s promises during times of doubt or difficulty?

Scripture Memorization

  • Key Verses: Memorize verses that speak to God's promises. Examples include:
    • Isaiah 41:10: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
    • Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Daily Recall: Regularly recite these verses to yourself, especially during moments of doubt.

2. Prayer and Meditation

  • Prayer Focus: Use your prayer time to remind yourself of God's promises. Thank God for His faithfulness and ask for the strength to trust Him.
  • Meditative Reflection: Spend time in quiet reflection, meditating on specific promises and allowing their truth to sink deep into your heart.

3. Journaling

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal where you record instances of God's faithfulness and answered prayers. Reflecting on past experiences can reinforce your trust in God's promises.
  • Promise Journal: Write down God’s promises that are meaningful to you. Revisit these entries during tough times to remind yourself of His faithfulness.

4. Visual Reminders

  • Post-It Notes: Write verses or key promises on post-it notes and place them around your home, office, or car where you’ll see them regularly.
  • Phone Reminders: Set reminders on your phone with scriptures or affirmations of God's promises to prompt you throughout the day.

5. Worship Music

  • Songs of Promise: Listen to worship songs that focus on God's promises. Music has a powerful way of reinforcing truths and uplifting your spirit.
  • Create Playlists: Create playlists of songs that encourage and remind you of God’s faithfulness and promises.

6. Christian Community

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or Bible study where you can share your struggles and be reminded of God's promises by others.
  • Accountability Partners: Have a trusted friend or mentor who can remind you of God's promises when you’re feeling doubtful or discouraged.

7. Reading Devotionals and Christian Literature

  • Daily Devotions: Use devotional books that focus on God’s promises. Daily readings can provide consistent reminders and encouragement.
  • Books on God’s Promises: Read books by Christian authors that delve into the promises of God, offering deeper insights and personal stories of faith.

8. Attending Church Services

  • Sermons and Teachings: Regularly attend church services to hear sermons that reinforce God’s promises and provide biblical teaching.
  • Community Worship: Engage in corporate worship and fellowship, which can strengthen your faith and remind you of God’s presence and promises.

9. Creative Expression

  • Art and Craft: Create artwork, crafts, or write poems that reflect God's promises. This creative process can help internalize these truths.
  • Scripture Cards: Make or purchase scripture cards with promises of God. Use them for daily meditation or share them with others.

10. Personal Testimony

  • Reflect on Testimonies: Reflect on your personal testimonies of how God has been faithful in the past. Share these stories with others to reinforce your own faith.
  • Listen to Others: Hear testimonies from other believers about how God has kept His promises. This can be highly encouraging and affirming.
By incorporating these practices into your life, you can keep God’s promises at the forefront of your mind, helping you to navigate through times of doubt or difficulty with faith and confidence.
Scripture MemorizationEnd
  • Key Verses: Memorize verses that speak to God's promises. Examples include:
    • Isaiah 41:10: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
    • Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Daily Recall: Regularly recite these verses to yourself, especially during moments of doubt.

2. Prayer and Meditation

  • Prayer Focus: Use your prayer time to remind yourself of God's promises. Thank God for His faithfulness and ask for the strength to trust Him.
  • Meditative Reflection: Spend time in quiet reflection, meditating on specific promises and allowing their truth to sink deep into your heart.

3. Journaling

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal where you record instances of God's faithfulness and answered prayers. Reflecting on past experiences can reinforce your trust in God's promises.
  • Promise Journal: Write down God’s promises that are meaningful to you. Revisit these entries during tough times to remind yourself of His faithfulness.

4. Visual Reminders

  • Post-It Notes: Write verses or key promises on post-it notes and place them around your home, office, or car where you’ll see them regularly.
  • Phone Reminders: Set reminders on your phone with scriptures or affirmations of God's promises to prompt you throughout the day.

5. Worship Music

  • Songs of Promise: Listen to worship songs that focus on God's promises. Music has a powerful way of reinforcing truths and uplifting your spirit.
  • Create Playlists: Create playlists of songs that encourage and remind you of God’s faithfulness and promises.

6. Christian Community

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or Bible study where you can share your struggles and be reminded of God's promises by others.
  • Accountability Partners: Have a trusted friend or mentor who can remind you of God's promises when you’re feeling doubtful or discouraged.

7. Reading Devotionals and Christian Literature

  • Daily Devotions: Use devotional books that focus on God’s promises. Daily readings can provide consistent reminders and encouragement.
  • Books on God’s Promises: Read books by Christian authors that delve into the promises of God, offering deeper insights and personal stories of faith.

8. Attending Church Services

  • Sermons and Teachings: Regularly attend church services to hear sermons that reinforce God’s promises and provide biblical teaching.
  • Community Worship: Engage in corporate worship and fellowship, which can strengthen your faith and remind you of God’s presence and promises.

9. Creative Expression

  • Art and Craft: Create artwork, crafts, or write poems that reflect God's promises. This creative process can help internalize these truths.
  • Scripture Cards: Make or purchase scripture cards with promises of God. Use them for daily meditation or share them with others.

10. Personal Testimony

  • Reflect on Testimonies: Reflect on your personal testimonies of how God has been faithful in the past. Share these stories with others to reinforce your own faith.
  • Listen to Others: Hear testimonies from other believers about how God has kept His promises. This can be highly encouraging and affirming.
By incorporating these practices into your life, you can keep God’s promises at the forefront of your mind, helping you to navigate through times of doubt or difficulty with faith and confidence.
Q-4) Who in your life could benefit from hearing the message of this verse, and how can you share it with them?
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9 and its message of hope and the incomprehensible nature of God's plans can be incredibly uplifting. Here are some ways to identify people who could benefit from this message and practical methods to share it with them:

Identifying People Who Could Benefit

  1. Friends Facing Difficulties: Friends who are going through challenging times, whether it's personal loss, career struggles, or health issues, could find comfort in this message.
  2. Family Members in Transition: Family members who are experiencing life transitions, such as moving, starting a new job, or entering a new stage of life, may need encouragement.
  3. Co-workers Under Stress: Colleagues who are dealing with work-related stress or uncertainty might find solace in knowing that there is a greater plan.
  4. Church Community Members: Fellow church members who are seeking deeper faith or struggling with their spiritual journey can benefit from this reminder of God's promises.
  5. Acquaintances Facing Uncertainty: Anyone in your wider social circle who is facing uncertainty or doubt about the future.

How to Share the Message

  1. Personal Conversations
    • Heartfelt Discussion: Share the verse during a personal conversation, expressing how it has helped you and how you believe it can bring them hope.
    • Empathetic Listening: Listen to their concerns and gently introduce the verse as a source of encouragement.
  2. Written Communication
    • Handwritten Notes: Write a heartfelt note or card including the verse, along with a personal message of encouragement.
    • Emails or Text Messages: Send a thoughtful email or text message sharing the verse and how it might relate to their situation.
  3. Social Media
    • Posts and Stories: Share the verse on your social media platforms with a reflection on what it means to you. Tag friends who you think would benefit.
    • Direct Messages: Send the verse in a private message to someone you know is struggling, accompanied by a personal note of support.
  4. Group Settings
    • Small Groups or Bible Studies: Share the verse during a small group or Bible study meeting, discussing its meaning and relevance to current challenges.
    • Family Gatherings: Bring up the verse during family dinners or gatherings, using it as a topic of discussion and reflection.
  5. Gifts and Tokens
    • Scripture Cards or Bookmarks: Give friends and family scripture cards or bookmarks featuring the verse.
    • Books or Devotionals: Gift a book or devotional that explores God’s promises and includes reflections on 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  6. Creative Expression
    • Art and Crafts: Create artwork, such as paintings or calligraphy, featuring the verse, and give it as a gift.
    • Music and Poetry: Share songs or poems inspired by the verse, either ones you find or ones you create yourself.

Example Scenarios

  1. A Friend Struggling with Job Loss:
    • Approach: Over coffee, share how 1 Corinthians 2:9 has helped you trust in God's greater plan during your own uncertain times.
    • Encouragement: Remind them that while they might not see it now, God has something wonderful prepared for them.
  2. A Family Member Going Through Divorce:
    • Approach: Write them a heartfelt letter including the verse, expressing your love and support.
    • Encouragement: Highlight that God's love and plans for them are beyond what they can currently imagine, offering hope for the future.
  3. A Co-worker Facing Burnout:
    • Approach: During a lunch break, discuss the verse and its impact on your perspective during stressful periods.
    • Encouragement: Suggest that taking some time to reflect on this promise might bring them peace and renewed strength.
By thoughtfully and compassionately sharing the message of 1 Corinthians 2:9, you can provide hope and encouragement to those around you, reminding them of God's incredible and unfathomable plans for their lives.
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9 and its message of hope and the incomprehensible nature of God's plans can be incredibly uplifting. Here are some ways to identify people who could benefit from this message and practical methods to share it with them:End

Identifying People Who Could Benefit

  1. Friends Facing Difficulties: Friends who are going through challenging times, whether it's personal loss, career struggles, or health issues, could find comfort in this message.
  2. Family Members in Transition: Family members who are experiencing life transitions, such as moving, starting a new job, or entering a new stage of life, may need encouragement.
  3. Co-workers Under Stress: Colleagues who are dealing with work-related stress or uncertainty might find solace in knowing that there is a greater plan.
  4. Church Community Members: Fellow church members who are seeking deeper faith or struggling with their spiritual journey can benefit from this reminder of God's promises.
  5. Acquaintances Facing Uncertainty: Anyone in your wider social circle who is facing uncertainty or doubt about the future.

How to Share the Message

  1. Personal Conversations
    • Heartfelt Discussion: Share the verse during a personal conversation, expressing how it has helped you and how you believe it can bring them hope.
    • Empathetic Listening: Listen to their concerns and gently introduce the verse as a source of encouragement.
  2. Written Communication
    • Handwritten Notes: Write a heartfelt note or card including the verse, along with a personal message of encouragement.
    • Emails or Text Messages: Send a thoughtful email or text message sharing the verse and how it might relate to their situation.
  3. Social Media
    • Posts and Stories: Share the verse on your social media platforms with a reflection on what it means to you. Tag friends who you think would benefit.
    • Direct Messages: Send the verse in a private message to someone you know is struggling, accompanied by a personal note of support.
  4. Group Settings
    • Small Groups or Bible Studies: Share the verse during a small group or Bible study meeting, discussing its meaning and relevance to current challenges.
    • Family Gatherings: Bring up the verse during family dinners or gatherings, using it as a topic of discussion and reflection.
  5. Gifts and Tokens
    • Scripture Cards or Bookmarks: Give friends and family scripture cards or bookmarks featuring the verse.
    • Books or Devotionals: Gift a book or devotional that explores God’s promises and includes reflections on 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  6. Creative Expression
    • Art and Crafts: Create artwork, such as paintings or calligraphy, featuring the verse, and give it as a gift.
    • Music and Poetry: Share songs or poems inspired by the verse, either ones you find or ones you create yourself.

Example Scenarios

  1. A Friend Struggling with Job Loss:
    • Approach: Over coffee, share how 1 Corinthians 2:9 has helped you trust in God's greater plan during your own uncertain times.
    • Encouragement: Remind them that while they might not see it now, God has something wonderful prepared for them.
  2. A Family Member Going Through Divorce:
    • Approach: Write them a heartfelt letter including the verse, expressing your love and support.
    • Encouragement: Highlight that God's love and plans for them are beyond what they can currently imagine, offering hope for the future.
  3. A Co-worker Facing Burnout:
    • Approach: During a lunch break, discuss the verse and its impact on your perspective during stressful periods.
    • Encouragement: Suggest that taking some time to reflect on this promise might bring them peace and renewed strength.
By thoughtfully and compassionately sharing the message of 1 Corinthians 2:9, you can provide hope and encouragement to those around you, reminding them of God's incredible and unfathomable plans for their lives. It invites us to live in a state of awe and trust, knowing that God’s plans for us are far beyond what we can imagine. By embracing this truth, we can navigate life with hope, faith, and a deeper connection to God’s Spirit.
Let's Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your incredible love and the promises You have given us. As Your Word says, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." We are in awe of Your plans, which surpass our understanding and imagination.
Lord, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude for the assurance that You have great things prepared for us. Help us to trust in Your divine wisdom and timing, especially during moments of doubt and difficulty. Remind us that Your ways are higher than our ways and that Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
When we face uncertainties and challenges, let us find comfort in Your promises. Strengthen our faith so that we may walk confidently, knowing that You are guiding our steps. Help us to be patient and to wait on You, trusting that Your plans for us are good and filled with hope and a future.
Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with Your peace and joy. Open our eyes to see glimpses of Your marvelous works and our ears to hear Your gentle guidance. May we continually seek Your presence and be sensitive to Your leading in our lives.
Lord, we lift up our loved ones who may be struggling or feeling lost. May they also come to know the depth of Your love and the greatness of Your plans for them. Use us to be a source of encouragement and hope, sharing Your promises and love with those around us.
We surrender our worries and fears to You, trusting that You hold our future in Your hands. Thank You for Your faithfulness and the assurance that You are always with us.
In Jesus' precious name, we pray.
submitted by UnDead_Ted to TheDailyDose [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:22 Ancient_Speech8854 Dead Pixel DayZ Lightly Modded PC US Chicago

Dead Pixel Dayz Revival! PC US Chicago Hosted
🌟 Dead Pixel Gaming Community - DayZ Server Revival! 🌟
Hello Survivors!
We are thrilled to announce the return of the beloved Dead Pixel's DayZ server! After listening to the community and reflecting on the incredible memories we've shared, we knew it was time to bring back the server that felt like home to so many of you.
🔄 What's New:
👥 Community First:
Dead Pixel's DayZ server has always been more than just a place to play—it's a community, a family. We're bringing back our classic community-driven events, polls, and giveaways. Your feedback and suggestions have always been at the heart of our improvements, and this revival is no different. We want to hear from you!
✨ Come Back Home:
To all our returning players: Welcome back! Your old bases, your stashes, your stories—they've all been waiting for you. And for new players: Get ready to create your own tales of survival, camaraderie, and adventure. This is more than just a game; it's a place where friendships are forged, and legends are born.
🗺️ Join Us:
If you’re ready to dive back into the intense and exhilarating world of DayZ, come join us. Whether you're rekindling old memories or starting fresh, there's a spot for you here. Reconnect with old friends, make new ones, and rediscover the server you love.
Server Details:
We can't wait to see familiar faces and meet new ones. Let’s make new memories together and continue the legacy of the Dead Pixel Gaming Community. See you in Chernarus, Survivors!
Welcome back. Welcome home.
submitted by Ancient_Speech8854 to DayZServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:20 ALDO113A Beyond the Spider-Verse introductions, thematic wrap-ups, and foreshadowing - an ATSV anniversary theory



Here is the textual taxonomy of trilogys as I've heard in (obscure, hard-to-find) writing structure lessons
Across may not have been a conclusive Act 2, but it is definitely a valid standalone one
"I'ma do my own thing."
"We're supposed to be the good guys."
Miles summarized his new path throughout the movie, then Gwen called out the Society for their enabling of so much death and suffering to serve a misguided dogma.
There's almost certainly gonna an all-out ideological civil war (fists or not, composite of MCU and comics, but Spiders-only) like that split poster teased.
Gonna be grimly hilarious seeing Spinneret/Spiderling fight Peter B. and Mayday (the former are on Miguel's side to the left, along with Insomniac Spidey)
Yes, I believe there will be a few more new support characters in Beyond - there's a reason certain folks were at the front, and it's just really curious and a wasted opportunity that this Spider-MJ didn't interact at all with this active version of her other (stillborn) daughter or her (Mayday-616B) dad.
I very much appreciate the lifting of other Spidey variants to the zeitgeist fold - Noir, Ham, Gwendy-65, the UK/Punk and Indian ones, the weirdos like Parkedcar from Not! Pixar's Cars, a damn popsicle possibly (lol), a plushie, etc. - but they

Events and Themes

1. Universes

Serving the Installment 3 role, Beyond will probably tie up loose ends and make the above themes reverberate across universes. Like, for 42:
Beyond the 'verse of men of spiders, Reality-42 rises up against villainy.

2. Characters and Developments

By "reverberate," the Spider-Hero question is going to strike real nerves that change the Society and the world, making them examine the morality of the war they fight against anomalies like Spot; survival at all means and costs vs. idealistic stand against fate. And for certain Spiders, we could get more screentime with certain Society members and ex-members - preferably Spinneret and Spiderling, the Insomniac Spideys, and Scarlet Spider - and Endgame-ify Beyond's length.
Feel free to add more :) Not quite a Marvel binger yet, XD

3. Fates

Another element to be addressed is the room elephant of canon events. Their loopholes, their flexibility have to be expanded upon: They are fluid like time's arrows and oceans. For one:
Maybe we even trade one event for another, as in a major death of sorts. In my opinion:
Here's a unique twist: The mastermind behind this Spider- conspiracy grows a conscience after all the breaking lectures against his warped view of canon events, then resolves to save as many lives as possible, dropping all pretenses of controlling the Spider-War
At risk to himself, he'll unhesitatingly save lives while one/some of those who blindly followed him give theirs. As shitty as his Society's turned out to be, they still have their main directive of fixing multiversal incursions, and someone has to keep giving the orders, someone with the most drive and commitment (especially for atonement)
Why on Miguel? Matured thinking aside, it evokes how science and philosophy works; cognitive science has this cliché of at least two sides theorizing extremes that are contrary to one another, and as time passes with discovery, the proof points to both sides having a point and deciding on a compromise; this of course goes beyond simple personal disagreement
So who'll it be?
Spider-gents and ladies, none other than Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy of Earth-65B
In the vein of MCU Aunt May being her Pete's Uncle Ben delivering that responsibility quote, and through it occurs the Spider-Verse's true Ultimate Fallout/Death of a Spider event this way
Gwen being slain and (certainly) coming back would be a wakeup call to both her world and the Society, as well as the latter group's morality in their internal strife and conflict against Spot. Redeem her image to everybody, Miles included, while allowing them to get together on solitary terms
That way:
It'd also be a roundabout redemption for blindly following the Society's beliefs and causing unnecessary pain to Miles, deeper than "My well-meaning side right, your well-meaning side wrong" - no, both sides can have their two cakes; say, the rest save Jeff, Gwen herself - the motherless one - saves Rio, let 1610B not be 1610A in this particular way
I'ma spitball here, but it's kinda like Nolanverse (TDKR) Batman, come to think of it. Maybe George is informed of and reveals his daughter's "demise" and publicizes her ident? The latter I admit is questionable
Maybe Gwen goes to 1610B and RVs with Miles to Florence - there's this café on the banks of the Arno - for a fine evening sitting there and ordering a Fernet Branca

(Potential) Foreshadowing

... "We wanted to craft this moment where Miles encounters this powerful figure in his life that he loved so much and he lost," says director Justin K. Thompson. "That's when he realizes that he is not really in his own dimension, as well as the gravity of what he has lost. In this reality, Aaron had to shake off his life of crime and became a surrogate father figure to Miles."
... In this alternate reality, the Sinister Six have been able to flourish and take over the world. "Criminality runs rampant," says Thompson. "We wanted to create a world where it felt like Aaron and Miles G. Morales of Earth-42 [this reality's counterpart to Miles Morales] are the only heroes.
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Earth-42, p.190
... This version of the character was never bitten by a radioactive spider and doesn't have any superpowers, but he has fallen into the role of becoming the vigilante the Prowler, under the tutelage of his uncle Aaron. ...
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Miles G. Morales: The Prowler, p.200
Interviewer: Will we see other multiversal variants of Gwen Stacy in the future even if they don't have spider powers, like you do with MJ, Uncle Aaron, and Miles?
Lord: Currently yes. ... But there’s one I’m very excited about.
Miller: Yes, yeah, I know exactly the one you’re talking about.
Lord: You know the one I’m thinking of, which is based on... I’m not gonna say anything, I’m not gonna say anything.
Miller: But it is sort of plot-integral, I would say.
Interviewer: If there are other multiversal variants of Gwen in Beyond the Spider-Verse, will they impact her arc, her relationship with Miles?
Lord: I would say yes.
The Pete variants showed up after Blondie's demise, so they might reverse the sequence here - as I said, a bookend.
Yea, all these signs totally bode well for the other blonde Spidey here

In Defense

Now calm down before you web pitchforks on me
Rachel Cole: You know what gives me the strength? My loss. We're alike that way, I imagine. Admit it, nobody who's a stranger to that particular pain could ever be as driven as us.
Daredevil: Never... Don't you ever say that to me ever again, that is a repellent statement, it's a vomituous insult to every cop, every fireman, every soldier alive who steps up to fight for those who can't! I am sorry for your loss, but if you genuinely believe that only the death of a loved one can motivate a human being to take up a cause...then get your pathetic cynical ass out of my way so I can do my job!
It's relevant because Rachel's stance here was that people like them who fight for causes are solely inspired by loss, only for Matt to verbally skewer her. The subtext here, synthesizing it with the Spidey mythos is that it's misguided to think that losing forever more loved ones is the only way to make a true Spider-Hero.
Flip the narrative and say "Villainy only happens if they're abused/poorly raised, alas, poor villain;" one is warranted to call it a vomitous insult to every abuse victim/improperly raised junior out there who became better than their elders/superiors - i.e. not go evil.
Either way, the greater gist of this is losing a close one for good isn't the way, emphasis on "for good"

Future Implications

Wrapping everything up like above (I mean the objectives), one way or another (not necessarily mine), would show full commitment to the theme of forging one's own destiny right down to the metatextual. The Spidersoc let confirmation bias blind themselves to possibilities and seemingly have yet to expose themselves to the preestablished branch realities where, say, Spider-People lose nobody or a Gwen Stacy ties neatly her romance quest with a Spidey. The themes of doing your own thing openly and honestly and in safety - rather than requesting permission from broken systems - resonate much with an Excel list: People who are queeof colowomen/disabled
Beyond that obviousness, we have disabled Spideys, Muslim Spideys (that female UK one), Blob-fat Spideys - even PLUSHIE Spideys, just to name a few, all to show the movie being the most diverse and inclusive Spidey work to date. These themes are so incredibly applicable to the lives of atypical people or otherwise people who live under systems that aren't designed for them to succeed. IE: POC, women, queer people, people with disabilities, etc. One can argue "doing your own thing" was what made ItSV such a breakthrough success and a decade phenomenon: Everything about the animation
I get that a teen girl dying, even temporarily - especially one who resonates much with LGBT (transgwender specifically) themes - is real bad optics, but we went through this before with Luz Noceda (bi rep exactly) from The Owl House, and things landed on their feet :)
If/When she comes back to crimefighting, this would be the moment she goes by Ghost Spider like her A self - a Gwen who fought fate and died for it, but another Spider loved her so much, he raised her from death to life in Ultimate defiance (getting flowery prose here) that prevails
submitted by ALDO113A to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 ALDO113A Beyond the Spider-Verse introductions, thematic wrap-ups, and foreshadowing - an ATSV anniversary theory



Here is the textual taxonomy of trilogys as I've heard in (obscure, hard-to-find) writing structure lessons
Across may not have been a conclusive Act 2, but it is definitely a valid standalone one
"I'ma do my own thing."
"We're supposed to be the good guys."
Miles summarized his new path throughout the movie, then Gwen called out the Society for their enabling of so much death and suffering to serve a misguided dogma.
There's almost certainly gonna an all-out ideological civil war (fists or not, composite of MCU and comics, but Spiders-only) like that split poster teased.
Gonna be grimly hilarious seeing Spinneret/Spiderling fight Peter B. and Mayday (the former are on Miguel's side to the left, along with Insomniac Spidey)
Yes, I believe there will be a few more new support characters in Beyond - there's a reason certain folks were at the front, and it's just really curious and a wasted opportunity that this Spider-MJ didn't interact at all with this active version of her other (stillborn) daughter or her (Mayday-616B) dad.
I very much appreciate the lifting of other Spidey variants to the zeitgeist fold - Noir, Ham, Gwendy-65, the UK/Punk and Indian ones, the weirdos like Parkedcar from Not! Pixar's Cars, a damn popsicle possibly (lol), a plushie, etc. - but they

Events and Themes

1. Universes

Serving the Installment 3 role, Beyond will probably tie up loose ends and make the above themes reverberate across universes. Like, for 42:
Beyond the 'verse of men of spiders, Reality-42 rises up against villainy.

2. Characters and Developments

By "reverberate," the Spider-Hero question is going to strike real nerves that change the Society and the world, making them examine the morality of the war they fight against anomalies like Spot; survival at all means and costs vs. idealistic stand against fate. And for certain Spiders, we could get more screentime with certain Society members and ex-members - preferably Spinneret and Spiderling, the Insomniac Spideys, and Scarlet Spider - and Endgame-ify Beyond's length.
Feel free to add more :) Not quite a Marvel binger yet, XD

3. Fates

Another element to be addressed is the room elephant of canon events. Their loopholes, their flexibility have to be expanded upon: They are fluid like time's arrows and oceans. For one:
Maybe we even trade one event for another, as in a major death of sorts. In my opinion:
Here's a unique twist: The mastermind behind this Spider- conspiracy grows a conscience after all the breaking lectures against his warped view of canon events, then resolves to save as many lives as possible, dropping all pretenses of controlling the Spider-War
At risk to himself, he'll unhesitatingly save lives while one/some of those who blindly followed him give theirs. As shitty as his Society's turned out to be, they still have their main directive of fixing multiversal incursions, and someone has to keep giving the orders, someone with the most drive and commitment (especially for atonement)
Why on Miguel? Matured thinking aside, it evokes how science and philosophy works; cognitive science has this cliché of at least two sides theorizing extremes that are contrary to one another, and as time passes with discovery, the proof points to both sides having a point and deciding on a compromise; this of course goes beyond simple personal disagreement
So who'll it be?
Spider-gents and ladies, none other than Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy of Earth-65B
In the vein of MCU Aunt May being her Pete's Uncle Ben delivering that responsibility quote, and through it occurs the Spider-Verse's true Ultimate Fallout/Death of a Spider event this way
Gwen being slain and (certainly) coming back would be a wakeup call to both her world and the Society, as well as the latter group's morality in their internal strife and conflict against Spot. Redeem her image to everybody, Miles included, while allowing them to get together on solitary terms
That way:
It'd also be a roundabout redemption for blindly following the Society's beliefs and causing unnecessary pain to Miles, deeper than "My well-meaning side right, your well-meaning side wrong" - no, both sides can have their two cakes; say, the rest save Jeff, Gwen herself - the motherless one - saves Rio, let 1610B not be 1610A in this particular way
I'ma spitball here, but it's kinda like Nolanverse (TDKR) Batman, come to think of it. Maybe George is informed of and reveals his daughter's "demise" and publicizes her ident? The latter I admit is questionable
Maybe Gwen goes to 1610B and RVs with Miles to Florence - there's this café on the banks of the Arno - for a fine evening sitting there and ordering a Fernet Branca

(Potential) Foreshadowing

... "We wanted to craft this moment where Miles encounters this powerful figure in his life that he loved so much and he lost," says director Justin K. Thompson. "That's when he realizes that he is not really in his own dimension, as well as the gravity of what he has lost. In this reality, Aaron had to shake off his life of crime and became a surrogate father figure to Miles."
... In this alternate reality, the Sinister Six have been able to flourish and take over the world. "Criminality runs rampant," says Thompson. "We wanted to create a world where it felt like Aaron and Miles G. Morales of Earth-42 [this reality's counterpart to Miles Morales] are the only heroes.
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Earth-42, p.190
... This version of the character was never bitten by a radioactive spider and doesn't have any superpowers, but he has fallen into the role of becoming the vigilante the Prowler, under the tutelage of his uncle Aaron. ...
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Miles G. Morales: The Prowler, p.200
Interviewer: Will we see other multiversal variants of Gwen Stacy in the future even if they don't have spider powers, like you do with MJ, Uncle Aaron, and Miles?
Lord: Currently yes. ... But there’s one I’m very excited about.
Miller: Yes, yeah, I know exactly the one you’re talking about.
Lord: You know the one I’m thinking of, which is based on... I’m not gonna say anything, I’m not gonna say anything.
Miller: But it is sort of plot-integral, I would say.
Interviewer: If there are other multiversal variants of Gwen in Beyond the Spider-Verse, will they impact her arc, her relationship with Miles?
Lord: I would say yes.
The Pete variants showed up after Blondie's demise, so they might reverse the sequence here - as I said, a bookend.
Yea, all these signs totally bode well for the other blonde Spidey here

In Defense

Now calm down before you web pitchforks on me
Rachel Cole: You know what gives me the strength? My loss. We're alike that way, I imagine. Admit it, nobody who's a stranger to that particular pain could ever be as driven as us.
Daredevil: Never... Don't you ever say that to me ever again, that is a repellent statement, it's a vomituous insult to every cop, every fireman, every soldier alive who steps up to fight for those who can't! I am sorry for your loss, but if you genuinely believe that only the death of a loved one can motivate a human being to take up a cause...then get your pathetic cynical ass out of my way so I can do my job!
It's relevant because Rachel's stance here was that people like them who fight for causes are solely inspired by loss, only for Matt to verbally skewer her. The subtext here, synthesizing it with the Spidey mythos is that it's misguided to think that losing forever more loved ones is the only way to make a true Spider-Hero.
Flip the narrative and say "Villainy only happens if they're abused/poorly raised, alas, poor villain;" one is warranted to call it a vomitous insult to every abuse victim/improperly raised junior out there who became better than their elders/superiors - i.e. not go evil.
Either way, the greater gist of this is losing a close one for good isn't the way, emphasis on "for good"

Future Implications

Wrapping everything up like above (I mean the objectives), one way or another (not necessarily mine), would show full commitment to the theme of forging one's own destiny right down to the metatextual. The Spidersoc let confirmation bias blind themselves to possibilities and seemingly have yet to expose themselves to the preestablished branch realities where, say, Spider-People lose nobody or a Gwen Stacy ties neatly her romance quest with a Spidey. The themes of doing your own thing openly and honestly and in safety - rather than requesting permission from broken systems - resonate much with an Excel list: People who are queeof colowomen/disabled
Beyond that obviousness, we have disabled Spideys, Muslim Spideys (that female UK one), Blob-fat Spideys - even PLUSHIE Spideys, just to name a few, all to show the movie being the most diverse and inclusive Spidey work to date. These themes are so incredibly applicable to the lives of atypical people or otherwise people who live under systems that aren't designed for them to succeed. IE: POC, women, queer people, people with disabilities, etc. One can argue "doing your own thing" was what made ItSV such a breakthrough success and a decade phenomenon: Everything about the animation
I get that a teen girl dying, even temporarily - especially one who resonates much with LGBT (transgwender specifically) themes - is real bad optics, but we went through this before with Luz Noceda (bi rep exactly) from The Owl House, and things landed on their feet :)
If/When she comes back to crimefighting, this would be the moment she goes by Ghost Spider like her A self - a Gwen who fought fate and died for it, but another Spider loved her so much, he raised her from death to life in Ultimate defiance (getting flowery prose here) that prevails
submitted by ALDO113A to IntoTheSpiderverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 ALDO113A [Spider-Man] [Marvel] Beyond the Spider-Verse introductions, thematic wrap-ups, and foreshadowing - an ATSV anniversary theory



Here is the textual taxonomy of trilogys as I've heard in (obscure, hard-to-find) writing structure lessons
Across may not have been a conclusive Act 2, but it is definitely a valid standalone one
"I'ma do my own thing."
"We're supposed to be the good guys."
Miles summarized his new path throughout the movie, then Gwen called out the Society for their enabling of so much death and suffering to serve a misguided dogma.
There's almost certainly gonna an all-out ideological civil war (fists or not, composite of MCU and comics, but Spiders-only) like that split poster teased.
Gonna be grimly hilarious seeing Spinneret/Spiderling fight Peter B. and Mayday (the former are on Miguel's side to the left, along with Insomniac Spidey)
Yes, I believe there will be a few more new support characters in Beyond - there's a reason certain folks were at the front, and it's just really curious and a wasted opportunity that this Spider-MJ didn't interact at all with this active version of her other (stillborn) daughter or her (Mayday-616B) dad.
I very much appreciate the lifting of other Spidey variants to the zeitgeist fold - Noir, Ham, Gwendy-65, the UK/Punk and Indian ones, the weirdos like Parkedcar from Not! Pixar's Cars, a damn popsicle possibly (lol), a plushie, etc. - but they

Events and Themes

1. Universes

Serving the Installment 3 role, Beyond will probably tie up loose ends and make the above themes reverberate across universes. Like, for 42:
Beyond the 'verse of men of spiders, Reality-42 rises up against villainy.

2. Characters and Developments

By "reverberate," the Spider-Hero question is going to strike real nerves that change the Society and the world, making them examine the morality of the war they fight against anomalies like Spot; survival at all means and costs vs. idealistic stand against fate. And for certain Spiders, we could get more screentime with certain Society members and ex-members - preferably Spinneret and Spiderling, the Insomniac Spideys, and Scarlet Spider - and Endgame-ify Beyond's length.
Feel free to add more :) Not quite a Marvel binger yet, XD

3. Fates

Another element to be addressed is the room elephant of canon events. Their loopholes, their flexibility have to be expanded upon: They are fluid like time's arrows and oceans. For one:
Maybe we even trade one event for another, as in a major death of sorts. In my opinion:
Here's a unique twist: The mastermind behind this Spider- conspiracy grows a conscience after all the breaking lectures against his warped view of canon events, then resolves to save as many lives as possible, dropping all pretenses of controlling the Spider-War
At risk to himself, he'll unhesitatingly save lives while one/some of those who blindly followed him give theirs. As shitty as his Society's turned out to be, they still have their main directive of fixing multiversal incursions, and someone has to keep giving the orders, someone with the most drive and commitment (especially for atonement)
Why on Miguel? Matured thinking aside, it evokes how science and philosophy works; cognitive science has this cliché of at least two sides theorizing extremes that are contrary to one another, and as time passes with discovery, the proof points to both sides having a point and deciding on a compromise; this of course goes beyond simple personal disagreement
So who'll it be?
Spider-gents and ladies, none other than Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy of Earth-65B
In the vein of MCU Aunt May being her Pete's Uncle Ben delivering that responsibility quote, and through it occurs the Spider-Verse's true Ultimate Fallout/Death of a Spider event this way
Gwen being slain and (certainly) coming back would be a wakeup call to both her world and the Society, as well as the latter group's morality in their internal strife and conflict against Spot. Redeem her image to everybody, Miles included, while allowing them to get together on solitary terms
That way:
It'd also be a roundabout redemption for blindly following the Society's beliefs and causing unnecessary pain to Miles, deeper than "My well-meaning side right, your well-meaning side wrong" - no, both sides can have their two cakes; say, the rest save Jeff, Gwen herself - the motherless one - saves Rio, let 1610B not be 1610A in this particular way
I'ma spitball here, but it's kinda like Nolanverse (TDKR) Batman, come to think of it. Maybe George is informed of and reveals his daughter's "demise" and publicizes her ident? The latter I admit is questionable
Maybe Gwen goes to 1610B and RVs with Miles to Florence - there's this café on the banks of the Arno - for a fine evening sitting there and ordering a Fernet Branca

(Potential) Foreshadowing

... "We wanted to craft this moment where Miles encounters this powerful figure in his life that he loved so much and he lost," says director Justin K. Thompson. "That's when he realizes that he is not really in his own dimension, as well as the gravity of what he has lost. In this reality, Aaron had to shake off his life of crime and became a surrogate father figure to Miles."
... In this alternate reality, the Sinister Six have been able to flourish and take over the world. "Criminality runs rampant," says Thompson. "We wanted to create a world where it felt like Aaron and Miles G. Morales of Earth-42 [this reality's counterpart to Miles Morales] are the only heroes.
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Earth-42, p.190
... This version of the character was never bitten by a radioactive spider and doesn't have any superpowers, but he has fallen into the role of becoming the vigilante the Prowler, under the tutelage of his uncle Aaron. ...
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Miles G. Morales: The Prowler, p.200
Interviewer: Will we see other multiversal variants of Gwen Stacy in the future even if they don't have spider powers, like you do with MJ, Uncle Aaron, and Miles?
Lord: Currently yes. ... But there’s one I’m very excited about.
Miller: Yes, yeah, I know exactly the one you’re talking about.
Lord: You know the one I’m thinking of, which is based on... I’m not gonna say anything, I’m not gonna say anything.
Miller: But it is sort of plot-integral, I would say.
Interviewer: If there are other multiversal variants of Gwen in Beyond the Spider-Verse, will they impact her arc, her relationship with Miles?
Lord: I would say yes.
The Pete variants showed up after Blondie's demise, so they might reverse the sequence here - as I said, a bookend.
Yea, all these signs totally bode well for the other blonde Spidey here

In Defense

Now calm down before you web pitchforks on me
Rachel Cole: You know what gives me the strength? My loss. We're alike that way, I imagine. Admit it, nobody who's a stranger to that particular pain could ever be as driven as us.
Daredevil: Never... Don't you ever say that to me ever again, that is a repellent statement, it's a vomituous insult to every cop, every fireman, every soldier alive who steps up to fight for those who can't! I am sorry for your loss, but if you genuinely believe that only the death of a loved one can motivate a human being to take up a cause...then get your pathetic cynical ass out of my way so I can do my job!
It's relevant because Rachel's stance here was that people like them who fight for causes are solely inspired by loss, only for Matt to verbally skewer her. The subtext here, synthesizing it with the Spidey mythos is that it's misguided to think that losing forever more loved ones is the only way to make a true Spider-Hero.
Flip the narrative and say "Villainy only happens if they're abused/poorly raised, alas, poor villain;" one is warranted to call it a vomitous insult to every abuse victim/improperly raised junior out there who became better than their elders/superiors - i.e. not go evil.
Either way, the greater gist of this is losing a close one for good isn't the way, emphasis on "for good"

Future Implications

Wrapping everything up like above (I mean the objectives), one way or another (not necessarily mine), would show full commitment to the theme of forging one's own destiny right down to the metatextual. The Spidersoc let confirmation bias blind themselves to possibilities and seemingly have yet to expose themselves to the preestablished branch realities where, say, Spider-People lose nobody or a Gwen Stacy ties neatly her romance quest with a Spidey. The themes of doing your own thing openly and honestly and in safety - rather than requesting permission from broken systems - resonate much with an Excel list: People who are queeof colowomen/disabled
Beyond that obviousness, we have disabled Spideys, Muslim Spideys (that female UK one), Blob-fat Spideys - even PLUSHIE Spideys, just to name a few, all to show the movie being the most diverse and inclusive Spidey work to date. These themes are so incredibly applicable to the lives of atypical people or otherwise people who live under systems that aren't designed for them to succeed. IE: POC, women, queer people, people with disabilities, etc. One can argue "doing your own thing" was what made ItSV such a breakthrough success and a decade phenomenon: Everything about the animation
I get that a teen girl dying, even temporarily - especially one who resonates much with LGBT (transgwender specifically) themes - is real bad optics, but we went through this before with Luz Noceda (bi rep exactly) from The Owl House, and things landed on their feet :)
If/When she comes back to crimefighting, this would be the moment she goes by Ghost Spider like her A self - a Gwen who fought fate and died for it, but another Spider loved her so much, he raised her from death to life in Ultimate defiance (getting flowery prose here) that prevails
submitted by ALDO113A to FanTheories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 ALDO113A [Spider-Man] [Spider-Verse] Beyond the Spider-Verse introductions, thematic wrap-ups, and foreshadowing - an ATSV anniversary theory



Here is the textual taxonomy of trilogys as I've heard in (obscure, hard-to-find) writing structure lessons
Across may not have been a conclusive Act 2, but it is definitely a valid standalone one
"I'ma do my own thing."
"We're supposed to be the good guys."
Miles summarized his new path throughout the movie, then Gwen called out the Society for their enabling of so much death and suffering to serve a misguided dogma.
There's almost certainly gonna an all-out ideological civil war (fists or not, composite of MCU and comics, but Spiders-only) like that split poster teased.
Gonna be grimly hilarious seeing Spinneret/Spiderling fight Peter B. and Mayday (the former are on Miguel's side to the left, along with Insomniac Spidey)
Yes, I believe there will be a few more new support characters in Beyond - there's a reason certain folks were at the front, and it's just really curious and a wasted opportunity that this Spider-MJ didn't interact at all with this active version of her other (stillborn) daughter or her (Mayday-616B) dad.
I very much appreciate the lifting of other Spidey variants to the zeitgeist fold - Noir, Ham, Gwendy-65, the UK/Punk and Indian ones, the weirdos like Parkedcar from Not! Pixar's Cars, a damn popsicle possibly (lol), a plushie, etc. - but they

Events and Themes

1. Universes

Serving the Installment 3 role, Beyond will probably tie up loose ends and make the above themes reverberate across universes. Like, for 42:
Beyond the 'verse of men of spiders, Reality-42 rises up against villainy.

2. Characters and Developments

By "reverberate," the Spider-Hero question is going to strike real nerves that change the Society and the world, making them examine the morality of the war they fight against anomalies like Spot; survival at all means and costs vs. idealistic stand against fate. And for certain Spiders, we could get more screentime with certain Society members and ex-members - preferably Spinneret and Spiderling, the Insomniac Spideys, and Scarlet Spider - and Endgame-ify Beyond's length.
Feel free to add more :) Not quite a Marvel binger yet, XD

3. Fates

Another element to be addressed is the room elephant of canon events. Their loopholes, their flexibility have to be expanded upon: They are fluid like time's arrows and oceans. For one:
Maybe we even trade one event for another, as in a major death of sorts. In my opinion:
Here's a unique twist: The mastermind behind this Spider- conspiracy grows a conscience after all the breaking lectures against his warped view of canon events, then resolves to save as many lives as possible, dropping all pretenses of controlling the Spider-War
At risk to himself, he'll unhesitatingly save lives while one/some of those who blindly followed him give theirs. As shitty as his Society's turned out to be, they still have their main directive of fixing multiversal incursions, and someone has to keep giving the orders, someone with the most drive and commitment (especially for atonement)
Why on Miguel? Matured thinking aside, it evokes how science and philosophy works; cognitive science has this cliché of at least two sides theorizing extremes that are contrary to one another, and as time passes with discovery, the proof points to both sides having a point and deciding on a compromise; this of course goes beyond simple personal disagreement
So who'll it be?
Spider-gents and ladies, none other than Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy of Earth-65B
In the vein of MCU Aunt May being her Pete's Uncle Ben delivering that responsibility quote, and through it occurs the Spider-Verse's true Ultimate Fallout/Death of a Spider event this way
Gwen being slain and (certainly) coming back would be a wakeup call to both her world and the Society, as well as the latter group's morality in their internal strife and conflict against Spot. Redeem her image to everybody, Miles included, while allowing them to get together on solitary terms
That way:
It'd also be a roundabout redemption for blindly following the Society's beliefs and causing unnecessary pain to Miles, deeper than "My well-meaning side right, your well-meaning side wrong" - no, both sides can have their two cakes; say, the rest save Jeff, Gwen herself - the motherless one - saves Rio, let 1610B not be 1610A in this particular way
I'ma spitball here, but it's kinda like Nolanverse (TDKR) Batman, come to think of it. Maybe George is informed of and reveals his daughter's "demise" and publicizes her ident? The latter I admit is questionable
Maybe Gwen goes to 1610B and RVs with Miles to Florence - there's this café on the banks of the Arno - for a fine evening sitting there and ordering a Fernet Branca

(Potential) Foreshadowing

... "We wanted to craft this moment where Miles encounters this powerful figure in his life that he loved so much and he lost," says director Justin K. Thompson. "That's when he realizes that he is not really in his own dimension, as well as the gravity of what he has lost. In this reality, Aaron had to shake off his life of crime and became a surrogate father figure to Miles."
... In this alternate reality, the Sinister Six have been able to flourish and take over the world. "Criminality runs rampant," says Thompson. "We wanted to create a world where it felt like Aaron and Miles G. Morales of Earth-42 [this reality's counterpart to Miles Morales] are the only heroes.
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Earth-42, p.190
... This version of the character was never bitten by a radioactive spider and doesn't have any superpowers, but he has fallen into the role of becoming the vigilante the Prowler, under the tutelage of his uncle Aaron. ...
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Miles G. Morales: The Prowler, p.200
Interviewer: Will we see other multiversal variants of Gwen Stacy in the future even if they don't have spider powers, like you do with MJ, Uncle Aaron, and Miles?
Lord: Currently yes. ... But there’s one I’m very excited about.
Miller: Yes, yeah, I know exactly the one you’re talking about.
Lord: You know the one I’m thinking of, which is based on... I’m not gonna say anything, I’m not gonna say anything.
Miller: But it is sort of plot-integral, I would say.
Interviewer: If there are other multiversal variants of Gwen in Beyond the Spider-Verse, will they impact her arc, her relationship with Miles?
Lord: I would say yes.
The Pete variants showed up after Blondie's demise, so they might reverse the sequence here - as I said, a bookend.
Yea, all these signs totally bode well for the other blonde Spidey here

In Defense

Now calm down before you web pitchforks on me
Rachel Cole: You know what gives me the strength? My loss. We're alike that way, I imagine. Admit it, nobody who's a stranger to that particular pain could ever be as driven as us.
Daredevil: Never... Don't you ever say that to me ever again, that is a repellent statement, it's a vomituous insult to every cop, every fireman, every soldier alive who steps up to fight for those who can't! I am sorry for your loss, but if you genuinely believe that only the death of a loved one can motivate a human being to take up a cause...then get your pathetic cynical ass out of my way so I can do my job!
It's relevant because Rachel's stance here was that people like them who fight for causes are solely inspired by loss, only for Matt to verbally skewer her. The subtext here, synthesizing it with the Spidey mythos is that it's misguided to think that losing forever more loved ones is the only way to make a true Spider-Hero.
Flip the narrative and say "Villainy only happens if they're abused/poorly raised, alas, poor villain;" one is warranted to call it a vomitous insult to every abuse victim/improperly raised junior out there who became better than their elders/superiors - i.e. not go evil.
Either way, the greater gist of this is losing a close one for good isn't the way, emphasis on "for good"

Future Implications

Wrapping everything up like above (I mean the objectives), one way or another (not necessarily mine), would show full commitment to the theme of forging one's own destiny right down to the metatextual. The Spidersoc let confirmation bias blind themselves to possibilities and seemingly have yet to expose themselves to the preestablished branch realities where, say, Spider-People lose nobody or a Gwen Stacy ties neatly her romance quest with a Spidey. The themes of doing your own thing openly and honestly and in safety - rather than requesting permission from broken systems - resonate much with an Excel list: People who are queeof colowomen/disabled
Beyond that obviousness, we have disabled Spideys, Muslim Spideys (that female UK one), Blob-fat Spideys - even PLUSHIE Spideys, just to name a few, all to show the movie being the most diverse and inclusive Spidey work to date. These themes are so incredibly applicable to the lives of atypical people or otherwise people who live under systems that aren't designed for them to succeed. IE: POC, women, queer people, people with disabilities, etc. One can argue "doing your own thing" was what made ItSV such a breakthrough success and a decade phenomenon: Everything about the animation
I get that a teen girl dying, even temporarily - especially one who resonates much with LGBT (transgwender specifically) themes - is real bad optics, but we went through this before with Luz Noceda (bi rep exactly) from The Owl House, and things landed on their feet :)
If/When she comes back to crimefighting, this would be the moment she goes by Ghost Spider like her A self - a Gwen who fought fate and died for it, but another Spider loved her so much, he raised her from death to life in Ultimate defiance (getting flowery prose here) that prevails
submitted by ALDO113A to MarvelTheories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:06 VividDivide3095 Making The Bot Not Jump Into Conclusions

Making The Bot Not Jump Into Conclusions
Hi. Asking for myself and all other people who got swept by the changes in Dopple this recent days.
Is there a way in the bot configuration to like, limit (if not eradicate entirely) the instances of bots narrating user actions or self-made scenarios in it's responses? It's like doing the thinking for me, which almost always makes me reroll since it's not what I have intended.
An example of what I am trying to fix is given on this post. I just want my tea in peace, not a massage. Can you please share your tips and tricks to limit the bot assuming what you want or what it thinks you will do next, or are we all stuck from the time being with romancey LLMs?
Thanks much!!!
submitted by VividDivide3095 to DoppleAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:03 MGK_2 An Elaborate Take on Tyler's Amarex Statements

So, I want to give a shout out and a thank you to u/blackjackbjc because of this reply he gave concerning the timing. Therefore, if we add 30 days for the grace period, 6/11 turns into 7/11/2024 which is more in line with 9 months from the time Dr. Lalezari more than likely decided to come on board with CytoDyn. Thank you blackjack and thank you u/Insider1209887 for helping me on this and with the Scott Kelly statement that there is more than one way to create a partnership.
So, I have no authority. I just write things down as I see it. You can read my opinions and understand what I think, but you should always do your own diligence to form your own basis and interpretation.
So, today, I wanted to review some more of the things Tyler Blok said. So, he talked also about Amarex. Let's read it again.
"Tyler Blok 04:33: Samsung, Amarex
Thanks Jay. So as always, we are very much restricted on what we can share by way of legal regulatory and IP matters, but we did want to make a point to share what we can at this time. And we do think it's important. So, first and foremost, and mostly, by way of a recap, we were very pleased with the recent result in the Samsung dispute.
Needless to say, the Samsung this resolution removes significant short-term pressure on the company and also allows us to now use our immediate resources and funds to get back into the clinic and all those related preparations. We appreciate Samsung's willingness to come to an agreement in the end and also in that it was structured in a way that allows them to be repaid in line with the future success of CytoDyn.
And to the Amarex Litigation, we are very much aware of the overwhelming investor interest in this proceeding but there's not much we can say as it relates to this pending litigation matter. So, what I'll do is I'll just do a recap of what we can right? As this goes in our recent SEC filings, the arbitration is set to commence, November 11th 2024. That arbitration proceeding itself can sometimes last multiple weeks.
Typically, an award is issued by the arbitrator approximately 30 to 60 days after the conclusion of the arbitration proceeding. So again, you have an arbitration proceeding, a couple weeks, maybe, 30 to 60 days thereafter, you can potentially see an award from the arbitrator. OK?
Tyler Blok 06:05: Settlement Offers, Settlement Discussions
The company. What's been going on recently? The company has been working recently with Sidley Austin on a number of Discovery objectives in the litigation.
We continue to collect evidence for our claims and make preparations for the arbitration later this year. We also, and this was disclosed in filings as well, we remain open to settlement offers from Amarex and we, in fact, remain in settlement discussions with them at this time, as to when you could potentially see a settlement on that front.
The case could theoretically settle at any time before the conclusion of the arbitration proceedings. But at this time, we really, we simply remain committed to maximizing the result for the company and that could be whether through settlement or arbitration, again, the focus on maximizing the result for the company. The typical lawyer close-off, as this is an ongoing litigation matter, we cannot comment further at this time."
Basically, Tyler is saying that they would like to bring this to a close as soon as possible, but if they can't arrive to a settlement offer that is agreed upon by both CytoDyn as well as Amarex, then it will have to be decided in arbitration beginning November 11, 2024. So, CytoDyn is preparing with Sidley Austin on a number of Discovery Objectives in expectation that this could go to arbitration and CytoDyn's intentions are to maximize the arbitration award, but CytoDyn also remains open to settlement offers up until the date of arbitration.
Surely all the twatwaffles and even Amarex themselves would like all of us to believe that CytoDyn should just call it quits because they have no chance on collecting anything and instead of Amarex owing anything to CytoDyn, the end result will be that CytoDyn owes Amarex. Nobody and I mean nobody on CytoDyn's end even remotely believes this. Let's take Samsung mentioned above. If Samsung believed that CytoDyn would owe Amarex $13 million, would Samsung have agreed to defer the payment of the debt owed to them? Samsung knows that a ruling against CytoDyn in the Amarex arbitration would not bode well for CytoDyn's future and if that were in fact to occur, Samsung just as well should kiss goodbye those ~$36 million owed them. But they did agree to a deferred payment because they believe Amarex will pay CytoDyn and do not believe the opposite.
Is Amarex looking for some concessions from CytoDyn? Could they be looking for some compromises made by CytoDyn, that if agreed to, then, they would put forth a settlement offer? Like what? Not to rip KK apart? Not to defraud the stellar reputation Amarex is attempting to protect? Is CytoDyn looking for more than just a large cash settlement? What about further lawsuits with Amarex or lawsuits to go after those who spurred Amarex to do what they did? Does Amarex want CytoDyn to give up their right to pursue these things if they were to receive an appropriate cash settlement? Thank you u/sunraydoc for that great post. You need to post way more often.
On the topic of Discovery Objectives in the event this goes to arbitration, I would be interested in a quantitative calculation of both compensatory damages as well as punitive damages, (as it is obvious Amarex acted in such a harmful way as sunraydoc pointed to), but you can also refer to some of the following posts to get a better idea:
  1. The Manifestation of Truth Delivers a Tried & True and an Expected Resultant Outcome
  2. Fair And Square
  3. The Walls Closed In On Amarex
  4. CytoDyn's Stepping Stone
  5. Nine Lives
  6. Go Go Go SA
  7. Time Of Transition
  8. Sad Turns To Glad
  9. And there is way more where all that came from.
I would say CytoDyn/Sidley Austin would need the help of an expert quantitative economist to come to an appropriate calculation of what the compensatory damages really would sum up to. I'd say Sidley Austin already has their own that could do that. As to the punitive damages, that should include learning from KK who put Amarex up to this and extracting those damages from the puppet master.
These settlement talks can only go on for so long. They can go up to November 11, 2024. A settlement could be reached even on November 10, 2024, but it would be unlikely CytoDyn would agree to any quantity even modestly less than the minimum they would entertain, the closer it is to that November 11 date. This means that the sooner a settlement is agreed upon, the less Amarex might have to pay. And once they pay, all of this talk on Amarex would go away. All that is agreed upon in the settlement offer would need to be abided by. Whatever clauses of compromise and stipulations posed, must be adhered to, so, if Amarex was smart, they would get the greatest bang for their buck by choosing to make an agreeable settlement offer soon.
Does Amarex have hopes of surviving once this settlement/arbitration award is paid? Would NSF continue to maintain that business? Possibly, if a settlement is agreed to, but probably not, if it goes to arbitration, because in the arbitration, I don't think CytoDyn will do any more compromise. Now is the time for compromise. Later, if they choose to ignore this opportunity they have, then later, CytoDyn and Sidley Austin will have no mercy. And if NSF intends on maintaining Amarex following the result of this arbitrage, then they too should realize the importance of this time period that is rapidly running out within which they have the opportunity to salvage as much as they can of their company they unfortunately purchased.
CytoDyn ain't backing down. The terms stipulated by Tyler Blok will be adhered to until that day. The pressure is on Amarex and NSF. Nothing will dissuade CytoDyn / SA from carrying out this necessary justice. There is too much CytoDyn has against them. The suit originally was Amarex suing CytoDyn for something like $13.5 million, but after David Welch put up the $6.5 million bond, Sidley Austin reversed the suit and CytoDyn now is suing Amarex.
CytoDyn is expecting at a minimum $100 million + the return back of the $6.5 million bond. But, if this goes to arbitration, much more than this can be expected. I'd say CytoDyn might be willing to accept $75 million in month of June, then $80 million in month of July, then $85 million August, $95 million September, $105 million October and then, if these offers were not made, then, it goes to arbitration. I'm sure Mitch Cohen with Dr. Lalezari's guidance, already has in mind how he would intend to allocate such funds which would be in CytoDyn's account at most 60 days following the settlement offer. This would end the war with Amarex, and Tyler Blok along with Sidley Austin need to make these decisions as to how much they are willing to accept.
As of this date, no settlement offer has been agreed upon and so, they continue to press on in their pursuit of the Discovery Objectives.
One option that just occurred to me, what if Amarex assured CytoDyn that they have a willing partner that would pay top dollar for CytoDyn, but only if this arbitration was completely dropped and all charges against KK and anyone else involved were also dropped? Say they have a buyer of CytoDyn for $15 billion, which would only occur if these charges were dropped, would that deal be taken or agreed to? I think that might be one way they could remove this noose from around their necks. This would mean that CytoDyn drop all charges and give up all their goals in attempting to reach justice in the matter. Letting bygones be bygones.
Those who remain as shareholders in the company would receive their benefit, but what about shareholder who exited because of what Amarex did? There would be no justice for them in any settlement. And why would CytoDyn choose to believe anything Amarex might say or offer? Were they trustworthy before? Or were they only capable of lies? If CytoDyn chooses to lift the pressure just a bit, will Amarex take advantage of that and undo all the progress CytoDyn made with Sidley Austin? How can you resume something you stopped already? That is a difficult proposition because then, there would be too many that would object to CytoDyn reintroducing the crime. Only Blok and SA can make that decision as to whether or not to accept such an offer. They might say to themselves, let us make this offer to CytoDyn knowing that this is our only opportunity to escape the fate befallen us and if they take it, and drop the case, we can go back on the offensive, all over again.
CytoDyn cannot afford to not finish this in the manner already decided upon by both CytoDyn/SA and Amarex/NSF. Tyler Blok affirms this and re-affirms this a few times already that their intention is to pursue this until the end. We already know the end date being 30-60 days after November 11, 2024 or sooner and when it is over, it will be finished, unless it goes to arbitration where further lawsuits might be initiated if agreed upon by the arbitrator. Yes, CytoDyn will receive its due award, but possibly even more. Tyler's intention is to maximize the result. Maximize the pain to Amarex. This is the way he described it. This is the way he feels. What do you expect knowing this?
KK testifies and implicates his puppet master. All agreed upon settlements are paid to CytoDyn. CytoDyn puts forth another suit against puppet master. Headline news. Does Amarex / NSF really want it to end this way when all they have to do is pay so much less now upfront? Blok is very confident. The Discovery Objectives are powerful evidence and Sidley Austin has the resources and experience in winning slam dunk awards. This continues until an appropriate settlement offer is made with reasonable contingencies and concessions. This would end the dispute.
I get the impression that Blok and SA are closer than we all might think. They are in talks right now. It seems to me they can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think I'm done with this subject.
9 days until LIVIMMUNE is Issued and becomes Active, then remember to add 30 more until the grace period is over. Let's hope nobody objects.
submitted by MGK_2 to Livimmune [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:00 Blaziy Dev Diary #66: Ruins, Revolts, and Revelations Part 1

Dev Diary #66: Ruins, Revolts, and Revelations Part 1
Welcome to the 1st part of Dev Diary #66: Ruins, Revolts, and Revelations! That’s right, this is a 2 part Dev Diary, the South Aelantir team has been very hard at work these last 6 months giving our favorite continent the love it so desperately deserves, and it turns out we made too much and can’t show it all in one post! So we’re splitting it up, today we’re showing you our work on Taychend and the Effelai, so I’ll pass it over to Takasaki and get right to it.


The Oren Nayiru & The Kamrayakval’s War

Slavery – as immoral as it is immortal. Slavery has been an integral part of Taychendi society from the rule of dragons to that of the slaver nobles, and finally to the post-post-apocalyptic warlords who rule the region now. Slavery’s longevity, however, has been accompanied by fragility – and the arrival of the Sun Elven Jaherian Exemplars heralded the latest threat to its existence. However, try as they might, it would not be the abolitionist Exemplars who would pose this existential threat – it would be the group they inspired, and who will be a big part of your Taychendi playthroughs during the 1500s: the Oren Nayiru.
Forming from the injection of the Exemplar’s beliefs in both abolition and the nature of Surael as the last remaining “higher god” into the abolitionist Hero-Cult-turned-secret-society, the Cult of Vherenar, the Oren Nayiru are as radical as they are revolutionary. Warrior-monks, religious fanatics, terrorists or freedom fighters, slave rabble or highly organised military force – the Oren Nayiru live up to every title you could give them. Ruled by the warlord-priests of the Kavalali, the Oren Nayiru believe in a theocratic “democracy”, the overthrow of existing hierarchies, land reform, the absolute abolition of slavery everywhere, and more – and they believe that will all come about as the result of a great war – they have hid in the shadows for too long, and so they believe that “Dawn” will now come, a mass uprising that will sweep over Taychend.
As they build up for that uprising, and their ideas and religion spread like wildfire through the slaves, serfs and peasants of Taychend – be they ruled by the native Taychendi or foreign invaders like Ameion or Rezankand – they will constantly undermine your rule, their secretive “cells” harassing the institution of slavery and everything opposed to it.
Slowing the spread of the Oren Nayiru will be a proactive but difficult endeavor – while most of these events seem purely bad, some also offer the opportunity to remove the religious zeal modifier, allowing the conversion of Oren Nayiru provinces, or to convert them back outright.
They will even attempt to bring Dawn about sooner rather than later. This attempt, the Calsithara Revolt, will however prove a false start, with half the faith not joining in – giving you ample opportunity to crush those cells that did. Persecuting the Oren Nayiru is a race against time, however. Because unbeknownst to even the Oren Nayiru themselves, divine salvation – Dawn – is coming. Once the faith has spread to enough provinces, a certain mercenary, born to a Rezankandi Sun Elven father and a Taychendi mother, will stumble on a simple iron collar lying in a stream – and as the dragon awakens, the next Great Relic Lord of Taychend, Elrandar Silverspite, will be born.
Taychend is a feast for those who love reading – I, the great and powerful Takasaki, creator and writer of Gemradcurt, wrote the localisation for both the Oren Nayiru religion, the Kamrayakval’s war disaster AND the three Taychendi trees you will see in the rest of this diary!
Clad in the Armour of Yodhan – quite literally a dragon in armour form – that was once used by its namesake 1000 years ago to conquer Taychend, Elrandar Silverspite, once named Kamrayakval, or leader of the faith, is as cold and cunning as he is army-shatteringly powerful, the armour giving him immense durability, strength, and command over gravity itself – imagine Captain Levi from AoT if you gave him power armour. And 12 shock pips.
A two-paragraph taste of a Great Relic-Lord’s power. I wonder what would happen if he managed to sneak his way into your capital…?
When the disaster starts, Orenvalyam – the tag representing a united Oren Nayiru – will spawn in a single state (with up to 100,000 soldiers), and then declare war on all non-Oren Nayiru tags in Taychend, making those that have already converted vassals and bringing them in on his side. Should he win the resulting cataclysmic war? He will annex the entire Taychend superregion. With the future of the entire region is at stake, only one thing is for certain – the fields of Taychend shall be furrowed with blood once more.
The Oren Nayiru have numbers, a cadre of skilled generals, and of course Silverspite himself – as the struggle continues, the people of Taychend will pay the price.


Royakottar, the city of scrap and salvage, is the first Taychendi nation to get a MT, courtesy of yours truly, Takasaki! A city built around the remains of the Steel-Scorched Citadel, a massive precursor ruin buried under thousands of tons of rubble by Ebenanth, the First Emperor, Royakottar is the third biggest city in Taychend, and stands as one of the best candidates to resist Larankarha or Kheionai invaders!
Pre-Formable Taychendi mission trees are short but packed with content, lasting until you unite the region and bring the cycle of Warlordism to heel. Stay tuned for the formable MT after this update, exciting things are in the works!
However, Royakottar is not exactly united. It has long been dominated by the Four Families, a group of scavenger-guilds turned crime families: the Vustarin, masters of reshaping and reforging precursor scrap, the Kattyva, dedicated followers of the Great Relic-Lord Kadradar, and masters of digging up that scrap, the Ursibadur, jovial but ruthless providers of every vice and pleasure, and finally the Nymkorai, ruthless mafia-like caravaneers and traders, feared far beyond Royakottar’s walls. These families squabble and fight often, and any ruler of the city will have to work hard to keep them from tearing the city apart.
Royakottar is Taychend’s New Reno – with a little less scum and a lot more scrap.
But division is not the destined fate of Royakottar. For centuries, the Four Families have been placing puppet rulers on the throne of the city, while they wage war against each other in the shadows. But in 1444, with the threats of the city mounting, their latest puppet ruler, the young and skillful mercenary Kalazhil “Bronzewing” Rekkatemir, has decided that he will not stand idly by.
Kalazhil is capable, but so are the other families! As you progress through the tree, you will get an event for each one showcasing them in action. And yes, they are as “flavourful” as the one of the right!
As you fight to conquer Taychend, you will also fight against the Families very nature. It’s all or nothing, and either you will be successful in your endeavor to unite the Families, or one of them may end the power struggle once and for all – as the last Family standing.
By diplomacy or by force, as a city with Four Families and one King or one Family alone, Royakottar will be united.


The Bulwark of the West, the Bloodcloak Brotherhood of Rakkabuttai stand firm against those that seek to conquer Taychend from without, such as the Chendyhans from whom they most hate. This is Iceytheknight, and I am here today to showcase the mission tree for Rakkabuttai!
A Brotherhood forged to fend off Chendhyans hundreds of years ago, Rakkabuttai is now done sitting within their fortresses, especially as the Chendhyans have brought forth a new resurgence with Zaernmaera. Now is the time to strike back and strike hard, seizing the plains and taking the island of Assakadil for yourself to bring retribution.
Once the threat of the Chendhyans has been subdued enough, it is time to reflect upon the future of Rakkabuttai and of Taychend. Disunited, Taychend is weak, fragile. It would bend to any invaders, as it had in the south with Ameion, and who knows what could come from the east. A united Taychend, on the other hand, would be able to fend off any that oppose those. If no-one else could do this, then Rakkabuttai shall themselves, for Taychend must stand strong.
As you conquer your way through Taychend, you will seek to further chain the Chendhyans within your lands to your will, reform your military into a true fighting force, and construct fortifications across the region so that none may walk in unopposed. Bound Taychend with blood and stone!

Sthanan ith Vussam

Between the devastating Kamrayakval’s War, the scheming Four Families of Royakottar and the slaver Bloodcloak Brotherhood, it might seem like Taychend is not leaving its cycle of war and destruction for some time. How about we go with a different path next? Pivert08 here to present to you the third Taychendi mission tree coming this update, this time for the - quite frankly unpronounceable - country of Sthanan ith Vussam!
A nice little mission tree to accompany you through the rapid early game of Taychend’s glory system.
Having recently lost its westernmost territories to Ameion during Laskaris’ Invasion, the city-state of Sthanan ith Vussam is in a precarious position, but might very well be Thektoram’s best chance at fending off the Kheionai. Once the capital of the Dumrusvarn, a prosperous kingdom that ruled over most of Taychend’s southeastern peninsula for over two centuries (an amazing feat in Taychend, a.k.a. Warlord-Land), Sthanan ith Vussam is known for its highly-professional Goldsword infantry and the influential religious order of the Violet Brotherhood. In Sthanan ith Vussam’s mission tree, you’ll be led to fight back against Ameion to reform the Dumrusvarn, create a truly professional army in the example of the Goldswords, bring the city of Sthanan ith Vussam to new heights of prosperity and reunite with old acquaintances that may have already been covered in this dev diary, all while spreading the word of the Violet Brotherhood: that blood and fire are not the only true paths to glory.
Once the Dumrusvarn reformed, you might want to take your ambitions even further… Taychend will see prosperity under your rule, whether it likes it or not.

New NIs

I hope you have fun discovering all this new content! But, before we leave you to the eerie workings of the Effelai, there’s still one last thing we need to show you for Taychend: new national ideas. While this might sound less exciting than new religions or mission trees, all Taychendi nations (except Ahartadyam, sadly) have now received fully unique national ideas which paint a very diverse cast of nations and marks great potential for future development of the region. A total of 16 national idea sets were made for this update, so we picked nine of the most interesting ideas for your reading pleasure.
By order of appearance: Parahechend, Korrimutren, Sarihaddu and Ethanamara by Pivert08, Imarchend, Marhed Rayodana and Uesrennu by Takasaki, Zaernmaera by Ottokard and Airoa Naditari by Dreknar.


Hello, u/Blaziy here to show you the new mission tree(s) for the Effelai tribes! Though credit where credit is due, this is not my work, but instead all the work of River Doge, who you may remember from Dev Diary #60 where he talked about the Effelai system. Well he’s back this update with a shared mission tree for the 5 tribes of the Effelai!
Written by River Doge, Bojnik, and Grymhar
The mission tree will accompany you during the initial migration part of the Effelai, with each tribe having unique missions to complete during their pilgrimage. There’s Ingani’s Blood Hunts, Ae’n Saldayno’s Festivals, Kamaraka’s Great Hunts, Sel’ Parura’s Trials, and Xoti’Guao’s Planting, each with their own unique flavor to spice up the migration period.
Once you’ve finished the migration loop and have settled in the Heart of The Effelai, it’s time to settle the land, survive the Effelai’s trials, and unite the other tribes under your banner. As you’re doing this you must also discover the precursor relics lost throughout the forest in order to upgrade the Heart of The Effelai Monument and start the Effelai Bloom
Once you’ve finally done all that, it’s time to reform your nation into a modern theocracy and form Aráya, spreading the beauty of the Effelai to the rest of the world as you break free from your mortal form, and embrace perfection.
The Effelai’s government mechanic now has art, done by the amazing Tators!
That’s all for part one of the South Aelantir Dev Diary everyone! Check back on the subreddit in 2 days on Tuesday to see what the Kheionai, Devand, and Amadia have in store, fun fact, it's even longer than part 1!
submitted by Blaziy to Anbennar [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:57 Happy_Hippy_Hippo Other travel "fail" channels

(Adding to the comments below about other channels, and now that I've missed a birthday writing this, I should probably put this as it's own thread)
I love Kinging It because their origin story is very similar to mine (cancer, catastrophic injury, vowed to spend their life traveling). And they have done amazing charity work and also quite a lot of unique road trips: rickshaw in India, Mongol Rally, etc.
My favorite series was when they traveled around Europe in Custard for the first time. They were sponsored by Marco Polo travel guides and planned it all according to meeting the brand's expectations and requirements, and to me that was proper travel blogging, not just "here's our life, blah blah blah." I've been a travel journalist for 25+ years, so that's when I got into their channel. Now, though, it has become more of a daily life blog, which is alright, they are entertaining and funny, but a little overdramatic on the acting.
I've lost count how many channels have become "look at us fail" channels or totally gone out in left field. To name a few [FEEL FREE TO ADD TO THE LIST]
Granted there are about 60+ other channels I subscribe to that are still in line with their original direction, and there are a few daily vlog type channels I watch, but these above are the ones that have really gone off course. The best channels (as with anything media) is to keep on topic. A cooking magazine should be about cooking and things related to cooking. Not including pages about fixing an engine, unless you're cooking a baked potato on one.
I didn't mention Eamon and Bec because they are dealing with real life tragedy.
The roadmap seems to be: become vanlifer -> get AG1 to sponsor -> write a cookbook -> make merch -> sell van -> buy another one -> get a dog -> buy land -> sell van -> build off-grid house -> fail at everything with the house build -> have baby -> get another dog -> create AI thumbnails -> still claim to be a minimalist nomad who doesn't buy into mainstream society -> be totally reliant on mainstream society
submitted by Happy_Hippy_Hippo to EvaZuBeck_SnarkSub [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:45 Chamaellow I (21f) have feelings for my friend (20m) but I have a boyfriend. How to maintain my relationship with these two People?

I've been feeling tormented for the past few months. I have no one to talk to about this issue, as it involves the only two people I'm close with, so I'd really like to get an outside perspective.
I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend (22m) for almost two years now. Things are going well at the moment. We've had some problems in the past, which we managed to more or less resolve through communication, including a major one: a year ago, I crossed some boundaries concerning fidelity. I was lacking a lot of affection in my relationship at the time (we were having frequent arguments due to his lack of effort), and I met a guy at a party who I found very attractive. He started flirting with me, and I let myself enjoy the attention while setting boundaries when he wanted me to be explicit about my attraction (for example, I avoided his invitations to meet up or when he asked me for a kiss). I felt very guilty afterward, cut off contact with the other guy, and told my boyfriend what had happened two or three months later. He forgave me, but now he has a lot of concerns whenever I talk to a guy, which I completely understand.
After that, our relationship was pretty calm. I stopped going out with friends as much—it was mostly just acquaintances from university—so my life revolved around my studies, my hobbies, and my boyfriend. But towards the end of 2023, a new guy joined my program at university. I was the first person to welcome him as he seemed lost. Our interactions were limited to greeting each other in class until Valentine's Day, when I was sitting alone at university, and he came over to join me. He started getting to know me, asking about my hobbies, and suggested we hang out together outside of classes. I was really happy because I missed going out with friends.
The next day, we started sitting next to each other in class, and we got to know each other better. He asked me a lot of questions about my life, my interests, the music I listen to, the books I read, etc. I was thrilled to share these things with someone since few people are interested in these topics when I try to talk about them. But what struck me the most was what he had to say—he has a fascinating world of his own, he's very elegant and romantic, and he has very refined tastes. We had a lot in common, too; we're both passionate about rock music, we both left a science prep school for university for the same reasons, and we're both highly gifted (so we share the same challenges). I started developing feelings as we talked—he's really the type of person I like. I also told him about my love life with my boyfriend, and he told me he was in a relationship too, so I didn't think it was mutual at the time. (Another detail: our respective partners know each other and were friends in high school, which was a funny coincidence for us. Both are studying abroad, so we're in long-distance relationships.)
EDIT : in my case, my long-distance relationship is not permanent and has not always been long-distance. I have only been in a long-distance relationship since the beginning of 2024, but we have been together since 2022, and my boyfriend is coming back in January 2025
However, I was very surprised when he asked for my Instagram account that day. He handed me his phone to look up my account, and I saw that his search history was filled with accounts with my name (there must have been about twenty). I didn't say anything but started to wonder if he liked me. I told my boyfriend about this encounter with the guy (omitting the fact that I liked him because I had no intention of crossing any boundaries this time—I wanted to keep it to a friendship, hoping my feelings would fade over time). My boyfriend immediately concluded that the guy was interested in me based on his Instagram searches, the fact that he suggested hanging out together during our first conversation, all his questions about my interests, etc. So, he's very wary of this guy. He said he would tell the guy's girlfriend if he found out he was cheating with me.
For my part, I wanted to check if he was really interested in me or not because I didn't want to ruin a potentially great friendship based on possibly false assumptions. This guy and I have grown very close. We often eat together, go out just the two of us outside of classes, help each other with homework and studying, share a lot about our lives, and do sports together. He's very attentive to me (for example, once I told him I liked a certain kind of compote, and the following days, he started bringing two of them—one for him and one for me; he buys me drinks before meeting up with me; once we went out at 5:30 PM, my mom was supposed to pick me up but had an emergency and he waited with me until 8:30 PM; he gave me a flower made out of origami). I found his behavior quite ambiguous because usually, only guys who are interested in me treat me this way, but he seems genuinely happy for me whenever I talk about my love life with my boyfriend, unlike other guys. Also, he only has close female friends, so I don't know how to interpret his actions.
Recently, I met one of his best friends for the first time when we ran into each other at the university cafeteria. The three of us ate together. When I introduced myself to his friend with my name, she immediately said, "Oh, so you're THE [my name]," which threw me off. I asked her what she meant by "THE [my name]," and the guy jokingly said, "Do you think we talk bad about you?" I played along, saying yes. The girl laughed and said, "Oh, don't worry, he just told me you have a boyfriend studying in [name of city]." I found it strange that they talked about that, as I didn't know this girl at all, and I looked at my friend who seemed quite embarrassed. At one point, I was alone with her, and she said, "[Guy's name] told me you deleted Instagram! Why?" (I was taking a break from social media to focus on my exams, so the guy couldn't message me for a while, which I hadn't thought about—it created some distance between us for a week). I told my boyfriend all this, and it made him very concerned.
In short, my situation is complicated. I really wanted everything to remain purely friendly with this guy because I have real future plans with my boyfriend and I love him sincerely. But when I'm around this other guy, I can't shake off this attraction, and it's becoming quite frustrating because I'm used to being quite assertive and moving things forward quickly when I like a guy, but now I'm holding back despite my desires. Also, my friendship with him really bothers my boyfriend, who thinks the guy has bad intentions and has many concerns about me due to my past actions. But at the same time, I really enjoy this guy's company—I've never had such a pleasant friendship, so I don't want to lose it. I don't know if I should be as wary of him as my boyfriend is. Usually, the guys who like me are much more explicit about it. To my boyfriend, it's obvious that he's interested in me, but personally, I don't know. I'm lost.
submitted by Chamaellow to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:33 hagamablabla Ideas on Terra Invicta systems

I've had some ideas for a while on how some TI mechanics could be reworked or implemented differently. I figured that I may as well write them out to post here. Just to be clear, I'm not saying the game should necessarily add any of these, they're just ideas I think would be interesting to discuss.
Unified player faction: Instead of picking from the 7 factions at the start, the player always begins as a UN committee trying to formulate a response to the crisis. Your actions during the early days align you towards one of the factions.
Faction Senate: This idea was inspired by the Galactic Council from Stellaris. The UN space council is a body of 100 members formed a few months into the crisis that starts with little power, but can grow in power and implement bigger policies as the game progresses.
4 faction start: Each faction starts in a pair with another faction. The factions still play the same as now, but basically you have a guaranteed ally to start with.
Orgs as actors: This idea is inspired from a discussion on this subreddit. Orgs act like restricted councilors, able to perform certain actions on their own.
Org development: Orgs can be created and leveled up
Org charts: Every organization, including CPs, is made up of org charts of characters. Control of CPs depends on controlling specific positions at the top of each chart
Control Points
Control point autonomy: Control points will have some control over investment
Increased priority weighting: Certain CPs will count for double when calculating the percent of IPs assigned to a priority
Near-future alloys: Got the idea from the nanofiber in 3 Body Problem. Create a mid-tier resource that has to be manufactured on Earth or in orbit to build mid-game modules and ships
submitted by hagamablabla to TerraInvicta [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:31 TheBlaringBlue Shintoism, Nature and the Storm in Ghost of Tsushima

There’s a lone peasant on the beach of Saru Island in Ghost of Tsushima’s Iki Island DLC.
Last night he burned the final pieces of wood from the Bamboo Strike to stay warm under the moonlight. If Jin wishes to practice his swordsmanship, he’ll need to supply his own wood.
…at this point in the game you have 9827346 bamboo pieces. A few to spare should do no harm.
After three perfect slices, Jin and the Peasant exchange words again. Noticing the lack of any other humans in the area, Jin asks why the peasant makes his home in a location so remote. The Peasant replies:
“As you just demonstrated, the quiet helps one focus.”
Ghost of Tsushima (GoT) is a game about slicing up bad guys while dressed as a cool samurai-ninja dude heavily tied to nature and spirituality. It mirrors and puts to use a staple of Japanese culture; Shinto — a spiritual tradition which holds that deities are found in nature.
I do not pretend to be an expert on Shinto or Japanese culture. Au contraire, I'm a basic-bitch white dude in America. I just like writing about video game elements that catch my attention, and GoT uses nature in ways that really capture me. If you'll allow me to explain with a nice wall of text...
You don’t need me to tell you that GoT is a visually and audibly incredible game.
You don’t need me to remind you of its golden forests, its snowcapped mountains and its rugged seaside cliffs — you’ve seen them for yourself.
It’s clear that jaw-dropping visuals and natural environments were something the devs wanted players to experience rather viscerally — take, for instance, sunrise and sunset being their own distinct times of day, not just a few scant moments between the day/night cycle. Or the sheer dramatic bombast of the autumnal forests, floral fields or sun-splashed mountains of Tsushima and Iki.
The realism in audio as well still impresses me — crackling bamboo forests, crashing waves, rushing waterfalls and powerful wind gusts all sound incredible. They sound more than that, they sound enveloping, three dimensional — they sound as they should; like you’re really there.
These are all great, yeah, but plenty of games look and sound great. What I noticed was the subtle ways the devs prompt additional emphasis on them.
Naturally, you’ll slow down to appreciate these at least a little, even if you are the most impatient kind of player (assuming the game doesn’t get in your way when you try).
Again, the game was crafted in such a way that tells me that the devs want you to slow down and experience these things. Take, for further evidence, some of the game’s activities and waypoints:
Reflect. Meditate. Reminisce. Honor. Value.
GoT’s activities aren’t all combat, time-trials and races. They’re communion with nature, and GoT is telling you that it must be achieved slowly, with respect and in the quiet.
“As you just demonstrated, the quiet helps one focus.”
But the landscapes and vistas of GoT aren’t just pretty pictures for the sake of being slowly-consumed eye candy. Sucker Punch leans deeper into Shinto than just the aesthetic, nearly personifying Tsushima’s natural wonders.
Nature is Spiritual
Nature is Knowing
Nature is Powerful
Be it spiritually, intellectually or physically, nature holds power in GoT.
So GoT emphasizes natural wonder and gives it agency… Cool, whatever.
Where do we come into this? Where do man and nature meet and how do they interact in GoT?
SuckerPunch (and myself) are hitting you over the head with it; Man meets nature respectfully, in the tranquility of the quiet. When he does so, he receives its blessings.
He becomes stronger of body (hotsprings, shrines) and sounder of mind (haikus, sanctuaries).
GoT interactions, activities and more demonstrate to us that when man communes with nature and approaches it carefully with reverence and appreciation, he grows.
He learns, he sees, he remembers, he feels, he discovers, he opens.
Even the seemingly trivial headband vanity rewards we receive at haikus represent this — their namesakes denote some mastery or acceptance of the quality, circumstance or emotional subject of the poem. Consider the Handbands of Strife, Fear, Uncertainty, Perseverance, Rebirth and Hope, for example.
Jin is facing his mental struggles and conquering them not with force or ignorance, but with quiet contemplation using nature as the vessel.
Respecting nature brings it joy (Keirei interactions at signposts). It allows nature itself to thrive (sanctuaries) and allows us to thrive (haikus). Even freeing hawks and monkeys at Mongol camps grants us additional awards.
Conversely, when man meets nature violently, destruction is usually reciprocated in return.
Consider the storminess of the game’s major battles, or the increase in rainfall as you perform stealth kills and your Ghost Meter fills. The Mongol’s burning of the Endless Forest leaves death and devastation; their final battle with Jin is shrouded in storm.
Antagonistic and wrathful actions bring about destruction — they upset nature’s balance.
What if, genetically speaking, you were… “the lightning in the storm?
That sounds an awful lot like destruction.
And that is the fate of Jin Sakai. Aside from the fact that the devs have more-or-less confirmed this, consider not just Kazumasa’s words above, but also… well, the game’s default sword kit, passed down in Jin’s family — it’s the Storm of Clan Sakai.
Not to mention Jin’s ownership and use of the flute, a mechanic that allows him to change the weather.
Jin is the storm. We, the player, are the storm.
We sweep across Tsushima, wreaking havoc in our wake of bloodshed, piling up countless Mongol corpses and stirring the island’s inhabitants.
Jin’s descent from honor into becoming the Ghost is his own internal storm (represented externally by, well, storms), and creates a similar uncertainty and disjointedness in Jin’s character as the island of Tsushima is experiencing under the Mongol invasion.
With such internal and external unrest, how can Jin achieve his goals and halt the Mongols?
Jin may be the storm literally genetically, but remember that only half of his parenthood bore the Sakai name.
If Jin’s father — by his own admission in so many words on Iki Island — embodies a wildness, a propensity for conquest and might, then Jin’s mother brought him the opposite.
Indeed, it was two mothers — one biological, and one of nature.
We mostly learn of Jin’s biological mother through his own recollections at Sanctuaries. I wish I had a bank of this dialogue for further support here — I couldn’t find it while searching around.
What I remember is that she contrasted Kazumasa.
Raised by the opposing sides of a single coin, Jin is naturally bound to land somewhere in the middle.
But, under the stress of a terrifying invasion on his homeland and, as a result, mentally and emotionally unbalanced, he’s bound to land more on his father’s side. He’s bound to bring that wildness to his endeavors and potentially cause unnecessary harm and destruction.
Thankfully, with his mother’s principles swirling subconsciously, Jin remembers the importance of the land around him. He remembers to honor the very ground he is trying to liberate.
Rather than rushing Castle Shimura off rip, Jin engages with the land of Tsushima.
He rests at hotsprings, contemplates haikus, pays homage at shrines and reaps the physical, mental and emotional benefits that follow his reverence.
He does not ever quell the storm that lies inside of him — no, he is clan Sakai — but because of his attention towards and engagement with nature, he does gather it. He does control it. He does master it.
Through his late mother and through mother nature herself, Jin takes the weight of saving an entire island off his shoulders. Sound of body, mind and spirit, he becomes perfectly balanced. As all things should be.
Jin can do incredible things on the battlefield and in the shadows. He’s an absolute freak of nature when it comes to swordsmanship and athleticism.
Jin Sakai is, indeed, the lightning in the storm. All its power, all its might, all its destruction — importantly — captured in one single space. Honed into one prong, one moment, one man.
By prioritizing Shinto practices, Jin is not a reckless, swirling, chaotic typhoon — he has balanced his internal turmoil with peace and meditation and is now a controlled force, focused vigilantly at Khotun Khan.
“As you just demonstrated, the quiet helps one focus.”
submitted by TheBlaringBlue to VideoGameAnalysis [link] [comments]