Glass castle character analysis

Yo whats your thoughts on, Reborn as a Demonic Tree?

2024.05.20 04:50 Educational-View-731 Yo whats your thoughts on, Reborn as a Demonic Tree?

Disclaimer: iv only finished book one
Personally I think it's alright. like it's got some pacing issues, at the beginning the book keeps reiterating that the main character is so fractally powerless against the people they're facing against and I'm thinking “okay when are you going to overcome these limitations and find a path to influence your surroundings” and the answer is halfway through this 21 hours long book.
But it does a really good job at maintaining the sense of fear and pressure that the main character is under. Like we are just barely starting to get on our feet with making fruit and cultivating when some random civil war glasses the valley one mountain ranges over. And it's like "OH, THAT'S THE POWERS SCALE WHERE WORKING ON, OK!"
this kinda gets ruined latter on but there still is a looming threat over out heads.
I like how it presents a more scheemy Game of Thrones-ish side to cultivation stories. But also pulls these actions into context, cus ultimately our main character just wants to be left alone to cultivate and have people around that like him and whomst he likes.
It reminds me of the early divine dungeon books where it was really clear that Cal was in danger and throwing whatever at the wall and seeing what stuck was a survival strategy.
submitted by Educational-View-731 to litrpg [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:48 Salt-Box-3550 Help type me based on this

I've taken multiple tests and want to know exactly what type I am. I'd like an extra opinion on what potential types I might have, as I'm not sure if what results I am getting are due to me wanting to be a certain type and a certain person, and if I am an unbiased enough source. I'm not even sure if my answers to the questionnaire are the most reliable, especially since I have a bad recollection of what I've thought of in the past or my behaviors, and I have a memory that is not ideal in certain areas. On tests, I've gotten INTP, ENTP, and I have a feeling INFP and ENFP might be strong contenders.
All I’m going to say about my age is that I am young and I’m a student. I am female. I don’t think I understand myself too much, but I’m trying. I’m not sure how accurately I can assess myself.
I have been diagnosed with ADHD.
That depends. I do it all the time and it really depends on how much I can do before getting bored. When I’m alone I can at least reflect on things, ideas, or whatever is going on in my head. I already spend most of my time alone because I have no social life and I find it hard to get to know people I click with, or people I can share my ideas with. Without other people, I can't discuss my ideas with other people and get their thoughts, which is something I like to have.
I’m going to admit that I’m not the best at observing my surroundings. I have a tendency to walk too close to the counter and hit the side of my body against it, or smack my foot on a chair leg. I walk strangely. I’ve noticed that. That might be an ADHD thing.
I’d like to say that I’m curious. But am I? I’m not sure. What things about me, things that I question, my general outlook on life, what qualities found within me would label me as someone who's curious? What I’m curious about can change, I tend to hop from one thing to another, which leaves me with a large amount of surface knowledge, but I can never get too deep into anything due to my mind already getting preoccupied by something else. I'd say I have more ideas than what I can execute. There are so many different paths I can take, so many different ways I can write this, or do that. My ideas are more conceptual. I'd think of a way to write a story or an imaginary situation. I'd go into more detail, but trying to pull up exactly what my ideas are is hard. It seems like I tend to forget my ideas a lot, or until something triggers them again.
I don’t know if I’d enjoy a leadership position or not. I dislike having to wrangle other people into doing their jobs during group projects, and I don’t like doing work I’m not interested in. I’d rather do things myself just because only I can at least measure up to my lofty expectations, or at least conjure a small fraction of them. I don’t take leadership positions often, so I’m not sure how I’d lead others. I’d rather question and criticize the leader’s decisions rather than contribute any meaningful ideas to the project.
I am not coordinated. I run into things all the time, the edge of my desk, my door frame, the door handle, the countertop, a chair, etc. I walk super funny. I don’t mind working with my hands. It’s nice sometimes. I like working with my hands in the sense that it keeps my hands occupied. I move and fidget a lot. I can't sit still. It doesn't feel write when I'm forced to not at least move one part of my body repetitively.
I don’t know if I’m artistic. I’ve created my own characters for a story, or at least the shreds of one, and I like to come up with imaginary scenarios. I like to create elements in settings. Oftentimes, I do need some inspiration, something I can take an idea and turn it into something else. I really enjoy music and stories. With music, there’s something about it that I love, how it can evoke something from me, oftentimes a moment of an imaginary story, if that makes sense. I enjoy stories because there is so much to get from it. It’s at least entertaining, and it’s interesting to see how someone, a character or a real individual ends in the way they do.
I have a bad memory, at least in certain aspects. The past is something I do wish I could remember better, at least to remember the fun and good things that happened, but there’s not much I can do about it. The future is something I fantasize about. I wonder what I’ll be, what I could be, and how unrealistic those paths and outcomes are. It’s a way to pass the time. There’s so much that could happen, so many ways my life could instantly change for the worse. There’s not much to say about the present. It constantly changes and it never stays for long in my memory. So I’ll just do whatever will keep me entertained for the moment. I have a sort of disconnect from my past self. When I think about myself, I have a hard time seeing any version of myself aside from my present self. It's hard to comprehend that I've changed, rather, I feel as if I've always been the way that I am.
That is heavily dependent on what exactly I am helping other people with. If it's anything involving heavy lifting, I'm not going to be too happy with it, just because I'm not going to be helpful. I help people due to
I’m not sure. I like to get what I expect out of my work. Reality is unrealistic. It might be futile to expect logic to happen. It might be nice in some areas.
I’d be better if I were more efficient and productive, but I’m not. I’ll either be doing no work or forty hours of work within two hours.
Do I? I might. I might be doing it subconsciously. I find others that I’m not too familiar with. I know what members of my family like me better. So I’ll use that to my advantage. I know that while I’m awkward and have a hard time talking to people like a normal person, I’m aware that some people find it appealing, especially if I’m genuine (or at least seem that way) or nice to them.
My hobbies constantly change because I tend to bounce between multiple hobbies. One day I’m looking at airplane crashes. Next, I’m looking at birds or disasters. I’ll watch a whole bunch of media analysis videos because I tend to miss so many details when consuming pieces of media. I do have this whole fantasy world with a large number of characters I've made up, just due to how it encourages me to research other topics and I find it fun to implement elements from other pieces of media into it. I also have an addiction to TvTropes because I find looking at patterns in pieces of media quite fun, and it's fun seeing how certain tropes are a thing.
Funnily enough, I could never figure out my learning style. That was because I tended to pick up on subjects very easily, so I never could tell what worked with me better. I prefer a learning environment where I can ask questions and get clarification, and as much as I dislike engaging and working with groups, I find it easier to process things if I can at least discuss those subjects with other people.
I’m not that good at strategizing. I’d rather wing it, just due to my inability to think of ideas and paths to get things done. I can't get my brain in order and any plans I make will get derailed soon afterwards.
I thought about it for a little bit and realized that I don't have much of an idea about what I find important. I think I seek validation from people, as much as I don't admit it. I think I care about people's opinions more than I'd like to. But individual things that are important to me? I'm not sure. I've been trying to make some things important to me.
I fear rejection. I'm horribly sensitive to it and I'm not sure why. I can't name what I hate, but there are a lot of things that I'm frustrated with. I have some existential fears. I'm scared of what people could do to me. I fear what people think of me. I'm sure it's because people see me as strange. I'm alone, but I don't mind too much. But I still have that part of myself that has those fears.
I'm enjoying new things, and new experiences.
I'm stuck in an endless loop of days that seem to blend, doing the same mind-numbing tasks over and over. Then I start to wonder if this is all life has to offer me. Or I'm going through that downward spiral and I wonder if I can truly be valued, loved, or have any worth. I feel unlovable when stressed.
I am not attached to reality at all. I daydream a lot. When I daydream, my surroundings fade away. I’ve noticed that this happens when I’m focused on one task. I’ll often walk around, thinking about various subjects. I have walked past people I know well without noticing them despite knowing them well, just because I'm so deep in thought that I no longer notice things that are practically in front of me.
I’m not sure how I’ll react, but I have a few theories. I’ll just think about multiple things, like philosophical concepts, the latest form of media I’ve consumed, and random things. I’ll be thinking about all of my characters and potential plot points for a story. I’ll pace around while doing so because I’ll think better when my legs are moving and I’m walking around in circles. Eventually, I’ll get bored. Then I’ll contemplate a large number of things like when I’ll get to do something else because I need something to trigger the thought process. I might just sleep. Who knows. I might go down a dark spiral of self-pity, or maybe I’ll be confused about how I got into that room in the first place.
I wait as long as I possibly can because I’ll probably have no idea what I’m doing. I’ll make a decision and question it. I’d like to say I’d try and consider if it’s a good decision, but I’m going to need a little more context about what decision I’m making before I’ll know what my approach on making important decisions is.
I have a hard time regulating my emotions. So oftentimes, I’ll be wondering why I’m feeling that way, why I’m reacting a certain way. I tend to start overanalyzing my emotions and overthink things. A lot of the time, I can’t figure it out. I find my emotions to be rather annoying, I can be overly sensitive and easily overwhelmed by emotions. I’m pretty sure that’s partially because of my ADHD, after doing some research. I find my emotions strange because I often react emotionally in strange ways.
I don't remember doing this. There are other ways to keep a conversation going and it depends on if I really want to be talking with this person for any longer.
I wouldn’t consider myself that much of a rulebreaker. I’ll pirate stuff. I’ll ignore stuff that other people say. I think authority should be challenged, especially since I’ve reasoned that oftentimes, authority does not know better. I’m too lazy to be outright defiant. If a rule’s stupid, I might ignore it.
submitted by Salt-Box-3550 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:44 ab-absurdum Who is Maynard Holliday? Calling all FOIA experts. Let's pull on this string.

I was digging around and found this seemingly well-connected character. I believe there are more than a few good strings here that we could be pulling on together. I'm not at all familiar with the FOIA process, but I know some members here are and might enjoy a new rabbithole to dig down.
If you have experience filing a FOIA request and would be willing to file one or multiple requests for us, please reach out via modmail or comment here.
I really feel there may be some good leads here. Thank you to anyone who is willing to assist!
Below is a biography from
Mr. Maynard A. Holliday is Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. In this capacity, he oversees investment and capability analysis of the Pentagon's critical technology areas. He has oversight of 11 principal directors assigned to those critical technology portfolios and their roadmaps — the comprehensive strategies to manage, provide oversight and guide choices for each critical technology area. These critical technology areas include 5G; Advanced Computing & Software; Directed Energy; Human-Machine Interfaces; Hypersonics; Integrated Network Systems-of-Systems; Integrated Sensing & Cyber; Microelectronics; Renewable Energy Generation & Storage; Space Technology; and Trusted Artificial Intelligence & Autonomy.
Mr. Holliday has more than 30 years of professional experience leading technological innovations in both government and the private sector. Most recently, he was a Senior Engineer at the RAND Corporation working on autonomous vehicle safety metrics and policy, explainable artificial intelligence, swarm robotics and drone defense. Previously, he served as Senior Technical Advisor and Special Assistant to Frank Kendall, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. Mr. Holliday helped establish the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental and was a member of the Defense Science Board. Mr. Holliday has also worked for the Department of Energy as a project manager for the U.S.-Russia Nuclear Material Security Task Force. He was awarded the DOE’s Meritorious Service Award, its highest, for his exceptional service in helping secure tons of weapons grade nuclear material. Prior to his government service, Mr. Holliday was a senior engineering and robotics professional at the Lawrence Livermore and Sandia National Laboratories, as well as various robotics start-ups and technology companies in Silicon Valley.
Mr. Holliday is a co-organizer of Black in Robotics, a virtual world-wide community of roboticists and their allies whose mission is to bring together Black researchers, industry professionals and students in robotics to mutually support one another to help navigate academic, corporate, and entrepreneurial paths to success. He is also co-founder of Robot Garden, the robotics-themed hacker space in Livermore, Calif. He also has been working with Bay Area public schools lecturing on robotics and teaching robotics through the Citizen Schools program in East Oakland. Mr. Holliday was named Citizen Schools Volunteer of the Year for 2012 and was also recognized with a Presidential Volunteer Service Award from the White House for his efforts. Before leaving government service in 2017, he was awarded the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service recognizing his contributions to national security through his considerable and trusted advice on multiple DOD initiatives.
Mr. Holliday graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. He later won a scholarship to attend Stanford University, where he earned a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Design with an emphasis on robotics, international security and arms control. Mr. Holliday also won a scholarship to attend the International Space University in France and was a two-time finalist for the U.S. Astronaut Corps.
submitted by ab-absurdum to UFOdiscussions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:43 PentoshiPride Nettie and Carolei Royce (Cavaliers)

**Reddit*\*: u/PentoshiPride
**Discord Name*\*: GreyOrith
**Name and House:** Jeanette (Nettie) Royce
**Age:** 19
**Cultural Group:** Andal (Valemen)
**Appearance:** Boney, wiry features for such a young age, light brown hair that’s always pulled back into a thick braid. She has sun-kissed skin, with dark grey eyes, and a sturdy, athletic build, carrying her strength in her arms and back from years of pulling bowstrings.
**Trait:** Agility
**Skill(s):** Bows(e), Ranger(e), Marksman
**Talent(s):** Fletching, herbalism, hawking
**Negative Trait(s):** N/A
**Starting Title(s):** Cavalier
**Starting Location:** Greyhelm
**Alternative Characters*\*: Beatrice Massey

**Name and House:** Carolei Royce
**Age:** 42
**Cultural Group:** Andal (Valemen)
**Appearance:** Carolei has sharp, angular features, and keeps her dirty blonde hair, which is just starting to grey, pulled back tightly in a bun. She has watchful grey eyes, a strong chin, and rigid posture.
**Trait:** Strong
**Skill(s):** Polearms, Andal Knight, Riding
**Talent(s):** Cooking, tracking, mountain-climbing
**Negative Trait(s):** N/A
**Starting Title(s):** Captain of the Cavaliers
**Starting Location:** Greyhelm

Carolei Royce had only been 16 years old when the Conquest came to the Vale, and would never forget seeing Vhagar fly above Runestone after the battle and the fear, power, and awe the dragon invoked. She had trained as a warrior since that day, taking up a spear and shield and fighting astride her horse—a poor replacement for a dragon.
As she grew older, she began to travel the lands of the Vale as a wandering warrior, attempting to exemplify the traits of a true knight even though knighthood was out of reach for her. In 6AC, she travelled to the Misty Moor to drive back the Mountain Clan the Sons of the Tree. It was there that she met Creighton Corbray, the two having a romantic tryst. However, he was not the only one she had been with in that time, making the identity of the child’s father a mystery to her—not that she would ever tell.
It was later that she discovered she was with child, and begged him to marry her to preserve both of their honour and have the child not be a bastard. He agreed, and it was a private, quick ceremony. But their matrimony would not last for long—before the child was even born, Creighton would be killed in a raid by a group of Clansman while the two returned to Runestone.
Though she remained in the place of her birth, her nephew now the Lord of Runestone, she was left mostly to raise her child by herself away from the castle in a cottage. She had wanted to continue her training as a warrior and continuing to help people, but with the pregnancy and her young daughter, it put her life on hold.
So it wouldn’t be until Nettie had turned 7, in 13AC where Carolei felt she could continue. She would start recruiting all young women around the Vale who sought to fight with blades and shields, to join her knightly order—the Cavaliers. She rode from castle to castle, gaining those by her side and riding together to assist the needy and protect the helpless.
Travelling for some time, they would stop one day near the Gates of the Moon, as Carolei sought to petition recognition as a knightly order, and recruit possible funding from the Eyrie. During their waylay, the Painted Dogs grew bold and sought to test their luck against the ancient castle. The Cavaliers fought them back, defending the castle and protecting those within, allowing none to pass through the Gates. After this, the Cavaliers were granted the Gates of the Moon to defend and rest and recruit from.
She would train young warriors and assist them in their growth to be knights, as well as travel around several tourneys and placing well. She would raise Nettie at the Gates of the Moon, and never remarried.

Carolei often joked of her as the replacement of their real child, by a Grumpkin that came in the night and stole her original child away from the crib and left a strange one behind. Nettie didn’t speak for the first few years of her life, and walked with a strange gait, always on her toes. The milestones that the Maesters predict for children came to her much later than others. She was known to be a shy child, hiding behind her mother’s skirts.
Nettie would find her first love out exploring the woods and forests and fields, where she would stay long past dark, terrifying her mother. She would come back with muddy clothes and a bundle of things she had found to scatter around her home.
She took to archery from as soon as she was old enough to hold a bow. Though it started as a way to keep her occupied and for her guardians to keep her in one place, it turned quickly from practicing shooting to leaving home to hunt and hawk. She had a keen eye for marksmanship, and it was the only thing she ever wished to speak about.
As she continued to grow, it was soon she was leading small hunting parties of her own and searching for fowl and game to take down, never for trophies or sport, but to bring home to cook and share at the Gates of the Moon.


16 BC – Carolei is born
0 AC – Carolei witnesses the Conquest as the Vale bends the knee, she begins training as a warrior after this
2 AC – Carolei leaves home, to the anger of her parents, to be a wandering hedge knight
6 AC – Carolei fights the Sons of the Tree. She has several romantic encounters within a short period of time. When she realizes she is with child, she begs Creighton Corbray to marry her to preserve her and her child’s honour. He dies before the child is born and she moves away to a small cottage on Runestone lands to raise her child
13 AC – With Nettie old enough, Carolei begins recruiting for her own Knightly Order, and campaigning for women to be granted Knighthood, named the Cavaliers
17 AC – The Cavaliers would travel and recruit for many years and would fortunately be at the Gates of the Moon when the Painted Dogs attack. For reward of driving them back, they were granted the Gates as their base, and to defend it from similar threats
18 AC – Nettie begins training with her bow
20 AC – Carolei and Nettie and the Cavaliers travel to many different tourneys to compete
23 AC – During a mission, Carolei recovers a long-lost artifact—the Gauntlets of the Winged Knight
Archetype NPCs
Ryella Coldwater – Castellan
Maggy Shett – General
submitted by PentoshiPride to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:42 AllemandeLeft Review, 80 hours in

I just got to the end and beat the last boss. Credits rolled and then the game crashed. I got every character except Diykstra and the four that would require me to play minigames for hours - and of course Leene.
There's a lot I liked about Eiyuden: the classic Suiko "gotta catch em all" vibe, the feeling of bringing people of different backgrounds together to work towards a common goal, the sprite art, and Michiko Naruke's soundtrack.
Too many things are broken. The loading screens are long and frequent, the pacing is bad, the minigames are bad, the duels and war battles are barely-interactive-cutscenes. The lore is not at all fleshed out, there are way too many places important to the story that you never get to see (Kenan???). They didn't balance many of the combat systems. There is too much of that weird "mobile game" aesthetic (such as in monster design, minigames, etc) which I found very unpleasant. Completing the castle is tedious. Menus take too long to load and flip through. The game crashes, crashes, crashes. The story is low-stakes and written (seemingly) for children, which would be fine except that this is a game specifically made for people in their 30's and older. For example, when Perielle died I felt nothing. The writing, while at times funny and charming, was mostly embarrassingly milquetoast, especially the writing for NPCs and side characters. Lastly, and this is more major than it sounds: the beeping noise that plays every time you make a selection in any menu or advance dialogue is grating and constant. In general, the fun I had with this game was interrupted by way too much, excuse my French, dumb shit.
All in all my review is: A bad game.
I will take your downvotes now lol.
Edit: another thing that bothered me is how much of the important story events - e.g. Euchrisse getting conquered and later liberated, recruiting the elves to the cause, Norristar being liberated, etc etc happen offscreen. The number of missed opportunities is staggering, especially when you think about all the dumb shit they did manage to include - like the big titty undead lady? what was that side story even about? did anyone care about that?
submitted by AllemandeLeft to EiyudenChronicle [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:39 nephraret Medea Sand and Donella Dayne of High Hermitage

Reddit Account: nephraretDiscord Tag: nephraret
Name and House:Medea Sand, House Dayne of High Hermitage
Age: 23
Cultural Group: Dornish
Appearance: A woman of average height. Medea has tanned skin and long curly black hair that reaches her waist. One of her eyes, a shade of brown so dark it looks like the night sky, and the other a soft lilac. A jagged and large scar runs from the base of her neck, across her chest, and down to her left hip.
Trait: Ruthless
Skill(s): Ravenmaster, Scribe, Negotiator, Schemer, Rumormonger
Talent(s): Oil painting, Writing, Bird Watching, Life Drawing, Calligraphy
Negative Trait(s): n/a
Starting Title(s): Medea
Starting Location: High Hermitage
Alternate Characters: Donella Dayne
Name and House: Donella Dayne of High Hermitage
Age: 57
Cultural Group: Dornish
Appearance: A short, thin old woman with thin wispy black hair. Dark eyes and olive skin. Trait: Charismatic
Skill(s): Scholar, Avaricious, Medic
Talent(s): Embroidery, keeping her family together
Negative Trait(s): Elderly, Blind
Starting Title(s): Lady of High Hermitage
Starting Location: High Hermitage
Alternate Characters: n/a
Timeline2AC: Medea is born to the Lord of High Hermitage and a Braavosi maid of the castle named Vara. Mother and daughter are given chambers in one of the lower levels of High Hermitage, at the request of Lady Donella, pregnant at the time.
4AC: An infant Medea and her mother Vara leave High Hermitage to cross the narrow sea in Pentos, where Vara’s remaining family of her brother, mother, and grandmother lived. Having remarried into a middle class merchant household, Medea’s grandmother arranged a marriage between Vara and one of the sons of her new husband.
7AC: Vara births another daughter who is named Solara. Medea, now a young child, begins being taught by a lady’s maid in the ways of etiquette. Despite being a bastard, Vara and Medea’s grandmother still intend to try to find a match for Medea that could bring wealth to their family, or at least, an heir for another. Medea quickly learns to read, rapidly becoming a voracious reader.
11AC: A young girl of nine, Medea’s studies have been going smoothly, much to the delight of Vara and Medea’s grandmother.
During a warm night, a fire breaks out in the family’s home leaving Medea’s grandmother, stepfather, Vara dead. The husband of Medea’s grandmother, Medea, and Solara are left heavily injured from the fire but alive for now. After a letter arrives for the lord of High Hermitage, Donella Dayne is the one who insists upon bringing young Medea to High Hermitage to be raised among her own children.
Medea is left heavily scarred from the fire, and a fear of the flames.
16AC: Donella Dayne, a woman of grace, never showed Medea and hostility for her bastard status. She allows Medea to continue schooling, and studies with the family's septa as the rest of the daughters.
Meanwhile, Medea ends up spending a lot of time in the rookery of the castle, feeling a fascination with the corvids the maester so dutifully tended to. The maester minds little at the young woman’s interest and even allows her to choose a chick from a clutch of eggs to raise as her own. She names the raven chick Whimsy. 23AC Astor Dayne dies of a heart attack. Alaric Dayne succeeds him as Lord of High Hermitage.
25AC: Medea lives with her half sisters, Cymella, and Alayne, her half brothers Alaric, Castor, and Darrion, her stepmother Donella in High Hermitage.
submitted by nephraret to IronThroneRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:31 noshelfcontrol_ (f4a) looking for new long term roleplay partners!

Hi everyone! I'm currently searching for new writing partners. Roleplaying has been my hobby for over a decade and I love it so much. Finding a new writing buddy can be tricky so I might ask for a writing sample just to make sure we click. I'm happy to provide one as well!
In a roleplay partner, I would like someone who is :
* At least twenty-three years of age. (I'm almost 33 so my comfort zone is with older writers)
*Advanced literate. I prefer to receive/give a few paragraphs per reply but quality > quantity always.
* A fan of brainstorming and collaborating.
* Loves brainstorming and nerding out over characters and plots.
* Comfortable writing in third person, past tense.
I am a fandom girlie and enjoy crafting stories in worlds I already adore. The fandoms I’m currently interested in writing are; A Court of Thorns and Roses, Throne of Glass, Crescent City, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Stranger Things, the Hunger Games, The 100 and Star Wars.
I am also super interested in writing other genres such as; fantasy, mafia/mob, mystery, and historical. I'm not huge on slice of life unless there's a lot of complex dynamics.
Some of my favorite tropes are; enemies/rivals to lovers, forced proximity, fake dating, morally grey male characters, found family, strangers to lovers, the chosen one, slow burn, power couple, opposites attract, grumpy x sunshine, soul mates, hurt/comfort, stranded, and royalty.
I currently play original female characters and am interested in playing against male original or canon characters.
I do my best to post daily (often I can manage multiple posts a day) but I also work and have other responsibilities. I keep my partners updated if it will take me more than a day or two to respond to a post.
Please reach out via chat or message if you'd like to chat about a roleplay.
submitted by noshelfcontrol_ to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:30 sunrise_apps Have you ever wondered how the structure of a Tinder-like application is built?

I want to share an interesting case of developing an application for finding candidates and partners for various interests. This application resembles Tinder but is designed not only for dating but also for finding opponents and partners for different activities – from table tennis and chess to basketball and volleyball.
We developed a native iOS application using SwiftUI and Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM). Sometimes we used UIKit for layout, especially for screens that were already started on UIKit. The main challenge was to implement a pixel-perfect design, which meant exact adherence to the Figma mockup. The application was filled with animations created using Lottie.
The card stack, reminiscent of Tinder, was one of the most challenging tasks. The cards included questions that determined user preferences, and we had to work hard to ensure that the animations and interface worked smoothly and correctly. SwiftUI turned out to be quite finicky in this regard, but we managed.
Interactive cards were of particular interest. On one of them, you could switch the animation by markers, displaying different skill levels from junior to senior. Each card displayed a corresponding animation: for example, junior showed a baby with a bottle, while middle showed a young programmer with glasses at a computer. Some cards had buttons that activated specific functions of the application, while others were intended for recording voice feedback. The user pressed an animated button with a microphone, and the application recorded the feedback, displaying an animation of sound waves.
The registration process was very interactive and unusual. The user was accompanied by an animated character who communicated with them through messages, helping to complete the onboarding. This character was always present on the main screen and occasionally played various animations, making the application lively and dynamic.
The visual part of the application was meticulously designed and implemented, with every detail matching the design. The haptic feedback of the buttons gave a sense of smoothness and completeness to the interface. The application seemed simple at first glance, but under the hood, it had a powerful technology stack and many interesting features.
Working on this project was a pleasure. The processes were well-organized, everyone knew their responsibilities, which minimized questions and allowed us to focus on development. In three months, we not only created a unique application but also made friends with colleagues, with whom we still keep in touch. The project was successful, and I am proud to have been a part of it.
What interesting projects have you worked on? I would love to hear your thoughts on this project in the comments.
If we are interested in something, or you want to implement your project, be sure to come to us and ask questions. We will always be happy to answer your questions.
submitted by sunrise_apps to u/sunrise_apps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:29 noshelfcontrol_ (f4a) looking for new long term roleplay partners!

Hi everyone! I'm currently searching for new writing partners. Roleplaying has been my hobby for over a decade and I love it so much. Finding a new writing buddy can be tricky so I might ask for a writing sample just to make sure we click. I'm happy to provide one as well!
In a roleplay partner, I would like someone who is :
* At least twenty-three years of age. (I'm almost 33 so my comfort zone is with older writers)
*Advanced literate. I prefer to receive/give a few paragraphs per reply but quality > quantity always.
* A fan of brainstorming and collaborating.
* Loves brainstorming and nerding out over characters and plots.
* Comfortable writing in third person, past tense.
I am a fandom girlie and enjoy crafting stories in worlds I already adore. The fandoms I’m currently interested in writing are; A Court of Thorns and Roses, Throne of Glass, Crescent City, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Stranger Things, the Hunger Games, The 100 and Star Wars.
I am also super interested in writing other genres such as; fantasy, mafia/mob, mystery, and historical. I'm not huge on slice of life unless there's a lot of complex dynamics.
Some of my favorite tropes are; enemies/rivals to lovers, forced proximity, fake dating, morally grey male characters, found family, strangers to lovers, the chosen one, slow burn, power couple, opposites attract, grumpy x sunshine, soul mates, hurt/comfort, stranded, and royalty.
I currently play original female characters and am interested in playing against male original or canon characters.
I do my best to post daily (often I can manage multiple posts a day) but I also work and have other responsibilities. I keep my partners updated if it will take me more than a day or two to respond to a post.
Please reach out via chat or message if you'd like to chat about a roleplay.
submitted by noshelfcontrol_ to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:17 UndefeatedStudios Alma, the fast travel character for Kaiyos Castle

Alma, the fast travel character for Kaiyos Castle submitted by UndefeatedStudios to metroidvania [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:12 JTHouser_Reddit Matchup-Comparison Between Penny’s (RWBY) matchups.

Matchup-Comparison Between Penny’s (RWBY) matchups. submitted by JTHouser_Reddit to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:01 ab-absurdum Who is Maynard Holliday? Calling all FOIA experts. Let's pull on this string.

I was digging around and found this seemingly well-connected character. I believe there are more than a few good strings here that we could be pulling on together. I'm not at all familiar with the FOIA process, but I know some members here are and might enjoy a new rabbithole to dig down.
If you have experience filing a FOIA request and would be willing to file one or multiple requests for us, please reach out via modmail or comment here.
I really feel there may be some good leads here. Thank you to anyone who is willing to assist!
Below is a biography from
Mr. Maynard A. Holliday is Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. In this capacity, he oversees investment and capability analysis of the Pentagon's critical technology areas. He has oversight of 11 principal directors assigned to those critical technology portfolios and their roadmaps — the comprehensive strategies to manage, provide oversight and guide choices for each critical technology area. These critical technology areas include 5G; Advanced Computing & Software; Directed Energy; Human-Machine Interfaces; Hypersonics; Integrated Network Systems-of-Systems; Integrated Sensing & Cyber; Microelectronics; Renewable Energy Generation & Storage; Space Technology; and Trusted Artificial Intelligence & Autonomy.
Mr. Holliday has more than 30 years of professional experience leading technological innovations in both government and the private sector. Most recently, he was a Senior Engineer at the RAND Corporation working on autonomous vehicle safety metrics and policy, explainable artificial intelligence, swarm robotics and drone defense. Previously, he served as Senior Technical Advisor and Special Assistant to Frank Kendall, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. Mr. Holliday helped establish the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental and was a member of the Defense Science Board. Mr. Holliday has also worked for the Department of Energy as a project manager for the U.S.-Russia Nuclear Material Security Task Force. He was awarded the DOE’s Meritorious Service Award, its highest, for his exceptional service in helping secure tons of weapons grade nuclear material. Prior to his government service, Mr. Holliday was a senior engineering and robotics professional at the Lawrence Livermore and Sandia National Laboratories, as well as various robotics start-ups and technology companies in Silicon Valley.
Mr. Holliday is a co-organizer of Black in Robotics, a virtual world-wide community of roboticists and their allies whose mission is to bring together Black researchers, industry professionals and students in robotics to mutually support one another to help navigate academic, corporate, and entrepreneurial paths to success. He is also co-founder of Robot Garden, the robotics-themed hacker space in Livermore, Calif. He also has been working with Bay Area public schools lecturing on robotics and teaching robotics through the Citizen Schools program in East Oakland. Mr. Holliday was named Citizen Schools Volunteer of the Year for 2012 and was also recognized with a Presidential Volunteer Service Award from the White House for his efforts. Before leaving government service in 2017, he was awarded the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service recognizing his contributions to national security through his considerable and trusted advice on multiple DOD initiatives.
Mr. Holliday graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. He later won a scholarship to attend Stanford University, where he earned a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Design with an emphasis on robotics, international security and arms control. Mr. Holliday also won a scholarship to attend the International Space University in France and was a two-time finalist for the U.S. Astronaut Corps.
submitted by ab-absurdum to UfoTruth [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:46 Alvia_Dawnlight [PC] [+0] W: Sunlight Straight Sword H: a hearty thanks, or see post

Hi! starting a new character and I really just, Don't feel like doing an early dancer and getting through Lothric Castle to get it. And if you want, you can kill me (AFTER I have the sword) for a free vertebra shackle, if you are summoned as a Mound-Maker, (since IIRC mound-makers can still drop items).
submitted by Alvia_Dawnlight to pumparum [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:38 falconpunch1989 Cassette Beasts is a very good Pokemon-like

Recently ran through Cassette Beasts on Xbox after it sitting on the to-do list for a long while, and happy to say that I highly recommend it, especially for lapsed Pokemon fans looking for a hit but unsatisfied with the current series direction.
Cassette Beasts has a lot of the trappings of a typical Pokemon game but puts unique spins on all of them. Most of these changes aren't necessarily better or worse, just different and a welcome change. It's nice to be able to explore through a monster collecting game without knowing every play in the book off by heart.
The premise for your adventure is that you've fallen into a parallel world of sorts, along with everyone else there, where local beasts can be copied onto cassette tapes. The game leans into this cassette retro aesthetic in a few different ways, like evolutions being called 'remasters' and shinies being 'bootlegs', as well as characters, plot points and visual effects.
There are "gym leaders" in the form of Ranger Captains, but these aren't really the focus of the main quest. Rather, the main quest sees you taking on boss monsters which tie into your quest to escape the alternate reality island you're trapped on.
Battles are always in double or swarm format, against other trainers, wild monsters, or bosses. This is where the most notable twists on the Poke-formula come in. Type matchups are based around "chemical reaction" status effects rather than doubling or halving damage. Fire on water causes steam, which heals the water beast. Glass can be shattered. Grass can be burned. Some give damage, defence or speed modifications. Others cause type changes entirely. Combined with the ability to give your monsters 8 (or more) moves, it's a quite in-depth system that can, if the player wishes, feed into some advanced buildcrafting. After battling, the main level-up system is tied to the player rather than the monster so you can change party composition with a fairly minimal grind to having a viable fighter. Each monster tape also has its own level which mostly determines moves learned and evolution.
I don't think the chemical type system is necessarily better than the series that inspired it, but I can't stress enough how much I enjoyed playing something different. Most of the game's difficulty is pretty manageable, but there are definite spikes where you are pushed to improve your monsters. This is achieved more through movelist choices than grinding, which is nice. Also, the battles in Cassette Beasts are super snappy and don't get bogged down in explanation text and slow animations, which is a major selling point for me.
Monster character design is important for this kind of game. I don't think Cassette Beasts brings the memorable charm that Pokemon nails time and time again, even up to 1000+ monsters. There are definitely some cool ones, but overall they don't stick this aspect quite as well. On the other hand, the fusion system is a blast, resulting in some staggering 14000 different possible combinations. These aren't all designed by hand, the game has some sort of generation tool to make this work surprisingly seamlessly.
The 2.5D graphical style is pleasingly reminiscent of GBA or DS era RPGs and suits the gameplay well. Worth a note is the music, which has some great vocal tracks that pop into action during major battle moments as well as during the island's central hub town. The main battle and world tracks are nice and sticky without quite rising to iconic-tier.
After completing the main quest at around 25 hours I was comfortably ready to put the game down. Turn based battling was starting to wear thin for me and I'm trying to let go of completionism for my own sake, but for many players it would be worth sticking around for some post-game quests lines and catching em all. The high battle system skill ceiling has more depths to mine for dedicated players who want to challenge themselves against tougher content. 10 years ago I probably could have spent double the amount of time on this game and asked for more.
Cassette Beasts is a very good Pokemon alternative. The differences and improvements from its obvious inspirations are all worthwhile, and nails most things from a pure gameplay perspective. Being such an obvious homage, the less-than-iconic monster and character design work against it a little bit. Comparing to the OG 151 designs, music and story will always be an impossible bar to clear.
Cassette Beasts probably sits just below "essential" tier gaming but nevertheless highly recommended for fans of the genre.
3.5 stars (out of 5)
submitted by falconpunch1989 to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:24 SneaselSW2 Dynasty Warriors Battleground Trivia: Sizhou/Si Province, AKA Sili

Part of a fanfic project I've been doing where I basically re-enact subtitles for battleground locations for the DW games from 2-to-5XL, as the Orochi games stopped adding extra prefixes and suffixes to the location names (likely for good reason given the combined world's setting).
These said subtitles are seen in the stage intros, and I mainly try my best to take from the original Japanese versions to translate them into English without using their localized versions.
For any geology experts and/or those who have access to the original Japanese text versions of the classic PS2 era Musou games, please feel free to debunk and/or add to the info of these location subtitles.
This time, I'll be tackling Si Province, AKA Sili. There's gonna be A LOT to cover here unlike Ji Province.

>司州 AKA 司隸州 (Sizhou AKA Silizhou/Shishuu AKA Shireishuu)

>Si Province AKA Sili Province (Admin Province AKA Admin Servant Province)

>司州, 河南尹 (Sizhou, He'nan'yin/Shishuu, Ka'nan'in)

>Si Province, He'nan Directory (Admin Province, River South Directory)

>司州河南尹, 大谷關 (Sizhou He'nan'yin, Daguguan/Shishuu Ka'nan'in, Daikokukan)

>Si Province He'nan Directory, Dagu Gate (Admin Province River South Directory, Big Valley Gate)

>司州河南尹, 汜水關 (Sizhou He'nan'yin, Sishuiguan/Shishuu Ka'nan'in, Shisuikan)

>Si Province He'nan Directory, Sishui Gate (Admin Province River South Directory, Stream Water Gate)

>司州河南尹, 虎牢關 (Sizhou He'nan'yin, Hulaoguan/Shishuu Ka'nan'in, Koroukan)

>Si Province He'nan Directory, Hulao Gate (Admin Province River South Directory, Tiger Gaol Gate)

>司州河南尹, 洛陽 (Sizhou He'nan'yin, Luoyang/Shishuu Ka'nan'in, Rakuyoh)

>Si Province He'nan Directory, Luoyang (Admin Province River South Directory, Luoyang)

>司州, 洛陽城内 (Sizhou He'nan'yin, Luoyangcheng Nei/Shishuu Ka'nan'in, Rakuyohjou Nai)

>Si Province, Luoyang Castle Interior (Admin Province, Luoyang Castle Interior)

>司州中牟縣, 官渡 (Sizhou Zhongmuxian, Guandu/Shishuu Chuumuken, Kanto)

>Si Province Zhongmu Prefecture, Guandu (Admin Province Middle Moo Prefecture, Guandu)

>司州弘農郡, 潼關 (Sizhou Hongnongjun, Tongguan/Shishuu Kou'nou'gun, Doukan)

>Si Province Hongnong County, Tong Gate (Admin Province Vast Farming County, High Gate)

>司州京兆郡, 長安 (Sizhou Jingzhaojun, Chang'an/Shishuu Kyouchougun, Chou'an)

>Si Province Jingzhao County, Chang'an (Admin Province Capital Trillion County, Long Peace)

That'd be all until further updates.
submitted by SneaselSW2 to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:58 _Rexa_ Unlocking The "Path" !!

I almost ruin my 100h+ playthrough forever....
I let my guard down, I thought this game only has one path and can't be affected by player's decision thorough the gameplay. For the context, I haven't collect all 120 characters because I don't want to use any guide at all, not even from B'baba. I manage to collect 115 characters this way, and want to try my best collect them all after Nowa's speech scene. BUT...PERRY IS DEAD NOOOOO...
I thought that there is no other choice and she can't be I just continue my playthrough, going through all of the sad scene, take back her city, and looking for the rest of the 5 allies, just for completion purpose, before the final (maybe?) battle with Aldric. Long story short, after around an hour teleporting and backtracking every single city and dungeons, I gave up, it's too difficult to find the rest of them. So finally, I use B'baba GPS service.
As soon as I read Leene's whereabouts description...Something come to my mind..."another PATH"? is it possible that...maybe...just maybe...**it means that she can save Perry if I get her before the speech?**
Sadly I just have 1 old save file before the speech, and it's literally just inside the castle right before the speech!! so it's a bit of gamble, because maybe another path can only be triggered if Leene prevent the assassin to escape the prison...or maybe it's a mistranslation, another path just mean that she will be unlocked as soon as I collect everybody else, nothing to do with Perry...who knows...but...A HOPE IS A HOPE! so I took the chance
Aaaand...YESSS YESS!!! You will never imagine how happy and relieved I am to see this scene!!!! thanks god I still have that single old save file! T___T
Leene d'Arc save the day, sponsored by B'Baba the Great!!!
submitted by _Rexa_ to EiyudenChronicle [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:34 Angel_Tsio [TOMT][SONG] 2000s-2010s Music video with people carrying brains in jars

All i remember from it is that the characters in it were carrying around brains in some kind of glass container (might've had blue liquid in it as well) and then later smashed them on the ground there might've also been some giant bird in it, but that I'm not too sure about
I don't remember anything about the music itself. Not much to go off of but good luck and thanks
submitted by Angel_Tsio to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:20 lavendene mobile game about a haunted town

i remember that you were playing as a girl with orange hair and green clothes (i think?) and you were in this haunted ghost town and you were unlocking new houses and every house had its own ghost with its own backstory and you had to explore the houses and find things and you sometimes had flashbacks of the ghosts backstories. i remember that one of the ghosts was a plumber, and another one was a woman named Sam who worked in the police. she had blonde hair and glasses. also i think one of the ghosts was somehow related to the character we were playing as? like a grandparent or something. please help me find it
submitted by lavendene to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:18 d3pr3ss3d_dragon Why do I have such weird dreams?

Like, most people dream about seeing someone they know or have one theme. Mine are these epic, drawn out plots. Most of the time, they don’t even include fictional characters (I’m a nerd). They’re just…themselves.
An example of one of my dreams: I’m riding on a bear across a plain of red grass, have cat ears and a tail, and am wanted by these people who live in a castle because I ate a horse.
I also taste, touch, and smell in these dreams. Had them since I was little.
Can someone please tell me what’s wrong with me and why I keep having these?
submitted by d3pr3ss3d_dragon to DreamMeaning [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:10 CatDogStace Asexual "Representation" in Cat Person (2023): Who has seen it??

The film adaptation of Cat Person (2023) includes an asexual character, though the 2017 viral short story by Kristen Roupenian does not.
Why put that in? Is this accurate representation? Does it help the story? Does it help the aspec community?
Interested to hear what other aspecs thought. Note that this film won't be accessible to everyone in our community due to the nature of the content. Same goes for the original 2017 short story by Kristen Roupenian.
Anyway, here are my thoughts:
[no paywall]
submitted by CatDogStace to asexuality [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 Sure-Caterpillar-301 New Mario kart idea that will never come true because Nintendo will never see this

Tell me what you think of the idea and tell me if you would plan it if it existed or what you would do if it existed let’s say they come out with a new consul and you see this version of Mario kart what would you do?
Game Title: Mario Kart Maker
Overview: "Mario Kart Maker" combines the best elements of "Super Mario Maker 2" and "Mario Kart 8," allowing players to design, share, and race on their custom tracks. This game offers an unprecedented level of creativity and competition, with a robust set of tools for track creation and a seamless online community for sharing and racing.
Gameplay Mechanics:
  1. Track Creation:
    • Editor Mode: Players can design their tracks using a wide variety of tools and assets from the "Mario Kart" series. This includes selecting terrain types (e.g., asphalt, dirt, water), adding obstacles (e.g., banana peels, shells, ramps), and integrating environmental features (e.g., jumps, loops, anti-gravity sections).
    • Theming: Choose from various themes inspired by classic Mario Kart environments, such as Rainbow Road, Bowser's Castle, and Moo Moo Meadows.
    • Customization: Place power-ups, hazards, and boost pads strategically. Customize aesthetics with decorative elements like trees, signs, and background scenery.
  2. Racing:
    • Single Player: Race against AI opponents on custom tracks or pre-made tracks. Different modes such as Grand Prix, Time Trials, and Battle Mode are included.
    • Multiplayer: Compete with friends locally or online. The online mode features matchmaking and ranked races on user-created tracks.
    • Community Challenges: Participate in daily and weekly challenges where players race on selected tracks to set the best times and earn rewards.
  3. Sharing and Community:
    • Upload and Download: Share your custom tracks with the global community and download tracks created by others.
    • Rating System: Rate tracks based on creativity, difficulty, and fun. High-rated tracks get featured on leaderboards and in community events.
    • Customization Contests: Participate in official Nintendo-hosted contests where the best track designs win prizes and get featured in special events.
Game Features:
  1. Dynamic Weather and Time of Day:
    • Add weather effects like rain, snow, and fog to tracks. Set the time of day to morning, noon, evening, or night, affecting visibility and aesthetics.
  2. Advanced Physics and Mechanics:
    • Incorporate realistic physics for driving mechanics. This includes handling different surfaces, drifting, and the impact of power-ups and hazards.
    • Anti-gravity sections allow for vertical and inverted track designs, adding a new dimension to track creation.
  3. Interactive Elements:
    • Add moving platforms, rotating hazards, and other interactive elements that change dynamically during the race.
  4. Character and Kart Customization:
    • Customize your character and kart with various skins, parts, and accessories unlocked through gameplay and achievements.
Why the Game is Fun:
  1. Endless Creativity: The extensive track creation tools offer limitless possibilities for players to express their creativity and challenge others with unique designs.
  2. Community Engagement: The online features foster a strong community where players can share, compete, and collaborate, making the game a continually evolving experience.
  3. Variety of Gameplay: With multiple game modes, customization options, and dynamic track elements, players can enjoy different racing experiences every time they play.
  4. Competitive Spirit: The ranking system and community challenges keep players motivated to improve their skills and compete for top positions.
  5. Interactive Learning: Track creation is intuitive yet deep, providing a fun way for players to learn about game design and physics through hands-on experimentation.
In "Mario Kart Maker," the thrill of racing meets the joy of creation, offering a comprehensive and engaging experience that appeals to both casual gamers and dedicated fans of the "Mario Kart" series.
Track Replication: - Track Replicator Feature: Players can recreate tracks from any previous Mario Kart game using the "Track Replicator" tool. Simply upload a picture of the original track, and the game provides intuitive tools to help replicate it accurately. All track elements, including terrain, obstacles, and environmental features, can be faithfully reproduced using the in-game assets and tools.
This feature ensures that classic tracks can be enjoyed and customized, preserving their original charm while allowing for creative modifications.
submitted by Sure-Caterpillar-301 to mariokart [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:48 DepressedGamerKid Made a milf. Sum light

Made a milf. Sum light submitted by DepressedGamerKid to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]