Meat smoker plans

Enhancing food with wood smoke flavor

2008.07.28 04:33 Enhancing food with wood smoke flavor

A place to discuss techniques, tips, recipes, and pictures of smoking meats, vegetables, fruits, or anything else consumable.

2019.12.15 17:51 swgellis stickburner

This is a community dedicated to the one and only original OG smoker, the stick burner. We are a shining beacon of bbq greatness in a turbulent sea of pellet grill electric smoker green eggness. We practice the ancient arts and indulge in the esoteric ways of fire, meat, spice, smoke, and patience. Welcome all fellow stickburners!

2014.10.31 07:14 blustersclinkered Quit Smoking

“Smoking cessation [stopping smoking] represents the single most important step that smokers can take to enhance the length and quality of their lives.”

2024.05.20 07:06 No-Put4194 Got engaged this weekend and ate to celebrate!

We finally got engaged after 7 years together. Our daughter tragically died as a newborn just over a year ago. So this weekend was very emotional and special for us. Since before she died we didn’t ever plan to marry - simply being common law was enough for us.
We hiked and had a sunset picnic. It was really special. And I let myself eat without weighing anything and just stopped when I was full. But it was pretty calorie dense stuff, chips and cheese and meats and chocolate. Tracked it after based on guesstimating and went over my weekly calories by ~1700. Feel a little guilty, trying to move on though considering, god willing, I won’t be engaged again in this lifetime!
Just sharing to alleviate some guilt. And to write down that tomorrow I’ll just keep on goin!
Context: already lost 32.2lbs. Goal is to loose 40 overall.
submitted by No-Put4194 to CICO [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:27 LetBeFriendsHere Lose Weight WITHOUT Doing Exercise

Losing weight without exercise primarily involves making changes to your diet and lifestyle. Here are some effective strategies:

Dietary Changes

1. Eat Protein-Rich Foods: Protein can increase feelings of fullness, reduce hunger, and help you consume fewer calories overall. Include lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, and plant-based proteins in your diet.
2. Control Portion Sizes: Use smaller plates and bowls to help control portion sizes and avoid overeating.
3. Increase Fiber Intake: High-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains can help you feel fuller for longer and reduce overall calorie intake.
4. Drink Water Before Meals: Drinking water before meals can help you eat less by making you feel fuller.
5. Limit Sugary and Processed Foods: Reduce your intake of sugary snacks, drinks, and processed foods, which are high in empty calories and can contribute to weight gain.
6. Eat Slowly and Mindfully: Eating slowly and paying attention to your food can help you eat less and enjoy your meals more.
7. Avoid Liquid Calories: Drinks like soda, fruit juice, and alcohol are high in calories but don’t satisfy hunger. Stick to water, herbal teas, or black coffee.
8. Plan Your Meals: Planning meals ahead can help you make healthier food choices and avoid unhealthy snacking.

Lifestyle Changes

1. Get Enough Sleep: Poor sleep can disrupt hunger hormones and increase appetite. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.
2. Reduce Stress: Chronic stress can lead to weight gain by increasing appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods. Practice stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
3. Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water throughout the day can prevent mistaking thirst for hunger and help you feel more energetic.
4. Cook at Home: Preparing your meals at home allows you to control ingredients and portion sizes, making it easier to eat healthily.
5. Eat Regularly: Skipping meals can lead to overeating later in the day. Try to eat regular meals and healthy snacks to maintain steady blood sugar levels.
6. Increase Daily Movement: While this isn’t traditional exercise, increasing your daily activity levels by walking more, taking the stairs, or doing household chores can help burn extra calories.
7. Keep Healthy Foods Accessible: Stock your kitchen with healthy foods and snacks, making it easier to choose nutritious options.
8. Avoid Eating Late at Night: Late-night eating can lead to consuming extra calories. Try to finish your last meal a few hours before bedtime.
Implementing these strategies can help you lose weight gradually and sustainably without the need for structured exercise. Remember that individual results may vary, and it’s important to find a balance that works for your lifestyle and preferences.
submitted by LetBeFriendsHere to letstalkmore [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:00 SmellyBundy Just smoked my last cigarette

Wish me luck. I have a ton of gum which usually helps (I have quit 100 times) and I plan to exercise to help get all the tar outta my lungs. I’m by no means a heavy smoker, the most I ever smoke is 8-9 cigarettes a day. But usually it would be like 5-7. So the withdrawals are pretty easy for me, it’s mostly a habit due to stress and needing something to cope with. However I have many health issues (not due to cigs) but it’s my motivation to stop!
submitted by SmellyBundy to quittingsmoking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:57 Determination7 An Outcast In Another World (Subtitle: Is 'Insanity' A Racial Trait?) [Fantasy, LitRPG] - Chapter 265 (Book 6 Chapter 50) (Part 1)

Author's Note:
7700 words, broke Reddit's character limit, so you know the drill. Will be split into two parts, both posted today. Enjoy!


"Stop! STOP!"
The terror in Kismet's voice rose higher as death drew nearer. He fled from Rob's grasping hand, but a Purge Divinity-infused fingernail managed to graze him, carving out a scoop of divine essence as if flaying a mortal's skin.
Kismet let out a screech as the Purging energy added to his growing collection of scars. A dozen small holes now dotted the surface of his mana-body, looking like he'd been pockmarked by wasting disease. Each wound represented a moment where the god had narrowly escaped with his life.
If those injuries had been inflicted by any other ability, then he could have rejuvenated himself in the time it took to blink. Purging energy was not so kind as that. It was purifying wrath in the shape of a Skill; their vengeance given form. Whatever divinity it touched, it extinguished.
As if cleansing the universe of a sickness that had infected it for far too long.
The BERSERKER continued his unrelenting advance. In response, Kismet threw up a frantic barrier of mana. It was strong enough to deflect one of Ragnavi's Annihilation beams–
And Rob blasted through it like paper mache. His charge sent broken shards of energy scattering across the divine realms. More mid-air rifts tore open, the HUMAN's aura strangling the surrounding area in a vice grip of power. Purge Divinity seemed to glow with light emanating straight from the pits of hell.
None of which was anywhere near as unnerving as the murder contained within his piercing gaze. When Kismet met Rob's eyes, he saw the end of eternity fast approaching.
The god's next barrier was just as frantic. However, this one was not comprised of mana, but of solid matter. Kismet summoned the hardest, most dense substance known to the mortal realms, then transmuted it into something that otherwise could only have been forged inside the heart of a dying star. It was many times more durable than the impossibly tough walls of an aberrant Dungeon.
So when Rob demolished it with a single punch, he actually had to put a bit of elbow grease into his windup.
Another wall materialized in front of him. He crushed it, then the one after, and the one after that, lashing out with bestial ferocity. The BERSERKER plowed through Kismet's hastily-built defenses like a bulldozer of fists and savagery. Rob was knocking them down as quickly as the god could make them, relishing the sensation of being able to vent his anger on targets that weren't fucking running away.
Then the twelfth wall fell – revealing a monstrous, spiky, fanged behemoth concealed behind.
Rob paused, momentarily taken aback at the sight of a mundane creature within the divine realms. 'Mundane' in relative terms, anyway. This monster was on par with a newborn Blight, radiating power that would have sent ordinary fighters sprinting for the hills.
It was also barely cognizant of its surroundings. The monster stared at him with unblinking, vacant eyes, just the tiniest glimmer of awareness present in its gaze. Rob noted that segments of its flesh were bubbling, as if the creature was fresh out of the oven and still needed to settle.
He couldn't help but feel a modicum of pity. This was yet another thoughtless creation, condemned to existence by an uncaring maker. Even monsters deserved better than that.
Rob caved the beast's head in before it could realize that it was alive. Pity was not the same as hesitation, and this was the only mercy he could afford to grant right now.
Didn't matter. Kismet's pawn served its purpose. In the brief instant that Rob spent getting over his initial surprise, the god had teleported to safety. He was already planning his next stunt that could buy him a few precious seconds of survival.
The HUMAN grimaced as he turned to give chase, unable to suppress the burgeoning sense of unease growing within his chest.
It almost didn't seem fair to feel that way. Rob knew he was winning – at least on the surface. Any outside observer would've bet their life savings on him, especially after the show of overwhelming superiority he'd just displayed. Kismet had been at a disadvantage before Never Forget Your Rage's recent upswing, and now it was no contest. Rob was confident that he would still be stronger even if the eight gods merged into one super-deity.
He also knew that he was living on borrowed time.
Whenever he moved, or activated a Skill, or even breathed...the sensation was there. Strength accompanied by incongruous frailty. Like background noise that kept getting louder with every action he took. His body felt close to pulling itself apart, as if his very molecules were a hairsbreadth away from coming undone.
It was different from Soul Instability. Whereas that threatened to collapse his soul, this frailty was an affliction of the flesh. The longer he fought, the more his physical form was at risk of popping like a balloon.
Such was the price of constraining godlike power within a mortal shell.
"Stay back!" Unaware of the turmoil fermenting in his assailant's mind, Kismet threw up his hands Rob didn't have a name for what he was seeing. Rather than stopping to puzzle out this latest brand of divine bullshit, he sent out a pulse of Purge Divinity, canceling whatever esoteric effect Kismet had been attempting to produce.
His Purging energy scraped against the divine realms like a cheese grater. Five rifts immediately tore open near both Rob and Kismet, with the god anxiously retreating from one that appeared just inches away from him. A low rumble echoed around them, and for a moment, they felt struck by an abrupt feeling of vertigo – until the realms gradually stabilized, righting once more.
For now.
Rob eyed the rifts with a detached, clinical gaze. An endless sea of mana resided behind them; the bedrock of the system itself. While he recognized that the rifts tearing open was bad news, he also couldn't really muster the energy to care. Between his overflowing rage, overtaxed body, and overburdened soul, minor details like the impending destruction of reality were hard to give much focus.
There was a way to fix all of that, of course. Rob couldn't outright deactivate Never Forget Your Rage – not without losing its bonus stats. But he could attempt to ease the storm of fury in his heart. By lessening his anger to more reasonable levels, Never Forget Your Rage would put less strain on both his body and the divine realms.
The notion forced a peal of hideous laughter to claw out of his throat. Lessen his anger? He'd have better luck trying to douse a volcano with a garden hose. No. For a wildfire that had grown this out of control, the only thing to do was stand aside and let it burn, burn, burn.
Until naught remained.
"I said stay back!" Kismet bellowed. He lifted his arms into the air. "Begone!" One moment later, Rob's vision was filled with scorching light. An apocalyptic geyser of mana burst forth from underfoot, intense and searing. It stripped the flesh from his bones in no time flat, powering through Almighty Resistance with pure, unmitigated violence.
And it still wasn't fast enough. Rob flickered a Purge Divinity shield for just an instant, allowing him to escape the geyser with his upper body – and most of his HP – intact. Lifesurge swiftly patched him up, leaving both combatants right back where they'd started.
Slowly, Kismet lowered his hands. They were shivering. "What are you?" he whispered. "Why are all my efforts in vain?"
To be honest, Rob was mildly impressed that Kismet had held on for this long. The god's combat efficacy was increasing as time passed, improving from panic-spamming teleports to more inventive maneuvers – as if he was learning how to fight on-the-job. He'd also stopped draining the other gods to supplement his power, having found an alternative source of fuel: mana seeping out from the sporadically-opening rifts.
It was the one silver lining to fighting an implacable BERSERKER so powerful that he fractured reality. Whenever Rob utilized Purge Divinity, more rifts opened up in the realms, and more mana leaked out from inside. The gods had invested that energy into the system millennia ago, and it typically would've been off-limits until they closed up shop and left Elatra. Kismet was making use of it now, absorbing the extra mana to strengthen himself, like a lifeline barely keeping him afloat.
The god's tenacity was...calling it 'admirable' would be going too far, but it did warrant a sort of begrudging respect. As someone who'd tangoed with multiple Blights, Rob knew what it was like to square off against a frenzied beast that could end him with a touch.
Being the scary one was a nice change of pace.
In exchange, Kismet had graciously donned the role of their battle's Combat Class user; fragile, outgunned, and pulling improvised maneuvers out of his ass for a chance at victory. The god could finally feel what it was like to be vulnerable. How exciting! Rob was more than happy to assist. Learning experiences such as these only came around once an eternity or so.
Flippancy aside – while Kismet still possessed room for improvement, this was the most that could be asked of a deity who hadn't seen combat in literal eons. His biggest fuckup had been taunting Rob in the wrong ways, but he couldn't have known about Never Forget Your Rage, that was an excusable oversight. By all other accounts, Kismet was performing adequately.
Even so...
"YoU aRE noTHinG."
The sound of Rob's voice caused two fresh rifts to open up. Kismet flinched, casting a teleportation spell out of pure reflex. Without pause, the HUMAN resumed his hunt.
Nothing. Perhaps that statement was hyperbole – yet it rang true nonetheless. While Kismet may have been a creature of supreme divinity, on the field of battle, his pedigree meant nothing. In the face of an implacable, unstoppable foe, his power was worth nothing. Very soon, he would be nothing, consigned to oblivion by Purging energy.
Rob couldn't help but unfavorably compare Kismet to the final Blight. Weren't these supposed to be two sides of the same coin? Each one-half of an original transcendent Will? Yet the Second Will had brought Rob to the edge of despair...and Kismet was fleeing like a cornered rodent. It was difficult to reconcile the two divinities as theoretical equals.
Although he knew that was an unfair comparison. Rob had fought the Blight before learning Limit Break and Never Forget Your Rage. Kismet wasn't weak.
The HUMAN was just far too strong.
If he rematched the Second Will today, he would beat it to death with his bare hands.
"Look at what you've wrought!" Kismet swept an arm out, gesturing towards some of the many rifts that Rob's presence was tearing open. "Do you understand what will transpire if you persist in this folly?! If the divine realms shatter, then so will all of Elatra! You are on the brink of destroying everything which you have striven to protect! Cease this–"
In a flash, Rob dashed forward and scooped out a chunk of the god's mana-body with Purge Divinity. Before he could do more, Kismet shrieked with pain and teleported away, leaving the BERSERKER to crush his prize between five clenched fingers.
"FoRCed mY HAnD." He located Kismet again. "NO GOING BACK."
Stopping wasn't an option. If the divine realms crumbled and Elatra imploded...well, that would be a faster end than what the gods had in store for its people. At least this way their deaths would be quick and hopefully painless – and his friends wouldn't be turned into Skills tortured for all eternity.
Still, Kismet did have a point. Destroying reality wasn't exactly the ideal outcome. There had to be a way to speed up the conclusion of their fight. Rob was certain he would win if given enough time, but he couldn't guarantee it would be before either his body or the divine realms collapsed.
Like a snake slithering through a minefield, Leveling High skirted past the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions raging within Rob's mind. He attempted to tune out its voice, yet Humanity's curse refused to be denied, the static loudening until he was compelled to respond. Quit distracting me, he snapped. In case you haven't noticed, I'm FUCKING. BUSY.
{You seek to ensure victory over those who rule above,} Leveling High continued, without missing a step. {As do I.}
Then sit back, shut up, and–
{Ignoring your deficiencies will not make them disappear. This body is...feeble. Incomplete. Unfit to wield the power contained therein. Like a polished sword attached to a brittle hilt, liable to snap in twain at any moment.}
Rob grit his teeth. He couldn't deny Leveling High's assertions. Normally he'd just tell it to piss off, but considering how much was at stake here...
With a feeling like he'd sat down to deal with the devil, Rob sighed. Then what do you propose? That we upgrade my body somehow? I don't think putting more points into Vitality would help, even if I had any to spare. Me being so juiced up on stats is half the problem.
It shook its head. {You have far surpassed the limitations of mortality. Strengthening your power further would be akin to pouring water into an overflowing cup.}
So we...what, increase the size of the cup?
Static akin to laughter echoed inside his head. {We do away with it entirely.}
An icy chill began creeping up Rob's spine, as if the cold hands of fate were working their way towards his neck. He recalled a system notification from days before – 'Your Race has morphed from Human (?) to: Ascending HUMAN'.
Not Ascended. Ascending.
Weeks-old memories came surging to the forefront. 'The Heartkiller is closer to our form of life than those you call friends,' the Blight-child of Elysium had once said. 'As long as you continue to live, eventually, you will become an existence with the power to crush the Others and free the Skills from their shackles. You are no longer one of the Ephemeral. Now, you are a cocoon, metamorphosing into something grander. When you emerge, you will be as the Eternal.'
The Blight-child had laughed at him, then. 'After joining us, preserving these worlds will no longer be your desire.'
Rob grimaced. Denied, he flatly told Leveling High. Whatever you're about to suggest isn't happening.
It scoffed at him. {Your prejudices blind you. Do you think the gods have need of physical bodies? Does it hinder them in any capacity? No – the opposite. By definition, infinity cannot be constrained. Discard this useless flesh, and your conquest of the divine realms is assured.}
Maybe you didn't hear me when I said–
{By all means. Spurn my counsel...and condemn your friends to death. Shall their lives be worth it, in the end?}
Rob sucked in air through clenched teeth.
{Ascend.} Leveling High purred with anticipation. {You are bound by a prison of meat, bone, and blood. Break free. Finish what has already begun. Gaze upon the tapestry of infinity in all its dreadful splendor. Seize victory not as a Human, but as a completed, transcendent HUMAN.}
With a scream to drown out the static, Rob chased after Kismet again and again. The god was in full-on panic mode, eschewing offensive attacks in favor of perpetual retreat, focused wholly on keeping the BERSERKER as far away as possible. He would teleport the instant that Rob laid eyes on him, frantically stalling for his life.
It was – quite unintentionally – providing evidence to Leveling High's claims. If Kismet was on the defensive, catching him would take time they might not have.
I... Rob narrowed his eyes. How would I finish Ascending, anyway? It isn't like I can just flip a switch and make it happen.
He blinked. WHAT?
{You have long since achieved the qualifications for true godhood,} Leveling High explained, in a lecturing tone. {There is no milestone that remains necessary to achieve. Rather than needing to overcome some hurdle of strength or power, the obstacle barring your path is more...arbitrary. Self-imposed.}
Humanity's curse seemed to peer into his soul. When it spoke next, its voice was filled with disgust. {You remain mortal because you wish to do so – both consciously and subconsciously. The Ascension of a nascent deity has been obstructed by cheap sentimentality.}
Rob almost started an argument over its usage of 'cheap', but he exercised restraint, keenly aware that there was bigger fish to fry. Can't do anything about the subconscious. I am \not* activating Melancholy Resistance.*
{Nor should you,} Leveling High remarked, shuddering at the prospect. {A grand statement of intent will be sufficient to shift your mentality. I believe...yes.}
The static churned like a hive of buzzing wasps. {When you next tear off a piece of the leader god's mana...even if just a sliver...devour it. Gorge yourself on their essence.}
Bile threatened to rise to the top of Rob's throat. Seems excessive, he mused, trying and failing to keep his tone lighthearted. To become a god, I eat a god? Wouldn't that make me a divine cannibal?
{You ARE a cannibal.} Leveling High's voice wavered, its veneer of helpfulness slipping to reveal the madness that lay beneath. {What do you think you've been DOING for nearly a YEAR? You kill, ingest your prey's Experience, and MAKE THEIR POWER YOUR OWN. This world is one of consumption and parasitism – devouring a god's essence is merely a more HONEST variant of THE SAME actions.}
...You clearly weren't paying attention during Diplomacy's PR lessons. Rob pursued Kismet once again, pressing his fingernails into his palms when the god hurriedly teleported away. There is such a thing as being too straightforward. If you want people to listen to you, then maybe dress up your words so they don't sound so horrifying.
Rob had no answer to that.
Bolts of divine mana peppered his skin. Kismet had barely managed to squeeze an attack in-between his escapes. The bolts ricocheted off Rob's skin like ping-pong balls, leaving minor scrapes and nothing more. It wasn't anywhere close to bypassing Almighty Resistance and his massive HP pool.
Yet it also reminded him of the mana-spears that Kismet had sent towards the rest of Riardin's Rangers. His Party members only possessed a shared, diluted version of Almighty Resistance, and their HP was a fraction of his. If Kismet aimed another attack of that caliber at many would perish, right then and there?
Was Leveling High correct? What point was there to sentimentality if it just got his friends killed?
In truth, Rob knew that it didn't really matter if he completed his Ascension. Based on what he had planned for himself after the gods were dead, little would change either way. Still...he also knew that Ascending would be a one-way trip. No take-backs. If he went through with it, a fundamental part of him would be irrevocably altered.
Something twinged in a corner of his mind. It wasn't Leveling High, or his rage, or any of the other emotions currently dominating his headspace. This was a familiar friend; perhaps Rob's #1 most trusted confidant since he'd first set foot in Elatra. One that had rarely ever steered him wrong.
And at the moment, it was telling him to be very careful before jumping into the deep end.
Ten teleports.
Give it ten more Kismet teleports, Rob said. If I haven't dealt him a serious injury by then....I'll do what I need to do. He grimaced as Kismet vanished before he'd even finished the thought. Ten starting now.
Leveling High's static quieted. It resembled a patron at a restaurant who'd ordered their meal, and was waiting patiently for the main course to arrive.
Rob didn't waste time being offended over its nonchalance. Free of distractions, he immediately swept his gaze across the divine realms, pinpointing his quarry in a micro-instant. The BERSERKER dashed forward, pushing his body as far as he could, layering Rampages on top of Dexterity that made the laws of physics want to curl up and weep.
Kismet was prepared. He'd drawn more mana from the fractured rifts, quickening his speed and reactions. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep his head above water, not yet outpaced by their continually escalating arms race.
The HUMAN struck, the god fled, and both were left in the same position as before.
Rob turned on a dime, charging without needing to look. He'd heard the moment that Kismet's teleport ended. It afforded him a split-second head start.
A gravity well suddenly appeared below his feet, as if a miniaturized black hole was weighing him down. Apparently, Kismet had set it up ahead of time as a just-in-case trap. Rob pierced through the spell's area of effect before it could ramp up to something dangerous, but his pace was slowed by a hair in the process, and his prey escaped.
You know what? Screw this. Rob whirled away from Kismet's newest location and blasted straight towards one of the lesser deities that his Party members were fighting.
He'd been too hung up on getting even with a hated foe – when there were seven other juicy morsels for him to play with. This way, Kismet would either sit back and watch as his allies were massacred, or the god would be forced to act instead of running like a goddamn cowar–
Sense Mana alerted Rob to magic gathering behind.
Pivoting, he leapt into the air. Rob superimposed himself in front of Kismet, bodyblocking the rainstorm of destructive mana that was about to be unleashed upon Riardin's Rangers.
Due to his swift response, the attack was released early. A simple Purge Divinity shield prevented him from incurring any damage. Rob still felt no sense of triumph as the mana dissipated around him. He just wasn't fast enough to kill the lesser gods and protect his Party at the same time – or at least not fast enough that he should gamble their lives on it.
Kismet disappearing a moment later didn't help matters either.
Frontal assaults weren't guaranteed to succeed, and targeting the other gods was a no-go. Could he take Kismet by surprise? Increase his Dexterity?
Rob contemplated mining Never Forget Your Rage for more stats, but swiftly vetoed the idea. His body was already struggling to hold itself together. Putting additional strain on a shaky foundation seemed...unwise.
Plus – at the risk of eating crow in the near future – he didn't actually think it was possible to feel angrier at the gods than he was right now. Seriously, what was left?
He hated them for sending him to a fantasy deathworld. He hated them for tormenting his friends and family. He hated them for being partially responsible for the Blight. He hated them for what they'd done to Elatra and Earth. He hated them for all the lives they'd stolen. He hated them for being the living embodiments of indifference and cruelty. He hated that they fostered good PR among the people they oppressed. He hated how monsters of such craven hypocrisy were also immeasurably powerful. He hated the sensation of divine mana crawling on his skin. He hated the unsettling sound of their voices. He hated their bizarre formless appearances. He hated them for being pompous pricks. He hated whenever they tried to relate to him. He hated whenever they didn't.
Most of all, he hated that they were still alive.
Even if he found out that they'd personally antagonized him since birth or some petty nonsense like that, it wouldn't measure up to the litany of transgressions they'd committed thus far. The blazing inferno within his soul could burn no hotter. Should burn no hotter. For his sanity's sake, if nothing else.
Kismet teleported. It wasn't in response to anything. He'd merely anticipated some sort of action – and was then baffled afterwards when he noticed the rampaging BERSERKER standing quietly in deep thought.
Rob advanced. While he didn't have a plan yet, he'd also learned that if he gave Kismet the slightest amount of breathing room, bad things tended to happen.
Can any of my Skills give me an edge? Unfortunately, he didn't think so. As usual, his lack of ranged options was biting him in the ass when it mattered most. Almost everything he could use required getting in close – which was the whole freaking problem – and none would be more effective than Purge Divinity, regardless.
Maybe I could set up a Waymark point, then catch Kismet's teleport with one of, that won't work either. The odds of him popping in next to a random Waymark point are slim. Could fill the battlefield with lots of Marks, but even then I have to consider the Skill's activation time. With my current Dexterity, it'd honestly be faster just to run at him.
The vast majority of his abilities simply weren't up to par in a clash with divinity. Limit Break, Purge Divinity, and Never Forget Your Rage had been specifically designed by the Skills to facilitate deicide. Something like Power Slash couldn't possibly compare to jailbroken stats and a touch of death.
As an act of defiance against his own logic, he cast Enmity, the only ability that could feasibly hit Kismet at range. The god casually shrugged off its effect before promptly escaping.
Like a frustrated animal, Rob snarled and gave chase. Just need to keep trying. Kismet isn't perfect.
Sooner or later, he's going to mess up.
He's going to mess up.
Suddenly, Kismet transformed his right hand into a blade of mana. With one harsh motion, he sliced open his own left arm.
By now, Rob had conditioned himself to never stop moving forward, even if something shocked him – which this sight very much did. His mouth dropped open, and Leveling High paused in the middle of eating its metaphorical popcorn. They still kept advancing without an iota of hesitation.
And ran straight into the mana cloud leaking out from Kismet's wound.
Rob blinked, opening his eyes to a wonderful day. The twisting plains looked dazzlingly beautiful, with fauna and plantlife lit by rays of effervescent light from the twin stars shining above. People cheerfully went about their day, happily shaking their trunks in shows of greeting, or rattling their scales to initiate merry games.
All was at peace.
Until – in unison – everyone froze. The tumult of life went quiet in an instant, replaced with pensive silence.
As if they'd been struck by the creeping, pervasive sensation of being watched.
A sound rang out. Half of them immediately fell over dead, fluids gushing from their ruined bodies.
The survivors could only lay there, crippled and in pain, as more people slowly rose into the air. Invisible fingers seemed to pluck them from the ground – and then began ripping off their limbs, one at a time, like a child dissecting butterflies–
Rob dragged himself back to the present.
It had taken much less time than before to recognize what was happening. Now that he knew what to expect, experiencing the remnant souls' lives wasn't so different from the dreamlike quality of an Attunement vision. Although...realizing that he'd witnessed the end of a world preceding Elatra did cause his thoughts to hitch for a single moment.
Which was just enough for Kismet to forge a spear of mana, then send it plunging through Rob's eye, skull, and brain. Its tip was forged to shred anything it touched, no matter how durable or Resistant.
The god whooped with glee – only to wince as the HUMAN's sole reaction was a long, drawn-out sigh. With an air of exasperation, he reached up and yanked the divine spear free with a nauseating splorch.
His eye had been reduced to a seeping red mess. He closed its eyelid. When he opened it again, the orb within had already Regenerated, now sporting an unamused glare.
It was something of a unique moment. Mid-battle events didn't typically leave both combatants feeling disheartened. The all-powerful god was losing faith that he could ever hope to stop Rob's onslaught...
And the BERSERKER didn't know if he could justify continuing on like this. His body still felt like it was pulling itself apart; if anything, the sensation was growing more pronounced as their battle progressed. While Kismet would make a fatal mistake eventually, Rob couldn't guarantee that he would last long enough to capitalize on it.
Unless he followed Leveling High's advice and–
With a howl that shook the divine realms, Rob launched his stolen spear at Kismet. His aim was true, yet it sailed through empty air, the god's afterimage tauntingly fading away.
Final chance.


Link to Part 2
submitted by Determination7 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:57 TehDonkey117 If I get a smoker is it really that much work/involvement?

I mean is it really that involved outside of maybe brining the meat, seasoning,and having the wood chips in, and then letting cook for hours? I assume there is a lot of up front work but after that can't I use a timer and let it go with a temp gauge?
Like how involved do we need to be? Or what is the easiest route to go? I'm assuming a propane smoker
submitted by TehDonkey117 to smoking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:31 im_invisible_bun I'm too embarrassed to see a doctor

please don't make fun of me, I know this subreddit is all about this but it's my first time telling anyone and I'm scared. also potential trigger warning my diet is extremely bad, I know I am not getting the nutrients I need and I need help but don't know where to start. I eat mostly carbs/bread and basic foods. I am vegetarian because meat makes me throw up. my main meals are beyond meat burgers with potato smiles, plain pasta, cheese pizza every now and again, curry sauce with naan and potato smiles and sometimes with plain rice. I don't eat dinner every day because it makes me feel awful that all I'm putting into my body is pure fat and shit. I snack a fair bit in the day, mainly yogurts, kids lunchbox type fruity snacks, bread, apple bags, sweets, cereal and more. I try to try new foods, my sister likes a lot of foods, spicy stuff, things with lots of flavour and if I'm there while she is cooking I will try a bit of what she is cooking because I want to. recently she had this pulled pork with bbq rice microwave meal and I tried some of the rice and I liked it. she has lots of flavour rice packets and adds them to her own meals and I like it sometimes but I couldn't eat a bowl of it. I wish I could. I cry so much about it. I would love to eat a full, proper meal. spaghetti carbonara was one of the most normal foods I could eat until one day i was sick after eating it and I couldnt eat it again. I know I need to see a doctor but I can, I'm scared of them, I'm scared of needles, I'm scared they're going to want to do tests and blood work and I'm absolutely terrified. I don't know how to find a specialist without a 3 year long waiting time. I'm not underweight, I'm overweight, I'm 160lbs and 5,5/6 but I am loosing weight because of work, my days are 9 or 10 hours with 1.5h commute each way and by the time I get home I am too tired to think about eating and when I do eat, I'm too sensitive and will end up crying about my unhealthy eating habits. I was 183lbs at my heaviest but ive lost 23lbs in 2 months since starting but I need to work, I can't not work. I'm scared I'll need a feeding tube or have to be put on a diet plan of stressful fear foods. please give me a reality check, tell me I need to see a doctor seriously, tell me I desperately need help because I cannot make that desicion on my own and I need someone to tell me even if I know its the right thing to do
submitted by im_invisible_bun to ARFID [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 Yassicasax 22 [F] Anywhere- Blondie looking for mature, older Asian men

Hello everyone! My name is Anna, I am 22 years and from the Netherlands (but casting my web worldwide as I will explain later). I’m blonde, quite tall with 5’7” and I am quite active. I love to go snowboarding, wakeboarding, and you can often find me in the gym or on the treadmill.
Right now I am finishing my undergrad in life sciences. Once I’m done later this year I have two deep wishes. 1) I finally want to visit Asia! I love traveling but never made it there. 2) I want to spend a few weeks in the USA exploring different cities because I’d love to do my postgrad somewhere there. I studied one semester in the UK which was incredible and I hope to do this again but now in the USA.
As to what ‘type’ I’m into it’s quite broad. Well I am generally attracted to older guys, or at least guys who are mature enough to know what they want and have a good conversation. I’m not gonna put an exact number on it but if you could be my dad we’re still ok, if you could be my grandad probably not lol. I’m also usually not really into K-pop type of guys who are all stylised and perfect. I’m more into guys next door, like someone who could be your friendly neighbour or someone you run into in the supermarket lol. Also - not a must - but I like guys with a bit of meat around the bones.
More details about me. I guess I’m a typical Dutch person lol. I love cheese, I cycle everywhere, and I can be quite straight to the point (if it’s too direct you can totally just tell me straight to my face). I also looove spicy food. Last month I tried Sichuan food for the first time and my mind and taste buds were blown away. I've also started trying to learn Mandarin last year but it's damn hard.
If you’re interested to just get to know each other then please reach out. Since I do have a few travel plans I’d be happy to talk to people all over the world because you might become my reason to visit your city or country haha. As a few conversation starters, here are some suggestions:
That’s it for now!
Oh yeah I’m a night owl by the way lol so time difference might not be that much of an issue
PS. If your response to a long post like this is "hey" then we're probably not going to be a match.
submitted by Yassicasax to amwfdating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:07 MajinAkuma Smoker's involvement in the abolition of the Shichibukai system

This observation doesn’t come from me, but from someone else, a troper. Smoker helped out to abolish the Shichibukai system in a couple of ways.
As you know, King Cobra and King Riku convinced the other kings during the Reverie to abolish one if Three Great Powers because of the evil plots that happened in their countries. Both of these plots were publicly revealed by Tashigi and Fujitora, with the latter revealing that Doflamingo‘s plot happened under the nose of the World Government and that it was pirates who saved the kingdom, not the Marines.
In Alabasta, after Smoker learned about Crocodile‘s plan, he sent Tashigi to Alubarna to take control of the situation and he told her to follow her own justice. Thanks to Tashigi, Luffy (after his second loss) was able to find Crocodile when he asked her for directions. She swallowed her pride to follow her justice and pointed at the location where Crocodile went. This resulted in Sir Crocodile‘s defeat, his revoked title and his arrest. However, the story about the true heroes of Alabasta was covered up and Smoker and Tashigi were forced to become the public heroes of that incident, which allowed the World Government to save face.
During the time-skip, Smoker ranted at Fujitora what really happened at Alabasta and that Smoker‘s rank wasn’t high enough to reveal the truth. Thanks to that rant, Admiral Fujitora would later gamble on Luffy‘s success against Doffy, and since Fujitora wanted to abolish the system of the Shichibukai anyway, he was all for the revelation of the truth and got the perfect opportunity.
Not only that, without Smoker‘s involvement at Punk Hazard, Luffy and Law wouldn’t have come out alive because thanks to Law stealing Smoker‘s heart, he was able to do a switcheroo which ultimately ended in Monet not being able to push the self-destruct button. Also, Smoker stealing Law‘s heart back from Vergo was also a key factor.
It shows that while even when he’s not actively involved or doesn’t do things actively, his influence managed to get rid of all the Shichibukai. Considering that the title of the Shichibukai was misused multiple times and none of them were truly loyal to the World Government, that was most likely for the best.
submitted by MajinAkuma to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:39 jeriakayy 22F from Georgia, United States😊

Hi all! I'm posting because I'm interested in getting to know people! I've been on dating apps for over a year and I just haven't had any luck finding someone that fits the nerdy personality that i have 😕 no one on dating apps seems to want commitment or a relationship so here i am posting here😅I'm from Georgia, I'm 22 years old, I'm 5ft 4in tall! I'm a black girl that mainly dates white men and asian guys! I'm definitely a big ole bubbly nerd that likes to stay in some days, and go out other days! I don't like partying or clubs, I do not smoke either! And would prefer that you do not smoke too! Please do not be a smoker bc I will not date a smoker! I'm looking for a man between the ages of 23-29 from Georgia that's interested in getting to know me! I'm also willing to date someone from out of state and do long-distance as long as you're ok with LDR as i desperately want to leave GA one day!! I would also like a man thats a bit taller than me and not at my height if possible😊 I would like someone to be at least 5ft10in and taller☺️! I'm also more into skinny/lanky men😊 If you have a motorcycle i will not date you due to a previous relationship years ago that involved a motorcycle accident and i almost lost my ex boyfriend at the time. Speaking of vehicles, i currently do not have a car as it broke down 2 weeks ago as im writing this, but i have a scooter that gets me to and from work. If you do not want to deal with a person without a vehicle until I get it fixed in the next few weeks you may skip past me! I understand if not having a vehicle is a turn off! If we are in long distance i will rent a vehicle if we plan to meet! I love reading! Mainly Harry Potter books and self care mental health books! I visit bookstores all the time! I also do not plan on ever having kids, so I'm trying to find a man that also does not want kids😊I love playing video games, my favorite genre is rpgs and jrpgs! But I do play other genre of games too! I like to paint in my free time, I love asian food, especially Korean and Japanese food! I love camping and hiking! Last summer I went to Tallulah Gorge and Brasstown Bald with a couple of friends on a 3 day camping trip! I am also a big lover of coffee and teas! I am also in school majoring in Dental Assiting! I am a huge fan of kdramas and kpop! And I love going to the arcade! If any of this sounds interesting to you just send me a chat telling me about yourself, and whether you're from the same state as me!😊
submitted by jeriakayy to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:39 jeriakayy [22/F] from Georgia, United States😊

Hi all! I'm posting because I'm interested in getting to know people! I've been on dating apps for over a year and I just haven't had any luck finding someone that fits the nerdy personality that i have 😕 no one on dating apps seems to want commitment or a relationship so here i am posting here😅I'm from Georgia, I'm 22 years old, I'm 5ft 4in tall! I'm a black girl that mainly dates white men and asian guys! I'm definitely a big ole bubbly nerd that likes to stay in some days, and go out other days! I don't like partying or clubs, I do not smoke either! And would prefer that you do not smoke too! Please do not be a smoker bc I will not date a smoker! I'm looking for a man between the ages of 23-29 from Georgia that's interested in getting to know me! I'm also willing to date someone from out of state and do long-distance as long as you're ok with LDR as i desperately want to leave GA one day!! I would also like a man thats a bit taller than me and not at my height if possible😊 I would like someone to be at least 5ft10in and taller☺️! I'm also more into skinny/lanky men😊 If you have a motorcycle i will not date you due to a previous relationship years ago that involved a motorcycle accident and i almost lost my ex boyfriend at the time. Speaking of vehicles, i currently do not have a car as it broke down 2 weeks ago as im writing this, but i have a scooter that gets me to and from work. If you do not want to deal with a person without a vehicle until I get it fixed in the next few weeks you may skip past me! I understand if not having a vehicle is a turn off! If we are in long distance i will rent a vehicle if we plan to meet! I love reading! Mainly Harry Potter books and self care mental health books! I visit bookstores all the time! I also do not plan on ever having kids, so I'm trying to find a man that also does not want kids😊I love playing video games, my favorite genre is rpgs and jrpgs! But I do play other genre of games too! I like to paint in my free time, I love asian food, especially Korean and Japanese food! I love camping and hiking! Last summer I went to Tallulah Gorge and Brasstown Bald with a couple of friends on a 3 day camping trip! I am also a big lover of coffee and teas! I am also in school majoring in Dental Assiting! I am a huge fan of kdramas and kpop! And I love going to the arcade! If any of this sounds interesting to you just send me a chat telling me about yourself, and whether you're from the same state as me!😊
submitted by jeriakayy to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:59 TheOneTrueAnimeGod Sionia Chapter 14

Chapter 14
Map First Previous
“Lord Wyatt, you are needed” Called Lars that shook me out of my fascinating reading about dragon neuts.
“Yes.” I said as I pulled back the curtain.
“The city guard requests to speak with you. They are restricting entrance to Avalon given the latest attack by Mardor at Black Gate of Rowan.” Lars explained with a salute and chest bump
With a sigh, I handed my book to Gus and exited the carriage and was very impressed with the massive three story gatehouse and huge stone block readouts connected on each side. I was met by a forty something looking man of average build with black hair and dark eyes flanked by six fully fitted out soldiers.
“I am Rhys Redith captain of the guard here in Avalon. You must be Count Ryan Wyatt.” Rhys introduced himself with the question.
“Yes, I am Ryan Wyatt.” I responded with a frown and knotted brow.
“We have been expecting your arrival. The king has ordered us to assist you and provide hospitality. I am to escort you to the fortress and the rest of your party to Duggan's inn.” Said Rhys with a salute and formal bow.
“That will not do! I have several wards under my care which several are nobility.” I objected to the plan given.
“I was not aware. I will of course take you to the fortress where Lady Ludmilla will address your concerns.” Replied Rhys with a salute and bow then motioned for me to follow.
“Follow him, Jace .” I said to my new driver and climbed into the carriage.
The bridge over the north side of the Paradise River to the island of Avalon was very long at around a quarter mile or so. The readouts of the gatehouse extended a good ways into the river which had several firing positions. I suspected that the river rose and fell with a possible rainy and dry season which was why the readouts could prevent an army from getting behind the gatehouse or access to the bridge from land. The island side gatehouse was flush with the city walls and protruded into the river was equally as impressive with a descent sized recessed portico and draw bridge porch extension.
Thinking back to my travels through Europe, I decided Avalon looked like the city of East Looe, Cornwall in England but not as topographically elevated and with more renaissance style architecture than back on earth. The Roman style arched bridge was very much what we just rode across. The fortress of Avalon itself was at the highest point which was off to the left on the far east side of the island and most up stream point on the islands.
The Fortress keep was decent but still half the size of Duke Boasag's Buanna. I realized that the reason for putting my servants at an inn was because of the lack of space. However, I was determined to stay with my wards no matter the violation of etiquette it might cause. As my carriage pulled up to the entrance with the fortress that had both iron gates and metal reinforced wooden doors that were a good six feet wide and twelve feet tall each. These doors were set into no less than a three foot thick wall.
Passing through the gate was a small bricked paved courtyard that was about forty to fifty feet wide in a more or less oval shape. I saw a host of servants and two well dressed ladies waiting at the main doors to the fortress's central keep.
“Lord Wyatt, welcome to Avalon. I am Viscountess Ludmilla Skafhoggr and this is my mother Baroness Grogda Wode.” Stated a quiet plump pretty faced brown haired woman in a gaudy yellow with purple accented dress with unicorns all over it and a matching unicorn hat whose horn protruded a good foot from her forehead.
“Yes, it is a very deep pleasure to meet you as well.” Stated Lady Grogda a good looking woman who seemed to be in her mid to late thirties with black hair and unusual olive colored eyes. Her lite brown dress was quiet plain compared to her daughter's which was kind of comical in their contrast.
“The pleasure is mine for sure in meeting you ladies.” I said pouring it on a bit thick with a formal bow and sweep of my arm.
“I do not understand. Why are all your people with you?” Lady Ludmilla asked looking toward Captain Rhys but speaking to me.
“I have many wards under my protection. Thus, it is impossible to leave them alone without my presence as there are many who would try and take advantage of helpless young girls.” I stated but that failed miserably when Freya and the other three Asgardians approached fully armed with their swords.
“I would hardly call them helpless!” Spat Lady Grogda with a bit of contempt as the Asgardians were better looking than her.
“Despite appearances, they need my protection. After all, I am their guardian as I freed them from captivity.” I responded with a bit of admonishment in my voice.
“Yes, we have heard the tale. You are quiet the knight in shinning armor.” Lady Ludmilla said with obvious sarcasm.
“It is what it is. The wards will be with me wherever I am. If that is at an inn or camping on the side of the road, so bit it.” I stated with irritation.
“Do not be silly. We can host your wards and personal attendant. However, we must insist that the rest stay in the inn over there.” Lady Ludmilla said pointing to a three story building that was about fifty yards away.
“That is closer than expected. However, I accept. My people can stay at the inn while you host me and my wards.” I stated with another formal bow.
“Good, now come and we will see to your comfort.” Lady Ludmilla said with a bit of a laugh with Lady Grogda giving a small laugh and a wicked grin.
I immediately turned to Lars, Razor and Meowth and ordered that they maintain a watch on the carts and carriage around the clock as I did not want any lapse where someone would try to take advantage. I called to the wolf kin brothers to continue to protect the girls inside the fortress. Pointing to Lars, I told him to take our prisoner Andros to the adventure's guild office and turn him over and letting them know he was caught trying to steal from me. Tell them I will see them on morrow to see if Andros was telling the truth or just lying. Turning with a smile and motioned to Freya and the girls to follow me with Gus right behind me.
The inside of the fortress was decently furnished though it had more of the appearance of a military outpost than a holding of wealth as it looked quiet spartan. I was led to an upper chamber where Lady Grogda had already ordered a bath filled by the time we had arrived.
“I will see to you personally” Lady Grogda stated with that same wicked grin again.
I suddenly felt as though I was a piece of meat put on display before a hungry wolf. I steeled myself to not recoil as I just felt off with this lady.
“See to your master's baggage.” Lady Grogda ordered Gus who was surprised by the command.
Gus gave me a slight shaking of his head and left the chamber. Lady Grogda then proceeded to strip me with efficiency. Once I was naked, she suddenly took her time looking at my nakedness. She even traced my scars on my back with a click of her tongue. Walking over to the tub, I climbed in and sat down.
“Spoil sport” Said Lady Grogda as she grabbed a wash cloth.
“Do not get my wounds wet.” I said warning Lady Groda of what the doctor had told me.
“Why? Your wound is almost well healed. The stitches can be pulled out except here” Stated Grogda and tapped me on my left shoulder blade.
“I have been using a special salve from the high elves. I did not realize it was healing that fast. However, I was warned that getting my wound wet would effect my healing.” I repeated what Doctor Zalzwarth told me.
“Very well.” Groda conceded.
Lady Grogda began washing me where she was absolutely taking her time. It was obvious that she was deliberately feeling me up for her own pleasure. When she grasped my manhood. I stood up and said, “The water is cold and I am tired and hungry!”
“Humph” Pouted Lady Grogda her displeasure but began to rinse me.
Just as I was stepping out of the tub, Gus entered slightly out of breath as he had run to get my clothes with Lukas my footman helping. I sighed with relief as Gus helped me don my dressing gown.
“Old Maude will be here momentarily to apply your salve.” Gus said with a salute.
“Very good.” I replied to Gus then turned to Lady Grogda and said, “I was told you are a Dowager Baroness. Is that not so?” I blatantly asked appearing as innocent as I could.
“I will see you at the dinner bell hour.” Lady Groda said with a sort of half wave salute and stormed out of the chamber in a huff.
“Thank you, Gus. I actually thought I would have to literally fight to save my personal honor.” I remarked with a laugh.
“It was my pleasure, Lord Wyatt.” Gus responded and joined me in laughing.
Old Maude came about twenty minutes later and applied my salve and chatted about how excited she was to be in Avalon and wanting to visit one of the apothecary shops. I gave her permission but have one of the guards accompany her.
About an hour later and I was fully shaven and dressed, I heard a large bell ringing from a bell tower not far away from my chamber. With that, I headed down to the great hall that was just off the main entrance way. I was met by Lady Ludmilla who escorted me to Viscount Skafhoggr chair where she seated herself to my left. Lady Grogda appeared wearing a new pink dress and seated herself to my right. The one missing was the Viscount.
“Where is Lord Skafhoggr?” I asked Lady Ludmilla with a raised eyebrow.
“He is meeting with one of the military commanders. I believe they are deciding on how large a levy they must raise to battle the bastards of Mardor.” Replied Lady Ludmilla as she clapped her hands for servants to begin serving the evening meal.
Four exhausting hours later, I was back in my chamber with my nerves completely shot. The constant fawning and mindless chatter from Lady Ludmilla as well as the constant groping from Lady Grogda under the table had stained me to the max. I was ready for bed and was glad to sink into the lavender scented sheets. Gus grabbed a thin pallet and two blankets. Blowing out the candles he stepped into the hallway closing the door behind him. He would outside my door as custom demands while traveling.
A little over a half an hour later after Gus left, the door opened and closed quickly. I could not see in the darkness but relaxed when Freya spoke softly and slipped into bed with me. Freya did her magic on me as she mounted me taking me to new heights of pleasure. I quickly forgot all about the overly eager pursuit of the Dowager Baroness as I shared the pleasures of being with Freya. After we had sated ourselves completely, we slept peacefully in a loving embrace.
The morning came with a knock on my door that woke both Freya and I. I moaned but Freya nudged me on the chin.
“Time to wake you lazy bones.” Freya said with a laugh.
“I am not a morning person.” I said with a groan.
“Don't I know it! You were quiet the beast were you not?” Freya teased then laughed at me.
The knock on the door was more instant as I rose and put on my dressing gown. Opening the door slightly was Gus and the Dowager Baroness.
“It is early, what is it?” I asked.
“We have prepared a very special meal for you this morning.” Said Lady Grogda with a frown while she tried to look around me into the chamber.
“I see. Well, give me some time to properly dress and I will be down shortly.” I stated and continued to Gus “Have Lukas bring my shaving kit.”
“Right away, Lord Wyatt.” Gus said as he motioned down the hall where I assumed Lukas was.
About forty five minutes later and having snuck Freya out of my chamber, I was fully shaved and dressed in my dark red outfit and black beret hat that actually looked really good on me. Upon entering the great hall, I saw Lady Ludmilla seated. Lady Grogda taking me by the arm led me again to the Viscount's chair where she seated herself next to me.
“Where is Lord Skafhoggr, Lady Ludmilla?” I asked her directly.
Lady Ludmilla was quiet for a moment then said, “I guess he is sleeping. The meetings with the military commanders drag on for hours and hours. I hardly ever see him these days.” Lady Ludmilla said with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Is that so. Very well as it can not be helped. Please send my regards to Lord Skafhoggr for his hospitality. I was informed that the king would have a messages for me that Lord Skafhoggr was to give me. Could you ask Lord Skafhoggr for them?” I asked as I suspected something was just not right.
“Oh. Ah. I will of course ask my Lord Vincent for the king's message once morning meal is finished.” Lady Ludmilla said and looked discombobulated.
“I see. Please do so. The king ordered me to arrive in Camelot immediately. I can not dally and spend extra time as I normally would do. I hope you understand.” I said making extra emphasis on the king's order part.
“Yes. What the king commands we all must obey.” Lady Ludmilla said sourly but not looking at me.
Lady Ludmilla then clapped her hands and the servants brought in the morning meal. What surprised me was my meal was different from everyone else. Looking at both Lady Ludmilla and Lady Grogda something in the back on my head screamed warning warning.
The silver plate before me was a type of stew with a strong overpowering spice scent. I frowned and began to think hard and fast.
“This is a specialty from the High Valley region. I hope you like it.” Lady Grogda said with no expression at all.
My alarm bells went off even stronger this time. A footman came over to fill my cup which I deliberately knocked over and profusely apologized for my clumsiness.
“You know, I am from the High Valley region too. I have never been a fan of overly spiced foods. Lets see how spicy it is.” I stated and took a scoop with a spoon and handed it to the footman to taste.
The footman was surprised but more than happy to taste the food as it was obvious that food for the staff was very plain and simple.
“You should not do that! It is not right!” Lady Grogda said as she stood up showing more alarm than outrage.
The footman had already consumed the sample where he at first looked like he liked it. However, he suddenly started to choke as his face turned bright red and falling to his knees. Lady Ludmilla stood up in horror as the footman was gagging begging for water. I handed him my silver chalice with what I assumed was apple cider where he chugged it down then begged for more.
Finally, after three more cups of water given by another footman, first footman just lay on his back almost in a stupor. It was as if his mind was blank.
“What is this?” I asked as I pointed to my meal looking at both Lady Ludmilla and Lady Grogda.
“I do not know!” Said Lady Ludmilla looking at her mother with a strange look.
“Do not give me that! What did you do?” I demanded with a my voiced raised and now pointing my finger at them.
“It was a love potion. It was to make you like me.” Said Lady Grogda meekly and looking sheepishly at the ground.
“Seriously! That was more than a simple love potion!” I yelled my outrage.
“I swear that is all it was. I had to hide its not so pleasant taste with spice.” Lady Grogda stated her defense but still not able to look me in the eye.
“Lady Ludmilla, I must now ask that you bring me the king's message as I am now leaving Avalon.” I commanded with rage in my countenance.
Lady Ludmilla fled the great hall without replying. Lady Grogda just sat down with her head down looking at the floor saying nothing.
With exasperation, I called out to my people. “House of Wyatt, Ladies and girls we are leaving! Quickly gather your things and be out front within a little span!”
With that, I stormed out of the great hall to the shock of all present. Up in the guest chamber, I changed clothes into my bluejeans, a blue shirt and a tan leather vest. Pulling on my boots and strapping on my weapons belt, I looked over seeing Gus and Lukas already packed up my discarded clothing and was ready to leave as they were staying clear of my angry outbursts.
Down at the carts, I ordered my guards to ready themselves to leave. I sent Lukas to call all the servants in the inn to be ready to leave immediately. Razor and Meowth jumped down from their perch on the first two carriages with questioning looks.
“They tried to poison me! Can you believe it?” I said angrily as I swept my arm to point at the fortress.
“Meow Lord Wyatt, that is clawful. Do you want meow to use them like a scratching post?” Asked Meowth as her tail went straight in what I assumed was either surprise or anger.
Razor just gave a low grumbling growl with teeth bared as he looked at the fortress.
Forty minutes later as my people were loading up, Lady Ludmilla approached with her head down.
“I am sorry Lord Wyatt. It seems you do not have any messages from the king.” Lady Ludmilla said never once looking me in the eye.
“I see. Send a message to the king that I left Avalon today and as commanded traveling as quickly as I can. The king is expecting my update so make sure it is properly sent!” I said with a warning.
I ordered a florse saddled for I needed fresh air as I was still furious. I actually led our people out and toward the main north south road which Nick panicked a bit and settled with riding next to me. As we approached the main crossroads of the city, I saw a large dinning hall and ordered a halt for all of our people to have breakfast. The meal consisted of roasted mutton, eggs, apple pancakes and apple jam. They also had fresh chilled milk and apple cider which really went well with the sweet dishes. Our group apparently cleaned them out and they had to turn away a few customers until mid day.
After breakfast, I went to the adventurer's guild that was a few buildings to the south. It was a four story building of decent size. I allowed Old Maude with a one of the house guards to go to the apothecary shop across the road along with the two Alphardian servants Aura and Sylvia. Inside the adventurer's guild, I asked for Marine as instructed. It was then I learned that Marine was Zack Talley's girl where they were to marry soon as she proudly let me know her good news.
“Zack said to tell you this is a level one escort. Whatever that means.” I repeated what Zack had told me to say.
“Thank you. It simply means Zack thinks there would be no problems and just being present is enough to discourage any potential thieves. The total is two hundred fifty denari for basic escort with an A ranked adventurer.” Marine said with a smile
After paying the fee for the job request, I asked Marine to speak to someone about Andros that was brought in by man guard Lars.
“I am Supervisor Etan Borg and assistant to Guild Master Henry Stewart. It is a pleasure to be at your service Count Wyatt.” Stated Etan with a salute and bow.
“Pleasure is mine.” I replied with a salute and nod of my head.
“We have investigated Andros. His party the Finders of Avalon specialize in retrieving lost items or stolen goods from thieves. It appears his party was specifically requested to recover a lost ventu volpis. We do not have any more details for the job other than this.” Etan stated as he read from a page in his hand.
“Who hired them to steal from me? Make no mistake, they were hired to steal from me!” I said as I was showing my anger and frustration.
“Normally, we would not disclose who posted job requests to those not apart of the contract. However, given the circumstances, I was instructed to tell you it was Viscountess Lady Ludmilla. It seems she contracted and paid a merchant from Xanadu for a ventu volpis. It is our understanding that merchant was placed on a Quenya trade ship where he will go on trial for his many crimes in Svarta. The Finders of Avalon should not have tried to take your ventu volpis. Nor should they have taken on the job given the crimes of the merchant without more information.” Etan explained what the guild knew.
“What will happen to Andros?” I asked frankly.
“The Guild Master will hold a hearing with S and an A ranked members who will advise on the issues. I expect he will be found guilty but will escape the ten year punishment. More like one to two years of labor for the guild doing low ranked jobs that no one wants while being supervised by myself or a C ranked or higher adventurer. His pay will be one third of normal with the rest going to repay the guild and costs associated with his lapse in judgment.” Etan replied with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I see. The thing that irks me is they attacked my people and wounded one of my guards with a slinger's stone.” I explained my outrage.
“I was not aware of this fact. Master Stewart will compensate you as the law requires. Unfortunately, Master Stewart left for Camelot for meetings with the war counsel on Astria's response to the Empire's latest invasion. I will send a filoxis to let Master Stewart know that there was injury, offense and honor requirements. I understand you will be traveling to Camelot and am certain Master Stewart will seek you out to give you a formal apology and see you are properly compensated.” Etan stated with a salute and bow.
“Good enough. Let me know the outcome of the hearing for Andros. I do not like loose ends and a potential enemy looking for revenge.” I said mater of factually.
“Understood. I will relay your concerns to Master Stewart. Etan replied with another salute and bow.
Leaving the adventure's guild, I decided to visit the tradesman's guild and merchant's storefront while Old Maude was still busy across the street. The girls came with me as they had been requesting things like combs, brushes and scented oils plus a few other special feminine items they needed.
Once all the girls got what they were needing and getting those items stowed with their baggage, Old Maude came back with a small crate filled with items to make medicines. While the baggage was being loaded and sorted, I went to see the information broker's desk and inquired about Chamberlain Robert Duffy. I paid the requested fee of one erythro given his status in the city. I was shown a file which listed the qualities, character and known habits of Robert. There was a section about vices and food preferences. The only vice was seeing a woman who was a widow listed as a paid mistress. Basically, Robert was a straight as an arrow honorable man. I smiled as the report made me feel better about who I was helping.
Finally, with everyone loaded up, we headed out of the city of Avalon over the southern main bridge and gate that was just like the north one but slightly longer with a guard tower protected draw bridge section to let ships pass. After about two hours, I had calmed down enough that I rode in the carriage as was expected of a person of rank. I just looked out seeing nothing but the vast wheat fields of the Capital Region realizing how lucky I had been to escape the evils of the ladies of Fortress Avalon.
submitted by TheOneTrueAnimeGod to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:44 menomenaa Chantix worked for me

I understand that Chantix is a divisive option for those looking to quit smoking. The reason I want to write this post is because when I did research online, both on reddit and other forums and looking for studies, it was overwhelming negative feedback. The main narrative was that Chantix made people depressed, suicidal, attempt suicide, or rage on the drug, and there were many warnings specifically against those with mental health disorders taking it.
I just want to share my experience to balance out anyone searching on the internet and may stumble upon this. Obviously do your due diligence, talk to your psychiatrist/doctor, and don't be mad at me if you hate it!
I started smoking young (teenager) and quit in 2013 when I was 24 going cold turkey, because I was broke and I felt guilty taking money from my dad for asthma meds when I was secretly smoking. Shame worked as a motivator, apparently. One quit, cold turkey. Fast forward to 2021, when a very close friend suddenly passed away. I am sober form alcohol, and rationalized that I "deserved one vice" while I grieved with friends. This addiction spiraled faster than the first time, and I was up to a pack a day fairly quickly. I tried many times to quit. Chose quit dates, tried the patch, tried the gum. Nothing worked. Chantix was my last resort.
About me: 34/female, mental health issues (anxiety, depression, OCD, probably others depending on the therapist's viewpoint). I started chantix knowing it could be bad, but I was desperate.
My experience with Chantix: I chose a quit date as instructed and planned on smoking the first seven days on the drug, as instructed. By day 3, cigarettes tasted awful. It was hard for me to finish one. By day 4, I was still mentally craving cigarettes but annoyed that I had to smoke a gross cigarette to get through it. When I finished a pack on day 4, I didn't immediately buy one. I still haven't. That was April 1st.
Obviously I'm still in 'early days' but the difference this time is there is 0 white-knuckling, I don't care about cigarettes, don't crave them. I just feel like a non-smoker. It's a non-entity that I don't think about. I have been on dates with men who smoke around me and I don't crave them. It's honestly magic.
My mood: I swear that Chantix has IMPROVED my mood. I've read a couple studies that this is a known thing for many people with depression, especially those on an SSRI. Chantix is great as an anti-depressant for many people, but no pharma company wants to touch a formerly black-box drug linked to suicide. I understand that, but I'm also sad more people don't know about it. Chantix has decreased my binge eat behaviors, and I've stopped biting my nails. Ironically, my suicidal ideation intrusive thoughts have also stopped. It feels like a miracle drug (for me) but I fully understand that it's not for everyone. Unfortunately PMS still sucked -- even Chantix couldn't cut through that (I was hopeful).
Feel free to ask me questions! Good luck everyone ˙ᵕ˙
submitted by menomenaa to stopsmoking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:55 Grifter73 Apologies if this doesn't really count as cast iron cooking

Apologies if this doesn't really count as cast iron cooking
I made a homemade marinade with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey, garlic, salt, and pepper, and I let a London Broil sit in it all day. Smoked the London Broil for about an hour at 200° until internal temp was 125°. Took it off and seared both sides in beef tallow for about 3 minutes each.
Taste was great, but I may need to pull it sooner. I pulled it off the skillet at 130°, but after a 10 minute rest, the meat was closer to a medium/medium-well. I usually prefer closer to rare/medium-rare. An hour in the smoker was just right, though. Just enough to get a hint of the smoke flavor, but not have it be overpowering.
submitted by Grifter73 to CastIronCooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:53 Euphoric_Ice7856 As a veg wanting to (re)introduce meat - tips of small servings of good quality sustainable meat?

I want to try meat again after 10+ years vegetarian, but I would like it to be cooked by someone else, and served only in a small quantity. Does anyone have suggestions on what dish I could try? My plan is to get some kind of a starter with meat in it… but I would love someone’s opinion on what would be the right amount to start with (I’ve gotten violently sick from accidentally having a full portion of meat stew in school once) aaaand any dish suggestions! :)
submitted by Euphoric_Ice7856 to exvegans [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Pizza in Alpharetta Ga

Best Pizza in Alpharetta Ga
Best Pizza in Alpharetta Ga Are you ready to embark on a pizza journey like no other? Well, buckle up because we're about to take you on a mouthwatering tour of the best pizza joints in Alpharetta, GA.From the traditional flavors of Crust Pizza Joint and Antico Pizza Napoletana to the innovative combinations at Mama's Pizza and Vincenza's Pizzeria, these places are sure to satisfy your pizza cravings.With high-quality ingredients and a commitment to excellence, these pizzerias are a slice of heaven for any pizza lover. Get ready to indulge in the best pizza Alpharetta has to offer.Key TakeawaysCrust Pizza Joint, Antico Pizza Napoletana, Joe's New York Pizzeria, Vincenza's Pizzeria, Mama's Pizza are known for their high-quality food made with in-house sauces and doughs.Campania, Mangia Ristorante & Pizzeria is known for its authentic Italian ingredients and flavorful toppings, cooked in a brick oven.Mellow Mushroom, established in 1974, offers stone-baked pizzas with charred crusts, along with a wide selection of sandwiches, burgers, and calzones.Minnie Olivia Pizzeria offers a flavorful combination of toppings in their Meat-A-Saurus Rex pizza, along with other dishes like sandwiches, soups, and salads, in a cozy atmosphere with excellent natural lighting.Crust Pizza JointWe've heard that Crust Pizza Joint is known for their signature pizzas and high-quality ingredients. Located in Alpharetta, Georgia, they've gained a reputation for serving some of the best pizza in the area. The restaurant takes pride in using in-house sauces and doughs, ensuring that every pizza is made with care and attention to detail.Crust Pizza Joint offers a wide array of toppings to choose from, allowing customers to customize their pizzas to their liking. Whether you prefer classic options like pepperoni and cheese or more adventurous combinations like barbecue chicken and pineapple, they've something for everyone.What sets Crust Pizza Joint apart is their commitment to using high-quality ingredients. From the fresh vegetables to the flavorful meats, every bite is filled with deliciousness. They source their ingredients from trusted suppliers, ensuring that each pizza is made with the utmost safety in mind.In addition to their exceptional pizzas, Crust Pizza Joint also provides excellent service. The staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and always ready to assist with any questions or concerns. Whether you dine in or order for takeout, you can expect a pleasant and satisfying experience.If you're in the mood for pizza in Alpharetta, Crust Pizza Joint should be at the top of your list. With their signature pizzas and high-quality ingredients, they truly offer some of the best pizza in town.Antico Pizza NapoletanaWhen it comes to authentic Italian flavors and brick oven cooking, Antico Pizza Napoletana is a standout. Their pizzas are made with high-quality ingredients and cooked to perfection in their brick ovens, resulting in a crispy yet chewy crust and deliciously flavorful toppings.Whether you're a fan of classic Margherita or prefer more adventurous combinations, Antico Pizza Napoletana has something to satisfy every pizza lover's cravings.Authentic Italian FlavorsAntico Pizza Napoletana offers truly authentic Italian flavors with their high-quality ingredients and flavorful toppings. Their pizza is made with in-house sauces and doughs, ensuring a fresh and delicious experience.The wide array of toppings to choose from allows customers to customize their pizza to their liking. Antico Pizza Napoletana prides itself on using only high-quality ingredients, ensuring that each bite is filled with the true taste of Italy.The signature pizzas are known for their unique and bold flavors that transport you to the streets of Naples. With excellent service and a commitment to safety, Antico Pizza Napoletana provides a dining experience that's both satisfying and secure.Whether you're craving a classic Margherita or a more adventurous combination, Antico Pizza Napoletana delivers the authentic taste of Italy in every slice.Brick Oven CookingWe love the unique flavors that come from cooking pizza in a brick oven, and it always adds a delicious char to the crust. Brick oven cooking is a traditional method that has been used for centuries to create crispy and flavorful pizzas.The intense heat generated by the brick oven cooks the pizza quickly, resulting in a perfectly crisp crust and a wonderfully melted cheese. The brick oven also imparts a smoky flavor to the pizza, enhancing the overall taste experience.Additionally, the high temperatures of the oven ensure that the pizza is cooked thoroughly, eliminating any potential health risks associated with undercooked dough or toppings. So, when you're looking for a safe and delicious pizza experience, choosing a restaurant that uses a brick oven is always a great choice.Joe's New York PizzeriaJoe's New York Pizzeria offers a wide array of toppings to choose from, ensuring that there's something for everyone's taste. Here are three reasons why Joe's is the perfect place for pizza lovers:Fresh and High-Quality Ingredients: At Joe's, they take pride in using the freshest and highest quality ingredients for their pizzas. From the tangy tomato sauce to the gooey mozzarella cheese, every bite is bursting with flavor. You can trust that each topping is carefully selected to deliver the best taste and quality.Customization Options: Joe's understands that everyone has different preferences when it comes to pizza toppings. Whether you're a fan of classic pepperoni, a veggie lover, or someone who enjoys bold and unique combinations, Joe's has got you covered. With their wide range of toppings, you can create your perfect pizza every time.Attention to Safety: When it comes to food, safety is of utmost importance. Joe's New York Pizzeria takes all necessary precautions to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of their kitchen. From sanitizing surfaces to following strict food handling protocols, you can dine at Joe's with peace of mind.Vincenza's PizzeriaAt Vincenza's Pizzeria, we can choose between a classic margherita or a bold combination like pepperoni and jalapenos, for a pizza that satisfies all of our cravings.Vincenza's Pizzeria is a popular pizza joint in town, known for its delicious and high-quality pizzas. They pride themselves on using in-house sauces and doughs, ensuring that every bite is filled with flavor. The ingredients they use are of the highest quality, guaranteeing a safe and satisfying dining experience.When it comes to safety, Vincenza's Pizzeria takes it seriously. They follow strict hygiene protocols to ensure that all their ingredients are handled and prepared in a clean and safe environment. The staff is well-trained and knowledgeable about food safety practices, providing a worry-free dining experience for their customers.In addition to their commitment to safety, Vincenza's Pizzeria offers a wide selection of toppings to cater to every taste. Whether you prefer classic combinations or bold and unique flavors, there's something for everyone at Vincenza's. Their pizzas are cooked to perfection, with a crispy crust and gooey cheese that will leave you craving for more.Mama's PizzaI heard Mama's Pizza has a secret family recipe for their sauce that makes their pizza so delicious. Let me tell you, this place is a hidden gem that you don't want to miss. Here are three reasons why Mama's Pizza is the best choice for a safe and satisfying dining experience:Fresh and High-Quality Ingredients:Mama's Pizza takes pride in using only the freshest and highest quality ingredients in their sauces, toppings, and dough. This ensures that every bite of their pizza is bursting with flavor and goodness.They source their ingredients locally whenever possible, supporting local farmers and ensuring the freshness and safety of the food they serve.The kitchen at Mama's Pizza follows strict hygiene and safety protocols to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness, ensuring that your meal is prepared with care and attention to detail.Family-Friendly Atmosphere:Mama's Pizza provides a warm and inviting atmosphere that's perfect for families. The cozy interior, friendly staff, and comfortable seating make it a great place to enjoy a meal with your loved ones.The restaurant is well-lit and spacious, allowing for ample social distancing and ensuring a safe dining experience for all.Excellent Customer Service:At Mama's Pizza, customer satisfaction is their top priority. The staff is knowledgeable, attentive, and always ready to assist you with any questions or special requests.They go above and beyond to ensure that your dining experience is enjoyable and safe. From taking extra measures in food preparation to providing a clean and welcoming environment, Mama's Pizza truly cares about their customers.CampaniaThere are three Italian restaurants in Alpharetta, and Campania is known for using authentic Italian ingredients in their dishes. This restaurant offers a wide selection of Italian dishes and cooks their pizza in a brick oven, resulting in flavorful toppings and a delicious crust. Campania takes pride in using high-quality ingredients and providing a safe dining experience for their customers.Here is a table comparing the different Italian restaurants in Alpharetta:RestaurantKey FeaturesCampania- Uses authentic Italian ingredients- Offers a wide selection of Italian dishes- Brick oven pizza- Flavorful toppingsCrust Pizza Joint- In-house sauces and doughs- Wide array of pizza toppingsAntico Pizza Napoletana- High-quality ingredients- Known for signature pizzasJoe's New York Pizzeria- Excellent service- Wide selection of pizza toppingsVincenza's Pizzeria- High-quality ingredients- Wide selection of pizza toppings- Excellent serviceAs you can see, Campania stands out for their commitment to using authentic Italian ingredients and their flavorful toppings. They prioritize safety and aim to provide a memorable dining experience for their customers. Whether you're craving a classic Margherita or a unique combination of flavors, Campania is the place to go for a taste of Italy in Alpharetta.Mangia Ristorante & PizzeriaWe should try the pizza at Mangia Ristorante & Pizzeria because they use authentic Italian ingredients and offer a wide selection of Italian dishes.The use of authentic Italian ingredients ensures that the flavors of the pizza will be true to the traditional Italian taste, evoking a sense of nostalgia and comfort for those who crave a taste of Italy.The wide selection of Italian dishes allows for a diverse dining experience, catering to different preferences and ensuring that there's something for everyone to enjoy. This variety creates a sense of excitement and anticipation, as each dish promises a unique and delicious experience.The brick oven cooking method used by Mangia Ristorante & Pizzeria adds a touch of authenticity and enhances the flavors of the pizza. The smoky aroma and perfectly charred crust create a sensory experience that's both satisfying and comforting, providing a sense of warmth and satisfaction.In conclusion, Mangia Ristorante & Pizzeria offers an enticing combination of authentic Italian ingredients, a wide selection of Italian dishes, and the use of a brick oven, providing a dining experience that's both satisfying and enjoyable.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Specific Signature Pizzas Offered at Each of These Pizza Joints?At various pizza joints in Alpharetta, you can find a variety of signature pizzas. Some places, like Crust Pizza Joint and Antico Pizza Napoletana, are known for their high-quality ingredients and in-house sauces and doughs.Joe's New York Pizzeria and Vincenza's Pizzeria offer a wide selection of toppings to choose from. Mangia Ristorante & Pizzeria and Minnie Olivia Pizzeria have flavorful toppings and use authentic Italian ingredients.Mellow Mushroom is known for their stone-baked pizzas with charred crusts. Peace Love and Pizza and Vito's Pizza & Ristorante offer unique flavors in their pizzas and other dishes.Do Any of These Pizza Joints Offer Delivery or Take-Out Options?Yes, some of these pizza joints do offer delivery or take-out options. They understand the convenience and safety of enjoying their delicious pizzas in the comfort of your own home.Whether you're craving a signature pizza from Crust Pizza Joint or a flavorful creation from Vito's Pizza & Ristorante, you can easily satisfy your pizza cravings without leaving your doorstep.Are There Any Vegetarian or Vegan Options Available at These Pizza Joints?Yes, there are vegetarian and vegan options available at some of these pizza joints. They offer a wide selection of toppings and have options like vegan cheese, fresh vegetables, and plant-based proteins.Some of the places even provide gluten-free crusts for those with dietary restrictions. Customers can enjoy delicious and flavorful pizzas without compromising their vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.These pizza joints prioritize catering to different dietary needs and ensuring that everyone can enjoy a tasty pizza experience.What Are the Prices Like at Each of These Pizza Joints?The prices at each of these pizza joints vary depending on the size and toppings of the pizza. While some places offer affordable options, others may be a bit more expensive due to the high-quality ingredients and unique flavors they provide.It's always a good idea to check their websites or give them a call for specific pricing information. Remember, it's important to consider your budget and personal preferences when choosing where to enjoy a delicious pizza in Alpharetta, GA.Are Reservations Required for Dining at Any of These Pizza Joints?Reservations aren't required at any of these pizza joints. We can simply walk in and enjoy our favorite pies. This ensures flexibility and spontaneity in our dining plans.Whether it's Crust Pizza Joint, Antico Pizza Napoletana, or any other establishment, we can expect a warm welcome and a delicious meal without the hassle of making reservations.ConclusionIn conclusion, Alpharetta, GA is a pizza lover's paradise with a wide variety of delicious options to choose from. Whether you're looking for traditional Italian flavors, innovative combinations, or a unique twist on pizza, the local pizzerias in this city have got you covered.From the high-quality ingredients to the authentic cooking methods, each pizza joint offers a distinct and flavorful experience. So, next time you're in Alpharetta, make sure to indulge in the best pizza this city has to offer, and let your taste buds experience a slice of heaven.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:11 cmondothefoxSWAT Where should I start? Complete newbie, looking to buy a smoker

Hi! I finally want to pull the trigger and get into smoking, although I am a pretty complete newbie to this. I’ve seen the smokers offered at Home Depot, Lowe’s, etc, but don’t know what to look for or where to start. I’m not sure what my “goals” are yet, but something beginner friendly that will last into intermediate levels of smoking would be great.
Bonus question: What sorts of meats are easiest to work with for beginners? I love brisket but seems pretty difficult for a beginner in my mind.
submitted by cmondothefoxSWAT to smoking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:43 gowings0 H: Fixers, Niche Weapons, Niche & Weight Reducing Armor, Plans W: Offers for Anything Catching Your Eye

submitted by gowings0 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:35 H2ON4CR Okay to cut brisket in half?

I have a vertical smoker and have only made tiny point briskets, but would like to make a full one for pastrami purposes. I've been smoking meats for about 13 years now and know the proper methods for most anything, but just need some advice on whether or not it's possible to cut a brisket in half and smoke it without drying it out by exposing the fat layer between the point and flat. Anyone ever tried it, and if so, how did it turn out?
submitted by H2ON4CR to smoking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:03 johnte22 Starting Your Keto Journey: Tips for Weight Loss Success

If you're considering the keto diet for weight loss, here are some tips to help you get started and stay on track:
  1. Understand Keto Basics: The ketogenic diet focuses on high fat, moderate protein, and very low carbohydrate intake. Typically, you’ll aim for 70-75% of your calories from fat, 20-25% from protein, and 5-10% from carbs.
  2. Plan Your Meals: Meal planning is crucial on keto. Stock up on keto-friendly foods like avocados, eggs, fatty fish, meat, cheese, nuts, and low-carb vegetables (e.g., spinach, kale, broccoli).
  3. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water. The keto diet can have a diuretic effect, so it’s important to stay hydrated and replenish electrolytes. Consider adding a pinch of salt to your water or drinking broth.
  4. Monitor Your Carb Intake: Keep your daily carb intake under 20-50 grams to enter and maintain ketosis. Use apps or food diaries to track your carb consumption accurately.
  5. Include Healthy Fats: Focus on healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, and nuts. Avoid trans fats and highly processed oils.
  6. Watch for Hidden Carbs: Be aware of hidden carbs in foods like sauces, dressings, and certain dairy products. Always check labels and ingredient lists.
  7. Electrolyte Balance: Ensure you get enough sodium, potassium, and magnesium to avoid the “keto flu” (symptoms like headache, fatigue, and irritability). Incorporate foods rich in these electrolytes or take supplements if necessary.
  8. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to the diet. Some may experience a period of adjustment, known as the keto flu, but it usually passes in a few days.
  9. Exercise Regularly: Combine the keto diet with regular physical activity. Both resistance training and cardio can enhance your weight loss and improve overall health.
  10. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key to achieving and maintaining ketosis. Avoid cheat days as they can knock you out of ketosis and set back your progress.
  11. Educate Yourself: Read up on keto and join keto communities for support and recipe ideas. There’s a wealth of information out there to help you succeed.
  12. Consult a Professional: Before starting the keto diet, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying health conditions.
Remember, the keto diet is a significant change from typical eating habits, so give yourself time to adapt. Stay patient, stay informed, and you’ll see the benefits in no time!
Good luck, and feel free to share your own tips or ask questions below!
submitted by johnte22 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:48 Queen_Bubbly AITAH for getting caught up in my feelings over something miniscule?

I (32F) had a baby 5 months ago and had serious complications before, during, and some after giving birth. It was really rough. My mom moved me, my child, and my husband (33M) into her home to help my husband keep an eye on me and our child. We've been here since our child was 3 days old (so several months now). I haven't worked since before giving birth and my husband is medically disabled (still fighting to get that one straightened out). We haven't gone home cause we have an older home that needs a lot of work, and my husband and I can only go out to work on it when we have a babysitter (which is like once or twice every two weeks).
Anyway, fast forward to more current events. I've been feeling better and not so depressed so I've been cooking dinner for a couple of weeks. Cooking was always an outlet for me, even in my teens. I started enjoying myself and making it my own and felt a lot better. My mom and husband said it was always flavorful and no complaints (except from me cause I've always been my own critic). So tonight, I had a pretty good meal planned out and, although I haven't really slept in about 2 or 3 days, I looked forward to cooking something great. As I'm prepping, my mom comes in and says to use a different seasoning than what I was going to do. I told her how I was going to fix it, but she insisted and put the seasoning in the meat (*She's not an AH, I promise). So I did it her way and started feeling terrible cause it didn't feel like my work anymore. I finished the main portion of the meal and started getting upset and basically said screw the sides. My husband came to console me, but I got in my head and said none of it mattered.
I've always hated being dependent on others, and my mom has done nothing but support us and help us with bills since we've been here. I've been searching for a new job for months, and gotten nowhere. I've got a little something going for me in the summer watching, entertaining, and educating my nieces and nephew, but it's nowhere near what I need to pay my bills on my own. I think I'm getting into my own head and feels and it makes me feel like an AH. So AITAH for getting in my head over something so miniscule?
submitted by Queen_Bubbly to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:35 atronachsaura Heavy painful lungs and serious fatigue? Starting to get concerned.

29 AFAB, two time parent, generally healthy outside of this outside of some chronic issues like hEDS and a chiari malformation which I handle with advil, medical weed, and a lot of epsom salt baths. Only other meds I take are zoloft for my brain health. I do vape after having quit smoking 3 or 4 years ago but was a smoker prior for like 9 years. I also had asthma as a kid but stopped needing an inhaler as an adult.
So, I've been coughing up serious mucus in the mornings for a while now, like (and sorry for the gross description) but like 2 inch long globs that make me feel horrendous and I'm starting to get worried because recently I've also been sleeping like a rock and incredibly fatigued in my day to day. Like fell asleep at 9pm woke up at 1pm to my husband asking if I was okay because I was out cold. I don't usually have a fever but I constantly am getting the chills and I admit some of this is probably due to anemia but it just feels different lately.
I did ye olde covid nose poke and it's a no on that as well, which I guess is nice to know but sadly doesn't help much but I will say that after having covid a third time this November, I did notice a lot of this starting to creep up. I admittedly have an immune system akin to a wet paper towel. I'm planning to see a doctor once we get the move going but with moving and packing and cleaning, I just haven't had the time to see a physical dr yet. :S
Should I be expediting that trip or is there stuff I can do at home to just cope and deal with it? Thanks in advance, I hope everybody else who's here asking questions also feels better and gets some advice that can help :)
submitted by atronachsaura to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:29 sassyclimbergirl Guajillo chiles are putrid/extremely bitter

Trying to make birria and our red chile sauce base keeps coming out extremely bitter! We've narrowed it down to the guajillo chiles - have tried dried chiles from several different suppliers/brands, only steeping vs boiling to rehydrate, using fresh water to blend vs the steeping water...I don't know what to try next.
Hard to find goat/lamb so the plan was to use a 5lb beef chuck roast for meat/tacos over Memorial weekend with a group of friends but I'm super nervous to put a bitter sauce that I wouldn't eat raw over a $50 hunk of meat just to ruin it while cooking...
Help (and thanks for any guidance)!!
submitted by sassyclimbergirl to mexicanfood [link] [comments]