Mucus and a runny nose


2008.11.17 02:32 FunnyVideos!

A community of people sharing and enjoying funny videos they have found on the internet. Has a video made you snort your coffee out of your nose from laughter recently? Then post it here for others to do the same!

2016.12.14 21:42 Lord_Ahrim1536 Cats with built in boop targets.

Cats that have boopable spots on and around their cute little nosies. A cat with a boopable nosie is one in which the hair around the cat's nose creates a pattern which is a different color from the rest of the cat.

2019.01.01 20:12 ngmod Big Nose Ladies

A place to celebrate the beauty of big noses!

2024.05.19 23:35 atronachsaura Heavy painful lungs and serious fatigue? Starting to get concerned.

29 AFAB, two time parent, generally healthy outside of this outside of some chronic issues like hEDS and a chiari malformation which I handle with advil, medical weed, and a lot of epsom salt baths. Only other meds I take are zoloft for my brain health. I do vape after having quit smoking 3 or 4 years ago but was a smoker prior for like 9 years. I also had asthma as a kid but stopped needing an inhaler as an adult.
So, I've been coughing up serious mucus in the mornings for a while now, like (and sorry for the gross description) but like 2 inch long globs that make me feel horrendous and I'm starting to get worried because recently I've also been sleeping like a rock and incredibly fatigued in my day to day. Like fell asleep at 9pm woke up at 1pm to my husband asking if I was okay because I was out cold. I don't usually have a fever but I constantly am getting the chills and I admit some of this is probably due to anemia but it just feels different lately.
I did ye olde covid nose poke and it's a no on that as well, which I guess is nice to know but sadly doesn't help much but I will say that after having covid a third time this November, I did notice a lot of this starting to creep up. I admittedly have an immune system akin to a wet paper towel. I'm planning to see a doctor once we get the move going but with moving and packing and cleaning, I just haven't had the time to see a physical dr yet. :S
Should I be expediting that trip or is there stuff I can do at home to just cope and deal with it? Thanks in advance, I hope everybody else who's here asking questions also feels better and gets some advice that can help :)
submitted by atronachsaura to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:34 Muted-View1848 Does anyone else produce so much mucus now?

I noticed this before i got covid, that after i got my first two vaccines my nose produces SO much mucus 24/7. I have to fish out boogers multiple times a day. I dont know if this has anything to do with the vaccine, but i assume is does since mucus is your bodies natural defense against illness. I know with vaccines, whether it has the live virus or not, it basically tricks your immune system into thinking theres a virus so it can fight it off and remember to fight it off when you do actually have the virus. Im wondering if im producing so much mucus because my immune system thinks that theres a virus in me. Even tho it’s annoying i definitely dont regret getting the vaccine and if i had to do it again i would, im triple vaxxed and it’s definitely helped me from contracting covid and even when i just had two and got covid, it made it way easier for me. Im wondering if this is a common symptom?
submitted by Muted-View1848 to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:43 Notofthisworld90 Baby has allergies… I think?

First time Dad.
I get seasonal allergies.. basically all spring and sometimes it feels like all year haha.
My now 9 month old baby has developed a little what to me seems like a season allergy bout.
Basically he yesterday had a decently runny nose, all day and at night he kept rubbing his little nose. Sneezing and whatever comes out of his nose is just clear. Watery eyes as well.
As someone who very frequently deals with this I instantly noticed it was allergies.
However he is SOOOOO upset about it. He is basically crying easily, only wants to be with mom (for the most part yesterday was only mom. Today he likes me a lot more) he can’t hardly sleep well at all.. the poor boy got like maybe a total of 5-7 hours of sleep last night and he has since had some pretty hefty naps today. It seems like he’s getting better but I just hate seeing him so uncomfortable. I know exactly what it feels like and he sometimes basically gets angry because his nose is itchy and nothing really fixes it.
I read online there’s not much we can do besides saline, humidifier ETC.
I’m not necessarily looking for hard medical advice but I guess just a little reassurance of anyone else who’s been through this. I want to take all of his discomfort away so he can sleep well.. instead of being upset all night and day. Help! Advice?
submitted by Notofthisworld90 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:03 Eeyorejitsu Sudden onset of adult allergies negatively effecting ability to do cardio/training.

F mid 20s here. I have been tested for allergies as a kid. I’ve never had anything close.
This years my eyes are watering and my husband always thinks I’m crying. My nose will practically poor clear thin mucus during outdoor exercise. My eyes are dry and burning most the time as well. I just FEEL inflamed lol.
But I recently did an intense hike and my nose was like streaming. It was horrible and I couldn’t breathe out my nose proper.
How do I manage this? I’ve never had these symptoms before so I’m brand new to having this. Of course I will speak to my doctor I just want outside insight as well
Thank you
submitted by Eeyorejitsu to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:59 AnxiouslyHonest Am I wrong for not giving Tylenol?

TW: mention of miscarriage
The last two days have been insane. One of my friends was hospitalized as she was looking like she’d deliver her baby early (34 weeks) and her husband is out of town. I pumped and left our 20 week old with my husband for a couple hours while I went to see her and bring her some things. Then yesterday a friend was actively experiencing a miscarriage and needed someone to watch her toddler. I took on the toddler while my husband kept our lo under control.
Well toddler wouldn’t go to sleep until 10:30 due to new place and wanting his parents. I was exhausted when friend was able to pick up her toddler and it was late. Then my lo wouldn’t go back to sleep. She woke up screaming multiple times and I tried feeding, burping, changing her, and eventually I was so exhausted and overwhelmed I just let her cry. I felt terrible but I was at my wits end.
This morning I noticed she has a runny nose and is coughing. I’ve been cuddling her and just trying to make her comfortable. She’s been content so long as we’re holding her. I mentioned to my mom that lo was sick and had a rough night. She then told me to imagine I was so small and not able to sleep and had nothing for pain management. She asked me to give her Tylenol. I said I would if she was so upset again as I didn’t realize she was sick last night. Then my mom said “well babies cry for a reason if it wasn’t gas, hunger, or needing to be changed something was obviously wrong.” Maybe I’m exhausted and emotional, but my mom can be kind of harsh sometimes especially about my choices. Now I’m feeling like maybe I was being a bad mom? I was trying to support others and because of that I was so tired I didn’t notice she wasn’t well. Should I have given her Tylenol? I’ve been avoiding it unless she has a fever (no fever currently), but my mom wants me to give her it every time she thinks she’s teething or experiencing any discomfort. Should I give it to her more often? I’m just feeling really bad.
Also I understand this could be considered medical advice, but I’m just looking for personal thoughts about it and experiences. I’m worried I’m too in my head about it. Thank you
submitted by AnxiouslyHonest to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:38 oursecretdiary Kult Giveaway Review

Kult Giveaway Review
Late review
  1. Samsung Galaxy Buds
  2. bEwRy hAmPeR
Winning the giveaway brought me genuine joy and excitement..
➡️Galaxy Buds
After 10 days of announcement, I received the Galaxy Buds. I absolutely loved the buds! They are fantastic easily deserving a perfect 5 out of 5 rating
➡️so called hamper
Did not receive the hamper which i was really looking forward to so I had to remind them about the forgotten beauty hamper and then like they finally delivered it after a freaking 10 day wait, only for me to find out it’s got just two measly items in it.. I mean, seriously? and they’re practically expired 😠 I was expecting like at least 3-4 items whattay major letdown – receiving a bEwwRy hAmPeR that’s practically a time capsule with two items on the brink of expiry. It’s like winning the lottery but instead of gold you get a couple of soon-to-be relics from the beauty world. How delightful ☺️
  1. Haruharu Black Rice Essence
This damaged my skin barrier really badly, perhaps because it’s near its expiry date. The texture? Picture the consistency of a runny nose during a flu it’s just like that 💦🤧 maybe i shall just use it for my elbows and knees. I did use it but no effect though so it’s just applying watery thing
  1. Missha Vita C
My mom’s been using this for nearly a month and like no change / difference at all! Maybe it’s just slow to kick in you know.. Gotta give it time to work its magic or whatever
submitted by oursecretdiary to KultCult [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:36 ihavepawz New to spring/summer allergies

I havent been to a doctor i just got an antihistamine. Sorry im new but is itchy eyes and very runny/blocked nose symptom of allergy? And sneezing a lot? What causes sudden allergies?? Im 26 and never had other than watery eyes. So why now? I feel awful. Also my nose is kinda dry? I get some blood as well mixed to the mucus sometimes (usually mornings)
submitted by ihavepawz to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:02 EmiliaB_ Mmr vaccine

We got our 18 month old vaccinated on the 6th . About 5 to 6 days later , she developed a low grade fever and a runny nose that has yet to pass . The fever never got higher than 100.9 . But the runny nose has been difficult. I wonder if it’s normal for her to have it for over a week now and how long it will last ? 😭😭 also , we have been keeping her at home , when is it okay for her to go to parks and such ?
submitted by EmiliaB_ to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:54 No-Sport6153 Stocking 36inch long 29gal

Stocking 36inch long 29gal
Hi all!
I’m about to stock a 36inch long 29gal, and I’m wondering if it’s long enough for runny nose tetras?
AqAdvisor gives me the ok for a school of 20 rummynose tetras and 12 Pygmy corydoras. I know how active the little buggers are and I want to give them something to thrive, not just survive.
Thank you! Pic because rummys are so dang cute
submitted by No-Sport6153 to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:08 NoOz1985 Does anyone know if the Philips DreamWisp respironics nasal mask is latex free? Would be a tremendous help if anyone has the answer

I have latex allergies and asthma and have bought the DreamWisp nasal mask without knowing if it contains latex. I'm new to cpap so didn't really think it trough. I've been sneezing and have a runny nose after usage. Also worseing asthma. It could be from the late but it can also be me not being used to cpap. I looked at the packaging and have no idea if it contains latex. It looks like it's pure silicone. But Ive googled and it says some Philips cpap masks do contain latex.
Thanks so much if you know the answer. Really appreciate it!
submitted by NoOz1985 to SleepApnea [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:39 Agitated_Front7197 Really sick after MA 4 days ago

Hello, I had an MA on Wednesday when I took the misoprostol pills. On that day, I was bleeding a lot and cramping and passed some clots. Fast forward, I still have some light bleeding and light cramping. On Friday, I started feeling sick like I would get a fever but my temp never actually went up to 100. Last night, I had really bad congestion, runny nose, muscle ache, swollen lymph nodes, and it was hurting to swallow, and yellow nasal discharge/phlegm. I went to the urgent care this morning to get checked and tested negative for strep throat and doctor said it could be a viral infection. I was not prescribed any antibiotics and was told to take over the counter medication to manage the symptoms. I am just wondering if what I’m feeling could be any way related to my medical abortion. I am worried that I could have an infection or an incomplete abortion and this is how my body is reacting to it. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Has anyone ever experienced something like this.
submitted by Agitated_Front7197 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:36 Shisavage21 Snot in morning

Does anybody else wake up with a bunch of mucus in nose and throat and have to blow their nose. Is there any way to fix this. Do I need to use a saline rinse before bed or what. It’s so annoying been happening to me for like 3 months now.
submitted by Shisavage21 to LPR [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:51 TravelFlashy8432 My nose is clogged and runny ALL YEAR.

Whats going on? I can say that it’s been like this for 2-3 years. Everyday my nose is runny and I have to blow it maybe every 5 minutes and I cannot breathe out of it because it is seriously clogged. I have been to numerous doctors about it and they all said it’s probably an allergy. They have all prescribed me different kinds of nasal sprays for unclogging and reducing the mucus it produces, also a lot of antihistamines. NOTHING. worked. Recently I went to another doctor and ge prescribed me a nasal spray again one antihistamines and two homeopathic (drops for water and one to keep under ur tongue till it melts). They worked, while i was taking them my nose was unclogged, BARELY had any runny nose and I generally felt better. Though I had to take them dozens of times during the day . 3 times the homeopathy once the antihistamine and 2 times the nasal spray. It was a lot to take. I did this for 3 months and some weeks ago I stopped them. I have never been worse. My nose is runny and super clogged again. I cannot breathe and my speech sounds silly. I sneeze like 6-7 times at once every 5-6 minutes and I constantly clear my throat and its become this annoying “ahm ahm ahm” noise every second. Someone seriously help because this is TOO MUCH. to be an allergy 😭
submitted by TravelFlashy8432 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:11 ko01i Cold pre rhinoplasty

my rhinos in a week and Ive been getting a runny nose. Because I blow it often, Im also getting nosebleeds. Do I tell my doctor? Will my rhino be postponed?
submitted by ko01i to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:00 Witty_Cantaloupe8720 Is it normal for the inside of my nose to be this red?

The other nostril looks similar.
I (19M) have been having trouble with a chronic clogged nose for about 3 years and it has either gotten worse, or I'm noticing it more due to being more physically active.
During the day it feels like I can get in very little air from my nose and my sense of smell is impaired. Normally it's dry, not runny. It can differ from day to day, sometimes feeling a bit better, but even then it's not adequate. I notice it most when doing any sort of physical activity that raises my heart rate like lifting weights, going on hikes, running, etc. Of course everyone finds it harder to breath during exercise, but since my normal ability to breath through my nose is worsened, raising my heart rate makes it impossible.
Other symptoms: - Dry throat when waking up due to mouth breathing. - Unbearable clogged nose when sick. - Worse with colder weather: as my nose gets runny, I feel like the mucus blocks the already small hole I'm getting air from. - Only able to smell strong odors.
submitted by Witty_Cantaloupe8720 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:08 AlexHoneyBee Question for med students

Does a 9 month old baby need medical attention even if no fever?
My daughter was very sick with cough and runny nose, and the grad program I’m in refused to postpone the PhD candidacy exam. One of the committee members compared me asking for an extension due to my sick daughter to her getting a flat tire and being able to deal with it. It was surprising to be told to defer medical attention for my daughter in order to proceed with a requirement that doesn’t need to be fulfilled for another four months.
submitted by AlexHoneyBee to McMaster [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:27 Exciting-Cherry3679 Why are my toddlers poops so mushy and smelly?!

I’ve found a few other similar posts but can’t seem to find an answer that aligns exactly. My toddler (13m) has the following symptoms: mushy poop —not runny or diarrhea, but definitely not fully solid. They often seem to have undigested food in them and are very very smelly. Strangely, when he first started solids he seemed to have more solid poops, but they have been consistently mushy for quite a while now most of the time.
Other symptoms, which I’m not sure if are related, are a constant runny nose and not sleeping well.
He still breastfeeds 1-4 times/day, mostly at night before bed and when he wakes at night. He generally eats well but fluctuates in his appetite. He has ways gained weight normally and is on the bigger size for his age.
We did try eliminating dairy from both his and my diet for 2 weeks and didn’t notice a significant change. However, he hasn’t been having dairy for about 2 weeks to see if that helps, although I still have been having it.
I am not sure if it is a food intolerance or what. He has beeb teated for mold, dog abs dust allergies for the congestion but those were all negative.
his pediatrician never seems allarmed but i am concerned, especially if there is something that is making him feel unwell obviously.
submitted by Exciting-Cherry3679 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:07 Ok-Ok4475 Could it be Aspergillus ?

Hi all,
I'm 28M. 2 months ago, I suddenly had a lot of blood coming out of my mouth, without doing anything. In total, it happened 3 times, 2 days in a row, twice first day, once second day. No other symptoms, no coughing, just feeling that I suddenly had something in the mouse, and when spitting noticed it was a lot of blood. Since then, I haven't had or noticed anything like this again, maybe really small amounts of blood here and there. So, I did bloods tests, an endoscopy (doctors thought it could be an ulcer), saw a dentist, saw an ERL doctor which checked my nose, and throat, also did a lung CT. Nothing special was found. Though my blood test was retuning high EOS percentage (8.7%), but regular EOS quantity (0.3K/ul). Also I had a low WBC (3.8K/ul). IgG was 1695 mg/dL, IgM 71 mg/dL, IgA 389 mg/dL.
Doctor said I did enough tests, we should stop there.
I need to say that when this event happened, I was sleeping for several weeks in a room in which there were black molds expanding on the ceiling (I was stupid for continuing sleeping there).
2 weeks after the blood in mouth episode, I had kind like a sinusite, almost couldn't hear anymore from one ear, but it went away after about 24 hours. So I did not consult.
2 months have passed, and I'm sick again, throat hurting, tired, one ear a bit blocked, and almost no coughing at all. All improved after 1 week of antibiotics, though I noticed that I did spit out some brown mucus in this morning (I don't smoke). I did a quick strep A test, it came back positive, so I was prescribed antibiotics and did a throat culture. The throat culture didn't find bacteria (I don't think they look for fungal).
I don't have a known illness (HIV etc) or anything.
I'm wondering if all of this could be linked to the fungal, could it be that I'm infected by a fungal like Aspergillus ? When I mentioned the molds on the ceiling during the blood episode my doctor didn't take it seriously and told me it's unlikely related. I've not seen the same doctor again, so the one that consulted recently for the antibiotics me didn't have the context of the blood episode. From my understanding the high EOS indicate an alergy to something, could it be a fungal?. Though in the lung CT (which had some artifacts because I did breath during it) they did not see something unusual. If Aspergillus trigger blood episode, we should have seen something in the CT or not necessarily ?
Do you recommend me consulting again ? Should I try to convince my doctor to do a seriology aspergillus test ? Is this the best way to clear this out ?
submitted by Ok-Ok4475 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:54 Significant-Spite-94 Is it true that scratching your nose can ultimately lead to Alzheimer's? I am so afraid please

23F Is it true that scratching your nose can ultimately lead to Alzheimer's? I've always had a lot of scabs and mucus and I've been doing it every day for years and years and now that I've read this I'm shaking with fear, I'm afraid it's too late, So can this cause this in the long term and how do we know if we have bacteria that has infiltrated the brain???? I don't think I have Herpes because I've never had symptoms or Chlamydia pneumoniae because I'm a virgin, but apparently it can be asymptomatic for years and it can go through the nose or I don't know, I don't have it. I don't fully understand the article but I'm very, very anxious, I can't stop thinking about it and I tell myself that it could lead to early Alzheimer's or I don't know? I'm crying, I'm so scared because I'm already a hypochondriac, it's too hard
The study :
submitted by Significant-Spite-94 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:38 Witty_Cantaloupe8720 Why doesn't medication work on my nose?

TLDR: Suffering from a chronic stuffy nose and medications like azelastine hydrochloride, fluticasone propionate, betamethasone, oxymetazoline hydrochloride, desloratidine and psuedoephedrine don't work on me.
I (19M) have been having trouble with a chronic clogged nose for about 3 years and it has either gotten worse, or I'm noticing it more due to being more physically active.
During the day it feels like I can get in very little air from my nose and my sense of smell is impaired. Normally it's dry, not runny. It can differ from day to day, sometimes feeling a bit better, but even then it's not adequate. I notice it most when doing any sort of physical activity that raises my heart rate like lifting weights, going on hikes, running, etc. Of course everyone finds it harder to breath during exercise, but since my normal ability to breath through my nose is worsened, raising my heart rate makes it impossible.
Other symptoms: - Dry throat when waking up due to mouth breathing. - Unbearable clogged nose when sick. - Worse with colder weather: as my nose gets runny, I feel like the mucus blocks the already small hole I'm getting air from. - Only able to smell strong odors.
After seeing my x-ray, my doctor told me that I had an inflamed nasal mucosa and a slightly deviated septum, which wasn't deviated enough to be the cause. He prescribed me a nasal spray with active ingredients: azelastine hydrochloride and fluticasone propionate. Used the spray as per his instructions for about 2 weeks, but it had no effect.
Next he prescribed me another nasal spray containing oxymetazoline hydrochloride for 5 days, 10 tablets of desloratadine and a betamethasone muscular injection. None of them produced even a slight change in my condition. Reading some good reviews on the Internet made me want to try taking a psuedoephedrine tablet before a long hike, but again no effect.
Up until now I have never abused nasal sprays, using them rarely with particularly bad colds. And also haven't used oral medication for my nose before.
So my question is, why don't anyone of these medications decongest my nose at all when they work well for most other people?
submitted by Witty_Cantaloupe8720 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:49 ArminiusPella Weird experiences with wave 1.

These are probably pretty boring compared to what you guys get up to but was definitely weird for me.
Experience #1
I was listening to Wave 1, Discovery #2 in the 10th state. Just focusing on my breathing because I was a bit bored. When all of a sudden, I started hearing and seeing a memory of my chemistry teacher on repeat from a week prior saying "We can leave now." I didn't take much notice of her, and after a bit, I just went back to focusing on my breathing. A few minutes later, I found myself in the corner of an empty conference room from my primary school. Slowly, a table and two chairs appeared in the center of the room, with other furniture appearing. Then, my 9-year-old self and a teacher's aide appeared at the table. My younger self was crying a lot with his head in his hands, and the teacher's aide was trying to comfort my younger self. Another teacher slid the door open, and the room faded to black.
Experience #2
I didn't have time to do the tapes for about 2 months because of school and such. But then I got sick :). So, I did Discovery #4; not much happened as it was hard to stay focused with a runny nose. But I did fall asleep halfway through and woke up halfway through Discovery #5. A bit of backstory about me: I cannot, for the life of me, swallow pills. Whenever I try, I vomit. But I had to learn because I got a bacterial infection that needed antibiotics to be treated. It was a ~500mg pill, and I tried to swallow it a couple of hours before but failed. But after doing the tape, I tried again, and I could easily swallow the pill. It was like I had done it many times before, and I didn't have any fear. It just went straight down.
submitted by ArminiusPella to gatewaytapes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:31 krolowas 25F cold or sinus infection?

25F, had the flu ~ 3-4 weeks ago and was on antibiotics + Sudafed pseudoephedrine
Hello! Would appreciate any guidance here. So a few weeks ago I was struck down by a horrible flu which resulted in antibiotics for a week. On Wednesday I started to become congested horribly and had body aches. The body aches have passed now (lasted 1 day) and my congestion has cleared up by using decongestants (pseudoephedrine) where I can now breathe through my nose, though I’m finding my ears to be muffled and there’s slight pain in my left ear. I don’t have any swelling, and not a lot of pressure in my face/nose headache, No green mucus or anything like that. I’m wondering if this will pass on its own? Or if I require antibiotics again 🤥😥 I just hate the feeling of my ears not being clear especially after battling a flu for 2-3 weeks already!!!
Thank you
submitted by krolowas to AskDocs [link] [comments]