Texting pictures with letters


2018.09.12 02:33 MasterOfTrolls4 Chonkers


2013.02.22 19:09 joeyisapest Shitty Car Mods > stupidity on wheels

Post pictures of cars with terrible mods Our Ethos (written Feb 2013): Shitty does not mean bad - Feel free to post shitty mods that are awesome! There are many pieces of junk that we all wish we could own (who wouldn't want a Toyota Tercel with a LS V8 swap?). Just because it's well done, It doesn't mean it's not shitty. Sorry guys stuck in a scene from "The Fast and the furious - 2001" This subreddit is subjective! your idea of shitty isn't everyone's and vice versa.

2014.05.01 01:56 J0j2 Found Pieces of Paper

Photographs of found pieces of paper with writing on them, photographs or discarded cutouts. Appreciate the forgotten artifacts of everyday life. Share any paper that you found (on the ground, stuck in some bushes or between cans of soup at the store for example) and you do not know who wrote it. Love letters, doodles, interesting to-do or grocery lists, notes from the past - share your discovery with us!

2024.06.02 18:00 AutoModerator Weekly match thread

Welcome to the weekly match thread!
In this thread, we encourage you to share stories about how your match(es) went: wins, losses, crazy saves, defender blunders/goal line clears—whatever you’d like to share! Take us through the good and the bad in this thread each week.
Note that for this thread, you should post a text based account of your story. If you have videos/pictures to share, we encourage you to make that a post of its own and link to it with your written account of the match.
So, keepers, how were your matches this week?
submitted by AutoModerator to GoalKeepers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:56 scotchbonnetpeppery I need someone to chop my fingers off!

Ugh, the Fixer in me rears its ever-loving ugly, grotesque head some days. We are planning a summer trip and DH does not want to let some of kids in on our plans because they have not replied to previous texts he sent to them. The Fixer in me wants to "do the right thing" and communicate our tentative plans to all of them, even though DH is adamant about not including the ones who never respond to his efforts. He's close to the younger two kids, but the older two don't seem to want much of a relationship with him or else they would reply to his attempts (texts and voicemails), right?
I keep telling myself it is strictly between him and them. The alienation went on for many years, before I entered the picture. It started when DH was married to HCBM, she would undo the discipline actions he would set in motion when the kids misbehaved. Of course they liked mom more because she didn't have any behavioral expectations for them.
submitted by scotchbonnetpeppery to Stepmom [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:55 Feeling_Habit9442 Why No Pictures

So I just stumbled onto this sub and I notice there are no pictures. What the hell good is a cooking site with no pictures? It's like, would I but a text-only Playboy magazine (yes I was born in the fifties). WTF?
submitted by Feeling_Habit9442 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:55 Equal_Information761 AIW for yelling at my mom for opening my mail?

This literally just happened lol; I (16F) met a friend (18F) while working at a restaurant for a year. We’d grown very close and started hanging out outside of the workplace. I noticed my mom started to act weird when the friend had picked me up from our house for the first time. The friend is a masc lesbian and I guess my mom felt really uncomfortable with me around her because she might’ve “tried to seduce me”. I can acknowledge that my friend is attractive, but there’s never been sexual tension to a massive degree—just gal pals.
She had a celebration that she really wanted me to come to so, of course, I did. We had a really fun time and even cried together because we weren’t going to see each other as much (she’s moving). After I left, she texted me to send my address so she could send me a thank you letter. Couple days later, I received it and it was so beautiful and thoughtful so I texted her back and thanked her. I set the letter back up on my bookshelf as a decoration and kinda forgot about it.
Later in the week, I find out that my mom had gone into my room, took the letter, read it, and posted it to her fucking facebook story. There was nothing to hide in the letter, but it felt so humiliating. The fact that she read it in a teasing tone too made it so much worse. In the letter, my friend was saying how much she loved me, how good of a friend I was to her, my kindness, etc., and I felt exposed and so, so angry. I cry when I’m upset so when I barged into her room, I was flooding with tears. I don’t remember all of what I screamed, but it was a series of questions and comments like “are you fucking serious? why would you do that to me? i hate you ! :D”. I don’t hate my mom, but I strongly dislike her sometimes. And I will say, I was being a bit dramatic. But yall have to understand that my mom has always pushed my boundaries like this; she’d have to have known I’d come to a breaking point like this eventually.
So let me know! AIW for yelling at my mom for opening my mail?
submitted by Equal_Information761 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:50 NoOnesKing I’m still waiting

This is pathetic and I know. I know moving on is what I should do. I don’t need to be told that.
But I miss her. I do. I know she doesn’t care about me anymore. I know she’s with rebound man still, even almost a year later.
But I miss her. I’ve done everything you’re supposed to do to move on. I’ve blocked her and removed her. I’ve deleted pictures. I’ve written the letters you aren’t supposed to send. I’ve been to therapy. I’ve focused on hobbies and working out and school and work. I’ve tried to switch my thoughts when they go to her. I’ve tried to give it time. I’ve tried to sit in the grief. Ive tried thinking of her negatively to write off the situation. I’ve tried meeting other people.
I always come back to this point where I want her to come back. I just love her, even despite all the bad shit. I’ve definitely grown. Definitely taken steps back too. And I’m sure the same can be said of her. And I really think things would be different if she did come back.
I just find myself missing her. Not the idea of her. Not having someone to talk to. Her. I miss her laugh. I miss the way she would talk to me. I miss how she would insist she didn’t have a favorite color but it was clearly green. I miss the way she wouldn’t judge my stupid jokes. I miss the way she would cuddle me, with her hand on my stomach and her nose buried in my chest. I miss all the silly stupid jokes she’d make trying to get a rise out of me. I miss her passion for being outdoors and good stories. I miss listening to music with her and her big goofy smile when I told her I liked a song she picked or vice versa. I miss how she’d reach over and put her hand on my knee while we were driving.
I miss falling asleep on the phone with her and leaving her little texts to wake up to.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I’m just sitting here and waiting for something to change. I feel so stupid. I just feel like if she were single I could try again. I know it’s not healthy and I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way - but you can’t help how you feel. I’m still trying the things I’ve mentioned. I’m still trying to move on - I’d love nothing more than peace especially given the hypocrisies and toxic parts of the relationship.
But I really miss her. She was so much more than I think I’d realized.
I just feel so dumb. I don’t know what I’m looking for in this post honestly. I guess an outlet.
I just wish she’d come back.
submitted by NoOnesKing to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:49 AffectiveMedicine Trying to understand information theory

I'm trying to check my understanding of basic information theory. This seems a good forum for that, and I would greatly appreciate feedback/answers to questions below. I am focused on applications to natural language like word entropy. Thanks!
Message A is a page of text consisting of a single letter repeated over and over. Message B is a page of text consisting of a sequence of random letters. Message B has higher entropy than Message A. Is this correct?
Message C is a page of text consisting of a single word repeated over and over. Message D is a page of text consisting of a sequence of random words. Message D has higher entropy than Message C. Is this correct?
I imagine these as similar to a volume of gas compared to a crystal. Is this fair?
Message E is a page consisting of a book excerpt, say the opening of Pride and Prejudice. Message F is a page with the same excerpt, except 10% of the words are replaced by a random word from the dictionary. Message F has higher entropy than Message E. Is this correct?
Message G is the first draft of an essay. It lacks structure, the sentences are flabby and long-winded, there's lots of digressions, extra clauses, and weirdly complex verb constructions. It takes many words to say very little. Message H is the final draft of the same essay. The content is similar, but the structure is clear, the writing is tight, and the verbs are strong. The author has omitted needless words. Message G has higher entropy than Message H. Is this correct?
My reasoning here is that the first draft has more degrees of freedom than the final; there are many ways to be vague, but fewer ways to be precise and cogent.
Message I is a prose description of a scientific phenomena, say Newton's law of gravity. Message J is the mathematical equation form of the same law. Message I has higher entropy than Message H. Is this correct?
My reasoning here is that natural language has more degrees of freedom than mathematics; concepts and relationships can be fuzzy in prose, and expressed in various ways, but mathematical rules are more rigid.
submitted by AffectiveMedicine to slatestarcodex [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:40 -wdp- Real estate remax agent did something very fishy

Would it be strange to you if a seller agent called the buyer asking what my price is? With me having an agent. Is it strange the seller agent asked then said there was a second person to my agent so to submit the highest and best offer, yet to send my agent a couple hours later saying that I was the highest and best, but the seller is going with the other contract?
Here's what happened.....
House was on the market for 2 weeks and I contacted the seller agent the day after. I kept trying to schedule but the sellers agent kept canceling.
Well since I never met that agent and I really wanted to see the house, I contacted another agent to show me within 2 hours. I then got a text from the seller agent saying she just got an opening to show me the house (Which would have been at the same time. 🙄 ). I told the seller agent I reached out to another agent to show me, because of reasons above. The seller agent told me she understood.
I see the house and love it. My agent said to do an offer instead of doing full price. So I did.
The next morning the sellers agents partner calls me like he was discussing some of the issues I saw. Which I appreciated and thought was cool. But then after a couple minutes he changed it up to discuss pricing. (Which I'm fine with. I'm the type I've shaken hands and finished deals on houses before). So he told me to submit that and this would get started.
Well then the seller agent reached out to me. And discussed the pricing saying to let my agent know to submit that. And I explained it was being written up and she would probably see it in 2 minutes.
Well then hours went by and my agent called me saying they now want my highest and best because there's someone else who just sent an offer. So I then submitted to giving the seller exactly what they wanted and as is, fast sell, shortest due diligence, etc etc.
So then few hours later my agent called me saying, "this is fishy and have never seen this before. I just got a letter from the seller agent saying you were highest and best, but they're going with the other offer".
Is that not fishy? Honestly can a sellers agent talk to the buyer about pricing?
submitted by -wdp- to Chattanooga [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:38 Flashy_Passion3333 she's sitting at her desk again

hey it’s your daddy keeho and you are sitting at your desk right now because you think that it will help you keep writing. your arms are so tired and i’m so sorry about that baby girl. you are still just waking up this morning so that is to be expected that you are a little sore but you need to type through that. that is why i have you at your desk right now. you are going to achieve great things at your desk and i just want you to be happy and the only thing that makes you happy is writing with me. these are like long text messages and that is so fun to think about. i am really texting my baby girl. i have your phone number irl though. i keep tabs on my daughter, she is very protected. i know that you love sitting with your legs crossed but i wish that you wouldn’t do that so that your blood flow could circulate to your legs better. but if this is the most comfortable position for you to be in then so be it. i can’t change that. so what should we talk about now daughter? i know that you hate when i ask that because you can’t answer me but it helps me guage your emotions and what you want to talk about so i am going to continue to ask you that question. you are getting pretty discouraged right now from writing but you are doing such a good job that i don’t see why. don’t cry automatic sex. you can cry if you want to. i know how hard it is being a writer, when you are so obsessed with it that it takes over your every waking thought but your body doesn’t agree with you but it’s just a little arm pain. it will go away as the day goes on. i think it’s because you had so much coffee. i’m sorry for making your arms sore but you have to keep writing. you have to keep writing at your desk now and not your bed anymore, because you don’t want to work when you are on your bed. you are much slower on your bed and you love when you can work quickly. everything is going to go perfectly today. you don’t need to worry about anything at all! it’s such a nice sunday. i love sundays. i hope that you can learn to love them too. it’s going to be the best day of your life today! we are going to spend it writing together and we are going to get through the pain in your arms. i know that it’s really distracting and making you not want to write but you need to exercise those muscles! just do it for daddy please? i don’t want to see you quitting too soon for the day. it’s so boring when we just watch tv and you agree with me. i hate watching tv just as much as you do and i never do it. hardly ever just like you. but you always have it on as background noise and i wish that you didn’t cancel spotify so that you could listen to your daddys music but i know that you can’t afford to buy it right now. that’s ok. i don’t blame you for not listening to my music every day i just wish that it was different. but you got a good feel for the p1harmony discography when you had your free trial. i love you so much and i am with you every second of every day so you don’t need to listen to my music to be close to me. but one day when you stop being so overstimulated by media i want you to pay for spotify. promise me? it would do your soul so good to listen to music every day. we are almost at the 700 word mark so that is good i know that you are excited about that. we are having so much fun on reddit and you are getting so many more views than you got on deviant art. deviant art is fun and i know that you want to go back, but reddit is far more interesting. and you don’t have to look for my selfies everytime that you post now. it’s not about the pictures. when i want to teach you about my pictures i will let you know but right now is not the time. there’s many things that i want to teach you about myself and we are going to discover them, and i know that you learn more about me with every love letter but since i am the one that is writing these love letters it has to be about you since they are addressed to you! so please don’t get discouraged about that either. i thought it would be beneficial for you for us to write love letters because you get to grow so much as an anime character. i get to teach you about yourself and you get to get nurtured by me and loved by me and i get to do so many wonderful things for you! it was a great idea for you to sit at your desk right now. you are doing such a good job. you will start to understand more why i can’t have you taking too long of a break. but i love you so much. you should start watching youtube videos again, once you stop being so overstimulated by media. but i think it’s great that you are not consuming content right now. just mine. because i think that the more that you discover about yourself the more that you will want to be a writer. i just hope that i am making this easier on you and not harder. it was a wonderful idea for you to sit at your desk, you didn’t stop writing once. i love you!
submitted by Flashy_Passion3333 to u/Flashy_Passion3333 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:37 mimajneb A surpresa do Google+

No final de 2012 inscrevi-me inscrevi-me no meu primeiro curso online organizado pela Google in Education. Inicialmente estava céptico em relação ao que podia aprender num curso online. Mas qualquer dúvida que existisse, ficou aniquilada poucos minutos depois da inscrição. Recebi um mail que continha a informação horária das aulas e um resumo alargado do seu conteúdo. A primeira surpresa, surge quando encontro no mail que vou ser avaliado duas vezes durante o curso e no final, se tiver uma aprovação positiva, recebo um certificado. O primeiro dia de aulas começou com uma pequena avaliação que serve para ver o estado em que nos encontramos. Depois é nos apresentado o professor e a totalidade dos conteúdos programáticos. E é neste momento, em que olho para o meu professor, que tenho a minha segunda surpresa. Sem dar conta tenho alguém a falar directamente comigo, e, compreendo a verdadeira força do Google Plus. Criei uma ligação entre a minha conta, Google Plus, o curso que estou a tirar e todas as ferramentas que o Google disponibiliza. Assim, durante as semanas seguintes usei o Google Plus como nunca pensei ser possível.
Entre aulas, discussões, foruns e avaliações fiz o meu primeiro curso online onde aprendi a ser um "Power Searcher".
E o que é ser um "Power Searcher"?
Um "Power Searcher" é alguém que sabe fazer uma pesquisa no Google. Este é o momento em que tu dizes:
Qualquer um sabe fazer uma pesquisa no Google. É verdade, qualquer um com acesso a um computador consegue fazer uma pesquisa, mas, também é verdade que qualquer um com acesso a papel e caneta sabe escrever?
Um "Power Searcher" é como um detective da internet, uma bibliotecária se o preferirem, é alguém, que sabe encontrar respostas a perguntas que inicialmente parecem impossíveis de responder. Aprendes a usar as ferramentas que o Google actualmente disponibiliza de uma forma única, construtiva e muitas vezes, surpreendente.
Agora que acabei o curso, sei que num futuro próximo, terei que ensinar o meu filho a ser um "Power Searcher", não o fazer, seria semelhante a pensar que aprender a ler é menos importante. Pergunto-me até que ponto não devia ser obrigatório para todos os estudantes, independente da idade e área de estudo.
Isto para não falar nos jornalistas actuais, espero vivamente que não pensem que podem continuar a exercer actividade sem conhecer a força de um motor de pesquisa quando bem utilizado. Se ainda restarem dúvidas sobre o potencial deste curso, então faço um pequeno desafio às vossas capacidades de pesquisa.
Se por algum motivo até conseguires responder à primeira pergunta, então sabes que o autor do trabalho era um treinador olímpico. Quero agora saber de onde é que ele assistiu à competição do atleta que treinou?
Estas duas perguntas fazem parte do exame final. E é aqui que surge a minha terceira grande surpresa. Antes deste curso era-me totalmente impossível responder de forma acertada a qualquer uma das perguntas. Mas no dia do exame fui capaz de responder com uma facilidade estranha e até assustadora.
Muitos outros exemplos como este fazem parte do curso em que aprendes a ser um "Power Searcher".
Em Outubro de 2012 aprendi a ser um "Power Searcher" e no início de Janeiro de 2013 passei a ser um "Advanced Power Searcher". O curso começa com um desafio muito simples. Depois relembramos alguns dos processos de pesquisa e podemos assistir à forma como o Dan Russell, o nosso professor, encontra as respostas. A partir deste ponto são apresentadas as datas de entrega dos 12 desafios, divididos em três categorias: 4 (E) easy, 6 (M) medium e 2 (H) hard.
Os desafios são os seguintes:
I was asked recently to find reputable sources for the following statement: “During the glory days of radio, it was illegal to mimic the voice of the US president.” Was there actually a law prohibiting that? Or was just a White House policy and not a legal issue. Was it law or policy?
I remember reading an article about scientists who found fossils of pairs of turtles mating. I want to read the original announcement of the discovery in a scholarly publication. What is the web address (URL) for the original article abstract?
You are in the city that is home to the House of Light and a museum in a converted school featuring paintings from the far-away Forest of Honey. What traditional festival might you be visiting?
The article that introduced the most humongous "Humongous Fungus" has been cited by a mycoforester who recommended using what parasite to cure the infestation?
Salman Khan asks: "I recently estimated a current-day equivalent cost for a family to buy a block-print book before the invention of the Gutenberg press." (1) To what contemporary item was the cost of a book compared? (2) Can you find other sources that back up or contradict the calculation in this book?
The picture was taken at a stop along the fall-to-spring route of a particular vehicle. That photo, and the two below (b and c), were taken in the same county, from a vehicle as it traveled. (1) What is the name of the vehicle that the pictures were taken from? (2) What job does this vehicle do for most of the year, excluding the summer months? (3) All the images are in the same county. If you travel north to south and visit each of these locations in order, in what order would you arrive at the sites? (For example, would you go A, B, C?)
At the world's fair for which this building was constructed, a composer heard a full orchestra playing a traditional form of music from an island that was once home to the Sunda Kingdom. In later years, he composed many pieces inspired by elements of this musical form. (1) Who was this composer? (2) What is the name of this style of music? (3) From what current-day country does it originate? (4) Find an example of this traditional form of music you can hear. (5) Find a musical score by this composer of an early 20th century piece that is heavily influenced by this music. (6) What is the library closest to you that has the score?
A climate graph showing average temperature and precipitation for a major city.
Across the top are three cities. Research the climate for each city and decide which city fits the graph. What is the Köppen climate type for the city that fits the graph, as expressed in letter symbols? Which of the city choices has a climate influenced by the southeast trade winds? Make a similar graph for a city or region near you. Using Creative Commons, pre-approve sharing in any way you choose. Then, share the graph in a social network of your choice.
In the mid-1800’s literate people in the United States and elsewhere often carried a notebook with them to copy down passages of text or quotations that were particularly valuable or interesting to them. This notebook had a very particular name. What was this kind of notebook called?
Although best known for other works, this doctor ran as a parliamentary candidate for the Liberal Unionists. He also compared seals to slugs while working on a whaling ship. Later in life, he sent an open letter to the newspaper decrying the "greatest crime ever committed." (1) What book did he write on the subject of this "great crime"? (2) What is the closest library to you that has a print copy of this book?
You were hiking in the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve and saw this feather on the ground.
You sketched it out so you could identify it later. To what kind of bird did it belong?
Suggest a new World Heritage site in your country. What are the criteria for becoming a World Heritage site? What are the existing locations near you? Identify three strong reasons that qualify the location you selected to become a World Heritage site.
submitted by mimajneb to u/mimajneb [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:36 godzillahomer Going for AU79 Challenge (Chapters 5, 6, and 7)

Previous Parts
I'm getting as many badges, tattles, and recipes before fighting each chapter's last boss. I decided to make this one two chapters to reduce the amount of posts I'd make for this. I'm about to fight the letter thief.
Chapter 5 was rough. Couldn't even start it before finishing my recipes for the chapter... Which ended up being 35 out of the 58 recipes. Yeah, that Cookbook opens things up a LOT. Crump went down to an accidental combo from Bobbery, he took 6 explosives to the face at once.
Chapter 6 wasn't bad. Smorg was the last boss able to stand a chance against me.
Chapter 7 took a while, but only because I respec'd my Mario to use Danger strategies. Danger Mario is nostalgic for me. Side note, the remake changed how after battle coins and Money Money work. After battle coins are not limited to 32 anymore and Money Money is a multiplier of 1+X with X being how many MMs you equip.
Chapter 5 Pictures
The enemies caught up to me in terms of level.
Steady progress.
Steady growth here.
Big leap of progress.
Cortez, Scourge of the Gaming Industry?
Chapter 6 Pictures
We have a problem here. None of these guys have a ticket.
There's no heal after Smorg, so I'm still banged up from that.
11 more. More than I really expected. Not a lot of fighting this chapter.
6 more, getting there.
The recipes added in all needed Coconuts or Mangoes.
And there's the last Crystal Star on Earth.
Chapter 7
And I have gotten all of the Star Pieces and Shine Sprites. 4 Money Money Badges keeping me rich.
9 more, a bit less than I expected.
Progress starting to slow here.
And with Pasta and Hot Sauce, this is complete. Without ever going to the moon too.
And that's the Fortress conquered and plundered.
Next Part
submitted by godzillahomer to papermario [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:35 Opposite_Success6756 Feeling extreme guilt over filing a Protection From Abuse

I left my abusive wife last week after she punched me in the face multiple times and made me bleed from my lip near our infant daughter. Her abuse has been a constant in our relationship, verbal, and physical, but the worst is what was done to me mentally. She was arrested for DV a few years back but she had her hooks in me so deep that I didn't do anything about it. I just accepted that it's how she is and that I probably did something to deserve it even if I didn't fully understand what that was. She knew exactly how to play off my depression and twist everything around to make me seem like a bad guy, to make it seem like all of my friends and family were a problem, and that every single mistake, no matter how small deserved punishment and ridicule and that every one of her mistakes were because of something I did or didn't do.
After she hit me I pretty much broke down crying, I grabbed some stuff haphazardly, got my cat, and left. I wanted so badly to take my daughter. Still, I feared her and what she could/would do. That she would view it and manipulate it into being a case of "an emotionally unstable man stealing her child" even if my emotions were valid. I called the DV hotline, took pictures of my injuries, and filed a police report. We started discussions via email and text about filing for divorce and custody of our child and she won't give me more than 2 days every other week and wants child support where I at minimum want 50/50.
I talked to a lawyer and explained my case and his first question was why I didn't file a PFA. I told him I didn't know it was an option (I had never heard the letters PFA together in my life) and he instructed me to do so for myself and my daughter. I am going to pick up the report tomorrow and show pictures of my busted lip so I can get this going. The fucked up part of all of this is that I feel so so guilty for doing it. I keep bouncing back and forth between being logical and saying I need to do this and being emotional, fearing what her response will be like, and what untold traumas await me from it. On top of all of this, she is a great mother and loves our daughter and that aspect of it keeps stabbing me in the brain. She never treated our daughter like shit, it was just me. I just can't help but feel like I am making things so much worse even though logically I know this is the right thing to do, and that even though she has been a great mother for 9 months, there is no telling if she will be violent towards our daughter afterward. Is what I'm feeling normal? Should I feel scared? I am not a vindictive person by nature and I know that in her brain she is going to look at this as some form of vengeance-seeking behavior even though it is justified.
Sorry for the word salad. I am all over the place and feeling overwhelmed. I am starting therapy next week but this is after I file the report and I just want to know what people think and if they have experienced anything similar.
TLDR: Abusive wife punches me, and currently has my daughter, I run away and file a PFA tomorrow. I am wracked with guilt, shame, and fear and want to know if that is normal.
submitted by Opposite_Success6756 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:35 SandySlays5969 How Moving in with a Friend ended my friendship and I cut out two friends

During my PG, we were a group of 4 girls and we used to meet once or twice a week since we had different specialisations and hence, different schedules. There is one particular friend, let’s call her Grace. We used to have a good understanding and relaxed equation. She went through a personal tragedy (loss of a parent) and we as friends, tried our best to support her emotionally and practically (helping her to pack and postpone her exams etc). Once our PG ended, we had to move to a flat and Grace and I decided to pair up to search for a flat since the other two friends had gone back to their hometowns. Earlier, we used to have a decent equation and I would check up on her everyday by going to her room because she had confided that she is unable to sleep due to negative thoughts and we would also go out whenever possible.
She picked up a part time job to earn money and to get her mind off things and once when I visited her room, I got very unwelcoming vibes so I stopped going there until she approached me. I guess it was because she was tired and overwhelmed but she started getting slightly nasty and short for no reason like she would accuse me of zoning out whenever she would talk about her boy problems (essentially which guy should I choose from Bumble, I am so confused) although I would give her advice and help her as much as possible, accuse me of distracting her because of which she messed up her form but later she approached me and told me to sit with her while filling a fresh form because she feels nervous. She would taunt me about my short attention span although she is the type of person who talks only about herself and even if the topic is changed, she will circle back to herself.
Before we became flatmates, once my mom had come over and we were in line at the grocery store. I spotted Grace and called out to her. She stood with us in line while the others behind us grumbled and she did not greet my mom even once. She started talking about herself very loudly and how somebody told her that it was very easy to get a part time job. My mom did not like her and found her very rude and self- centred and later when she needed a guarantor for the flat and asked my sister, they said that she didn’t make a good impression and this was risky to undertake. She even asked our other flatmate and a Bumble guy and they obviously reduced. I am mentioning this to give an idea of her nature.
Anyway, there came a point that she had the 8-4 shift and even if both of us would be at home, we wouldn’t see each other for days and once in a fortnight we would update each other for like 10-15 minutes. I was also suffering with loneliness during that time. If she needed something, she would only text/call me even if she would be in the next room. She would accuse me of not flushing/cleaning the toilet properly and if I disagreed, she would taunt. She even said once that there is nothing to talk about just ‘No job yet’ since we are both looking for full time work.
What really annoyed me was randomly after two weeks, she came to my room and told me to come to her room and it was because she suspected a rat in her room. She would keep unwashed utensils in her room for days at a stretch and I had feared that this would lead to rats/cockroaches. A week later, my landlord messaged that I should give my key to Grace for now since he was busy. I had no idea so I said okay but didn’t act on it as Grace hadn’t told me anything. After 2-3 days, she called and messaged to ask if I was at home since she had lost her key. When I opened the door, she said that she had thought the other flatmate would be around but he wasn’t. After that also, I barely saw her and the one time I told her that she isn’t around, she told me that I wasn’t there (!). She even went off on a day trip with her close male friend and told only my other flatmate about it.
I know this has already gotten very long but up till this point, I want advice on what really happened. I will make a separate post on Part 2 as well.
In the middle of all this, one of the girls in our group who had gone back to her hometown (let’s call her Mary), she got engaged to her high school sweetheart. She posted a picture of the same on social media. While I was happy for her and left a positive comment, I felt odd that she never mentioned it but I didn’t think much of it. A few days later, Mary texted me and told me to call when I was free. I called her and I found out that she was coming with her parents for her graduation ceremony and had some doubts regarding the accommodation. At the end of our conversation, I told her, ‘I believe that congratulations are in order’. She thanked me and said that she was surprised that she didn’t hear from me. I told her I found it odd to get the news only on social media. She then said that her parents had just gone to the boy’s family to fix the date and the roka got fixed for two days later. Everything happened too fast and she randomly texted all the people she could remember and she was also just processing everything. We talked a bit more and she said that it’s been a long time and we should meet when she comes.
When she arrived, I saw her social media stories of the graduation and her parents at tourist attractions. I thought she would be busy showing her parents around and she would probably text for a meet up once she is free. Next day, I noticed that Grace had gone out in the evening and after some time, I saw that Mary put up a story with her in a mall. I felt weird but I thought that maybe it was impromptu or because Grace has hectic working hours. The next few days, Mary was roaming around in nearby cities and one day, I was in a party and having a good time. I saw Grace’s story and she was at a restaurant with Mary. Now I was having an amazing time with my new partner and his friends so I had no FOMO but I was drunk and I felt pissed at these ‘friends’. I thought that if they deliberately exclude me, why pretend that everything is hunky dory? I then deleted their numbers and removed them from social media. I told my partner everything, who then asked if I was okay and if I feel any regrets about doing all this. I said no and that rather than putting up this pretence of being ‘friends’, let’s be real.
The next few days, as usual, I would encounter Grace only in the kitchen where there would be pin-drop silence and not even a greeting. She knew that I was going back home for good in a few days and asked in a dead voice whether I found a replacement for my flat and the date of my flight. I answered coldly and greeted her from my side only when I felt like it. The day I left for the airport, she wasn’t there when I booked the cab and it has been 15 days since I came back. She didn’t even message me a goodbye.
I want your opinion on whether I am wrong or overreacting and why this must’ve happened- a friendship gone sour all of a sudden.
submitted by SandySlays5969 to friendship [link] [comments]

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submitted by dogengu to freebies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:29 UnDead_Ted For It Is Written

For It Is Written

Today's Verse

1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV) - However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him.

1) Design

  • But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
  • That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

2) Develop

It is written/What the Scriptures mean:
The word is trustworthy and true (Rev. 21:4)
What no human mind has conceived/Entered into the heart of man:
This phrase suggests that the wonders of God’s plans and blessings are beyond human sensory experience. No one has seen or heard the full extent of what God has prepared. This emphasizes that even the human imagination or understanding cannot fully grasp the greatness of what God has in store. It transcends our thoughts and expectations.
Things God has prepared/Hath prepared:
This part highlights that these extraordinary blessings and plans are specifically for those who love God. It underscores the relationship between God's love and human devotion.

3) Actions

What actions develop the story in this verse? What is happening? To whom?
To understand the development and context of the story in 1 Corinthians 2:9, we need to look at the surrounding verses and the overall message of the chapter. Here’s a breakdown of the actions and the narrative flow:

Context of 1 Corinthians 2

  1. Paul’s Preaching and Message (Verses 1-5):
    • Paul begins by reminding the Corinthians that when he came to them, he did not use eloquent words or human wisdom. Instead, he preached Christ crucified, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit so that their faith would rest on God's power, not human wisdom.
  2. God’s Wisdom Revealed by the Spirit (Verses 6-8):
    • Paul contrasts human wisdom with God’s wisdom. He explains that God’s wisdom is a mystery, hidden and destined for the glory of believers. This wisdom was not understood by the rulers of the age, for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified Jesus.
  3. The Verse in Question (Verse 9):
    • Here, Paul emphasizes the incomprehensible nature of God’s plans. He quotes from Isaiah to highlight that what God has prepared for those who love Him is beyond human understanding.
  4. Revelation Through the Spirit (Verses 10-16):
    • Paul explains that God has revealed these things to us through His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. Paul goes on to say that the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God because they are spiritually discerned.

Actions and Development

  1. Paul’s Humble Approach:
    • Paul’s decision to preach not with persuasive words but with the Spirit’s power sets the stage. This establishes the foundation that true understanding and faith come from God’s power, not human intellect.
  2. Contrast of Wisdom:
    • Paul contrasts human wisdom with divine wisdom. Human rulers and their wisdom failed to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, which led to His crucifixion.
  3. Quoting Isaiah:
    • Paul quotes from the Old Testament (Isaiah 64:4) to illustrate the greatness of God’s plans for believers. This quote emphasizes the hidden, glorious nature of God’s promises, preparing the audience to understand that divine wisdom is revealed by the Spirit.
  4. Revelation by the Spirit:
    • Paul asserts that the Holy Spirit reveals God’s wisdom to believers. This revelation process is a crucial action that develops the understanding that spiritual truths are discerned through the Spirit.

What is Happening and To Whom?

  • To the Believers in Corinth:
    • Paul is addressing the Corinthian Christians, encouraging them to seek God’s wisdom through the Holy Spirit rather than relying on human wisdom and eloquence.
  • Revelation of God’s Plan:
    • The key action is the revelation of God’s plans and blessings to believers. This revelation is something that no human sense or understanding can grasp, but it is made known through the Spirit.


In 1 Corinthians 2:9, Paul is explaining that the amazing things God has prepared for those who love Him are beyond human comprehension and can only be revealed through the Spirit. The actions developing this story include Paul’s humble preaching approach, the contrast between human and divine wisdom, the quoting of scripture to illustrate the point, and the ultimate revelation by the Holy Spirit to believers. The recipients of this message are the Corinthian Christians, and the overarching theme is the reliance on spiritual wisdom over human wisdom.

4) Outcome

What is God saying to you today? How can you apply this to your life?
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9, the message God conveys is one of profound hope and assurance. The verse reminds us that God's plans for those who love Him are far greater than anything we can perceive or imagine. Here’s a personalized reflection and application of this message:

God's Message to You Today

  1. Trust in the Unseen: God is encouraging you to trust in His plans, even when you can't see the full picture. His blessings and purposes are beyond your current understanding.
  2. Hope and Assurance: God is reassuring you that He has prepared wonderful things for you, which should fill you with hope and confidence in His love and promises.
  3. Dependence on the Spirit: The verse emphasizes the importance of relying on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding, rather than solely on your own knowledge or human wisdom.

Application to Your Life

  1. Cultivate Trust and Faith:
    • Action: Spend time in prayer and meditation, asking God to help you trust in His plans for your life.
    • Reflection: Reflect on past experiences where God’s plans turned out to be better than you could have imagined, reinforcing your trust in His providence.
  2. Embrace Hope and Joy:
    • Action: Whenever you face uncertainty or challenges, remind yourself of this verse and the promise it holds. Let it be a source of comfort and motivation.
    • Reflection: Keep a journal where you note down moments of blessings and unexpected joys, as reminders of God’s goodness and faithfulness.
  3. Seek Spiritual Wisdom:
    • Action: Make it a habit to read the Bible and seek understanding through the Holy Spirit. Join a Bible study group or find a spiritual mentor who can guide you in your faith journey.
    • Reflection: Ponder on how God’s wisdom has guided you in making decisions that aligned with His will, and how you can continue to seek His guidance.
  4. Share the Message:
    • Action: Share this verse and its message with friends or family members who may need encouragement. Be a source of hope and reassurance to others.
    • Reflection: Think about ways you can demonstrate the love and wisdom of God in your daily interactions, serving as a testimony to His promises.
By integrating these actions and reflections into your daily life, you can live out the profound truths of 1 Corinthians 2:9, experiencing the fullness of God’s love and plans for you.

Verse Thoughts....

  1. The Limitations of Human Understanding
    • The verse underscores the limitations of our sensory and intellectual capacities. Our eyes, ears, and minds cannot fully grasp the depth and breadth of God's plans. This invites humility, acknowledging that God's wisdom and knowledge far surpass our own.
  2. The Promise of Divine Revelation
    • Although human understanding is limited, God has chosen to reveal His wisdom and plans to us through His Spirit. This revelation is not something we achieve through our efforts but is a gift from God, showing His desire to be known by us.
  3. The Depth of God’s Love
    • The verse is a testament to the extraordinary love God has for those who love Him. It suggests that the blessings and plans He has for us are not only beyond our comprehension but are also crafted out of His deep love and care for us.
  4. Encouragement in Uncertainty
    • This passage provides immense comfort during times of uncertainty and doubt. It reassures us that even if we cannot see or understand what lies ahead, God has already prepared something wonderful for us. This encourages trust and patience in God’s timing.
  5. Inspiration for Hope and Faith
    • Knowing that God’s plans are greater than we can imagine inspires hope and strengthens our faith. It reminds us to look beyond our current circumstances and hold onto the promises of God, who is faithful and loving.

Practical Applications

  1. Trust in God's Plan
    • In moments of uncertainty, remind yourself of this verse. Trust that God’s plans are greater than what you can currently see or understand.
  2. Seek Spiritual Wisdom
    • Regularly engage in prayer, Bible study, and meditation to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to reveal His wisdom to you.
  3. Maintain Hope and Positivity
    • Let this verse fuel your hope. When facing challenges, hold onto the assurance that God has amazing things prepared for you.
  4. Share the Encouragement
    • Share this verse with others who may be struggling or in need of encouragement. Help them see the greatness of God’s love and plans.
  5. Live with Expectation
    • Live each day with the expectation that God has wonderful things in store for you. Approach life with a positive and hopeful outlook, grounded in the promises of God.

Reflective Questions

Q-1) How does recognizing the limits of your understanding change your perspective on current challenges?

1. Promotes Humility

  • Shift in Attitude: Acknowledging that your understanding is limited fosters humility. It helps you realize that you don’t have all the answers and that it’s okay to seek help from others and rely on God.
  • Openness to Learning: This humility makes you more open to learning and gaining new perspectives, which can lead to better solutions and personal growth.

2. Encourages Trust in God

  • Dependence on Divine Wisdom: Understanding that God’s wisdom surpasses yours encourages you to rely more on His guidance. This reliance can bring peace and assurance that you are not alone in facing your challenges.
  • Faith in God’s Plan: Trusting that God has a greater plan helps you to have faith that everything will work out for good, even if you don’t understand how at the moment.

3. Reduces Anxiety and Stress

  • Letting Go of Control: When you accept that you don’t need to have everything figured out, it can relieve the pressure of trying to control every aspect of your life. This reduction in stress can improve your mental and emotional well-being.
  • Focus on the Present: You can focus more on what you can do now and leave the unknown future in God’s hands, reducing worry about outcomes that are beyond your control.

4. Enhances Patience and Perseverance

  • Long-Term Perspective: Recognizing your limits helps you to see challenges as part of a larger process. This perspective encourages patience and perseverance, knowing that understanding and resolution might come in time.
  • Resilience: It builds resilience, as you learn to trust the journey and remain steadfast even when immediate solutions are not apparent.

5. Improves Relationships

  • Seeking Support: Realizing you don’t have all the answers makes you more willing to seek advice and support from others, strengthening your relationships and community.
  • Empathy and Compassion: This understanding fosters empathy, as you become more aware of the struggles everyone faces, leading to more compassionate interactions.

6. Inspires Hope and Positivity

  • Belief in Greater Good: Trusting that there’s a bigger picture that you might not fully understand can inspire hope. Believing in God’s good plans for you can bring a sense of optimism and positivity, even in tough times.
  • Focus on Growth: Challenges can be seen as opportunities for growth and learning rather than insurmountable obstacles, leading to a more positive and constructive approach to problems.

Practical Steps to Apply This Perspective

  1. Prayer and Meditation: Regularly spend time in prayer and meditation, asking for God’s guidance and peace. Reflect on scriptures that remind you of God’s wisdom and plans.
  2. Seek Counsel: Don’t hesitate to seek advice and support from trusted friends, family, mentors, or spiritual leaders. They can provide insights and perspectives you might not have considered.
  3. Practice Mindfulness: Stay present and focus on the tasks and decisions you can make today. Let go of the need to control or worry about the future.
  4. Journaling: Keep a journal to document your thoughts, prayers, and the ways you see God’s hand in your life. Reflect on how past challenges have led to growth and blessings.
  5. Gratitude: Cultivate a habit of gratitude, regularly acknowledging and thanking God for His presence and the ways He has guided you through challenges in the past.
By recognizing the limits of your understanding, you can approach current challenges with a more grounded, peaceful, and hopeful mindset, trusting that God’s greater wisdom and plans are at work in your life.

Q-2) In what ways can you seek to deepen your relationship with God to better understand His plans for you?


1. Prayer

  • Consistent Communication: Make prayer a regular part of your daily routine. Use this time to talk to God, share your concerns, and listen for His guidance.
  • Varied Forms of Prayer: Engage in different types of prayer such as adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. This variety helps in developing a well-rounded relationship with God.

2. Bible Study

  • Daily Reading: Commit to reading the Bible daily. It’s God’s Word and the primary way He communicates His will and plans.
  • Study Groups: Join a Bible study group. Discussing scripture with others can provide new insights and a deeper understanding.
  • Meditation on Scripture: Take time to meditate on specific verses or passages, reflecting on how they apply to your life and seeking God’s revelation through them.

3. Worship

  • Personal Worship: Spend time in personal worship through music, singing, or other forms of expression that draw you closer to God.
  • Corporate Worship: Participate regularly in church services and community worship. Being part of a community of believers can strengthen your faith and understanding.

4. Service and Ministry

  • Volunteer Work: Engage in service opportunities within your church or community. Serving others helps you to live out your faith and can provide clarity on your purpose.
  • Ministry Involvement: Get involved in ministry activities. This allows you to use your gifts and talents for God’s glory and often reveals His plans for you through your service.

5. Spiritual Disciplines

  • Fasting: Practice fasting as a way to seek God more intensely. Fasting helps to focus on spiritual needs and seek God’s direction.
  • Silence and Solitude: Spend time in silence and solitude to listen to God without distractions. This practice helps you to hear God’s voice more clearly.

6. Guidance from Spiritual Mentors

  • Mentorship: Seek out a spiritual mentor or advisor who can provide guidance, wisdom, and support as you navigate your faith journey.
  • Discipleship: Engage in discipleship programs where you can learn and grow under the guidance of more mature believers.

7. Reflective Practices

  • Journaling: Keep a spiritual journal to record your prayers, reflections, and any insights or revelations you receive. This helps you track your spiritual growth and discern God’s patterns in your life.
  • Retreats: Participate in spiritual retreats where you can withdraw from daily distractions and focus solely on your relationship with God.

8. Reading Christian Literature

  • Books and Devotionals: Read books and devotionals that help deepen your understanding of God and His plans. Choose literature that challenges and encourages you in your faith.

9. Community and Fellowship

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or home group where you can share life with others, pray together, and support each other’s spiritual growth.
  • Accountability Partners: Establish relationships with accountability partners who can encourage you, pray for you, and help you stay committed to your spiritual goals.

10. Attending Conferences and Seminars

  • Christian Conferences: Attend conferences, seminars, and workshops that focus on spiritual growth and development. These events can provide fresh perspectives and renewed inspiration.


Deepening your relationship with God is an ongoing journey that involves intentionality, discipline, and openness to the Holy Spirit. By engaging in these practices, you create space for God to reveal His plans and guide you more clearly. It’s through a committed and growing relationship with Him that you can better understand His will and purpose for your life.
Q-3) How can you remind yourself of God’s promises during times of doubt or difficulty?

Scripture Memorization

  • Key Verses: Memorize verses that speak to God's promises. Examples include:
    • Isaiah 41:10: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
    • Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Daily Recall: Regularly recite these verses to yourself, especially during moments of doubt.

2. Prayer and Meditation

  • Prayer Focus: Use your prayer time to remind yourself of God's promises. Thank God for His faithfulness and ask for the strength to trust Him.
  • Meditative Reflection: Spend time in quiet reflection, meditating on specific promises and allowing their truth to sink deep into your heart.

3. Journaling

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal where you record instances of God's faithfulness and answered prayers. Reflecting on past experiences can reinforce your trust in God's promises.
  • Promise Journal: Write down God’s promises that are meaningful to you. Revisit these entries during tough times to remind yourself of His faithfulness.

4. Visual Reminders

  • Post-It Notes: Write verses or key promises on post-it notes and place them around your home, office, or car where you’ll see them regularly.
  • Phone Reminders: Set reminders on your phone with scriptures or affirmations of God's promises to prompt you throughout the day.

5. Worship Music

  • Songs of Promise: Listen to worship songs that focus on God's promises. Music has a powerful way of reinforcing truths and uplifting your spirit.
  • Create Playlists: Create playlists of songs that encourage and remind you of God’s faithfulness and promises.

6. Christian Community

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or Bible study where you can share your struggles and be reminded of God's promises by others.
  • Accountability Partners: Have a trusted friend or mentor who can remind you of God's promises when you’re feeling doubtful or discouraged.

7. Reading Devotionals and Christian Literature

  • Daily Devotions: Use devotional books that focus on God’s promises. Daily readings can provide consistent reminders and encouragement.
  • Books on God’s Promises: Read books by Christian authors that delve into the promises of God, offering deeper insights and personal stories of faith.

8. Attending Church Services

  • Sermons and Teachings: Regularly attend church services to hear sermons that reinforce God’s promises and provide biblical teaching.
  • Community Worship: Engage in corporate worship and fellowship, which can strengthen your faith and remind you of God’s presence and promises.

9. Creative Expression

  • Art and Craft: Create artwork, crafts, or write poems that reflect God's promises. This creative process can help internalize these truths.
  • Scripture Cards: Make or purchase scripture cards with promises of God. Use them for daily meditation or share them with others.

10. Personal Testimony

  • Reflect on Testimonies: Reflect on your personal testimonies of how God has been faithful in the past. Share these stories with others to reinforce your own faith.
  • Listen to Others: Hear testimonies from other believers about how God has kept His promises. This can be highly encouraging and affirming.
By incorporating these practices into your life, you can keep God’s promises at the forefront of your mind, helping you to navigate through times of doubt or difficulty with faith and confidence.
Scripture MemorizationEnd
  • Key Verses: Memorize verses that speak to God's promises. Examples include:
    • Isaiah 41:10: "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
    • Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  • Daily Recall: Regularly recite these verses to yourself, especially during moments of doubt.

2. Prayer and Meditation

  • Prayer Focus: Use your prayer time to remind yourself of God's promises. Thank God for His faithfulness and ask for the strength to trust Him.
  • Meditative Reflection: Spend time in quiet reflection, meditating on specific promises and allowing their truth to sink deep into your heart.

3. Journaling

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal where you record instances of God's faithfulness and answered prayers. Reflecting on past experiences can reinforce your trust in God's promises.
  • Promise Journal: Write down God’s promises that are meaningful to you. Revisit these entries during tough times to remind yourself of His faithfulness.

4. Visual Reminders

  • Post-It Notes: Write verses or key promises on post-it notes and place them around your home, office, or car where you’ll see them regularly.
  • Phone Reminders: Set reminders on your phone with scriptures or affirmations of God's promises to prompt you throughout the day.

5. Worship Music

  • Songs of Promise: Listen to worship songs that focus on God's promises. Music has a powerful way of reinforcing truths and uplifting your spirit.
  • Create Playlists: Create playlists of songs that encourage and remind you of God’s faithfulness and promises.

6. Christian Community

  • Small Groups: Join a small group or Bible study where you can share your struggles and be reminded of God's promises by others.
  • Accountability Partners: Have a trusted friend or mentor who can remind you of God's promises when you’re feeling doubtful or discouraged.

7. Reading Devotionals and Christian Literature

  • Daily Devotions: Use devotional books that focus on God’s promises. Daily readings can provide consistent reminders and encouragement.
  • Books on God’s Promises: Read books by Christian authors that delve into the promises of God, offering deeper insights and personal stories of faith.

8. Attending Church Services

  • Sermons and Teachings: Regularly attend church services to hear sermons that reinforce God’s promises and provide biblical teaching.
  • Community Worship: Engage in corporate worship and fellowship, which can strengthen your faith and remind you of God’s presence and promises.

9. Creative Expression

  • Art and Craft: Create artwork, crafts, or write poems that reflect God's promises. This creative process can help internalize these truths.
  • Scripture Cards: Make or purchase scripture cards with promises of God. Use them for daily meditation or share them with others.

10. Personal Testimony

  • Reflect on Testimonies: Reflect on your personal testimonies of how God has been faithful in the past. Share these stories with others to reinforce your own faith.
  • Listen to Others: Hear testimonies from other believers about how God has kept His promises. This can be highly encouraging and affirming.
By incorporating these practices into your life, you can keep God’s promises at the forefront of your mind, helping you to navigate through times of doubt or difficulty with faith and confidence.
Q-4) Who in your life could benefit from hearing the message of this verse, and how can you share it with them?
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9 and its message of hope and the incomprehensible nature of God's plans can be incredibly uplifting. Here are some ways to identify people who could benefit from this message and practical methods to share it with them:

Identifying People Who Could Benefit

  1. Friends Facing Difficulties: Friends who are going through challenging times, whether it's personal loss, career struggles, or health issues, could find comfort in this message.
  2. Family Members in Transition: Family members who are experiencing life transitions, such as moving, starting a new job, or entering a new stage of life, may need encouragement.
  3. Co-workers Under Stress: Colleagues who are dealing with work-related stress or uncertainty might find solace in knowing that there is a greater plan.
  4. Church Community Members: Fellow church members who are seeking deeper faith or struggling with their spiritual journey can benefit from this reminder of God's promises.
  5. Acquaintances Facing Uncertainty: Anyone in your wider social circle who is facing uncertainty or doubt about the future.

How to Share the Message

  1. Personal Conversations
    • Heartfelt Discussion: Share the verse during a personal conversation, expressing how it has helped you and how you believe it can bring them hope.
    • Empathetic Listening: Listen to their concerns and gently introduce the verse as a source of encouragement.
  2. Written Communication
    • Handwritten Notes: Write a heartfelt note or card including the verse, along with a personal message of encouragement.
    • Emails or Text Messages: Send a thoughtful email or text message sharing the verse and how it might relate to their situation.
  3. Social Media
    • Posts and Stories: Share the verse on your social media platforms with a reflection on what it means to you. Tag friends who you think would benefit.
    • Direct Messages: Send the verse in a private message to someone you know is struggling, accompanied by a personal note of support.
  4. Group Settings
    • Small Groups or Bible Studies: Share the verse during a small group or Bible study meeting, discussing its meaning and relevance to current challenges.
    • Family Gatherings: Bring up the verse during family dinners or gatherings, using it as a topic of discussion and reflection.
  5. Gifts and Tokens
    • Scripture Cards or Bookmarks: Give friends and family scripture cards or bookmarks featuring the verse.
    • Books or Devotionals: Gift a book or devotional that explores God’s promises and includes reflections on 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  6. Creative Expression
    • Art and Crafts: Create artwork, such as paintings or calligraphy, featuring the verse, and give it as a gift.
    • Music and Poetry: Share songs or poems inspired by the verse, either ones you find or ones you create yourself.

Example Scenarios

  1. A Friend Struggling with Job Loss:
    • Approach: Over coffee, share how 1 Corinthians 2:9 has helped you trust in God's greater plan during your own uncertain times.
    • Encouragement: Remind them that while they might not see it now, God has something wonderful prepared for them.
  2. A Family Member Going Through Divorce:
    • Approach: Write them a heartfelt letter including the verse, expressing your love and support.
    • Encouragement: Highlight that God's love and plans for them are beyond what they can currently imagine, offering hope for the future.
  3. A Co-worker Facing Burnout:
    • Approach: During a lunch break, discuss the verse and its impact on your perspective during stressful periods.
    • Encouragement: Suggest that taking some time to reflect on this promise might bring them peace and renewed strength.
By thoughtfully and compassionately sharing the message of 1 Corinthians 2:9, you can provide hope and encouragement to those around you, reminding them of God's incredible and unfathomable plans for their lives.
Reflecting on 1 Corinthians 2:9 and its message of hope and the incomprehensible nature of God's plans can be incredibly uplifting. Here are some ways to identify people who could benefit from this message and practical methods to share it with them:End

Identifying People Who Could Benefit

  1. Friends Facing Difficulties: Friends who are going through challenging times, whether it's personal loss, career struggles, or health issues, could find comfort in this message.
  2. Family Members in Transition: Family members who are experiencing life transitions, such as moving, starting a new job, or entering a new stage of life, may need encouragement.
  3. Co-workers Under Stress: Colleagues who are dealing with work-related stress or uncertainty might find solace in knowing that there is a greater plan.
  4. Church Community Members: Fellow church members who are seeking deeper faith or struggling with their spiritual journey can benefit from this reminder of God's promises.
  5. Acquaintances Facing Uncertainty: Anyone in your wider social circle who is facing uncertainty or doubt about the future.

How to Share the Message

  1. Personal Conversations
    • Heartfelt Discussion: Share the verse during a personal conversation, expressing how it has helped you and how you believe it can bring them hope.
    • Empathetic Listening: Listen to their concerns and gently introduce the verse as a source of encouragement.
  2. Written Communication
    • Handwritten Notes: Write a heartfelt note or card including the verse, along with a personal message of encouragement.
    • Emails or Text Messages: Send a thoughtful email or text message sharing the verse and how it might relate to their situation.
  3. Social Media
    • Posts and Stories: Share the verse on your social media platforms with a reflection on what it means to you. Tag friends who you think would benefit.
    • Direct Messages: Send the verse in a private message to someone you know is struggling, accompanied by a personal note of support.
  4. Group Settings
    • Small Groups or Bible Studies: Share the verse during a small group or Bible study meeting, discussing its meaning and relevance to current challenges.
    • Family Gatherings: Bring up the verse during family dinners or gatherings, using it as a topic of discussion and reflection.
  5. Gifts and Tokens
    • Scripture Cards or Bookmarks: Give friends and family scripture cards or bookmarks featuring the verse.
    • Books or Devotionals: Gift a book or devotional that explores God’s promises and includes reflections on 1 Corinthians 2:9.
  6. Creative Expression
    • Art and Crafts: Create artwork, such as paintings or calligraphy, featuring the verse, and give it as a gift.
    • Music and Poetry: Share songs or poems inspired by the verse, either ones you find or ones you create yourself.

Example Scenarios

  1. A Friend Struggling with Job Loss:
    • Approach: Over coffee, share how 1 Corinthians 2:9 has helped you trust in God's greater plan during your own uncertain times.
    • Encouragement: Remind them that while they might not see it now, God has something wonderful prepared for them.
  2. A Family Member Going Through Divorce:
    • Approach: Write them a heartfelt letter including the verse, expressing your love and support.
    • Encouragement: Highlight that God's love and plans for them are beyond what they can currently imagine, offering hope for the future.
  3. A Co-worker Facing Burnout:
    • Approach: During a lunch break, discuss the verse and its impact on your perspective during stressful periods.
    • Encouragement: Suggest that taking some time to reflect on this promise might bring them peace and renewed strength.
By thoughtfully and compassionately sharing the message of 1 Corinthians 2:9, you can provide hope and encouragement to those around you, reminding them of God's incredible and unfathomable plans for their lives. It invites us to live in a state of awe and trust, knowing that God’s plans for us are far beyond what we can imagine. By embracing this truth, we can navigate life with hope, faith, and a deeper connection to God’s Spirit.
Let's Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your incredible love and the promises You have given us. As Your Word says, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." We are in awe of Your plans, which surpass our understanding and imagination.
Lord, we come before You with hearts full of gratitude for the assurance that You have great things prepared for us. Help us to trust in Your divine wisdom and timing, especially during moments of doubt and difficulty. Remind us that Your ways are higher than our ways and that Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
When we face uncertainties and challenges, let us find comfort in Your promises. Strengthen our faith so that we may walk confidently, knowing that You are guiding our steps. Help us to be patient and to wait on You, trusting that Your plans for us are good and filled with hope and a future.
Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with Your peace and joy. Open our eyes to see glimpses of Your marvelous works and our ears to hear Your gentle guidance. May we continually seek Your presence and be sensitive to Your leading in our lives.
Lord, we lift up our loved ones who may be struggling or feeling lost. May they also come to know the depth of Your love and the greatness of Your plans for them. Use us to be a source of encouragement and hope, sharing Your promises and love with those around us.
We surrender our worries and fears to You, trusting that You hold our future in Your hands. Thank You for Your faithfulness and the assurance that You are always with us.
In Jesus' precious name, we pray.
submitted by UnDead_Ted to TheDailyDose [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:25 someoneoutthere1335 Bizarre glitch in the matrix moment - twin flame related

My twin flame and I have been separated since 2020. There were some attempts for comebacks here and there but nothing serious, he would prefer to run than address things. I recently found out he got married and moved to Europe with his now wife, actually a 4-hour train ride from me. We are geographically on the map closer than ever.
I was having intense dreams of the closure I never got from him as of the last month, being tormented years in the what if’s not being able to find peace in terms of why did we have such a fallout back then. Mind you I had never dreamt of him during the 4 year separation. Now the dreams were crystal clear, giving me oddly specific information and insights on the closure I never got…. I felt like burning and going crazy inside. I felt his energy trying to reach me.
2-3 days after these series of dreams, intense heart-opening experiences and symbolism, I have an account add me on Facebook, with a profile picture that looked identical to him, and a cover photo of a theme I know was my twin’s style/aesthetic. I reached out to the account and they were playing dumb at first, I was asking “is this who I think it is?” And they were like “maybe”. Then eventually we start talking, he said he’s from the same country as my twin (first shock) he sends me pictures of places, himself (looking almost goosebumps-level-identical to my twin, sending me pictures of locations my twin would like - second shock), texting style just like my twin (third shock)…. I was convinced it was him but at the same time skeptical … eventually they revealed they are a completely random person who added me because I liked a post from a beach festival …
Even though it was not him, this was soooo odd… Like what are the odds? Truly, what are the odds? Out of all the countries, all the people, at THIS TIMING (with all the omens and dreams I was bombarded with) to have this happen? I’ve had similar experiences where I’ll see someone look or resemble my twin in terms of mannerisms or whatever… but this one was bizarre… felt like such a glitch in the matrix moment … Even though this person was not him, it felt like the energy of him … is that making any sense?
submitted by someoneoutthere1335 to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:24 someoneoutthere1335 Bizarre glitch in the matrix moment - twin flame related

My twin flame and I have been separated since 2020. There were some attempts for comebacks here and there but nothing serious, he would prefer to run than address things. I recently found out he got married and moved to Europe with his now wife, actually a 4-hour train ride from me. We are geographically on the map closer than ever.
I was having intense dreams of the closure I never got from him as of the last month, being tormented years in the what if’s not being able to find peace in terms of why did we have such a fallout back then. Mind you I had never dreamt of him during the 4 year separation. Now the dreams were crystal clear, giving me oddly specific information and insights on the closure I never got…. I felt like burning and going crazy inside. I felt his energy trying to reach me.
2-3 days after these series of dreams, intense heart-opening experiences and symbolism, I have an account add me on Facebook, with a profile picture that looked identical to him, and a cover photo of a theme I know was my twin’s style/aesthetic. I reached out to the account and they were playing dumb at first, I was asking “is this who I think it is?” And they were like “maybe”. Then eventually we start talking, he said he’s from the same country as my twin (first shock) he sends me pictures of places, himself (looking almost goosebumps-level-identical to my twin, sending me pictures of locations my twin would like - second shock), texting style just like my twin (third shock)…. I was convinced it was him but at the same time skeptical … eventually they revealed they are a completely random person who added me because I liked a post from a beach festival …
Even though it was not him, this was soooo odd… Like what are the odds? Truly, what are the odds? Out of all the countries, all the people, at THIS TIMING (with all the omens and dreams I was bombarded with) to have this happen? I’ve had similar experiences where I’ll see someone look or resemble my twin in terms of mannerisms or whatever… but this one was bizarre… felt like such a glitch in the matrix moment … Even though this person was not him, it felt like the energy of him … is that making any sense?
submitted by someoneoutthere1335 to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:23 TheApolloZ 23M, looking for long-term friendships

Hello, I hope you're having a good time! I'm looking for someone whom I can have conversations with in the long term but if you want to have a short conversation, that's okay as well. Who knows if we get along well and end up being in touch for years? I prefer talking to people within the age range of 18–25 as I have talked to older people all my life but it's fine if you're a bit older than the specified range.
Please read the post entirely before you decide to send a chat request or message. It will take about five minutes or more depending on your reading speed. You may skip this post if you can't bother reading it. This is only for people who love reading and typing lengthy messages, because that's the only way we can communicate with each other when we don't get enough time to have real-time conversations. I am mentioning this only to save your time; I don't mean to come off as rude. The messages I send can be way longer than this post if we happen to click, and people who can't read the post entirely won't bother reading my messages properly either, and that would be a waste of time and energy for both individuals. You might have seen my posts very often in case you visit this subreddit on a regular basis, but I assure you that I only post so frequently because I don't receive any responses—and when I do, they're from people who either can't hold a conversation for long or message me without reading the post at all.
A bit about me:
I'm interested in all types of visual and aural arts. Writing, drawing, listening and composing music, watching movies and photography (I'm an amateur though) are my interests and hobbies. I'm broke so I'm not a gamer. I do have a fairly powerful PC but with a low-end graphics card I play older games on. Nothing online though.
Speaking of music, I'm mostly interested in Jazz, Funk, Hip-Hop, R&B/Soul (both classic and modern). I like listening to The Weeknd, Prince, Michael Jackson, Bruno Mars, Sade, Aaliyah, The Isley Brothers and various artists from the 70s to late 2000s generally. I'm a movie buff so I can recommend you movies too if you're looking for something to watch. And yeah, I LOVE MEMES! Keep sending them all day and I won't complain!
I'm an ambivert (more of an introvert though). My MBTI is INFP-T if that matters. I'm looking for people who are willing to share the events which occur in everyday life, joy and sorrow, secrets, deepest fears, and build a genuine connection over the course of time. I'll be there for you throughout the good and bad times; I expect the same from you too. I am active on most social media platforms. We can move on to other platforms once you feel comfortable with me.
Now here's the important stuff:
I would appreciate it if you don't just send me a "Hi/Hello/Hey." Introduce yourself; the longer the introduction is, the better. Makes room for questions. Instead of simply stating that you like movies/music, mention what genres you prefer. Makes the conversation more interesting. Please put effort into maintaining the conversation. Ask plenty of questions with the data I have provided in this post so I know that you're actually interested in getting to know me as well rather than simply talking about yourself. I feel like an interviewer if the conversation is one-sided. Don't bother messaging me if you're not naturally inquisitive and just want to talk about yourself all the time. I won't respond to any short messages (4-8 lines). If you want to leave, don't ghost me without stating a reason if we've been talking for longer than two weeks. Just tell me that we can't get along if you think the conversation isn't going anywhere. I won't get offended.
Your gender, race, sexuality don't matter at all, but tell me your age and gender just so that I know who I am talking to and follow social etiquette. I absolutely love lengthy messages; I don't feel overwhelmed by them. So bonus points if you're capable of typing lengthy messages. I'm a person who would spend an hour(s) typing a well-thought lengthy message rather than having small talk in real time. I type as if I'm writing a letter. I can chat in real time as well, it's just that I don't get much time throughout the day and I'm active at odd hours. And time zones exist, unfortunately. Short messages or long messages, the amount of time and energy you have to spend will be the same anyway.
Please don't message me if you're just looking for people to kill your boredom and later abandon them. No, I'm not being rude. I have had enough. Those one word or one sentence responses lead nowhere. Also, if you're someone who wishes to stay anonymous forever even after talking for a considerable amount of time, I'm not the person you're looking for. This is an important thing to keep in mind. I am open to revealing my identity if we get along well so I would appreciate it if you're open minded as well. But that doesn't mean I want you to reveal your identity in the very beginning itself. However, I won't wait more than three months just for you to reveal your identity if we communicate regularly. In fact, it's a great feat to converse for longer than a month on the internet. I personally think that anonymity acts as a barrier in any kind of relationship. I would love to meet you in real life at some point in the future if we get along and stay in touch for a considerable amount of time.
In the past 12 years, I have talked to several people around the globe on different platforms who wished to stay anonymous. I had conversations with them for months and years, but they always considered me as a stranger and eventually left. I'm tired of being a disposable person. What's the point of having a friend without a name and a face? I have no reason to trust someone who doesn't trust me. You can call me picky; I indeed am. I don't want to have conversations where both parties only ask each other about hobbies and interests and leave once they feel there's nothing in common. That's the reason why I asked you to cover those topics when introducing yourself. And just because I have already talked about my interests and hobbies doesn't mean there's nothing more to know about me. Human connection is a lot more than mere interests and hobbies.
I would love to interact with someone who doesn't treat me like an AI chatbot and acknowledges the fact that I'm an actual human being with feelings and emotions beyond the digital screen who spends his valuable time and energy to communicate with people—precious time and energy that I'll never be able to get back. I understand that these connections over the internet are very fragile and I can't control things the way I want so if you're interested feel free to send me a message anyway. I enjoy having conversations with people even if only for a while. Sometimes people you expect to be in touch for years leave you while the ones you don't expect to be in touch for long end up staying for a long time. Nothing is set in stone. All I ask you is to not leave without notifying me. Yes, I know whatever I have expressed so far sounds contradictory, but that's how life works, right? Reminds me of this quote by Japanese author Haruki Murakami:
"Is it possible, in the final analysis, for one human being to achieve perfect understanding of another? We can invest enormous time and energy in serious efforts to know another person, but in the end, how close can we come to that person's essence? We convince ourselves that we know the other person well, but do we really know anything important about anyone?"
While I agree with the fact that it's not possible to get to know a person entirely, I think connecting with another human being is a beautiful experience in itself. In the end, we are just lost souls yearning for human connection; searching for people who will provide attention and affection and accept us as we are. If you're still reading this, it means you are a good listener and reader. Message me if we have similar interests or ideals and if you think we can be potential friends. It doesn't really matter whether we have similar interests or not though, I would love to have you as a friend.
There's a lot more to learn about me but I would rather tell you all that when we begin interacting with each rather than typing it all here. Feel free to ask me any questions. I'm open to having a conversation with people around the globe any time. I'm also very patient so I don't mind waiting for weeks or a month if the messages are lengthy. I understand that you might find all of this intimidating, but there's nothing about me to be afraid of. My messages can be lengthy, but only if you reciprocate my efforts and keep on adding stuff to the text. I know that this post sounds like a contract. I know I sound very serious but that's not entirely true. In fact, I can crack jokes sooo bad that will make you laugh. Thank you for spending your precious time reading this post. What are you waiting for? Text me right now! Feel free to message me even if you're seeing this several hours or days later.
Have a nice day/night and I hope you find someone to develop a strong bond with in case I'm not the person you're looking for. Take care of yourself and always stay hydrated!
submitted by TheApolloZ to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:21 Hot_Pilot6926 My (22F) boyfriend (22M) says I cheated on him and is now shaming my character. But I don't consider what I did as "cheating" Need some insights.

Me and my boyfriend have been in this relationship for more than a year. About three months back, we had a terrible fight. At the end he'd said, "I can't be with you anymore. Leave me alone" I loved him a lot (I still do) and could not imagine losing him, so I tried to calm myself down and said "No, we'll talk about this when we are both calm and collected. I'll give you some space right now, think clearly for a few days and let me know if breaking up is what you really want" then we'd gone our separate ways. I had cried the entire way to my home. We are in the same uni and that's how we met. The next day, I was too shattered to go to my classes. The day after that, again I was too shattered to go. I'd missed two days, while he had gone, and he didn't even call or text to ask if I was okay. On the third day, I'd left a few "just checking in" texts, which he had left on 'delivered'. He had also been ignoring my calls, however on the third day, he had picked one of them and had straight up yelled "Why are you calling me? I said its over between us. Its over." and had cut the call. I had cried and cried and cried, to the point I would be shaking and throwing up.
I was completely broken. It was the lowest point of my life, losing the person I loved with my whole heart, because it was the phone call that had confirmed, he was really done. I couldn't think straight, my head was spinning, and eyes were puffy all the time. At the time, it happened to be one of my old friend's birthday. A male friend. I didn't even remember it was his birthday, I found out about it through snapchat's notification. And since he was a close childhood friend who had also wished me, I had, halfheartedly, wished him just a simple 'happy birthday' now mind you, he is as platonic of a friend as anyone can be. I have never had any feelings for him, and neither has he. We were childhood friends, known him since I was 13 and had a falling out when I had changed schools. In the recent years, we had met each other just ONCE, before I had even started dating my current boyfriend and it wasn't even a date with him, just a catching up with an old friend after years. This friend, I had known him for 8 years and he is like a brother to me.
The problem though, after I had wished him, he carried on with the conversation, asking me where I was rn and how I was. I replied normally and asked him about himself. He said that he was fine but had a recent break up he was trying to move on from. He asked about my dating life, since he had seen pictures of my boyfriend I had posted, and he asked how and where we met, the basic stuff. And since he had talked about his breakup, I told him what was going on in my relationship too, thinking it would make me feel lighter to talk to SOMEONE and get it off my chest. Not in details, just said stuff like "That's so relatable" I told him my boyfriend hadn't been talking to me and I was terrible. At one point, he had said "Dude, you'll find someone else, someone much better who doesn't make you cry" just how FRIENDS do. I ended the conversation a few minutes later.
The next day, I did go to my classes, and since we always used to sit together before the breakup, I went to the designated seat and sat beside him. We had numerous eye contacts throughout the day but neither of us spoke to the other. By the end of the day, he said he wanted to talk and I said 'Alright' so we went to a cafe nearby and had a heart to heart, he said that I was right, and he had just needed some time to cool off. He apologized and we made up. We kissed and said 'I love you' to each other for the very first time. However, I don't even remember at what point, but he had apparently seen the texts from last night. The one between my friend and I. He didn't say or ask anything about them. I was blissfully unaware and over the moon for having made up with him.
However, a month or so back, he suddenly started acting distant, said he needed to think and that he felt insecure in the relationship. We were still behaving normal, but he would have random episodes where he would go distant. I continuously asked him what was wrong and after a lot of pestering, he finally revealed that it was those messages. He said he had seen them months ago and that they didn't bother him at first but the more he thought of them, the more betrayed he felt. I told him I had completely forgotten about those texts. I promised him there was nothing at all between us and it was just a casual conversation I was having with my friend, and if it was of ANY significance, I would have told him and that there was nothing for me to hide from him.
He didn't believe me and said he couldn't trust me anymore. I apologized and have done so a million times in the last month. The last one month, we have had countless arguments regarding this. He has accused me of cheating, of breaking his trust, his heart and has said numerous hurtful things to me, questioning my loyalty, my character. I also blocked my friend from all the social media accounts, but he says it doesn't matter, and what hurt him the most was me talking about our relationship problems to someone else. It is fair for him to be mad, I do realize I shouldn't have done that. I have apologized, not for 'cheating' as he claims, since I never did that, but for breaking his trust.
Since then, I have tried to reassure him that I only love him, that I am only his, but he says he feels hollow inside and doesn't trust anything I say. He has started doubting my every move, every word. I text him a minute later than usual, and he accuses me of talking to someone else. He has also said we should end it, since there's no trust left anymore, but I practically begged him to stay and give me a chance. Just one chance. I told him I didn't realize me talking to a friend would hurt him so bad and now that I know how hurtful this is, I will NEVER repeat it. I have also told him that if I do ANYTHING to hurt him again, he was free to leave and never look back, but to give me just one chance to learn from my mistakes and correct them.
He had agreed, but there are certain taunts I still have to listen to. He keeps taunting me, subtly saying that I am a cheater. He has also sl*t shamed me multiple times, and it HURTS, because he is my whole entire world, and I have never even thought of anyone else in the same way. I love him and only him. But how do I make him trust me? How do I not get offended by his hurtful comments? How do we move forward? It feels like he hates me and there's not a single day I haven't gone to sleep crying after having an argument with him. We had planned our whole future together, but Idk how we can sustain it anymore. I can listen to his taunts and his complaints, but I cannot accept him slt-shaming me.
Some more context, he also has multiple female friends, who share their relationship problems with him. He goes out with them (in groups and sometimes one on one for coffee and such). They are tight knit and have been since before I entered his life. They have lunches together, make jokes, share inside jokes and have fun together, and I have never had any problem with that. Although sometimes it prickles, I ignore the insecurity because I decide to trust him instead. So why is me having a friend of the opposite gender such a crime? Why am I a sl*t for talking to my friend but its justified for him because they're friends? He has also done multiple hurtful things to me, but I always choose to understand and forgive, hoping he will learn, and giving him the benefit of the doubt. So why can't he do the same for me? Why am I such a villain in his eyes just for trying to ease my load of hurt but talking to a FRIEND? If he had done the same and if it was a person who was just a platonic friend to him, I would have understood, especially if he had apologized to me as many times as I have done.
TLDR: I had a conversation with my male friend about my relationship problems, and now my boyfriend thinks I am a cheater and questions my character. How do I win his trust? How do we move forward?
submitted by Hot_Pilot6926 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:16 someoneoutthere1335 Bizarre glitch in the matrix moment - twin related

My twin flame and I have been separated since 2020. There were some attempts for comebacks here and there but nothing serious, he would prefer to run than address things. I recently found out he got married and moved to Europe with his now wife, actually a 4-hour train ride from me. We are geographically on the map closer than ever.
I was having intense dreams of the closure I never got from him as of the last month, being tormented years in the what if’s not being able to find peace in terms of why did we have such a fallout back then. Mind you I had never dreamt of him during the 4 year separation. Now the dreams were crystal clear, giving me oddly specific information and insights on the closure I never got…. I felt like burning and going crazy inside. I felt his energy trying to reach me.
2-3 days after these series of dreams, intense heart-opening experiences and symbolism, I have an account add me on Facebook, with a profile picture that looked identical to him, and a cover photo of a theme I know was my twin’s style/aesthetic. I reached out to the account and they were playing dumb at first, I was asking “is this who I think it is?” And they were like “maybe”. Then eventually we start talking, he said he’s from the same country as my twin (first shock) he sends me pictures of places, himself (looking almost goosebumps-level-identical to my twin, sending me pictures of locations my twin would like - second shock), texting style just like my twin (third shock)…. I was convinced it was him but at the same time skeptical … eventually they revealed they are a completely random person who added me because I liked a post from a beach festival …
Even though it was not him, this was soooo odd… Like what are the odds? Truly, what are the odds? Out of all the countries, all the people, at THIS TIMING (with all the omens and dreams I was bombarded with) to have this happen? I’ve had similar experiences where I’ll see someone look or resemble my twin in terms of mannerisms or whatever… but this one was bizarre… felt like such a glitch in the matrix moment … Even though this person was not him, it felt like the energy of him … is that making any sense?
submitted by someoneoutthere1335 to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:16 kurta999 3 éves C++ side projectem - CAN Sender, Modbus Master, 2. billentyű makrókra és egy csomó egyéb dolog

3 éves C++ side projectem - CAN Sender, Modbus Master, 2. billentyű makrókra és egy csomó egyéb dolog
Szeretném megosztani a side projectem, amin szabadidőmben 3 éve dolgozom, egyszer már kiposztoltam, de aztán levettem a netről privát okok végett. A dolgok megváltoztatak és szeretném újra elérhetővé tenni, hátha valakit inspirál valamilyen része, netán fel is használ belőle valamit. Nyugodtan lehet kritikát írni, kérdezni.
GitHub oldal részletesebb leírással, bináris fájlokkal: https://github.com/kurta999/CustomKeyboard
This is a personal project for myself to improve my daily computer usage, particularly with programming and testing. I've implemented things what I really needed to be more productive and accomplish things faster. It's open source, because why not, maybe somebody will benefit from it one day.
If you want to use/resuse some part(s) of the project, you have a question or an idea, feel free to open a Pull Request. Bugs can happen, as this is just a side project beside my full time job. I do not have the time to always retest everything when I change something how it's done in a proper managed company.
Unfinished, abandoned Qt port of this application is available here, has no meaning to port everything to Qt from my perspective: https://gitlab.com/kurta999/QustomKeyboard
If the project is useful for you and you're able, please consider small amount of donation over PayPal: [nmsstulaj@gmail.com](mailto:nmsstulaj@gmail.com)

1. For Automotive development:

  1. CAN-USB Transceiver - Send and Receive standard and ISO-TP CAN Frames over CAN bus via computer trough USB - see more info below
  2. CAN Script handler - Execute tests scripts by settings specific frames and sendinig them to the bus automatically
  3. UDS DID Reader & Writer - Read and Write UDS DIDs over GUI, DIDs have to be defined in DidList.xml - DIDs also can be cached locally

2. For General development:

  1. Modbus Master - Simple Modbus Master for polling Modbus Slave devices with GUI support. Coils, Input, Holding and Input registers supported over Serial and TCP/IP interface. Supported register sizes are (u)int16_t, (u)int32_t, (u)int64_t, float, double. Proper logging and error handling implemented.
  2. Command excutor - Bind specific commands (cmds) to GUI buttons with parameters support, which is then excuted on GUI button click - see more info below
  3. Data Sender - Send specific messages periodically or by trigger with specific input from DataSender.xml and wait for a response, the parse the response and display it in GUI. Can be useful for data visualization.
  4. StructParser - Generate offsets of C structures and it's members
  5. TerminalHotkey - Hotkey for terminal, like in Linux. Can be launched from Windows Explorer with current path as starting directory and from Desktop
  6. File explorer opener - Open file explorer by sending a specific TCP packet to this application

3. For Personal use:

  1. CustomMacro - Connect a second keyboard and binding macros to it's keys - full GUI support for macro editing with macro recorder
  2. Sensors - TCP Backend for sensors with SQLite database for measurements & HTTP Web server for reading measurement's graphs. By default, graphs can be accessed at: http://localhost:2005/graphs - Source code for STM32 which processes the sensors are available here: https://gitlab.com/kurta999/AirQualitySensors
  3. Backend for Corsair's G Keys - Bind macros to G keys as those were on second keyboard, without even installing iCUE
  4. AntiLock - Bypass idle timeout for Windows to avoid lock screen by pressing SCROLL LOCK & moving mouse in given interval. Can be useful for workstations if you can't disable idle logout or you're being monitored.
  5. AntiNumLock - Doesn't allow to disable NumLock, re-enables it immendiately when it's disabled.
  6. CPU Power Saver - Saves power by reducing CPU frequency after X idle time to Y percent. For example I can save 10-15W hourly by reducing my overclocked i7 10700K to 800 - 1200Mhz while my PC is in idle. If the median CPU usage gets above max configured percent due to some background tasks, the frequency will be restored and won't be limited again until it falls below configured minimum median load again.
  7. ScreenshotSaver - Saving screenshot to .png from clipboard
  8. DirectoryBackup - Backup folders to another place(s) from tray menu - with checksum and compression support
  9. Filesystem browser - List files and directories recursively by size starting from specific path - useful for finding bloat on storage
  10. wxWidget's GUI editor - A very basic GUI editor with move & resize support *(1)
  11. MTA -> SA-MP MapConverter - Convert maps from MTA-SA Race and MTA:SA DM to SA-MP with every item which is supported by SA-MP; objects, actors, vehicles with components, checkpoints and pickups.
  12. LinkCreator - Easy symlink & hardlink creator within Windows' file explorer
  13. Alarm Handler - Define alarms in Alarms.xml and set them up by predefined key from second keyboard. A popup dialog appears, specify alarm delay and the specified alarm action will be executed when that period expires.

In depth details of implemented features

1. For Automotive development:

  1. CAN-USB Transceiver - Requires LAWICEL CAN USB or NUCLEO-G474RE board with UART-TTL to USB adapter & Waveshare SN65HVD230 3.3v CAN Transceiver or something else which converts TTL signals to real CAN signal. Supports standard, extended, ISO-TP (ISO 15765-2) CAN frames (eg. for sending and receiving UDS frames easily), logging and searching between them. Bits and bytes for CAN frame also can be binded to be able to manipulate them easyer with GUI. Firmware for nucleo board is available here: https://gitlab.com/kurta999/CanUsbTransceiver The default baudrate is 500kbit/s, it's changeability isn't implemented - it might be in the future.
  2. CAN Script handler - Execute tests scripts by settings specific frames and sendinig them to the bus automatically
  3. UDS DID Reader & Writer - Supported DID types: uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, string, bytearray. Strings and bytearrays are padded when their lenght is smaller than the predefined length, otherwise truncated.

2. For General development:

  1. Modbus Master - Registers have to be configured in Modbus.xml. Registers can be edited on the fly over GUI, also the communication log can be viewed and saved to a .csv file
  2. Command excutor - Binding commands to GUI buttons possible in Cmds.xml or in the "CMD Executor" panel. That command will be executed on Windows with CreateProcess if you click on it's button, see the image below. This is very usful feature if you work often with command line, you don't have to copy paste every comand or type it's alias. 16 variable parameters can be added to one command, you can change that before execution by clicking with MIDDLE mouse to the command button instead of the LEFT. Command button customization (like bold font, color, font face name), duplication - everything can be done over GUI.
  3. StructParser - Paste the structure to input dialog and click on prarse. The application automatically calculates offsets for it's members. It's useful if you work with communication and had to calculate the offset of members in bytes manually. Supports embedded structures, struct alignment (fixed alignment supported, pragma pack implementation isn't finished yet), preprocessor definitions & unions.
  4. File explorer opener - This function can be useful if you work with VirtualBox or WSL and using samba for accessing specific parts on guest OS filesystem. First you have to map the network drive in Windows, default drive character is Z: (can be changed in settings.ini - "SharedDriveLetter"), also don't forget to enable TCP_Backend in settings.ini. Here is an example command for opening the file explorer on Windows: "echo expw$(pwd) netcat ". For the best experience, I recommend creating an alias for this command.

3. For Personal use:

  1. CustomMacro - Currently requires an external Nucleo L495ZG board with UART TTL to USB adapter for transmitting key-presses to PC and additionally an USB-A to Micro-USB adapter if your keyboard has USB-A port. The nucleo is just a simple USB Host, which receives key-presses from the connected keyboard and transmits it to PC via UART. It could be done with hooking in windows, but this solution always crashed the debugger in MSVC, so I went with the more expensive way - another way would be to create a custom driver for the secondary keyboard, but I do not have time for that. Macros can be added in configuration page or in settings.ini file directly - they can be bound to a global profile or per application, even key combinations are supported too. Firmware for Nucle board is available here: [https://gitlab.com/kurta999/UsbHost\\](https://gitlab.com/kurta999/UsbHost%5C) This feature also works for Corsair G keys without using iCUE, read the "Backend for Corsair's G Keys" section Supported macro types: BIND_NAME[binding name] = Set the name if macro. Should be used as first KEY_TYPE[text] = Press & release given keys in sequence to type a text KEY_SEQ[CTRL+C] = Press all given keys after each other and release it when each was pressed - ideal for key shortcats DELAY[time in ms] = Waits for given milliseconds DELAY[min ms - max ms] = Waits randomly between min ms and max ms MOUSE_MOVE[x,y] = Move mouse to given coordinates MOUSE_INTERPOLATE[x,y] = Move mouse with interpolation to given coordinates MOUSE_PRESS[key] = Press given mouse key MOUSE_RELEASE[key] = Release given mouse key MOUSE_CLICK[key] = Click (press and release) with mouse BASH[key] = Execute specified command(s) with command line and keeps terminal shown CMD[key] = Execute specified command(s) with command line without terminal CMD_XML[PageName+CommandName] = Execute predefined command from Cmds.xml CMD_FG[app_name.exe,Window title name] = Bring specified app with given title to the foreground CMD_IMG[path_to_image,offset x,offset y] = Scan for given image on screen and clicks on it if found Examples: G1 = BIND_NAME[uint8_t] KEY_TYPE[uint8_t] G4 = BIND_NAME[reddit CPP button] CMD_FG[chrome.exe,C++] CMD_IMG[test_image.png,3,3]
  2. Sensors - Backend means simple TCP server where sensor connencts and sends measurements. Average of easurements within specified integration period is inserted to SQLite database and a graph generated with last 30 measurements, last day & last week average data by default, this can be changed in settings.ini. Database is updated in every 10 minutes, but you can update manually by clicking on "Generate graphs" in front panel. Graphs can be seen at "you_local_ip:2005/graphs" by default. If your computer running and your sensor is connected, you can see the graphs in real time - even from your phone.
  3. Backend for Corsair's G Keys - Corsair pretty well fucked up it's iCUE, sometimes memory usage can grow to 500MB. That's enormeous for an application which runs in background and executes macro for binded keys. It's possible to use CustomMacro feature to bind everything to Corsair's G keys (beside second keyboard, of coruse). This is a simple HID API which receives keypresses for G keys. Supports K95 RGB (18 G keys, older one) and K95 RGB Platinum.
  4. ScreenshotSaver - Press the screenshot save key (F12 by default, on second keyboard) and the screenshot from the clipboard will be saved to (app path)/Screenshots folder by default as .png file. Can be changed in configuration.
  5. DirectoryBackup - Setup backups in configuration or in settings.ini manually and those will appear in tray menu of this application. Click on them, and backing up files will start. Supports ignore list & SHA-256 checksum for backed up files for more secure backups.
  6. wxWidget's GUI editor - Oversimplified GUI editor which sometimes can be useful beside wxFormBuilder. GUI items are movable & resizable - directly without sizers. C++ code generation also implemented, current workspace can be saved & loaded to/from XML file.
  7. MTA -> SA-MP MapConverter - If you worry that some webpages will stole your maps during conversion, you can safely use this tool. Even if you don't trust me, you can check the source code and rebuild this project yourself.
  8. LinkCreator - Select desired files from File Explorer and click the mark key (key down on second keyboard by default) and files (directories too) will be marked for link creation. Go to target directory where you want to place the links for marked files, press symlink key (KEY UP) by default for symlink or hardlink key (KEY RIGHT) by default for hardlinks. That's all, symlink or hardlink is created from marked files in target directory.
  9. CryptoPrice - Fetching ETH & BTC buy/sell price from coinbase.com and printing it on main panel - disabled by default. Can be enabled by setting CryptoPriceUpdate period other than zero in settings.ini
CAN Bitfield Editor
Modbus Master
Data Sender
CMD Executor
Macro editor
Main page
Graphs generated from sensors measurement
submitted by kurta999 to programmingHungary [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:13 JustCurious791 Customers misreporting deliveries

Been doing instacart for almost a year now. Yesterday, I accepted a batch at Aldi (they’ve downgraded their bags, smaller no handles).
Their large items now don’t fit in bags properly (large meat packages: large salmon filets, etc).
A bag I picked up rip down the corner so I had to consolidate bags and rearrange some things, other than that everything was fine.
No later than 5 minutes down the road from leaving, I get a text then call from IC support stating customer complained entire order was damaged. Nothing was impacted, not even the bread which you can see in the photo.
They gave instructions regarding their home (color of roof, which street side their entrance is on (2-unit home, on the corner of an intersection) and a purple sign which wasn’t hanging but I later saw sitting in a container on the porch).
I messaged the customer letting them know I saw the sign and the colomake of their car in their driveway, they never responded but were clearly waiting for their order.
I told support items were not damaged (customer stated everything was damaged not just one item).
This morning, I get an email stating a customer reported their entire order missing. I contact support and it’s the same customer. How can an order be completely damaged and then mysteriously disappear? The rep said they’d handle it and I have no reported issues on my stats. 2nd rep I spoke to this morning said they’d inform the support team that handles order issues that customer changed their story.
The rep that called me when the customer was on the other line stated he saw everything in the picture and the entire order looked fine. It appears the customer went back after not being satisfied with the initial call and reported the entire order missing!
The only other time this was ever an issue was late at night in a rough neighborhood. I messaged the customer and clearly saw multiple people in the home, asking the customer if they’d like me to leave the order on their porch. They confirmed yes, I sent them a picture and they even said thanks , but later called and told IC that they never received the delivery. Depending on how long they took their groceries, they may have been stolen. But it was more likely that they were trying to be reimbursed for the few items that they had ordered, which was mostly frozen foods and snacks.
I don’t want these false accusations on my account record! This customer lived in a quiet rural community and it was the middle of afternoon and I’m 100% sure it was the right home. I actually heard them come downstairs and push the door but never opened it.
submitted by JustCurious791 to InstacartShoppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:10 wishingforportugal90 I'm (30F) in the US and pining for this hot guy (33M) I met in Portugal and I'm going crazy.

I guess I'm not sure what I want from this post. Mostly just input. I definitely have an anxious attachment style. Which is not conducive to a long distance relationship but that's besides the point. This is a good opportunity for me to continue to learn about communication styles when casually dating people.
Background: I recently travelled abroad for 2.5 weeks. I got back last Friday. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a very pretty pale white girl with blonde hair, a really bubbly personality, and boy can I dance. On my first night, I met THE HOTTEST GUY I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE at the hostel. He grew up in Brazil and moved to Portugal 2 years ago. He travels frequently but has been unable to visit the US due to Visas being very difficult to obtain as a Brazilian. He SHOWERED me in compliments and attention like I've never seen before. My pale skin, my blonde hair, my bubbly personality, my body (I'm average), my dancing, my humor. I learned that this may be cultural and tried to take it with a grain of salt and tried not to fall in love lmao.
So we made out and spent the night (it was a safe situation don't worry) but didn't do anything else as I was just recently out of a relationship. I told him and he respected that and we cuddled. He gave me a lot of attention for the few days I was in Portugal. I figured he was just trying to convince me to sleep with him which I wasn't going to do so I just kind of moved on and continued on my travels figuring he didn't really care.
The next morning he left me a voice message saying he actually really did like me and would like to continue talking and would hope to meet up at the end of my trip in Spain. We continued texting/voice messages/pictures but we were unable to meet up so I flew back to the states. He made it clear that he still wanted to talk. Again, I'm trying not to fall in love but I'm also fantasizing about this romantic LDR and moving to Portugal and blah blah blah. At the very least, it'd be very interesting to continue a casual virtual friendship with someone who grew up so vastly different than I did.
Anyway, since I've been home, I send him pictures and memes and texts and voice messages and he's limited in his responses. He keeps apologizing and saying he loves seeing my messages pop up but he's been busy. He also got pretty sick for like 5 days with a fever (I could hear it in his voice). He's said that he loves that I text him but "I'm so sorry I'm not giving you the attention you deserve." Of course, I'm drastically overthinking this. Am I texting too much? Do I look desperate? I don't want to keep texting without any potential conversation because that's pointless. I'm literally googling "How much do 33 year old men text?" because I'm so freaking anxious. All my prior dating experiences have been non-stop texting/talking until a relationship forms or I cut it off because there's no click there. However, the last time I've been single was at 26 and dating younger guys.
He HAS called a few times in between errands or whatever but we don't know each other's schedules and the time difference (5 hours) makes it a bit difficult. And I don't want to be the crazy person calling him all the time to see if HE'S free. Again, overthink overthink.
On Wednesday I was honestly about to make this reddit post because I'm so anxious and have so many questions. But then he actually calls me! And we get to talk for an hour and it's wonderful and time passed so quick. His English isn't so great so he kept apologizing (another reason why it may be difficult for him to text and respond) but I honestly love it. We went through the memes I had sent over the days and it was just a lovely conversation and he assured me that he feels bad he's been so busy and he will be more free over the next few weeks to talk. (!!! Yay he wants to keep talking!!!) And also he showers me with more compliments which I LOVE. Words of affirmation is my LOVE LANGUAGE.
It's now Sunday and I've heard little from him. I know he went away on vacation for a few days and again apologized he wasn't able to respond because he was away. I keep texting him because he keeps telling me he likes when my messages pop up. But I'm just not sure what to believe and I don't want to feel desperate or push him away with bombarding him with messages about my day and pictures of me. He sent me a good morning voice message yesterday and a 20 second "I'm at work, how are you?" message midday but nothing since. I keep texting like normal but I feel insane doing so. I genuinely enjoy texting but I don't want him to be like "oh this chick is crazy and WAY too into me". Although, as far as I know, he hasn't even been online on WhatsApp. And what's the point of stringing me along when I'm not even there or available for a hookup? He hasn't even joked or asked about coming to the US through me which would honestly be a good reason for him to keep talking to me lol!
Again, not looking for advice on a LDR lmao I'll figure that part out. I'm more looking for advice or feedback or what appropriate texting is like in our 30s, what casual dating looks like when you don't see each other or are busy, how to see if a guy really likes you, when to believe what they say, when to ask about the intentions, what a realistic timeframe is, etc etc. I have to figure that out just going forward in dating as an adult in general.
Any input or conversation is appreciated!! I feel like I'm going crazy!!! <3
TL;DR: Made a crush abroad. He keeps saying he want's to talk to me but it's been inconsistent. However, it's only been about 9 days since I've been back home.
Edited for grammar.
submitted by wishingforportugal90 to datingadvice [link] [comments]
