

2008.10.28 10:00 ADHD

We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. Note: this is a community for in-depth discussions, not a dumping ground for memes, pictures, videos, or short text posts.

2024.05.20 03:02 FeelingApplication62 How much klonopin for fentanyl withdrawal?

Soo yeah I’ve been using street fetty for quite a few years now. I’m so done. I literally only do it to feel like a normal person and keep the withdrawals away. I’ve heard clonazepam (klonopin) works wonders for WD’s I am just wondering how much and how often and how soon can I take them after my last hit/bump of fetty? I managed to get a bunch of the kpins, I also have 23 100mg gabapentin, and a few clonodine and a few trazodone. But mainly I will be using the kpins. So how many mg? And how many times a day? Also can I take the gaba with the kpins? And if so how much of each? If anyone has any experience with this any help/advice will be greatly appreciated! I can’t go to detox because of my situation so trying to do this at home.
submitted by FeelingApplication62 to Quittingfentanyl [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:48 silly-sosig I attempted two days ago and I don’t feel good

I went to the ER Wednesday morning after taking a handful of clonodine. I was there for 7 hours and no one in my family came to see me and make sure I was okay. My boyfriend left work as soon as I called him crying and drove me straight to the ER. Since I got home no one in my family has even so much as texted me to say “I love you” or “are you okay?”. Am I that worthless?
submitted by silly-sosig to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:51 Check_More Night sweats

I have night ht sweats. Regardless of the temperature... Assuming it’s from my cymbalta. It also seems related to like anxiety dreams. Anyone have any tips on helping this? I’ve tried coming off the cymbalta and that’s on the table but it’s really hard. Been considering adding omething like Clonodine
Thanks 🙏
submitted by Check_More to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:55 Environmental_Cow_48 Looking into more information/possible misdiagnosis? Or just imposters syndrome.??

Hi there you guys! so this is my first post here, and it might be a long one. So to start off I guess, When I (25F) was 11 I was diagnosed with tourettes, ADD and OCD. I was on clonodine from 11- 14 because my motor and vocal tics would get so bad that it hurt my throat and my neck from all the twitching and squeaking/clicking. The OCD was diagnosed because although I wasn't obsessive with cleaning or item placement, for example, if i walked past something and hit my arm on something I HAD to hit my other arm to make it "equal" and I sometimes had to do it repeatedly on each side until it felt equal, and then other things like compulsive hair pulling. Now before I was diagnosed, I drove my mother crazy with my tics, telling her that I couldn't stop and her nor myself understood why. But when I was finally diagnosed, she would make fun of me and tease me with her friends, out loud analyzing my every action, and talking about my tics out loud because she knew that it would trigger them and she thought it was funny. Because of that and also embarrassment in school, I spent a lot of time learning to re-direct my tics to make it look more like things like cracking my knuckles/pulling my fingers, or pretending my neck is sore when I feel the need to twitch it. Almost no one in my life besides family know that I was diagnosed because I don't talk about it, and I don't know anyone else with it. Now the big question. As an adult, and after years of trying to supress them, they are very very mild. The finger twitching I still HAVE to do it or my bones feel itchy? Does this mean I never had tourettes and it was just stress induced tics? or is that still considered tourettes? I really know so so little about tourettes and everything that was explained to me as a child was too confusing for me to understand at that point. I think I'm just looking for some feedback or personal anecdotes. If you read this far, thank you so much!
submitted by Environmental_Cow_48 to Tourettes [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:33 KushyKronic Mirtazapine

My 6yo has been on Mirtazapine for about 6m now for sleep. I was skeptical at first, not knowing much about it. But after so many failed trials of melatonin, Benedryl, Guanfacine/clonodine, hydroxyzine and trazadone, this seems to be this ticker for her. I’m just scared of long term side effects. Not many ppl seem to know much about it, but she is able to fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer( which was the problem. She takes Adderall XR during the day and this med before bed. Anyone else have a child on it?
submitted by KushyKronic to ParentingADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 10:00 PLUSsignenergy Been on Zoloft now for almost a month. My experience with a question

I’m 33 f if that matters. I haven’t been on medication in awhile. I was on Effexor but that seriously almost killed me. I couldn’t move my legs, I would have mini seizures. Anyways. I told my therapist I was having ocd issues and anxiety, I have BPD but it’s always been mild. I mostly suffer from ocd and anxiety. I was on 50 for 2 weeks and she put me up to 100 about 2 weeks ago. I instantly noticed a change. Thoughts were quiet, I could think again. My ocd wasn’t really there. But today….i had a ocd fit where I HAD to do my rituals or I would not be able to think straight, my thoughts were coming back. I’m also on clonodine and Xanax. Both are god sent but wow, clonodine seriously helps so much.
But yeah, my question is that, is that normal? After being on it for a month and feeling great to getting the burning feeling and being anxious. I feel like the meds are failing
submitted by PLUSsignenergy to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 14:05 Turtlphant Clonodine, and its effectiveness.

Hey guys! Just got prescribed Clonodine. I’m on Prozac, and my doctor just upped that from 60mg to 80mg because of anxiety. I’m also on two mood stabilizers. I’m so nervous every morning I wake up because of work. Work stresses me out so much. By noon I feel great most days. Why is that? Will Clonodine help me? It’s not physical symptoms of anxiety I suffer from, like racing heart, but rather mental stress. My doctor told me Clonodine will help with physical symptoms, so I’m not sure if it will help me or not. Please let me know.
submitted by Turtlphant to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 00:20 Primary_League_549 having trouble believing, give me reasons why i should

i was raised christian, went to a christian school for two years, was even brainwashed at this said school. i turned to atheism due to science i would look up against the bible due to fear it wasn’t real, it worked and sent me into a panic for literally two years (I have bad OCD/anxiety). i was doing well and then panic attacks of my mortality, existing, the confusion of the world, started getting terrible, i received medication and am now going to counseling, i stopped my meds and have been off them except hydroxicine and clonodine. id like to know of any scientists, or people around death, or any like previous athiests who now believe in Christ. been feeling a comforting presence during these panic attacks lately and feeling a lot less terrified after praying. my grammar is so bad lol
submitted by Primary_League_549 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 04:40 Impossible_Book_9703 Clonodine ER

My son takes clonodine ER. Anyway he seems to be extremely hyper on it. Has anyone had this happen? He’s also on risperidone which helps him a lot. I’m at my wits end. We are seeing his dr in a few weeks. But he’s like running around hitting etc. and yes he does get out in time out
submitted by Impossible_Book_9703 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 16:43 bingusfart I took a shit ton of pills over the last three months, judging by the info will I be okay?

Everyone tells me I’m just paranoid and thinking too much about it because of these experiences but I just wanna be sure. I thankfully have everything written down in my journal so I have lots of information. (I’m a 5’1 14 year old girl that weighs about 116)
Day 1 started on February 17th of this year and I must’ve been a bit out of it because I kept getting the date wrong and my spelling was out of wack along with my handwriting. I swallowed 6 clonodine pills which was less than my most recent ones but I had symptoms of being lethargic, getting dizzy when I stood up and was barely able to keep myself up, and I got a ringing in my ears it was pretty bad for only 6 pills.
Day 2 which was just the next day I took 6 clonodine again but combined it with two long pills with the letters TEC on it. I searched about it that day and chewed them when it told me not to and it tasted like straight poison.
(I think I kept taking lots of clonodine over the weeks the memory is just a bit fuzzy though)
Day 3 was actually more recent than I thought, April 20th of this year I have no clue at all what the bottle was but the pills were kinda smaller than usual and it could’ve been a pain killer, I took 35 of those (or more). I felt sick but didn’t get many symptoms somehow.
Day 4 on the 21st I took the same amount of that strange pill and then maybe 20 or more Aleve pills, I honestly can’t remember but it was around that. (+1 Midol my mom gave me)
That’s all and I don’t know if I’m overreacting or not but I’m just confused. Some recent symptoms I get are being out of breath easily, my heart randomly quickens like right now, and I get a strange pang in my belly on the left side. My kidneys must be fine though because my pee isn’t dark or anything.
submitted by bingusfart to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 14:57 Fun-Smile1380 Leaving 5 Day Detox

Just came off of prescribed non abused 1.5 mg Xanax for 5 years, they rapid tapered me with Valium and I just finished my final dose. They’re advising me to stay for observation but this place has done nothing but make my anxiety worse. They said I’m at extremely low seizure risk (they never even put me on anti seizure meds) and they also said they aren’t giving me anymore benzos regardless. My thing is I would rather go through PAWS at home with my family who can support and watch me closely and bring me to the hospital if needed. Last thing I would like to point out is I HATE taking the Valium because I hate benzos so much, I even skipped a dose and went 17 hours before feeling sick from it. I took my last 2.5mg Valium this morning and I didn’t even want to take it or felt like I needed it, the clonodin I’m on actually helps more and I sleep better without the Valium. My question I guess really, is am I good to go?? My only concern is seizures at this point, I can deal with the rest.
submitted by Fun-Smile1380 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:29 CommitTacksEvasion My arm really hurts and there’s stretch marks

Age: 15
Sex: Male
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight 188.4 Lbs
Race: Caucasian
Duration of complaint: The marks have been here for 2 days, the pain near my shoulder has been there for 1
Location: London KY
Any existing relevant medical issues: N/A
Current medications: Concerta, Loratadine, Vistril, Clonodine.
Include a photo if relevant:
submitted by CommitTacksEvasion to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 23:03 tinybeansrule Clonodine dose?

I just want to check with others. I was prescribed clonidine 0.1mg for the first time but I think I read other people taking even lower doses. Is 0.1mg fine to start with? I’ll be taking it twice a day.
Also do you find it helped? I’m worried about how it says don’t discontinue or skip doses. Because if I don’t like side effects within a week or two, I’ll want to just stop but I’ll want to be safe about it.
submitted by tinybeansrule to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 05:41 Marielllaaa I haven't had a BM in 11 days, please help

30 years old, female, 165cm, 75kg, no pregnancy, prescribed medications are Lexapro 20mg, Lamictal 200mg, Clonodine 100mcg, Dexamphetamine 5mg 2-4 tablets a day. All for mental health (Bipolar type 2 and ADHD)
Vape nicotine, occasional alcohol, no illegal drug use.
I have Atypical anorexia, so it's usual for me to go only 1 or 2 times a week, but it's been 11 days now and absolutely nothing. I am incredibly uncomfortable. Feeling full, sluggish, bloated, dull lower back pain. My last BM was Monday 15th, I had an upset stomach and it was very painful as I was backed up for a week. Now I'm backed up again I guess.
I drink coffee daily so that doesn't do anything.
I took 2x senna laxatives on Wednesday night and ate some grapes and nothing.
Last night I ate more grapes, had some green tea, had a sachet of Metamucil and 600ml of water with hydralyte and still nothing.
Today I've taken another 2x senna laxatives. (It's Friday afternoon here in aus) And I've had a double espresso and another strong coffee.
At what point does this become a serious concern?
I keep trying to eat/drink more but I'm getting too uncomfortable and full now.
I guess the next step is to try a suppository or enema but I don't feel like it's that far down so idk if it will do anything.
submitted by Marielllaaa to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 20:18 Btsbtsbts Help - HPPD Judgement Call

Age 28
Sex Male
Height 6'7
Weight 230
Race White
Duration of complaint 1 month
Location USA
Any existing relevant medical issues Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Current medications Clonodine .1mg twice a day
Is there anyone that can help me with a judgement call?
A psychiatrist that specializes in HPPD wants to put me on Trazodone after a month of intermitted use with clonidine that has only led to sleeping problems.
My history is it's been 2 weeks of color satuation, halos, slight ghosting and starbursts and DP/DR, followed by feeling pretty much completely normal, then getting pretty drunk, and now almost two weeks later I've developed floaters, some VS in dark conditions, and has in general been a living hell with DP/DR and panic attacks. Not sure how much longer I can function without sleep or relief. Debating calling off work, doing inpatient etc. So been a total of a month with alcohol throwing things off the deep end it seems (am 100% sober going forward).
I know no one here is a doctor but can anyone tell me which makes the most sense maybe based on personal experience? I see a few paths:
  1. Take no drugs, continue to raw dog, risk causing more symptoms due to extreme and seemingly unsustainable anxiety/panic attacks. I haven't been able to sleep much at all. Mostly due to clonidine losing it's effect. And just try all the tips in this subreddit
    1. Also maybe it's too soon to be trying drugs? My psych said my anxiety is really bad and medication can quickly fix that and likely the HPPD too - just need to find the right drug
  2. Take only trazodone and risk some of the side effects described in this forum & sleeping dependency issues
  3. I think this is last resort and is a bad idea but I could get clonopin (benzo). no need to get into how bad of an idea this probably is
  4. Maybe do a mix of the lamotrigine (since VS seems to be getting worse, think unnoticeable during day as of now) mixed with a clonopin or trazodone for sleep
  5. Do lamotrigine alone and try to sleep natually to get back on my schedule
Thank you for your help. It seems like every decision I make it just gets worse so I'm trying to not fuck this up any further and figured there might be someone else who made a similar call who is having an impossible time.
submitted by Btsbtsbts to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 23:03 Amazing-Priority7695 Clonodine

Could someone share your thoughts on giving clonidine 0.01 mg to my child for tics . Will it make worse ? If I stop after giving for 2-3 months will it make tics bounce back worser? Please help
submitted by Amazing-Priority7695 to Tourettes [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 15:17 OsoInNY I usually have to go through the motions of chewing thin fluids before I can swallow anything, since a bad car accident.

I had a bad MVA about 4 years ago, where I was stopped at a light, hit from behind at about 40 mph, then forced into the car in front of me. I didn't realize I'd been knocked out from the first impact, I just woke up after impacting the second one. The bags didn't deploy and I just sort of pinballed around the inside of the car, which was totalled.
It took a few days (I don't have a lot of memory surround it, so I couldn't tell you exactly) but I started having difficulty swallowing. My speech was slurred, the right side of my tongue stopped lifting symmetrically with the left. Which is now my normal- to swallow, I have to consciously use the left side of my tongue to push food back towards my soft palate. Sometimes I'd just have to drool into a bucket for hours until it passed. I sounded like a stroke victim when it happened.
Last night at work, it happened again for the first time in at least a year. I couldn't swallow spit, fluid, food, anything. I just found a quiet place to hunker down and try to drool into napkins. No slurred speech, no headache, no warning. Just an acute onset and a lot of choking and gagging. I just couldn't coordinate things, and I kept aspirating saliva. I forgot how terrifying it was.
I can get tiny amounts of fluid down by pretending to chew it. I have no idea why. So I got down about 6 ounces in 11 hours at work today, chewing my water.
Here's the kicker: the accident occurred during a workers comp claim, five days before my state shut down, hard, for COVID. I never got adequate medical treatment. My doctor focused on my spinal injuries (which were pretty significant. Mostly cleared up except for chronic pain, lots of leg and feet cramps on the right, left side is mostly numb, some occasional incontinence, stuff like that). It was much, much worse.
Oh and it might be important to know that for about a year after the accident, I kept losing feeling above my collar bones. Its hard to describe but there were patches occuring simultaneously where I'd lose feeling. I couldn't feel the center of the patches, the edges of them tickled badly, then it'd move around. Scalp, face, ears, in my ears and my mouth sometimes, which was absolutely awful. Usually coincided with the dysphagia. It's resolved, haven't felt it in a few years.
Oh, and I developed weird spells like vertigo about 14 months ago? The room feels like it's rocking, not spinning. Feels like my head is just suddenly floating about 4 feet over my body, then I just drop. My feet and legs don't seem to understand where the perfectly flat floor is, try to respond like it's rocking, then I fall.
I'm currently 39. I was 35 at the accident.
I don't do drugs. I have propanerol and clonodine currently, in low doses. 80 mg and .1, respectively. I don't smoke, am a light drinker. I'm 5'7", 155 lbs. I have an abnormal baseline and a small mitral valve leak. Plenty of skin problems. Not a lot else.
So what's up with the dysphagia four years later? My PT refused to provide for a while because they thought I had brain injury. Original concern at the ER during the accident was something to do with where my spine enters my skull, they thought it was broken.
What do you think?
submitted by OsoInNY to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 18:58 EverTheWatcher Who I was, and what the TTI made me become: a short story covering a very long time.

A quick note first about intent and format:
I've given a lot of one off stories that happened at (TTI), but I wanted to say the rest. What happened. Not events, but how I changed.
I am not an author, I chose topics as they came to me and tried not to be dragged down by examples. I did not put effort into editing because I would delete most things feeling them inadequate or too close. I'm own feelings of inadequacy can stand on their own in my bumbling prose. I will write as I speak, complete with tangential set-asides. I will drift in and out of tenses, because I never truly leave the past in the past. I think the spirit of what I'm writing should convey, and while there are some obviously re-occurring themes and words, I kept things as simple as possible so there's little confusion about what was happening and what threads I held onto. I have a lot to cover, and to make an excruciatingly long and boring narrative simple, I put it in 3 parts... for funzies.
I apologize to anyone triggered. I do not intend to censor my feelings, so if you are struggling right now with holding things together, just move on ahead.
I do find it important to explain that what happens isn't just a bunch of bad times in a string, we all had to find our own way to survive and move on. Some to be proud of, some less. For better or worse, this was mine.

Part 1- The before times....

To put things in perspective, I guess I should establish a baseline for how life was before going. I was not a drug addled troublemaker. In fact, to this day, I have not used illegal drugs and have had no interactions with the courts outside traffic violations. To make things topical, I was like a vault-dweller; an army brat at the end of the cold-war with the upbringing of several generations of military officers. I was the type who could earnestly play a lawful good paladin if that means anything to you. My worldview was anchored in a justice, karma, and an unbelievable naivete that good intentions could drive good results.
Moving on average about every year or so, I was used to change. I was used to losing people- pre-internet as a child, if you moved, they were essentially gone for good. Mix that with everyone knowing you'd be gone soon, most kids wouldn't make an effort to be friends. On the positive, I was an introvert and would usually only try to make friends with a few people anyway. The life lesson I got was an ability to deal with loss. Maybe not healthily, but even if someone died-they were just somewhere else. But I would always be me, and have myself, and created my self image on the assumption that while everything else WILL be transitory, I would define myself by the pursuit of my ideals, my JUSTICE. (Yeah, SUPER cringe-worthy, but with no support network, you had to create something).
At this point, I was planning to take up the family business and join the military in time. I was well aware where that could end up, but when you live in an environment that's pro mission and move frequently enough to have nothing more than superficial ties, it's easy to create a narrative that would enable you to be a “good soldier.” It also was pretty much my only goal at the time- a solid point to plan for, good or bad. I would follow the path of my father, and his father, etc and try and learn from their mistakes to do it even better.
I'll focus on the preceding few years before I went to my TTI. My father was (important) and was gone a lot, being involved in things for (several major operations), and the entire continent while having a command on the side. We were stationed in (another country). He didn't say a lot to me, but he wasn't cruel. I didn't fear him. I liked him. I just didn't see him much. I wasn't upset by it though since my view of him was intrinsically linked with duty.
My mother spent my childhood talking about her manic-depression and depression, about how hard it was to be a military wife, how hard it was to be an extrovert surrounded by introverts, how bad her father was and so on. It would usually include a diatribe about how my dad never listened to her and dismissed her. Like, way more than I think was appropriate from like 6-10 and even up to when I was 13. It was kind of a running spiel to anyone who'd listen, even in passing. “I've been a military wife for x years” “I'm surrounded by introverts” (vague statement about how she's not appreciated) (waay too much medical history) some tears. If I seemed impatient 'cause this could happen several times in one outing (random stranger, cashier, another stranger) she'd say the following gem “you want another kid?” Oh it was so funny. Later in life I found out that she checked herself in for a few months after I was born, perhaps why I felt closer to my aunt who watched me during that time.
My sibling was high school and declared themselves to be a marxist at the time. Not even knowing the difference, I just figured they were acting out since the USSR had collapsed only a few years prior. I went to a local school despite not speaking the language 'cause it seemed like something to do- I had basically perfect scores at the DODDS school on base, so my parents didn't really mind me switching. Even then, still did okay (not as well, but it's not like I'd expect to). All in all, things were okay. I had a close friend, which was enough for me.
I finished 7th grade at the (non-american school) and was preparing to move back to the US as my dad's tour was over. This was the longest we'd stayed in one place, at about 3 years, but I didn't have any more apprehensions than normal. We didn't know precisely where we'd end up because it was going to be one of two places, depending upon if a different person was shifted in the next month or two. So, our things were being sent to temporary housing. In the midst of this “instability” my mom told me she was taking me with my sibling on their college tours...

Part 2- A brave new world...

For some unclear reason, we stopped at a B&B in Connecticut. It was vaguely between NYC and Boston and I did have a cousin about an hour away, so whatever. We drive to this campus and my Mom tells me I'm staying here. wut? We were shown around quickly and the headmaster told me I have to write an essay about how I want to be there/intend to change (more or less). I wrote 5-7 pages mocking the school, its stated mission and so on. We went back to the B&B, my sibling wrote a better essay. I was informed that I will stay there or I would be sent to the wilderness to forage for food. Supposedly, my mom heard great things about this place in the 70's I needed this for “stability.” I had no concept of what she was even talking about or what was going on. My end response was to the effect that if she abandoned me, I'd not forget it, or forgive it, but that she better stay nice to my sibling because I wouldn't be the one taking care of her (my mom) in the future.
I've already covered many of the things that happened there as loose events in the past, so I'll leave the this and that happened and focus on how it affected me. I was abandoned and betrayed by my mother and sibling. I was an idealistic, per-pubescent child who had only just turned 13 in a place meant to fix... something? I couldn't connect with many of the others, I didn't have the experience-we were the first group of 8th graders (supposedly) so we're already younger than everyone, and I lacked the experiences with institutionalization, discipline, or even socialization generally shared even by those in my grade. Everyone was simply an enemy or not. I had to learn to hide my face-crime (evidence of thought-crime) with my creepy-reflexive smile. I had to dismiss my feelings lest they create an opening.
I had to learn to fully disassociate so that I could defend myself from this existential threat against my being. After all, if being me is all I ever could take with me, what would I have if that changed as well? -Who feels that? That's a different me. Oh, of course... what a weakling, ignore that. Who hurts? That's the me that's hurting. I'm the me that's here. -
While we were only allowed 3 minute showers, I'd cycle from as hot as possible to as cold, back and forth so that I could learn to keep just the memory of each and overlay it against the current experience.
-Who is struggling? That's a different me. I am the me that survives this-
I am glad that I was still per-pubescent because I was only faintly aware of attraction to others, I could still frame things as a me vs system with other NPCs who are similarly being ground down...hormones and feelings would have made that a nightmare to deal with... and one thing I immediately surmised is that any relationships I formed there WOULD be used against me. Whether or not this is true, meh, but I had zero information going in, and only knowledge that this system was a direct threat to me. On the topic, I never so much as held hands until I was 17, but I'll save that for Part 3 (cliff-hanger) but I bring it up because I was exposed to a number of kids still in the midst of exploring their sexuality, and one must've taken my lack of interest in girls as potential interest in them. No, nothing happened except a lot of touching me I would yell at them over (me being annoyed at the touch, not grasping the sexual overtones), but it did mark the start of more sexual harassment at various times in life that I just never really responded enough to. I guess my hand holding statement needed to be amended to reflect (that I wanted). I guess my point is that bodily autonomy gets a little hazy as you start to disassociate your body as being present there from an idealized future where everything troublesome gets to be in the past.
A few side notes about the experience: the loss of my things, led me to value my possessions less, as they could be taken at any time. My relationship with my mom basically broke when I was told not to call home or they'd not answer again.
Finally, JUSTICE. I needed there to be a just world. So I got to internalize the guilt of things I didn't do. Things I could've done because I had the capacity. Even things I chose not to do because they were wrong, but still had collateral effects. Stupid? Yes. But I needed a “Just” world to survive. That required a guilty party. It HAD to be my fault and I HAD to deserve it....

Part 3- Aftermath....

After TTI 8th grade, we moved house and I was enrolled in a local Catholic school as a non-Catholic. It was almost exclusively attended by students from it's feeder school and the administration made sure I was aware I wasn't one of them (Catholic). Strike 3 (besides being non-feeder and non-Catholic) against me was that I lived quite a distance away. I had one friend until they pulled out after 10th grade, feeling it was too oppressive for them. I wouldn't describe myself as bullied per-se, just a non-entity that was there. For the first 2 years, my mom kept sending me to psychologists she'd shop around for and convincing them to give me numerous medications, despite my refusal to talk to them. The line-up? Ritalin (ADHD) but for “insomnia” I got Clonodine, Pamalor, Zoloft, Depakote, and Trazadone. Almost all at the same time for a while. Of course, this was under implied threat for non-compliance. So. Having been more or less disconnected from my age group (the years spent abroad, and the TTI), I was in another hostile environment... now with drugs!
I knew from TTI to second guess my emotions. To hide my true emotions behind a placid or bemused face. If I thought I was happy or content, it meant that I didn't grasp the true circumstances, and the other show WOULD drop. Now... I couldn't feel anything. Nothing was meaningful. Things could just, happen. I would move forward. Eventually “I” (my true ideal self) would get “there.” I still wasn't quite bothered by my anomie, as I figured others would only try to get closer to me for some personal end. Brother's Keeper taught me that sharing secrets of myself only gave ammunition to those who needed to build clout in system. Besides, why would someone try to get closer to me? Even my own mother dropped me I'm so broken. Things would've been different if I didn't deserve it so much. Still... In the future.. I can do my duty... better than anyone...then I'll deserve things to be good... Justice will prevail.
I applied to the top colleges in the field associated with my desired MOS, and applied for ROTC. I got in- When I was 17.5 someone did show an interest in me. They had just moved in middle of senior year to a different school and met by happenstance. Started dating immediately. They had all the traumas and we weren't really compatible. But, anyone wanting me was worth EVERYTHING. They were willing to take a chance on a nothing like me. Broke with me a few months later cause I was going to go to college, in a few months. Being with them was better than I deserved.
A while before going to college, I was notified I was DQ'd from military service for unclear “reasons” (for some reason they couldn't just say my meds, took me years to figure out). So, dream denied- I went to college because there would eventually be Justice.
I ended up with anyone who showed the slightest willingness. One who told me they weren't cheating and we weren't dating despite basically living together for months while being introduces as such...but I was still fine with that and wouldn't even have asked for an apology because I HAD to deserve that as well... anything could be given, someone noticed me.. if just for a moment. Please don't abandon me. Something, someone will stay. There will be Justice.
(Jarring fast forward). I've been married for years and years. I have kids. I look at my eldest and I see myself in them. I can see how I used to see the world. They are better than me.
At birthdays, I can only see how close they are to when I stopped being able to be myself with open eyes and a clear heart. Able to trust that I really know what I feel, and no part of it is me trying to keep my fragile self in reserve. When I could last think I was happy and not have to think about it, worry about what I'm not seeing that's going to destroy it. Able to believe in people and have them able to hurt me rather than expect it. Able to have people not hurt me and believe that they never will. Have I ever been loved?
Can I love? Am I just pretending? Are any of my feelings true? How do I know? How do others know? Are they blinded like I was? Did I become blinded instead? Is this the feeling of falling from grace, to be frightened from the mere sight of it? I've had to question for decades.
I know that I can spare them. I can protect them. There was no Justice. There was life.
The TTI, wrecked mine in its own way. Yes, something else could've easily done the same instead. Although, I can't think of anything else that would require me to break my own self esteem just to maintain being myself. Even if problems arise in the future, I know my children are worth the effort to find a better way. If nothing else, THEY deserve it. ...I guess that would do them Justice.
submitted by EverTheWatcher to troubledteens [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 13:36 madameaquarius11 My insomnia medication is knocking me out without me knowing it

So sometimes my medication Clonodine will knock me out without me knowing it and usually I can feel it coming and get ready for it but for the last 2 days it knocks me out and it’s becoming a problem because I had to do something at 8 and I was knocked out luckily by some miracle I woke up and was able to do it does anyone know what might be the issue because I’m thinking it’s stress but I don’t know for sure.
submitted by madameaquarius11 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 10:12 TailorJealous2283 Focus medicine while having severe OCD?

Hi I'm currently on strattera for my focus issues. It helps with anxiety and focus but it makes me obsess over things so much to the point i can't make up my mind on anything. It feels like everything has to be perfect.
I'm also on guanfacine and clonodine but they only help my anxiety. They don't help my focus.
Are there other medicines I can try besides Stimulants, strattera and qelbree, or guanfacine and clonodine for focus that won't make my ocd worse? Thanks.
submitted by TailorJealous2283 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 03:14 Tasty_Anal HGG deficiency as kid

Peak value of 5 for clonodine and 1 to eldopa for high test. . Ifg-1 148, morning cortisol 3.3 repeated at 2.5. Is that a low cortisol??
submitted by Tasty_Anal to endocrinology [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 11:33 Slight-Button-58 Motion Sickness with Catapres

My therapist recommended Catapres (clonodine) for my anxiety. I’ve been on it for about a week now and while it helps me a lot, I’ve started feeling a bit motion sick when I’m driving. Anyone else had this? Any suggestions on fixing this?
submitted by Slight-Button-58 to Anxiety [link] [comments]