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r/raimimemes: The Home of Pizza Time

2017.04.07 19:09 r/raimimemes: The Home of Pizza Time

The place to celebrate the original Spider-Man trilogy, and other Sam Raimi movies, such as Evil Dead and Darkman, and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The largest meme subreddit dedicated to Spider-Man! Join us as we PRAISE RAIMI!

2024.06.02 19:35 ZecHub ZecWeekly Community Newsletter - June 2nd

ZecWeekly Community Newsletter - June 2nd submitted by ZecHub to zec [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:33 r121398 Please be brutally honest I'm trying to Break into Tech Sales (SDR/BDR) in Vancouver, BC

submitted by r121398 to techsales [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:27 rvps2001 Russia-Ukraine Newsletter

Russia-Ukraine Newsletter submitted by rvps2001 to RussiaUkraineBriefing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:25 manikantshaw What is the Most Effective Digital Marketing Channel for Your Business?

Choosing the right digital marketing channel can transform your business by driving traffic, generating leads, and boosting sales. Here's a breakdown of five powerful channels and why they might be the best fit for your business.

1. Social Media Marketing

2. Email Marketing

3. Content Marketing

4. Paid Advertising (PPC)

5. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)


The most effective digital marketing channel depends on your business goals, target audience, and resources. Whether you focus on social media, email marketing, content marketing, PPC, or SEO, each channel offers unique advantages. Evaluate your specific needs and leverage the strengths of each channel to create a balanced and powerful digital marketing strategy.
submitted by manikantshaw to u/manikantshaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:10 AccomplishedMatter80 “secret” show?

maybe i’m just feeling this way bc i hate camping and waiting in long lines, but bruh this shouldn’t even be called a secret show when they’ve been broadcasting about the show literally all over every social media. a secret show would’ve felt more intimate. i wish they just kept it in the newsletters or something 😔
submitted by AccomplishedMatter80 to theMarias [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:49 thattallguy10 Industry Thought Leaders to follow (Lead Gen Only)

Hi, I have transitioned away from E-commerce for some time and took a new role as performer marketer for a Lead Gen company.
While I was aware of most thought leaders for E-commerce, who would you recommend to follow in industry for new updates, tips/strategies, scripts.
Could be podcasts, youtube channels, newsletters, or courses that you swear by.
submitted by thattallguy10 to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:35 Filterhead00 Sorteo de Cuenta Anual Midjourney

Con motivo del lanzamiento de nuestra Newsletter Diaria sobre Inteligencia Artificial, GptZone, estamos realizando un sorteo de una cuenta de un año de la aplicación para crear imágenes Midjourney.
El sorteo se realizará entre todos los subs de mi newsletter, pero además, por cada referido obtienes 3 participaciones más en el sorteo.
Puedes suscríbete en
submitted by Filterhead00 to ChatGPTSpanish [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:32 Filterhead00 Sorteo Cuenta Anual Midjourney

Sorteo Cuenta Anual Midjourney submitted by Filterhead00 to Tecnologia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:21 cyclopswashalfright Tom Brevoort Q&A on Stilt-Man, Psylocke, Character Interactions and More

It's that time of week again. X-Men head editor Tom Brevoort is answering questions on Substack again. This time with fewer throuple mentions. As always, you can read it here:
Some questions of interest:
I noticed in the solicit for Stephanie Phillips’ Phoenix #1 that it would guest star Nova, but as of now he’s still in a coma from Pestilence’s arrow in X-Men Red and hasn’t been healed/woken up yet. Will him being back in action be explained in that issue or before then? Just curious.
TB: I’m almost certain that it won’t be explained in PHOENIX #1, Joe. Presumably, he healed up over time.
The vast majority of fans want you to know that they know what the vast majority of fans want.
TB: And whatever it is, Ralf, they want it now.
After reading your most recent newsletter it really got me thinking about another topic that goes through its ups and downs every couple months and I think you did note somewhere else that the divide within the fandom was noticed by the editorial office. And that is the Psylocke conundrum. There are those that feel Betsy owns the codename and the butterfly because she got those from her original creator and before the body swap shenanigans. HoXPoX brought in newer fans that feel that it all belongs to Kwannon because the character of Psylocke became popular in her Asian body.
We know business wise keeping the iconic Jim Lee look and code name with an actual Asian character makes sense but was it necessary to do that when comic book readers (I hope) are not that inept and because we do have both caucasian characters Kitty Pryde and Elektra that were allowed to function in the same capacity but are not Asian; but it was taken away from Betsy for reasons. We could have gotten both Psylocke and Revanche popular established IP.
TB: I think this is a situation analogous to the Jean Grey one from a while back, CG. By which I mean that there is a lot of frankly confusing backstory to Kwannon and Betsy Braddock, to the point where they’re literally difficult to describe to people. But rather than try to “fix” any of that stuff or retcon it or whatever (which is very much what got us to this point), I think the only thing to do from here is to go forward. And that means further defining who Kwannon is as Psylocke and who Betsy is as Captain Britain (or whatever she might become in days to come).
You mentioned before having a "grand unified field theory" about Scott and Jean's relationship, one that you'd peel back like layers of an onion across several stories. Can we expect that to play out in X-Men and Phoenix or is this something that we can expect further down the line? And any hints or elaboration on what you might have meant by this theory?
TB: I think that’s more of a long term things, Mercury, though I’m sure that you’ll see aspects play out in the various comics that Jean and Scott are in, since I’ll want them to be in line with my way of thinking. And eventually, assuming that there are creators among our team that are interested in running with that ball, we may eventually get to it as a story element. Or we may not—X-MEN functioned for years with a lot of its characters’ backstories hidden away, and that mystery didn’t hurt anything, it drove interest among the audience. So it’s really going to depend on where I think we might be able to get the most juice.
Many comments this week allude to the hypothetical Scott-Logan-Jean relationship, and in one of your answers you mention that only one scene is what would support that it was an open relationship over five years.
What this comment has led me to think about is the small number of everyday scenes that exist in today's Marvel comics. I'm a reader who grew up reading in the '70s and '80s, and I really miss the everyday element in superheroes. Because at that time we knew Peter Parker's apartment inside out or what pizza he liked; and there were plenty of character treatment scenes in the Avengers and X-Men mansions or in the Baxter Building. In current times, I have the impression, probably subjective, that that element of everyday life has been lost a lot, that the Marvel characters are more iconic, but less close and identifiable in those aspects.
Recently, I was taking a look at my favorite scenes by Pepe Larraz, an artist who creates spectacular fight scenes, but the ones that stuck in my mind were not any of those, but small moments of characters talking in an everyday environment. I was thinking about a scene that is quite a few years old now: the conversation between Cyclops and the vampire Storm in a cafeteria, in X-Termination. If I remember it so vividly it is precisely because of the magical nature of these types of situations, and that for me they summarize the essence of the Marvel Universe: the way in which the fabulous and fantastic is introduced into the real world. When I remember what hooked me on X-Men, I remember a lot of that. Kitty and Doug playing video games, Peter, Kurt and Logan at a bar, Storm swimming in the Forge pool, or the usual baseball games in the mansion's courtyard. I really miss seeing those types of situations in comics in a more common way. I hope we have many of those in the new run that now begins, because that is also part of the X-Men lore.
TB: We’re definitely looking to do more of that manner of scene, Julian, depending on the series and the preferences of the creative team. One of the things I definitely wanted to get back to, for good or ill, was the X-Men interacting with regular people out in the world rather than segregating themselves with only their own kind in Krakoa.
Tom, the vast majority of fans want Stilt-Man to be in every Marvel comic. When are you all going to give the people what they want?
TB: Stilt-Man IS in every Marvel comic, David. You just have to look up.
submitted by cyclopswashalfright to xmen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:11 DeansDalmation Navigating Legal Name Change in a Portfolio

Hello, I am in the beginning stages of staring a writing career and I am creating a portfolio. Right now, my biggest issue is that my most professional articles are from a campus newsletter under my old name. I changed my first, middle, and last name, so at first glance they look like two people. I have the link to the court docket where I can prove that legally I am the same person, but I am not sure how to include that in my portfolio. Would I just copy and paste my article specifically in my portfolio and change the name? Or do I link the newsletter and the court docket with a little disclaimer? Thanks!
submitted by DeansDalmation to freelance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:10 Blanco_ice A newsletter for men

If youre on this sub you already know that the current state of "manliness" is bad. There's an attack on masculinity across all popular media and men bashing has become commonplace, acceptable, and even desired by many.
But, this isn't a post to complain about it, but rather see if there's a demand for what I think would be a great platform for men who just want to be... men.
I'm currently in the process of launching a newsletter for men. A place to discuss topics that might not fit the popular narrative that's out there, a place for men to talk about the shit that men want to talk about, without the worry of backlash. it's still super early but I have a ton of ideas and already have almost 50 subs (have yet to launch)
I know this might not be super clear but if this is something that you believe might interest you, sign up, I will clarify and try to explain everything in the first newsletter (sending out next week)
submitted by Blanco_ice to MensRights [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:54 Shiny_Chocobo_ A Wildflower for a Duke...just WOW

Hi lovely humans, I've been on a historical romance feverish tear since last August. I've read hundreds of stories from dozens of authors from fantastic to meh.
Through vvv03, I found this book {A Wildflower for a Duke by Laura Linn} was such a delight to read. Before I had even finished the book, I purchased the next one. PURCHASED. This coming from an avid Libby/Hoopla user who only uses digital credits from Amazon to "buy" books.
This was a slow burn romance between two people who I was rooting for from the very beginning.
MMC is a duke, a father, and a grieving widower who truly loved his first wife. The process and complications of grief are written so thoughtfully. I felt as if the author truly understood what it must be like to lose a spouse. If you like a "non-rake" MMC with high emotional intelligence, you will like Gabriel.
MMC returns to his country estate with his young daughter and meets the FMC, a quirky, goat-farming scientist and her son. FFC has an equally tragic story that is revealed organically and with sensitivity and is central to the story and not done simply for dramatic means. Violet is likeable, clever, distinct, and kind.
The side characters are an absolute treat to meet and I cared about every single one. As a mother of a son on the spectrum, I found myself smiling and nodding at certain moments. The dialogue made me chuckle, and these characters will stay with me long after I finished the book.
I am astonded this is her debut novel. Linn masterfully demonstrates the method of show, don't tell. You are allowed to make your own judgments about the characters, who I immediately found likeable, relatable, and well drawn. I was invested in the story from start to finish. As someone who works in publishing, some of the punctuation jumped out at me, but the quality of the writing is very polished. Linn has a very distinct "voice" in her writing and is not just a copy/paste style of a generic historical romance author. Her dialogue was snappy and fresh and I found her portrayal of characters on the spectrum to be thoughtful and well done. She was also up front about trigger warnings in her author note.
I immediately subscribed to her newsletter and will dive into her novella and book two. I hope you give her a chance. It will definitely be a re-read for me!
submitted by Shiny_Chocobo_ to HistoricalRomance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:53 simba_csgo The key to finding consistency in your game

I see many threads started in this sub regarding consistency, or rather, the lack of it. We all want to perform well in our games as frequently as possible. For some of us, consistency might mean enabling us to have more fun, more often. Nobody likes to play bad. For others, it might take on a more competitive meaning. Climbing the ladder in Premier or FACEIT means winning more than you lose, and that requires some semblance of consistency.
Consistency is one of, if not the toughest thing to achieve in Counter-Strike, especially for those of us who queue with less than 5 players often. There’s a lot outside your control when you roll the dice with who your teammates will be, but there is something you can do to control the drift of your own performances from game to game.
I’m simba, i’ve got 7000 hours of playtime and 13+ seasons of ESEA league where I climbed from the doldrums of the Open division to the heights of Advanced, playing with some incredibly talented players along the way. I didn’t have the juice to make it any further, but I did recognize I had more to give, and that came in the form of teaching this beautiful game of ours. Those who can’t do, teach, right?
I created a free 6-day CS2 course that teaches the fundamentals of the game. The first lesson tackles this consistency issue quite well.
Here’s that lesson for all of you in this subreddit:
Consistency is the ideal we’re striving for, and to get there, we need to eliminate the inconsistent parts of your game. Looking at the big picture, a lot of players who complain about inconsistency often feel inconsistent. Their mouse doesn’t quite feel the same, their movement is out of sync with their shooting, the list can go on.
There’s a reason why professional athletes complete some kind of warmup before the game, and don’t just jump head first into the field of play.
Hockey and basketball players stretch and do a “shoot-around”, Golfers hit the driving range before they tee off, etc etc. We can learn a lot from the habits of professionals, even if they don’t practice the same discipline as us.
Warmup routines matter!
Don’t neglect this part of your game. There’s a lot of science behind it, but I’ll keep that in the full lesson.
Here’s a breakdown of how you should structure your warmup routine in CS2:

Beginning activity (5-10 minutes, low intensity)

Just to get your hands moving and activate the muscle groups in them. Focus on hitting every shot. If you’re missing, slow down a bit.
Workshop aim training maps, such as:
Prefire maps, such as

Intermediary activity (10-20 minutes, medium-high intensity)

Mix up your shooting techniques, practice swapping between spraying, bursting and tapping. Ramp up the speed here.

’Cool down’ activity (5 minutes-indefinitely, low intensity)

Great activities for if you’re waiting in FACEIT queue or for your party to hop online. Just chill, but make sure you don’t fully “disengage” either though.
These are the building blocks of a good warmup. Following this loosely will net you benefits in the long run, with consistency of routine. You might not feel any differently after day 1, but I guarantee you’ll be a different player by day 60.
I go further in depth on the psychological benefits of these pre-performance routines and why they matter so much in the first lesson of my Bootcamp course.
Developed in conjunction with TL;DR Media, (the same folks behind the spicy weekly CS2 newsletter covering the pro scene) we set out to create a course that would cover 6 different fundamentals of Counter-Strike, but in a way that everyone can benefit from, players old and new. It’s completely free, and always will be. Signing up also gets you access to some pretty sweet bonus content, like a free access code for Refrag, an upcoming AMA with former Virtus.Pro AWPer snatchie, and much more.
Sign up, and while you’re at it send it to that one friend who really needs it. You know who I’m talking about.
submitted by simba_csgo to LearnCSGO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:30 OptimalWonder8372 Getting To Know The Community (Newsletter, Updates)

Going forward, since we are reaching our 4th month of being established. I wanted to create a specifically designed newsletter that introduces community members, art work from the community, topics we discussed in summary format and a singles column or agony aunt corner or even astrology if you’d like it if not too gimmicky, would people be interested in signing up to this? The first edition would be a free 6th month anniversary edition.
submitted by OptimalWonder8372 to TheThesbian [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:29 mariapage Decaf options by top roasters: a quick analysis

Decided to start a very niche newsletter focused on decaf... First post is an analysis of decaf options by some of the world's 100 top roasters (list by Roastful). Key findings:
It's a bit disappointing to see that many top roasters don't pay that much attention to their decaf offerings... What do you think? I'd love to create a list of roasters who are passionate about decaf. I have a few in mind but curious to see if you have any suggestions.
Link to the full Analysis
submitted by mariapage to pourover [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:28 Antoni_Nabzdyk As part of my newsletter, would you like to occasionally receive optional memes about stocks made by me?

submitted by Antoni_Nabzdyk to dividends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 Powerofhope [PubQ] How to get more connected to the publishing world

What resources (websites, newsletters, podcasts, YouTube channels, etc.) do you use to stay connected to the publishing world?
I’d like to do a better job of keeping an eye on publishing trends, shifts in the industry, things like that, but it’s kind of hard to know where a good home-base would be to begin sifting through this type of information
submitted by Powerofhope to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:17 mariapage Decaf offerings by top world roasters... A quick analysis

Decided to start a very niche newsletter focused on decaf... First post is an analysis of decaf options by some of the world's top roasters. A few observations:
It's a bit disappointing to see that many of the most reputable roasters don't pay that much attention to their decaf offerings... What do you think?
Link to the full Analysis!
submitted by mariapage to thirdwavedecaf [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:05 AutoModerator 👋Sign-up for r/FluentinFinance's weekly newsletter of 40,000 readers — where we discuss all things investing and finance!

👋Sign-up for FluentinFinance's weekly newsletter of 40,000 readers — where we discuss all things investing and finance! submitted by AutoModerator to FluentInFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:56 music_of_plotinus News Feed Blu-ray Release

What would be your recommendation for a RSS feed, or newsletter to keep up with Blu-ray releases including Criterion, Kino Lorber, and the full landscape of studios releasing "classics"?
submitted by music_of_plotinus to classicfilms [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:52 copperpin If you're like me and just bought the game this week when it went on sale; YSK that if you click on these people you can get a BUNCH of cool buildings for free.

If you're like me and just bought the game this week when it went on sale; YSK that if you click on these people you can get a BUNCH of cool buildings for free. submitted by copperpin to PlanetCoaster [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:36 javjavjay Summer Breezeee

Hello everyone!
Hope you are well!
There is a newsletter from The Soulful Sip for June that I think you would all love featuring Snoh Aalegra!
Feel free to like and subscribe to the newsletter and share with all the Neo soul fans that you know of!
June Newsletter here
Also sorry to all those who aren’t using Spotify but the playlist is currently only on that platform…you can listen to it here
Thank you for your time and look forward to seeing you soon 😊
submitted by javjavjay to neosoul [link] [comments]