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High School Mystery Club Season 3 E03

2024.05.20 05:04 ordinaryguy92 High School Mystery Club Season 3 E03

"High School Mystery Club" is back with Season 3! The members transferred to a school haunted by uncanny stories for years, attempting to unravel the mysteries behind all paranormal occurrences.
Cast member
Quality Magnet
Note The torrent available labelled S04E03 is not episode 3 but episode 4. Thanks to u/srhdt for the tip. Please share if you manage to find torrent for episode 3.
Alternative download: Dramaday
Info Link
Subtitles Mediafire
Stream Google Drive
*Subtitles by tvN Asia
Important note: Please do not share links of this post and Google Drive outside of Reddit. Thank you.
submitted by ordinaryguy92 to u/ordinaryguy92 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:02 chocolatecherrymint Which Ivies care about community involvement the most/least?

Does community involvement during high school (volunteering, local nonprofit, blah blah) matter more for some schools than others?
submitted by chocolatecherrymint to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:02 Careless-Wish-4563 Which seems to be my preference?

I’m a black woman. I’m 19.
In my final year of high school, I was very attracted (squealing in the hallways type attracted) to a 1/2 black 1/2 white boy who looked something like this: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7KQAa9PmSA/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
I had a crush on another 1/2 black 1/2 white boy (dark brown eyes, very light - almost white - skin, though I actually don’t think that was a factor in the attraction) from 9th-10th grade who was a little above average. But I was no longer attracted to him by 11th grade after he became average looking. He was also an atrocious person, which of course was a factor in the attraction fading.
My 11th grade boyfriend (December 2021-March 2022) looked something like this: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7KQAa9PmSA/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== and https://www.instagram.com/p/C7KQ9ttPLl0/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
I am no longer attracted to my 11th grade boyfriend, although I recall that when he first pulled down his mask I was certainly attracted to him. Beforehand, I wasn’t sure. He also proved to be a bad person (disrespected my sexual boundaries multiple times.)
The darker skinned black boy in the middle is someone I would go out with if I liked his personality/if he approached me, I like his hair: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7KQ9ttPLl0/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
I also subjectively find the guy in The Beach Boys music videos to be very cute, like “oh that’s my dream guy” type of cute: https://www.reddit.com/VindictaRateCelebs/s/BwVR18np6S
View Poll
submitted by Careless-Wish-4563 to datingadviceformen [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:01 NerveMajestic About to start MLS listing to sell our home - plz advise on setting a sale price

Realtors - we are getting ready to sell our home in a highly desired, top school district area…. Where houses aren’t lasting more than 7 days… but our home is not cookie cutter and is a little unique ( has 2.5 acres land smack in the middle of the city) now, let’s say our realtor said: price should be $550k based on comps and their analysis … So tell me, what strategy should we apply to set the selling cost… 1) we go above 550k to 580k and have some wiggle room, to let buyers have the satisfaction of getting lower price? OR 2) should we set price at 499k and light up a fire and start a bidding war and hope it goes above 550k atleast, if not higher!?
Is there any drawback at asking 20-40k more than comps and market analysis?
Plz advise!
submitted by NerveMajestic to realtors [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:01 RecommendationNo1620 Ending up in a college town vs big city

I graduated from high school last year and took a gap year to travel around Europe. Before I graduated I went and toured a bunch of schools during my senior year and only further confirmed the fact that I really want to be in a city. Traveling and getting to spend over 6 months outside of my town mostly staying in cities was the happiest I’ve ever been. (I know that a lot of that was not having school or a real job but it was also the feeling of having so much around me. Even when I was in smaller towns though I was so connected through public transit and cheap travel options that I never felt trapped like I do in such a car dependent country… and I have a car)
Although new York or Chicago would’ve been my ideal situations, I went ahead and applied to schools in Boston, Philadelphia, Ann Arbor, and a couple other smaller cities. Long story short, I got rejected from most of them and those I did get into were way too much money for me to even consider. The only school that I could seriously considered was Fordham since it was the only school in a big city I was accepted into. Ultimately they rejected my financial aid appeal and it was quite literally not possible for me to afford it.
This brings me to my last and only feasible option aside from taking another gap year. UNC Chapel hill. I know that I shouldn’t be complaining about attending such an incredible school but I really want to leave North Carolina and be in an actual city. They are also severely lacking in museum and art history internships which is what I am looking for. I know that I will be fairly swamped by my classes and am hoping to join clubs/meet some cool people, but it’s hard to not feel really defeated and overwhelmed after working so hard to end up at a school I almost didn’t apply to because I didn’t want to go so badly.
Does anyone have any tips to make living in a college town easier and how to eventually transition to a big city on a fairly low salary…
submitted by RecommendationNo1620 to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:01 Top-Manufacturer4298 Doubt regarding thermodynamics (High school physics)

So, my text book says that
"The state of the surroundings can never be completely specified in a thermodynamics setup."
Can you explain why? Because I personally think that it is the tendency of a system to reach equilibrium so would reach it's equilibrium anyway so is it not easy to specify?
submitted by Top-Manufacturer4298 to PhysicsStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:01 22lr_enjoyer I might be a pathological liar

In these days I left reddit I've had the time to reflect on myself
Among my findings is that I cant stop lying all the time. I lie to everyone, to my dad, family members, to college professors, to the few friends I have in uni, and to my old high-school friends, to neighbors, to uber drivers or any complete stranger
Might start the conversation as usual talking with the truth, then pull stuff out my ass sometimes without noticing. With no apparent reason i will start saying fake stuff
What I find kind of interesting is that I not only tell big lies to people I'll probably never see again but to people I may see everyday
Idk just a thought
submitted by 22lr_enjoyer to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:01 No_Exit_891 How do I begin to live my life, and how do I overcome analysis paralysis?

Hi y'all. I recently hit my mid-twenties, and I understand that many will say that yes I am still young, but I feel like I have wasted so much of my life being lonely and not having fun. What sucks is that I want to do so many things, meet people, and build relationships but I feel so stuck. I keep remembering that I only have one life to live and I haven't been living it in a way that actually fulfills me. I remember graduating high school so hopeful because I am smart, and passionate about what I want to do, but I am so upset with myself because I feel like I have held myself back so much. I was thinking about my life last night in terms of periods like elementary, middle, high school etc., and I realized something... I have been lonely for all of it. I have had very little fun in my life, especially as my home life got increasingly worst. While my homelife was abusive and unpredictable, I still feel like I could have made the best and put myself out there to make friends, but instead all I did was go to school, sit alone at lunch, and leave (granted my school wasn't very friendly but still). By the time I graduated high school both of my parents had passed away so asking for family help and guidance is not really an option. Going back to my daily life, I feel like I am doing what I have been doing, going to school, working, going back to my room, and being alone. I am going to graduate college next spring, and my field of study is what I am absolutely passionate about, but I have extreme imposter syndrome whenever I discuss going to grad school. This is in large part due to how much I have held myself back in college thus far. I have a wonderful GPA, do wonderful in my classes, but I have only ever worked jobs that aren't in my field. I am also worried as I have been unable to secure a job right now, and cannot live off of my savings for much longer. I'm so disappointed in myself because I want to do so much but it is so difficult because I am unable to and when I want to start setting goals and making changes I get overwhelmed with all of the details, loose motivation, then go back to my cycle. Does anyone know how to overcome this? I try choosing one goal, but then when I look into the small steps for that goal I gather too many details that make me loose hope and motivation.
ALSO: I only got diagnosed not very long ago, so i am in this weird limbo where I don't know how to live and unmask. I apologize for this long rant for the one small question I just don't have anyone to talk to about it and I felt like this sub would understand what I am trying to say. Thank you for listening if you have made it this far. :)
submitted by No_Exit_891 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:00 North_Needleworker91 How do you learn financial literacy as a young person?

Hello, I'm a current high school student. I know nothing about how to manage finances/money. I don't have a bank account, I don't currently make money, and I don't even have an allowance. Whenever I need to make purchases, I usually just ask my parents for money. That being said, what is the best way for me to start learning how to manage money and be financially literate? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by North_Needleworker91 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:58 NerveMajestic Seller here - should we set selling cost higher to give satisfaction of bargain or set lower to start bidding war!?

Homeowners - we are getting ready to sell our home in a highly desired, top school district area…. Where houses aren’t lasting more than 7 days… but our home is not cookie cutter and is a little unique. now, let’s say our realtor said: price should be $550k based on comps and all… So tell me, what strategy should we apply to set the selling cost… 1) we go above 550k to 580k and have some wiggle room, to let buyers have the satisfaction of getting lower price? OR 2) should we set price at 499k and light up a fire and start a bidding war and hope it goes above 550k atleast, if not higher!?
Plz advise!
submitted by NerveMajestic to homeowners [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:58 MonkAffectionate5170 Class choices

Currently a rising junior. Took 2 honors last year(chem and history). This year, I am going to take Precalc H, United States History Honors(school doesn’t offer AP History) and AP Bio.
I am wondering if I should take APES. I can also get the AP Lang rec as well but want to maintain a high gpa.
Is it worth taking APES assuming I get the lang rec. school has big history research paper that you can earn rewards and possibly be published so want to make sure I have enough time for that and getting mostly A’s.
Question: how hard is APES
submitted by MonkAffectionate5170 to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:58 SickDogg805 Neighbor getting on my nerves..

So we rent out this place little house quiet neighborhood, we been here for as a long as I can remember i was going into high school when we moved in now 30.. so short story lady next door sold her house new people showed up but the complain about everything they take picture of what we do gets the property management involved they even said they regretted talking to them because it’s always something… can I do something about this we try to keep it down if we have gatherings no pass 9pm with music if my dogs bark we run out quick to shut them up even tell my kids to keep it down.. hate living like this
submitted by SickDogg805 to SantaBarbara [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:57 Brilliant-Hat-7423 Parade for soon to be middle schooler

My son will be going to middle school in the fall and tomorrow his school is having a parade /awards ceremony. I've been planning for a couple of weeks to go big and decorate my car and be in the parade because I'm so freaking proud of him. It's been a super hectic weekend - my nephew graduated from high school, we celebrated mother's day with my inlaws today, my toddler has been on one, and I have a root canal scheduled for tomorrow after the ceremony for a tooth that has an abscess. So now it's Sunday night and I haven't started making any posters and my anxiety is through the roof. Would I be a terrible parent if I didn't participate in the parade and just went to the awards ceremony?
submitted by Brilliant-Hat-7423 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:56 sillystarflakes problem getting a job

i’ve applied to over 100 jobs and have scored only a handful of interviews. in part i know this is because I have no formal work experience (only volunteer from high school). i’m 19 in college and have been on t for 3 months, try to put my preferred name wherever i can unless legal name is required, and i only pass some of the time. i live in nyc so i don’t think it’s discrimination but honestly im starting to wonder if there is some and that’s why i never get selected. i have a people person personality and when interviewing people are always nice yet im never hired. am i just never the right candidate or is there possibly some form of discrimination happening? i am only applying to entry level basic jobs nothing crazy either. sorry for the rant. i’m just feeling lost and need some advice.
submitted by sillystarflakes to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:55 KeyNewspaper1350 Buy a home or open a laundromat

26 with 86k in a hield savings. Another 35k in another hield saving. 6k in a Roth IRA. I make 85k salaried. I’m not sure if I should buy a starter townhome first or take out a loan for a laundromat instead. I also need a new car my 2007 Saturn that I had since high school finally gave up. Not sure where to start I just don’t make the wrong choice
submitted by KeyNewspaper1350 to homeowners [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:55 C1awzer TIFU by grabbing my girlfriend's ass during our dance as prom king and queen

This happened 3 days ago. Prom was happening and it was a pretty fun time, our school is a little smaller so our prom had the entirety of high school attend. There were about ~150 people at the venue. My girlfriend and I are both seniors, and we get voted from prom king and queen. I'm not your typical super popular prom king. I'm kinda just a scrawny guy who is goofy and people generally like cause I'm funny. I'm also one of the only 3 people in the grade who is dating someone who is both a senior and goes to our school. Either way I'm really happy.
The way my prom venue is structure is that there is this stage, and then a raised walkway that goes from the stage to around the end of the room. Well anyways, when we walk up to the stage, I'm obviously pretty happy. I walk up, I kiss her on the cheek, and all is good. The announcers tell us to make a speech now that we got voted, and honestly I didn't really have anything planned, and neither did she. So we kinda make an awkward speech that was fine cause it was one of those "its funny cause its awkward" kinda situations, and it really wasn't that bad.
Anyways, we walk down the runway, and when we get off the runway, slow dance music starts playing. We get cheered on to slow dance. So, we get back on the runway and we begin dancing. I do not know how to dance like at all, and im kind of stiff but all in all its ok all things considered. I was expecting other people to join us on the runway and slow dance with us, but nobody did for a good minute. So it literally was just us dancing and everyone just watching us. I wasn't really that worried about it, and it didn't feel awkward because I was much more focused on being infatuated by my girlfriend haha. After a minute, people finally started getting on the stage on stopped being pussies, and everything was chill. A few more fun songs play, and its overall a pretty fun time, and now everyone is on the runway jamming.
So far, there may have been a few awkward moments but overall it was a really fun time, and the awkward moments really weren't that glaring cause people were more focused on how cute the moment was. However, when I the dancing ends and we wrapped up, I went to talk to a few of my friends, and they joked that I was "getting that gyatt" while I was up there. I'm confused, and they show me a video of us dancing, and there is this 5 second segment really embarrassing segment.
During the dance, my hand was on her back most of the time, but for some reason, I decide to move my hand down to her leg, then readjust back up to her ass. My hand stays on her ass for a second, and then for some reason my hand MAKES A SQUEEZING MOTION. After the squeezing motion, my hand then readjusts to back to her back. On the video it literally looks like I just put my hand on her ass and decided to get a nice grab for a second. Its like really bad. This was during the minute where there was no one on stage too, and everyone was just watching us. I swear I do NOT remember doing anything like that during the dance, and I had zero intention to be grabbing her sexually during the dance. Either way, there is literal video evidence and I can no longer deny the allegations.
I talked to my girlfriend, and she said she also got a few comments from a few of her friends that I grabbed her ass while we danced. She said she didn't want to specify which friends made this comment. She said it was funny, made fun of me and said it wasn't that big of a deal, but I'm still really embarrassed about it. My friends are also making fun of me, saying how it was a "great place to have your hand" and how I was "groping her gyatt, nyash".
The only saving grace I have is that during that 5 second segment, her back was facing a corner of the room without many people, so I think only about 15% of the venue would've seen me grab her ass live. Either way, the fact that my gf and I did get prom king and queen does kind of overshadow the embarrassing moment, and I'm overall pretty happy about that prom night, but its still mfing embarrassing as hell.
TL;DR: Grabbed my gf's ass during our prom dance as prom king and queen, where it was just us on stage and everyone was just watching us. My friends and her friends are now making fun of me for doing that, and I'm pretty embarrassed.
submitted by C1awzer to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:54 Drdwarf Tomorrow I'm deactivating my account

I've changed my password, logged out of all devices, removed permissions of any connected apps, and still someone else is using my account. I contacted YouTube and was basically told "sorry". At this point I'm out of ideas. So as the title says tomorrow I'm deactivating the account I've held since high school (2008 ish). Sucks.
submitted by Drdwarf to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:53 Bathroom096 Future Teaching recommendations

Hello, I am a rising senior in High School and I plan to teach HS History in the future, is there any states that I should avoid? Are any bad education policies unique to some states that make it harder? If you taught in multiple states, was there a difference, or is it all kind of the same everywhere?
submitted by Bathroom096 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:53 KeyNewspaper1350 Buy a home first or open a laundromat

26 with 86k in a hield savings. Another 35k in another hield saving. 6k in a Roth IRA. I make 85k salaried. I’m not sure if I should buy a starter townhome first or take out a loan for a laundromat instead. I also need a new car my 2007 Saturn that I had since high school finally gave up. Not sure where to start I just don’t make the wrong choice
submitted by KeyNewspaper1350 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:51 Parking_Panda_2451 AIW for refusing to let my dad meet my date?

using a throwaway because of how embarrassing this feels. I, (22f) will be going on a date soon. I recently graduated college and by making education a priority along with general feelings of insecurity, I’ve never been on a “real” date before. Very late bloomer, I know.
So, neither of my parents have ever witnessed me “dating” before. They’re aware there’s been guys here and there, but I was away from home, so it made sense for them to have never met one of them, and things never got serious enough for a “meet the parents” situation. Due to financial reasons, aka rent being astronomically expensive, I am currently living at home (this will come up later).
I recently told my mom I have a date coming up, out of general respect of living at home and letting them know where I’m going and all. However, my dad had a bit of an unexpected reaction to the whole thing. He’s insisting on meeting the guy when he comes and gets me for the date (something we agreed on, however I’m now rethinking that part). I told him that no, that’s a bit weird considering this is my first date with this guy, and 1) I’m an adult, doing that feels a bit juvenile, and 2) I have no problem with him meeting the guy if things happen to progress enough. It’s not that I’m worried about anything my dad would say or do, it’s simply that I feel as I’m being treated as a 16 year old going to her high school’s homecoming.
My dad proceeded to say that this “wasn’t a question” and that he had the final say because I’m still living at home. Ya know, the good ol’ fashioned thing parents do when they hold that over your head. Which makes sense for most things, but I really don’t see the reasoning for this other than pure control and helicoptering on his part. I’m aware this might all be because he cares, and I’d be appreciative of that, but I’m 22, am I wrong for thinking that it’s a bit weird and kind of embarrassing? I simply said to my dad that no, that’s not happening because I’m an adult and that frankly that would be extremely embarrassing. Which really doesn’t help the fact that I’m already a bit nervous about the whole situation since this is all new to me too, the whole “proper” date of it all.
I’m trying to give him some grace since it is his first time witnessing me “dating”, but I want him to realize that I’m an adult and that parents meeting their adult children’s first date just isn’t something people do in 2024.
Am I wrong for thinking like this? Am I being overly dramatic? What can I tell him to possibly ease his mind?
submitted by Parking_Panda_2451 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:50 xliteAmv How to land swe interns

I am senior in high school going into CS/math haven’t decided, I know python and web development. What’s the best way to land internships.
And what’s the best majors for a job in FAANG - waterloo math coop (target school) - t2 university but a CS course
submitted by xliteAmv to csMajors [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:50 stalexa Financially insecure mom wants me to buy her house

I'm 26F and my mom is a single mother and immigrant from a Carribbean country. My dad died when I was young so it has always been the two of us. She's your typical immigrant parent, conservative, sheltering, expects me to live at home till I get married, doesn't have any personal identity outside of being a mother. On top of that she has never been financially stable. She has always worked my whole life but in various part time jobs and while she did everything she could to pay the bills in the house while I was growing up, there was no room for anything extra. I had to take out loans to go to college, I had to buy my own car, and I just graduated from law school. While I'm really happy to have achieved such a goal for myself, my mom now expects me to save her from her financial woes and buy her house from her (which has fallen into total disrepair) so that I essentially become her landlord and not the bank. This stresses me out though because she is always getting onto me about applying for a loan for her so I can buy the house but I don't feel financially secure at all yet. I literally just graduated and as you all with poor parents know- I feel like I'm constantly running trying to keep my head afloat.
I feel like I'm living paycheck to paycheck even with a big salary because I have to pay my loans back and all my other bills. I live alone currently but I am now planning to move back home even though it will really impact my mental health (because my mom is so suffocating) just because I want to start saving as much as possible. I am good about paying my bills on time but I just feel like I never have enough money to take care of myself and now her but also enjoy life (take a vacation, treat myself to something nice, etc. And don't get me wrong I want to take care of my mom because I love her, but I feel like she doesn't understand 100k is not the same as it was back in the day. And yes I have this big degree but that also came with big loans. And because I had no one to teach me financial literacy I am trying to navigate this all by myself, trying to find a financial advisor, build credit,etc.
It's just so frustrating because she's always getting on to me about how I need to save or why I use my credit card and it makes me so angry because other kids didn't have to go through this! I have a credit card because it helped supplement me throughout college because I didn't get an allowance like all my other friends. And on top of that, I don't even have a high limit and I pay it every month! You are only concerned with my finances because you see it as your way out when you don't even stop to consider how TIRED I am of always having to take care of myself like this. I don't even feel like I'm starting my young adult life at level 1 I feel like I'm 10 steps behind where I should be. And I feel like since I'm almost 30 the responsibilities are only going to increase and I am never going to get a chance to just breathe and feel financially stable because women are pressured to start a family by a certain time as well. Anyway, I just wanted to vent because I feel extremely overwhelmed and I have no idea where my life is going because I'm consumed with responsibilities while I watch my friends who came from families of means get to really live their lives for themselves.
submitted by stalexa to povertyfinance [link] [comments]
