Banking holidays

Wall Street Silver

2021.01.29 23:26 ivanbayoukhi Wall Street Silver

Home of the #SilverSqueeze. We love silver, every Troy ounce. No💎-hands without extreme pressure.

2024.06.01 14:14 riaaa31 Lost trays!

Visiting my parents for the weekend. They live a 5 hour drive away from my city. This morning we realized that my mum had thrown my Invisalign away when she was cleaning. Can't seem to find it in the bins ( yes I went through the bins) though which is weird. Either way, they are gone. I am taking full responsibility for it as had placed it in a tissue beside me rather than the proper case.
I am on tray 16/16 and awaiting refinements. I have no further trays. It's also a bank holiday in my country so my Ortho isn't open again for another 3 days!
I am wondering has this happened to anyone else? That you have had to go a week or two with no trays? How long did it it add on to your treatment if so?
I feel so naked without my retainers!
submitted by riaaa31 to Invisalign [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:10 tvkyle My wife is planning something for me for Father's Day, and I don't know how to feel about it.

Not quite sure how to flair this. Also for context, I am very bad at accepting praise and gifts.
My wife is up to something for Father's Day. I just don't know what it is. We were talking about activities for the kids this summer. I mentioned that I think we should go to this place or that place around mid-June. She nodded in an over-the-top way and said "You should really plan those for the couple of days after Father's Day. Like, REALLY plan them."
I originally requested off from work both days of the weekend, but had to give them back after realizing that I went overboard with my PTO requests and had none left in the bank. I'd rather save them for the Holiday season. So, I have to work on Sunday, basically all day.
Back around Mother's Day, I tried to book a hotel so my wife and I could have a couple of days of peace and quiet, but our live-in babysitter (MIL) got called into work and that squashed that. (My wife also doesn't like going places on her own, so I couldn't just send her to a hotel alone and say "Go relax." Yes, I know...) So we just stayed home and lounged around for the day.
Part of me wants to say "Thank you for whatever you're planning, but it's not necessary. I don't deserve this." Which is true: I yell way too much, I'm too selfish, I don't do enough around the house, and I'm always forgetting things and letting my family down. I don't feel like I've earned any kind of getaway or whatever. I also felt this way for my birthday, when my wife booked a 2-night getaway for our family. That trip turned out okay, but I was unhappy for parts of it for the reasons above.
The other part of me is saying "Just accept this and have fun." But that's hard for me. We didn't have a lot of money growing up, so our vacations were short road trips. My mother always did her best to have fun, but we stayed in a lot of rough motels. Now that I'm the adult, and my family is in a better financial situation, we have done trips that I never dreamed of. So I know my wife will think of something fabulous.
But... I don't know. I guess I just needed to put this in writing. If you feel like I wasted your time, I'm sorry.
submitted by tvkyle to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:06 Outrageous-Leg-895 Aita for going back on a childcare arrangement?

Posted from GF's account.
My son's mum is going away this weekend. Leaving on Wednesday, home the following Monday. She booked the trip around 8 months ago. She didn't ask me anything about the trip at the time of booking but she does normally take a trip this time of year. This is a social trip, not work related or anything.
Around a month ago she asked me if I would come to stay at her house for 2 weeks (a week before and the week of the holiday) to look after our son (6yo) while she is there. I wasn't happy about it, but I reluctantly agreed.
She lives in S.Scotland, I live Midlands way so it's quite a trek for me and since I cannot drive it's a few hours by train and a LOT of money. She didn't offer to chip in with the cost. I pay her maintenance (more than she should get) and I see my son once a month for the weekend plus I tend to have him at my house for the entire school holidays throughout the year. I pay all travel costs and do all travelling, she doesn't help at all.
So I went up last weekend to collect son, I stayed overnight (she wasn't there but I stay at her place when I go and she tends to go out), and then brought him home the following day. When I arrived the house was a mess, dishes in the sink to be done, laundry left everywhere, toys all over the place, her stuff on every surface, couldn't see the dining room table for crap on it. I ignored the mess, did the dishes as I needed the sink and the dishes in there, but other than that left the place as it was. Took my son home the next day and that was it.
Monday evening came (bank holiday) she must have just got home and she called me screaming at me that I'd not cleaned the house, there was laundry needed doing, and I'd left it all for her to do knowing that she had work on Tuesday morning. Bear in mind, I left on Saturday morning, so she didn't return home all weekend and see this mess meaning she was out on a bender. I ignored the messages that followed, and the call I just listened and didn't talk. I didn't want to get into an argument so I just listened. I was seething but I didn't want to rise to it.
The next day I sent her a message stating that from now on I won't be going to her place, it's not my responsibility to make sure it's clean and tidy and if she leaves a mess, it isn't up to me to clean it up, I'm there to collect our child and that is it. I said I did do the dishes, but that's as much as I was willing to do and that the way she screamed at me was disgusting and I wouldn't be dealing with that anymore. I was due to take son home this weekend, I was doing the whole journey and then staying there for the 2 weeks. I told her that she would from now on have to help with travel and she would have to collect son from a halfway meeting point and that she would start this new routine this weekend. After lots of back and forward with her about it, she was livid and said no a lot, she realised I was not going to back down and she agreed to collect him from a halfway point.
She didn't realise that this meant I was not going to be there to cover her holiday at first. It must have clicked last night and she asked me about my plans for going to her place for the holiday childcare. I said I wouldn't be going there anymore. I said that I would have our son, but she'd have to bring him to my place (she's driving past my town on her way down south for her holiday, it's maybe 15 minutes out of her way), she has gone off. Said that he cannot miss any school and I'm renaging on our verbal agreement that I would cover the childcare during her holiday. I pointed out she never asked me when she booked, and she just assumed I would do it, and that after getting screamed at I wasn't comfortable staying at her place again.
I made it very clear I'm not going there but I am still more than happy to have our son, it means extra time with him so I'd love it, but that it was on her to sort out with school and drop him off with me and if she couldn't do that then it is not my problem and in future she shouldn't book anything in termtime. She has sent me a lot of abuse and lies about how I act and playing the innocent party saying she didn't scream at me and it's just what anybody would do if they went to someone's house and saw a mess, they would clean it up. But I've now just ignored her. She got her answer and sending reams of messages of abuse but I'm not responding.
So. AITA for going back on a verbal agreement to go up there to look after our son? I know it sounds harsh and she may well have to cancel her trip (or at least cut it short so son is only missing one day of school), but I have dealt with this shit for 3 years since we separated and her entitlement is disgusting and I'm fed up of being spoken to like shit whenever I don't do what she tells me to do. The relationship was quite abusive (not physically but mentally), she made me feel an inch tall. Moved me away from family and friends. Treated me like a housemaid. And I think she believes we are still in a relationship because she still acts like I have to do these things for her.
There isn't a court order, but I am on the birth certificate.
I just want to know if I'm being unreasonable really!
submitted by Outrageous-Leg-895 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:01 Secret-Property5498 Breaking free from your narcissistic parent as an adult child (long)

Hello Dr. K and the HealthyGamer community,
I am seeking advice, support, and insights on how to emotionally separate and individuate from my parents later in life, which I should have done much earlier. The adult part of me knows what I need to do, but there's also a part of me that is frightened. Let me give you a snapshot of my life trajectory. The story is long, but I want to provide as much context as possible. If you prefer a short summary of my dilemma, please skip to the last paragraph. Otherwise, here is my life story:
I grew up in a well-to-do family in an East Asian country. My parents had me in their early 20s, just as their business began to flourish during the 'boom years.' Both came from very broken families. My mother experienced poverty, abuse, and neglect from her parents (she did not speak to her dad until he died and almost never acknowledges her mother). My father was the least favorite child in his family of three, dropped out of high school, ended up on the streets, and, as I learned a few years ago, was later imprisoned for fighting. My parents met when my mother was 19 and my father 21, ran away together, and built a very successful business in their early to mid-20s, becoming incredibly wealthy in a generally poor society.
Although we were affluent, my parents were never around. I started boarding at age 3 and spent most of my time outside school with my paternal grandparents and occasionally my maternal grandmother. My parents fought a lot. My mother once threatened to take me away and drove off with me with no specific destination. At one point, she told me she was divorcing my father, and we moved into another apartment for a day before returning home. She emotionally smothered me, saying she would die for me and that no one would love me as much as she did. She also hit me often over small things, sometimes in public. I thought she was better than my father, who, according to her, would remarry quickly if she left or died, subjecting me to abuse from an evil stepmother.
Despite our wealth, my mother took me out of an international school after six months and sent me to a state school known for being strict and militant. I was a 'good, smart kid' in primary school, but around age 12 or 13, I became very depressed and felt life had no purpose. I failed almost all my subjects except History and started drinking, influenced by my father's heavy drinking and a culture that tolerated alcoholism.
Then something happened that saved me in retrospect. My family emigrated to an Anglophone New World country, and I went to another boarding school. Despite experiencing racism and feeling self-conscious about my appearance, I improved academically and, by years 12 and 13, was among the best students. Between ages 13-18, I saw my father rarely, perhaps once or twice a year. My mother visited periodically, and they bought a house near the school, where I lived mostly alone. Like many first-generation immigrant kids, I handled most family matters because my parents couldn't speak English.
When it was time for university, I wanted to study law and politics at the local public university, but my father insisted I go to the UK or the US, believing a degree from the local university would not lead to a good job. He also prevented me from taking a gap year. I regret not leaving home to get a job. I applied to many universities and chose the worst-ranked one in London because I wanted to be in the city.
University was eye-opening. I discovered Europe and realized the world was much bigger than the conformist, conservative East Asian country and backwater suburbs I knew. However, my degree didn't prepare me for life, and my emotionally underdeveloped state made me miserable in adult relationships. I chose emotionally distant or abusive friends, hurt people who liked me, and did no internships or travel because I was expected to help my family during holidays. I wanted to stay in London, looked for random jobs, but had no life skills or work experience. Eventually, I returned to East Asia.
By then, my father had moved to a more cosmopolitan East Asian city, living extravagantly. I interned at a fancy company for almost a year, hoping for a job offer that never came. I soon found a job in brand consulting and finally started earning money at 23. I had a relationship with an older woman, but I was still emotionally detached. I tried freelancing, learned to impress others, and almost made enough to support myself, but I was fundamentally lost and unhappy. I experienced my first depressive episode and decided to return to London for a Master's degree. My father agreed to fund my education.
That year was the happiest of my life. I loved university, research, and being with smart, nerdy people. I met an intelligent, caring, and beautiful woman, and we moved in together. I discovered more fulfilling ways to live and found that success didn't mean working for an investment bank or being rich. I wanted to be an academic, applied for a PhD, and got in after two attempts.
Academia wasn't all rosy. The work conditions were awful, and the publish-or-perish mentality sucked the joy out of research. I loved teaching but quickly learned it mattered little at a 'research university.' I gained weight, my relationship deteriorated, arguments turned physical, and I felt worthless. The pandemic made things worse, and I felt I needed to radically change my life. My solution was to become the person my family wanted: filial, loyal, and rich. I was ready to abandon my life in London and move back to East Asia to 'stop being a loser.'
I returned home, trying to fix my family and shower them with love. I interned at a VC firm, but it clashed with my values, and I cried every day at work. I broke up with my girlfriend for someone with no emotional attachment, leading to great sex but zero intimacy. Within three months, I was broke, living in a short-term rental, and eating unhealthily. Fortunately, I had a therapist, a good friend in Shanghai, and my girlfriend gave me a second chance. I realized my family's emotional neglect contributed to my unhappiness and depression. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and medicated, which helped me move out of paralysis. I confronted my family about their past actions and my diagnosis. My mother reacted poorly, calling me names and accusing me of being a horrible son. This ordeal made me realize I needed to break away from them. What I threw away in London was actually the most valuable: a career, a family, my identity.
After confronting my mother that year, she vowed never to see me again. However, 6-8 months later, she sent me a large sum of money for my birthday. I let her back into my life, partly for financial help but also seeking proof of their love and acceptance. Things improved initially, but soon she started complaining about mistreatment by my partner. Then, my parents promised to buy me a flat and pressured me to get married. I accepted the flat for stability and freedom, ignoring their past behavior. Predictably, the flat became a tool for my mother to control me. She threatened to sue me if my girlfriend moved in and disputed the flat's ownership just weeks before the move-in date. I have a demanding job and spend much of my day dealing with this situation, processing the emotional toll of my mother's actions. I feel unsafe, violated, and confused. I hear a voice telling me this is all my fault and that I'm too weak. I know what I need to do cognitively, but emotionally I'm paralyzed. Do you understand what I mean? What would you do?
submitted by Secret-Property5498 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:02 lanciadub Beach fishing

Hi all, have a rare fishing slot ahead of me today. Gonna fish till the early hours. Im based around bray but want to head south for a few smoothys or tope. It's going to be mental with people being the bank holiday. Anyone know any quite beach marks between greystones down to wexford Any help much appreciated
submitted by lanciadub to IrishFishing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:10 Ilovetoebeans1 SDAM and concerts

SDAM and concerts
This is one thing that I hate. I love music. I've been to loads of amazing gigs. Yet I can't remember any of them. I would totally not even know I'd been if I didn't have the paper tickets. So now everything's digital I feel I need to start a diary or something to write everything down. I was a teenager in the 90's so went to great festivals like Reading in 93. I just wish I could remember it!! I know which bands I saw, roughly and know I loved it but that's it.
submitted by Ilovetoebeans1 to SDAM [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:56 Sweet-Count2557 Kid Friendly Things To Do In St. Louis Missouri Near Me

Kid Friendly Things To Do In St. Louis Missouri Near Me
Kid Friendly Things To Do In St. Louis Missouri Near Me
When you think of St. Louis Missouri, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of this vibrant city. But did you know that beneath its bustling streets lies a plethora of kid-friendly activities?
From the iconic St. Louis Zoo to the exciting Six Flags amusement park, there are plenty of Kid Friendly Things To Do In St. Louis Missouri.
The City Museum is a great place for young minds to be challenged and inspired while Grant’s Farm provides a unique opportunity for children to learn about animals up close.
The Magic House offers endless hours of fun with interactive science exhibits, while the Missouri Botanical Garden provides an incredible outdoor experience perfect for any age group.
With so many family friendly attractions, St. Louis is sure to keep your little ones entertained!
St. Louis Zoo
The St. Louis Zoo is a wild place full of captivating creatures that'll keep 'em entertained! Whether you're exploring wildlife or observing animal habitats, the zoo offers a wide variety of educational experiences for kids of all ages.
From the interactive Children's Zoo to the new Penguin & Puffin Coast exhibit, there is something special around every corner. Take a break from reality and step into the fantasy world of sea dragons at Sea Lion Sound! Here your little ones can marvel at playful otters and graceful sea lions as they explore this underwater habitat. Plus, you'll have an opportunity to learn more about these majestic marine mammals in an educational presentation given by one of the friendly zookeepers.
Afterwards, jump over to Big Cat Country – here your family will be able to observe some of nature's most powerful predators up close and personal. You'll find endangered tigers, lions, jaguars and snow leopards all living in their natural habitats – providing a rare glimpse into their lives in the wild. So grab your camera and get ready for some amazing photo ops!
City Museum
Explore the unique, whimsical world of City Museum and have a blast! Located in downtown St. Louis, Missouri, this interactive playground is full of exploring alternatives and creative activities.
From the giant fish tank to an old-school school bus suspended from the ceiling, there is something for everyone inside this museum. Kids can explore tunnels, caves, and slides while adults can take part in various art installations.
City Museum has plenty of hands-on experiences that make it perfect for kids who love to get their hands dirty. They can create their own artwork in the arts & crafts area or try out some cool science experiments in the lab. There's also a climbing wall with real rocks and an outdoor tree house where they can explore nature at its fullest.
At City Museum, you'll be able to find something fun no matter what your age or interests may be – from swinging on trapezes to playing vintage arcade games. With so much variety, it's no wonder that this museum has been delighting kids (and grown-ups too!) for years!
Come see why City Museum is one of St. Louis' must-visit attractions today!
Grant’s Farm
Discover the unique and captivating history of Grant's Farm, an iconic St. Louis landmark that will mesmerize you with its vast array of attractions!
Nestled in the heart of St. Louis County, this 281-acre estate is a must-see for visitors looking to learn more about the region’s culture and history.
Founded in 1954 by Ulysses S. Grant III, the great grandson of former President Ulysses S. Grant, today it serves as a wildlife refuge and offers visitors multiple animal encounters and educational opportunities.
Visitors to Grant's Farm can start their journey with a tram tour around the picturesque property where they can see many exotic animals such as elephants, camels, zebras and over 900 other creatures from around the globe!
For those looking for a closer look at some of these amazing animals, there are also several petting areas available throughout the grounds which offer fun hands-on experiences with goats, sheep, ducks and more.
Throughout your visit you’ll be able to enjoy live entertainment such as music performances or puppet shows while sipping on local craft beer or wine from one of their many concession stands scattered throughout the park.
Plus don't forget to grab some souvenirs while you're here - they have plenty of options from t-shirts to stuffed animals that make perfect reminders of your adventure at Grant's Farm.
For families who want even more activities during their trip there are also multiple playgrounds located onsite plus mini golf courses designed specifically for kids aged 5 – 9 years old!
Visitors should keep in mind though that most attractions close at 4pm daily so plan accordingly or risk missing out on all that this wonderful attraction has to offer.
No matter what kind of experience you're looking for or what age group you belong too - Grant's Farm promises an unforgettable time that everyone will love!
Six Flags St. Louis
Experience the thrills and excitement of Six Flags St. Louis, an amusement park sure to provide you with a day of unforgettable fun!
Exploring rides such as the Ninja, Superman: Tower of Power, or the Boomerang rollercoaster will get your adrenaline pumping! From kiddie rides like Bugs Bunny's Magic Carousel and Batman The Ride Junior for smaller children, there is something at Six Flags St. Louis for everyone in your family.
Park amenities include food stands serving burgers and hotdogs, funnel cakes, and other carnival treats. Enjoy live entertainment like stunt shows and concerts from top-tier artists during select weekends throughout the year.
For a break from all the excitement, take a leisurely stroll through one of our three themed areas - Mexico City Square, Venice Square or Rue de la Parisienne - each offering plenty of shopping opportunities ranging from souvenirs to apparel.
Six Flags St. Louis also offers group packages including special discounts on admission tickets for groups larger than 15 people. So gather up your friends and family and head down to Six Flags St. Louis together for an unforgettable day full of thrilling rides and delicious snacks!
Magic House
Immerse yourself in the imaginative atmosphere of Magic House, an innovative children's museum that'll keep your little ones entertained for hours! Located in St. Louis, Missouri, the Magic House offers a variety of family-friendly activities to explore and enjoy.
Here are just some of the fun activities you can experience:
Uncover clues on a secret mission during “Spy Games”
Create art with laser technology in the Fab Lab
Enjoy live performances on stage such as puppet shows and skits
The magic continues outside with a 4-story tree house playground surrounded by lush gardens. There are also plenty of hands-on exhibits like a fire truck to climb aboard or an interactive grocery store with real food items!
In addition, there is an exciting outdoor adventure park featuring zip lines, rope ladders, and bridges which makes it perfect for adventurous kids. And don't forget about their special events like story time where toddlers can join their parents for reading adventures!
At Magic House, you can have all the fun your family needs without having to leave town! From creative playtime at the treehouse to thrilling rides at the outdoor adventure park, there is something here for everyone.
With so much to do and see here every visit will be unique and magical - so come out and make memories that will last a lifetime!
Science Center
At the Science Center, you can explore scientific wonders and have a blast learning about the world around you! With over 700 interactive exhibits, visiting the Science Center is an excellent way to encourage your family to learn something new while having fun.
From exploring the physics of roller coasters to discovering how electricity works, there's something for everyone to enjoy. The St. Louis Science Center offers a wide variety of educational programs designed to help kids get hands-on experience with science topics in a fun and engaging way.
The center also hosts various special events like Star Parties, where visitors can view planets, stars, galaxies, and other celestial bodies through powerful telescopes. In addition to this, they offer guided tours that delve into some of their most popular exhibits.
No matter what your interests are, you’re sure to find something exciting at the St. Louis Science Center! You can even take part in unique learning activities such as building robots or conducting experiments with different materials – there’s no limit on the possibilities here!
So come join us for a day filled with exploration and discovery – we guarantee it will be an unforgettable experience!
Missouri Botanical Garden
Discover the wonders of nature at the Missouri Botanical Garden, where you can explore its lush landscape and marvel at its diverse flora and fauna - an unforgettable experience!
The 79-acre botanical garden is a perfect destination for families to explore nature together. From beautiful horticulture displays to interactive programs, there are plenty of ways for everyone to learn about plants in a fun way. Take a stroll through the Japanese Garden or visit one of the outdoor sculptures – the possibilities are endless.
The Missouri Botanical Garden also offers educational classes and workshops led by experts on various topics such as gardening, composting, cooking with herbs, beekeeping and more. There's something for every age group here – from children’s story time in their library to special summer activities like yoga in their gardens.
You can even rent out space for private events like birthday parties or weddings! Whether you're looking for an educational day out with your family or just want to appreciate Mother Nature's beauty, make sure to add the Missouri Botanical Garden to your St Louis itinerary.
With so much to do and see, it'll be an experience you won't soon forget.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any free activities for kids in St. Louis?
Are you looking for free activities for kids in St. Louis? You're in luck! There are plenty of fun and educational experiences to be had without breaking the bank.
From outdoor parks to children's museums, there are plenty of kid-friendly places to explore and learn. Whether you're looking to soak up some sun at one of the many outdoor parks or gain an appreciation for culture at a museum, St. Louis has something for everyone.
So, get out and experience all that the city has to offer with your family!
Are there any indoor activities for kids in St. Louis?
We're always looking for fun activities to keep the kids entertained, especially when it's too cold or wet to enjoy the outdoors. Luckily, St. Louis has plenty of indoor activities that are perfect for little ones.
From visiting interesting museums to exploring nature indoors, there are many kid-friendly activities in this city that will keep them both engaged and entertained all year round.
Whether your family enjoys learning about history at the Missouri History Museum or getting up close with animals at the Saint Louis Zoo's living world exhibit, there is something for everyone in St. Louis!
Are there any special events for kids in St. Louis?
We're always looking for special events for kids in St. Louis! From exploring the many museums around the city to taking part in outdoor recreation, there's something fun for everyone.
There are tons of great events in St. Louis that cater to children and families, such as the summer festival at Forest Park or the spring celebration at Tower Grove Park.
The Missouri History Museum also offers a variety of activities throughout the year, including special holiday events.
No matter what time of year it is, you're sure to find something exciting and kid-friendly happening in St. Louis!
Are there any educational activities for kids in St. Louis?
We recently took a trip to St. Louis with our kids and were delighted by the amazing educational activities available in the city!
From exploring nature at its finest, like visiting Forest Park or Tower Grove Park, to learning about history and culture by visiting museums such as The Missouri History Museum or St. Louis Art Museum, there are endless ways for your kids to explore and discover something new in St. Louis.
We especially appreciated that all these activities were kid-friendly and near us; making it easy to plan an exciting day of learning outside the classroom!
Are there any activities that are suitable for kids of all ages in St. Louis?
Are you looking for activities that are suitable for kids of all ages in St. Louis? Look no further! The city has plenty to offer, from amusement parks to zoos and more.
Whether you’re looking for a fun day out with the family or some educational entertainment, there’s something for everyone in St. Louis. Check out popular attractions like Six Flags St. Louis, Grant's Farm, and the Saint Louis Zoo to enjoy a wide variety of kid-friendly experiences.
With so many options available, you’re sure to find something that appeals to kids of all ages!
We've had an amazing time exploring all the kid-friendly things to do in St. Louis, Missouri!
From the incredible animals at the Zoo, to the fascinating museums and thrilling rides at Six Flags, we were absolutely blown away!
We can't believe how much fun we had over just a few days. With so many exciting activities to choose from, there's no way your kids could ever get bored.
Whether you're looking for a relaxing day out or an adrenaline-filled adventure, St. Louis has it all! Trust us — you won't regret visiting this amazing city with your family!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:04 ilackbrainz Raised a claim for fraud... Should I also do the following steps?

I'm here on holiday to visit your lovely country,
I got drunk, messaged my connect back home if he has any contacts in Manchester,
He gave me two plugs via telegram,
One got back to me,
He said he was 10 mins away and to Revolut him,
Asked my plug he won't scam, and says he's 100% legit
I go ahead and do so,
I tell him where I was exactly, what I'm wearing etc etc,
Get the message 3 mins away and nothing after that,
I message my plug back home that there's likely a disappearing act happening,
Apparently he gets onto the guy, the guy says he met me,
Sent on the explosion of screenshots, my guy says he'll send me a transfer through his bank, dont believe him either,
I go onto Revoluts fraud report, Sent on screenshots,
Revolut agent is asking what was I buying off him, I just narrowed it down to goods and services,
Will I specify the illegal substance I was looking for?
I don't want to file a police report as this seems to be performing a rodeo show that I dont want to deal with...
Any insight would be appreciated,
I made this throwaway with an apt name, so no need for smart comments please, only helpful comments,
Feel free to ask questions
submitted by ilackbrainz to Revolut [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:00 ConsistentAd1612 AITA For not attending my brothers wedding

Myself F(34) told my brother (33) and wife to be (33) myself and my son (12) "page boy" we were not attending their wedding in January their wedding is in June.
From the time they were engaged 5 years ago they wanted my son to be involved which was ok......roll on planning for the wedding my brother had promised my son that he was bringing him to get his hair cut son has ASD ADHD and other bits wrong so this was to get him used to his new hair cut and was let down I told my brother this and he thought it wasn't a big deal then a promise was made to have transportation to the venue which is in the middle of nowhere again this was made from the time of the venue being chosen as I don't drive and wasn't given a plus one which I was fine with I was told on my son's birthday sorry I can't take you but I'll take kiddo on the day making it near enough impossible for me to make it there myself.
As mentioned my son has issues that I asked if there was a room I could book at the venue. I was told ohh we forgot to tell you after the ceremony the kids in the wedding party are not allowed to attend the afters and need to go home. I again just asked if it was just possible to get a room in case of a meltdown and how were we to go home on a bank holiday. They said just get a taxi and bus or get a friend to collect son no room available.
Between all this my son wasn't measured for a suit when the rest of the groomsmen/ brothers son was and then I found out too he wasn't given a little memory trinket when the flower girls/other pageboy and bridesmaids and groomsmen where when they were properly asked wouldn't have cared much but it was feeling more and more he was being looked over.
When I asked could I drop down a gift recently, I was blanked by my brother and was met in a txt with his future wife saying we weren't welcome and it would be too upsetting for my brother to receive anything from us it was a sentimental gift celebrating our mother who wouldn't be there and something for her to put in her flowers (a pearl from my mams necklace she had worn at her wedding) if she had wanted it. But was told no I assumed it was both of them on that decision but turns out it was just her that doesn't want us down my brother isn't aware she texted me.
From the point of no information,the braking of promises and the lack of care towards my kiddo and it's essentially a child free wedding AITA for pulling my kiddo and myself from the wedding
submitted by ConsistentAd1612 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:01 AutoModerator MEGATHREAD: Did you get paid? Timesheet 5/16/24 - 5/31/24

Please ask your questions about payment here. This is your spot to vent about the payment schedule and holidays.
Helpful information such as who you bank with, NOP date, date of payment received etc will help others answer your questions.
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2024.06.01 01:57 Sweet-Count2557 Best All Inclusive Family Resorts Jamaica

Best All Inclusive Family Resorts Jamaica
Best All Inclusive Family Resorts Jamaica Looking for the perfect family-friendly resort in Jamaica? Well, look no further, because we've got you covered!In this article, we'll take you on a tour of the best all-inclusive family resorts in Jamaica, where you can create unforgettable memories with your loved ones.From luxurious accommodations to exciting activities and delicious dining options, these resorts have it all.So get ready to relax, have fun, and make lasting memories at the best all-inclusive family resorts in Jamaica!Key TakeawaysFranklyn D. Resort & Spa offers several on-site activities and an on-call Vacation Nanny, making it the best choice for families with kids who are looking for an affordable and inclusive option.Beaches Negril provides bigger and more exciting water slides, customizable options for a perfect family trip, different levels of luxury accommodations, and teen-friendly entertainment and parties.IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel offers gourmet restaurants with local and international cuisine, spa and salon beauty services, a diving center with certified instructions, and a 5-star luxury experience at an excellent value for money.Holiday Inn Resort Montego Bay stands out with its abundance of activities for kids and adults, outdoor pools and whirlpools, convenient location near the airport, and Kidsuites rooms for a sense of independence, all at a reasonable price compared to other resorts.Franklyn D. Resort & SpaWhile Franklyn D. Resort & Spa is known for its on-site activities and on-call Vacation Nanny, it's also conveniently located just a 10-minute walk from the beach. This makes it an ideal choice for families looking for an all-inclusive family resort in Negril, Jamaica.At Franklyn D. Resort & Spa, families can enjoy a wide range of activities without having to leave the resort. From swimming in the pools to playing beach volleyball, there's something for everyone. The on-call Vacation Nanny service ensures that parents can relax and enjoy their vacation while their children are well taken care of.But what sets Franklyn D. Resort & Spa apart is its proximity to the beach. Just a short walk away, families can spend their days lounging on the sandy shores, building sandcastles, and splashing in the crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean Sea. The beach is perfect for both kids and adults, offering a variety of water sports and activities.In addition to its convenient location, Franklyn D. Resort & Spa is known for its affordability and inclusiveness. With all meals, drinks, and activities included in the price, families can enjoy a stress-free vacation without breaking the bank.Beaches NegrilWe love Beaches Negril because it offers bigger and more exciting water slides for the whole family to enjoy. Here are three reasons why Beaches Negril is a fantastic choice for a family vacation:Customizable options for a perfect family trip: At Beaches Negril, you have the freedom to tailor your vacation to suit your family's needs. Whether you want to relax on the beach, participate in water sports, or explore the local culture, there are endless possibilities to create lasting memories.Different levels of luxury accommodations: Beaches Negril offers a range of accommodations to suit every family's preferences. From cozy rooms to spacious suites, you can choose the perfect space for your family to unwind and recharge after a day of fun-filled activities.Teen-friendly entertainment and parties: Beaches Negril understands the importance of catering to teenagers' interests. With Club Liquid, a dedicated space for socializing and nightlife, teens can enjoy their own age-appropriate entertainment while parents relax knowing their kids are having a great time.With its impressive water slides, customizable options, and teen-friendly entertainment, Beaches Negril is truly a paradise for the whole family. Whether you're looking for relaxation or adventure, this resort has it all.IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach HotelWhen it comes to luxury and gourmet dining options, the IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel in Jamaica is a top contender. With its 5-star experience, guests can indulge in exquisite local and international cuisine at the hotel's gourmet restaurants.From the moment you step foot in this resort, you'll be treated to a culinary journey that will satisfy even the most discerning palate. Let's explore the gourmet dining options and the overall luxurious experience of the IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel.Gourmet Dining OptionsThe IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel offers gourmet dining options, allowing us to enjoy delicious cuisine frequently during our stay. Here are three reasons why the dining experience at this resort is worth mentioning:Variety of Flavors: The gourmet restaurants at IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel serve a range of local and international dishes. From mouthwatering Jamaican jerk chicken to exquisite seafood platters, there's something to satisfy every palate.Culinary Expertise: The culinary staff at this resort are highly skilled and dedicated to creating culinary masterpieces. They use fresh, high-quality ingredients to prepare each dish with precision and flair.Elegant Atmosphere: The dining areas at IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel are tastefully decorated, creating an elegant and inviting ambiance. Whether you choose to dine indoors or al fresco, you'll be treated to a memorable dining experience.With its gourmet dining options, IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel ensures that guests can indulge in a luxury 5-star experience throughout their stay.Luxury 5-Star ExperienceOur stay at the IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel offers a truly luxurious and indulgent 5-star experience with its impeccable service and exquisite amenities. From the moment we arrived, we were greeted with warm smiles and a refreshing welcome drink. The hotel boasts a stunning beachfront location, allowing us to enjoy breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea while lounging by the infinity pool. The gourmet restaurants offered a diverse range of local and international cuisine, satisfying even the most discerning palate. We indulged in spa and salon services, leaving us feeling pampered and rejuvenated. For adventure seekers, the diving center provided certified instructions for exploring the vibrant underwater world. With its exceptional value for money, the IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel truly exceeded our expectations and provided a memorable and luxurious getaway.AmenitiesServiceDiningInfinity PoolImpeccable ServiceGourmet RestaurantsBeachfront LocationSpa and Salon ServicesLocal and International CuisineDiving CenterExceptional Value for MoneyExquisite Dining ExperienceHoliday Inn Resort Montego BayAt Holiday Inn Resort Montego Bay, there's an abundance of activities for both kids and adults to enjoy.From outdoor pools and whirlpools to beach volleyball and water sports, there's something for everyone.Plus, the resort's convenient location near the airport makes it a hassle-free destination for families looking for a fun and relaxing vacation.Activities for All AgesWe love the abundance of activities for kids and adults at Holiday Inn Resort Montego Bay. Here are three reasons why it's perfect for a fun-filled vacation:Outdoor pools and whirlpools: Take a refreshing dip in the sparkling pools or relax in the soothing whirlpools. Whether you want to swim laps or lounge by the water, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Kidsuites rooms for a sense of independence: The resort offers specially designed Kidsuites rooms, where children can have their own space while still being close to their parents. These rooms provide a sense of independence for the little ones while ensuring peace of mind for the adults.Abundance of activities: From beach volleyball and water sports to live entertainment and themed parties, there's never a dull moment at Holiday Inn Resort Montego Bay. Whether you're a kid or an adult, you'll find something exciting to do throughout your stay.With all these amazing activities, it's no wonder that Holiday Inn Resort Montego Bay is a favorite choice for families. Plus, its convenient location near the airport makes it even more appealing for a hassle-free vacation.Convenient Airport LocationLet's book our stay at Holiday Inn Resort Montego Bay because of its convenient location near the airport and for a hassle-free vacation.This resort is perfect for families looking for a fun and relaxing getaway in Jamaica. The abundance of activities for both kids and adults ensures that everyone will have a great time. The outdoor pools and whirlpools provide a refreshing break from the sun, while the kidsuites rooms offer a sense of independence for the little ones.One of the standout features of this resort is its reasonable price compared to other resorts in the area.Round Hill Hotel and Villas ResortRound Hill Hotel and Villas Resort offers comfortable suites and private villas, making it a perfect choice for our family vacation. Here are three reasons why we should consider staying at Round Hill:Stunning Views: The resort boasts gorgeous rooms overlooking lush gardens, providing a tranquil and picturesque setting for our stay. We can wake up to the sight of vibrant flowers and enjoy the beauty of nature right outside our window.Abundance of Amenities: Round Hill Hotel and Villas Resort offers multiple pools where we can relax and soak up the sun. Additionally, the resort provides live music, entertainment, and nightlife options, ensuring that there's never a dull moment during our stay. We can enjoy the vibrant atmosphere and create lasting memories.Culinary Delights: With an award-winning culinary staff, Round Hill Hotel and Villas Resort promises a gastronomic experience like no other. We can indulge in delicious meals prepared with the finest ingredients and savor the flavors of Jamaica.With its comfortable accommodations, stunning views, abundance of amenities, and culinary delights, Round Hill Hotel and Villas Resort is the perfect choice for our family vacation.Now, let's explore another family-friendly resort in Jamaica - Beaches Ocho Rios.Beaches Ocho RiosBeaches Ocho Rios offers a fantastic water park for family fun and excitement. This family-friendly resort is highly rated as an all-inclusive option in Jamaica. The water park at Beaches Ocho Rios is sure to keep everyone entertained with its slides, swimming areas, and opportunities for splashing around. The structure of the water park overlooks the beach, providing a picturesque setting for a day of play. Additionally, Beaches Ocho Rios offers family boat rides and a variety of fun sports activities to enjoy.To give you a better understanding of the best all-inclusive family resorts in Jamaica, here is a table showcasing some other options:Resort NameKey FeaturesFranklyn D. Resort & SpaSeveral on-site activitiesBeaches NegrilBigger and more exciting water slidesIBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach HotelGourmet restaurants and diving centerHoliday Inn Resort Montego BayAbundance of activities and kidsuites roomsRound Hill Hotel and Villas ResortComfortable suites and award-winning staffAs you can see, Beaches Ocho Rios stands out with its water park and family-friendly activities. It's a great choice for families looking for a fun-filled vacation in Jamaica.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Age Restrictions for the On-Call Vacation Nanny at Franklyn D. Resort & Spa?There are no age restrictions for the on-call vacation nanny at Franklyn D. Resort & Spa. The resort offers this service to families with children of all ages.The vacation nanny is there to provide care and assistance to parents, allowing them to relax and enjoy their vacation. Whether you have a baby, a toddler, or older children, you can rest assured that the on-call vacation nanny will be available to help make your stay at the resort more enjoyable and stress-free.What Is the Maximum Capacity of the Water Slides at Beaches Negril?The maximum capacity of the water slides at Beaches Negril isn't provided in the information given. However, Beaches Negril offers bigger and more exciting water slides, making it a perfect destination for family fun.With customizable options for a perfect family trip, different levels of luxury accommodations, and teen-friendly entertainment and parties, Beaches Negril ensures a memorable and enjoyable experience for all.Does IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel Offer Any Special Packages for Diving Enthusiasts?Yes, IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel offers special packages for diving enthusiasts. With certified instructors, they've a diving center where you can explore the underwater world.The hotel also features gourmet restaurants serving local and international cuisine, a spa for relaxation, and salon beauty services.Known for its 5-star luxury experience, IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel offers excellent value for money.Can Guests at Holiday Inn Resort Montego Bay Request Specific Room Locations?Yes, guests at Holiday Inn Resort Montego Bay can request specific room locations. This allows guests to choose their preferred view, proximity to amenities, or any other specific preferences they may have.Whether you want a room overlooking the pool, a ground floor room for easy access, or a room on a higher floor for a better view, the resort staff will do their best to accommodate your request and ensure a comfortable stay.Are Pets Allowed at Round Hill Hotel and Villas Resort?Yes, pets are allowed at Round Hill Hotel and Villas Resort.The resort offers comfortable suites and private villas with gorgeous rooms overlooking lush gardens.Along with multiple pools and stunning views, there's live music, entertainment, and nightlife.The resort also boasts an award-winning culinary staff.And to top it all off, pets are welcome, making it a great choice for families who want to bring their furry friends along on their vacation.ConclusionIn conclusion, Jamaica's best all-inclusive family resorts offer a wide range of amenities and activities that cater to every family's needs. Whether you're looking for a relaxing beachfront retreat or an action-packed adventure, these resorts have it all.From the personalized service at Franklyn D. Resort & Spa to the luxurious experience at IBEROSTAR Rose Hall Beach Hotel, there's something for everyone.So pack your bags, embrace the warmth of Jamaica, and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones. After all, as they say, 'Life is a journey, not a destination.' 'and Jamaica is the perfect place to make that journey truly extraordinary.'
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:13 oNrG Anything interesting on this bank holiday weekend

Any fairs or whatever? The more random the better
submitted by oNrG to Donegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:01 Seikakuna Torn two ways after job offer for Network Analyst. Would be my first job that isnt Helpdesk. Scared to make a decision because I love the people I work with, and im scared of being laid off at new place.

As title says, I received an offer for a Network Analyst position at a bank that pays slightly less than where I currently work, plus a smaller bonus. However I would get 12 company holidays off, 30 days of PTO, and work 3 twelve hour shifts a week. One of those days, I would be allowed to work from home.
This all terrifies me to death because I have a secure job where I am valued in my position, and just received a 20% raise. They would not have given me the raise if I wasn't valued. Still, I have been passed up for promotions, and have had credit stolen from me (because I'm a woman so of course that happened) so the raise seems like they just only value me in Help Desk. I was given 1 client to manage in network engineering but never given another. Probably my fault for not asking for more.
I am still upset I was passed up for that promotion to project member because he constantly gets to learn new things like switches, servers, and networking, meanwhile I am chained to the phone queue resetting passwords and helping with outlook issues. I feel like i am stagnating and barely learn anything new anymore.
The workload has become unmanageable. 20+ calls a day are regular. 10-20 email tickets a day are regular. I'm so burned out of help desk.
I am crying at not knowing what decision to make because I hate the idea of taking the risk of changing jobs in this uncertain climate when layoffs could happen anytime. I'd be going from a small company to a corporate bank and I'm afraid the environment will not be nice. I would be sad about some of the people I would be leaving behind. We all have so much fun chatting with one another to get through the day. I don't know what to do. I don't want to stagnate and wither away from burnout.
submitted by Seikakuna to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:26 Sweet-Count2557 Best Places to Visit May Europe in 2023

Best Places to Visit May Europe in 2023
Best Places to Visit May Europe in 2023
If you're looking for the best places to visit May Europe, then look no further! From the stunning beaches of Spain to the breathtaking architecture of Italy and beyond, there's something for everyone. Whether it's a romantic getaway or an adventure-filled family holiday, these are some of the most exciting destinations that'll leave you wanting more. So come on an unforgettable journey as we explore some of the top spots to visit in May 2023!
From big cities with buzzing nightlife to quaint villages tucked away in nature, Europe is full of possibilities when it comes to travel destinations. And if you’re seeking sun, sand, and surf then Spain should be at the top of your list - its mix of spectacular coastlines and rich culture won't disappoint. When in Barcelona, don't miss out on exploring Gaudi's architectural masterpieces like La Sagrada Familia while also taking time out to soak up some rays and enjoy tapas along the Mediterranean Sea.
For those who prefer history over beach fun, Italy has plenty to offer – from ruins dating back centuries ago to vibrant art galleries filled with renaissance paintings. Take a stroll through Rome's ancient Colosseum and marvel at Michelangelo's ceiling frescoes inside St Peter's Basilica before heading down south towards Amalfi Coast where picturesque views await around every corner. With so much beauty all around, make sure you take enough time during your trip to truly appreciate everything Europe has to offer!
Exploring Provence In France
France's Provence region is an area of outstanding beauty and it offers a wealth of activities and attractions. According to figures from Visit France, the number of visitors to this part of the country has risen by over 10% in recent years – making it one of Europe’s top destinations for 2023. Whether you are traveling with kids or just looking for a romantic getaway, Provence provides something for everyone.
One great way to explore this stunning region is on a road trip. From Marseille in the north, all the way down to Avignon in the south, there are plenty of UNESCO World Heritage sites along the route that make ideal day trips. Start your journey at Mont Ventoux, where you can take in incredible views across vineyards and lavender fields before heading off into Aix-en-Provence – one of the most picturesque cities in Southern France. Spend time roaming through its city center and discover hidden gems like local markets, restaurants, and art galleries. End your day with dinner overlooking nearby hills and valleys - perfect for those looking for some peace and quiet away from busy tourist spots!
For nature lovers, hiking trails around Gorges du Verdon provide spectacular sights as you traverse riverside paths surrounded by towering cliffs; while Les Baux de Provence offers breathtaking vistas no matter which season you visit – be sure not to miss out on seeing its famous ‘Valley Of The Kings’! And after all that exploring take time out to relax on one of many beautiful beaches stretching along southern coastlines such as Cassis: enjoy crystal clear waters under Mediterranean skies!
Whether traveling solo or with family, spending time discovering what Provence has to offer is guaranteed to leave lasting memories - so why wait until 2023? There's never been a better time than now to book yourself a ticket and start planning your next adventure!
Visiting Krakow, Poland
Visiting Krakow, Poland is a must for anyone looking to explore Europe in 2023. Located in the heart of Southern Poland's historic region, Krakow provides an amazing range of cultural and natural attractions that are sure to leave you with lasting memories. Here are some tips to help make your trip as enjoyable as possible:
Travel Tips
Book accommodation well in advance
Research local customs and culture beforehand
Pack light but bring appropriate clothing
Take out travel insurance
National Park
Spend a day exploring Tatra National Park – home to many stunning mountains and valleys! Here you can take part in various activities such as horse riding, mountain biking, and fishing. You'll also find plenty of great restaurants serving up delicious traditional dishes.
Beach Holiday
Just 30 minutes away from Krakow lies San Sebastian beach – perfect for days spent sunbathing, swimming, or even windsurfing on the Baltic sea! End your visit by sampling the delicacies served at one of the nearby bars and cafes. With so much to see and do, it’s easy to understand why this city is becoming more popular every year.
Adventures In Santorini, Greece
After the medieval charm of Krakow, it's time to experience a Mediterranean paradise. Santorini is one of the most remarkable places to visit in Europe, and for good reason. With its spectacular cliffs and breathtaking volcanic views, this Cycladic island takes your breath away.
A trip to Santorini will be an unforgettable adventure. Whether you’re looking for historical ruins or just want to relax on the beach, there are plenty of activities that can fill up your days during any time of year. Take a boat ride around the caldera while admiring the stunning landscape; explore hidden coves with crystal-clear waters perfect for snorkeling; wander through towns brimming with whitewashed houses and vibrant blue rooftops; sample local delicacies such as fava beans and caper leaves at one of the many restaurants dotting the island; or take part in one of Santorini’s famous festivals like August’s Oia Sunset Festival – all without ever leaving Greece!
No matter how much time you have to spend here, each day promises something new and exciting - from picturesque sunsets over sparkling seas to classic Greek cuisine bursting with flavor. So don't miss out: make sure you add Santorini to your list of must-see places in Europe for 2023!
Discovering Berlin, Germany
Berlin, Germany is a must-see destination for anyone looking to explore the best of May Europe. With its vibrant cultural history and stunning architecture, it's no wonder that Berlin has been drawing in travelers from all over the world since antiquity. From charming cobblestone streets to modern museums, there's something here for everyone!
Traveling with babies can be challenging, but luckily Berlin makes it easy. There are plenty of kid-friendly activities and attractions throughout the city, making it an ideal place for families who want to enjoy some quality time together while exploring a new culture. Plus, many hotels offer packages specifically designed for parents traveling with infants – so you won't have to worry about any extra stress during your stay.
And if sightseeing isn't enough? Well then why not take advantage of some of Berlin's amazing food scene? You'll find everything from traditional German dishes like schnitzel and sauerkraut to delicious international cuisine - giving you plenty of options when deciding what to eat each day. So go ahead and treat yourself; after all, discovering Berlin should be a truly unforgettable experience!
Exploring Budva, Montenegro
Continuing on our journey of discovering Europe, we come to the small city of Budva in Montenegro. With its rich history and stunning views of the Adriatic Sea, it is no surprise that this hidden gem has become a popular destination for tourists. It's an ideal spot to relax in the sun or explore some of the country’s most captivating sites.
Whether you're traveling with babies, looking for adventure, or wanting to learn more about Montenegro's past, Budva offers something for everyone. Take your little ones to enjoy gentle waves at Mogren Beach or explore nearby Sveti Stefan Island - both are perfect spots for families. For those seeking thrills, sample local wines from vineyards or embark on hikes through breathtaking mountainscapes. And if it's the culture you crave, visit the old town of Budva where centuries-old churches and monuments await!
When visiting Budva don't forget to savor its Mediterranean cuisine too – there's nothing quite like sampling freshly caught seafood dishes while taking in picturesque ocean views. From delicious food to beautiful sights, a trip here will be one you won't soon forget. So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and book your tickets – let's go exploring!
Experiencing The Scottish Highlands, Scotland
When it comes to European travel, Scotland is an idyllic destination. With its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural history, the Scottish Highlands in May offers a plethora of activities for travelers of all ages. Whether you're looking for romantic getaways or family vacations, there's something here that will appeal to everyone.
For those traveling with babies or young children, Scotland has plenty of attractions designed just for them. From pony rides and petting zoos to toddler-friendly trails and playgrounds, parents can be sure their little ones are safe while they explore the country. Plus, many hotels offer special baby amenities such as cribs and high chairs so your kids have everything they need during their stay.
The scenery in the Scottish Highlands is nothing short of breathtaking. Rolling hills covered in lush green grass provide a picturesque backdrop for visitors who would like to take some time away from city life to appreciate nature at its finest. If you want to really immerse yourself in the culture, consider taking part in one of the local festivals held throughout the year - you won't regret it!
From outdoor adventures to cozy bed & breakfasts, Scotland guarantees an unforgettable experience no matter what type of traveler you are. So why not plan a visit this coming May? There’s no better place than the Scottish Highlands when it comes to soaking up some beautiful European culture!
Exploring Florence, Italy
Leaving the Scottish Highlands behind, why not explore Florence, Italy in May of 2023? With mild temperatures and plenty of sunshine, it’s an ideal time to visit this beautiful city. From its historical beauty to its vibrant culture, there is something for everyone to experience here!
Florence has long been known as a cultural capital – with world-famous art galleries, exquisite architecture, and unmissable landmarks such as The Duomo di Firenze. If you’re looking for a unique travel experience look no further than Florence:
Visit Piazza della Signoria – An impressive medieval square filled with statues that are sure to impress even the most experienced traveler.
Take a stroll along the banks of the Arno River – enjoy stunning views of Florence while taking in some fresh air.
Explore the Uffizi Gallery - home to works by famous artists like Botticelli and Michelangelo, this gallery should be at the top of your list!
Enjoy gelato with your little ones – if traveling with babies or toddlers in tow, don’t miss out on indulging in one of Italy's favorite treats!
So why wait any longer? Pack your bags and head off to Florence where you can discover all that life has to offer in May Europe 2023!
Taking A Trip To Korcula Island, Croatia
Soaring seagulls and shimmering shores. Korcula Island, Croatia is a magical Mediterranean destination that promises paradise in the month of May. Perfectly perched off the coast of Europe, this dreamy getaway offers plenty for travelers seeking solace or adventure.
ProsConsLow PricesCrowded BeachesCozy RestaurantsLimited NightlifeSpectacular ViewsDifficult Parking
Whether you're traveling solo, with your sweetheart, or even with your baby, Korcula Island has something to offer everyone! The low prices make it an ideal location for budget travelers while the cozy restaurants provide endless culinary delights. During the day explore hidden coves or take leisurely strolls along stunning shorelines; marvel at spectacular views from ancient fortresses and enjoy balmy breezes as you bask in blissful beauty. As night approaches seek out some live music or head back to town for delicious dinners and drinks.
Korcula Island may be small but it's packed full of possibilities – all within reach during a May visit to this idyllic European retreat! So don't wait any longer, book your ticket today and experience enchantment on one of Croatia's most beautiful islands!
Staying In Valletta, Malta
Valletta, Malta is one of the best places to visit in May Europe. It’s a stunningly picturesque city with Mediterranean charm and captivating views around every corner. You can explore its historical sites and cultural attractions that date back centuries or enjoy some retail therapy at local markets for souvenirs and handmade goods. Valletta has something for everyone – from outdoor activities like snorkeling and sailing to museums, galleries, and traditional Maltese food!
The capital of Malta is also home to an array of accommodation options so you can find a place that suits your budget. Whether it's a five-star luxury hotel or an affordable apartment rental, there are plenty of choices available. Staying in Valletta puts you right in the heart of the city where all the action happens – including vibrant nightlife venues if you're looking for entertainment after dark. Plus, staying here gives you easy access to public transport which makes getting around town simple.
No matter what kind of holiday experience you're looking for while visiting May Europe, Valletta should be on your list! With its unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty plus world-class hospitality – this destination offers something special for travelers who seek freedom above all else. So don't miss out on exploring Valletta when planning your next European getaway!
Sightseeing In San Sebastian, Spain
Talk about hitting the jackpot! San Sebastian is a vibrant coastal city in northern Spain with stunning natural beauty and culture to boot. You’ll find something new around every corner, from its bustling streets to its picturesque beaches - there is no shortage of things to do here!
This Spanish paradise has become increasingly popular for travelers looking for an escape from their everyday lives. Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, San Sebastian offers it all. Here are some highlights:
Take a stroll along La Concha Beach: The jewel of San Sebastian, this beach was voted one of the best urban beaches in Europe. Take time to soak up the sun on its golden sands or dive into crystal clear waters - either way, you won't regret it!
Explore Monte Igueldo: This iconic mountain overlooks the bay of La Concha and provides breathtaking views over the entire city. It's also home to an old amusement park that will transport you back in time with classic rides like carousels and roller coasters.
Visit Santa Clara Island: Just off the coast lies this small island that is perfect for a day trip away from the hustle and bustle of the mainland. Enjoy a picnic among lush greenery while taking in panoramic views out across the sea.
Taste Basque Country Cuisine: There's nothing quite like tasting traditional cuisine cooked by local chefs who know exactly how to bring out authentic flavors. From fresh seafood dishes to succulent steak tartare, your taste buds will be tantalized with delightful delights unique to Basque country cooking!
The possibilities are endless when exploring San Sebastian – so don’t wait any longer! Pack your bags and come experience everything this amazing destination has to offer — you won’t regret it!
Touring Prague In The Czech Republic
Touring Prague is a must for anyone visiting Europe in 2023. As the capital of the Czech Republic, it offers an incredible range of sights and experiences. From historical churches to stunning palaces and vibrant nightlife, there's something for everyone here.
The city center is full of attractions that will delight visitors, from centuries-old structures like Charles Bridge to modern art galleries and monuments dedicated to famous composers. Shoppers can find bargains at markets throughout the city or indulge their style senses in one of Prague’s many designer stores. And let’s not forget about the food! Traditional Czech dishes are served alongside international favorites in restaurants across the city.
ProsConsAffordableCrowdedHistoricTrafficCulturalPickpocketsNightlifeLanguage Barriers
Prague has a lot to offer its visitors but it also comes with some drawbacks. The city can get crowded during peak tourist season, making transportation difficult and leading to traffic congestion on major roads. Additionally, pickpocketing is more common than in other European cities so travelers should be extra vigilant when out exploring. Another issue may be language barriers as English isn't widely spoken by locals unless they work directly with tourists.
Despite these minor issues, Prague remains an incredibly popular destination for sightseers looking for culture, history, and adventure all wrapped into one great city break experience. With affordable prices and plenty of activities to choose from, this charming Central European gem won't disappoint those who make it part of their 2023 Euro trip itinerary!
Excursions In Dijon, France
The winding roads of Dijon, France are like a maze that leads to some of the most unforgettable experiences. The ancient city is brimming with culture and history, making it an ideal destination for those looking to explore something new in Europe. From its cobblestone streets lined with colorful buildings to its stunning churches and monuments, Dijon offers plenty of sights to see and activities to enjoy.
Take a stroll through the old part of town, where you can soak up the architecture from centuries gone by. Visit the majestic Notre Dame Cathedral or marvel at the impressive Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy. Stop by the Musée des Beaux-Arts for a glimpse into local artistry or take a leisurely ride along the Canal de Bourgogne on one of Dijon’s iconic Bateaux Mouches (sightseeing boats). For a unique experience, follow your nose down Rue Verrerie – aptly named “Glassware Street” – and browse shops filled with everything from hand-blown glassware to vintage items.
Dijon is also home to several renowned wineries which offer tours and tastings. With many vineyards located just outside the city limits, visitors can easily spend an afternoon sipping wine among picturesque hillsides and rolling valleys. Or escape into nature with hikes through nearby forests and trails – great places to find peace amidst all the hustle and bustle of modern life. Whether you want to relax in luxurious surroundings or get your heart pumping as you explore the outdoors, Dijon has something for everyone!
Discovering Budapest Hungary
The city of Budapest is a must-see when visiting Europe in 2023. Located on the banks of the Danube River, it’s an enchanting place with centuries of history and culture to explore. The winding cobblestone streets, classical architecture, and astonishing landmarks make this Hungarian capital one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
One of the best ways to experience all that Budapest has to offer is by taking a river cruise along the Danube. View breathtaking sights like Buda Castle, Parliament House, Margaret Island, and more from the comfort of your ship's deck. Or you can step off from time to time for some sightseeing or shopping at local merchants - who aren't shy about offering discounts!
No trip to Hungary would be complete without sampling its traditional foods such as goulash soup and strudel pastries. Dine al fresco at one of many outdoor cafes located throughout town or take part in a food tour where you get to try all sorts of delicious dishes made with locally sourced ingredients.
Budapest truly has something for everyone - whether looking for relaxation, adventure, or sheer awe-inspiring beauty - making it one ideal destination for any traveler seeking respite during their European visit in 2023.
Exploring Plitvice Lakes National Park In Croatia
Leaving the bustling streets of Budapest behind and heading to Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia is like entering a magical realm. This stunning natural landscape, filled with cascading waterfalls and multiple turquoise lakes, will take your breath away. Here are three reasons why you should add this park to your itinerary on your trip through May Europe 2023:
The Majestic Waterfalls - Witness some of nature’s most beautiful waterfalls as they splash down into the crystal clear blue pools below. The view from the top or bottom offers an amazing sight that can only be seen here!
Experience Nature at its Finest - Take pleasure in discovering hidden gems such as caves and trails that lead off the beaten path for a truly unique experience. Enjoy hikes around the lake shorelines or relax by taking a boat ride along one of the many waterways on offer.
Witness Breathtaking Beauty - With lush green forests surrounding each corner, it's easy to see why Plitvice has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site; making it well worth visiting during your travels in May Europe 2023!So if you're looking for an awe-inspiring escape to explore serene beauty, then make sure you put Plitvice Lakes National Park on your list of must-see places!
Sightseeing In Hamburg Germany
Hamburg, Germany is one of the best places to visit in Europe for sightseeing. The city has a diverse mix of attractions and activities that make it a great destination. From its stunning architecture to its vibrant nightlife, there's something for everyone here.
The historic heart of Hamburg is the Old Town district, where you can see some beautiful old buildings like St. Michael's Church and the City Hall. There are plenty of shops and restaurants around too, so you can explore the area while taking advantage of all the local delicacies.
For those looking for an adrenaline rush, why not take a ride on the city’s famous Reeperbahn fairground? You'll get a real thrill as you soar through the air on rollercoasters or zip lines! And if you want to try your hand at some traditional German cuisine, then look no further than one of Hamburg’s many beer halls – they're sure to satisfy any craving!
No matter what kind of traveler you are, Hamburg has something unique to offer – making it one of the top cities in Europe worth visiting this year. So don't miss out – plan your trip today and start exploring this amazing city!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Time Of Year To Visit May Europe In 2023?
Traveling to May Europe in 2023 is a great way to explore the continent and have an unforgettable experience. But with so many options, it can be hard to decide when to go! To help you out, let's take a look at what the best time of year would be for visiting May Europe in 2023.
Summertime is usually considered one of the most popular times to visit because of its warmer temperatures and longer days. However, due to increased tourism during this season, prices tend to be higher as well. If you plan on visiting attractions like beaches or national parks, summer might still be your best bet since these places will likely be more crowded during other times of the year.
Spring and autumn are also excellent seasons for exploring May Europe: both offer milder temperatures compared to summer without being too cold either. Additionally, there may not be as much competition for accommodation since fewer tourists tend to travel during those months. Plus, spring brings blooming flowers that make any city feel alive while autumn offers vibrant foliage perfect for taking picturesque photos.
No matter what part of May Europe you choose to visit in 2023, there’s sure to be something special awaiting you no matter which season you select! With careful consideration and research into all potential choices available, travelers can pick the right time of year they wish they could get away from their daily grind and enjoy some freedom abroad!
How Much Will It Cost To Visit Each Of The Destinations?
Exploring Europe is a dream for many travelers, especially with the continent offering so much to discover! But how much will it cost to visit each of these destinations in 2023? It's important to factor this into your itinerary and budget.
When creating your travel plan, you'll need to consider both the costs of flights and accommodation as well as other expenses like food and entertainment. Depending on where you're going and what activities you want to do, prices can vary greatly. For example, if you're looking for an upscale experience in Paris or Rome, expect to pay more than if you were just visiting smaller towns or villages.
To get the most out of your trip without breaking the bank, there are several things you can do. First, research different budget-friendly options such as hostels or Airbnb accommodations instead of hotels; also look at transportation alternatives like buses or trains rather than flying between cities. Additionally, make sure that when booking restaurants or attractions that there aren't any hidden fees associated with them. With some planning ahead of time — and maybe even some savvy haggling — you can save money while still having an amazing European vacation in 2023!
No matter what your destination may be, don't let finances hold back your dreams of exploring May Europe next year. A little bit of preparation now can go a long way towards ensuring that this special journey won’t break the bank!
Are There Any Activities Suitable For Families Travelling With Children?
Traveling with children can be a daunting experience. But, when done right, it can create some of the most rewarding and memorable experiences for families. So if you're planning to travel in Europe in 2023 with your kids, you'll want to know what activities are suitable for them.
Thankfully, there's no shortage of family-friendly activities across Europe. From cultural attractions such as art galleries or monuments to outdoor adventures like kayaking or hiking – there really is something for everyone! There’s also plenty of great kid-friendly restaurants offering delicious local cuisine that will keep even picky eaters happy.
No matter where you decide to visit in Europe next year, make sure you take advantage of all the family-oriented activities available. Not only will they provide educational opportunities but they also promise hours of fun and adventure. Plus, they’re often cheaper than big theme parks too! So why not start planning your ideal European vacation today?
What Language Is Spoken In Each Of The Destinations?
Travelling to Europe in 2023 is an exciting prospect, and with so many places to visit it can be hard to decide where exactly you'd like to go. One important thing to consider when travelling abroad is the language spoken at each destination - this will help determine whether or not your family trip is suitable for children. From France's French to Sweden's Swedish, here are three of the most common languages spoken across Europe that you should know before planning your journey:
French - Perhaps one of the most widely-spoken languages on the continent, French is commonly found in countries such as France, Belgium and Switzerland. It's a great language for anyone looking for a romantic adventure!
German - This powerful language has strong roots throughout much of central and Eastern Europe - including Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein. If you're after a historically rich experience then German could be perfect for you!
Spanish - The Romance Language dominates large swathes of Southern Europe, from Spain all the way up through Italy, Portugal and Malta. With its vibrant culture and friendly locals, Spanish makes any holiday unforgettable!
From charming Northern cities like Copenhagen and Amsterdam, right down to sunnier spots like Barcelona or Nice; wherever you choose to go there'll no doubt be some new words waiting for you along the way! As long as you've done your research into the native tongue of whichever country takes your fancy, then nothing should stand between your family and an amazing European getaway next year!
Are There Any Special Visa Requirements For Visiting May Europe?
Are there any special visa requirements for visiting May Europe? When traveling in a foreign country, it's important to know what the rules and regulations are. This is especially true when it comes to visas. Depending on where you're headed, obtaining the right type of visa can make or break your trip - literally!
The good news is that most countries in May Europe have very straightforward visa policies. In some cases, no visa may be required at all if you plan on staying in the country for less than 90 days. However, even if you don't need a visa, you should still check with the local embassy just to make sure nothing has changed since your last visit. Additionally, keep in mind that certain activities like working or studying will require an additional permit from the government.
It’s also worth noting that many countries offer tourist visas which allow visitors to stay for longer periods of time without having to apply for long-term residency permits. These can be invaluable if you want to explore multiple destinations during one trip and are great way to get around red tape associated with entering multiple countries within one region. So before planning your journey through May Europe this year, double-check what kind of paperwork is needed so you don’t run into any unexpected surprises along the way.
No matter where you go though, research is key! Make sure to look up all relevant information regarding entry requirements beforehand so your travels run smoothly as possible and you can kick back and relax while discovering new cultures and experiences abroad.
It goes without saying that visiting May Europe in 2023 will be an unforgettable experience. From the vibrant cities, to the rolling hills of countryside, there's something for everyone. With so many incredible places to explore, it can be hard to decide where to visit.
But no matter your choice, you're sure to have a great time. Accommodations and activities suitable for families with children are available throughout the region and speaking the language of each destination is not as difficult or intimidating as one may think. Best of all, visa requirements are straightforward, making planning your trip much easier than anticipated!
So if you’re looking for an amazing vacation spot this year - look no further than May Europe in 2023! Whether you choose city life or a countryside retreat; adventure or relaxation; old world charm or modern amenities – there’s something here for everyone. I guarantee it'll be a journey worth taking and memories worth keeping forever.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:17 Downtown-Kangaroo-34 How do you manage important data on your devices?

Uni student here, and finally off for the summer holidays. But earlier I had a thought pop into my mind. In current times, most people (including myself) have their phones as the key to their day to day routine. Whether it may be using online banking, storing passwords and messaging friends etc...
The thought of having your phone stolen and then having all that important data in someone else's hand is quite scary. Especially, if they were to gain access to your banking apps and withdraw all your money. Although, I've never been held at knife point and been demanded for my personal belongings, the thought of this happening does scare me.
I was thinking of owning a Nokia (brick) phone for outdoor purposes, but nowadays apps as so vital...
So what tips do you have when it comes to securing data on your devices? I've seen people mention about owning a second device and keeping it at home?
Thanks on advance!
submitted by Downtown-Kangaroo-34 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:13 rib_eye_b (SELLING) Barbie - Clerks III - Dream Scenario - The Iron Claw - The Muppets Take Manhattan - Priscilla - Reservoir Dogs - The Super Mario Bros. Movie - Top Gun Maverick - True Lies [AMAZON GC]For Sale

AMAZON GIFT CARDS ONLY - No Trades - One Hour Holds - Open to Offers on Multiples - Prices Firm for Single Selections - Please Comment First - CHAT REQUESTS IGNORED


  • Beauty and the Beast (2017) - $3
  • Finding Dory (2016) - $3
  • Frozen (2013) - $3
  • The Good Dinosaur (2015) - $3
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) - $3
  • Hocus Pocus (1993) - $3
  • Inside Out (2015) - $3
  • The Lion King (2019) - $3
  • Maleficent (2014) - $3
  • Moana (2016) - $3
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) - $3
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) - $3
  • Thor Ragnarok 4k (2017) - $6
  • Thor Love and Thunder 4k (2022) - $6
  • Zootopia (2016) - $3



  • American Psycho 4k (2000) - $6
  • Ash VS Evil Dead: The Complete Collection (2015-17) - $15
  • The Cabin in the Woods (2012) - $4
  • Clerks III (2022) - $4
  • Dirty Dancing 4k (1987) - $6
  • Divergent (2014) - $4
  • Dream a Little Dream (1989) - $4
  • Dream Scenario (2023) - $6
  • Dredd (2012) - $4
  • Dredd 4k (2012) - $6
  • Ender's Game (2013) - $4
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once 4k (2022) - $6
  • Ex Machina 4k (2015) - $6
  • The Expendables 2 (2012) - $4
  • The Expendables 3 (2014) - $4
  • The Expendables 1-4 4k (2010, 2012, 2014 & 2023) - $15
  • From Paris with Love (2010) [iTunes ONLY] - $2
  • The Hateful Eight (2015) - $4
  • The Homesman (2014) - $4
  • The Hunger Games (2012) - $4
  • The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) - $4
  • Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 2 (2015) - $4
  • The Iron Claw (2023) - $8
  • It Comes at Night (2017) - $4
  • Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019) - $4
  • Joe (2014) - $4
  • The Kid (2019) - $4
  • Knives Out 4k (2019) - $6
  • Maggie (2015) - $4
  • The Making of Trump (2015) - $4
  • The Man Who Fell to Earth 4k (1976) - $6
  • Men (2022) - $4
  • Midway 4k (2019) - $6
  • The Mist 4k (2007) - $6
  • Much Ado About Nothing (2013) - $4
  • Now You See Me (2013) - $4
  • Orange is the New Black: Season 1 (2013) - $4
  • The Possession (2012) - $4
  • Priscilla (2023) - $6
  • Requiem for a Dream 4k (2020) - $6
  • Reservoir Dogs 4k (1992) - $6
  • Rob Zombie Trilogy (2003-2019) - $6
  • Shivers (1975) - $4
  • Stand Up Guys (2012) - $4
  • Terminator 2: Judgement Day 4k (1991) - $6
  • Total Recall 4k (1990) - $6
  • The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 4k (2022) - $6
  • Unhinged (2020) - $4
  • Wonder (2017) - $4
  • The Wraith (1986) - $4
  • You're Next (2013) - $4


  • Bad Grandpa (2013) - $3
  • BumbleBee 4k (2018) - $6
  • Event Horizon 4k (1997) - $6
  • Gemini Man 4k (2019) - $6
  • Hercules (2014) - $3
  • Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014) - $3
  • Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011) - $3
  • Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (2015) [iTunes ONLY] - $2
  • Mother (2017) - $3
  • Overlord 4k (2018) - $6
  • Paranormal Activity - The Marked Ones (2014) - $3
  • Pet Sematary (2019) - $3
  • Rocketman (2019) - $3
  • Scream 4k (1996) - $6
  • Scream 4k (2022) - $6
  • Scream VI 4k (2023) - $6
  • Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) - $3
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) - $3
  • Top Gun 4k (1986) - $6
  • Top Gun Maverick 4k (2022) - $6
  • True Grit (2010) - $3
  • World War Z (2013) - $3



  • Apollo 11 (2019) - $4
  • BlacKKKlansman (2018) - $4
  • Brian Banks (2019) - $4
  • Casino 4k (1995) - $6
  • Cult of Chucky UNRATED (2017) - $4
  • Colossal (2017) - $4
  • Contraband (2012) [iTunes ONLY] - $2
  • Darkest Hour (2017) - $4
  • Despicable Me 2 (2013) - $4
  • Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (2012) - $4
  • F9: The Fast Saga [Both Theatrical & Directors Cut] (2021) - $4
  • Good Boys (2019) - $4
  • Hail, Caesar! (2016) - $4
  • Halloween Kills 4k (2021) - $6
  • Hardcore Henry (2016) - $4
  • Holiday Inn (1942) - $4
  • How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World 4k (2019) - $6
  • The Hunt (2019) - $4
  • The Huntsman - Winter’s War - Extended Edition (2016) - $4
  • Hustlers 4k (2019) [iTunes ONLY] - $4
  • It Came From Outer Space 4k (1953) - $6
  • Jaws 2 4k (1978) - $6
  • Jurassic Park: The Lost World 4k (1997) - $6
  • Jurassic Park III 4k (2001) - $6
  • Jurassic World (2015) - $4
  • Justice (2017) - $4
  • Knock at the Cabin 4k (2023) - $6
  • Lone Survivor (2013) - $4
  • Megan Leavey (2017) - $4
  • Minions (2015) - $4
  • Moonrise Kingdom (2012) - $4
  • The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 4k (2008) [MA ONLY] - $6
  • No Time to Die 4k (2021) [iTunes ONLY] - $6
  • Nope 4k (2022) - $6
  • The Northman 4k (2022) - $6
  • The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature (2017) - $4
  • Oblivion (2013) - $4
  • Phantom Thread (2017) - $4
  • Pitch Perfect (2012) - $4
  • Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) - $4
  • Renfield (2023) - $4
  • The Secret Life of Pets (2016) - $4
  • Spartacus 4k (1960) - $6
  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie 4k (2023) - $6
  • The Thing (2011) - $4


  • Barbie 4k (2023) - $8
  • Black Adam 4k (2022) - $6
  • Elvis 4k (2022) - $6
  • Legion of Super-Heroes (2023) - $3
  • Live Die Repeat - Edge of Tomorrow 4k (2014) - $6
  • The Lost Boys 4k (1987) - $6
  • Poltergeist 4k (1982) - $6
  • Westworld Season Four: The Choice 4k (2022) - $8
submitted by rib_eye_b to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:28 remixedmoon5 Ah jaysus. What happened to the "this bank holiday weekend will be full of sunshine" forecast?

Ah jaysus. What happened to the submitted by remixedmoon5 to ireland [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:23 One-Midnight-2881 Who else cleaned their car for the (hopefully dry) bank holiday weekend

Who else cleaned their car for the (hopefully dry) bank holiday weekend
Show off your pride and joy!
submitted by One-Midnight-2881 to carsireland [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:20 Past-Puzzleheaded Loveholidays unjust holiday cancellation

Hi, I am in need of guidance and help. I’m stressed and in tears over this. I booked an all-inclusive (flights and hotel) holiday with loveholidays for me and my family. Up until today, everything was paid for and on my loveholidays app, it said that I had paid for my holiday in full (the final instalment was taken on the 25th of May). This morning (10am), I received an email that said that there was an outstanding balance to be paid of £177.90 and that I needed to pay this by 3pm today otherwise my holiday would get cancelled. I did not see this email as I was on placement and did not actually receive a notification for it. At 4:30pm, I received an email (I got a notification for this one) from loveholidays confirming that my holiday had been cancelled due to that payment of £177.90 not being paid. Bearing in mind, when I booked the holiday, I had received all information on the payments that would be taken and those payments were taken in instalments directly from my bank. There was no mention of me having to manually pay any amount. There were 3 instalments to be paid, and all 3 were taken from my bank automatically on the given dates.
Anyway, I rang loveholidays to ask why my holiday had been cancelled, and they said that it was because one of the payments got declined (which was that £177) and this payment was attempted to be taken on the 23rd of May but got declined. I asked why the payment would get declined when I have the sufficient funds in my account, they said they don’t know why. I asked what I can do about it now, they said they’d refund me £859 but cannot refund the flight cost as they have a policy that all flights are 100% non-refundable.
I got off the phone with them, rang my bank and asked if there was any declined payment of £177. They told me no such amount was ever attempted to be taken from my account and I have no decline payments of any kind. My bank advised me to open a dispute but can’t guarantee I’ll get a full refund. Is there anything I can do to get that full refund including the flights as the issue is not from my end. When I added up the total cost of the holiday, and compared it to the payments taken from my bank, there is an outstanding amount of £177, so that money should have been taken, but it is not my fault that it was not. What can I do?
submitted by Past-Puzzleheaded to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:10 Twichyness WRC claim

WRC Claim
Hi All, I have a question for everyone (it might be slightly complex) I had to make a complaint for my Sunday premium (I wasn't paid one for 2.5 years) as my supervisor (who is now imprisoned for drug dealing) told me I wasn't entitled to one and was told that the company "would make a fool of you if you go looking for one". Obviously this was BS and the company has now admitted this today on a respondent letter. Recently our paid breaks have been revoked because the area manager said they're not in our contract (the previous supervisor told us we were supposed to be paid for them said everything was included in our hours given to us). Now the company is telling me (upon making my claim for the money I worked extremely hard for, working every Sunday every week) that they're "deducting" the pay I got for breaks out of the premium they owe me (which you can imagine is a large amount). Can they do this when my supervisor lied to all the staff working Sundays about our premium and the fact that he CHOSE to pay us for our breaks? There was several contract violations stated on the respondent (A lot of Jargon) about missing documentation and some just neglected documentation. I'm really worried now as this was a total sucker punch on the bank holiday weekend as I can't even call the WRC to ask what is going on as my WRC meeting is on Tuesday. Just to clarify I was not informed that our breaks were not to be paid until my previous supervisor was arrested with nearly €100,000 worth of ❄️ which the gardai raided our office for while I was in it. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Twichyness to legaladviceireland [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:08 Twichyness WRC Claim

Hi All, I have a question for everyone (it might be slightly complex) I had to make a complaint for my Sunday premium (I wasn't paid one for 2.5 years) as my supervisor (who is now imprisoned for drug dealing) told me I wasn't entitled to one and was told that the company "would make a fool of you if you go looking for one". Obviously this was BS and the company has now admitted this today on a respondent letter. Recently our paid breaks have been revoked because the area manager said they're not in our contract (the previous supervisor told us we were supposed to be paid for them said everything was included in our hours given to us). Now the company is telling me (upon making my claim for the money I worked extremely hard for, working every Sunday every week) that they're "deducting" the pay I got for breaks out of the premium they owe me (which you can imagine is a large amount). Can they do this when my supervisor lied to all the staff working Sundays about our premium and the fact that he CHOSE to pay us for our breaks? There was several contract violations stated on the respondent (A lot of Jargon) about missing documentation and some just neglected documentation. I'm really worried now as this was a total sucker punch on the bank holiday weekend as I can't even call the WRC to ask what is going on as my WRC meeting is on Tuesday. Just to clarify I was not informed that our breaks were not to be paid until my previous supervisor was arrested with nearly €100,000 worth of ❄️ which the gardai raided our office for while I was in it. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Twichyness to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:55 model-kurimizumi B1673 - Bank Holiday Bill - Final Division

Bank Holiday Bill

Remove Trafalgar Day as a bank holiday; and for connected purposes.
BE IT ENACTED by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows –
1 Repeal
(1) Section 1 (4) of the Bank Holidays Act 2019 is repealed.
2 Final provisions
(1) This Act extends to England and Wales.
(2) This Act comes into force on the day on which it is passed.
(3) This Act may be cited as the Bank Holidays Act 2024.
This Bill was submitted by Her Grace Duchess of Enniskillen, Marchioness of Omagh, Lady Blaenau Ffestiniog, Dame Lady_Aya, LP LD GCVO DCT DCMG PC as a Private Member’s Bill.
Deputy Speaker,
In general, I am supportive of bank holidays and the expansion of compensation for workers. I would not find myself in the party of Solidarity if not. However, I think such considerations must also be tempered with common sense and reasonable governance.
The Bank Holidays Act 2019 is not common sense. There are some aspects of the Act which are more reasonable, such as allowing more flexibility regarding bank holidays for work contracts. And that is a topic which I believe a solid argument can be made for its existence even if I may disagree in some aspects.
The creation of Trafalgar Day is not a solid argument and makes little sense. I have nothing against celebrations of Trafalgar Day and enjoying the parades and celebrations that are made each year on that day. But quite frankly, the barrier for a bank holiday should be made higher. For each new bank holiday, this Parliament is costing the economy and its people a possible few billion pounds.
That amount of money for a holiday that is mainly celebrated by the Royal Navy and specific localities is not a rational argument or one that I believe we should be allowing, especially as recent Governments seem to be seeking a balancing of the books for their budgets. The inclusion of Trafalgar Day makes little sense and it should be repealed.
This division closes on Monday 3 June 2024 at 10PM BST.
submitted by model-kurimizumi to MHOCMP [link] [comments]