Dimensional shag photo

Christians on UFO Alien Demon Theory

2018.01.04 00:42 ProphetPX Christians on UFO Alien Demon Theory

BIBLICALLY (per SOUND BIBLE DOCTRINE), and SINCE they only come here to MENACE and preach NEW AGE FALSE religion, NEVER are they "interstellar space travelers" from "other worlds". THUS, ALL "UFOs / Aliens / Reptilians / Shapeshifters" can be ONLY either: 1. Angels, 2. THE DEVIL / Satan's DEMONS, or 3. Unknown/Secret Government Space Programs (Lockheed Martin "Skunk Works").

2024.06.01 10:36 Worth_Umpire_3361 Together We Can: Joining Hands for Education Equality with Pehchaan The Street School

Together We Can: Joining Hands for Education Equality with Pehchaan The Street School
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."
– Michael Jordan.
JOIN HANDS symbolizes ‘to work together in an enterprise or a task.’ We can accomplish great things if we all join hands and work together.
You must have heard of the Elephant and the Monkey story. If not? Here is the story. In a forest, lived one elephant and a monkey who were too highbrow on their qualities and would often quarrel about who had superior qualities. So, one day an owl thought to teach them a lesson about the importance of collaboration and teamwork and had an idea to initiate a competition, and whoever wins would be considered superior and more powerful. The challenge was to get a golden fruit from an old tree present in the forest behind.
To reach the forest behind, both of them had to cross the river. But the monkey swept away along with the high current and after that, the elephant asked the monkey to ascend on his back, and then they successfully crossed the river. The challenge was still not completed. The elephant attempted to descend the tree but the tree was so strong and didn't shake so the monkey decided to climb up the tree and pluck the fruit.
When they came back and the owl was going to declare the winner, both of them first stopped the owl from declaring the winner and then expressed their gratitude towards each other and stated that they were able to do so because of their joint efforts.
The moral of the story has been stated as follows:
  • No one is superior to anyone, individually one is not effective. However, collectively as a team, we can achieve the impossible. All because you used unity at the right time to do the right thing.
  • Teamwork is the backbone of collaboration and effective communication within an organization. It increases efficiency and productivity.
  • Collaborative problem-solving leads to better outcomes.
  • As everyone knows, the work done by a team is always done at a much better pace, with high accuracy and precision when compared to the work of an individual. It always has a large impact on a huge amount of people.
  • Teamwork gives opportunities for growth, lowers the risk of burnout, yields fewer mistakes, and sparks creativity.
  • Working in a team encourages personal growth, addresses a large number of people, and reduces stress.
  • It leads to enhanced creativity and improved quality of work.
  • It improves organizational culture, and brainstorming and encourages a common goal.
  • Teamwork skills are essential for the academic and professional success of an individual.
Also, I would like to focus on the concept and the importance of education:
Education can be defined as the training of people, and the transmission of skills, knowledge, and character traits, and manifests in various forms. Formal education occurs within a structured institutional framework, such as private and public schools, following a curriculum.
  • It helps you improve your career and personal growth.
  • It contributes to human development and helps you make the right decisions in life.
  • It increases the chance of employment and also helps in the creation of an identity of a self.
  • Education provides stability in life, and it's something that no one can ever take away from you. By being well-educated and holding a college degree, you increase your chances for better career opportunities and open up new doors for yourself
  • It helps to reduce inequalities and reach gender equality.
  • It leads to innovations and discoveries.
  • It helps in the character and moral development of an individual.
  • Education helps a person to get knowledge and improve confidence in life.
  • It teaches lessons of gratitude and humanity.
  • Learning changes your thinking capabilities and perceptions.
Similarly, Pehchaan The Street School is not an individual entity. It has a group of volunteers whose motive is to help each underprivileged child create a PEHCHAAN (‘identity’) for themselves. In 2015, it consisted only of 5 volunteers, with an increase in time, Pehchaan The Street School consisted of 500+ volunteers along with interns and other community members.
Mr. Aakash Tandon along with his friends started it. Pehchaan The Street School aims to provide quality and free education to every underprivileged child. From elementary education to vocational studies, they have emphasized the value of education as a fundamental right. The motive is to make education accessible to every child with a desire to learn. The institutionalization and commodification of education across our country have severely restricted the ability of the underprivileged to access means of vocational as well as academic studies, and that’s the barrier that we aim to break with Pehchaan The Street School.
At Pehchaan The Street School, where the holistic approach to education dominates, we are venturing beyond just academics to break off from the conventional. They recognize multi-dimensional issues faced by underprivileged children and offer integrated interventions. They also provide free health checkups, skill enhancement courses, workshops on the importance of personal hygiene and sanitation, mental health treatment, financial support, and legal aid.
Various initiatives taken by Pehchaan The Street School for the rights to equality, freedom, and education for each underprivileged child are mentioned as follows:
  • Quality Education
It is provided by setting up informal schooling spaces in inaccessible locations; the initiatives break down barriers that typically prevent these children from accessing formal education systems.
Education completely changes the way how an individual thinks and takes action in their life.
  • Creation of a supportive environment
Pehchaan The Street School consists of parents, local communities, interns, volunteers, and various community members in the educational process fostering a supportive environment for all the children to learn efficiently.
  • Personal Hygiene and sanitation camps
Various camps are organized to provide information about hygiene and measures to maintain it. Hygiene camps conduct interactive sessions on handwashing, dental care, and personal hygiene, instilling habits that serve as the first line of defense against infections and diseases.
  • Financial Support
Financial aid is provided to underprivileged children through donations in various forms such as uniforms, books, shoes, cash, adoption of a child’s education, etc.
  • Menstrual education
Various sessions are conducted by Pehchaan The Street School to spread awareness and information about menstrual cramps, menstruation, and other factors related to it.
  • Gender Equality
Gender equality is the state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making; and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations, and needs equally, regardless of gender. Pehchaan The Street School also conducts sessions on social norms and etiquette, basic salutations, and educates children on how to treat others, etc.
  • Reduced Inequality
It stands for recognizing the unique challenges faced by different groups and implementing measures to overcome barriers, promote equal rights, and foster inclusive societies where everyone can thrive.
  • Free health checkups
Monthly free health checkups take place under the supervision of Pehchaan The Street School for each underprivileged child and woman.
  • Mental health treatments
Counseling, peer support, medication, psychological therapies, and brain stimulation therapies are conducted to keep the stress level low and are used to provide education about mental health.
Overall, Pehchaan The Street School focuses on the academic and holistic development of each underprivileged child as well as woman.
Now, you can also be a part of Pehchaan The Street School and help us educate thousands of underprivileged children by implementing the initiatives mentioned below:
  • Fill out the registration form on the official website of Pehchaan The Street School. [https://pehchaanstreetschool.org/]
  • Adopt a Child’s Education – This includes taking full funding responsibility for a child’s education for his/her schooling, from primary to higher secondary education
  • Donations – Every bit counts! Donations in the form of uniforms, books, stationery, boards, desks, and educational toys are accepted and appreciated.
  • Connect with them on different social media apps such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, Quora, etc.
  • Send your request to join Pehchaan The Street School at the mail mentioned on their website. [[pehchaanschool@gmail.com](mailto:pehchaanschool@gmail.com)]
  • Contact them directly to learn about their membership process, its time period, and benefits.
  • Support children’s education and help break the cycle of poverty.
  • Volunteers: Volunteering is for everyone who can work on the ground or online and can contribute time as per their availability.
  • Internship: The internship is for everyone who can commit a minimum duration of time to work on the ground or online.
  • Become a P.O.C [Point of Contact]: The role of POC is to officially represent Pehchaan The Street School in their respective areas/localities and they also help us conduct monthly donation drives.
To grab more information and future updates about Pehchaan The Street School, browse the following links:-
Website: Pehchaan The Street School (pehchaanstreetschool.org)
LinkedIn page link: Pehchaan The Street School (Trust): My Company LinkedIn
Facebook page link: Pehchaan The Street School New Delhi Facebook
YouTube page link: Pehchaan The Street School — YouTube
Instagram page link: Pehchaan The Street School (@pehchaanstreetschool) • Instagram photos and videos
Together We Can: Joining Hands for Education Equality with Pehchaan The Street School
submitted by Worth_Umpire_3361 to ngarticles [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:12 homeandsoul Creating a Cozy and Inviting Living Room: Ideas for the Heart of Your Home

The living room is often considered the heart of a home—a place where family and friends gather to relax, socialize, and make lasting memories. Creating a cozy and inviting living room involves more than just selecting furniture; it’s about curating an atmosphere that feels warm and welcoming. Here are some tips and ideas to help you transform your living room into a cozy haven.
1. Start with a Large Round Rug
One of the most impactful ways to define your living room space and add a touch of coziness is by incorporating a large round rug. Round rugs for living room are not only visually appealing, but they also soften the angles of furniture and create a focal point in the room. Whether you opt for a plush shag rug for added warmth or a patterned rug to introduce texture, a round carpet for living room can instantly make the space feel more inviting.
2. Choose Comfortable Seating
Comfort is key when it comes to seating in the living room. Invest in a quality sofa with deep cushions and soft upholstery. Add a mix of chairs and ottomans to provide ample seating options. Consider pieces that encourage relaxation, like recliners or chaise lounges. Don’t forget to pile on the pillows and throws for added comfort and a homely feel.
3. Layer with Textures
To create a cozy atmosphere, layer different textures throughout the room. Combine soft textiles like wool blankets, velvet cushions, and cotton throws with natural materials like wood, leather, and stone. This mix not only adds visual interest but also makes the space feel warm and inviting.
4. Use Warm Lighting
Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood of your living room. Opt for warm, soft lighting instead of harsh, bright lights. Use a combination of table lamps, floor lamps, and wall sconces to create a layered lighting effect. Consider dimmable lights to adjust the ambiance according to the occasion.
5. Incorporate Personal Touches
Make your living room truly yours by incorporating personal touches and decor that reflect your personality. Display family photos, travel souvenirs, and artwork that you love. These elements add character to the room and make it feel uniquely yours.
6. Add a Round Rug for the Living Room
If your living room has multiple seating areas or an open floor plan, consider adding another round rug for the living room to define different zones. For instance, place a round rug under the coffee table to anchor the main seating area and another near a reading nook or secondary seating arrangement. This not only adds visual harmony but also enhances the cozy feel.
7. Embrace a Neutral Color Palette
A neutral color palette can create a serene and welcoming environment. Shades of beige, gray, and white serve as a perfect backdrop for a cozy living room. You can introduce pops of color through accessories like cushions, rugs, and artwork. Neutrals also make it easier to switch up your decor seasonally without clashing with the main color scheme.
8. Introduce Natural Elements
Bringing elements of nature indoors can enhance the coziness of your living room. Houseplants, flowers, and natural wood accents add warmth and life to the space. Plants not only improve air quality but also create a soothing atmosphere.
9. Keep it Clutter-Free
A cozy living room doesn’t mean cluttered. Keep the space tidy and organized to maintain a welcoming ambiance. Use storage solutions like baskets, shelves, and cabinets to keep everyday items out of sight but within reach. A clutter-free environment promotes relaxation and peace of mind.
10. Create a Fireplace Focal Point
If you have a fireplace, make it the focal point of your living room. Arrange seating around the fireplace to encourage conversation and warmth. Even if your fireplace is non-functional, you can still decorate the mantel with candles, lanterns, or decorative items to enhance the cozy vibe.
Incorporating these ideas into your living room design will help you create a space that is not only cozy and inviting but also functional and stylish. Remember, the key to a welcoming living room lies in balancing comfort with personal style, so don’t be afraid to experiment and make the space your own. With the right elements like a large round rug, comfortable seating, and warm lighting, your living room can truly become the heart of your home.
submitted by homeandsoul to u/homeandsoul [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:11 Plants-and-Petals Chris’s tattoo career???

Chris’s tattoo career???
So, I didn’t know Chris has an Instagram. I had read on another post about a photo situation with peaches- anyways HOW is this man allowed to touch a tattoo machine??? I was curious about his work and wasn’t able to find anything and it didn’t register to me that he had an IG other than his photography account. I figured okay his photography is cool. He has the worst linework I’ve ever seen holy sht, black is patchy, line weight is all fuced up, and his work is very two dimensional. I know we all start somewhere but fake skin exists for 👏 a 👏 reason 👏. As a heavily tattooed person myself I cry thinking about the cover ups for this stuff. I really hope he’s not tattooing anymore because no one should be paying for work this bad. Apprentices don’t even do this poorly of a job( they shouldn’t anyways ).
submitted by Plants-and-Petals to 2bebettersnark2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:48 mansplanar The Anatomy of a Great Online Dating Profile

5 essentials to getting your profile noticed, attracting higher quality matches, and swiping right for the last time.
Are you online dating?
Wait, let me go further.
Are you online dating in 2020 circa corona?
If you are, you’re a brave one.
And you’re in the right place.
Let me start with some disclaimers that are my opinion only.
Covid-19 is real. Your health and safety come first. I think dating right now is totally up to the individual and their circumstances. If you wish to forgo dating altogether during this really difficult season of life, I respect your decision. If you wish to date, I ask you to proceed with intentionality, communication, and care.
The rest of the disclaimers are in this YouTube video I made called What Dating Will Look Like After Lockdown.
You’re still here? Sweet! Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, whether this information is applicable to you now, or will be when you do choose to date in the future, here it is.
The Five Essentials to a Magnetic Online Dating Profile
Energetic — Before we can even begin to talk about your profile, let’s talk about your energetic blueprint.
Your essence.
We are humans. Skin, body, physicality, yes, but on a deeper level, we are energetic beings.
Are you in tune with your energy?
From your life and relationship experiences, do you know the kind of partner that would be nourishing, uplifting, and complementary to your soul? One that you would be not only compatible with but connected on a deeper level?
Have you reflected on your mistakes, acquainted yourself with your weaknesses, flaws, and shadows, and the part you played in relationships ending or potential relationships fizzling out?
Do you believe deep within that you are worthy of the love you envision? Do you want it and refuse to settle for less?
If you can answer these questions, your future love is on their way to you, it’s truly only a matter of time that your paths cross. You have a great chance of meeting them. Whether it’s online or in person.
And it’s from this energetic frequency that you begin to create your online dating profile.
* I’m so excited for you!*
Authentic — Let me tell you something that’s a little backwards given the title of this article. It’s not about your profile. It’s about your belief in yourself, your inner unshakable confidence, your ability to overcome your fears of being seen, loved, fully accepted, and your vulnerability and ability to step into love.
This authenticity is what makes a great profile. It is also the key to a fun and freeing dating experience and ultimately makes you an amazing partner.
Once you get down to writing your dating profile and curating your photos, ask yourself these questions:
What are my core values?
What do I want in a partner?
How do I express these in 120 characters or less?
Just kidding!
Try not to overwhelm yourself in this process.
Have fun with it!
A good indicator that your profile is authentic is you feel proud of it, you feel no shame or embarrassment from it, you would freely show your closest friend or sibling and they would say “love it, it’s so you!”
Your photos:
Include a clear, well-lit photo showing your face and embodying YOU in your essence and energy.
Upload photos of your genuine interests, people you love and care for, and what you spend your time doing!
Fun Fact: I met my partner on Bumble and he had a number of photos with his family which made it an easy swipe right for me. I met his family for the first time eight months after our first date (We live in CA and they live in NC). I love them, they’re the best, and now we’re all in a group chat.
Excerpt from Bianca’s ebook on dating profiles. Learn more below.
Your bio:
Write your bio so that it’s fun, descriptive, and positive!
Capture their attention with your words.
Share something real about you.
Put yourself in their shoes and read your profile from the eyes of your dream partner.
Bonus Tip: If you’re bored writing it, chances are, they’ll be bored reading it.
Sticky — The most irresistible thing about a person is dimension. Multi-dimensional like a diamond that shines in the light. That’s what makes the attraction stick. Being one tune, one track, one note, is an easy way to repel someone online or in-person.
Are you kick-ass at your work and truly love what you do? That’s great, but when it comes to dating, love, and attraction, you are not your resume.
Your dating profile is not your LinkedIn profile.
Your date isn’t a job interview.
Funny thing is, when I was dating online when I met my partner, I didn’t include my work information or link my social media on there. I wanted it to be a clean slate, and allow the connection to form from there without any of the assumptions that come with “credentials”.
You get to write the rules. Create your own path towards love. It doesn’t have to look like everyone else’s.
Polarizing — Design your profile so that people will swipe left on you.
I KNOW. That’s crazy right?
What I mean is write it so the person that isn’t for you will actually swipe left or click X.
Story time.
In my 20’s, (I’m 31 now) I had a “first love” experience. The type that shatters your heart when it ends. Well, things didn’t work out between us because I am spiritual and this person was not. We tried to make it work but tears were shed and lessons were learned. After that experience, I basically learned I have to be spiritually aligned with my partner. It’s a lesson you can learn intellectually but if you’re like me, maybe the lesson won’t stick unless you really go for it. No regrets, right? In my dating profiles after that, I always shared something brief about my beliefs (in my own unique playful way <<< this is important). It matters to me and if someone looking at my profile sees it and disagrees, they will swipe left.
See what I mean about polarizing?
It’s an easy way to filter your dating prospects in a sea of profiles.
I don’t know what that thing is for you. It’s different for everyone. Maybe you’re vegan and you realize you absolutely can only date someone who is also vegan. Maybe you have little ones. The list goes on. Be honest with yourself.
But the most important thing to note here is:
It’s not what you say, it’s HOW you say it.
There are ways to communicate things about you or what you would like in a way that would be attractive to someone. It’s an art form, something you learn over time. It shouldn’t come off as baggage, something negative, something undesirable. In fact, it’s the opposite.
Truth: What makes someone swipe left on you, can be the exact reason someone SuperLikes you. That’s your person.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:02 Stage-Piercing727 Best 100 Inch TVs

Best 100 Inch TVs

If you're in the market for a gigantic television that will truly transform your home entertainment experience, look no further than our latest roundup of 100 Inch TVs. From the best in picture quality and sound to sleek designs and features that will impress even the most tech-savvy viewers, this guide has got you covered.

The Top 16 Best 100 Inch TVs

  1. Samsung Neo QLED 8K Smart TV - 85 Inch, 4K Ultra HD, AI Upscaling, and Dolby Atmos Sound - Samsung Neo QLED 8K 85 inch Smarts TV boasts unparalleled picture detail, 8K resolution with AI upscaling, and immersive sound for a cinematic experience at home.
  2. LG C1 77" OLED 4K Smart TV: Advanced Picture Quality, Innovative Features, 8K-Like Viewing Experience - Experience stunning picture quality and immersive surround sound with the LG C1 77" OLED 4K Smart TV, featuring AI processing, 8K OLED screen, and a sleek, wall-mount design.
  3. LG 77" 4K OLED Smart TV - Elevated Gaming & Immersive Entertainment - Discover cinematic magic with the LG 77" 4K Smart OLED TV, offering advanced picture and sound quality, Dolby Vision IQ and Dolby Atmos, self-lighting OLED, and NVIDIA G-SYNC compatibility in a sleek and minimal design.
  4. Premium 77-inch LG C2 Series 4K Smart OLED Evo TV with AI and 120Hz Native Refresh Rate - Experience cinematic wonder on an epic-sized LG OLED 77-inch 4K Smart OLED Evo TV, with AI Picture and Dolby Atmos providing an unrivaled immersive viewing experience, making it the perfect centerpiece for your home theatre.
  5. Samsung 77" Class OLED 4K Smart TV: Unmatched Contrast and Picture Quality - Experience breathtaking detail and brightness with Samsung's OLED 77" 4K Smart TV, boasting mesmerizing picture quality, Quantum Dots technology, and an intuitive Smart TV Hub powered by AI technology.
  6. Premium 77-inch 4K Smart OLED TV with Ai ThinQ - Refurbished - Experience unrivaled picture quality with the LG OLED77C1PUB, featuring advanced gaming tech, self-lit pixels, and a sleek design, all in a 77-inch 4K Smart OLED TV.
  7. Durable 4K Ultra HD Ready Cinema Format Projector Screen - Enjoy crystal-clear 4K Ultra HD movies with the Silver Ticket 100" Grey Material Fixed Frame Projector Screen, featuring a sturdy aluminum frame and a durable velvet material for perfect image alignment and enhanced visibility.
  8. Samsung Q60A 85" QLED 4K Smart TV with Dual LED Backlighting - Experience unmatched color and clarity with the Samsung Q60A 85" QLED 4K Smart TV, featuring a sleek design, rechargeable SolarCell Remote, and advanced Quantum Dot Technology for true-to-life color representation.
  9. Ultra-Sharp 100" QLED 4K UHD TV for Action-Packed Gaming and Movie Buffs - Experience stunning 4K UHD visuals and next-gen gaming features with Samsung's 85" Q70A QLED Smart TV, featuring 120Hz Smooth Motion, ultra-smart Quantum Processor 4K, warm and cool Dual LED backlight, and vibrant 100% Color Volume.
  10. TCL 98 Inch Class S5 4K LED HDR Smart TV: Immersive 4K Ultra HD Experience with Premium Audio - Experience a stunning 98-inch S Class 4K Ultra HD TV with breathtaking 4X resolution, advanced motion technology, enhanced color gamut, and immersive sound, all in one sleek package.
  11. Outdoor Movie Screen for 4K HD 100-inch Projector Screen - Create unforgettable outdoor movie experiences with the VEVOR 100" Fixed Frame Projector Screen, perfect for HD 4K Home Theatre, 3D viewing, and featuring an advanced PVC screen and aluminum alloy frame.
  12. Vividstorm S Pro Motorized Tension Floor Rising 100" ALR Projector Screen - Introducing the Vividstorm S Pro Motorized Tension Floor Rising UST ALR Projector Screen, the ultimate 100-inch 4K HD movie experience with motorized tension, ambient light rejection, and convenient installation!
  13. LG 77" A2 4K Smart OLED TV for Ultimate Home Viewing Experience - Experience stunning picture quality and easy streaming with LG's 77" A2 4K HDR Smart OLED TV, featuring built-in access to top streaming services, an advanced AI processor for personalized recommendations, and a sleek, lightweight Magic Remote.
  14. 82-inch QLED Smart TV with Q Contrast and Q HDR - Experience breathtaking picture quality, powerful audio, and an intuitive interface with Samsung's 82-inch 4K Ultra HD LED Smart TV, designed for seamless connectivity and cutting-edge entertainment.
  15. Infinity One Design 77" OLED 4K Smart TV with Self-Illuminating Pixels and Quantum Dot Color Enhancement - Transform your home entertainment with the Samsung S95C OLED 4K Smart TV, offering unrivaled picture quality, stunning audio, and a sleek, modern design for an unbeatable viewing experience.
  16. Samsung Q90T 85" QLED 4K TV with Immersive Features and Stunning 4K UHD Display - Experience stunning 4K viewing, immersive audio, and seamless smart home integration with the Samsung Q90T 85" QLED TV, featuring Direct Full Array 16X and Quantum HDR technology for unparalleled vividness.
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🔗Samsung Neo QLED 8K Smart TV - 85 Inch, 4K Ultra HD, AI Upscaling, and Dolby Atmos Sound

Have you ever experienced a life-size adventure right from the comfort of your own home? Well, Samsung Neo QLED 8K Smart TV has made that possible. With its stunning 8K picture detail and world-class 3.2.1ch soundbar, you can immerse yourself in your favorite movies, shows, and games like never before.
As a tech enthusiast, I've been using Samsung's latest Neo QLED 8K Smart TV for the past few weeks, and let me tell you, it has been a game-changer. The picture is so life-like and vivid that it feels like you're in the scene rather than just watching from the sidelines. This state-of-the-art television elevates every detail to stunning 8K resolution, which I've found makes a massive difference.
The audio experience is equally impressive, thanks to technology like Dolby Atmos, Object Tracking Sound+, and Q-Symphony 3.0. The sound feels immersive, whether you're listening to music, watching a thrilling action movie, or binge-watching your favorite TV series. The built-in Anti-Reflection technology paired with the Ultra Viewing Angle ensures that the view is superb from any seat in the room, with a consistent and detailed 8K picture at any angle in any light.
Now, let's talk about the thin, sleek design of this TV. The Infinity One Design is not only eye-catching but also practical, thanks to its attachable Slim One Connect solution that tucks all your cords and cables out of sight. It's almost like having a home theater at your fingertips.
But, as with any product, it's not all sunshine and roses. While the Samsung Neo QLED 8K Smart TV offers an incredible viewing experience, I did encounter some minor frustrations. For instance, the menu interface was somewhat sluggish at first, but fortunately, Samsung has since improved it with a recent update. Additionally, I've noticed that the built-in Wi-Fi connection sometimes struggles with maintaining a stable speed, which can be inconvenient during heavy streaming sessions.
In conclusion, the Samsung Neo QLED 8K Smart TV delivers an unparalleled viewing experience with its stunning 8K picture and immersive audio, all wrapped up in an attractive and practical design. Although there are a few minor drawbacks, they do not detract significantly from the overall experience.

🔗LG C1 77" OLED 4K Smart TV: Advanced Picture Quality, Innovative Features, 8K-Like Viewing Experience

The LG C1 OLED Smart TV is a marvel in my living room, and I must say, it's quite a sight to behold. With its sleek, almost frameless design, it blends in seamlessly with the rest of my decor. I've been using it for a few weeks now and can confidently say it's one of the best televisions I've ever had the pleasure of owning.
The TV's self-lit pixels give off their own light, resulting in perfect black levels, vibrant colors, and stunning picture quality. The α9 Gen 5 AI Processor 4K ensures lifelike images and smooth motion, making games and movies more immersive than ever. I've been streaming my favorite shows and games on this beauty and have been thoroughly impressed by the clarity and sharpness.
However, one aspect I've had a bit of trouble with is the software. The interface can be a bit wonky at times and has caused me some frustration. Sometimes, I've had issues with connecting my speakers and found it annoying when I couldn't customize all of the picture profiles I wanted. Additionally, the change from the old AI TV to the newer LG ThinQ AI has been a bit of an adjustment, and I wish it were easier to switch back when needed.
The TV's build quality, on the other hand, is impressive. It's solid and sturdy, making me feel confident that it will last for a long time. The OLED Surround Speaker System produces immersive sound, and the LG Sound Sync feature adds an extra layer of depth to the audio.
In conclusion, the LG C1 OLED TV is a fantastic addition to any home theater setup. Its advanced self-lighting display, AI processor, and sleek design make it stand out from the competition. While the software can be frustrating at times, the overall viewing experience with this TV is unparalleled.

🔗LG 77" 4K OLED Smart TV - Elevated Gaming & Immersive Entertainment

The LG OLED77CXP 4K Smart OLED TV offers a breathtaking viewing experience. The 77-inch self-lighting OLED display provides rich, deep colors and stunning contrast, thanks to the α9 Gen 3 AI Processor 4K. With LG ThinQ AI, Google Assistant, and Alexa integration, this TV becomes the ultimate smarthome device, allowing easy access to streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. The webOS platform provides a user-friendly interface, and Dolby Vision IQ and Dolby Atmos deliver cinematic sight and sound.
In my daily life, I used this TV to watch movies and play games. The improved response times and HDR gaming make this TV perfect for sports enthusiasts and gamers. However, I experienced frustrations with the TV's WiFi adapter, which often dropped the connection.
The LG OLED77CXP is elegant in design, making it an attractive addition to any living space. The 4K display and smart features enhance every aspect of entertainment, providing immersive viewing experiences. If you're considering investing in a high-quality TV, this one is certainly worth considering.

🔗Premium 77-inch LG C2 Series 4K Smart OLED Evo TV with AI and 120Hz Native Refresh Rate

I recently got my hands on the LG 77-inch C2 OLED TV, and let me tell you - it's a massive, cinematic experience like no other. With its over 8 million pixels, it creates an ultra-vivid picture that's absolutely breathtaking. Add to that the multi-dimensional surround sound from Dolby Atmos, and you've got a full sensory experience that's unrivaled.
One of my favorite features is the AI Picture Pro and AI 4K Upscaling. They work together seamlessly to provide the best picture quality, even for non-4K content. And with a native refresh rate of 120Hz, everything on the screen looks incredibly smooth and lifelike.
However, there are a couple of drawbacks. The remote feels a bit cheap and could use an upgrade. Additionally, the stand may not be as sturdy as some would like, but it does a decent job of holding up this giant TV.
Overall, the LG C2 OLED TV is an impressive piece of technology that truly delivers on its promise of a cinematic experience right in your own home. If you're looking for a top-notch TV, this is definitely worth considering, despite its minor flaws.

🔗Samsung 77" Class OLED 4K Smart TV: Unmatched Contrast and Picture Quality

Imagine coming home after a long day and being transported to a world of immersive colors, contrast, and sound just by sitting down on your couch. That's the experience Samsung's 77" Class OLED S90C 4K Smart TV offers you. The first time you turn this beauty on, be prepared to be captivated. You might not want to leave it ever!
As I settled in for my first viewing, I was amazed by the sheer vibrancy and brightness of the picture. The contrast was so rich, it felt like I was walking right into the scenes. The darkest nights turned as black as my cat's fur, while the brightest days shimmered with an almost otherworldly glow. The color palette was nothing short of mesmerizing, painting every frame with hues that seemed to stretch from pale pastels to deep, vibrant tones.
But the experience didn't just stop at the screen. The audio was equally impressive, pulling me into the action as if I was really there. Whether it was the roar of a lion in 'The Lion King' or the gentle patter of rain in 'The Sound of Music', the Dolby Atmos sound system ensured every detail was crisp and clear.
One of the standout features for me was the 144 Hz Native Refresh Rate, which made every motion on the screen look fluid and natural. Fast-paced action scenes in games or sports events felt incredibly smooth, keeping my eyes glued to the screen.
However, despite these impressive positives, there were a few niggles. For one, setting it up took a bit longer than expected. Also, the remote seemed a bit low on features compared to other smart TVs I've used. But hey, you can't have everything, right?
Overall, Samsung's OLED S90C has become my go-to for every viewing experience. It's like having my very own personal cinema. The few hiccups are negligible compared to the overall joy this television brings into my life. Sure, it may cost a bomb, but trust me, it's worth every penny. If you're looking for a TV that truly immerses you in the viewing experience, look no further!
Disclaimer: I received no compensation for this review and the opinion is mine alone.

🔗Premium 77-inch 4K Smart OLED TV with Ai ThinQ - Refurbished

Imagine diving headfirst into a pool of vivid colors, deep blacks, and jaw-dropping picture quality. That's precisely what you get with this stunning LG OLED TV. As someone who loves to unwind in front of an excellent screen, I must say, this LG 77-incher has taken my world by storm. With its incredible gaming capabilities, including NVIDIA G-SYNC, you'll be crushing the competition in no time. The self-lit pixels are the stars of the show here, giving you a cinematic experience you never knew possible, right in your living room.
But, as much as I love this TV, there are a couple of caveats. Setting it up might be a bit of a challenge, and it could have been even better with slightly higher-quality sound. The remote's build quality is also not up to par with the rest of the television. However, the pros far outweigh the cons, and this LG OLED certainly knows how to deliver an unforgettable viewing adventure.

🔗Durable 4K Ultra HD Ready Cinema Format Projector Screen

I recently purchased the Silver Ticket 4K Ultra HD Ready Cinema Format Projector Screen and have been thoroughly impressed with its performance. The aluminum frame not only looks elegant but also functions as a barrier against corrosion. The velvet material covering the screen effortlessly absorbs the projection light, providing an enhanced viewing experience with improved clarity.
Setting up this screen was a breeze compared to other brand options. The innovative Tension Rod System not only saves time but also eliminates any wrinkles on the screen's surface. The hidden rod system ensures that the viewing area remains devoid of shadows with a seamless and crisp look.
One crucial aspect I appreciate about this screen is the ease of installation. The sturdy aluminum frame makes it simple to mount on the wall, similar to hanging a large picture frame. The WRAPPED, not flocked, black velvet fabric effectively absorbs over-projected light, eliminating the need for precise alignment—a feature I greatly appreciate, especially for a home theater setup.
In conclusion, the Silver Ticket Projector Screen offers exceptional value for money and impressive performance, making it an excellent choice for anyone seeking an affordable yet high-quality 100-inch TV alternative. Its sleek design, easy setup, and stellar visual experience make it a worthwhile investment for any home theater enthusiast.

🔗Samsung Q60A 85" QLED 4K Smart TV with Dual LED Backlighting

As I sat down to enjoy my favorite show on the Samsung Q60A, I couldn't help but appreciate the stunning visuals that filled the screen. The vibrant colors and deep contrasts made the images come to life in a way that I had never experienced before. But it wasn't just the picture quality that impressed me; the Q60A also had a sleek, modern design that looked great in my living space.
Using the TV was a breeze too. Samsung's Tizen operating system made it easy to navigate between different apps and streaming services, and the smart features provided a wealth of content options. Plus, the Ambient Mode was a nice touch, letting the TV blend in with the surroundings or display my favorite photos when not in use.
Of course, no product is perfect, and the Q60A did have a couple of drawbacks. The viewing angles were fairly limited, which could be frustrating for those who wanted to watch from different positions. And while the visuals were impressive, the sound quality didn't quite match the level of immersion. But overall, I would confidently recommend the Samsung Q60A to anyone looking for a smart, stunningly visual smart TV that's perfect for a home theater setup.

🔗Ultra-Sharp 100" QLED 4K UHD TV for Action-Packed Gaming and Movie Buffs

I recently had the pleasure of using the Samsung 85" Q70A QLED 4K UHD Smart TV as my main entertainment hub, and I must say, it was an impressive experience! Right off the bat, the 120Hz technology and 4K resolution instantly caught my eye, and I knew I was in for a treat. The screen's lifelike colors and razor-sharp clarity had me excited to dive into a variety of content, from action-packed movies to sports events.
However, there were a few aspects I found to be slightly disappointing. At times, the TV's sound quality felt a bit on the low side, making me yearn for the convenience of external speakers. Additionally, the remote's build quality didn't leave the most premium of impressions, which left me hoping for an upgrade in the future.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Samsung Q70A QLED TV more than made up for it with its superb image quality and smooth motion. Its screen's adaptability and responsiveness were truly stunning, allowing me to effortlessly switch from one show to another without any noticeable delays or lag.
Overall, the Samsung 85" Q70A QLED 4K UHD Smart TV was a fantastic addition to my living space, and it served as a constant reminder of the wonders of modern technology. With its stunning visuals and powerful performance, this TV definitely left its mark on my daily life.

🔗TCL 98 Inch Class S5 4K LED HDR Smart TV: Immersive 4K Ultra HD Experience with Premium Audio

Get ready for the ultimate viewing experience with TCL's 98-inch 4K Ultra HD TV. This behemoth lets you immerse in razor-sharp details that are four times clearer than standard Full HD TVs, thanks to its impressive 4K Ultra HD resolution. The 120Hz panel refresh rate ensures a smooth and blur-free display while motion rate 480 with MEMC Frame Insertion provides exceptional motion clarity, perfect for fast-action movies, sports, and games.
The wide color gamut delivers an incredibly lifelike picture, while the high brightness Direct LED backlight amps up the viewing experience for all your favorite movies and shows. HDR ULTRA support brings enhanced contrast and accurate colors, transforming your viewing experience. The TV's AIPQ Engine with Deep Learning AI optimizes color, contrast, and clarity, making every scene come alive.
For gamers, the Auto Game Mode and Game Accelerator 240 reduce lag and offer responsive gameplay, ensuring you're always ahead of the competition. DTS Virtual: X provides an immersive 3D sound experience, making you feel like you're right in the action, all from just your TV speakers. The FullView Metal Bezel-less Design seamlessly blends into your viewing space, creating a cinematic experience right in your living room.
While the 98-inch screen size may be challenging to move and find the right stand or mount, once set up, this TV is a game-changer. With support for popular streaming services, its Google TV smart platform, and voice-enabled remote control, you'll have everything you need in one place. Enjoy unforgettable movie nights, sports events, and gaming sessions with this stunning, feature-packed, and cost-effective giant of a TV.

🔗Outdoor Movie Screen for 4K HD 100-inch Projector Screen

The VEVOR 100 16:9 Fixed Frame Projector Screen is a great addition to any home theater set-up. I recently used this projector screen for an outdoor movie night, and I was impressed with the quality and performance of the screen. The screen resolution of 16:9 and a diagonal size of 100 inches made the viewing experience even more enjoyable for all the guests.
One of the highlights of this projector screen is the PVC screen material, which provides high color reproduction and low reflectivity. This allowed for a better viewing experience even in bright outdoor conditions. The frame, made of aluminum alloy with a velvet finish, added a touch of elegance and style to our backyard movie night.
The screen is designed for wall mounting, with fixing buttons around the frame to secure it in place. The two hanging parts at the top frame make installation easy and hassle-free. The screen is also washable, which is a plus for those who want to keep their projector screen clean.
However, there were a few drawbacks to this projector screen. Firstly, the size of the screen might be overwhelming in smaller spaces, as it measures 91.8 x 53.7 inches. Additionally, the screen's weight might make it difficult for one person to mount it on the wall.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the VEVOR 100 16:9 Fixed Frame Projector Screen is a high-quality and affordable option for home theater enthusiasts. With its advanced features and sleek design, this projector screen is sure to impress your guests at your next movie night.

🔗Vividstorm S Pro Motorized Tension Floor Rising 100" ALR Projector Screen

Imagine being able to bring the movie theater experience right into your living room for a fraction of the cost. That's exactly what the VIVIDSTORM-Projection Screen S Pro 100 inch Motor Rollable Laser TV offers. I recently had the pleasure of trying this out in my own home, and let me tell you, it was nothing short of amazing.
The first thing that stood out to me was the ambient light rejecting feature. In my case, I have a brightly lit living room, and I've always struggled to enjoy a good movie in that kind of environment. But with the VIVIDSTORM, the picture remained crisp and clear, no matter how much light was around. It was like having a mini-theater right at home!
Another feature I found impressive was the motorized rising system. Gone are the days of wrestling with a heavy projector screen. With a simple touch of a button, the VIVIDSTORM rises up to the perfect height for an optimal viewing experience. It's a feature that I never knew I needed, but once I tried it, I couldn't imagine going back to the old way.
But no product is perfect, and I did encounter a couple of minor issues. For one, the installation process could have been a bit more straightforward. I found myself reading the manual several times before I could get it set up just right. And while the screen itself was fantastic, the quality of the remote control left a little to be desired. It seemed a bit flimsy, and the buttons didn't always respond as quickly as I would have liked.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I can confidently say that the VIVIDSTORM-Projection Screen S Pro 100 inch Motor Rollable Laser TV is a worthy investment for any movie lover. It offers a level of convenience and picture quality that I never thought possible in a home projector. So, if you're looking to elevate your viewing experience, give this product a try - you won't be disappointed.

🔗LG 77" A2 4K Smart OLED TV for Ultimate Home Viewing Experience

After trying out the LG 77-inch A2 4K HDR Smart OLED TV, I have to say I was impressed. The lifelike picture with its richer and more vivid colors is a game-changer.
Customization is a bonus, allowing each family member to have their own separate accounts and personalized recommendations. WebOS 22's user-friendly interface makes it a breeze to navigate, while the built-in access to streaming services and Disney+ is a real treat.
The remote was simple to use, but it would be nice if it could control a sound system as well. The OLED technology is the real star of the show, providing unrivaled picture quality. Overall, an excellent choice for a premium TV experience.

🔗82-inch QLED Smart TV with Q Contrast and Q HDR

Experience the ultimate in home entertainment with the Samsung Q6F 82-inch 4K Ultra HD LED Smart TV. Say goodbye to the hassle of setting up multiple devices and enjoy seamless connectivity with its four HDMI inputs. The sleek design and stunning picture quality make this TV a statement piece in any living room, while the Smart TV feature allows you to access streaming services and live TV with ease.
The built-in Bixby Voice feature also enhances the user experience by making it easier to find and watch your favorite content. Despite some drawbacks, such as occasional connection issues and suboptimal performance with certain streaming services, the Samsung Q6F 82-inch 4K Ultra HD LED Smart TV is a solid choice for those seeking big-screen entertainment and smart TV capabilities.

Buyer's Guide

Congratulations on your decision to invest in a 100-inch TV! This guide will walk you through the most important features to consider when purchasing a TV of this size. We'll also provide some general advice to help you make the best decision for your needs.

Screen Resolution

4K and 8K are the two most common screen resolutions you'll find in 100-inch TVs. 4K has four times as many pixels as Full HD (1080p) and offers sharper, more detailed images. 8K offers even higher resolution and superior detail, but it may be overkill for a screen this size. Consider your viewing distance and the content you plan to watch when deciding on the right resolution for you.

Screen Type: LED or OLED

LED TVs use light-emitting diodes for backlighting, while OLED TVs use organic light-emitting diodes. OLED TVs typically offer better contrast, deeper black levels, and more vibrant colors. LED TVs, on the other hand, tend to be more affordable and have a wider range of screen sizes to choose from. If budget is a concern, LED TVs can be a viable option, but if you prioritize picture quality, consider an OLED model.

Smart Features

A smart TV allows you to access various streaming services, apps, and other features directly from the TV. Some of the most popular smart TV platforms include Android TV, Roku TV, and WebOS. Consider the compatibility of your existing devices and streaming subscriptions when selecting a smart TV platform.


Sound Quality

Larger screens naturally have more sound-absorbing surface area, which can negatively impact sound quality. Look for TVs with built-in speakers that offer clear, powerful sound. Some models may include extra bass or Dolby Atmos support for a more immersive audio experience.

Dimensions and Installation

A 100-inch TV is a significant investment, both in terms of money and space. Ensure you have enough room for the screen and all necessary components such as a soundbar or console. Additionally, consider the weight of the TV and any additional support it may need for proper installation.

Budget and Additional Features

Finally, consider your budget and if there are any additional features you would like, such as a smart remote, voice control, or built-in streaming services. Balance your needs with your budget to find the best 100-inch TV for you.
Remember that every home and viewing environment is unique. Take your time, research the options available, and consult with an expert if necessary. With these considerations in mind, you're sure to find the perfect 100-inch TV for your needs.


Which 100 Inch TVs are the best?

The best 100-inch TVs typically have impressive picture quality, excellent sound systems, and cutting-edge smart features. In the article, we will discuss top models like Samsung, Sony, and LG, offering an in-depth review of their features and performance.


Are 100-inch TVs worth the investment?

100-inch TVs are worth the investment for those seeking larger-than-life entertainment experiences. They offer enhanced picture and sound quality for enjoying movies, sports, and games in greater detail. Despite their high price, they provide a unique experience that is unmatched by smaller screens.

Can I install a 100-inch TV in my living room?

Installing a 100-inch TV in your living room will require proper planning. You should consider factors such as wall space, cable and power outlet placement, and furniture arrangements. Consulting with a professional installer or contractor can help you determine if a 100-inch TV is a viable option for your home.

How much do 100-inch TVs cost?

100-inch TVs are high-end products, and their price ranges from $20,000 to over $100,000, depending on the brand, features, and technology used. Expect to pay a premium for the most advanced and highest-quality 100-inch televisions.

What are the main benefits of having a 100-inch TV?

  • Enhanced picture quality for ultimate viewing experience.
  • Immersive entertainment experience, perfect for sports, movies, and games.
  • Smart features for controlling the TV from your smartphone or using voice commands.
  • State-of-the-art sound systems for an immersive audio experience.
  • A unique and exclusive feature that sets it apart from smaller screen TVs.

Are there any disadvantages to owning a 100-inch TV?

The main disadvantage of owning a 100-inch TV is the high cost. Additionally, their size may not be suitable for every living room, and installation can be challenging and expensive. The large size also consumes more energy, which could result in increased utility costs.

What is the size of a 100-inch TV compared to other TV sizes?

100 inches is significantly larger than the standard TV sizes. To give you an idea, a 60-inch TV is about 5 feet wide, while a 100-inch TV is nearly 8.5 feet wide. This size offers a more immersive entertainment experience, but it also comes with challenges such as installing and accommodating the TV within the living space.

How much space is required to install a 100-inch TV?

Installing a 100-inch TV requires a considerable amount of space. Most living rooms have walls that cannot accommodate a screen of this size, and special mounting systems or custom-built structures may be necessary. Before installing, make sure to measure the space and consider furniture arrangements to ensure the TV fits properly.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:06 Adventurous-Ear9433 Accounts of Enoch & the watchers :ExtraDimensional Entities manipulate our reality, "soul trap" , Fallen angels influences

"in the form of man move they amongst us, but only to sight were they as are men. Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the Councils, taking forms that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o'er man. Only by magic could they be discovered. Only by sound could their faces be seen. Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows to destroy man and rule in his place" -Thoth, the Great Wise
cultural Artifact Photo
GEN 11-7 :"let us go down and confuse the people with different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other"..
Homo Sapiens is a Hybrid species, one that has been purposefully adapted to receive interdimensional influences of suppression and enslavement. This was once well known by the populace & the Apkallu were so well loved because they were seen as protectors of humanity.
This is imo a genuine account, i believe it gives a great exampleof this "soul trap" mentioned. a Reptilian contact experience ironically its inside a church, the gnostics spoke about those who were followers of religious ideologies of an insane & inhumane nature were food for these archons. They describe a net of sorts which stretched across the planet. According to gnostics The light body was believed to be necessary to escape through this "net". *
That light people always mention with respect to NDE, Dont enter it, this recycles the soul causing a perpetual reincarnation cycle on Earth. Going through the light takes your astral to What we call the veil of forgetfulness, where consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean and it is recycled – reincarnated – into another body to repeat the same process. In this way the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it’s very difficult to escape*
Remember in Spiderman where the cathedral bell removes the symbiotes, which was a negative alien parasite feeding on dark emotions? I wonder if This is why the cathedrals (which were healing centers, cymatic symbols in windows) all had their bells confiscated. Like with the Armys 1st Nvg by Dr Kliner, oper starlight. Is this the real reason starlight scopeswere banned?
During the age of the ‘Church Fathers,’ from the fourth century onward, the Book of Enoch started to become suppressed. This led to the strange decision by St Augustine (AD 354-430) that the Book of Enoch was too old (Ob nimian antiquitatem) to be included in scripture. Rabbi Simeon Ben Jochai also worked toward the book being pushed underground when he declared that all are cursed who believe angels are flesh and blood beings that physically came to earth. But they did, and they knew this of course. Its all about deception, that quote about the devils greatest trick? Creating a fantasy with some red guy, with a pitchfork. The belief in physical angels was declared as heresy, and the text did go underground and straight into the hands of the secret societies.
Recommend first reading this post Mystery Schools. Pres Kennedy spoke about this war being ancient in origin. The battle between the ‘Sons of Light’ and the ‘Sons of Darkness’ i previously talked about has been ongoing up until this present day. Same evil Watchers, and their offspring from Enochs time. Archonic reptilians who are called to our reality with black magic. Mostly the plane they Inhabit is between two worlds in the lower astral planes of the fourth dimension of the planet Earth, a dimensionally unstable region and not permanent for the establishment of a galactic race. Dwelling in this place beyond human sensory perception, makes them invisible to the majority of human beings, which allows them to be able to work "behind the scenes", like puppeteers in a puppet theater, in temporary or permanent possession and the manipulation of the "sleeping" population.
It is worth here the observation that the reptilian race is one of the oldest extraterrestrial races in the galaxy, scattered by many universes and with a lot of variations. Usually i only discuss the benevolent side. But The reptilians referred to here are a group of fallen beings from the grace, galactic criminals who refused to reform and continue the ascension of his race brothers, and that instead they persist on their crooked path. They do not obey any galactic law or cling to any protocol. They are a cunning and highly minority evil within the galactic races, here referred to as beings infernal or satanic, who followed their leader Lucifer or Satan.
Here i discussed the Statue of Liberty & mentioned I think we're in the age of deception, this is because of our disconnection from our true nature; lack of knowledge of self. The church convinced the world that only what you can see exists, removed the nonphysical, 3rd eye, acoustics thru tri tone suppression & suppression of human consciousness. This means humanity is living with only knowledge of half of our actual reality, dismissing sacred geometry & the basic principles of the universe. A most successful strategy has been Through Consciousness Distractors. "Give them bread & circuses and they shall never revolt"
Now the Roman authorities actually called themselves Archon , but they'd completely created entire populations of sheep playing follow the leader. In Greek/Roman states archon (plural, archontoi) is rendered as "the authorities", yea the very entities the gnostics had been trying to tell you about
Through their influence We've have become addicted to this reality three-dimensional matrix living under their control, and they are parasites, like leeches, that feed on human emotional etheric energy, and chemicals secreted by the human body under intense terror or emotional conflict. HollyWood, originates with the Druids whod make wands using the wood of the Holly tree to cast spells on the unsuspecting. Like how people worship celebrities today & fall victim to predictive programming thru TV & films. So they keep us imprisoned in the left brain while using media, subliminal imagery, symbolism & suggestion. Etymology of Government, comes from guvarne- to control & ment/mentis- mind. Due to the proximity to the third dimension they can manipulate and feel this dimension. Elizondo says the Pentagon thinks the ETs are "demons"& interdimensional. Due to the constant instigation and exploitation of chaos, conflict, violence and fear by the media journalistic and by the entertainment industry, which are controlled, for the most part, from the lower astral planes.
In the Testament of Baruch -"Thus they allured the Watchmen before the flood, for as these continually beheld them, they lusted after them and conceived the act in their mind; for they changed themselves into the shape of men and appeared to them when they were with their husbands; and the women, lusting in their minds after their forms, gave birth to giants" ....
According to Mi-6 , And Nsa whistleblowers Project Oaktree was ultimately looking for the human descendants of the Watchers. The Tribe of Dan travelled from Dan (‘Kaish’ in Hebrew) just below Mt Hermon and went up into Greece around the time of the Exodus. From Greece they travelled to France where they were the Merovingian Priest-Kings and other French Royal lines. From France they travelled to Scotland, Ireland and America.These evil factions believe that by abusing children and people of this bloodline, they are directly attacking God. So with Masons, the go by degrees with 33 being the top so to speak. In Enochs writings, he describes how the followers of the evil ones would go & meet with the 33 fallen to learn the secrets of the angels. This is a fascinating book written about the Hall of Records under the Sphinx in Romania, you'll see that a certain secret society wasn't able to gain access due to an energy barrier that couldn't be bypassed, they had to get one of US to even enter it. What I spoke about with apotropaic spells surrounding megalithic sites . Transylvania Sunrise
"our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world's darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"
submitted by Adventurous-Ear9433 to EscapingPrisonPlanet [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:57 Adventurous-Ear9433 Enoch & the Watchers: Modern events connection to "Fallen angels ", invisible warfare

"in the form of man move they amongst us, but only to sight were they as are men. Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the Councils, taking forms that were like unto men. Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o'er man. Only by magic could they be discovered. Only by sound could their faces be seen. Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows to destroy man and rule in his place" -Thoth, the Great Wise
cultural Artifact Photo
GEN 11-7 :"let us go down and confuse the people with different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other"..
Homo Sapiens is a Hybrid species, one that has been purposefully adapted to receive interdimensional influences of suppression and enslavement. This was once well known by the populace & the Apkallu were so well loved because they were seen as protectors of humanity.
Remember in Spiderman where the cathedral bell removes the symbiotes, which was a negative alien parasite feeding on dark emotions? I wonder if This is why the cathedrals (which were healing centers, cymatic symbols in windows) all had their bells confiscated. Like with the Armys 1st Nvg by Dr Kliner, oper starlight. Is this the real reason starlight scopeswere banned?
During the age of the ‘Church Fathers,’ from the fourth century onward, the Book of Enoch started to become suppressed. This led to the strange decision by St Augustine (AD 354-430) that the Book of Enoch was too old (Ob nimian antiquitatem) to be included in scripture. Rabbi Simeon Ben Jochai also worked toward the book being pushed underground when he declared that all are cursed who believe angels are flesh and blood beings that physically came to earth. But they did, and they knew this of course. Its all about deception, that quote about the devils greatest trick? Creating a fantasy with some red guy, with a pitchfork. The belief in physical angels was declared as heresy, and the text did go underground and straight into the hands of the secret societies.
Recommend first reading this post Mystery Schools. Pres Kennedy spoke about this war being ancient in origin. The battle between the ‘Sons of Light’ and the ‘Sons of Darkness’ i previously talked about has been ongoing up until this present day. Same evil Watchers, and their offspring from Enochs time. Archonic reptilians who are called to our reality with black magic. Mostly the plane they Inhabit is between two worlds in the lower astral planes of the fourth dimension of the planet Earth, a dimensionally unstable region and not permanent for the establishment of a galactic race. Dwelling in this place beyond human sensory perception, makes them invisible to the majority of human beings, which allows them to be able to work "behind the scenes", like puppeteers in a puppet theater, in temporary or permanent possession and the manipulation of the "sleeping" population.
It is worth here the observation that the reptilian race is one of the oldest extraterrestrial races in the galaxy, scattered by many universes and with a lot of variations. Usually i only discuss the benevolent side. But The reptilians referred to here are a group of fallen beings from the grace, galactic criminals who refused to reform and continue the ascension of his race brothers, and that instead they persist on their crooked path. They do not obey any galactic law or cling to any protocol. They are a cunning and highly minority evil within the galactic races, here referred to as beings infernal or satanic, who followed their leader Lucifer or Satan.
Here i discussed the Statue of Liberty & mentioned I think we're in the age of deception, this is because of our disconnection from our true nature; lack of knowledge of self. The church convinced the world that only what you can see exists, removed the nonphysical, 3rd eye, acoustics thru tri tone suppression & suppression of human consciousness. This means humanity is living with only knowledge of half of our actual reality, dismissing sacred geometry & the basic principles of the universe. A most successful strategy has been Through Consciousness Distractors. "Give them bread & circuses and they shall never revolt"
Now the Roman authorities actually called themselves Archon , but they'd completely created entire populations of sheep playing follow the leader. In Greek/Roman states archon (plural, archontoi) is rendered as "the authorities", yea the very entities the gnostics had been trying to tell you about
Through their influence We've have become addicted to this reality three-dimensional matrix living under their control, and they are parasites, like leeches, that feed on human emotional etheric energy, and chemicals secreted by the human body under intense terror or emotional conflict. HollyWood, originates with the Druids whod make wands using the wood of the Holly tree to cast spells on the unsuspecting. Like how people worship celebrities today & fall victim to predictive programming thru TV & films. So they keep us imprisoned in the left brain while using media, subliminal imagery, symbolism & suggestion. Etymology of Government, comes from guvarne- to control & ment/mentis- mind. Due to the proximity to the third dimension they can manipulate and feel this dimension. Elizondo says the Pentagon thinks the ETs are "demons"& interdimensional. Due to the constant instigation and exploitation of chaos, conflict, violence and fear by the media journalistic and by the entertainment industry, which are controlled, for the most part, from the lower astral planes.
In the Testament of Baruch -"Thus they allured the Watchmen before the flood, for as these continually beheld them, they lusted after them and conceived the act in their mind; for they changed themselves into the shape of men and appeared to them when they were with their husbands; and the women, lusting in their minds after their forms, gave birth to giants" ....
According to Mi-6 , And Nsa whistleblowers Project Oaktree was ultimately looking for the human descendants of the Watchers. The Tribe of Dan travelled from Dan (‘Kaish’ in Hebrew) just below Mt Hermon and went up into Greece around the time of the Exodus. From Greece they travelled to France where they were the Merovingian Priest-Kings and other French Royal lines. From France they travelled to Scotland, Ireland and America.These evil factions believe that by abusing children and people of this bloodline, they are directly attacking God. So with Masons, the go by degrees with 33 being the top so to speak. In Enochs writings, he describes how the followers of the evil ones would go & meet with the 33 fallen to learn the secrets of the angels. This is a fascinating book written about the Hall of Records under the Sphinx in Romania, you'll see that a certain secret society wasn't able to gain access due to an energy barrier that couldn't be bypassed, they had to get one of US to even enter it. What I spoke about with apotropaic spells surrounding megalithic sites . Transylvania Sunrise
"our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world's darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"
submitted by Adventurous-Ear9433 to AlternativeHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:29 Pok008 How light image texture on plane on two sides?

I have a setup where a 2 dimensional plane has a noise texture creating the two white lines we see in the photo 1. Le point light just in front is lighting those two lines just right.
In the photo 2, we are looking at the back of the plane. We see the point light, still in front of the plane. The two lines, clearly visible, are not lit by the light. Any ways to actually make them react to light on both sides at the same time?
EDIT : For anyone potentially looking at this, I kinda answered to myself. Solution : Having a Diffuse_BSDF shader for the front part lighting and mix-shadering it with a Translucent_BSDF did the trick. The Translucent_BSDF is getting lit only by the «inverted normals» side, while de Diffuse_BSDF acts exactly as the inverse. Getting the two togheter does the trick.
Making the Mix_Shader factor to 0,5 to have the perfect blend between the two actually melts down a bit the value of the (in this case) white color (on each side). I simply added a Math node after a newly created RGB node, plugging all of this in the Color input of the Diffuse_BSDF, multiplying of the desired amount the value of the color that is getting a bit washed out by the Mix_Shader factor. Same thing for the Translucent_BSDF ; plugging the mutliplied color value into the input Color of the Translucent_BSDF.
Photo 3 shows the node setup for that part
Photo 1 (front of the plane)
Photo 2 (backside of the same plane)
submitted by Pok008 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 19:05 DrBunnyBerries Outdoor Wood Fired Community Sauna, Full Build and Review

It’s still not 100% finished, but I finally got the external trim up and we’ve been using it for seven months now, so it seems like time to make a full post.
This week, right after finishing trim and moving the scaffolding.
General Thoughts and Experience
We have been using this sauna now since about Halloween. It gets used very regularly, during cold months it was used every day, sometimes multiple times per day. It has held up really well and given the experience I was looking for. We have had groups as big as 11 inside on rare occasions, and six or seven is common and comfortable. There are a lot of things I would do differently next time, although those are mostly about the building itself and there is little I would change about the sauna experience. Eventually I would like a deck/hangout space in front, maybe a shower closer, and if I designed it again I would include a larger changing room.
Sandy beach is right of the dock. Pond is shallow right in front of sauna and is easy to wade into
I built this sauna for my intentional community and our neighbors, a group of around 50 people. I wanted it to be big enough to handle some large groups, but realistically 4-6 people most of the time.
I had never built a building (or much of anything else) before starting this, so it needed to be pretty simple, rustic, and functional.
Our community has rules and norms around buildings that emphasize using natural and reclaimed materials and limiting impact on the land. You can read more about us at https://www.dancingrabbit.org/building/natural-building/
I chose a site near our swimming pond, no utilities available and added emphasis on a low impact design.
The foundation is six Osage Orange Posts, 10-14” diameter, buried 36” below grade (frostline is 25”).
We placed three beams across the posts on the short axis, then hung joists between them. I laid down hardware cloth on top of that to keep rodents out, and used reclaimed 2X6 Douglas Fir for decking.
After much consideration, I took the advice of sauna ( https://www.reddit.com/Sauna/comments/vnd32l/what\_did\_you\_put\_under\_your\_floor\_when\_building/ ) and did not insulate the floor. I also did not add a finish floor, so the decking provides both drainage and air intake.
The building is framed with 2X6 Douglas Fir that was reclaimed from an older building. It looks pretty rough, and some of it is, but it is as dry as it’s going to get and it has done all the warping and bending that it is likely to ever do, so it was actually really nice to work with.
The outside dimensions of the building are 16’X8’. It has a simple shed roof that falls 3’ over the 8’ span of the building itself. One of the big things I would do differently if I did it again would be to make the eaves larger and order proper length roofing rather than assembling 8’ sections. I would also probably make the footprint larger to accommodate an II bench layout inside and a larger changing room.
Insulation and vapor barrier
The hot room is insulated with mineral wool around the walls and ceiling. No insulation in the floor at all. So far the changing room is unfinished and uninsulated. Maybe one day we will finish it, but for now it’s more expense than necessary.
The interior of the hot room has an aluminum vapor barrier fully taped and sealed. Outside there is no vapor barrier around the hot room to avoid trapping moisture in the walls. I used tar paper on the roof and the walls of the changing room.
Exterior finish
The exterior is sided with shingles cut from pallet offcuts (heat treated). There is a pallet mill nearby and they sell the offcuts they didn’t use for basically nothing. Then it is a matter of picking out the pieces that are suitable thickness and width, cutting them to length, and attaching them to nailers running horizontally along the exterior walls. These shingles are 18” long and overlapped double so that 6” are showing and there are three layers of shingle everywhere.
Tons of work to cut each shingle, but basically free.
Trim is done with reclaimed barn siding. The roof is a simple steel roof ordered from a big box store.
Interior Paneling, Windows, and Door
I did a post about the interior paneling already ( https://www.reddit.com/Sauna/comments/17k9tiu/update_on_eastern_red_cedar_sauna_interio ).
Worked top down to make it easier to have a good top row on each wall that match each other and the ceiling. Nailed into only the bottom tab of each plank except the very top one. Then the next plan covered the nail heads. No nail heads are exposed except at the top, but not sure I'd do it this way again.
I used Eastern Red Cedar (ERC), which is botanically a juniper despite what people call it. There is a lot of conventional wisdom that says to not use it, but I found it great. Check the link for most of my thoughts. I’d say that now, seven months after that post, I am even more happy with my choice. The wood is holding up very well. The unique smell is still there, but it has subsided to the point that it isn’t at all overpowering, most people comment on how nice it smells. I don’t notice hot spots from the knots, even when looking for them. One knot on a wall seeped a tiny amount of sap, it wasn’t where anyone would touch so no problem.
I used a shiplap pattern for the paneling. I bought ¾” X 5 ½” rough cut planks and ran them through a planer to get a face. Then I used a dado blade on a table saw to create ½” X ⅜” grooves for the shiplap. Stainless steel brad nails hold them to 1X2 furring strips.
I initially nailed the paneling only in the grooves that were to be covered by the next board to avoid any metal heads showing. However, I had a couple of planks that tried to bow and warp and I had to replace one entirely because it turned into a big frown and was pushing out other planks (right at back level on the top bench naturally). So if I did it again, I would probably be a bit more liberal with the brad nails. Where they are exposed, they are very hard to see and not at all hot to the touch because they are recessed a tiny bit.
I had access to free tempered double paned glass that was salvaged and leftover from another project, so I used it. It is solid and should be pretty good in terms of heat transfer, although I don’t love that it has a pattern of privacy dots. No big deal, we’ve all gotten used to it and don’t really notice. There is a window in the door and one on the exterior wall, both are panes that I hung rather than prehung.
My favorite view.
I followed the Sauna Times method (more or less) for building the interior door https://www.saunatimes.com/building-a-sauna/build-your-own-sauna-doo It is a plywood core with paneling nailed to each side. I cut a rectangular hole to fit the window, it is smaller than the window on one side so the glass just dropped in. Then I used trim to hold the glass in place. The exterior of the door is actual cedar rather than ERC. My brother in law gave me just enough to do the door and some shelves and I was pretty much out of ERC at that point; no other practical reason for that choice. For door handles I used a bent ERC branch that I sanded down on one side, the other side is a root from an Autumn Olive tree that is sanded down. Again, no real reason except that I saw it on an uprooted tree and thought it was a great shape.
Don't mind the mess.
I previously posted some more detail interior door pictures here - https://imgur.com/gallery/interior-door-RqzWXGI
I debated long and hard about whether to use ERC for the bench wood. It’s very knotty and I was worried about hot spots. In the end I decided to try it for consistency. The ERC lumber that was available was live edge 1” (4/4) slabs rough cut in varying widths. I planed it and ripped it into sizes that maximized what I could get out of the slabs. I ended up with widths of 2 ¾” for the slats as well as a set of boards close to dimensional (5.5" and 3.5") sizes for the frame.
Framing in progress, foot bench and steps still to be added.
Given the thinness of this lumber and the fact that ERC isn’t as strong as some other woods, I decided not to go for floating benches, but instead put legs on the frames. I am very happy with this choice and I don’t think we lost much by including legs, but I do feel much more confident in the weight bearing capacity when we have large groups in here.
The frames are made from the widest pieces of lumber. I attached them to the walls with high capacity lag screws and planned the sequence so that no hardware is visible. In a few cases this meant toe screwing or pocket screwing as well. I included cross braces for reinforcement about every three feet inside the frames so that the bench tops are well supported and can’t really sag anywhere.
The tops of the benches are separate units that can be pulled up for cleaning, inspired by the Sauna Times tutorial ( https://www.saunatimes.com/building-a-sauna/sauna-benches/ ). I’m not sure that was important since it’s easy enough to climb under the benches, but it wasn’t really any more work. The slats are held together with the medium width ERC boards I ripped. They are attached near each end on the underside of the bench, and they are recessed to be snug in the frames so that they provide lateral stability and keep the bench tops from sliding forward and back. One thing I would do differently if I did it again would be to include a few more of these brackets as some of the longer slats have warped a little bit in the heat.
Bench widths are 23” and 22” on the top level, 18” and 13” on the second level, and the foot bench and steps are 8” wide. The top bench is 43” from the ceiling, then it is 18” down to the second bench and another 18” down to the foot bench. I originally made the steps as a separate removable piece to make cleaning easier. But it was wobbly and a little bit scary, so I ended up attaching the steps to the bench frame structure.
I put up some rope lights under the top bench. They work fine when we need some light, but it seems like the batteries go quickly.
I know the L-shape is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it works well for our regular groups of four to seven. I’ve been in the sauna with as many as 11 people and, while it wasn’t exactly comfortable, it worked. If I had it to design again, I would seriously consider an II layout with the heater at the back and a raised platform floor.
Heater and Ventilation
This is a Harvia Pro20 wood fired heater. I bought two boxes of rocks and stacked as many as I could possibly get on it, which is about 1.5 boxes total. It heats up really well, takes about 30 minutes for the room to get usable even when it’s cold outside and within an hour it can be hotter than anyone wants.
I debated for a while and ended up buying the Harvia heat shield that attaches directly to the heater and this was a great choice. Not only does it reduce the clearances dramatically, it also stays pretty cool to the touch. Well, not cool, but it’s cool enough that if someone were to grab it accidentally or fall on it, they would not get burned. The walls are additionally shielded with corrugated steel, 1” air gap, cement board, ¾” air gap. On all sides of the heater, I left one or two inches more clearance than required because fire safety isn’t something I’m interested in messing with.
I read all the things about ventilation and find it all confusing. So I just way overdid it. The floor is uninsulated, so it provides more fresh air intake than the stove could ever use. I also put a vent low behind the stove on the interior wall, thinking that if we ever decide to insulate the floor, it could be useful. There is a vent near the ceiling in the corner opposite the heater that we open after every sauna to let out any steam. And another one on the wall behind the heater about halfway between the rocks and the ceiling. When people feel stuffy, we open that one, although I think it’s probably more placebo than anything given how much air comes through the floor. Mostly we use the high ones to vent moisture after we’re done.
Changing Room
The changing room just kind of exists, I didn’t put much effort into finishing it. I paneled the interior wall with plywood to hold back the insulation, but there is no insulation or wall finish elsewhere. I made a couple of benches from an ERC slab and some shelves and towel pegs from scrap lumber and branches of ERC trees growing nearby. Maybe one day we will finish it, but it seems like unnecessary cost. There is no electricity, so we have some janky LED lights that never seem to work right. Maybe that’s something I can tinker with for next winter.
Ptoto taken from just inside exterior door. Shelving goes around two walls, plus towel hooks by the door made from ERC branches growing just outside.
If I was designing another sauna, I would probably make the changing room larger. With more than about three people in there, it gets tight. And there really isn’t good indoor space for hanging out right now.
Outdoor Shower
The shower wasn’t really built for the sauna as much as just to be a shower. But it is between the village and the sauna, so it is convenient for anyone who wants to rinse off. Most folks just use the pond anyway.
Polycarb box contains a stainless tank and acts as a passive water heater. Water comes through a garden hose attached to a nearby hydrant.
Happy to answer any questions, this sub was hugely helpful for me in figuring out what to do and I'd like to return the favor. One last photo of the sauna in snow, prime time.
Perfect sauna weather. Photo from edge of icy pond. Smoke wisping up.
submitted by DrBunnyBerries to Sauna [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:05 Dinosaurnamedbee My Best friends ex is obsessed with me, (and possibly everyone ever.)

I can't believe I'm writing this. But I need some insight cause I find myself getting angry and confused. This is my first reddit post. Please excuse my redditor literacy.
This is the most convoluted story. It is long. But it's a ride.
You've been warned.
(Fake names obviously)
I (20f) have a best friend, Karl (20m) of 4 years. Now I see what you might assume. No. We're close but I'm mainly into women, I currently have a partner and have had a partner 90% of the time they where dating.
Now Karl got with Regina(19f) late 2022, the relationship started off rocky as she said "I only want you" but then kissed her ex, and then couldn't decide who she wanted. But still insisted once she chose Karl, she wanted to stay friends with her ex. Posted pictures when they'd "hang out" where it looked like she was sitting on his lap. But she swore she wasn't. Constantly blocked him after things would happen, then unblocked him, lied, then cried when Karl would find out.
Yes. Infuriating. But here you go. That's how Regina was introduced to our lives.
It took a while but eventually I tried to look past this. I care about Karl, if this was who he loved. We accepted it. Infact made it a point to invite her out to gatherings, made sure to offer her food, offer her drinks, chatting. Making sure she's involved. Gassing her up. Girlie things. (God I'm so desperate for everyone to love me it's a problem.)
Then her friends, ex boyfriend began to follow me, I had hoped this was because of how well I'd done to make friends. But this waa short lived.
Originally I'd just hoped it was banter. I'd chat to them, often sending pictures with Regina in her classes and joking with me.
Unfortunately I have social impairments, Slowly it became clear they where just laughing at me, calling me names but with cutesy emojis. Remember the girls in highschool? The ones thatd pretend to be your friend in class because it was funny? Like that.
So i stopped paying attention, often ignoring them. Unfortunately it only got worse. It got to a point I'd be spammed and have my instagram story replies with slurrs, calling me a pdf. File??? (I was talking to someone 6 years older than me?) Weird references, calling me cringe (I know. I know, worst thing ever right.), picking on my hair, my eyes(strabismus), my clothing. So I folded. Told Karl I wouldn't be dealing with it anymore. I'd blocked them, and asked karl To ask Regina to ask her friends to stop contacting me, I was doing my finishing project in college (uk) to get into university and it was getting to point I couldn't focus. I told him what had been happening, that I didn't know what her problem was. But I am a adult woman and this was bizarre.
Now, that alone. I forgave and in time, forgot. She had allegedly appologized "for them" and didn't know any of that was happening and had no I'll intent and hoped we could still be friends. Okay, sure.
Weird semi important point: she confessed in a groupchat that she used to be a 'chav' I said " you do look like someone who'd have bullied me" Banter. She then posted on her Instagram story (Paraphrased by memory) "When someone says you look like someone who'd have bullied them- but your friend died" I can't remember, but it was along the lines of that kind of 'what the fuck does that even mean'
Upon a later night of drinking, regina was talking to Karl about the ex, Mike. I brang up the fact her ex boyfriend kept liking my photos and was following me Hoping to bond over the fact this guy was weird, common girly bonding
"You know he only follows you so he could make fun of you and how cringe your posts are". She laughs.
The group goes quiet and holy shit I'm embarrassed. I just internalise that and change the subject.
Later I repost a reel of a guy saying something vaugely corresponding to this convosation. Basic premise when someone tells you their friend talks shit about you, then obviously you ask "why do they do that to you" (I know childish but at this point I was starting to really dislike her. My friend had sent it to me, It was late.) When i say She launched, "if you've got a problem talk to me instead of being weird and I'd tell you I was so scared of Mike and he held such a power over me and I just let him chat shit" I'd love to just mention this is after the 2nd time she'd unblocked him to talk to him behind Karl's back. I put up with it. Karl is at this point family. And if this is who he loves. We have to love her too.
This is all important to the point I swear.
My partners (now ex) friend Frank (22) and us fell out. Unimportant to this story but he let me know, Regina and an old very close friend had a groupchat to say very unpleasant things about me in, despite this old friend I never stopped speaking well of. Hoping we'd find eachother again. He'd been scouted when we had fallen out. But respected me enough to tell me. Another confrontation where she is so misunderstood and I'm making a big deal out of nothing and she's never ever had a problem with me.
Okay. Talked to Karl again. He is shocked but takes her word. As I'd kinda expect. Its his girlfriend. He took her to London over my birthday, he didn't want to ruin it. So he gave it up.
Karl throughout this is withdrawing from us. When he's with us it's like the light is gone from his eyes. He's distracted, quiet, doesn't laugh as much. Often tries to slip out of meetups because he'll "only bring you guys down". He's constantly picking up his phone. Constantly messaging. Cancelling plans. He won't talk to us. We where all worried.
Karl few months later calls me for advice. Turns out she kept getting caught in lies about her ex and general behaviours. Ignoring him for days again, threatening to game quit if she doesn't get the attention she wants. It'd all gotten so tiring that he didn't have any attraction to her anymore. He had no sex drive. He dreaded seeing her. But had to constantly message her. He's been feeling like this for months. Karl didn't want to leave her just before her birthday, he felt it cruel. But then it was the anniversary coming up. He didn't want to be responsible. He'd tried gifts, trips, anything just to make her happy. No matter what he did he still felt like nothing was enough. I managed to talk him through. About threatening suicide if someone wants to leave, is indeed abuse. He wasn't himself. How we felt and how we where worried. He got choked up. Not realizing anyone cared. He asked if he should leave. I asked if he was happy. "I can't imagine not having her there." Okay no. Not what I asked. Eventually he confessed He'd never felt lower. I said. Can you see yourself marrying her? No. Infact he said the thourght freaked him out. I said. Well. Why are you with her. Eventually it got to a point He left her. She said she'd been thinking about it. Yay? No 12 hours later he calls me saying its all fixed. Its all okay. How He's a horrible person for doing this to her. How it's him that needs to change. How he will spend a long time making this up to her. You know. I'm a domestic abuse survivor. But I never realized how much hearing that killed abit of my sould. Trying to convince Karl that he's worth anything is like trying to convince a deaf non signing American Conservative that the gays aren't trying to make him gay too.
They do eventually a few months later split. She says she wants to breakup as he "doesn't love her the way she wants him to" he is hurt but says okay. She then obviously realizes hey, he isn't gonna start begging on his knees. You can only hurt someone so much. She then asks "breakup sex" directly after and to this day its our favourite quote. But he says no, she asks for one more night, he says no you just broke up with me? Leave? She complains about not being able to get to the train station. Now. Karl didn't have his licence till a few weeks later. So queue the weirdest car ride with his DAD you've ever heard of. She cried. Hugged him. Begged him to reconsider. Karl officially has realized how disconnected he's become. Nah.
Queue a weird amount of messages ranging between "I'm sorry baby" to "I CANT BELIEVE YOURE GIVING UP ON US" and sexually charged messages, After karl finally blocks her. She begins to call him from various different numbers. Tries to get with his friends. Fails. Still calls him crying for the next 6 months. In which these events happen.
Frank from before. Now it turns out. While we don't have full timeline but either weirdly around the time they broke up they got /very/ close. To the point despite Frank having a partner. She was begging him to sleep with her. But Being weird with it. One minute she wants him. Next she doesn't. Basically, she loves the idea that she could have him. But doesn't want to keep any of them. Frank had a girlfriend. Goddess of a lady. Daisy. Regina proceeded to pick on every little thing to Frank about daisy she could. Always. Physical appearance.
Then. Now I am simply not making this up. after Frank separates himself from this situation. Regina begins to harrass Daisy, With telling Daisy about how much Frank's missing out on not shagging her instead.
And making 6 different instagram accounts to harrass them, and this is where I come in further.
Regina now, after the hate group chooses some last straws she can pull to drag him back. She makes a fake account. Goes to message Frank. With the opener of gossip about me and my partners sex life. I talked to Regina less times than I can Count on one hand.
The main one I'm aware of is "Did you know my partner drinks my names piss" Which I'm not here to kink shame; but this does not happen unfortunately but i still find it beautiful of a statement.
I one day due to some more harassment and more attention than I'm used to.
Decide to private my instagram. It was only for 24 hours in full so I could change some settings and archive some things. Within 15. An account. David, requests to follow. Strange. Cause my account is shadow banned and cannot be shown to non followers. I click. Heavens foretold dear friends. Regina's new boo. Id like to clarify. 2 weeks before Karl was still getting snotty teary calls telling him she misses him. Karl's friends where sending screenshots of Regina trying it on with them then getting snotty when she was rightfully laughed at.
I ask "hi??"
"Hi me and my girlfriend just wanted to stalk how cringe your posts are" I wish I could have been funny and not caught off guard. And shamed them. Oh god. I wish I had. Basically I told him, the gym is waiting. She will chew you up. Idk what I did but I'm sorry. Godamn. Leave me be. And they said "It's not that deep lighten up" I am indeed embarrassed.
But they kept mentioning my workplace. I am a bartender, and one day she did come in with a man, they seems very loved up but then again. It certainly wasn't this guy. then said bad things about me infront of a coworker. It was a little satisfying seeing her face fall and hit the table from shame as I was carrying an ice bucket past her. She was already cut off at this point for her antics.
David's best friends memepage now follows me. But has been the first out of 5 accounts not to say anything. I'm sure they think I don't know. David claimed I was lying in my encounter. I do wonder if I could flip the table entirely.
but I also wonder if she's just very mentally unwell. But it's been 1.5 years of this and I'm just abit knackered and pissed off.
I'm 20 feeling like a highschooler. But I'm working for a bipolar diagnosis and I have ADHD, the paranoia. Is driving me up the wall man. Like this woman knows enough of my details and she's spread where I work. She's been to my house. She has clearly gotten multiple people involves historically and despite me trying to apologise, it makes no difference.
If I knew what the issue was, I'd gauge it. But it's not knowing and not being told. But it's reassuring it's not just me. With daisy, I'm wondering if this is historic. Might be vanity? She (used to?) Post alot of ...suggestive photography and always wears a lingerie corset and heavy makeup, filters. Nothing wrong with that of course but she's a very sexually orientated person, and given the contexts to that behaviour. I wonder if its to cover some in depth issues. But that's just a theory. Part of feels hey, if she needs men to tell her that I am ugly, cringe and worth nothing. Then she van have that. The other half makes me want vengeance for the boy, prove that I'm not whatever she'd been making me out to be and make her realize she needs to change. But that's. abit pathetic innit.
Anyway I doubt anyones made it this far and if you have. Thank you for reading my story and the weirdness of it. I hope it hasn't been too shit. Just needed to get it off my chest. And maybe if anyone has anything to say.
TLDR: my best friends ex has always had an issue despite my efforts. Getting various people to harrass and bully me, She tried to get with his friends, other guys we knew and harrassing us all. All while still crying she misses him. Her new bf thinks I'm lying and is joining in, his best friend now follows me too. My partner allegedly drinks my piss <3
submitted by Dinosaurnamedbee to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:41 Ok_Forever_5057 What the Order of the Functions Means in Socionics (Model A)

I really struggled with understanding what the order of the functions meant in relation to Socionics. Compared to MBTI, the way the functions interact with one another in Socionics is very complex and can be very difficult to understand. I used to wrongfully assume that the functions 1st through 8th were just strongest to weakest or most used to least used.
I have divided this “cheat sheet” so I can understand exactly what each role for a function means, specifically the function roles in Model A. I’m sure everyone is aware of the basics of model A; The graph of all 8 functions, starting with the Leading/Base Function and ending with the Demonstrative Function.
I have tried to define every term that Socionics websites use when describing functions, especially since there aren’t many places that define the buzz words in a simple and easy-to-understand way. When I began exploring Socionics, I was so confused by the terms “Ego”, “Super-Ego”, “Super-Id”, and “Id” as well as what each of the Model A categories meant (ex: Leading function, Creative function, role function, vulnerable function, etc.)
The first picture is the cheat sheet as a whole.
The second photo is a close-up of the Model A graph with definitions/descriptions of what every term means. I try to explain the role of each category.
The third photo is Dimensionality. I stumbled across dimensionality when researching Model A Socionics and it’s very interesting. It explores our weakest functions (1-Dimensional functions) all the way up to our strongest functions (4-Dimensional functions) and what makes them weak vs strong.
The fourth photo are dichotomies. Basically, dichotomies separate the functions into one type or the opposite of that (it’s kind of a this-vs-that dynamic.) For example, one dichotomy is Conscious vs Unconscious. Functions in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place are conscious while functions in 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th place are unconscious. I try to briefly explain what each dichotomy means and highlight which ones are one vs the other in Model A.
I’m sorry if it’s hard to read, I know I wrote very small and I don’t have the best camera quality. Also, of course, these aren’t perfect explanations, they are just brief summaries. The goal was to have an easy place to understand the socionics function placements and what everything means.
submitted by Ok_Forever_5057 to Socionics [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:28 Tdp133 shag life

shag life
went for a cut today (3 years since my last cut) and finally decided to do something other than a simple cut of the ends. my hairs been growing and it’s lost all shape and definition , but i’d been afraid of getting a cut because i usually return home in tears. well today was the day i put my big girl pants on and switched it TF up. now sporting a shag and bangs , i’m very excited. my hair feels so much lighter and bouncy. this is immediately after the salon. she used R and Co. washed and conditioned, then sprayed in leave in , and smoothed in some gel, scrunched me up a little and then diffused for probably 20 minutes, starting w my face area. then we shook it out some.
we didn’t take before pics today , but here is 2 before from my last cut. very similar to what my hair looked like today. the pinterest photo was my inspo for today. i think she nailed it.
submitted by Tdp133 to curlyhair [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:18 KeithPoop420 Filling a Large Gap Between Built-Ins and Ceiling

We are building built-ins for the bedroom of an old house that has settled very unevenly. This means the sloped ceiling is twisted (over a half-inch on both sides in a U-shape) and it'd be very tricky to fit a wooden surround flush to the ceiling (at least to my knowledge) without doing any filler work. If anyone has any ideas on how to help us, it would be highly appreciated. This is our first real DIY and, while it is really fun getting our bedroom exactly how we want it, it's also really tricky (thank you 100 years of settling). If I am leaving out any information, please let me know and I will fix that.
Photo 1 shows the worst gap with my slightly smaller than average thumb as a reference. The horizontal wood piece is the top of the built-ins, the grey/brown occupying the upper half of the photo is the sloped ceiling. I'd say the worst gap is approximately 5/8th of an inch tall and an inch deep.
Photo 2 shows another gap that I'll have to fill, unrelated to the ceiling issue but still might be annoying. It is approximately 3/16th. The red boxed in gap needs to be filled, the gap that isn't boxed shouldn't be, as the lower-left panel of this photo is a door.
Photo 3 shows an overview of the whole thing. I boxed in red the gap from photo 1, and I have a red arrow pointing to the gap in photo 2.
For the gap in photo 1, we are thinking of either using backing rod and silicone-based caulking or just mushing glue and wood scraps (like shims) into the gap, wood filling, sanding, and painting. Kind of like a slightly more legitimate version of the TikTok ramen nonsense.
For the gap in photo 2, I am not sure but I think wood filler or silicone caulk might work? It'd be tricky as its 3-dimensional and the left end of the gap needs to be hanging, as it borders up to the door. We might have to shove wood into that end to act as a left edge of the gap.
It doesn't have to be perfect (both because it won't and because then it wouldn't fit the rest of the house) but any guidance whatsoever would be really, really nice. Thanks!!
Pics: https://imgur.com/a/Ght1sIa
submitted by KeithPoop420 to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:18 St3ph4ni354y5 Should I allow my former best friend back into my life after she betrayed me?

This woman was my best friend of 10 years. We met when I was 21 and she 31 through a mutual friend that neither of us speak to anymore. We found we actually had a lot of friends in common. Out was amazing, we had the best little friend group either of us could have imagined. Over the years the friend group fell apart but she and I always remained best friends. At 30 I received a big promotion at work - it was kind of the dream job. At this time she was newly married and she and her husband were struggling financially. She confided in me that of he didn't start making more money, and soon, that she was going to leave him. Since their marriage she had been supporting them both as he was unable to hold a job and the ones he did have paid barely above minimum wage. The financial burden had become too much for her. I told her I would take care of it, if she could give me a few months.
After those few months I was able to onboard him to work for me. While he didn't have experience, I dedicated time and special attention to training him. I felt the investment would be good long term for all parties. It didn't take long and he was one of my top employees. However, at this point he became very difficult to manage. He was struggling with alcoholism, an (untreated) anxiety disorder, and his actions towards me at work became inappropriate. He became convinced that I was his best and only real friend in the world, he started calling me easily 10 times a day, he always stood too close - even after being told to back away, and started yelling me things like, "you're the only one that understands me. She (his wife) doesn't understand me. She doesn't care. She doesn't listen like you do." All of this made me extremely uncomfortable. I set countless boundaries with him, I made it very clear that despite my being beat friends with his wife - that he and I's relationship was strictly professional. He ignored all of my boundaries. He laughed at them. Over this time I had multiple conversations with my best friend, his wife, about his inappropriate behavior and how uncomfortable he made me. Each time she brushed it off.
Also during this time she was laid off from her job. She came to me begging for a job. I told her that whole I loved and would help her look for something, I didn't feel comfortable with the situation. I couldn't employ bother her and her husband, who I was already having issues with. It would be too much, and I was worried that it may end up affecting our friendship. She's continued on relentlessly pushing and crying and guilt tripping me until I eventually backed down and agreed to give her a job.
After a few months of them both being employed, he sent me a nude photo in a text message. This was my breaking point. I couldn't deal with him anymore. I presented the situation to HR, who decided to terminate his employment. They decided because of my position in the situation, that my direct supervisor would be the one to inform him. After it was done I felt such a weight lifted, it was instant relief. A few days later I was called into a meeting by my boss. He informed me that my employment was being terminated immediately due to sexual harassment. I was baffled, as I would never do anything to make any of my employees uncomfortable, always supported them, and walked a very tight line in that regard.
As it turns out, after he had informed the best friend's husband of his termination, she immediately called my boss to inform him that I had sexually harassed her and "exposed" myself to her. The reality is that I had asked her to help me change into a costume for a special event we were having. I had recently gained weight due to a chronic illness and needed her help. Of course, she didn't mind this at all. But now that her husband had been fired, she chose to retaliate and accuse me of sexual harassment. She told them I forced her to do this.
I lost my dream job. I lost my health insurance at a time when I was extremely sick. This started a domino effect that had a massive impact on my life.
I didn't hear from her for 3 months. When I did, she apologized for the situation getting out of control. I asked her what she meant by that. She said that everything just got out of control and that it wasn't anyone's fault. I pointed out her part and her husband's parts in the whole situation, and how all I ever tried to do was help the both of them. She refused to take any responsibility.
Now, another 7 months have gone by and she has tried reaching out to me. On a voicemail she has apologized but yet again, not taken direct responsibility. She tried to, again, excuse her husband's behavior and then say she just doesn't know what was going on - even though I outlined it for her too many times to count. She goes on about how much she misses me and loves me so much.
I don't know what to make of this whole thing. I don't know if I should call her back. If I should have a conversation with her and hear what she has to say. I can't imagine forgiving her for what she did. Moving on? I don't know. Possibly. Ivr always had a tendency to be too forgiving and let people walk all over me. It's done a lot of preventable damage in my life.
But, I do really miss the friendship she and I had. Since our friendship ended, I moved away from the city and am now living in the country where I have some land and am now starting a homestead. Having a communal property to live off the land was a dream for us. And now that I'm doing it by myself, it's so hard. I'm exhausted and lonely and recently in was in a very bad car accident, so I'm able to do a lot less than before.
I just don't know what to do. Should I see what she has to say? Should I allow her back into my life? Maybe I should also say that I'm autistic, and making friends isn't as easy for me as it is for a neurotypical person....
It's been less than 24 hours and she is blowing up my phone, sending me messages trying to make me sound like the bad guy. It's pretty one dimensional thinking. I know she's lashing out from a place of hurt and confusion. I know she's unhappy in her marriage and that nearly all her friends have moved on. Her texts have proven to me that she still is not able to reason or take responsibility for her actions. She has a child-like mentality, especially for a 43 year old woman. I will not be reaching back out to her, and wish her the best. She's going to need some luck in this life with how she treats people.
submitted by St3ph4ni354y5 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:00 Slight-Muffin5654 An IGIGI - EBE speaks

TL;DR the Igigi/Anunnaki are profoundly disappointed and frustrated with humanity
An IGIGI - EBE speaks
Message transmitted by an EBE on behalf of his masters
by Philip J. Corso †
Whether you were created by Almighty God, or whether you were created by us, does not matter. What matters is what you have become. You have been given a great gift, a mind that creates order. By this I mean the ability to distinguish between an experience and a mere mental image. Knowledge arises from experiences obtained from the comparison between the inventions of the intellect and observed facts and makes use only of concepts connected to experiences about which there is no doubt. You have been given access to a solid scientific foundation that has rapidly advanced you two hundred years into the future. Now the time has come to project ourselves into time-dimensional phenomena and the effects that upheavals in time can have on future events. The formula has been given to you, however at the moment we ask ourselves the question of whether or not you can move forward, given the foolishness and lack of realism of your thoughts and actions. There is an ongoing doubt as to whether or not you are capable of making it your own to create a new world.
“You mortals can be so stupid”
The means to progress are within you, yet you confuse reality. It almost seems as if reality doesn't exist in your mind. In light of these facts, what should we do with you? Start over with a new race, eliminate the undesirables among you, or merge our cultures and civilizations? We've made our decision, what's yours? We gave you one of the greatest advances ever given to the human race, and what did you do with it?
Atomic energy could be a great help to the human race beyond what you have done. You have created a weapon of mass destruction. This has allowed those who control the world economy, who transcend national borders, to exploit the fear of the masses. We chose the United States of America as the nation that came closest to the society we desired. But what have you done with the gifts we have given you? You are on your way to becoming a second-class power. You have turned the great gift of the atomic (the Universe is based on an atomic structure) into a cesspool of greedy economics. This factor, together with madness, stupidity and lack of knowledge, is contributing to your degradation. Since you base everything on economic factors and not on the need for survival and progress and cannot isolate yourself from the rest of the world, many other nations are progressing in the peaceful use of nuclear weapons. You accuse us of extermination while you are the guilty ones, since we gave you the means to stop the extermination of the human race. I will talk about these dark sides that lead to disaster in order of importance.
1: Water
Einstein said that historical development had led to the centralization of all economic, political and military powers in the hands of national states.
To this day, water presents itself as one of the most critical points for peace between nations. Water has replaced oil as the hot spot for conflict between nations. The world, your world, must prepare for the shock of the water. The lack of drinking water has condemned millions of people to disease, death and degradation. To survive, poor nations must rise up against rich ones. Billions of the world's inhabitants will run out of drinking water and perish, revolting before destruction. Forty years ago (1960) the US Army developed a portable atomic plant capable of producing 28,800 gallons of fresh water per day and 10,000,000 gallons in six years from salt water. It required very little maintenance and was safe, but it was dismissed by nuclear scare artists and anti-nuclear economists who called themselves environmentalists. Cities such as New York, Paris, London, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Rome and other metropolises, at the current rate of lack of water and number of inhabitants, will perish in the next millennium. Waste, incompetence, and cost factors will destroy cities large and small. Over the last quarter of a century, water demand has reached its lowest levels.
2: Hygiene measures and waste.
During the early 1960s the US military developed an atomic system that would use cobalt to purify sewage and human waste. The US Army understood the potential for disease and death of an army housed in a small space (for example, 100,000 soldiers within a mile or two). The potential damage from a lack of healthcare facilities would be more deadly than facing an enemy army. The system was discarded because of the term “nuclear.” Billions of people around the world lack sanitation and are doomed. Diseases would easily spread throughout the world, like the black death (the plague, Ed.), metropolises could be annihilated, instantly. Today's water and sewer systems will soon be destroyed and the civilized world will disappear. Rubbish and waste could be decomposed by nuclear means, but stupidity reigns.
3: Food
Today's world suffers from lack of food and hunger. This situation could change in a short time, but stupidity and ignorance prevent the solution. In the mid-1940s the US military began studying the effects of food irradiation. The efforts were rewarded with great success. Refrigeration was no longer necessary, diseases such as trichina from pork and salmonella from chicken were eliminated. Chickens can grow in virtually 90 days and irradiated chickens could be exported in large quantities. Billions of lives could be saved, but once again stupidity makes itself felt again and, due to the unfounded fear of nuclear power, Americans would never allow irradiated food to be found in their supermarkets. This situation would be applicable to many other foods, vegetables, herbs, but although the process is reliable and harmless, the boycott continues, due to lack of knowledge.
Alien extermination by starvation
4: Energy.
Conventional wisdom is that no one in America wants to develop a new line of nuclear power generators; the reason is that its commercial viability has not been established. While the world moves forward, we stagnate. They say the idea of ​​developing a new line of nuclear power generators called the Advanced Light Water Reactor is a waste of money. This is typical of anti-thought. No new nuclear power plants have been built in the United States since 1973, and no more will be built in the next decade due to the negative thinking of politicians. New computer technologies make simpler security devices possible, but not in the United States. New geothermal and wind energy projects have been undertaken, but this is a bad idea, a diversion. In the early 1960s the US Army had a safe, low-maintenance portable nuclear power plant capable of producing steam to drive generators to produce hundreds of kW and melting ice to produce water. A small town in the Arctic was provided with water, heat and electricity - it was discarded. A small nuclear plant was under development that could take hydrogen from water and nitrogen from air and produce ammonia as a vehicle propellant. It was interrupted. The researchers used a nuclear reactor to heat the gas to expand and pressurize it. It could be passed through a nozzle and create an opposite reaction to drive a vehicle. They planned to push a spacecraft with an ion beam. We planned to propel you into the future by giving you a system to accelerate charged molecular particles in magnetic fields then radiate them through a nozzle to drive a motor. However, instead of projecting yourself 500 years forward and traveling into Space, you, through stupidity, greed and lack of knowledge, have set yourself back 50 years.
5: Nuclear Medicine.
In this field you have made great progress, despite the obstacles produced by human obtuseness and in the many cases in which men of science have had to eliminate the word "nuclear" to move forward, especially in MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and in the use of imaging equipment. Even the czars of the greed economy looked to other solutions, as in many cases it was about survival and their health, not dollars. Here you are 100 years in the future and you will be moving forward at a rapid pace, assuming other factors don't crush you and destroy your way of life.
And now I leave you with this:
1. Since you possess weapons of total destruction, shall we let you destroy yourselves?
2. Shall we destroy you as we almost did once before?
3. Shall we do as your Jesus Christ did - take the creditors and those who use the power of money from the temple, and let you progress?
4. Create a mixed race and the society which we envisioned?
The choice is yours.
Unpublished in English, but accessible using Google Chrome translate: http://www.noiegliextraterrestri.it/2014/01/colonnello-philip-corso-parla-un-igigi-un-creatore.html
Additional Source: Pages 52 & 128 of the PDF of "Conversations With Colonel Corso: A Personal Memoir and Photo Album" by Paola Harris The 4 Choices rewritten from the translation to match the handwritten page 128 of the PDF of "Conversations With Colonel Corso: A Personal Memoir and Photo Album" by Paola Harris
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submitted by Slight-Muffin5654 to StrangeEarth [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 16:03 ToniaHarding Any recommendations for static window cling film that looks like venetian blinds?

~3.3cm venetian blind pattern static window cling film for buildings?

I don't like sunlight coming into my room, but my strata has a rule that all the units in our building have to look uniform, so that means approximating the look of the white/off-white/beige/ecru/light gray venetian blinds that look like each metal strip is 3.3 centimetres wide, like in these made in China ones:
You can see how it says "Width: 3.3cm" in red lettering on a photo when you scroll down about 1/3rd of the webpage.
They leave some sunlight to come through, because they look like a transparent film with some opaque white printed on it, and then graduated white dots along each strip, to give the illusion of 3D (three dimensional).
Here are some other brands of blind pattern ones, which I'm guessing are probably made in China, since most things in the world are, but I don't know:
I sleep during the daytime. I work the graveyard shift.
I'm also worried about heat waves, so I'm interested in relfective/mirrored window cling film. I might have to use more than one layer of window cling film. One to appease the strata council (the ecru blinds pattern one that isn't fully opaque), and a fully mirrored/reflective one.
595 people lost their lives in one province (B.C., where I live) in Canada from a heat wave.
I'm not sure if Gila (made in USA?) or Vvivid Vinyl (made in Germany, headquartered in Quebec Canada?) makes a "blinds pattern" one. I'm too lazy to spend the time surfing their websites.
You can view some Gila boxes in person at The Home Depot.
submitted by ToniaHarding to avoidchineseproducts [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 12:34 Stage-Piercing727 Best Cool Rugs for Guys

Best Cool Rugs for Guys

Finding the perfect rug to complement your guy's space can be quite a challenge. Here, we bring you an exclusive collection of cool rugs that not only add a touch of style but also reflect the unique personality of your space. Whether you're decking up your living room, bedroom, or office, these rugs will surely make a statement. So, dive into our list of trendy and versatile rugs designed specifically with the guys in mind!
Our selection ranges from minimalistic designs to bold geometric patterns, catering to all tastes and styles. Our goal is to help you find a rug that not only looks great but also feels great underfoot. So, whether you're a minimalist or a fan of more vibrant colors, we've got you covered. Keep reading to explore our top picks of rugs that perfectly blend style, comfort, and functionality!

The Top 5 Best Cool Rugs for Guys

  1. Stylish and Durable Vintage Lucky Man Area Rug - Discover the luxurious, stain-resistant Champion Rugs Vintage Lucky Man Ace of Spades rugby for your man cave, boasting detailed resolution, extended pile, and enhanced density for a comfortable and stylish experience.
  2. Grizzly Bear Rug for Rustic Home Décor - Introduce a touch of rugged charm to your living space with our bespoke Grizzly Surveying His Territory Rug, meticulously crafted on a 100% nylon canvas to withstand rigorous use while offering a non-slip, bound edge for a truly immersive experience.
  3. 3D Printed Game Rug for Bedroom or Living Room - Lucky&dong Environmental-Friendly Gamepad-Themed Rug for Bedrooms, Enhancing Comfort and Decor with 3D Printed Graphics.
  4. Chic Riverhead Rock Pattern Performance Rug - Discover the luxurious 100% polyester Hauteloom Riverhead Rock Pattern Performance Rug, meticulously designed for contemporary living rooms and bedrooms, offering exceptional comfort, durability, and timeless elegance.
  5. 8' x 10' Modern IndooOutdoor Area Rug - Woven Sisal-Look, White - The Bisset Checkered Textured IndooOutdoor Area Rug combines a 100% polypropylene construction with a stylish design, providing durability and easy care for indoor and outdoor use.
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🔗Stylish and Durable Vintage Lucky Man Area Rug

As the leaves fall and the temperatures drop, I often find myself huddled in my cozy cave ranch, seeking solace in the warmth of its walls. And there's no better way to enhance this retreat than with a plush, vintage-inspired rug from Champion Rugs.
Imagine stepping onto a plush, high-pile rug every morning, the softness underfoot an inviting wakeup call. The Lucky Man Cave Ranch Garage Metal Signs Ace of Spades Area Rug (5’ 3” x 7’ 5”), despite its lengthy title, is truly a gem. It boasts intricate carved detailing, making it look like an authentic vintage piece that's been with us for ages.
One aspect I particularly appreciate about this rug - beyond its obvious beauty - is its durability. It resists staining, soiling, and fading, making cleaning a breeze. Whether it's red wine from a raucous poker night or muddy paws after a walk in the woods, my rug stays looking like new.
However, one issue worth mentioning is its size. This 5’ 3” x 7’ 5” rug might be too large for smaller spaces. It's perfect for my spacious living room but could overwhelm a smaller area.
All in all, if you're looking to add a touch of rustic charm and comfort to your space, this rug from Champion Rugs is definitely worth considering. It's stylish, comfortable, and surprisingly easy to maintain.

🔗Grizzly Bear Rug for Rustic Home Décor

As someone who enjoys adding rustic touches to my home, I quickly fell in love with the Grizzly Rug. This unique nylon rug features an absolutely stunning painting of a grizzly bear surveying his territory. The earth-toned color palette perfectly complements the natural border effect created by the rug's binding on all four sides.
Beyond its striking appearance, this rug exceeded my expectations in terms of functionality. The non-slip backing kept it firmly in place on our wooden floor floors, and the lightweight design made it super easy to move around when needed. Plus, it's so versatile; we've used it as a floor covering and even hung it on our living room wall as a rustic tapestry.
However, one downside is that the rug may require more frequent cleaning compared to traditional materials. Despite this minor inconvenience, I would still highly recommend the Grizzly Rug for anyone looking to add a touch of nature-inspired charm to their space.

🔗3D Printed Game Rug for Bedroom or Living Room

The Lucky&dong Anime Gamer Rug is a stylish and cozy addition to any room. Handmade with sturdy polyester, it's designed to withstand daily wear and tear.
Its non-slip bottom ensures safety, making it perfect for energetic kids and gamers alike. I particularly appreciated its quick and easy cleaning process - just a little mild detergent and gentle hand washing does the trick.
Plus, its 3D spray printing technology delivers bright colors and sharp patterns that won't fade over time. However, beware of the initial smell when receiving the rug and the creases that appear due to transportation, both of which are easy to manage. This eye-catching and eco-friendly rug is truly a standout piece for gifting or decorating your own space.

🔗Chic Riverhead Rock Pattern Performance Rug

I recently picked up the Hauteloom Riverhead Rock Pattern Performance Rug for my living room, and I have to say, I'm thoroughly impressed! The rug has a cool modern vibe to it, with a perfect balance of charcoal and white. I especially love how the pattern catches the light and adds some depth to the room.
One of the best things about this rug is how comfortable it is underfoot. It's made of 100% polyester, which gives it a soft, plush feel without sacrificing durability. I've had it in my living room for a few months now, and it shows no signs of wear or fading.
I will say that one downside is that it did take a bit longer than expected to arrive, but the quality of the rug has more than made up for the wait time. I also appreciate the attention to detail in the craftsmanship – you can tell that every fiber was carefully selected to create this beautiful piece of home decor.
Overall, I'm beyond happy with my Hauteloom Riverhead Rock Pattern Performance Rug. It's a stylish addition to any space and truly enhances the overall aesthetic of my home. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone looking for a high-quality, comfortable rug that will last for years to come.

🔗8' x 10' Modern IndooOutdoor Area Rug - Woven Sisal-Look, White

I recently had the chance to try out the Bisset Checkered Textured IndooOutdoor Area Rug and I must say, it has definitely made a significant difference in enhancing the visual appeal of my living space. Its intricate design adds just the right touch of sophistication and charm to any room, while its durability and versatility ensure that it can withstand even the toughest conditions.
One thing that particularly stood out was the rug's ability to look amazing both indoors and outdoors, making it a perfect addition to patios, balconies, or even in the dining area or other high-traffic zones indoors. The Bisset Rug has truly become one of my best friends when it comes to keeping my home chic and stylish.
On the flip side, one minor downfall is that it doesn't seem to do well in damp or wet areas, so keep an eye on its placement if you experience heavy rainfall or if you have a pet that likes to track water inside.
Overall, I am incredibly impressed with the Bisset Checkered Textured IndooOutdoor Area Rug. Its stunning design, durability, and practicality make it an obvious choice for anyone looking to elevate the look of their space. In conclusion, the Bisset Rug is truly a game-changer and an absolute must-have for those seeking to transform their living area into something amazing!

Buyer's Guide

Rugs are not just floor coverings; they can also be statement pieces that add personality to a room. If you're a guy looking for a rug that suits your style and the vibe of your space, this buyer's guide is for you. Here we'll cover important features to look for, considerations, and general advice when buying cool rugs.

Important Features

  • Size: Measure your room and consider the rug size that fits best.
  • Shape: Rugs come in rectangular, round, and other shapes.
  • Material: Durable options include cotton, polyester, and wool.
  • Style: Look for rugs that match the color scheme and decor style of your space.
  • Pile Height: Consider how thick you want the rug to be.

Considerations when Buying

Think about your room usage and foot traffic. High-traffic areas need sturdy rugs, while lower-traffic areas can handle more fragile ones. Durability is key, so choose a rug with good longevity. Pile direction can affect appearance, so experiment with different angles.

General Advice

Test rugs in person if possible. Online shopping can be tricky, but online retailers often provide detailed photos and dimensions. Don't forget to check customer reviews for real-life experiences. Maintain your rug according to its material and keep it clean for optimal performance and appearance.
Cool rugs for guys are versatile and stylish additions to any home. By considering the important features, keeping buying considerations in mind, and following general advice, you'll be able to choose the perfect rug to add personality and flair to your space. Happy shopping!



What makes a rug suitable for guys?

Rugs designed for guys typically feature bold patterns, strong colors, and intricate textures. They often convey a sense of masculinity, adding a unique touch to the room's décor.

What are some popular materials used for rugs for men?

Wool, cotton, jute, and polyester are popular materials used for rugs designed for men. Each material has its own unique characteristics, offering durability, softness, and easy maintenance.

How do I choose the right rug size for my space?

Choose a rug size that complements the room's dimensions and furniture placement. For a living room, a common rule of thumb is to have all furniture legs on the rug, or at least the front legs for a cohesive look. In a bedroom, consider a rug that extends at least 30 inches from the foot of the bed on both sides.

What should I consider when cleaning a rug?

When cleaning a rug, it's important to follow the specific care instructions for the material. Generally, vacuuming regularly and spot cleaning as needed to maintain the rug's appearance. Professional cleaning may be necessary for deep-seated dirt and stains.


Can rugs for men be used in high-traffic areas?

Yes, rugs designed for men can be used in high-traffic areas. Choose rugs made from durable materials like wool or polyester, and consider using a rug pad to provide additional cushioning and protection against wear and tear.

How can I add a rug to my room while maintaining a minimalist look?

To add a rug to a minimalist room while maintaining a clean aesthetic, choose a rug with simple, geometric patterns or solid colors. Ensure that the rug's size and color complement the room's existing décor, and avoid overcrowding the space with too many patterns or colors.

What is the difference between a shag rug and a traditional rug?

  • A shag rug features a thick, plush pile, while a traditional rug has a thinner, more structured surface.
  • Shag rugs are typically made from synthetic fibers like polyester or nylon, while traditional rugs can be made from various materials such as wool, cotton, or jute.

How can I incorporate a rug into a themed room, like a sports-inspired or industrial-style space?

To incorporate a rug into a themed room, choose a rug that features colors, patterns, or textures that complement the overall décor. For example, in a sports-inspired room, consider a rug with bold stripes or team colors. In an industrial-style space, a rug with distressed or weathered textures can add a unique touch.

What is the best way to store a rug when not in use?

When storing a rug, roll it up tightly with the pattern facing outwards. Store it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture to prevent damage or deterioration.

How can I prevent my rug from slipping on hard floors?

To prevent a rug from slipping on hard floors, use a non-slip rug pad designed specifically for the rug's material. These pads can be found in various sizes and materials, offering both cushioning and grip.

How do I care for a jute rug?

To care for a jute rug, vacuum it regularly to remove dust and dirt. Spot clean spills immediately with a damp cloth, and avoid using excessive water or harsh chemicals. Rotate the rug periodically to ensure even wear, and consider having it professionally cleaned every 1-2 years.
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2024.05.27 07:54 NoUnderstanding6718 Hair expert/Hair salon reco (Men)

Hair expert/Hair salon reco (Men)
Hi! Naa ba mo nabal.an na expert sa hair? I mean weird sha na question pero unlike most hair sa guys mine is kindaa stiff and parang di jud sha mag fall like ani (photo reference from google) Mski saon ug wax. Ambot lisod i describe haha bsta mura shag ga lutaw lang. need ba i rebond? Etc? Help a brother out thank youu
submitted by NoUnderstanding6718 to davao [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 18:10 pelican_girl Meta connections between epigraph sources and Strike storylines

Warning: This is a long, rambling post that does not end up making any particular point.
I tried to write a post singling out CoE as the only Strike book that uses recent, pop-culture, still-copyrighted material as a source for its epigraphs, which distinguishes it from the other Strike books featuring time-honored, even revered epigraph sources from literature, philosophy and medicine. That part is still true, as far as I can tell, but I also tried to single out CoE as the only Strike book with a meta connection between its epigraph source and its storyline, and realized that that distinction is false.
It's still true that CoE is hands down the one book where the epigraph source is most inextricably bound to the storyline. The killer becomes enamored of Blue Öyster Cult only after studying Strike's life and learning that BOC was his mother's favorite band, possibly seeing Leda's nude photo online that shows her "Mistress of the Salmon Salt" tattoo. In addition to the author using BOC lyrics in her epigraphs, the killer uses BOC lyrics in notes that accompany the body parts sent to the agency. And we know that at least two of Leda's three children have BOC memorialized within their own names. (Strike's middle name is Blue, one of Switch's middle names is Bloom after BOC's lead singer, and I think it's possible Lucy was named for the Lucy in BOC's "Nosferatu.") So the meta connection between BOC and CoE is very strong. It also reveals the enduring link between BOC and Strike's family.
But then I remembered that Mazu consults the I Ching in TRG, so there's a meta connection between that book's epigraph source and storyline, too, though it's less significant. JKR seems to be saying that Mazu is guilty of cultural misappropriation and misuse, which is a great example of the UHC's false religious front, but that's largely specific to this one book--though Strike does recall Leda in a similar vein, with her "intermittent phases of chanting cross-legged in front of a jade Buddha."
What really surprised me, however, is that SW doesn't just have a meta connection, it's a meta connection that points to the killer! (I never caught that before, did you?) SW SPOILERS AHEAD! When Strike interviews Liz Tassel, we get this line:
‘I met Michael,’ she said slowly, ‘in a tutorial group studying Jacobean revenge tragedies.'
--same as the epigraphs for SW feature Jacobean revenge tragedies. This is all the more revealing since she says this directly after "a short pause in which he could almost see Elizabeth deciding what to tell him."
Strike unwittingly makes the connection himself when he tells Robin
‘Elizabeth Tassel told me there’s a Jacobean revenge play featuring a poisoned skeleton disguised as a woman. Presumably someone shags it and dies. Not a million miles away from Phallus Impudicus getting ready to—’
He doesn't yet know that Phallus Impudicus is actually Liz Tassel's creation, that the Bombyx Mori manuscript he read was her fake, or that she, too, has a motive for revenge that results in tragedy.
The meta connection appears once more when Linda watches a televised interview with Michael Fancourt: 'He’s very influenced by all those Revenge Tragedians,’ said her mother. ‘I’m hoping he’ll explain the appeal.’ I hadn't paid close enough attention before to realize that this mention of SW's epigraph sources harks back to the "tutorial group," Tassel mentions--the time and place where her unrequited love for Fancourt began.
As with TRG, the meta connection in SW is unique to that one book whereas the CoE meta connection to BOC reveals enduring facts about Strike and his family. I mention all this now because it appears JKR has set up a different type of meta connection in The Hallmarked Man. Although THM reverts to the author's usual m.o. of choosing uncopyrighted works for her epigraphs (further isolating CoE as the only book using an epigraph source still under copyright protection), we've learned that at least one epigraph source--A Maid of the Silver Sea--connects to the overall Strike storyline: like JKR, its author uses a pseudonym; like Strike, a main character hails from Cornwall; and, like Ted and Leda, two other main characters are a brother and sister born many years apart. We don't yet know if THM will mention A Maid by name in its storyline the way other books mention BOC, I Ching and Jacobean revenge tragedies. It seems unlikely since JKR says it is just one of five epigraph sources. Still, there seem to be clear links between that book and the Strike books. It even features a suspicious death that most people think is a murder, which could be an echo of the unclear circumstances surrounding Leda's death.
As I warned above, I have no idea where I'm going with this. While I hope that THM gives us as much insight into the Strike-family backstory as CoE does, I really can't account for the copyrighting issue or the meta connections that some books have and others don't. I'm posting this with the hope that others can make more sense of these phenomena than I can. All constructive comments welcome!
submitted by pelican_girl to cormoran_strike [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 08:22 pancake_sass Am I overreacting? I've never been upset over a haircut until this one.

Am I overreacting? I've never been upset over a haircut until this one.
First pic is what I asked for. It's a photo of me about 2 years ago after a haircut I loved. Second pic is what I got. The blonde has grown out, this is my natural hair color. I said I wanted a "long shag with curtain bangs," and showed the first picture and another picture of the same haircut on a different day. My hair was almost nipple length going into this haircut.
The stylist who gave me the first haircut moved out of state, so I had to try someone new. I was told by multiple people that this stylist is a shag specialist and to "prepare for the best haircut of my life." I cried when I got home. I've never been this upset over a haircut. Even when I got a bob cut that revitalized my curls and I turned into little orphan Annie. It's been two days and I still can't look at myself. I'm unbelievablely self conscious and am considering getting a wig... Am I overreacting?
submitted by pancake_sass to femalehairadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 22:49 lokislolsies How should I structure my fight

The fight is in an open space on the beach with a steep hill 7 feet high that if you were to fall you would land in the sandy coast
Protagonist Stand Users:
Ability mimicry
Gravity Manipulation(Can Make things float or make the pressure around them force them to crumble to the ground)
A very strong stand with the ability to summon weapons from a pocket dimension
Wind Manipulation
Antagonist Stand Users:
Dimensional warping(hard to explain)
Can steal lifespan
Cell acceleration(Decomposes things faster when it touches them)
Damage Reflection
Pocket Dimension that they can bring people in to hide or attack
Terrestrial control(Can manipulate Sand dirt and debris)
Emits a gas that causes organ failure and then when the user dies they are wiped from history photos memories etc.(The user is in a coma but the stand is active the downside is it is only crime when the user is unconscious and has little to no combat ability
Edit: I will tell you the plot to help you understand the situation the story is set in Mexico where 3 brothers are split up after their parents die in the house fire the cartel take 2 of them illegly leaving one to be seperated and from there on the boys develop stand abilities under the control of the cartel. The Cartel is looking for a prized possession,called the mask of Xolotol this mask can scend the Users stand to heaven or atlest teach them the path to it
submitted by lokislolsies to fanStands [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 07:24 havingafunday vintage vacuum cleaners

hi! these vacuums are available in a local estate auction for dirt cheap (like $5). the yellow one reminds me of my deceased grandmother, so i’m considering buying it. (the vacuums have to be purchased together, they’re in a lot.) but i wondered if it’s a good vacuum. our floors are mostly wood and tile, plus we have low pile carpet in the basement. right now i have a cordless dyson for the non-carpet and a commercial oreck xl for the carpet.
thanks so much! :)
edit: i couldn't figure out how to add a photo, so i'll just write a description. the one i want says "hoover convertible elite" and it looks very 1970s (yellow with paisley) and appears to have four settings: low, norm, high, and shag. the other vacuum says "hoover elite II total system performance 650" and it's blue. thanks heaps!
submitted by havingafunday to VacuumCleaners [link] [comments]
