Palmetto cremation

Affordable cremation services?

2024.04.05 04:12 SlipperySloane Affordable cremation services?

I’ve done a bunch of googling but I’m curious if anyone here has any recs for affordable cremation services in north Chs or surrounding areas. The best I found was palmetto cremation society for $1k.
submitted by SlipperySloane to Charleston [link] [comments]

2023.05.25 00:53 theCAVEMAN101 If you can't afford to stay at the Luxor, we have this other hotel... You still have to pay the resort fees...

If you can't afford to stay at the Luxor, we have this other hotel... You still have to pay the resort fees... submitted by theCAVEMAN101 to CitiesSkylines [link] [comments]

2023.05.09 22:38 Accomplished-Put-936 UPDATE 5 of MIL hurting my snake *last update for awhile*

He’s gone
We brought him to the sweetwater vet in palmetto that was suggested by someone in the sub. (Again thank you for suggesting her)
The vet thought he was dead when she came in. He didn’t move to touch. When we got there and took him out the pillow case he was upside down and didn’t even have the strength to turn himself over…………….
The vet placed him on a heating pad on the table to examine as she talked to us. I watched her poke and prod him and when she opened his mouth and I saw his saliva sticking to his jaws the same consistency as slime, I had to leave and sit in the car the rest of the visit and my partner stayed in there doing all the hard work. Very grateful for him.
She also said X-rays weren’t necessary in this case and was recommending the same bloodwork as the other doctor, even saying the blood work was more than likely unnecessary because it would just give us new info. It wouldn’t change anything because the treatment would be the treatment regardless (antibiotics & painkillers). I will say she seemed like an expert in her field and I felt comfortable receiving & accepting her advice
She said he was dehydrated and skinny which is crazy because just a few days ago we were basically complimented on his weight and size so whatever this sickness was that he developed in his body was literally eating him alive. She also felt he had gone septic. Even said the infection may have come from him being cold and in water, which again, I just cannot agree with because his lower half seems almost pristine (even the underbelly) compared to the upper half, which when I found him, he was keeping his upper half out of water while his lower half was submerged.
She too could not confirm or deny animal abuse and said she’s NEVER seen a snake in his condition before so she couldn’t even really tell us what was going on.
When comparing photos from may 4 to today you can see the infection in his body spreading further down his abdomen & she recommended AGAINST the blood word and suggested we use our money to euthanize him, get a necropsy, and then get our answer, because she wasn’t confident in him being able to heal. As I said before I felt horrible trying to keep him alive. He was clearly in pain. Too much pain to even breath properly as she pointed out him breathing from his mouth which neither I or my partner even noticed. I want to say I feel relief knowing he’s out of pain but I don’t. I’m angry. I’m hurt. I’m traumatized that we even had to decide whether to keep him alive for my own satisfaction or to basically finish what my MIL started.
To get answers were having to pay to send his frozen body somewhere for the necropsy she suggested. Hopefully this will give us some answers but this in itself is upsetting because just 2 months ago I was sharing with my partner how when our snake passed I wanted to have his bones taxidermied expecting it to be 20 years in the future…not 60 days later. Now he has to be cremated. I really wanted to preserve him in all his beauty.
It may be some time before I update again. I’ll continue with pursuing a case against my MIL, but I think I’m going to take a short break from everything because this has all been very taxing on my mental health.
Thank you to everyone who has been here since the beginning. Thank you to everyone for your kind and supportive words. Thank you to everyone who donated. I wish I was updating with positive news. My snakes name was Taco btw…. I guess I’d like him to be remembered as more than just my snake …. Rip taco 🌮❤️‍🩹
submitted by Accomplished-Put-936 to u/Accomplished-Put-936 [link] [comments]

2013.02.05 05:21 thegreekie Affordable funeral/cremation services?

My grandfather passed away earlier today and my parents don't really know where to start. They wish to cremate my grandfather's remains but we also need a small service/showing (I'm not really sure how this works) beforehand (just for 6 of us, nothing fancy required). My parents need a place that's affordable. We live around Palmetto Bay/Pinecrest. Any advice or recommendations would be extremely helpful.
submitted by thegreekie to Miami [link] [comments]