Restaurant teresa

All things Bravo & Real Housewives!

2012.10.01 16:05 All things Bravo & Real Housewives!

Discuss all the Real Housewives franchises by Bravo TV with us! You are in the right place for: Real Housewives of Atlanta Beverly Hills New Jersey New York City Orange County Melbourne Miami Toronto Vancouver Potomac Dallas Salt Lake City Vanderpump Rules Summer House Dubai Southern Charm Below Deck Ladies of London Mob Wives and more!

2024.05.30 12:44 Nic727 Looking for recommendations- Beach and relaxed retreat

I'm looking to get far away from my job and busy life just to have a moment to reconnect with myself.
I would love your recommendations of where I should go?
A little bit about what I'm looking for: - 3 weeks - Minimal excursion. I mostly want to relax and do nothing, but maybe write a journal. - Learning to surf - Be surrounded by the sound of nature.
So far I found Playa Santa Teresa very appealing, but I'm not too sure about two things:
  1. Food: I don't want to spend too much to eat in restaurants because after 3 weeks it's expensive. What are the best options if you don't have a kitchen or can't find a place offering all meals?
  2. Surf camps are maximum 2 weeks stay? I want to learn on my own rythme (with a professional of course).
I'm waiting more of your recommendations.
Thank you
submitted by Nic727 to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:13 NYnicegirl Can someone explain the difference between Gia, Ashley and Lauren?

Because I don’t get it??? Ashley was very much so involved on the show. So was Lauren. Lauren literally was invited to the reunion just to humiliate Teresa. I don’t understand the constant hypocrisy revolving anything that has to do to Teresa. Any children of single mothers out there? You ever let a pack of hyenas or whoever else come for your mother and not defend her? If anything so far, Gia has been a voice of reason. Not chasing anyone in restaurants or outright embarrassing any of the wives. Teresa is her mother, Melissa is her aunt through marriage. She is the eldest daughter. Please explain to me why there is any backlash at all. Is it because you knew her first as a child and now she’s a 23 year old young lady?
submitted by NYnicegirl to rhonj [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 18:47 jammingaza Grindhouse presents: Nicholas (part 1 continued......)

The next scene cuts to a hospital wing with doctors and nurses overlooking patient charts, among them his Nicholas's sister sarah, after the conversation is over we see her venting her frustrations to the air after dealing with her stuck-up superiors then she hears a voice out of thin air "oh,my dear sweet little sister......still trying to satisfy everyone but still gets shit on constantly " she turns around to see her brother, in a clean army uniform (which he probably had in the sea bag but wasnt shown on camera) "Nicky?, is that you?" "Hello Sarah, it's been a long time" "too long for me" and she happily embraces him, next shot shows them outside the building, drinking water bottles and sharing a small platter of snacks "so, i heard about what happened at tan long,it was all over the news here, and I was thinking about you" "yeah,......... war like that is hard to forget about,but I was lucky to have survived that madness" "well, I'm glad you're ok, I wasn't supposed to say anything but, marks the 14th anniversary of mum and dad's marriage and we're going to throw a little party for them, you're gonna be there, right?" "Of course, I mean they wouldn't talk to me again if I didn't show up, hahaha. So, mark and teresa know that I'm home?" " Not yet,but I'll let them know, that reminds me, I still have your old house key " as she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small ring of keys "and don't worry, we had to do a little cleaning of course, but everything is still the way you left it before you left for vietnam" "i appreciate that, little sis I really need to get this uniform and the rest of these clothes cleaned anyway, besides i need to head over to the dive and let Jason know im back" "alright well, I need to get back to work, see you tonight" "see you around, and let me know if that boss of yours is giving you a hard time ok?" "Ok" and they hug again and depart. Close up of a small building near the beach, the sign on top is called "the dive" with a mannequin in a scuba suit right above it, it's an ocean themed bar and restaurant, you see Nicholas get out of a taxi and start walking towards the front door to pay his childhood friend and business partner who helped bring "the dive" to life...... Jason Drover
submitted by jammingaza to 420Grindhouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:03 PrueGretel RHONJ S14 E3

Shore-ing Up Sides
What kind of a name is this episode? Stupid title. It does give us a clue that this episode will show the demise of friendships and that the cast takes sides. They split up! The casts of NJ are all doing interviews online and on TV. A lot of spoilers are coming out from the cast including who switches sides. I know who. It's all-over social media. I doubt anyone cares if it's spoiled, but you never know. We got a long season ahead. Please! I hope the arguing isn't as bad as last year!
Now, on with the episode...
The cast is still down at the Shore. It looks beautiful and also fun! Of course, they are still divided. Jen and Bill A is with Dolores and Paul. Teresa and Louie went home because Gabriella is leaving for college. Rachel and John are with Adult Jen Fessler and her husband Jeff along with Danielle and Nate. Melissa and Joe are with Marge and her Joe--he really loves her, he's rubbing her feet, very clingy. I would hate it! But that's just me. Most women love to be pampered. Not me.
John asks Adult Jen F about the party the night before. He secretly wants to know why she is hanging around with the enemy, Teresa. Jen states that she never had a problem with Teresa, Rachel looks at her with daggers, she is mad as hell. She states in her talking head that Adult Jen couldn't stand Teresa and that now that Adult Jen has jumped ship, Rachel is done with her. She is very hurt and called Adult Jen F stupid.
Dolores asks Jen A what is going on between Melissa and her. Jen says she is not feeling her and is not a chump. Melissa tells Marge that Jen A spread rumors, so she is not happy with her. The bad feelings is mutual between these two women...
Melissa is throwing a Birthday Party for Joe. It's going to be an Italian theme party. She and Marge discuss what to do about Jen A because she might feel like the lone enemy there without Teresa. Melissa thinks she and Bull should attend. So, with that, Joe Gorga calls Bill and extends an invitation to him and his wife. Bill tells him thank you, but his wife Jen is still not in a good place with Melissa. Jen is not having it. She is still hurt from last year and thinks Joe's invite was not sincere. She is glad that Bill finally stood up for her. She says they are a team from now on. He will stand up for her or he will feel her wrath! Bill just smiles at her no matter what she says. Why is he always smiling?!
Teresa and all her girls are packing up for Gabriella. Gia is crying, all the girls are crying. Gia tells Gabriella that she is so proud of her for getting into the University of Michigan. It's a very had college to get into. Teresa is also crying. Teresa ex, Joe Guidice calls. Teresa can't look at him or she will cry. He tells them all this is a good thing. Louie comes in and tries to cheer them up too. Joe can't afford college, so Teresa and Louie are paying. I doubt Louie is paying, but Producers put Teresa on the spot and asked her if Louie is also paying. Of course she is going to say yes. Pretty sure only Teresa is paying. I saw a preview that Louie went through all of Teresa's money. So, there's that.
Teresa and Louie go outside. She tells him she is in her love bubble with him and no matter what happened at the party or with their enemies she has his love. What does enemies have to do with their love bubble? They are holding hands, clinging to each other while they bring up John Fuda, they rip him apart. Louie called him ugly and a loser. Louie you're no prize in the looks either so no room to talk. Teresa tells him he handled it with grace with John and she is sorry he has to deal with this. He says the same to her, she doesn't deserve any of this. I feel so bad what these two have to put up with. Not! Louie handled it with grace! What the... such an odd thing to say. Louie wrote on Instagram that Teresa has so much grace. I would not describe these two with the word grace.
Joe Gorga's party starts. It looks like fun. The men were doing shots on a blow-up doll's ass that John brought. Ass shots are not my style of fun, but to each their own.
Rachel is complaining about Adult Jen F's betrayal and Marge is talking about Jen A. Marge thinks Jen A should have shown up. Why? I wouldn't if I was her. Rachel agrees with me and says she wouldn't have shown up either.
Back home Teresa throws a going away dinner party for Gabriella at a restaurant. Louie's boys are there along with her daughters. It's a nice family scene. They all reminisce and have a nice time together. Cheers Gabriella! I hope she succeeds in whatever career that she decides to do. I am sure she will.
Back at the party John and Paul joke around with the other men and make up. Oh, and Frank is there. I thought he was off the show for good. He tells Joe that he misses him and that he is Starchy to his Hutch. What?!! Oh, and Frankie Jr. Isn't in Dolores' background family tagline. It's Paul and her daughter. Maybe Frank Jr. had enough of the show.
Marge, Rachel and Adult Jen F sit down. Marge is going to get her. She asks her about Teresa and Louie. Marge is going on and on about it, she is annoyed. Jackie sits down and takes Adult F's side. Marge and Rachel are not having it. Marge tells Adult Jen that she doesn't understand what she is doing, she hated them. Adult Jen is not budging, she now loves Teresa and will be friends with whoever she wants. Rache; starts crying about all of this. Adult Jen feels bad for Rachel, but she loves Teresa now! Rachel feels very betrayed, and Marge is not having what Adult Jen A is putting down. This is messy. Jen F told Marge she is not Marge's soldier, and she will do what she wants and be friends with who she wants. There is a lot of arguing going on and I am sure it will continue. Jackie is comforting Adult Jen and Marge and Rachel are talking about Jen F to Danielle, Rachel is still crying. The betrayal is real. Danielle agrees with Rachel and Marge--she says Adult Jen F isn't loyal and should never do that to her best friends.
Adult Jen F is trying with all her might to tell everyone that she is the best friend anyone could ever have! I don't know about that. What do you all think? Is Jen F a traitor or is Marge and Rachel being unreasonable? If someone does me harm and spread rumors about me. I wouldn't be too fond if my friend befriended that person who she knew for a minute and said she disliked. It's hurtful to do that to a longtime friend who you trusted. That's my take on this.
Oh yeah, and Joe Gorga gets a nice big Italian cannoli cake! Besides the arguing, there were a lot of people there having a lot of fun. Everyone wished him a Happy Birthday and it ended on a happy scene with the delicious cake! Who doesn't love cake?
To Be Continued...
submitted by PrueGretel to Tamaras_Tattlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:35 boombas4 Does anyone remember Teresa's Restaurant in Little Italy?

I was told that my grandmother worked at Teresa's restaurant when she immigrated from Italy. I haven't been able to find any information about it. Does anyone have information or photos? It would have been in the early 1960's.
submitted by boombas4 to Cleveland [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:30 readingrachelx Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - May 15th, 2024

Links to this week's episode discussion posts:
submitted by readingrachelx to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 12:42 miriel41 [Discussion] Read the World - Ecuador The Sisters of Alameda Street by Lorena Hughes Start through Chapter 8

Hello readers and world travellers, welcome to Ecuador! If I had no other books to read, I would totally binge that book! I'm curious to hear what you all think. Feel free to answer the questions in the comments below or add your own remarks or questions.
Edit: I forgot to summarise the prologue, because it is not listed in the table of contents of my ebook, lol. There, Malena has found a letter in her father's belongings from her mother, addressed to her grandmother asking her to see her daughter just once.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Ana, 1936)
Chapter 8
submitted by miriel41 to bookclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:17 redditduk [MEGALIST] SG Concerts Gigs Raves - Till Vesak Day (10 - 23 May 2024)

Update 24 May Newlist:

10 May, Fri

Sat, 11 May


Esplanade Pesta Raya Festival 11


Events & Parties 11


Club Guest Performers 11


12 May, Sun - Mother's Day

Esplanade - Pesta Raya Malay Festival Last


13 May, Mon


14 May, Tue


15 May, Wed


16 May, Thu


17 May, Fri - Start of Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA 2024)


Club Guest Performers


18 May, Sat



SIFA 2024


DJ Events

truncated, word limit - Wellness and DJ Party Immersion by Wild Pearl - BIG SPLASH with Yoga Movement & Rumours Beach, Rumours Beach Club 🏖 @ 40 Siloso Bch Walk, Sentosa, IG 📸 $37 - Live Hiphop & DJ, Drip, Dreamfellas Presents: CLOUT, drip club @ 100 Orchard Rd Concorde Hotel, $27 - DJ, Behind the Green Door: Anthony Middleton (🇬🇧 house, Audiofly), Behind the Green Door @ 97 Duxton Road (maxwell), $35 - DJ, Marquee: Marquee Rising ft DJ Kiara 🇸🇬, marquee nightclub @ marina bay sands shoppes, $20 - DJ, Bollywood Club X pres. KALA CHASHMA, hard rock cafe cuscaden (orchard), $29 - DJ, Zouk: One Dance, Total Recall, Slime Hiphop, zouk clarke quay - DJ, Ce La Vi: BIG NITE OUT! feat. NAKADIA 🇹🇭 & OSCAR L 🇪🇸 (techno & house), marina bay sands hotel rooftop bar-club 🗼, $38 - DJ, MODAL presents MODE09 feat. Tommy Four Seven (🇬🇧 techno), MDLR club @ 62 cecil street (cbd) L2, $37

19 May, Sun

20 May, Mon

21 May, Tue - PH eve


22 May, Wed - Vesak Day

Other Arts Events


23 May, Thu

I am on telegram: search sg music chat or visit
submitted by redditduk to singaporemusicchat [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 15:33 Leather_Focus_6535 The 113 inmates executed by Virginia in the post Furman era and their crimes (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk) [part 2, cases 59-113]

This is part 2 of my list for Virginia's post Furman execution roster. As mentioned in part 1's opening paragraph, character count limitations forced me into splitting my Virginia's execution roster into two separate posts. For the link to part 1, please click here.
59. Kevin Cardwell (1991-1998, lethal injection): Cardwell intercepted Anthony Brown, a 15 year old drug carrier, while he was at a bus stop. He lured Brown into his apartment and searched his belongings for any drugs. Brown was then dragged into the woods, shot to death, and stripped of the cocaine strapped to his legs.
60. Mark Sheppard (~1980s-1999, lethal injection): Sheppard and his accomplice Andre Graham were invited by their dealers, 40 year old Richard and 35 year old Rebecca Rosenbluth, over to their home to buy cocaine. However, an argument broke out during the transaction, and Sheppard shot the couple to death. The pair then drove away from the scene with the couple's car and a few undisclosed stolen items. Sheppard had a long history of violence that dated back to when he was 9 years old.
61. Tony Fry (1994-1999, lethal injection): Fry and his partner shot Leeland Jacobs, a 42 year old car salesman, while robbing his Ford Dealership. The pair tied Jacobs to a car they stole while he was still alive, and dragged him to death.
62. George Quesinberry Jr. (1989-1999, lethal injection): Quesinberry shot 63 year old Thomas Haynes while breaking into his office with an accomplice. When Haynes survived the initial shooting, Quesinberry hit him in the head with the gun and fractured his skull. The pair stole a total of $200 in the robbery.
63. David Fisher (~1970s(?)-1999, lethal injection): Fisher was paid $7,000 by an associate to kill 18 year old David Wilkey in retaliation for abandoning a murder scheme. Originally, Wilkey was part of a conspiracy to seduce and marry a young woman in order to kill her for an insurance policy, but backed out when he genuinely fell in love with the would be victim. He was tricked into going on a hunting trip with Fisher and shot to death by him. Fisher had 25 previous criminal convictions and was involved with organized crime. He was in the witness protection program at the time of Wilkey’s murder.
64. Carl Chichester (1991-1999, lethal injection): During a holdup of a Little Caesars, Chichester shot and killed the manager, 30 year old Timothy Rigney, for refusing to open the cash register. He and his two accomplices ran off with a total of $110.
65. Arthur Jenkins III (1991-1999, lethal injection): Jenkins and his teenage brother shot and killed their uncle, 72 year old Floyd, and their uncle's friend, 69 year old Lee Brinklow. They then stole their wallets and sacked Floyd's home for any money and valuables.
66. Eric Payne (~1980s-1999, lethal injection): Payne broke into the residences of two women, 61 year old Ruth Parham and 57 year old Sally Fazio, and raped them. Both women were beaten to death with a hammer, and he took money from their drawers and pocket books. He had a history of drug possessions and exposing himself to women.
67. Ronald Yeatts (1989-1999, lethal injection): Yeatts and an accomplice invaded 70 year old Ruby Dodson's home and stabbed her to death. The pair grabbed her purse during the burglary and divided up the money they found in it.
68. Tommy Strickler (1989-1999, lethal injection): Strickler and his partner kidnapped 19 year old Leann Whitlock from a mall and crushed her head with a 70 pound boulder. Whitlock's car and credit cards were stolen during the attack.
69. Marlon Williams (~1980s(?)-1999, lethal injection): Williams was paid $4,000 to murder 44 year old Helen Bedsole by his dealer, who was also her estranged husband. The couple were in the midst of a bitter divorce at the time, and the dealer wanted to both collect a life insurance policy and prevent Helen from dividing up their assets. He suck into the couple’s home, and shot and killed Helen in the kitchen. Williams had an extensive criminal history, which included cutting the throat of his ex girlfriend’s grandmother, 71 year old Virgina Parker, during a bungled attempt on her life.
70. Everett Mueller (1990-1999, lethal injection): 10 year old Charity Powers was dropped off at a skating ring by her mother. She was supposed to be picked up by her mother's friend, but they didn't show up due to failing asleep in their home. While Powers was waiting outside the ring in vain for her ride, she was abducted by Mueller. He raped the girl, slashed her throat, and dumped the body in a nearby forest.
71. Jason Joseph (1992-1999, lethal injection): While robbing a Subway with an accomplice, Joseph shot and killed one of the clerks, 22 year old Jeffrey Anderson.
72. Thomas Royal Jr. (~1991-1999, lethal injection): Royal and 3 other gang members fatally shot a police officer, 29 year old Kenneth Wallace, while he was sitting in his patrol car. Wallace was killed as part of the gang's campaign to target law enforcement agents. Royal and his fellow gang members were also suspected in the shooting of James Smith Jr. (age unknown), a Vietnam veteran, outside his trailer, but the charges were dropped from the lack of sufficient evidence.
73. Andre Graham (~1993-1999, lethal injection): Graham assisted the above mentioned Mark Sheppard in the Rosenbluth murders. He also shot and killed a waitress, 20 year old Sheryl Stack, and injured a 23 year old man while robbing a restaurant on his own, and is suspected in a total of 10 murders.
74. Douglas Thomas (1990-2000, lethal injection): The parents of Thomas' 14 year old girlfriend, 33 year old James and 33 year Kathy Wiseman, barred her from seeing him. In a bid to continue their relationship, Thomas and his girlfriend shot them to death in their home.
75. Steve Roach (1993-2000, lethal injection): Roach shot and killed 70 year old Mary Hughes on her doorstep and stole her credit card. He was caught on tape trying to use Hughes' stolen cards to pull money out of an ATM machine in North Carolina.
76. Lonnie Weeks Jr. (1993-2000, lethal injection): Weeks was pulled over by a state trooper, 50 year old Jose Cavazos, for speeding while driving a stolen car. In the confrontation that followed, he shot Cavazos dead after climbing out of the car, and fled the scene. He was captured hiding in a nearby motel after an hour long manhunt.
77. Michael Clagett (1994-2000, electric chair): Clagett's girlfriend was fired from her job as a hotel waitress by the management, and the couple decided to retaliate by robing the establishment. They shot and killed the owner Lam Van Son, a 41 year old Vietnamese refugee, a waitress, 31 year old Karen Rounds, two other employees, 31 year old Karen Rounds and 32 year old Wendell Parish Jr., and a customer Abdelaziz Gren, a 34 year old Moroccan immigrant, and took $400 in cash from the register. Van Son’s 3 year old son was sleeping in the backroom during the attack, but the couple left him unharmed.
78. Russel Burket (1993-2000, lethal injection): Burket snuck into the home of 30 year old Katherine Tafelski while her Navy SEALs husband was deployed overseas, and sexually assaulted her. Katherine and her 5 year old daughter Ashley were both beaten to death with a "rusty" crowbar.
79. Derek Barnabei (1993-2000, lethal injection): Barnabei seduced a fellow Old Dominion University student, 17 year old Sarah Wisnosky, into a relationship with him and kidnapped her. She was raped, partially strangled, beaten to death with a hammer, and dumped into a river near campus grounds. Due to him being of Italian ancestry, his death sentence and execution sparked outrage in Italy.
80. Bobby Ramdass (1992-2000, lethal injection): Ramdass was condemned for the shooting death of Mohammed Kayani, a 34 year old Pakistani immigrant working as a clerk, during a convenience store robbery. He also shot dead 19 year old Darrell Ferguson in an alley and wounded a cab driver in other robberies.
81. Christopher Goins (1994-2000, lethal injection): Goins broke into the home of his 14 year old girlfriend (who was 7 months pregnant with his child). He shot and killed her parents, 35 year old James and 29 year old Daphne Jones, and her siblings, 9 year old Nicole and 4 year old David. The girlfriend and her youngest sibling, 21 month old Kenya, were also shot in the attack. Both of them survived, but the unborn child was lost in the shooting.
82. Thomas Akers (1998-2001, lethal injection): Akers and his accomplice were driving with their friend, 24 year old Wesley Smith. When they pulled over on a road to urinate, they pounced on Smith. In the attack, he was strangled with a belt and beaten to death with a baseball bat. They pair then grabbed $200 from his wallet and dumped his body in a creek. While on death row, Akers demanded his execution and made threats against the judge who sentenced him if it wasn't carried out.
83. Christopher Beck (1995-2001, lethal injection): Out of anger for being fired, Beck invaded the house of his former employer, 52 year old William Miller. He waited for him and his two roommates, 54 year old Florence Marks and 34 year old David Kaplan, to return home and shot and stabbed them all to death. Marks was also raped in the attack. Although Beck claimed that he "only" staged a sexual assault on her, a medical examination confirmed that she was abused in that manner. Beck stole several guns, bicycles, and money in the robbery.
84. James Patterson (1987-2002, lethal injection): Patterson held his friend's mother, 56 year old Joyce Aldridge, in her home at knifepoint. Enraged that she only had a few coins in her purse, he raped Aldridge, stabbed her 3 times, and left her to die. When Aldridge managed to crawl to a phone to call her son for help, Patterson returned and stabbed her 14 more times. Although Aldridge's murder was left unsolved for years, Patterson was later imprisoned for raping an 18 year old girl, and DNA found at the murder was traced to his samples filed in the inmate database in 2000.
85. Daniel Zirkle (1999-2002, lethal injection): Zirkle's girlfriend broke off their relationship due to his violent behavior and filed protective orders against him. He was arrested for violating them and sentenced to a few months in jail. After his release, Zirkle went to his ex girlfriend's home without her permission to visit their daughter, 4 year old Christina. However, the ex girlfriend's other daughter, 14 year old Jessica Shifflett, blocked him from coming inside. He stabbed her to death and kidnapped Christina. He then drove Christina to the George Washington National Forest, slit her throat, and stabbed himself in a failed suicide attempt.
86. Walter Mickens Jr. (~1974-2002, lethal injection): Mickens ambushed and sodomized 17 year old Timothy Hall, and stabbed him 143 times. He stripped the boy of nearly all of his clothing, and left him to die in an abandoned apartment. A long time sexual predator and career criminal, Mickens had several robbery and sodomy convictions dating back to the 70s. One of his previous incidents involved breaking into an elementary school, and coercing a teacher of her purse by threatening the life of a 7 year old student. He also had a conviction for sexually assaulting a cellmate.
87. Aimal Kasi (1993-2002, lethal injection): In his efforts to fight against American foreign policy regarding Islamic nations, Kasi attacked the Langley CIA headquarters with a Type 56 assault rifle. He shot dead 2 CIA employees, 66 year old Lansing Bennett and 28 year old Frank Darling, and wounded 3 others. Kasi then fled to Afghanistan, but was lured into his native Pakistan to be captured in a joint FBI-CIA led operation, and extradited back to the United States to face trial.
88. Earl Bramblett (~1970s(?)-2003, electric chair): Bramblett had molested 11 year old Winter Hodges and feared that her parents, 41 year old William and 37 year old Teresa, were planning on reporting him to the police. In an attempt to prevent that from happening, he attacked the family in their home. Teresa was strangled, while William, Winter, and another daughter, 3 year old Anah, were shot dead. Bramblett then set the house on fire to destroy any evidence of the murders. He had several abuse allegations and was also suspected in the 1977 disappearances of two 14 year old girls, Tammy Akers and Angela Rader, that worked for him, but was never charged for any of them.
89. Bobby Swisher (1997-2003, lethal injection): Swisher abducted 22 year old Dawn Snyder from her flower shop at knife point and raped her. He slashed Snyder's throat and dumped her into a nearby river. Despite managing to swim back to shore, Snyder succumbed to her injuries on the river bank.
90. Brian Cherrix (1994-2004, lethal injection): Cherrix ambushed 23 year old Tessa Van Hart while she was trying to deliver a pizza. He sodomized and shot Van Hart twice in the head, and left the body in her car. The crime was left unsolved until Cherrix was arrested for shooting and wounded his brother two years later. In an attempt to secure leniency, Cherrix disclosed some details of Van Hart's murder, but tried pinning it on a deceased cousin. He only confessed when investigators learned that the cousin couldn't have possibly done it.
91. Dennis Orbe (1998-2004, lethal injection): Orbe fatally shot Richard Burnett, a 39 year old clerk, while robbing a grocery store, and seized $90 from the register.
92. Mark Bailey (1998-2004, lethal injection): Bailey shot and killed his wife, 22 year old Katherine, and their 2 year old son, Nathan, while they were laying in bed. He claimed to investigators that the murders were done out of anger for Katherine's alleged infidelity.
93. James Hudson (2002-2004, lethal injection): In a feud over a driveway, Hudson broke into the home of the Cole family (consisting of brothers, 64 year old Thomas and 56 year old Walter, and Thomas' wife, 64 year old Patsy) to confront them with a shotgun. He shot all three of the Coles dead and drove away from the scene. Hudson was captured after nearly a day long manhunt.
94. James Reid (1996-2004, lethal injection): Reid stabbed 87 year old Annie Lester 22 times with a pair of scissors, beat her with a can of milk, and strangled her with the cord of a heating pad. He left the body in her bedroom and fled her house. Although the evidence for his guilt was overwhelming (which included the blood on his clothes matched Lester's DNA, several of his fingerprints were discovered on the murder weapons, samples of his saliva were found on a cigarette butt in her house, and his handwriting was identical to the writing of a death threat sent to Lester), Reid's death sentence and execution was contested on the grounds of him allegedly having brain damage from a car accident, seizures, and alcoholism. The motivations behind Lester's murder remain unknown, but prosecutors suspected that it might have been part of a bungled robbery or rape attempt.
95. Dexter Vinson (1997-2006, lethal injection): Vinson attacked his ex girlfriend, 25 year old Angela Felton, near her home. Felton tried to escape by driving away, but he rammed her car with his, and forced her inside it. She was then dragged into a vacant house, raped, beaten, and stabbed in the face, neck, arms, buttocks, stomach, and vagina. The body was left in the house as Vinson fled the scene.
96. Brandon Hedrick (1997-2006, electric chair): Hendrick kidnapped a sex worker, 23 year old Lisa Crider, while he was cruising for prostitutes. Initially, Crider and Hendrick had engaged in paid consensual relations, but the situation turned violent when he robbed her of $50 at gunpoint. She was then raped, shot in the face, and dumped into a river.
97. Michael Lenz (~1990s-2006, lethal injection): While serving 29 years for a burglary and weapons possession conviction, Lenz stabbed a fellow inmate, 41 year old Brent Parker, to death. Both were part of a Nordic Neopaganism sect, and the killing was committed over Parker allegedly not expressing enough devotion to their deities. Parker was serving a life sentence for killing a friend during a drunken rage at the time of his own murder.
98. John Schmitt (1999-2006, lethal injection): During a holdup of a bank, Schmitt shot and killed the guard, 39 year old Shelton Dunning, and took $35,000 from the vaults.
99. Kevin Green (1998-2008, lethal injection): Green and his teenage nephew stormed a convenience store, and forced the owners, 68 year old Lawrence Vaughan and his wife, 53 year old Patricia, to hand over $9,000 in cash. They then shot the couple, killing Patricia and wounding Lawrence.
100. Robert Yarbrough (1997-2008, lethal injection): Yarbrough and his accomplice tied up 77 year old Cyril Hamby while robbing his grocery store. They subjected Hamby to beatings and nearly decapitated him with a pocket knife. The pair then stole beer, wine, cigarettes, and an undisclosed amount of money.
101. Kent Jackson (2000-2008, lethal injection): Jackson and an accomplice attacked 79 year old Beulah Kaiser in her apartment, and raped her. She was stabbed several times in the neck, beaten, and her cane was shoved down her throat after she was anally penetrated with it. A cigarette butt found at the crime scene was traced to the pair.
102. Christopher Emmett (2001-2008, lethal injection): Emmett was staying at a motel room with a coworker, 43 year old John Langley, while they were working on an out of town roofing job. The pair played cards until Langley went to bed. As he slept, Emmett bludgeoned him to death with a lamp, and stole $100 from his wallet. He used the stolen money to buy crack cocaine.
103. Edward Bell (~1990s-2008, lethal injection): While running away from officers trying to arrest him for a parole violation, Bell shot and killed one of his pursers, 32 year old Sergeant Ricky Timbrook. Bell had a long criminal record, which included several felony and misdemeanor convictions of assault, burglary, carrying conceal weapons, and was found to have stolen a car during the investigations of Timbrook's murder.
104. John Muhammad (~1999-2008, lethal injection): The so called “D.C. Sniper”, Muhammad shot and killed 17 random people between the ages of 21-76 with the help of a teenage accomplice in mostly sniper attacks. The killings took place in the national capital, hence the epithet, and across several states. Due to his affiliation with the Nation of Islam and the accomplice’s accounts of planning terrorist attacks and training camps, Muhammad’s murder spree are often considered to be acts of Islamic extremism in the media. However, experts believe that his real intentions was to kill his estranged wife using the sniper attacks as a mask. Muhammad had a long history of domestic violence, and had abducted his children from his estranged wife on numerous occasions. His accomplice had also accused him of sexual abuse a few years after his execution.
105. Larry Elliott (2001-2008, electric chair): Elliott, a former military counterintelligence agent, was in an online "sugar daddy" relationship with a much younger woman. At the woman's request, Elliott sent her over $450,000, which she used to pay for a home, credit card, car, breast enhancement surgery, and enrolling her children in a private school. The woman was also involved with a bitter custody dispute with her children's father, 30 year old Robert Finch. In an attempt to win the woman's devotion, Elliott shot and killed Finch in his home, and beat Finch's girlfriend, 25 year old Dana Thrall, to death with the butt of his gun.
106. Paul Powell (1999-2010, electric chair): Angry that his friend, 16 year old Stacie Reed, was in an interracial relationship, Powell made an attempt to rape her in her home. When she fought back, Powell stabbed her to death. He also tied up Stacie's 14 year old sister to be raped, stabbed, and strangled, and left the girl to die in the family's basement. The sister managed to survive with the timely arrival of their stepfather, who called the police and the paramedics to the scene. On the mistaken belief that the death penalty was off the table, Powell sent letters flaunting the lewd details of the murder to taunt the prosecutors, judge, and the victims’ family.
107. Darick Walker (~1996-2010, lethal injection): In 1996, Walker walked up to the door of 36 year old Stanley Beale, and angrily accused him of showing up at his home despite the fact that they were complete strangers. He then shot Beale dead in front of his children and girlfriend, and ran away from the scene. A year later, Walker forced himself into an apartment, and shot 34 year old Clarence Threat seven times while he was laying in bed with his girlfriend. Walker had a history of violence and frequently stole from his friends and family. In one reported incident, he kicked the stomach of a pregnant woman in an act of rage.
108. Teresa Lewis (2002-2010, lethal injection): Lewis conspired with two men that she had a sexual relationship with to kill her husband, 51 year old Julian, and her stepson, 25 year old Charles. Charles was about to be deployed to participate in the then upcoming invasion of Iraq, which gave him a $250,000 life insurance policy that Lewis wanted to collect from both him and his father. She let her accomplices inside their trailer, and shot Julian and Charles while they were sleeping. Charles was killed immediately, while Julian, who witnessed Lewis pay the attackers, survived long enough to notify the responders of his wife's involvement.
109. Jerry Jackson (2001-2011, lethal injection): Jackson broke into the apartment of 88 year old Ruth Phillips, and woke her up while he was rummaging through her room. Despite Phillips' pleas for her life, Jackson raped her and suffocated her to death with a pillow. He stole her car and a total of $60 in the break in, and spent the stolen money on marijuana.
110. Robert Gleason (2007+(?)-2013, electric chair): In 2007, Gleason shot and killed 54 year old Michael Jamerson, in order to prevent him from testifying about his drug trafficking activities, and was given a life sentence for the murder. While incarcerated, he tied up and strangled his cellmate, 63 year old Harvey Watson (who serving a life sentence for a mass shooting). Prison officials then transferred him to a high security prison to await trial for Watson’s murder, but he managed to strangle another inmate, 26 year old Aaron Cooper (who was serving 34 years for robbery), to death with the wire that separated their cages. Gleason demanded the death penalty, which was given to him by the courts. He also claimed that he committed several other killings before Jamerson, but his additional confessions currently remain unverifiable.
111. Alfredo Prieto (~1984-2015, lethal injection): Prieto was both a serial killer of young women and a member of the Pomona Northside street gang. His sexual crimes involved the abductions, rapes, and shooting deaths of at least 4 females, 24 year old Tina Jefferson, 22 year old Rachael Raver, 19 year old Stacey Siegrist, and 15 year old Yvette Woodruff. Raver and Siegrist’s partners, 22 year old Warren Fulton III and 21 year old Anthony Gianuzzi, were also murdered during their kidnappings. The other known victims, 27 year old Manuel Sermeno, and couple, 71 year old Lula and 65 year old Herbert Farley, were shot dead during robberies. In the home invasion that killed Woodruff, Prieto and his fellow gang members also abducted her 17 year old friend and the friend’s 33 year old mother. The mother and daughter pair were gang-raped, shot and stabbed together, but they managed to escape with their lives. Prieto was sentenced to death in both California and Virginia, but stayed in California’s San Quentin until his death warrant was signed in Virginia. He had also shot and injured 3 gang members over his suspicions of them sleeping with his wife, but was lightly sentenced due to the victims' gang affiliations.
112. Ricky Gray (~2005-2017, lethal injection): Gray and his similarly aged nephew murdered at least 9 people, which composed of a lone woman, 35 year old Treva Gray, and two entire families, the Harveys (consisting of parents, 49 year old Bryan and 39 year old Kathryn, and their daughters, 9 year old Stella and 4 year old Ruby), and the Baskerville-Tuckers (consisting of 21 year old Ashley, her 46 year old mother Mary, and Mary’s 55 year old husband Percyell) in a week long burglary spree. Almost all of the victims were tied up and gagged in their homes, and beaten to death with hammers or had their throats slit. Before she was killed by them with her parents, victim Ashley Baskerville had assisted Gray and his nephew in several of their robberies. The pair stole any items and valuables they could carry, and were reported to have taken money, computers, television sets, wedding rings, and even cookies. They were also linked to several non fatal assaults, one of which involved a 26 year old man being beaten into a coma.
113. William Morva (~2005-2017, lethal injection): Morva, a son of Hungarian immigrants, and an accomplice were arrested while trying rob a grocery store at gunpoint. While awaiting trial, he badly sprained his ankle and wrist in prison, and was transferred to the Montgomery Regional Hospital for treatment. He overpowered a deputy guarding him with a metal toilet-paper container, stole his gun, fatally shot Derrick McFarland, a 25 year old hospital security guard, and escaped. Morva then fled to Virginia Tech’s campus, and shot and killed 40 year old Eric Sutphin, one of the police officers chasing him.
submitted by Leather_Focus_6535 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:48 CLIP_not_well_bitch Which person on a Bravo show would Andy Cohen not recognize if he ran into them on the street?

We all know he has his favorites and the people he barely tolerates, but who would he simply not be able to place out of the context of a Bravo-based setting? I can picture a drunk or stoned AC being approached at a restaurant by Nicole Napolitano or Teresa Aprea (RHONJ, S6) and him wondering if they're fans or someone he should actually know!
submitted by CLIP_not_well_bitch to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 19:46 Leather_Focus_6535 The 77 inmates executed by the state of Georgia since the 1970s and their crimes (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk)

Here is the list that I wrote for Georgia's post Furman execution roster for my death penalty project. Like with the previous posts, the dates aren't a precise duration of time spent on death row, but rather an approximation of their earliest known criminal activities to their executions. Many of the crimes discussed in this post are also extremely horrific, and thus please read at your own risk.
As I finished finials yesterday, the remaining states, Missouri, Virginia, Florida, and Oklahoma might be released on a quicker pace. I'm planning on doing Missouri next, but it might be split into at least two separate parts due to the currently 98 executions that have taken place.
The currently executed 77 inmates:
1. John Smith (1974-1983, electric chair): Smith and his wife decided to kill her ex husband, 38 year old Ronald Atkins, and his 29 year old wife Juanita, when they learned that the daughter she had in their former marriage were beneficiaries of the Atkins' life insurance policy. The couple and another accomplice lured the Atkins' to their home with a promise of selling them a television set, and shot them both dead.
2. Ivon Stanley (1976-1984, electric chair): Stanley and an accomplice abducted Clifford Floyd, a 46 year old insurance agent, after they lured him into the accomplice's apartment. Floyd was dragged into a forest, beaten with a hammer, and tied to a tree. He was then shot and buried alive in a shallow grave. Floyd succumbed to a combination of blood loss and suffocation and a total of $234 was stolen from him in the attack.
3. Alpha Stephens (~1961-1984, electric chair): In 1973, Stephens shot dead 57 year old Louise Mercer while robbing a grocery store her brother owned. A year later, Stephens abducted Roy Asbell, a 49 year old minister, from his home with a gun he stole from Asbell's son. Asbell tried bribing his captor with hundreds of dollars in cash for his life, but Stephens simply snatched the money away, dragged Asbell to a barn, and shot him in the head. He had a significant rap sheet that included several armed robberies, prison breakouts, auto thefts, kidnappings, and burglaries, and was first arrested at the age of 16.
4. Roosevelt Green Jr. (1976-1985, electric chair): During a robbery of a convenience store, Green kidnapped the clerk, 18 year old Teresa Allen, stole $466 from the cash register, and drove away with his loot and hostage in her car. He then raped Allen, shot her to death, and dumped her body on a dirt road.
5. Van Solomon (1979-1985, electric chair): Solomon and his accomplice Brandon Jones gunned down 29 year old Roger Tackett while robbing a Tenneco store he managed. Ironically, Solomon himself was shot by an assailant robbing his grocery store some years before the murder.
6. John Young (1974-1985, electric chair): Young attacked 6 elderly men and women with bottles, lamps, fireplace pokers, and vases in their homes, across a single neighborhood. 3 of the victims, 85 year old Coleman Brice, his 83 year old wife Gladys, and 83 year old Katie Davis, were beaten to death in the assaults. Several variables such as jewelry and watches were taken as well.
7. Jerome Bowden (1976-1986, electric chair): Bowden and an accomplice stabbed 55 year old Kathryn Stryker to death and gravely wounded her bedridden mother, 76 year old Wessie Jenkins while burglarizing their home. Several items, such a wig, a pellet gun, some jewelry, and a television set was stolen in the intrusion. The television set was sold by Bowden to one of his acquaintances. Jenkins initially survived the attack, but died from complications relating to their injuries after Bowden was indicted for her daughter's murder.
8. Joseph Mulligan (1974-1987, electric chair): As part of a scheme to collect an insurance policy, Mulligan shot his sister's estranged husband, 30 year old Patrick Doe and Doe's girlfriend, 25 year old Marion Miller, while they were driving to a party. Doe was a captain in the United States Army at the time of his death.
  1. Richard Tucker Jr. (~1963-1987, electric chair): In 1963, Tucker stabbed his aunt, 61 year old Annie Armstrong, 14 times with scissors while burglarizing her home. He was released from incarceration in 1978. 6 months after being let out of prison, Tucker abducted 50 year old Edna Sandefur from a hospital parking lot while she was visiting her ill mother, and drove her to a remote warehouse. He robbed and raped Sandefur, and then beat her to death with an iron pipe. Tucker also had previous convictions of burglary and attempted rape.
10. William Tucker (1977-1987, electric chair): Tucker abducted 19 year old Kathleen Parry, a pregnant clerk, while he was robbing a convenience store she was working at. He forced Parry at knifepoint to withdraw money from the cash register, and dragged her into his car. When they drove to a chapel, Tucker stabbed her to death.
11. William Mitchell (1974-1987, electric chair): Mitchell accosted 50 year old Willard Williams while he was walking down a street and mugged him of $4. He then forced Williams to lay down and shot him execution style. In the following day, he held 34 year old Peggy Carr and her 14 year old son Christopher at gunpoint while they were opening their family owned store. Despite Peggy giving him $160, he made rape threats against her and forced the pair into a freezer. Both mother and son were shot several times and left for dead by Mitchell. Christopher died at the scene, while his mother survived her injuries.
12. Timothy McCorquodale (1974-1987, electric chair): McCorquodale and his entourage accused Donna Dixon, a 17 year old runaway, of stealing money from him and giving it to a black pimp that he thought she was having a relationship with. He bombarded Dixon with racist insults and sexual advances as he and his accomplices kidnapped her from a club. After she was taken to McCorquodale’s apartment, Dixon was bound, and repeatedly beaten and raped. They tortured her by cutting her breasts with razor blades, burned her body with cigarette butts and candle wax, and she was violated with a bottle. The abuse ended when McCorquodale broke her arms and legs, and strangled her to death with a clothesline. On death row, McCorquodale escaped with three other inmates, including Troy Gregg of the 1976 Furman vs Gregg infamy. After the group took refuge at a biker bar, McCorquodale beat Gregg to death in a fight with the help of a Outlaws Motorcycle gang member. Days after Gregg's murder, McCorquodale and the other surviving fugitives were recaptured hiding out at an Outlaws Biker's home.
13. James Messer Jr. (1979-1988, electric chair) To get back at his estranged wife for leaving him with their children, Messer kidnapped her niece, 8 year old Rhonda Tanner, while he was picking her up from school. He raped and severely beat Tanner in a forest and stabbed her to death.
14. Henry Willis III (1976-1989, electric chair): Willis and his accomplices abducted a policeman, 29 year old James Giddens, that was dispatched to stop their robbery of a food market. They took the captive officer near a lake, where he tried to escape by jumping into it. Willis and one of his partners shot Giddens dead while he was trying to swim to safety.
15. Warren McCleskey (1978-1991, electric chair): McCleskey robbed a jewelry store at gunpoint, and fired on the responding officers. One of the officers, 30 year old Frank Schlatt was killed in the shooting.
16. Thomas Stevens (1977-1993, electric chair): Stevens and Christopher Burger abducted a fellow soldier, 20 year old Roger Honeycutt, who was also working as a cab driver, when he picked them up from the enlisted men's club on Fort Stewart. Honeycutt was tied up with a cord, robbed of $20, and sodomized repeatedly by both of his captors. The pair then locked Honeycutt in the trunk of the cab, and drove it into a pond as they jumped out. Being unable to escape, Honeycutt drowned as his car sank into the pond's depths.
17. Christopher Burger (1977-1993, electric chair): As mentioned under Thomas Stevens' section, Burger assisted in the robbery, abduction, rape, and murder of Roger Honeycutt.
18. William Hance (1977-1994, electric chair): Hance, a former Marine that transferred himself to the Army, abducted at least 3 women, 32 year old Irene Thirkield, 24 year old Karen Hickman, and 21 year old Gail Jackson. Thrikield and Jackson were black prostitutes and Hickman was a white Marine servicewoman that was stationed in the same base as Hance. They were all raped and beaten to death with jack handles and tire irons. In a misguided attempt to throw off the police and attract media attention, Hance staged a convoluted hoax involving a race war between a gang of white vigilantes and a gang of black counter vigilantes. He tried to pretend that his victims were murdered from retaliatory killings between the two groups. Hance was also suspected in the murder of another woman in Indiana, but was never charged of it.
19. Nicholas Ingram (1983-1995, electric chair): Ingram broke into the home of 55 year old J.C. Sawyer and his wife Mary. He forced them to hand over $60 and their car keys at gunpoint, tied the couple together to a tree, and shot both of them. J.C. was killed, while Mary survived their ordeal. Ingram then stole their car and fled to California. While a fugitive hiding out in California, he committed another carjacking, and ran off to Nebraska, where he was detained for a DUI and deported back to Georgia to face trial. Due to being a British national, Ingram's execution sparked outrage in the United Kingdom.
20. Darrell Devier (1979-1995, electric chair): Devier lured 12 year old Mary Stoner into his car while she was walking home from school. He raped her in a forest, made an attempt to strangle her during their struggle, and crushed Stoner's head with a rock. Months before the murder, Devier was accused of raping a 13 year old girl, but the charges against him were dismissed from the lack of sufficient evidence.
21. Larry Lonchar (1986-1996, electric chair): During a dispute over gambling debts, Lonchar confronted his bookkeeper, 54 year old Wayne Smith, at his condo while pretending to be a FBI agent. In the altercation, he bound Wayne and his 24 year old son Steven with handcuffs, and shot and stabbed them to death. Wayne's girlfriend, 45 year old Margaret Sweat, called 911, and was also shot and stabbed to death while she was on the phone with the dispatcher. Another one of Wayne's sons was attacked in the incident, but he managed to survive his injuries.
22. Ellis Felker (1977-1996, electric chair): Evelyn Ludlam, a 19 year old cocktail waitress for the Holiday Inn, was lured into Flelker's clutches when he promised her work at his leather store. For religious reasons, Ludlam was disaffected with her job, and wanted a new line of work. Felker raped and strangled Ludlam to death and sexually mutilated her body. After he murdered Ludlem, Felker dumped her remains in a creek. He was registered sex offender with a sodomy conviction at the time of Ludlam's death.
23. David Cargill (1985-1998, electric chair): Cargill and his brother stormed a gas station, and forced a couple, 41 year old Danny and 29 year old Cheryl Williams, to lie on the floor. Cheryl was a clerk for the station, and Danny stopped by to help her close down after he put their sons to bed. The brothers shot the couple execution style, and stole a total of $482.79 from the register. They were also involved with several carjackings.
24. Terry Mincey (1982-2001, lethal injection): Mincey and his accomplices robbed a convenience store at gunpoint, and forced the clerk, 38 year old Paulette Riggs to empty the cash register into their bag. They shot her dead, and took 2 teenage siblings hostage that were present in the store. Coincidentally, a firefighter pulled up to the scene to refill his truck, and Mincey shot and wounded him. The siblings took the opportunity to escape and fled into a nearby field.
25. Jose High (1976-2001, lethal injection): High and his accomplices abducted 11 year old Bonnie Bulloch and his stepfather, 27 year old Henry Philips, from a gas station they were operating, after emptying the cash register. The robbers forced the pair into their car, reportedly taunted the captives about their intentions to kill them, and drove to a remote forest. They then shot Bulloch dead and wounded Philips.
26. Fred Gilreath Jr. (1979-2001, lethal injection): Gilreath's wife, 28 year old Linda, moved out of their home to escape their disintegrating marriage. When Linda returned with her father, 57 year old Gerrit Van Leeuwen, to pack up her belongings, Gilreath shot them both dead.
27. Byron Parker (1984-2001, lethal injection): Parker enticed 11 year old Christie Griffith into his car after she missed her taxi that was supposed to take her to her older brother's high school graduation. He bound Griffith to a tree, and raped and strangled her death, while his two year old son was waiting for him in their car.
28. Ronald Spivey (~1961-2002, lethal injection): While playing pool at a bar, Spivey got into a fight with 32 year old Charles McCook over money he perceived to have won, and shot him to death. A day later, he robbed a bank and took hostages. He fatally shot Bill Watson, a 40 year old off duty police officer that tried to stop him, and injured the manager, 21 year old Welton Allen. Allen tried fleeing to a nearby restaurant, and Spivey following him into it in pursuit. He fired on the establishment in an attempt to kill him, but missed and wounded an employee caught in the crossfire. Spivey then kidnapped a waitress and forced her to drive him to Alabama. She was rescued unharmed by local authorities when they pulled over and captured Spivey. A search of the stolen car found that Spivey stole a total of $360 in his robberies. His previous convictions include several counts of forgery, armed robbery, and auto theft.
29. Tracy Housel (1984-2002, lethal injection) Housel was a sexual predator and thief that victimized men and women alike between the ages of 18-45. He worked as a interstate truck driver, and picked up victims that he befriended from stops all across the country. They were driven to isolated locations, where Housel would bind, rob, and sodomize them. His killing methods were diverse and circumstantial, but Housel mostly used strangulations, beatings, and stabbings in the attacks. Housel was convicted in the deaths of Troy Smith (age unknown) and 44 year old Jean Drew, and is suspected in and/or confessed to 15 other murders. He was also responsible for several non fatal assaults and robberies. Like Nicholas Ingram, Housel's death sentence and execution sparked outrage in the United Kingdom due to him being a British national.
30. Wallace Fugate III (1991-2002, lethal injection): Fugate forced himself inside the home of his ex wife, 39 year old Pattie. He pistol whipped Pattie dozens of times and shot her dead in front of their 15 year old son. Unrelated to the case, but that son was beaten to death in the same house by his friends a year after Fugate's conviction.
31. William Putman (1980-2002, lethal injection): Purtman shot and killed 49 year old William Hodges on the side of a highway. Hours later, he snuck up on a married couple, 28 year old Kate Back and 22 year old David Hardin, sleeping at a rest stop in their car with their children (which included a 9 year old daughter, a 7 year old son, and an 11 month old daughter) and 14 year old niece. He shot David dead and tried to abduct Kate. When she resisted and screamed for her husband, Purtman shot her as well and fled the scene.
32. Larry Moon (1984-2003, lethal injection): According to prosecutors, Moon ambushed 34 year old Ricky Callahan while the later was walking to a pharmacy to buy headache medicine for his wife. Callahan was shot in the head during the attack and had $60 taken from his wallet. Moon was also suspected in the shooting deaths of Jimmy Hutcheson (age unknown) and Thomas DeJose (age unknown), several robberies, and the abduction and sexual assault of a female impersonator. The prosecution failed to convict him for the murder of DeJose on the grounds of self defense and the murder of Butcheson on the lack of sufficient evidence. His conviction for Callahan's murder is contested, as Moon and his supporters claim that a late hitman confessed to the killing.
33. Carl Isaacs (~1960s-2003, lethal injection): Isaacs, with the help of two of his brothers and a cellmate, escaped from the Maryland State prison, and fatally shot 19 year old Richard Miller when he tried to stop them from stealing a car. The group drove by a Georgia gas pump in the hopes of refilling their getaway car. However, the pump was empty, and decided to burglarize a nearby trailer belonging to the Alday family (which consisted of brothers, 62 year old Ned and 57 year old Aubrey, Ned's sons, 35 year old Jerry and 32 year old Chester, and Jerry's 26 year old wife Mary) while they were gone. When the family returned home, Isaacs and his accomplices held the entire family at gun point, gang-raped Mary several times, and shot them all dead. Isaacs had a very troubled history, and committed several burglaries and robberies as a teenager.
34. James Brown (~1968-2003, lethal injection): Brown went on a date with Brenda Watson, a 21 year old stripper. After they were drinking and partying together at a bar, Brown tied up Watson with nylon stockings, and raped and asphyxiated her by shoving panties down her throat. He had a long history involving violence towards women. One of his previous convictions involved an incident of him breaking into a woman’s home, and (non fatally) stabbing and sexually assaulting her. Brown also had a warrant at the time of Watson’s murder for aggravated robbery, kidnapping, and sexual assault charges when he lured another woman by posing as an artist in need of a model.
35. Robert Hicks (~1970s-2004, lethal injection): Hicks laid his eyes on 28 year old Joni Rivers while she was talking to her boyfriend using a grocery store payphone. He chased down Rivers when she tried to flee from him and nearly decapitated her in a frenzied stabbing attack. Rivers' shoes, shorts, and ring were taken and found in Hicks' car. Hicks was released from prison months earlier after serving a half of a 15 year sentence for sexually abusing a 16 year old girl.
36. Eddie Crawford (1983-2004, lethal injection): Crawford tried spending the night with one of his estranged wife's sisters after a drinking binge, but she ejected him from her home. Out of anger, he abducted Leslie English, her 2 year old daughter, from the girl's bedroom, and then raped and strangled her to death.
37. Timothy Carr (1992-2005, lethal injection): Carr and his girlfriend attended a party with 17 year old Keith Young. The couple decided that they wanted to rob the boy, and they lured him into a forest with the help of two other teenagers. Carr slit Young's throat, and then proceeded to beat him to death with a baseball bat. He and his accomplices stole a $125 paycheck and Young's car in the robbery.
38. Stephen Mobley (1991-2005, lethal injection): Mobley shot and killed 25 year old John Collins while robbing a Domino's Pizza restaurant he was managing. He had also held up 6 other restaurants and dry-cleaning shops at gunpoint in his month long crime spree.
39. Robert Conklin (~1981-2005, lethal injection): Conklin stabbed his boyfriend, 28 year old George Crooks, in the ear with a screwdriver in their apartment, and dismembered his body. In an attempt to get rid of the remains, he stuffed them in a garbage disposal in their kitchen and a nearby dumpster. At the time of Crooks' murder, Conklin was on parole from a 6 year sentence for armed robbery.
40. John Hightower (1987-2007, lethal injection): While under the influence of cocaine, Hightower shot his wife, 41 year old Dorothy, and his stepdaughters, 22 year old Sandra and 19 year old Evelyn Reaves, to death in their sleep.
41. William Lynd (1988-2008, lethal injection): Lynd got into an argument with his girlfriend, 26 year old Ginger Moore, over a planned vacation and shot her to death. While on the run in Ohio, he tried to hijack a car, and shot the driver, 42 year old Leslie Sharkey, in the process. Sharkey managed to crawl to safety, and notified the authorities of the attack. She died of her injuries a few days after the shooting.
42. Curtis Osborne (1990-2008, lethal injection): Osborne, a career drug dealer, shot his girlfriend's brother, 29 year old Arthur Jones, and Jones' girlfriend, 28 year old Linda Seaborne, dead in argument over money gained from a motorcycle sale. His death sentence was controversial, as Osborne claimed that his attorney denied him a plea bargain for a racist agenda.
43. Jack Alderman (1975-2008, lethal injection): In an attempt to collect a life insurance policy, Alderman beat his wife, 20 year old Barbara, to death with a wench.
44. Robert Newland (1986-2009, lethal injection): Newland went to the apartment of his girlfriend, 27 year old Carol Beatty, after a drinking binge, and tried to kiss her. When she rejected and slapped him, Newland stabbed and disemboweled her alive. Just before she succumbed to her injuries, Beatty used her own blood to identify Newland as her attacker to the first responders.
45. William Mize (1994-2009, lethal injection): Mize was a leader of a white supremacist gang called the National Vastilian Aryan Party, in which 34 year old Eddie Tucker had filed to join. When Tucker disobeyed his orders to burn down a "crack house" as part of an initiation ritual, Mize lured him into a forest and shot him dead.
46. Mark McClain (1994-2009, lethal injection): McClain robbed a Domino pizza parlor after ordering a pizza. He shot the manger, 28 year old Kevin Brown, dead and stole $130 from the register.
47. Melbert Ford Jr. (1986-2010, lethal injection): Ford had a very specific fantasy about robbing, abducting and then murdering his ex girlfriend, 30 year old Martha Matich, after forcing her beg for mercy. He decided to make his fantasies into a reality, and stormed the grocery store she worked at with the help of an accomplice he hired. Ford shot Matich and her niece, 11 year old Lisa Chapman, dead, and stole $579 from the register.
48. Brandon Rhode (1998-2010, lethal injection): Rhode and his accomplice Daniel Lucas broke into a house, and encountered the residents, 37 year old Steven Moss, and his two children, 15 year old Kristin and 11 year old Bryan. Bryan was home alone when the intruders arrived, and tried to fight them off with a baseball bat. Lucas and Rhodes quickly subdued the boy and shot him to death. Kristen and Steven were also shot dead when they returned home. Their bodies were discovered by Gerri, Steven's wife and the children's mother. The pair were career burglars, and previously targeted the Moss home weeks before the massacre.
49. Emmanuel Hammond (~1983-2011, lethal injection): Hammond, his girlfriend, and her cousin spotted 27 year old Julia Love broken down on the side of the road. They dragged her into their car after she declined their offer for a ride. Love was tied up, forced to withdraw $140 from an ATM, and raped. The attackers partially strangled Love and shot her to death in a remote forest. In exchange for having all charges dropped, Hammond's girlfriend agreed to testify against him and her cousin. He tried to hire a fellow inmate to permanently silence her testimony, but was foiled by prison officials. Hammond had numerous previous convictions, but my sources didn't disclose details.
50. Roy Blankenship (1978-2011, lethal injection): Blankenship climbed into a home of 78 year old Sara Bowen after breaking her window. He raped and beat Bowen, and penetrated her with a bottle. She succumbed to a heart attack from the stress of the assault.
51. Andrew DeYoung (1993-2011, lethal injection): Wanting to use their life insurance policies to start his dream business, DeYoung stabbed his parents, 42 year old Gary and 41 year old Kathryn, and his sister, 14 year old Sarah, to death, and unsuccessfully ordered his accomplice to kill his 16 year old brother Nathan. Nathan escaped through a window and went to a neighbor for help.
52. Troy Davis (1988-2011, lethal injection): Davis was sentenced to death for a crime spree involving several robberies, the non fatal shooting of a teenager, and the beating of a homeless man, Troy Young (age unknown). Larry MacPhail, a 27 year old police officer and security guard, was shot and killed when he intervened in an attempt to protect Young. Davis' execution was controversial, as he managed to amass a popular following that believed in his innocence during his time on death row. He previously plead guilty for a carrying concealed weapons charge, and Davis paid a $250 fine as part of a plea agreement to avoid prison time.
53. Andrew Cook (1995-2003, lethal injection): On a random whim, Cook walked up to a couple, 22 year old Grant Hendrickson and 19 year old Michele Cartagena, parked near a lake, and shot them both to death in their car.
54. Marcus Wellons (1989-2014, lethal injection): Wellons took an obsessive sexual interest in his neighbor, 15 year old India Roberts, and began to stalk and harass the girl in an attempt to groom her into a "relationship." At one point, he even pressured his girlfriend's 14 year old son to date her. His illicit pursuit of Roberts alarmed his girlfriend and she tried evicting him from their apartment. With his relationship in shambles, Wellons' behavior escalated beyond the breaking point. After he ransacked his now ex girlfriend's apartment and poured bleach on her clothes, Wellons ambushed and abducted Roberts while she was walking to school. He raped and strangled her to death with a telephone cord.
55. Robert Holsey (~1990s-2014, lethal injection): Holsey shot and killed Will Robinson, a 26 year old Sheriff's Deputy, during a robbery of a convenience store. At the time of the shooting, he was on parole for an armed robbery conviction.
56. Andrew Brannan (~1980s-2015, lethal injection): In 1998, Branner was pulled over for speeding by Kyle Dinkheller, a 22 year old deputy. While Dinkheller was trying to file a citation, Branner became belligerent, pulled an M1 carbine out of his truck, and opened fire. Dinkheller was killed in the shootout, but he managed to wound Branner in his return fire. Branner was a Vietnam combat veteran, and he tried to use PTSD as a defense for the fatal shooting of Dinkheller and previous domestic abuse charges from his ex wife.
57. Warren Hill Jr. (~1985-2015, lethal injection): Hill was given a life sentence when he shot and killed his girlfriend, 18 year old Myra Wright. His sentence escalated to death a few years later when he fatally beat his cellmate, 34 year old Joseph Handspike, with a nailed board. At the time of his own murder, Handspike was also serving a life sentence for shooting and killing a restaurant manager during a robbery.
58. Kelly Gissendaner (1997-2015, lethal injection): Out of a desire to leave their marriage and to collect a life insurance policy, Gissendan assisted her boyfriend in abducting her husband, 30 year old Douglas, from their home. Her boyfriend stabbed Douglas to death, and she set their car on fire to destroy his body. The couple were also charged with attempting to intimidate witnesses during the murder trial.
59.Marcus Johnson (1994-2015, lethal injection): After Johnson picked up 35 year old Angela Sizemore from a bar, he sexually assaulted her with a knife. Sizemore was stabbed 41 times in the attack, and her throat was cut. Her body was found in her car by a man walking his dog hours after the murder.
60. Brian Terrell (~1992-2015, lethal injection): Terrell forged up to $8,000 in checks using 70 year old John Watson's name. Watson, who was seeking a relationship with Terrell's mother, tried to make a deal that he wouldn't pursue any charges if the money was returned to him. According to prosecutors, Terrell broke into Watson's home, and beat and fatally shot him to avoid repaying the money. His execution caused controversy, as the defense attorneys claimed that the footprints at the scene were smaller then his feet, and that he was condemned only by what they perceived to be misused testimony from his cousin (that testified against him in exchange for a plea deal) and a neighbor (who allegedly claimed that they saw "someone else walk out of the home"). Those arguments were shut down by the courts, but embraced by anti death penalty activist groups and outlets. Regardless of his guilt or lack thereof, strong evidence points to him perpetrating similar armed robberies of other homes, and was on parole at the time of Watson's murder.
61. Brandon Jones (1979-2016, lethal injection): Jones was an accomplice to the above mentioned Van Solomon, and participated in the robbery that killed Roger Tackett.
62. Travis Hittson (1993-2016, lethal injection): Hittson, who was serving on the U.S.S. Forrestal, was convinced by a crewmate to kill Conway Utterbeck, a 20 year old fellow sailor, for the thrill of killing. When they were off duty, Hittson and his accomplice walked into the home of Herbeck's parents, and found Herbeck sleeping on the couch. Before they shot him to death, the pair bludgeoned Herbeck with a baseball bat. To prevent the body's identification, they chopped off his hands, feet, and head with a hacksaw, and dumped his dismembered remains in two separate burial sites across a 300 mile radius.
63. Joshua Bishop (1994-2016, lethal injection): Bishop and another man accosted 44 year old Leverett Morrison at a bar, and demand to have the keys to his jeep. When Morrison refused, the pair beat him to death. Bishop also orchestrated the beating death of 36 year old Ricky Wills for having intercourse with his prostitute mother. The prosecution declined to charge Bishop for Willis' murder, as they wanted to use it as evidence to help secure his death sentence for Morrison's slaying.
64. Kenneth Fults (1996-2016, lethal injection): Fults forced his way inside the home of 19 year old Cathy Bonds. He bound, gagged, and blindfolded Bonds with duct tape, and made an attempt to smother her with a pillow. When that failed, Fults shot Bonds in the head, stole her keys, and drove away with her car.
65. Daniel Lucas (1998-2016, lethal injection): Lucas was the accomplice to the above mentioned Brandon Rhode, and he assisted him in murdering Steven Moss and his children in their home.
66. John Conner (1982-2016, lethal injection): In a drunken rage, Connor beat his friend, 29 year old James White, to death with a whisky bottle and a stick while visiting him in his home. The two had gotten in fight when White refused to take Connor to a liquor store.
67. Gregory Lawler (1997-2016, lethal injection): Lawler and his girlfriend were walking home intoxicated after drinking heavily at a bar, and got into a fight. A witness called the police, and officers, 28 year old John Sowa and 38 year old Patricia Cocciolone, were sent to the scene. They carried Lawler's girlfriend to their car, and drove her to the couple's apartment. Lawler was allowed to walk home unescorted. When he arrived, Lawler grabbed an AR-15, and fired on the officers. Sowa was killed, while Cocciolone survived with crippling injuries and called for backup. The other officers besieged Lawler in his apartment, and he surrendered after a 44 minute standoff.
68. Steven Spears (2001-2016, lethal injection): Spears suspected that his girlfriend, 34 year old Sherri Holland, was cheating on him. He reacted to his suspicions by wrapping Holland's head with duct tape and suffocating her with a plastic bag in her home.
69. William Sallie (1989-2016, lethal injection): Sallie's ex wife, 19 year old Robin Moore, divorced him for his physical abuse and moved back to her family (consisting of her parents, 49 year old John and Linda (age unknown), and her siblings, 17 year old April and 10 year old Justin). He was able to acquire visitation rights to their 2 year old son from the courts, and used that pretext to attack the family. Sallie charged into the Moore family home, shot and killed John, wounded Linda and bound her to Justin with handcuffs, and kidnapped Robin and April. The sisters were both kept captive and sexually assaulted together in a trailer, but they were spared and released after a few hours.
70. J. Ledford Jr. (1992-2017, lethal injection): Ledford was welcomed inside a home by the wife of his neighbor, 73 year old Harry Johnston Jr.. He tied up the couple at knifepoint, stole an undisclosed amount of money and guns, kidnapped Johnston, and drove away with him in his truck. Johnston's body was later found near an abandoned building. He was half decapitated, had a knife embedded in his back, and covered with several minor stab wounds.
71. Carlton Gary (~1964-2018, lethal injection): Gary raped and murdered at least 8 mostly elderly women between 40-89 years old. Almost all of his victims were killed in their homes, but his youngest, 40 year old Marion Fisher of New York, was abducted while walking out of a bar. They were all strangled to death with nylon stockings, which is why Gary was given the “Stocking Slayer" epithet by the media. Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, including positive DNA tests, testimonies from surviving victims, fingerprints found on crime scenes, and semen samples, Gary still has a vocal following trying to proclaim his innocence. He had an extensive criminal history, which started with several arson, assault, and robbery charges as a teenager.
72. Robert Butts Jr. (1996-2018, lethal injection): Butts and his accomplice Marion Wilson carjacked Donovan Parks, a 24 year old off duty correctional officer, after he agreed to give them a ride home from Walmart. They forced Parks to exit the car and the shot him in the head execution style. Both Butts and Wilson were part of a Latin Kings set, and are believed to have killed Parks to gain more prestige from their gang. Butt's previous convictions include charges of shoplifting and burglary.
73. Scotty Morrow (1999-2019, lethal injection): Angry that his ex girlfriend, 26 year old Barbara Young, broke up with him for his abusive behavior, Morrow shot her, and her friend, 21 year old Tonya Wood, dead in their home. A third woman, 18 year old Latoyna Horn, was injured in the shooting. Young's two children, a 5 year old son and an 8 month old daughter, witnessed the killings, but were unharmed.
74. Marion Wilson Jr. (1999-2019, lethal injection): Wilson assisted Robert Butts, a fellow Latin King gangster, in the carjacking and shooting murder of officer Donovan Parks. He had a lengthy and very violent criminal history, which included the non fatal shootings of a Mexican migrant worker and a drug dealer during robberies, unprovoked assaults on a classmate and a youth worker, and an arson attack on an apartment complex. His friends noted that Wilson had a penchant for animal cruelty, and they reported seeing him shooting dogs on random whims.
75. Ray Cromartie (1994-2019, lethal injection): While robbing a grocery store, Cromartie and his accomplice shot two clerks, 50 year old Richard Slysz and Daniel Wilson (age unknown). Slysz died at the scene and Wilson survived with crippling injuries.
76. Donnie Lance (~1990s-2020, lethal injection): Lance broke down the door of his ex wife's, 39 year old Sandra, and fatally shot her boyfriend, 33 year old Dwight Wood Jr.. He then used the butt of his gun to club Sandra to death. According to court documents, Lance subjected Sandra to extreme abuse during their marriage, and reportedly kidnapped and tortured her with beatings, strangulations, and electrocutions on numerous occasions.
77. Willie Pye (~1985-2024, lethal injection): Pye's ex girlfriend, 21 year old Alicia Yarbrough, had a child with another man that he believed was his. Despite his suspicions, Yarbrough and their boyfriend pushed Pye out of the child’s life. In retaliation, Pye and two accomplice’s broke into Yarbrough’s ex boyfriend’s home to rob it, but found her alone with her infant. They abducted and robbed Yarbrough of her jewelry at gunpoint, raped her for several hours in a motel room, and shot her a total of 3 times in the head. Due to reports of him allegedly being cognitively disabled, Pye’s execution sparked some controversy. He was previously convicted of burglary.
submitted by Leather_Focus_6535 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 06:58 Ketsuo Chinese food restaurant Fart Song.

So a few years back at a Chinese buffet we were eating at, a song was playing and intermittently in the song, there were clear fart noises. Some time later I talked to the guy who owned the restaurant, and I don’t know if he wasn’t sure what I was asking, but he kept telling me it was by Teresa Teng. That’s the only name I could get. But I could never find a song with fart noises in it.
submitted by Ketsuo to WhatsThisSong [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 15:27 KarateCheetah The 25 Best Restaurants in Washington D.C. Right Now (NY Times)
  1. 2Fifty Barbecue
  2. Albi
  3. Almeda
  4. Baan Siam
  5. Bostan
  6. Bresca
  7. Casa Teresa
  8. Crisfield
  9. Ellie Bird
  10. Ethiopic
  11. Kuya Ja's Lechon Belly
  12. Lapis
  13. Maketto
  14. Mama Chang
  15. Mita
  16. Oyster, Oyster
  17. Pineapple and Pearls
  18. Pupuseria Mama Emilia
  19. Rasika
  20. Reveler's Hour
  21. St. James
  22. The Dabney
  23. The Duck & the Peach
  24. Thip Khao
  25. Z&Z Manoushe Bakery
Thoughts? Concerns? Prayers?
submitted by KarateCheetah to washingtondc [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 17:06 secrerofficeninja Santa Teresa questions

Looking forward to our first trip to Costa Rica in July. We finish up our trip with 4 days on what I hope is a relaxing Santa Teresa beach with the right balance of restaurants and comforts but not too “touristy”.
I’ve seen there are dogs roaming around the beaches and towns in Costa Rica. How prevalent are random dogs on the beaches of Santa Teresa? This is a concern of my 15 year old.
I’ve been told the surf is strong but also that there’s plenty of safe swimming there as well. We’re re used to waves and current of Atlantic Ocean in northeast US. How does it compare to Santa Teresa and is it safe to play in the waves ?
I’ve seen 4-wheeler rentals in Santa Teresa. What’s the recommendation for renting and driving on roads outside of town? Is it realistic to drive 4 wheeler to nature preserve ?
Finally, has anyone gone on a nighttime trip to gulf side to see bioluminescent algae ? I’m intrigued but also skeptical of this excision.
Thank you!!!!!!!
submitted by secrerofficeninja to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 08:14 redditduk [MEGALIST] SG Gigs Concerts Raves - May 2024: Labour Day Week (26 Apr - 9 May)

Editor’s Note 10 May: Visit the new list here -

26 Apr, Fri

Events truncated for word limit


27 Apr, Sat


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28 Apr, Sun

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29 Apr, Mon - Golden Week, International Dance Day

30 Apr, Tue - International Jazz Day, International Workers' Day Eve

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01 May, Wed - Labour Day, End of SIFAS Singapore Indian Fine Arts Society Festival


02 May, Thu

Some events truncated for word limit

03 May, Fri

Some Events truncated for word limit


04 May, Sat - Star Wars Day

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05 May, Sun - Cinco de Mayo (Fifth of May)

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06 May, Mon

07 May, Tue


08 May , Wed - Music Matters Live & Creator Week

Other Arts / Musicals

09 May Thu - Esplanade's Pesta Raya (Malay Festival of Arts)

I am on telegram: search sg music chat or visit
submitted by redditduk to singaporemusicchat [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 09:48 Shadowgirl2024 Of course they put the woman in the kitchen🙄

Of course they put the woman in the kitchen🙄 submitted by Shadowgirl2024 to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 13:30 readingrachelx Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - April 24th, 2024

Links to this week's episode discussion posts:
submitted by readingrachelx to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 03:53 RZimmerDylanB Santa Teresa or Manuel Antonio or..

I'm a solo traveler going to Costa Rica for about 12 days in early May. Want to do about 5 days in the Osa Peninsula and Corcovado and combine that with a good week at a cool beach town and am considering seriously Santa Teresa or Manuel Antonio or perhaps going further down the coast to somewhere closer to Drake Bay. I'd like to find the best, most beautiful beach but also a town where I will meet cool people while chilling out. Some nightlife, but moreso a chill place with good restaurants and friendly vibe. For Santa Teresa, I would fly there to save time but for the other options would rent a car in San Jose before going to Osa.
Advice? Recommendations? Thanks
submitted by RZimmerDylanB to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 21:50 Fine_Raise_8951 Used and Abused - Chapter 35

I slept briefly after my roll in the hay with Michael. When I awoke, my mind was racing. There was the weird phone call with Charlie and then Tex with what sounded like a gun going off.
I called Tex back but Julia (Lady Stern) answered.
“ I shot him. He’s dead.” Was all she said rather coldly and with out emotion.
“You shot him?” I was stunned. Poor Charlie, I felt awful.
“Julia? Wasn’t there anything else you could have done?” But as I spoke I realized I was probably implicating myself so I quickly shut up.
“Beth, he was a brute. He had to go.” She said before hanging up.
A brute? Charlie? I mean, he was a creepo, a submissive, sissy slave I guess, but a brute?
As the police were taking Lady Stern away in handcuffs, she turned to me and said,
“Beth called. I told her what happened.”
Then she was gone. Soon after, Monica and I were in her small red Ford headed back to New York. My future, once again, completely up in the air while my mind was focused on Beth.
What was she feeling? I could only assume relief for me, happiness for me in that I had escaped with my life? I imagined once I returned to New York I would see her again. I so missed her.
As we drove, Monica’s drug fueled mind was all over the place.
“We‘ll need money. I think we can get you work. I know a few producers who pay slaves for things. My friends on Long Island. They always have work. Whippings and shit. Not as bad as what Tex produced but juicy enough.”
The thought of ever being whipped again made me sick to my stomach.
“Monica, I don’t think I can do it anymore.”
Monica laughed.
“Charlie, you do realize you’re a mini celebrity in the business. The last few films Tex produced were named for you. There was “Goofy’s final nail in the balls.” And “Goofy’s torture Extravaganza.” You’re a big shot and we need the money, so let’s not retire just yet.”
I called Antonio who was busy as usual at the restaurant (when not screwing, Lori, his bartender.) I filled him in on everything from Charlie’s original call to the gunfire to my call back with Julia.
“So where is Tex?” He asked sounding quite concerned.
“I didn’t ask.” I said.
Antonio decided it was a bad idea to say anything more on the phone and that he was on his way home.
I spruced up the house and even changed the sheets. I didn’t want Antonio to suspect that a man had been over though part of me did feel he deserved it. Then, looking at my watch, I realized it was late. I needed to pick up Little Tony from daycare. Things were getting quite hectic.
We arrived back in New York but it was a different city than the one I knew. It was the Bronx, and it was the projects. The people were poor and it was dangerous too.
As we made our way through the complex, people seem to know who Monica was, especially some of the seedy dealers.
Her apartment was dirty and dingy. I decided I would immediately clean it. As I did, Monica took a seat on her couch, her filthy feet were soon resting on the coffee table.
Without saying a word I knelt in front of her feet and without being asked too, worshipped them with my tongue. I cleaned her gross feet spotless as Monica studied her phone. It was the least I could do.
“That’s enough, get back to cleaning the apartment.”She said as she dried her feet with my hair.
Soon after, Monica pulled out some white powder and snorted it off the coffee table. She then handed me the straw.
“I’ve never done drugs.” I said.
“Well, you do now.”
I took a whiff, I quickly understood euphoria.
I scoured the Internet for any information coming out of Virginia. I found nothing. Antonio arrived home in an agitated state. He too found nothing regarding a shooting.
It was getting late so we had a drink, toasted Charlie’s memory and went to sleep. There was no sex.
That night I had a dream that I was holding a gun at Charlie’s head, just like the time Tex and I had pulled that mean April fools joke but this time when I pulled the trigger, I killed him.
The dream woke me up. Was it telling me that somehow I responsible for Charlie’s demise? Would he still be alive if he had never met me? I didn’t know what to think.
To get my mind off of things, I gently gave Antonio a handjob until he was awake. Then I climbed aboard. It was the best sex he and I had together in quite some time.
As the two of us continued to snort the cocaine, I was telling Monica about my life, including the restaurant cleaning business that I had.
“So, these white ass crackers, they stole the business and sold you to Tex?” She asked.
I basically agreed.
Monica said that she wanted my business back and would get it. She then pulled down her panties and told me To get to work. It was awfully rancid down there but she was all I had so I did what I was told.
Beth: I woke up feeling better. I knew I had an excuse if the police came calling asking about why there was a phone call with Tex right around the time they murdered Charlie.
I would simply say that Tex was my ex-husband who was calling me, but I had no interest in talking to him so I hung up but soon I felt guilty and called him back only to hang up again when a woman answered. I would make it clear I knew nothing about a gun or Charlie’s death.
Antonio agreed, saying it was an excellent alibi. So, with that, Antonio returned to the restaurant and his bimbo bartender and I of course returned to the gym where Michael awaited me. So much for the great night of sex saving the marriage.
A few days went by and it was drugs and more drugs. Then Monica received the call back that she had been awaiting.
Her name was Teresa and her sub husband and her ran a successful Femdom film business in Long Island. Monica showed me the clips. They were certainly brutal, but not nearly as brutal as the clips I had participated in over the years. I was told the husband retired due to injury but Teresa still wanted to make content so hearing that the “famous Goofy” was available excited her.
Despite me begging Monica not to make me do it, we took the road trip to Long Island. it was a huge mansion, an absolutely beautiful place near the beach. Teresa herself, was an absolute beautiful Latina woman.
And boy did she know how to use a whip.
submitted by Fine_Raise_8951 to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 03:06 ayTaliyyi A long list (/messy set of itineraries) of all the places I could come up with while trying to suggest visits in the centre of Rome

As I was commenting under another post, I have a hard time selecting what to suggest. My first instinct is to keep listing stuff. So, hoping this info-dumping tendency can be useful to someone, I thought I'd make a post with little constraint; unfortunately, since I was driving myself crazy, I decided to stop at the area within the Aurelian walls + some of the most notable adjacent bits.
Best enjoyed while looking at a map.
So, what's there to see in Rome? Let's start outside of Italy, since the Vatican area can be treated as its own separate visit: - in Vatican City itself, you can visit the stunning St. Peter's square and Basilica, as well as the famous Museums (which are a must); - also notable and nearby is Castel Sant'Angelo, once emperor Hadrian's mausoleum turned fortress turned papal residence turned prison turned museum; - the late 1800s neighborhood adjacent to these, Prati, has the peculiarity of having been created in an era of hatred between the then Kingdom of Italy and the Vatican: its urban design hides the view of St. Peter's massive dome. Here you can pass by the elegant Piazza Cavour as well as the adjacent and quite impressive Palazzo di Giustizia - "colloquially nicknamed il Palazzaccio ('the Awful Palace'), [it] is the seat of the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Judicial Public Library of Italy".
A lot of famous landmarks are in & around the Campo Marzio area, basically between the Capitol Hill (Campidoglio) to the south and Piazza del Popolo to the north. Here you can find: - Piazza del Popolo itself, along with its three churches (one featuring famous Caravaggio paintings) the Pincio terrace (and the adjacent and very beautiful Villa Borghese park, within and around which you'll find two great museums: Galleria Borghese for classical arts and Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna for modern and contemporary art); - Piazza di Spagna & Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti (aka the "Spanish Steps") along with the eponymous church atop the stairway; - the Mausoleum of Augustus & the Ara Pacis Museum; - the Trevi Fountain; - the Italian Parliament buildings; - the Pantheon; - Piazza Navona (& Sant'Agnese in Agone); - a few "talking statues" - most notably "Pasquino"; - Campo de' Fiori (famous for Giordano Bruno's burning at the stake, for its daytime market and for nightlife); - more and more really cool churches - really, people never stopped and thought "I think that's enough churches". Most of them are really beautiful and filled with masterpieces of Italian art (especially from the Baroque era). Visit as many as you can of those you find on your way. I'll just name some I especially like: Chiesa del Gesù, Sant'Ignazio di Loyola, Sant'Andrea della Valle, San Luigi dei Francesi (also featuring Caravaggios), Sant'Agostino, San Lorenzo in Lucina; - in between Sant'Andrea della Valle and Campo de' Fiori, you'll find the residual shape of what once was the Theatre of Pompey, and a little "secret" passage connecting the two areas (Passetto del Biscione); - nearby, the archeological area of Largo di Torre Argentina, related to the Curia of Pompey of Caesar-stabbing fame; - there's also numerous palaces formerly owned by noble families, but not many are visitable - a lot are govt or diplomatic buildings, for example; - the Jewish Ghetto (where I'd especially suggest trying traditional pastries); - Piazza Venezia (stroll through the inner garden of Palazzo Venezia, meet the "talking statue" Madama Lucrezia, and then move to the impressive Vittoriano monument to enjoy the architectural beauty, the interesting iconography celebrating the Italian unification process and, finally, a great view over Rome - the elevator to the upper terrace is just 4€ for people under 26); - behind the Vittoriano, the Ara Coeli church and the iconic Campidoglio square designed by Michelangelo and the Musei Capitolini or Capitoline Museums (showcasing parts of the most important temples of ancient Rome as well as a lot of classical sculptures).
From this central area, you can head in a number of directions.
You can head towards the Circus Maximus, for example, in a couple ways: one is passing by the Theatre of Marcellus and going through the Foro Boario and Foro Olitorio, reaching Piazza di Bocca della Verità (where the Romanic, medieval looking church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin hosts the touristically famous "mouth of truth") before moving on to the aforementioned Circus - though another option would be to forget the Circus Maximus and instead head to the Isola Tiberina, cross the river the way the earliest local settlers once would've, and enjoy the neighborhood of Trastevere (but that deserves its own paragraph).
Another, more evident way takes you by the Colonna Traiana and through the Roman & Imperial Fora, reaching the Colosseum where you could pivot to the Circus Maximus - and perhaps, on the way there, you might stop for a visit to the newly opened Forma Urbis museum. However, from the Colosseum you might also go visit the church of San Pietro in Vincoli (with its famous statue of Moses made by Michelangelo), Colle Oppio park and the ruins of Nero's Domus Aurea underneath it, or go up to the Pope's Cathedral of St. John (and nearby "Scala Santa" chapel, where many of the most important relics of Catholic Christianity were preserved), not failing to notice all those obelisks that keep popping up in almost all the relevant places... What might their story ever be?
Yet another direction of exploration could take you up some beautiful streets (such as Via Nazionale or Via del Tritone, respectively leading to Piazza della Repubblica - here you'll also find the archeological area of the Baths of Diocletian, as well as the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri - and Piazza Barberini - where the macabre Capuchin Crypt is a well known curiosity, though Palazzo Barberini's museum is probably more relevant). In the same generally eastward direction, you could go up other hills, such as the Quirinale hill where the homonymous Palace of our President of the Republic stands, along with the Palace of the Constitutional Court and the Scuderie del Quirinale museum. And, on the way towards the historically significant Porta Pia, you'll find the church of Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, and later on you'll be at the Quattro Fontane crossroad with the church of San Carlino. At this crossroad, if you don't wanna keep going towards Porta Pia and you're OK with missing out on Bernini's "Ecstasy of Saint Teresa" (inside Santa Maria della Vittoria), you can instead turn towards another major church - Saint Mary Major. You'll then find yourself in the Esquilino neighborhood (named after the hill it's on), where you can also find Piazza Vittorio and Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (where supposed relics of Jesus's cross are kept, among others), as well as a good section of a nowadays underrated element of the city's history: the Aurelian walls.
Having reached the eastern end of that set of walls, it only seems fair to pay some attention to its western side: Trastevere. Here, you can enjoy the exciting nighlife, the small town vibes that tiny streets and houses give off, but also see cool government buildings (the Ministry of Education) and, of course, churches, most notably Santa Maria in Trastevere, but also Santa Cecilia, San Crisogono, San Cosimato, San Callisto... You'll also find that the neighborhood pays homage to two famous poets of Romanhood: Trilussa and Belli. This relates to a tradition that views Trastevere as a neighborhood where some part of the "Rome that once was" was preserved. Just north of its main bulk, you'll find an interesting assortment of buildings and villas along Via della Lungara: the Botanical gardens of Rome, over the western slope of the Gianicolo Hill; Villa Farnesina; the Accademia dei Lincei; the Gallerie Corsini. All of them related to one peculiar Queen of Sweden who picked a bad time to be Catholic and had to self-exile to Rome, where she became the center of intellectual life for a few decades in the 1600s. Also, since we mentioned it, you can go up and down the Gianicolo hill on a nice stroll that connects the Vatican to Trastevere stricto sensu. Apart from a great view on the city, what you'll find here are a lot of monuments and statues related to Garibaldi, a national hero during the time of Italian unification, to the Repubblica Romana (a short-lived attempt at taking over Rome from the Pope and give it an independent republican constitution) and generally to the struggle for unification.
One important hill we're missing is the Aventine hill, and it's definitely worth visiting. It's adjacent to the Circus Maximus we've mentioned before. There's a famous attraction - the keyhole of a door to the Villa di Santa Maria del Priorato - from which you can see the dome of St. Peter nicely framed. That is cool but not worth the long line that is typically there. Instead, enjoy the view from Giardino degli Aranci and check out the nearby churches, before heading down towards Testaccio. The Testaccio neighborhood is also quite cool and has nice nightlife and restaurants (note: Porta Portese and its famous flea market are close to Testaccio as well as part of Trastevere). From there you can visit the Cimitero Acattolico, a non-denominational cemetery where a good few famous people were buried and where the cultural variety of burial places is quite interesting. It also features the best view on the most visible burial in the area: a pyramid pertaining to a Roman nobleman and dating back to the Augustan era, mimicking the Ancient Egyptian ones. It wasn't always the only such extravagant burial in Rome, but it's the only one that survived due to becoming part of the Aurelian walls.
And finally, near the Circus Maximus, midway between St. John and the Pyramid, you'll find the monumental ruins of the Baths of emperor Caracalla. Oh, and just north of it is Villa Celimontana, another nice park, with another nice church (Santa Maria in Domnica alla Navicella).
Note: St Peter, St John, St Mary Major are 3/4 of the "major basilicas" recognized by the Roman Catholic Church "to which a visit is always prescribed as one of the conditions for gaining the Roman Jubilee". The fourth one is a bit further, outside the walls - it is, in fact, called St. Paul outside the Walls.
submitted by ayTaliyyi to rome [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 08:19 goldenislandsenorita 20 days of summer in Europe (Italy-France-Switzerland: A trip report (kind of)

20 days of summer in Europe (Italy-France-Switzerland: A trip report (kind of)
Hello! Since I've been getting some replies to my older comments as well as direct messages about our summer trip, I've decided to put together this little trip report.
  • Travel dates: Aug 5 to Aug 25, 2023
  • Countries: Italy, France, and Switzerland
  • Points of entry + exit: Rome then Milan
  • How many pax: 11 (3 senior citizens, 1 minor, 7 adults)
  • Airline: For the Manila contingent, Emirates
  • When did we apply for our Schengen visa: April 12
  • Did you get a local sim: Yes, Vodafone 30GB of data valid for a month. I think I only paid 34 euros. It didn't work in Switzerland.
  • Did you get a pocket Wi-Fi: We did with Travel Recommends. Slow in Italy and France, fast in Switzerland.
  • Where did you get your money exchanged: Had my MIL change my money to USD, then exchanged at the airport. In Interlaken I paid in euros and got my change in francs.
Some thoughts:
  • Take advantage of the free Sundays in Italy: Most of the cities have this program where you can go to the major historical sites and museums for free (w/ a small fee if you book online). I got to use this when we visited Galleria Borghese, where I only paid 4 euros for two people (regular tickets are 13++)
  • Take advantage of discounted ticket rates: Many attractions offer discounted ticket rates for certain times (early morning or past 6PM) to help with crowd control. For example, I only paid 18 euros each for Uffizi instead of 25 euros for their early bird ticket (8:15AM).
  • Summer in ITA/FRA/SWI isn't that hot: It's not humid, which makes the heat bearable. I prefer summer temps there than this weather we're currently having in Manila (at least I kinda look fresh in pics??). Evenings can also be chilly so do bring a light sweater or cardigan.
  • In Italy, expect some stores/restaurants to be closed during Ferragosto week: This is one of their major holidays, so most Italians take advantage and head out to the beach for their summer vacation. We caught Ferragosto in Venice; the city was still bustling.
  • Trenitalia's website is easy to use: The site will also recommend routes with other train companies depending on your destination. We booked our train tickets two months ahead of our trip to get reasonable rates.
  • If you're with a big group (10+pax), book a private tour instead: Many tour companies like GetYourGuide and Viator have limitations with group bookings, so if you can afford it, arrange for a private tour instead. Some attractions also have group limitations and require special arrangements for 10+ pax.
  • Reservations/tickets to major attractions sell out fast in the summer: Research when slots typically open and book your tickets wayyy ahead of your trip.
  • Always remember to say hello, thank you, and goodbye in the local language: It's just nice and shows you're making an effort even if the waiter or shopkeeper is already grumpy. Remember that July-August are the peak summer months, so a lot of the people working in the hospitality industry are overworked to the bone. Play nice.
  • If you want to see other towns, pick a base city: Best applied if you want to see as much of Tuscany as possible. Use Florence as base city, then take the train to wherever you want to go. Many of the hill towns don't allow cars inside their core areas anyway.
  • Don't go to Amalfi Coast without a plan: There aren't a lot of things to do there aside from swimming, sunbathing, dining, and luxury shopping. In Positano we spent the rest of the afternoon tanning like them Italians haha. Also, instead of Sorrento, use Salerno as your jump-off instead.
  • As much as possible, book things directly: Whether you're booking flights or train tickets, don't book with third-party apps. For train travel in Italy, go with either Trenitalia or Italo. In France, use SNCF Connect. In Switzerland, it's SBB/CFF/FFS (it's a trilingual country).
  • A lot of the public restrooms have fees: So if you want to avoid that, use the restroom every time you're dining in a cafe or restaurant. Some establishments give out stubs to let the attendants know you're a paying customer.
  • Rome: Go everywhere you can; that city is RICH af. History everywhere. If you're an art lover, I highly recommend going to Galleria Borghese and Galleria Doria Pamphilj. Rome was also Bernini's playground, so try to find as many of his public sculptures (Piazza Navona, the Ecstasy of Saint Teresa at Santa Maria della Vittoria) but his major ones (rape of proserpina, etc) are in Borghese.
  • Florence: It gets crowded but I think everyone should at least watch the sunset at Piazzale Michelangelo while they're in Florence. Uffizi of course for art (Michelangelo, some unfinished Da Vinci), etc. There are also a lot of underrated art museums in the city, like Bargello. In Siena (one of the Tuscan hill towns), there's a church that houses the mummified head of St. Catherine of Siena. I'm not religious but I do love a good relic or two haha.
  • Venice: Crowded but SO GOOD. Just explore the labyrinthine streets and soak in the vibes. Especially beautiful at night. If you like relics, do visit Saint Mark's Basilica.
  • Lake Como: Head early to Varenna for breakfast, then lunch at Bellagio. That way, you can avoid most of the crowds, which visit the area later in the day. Bad move, IMO, because an earlier trip means cooler temps.
  • Lyon: They have a Gallo-Roman amphitheater that's free to the public and overlooks the city of Lyon. Walk around Vieux Lyon and try to spot their traboules. This was the capital of French resistance during WW2.
  • Paris: Do all the things you want to do and don't let other people tell you otherwise. Just be wary of the metro pickpockets. I personally had an altercation with two OTW to Arc de Triomphe. We picnicked at Champs de Mars, so that's nice. If I can go back, I would love to go to the Orangerie.
  • We applied via VIA PIASI. I think we paid around 4k each. We also only walked in.
  • We applied as a family with my parents-in-law as the main financial sponsors. Because of that, we had to have copies of their business and financial documents as well. My application folder was like two inches thick because of all of that paper.
  • Even though we applied as a family, they still assessed each application individually (which was why we needed copies of my in-laws' documents).
  • I had around 500k in my main bank account, plus a hundred more in my joint account.
  • We got our visas around the second week of May. For me and my husband, we also received notes stapled to our passports that instructed us to report back to the embassy within 10 days of our return.
I think this should cover most of the trip! I hope this helps.
submitted by goldenislandsenorita to phtravel [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 16:10 amesare Omakaze Gothenburg

Heyy I want to take my boyfriend out for his Birthday for a nice food experience and would like to try an omakaze restaurant. II see many recommend hoze and koizen. So I have a hard time deciding between these two, which one do you recommend for best food, ambience, drinks etc :)
UPDATE! okay so we ultimately went to Koizen last night and if was an AMAZING experience. Every bite was delightful and it just got better and better over the course. The chef John and his wife Teresa and their waiter were all lovely and so engaging. Thank u all for your input and i can gladly also say that this was the best food we've had😍
submitted by amesare to Gothenburg [link] [comments]