Mirinda groped in cinema

Is my (18F) friendship with a guy (18M) I liked salvageable? I like our friendship.

2024.04.27 09:08 DuskMilk Is my (18F) friendship with a guy (18M) I liked salvageable? I like our friendship.

I met a guy on a dating app and we soon moved over to Instagram. After talking I eventually felt uncomfortable and I recommended we stay as friends. He was pretty on board with it, surprisingly caring less than I thought (which is good, obviously). Then one day I suggested we meet up as a hang out. On the hang out after we got some food, I thought he was handsome and he had a really great personality, and we ended up in a quiet playground (it was night time, so just us) and he kept flirting with me and pulling moves more until he kissed me (I reciprocated some flirting because I thought he was attractive now). It was a surprising outcome; he said I was sexy, cute, and more attractive than he was expecting. We ended up making out and nearly going further (in the structure, so a private space). Then he asked me if I wanted to go on a first date with him and he seemed super happy to boast me as his first girlfriend, especially as we had overlapping interests like dnd, writing, etc.
A couple days later he texted that it felt right at the time but that his schedule just might be too busy (basically that we couldn’t date). Then the next time we hung out (he asked me), I still felt unsure as we were in the cinema and he put popcorn into my mouth and joked about having sx in the cinema (I jokingly rejected… because cameras) but wasn’t wrapping his arm around me. Near the end of *that hang out, he made some comment and I asked if he was rejecting me jokingly (just so I could get closure), and I was surprised when he said he wasn’t, just that he feels like it needs to go slow.
Then, a couple weeks after, despite all our convos across those weeks, I ask if he’s interested and he says he isn’t and just wants to stay as friends. For a month now we’ve been sending each other reels and messaging, but every time I try to hang out he has to cancel last minute (too much uni work apparently). But he also starts the convo half the time so he’s putting effort into the friendship. He says he’s busy but he’s also going to other people’s 18th parties and cosplay conventions with some friends (which is more confusing because he tells me he basically has no friends😵‍💫)
I feel like we would’ve been able to be cool friends if he just didn’t make moves on our first hang out. I think it felt too fast and I wish we just stayed as actual friends first because now, it doesn’t feel like we can just be friends. I still have feelings – idk if they’re romantic or sexual (he did boast about being well endowed and he’s 6’4”; I don’t usually care about this in romantic relationships. During our make out he did also grope me so maybe I just want that? Haven’t been sexual since last romantic relationship). Maybe it’s because he’s my only ‘friend’, and maybe I just think I’m interested in him because I have no other friends.
I wish I had friends beforehand because I hate putting so much importance on him. Reddit, what do you think? Is the friendship salvageable? Is it just sexual attraction? Romantic? Should I let go? Am I just putting too much weight on it? He’s like a gender bent version of me, and it’s so rare to find someone so relatable, so I don’t want to let go.
It is his first year of uni straight out of an all boys school (has female friends from volunteering), and Im a second year who dated all high school, so our circumstances and perspectives would be very different.
submitted by DuskMilk to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 23:28 No_Context_4295 s*xual assault within relationship?

i’m confused on what happened today and dont know who to ask for advice and dont want anyone to know about this, asking advice from older Catholic women
i am only 18 years old, but have been in a relationship for 3 years with my current boyfriend. we had s*xual relations but i became Catholic 2 years ago (i’m the only Catholic in my family) and ever since I have made clear I want to be abstinent and want to wait until marriage. he’s also religious (not Catholic/Christian but he grew up in a strict religious family and is a strict practisioner of his faith) so you would think this would be an easy decision.
for me i’ve known i want to be abstinent for years now and its a decision i stand by. it wasnt hard for me when i was by myself, but when i would hang out with him he would tempt me and push my limits until it was really hard for me to say no, which would result in s*x. i feel like it’s unfair to say that would be considered assualt because we are both at fault in these actions. this cycle would continue on and on, every time i’d tell him i want to wait and then he would tempt me again after some weeks of abstinence.
this lent things changed. when usually our abstinence would last until a month or two at most, now it’s already been at least 3 months and i have no desire to change that. my boyfriend also seemed to be doing well in denying his desires. the big thing that changed is that i dont invite him to my house anymore and we dont hang out as much in general. i thought it was going well until today😔
we went to the movies today, which i thought would be fine bc it’s a public space and weve been to the cinema so often already. he knows i dont want to do anything s*xual, i have verbally made this clear to him. during the movie, he started groping me and he kept moving my hands. i was scared and didnt know what to do bc i was also tempted by my own feelings but i knew i didnt want to do this. i couldnt say anything, i just prayed the Jesus prayer over and over in my head hoping the movie would end soon, in my mind i begged God to forgive me.
afterwards, while i felt conflicted and ashamed, he acted all happy and excited like everything was okay and it meant nothing. he doesnt even know how i was feeling, i still dont know how to talk to him about this and tbh im just scared of talking to him about this for the 100th time. i cant be the only one trying to keep this relationship chaste and he didnt even ask me if i was okay with him touching me like that. i dont know what to do
i feel so conflicted and while i have talked to my priest about most of these things, a Catholic female perspective would be really appreciated. how do i tell him this was not okay? i’m not crazy to feel this way right? i feel like its all my fault but ive worked so hard to overcome this and i dont want things to escalate further anymore
please be kind in the replies, i know i am a sinner but i want to change and become me a saint one day. thank you in regards for the advice and God bless
UPDATE: So yesterday we talked about what happened. I wanted to actually call him but i noticed he was avoiding calling or texting me (I could see his status saying he was playing videogames while he was ignoring my texts). At some point it just became too late for me and I wanted to sleep so instead of telling him my thoughts in a call I just texted them too him. I told him something like this can never happen again and that he should have asked me for my consent. He actually agreed and he said sorry for assaulting me (he actually called it assault so that was when it really dawned on me what happened). We talked a bit more and he kept apologising and saying it wouldnt happen again but we eventually agreed on taking some time away from eachother. We’re going to have a talk when I’ve healed from this a little more, and I’m planning on ending things with him when we do have that conversation. Please pray for me to have the courage to end things🙏🏻 I only realise now how badly this man has eaten away at my self-worth and how much I have abandoned my sense of self. Thank you all for the advice, God bless🩷
submitted by No_Context_4295 to CatholicWomen [link] [comments]

2024.02.14 23:15 ilikedirtcakes i feel like im overreacting about my SA

it happened almost 2 months ago. i went to the cinema with a “friend” and he groped me and kissed my neck for the whole duration of the film, which was 2 hours long. I told him no several times, but then i just froze and let it happen. my therapist suggested i should report it to the police, so i did. It was awful, they weren’t sensitive to my feelings, and i also ended up finding out that in my country, rape is pretty much the only form of sexual assault in the eyes of the law. hearing that just added onto my feelings that it was not a big deal, but if it wasnt, i wouldnt be traumatised by it. I keep telling myself that it couldve been worse, he couldve gone further, so i should be grateful that he didnt. its stupid to think like that, but its been hard convincing myself that its okay to feel as bad as i am.
thats all
submitted by ilikedirtcakes to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.02.11 16:51 Blackmagic213 A Case of Mistaken Identity🕵🏾

This post is inspired by Reddit User, SnekSnackAttack, who asked me to cover feeling frustrated in life. I told him that it was just a case of mistaken identity. Let’s do a deeper dive into this concept of identity. Btw, for my posts to make sense a small pre-requisite is grasping the gnosis that you are not the body and you are not the mind. Please contemplate this till you realize the truth of it.
Who are you?
“The Tao that can be told is not the Eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the Eternal Name”. I know Taoists suggest not speaking about who or what we are in specifics but I will break that rule today. Sorry Taoists. I was meditating recently and it hit me that all is infinite, eternal light. We can call this infinite eternal light consciousness but ultimately that is what we are. Let’s take a look at a quote by Albert Einstein, “Matter is Energy, Energy is Light. We are all Light Beings”. This was uttered by a Scientist, not a Swami, not a Monk, not a Pastor; a Scientist. We are light, every single one of us is infinite eternal light. The only difference between the table, the chair, a rose, and a Cybertruck, is that they are all light vibrating at different frequencies. At the essence of it all, it is just light. Do you now see how oneness occurs? All is light, you are infinite light, thus all is you. Ok so now that we have covered that you are infinite eternal light; how does physical reality occur? The infinite light that you are is filtered through the five senses. When this light is filtered through the senses then you will see and perceive a body, a lamp, a car, etc. But make no mistake about it. It is all you, consciousness or infinite light. The same way that you go to a movie and see Fast and Furious (The movie series that never dies); you see a bunch of cars and buff dudes beating up on each other on a screen; but in reality, there is nothing but light being filtered through a lens to project an image. The mistaken identity only comes when you believe that you are Bruce Lee or Dominick Torreto. No, you are infinite eternal light and all are different elements of light vibrating at different frequencies. Please contemplate this in your meditations. The co-worker you hate is infinite light. The piece of mud that dirties your shoe is infinite light. So death only happens in the movie, a character in Fast and Furious dies, but is the light that projects the images of the movie affected by anything within the movie? No. Characters in a movie can die but the light remains untouched (I will cover death in another post).
Light-Dimmer Switch Analogy
Let’s explore an experiment. If you have a light dimmer in your room and you turn it down; the room is plunged into darkness and you cannot see a thing. But as you turn the dimmer up slowly you start seeing more and more things in the room. The items in the room are always there, you only see them when the light is turned on. This analogy can apply to consciousness. When consciousness identifies as just a person, an ego; it is like a light switched dimmed very low. An ego gropes around in the dark looking for help. It goes through life plotting, manipulating, cajoling, bullying, and lying, because it is blind. The light of consciousness is turned down in egotistic living. The more consciousness sheds the ego, the more the dimmer is turned on. You notice this in the faces and words of those who have dropped their ego to a significant level; they seem to be filled with light which makes you happy. I remember when I was 24, living fully in my ego with no knowledge of spirituality, and came across an Eckhart Tolle video; he was so filled with light that it made me happy just watching the video. With people who are light-realized you can feel it, that’s why people who are groping in egotistic darkness go visit Ramana Maharshi, some even carry a picture of him because just the light in his eyes can brighten their day or some read the words of Jesus Christ or Siddhartha, those words carry enough light to uplift their spirits. That is why it is called enlightenment; the more the ego is transcended the more the light that you are is realized AKA you are lighting up yourself.
Collective Unconscious AKA The Matrix
Why isn’t it easy to realize the infinite eternal light that you are? There is a force, I call it the collective unconscious beliefs but you can also call it the Matrix, whose main goal is to keep you trapped in 3D consciousness. The movie The Matrix is such an appropriate allegory. In the movie, the Matrix steals your energy. In reality, the Matrix steals your light. Have you ever noticed that it is very difficult to keep the gnosis or wisdom that you have picked up? As soon as you start bettering yourself; people start disappearing in your life or people start acting different in your life or cravings begin to intensify. You have to understand there are two separate minds; the collective unconscious mind or Matrix and the Buddha Mind or Witness Consciousness. The Matrix is a million times louder than the Buddha Mind so when you start inching closer to your true nature, the collective unconscious mind perks up and sends its Agent Smiths of anxiety, frustration, worry, lack of self-worth, etc. Once you believe I AM frustrated, I AM not lovable, I AM [Insert negative sentiment], the Matrix has got you. Also, the Matrix, or the collective unconscious mind has a lot of tools at its disposal. In the movie The Matrix, Agent Smith can simply take over the body of people close to Neo to attack him. Well, this is an appropriate analogy; as in reality, so many people who are living life in unawareness that the collective unconscious mind can easily use them. I cannot tell you how many stories of me minding my own business and someone would come and either yell at me, cuss at me, or treat me terribly, etc. But here’s the kicker, it is not the people doing this but the collective unconscious and its Agents. That is why Christ AKA Neo can easily say in the Bible, “Father Forgive them for they know not what they do”, he knows that it is the collective unconscious mind overtaking the person and not the person’s fault. Finally, don’t fear this collective unconscious mind, it has no power other than your unawareness of it. I will cover more on how to defeat it and like they say “knowing this truth shall set you free”.
How Beliefs Trap You in 3D Consciousness or The Collective Unconscious Realm
How is consciousness trapped in the 3D reality, in this human beingness? It is trapped through beliefs. If we can get consciousness to believe that it is a human being then it will continuously keep spawning back into different bodies to live the human experience. For example, let’s imagine that a random accident occurred one day and you believe that you are your Reddit username. If you believe this, then the entirety of your existence would be joining subreddits, upvoting, downvoting, posting, etc. But is Reddit the only arena of life? No. You have just been hypnotized by a random accident. By only thinking you are a Reddit username, you are missing out on smelling roses, listening to symphonies, traveling the world, hiking mountains, playing sports, going to concerts, etc. By believing that Reddit is all that exists, you are missing out on so much.
Apply the same logic here. By believing that consciousness is only this human experience; this human beingness or Reddit Avatar; consciousness is limiting itself and missing out on so much. There is a reality beyond this 3D state of Beingness but one has to dehypnotize themselves. This hypnosis is kept alive by beliefs. The Matrix is using Consciousness’s power of creation against consciousness. Let me explain, Consciousness is supposed to use beliefs as a means to create in this 3D reality but the matrix or collective unconscious has convinced Consciousness that its real identity is these beliefs. The collective unconscious mind offered consciousness an apple and this apple is the idea that its identity is these beliefs rather than the understanding that beliefs are just building blocks for consciousness to create. So beliefs which were formerly designed as a tool of creation are now used to trap consciousness at the level of 3D.
How do you break free? Stay as the Buddha Mind or the Witness Consciousness
I’ve covered this so many times. But the best way to break free is to stay as the witness. You are not going to break out of the Matrix immediately; it Is a steady climb rung by rung up Jacob’s Ladder. To climb this ladder of consciousness; simply stay as the witness. Let me give an example: Let’s imagine something that is defined by the human consciousness as bad happens; immediately the collective unconsciousness sends its Agents:
Consciousness can identify as two buckets: Let’s call Bucket One the persona or the 3D identity and let’s call Bucket Two the witnesser of all that is going on. This Witness Consciousness is NEVER affected. If I were to stick to the movie cinema analogy; Bucket One or the persona is akin to Dominick Toretto or the characters in the movie and Bucket Two is akin to the one watching the movie. No matter what happens within the movie; a car crashes, a character dies, a character falls in love, etc; the person watching the movie is unaffected directly by it. Bucket Two or the witness consciousness or I AM is never affected, it never changes. When you were 4, your body was small, your life was small, yet your witnessing of life remained the same. You knew you existed at 4; you know you will exist at 70. All else changes but the witness consciousness always remains the same. So to break out of the 3D Matrix; stay as the witness consciousness:
Celebrate the Small Wins
You don’t wake up overnight. It is a step-by-step climb up Jacob’s Ladder. So celebrate the small wins. I don’t care how small; every situation that a “disaster” approaches and you remain as the witness you climb the ladder of consciousness. Rung by Rung. Before you know it, you’ll be writing random Reddit posts or doing other things to help others. So make it a daily practice to meditate and contemplate the witness consciousness. I have given plenty of practices on how to do this; one of them being the “Neti Neti” practice. If you put these practices into action and read a lot of my writings, pretty soon you will solve the case of mistaken identity. In the next post, I will cover death. Namaste.
submitted by Blackmagic213 to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.02.08 20:30 Pokerrr2_Mod 'On the Passage of a Few Persons Through a Rather Brief Moment In Time'

Guy Debord's first film.
Film, English Dubbed
Voice 1: This neighborhood was designed for the wretched dignity of the petty bourgeoisie, for respectable occupations and intellectual tourism. The sedentary population of the upper floors was sheltered from the influences of the street. The neighborhood itself has remained the same. It was the external setting of our story, where a few people put into practice a systematic questioning of all the works and diversions of a society, a total critique of its notion of happiness.
These people also scorned “subjective profundity.” The only thing that interested them was a satisfactory concrete expression of their own lives.
Voice 2: Human beings are not fully conscious of their real lives. Groping in the dark, overwhelmed by the consequences of their acts, at every moment groups and individuals find themselves faced with outcomes they had not intended.
Voice 1: They said that oblivion was their ruling passion. They wanted to reinvent everything each day; to become the masters and possessors of their own lives.
Just as we do not judge an individual by what he thinks about himself, we cannot judge such a period of transformation by its own consciousness. On the contrary, this consciousness must be understood as reflecting the contradictions of material life, the conflict between social conditions and the forces of social production.
Advances in the harnessing of nature were not yet matched by a corresponding liberation of everyday life. Youth passed away among the various controls of resignation.
Our camera has captured for you a few glimpses of an ephemeral microsociety.
Knowledge of empirical facts remains abstract and superficial as long as it is not concretized by being related to the whole situation. This is the only method that enables us to supersede partial and abstract problems and get to their concrete essence, and thus implicitly to their meaning.
This group lived on the margins of the economy. It tended toward a role of pure consumption, particularly the free consumption of its own time. It thus found itself directly involved in qualitative divergences from ordinary life, but deprived of any means to influence those divergences.
The group ranged over a very small area. The same times brought them back to the same places. No one wanted to go to bed early. Discussions continued on the meaning of it all. . . .
Voice 2: “Our life is a journey, in winter and night. We seek our passage . . .”
Voice 1: The literature they had abandoned nevertheless exerted a delaying influence, expressed in some affective formulations.
Voice 2: There was the fatigue and the cold of morning in this much-traversed labyrinth, like an enigma that we had to resolve. It was a trompe-l’oeil reality through which we had to discover the potential richness of what was really there.
On the bank of the river evening began again; and the caresses; and the importance of a world without importance. Just as the eyes have a blurred vision of many things and can clearly see only one, so the will can strive only imperfectly toward diverse objects and can completely love only one at a time.
Voice 3: No one counted on the future. It would never be possible to be together later, or anywhere else. There would never be a greater freedom.
Voice 1: The refusal of time and of growing old automatically limited encounters in this narrow and contingent zone, where what was lacking was felt as irreparable. The extreme precariousness of their methods for getting by without working was at the root of this impatience which made excesses necessary and breaks irrevocable.
Voice 2: We can never really challenge any form of social organization without challenging all of that organization’s forms of language.
Voice 1: When freedom is practiced in a closed circle, it fades into a dream, becomes a mere image of itself. The ambiance of play is by nature unstable. At any moment “ordinary life” may prevail once again. The geographical limitation of play is even more striking than its temporal limitation. Every game takes place within the boundaries of its own spatial domain.
Outside the neighborhood, beyond its fleeting and continually threatened changelessness, stretched a half-known city where people met only by chance, losing their way forever.
The girls who found their way there, because they were legally under the control of their family until the age of eighteen, were often recaptured by the defenders of that detestable institution. They were generally locked up under the custody of those creatures who among all the bad products of a bad society present the most ugly and repugnant appearance: nuns.
What makes most documentaries so easy to understand is the arbitrary limitation of their subject matter. They confine themselves to depicting fragmented social functions and their isolated products. In contrast, imagine the full complexity of a moment that is not resolved into a work, a moment whose development contains interrelated facts and values and whose meaning is not yet apparent. This confused totality could be the subject matter of such a documentary.
Voice 2: The era had attained a level of knowledge and technologies that made possible, and increasingly necessary, a direct construction of all the aspects of a mentally and materially liberated way of life. The appearance of these superior means of action, though they remained unused because of the delays in the project of abolishing the commodity economy, had already revealed the obsolescence of all aesthetic activity, whose ambitions and powers had both dwindled away. The decay of art and of all the old codes of conduct had formed our sociological background. The ruling class’s monopoly on the instruments we needed in order to implement the collective art of our time had left us completely outside the official cultural production, which was devoted to illustrating and repeating the past. An art film on this generation can only be a film about its lack of real creations.
Others unthinkingly followed the paths learned once and for all, to their work and their home, to their predictable future. For them duty had already become a habit, and habit a duty. They did not see the deficiency of their city. They thought the deficiency of their life was natural. We wanted to break out of this conditioning, in search of different uses of the urban landscape, in search of new passions. The atmosphere of a few places gave us intimations of the future powers of an architecture that it would be necessary to create in order to provide the setting for less mediocre games. We could expect nothing of anything that we ourselves had not altered. The urban environment proclaimed the orders and tastes of the ruling society just as violently as the newspapers. Man unifies the world, but man has extended himself everywhere. People can see nothing around them that is not their own image; everything speaks to them of themselves. Their very landscape is animated. Obstacles were everywhere. And they were all interrelated, maintaining a unified reign of poverty. Since everything was connected, it was necessary to change everything through a unitary struggle, or nothing. It was necessary to link up with the masses, but sleep was all around us.
Voice 3: The dictatorship of the proletariat is a relentless struggle, bloody and bloodless, violent and peaceful, military and economic, educative and administrative, against the forces and traditions of the old society.
Voice 1: But in this country it is once again the men of order who have rebelled and reinforced their power. They have been allowed to aggravate the grotesqueness of the ruling conditions according to their will, embellishing their system with the funereal ceremonies of the past.
Voice 2: Years, like a single instant prolonged to this moment, come to an end.
Voice 1: What was directly lived reappears frozen in the distance, engraved in the tastes and illusions of an era and carried off with it.
Voice 2: The appearance of events that we have not created, of events that others have in fact created against us, now obliges us to be aware of the passage of time and its results, to assess the transformation of our own desires into events. What differentiates the past from the present is precisely its out-of-reach objectivity. There is no more should-be; being has been consumed to the point of ceasing to exist. The details are already lost in the dust of time. Who was afraid of life, afraid of the night, afraid of being taken, afraid of being kept?
Voice 3: What should be abolished continues, and we continue to wear away with it. We are engulfed. Separated from each other. The years pass and we haven’t changed anything.
Voice 2: Once again, morning in the same streets. Once again the fatigue of so many similarly passed nights. It is a walk that has lasted a long time.
Voice 1: Really hard to drink more.
Voice 2: Of course one might make a film about it. But even if such a film succeeded in being as fundamentally incoherent and unsatisfying as the reality it dealt with, it could never be more than a re-creation — as impoverished and false as this botched tracking shot.
Voice 3: There are now people who pride themselves on being authors of films, as others were authors of novels. They are even more backward than the novelists because they are unaware of the decomposition and exhaustion of individual expression in our time, unaware that the arts of passivity are over and done. They are sometimes praised for their sincerity since they dramatize with more personal depth the conventions of which their life consists. There is talk about “liberating the cinema.” But what does it matter to us if one more art is liberated to the point that Tom, Dick or Harry can use it to complacently express their servile sentiments? The only interesting venture is the liberation of everyday life, not only in a historical perspective, but for us, right now. This project implies the withering away of all the alienated forms of communication. The cinema, too, must be destroyed.
Voice 2: In the final analysis, stars are not created by their talent or lack of talent, or even by the film industry or advertising. They are created by the need we have for them. A pathetic need, arising out of a dismal and anonymous life that would like to enlarge itself to the dimensions of cinematic life. The imaginary life on the screen is the product of this real need. The star is the projection of this need.
The advertisements during intermissions are the truest reflection of an intermission from life.
To really describe this era it would no doubt be necessary to show many other things. But what would be the point?
The point is to understand what has been done and all that remains to be done, not to add more ruins to the old world of spectacles and memories.
submitted by Pokerrr2_Mod to theoryofpropaganda [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 18:04 hitartha718 Feeling super angry and sad due to an incident today

So I was walking home with my friend and there was this guy and a girl in front of us. We were walking in the same direction and there was another girl in front of us - looking away towards the direction we were heading to. Now this guy - this absolute waste of space and oxygen - CASUALLY TOUCHES this girl's butt and just walks off. This girl is baffled and out of words and the girl who was with him didn't notice(she was on his right and the girl he groped was on the left). And keep in mind that this was a busy road - Behala, Ajanta Cinema r samne.
I feel bad for not calling that guy out in the very least. Eshob chapri der public e maar dhor kora uchit.
submitted by hitartha718 to kolkata [link] [comments]

2023.10.22 18:51 SafeGrapefruit1010 Men make me uncomfortable

I know I am not the only woman who feels like this. I am attracted to men and have male friends, so this is not an all-men thing, but most.
First, some of my past experiences with men. I started getting male attention from men, not including boys my age here, when I was around 13/14. They honked at me from cars when I wore shorts while out walking my dog. Or when I went to the cinema with my girlfriends at night. I used to like the attention and feeling of validation, but now when I look back I just feel bad for my younger self. Now I'm 20 and notice the looks I get when walking by a cafe or restaurant in my favorite dress. I feel like I can't go out in the summer to do activities alone, like grabbing a coffee and reading a book on a bench in the park. I am constantly aware of the men around me and get nervous when they walk by because I know they might sit down and try to talk with me. It has happened multiple times in the past and unfortunately, I have felt like I cannot or should not be rude when this happens and I still put on a smile even though the only thing I want to do is leave. I am working on this part though. When I go clubbing I can count on being danced on by multiple guys in a night, even though I haven't looked at them once before. I went out to a club and was having a lot of fun with my friend. Then a guy came up from behind and started being very sexual with me, like groping me and heavily grinding on me. I turned around and told him I wasn't interested. He was wearing a dark cap and a covid mask so I couldn’t see his face. He stopped for a second and then started again. My friend noticed and pulled me away from him, through the club, towards the bathroom. He started following us, but we lost him after we went into the bathrooms. I saw him again later in the night, but he didn’t have a chance to try anything again. I thought this would just be like any other similar interaction I’d had in the past, where it was just something that had happened and was done with now. On Halloween, I went out again and had a visceral reaction when seeing a person with a full face mask on. My heart started beating really fast and I just could not walk by them. I stayed far away from them the rest of the night. Again, I did not think that one experience would have more long-term effects than any other but I guess it did. Also men have taken advantage of how drunk I was before, making me do things I would have never done sober. But I am still friends with them. And now even when I think I trust a man, apparently my subconscious does not. I got high for the first time with the guy I’m seeing right now. I hadn’t felt uncomfortable around him at all up until this point, but the combination of feeling the loss of control and the expectations of what would typically happen when he came over just was not a good combination and I started having a really bad trip, pretty much almost going into a full panic attack.
Like I said, I have male friends and guys I'm dating who I'm comfortable with, most of the time. Sometimes I think my feelings are invalid because the things I’ve experienced aren’t bad enough to elicit this response. And I don’t want to feel like this but at the same time, men haven’t done a lot to prove to me that they can be trusted.
submitted by SafeGrapefruit1010 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2023.04.22 01:00 Valha28 EWW: The Phone

Hello and welcome to episode 43 in a series inspired by u/kamikazeb0y and CinemaSins, where I'll be sinning each and every episode of Gumball.
Quick Disclaimer: I know this is just a children's cartoon and isn't meant to be taken seriously. This, like the show itself, is not at all meant to be taken seriously or considered an actual critique of the show. It is all in good fun.
With that out of the way I present you, Everything Wrong With: The Phone!
The episode starts with Gumball hitting various electronics out of his house with a golf club Gumball: CAMERA! A camera flies from the house, landing on the sidewalk across the street Gunball: ALARM CLOCK! Scene cuts to Gumball and Darwin in their living room. Gumball hits an alarm clock with the club, and it also flies outside via an open window Gumball: LAPTOP! Darwin: Places a laptop in front of Gumball Are you sure we won't need it anymore? Gumball: Dispatches the laptop with another swing Of course not. Gary: Standing on the sidewalk amidst the debris What is all this-- The laptop hits his head, knocking him unconscious Gumball: Opening a box on the coffee table We have everything we need in one state-of-the-art Grunts little...package. Takes out a large brick-like phone Surely they would have known the phone they were buying wouldn't have any of those features. I mean, they had to specifically pick it out. Unless they blindly chose one at random they must have known it was an older model. Even if Nicole got it for them, they would have seen the phone on the box before opening it. +1
Darwin: Hey Ocho, here's our number: Zero, triple one, zero zero triple zero, one one zero one, triple one zero double one, zero double one, double one zero, triple one zero, triple zero! What kind of phone number is that? Not only is it way longer than any real phone number but it also only uses 0 and 1's? +1
Bobert: That spells "poop" in binary code. Aaaaaaand this show just made a poop joke. That's worth this many sins. +25
Buuuuut they did actually go to the effort of correctly translating it into binary rather than just making it up (yes I checked) so I guess they at least deserve a sin off for effort -1
Gumball: Whispering to Darwin Dude, be more careful. We can't just go around giving our number to anyone. Gets on the bus and displays his phone Hey everybody, we got a cell phone! Who wants our number?! Gumball is a hypocrite +1
Gumball hears the phone's "ringtone" Gumball: Gasps Shh! Hello, Gumball speaking. Please be quick I'm a ver--Notices that the phone is not ringing, Darwin points off-screen. Gumball walks over to Teri, who is playing the xylophone. Gumball grabs her mallets, snaps them in half, and exits the room; Darwin opens his mouth, about to say something Him believing the xylophone is the phone ringing makes no sense. Surely he would know what the ringtone of the phone is as he would have chosen one when setting up the phone. And the chances of Teri happening to play the exact same song as his ringtone is astronomically low +1
Darwin continues to reach, as Gumball mashes the controller with his face. Darwin finally releases the controller and picks up the phone; Gumball loses the game, is in a state of shock and his hair is messed up from his face hitting the controller Darwin: Texting How do you spell "LOL"? Why is he texting someone when they were calling him? +1
Also, if it was just a text then why was the phone continuously ringing like that? +1
Also also, Darwin is not this stupid. +1
Gumball feels around for the phone in a box of confiscated items on Mr. Small's desk Darwin: Over there, up a bit, up a bit!Gumball mocks Darwin's voice while making a weird face Gumball: I know where your phone is, you text maniac! Just chill out for a second. Gumball again reaches for Darwin's phone, but he tips the box over and spills all of its contents, including a firecracker; he also tips a jar of thumbtacks and a candle, which ignites the firecracker's fuse. Darwin: Gumball, look out, look out! Gumball: Will you be quiet?Gumball continues groping for the phone until he grabs the firecracker, squeals, and throws it at the window; it bounces off and lands at his feet. Gumball tries to put it out by waving his hand, but it does not work so he simply covers his ears. Darwin: Gumball, behind you! Behind you- Faints Gumball sits on the firecracker; it detonates and smoke comes out of his mouth. The phone buzzes, Darwin looks through the window, and Mr. Small hums again. Gumball reaches for the phone, but Mr. Small falls asleep and slams his head into the desk, causing several candles to fall. One of the candles causes the curtain to catch on fire. Gumball tries to fan it out with a folder, but it catches fire as well. Gumball throws the folder away and it spreads the fire to a cabinet. Gumball: Oh man, what am I gonna do?Gumball sees the fire extinguisher on the wall next to the door, and notices the phone vibrating on the ground nearby, surrounded by thumbtacks. Gumball steps around the tacks and grabs the phone, then makes his way to the extinguisher, but Darwin opens the door in Gumball's face and swipes the phone. Darwin: Thanks.Darwin closes the door again, shutting Gumball inside. Gumball, dazed from the hit, loses his balance and sits on the thumbtacks. He holds back a squeal, then hears Mr. Small starting to stir. Outside, an oblivious Darwin is texting by the door, which opens as a singed and coughing Gumball comes out with the fire extinguisher. Gumball uses the extinguisher and fills Mr. Small's office with foam. He drops the extinguisher, exhausted, then livid, as he growls at Darwin. Even if he was meditating, there is no possible way Mr Small didn't notice or hear any of this. +1
The doorbell rings, Gumball shushes Darwin and looks through the mail slot; he sees Ocho Gumball: WAH! Closes the mail slot; the phone buzzes again and Gumball picks it up Gumball: Inhales sharply, and speaks in a strange high-pitched voice Hollooo! Ocho: I know you're behind the door! Gumball: Still in a different voice No. No door here, bye. Hangs up Hahahahaha -1
Darwin: Ocho, stop stop, please! Please! Truce! This is me. Your friend. Darw- Gets hit and blows up Gumball: Horrified Darwin? Falls to his knees Nooooooooooooooooooo! Show does a fake-out death for Darwin and expects us to believe it. +1
Darwin lowers his trash lid, and accidentally reflects a projectile at Gumball, who then disintegrates. Gumball comes back to life, and has 2 lives left. Why do they suddenly not turn into blocks upon being destroyed anymore? +1
Up on the roof, Gumball and Darwin are replacing the bricks. Wait, they have to rebuild the entire roof themselves? It wasn't them who destroyed it in the first place! Nor what was what happened even really their fault. Plus, even if it was their fault it's pretty damn cruel to force them to do all the repairs completely on their own. +10
Darwin: You know, I'm glad I had the strength of character to give up that cell phone. It takes a lot of willpower to overcome your own weaknesses. I hope you find that strength too one day. Gumball makes a buzzing noise similar to a phone. Darwin reacts by unwittingly hitting himself in the head with a nearby brick and falling backward. Gumball smiles. Hahahahaha -1
Total Sins: 42
Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687) Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)
Previous Episode: https://www.reddit.com/gumball/comments/12os6j6/eww_the_banana/ Next Episode: https://www.reddit.com/gumball/comments/12ulx54/eww_the_job/
submitted by Valha28 to gumball [link] [comments]

2023.04.15 01:04 thwonderingtree 17 and 28 is this situation bad or am i overreacting

i’m a 17 year old autistic girl who was approached by a 28 year old man online calling me pretty, he asked to meet up and i’ve never had a boyfriend or any experiences before so i stupidly did, on our first cinema date he tried to kiss me and got angry when i didn’t, on our next date we went to a museum and he lifted my skirt and groped and kissed me in public multiple times even though i was clearly uncomfortable. At this point i felt trapped it’s such a big age difference i felt like i couldn’t express my feelings to him and even when i tried he would brush it off, around a few weeks later we decided to go to the cinema where he proceeded to put his hand down my pants and touch me without my consent, i fully spaced out and had a silent panic attack, it was such a packed cinema i just froze. He then forced my hand into his pants i just felt so horrible and gross i just cried for days afterwards. Then i missed his birthday he told me the only way i could make up for it is to go to his house and i did because i felt unbelievably guilty for not getting him a gift, he forced me to have sex with him, the amount of guilt and shame i felt was unbearable. I blocked him recently, i can’t deal with it anymore i feel like this is all my fault it was insane of me to meet up with an older man and i just feel so stupid. I haven’t told anyone expect my friends i just don’t know how i’m gonna deal with all of this and if it even that bad it doesn’t seem worth making a big deal out of it to me please anyone do you have any advice on how to move on
submitted by thwonderingtree to rape [link] [comments]

2023.04.06 16:24 LoveMinaMyoi I’ll start

I’ll start submitted by LoveMinaMyoi to TrashTaste [link] [comments]
