Doodh wali aunty stories

AITA for fat shaming my whole family

2024.06.01 12:06 Stup1dcup1D7 AITA for fat shaming my whole family

I, (17F) fat shamed my whole family other than my mum.
I’ve been in hospital multiple times since I was about 12 years old for anorexia, my nana (60F) has always made comments on my weight or the way I eat or how much I eat since I was about 3 or 4 years old. I blame her a lot for saying those things which resulted in an eating disorder and even after being diagnosed she continued to tell me I’m eating too much and called me a pig despite me always being quite skinny.
She recently had her 60th birthday and my uncle (40M) was there and me and my mother had always had issues with him for as long as I can remember, I won’t go into detail but he’d try taking me away to see my dad even though both me and my mum have a restraining order on him.
I introduced him to my boyfriend (17M) even after we tried not to interact with him to avoid drama, my aunty (31F) pressed my boyfriend into meeting him anyways which I wasn’t happy about. My uncle instantly started threatening my boyfriend and telling him to fck off if he knows what’s good for him. It’s a long story so I tried keeping it short but I admit I did call him a fat cnt and walked away with my bf.
Less then a week later I got into an argument with my nana and aunty as they both shouted at me for fat shaming my own uncle and I should know not to say things like that as I have an eating disorder and brought up nasty things about my dad from the past like it was my fault. I said to them both they shouldn’t be defending my uncle when it was my uncle started on my boyfriend first.
They both started screaming some nonsense at me about how I’m a fat cow and a sl*t and how I probably I need to lose weight so my bf will like me more.
I basically told them they’re jealous of me because they’re all obese pieces of shit and they started shouting how they have nothing to be jealous of so I lifted my shirt and showed my stomach and I said “well where’s your nice bodies then coz from what I see your both severely overweight.” They continued screaming at me until my aunty called my grandad because I was ‘out of control’ and ‘going crazy’. My grandad showed up just after my aunty chased me to my room thratening to beat the fck out of me which is also when my mum got home.
It went back and forth between us all my mum obviously on my side until we eventually both got kicked out of OUR house. We weren’t welcome back at home for another week and had to stay at my mums partners house.
Both my bf and I hate my family and I’m embarrassed to even call them that. I feel so bad that my family are the way they are and I can’t just have a nice relationship with them or my boyfriend either. They still bring that argument up nearly 4 months later and shame me for what I said and make me feel guilty for it.
Me and mum finally got out of that situation and moved in with her partner and they told us we abandoned them and were selfish for wanting to leave them behind.
Is my family crazy or am I an AH?
(Sorry for such a long story I didn’t know how else to shorten it)
submitted by Stup1dcup1D7 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:34 momo-melle I'm torn (Aunty Rant)

I'm torn (Aunty Rant)
Hey, hello. Howdy?
Just a heads up: this might be a long text from a old player, with opinions/rants you've probably seen somewhere else before. Just wanted to share a bit.
It's been a while I don't come here. For anyone that has been here for a couple of years, you might remember me from the megathread - tried to help a lot of players back in 2022-23, liked to lurk almost everyday.
I've completed 930 days playing Hi3. Definately not a granny, but certainly an aunty. I've invested a lot in this game - emotionally, finantially and time-wise. I'm not a whale, but probably a hard working dolphin: monthly+BP, all B-chip skins and occasional splurge during anniversary patch, buying every double pack once.
I'm lacking only one valk (side eyes Vill-V) and all valks from 3.4 onwards are fully geared, with some minor exceptions (no Bastet/Van Gogh/Cecilia sets, missing Alladin T, big Griseo's Cross). Even older valks have their old BIS sets (like HoV). All these old valks (till HoS release) are at least SS. I'm only missing one DK, which is XY sword - I do have the Pokémon games tho.
I'm very proud of my skin collection too. Although I don't have the elusive ones (old beach skins, Princess Kiana, EVA collab), I pretty much collected all high rarity ones except some still dusting in the ticket shop. I love my valks and they all deserve to be pretty.
I'm not an outstanding player competitively, by any means. I always played for the story/lore and for collecting. I've reached Nirvana a couple of times (5, I believe?) in the end of last year, until the burnout finally started to settle in. I'm currently bouncing between AIII and RL, since Abyss has been extremely toxic and not enjoyable at all for some months now.
Since the ending chapters of Part 1, I started to feel a very faint sense of disappoitment. I still cry till this day when I hear Da Capo/Graduation Trip, but overall it didn't impact me (ehe) as much as I was expecting it too. Many things felt rushed, others felt bloated. I think there isn't much else to say, it had its fair share of divided opinions. Part 1.5 basically seemed like it wasn't there, Susannah, Kira and Misteln all helped me disconnect with the story even more (even tho I love Seele and Veli). Sa's introduction was quite interesting tho, and at least tied to what the previous Part has been building up for 4/5 years.
Part 2 however... Well.
I've already ranted about it in another comment not so long ago, on a post questioning about Part 2 story quality. I'll just make it very, very simple:
  • characters feel shallow
  • characters who have potential for development (Sena) are still completely secondary in the current plot
  • current plot is rushed AF
  • the nature of Mars and its characters is still all over the place, its like there's nothing really uniting them in a single string of thought, no bigger reason other than the old "we need to save the world" that doesn't have the same meaning as Part 1 (which had the same basic reasoning, but with much more complexity attached to it)
  • there's absolutely nothing that connects with what has been built since the beggining of the game.
It doesn't feel like Part 2, but rather feels like a new game in the same universe with some crossover characters. They have yet to give me reason to care about any of these people (Sena, Helia, Cora, the Shus, Dreamseeker, wannabe Rita - forgot her name), give me a reason to expect more from them, to care about their past and who they wanna be in the future. It all feels... Empty.
Enough about story. The second - and last topic - is about the current state of the competitive and gacha side. I think some of you have already seen some well known CCs that have expressed their negative thoughts about Hi3 meta (Akayuki, Nyll Hzri). This is not something new. It started way before Part 2 dropped. Hi3 started drifting from being a P2W yet also highly skill based game to a only braindead P2W one. The powercreep spiked up like crazy. S-ranks (most especifically Herrschers) used to stay relevant for a year, nowadays they are lucky to last a couple of patches. We used to have some breathing space patches with SP valks and discounted gear. We're heading towards the third patch with a premium S-rank - which needs the last two to properly be played, mind you. "Oh, Momo, but gacha is better now". It isn't. It's just an illusion of change, but the system stayed the same. Stigs can be farmed - but upgrading them is now a huge bottleneck. Rates are better, but you can't afford to skip valks if you want to stay relevant in Abyss. Weapons are guaranteed in 50 pulls, but they introduced the synergy system to milk spending players even more.
Don't even get me started on Part 1 and 1.5 valks. Geez, except for FoV and HoRb and some SP valks, they have completely ditched the old roster. Bam, years of dedication left in the dust, looking pretty on your shelf.
Heck, as I said, I'm not a meta player, so many of these changes don't affect me, but I find these just straight up scammy as hell. Again, like the story, the way they're treating new valks and the gacha changes are making the game hollow. I've been trying to give things more time, Part 1 also started quite basic and I didn't feel it since I started way after things got better (4.9).
I'm looking forward to getting Lantern. I like her design and gameplay (Hoyo RARELY disappoints me in those regards, in any game). I like collecting and I've been enjoying playing Sena and Thelema. Cora and Helia (although quite useless as time goes by) are super fun to play. Ranking down to A3 has been doing wonders to easing out my burnout. I spend 5-10 min per day in the game, with the only exception being my weekly run of ER. This has been my way of sticking around, but I'm not sure if it will keep working in the future or if I should be doing this at all. I want the story to work, I love the universe Hoyo created with their games.
I don't want to fall into sunk cost fallacy, but I also don't want to abandon everything I've built over these 930 days. I still care about it, and I still want to maintain my habit of getting each release.
Anyway, I'm not really expecting an answer. I'll figure things out along the way. It's just a game in the end of the road and it should be viewed as our entertainment, not a job or a responsability. I'm currently processing a lot on things irl too, so maybe I'm just being over dramatic. Just wanna be self aware about what I choose to spend my time on.
Sorry, dude/dudette. If you've managed to read this essay till here, you're an internet legend. Have a virtual cookie and a hug. Also, drink water and get off your phone. I'll touch grass myself (not really, its 2:30AM).
Peace everyone ✌🏼
submitted by momo-melle to houkai3rd [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:00 A_rf24 I hate my dad

Gonna try to keep it short and simple. So my dad is very narcissistic and he's such a gaslighter. He has many addictions (smoking, drugs, watching porn) honestly I hate him. I hate the way he treated us. He would psychically abuse my mother daily and abuse us too. He would literally beat the shit of us. My parents divorced in 2020-2021 when I was in sixth grade. And honestly it was so confusing for me. Suddenly living in a new house without my dad. But we were better off without him. He would get 26k a month and would spend it all on drugs and drinks and porn sites. While he wouldn't give my mother a single penny. I realised after the divorce, when I went to stay with my dad(had a. How much he "changed" it was weird to say the least. I would suddenly get 200-300 bucks from him a week and we would go out alone, until I realised why he was doing all of this. Inside of him he hated me and my mother and siblings. He just wanted me to stay with him so he could piss off my mom and get info out of me. Which really made me question me everything that was happening. After a while He stopped bribing me with me when he realised I was of no help to him. I would watch him treat my nephew better than me. And were the same age too. He was gonna give him 15k to himself a new car (he's only 14 wtf) and I would see my dad buy him the newest iPhone (while he gave me his old beat samsung (my dad has an iPhone tho) ) I would watching him give my nephew money and he would go out with him while he left me rotting in my grandma's house (that's where I stayed he doesn't have a house) just socks. I kinda wished I was a boy so he would treat me like that. Instead my dad would gossip and tell lies about me while I did nothing wrong. He literally gave me mental illnesses and I started self harming again (the last time I did it was during 2020 cuzco of him) got fucked mentally and physically with my stay at my dad. Really wanted to go back with my mom but i was afraid shouldn't accept me back. I stayed 4 months with him. I lived through he'll honestly all my 40 50 year old aunties and my grandma would talk shit and gossip about me literally with my own father. They ruined my image infront of everyone. And my niece talks shit about me in school and literally told everyone that my dad and mom are divorced. She also said that I was gay. Like what the fuck?!! Honestly don't know why she didn't like me I swore I did nothing wrong to her, my dad always pays her money ( even My nephews talk shit about my brothers) I think my dad payed them to do that. Cheap ass bitches literally would do anything for money (bet ya they're the kind that would kill for money) literally no personalty nor looks and she still thinks she's better than me anyways back to my aunties and grandma's. All 4 months I stayed with em they would talk ahit even though I didn't do a single fucking thing to piss em off. I Wass literally sleeping in my grandma's living room. People would storm on me when I was sleeping (bet ya even they record me ) they record me whenever I don't notice and make a fool out of me. One of my aunties thought was off to school and stormed on my room don't know what her intention was but probably not that great. So my dad talking shit and using while I was living in a make believe world trying to believe everything was perfect when inside I was literally breaking. And no that's not cuz I'm a teen or whatever it just hurts seeing my own father using me and talking shit shout me infront off everyone while they do it too with him. So everything in that house was against me. I would rot in my room cutting myself and crying all day and night never coming out to them . During the finals break my dad left me in my grandma's house and took my nephew to Jordan with em. Fuckkkkkkkk my dad really played with my mentality. Came back to my mom humbled and more woke than before. I stopped being a brat and apologised to her. I realised how bad life was when I left her. She really is everything I needed true she got no money but atheist she showed me real love unlike my dad who only got me fucked up more than before. The story has more details to it, but it's getting to long. Daddy issues still strike me hard whenever I see someone getting treated right by their dad. I hated seeing my friends getting new things travelling everywhere having a good dad. Just made me jealous and I hate that it made me feel this way. I try to stop myself but I can't. It sucks. My heart feel likes it ls gonna rip out of it'd place. Does anybody else feel like that?
submitted by A_rf24 to daddyissuesclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:31 oogieboogie321 Looking to buy but MIGHT be coming into some inheritance

I am currently viewing houses to buy for my first house, my Nan (god bless her) passed away last year and her house had a 50% split share for my auntie and uncle then if my auntie died (which she has recently god bless her soul too) then I would take her share.
It gets complicated because some of my family members put an injunction on house so it couldn't be sold over some disputes, which has dragged things along but within this time my Aunt has died.
So im not exactly sure if the 50% share of my Nans house will be going to me or not but I don't want to hold out getting a house because my uncle is scheming around to try and cut the rest of the family out the will. (Long story)
How would this affect me getting a house if for example Inhereted a portion of a other house before I buy my first house?
Thank you !
submitted by oogieboogie321 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:52 VeronicaLee69 ABYG hindi ako pumayag na papa ko ang umakyat with me sa stage

Hello! I'm a transgender woman who is currently living in Davao City. I have been living with my grandparents since 2022(after pandemic era). My grandma(mother's side) is the one who's supporting my needs(financially, mentally and emotionally). I grew up with my parents but i have my reasons why i don't wanna talk to them nor celebrate my achievements with them.
When i was still a child my parents used abused as an alternative excuse for "discipline". They would beat me up, throw knives at me, used belt on me, hits me with dos por dos, and also verbally abused me. My mom is the biggest narcissist in our family, she would immediately blame it on me all the after she beat me up because of her anger issues and lack of patience. Don't get me wrong ha but i really love my mom; i love my family and i don't hold grudges towards them. My dad is an alcoholic and also a gambler so everytime na umuuwi dad ko from gala with friends he's drunk, because of that my mom and dad would always have quarrels that involves alot of factors(money, bills, and etc.) After their unending quarrel, madadamay ako sa galit nilang dalawa and i would always end up getting beat up.
The beatings and verbal abuse actually worsen when i started coming out as trans at 13 years old, i started dressing femininely and acting femininely. They would always say how embarassing and disgraceful it is to have a "gay" or "trans" son in the family. I endured all of those for how many years because they're my parents and i value and love them so much but i also got fed up. I started talking back to my parents and that led to them beating me up more and more. They kicked me out and neglected me and that led to me starting to live with my aunties and grandparents(father's side). They were cool and svery supportiveof me being "gay or trans" in my younger years, they didn't have any problems at all. I was on their care for 2 years and i'm very grateful for the love, care and shelter that they offered. After the 2 years of living with my aunties and grandparents(father's side), my grandma(mother's side) decided to shelter me. I told her everything that my parents did to me and she actually knows everything, she just kept quiet because she knows how my mom is. I'm very thankful of my lola because she's the reason why i'm determined to finish my studies and i dedicate all of my achievements to her.
So here's the story now, when i was still on grade 12 my mom messaged lola and insisted na she wants my dad to go with me sa stage to put my medals and receive the certificates that i earned. I immediately said no kay lola coz why? what's the point? walang sustento for those years na pinalayas ako sa bahay, hindi ako kinamusta and i can also feel na they don't want to reconcile with me. I carry no anger and hatred towards my parents but i don't want them to claim the recognition of my hardworks because they don't deserve it. I told lola that i want her to be there coz all of what i'm doing is for her and not for my parents.
So ABYG dahil ayoko na yung dad ko ang kasama ko sa stage on my graduation day?
submitted by VeronicaLee69 to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:34 schlagenteufel Physically uncomfortable around pregnant women

I have never wanted children to come out of my body. I have been blessed with an ideal situation; my husband’s ex found out she was pregnant after they broke up and we has already started dating. I’ve been able to do the parent thing since my stepson was an infant.
So many aspects of pregnancy make me physically uncomfortable. when I have worked with pregnant women, I let them know that I don’t feel comfortable talking about pregnancy, child birth, breastfeeding, pumping, hormones, etc. note: Im not rude, it’s more like “please don’t talk about that at the dinner table” sort of thing. Even friends of mine, I remind them that their pregnancy is not who they are, so if they start making it their identity, i need a break.
it would be so much easier if I weren’t like this, but I am 🤷‍♀️ my sister-in-law is having her baby shower next week and I’m already panicking over the discomfort I’ll be in. I’m not close, at all, with my brother or his wife. I’m not excited to “be an auntie”. oh, and I‘m not good at pretending to be fine if I’m not. I wish I could be ”sick” or that my family would simply understand that it’s just not something I will be comfortable at, but alas, if I don’t go, I will hear all about it. I’ve tried to explain it to other people and I’ve found that, most of the time, I come off as a jerk. People don’t understand how I can be a parent but physically gag at the conversation of a baby moving around INSIDE A PERSON!
Am I the only one? Am I missing some feminine gene? How do you explain it to people who think nothing of sharing their birth stories in all their detail as if that is normal to talk about?! How do I get through this baby shower without torturing myself but also not coming off rude?
submitted by schlagenteufel to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:51 tealea43 Being stalked by a customer

So I’ve witnessed how this subreddit has helped others and I’m hoping you guys can help me.
So I’m a 22yo F based in Australia. I work in a grocery store that’s individually owned but also apart of a chain. There’s no unions I’m aware of.
At work we have a customer who’s well known for being creepy and stalking a lot of the women who work there. He’s shown up to coworkers homes and even confronted my auntie (who doesn’t work there) talking about her personal information, her husbands employment and new home. Before this interaction she had never spoken to him before.
I was lucky enough to know of this man “Spud” (his legal real name is unknown by me or some others) through my mum who works in the same place as me. I was very aware not to give him any personal information or talk about anything in front of him. Within two weeks of me working at this place he’s approached me talking about how he saw my siblings drive me to work. I believe he watched from outside of the work environment because this was a while after I started my shift. He would make these comments every now and then.
After that he mentioned that he knows the house I live in (I live on a farm that’s a 15 minute drive to the store a next town over). He said he saw me and commented on the other people who live on my street.
On Wednesday he approached me again and commented on the Mazda I drive and how V6s are real fuel guzzlers.
I feel so uncomfortable knowing he watches me to the point where he knows my car (I have no defining features on my car like stickers and such).
I work usually until closing and now I’m afraid to walk to my car. I’m afraid to be at home alone. I hope he doesn’t pose a physical threat but just the idea of knowing he watches me when I’m not aware is very unsettling. I don’t want to file any restraining orders or anything like that.
I just want help writing a complaint to my boss (who claims he has no idea about my situation or any others that involve Spud) to either get Spud banned from the store or just so I don’t have to serve him and have my contact as limited as possible.
I’m planning on writing an email so I do have a paper trail of this complaint. I just need help with what to write so something gets done.
I’m sick of being scared and anxious at work. I hate hearing stories from my coworkers about how he shows up at their homes and touches them claiming to be feeling the material of their pants.
Apparently no one else has made a complaint. I’m going to be the first so it’s easier for women after me to speak up about unsettling customers, and so we don’t have to warn new coworkers on their first day.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by tealea43 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:16 BabujeeUnit Thoughts post first playthrough

My wife and I just finished a ~140hr Tactitian playthrough of BG3 and it was a great experience. We were both huge fans of the Divinity OS series and Larian games once again did not disappoint. This is definitely one of my favorite games of all time, and I’m looking forward to doing at least one more (Dark Urge) playthrough at some point.Overall I’d give the game a 8.5/10, and can see it easily getting to a 9.5 level once all the updates and patches are complete. Here are my detailed thoughts on the game, organized from what I enjoyed the most to what I enjoyed least:
Reactivity and dialogue
This may be the most fleshed out and reactive dialogue system in any game I’ve played. We noticed whenever we’d accidentally start a conversation with another one of our party members that the dialog options/actual dialog would be very different, not just based on the actual character speaking but also other traits like race, class, and background. Every choice you make during character creation will likely be recognized in the game at some point. That must’ve taken a ton of effort on the part of the developers and I really appreciate it. It makes roleplaying as multiple different types of characters much more appealing, and I can’t wait to see how the game reacts to a Dragonborn or Githyanki character in future playthroughs.
The conversation system also plays off of the level/map design really well, as uncovering secret routes/notes can help make some dialog encounters more productive and unlock more options. The dialog system is in my opinion the glue that holds this game together. The cherry on top was that the animations and voice acting are utterly fantastic throughout and I honestly can’t fathom how much thought and care was put into every interaction with even the most mundane NPC. BG3 is the game that us 2000s Bioware fans have always been waiting for.
Combat and encounter design
This is something that Larian excels at, and BG3 is no different. The game has almost no “filler” battles. Every fight either introduces a new enemy type, a cool environmental mechanic, or can be completely avoided or made easier via clever dialog choices and careful exploration. I love the modifications that the devs made to the 5e system to make utility powers more useful. Every single spell in the game can be gamechanging. Teleporting to high ground and pushing enemies off cliffs, drawing enemies into AoE zones, and moving our characters into advantageous positions never got old.
The boss battles and puzzle battles in particular were fantastic and often required us to change our strategies and reload fights. This is taken to the next level in Act 3 which features a lot of optional encounters that required multiple reloads and a Dark Souls style “fail and learn” approach on our parts to overcome. There were several lulls in difficulty (most of Act 2, the Gortash fight) but most of the time the game was a good challenge and kept us thinking and incentivized us to continuously improve our builds. I definitely think the combat system as a whole is a step down from DOS2, but I think that has more to do with 5e than the encounter design (will talk about this later).
Also, the presentation is once again fantastic. All the spells sound powerful and are visually distinct and they leave their mark on the environment. Each class has its own distinct animations and voice shouts, even across the main characters - yet another indicator of Larian’s meticulous attention to detail. Even basic weapon attacks look like they have weight to them, and one of my favorite things was looking at the carnage remaining on the battlefield after a tough fight.
Map and level design
Both the overworld map and the dungeons are fantastic. They’re a lot of fun to explore, are extremely dense with content, and exploring any given part of it is usually rewarding whether for loot or story reveals. The graphics and art design are fantastic and do a great job of drawing the eyes towards hidden paths and secrets. Many of the highlights of this game were purely exploration, such as: sneaking through the upper sections of Moonrise tower to get the dirt on Ketheric, navigating the Gauntlet of Shar and the Wyrmway puzzle dungeons, and assassinating the Goblin leaders.
There are many paths through the maps and they leverage all 3 dimensions of movement extremely well. I was not expecting to have to use the jump command so much, and navigation utility spells like Misty Step and Feather Fall became must-haves. There are many parts of the map (specifically the ones where you have to be small to enter) that we missed out on during our playthrough since we didn’t have room to prioritize the necessary spells. I can’t wait to see what’s behind them.
Itemization and loot
This game has some of the best loot in any RPG I’ve played. I mainly handled the inventory management for our party and every time I sat down to optimize our gear my head would spin from all the possibilities. Our team only ended up using maybe 10% of the gear we collected overall but I could easily envision builds that would either benefit from nearly all of the gear we had collected. There were many times that I’d examine an awesome 2 handed weapon or a piece of heavy armor, begin fantasizing about how cool it would be to use the power it granted in combat, only to remember that no one in our party was specced to use it.
There's a ton of class and subclass specific gear, pieces of gear that need to be worn together to reach full potential, and gear that completely changes the base playstyle of a given class. The lull in difficulty in Act 2 comes mainly from the fact that we started getting access to really good gear that amplified our builds, and by the end-game it really felt like most of the power our characters wielded came from their gear. I am really glad Larian decided to ditch that horrible incremental armor bonus based system from DOS2, with a more thoughtful, handplaced system here. I also thought it was a good move to keep the armor class benefits from gear relatively minimal, so you’d only really benefit from switching gear based on its secondary effects.
Another thing I’d like to commend are the merchants and economy. Our party never once felt rich, since the merchants we’d encounter always had 1 or 2 pieces of gear that could benefit our party or help with a fight we were currently stuck on. Usually in RPGs I find myself hoarding gold and consumables, but in BG3 I was constantly selling and saving up for the next piece of gear.
The side quests
This is one of Larians strengths and once again they did not disappoint. Every optional quest has some combination of a well written premise, interesting characters driving the action, an unique location to explore, or a tough fight to overcome or avoid. This extends from the major companion quest chains, all the way down to quests as innocuous as Auntie Ethel asking you to visit her teahouse. Oftentimes these side quests were much better than the main story, and it feels like the map was designed by thinking up these quests first and then designing a way to organically connect the various locations in which they occur. The companion quests (we used Wyll and Shadowheart) in Act 3 were a particular highlight. In general its impressive how the quality of these optional quests remains consistently high throughout the game and I often found myself more excited by the side content than the main story (more on that later).
The companions
This is where the positive section ends and we start getting into things that I’m neutral on. I don’t feel like I’ve gotten a good sense of all the companions in the game. In this playthrough we really only focused on Shadowheart and Wyll, and while Shadowheart’s questline and dialog was routinely fantastic, Wyll’s stuff was consistently cheesy and bland. Towards the beginning of the game I was beginning to enjoy Lae’zels character, but unfortunately my wife wanted to romance Shadowheart and we were forced to choose one or the other. Being an avid fan of the first 2 BG titles, I also can’t wait to delve deeper into Jaheira and Minsc in my next playthrough. I think I’ll withhold my judgments about the overall cast until I play through with a few more characters, but below are my opinions on our 2 comrades:
Shadowheart has one of the most well-written and conveyed trauma stories in videogames. Her dialog writer and voice actor absolutely crush it, especially in her pivotal moments towards the end of Act 2. She also tends to have more interesting camp interactions and dialog options than other characters too. Also her plot is very intertwined with the main story for large pieces of it and in some ways you can tell that she was meant to be a “main” character. Overall this is by far Larian’s best character work yet.
Wyll on the other hand was a disappointment. For the first 2 acts, his quest feels like a sideshow. He has absolutely no agency in his own story. You’re constantly making big decisions for him. In camp, he tends to constantly drop platitudes about the honorable or right thing to do. If he wasn’t a warlock and if our party wasn’t in desperate need of a ranged attacker who wasn’t limited by long rests, I honestly don’t think I would’ve brought him along.
5e/Character progression
We spent most of the game with a party consisting of a Open Hand Monk (started off as a rogue but our party needed something more tanky), Divination Wizard, Trickery Cleric, and a Fiend Warlock. We also had several cameos in particular acts featuring a Battlemaster Fighter and a Druid whose subclass I’m forgetting. This is one of the most boring class/progression systems I’ve played in a videogame (huge steps down compared to recent standouts like DOS2, PoE, and WotR). I was rarely excited when I leveled up one of my martial characters. Unless I got a new feat or subclass I was mostly just getting a bit more HP. Spellcasters are more interesting in that they get to pick between various spells almost every other level, but there was a ton of overlap between spellbooks which made individual classes feel like they had less identity. Multiclassing is a great option, and I began to see synergies between the various classes we tried, but it honestly seems like theres only a few specific multiclass combos that actually synergize well. There really isn’t much build variety available in this system and that detracts from the replayability for me. Thankfully, the aforementioned combat, exploration, and itemization systems gets the most out of what is present within the 5e framework and allows it to punch well above its weight.
The Story
This is where we enter the bad section of the review. Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 have some of the best narratives and villains in videogames. The third game in the series does not at all measure up to par imo. From the very start of the game I could tell that they were going for a very different tone than the previous entries. The game starts off with an extremely fast paced action packed escape sequence rather than the brutal, heart pounding slow crawl of the first 2 games. Following that, you’re thrown into a very generic fantasy realm with bright colors and hopeful NPCs - deviating greatly from the brooding tones of the previous games. This is a game that oozes positivity, which is fine but seems like a harsh departure from the other entries in the series.
The story also lacks focus from the start. Theres multiple loose threads that you can follow towards your goal of removing your tadpoles, but none of them seem promising and are clearly just setup to get you into more elaborate plots. The enemies across all these plots are cartoonishly evil goblins, druids, illithid, or gith rather than sympathetic, complex figures. And the resolution of all of these plots are unsatisfying since you make no real progress towards your ultimate goal.
Act 2 is much more refined and is a personal highlight for me. Ketheric Thorm finally provides the story a focus, and much of the act can be spent understanding his character and why he descended into villainy and subsequently left the region in the state that it is. That focus ties all the content in the act together, and the buildup to the final boss fight + the actions you can take if you know his backstory are fantastic. The issue with this act lies not in its villains, but in its heroes. The side characters you meet here will be cartoonishly good and are annoyingly hopeful despite recent events. A complete 180 from Act 1, but an improvement in my book.
Act 3 is the worst offender. Orin, Gortash, and the Netherbrain are cartoonishly evil. Their overall plan is stupid and they basically just sit around and wait for you to foil it. Their characters have no redeeming qualities and you barely get to learn their backstory. The Emperor was the villain with the most potential, and you do get to learn about his backstory a little, but his decision at the very end if you make the obvious right choice completely annulled any respect I had build of for his character. To top it all off, the portrayal of the returning characters Viconia and Sarevok and how they relate to the story is super disappointing.
The worst part of all this is that my wife and I took special care to avoid eating all the tadpoles throughout the story, just as we avoided using Source powers in DOS2. The story did not acknowledge this at all, and the whole tadpole issue in general was handled very unsatisfyingly in my opinion.
The controller + co-op UI
Why can’t we merge our split screens like DOS2, at least during combat?
Why do we have to use a flat radial menu rather than a nested system that could let us choose between spell levels, or action types?
Why do the radials get reorganized after each level up?
Why does every patch introduce new glitches like the bottom of one split screen going black, or kicking one split screen out of the inventory if the other player accesses theirs?
Why does the second player’s DPAD not respond to inputs?
Why aren’t quest items sorted into their own category and made harder to accidentally sell?
The act of actually playing the game was often unwieldy due to the above issues, and it's a testament to the overall quality of the game that we kept playing despite these niggles. I’m sure a lot of these will get addressed in future patches.
Final thoughts
This is an excellent game with amazing presentation, incredibly reactive writing, thoughtprovoking combat, rewarding exploration and loot which allow it to overcome the shortcomings of its progression system, worldbuilding, and narrative. The games only unredeemable flaws are its poorly constructed main story, simplistic and uncompelling villains, and the drastic tonal shift the game took from previous entries in the series. Act 2 shows the game clicking on all cylinders, and if Larian can recapture that magic across a full game we are in for an all-time great.
submitted by BabujeeUnit to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:35 No_Ok_Yes_Why Leaving your best friend hurts more than getting hurt in relationships

Update: Bhai its not a love story neither of us are in love, stop labelling everything is muhabbat, real life is different that your movie wali love stories.
for a little context: So, I (22M) and my best friend (23F), whom I'll refer to as A, are classmates at university. To keep things simple, I'll name the characters as follows: A - my current bestie B - my other friend
It all started with a misunderstanding when we were joking around, and I made a joke about B just as someone walked by. Without looking, I assumed it was B, but it turned out to be another girl, A, who I had thought of as just a moody and rude person who doesn’t talk to anyone.
It was really awkward because I didn't even know her and had joked about her, thinking she was my friend B. I immediately apologized, but she wasn't happy, although she didn't say anything. Her expression said it all. Later, when I got home, I texted her (I got her number from a study group) to apologize again, explaining that the joke was meant for B, not her. She replied, "It's okay, but be careful next time." It was another awkward moment, but I apologized again and then forgot about it.
Three years have passed, and I don't know how, but we have become so close that now we are besties—like brother and sister. Today, we were just talking about life and various things when she shared that her cousin has asked for her hand in marriage again. He had asked before, but she wasn't interested as she is career-focused and wants to be an independent woman.
Her cousin's profile: handsome, successful, caring, kind, rich, and the only child of his parents, a businessman.
I convinced her that a career isn't everything and she should consider marriage. I told her that he would definitely support her in achieving her dreams and, since they are cousins and have known each other since childhood, they understand each other well.
Long story short, she said, "Okay, I will think about it," and I was super happy for her because I convinced her to say yes to this boy. But a few moments later, I started thinking about our friendship. Once she is married, we will no longer be friends like we are today. We share everything and support each other, but when she is married, her family will be her first priority. As a guy, I understand that I will probably end this friendship for the better future of both of us. But now, this thought makes me realize how precious a gift like friendship is, where both parties have no ill intentions, just positive vibes and heartfelt discussions about success in life and listening to each other's problems without any greed or malice. I feel sad about losing her as a friend in the future. I don’t know why I am writing this, but I just wanted to get this off my chest. :(
-yes i used chatgpt for clarity
P.S. we are in process of starting a business together so maybe this will help us in staying connected
submitted by No_Ok_Yes_Why to PakistaniiConfessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:42 Papillon_noir4 To the ones who say Algeria was less religious in the 70’s before the black decade

I see many Algerians and many videos on TikTok and Instagram saying Algeria was more open minded and less religious in the 70’s before the black decade and Islamists took over, well I call this bullshit!! • my mother suffered because of islam in the 80’s her father was so religious and misogynist, he stopped her from going to school and he let her brother finish school just because he’s a man, my auntie back then forced to get married at age of 12 years old, and my grandmother also forced to get married at age of 10 • I hear many stories and they were living nightmares, Algerians always been like this since forever, yes in the black decade when Islamists took over it effected them more but they were like this too even before so these pics we see women dressing short skirts in the streets is just some Algerians who were open minded but the rest of them were living like hell
submitted by Papillon_noir4 to ExAlgeria [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:44 fennir_ether My friend(F65) refuses to talk to me(F33) since my dog died. How can I repair my relationship?

To give you some background, 4 years ago I (F33) moved next door to Marie (F65) and we quickly became friends despite our age difference. At the time I decided to take on a second dog (Pixie). And Marie, who has a deep love of animals, quickly became an “auntie” to them. She took them for walks almost every day and spoiled them too much.
Now I suppose I should tell you a little about myself. I have bipolar disorder, borderline personality...I'm on medication and thanks to that I manage to function relatively normally. My psychological worries mean that I can count my friends on the fingers of one hand and every relationship I have is very precious to me.
Last December, I was lucky enough to be able to move into my own house, just twenty minutes from Maria's home. Nevertheless, it hasn't really changed our relationship. We talked every day on the phone and I made a lot of effort to come and see her or make a detour when I had an appointment to leave the dogs with her for a walk.
But that's when things get complicated, and a series of sad events begin. In Febrier, Maria lost her brother. Although he had been ill for a long time, his prognosis was not life-threatening, and his death came as a real shock.
A few weeks later, she called to tell me that she'd captured one of the feral cats she feeds. He used to fight and come back bleeding, and I advised her to have him neutered to avoid this. Good news, the local shelter was running a special sterilization operation...or not. They tested the cat positive for FIV and my country law says that a feral cat with this disease must be euthanized. I'm convinced that it was this incident that created the first crack in our relationship and I understand it perfectly, I feel terribly guilty myself.
But the bad luck continues and other animals die around Maria, the neighbor's cat gets run over, the village's oldest dog dies of a heart attack (partly because of Maria, but I'm not sure it's relevant to the story).
I'm telling you all this to give you a little insight into Maria's psyche. She's in mourning, and for her, the death of an animal is as hard to digest as that of a human. So she has several deaths to digest.
Two months ago, Pixie, my dog, was bitten by a viper and after a week of fighting the venom, she ultimately left us. And while I was mourning the loss of my dog, whom I considered my daughter, Maria, in her own grief, began to blame me for her death.
I was of course shocked and angry, especially as I was already accusing myself of this, and repeating over and over again why it's not the case. But I know very well where this criticism comes from, she and I have always had two very different approaches to care. Maria tends to call the vet at the drop of a hat, whereas I tend to assess the risks, do a lot of minor care myself and, depending on the evolution of the wound or illness, go and see the vet. It's not a question of refusing care to my dogs, but simply of not panicking.
And when my dog came back with a swollen face, I did the same. She could drink, eat and breathe, and we'd found a bee inside. No immediate danger, she slept with me and the next morning, when I saw that it hadn't deflated, I took her to my vet. He was clear that bring her the day before wouldn't have made any difference. There's no antidote for viper venom, all you can do is give antibiotics, vitamins and hope for the best. Two days later, I took her back to the vet and he told me that her liver was failing her. But once again, the only thing to do was to change her diet and hope that this would relieve the liver enough for it to repair itself. And even in the last moments when I took her to the emergency vet, all they could give her was a stomach bandage and morfin. I felt so helpless during that week, but I'm convinced there was nothing more to be done.
After her accusations, I told her I couldn't stop her from thinking it, but she didn't have the right to tell me.
I tried to ignore her calls but I couldn't, it's not the house style. But her calls were nothing more than just asking me to find her the number of a physiotherapist or a craftsman (she doesn't have internet at home). When I was feeling a bit better and had moved on with my mourning myself, I made the effort to call her every 2-3 days to find out how she was doing. And I kept getting the same answer, "I need time to grieve".
Ok I can understand that but then why when a mutual friend offers her to go for a walk she says yes but when she adds that I'll be there, she retracts. I think she still blames me for the death of my dog.
The last two weeks have been hard for me, the absence of my dog has hit me hard, and I haven't had the strength to maintain contact with Maria. She hasn't tried to reach me, but I've heard from her through a third party and she's doing fine.
I'm feeling a bit better, and I'd like to get back in touch, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Do I get out of her life until she feels better? Do I maintain contact as I did before, at the risk of imposing myself? Or do I end the relationship and try to move on? And what do I do when I visit another friend who lives next door?
(Sorry for my english it's not my native language)
submitted by fennir_ether to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:31 FinishFast4587 How to overcome childhood trauma?

I’ve so many harassment and a raped story which I haven’t shared it with anyone and all those have have affected me so much. ( story might me long but please read I really need suggestions)
First harassment happened to me when I was 5 years old. I was traveling with my parents, bus was fully packed, then one middle aged man called me to sit in his seat. Later on, he pulled me and kept me on the lap and started touching my vagaina. ( tyo manchele euta haat le tesko bag samayo ani arko hand bag ko bich ma rakhera mero pant ko chain kholera he started touching me badly.) Daar le mamu baba lai pani kei bhanina.
2nd time I was harassed by an old man( 60+) while playing in my locality. He called me ani bought a packet of titaura. He told `ma aajhai k k mitho mitho khane kura kindinchu tara timile maile bhaneko mannu parcha’ and took me to uncrowded place and told me to suck his d***. One sister saw that and scolded him and dropped me home. I was around 7 years old when this happened.
3rd harassment happened to me when I was around 8 years old. Euta chineko budoo thiyo mamu baba sab le chiniseko, ek din he took me at his home ani he showed us( me and my friend) pornography videos and raped us. After a month, his son took me at his room and told me to suck his d***. I shouted and ran away. Yo incident haru pachi pani I was never safe family members ko ma jada tehi bad touch hunthiyo, school ma teacher haru bata pani. after all these incidents malai depression bhayo at the age of 11. 3 years depression journey was too difficult for my younger self.
Now, I’m 23 years old, 4 years ago pani I was harassed by baccha bucchi. I was walking with my friend and a kid( around 10 years old) came and touched my lower private part and ran away, samatera sakne jati pitye. Next time, aunty ko ghar jada pani aunty ko chora( 12 years old) sutirako thau ma aayera he touched my upper private parts ek jhapad hanye but kei react nai garna sakina.
My childhood trauma has affected me a lot. I get a lot of anxiety. When someone comes near me, my body automatically gives a fight-or-flight response. I feel very anxious when someone stares at me. I feel so guilty for not sharing all of this with my parents. I’m still struggling with anxiety, panic attacks, and many other issues. I really regret for not standing for myself. How can I overcome all those trauma?
submitted by FinishFast4587 to Nepal [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:08 Filmyboy7 Losing stranger friends on reddit. [Deleted] account.

In the past 1 year I have made many friends on reddit (both girls and guys) and added many of them on my other socials. But, recently one of the girls was very hesitant to share her socials because of a very bad past experience with a guy who harassed her on calls and abused her.
For like 5-6 days we talked daily. Bohot cheeze common nikli... She's an engineer like me, a CAT aspirant, ambitions etc. bohot kuch! Vibe match ho gai mast. We shared our experience with our past relationships and some other dark secrets. Mast chal raha tha sab.
And one day she tells me that she'll delete this account of hers to focus on her career. I didn't ask her again to share her socials cauz already ek baar mana kiya tha usne. And she was like when she'll come back with a new account she'll text me for sure. I was like okay cool.
But she didn't delete that account soon. She was active and she sent me a text 2-3 times in the past week. And then a few days ago she told me a good news that she got a better job opportunity with a good pay package! Mene Bhai vo text late dekha and I was too busy to send her a congratulatory text message and discuss about her new role etc. Simple congratulations vegere daala and I got busy with my work. AND the next day I find out that she deleted her account :) Bura laga. Itna kuch share karne ke baad and good news dene ke baad aisehi nikal liye. I feel bad because she came up to me to share this good news and I just did a normal congratulations :) Naa me usko bata paya acchese ki I also got an admission into one of the best bschools of the country. Ek farewell dena tha bas usko :)
Do you have any such stranger friend wali stories? Where you 2 became good friends but achanak they deleted the account and you couldn't bid a farewell?
submitted by Filmyboy7 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:19 Ali_Cat222 The deep dive into the Salahuddin's

The deep dive into the Salahuddin's
Nailah and Naeem Salahuddin-married 15 years,problems for many of those in the making. Here's the deep dive on this family,starting with the rental issues. (Everything found in this deep dive is taken from articles and is public record.)
Naeem faced multiple lawsuits for unpaid rent. Over the years it added up to thousands of dollars and some cases went to judgement.
In November of 2017, they were both sued for $5,325.00. The landlord won the lawsuit and an Order For Possession was issued on February 20, 2018.
In June of 2018, the Salahuddins were sued for $9,598.96 in unpaid rent. A judgment in favor of the landlord was entered in August of 2018
In May of 2022, Naeem Salahuddin was sued for $3,700.00 in unpaid rent. A judgment for the Plaintiff was entered later that month, and an Order For Possession was issued in June of 2022
That's a grand total of $18,593.96 On the show the condo they rented to film in had issues too, it was rented in June of 2022 but by November the landlord was already suing them as well for $3,350.00 for rental arrears. Judgment was made in favor of the landlord but somehow the salahuddin's were able to stay, so maybe they paid up. Oh wait maybe not because fast forward to august of 2023 and now they owe $7,000!
That time the lawsuit was withdrawn but I believe it's because that was around the time of filming and they may have asked for payments from the show early to pay it off. Unfortunately third time's not the charm for these two because by the time December came around they got sued again for $12,000 in rent racked up by then. Monthly rent at those places lists it as being $2,250 a month as said in the Starcasm article which means they were five months behind by then. A judgement for $12,217.36 was made in favor of the landlord and now we have no idea where the couple moved to.
Alright let's get to what everyone has been talking about -are these two related or not?! The two have a total of 7 kids between them both. Apparently four of those kids are with one another. Some people on reddit here on the sub thought it was weird she was calling jameelah(the mother) aunty.
But then someone named Alisha had made comments elsewhere on social mdia stating this(also see picture attached for full Convo)-"they are first cousins and they are my my first cousins. Naeem has two kids from a prior relationship. Nailah hjas three kids from a prior relationship, 2 from an Egyptian guy she was with and one with another guy. They have one kid together as first cousin parents." You can see in the photo provided that he girl destinee shares the same last name of salahuddin.
Here's the thing though, I don't think this cousin rumor is true. In the states public records are free and it shows that nailah had the maiden name Davis before marriage. And Naeem is a salahuddin. And so is his mother. So I don't know about that being 100% correct. And they do have four kids together,not one. This person also claims to be family but then acted surprised at meeting destinee over the comments. I think this rumor can be put to rest now, I think Alisha here was trying to stir up trouble for whatever reason.
Nailah was a teacher, or still is at least according to her LinkedIn. And Naeem seems to still do security at a school. Nailah also has bipolar disorder, and wrote a book under the author name Nailah Davis (her maiden name before marriage)called "Maddened: Musings of a Bipolar Mind." It also describes her journey dealing with gastroparesis.
The synopsis reads-"Peer through the mind of a woman on a journey through her brain,” reads the description for Maddened from the Amazon page. “Join her as she navigates the many twists and turns of life as a woman living with Bipolar 1 Disorder.”
for those who don't know, the classification of bipolar type 1 is-"Bipolar I disorder is defined by manic episodes that last for at least 7 days (nearly every day for most of the day) or by manic symptoms that are so severe that the person needs immediate medical care. Usually, depressive episodes occur as well, typically lasting at least 2 weeks."
The bio for her book says,"I am Nailah Rabiah Davis and I am a Academic Interventionist. I am a mother of four beautiful children and teaching is how I earn my paycheck. In 2015 I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis which means paralyzed stomach and it set off a series of life changing events in my life that led to a diagnosis of Bipolar 1 with psychosis in 2020. Everyday is a battle to win against my mind and my body, but I welcome the challenge, and I live for the battle." You can read an expert of her book on Amazon.
Nailah also opened up publicly online about her troubling childhood. In a post on Facebook she said she wanted to tell her story. This is what she wrote about -"I have sat with it for so long and I have felt shame for so long. I will say this again, vulnerability is freeing. I am sharing my story in hopes to help someone else.
I was born to parents who were dysfunctional. My dad beat my mom. I witnessed her being dragged through our house by her hair. This is my first memory of abuse at the age of three. At the age of 3 I was also sexually molested for the first time by my older cousin. I will never forget it. It is a memory burned into my brain. This is the beginning and there’s so much more to come!"
Due to this story I think it's safe to say she's suffered enough. She had a traumatic childhood and now is with a man who decided he wants to use his religion to add a sister wife into the mix. It doesn't help that he seems to not follow many of the rules he says he adheres to,he's like Ick in the sense of weaponizing religion to get what he wants. During my research for this post I had come across Nailah's LinkedIn and in the photo she is seen wearing a hijab. I have a feeling she follows it a bit more closely than naeem does,as there were a few things linked to publications of Muslim guide books etc with her name in it.
Overall I think this is an unfortunate case of a man taking advantage of a wife who probably feels rather lost in life having to navigate her past and present with a husband who wants to have his cake and eat it too. All of the rental issues were also in Naeem's name,it seems he commits rental fraud quite often.
By the end of the post I had found that they may be in new Jersey now and not Pennsylvania due to Naeem's LinkedIn saying he's working at a Newark school. I hope this deep dive satisfied you guys and also cleared some things up.
I never saw nailah as being in a particularly bad light,and I think in terms of her we should take it easy on her having to put up with all of this. Naeem however I don't have much sympathy for. If there are any other families you'd like a deep dive on please comment or let mods know.
submitted by Ali_Cat222 to seekingsisterwifetlc [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:59 Filmyboy7 Finally my journey of CAT comes to an end and I'm starting a new phase of my life!

Finally my journey of CAT comes to an end and I'm starting a new phase of my life!
I'll be joining one of the top B-schools (don't wanna tell that where I'm going but it comes in top 10 NIRF rankings) of the country after giving CAT 2 times :')
Many of you know me ig. And some of you are connected with me on my other socials (anonymity barkarar rakho meri aur me bhi rakhunga tumhari 😂). Throughout the preparation my memes and comments were viral in this sub and I promise to keep you guys entertained as and when I'll find time through my memes and some "Gyan ☕" if needed.
It was a hell of a ride. Not at all easy. So many battles fought.. with my health after a surgery, depression, anxiety etc nd then came the challenges during the prepration.. sacrificing the family time, social life to some extent, low mock scores etc. kabhi kabhi to itna chid chid hota tha ghar walo pe hi gussa nikal jaata tha! But at the end ig the result is good. Satisfactory I'll say.
This sub has been really very much helpful and I have made some really really good friends! Lucky to have you guys around me 🩵🫂 Bakchodi bhi bohot ki iss sub me.. memories! And I can say that this sub is filled with many good ppl! ✨ I have seen many ppl being kind, understanding and helpful! Keep it up guys.. duniya me negativity aur pagal logo ki kami nahi h.. keep this sub healthy hamesha ❤️
Coming to some Gyan ☕ part ..
  1. Mock scores ko dil pe mat lena! How much you score in the mock and how you will perform on the D-Day is completely unrelated and depends on a lot of factors. Take the learnings from the mocks, implement it in the next mock and move ahead.
  2. GDPI-WAT is the most unexpected thing. Mere jo interviews bohot acche/above average gaye the I'm waitlisted in those colleges (borderline and some are convertible) and jo sabse bekaar interview gaya tha (that being one of my best calls) I converted that 🤷🏻😂
  3. VARC was always the pain in my ass being an engineer. And VARC played an important role in not allowing me to cross the 95tile mark. Thankfully DILR ka ek tukka sahi lag gaya tha TITA me so I touched the 90tile mark. But okay. Health issues nahi hote to 3 months (from May) waste bhi nahi karta me and shayad jyada laa leta
  4. Keep your calm on the D-Day! This is the most important thing to be done :) I didn't panic during my exam but poora blackout ho gaya tha VARC ka section shuru hote hi for some weird reason and I wasted 7-9 mins (the main reason why I tanked my VA section). But then DILR and QA ke time I was sane enough and ended up getting a decent percentile in both the sections. I'll put my DILR story separately cauz that's a very funny and important thing to be told to you all!
  5. Don't compare yourself with others. I have had friends during my prep who were scoring more than me in the mocks and final results me I ended up scoring more than them. Compare to bilkul mat karna.
Baaki.. you'll explore yourself! All I'll say is enjoy this journey! Hurdles aayege but face karo. Giveup karna option me nahi hona chahiye. Fight! Agar kuch nahi samaj aa raha to just remember that why you started this thing! Keep yourself motivated 🙌🏻
Trust me.. parents ki vo khushi, hostel me jaane ke liye vo shopping, dosto ke saath successful hona, logoka tumhare taraf dekhne ka POV change hona.. everything is special and worth the wait! 🩵
CAT se related meri stories mostly khatam ho jayegi. Abb B-school ka content daalunga as and when I'll find time! (Cauz ik bschool me jaake campus me bohot bakchodi hone wali hai) 😉😂 Once again.. thankyou for all the memories and feel free to DM me if you have any queries or you need any suggestions :') I might reply late but I'll definitely reply. Tab tak ke liye.. all the best and take care ❤️‍🔥
submitted by Filmyboy7 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:34 Ok-Photo8633 AITA For calling my MIL childish?

So I want to keep this as anonymous as possible and will give just a brief back story. My DH, baby, and I moved in with my MIL out of necessity on both ends. For us it was purely financial and for MIL as well. She had been living with my SIL and she would complain that she was being mistreated by SIL. My MIL is outwardly very kind and caring but I've come to realize she has some mental instability. She's very helpful and adores my baby but there has been some back in the past forth that wasn't too serious but it definitely built up the tension. Mainly comments about how DH and I parent or how we don't want to parent in a way that obviously offends her. Whenever it was really an issue I just let her know it wasn't something I was interested in trying and she would kinda huff and sulk in her room. That really is her response to any kind of comment and it had start to annoy me. Once my SIL ask DH if I didn't like MIL because MIL felt like she was isolated in her room and I didn't want her around. It wasn't true but I'll admit I did ignore her whenever she would obnoxiously interject with her opinion but I didn't try and exclude her at all. I just really loved being a mom and really focused my attention and energy into and was tuning out the noise so to speak. DH did speak up for me and let SIL know that she was being obnoxious and SIL totally understood. It made me realize she is someone who likes to paint a bad picture of someone to make herself appear the victim. The cracks really started to appear before me when my DH let me know about that convo with his sister privately. He also let me know that his sister was so happy to have MIL out of the home and that MIL was obnoxious and rude all the time and they were honestly fed up with her antics in the few years she had lived with them. Months go by and nothing too serious has happened but DH and I are started to feel strained dealing with MILs antics. She really is helpful and I often thank her and try and discuss things with her because I wanted to avoid what happened today.
On to what happened or where it started. It's Memorial Day and I wanted to do something with my now toddler that wasn't too expensive as we are still not in a great place financially. All I wanted to do was get a new book at the Barnes & Noble for my toddler as she had started to memorize her favorite books so I figured my kid needed something new to try and memorize. DH hates B&N as it's on the other side of town and in a bad area. MIL suggests a school supply store close by and while I am wary I agree we all load up and go. We get to the store and it actually turned out to be a cool store...if it were open. It was closed for Memorial Day and the disappointment really got to my already tired and hot toddler. My kid had an absolute meltdown for the first time. We had planned to go to SILs house for a visit but I decided it was time to go home. We had even asked my toddler if the wanted to visit "aunties house" and she usually gets excited as she loves her auntie, uncle, and cousins who adore her. This time she said "no aunties house" which was another first and so I insisted DH drop us off and they go as MIL really wanted to pick up her iPad she left behind a few days prior. He agreed and as he was putting on a song when MIL loudly asked as my child is crying and after it was understood we would be dropped off at home "DO YOU WANT TO GO TO AUNTIES HOUSE" which caused my kid to cry even louder "LETS GO TO AUNTIES YAY!" and I turn around and ask her to "please stop" which causes her to huff and sulk. We get dropped off at home and I calm my child down and just chill and my kid is happy again but it really was something that bothered me. Later I heard from MIL how I am "giving in to my Childs demands and my toddler now knows they can just cry and get what they want" and that really soured me toward her even more so. I admit I was rude and outwardly annoyed with her. I could see it coming to a head. We were all fed up with each other and today it blew up over something dumb but basically we tried to work out our issues and MIL kept stating she felt attacked and started to cry. I told her to stop crying and just talk no one is doing that and she cannot emotionally manipulate us to get her way. I guess that was my mistake as she claimed she wasn't and that she would cry if she wanted to and for me to not mouth off. I could see the fury in her and I defiantly let her know I would not be silent any longer and she said then she would keep crying and I said that was fine but it was childish and after that she was enraged and with clenched fists called me an "effinng bitxh" and ran to her room to cry.
I was pretty mad about it at first but accepted her apology as I felt it was sincere. Here is where I think I was the AH. Her behavior has become erratic and there was a situation that occurred that has lead DH and I to believe she is mentally declining due to her poor health and age. She is obnoxious and anyone who interacted with MIL for an afternoon would know that but I felt I was cruel by calling her childish. I obviously touched a nerve and feel now as if I was picking on the disabled kid at school. AITA?
submitted by Ok-Photo8633 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:33 yawningvoid28 Turner Classic Movies (U.S.) Daily Schedule for June, 2024.

(All Airtimes E.S.T.)
(1:00AM) Scott Joplin (1977/1h 36m/Biography/Jeremy Kagan)
(3:00AM) The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943/2h 43m/WaMichael Powell)
(6:00AM) The Sun Comes Up (1949/1h 33m/Drama/Richard Thorpe)
(8:00AM) MGM CARTOONS: Barnyard Babies (1935/0h 9m/Animation/Rudolf Ising)
(8:10AM) The Day of Rest (1939/0h 9m/Comedy/Basil Wrangell)
(8:20AM) Glimpses of Florida (1941/0h 9m/Documentary/James A. Fitzpatrick)
(8:30AM) The Last Ride (1944/0h 57m/Crime/D. Ross Lederman)
(9:30AM) Lincoln's Doctor's Dog (1955/0h 30m/Comedy/H.C. Potter)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: The Spinach Roadster (1936/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:07AM) The Falcon and the Co-eds (1944/1h 8m/Mystery/William Clemens)
(11:30AM) Alaska Lifeboat (1956/0h 20m/Documentary/Herbert Morgan)
(12:00PM) The Producers (1967/1h 28m/Comedy/Mel Brooks)
(1:45PM) The Bad Seed (1956/2h 9m/HorroMervyn Le Roy)
(4:15PM) The Boy with Green Hair (1948/1h 22m/Drama/Joseph Losey)
(5:45PM) The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars And Motor Kings (1976/1h 50m/Comedy/John Badham)
(8:00PM) The Gunfighter (1950/1h 24m/Western/Henry King)
(9:45PM) Gun Crazy (1950/1h 27m/Crime/Joseph H. Lewis)
(12:00AM) Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951/1h 30m/Film-NoiFelix Feist)
(2:00AM) The Remains Of The Day (1993/2h 14m/Drama/James Ivory)
(4:30AM) Cries and Whispers (1972/1h 35m/Drama/Ingmar Bergman)
(6:15AM) The Honeymoon Killers (1969/1h 46m/Crime/Leonard Kastle)
(8:30AM) Cast a Dark Shadow (1955/1h 25m/Suspense/Lewis Gilbert)
(10:00AM) Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951/1h 30m/Film-NoiFelix Feist)
(11:45AM) A Star Is Born (1937/1h 51m/Romance/William A. Wellman)
(1:45PM) Big City (1948/1h 43m/Crime/Norman Taurog)
(3:45PM) Auntie Mame (1958/2h 23m/Comedy/Morton DaCosta)
(6:15PM) Critic's Choice (1963/1h 40m/Comedy/Don Weis)
(8:00PM) American Graffiti (1973/1h 49m/Comedy/George Lucas)
(10:00PM) Peggy Sue Got Married (1986/1h 45m/Comedy/Francis Ford Coppola)
(12:00AM) The Cossacks (1928/1h 40m/Drama/George Hill)
(2:00AM) El casado casa quiere (1950/1h 22m/Drama/Gilberto Martínez Solares)
(3:30AM) Los que volvieron (1947/1h 18m/Drama/Alejandro Galindo)
(5:00AM) Everybody's Hobby (1939/0h 54m/Comedy/William McCann)
(6:00AM) The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938/1h 42m/Adventure/Michael Curtiz)
(7:30AM) Quality Street (1937/1h 24m/Comedy/George Stevens)
(8:00AM) A Star Is Born (1954/2h 56m/Musical/George Cukor)
(9:00AM) The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938/1h 42m/Adventure/Michael Curtiz)
(10:45AM) A Star Is Born (1954/2h 56m/Musical/George Cukor)
(1:45PM) Mutiny on the Bounty (1935/2h 12m/Adventure/Frank Lloyd)
(4:00PM) Ben-Hur (1959/3h 32m/Drama/William Wyler)
(8:00PM) Out Of Africa (1985/2h 42m/Romance/Sydney Pollack)
(10:50PM) The Mission (1986/2h 5m/Drama/Roland Joffé)
(1:00AM) Johnny Belinda (1948/1h 42m/Drama/Jean Negulesco)
(2:45AM) Max Steiner: Maestro of Movie Music (2021/2h 0m/Documentary/Diana Friedberg)
(4:45AM) Koyaanisqatsi (1982/1h 27m/Documentary/Godfrey Reggio)
(6:15AM) The Casino Murder Case (1935/1h 23m/Mystery/Edwin L. Marin)
(7:45AM) Fast and Loose (1939/1h 20m/Mystery/Edwin L. Marin)
(9:15AM) No Time for Comedy (1940/1h 33m/Comedy/William Keighley)
(11:00AM) Mourning Becomes Electra (1947/2h 50m/Drama/Dudley Nichols)
(1:45PM) The Feminine Touch (1941/1h 37m/Comedy/Major W. S. Van Dyke II)
(3:30PM) The Women (1939/2h 12m/Comedy/George Cukor)
(6:00PM) The Velvet Touch (1948/1h 37m/Suspense/John Gage)
(8:00PM) Bright Eyes (1934/1h 23m/Comedy/David Butler)
(9:45PM) Moon Over Miami (1941/1h 31m/Musical/Walter Lang)
(11:30PM) The Gang’s All Here (1943/1h 43m/Musical/Busby Berkeley)
(1:30AM) Sun Valley Serenade (1941/1h 26m/Musical/H. Bruce Humberstone)
(3:15AM) Duchess of Idaho (1950/1h 38m/Musical/Robert Z. Leonard)
(5:00AM) Thrill of a Romance (1945/1h 45m/Musical/Richard Thorpe)
(7:00AM) Cat People (1942/1h 11m/HorroJacques Tourneur)
(8:15AM) The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945/1h 50m/Drama/Albert Lewin)
(10:15AM) The Scapegoat (1959/1h 32m/Suspense/Robert Hamer)
(12:00PM) Victim (1961/1h 40m/Drama/Basil Dearden)
(1:45PM) Diabolique (1955/1h 47m/Suspense/Henri-georges Clouzot)
(3:45PM) The Last Of Sheila (1973/2h 0h/Mystery/Herbert Ross)
(6:00PM) Strangers on a Train (1951/1h 36m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(8:00PM) Stagecoach (1939/1h 36m/Western/John Ford)
(10:00PM) The Searchers (1956/1h 59m/Western/John Ford)
(2:30AM) Sergeant Rutledge (1960/1h 51m/Western/John Ford)
(4:30AM) Journey to Italy (1954/1h 24m/Drama/Roberto Rossellini)
(6:00AM) Code Name: Emerald (1985/1h 33m/WaJonathan Sanger)
(8:00AM) The Americanization of Emily (1964/1h 57m/WaArthur Hiller)
(10:00AM) George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey (1984/1h 50m/Documentary/George Stevens, Jr.)
(12:00PM) 36 Hours (1964/1h 55m/WaGeorge Seaton)
(5:30PM) George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin (1994/0h 50m/Documentary/George Stevens, Jr.)
(6:30PM) Overlord (1975/1h 25m/WaStuart Cooper)
(11:00PM) The Longest Day (1962/3h 0m/WaKen Annakin)
(2:15AM) Eye of the Needle (1981/1h 51/Suspense/Richard Marquand)
(4:15AM) I See A Dark Stranger (1946/1h 52m/Suspense/Frank Launder)
(6:15AM) Hamlet (1948/2h 35m/Drama/Laurence Olivier)
(9:00AM) Sherlock Jr. (1924/0h 51m/Silent/Buster Keaton)
(10:00AM) City Lights (1931/1h 27m/Silent/Charles Chaplin)
(11:45AM) Confidential Report (1955/1h 39m/Suspense/Orson Welles)
(1:45PM) Bananas (1971/1h 21m/Comedy/Woody Allen)
(3:30PM) Invitation to the Dance (1956/1h 33m/Musical/Gene Kelly)
(5:30PM) Yentl (1983/2h 14m/Musical/Barbra Streisand)
(8:00PM) Lincoln (2012/2h 29m/Drama/Steven Spielberg)
(10:45PM) In the Name of the Father (1993/2h 7m/Biography/Terry George)
(3:15AM) My Beautiful Laundrette (1985/1h 37m/Comedy/Stephen Frears)
(5:00AM) Central Park (1932/0h 58m/Comedy/John G. Adolfi)
(6:00AM) Sunday in New York (1963/1h 45m/Comedy/Peter Tewksbury)
(8:00AM) MGM CARTOONS: The Chump Champ (1950/0h 7m/Animation/Fred “Tex” Avery)
(8:08AM) Dirt Track Racing (1957/0h 8m/Short/Heinz Scheiderbauer)
(8:17AM) In the Valley of the Rhine (1953/8m/Short/?)
(8:26AM) Alcatraz Island (1937/1h 1m/Crime/William McGann)
(9:30AM) The Silent Partner (1955/0h 26m/Comedy/George Marshall)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: I'm in the Army Now (1933/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:08AM) The Falcon Out West (1944/1h 4m/Mystery/William Clemens)
(11:30AM) The Flag of Humanity (1940/0h 19m/Short/Jean Negulesco)
(12:00PM) In Caliente (1935/1h 24m/Musical/Lloyd Bacon)
(1:45PM) Tension at Table Rock (1956/1h 33m/Western/Charles Marquis Warren)
(3:30PM) Angel Face (1953/1h 31m/Crime/Otto Preminger)
(5:15PM) Battle Cry (1955/2h 29m/WaRaoul Walsh)
(8:00PM) A Matter of Life and Death (1947/1h 44m/Romance/Michael Powell)
(10:00PM) Wings of Desire (1987/2h 8m/Drama/Wim Wenders)
(12:15AM) No Abras Nunca Esa Puerta (Never Open That Door) (1952/1h 25m/Film-NoiCarlos Hugo Christensen)
(2:00AM) Si muero antes de Despertar (If I Should Die Before I Wake) (1952/1h 13m/Film-NoiCarlos Hugo Christensen)
(3:45AM) Platoon (1986/2h 0h/WaOliver Stone)
(6:00AM) Nancy Goes to Rio (1950/1h 39m/Musical/Robert Z. Leonard)
(7:45AM) Holiday in Mexico (1946/2h 7m/Musical/George Sidney)
(10:00AM) No Abras Nunca Esa Puerta (Never Open That Door) (1952/1h 25m/Film-NoiCarlos Hugo Christensen)
(11:45AM) Si muero antes de Despertar (If I Should Die Before I Wake) (1952/1h 13m/Film-NoiCarlos Hugo Christensen)
(1:30PM) Fanny (1961/2h 13m/Romance/Joshua Logan)
(3:45PM) Rome Adventure (1962/1h 59m/Romance/Delmer Daves)
(6:00PM) Designing Woman (1957/1h 58m/Comedy/Vincente Minnelli)
(8:00PM) The Lost Weekend (1945/1h 41m/Drama/Billy Wilder)
(10:00PM) Alias Nick Beal (1949/1h 33m/Suspense/John Farrow)
(12:00AM) Our Modern Maidens (1929/1h 15m/Comedy/Jack Conway)
(2:00AM) Coup De Grace (1976/1h 35m/Drama/Volker Schlöndorff)
(4:00AM) The Night Porter (1974/1h 55m/Drama/Liliana Cavani)
(6:00AM) The Jolson Story (1946/2h 8m/Musical/Alfred E. Green)
(8:15AM) Above and Beyond (1952/2h 2m/Drama/Melvin Frank)
(10:30AM) Buck Privates (1941/1h 24m/Comedy/Arthur Lubin)
(12:00PM) Irma La Douce (1963/2h 22m/Comedy/Billy Wilder)
(2:30PM) Days of Wine and Roses (1962/1h 57m/Drama/Blake Edwards)
(4:30PM) La Strada (1954/1h 55m/Drama/Federico Fellini)
(6:30PM) Laura (1944/1h 28m/Film-NoiOtto Preminger)
(8:00PM) Psycho (1960/1h 49m/HorroAlfred Hitchcock)
(4:45AM) The Luzhin Defence (2000/1h 46m/Adaptation/Marleen Gorris)
(6:45AM) The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938/1h 27m/Crime/Anatole Litvak)
(8:30AM) Confessions of a Nazi Spy (1939/1h 50m/Suspense/Anatole Litvak)
(10:30AM) All This, and Heaven Too (1940/2h 23m/Romance/Anatole Litvak)
(1:00PM) Out Of The Fog (1941/1h 33m/Crime/Anatole Litvak)
(2:30PM) Blues in the Night (1941/1h 28m/Drama/Anatole Litvak)
(4:00PM) The Long Night (1947/1h 37m/Crime/Anatole Litvak)
(5:45PM) The Journey (1959/2h 3m/Drama/Anatole Litvak)
(8:00PM) Blood and Sand (1941/2h 3m/Drama/Rouben Mamoulian)
(10:15PM) Forever Amber (1947/2h 20m/Drama/Otto Preminger)
(12:45AM) Broken Lance (1954/1h 36m/Western/Edward Dmytryk)
(2:30AM) Spartacus (1960/3h 2m/Drama/Stanley Kubrick)
(6:00AM) MGM Parade Show #13 (1955/0h 25m/Documentary/?)
(6:30AM) Way Back Home (1932/1h 21m/Drama/William Seiter)
(8:00AM) Street Scene (1931/1h 20m/Drama/King Vidor)
(9:30AM) Stranger on the Third Floor (1940/1h 4m/Crime/Boris Ingster)
(11:00AM) Lightning Strikes Twice (1951/1h 31m/Crime/King Vidor)
(12:45PM) The Night of the Hunter (1955/1h 33m/Suspense/Charles Laughton)
(2:30PM) Look in Any Window (1961/1h 27m/Drama/William Alland)
(4:00PM) Rear Window (1954/1h 52m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(6:00PM) Night Watch (1973/1h 45m/Suspense/Brian G. Hutton)
(8:00PM) Topper (1937/1h 37m/Comedy/Norman Z. Mcleod)
(9:45PM) Topper Takes a Trip (1939/1h 25m/Comedy/Norman Z. Mcleod)
(11:15PM) Topper Returns (1941/1h 25m/Comedy/Roy Del Ruth)
(1:00AM) Arsene Lupin (1932/1h 24m/Comedy/Jack Conway)
(2:30AM) Arsene Lupin Returns (1938/1h 22m/Mystery/Geo. Fitzmaurice)
(3:15AM) The Bride Wore Red (1937/1h 43m/Romance/Dorothy Arzner)
(5:00AM) The Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Story (1950/0h 56m/Documentary/Herman Hoffman)
(6:00AM) The Great American Pastime (1956/1h 29m/Comedy/Herman Hoffman)
(7:30AM) Ladies' Day (1943/1h 2m/Comedy/Leslie Goodwins)
(8:45AM) Death on the Diamond (1934/1h 12m/Suspense/Edward Sedgwick)
(10:00AM) Fireman Save My Child (1932/1h 7m/Comedy/Lloyd Bacon)
(11:30AM) Alibi Ike (1935/1h 13m/Comedy/Ray Enright)
(1:00PM) Speedy (1928/1h 25m/Silent/Ted Wilde)
(2:30PM) The Babe Ruth Story (1948/1h 46m/Drama/Roy Del Ruth)
(4:30PM) The Jackie Robinson Story (1950/1h 16m/Drama/Alfred E. Green)
(6:00PM) The Stratton Story (1949/1h 46m/Drama/Sam Wood)
(10:00PM) Billy Elliot (2000/1h 51m/Comedy/Stephen Daldry)
(12:00AM) The Band's Visit (2007/1h 26m/Comedy/Eran Kolirin)
(2:00AM) Some Like It Hot (1959/2h/Comedy/Billy Wilder)
(4:15AM) An American in Paris (1951/1h 53m/Musical/Vincente Minnelli)
(6:15AM) Callaway Went Thataway (1951/1h 21m/Western/Norman Panama)
(7:45AM) Invitation (1952/1h 24m/Romance/Gottfried Reinhardt)
(9:15AM) Till the End of Time (1946/1h 45m/Drama/Edward Dmytryk)
(11:15AM) Trial (1955/1h 45m/Drama/Mark Robson)
(1:15PM) Susan Slade (1961/1h 56m/Romance/Delmer Daves)
(3:15PM) A Summer Place (1959/2h 10m/Drama/Delmer Daves)
(5:30PM) Friendly Persuasion (1956/2h 17m/Drama/William Wyler)
(8:00PM) The Chalk Garden (1964/1h 46m/Drama/Ronald Neame)
(10:15PM) Gambit (1967/1h 49m/Crime/Ronald Neame)
(12:15AM) The Odessa File (1974/2h 8m/WaRonald Neame)
(2:30AM) Tunes of Glory (1960/1h 45m/WaRonald Neame)
(4:30AM) The Seventh Sin (1957/1h 34m/Romance/Ronald Neame)
(6:15AM) Saturday's Children (1940/1h 42m/Drama/Vincent Sherman)
(8:00AM) The Discontented Canary (1934/0h 8m/Animation/Rudolf Ising)
(8:09AM) Fine Feathers (1933/8m/Short/Jules White)
(8:18AM) Cherry Blossom Time in Japan (1936/0h 8m/Short/?)
(8:27AM) Bodyguard (1948/1h 2m/Suspense/Richard O. Fleischer)
(9:30AM) The Titanic Incident (1955/0h 30m/Drama/Ted Tetzlaff)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: The Paneless Window Washer (1933/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:07AM) The Falcon in Mexico (1944/1h 10m/Mystery/William Berke)
(11:30AM) Heart to Heart (1949/0h 21m/Documentary/Gunther Von Fritsch)
(12:00PM) On An Island With You (1948/1h 47m/Musical/Richard Thorpe)
(2:00PM) Lilies of the Field (1963/1h 34m/Comedy/Ralph Nelson)
(3:45PM) The Winning Team (1952/1h 38m/Drama/Lewis Seiler)
(5:30PM) Rio Bravo (1959/2h 21m/Western/Howard Hawks)
(8:00PM) Central Station (1998/1h 55m/Drama/Walter Salles)
(10:00PM) Fruitvale Station (2013/1h 30m/Drama/Ryan Coogler)
(12:00AM) Call Northside 777 (1948/1h 51m/Film-NoiHenry Hathaway)
(2:15AM) Vertigo (1958/2h 8m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(4:30AM) I Confess (1953/1h 35m/Drama/Alfred Hitchcock)
(6:15AM) The Entertainer (1960/1h 44m/Drama/Tony Richardson)
(8:00AM) Edward, My Son (1949/1h 52m/Drama/George Cukor)
(10:00AM) Call Northside 777 (1948/1h 51m/Film-NoiHenry Hathaway)
(12:15PM) East of Eden (1955/1h 55m/Drama/Elia Kazan)
(2:30PM) Daughters Courageous (1939/1h 43m/Romance/Michael Curtiz)
(4:30PM) A Family Affair (1936/1h 9m/Comedy/George B. Seitz)
(5:45PM) The Courtship of Eddie's Father (1963/1h 57m/Comedy/Vincente Minnelli)
(8:00PM) Life with Father (1947/1h 58m/Comedy/Michael Curtiz)
(10:15PM) Father of the Bride (1950/1h 33m/Comedy/Vincente Minnelli)
(12:00AM) Wolf Lowry (1917/0h 50m/Western/William S. Hart)
(12:00AM) The Bad Buck of Santa Ynez (1915/0h 20m/Western/William S. Hart)
(1:45AM) The Makioka Sisters (1983/2h 20m/Drama/Kon Ichikawa)
(4:15AM) Judex (1963/1h 44m/Crime/Georges Franju)
(6:00AM) Raintree County (1957/3h 7m/Drama/Edward Dmytryk)
(9:15AM) The Mask of Dimitrios (1944/1h 35m/Mystery/Jean Negulesco)
(11:00AM) The Champ (1979/2h 2m/Drama/Franco Zeffirelli)
(1:30PM) Doctor Zhivago (1965/3h 17m/Drama/David Lean)
(5:00PM) The Great Escape (1963/2h 48m/WaJohn Sturges)
(8:00PM) In the Heat of the Night (1967/1h 49m/Mystery/Norman Jewison)
(10:00PM) Superman (1978/2h 23m/Science-Fiction//Richard Donner)
(3:30AM) Papillon (1973/2h 30m/Adventure/Franklin J. Schaffner)
(6:15AM) Sweet Adeline (1935/1h 27m/Musical/Mervyn Le Roy)
(7:45AM) Sweet Music (1935/1h 35m/Romance/Alfred E. Green)
(9:30AM) Murder, My Sweet (1944/1h 35m/Mystery/Edward Dmytryk)
(11:30AM) Seven Sweethearts (1942/1h 38m/Musical/Frank Borzage)
(1:15PM) Sweet November (1968/1h 54m/Romance/Robert Ellis Miller)
(3:15PM) Sweet Bird of Youth (1962/2h/Drama/Richard Brooks)
(5:30PM) Sweet Charity (1969/2h 29m/Musical/Bob Fosse)
(8:00PM) Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953/1h 31m/Comedy/Howard Hawks)
(10:00PM) All About Eve (1950/2h 18m/Drama/Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
(12:30AM) Laura (1944/1h 28m/Film-NoiOtto Preminger)
(2:15AM) The Graduate (1967/1h 45m/Comedy/Mike Nichols)
(4:15AM) The Prisoner of Second Avenue (1974/1h 45m/Comedy/Melvin Frank)
(6:15AM) They Live by Night (1948/1h 35m/Crime/Nicholas Ray)
(8:00AM) A Woman's Secret (1949/1h 25m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(9:30AM) Born to Be Bad (1950/1h 34m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(11:00AM) Flying Leathernecks (1951/1h 42m/WaNicholas Ray)
(12:45PM) On Dangerous Ground (1952/1h 22m/Film-NoiNicholas Ray)
(2:15PM) The Lusty Men (1952/1h 53m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(4:15PM) Rebel Without a Cause (1955/1h 51m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(6:15PM) Lightning Over Water (1980/1h 31m/Documentary/Nicholas Ray)
(8:00PM) Car Wash (1976/1h 37m/Comedy/Michael Schultz)
(12:00AM) Super Fly (1972/1h 36m/Crime/Gordon Parks, Jr.)
(1:45AM) Shaft (1971/1h 38m/Crime/Gordon Parks)
(3:30AM) Sparkle (1976/1h 38m/Drama/Sam O'steen)
(5:15AM) MGM Parade Show #13 (1955/0h 25m/Documentary/?)
(6:00AM) I'm From the City (1938/1h 5m/Western/Ben Holmes)
(7:15AM) Henry Goes Arizona (1939/1h 6m/Western/Edwin L. Marin)
(8:30AM) Way Out West (1930/1h 11m/Western/Fred Niblo)
(10:00AM) The Dude Goes West (1948/1h 26m/Comedy/Kurt Neumann)
(11:30AM) Bad Bascomb (1946.1h 52m/Western/S. Sylvan Simon)
(1:30PM) Big Jack (1949)/h 25m/Western/Richard Thorpe)
(3:00PM) Jackass Mail (1942/1h 20m/Western/Norman Z. Mcleod)
(4:30PM) Many Rivers To Cross (1955/1h 32m/Western/Roy Rowland)
(6:15PM) Dirty Dingus Magee (1970/1h 31m/Western/Burt Kennedy)
(8:00PM) Rear Window (1954/1h 52m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(10:00PM) The Far Country (1955/1h 37m/Western/Anthony Mann)
(12:00AM) Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation (1962/1h 56m/Comedy/Henry Koster)
(2:15AM) The Spirit of St. Louis (1957/2h 18m/Drama/Billy Wilder)
(4:45AM) Malaya (1950/1h 38m/WaRichard Thorpe)
(6:30AM) It Happened on 5th Avenue (1947/1h 55m/Comedy/Roy Del Ruth)
(8:30AM) Black Gold (1947/1h 32m/Drama/Phil Karlson)
(10:15AM) The Phenix City Story (1955/1h 40m/Crime/Phil Karlson)
(12:00PM) Cyclops (1957/1h 15m/HorroBert I. Gordon)
(1:15PM) Bitter Creek (1954/1h 14m/Western/Thomas Carr)
(2:30PM) I Was an American Spy (1951/1h 25m/WaLesley Selander)
(4:00PM) Love in the Afternoon (1957/2h 10m/Romance/Billy Wilder)
(6:15PM) The Strangler (1964/1h 29m/HorroBurt Topper)
(8:00PM) Sylvia Scarlett (1935/1h 37m/Romance/George Cukor)
(9:45PM) Gay USA (1977/1h 18m/Documentary/Arthur J. Bressan)
(11:15PM) Torch Song Trilogy (1988/2h 0m/Comedy/Paul Bogart)
(1:30AM) The Queen (1968/1h 08m/Documentary/Frank Simon)
(2:45AM) The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972/1h 59m/Drama/Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
(5:00AM) The Blue Angel (1930/1h 44m/Drama/Josef Von Sternberg)
(7:00AM) Queen Christina (1933/1h 37m/Romance/Rouben Mamoulian)
(9:00AM) Artistic Temper (1932/0h 17m/Short/Roy Mack)
(9:30AM) Hot Cargo (1956/0h 30m/Drama/Tay Garnett)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: Organ Grinder's Swing (1937/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:07AM) The Falcon in Hollywood (1944/1h 7m/Mystery/Gordon Douglas)
(11:30AM) King for a Day (1934/0h 21m/Comedy/Roy Mack)
(12:00PM) A Chorus Line (1985/1h 53m/Musical/Richard Attenborough)
(2:15PM) The Song of Fame (1934/0h 21m/Short/Joseph Henabery)
(2:15PM) Tip Tap Toe (1932/0h 18m/Short/Alfred J. Goulding)
(3:00PM) Kramer Vs. Kramer (1979/1h 45m/Drama/Robert Benton)
(5:00PM) Out Of Africa (1985/2h 42m/Romance/Sydney Pollack)
(8:00PM) The Go-Between (1971/1h 56m/Drama/Joseph Losey)
(10:15PM) Sunday, Bloody Sunday (1971/1h 50m/Drama/John Schlesinger)
(12:15AM) The Locket (19461h 26m/Film-NoiJohn Brahm)
(2:00AM) The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947/1h 39m/Suspense/Peter Godfrey)
(4:00AM) Conflict (1945/1h 26m/Suspense/Curtis Bernhardt)
(6:00AM) Sinbad the Sailor (1947/1h 57m/Adventure/Richard Wallace)
(8:15AM) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1932/1h 30m/HorroRouben Mamoulian)
(10:00AM) The Locket (1946/1h 26m/Film-NoiJohn Brahm)
(11:45AM) Kind Lady (1951/1h 18m/Suspense/John Sturge)
(1:15PM) The Cobweb (1955/2h 4m/Drama/Vincente Minnelli)
(3:30PM) Butterfield 8 (1960/1h 49m/Drama/Daniel Mann)
(5:30PM) Sense and Sensibility (1995/2h 15m/Romance/Ang Lee)
(8:00PM) The Sand Pebbles (1966/3h 13m/WaRobert Wise)
(1:30AM) The Red Lily (1924/1h 21m/Silent/Fred Niblo)
(3:00AM) The Face of Another (1966/2h 1m/Drama/Hiroshi Teshigahara)
(5:15AM) Wedding in Monaco (1956/0h 31m/Documentary/Jean Masson)
(6:00AM) Tom Jones (1963/2h 11m/Comedy/Tony Richardson)
(8:15AM) Watership Down (1978/1h 32m/Adventure/Martin Rosen)
(10:00AM) The Thing from Another World (1951/1h 27m/HorroChristian Nyby)
(11:30AM) A Streetcar Named Desire (1951/2h 2m/Drama/Elia Kazan)
(1:45PM) Cool Hand Luke (1967/2h 9m/Drama/Stuart Rosenberg)
(4:00PM) Avalon (1990/2h 7m/Drama/Barry Levinson)
(6:15PM) Throw Momma From The Train (1987/1h 28m/Comedy/Danny De Vito)
(8:00PM) The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939/1h 57m/HorroWilliam Dieterle)
(10:15PM) Little Women (1994/1h 55m/Drama/Gillian Armstrong)
(12:30AM) The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964/1h 35m/Musical/Jacques Demy)
(2:15AM) A World Apart (1988/1h 53m/Drama/Chris Menges)
(4:15AM) Glengarry Glen Ross (1992/1h 40m/Drama/James Foley)
(6:00AM) Washington Story (1952/1h 21m/Romance/Robert Pirosh)
(7:30AM) Scene of the Crime (1949/1h 34m/Mystery/Roy Rowland)
:30AM) The Bride Goes Wild (1948/1h 38m/Comedy/Norman Taurog)
(11:30AM) Easy to Love (1953/1h 36m/Musical/Charles Walters)
(1:30PM) Brigadoon (1954/1h 48m/Musical/Vincente Minnelli)
(3:30PM) The Last Time I Saw Paris (1954/1h 56m/Drama/Richard Brooks)
(5:45PM) The Caine Mutiny (1954/2h 5m/Drama/Edward Dmytryk)
(8:00PM) State Fair (1933/1h 20m/Comedy/Henry King)
(10:00PM) The Model and the Marriage Broker (1951/1h 43m/Comedy/George Cukor)
(12:00AM) The Kiss of Death (1947/1h 38m/Crime/Henry Hathaway)
(2:00AM) The Great Santini (1979/1h 55m/Drama/Lewis John Carlino)
(4:00AM) The Outfit (1973/1h 42m/Crime/John Flynn)
(6:00AM) The Story of Mankind (1957/1h 40m/Fantasy/Irwin Allen)
(8:00AM) Three Strangers (1946/1h 32m/Drama/Jean Negulesco)
(9:45AM) Hotel Berlin (1945/1h 38m/Drama/Peter Godfrey)
(11:30AM) They Met In Bombay (1941/1h 26m/Drama/Clarence Brown)
(1:15PM) The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934/1h 24m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(2:45PM) The Beast with Five Fingers (1946/1h 28m/Suspense/Robert Florey)
(4:15PM) You'll Find Out (1940/1h 37m/Musical/David Butler)
(6:00PM) M (1931/1h 39m/Suspense/Fritz Lang)
(8:00PM) Moulin Rouge (2001/2h 6m/Drama/Baz Luhrmann)
(10:30PM) The Others (2001/1h 41m/HorroAlendro Amenábar)
(12:30AM) To Die For (1995/1h 40m/Drama/Gus Van Sant)
(2:30AM) The Hotel New Hampshire (1984/1h 50m/Drama/Tony Richardson)
(4:30AM) Our Town (1940/1h 30m/Drama/Sam Wood)
(6:00AM) Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972/1h 40m/HorroAlan Gibson)
(7:45AM) The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973/1h 28m/HorroAlan Gibson)
(9:30AM) It's Alive (1974/1h 30m/HorroLarry Cohen)
(11:15AM) From Beyond the Grave (1973/1h 37m/HorroKevin Connor)
(1:00PM) Equinox (197/1h 21m/HorroMark Thomas McGee)
(2:30PM) The Shout (1978/1h 26m/HorroJerzy Skolimowski)
(4:15PM) Wicked, Wicked (1973/1h 35m/HorroRichard Bare)
(6:00PM) AFI Life Achievement Award: 50th Anniversary Special (2023/?/Documentary/?)
(8:00PM) The 49th AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Nicole Kidman (2023/?/Documentary/?)
(11:30PM) The 49th AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Nicole Kidman (2023/?/Documentary/?)
(1:00AM) AFI Life Achievement Award: 50th Anniversary Special (2023/?/Documentary/?)
(3:00AM) VictoVictoria (1982/2h 14m/Musical/Blake Edwards)
(6:00AM) MGM Parade Show #13 (1955/0h 25m/Documentary/?)
(6:30AM) Purple Noon (1961/1h 58m/Crime/René Clément)
(8:45AM) Journey Into Fear (1942/1h 9m/Drama/Norman Foster)
(10:00AM) Looking at Lisbon (1953/0h 8m/Documentary/?)
(10:15AM) The Conspirators (1944/1h 41m/Adventure/Jean Negulesco)
(12:00 PM) To Have and Have Not (1944/1h 40m/Romance/Howard Hawks)
(1:45PM) Glimpses of Austria (1938/0h 9m/Documentary/?)
(2:00PM) The Third Man (1949/1h 33m/Suspense/Mystery/Carol Reed)
(4:00PM) Glimpses of Western Germany (1954/0h 8m/Documentary/James A. Fitzpatrick)
(4:15PM) Berlin Express (1948/1h 26m/Suspense/Jacques Tourneur)
(6:00PM) Glimpses of Morocco and Algiers (1951/0h 8m/Documentary/?)
(6:15PM) Casablanca (1942/1h 42m/Romance/Michael Curtiz)
(8:00PM) Caged (1950/1h 36m/Drama/John Cromwell)
(10:00PM) Happy Together (1997/1h 37m/Drama/Wong Kar Wai)
(12:00AM) Brokeback Mountain (2005)2h 14m/Drama/Ang Lee)
(2:30AM) Some of My Best Friends Are... (1971/1h 40m/Drama/Mervyn Nelson)
(4:30AM) Desert Hearts (1985/1h 31m/Drama/Donna Deitch)
(6:15AM) A Taste of Honey (1961/1h 40m/Drama/Tony Richardson)
(9:00AM) The Golden Equator (1956/0h 17m/Documentary/Hamilton Wright)
(9:30AM) It's Always Sunday (1956/0h 30m/Comedy/Allan Dwan)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: My Artistical Temperature (1933/0h 5m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:07AM) The Falcon In San Francisco (1945/1h 6m/Mystery/Joseph H. Lewis)
(11:30AM) Movie-Mania (1937/0h 21m/Short/Joseph Henabery)
(12:00PM) Funny Girl (1968/2h 35m/Musical/William Wyler)
(2:45PM) The Long Voyage Home (1940/1h 45m/Drama/John Ford)
(4:45PM) The Narrow Margin (1952/1h 11m/Film-NoiRichard Fleischer)
(6:15PM) The Fastest Gun Alive (1956/1h 32m/Western/Russell Rouse)
(8:00PM) Coming Home (1978/2h 8m/Drama/Hal Ashby)
(10:15PM) The Last Detail (1973/1h 45m/Drama/Hal Ashby)
(12:15AM) No Questions Asked (1951/1h 21m/Film-NoiHarold F. Kress)
(2:00AM) June Bride (1948/1h 37m/Romance/Bretaigne Windust)
(4:00AM) June Night (1940/1h 29m/Drama/Per Lindberg)
(6:00AM) Untamed Youth (1957/1h 20m/Drama/Howard W. Koch)
(7:30AM) Age 13 (1955/0h 26m/Short/Arthur Swerdloff)
(8:15AM) Jailhouse Rock (1957/1h 36m/Musical/Richard Thorpe)
(10:00AM) No Questions Asked (1951/1h 21m/Film-NoiHarold F. Kress)
(11:45AM) Come Fly with Me (1962/1h 49m/Comedy/Henry Levin)
(1:45PM) The Opposite Sex (1956/1h 57m/Musical/David Miller)
(4:00PM) Tootsie (1982/1h 56m/Comedy/Sydney Pollack)
(6:15PM) Girlfriends (1978/1h 26m/Comedy/Claudia Weill)
(10:15PM) Enemy Mine (1985/1h 52m/Science-Fiction/Wolfgang Petersen)
submitted by yawningvoid28 to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:00 bbqtunababe Carlin…bffr

submitted by bbqtunababe to FundieSnarkUncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:45 Ok-Refrigerator-5851 [US][Selling] Vinegar Syndrome, Indicator, Radiance and more!

[US][Selling] Vinegar Syndrome, Indicator, Radiance and more!
Mutant Hunt $20 Fatal Games $28 Devil Story $20 Auntie Lee's Meat Pies $20 Buried Alive $20
Zerograd (OOP) $35
Hammer Vol 2 (Sealed - OOP) $80
The Last Samurai 4K (German, Sealed) $45
Lost Picture Show Boxset $75 D.A.R.Y.L. $35 Six String Samurai $30
The Shape of Night $25
All prices include shipping. Please add 4% if using PayPal GS. Will make deals for multiple. Thanks for looking!
submitted by Ok-Refrigerator-5851 to MediaSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:26 thirstyplum Carlin gushing over her “Ig aunties”? Straight to jail.

Carlin gushing over her “Ig aunties”? Straight to jail. submitted by thirstyplum to BatesSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:23 BackgroundNeat4076 Ufo's

I live in Namibia 🇳🇦 And me auntie were looking at the stars when we saw 2 white dots zoom across the sky then stop suddenly, we live in a area that is sort of outside the capital (windhoek) so we could see it clearly. And one time we saw "people" walk across the little lake that is close to our farm. So yeah that's my story
submitted by BackgroundNeat4076 to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:20 Present-Attention883 How do I deal with my narc sister when we have a holiday booked together this summer?

There’s a lot of story going on this, a lot of things that have happened in the last 2-3 weeks that have made me (f33) and my/our mother see my sister (42) in a completely different way. LSS, my grandfather was unwell and lots of information was kept from my mother and I about his condition. We found out the day before he died that he had cancer because no one told us the information. My aunt was ‘next of kin’, was receiving info and telling my sister, who then wasn’t passing it on to us. My mother and I have nothing to do with my auntie due to previous issues with a grandparents funeral so my sister was supposed to be passing the information on to us. At my grandfathers funeral, she essentially made the day about her, did a reading while sobbing, sobbed outside the funeral home so everyone would rally around her. No one else was really crying, not even his children. It was sad of course, but expected as he was very old and unwell. Since then, we have barely spoken to each other. We are all booked onto a family holiday this summer. I sent her the info for when the holiday to be paid. She said ‘don’t think we’re going now’. I said that’s up to you but let me know for definite and I’ll change the booking. She ignored me. I asked her again the next day. She ignored me. Today was the last day it could be changed with no fees. I asked again and instead of just being an adult and saying yes or no, she wrote a big sarcastic spiel but still no answer. So I messaged her husband and asked him what was happening. This was the first he has heard of a possible cancellation. She got back to me a few hours later and said ‘we’ll go for the sake of ‘sons name’ but you and me are finished’. I said she had no business being on the moral high ground after how she has treated me and mum, keeping info, not asking mum if she was ok after the passing of her dad etc. I said she should feel embarrassed. She said ‘you want embarrassing-look in the mirror’. REMINDER:she’s in her 40’s and works in a school, she isn’t in fact 13. She’s already put a horrible atmosphere on the family holiday, no one wants to speak to her or be near her but she’s insistent that we’re the ones in the wrong. How am I supposed to deal with this while also trying to have a nice holiday with my husband, mum and kids?
submitted by Present-Attention883 to family [link] [comments]