Background for youtube


2019.09.04 19:21 GuillaumeBrdet YoutubeForStartups

A curated list of Youtube videos to help you build, launch and grow your startup/business. Get involved in the comment section!

2013.09.15 22:39 Jakeinspace The Minecraft community's Youtube

This new Subreddit is the place to go to show off your Minecraft-related Youtube videos! Youtube content never gets much interest on /minecraft most of the time, so here's the place to share the love! If you've shared a link, be sure to check out other peoples videos too, why not even give them a like?

2010.10.25 08:58 someprimetime Life Pro Tips

Tips that improve your life in one way or another.

2024.06.01 16:33 Drmikephq345 I will add your logo, text or image on a city banner video

I will Promote your Business Logo, Text, Or Image On A YouTube banner or real estate banner video.
Basic package
Standard package
Premium package
Do you need a promo video for your:
submitted by Drmikephq345 to Affillmarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:25 careyi4 Newly monitized channel after ~2.5 years, my experiences with YouTube so far.

Hey all, as the title says, my channel (link in my bio if you want to check it out) just recently became fully monitized after ~2.5 years (I got the first level about 4 months ago). I have about 3k subs and only the other day I got my first video sponsor. These are all very humble numbers in the grand scheme of YouTube, but I just wanted to share my experience of doing this for a while and gaining some very mild success at it.
I guess I can start with some background, I am an engineer and maker of things from Ireland. I've spent years building stuff, programming stuff (I'm a professional software engineer day to day) and generally just creating things with my hands. A long time ago, someone said to me that I should document my work because it was intersting and somewhat unique. I started with a blog on my website and then eventually started filming some of the stuff I was making and decided why not post it on YouTube. To my surprise, people started watching and seemed to enjoy it, so I kep filming stuff and learned some editing and just kept making more. I honestly don't think of myself as a YouTuber and don't have any specific ambition to be one, but what I do adore is making things and sharing my work with people, so I plan to continue.
I hear a lot of people talk about finding their niche or focusing on one thing etc., now while I know what I do is already fairly niche, the marker community on YouTube is pretty big and I'm only a tiny drop in the bucket along with everything else. For me, I've never thought much about focusing on a niche, my work is documenting my various projects which jump around all over the place anyway. They kind of just follow whatever I'm interested in at any point in time. However, I do now think of proejcts and in the back of my head say, "well, tht could make a good video too", so I guess it's not super pure in that regard, but in any case, my point really is that I think, "finding a niche" is less important than just doing something that you really love doing.
One thing that I really didn't expect when I started this is that I would really get into the process of filming and editing etc. I am not a good editor, honestly I'm kind of lazy with it and I don't have a tonne of time to put into it between the proejcts I work on, my day job and my other hobbies. However, it's something I find fun and I like learning little bits and pieces and trying to make my videos better. Most of my spare time when I'm chilling at home is watching other makers on YouTube, I adore watching people make stuff and learning from them, but I also love seeing the style and editing from the bigger more polished channels. As I said earlier, I don't have a specific ambition to be one of those bigger channels, but I love watching and getting ideas for editing and video formats and composition.
I'm not sure if any of this is really useful to anyone, but maybe my experience resonates with someone or they find it intersting. Also, I just wanted to share a milestone that I think is pretty cool. When I first started uploading videos never would I have imagined that YouTube might ever give me money (however tiny an amount) for doing it!
Anyway, I'm going to keep making stuff, documenting it, learning better editing, video composition and storytelling, and I'm going to keep enjoying it!
submitted by careyi4 to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:15 shabebi I M19 dont know what to do! Im with my Long Distance GF of 1 1/2 year F20 help?!

Me and my girlfriend are now 1 1/2 Years in a Long distance Relationship. I come from a German speaking Country and we talk in English. About the Argument/problem where i need help on: So my girlfriend F(20) went through my YT watch History and found Videos of me watching like those Dating Videos where Woman alot of Times are represented with shorter Clothing. Wich i personally watch because of entertainment because how the people communicate in that and certain Comedians are dating/ trying to Rizz up Girls. Videos about a German meme Family going onto a Bikini Modeling show (where the show is 10% from the Video) wich i got recommended and my thaught was i just know them from memes. Like it has to be a funny video? Also in the Thumbnail was Robert Geiss ( family member of the Meme family ) with a slip over his pants, and blurred in the background, the Show. Then also an amount of videos of a Female Actor where she is in all with the other ( male )main Actor from a New Series/Show wich came out and is a Comedy/ Romantic Show? And because i was interested in what the Series or also them two is all about, ( i know the actor from one of my Favorite Movies ) i then watched some Videos. Apparently a Blooper video of both of them wich i dont remember where her B00bs are shown in the thumbnail from what my Gf said. ( wich dont make sense because YT doenst allow something like that if im correct )And also multiple Videos of German Youtubers. If Somebody knows them Inscope 21, Tomsprm, Marc eggers and more ppl like them. Where either the Videos are about a street survey. And the most asked Gender are Woman. Or as a Clickbait a Woman even tho it is 1% about the actual clip or something of that Woman. And 99% is just comedy. Now the Argument is about that i micro cheated on her wich from my perspective is not making any sense. Because i didnt Watch the videos Because of the Woman. Just because of entertainment. ( the named videos are eventually around 15% of videos wich i have watched in the Last 3 Months. The others are Car things, … , … ) But i also understand Her GF (20) because she doesnt know any of them and just sees the Thumbnails and that there are Woman wich are with less clothing. I understand that my fault in this is that i didnt think of where the watching of Videos like that could go and make her Feel. As a Reaction tho from her came the try to hurt my feelings on purpose with telling me that if people found out that we Broke Up that some guys wich are in her Scool whatever. That Guys would come to have a chance on Her GF(20) and more hurtful things. She (GF) didnt believe and still doesnt believe anything that i am saying. The Reason to not are other events that happend the last few months. Wich are the same way. I do something. She sees it other than i do and doesnt trust my words. ( it happend around 2+ times) And this was 2 Weeks ago. We talked about it in the meanwhile a few times and were left at the same point. That she doenst feel Love to me or from me anymore, Is disgusted, and is not wanting to try to solve the problem with me. Rather distance herself than work on it together. And is only together with me because i ( Bf(20)) wants to. I dont know what to do. Because i Love her and i want our Relationship to Last and grow and work. Sorry for bad Grammar.
submitted by shabebi to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:59 OldMan_is_wise How to reduce Temu ads

I was being crushed by Temu adverts. A Temu advert popped up in YouTube and I'd never heard of it, so I installed the Temu app.
Then I immediately started getting drowned in Temu adverts.
Like most people, I uninstalled the Temu app and deleted the connection to my Google account. Which did nothing.
After months of frustration, I got the idea to install the Temu app and make an account again, then tell Temu to delete my account & data. (Which according to Temu takes up to 7 days). I think I got the email around 6 days later.
Plus I reset my advertising ID on my Android phone, turned off all Google advertising preferences, turned off Youtube search & history, and finally started using IP tunneling. (Duckduckgo to be exact, not that it matters).
Although it would be impossible to get rid of all Temu adverts, I did manage to get them down to random background chatter.
I'm not advocating Duckduckgo as a very good private IP tunneling service, but if your main goal is to just reign in targeted adverts, it helps. Also, I use Norton's on my desktop, and it's no better or worse than Duckduckgo. Which is pretty limited for Private IP tunneling.
-Both are adaquete to at least help lower the hellscape of targeting cookies and general tracking. But I wouldn't recommend either if you need true privacy. You'd be far better off with a service with a paid subscription.
submitted by OldMan_is_wise to degoogle [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:39 rose_lingon Clearing up a bit of confusion about what we don’t see at the end of Rebirth

First, look at the tile patterns on the floor (pic 1)
After Cloud deflects Sephiroth’s sword , we see it land way over here. Away from Aerith (pic 2)
We see her in the background still praying as we pan down the blade (pic 3, 4)
Look at the tiles in pic 5
There’s a glitch, and then we see pic 6.
The sword initially seems to be at the same angle but look at the ground. It’s at a completely different angle than before. The first sword is standing almost straight up. This second version of the sword is angled forwards
Look at the tiles. The sword is no longer in the distance from where Aerith was kneeling
That blood isn’t dripping from the sword. Aerith is literally knelt upright just off camera to the right. The sword is coming out of her front.
We then see the sword quivering before it pulls free of the ground (pic 7)
Then we cut to this shot (pic 8, 9). At first it looks like it’s all one shot. That Sephiroth is pulling a bloody blade from the ground. However there is a cut. This is a separate shot.
In this second shot the blade is still quivering as he is pulling it back even though we see that it left the ground in the previous shot.
He’s pulling it out of Aerith’s back. She’s kneeling just to the left of the frame, out of shot.
It all happened as expected. We don’t have her in shot as it happens.
Props to this YouTuber for making this clear
submitted by rose_lingon to FFVIIRemake [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:32 mikolajwisal I feel like I need to give up video games, but I am very scared of doing that. Is this really my only option?

First of all, I am very sorry if this is a well-covered subject. I feel like this is the kind of problem a lot of people might have had faced already. I am new to this community. Please feel free to refer me to past videos/posts that already cover what I'm asking about.
I have been playing video games since I was 3 years old. Even before that, my mom used to put me on her lap as she was playing video games and that would always calm me down. It has always been my favorite passtime. The only two things in my life that can ever feel better than playing are having sex/watching porn and masturbating or hanging out with friends.
Nothing else feels as good to me, even though I do have hobbies. I write, I play the piano, I go to the gym. I study psychology and I really like it. I give English lessons for some extra cash. All of these feel good, but not good enough. I can't truly commit to any of these.
I am now at a point where I have no doubt I am addicted to video games. I neglect not only my work and studies, I have not commited a single minute to my hobbies for about 3 months now, I overeat, undersleep, my libido went down and all I can think about is playing video games, usually 2 at a time, one idle game in the background, one more attention-demanding video game on the foreground. I will also listen to a podcast or just a random video of someone talking about something I don't really care about at the same time.
On paper I know what the solution is. What I should be doing is making a list of tasks I can realistically complete in a day, cleaning myself up, cleaning up my workspace, taking care of my tasks, and then, when I'm done, go and play some games.
Here's the problem though: doing these tasks feels unbearable to me even though I want to do them! My mind drifts away and I think about games. I do these pointless breaks like I will start studying but "oh I need to make myself a coffee", then go back to studying for 5 minutes, then I need to smoke, then checking the idle game for a minute won't hurt and I keep deluding myself that I will still have enough time to do everything or that I don't really need to do all that today, I can do some of it tomorrow. And this way studying 1 hour a day for a week turns into painfully, ineffectively studying for 6 hours directly before an exam and barely passing it.
And here's why I am worried that quitting completely and forever might be the solution:
Some 5 years ago I was arrested under a drug posession charge. I spent 2 months in jail before I was let out on bond, got probation, stopped breaking the law and basically fixed my life.
During these 2 months the first week was hell, I was sharing a cell with a literall murderer and another violent individual. I was also going through benzo withdrawal. But after we had a fight I got transferred to a cell with two very chill dudes that were also in for petty shit like me. Jail is boring af, so I found stuff to do. I bought notebooks, pens, pencils, I took out books from the library. I was reading more than one book a day, I was writing, drawing, playing cards with the guys, talking some, excercizing. Went from 100kg+ to 80kg in these two months (I know this is an unhealthy pace, but I was eating all my assigned food and I wasn't aware I was loosing weight. Didn't even have a mirror in my cell. I wasn't trying to do so either).
After some time I stopped feeling sad about being in jail. It was just normal. I was fully expecting to get 1-2 years for possesion and just live this life for some time.
But then I got out. And holy shit, life FELT GOOD. The grass was green as fuck, the sky was lovely. Ice cream tasted great, books were still fun to read. Of course after I met up with my family and friends, I went home. And I played for the whole night. But I didn't the next day. I excersized as usual, I made coffee, smoked a cig as usual and went to reading. I went on walks, I was applied for college, I found a job, I was still doing good, but slowly I went back to playing more and more and more and over the years I slowly got to the point where I was before, just not doing drugs.
And hey, I'm proud of myself. I had a serious issue that could KILL ME. Now I'm just unproductive. I still smoke and yeah, it's killing me slowly, but the benzos and the amount of booze I was consuming back then could have easily killed me on a bad day.
So here I am now. I've tried controlling myself, limiting screentime, but with no outside force to stop me, I always break my own rules.
I feel like the rule of "No video games, no youtube except for education/growth, TV only as passtime with girlfriend" would be easier for me to follow".
But video games are fucking fun, man. I love them. They've always been there. I love experiencing stories through them. I love playing with friends, meeting new friends online. I love the satisfaction of getting all the achievments in a game.
But I hate my current state.
Please let me know if there's anything else I can do. I am determined to fix my life but if there is a way for me to do so without giving my favorite passtime up, let me know.
I am planning to go to therapy, will call about an appointment after the weekend. (EDIT: actually, decided to check if I can book a visit online and I can. So I'm booked for July)
Thank you in advance for your attention, I have high hopes. While I wait for your answers, I'm gonna go and clean up myself, my place and get ready to go to the gym. There is no day like today and I'm at least gonna try, damn it.
submitted by mikolajwisal to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:09 yesithinksomaybenot WordPress Podcast For People Who Use WordPress

Hi all,
Believe it or not this is my third attempt at posting this, the link I wanted to share with you kept coming up as moutube not youtube.
Anyways, enough of that.
I've recently posted (18 days ago) about a Podcast I've started speaking to people in WordPress. Those who use it, plugin owners etc. It's doing ok as it happens. And thank you to all of you who upvoted on the post.
OG post here:
Anyway, I've finally got myself into gear and set up a scheduling tool for booking a slot to come on the podcast.

The premise:

It's all about you. It's a fun, friendly format, designed to talk about you. Share what you're working on, how you cope and such with the daily grind. What drives you etc. It's a way of showcasing WordPress without being an affiliate laden video for financial gain.

About me:

I'm a 47 year old WP tinkerer, not technical, but I sort of know my way around it. I started with WordPress back in 2011 or maybe 2012? Man, I said I'm old!!
I'm really quite shy IRL, but on video I like to have a laugh and get to know people. I've made some great friends along the way, albeit virtual ones, but nonetheless friends.
I'm taking a different tact, it's about people, people love hearing about others. They find inspiration and commonality, hearing from those working in WP is an eye opener and makes for good content.
I've had a couple of people sniff around the OG post but nothing firmly booked. This month I have 10 guests lined up from all types of backgrounds, which should make for interesting stuff!

Get on the show:

Link to show:
If you'd like to get on the show and have a chat about you, and what you do etc. Please, please DM me, I want to speak to the unsung those who use WP but rarely get a chance to speak up about what they do.
The 10 guests (one or two) are big names in WP, this is to push the channel further and get in front of their subscribers as well. So I'm doing what I can to make a mark, so to speak.
I'd love to have an inbox choc full of people wanting to come on, so have at it people!
Mods, I hope this is OK, just trying to firm up some interest and get talking to lots of different people!
Message ends.
submitted by yesithinksomaybenot to Wordpress [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:05 DaveR925 I need to get used to being bored at work again.

Up until a few years back I was always bored at work. I had gotten used to working with nothing but vauge ideas floating around in my head while I worked. Then I got a job where I could listen to music and YouTube on an ear peice while I worked. Something about being able to just listen to whatever I felt like whenever I wanted made me enjoy the work much more.
Then I got fired. Since then I've bounced around to a few jobs and the only ones I've enjoyed are where I can listen to what I like without scrutiny by my coworkers or management.
I'm on the verge of getting a new job that I'm looking forward to the prospect of but I will not be allowed to have my phone on at all while working.
Does anyone have advice for getting used to sitting in relative silence and just working the job without a source of background distraction noise?
submitted by DaveR925 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:45 NicDays Encountering Wild Hogs During Night ALONE in the forest

If you were walking through the woods at night ALONE, with only a fishing knife, and you heard wild boars around you - what would you do?
So I live in Sweden and I very much like nature and camping although I haven't camped a lot in my life. Last evening I drove out to a big forest intending to hike, camp and fish alone.
I've only been afraid of bears during camping, but bears doesn't live in southern Sweden where I live so I thought I had nothing to worry about except possible psychos (I've watched some scary hiking/camping videos on youtube lately).
After 2 hours of hiking through the forest, it was around 11pm and very dark. I hadn't found any good place to place my tent. I was using my flashlight on my head. I had to go inside of and go through a fence area / yard with cows and ONE BULL in order to find the camping place where I had set up a tent with a buddy 3 years ago. Back then there were no cows there.
I have no idea of what encountering cows and a bull is like - ESPECIALLY during night time. The sign said to go around the cows, not through the heard. So thinking that this is safe beccause of the sign, I began walking inside the cow area... After 30-50 meters I stopped. I never saw any cow, but I heard one walking or something nearby. I became very unsure and headed back to the fence opening... I looked up how dangerous it's to enter a field of cows and BULLS. And I immiedetely got out of the fence area.
My plan was to go back to a viewing area of the sea and camp there on a plank of woods just for the night and then continue hiking to my past camping place and fish the next day.
As I was putting on a long youtube video as background noise to ease my fear of going through the dark woods alone, I heard two sticks sharply break arund 10 meters away from left. I wasn't that scared, but I shut the video off and began hiking back with a fishing knife in my hand just in case.... My first thought wasn't that it was a wild boar - strangely enough. And I didn't think it was a human since there was a lot of dense bushes etc around me...
After a short couple of minutes, I suddenly hear a couple of grunts to my right, 2-3 meters away. The sheer fear running through my body - I've never felt anything like it. Adrenaline pumped and I breathed heavily. I did not stop, but kept on walking at the same pace - hoping that it would not attack. I remember my mom said she saw wild boars crossing the road once (from a distance) and she said she screamed and ran away (which you shouldn't do).
I've only researched about bear behavor and attacks before, NEVER wild hogs - so I had no idea what to do if a boar charged me. I had no idea if there was piglets around. I know that a mom bear can be very aggressive if she has cubs, so I presumed that was the case with wild boars as well. I've only got a fishing knife on me. I know they know about my presence because of the light and the noise I'm making while walking.
I continued walking, still very frightened. A few minutes later I hear some animal noise from my right that sounded like a piglet grunting or something - but from a distance. Maybe 10-15 meters away.
I was afraid that a wild boar would charge me from behind, but I didn't have the balls to look behind me except once. I felt like the guy from Avatar when he's alone in the woods on Pandora during night. I tried embrace the fact that I need to be very aggressive and stab and battle a wild boar if it would charge. Thinking that it was my best bet since I didn't know anything about their attacking behaviors or how strong they really are. Now, having looked it up, I know you should try climbing a tree if you can, if a boar attacks you.
A while later, the beaten path turned a bit to the left, and my flashlight struck an animal 10 meters infront of me, which immidately ran away. I think it was a small wild boar but I'm not sure. I only saw a glimpse of the behind and right back leg.
Shortly after that I had to hike up a very steep trail for a few minutes. My heart was pumping and I was breathing heavily - partly because of the steepness but also my adrenaline. I just wanted home. I thought to myself "Home. Home.... In my bed. Why did I have to go here alone during night time?".
I eventually completed the steep trail and now finally entered the small car road (with no street lamps). I had hiked through the woods before while trying to find a good camping place, but walking on the car road felt much safer and more time efficient as well. I was still afraid though, and still held my knife. Cars past me twice. When a car came, I stepped aside and hid my knife. It's illegal in Sweden to carry a knife - and I don't think strangers seeing me in the middle of nowhere walking on a small road during a friday night with a knife is gonna do me any good.
I was so so grateful when entering my dad's car I had loaned. While driving, I thanked God out loud for being alive and being unharmed.
If you were in my situation, walking through the woods at night ALONE, with only a fishing knife, and you heard wild boars around you - what would you do?
submitted by NicDays to CampingandHiking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:31 Jako1989 Timeline of driddler’s predatory behavior - PLEASE ARCHIVE

Here's a big fat receipt that should be added to the archive, I pulled an all-nighter compiling this into one post. Major credit goes to the vigilant members of this sub & the great information I was able to scour through .
Congrats on identifying Drake's bad behavior with women. I was unsure about the best way to present this because it requires some delicacy & subtlety. During one of my recent deep dives for another piece, I discovered something quite unsettling. I'm aware that there will be a lot of criticism to my post, but I had to say it. People will tell me it's nothing, but Drake's actions speak for themselves.
Before jumping in, I don’tunderstand why this behaviour is getting unchecked. My narrative is completely alleged & all of this is public information.
Let's start from the beginning shall we…
May, 2010: Drake calls a girl on stage fondles the girl and kisses her neck and the crowd cheers along with it. In his defense, he doesn't ask the girl her age but how does it make it any better. He still fondled her without asking for consent in front of a crowd of people.
When the girl tells him that she's only 17 he tries to remedy the situation by saying "how the hell she looks like this" and "you thick". He jokes he can't go to jail and the crowd cheers along with it.
If this was the only time that Drake did something like this, I would have called it an honest mistake but sadly it's not it.
Year 2016:
Drake knows Hailey Bieber(nee Baldwin) when she was 14 years old and has been a "good friend" to her. They know each other 'cause Hailey is bestfriends with Kendall and Kylie.
In 2016, Hailey was just nineteen where as Drake was twenty-nine. It's legal but here is the deal. Drake knows her since she was fourteen and Drake is good friends with Justin Bieber, Hailey's then ex boyfriend. Him going after Hailey immediately after her breakup with Justin makes zero sense, ethics wise. mean why would someone go after his friends ex who's 10 years his junior?
Drake also got himself a similar "h" charm necklace that Hailey had a penchant for wearing. Ignore Justin in the background for a second and here it is.
Year 2018: Drake and Bella Harris met when she was sixteen. Her dad's a famous producer.
When she turned eighteen Drake rented an entire restaurant for her birthday. Um what? I get that they can be friends but she's just 18 and he's 31.
Also, in 2018 Drake went after the weeknd's then ex girlfriend Bella Hadid. Abel and Drake have been mates and collaborates since 2010. Drake helped Abel to step in the spotlight while Abel helped with writing Drake's album, Take care and also lend his vocals.
After her split from the weeknd and around 2018, Drake threw Bella her 21st birthday party. Looks like drizzy really likes throwing birthday parties.
Take note that this has happened two times where Drake has gone for his mates exes and I know Hollywood's chill with it but this just feels emotionally predatory. It's not like he doesn't know these girls, he knows them since they were teens. It's not random.
Year 2019: Billie Eilish defends her texting Drake. Drake's 33 and she's just 18. She even comments that Drake's at a level that he doesn't need to be nice to her but that's a whole different level of power imbalance.
Maybe I'm reaching and they are artists and Drake is interested artistically and helps her with the industry but it just weird.
Millie Bobby Brown:
I can't with this interaction. For one second I was ready to ignore all of the above but this? A 33 year old texting a 15 year old girl that he misses her? and talks about boys? Tf is wrong with people justifying this? People are saying it's innocent but she was 15 and I don't think any grown man should be talking about these things with a 15 year old. Also, Millie posting this
There is also this thing with Drake and the Kar-jenners and I don't know what to think:
Drake performed at Kylie's sweet 16:-
I wonder why no one is calling this out in light of the overall situation. Do other people observe this too but are they ignoring it? or am I overanalyzing this? I'm honestly not sure if this is predatory behavior at this point or if something is being misinterpreted since Drake is in the spotlight. Drake is a wealthy man, so what is going on with his management? If all that is occurring is coincidental and benign, then why are they allowing this to happen? To be honest, I'm not sure about it. I just wonder what Drake is doing with all these horrible stories coming out of the industry. The narrative around him changed over night it seems even though a lot of this has been known, but many just turned the other cheek.
Taking Drake down is just cutting out one head from hydra & another will likely take his place but what it WILL do is send a message to the higher ups that we aren’t slow & it’s just a matter of time until the truth comes out & people will have to face the music.
submitted by Jako1989 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:44 ApexCarnifex ​​​​​​​[A3][Recruiting][NA][MILSIM] United States Army Special Operations Command

​​​​​​​[A3][Recruiting][NA][MILSIM] United States Army Special Operations Command

Unit Overview

We are reactivating a distinguished military simulation unit that replicates the structure and ethos of the special mission unit (CAG/Delta) within the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC). Our goal is to provide an authentic and immersive military simulation experience in Arma 3.
Note: This unit is currently in it's "stand up" stage.


  • Age Requirement: Individuals aged 18 and above.
  • Language: Fluent in verbal and written English.
  • Passion for Milsim: Candidates must exhibit a deep passion for military simulation and a desire to potentially assume leadership roles within the unit.
  • Commitment: Members are expected to prioritize unit events and activities over engagements with other groups, units, or communities.

Recruitment and Membership

  • We welcome individuals from all backgrounds, whether you are a seasoned Arma veteran or a newcomer eager to learn.
  • Our recruitment efforts focus on identifying those who embody the unit’s values and ethos.
  • While members retain autonomy to engage with other groups, active participation in unit events is paramount. Inactivity due to commitments elsewhere may result in removal.

Selection and Training

  • Assessment and Selection: Conducted every three months to identify candidates with the potential to excel in special operations roles.
  • Operator Training Course (OTC): A comprehensive three-month training program designed to impart essential skills and knowledge.
  • Specialized Courses: Post-OTC, members can enhance their capabilities through courses such as Special Operations Combat Medic (SOCM), Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC), and Special Forces Sniper Course (SFSC).
  • Team Assignment: Graduates will be assigned to dedicated teams based on mission requirements, ensuring optimal utilization of skills.

Commitment to Excellence

  • The deliberate three-month timeline for training and graduation ensures alignment with the unit’s values and standards.
  • Our unit is dedicated to fostering a community that is both enjoyable and professional, where members support each other and strive for collective success.

Why Join Us

  • Professionalism: We maintain the highest standards of integrity, respect, and professionalism.
  • Camaraderie: Experience the strong sense of teamwork and mutual support that is critical for mission success.
  • Continuous Improvement: Engage in ongoing training and development to refine your skills and enhance your simulation experience.


We extend this invitation to individuals who share our commitment to military simulation and are ready to embark on a challenging yet rewarding journey. Join us to be part of a community that values professionalism, excellence, and camaraderie within the immersive world of Arma 3.

How to Apply

Interested individuals are invited to reach out through the unit discord in the general channel (, please introduce yourself and unit members will be happy to direct you through the application process.

Contact Information

For more information, visit our website or contact us on discord (
Join us, and together, we will build a formidable and professional force within the Arma 3 simulation environment.

submitted by ApexCarnifex to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:02 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - June 1st

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - June 1st
Disclaimer: Some of these events have unknown June dates. They are identified with a '*'
1974- The Jacksons play their 6th of seven nights at the Sahara Tahoe Hotel in Lake Tahoe, Nevada
1977\* - The Jackson go back to Sigma Sound Studios in Philidalphia to record their new album, Goin' Places, with Gamble & Huff
1978\* - The Jacksons record the Destiny album in Los Angeles after recording song demos at their Hayvenhurst home studio
1979 - The Jackson perform at Milwaukee County Stadium (closed- 2000) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on their Destiny tour
1979 - (June 1 -3) Michael, Quincy Jones & Bruce Swedien complete the recording & mixing of the Off The Wall album Westlake Studios in Los Angeles.
1979* - The Jacksons start recording the Triumph Album.
1982\* - Michael would come across a studio demo produced by John Barnes and request a meeting.
In an interview with The MJCast podcast, John recalled their first meeting:
“Michael said I heard you can make your own sounds and play them. How many sounds can you make? And, I responded, ‘How much time do you have?’”
The meeting lasted a few hours and was the beginning of a friendship and musical partnership with Barnes being hired as a core member of Michael Jackson’s team. Their partnership would continue until Michael's passing in 2009
1984* - Michael meets with other supporters of Camp Good Times, a non-profit organization founded by parents of children with cancer, in Malibu such as OJ Simpson, Dustin Hoffman, David Soul, Neil Diamond & Richard Chamberlain
The first Camp Goodtimes event would be held in Vashon Island at Camp Sealth in August of 1984. Ninety-three children, cancer patients and siblings attended and twenty-five American Cancer Society volunteers, who staffed the camp along with the summer staff at Camp Sealth
1985\* - Michael starts rehearsing for an upcoming 3D science fiction musical short film named Captain EO to be shown exclusively at Disneyland and Disney World. Francis Ford Coppola will direct and George Lucas will produce the film
1986\*- Michael & Corey Feldman go to Disneyland . Michael is seen for the 1st time wearing a surgical mask in public
In Moonwalk, he says he was initially given a mask by a dentist to keep germs out after having his wisdom teeth pulled
1987\* - Michael shoots the “The Way You Make Me Feel” short film at Skid Row, Los Angeles. It was directed by Joe Pytka and choreographed by Vincent Paterson & Michael. It featured Tatiana Thumbtzen & Latoya Jackson
1988\* - Michael Jackson : The Legend Continues is released on home video.
1988 - Michael sets another record as the first artist ever to have three albums with US sales of more than six million copies each as Bad & Off The Wall were both certified 6x platinum by the RIAA
1989\- Michael goes back to Westlake studio with Matt Forger and Bill Bottrell. He meets Brad Buxer who will work with him until 2008. Together they work on new songs for a compilation named *DECADE 1979-1989
Quincy Jones is not part of this project. "Black Or White" and "Heal The World" are among the first songs worked on.
1991 - David Ruffin, a member of The Temptations, dies of a drug overdose
It was found that Ruffin was peniniless and Jackson contacted Swanson Funeral Home in Detroit to make arrangements to cover a large portion of the June 10th funeral costs. He also sends a heart-shaped arrangement of carnations to the New Bethel Baptist Church in Detroit with the note, "With Love, from Michael Jackson"
Jackson was a big admirer of The Temptations. He would not attend the funeral ceremony to not divert attention from it (it was however reported that he did attend but in disguise)
1991\* - The Sun publishes leaked pictures from a photo session of Michael by Herb Ritts. It had been rumored that multiple photographers were battling in out to shoot Michael's new video & album cover. Steve Meisel, Bruce Weber and Herb Ritts had been in the running to give Michael a new "sexier" look
1991* - Michael enlists the help of producers L.A Reid & Babyface for his new album, which deeply upsets Jermaine who is also working with them.
Jermaine is quoted in the tabloids as saying:
"I could have been Michael. It's all a matter of timing, a matter of luck"
1992*- Michael rehearses for his new tour & shoot the video for “Who Is It”
1994\* - This summer Heal The World Foundation, in partnership with Los Angeles Unified School District, "I Have A Dream Foundation", "Best Buddies", "Overcoming Obstacles" & "California One To One", provide 2000 children with tickets to see Janet Jackson, the L.A. Laker Jam and The Beach Boys in concert
1995\* - Issue #2 of History Magazine reveals that Travis Thomas, a 5-year old boy who suffers from cystic fibrosis, wished to meet Michael.
“One evening, we were watching TV and Travis hadn’t eaten for a couple of days. He was on TV”, the boy's mother recalls, “and we came across the American Music Awards and Michael Jackson… Travis sat up and wanted to eat… He said, ‘I love Michael Jackson, Mama!”
His wish comes true in June through Jackson and the Make A Wish Foundation.Travis and his family, along with 20 other seriously ill children, spent a weekend at Neverland Ranch and were allowed to roam around the compound’s private amusement park.
Travis’ mother:
“The love this man has on his face when he is with these special children is unbelievable. He is one of the kindest and most gentle men I have ever met"
1999 - Michael cancels his participation in the Pavarotti & Friends Charity Concert in Modena, scheduled for tonight.
Jonathan Morrish of Sony Music issues a statement informing the media, that Michael will not be performing due to the illness of his son, Prince:
"Prince suffered a seizure early Saturday due to a high temperature. This is the third seizure over the last year"
He added that the concert meant so much to Michael but,
"he is an artist like the others, but also a parent"
and that he waited until the last moment to cancel because he was still hopeful about making it. Michael is reportedly constantly at Prince's bedside
2000\* - Concert promoter,Marcel Avram, sues Michael for breach of contract for the Millenium Concerts and asks for $21 million
2001\* - Michael hires Marc Schaffel and they create a new company,Neverland Valley Entertainment, with a common bank account.
2004\* - Randy Jackson fires Bob Jones, vice president of MJJ Productions since 1987, after discovering that he is writing a tell all book on Michael. He also stops paying Marc Schaffel.
2005 - Trial Day 64
Michael goes to court with Katherine, Joe & Randy. Judge Melville gives the Jury the rules of Jury Deliberations
2005\* - Michael allows visits from fans inside his home while awaiting the verdict. They're impressed by his generosity given the circumstances
2007 - A glittery jacket once worn onstage by Michael, his MTV Music Award for "We Are The World", as well as gold discs for his album Off the Wall and the Jackson 5 single "I Want You Back", all sell at an auction in the Hard Rock Café in Las Vegas, Nevada. The total raised from the sale of Michael related artifacts at the auction is reported as $1-$2million
Michael's bullet proof vest
Sculptural prototypes from the movies E.T. & Alien
2007\* - Michael, Grace and the kids leave their Las Vegas house and fly to Middleburg, Virginia. They check into the Goodstone Inn, a 640-acre estate of open pastures, for a summer vacation. They are welcomed by Raymone Bain.
2007\* - Michael “Brother Michael” Amir Williams is hired as Michael’s new assistant.
2008\* - Michael and producer Neff-U start working on songs at 'Thriller Villa', his 2710 Palomino Lane home, in Las Vegas. They work on a new version of “A Place With No Name”.
2008\* - Late in the month, Michael's duet with Akon, "Hold My Hand" is leaked online. Michael is devastated
Longtime recording engineer, Michael Prince, who was working with Jackson at the time “Hold My Hand” leaked, recalls:
“He was truly upset when the song he did with Akon leaked. He would just get this sad look on his face like, how could this happen? Because 20 years ago this would not have happened. And somehow everybody in the world has a copy of it. And that really upset him because he liked that song a lot.”
Akon gave a detailed account of the events surrounding the leak during an appearance on Tavis Smiley’s PBS television show in January 2009:
“Me and Mike did this incredible record called Hold My Hand and the record is amazing. Phenomenal. And the concept was that this would be Mike’s first release off of his new album, and then I would stripe it on my album – on my following release. That way we could have the outlets open for everyone to be able to receive the record. You know, Mike came up with this brilliant marketing launch for the record. You know, he’s the best at launching a record.”
Akon continues:
“He’d have the whole world paying attention in two minutes… And before we could get to that point, the record got leaked over the internet. And we got over 15 million downloads on the song for free. So we couldn’t [release it]. You can’t at that point. Everybody already has the record. But in a way, you gotta look at it like… that’s just a gift to the fans.”
2008\* - (Late June) Michael hires Dr Thome Thome as his new manager and president of MJJ Productions. As a result of a financial reorganiation of the Neverland Valley Ranch, all of Michael’s personal belongings have to be removed from the property. Dr Tohme contacts Darren Julien of Julien’s Auction House
2009 - The This Is It team leaves Center Staging for a bigger place : The Forum in Inglewood, California.
2009 - (June 1-11) At Culver Studios in Culver City, Michael shoots “The Dome” Project which consists of seven works:
  • “Smooth Criminal” (Jackson inserted into classic 2D black-and-white film noir chase sequence)
  • “Thriller” (3-D movie starting in a haunted house with a ghostly image of Vincent Price, then moving into a graveyard where the dead awaken)
  • “Earth Song” (3D short film featuring little girl who wanders through rain forest, takes a nap and dreams of the splendor of nature, and awakens to find the natural world has been devastated)
  • “They Don’t Care About Us” (a/k/a Drill, 2D film in which a sea of soldiers march in unison; 10 male dancers replicated hundreds of times)
  • “MJ Air” (3-D movie in which a 707 jet pulls into the frame; hole was to open in screen for Michael Jackson to enter; jet flies away)
  • “The Final Message” (3-D movie of a little girl from rain forest embracing the earth)
  • “The Way You Make Me Feel” (2D theatrical background featuring male dancers fashioned as historical construction workers.
2009 - Michael goes to Dr Klein’s in Berverly Hills with Blanket.
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:54 madssaysugh Where all of the “good” nannies have gone. My Roman Empire.

TLDR: Nannying is a very hard job. There would probably be a lot more nannies who work as hard as one needs to do this job well if the pay matched the value and difficulty of the work.
I’ve been pretty active in this sub lately because I’ve been feeling unhappy at my job and it helps to have a community. I wrote this a while ago and have been nervous to post it but I think it’s important. I saw a post in nannyemployers asking where all of the “good” nannies have gone and this was the response I was writing until I realised the replies were to be from NP only.. I would post in the nanny employers sub if I weren’t terrified of the response. I know I’m singing to the choir here and I know saying it out loud doesn’t change much. But I am so, so angry, so imma just send it.
As a nanny who has two college degrees, practices Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and RIE, and as someone who has always loved and wanted to work with kids, there simply is not enough money in this career path to stick to it. I personally simply cannot rationalise doing the amount of physical and emotional work that is required for me to do this job as well as I want to for the typical pay, even though I absolutely love it.
For my background, experience, and approach, I am in a severely underpaid position (even when disregarding my qualifications it would still be severely underpaid.) Because of my personal and financial situation at the time of my job search, I did not have the luxury to wait for a unicorn family to offer me the salary I was looking for. I found a family that was a good fit and accepted the position even though I felt it was very much underpaid. I am now in a position where I am continuously battling wanting to work as hard as I can for these kids and this family, and realising I can’t break my back for them while being this underpaid (I mean I literally threw my back out during this job). I’m not someone who breaks a commitment easily but I guess I could move from family to family, waiting to find one who is able to financially respect the value of this work, or I could stick it out and get $2/hr raises every year, but I can’t wait 10 years to finally get close to being paid what I know a proper nanny is worth. Yes there certainly are some nanny employers who properly respect this work and are able to financially meet it’s value, but in my experience they are few and far between. I have found that the overwhelming majority of nannies are severely underpaid and overworked.
Nannies are asked to have flexible schedules, work long hours, take on a laundry list of responsibilities, develop personal emotional relationships with children that aren’t theirs while keeping a professional distance, pay for and organise their own continued training, be emotionally and socially engaged with children all day long, and more. But above all, the most important aspect of nannying is managing our stress is such a way that allows us to stay in an executive state of functioning all day every single day. People deeply underestimate and undervalue the amount of hard and constant work it takes to keep oneself in an executive state of functioning day in and day out, especially in a high stress position where you are helping other people regulate their bodies all day on top of yours, AND are constantly sick and tired and being pushed and tested. I think that this ability is what makes the difference in a “good” nanny and is often the most overlooked, misunderstood, and undervalued aspect of the job responsibilities.
I want to be a good nanny, it’s my dream job to be the best nanny there is, and I used to think that I could accept being in an undervalued role because “it takes a village” and I wanted to do my part and this was my passion. But it doesn’t feel good to be undervalued financially and socially, in fact it feels really really bad, and this is why I will no longer be pursuing a career as a nanny. Even if I found my unicorn position, it wouldn’t change the fact that the overwhelming majority of my nanny peers are still underpaid and undervalued, and that doesn’t feel good. It makes me want to leave, and I think all of the other underpaid nannies should leave too. (We need a union or something, is this a thing?)
The market is oversaturated and undervalued. Not everyone needs a nanny now that quarantine is over (a full-time nanny, not babysitter or after school care). I have both worked at a preschool and as a nanny and I have found that a setting with multiple children of similar age is far better developmentally for a child than spending most of their time with a single adult and a sibling or two, even for young babies. I think a healthy mix of a daycare setting and family time at home is probably best but can be the most difficult to achieve with the current work culture. This is no one’s fault, the overworking culture is a burden of late stage capitalism that we all face. However, it is the burden of the parents to solve their work/life balance. This is a very big part of what one signs up for when becoming a parent. It is not the burden of the nanny to work more for less or the children to miss being with their parents (I’d say two doctor NP are pretty much the only ones who’d get a pass here).
It’s no one person’s fault that nannies are financially undervalued, the value of personal childcare and domestic work has a long saturated history fraught with misogyny and racism. Have you compared the average wage of a plumber (male dominated domestic work) to that of a nanny (female dominated domestic work)? And don’t tell me plumbing requires more training or is harder than nannying, I assure you they are of comparable difficulty especially considering there’s no step by step instructions on YouTube for nannying. (And if you do consider plumbing to be that much hard than nannying, what do you think gives you that perception? I mean as a parent, one should know that nannying absolutely is not just playing with kids all day, even if that’s all you ask your nanny to do. What subconscious bias could be giving you the perception that bringing up children is less difficult and of less value than screwing pipes together? Have you taken a race or gender studies class? Have you seen The Help? Don’t answer, just think.)
Plumbers make average $28/hr in the states, mechanics $26, for nannies it’s $20 (and that’s being generous). That’s a ¢70 on the dollar comparison. It is time we all realise that nannying is an underpaid and undervalued role and work to change that. If the wage being offered across the board better matched the value of the work, I think one would find a lot more serious nannies and a lot more current nannies taking the job more seriously.
I didn’t get it at first, why so many nannies at the park seemed so burnt out and disinterested in the kids. Oh boy do I get it now. I want nothing more than to do my best in this role, but in the past few months after nearly being stiffed by NP, not receiving a bonus from them when I really thought I would, and overall realising I am being taken advantage of and am a human mine to them, I have realised that I can no longer put my all into this job for my own health and sanity. Being properly compensated is the primary motivating aspect of all work especially in the society we are a part of. After loosing my sense of respect from NP, I’ve lost most of the non-financial motivation I started out with and am left with what little motivation my petite pay check gives me, and the kids can tell.
Since my fallout with NP, I have pulled back emotionally from the kids. I’m not mean and I am still doing every responsibility in my contract to the letter (and then some still), but I am no longer as emotionally available to them as I was. I am shorter and more curt with them, I don’t take as much time with them to sit and talk about every feeling they have, and I’m not working as hard to help them break the bad habits NP give them that NP specifically ask me to break (one example - NP want NK to walk everywhere with me but then always use the stroller with NP and every time we go out it’s a fight to use the stroller or not. Guess who’s been using the stroller far more often lately). Anyway, the past week my NK 3f has been quietly crying before her nap and I’m sure it’s because she’s felt me pull away from her. It’s breaking my heart and I’ve been trying to give her extra cuddles, but I have to protect myself first now. This is a job and these aren’t my kids and I can no longer rationalise putting them first emotionally especially considering I am burnt TF out, torn down, and left feeling used up and tossed aside without any recognition or proper thanks from NP.
I don’t know what the perfect number is, the number I would say many NP would probably think is too high, and maybe they’re not looking for a nanny who works as hard as I and others do. But I can tell you that $17/hr before taxes in a VHCOL area does not even come close to close. I think we can all easily recognise that the financial value of this job needs to better match the value of the work, in general and across the board. We’re talking about the people caring for and raising the future generations here, I mean how is this not the most coveted role in our society?
This is my Roman Empire and I will die on this hill every. single. time.
submitted by madssaysugh to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:54 Nigel_Farage GPU Randomly keeps going down to 0%

I tried playing iRacing today and PC was running fine, hadn't updated or made any changes recently and it has been running flawlessly for months.
Now today, all of a sudden I keep getting 3-4 second freezes. I can still hear audio in the background but the mouse and screen will just freeze then jump back again.
It seems to happen really randomly, I could get through 15 minutes of use and it will be fine and then suddenly it starts freezing again. Or it might just have a little blip.
This happens when using Windows normally and any game, even just watching a youtube video it can seem to flair up.
Since this issue I have downloaded the latest AMD drivers and Windows updates but it is exactly the same.
Here are some screenshots from Task Manager so you can see what I mean:
Here you can see it spiking up and down - (this was whilst gaming)
This is where it just had a little blip -
Any ideas?
PC Specs:
CPU - AMD 7600x
GPU - AMD 67950XT
RAM - 2 x 16GB DDR5
Storage - 3 x NVME drives
submitted by Nigel_Farage to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:27 wallace4real 24h screen time!!?

24h screen time!!?
So I was busy studying for three days and I didn't use my macbook, some how is showing lot of screen time, bro i didn't use my PC at all. The battery drained from 100 to 0 in three days without even using it.(BTW its an i3 macbook air 2020). Can anyone tell me what is this I hope its not a virus. The macbook was locked and the WiFi was on, and I had some YouTube tabs open in the background.
submitted by wallace4real to mac [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:25 Silent_Swim6572 Solana memecoin $POS [$290K mcap] All in one web3 PengyOS

Solana memecoin $POS [$290K mcap] All in one web3 PengyOS
Unique memecoin with a web3 desktop experience.
Android App is in Development for Solana mobile, nothing final but still bullish news.
Dedicated Team with a based Dev that keep grinding.
Community Project, Team consist of Volunteers which makes it so Unique.
Just look at their website and see for yourself. (pengydotfun)
They offer:
-Solana dApps
-Memes App
-Retro games emulator
-Crypto Bubbles
-DEXscreener / DEXTools
-Changeable backgrounds
-Adding/removing Apps from the desktop
Fun facts:
-Multiple Partnerships ( PaalAI , Growsol etc.)
-Community driven
-YouTube / IG content edited by Team members.
-Android App in the making for Solana Mobile.
-Active game competitions to win $POS
-Youtube @ PengyOS
-IG PengyOS_meme
-X @ PengyOS_sol
-TG PengyOS
-Fair launch from pump fun
-1B Supply
-Ownership revoked
-Liquidity burned
-0% buy/sell tax
FYI: Please always do your own research, this is not any financial advice.
Personal opinion and conviction here, what this project is establishing can revolutionize the Memecoin space.
submitted by Silent_Swim6572 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:23 Silent_Swim6572 Solana memecoin $POS [$290K mcap] All in one web3 PengyOS

Solana memecoin $POS [$290K mcap] All in one web3 PengyOS
Unique memecoin with a web3 desktop experience.
Android App is in Development for Solana mobile, nothing final but still bullish news.
Dedicated Team with a based Dev that keep grinding.
Community Project, Team consist of Volunteers which makes it so Unique.
Just look at their website and see for yourself. (pengydotfun)
They offer:
-Solana dApps
-Memes App
-Retro games emulator
-Crypto Bubbles
-DEXscreener / DEXTools
-Changeable backgrounds
-Adding/removing Apps from the desktop
Fun facts:
-Multiple Partnerships ( PaalAI , Growsol etc.)
-Community driven
-YouTube / IG content edited by Team members.
-Android App in the making for Solana Mobile.
-Active game competitions to win $POS
-Youtube @ PengyOS
-IG PengyOS_meme
-X @ PengyOS_sol
-TG PengyOS
-Fair launch from pump fun
-1B Supply
-Ownership revoked
-Liquidity burned
-0% buy/sell tax
FYI: Please always do your own research, this is not any financial advice.
Personal opinion and conviction here, what this project is establishing can revolutionize the Memecoin space.
submitted by Silent_Swim6572 to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:16 Emergency-Pool-6021 Formatting Dilemma: Two Python Solutions, One Beginner's Confusion

Hello everyone,
I'm (30M) a newbie in the world of programming, I currently work as an underwater (diver) EOD operator and recently started learning Python as a hobby to see if I like programming/CS. Since I have zero background in CS I researched online to see where to start. The feedback was universal (Just choose something, ANYTHING, and go with it!) So I chose the CS50 Python course, currently I'm on the third problem set (and liking it very much so far). The materials I use outside the CS50 are: "Learning Python" by Mark Lutz, Google, YouTube, reddit and Chat GPT.
Usually when I finally get done with a problem, I search Github, YouTube or Google to see how others have solved the same problem and compare it to my code. I do it to see if there was something I didn't think about (and already knew) or find some useful tips to use later on in new problem sets.
This leads to my question. Usually once I am done with my code (I obviously code it in a way that makes sense to me) when comparing it to other solutions it always seems that my code is a bit too much and maybe messy? The comparisons I see online are a lot more "pythonic" but hard to read, at least to me.
I read a lot about how code needs to clean and easy to read, so I want to make sure I'm learning good coding practices from the get-go, so I'm reaching out to the community to gather opinions on code formatting. The first solution is my code and the second is something I copied from Github. I've attached both solutions below for your review:
Solution 1 (my code):
def main(): while True: try: user_input = input("Date: ").title().strip() if date_validator(user_input): print(convert(user_input)) else: print("Date is invalid") except EOFError: print() break def date_validator(date_str): if len(date_str) == 10 and date_str[2] == "/" and date_str[5] == "/": month, day, year = date_str.split("/") if month.isdigit() and day.isdigit() and year.isdigit(): month = int(month) day = int(day) year = int(year) if 1 <= month <= 12 and 1 <= day <= 31: return True parts = date_str.replace(",", "").split() if len(parts) == 3: month, day, year = parts if day.isdigit() and month in months() and year.isdigit(): day = int(day) year = int(year) if 1 <= day <= 31: return True return False def convert(date): # Check if the date is in MM/DD/YYYY format if len(date) == 10 and date[2] == "/" and date[5] == "/": month, day, year = date.split("/") formatted_date = f"{year}-{month.zfill(2)}-{day.zfill(2)}" else: # Assume the date is in Month DD, YYYY format parts = date.replace(",", "").split() month, day, year = parts month_number = months()[month] formatted_date = f"{year}-{str(month_number).zfill(2)}-{day.zfill(2)}" return formatted_date def months(): return { "January": 1, "February": 2, "March": 3, "April": 4, "May": 5, "June": 6, "July": 7, "August": 8, "September": 9, "October": 10, "November": 11, "December": 12 } if __name__ == "__main__": main() 
Solution 2 (not my code):
MONTHS: list[str] = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] # // Function to get the month numeral. Using # // a function is better because it can just # // return if the month is found instead of # // having to finish iterating the array def get_month_numeral(_m: str) -> int: # // Iterate over the MONTHS for i in range(len(MONTHS)): if _m == MONTHS[i]: return i + 1 # // Function to check if the provided month # // and day are valid def is_valid_date(m: int, d: int) -> bool: return (int(m) > 0 and int(m) < 13) and (int(d) > 0 and int(d) < 32) # // Infinite loop for getting the date until broken while True: date: str = input("Date: ").strip() try: # // Split the date by slashes m, d, y = date.split("/") # // Break if valid date if is_valid_date(m, d): break except Exception: try: # // Split the date by spaces and remove comma _m, _d, y = date.split(" ") # // Make sure date is valid if "," in date: d: str = _d.replace(",", "") # // Iterate over the MONTHS m: int = get_month_numeral(_m) # // Break if valid date if is_valid_date(m, d): break except Exception: pass # // Print the result print(f"{y}-{int(m):02}-{int(d):02}") 
I'm particularly interested in hearing your thoughts on readability, maintainability in real life situations. Are there any formatting styles or practices you recommend for beginners like me? At the end of the day I just want to become better over time so all feedback is good feedback. Any resources or tips you can share would be immensely helpful as I continue my Python journey.
Sorry for the long post and if there are any errors in my English, then I'll just have to take the blow, since it's not my first language.
Thank you all in advance for your time and guidance!
submitted by Emergency-Pool-6021 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:15 SIFASBowman [Partially Lost] Fur Fighters PC Game "Fluff Resurrection" Map

The evidence that this exists is well documented, but completely lost to the eyes of the internet for a very inexplicable reason.
In the early 2000's PC game 'Fur Fighters' there was a multiplayer mode called "fluffmatch" where you could fight with other players.
In this mode, there was a special map called "Fluff Resurrection' which was based off of the popular movie "Alien Resurrection" due the game publisher's fondness for the movie series.
The content of the this map was found very disturbing by many people that played it, with a very eerie and haunting soundtrack that played in the background, disturbing images and art on the walls, a giant statue of the main villain in the art style of the Alien Movie Franchise, etc. A brief, text only overview of what the level contained can be found on the Fur Fighters Wiki. They even try to link the strange, twisted audio, but their link does not work. The text overview on the wiki, of the map is linked here:
Now comes the interesting part, because of the disturbing imagery and content of this particular level, the makers of Fur Fighters rereleased the game on different consoles, but completely changed the level "Fluff Resurrection"; removing the haunting sound clip, and disturbing imagery.
I know for a fact that it does exist, as I have a very vivid memory playing the map myself as a very young child, and being absolutely terrified of it.
After dedicating many hours to my search of trying to find a clip of the original level so I can put this behind me, some kind of evidence other that hearsay of this original level, I could only find this video of a youtuber looking at the "new and remodeled' version of the Fluff Resurrection map. It can be found on this youtube link here: (The part of the video he looks at the Level is called "Fluffed in Space 2" and starts at approximately 17 Minutes in, you can see what the level has become after the changes)
Further information: I know for a fact that the unaltered level is on the early PC releases of the game. I'm not sure if this unaltered version of the level can be played on the also early released Gamecube version.
In short, any video clips of the original, unaltered level, as well as the eerie background music from this level seem to have been completely wiped from the visible internet. Although, I feel like finding this is definitely within the realm of possibility.
Thank you with utmost sincerety for reading until the end, I hope this search will be successful.
submitted by SIFASBowman to lostmedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:14 Silent_Swim6572 Unique Memecoin PengyOS [$290K Mcap] web3 Utility Solana hub $POS

Unique Memecoin PengyOS [$290K Mcap] web3 Utility Solana hub $POS
A unique project that offers a web3 Solana all in one hub Desktop website.
Android App is in Development for Solana mobile, nothing final but still bullish news.
Community Project, Dedicated dev and Team Volunteers which makes it so Unique.
Just look at their website and see for yourself. (
They include:
-Solana dApps
-Memes App
-Retro games emulator
-Crypto Bubbles
-DEXscreener / DEXTools
-Changeable backgrounds
-Adding/removing Apps from the desktop
Fun facts:
-Multiple Partnerships ( PaalAI , Growsol etc.)
-Community driven
-Active Team Volunteers
-YouTube / IG content edited by Team members.
-Android App in the making for Solana Mobile.
-Active game competitions to win $POS
-Youtube @ PengyOS
-IG PengyOS_meme
-X @ PengyOS_sol
-TG PengyOS
-Fair launch from pump fun
-1B Supply
-Ownership revoked
-Liquidity burned
-0% buy/sell tax
FYI: Please always do your own research, this is not any financial advice.
Personal opinion and conviction here, what this project is establishing can revolutionize the Memecoin space.
Upvote1Downvote1commentsShareShareReportUnique Memecoin PengyOS [$290K Mcap] web3 Utility Solana hub $POS
A unique project that offers a web3 Solana all in one hub Desktop website.
Android App is in Development for Solana mobile, nothing final but still bullish news.
Community Project, Dedicated dev and Team Volunteers which makes it so Unique.
Just look at their website and see for yourself. (
They include:
-Solana dApps
-Memes App
-Retro games emulator
-Crypto Bubbles
-DEXscreener / DEXTools
-Changeable backgrounds
-Adding/removing Apps from the desktop
Fun facts:
-Multiple Partnerships ( PaalAI , Growsol etc.)
-Community driven
-Active Team Volunteers
-YouTube / IG content edited by Team members.
-Android App in the making for Solana Mobile.
-Active game competitions to win $POS
-Youtube @ PengyOS
-IG PengyOS_meme
-X @ PengyOS_sol
-TG PengyOS
-Fair launch from pump fun
-1B Supply
-Ownership revoked
-Liquidity burned
-0% buy/sell tax
FYI: Please always do your own research, this is not any financial advice.
Personal opinion and conviction here, what this project is establishing can revolutionize the Memecoin space.
submitted by Silent_Swim6572 to Memecoinhub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:12 Silent_Swim6572 Unique Memecoin PengyOS [$290K Mcap] web3 Utility Solana hub $POS

Unique Memecoin PengyOS [$290K Mcap] web3 Utility Solana hub $POS
A unique project that offers a web3 Solana all in one hub Desktop website.
Android App is in Development for Solana mobile, nothing final but still bullish news.
Community Project, Dedicated dev and Team Volunteers which makes it so Unique.
Just look at their website and see for yourself. (
They include:
-Solana dApps
-Memes App
-Retro games emulator
-Crypto Bubbles
-DEXscreener / DEXTools
-Changeable backgrounds
-Adding/removing Apps from the desktop
Fun facts:
-Multiple Partnerships ( PaalAI , Growsol etc.)
-Community driven
-Active Team Volunteers
-YouTube / IG content edited by Team members.
-Android App in the making for Solana Mobile.
-Active game competitions to win $POS
-Youtube @ PengyOS
-IG PengyOS_meme
-X @ PengyOS_sol
-TG PengyOS
-Fair launch from pump fun
-1B Supply
-Ownership revoked
-Liquidity burned
-0% buy/sell tax
FYI: Please always do your own research, this is not any financial advice.
Personal opinion and conviction here, what this project is establishing can revolutionize the Memecoin space.
Upvote1Downvote1commentsShareShareReportUnique Memecoin PengyOS [$290K Mcap] web3 Utility Solana hub $POS
A unique project that offers a web3 Solana all in one hub Desktop website.
Android App is in Development for Solana mobile, nothing final but still bullish news.
Community Project, Dedicated dev and Team Volunteers which makes it so Unique.
Just look at their website and see for yourself. (
They include:
-Solana dApps
-Memes App
-Retro games emulator
-Crypto Bubbles
-DEXscreener / DEXTools
-Changeable backgrounds
-Adding/removing Apps from the desktop
Fun facts:
-Multiple Partnerships ( PaalAI , Growsol etc.)
-Community driven
-Active Team Volunteers
-YouTube / IG content edited by Team members.
-Android App in the making for Solana Mobile.
-Active game competitions to win $POS
-Youtube @ PengyOS
-IG PengyOS_meme
-X @ PengyOS_sol
-TG PengyOS
-Fair launch from pump fun
-1B Supply
-Ownership revoked
-Liquidity burned
-0% buy/sell tax
FYI: Please always do your own research, this is not any financial advice.
Personal opinion and conviction here, what this project is establishing can revolutionize the Memecoin space.
submitted by Silent_Swim6572 to memecoinmoonshots [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:11 Silent_Swim6572 Unique Memecoin PengyOS [$290K Mcap] web3 Utility Solana hub $POS

Unique Memecoin PengyOS [$290K Mcap] web3 Utility Solana hub $POS
A unique project that offers a web3 Solana all in one hub Desktop website.
Android App is in Development for Solana mobile, nothing final but still bullish news.
Community Project, Dedicated dev and Team Volunteers which makes it so Unique.
Just look at their website and see for yourself. (
They include:
-Solana dApps
-Memes App
-Retro games emulator
-Crypto Bubbles
-DEXscreener / DEXTools
-Changeable backgrounds
-Adding/removing Apps from the desktop
Fun facts:
-Multiple Partnerships ( PaalAI , Growsol etc.)
-Community driven
-Active Team Volunteers
-YouTube / IG content edited by Team members.
-Android App in the making for Solana Mobile.
-Active game competitions to win $POS
-Youtube @ PengyOS
-IG PengyOS_meme
-X @ PengyOS_sol
-TG PengyOS
-Fair launch from pump fun
-1B Supply
-Ownership revoked
-Liquidity burned
-0% buy/sell tax
FYI: Please always do your own research, this is not any financial advice.
Personal opinion and conviction here, what this project is establishing can revolutionize the Memecoin space.
submitted by Silent_Swim6572 to SolCoins [link] [comments]