Chewing ambien cr

Finally tried Immi ramen and it didn't disappoint. 310 calories, 22 grams of protein

2024.05.31 03:02 ReturnOfTheFox Finally tried Immi ramen and it didn't disappoint. 310 calories, 22 grams of protein

Finally tried Immi ramen and it didn't disappoint. 310 calories, 22 grams of protein submitted by ReturnOfTheFox to vegan1200isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:21 JuggernautConstant10 been awake for 4 days

does anyone have any advice on what to do? i’m going on day 4 of absolutely zero sleep even after taking ambien CR each night and even adding tylenol pm a few hours ago. my doctor has no idea what to do shes never had a patient who is this resistant to medication before. all i’ve been able to do for 4 days is cry and i need help doing daily tasks at this point. i have no clue what else to do.
i’ve noticed some people are quite harsh on here so i’m asking as someone who is incredibly vulnerable right now please be kind to me.
update: still no sleep. i have no one who can take me to a hospital and i can’t afford that right now anyway and especially can’t afford an ambulance. i appreciate the kind replies nonetheless.
submitted by JuggernautConstant10 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 19:30 AutoModerator Where are you on your WLS Journey?

Where are you on your WLS Journey?
Where are you on your WLS Journey, what is one thing you're excited about and one thing you're not looking forward to about this stage?
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2024.05.26 20:26 PinOk2990 Trip Report - Glacier Point to LYV to Half Dome to Clouds Rest to Glacier Point

Day 1: Illoutte Falls to Panorama trail to Nevada falls to backpackers campground in LYV on 5/23. Functional bear lockers. Two communal fire rings (collect your own wood). Day 2: Left with backpack which I left at Half Dome and JMT junction (had asked a ranger if it was okay to do). Food and toiletries in bear canister. Most other items also out of my pack which I left open so that squirrels weren't tempted to chew through. Half Dome dome around 10.00. Mild vertigo and panic attack on the steps to sub dome. Did a third of the cables up then back down. Picked up pack at JMT and reached base of Clouds Rest around 4pm. Looked around and found a camping spot with fire ring below the final scramble. Found a patch where my tent wouldn't be in path of melting snow. Then hiked up to CR (best valley & HD view) before sunset. Back at camp at 7. In tent by 8:30. Checked weather -- no rain predicted all night. Zero other people for 4 miles and 2k ft if no one was camped north of CR that night. Day 3: Woke up at 5 to frost on tent and ground. Coffee and off at 7:15. Hung out at LYV with new campers with coffee 11-12pm. Ate lunch at Nevada falls. Back out at Glacier Point by 5:30pm.
Results -- Completed (surpassed) one of my 2024 resolutions which was to camp alone. Toes are my weakest link, especially on the downhill in my hiking boots.
Gear: 45+5 Deuter SL women's backpack.
REI down+synthetic 25F bag. REI Helix pad rated 4.9R. Hung bag on the outside.
4 season 1p backpacking tent.
Mid weight top and bottom merino base layer.
800 fill down jacket with hoodie.
Rain jacket.
Light merino beanie.
Gloves (handy in the AM at CR). Borrowed grippy gloves at HD.
Sunshirt + shorts + sunhat.
(Would have gone lighter on bag + pad if only staying at LYV, and also would not have needed bear canister)
Will go back to HD with harness and after practicing overcoming fear of heights a bit more.
submitted by PinOk2990 to Yosemite [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 19:30 AutoModerator Where are you on your WLS Journey?

Where are you on your WLS Journey?
Where are you on your WLS Journey, what is one thing you're excited about and one thing you're not looking forward to about this stage?
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2024.05.23 19:30 AutoModerator Where are you on your WLS Journey?

Where are you on your WLS Journey?
Where are you on your WLS Journey, what is one thing you're excited about and one thing you're not looking forward to about this stage?
submitted by AutoModerator to wlsgroupchat [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:30 AutoModerator Where are you on your WLS Journey?

Where are you on your WLS Journey?
Where are you on your WLS Journey, what is one thing you're excited about and one thing you're not looking forward to about this stage?
submitted by AutoModerator to wlsgroupchat [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:30 AutoModerator Where are you on your WLS Journey?

Where are you on your WLS Journey?
Where are you on your WLS Journey, what is one thing you're excited about and one thing you're not looking forward to about this stage?
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2024.05.16 20:57 MaMe- All hail King Grol - Rewriting the Character, Rebalancing the Boss.

All hail King Grol - Rewriting the Character, Rebalancing the Boss.
As great and iconic as it is, LMoP is filled to the brim with forgettable and weak Bosses. I want to share with you my King Grol: an intimidating Bugbear who fancies the myth of human kings and kingdoms - their chivalry, the jousting, the mannerism - but will surely show his true colors when the players will prove to be a tough bone to chew. I hope you'll find more memorable and challenging. (In this post you'll find different statblocks options - for parties of 4, 5 and 6 adventurers)
Table of Contents.
  1. Roleplaying as the King
  2. Running the Encounter
  3. Stat-Block
  4. Fighting as the Warrior

1. Roleplaying as the King.

1.1 The brute becomes the King. In our story Grol is an old Bugbear who's personality got forged by iron, dirt and blood through countless battles. He was but a brute in his youth, charging head-first in any opponent. But that was many years ago. He survived too many battlefields to count, getting both to know and to slain powerful warriors he couldn't help but admire - their immovable spirits, their skills, their eyes burning even in the face of death. He was growing older, wiser.
Now, chivalry wasn't just a human word to him. It was a renowed concept that perfectly embodied what a warrior should've been on the battlefield. A warrior that defeats his opponents. Because killing someone doesn't make you powerful enough to take their life, but too weak to break their spirit. Only then people will follow you on the battlefield. Not because they're paid mercenaries, not because they fear your menaces - they'll follow you out of free will, because they trust they'll win at your side.
Years passes and his Cragmaw army seized the control of the Neverwinter forest, many were starting to address him as King of those places. And Grol knew the stories. Kings lived in castles - not in caves.
Thus, King Grol was born. His goblinoids could live happily in his territories, working at his castle even. Food would've been gived to all his underlings, not raw meat like the beasts' eat but properly cooked by capable goblins. Games would've been held like in coliseums of the big cities - and only treachery was not tolerated.
1.2 King Grol's Personality. As you can see Grol's POV is a bit twisted, he tries his best to impersonate what he thinks a King is - a Tyrant who's deeds are justified by the fear his underlings have and who's properties are just means to show other's your status... As such, we'll divide his persolanity in three layers.
At first, anyone would think of a just and chivalrous Warrior-King. King Grol will talk as a righteous creature, respecting the law and praising act of heroism and courage. He'll talk about his strenght and how he's not afraid of the players. He inspires trust and respect, especially when compared to the rest of the Bugbears.
On a second glance, loosing his cool may cause holes in this facade. King Grol wil stumble with his word - while keeping a deep and calm voice - he'll start looking more and more as an actor reading a script. Don't make this enough to let the player instantly-distrust him - but this sould raise some eyebrows. Once he starts acting like this, he can regain his composure if the situation goes beck in his favour and regains his composure.
In reality, Grol fears death most of anything else and will use sly tricks to kill the players. In the face of death, King Grol will drop the masquerade - starting to make some grammar errors (stereotypical golbinoi talking in common) and insulting the players. Calling them dumb, vile for attacking him, and unable to see the grandness of his kingdom - and will use all his means to make the fight the most uneven for them. Like Goblin summoned from everywhere with arrows pointed at the players.

2. Running the Encounter

The Players Arrive. Upon arriving at Cragmaw Castle, King Grol will be in his chambers talking to Vierith. Here, two human females are kept as his harem. One of wich is absolutely terrified and disgusted by the bugbear and only seeks an opportunity to escape - the other sees Grol as a necessary evil in order to still benefit of his protection from golbinoids raids to her nearby village. In this moment, King Grol has absolutely no interest in the Players and won't exit his room. He fears the SPider is using him, and his goal now is understanding what's about the Rockseeker dwarf and how worth this "map" is. In order to make sure he's getting the right amount of money from all of this.
Enter King Grol. If the players reach his room, or if a fight is going on just behind the door, King Grol will step in.
"Good day, guests." He sais, slightly annoyed but condescending. "I see you're... Having fun... Visiting my kingdom." King Grol mutters while looking at his surroundings. "But you see. A King's life is a busy one... We must arrange a meeting for another time. Understood?"
(If the players reply to provoke him, he's unfazed) "You seem no stranger to fights and combat, but you should know your limits." He looks at you, all of you. Your weapons, your armour, your stance. Then shakes his head. "I have no interest in killing you - Oh. don't look at me like that. You would die if we fight now." (Continue from here, or start here if the players accepted to arrange the meeting.) "But... You came all the way here. And you killed many of my people." He squint his eyes. "I should punish you for this, take your lives. But you seem able to fight, you picked my interest." He looks again at your gear, than at the floors and walls of the castle. "You won't die now. We're going to have a grand event - a battle - tonight, at midnight." The golbins around start muttering in excitement. "All of you, against me." He opens his arms and smiles a little. "You can rest in our chambers in the meantime, you'll partake to a banquet before the fight and eat to your heart's content - you'll die fighting with all yoour strenght, with your soult at peace." "Picked your interest?" (If they refuse, he insists to fight them at their peak. But if they insult him too much, he'll fight right away)
Midnight's Event. If the players accept, they can sleep in the castle. The golbins will escort them, they won't be ambushed or anything. They can have their Long Rest before the dinner. The food is oddly good and in striking contrast with the surrounding, some golbin will ask if they want their weapons to be polished - and will do that with good care. King Grol will punish any goblinoid who disobeys him.
King Grol will sit in front of them and dine together. "I hope you're enjoying our cares, I want you to die with no regrets... But before that. I have something to ask."
The players will then have a conversation with him, about Gundren. The mine. Even Venomfang. King Grol knows little to nothing about any of this and is eager to know what the players may have already discovered - even unintentionally revealing some minor plot points. (This is a prime situation where the second layer of his personality can kick in)
The, after King Grol is satisfied, an Hobgoblin will escort them to the arena they've arranged in the hall - skulls of fallen goblins creates a circle, with many candles around. The circle is then surrounded by lots of goblins that are cheering esthatically for their King. "The living are watching us, just like the fallen ones. Such a beautiful arena..." He seems thoughtful. "I may be old... But I remember all the strongest opponent I've slained. Make this interesting. Make us remember you."

3. Stat-Block

This section uses u/Dragnacarta absolutely incredible "CR2.0" system. A mathematical way to precisely take into account the PCs party Power Level against certain creatures's CR.
This Boss Fight is composed by one "Bloody Encounter" and one "Bruising Encounter". The Bloody Encounter has the Players against King Grol and his Dire Wolf Snarl. The Bruising Encounter starts when when Grol is weakened and uses his Lair Action su summon his Goblinoids underlings.
The Following Stats take into account parties of 4 LV3 Players.
  • 5 Players: Increase Grol's HP to 90 and increase the use of Lair Action to 2.
  • 6 Players: In addition, both his reactions allow Grol to attempt an Old Greatsword attack and increase the summoned Goblinoids by 2 each.

4. Fighting as the Warrior

King grol is an experienced warrior: Use his reactions to make him mobile and Snarl to punish the backlines and/or attack players with high AC thanks to the Dire Wolf's Pack Tactics. In any case, positioning him well on the field is the key.
Once King Grol starts using his Lair Action (aka he's losing the fight) the Goblinoids will understand the sotuation turned dire and many will run away in fear!
This encounter can be quite challenging, if the players are really about to lose think about not using the Lair Action! And if you've used that already, and the players are losing the Second Encotunter think about making Sildar Hallwinter and Daran Edermath apprear for an heroic save!
When the battle ends the ramaining Goblins will ony attempt to flee. No one will hurt the players anymore. Let them have their win, and look at the goblinoids run from them!
Bonus Round: What if Grol gets uttelry annhilated? He's sly and resourceful. Whenever the Lair initiative comes up again, he'll make EVERY goblin in the hall turn their bows at the players - and put them in front of a choice:
1. Stand still, and let the arrows slowly kill everyone. The goblins will auto-hit if they agree to stand immobile. Starting from the players with the lowest AC. 2. Fight to survive, but Gundren dies. One Goblin will threathen to slit Gundren's throat (readied action) and will stay still until the players let the arrows rain on them - as soon as one resists, the Goblin will kill Gundren with no hesitation.
If this bonus round happens, make sure the players are thorn from this decision: Option1 they die, option 2 Gundren dies.
This is a bit drastic since Gundren is almost impossible to save this way... But this will allow the players to have a VERY tense Roleplay scenario even if they were toying with Grol battle-wise.
submitted by MaMe- to LostMinesOfPhandelver [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:00 x-files-theme-song Ambien CR Onset Time vs Ambien IR

I was temporarily switched to generic Ambien CR 12.5 for a couple months but this is my first month taking it. Was previously on generic Ambien 10mg instant.
The onset time seems slower so my sleep schedule has still been out of whack. For the instants, the effects start within 10 minutes. But for the CR it seems to be more like an hour!
Does anyone know the best onset schedule I should use? Like, if I want to be asleep by 12, do I need to take it by 11? Usually for the instants, I would be asleep within 25-30 minutes (if I did everything correctly)
submitted by x-files-theme-song to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:20 SaveSatos Zoloft has stopped working. Any suggestions?

Hi all.
I have horrible OCD (along with a panic disorder w/ agoraphobia, MDD, C-PTSD, and primary insomnia). I have been taking 200mg of Zoloft for approximately two years, but recently my OCD and panic have intensified pretty drastically. I have tried more medications than I can possibly remember (literally, which is why I'm asking for suggestions). I am currently on Zoloft, Dexedrine, Pregabalin, Prazosin, Trazodone, and Ambien CR. I also get prescribed compounded Ketamine to use intranasally at home, but lately my OCD and panic have kept me from continuing to take it. I am becoming more and more terrified of everything.
I know everyone is different and I understand that even our own system changes over time and a medication that once worked no longer does. I am still grateful for any and all suggestions for medications that can help with OCD and panic!
I hope you are all well!
submitted by SaveSatos to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 19:30 AutoModerator Where are you on your WLS Journey?

Where are you on your WLS Journey?
Where are you on your WLS Journey, what is one thing you're excited about and one thing you're not looking forward to about this stage?
submitted by AutoModerator to wlsgroupchat [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:27 TwistedGlasses I went for a quick stroll and decided to visit some planets to collect genetic samples. Here are my results: 168,970,531 CR

I went for a quick stroll and decided to visit some planets to collect genetic samples. Here are my results: 168,970,531 CR submitted by TwistedGlasses to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 00:48 YuriYurei Psychiatrist doesn’t believe me

27F, I’ve been on Ambien 12.5mg for longer than I can remember. I recently relocated back to America with the following medications for my sleep: Ambien 12.5mg, Versed 7-14mg, Valium 4-8mg, and Imipranine 50mg.
I did a genetic testing before leaving the states that confirmed I’m an Ultra-Rapid metabolizer because I would constantly only get 2-4 hours of sleep on what I was on before.
The medication assortment I was on in Taiwan helped me get the first amount of rest I’ve had in years. It was great.
I’m back in the states, now I’m back on Ambien CR 12.5, Valium 5mg, Buspar 5mg. I’m on week two of running on 2 hours of sleep.
My new doctor doesn’t believe it’s possible that I’m metabolizing the medications that fast. Last night I didn’t even sleep. I feel like I’m going crazy.
I showed him my GeneSight report done by my previous mental health practitioner but he kind of blew it off.
What can I do? This always happens when I have medication issues; painkillers, sleep medication, OTC meds, anything. I’m so frustrated with no one believing me and thinking I’m just wanting to hoard controlled substances.
I just need sleep.
submitted by YuriYurei to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:52 UKModafGuy50 Pregabalin 300 - Uk based outsourced. DM me if any queries

Pregabalin 300 - Uk based outsourced. DM me if any queries submitted by UKModafGuy50 to u/UKModafGuy50 [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:30 AutoModerator Where are you on your WLS Journey?

Where are you on your WLS Journey?
Where are you on your WLS Journey, what is one thing you're excited about and one thing you're not looking forward to about this stage?
submitted by AutoModerator to wlsgroupchat [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:25 fIoofz ambien

have any of you taken ambien before? specifically ambien cr? if so did it trigger any of your pots symptoms? i’m asking because i have horrible insomnia and i’m on day 3 of no sleep and my doctor gave me ambien cr to take. i’ve had bad reactions to sleep medication before specifically trazodone which i believe caused a 3 month long flare up where i was essentially house bound. any info would be appreciated.
submitted by fIoofz to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:26 Accomplished-Egg-160 any advice would be so heavily appreciated

i’ve been having sleeping issues for the last year now i got diagnosed with insomnia about 8 months ago ive been on so many sleeping meds (hydroxyzine, trazodone, ambien,ambien cr, lunesta, and now doxepin) i’ve been going to a therapist for almost a year now and nothing at all has helped and due to my job they won’t prescribe me anything else i can’t get new doctors or therapists and i can’t get any new meds i feel so trapped and honestly have no idea what to do
submitted by Accomplished-Egg-160 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 04:00 Enderoth A 200-strong table of minor accursed inconveniences

Looking on the interwebs I couldn’t find a really good comprehensive list of curses that suited my game, so I made a list of 200. I’ve pulled some of these from other sources (such as reddit posts, youtube shorts, and so on), but the vast majority were from me going “wouldn’t it be funny if…”
Some of the curses have optional mechanical rules attached because I was asked to rule on them. Your mileage may vary (you’re obviously welcome to leave mechanical effects off altogether at your table). That said, I have a hard time believing the rogue can spot a pressure plate when the floor appears made of molten nacho cheese…
Enjoy! Hope you feel inspired and use some in your campaign or your curse tables.
Dreamfey Curses D100:
1 - All of your teeth fall out, and a tiny hand springs from your gums in each one's place. - If you cast a spell with verbal components, roll a d20. On a 5 or lower, the spell fails and is wasted.
2 - Your hair falls out and begins to rapidly regrow from your ears. - You suffer disadvantage on checks requiring hearing.
3 - You can no longer blink your eyes. - Disadvantage to vision checks.
4 - Your fingers become toes, and your toes become fingers. - Disadvantage on dexterity checks requiring fine motor control.
5 - You lay an egg, and are overwhelmed by the instinct to brood it. - If the egg hatches after 30 days, you gain a familiar. If it dies, you suffer disadvantage on charisma checks due to depression until the curse is removed.
6 - You can only speak in the scat style of song. - You are incomprehensible and cannot cast spells with verbal components.
7 - You laugh uproariously at anything sad or distressing. - Disadvantage on charisma checks in upsetting situations.
8 - You may only ingest things that are yellow. Any other color makes you violently ill. - Food and potions must be carefully considered. Water must be made yellow.
9 - Each time you laugh in real life, your character takes 1d4 damage.
10 - You believe yourself to be a spy working for the enemy, and are very bad at it.
11 - All livestock that see you want to be near you, and do their best to get as close to you as possible.
12 - You crave humanoid bones, and can only be satisfied by eating them.
13 - You cannot turn right. - Disadvantage on dexterity saving throws.
14 - You must loudly shout, "SURPRISE!" when walking through doorways.
15 - You become a pacifist. You can no longer intentionally attempt to deal lethal damage.
16 - Every time you have an even remotely romantic feeling, you become intensely nauseous. - DC 15 CON save or vomit, still look sick on success.
17 - You become intensely magnetic.
18 - You become incredibly beautiful, and must look in any mirror you encounter for at least one minute. - Advantage on seduction-based charisma checks.
19 - Every time you harm someone, even intentionally, you must apologize profusely.
20 - You cannot tell the difference between copper and gold.
21 - You may only speak in questions.
22 - You learn one random useless fact every morning, and can't stop thinking about it until you've told someone. - Automatic failure on concentration checks before disclosing fact.
23 - Your joints pop loudly whenever you move.
24 - Moths are fascinated by you.
25 - Your dreams are visible for others as small illusions above your head.
26 - Whenever anyone doubts you for any reason, you must answer with, "But I know magic!" - Disadvantage on deception checks.
27 - Whenever you hear someone utter a number under 100, you must count up to 100 from that number.
28 - When you walk through a door you forget what you were doing.
29 - Anything you drink takes on the consistency of yogurt. - DC 10 CON save each day to consume drink.
30 - All of your intentional movements are reversed--for example, attempting to move your right hand instead moves your left hand. - You automatically fail all dexterity checks and saves.
31 - You fall hopelessly in love with the next person you see, and actively pursue a long term relationship with them.
32 - You are now unfailingly polite and servile.
33 - You smell strongly of barbeque. - Disadvantage on stealth checks.
34 - You forget how to properly put on your armor, and it has a chance to simply fall off. - When hit by an attack, roll a d20. On a 1, your armor falls off.
35 - Whenever you see someone new who is not hostile, you must introduce yourself and kiss them on both cheeks.
36 - You become terrified of the sun. - Disadvantage on all checks, saves, and attack rolls when in direct sunlight.
37 - You can feel your parasitic twin attempting to assert control over your body at the worst times. - Enemies have advantage on attacks against you.
38 - You have the hiccups. Forever. - Disadvantage on concentration checks.
39 - You must shed your skin like a snake every day. - The time required for your long rest is extended by 2 hours.
40 - If you have a suggestion, you must whisper it conspiratorially to only one person and pretend you said nothing when anyone else asks.
41 - You believe you’re invisible. You're not.
42 - Every day you get bitten by a mosquito in a difficult-to-scratch place. - Disadvantage to charisma checks due to constant itching.
43 - All undead look like beautiful, pleading men and women to you.
44 - Random belongings from nearby people will occasionally fall out of your clothing in front of them.
45 - You think you can talk to animals. None of them seem to like you.
46 - You can only speak in lies, and you love telling lies. - You cannot cast a spell with verbal components.
47 - Whenever you score a critical hit, you must spend your bonus action and movement (if available) doing a victory dance.
48 - You are easily addicted to things. You deny that this is the case. - Automatically fail addiction checks.
49 - Your shadow mocks you.
50 - You feel the constant need to speak in a gravelly voice (like Batman). - Disadvantage on charisma checks.
51 - You cannot abide the sight of the opposite sex, and must avert your eyes in disgust. - You are blind with respect to humanoids of the opposite sex, and suffer disadvantage on attacks against them.
52 - All speech in Common sounds like terrified screaming to you.
53 - You are committed to forming a committed relationship with a troll, and must try to guide the group toward that objective.
54 - Your hair becomes a tangled mass of non-venomous, mostly-harmless snakes. They are not friendly to you.
55 - You believe yourself to be a were-halfling. You are not.
56 - You believe yourself to be an actor, and this campaign is an elaborate play. The audience is invisible and all around you.
57 - Nobody can remember your name, but that doesn't stop them from trying and getting it wrong.
58 - All beasts of CR 1/4 and lower are frightened of you, even your pets and livestock.
59 - You are immune to the effects of potions and poisons.
60 - You compulsively narrate your every action in a whisper.
61 - You compulsively sing, whistle, or hum a theme song that changes from situation to situation.
62 - You must now speak in the style of Randy "Macho Man" Savage.
63 - Every time you hear the word "magic," you react as if struck by the Vicious Mockery cantrip at lowest level.
64 - You become breathtakingly ugly (doesn't impact CHA). Every mirror you pass shatters loudly.
65 - You glow in the dark (dim light, 10 ft radius). You make up a different reason why whenever you’re asked.
66 - If viewed by someone using True Sight, you appear to be a mindflayer to them.
67 - You cannot eat food. Instead, each day, you must make someone cry in order to remain sated.
68 - Lightning is attracted to you, but it's shy.
69 - When crafting something, roll a d20. On a 10 or lower, you accidentally drop the item over and over when attempting to craft it.
70 - The slightest amount of intoxicant of any kind has its full effect on you (such as a thimble of beer causing drunkenness).
71 - You believe yourself to be visibly pregnant. Anyone that you complain about this to must say "Congratulations!"
72 - Your blood turns into coins as it leaves your body. Each hitpoint lost results in one silver coin falling from the wound.
73 - You must spend your first turn of combat in earnest attempting to have a dance-off against your enemy.
74 - You grow a set of vestigial gills. They are not functional. You believe they ARE functional.
75 - Your main weapon, whatever it is, begins to speak with you. It criticizes your form each time you miss an attack.
76 - You must speak like a black-hat cowboy. - Advantage to intimidation checks.
77 - All birdsong stops within 1 mile of you. Birds watch you constantly.
78 - Your sense of touch is extremely sensitive. - Advantage to sleight of hand, disadvantage to concentration checks when taking damage.
79 - You must attempt to make innuendos, or insinuate them where they do not exist. - Disadvantage to persuasion checks against decent people.
80 - A talkative flea lives in your nose. Only you can hear it.
81 - You become blurred, even to your own perception. You don't know which of the blurred images is you. - Enemies have disadvantage to attack you, you have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws and checks.
82 - You fart at inappropriate times. Whenever you are sneaking, you must roll an occasional d20 to hold the fart in. - The DC to hold this fart in is a CON save, and begins at 10, increasing by 1 each round until released.
83 - You are overwhelmed by kleptomania. You must attempt to steal something from your companions regularly.
84 - One of your companions slowly begins to find you irresistibly attractive.
85 - You grow a long, wizardly beard. Even if you shave it, it grows back within an hour.
86 - Your eyes and mouth change positions (mouths where your eyes were, an eye where your mouth was).
87 - You think if you just think a happy enough thought, you can fly. On a natural 20, you can (for one turn)!
88 - You have a crippling phobia of magic. This includes the Remove Curse spell that would cure you of this phobia.
89 - Male spiders everywhere begin trying to attract you as a mate. It's cute sometimes.
90 - You have to take ever-increasing risks to satisfy your escalating need for a thrill.
91 - You grow an extremely talkative mole on your nose. You should get that looked at. Hey, who you lookin' at?!
92 - You are compelled to challenge the occasional passerby to duels. This happens at random.
93 - You believe yourself to be actual royalty. Kneel, peasants!
94 - You cannot tell the difference between individual humanoids except temporarily, by taste.
95 - A tiny stormcloud floats two feet above you and drizzles on you constantly. Oddly, it's kind of soothing at night as long as you can block the rain.
96 - You have t-rex vision. You can only detect your enemies if they’ve moved that round or the round before. You also have advantage on attacks against lawyers.
97 - You believe you have the ability to see the future. It all seems so clear… (you don't, and it isn't).
98 - You develop the annoying habit of discussing a specific bit of cuisine any time there is a lull in conversation.
99 - You see your death in the future. All of your deaths. You are frightened of all enemies in combat until making a successful DC20 wisdom saving throw at the end of your turn, at which point you are immune to this effect for one hour.
100 - A contract falls into your lap. It promises one Wish in exchange for a child to be delivered to The Pale, courtesy of the Conclave of the Moon. There are numerous stipulations written in every conceivable language, but it seems pretty straightforward. You may immediately benefit from another Fey Curse and the advantage it conveys.
101 - Your nipples detach and begin to crawl all over your body like caterpillars. They can't be plucked off.
102 - You are terrified of the color blue.
103 - Your head turns into a donkey's head. You're capable of speech.
104 - A colony of gregarious spiders takes up residence on your face, imitating a beard. You can shake them loose whenever you like, but the colony always reappears on your face within half an hour, regardless of how many you kill or displace.
105 - Every time someone makes a joke, pun, or innuendo that you can hear, you suffer the effects of Tasha's Hideous Laughter. (DC15 to save afterward)
106 - Dandelions sprout wherever you walk as long as it's on dirt or grass.
107 - Your skin turns a violent shade of luminescent pink.
108 - You hear the song "Banana Phone" playing over and over in your mind.
109 - You always feel a bit too cold.
110 - Whenever you tell a lie, you fart loudly. - Automatically fail deception checks that involve a lie.
111 - You have drawn the attention of a miniature Genie who grants you whatever you wish for. While he generally means well, he plays a bit too loose with the creative license. Also, he gets angry if you try to stifle his creative freedom and make specific wishes (such as attempting to replicate a spell effect or a guaranteed standard outcome). He loves to try and grant wishes whenever you say, "I wish…" as well.
112 - Drinking alcohol makes you feel like you're invincible.
113 - You must now eat and digest food "in reverse." You know what I mean.
114 - You moan loudly whenever you make physical contact with another creature.
115 - Your eyes glow in the dark, and their color reflects your mood (red for anger, blue for calm, green for fear, pink for love, etc.).
116 - Large, onomatopoeic words appear and float in the air whenever you do something that makes a noise, and last a few seconds.
117 - You must end everything you say with, "Myah, see? Myah!"
118 - You must speak in pig latin.
119 - If you spend a turn yelling loudly and flexing without moving or taking any actions, bonus actions, or reactions, you may make an extra attack on the next turn with advantage. You glow brightly the entire time you're yelling in this situation.
120 - You become exceptionally greedy.
121 - If you take damage, you must use your item interaction to make sure your hair is okay on the following turn.
122 - You prefer the romantic company of bears instead of other humanoids.
123 - You have tinnitus.
124 - You absolutely REFUSE to step on cracks of any kind (mechanically, you must move only using the arrow keys).
125 - Whenever you look at someone for more than three seconds, their face appears to start melting (this is a hallucination).
126 - Any time you say a word without pronouncing the "silent" letters in it, you bite your tongue. It hurts a lot, and draws blood, which most people have no problem seeing.
127 - You speak in haiku.
128 - You can't see clothing or armor anymore. This includes your own. - Double the amount of time required to don armor.
129 - Whenever you accidentally harm an ally with an errant shot or area of effect ability or spell, you feel the power of Ryfe flow through you--you gain temporary HP equal to the damage you inflicted on your friends. This temporary HP stacks.
130 - Your thoughts are literally written on your face. In Dwarvish.
131 - Failing an ability check makes you pee, just a little.
132 - You can't see race (or gender) when looking at humanoids. Everyone looks like a white cismale human.
133 - You tip at least 50% whenever you spend money on something. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to buy!
134 - You think anyone shorter than you is a literal child.
135 - You develop male pattern baldness--full on horseshoe style.
136 - A brownie starts following you and cleaning up after you. If you fail to thank it each day by leaving it a present, it will sabotage you somehow.
137 - Any reptile or amphibian you see you think MUST be a cursed prince. One little kiss could break that curse…
138 - You develop a severe stutter. - Disadvantage on spellcasting ability checks.
139 - You must now regularly whisper, "I like you," in the ears of your companions, especially when they're sleeping and you're not.
140 - Whenever you're talking to someone, you must try to touch them at the same time, preferably their face.
141 - Whenever you see a beggar, you give them at least 5% of the money you have.
142 - Your sense of spice is reversed. Plain white bread is the spiciest thing in the world, and only exotic peppers taste bland to you. Water tastes like hot sauce.
143 - Any time you hear the word, "loot," you have an earthshaking orgasm.
144 - You are terrified of healing. Much like a child afraid of getting shots, you flee from people trying to heal you.
145 - If you swear, a silver coin falls out of your pocket (if you have any).
146 - You have a slow nosebleed. It never stops, except when you're looking straight upward or sleeping.
147 - You see dolls following you. They always seem to disappear around corners or behind objects and vanish right after you notice them.
148 - Reading gives you a vicious headache.
149 - Whenever nobody else is around to see, doors close and lock you in whatever room you're in (if it has doors that lock).
150 - Your bellybutton turns into a little mouth that screams out cheerleading slogans and hype for you at random moments.
151 - Your hands ooze delicious butter substitute. On attacks of natural 1, you fumble your weapon.
152 - Your mouth is permanently dry. Make with the lip-smacking sounds!
153 - Your character must loudly sing a "poop song" whenever you go to the bathroom in real life.
154 - Whenever someone says your name, you have a sneezing fit.
155 - You remain oblivious to clues obtained through sight or sound, and must roll investigation checks using your sense of taste instead. You don't suffer any particular disadvantage for this--enjoy synesthesia!
156 - When you're in crowds or moving through city streets or the like, random and hurtful insults are hurled at you from people you can't see.
157 - There's always a piece of broccoli stuck in your teeth. You can feel it, though you can never quite liberate it from your teeth. Everyone can see it, but you can never spot it in the mirror.
158 - Everything you put in your backpack or bag of holding gets covered in glitter. This doesn't make shopkeeps happy.
159 - If you are feminine, you grow a third breast. If you are masculine, you grow a third butt cheek.
160 - You always suggest peace as the first option to resolve any conflict. Even conflicts you start. This means if you start a fight, you must spend at least 1 action suggesting you all stop and think about just talking it out.
161 - Your finger and toenails grow at a rate of one inch per hour, and your teeth are the only thing that can cut them (or so you believe).
162 - Your feelings are delicate--you're easily offended and prone to loud bouts of crying.
163 - You are colorblind.
164 - Your clothes flutter heroically in a breeze that nobody else can feel or detect. The breeze smells strongly of hot garbage.
165 - You think about 50% of pockets are mimics.
166 - Your ears are now inside your mouth. You are deafened unless your mouth is open.
167 - Your eyebrows are always meaningfully arched.
168 - Your cheeks hang low and flap like a bloodhound's jowls.
169 - You continually emit a loud, high-pitched noise that only children under age 18 can hear.
170 - Any time you are immersed in darkness, you hear childlike laughter around you.
171 - You never wake up where you went to sleep.
172 - You think you're one of the other members of your party, selected by the GM.
173 - Every piece of food you touch turns into peppermint candy.
174 - You don't believe in the fey so hard that you literally cannot perceive them. Any effect caused by a Fey creature you rationalize to protect your disbelief.
175 - You believe you can speak with plants. They flatter you and tell you secrets (which may or may not be true).
176 - Any time you handle paper or books you get a papercut.
177 - The floor looks like molten cheese to you.
178 - You believe your imaginary friend has become real. He is not happy that you've been neglecting him all these years.
179 - You become painfully skinny.
180 - You become morbidly obese.
181 - Your nosehairs grow to be 6 inches long and constantly wiggle. Even trimmed, they regrow at the end of each long rest.
182 - Honestly, you're not sure how you're doing, but you'd love to talk about it.
183 - Whenever you critically miss an attack roll, the attack rebounds and hits you (for the lowest possible damage on the dice if applicable).
184 - A tiny purple worm dwells within your body. It harmlessly erupts from your skin to do things like eat your food, chew holes in your clothing, and scare children.
185 - You have head lice so long as you have the curse. The lice are real, and contagious.
186 - Ants begin to worship you. Each morning you see tiny cults of insects that have brought you gifts, such as crumbs of bread and bits of metal. Behold your almighty power!
187 - Every time someone says your name, you're convinced that they're propositioning you.
188 - A snail begins to chase you from somewhere in Illostere. If it ever manages to touch you, you'll die. You are fully aware of this fact.
189 - The Metacurse. If you ever make a comment that implies that you're metagaming, your gender changes. This effect is permanent. The DM makes the call on if you're metagaming or not.
190 - You are under the permanent effect of Disguise Self, appearing to look like one of your comrades, as determined by the DM.
191 - Whenever you see a rainbow, you are compelled to find the gold at the end of it. This happens every time that it rains.
192 - You believe (loudly, and to anyone who will listen) that you are the incarnation of the god that best suits your alignment and personality.
193 - You have performance anxiety.
194 - You have imposter syndrome.
195 - Every stranger you see looks like they're wearing a Nemo mask.
196 - Every stranger you see looks like Nemo wearing a stranger mask.
197 - Every time you touch a coin, it springs to life (sprouting little arms and legs, as well as eyes and a mouth) and starts singing loudly about having "Money for Nothin" while fleeing from you.
198 - Your bed--whether it be a mattress, bedroll, hammock, or otherwise--has an appetite… FOR YOU! You think your bedding is a mimic trying to eat you. (It's not, but you have trouble being convinced of that or resting).
199 - Pixies, which are normally shy creatures, suddenly find you irresistibly attractive.
200 - A dark metal coin containing one humanoid soul falls into your lap. It whispers in terror and pain at all times. Fiends cherish these coins, and may be willing to trade for them. You are able to immediately benefit from another Fey Curse and the advantage it conveys.
submitted by Enderoth to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 19:30 AutoModerator Where are you on your WLS Journey?

Where are you on your WLS Journey?
Where are you on your WLS Journey, what is one thing you're excited about and one thing you're not looking forward to about this stage?
submitted by AutoModerator to wlsgroupchat [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:15 Recluse_18 This is one of several displays at a candy store in West St. Paul, Minnesota

This is one of several displays at a candy store in West St. Paul, Minnesota submitted by Recluse_18 to candy [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:30 AutoModerator Where are you on your WLS Journey?

Where are you on your WLS Journey?
Where are you on your WLS Journey, what is one thing you're excited about and one thing you're not looking forward to about this stage?
submitted by AutoModerator to wlsgroupchat [link] [comments]