Transvan motorhome georgia

Ideas for 4 week trip

2023.12.07 01:49 ztlgolf Ideas for 4 week trip

My family and I are from Georgia and are looking to a 4 week to the southwest/west. I am stumped on where to start planning. We are wanting to some national parks and other unique adventures. Any suggestions on things to see and nice safe parks would be much appreciated. We have a motorhome with a tow vehicle so can stay at one site a few days and do day trips before moving on to the next site. Thanks in advance
submitted by ztlgolf to rvlife [link] [comments]

2023.09.27 23:03 Expensive_Spread_783 Proposing to the love of my life in Aspen Colorado.

Me (27m) and the love of my life (20m) are about to be leaving Georgia and heading to Aspen. There is where I will be proposing to him. His family and most of mine are going to meet us there as a surprise for him. We love Colorado. We go a couple times a year. We usually fly in, but since everyone is meeting us there, we have nobody to watch the dogs. So we are taking the motorhome I bought from my dad. I've truly never been so overwhelmed with happiness. To get to travel cross country in a motorhome, just me, my special boy and our pups. Then to return home engaged. We plan to stop a few places in between obviously. The hard part is going to be containing my excitement tho lol. He's truly the most amazing guy. He's so smart and mature, sexy in every way and just a down right good, sweet person inside and out. We are going to take highway 20 out of Atlanta to Birmingham, then take 22 over to Memphis where we will spend the first night, then take 40 over to Oklahoma City for night 2, then the long haul to Albuquerque for 2 nights. Then up highway 25 to Denver, then we jump over to Aspen. I'm genuinely nervous, I know he will say yes. We've already talked about marriage. But I guess the butterflies never really go away. I'll post updates as we go along if anyone cares enough to want to know. The bus is parked around front and we are gradually loading it up. We are supposed to leave Friday. The plan was to propose to him October 7th. But ive had a few set backs. Biggest being his ring. Couldn't get the one I originally wanted for him, so had to scramble to find another one. And the one I found can't be picked up until Thursday. So I guess we will see đŸ˜©. Any way, you know our route. So if you see a 45ft Prevost pulling a pink Jeep Wrangler, don't be afraid to wave at us!!!!
submitted by Expensive_Spread_783 to romance [link] [comments]

2023.09.27 03:25 Expensive_Spread_783 Proposing to the love of my life in Aspen Colorado.

Me (27m) and the love of my life (20m) are about to be leaving Georgia and heading to Aspen. There is where I will be proposing to him. His family and most of mine are going to meet us there as a surprise for him. We love Colorado. We go a couple times a year. We usually fly in, but since everyone is meeting us there, we have nobody to watch the dogs. So we are taking the motorhome I bought from my dad. I've truly never been so overwhelmed with happiness. To get to travel cross country in a motorhome, just me, my special boy and our pups. Then to return home engaged. We plan to stop a few places in between obviously. The hard part is going to be containing my excitement tho lol. He's truly the most amazing guy. He's so smart and mature, sexy in every way and just a down right good, sweet person inside and out. We are going to take highway 20 out of Atlanta to Birmingham, then take 22 over to Memphis where we will spend the first night, then take 40 over to Oklahoma City for night 2, then the long haul to Albuquerque for 2 nights. Then up highway 25 to Denver, then we jump over to Aspen. I'm genuinely nervous, I know he will say yes. We've already talked about marriage. But I guess the butterflies never really go away. I'll post updates as we go along if anyone cares enough to want to know. The bus is parked around front and we are gradually loading it up. We are supposed to leave Friday. The plan was to propose to him October 7th. But ive had a few set backs. Biggest being his ring. Couldn't get the one I originally wanted for him, so had to scramble to find another one. And the one I found can't be picked up until Thursday. So I guess we will see đŸ˜©. Any way, you know our route. So if you see a 45ft Prevost pulling a pink Jeep Wrangler, don't be afraid to wave at us!!!!
submitted by Expensive_Spread_783 to gaytravel [link] [comments]

2022.09.30 00:17 Laysan1755 Letter fo all.

Letter fo all.
Hi all! Sorry for my English, not yet perfect. And I'm certainly not a writer.
This is an open letter to the whole world. I liked the way Mr. Roger Waters wrote to Putin, I have been thinking about the same thing for a long time. Maybe Mr. Waters will read it, I looked at his notes, he says the right things.
My name is Laysan, I am from St. Petersburg, Russia, I am 40 years old. I ride a motorcycle, travel on a not young Discovery (British bravo is the best car), I have a husband, a daughter of 5 years old, two cats and many many friends.
When I get sad, I turn on the film "The Holiday", if in winter, then "Love Actually". When I do monotonous work, I launch the Friends series. Often with my husband we review “Back to the Future” and dream of driving a Delorian. or "Star Wars" I remember how my friend's parents had the entire collection of "Star Wars" and we took turns passing them on to each other. Not so interesting with the last parts). I remember how we were crazy about the Terminator as a child. At the same time, they watched all the issues with Jacques Yves Cousteau and are still grateful to him for these programs. How interesting it was for us to watch the series "Beverly Hills 90210". And "Helen and the guys" seems to have been the very first series in life, or was it "Commissioner of Catania"?)). All childhood we played Bruce Lee, and then Jackie Chan. We argued about the Blair Witch Project and half of us believed that it was true )) The film The Fifth Element is not tired of watching even now. We love all the parts of Die Hard. I remember how, secretly from my parents, I watched the movie "From Dusk Till Dawn" cool! How many times have we watched "Pulp Fiction" and how we famously repeated the dance of Uma Thurman and John Travolta. We love the movie The Dude. We gathered in a large company and watched "Fight Club". They read the Lord of the Rings excitedly and also watched it excitedly, and then enjoyed The Hobbit. We love movies with Robin Williams, and were very sad when he passed away. "Mask" with Jim Carrey, how many times I tried to repeat his dance with the police)). I have never seen a cuter movie than The Terminal, Tom Hanks is one of my favorite actors. Hugh Jackman is amazing in every movie and we love watching the scenes between Jackman and Ryan Reynolds. Leonardo DiCaprio of course. It's all over the place, Potter, Marvel Universe, Mad Max, Dogma, The Walking Dead, Twin Peaks, True Detective, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Mission Impossible, Top Gun (both parts), Resident Alien, Paul (three tits - awesome :)) we we dream of making a trip across America in a motorhome and getting to Area 51!:)).) James Bond. We argue with a friend whose Batman is better) Fast and the Furious, especially parts with Paul Walker, The Big Bang Theory, how I met your mother .... We all worried about Johnny Depp and rejoiced at his victory, but I felt sorry for all the participants, the whole world was aware. The Boys is the best show I've seen in a while. Hayao Miyazaki. True, I do not have enough time and space to list all the films and actors).
I have the Beatles on my playlist, Rammstein or Serj Tankian right there, ABBA or Jennifer Lopez on the next playlist
, when we were kids in discotheques we would jump to How much is the Fish or Bomfunk MC's and yell Zombie
Song by The Cranberries. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Muse, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Queen, Freddie Mercury are the best. I love listening to Ride of the Valkyries on my way to the gym. My favorite composer is Franz Schubert. When Michael Jackson died, we turned on his songs, sang and danced as best we could. I dream that the rock opera "Juno and Avos" will be staged on Broadway, where Hugh Jackman and Anne Hattway will play, I would look. Everyone was sad when Queen Elizabeth died, as if she were our queen.
When the September 11 attacks happened, I remember that people took to the streets, many were crying. Even now, seeing the footage of that day, everyone shrinks from horror. After the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, many people from other countries wrote to me, worrying about us. Every case of a terrorist attack anywhere in the world, responds with pain in the soul, Norway, France, Israel, India, in schools around the world. This is terrible.
What the hell is going on now? I condemn any military conflict. I never understood the dropping of a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the bombing of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Syria, etc. How easily people at the helm make decisions to cross out millions of lives, break many destinies. Studying the history of the Second World War, I thought about what the Wehrmacht soldiers thought, they really supported the ideology of fascism and did not believe it. Now the talk about nuclear weapons has begun, seriously?!? Zelensky calls to strike at Russia, you are out of your mind that you can even say such a thing. Japan where are you? You must be the first to stand up and tell the whole world, "No you can't, stop it." Or a person who received the Nobel Prize (Lech Walesa) and was the president of an entire country, declares to the whole world that the population of Russia should be reduced from 140 million to 50 million. How the hell can you say such a thing? Will he personally come to kill me or my daughter, 5 years old, babies in cribs? Or Madame Callas, says that visiting Europe by Russians is not a right, but a privilege ... And these people were or are in governments? What should I tell my daughter, for example: she loves the cartoon "Lady Bug" and dreams of seeing Paris, but I will have to answer her "I'm sorry, but several people decided that we are not worthy to visit Paris" ... I don't understand why countries former Soviet Union, they are trying to blame the USSR for everything, this country does not exist, does not exist at all. For that there are many other countries. Why dig into the past "A new door won't open until the old one closes." And why is only the USSR to blame, maybe it's time to present something to their ancestors, how did they allow this, only there is no one anymore, but there is Russia, which can be blamed for everything. When the USSR collapsed, I was 10 years old, it was hard, I remember hungry evenings, meat only on holidays, we divided the Snickers chocolate bar every six months into three and stretched it out for several days. I started working at the age of 11, at a construction site, I wore 2 bricks. Can I also blame someone for this, fold my hands and repeat this all my life?
I have been to Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey, Greece, Tunisia, Germany, Georgia. Nobody has ever said anything bad to me. And I will not believe until I personally meet someone who will say that the Russian people are bad. But now there is propaganda that Russia and Russians are bad, it's a little annoying. Looking back a few years ago, remembering what they wrote about Russia, all these scandals and so on. , I'm starting to think that this is all a strategy that will lead to the fact that the whole world has agreed that the inhabitants of Russia should not be spared? Truth? If so, which one of us is bad?
I read some newspapers in UK, France, USA etc. My God, you rarely see such nonsense.
Stop the journalists. Until now, you can meet the questions “do you really have bears in earflaps on the street and with vodka?” Seriously? Russia is very big, I can’t know about the whole country, but in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Veliky Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Tver, Cheboksary, Yoshkar-Ola and in several other cities, I have not seen such bears)) It seems to me a good journalist must first visit the country he writes about, and look with a clear eye, and not through the prism of propaganda and history during the Cold War. I always hoped that the Cold War generation would soon pass away and countries would build a new relationship. No, they have not ended and are not ending yet, they are passing the baton on. All around they talk about gender equality, the rights of LGBT people, the right of children to change sex, but at the same time they simply cross out an entire nation, close entry to their countries, sanctions. What a hypocrisy and double standards.
By the way, about the right of children to change sex, seriously? Antibiotics are sold to mankind by prescription, and small children are allowed to change sex, they will be 18 years old, do what you want.
About the sanctions, they certainly affected many. I know about the case, with my friends, they were in Turkey with their family, for the work of their father, their little daughter fell ill and she was diagnosed with cancer. Because of the sanctions, we could not help them much, send money for treatment, since it is impossible to transport a child to Russia. But they did it.
We truly loved Ikea, Apple, Netflix, Nike, etc. and many other companies. I'm sure they were forced to leave. Thanks to those who did not leave, especially those who are connected with medicine. When, in 2020, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, one of my first thoughts was “Damn, I won’t have time to watch Avatar,” but now all the rentals have been canceled altogether, well, okay, I’ll probably not watch it. I do not understand some musicians, writers, actors who pick up the wave of Russophobia. Mr. Stephen King, can I still read your books, or is it better to give someone my entire collection of your books? :( Although no, I understand that this is propaganda that has been going on for years and decades. You can’t believe everything that they show you and pass it off as the truth, what technologies are working now, you need to check everything 100 times. Although I understand that every day it’s getting harder to understand what sources to trust.
If you follow this logic, you need to close all the Germans, do not let them go anywhere, block everything, and so on. I watched a lot of Soviet films about the Second World War, but I don’t remember anywhere that the film showed the Germans as bad, yes, the Nazis, but not the German nation. And even my grandfather's brother, he was a tanker during World War II, never said anything bad about the Germans. Now he is 98 years old, I remember some fragments of his stories about the war and I don’t want to tell him what is happening now :(
And today and tomorrow I will not say anything bad about Europeans, Americans and representatives of other countries. I will teach my daughter to take a sober look at things, history, politics. I have not watched TV for 20 years, which I advise everyone. Think for yourself, don't let others think for you. And always look for whom is beneficial, this or that situation.
About Ukraine. I was in Odessa in 2010, a beautiful city, I remember that local residents did not advise going to Lviv because of relations with Russians, then I was very surprised. In 2014, the tragedy in the House of Trade Unions frightened us all. My gynecologist in St. Petersburg, fled with 2 children from the war in the Donbass. Last spring, I was in Crimea, and I asked the residents, “Did you really go to the referendum and vote for joining Russia?” And yes, I was told how people got up early in the morning and went to vote, they really wanted it, I didn’t fully believe it until I asked myself. I have a little story about Crimea, I was an excellent student at school, but until a certain moment I didn’t think that Crimea was not part of Russia, it seemed to me that after the collapse of the USSR, it remained in Russia, it turned out not. I know that this whole situation is covered in a completely different way in the media of other countries. I want to dissuade the whole world, I will sharpen that from what they write in the world media, my head is spinning.
The worst thing is how many lives have been lost, how many destinies have been broken. How many more will die? How many people had to leave their homes, run away from their homes.
Now it seems to me that the whole world wants to destroy Russia because of resources and territory, and divide it into all. Then Lech WaƂęsa just accidentally blurted out the true goals of all this Russophobia? Even if so, they won’t share it for everyone and don’t hope, there will always be a bigger fish. The US is a plug in every barrel, the EU cannot fart without them, even Turkey is afraid of something. I'm not talking about the citizens of these countries, I'm talking about the governments of the US, Europe, Turkey and other countries. We sometimes joke that Hydra from the Avengers moved to the US government and the European Parliament)) How can the president of a country that the whole world is now supposedly protecting, post photos with the Nazis, and then say “oh mistake” .. How can this president support at all, at least something to do with Nazism. And no one is defending Ukraine, only its citizens, and everyone else is just pumping weapons into it so that even more people die. And through the destruction of Ukraine, to destroy Russia.
Please listen to Thierry Bordeaux's speech in the Norwegian Parliament, better than him so far no one has told the truth.
At the beginning of the letter, I listed a small side of our life, trying to convey that we are no different, we have nothing to share, we are all residents of the same planet, with our thoughts, problems, etc. We must surf space together (Star Trek forever!), look for a cure for cancer, AIDS, cerebral palsy, study genetics, develop in all useful areas, save and respect nature, build a new world, develop trade, as this is the best and most affordable "politics" for the whole world. In the 21st century, military conflicts are just stupid. But it is stupid for us, ordinary people, but for someone it is beneficial and necessary. I have many friends among Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Tajiks, almost from all countries of the former USSR. I myself am a Tatar, I have Greeks, Turks, Mari in my family. All my childhood I lived among Russians, and among Tatars, Bashkirs, etc. It is very strange for me to hear how one nation considers another to be something worse.
Which of you was in Russia? Have you been to Saint Petersburg? Watch some good documentary about Russia. And do all of you know where Ukraine is? In short, we just want to be "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" //
I have been writing this letter for 3 days, and I can write for a long time. If at least 1 person reads and understands something good for himself, then it’s not in vain.
Peace for everyone! And a photo of little master Yoda, he is always with me in the car.
submitted by Laysan1755 to u/Laysan1755 [link] [comments]

2022.04.26 00:07 tlarson828 NC to FL Road Trip

I'm taking my 2017 991.2 to Orlando, FL next month. I made a recent trip there using I-95 in my motorhome and there were numerous areas where I made a mental note to avoid while driving my 911.
Does anyone have known-good alternate routes with smooth roads through the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida?
submitted by tlarson828 to Porsche [link] [comments]

2021.08.13 13:56 Andinio How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way Can Attain Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra: Part Six

Prior posts in this series: 1 2 3 4 5
We are way behind schedule on our motorhome tour of the Erie Canal Trail. The tweens want still another day at the Herkimer Diamond Mine. They say they were cheated because of the rain yesterday. The compromise is two more hours and then off we go. The goal is to hit Syracuse.
They both love to sketch so I suggested a focus on art for the next couple of days. Maybe we will drive backwards a bit to the Arkell Museum in Canajoharie (home of the Beach Nut company). It has paintings by Winslow Homer, George Inness, and Georgia O’Keefe. There is also a collection of art about the Mohawk River and Erie Canal. I think these kids in particular will really enjoy it. Or we can drive straight to Syracuse and take in the Erie Canal Museum. I will put it to a vote.
Back to How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way.
In addition, there are many who hate, envy, resent, slander, despise, and look down on the Lotus Sutra. The sutra says, “It will face much hostility in the world and be difficult to believe.” It also says, “Since hatred and jealousy toward this sutra abound even when the Thus Come One is in the world, how much more will this be so after his passing?” These predictions of the sutra have come about without the slightest deviation (WND-1, p. 873).
So why should we be surprised that there is a site like sgiwhistleblowers? Shakyamuni had his equivalent to whistleblowers and so did Nichiren. Why should we be surprised that criticism from WB is vituperative and unending? It is actually a confirmation of the validity and mission of SGI-USA. And we do not have to face stampediles of drunken elephants or samurai executioners.
Keep in mind that WB is empty-handed. As this series has explored, our country desperately needs "Big Ideas" and WB puts none forward besides, at best, "just do what you feel is right."
Scriptural teachings other than the Lotus Sutra...are being propagated. These are not teachings that suit the country, or that conform to the Buddha’s true intention, nor can they free us from the sufferings of birth and death (WND-1, p. 874).
Put your cards on the table, WB. What do you have to offer to free people from the sufferings of birth and death?
It has taken the SGI-USA 60 years but our "discussion meeting movement" is expanding in some 2,000 communities around the country. Some districts are thriving, full of youth, and breaking into groups. In others, like my own district, members are resiliently fighting wave after wave of karma but are heading in that very same direction.
Regardless, every district is poised to help its members be victorious over the sufferings of life and death and serve as a beacon of hope for the people of their communities.
submitted by Andinio to SGIWhistleblowersMITA [link] [comments]

2021.07.30 20:57 WarriorNysty Cars that can be purchased with Bitcoin

Tesla made plenty of headlines recently when they announced they’ve made it possible to purchase their cars with Bitcoin. But this company was not the first to offer customers payment methods in cryptocurrencies.
I have listed various other dealerships located mainly in the United States which have started accepting crypto payments as early as 2015.
Let’s see what kind of cars you can buy with bitcoin, and where:
  1. NAME: Carriage Auto Group LOCATION: Georgia, USA OFFER: Nissan, KIA, Mitsubishi, and Mazda.
ABOUT: Carriage Auto Group is located in Georgia. They are a car dealership with over 25 years of experience in selling new and used cars. They started accepting bitcoin payments in 2015. Brands such as Nissan, KIA, Mitsubishi, and Mazda are on offer.
2. NAME: Lamborghini Newport Beach LOCATION: Orange County, California OFFER: Lamborghini, Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, McLaren, Porsche, Aston Martin, Bentley, Chevrolet, Ford, Land Rover, Mercedes.
ABOUT: A Lamborghini dealer from Orange County that’s been in business since 2010. They sell new and pre-owned luxury cars. In 2017, they announced that they have started accepting bitcoin payments for their vehicles on their official Twitter feed.
3. NAME: Bitcars LOCATION: Geneva, Switzerland OFFER: Supercars, luxury cars, bikes, motorhomes, Off-roaders, Oldtimers.
ABOUT: Bitcars is a car dealership website that sells luxury cars and Oldtimers for bitcoin since 2016. Besides cars, it’s also possible to purchase bikes, motorhomes, and yachts. They made a post on Bitcointalk announcing their car dealership services in 2018.
  1. NAME: Stephen James Enfield BMW LOCATION: Enfield, London OFFER: BMW
ABOUT: Stephen James Enfield is an English car dealership that sells brand-new and used BMWs to customers in the UK. They made an official statement on their site that they also accept bitcoin payments.
5. NAME: Michael's Auto Plaza LOCATION: East Greenbush, New York OFFER: Chevrolet, Ford, Dodge, GMC, Jeep, Nissan, Ram, Subaru, etc.
ABOUT: Michael's Auto Plaza is owned by the Rubinchuk family. They have been in the business of selling used cars in the state of New York for 15 years. Bitcoiners have the option to purchase vehicles from this store with bitcoin.
6. NAME: Bob Moore Auto Group LOCATION: Oklahoma, USA OFFER: 18 different car brands.
ABOUT: The Bob Moore car dealership is located in Oklahoma. They own 15 stores in the state and sell 18 different brands of cars. In 2019, it was announced that the company will start accepting Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.
7. NAME: Classic Recreations LOCATION: Oklahoma, USA OFFER: Custom-made Mustangs.
ABOUT: This company is located in Oklahoma and specializes in recreating and restoring various Ford Mustang models. Since 2018, they have been accepting bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for their custom-built cars.
8. NAME: Post Oak Motor Cars LOCATION: Houston, Texas OFFER: Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Karma, and Bugatti.
ABOUT: Post Oak Motor Cars operates out of Houston, Texas and offers new and pre-owned Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Karma, and Bugatti luxury cars. Crypto holders are welcome to pay for their new car with bitcoin.
9. NAME: Carriage Nissan LOCATION: Gainesville, Georgia OFFER: Nissan
ABOUT: This car dealer offers new and used Nissan cars and maintenance services. Bitcoin holders have the option to pay with cryptocurrencies.
10. NAME: IDOM Inc. LOCATION: 24 stores across Japan OFFER: Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi
ABOUT: IDOM Inc. is a car dealership that specializes in the sale of used cars. In December 2017, they introduced bitcoin as a payment option for purchases up to 100 million yen, approximately $888.000. If successful, their plan is to expand and start accepting bitcoin payments in 550 subsidiary branches across the country.
11. NAME: L’Operaio LOCATION: Setagaya, Nerima, and Aoyama in Japan OFFER: Mercedes Benz, AMG, BMW, Audi, Porsche, Volkswagen, Volvo, Lamborghini, Maserati, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Bentley, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, Land Rover, Jaguar, Peugeot, Citroen
ABOUT: L’Operaio sells pre-owned luxury cars in Japan. On 1 December 2017, they added bitcoin as a means of payment. The company will accept payments up to 200 million yen in three of their branches across Japan.
There are many other individuals and sites that accept crypto, but I tried to filter out legit dealerships that have been in the car sale business many years.
submitted by WarriorNysty to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2021.06.07 04:01 not_uh_doctah New Van, New Post! Help appreciated.

Hey all, Im the new proud owner of a 1986 G30 Chevy TransVan by Champion. (Class B Motorhome) Now for something maybe reddit can help with...I cant find a manual. There are some things when cleaning up I want to see about fixing, such as the missing house battery and why the inverter isnt powering the back when its running but hooking to shore power does. Any help is greatly appreciated to get 'ole bessie' ready for a summer trip! Thank you all so much!
Edit: Pictures!
submitted by not_uh_doctah to VanLife [link] [comments]

2020.04.27 03:00 portlane Sara Smith (March 8, 1925 - April 9, 2020)

March 8, 1925 - April 9, 2020
On Thursday, April 9, 2020, our beloved Mother, Sara Frances ”Fran” Smith, passed away from heart disease at the age of 95. She was born in March 8, 1925 in Bleckley County, Georgia.
After graduating from high school, she enrolled in nurses training in Macon, Georgia and received her nursing certificate.
Fran met and married her husband Bob Smith, a Marine pilot, in 1947. She chose to be a stay at home mom after the birth of her children.
After being stationed in several locations around the country, they moved to Garden Grove, California in 1961, where they lived for over 53 years.
In the 1960s, Fran got re-certified in nursing, and returned to work part time.
In retirement, she and Bob enjoyed traveling the country in their motorhome. Her delights were family and gardening.
Recently relocating to Vancouver, Washington to be near her son, Fran and her children enjoyed a final road trip together.
Fran is survived by her two children, Sandy (Russ) Elsner and Doug (Judy); 3 stepgrandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren; and several cherished nieces and nephews.
Fran and her dearest Bob will be interred together at a later time at Willamette National Cemetery.
Please sign her guest book @
submitted by portlane to deadpeoplepdx [link] [comments]

2019.02.20 04:34 SnowflakeHoops Chevy Transvan help!

Hi everyone! I’m currently scouting out my first van to convert to a camper and found a beautiful Chevy Transvan for sale. It’s a 1983 Chevy G30 dually chassis body with motorhome built in. I adore the way it looks, engine is solid (350) everything looks really clean (engine - wise) hardly any rust. Needs a lot of help cosmetically but that’s a project I’m excited to tackle. The seller is asking for $2800 (I plan to try and negotiate to $2000). I’m headed back tomorrow to test drive it and see how it feels, but I’m concerned because apparently it failed the 15 mph idle test. I don’t want to wind up with a lemon I’ll never be able to drive. If anyone has any advice working on this vehicle I would really appreciate it. :)
submitted by SnowflakeHoops to vandwellers [link] [comments]

2018.08.14 14:53 worldfinancialdata Capital Goods Stocks Blue Bird Corporation

The Blue Bird Corporation (originally known as the Blue Bird Body Company) is an American bus manufacturer headquartered in Fort Valley, Georgia. Best known for as a manufacturer of school buses, the company has also manufactured a wide variety of other bus types, including transit buses, motorhomes, and specialty vehicles such as mobile libraries and mobile police command centers. Currently, Blue Bird concentrates its product lineup on school and activity buses and specialty vehicle derivatives.[4] After company founder A.L. Luce produced a steel-panel school bus in his auto dealership in 1927
#Nasdaq #CapitalGoodsStocks #BlueBird #Symbol #StockExchange
submitted by worldfinancialdata to u/worldfinancialdata [link] [comments]

2018.07.28 18:28 stealthvan When losing interest in Vandwelling

travelling is fun and exciting, the freedom of it, also financially benefiting.
When being stuck in a place with nothing though gets old quickly. After 2.8 years i just began to notice that walking back to motorhome it did not feel the same.
I did a few DIY chores and improved things, but a boredom crept in. I think its the repetitive cycle: wake, shower, cook, work, study/research, buy food, get water, rest. I am 20 countries into my travels and after living in Greece for nearly a year i noticed the change coming. Then Turkey and Georgia it became clearer. On thing i do love is getting the folding bicycle ready , attaching the GPS and exploring new places. I like chatting to the occasional person, and catching up with my girlfriend, whom i miss alot is very rewarding.
There is something though in Vandwelling where sometimes you are going to go through a lull and there are going to be testing periods where you got to get through it.
I want to head in the winter to India and a bit further before i stop. This is just to ask, how people over-come a specific type of boredom.
submitted by stealthvan to vandwellers [link] [comments]

2018.07.20 03:23 Cauterized Drew And Mike – July 19, 2018

submitted by Cauterized to drewmikepodcast [link] [comments]

2018.07.19 08:34 codedeals 100 Shopping Brands Teach You Save as Much as You Can

100 Shopping Brands Teach You Save as Much as You Can
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2016.01.19 18:09 jdroth How critical is it to winterize my motorhome?

I'm in the middle of cross-country RV trip. After six months on the road, my girlfriend and I stopped for six months in Savannah, Georgia (where we rented a condo). We plan to resume our trip in April.
We didn't do anything to winterize our rig (a 29-foot class C Bigfoot) before putting it in outside storage. I may have drained the freshwater tank, although neither of us can remember for sure. In general, temperatures around here don't drop below freezing. In general. But for the past few days, they've dropped into the upper 20s at night. (Tonight the low is supposed to reach 26.)
My question, I guess, is: Am I fucked? I'd drive out to take a look at the motorhome, but my girlfriend has our toad during the day because she's working. The RV is an hour away.
Or is a little bit of freezing weather no big deal?
submitted by jdroth to GoRVing [link] [comments]

2014.01.20 19:21 cali2014h Please help me with an issue about a parent, dementia, refusal to stop driving, power of attorney, and her upcoming marriage. Thank you.

I live in the southeastern part of the USA, in Georgia.
I feel as if I'm in a big mess.
Where to begin? I've tried to make my question (one of many posts I guess) short and concise.
I've never used reddit before, but I just read that Bill Murray did Saturday, so I can try it too!
Okay, where do I begin?
I have epilepsy and no job and I'm trying to get my seizures under control. I live 4 hours away from my mother.
4 years ago, she overdosed on vodka and Xanax and messed up her memory and speaking skills. Since then, she has been arrested for DUI drugs/alcohol.
She had a married alcoholic boyfriend to whom she gave money to, including enough for him to buy a motorhome. She also took out a mortgage on her paid for house, and owes about $30,000 on it, and she just bought a car that she owes about $25,000 on.
So, after her married boyfriend got the motorhome, he ended the relationship. He was younger than her by 10 years, as she is 65.
Now, she has a 75 year old man who wants to marry her and has moved in with her, and this happened within the last 3 months. During this time, she has declined in health and had an accident while driving. When her car was fixed, the same day that it was picked up, her new 75 year old soon to be husband, crashed her car.
I have received phone calls from her friends and from police officers telling me that she walks around the neighborhood and is unable to speak.
I do have power of attorney, and a quitclaim deed to the house.
When I talk to her calmly on the phone, she has memory issues, and stutters, but she gets angry and is very contrary.
She has about $2600 a month in retirement and social security (my father passed away) and she has a car payment of about $250 a month.
She fights me on everything.
Where do I begin?
I don't have money for an attorney.
She doesn't need to drive.
How do I get the car away from her legally?
What about this new man? He wanted to marry her this past Friday, but he didn't have his recently deceased wife's death certificate. On Sunday, my mother asked her pastor to marry them, and he refused. He called me and advised that my mother needs help.
What do I do? Where do I start?
When I am around her, she upsets me and it triggers my seizures.
There is so much more to say. She was an abusive parent and it's not like she was a loving and caring mother. But at the same time, I do not want her to kill someone driving.
I do NOT want this man to live in my late father's house, a house that he worked 16 hour days to pay for, or for this man to use my late father's pension or social security.
Should I just get a ride home and move back in for awhile and get her medical help or into an assisted living home?
My mother wants to marry this guy that is 75 years old that she has only known for 3 months. Of course, she fought me about giving money to her prior boyfriend who was married.
She had affairs while my father was living, and she has always been contrary and fights and screams just to cause trouble.
I know that for a normal reader, who has a normal loving family, perhaps this seems unreal and crazy.
I need help.
I've been getting calls from city police officers, a trooper, my mother's friend, and neighbors, saying that she has dementia (her friend took her to a doctor) and that she is out of control and needs help.
I can't stand my mother but I don't want her to kill someone and I don't want some guy living in the house my father worked for.
So there, please, can someone at least point me in the right direction please? Thank you.
submitted by cali2014h to legaladvice [link] [comments]