Quotes for facebook statuses

Where everyone is a quantum scientist...

2013.10.20 11:26 tilnewstuff Where everyone is a quantum scientist...

For only the very smartest braggarts.

2014.06.08 13:04 born_here Saved You a Click: Helping Rid the Internet of Clickbait

Don't click on that, we already did. Fighting clickbait for better journalism.

2010.03.15 04:20 DiskoVilante roy's reddit


2024.06.01 13:03 SporksOrDie Edward Snowden Never Stopped Working for the CIA

Edward Snowden has been blasted at us by the Media, News, TV, Movies, and probably over 100 interviews. But when was the last time you saw him photographed in Russian media? Well, I can tell you, 2014.
Since the end of the failed Russian Reset, and after invading Ukraine in 2014, Edward Snowden has NEVER been seen inside Russia.
You’ll hear about some stories you are fed to believe. The John Oliver interview is convincing, but you never see him outside. What you also likely didn’t know is HBO and nearly his entire crew (if not all) knew NOTHING about the Edward Snowden interview until John Oliver came back with the recordings. Souce
Tucker Carlson is the newest shill in the Edward Snowden coverup. He swears that he met with Edward Snowden, in a Moscow hotel, in 2024. But Edward Snowden was so shy, he didn’t want his picture taken. And wants privacy… But he has 0 issues doing talk shows every week. CIA probably gave him this so Tuck could crap on the deep state a little bit.
Here’s a quote Edward Snowden wrote before becoming a “whistleblower”.
“Years later, when characterizing his experience as a CIA TISO, Snowden would write that he was ‘specially selected by [CIA’s] Executive Leadership Team for [a] high-visibility assignment’ that ‘required exceptionally wide responsibility.’ Souce
This started with Obama and the Russian Reset. In 2013, Russian and USA relations were not as strained as they are today. During that time, Russian media frequently posted pictures of Edward Snowden, like this one: . However, since 2014, these sightings have disappeared. It’s been a decade since Edward Snowden was seen outside in Russia.
Have you ever wondered how Edward Snowden is paying for living in Russia? Do you really think Russia would pay for some helpdesk employee to tweet for a decade and not be used by Russian Propaganda? He supposedly have to give back his $4m book advance, but we know that’s theater.
It has come to light recently that the CIA withheld information from Trump. Even Jack Smith presented the court with altered documents than what the defense provided. Here is a recent quote from a tweet from a undercover reporter: Source
Amjad Fseisi, is caught on undercover cameras implicating the highest levels of the intelligence agencies, including “The executive staff. We’re talking about the director and his subordinates,” former CIA Directors “Gina Haspel….And I believe Mike Pompeo did the same thing too,” “kept information from him [Trump] because we knew he’d fucking disclose it.” Amjad reasons “There are certain people that would…give him a high-level overview but never give him any details. You know why? Because he’ll leak those details…He’s a Russian asset. He’s owned by the fucking Russians.”
If the CIA is willing to lie about Edward Snowden, they likely provided Trump with fake intelligence that they know he would leak. I bet you the low detail intel briefs with lots of pictures and graphs was just a psyop against Trump to avoid him leaking material. And the stuff he did leak I bet was manipulated by our own government against a sitting president. But at least the CIA hasn't assassinated any more US presidents recently.
Have you ever seen a “whistleblower” do more talk shows than Edward Snowden? They even made a movie about him in a few years. The media is treating Edward Snowden very differently than any other whistleblower in the intelligence community.
I don’t believe we’ve had a real intelligence whistleblower in a long time. Edward Snowden is just trying to misdirect us. There might be aliens, but i would not take the word of an ex CIA agent about that.\
CIA did not expect Russia to go so off the rails so quickly, so you won’t see him in Russian media ever again until he decides he wants to answer questions in USA, like a real whistleblower would do like that hero in Australia exposing war crimes.
What are the true motives behind his tweets and interviews? Does the CIA want to secretly help make our private data more secure? /s
submitted by SporksOrDie to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:54 QueasyStorage637 Looking for novel

Hi I just came across a novel, chosen by the moon novel by izabella W. Its on pay by chapter websites, I've opened and read a few chapters but I can't seem to find any free version or chapter version anywhere. Please help. If anyone has read it I'm willing to take spoilers. Here's the advert I found below of it on Facebook.
Lycanthrope species is a disgusting race. And I, Delan Riley, am nothing more than a human scum in their eyes never expected those species would turn my world upside down. Since when the lycans managed to penetrate our town, like in the early 1900's we have a hierarchy, upper class = the lycans, middle class = mated humans, and lower class = the normal humans, who were basically considered scum. I endured their torment day after day, vowing to run away from them one day, until that day came and everything changed.
Dylan POV "Humans," I scowled at the principal's words from tannoy. "The Alpha twins will be celebrating their birthday tomorrow, as such, festivities are in order." Oh great, the Alphas twin children. Adrian and Arya are the worst lycans alive. I swear just because they are the alphas kids they literally get away with everything. If their birthday is tomorrow, then the wolves are going to be worse than ever. "All students will be present to greet them, two lines will be made, with humans on the left and the lycanthrope on the right. Any mated human will be at the front of the line for their year, you will all also be in order of your school year. That is all." Chat broke out the minute the tannoy was finished. "We haven't had a school gathering since the alpha king visited three years ago, before his sons coronation." Nick was right, the last time we all gathered like that was for the king and queens visit, when he decided to let the world know that he was to renounce his title to his only child, son Josh. "That sick bestard, he wants to make sure everyone is there so those idiot twins can find their mates." Yes I was mad, my fists connected with the table in front of me once more as I thought about how disgusting the situation was. You see the twins will be turning 17, so it's very possible someone in our school could be their mate, finding a mate is sacred to a wolf, the minute they say that one word your fate is sealed. They will turn your mind, morph you into being a lover of their kind, and then you'll give in.

That won't happen to me, I'm growing old to see the world as it once was, and I'm going to choose who I'll be with. No one will take that dream away from me.

Once dinner was finished, I just wanted to sleep. I'd had a very long tiring day, I quickly sat down on a small stool my mother kept in the storage closet and removed my shirt while my brother Freddy sat at the table to do his simple homework. It wasn't long before my mother came in with a large bowl of warm salt water and some cotton, this was going to sting I just knew it. She was here to help me with the wounds caused by wolves yesterday. She slowly began to unwrap the bandage from around my torso and slowed down drastically when it came to the final layer, I felt it peel off every wound and my fists clenched in pain. "Jesus!" I heard my mom exclaim once the dressing was completely removed. The air on my back was nice though and I sighed as my arm covered my once again exposed brests. "This is more than 15!" I began to hear sniffles coming from her and sighed turning round to look at her face, only to notice tears streaming down it. "Mom I'm fine, it's alright." She shook her head. "It's not alright, I'm your mother I shouldn't let these things happen. I'm so sorry. Your father would have..." here she goes again. Every single time something happened she'd always bring up dad, it really annoyed me because no matter how much we all wish he was here, he just isn't. My father was kiled by THEIR kind, almost 5 years ago when they actually managed to take over. When the lycans managed to penetrate our town my father rose up with some people from the neighborhood, to defend our livelihood, it was futile to say the least. We lost many people and I watched as my dad was ripped apart by two fully shifted wolves, I ended up shoting him to stop his suffering before they dragged me to the courtyard, i was the person to receive the first lashing of the town when I was 12! The wolves have been pretty strict with me since that day. "Stop being stvpid!" Was I harsh? Definitely! Did she need to hear it again, absolutely. "Dad is dead, we don't know what he'd do because he never knew this life. He never knew this world." I know what he'd have done, most likely attacked the guy who held the whip and got himself kiled in the process. "The best thing you can do for me, is stop crying and help me, next time don't insist on helping if you can't handle it." She began to wash my open wounds with the warm salt water causing loud winces to leave me, I knew it was necessary to prevent infection, but my god it hurt like a betch. "Some of these are really deep Dylan!" She sniffed again and my eyes rolled in my head. "I told you, I'm fine, just wrap me back up so I can get to bed." My mom was obviously more impacted by my injuries than I was, I suppose that always the case though. When it's happening to you, you've just got to get through it but when it's happening to someone you love, you just want to take their pain away. She quickly placed a fresh bandage around my waist and chest and wrapped it tightly for compression. The bowl of water that was used was now red in color, I guess from the blood my back was dripping with. "Can you keep your head down please? At least just this week. You can't take any more lashings." I simply nodded before standing up away from the stool, I walked over to Freddie and ruffled his hair in affection. "Good night squirt." He giggled and fixed his hair slightly. "Night Dilly." I smiled walking upstairs to my little bedroom, as soon as I was inside i shut the door and flopped down on to my bed on my stomach and I took a minute to cry to myself at the pain in my back, what my mom did was important but it hurt, not that I'd ever tell her. My hand covered my mouth quickly to muffle any noise I might be making. I couldn't tell anyone, I had to be strong because more and more people were crumpling these days, and my mom would break if she knew how much I was suffering. Sleep followed me shortly after, she was right though about me needing to keep my head down for the time being, I could not take another lashing! After a long night and an even longer morning, we were all finally stood in the hallway at school waiting for the twins to arrive. "Mine!" Everyone that was stood in the hallway tensed up, as we were seniors, me and Nick were stood towards the very back of the human line. All the mated people were situated directly opposite their wolf mates in their years. We stayed silent and still as Arya walked down the hall and stopped directly in front of Nick. His eyes widened in fear, unsure of wether to look up or keep his head lowered. "Look me in the eye, mate." He glanced at me slightly as if asking what he should do. "I said, look me in the eye." He slowly moved his eye line up to look at her face. I took a glance myself to see her eyes pitch black with lust. "I... can't... I mean... erm." Before he was able to mutter anything else, two wolves from opposite, grabbed him out of the line and dragged him behind Arya. "Hey!" My head shot up before I could stop myself. My mouth also forgot its place as I jumped out of line. Everyone's head shot to me as my eyes widened in realization at what I'd done. Adrian, the other twin, walked up to me before punching me right in the stomach, I doubled over instantly. Feeling the sting in my slightly healed back. "I know you... You were publicly flogged only two days ago." God I hate this guy. "I also have it on good authority, that you openly spoke out against our rules and regulations in yesterday's class." My head shot down the line slightly to see Erin, looking a little frightened, her mate, the beta to be was looking at her, nodding his head in reassurance. "You traitor, you grassed on your own kind?" I yelled at her before feeling a fist connect with my cheek. My head whipped to the side from the force, while my class members gasped. I'm so done with this treatment, right then, I wasn't in charge of my actions. My fists curled up and my stance became a lot more defensive. My head snapped up to the alpha to be, and I looked him in the eye. "You don't know the meaning of the word disrespect." I suddenly hurled my fist towards his head, which he easily dodged, but my foot came up and kicked him instead. He stumbled backwards from the force with wide eyes. "You... you Actually hit me!" He didn't even sound annoyed, more shocked. Everyone in the hallway was watching, waiting for the alpha to do something but instead he simply stood up straight, regaining his composure. "I think everyone should get back to class." He began to walk away, following his sister when I called him back. "What about Nick?!" "Simple, He's my sisters mate. He now belongs to her." Argh, he's not an object. "He's not her property." A chuckle left his mouth, before turning his back to me again. "All humans are property." A short while later everyone made it to science class, our teacher Mrs Mathews is mated to the lycans pack doctor, she also now has a four and two year old with him. She was one of the first humans to be cohered into a false relationship. "What were you thinking young lady?" I rolled my head at her before looking at the empty seat next to mine. Nick was with that stvpid wolf girl right now. Being changed, I'm so angry it's ridiculous. "I was thinking, this guy is being a prick. Did you hear him? 'All humans are property.' It's bull shet." I looked up and the whole class looked at me like I had three heads. Talking shet about wolves is one thing, but talking about an alpha is punishable by death, attacking an alpha is an even worse offense. There was then a knock at the door and in walked Erin and her band of mated bestards. "Sorry we're late Mrs." "Erin, how are things between you and bata Monroe?" She blushed, the traitor actually blushed at the mention of his name. "He spoke to me last night about trying for a baby. We need a good strong boy to take over as beta." I scoffed looking at her as she took her seat. "You guys are actually pathetic, why can't it be a girl? Those mutts are basically Neanderthals" I voiced my opinion and saw all the shocked faces around me. Calling the lycans mutts, is the same as them calling us scum. After lesson had ended the entire school was called into the hall for assembly. This is where any human who has been found to have broken the rules were punished, usually 10 lashings were goven out or something similar. "Welcome to the school assembly, congratulations to the alpha twins for finding both your mates. Now on to the business at hand, as the 5 year anniversary of the new world is coming up, we have been informed that the alpha king will be visiting our district next week, this is very exciting news. We want you all to look your absolute best, she wolves and mated females will wear exemplary dresses made by seamstress. Male wolves and mated men will wear tailored suits. Anyone who doesn't comply will be reprimanded." The Alpha King?! No one has met him yet, he took over the throne three years ago when he turned 18. He really didn't make any appearances though, great, this month is going to be a nightmare. "As for the humans, you will be given a new uniform to wear for the visit, these are to be neatly ironed and worn to the highest standard. As for the following humans, based on your attitude this past week, you will be coming to the front and facing punishment. Tony summerset?!" Tony's head shot up as he looked around, he was in the year below but he shared my views when it came to the lycans. He slowly walked up to the front of assembly, almost instantly his top was t0rn in two and he received 10 lashings. A girl named Kara was next and she too received 10 lashings. A few more people went up slowly accepting their fate then suddenly my name was called. "Dylan Riley." Inside I was terrified but I simply shrugged my shoulders, I guess I did kind of expect this. Although I'm not sure if my back can take any more damage. "You attacked an alpha, correct!" His eyes bored into mine as I bowed my head submitting to his authority. "Technically, no." Everyone in the school gym looked on in fear, as my head moved to the front row of the wolf side. Adrian sat, with a werewolf girl in the year below, her name was Jana, I guess he found his mate. Nick and Arya were no where to be seen though. Adrian gave me a shrug as if to say he didn't tell, before smirking at my comment. "He hasn't officially taken the alpha title yet, so he's just..." i looked at the principle and noticed his eyes black and his claws out, he was in what lycans call a half shift, triggered when the subject has become angered. He turned to two security wolves and gave them a nod, Almost immediately i was forced onto my knees, my arm was slammed on a table and held in place by one wolf, while my body was held in place by the other. "Ok, I don't think this is needed, I have alpha blood, a stvpid human girl can't hurt me." My head snapped to Adrian who had stood up in front of the school to stop what was happening. "Nevertheless, humans need to know their place." With that the pressure on my arm increased as our principals hand pulled my sleeve up before a long claw punctured my skin. The searing pain shoting from the fresh wound had my eyes scrunched and my fist clenched, I bit the inside of my cheek hard instantly tasting blood, however no sound left my mouth. He continued to write, using my skin as a canvas and his claws as a marker, it went on forever, my vision blurred slightly at one point as I turned my head away. After minutes of torture, he was done and the pressure on my arm eased, instantly I snatched my arm away, hissing through my teeth at the pain. I was about to scurry off stage, when I was roughly grabbed yet again, my arm being held in the air by the principal while my feet were inches off the floor, blood dripped from the wound and the pattern he had made was on show for everyone to see. Loads of people gasped, even the wolves looked slightly horrified at what had happened. "This is what happens when a human decides to speak out. I can promise, anyone who so much as says one word about our way of life, will have the same punishment." My arm was starting to seriously ache from being held in the air for so long, and the lack of blood flow to my suspended arm was causing me pins and needles, still I refused to make a sound. I held the tears back and I bit my cheek harder causing more blood to fill my mouth. "That's enough Bradley!" Adrian growled, he was still stood up and looking at the scene in front of him. His eyes hard as he stared at the principal a low warning growl erupted from his chest which had the head teacher gulping, he quickly let go of my arm causing me to crash to the floor. A small cry left my mouth as I hit the hard floor. Immediately I scrambled away, my foot just missed the high step leading to the stage and I fell, waiting for the impact of the ground, but it never came. Two strong arms wrapped around me catching my weak body causing me to look up, my eyes widened as I noticed Adrian had caught my falling form. "This isn't part of the human punishment program!" Adrian growled causing me to tense in his grip, I pushed him away from me before fixing my uniform top. The room was deadly silent, taking in the scene in front of them, while I stole a glance at my forearm. Carved into my skin by his devastating claws were two words, words that would most definitely scar my body for life. 'Human scum' "Lessons must be learned, she received lashing merely two days ago, and clearly it had no effect on her." Another growl left Adrian's chest as he stepped on to the stage, I wasn't bothered though, you would think I'd be ashamed but I simply smiled slightly. I fixed my sleeve a little so it wouldn't rub on the fresh wound before speaking. "It doesn't matter," the whole room looked at me shocked by my attitude. "I would rather be labeled human scum, than have any resemblance to your kind. I'm proud of what I am, how many of you can say that?" After my amazing little speech, I walked right down the middle between the humans and lycans and out the door. No more compliance, I'm going to get away with as much as I can without getting into too much bother. There will come a day when the lycans power will fizzle out. When it does I'll be ready, I'll be waiting for the day we take our world back. As for the best part about my plan...

No one can stop me.

"Ouch, not so hard." I seethed as the school nurse cleaned my new wound with antiseptic. "If you had of just kept your mouth shut, this wouldn't have happened." I turned to my right looking out the window at the few clouds that were floating in the blue sky. "Like I said, I'm proud to be human, and now everyone knows what I am." I clenched my fist together as the nurse began wrapping a bandage around my forearm. It had been a good few hours since the incident in the hall, and I had been forced to come to the nurces office after I had tried to clean my wound by splashing it with water from the tap, it also refused to stop bleeding. "You are impossible. Can you please just try and stay out of trouble? For one day, that's all I ask." Our school nurse is a wolf, she's one of them. However she hates the way they treat us mere humans, she thinks we should all just live in peace with equal rights. Like that would ever happen. "All I've done is stay out of trouble, but you are just going to humiliate me anyway, so what's the actual point?" "The pack were discussing a public execution, Dylan. You need to walk on egg shells from now on, not just for you but for your family as well." No ones been publicly executed in over 4 months, I'm flattered they're considering it. They only execute people who they believe are the biggest problems to society. "Well then... I'm flattered." I chuckled, before looking at the patch job. 'Huh, not too shabby.' I quickly stood up from the human nursing station and pulled the sleeve of my shirt down covering the evidence of ever being hurt. "This is serious!" I just gave her a blank look before leaving the room. On the way out I heard her call back to me. "Please just think about it." I gave a clipped nod as I walked away wondering how I'm going to tell my mom about this. Later in the evening... "Dilly why you say that?" Freddie looked up at me with a mouth full of bread. "Don't speak with your mouthful!" My mom scolded him as a bashful blush made its way to his cheeks. "Sowwy mommy." His reply was muffled as he swallowed the last chunk of food. "I said it Freddie, because it's the truth. The wolf race are a pathetic excuse for..." my mom cut me off with an extremely stern look. "Dylan! They have ears everywhere, one more word out of you and it's your room." I scowled, my hatred for the Lycan kind growing stronger as each day passes. "What more can they do to me, lash me? Beat me? Brand me? They've ran out of options." I stated slamming my hands down, then severely regretting it as sharp pain shot though my wound. "What was that?" My head shot to regard my mothers worried expression. Her eyebrows were raised and her eyes were dull and judging as she looked at me. "Nothing, it was nothing." I quickly took my plate in my hand and began to walk to the kitchen. "I'm not really hungry, and I have homework to do!" My mom caught hold of my forearm causing me to drop my plate suddenly, I watched it slowly fall before shattering on the floor. I retracted my arm quickly and turned to Freddie. "Stay there and don't move until it's cleaned up ok sport?" He just nodded with wide eyes, I turned back to my mom and noticed her curious stare on my arm. Her grip shifted to the other side as she turned it around before pulling my sleeve up. The bandage was showing and a bit of blood was seeping though after the wound had been disturbed. "What the hel happened?" My moms eyes widened as she began to fumble with the bandage. Before she could unravel any of it I snatched my arm away. "I had an accident at school. No big." I began to gather the large pieces of the broken plate up ready to put them in the bin. "What did you do Dylan?" She looked at me with pure worry and only then did I realize what the wound must look like to someone who didn't know. "For gods sake! I didn't do it to myself! I got publicly punished at the assembly alright? It's no big deal." Her face dropped instantly and she stepped towards me, causing me to step backwards. "Mom, I'm ok. So back off will you." "What did you do? I've never known them to cut someone's arm as a punishment." Her shock and accusation was evident in her voice and I sighed heavily. "I spoke against the alphas son." I may have hit him too, but I wasn't going to divulge that part to her. "It's not one big cut, mom, it's a brand, 'human scum' carved onto my arm." "They've branded you now too?!" My eyes rolled at her hurt tone as I went to get the dustpan and brush. "You're so much like your father." A sigh left her mouth as she spoke, running a hand through her hair, while I quickly swept up the little pieces of the broken plate. "You've had a new uniform delivered. It's laid out on your bed. Dylan, Please just try and stay respectful in the future, I don't want my daughter to be completely mutilated. Although you're not far off." "Gee, Thanks." I then walked over to my little brother Freddy before blowing a kiss into his neck and hearing him giggle. "So sport, how's school going?" "It's ok." He shrugged before going back to coloring a dinosaur picture in. "Well that's good, stay out of trouble, ok little man?" Heading upstairs and into my room, my thoughts wandered to the permanent graffiti scar very slowly healing on my arm. Disgusting beasts. Think they own the world because they're faster, stronger and can shift. Pah. If you ask me they are not all that.

The second I walked into my room my mouth dropped open. On my bed was some grey pants laid out neatly, which wasn't the surprising part, no, what shocked me was the grey high neck no sleeved button down shirt, every single set of uniform had sleeves except this one. They've done this on purpose those, mutts. They want the world to see my arm and know what a disgusting creature I am. They want the world to know that I, Dylan Riley, am nothing more than 'human scum'.

During the last week, I've been horrible, in class I've been loud in voicing my views, I've insulted at least everyone to some degree, I didn't care about the consequences, and I certainly didn't think about them. I haven't seen Nick at all since he was claimed, and to make matters worse today was the royal visit. Oh yes, werewolves and mated humans alike were spending every waking minute preparing themselves to meet his royal majesty, king of the wolves. Unclaimed Humans however would rather stick pins in their eyes. "Dylan, get down now... you're going to be late." She was right, I was dawdling this morning, I really couldn't be bothered today, I gave myself one last look in the small mirror and sighed when my eyes met my newly uncovered brand. It had bad bruising around the letters, and was still extremely tender to touch, it was definitely healing now though. I made my way down the stairs and came face to face with my mother who was seeing to Freddie, she was helping my brother get his coat on when she turned to me. "You ready sport?" Freddie nodded his little head at me and smiled while I quickly slid my shoes on. "Just Remember, the alpha is bad enough, Dylan, please, please don't do anything to anger the king." My mother stopped us from walking out the door to tell me something she had been telling me continuously for the last couple of days, it was almost as if the entire human population of our district was expecting me to do something stvpid. "Try and have a good day." I rolled my eyes but nodded, even I know not to push the king, he could kil me in the hallway like it was nothing. In fact I plan on staying out of his way for the entirety of the day. "We will see you tonight mom." I stated before me and my brother began our walk to school, his little hand clutched my own tightly as we went. Usually Nick would be with us, as he lives next door, well he used to, now he's residing in the main pack house. I quickly dropped Freddie off at his school and watched him get the wolfsbane neutralizer before walking into him building giving me a small wave before he went in. With my new scar on complete show, and my figure being complimented by the skin tight shirt I was wearing, I sauntered down the street to school, I gave my name and year in and took the wolf's bane neutralizer injection with no problems at all. It was finally getting into school that the problem occurred. Walking through the halls I was met by many looks, some of pity some of disgust. You see every single non mated human in the school was wearing a long sleeved version of the uniform I was given. All the Wolves and mated couples were scattered around in fancy floor length dresses or tailored suits. As I turned the corner I noticed a couple, now this couple happened to catch my eye the most out of all of them because it consisted of Arya and Nick, eating each other's faces off. "What the hel!" Nicks head shot to me as his eyes widened. He too was dressed in a tailored suit, a navy blue tie hung on his neck to match Aryas dress. Why was this happening all the time? It's always my friends that get completely brain washed. I shook my head in disbelief before turning my back on him. I heard his fast footsteps behind me as I rounded the corner. "Dylan?!" He ran right in front of me, stopping me in my tracks, making me drop my bag off my shoulder and almost causing me to bump into him. "Let me just explain..." "Has she marked you?" I mean you could almost see it in his eyes, she had marked him, and knowing the way life goes he's probably even mated with her. "Actually... Don't even answer that." I aggressively picked my bag up off of the floor and stormed off down the hall. "Dylan, just listen to me, Erin was right, it's so hard to resist your soulmate, and Arya is actually ok once you get to know her." I just kept walking, he caught up to me walking beside me but it didn't matter, I completely ignored everything and everyone. 'I'm so not in the mood today' getting into class was good though, I said hello to Mr Foley and took my usual seat. Nick sighed then took his bag off ready to sit next to me, but I snapped before he had the chance. "Traitors and mated idiots sit on that side of the room." I didn't look him in the eye as I pointed to a seat right at the front of the classroom on the opposite side. His eyes widened as he turned his attention back to me. "You can't be serious Dylan." I gave him a blank look before grabbing my book out of my backpack, I placed it on the desk then began to write the date on the top line. "I've sat in this seat for as long as I can remember." I ignored him, his voice sounded sad and shocked. "Dylan? Wait! What is that?!" Before I could react Nick had grabbed hold of my branded arm and turned it to see the letters. "Oh my God! What happened?" I snatched my arm away from him and shrugged as I continued to write in my book before grabbing my water bottle out of my bag. "The principal happened, it was my punishment for speaking out against Adrian and Arya. I wear it with pride." He just held a complete look of disbelief. "You spoke out against them?" I shrugged, what did he think I'd do. "It's no secret that I despise this stvpid new world and the mutts that control it. You were my friend, I wasn't going to let them just take you without saying something, although that is exactly what you seem to have done. Enjoy the view from your new seat!" "Don't be like that, Dylan, I'm your best friend, I'm sorry about your arm, but..." my eyes rolled inside my head at my friends words. "Anything with the word 'but' in, isn't an apology, it's a rationalization." I took a drink of water from my bottle and kept my eyes facing forward, ignoring his every attempt to try and talk to me. "Dylan?.. Dylan?... Do you know what? Erin is right, if you push us all away you won't have any friends left." He huffed before walking over to the empty seat and sitting down, I could feel him glancing up at me every now and again but I didn't respond. "Good morning class, please settle down." He looked at me then at Nick and frowned, we've never sat apart, we were friends before the new world even began. I just shook my head telling him to forget it. "So... as you know the king will be arriving in a short while, but until then lessons will go on as normal." Its funny seeing teachers in the same uniform your wearing, mr Foley and his wife are the coolest. Human teachers and doctors only have slightly more respect than we do. Because of Mr Foley's status him and his wife have better access to food and drink, Mrs Foley is cool, sometimes she even makes sure mr Foley brings some in for me. Ya know, coz I'm their favorite student. It's not in a weird way, it's just they were friends of the family before the new wold took effect. Mr Foley and my dad were buddies from high school, so it goes without sayin really. "All the mated humans will be at the front of each years line again, after that you will all be placed in status, Nick, as your mated to Alpha Arya, you'll be at the front of your line. Dylan as you have been branded..." his voice trailed off as he looked at me. "Yeah yeah, I'll be at the back of the line behind everyone. I get it." I huffed, moving my sight towards the window once more. "I am sorry." I turned to face Mr Foley again, he looked genuinely upset and that look of pity wasn't something I wanted to see. I gave him a clipped nod then turned away again. "Anyway, on to the subject matter, 'Of Mice and Men, page 64, Nick why don't you start us off with the reading."

"Of course sir." Nick began reading the book but I switched off, today is going to be a long day. After almost an hour and a half of reading comprehension, the bell chimed signaling lunch. I shot up and out of the classroom before anyone could say anything. Today, I was avoiding drama like the plague.

I wandered the corridors straight to the lunch hall. All the people I would normally hang out with we're all mated so I grabbed my lunch quickly, and sat down at the end of the human table. Let me lay the lunch hall out for you. On one side of the room you have two long rows of tables, with simple benches that make it look like prison, on the other side of the room you have multiple round tables with fancy chairs. Yup you get it. The humans sit at the prison tables and the wolves and traitors sit on the fancy tables, they get fancy food, fancy drink and most importantly they get pudding. what I would give to have some pudding. "Dylan can we just talk?" Nick quickly took the spot next to me as he set his lunch tray down. I looked at his food which had been placed on a ceramic, circular white plate. God that looked good. I sighed knowing he was going to talk anyway. "Fine, you have two minutes." I used my fork to take a bit of pasta off his plate and shoved it into my mouth. God that was good. "After I left school, I was taken to the pack house with Arya, and I really got to know her. It took a few days for me to finally accept being with her, but ever since life has been ok, and the sax... well that's a whole other story." Eww, I didn't need that mental image in my head. "I'm glad your happy." I stated before deciding I had no appetite. His face held shock before he sighed in relief. "That means a lot Dylan, I mean you know that your opinion matters to me." I cut him off before he could say anything else. "I said I was glad your happy. I didn't say I approved of what you've done. You've basically turned into one of THEM, I can't ever forgive you for that." He looked hurt, but I couldn't care less about his feelings. He placed his hand gently on my arm and went to open his mouth when a growl sounded out. All heads whipped to where it came from, Arya was stood holding a glass of soda and a plate, she was looking right at me and Nick and I would totally be dead if looks could kil. Nick quickly retracted his hand, his whole face fell and you could see sorrow flood his irises. "You sit with me now, get away from that, that... scum!" Wow, Nick was such a lucky guy. NOT. "You heard her. Get away from me, go sit with your new friends. I'm happy for you, and I understand where your coming from, but don't come up to me again and pretend you didn't betray your own kind. Don't pretend you didn't betray me." I shoved a little bit of food into my mouth before standing up and walking out of the cafeteria, leaving my tray on the table. I was walking through the hallway to the classroom, you see I decided to spend lunch with Mr Foley in his room, when I happened to hear voices in the corridor. "Is it wise for her to actually be present when the king arrives? Surely she could be placed in the dungeons, it might actually teach her some respect?" My principal was speaking to the alpha of our district, huh, if I stayed and listened do you think they'd notice, maybe they could smell me?! "Everyone is to be present, if the Riley girl does one thing out of line she will be dealt with severely, child or not. That girl has been a blight to the district since day one, she's dangerous, if she puts one hair out of place I will personally break her into submission." Oh shet, they were talking about me specifically, and they mentioned the dungeon, that's not been used in months. Normally I would have listened in more but something about the entire situation didn't sit right with me, all of a sudden, I was on edge, and simply wasn't interested in the slightest in hearing how my misery was to be enhanced. I backed up slightly before turning around and bumping head first into one of the hottest man I had ever seen. I lost my balance immediately and fell straight on to the floor letting out a small grumble in the process. His eyebrows knitted together quickly and his breath hitched in his throat as he looked upon my fallen state and gasped. "Mate!" He whispered, his eyes fixated on mine. Now, I had seen and heard that many times to know what that means, I gasped before taking a step back. 'No, no, no, no, no. This can not be happening.' He growled slightly before stepping towards me. Oh Shet!
submitted by QueasyStorage637 to romancenovels [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:30 Ultra243 ⤵️ Community daily tasks 1/6/24

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2024.06.01 12:27 Ultra243 ⤵️ Community daily tasks 1/6/24

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2024.06.01 12:06 BrodyBlue65 About the “Eiffelites” Facebook page

So as some of you may or may not know, I was the creator of the Eiffelites fan page on Facebook that started back in 2013. There hasn’t been an update for a while and I feel you all have the right to know why..
So, my original Facebook account, that I used to create the page, was hacked into a few years ago. My passwords were changed and Facebook support did nothing about it. By the time I was able to get through to someone it was too late.. the hackers deleted my account.
Therefore, I have no access to the Facebook page at all and cannot update it on my current account as Facebook doesn’t recognise me as the owner.
So the Facebook page is dead, basically…
However, all is not lost, as I am planning on bringing it back sometime soon. This time on another platform. I’m thinking maybe Discord as I’m extremely active there.
Anyways, I hope that answers your questions about the status of the Eiffelites Facebook page. I still have access to the YouTube channel though but am planning to start fresh.
If you’re interested, let me know.
submitted by BrodyBlue65 to Eiffel65 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:46 subconscioussunflowa Lol this is why I don't open my message requests

Lol this is why I don't open my message requests
I haven't opened my requests on FB for a couple years but this is one of the more quirky ones I received.... for added context I have 10 year old white people locks down to my butt (not a haircut lol) and don't live anywhere remotely close to Jacksonville so I have no idea how my profile ended up on his radar.
submitted by subconscioussunflowa to boysarequirky [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:36 BeigeBroughtMeHere A Redincy of Ls

A Redincy of Ls submitted by BeigeBroughtMeHere to thefighterandthekid [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:37 Substantial-Cream-93 [TOMT]Can’t remember what movie or tv show this quote is from

[TOMT] Quote from movie or TV show, not sure
I ran into an old Facebook status today that I made 14 years ago and have no idea where I got it from. A lot of my old statuses were quotes from movies or TV shows, especially reality TV.
Here’s the quote:
The reason why I call you collect is cause it's gon' take more than a few quarters to express how I feel about you, baby.
What is this from? Lol
submitted by Substantial-Cream-93 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:00 DC_Legend1 Truecaller Gold MOD APK (Gold Unlocked) v14.7.6

Name Truecaller: Caller ID & Block
Publisher Truecaller
Genre Communication
Size 78.41 MB
Version 14.7.6
MOD Premium Unlocked
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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  • Premium / Paid features unlocked [included server-side features not unlocked];
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  • Google Drive Cloud works;
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  • Release by Balatan.
Truecaller Premium APK
In the current era where spam calls and messages are becoming more prevalent, Truecaller has proven to be a valuable tool for mobile users. Truecaller is a comprehensive Android application that offers a robust Caller ID, Dialer, and Spam Detector. By using this application, you can shield yourself from unwanted calls and scammers while also identifying unfamiliar phone numbers. This article will delve into the various features of Truecaller that have contributed to its status as one of the most sought-after Android applications globally.
submitted by DC_Legend1 to u/DC_Legend1 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:44 WorikWorikson My (so far) negative experience with Ruslana Medieval Wardrobe

TL;DR at the bottom.
Greetings. So, you may or may not have heard of Ruslana Medieval Wardrobe. It is an online shop which specializes on offering medieval arms and armor, clothing, accessoires etc. for reenactment and everything related to it. And at first sight they seem to be a trustworthy seller due to their website and strong social media presence where they advertise many of their products regularly.
Unfortunately, as good as they may appear, I'm very disappointed with their customer service. I can't comment on the quality of the product that I have ordered, since I'm still waiting for it, which now goes hand in hand with my issue.
I try to keep it short, but I ordered a piece of clothing back at the end of February of 2024. I paid upfront. Their website stated that it would take 30-40 days for it to be finished, but I know that this was an estimation, so I'll cut them some slack there.
At the beginning of April I sent them a message via Facebook (the site where they operate the most by the looks of it) and asked on the status of my order. They responded fairly quickly and told me they were finishing it up and would send me pictures the following week.
I waited a week and nothing happened. Then another week. Still nothing.
Near the end of April I wrote them again in a more "disappointed" tone and yet they still didn't respond to me.
Throughout May I tried to get in touch with them via Email, Facebook and Instagram. I have yet to receive a response to any of my attempts. Interestingly enough they read my message on IG, so I can safely assume that someone is actually reading through the messages of customers. And as I previously mentioned, they are very active on these platforms so it's strange to me that they are purposefully ignoring me. (I get that the people who run the social media accounts are mostly responsible for advertisement and not customer service, but still, they could atleast redirect such messages to the ones responsible, right?)
As of today, the first of June, I have not received any message, response or answer to any of my inquiries, which I consider highly unprofessional.
So that is why I made this post. Because I kinda wanted to vent and rant, but also to warn other people to perhaps not order from them for the time being.
TL;DR: I ordered a piece of clothing of said website, paid upfront, and now they won't respond to my inquiries regarding it's status, nor send it to me. And this post serves as rant/warning to others who perhaps intend on ordering from them.
Either way, I will update this post if I ever get a response, or god willing, my ordered item.
submitted by WorikWorikson to ArmsandArmor [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:17 Katib-At-Tajjid My story (reposted with updates)

Hello, and assalaamu alaikum all,
I am Damon Stengel. I am posting my story because it will have a significant impact and it will help many who are doubting or hidden ex-Ahmadis among both born and convert Ahmadis.
I am a former convert to Ahmadiyya and I was very passionate in Tabligh. I want to share with you all my story.
I was once a very fanatical and fundamentalist Ahmadi. I would call ex and doubting Ahmadis cowards and munafiqs for speaking out against Jammat. All that changed with the past years. This is the story of my secret ex-conversion. This is the story of how I reclaimed my true self once more:
After I joined the Jammat in my late teens, I was excited. I felt I finally found the truth I've been searching for all my life. I was getting, what I thought were frequent true dreams. I frequently read books so I can debate and refute opponents.
Gradually, and growing older, I slowly ran into a problem: There were some references that seemed to go against Mirza Sahib and it was causing me to doubt. I convinced myself that I can find answers for these allegations because it is true, some objections to Jammat are complete lies (not realizing at the time not all are lies).
I increased my reading of literature, but some of the doctrines of Jammat seemed to conflict with the doctrines of traditional Islam like the seal of Prophethood. Reading Aik Ghalati Ka Azala seemed to clear up my confusion but it began to turn into cognitive dissonance.
I nearly left Jammat in 2019 because I began to embrace my more skeptical side again, but it took a phone call by my mentor to stay with the simple words: "Did Huzoor ever lie once?"
with no Nida audio at the time, I had to say "No.", And then, I had a revival of blind faith, diving deeply into religious fundamentalism of the Ahmadi kind. I was ready to by way of Majazi (pun intended) to throw hands with anyone that spoke out against Jammat or those who are hidden ex Ahmadis. I fed lies to myself that I did find the truth, it was just me hanging out in the company of skeptics so I chose to hang out with fundies on Twitter.
Because I felt this was the truth. These was the lies I constantly told myself. I told myself I am the Prodigal Ahmadi convert and man, did I take Tabligh to the extreme just like Razi does. I can definitely see why some of you may have thought I was a Jammat plant sent after ex Ahmadis
I remember I made a really long article years ago saying converts already explored the world and therefore they're better than ex Ahmadis because they went into the world whereas converts were already in the world, but found the "truth".
How wrong I was! Because as I grew in more knowledge of Ahmadi literature, I also began reading a lot of secular and non-Ahmadi Islamic literature as well.
I consistently found the stuff I've read to not match up with the teachings of Jammat or that there were so many contradictions, I couldn't answer allegations. Part of it was because I didn't know Urdu, and my Arabic was sloppy.
So I began gradually learning Urdu and improving my Arabic. After becoming married, my Urdu improved a lot. a family member from my in laws gave me a hand in pronunciation of Urdu letters and words. I would say Ghora (horse) was the most difficult but I can just barely do it slightly better than a born Ahmadi raised here in American. I picked up on basic Urdu really quick. So it helped me with reading some literature.
I improved my Arabic as well. That's when I realized Jammat was purposely mistranslating some passages such as Haqiqatul Wahi on Majazi prophethood.
Once I asked Razi why we don't have a good translation on a Quranic verse and the Arabic says differently, and he indirectly called me arrogant and accused me of knowing Arabic better than Huzoor so I chose to keep quiet. I started questioning again later
When a Bhai came out to me as an ex Ahmadi, I ran to Razi. Razi told me to cut him off and I did. I continued in my religious fundamentalist phase and then I cut out all the ex Ahmadis in obedience to Jammat saying to not hang out with them.
And I would delete my social media and then come back with new account and make articles refuting allegations. Yet, deep down, that cognitive dissonance I mentioned earlier continued to increase. I studied logic and fallacies to try to help myself, and i slowly realized Ahmadi arguments are ridiculous and Razi is very manipulative in his Tabligh.
Then, Mohammad Abr Razack showed me a different side to Muslim Dawah and he seemed like a very decent man, even if I may not have agreed with him on everything. same with talking with Sohail Ahmed, Reason On Faith, his mannerisms definitely resembled that of an Ahmadi Muslim, socially.
I continue and continued. The homeopathy and other social media controversies rocked my faith as Kashif Bhai can attest. whenever Kashif Bhai would confront me on these things, I would avoid.
when I first started seeing Kashif Bhais posts on homeopathy, I chose to ignore it. but then I saw the backlash of the fundamentalist Ahmadis. I tried to reason with one in that they shouldn't be harsh with Kashif Bhai but I got rebuffed and accused of being a coward and so I chose to retreat and not participate.
wasn't really until a year later, I somewhat got a bit more vocal about my fundamentalism on homeopathy but even then I wasn't directly confrontational. only that me and Kashif Bhai butted heads a lot in DMs, and that's when he told me some stories of his treatment by some figures in Jammat. I chose to ignore at the time.
still, I got married and I had my kid. After another bout on social media, I took a year long break.
I left to focus on family but also because my identity crisis was at an all time high, and my own behaviors were causing problems in my marriage. There was also a point i thought of suicide because I had two conflicting realities and identities (Ahmadi-fused me vs. the real me) in my head. I eventually started seeing a therapist for unaddressed childhood trauma and that changed everything about my perspective on life. I learned new techniques to manage emotions and my relationships.
I returned to social media with newfound empathy for others and I intended to be the perfect Ahmadi. That's when I approached a couple ex Ahmadi brothers I used to talk to before they left and patched things up. I even patched things with Bashir Shah (even if I still don't always agree with his approach).
Little did I know, it would be the end of me being Ahmadi.
When I saw Craig Considine's post about pro Palestinian protesters and accusing them of BS rhetoric, I got mad and so did a buddy of mine from Texas. He published a blog against Craig and I posted it to social media. That's how Craig was able to get a hold of it.
He disassociated himself from Ahmadis and many tried to reason with him and others called him out. I fought with a buddy of mine who kept blindly defending Craig because "Huzoor loves him" (that Muslun guy I had an exchange with today lmao; i called him Batalvi Sahib haha for his religious fanaticism).
Slowly, I realized Huzoor may be misguided.
I spoke with my old ex Ahmadi friend more and more and I spoke with his cousin as well. Both of them I looked up to as role models in my early years of Ahmadiyyat (and I still see them as such) and was sad to hear both of them leaving but with my newfound empathy of seeing good in others from therapy, I knew they both are still great people.
What made me disown Qadiani Khilafat was after reading the Shahatul-Quran or testimony of the holy Quran by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. It presented a very different picture of Khilafat and he said it's eternal and will last until the day of Judgement. That contradicts Jammat doctrine of him declaring prophethood in 1901 and then , contradicts the supposed doctrine from the Wassiyat that Khilafat will be established after his demise.
I told my friend about it and he told me to look at the Lahori versions of Correction of an error and the will. I saw for myself the numerous references where Mirza sahib did not claim prophethood but only by way of metaphor. He was a saint claimant. Nothing more and that it was Khalifatul Masih II that invented the doctrine that his father was a prophet
I began questioning why we say "alayhi salaam" after the title of promised Messiah, as if he's on the same rank as previous prophets before Rasulullah (saw).
Knowing this as well as previous controversies regarding the 200 million Ahmadis thing in 2001, and then reading the Khilafah nabuwwah minhaj Hadith in depth (which Qadianis use to promote their propaganda), I knew their Khilafat was false.
Then, I finally had the courage to look up the transcript of Masroor's call with Nida Sahiba and I was disgusted. I've read the entire script of that call. Having studied psychology and psychiatry on and off for years, I remember there was a part of the transcript I've read in both English and Urdu where Huzoor told his niece that she should've screamed when one of the people she was accusing raped her.
She thoroughly debunked Huzoor and said that therapists say that everyone has a different trauma response and her trauma response was freezing. Which is true because adrenaline is our evolutionary survival instinct. It is either fight or flight. Many rape victims freeze for safety reasons lest they escalate the situation further. I felt that was very ignorant of Huzoor to say those messed up things to her, and I was happy I disowned the Caliphate because so many convert brothers went up to me to ask about it for years, and I gave unsatisfactory answers or made up excuses. Now I know the truth.
let me make it clear: Some have countered that Nida couldn't prove her case to the courts. however, I would refer them to articles that say we need to change the way courts view rape victims: https://www.uml.edu/news/stories/2019/sexual_assault_research.aspx
"Morabito says more resources, public education and policies that encourage prosecutors to bring cases to trial are needed, although it may take time to change public opinion.
“Maybe if more of these cases were tried, we’d break down those myths and see more of what sexual assault cases really involve,” she says."
I continued to believe in Mirza sahib but held the Lahori position, but I began to question his claim itself. I read about the fabrication of Daru-Qutni and I realized it's actually technically a dishonor to orthodox Islam to quote a fabrication that disrespects the scholars who proved fake Hadiths are not to be used.
my two ex Ahmadi friends continued to share with me their skepticisms in order to show me the falsehood of Mirza sahib. When one of them showed me proof that the red drops revelation happened in a bathroom, I without question, disowned Mirza sahib as well.
I felt relief. As if a heavy weight and burden was lifted off my shoulders after nearly 10 years. The whole reason I was Ahmadi for so long was due to my ego. I didn't want to admit I was duped. I didn't want to admit I converted out of youthful naivety.
when I first started meeting with the Ahmadis, my gut instinct when I originally hung out with the Ahmadis was to read all of Mirza Sahib's literature and then make a decision, but a Murabbi told me if I keep waiting, I'll go to hell. So I made the decision in haste and did bait. Never did I admit this in any of my stories
I've always had a skeptical side of me and I embrace it fully now. this is why my conversion to non-denominational Islam isn't really complete either because I have no intentions in trading one religious dogma for another. I have chosen to embrace my old agnostic atheism once more.
actually, these views of mine were always such for years. unconsciously, I was always an agnostic, but I just chose to not consciously acknowledge it. yet, I'm free at last, my story is very similar to many other ex Ahmadis and doubting/questioning Ahmadis in here.
I'm gonna tell you guys straight up, my soul left jammat a long time ago. I only just admitted it to myself a few weeks ago, and I embraced the true me.
I realized in a sense (even though it was my own choice and free will out of a false passion) that Jammat indirectly used me for their propaganda. I wanted to imitate Razi and be in the same league as him, and damn straight, I sure am in the same league as them from both the perspectives of Ahmadis and those who disagree with them.
Many ex and more open-minded Ahmadis (such as Kashif Bhai) called (indirectly) me ignorant of the facts, naive, head-in-sand, and a product of religious indoctrination. I realized how right they are. I fell for the same cult vibe just as the one I grew up in-Pentecostal Christianity.
Now, the very person that was heavy against ex-Ahmadis and questioning Ahmadis online for years and said he's better than them, has found the truth, is now himself, an ex-Ahmadi because he grew in emotional intelligence and empathy for others.
It's ironic. Both convert Ahmadis and ex Ahmadis have so much in common in regards to opposition. I, out of all people should've understood the most of why ex and doubting Ahmadis think the way they do. But now I truly understand.
Viewing myself as the "Savior and Prodigal Convert Ahmadi" for people who doubt and it was definitely taxing on my mental health. It was just pure ego. Nothing more.
I thought I could "save" other Ahmadis, but I couldn't even "save" myself.
Except I saved myself from religious indoctrination and possible insanity
You can lose friends and family n stuff, but if you lose yourself, that's the worst feeling ever. Ngl
These are my views summarized:
In essence, my views are very similar to my views from before entering the Jammat, in that, I believed all religions had the same amount of gods, same amount of prophets and same amount of books, as if God(s) were in a competition with Him/themselves.
That's my view on this world again, and if anything, history has repeatedly shown religious dogma causes stagnation in communities. openness to other views and perspective and intermixing is key, and I just dislike how Jammat and the nizam say we need to get back to "the core teachings" or "don't worry about what others are doing. focus on yourself and your connection to Allah and Khilafat.", this completely ignores the reality of the problems in Jammat like the rape scandals, rampant and judgemental Desi culture of excessive gossip and defaming, stagnation in the education of its members (being the former Nizam Taleem of MKA Baltimore), most converts leaving after converting because they found no love in the social structure of Jammat or it's too dogmatic, no one is enthusiastic about Tabligh or Taleem, Jammat encourages calling people and "being their friend", but people see through the B.S. behind that. Jammat has grown stagnant and refuses to hold themselves accountable for fear of a ruined reputation despite the fact this philosophy ruins their reputation further. it sounds to me as if Jammat is like an insecure narcissistic man who never takes responsibility for his wrongs and always blames the other person.
Ameer Sahib always lectures the people of Jammat in the Jalsas of how sad he is about the bad tarbiyyat of Ahmadis or those not joining the Wassiyat scheme (and I speak as a former Moosi, so no one can lecture me here), but he only presents himself as someone judgemental and not someone that speaks with humility. it seems it's just another speech about low turnout. maybe instead of lecturing everyone, might be better to reform the institution from ground up? perhaps Musleh Maud's system no longer works in this era. or that it needs great reforms to better progress the community. there is too much of a social hierarchy in this institution and it's filled with those who have no real understanding of the struggles of Ahmadi youth.
don't get me started on the Noah's ark rhetoric and how Jammat presents it. Everytime I would ever read that book or listen to excerpts in speeches or zoom calls, I'd feel guilty and like a peace of trash. especially with Masroor Sahib saying a nuclear war is upon us soon. I feel this is a cult because more chanda is being demanded. more guilt tripping is being made to gaslight members into blindly following. I saw a child cry in their parent's arms upon hearing what Masroor Sahib said about "World War III is here." why would you expose a child to that??? that's terrible mental torture and I felt bad for them.
That's all I got for now.
Everything else has been explained here:
Damon Stengel, The Ex-Ahmadi Convert
submitted by Katib-At-Tajjid to islam_ahmadiyya [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:03 SnooPeripherals63 Unsure if we're getting scammed in multiple ways from slumlord? Unsure how to proceed before the 1st (US-CA) - Riverside County

Hello, good afternoon.
All the relevant details are listed below, but my main questions are:
1) what moves should I make before losing "tenants rights" tomorrow?
2) if the landlord agrees to immediately end a lease due to a bug infesteststion - but forces us to wait to have our deposit/ prorated rent returned - what happens if we don't immediately return the key until they pay us back after the 1st of the month?
3) Do I need to send a demand letter to them to formally ask for the rent and deposit back? (Already made a verbal agreement).
4) Will recordings I took of the conversation be useable at all?
Thank you all in advance! We could really use any help, guidance, or insights that can be offered right now.
Slumlord situation summary.
Landlord never disclosed an active roach infestation in the room before renting it to us.
Multiple generations of roaches seen in the rental unit within 10 minutes of inspecting room
During the first roach report, landlord seemed shocked and blamed the surrounding businesses for the roaches…. Offered to treat the room with bug powder.
During second roach report, landlord offered to treat the room with bug powder (again).
During second roach report, the landlord was told that the room was uninhabitable due to the severe roach infestation.
Landlord said that her daughter had a major roach infestation in the rental unit only two months ago…Said that she killed some roaches outside the home only a couple days earlier. Landlord agreed to our request of being released from our lease immediately + returning any money that we put towards the room ($400 deposit and $550 days in prorated rent)
Landlord said that they will return our money that following Saturday (May 25th)…they would return it that same night if they could, but they spent the money and need to wait for the husband to get paid to return it.
Landlord got agitated during the conversation while cooking and started raising her voice and eventually making speaking gestures with a large cooking knife in our direction…after the payment date was set, this suddenly ended the conversation with the landlord.
In a seperate conversation with the other landlord (husband), he would only agree to give us back $850 initially since two days passed since we signed the lease.
The landlord (husband) ultimately agrees to repay our $900 that Saturday at 8 or 9pm as his wife suggested and we all understood that that was the pay date.
By the time Saturday rolls around, the landlord (wife) blocks Us on Facebook - the main form of communication to the landlord previously.
The only way we figure out to contact landlord now is by finding and using her cell phone info from the first zelle transaction.
The landlord doesn't message us first to further arrange the payment that day (May 25th).
After we message the landlord, she tells us that she can't pay us back because “they haven't rented out the room yet”...even though the first reason for the delayed payment was due to her husband's paycheck instead.
Tells us that they have potential renters lined up for the room the following day (Sunday) and they can pay us back then hopefully.
The landlords never message us on Sunday regarding the status of the new tenants and our repayment.
The landlords message us days later to report accepting a new tenant to our room…they accepted a $250 deposit (instead of $400) and that the new tenants will move in on the 6th of June.
They offer $250 and offer to pay the remaining $650 on the 6th of june (instead of May 25th as originally discussed)
We never slept a single night in the home.
We never moved a single item into the home.
We never accepted to wait to receive our money back, but we had no other choice but to wait for the landlords to receive their paycheck.
Our room was entered and our bathroom was being used by the landlords family days after we already signed our lease.
Landlord said that it's not their problem that we might be homeless while waiting for her to return our rent money…showed no empathy whatsoever.
We still have the keys
submitted by SnooPeripherals63 to Tenant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:58 Turbulent_Egg_8670 PayPal g&s scam - refund and repay G&S to another account?

I can't tell if this is some elaborate scam or not. Can anyone provide some insight? Here are the full details: - buying item off Facebook group. Guy wants paypal GS payment. - I try sending to the email he provided, I get an error. - he instead sends me a money request from a different email/name. When asked, says it's his wife's account since the other wasn't working. - I accept the request with goods and services selected and my info shipping input. - he then refunds me the amount (got an email confirmation, you have a refund, will take a few days to appear on your CC statement, etc.). Then says - "she refunded as she will be going to Australia for her sister's wedding by sunday" no clue what this even is supposed to mean. - he sends another request from a different account and says "I've told my eldest daughter to request the same. Pay using G&S".
I am at a loss on this... it smells rotten but I don't know. I got the refund email that the money has been refunded, nd I see that refund on my PayPal account... but is there some scam here I'm missing, or is this just some weird ass situation?
Should I still pay for the next one with G&S? Is there some potential scam happening?
Any insight is appreciated
Also to note - I checked my PayPal, I see the refund in my activity for the full amount. For the status, "refund started and sent to card" are both green and the last step is it processing to my card I paid with.
submitted by Turbulent_Egg_8670 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:04 Firefly_DDSC My changes if I was making this game

So we all know there already about to drop the new season and its gonna be all stars I'm soghing right now cause we can all predict this so these are my changes and what I would do with this season and the overall game.
  1. To have the option for a boy and a girl and more than two different body type and for one skin color not have more definition than a darker one (yeah I'm talking to you season 8)
  2. To have more hair options and have at least 8 of them be FREE cause why is only one SHORT hairstyle free in season 7 and only two in season 9 mor black hairstyles of different types of hair cause I want more options since I am black and I atleast want one to be free and more fun straight hairstyles
  3. For more different styles of clothing almost like the did in season 4 and somewhat 5 where you can have y2k or glam or goth or street style cottage core that type of stuff have at least 5 outfits for free in each different style
  4. More tattoo choices that are free or atleast don't cost 16 gems and different types of tattoos not just astrology signs or love and infinity symbols
  5. More options in general better shoes and for face peirceings to be free since it is your appearance same as tattoos and for there to only be sleep wear party wear and swimsuit wear not daytime outfit like huh?!?
  6. For a option to customize where your character is from there job and a list of quotes you can pick for the status occupation and observation sheet especially with all stars for us to be able to say what season we are from
  7. For us to be able to change or choices without restarting the episodes like I know in the first game I could close out of the game completely and It would take me not to far back into the episode maybe it was a glitch but I miss it especially the time I accidentally choice to go to bed with max instead of Claudia even thought I was conflicted I had to waste a pass on that one decision and it happend again too
  8. For better and new challenges its like they now recycle old challenges they even had two couple goals for this year I mean it gets boring especially when you are either not in the challenge at all it causes unnecessary drama or you can't win cause it forces the girl that doesn't like you to win its stupid I miss the old challenges mostly from season 1 & 2 so much especially when it was just to get to know the group
  9. No more MC being a bombshell cause unless its for us to be the first one but even then it makes the story WAYYY shorter and then you have the problem now of people saying "hey I got the tea on something that happend before you got here thats not gonna matter in the story at all"
  10. No more gem choices when it comes to finding out about the villa its annoying and the so called "tea" they have is useless or just stuff that's flat out unnecessary but that 50% of the game play
  11. To have more personality and branches FB is just being lazy at this point with even different Characters having copied and pasted scenes where's the love there needs to be more branches and decisions and no more of that weird box thing with whip cream in it like 😑.....BFFR
  12. For them to bring back days I loved when in the old game that they had three episodes in 1 day and we had way more episodes from that cause it was 30 days pretty much a month so you felt like you were there and overall had a real connection with the characters
  13. Fro the characters to not be SO OBSESSED WITH YOU like I want it to be like season 2 where you had multiple LI's but they weren't so obsessed and the people who weren't wasn't mean or turn into you enemy
  14. For no unnecessary drama or for some drama to not involve us like lottie vr Priya and how you could take sides or be in the middle or like that thing with Gary and the secret kiss with lottie or the one that you can have with him stuff that actually is worth it
  15. TO 👏 BRING 👏 BACK 👏 MUSIC!!! I missed the amounts of songs that went into the game that also fit the mood and was overall a bop I miss the nostalgia of the times I would stay up all night playing love island and when it was the morning the sun flowed threw the curtains and the morning song from season two would play and I would feel so refreshing and those were warm memories and it added to the story not just the same bum bum bumbum like noooooo
  16. There doing great with the smexual scenes but I wish for it to be better like just say it its not that hard
  17. And finally to have special reunions like the wedding and Chelseas murder preferably the mystery one because it was longer and really fun and also had so many branches it was crazy now I love the beautiful scenes in the boat party but I didn't like us having to fix our relationship or leave them waste of gems too and the Christmas party was kinda boring but overall I loved the special reunions
This game has so many flaw and we all wish to have the 1st game again if only it was still here hopefully we get it back with zero changes but these are mine I hope you like them💖🏝💫
submitted by Firefly_DDSC to fuseboxgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:00 Firefly_DDSC I have some ideas if I made this game

So we all know there already about to drop the new season and its gonna be all stars I'm sighing right now cause we can all predict this so these are my changes and what I would do with this season and the overall game.
  1. To have the option for a boy and a girl and more than two different body type and for one skin color not have more definition than a darker one (yeah I'm talking to you season 8)
  2. To have more hair options and have at least 8 of them be FREE cause why is only one SHORT hairstyle free in season 7 and only two in season 9 mor black hairstyles of different types of hair cause I want more options since I am black and I atleast want one to be free and more fun straight hairstyles
  3. For more different styles of clothing almost like the did in season 4 and somewhat 5 where you can have y2k or glam or goth or street style cottage core that type of stuff have at least 5 outfits for free in each different style
  4. More tattoo choices that are free or atleast don't cost 16 gems and different types of tattoos not just astrology signs or love and infinity symbols
  5. More options in general better shoes and for face peirceings to be free since it is your appearance same as tattoos and for there to only be sleep wear party wear and swimsuit wear not daytime outfit like huh?!?
  6. For a option to customize where your character is from there job and a list of quotes you can pick for the status occupation and observation sheet especially with all stars for us to be able to say what season we are from
  7. For us to be able to change or choices without restarting the episodes like I know in the first game I could close out of the game completely and It would take me not to far back into the episode maybe it was a glitch but I miss it especially the time I accidentally choice to go to bed with max instead of Claudia even thought I was conflicted I had to waste a pass on that one decision and it happend again too
  8. For better and new challenges its like they now recycle old challenges they even had two couple goals for this year I mean it gets boring especially when you are either not in the challenge at all it causes unnecessary drama or you can't win cause it forces the girl that doesn't like you to win its stupid I miss the old challenges mostly from season 1 & 2 so much especially when it was just to get to know the group
  9. No more MC being a bombshell cause unless its for us to be the first one but even then it makes the story WAYYY shorter and then you have the problem now of people saying "hey I got the tea on something that happend before you got here thats not gonna matter in the story at all"
  10. No more gem choices when it comes to finding out about the villa its annoying and the so called "tea" they have is useless or just stuff that's flat out unnecessary but that 50% of the game play
  11. To have more personality and branches FB is just being lazy at this point with even different Characters having copied and pasted scenes where's the love there needs to be more branches and decisions and no more of that weird box thing with whip cream in it like 😑.....BFFR
  12. For them to bring back days I loved when in the old game that they had three episodes in 1 day and we had way more episodes from that cause it was 30 days pretty much a month so you felt like you were there and overall had a real connection with the characters
  13. Fro the characters to not be SO OBSESSED WITH YOU like I want it to be like season 2 where you had multiple LI's but they weren't so obsessed and the people who weren't wasn't mean or turn into you enemy
  14. For no unnecessary drama or for some drama to not involve us like lottie vr Priya and how you could take sides or be in the middle or like that thing with Gary and the secret kiss with lottie or the one that you can have with him stuff that actually is worth it
  15. TO 👏 BRING 👏 BACK 👏 MUSIC!!! I missed the amounts of songs that went into the game that also fit the mood and was overall a bop I miss the nostalgia of the times I would stay up all night playing love island and when it was the morning the sun flowed threw the curtains and the morning song from season two would play and I would feel so refreshing and those were warm memories and it added to the story not just the same bum bum bumbum like noooooo
  16. There doing great with the smexual scenes but I wish for it to be better like just say it its not that hard
  17. And finally to have special reunions like the wedding and Chelseas murder preferably the mystery one because it was longer and really fun and also had so many branches it was crazy now I love the beautiful scenes in the boat party but I didn't like us having to fix our relationship or leave them waste of gems too and the Christmas party was kinda boring but overall I loved the special reunions
This game has so many flaw and we all wish to have the 1st game again if only it was still here hopefully we get it back with zero changes but these are mine I hope you like them💖🏝💫
submitted by Firefly_DDSC to loveislandthegametwo [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:00 lordtennison [TOMT] [Facebook?Reel] [Recent-Today] Cat father - human as cat POV (Facebook?) reel

I'm looking for cat 'father' video that showed up in my Facebook feed as a reel today (also it might have been a TikTok or Instagram video originally - Facebook doesn't seem to have this viewing data stored)
Any help would be very much appreciated!
submitted by lordtennison to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:33 Purtle [PIL] #1323 5/31/2024

Purtle's Internet Lineup for May 31st, 2024 3:34pm
submitted by Purtle to Purtle [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:39 Bart_VDW My group's Community Chats are suddenly gone and I cannot create new ones

My group's Community Chats are suddenly gone and I cannot create new ones
I am admin of a facebook group for single parents in my city (https://www.facebook.com/groups/875294684303825) and in the past I have created 3 Community Chats for this group. As single parents, we enjoyed being able to share experiences and organize last-minute play dates via these chats. The chats were very welcome and used.
Unfortunately, suddenly these Community Chats disappeared (for me and all members). I can also not create any new ones. If I try on the desktop, I get "Something went wrong. Please try again later."
The error that I get when I try to create a Community Chat on desktop
If I try with my mobile phone app, I get a blank screen when I try to create a Community Chat.
I didn't receive any messages about us violating Community Standards and if I look into my Group Status, it is mentioned that "Group has no issues" and "Good news: no violations to show".
Does anyone know why this could have happened and how I can fix it and be able to create Community Chats for my group again? I really don't feel like creating a new group, trying all over again, with the chance that it happens again for the new group too. I would like to understand what happened and how to fix it for my current group.
submitted by Bart_VDW to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:37 UCantKneebah [QCRIT] Adult, Nonfiction, THE CASE FOR ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY (400 Words/Version 2)

This is my 2nd version, incorporating feedback on comp titles, length, and clarity. Thanks in advance for your critiques!
I’m seeking representation for my nonfiction political book, The Case for Economic Democracy (76,000 words).
There is a massive appetite for progressive change in the United States. Over 60% of Americans think there’s too much economic inequality, over 66% say the current economic structure unfairly favors the rich and powerful, and 70% say America’s political and economic systems need major changes – or to be torn down entirely. Additionally, the success of books such as It’s Not You, It’s Capitalism and Fight Like Hell shows readers are seeking leftist solutions. The cause of this frustration with the status quo is clear: capitalism is not working for the average American. The wealthiest 1% of Americans own 32.3% of the national wealth, more than is owned by the bottom 90%. 41% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, and real wages have barely risen over the last forty years.
Americans desire progressive change, but our nation’s commitment to capitalism has left people unable to envision how a socialist system would function. Unlike other political books that only identify specific problems, The Case for Economic Democracy provides readers with answers by showing them a superior economic philosophy: “If an American is impacted by a business or industry, either by working for the company or by being affected by its outputs, then they should have a democratic say in how that entity operates.” By explaining the different forms of economic democracy and ways they can be achieved, The Case for Economic Democracy enables readers to envious themselves living in a socialist society, providing them with a concrete picture of the alternative system they seek and a path to get there.
This book synthesizes the specifics of modern socialism, which I’ve identified during my time on the front lines of the progressive movement. I’m a leader of the Denver Democratic Socialist of America, a volunteer labor organizer with EWOC, and author of a novel carried in Barnes & Noble. I’ve written for Jacobin, The Progressive Magazine, SyFy Wire, Democratic Left, and Balls & Strikes, amongst other publications. I’ve appeared on renowned podcasts such as Struggle Session, Working People’s Podcast, and the award-winning Movies vs. Capitalism. My Substack has over 1,500 dedicated readers and receives over 13,000 monthly views. I have over 5,000 followers on X, 1,500 on TikTok, and 1,200 across Instagram and Facebook.
The proposal and manuscript are ready for review. I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by UCantKneebah to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:07 Own_Instance_357 Taken from my 80yo aunt's FB 2024

Hello lovely, I'm sorry for infringing on your privacy..but I must say you have a wonderful profile and your post are worth reading. But so awful to me we're not friends here on Facebook and I've been trying to send you a friend request but it keeps on declining. Would you mind sending me a friend request? Just wanna be kind and truthfull friends. Thanks and God bless you.
Hello my dear how are you doing? Please there’s something I would love to discuss with you if you are convenient message me on messenger God bless you.
Hello , how are you doing today ? Beautiful smile you have there on your profile photo . I'm very sure that nobody is going to skip your profile without sending you a message you have a very interesting profile and it really caught my heart , I hope my message doesn't come as any form of privacy invasion . if so please forgive me I'm so sorry , You seem like a simple nice and kind woman , I would love to know more about you . Please send me a friend request so that we can ... See more
From my cuz: Special thanks to Larry for this legal advice… and to him for posting this information: Due to the fact everyone is slowly getting hi-jacked, yeah hi-jacked not hacked, they're flat out hi-jacking our accounts, even more now. Just in case Notice: An attorney advised us to post this. The violation of privacy can be punished by law. NOTE: Facebook Meta is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you do not publish a statement at least once, it will be technically understood that you are allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in your profile status updates. I HEREBY STATE THAT I DO NOT GIVE FACEBOOK META MY PERMISSION TO USE ANY OF MY PERSONAL DATA OR PHOTOS. Copy and paste, do not share. I am getting more sales ad posts than friends' posts. Hold your finger anywhere in this post and click ′′ copy ". Go to your page where it says "What's on your mind." Tap your finger anywhere in the blank field. Click paste. This upgrades the system I always enjoy what you share here on Facebook but we're not friends yet, I have tried several times to send you a friend request but it's not going through. Do you mind trying from your side? I will be happy to be friends with you. If you find this message embarrassing please pardon my manners. Thanks Hi my new friend I'm sorry, I really don't mean to barge into your privacy. I was browsing through my page when I came across your profile on my suggestion as someone I may know. I didn't want to sand a request without your permission so please if you don't mind kindly sand me a request.. thanks Apologies for leaving this here but it feels great to visit your timeline, I always enjoy what you share here on Facebook but we are not friends yet, I have tried several times to send a friend request but it is not happening. Do you mind trying from your side? I will be happy to be your friend. If you find this message embarrassing, please excuse my manners, thank you. Hello beautiful, I was impressed with your profile and personality. I also appreciate your good sense of humor over here. I don't usually write in the comments section, but I feel you deserve this compliment . I don't want to invade your privacy by sending you a request without your consent. If you don't mind, please add me as a friend, thanks and have a great day. Stay positive! !
submitted by Own_Instance_357 to scambait [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:16 Euphoric-Claim1192 I have some questions about BNs

I'm not a mapper but I keep hearing things from other people so I wanted to investigate myself.
I looked at the osu!wiki and most (not every) BN's profiles and selected some things that are in my opinion:
  1. Questionable
  2. Go against the rules written on the osu!wiki.
  3. Nitpicks
First, let's look at some of the rules that will be relevant for this conversation:
Obviously, there can be reasons behind everything that we don't know about but that's another point. Just focus on the things you can find relatively easily.
Let's say I'm a new mapper and I want to rank my map and I'm faced with these:
!! Not every but most of the text are just copy pasted from their profile. No names will be mentioned, this post is not targeting a specific person. !!

I straight up don't understand, how is this acceptable to say you're closed but if you're my friend just just go ahead.
So much for being approachable.
This one is just my personal nitpick. Messages stay in your inbox and you can check them even on the site. Why do I have to go through external sites etc just to get to you?
I understand that you have a fav band or song, but this is just unfair especially if the person ends up putting that map in front of other things.
Don't even know what to comment on something like this.
Saw this on a lot of profiles. I don't think it's such a big thing to say "sorry no" after you already took your time to check out the map.
I quoted the "do not partake or participate in paid modding" rule because of these. You don't get paid, but doing something you're not interested in the first place, only because someone else said "yo bro hop in" is really questionable in my opinion.
How can these things even exist? After Reading all of this stuff I feel really unwelcome to even try anything. Okay, we have a LOT of BNs but the majority of them had stuff like this on their profile.
This is just scratching the surface of the topic. What would I find if I dug a little deeper?
submitted by Euphoric-Claim1192 to osugame [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:12 Hiei80 The Daily Dogelon - Friday, May 31st, 2024

The Daily Dogelon - Friday, May 31st, 2024
Come and get your love 🚀🚀🚀
It's always sweetest near the weekend ❤️
Dip yourself in its potential with The Daily Dogelon! 📰🐕

Maybe someday

🙌 Listen up:

Source: https://x.com/cryptobrown4/status/1796141904804950120

You've got to maintain focus, always. 👁️
Lose sight of what matters and you miss the signs. 🤷
Cryptobrown is maintaining the faith day in and day out! 🙏

✨ His face on every street...

Let loose.
Source: https://x.com/DogelonWarriors/status/1796519499081912349

Do as Martians do and take the mission IRL. ✊
Empower $ELON to step out into the world and inside its heart! 😌
Social engineering is the most important investment of all. 🥂

👇 Take this puppy to the stars:

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submitted by Hiei80 to dogelon [link] [comments]
