Roma tiburtina

Lost Item at Roma Tiburtuna Bus Station

2024.06.01 11:02 patchingglass Lost Item at Roma Tiburtuna Bus Station

Hello! I left my backpack at the Roma Tiburtina bus station this week which had my passport. I had an air tag in the backpack that lets me know it is still somewhere at the bus station. I’m assuming someone turned it into lost and found.
Problem is I made it back to the United States. Does anyone know if there is a number or email for the train station? I can’t find anything online and I would love to get my backpack back as it also had sentimental items in it.
Thank you!
submitted by patchingglass to rome [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:32 Haunting-Strength437 Roma airport?

I didn’t realize I was as far away from the airport as I am.. I have a flight Friday morning. Will be with 3 others and we all have 1 suitcase and carry on. How should I go about getting to the airport? Just looked on uber and 50€+ is pretty expensive to me.. looking for more affordable straightforward options?
I am located near Roma Tiburtina if that is of help. Thank you
submitted by Haunting-Strength437 to rome [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:51 Red_Trident17 Control Car MDVC - TE at Roma Tiburtina

Control Car MDVC - TE at Roma Tiburtina submitted by Red_Trident17 to TrainPorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:50 Red_Trident17 Control Car MDVC - TE at Roma Tiburtina

Control Car MDVC - TE at Roma Tiburtina
Photographed on 9/05/2024 Roma Tiburtina, platform 7
submitted by Red_Trident17 to trains [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 12:46 00397 Is this bus included in 72hr Metro pass?

I'm trying to get from Fiumicino Airport to AirBnB and want to get the Metro pass. It says it covers Cotrals Busses within Rome but there is no map telling me what is considered "within Rome" and I can't find anything for Zones like majority of Spain has. The bus I am wanting to take doesn't seem to have a number, just "ROMA PONTE MAMMOLO to GUIDONIA VIA TIBURTINA VIA GUALANDI.. if it isn't covered ,can I pay for this bus with Tap To Pay card or phone, or in cash, or do I have to get a ticket ahead of time? Also, is Trenitalia from Airport to Roma Termini covered with the 72hr pass? Thank you!
submitted by 00397 to ItalyTravel [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 15:08 StrictSheepherder361 Fixed fees for taxis from the airports

I'd like to write this down in full, since the topic often resurfaces. The municipality of Rome has fixed the taxi fees for all journey from the two main airports – Fiumicino (FCO) and Ciampino (CIA) – and the rest of Rome, and vice versa. The official source is here: I believe it's just in Italian, but here are the main points. I write just “From Fiumicino/Ciampino to XXX”, but all these fees are the same the other way around, of course.
From Fiumicino airport to central Rome (technically, inside Aurelian Walls): €50.00 supplements included (meaning that the drivers can't say: yes, but it's very late, very early, you've many pieces of baggage, there is a lot of traffic and so on)
From Fiumicino airport to Castello della Magliana - Parco dei Medici: € 31.00
From Fiumicino airport to Nuova Fiera di Roma: € 26.00
From Fiumicino airport to Ciampino airport: € 52.00
From Fiumicino airport to Stazione Tiburtina (Tiburtina railway station): € 57.00
From Fiumicino airport to Stazione Ostiense (Ostiense railway station): € 47.00
From Fiumicino airport to any other location within the GRA, the ring road circling most of Rome, the taximeter is used, but no journey can cost more than €73.00; however, here supplements for baggage etc. apply.
From Ciampino airport to central Rome (inside Aurelian Walls): €31.00 supplements included
From Ciampino airport to Stazione Tiburtina (Tiburtina railway station): € 36.00
From Ciampino airport to Stazione Ostiense (Ostiense railway station): € 31.00
From Ciampino airport to Fiumicino airport: € 52.00
From Ciampino airport to any other location, the taximeter is used as usual.
Not strictly on topic: if at the airport a shady guy tries to lead you to an unmarked car, he's not a taxi driver, the car is not a taxi, those fees are not guaranteed, while some kind of misadventure is likely.
EDIT: This web page of one of the taxi companies explains both what the different supplements are (when they apply) and the precise border of the “Aurelian walls” area: On the last page of this pdf file there is a map of the area included, but the fares in the file itself are out of date.
submitted by StrictSheepherder361 to rome [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 22:19 tharnadar Dove parcheggiare sicuri a Roma Tiburtina?

Per sicuro intendo con la sicurezza di trovare posto e anche di ritrovare la macchina.
Devo fare un viaggio in A/R in giornata e invece di arrivare in Metro pensavo di lasciare la macchina alla stazione, ma non ho idea di dove parcheggiare.
Ci sono parcheggi, anche a pagamento o con prenotazioni, a pochi minuti dalla stazione? Non roba lontana kilometri.
submitted by tharnadar to roma [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 12:08 Red_Trident17 ETR.400 n° 46 and ETR 675 n° 15 spotted at Roma Tiburtina railway station

ETR.400 n° 46 and ETR 675 n° 15 spotted at Roma Tiburtina railway station
Photographed on 28/03/2024.
submitted by Red_Trident17 to TrainPorn [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 12:30 Xeanathan AMA about Rome's Transit System and I'll try to answer.

submitted by Xeanathan to transit [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 17:25 Red_Trident17 UIC-Z1 control car trailer at Roma Tiburtina railway station

UIC-Z1 control car trailer at Roma Tiburtina railway station submitted by Red_Trident17 to TrainPorn [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 15:47 Red_Trident17 UIC-Z1 control car trailer at Roma Tiburtina railway station

UIC-Z1 control car trailer at Roma Tiburtina railway station
Photographed on 16 March, 2024
submitted by Red_Trident17 to trains [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 03:59 aaltanvancar My best ever one-day turnover from one line

My best ever one-day turnover from one line
On day zero, started building in Germany, and had a Paris - München line for a long time. After expanding every continental European country (yes, even Vatican got a metro), I finally reached to Istanbul, our eastern megahub, and now it was time to open the Orient Express Line. In its first full day, it performed miraculously. Pax demand factor is 20%, the prices are 1$/km and 2.5$ base (I know it’s quite expensive). I use Eurostar trains and have 220 of them on this line. The biggest problem is (obviously) refunds in Istanbul, Budapest and Vienna. All of them are huge transfer stations, and that 10k station capacity limit is not helping. But, to be honest, I was expecting much worse… I’m totally okay with quarter million dollars refunds if the line is generating 1.6 billion in fares lol
submitted by aaltanvancar to NIMBY_Rails [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 21:53 Illustrious-Voice865 Treno con abbonamento Metrebus

Ho l’abbonamento annuale della Metrebus Roma (quello da €250) e so che posso andare sui treni regionali per viaggiare tra le stazioni di Roma. Se devo arrivare a Parco Leonardo da Tiburtina, supero di 1 fermata quelle che sono le fermate incluse nell’abbonamento. Cosa devo fare in quel caso, devo comprare il biglietto del treno dall’ultima fermata di validità dell’abbonamento fino a Parco Leonardo (quindi biglietto di 1 sola fermata) esibendo al controllore anche l’abbonamento, oppure devo per forza acquistare il biglietto completo da Tiburtina a Parco Leonardo?
submitted by Illustrious-Voice865 to roma [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 14:16 Benzinazero ‘Una donna di 82 anni è stata investita e uccisa da un ragazzo di 24 anni al volante di una Volkswagen Polo’ [Roma Today]

‘Una donna di 82 anni è stata investita e uccisa da un ragazzo di 24 anni al volante di una Volkswagen Polo’ [Roma Today]
‘Una donna di 82 anni è stata investita e uccisa da un ragazzo di 24 anni al volante di una Volkswagen Polo’ [Roma Today]

I giornalisti di cronaca tendono a minimizzare le responsabilità degli automobilisti. Una volta tanto, in un articolo per altri versi ‘normale’, succede che all’inizio del pezzo il giornalista parli chiaro: ‘Una donna di 82 anni è stata investita e uccisa da un ragazzo di 24 anni al volante di una Volkswagen Polo’.

L’articolo segue uno schema abituale della minimizzazione, ma con qualche elemento positivo di chiarezza:
  1. Vittima protagonista nel titolo
  2. Drammatizzazione nel titolo, con lo scherzo del fato: ‘investita a pochi metri da casa sua’
  3. Automobilista (una volta tanto) protagonista all’inizio dell’articolo
  4. Attenuante per l’automobilista: ‘si è fermato a prestare un primo soccorso’
  5. Abituale ‘dinamica da verificare’.
  6. Approfondita contestualizzazione dell’incidentalità pedonale a Roma, ma sempre senza analisi delle cause (in genere: velocità e imprudenza degli automobilisti, come dimostrano molte statistiche nazionali e internazionali)
Questo è un articolo che, insieme ai soliti luoghi comuni che minimizzano il ruolo dell’automoblista, ha due tratti positivi:
  1. L’inizio dell’articolo, in cui l’automobilista ha un ruolo chiaro e la forma è attiva (‘automobilista investe pedone’) invece della frequentissima forma passiva con auto animata (‘pedone investito da un’auto)
  2. La contestualizzazione approfondita sull’incidentalità pedonale, anche se manca un’analisi sulle cause.
Nell’insieme, un articolo ‘normale’ ma con due elementi positivi che lo pongono al di sopra della media abituale della cronaca degli incidenti stradali. ◆
Qui l’intero articolo di Roma Today: Incidente a Roma: una donna è morta investita a pochi metri da casa sua.
submitted by Benzinazero to roma [link] [comments]

2024.02.06 14:59 Red_Trident17 ETR 500 and ETR 400 at Roma Tiburtina railway station

ETR 500 and ETR 400 at Roma Tiburtina railway station submitted by Red_Trident17 to TrainPorn [link] [comments]

2024.02.06 14:59 Red_Trident17 ETR 500 and ETR 400 at Roma Tiburtina railway station

ETR 500 and ETR 400 at Roma Tiburtina railway station
ETR 500 and ETR 400/1000 Zefiro spotted at Roma Tiburtina railway station on platform 6 and 7 with new Frecciarossa (Red Arrow) livery.
Photographed on February 5th, 2024
submitted by Red_Trident17 to trains [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 10:02 DarkChild9 Hotel Roma Tiburtina Metro Review - Should You Stay At This Hotel?

Hotel Roma Tiburtina Metro Review - Should You Stay At This Hotel? submitted by DarkChild9 to thetriphunter [link] [comments]

2024.01.28 05:02 DarkChild9 B and B Hotel Roma Pietralata Tiburtina Review - Should You Stay At This Hotel?

B and B Hotel Roma Pietralata Tiburtina Review - Should You Stay At This Hotel? submitted by DarkChild9 to thetriphunter [link] [comments]

2023.12.21 13:57 Red_Trident17 Train 4260 goes hybrid battery version.

Train 4260 goes hybrid battery version.
Photographed on: 20/12/2023
submitted by Red_Trident17 to TrainPorn [link] [comments]

2023.12.14 19:52 francescos96 Consiglio su quartiere

Ciao a tutti, A gennaio mi trasferisco a Roma, questo sabato vado a vedere due appartamenti e vorrei bloccarne uno.
Il prezzo di entrambi i bilocali e lo stesso.
Il mio dubbio è più sulla zona, io lavorerò nella zona di UniCamillus, dove si trova Leonardo per intenderci e dovrò andare in ufficio 2/3 volte in settimana in macchina.
La mia ragazza, invece è ancora in fase di colloqui e quindi non sa in che zona lavorerà.
Opzione 1: via Vincenzo Morello (zona stazione Tiburtina)
Opzione 2: piazza Epiro (15min da Re di Roma).
Voi cosa ne pensate?
submitted by francescos96 to roma [link] [comments]

2023.12.01 01:48 Mountain-Ice8982 Consiglio sui quartieri in cui cercare casa

Ciao a tutti :3, sapete consigliarmi i quartieri migliori dove abitare? (e dove magari non ti chiedono un rene)
Ah... e per quelli che dicono chiedi al fidanzato, ecco... ogni volta che gli chiedo queste cose va più o meno così:
io: allora che quartieri metto nella ricerca su [inserireFamosoPortaleDiRicercaCase]?
lui: e che ne so non conosco Roma
io: Ci sei nato e sono 30 anni che vivi a Roma
lui: Sí, a Tiburtina... chi li conosce gli altri quartieri?
io: -_-!
submitted by Mountain-Ice8982 to roma [link] [comments]

2023.11.26 17:28 LILIPUT_ Question on navigating to and from Venice from Roma Termini during the transport strike tomorrow

Hello! We're visiting the Vatican necropolis on Monday, Nov 27 at 3pm. Sadly, I have heard that there will be a strike tomorrow affecting busses and the mrt. We're wondering what other choices we have to get to Vatican or at least at walking distance near it without taking a taxi service. We currently have Roma Passes too and we'll be coming from around the Tiburtina area.
So far, we're considering the hop on hop off tourist buses but we're quite unsure where to get the tickets in advance and if they will be affected by the transport strike too. There's also the option of traveling early in the morning and late in the evening during the strike windows but considering the rush hour this would be super difficult. We also cannot change our reservation at the Vatican since it's our last day in Rome tomorrow too.
Would really appreciate some suggestions! Thank you so much.
submitted by LILIPUT_ to rome [link] [comments]