Draw piping software


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2024.06.01 14:31 twobit78 how to make a compound angle in 3d sketch?

how to make a compound angle in 3d sketch?
Example taken from buggy STP file
I'm trying to design a roll cage/ chassis for an offroad 4wd buggy. The A pilla windscreen surround bends backwards in the X axis and also inwards on the Y axis by different degrees. Every time I try and draw it up it only allows me to set the angle on one axis.
I used to use solidworks and weldments for this stuff where and input the XYZ coordinates of the start and end of line but thats not a thing in fusion. I'll still need to work out how pipe or sweep works to give me a cut list later but right now its just one step at a time.
submitted by twobit78 to Fusion360 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:47 Dependent_Wafer3866 The Orenz Nero is a failed attempt at autoadvancing lead, and it's wrong to be euphemistic about it.

I'm not saying that it's wrong to fail. I praise Pentel for trying. But the mechanism needs a lot more time in the oven. And all the positive reviews have to consist of people in denial about spending $30 on an engineering failure.
It's not just that it's "scratchy", this vague term that has been used thousands of times in regards to the writing experience. If it were only that, I wouldn't be as critical. In fact the metal on paper contact hardly bothers me, and it's not the main problem with the pencil.
The problem is that the graphite can't make proper contact with the paper. It ends up skipping as you write. It fails to retract the pipe enough to draw out enough lead. The Orenz Metal Grip is far better in this regard, presumably because the lead pipe is not springloaded like the Nero. To add further salt to the wound, its grip is far superior to the Nero's weird 12-sided grip that nobody uses for a reason.
Writing vertically does not make sense. Don't even go there. Neither does sanding down the tip. Using darker lead won't change things either. In fact simply using Pilot Neox lead is a known method of ruining this pencil, and this pencil alone.
It's a design failure, and that's okay. It's not a pen that should ever be recommended to anyone. At least with the Rotring 600 you can argue about poor taste, but this is just a defective pencil design.
If you want a functional experience, look out for the new Uni Kuru Toga Metal. Lead stays sharp like a 0.3 lead, but doesn't break because it's 0.5. No functional auto-advance, but then Pentel doesn't have one either. And it won't fail on you if you use other lead brands.
submitted by Dependent_Wafer3866 to mechanicalpencils [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:31 ApprehensiveYak5706 What are the uses of graphic designs?

Graphic design is incredibly versatile and finds applications across various fields. Here are some common uses:
  1. Branding: Creating logos, brand identities, and style guides to establish a visual identity for companies and organizations.
  2. Marketing and Advertising: Designing promotional materials such as posters, flyers, brochures, banners, and digital ads to attract customers and communicate messages effectively.
  3. Web Design: Designing user interfaces (UI) and user experiences (UX) for websites and mobile apps, ensuring usability, accessibility, and aesthetic appeal.
  4. Print Design: Designing layouts for newspapers, magazines, books, and other printed materials to enhance readability and visual appeal.
  5. Packaging Design: Designing packaging for products, considering both functional and aesthetic aspects to attract consumers and communicate brand values.
  6. Typography: Creating custom fonts and designing text layouts to improve readability and convey messages effectively.
  7. Illustration: Creating visual representations of concepts, ideas, or narratives using various techniques such as digital illustration, hand-drawing, or vector graphics.
  8. Motion Graphics: Designing animated graphics and visual effects for videos, presentations, and multimedia projects to enhance engagement and storytelling.
  9. Environmental Design: Designing signage, wayfinding systems, and environmental graphics for physical spaces such as retail stores, museums, and exhibitions.
  10. User Interface (UI) Design: Designing interfaces for software applications, including desktop, web, and mobile applications, to optimize user interaction and experience.
  11. Information Design: Visualizing complex data and information using charts, graphs, and infographics to make it easier for audiences to understand and interpret.
  12. Event Design: Creating visual elements for events such as conferences, exhibitions, and festivals to enhance the overall experience and reinforce branding.
  13. Art and Creative Expression: Using graphic design as a medium for artistic expression, exploring visual concepts, and pushing creative boundaries.
These are just a few examples, and the applications of graphic design continue to evolve as technology advances and new design trends emerge.
submitted by ApprehensiveYak5706 to graphicdesignthings [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:14 PumpkinStrange9289 Reflections on Common Opinions About AI-Generated Art amd Human-Made Art

I used to want to be an artist, even though my major is Math. I thought I would have no connection to Art for the rest of my life because I failed to learn drawing twice due to heavy academic stress. However, computer graphics reignited my hope. But after the burst of AI-generated content (AIGC), I fell into despair again. For a while, I believed learning drawing and programming would be useless, and that I would be useless too. Now, after two years of the AI boom, I have calmed down and reflected on some common opinions about AI art and other skills affected by AI. Here, I will share my thoughts on these opinions regarding AIGC and human-made art.
Opinion 1:AI will make human artists lose their jobs quickly
my thoughts: When the first computer came out, there was a prediction by Thomas Watson, the president of IBM in 1943, that “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” Since the 1980s and the invention of the internet, computers have become tens of thousands of times faster, and learning programming is now one hundred times easier. However, the number of programmers hasn't decreased; instead, it has skyrocketed. This parallels the situation of artists since the AI boom. Even though AI is powerful, artists can still better guide AI. As the price for good artwork declines, more demand will be created. In the short term, some artists may lose their jobs, but in the long run, more demand will emerge. Additionally, current AI isn't that powerful; many logical and structural errors often occur. I also doubt whether current AI can generate animations with the stunning turbulence or fragmentations of millions of pieces that are common in Hollywood movies.
Opinion 2:AI will let a regular person to generate a stunning artwork easily
my thoughts: Although it is tempting to imagine such advancements, I have to say this may not happen in the coming decades. Current AI has become increasingly complex. For instance, Stable Diffusion now has plugins like ComfyUI and many others, indicating that AI is evolving into professional software. As we often say, complexity doesn't disappear; it just transfers elsewhere. The same holds true for AI-generated content (AIGC).Also, Natural language is inherently vague. For example, I learned some visual effcts and I learned that in order to make some cool effects, the only way to describe it is via algorithms instead of natural language. And many aspects, such as configuration of an image and some nuanced thoughts, can't be precisely described in natural language. Therefore, AI software is deemed to become increasingly complex.
Opinion 3:learning drawing skills will be useless due to AI, artistic taste matters
my thoughts: I think such opinions are hilarious. It's like telling a programmer that programming skills don't matter at AI age and only programming taste does. The only way to develop good programming taste is by diligently learning foundational computer science concepts, such as data structures, algorithms, operating systems, and computer networks, and by accumulating engineering abilities through years of coding. Even though mature libraries and AI have reduced the effort required to implement these things by hundreds of times, these tools only raise the lower bound. To break through the upper bound, you still need to master this fundamental knowledge. The same holds true for artists. To break through the upper bound, foundational knowledge such as perspective, human anatomy, and color theory is still crucial. The only way to develop good artistic taste is by mastering these fundamentals.
these are many my thoughts, what are your thoughts
submitted by PumpkinStrange9289 to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:43 TopGeeksGC Anything I should know?

Just wondering on best practices when it comes to doing a set of lights, I've got a family friend who wants addressable leds all around the roof of their lounge room in a new house build, the plan was to just use a standard esp32 and put under the stairs and run a wire to leds about 5m away I was just going to use the standard 12v 16.5amp power suppliesb two of them one at front and back of the leds and power injection about every 5m. The leds ws2805 with dedicated whites in it.
I just don't know about how far the signal can go, what's the best cable to use, I hear of people using capacitors and resistors on the data lines, what fuses should be used, does it need fuses. How far does the capacity touch buttons feature work on a wire distance (just going to use cat 6)
Is there a benefit of using a off the shelf unit vs a esp32 standard board.
How far can I microphone be wired off the esp32
When I measured the power draw was about 30w over 5m even though the specification listed the power draw to be much much higher is that just a safety thing?
What's the best way to sync multiple esp32s home assistant? Is there a repository for any downloadable extra effects
Is there any resources you'd recommend to help out, the wled software seems awesome
submitted by TopGeeksGC to WLED [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:32 Such_Illustrator1661 graduate cv review

graduate cv review
Hello! Looking for some feedback on my CV - What's standing out to me is there's a lot of white space on the sides and the language section particularly creates a 'tail' that makes the page look longer - should i do a different layout altogether or tweak this? Also not sure where to put the contact section, right now it feels hard to find. (personal info is fake)
submitted by Such_Illustrator1661 to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:16 yakiniku97 Is my PSU failing?

Recently I've had this issue where my keyboard's LEDs turn off whenever I launch a game. keyboard is a Drop Alt I've heard that these keyboards draw a large amount of power etc and have been recommended to use a usb 3.0 port and high quality cable which I have also done. the peculiar thing is that the keyboard has two input usb ports (one for each side) and when I plug a usb c power bank into the other unused port, the LEDs come back to full brightness. through all of this, they keyboard works as per normal, sans LEDs.
my question is, is it possible for a GPU being heavily utilised to drain enough power from my mobo/ PSU ability to supply the mobo to have a reduced power output to its usb ports? I have never seen a problem like this all my life of pc building.
I've also confirmed that this is not a software issue as it persists in safe mode and more importantly, my keyboard has no LED management software. Also, this issue didn't exist a couple months ago.
submitted by yakiniku97 to LinusTechTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:02 Normodox A Slush Fund for Radical Protesters?

The profusion of identical green tents at this spring’s anti-Israel protests struck many as odd. “Why is everybody’s tent the same?,” asked New York mayor Eric Adams. Like others, the mayor suspected “a well-concerted organizing effort” driving the protests. More recent reporting shows a concerted push behind the Gaza protest movement. But it is not as simple as a single organization secretly rallying protesters or buying tents. Instead, the movement’s most determined activists represent a network of loosely linked far-left groups. Some are openly affiliated with well-known progressive nonprofits; others work in the shadows.
The movement also draws on diverse but generous sources of financial backing. Those funding streams may soon be augmented by the federal government. As I chronicled last year in a Manhattan Institute report, “The Big Squeeze: How Biden’s Environmental Justice Agenda Hurts the Economy and the Environment,” the administration’s massive program of environmental justice grants seems designed to prioritize the funding of highly ideological local groups. The Inflation Reduction Act, for example, earmarks $3 billion for “environmental and climate justice block grants” intended for local nonprofits. Today, hundreds of far-left political groups include language about environmental issues and “climate justice” in their mission statements. If just a fraction of planned grants flows to such groups, the effect will be a gusher of new funding for radical causes.
As the Gaza protests spread across U.S. college campuses, many observers noted an eerie uniformity among them. From one campus to the next, protesters operated in disciplined cadres, keeping their faces covered and using identical rote phrases as they refused to talk with reporters. The Atlantic noted the strangeness of seeing elite college students “chanting like automatons.” Students held up keffiyeh scarves or umbrellas to block the view of prying cameras and linked arms to halt the movements of outsiders. At Columbia University and elsewhere, protesters formed “liberated zones,” from which “Zionists” were excluded. Around the edges of the encampments, the more militaristic activists donned helmets and goggles and carried crude weapons, apparently eager to mix it up with police or counter-protesters. We’ve seen these tactics before—notably during the “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, when full-time agitators helped ignite riots, set up a police-free (and violence-plagued) zone in Seattle, and laid nightly siege to Portland, Oregon’s federal courthouse.
In a remarkable work of reporting, Park MacDougald recently traced the tangled roots of organizations backing pro-jihad protests, both on and off campuses. These include Antifa and other networks of anonymous anarchists, along with “various communist and Marxist-Leninist groups, including the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party, the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), and the International ANSWER coalition,” MacDougald writes. Higher up the food chain, we find groups openly supported by America’s growing class of super-rich tech execs or the anti-capitalist heirs of great fortunes. For example, retired tech mogul Neville Roy Singham, who is married to Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, funds The People’s Forum, a lavish Manhattan resource center for far-left groups. As the Columbia protests intensified, the center urged members to head uptown to “support our students.” Following the money trail of other protest groups, MacDougald finds connections to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Ford Foundation, and—surprising no one—the George Soros-backed Tides Foundation.
Of course, the current wave of anti-Israel protests also involves alliances with pro-Hamas organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine. Last November, Jonathan Schanzer of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies testified to the House Ways and Means Committee that SJP and similar groups have deep ties to global terrorist organizations, including Hamas.
For many keffiyeh-wearing protestors, however, a recently professed concern for Palestinians is just the latest in a long list of causes they believe justify taking over streets and college quads. In Unherd, Mary Harrington dubs this medley of political beliefs the “omnicause,” writing that “all contemporary radical causes seem somehow to have been absorbed into one.” Today’s leftist activists share an interlocking worldview that sees racism, income inequality, trans intolerance, climate change, alleged police violence, and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts all as products of capitalism and “colonialism.” Therefore, the stated rationale for any individual protest is a stand-in for the real battle: attacking Western society and its institutions.
In the U.S., this type of general-purpose uprising goes back at least to the riots at the 1999 meeting of the World Trade Organization in Seattle. In those protests, mainstream liberal factions—including labor unions and environmentalists—were joined by “black bloc” anarchists and other radicals eager to engage in “direct action” against police. That pattern—relatively moderate demonstrators providing a friendly envelope for hard-core disruptors—formed the template for many later protests: the Occupy Wall Street encampments in 2011, demonstrations following the police shooting of Michael Brown in 2014, 2016’s Standing Rock anti-pipeline movement, and of course, the calamitous summer of 2020.
These uprisings were not entirely spontaneous. In some cases, activists spend months planning mass actions—for example, against economic summits or political conventions—and can recruit street fighters from across the country. In others, an event, such as George Floyd’s death, sparks popular protests involving neophyte demonstrators. Those attract far-left activists, who swoop in to organize and expand the struggle, often tilting it toward more radical action.
That has certainly been the case at the college Gaza-paloozas. At Columbia, the New York Times spotted a woman old enough to be a student’s grandmother in the thick of the action as protesters barricaded that school’s Hamilton Hall. The woman was 63-year-old Lisa Fithian, a lifetime activist, who Portland’s alternative weekly Street Roots approvingly calls “a trainer of mass rebellion.” A counter-protester trying to block the pro-Hamas demonstrators told NBC News, “She was right in the middle of it, instructing them how to better set up the barriers.” Fithian told the Times she’d been invited to train students in protest safety and “general logistics.” She claims to have taken part in almost every major U.S. protest movement going back to the 1999 “Battle in Seattle.”
America’s radical network has plenty of Lisa Fithians, with the time and resources to travel the country educating newcomers about the “logistics” of disruptive protests. And these activists appear to have played key roles in the college occupations. The New York City Police Department says nearly half the demonstrators arrested on the Columbia and City University of New York (CUNY) campuses on April 30 were not affiliated with the schools. One hooded Hamilton Hall occupier—photographed scuffling with a Columbia custodian before getting arrested—turned out to be 40-year-old James Carlson, heir to a large advertising fortune. According to the New York Post, Carlson lives in a $2.3 million Park Slope townhouse and has a long rap sheet. For example, in 2005, he was arrested in San Francisco during the violent “West Coast Anti-Capitalist Mobilization and March Against the G8.” (Those charges were dropped.)
For a quarter-century now, Antifa and other anarchist networks have worked to refine tactics and share lessons following each major action. At Columbia, UCLA, and other schools, authorities found printouts of a “Do-It Yourself Occupation Guide” and similar documents. The young campus radicals are eager to learn from their more experienced elders. And, like the high-achieving students they are, they follow directions carefully. MacDougald asked Kyle Shideler, the director for homeland security and counterterrorism at the Center for Security Policy, about the mystery of the identical tents. There was no need for a central group to distribute hundreds of tents, Shideler said. Instead, “the organizers told [students] to buy a tent, and sent around a Google Doc with a link to that specific tent on Amazon. So they all went out and bought the same tent.”
In other words, America’s radical class has gotten very skilled at recruiting and instructing new activists—even from among the ranks of elite college students with a good deal to lose. How much more could this movement accomplish with hundreds of millions in federal dollars flooding activist groups around the country?
From its first week in office, the Biden administration has trumpeted its goal to funnel more environmental spending toward “disadvantaged communities that have been historically marginalized,” partly by issuing grants to grassroots organizations. Previous environmental justice (EJ) grant programs were small in scope. But, with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in August 2022, a huge pool of grant money became available. EPA administrator Michael Regan told reporters, “We’re going from tens of thousands of dollars to developing and designing a program that will distribute billions.”
More than a year and a half later, it remains hard to nail down just where the Biden administration’s billions in EJ grants will wind up. Money is being distributed through a confusing variety of programs, and the process of identifying recipients is ongoing. To help outsource the job of sifting through proposals, the EPA last year designated 11 institutions as “Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmakers.” These groups are empowered to make subgrants directly to community organizations, under streamlined EPA oversight. In all, the Biden administration has entrusted these outfits with distributing a staggering $600 million in funding. The money is expected to start flowing this summer.
The EPA’s grantmakers include a number of educational institutions and left-leaning nonprofits. For example, the EPA chose Fordham University as its lead grantmaker in the New York region. Fordham, in turn, lists as partners two nonprofits that oppose immigration enforcement. (One, the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, states on its website: “NJAIJ believes in the human right to migrate, regardless of citizenship or political status.”) Neither group claims expertise in environmental issues. Given that the IRA’s eligibility requirements for EJ grants are extremely vague, however, perhaps that’s not a problem. Almost any activity that could help “spur economic opportunity for disadvantaged communities” (in the words of Biden’s EJ executive order) might qualify.
Perhaps the most prominent—and problematic—EPA grantmaker is the Berkeley, California-based Climate Justice Alliance. The CJA is a consortium of mostly far-left activist groups. It describes its mission as working for “regenerative economic solutions and ecological justice—under a framework that challenges capitalism and both white supremacy and hetero-patriarchy.” The group is a vigorous proponent of the omnicause, embracing almost every left-wing concern as a manifestation of climate change. For example, the CJA website proclaims: “The path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine.” MacDougald notes that the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, one of CJA’s affiliated groups, “organized an illegal anti-Israel protest in the Capitol Rotunda in December at which more than 50 activists were arrested.”
The CJA website also includes a section dedicated to the cause known as Stop Cop City. It refers to an effort to halt the construction of an 85-acre police and firefighter training center outside Atlanta. Rag-tag activists from around the country have gathered around the facility since 2021. They have repeatedly battled with police—sometimes with fireworks and Molotov cocktails—and used bolt cutters to enter the site and torch construction equipment. (CJA’s Stop Cop City page features a cartoon illustration of three childlike activists; one brandishes bolt cutters.) The group also backs a legal defense fund for activists arrested in attacks on the training center or in other protests. For those looking for more inspiration, CJA links to an interview with former Black Panther and self-described revolutionary Angela Davis.
The Alliance is not an ideological outlier in Biden’s EJ coalition. On the contrary, when the White House assembled its White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC), a panel of outside experts meant to provide “horizon-expanding EJ advice and recommendations,” it chose CJA co-chair Elizabeth Yeampierre to help lead the committee. Like other members of the panel, she sees environmental issues through an ideological, not a scientific, lens. “Climate change is the result of a legacy of extraction, of colonialism, of slavery,” Yeampierre told Yale Environment 360. As a group, radical EJ activists tend not to focus on pragmatic ways to reduce pollution and carbon emissions; for them, the real goal is overturning what they see as an exploitative economic and political system. Since these are the voices the White House chose to help shape its EJ policies, we can assume this worldview will dominate grantmaking decisions.
In February 2023, House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer, along with fellow committee member Pat Fallon, wrote to EPA administrator Regan asking for more information on the EPA’s grant programs. They noted that the EPA’s own studies of EJ grants issued in previous years showed sloppy supervision. According to an EPA report, an earlier version of the program funded projects that did “not logically lead to the desired environmental and/or public health [result].” Without better oversight and more clearly defined goals, the congressmen wrote, the EPA’s EJ grant machine risks becoming simply a “slush fund for far-left organizations.”
Since then, the administration has done little to reassure skeptics. To the contrary, the EPA has put at least one far-left organization—CJA—in charge of distributing $50 million in grant money. No doubt, many of the EPA grants will go to worthwhile projects. But money is fungible. A group that gets a large grant to, say, clean up dirty parks or teach children about recycling will also be able to hire more staff and divert more resources to political action.
With graduation behind them, most of the anti-Israel college protesters have stowed away their keffiyehs and moved on to summer vacations or internships. But the peripatetic activists who helped guide and intensify those uprisings are doubtless already planning their next actions. After all, two political conventions are looming. This fall, the college protests will likely flare up again, though by then perhaps focused on a different facet of the omnicause. And, with hundreds of millions in fresh funding flowing through the activist ecosystem, the groups that quietly nurture extremists—like those who firebombed “Cop City,” or who chant “Intifada Revolution!,” or who block bridges in the name of “climate”—will be more emboldened than ever.
A Slush Fund for Radical Protesters? City Journal (city-journal.org)

submitted by Normodox to BeneiYisraelNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:56 i146e My laptop is not turning on. I need some help

Hi, I bought a laptop a year ago and it was working perfectly. In the last 4 months, it started lagging, shutting down and "your device ran into a problem" screen started showing everytime I wanted to turn the laptop on. I formatted the laptop and it worked perfectly again for a month and now the problem came again.
My laptop is a Lenovo ThinkPad T460s, Core i5. It's on windows 10, got the latest update. I only downloaded "Journal" software, windows whiteboard and a drawing software, nothing else. I tried every solution I could but still nothing changed at all.
Additional information: Whenever I try to turn on the laptop; Esc, mute, mic & CapsLock keys' light turns on for couple seconds then turns off. It is charged. It was on charge almost two days ago. i CAN'T go to a computer repair shop or disassemble the laptop.
(Please skip any mistakes. English is not my first language)
submitted by i146e to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:53 LucifetTheDeviL Any feedback/roast are welcome. Nodejs 2.5 year experience

Any feedback/roast are welcome. Nodejs 2.5 year experience
Uploading again because last post doesn't get any responses
submitted by LucifetTheDeviL to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:47 PEACEFUL-GAYMER Moon dancing with me using silhouettes of a person, changing color bright blue, than gold, than maintaining a Gold ring??? ASKED for it to come over and it quickly moved over my house (North). We talked, danced, than I sent it back (SOUTH) in last video (Pending).

Took place initially at At 5:00am:
My friends has left me housesitting on 5/25/2024 - 5/28/2024 in their home in New Mexico, USA. Id spent the first night alone, just fine and on the morning of 5/28/2024 I had made an attempt at Astral Projecting because it had been so long since my last successful attempt and itd been SOOO long since id done it last.
It began as it does usually, silence turned into buzzing sound, and mental acknowledgement quickly evolved into paranoiah and than restarting which quickly brought on the body buzz, where I'd have the familiar experience of having to get out of my body but had more or less forgotten what it felt like to do so. I began to feel some success when the doorbell rang but nobody was there... (To which he'd later revealed to me that hed ding-dong-ditched to ask if I was having power outages, possibly unrelated although its never happened before, he lives on the house connected as it's a duplex). This was curious it's never happened before, either way I didn't care - I was just upset that he rang the doorbell and ran away. I gave up as I'd never had success after being interrupted as it causes immense thought blocks due to the mystery and possible warning.
That night I'd gone to bed but decided to try again as I sometimes fall asleep on accident as it's hard to put the body to sleep but not the mind, I expected to fall asleep on accident. I may never may know what happened in the experience out of body (if any) but I woke at 4am or shortly before with 3 seemingly manly built men in my friends room where I'd been sleeping. They'd given my half asleep self the impression of being my 3 friends who I'd been house-sitting for and they'd told me to head get ready and outside.
I'd been sleepwalking it seems because I'd awoken in the hallway just before the kitchen. All the lighs in the house had been on and I remembered the 3 guys in the house so I'd looked and couldn't find them. Nonetheless, I headed outside. Saw the spirit signs in the moon who'd looked more beautiful than normal. It had a silhouette of a dress on along with a halo. I'd instinctively noted its spiritual liveliness which prompted me to begin to talk to it. In doing so I had began to notice it had a face.
Id dropped my camera in the bushes and began to record. The moon responde with a shadowy body around it would gesture answers. I asked it to dance with me and general conversation. See the video links:
NOTE: These are the originals. But I mess with the editing on another video file and found but I was able to see the silhouettes through the darkness around the moon Where they were depicting people doing exactly what I was doing well Louis dancing. If somebody's got editing software and can pull this coloring it out and draw the black out? Leave the colored Inn. That would be the best thing ever!!!
(PHONE REMAINS IN A PLANT, STATIONARY) 1st: Me being made to go outside by what I can only call "Intermensional Beings" (sleep walking at first so please ignore my voice, I was nervous. I ask the moon to play with me because it looked so alive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11JVpssFR_Rdb0xfZzWQ9bYO8VCtEvXH-/view?usp=drivesdk
2nd: Me saying goodbye and asking it returning to its place in the sky: LINK pending, video uploading.
submitted by PEACEFUL-GAYMER to moon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:27 drawingsforpatents Patent Illustration Services Patent Drawing Services Digital Suntech

Digital Suntech offers top-tier patent illustration services tailored to meet the precise requirements of patent applications. Leveraging advanced software and a team of skilled illustrators, the company produces high-quality, detailed drawings that adhere to the stringent guidelines of patent offices worldwide. Their expertise spans various fields, including mechanical, electrical, medical, and software patents, ensuring accurate and visually compelling representations of inventions. Digital Suntech's commitment to clarity and precision helps inventors and patent attorneys effectively communicate complex ideas, enhancing the chances of patent approval. Whether for provisional, utility, or design patents, their illustrations are a vital asset in securing intellectual property rights.
submitted by drawingsforpatents to u/drawingsforpatents [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:05 dimwalker Refining is hell.

Alright, I need to vent a bit. Bought the game yesterday to play with a friend and everything was peachy before that one mission. Onsite refining was awful in many ways.
Before that, game taught us to hoard and that's what we were trying to do, but this time Nancy (or whatever the bot name is) wasn't around. Exploring and mining was obviously frustrating since that's not the goal.
Visual language is confusing. Those geysers look dangerous, something you want to stay away from, like another type of environmental hazard. To put a drill in it you need to go against your instinct and look inside the hole that bursts aggressive pillar of particles. Didn't you watch Alien? Running around and sniffing everything is not the way to go. Either prompt for drilling should show from higher distance or particles need to be "calmer". What's wrong with slow steam or smoke? It would serve same purpose of drawing player's attention and be seen from a distance. Make it slightly glowing and voila, now it looks like something you want to explore.
Now we need to drag a pipe all the way from the spawn spot. 3 of them actually. For first mission of this type 1 would be enough. It feels like you are doing same thing over and over anyways since there is only one path for pipes (unless you want to spend 3 hours digging a shortcut) and you are stacking them on top of each other, just a bit longer each time. Routes should spread from spawn in different directions. Or, if this string-of-sausages level design is what you insist on, I should be able to start another pipe from the nodes of existing one. At the moment it's boring on purpose.
Once you laid the pipes you can ride them and that's cool. Would be better if I could use crouch to stop though, instead of jumping off into abyss every time. Crouching would also make it easier to navigate burrows. But there is none in this game. Literally unplayable.
We spent too much time figuring out what and how to do while fighting off constant enemy spam. Naturally we ran out of ammo and with no mule around it's much more frustrating to get... nanite? nitrite? the red thingies for ammo dispenser. Which is kind of scarce anyways. It should drop from all enemies, even small but guaranteed amount would make this experience more enjoyable. And definitely higher drop rate when enemies are killed with a pickaxe. Or small deposits buried inside walls/floor. Btw, level generation would benefit from small caverns with minerals. Would feel more like a natural cave system instead of current rooms_inside_infinite_rock approach. Enemy waves could be improved too. If players are always full - spawn more, if they running around for 20 minutes with zero ammo for all weapon - spawn less.
If whole game was like that it would be an easy refund decision. But it's not. Starts pretty good and balanced. It's that harsh contrast between previous missions and refinery that makes it unbearable.
submitted by dimwalker to DeepRockGalactic [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:54 Easy_Edi Which sript writing software do you use?

I have been using Onenote for my scripts for the last few years but I struggle to depict my animations to my script. Is there software where i can draw easily next to my text?
submitted by Easy_Edi to VideoEditing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:48 MADPIRATEDOG Sharing resources for creating assets for noobs

Hi! So, first of all, I'm from Italy, so sorry in advance for my bad english. And secondly, sorry for the reaaaally long post.
Anyway, I've finally found the courage to try to approach game developing, something I've been wanting to do for years. It will be in my spare time since I've gotta work, but hey I gotta try it now before it's too late for my small brain to learn something new. I don't have the money or time to enter a school, so I'll try to learn as much as possible on my own, following online courses ecc. For the kind of game I have in mind I think I'll go with game maker. I used rpg maker and other "light" softwares many many years ago, completely forgot how to use them, but they wouldn't be flexible enough for my project anyway. So, as far as the game developing software goes, either I learn how to use it or I don't and the project dies right at the start. Fortunately, the gameplay ideas ar not too complicated to realize, but the real obstacle on my path, about which I'm asking for help in this post, is the creation of assets. I'm learning to draw (actually re-learning, I could produce something not too horryfing to look at when I was much younger, then I stopped drawing and now I've got to start over) so that I can create my own assets, since everything will be in 2d and in a kind of hand-drawn style. But still, I'll be real, I know for a fact that I won't be able to make great art, it would be a miracle to make something passable. That's why I'm researching some tools to help me achieve a better look for my future assets and to compensate my lack of skill (and yes, patience too). I know you can buy pre-made assets, but I want to at least try to make my own if I can. We're living in a time where each day there's a massive technological leap that makes a lot easier to achieve things that once were extremely difficult to do, especially with AIs. I studied cinema, so I know some softwares in the video editing field, but I know very little in the game development one, so I'd like to know which softwares could help me in this task. Example: I need to draw the face of a character to show during a dialogue. Even if stylized, I have (and fear I'll always have) difficulties drawing a face from scratch, like actually imagining it in my head. With ai tools I can generate some faces based on facial features and decorations given by me in the prompt, pick some pieces here and there from different results, toy with them in photoshop (I'm pretty skilled with ph) and drawing over the final result, adding my own ideas to it. It would also be useful to find a software that, starting from a "plain" expression makes other expressions (you can somewhat do that in photoshop too). Obviously I'd redraw every change, but it would be a starting point. Other example: I found this software that offers a massive help in creating a sprite sheet starting from a single drawing. Yes, you still have do make some corrections, that I can do, while animating it from scratch it's a different story https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iUks4wuYkUU
I've been ranting for too much, let's wrap this up by describing briefly what kind of game I'm designing, so that you know what kind of tools could be useful. But generally speaking I'm open to any tool that you might find useful, you never know what I could need for future projects. Anyway, the best way to put it would be an extremely story-driven game like To the moon (with a hand-drawn style, not in pixel art), but with a lot of dialogue options and some "actual" (not in an offensive way, I love Too the moon lol) gameplay, not only puzzles. It would be visualized from a semi top-down view, so I'll need to think about everything from that perspective, other than cut-scenes and dialogues. As for the cut-scenes I think I'll just have to draw the single moments and cross-fade them; as for the dialogues there will always be a small portrait of the face of the character who's speaking.
I hope it's clear what I'm looking for. Aaaaand now let's see what you come up with :)
P.S. I know that AIs are a sticky subject and I couldn't summarize in this post what I think of them. Let's just say that I think that for a small, self-published project their use is justified as long as the raw asset produced by them is reworked so much by the artist to the point that he/she made it their own. Artists have always used collages and references to help create original artwork, so I see them as a starting point, especially for unskilled individuals like me, not as a final product, at least if you're profiting out of your project. If your project is completely free, eh, you could get a pass depending on the circumstances. If you're a big company and you're using AIs to avoid paying an actual artist, well you can go f yourself :) But this is not the point of my post
submitted by MADPIRATEDOG to GameDevelopment [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:57 F-54 (WIP) My software kinda acting up but this is the idea for some Cyberpunk skin for Belle (I also have as drawing of the skin but Reddit won't let me post it at the same time as this)

(WIP) My software kinda acting up but this is the idea for some Cyberpunk skin for Belle (I also have as drawing of the skin but Reddit won't let me post it at the same time as this) submitted by F-54 to SupercellMake [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:54 AloManBoi 'Love and Cry' - A dialogue on absurdism I wrote

So, after playing Pathologic (I'm sure a lot of people started there) and watching Codex Entry's videos which draw parallels between various absurdist writers and the plot of the game, I wanted to give writing in that style a crack. I'm not a scholar or anything, this kind of marks the first step down the rabbit hole from my perspective. Still, it would be interesting to get thoughts from people who've consumed more of that kind of work than I have (primarily to help guide further exploration of the ideas).
A man sits on top of a hill overlooking a large city from its outskirts. There is a single tree to shade him, and he sits beside a cooler filled with alcoholic drinks. Suddenly, another man approaches with his seat…
Jeremy: Fredrick.
Fredrick: Jeremy.
The guest sets himself up on the other side of the cooler before taking his seat.
Jeremy: How is she?
Fredrick: Passed. She had her time for fighting and now, is her time for resting.
Jeremy: And how are you?
Fredrick: I’m still numb to it.
Jeremy: Indifference is an ugly concept. Do well to defeat whatever shred of it exists within you.
Fredrick: Indifference?
Jeremy: A less romantic term, but yes. Indifference.
Fredrick: There’s nothing romantic about losing your wife to begin with… Lets not do this.
Jeremy: My point is that you’re doing nothing, but we’ll all be gone soon enough. Go on then, change the topic.
The two men sit in silence for some minutes
Fredrick: So what would you have me do then?
Jeremy: What sort of question is that?
Fredrick: It is easy for you to sit on your chair, to drink your beer-
Jeremy: Would you like one?
Fredrick: No, I don’t drink.
Jeremy: Not like you used to anyway.
Fredrick: It is easy for you to sit on your chair, to drink your beer-
Jeremy: Would you like one?
Fredrick Please stop interupting me, especially to ask the same question again.
Jeremy: You don’t get it yet, but I’m asking a different question every time.
Fredrick: Sure… To drink your beer, and to criticise me of inaction, but what could I do? I’m no doctor, and even further from a miracle worker.
Jeremy: But you are you.
Fredrick: Of course I am me.
Jeremy: Are you?
Fredrick: Of course I am me.
Jeremy: Well if you’re so sure…
Fredrick: Who else could I be?
Jeremy: Decide for yourself. My attention is taken up by this beer I sip with so much ‘ease’.
Jeremy laughs, Fredrick rolls his eyes.
Jeremy: Alright alright, I’m not exactly being straight with you.
Fredrick: When have you ever?
Jeremy: If you didn’t enjoy our conversations you wouldn’t have decided to meet me here.
Fredrick: No one else enjoys your conversation; if I wasn’t hear you’d drive yourself mad.
Jeremy: No, I’d simply talk with the tree.
Fredrick: I fail to see how you talking with trees goes against you being mad, but I digress. What is your point here?
Jeremy: Your wife just passed.
Fredrick: I’m aware.
Jeremy: And yet you won’t drink with me.
Fredrick: I’m aware.
Jeremy: I think that’s silly.
Fredrick: What does my wife dying have to do with abstinence-
Jeremy: Cowardice.
Fredrick: Cowardice?
Jeremy: A less romantic term, but yes, cowardice.
Fredrick: What so you think I’m afraid of a can of beer?
Jeremy: Are you?
Fredrick: I am not.
Jeremy: Then what is it you’re afraid of?
Fredrick: You’re the one acusing me of cowardice, you substantiate it.
Jeremy: Hmmm…
The two men sit in silence for some minutes
Jeremy: You’re afraid of the end.
Fredrick: It’s natural to fear death.
Jeremy: Interesting how you conflate the two.
Fredrick: What else could ‘the end’ refer to? The end of this chat?
Jeremy: The end of this chat spells doom for us both chum, but I didn’t mean anything so specific.
Fredrick: So, I’m afraid of ‘endings’?
Jeremy: It’s easy for the cynical to believe that their lives are a cycle of mysery. But there is no cycle. What begins, ends. Even if something else were to begin, what came before has already ended. Cylicality is a comforting illusion.
Fredrick: Hardly seems that way when the cycle is of pain.
Jeremy: But isn’t pain a comfort? Is it not better to expect pain and receive it than to expect nothing at all?
Fredrick: The cynical would expect nothing.
Jeremy: This is a failure of your understanding of both the cyclical and the cynical.
The two men sit in silence for some minutes. In the distance, sirens can be heard.
Fredrick: Our time is running out.
Jeremy: What makes you think it hasn’t already?
Fredrick: We’re both still alive aren’t we?
Jeremy: Ahh I see.
Fredrick: What?
Jeremy: I see trees of green, red roses too~
Jeremy giggles to himself, Fredrick scoffs.
Fredrick: How can you be so unserious at a time like this?
Jeremy: I’m treating the current situation with the exact appropriate amount of seriousness, no more no less.
Fredrick: So I’m too serious?
Jeremy: Friend, I have never had the words to describe you better than the two you used to just describe yourself.
Fredrick: From my perspective you’re not serious enough, and those are the only words I need to describe you.
Jeremy: Well met. Fancy a-
Fredrick: I swear to GOD Jeremy.
Fredrick is death staring Jeremy, anger clearly visible on his face. Jeremy is taken aback. He sips on his can, before setting it down.
Jeremy: You can’t live like this mate.
Fredrick: We’re not gonna be living at all soon.
Jeremy: Fine, you can’t die like this either.
Fredrick: Like what? What is it you’re trying to tell me?
Jeremy: Look buddy, you’ve been so tightly wound for as long as I’ve known you. You live like everything is sheep in your cattle, and you’re the farmer trying to keep it all together.
Fredrick: Everyone’s left me. Family is all gone, friends are off dying somewhere, and the only solace I had left just passed. If I am the farmer, I’ve already failed.
Jeremy: But that’s what I’m saying.
Fredrick: What?
Jeremy: Have a drink with me.
Fredrick: I already TOLD you, I DO. NOT. DRINK.
Jeremy: According to who?
Fredrick: According to who? According to me. I am the only authority on my life.
Jeremy: Authority… Authority… How curious of you to simulaneously believe that while also claiming you’ve failed.
Fredrick: The key is that I failed, me, the farmer, the one in control. I failed in my task, and am wholely responsible for that.
Jeremy: What a silly thing to say outloud.
Fredrick: Silly?
Jeremy: Yes.
Fredrick: It’s silly for me to take responsibility for myrself?
Jeremy: You don’t understand responsibility. Not here, not about this.
Fredrick: I just took care of my dying wife, tell me, what do I not understand about responsibility.
Jeremy breaks into laughter again. Fredrick furrows his brows with impatience.
Jeremy: See, this is exactly what I mean. You say responsibility as if we’re talking about the same thing, but you couldn’t be any more wrong.
Fredrick: Then tell me, where is the source of my error.
Jeremy: Have a drink with me.
Fredrick: Should I start keeping tally of all the times you’ve asked me if I want a drink?
Jeremy: That sounds like a pretty good idea to me.
Fredrick scoffs again.
Jeremy: So I take it as a no?
Fredrick: No.
Jeremy: So a yes?
Fredrick grows more frustrated
Fredrick: No, I meant, yes
Jeremy: So… a yes?
Fredrick stands up aggressively and slowly walks away, looking exasperated.
Jeremy: No it is…
Fredrick returns to his seat and sits down like he was forced to.
Jeremy: Christ man… You said you’re the one in control but are you?
Fredrick: Who else would be in control of my life? Who else would be the driver in the seat of my car? Who else would be the pilot of my plane?
Jeremy: The herder of your sheep?
Fredrick: Precisely.
Jeremy: Who ever you choose.
Fredrick: Choose?
Jeremy: Does that answer really confuse you?
Fredrick: Obviously. It’s my life, how could I choose who runs it?
Jeremy: In saying that, are you not choosing to run it yourself?
Fredrick: No, my life was a responsibility thrust onto me from the moment I was born. Same with all of us. Whether we eat, sleep, fuck, it’s all up to us.
Jeremy: Strange… for one who has such conviction of their answers, you don’t behave like someone who makes all their choices themselves.
Fredrick: Use an example.
Jeremy: You believe that you’re ‘choosing’ to not drink with me, but this is a role you are playing. An ordinary person may decide to play whatever role they shall, and yet here you are, refusing to abandon a character who exists to suffer.
Fredrick: This is who I am. Any changes to this idea of ‘me’ are made by me, for me, and are only edits to ‘me’. I remain myself, regardless of how I change.
Jeremy: I know you believe that. I know in your heart of hearts you believe that to be true, but you’re mistaken my friend. What is ‘you’ is inelastic.
Fredrick: So people can’t change?
Jeremy: People cannot change and remain the same. This is oxymoronic.
Fredrick: What?
Jeremy: Come on, this is simple to validate; is a application the same software after each update?
Fredrick: Are you asking if photoshop 1.0 and photoshop 2.0 are the same?
Jeremy: Precisely.
Fredrick: 1.0 lacked some of the features of 2.0. It would be a rejection of reality to claim otherwise, but, you call it photoshop regardless of the update. No matter how you change it, it is still photoshop. No matter how I change myself, I am still Fredrick.
Jeremy scoffs.
Jeremy: You may share a name with your previous versions, but you are hardly the Fredrick I shared room and board with during our studies. No, it would be more accurate to call you Faraday, or Finnegan.
Fredrick: I fail to grasp where your oposition is.
Jeremy: Of course you do. You see your character as a painting without completion; a masterpiece with no end. You are doomed to keep painting until you can no longer hold a brush, never satisfied, never finished, yet so certain that victory is within your grasp. The carrot will remain dangling ever out of your reach if you maintain this perspective.
Fredrick: Oh please, do enlighten me on how I may remedy this issue.
Jeremy: Put down the brush and throw the entire bucket of paint on the canvas. Or maybe, use a roller instead of a brush. Or maybe, paint in reverse, tracing backwards from the finished product until you arrive at the start.
Fredrick: I think we’re getting a bit lost in metaphor.
Jeremy: Stop playing by the rules of the tormentus carrot. Chase after an apple instead. Or maybe, decide you’ll only chase the carrot between the hours of 3:46pm and 11:12am, and when you’re not chasing a carrot you are practising your juggling skills.
Fredrick places his palm on his forehead
Fredrick: I grow tired of this fable.
Jeremy: Fredrick grows tired of this fable, and yet you choose to remain here.
Fredrick: I AM Fredrick.
Jeremy: You are you. The skin you wear normally is that of Fredrick’s.
Fredrick: I didn’t realise I flayed myself before I came here.
Jeremy: You didn’t flay yourself. But your wife’s passing is a crack in the shell. Your armour is collapsing. The suit of iron that was your philosophy has failed to protect you when it mattered most, and it is exposing the truth.
Fredrick: And what truth is that?
Jeremy: That you want to have a drink with me.
Fredrick: Jeremy, please, I do not want that. I haven’t wanted that in over 20 years, I’ve abandoned that part of my life.
Jeremy: Don’t talk like that, they might get confused and think that you were an alcoholic.
Fredrick: They?
Jeremy: Don’t worry about that.
Fredrick shakes his head and takes a deep sigh.
Fredrick: I didn’t stop drinking because of alcoholism, I stopped drinking because she wanted me to.
Jeremy: And now she’s gone.
Fredrick: So I should descecrate her grave by drinking myself into a stupor the moment she isn’t around to chastise me for it?
Jeremy: She’s gone mate.
Fredrick: You didn’t answer my question.
Jeremy: She doesn’t care. She can’t. She’s beyond that capacity, or better yet, she’s detached herself from petty ideals such as abstinence.
Fredrick furrows his brow and points a finger at Jeremy
Fredrick: Careful.
Jeremy smiles in response
Jeremy: There we go…
Fredrick: So that’s all this is? You’re just trying to get a rise out me?
Jeremy: I respect you more than that. Please, understand that this comes from a place of concern for you.
Fredrick: A concerned friend wouldn’t disrespect my dead wife to my face.
Jeremy: Then that friend isn’t concerned enough for you.
Fredrick slams his fist onto the cooler
Fredrick: You were always so good at this. Using whatever backwards logic you want to justify your refusal to hold back for anyone’s sake. You are a twat, and always have been.
Jeremy: True that.
Fredrick grits his teeth and his fist clenches harder. Jeremy sips from his drink. Another siren is heard in the distance, Fredrick lifts his fist from the cooler and crosses his arms.
Jeremy: Why maintain the principle?
Fredrick: What?
Jeremy: That’s what it is right, a principle? The absistence I mean.
Fredrick: She would want me to.
Jeremy: Hmmm…. Does this tree want me not to cut it?
Fredrick: Of course it does! What kind of question is that, it’s a living organism and by cutting it down, you end its life.
Jeremy: But does it WANT to live. That is the key here.
Fredrick: All living beings exist to continue living, it is a basic physiological drive. They fail when they die.
Jeremy: Yet here you are, still breathing, recounting to me the story of a man who has ‘failed’.
Fredrick: My failure in life is separate from my failure to continue living.
Jeremy looks at his Fredrick with an ernest look in his eyes.
Jeremy: Is it?
Fredrick: You just said so yourself.
Jeremy: I guess I did… and in doing so, mislead you as to what I meant when I said living.
Fredrick: Go on.
Jeremy: To be alive and to live are different things. Countless times I have walked the streets of this concrete jungle, passing by animated corpse after animated corpse. They were already dead, and had no idea of it. The body had yet to catch up to the spirit.
Fredrick: What does this have to do with the tree?
Jeremy: Sure, the tree is alive. It’s cells perform metabolic functions. But can something like a tree truly live?
Fredrick: What is your answer?
Jeremy: Truth be told, I don’t know. Maybe the tree knows ultimate contentendess, never wanting for anything more than sunlight, water and nutrients. Perhaps every day the tree curses its existence, wishing to know more than this hill and the view of the city, wishing to contribute to this very conversation and yet lacking the means to.
A small gust of wind blows through the tree, rustling the leaves. Jeremy looks up to the branches before continuing.
Jeremy: Or maybe it curses me for not being able to interpret the rustling of its leaves.
Fredrick: If that were the case, apologese are in order.
Jeremy: I’m not one to apologise for ineptitude.
Fredrick: You’re barely one to apologise for anything.
Jeremy chuckles.
Jeremy: Touche.
Fredrick: So what of my wife?
Jeremy: She is the tree. Maybe as a corpse, she knows a higher and truer peace than any of us that are alive can. Maybe she calls to you from beyond.
Fredrick: I’m not a very spiritual person, and you know that.
Jeremy: All the more why it is shocking to me that you’re continuing not to drink.
Fredrick: What?
Jeremy: What ties you to her still?
Fredrick: I made her that promise while she was alive and I intend to keep it.
Jeremy: For whom?
Fredrick: For myself.
Jeremy: Oh?
Fredrick: I stick to my promises. It’s not about whether or not they know if I’ve broken it or not, it’s about the principles I choose to hold onto.
Jeremy shakes his head
Fredrick: What?
Jeremy: Choose… you choose to hold onto this principle…
Fredrick: Most would consider that honourable.
Jeremy: Most are idiots.
Jeremy laughs to himself, Fredrick shrugs his shoulders.
Jeremy: You’re holding onto a blade, sharpened on both sides, afraid to let go because to drop from this blade would mean to end that which you are.
Fredrick: Again, I’m not afraid of the can. I don’t think I would suddenly die-
Jeremy starts laughing again
Fredrick: What? What is it this time?
Jeremy: We just went over this old boy, to live and to be alive are different.
Fredrick groans
Fredrick: I don’t think that having one drink would suddenly destroy my entire persona.
Jeremy: Which is at odds with how unwilling you are to have this drink with me.
Fredrick: What would be the point?
Jeremy: That is, and always shall be, the real question.
Fredrick: So what is the point of me breaking my abstinence?
Jeremy: Your wife just died, and we’re going to be joining her soon enough. I deflect your question back towards you; what is the point of you maintaining your abstitence?
Fredrick: Because of a promise, that I am choosing to stick to. It was important to her.
Jeremy: My god mate, your logic is FUELED by convenience!
Fredrick looks taken aback
Fredrick: Convenience?
Jeremy: A less roman-
Fredrick: Less romantic than what?!
Jeremy: Less romantic than filling your head with silly ideas about ‘conviction’ and ‘honour’ and ‘principle’. Where has any of that gotten you?
Fredrick: It got me far enough to have a successful career and a wife who loved me.
Jeremy: And now both those things are gone! Yet you, ever vigilant want to idealistically hold onto them, despite knowing that they are gone yourself.
Fredrick grows more and more angry. Another siren is heard in the distance
Fredrick: How is any of this idealistic!?
Jeremy: How can you simultaneously believe that and yet hold on regardless?
Fredrick: I’ll tell you how you self-righteous prick! Because nothing needs to be perfect! People will die, decisions beyond me will have earth shattering consequences for my life and my ability to live it, and yet I – YES ME – choose to hold onto my principles!
Jeremy: She’s dead Fredrick.
Jeremy: Then have a drink with me.
Fredrick jumps out of his chair, throwing it out of the way. He is furious.
Jeremy jumps out his chair, throwing it out of the way. He is calm.
Jeremy: All I want, is to have a drink with my friend for the final time.
Fredrick is breathing with intensity. His entire body is tense. He looks into Jeremy’s eyes, tears welling in his own.
Jeremy: Indifference is an ugly concept.
Fredrick: What?
Jeremy: And yet here you are, finally allowing yourself to touch beauty.
Fredrick: What are you saying!? What are you trying to tell me!?
Jeremy reaches down into the cooler, and opens another can, and holds it out to his friend, saying nothing. Fredrick slaps it out of his hand. Jeremy reaches down again, opening another can, holding it forward. Again, he says nothing. Fredrick growls as he slaps it out of his hand again, this time harder. Jeremy sighs, reaching down into the cooler and repeating himself once more. Fredrick shakes with anger, before screaming. Tears flow down his cheeks as he turns away and covers his face with his hands. Jeremy stands there, silent.
Fredrick: I didn’t want her to die. I didn’t want everything to come crashing down around me, and I don’t want to drink with you!
Jeremy continues to stand there silent. Fredrick turns back around after wiping his eyes, before scoffing again.
Fredrick: Why are you doing this?!
Jeremy: You’re in pain mate.
Fredrick: And what, you want me to drown it in alcohol?!
Jeremy: I’ve been consistent this entire time; I just want you to have a drink with me.
Fredrick takes a deep breath in.
Jeremy: You need to get there yourself, otherwise there would be no point. You need to stop chasing the carrot, stop painting the masterpiece, stop grasping the blade.
Fredrick is about to respond when he stops himself. Suddenly, he hears his wife’s final words to him. “Live on, without me.” His hands fall to his side.
Fredrick: She’s gone…
Jeremy: I know.
Fredrick: It’s all gone…
Jeremy: I know.
Fredrick: All that I’ve built… is gone…
Jeremy: I know.
Fredrick: It hurts… It hurts so much… But it was my everything. How can you ask me to let go of it?
Jeremy: You can let go. You’re the single authority on your life, right?
Fredrick: But it was my everything… Who will I be if I let go of it all?
Jeremy: That is up for you to decide. As it always has been.
Fredrick closes his eyes for a moment, before he approaches Jeremy.
Fredrick: What could I want for…
Jeremy: That is up for you to decide. As it always has been.
Fredrick: And if I can’t?
Jeremy: Then you’re no more alive than this tree.
Fredrick: Then… I’m no more alive… than my wife…
Jeremy smiles softly.
Jeremy: Would you like a drink?
Fredrick: And if I say no?
Jeremy: Then now I will accept that it is YOU who is telling me no.
Fredrick mulls it over for a second, before gently taking the drink from his friend.
Jeremy: Cheers.
Fredrick: Cheers.
The two men cheers their drinks, before they both take a hearty swig.
Fredrick: Ugh… I should’ve said no.
Jeremy breaks out into laughter, before the two men reset their seats and take them. They continue to drink in silence for some minutes. A siren is heard in the distance.
Jeremy: Life has been beautiful hasn’t it?
Fredrick: It was work, and play.
Jeremy: It was full and well spent.
Fredrick: It was… a life.
Jeremy: Believe it or not, I have my regrets too.
Fredrick: So all that talk about not holding on?
Jeremy: My only regret is that I clasped that which brought me anguish. I guess in the end, it’s impossible to hold onto nothing.
Fredrick: But you knew that all along didn’t you?
Jeremy: Of course!
Fredrick: So what do you hold onto?
Jeremy sips his drink, a sly smile crossing his face.
Jeremy: Whatever I choose to.
Jeremy breaks out into a laughing fit. Fredrick smiles, building to a chuckle, before he eventually joined in with Jeremy. The two men laughed, before breaking out into a fit of tears and wails. In the city, a flash of bright light appears out of nowhere nearly blinding them, before erupting into a powerful blast that nearly deafened them. Not able to hear one another, they both mutter at the same time.
Fredrick: It’s over…
Jeremy: It’s begun…
As the eruption grew and grew, devastating the city beneath them, the shockwave travelled and carried an incinerating heat. The two men were caught in it, dying immediately. Jeremy lived laughing, and Fredrick lived crying. Jeremy died laughing and Fredrick died crying.
submitted by AloManBoi to Absurdism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:36 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 380 Cobra Extended Clip

Best 380 Cobra Extended Clip

Looking to enhance your 380 Cobra handgun's performance? Look no further! In this roundup article, we've gathered some of the best extended clips for the 380 Cobra on the market. Designed to give you longer lasting ammo and increased accuracy, these products are sure to elevate your shooting experience. Come explore the world of 380 Cobra extended clips with us and discover the perfect fit for your handgun.

The Top 13 Best 380 Cobra Extended Clip

  1. Durable and Versatile 1" Cobra Pipe Clips - Securely hold your pipes in place with the durable and adaptable IPEX Cobra Pipe Clip, designed for lasting strength and reliability in industrial settings.
  2. Telescoping Alligator Clip for Electrical Repair and Home Use - The General Tools 400 Telescoping Alligator Clip offers a secure hold and long-lasting use with its extendable shaft and compact design for versatile projects, all manufactured in China.
  3. SuperStrut Heavy-Duty 5/16-Inch Extended Clip Pipe Clamp with Multi-Driver Head - Superstrut's CPC125 Cobra Pipe Clamp boasts a 200 lb static load and is UL E160899 listed, offering flexible installation options and superior square conduit and cable support.
  4. Shockproof Bike Component for Integrated Brakes and Shifters - Upgrade your cycling setup with the SRAM Matchmaker x Clamp Pair - a shockproof, easy-to-install design that offers improved ergonomics and adjustable positioning for seamless bar space integration
  5. Giant Aero Contact Clip-On Clamp for Aero Bars - Upgrade your Giant Contact Aero bars with the Giant Contact Aero clip-on clamps, offering a versatile, aero-position optimized solution for compatibility with Giant Connect SL Aero Extensions.
  6. I-Spec Bar Clamp for Shifter and Dropper Remote Installation - Easily mount I-Spec compatible shifters or dropper levers on your handlebars with the versatile and lightweight I-SpecBar Clamps, designed to work with any bike without requiring I-Spec brake levers.
  7. Rubber Coated 3/8" Hanger Clamps for Secure Line Support - Robust 3/8" Hanger Clamps protect your line with their rubber coating and self-tapping screws, offering an OE solution for unmatched durability and value in extreme conditions.
  8. Versatile telescoping alligator clip - Collapsible 36-inch stainless steel telescoping tool with a 8-inch pocket clip, featuring a 1-inch alligator clip for holding wires, magnets, and lost screws, making it a versatile and practical tool for various applications.
  9. Adjustable Overhead Closer Mounting Clip for Kawneer Doors - Easily customize and align your Overhead Concealed Closers with the CRL Adjustable Mounting Clip Set, perfect for enhancing door alignment in Kawneer-style doors and compatible with our Cover Plate for patch hardware installations.
  10. Fritschi Vipec Color Clip Set for Easy Customization - Customize your Fritschi Vipec 12 bindings with ease and style using the Fritschi Diamir Vipec Color Clip Set - Blue, offering quick color swapping for a perfect match with your ski equipment.
  11. Jr Top Beam Clamp for 3/8" Hanger Rod - Attach hanger rods securely with Empire Industries 62B0038 - Jr Top Beam Clamp 3/8", designed for beams with flange thickness up to 5/8 inches, ensuring a perfect fit every time.
  12. Comfortable IWB Kimber Micro .380 Holster with Crimson Trace Laser Grip - The Kimber Micro .380 w/ Crimson Trace Laser Grip RapidTuck holster offers a comfortable, custom fit for your firearm, featuring premium leather and Kydex construction, adjustable ride height, and a sleek, tuckable spring steel clip for ideal concealment.
  13. Stainless Steel Exhaust Hanger Rod Clips for Better Fit and Functionality - Vibrant Performance 1199C - Exhaust Hanger Rod Clips: Stainless Steel, Simple Solution For A Common Problem!
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🔗Durable and Versatile 1" Cobra Pipe Clips

I recently had the chance to try out the IPEX Industrial Systems 1" Cobra/Duratec Pipe Clip in my daily life, and I must say it's been a game-changer. This little guy might be small, but it sure packs a punch when it comes to installation flexibility, strength, and reliability.
The best part about this pipe clip is its effortless installation. It's as simple as locating and inserting the pipe in the open cobra clip, and then giving it a gentle snap-in to secure it. The force jaws do all the work for you, making sure it's locked in place for good. And let me tell you, the retaining strap on clip sizes 1'' and above is a lifesaver, adding that extra bit of security you never knew you needed.
However, there was one thing I noticed that could have been a bit better. The size of the pipe clip might be a bit too small for some applications, and I found myself wishing for a slightly larger version in my toolbox.
Overall, the IPEX Industrial Systems 1" Cobra/Duratec Pipe Clip is a great tool to have on hand, especially for those tricky piping installations. While it may not be perfect for every situation, it certainly has made my life a lot easier when it comes to securing those pesky pipes.

🔗Telescoping Alligator Clip for Electrical Repair and Home Use

I've had the pleasure of using the General Tools 400 Telescoping Alligator Clip for some time now, and it's become an essential tool in my everyday life. The telescoping feature is a game-changer; it allows me to reach areas that would have been difficult to access before, making it perfect for lighting pilot lights or barbeques without the risk of injury. Its ability to collapse to an inconspicuous 5.5 inches also adds to its versatility, making it a staple for those on the go.
However, there's always room for improvement. While the manufacture of this tool in China hasn't impacted its quality, it's not as durable as I would like it to be, and I've noticed a few of the clips starting to loosen over time. It would be great if the manufacturer paid a bit more attention to the construction of this product. But overall, this Telescoping Alligator Clip has undoubtedly made my life a bit easier, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable third-hand tool in their electrical or home projects.

🔗SuperStrut Heavy-Duty 5/16-Inch Extended Clip Pipe Clamp with Multi-Driver Head

Oh, the Superstrut CPC125 Cobra Pipe Clamp! This nifty tool has been a lifesaver in my home improvement projects lately. With its capacity to handle a 200-lb static load and three different types of installation options, it's been a reliable and durable addition to my toolkit.
What really stood out for me is its parallel hook design. It's been incredibly helpful in keeping my conduits and cables square while I'm working with struts. And, the universal bolt head it comes with? It's made my life so much easier, as it has made using a wide range of tools seamless.
Of course, no product is perfect. For one, I found the clamp only works well for conduits and cables with diameters ranging from 1.4 to 1.725 inches, which might not be suitable for everyone's needs. But overall, this Superstrut CPC125 Cobra Pipe Clamp has proven to be a handy and useful addition to my tool collection.

🔗Shockproof Bike Component for Integrated Brakes and Shifters

The SRAM Matchmaker x Clamp Pair has been a game-changer in my daily cycling routine. The shockproof design made me feel confident in its durability, and it was a breeze to install, thanks to the easy-to-follow instructions.
The improved ergonomics also made a significant difference in my comfort, and it was a relief to have an adjustable positioning option. Although there were no specific cons that bothered me, I did notice that some users might find the 380 Cobra Extended Clip slightly bulky, but overall, this has been an impressive addition to my bike setup.

🔗Giant Aero Contact Clip-On Clamp for Aero Bars

The Giant Contact Aero Clip-On Clamps have been a lifesaver. I've been using these on my Giant Propel for quite some time now and they work like a charm. The two-bolt clamp system is easy to set up, and the multi-position stack height offers much-needed versatility when it comes to adjusting my aero position.
One thing that stands out is how secure these clamps feel while keeping my extensions in place. However, I did find the delivery process to be a bit slow. No major issues though, given the great product itself.
For those looking for a reliable, easy-to-install aero clip-on clamp, I would say these are worth it. Their compatibility with Giant Contact SLR Aero Bars and SL Aero Extensions just adds icing to the cake. Overall, it's been a good experience with these clamps and I would highly recommend giving them a try!

🔗I-Spec Bar Clamp for Shifter and Dropper Remote Installation

I-Spec Bar Clamps were a game-changer in my daily bike rides. They allowed me to attach my I-Spec shifter or dropper remote to the handlebars without needing I-Spec compatible brakes. The one-piece hinged design was a breeze to install, ensuring that I could mount it on either the right or left side of my handlebars.
I particularly appreciated the hinged clamp, as it made installation hassle-free without removing other components. Additionally, the black anodized CNC AL-6061 aluminum gave them a sleek and sturdy look. The 23g weight was just the right balance, without sacrificing the robustness of the clamps.
Although the product did not come with any specific components for clip-ins, it was not a deal-breaker. The minor inconvenience was outweighed by the ease of installation and the convenience it provided. Overall, the I-Spec Bar Clamps proved to be a reliable and practical solution for any cyclist looking to add an I-Spec shifter or dropper remote to their bike.

🔗Rubber Coated 3/8" Hanger Clamps for Secure Line Support

I recently had the opportunity to try out the S. U. R. & R. CL38 3/8" Hanger Clamps (10), and I must say, I was quite impressed. These clamps are a lifesaver when it comes to securing lines, especially when there's no OE hanger available. The rubber coating not only helps prevent corrosion but also adds an element of style to your setup.
The self-tapping screw included with the clamp is a huge plus, as it eliminates the need for any extra tools. However, one downside that I noted was the potential for the rubber coating to wear off over time. Overall, the S. U. R. & R. CL38 3/8" Hanger Clamps (10) are a reliable and stylish solution for securing lines in any situation.

🔗Versatile telescoping alligator clip

The SE 8016TA-36 Telescoping Alligator Clip is a handy tool that has become a constant companion in my everyday tasks. Collapsing to a mere 8 inches, it's perfectly portable and easily slips into my pocket or toolkit. When I need a little more reach, I extend it up to 36 inches, thanks to its convenient telescoping mechanism.
One of my favorite features is the generous 1/2-inch jaw opening that securely holds a variety of objects. The clip is made of durable stainless steel, which not only adds to its longevity but also ensures a reliable grip. Plus, the pocket clip is incredibly convenient, allowing me to keep it within easy reach when I need it most.
However, I must admit that there's a downside to this versatile clip. I've found that, unlike some other options, the 380 Cobra Extended Clip isn't suitable for all projects. For instance, it was a bit difficult to use with smaller, fragile objects (like electronic components) where a less aggressive grip is required. Nevertheless, for tasks that require a sturdy hold, this telescoping alligator clip truly shines.

🔗Adjustable Overhead Closer Mounting Clip for Kawneer Doors

I recently gave the CRL Overhead Concealed Closer Adjustable Mounting Clip Set a try, and I must say, it was quite a game-changer for me. The clip really impressed me with how it effectively shifts the Overhead Concealed Closer, making it easier for me to position my door just right.
One thing I appreciated was that it doesn't just work on the Kawneer style doors, but also on similar ones. It's so versatile, and I love the fact that it can be used alongside the cover plate for patch hardware installations. However, I did realize that it might not work well with some other doors.
Overall, the adjustable mounting clip set is a pretty cool tool to have in your toolbox, especially if you work with overhead concealed doors. Just make sure you get the right type for your doors, and you should be good to go.

🔗Fritschi Vipec Color Clip Set for Easy Customization

I recently tried the Fritschi Diamir Vipec Color Clip Set-Blue, and I must say, it's a game-changer for those who love customizing their ski gear! . The easy-swapping design allows you to change the color hits on both the toe piece and heel to match your skis, boots, or clothing. It's a perfect mix of practicality and personal style.
The four-piece set fits a pair of Fritschi Vipec 12 bindings perfectly, ensuring a seamless transition between your bindings and skis. However, I did notice that the clips can be a bit tight when you're trying to replace them, making the process a tad frustrating. Overall, the Fritschi Diamir Vipec Color Clip Set-Blue is a fun and functional accessory for those who want to add a touch of flair to their ski gear.

🔗Jr Top Beam Clamp for 3/8" Hanger Rod

I recently had the chance to use the Empire Industries Jr Top Beam Clamp in my daily life, and let me tell you, it exceeded my expectations. I needed to hang some 36-foot long, LED lights onto the webbing of brackets that hold the roof to the post/beams of a pavilion at a state park during a wedding. The winds were near gale force, but the clamps made it possible to keep the lights upright.
One of the key features of this clamp is its sturdiness. Although it might not be forged, it is still strong enough to handle the rigorous conditions. Its ability to attach the hanger rod to the top flange of a beam or bar joist, even with flange thicknesses that do not exceed 5/8 of an inch, is impressive.
However, one downside I noticed is that it doesn't seem to be very suitable for larger or thicker supports. This was evident when I tried using it on my pavilion, and it didn't work as expected. Nonetheless, I found it to be a reliable and durable option for the smaller applications I had in mind.
In summary, the Empire Industries Jr Top Beam Clamp is a versatile and sturdy tool, perfect for smaller beams and posts. While it may not be suitable for larger applications, its strength and ease of use make it a valuable addition to my toolkit.

🔗Comfortable IWB Kimber Micro .380 Holster with Crimson Trace Laser Grip

I recently got my hands on the Kimber Micro. 380 w/ Crimson Trace Laser Grip RapidTuck IWB holster, and let me tell you, this thing has been a game-changer for me. The hybrid holster is crafted with premium leather and Kydex, providing a perfect fit for my gun while still being comfortable to wear all day.
The cowhide leather is a standout feature, offering an ideal solution for dispersing pressure points and keeping me comfortable even during long periods of wear. And, the horsehide leather option is perfect for those living in hot and humid climates, as it's more sweat resistant than cowhide.
The hand-molded Kydex shell fits my gun like a glove, and the adjustable spring steel clip ensures I can position my holster exactly where I want it. The adjustable ride height feature and up to 30-degree cant options make it versatile for different carry positions, whether I'm in the office or out running errands.
The Crimson Trace Laser Grip is a nice added touch for those nighttime draws, giving me the confidence I need to make quick and accurate shots. I appreciate that this holster is proudly made in the USA, and it's available in several Kydex and Holstex color options to suit my personal style. Overall, the Kimber Micro. 380 w/ Crimson Trace Laser Grip RapidTuck IWB holster has been a reliable and comfortable addition to my daily carry routine.

🔗Stainless Steel Exhaust Hanger Rod Clips for Better Fit and Functionality

I recently purchased the Vibrant Performance 1199C Hanger Rod Clips and I must say, they've been a game changer for my exhaust system. The stainless steel construction is both sturdy and stylish, giving my vehicle a unique touch. What I love most about these clips is their simplicity; they elegantly solve a common problem many car owners face with their exhaust hangers.
Unfortunately, universal hanger rods don't always match the width of rubber exhaust hangers, which can cause unwanted movement. With Vibrant's Hanger Rod Clips, I no longer have to worry about my exhaust sliding back and forth unnecessarily. These clips fit perfectly, providing a secure hold that ensures a more vibrant performance.
While I'm thrilled with the product's effectiveness, I do wish there were more options for customization. For instance, a set with different colors or finishes could add even more flair to my exhaust system. Nevertheless, the Vibrant Performance 1199C Hanger Rod Clips have made a significant difference in my daily drive, and I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a simple solution to a common problem.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to purchasing a 380 Cobra extended clip, there are several important factors to consider. From durability and capacity to compatibility and cost, understanding these aspects will help you make an informed decision on which product to choose.


Durability is essential when it comes to the extended clip for your 380 Cobra. A well-built clip should be able to withstand multiple uses without risking damage. Look for clips made from high-quality materials that are resistant to wear and tear. Clips with sturdy latches or airtight seals can prevent ammo from spilling or leaking, ensuring that your firearm remains safe and fully functional.


The capacity of the extended clip determines how many rounds it can carry. If you plan on using your 380 Cobra for extended periods, look for a clip that can hold a larger number of rounds. Higher capacity clips may also reduce the frequency of reloads, allowing you to focus on your aim and accuracy rather than restocking ammo.


Ensure that the extended clip you choose is compatible with your 380 Cobra firearm model. Some clips may only be suitable for specific models or have design features that could interfere with the proper functioning of your firearm. Always verify compatibility with the manufacturer or online reviews before making a purchase.



Consider the price of the extended clip you're interested in. While it may be tempting to opt for a cheaper option, remember that you often get what you pay for. Cheaper clips might have lower-quality materials, less capacity, or be more prone to damage. Invest in a reliable, durable extended clip to ensure long-lasting performance and peace of mind.

User Reviews and Ratings

Online reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into the performance and reliability of a 380 Cobra extended clip. Look for reviews from other users who have purchased and used the same clip, focusing on aspects such as durability, capacity, and ease of use. This information can help you make an informed decision and ensure that you're getting the best product for your needs.

Maintenance and Storage

Proper maintenance and storage can help extend the life of your extended clip. Store clips in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, as extreme temperatures and humidity can affect the materials and functionality of the clip. Regularly inspect the clips for signs of wear or damage, and replace them as necessary.
Investing in the right 380 Cobra extended clip is crucial for ensuring the safe, reliable operation of your firearm. By considering factors such as durability, capacity, compatibility, cost, user reviews, and maintenance, you can make an informed decision and find the best clip for your needs. Don't forget to always verify compatibility with your firearm model and check for any warranty or return policies before making a purchase.


What is the 380 Cobra Extended Clip?

The 380 Cobra Extended Clip is an extended magazine designed for use with the Cobra 380 semi-automatic pistol. This clip provides an increased capacity, allowing users to fire more rounds before needing to reload.


What is the capacity of the 380 Cobra Extended Clip?

The 380 Cobra Extended Clip has a capacity of 10 rounds, providing an additional 2 rounds compared to the standard magazine.

Can I use the 380 Cobra Extended Clip with my Cobra 380 pistol?

Yes, the 380 Cobra Extended Clip is compatible with Cobra 380 semi-automatic pistols. Ensure that your pistol can accommodate extended magazines before purchasing.

How does the 380 Cobra Extended Clip improve performance?

The 380 Cobra Extended Clip improves performance by providing an increased capacity, allowing users to fire more rounds before needing to reload. This can be beneficial in situations where quick follow-up shots are needed or ammunition supplies are limited.

Are there any disadvantages to using the 380 Cobra Extended Clip?

One possible disadvantage of using the 380 Cobra Extended Clip is that it may make the pistol slightly less balanced due to the extra weight. Additionally, some users may find the extended clips more difficult to conceal or carry comfortably.

Is the 380 Cobra Extended Clip durable and reliable?

Yes, the 380 Cobra Extended Clip is designed to be durable and reliable. It is made from high-quality materials and follows industry standards to ensure proper function and longevity.

Where can I purchase the 380 Cobra Extended Clip?

The 380 Cobra Extended Clip can be purchased from various online retailers, gun stores, or sports shops. It is essential to choose a reputable supplier to ensure the product's authenticity and quality.
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2024.06.01 06:33 Significant-Tower146 Best 360 Car Cameras

Best 360 Car Cameras

Discover the best 360 car cameras on the market today in our comprehensive review. Our roundup not only features top-quality cameras that provide a full 360-degree view of your surroundings but also offers expert guidance on how to choose the perfect model for your needs. Stay safe and secure on the road with our top selections of 360 car cameras. Keep reading to find the perfect one for you!

The Top 10 Best 360 Car Cameras

  1. 360-Degree Rotation WiFi Dash Cam - The Blueskysea B1W Dash Cam offers 1080p 30fps recording, a 360-degree rotating lens, built-in WiFi, and parking mode, making it a reliable and discreet choice for car safety.
  2. 360 FHD Dash Cam with Wi-Fi & GPS - The Smart 360 G300H offers a user-friendly, budget-friendly 1296p FHD car camera with 160° wide-angle viewing, color night vision, built-in WiFi, GPS support, and 24hr motion detection, ensuring a safe and reliable driving experience.
  3. Dual-Channel 1080p Front & Rear Mirror Dash Cam with GPS Tracking and Blind Spot Detection - Experience outstanding safety and visibility with the RexingUSA M2 Smart BSD ADAS Dual Mirror Dash Cam, boasting a 12" IPS Touch Screen, GPS, Night Vision, and advanced Blind Spot Detection and Lane Change Assist features for seamless driving and parking.
  4. RAZO Dc4000RA d'Action 360D Vehicle Dash Cam - Rely on the all-encompassing protection of RAZO d'Action 360D Vehicle Dash Cam for 360-degree coverage, HDR & WDR functionality, enhanced license plate recognition, and built-in GPS to capture accurate information for your driving safety.
  5. 1080P Surround Panoramic View Dashcam System - Weivision's Panoramic View Car DVR Camera System offers top-notch 4-channel recording, 1080p resolution, aerial view, and night vision for comprehensive safety while driving and parking your school bus, fire engine, or other vehicles.
  6. 4CH 360 Dash Cam System - Experience enhanced safety with VSYSTO H7 4CH Dash Camera System, offering a seamless 360-degree view, night vision, and real-time GPS tracking, perfect for professional drivers and peace of mind on every journey.
  7. Weivision Super HD 360 Degree Bird View Surround System DVR - Improve driving safety with Weivision's 360-degree Surround View Car System, providing real-time 1080P coverage, 4CH recording capabilities, and easy installation for enhanced visibility, secure parking, and accident prevention.
  8. Car Dash Camera - 1080P Full HD, Wide Angle, G-Sensor, Loop Recording, Voice Control, Wi-Fi - The 70mai Smart Dash Cam 1S boasts a 1080p resolution, 130° wide-angle lens, night vision, G-Sensor, voice control, and built-in WiFi for seamless app connectivity, ensuring high-quality recording and easy usage for safe and secure driving experiences.
  9. Universal 360 Flush-Mount Car Camera with 150 Wide Viewing Angle - Discover Eway's Mini Universal 360 Backup Rear Front Side View Car Camera, a rotatable mirror flush-mount autosafety solution offering parking comfort with its metal body, black color, and 150 wide viewing angle, suitable for all car models.
  10. RYDEEN 360VIEW Plug & Play 10-inch Touchscreen Surround View Dashcam - RYDEEN 360VIEW Surround View Dash Camera 4K with Touchscreen Rearview Mirror for Complete Viewing Coverage and Easy DIY Installation
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🔗360-Degree Rotation WiFi Dash Cam

When I first got the Blueskysea B1W WiFi Mini Dash Cam, I was impressed with its small size and sleek design. This little camera fits perfectly on my dashboard without obstructing my view or drawing too much attention. I really appreciate the 360-degree rotatable lens, as it allows me to adjust the angle to capture exactly what I need.
One of the standout features for me is the super capacitor power source. I live in a hot climate, and I've had other dash cams overheat and fail on me. But with the B1W, I don't have to worry about that since it doesn't use an internal battery.
The built-in WiFi is also a bonus. I can connect my phone to the camera to view footage, download videos, and change settings without needing to remove the SD card. However, I did find that sometimes connecting my phone to the camera can be a bit finicky, so I usually just turn off mobile data to make sure it connects properly.
In terms of video quality, I'm quite happy with the B1W. It records in 1080p at 30FPS and captures clear footage both during the day and at night. The camera also has a G-sensor, which automatically locks and saves footage when it detects a collision.
One minor inconvenience I've found is that the video files don't overlap between recordings. This means that if an accident happens between files, some crucial footage might be lost. But overall, I'm very pleased with the Blueskysea B1W WiFi Mini Dash Cam and would recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable, easy-to-use, and discreet dash cam.

🔗360 FHD Dash Cam with Wi-Fi & GPS

As a tech enthusiast, I recently installed the Smart 360 G300H in my car, and I was pleasantly surprised by its performance, especially given its affordable price point. The 1296p resolution provided more detail than many competitor models in the same price range, while the 160-degree shooting angle captured more of the surrounding environment during incidents.
One of the standout features of this camera is its ability to capture color footage during nighttime conditions, which is rarity among budget dash cameras. Additionally, the high-temperature resistant battery ensures that the camera can withstand extreme temperature fluctuations, making it suitable for use in various climates.
The camera's sensor provides a wider and more detailed view of the road, which is essential for capturing any incidents. The user-friendly app allowed me to easily access my footage, though I did experience some issues with maintaining a stable Wi-Fi connection.
Overall, the Smart 360 G300H offers excellent value for its price and is a worthwhile investment for those seeking to enhance their vehicle's safety features. Its high-resolution night vision, wide shooting angle, and durable design make it a reliable choice for daily use.

🔗Dual-Channel 1080p Front & Rear Mirror Dash Cam with GPS Tracking and Blind Spot Detection

Using the RexingUSA M2 Dual Mirror Dash Cam has dramatically changed my driving experience for the better. Fitting seamlessly into my car's existing rearview mirror, its 1080p dual-channel recording provides clear footage from both the front and rear cameras. The blind spot detection feature is like having an additional pair of eyes while driving, especially during lane changes. Plus, knowing that the built-in GPS logger is capturing crucial details like location, speed, time, and date adds an extra layer of security and peace of mind.
The 12" IPS touch screen offers seamless navigation and control, while the stream media function ensures real-time display of traffic information. The backup camera function has eliminated any potential blind spots, making parking and reversing a breeze.
However, setting up the RexingUSA M2 can be slightly demanding for first-time users. The touch screen can be a bit sensitive in colder climates and may require some trial and error to master its controls. Overall, I'm happy with the improved safety and convenience this dual-mirror dashcam provides and can't imagine driving without it.

🔗RAZO Dc4000RA d'Action 360D Vehicle Dash Cam

From my personal experience, I can confidently say that the 360 d'action 360D has been a game changer in ensuring my safety on the road. The true 360-degree coverage offered by this dashcam was invaluable when I got into a minor fender-bender recently.
One feature that really stood out to me was the enhanced license plate recognition. The d'action 360D captured not only the license plate of the other vehicle but also the entire incident in high definition. This made it much easier for me to resolve the situation quickly.
However, one potential downside is the size of the device which might be a bit large for some cars. Not to mention, the touch screen controls can sometimes be a bit finicky to use.
Overall, I'm very satisfied with the 360 d'action 360D. It's packed with features like HDR, WDR, and Infrared LED for lowlight recordings. The built-in GPS is also a great added touch, making sure every detail is recorded. Lastly, the 32GB microSD card included is just the icing on the cake, offering ample storage for all your recordings.

🔗1080P Surround Panoramic View Dashcam System

I recently got my hands on the Weivision 1080P FHD 360 Degree Bird View Surround Panoramic View Car Vihicle DVR Camera System Kit, and boy, has it made a difference in my life. The first thing that caught my attention was its perfect bird view of my car surroundings. Whether I'm driving on winding roads or parking in a tight spot, this device gives me an aerial view, making it easier to navigate and park.
The 4-channel recording feature with a super HD 1080 main feature is fantastic too. It has night vision capabilities and even manages to provide clear footage in the rain. Plus, its panorama system is not just a driving assistance feature, but also a traffic monitoring and parking assistance tool. It elevates safety to another level.
The 360-degree panoramic imaging system uses four HD Sony cameras, providing a comprehensive view of my car's surroundings. When ignited, the system starts recording automatically, looping every 3 minutes. It can last about 4 hours on a 16GB card.
One thing I'm not particularly thrilled about is the occasional lag in the camera feed, especially when switching from one view to another. But that's a small inconvenience compared to the safety and peace of mind this system provides.
All in all, I can confidently say that the Weivision 1080P FHD 360 Degree Bird View Surround Panoramic View Car Vihicle DVR Camera System Kit has made my driving experience much more secure and enjoyable. The panorama view and the night vision feature are phenomenal, and the automatic recording function is a game-changer for me. The minor lag issue doesn't overshadow the brilliant features it offers. I recommend it to anyone who values safety and convenience in their driving experience.

🔗4CH 360 Dash Cam System


I recently had the chance to test out the VSYSTO H7 4CH Truck Dash Camera, and I must say, it was quite an experience. The camera system's ability to capture everything around my vehicle proved to be incredibly useful, especially when navigating tight roads and avoiding blind spots. With its built-in GPS, I was able to keep track of my route and provide evidence in case of any disputes over traffic violations.
One of the standout features of this device is its 1080p high-resolution camera that delivers stunning, colorful images. This is especially important during nighttime driving, as the infrared star night vision ensures that I can still see clearly even when it's dark outside. Additionally, the camera is waterproof (IP67), making it durable and reliable in various weather conditions.
However, one issue I encountered was the sometimes-confusing user interface, which made switching between single and split-screen modes a little challenging at times. Overall, though, this camera system has become an indispensable tool for me, providing peace of mind and added safety while on the road.

🔗Weivision Super HD 360 Degree Bird View Surround System DVR

I recently installed the Weivision Bird View Surround System in my car, and I must say, it's been a game changer for my driving experience. This little gadget has given me a 360-degree view of my surroundings, making parking and driving in tricky situations much easier. I especially love how I can customize the camera inputs according to my vehicle's needs.
One of the standout features of this system is its 1080P recording capability. Even on those long drives, I can enjoy clear and crisp video playback. Plus, with the option for cycle recording, I never have to worry about running out of storage space.
But as much as I appreciate the Bird View Surround System, there are a few cons to consider as well. The installation process can be a bit daunting for someone who's not very tech-savvy, and the camera quality isn't top-notch during low-light conditions.
Overall, I'm pleased with the Weivision Bird View Surround System and would recommend it to fellow drivers who want to enhance their safety and convenience on the road. Just be prepared to invest some time and effort into getting it up and running.

🔗Car Dash Camera - 1080P Full HD, Wide Angle, G-Sensor, Loop Recording, Voice Control, Wi-Fi

I recently installed the 70mai Smart Dash Cam 1S in my car, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me. The 1080P resolution and 130-degree wide-angle lens capture my drives in stunning detail. I especially appreciate the G-Sensor technology that automatically saves footage during emergencies, keeping my driving experiences secure.
One feature that's really stood out is the voice control. The in-car cam can be operated by voice commands, making it incredibly user-friendly. Additionally, the built-in Wi-Fi connection enables me to connect the camera to my smartphone using the 70mai app, allowing me to view and manage my recordings conveniently.
However, there's a minor drawback. The camera blocks some of my line of sight when installed next to the rearview mirror. But overall, this handy device is a worthwhile addition to my driving essentials. The build-in LCD screen provides an instant playback if needed and it's quite easy to install with proper guidance.
In summary, the 70mai Smart Dash Cam 1S offers excellent picture quality, user-friendliness, and robust safety features - all wrapped in a compact, easy-to-use design. Highly recommended!

🔗Universal 360 Flush-Mount Car Camera with 150 Wide Viewing Angle

I recently installed the Eway Mini Universal 360 Backup Rear Front Side View Car Camera on my car, and my initial impression was that it's a compact yet powerful device. With the lens being adjustable in every direction, it made capturing clear footage a breeze. The 150-degree wide viewing angle ensures a realistic and comprehensive view of the car's surroundings, making parking effortless and secure.
Unfortunately, I did have to drill holes to install the camera, but Eway provides a compatible 18.5mm hole saw making it relatively easy to hide. The good news is it is designed to fit all car models, and the camera can be powered by connecting the wires to your side lights 12V, which also triggers the camera automatically when reversing.
A particularly noteworthy feature is the camera's in-built Multifunction Switchers, allowing me to choose between upside-down image and distance guide line options. Lastly, the real-time 360-degree camera view provides me with a comprehensive understanding of the area surrounding my car, adding an extra layer of safety.
However, it does not offer the convenience of a fully wireless installation and can occasionally be tricky to angle precisely. Despite these minor drawbacks, if you're looking for an affordable yet comprehensive backup camera for your car, the Eway Mini Universal 360 Backup Rear Front Side View Car Camera would be worth considering.

🔗RYDEEN 360VIEW Plug & Play 10-inch Touchscreen Surround View Dashcam

I've been using the Rydeen 360 View Surround Dash Camera for a few weeks now, and it's quickly become an indispensable part of my driving routine. This innovative product serves as a complete 360-degree surveillance system for my vehicle, providing clear real-time footage and recordings from every angle.
What impresses me most about this dash camera is its seamless integration into my car's rearview mirror. It truly enhances my driving experience by giving me a comprehensive view of my surroundings. The installation process was incredibly easy - I simply mounted it onto my existing rearview mirror using the included V-shaped Velcro mount. The hardwire capabilities also allow connectivity with my car's power source, which means I don't have to worry about battery changes.
The camera has a responsive touchscreen, enabling me to navigate through menus to access various recording options and view saved footage. The 4K resolution ensures excellent video quality during both day and night, thanks to its automatic-brightness sensor. This sensor adjusts screen brightness based on surrounding light, ensuring optimal visibility no matter the time of day.
On the downside, the camera lacks certain advanced features such as GPS tracking or emergency response systems that are commonly found in higher-end dash cameras. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that the backup camera is not included in the package, so I had to purchase it separately.
Overall, if you're looking for a reliable all-around view dash camera to enhance your driving safety, the Rydeen 360 View Surround Dash Camera is definitely a worthwhile investment. Its user-friendly design, ease of installation, and comprehensive viewing coverage make it a valuable addition to any vehicle.

Buyer's Guide




1. What is a 360 car camera?

A 360 car camera is a type of dashcam that provides a 360-degree view of the car's interior and exterior. This camera uses advanced technology to record high-quality footage from multiple angles, providing comprehensive coverage for safety and security purposes. They are designed to capture more detail than traditional dashboard cameras, facilitating clear footage even in low-light conditions.


2. How does a 360 car camera work?

A 360 car camera typically consists of multiple lenses mounted around the car's interior and exterior. These lenses work together to capture 360-degree footage, which is then stitched together in real-time to create a seamless panoramic view. The camera records constantly and saves important clips automatically, using motion detection or collision detection technology.

3. Why should I invest in a 360 car camera?

There are numerous benefits to owning a 360 car camera. These cameras provide a comprehensive view of your surroundings, helping to improve driver safety and reduce the risk of accidents. They can also be used as evidence in case of an accident, offering valuable footage for insurance claims. Additionally, some cameras have GPS integration, enabling you to track your vehicle's location, speed, and route.


4. Are 360 car cameras legal to use?

In most countries, including the United States and Canada, it is legal to use a dashboard camera in your vehicle. However, it's essential to ensure that the device doesn't obstruct your view while driving. Some countries may have specific rules or restrictions regarding the use of dashcams or recording others without consent, so be sure to research the laws in your jurisdiction before purchasing or using a 360 car camera.

5. How do I install a 360 car camera?

Installation varies depending on the make and model of your camera and vehicle. However, most 360 car cameras come with a user manual that provides step-by-step instructions for installation. In general, you'll need to mount the camera on your windshield or dashboard, connect it to your vehicle's power source, and then configure the settings through the camera's app software. For more detailed instructions, refer to your camera's user manual or consult a professional installer if you're unsure about the process.


6. How much storage space do I need for a 360 car camera?

The amount of storage required depends on the quality of the footage, the frequency of recording, and the size of the video files. For example, a 1080p camera will generate larger files than a 720p camera. A good rule of thumb is to have at least 32GB of storage to capture a few hours of high-quality footage. It's best to invest in a camera that supports expandable storage, such as a microSD card, so you can easily increase your storage capacity as needed.

7. How do I view footage from my 360 car camera?

Many 360 car cameras come with accompanying smartphone apps that allow you to easily view, download, and share recorded footage. Simply connect your phone to the camera via Wi-Fi, and you'll be able to access and control your device remotely. Some cameras also have built-in screens for immediate playback, while others require an additional monitor for viewing footage.

8. Can I use a 360 car camera to monitor my vehicle remotely?

Yes, many 360 car cameras offer remote monitoring capabilities through their accompanying smartphone apps. These apps allow you to access live streaming footage from your camera, receive notifications for motion detection or parking monitoring, and even control certain camera functions, such as recording or powering down, remotely. Be sure to check the specific features of the camera you're interested in to ensure it supports remote monitoring.

9. How can I improve the battery life of my 360 car camera?

There are several ways to extend the battery life of your 360 car camera. Firstly, ensure that your camera is fully charged before use. Additionally, you can adjust the recording settings to reduce power consumption, such as lowering the resolution or enabling motion detection or collision detection to minimize unnecessary recording. Finally, consider investing in a camera with a power bank or battery pack attachment for extended use or situations where your vehicle's power source may not be available.

10. How do I update the firmware on my 360 car camera?

To update the firmware on your 360 car camera, you'll typically need to connect the device to a computer or smartphone using a USB cable. Once connected, launch the camera's accompanying software, and follow the prompts to check for available firmware updates. If an update is available, download and install the update, ensuring that your camera is connected to a power source during the process. After the update is complete, your camera should be running the latest firmware version, which may include new features, bug fixes, or performance improvements.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:11 baitailaoren 架构师的职位需求

架构师(Architect)在不同领域有不同的职位需求。这里主要讨论的是软件架构师(Software Architect)的职位需求,包括以下几个方面:

1. 专业技能

2. 软技能

3. 教育背景和经验

4. 其他要求




1. 软件架构师(Software Architect)


2. 系统架构师(System Architect)


3. 企业架构师(Enterprise Architect)


4. 数据架构师(Data Architect)


5. 安全架构师(Security Architect)


6. 云架构师(Cloud Architect)


7. 应用架构师(Application Architect)


8. 网络架构师(Network Architect)


9. DevOps架构师(DevOps Architect)


10. 前端架构师(Front-End Architect)



























1、分层架构(Layered Architecture)

2、客户端-服务器架构(Client-Server Architecture)

3、微服务架构(Microservices Architecture)

4、事件驱动架构(Event-Driven Architecture)

5、服务网格架构(Service Mesh Architecture)

6、管道-过滤器架构(Pipe and Filter Architecture)

7、面向服务架构(SOA,Service-Oriented Architecture)

8. 代理架构(Proxy Architecture)

9、REST架构风格(Representational State Transfer)

10、分布式架构(Distributed Architecture)

submitted by baitailaoren to u/baitailaoren [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:52 Upstairs-Pound-7205 The ugly duckling classroom.

I was responding to the post about Type B teachers and decided this was better to be a post all its own. I've been in the same classroom for over 10 years. It's a former woodshop, and it has a story that's important to me. This is a long story, but it would be worth reading if you are the type who likes a redemption arc.
TL:DR: I inherited a crazy hoard, and slowly cleaned it up.
To preface, I'm a type B person. I grew up in the house of a pack rat, and I adopted a lot of the same habits as a result. Once the amount of stuff I have gets to a certain point, I stop noticing the mess and it grows and grows. The only way that I keep organized is minimalism at this point: not only to make it easy to clean but also to lower the number of decisions I have to make on a given day.
When I got hired as a computer teacher, I got the woodshop as my room. You might be thinking, OoOoO, I'd love to have a woodshop! Wood floors, big room, what's not to love? Well no-one wanted that room. Why? Because it had been the place of 3 decades of hoarding and neglect.
Every square inch of the room was covered in graffiti. Every cabinet door was hanging on by a thread. Every lock was either broken or the latches were missing. Garbage was piled 4 feet high taking up 2/3s of the room. By garbage I mean a huge collection of broken objects that were clearly meant to be projects for the future by the well meaning woodshop teacher. Pieces of drawers, old dresser parts, massive rusted metal bookshelves, broken carts, rusted chicken wire. Sawdust filled every gap.
More than half the shelves were broken or bending under the immense weight of ancient textbooks, unfinished projects, random trinkets, sky high packets of paper, and ungraded student work. The old teacher had put up a homespun barricade in front of his hoard, and only using 1/3 of the room to teach. He was clearly only using hand tools because the machines were completely buried. That wood floor? Warping everywhere, with some boards sticking 3 inches out of the ground.
Attached to the room was a storage room, meant for hardware and lumber. There was just enough space to open a door about 2 feet and then climb over about a 5 foot high pile that filled the entire room. More projects that never got done, or jigs that were made for some long forgotten project that were kept just in case.
I opened my classroom computer case and found it choked with a layer of sawdust that felt like it was going to spontaneously combust. Ironically, the fire alarm was in a protective plastic casing, that was also choked full of sawdust. The only visible machine, the drill press, was used as a shelf for lesson packets. The room had two external walls that offered almost no insulation from the outdoors. In the summer it got stupid level hot in there because the closet contains a transformer that pukes heat. In the winter I would open the closet door to try to heat the room up, because the only other source of heat was a hot water blower fan that was located 15 ft up on the ceiling, and its power switch was - you guessed it - 15 feet up on the ceiling.
At one point the room had a drinking fountain that had been removed. There was a huge hole in the wall with pipes sticking out. To solve this, the previous occupant had bolted a long piece of corrugated sign board over it. This too, was of course, covered in drawings of phalluses and messages attesting to who was here and in what year.
So yeah, no-one wanted the room for a reason.
What was worse was it was the dumping ground for everyone else throughout the years. Staff had gotten used to offloading their damaged furniture/crap there. Sometimes I would come back and find a new gum-ridden folding table with a sheared off leg had been tucked behind the barricade.
The clean up
This took years.
Being a new teacher I was initially hesitant to just throw stuff away. What if I threw away something valuable? Something that someone was expecting back one day? I started by just vacuuming up sawdust and throwing out reams upon reams of paper packets. Many of them were stuck together with spilled finish and wood glue.
Eventually I got bolder. I got some super thick gloves and threw out anything that was heavily rusted. The old chicken wire, coffee cans full of nails and random screws. Wood that was loaded with bent rusted nails/screws. Then I threw out the broken porcelian, warped and cracked drawer parts. I coordinated with the custodians to pitch the tables/chairs with missing legs, snapped tops, etc. I managed to cobble together enough lock parts and hinge components to get 1 cabinet working and locking - I had to dig through the school to find a working key.
Over time, I eventually pitched the vast majority of the unfinished projects. I finished a few of them myself and gave them back to their respective owners who were frankly astonished to see them. I found 12 library books that had been checked out during the Dewey Decimal system/card catalog days - and the librarian was amazed that they still were intact. With the permission of the district/school I dispersed the student tools to custodial staff/maintainence who could better use them. I didn't need 20 hand saws for instance.
I repaired the drill press, the belt sander, 3 scroll saws and the band saw. The lathe was sadly beyond saving and apparently the table saw was long gone for some reason - though I am sure it pre-dated safety. Each of those tools went to maintainence.
It took a very long time to get rid of the paints, the finishes and other caustic crap. Massive red tape obviously. Eventually it was all gone though. The lumber got taken by another woodshop teacher, along with any remaining useable hardware.
I kept a small reserve of tools for myself for repairs and fabrication.
I remember when I finally reached the back of the room and took a heavy rusted bookshelf off of the shop counter. The counter was is in pristine condition - unlike the rest of the room. It had been buried long ago before the teacher had let kids get away with non-stop graffitti, carving, cutting and drilling into the hardwood tops.
With the room completely clear of crap, I began fixing/replacing all the broken cabinet hardware. I took out all the non-broken shelves and began scrubbing them down, along with the cabinets themselves and their doors. I repaired my desk, which of course had only one working drawer at first. Two were jammed and another was falling to pieces - held together by an improvised job using wire brads. I properly disassembled, scraped, sanded and glued/clamped the drawer and repaired the tracks on the other two.
I called in several work orders. The carpenters tried their best to salvage the wood floor but it was so warped that they ended up replacing sections with plywood. Not the best looking, but at least it was flat. I had the electrician remove the power cut off, since I didn't want a kid shutting off a room full of computers because he wanted to see what the big red buttons around the room did. The plumber capped the old fountain pipes behind the wall and the mason put a fresh coat wall section over it. The painters came in and did a full scale remediation over the summer of what could very well have been lead paint peeling all over the cieling. The HVAC guys cleaned out a metric f-ton of dust out of the duct work in my room, and now my room recieves proper heat and AC. Bear in mind this happened over a decade of time, not right away.
This year I finally managed to replace the last of the missing cabinet locks and got them all on a universal key. There were so many empty cabinets that I gave the space to the students to store their backpacks and jackets during class.
Every time a new teacher comes in and says "wow I wish this was my room" my across the hall co-worker says "you should have seen it when he got it." It is now a lab with multiple 3D printers, a dedicated repair station for electronics, and plenty of space for students to grab a laptop, pull up a chair and work together on coding, CAD, pretty much anything.
This summer my storage room will finally be cleared of the last of the crap. The school rotated its derelict and outdated computer gear in there for the last 4 years (since my storage was the only nearly empty one at the time). I figured if my storage was going to be the repository for any crap it may as well be computers that my students could take apart and learn from. However, that's all going away.
When I look back at this whole process, and really I only wrote a snippet of it here despite this being a Reddit book - I'm amazed that someone like me could even do this. I struggled cleaning my room as a kid. Now I conquered a mountainous horde and came out the other end with a minimalistic, clean room that is easy to maintain. It's weird how students respect a space that is already clean, and I've had way fewer instances of kids damaging the space or even leaving trash behind.
So this is the message to you type B people out there like me. You don't have to manage every little thing, just whittle it down to something you can handle and make things as simple as possible for yourself. You can do it.
submitted by Upstairs-Pound-7205 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:22 Babaloo_Monkey A Unix core by any other name

Back in the 1900's, I worked tech support for a software company in northern California. Being on the West Coast, there was always one lucky person who's opened early for the Eaten Seaboard. That would be this Monkey.
One early Tuesday, I opened the phones and my first call of the day was in a panic. "MY SOFTWARE STOPPED WORKING!". (As you and I all know, things just didn't "stop working". We can figure out how to fix whatever you did. But you have to be honest with me.)
We started with the basics. Kill and restart the license daemon. "Okay yes. The Write program is working.". Great. Check the other two in your bundle please? "IT'S NO GOOD! I CAN'T GET INTO THE DRAW OPERATION!"
Okay. It could a be a corrupt file. Let's recreate your license and I'll email it. Lucky me also got to explain to a systems administrator how to kill a process. I did not ask how long they had been doing the work.
My new friend moved the old license to .OLD and placed the new file in its slot. Restart the license daemon and let's try those programs again. "OMG THE WRITING PROGRAM ISN'T WORKING!"
Okay. I've already asked twice, but I ask again, "Have you made any change to the system before this stopped working?" I get heaving silence on the other end for a moment. The SysAd finally days, "I'm done with you." and hangs up.
Less than 10 minutes later, another tech calls me. My friend escalated her issue to her manager. Okay. I'm a professional. I review the call (just in case), and pick up the tirade from a woman who is pretty angry that I would DARE question her people.
"Yes ma'am. I'm happy to try and resolve this. If you can tell what changes were made to the system, we can--"
"We haven't made any f--ing changes to the f--ing system!"
Ok. So we can try removing and reinstalling--"NO! This is not our f--ing problem! I want someone to fix this now!" So time to bring in my boss.
I have no idea what happened on the call. My boss came a few minutes (30) later and said, "We're flying Head of QA out. I can't find anything wrong from how you've handled it, so we're going in person."
Wednesday morning, I open the phones. Less than 40 seconds later the head of QA is on the with me. "Did you suggest reinstall?" Yes--well, I tried to. "Did you ask what they changed?" Yes--they said nothing changed on the system.
I sent her a new license file. Restart the LM and .... Yup--paint program isn't working this time. QA says, "Let me dig around. I'm call you back."
Sometime just before my 1030 lunch, QA called back. She is obviously trying not to laugh. "So. I'm reinstalling the entire program. Apparently, Monday night they rebuilt the core and removed a bunch of hardware initialization they weren't using."
"But! They said they hadn't made any changes to the system!"
"Well--obviously the core isn't part of the system!"
submitted by Babaloo_Monkey to talesfromtechsupport [link] [comments]
