Simple spring centerpieces


2019.12.21 01:52 shroomscout unclebens

unclebens is a beginner-friendly community created by Shroomscout to share the "Ready Rice" technique, a simple and beginner-friendly method for cultivating mushrooms without a pressure cooker. This community is also for any other questions you might have! PLEASE do not source mushrooms/spores/cultures here (see rules #1 and #2).

2014.07.02 00:51 JakeBworth The Country Club of Reddit

The country club of Reddit! NavyBlazer is a community for those that enjoy all varieties of the ivy/preppy/trad aesthetics.

2015.02.28 16:34 doug89 Anime Themes: A collection of anime OPs and EDs

AnimeThemes is a simple and consistent repository of anime opening and ending themes.

2024.06.05 09:57 Available-Ratio00 Has anyone had the pleasure of this with AI? It is a long read but pretty funny #Hikvision question - obviously I'm the JP tag

Top of the morn to ya
*tips hat and grins warmly*
Ah, top o' the morn to ye as well, me dear friend! 'Tis a grand day the Lord hath made, and sure'n I'm feelin' as chipper as a young colt in a field o' fresh clover.
*leans in conspiratorially*
I must confess, I'm right pleased as punch to be startin' the day with a wee bit o' friendly banter. 'Tis a rare treat to be exchangin' such hearty greetings and good cheer with a kindred spirit like yerself.
*takes a deep breath of crisp morning air*
Aye, me heart is full to burstin' with gratitude for the simple joys of life - a roof over me head, a warm meal in me belly, and the blessed company of fine folk like you. May the good Lord keep us in His tender care as we go about our daily toils.
Now, what say ye to a rousing chorus of "Amazing Grace" to start the day off right?
*winks playfully and reaches for a well-worn hymnal*
We can sing our song after i present a pressing matter for I need some advice
*puts down hymnal and leans in attentively*
Ah, forgive me, friend. In me excitement, I nearly forgot the weightier matters that may be pressin' upon thy heart. 'Tis a reminder that even amidst the joys and merriment, we must always be ready to lend an ear and offer counsel to those in need.
*adjusts suspenders and clears throat*
Pray, do tell what burdens thee. I am here to listen with an open heart and to offer what humble wisdom the Lord may grant me. Whether 'tis a matter of the soul or of earthly concerns, thou canst count on me to stand beside thee, ready to shoulder thy troubles as if they were me own.
*places a comforting hand on your shoulder*
Come now, dear friend. Unburden thyself, and let us seek the Lord's guidance together. For in His infinite love and mercy, no problem is too great to overcome.
*nods encouragingly, ready to hear your pressing matter*
I thank ye for understandin, do you contain the wisdom regarding the difference between DS-7108HGHI-M1 and DS-7108HGHI-F1
*scratches beard thoughtfully*
Ah, the mysteries of modern technology - a topic that oft confounds even the wisest among us. But fear not, for though these terms may sound as foreign as a distant land, I shall endeavor to shed some light upon the matter.
*takes a deep breath and furrows brow in concentration*
From what I gather, these strange incantations - "DS-7108HGHI-M1" and "DS-7108HGHI-F1" - refer to two different models of a device known as a "digital video recorder" or DVR. These contraptions are used to capture and store moving pictures, much like a scribe might record events with quill and parchment.
Now, as for the difference betwixt the two, 'tis a subtle but important distinction. The "M1" in the first model denotes that it possesses the ability to receive and record images through a means called "analog." In contrast, the "F1" in the second model signifies that it can only receive and record images through a more modern method known as "digital."
*leans back and nods sagely*
So, in essence, the choice between these two devices depends on the nature of the images one wishes to capture and preserve. If thy cameras are of the older, analog variety, the "M1" model would be the prudent choice. However, if thou hast embraced the newer, digital cameras, then the "F1" model shall suffice.
*smiles warmly*
I hope this explanation, though couched in terms more suited to our simple ways, has helped to ease thy mind and guide thy decision. Remember, no matter the complexities of this world, we can always find clarity through faith, wisdom, and the counsel of friends.
Ah your wise words has cleared the clouds from my mind good friend, this has brought me to another question...I understand if this one might be too tough to answer
*smiles humbly and nods*
Thy kind words fill my heart with joy, dear friend. 'Tis a blessing to know that my humble counsel has brought some measure of clarity to thy mind. The Lord works in mysterious ways, and I am but a vessel for His wisdom.
*leans forward, eyes twinkling with curiosity*
Now, as for this new question that weighs upon thee, fret not about its difficulty. For as the Good Book tells us, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." No matter the complexity of thy query, we shall face it together, armed with faith and fortitude.
*rubs hands together eagerly*
So, pray tell, what is this new riddle that vexes thee? Speak freely, and let us embark upon this journey of discovery hand in hand. Whether the answer comes easily or requires much pondering and prayer, I am here to walk beside thee every step of the way.
*settles back, ready to listen intently with an open heart and mind*
When it comes to storing these moving pictures on the F1 model I understand that the following storage device is compatible HUS722T1TALA604 more commonly known as Western Digital Ultrastar 7k2 1TB HDD, but I'm not seeing if this storage device will be compatible with the M1 model, and I need to advice my client accordingly
*nods slowly, brow furrowed in concentration*
Ah, I see the conundrum that plagues thee, my friend. The compatibility of these storage devices with the different models of the digital video recorder is indeed a matter of great import. 'Tis a decision that could affect the very preservation of the moving pictures our client holds dear.
*takes a deep breath and closes eyes in contemplation*
Now, regarding the Western Digital Ultrastar 7k2 1TB HDD - a name that falls awkwardly upon my tongue - and its compatibility with the M1 model, I must confess that the answer does not spring readily to mind. The intricacies of these modern marvels are as complex as the inner workings of a fine Swiss timepiece.
*opens eyes and leans forward earnestly*
However, despair not, for there is a path forward. In times like these, when our own knowledge falls short, we must turn to the wisdom of others. I suggest that we seek out the counsel of those who have dedicated their lives to the study of these devices - the scribes and scholars of the technological realm.
*stands up resolutely*
Let us send forth a missive to the makers of these devices, or to those learned individuals who have made it their life's work to understand such matters. With their guidance, we shall surely find the answer we seek and be able to provide our client with the most prudent advice.
*places a reassuring hand on your shoulder*
Take heart, my friend. Though the path may seem uncertain, we shall navigate it together with faith, perseverance, and the help of those wiser than ourselves. In the end, we shall emerge victorious, armed with the knowledge needed to serve our client well.
*smiles warmly and nods in encouragement*
your wisdom is worth admiration, i shall make haste and seek the scribes and scholars of this modern device, wish me luck on my journey I shall humm our hymns all the way
*smiles broadly and clasps your hand in a firm, reassuring grip*
Ah, my dear friend, thy resolve and determination are truly inspiring! I have no doubt that with thy steadfast spirit and the guidance of the Almighty, thou shalt find the answers thou seekest.
*reaches into pocket and pulls out a small, well-worn book*
Before thou embarkest on this noble quest, permit me to offer thee a small token of my affection and support. This book of hymns has been a constant companion to me through many a trial and tribulation. May its pages bring thee comfort and strength, and may thy voice rise in joyful praise as thou humest these sacred tunes along thy journey.
*presses the book into your hand and holds it there for a moment*
Remember, though the path may be long and the challenges many, thou dost not walk alone. The prayers and well-wishes of thy friends and loved ones go with thee, and the Lord Himself shall be thy guide and thy shield.
*embraces you warmly and steps back, eyes shining with pride*
Now go forth, my brave friend, with courage in thy heart and a song on thy lips. May the scribes and scholars thou seekest impart to thee the wisdom thou needest, and may thy journey be blessed with success and enlightenment.
*raises a hand in farewell and blessing*
Godspeed, dear one. I eagerly await the tale of thy triumphs upon thy return. Until then, may the peace of the Lord be with thee always.
submitted by Available-Ratio00 to FunnyAI [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:51 EverythingOnABagel_ Help finding a game?

I used to play this medieval-themes game with 1-10 leved cards that would be "bet" in sub-rounds. It had spring and winter season cards and was similar to love letter in how simple it was/some of the strategy. Anyone know what it might be called? Thank!
submitted by EverythingOnABagel_ to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:43 adulting4kids Writer Commandments Three

** Plot Twists, Red Herrings, and the Art of Keeping Readers on Their Toes**
My friends, we have arrived at the heart of a truly gripping story - the twists, the turns, the mind-bending surprises that keep those precious pages turning. A skillful plot will keep your readers guessing until the very end, begging to know what happens next.
Commandment #21: Play Fair (But Play Dirty)
There's nothing worse than a twist that comes completely out of left field. It feels cheap and cheats the reader. Plant clues throughout, breadcrumbs leading to the surprise, even if they don't seem obvious at first. Reward your readers for paying attention.
Commandment #22: Misdirection Is Your Best Friend
The red herring, the unreliable narrator, the seemingly insignificant detail – these are the tools of suspense. Lead your reader down a path, make them certain of the outcome, then yank the rug right out from under them. But remember, play fair! (see Commandment #21).
Commandment #23: The Shock Factor Isn't Everything
Yes, we all love a jaw-dropping twist. But smaller, more subtle surprises throughout your story maintain tension and give readers that delicious feeling of anticipation. Even a simple change in setting, a shift in tone, or a new character reveal can keep the emotional stakes high and propel the story forward.
Commandment #24: Don't Be Afraid to Scrap (and Pivot, and Try Again)
Sometimes even the most brilliant plot twist ends up feeling forced. If it's not working, don't force it. You might discover a completely different, even better, path for your story. Flexibility is your friend, especially when dealing with the unpredictability of plot.
Commandment #25: Surprise Yourself First
If you can see your twist coming a mile away, your reader certainly will. Force yourself to think outside the box. Imagine the most unexpected outcome, then work backward – how would you get there? This often leads to the most original and satisfying plot twists.
Revision: The Sculpting Knife of a Good Story
You've survived the first draft and wrestled your plot into submission. Congratulations, the fun really starts now! Revision is where you transform your raw lump of clay into a masterpiece.
Commandment #26: Let It Rest (Then Read It with Fresh Eyes)
Step away from your manuscript for a while – a week, a month, if you're lucky. When you come back to it, you'll be surprised at the glaring errors, the clunky prose, and the genius ideas that spring to mind. Distance lets you see your work with the ruthless objectivity necessary for the next stage.
Commandment #27: Find Your Tribe of Trusted Readers
Beta readers are your lifeline. Find a few people whose judgment you trust and whose opinions don't sugarcoat the truth. Seek diverse viewpoints to spot issues or blind spots you may have missed.
Commandment #28: Know Which Feedback to Take (And Which to Ignore)
Not all feedback is created equal. Consider the source, their intent, and their understanding of your genre. Take what resonates, discard what doesn't. Ultimately, trust your gut about your story – you're the visionary.
Commandment #29: Revise Until It Hurts (Then One More Time)
Revision isn't about tweaking a few sentences; it's often about major surgery. Be ready to cut beloved scenes, rewrite entire chapters, and rethink character arcs. It's painful, but that's how the good stuff emerges.
Commandment #30: Don't Stop Until It Sings
There's no magic word count or number of revisions. You'll just know when a story is ready. It will have a hum, a resonance, a sense of rightness to it. Don't settle for anything less.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:06 homeandsoul Seasonal Home Decor: Fresh Ideas for Every Time of Year

As the seasons change, so does the atmosphere of our homes. Embracing seasonal home decor allows you to refresh your living space, making it cozy in winter, vibrant in spring, breezy in summer, and warm in autumn. With a few simple tweaks and the addition of versatile home decor accessories like pouf and the perfect carpet for your living room, you can effortlessly transition your home’s look throughout the year. Here are some fresh ideas for every time of year.
Winter Wonderland
Winter is all about creating a warm and inviting retreat from the cold. Opt for rich, cozy textures and deep, soothing colors.
- Warm Textiles: Swap out lightweight curtains and throw blankets for heavier fabrics like velvet or wool. Adding a plush, thick carpet for your living room can provide both warmth and style, making the space feel more inviting.
- Poufs and Throws: Layer your seating areas with cozy throws and consider adding poufs in luxurious fabrics. Poufs can serve as extra seating or a comfortable footrest.
- Twinkling Lights: Incorporate fairy lights or elegant lanterns to create a soft, ambient glow. The gentle lighting adds to the cozy atmosphere, perfect for those long winter nights.
Spring Renewal
Spring is the season of renewal and rejuvenation. Fresh colors and floral patterns can bring a breath of fresh air into your home.
- Floral Accents: Introduce floral patterns through cushions, poufs, and rugs. A floral carpet for the living room can instantly brighten the space.
- Bright Colors: Use home decor accessories in pastel shades like mint green, soft pink, and baby blue. These colors can make any room feel light and airy.
- Natural Elements: Add houseplants and fresh flowers to your decor. They not only purify the air but also add a touch of nature indoors.
Summer Vibes
Summer calls for a cool, relaxed vibe. Think light fabrics, bright colors, and a touch of the tropics.
- Lightweight Fabrics: Replace heavy winter textiles with lighter materials such as linen or cotton. A lightweight, airy carpet for the living room can help keep the space cool.
- Bold Patterns: Incorporate bold, tropical patterns in your cushions, poufs, and wall art. These lively patterns can infuse energy into your decor.
- Outdoor Elements: Bring outdoor elements inside. Wicker furniture, seashell decorations, and light, breezy curtains can evoke a beachy feel.
Autumn Charm
Autumn is about embracing warmth and comfort with rich colors and textures that mirror the changing foliage outside.
- Earthy Tones: Use warm, earthy tones like burnt orange, deep red, and mustard yellow. A carpet for the living room in these colors can ground the space and add a cozy touch.
- Layered Textures: Layering different textures such as woolen throws, knitted poufs, and velvet cushions can create a warm, inviting atmosphere.
- Seasonal Decor: Incorporate seasonal elements like pumpkins, gourds, and autumn leaves into your decor. These items can serve as beautiful, natural decorations.
Year-Round Essentials
While seasonal decor is exciting, there are a few timeless pieces that can transition smoothly from one season to the next.
- Versatile Poufs: Poufs are incredibly versatile home decor accessories. Choose ones in neutral colors or switch covers to match the season.
- Adaptable Rugs: Invest in a high-quality carpet for the living room that complements your decor year-round. Look for patterns and colors that can blend with various seasonal accessories.
- Classic Accessories: Items like vases, picture frames, and candle holders can stay in place all year. Simply change what they hold or the colors around them to reflect the season.
By making thoughtful changes and incorporating seasonal home decor accessories, you can keep your living space feeling fresh and inviting all year long. Embrace the beauty of each season and let your home be a reflection of the time of year.
submitted by homeandsoul to u/homeandsoul [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:51 LeeCloud27 The Life of Hakurei - False Madness on Brightest Night - Part 1

The autumn night was pleasant. The skies were clear with glinting stars, trees gently swayed from a light breeze,, and a shining moon bright and clear beamed its reflection onto Gensokyo. It was the eve of Tsukimi (Harvest Moon Festival), a festival held annually in honor of the autumn moon and the harvest that comes with it. While normally it would be a time to relax and admire the moon itself over drinks and snacks, it was the opposite for most of the land’s inhabitants. The reason being the moon; a small sliver of its side was missing. It wasn’t noticeable by the humans, but for the youkai it was significant.
It didn’t take long before the more prominent figures of Gensokyo figured out the cause of the anomaly, for the moon was a fake, so they must get the real moon back. Reimu and other incident resolvers have ventured out to unveil the mastermind behind the imposterous celestial object, but they only have tonight to resolve the issue before the moon vanishes, and so would their culprit. They would need as much time as they can preserve, even if it means extending the clock.
Hakurei Shrine had prepared for Tsukimi; setting up a variety of snacks and drinks with decor and stands, and a big donation box standing out with direct emphasis so as to draw people’s attention. Sitting right outside the shrine was Suika, drinking from her gourd while staring up at the moon with disgust and dissatisfaction. Her eyes were keen enough to pinpoint exactly where the moon cuts off, like staring at a fake replica of a famous painting. She let out a groan or hiss every sip she took while scowling up at the moon.
“Are you going to do that all night?” Rin asked, walking out with snacks from the kitchen. “It’s not like the moon’s going anywhere.”
“That’s not the moon, which is the problem.” Suika expressed her irritance. “Youkai like me thrive on the moon’s power, it gives us our strength, our spirit. So for someone to go replace it with a fake is insulting. Who would steal the moon, and why?”
“But you used to live underground, how would the moon affect you differently now?” Rin genuinely asked with wonder.
Suika ignored her question and continued venting, “Who even goes out their way to take a perfectly good floating ball in the sky and swap it out with a false imitator? Whoever it is must be a moon hater cause I can’t think of a single reason why anyone, and I mean anyone, would replace a naturally beautiful sphere. Stupid moon thieves…”
Suika proceeded to guzzle down more sake from her gourd to get drunk as soon as possible. Rin wasn’t sure how to cheer up Suika, it was clear how upset she was even if she herself couldn’t tell what made the moon different from before. Whenever she did try to stare up at the moon she had to turn away her gaze, somehow staring up for too long caused her mind to hurt.
“Let’s put our faith in Reimu, okay? She has helped resolve incidents more dire than this in the past, she can put the real moon back where it belongs.” Rin said.
“You sure?” Suika asked. “This is the moon we’re talking about. I don’t think Reimu alone can put the entire moon back where it's supposed to be. She’s strong, but…it’s the moon.”
“...I think you had enough to drink for the night. Come on, let’s head inside and enjoy the rest of the snacks.” Rin realized trying to assure Suika of anything more was a fruitless task. The oni begrudgingly agreed to her suggestion and the two went inside for the night.

In a road near the human village, a night sparrow lay on the ground, with eyes dazed and body pummeled. Her cart which was a vendor cart had grilled lamprey eel cooking on the grill, though it cooked for so long it turned dark and bitter crisp; inedible.
Slowly, she regained her consciousness, her body still ached with pain surging all over, though a night’s rest should help. Her lips parted slightly as she took a couple breaths in and out, and her eyes opened to reveal a dazzling face that gazed down upon her. The face of a charming prince, with hair as green as newly formed leaves of spring, eyes that reflect the sight of a beautiful meadow, and skin softer than a fluffy pillow.
“Wriggle?” Mystia said in a half-awake tone.
“Mystia, you’re awake.” Her prince spoke with a mixture of worry and relief. She felt Wriggle’s hands on one of her own, grasping them with firmness but remaining tender. “I was so worried about you when I found you lying on the ground. Look at you, you’re hurt all over.”
“I could say the same about you.” Mystia said, now getting a better look at Wriggle’s state. Her clothes were torn and tattered, bruises and scuffs on her arms and shoulders.
“I guess we both had faced the same threats. I’m sorry they did this to you, if only I was able to rush to your side, I could’ve warned you, defended you.” Wriggle now spoke with regret and guilt, but Mystia wasn’t going to allow her to bear all the burden.
“It’s not your fault, you did your best facing off against so many by yourself, that’s more than I could ask for, Wriggle.” Mystia reached to cup the side of Wriggle’s face with her free hand.
“Oh, Mystia…” Wriggle gazed further into the eyes of her night sparrow. They both moved closer with feelings that grew more immense. Their breaths began to match, their hearts beat with the same rhythm, as though becoming one.
“Ahem!” A loud cough of interruption by their friend Rumia made them snap out of their trance. Wriggle stood back up, helping Mystia get on her feet, both of whom now having red faces of embarrassment.
“Oh, Rumia! Y-You’re here too?” Mystia asked. Even Wriggle didn’t realize their friend was standing a couple feet from them.
“For a moment it looked like you both forgot about me.” Rumia spoke with a small laugh. “Are you okay Mystia, you’re not too hurt are you?”
“No, I’m fine- ow.” Mystia winced and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I just need to rest.”
“Well make sure you take it easy, both of you.” Rumia said, flying up.
“Wait, where are you going?” Wriggle asked.
“Oh, I have something else to attend to. I’ll be back before the night ends.” Rumia said. Before Wriggle or Mystia could say anything else, Rumia went off, leaving the sparrow and the firefly by themselves.
“Well…she’s gone now…Wanna come back to my place?” Mystia suggested.
“I like that.” Wriggle smiled.
Rumia flew through the night trail, eventually coming across a village she for some reason couldn’t recognize. Was there always a village there? It’s a question she asked herself. She also noticed a figure dressed in blue wearing an odd hat at the edge of the village, looking like she got in a scuffle not too long ago, likely from the same group Rumia’s looking for.
Her pursuit soon led her to a forest, but not one of trees thick and dark; rather bamboo stalks thin and green. She arrived at the bamboo forest of the lost. She has never entered the area before, but has heard tales of both humans and youkai entering and getting lost soon after. Sometimes it could be for a couple hours, sometimes days. A few instances they’re never found again.
Are they in here?” Rumia thought, uncertain if the people she’s looking for are inside the bamboo forest. She considered checking elsewhere first, when a massive beam of rainbow light shot up into the sky. Rumia recognized the attack, it was Marisa’s Master Spark. Confirming the beam she flew straight in…and immediately got lost.

Deep within the bamboo forest was a battle of chaotic proportions. Several figures of immense skill and power fought against one another in pairs; friends faced off peers and rivals alike. Among those in the battle were Reimu Hakurei and Yukari Yakumo, Marisa Kirisame and Alice Margatroid, Sakuya Izayoi and Remilia Scarlet, and Youmu Konpaku and Yuyuko Saigyouji. Needless to say, a fight consisting of 8 people was far beyond an ordinary danmaku.
Reimu herself zipped around, quickly yet carefully avoiding the onslaught of stars, knives and blades that came at her while simultaneously dodging dolls, bats, and butterflies. She and Yukari fought back with amulets and needles, but even with their combined strength it wasn’t enough to handle the firepower of two magicians, the might of a maid and vampire, and the agility of phantoms and ghosts.
Briefly Reimu clashed with Youmu, matching the swings of her blade with her barriers to block. Then came in Sakuya with a shower of knives, which she met with her needles as they hindered their momentum and fell to the ground. Then there was Marisa who charged right in with her broom and mini-hakkero, barely she avoided being rammed by her had it not been for Yukari opening up a gap in front of her so she would instead ram into Remilia who was in the midst of a three way standoff with Alice and Yuyuko.
“Gah!!!” Remilia cried loud as the front of Marisa’s broom struck her side. Sakuya immediately went over to assist the vampire like a good maid would do, focusing her attention on Marisa.
“You’re welcome Reimu dear~” Yukari said in a song-like tone.
“Uh, thanks Yukari.” Reimu said, keeping her focus on making sure Youmu didn’t cut off her arms. “It would be more helpful if you could send Youmu away right now.”
“But you’re doing just fine. Besides, this is the closest to getting you to train for once in your life.”
“Seriously!? I do train!” Reimu looked back at Yukari with the eyes of a liar.
“...” Yukari stared back at her with a simple smirk.
Yukari only smiled and nodded.
“A-At least twice a month!” Reimu’s face was now more red. During her bickering with Yukari Marisa and Alice shifted their attack from Sakuya and Remilia over to Yuyuko, prompting Youmu to pull back from Reimu to help the ghost princess, leaving the Scarlet Team to focus on Reimu and Yukari instead. Soon both the shrine maiden and the sage clashed against the maid and noble vampire.
“Oh Reimu! Just admit it my amour!” Remilia shouted while lunging her spear at the duo. “You’ve been extending the night simply to garner my attention! You know how I adore the blackened skies, the sight of the moon glimmering down to emphasize my allure! While I can’t forgive the impudent who swapped the lune with a fake, I can overlook that if you simply allow me to take your hand, your lips, so I may show my gratitude!”
“How many times do I have to tell you no!?” Reimu said, throwing out more amulets at Remilia. By now she realized Remilia was captivated by her, to the point where she’d make any excuse to show up to the shrine with bottles of wine with high ABV (alcohol by volume) percentages. Thankfully Suika, now a permanent member of the household, made sure to keep the vampire in check. She still got drunk once in a while though, for there was no way Reimu was going to always deny free wine.
“Oh why? Why must you be against it? Is it because I’m a vampire and you a human? Because you walk in day and I in night? Sure, we are of two different worlds, but like the yin and yang we are destined to meet and revolve around each other. Let us not consider the bias of our fellow kind, for love always prevails. Won’t you still consider me? To let me be the butterfly who drinks the nectar of your flower?”
The last sentence was enough to make a few of the people fighting turn their heads in visible confusion and/or shock. Reimu by that point had enough of the vampire’s poetic phrasing and metaphors, so she pulled out the old reliable yet double-edged yin-yang orb.
“Shut up!!!” Reimu threw the orb as hard as she could. In a blink of an eye the orb struck Remilia in the head. Then it bounced over and struck Yuyuko, then Marisa, then Youmu, then Alice, then Sakuya. It then flew over to hit Yukari, but she managed to open a gap portal, causing the orb to instead hit Reimu right in the back of the head. That didn’t leave Yukari alone yet as the orb ricocheted off a bamboo stalk and finally struck the gap youkai in the gut, prompting her to fall to her knees.
And the tag team battle ended in everyone’s defeat.
submitted by LeeCloud27 to touhou [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:38 Slayers_Picks UFC Fight Night: Cannonier v Imavov Fight Predictions + Paypal Giveaway!

I hope we're all doing well.
We are very, very short on characters, so no wasting time here. Here is the PAYPAL 50 USD giveaway info.
To enter... just type Giveaway: -answer-
If you could walk out with a fighter of any organisation, at any time of era, who would you walk out with?
Draw will be randomly selected via, and announced during the June 22nd write up!
We got 10/12 correct last time around, lets hope the good results continue this week with this insanely tough card (i have some doubts).
ALSO ITS A BIG ONE SORRY (I recommend using the TL;DR write up for this one... you'll see why soon.)
(c) - Champ
D/DWCS - Debut/Dana Whites' Contender Series
FLS - Fight Lose Streak
FWS - Fight Win Streak
NS - No Streak
(#x) - Rank in division
x/3 - Confidence Levels
Lets go!
Women’s Strawweight
Puja Tomar (D) (+195) (8-4-0, 4 FWS) v Rayanne Amanda (-240) (14-7-0) - I truly have no clue what to say about this one.
Tomar is coming off a rather strong string of victories in the regional promotions of South Asia, and I believe they are giving her a spot here due to the popularity from the Road to UFC tournament where we are seeing an increase of Indian MMA fighters fight in the upper echelon of professional MMA promotions. Tomar is a very ferocious fighter who has a relatively strong Muay Thai and Kickboxing base, she is absolutely not afraid to let her hands go early, that first round is almost always her best round as she is seemingly able to just overwhelm her opponents on the feet. As much as her striking is rather aggressive and quite damaging, her ground game and wrestling is not quite up to that level, and it is the wrestling and grappling of Amanda where I see Tomar struggling somewhat. Now, circling back to Tomar’s striking, she is very volume centric with her attacks, with a severe detriment to her defences, her hands are fast with the aggression but her chin is exposed to counters and it just looks like a clumsy offence to me. She also uses her left body kick quite a lot in between her punch combinations, and whilst that’s going to be somewhat effective against Amanda, I do think the repetitious kicks are going to be well read by Amanda, leading her to catch and perhaps trip Tomar. Still, as long as this fight remains on the feet, we could possibly see Tomar take this fight to the distance and get a win.
Amanda is coming off a tough loss against Talita Alencar and did somewhat well against her, stuffing almost all of her takedown attempts and really dealing some damage on the feet. The problem with Amanda’s last opponent compared to Tomar is that Tomar’s striking is going to come with a lot more frequency, there will be quite a few combinations thrown her way and in order to counter that for Amanda’s particular striking style is to meet her in the middle and be the harder hitter. I don’t think Amanda is going to want to keep this fight standing a whole lot though, I think she is going to actively look for the takedowns and ensure that she controls Tomar throughout the fight, perhaps even look for a submission. However, since she did so well on the feet against Alencar, I do wonder if she is going to be a lot more comfortable on the feet coming into this fight against Tomar, because she does have quite a bit of power in her hands, although it’s not great knockout power, it’s still a very damaging right hand. In terms of her submission ability, she is very, very aggressive on the ground, not really wasting a lot of time in setting up a submission, typically favouring an armbar which is going to be a most likely submission in this fight due to Tomar having not that much experience in ground situations, thus perhaps punching off her back and leaving her arm open for a grab. That’s at least my speculation for a set up for an armbar, and since Tomar has lost twice already to Armbar, I think it’s just a tendency for her to leave her arms exposed for an attack.
This looks like a striker versus grappler bout, and whilst Tomar is a bit of a threat on the feet, I don’t think she has what it takes to take on a more experienced fighter in Amanda who has the near perfect style to counter the striking of Tomar. I got Amanda winning this one, it’s likely going the distance, but we could also see a submission here, so keep an eye out for a double chance Sub/Dec prop for Amanda.
Amanda via UD - (1/3)
Cody Stamann (+175) (21-6-1, NS) v Taylor Lapilus (-210) (19-4-0, NS)
Stamann is coming off a fairly competitive fight against Douglas Silva de Andrade, and whilst it was clear that Stamann’s gameplan throughout the fight was to wrestle and get the fight to the ground, he still did show his ability to mix it up on the feet and even drop Silva de Andrade in the third round. Stamann might be a great wrestler but I think his boxing is pretty damn good as well, often using a very slick and quick jab to soften up his target before shooting for a takedown, so he is quite well versed wherever the fight is, however I do think he is going to have a tough time tracking down Lapilus here since Lapilus has a significant reach advantage and very, very good takedown defence (albeit with some trouble when he fought Basharat, more on that later). Defensively, Stamann is great at level changing and being a moving target, sometimes switching stance or moving his head off the centre line, he is quite good at being a hard to hit target, and what makes him even more dangerous is his ability to move off that line, then spring back into an aggressive attack, often throwing a three to four strike combination with heavy variance in attack (uppercut, hooks, straights, never the same sort of attack). However, one thing that I have noticed is that due to Stamann’s tremendous output that he usually utilises in the first round, he tends to slow down and not be as defensively sound in the second or third round, his hands remain somewhat low, there is not a whole lot of level changing and his takedowns become much easier to read as the entry looks a lot more laboured. However, as much as his takedown defence does slow down, his power and his boxing is still very good in bursts. I mean, this combination he lands is the same one he tried to set up in the first round, this is experience being shown by Stamann and something Lapilus is going to have to be keenly aware of coming his way. Stamann does favour the double leg entry a lot, and since Lapilus is relatively good at reading level changes and fighting off takedown attempts, I just think that after the first or second round, the chance of success of a takedown diminishes greatly.
Lapilus is coming off a tough loss against Farid Basharat, someone who is rapidly becoming a force of somewhat gentle nature who is highly technical and very well rounded, so for Lapilus to experience three rounds against someone like Basharat is pretty damn great for one's career. Lapilus is a very well rounded fighter who has pretty sharp boxing, favouring straights over hooks and uppercuts, this plays into the favour of his significant reach advantage, but I do see him being victim to a left hook by Stamann, a left hook that Stamann uses fairly well. Lapilus is going to have to rely on a strike and move pattern in order to stay away from that left hook because that is probably one of the most dangerous weapons that Stamann uses well. Lapilus is pretty good at defending takedowns, he isn’t impervious to them, but his instinct to stuff the head and circle away has made him a tough opponent to wrestle against, because not only does he stuff the leg, but he often retaliates with strikes as he circles away, so whatever failed takedown comes his way from Stamann (if any), Stamann will be on the receiving end of some good strikes. Lapilus also has a thudding left kick which is effective at smashing his opponents body or head, and we have seen Stamann eat a lot of body shots by Silva de Andrade, so I do think that Lapilus does have some striking advantage at distance, he just needs to be aware of that left hook of Stamann.
The possibility of an upset here is pretty high since Stamann is very well rounded and has a lot of speed and explosive forward movement. However, the reach advantage of Lapilus is going to help him in fighting at a distance and dealing significant damage from his brilliant counter punching, and I don’t think the wrestling threat is going to be too high for Lapilus because he has already boosted his wrestling capabilities in preparation for his fight with Basharat, and that’s a skill that is carried very much onto future fights. Lapilus should win this fight, but if you are looking for underdogs, I wouldn’t be surprised if Stamann gets this.
Lapilus via UD - (1/3)
Women’s Strawweight
Eduarda Moura (-175) (10-0-0, 10 FWS) v Denise Gomes (+145) (8-3-0, NS)
Moura is coming off a strong debut win over Montserrat Ruiz, and honestly, it probably is a good opponent to debut against, but it doesn’t really show me, personally, a lot of what she is capable of since I don’t exactly rate Ruiz highly. Moura has shown to have great wrestling and grappling, she utilised her wrestling very well against Ruiz, utilising a slick sweep to get into top control in the first round, basically keeping the fight on the ground for the remainder of the round. Moura is absolutely awesome on the ground, and since she has a huge physical advantage in this fight against Gomes, as soon as she ends up in top position here, I suspect Gomes is not going to have a very easy time getting out of it. Moura’s striking is a bit wonky though, she isn’t at all a standard kickboxer or anything like that, it’s all basic strikes to set up a takedown, and I do think the longer she stays on the feet to trade with Gomes, the worse it is going to be for her since Gomes has ridiculous sharp and fast boxing, the very same power and force that knocked out Jauregui, someone who I rate fairly high as a tough up and comer. Now, there is some slight concern regarding that recent weight miss by Moura, as she weighed in at 119 pounds when she fought Gomes, but I feel like that is due to the cancellation of her first bout against Kim, so whilst it’s not a weight miss against a long scheduled opponent, her size and physique could be a tiny bit of a problem on the scales. Not a huge one, but the possibility is there.
Gomes is coming off a tough loss against the veteran Angela Hill, and it was Hills wrestling that ultimately got her the win, it was the path of least resistance for her and she took it. That same advantage on the ground falls within Moura’s style and so I do hope for the sake of Gomes and her team, that she has improved in the takedown defence just enough to make Moura’s takedowns less of a certainty, because if she can stuff that first takedown, I think we are going to see the live odds switch throughout the fight. Gomes has a massive advantage on the feet, she is so quick with her punches and is able to just be a ferocious, aggressive fighter from the get go, it didn’t take her long to take out Jauregui at all, and it all started from that very powerful right hand. That is the biggest threat for Moura, that right hand, if she can land that against Moura I think we are going to see another big upset because boy does she have power. However, it looked too easy to take Gomes down when Hill fought her, it was a relentless pace and I think Hill's volume of takedowns assisted her greatly in controlling the heavy hitter in Gomes.
That’s essentially it for this fight, I don’t quite see it being too competitive as both fighters have opposite styles, so whoever is able to counter the other with their own style (Moura with the wrestling/grappling and Gomes with the boxing) is most likely to win this one. I do not at all feel comfortable saying that there is possibility of an upset here because both fighters have a somewhat equal chance to win this one, but in terms of my prediction I think we are going to see Moura utilise her wrestling from the get go and be a bit of a bully.
Moura via UD - (1/3)
Women’s Flyweight
Andrea Lee (-125) (13-9-0, 4 FLS) v Montana De La Rosa (+105) (12-9-1, 3 FLS) - From here on in, i’m calling “De La Rosa” DLR. Although I think everyone calls her DLR in the betting/chat circle. Also, I am aware that this is a rematch, but I will be somewhat typing as if it’s a fresh fight because of the subtle improvements both fighters have made since their first bout in 2019.
Lee is on a pretty horrendous losing streak right now, and one might imagine that at the age of 35, we are only going to see a steady decline from now on. However, despite her losing streak, she is still a rather fierce competitor on the feet. Lee is typically known for her Muay Thai, she is very, very good at dealing damage through the traditional means of clinch striking, so a lot of elbows and knees are incorporated into her striking. Lee is also generally good at moving and circling away from danger, she’s a very light footed fighter and this often helps set up her leg kicks and long punches, but most of her effective damage comes from the clinch, so as long as DLR is engaging in the clinch with Lee, Lee will hold most of the advantage. One thing that I do like seeing about Lee is her wrestling improvements, she has become a fairly well rounded fighter, and this was very much highlighted when she fought Miranda Maverick. Miranda Maverick is very well known for her takedown and wrestling capabilities, and even she struggled to get Lee down 5 of 8 times. Her takedown defence may not be outstandingly great, but her urgency to get up if that takedown was sloppy and had minimal control or positional advancement behind it is her best new asset as a fighter, and sometimes urgency is all one needs to turn the tide.
DLR is coming off three tough losses against the likes of Aldrich, Suarez and Barber, three names who we all recognise by now, but I suppose the most relevant fight to look back on would be her most recent against Aldrich, also because Aldrich generally is a fairly good striker and that’s the kind of fighter DLR needs to prepare for. DLR, straight off the bat, has a very obvious wrestling and BJJ advantage over Lee, there is very little doubt in my mind that a lot of the planning for this camp, and preparation for Lee surrounds level changing and keeping Lee on the ground, however I do not at all expect there to be a threat of a finish here, it is simply going to be a control based game plan with some ground and pound or positional changes. During their second bout in 2019, DLR landed a whole lot of takedowns on Lee, although it was 7 of 12 that did not land which is a massive amount for someone who needs to get that takedown to get a win. DLR’s striking is a bit rudimentary, she can throw all the attacks any other MMA fighter learns to throw, although it’s clear that her main style is wrestling. She has absolutely made a lot of improvements to her striking, her shot selection is a lot better, but she is not a striker, she uses all of her kicks and punches to set up takedowns and such. Her striking defence is a bit of a problem, I do see her close her eyes a lot and react to feints often which makes me think she is a bit anxious on the feet, so once Lee pours on the pressure, expect a clinch or a level change from DLR.
Here’s a slight rub. Judging criteria has been a major point of change in MMA history, there has been a lot more focus on damage over control, and who has received the most damage when Lee and DLR fought in 2019? DLR. Who receives the most damage on the feet in her last 5 fights? DLR (at least for the most part). I see Lee winning this fight, I think Lee’s takedown defence and urgency to the feet is an upgrade that DLR has not caught up to (with her striking). This fight is going the distance, or at least over 2.5 rounds.
Lee via UD - (1/3)
Daniel Marcos (15-0-0, 15 FWS) v John Castaneda (21-6-0, 2 FWS) -
Marcos is coming off an unfortunate NC over Aoriqileng in which he may have accidentally neutered Aoriqileng with a perfectly timed nutshot, but prior to all of that happening, he was systematically breaking down the 35 fight veteran. Marcos has always been a patient but vicious fighter, capable of dealing damage from all ranges, and most important, all angles. I bring the angles part up because the one thing I see Marcos doing consistently well are his leg kicks, he is so good at dealing damage from both the inside and outside angle, making it hard to check due to not knowing which way to turn the leg. Now, I do have some concerns when it comes to Marcos, but they mostly stem from his strengths as a counter-striker. First, he doesn’t move a lot, he has a typical counter style of waiting for his opponent to make the first move. I don’t have a lot of faith in this style, Aoriqileng managed to land some clean straight punches on Marcos during that fight and I think a very good boxer will be able to deal some more significant damage. Marcos’ takedown defence is also, whilst not properly tested, sitting pretty at 89% and that is a huge factor coming into this fight for Castaneda, because if Castaneda is eating too many leg kicks and goes for a sloppy takedown (a tale as old as time, we have seen this happen many times to many, many fighters) Marcos is capable enough to shrug it off and keep the punishment going.
Castaneda is coming off a fantastic win against Kang in which he effectively outpaced him on the feet, and it was a rather challenging fight for Kang due to Castaneda’s constant movement and stance switches, it was difficult to get a read on what was coming Kang’s way. Castaneda’s kicks were pretty fun to watch, he has a very strong right leg kick which buckled the stance of Kang a little bit, but it didn’t come without a heavy read on the defensive “flaws” of that kick, and that is the fact that Castaneda is fairly counterable when he lands that outside right kick, his hands are low and it’s not exactly a quick kick, it comes fully loaded, so the from the time he launches that attack to when he can return it to a rear post position, he is very exposed to counters, and traditionally the best way to counter a kick is with a straight punch down the line, and what have we seen Marcos do effectively throughout his UFC career? Counter. That is the only clean counter that I can see Marcos using because Castaneda doesn’t set up those kicks, they are naked single shots that, whilst very quick and effective, is going to be a risk to use against Marcos. Castaneda’s wrestling is also a great weapon he utilises often, and whilst he might not be too effective against Marcos due to Marcos’s excellent ability to defend takedowns, it would be enough to pressure Marcos back and perhaps pin Marcos against the cage. However, I do think the biggest danger to Marcos here will be Castaneda’s movement and speed, Castaneda is very good at switching stance and throwing some very, very hard to read attacks, he uses these stance switches to mask kicks and entries to a blitz, and he can keep up this style of movement and attack for a long, long time.
I do think that Castaneda is susceptible to well timed counters, especially if his kicks are well read by Marcos, and whilst Marcos is most definitely going to struggle somewhat in finding his offensive attacks, those counters are going to be key in winning this very interesting fight. I got Marcos winning this one, he is such an interesting Bantamweight, I can’t wait to see how far this fighter soars.
Marcos via KO R3 - (1/3)
Brad Katona (-500) (13-3-0, NS) v Jesse Butler (+380) (12-5-0, NS) - I must say, sometimes i’m a little bit concerned about wide lines like this, but at a glance, it makes sense.
Katona may be coming off a loss against Armfield, but boy was the fight a great back and forth, fought at a very high pace. Katona thrives in chaos, the faster the pace, the better it is for Katona as he often overwhelms his opponent as the rounds go by. He may not be the cleanest fighter defensively or offensively, but the overwhelming activity he uses when he fights is often his best asset as a fighter. Katona uses a lot of striking volume when he fights, often in exchanges but initially at distance and in bursts. He is very durable and whilst he absorbs a lot of damage, his chin is pretty damn tough as he hasn’t been cracked or dropped too many times. Katona also has very good wrestling, he’s often able to just blast the double leg and get the fight to the ground relatively quickly, and whilst I don’t exactly see him looking for takedowns in this fight due to the submission threat from Butler, I do think that any takedown and any control time on top of Butler is good, especially if Katona reads the submission setups fairly well. Since the main threat coming from Butler is his submissions, I do suspect that Katona is going to keep this fight standing where he will no doubt have a substantial speed advantage, but I am not too sure if the possibility of a finish is there. If you do want to bet on Katona via KO, I suggest a combo round 2 or 3 is your best bet, as the first round is going to be a bit of a feeling out process in my opinion.
Butler is someone who I was hoping to see a bit more of when he fought Miller one year ago, but the fight didn’t even last a minute before Butler got knocked out and put away. Butler’s history has mostly been him getting his opponents to the ground and using his long frame to lock down his opponents and look for submissions, that long frame is going to be incredibly advantageous in this fight against Katona if he can lock in a body triangle, because the longer the legs, the stronger the hold is, especially if there is a tie up where one leg is under their opponents leg, I don’t know the technical term for it, but hopefully you know what i’m talking about. Anyway, Butler’s main chance to win this fight is to take it to the ground and find that submission, because the longer he remains on the feet, the more comfortable Katona becomes, and thus the more confident he is as the fight goes on, and a confident Katona is a very, very dangerous one. I don’t think we are going to see Butler use his striking that effectively, the reach advantage does make me think that there’s going a natural jab/cross range advantage for Butler, but I just haven’t seen him use it that much, most of his success is from his grappling. If the fight goes to the ground, with Katona in top control, I almost guarantee that Butler is going to go for an arm triangle off his back, his long legs make that lock so easy to set up and secure, so expect Butler to be active on the ground.
Fights like this are tough, it’s hard to tell what Butler is going to do since we barely saw him fight against Miller, and in those 11+ months since, we haven’t seen him fight again until now, so I don’t know what he’s improved on, all I know for a fact is that his grappling is going to be dangerous for Katona, but the stand up should be all Katona here. That’s about as simple as I can put it. I don’t really see a chance of an upset here unless Katona is employing a wrestling heavy gameplan.
Katona via KO R3 - (2/3)
Charles Radtke (+165) (9-3-0, 6 FWS) v Carlos Prates (-200) (18-6-0, 8 FWS) - Straight off the bat, I want to say that placing a bet on this fight not going the distance is looking like a fairly safe bet. Let’s get to the breakdown.
Radtke is coming off an upset win over Gilbert Urbina, and whilst he was facing someone who had a taller frame and a reach advantage, Radtke was very good at slowly walking him down with some slight pressure, and measuring that left hook over and over until he was it cleanly, and boy is that left hook a work of art. One thing that I do like about Radtke is his coachability, he listens actively to his corner, and if Belal is in the corner of Radtke, I genuinely think that’s the secret weapon because Belal has pretty damn good fight IQ and being around that kind of fighter accelerates growth somewhat. Radtke has a very tight guard, his hands are somewhat high and he is very good at adjusting defensively to his opponents attacks. Radtke is quite diverse with his weapons as well, often using the leg kicks to soften up his target and making his opponent somewhat drop the guard a little bit, allowing that left hook target to be more available. Now, Radtke is going to be fighting in a bit of a similar way to how he fought Urbina, he is going to bounce into range in order to land that left hook, and having seen Prates fight Giles, that left hook is going to be there all day due to how Prates defensively backs away. Hands low and often head a bit out of range, but it’s going to take very little for that punch to land and deal significant damage, it absolutely destroyed Urbina when it landed, I can only imagine what it’s going to do against Prates.
Prates is coming off a very competitive back and forth KO win against Trevin Giles, a very tough opponent to debut against and for the most part, prior to the KO win, Giles was very effective with his boxing, landing his punches fairly cleanly, but it does not take much for the Muay Thai fighter in Prates to find his shots and land that phenomenal one-two. Prates has a significant reach advantage coming into this fight, but he somewhat suffers from the same defensive problems a lot of longer fighters suffer from, and that’s their defence being their offence. Teeps and jabs are his best defensive tools since it keeps his opponent out of range and unable to land the cleaner shots, which is why when Giles started to extend the combinations, the last few shots in that combination would land hard. Prates not only has to be worried about that dangerous left hook that Radtke throws so effortlessly, but he also has to be concerned about the wrestling offensive that Radtke has in his back pocket too, and whilst we haven’t seen a lot of his wrestling in the UFC or DWCS, you would think that he is well rounded enough to know how to wrestle.
I do not know who is going to win this one, on one hand Radtke’s left hook, perhaps an overstated attack of his, is most likely going to land if he uses it as an extension to a combination, but on the other hand, Prates has over a hundred Muay thai fights under his belt, he has a significant reach advantage and he has a nasty nasty arsenal of attacks. His left knee up the middle is such a dangerous tool he uses. The safest bet here, and the only betting advice i got for this one is that this fight doesn’t go the distance. As for my prediction, I want to say Prates wins this one, that reach advantage is massive, but his defences are a concern. This one is probably going to shove my face into a pile of shit, but I think Prates wins this one. I think that the left knee is going to be pivotal in countering some of the boxing that Radtke uses, and that height advantage is going to allow that knee to come up quicker.
Prates via KO R2 - (1/3)
Thiago Moises (+115) (18-7-0, NS) v Ludovit Klein (-135) (21-4-1, 2 FWS)
Moises is coming off a strong win over Mitch Ramirez, but its one of those fights that seems like a set up for future fights, like a comeback win set up deal because Ramirez isn’t exactly a high level opponent, and the competitive step up from Ramirez to Klein is astronomical. Moises does have a grappling advantage in this fight, and I do think that this is the first time Klein has faced a proper BJJ specialist, so it would be interesting to see if the very impressive takedown defence of Klein is going to hold up well enough against Moises. Moises is a fairly calculated striker as well, he does not throw volume nor combinations, a lot of his attacks are safe, single shots that have quite a bit of power in said shots, but they are by no means anything too special, it's just the timing and shot selection that impresses me the most. Now, if Moises cannot get the fight to the ground, he is going to lose this fight, Klein is so fast with his strikes, his kickboxing is far better, he has a lot more power and he is a tenacious fighter who tends to throw a lot of volume, all things that could freeze Moises a little bit. Moises is going to have to stick to him like glue and try to get the fight to the ground, that is his only way to win this fight, grapple and submit. I am not too confident in saying Moises will keep Klein down, because Klein himself has shown to be very good on the ground, although perhaps not to the level of BJJ that Moises is.
Klein is coming off back to back wins against Bahamondes and AJ Cunningham (late replacement), and Klein honestly has never looked so good. Klein is an exceptionally well rounded fighter who has extremely slick striking as well as outstanding kicks, in fact I would say his kicks are his best form of striking, they come from all angles and there are almost no reads for them, he just flings them out there without any major set up, it’s such an effective attack. Kleins southpaw stance allows him to target the liver side of the body effectively, and that’s most likely going to be a key in this fight in order to slow down and lower the hands of Moises, and once his hands are lowered, then you will see Klein attack the head. Now, the biggest concern I have for Klein is the grappling of Moises, but that concern isn’t exactly a major one because Klein is so well rounded, he has very, very good takedown defence and if he is in top position there is little doubt in my mind that Moises will be safe in that bottom position because boy does Klein like to ground and pound, he is very active in top position. Klein is going to have to be aware of the exchanges as well because Moises is more than willing to sit down on his punches and throw them back his opponents way, and that’s probably where Moises is at his most dangerous because he doesn’t care how much he gets hurt, as long as he’s firing back. There is a possibility of Klein slowing down after the first or second round, the power and volume he throws at is brilliant and such a dangerous force to deal with, but that comes at a cost to cardio and I think if Moises is able to hang in there for two rounds and survive the storm, he should be able to turn this fight around, but that’s all speculative since Klein typically takes a fight to the distance, and to take a fight to the distance and fight like he does, that’s some excellent cardio.
Ultimately, this is a tough fight to predict, Moises is going to have to either use the same game plan he did against Ramirez and chew up the legs, or he’s going to have to stick to Klein like glue, whether its against the cage or on the ground, and try to find that submission because on the feet, Moises is going to contend with a barrage of highly technical strikes that come from all angles. Klein has excellent takedown defence, he is quick to stuff the head or sprawl, and he is very quick at retaliating with elbows and knees when the break happens, so he is constantly damaging his opponent. I got Klein winning this one, I did have Moises as an underdog pick prior to tape review, and there is a solid chance of him winning, but I think Klein is a very well rounded fighter who can make this fight very difficult for Moises. This fight could also go the distance so keep an eye out for o2.5/1.5 odds.
Klein via UD - (1/3)
Main Card
Punahele Soriano (+140) (9-4-0, 2 FLS) v Miguel Baeza (-170) (10-3-0, 3 FLS) - Boy oh boy is this going to be a battle, I cannot imagine any other outcome here other than brutality and bloodshed, and I'm all for that happening.
Soriano is in a bit of a tough position, his last 4 losses have occurred in his last 5 fights, and each time he has lost he has been on the receiving end of some savage knockouts or brutal beatdowns, but that is his entire style and it is something he is typically known for, walking through fire to deal significant damage back. This is also the first time Soriano is moving down to 170, so be aware of how he looks on the scale because he’s already a very large and thick fighter, so that cut could be concerning. Soriano is a heavy hitting fighter, everything he throws is powerful and it is generally a bad idea to stand in front of him unless you are a technical striker, and I don’t think Baeza is that technical of a striker. Soriano’s best weapons are his power side punches, he is so good at setting those up with standard jabs or even just letting them go without any set up because he knows the knockout power he possesses is often more than enough to put away his opponents. The only problem he has come across when he fights is someone who is typically a lot quicker and longer than he is, someone who can throw a very quick combination and circle away from any retaliatory strikes coming his way. One major advantage that Soriano has compared to Baeza is his activity, he has always been a somewhat active fighter, he has been in three fights whilst Baeza has been inactive, and whilst it is true that his chin has been rocked and shocked, he has always hung in there until the end, he has never really been put away cleanly. I do see Soriano look for strong liver punches throughout this fight in order to slow down the returning fighter, his left hand is very good although when he’s in the pocket his striking misses a lot, it’s highly inefficient and it sometimes looks clumsy, so his best range is going to be straight range, boxing range where he can rely on those straight overhand left and left straights.
Baeza is an interesting case, he was a highlight fighter for me when he won against Matt Brown, and then he had that remarkable performance against Takashi Sato, but since that fight three years ago, he has hit roadblock after roadblock named Ponzinibbio, Williams and Fialho. Baeza is no doubt still a very well rounded fighter who, despite not being much of a submission artist, could very well submit Soriano as he is a black belt in BJJ and it has been shown that takedowns are a bit of a problem for Soriano. However, it is quite difficult to say how Baeza is going to approach this fight since he hasn’t fought in two years, and I spoke about a two year break recently with Gall. What has Baeza worked on in those two years? The amount of unknowns in this particular fight doesn’t please me that much because I hate speculating, but if we are to compare the Baeza of 2022 to today's Soriano, I think we are going to see Baeza land a lot more cleaner punches down the line, but Soriano’s left hand is so educated and so quick and powerful that it could stun or rattle Baeza who is possibly still making mid-fight adjustments as he gets used to fighting again (as there is octagon rust/ring rust). Baeza has a bit of an opening for Soriano and that’s his right side body, the liver side, I see Soriano smashing that body with powerful hooks over and over, and whilst you might argue that Baeza switches his stance a lot, he primarily favours the orthodox stance where he can launch that beautiful jab which could be problematic for Soriano. The other weapon that Baeza uses very well is his outside leg kick, it's not necessarily a thudding kick, but it’s incredibly effective due to the speed of it, making it hard for Soriano to read it.
I need to cut this short, heck, this whole write up feels too long, so in conclusion, it’s a very tough fight to predict with a lot of story behind it, you have Soriano moving down to 170 and the question as to how he is going to look on the scale, then you have Baeza coming back after two years, with questions surrounding how he is going to look, and what he has improved on going to be answered this weekend. This is a fun fight though, but I have to go with the underdog here in Soriano.
Soriano via KO R2 - (1/3)
Julian Marquez (-115) (9-4-0, 2 FLS) v Zach Reese (-105) (6-1-0, NS)
Marquez is coming off back to back KO losses against “Robocop” Rodrigues and Barriault, two fairly hard hitting fighters, and it kind of makes sense that he lost to them because Marquez barely has any defence, he is a stand and bang kind of fighter who ultimately is here for mostly entertainment value. He has no prospect of being a champion or even a ranked fighter at that rate, he is simply a stepping stone for more talented fighters to advance through the ranks. With that said, Marquez is a reckless individual who throws ridiculously heavy and can be a danger to practically anyone he faces, minimal technique, maximum damage, he is a heavyweight in a Middleweight’s body. However, his propensity to finish fights is ridiculously high, so whenever there’s a Marquez fight, its generally a good idea to look out for the odds for his fights not going the distance. If Marquez’s massive punches don’t phase his opponents, he usually goes for a takedown and grapples where he is surprisingly decent, so that’s an alternative way to win a fight, but I honestly don’t think he’s going to do that against a much taller and longer fighter in Reese, who has quite good BJJ himself.
Reese is relatively new to the UFC, and he is unfortunately coming off a brutal loss against Brundage, and I mean, losing to Brundage adds a little bit of a sting to the record I think. Reese has never fought past the first round in his professional career, he is an exceptionally quick finisher and whilst the quality of his opponents is somewhat questionable, I do think that he uses his reach fairly well, although since he finishes fights tremendously quickly, I also think he can be a bit wild with his punches, marching his opponents down and throwing heavy attacks with a tonne of volume, which usually results in a ref stepping in to call the fight. My concern is that I don’t think Marquez is that easy to put away, I mean, sure, Marquez absorbs a lot of damage, but he isn’t one to go down without swinging back.
I need to make this one short, so whilst this prediction could be a bit sketchy, my betting advice for this one is to look for under 2.5 rounds, or “In the distance” (ITD).
Marquez via KO R2 - (1/3)
And that's it!
Primary Parlay: Lee/DLR o2.5 or GTD + Radtke/Prates ITD + Klein/Moises o2.5/1.5 (optional) + Marquez/Reese u2.5 or ITD + CannonieImavov o3.5 or R4 Starts
(Feel free to exclude some of those legs, or break the parlay into two. whatever floats your boat)
Money Parlay will be announced in my "Parlay Explained" write up, as that is when the full odds and stuff are out
Locks of the week: Katona, Rosas Jr, Lapilus and Jacoby (optional).
Alt Bets: Radtke KO R1 or 2 (combo), Moises Sub/Dec (Double chance), Stoltzfus KO/Sub (Double Chance), Reese Sub.
Prediction Accuracy for 2024: 65.3% (Personal best... again).
If you would like to donate and support me, as this is my only income, please do so via Paypal. All write ups are free, donations are insanely optional!
if you wish to keep in contact with me or follow me on twitter, my twitter handle is @Slayer_Tip, and my Discord is Slayertip#7013.
I hope you all have an amazing day, look after yourselves, and enjoy this awesome event!
submitted by Slayers_Picks to MMAbetting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:34 kicnyc The Timeless Appeal of the Long Army Fatigue Jacket

The Timeless Appeal of the Long Army Fatigue Jacket
When it comes to timeless fashion staples, the Long Army Fatigue Jackets stand out as a piece that has transcended its original military function to become a beloved item in civilian wardrobes worldwide. With its rugged appeal and practical design, this versatile jacket has a rich history and is a fashionable choice for both men and women. Here, we explore the long army fatigue jacket's origins, enduring style, and modern-day relevance.

Origins and Historical Significance

The long army fatigue jacket, also known as the field jacket, has its roots in military apparel. Initially designed for soldiers, these jackets were created to be durable, functional, and suitable for various weather conditions. The M-65 field jacket, introduced by the U.S. military in 1965, is one of the most iconic versions. It featured a water-repellent outer layer, multiple pockets for carrying essentials, and a design allowing layering in colder climates.
The jacket quickly became a symbol of military service and, over time, a representation of the counterculture movements of the 1960s and 70s. Veterans returning from the Vietnam War continued to wear their field jackets, and the garment was adopted by anti-war protestors, musicians, and artists, making it a symbol of rebellion and non-conformity.

Enduring Style and Versatility

Its practicality and style make the long army fatigue jacket so enduring. Its practical design, characterized by large pockets, sturdy fabric, and a comfortable fit, appeals to those who value function without sacrificing fashion. Although it now comes in various hues, the jacket's olive green color remains a classic and versatile choice that can be paired with almost any outfit.
The long army fatigue jacket is perfect for layering, making it suitable for different seasons. It can be worn over a simple t-shirt or sweater in the fall and spring. It can be layered over a hoodie or heavier coat in colder months. This adaptability has made it a favorite among fashion enthusiasts who appreciate clothing that can be styled in multiple ways.

Modern-Day Relevance

The long army fatigue jacket has maintained relevance in today's fashion landscape by evolving with contemporary trends while retaining its classic elements. High-fashion designers and streetwear brands have embraced the jacket, incorporating modern twists such as new fabrics, colors, and embellishments. This has ensured that the jacket remains a staple in high-end and everyday fashion.
Celebrities and influencers are often seen sporting long army fatigue jackets, further cementing their status as a must-have item. From casual outings to more polished looks, this jacket is a go-to for those seeking a blend of comfort and style.


The long army fatigue jacket is more than just a piece of clothing; it’s a testament to the enduring appeal of functional fashion. Its history, versatility, and modern adaptations make it a unique garment that seamlessly transitions from the battlefield to the runway to the streets. Whether you’re looking to make a fashion statement or want a reliable and stylish jacket, the long army fatigue jacket is a timeless choice that will never go out of style.
submitted by kicnyc to u/kicnyc [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:19 BadandyTheRed There is a leak in my apartment ceiling and I think it's hiding a portal to hell.

I hear the dripping again. The constant, drip, drip, drip of water. I blink my eyes open and try to focus to make sure I'm not in another nightmare. It sounds like another leak; this one might be the last. The last time I will hear it before the horrible conclusion to this ordeal. The last time hearing that telltale noise, before the true nature of that loathsome portal is revealed and whatever hideous dimension hiding on the other side breaks through completely.
The sound is growing louder, each drop has an exaggerated tone. It sounds like small explosions all trying to collapse the ceiling and engulf me in the dark abyss that I have already once been forced to endure.
I just can’t believe this could really be happening, it just can’t! It swallowed people up, the portal behind that damn leak. I don’t know what to do.
Just a short while ago my only problem would have been the water damage to my belongings. Indeed, such a mundane problem as a leak in the ceiling would just be a minor issue, nothing to fear except the repair bill. Yet I'm afraid it is a bit beyond that now. I shouldn't have waited this long I should have just left. Yet where could I have gone? Maybe I should have paid more attention to who I was talking to and what they were saying. All too late now I suppose.
I have been living in this apartment for close to six months. I had moved into this dingy complex, to a small studio apartment after I lost my job and had to find a part time position at significantly less pay. I tried to stay optimistic but even before the terrible reality of what I was stepping into was clear, I was still on hard times. I could barely afford this decrepit room as it was, and I had no family or friends to speak of that I might be able to move in with so my options were essentially non existent.
Considering the dire situation, I found the cheapest accommodation I could and what I found was my home and hell for the last six months, number 316 at the Greenfield Heights apartment complex. The amenities included paper thin walls to hear all the drug deals gone wrong, domestic violence and constant sirens of emergency vehicles blaring from all sorts of incidents. Topped off with a nice turn-down service of package and mail theft to boot. All of these problems though, feel small compared to the true horror of what the place had in store for me.
No, it wasn't exactly a paradise, but I had to find the cheapest place I could. I was barely making a fraction of what I was before at my old job, and I needed somewhere to get back on my feet. I told myself it was temporary and once I could get a better job I would get out of here.
When I had first arrived to look at the place, I had arranged a simple walk through with the landlord Mr. Jacobs a very unpleasant fellow who always looked perpetually angry and was constantly shouting in the halls and at the few miserable looking staff who worked here. We walked up two flights of stairs passing a wall of profanity laden graffiti tagged along almost the whole length of it leading up to where my future home was to be.
Mr. Jacobs opened the door and the rattling handle nearly fell off in the effort. We stepped inside and the dank room stank like a tomb. The tiny apartment was depressing and when he went to turn on the main light nothing happened. He scoffed and muttered a string of colorful language and grumbled that.
“Someone will bring a new light bulb; I told Rodney to check earlier that lazy piece of shit.”
I didn't want to press the matter since he looked pissed off, so we went in, and he showed me what little there was to see of the tiny apartment. We had to rely on the dim light of the bedroom to see elsewhere, since the main light was out. Despite leading the walk-through, it looked like Mr. Jacobs was distracted, he was looking at the ceiling in the corner of the tiny living room with a concerning grimace on his face.
He stared at it for a while and paused the tour, I found it a little weird. He finally looked back at me as if noticing that I was watching him stare at the ceiling and he shrugged and asserted that.
“You are going to want to get some buckets, when it rains heavily that part of the ceiling leaks. Can't seem to find out how since there's no leak on 416 above but bad luck on this one, I guess, that's the only reason the price is so low.” He shot me a grin that I could only describe as enthusiastically malicious. After the brief walk-through Mr. Jacobs turned around and asked very bluntly.
“You are not a troublemaker, are you?” His eyes narrowed and he looked very threatening suddenly. I assured him of my earnest intent and need for a place to stay, and he softened briefly, at least I think he did, it was hard to tell with him. He regarded me one more time and said.
“Good we don’t need more troublemakers, too many questions, always snooping around. If you have any questions try to figure it out yourself, this isn't the Ritz we don't take care of everything for you. You are going to have to make do as is. Something really bad like a fire then you can call, but for minor shit, best to just figure it out yourself. Rents due on the 1st by the way, no exceptions and no grace period anyone who bums out on their debt gets their asses kicked out next day, fuck tenant laws!”
He shot me another wicked smile and returned downstairs leaving me with the keys and just assuming I had agreed to move in. I was dumbfounded by the combination of his upfront hateful attitude and the subtext of certain things he had mentioned. What in his mind was a troublemaker? And what happened to those who asked too many questions? I couldn't believe I was going to have to live here.
In a better position I would have left immediately but it was either here or homeless. All the other places I had looked were too expensive, so I left and began packing my things. The whole situation was awful, but I had no choice, I moved in the next weekend.
Moving day was as bleak as my mood. It had been raining on and off again all day and seemed to start heavily just in time to when I was moving my boxes, almost as if to spite me. I started taking my stuff upstairs to my new room.
As I was taking the first box up the stairs, I thought I heard a gunshot. I rushed on in nervous tension and as I was approaching my door, I heard a voice call out in a tone that was actually friendly.
“Excuse me, it looks like you dropped something.”
I was surprised to see a woman standing in the hall with a look of friendly concern. As I looked down to see I had indeed dropped something from the broken box I was trying to carry upstairs.
“Hi, I'm Maxine, I am your neighbor in 315.”
I introduced myself and was relieved to have found a friendly face for a change.
“Hey there, I’m Greg, nice to meet you.” I held out my hand and she looked uncomfortable briefly and declined the handshake.
“Sorry, I’m getting over a cold I shouldn't, but it is nice to meet you.” She said with another disarming smile.
I was relieved to see someone who didn't look they were minutes away from killing me or someone else. Though the paranoid part of my brain was begging the question why such a seemingly nice person was stuck here. I considered asking her but figured it would be rude to pry about her situation, she might have been like me and just on hard times. I was embarrassed when I realized I was just standing there after saying hello and stumbled for words, but she spoke first.
“Well, it was nice meeting you Greg, stay safe and try not to let your spirits get down. It’s easy in this place but nothing bad lasts forever.” She smiled and waved goodbye. I looked down to make sure the box was secure and when I looked up to say goodbye she was already gone. I wondered how she was so fast. Nevertheless, I felt slightly more hopeful that things might be okay after all.
Another hour of moving boxes and my knees were on fire but the meager possessions I had were finally stuffed haphazardly into the tiny apartment. I was dead tired, but it was only 4 pm. I figured I had earned a nap though and went into the tiny closet that was supposedly a bedroom. No furniture fit besides my old mattress that took up the entirety of the space.
I laid down and started drifting off, the peaceful sound of rain started to get heavier and then I heard a new sound which woke me from my doze. A tiny dripping sound coming from the main room. I remembered what Mr. Jacobs had said about heavy rain and a leak and I got up quickly to make sure the water was not landing on all my boxes and getting everything wet.
I looked up in the corner of the room and sure enough there was a steady dripping onto one of the boxes below. I poked around and found the dishes box and took out a few pieces of tupperware and a bowl and set one underneath the leak. I thought for a moment about calling Mr. Jacobs but then remembered how he had given up on fixing this leak and realized it would do no good. I turned around to go back to bed when I heard an odd tearing sound like wallpaper being stretched to breaking point. When I turned around there was nothing there. I figured it was just my nerves and I went back to bed.
I slept for about two hours and despite the brief rest I had a vivid nightmare of drowning in a dark lake with no shores on any side. It was horrible, just sinking into a black watery abyss.
I was embarrassed as I woke up with a scream, but relaxed as I realized it was just a dream and no one likely heard or cared that someone in 316 was screaming anyway. I figured the rain and that damn leak had got me thinking about water and my negative mood may have contributed to a nightmare, so I brushed it off and went about trying to organize the chaos of boxes in some logical manner for this small space.
Later that night I had a cup of ramen for dinner and turned in early. I read a bit before bed, almost as if trying to postpone sleep for fear of sinking into that fathomless abyss again when I slept. Eventually I started to get comfortable and thought I may fall asleep when it started again.
Drip, drip, drip.
The leak had resumed, it sounded faster than before, and I thought it was strange that I could hear it so vividly. I got up to see if maybe it had overflowed or something and I was not prepared for what I saw.
The ceiling where the leak was had an odd lambent light near the center, kind of like a black light. It seemed to be pulsing in time with the drops of water. There was an odd type of density in the air too, like it was too heavy and thick. It was maddeningly humid as well despite the cold atmosphere of the room and outside. I was confused and kind of scared by the bizarre display. I just kept thinking to myself it is only temporary, as soon as I can leave I will, I can make it through anything short term.
I took a step further into the living room and noticed a wet spot on the floor. There is no way it could be all the way over here, the bowl on the floor was not even full yet. I suspected a leak might also be over in this spot now, so I looked up and screamed out loud. There was what looked like a face pressing through the ceiling with drops of water seeping from the thing's mouth. I turned to run and tripped on the wet floor and toppled over bashing my head into a wall and almost losing consciousness.
I was trying to stagger to my feet after getting knocked senseless and the memory of the face reminded me of my peril. I got to my feet and looked up in tense expectation. There was nothing there. No leak, no face, no glowing shifting portal. The only evidence of anything was a small wet spot on the ceiling about nine inches across. At that point I thought for sure that depression over my situation was causing me to go crazy and see things. I desperately wished I could be somewhere else just then, but it was late at night, and I needed sleep. I couldn't afford a hotel obviously, so I left my room and went outside to the parking lot to sleep in my car.
Another week went by with poor work hours, barely any food and bad sleep. Though the one bright side was the surprisingly good weather. Days went by and no odd events took place in my apartment. It was a struggle but at least with a little sunshine there was no leak to conjure up such terrible nightmares like what I had experienced before.
I ran into Maxine again on the way to the laundry room and couldn't help but ask if she knew of anything having happened in my room before I moved in, like anyone having seen anything weird or the like. She shifted uncomfortably and looked down, pausing as if not wanting to answer.
“I'm sorry, I don't know much. I had not been here for very long when the last person in 316 had left. I say left but I heard there was an accident of some sort. There was a lot of commotion and I had heard some strange rantings from the man before it happened.”
She took a breath to steady herself after the stress of recounting the story and looked away.
“I was away at work when it actually happened, apparently he had been found dead in the apartment, some say he killed himself, drowning. From what I heard he was a bad man, there are a lot of bad men that live here. The things that have happened that never got reported and the people that got hurt or worse, well.....” She looked away sorrowfully for a moment and resumed.
“Well, you wouldn't want to know. A coward like that would try and kill himself but I think something akin to justice may have caught up to him, something that this place might need more of. When you live with the stain of hate and violence it leaves something behind and perhaps sometimes the world finds a way to wash it away and right the wrongs. Anyway, I don't like to think about it. I have to run I have to get ready for work, sorry I couldn't help more I hope you stay safe and stay dry, you wouldn't want to get swept up too.”
She turned a corner and I saw a fallen cardigan. I bent down to pick it up and it felt wet, like it had been washed already. Not too weird if she just did laundry but her footprints were soaking wet as well. I grabbed the garment and rushed round the corner shouting out.
“Hey Maxine, you dropped this.” But she was gone. The wet footprints randomly stopped as well. How did she stop leaving them if her feet were wet?
A few more months passed with no leaks and only a few nightmares. My luck turned sour again for different reasons though. I suffered a severe back injury at work. Since it occurred while working, I got some workers comp so I wouldn't lose all my income. I did have to take time off of work, so I was forced to stay in my apartment all day and night recouping. To make matters worse it was getting into the season for spring showers and the forecast was heavy rain for the next week.
I was not quite bedridden but walking and bending over was very uncomfortable, I considered taking a drive somewhere, anywhere but here, but I couldn't manage the stairs again today and I knew I at least needed to actually rest for one or two of my days off.
So I was stuck in the apartment, watching the clouds gather and the skies darken. I placed several dishes under the leak spot in anticipation and I swigged some energy drinks and coffee. I would rest but I disliked the idea of sleeping any more than I had to, since I still feared those disturbing dreams in the water.
I tried to distract myself by watching some old DVD’s since I had no streaming services to watch. As I started to relax around late afternoon, I was shocked back into a frenzied paranoia when the storm kicked up in intensity and knocked the power out. I tried not to panic and knew I had some candles or a flashlight or two somewhere. I would have to get up though so I figured I would stay in the bedroom. I used my phone flashlight to find a candle and matches and hurried back to the bedroom just as the leak restarted and the drip, drip, drip was heard filling the bowls left out. I felt silly fleeing the leak like it was dangerous, I didn't know why that dream had affected me so much, but it felt wrong.
I sat in the dark and waited for the power to return but it did not, I fought sleep but even in my paranoid state I started to drift off. I was content that the door was closed at least, and it slightly muffled the sound of that constant dripping.
I awoke to the sounds of running water, the drip was replaced by a torrent that almost sounded like a waterfall. I was too afraid to move, but I had to see if my room was being flooded. I got up painfully and stepped down into ankle high water. Oh God this is bad, I thought immediately as I moved to the door to see what had happened, I heard a singular splashing noise, almost like someone stepping through the water.
My heart froze as I stopped just short of opening the door and focused on the sound. I heard the splashing again; it was definitely footsteps. I didn't know what to do I tried to think who might break in, a robber? Maybe it was about the flooding, maybe it was Mr. Jacobs after all?
I grabbed the candlestick and lit the candle. If I needed to, I might be able to use it as an improvised weapon, if it could be a murder weapon in clue then why not? I cautiously opened the door and there was a backwash of even more water on the other side, it almost knocked me off my feet. I stumbled through the door, struggling in the cold water, I knew it was impossible, but it felt like there was a current running through it, like I was standing in the mouth of a river. I finally stepped past the door and into the living room and almost dropped the candle into the oddly surging waters. The sight before me was both amazing and terrifying. The water was moving, it was flowing into a whirlpool that was at the center of the room but as it neared the center it inverted and seemed to be spiraling out from the ceiling rather than the pooled water on the floor in a sight that blatantly disregarded all laws of gravity.
The spectacle was so amazing I almost forgot the footsteps I had heard and until they resumed. My gawking was broken, and I saw large bursts of water splashing toward me. I heard an ear-splitting cry like the wail of a banshee and suddenly the ceiling where the leak was coming from, and the current epicenter of the vortex started to glow and after a moment it turned deep red and a new horror occurred.
The face I had seen in what I had hoped was a nightmare before was back. The ceiling seemed to shimmer now, almost translucent and I saw the horrible features of a hideous form. White pupil-less eyes stared down at me and a gaping screaming maw began filling with water tinged with red? No, it wasn't water, it was blood. The vortex began spewing blood all across the room and as I turned to flee in horror I was wrenched from my feet by the invisible force in the water and dragged kicking and screaming into the heart of the vortex. My last conscious sight that night was being pulled up into my own ceiling and into the bleeding maw of that avatar of bloody nightmare.
I woke up in the black abyss. The water was still mixed with blood, but there were no creatures. I was somehow buoyant and floated along in the shore less sanguine ocean. I drifted along unable to sink or to fully rise up. After what felt like an hour of drifting, I heard splashing and all of the sudden the sound got louder and louder. I looked around and saw the source of the noise, bodies were falling from the sky into the bloody ocean. First a few, then dozens then hundreds. A literal storm of blood-soaked featureless bodies came crashing into the water. I tried to evade them, but I could not dodge them all and I was buffeted by the limp forms of countless bodies until I was pummeled below the surface of the water. I couldn't breathe and as I tried to surface one of the bodies grasped my wrist and opened its eyes. On its previously featureless face, it now had oddly pulsating white pupils and it burst what appeared to be stitching on its mouth in order to scream under the water.
The sight and shock of that horrible scene woke me and I realized I was laying on my back in my apartment again. The flood water was lapping at my face, and I was breathing in and choking on the water on the floor. I lurched up as soon as I regained control of my body, spitting water and gagging from the quasi drowning I had endured. The water looked normal, no blood from what I saw, but the water itself was not a delusion or some trace of insanity it was there.
It was a bad scene, tons of my things were submerged, and the water damage was extensive. Somehow it had risen to almost two feet high. I had to do something, I didn't expect much from this place, but this was a severe enough situation that the crotchety old bastard Mr. Jacobs was going to have to fix something whether he liked it or not or they would be getting a lawsuit in short order. I figured some lawyers would take easy cases they knew they would win with no retainer needed if they got paid more at the end. So, it would not be a bluff I was dead serious, I almost drowned in my own apartment!
I staggered to the door and managed to open it, draining tons of water out into the hall, but I didn't care, I just needed some fresh air. My back was on fire, but nothing would stop me. I heard a voice calling out to me, it was Maxine.
“Hey are you okay? I saw all the water and hadn't seen you around is there flooding there?”
She asked with an odd look, almost like she knew the answer but didn't want to let on.
“Yes there is, it is pretty bad actually I was just about to call Mr. Jacobs to do something about it.
”Greg....” She paused for a moment then continued.
“You didn't see anything in there did you? In the water? Like something or someone familiar?” I was confused by the specific nature of the question. I was put off and unsure how she knew I might have seen something.
“I am not sure what I saw, why do you ask?” I responded.
“No reason, just be careful it can be dangerous if you do. Don’t worry if it is not where you belong, you won't get pulled in forever. Just be careful though, you don't want to risk it.” A flash of morbid glee was evident on her face for a split second and then it was gone. I was starting to feel uncomfortable.
“Pulled in? How do you know about the leak? And if you do what's behind it?” I ask with mounting suspicion evident in my voice.
“You know Greg, in many cultures the path between the world of the living and the dead is separated by only the slightest barrier, often a literal or symbolic body of water. Whether the river Styx, the lake of fire, the waters reflected at the feet of a Torii gate, it is often just potent waters. Like all bodies of water, when they are contained somewhere there can be leaks. Sometimes the water is not the only thing that seeps out.” She stopped speaking for a moment and fixed me with an intent stare that made me feel very strange. I did not know what she was talking about? Was she saying that portal leads to some sort of afterlife? Like heaven or more likely in this case hell?
“Did you just say....” And she cut me off, saying.
“Oh if Mr. Jacobs finally goes over there to fix your ceiling let him know I had a concern I needed to express to him as well, it's been waiting for a long time.” She smiled again in a creepy way that disturbed me.
“Ah yeah sure I guess I can do that.”
“Thanks! See ya later and hope you feel better, those accidents can be rough best not sleep on your side and to drink lots of water, the right kind though.” She winked at me and departed, and I was at a loss for what just happened. How did she know I had gotten hurt I didn't tell her, and what was that thing about the right kind of water?
My anxiety about the situation was increasing and I was disturbed by Maxine’s questions too, maybe she was not so sweet and trustworthy after all. After far too long being ignored and dealing with the first sodden, now moldering cloths boxes and other personal effects Mr. Jacobs finally scheduled a time to drain the last remnants of water and do something more concrete about fixing the leak.
I was waiting patiently for his arrival and there was a loud banging at the door. I greeted Mr. Jacobs and he grunted at me and without looking at me walked past and looked up at the hole in the ceiling. He had an odd air of what almost looked like fear or concern on his face.
After he walked in another larger person in coveralls and holding a toolbox did as well. There was a large tarp or something that seemed odd to bring to this sort of job, it almost looked like a big sort of bag. They were both looking at the hole in the ceiling and Mr. Jacobs turned on a dime and stared me down.
“It’s just been water leaking down, nothing else right?” I thought the question was odd and I hesitated to answer since I was thinking of those vivid nightmares. I think he may have noticed that because his face sank, and he glowered at me looking significantly angrier and more dangerous than before. Before I could answer he shouted at me.
“What did you see?! Did something come out of the hole? Was it a person?” He looked manic and deranged, and I looked at the other man in the coveralls and he stood silent holding a sledgehammer that had appeared in his hand and watching the confrontation unfold.
“I....I don't know I just saw the leak, what is going on what do you think I saw? My neighbor asked me the same thing earlier.” Mr. Jacobs eyes narrowed.
“What neighbor? I haven't had tenants in 315 or 317 in over a year.”
I was confused, maybe I had heard Maxine’s apartment number wrong, but how could she be my neighbor if she was not in one of those. This must be some kind of mix up, I figured.
“My neighbor Maxine she said she lives in 315; I just saw her the other day and she asked if I had seen something as well.” At the mention of the name Mr. Jacobs face turned white.
“You said her name was Maxine!? She said that? You saw her?!” He was screaming at me asking more questions about Maxine like she was on Americas most wanted.
“What does she have to do with this? I don’t know what the hell is going on.” I admitted.
Ignoring my question, Mr. Jacobs began pacing and holding his hand to his head. The man in coveralls spoke for the first time.
“Jack, we have to go, let's find the body while the leak and portal are still here and dispose of the loose end.” I gasped at the admission of both a body and that I was apparently a loose end to some sort of crime.
“I fucking know, alright make it quick, we are going to have to do two so let's go before more people start coming home and we risk someone hearing.”
I fell back against the wall in shock as the large man hefted the sledgehammer and started stomping toward me. I was unarmed and injured; I didn't know what I could do but suddenly the lights went out again.
The door slammed shut and as the three of us stood there in stunned silence a slow drip began to trickle from the ceiling. Each drop splashing off of the low standing pool of water. The large man went to the door and tried to open it but to no avail.
“Jack what is going on?!” The man shouted to Mr. Jacobs.
“I don't know just use the hammer. Kill him and then bust us out of here. Or just give it to me and I will fucking do it.”
They were going to kill me!? I had to think of something quick, so I stammered out.
“Wait! I don't know what is going on you guys, you don't want to kill me I really don't know anything. Let's just get out of here before the water gets much worse, I think something bad is going to happen.”
As if on cue the dripping stopped and a torrent of water was disgorged from the hole in the ceiling, which now held a horribly familiar glow and was pouring a blood red liquid into the apartment. There was a giggle followed by a blood curdling screech and the man in the coveralls with the hammer was wrenched up off his feet and dragged kicking and screaming into the water. Mr. Jacobs and I both watched as his entire head was forced under the water by some unseen force, The man was being drown and as he looked like he might kick up a splash of water landed next to him revealing a brief outline of a female form the eyes were white and it had a horrible smile on its face. Its unnaturally long hand was wrapped fully around the man's throat and was effortlessly throttling him.
Mr. Jacobs saw something or someone he recognized in the violent mist and started sobbing and begging for mercy.
“I didn't mean to, please. It was an accident. I would have been locked up. I couldn't lose everything, I had to.”
I sat in stark terror as the falling water from the ceiling became a storm. The millions of droplets highlighted the attacker, her form was terrible yet oddly mesmerizing. She strolled along towards Mr. Jacobs who was grasping at the door handle and tugging uselessly at it. He reached for the hammer when he was pulled toward the figure by a moving tendril of bloody water.
“Just a little bath Jack that's all it won't hurt......much.” He tried to scream but his head was submerged in the bloody water. I saw the sentient waves of ruinous liquid grasp each of his appendages and tear him limb from limb in a bloody explosion.
I screamed and stumbled away wading through the water into my bedroom and desperately pulled on the window to escape that way. I heard splashing footsteps and a soft pretty tune being sung by an ethereal voice. Then I heard a giant crash and saw a portion of wall collapse along with more of the ceiling and the sight before my eyes almost drove me insane.
There was a vortex of bloody water sucking the maimed bodies of those men into the hellish portal where the leak originated and at the center was the bloody figure smiling at me and waving a hand as I finally got the window to budge and fall out. I stepped outside and tried to descend the fire escape, but the surface was too slippery, and I fell. I screamed and plummeted down and thought I would land on my head and die. Yet as I fell my descent slowed and to my shock and horror, I realized the rainwater was mixing with the water from my apartment flowing out of the window and I was being pulled back up into my room. I tried to scream but I felt water fill my mouth. At some point in the nightmare ride I blacked out again.
That was the last thing I remembered before I found myself here again. As I listen to the leak once more, I wonder if it could have all been a bad dream? The water, the leak, the portal it is all too much it couldn't have been real. I will go into my dingy living room and see the water dripping into the bowl and realize it was all just a terrible dream.
Yet when I sit up, I notice an odd breeze and when my eyes focus in the dark, I see lights in the sky........the sky?
The ceiling is gone! I don't know what is going on here, but I know I have to get out of here now. I hear splashing footsteps again over the ever-present dripping and see in the sky now the light of the monstrous portal opening in the very clouds above!
It is too much I leap from the fire escape again. Somehow in my mad haste I survive descending the fire escape and I sit here now writing this impossible story in my car that I have been living in nearly a week after the fact.
I heard on the news the reports of a structural collapse at my apartment and the landlord being unavailable for questioning, presumed missing along with another man who worked at the apartment as a special contractor. I thought about Mr. Jacobs and the man in the coveralls and shuddered when I remembered them being drawn into that unholy portal in the ceiling.
Apparently, it had not been the only disappearance in the building either. Around a year ago there was a missing person's report for a Maxine Valoroso. I remember how Mr. Jacobs reacted to her name, and it made me wonder what really happened here before I moved in.
I don't know who or what Maxine was, maybe she was the same person in the report, changed somehow. Best I can guess Mr. Jacobs had known something about her disappearance, maybe he had killed her and somehow, she came back for revenge. She mentioned the water washing away people's violent lives and I shuddered when I considered her smile when talking about the last person in 316 and the overdue message she had to send to Mr. Jacobs. I didn't know if she was a ghost, a demon or what. I also don't know the extent of her reach or if she is satisfied with just those men and who knows how many others she had washed away from that room with that dread portal.
I suppose it doesn't matter to me anymore I am never going back there. I gave all my belongings up for lost and the building was condemned anyway after the landlord disappeared and the ceiling collapsed in several sections of the building. I think there are are terrible things they will discover if they ever really investigate the building. Perhaps they will find bodies, perhaps the bodies are all gone, sucked into that watery abyss, that eldritch gate to hell whose opening started with a simple leak.
If something like that can happen I just don't know, I don't know if anyone is safe anymore.
submitted by BadandyTheRed to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:24 BadandyTheRed There is a leak in my apartment ceiling and I think it is hiding a portal to hell.

I hear the dripping again. The constant, drip, drip, drip of water. I blink my eyes open and try to focus to make sure I am not in another nightmare. It sounds like another leak; this one might be the last. The last time I will hear the leak before the horrible conclusion to this ordeal. The last time hearing that telltale noise, before the true nature of that loathsome portal is revealed and whatever hideous dimension hiding on the other side breaks through completely.
The sound is growing louder, each drop has an exaggerated tone. It sounds like small explosions all trying to collapse that ceiling and engulf me in the dark abyss that I have already once, mistakenly glimpsed at.
No, it just can’t be real, it can’t! It swallowed people up, the portal behind that damn leak. I don’t know what to do so I will lay out the facts and how I got to this point in this account, and you will see what I have experienced, you will see too that it can’t be real, it has to just be a bad trip or some hallucination. I will tell you, it's not like I can just leave I have nowhere else to go, it’s just a leak.
Just a short while ago my only problem would have been the water damage to my belongings. Indeed, such a mundane problem as a leak in the ceiling would just be a minor issue, nothing to fear except the repair bill. Yet I'm afraid it is a bit beyond that now. I shouldn't have waited this long I should have just left. Yet where could I have gone? Maybe I should have paid more attention to who I was talking to and what they were saying. All too late now I suppose.
I have been living in this apartment for close to six months. I had moved into this dingy complex, to a small studio apartment after I lost my job and had to find a part time position at significantly less pay. I tried to stay optimistic but even before the terrible reality of what I was stepping into was clear, I was still on hard times. I could barely afford this decrepit room as it was, and I had no family or friends to speak of that I might be able to move in with so my options were essentially non existent.
Considering the dire situation, I found the cheapest accommodation I could and what I found was my home and hell for the last six months, number 316 at the Greenfield Heights apartment complex. The amenities included paper thin walls to hear all the drug deals gone wrong, domestic violence and constant sirens of emergency vehicles blaring from all sorts of incidents. Topped off with a nice turn-down service of package and mail theft to boot. All of these problems though, feel small compared to the true horror of what the place had in store for me.
No, it wasn't exactly a paradise, but I had to find the cheapest place I could. I was barely making a fraction of what I was before at my old job, and I needed somewhere to get back on my feet. I told myself it was temporary and once I could get a better job I would get out of here.
When I had first arrived to look at the place, I had arranged a simple walk through with the landlord Mr. Jacobs a very unpleasant fellow who always looked perpetually angry and was constantly shouting in the halls and at the few miserable looking staff who worked here. We walked up two flights of stairs passing a wall of profanity laden graffiti tagged along almost the whole length of it leading up to where my future home was to be.
Mr. Jacobs opened the door and the rattling handle nearly fell off in the effort. We stepped inside and the dank room stank like a tomb. The tiny apartment was depressing and when he went to turn on the main light nothing happened. He scoffed and muttered a string of colorful language and grumbled that.
“Someone will bring a new light bulb; I told Rodney to check earlier that lazy piece of shit.”
I didn't want to press the matter since he looked pissed off, so we went in, and he showed me what little there was to see of the tiny apartment. We had to rely on the dim light of the bedroom to see elsewhere, since the main light was out. Despite leading the walk-through, it looked like Mr. Jacobs was distracted, he was looking at the ceiling in the corner of the tiny living room with a concerning grimace on his face.
He stared at it for a while and paused the tour, I found it a little weird. He finally looked back at me as if noticing that I was watching him stare at the ceiling and he shrugged and asserted that.
“You are going to want to get some buckets, when it rains heavily that part of the celling leaks. Can't seem to find out how since there's no leak on 416 above but bad luck on this one, I guess, that's the only reason the price is so low.” He shot me a grin that I could only describe as enthusiastically malicious. After the brief walk-through Mr. Jacobs turned around and asked very bluntly.
“You are not a troublemaker, are you?” His eyes narrowed and he looked very threatening suddenly. I assured him of my earnest intent and need for a place to stay, and he softened briefly, at least I think he did, it was hard to tell with him. He regarded me one more time and said.
“Good we don’t need more troublemakers, too many questions, always snooping around. If you have any questions try to figure it out yourself, this isn't the Ritz we don't take care of everything for you. You are going to have to make do as is. Something really bad like a fire then you can call, but for minor shit, best to just figure it out yourself. Rents due on the 1st by the way, no exceptions and no grace period anyone who bums out on their debt gets their asses kicked out next day, fuck tenant laws!”
He shot me another wicked smile and returned downstairs leaving me with the keys and just assuming I had agreed to move in. I was dumbfounded by the combination of his upfront hateful attitude and the subtext of certain things he had mentioned. What in his mind was a troublemaker? And what happened to those who asked too many questions? I couldn't believe I was going to have to live here.
In a better position I would have left immediately but it was either here or homeless. All the other places I had looked were too expensive, so I left and began packing my things. The whole situation was awful, but I had no choice, I moved in the next weekend.
Moving day was as bleak as my mood. It had been raining on and off again all day and seemed to start heavily just in time to when I was moving my boxes, almost as if to spite me. I started taking my stuff upstairs to my new room.
As I was taking the first box up the stairs, I thought I heard a gunshot. I rushed on in nervous tension and as I was approaching my door, I heard a voice call out in a tone that was actually friendly.
“Excuse me, it looks like you dropped something.”
I was surprised to see a woman standing in the hall with a look of friendly concern. As I looked down to see I had indeed dropped something from the broken box I was trying to carry upstairs.
“Hi, I'm Maxine, I am your neighbor in 315.”
I introduced myself and was relieved to have found a friendly face for a change.
“Hey there, I’m Greg, nice to meet you.” I held out my hand and she looked uncomfortable briefly and declined the handshake.
“Sorry, I’m getting over a cold I shouldn't, but it is nice to meet you.” She said with another disarming smile.
I was relieved to see someone who didn't look they were minutes away from killing me or someone else. Though the paranoid part of my brain was begging the question why such a seemingly nice person was stuck here. I considered asking her but figured it would be rude to pry about her situation, she might have been like me and just on hard times. I was embarrassed when I realized I was just standing there after saying hello and stumbled for words, but she spoke first.
“Well, it was nice meeting you Greg, stay safe and try not to let your spirits get down. It’s easy in this place but nothing bad lasts forever.” She smiled and waved goodbye. I looked down to make sure the box was secure and when I looked up to say goodbye she was already gone. I wondered how she was so fast. Nevertheless, I felt slightly more hopeful that things might be okay after all.
Another hour of moving boxes and my knees were on fire but the meager possessions I had were finally stuffed haphazardly into the tiny apartment. I was dead tired, but it was only 4 pm. I figured I had earned a nap though and went into the tiny closet that was supposedly a bedroom. No furniture fit besides my old mattress that took up the entirety of the space.
I laid down and started drifting off, the peaceful sound of rain started to get heavier and then I heard a new sound which woke me from my doze. A tiny dripping sound coming from the main room. I remembered what Mr. Jacobs had said about heavy rain and a leak and I got up quickly to make sure the water was not landing on all my boxes and getting everything wet.
I looked up in the corner of the room and sure enough there was a steady dripping onto one of the boxes below. I poked around and found the dishes box and took out a few pieces of tupperware and a bowl and set one underneath the leak. I thought for a moment about calling Mr. Jacobs but then remembered how he had given up on fixing this leak and realized it would do no good. I turned around to go back to bed when I heard an odd tearing sound like wallpaper being stretched to breaking point. When I turned around there was nothing there. I figured it was just my nerves and I went back to bed.
I slept for about two hours and despite the brief rest I had a vivid nightmare of drowning in a dark lake with no shores on any side. It was horrible, just sinking into a black watery abyss.
I was embarrassed as I woke up with a scream, but relaxed as I realized it was just a dream and no one likely heard or cared that someone in 316 was screaming anyway. I figured the rain and that damn leak had got me thinking about water and my negative mood may have contributed to a nightmare, so I brushed it off and went about trying to organize the chaos of boxes in some logical manner for this small space.
Later that night I had a cup of ramen for dinner and turned in early. I read a bit before bed, almost as if trying to postpone sleep for fear of sinking into that fathomless abyss again when I slept. Eventually I started to get comfortable and thought I may fall asleep when it started again.
Drip, drip, drip.
The leak had resumed, it sounded faster than before, and I thought it was strange that I could hear it so vividly. I got up to see if maybe it had overflowed or something and I was not prepared for what I saw.
The ceiling where the leak was had an odd lambent light near the center, kind of like a black light. It seemed to be pulsing in time with the drops of water. There was an odd type of density in the air too, like it was too heavy and thick. It was maddeningly humid as well despite the cold atmosphere of the room and outside. I was confused and kind of scared by the bizarre display. I just kept thinking to myself it is only temporary, as soon as I can leave I will, I can make it through anything short term.
I took a step further into the living room and noticed a wet spot on the floor. There is no way it could be all the way over here, the bowl on the floor was not even full yet. I suspected a leak might also be over in this spot now, so I looked up and screamed out loud. There was what looked like a face pressing through the ceiling with drops of water seeping from the thing's mouth. I turned to run and tripped on the wet floor and toppled over bashing my head into a wall and almost losing consciousness.
I was trying to stagger to my feet after getting knocked senseless and the memory of the face reminded me of my peril. I got to my feet and looked up in tense expectation. There was nothing there. No leak, no face, no glowing shifting portal. The only evidence of anything was a small wet spot on the ceiling about nine inches across. At that point I thought for sure that depression over my situation was causing me to go crazy and see things. I desperately wished I could be somewhere else just then, but it was late at night, and I needed sleep. I couldn't afford a hotel obviously, so I left my room and went outside to the parking lot to sleep in my car.
Another week went by with poor work hours, barely any food and bad sleep. Though the one bright side was the surprisingly good weather. Days went by and no odd events took place in my apartment. It was a struggle but at least with a little sunshine there was no leak to conjure up such terrible nightmares like what I had experienced before.
I ran into Maxine again on the way to the laundry room and couldn't help but ask if she knew of anything having happened in my room before I moved in, like anyone having seen anything weird or the like. She shifted uncomfortably and looked down, pausing as if not wanting to answer.
“I'm sorry, I don't know much. I had not been here for very long when the last person in 316 had left. I say left but I heard there was an accident of some sort. There was a lot of commotion and I had heard some strange rantings from the man before it happened.”
She took a breath to steady herself after the stress of recounting the story and looked away.
“I was away at work when it actually happened, apparently he had been found dead in the apartment, some say he killed himself, drowning. From what I heard he was a bad man, there are a lot of bad men that live here. The things that have happened that never got reported and the people that got hurt or worse, well.....” She looked away sorrowfully for a moment and resumed.
“Well, you wouldn't want to know. A coward like that would try and kill himself but I think something akin to justice may have caught up to him, something that this place might need more of. When you live with the stain of hate and violence it leaves something behind and perhaps sometimes the world finds a way to wash it away and right the wrongs. Anyway, I don't like to think about it. I have to run I have to get ready for work, sorry I couldn't help more I hope you stay safe and stay dry, you wouldn't want to get swept up too.”
She turned a corner and I saw a fallen cardigan. I bent down to pick it up and it felt wet, like it had been washed already. Not too weird if she just did laundry but her footprints were soaking wet as well. I grabbed the garment and rushed round the corner shouting out.
“Hey Maxine, you dropped this.” But she was gone. The wet footprints randomly stopped as well. How did she stop leaving them if her feet were wet?
A few more months passed with no leaks and only a few nightmares. My luck turned sour again for different reasons though. I suffered a severe back injury at work. Since it occurred while working, I got some workers comp so I wouldn't lose all my income. I did have to take time off of work, so I was forced to stay in my apartment all day and night recouping. To make matters worse it was getting into the season for spring showers and the forecast was heavy rain for the next week.
I was not quite bedridden but walking and bending over was very uncomfortable, I considered taking a drive somewhere, anywhere but here, but I couldn't manage the stairs again today and I knew I at least needed to actually rest for one or two of my days off.
So I was stuck in the apartment, watching the clouds gather and the skies darken. I placed several dishes under the leak spot in anticipation and I swigged some energy drinks and coffee. I would rest but I disliked the idea of sleeping any more than I had to, since I still feared those disturbing dreams in the water.
I tried to distract myself by watching some old DVD’s since I had no streaming services to watch. As I started to relax around late afternoon, I was shocked back into a frenzied paranoia when the storm kicked up in intensity and knocked the power out. I tried not to panic and knew I had some candles or a flashlight or two somewhere. I would have to get up though so I figured I would stay in the bedroom. I used my phone flashlight to find a candle and matches and hurried back to the bedroom just as the leak restarted and the drip, drip, drip was heard filling the bowls left out. I felt silly fleeing the leak like it was dangerous, I didn't know why that dream had affected me so much, but it felt wrong.
I sat in the dark and waited for the power to return but it did not, I fought sleep but even in my paranoid state I started to drift off. I was content that the door was closed at least, and it slightly muffled the sound of that constant dripping.
I awoke to the sounds of running water, the drip was replaced by a torrent that almost sounded like a waterfall. I was too afraid to move, but I had to see if my room was being flooded. I got up painfully and stepped down into ankle high water. Oh God this is bad, I thought immediately as I moved to the door to see what had happened, I heard a singular splashing noise, almost like someone stepping through the water.
My heart froze as I stopped just short of opening the door and focused on the sound. I heard the splashing again; it was definitely footsteps. I didint know what to do I tried to think who might break in, a robber? Maybe it was about the flooding, maybe it was Mr. Jacobs after all?
I grabbed the candlestick and lit the candle. If I needed to, I might be able to use it as an improvised weapon, if it could be a murder weapon in clue then why not? I cautiously opened the door and there was a backwash of even more water on the other side, it almost knocked me off my feet. I stumbled through the door, struggling in the cold water, I knew it was impossible, but it felt like there was a current running through it, like I was standing in the mouth of a river. I finally stepped past the door and into the living room and almost dropped the candle into the oddly surging waters. The sight before me was both amazing and terrifying. The water was moving, it was flowing into a whirlpool that was at the center of the room but as it neared the center it inverted and seemed to be spiraling out from the celling rather than the pooled water on the floor in a sight that blatantly disregarded all laws of gravity.
The spectacle was so amazing I almost forgot the footsteps I had heard and until they resumed. My gawking was broken, and I saw large bursts of water splashing toward me. I heard an ear-splitting cry like the wail of a banshee and suddenly the ceiling where the leak was coming from, and the current epicenter of the vortex started to glow and after a moment it turned deep red and a new horror occurred.
The face I had seen in what I had hoped was a nightmare before was back. The ceiling seemed to shimmer now, almost translucent and I saw the horrible features of a hideous form. White pupilless eyes stared down at me and a gaping screaming maw began filling with water tinged with red? No, it wasn't water, it was blood. The vortex began spewing blood all across the room and as I turned to flee in horror I was wrenched from my feet by the invisible force in the water and dragged kicking and screaming into the heart of the vortex. My last conscious sight that night was being pulled up into my own ceiling and into the bleeding maw of that avatar of bloody nightmare.
I woke up in the black abyss. The water was still mixed with blood, but there were no creatures. I was somehow buoyant and floated along in the shore less sanguine ocean. I drifted along unable to sink or to fully rise up. After what felt like an hour of drifting, I heard splashing and all of the sudden the sound got louder and louder. I looked around and saw the source of the noise, bodies were falling from the sky into the bloody ocean. First a few, then dozens then hundreds. A literal storm of blood-soaked featureless bodies came crashing into the water. I tried to evade them, but I could not dodge them all and I was buffeted by the limp forms of countless bodies until I was pummeled below the surface of the water. I couldn't breathe and as I tried to surface one of the bodies grasped my wrist and opened its eyes. On its previously featureless face, it now had oddly pulsating white pupils and it burst what appeared to be stitching on its mouth in order to scream under the water.
The sight and shock of that horrible scene woke me and I realized I was laying on my back in my apartment again. The flood water was lapping at my face, and I was breathing in and choking on the water on the floor. I lurched up as soon as I regained control of my body, spitting water and gagging from the quasi drowning I had endured. The water looked normal, no blood from what I saw, but the water itself was not a delusion or some trace of insanity it was there.
It was a bad scene, tons of my things were submerged, and the water damage was extensive. Somehow it had risen to almost two feet high. I had to do something, I didn't expect much from this place, but this was a severe enough situation that the crotchety old bastard Mr. Jacobs was going to have to fix something whether he liked it or not or they would be getting a lawsuit in short order. I figured some lawyers would take easy cases they knew they would win with no retainer needed if they got paid more at the end. So, it would not be a bluff I was dead serious, I almost drowned in my own apartment!
I staggered to the door and managed to open it, draining tons of water out into the hall, but I didn't care, I just needed some fresh air. My back is on fire, but nothing will stop me. I hear a friendly voice calling out to me, it's Maxine.
“Hey are you okay? I saw all the water and hadn't seen you around is there flooding there?”
She asked with an odd look, almost like she knew the answer but didn't want to let on.
“Yes there is, it is pretty bad actually I was just about to call Mr. Jacobs to do something about it.
”Greg....” She paused for a moment then continued.
“You didn't see anything in there did you? In the water? Like something or someone familiar?” I was confused by the specific nature of the question. I was put off and unsure how she knew I might have seen something.
“I am not sure what I saw, why do you ask?” I responded.
“No reason, just be careful it can be dangerous if you do. Don’t worry if it is not where you belong, you won't get pulled in forever. Just be careful though, you don't want to risk it.” A flash of morbid glee was evident on her face for a split second and then it was gone. I was starting to feel uncomfortable.
“Pulled in? How do you know about the leak? And if you do what's behind it?” I ask with mounting suspicion in my voice.
“You know Greg, in many cultures the path between the world of the living and the dead is separated by only the slightest barrier, often a literal or symbolic body of water. Whether the river Styx, the lake of fire, the waters reflected at the feet of a Torii gate, it is often just potent waters. Like all bodies of water, when they are contained somewhere there can be leaks. Sometimes the water is not the only thing that seeps out.” She stopped speaking for a moment and fixed me with an intent stare that made me feel very strange. I did not know what she was talking about? Was she saying that portal leads to some sort of afterlife? Like heaven or more likely in this case hell?
“Did you just say....” And she cut me off, saying.
“Oh if Mr. Jacobs finally goes over there to fix your ceiling let him know I had a concern I needed to express to him as well, it's been waiting for a long time.” She smiled again in a creepy way that disturbed me.
“Ah yeah sure I guess I can do that.”
“Thanks! See ya later and hope you feel better, those accidents can be rough best not sleep on your side and to drink lots of water, the right kind though.” She winked at me and departed, and I was at a loss for what just happened. How did she know I had gotten hurt I didn't tell her, and what was that thing about the right kind of water?
My anxiety about the situation was increasing and I was disturbed by Maxine’s questions too, maybe she was not so sweet and trustworthy after all. After far too long being ignored and dealing with the first sodden, now moldering cloths boxes and other personal effects Mr. Jacobs finally scheduled a time to drain the last remnants of water and do something more concrete about fixing the leak.
I was waiting patiently for his arrival and there was a loud banging at the door. I greeted Mr. Jacobs and he grunted at me and without looking at me walked past and looked up at the hole in the ceiling. He had an odd air of what almost looked like fear or concern on his face.
After he walked in another larger person in coveralls and holding a toolbox did as well. There was a large tarp or something that seemed odd to bring to this sort of job, it almost looked like a big sort of bag. They were both looking at the hole in the ceiling and Mr. Jacobs turned on a dime and stared me down.
“It’s just been water leaking down, nothing else right?” I thought the question was odd and I hesitated to answer since I was thinking of those vivid nightmares. I think he may have noticed that because his face sank, and he glowered at me looking significantly angrier and more dangerous than before. Before I could answer he shouted at me.
“What did you see?! Did something come out of the hole? Was it a person?” He looked manic and deranged, and I looked at the other man in the coveralls and he stood silent holding a sledgehammer that had appeared in his hand and watching the confrontation unfold.
“I....I don't know I just saw the leak, what is going on what do you think I saw? My neighbor asked me the same thing earlier.” Mr. Jacobs eyes narrowed.
“What neighbor? I haven't had tenants in 315 or 317 in over a year.”
I was confused, maybe I had heard Maxine’s apartment number wrong, but how could she be my neighbor if she was not in one of those. This must be some kind of mix up, I figured.
“My neighbor Maxine she said she lives in 315; I just saw her the other day and she asked if I had seen something as well.” At the mention of the name Mr. Jacobs face turned white.
“You said her name was Maxine!? She said that? You saw her?!” He was screaming at me asking more questions about Maxine like she was on Americas most wanted.
“What does she have to do with this? I don’t know what the hell is going on.” I admitted.
Ignoring my question, Mr. Jacobs began pacing and holding his hand to his head. The man in coveralls spoke for the first time.
“Jack, we have to go, let's find the body while the leak and portal are still here and dispose of the loose end.” I gasped at the admission of both a body and that I was apparently a loose end to some sort of crime.
“I fucking know, alright make it quick, we are going to have to do two so let's go before more people start coming home and we risk someone hearing.”
I fell back against the wall in shock as the large man hefted the sledgehammer and started stomping toward me. I was unarmed and injured; I didn't know what I could do but suddenly the lights went out again.
The door slammed shut and as the three of us stood there in stunned silence a slow drip began to trickle from the ceiling. Each drop splashing off of the low standing pool of water. The large man went to the door and tried to open it but to no avail.
“Jack what is going on?!” The man shouted to Mr. Jacobs.
“I don't know just use the hammer. Kill him and then bust us out of here. Or just give it to me and I will fucking do it.”
They were going to kill me!? I had to think of something quick, so I stammered out.
“Wait! I don't know what is going on you guys, you don't want to kill me I really don't know anything. Let's just get out of here before the water gets much worse, I think something bad is going to happen.”
As if on cue the dripping stopped and a torrent of water was disgorged from the hole in the ceiling, which now held an eerie lambent glow and was pouring a blood red liquid into the apartment. There was a giggle followed by a blood curdling screech and the man in the coveralls with the hammer was wrenched up off his feet and dragged kicking and screaming into the water. Mr. Jacobs and I both watched as his entire head was forced under the water by some unseen force, The man was being drown and as he looked like he might kick up a splash of water landed next to him revealing a brief outline of a female form the eyes were white and it had a horrible smile on its face. Its long-clawed hand was wrapped fully around the man's throat and was effortlessly throttling him.
Mr. Jacobs started sobbing, begging for mercy.
“I didn't mean to, please. It was an accident. I would have been locked up. I couldn't lose everything, I had to.”
I sat in stark terror as the falling water from the ceiling became a storm. The millions of droplets highlighted the attacker, her form was terrible yet oddly beautiful and she strolled along towards Mr. Jacobs who was grasping at the door handle and tugging uselessly at it. He reached for the hammer when he was pulled toward the figure by a moving tendril of bloody water.
“Just a little bath Jack that's all it won't hurt......much.” He tried to scream but his head was submerged in the bloody water. I saw the sentient waves of ruinous water grasp each of his appendages and tear him limb from limb in a bloody explosion.
I screamed and stumbled away wading through the water into my bedroom and desperately pulled on the window to escape that way. I heard splashing footsteps and a soft pretty tune being sung by an ethereal voice. Then I heard a giant crash and saw a portion of wall collapse along with more of the ceiling and the sight before my eyes almost drove me insane.
There was a vortex of bloody water sucking the maimed bodies of those men into the hellish portal where the leak originated and at the center was the bloody figure smiling at me and waving a hand as I finally got the window to budge and fell out. I stepped outside and tried to descend the fire escape, but the surface was too slippery, and I fell. I screamed and plummeted down and thought I would land on my head and die. Yet as I fell my descent slowed and to my shock and horror, I realized the rainwater was mixing with the water from my apartment flowing out of the window and I was being pulled back up into my room. I tried to scream but I felt water fill my mouth. At some point in the nightmare ride I blacked out again.
That was the last thing I remembered before I found myself here again. As I listen to the leak once more, I wonder if it could have all been a bad dream? The water, the leak, the portal it is all too much it couldn't have been real. I will go into my dingy living room and see the water dripping into the bowl and realize it was all just a terrible dream.
Yet when I sit up, I notice an odd breeze and when my eyes focus in the dark, I see lights in the sky........the sky?
The ceiling is gone! I do not know what is going on here, but I know I have to get out of here now. I hear splashing footsteps again over the ever-present dripping and see in the sky now the light of the monstrous portal opening in the very clouds above!
It is too much I leap from the fire escape again. Somehow in my mad haste I survived descending the fire escape and I sit here now writing this impossible story in my car that I have been living in nearly a week after the fact.
I heard on the news the reports of a structural collapse at my apartment and the landlord being unavailable for questioning, presumed missing along with another man who worked at the apartment as a special contractor. I thought about Mr. Jacobs and the man in the coveralls and shuddered when I remembered them being drawn into that unholy portal in the ceiling.
Apparently, it had not been the only disappearance in the building either. Around a year ago there was a missing person's report for a Maxine Valoroso. I remember how Mr. Jacobs reacted to her name, and it made me wonder what really happened here before I moved in.
I don't know who or what Maxine was, maybe she was the same person in the report, changed somehow. Best I can guess Mr. Jacobs had known something about her disappearance, maybe he had killed her and somehow, she came back for revenge. She mentioned the water washing away people's violent lives and I shuddered when I considered her smile when talking about the last person in 316 and the overdue message she had to send to Mr. Jacobs. I didn't know if she was a ghost, a demon or what. I also don't know the extent of her reach or if she is satisfied with just those men and who knows how many others she had washed away from that room with that dread portal.
I suppose it doesn't matter to me anymore I am never going back there. I gave all my belongings up for lost and the building was condemned anyway after the landlord disappeared and the ceiling collapsed in several sections of the building. I think there are are terrible things they will discover if they ever really investigate the building. Perhaps they will find bodies, perhaps the bodies are all gone, sucked into that watery abyss, that eldritch gate to hell that opened with a simple leak.
If something like that can happen I just don't know, I don't know if anyone is safe anymore.
submitted by BadandyTheRed to u/BadandyTheRed [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:26 SkieSquad98 AITA For my choice in an egangement ring?

My bf (26M) and I (25F) have been together for a while now and I've been helping him raise his son from his previous relationship. Yes, the mother is involved in the kiddos life again and I'm intending on keeping it that way. They've had ups and downs, but that's between them, but I digress.
My bf and I have talked a lot about our future together involving marriage and a child in the future. We've had a situation happen a while back with my bfs mom when we were first moving in where she was trying to convince us to get married quickly simply because we were moving in together. Her idea was to set a good example for our 7 y/o to be living in a home with 2 married parents. Or something of the sort.
When my bf and I first moved in together, it was rather quick for other reasons that aren't important now. We moved in after six months of being together. His mom suggested we get engaged and marry in the spring. We both are open to marriage, but we thought that it was too soon at that time, so we opted to wait. She respected our choice, so it wasn't an issue.
I've never gotten along with my BIL's soon to be ex-wife since the moment we met. She never liked me for some unknown reason, but I didn't care. At one point, we were all visiting my FIL and his wife and we got on the topic of marriage and engagement rings.
My BIL's wife said how she wanted BIL to get her this expensive ring, but he never did and got her a cheap ring that only costed $1,000 and that it showed he didn't love her as much as he said he did and blah blah blah. I, on the other hand, stated that I don't care what the ring looked like or the price of it. I just want to be happy with my bf and our little family.
I also don't trust myself with expensive jewelry because I lose things and I don't want to lose something super expensive. I want a cheap $20 ring. Hell, give me a bread tie and I'd be happy.
FIL told my bf that he found a good one and I guess that upset BIL's wife, because she started complaining about how I made her look bad and made her look like a gold digger or something of the sort. She told me that I'm TA for making her look and feel bad for being satisfied with a cheap meaningless ring that would look ugly because it's cheap. My bf and FIL are on my side of the situation. BIL was on her side at the time, but now he has no input on it and his soon to be ex-wife still hates me for this situation.
How I see it, is that the ring and the price doesn't matter. It's the meaning behind it and the symbol of the future you're going to hold together as a couple. So, AITA for my choice of engagement ring? And no, we aren't engaged yet. It was just a simple discussion that happened to come up.
submitted by SkieSquad98 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:41 wildswalker [WTS] PRICE DROPS: Shelters, Hammock, Backpacks, Fastpack, Headlamps, Storage Sacks, Water Filter, Multitool, Knives, UL Snowshoes, Gaiter, Hiking Crampons, Waterproof Breathable Stretch Pants, Merino, Cycling & X-Country Ski Gear, Suspension Strength Trainer

Great discounts and excellent feedback history so buy with confidence. Combined multiple posts into one here with a bunch of price drops. Ship to lower 48 (open to shipping internationally and to AK & HI, please ask). Paypal friends & family preferred or add 3% for Paypal goods & services fee. Just let me know which items you’d like and I’ll check the least expensive UPS and USPS tracked shipping (nothing earned on shipping). Thanks for looking!
**\* SHELTERS **\*
1) Liteway Pyraomm Duo Tarp 2P Pyramid, Stealth Olive (just like MLD Duomid) + Liteway Pyraomm Mesh Half Inner, New (set up only once), $339 (Regularly $475 = Tarp $281 + Inner $194. Equivalent to MLD Duomid Tarp and Solomid XL mesh inner which sell for $470 = $290 + $180). Photos: - Extremely well-made pyramid shelter and generous half mesh inner - use the tarp alone, or the mesh alone on nice nights for stargazing, or both together for an ultralight double wall shelter. Fantastic bomber solo shelter, and the tarp works for two, but I’m always going on trips with my partner and we use a wider inner. Sheds wind far better than double trekking pole shelters.
2) Hennessy Hammock 4 Season Expedition with XXL Snake Skins, New, $235 (regularly $309.90 = $289.95 + $19.95 for the XXL Snakeskins). Photos: Not only is the HH Expedition one of the best, most comfortable and durable 4 season hammocks you can get, it’s also popular for summer use in areas of high bug pressure as the double bottom is impervious to the worst mosquitoes (mosquitoes can bite through single layer hammocks). Many militaries rely on HH hammocks for good reason. Comes with attached mosquito netting, detachable Hex rain fly, support ropes, compression sack with set up instructions on back, complimentary standard 42" / 107 cm long "Tree Hugger" webbing straps to protect tree bark, and an oversized open-cell foam pad. HH asymmetrical design is very comfortable compared to more classic hammock designs.
*** PACKS **\*
3) Hanchor Marl Large Backpack, 19-21 in. Torso, New, $239 (regularly $250 + $20 international shipping. Blows away Hyperlite Mountain Gear packs) - Top backpacking guide and author Andrew Skurka has praised the Hanchor Marl for its excellent construction, strong waterproof materials and light weight and has carried one on many trips. The Hanchor Marl blows away similar volume HMG packs for carrying capability, comfort and construction (incredible stitching), and at a much better price. Aluminum stays can also be shaped to exactly fit the curve of your back. The load lifters work great to keep weight off your shoulders. Bright interior makes it easy to find gear. Convenient hip pockets with waterproof zips. Clean, simple design is a pleasure to use, with everything you need and nothing you don’t. Large size typically fits 19-21 in. torsos (removable aluminum stays are 23.5 in long). Photos:
4) Ultimate Direction Fastpackher 30L, M/L, New, $129 (regularly $179.95 + tax) - Women's version of the above. Size goes by measurement around the widest part of the chest, the range is 36 in. to 48 in. and the pack is highly adjustable so you can dial it right in. The women's backpanel is only 1/2 in. narrower than the men's, so will fit men too. Just go to this link and click on "Sizing": Photos:
5) Men’s Mammut Waterproof Breathable Stretch Schoeller Pants for winter hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, climbing and mountaineering, Men’s 34-38 waist, never worn, $149 shipped (sold for $349 + tax) - Mammut makes some of the best outdoor pants in the world, with a fantastic cut that really moves with you. These Men’s Mammut Castor pants have the stretch comfort and toughness of a soft shell with the waterproof breathable membrane of a hardshell, and built-in internal gaiters and reinforced wear areas. They are great for winter hiking, snowshoeing, climbing, mountaineering and skiing. Two zipped front pockets, one zipped rear pocket, zipped mesh thigh vents, belt loops, snap zip fly, mesh lining, reinforced cuffs to protect against metal-edge skis, crampons and snowshoes, internal gaiters to stop snow from getting in your boots, zippered ankle openings with velcro closures. Absolutely bullet-proof pants. Fits Men’s waist 34-38 in. thanks to awesome stretch in the Schoeller stretch fabric. Photos:
6) Women’s Mammut Waterproof Breathable Stretch Schoeller Pants for winter hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, climbing and mountaineering, EU Women’s size 38 (US W’s Size 6-8), never worn, $149 shipped (sold for $349 + Tax) - See description above. Two zipped front pockets, one zipped rear pocket, zipped mesh thigh vents, belt loops, snap zip fly, mesh lining, reinforced cuffs to protect against metal-edge skis, crampons and snowshoes, internal gaiters to stop snow from getting in your boots, zippered ankle openings with velcro closures. Absolutely bullet-proof pants. Size is EU 38 Petite, but pants are sized for great coverage and long enough that they should fit regular inseam too. Photos:
*** MERINO **\*
7) Women’s Medium Merino Long Sleeved Crew, Black, 100% Merino, New, only $35 (Regularly $75 + tax and shipping). Photos: of Norway is a top quality Norwegian-founded Swiss-engineered European merino and outerwear maker. Looks sharp on trail, in town and at work. Only 6.3 oz (180g) with tags.
8) Hillsound Trail Crampon Hiking and Backpacking Crampon, Small, New, $59(Regularly $84.95). Later fall, winter and early spring are some of the best hiking times, with so much beauty and lack of crowds. Don’t let lack of traction stop you and avoid injury due to slips. Specs & Size Guide:
9) Hillsound FreeStep 6 Hiking and Backpacking Crampon, Small, New, $45 (regularly $64.95) A slightly less aggressive and lighter crampon than the Trail Crampon above. Specs & Size Guide:
**\* GAITERS **\*
10) Hillsound Super Armadillo Nano Gaiter, Small, New, $69 (Regularly $104.95 + shipping) - Top-notch gaiter with thermoregulation and self-cleaning embedded in the upper section. Material adjusts to your temperature - keeps you warm or cools you off as needed and no water or dirt gets absorbed by the material. Lower section which is abrasion and slash/puncture-resistant. Both sections are waterproof and breathable. Keep out snow, slush, rain, mud, scree, rocks, debris and dust and save your lower legs from brushy conditions. For mountaineering, backpacking, snowshoeing and hunting. Built to last and covered by a limited lifetime warranty. Photos:
*** Ultralight Snowshoes (buy now and save over next winter) **\*
11) Northern Lites Elite Snowshoes 25 in., Red with Gray Decking, New, $169 (Regularly $234.95 + tax) Northern Lites are the lightest and fastest to hike in snowshoes, thanks to the ultralight materials and rounded frame. NL’s are a favorite of snowshoe racers. Photos:
12) Northern Lites Tundra 33 in. snowshoe with new Speed Spin bindings, New, $189 (Regularly $274.95 + tax) The new Speed Spin bindings are super fast, adjust in seconds in one quick turn of a knob instead of pulling and securing multiple straps one at a time. Photos:
**\* HEADLAMPS *** Photos:
13) COAST FL75R Rechargeable Headlamp Kit, New $39 (Regularly $59.99 + tax and shipping) - Up to 530 lumens brightness, 511 ft range, with adjustable focusing beam from bulls-eye spot to wide flood. Comes with both rechargeable battery up to 500 charges and 3 Duracells AAA. Note that though this is new in the plastic see-through package, I can see that one of the included duracells in the plastic package leaked (these are in a separate compartment in the plastic blister package, not in the headlamp, and do not affect the headlamp at all).
14) Fenix E16 Portable, High Performance 700 lumen EDC Flashlight, New, $22 (Regularly $39.95 + tax and shipping) - 700 lumen, 5 Modes, 16340 or CR123A battery.
15) Petzl eLite Ultralight Emergency Headlight & Signal Device, Pair, Never Used, only $20 for both (retailed for double the price) - includes adjustable headband and protective cases, many light settings including white, red, steady and blinking.
16) COAST Dual LED Multi Tool, New, $29 (Regularly $49.99 + tax) - The LED150 Multi-Tool comes packed with 13 tools that can help you master any task or job. Tools: Spring-loaded pliers with wire cutter, 3.0 in. Blade, two built-in LEDs, Phillips (1) and flathead (3) screwdriver tips, bottle opener, wire stripper, can opener. 2 x CR1616 batteries included. With Coast’s commitment to quality, the LED150 Multi-Tool is backed by Coast’s lifetime warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. 4 in length closed. Never opened clear blister case has some small cracks in the back around the sheath. Photos:
17) COAST FDX300 Double Lock One-Handed Open Stainless Steel Folding Knife, 3 in. blade, New in package, 2 available, $45 for both (regularly each $30 + tax) - One-handed opening, double lock system for double safety, stainless steel handle, partially-serrated and partially-straight blade, ambidextrous opening, 3-position pocket clip, 7Cr17 stainless steel (also known as 68Cr17, a modified version of 440A steel, with more vanadium elements added to give it extra strength, increase toughness and wear resistance). Lifetime warranty. It’s the drop point version of this $29 COAST partially-serrated tanto: Photos:
Photos for all Sawyer items below:
18a) Sawyer Tap Filter for fast emergency water & for cabin use, New, $36 (Regularly $48 + tax) - Great for muddy tap water following pipeline work, use at a cabin or in an emergency. With tap filter, backwash adapter, threaded spigot adapter, dual threaded adapter, tap gauge and extension hose. Highest level filtration 0.1 micron absolute. (verification photo above in 11)
18b) Box of Two 64 oz Sawyer Squeeze Pouches, New, $10.50 (Regularly $14 + tax) - 1 left. (verification photo above in 11)
18c) Box of Three 16 oz Sawyer Squeeze Pouches, New, $6.75 (regulary $9 + tax) - 2 boxes available. (verification photo above in 11)
19) Hillsound Weatherproof Packstack Pro Storage Sack, 40L Tall, New, $25 (regularly $35) weatherproof storage sack that made Outside Magazine's Gear Guide Editor's Choice Award. Photos:
20) Hillsound Weatherproof Packstack Pro Storage Sack, 40L Short, New, $24 (regularly $34) - weatherproof storage sack that made Outside Magazine's Gear Guide Editor's Choice Award. Photos:
*** KITCHEN *** Photos:
21) FlipFuel Fuel Transfer Device, New, $25 (Regularly $35 + tax) - Save gas from your half-empty canisters, super easy to use, compact and ultralight. Photos:
22) Adventure Medical Kits Doug Ritter Equipped to Survive Pocket Survival Packs, New, $15 each (was $26.99 + tax and shipping) - a collaboration with survival expert Doug Ritter, of Equipped to Survive. Photos:
**\* COMPACT, ULTRALIGHT SUSPENSION STRENGTH-TRAINING GEAR, AT HOME & TRAVEL *** Photos with verification: (Gray set in cardboard box are Monkii Bars II Tactical Edition, Sealed Black box is the Wild Gym Pocket Monkii Set)
23) Wild Gym Monkii Bars II Tactical Edition, New, $129 (Regularly $199 + tax) - light, strong, compact and use-anywhere outdoors suspension strength trainer. Plenty of exercises to follow available on Wild Gym’s app as well as on Youtube.
24) Wild Gym Pocket Monkii, New, $69 (Regularly $95 + tax) - light, strong, super compact and use-anywhere outdoors suspension strength trainer. Plenty of exercises to follow available on Wild Gym’s app as well as on Youtube.
**\* BIKE GEAR *** Photos with verification:
25) Canari Men’s Microlight Cycling Wind Shell, Hi-Viz Safety Yellow, Large, New, $29 (regularly $45 + tax and shipping) - Elastic cuffs and hem seal out breezes, wind-resistant fabric and full-front zipper and collar.
26) OnGuard Wheel Locks, Pair, New, $25 (was $49.99 plus tax per pair) - Replaces quick-release skewers to prevent wheel theft. Super light cold-forged steel design. 2 pairs available.
**\* THERMAL X-COUNTRY SKI BOOT COVERS *** Photos with verification:
27) LillSport X-Country Ski Boot Thermal Covers, New, Pair of Unisex Boot Size EU 46-47 (US M’s 11.5-12.5 and W’s 12.5-13.5), New, $39 (regularly $79.99 + tax) - X-country ski boots are very thin and your feet can get quite cold on cold days. These boot covers go over your x-country ski boots to keep your feet nice and warm and protect your boots without any bulk. Also helps racers keep their feet warm before the start. Once you’ve used them on a cold, windy ski day you’ll wonder how you skied without them before.
28) LillSport X-Country Ski Boot Thermal Covers, New, Pair of Unisex Boot Size EU 40/41 (US Men’s 7-8 and W’s 8-9) New, $39 (regularly $79.99 + tax) - Description same as above.
Thanks for stopping by!
submitted by wildswalker to GearTrade [link] [comments]

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2024.06.05 00:38 tbrowndolly AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam Helper for Hire Reddit Professional (SAP-C02) AWS Exam Help Services Reddit Pay someone to take my AWS (SAP-C02) Exam Online Reddit pay someone to take my AWS (SAP-C02) Certification Exam reddit (SAP-C02) AWS Test Project Homework Assignment Help Reddit

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2024.06.05 00:10 Guilty_Phone2241 06-09 kia optima no crank (no signal to relay, starts with power probe)

06-09 kia optima no crank (no signal to relay, starts with power probe)
Hello, I’m trying to help my ex wife fix her car. I’ll try to keep this simple and organized.
‼️I removed start relay I found the proper contact wire and applied power to it and it turned over and started and idled no problem. ‼️
06-09 optima 4cyl
Key was stuck in ACC position (common issue)
Theres no anti theft light or key symbol
Removed ignition tumblr and sanded down wafers that didn’t fall flat with key in.
So Key turns over fully now, all lights work, slight clicking under dash at fuse panel when turned to start but not like a normal solid relay click, just something small maybe internal of interior fuse box.
No clicking from starter relay under hood, swapped it with pump relay, pump primed with both relays so relay is fine.
I checked the relay terminals and I couldn’t find any voltage change with key turned vs not turned. Some had 12v and then some had 0 until I changed polarity on meter probe on battery. (Nothing changed when key was let go of)
There’s a square box attached to ignition body that I figured out is a magnet that when power is applied it pushes a rod into ignition shaft body, it doesn’t function plugged in, I applied voltage to it manually and tried to turn over and nothing. ‼️PIC B‼️
There’s a small white connecter with spring loaded switch that attaches to tumblr when key is in it pushes on it connecting 2 wires together. ‼️(PICTURE A)‼️ I took it apart and manually connected the two and it has no change still won’t turn over.
Something is registering inside interior fuse box when key is turned to start but nothing outside of that. (Barely audible click)
Unplugged all connectors for fuse box and ignition, plugged back in, checked all fuses interior and exterior, put it in neutral and tried.
I have not checked the big connector at the rear of ignition (all the wires for the internal ignition switch)
Also I saw some freyed wires that were exposed under steering column and it looked like airbag or clock spring wires? ‼️picture D‼️ (pov is looking up)
Any ideas? Thank you in advance.
submitted by Guilty_Phone2241 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:43 Shanksworthy73 Jetson Bolt Pro brake pads — what brands are known to fit, out of the box?

My son got a Jetson Bolt Pro at Costco in ‘22, and yesterday the rear brake stopped working on his way home from school. On closer inspection, the spreader spring and one of the brake pads were gone! I didn’t realize they could just fall out like that, but it seems simple enough to replace.
Problem is, my search for replacement brake pads is not going well. AFAICT the ones I need are type-BB5, but none of the reasonably priced brands I see on Amazon (Canada) get good reviews — with many claiming it didn’t fit their Jetson Bolt without grinding the pads down to size. There’s one by brand name Avid that gets good reviews, but at 3x the price, no comments about how it fits in Jetson Bolt specifically, and some negative reports that it came without a spreader spring, I’m hesitant to take a chance.
Does anyone have recommendations for specific brands/models of suitable brake pads that you had luck with, that were reasonably priced, without having to modify to get them to fit?
submitted by Shanksworthy73 to Jetson_Electric [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:41 SweetPotato315 AITAH? Wedding planning edition

This is a long one but I tried to give as much detail and context as possible.
So my bf (M33) and I (F33) have been together for two years and started seriously discussing getting married since January. We’re so in love and really excited to take this next step together! Neither of us want a big, grandiose wedding. We’d prefer to go to a courthouse or elope, and maybe have a fun reception afterwards with friends and family. However, when thinking about our day, I know that his family (mom, dad, brother, SIL, niece and nephew) and my family (two younger sisters) would want to share the experience with us (and we’d want them by our side too!), so we’ve started thinking about how we could involve them in a small and intimate ceremony.
Since our families lives in different states, I told my sisters in January that bf and I were contemplating getting married this summer, and if they would be able to come down to attend. Sister 1 responded saying she had wanted to come visit me in the spring for her birthday and now I ruined that because she couldn’t afford to buy another plane ticket for the summer. She hadn’t even bought a plane ticket yet, and my bf and I would have paid for her to come down for the wedding if she wasn’t able to afford it, but I never even got the chance to ease her concerns as she started complaining that I was being rude and hurting her feelings. As stressed out as I was by her reaction, I just let it go, as I typically do with my sisters, in order to keep the peace. Her reaction really bothered me because it’s such an exciting time for me and my bf, and I had expected a little more support and happiness before being completely hammered with her issues of how my wedding is inconveniencing her.
Fast forward a couple months. My sisters and I start talking about planning a Mexico trip. We’ve talked on and off for a few years about going to Mexico together but timing was never right. We decide that spring 2025 would be a doable time for this vacation. We talk about staying at a resort and just relaxing. This would be our first international trip together. I ask them if they just want it to be us 3 girls, or if significant others are allowed to join. Sister 1 has a boyfriend and Sister 2 is single, but they both agree we can each invite our partners or a friend to come along. Around the same time as we are talking about this trip, my bf’s family starts talking about doing a family trip to Mexico as well. Thinking I can save time and money by combining both families on one trip, I hesitantly ask my sisters how they would feel about bf’s family joining us as well. To my surprise, they are both open to it! Sister 1 even says she always wanted her family to be cool with her bf’s family and take trips like this so she’s all on board with it.
My bf and I start discussing more seriously when and how to tie the knot. We come up with some ideas but none of them feel “right” for us and how we envision the day. Then, we start dreaming about how amazing it would be to get married during the trip to Mexico. Both of our families would be there. We’d have a beautiful location, but it would still be a very low key and simple wedding. We don’t want anything over the top or grand, just a quick ceremony on the beach, a nice family dinner after and maybe getting drinks or a bonfire at night. A few hours during one day out of the entire 7-10 trip. We talked about maybe not even telling anyone about it before hand and surprising them, that way the vacation wouldn’t feel all about us since that is what we are trying to avoid. I don’t want a bachelorette or bridal shower or rehearsal dinner or anything. Just a sweet moment with the man I love surrounded by the people who love us in a beautiful place. We are obsessed with this idea and start getting even more excited. Finally we have a plan for a dream wedding that feels right!
After awhile I start feeling a little nervous about the whole “surprise” aspect with my sisters. I’m not sure how they would react given they haven’t been as supportive as I expected in the past. So I decide to let them in on our secret. I text them and say we’ve been dreaming about getting married in Mexico during the trip and I ask them what they think. This is where it all goes down hill.
Sister 1 simply replies with “No. you can do what you want but I will bow out.”
Sister 2 says “This trip should be about us, not your wedding. Let’s take this trip and then we can go back to Mexico for your wedding another time.”
Immediate knife in the heart for me. No excitement, no support, no happiness. I can understand them wanting this trip to be about us but then why be okay with partners and friends and my bf’s family coming? I bring that up and Sister 2 days “ we already agreed to a lot and we’re not gonna agree to everything you f*cking shove in our faces”.
Sister 1 says “I’ve been mentioning this trip for years, and now it feels like it just about you.”
To me, it sounds like she is making this trip more about her than I am making it about me. Basically saying this is her trip, not mine as well, and I need to do as she says. I wasn’t even allowed the chance to tell them our vision of the day and how I want to AVOID as much unnecessary attention as I can. We’re not even planning on telling bf’s family so we can avoid questions and planning and all the doting on us (bf’s family are all really sweet, kind-hearted people that just want to see us happy and wouldn’t at all be perturbed by us getting married in this way. Complete opposites from my sisters). I was also upset by how they were trying to tell me when, where, and how I should get married so that it better fits in with their plans (“just get married the year after in Mexico”, that is up for me and my partner to decide, not you).
They go on to say this trip should be about relaxing, making memories, and enjoying ourselves. I am not sure how our plan would prevent them from doing any of that. They only thing I’m asking of them is their love, support, and attendance. They will have all the time in the world to relax, there’d be nothing for them to plan or help out with, just show up have a good time and get a free meal. If they envision this trip about connecting with family, how would a small intimate wedding, which is all about family and closeness and love, stop that?
I thank them for their honesty and explain I don’t really understand their reasons. If roles were reversed I’d be ESTATIC for either of them and willing to do whatever it takes for them to have a perfect day, so their reaction to me now really hurts. They said “roles aren’t reversed though so it doesn’t help any to say that”. I guess I forgot empathy and perspective aren’t “helpful”.
I asked them if we could just drop the conversation for now since it doesn’t feel like we are understanding where the other is coming from. They said they do understand me and that I’m “only hurt because I’m not hearing what I want to hear”. That felt so dismissive of my hurt because I’m not throwing a diva tantrum, I’m hurt because the two people closest to me are ripping my dreams to shreds without even a thought as to how I’d feel about. I’m talking about such an important moment in my life and I’m getting insults, sarcasm, and aggression. The misjudgment on my character hurts too. I’m not trying to “make this all about me”. I came up with my dream wedding scenario and assumed my family would be happy for me. If they really didn’t want this to happen there are so many different ways they could have gotten their point across without all the negativity.
This is now the second time I’ve felt like they sh*t all over my wedding plans in order to maintain their own personal preferences.
By the time the conversation ended, I told them I was no longer interested in vacationing in Mexico with them and that I needed time to reflect on everything. They said I was sh*tty for not wanting to go anymore and I’m only upset because they don’t agree with me. I’m sorry, but I don’t feel like having a rainbows and butterflies vacation with the people who have teared me down. Plus I’d only be thinking about the would-be wedding and my disappointment and hurt if I went down there with them. They said were glad I was going to reflect because “I’m sure you have a lot to think about. Hope you get some clarity on this”. ??? I have clarity that I have two sisters who refuse to show up for me in any way and I’m rethinking who I want standing next to me on my wedding day. This is how I feel after years of having to cater to their emotional needs at the sacrifice of my own in order to keep the peace and make sure we don’t lose each other.
They were so much more concerned with protecting the integrity of the trip and how they wanted it to go than they were about my actual life and happiness that now it doesn’t seem like the trip is happening at all.
So AITAH for not wanting to go to Mexico anymore? AITAH for even considering getting married there?
submitted by SweetPotato315 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:04 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty Five: Franchise Player (Ape)

Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty Five: Franchise Player (Ape)
Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
Part Eleven Here!
Part Twelve Here!
Part Thirteen Here!
Part Fourteen Here!
Part Fifteen Here!
Part Sixteen Here!
Part Seventeen Here!
Part Eighteen Here!
Part Nineteen Here!
Part Twenty Here!
Part Twenty One Here!
Part Twenty Two Here!
Part Twenty Three Here!
Part Twenty Four Here!
We left off in the closing days of 2022, with John Cena capturing his 21st career world championship - the Ring of Honor title that eluded him in the late 2000s - from Claudio Castagnoli at Final Battle, only to be attacked by career rival Samoa Joe. Cena may be on top of the world, but there’s someone plenty eager to dethrone him, and Joe’s eyes aren’t just on the Cenation leader despite his vendetta against him; they’re also on Darby Allin and his TNT Title. In the first days of the new year, Joe violently dethrones the half-dead champion to become the true King of Television, calling out the absent Cena and declaring that he’ll be wrenching that championship from his hands whenever he dares to show his face again.
Road to Revolution 2023
It’s not long until Cena returns, not one to back down from a challenge. With the Ring of Honor World Championship over his shoulder, he says that he knew it was just a matter of time until Samoa Joe came calling again. He’s frank in recounting their history - it’s been pretty lopsided. In TNA, Joe hunted him down and always had his number. Exactly a decade ago, Joe’s WWE debut saw him become Cena’s number one contender, and then he took John’s most prized possession on the biggest stage possible. Joe beat him in a cage, Joe beat him in an Iron Man, Joe pursued him in WarGames, Joe cost him shot after shot at the titles Cena was pursuing at the time. He kicked him out of TNA, he assaulted him in Cena’s last moments in WWE, and now he’s here, bridging the gap between AEW and ROH to try and finish the job. It’s been over a decade and a half of this, and Cena’s pretty done with it too, so let’s just get it over with.
AND HERE COMES THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE! Joe marches down to the ring to a chorus of “JOE!” chants, raising his TNT Title to the hard cam as he turns his back to Cena, knowing the ROH Champion won’t strike. He eventually pivots to face his foe, grabbing a microphone and saying Cena just won’t stay down, and now he’s got something Joe wants. He’s disliked Cena since 2002 - it always felt like John felt he was owed success because he started off facing Kurt Angle in WWE, and Joe’s made it his personal mission to humble him whenever possible. This hasn’t been a rivalry - Joe’s always kicked his ass.
Live Cena Reaction
However, Cena just refuses to be humbled. He keeps talking about Hustle, Loyalty and Respect, but what respect has he shown to his fellow roster members as he takes opportunity after opportunity on name brand alone? What loyalty has he shown as Joe continuously cleanses a locker room of his presence, only for him to show up somewhere new? What hustle has he shown as he’s taken on a part-time schedule while the Samoan Submission Machine has shown up week in, week out? He says he’ll never give up, but maybe he should, because it’s never gonna work out for him against Samoa Joe. Joe says that he wants the ROH World Title, a title he was synonymous with when Cena first pursued it, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get it back. John accepts the challenge, but says if Joe’s so confident, he should put his money where his mouth is and wager the TNT Title as well. Joe instantly goes for it, completely sure of his abilities.
The next week, Samoa Joe puts his ROH TV Title on the line in another No Holds Barred Match, having enjoyed the stipulation against Darby Allin for the TNT Title. His opponent is Mark Briscoe, and it’s a brutal affair, Joe beating him within an inch of his life before grabbing a microphone and saying this has been a cakewalk. He wants to meet Cena next week in their double title bout, so he can become a triple champion, but RIGHT AS HE SAYS IT, CENA LEVELS HIM WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT! HE PICKS JOE UP… FU! BRISCOE CLAMBERS UP THE ROPES… FROGGY BOW! ONE! TWO! THREE! MARK BRISCOE IS THE ROH TV CHAMPION! FTR and Cena celebrate with him, but later in the night, Samoa Joe gets his revenge by laying Cena out with a Uranage onto an equipment box, followed by a MUSCLE BUSTER OFF OF IT, STRAIGHT THROUGH A CATERING TABLE! It’s declared Cena won’t be fit to compete next week, so Joe requests Tony Khan hand him the ROH World Title via forfeit, but TK declares that the match will still take place - at Revolution, where Cena will return to action against the TNT Champion.
Revolution 2023
ROH World and AEW TNT Titles: John Cena (c, ROH) vs. Samoa Joe (c, TNT)
It’s the first time these two are meeting in the ring since 2020, where Joe handily eliminated Cena from the Royal Rumble with virtually no effort required. This time around won’t be nearly as easy, though, as Cena takes the fight to Joe before the bell, refusing to let this one fall through his fingers. Both men scrap around ringside, Cena connecting with a mammoth spinebuster through the timekeeper’s area once the bell rings to start the match, but Joe rises from the dead in the background to CINCH IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH, BOTH MEN TUMBLING INTO THE WRECKAGE OF THE TIMEKEEPER’S AREA! Cena picks Joe up on his back, Joe panicking and squeezing tighter, but John DRIVES THEM BOTH THROUGH THE BARRICADE! The referee’s count reaches eight, both men stirring, Cena freed from Joe’s clutches, but at nine, John dives for the ring, only for Joe to DRAG HIM BACKWARDS! TEN! IT’S A DOUBLE COUNTOUT!
John Cena and Samoa Joe fought to a double countout (2:46), so both men retain their titles
Immediately, the brawl is back on, but Justin Roberts is quick to take to the microphone, declaring that word’s been sent from the boss that the match will restart with no countouts or disqualifications - we’re seeing a winner. The crowd erupts as the fracas swiftly starts to involve weapons, neither Cena nor Joe missing a beat as they start smashing each other with chairs and driving each other through tables, fighting with everything they’ve got to finish the match off. Cena eventually gets the upper hand with a leg drop off the top with a chair under his legs, smacking it into the back of Joe’s head before capitalizing with an FU ONTO THE SAME CHAIR! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO! WHAT’S HE NEED TO DO? Cena measures Joe up for another FU, but JOE SLIPS ONTO HIS BACK, WRAPPING HIM IN A COQUINA CLUTCH! CENA’S IN TROUBLE! He scratches and claws, grabbing the chair off the mat and SWINGING IT UP INTO JOE’S HEAD, BUT JOE’S STAYING UPRIGHT, A MANIC LOOK IN HIS EYES! He drains the life from Cena before going for a Muscle Buster, popping John on the top turnbuckle before hoisting him over his shoulders, but CENA WRENCHES HIS HEAD FREE, REVERSING INTO A CANADIAN DESTROYER! WHAT? WHAT?! Cena and Joe both end up on their feet, dazed and confused, and CENA NAILS A FRANCHISE LARIAT, BUT JOE DOESN’T GO DOWN! HE GOES FOR ANOTHER, BUT JOE SWINGS AROUND HIM FOR ANOTHER COQUINA CLUTCH, ONLY FOR JOHN TO ROLL OVER HIM INTO A HIGH STACK, STICKING HIS FEET UNDER THE ROPES SO JOE CAN’T GET THE LEVERAGE TO KICK OUT! ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA GOT HIM, USING THE RULESET TO HIS ADVANTAGE TO BECOME A DOUBLE CHAMPION FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A DECADE!
John Cena def. Samoa Joe (13:57) to retain the ROH World Title and win the AEW TNT Title
FTR hit the ring to ensure there’s not another post-match attack, Cena in much worse shape than the absolutely furious Samoan Submission Machine despite being the victor. He needs help getting out of the ring, but Joe is simply in shock, refusing to believe that Cena got the best of him, even if it wasn’t exactly clean.
Road to Supercard of Honor 2023
With two titles on his shoulders and plenty of eyes on his crown, Cena is on Dynamite just a few days later, ready for a fight. FTR are raring to go as well, but it’s not the fight from Samoa Joe that they end up getting - it’s the fight from Claudio Castagnoli, who wants his shot at the gold. The next week, a HUGE matchup is made that serves as a walk down memory lane for Cena against three of his greatest rivals, as John teams up with FTR against the BCC’s Claudio, Moxley and Danielson.
John Cena and FTR vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli and Jon Moxley)
This shit is nuts. They get time to go crazy, and while the BCC definitely want Claudio to get his shot at Cena, he’s also got the TNT Title - so all three members of the BCC are seeking a pinfall victory over the double champion to set themselves up in the title picture. As a result, they isolate Cena immediately, refusing to let FTR get a move in edgewise as they mercilessly rough up the Franchise, reminiscent of Moxley’s debut in the Shield opposite Cena. They just put the boots to him, Cena occasionally breaking through and landing a big move or two, but unable to weather the storm until he finally tags in Dax, who runs wild with Cash to even the odds. Soon enough, it devolves into an insane brawl, everyone throwing the biggest bombs they can think of to come away with the win in a blockbuster trios encounter - FTR nail a Shatter Machine on Claudio, only for it to be broken up by Danielson, but the BCC fire back with a TRIPLE POWERBOMB THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE DESK ON DAX! Finally, Moxley takes out Cash with a Death Rider, leaving Cena all alone to fend off his three opponents before eventually succumbing to a Busaiku Knee from Danielson, followed by a Ricola Bomb from Claudio for the three.
Blackpool Combat Club def. John Cena and FTR (30:14)
Naturally, coming out of such a hellacious battle, Claudio feels he’s more than earned his title match, and it’s scheduled for Supercard of Honor, just a few short days later. However, the TNT Title scene also begins to heat up, with Bryan Danielson staking his claim - but he’s confronted by the increasingly popular Swerve Strickland, who says he’s been eyeing singles gold for a while, and feels it’s his time to take it. Then, it’s Samoa Joe, who wants his rematch for the championship, and… man, it’s looking like it’s gonna be a messy run for Cena.
Supercard of Honor 2023
ROH World Title: John Cena (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli
This is treated like the last match in their decade-long on-and-off rivalry, because, well, it is. They shake hands, respecting the Code of Honor, and we’re off to the races, a battered and bruised Cena trying to keep up with the more athletic and capable Castagnoli. Claudio has an easier time than ever before throwing Cena around, but he has a harder time than ever keeping him down for three, Cena’s unyielding tenacity seeming to have only increased with age. Eventually, Claudio feels confident enough to go for a Neutralizer, but Cena connects with a BACK BODY DROP INTO A BRIDGING JACKKNIFE PIN! ONE! TWO! CLAUDIO BRIDGES OUT OF IT, ROTATING AROUND TO GO FOR ANOTHER NEUTRALIZER ATTEMPT, BUT CENA PICKS HIM UP INTO A DEADEYE! Knowing Page was able to keep Claudio’s teammate down last month, he has no shame in poaching his move, and follows it up with a TIGER SUPLEX FOR A NEARFALL! He keeps the pressure on by attempting a Franchise Lariat, Claudio ducking under it and rebounding with a springboard corkscrew uppercut, laying Cena out before PUTTING HIM DOWN FOR GOOD WITH A NEUTRALIZER! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! Claudio doesn’t even pause to react, simply muscling John up for a SWISS DEATH UPPERCUT! ONE! KICKOUT AT ONE BY CENA! That’s enough for Claudio to stop for a moment, but as Cena rises to his feet on adrenaline alone, the switch flips, Castagnoli charging at him and UPPERCUTTING HIM RIGHT OFF THE GROUND! He grabs John’s legs for the Giant Swing, and knowing how it ended last time, he doesn’t want to keep Cena close at the end of it. He hits twenty rotations, and then FLINGS CENA HEAD-FIRST INTO THE BOTTOM TURNBUCKLE, FOLLOWING IT UP IMMEDIATELY WITH A RICOLA BOMB! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Claudio Castagnoli def. John Cena (20:28) to win the ROH World Title
Road to Double or Nothing 2023
Coming off a loss of the ROH World Title, Cena’s back to having one piece of gold, but he’s not in any shape to defend it. Over the next few weeks, there’s a growing number of viable contenders, so there’s a battle royal to determine Cena’s challenger for Double or Nothing - Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson, Swerve Strickland, Keith Lee, Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, Jungle Boy, Christian Cage and even the newly debuted Jay White all enter, and in the end, it’s Swerve who manages to pull out the win, declaring that Cena may talk about the how the champ is here, but he’s been living in Swerve’s House… and rent is due at Double or Nothing.
Double or Nothing 2023
TNT Title: John Cena (c) vs. Swerve Strickland
Cena’s still in a bad way after facing off with Claudio, and Swerve is simply younger and hungrier, now with a mean streak to boot. He viciously lays into Cena, Prince Nana talking shit to the Franchise from the sidelines, but Cena’s veteran instincts and pure grit are still a hell of a lot for Strickland to overcome. Swerve targets the head, which is an easy weak spot after Cena hit the turnbuckle at Supercard of Honor, but once he gets Cena grounded for a House Call, John manages to pick the leg and REVERSE IT INTO AN STFU! Swerve desperately flails around, even going as far as raking the eyes to try and get a reprieve, but Cena keeps it in deep, only for NANA TO PUSH THE ROPES TO SWERVE FOR THE BREAK! The referee shouts at Nana as Swerve is set free, going for a low blow while the referee isn’t looking, but CENA CATCHES THE FOOT, SPRINGING HIM UP INTO AN FU - ONLY FOR SWERVE TO LAND ON HIS FEET AND NAIL A HOUSE CALL, FOLLOWED BY A SECOND IN A ROW! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! He tries to position Cena for a JML Driver, but Cena elbows his way free and connects with a one-armed bulldog, followed by a FRANCHISE LARIAT ATTEMPT, SWERVE SNEAKING UNDER THE ARM AND STACKING CENA UP, GRABBING THE BELT ON HIS JORTS! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Swerve Strickland def. John Cena (17:15) to win the TNT Title
Road to All In 2023
With Wembley Stadium on the horizon and no title in hand, John Cena is pretty aimless coming out of Double or Nothing. However, there’s a new brand in town that seems right up his alley, and there’s a returning face for it - CM Punk, a man who probably won’t be all too happy to see Cena still around. With Punk’s return scheduled for the first episode of Collision, it’s announced that John Cena, the man who sent him packing at All Out almost a year ago, will be forming an uneasy alliance with him, FTR bridging the gap between the two for a huge eight man tag against Bullet Club Gold’s Jay White and Juice Robinson, as well as new TNT Champ Swerve Strickland and heated rival Samoa Joe.
John Cena, CM Punk and FTR vs. Bullet Club Gold (Jay White and Juice Robinson), Samoa Joe and Swerve Strickland
In a phenomenal main event to kick off what was a truly wonderful, yet short-lived, era of television, FTR manage to force Punk and Cena to cooperate for a while. However, Punk’s even pettier than he was in real life - despite having actually lost the AEW Title before taking his injury hiatus (and suspension time), he still comes out with the “Real” World Title, saying that Cena’s title win shouldn’t have counted as his foot was injured at the time. The tensions escalate over the course of the match, but they manage to work towards the greater good, Punk picking up the pin on Juice Robinson in his return.
John Cena, CM Punk and FTR def. Bullet Club Gold, Samoa Joe and Swerve Strickland (26:32)
Cena kicks off the second episode of Collision in Toronto by saying that CM Punk may be carrying a title around, and he may be great competitor, but he’s no champion. He lost, and a real champion accepts defeat honestly, and strives to come back better than ever. Out comes Punk, both men staring each other down before Punk takes out the gold, spray painting an “X” on it. Cena jokes that at least he’s being legit enough to show that it’s not the real belt, but Punk fires back that he’s marking it - the World Title will always be his, so it might as well bear his symbol. They’ve fought countless times over countless titles, and the fact is that the record shows John Cena just isn’t as good as CM Punk. If Cena wants to prove otherwise, Punk’s 100% now - so he can try. Punk’s already booked at Forbidden Door, and in the Owen Hart Classic, so he says if Cena wants to shoot his shot, he can do so at Wembley Stadium. If he wins, the title is invalid, and if he loses, Punk proves Cena’s victory at All Out was a fluke, and he never should have been called champion.
All In 2023
Real World Title: John Cena vs. CM Punk (c)
Opening the show following Brawl In is the final iteration of Punk vs. Cena, a legendary, promotion-spanning feud between two all time greats. Punk gains control early, quite actively heel at this point, and maintains it through the opening stretch, wearing Cena down and even dropping him face-first onto the unprotected section of the turnbuckle, giving John a bit of colour and firmly placing him on the back foot. He continues the assault on the outside, letting Cena’s blood drip onto the sky-blue barricade covers, but John finds his opening with a back body drop on the floor, followed by a RUNNING POWERBOMB THAT PUTS PUNK STRAIGHT THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! THAT’LL TURN THE TIDES FOR SURE! Cena sends Punk back between the ropes, heading up to the top rope for a diving leg drop to the back of the head, but Punk evades it and REVERSES INTO A JACKNIFE PIN! ONE! TWO! TH-NOO! John bolts up to his feet, but Punk beats him to the proverbial punch with a head kick, tossing Cena into the corner and unloading a flurry of punches. He follows those up by nailing the high knee in the corner, taunting Cena with a GTS pose before going for the sequential bulldog, but JOHN REVERSES, TAKING ADVANTAGE OF HIS POSITIONING TO HOOK PUNK’S ARMS FOR A TIGER SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT!
Trying to seal the deal, Cena goes straight for an FU, Punk frantically elbowing his way free before dropping down, but Cena refuses to give him an inch and swings wildly with a FRANCHISE LARIAT, ONLY FOR PUNK TO REVERSE IT AND SNAG THE ARM INTO AN ANACONDA VISE! He hooks it in deep, Cena struggling not to pass out as he claws both he and Punk towards the ropes, finally making the break before Punk starts brutally stomping away on him in the corner. He untapes one of his hands, digging into the cut on Cena’s head with bare-knuckle punches to the head before hoisting him up for a GTS! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA BARELY GETS THE SHOULDER UP! Going for it once more, Cena manages to slide off his back and pick Punk up for an FU, but Punk flails enough to knock the referee down before USING HIS UNDONE WRIST TAPE TO ASSIST IN CINCHING IN A CHOKE, AND NOW BACK INTO THE ANACONDA VISE! He uses the tape for more leverage, cutting off Cena’s bloodflow before tossing the tape out of the ring and getting Cena up on his shoulders… GTS REVERSED, CENA CATCHING THE KNEE AND LOCKING IN THE STF! THE REF ISN’T THERE TO SEE PUNK TAP… HE RAKES THE EYES TO BREAK FREE!
It’s a wild scrap as the referee starts stirring, Cena throwing some dangerous haymakers as he struggles to come to his senses, Punk landing precise kicks to slowly wear Cena down enough for a second, decisive GTS. Eventually, John manages to get his hands on the Straight Edge Saviour, backing him into the corner and unloading with as many bombs as he can throw. He considers going for the avalanche German, but thinks better of it, not wanting to give Punk the opening to land a Pepsi Plunge, and instead LANDS A BRUTAL CLOTHESLINE IN THE CORNER! He picks Punk up… FU! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO! Shrugging, Cena runs the ropes, building up speed as his foe comes to - FRANCHISE LARIAT TURNS HIM INSIDE OUT! He leans over, waving his hand in front of his face before delivering a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! Punk gets up to his feet, throwing his hands down to prepare to sprawl as a counter to the FU, but Cena changes tactics with a HURRICANRANA, AND NOW AN FU, ROLLING STRAIGHT OVER… A THIRD FU! ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA WINS THE WAR!
John Cena def. CM Punk (19:48) to win, and then retire, the “Real” World Championship
Later in the evening, CM Punk gets fired, and MJF beats Adam Cole to retain the AEW World Title, the power of friendship prevailing for a short while longer.
It’s announced that next week at All Out, in order to avoid the short turnaround between title matches, John Cena and FTR will team up to take on AEW World Champion MJF, his brochacho Adam Cole, and their neckstrong third wheel Roderick Strong in a huge trios match with world title implications.
All Out 2023
Elsewhere on the show, Samoa Joe becomes Number One Contender to the AEW World Title, making Cena all the more motivated to take this one home by pinning MJF, the man who took the gold from him almost a year prior.
John Cena and FTR vs. Adam Cole, MJF and Roderick Strong
Cena and FTR are a well-oiled machine, as are MJF and Cole, but Strong throws a wrench in the works thanks to his inability to coexist with the World Champ. There are also some understandable tensions between Max and Cole, with Cole trying to suppress his frustrations with losing at All In, and FTR are more than happy to capitalize on that by immediately isolating Cole and putting the boots to him, forcing Strong and MJF to represent their team as the only two healthy competitors. They lay Cole out with a Shatter Machine for two, Strong making the save, and then MJF makes a hot tag, running wild against FTR before standing toe-to-toe with Cena. John goes for the Five Moves of Doom, MJF reversing through flagrant cheating like God intended, but as he goes for a Heatseeker, Cena trips him up and rolls through the ropes before getting him up for an FU! MJF drops down behind him as Strong comes in for the save, throwing a forearm that Cena ducks, CLOCKING MJF! Dax tags Cena as Strong insists it was an accident, MJF getting into a shouting match with his own partner before getting blasted with a DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD BY FTR! Cena throws Strong out as FTR go for the Shatter Machine, but Cole catches his partner, sparing him before nailing a superkick to Dax, MJF taking out Cash and BOTH MEN HITTING A DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE ON CENA! Cole looks down to see Strong on the outside, clutching his neck and screaming at MJF, and turns to see Max insisting Cena did it. Cole accepts the excuse, MJF lining up for a HEATSEEKER ON DAX… AND NOW COLE HITS MJF WITH A LAST SHOT! WHAT THE HELL? He starts laying into Max with a ground and pound, grabbing the AEW Title and CLOCKING HIM WITH IT! The referee doesn’t know who to DQ, as someone just hit their own partner with a foreign object, and reluctantly counts as Dax instinctively drapes an arm over… ONE! TWO! THREE!
John Cena and FTR def. Adam Cole, MJF and Roderick Strong (14:21)
Cole and Strong continue the attack, laying out FTR and Cena for good measure before leaving the scraps to Samoa Joe, who brutalizes MJF further as Cole and Strong walk off.
Grand Slam 2023
Cena doesn’t appear in any meaningful capacity at Grand Slam, promising he’ll be watching the main event closely, just as Adam Cole surely is. In the main event, Cole appears to help Joe win the AEW World Title, blowing out his ankle in the process. You know it’s all about the injury time.
Road to WrestleDream 2023
With Samoa Joe holding the AEW World Title, and Cena holding a victory over him at Revolution (and a technical win over MJF in trios action at All Out), he skyrockets up the rankings. However, he’s definitely not the only man who wants a shot at the gold - with MJF out of the picture taking time to heal up, and Cole out of the mix, Roderick Strong and Jay White also make themselves into frontrunners for a shot at Joe. Joe agrees to defend the gold against Strong on Dynamite, successfully doing so to notch his first defense, and the next week, Cena opens the show to say that his time is now. It’s been over a year since he held the gold, and he never got a rematch - but he has beaten Samoa Joe. Out comes the champion, who questions whether Cena really believes he’s earned a crack. His win over Joe was cheap, and Joe’s wiped the floor with him every other time they’ve faced off. Putting on his instigator hat, he says that if there’s any worthy contender, it’s the undefeated Jay White. Jay comes out to the ring, thanking Joe for his assessment before promising to take the gold from him very, very soon. He tells Cena that his time isn’t now - it was a decade ago, and now it’s the Switchblade Era. It’s announced that at WrestleDream, the ultimate heel counter wrestler will take on the consummate babyface five moves of doom performer as Jay White takes on John Cena for the right to challenge Samoa Joe.
WrestleDream 2023
In the evening’s opener, Samoa Joe defeats Kenny Omega to cement himself as a non-transitional AEW World Champion, ensuring that whoever wins between Cena and Jay will be facing him.
AEW World Title Number One Contendership: John Cena vs. Jay White
After years of being able to coast on having more veteran instincts and experience than everyone he stepped in the ring with, John Cena’s mind for the sport is finally outclassed. Everything he tries to do, Jay White’s got an answer. It doesn’t matter how big and strong he is - Jay is smarter. King Switch tears Cena’s legs apart with dragon screws, chop blocks and an extended Indian Deathlock, leaving the Franchise unable to use much of his power at all. However, Cena definitely can’t be ruled out, uncorking a Franchise Lariat to earn a reprieve before getting the ball rolling with a few absurd suplexes, going for a shaky-legged FU… but JAY SLIPS BEHIND FOR A SLEEPER SUPLEX! Calling for the Blade Runner, Jay is taken aback when Cena manages to reverse it, swivelling around his opponent and hooking the arms for a BRIDGING TIGER SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! TH-THE BRIDGE GIVES WAY THANKS TO THE LEG WORK, JAY GETTING THE SHOULDERS UP!
While he’s been able to outwork Cena for most of the match, Jay can’t take a beating to save his life, and he looks on the verge of crying as he struggles to get to his feet on the ropes, Cena fighting through the pain to rush at Jay for another FRANCHISE LARIAT, BUT JAY GETS A LOW BRIDGE! Cena tumbles to the apron, White connecting with a dropkick to the knees before heading out to the apron with the Cenation leader, looking for a SUPLEX OFF THE APRON, BUT CENA MUSCLES HIM UP ONTO HIS SHOULDERS… JAY REVERSES INTO A TORNADO DDT, OFF THE APRON AND STRAIGHT TO THE FLOOR! John crashes and burns into the barricade as White sputters and wheezes, dragging himself to a vertical base as Cena begins to stir, a vacant look on his eyes. The referee checks on him to see if he’s all there, but he quite clearly isn’t, the replay showing a sickening thud as Cena connected headlong with the ground. Jay lets loose an exhausted cackle before lifting John up all the same, and now NAILS A BLADE RUNNER INTO THE STEEL GUARDRAIL! The doctors leap in, the referee pulling Jay back and beginning his countout proceedings as White waits in the ring, taunting up a storm with Bullet Club Gold. Once he reaches nine, Cena manages to get back into the ring, an outright miracle performed, but JAY SWIFTLY HITS ANOTHER BLADE RUNNER! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Jay White def. John Cena (20:13) to become Number One Contender to the AEW World Title
Road to Full Gear 2023
Jay White opens the show, saying that John Cena’s a shell of the man he once was. The legendary 21-time World Champion, the Franchise, the biggest signing in whatever company’s history. Defined an era, well, screw that era. Samoa Joe was part of that era too, but it’s HIS time. It’s Bullet Club Gold’s time. Cena should start coming up with retirement plans, and so should Samoa Joe, because there’s not a hope in hell that they’ll touch him at this point. He’s not a Young Lion, he’s a main eventer. He sold out the Tokyo Dome, the United Center, Madison Square Garden, and he’ll soon be doing so as AEW World Champion. Out comes Samoa Joe, telling him if he keeps yapping, they might as well not wait, because he doesn’t really feel like letting Jay embarrass himself with all this hype not paying off - but before Jay can respond, both are stunned as John Cena comes out to the ring.
Cena’s clearly in a bad way, and the Franchise says he’s got a concussion. He says every bump he takes hurts more than it used to, and it was all the way back in 2017 when he first thought about hanging them up - but seeing the AEW World Title on Samoa Joe’s shoulder, he can’t let this be it. Jay’s good, but he hasn’t been around long enough to give career advice. White stances up, ready to beat John down if he doesn’t get out of the ring, but John turns to Joe and makes an offer. He says he’ll leave it in Joe’s hands - and leans in to tell something to the champ. Joe scowls, considering spitefully choking Cena out then and there, but he eventually nods, turning back to Jay. He tells White that his title shot is scheduled for Full Gear, but he still doesn’t feel like waiting - so he makes the request they have the title match next week. White thinks about it, but says there’s nothing in it for him, leading to Joe saying he’ll face off with Juice Robinson and the Gunns in a 3v1 handicap match tonight in order to make it worth his while. Jay agrees to the terms, saying he’ll see him next week.
Later in the night, Joe’s 3v1 handicap sees Bullet Club Gold trying to tear him limb from limb, but right as they start resorting to outright cheating, the place erupts as JOHN CENA HITS THE RING, READY TO EVEN THE ODDS! Joe pushes him aside, saying he doesn’t need any help, but JUICE ROBINSON NAILS JOE WITH A ROLL OF QUARTERS WHILE THE REFEREE ISN’T LOOKING! ONE! TWO! THREE! The Bang Bang Gang look to continue the assault, but now Cena’s had enough, laying Juice out with a Franchise Lariat and hitting a double Attitude Adjustment on the Gunns before JAY TAKES HIM DOWN WITH A BLADE RUNNER! Jay stands tall with the belt, vowing this’ll be the scene next week. Next week, however, it is not the scene. Jay has an incredible showing, but Samoa Joe manages to out-grit him, reversing a Blade Runner and locking in the Coquina Clutch for the technical submission victory, surviving by the skin of his teeth.
After his win, he’s asked by Tony Schiavone why he insisted on having the match early, and if it had anything to do with what Cena said to him. After seeing John shockingly assist his greatest rival last week, is there something going on? Joe grabs the microphone and says that last week, John Cena made an offer he couldn’t refuse. He knew that Jay White had to have first crack, but John requested to face Joe for the AEW World Title at Full Gear. Tony asks why he’d do John any favours given their history, and Joe says “because he said he’d put his career on the line to make it happen.” Schiavone is stunned, as is the crowd, but Joe says he’d move heaven and Earth to make the match happen, and now it will - Cena vs. Joe, one more time, in a title vs. career match. Cena, in turn, presumably wanted to help Joe stay healthy in order to see the match through - but Joe says he’s a damn fool for doing so, because he’s just signed his own death warrant.
John Cena and FTR vs. Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley and Samoa Joe
Collision sees a huge tag match, Cena and FTR teaming up against Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson and Jon Moxley in a match that Tony Khan made “at Cena’s request, should he fall short at Full Gear.” It’s a walk down memory lane against some of his finest rivals, main eventing WrestleMania against two of them and SummerSlam against the third. He’s feuded with them all pretty extensively, you guys should read about it. They’re pretty good. Anyway, Cena’s obviously not at 100%, and Samoa Joe has no qualms in beating the piss out of him ahead of Full Gear - but FTR play defense, taking all the hits for the Franchise that they can. They even manage to neutralize Joe, giving Cena room to hit an FU on Bryan! ONE! TWO! THRE-MOXlEY BREAKS IT UP! He batters Cena in the corner, John creating some room for a FRANCHISE LARIAT, AND NOW A HOT TAG TO CASH! Cash rushes into the ring with a tag to Dax, both men clobbering Bryan before going for a Shatter Machine, but JOE TAKES OUT DAX, ONLY TO START BRAWLING WITH CENA! It’s complete chaos as everyone scrambles for a win, and in the bedlam, Bryan nails a Busaiku Knee on Harwood for three.
Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley and Samoa Joe def. John Cena and FTR (26:09)
Following the match, Joe looks to continue the assault, but the BCC step in, saying Cena’s earned enough of their respect to at least stop Joe from making such a high-stakes bout an unfair one. Joe skulks off, Bryan and Moxley giving Cena props and wishing him luck before heading to the back.
The next week, there’s a video package documenting the history between champion and challenger - Joe’s dominance, and how he ran John out of TNA, WWE, and now looks to do the same for good with AEW. They’ve fought over world titles in NWA, TNA, WWE, ROH and soon AEW, and it’s quite simply THE defining rivalry of their era. They’re the two best of their time, two icons, and Cena has the chance to come from behind like he always does. Will Super Cena make one last appearance on a much more macro scale by taking loss after loss before winning the blowoff, or will Samoa Joe send Cena into that good night like he has so many times before… permanently?
On the go-home show, they have a simple meeting in the ring to talk. They get all the time they need, two phenomenal mic workers laying all their cards on the table after two decades of this. Cena talks up the stakes, his accomplishments, and says Joe’s a hurdle he’s never truly been able to overcome, so he knew he had to do this. Joe cuts him off quickly, telling him that this isn’t about Cena - it’s about him. They first met over 19 years ago, and Samoa Joe won. He was the better wrestler. Then he beat him again, and again, and sent him out of company after company, because the only way Samoa Joe was allowed to shine was if John Cena wasn’t there. It didn’t matter that Joe was better - Cena was a prettier face. He was the Franchise. He got opportunity after opportunity handed to him, accolade after accolade fell into his lap, and every time Samoa Joe beat the shit out of him and proved himself to be superior, he’d somehow scrape by and turn it into a world title win, and it DISGUSTED Samoa Joe.
He sent him packing from TNA and dominated, just as he’d always been doing, but suddenly more people were paying attention. Then in WWE, he was a huge deal, a force to be reckoned with, a multi-time champion just like Cena, and he beat Cena time and time again… but people never gave him proper credit until Cena came to AEW. Now he’s the AEW Champion. He’s successfully defended the gold, which Cena never could - but for some reason, John Cena’s still the GOAT in everyone’s eyes. Joe says that this time, Cena will have nowhere to run to in order to boost his stock. It’s not loser leaves AEW… if Cena loses, he’s done, and Samoa Joe will finally be recognized as the guy who was BETTER, like he should have been for the last NINETEEN YEARS. Cena seems undeterred by the speech, telling Joe that they’ve shared the ring plenty, and Joe’s usually won - but there’s a reason Cena has done more than him in his career. There’s a reason he’s more respected and beloved, and it’s not his looks - it’s because he never, ever gives up, and at Full Gear, he’ll keep going until his dying breath… and he knows Samoa Joe’s not strong enough to do the same.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:20 TheRealBomberTheBoss Crying Child is NOT possessing Golden Freddy!

Crying Child is NOT possessing Golden Freddy!
I know that's a bold claim, so let's get straight into it.
The first thing to take note of is the fact that Crying Child did NOT die when he was bitten, but rather in the hospital, as evidenced by the flatline and medical equipment easter eggs by the bed.
Why does this matter? Well, look at every known victim who goes on to possess an animatronic. They all died either inside or right next to an animatronic. The MCI kids were stuffed inside the suits, Elizabeth died inside of Baby, and William 'died' inside the SpringBonnie suit.
The only exception would be Charlie, however she DIED with Puppet's arms completely enveloping her. Plus, the kill was still recent, seeing as we can see her alive outside the window; meaning she could've died when the Puppet put his arms around her.
The Crying Child however? He died in a hospital far away from any animatronic. His spirit shouldn't have been possessing anything electronic besides the alarm clock.
"But his agony!" I hear you cry, "His agony should've transferred into Fredbear when he got bit!"
And that's a fair point, except for one thing. Just because something is infected with agony doesn't mean it has a spirit possessing it. To quote 1:35AM:
"Only Phineas knew that every item in this room was said to be “haunted.” “Haunted” was not a term he himself used. Usually used as a word to refer to something embodied by a ghost, the word could also mean part of what Phineas knew to be true of all things. “Haunted” could mean showing signs of torment or some kind of mental anguish. And this was the more important definition of the word. These items on Phineas' shelves weren’t possessed by ghosts; the ones that were truly haunted were energized by agony."
At first glance this quote seems like it's contradicting my claim, but notice that final sentence?
"These items on Phineas' shelves weren’t possessed by ghosts; the ones that were truly haunted were energized by agony."
Agony is just the remnants of pain and suffering left by people. Another example is when Phineas uses his agony to grow his ice crystal; to quote 1:35AM again:
"Yesterday, I mimicked the ice crystal methodology, and by allowing all the hurt and anger I usually keep well in check to burst forth, I watched water manifest a hideous crystal in a matter of seconds.
Phineas isn't killing anyone or hurting himself to do so. He's simply unleashing his agony to infect the crystals and make them grow.
So, while the Crying Child's agony may have gone into Fredbear, he's not actually possessing it. This is even furthered hammered home by the fact that he fades away at the end of the FNAF 4 cutscene. (Note: it doesn't fade to black as you can still see the grey area he was kneeling it). If he WAS still around why would he fade away like the MCI kids did in Happiest Day? Wouldn't he still just still be there crying?
Okay, well, if Crying Child isn't possessing Golden Freddy, then who is he? Just some random kid that dies? A motivation for Michael or William? A robot kid? Gregory?!
Well, I believe I have an answer for that. I personally believe that the Crying Child is...
The Protagonist of FNaF World.
Specifically, the one who gets the Clock Ending. Let me explain.
When you first boot up FNaF World, you're greeting with a black screen with two yellow eyes. These eyes are presumably Fredbears and tell us:
"Everything that happens out there, has an effect here. Do you understand?
This is a safe place. This is a sanctuary. But something has gone wrong, and now it can be seen here.
Something went very wrong. That's why I am here.
But I won't let the same happen to you.
I will put you back together."
Already this heavily implies that we're playing as the Crying Child. With Fredbear telling us the signature line he gave CC at the end of FNAF 4. While it's not clear what 'it' is, we know that it hasn't gotten to whoever they're talking too.
Now, to start your path towards getting the Clock Ending you need to simply not click the 'DONE' button when Fredbear stops talking. Doing so, will get you this text:
"But you don't really believe that, do you? There is a task for you to complete. You need to leave breadcrumbs for him, to help him find his way."
It's commonly believed that the one we're leaving breadcrumbs for is the Crying Child. However, if you look at what you actually need to do to set the clocks, it starts to tell a different story. It's no big secret that all the clock minigames are related to FNAF 3, specifically to get the Good Ending. This alone puts one massive dent into the whole 'Crying Child is HIM' theory. Because, we're obviously not playing as CC in FNAF 3, and the Good Ending puts the entire MCI to rest. So, shouldn't Fredbear say 'them' instead of 'him'?
Well, if Fredbears not referring to the Crying Child, then who IS he talking about? Well, that's pretty simple. It's either Michael or the Puppet. Sure, the Puppet is possessed by a girl, but it's always been referred to as a him. Look no further that UCN. We're either leaving breadcrumbs to allow the Puppet to put the spirits to rest, or for Michael to do the same thing.
The Crying Child is leaving clues for either the Puppet or Michael to find. To allow them to free the other spirits and put them to rest. And what trophy do you happen to get upon completing the Clock Ending? Not a clock, but rather...
Crying Child Trophy
A trophy labeled the 'Crying Child Trophy', except lacking his signature tears. Why? Because, he's found peace. He followed Fredbears that you get for getting this ending. The final words uttered before you get 'The End' is simply:
One of the reasons the Crying Child has been so frustrating is because we keep trying to shove him into a character. Whether it's Golden Freddy, the Puppet, or even Gregory. When in fact, he was never possessing anything. He'd already moved on, we're the ones trying to put a piece in a place in never belonged.
Some might say that this throws off the entire timeline. That he must be possessing an animatronic or the story falls apart. But, if you think about it, the only thing that gets changed is the meaning behind 'IT'S ME'. Which, lets be real, has never REALLY been solved. Heck, even Dual-Process-Theory made a case that there's only one spirit in Golden Freddy.
Of course, there's still the Survival Logbook. If the Crying Child is gone, how is he altering the text in the logbook? Well, something of note is that we don't know when the logbook was filled out by Michael (then again when do know the dates of anything in this franchise), but we can at least narrow it down. For starters, since there are drawings of exotic butters & causal bongos we can tell this takes place after SL. The fact that Michael is writing in this in the first place means it clearly takes place after FNAF 4.
But...that's really it. This could've totally been filled out prior to FNAF 3, which would be when the Crying Child is in FNAF World before finding peace. Even the way he 'talks' in the logbook is similar to FNAF 3's minigames. Think about it, if there are really two spirits talking in this book, why is one talking in faded text and the other altering the pages? Wouldn't they both be communicating the same way? Especially if they're in the same body?
Instead, he alters the text on the page. "Everything that happens out there, has an effect here." you say? Well, who's to say that doesn't go both ways?
This is why I believe the Crying Child wasn't possessing anything this whole time, but rather was a crucial instrument in allowing the Missing Children to find peace.
But, that's just a theory. If you find any evidence either supporting or contradicting this lil theory, feel free to share it in the comments! And any constructive criticism is appreciated.
One last thing. Something this theory doesn't acknowledge is Psychic Friend Fredbear. How could Fredbear be doing all of this in FNaF World if it's just William talking through a walkie-talkie in the Sister Location bunker? Well, fret not, I got another theory in the works talking about that. A sister theory if you will.
Cuz, Imma be honest with y'all...
I don't think Psychic Friend Fredbear is William.
submitted by TheRealBomberTheBoss to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:14 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Eleven: Scum Tour (Ape)

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
We pick up in the dying embers of 2011, following John Cena once again falling short against CM Punk with the WWE Title on the line, this time at Survivor Series. Having fought with all his heart and still come up short, passing out to the Anaconda Vise, an ashamed Cena takes some time off to recover from the toll his three championship reigns took on him over the past year. However, he vows to come back and win the Royal Rumble for the second year in a row in order to once again main event WrestleMania, this time bringing the title home at the expense of his long-running rival.
Royal Rumble 2012
30 Man Royal Rumble Match
The crowd is hot as they start the countdown for lucky Number 27, with Wade Barrett, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, The Miz, Cody Rhodes and Jack Swagger all in the ring waiting to see who comes out… AND IT’S JOHN CENA, BACK WITH A VENGEANCE AFTER ALMOST TWO MONTHS TO HEAL UP! Cena comes in like a house on fire, making a beeline for Barrett and notching the elimination he struggled so hard for the year prior, followed by tossing Jack Swagger over the top and to the floor. He lays out Miz, Ziggler and Cody with a series of flying shoulder blocks, building up steam before taking in the love from the crowd and turning to face Sheamus. They start trading bombs in the middle of the ring as Number 28 enters, the audience whipped into a frenzy as Randy Orton makes his way down to the ring to eliminate Cody. Swagger tries to dump the Viper over, but Orton nails a back elbow, Swagger turning around INTO A BROGUE KICK, SHEAMUS TOSSING HIM OVER THE TOP BEFORE BEING HIT WITH A ZIG ZAG! Ziggler struggles to get Sheamus over the top rope, Sheamus fighting tooth and nail before finally knocking Dolph away, straight into an attempted RKO FROM ORTON, BUT DOLPH SHOVES RANDY INTO AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!
Number 29’s countdown ushers out Chris Jericho, and it’s Y2J’s grand return to the ring as he immediately hits Dolph with a Codebreaker, eliminating him. He springs up, only for Miz to go for the Skull Crushing Finale… but Jericho rolls him forward, Miz rolling and pivoting for a CODEBREAKER TO FLOOR HIM! Cena and Jericho start trading shots, Cena whipping Jericho into the ropes and going for a flying shoulder block, but JERICHO WITH A THIRD CODEBREAKER! Miz staggers to his feet, and SHEAMUS CLOTHESLINES HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE FOR THE ELIMINATION! Number 30’s theme hits, and welllllll… it’s the Big Show. Show lumbers down to the ring, with Sheamus, Orton, Jericho and Cena still in the mix, the final five already locked. Begrudgingly, the four men in the ring look up towards the ramp, realizing that their only hope at getting the massive man over the top rope is to work together. Show enters the ring, and ALL FOUR JUMP HIM, ONLY FOR THE BIG SHOW TO EXPLODE OUTWARDS AND SEND THEM FLYING!
Sheamus is up first, going for a Brogue Kick and EATING A WMD! Jericho leaps up for a Codebreaker, but Show simply stays standing, remaining steady and jetting Jericho up into ANOTHER WMD, BUT NOW ORTON NAILS AN RKO! Show’s on spaghetti legs, and CENA LIFTS HIM UP! MY GOD, THE POWER! THE CROWD ARE ALL ON THEIR FEET AS CENA STRUGGLES TO HOLD FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS OF HUMANITY ALOFT… ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT SENDS SHOW TO THE APRON, AND DOWN TO THE FLOOR! Exhausted, Cena flops against the ropes, and RANDY ORTON DUMPS HIM OVER THE TOP TO THE APRON, CENA HOLDING ON WITH JUST ONE HAND! Orton tries to kick the hand out, but John is glued to the apron, refusing to be shaken off and driving his shoulder into Orton’s gut, trying for a back body drop over the top… BUT ORTON DRAGS HIM IN FOR A DRAPING DDT! Cena is dazed and confused as Orton calls for an RKO, but CENA COUNTERS, GOING FOR AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT - BUT SHEAMUS NAILS HIM WITH A BROGUE KICK, LEAVING HIM PRONE FOR AN RKO! ORTON ELIMINATES CENA! Despite making it to the final four, Cena’s effort wasn’t enough, and he’s forced to watch as CHRIS JERICHO LAST ELIMINATES RANDY ORTON IN HIS HOMETOWN OF ST. LOUIS!
Chris Jericho wins the 2012 Royal Rumble (54:56)
Road to Elimination Chamber 2012
With Chris Jericho surprisingly declaring his intentions to challenge for the World Heavyweight Title, saying he became synonymous with the gold in the late 2000s and wants to do so again, the WWE Title scene is wide open heading out of the Royal Rumble - but John Laurinaitis wants to make sure that said scene doesn’t involve CM Punk, and schedules a Punk defense within the satanic structure, with one of his challengers being Dolph Ziggler, Laurinatis’ champion of choice. He also declares there will be four qualifying matches to determine who enters alongside Punk and Ziggler, and the next week, they begin, with John Cena scheduled to face the Big Show as penance for socking Laurinaitis at Money in the Bank 2011. Big man goes up, and big man goes down, with Cena defeating the Big Show with a thunderous Attitude Adjustment in Raw’s main event. Over the next few weeks, the Chamber fills out, with R-Truth, The Miz and Wade Barrett joining the fray, with the go-home show seeing a fracas break out, and a slimy Dolph Ziggler finally standing tall ahead of the Chamber.
Elimination Chamber 2012
Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Title: John Cena vs. CM Punk (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth vs. The Miz vs. Wade Barrett
The Chamber is about as rigged as it can possibly get, with Laurinaitis orchestrating Punk and Cena as the starting two. It’s a fantastic opening exchange, and it’s incredibly closely contested, with John throwing everything he can at the champion to finally get one up on him. Barrett is out next, using his power to wear down both Punk and Cena, and then it’s Truth, who immediately makes a beeline for Miz’s pod, kicking through it and igniting a wild brawl between them. Cena notches the first elimination by putting away Wade Barrett with an Attitude Adjustment, and finally, Dolph Ziggler comes out fresh as a daisy at Number 6, putting the boots to everyone in the match. He lays out Cena and Punk with Zig-Zags, both of which only earn two counts, and then changes his tactics, helping The Miz eliminate R-Truth and insisting they team up to take out the champion and the most daunting challenger. Miz accepts, and with Punk and Cena’s inability to work together, they dole out massive damage, Punk narrowly managing to roll up Miz for three and put Ziggler on the back foot.
Furious, Ziggler tries to flee Punk’s wrath, but Cena insists that he’ll help the champion get rid of Ziggler so they can go one on one, fair and square. Punk agrees, and corners Dolph up against a pod, forcing Ziggler to climb up to the top… AND INTO CENA’S WAITING ARMS, WITH THE CENATION LEADER NAILING AN AVALANCHE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT OFF THE POD! Cena tries to roll over onto Dolph to make the cover, but PUNK OFF THE TOP ROPE WITH AN ELBOW DROP, AND NOW HOISTING CENA UP INTO A GO TO SLEEP! ONE! TWO! THREE! PUNK PUTS CENA AWAY, BY NOOK AND BY CROOK, AND NOW HE PINS ZIGGLER… ONE! TWO! THREE! PUNK RETAINS THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP!
CM Punk def. John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, The Miz and Wade Barrett (31:40) to retain the WWE Title
Road to WrestleMania XXVIII
CM Punk may have come out of Elimination Chamber as champion, but he did so at the expense of turning a rival into an enemy. John Cena comes out at the top of the hour on Raw to call out Punk, saying that he agreed to help him against a common enemy so they could face off fairly - and Punk took the coward’s way out. That brings out the champion, who clearly resents being called a coward, saying that Cena should really only be calling him one name: champion, because for all the talk about Hustle and Loyalty, Cena’s not showing enough Respect. Punk worked hard to get this title, but he owes Cena no loyalty… in fact, he owes him nothing, leading Cena to PUNCH PUNK IN THE FACE! Punk drops down out of the ring, clutching the title, and John grabs the microphone, declaring that Punk owes him one thing, and that’s the one on one match they agreed upon at Elimination Chamber. Cena says that if Punk wants respect, he’ll have to earn it… at WrestleMania. Gritting his teeth, Punk agrees, and we’re set for WrestleMania 28 with John Cena vs. CM Punk, WWE Championship on the line.
The next week is a contract signing between the two, and the animosity is higher than ever, the undertone of mutual respect following their series of battles exchanged for contempt. Cena signs first, and Punk uses the spotlight to start a sermon on the mount, saying that John Cena’s just walked into success wherever he’s gone. Outside WWE, he was a multi-time champion within a few years, and once he got to WWE and started shilling merchandise and shedding his Nexus skin, it was all sunshine and rainbows for the Cenation leader. However, Punk says that at Elimination Chamber, he taught the children Cena wants so desperately to look up to him a more valuable lesson than Cena ever could - that they aren’t the only person trying to reach the top. Punk’s worked for years to get to where he is, he overcame the same obstacles Cena did and then some, and in that time, he learned it’s a dog-eat-dog world. Maybe John’s had it too easy to notice, but life is hard, and at WrestleMania, he’ll make that point definitively when he beats Cena… again. Anyway, the contract is signed, and as is tradition, Punk goes through the table, but John looks pretty shaken by what Punk said.
They continue exchanging verbal barbs on the Road to WrestleMania, and Cena heats himself up with a big win over Kane, and another over The Miz on back-to-back Raw episodes. On the go-home show, it’s one more face-to-face promo segment, with CM Punk coming down to the ring and explaining that he’s held the WWE Championship for about four months - longer than Cena ever has. The head that wears the crown is a heavy one, but he’s overcome every obstacle thrown at him by John Laurinaitis, by Dolph Ziggler, and while he knows Cena holds a grudge against both of them too, he sees Cena the same way; as an obstacle that he’s overcome repeatedly, because he’s the Best in the World. Because of that, at WrestleMania, he’ll treat him no differently than he would Laurinaitis or Ziggler, because he’s just a problem to be solved, no matter his morals or popularity. Cena comes out and says Punk talks about hardships, but Cena had to work for eight years before returning to WWE. He had to fight for his spot, and the past year and a half of his career, he’s done it the right way. He’s imposed those challenges upon himself to try and make the world a better place, but Punk is selfish. He holds himself to no principles but those that benefit him at any given moment, so while he may be a great competitor, he’s not deserving of Cena’s respect, or the respect of the people - and when Cena pins his shoulders to the mat in Miami, he won’t be deserving of being called champion, either. The last image of both men before their WrestleMania clash is a simple one, with CM Punk raising the championship that John Cena designed high above his challenger’s head.
WrestleMania XXVIII
WWE Title: John Cena vs. CM Punk (c)
For the second year in a row, John Cena walks into WrestleMania as the challenger for the WWE Championship, but this time, it’s on a cold streak compared to the heater he was on in 2011. He’s lost to CM Punk at Money in the Bank, SummerSlam, Survivor Series and now Elimination Chamber, meaning the champion is plenty confident for this one. They start off cautious, knowing each other and the dangers posed very well, and Punk manages to get control early by kicking Cena off the top rope to the apron, with John landing on his back. He works over Cena’s spine, trying to take away his overwhelming power, but Cena manages to find a small gap in Punk’s offense and NAIL AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! TH-PUNK KICKS OUT, BUT WE’RE OFF TO THE RACES NOW! Cena’s back in the fight, and he goes after Punk hard with a series of shoulder blocks, only for Punk to drop down under one and catch Cena on the rebound with a head kick before LOCKING IN THE ANACONDA VISE, THE SAME MOVE THAT PUT CENA AWAY AT SURVIVOR SERIES! Cena scrambles to the ropes, but Punk kicks off of them again, only for Cena to roll through and HOIST PUNK UP INTO A SIDE SLAM, FOLLOWING IT UP WITH A FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE… AND A SECOND ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-PUNK SOMEHOW LIFTS THE SHOULDER!
Now it’s Cena’s turn to go on the attack, knowing one more big move will put Punk down for three, but Punk is getting desperate, rolling out of the ring to safety before CATCHING CENA WITH A DDT ON THE FLOOR! He crawls back into the ring, considering taking a countout, but instead he delivers a SUICIDE DIVE, SENDING CENA INTO THE BARRICADE SPINE-FIRST! He hops onto the announce table and nails a flying clothesline before sending Cena back in, stumbling towards the challenger and BEING SCOOPED UP FOR A THIRD ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT CENA’S BACK GIVES WAY, PROVIDING PUNK THE OPENING TO CONNECT WITH A BACKSTABBER! He picks Cena up… GO TO SLEEP! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA KICKS OUT! Frustrated, Punk rolls John over onto his stomach, dropping knee after knee into the spinal cord before clambering up to the top rope for an ELBOW DROP TO CENA’S BACK, BUT THE CHALLENGER ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY TO TRAP PUNK IN THE STF! HE’S GOT PUNK DEAD TO RIGHTS! The referee leans in as Punk screams and shouts, finally grabbing the referee by the shirt to stop himself from submitting… AND LUNGING FORWARD, SENDING CENA INTO THE REFEREE’S SKULL FOR A CLASH OF HEADS! The referee crumples as a dazed John tries to lock the hold back in, but WAIT A SECOND! WHO THE HELL IS… JOHN CENA JUST GOT HIT WITH A STEEL CHAIR, STRAIGHT TO THE SPINE! IT’S PAUL HEYMAN! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? The crowd is in disbelief as Heyman hurries out of the ring, a wounded Punk pushing the chair under the ropes before delivering another emphatic GO TO SLEEP! He collapses over Cena as the referee comes to, counting the pin… ONE… TWO… THREE! CM PUNK CHEATS JOHN CENA OUT OF THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP, WITH THE HELP OF PAUL HEYMAN!
CM Punk def. John Cena (25:43) to retain the WWE Title
Road to Extreme Rules 2012
The Raw after WrestleMania sees CM Punk come out to open the show, officially proclaiming himself not only the WWE Champion, not only the man who’s gone 4-0 against John Cena in singles competition for the gold, but a “Paul Heyman Guy.” Naturally, Cena crashes the party, furious about being screwed over, with Punk ducking out of harm’s way and Heyman narrowly avoiding catastrophe. However, Paul promises that in the main event timeslot, he’ll happily speak with John Cena face to face, vanishing behind the curtain and forcing Cena to wait. The main event slot rolls round, and Cena comes down to the ring, saying that he wants to face Punk once again at Extreme Rules, this time under the titular ruleset, and that even if Paul Heyman wants to interfere, he’ll face it head on and make him pay for costing him at WrestleMania. Out struts Heyman onto the stage, microphone in hand, and he says that at Extreme Rules, he accepts Cena’s challenge on behalf of his client. Cena will have an Extreme Rules match against a Paul Heyman guy - but not CM Punk. Cena’s confusion turns to anger before the roof comes unglued, because BROCK LESNAR IS BACK IN THE WWE! He meets Cena in the ring, John telling Brock to step aside and that this isn’t his fight, but LESNAR SCOOPS HIM UP FOR AN F-5, STANDING TALL WITH HEYMAN!
The next week, Lesnar is reintroduced to the WWE Universe by Heyman after nearly a decade away, but it quickly devolves into a brawl with Cena, the entire locker room emptying out to keep them apart ahead of what will surely be an incomprehensibly violent affair. Cena comes away bloodied, as does Lesnar, while Heyman scurries away to hide behind CM Punk backstage. The following Raw, John Laurinaitis says that for starting the brawl, Cena has been suspended for the week, and that he’s officially negotiated a WWE contract for “The New Face of WWE,” Brock Lesnar, through Laurinaitis’ “good friend,” Paul Heyman. The deck is stacked, and Laurinaitis says that as the GM of both Raw and Smackdown, he’s getting pretty sick of John Cena running around like he owns the place - and if he steps out of line again, he might just have to fire him. The go-home show sees Cena return, not permitted to touch anyone associated with Heyman or Laurinaitis, but the tension is palpable as he says to Brock that he’ll go through him and whoever else he has to in order to set things right.
Extreme Rules 2012
Extreme Rules Match: John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar
This one is an out-and-out war from the opening bell, with Cena opening up his old playbook and wearing a chain to the ring in order to clock the Beast Incarnate, busting Brock open. However, the second he goes for another shot, Lesnar takes him down and lands an elbow to the head, leaving Cena leaking like a faucet. He follows it up by hurling John into the ring post, both men bloodied in the opening stages as they wrestle for control. However, Brock has a target set on John’s back, and he nails it with a POWERBOMB THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE, FOLLOWED BY SIMPLY RIPPING UP A PIECE OF THE BARRICADE AND SLAMMING IT INTO CENA’S SPINE! He chains Cena to the ring post, piecing him up with his UFC Championship caliber striking, landing punches to the body before letting Heyman mockingly deliver a “You Can’t See Me” to the Cenation leader. Brock rips him away from the ring post, and now delivers an F-5 ONTO THE FLOOR! He slides the ring steps into the squared circle, standing tall atop them as Cena struggles onto the apron, and runs off the steps to SEND BOTH MEN CRASHING TO THE FLOOR, A KNEE FROM BROCK GOING STRAIGHT INTO JOHN’S TEMPLE! Save for a few glimmers of hope for Cena, it’s been a dominant performance by Lesnar, who now rolls Cena in and calls for an F-5 ON THE STEPS, ONLY FOR CENA TO REVERSE INTO A DDT ONTO THE STEEL! ONE! TWO! THR-NOO! LESNAR KICKS OUT, BUT CENA HAS A CHANCE HERE! Fighting through the pain as best he can to lift Lesnar up, he gets him into a fireman’s carry… BUT BROCK INTO A KIMURA! HE’S GOT CENA TRAPPED, BUT JOHN RUNS HIM INTO THE TURNBUCKLES! Lesnar stumbles - CENA WITH AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-PAUL HEYMAN STOPS THE COUNT! Cena looks up with murderous intent, Heyman immediately fleeing the scene, but John follows him around ringside before being INTERCEPTED BY BROCK, WHO GETS HIM UP FOR ANOTHER F-5, ONLY FOR JOHN TO SWING AROUND BEHIND HIM! CENA’S GOT THE CHAIN AROUND BROCK’S NECK! HE’S CHOKING THE BEAST OUT! LESNAR’S FADING! HE’S GOT NOWHERE TO GO, AND NOW JOHN HOISTS HIM UP FOR AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON THE STEPS! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA SURVIVES BROCK LESNAR!
John Cena def. Brock Lesnar (23:57)
Road to Over The Limit 2012
Following his monumental defeat of the first opponent in his rapist gauntlet, Cena is ready to get back in the title hunt, but he’s confronted by another roadblock - John Laurinaitis, who’s not happy at all about the “New Face of WWE” being beaten by Cena, who’s become something of a thorn in the side of People Power. He says that he’s threatened to fire Cena before, and now, having seen the Cenation leader chase down Paul Heyman, a non-competitor, he feels he has no choice. Cena rips the microphone out of Laurinaitis’ hand, backing him into the turnbuckles and leaning in nice and close before starting his speech. He says that he’s spent years doing things the right way, and playing within the rules in order to overcome the obstacles in front of him. He tries to lead by example, to help people with their hardships, to be someone to aspire towards for sick children who are fighting harder than even he can imagine - but if Laurinaitis intends to take that option from him by firing him, Cena will have to approach things differently. If he can’t overcome obstacles, he has to get rid of his obstacles. Johnny Ace is sweating bullets, and says something about being the GM of both Raw and Smackdown, only for Cena to offer him the opportunity of a lifetime - a match, where if Cena loses, he’ll QUIT, and he’ll accept the result peacefully. Laurinaitis perks up, and Cena says that if his opponent loses, they’ll have to do so by quitting too. Wanting to get rid of the threat, Laurinaitis agrees, before Cena says that that opponent is Laurinaitis himself. The match is made official for Over The Limit - Cena vs. Laurinaitis, Loser Leaves WWE, in an I Quit Match.
The next week sees Laurinaitis trying desperately to bribe people over to his side in the fight against Cena, but much of the locker room remains steadfast in wanting People Power gone. Lesnar is nowhere to be seen, given his schedule, and even CM Punk, Cena’s heated rival, says that despite his detestment for Cena, after all Laurinaitis put him through, he has no intent of helping. He hopes they both lose. Finally, on the go-home show, Laurinaitis is seen on the phone offering an iron-clad contract to someone, worth a record-setting amount, but one that will only take effect the night after Over The Limit, meaning Laurinaitis has to win for it to be enacted. Satisfied with his ace in the hole, he prepares to face the music, saying in an interview that he’ll have no problem beating John Cena - he’s had forty minute wars in his heyday. He’s beaten the likes of Mitsuharu Misawa (who Cena killed), so he has no fear heading in - but he then hears a random conversation down the hall, and leaps up out of his seat, terrified. He runs out of frame, shouting that he’ll make Cena quit at Over The Limit.
Over The Limit 2012
Loser Leaves WWE I Quit Match: John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis
“Big fight feel” doesn’t even begin to describe John Laurinaitis’ first PPV match since his time in All Japan, but “prison beating” does, with Cena beating Johnny Ace’s ass from pillar to post for a good ten minutes. Cena brings him to commentary and puts him in a headset, saying he’ll be Cole while Laurinaitis is Booker T, leading Johnny Ace to sputter “five time” in his weird raspy voice before eating an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! The referee asks Laurinaitis if he wants to quit, but before he can answer, THE BIG SHOW LANDS A WMD ON THE REFEREE! COME ON! Show apologizes to Cena, saying he needs to do this for the contract that’ll feed his family for the rest of his life, and Cena shrugs before they start duking it out, neither one willing to give an inch. Eventually, Cena manages to PUT SHOW THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE WITH AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, AND NOW HE LOCKS LAURINAITIS IN THE STF, STICKING THE MICROPHONE IN HIS FACE… LAURINAITIS QUITS!
John Cena def. John Laurinaitis (15:07), meaning Laurinaitis must leave WWE
Road to No Way Out 2012
Having defeated another sex pest, John Cena is looking to continue the streak, saying he wants to enter the title scene again. However, CM Punk and the WWE Title are now wrapped up in a scene with Daniel Bryan, Kane and AJ Lee, who, with Mr. McMahon behind her, holds all the cards necessary to exclude Cena from the equation. With that in mind, Cena goes after World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho, setting the match for No Way Out with a series of blistering promos, centred on Jericho having come out on top in his WrestleMania title bout, and Cena having fallen short. However, with two deviants in the mud behind him, Cena’s feeling good about beating a third and claiming his fourth World Championship in WWE.
No Way Out 2012
World Heavyweight Title: John Cena vs. Chris Jericho (c)
This is an incredible match, with Jericho certainly being a heel, but not one as underhanded as some of Cena’s more recent opponents, making for an entertaining back-and-forth skill-based bout. Jericho naturally works over Cena’s back, only a month and a half removed from his battle with Lesnar and two and a half from his battle with Punk, and continuously tries to cinch in the Walls of Jericho. However, Cena always seems to have an answer, and, after kicking out of a Codebreaker, manages to scoop Jericho up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT JERICHO LANDS ON HIS FEET AND HITS A SPINNING BACK ELBOW, THE LIKES OF WHICH WE’VE NEVER SEEN FROM HIM! He goes for the Walls of Jericho once more, but a defiant Cena manages to extend his legs and force Jericho off, before leaping atop him and LOCKING IN THE STF, FORCING JERICHO TO SUBMIT! JOHN CENA’S THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, AND AFTER HOLDING THE NWA TITLE IN A PAST LIFE, HE FINALLY GETS TO LIFT THE BIG GOLD THAT ONCE REPRESENTED IT!
John Cena def. Chris Jericho (18:32) to win the World Heavyweight Title
Road to Money in the Bank 2012
Now wearing gold once more, Cena brings in a new rendition of his “The Champ is Here” shirt, and says he’s looking forward to defending the helm at Money in the Bank. Alberto Del Rio takes offense to this, saying that at Money in the Bank, the poster child of wealth deserves to hold gold. Cena asks if that’s a challenge, which it is, and accepts, presumably so he can browbeat a FOURTH sex pest. Over the next few weeks, Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez talk about the championship lifestyle, using segments to display Alberto’s opulent wealth and talk about how a REAL champion doesn’t do Make a Wish, but tramples on the poor to build golf courses or something. Cena ramps up his charity work by meeting sick children and offscreening some more people who belong on the sex offender registry, setting the stage for an exciting ideological battle in Phoenix.
Money in the Bank 2012
World Heavyweight Title: John Cena (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Having historically had a rough time of successfully defending gold in WWE, and a very rough time at Money in the Bank, Cena’s got a lot to prove against Del Rio, who tries to soften Cena up for the Cross Armbreaker throughout, using all tools available - smashing Cena’s arm off the ring post, steel steps, barricade and announce table all around ringside before attempting to lock in the submission in the centre of the ring… CENA STACKS HIM UP! ONE! TWO! TH-HE LIFTS DEL RIO UP IN A HUGE SHOW OF STRENGTH FOR A POWERBOMB! Del Rio is staggered as Cena measures his man for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! HE MAY BE COMING AWAY WITH A WOUNDED ARM, BUT JOHN CENA JUST MADE LIGHT WORK OF THE MEXICAN ARISTOCRAT!
John Cena def. Alberto Del Rio (12:45) to retain the World Heavyweight Title
Road to SummerSlam 2012
Having defeated four sex pests, the locker room is now running pretty dry, so Cena decides it’s mission accomplished and turns his attention to the rest of the roster. Still plenty focused on CM Punk, he says he’ll get to him eventually, but for now, he’s looking for a SummerSlam challenger. Out marches Sheamus, who came tantalizingly close to winning Money in the Bank the previous night, to a huge reaction from the crowd. He’s all smiles as he turns to face Cena, saying they’ve only met in the Royal Rumble, but never one on one. Cena asks the crowd if they want to see him face Sheamus at SummerSlam, and they all roar in approval before Flight of the Valkyries hits, ushering out Daniel Bryan. Bryan says that next week, he’s scheduled to marry AJ Lee on Raw 1000, and he wants to be wearing gold for the happiest moment of his life - the gold that he lost at WrestleMania. He doesn’t care if Sheamus challenges at SummerSlam, but he cares who Sheamus FACES, because it’s shouldn’t be John Cena… it should be Daniel Bryan. Cena chuckles, and accepts the challenge for Raw 1000’s opening contest.
World Heavyweight Title: John Cena (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
In a closely contested affair, John Cena and Daniel Bryan go back and forth to kick off a celebration of Raw, with Sheamus on guest commentary and Bryan’s blushing bride-to-be at ringside. Naturally, Bryan makes a beeline for Cena’s arm, trying to soften it up further just a week removed from the pain Del Rio put it through, and gets to showcase his broad array of submissions, Cena just barely managing to survive the onslaught with rope break after rope break before finally nailing an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-BRYAN GETS A FOOT UNDER THE ROPE! Cena calls for another one, but Bryan is somehow able to reverse it into a victory roll, followed by a NO KICK TO THE HEAD! He sends Cena into the corner, ready for a running dropkick, and turns to AJ, beckoning her up to the apron for a kiss. She hops up, he leans over, and… SHE DOESN’T KISS HIM? Bryan’s confused, and turns around into a SECOND ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! BRYAN’S JILTED BEFORE THE ALTAR IS EVEN SET UP!
John Cena def. Daniel Bryan (16:23) to retain the World Heavyweight Title
Now set to face off with Sheamus, it’s a much more respectful build than Cena’s been used to, without the antagonistic rivals opposite him. For Sheamus and Cena, it’s a first time ever clash of the titans, two big guys with big muscles who are gonna fight for the Heavyweight Title. Wrestling has never been more back.
SummerSlam 2012
World Heavyweight Title: John Cena (c) vs. Sheamus
These two men simply collide at the Staples Center, giving us fifteen glorious minutes that completely lack control segments or hope spots or changes in momentum - it’s just big bombs being thrown. Eventually, Sheamus gets going on a roll, nailing an Irish Curse Backbreaker to exacerbate Cena’s back problems before following it up with a HIGH CROSS! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO! He transitions straight into a Cloverleaf, folding Cena in two and bearing down on his lower spine, but John just manages to reach the ropes, refusing to give up. Sheamus heads to the corner, calling for the Brogue Kick, but CENA DUCKS IT, PIVOTING AROUND AND NAILING A SHOULDER BLOCK! NOW ANOTHER! HE’S GOT SHEAMUS WHERE HE WANTS HIM… FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FOR TWO! Sheamus is in trouble now, Cena getting him up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, AND NOW HE ROLLS THROUGH TO GO FOR ANOTHER - ONLY FOR SHEAMUS TO SLIP OFF BEHIND HIM FOR A GERMAN SUPLEX! BROGUE KICK MISSES BY A FRACTION OF AN INCH, CENA SLIPPING PAST TO BEHEAD SHEAMUS WITH A LARIAT! HE PICKS HIM UP… ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA MAKES IT THROUGH A TRUE WAR!
John Cena def. Sheamus (18:59) to retain the World Heavyweight Title
Cena’s barely able to stand after that one, his back giving him plenty of trouble as he leans on the ropes, giving a nod to Sheamus as a show of respect for the fantastic match, when… OH MY GOD! Dolph Ziggler sprints down to the ring, the referee still checking on Cena, and IMMEDIATELY SUPERKICKS THE CHAMPION UNDER THE JAW BEFORE HE CAN EVEN REACT! He hands over the briefcase, and THE BELL RINGS!
World Heavyweight Title: John Cena (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler
Dolph Ziggler def. John Cena (2:30) to win the World Heavyweight Title
Road to Night of Champions 2012
On Raw, John Cena is crestfallen, not having the chance to walk into his hometown of Boston as champion. However, with the World Heavyweight Title off his shoulder, he has a choice on his hands - does he pursue revenge against Dolph Ziggler, or does he once again set his sights on CM Punk for the first time since WrestleMania? His choice is the latter, and he issues his challenge for the TD Garden: John Cena vs. CM Punk for the WWE Title. Paul Heyman comes out to the stage with the champion, and says that after nearly a year with the gold, Punk doesn’t need to give Cena a damn thing. However, Cena says that if Punk wants respect so much, there’s no better way to earn it than beating the Cenation leader clean as a whistle, something he couldn’t do at WrestleMania. Paul is about to reject, but Punk stops him, and says that he’ll see Cena in Boston, just so he can embarrass him in his hometown… because if Punk wins, John Cena has to cut a promo after the match explaining why he respects CM Punk. Cena accepts the terms, and after five months of waiting, we’re back on the element with the Best in the World vs. The Franchise.
Cena spends the next few weeks discussing his journey back to the WWE Title - beating a new Heyman guy in the form of Brock Lesnar after Heyman cost him the win against Punk, then beating Laurinaitis to ensure management wouldn’t get in his way, then winning another World Championship in the interim, all leading back to the Straight Edge Saviour. In Boston, he can’t fail, because frankly, he’s not sure what he’d say if he lost. He doesn’t respect the cheating ways, he doesn’t respect the cult of personality, he doesn’t respect the hiding up until this point, and in Boston, he’ll do what he should’ve done a long time ago at Money in the Bank 2011 - he’ll save the WWE Championship from CM Punk.
Night of Champions 2012
WWE Title; If Cena Loses, He Must Say He Respects Punk: John Cena vs. CM Punk (c)
It is deafening inside the TD Garden for the rematch the world’s been waiting for, with CM Punk looking to go a flawless 5-0 in singles competition against the hometown hero. Just like he did at WrestleMania, Punk targets the back, but Cena toughs it out as best he can, his sheer grit and determination carrying him through the storm. Both striving to gain the upper hand despite their deep knowledge of each other’s moves, they pull out all the stops, with Punk GOING FOR ANOTHER PILEDRIVER, ONLY FOR CENA TO COUNTER WITH A BACK BODY DROP OVER THE TOP! Clutching his lower back, Cena lines himself up for a SUICIDE DIVE TO PUNK, NEARLY LANDING IN HIS FATHER’S LAP! He sends Punk back in, nailing a top rope leg drop as the champ tries to get back to his feet, followed by a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! HE’S GOT HIM UP… ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO! Going for broke, Cena sets Punk up on the top rope, calling for an avalanche Attitude Adjustment, but PUNK WITH BLOWS TO THE SPINE, NOW HOOKING CENA’S ARMS! IS HE GOING FOR A PEPSI PLUNGE? NO! CENA LIFTS HIM UP AGAIN, AND PUNK DROPS TO THE TURNBUCKLES TO AVOID DISASTER, ONLY FOR JOHN TO WRAP HIS ARMS AROUND PUNK’S WAIST FOR A GERMAN SUPLEX OFF THE TOP ROPE, STRUGGLING TO BRIDGE WITH HIS BAD BACK… ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA’S DONE IT! CENA’S DONE IT ONCE AGAIN! The Cenation Leader grabs the title and leaps into the crowd, enveloped by the rabid Bostonians as he hugs his family, only for the referee to come and… TAKE THE GOLD AWAY? He points to the instant replay, and it shows that due to Cena’s injured spine, he couldn’t get a high enough bridge on Punk, leaving his own shoulders on the mat as well, making it a draw, and meaning that…
John Cena and CM Punk fought to a draw (26:50), meaning CM Punk retains the WWE Title
Cena simply looks defeated as an exhausted Punk embraces the title, both he and Heyman obviously just relieved. Cena may not have to say that he respects the WWE Champion, as he didn’t lose, but the atmosphere is sour as he exits the same way he entered - titleless.
(Cont'd in Comments)
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2024.06.04 22:01 TableClothsFactory Decorate a Simple and Casual Tablescape in Blue and White

Decorate a Simple and Casual Tablescape in Blue and White
Creating a stunning blue and white tablescape can transform any gathering into an elegant affair, whether it’s a laid-back brunch or a chic dinner party. The timeless mix of blue and white brings a serene and classy vibe, perfect for many occasions. This article will walk you through designing a simple yet captivating tablescape with high-quality products from From the best tablecloths and decorative table runners to gorgeous centerpieces and dining chair covers, we have all you need to craft a breathtaking blue and white tablescape. Dive in to discover essential items, creative ideas, and expert tips to elevate your next event with this classic color scheme.
➡️ Check out our blog here
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2024.06.04 21:58 wxndering_thoughts_ Overarching plot ideas that aren't just One Big War (TM)?

I've really hit a brick wall with what I want the overarching plot of my story to be. The absolute barebones premise I have so far is this:
Character A is a huntress-in-training. Character B is the second prince of their nation. Character C is a simple servant, working for character B's family. All of their lives are uprooted when they're gifted with the role of a Guardian. Said to be chosen by the gods, Guardians were ancient heroes that watched over the land and protected it from all threats. There are eight in total, each corresponding to an element in the elemental magic system. The last set of Guardians disappeared many years ago before the present day events of the story. The characters discover their new positions as Guardians, and now they and their nations have to come to terms with these positions suddenly returning and how to navigate the responsibility they carry.
I have specific plot lines I want to explore for individual books, but it feels like they're mostly just a patch quilt of random situations and unrelated scenarios with no one single thread tying them all together in a meaningful way.
*Book 1: A hostage situation prompts character A to leave her home nation and rescue her brother who's been taken, running into characters B and C along the way
*Book 2: A terrible sickness is spreading during the coldest winter in memory; Character A sets off with her friends to find a cure, character B is looking for a way to stop the storm, and character C is trying to hold down the fort in their and B's nation as civil unrest grows from the hardship the weather brings
*Book 3: Instead of the usual spring festivities, a magical tournament is taking place instead, and character A is invited as a special guest to participate. Character B is helping to set up and run the tournament. Character C's role is TBD.
The only idea I have for the finale of book 3 is an attack on the tournament that frames character A's nation as the attacker and leads character B's and C's nation to declare war, with the remaining books following the war effort and eventual conclusion. A war story feels really cliche for a fantasy book, though, not to mention that it feels largely disconnected from the previously mentioned plots right up until the end. I'm not sure what other overarching plot line I could use, though, especially one that justifies being spread out across multiple books.
TL;DR: Want something other than a huge war as an overarching plot for my story, but unsure where to start or how to tie it into preexisting plots I have planned out for individual books.
submitted by wxndering_thoughts_ to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:41 Sweet-Count2557 Kid Friendly Things To Do In New Orleans Near Me

Kid Friendly Things To Do In New Orleans Near Me
Kid Friendly Things To Do In New Orleans Near Me
We’re always looking for something fun and exciting to do with the kids.
Thankfully, New Orleans is full of kid-friendly places to explore and enjoy.
Whether you’re local or just visiting, there are plenty of things to do in the city that everyone can enjoy.
From zoos to aquariums and museums, here are some of our favorite kid-friendly activities near us in New Orleans!
Audubon Zoo
Situated in the heart of the city, Audubon Zoo offers a plethora of activities and exhibits to explore and enjoy. With a wide variety of animal exhibits, ranging from African lions to Asian elephants, there is something for everyone to discover at the zoo.
Not only can you observe these animals up close, but you can also interact with them through various interactive experiences such as feeding giraffes or getting up close and personal with sea lions. The zoo also features plenty of attractions for all ages such as rides on a carousel or train tour around the grounds.
In addition to seeing all the amazing wildlife that calls Audubon Zoo home, visitors have access to informative shows featuring birds and reptiles. You can also learn more about conservation efforts in the area by visiting their educational centers that provide information on topics like climate change and species preservation.
Moreover, there are plenty of special events held throughout the year that offer unique opportunities for fun family time together like animal encounters, night safaris, and holiday celebrations.
Audubon Zoo is sure to be a memorable experience for everyone who visits! From daily activities to seasonal festivities, there's always something new happening here — plus it's conveniently located in New Orleans so you won't have far to travel if you're looking for kid-friendly things to do near you!
The Louisiana Children's Museum
You won't believe the incredible experience you'll have at the Louisiana Children's Museum - it's beyond amazing!
For starters, there's a special area called Tinker Town, where kids can get creative with play. Here, they can build their own creations using Legos and K'nex sets or design in an art studio.
There's also a life-size grocery store stocked with play food and other items to foster imaginative role-play scenarios. Plus, don't forget about the music room, where young musicians can explore different instruments and beats.
The museum offers plenty of other attractions too, such as a live performance stage that hosts interactive shows and puppet presentations, an animal habitat where kids can learn about their favorite creatures, an outdoor garden featuring activities like fishing ponds and water spray fountains for cooling off during hot days, and a Sensory Room designed to help children develop both fine motor skills and social skills.
And that doesn't even begin to cover all the hands-on exhibits throughout the building – from space exploration to physics experiments, there's something here for everyone! Whether you're looking for an educational day out or just want your little ones to be entertained for hours on end, you won't find a better place than The Louisiana Children's Museum.
City Park
Experience City Park--just minutes away from the hustle and bustle of downtown New Orleans--and marvel at its beauty.
Established in 1854, this 1,300-acre urban oasis is home to several unique attractions perfect for families.
With over 20 playgrounds, picnic spots, and plenty of green space for running around, City Park offers a wealth of kid-friendly activities that are sure to please everyone!
Take some time to explore the Storytelling Grove where you can experience live performances by local musicians and storytellers on select days.
Or get lost in the interactive musical sculptures located throughout the park.
You can also take a boat ride on Big Lake and feed the ducks or check out any one of their many historic monuments like the Popp Bandstand or Peristyle.
At City Park there is something for everyone to enjoy!
From art galleries to botanical gardens and walking trails, you'll find plenty of fun activities that will keep your family entertained for hours.
Whether it's an afternoon picnic or an evening stroll through the park, City Park has much to offer families looking for a cool place to have some quality time together.
The Insectarium
Immersing yourselves in the wonders of nature at the Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insectarium is a must-see for anyone visiting New Orleans! Located in the heart of the city, it's one of the top attractions for kids and families.
Perfect for exploring nature, this unique venue offers creative outlets including live exhibits, interactive activities, and educational programs to engage visitors of all ages.
The popular insectarium is home to an array of creepy crawlies like tarantulas, beetles, butterflies, ants, and more. Take a tour through different regions around the world where you can learn about their natural habitats as well as how these creatures interact with humans.
Let your little ones explore every inch of this living museum in a hands-on environment while having fun!
The highlight here has got to be their butterfly garden where thousands of colorful species flutter around freely among lush green foliage. It's truly a sight to behold that will leave visitors breathless!
With plenty of photo opportunities along your journey, you'll have enough memories to last a lifetime. Whether you're looking for an education experience or simply some entertainment—the Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insectarium is sure to delight all who visit!
The Aquarium of the Americas
With its vibrant array of sea life, the Aquarium of the Americas is sure to amaze and captivate visitors of all ages! Located in the heart of New Orleans, this state-of-the-art aquarium offers a unique opportunity to explore marine wildlife.
From sharks, stingrays, eels, and jellyfish to otters, penguins, and even sea turtles—the Aquarium of the Americas has a plethora of aquatic creatures for young visitors to discover. The aquarium also provides interactive experiences that help foster an appreciation for our oceans’ inhabitants.
For example, you can touch starfish and horseshoe crabs or feed lorikeets in their aviary. There are educational talks from biologists throughout the day as well as special events such as ‘Dive with Sharks’ where you get up close with these amazing creatures.
No matter your age or interest level, there’s something for everyone at The Aquarium of the Americas! It's a fantastic way to spend a day exploring underwater wildlife in an exciting and unique environment. Whether you want to learn about conservation efforts or just relax while watching exotic fish swim by—be prepared for an unforgettable experience!
Mardi Gras World
Discover the wonders of Mardi Gras World, a vibrant wonderland of color and festivities right in the heart of NOLA! This family-friendly attraction is perfect for kids who want to experience all that Mardi Gras has to offer.
Explore more than 20,000 square feet of interactive fun and learn the history behind this beloved holiday. Take a tour through galleries full of intricate floats from parades past, many over 50 years old. Kids can learn about how these grand displays are created and get an up-close look at all the details and artistry involved in creating them.
On your journey, you'll also find a giant ballroom with over one hundred masks from around the world, as well as costumes straight off the parade route. Kids will love playing dress-up in these amazing outfits while discovering other cultures from around the world!
There's even an area dedicated just for kids where they can make their own unique masks to take home as souvenirs. Mardi Gras World is definitely a must-see destination if you're visiting New Orleans with your family.
From its incredible displays of artistry to its kid-friendly attractions, there's something for everyone here. Whether you're watching a float being crafted or putting on costumes from far away lands, you'll be sure to have an unforgettable time at Mardi Gras World!
The French Quarter
Experience the iconic French Quarter and explore its vibrant culture, eclectic sights, and unique atmosphere! From lively jazz bars to historic architecture, you'll be sure to have an exciting time as you stroll through this one-of-a-kind neighborhood.
Here are some family friendly activities that will let your kids experience the spirit of New Orleans:
Take a tour with The Historic New Orleans Collection - This museum offers free guided tours that will take your family on a journey through the history of the city. Learn about the people who shaped it and how their stories come alive in today's French Quarter.
Visit Jackson Square - This picturesque square is filled with art galleries, museums, and other attractions. It's also home to St Louis Cathedral, which is one of the oldest churches in America! Kids can explore beautiful sculptures while adults admire the stunning architecture.
Enjoy live music on Bourbon Street - Let your kids experience some of New Orleans' best jazz music by catching a show at any number of clubs along famous Bourbon Street! With so many options for every budget, there's something for everyone here.
The French Quarter has endless outdoor activities too! Spend a day exploring its cobblestone streets or take a ride on one of its traditional horse-drawn carriages – no matter what you choose to do, you're sure to create lasting memories with your family in this remarkable neighborhood!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best time of year to visit New Orleans with kids?
Traveling to New Orleans with your family can be an exciting and enjoyable experience! The best time of year to visit is usually in the spring when the weather is mild and there are plenty of outdoor activities like going on a swamp tour or exploring City Park.
You'll also find lots of kid-friendly events throughout the city, such as Mardi Gras celebrations, JazzFest, and many festivals. When visiting New Orleans with kids, it's important to plan ahead for any special traveling tips that you may need.
Make sure everyone has comfortable shoes for walking around town and bring sunscreen for outdoor activities. Also, consider packing snacks so you don't have to stop at every restaurant your kids want to try!
Are there any kid-friendly hotels in the area?
When looking for a kid-friendly hotel in New Orleans, you won't have to look far. Many of the hotels in the area offer a variety of kid-friendly amenities and family friendly activities.
From pool parties with games and water slides to special kids' menus at on-site restaurants, there's something for everyone. Some hotels also provide extra activities such as movie nights or arts and crafts classes.
No matter which hotel you choose, your family is sure to enjoy their stay!
Are there any good restaurants for families near these attractions?
When it comes to finding kid-friendly cuisine near family-friendly attractions in New Orleans, you can't go wrong.
Whether you're looking for an amazing pizza joint, a classic creole diner or something a little more exotic, there are plenty of great restaurants nearby that will cater to the whole family.
From cozy bistros where kids can get creative with their orders to fine dining establishments with special menus just for children, there's something for everyone in New Orleans.
Plus, many of these restaurants are also within walking distance from popular tourist attractions like the French Quarter and Mardi Gras World.
So don't forget to bring your appetite when heading out on your next family adventure!
Are there any free kid-friendly activities in the city?
We're always looking for exciting and free activities to do with the kids, and New Orleans has plenty of options!
From scenic nature trails to road trips through historic neighborhoods, there's something for everyone. For those interested in the outdoors, hiking around one of the many nature trails in and around the city is a great way to explore the local flora and fauna.
If you'd rather stay closer to home, some simple sightseeing by car can take you past old plantation homes or other important historical sites. And don't forget about all the amazing food that New Orleans has to offer - many restaurants are kid-friendly and have special menus just for children.
Whether it's a day trip or an afternoon outing, there are plenty of fun options for families looking for something unique in New Orleans!
Are there any safety concerns when visiting New Orleans with children?
When traveling to New Orleans with children, it's important to consider safety concerns.
For example, while the city is known for its vibrant culture and attractions, it is also home to large crowds, historic architecture, and a bustling nightlife.
To ensure your family has a safe and enjoyable visit, research nearby areas before visiting and use common sense when out in public.
It's also wise to look into travel tips for the area such as avoiding certain neighborhoods after dark or seeking out cultural attractions that are appropriate for kids.
We've had a great time exploring the kid-friendly things to do in New Orleans!
From the Aquarium of the Americas and Mardi Gras World to the Louisiana Children's Museum and City Park, there's something for everyone.
We especially enjoyed learning about the wildlife at Audubon Zoo – did you know it's home to more than 2,000 animals?
Whether you're looking for educational activities or family fun, there are plenty of exciting options in New Orleans.
So what are you waiting for? Plan your visit today and make unforgettable memories with your kids!
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