Font maker for facebook

Wasted gifs

2014.01.08 04:51 tara1 Wasted gifs

2017.08.05 01:17 MrF1GuyV12POWAHHH formuladank

F1 shitposts i guess Join our Discord server:

2012.01.01 02:17 nattyb79 Facebook Covers


2024.06.05 05:26 xAnonymousxGirlx Custom Enclosure Backgrounds?

Does anyone know of any US companies or makers that do custom enclosure backgrounds/inserts? I've seen the videos and tutorials on how to diy, but I'm a perfectionist and I think I'd rather just buy one over stressing on building one myself. I've tried Etsy, Facebook groups, and now trying here. I'm having a hard time finding anything even remotely local or in the US that would ship to me or has what I'm looking for.Maybe I'm not searching the right terms, idk. I'm looking for a background or insert with ledges for my bearded dragon to climb. I've got two of the 4x2x2 zen habitats side by side with the extension kit.
submitted by xAnonymousxGirlx to reptiles [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:22 DaydreamingHousecat AITA for cracking a joke about the displayed font in screenshots on a Facebook post?

In a Facebook group, a member posted several screenshots of a conversation with a religious bigot about LGBT Pride but all the text was displayed in a hard-to-read font. If you've ever seen CrappySamsungFont you'll know the one I'm talking about. At any rate, I "liked" the post and then commented that I wish I could use both the "Like" and "Angry" reaction because I enjoyed her response in the conversation, but I strongly disliked the font, which made it very difficult to read. I even indicated in the response that my comment was intended as a bit of playful joking.
She immediately responded that she hates that people focus on the font and not the message/purpose of her posts, but that she loves the font and she won't change it. I reiterate that it was intended as a joke and thank her for standing up for the LGBT community in her post, to which she responds "to say that my font is making you more angry than the bigotry and homophobia displayed is indeed triggering."
Since this is a private group and I'd rather not get suspended for a conflict, I just sucked it up and apologized while pointing out that my husband and I are LGBT (we're both trans, used to be in a lesbian relationship but he recently began his transition.) Yes, what the bigoted person said in the screenshots was frustrating and the OP did a great job of standing up for LGBT people. But as someone who has been "out" for nearly 20 years, I'm largely desensitized to most of the garbage people spout during LGBT Pride month. The fact that she wanted to share her reply but in such a difficult-to-read format was genuinely funny to me. So seriously, AITA for joking about the font?
TL;DR - Person posts screenshots from phone of a conversation in a hard-to-read font. I applauded her efforts in the conversation, but also joked about the font. This apparently triggered OP. AITA?
submitted by DaydreamingHousecat to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:45 TearKitchen5371 Launched a Salon at the end of January. This month we hit 400K in revenue.

Wanted to share our my journey of investing into a brand new salon and how we grew it to 400k in revenue in 4 months.
Sharing so others can throw in their ideas or learn something from our journey. I truly believe that 2 heads (well thousands in this case) are better than one, so share what's on your mind. The good, the bad, the ugly.
My background: I've been a freelance digital strategist/media buyer for a few years now, primarily in eCommerce and have been fortunate enough to work with some of the largest advertisers on Meta, TikTok, Snap and Google. My bread and butter is digital strategy but a big part of it is creative strategy as well.
So in October 2023 a family member finally let me advertise their Salon since it looked like they weren't going to be able to cover their business expenses that month. The salon already had a very good reputation for their work and already had an established customer base however, they had no marketing other than sending their customers DMs on FB reminding them to come over for a hair treatment.
I launched some really basic facebook ads using common direct response practices, thing before and after shots, videos, basic "tiktok" style videos etc.
It took a couple of days to optimize but by the end of the 2nd week after launch all bills were covered and they even had a little left for themselves. Ever since then I've been doing the bare minimum managing their ad campaigns.
The year ended quite well for them with them peaking at 500k in sales in December. In November they asked me and my GF if we wanted to invest into a 2nd branch in the neighboring city and after talking things over, we agreed.
Month 1 - January/February
It took us about 3 weeks to find a location, renovate, buy equipment and train 1 helper. We were able to keep everything fairly cheap and invested a total of 200K into the salon, this included everything we needed, even the chemicals used.
I was made responsible for everything digital so that included setting up a brand new page, planning all posts for the next 60 days(I just copied everything from their 1st salon and re-uploaded onto the new page), run some ads to hype up the salon etc. Overall, nothing too interesting here since it's all basically the most common things you'd want to do when setting up a new business.
Leading up the grand opening, I started running the same ads that we ran in the 1st salon just with different text. I did put a lot more focus to refine some details to make them even more direct response by changing colors, fonts, more click-baity text etc.
The 1st month was pretty stressful for everyone since we knew our fixed expenses were about 70k every month and we were really pushing hard to cover them. Everything was new, we had new people that had to be trained while doing the work etc. Finding a workflow that was efficient took us about 3 weeks, we just sucked at it lol. It got so bad I even forgot to pay an outstanding electric bill so we had 1 day where we couldn't take on new customers.
Overall the 1st month ended pretty well.
Sales - 184K
Expenses - 133K
Net - ~51K
Besides rent, salaries etc, Meta ads ended up costing us about 26K that month which is still pretty good.
Since every business is basically in the Lifetime Value game, we also took down every person's name and phone number that came to our salon. We haven't done it yet but we're planning to reach out to them every 3 months to remind them to get a hair treatment.
Every expense and customer is encoded in a google sheet and it's been our bible in providing us the exact numbers of the business.
Month 2 & 3 - March & April
So with month 2 and 3, not much changes except we were finally getting more walk-ins from people who would pass by the salon or people who saw our ads and just decided to pop in. Meta ads still contributed to the largest sales driver.
I'm a little disappointed in myself to not push harder in April eventhough the numbers justified it. Remember when I said we track everything from customer name, revenue, services they availed etc? I figured out our conversion rates from meta ads, how much each customer cost us to come into the salon, how much our average cost was in labor, overhead and materials etc.
Week over week I saw conversion rate maintain between 5% to 7%. No matter if I increased the budget slightly or decreased it. We also focused heavily on picturing and videoing all of our work. Its all used for our social media accounts plus most of them are used for our ads to stay on top of creative diversity and creative learning. Right now we've testing close to 70 creatives ranging from statics, videos, GIFs etc.
So how did we end the months?
March Sales - 204K
March Expenses - 133K
March Net - 70K
April Sales - 212k
April Expenses - 157K
April net - 54K
April we had a few more expenses as we had to replace our AC and other things coming up.
Month 4 - May
May Sales - 406k
May Expenses - 253K
May Net - 153K
So what happened in May? I believed my numbers lol
I doubled down on ads, we ended up spending 2k a day with conversion rate maintaining at about 7%. Turns out scaling from 200k to 400k in sales wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Yes there are other challenges such as not having enough space, needing to hire someone just to respond to your inquiries, morale being slightly down since it's a lot more work etc but it's sort of a poof of concept to trust the numbers.
Where to go from now? I'd like to keep the ad budget the same but this month give remarketing a try and increase sales without spending much more. We have over 450 phone numbers at this point, so we will start reaching out to them to remind them to get follow up hair treatments etc.
I just realized that this is a long ass post and I hope you didn't get too bored. Sorry for my spelling mistakes in advance lol.
Also, feel free to ask questions, I love feedback both good and bad.
submitted by TearKitchen5371 to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:54 From_Adam Drink This, Not That! Volume 6

Drink This, Not That! Volume 6
Are you getting out-tatered? Are you asking yourself why we’re going through all this nonsense to obtain bottles that not all that long ago were found on shelves everywhere? Maybe you don’t have a hookup, or maybe you’ve had to blow your rent or mortgage payment money to get a BTAC, or maybe you tented in front of a liquor store overnight because a Facebook post told you there’d be a Pappy available in the morning. Well I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be this way. It is well past time to cut through the bullshit in the whiskey world. In this series, I’m gonna review tater bottles against something I think is very comparable (or better!) but most importantly, at least slightly more findable.
I should warn you, these reviews are going to be different than what you’re used to. I’m just an average dude, like most people. And like most people, I can’t pull out a dozen tasting notes from a whiskey. It’s a blessing in a way. It makes it easier to recognize when the emperor is not wearing any clothes but since palates are fickle things, your mileage might vary.
Depending on your perspective, you’re either gonna love me for this one or hate my guts. Either is fine. It seems a fair number of you are quite protective over the Weller lineup which I suppose I get in a sense but the vitriol….man, I really do not. Don’t make whiskey your identity folks.
I’m gonna do a twofer on this one because I think my challenger does a great job of scratching the itch of both. So I guess we will call this a good old fashioned tag-team match. In the champions corner I have Weller Antique 107 AKA Old Weller Antique (OWA) and Well Full Proof. OWA weighs in at 107 proof, obviously, has no official age statement but it’s said in that six to eight year range. MSRP is in the $60 dollar range and a secondary value about double that. I traded two Eagle Rares for this one which I guess is fairish.
Well Full Proof weighs in at not-that-much different than OWA 114 proof, and again has no official age statement but is said to be at least 4 years (I really wish they were more forthcoming with this info). MSRP again is in that very reasonable $50-60 range but the secondary is significantly higher. I usually see them around that $230 mark on the Facebooks. I sampled it as a $25 2oz bar pour.
As far as the challenger goes, I really wanted to be writing about Makers Mark. MM Cask strength would have been perfect. Relatively cheap and available everywhere. I tried BEP, BRT-01 and a private barrel selection. All solid but, none of them bring the sweetness that the Weller lineup does. So when I traded for a sample of the challenger and had a drink I got pretty excited. In this corner, we have Ben Holladay Soft Red Wheat Rickhouse Proof. 120 proof and a 6 year age statement. I can get these for $85, (I know other states have it cheaper), which I admit is on the high end. I have yet to see one on the secondary market.
So, I know for some folks, Weller is their absolute jam. I got some friends like that. They speak of it as if it were ambrosia. I’m….well….I like it but I don’t love it. These are dessert bourbons to me and that’s a mood that rarely strikes. Sweet on sweet on sweet like a lot of wheaters which just aren’t my favorite. Like I said, I get the appeal. That much proof with so little ethanol harshness, there’s something to be said about that. But, like ALL of these, between the hoarders, flippers and campers, they’re almost impossible to find. Add in that BT/Saz is doing everything they can to capitalize on people that are easily separated from their money (ahem…Weller Millennium) and you’re just gonna have to rely on a lot of luck to stumble into something that was considered bottom shelf not all that long ago. (This seems like a good time to tell a story. I graduated from college in 2009. A buddy of mine worked for a liquor store that had an annual ‘penny sale’. Buy one bottle at regular price, get the second for a penny. There was a dude that came in every year and bought a case of Pappy Van Winkle 15 every year. For half off. Because it just sat on the shelf and no one really wanted it. Bless that dude because I’m sure wherever he’s at now, I’m sure he’s pissed. Hope he bought a lifetime supply when he could. Why is this relevant? Because apparently Weller is the same recipe.)
I’m not sure if it’s entirely fair to put Ben Holladay in this position. Not because I don’t consider their bourbon to be on par with Weller but because their distribution is much more limited so maybe it’s not fair to the folks looking for an alternative. I think they’re up to like a dozen or so states now? Feel free to correct me on that. And luckily mine just happens to be one of them. I think it’s nearly as sweet as the Weller lineup and also hides the ethanol pretty well, especially for 120 proof. A lot of the same caramel and floral flavors I get from the Wellers. And the good news is that it sounds like the company has plans to continue expansion. For what it’s worth the Soft Red Wheat Bottled in Bond is also a pretty solid bottle, maybe more Weller Special Reserve like and a more reasonable $55 price tag. I felt the non soft red wheat variants were just run of the mill.
In any case, with the Weller lineup being the Rainbow Unobtainium that it is, I won’t miss chasing it when I can drive down the street and grab the Ben Holladay off the shelf which I will probably do once this OWA is gone and I make some room on the whiskey shelves. Strangely enough, if Weller could be found on the shelf it would be the better value but, this is the world we live in sadly.
submitted by From_Adam to whiskey [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:12 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress free builder: Create stunning websites

WordPress Free Builder: Create Stunning Websites

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Concept of a Page Builder in WordPress
  2. A Look at Popular Free WordPress Page Builders
  3. Creating a Landing Page Using a WordPress Free Builder
  4. Customizing Your Site with Layouts
  5. Extending Functionality with Plugins and Widgets
  6. FAQ

Understanding the Concept of a Page Builder in WordPress

One of the significant advancements in web design is the development of tools that allow individuals with little or no coding experience to create stunning and functional websites. WordPress page builders are among these tools, offering a user-friendly way to design websites without writing HTML, CSS, or other code. In this guide, we will explain what WordPress builders are, review the best options, compare free and premium versions, and highlight the benefits of these tools for those who are not proficient in coding.
WordPress free builders are software tools that enable users to create and customize web pages through a graphical interface, often featuring drag-and-drop capabilities. Users do not need to write code but can design their page layouts visually, adding different elements like text blocks, images, sliders, and more. These tools are popular for their user-friendly interfaces, allowing anyone to build professional-looking websites.

Exploring the Best Free WordPress Page Builder Options

WordPress builders offer a cost-effective way to design websites. Here are some popular options:
  1. Gutenberg (Block Editor): Provides basic block-building functionality.
  2. Elementor: Known for its real-time visual editing.
  3. SiteOrigin Page Builder: Offers a simple interface with various widgets and modules.
  4. Beaver Builder: A beginner-friendly option with a wide range of templates.
  5. Brizy: Recognized for its ease of use and modern design elements.
  6. MaxiBlocks: Free and open-source, offering extensive customization options.
These tools provide various templates, layouts, and customization options, catering to different needs and preferences.

Comparing Free and Premium Version Functionality

While free WordPress builders offer substantial functionality, premium versions often provide additional advanced features, templates, and support. The choice between free and premium depends on the specific requirements of the website, budget constraints, and the desired level of customization.

Importance for Beginners with Limited Coding Skills

For beginners and those with limited coding skills, WordPress builders are a valuable asset. They bridge the gap between technical complexity and creative freedom, allowing anyone to create websites without the need for in-depth programming knowledge. By utilizing drag-and-drop functionality, intuitive interfaces, and pre-designed templates, these tools empower individuals to translate their ideas into functional and aesthetically pleasing web pages.

A Look at Popular Free WordPress Page Builders

WordPress builders have become indispensable tools, providing an efficient way to create and design websites without extensive coding knowledge. Here, we’ll explore some well-known options and introduce an open-source page builder called MaxiBlocks.

WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg Editor): An Overview

The Gutenberg editor is WordPress’s default block editor. It offers a simple interface that allows users to add and customize various content blocks, making it suitable for beginners.

Elementor: Features and Ease of Use

Elementor is known for its real-time visual editing and extensive set of features. With a user-friendly interface, it’s a favorite among many WordPress users.

MaxiBlocks: Free and Open Source

MaxiBlocks is a free and open-source WordPress builder that offers a variety of features to help users create websites more easily and efficiently. Key features include:
MaxiBlocks can be downloaded as a plugin from the WordPress plugin directory. It is compatible with the Gutenberg editor and provides blocks that can be easily added to pages.

Beaver Builder and SiteOrigin Page Builder: A Comparison

Both Beaver Builder and SiteOrigin Page Builder offer intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces. Beaver Builder is praised for its beginner-friendly templates, while SiteOrigin provides various widgets and flexibility.

Brizy and Themify Builder: New Players in the Market

Brizy and Themify Builder are emerging page builders that provide modern design elements and ease of use. They are becoming popular for their innovative features and responsiveness.

Thrive Architect and Divi Builder

Thrive Architect and Divi Builder are known for their versatility and design capabilities. These alternatives provide substantial customization options for WordPress users.

Creating a Landing Page Using a Builder

A landing page is a web page focused on a specific offer or action you want potential customers to take. Creating a landing page can be easy with a WordPress builder that allows you to design without coding. Here’s how:

Selecting a Page Builder Plugin

Choose the right WordPress builder for your needs. Tools like Elementor’s free version, Gutenberg, and MaxiBlocks offer distinct features and templates. Select one that aligns with your goals and choose a template that serves as a foundation for your landing page.

Building a Layout with Drag-and-Drop Functionality

WordPress free builders typically offer drag-and-drop functionality, allowing you to arrange elements on the page without writing code. Customize sections, add columns, and place content elements to create a visually appealing layout.

Adding Modules Such as Sliders, Testimonials, and Contact Forms

Enhance functionality with modules or widgets. Examples include:
Customize these modules to match your brand’s aesthetics and messaging.

Previewing on Desktop and Mobile Devices

Ensure your landing page is responsive by previewing it on various devices. WordPress builders often include preview options for desktop, tablet, and mobile views. Make adjustments to ensure consistency across all platforms.

Integrating with Social Media

Enhance the reach of your landing page by integrating social media platforms. Many WordPress free builders offer easy integration with sites like Facebook and Twitter, enabling you to connect with visitors on different platforms and encourage social sharing.

Customizing Your Site with Layouts

One challenge in creating a WordPress website is customizing various elements to achieve a coherent and attractive design. This section discusses how to use headers and footers, fonts and colors, themes and templates to create a site that matches your brand’s identity and aesthetic.

Headers and Footers

Headers and footers frame the content of a site and provide navigation options. WordPress themes offer tools to design and modify these elements to fit your brand’s style and the overall theme of your site.

Template Library

A template library offers ready-made layouts for different purposes. These templates give you a starting point, saving time and ensuring consistency across different pages.

Fonts and Colours

Fonts and colours create the mood and tone of your site. Most themes allow customization of these elements to represent your brand. Custom CSS input enables further adjustments for spacing, alignment, and other design details.

Real-Time Editing

Real-time editing features and front-end visual editors improve the design process, allowing you to see changes as you make them. This instant feedback helps in fine-tuning designs, ensuring that what you see in the editor is what visitors will see on the live site.

Extending Functionality with Plugins and Widgets

A website’s functionality is as important as its aesthetics. Visitors expect a site to offer features that enhance their experience. Plugins and widgets help achieve this by adding SEO optimization, social media integration, and other capabilities. Here’s how to use plugins and widgets to extend your site’s functionality.

Integrating SEO Plugins

SEO is vital for gaining visibility in search engines. Various plugins help optimize your site’s content, meta tags, and structure, ensuring good search results.

Adding Email Subscription Forms and Contact Forms

Email subscription forms and contact forms enhance interactivity and usability. Plugins enable you to display these forms, helping increase your email list and facilitating visitor communication.

Embedding YouTube Videos and Social Media

Multimedia content like YouTube videos and social media feeds make your site dynamic and engaging. Plugins allow embedding videos, Twitter feeds, Facebook posts, and other social media content, encouraging visitors to spend more time exploring.

Exploring Advanced Features with Widgets and Additional Plugins

Widgets and plugins can add advanced features and functionalities, such as custom sidebars, weather information, or eCommerce capabilities. Experiment with different widgets and plugins to achieve unique customization options for your site.

Tutorials and Resources for Beginners

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a website builder, and how does it work? A website builder is a tool that allows users to create websites without manual coding. It offers drag-and-drop functionality, templates, and other features to help design a site.
How do I choose the best WordPress theme builder for my needs? Consider factors like ease of use, features, compatibility with your theme, and community support. Some popular builders include Elementor, Divi, and WP Page Builder.
Is there a cost associated with using a page builder? Some page builder plugins are free, while others offer premium versions
with additional features. Pricing varies depending on the package you choose.
Can I use a WordPress page builder plugin with any theme? Most page builder plugins are compatible with standard themes. However, it’s advisable to check compatibility to ensure seamless integration.
What is a drag-and-drop page builder, and how does it differ from a regular builder? A drag-and-drop page builder allows you to design pages by dragging and dropping elements onto the canvas, making it user-friendly for custom layouts without coding.
How do I create a WordPress site using a page builder plugin? After installing and activating the plugin, create pages by selecting templates or building from scratch using drag-and-drop functionality. Tutorials are often available to guide beginners.
Is a WordPress website created with a page builder SEO-friendly? Yes, many WordPress page builders are designed with SEO in mind, allowing customization of meta tags, URLs, and other SEO essentials.
What are the advantages of using WP Page Builder? WP Page Builder is known for its ease of use, flexibility, and extensive template library, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

Additional Resources

By using WordPress page builders, you can create stunning, functional websites without any coding knowledge. These tools empower users to bring their creative visions to life with ease and efficiency.
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:07 CathedralVillageCA Cathedral Holiday Craft Market vendor registration open

Cathedral Holiday Craft Market vendor registration open
Hey Folks,
The Cathedral Holiday Craft Market has opened up registration for vendor tables. The market is Saturday, November 16 from 10am to 4pm.
If you or anyone you know is a crafter or a maker looking to get your wares out to the public, this is a great opportunity. At $60, the tables are pretty reasonable. And the event is so popular, we've had to expand it into TWO venues: the Cathedral Neighbourhood Centre AND both floors of the Westminster Church hall.
Please note, we do curate booths to make sure that what's being sold is actually hand made by the vendors and not imported brick-a-brack or whatever.
The Cathedral Holiday Craft Market is a fundraiser to support the programs and activities of the Cathedral Village Community Association.
Deadline to register for a table is November 16 but we usually sell out of tables well before that, so sign up early.
You can register for a table through our website at
(Incidentally… last year, after we'd sold out of tables, we had A LOT of scammers hitting our facebook page pretending to be from our association and saying they had tables available if you DM'ed them. Apparently, this happened to several community associations. The scammers were so thick, we actually contacted RPS's fraud unit about them. So…I want to clarify that we NEVER book tables or sell tickets to events or anything like that through facebook comments or comment sections anywhere. If you see someone posing as a representative of our association on social media, please give us a heads up.)
submitted by CathedralVillageCA to regina [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:54 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress themes for carpet cleaners: Download with demo content

WordPress Block Themes for Carpet Cleaners: Download with Demo Content

A Predesigned Carpet Cleaning WordPress Template
Create a professional homepage for your carpet cleaning service with a structured design and a color scheme combining white backgrounds, orange accents, and black text. A well-designed website is essential for showcasing your services and attracting customers. With MaxiBlocks, you can easily customize your website to reflect your brand’s uniqueness.

The Top Banner

Background Image: The banner features a vibrant image of a carpet cleaning process. The cleaner is moving across a colorful mess, highlighting the effectiveness of the service. The lighting draws attention to the cleaning action.
Text Overlay: A semi-transparent white rectangle provides a clean space for text. The primary message reads, “Carpet Cleaning – The Professional Carpet Cleaners” in a large, bold, sans-serif typeface.
Subtext: Beneath the main text is, “Clean, soft, walk-on dry carpet now with electro-shield anti-microbial protection,” emphasizing the benefits of the cleaning process.
Call to Action: An orange button labeled “Read More” invites viewers to learn more about the services offered.
Customizing the Top Banner:
  1. Image: Choose a high-quality photo reflecting your brand’s quality.
  2. Text: Showcase your unique value proposition, such as same-day service or eco-friendly products.
  3. Call to Action: Update the button text to something action-oriented like “Get a Free Quote!” or “Schedule Your Cleaning Today!”

The Service Features Section

Images: Each image visually represents a specific cleaning service, such as spotless carpets, gleaming tiles, and well-maintained upholstery.
Captions: Concise captions beneath each image provide titles for the services, including “Carpet Steam Cleaning,” “Upholstery Cleaning,” “Rug Cleaning,” and more.
Layout: The images are arranged in a symmetrical 3x2 grid, creating a neat and organized appearance.
Color Scheme: Natural colors in the photographs align with the company’s branding message, enhancing readability and visual appeal.
Customizing the Service Features:
  1. Images: Use high-quality photos showcasing your cleaning expertise.
  2. Captions: Edit captions to clearly describe the services you offer.
  3. Layout and Color: Maintain a clean and organized layout with natural colors to reflect a fresh, clean environment.

The Numbers Section

Numerical Indicators: Bold numbers like “150,” “349,” “218,” and “650” represent key performance metrics, such as satisfied customers, years in business, trained professionals, and cleaned homes.
Descriptions: Brief, readable descriptors under each number provide context.
Layout: Clean and straightforward, allowing for quick scanning and easy understanding of the company’s track record.
Customizing the Numbers Section:
  1. Highlight Milestones: Showcase recent achievements or specific cleaning milestones.
  2. Update Stats: Regularly update with the most current figures.

The Call to Action (CTA)

Background Image: A close-up photo of hands carefully straightening a rug corner, emphasizing attention to detail.
Text Content: A strong call to action, “Get a Free Quote Today,” with a follow-up statement offering a 14-day satisfaction guarantee.
Button: An orange “Read More” button that stands out against the background.
Customizing the CTA:
  1. Offer: Consider adding special offers like a “Free Carpet Inspection.”
  2. Language: Personalize the guarantee to address common customer concerns.
  3. Design: Ensure the text is clear, concise, and packed with value.

The Unique Selling Points Section

Icons: Four icons visually represent unique selling points, such as health guarantees and rapid dry technology.
Descriptions: Concise text under each icon elaborates on the service features.
Design Layout: Icons and descriptions are arranged in a clean, orderly grid.
Customizing the Unique Selling Points:
  1. Identify Unique Features: Highlight what sets you apart, such as eco-friendly solutions or expert stain removal.
  2. Icons: Use relevant icons that represent your unique services.
  3. Descriptions: Edit descriptions to be clear and benefit-oriented.

The Pricing Plans Section

Layout and Design: Three service packages displayed in separate cards, with clear titles like “Student,” “Professional,” and “Advanced.”
Price Tags: Prominently displayed prices with a list of included features.
Call to Action Buttons: Each card has a bright orange “Subscribe” button.
Customizing the Pricing Plans:
  1. Audience Segments: Structure plans to attract different customer segments.
  2. Feature Lists: Highlight all included services.
  3. Promotions: Consider offering discounts or special introductory offers.

The Footer

Color Scheme: A vibrant orange background with white text and icons.
Menu Links: Quick navigation to important pages like “About,” “Work,” “Staff,” and “Products.”
Social Media Icons: Links to platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Customizing the Footer:
  1. Add Links: Include links to key pages like “Contact Us” or special promotions.
  2. Social Media: Ensure icons link to your actual profiles.
  3. Keep Current: Update the copyright notice to reflect the current year.

FAQs for Professional Carpet Cleaning Service Website

What is MaxiBlocks? MaxiBlocks is a tool that simplifies customizing and managing your website. It allows you to easily modify pre-designed templates to match your brand’s unique needs.
Can I customize the top banner on my website? Yes, you can update the background image, edit the main headline, and tweak the subheading to highlight your service’s benefits.
How do I personalize the service features section? Select high-quality images and edit the captions to accurately represent the services you offer.
How do I display my company’s achievements in the numbers section? Update the numerical indicators with your latest company statistics.
Can the call to action (CTA) be edited? Absolutely. You can refine the text and adjust the button color to ensure it stands out.
How do I highlight my unique selling points? Replace generic icons with ones that best represent your unique benefits and tailor the descriptions.
Is it possible to customize the pricing plans section? Yes, edit the plan titles, prices, and included features to reflect your service offerings.
How can I make the footer more effective? Add or update links to important pages, ensure social media icons link to your profiles, and keep your copyright notice current.
What’s the best way to keep my website’s design cohesive and appealing? Use consistent colors, fonts, and layouts, and regularly update content to keep it fresh.

Additional Resources

Official WordPress Website: WordPress Codex: WordPress Theme Directory: MaxiBlocks: YouTube Channel: MaxiBlocks YouTube GitHub: MaxiBlocks GitHub
By using these tips and MaxiBlocks, you can create a professional, user-friendly website for your carpet cleaning service that stands out and attracts customers.
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:47 apps-1 React Native Low-Code Development


In today’s fast-paced digital environment, enterprises are constantly seeking ways to accelerate application development while maintaining high standards of quality and performance. React Native, a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications, combined with low-code development platforms, offers a powerful solution to meet these needs. This analysis explores the benefits, use cases, challenges, and future prospects of using React Native for low-code application development.

Understanding React Native and Low-Code Development

React Native

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook for building mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It enables developers to write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platforms, significantly reducing development time and effort.

Low-Code Development

Low-code development platforms allow users to create applications through visual interfaces, minimizing the need for extensive hand-coding. These platforms offer pre-built components, drag-and-drop tools, and automation features that streamline the development process and make it accessible to non-developers.

Benefits of Combining React Native with Low-Code Development

1. Accelerated Development Cycles

The combination of React Native and low-code platforms enables rapid development and deployment of mobile applications. By using pre-built components and visual tools, developers can quickly assemble and iterate on their applications, reducing time-to-market.

2. Cost Efficiency

Low-code platforms reduce the need for specialized coding skills, lowering development costs. React Native’s cross-platform capabilities further enhance cost efficiency by eliminating the need to maintain separate codebases for iOS and Android.

3. High Performance and Native Feel

React Native allows developers to create applications with near-native performance. This ensures that applications built with low-code platforms retain high performance and deliver a seamless user experience.

4. Enhanced Collaboration

Low-code platforms democratize application development, enabling business users and developers to collaborate more effectively. React Native’s modular architecture supports this by allowing teams to work on different components of the application simultaneously.

5. Scalability and Maintenance

Applications built with React Native are inherently scalable due to its component-based architecture. Low-code platforms further enhance scalability by providing tools for easy updates and maintenance, ensuring that applications can evolve with business needs.

Key Features of React Native Low-Code Platforms

1. Visual Development Environment

Low-code platforms offer a drag-and-drop interface that allows users to build applications visually. This simplifies the development process and makes it accessible to non-developers.

2. Pre-Built Components and Templates

A library of pre-built components and templates tailored for mobile development accelerates the creation of common functionalities, such as navigation, forms, and data integration.

3. Integration Capabilities

React Native low-code platforms provide robust integration capabilities, allowing applications to connect with existing systems, APIs, and third-party services seamlessly.

4. Customization Options

While low-code platforms minimize the need for hand-coding, they still offer customization options for advanced users. Developers can add custom logic and extend the functionality of pre-built components as needed.

5. Testing and Debugging Tools

Integrated testing and debugging tools help ensure the quality and reliability of applications. These tools automate testing processes and provide real-time feedback to developers.

Use Cases in Enterprises

1. Customer-Facing Applications

Enterprises can use React Native low-code platforms to quickly develop and deploy customer-facing applications, such as mobile banking apps, e-commerce platforms, and customer service portals. These applications benefit from high performance and a seamless user experience across platforms.

2. Internal Tools and Dashboards

React Native low-code platforms enable the rapid creation of internal tools and dashboards for data management, reporting, and workflow automation. These tools can be customized to meet specific business needs and integrated with existing systems.

3. Employee Engagement and Productivity Apps

Companies can build mobile applications to enhance employee engagement and productivity, such as communication tools, task management apps, and training platforms. Low-code development allows for quick iterations and feature additions based on employee feedback.

4. Legacy System Modernization

Modernizing legacy systems is a significant challenge for many enterprises. React Native low-code platforms can help bridge the gap by providing modern interfaces and functionalities while integrating with existing backend systems.

Challenges and Considerations

1. Customization Limitations

While low-code platforms offer significant advantages in terms of speed and cost, there may be limitations in terms of deep customization. Enterprises with highly specialized requirements may need to balance the convenience of low-code development with traditional coding to achieve the desired level of customization.

2. Security and Compliance

Ensuring that applications built on low-code platforms meet security and compliance standards is crucial. Enterprises must implement robust security practices and regularly audit their applications to protect sensitive data.

3. Performance Optimization

Although React Native offers near-native performance, certain complex applications may still require native development for optimal performance. Enterprises need to evaluate the performance requirements of their applications and decide the appropriate balance between React Native and native development.

4. Integration Complexities

Integrating low-code applications with existing systems and third-party services can be complex. Ensuring seamless data flow and compatibility requires careful planning and execution.

Future Prospects

1. AI and Machine Learning Integration

The integration of AI and machine learning capabilities into React Native low-code platforms will open new possibilities for intelligent automation, predictive analytics, and personalized user experiences.

2. Expansion of Pre-Built Component Libraries

The library of pre-built components and templates will continue to grow, covering a wider range of use cases and industries. This expansion will further reduce development time and increase the versatility of low-code platforms.

3. Enhanced Collaboration Features

Future developments will likely focus on improving collaboration features, enabling seamless communication and cooperation between developers, business users, and other stakeholders.

4. Continuous Improvement in Low-Code Platforms

Ongoing improvements in low-code platforms will enhance their capabilities, offering more customization options, better performance, and stronger security features. This evolution will further cement their role in enterprise application development.


Combining React Native with low-code development platforms offers a powerful solution for enterprises seeking to accelerate application development while maintaining high standards of quality and performance. The benefits include rapid development cycles, cost efficiency, high performance, and enhanced collaboration. While challenges such as customization limitations and security concerns exist, the future prospects are promising, with advancements in AI integration, expanded component libraries, and enhanced collaboration features. By leveraging React Native low-code platforms, enterprises can stay competitive, innovate quickly, and meet the evolving needs of their customers in a dynamic digital landscape.
Read more:
Wave maker
Rapid application development platform
Low-code Enterprise application development platform
Low code application development platform or Low code development platform
What is Low code app development platforms
Composable low code isvs
Java-based low-code platform
Composable isvs
RAD studio-Rapid application development software platform
APAAS-application platform as a service
Cloud application development platform
Legacy application modernization services
React-native cross-platform mobile application development platform
Compare Wavemaker vs Outsystems vs mendix vs power apps — low code alternatives and its pricing
New application development platform
Rapid application development model
Low-code for consumable Banking and financial Low-code platform solutions
Internal api vs external apis
Rapid application development vs SDLC
Custom application development platform
Embedded banking and Finance, Low-Code and the Emerging Face of Adaptability
BAAS-Banking as a service
Composable Low-code banking solutions
Telecom low code platform
Alternative to Xamarin and Cordova
Legacy application modernization platform
Cross-Platform React Native Mobile App Development
submitted by apps-1 to customapi [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:02 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress blog

Making Your Mark: Creating a Successful WordPress Blog

Table of Contents
  1. How Do Blogs Work on WordPress?
  2. Choosing a Niche for Your WordPress Blog
  3. Selecting a Domain Name and Hosting Provider for Your WordPress Blog
  4. Installing WordPress and Setting Up Your Blog
  5. Choosing and Customizing a Theme for Your WordPress Blog
  6. Installing Plugins and Optimizing Your WordPress Blog’s Functionality
  7. Implementing SEO Best Practices on Your WordPress Blog
  8. Utilizing Social Media and Promotion Strategies for Your WordPress Blog
  9. Engaging with Readers and Building a Community on Your WordPress Blog
  10. Conclusion
1. How Do Blogs Work on WordPress? WordPress blogs allow you to connect with like-minded people by sharing your thoughts and ideas, driving traffic to your website, and building relationships with other bloggers and influencers.
2. Choosing a Niche for Your WordPress Blog
What is a Niche? A niche is the specific topic or subject matter that your blog focuses on. Popular niches include:
Importance of Defining Your WordPress Blog’s Purpose Defining your blog’s purpose is crucial for:
3. Selecting a Domain Name and Hosting Provider for Your WordPress Blog
Tips for Choosing a Domain Name Your domain name should:
Comparing Hosting Providers for Your WordPress Blog Ensure the hosting provider offers comprehensive documentation, high uptime, fast server speeds, and excellent customer support. Check for compatibility with WordPress and additional features that enhance user experience.
4. Installing WordPress and Setting Up Your Blog
Installing WordPress Choose the right hosting provider and domain name for smooth functioning. After installing WordPress, select a theme that matches your blog’s tone. Customize features like menus, widgets, and plugins to enhance user experience. Optimize your site’s speed and SEO for better search engine ranking.
Customizing Your WordPress Dashboard
5. Choosing and Customizing a Theme for Your WordPress Blog
Where to Find High-Quality WordPress Themes
Customizing Your Theme’s Layout and Preview Select a responsive theme that works on all devices and browsers. Customize fonts, colors, header images, logos, templates, navigation menus, homepage layouts, and social media sharing buttons. Consider integrating an online store with the WooCommerce plugin if needed.
6. Installing Plugins and Optimizing Your WordPress Blog’s Functionality
Must-Have Plugins for WordPress Bloggers
Optimizing Your WordPress Blog’s Speed and SEO
7. Implementing SEO Best Practices on Your WordPress Blog
Overview of WordPress SEO Features Focus on creating valuable content, improving user experience with internal linking, and using responsive design. Conduct keyword research and incorporate relevant keywords into your content.
Keyword Research and Optimization Techniques Identify relevant keywords and use them in titles, meta descriptions, and content. Long-tail keywords can capture niche audiences. Update existing content with new keywords to improve rankings.
8. Utilizing Social Media and Promotion Strategies for Your WordPress Blog
Creating a Social Media Strategy for Your Blog Use a content calendar for consistent posting and engage with followers using visuals like infographics or videos. Incorporate relevant and trending hashtags to increase visibility across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Tips for Promoting Your Posts on Social Media Post when your audience is active and respond to comments and inquiries. Consider using paid advertising to reach a wider audience.
9. Engaging with Readers and Building a Community on Your WordPress Blog
Strategies for Building a Loyal Reader Base Post regularly and interact with your audience. Respond to feedback, collaborate with other bloggers, and offer exclusive content or rewards to retain loyal readers.
Conclusion Creating a successful WordPress blog involves careful planning, choosing the right niche, customizing your theme, installing essential plugins, and implementing SEO best practices. Engaging with your audience and promoting your content through social media are key strategies to build a loyal readership and grow your blog.
submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:46 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress Icon Library with 14 000 SVG icons and shapes library

Key Takeaways:

Introduction to SVG Icons and Shapes

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) utilize XML to create images that remain clear at any size, making them perfect for responsive web design. Their versatility allows for dynamic and interactive elements, enhancing user engagement.

What are SVG Icons and How Do They Enhance Web Design?

SVG Icons are vector-based images that improve web design through scalability, smaller file sizes, and interactive capabilities. They serve both functional and decorative purposes, enhancing navigation, social media engagement, and overall aesthetics.

Incorporating the Maxi SVG Library in Web Design

MaxiBlocks Template Library presents the MaxiBlocks WordPress icon SVG library, offering over 13,000 icons for creative and polished web designs. These icons can be customized in color and size, supporting stroke line and filled shapes preferences, facilitating a wide range of design needs.

Using SVG Icons and Shapes Effectively

SVG Icons and Shapes can be utilized across various website sections, such as headers, services, product pages, and footers, to visually communicate information and guide user interactions. Key considerations include maintaining visual balance and ensuring icons complement the content.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to SVG Icons and Shapes
  2. Introducing the Maxi SVG Library
  3. Customization
  4. Enhancing Your Website Design with SVG Icons

Introduction to SVG Icons and Shapes

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) utilize XML to create vector-based images. Unlike raster images like JPEGs or PNGs, SVGs use mathematical equations for lines, contours, and colors, allowing them to be resized without loss of clarity. This makes them ideal for web design, ensuring images look great on all device sizes.
SVG icons and shapes are perfect for web design because of their scalability and versatility. They can be resized, colored, and altered with CSS, and are used for functional elements like buttons and navigation, as well as decorative pieces to direct user attention.
Incorporating SVG icons and shapes into web design offers multiple benefits:

Examples of Common SVG Icons Used in Web Design

Navigation Icons: Menu (hamburger), arrows for pagination, and home icons. Social Media Icons: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube. Interactive Icons: Play, pause, skip buttons for multimedia content. E-commerce Icons: Shopping carts, credit card logos, shipping options. Utility Icons: Search (magnifying glass), user profiles, settings (gear icons). Accessibility Icons: Wheelchair symbols, font size adjustments. Informational Icons: Question marks for help, bell icons for notifications.

Understanding SVG Shapes

SVG Shapes include:
SVG Shapes like rectangles, circles, ellipses, and polygons are used to create visual interest. For example:

Introducing the Maxi SVG Library

MaxiBlocks Template Library includes the Maxi SVG library, offering over 13,000 designer icons and 100 style cards. The variety of filled icons, line icons, and shape SVGs enhances the web design process.


Customization of icons includes:

Enhancing Your Website Design with SVG Icons

Feature Lists: SVG icons make feature lists engaging and visually appealing. Offset Headings and Sections: Icons capture attention and break up text. Storytelling: Icons illustrate steps or actions, creating an interactive experience. Menu Navigation: The hamburger icon for mobile navigation. Social Media Sharing: Icons for social media platforms. Download or Save: Downward arrow for downloads. Search Functionality: Magnifying glass for search boxes. Email or Contact: Envelope icon for contact sections. Play/Pause in Multimedia: Recognizable icons for multimedia control. Navigation Arrows: Arrows for galleries or sliders. Attract Attention: Icons draw attention to special elements or actions. Understand the Meaning: Icons communicate messages visually. Save Visual Space: Icons save space on screens. Make a Connection with the User: Icons build a bond with users.
Proper implementation and clear affordances are crucial for maximizing the impact and usability of icons. Too many icons or misaligned ones can confuse users, affecting the site's effectiveness.

Strategic Placement of SVG Icons

Header Section: Use SVG symbols for logos and menu items. Services Section: Illustrate services with icons. Product Page: Highlight features with icons. Footer Section: Use icons for social media, contact information.
Balance and Visual Hierarchy: Ensure icons are appropriately sized and support the text. Icons should be placed near related content for a clear connection.

Additional Resources

submitted by Pristine-Spring-4724 to Website_builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 10:00 AutoModerator /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers Weekly Collaboration Thread

Welcome to the /WeAreTheMusicMakers Weekly Collaboration Thread! If you're looking for help with, or wanting to pitch in on a project, post up your details here. Other threads looking for collaboration will be deleted and redirected here.
This thread is active for one week after it's posted, at which point it is automatically replaced.


Other Weekly Threads (most recent at the top):

Questions, comments, suggestions? Hit us up!
submitted by AutoModerator to WeAreTheMusicMakers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:13 SuitablePhase7663 HOW TO BREAK ANKLES WITH Q (and other tips I find useful) ((very important))

Hello all. I will try to make this brief. I call it:
Wiggle the Q at the beginning, then just aim right for them, or the direction they instinctively dodge in.
This is super useful when you see the enemies going for CS, especially cannon minions.
Switch targets unpredictably for a total of 4 ankles broken. Eventually, they will both become crippled and numbed to your Q, and might even give up on trying to dodge it altogether.
They will spend more time focused on trying to outsmart your skillshot than actually laning, and it potentially makes you a bigger threat than your adc.
All you have to master after this is knowing the exact time when the projectile goes turbo. Once you get the timing down, the rift is your oyster.
Just be careful of those pesky enemy jg/mids camping you after their bot is 0/4/0 5 minutes in. Always keep an eye on the minimap, and ping the missing enemies if your lane is pushing hard early. You don't have to fully focus on the lane because you aren't really zoning, so there's no excuse to not be able to split your attention after throwing out Qs.
Exhaust, Heal
Aery, Manaflow, Absolute Focus, Gathering Storm, Font of Life, Revitalize, Double adaptive, Tenacity
Dream Maker, Mandate, (early Oblivion Orb after Bandleglass if you're against Milio, Soraka, Nami, Sona, Seraphine, other enemies that might have stupid healing, etc.) Dawncore, Moonstone, Ardent, Redemption
CHECK ADC SUMMONERS. It's better if they go Ghost/Cleanse (if they ACTUALLY know how to use it and don't mistake it for heal) than double Heal or Ignite.
PICK YUUMI AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. Switch your way up the pick order, as it helps your team get counter-picks, and pretty much forces the enemy to try to counter-pick you instead. Prioritize top as that lane gets dumpstered the hardest in counter-picks, and is hardest to comeback from when they're behind.
Your level 2 is a lot more threatening than theirs because you effectively have all your skills available 1 level earlier. Safely help your adc get the first 1 1/2 waves without getting hard cc'd by engage supports (Blitz, Naut, Morgana, Thresh, Leona, Taric, etc.)
Get used to playing off lock-screen when aiming at enemies. If an engage looks good, your adc will flash preemptively in to close the distance, and if you're still in lock-screen, this can potentially add some unwanted wiggles to your aim. Try to keep the center of the screen on your target because the hitbox is a lot smaller than you think.
Actually exit your adc when a minor 2v2 breaks out early. Yuumi autos really do add up, and give your adc more confidence in fights. If you can, use your Q and E BEFORE leaving to give your adc that extra push without the healing on-hit. Make sure to take notes of what hard cc they have available, and don't be afraid to take some damage. If you end up getting focused, they usually end up wasting too much, and your adc comes out on top. If your adc dies in the middle of the lane, you're dead anyway, might as well get some scratches in.
If the lane is looking risky and your adc can't even walk up for cs, you can proc the Atlas passive on minions if you execute the minion with Q.
Abandon ship ASAP (preferably after they use their hard cc to catch the adc) if a gank looks grim, and bolt to your tower. Sometimes after they kill the adc, they will try to dive you foolishly, and that's when you E yourself, auto, and throw that nasty Q to slow them inside tower range. Make sure to wait for them to damage you, and focus on whoever the tower is targeting. Trust me, so many people greed for a solo Yuumi, and it gets them killed, or force a flash instead.
Another pointer on aiming the Q during laning- angle the Q perpendicular to the majority of the minions, and then a little bit before the acceleration, do a fast 'n furious curve to snipe them. This works especially well if they try to dodge into the minions, as it forces them to reposition closer to your adc and potentially get their autos/combo off. If they hit your adc, minions will re-aggro, and the lane will become yours.
MAX W SECOND. This is such a huge point I can't stress it enough. The heal/shield power is just too good to pass up, and the on-hit healing lets your adc lane/fight a little more comfortably as they know they can take safer engages/trades because they can just heal themselves up. Sometimes, if your adc is getting poked too much, you might want to put an extra point in W at level 4 to keep the sustain up. The only time I would max W first is if the enemy actually outsmarts your wiggle consistently. Some enemies end up playing so passively that you might even max Q last.
When fighting dragon/baron/herald, aim Q directly away from the objective, then immediately point towards it to (pretty much) guarantee the empowered damage. Sometimes, you gotta give it a split-second to gain some distance if your partner is too close to the target. Switch to jungler for a quick E because they're tanking the damage, and it might come in handy to keep them healthier if enemies decide to collapse.
Sometimes, you want to bait them into using their CC on you, so you fake-out an exit, then quickly re-enter your adc. Don't repeat this too often because of the long early cooldown. This is very risky and requires a little bit of conditioning/patience before getting good at it. It is VERY likely the support will try to flash CC you just to get a free kill if you aren't careful, but if done properly, you might even waste their flash for being too antsy to kill you.
:BEST ADCS TO YUUMI WITH: (IMO, kind of in order)
:WORST ADCS TO YUUMI WITH: (IMO, can't be ordered)
submitted by SuitablePhase7663 to yuumimains [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:11 enoumen A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations June 03 2024: 🤯Windows AI feature is a security 'disaster'👥Zoom CEO wants AI clones in meetings 🔧Nvidia and AMD unveil next generation AI chips as competition heats up 🔊ElevenLabs' Text to Sound AI wows creators 🎮 Nvidia announces an AI gaming assistant

A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations June 01-03 2024:

🤯 Windows AI feature is a security 'disaster'

👥 Zoom CEO wants AI clones in meetings

🔧 Nvidia and AMD unveil next generation AI chips as competition heats up

🎮 Nvidia announces an AI gaming assistant

📢 Nvidia CEO drops a series of AI announcements

🚀 AMD outlined new chip architecture strategy

🔊 ElevenLabs' Text to Sound AI wows creators

Enjoying these daily and weekly AI updates, subscribe to our podcast at ‎AI Unraveled: Latest AI News & Trends, GPT, Gemini, Generative AI, LLMs, Prompt, AI Bedtime Stories on Apple Podcasts

🤯 Windows AI feature is a security 'disaster'

👥 Zoom CEO wants AI clones in meetings

Nvidia and AMD unveil next generation AI chips as competition heats up

🔧 Nvidia and AMD unveil next generation AI chips as competition heats up

🎮 Nvidia announces an AI gaming assistant

📢 Nvidia CEO drops a series of AI announcements

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang revealed the company's ambitious plans for annual AI accelerator upgrades, targeting a broader range of industries to expand its customer base.
Why does it matter?
These announcements show how eager Nvidia is to retain its position as a leader in the AI hardware market. In addition to pushing the acceleration of AI chips, Nvidia is developing new tools to shape AI's implementation in multiple sectors.

🚀 AMD outlined new chip architecture strategy

AMD CEO Lisa Su introduced new AI processors at Computex, including the MI325X accelerator, set to be available in Q4 2024.
With AMD and Nvidia moving to annual release cycles, the competition is heating up to meet the soaring demand for AI semiconductors.
Why does it matter?
AMD's aggressive push to challenge Nvidia's market leadership could lead to increased innovation, lower prices, and more widespread adoption of AI across various sectors.

🔊 ElevenLabs' Text to Sound AI wows creators

ElevenLabs introduces Text to Sound, an AI model that generates sound effects, instrumental tracks, soundscapes, and character voices from text prompts. The tool aims to help film, TV, video games, and social media creators produce high-quality audio content quickly and affordably.
They have partnered with Shutterstock to fine-tune the model using their diverse audio library of licensed tracks. Users can generate sound effects by logging in, describing the desired sound, and downloading the best results.
Note: This tool doesn't have a content filter and can generate any raw content through conditional prompting.
Why does it matter?
It could significantly reduce production costs and timelines by simplifying the development of high-quality sound effects, music, and voices, encouraging smaller studios and individual creators to compete with larger players.

What Else Is Happening in AI on June 03rd 2024

xAI is developing two new modes for the Grok AI chatbot

These two new modes are ‘Socrates' and 'DEI' (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). Grok currently offers normal mode, fun mode, and the recently announced 'Unhinged' mode. In DEI mode, Grok will act as a 'Senior VP of Diversity and Inclusion' and provide correct answers even to incorrect questions. The function of the 'Socrates' mode is not yet clear. The release date for these new modes has not been confirmed. (

Sony Pictures CEOannounces AI plans for better movie and TV production

The move comes amid negotiations between Hollywood's major crew union and top studios. While union agreements will define the extent of AI use in the industry, the tech is already eliminating jobs in Hollywood, particularly in voice acting, concept art, VFX, and postproduction. (

Arm predicts 100 Billion devices AI-ready by 2025

According to CEO Rene Haas at the Computex forum in Taipei, Arm Holdings expects a staggering 100 billion Arm devices worldwide to be primed for artificial intelligence by the end of 2025. (

Meta's AI generates bizarre summaries of Facebook comments on various posts

The AI picks up on both serious and lighthearted comments, often highlighting the more outlandish ones. It's unclear how Meta chooses which posts to display these summaries on. However, the summaries have raised privacy concerns, as Meta feeds user comments into its AI system. (

Finnish startup Binit is developing an AI household waste tracker

The gadget, designed to be mounted in the kitchen, has cameras and sensors to scan items before throwing them away. Binit uses OpenAI's GPT for image recognition, achieving nearly 98% accuracy in trash recognition. The app provides analytics, feedback, and gamification to encourage users to reduce waste, with tests showing a 40% reduction in mixed bin waste. (

Latest AI Tools on June 03rd 2024:

Latest AI Jobs on June 03rd 2024:

Enjoying these daily and weekly AI updates, subscribe to our podcast at ‎AI Unraveled: Latest AI News & Trends, GPT, Gemini, Generative AI, LLMs, Prompt, AI Bedtime Stories on Apple Podcasts

submitted by enoumen to u/enoumen [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 16:59 Dprovince New Home Lab Follies

So…..Amazon packages started arriving. Waited till everything was delivered to start the unpacking. Good news nothing was missing or broken. I laid everything out on the dining room table. Let the follies begin:
First: Ordered wrong thermometer (distilling hydrometer). Ordered the next one. It was wrong (triple scale hydrometer). Ordered the third one but had to first research if I needed a partial or submersible. That took an hour. It’s a Partial and delivering Tuesday. Hope it’s the right one. Guess I’ll start my brewing and alcohol distilling hobby sooner than originally planned.
Second issue: Two stands actually didn’t arrive. Coming in on Wednesday. So since I didn’t have the right thermometer, I used the two stands that did deliver to setup soxhlet to extract some capsaicin from some dried Carolina Reapers I ordered. Got it all setup and realized I didn’t order tubing to run the water hoses. Then I needed to figure out what size and types of hoses. Ordered food grade 3/8” ID tubing. Delivers Tuesday.
Third: while trying to figure out what size tubing to order, I realized that the water pump I ordered has a 1/2” ID outlet. So…….I ordered some 1/2” ID food grade tubing and a barbed brass 1/2” male to 3/8” barbed male connector. It also comes in on Tuesday.
And lastly, thought for sure we had plain coffee filters to use with my ceramic vacuum funnel to filter out some mushrooms I have sitting in ethanol. But of course, we haven’t used a coffee maker that uses paper filters in years so had to place another order. Those came in today.
Hopefully I’ll be up and running by midweek. Taking this time to dehydrate some Chinese peppers I bought in China town and also making beef jerky. Also have my colloidal silver running and my first 1000 ml of product should be ready in the morning but of course the 2 ounce blue bottles I ordered to package the colloidal silver in were actually 2 ml bottles. The reordered 2 ounce bottles come in on Wednesday!
Did start working on Facebook store page. That’s going well. 🤣
Hope my wife doesn’t smother me in my sleep when the Amazon truck shows up again!
More to come (I’m sure)
submitted by Dprovince to bizzybees [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 15:11 Super_Bad_64 Another brick in the wall

Cast of characters:
$Me: (Soon to be ex-)medio(c)r(e) sysadmin, PFY without the P, or Y. Mild streaks of BOFH. $Company: A magical place that pays me to convert above-average quality coffee into configuration files. $User: Narrative device. They are legion and largely interchangeable in this story. 
It's a relatively cold Wednesday morning for this late in spring. We have just finished moving into a new location, and the ride has been bumpy to say the least. Nothing that by itself would warrant a post here, besides this one.
I'm opening shop at 8AM, and like any overworked and underpaid mook, want to start my day with a cup of life-saving bean juice. I've just recently signed my conventional termination, but still intend on mooching on every last drop of coffee I'm legally entitled to as part of $Company. Unfortunately, the mighty Font of Ink-Black Dark Thiccquid had other plans and proceeded to experience a mechanical failure (I believe something somehow jammed in the water path).
I don't think much of it. Too early and not caffeinated enough to get angy. I just grab a post-it from a nearby office, write "Out of order (water nozzle jammed)", pull out the backup grounds-and-filter coffee pot from retirement, and set a pot brewing. Still bleary-eyed, I go on to do my rounds and turn on whatever needs to be, letting the coffee pot work its thermodynamics-based magic process.
About 20 minutes later I come downstairs to reap the fruits of the machine's work, and run into $User, who had removed the out-of-order post-it note from the other machine and is staring confusingly at it while it fails to push any liquid through its nozzle. I fscking wonder why.
I calmly explain what's happening with the machine, put the post-it back in place, instruct $User to use the coffee pot instead, and just in case leave the broken machine unplugged. Should have unplugged it in the first place, but eh. $User proceeds to remove the almost empty coffee pot, put their mug under the drip feeder mechanism thingy, and watch a couple runaway droplets make their way into it before wondering aloud why it's not dispensing coffee. Goddamn I feel old.
One further explanation on the operating principles of the coffee pot later, I'm back at my desk, one steaming cup of coffee in hand, and get on with my day. Fast forward a couple hours later when I feel a renewed bean juice craving. Guess what's up downstairs.
It's a different $User, who also removed the notice on the broken coffee machine, went through the trouble of replugging it, and is just as dumbfounded when it isn't dispensing death-staving potions. Once again, I explain the situation, add some vague coffee pot operation instructions, and pour myself a (largely cold by now) cup while I'm here. $User proceeds to ask me what I plan to do about it.
Sarcasm got the better of me and I jokingly said that the coffee maker doesn't have enough networking capabilities to fall under my contractual dominion.
So anyways, the new coffee maker is now on our wi-fi for some godforsaken reason. FML.
submitted by Super_Bad_64 to talesfromtechsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 12:14 Honeysyedseo Hate Creating SOPs? This Tool Automates Everything for You in 2024

If you own a business and you HATE creating SOP’s, onboarding documents, and other resources for new employees and clients…
Then you’re not going to want to miss this article because I have found a solution to it that anyone can use to automate 100% of this.
Creating bulletproof onboarding systems (for both employees and clients) will save you ENORMOUS amounts of time in the long term.
If you’re a freelancer with no employees and a small handful of clients…processes are probably not that big of a deal.
But when you’re bringing in 30+ clients per month and managing a team of 20 employees…
Poor systems will make things incredibly confusing for new hires and new clients (especially when you’re scaling fast).
So in this article I’m going to break down a new tool that I started using to create SOP’s.
I recently started using a chrome plug-in tool called Guidde that completely automates SOP creation.
Here’s how you can get started with it today:

Install the chrome plugin for

They have a free plan that you can use to get started.
Their pro plan starts at $16/mo so it’s pretty cost effective.

Open up all of the tabs for what you’re planning to create an SOP on

To give you an example:
I’m in the process of hiring a VA who is going to handle uploading all of my copy to my clients ESP’s.
So I’m going to open up:
  1. The google doc with the copy
  2. The ESP
  3. My gmail
You want to make sure that you have everything open first before you start filming.

Walk through the process from end to end

In order to create the SOP with Guidde, all you have to do is go about your day like you always do.
Similar to filming a Loom…
You click the button to start filming, you complete the process from start to finish, and then you end the video.
You don't have to narrate it or explain anything.

Wait for it to calculate

Depending on the length of the SOP, it usually takes less than a minute or two to finalise.
Once it’s done, Guidde will create the video and add clear checkmarks (with subtitles) for each step of the SOP.
For example:
I do email marketing for several of my clients so it will checkmark at various places like:

Add a voice

Guidde takes care of all the explanations for you with its AI voice.
It will walk through and explain each of these steps in a very simple and concise manner.
I personally have a tendency to ramble whenever I film SOP’s or looms…
Guidde does a surprisingly good job of cutting through the noise and extracting the important action steps (while disregarding the rest).

Create a Course

After the voice is added, you’ll have a clear step-by-step SOP to follow in just a few short minutes.
I recommend turning this into a course for your various hires.
You can create the course in a platform like Kajabi or Skool.
Break it out by department (I.E. new marketing hires, new sales hires, new ops hires, virtual assistants…etc).
Then grant all new employees access to the course and have them watch the relevant modules.
(make sure you update these as you make changes to them).
If you’re like me and you hate building SOP’s…
I highly recommend giving Guidde a try so that you don’t have to waste your time with this.
Have you tried out any other AI platforms to help with onboarding processes for employees and clients?
If so, feel free to drop a link below and I will check them out.
submitted by Honeysyedseo to AiChampions [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 11:23 Shilpi_6428 Heartwarming Tales of Volunteers Making a Difference at Pehchaan The Street School

“No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another”. - Joseph Addison
PEHCHAAN THE STREET SCHOOL has been committed to helping people and working unconditionally for underprivileged children since 2015. Pehchaan The Street School is a non-profit organization founded by Mr. Akash Tandon. We started with just 10 volunteers and now Pehchaan The Street School has helped 800+ volunteers, 100+ members, and interns. They gave me a new view of life. We provide them with new resources and lessons, provide them with regular medical exams, and meet their basic needs. We ensure that our children's lives before joining Pehchaan The Street School do not affect them now and in the future. Today, we have many success stories; our students are entrepreneurs and professionals living their best lives. This makes us proud and happy.
Our 800+ volunteers had a great time at the Pehchaan The Street School. They teach our children that life is meaningful and full of happiness. We play! We dance! We giggle! We passed the course! They are the brightest months and allow the sun to shine the most. Our volunteers work online and on-site at 10 centers based in Delhi. Our volunteers have been doing their best for 9 years, proudly serving Pehchaan The Street School without expecting anything in return. Everyone has certain roles and responsibilities that they must follow. We have teacher volunteers who meet children's learning needs and teach them daily. Our volunteers not only provide education to children but also provide them with extracurricular activities to develop their skills and develop them in various fields. They organize monthly fun camps and health checks to ensure our children are healthy and free from serious or chronic diseases.
After talking to many volunteers and recording their comments on videos of volunteering activities on YouTube. Some of the conversations we had with our volunteers.
Sohail Raina works as a Pehchaan The Street School volunteer and has experienced a lot here. He met us on Instagram and started visiting and working with us as a volunteer guide. He said it was difficult to teach initially because all students have different learning abilities and skills. He explained that he teaches 3 subjects in 2 hours of teaching time and even spares time for other activities such as teaching his students arts, crafts, and social skills. Over time, he found ways to teach children in ways that helped them remember what they were taught and apply it in their daily lives. He lived in the story of Sunita.
Sunita's journey from being an underprivileged child to a teacher exemplifies the transformative impact of education on individual lives and communities. Growing up without access to formal schooling, Sunita's future seemed uncertain until she discovered Pehchaan The Street School. Through the school's comprehensive education programs and mentorship, Sunita not only completed her education but also discovered her passion for teaching. Today, she serves as a dedicated teacher at Pehchaan The Street School, inspiring and empowering the next generation of students with her story of resilience and determination.
Another volunteer Kajal teaches politics, English, social studies, and science to fourth and sixth graders. She once told an interesting and inspiring story to one of her students, Prabhu. He is in sixth grade and is good at solving challenges and high-level games. He once refused to study with another teacher while Kajal was away, and when Kajal arrived the next day, he was very happy to see her. Another student she teaches is Ayush, a fourth-year student who wants to become a successful doctor. One day, when he got sick and another volunteer tried to treat him, he did not let him touch him because he wanted Kajal to sit next to him and give him medicine. In this way, a bond of love and motherly compassion is formed between our children and our volunteers. She believes that playing and sliding can help children learn important concepts faster and easier.
Another student volunteer, Priya, has been working at Pehchaan The Street School for a long time and refuses to leave Pehchaan The Street School and its students. She currently teaches children in grades 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 and almost all subjects and subjects in grades 6 and 7. There is an invisible bond between him and his children that cannot be seen but can be heard. She lacked confidence in public speaking when she joined. However, she overcame her fear and insecurity after volunteering at Pehchaan The Street School. She met us while looking for NGOs near her home and came across our Instagram account and immediately joined us as one of our locations was just steps away from his home. Even when Priya is not around, she is with us online and also conducts online classes to ensure that her students' education is completed on time and without interruption.
Rahul Kapoor, an IT professional by day and a passionate volunteer by weekend, leverages his technical skills to enhance the educational experience at Pehchaan. Rahul introduced digital learning tools, creating interactive sessions that captivate the children’s interest. His innovative methods include using tablets and educational apps, which have significantly improved the children’s engagement and learning outcomes. Rahul’s tech-savvy approach has not only modernized the teaching methods but also equipped the children with essential digital literacy skills. (Life Beyond Numbers: A Community of Change-Makers.
Prena, one of the current volunteers at Pehchaan The Street School when asked a question about what is the challenge that most of the volunteers face. She said it may be difficult emotionally for volunteers to witness the difficulties experienced by children and their families in poverty amid rampant violence and instability which leaves them struggling all the time those who have suffered the most are innocent kids who come from poor families that live in bad areas. Volunteers should therefore not only be empathetic but also sympathetic when handling such situations as it might affect them so much through creating a balance between their personal feelings about what is happening and showing concern towards those who require their help; This is because sometimes you need to help yourself before helping others. It is important for a volunteer to keep themselves emotionally intact as it acts as strength in dealing with emotionally fragile students.
Challenged by these obstacles, volunteers at Pehchaan The Street School have displayed awe-inspiring dedication, creativity, and resilience. Every time they serve these people, underprivileged kids they make a firm stand to make changes that have made disadvantages appear as opportunities and cheer for hope again.
Our volunteers even come to India to visit our facilities and spend time with our children. Recently, Gurpreet, who lives in Canada now, was also a volunteer at Pehchaan The Street School, He visited us at our home and found us through social media. He's proud of our work and the progress we made in these years. He spends time with our children and even teaches them. He came to India with a broken heart but returned with a heart full of joy and happy memories. Alex and Christie, Gurpreet’s friends also came to India and joined Gurpreet to teach students and have unforgettable memories with our happy and loving children. They teach children different numbers so they can solve math problems faster, which makes the visit worthwhile.
The power of volunteerism is vividly illustrated through the heartwarming tales at Pehchaan: The Street School. The dedication of volunteers, the resilience of the children, and the support of the community come together to create a brighter future. Pehchaan The Street School's journey continues, driven by the unwavering belief that every child deserves a chance to learn and grow.
Come join Pehchaan The Street School's global team and belong to an epoch-making movement that advocates for girl-child education. By doing so, we will together supersede tales of anguish with those of determination, possibilities, and optimism. Significantly contribute to humanity by joining Pehchaan The Street School and appreciate the joy of transforming one life at a time through a simple smile.
When you join Pehchaan The Street School as a volunteer you get more than just an opportunity to hand back; you are welcomed into a transformative journey that is filled with meaning, kindness, and progress. Put in the shoes of those who cause shifts and become a part of a global group that is determined to create change that matters. Click for an application form today and experience the happiness of changing the quality of someone’s life for the better at Pehchaan The Street School. Therefore, please join hands with us in creating a better tomorrow by volunteering in our organization.
Follow us on our social media and website mentioned below:
submitted by Shilpi_6428 to u/Shilpi_6428 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 07:46 UtinniHandsOff2 The Most Convoluted Top Cut yet

So...I posted about this on a couple of judge's pages (facebook and discord) to get some thoughts from folks on that side of the table, but wanted to share/vent about the most disappointing and frustrating Store Showdown I've experienced yet.
First issue: was advertised as BO3. for weeks ago before the store changed the date not once but TWICE and eventually settled on yesterday. There were people on the discord mentioning that they had taken work off on the date of the original, so there were already some minor frustrations with this situation but I personally wasn't one of them.
In the community discord, on 6/1 the JUDGE of the event posts "Current format is 5 rounds of BO3 Swiss with no cut to a bracket. Top 8 would be by tiebreaker maker and that's what we've advertised to everyone. We may propose to the group moving to several rounds of B01 Swiss cutting to a BO3 top 8 bracket instead. Trying to do what's best for everyone in 6 hours."
When I arrived, because of "time constraints" the store judge put up to a vote for either BO1 swiss with top 8 cut or BO3 with results determined by tiebreaker math. BO1 with Top 8 just barely won out - and in total transparency, I voted for this option. I hate BO1 but realizing that at least with a Top 8 cut, you can still have a chance if you only lose 1 game.
After 5 rounds of BO1 Swiss, I ended up 4-1. My only loss of the day was to the single 5-0 player. Three of the guys who I've become pretty good friends with in playing this game also went 4-1. We were all pretty happy for each other.
After 5 rounds of Swiss there was:
ONE: 5-0
FIVE: 4-1's
SEVEN: 3-2's
This is where things get messed up, IMO. Because there were 7 players with a 3-2 record, rather than determine the Top 8 by using tie breaker rules set forth in Section 5.6 of the Rule Book (strength of schedule, etc), the Judge decided to jump straight over to the Uneven Cut rule in 4.1.2.
In order to do this "fairly" and "not be here all day" the Judge ruled that the ONE 5-0 and the top ranked 4-1 player had secured a spot in the Top 8 cut. In order to determine the other 6 spots, he not only put the remaining FOUR 4-1's into this "win and you're in" single elimination bonus round against the SEVEN 3-2's but he ALSO he included a 2-3 player in order to have an "Even number of matches."
First thing, nowhere in the rule book does it state that a player with a record BELOW the shared win/loss ratio is eligible to compete in an Uneven Cut elimination round.
Second, EVEN IF the judge was right to rule that tie breaker strength of schedule was irrelevant and there needed to be an Uneven Cut round he had ZERO standing OR REASON to include the 2-3 player. He could have paired the SEVEN 3-2's up with THREE of the 4-1's - giving the top 3 players an automatic bid in the Top 8 and having those remaining FIVE games determine the remaining FIVE SLOTS.
The elimination round was BO1 and it happened that ALL FOUR of the 4-1 records lost on bad opening draws.
If you're still wondering, I was the 3rd ranked player overall after Swiss. I got paired up against the 2-3 player (whom I had beat earlier) for reasons that are still absolutely unclear, unnecessary and based on the initial responses I'm getting from people in the various SWU judge spaces, reasons that are AGAINST THE RULES.
The "Uneven Cut TieBreaker Round" was BO1 as well, despite the fact that when voting took place we were told that elimination rounds (pitched as Top 8 cut but this was - technically - also an elimination round, albeit a "Bonus" one) would be BEST OF THREE. Despite going 4-1, the four of us now had to go through ONE MORE round, and this time if we lost we were out.
On both my original draw and my mulligan, I drew absolutely unplayable hands. The game was over within 3 minutes because I couldn't even play a unit on the board until turn 3 and by then my opponent had a boosted up Sentinel I couldn't get past. After going 4-1, playing my mind out all day, I was bounced because of a terrible card draw by a player who I had already beat earlier on his way to a 2-3 record and no business playing for the Top 8 cut.
Needless to say, I was livid over the whole situation. As were the other three 4-1 players who ALSO got bounced, two on bad draws as well and the third on the worst matchup his deck could possibly face.
the Judge insisted he was "just going by the rules" - even after it was pointed out to him that there was no place in the rule book that allowed him to create an Uneven Cut round with players whose records were WORSE than the players who were tied - record-wise - for the last two slots.
As I mentioned, after letting myself cool down, I posted a question about this controversy in a couple of spaces for SWU players who are interested in becoming official judges to discuss rules, etc. Honestly, I thought that maybe they'd come back and be able to explain to me how, despite it not feeling fair, this was - in fact done in accordance to the rules. So far though, the consensus has been that this was an absolute farce of tournament judging/organization and that even if he wasn't going to use strength of schedule tie-breakers to determine the last 2 slots, it was completely inappropriate to force me into a playoff with the 2-3 player when he could have resolved the top 8 by having the next three 4-1's face off against the seven 3-2's. This was my seventh - and probably final - showdown and not a single one of them used this convoluted method of determining their Top 8 cut. I hope for the sake of everyone who's taken the time to read this, you never have to face this kind of clown show for yourselves.
submitted by UtinniHandsOff2 to starwarsunlimited [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 05:29 Z3r0_meia I have a problem with the game maker, if anyone can help I would appreciate it

I have a problem with the game maker, if anyone can help I would appreciate it submitted by Z3r0_meia to u/Z3r0_meia [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 05:27 JakeLoots Free Money Guide ** INTRO **

Over the last 5 years, I have tried nearly every way to get free money online. I have had many good experiences but even more bad experiences. I created this as a way for me to track and log thet best ways to make money with no skills, and little to no requirements. I have a W2 9-5 Job, so these are all things you are able to do alongside work, family and a social life to bring in some money on the side.
I am going to create posts covering the below and more. If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to reach out to me! I would love to learn more :D
1. Daily Sweep Cash
2, Sign Up Bonuses (Starter Cash/Money Makers)
3. Get Paid To Sites (That are worth using)
4. Surveys (That are Worth Doing)
5. AFK Money
6. Tips, Tricks & More (That are actually useful)
I categorize my methods into four groups:
  1. Don't Need Money, Don't Need Time 💰❌⌚❌
  2. Need Money, Don't Need Time 💰✅⌚❌
  3. Don't Need Money, Need Time 💰❌⌚✅
  4. Need Money, Need Time 💰✅⌚✅
In case YMMV, this is what I'm working with and have been useful or required by some methods:
  1. US Citizen & IP Address & Social Security #
  2. Basic PC
  3. Valid Driver's License
  4. Checking Accounts (For withdrawals and/or deposits)
  5. PayPal Account (For withdrawals and/or deposits)
  6. Skrill (For withdrawals and/or deposits)
  7. A separate email for sign ups: I made a facebook, instagram, telegram & twitter with this as well for giveaways
  8. ILLINOIS ADDRESS (Most US based methods will work across the country but some will be Illinois only)
PS I am SHIT at Reddit, so bare with me while I figure out conveying this information with graphics & links in a helpful way.
submitted by JakeLoots to u/JakeLoots [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:16 Brilliant_Emu6451 [TD] Timely Watches USA x Flandad!! Lots of USA Inventory!! 📈📈Over 300 Watches!! 😉 VSF, Clean, BTF, 3kF, ZF, and More on the Way Daily!! Daytonas, Subs, DJs, And Much More!! 🏆🏆All Plated With Services!! See Links 👇 WhatsApp me +1256-384-4706!! 🤝

[TD] Timely Watches USA x Flandad!! Lots of USA Inventory!! 📈📈Over 300 Watches!! 😉 VSF, Clean, BTF, 3kF, ZF, and More on the Way Daily!! Daytonas, Subs, DJs, And Much More!! 🏆🏆All Plated With Services!! See Links 👇 WhatsApp me +1256-384-4706!! 🤝
🔥Lots of Inventory!! All Plated and With Services!! 🔥Recieve Two Printouts Per Watch with Pressure Test and Regulation!!
📦📦Package deals 📦📦
⭐️Pressure tested, Regulated, Rotor Silenced-Get Two Printouts With Each Watch and a Travel Case!!
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🔥41 mm Bluesy VSF 🚨 $795
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🔥Clean Daytona Ghost Dial 4131 WG 🚨 Special $1050
🔥Clean Daytona Ghost Dial 4130 WG 🚨 Special $995
🔥Clean Daytona John Mayer 🚨 Special $995
🔥Clean Daytona Pikachu Dial 4131 YG 🚨 Special $995
🔥Patek 3kf 5167 Blue, Rose Gold, and Green White Gold $775🚨 Special
🔥41 mm Two Tone Black Sub 🚨 Special $750
🔥41 mm Two Tone Black DJ YG 🚨 Special $750
🔥GMF DD RG White Dial $775
🔥GMF DD YG Black Baguette Dial $775
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🔥Clean DD3285 RootBeer Two Tone $875
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🔥36 mm DJ VSF Green Blue and Black jubilee $675
🔥41 mm DJ Black VSF $675
🔥41 mm DJ Blue oyster and jubilee VSF $675
🔥41 mm DJ Wimbledon VSF $675
🔥36 mm DJ Wimbledon VSF $675
🔥36 mm DJ Black Dial, Black Diamond VSF $695
🔥Clean DJ RG Two Tone Sundust Diamond Markers Oyster Band $725 Clearance
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🔥Clean GMT two tone YG and FG $875 and $875 Closeout!!
🔥Clearance 36 mm DD GMF Chocolate $600
🔥Clean GMT FG Jubilee DD3285 $875
🔥Cookie Monster VSF $775
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🔥Clean Panda and Black 4131 w/Services $840
🔥 Pressure Tested Regulated and Rotor Silenced 🚨🚨
Clean Batman, Clean Batgirls $675 No date 40 mm VSF subs $575 and 41 sub Black Subs $575 , Hulks $575 , Starbucks $660 and More Available
If you need anything let me know!! 🙏🙏
With Services Package!!
Please see Inventory Below 👇
🔥Me and u/flan_dad work as a team!! Flandad is RepGeek certified!!
Please remember international customers shipping is at your own risk; however, we have a lot of success shipping worldwide!! 🌎 Please add $55 For Shipping!!
Please join me on Facebook!!
Follow Flandad Watch Services on TikTok
submitted by Brilliant_Emu6451 to TheRepTimeBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:20 AutoModerator /r/WeAreTheMusicMakers Weekly Feedback Thread

Welcome to the /WeAreTheMusicMakers Weekly Feedback Thread! The comments below in this post is the only place on this subreddit to get feedback on your music, your artist name, your website layout, your music video, or anything else. (Posts seeking feedback outside of this thread will be deleted without warning and you will receive a temporary ban.)
This thread is active for one week after it's posted, at which point it will be automatically replaced.


**Post only one song.- *Original comments linking to an album or multiple songs will be removed.

Tips for a successful post:

Other Weekly Threads (most recent at the top):

Questions, comments, suggestions? Hit us up!
submitted by AutoModerator to WeAreTheMusicMakers [link] [comments]