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2024.05.12 04:19 pixelsimg1234567 Classification of Cyber Crime

Classification of Cyber Crime
Classification of Cyber Crime we will read about side train classification, how many textures can we classify cyber crime, whereas we can classify cyber crime as total notes murder. First of all, there is cyber stalking. Now what is the meaning of stalking in general? It happens that following any person to humiliate him, to intimidate him or her, this is a general thing. This topic is that cyber stalking means that to humiliate a person, to turn him on the internet, to intimidate him or her. Or by the use of any information technology, then it comes under cyber stalking category, then cyber stalking is the act of harassing or threatening another person over the internet, internet users rules, any information technology, Tuesday, now what is cyber stalking in general, internet e -Mail chat room is the mother of them all, it is targeted at any particular person and he is harassed. Okay, now in this topic, what happens in cyber stalking in general is that what remains in this topic is to follow the individual. Facebook starts following the profile and collects information about it so that it can send it to the person on the phone. Candy Crush 233 People Subscribe in Different Ways Conduct That Those Three Different Ways of Conducting Fiber So the first thing he does is to send an email to the individual victim here. He can intimidate her, send her wrong photos, scare her, now what happens in this talking to internet is that by publicly stockpiling, he can SMS anything in the name of the victim, on that phone number or email ID or photo book, publicly. He writes it down and shocks her in her private space, exposes you publicly, starts intimidating and threatening her. Now what is there in this Chowk Nehru Computer that he takes the stock of the victim's computer and gets her computer. Then he starts accessing his information and starts threatening him. Now whatever is in it, it should be technical. Not everyone can do stock through computer. Technical, who would know that any manager can access OP's computer? How to hack the same computer, one can do that topic, so this is the first classification, cyber stalking, now the second classification is that now what is the simple meaning of hacking, baiting, unauthorized access of another computer, taking unauthorized access of someone else's computer means you have this The person who is taxed is not authorized to use someone else's computer, he is not a person, still he takes away his rights somehow or the other.
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So what would you say to him that he has hacked his computer. Now there are other hacking prevention tools like firewall, intuition detection system, okay, whatever they are, they can control the acting, prevent it and protect your computer. You can save your computer if your computer is not hacked, then this affair was in Bigg Boss comment. Intrusion detection system, these two breaks are generally installed quantum so that your computer is computer virus till 2030 classification. Now generally we call it virus, which virus is virus, why our I click on you and it keeps on making me human. Human means that by doing the computer itself, it is a virus. In a computer, it is as if it infects other viruses and programs like itself. By corrupting the computer program files, it becomes a computer virus. Computer program: This is a computer program which is busy in replicating itself. The monkey is replicating the dandruff in the application. The ready-applicator is doing it, that is, it is generating another copy of itself.
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Okay, so this program is gambling and new programs which are generated by plants and corrupt the programs on the other side of the computer. And where is the computer virus in your computer? First of all, computer virus is computer proof directly in your computer. It seems that if you are using the internet by subscribing to it, then also there is a computer virus in your computer. Classification from this tree means that Kabir is sending you some message about all these matters and you feel as if he is The message is from my bank but listen to the message that it is not coming from your bank. Now if I have sent a message to you, then the same process would open to phishing attacks. If the practice of sending road development communication means sending fraudulent messages, Middle aged appear to come from reputed to solve send that message how should it appear why rapid source MP3 is from table spoon it is usually done through email and generally what happens is that mother becomes professional through email just like this meaning advice you are engaged host is this Our bank honey, in which category does fashion cutting come? Now people question why this income is for the purpose of gaming the user's sensitive information like credit card information or login information or bank details. Yaksha question us on Classification and Denial of Service Step by Step is that a particular website shopping Click on Flipkart's website and this side of mine and it turned out that some extras and subscribe on other websites by using subscribe so that Subscribe Our Channel Not Subscribe English What will happen with this,
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if they go to Amazon and purchase only on the good download vultures of Flipkart, then what happens in Denial of Service Tax is that each and every A remains closed and they overload their computer organization. Make it so that the users do not use it. Service Tax is the traffic machine on which is to make available for the attack. If they can do this then the attack is that they can generate a lot of traffic, that is, they will send a lot of requests on it and the traffic machine will be the machine, that is the second one. Don't get it and it will get overloaded in a way and will get held, now what is the example of overloading shopping website in the festive season, so the idea was that if you like this blog then you have to like my blog .
submitted by pixelsimg1234567 to u/pixelsimg1234567 [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:19 Unhealthily_obsessed How I would wright Jason's relationship with Batman (and CO.)

I've seen a lot of frustration on this reddit about the fact that anything with Jason in it has to have Batman in it, and I wholeheartedly agree. Jason is his own character and deserves a chance to stand on his own two feet. I think a lot of this stems from the big dramatic kill vs. no kill moral argument at the center of Jason's character and history, with batman being the perfect vessel to rehash this same question over and over again
(as well as DC's seeming opinion that excluding batman from anything will cause complete disinterest in it, which as the popularity of this reddit proves, is 100% false. Jason fans would still read Jason content without batman in it.)
So here's my amateur writer's perspective on how I would write both Jason, his relationship with Batman, and the rest of the extended Bat family.
Jason's killing code: -I get really frustrated with writers playing real fast and loose with Jason's morals. Does he kill goons? does the 'no hurting kids' rule extend to every kid? How much did the Lazarus pit affect his morals and how has the potency of its affects persisted or diminished over time? I think writing Jason with similarly fast and loose opinions on killing cheapens his character, because he isn't supposed to be evil. He's supposed to be a guy who believes that sometimes, the only way to stop the true scum of the world from causing harm is to kill them. I also think Jason wouldn't go around killing random goons, because he's aware (Due to Catherine Todd's unfortunate life and also just cause he's not an idiot) that a lot of people are pressured into that sort of thing and don't necessarily want to be doing it. Here's my revised version of Jason's killing code:
- If they are a danger to other people in a significant way, have proven that they can't be helped/can't change/won't change, then it's fair game.
I also think Jason would be less concerned with people who are capable of being locked up. Like if Batman wants to put a guy without the ability to break out of black gate/Arkham/wherever they are away? I think he'd let that slide/not go after them super hard unless he has a personal vendetta. Cause' he'd probably much rather spend time tracking down active threats than subdued ones. A lot of his gripes with batman's no-kill code is that the joker, (and the other rogues) are allowed to treat detainment as a revolving door and continue to hurt people after they are locked up.
In essence: If he knows that someone is a sack of shit who will never improve and is going to keep hurting people no matter what, he'll kill them.
Jason standing on his own:
Jason needs to be able to be his own character without leaning on the other Bats. Give him time out of Gotham, if you need to, or give him time in Gotham where he has minimal interaction with the others. A small cameo is fine here and there, (especially because in terms of big conflicts, realistically some bats would show up to help/get involved unless they had a good reason not to.) But you can use characters who aren't batman for that. and for gods sake let him exist outside of his family. Give him his own friends. His own cases. Probably his own rogues to deal with instead of him just dealing with Batman's gallery.
Jason and Bruce's relationship
I really don't think that the Wayne family adventures watered down Bruce and Jason relationship is the way to go. I also don't think having them at each other's throats all the time is the way to go. Neither Jason nor Bruce are fundamentally evil people. On a base level, each of them wants to help people. Jason thinks that killing is sometimes the only option. Bruce thinks that killing is never an option. This is a basic moral disagreement that neither will be willing to budge on much, staying true to their characters. But both are going to continue to exist in Gotham so long as Jason lives, because DC will never get rid of batman yada yada and Jason's tied to Gotham yada yada. So you can either have them fighting all the damn time (boring, redundant, overdone PLEASE CAN WE HAVE SOMETHING THAT'S NOT THIS), or come to some sort of agreement/understanding that stays consistent across DC canon. I don't think they'll ever be buddy-buddy, but Batman has more important people who are doing a lot worse things than Jason is doing to deal with. So they'd probably reach a point of like "I won't get into your business unless absolutely necessary so long as you aren't pulling some extreme bullshit." Maybe if Jason needed to work with Batman for whatever inevitable reason, Bruce would instate a no killing rule- specifically in front of him. Because Batman wouldn't be able to excuse himself for watching Jason murder a guy. And Jason would just have to get over it or not work with him.
Jason and the rest of the bats
I think Jason might be a little bit more cordial with the rest of the bats than he'd be with Bruce, probably because he views them as a little bit victim to Bruce's teachings. He'd probably get along with some better with others, but because of the no killing rule moral dilemma I don't think he'd ever be really close with any of them. unless they would come to an agreement with a "You do you I do me" philosophy is DC doesn't seem to understand.
Anyways. Rant over. I'm not really qualified to make writing commentary but share your thoughts on this if you want.
submitted by Unhealthily_obsessed to RedHood [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:19 DaisyinfieldofRoses Is she narcissistic/self-centered?

I would never ever understand how my grandma’s mind works. There are time that she would be thoughtful and nice but there are far more times where she is complaining, victimizing, blaming others, and jealous of others. I grew up with my grandparents, but on my senior high I moved out and stay at the house that my mom bought together with my aunt and her family. It was because back then I wanted to have freedom from my grandparents. Even before back then we always argue because she just points our every little thing even though it’s irrelevant to her. You know being nosy and picking everything about you. She just know how ti say words that would make you lose confidence and question yourself.
As she gets old of course illness start showing up, she have hypertension and diabetic, she also have stomach problem that made her throw up(something about pancreatic disease). This are the illnesses that she is clinically diagnosed, she took maintenance for it. But with her personality being a self-centered sort of person she always boast to other how she have incurable disease something even though she have meds for it. If someone is telling her about their sickness she would compete how her sickness is far worse. When someone told her they had cancer she would told her sickness is worse or similar to it.
What mentioned above is something tolerable for our family because we think it might be due to her old age, trying to sympathize with other you know. But what is not tolerable for me is how she spreads information in our community and to her relative that we doesn’t care about her, like we let her beg for rice and money to others(she told us she would borrow some money and we agreed to pay for it in the future), she keep telling other people that we are so bad, she put a weak image in people that we are almost like abandoning her. When she gets sick even though we are literally the one taking care of her, buying her meds, taking her to the doctor she would tell people that it was because she beg neighbor ti help her that she was able to get to doctor and buy meds. It was literally embarrassing for me because I live with her now again and when I go out I feel like people look at me in a bad way.
Even her children is not spared from her criticism. She would keep saying how useless they are when they wasn’t able to give her money when she is demanding(she only call her children when she demands money), she would then proceed on crying to other people that because she is old now and useless her children’s doesn’t care about her.
Recently due to some financial problem involving my mom and my 2nd aunt(the one I used to live with) the family relationship have become strained. And as a nosy person she is she spread misinformation to other people how my 2nd aunt stole money from my mom thats why they used to live lavishly like going out in weekends, throwing grand(it was a very simple) party for their kids and having new things. She even fanned and escalated the rumor about how they might be using drugs thats why they didn’t pay the money my mom send to them for house loan payment and bills. Take note that even when my 2nd aunt is a child she was the least favorite, even when she became adult my grandma always criticize her life. She would always make it a topic to other how my 2nd aunt had kids in 3 different relationship even when my 2nd aunt is right in front of her. Even though my 2nd aunt have been filial to her she would always find something wrong with her, she would spoke about the worst. things about her.
Even her husband cannot escape from hurtful criticism. She would always spoke about how my grandma wasn’t her choice to marry but it was her father who arranged them together. That she didn’t like him and rather she liked someone who was pursuing her back then who was going to become a lawyer back then. That the man even showed up to her again back then even when she was had a child already. I can’t help but gloat at her sometime because of it. Because if she did marry that rich guy she would be more worse than she is now because she would flaunt to her relatives how she get married to a rich guy.
I could not fathom how she could be heartless to some and cold to her other children just because of money. How she could stomach fabricating stories about how we treat her in the worst way possible just so people would sympathize with her. She was a parent but i’ve never seen or felt like she was a mother.
submitted by DaisyinfieldofRoses to toxicparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:18 TheWhistlingWarrior My story...Four years ago, I asked Thoth for help to fix my life, and saw a vivid image of Jesus. That night, my third eye opened, and I saw a vivid image of God dancing, and then Satan appeared and was trying to dance like God. Then I went through a dark night of the soul...

When I was around 13 years old, I was a young stupid teenager, and hanging out with my friends, and we were all saying inflammatory things, and I said, "Yeah, if I turn 30, and I haven't accomplished anything, I'll probably just kill myself." It was an awful thing to say, and I can't believe I said it.
Well, I turned 29, and had probably close to 50 jobs, and had a complete discontentment with civilization and my life, and I was contemplating suicide, and then I have a full-blown spiritual awakening, saw a vision of Jesus and God and Satan, and went through an immense dark night of the soul and personal transformation of the heart.
I just have this verse on my heart right now thinking about it, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits, [Psalm 18:21]" and it just reminds me of what I said when I was a teenager.
I know God heard that and knew that he wasn't going to let me die of suicide. He was watching me the whole time, and he cared about me, and he didn't want to lose me, and I'm weeping as I write this, because I'm so grateful.
Four years ago, I was a 29-year-old man whose life had become defined by isolation. Once curious and engaged with the world in my youth, I had slowly withdrawn into myself from depression, retreating into the comfort of my room in my mother's house.
My agnostic atheism left me without a guiding light, and the mundane realities of life, from my dozens of failed jobs to my ongoing struggles with addiction, weighed heavily on my spirit. I found solace instead in the company of strategy games and suffered deeply in the rabbit hole of conspiracies on the internet.
My addictions had become an ever-tightening grip on my life. I found myself reaching for cannabis, alcohol, video games, fast food, and pornography to fill the void that had grown in my heart over the years. My life had become a series of hollow habits, each one leaving me feeling emptier than before. I could no longer deny that something was deeply wrong.
One day, while browsing online, I stumbled upon a post that claimed Thoth, the ancient Egyptian deity of knowledge and wisdom, could help those who asked for his assistance. Intrigued, I wondered if reaching out to Thoth could provide me with the help I needed.
Weeks passed since reading the post, and as I stood in my shower, my thoughts drifted to the crossroads my life seemed to have come to. I asked myself why I was stuck in a cycle of self-destructive behaviors and why I felt such a profound sense of emptiness.
The steam from the shower enveloped me as I said aloud, "Thoth, if you are real, I really need your help right now. I don't want to live like this anymore; I don't want to die yet." As I spoke the words, my hand moved from the side of my body, and then to my forehead and heart, while making a hand-sign, I felt at peace.
I was stunned, realizing the hand-sign I had made was eerily similar to ones I had seen in paintings of Jesus. I was stunned but felt an unusual calmness wash over me. As I dried off and dressed, I pondered what had just happened. I went to the full-body mirror in my room, looking at myself. I saw someone I no longer recognized, someone I no longer wanted to be.
Once more, I said, "Thoth, if you are real, will you help me? This isn't who I want to be anymore." I stared at myself in the mirror, and slowly a vision began to form in my eyes. It wasn’t Thoth I saw, but Jesus.
Jesus appeared with long brown hair, a brown beard, brown eyes, and light brown skin. Half of his face was illuminated by light, while the other half was cast in shadow. The vision of Jesus was so vivid that it left me both in awe and at peace. As the vision of him faded, I remember reaching out to him because I didn't want him to go, I could tell he was here to help.
As night fell, I lay in my bed, lost in deep contemplation. I revisited the events of the day, focusing on the vision of Jesus. The clarity of the vision was imprinted on my mind, and I couldn't shake the feeling that it held a deeper meaning.
I pondered the nature of good and evil, and how they were intertwined in a complex dance of duality. I found myself questioning whether the traditional view of evil as something to be hated and shunned was truly the right approach. Instead, I began to entertain the idea that perhaps evil people and perhaps even evil itself, could be understood with compassion and empathy, instead of hatred and disgust.
As I continued to ponder, I experienced a peculiar sensation in my head. It was as though something shifted in the center of my brain, around the area of my third eye or pineal gland. There was a slight pop like a tearing or crunching sound, it was not painful, but surprising nonetheless.
I then felt a fluid movement from the left hemisphere of my brain to the right hemisphere, using the third eye as a bridge or something. This shift brought me a sense of balance and calmness I had not felt before. I realized I had been living predominantly in the logical part of my brain, instead of emotional side.
As I embraced this newfound state of relaxation, I began to see another vision in my mind. This time, it was God who appeared. God had long white hair, a white beard, and wore white robes and sandals. Then God began dancing, moving with joy and lightheartedness. It was almost like this entity, God, was using archetypes my mind would understand, and chose this form for me to see.
Before I could fully process what I was seeing, another figure appeared alongside God. It was Satan, with red skin and horns. Satan seemed curious and playful, attempting to imitate God's dance moves with enthusiasm. The sight of these two seemingly opposing forces dancing together struck me as surreal.
As I watched them dance, I found myself smiling, and really enjoying the moment. Then, my mind wandered to the Russian squat dance, a thought that seemed to come out of nowhere. To my amazement, God began performing the Russian squat dance, his movements precise and fluid. I couldn't help but laugh. It was awesome and hilarious.
Slowly, they both faded away, leaving me in a state of awe and wonder. I realized that my third eye had opened, granting me access to a deeper level of perception and understanding.
I lay in my bed for a few moments, attempting to grasp the profound implications of the vision I had just experienced. The reality of the spiritual world was undeniable now. God, Jesus, Satan, and other spiritual beings were real, their presence deeply embedded within my new understanding. This stark realization overwhelmed me, and I felt an immense fear wash over me, it was like the Eye of Sauron was upon me, or the eye of Satan.
I began pacing frantically around my room, gasping for air as I tried to process the magnitude of my new awareness. My mind felt as if it were on the brink of shattering; I couldn't comprehend what was happening. The very foundation of my reality had shifted, leaving me teetering on the edge of my sanity.
Despite my racing thoughts and heart, I managed to steady myself using deep breathing techniques I had learned in the past from Wim Hof. My frantic pace gradually slowed, and I returned to my bed, trying to make sense of everything.
I deduced that the condition commonly known as schizophrenia might not be what people thought it was. Instead, it could be an individual's heightened sensitivity to the spirit world, a world most people never perceived.
As I lay in bed, still reeling from my panic, I suddenly saw a vision of Satan. He had red skin and horns, and spoke directly to me, expressing admiration for my deduction. Satan confirmed that what I thought was true: many people were speaking to demons, believing themselves to be schizophrenic. This deceptive world was, indeed, a harsh reality.
I tried to take in Satan's words, but a sensation of something being pulled out of me struck me. It felt as though my very soul was being drained from my body. My energy depleted rapidly, and I was overcome by a sense of impending doom. I lost control of my bodily functions, believing that I was moments away from death.
At the moment when I thought I was succumbing to death, I caught sight of an Easter lily I had bought earlier that day, sitting on my desk. The sight of the beautiful lily sparked a powerful desire to live within me. Fueled by a newfound will to survive coursing through me, I leaped out of my bed, and began pacing back and forth in my room once more, gasping for air.
As I walked, I experienced a series of visions featuring characters I admired and found inspiration from—Master Yoda from Star Wars, Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Neo from The Matrix. I realized that God had shown me these characters because they were a source of moral guidance and strength in my life.
My thoughts then turned to the physical pain I was experiencing. My awareness of the spirit world had heightened significantly, causing my brain to start heating up, and I felt a piercing pain and ballooning sensation near my right temple, which deeply concerned me.
Every time I had a thought, I could feel my brain stem wiggle and I would feel pain in my right temple, so I had to learn to still or quiet my mind. Recognizing that I needed to take action to cool my head and relieve the pain, with a sort of just knowing of what I had to do, I resolved to get a large bowl of ice water and head to the basement.
I quietly left my room so as not to wake my mother, who was sleeping in her room nearby, and ventured downstairs to the basement
At this point you could say I was "possessed" by spirits, Thoth, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I was able to rest my consciousness in my third eye, and the Holy Spirit, Thoth, or Jesus could help me and take move my body to keep me alive. There was no way for me to survive without help.
The holy spirit showed me a specific breathing technique to diffuse the energy in my brain by inhaling through my mouth deeply, and then exhaling through my nose in the water. The vibration of exhaling through my nose into the water would cause my brain to feel soothed for a little while, likely stimulating my vagus nerve too, and I believe it was doing something with the fluid in my brain. When I was able to not be at the water, I had to keep pressure on the center of my forehead to rest in my third eye so they could help me.
I remember pacing between the two sections of my basement, and Thoth was helping me breathe just to stay conscious. One half of the basement was bright with light with concrete floors, which is where the bowl of water was, the washer and drier, a sink, and four litter boxes. On the other side of the basement was dark with a carpeted floor and a wood fireplace. The basement's light was painted in the duality of light and dark.
I remained in the basement until the sun rose, soaking my head in icewater, and pacing back and forth between the dark and light rooms because i would become overly sensitive to one particular room, and I was just trying to breathe to stay conscious. I was battling the spirit of fear the entire night. The fear from my initial awakening and the fear of death over and over again, hundreds if not thousands of times.
I soaked my head in the ice water all night, getting momentary breaks from the water, and certain I was going to die hundreds of times from a brain hemorrhage, I stood on the hard pavement for hours, I remember Jesus was my legs at one point, I could feel him focusing through me to keep me standing. I continuously soaked my head in the ice water to combat the piercing pain and ballooning sensation in my right temple. Throughout the night, I heard voices speaking to me—some belonging to what I would call demons and others to angels.
The demons tried to instill fear in me, convincing me I was going to die. While the angels offered comfort and reassurance, telling me I would be okay. Despite the torment I endured, I found profound inner strength and refused to give up. I remember squeezing my Celtic cross necklace so hard during this time.
The sun rose on the second day, I had been awake all night, I was beyond exhausted. I don't remember all of the specifics of this time, my awakening was very traumatic, but several hours passed and I remember being told that I needed to grab a book and go outside down the street and sit by a tree. I refused, and Satan said, "Do you want to die?" I said "No," and grabbed a book and went outside and walked down the street to a tree and sat with my back leaned against it.
I read my book for about 10 minutes when two women carrying their babies in slings approached me, and asked me what I was reading. I told them the name of the book, Inner Engineering by Sadghuru, and they said that they were doing a prayer walk, and wanted to share the gospel message with me. I knew this was a divine appointment. This was meant to happen.
They shared the gospel message with me, and then offered to let me join their community of house churches, and gave me the number of one of their husbands so I could call and get connected with them.
I spent the rest of the day relaxing, but was unable to sleep and barely ate anything, and once the night fell, I was in the basement again, soaking my head in ice water. I would often get relief during the days when the sun was out, and then at night, it was a brutal spiritual battle all night in the basement where I was fighting for my life.
On the second day, I was in the kitchen, and I had the right side of my head in the ice water, and was moving my head up to breathe in through my mouth, and then I would tilt my head back down and exhale my entire breath out through my nose. I didn't know what I was doing, I was just listening to guidance from what I believe was the holy spirit.
After around 15-20 minutes of intense exhaling through my nose, a ton of white viscous liquid started coming out of my nose, and filling the bowl, it wasn't painful at all, it was a massive relief, and the excess fluid in my head was somehow being drained out. When the process was done, I remember I felt amazing, incredible actually, like my head was clear of all confusion, and I was so very much alive and conscious.
I went outside and was swinging a stick like a sword and having fun, and I think I got a little overzealous and jumped the fence behind my house, and started going on an adventure. After around 3-5 minutes though, the fluid started building back up, and I had to soak my head in a puddle to keep my brain cool. When I returned home, I went back to the water to soak my head. I still hadn't slept.
That night was brutal, and I was suffering badly, and I remember I was sitting on the dark side of the basement, but I had turned on the lamp. I was sitting on pillows, and I had just been soaking my head in the water. Satan then told me that in order to save the world, I would have to die by popping my third eye. I don't know why I believed him, I didn't have discernment at the time, and I was just following whatever guidance was coming my way, but I know that I had to do that to find my true strength.
I sat for a moment and contemplated. I grabbed a wooden walking stick that was nearby, and I moved it to my forehead, and pushed it into the center of my head as hard as I could until my arms literally gave out. I thought of my mom and sister, and I wanted the world to be free from suffering, but I wasn't meant to die that day. I cried very hard, and I learned that the human skull is very strong. I got up and went back to the ice water, and my forehead was numb.
Eventually, after three days and nights of this suffering, following the path God laid out before me, I reached my complete breaking point. I declared to the spirits that I had had enough. I was done soaking my head in ice water and I slowly and bravely removed my head from the bowl of water.
I was shivering so badly. These weren't just cold shivers, these were spiritual shivers, they shake you to your very core. I felt awful. Those who have been delivered will know what I am speaking about when I saw spiritual shivers. I spread out pillows on the floor, and lay down to rest. As I settled in, I pulled the blanket over me, and I remember I felt the comforting presence of Jesus, he was tucking me in.
I slept for just a few hours and awoke up early on Saturday morning. I remember my head hurt and it felt like the left side of my head was full of fluid. I grabbed the bowl of ice water, and this time, however, I decided to sit outside. The pain in my head was still excruciating, and I thought I might die.
My mother saw me outside, and concerned about my well-being, approached me to check if I was okay. I told her to call the ambulance because I needed help, and she quickly complied. When the paramedics arrived, they took me to the hospital, where I hoped I would receive the medical care I desperately needed, but that wasn't what was in store for me.
I got to the hospital, and the medical establishment, unfortunately, has no empathy or concern for people's mental sufferings. I asked them for water to drink because I was so dehydrated, and they wouldn't give me water.
Then, I got admitted to the hospital, and they finally gave me some juice and a snack, and I was starting to relax, but then a voice came into my head, it was Satan, and he made me think I needed to soak my head in the icewater again and expel the white viscous fluid again, so I started panicking a bit and had them bring me a bowl of ice water, and I began soaking my head.
They had probably never seen anything like what I was doing, and thought I was just crazy, because they basically came after me and tied me to the bed, and forcefully injected me with something to make me calm down or sleep, and then they didn't talk to me at all anymore throughout the night.
I am claustrophobic, so being tied down was absolute torture for me. They left me in the dark hospital room suffering all night, tied to the bed, thinking I was going to die the entire night, and then finally the sun rose on the horizon, and when the nurse came in to draw my blood in the morning, I asked them to request security to release me from the restraints. They have no empathy for people. Something is deeply wrong with the medical system.
Anyways, they finally sent me to an in-patient mental health clinic which is honestly just a warehouse for people to take meds, sleep, and eat, away from society. It was honestly a welcome respite, but there's no therapy available at these places. Which means no real internal healing is taking place for people suffering.
Once I got to the in-patient mental health clinic, I spent the first day mostly just relaxing, but there was a man there that was definitely possessed by a demon. He would be shouting a bunch of biblical verses about the kingdom of God, and a lot more, and then he would be on the floor the next, flailing around, being tortured by a demon. One of the other patients there told me he is being tortured by something, and I see what she means now.
I spent the rest of my time there recovering the best I could, and just taking the meds to calm down, and try to get some sleep, and spent time listening to people's stories. One of the girls there told me that the wound on my forehead from when I pushed the wooden staff into my forehead, looked like a cross, and she was right.
When I got out of the in-patient mental health clinic, I called the number that I had received during my three days and nights dark night of the soul.
I joined their community of house churches, and was studying the Bible with them for several months and meeting with them frequently, and I thought I had found my forever friends. We would go on prayer walks, and I was eventually baptized at a lake, and thought that I had a new life of faith waiting for me with new friends.
They were concerned about my well-being and cared about me, but a small part of me felt like I was being controlled by them too, like they wanted me to conform to all of their beliefs and everything in the Bible as fact, and the word of God, and I have always been very sensitive to manipulation since I was a child, and I could tell they were manipulating me. They never left room for me to be myself, and share my beliefs without condemnation, which is a major red flag.
Recognizing this, I distanced myself from them, and went on my own spiritual journey where I spent months conversing with the spirit world in my backyard. walking in circles. I spoke to God and Satan/Lucifer and was trying to come to understanding why Satan would reject God's will.
After some time, I realized I was just being tortured, and I needed help. I was suffering from a lot, and I needed deliverance. Satan had taken up a seat in my mind because I let him, and I had demons hurting me. I reached out to the Christian group again after several months of being distant from them, and they said there was an opportunity to move in with some Christian brothers and live with them, so I jumped on the opportunity. I was so excited. I was on fire for God.
I got to the house, and moved my stuff in, and then the night fell on the first night, and the enemy was not having it. The demons and Satan were not having it. They did NOT want me living with my brothers in Christ because they knew I was detached from all the boxes of thought control, and I was living in the spirit, wasn't a slave of mind or spirit. They wanted to destroy our relationship, between us, the brothers of Christ, and they did.
I don't remember the exact sequence of events, but I was entirely in the spirit at the time, I was detached from my body in a way, and just following the path laid out before me. I could feel that I needed to go outside and walk the neighborhood as a part of my spiritual path, so I left the house, and walked barefoot throughout the neighborhood.
While walking the neighborhood, I was in full spirit mode, I was communicating with God and Jesus, and they were guiding me on my path. I saw visions of them sitting beside a tree and trimming off rotten fruit, which I think was symbolic of them removing rotten fruit from my mind. I also saw them sweeping out a room and cleaning it, as if symbolic of my mind, and them cleaning my mind and purifying it. I also remember seeing a symbolic vision of myself holding up a golden gemstone encrusted goblet to God.
During that night, I declared war on the principalities of darkness. Against the forces of darkness. I saw skulls in the clouds, and could tell they were communicating with me as they are spirits of the air.
My feet were bloodied from walking around the neighborhood barefoot, I was completely lost all night, I was new to the neighborhood too, and had no idea where I was, so I wandered for hours throughout the night, so hungry, tired, and thirsty, and just physically and mentally exhausted, but I endured. That night made me realize how strong I really am when I let go of everything and trust in God. When I completely become the spirit instead of the body. The human body is incredible and capable of withstanding far more than we know.
Finally, I found my way to the house, and my footsteps were spilling blood on the front porch. The door was locked, and I knocked, and one of the brothers let me in, and I went to my bedroom. I couldn't sleep at all, my mind was very active, it was very similar to when I had my spiritual awakening, I was just unable to sleep because of how active my mind was. I spent the whole night awake.
The next day, I was suffering horrible spiritual attack, my head was in pain and I was holding my head just to feel comfortable, and one of the brothers called a friend of theirs to come and do a deliverance. I remember them being very bold, but gentle... firm, but kind to me, as they expelled some of the demons through prayer. It wasn't a painful deliverance or too exhausting, it was gentle by comparison. I felt much better after the deliverance, hungry and thirsty again, and wanted to nourish my body. I spent the rest of the day relaxing a bit, and listening to the other believers talk about the Bible, and their beliefs.
That night, I was delivered again, and it was awful. My brothers in Christ shouldn't have done the deliverance, but I don't know if I even would have made the rest of the night it if they didn't. I think the holy spirit guided them to do the deliverance, but it went out of control.
I was in my room, suffering deeply, holding my head, and all three brothers who lived there came up to my room to check on me, and pray for me. Their prayers turned into a full blown deliverance, and demons were screaming out of me for around half an hour straight. They were casting them out in the name of Jesus, but it was awful, it's one of my most traumatic memories. I was suffering so badly, and honestly I could tell the demons were suffering so badly, and my brothers in Christ had zero empathy for me.
After speaking with demons, the brothers wanted to speak with me again, so I came to, I asked them for water, and they denied me, and they just continued the deliverance without giving me a break. I had been suffering for around 45 minutes straight, with demons screaming out of me, and I was beyond exhausted, I was so dehydrated, and I just needed to stop. They didn't care, they kept going.
They kept shouting at these demons in the name of Jesus to leave, and eventually after another ten minutes, I realized, nothing was happening, we weren't getting anywhere, the demons weren't coming out, and they asked to speak with me again, and I came to the forefront and regained control, and tried talking to them, but they were gone. The demons had got into them somehow, and they were filled with hatred and revulsion for me. They all had the same facial expression of hatred and revulsion for me.
I went around the room and pleaded with them that it was me, but they didn't believe me, they were gone, checked out, I tried bringing up memories of what had happened between us that were specific to each person to bring them to understanding that it was me, and in fact not a demon speaking, but they thought I was a demon speaking. :(
They all grabbed ahold of me, and pinned me down on the bed, but I knew where this was going, the demons in them were going to flood me with fear and fill me with demons again, and I wasn't going to have that, I wasn't going to let them win.
I flailed out of their grasp, told them to get off me, and ran down the stairs and out of the house. I remember as I was running out, Satan told me, "You are the most free person on the planet."
I ran outside, and even the weight of my clothes felt like too much, I was panicking from the trauma of the deliverance and the attack from my brothers, and I stripped off all my clothes and ran down the alley way in the middle of the night and got away from the house.
There were no light, and no one around, and no one followed me, so I just ran down the alley way, and found an abandoned car to sit on for a few minutes until I got a message from God that it was time to go grab my clothes and put my clothes on.
I put my clothes back on, and started walking away from the house because I needed to get some air. That is when one of the other brother's in Christ, the one that I had called initially to join their community of house churches, was there. I think he was guided by the holy spirit to show up there that night.
Anyways, we walked back to the house, and when we got there, there was a cop car and an ambulance there. I guess the brothers had called for a wellness check on me. They wanted to bring me to the hospital to have me evaluated. I protested, but just wanted them to leave me alone, I went with them, and went to the hospital.
Much to no one's surprise, they did nothing for me at the hospital. They just put me in a room where I waited around for 6-8 hours, until I was finally released. I didn't go back to the brother's house though. When they offered me an uber, I went back to my mom's house. I wasn't going to live with them anymore after what they did to me...
... to be continued...
submitted by TheWhistlingWarrior to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:14 Psilocybenn Did I attain enlightenment in one night? (You be the judge)

I posted this a couple places but forgot to post it here, as it seems many of you that have joined this sub has also come to this realization, my real question is, what are we to do(except what I have described to a degree)
Disclaimer: this title is tounge in cheek but it checks out lol
So I just wanted to take the time to describe my awakening experience, mainly to understand what y’all have come to experience and understand, and specifically, how much y’all relate to the experience I had and the understanding that was imparted upon me in a single moment nearly 7 years ago now.
For some background, prior to this experience I had essentially no inner life, and when I would go within myself there was absolutely nothing, just complete emptiness with no hint that there could be anything else. Along with this, my entire identity up until that point was built on what other people told me or thought of me and it had never really occurred to me in any capacity that I could have some sort of say or opinion on the matter.
So there I was, on a warm November night, sitting on a curb a couple blocks from my house, a place I should have known like the back of my hand, yet I had zero recollection of it, the name was running through my head in a string of unintelligible nonsense as I only had the faintest idea that it could have meant something at some point. I was on a tab of acid and spiraling very fast, heading for a place that would’ve left me naked and running around on the street very confused. I was peaking and had also decided to hit my wax pen a couple dozen times before the trip and to this day I haven’t been tripping that hard but maybe once or twice and I’ve tripped a hundred times since then. My friend was sitting next to me listening to me just spiral and be in a straight state of panic that my parents were going to appear and start yelling at me and I would have to deal with that when I couldn’t even comprehend anything in the first place and it was fucking me up to the point of no return. But thankfully, as this was happening, my friend said to me, “Man, it doesn’t matter what your parents think, it matters what you think” and because not once had it occurred to me that it matters what I think, everything that had ever been me prior to that point was shed, as I accepted it, and just let go wholly and completely, accepting the situation and that I would be able to deal with it no matter what. It was because I let go so deeply, that I was (as far as I can discern) enlightened in the same moment.
I often feel that it is sacrilegious to claim enlightenment because no one really knows what it means, they think it’s some sort of highly spiritually pure state that one must practice or meditate for years to even have the hint of attaining, which in most cases appears to be true, and in some ways it feels like I cheated, but in the same it feels as though I just was able to bypass all the build up by letting go, by letting go in such a heightened state of fear and distress.
The very moment that I let go and accepted what my friend had told me, I experienced what I can only describe as being struck by the lightning of God as I was was filled from above with an indescribable light, which in the same moment, also exploded out of my root chakra, meeting at my heart in the middle and exploding outward into everything, enlightening not just me, but the entirety of existence, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies, the existence as a whole, all of it lit up in this golden light and sang in unison as I remembered who I was and what the true nature of our world is. This experience is wholly indescribable beyond that other than that I can only say I was enlightened or literally “filled with light” to the very depths of my being. This state of being has not left me for one moment and has only become more apparent, the effects on my life more profound as time has passed
Essentially though, and this is my question for anyone reading. Have you come into complete awareness of yourself in this way, conscious and clear, on all levels of existence, beyond a shadow of a doubt, with no separation of bounds, but just an endless ocean of love, consciousness, and you.
And really I would like to know, is there any deeper than this? It doesn’t really appear to be, but rather it is with this awareness I must go forth and operate from, and though that the rest will unfold. But truly, has anyone gone deeper than this, is there a deeper state of awakening that one can reach. Not that this state isn’t profound it’s the most indescribable and beautiful and impactful and just beyond words thing that is beyond even the wildest of anyone’s imagination
I just find it odd sometimes that I, lil old me, just one day stumbled upon something of such a great magnitude and importance, and to such a depth that I am stirred to do nothing but proclaim it and be a beacon of this light for all who are coming back to themselves, back into their true being, and waking up from this dream.
I am but a messenger, a guide pointing the way, I can’t show anyone this experience nor can I impart it upon them, but I can convey the depths with such vigor, that it stirs something inside each and everyone one of us, even the slightest hint that things might not be what they seem, that is my work in this life, as should it be for all who have awakened to this state. If there is more to it than that please I am all ears.
May the mushrooms be with you all.
submitted by Psilocybenn to primordialtruths [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:12 Brady1138 Chances of reconciliation?

Long story ahead:
My girlfriend and I had been happily (or so I thought) living together for six months in an apartment then another 6 in a rented house (with 6 months left and no way to cut the lease). We fought very little in that time, we had chemistry like crazy, and we supported one another in our respective careers. We’d take care of each other when we were sick and do anything for each other. We’d go on trips with respective family and both sides were asking when I’d pop the question. And it was soon, I was starting to look for engagement rings. We would regularly talk about what our wedding will be like, the honeymoon, how we’ll raise kids, etc. The only time we had tension was when I went a little too far on my drinking, we would occasionally get crossways when I went too far. This happened maybe three or four times over the course of the 2 year relationship. Bear in mind I’m 5’ 3” and 140 lbs sopping wet, so alcohol works fast on me, hangovers were a regular occurrence over the weekends. She seemingly put up with it and even when I’d say I need to stop, or actively try to stop, she’d just say “as long as you’re not driving.” She’d drink with me often, but she’d stop much sooner than me. It was steadily getting more frequent, to the point I’d sometimes be too hung over to work in the office and instead work from home (I work in IT).

One weekend we were hosting her best friend and her husband visiting from out of town and her husband and I have become really good friends. Trouble is he’s a big fellow nearly 300lbs who can put a 12 pack away in an hour and I have a habit of trying to keep pace with other drinkers. On the last night they were here, we got some beers and hung out, but me and the husband got way too carried away with our drinking playing music and talking loud, we were up in the early morning being loud enough for my girlfriend to hear everything and she never got sleep that night. We finally wrapped up, I got in bed with her and proceeded to throw up everywhere. She promptly kicked me to the couch (rightfully so). The next day she was furious with me (again rightfully so) and wouldn’t come home until that night, she wouldn’t talk to me. I figured she just needed time to cool off and I needed to take my sobriety seriously this time.

The next day was filled with tension when we got home. After some awkward conversation, I finally asked “Are you still mad?” and she responded, “I’m not mad…I’m just done. We’re done. We’re roommates now. Maybe we’ll get back together by September [the end of our lease], maybe not. You talk about having kids and family, but you act like a teenager! I just can’t do this with you anymore!” She then ran to her room to cry, I was heated and ready to beg but knew better than to do that, so I left and went for a walk around the neighborhood to cool off before I said something stupid and totally ruin my chances. I was totally blindsided, but I was able to step away and think. When I came back she was making dinner, as calmly as I could, taking a more negotiating tone than a begging one, I said “Can you give me one more chance? We’ve built up so much together, I was so excited about our future together, I love you, I love your family and I’m willing to give up my drinking for this. I’m going to stop.” Her response “It’s not like I’m moving out with another guy tomorrow, so what’s the plan, how is this going to be different?” I said “I’m not just stopping for myself now, now I know I have others being affected with my future with you on the line. I’m going to get counseling.” Her: “You’re so good at telling people things they want to hear, you bold faced lied to your parents and your pasture that we weren’t living together [NOTE: I have very conservative parents and church so I lied to them about me living alone rather than with her, that never sat right with her], so you understand how I can’t really believe anything you say right now?” I said I do and that I will get professional help and that the lying will stop, that it’s a cowardly thing to do and that. I moved into the guest bedroom.

The following weekend, I decided to go to my hometown and stay a couple nights with my parents. I told my folks everything, our living situation, the history of our living situation, and my alcohol problems. My parents forgave me and assured me that she’ll likely come back around, just give it time. When I got back home, I told her “I’ve told my folks everything, they know. The lies are coming down. I’m also going to tell my pasture everything, I’m also getting help for my alcoholism. I’m going to get things cleared up and I’d like to pick things up where we left off if you’re willing. And whether we work out ultimately or not, I want to thank you for making me realize how bad a problem I have and I’m sorry I had to hurt you to realize that.” She responded, “I don’t know if we’ll ever go back to where we were, but you had bad labs [CONTEXT: I had a kidney transplant and get frequent labs done to check my health status], you were shaking all day Sunday (the day before we broke up), and you STILL did what you did that night! When you got sick I thought ‘Oh my God, this is how he’s going to die.’” I told her I am doing this for my health, told her about the audiobook I’m listening to about all the health effects alcohol has, and that I hope through this maybe we can reconcile, but I don’t expect an answer anytime soon so no pressure. We then went back to watching TV together.

Things remained a little cold, but over time we’ve warmed up. My car broke down a few days later and she was very proactive about helping to drive me around and we started laughing together, flirting a bit, restoring the chemistry we had before. Even on my birthday, she bought me a cupcake and took me to my favorite restaurant. At nights when I’m a little quiet or go to bed early, she’ll knock on my bedroom door and ask if I’m ok. I also have been proactive around the house doing little things for her like making coffee for her before she gets up and I have to go to work or working on the garden (something I’d never do during my “buy-beer-watch-TV” cycle). We watch movies together again and get food together and run errands with each other, she’ll even point at places saying “we need to check [that place] out sometime!” It still gets a little tense when we go to bed, as we’re still sleeping in separate beds. She’s also been planning solo trips on weekends, which she didn’t do before. I’ve been ensured by many friends and family (including some on her side) that she’ll come back around. I haven’t drank at all since then (26 days) and I’ve got my first appointment with a counselor today.

I’m just wondering if the “no contact” method is necessary or if in my case we should keep on going as is? Does this sound like “just friends”? I’ve already stated to her my intention to change and she’s seeing that I'm taking the first steps in making those changes. I ask because she did seem to keep a window open for us to come back. If I were to go no contact for a month I can only really afford one month at say an AirBNB, but some of the tips for returning attraction count on us living separately, so I’d HAVE to come back to the house even if we’re not necessarily “ready”. Again I know this is EXTREMELY early to tell....it just hurts so much with her this close, but so far away at the same time, this is honestly just torture....
submitted by Brady1138 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:11 blodreina11 My longest campaign so far :)

My longest campaign so far :)
It's the year 1110 right now. I'm playing ironman realistic difficulty and I added the diplomacy and fourberie mods after the death of my original character.
She died of a sudden illness at 51 in 1105, her husband inherited, then two years later he died because I wanted to get rid of him, and their 18 year old daughter inherited. She also had six other daughters and one son, and they'll all be reaching adulthood over the next decade. In my story the husband died because he was wasting away the clan's money and tarnishing his wife's name during his time as regent and his daughter had him executed upon her ascent.
I wrote a lot of backstory (like 10k words long) but short version of the story is that my character's clan used to be the rulers of Epicrotea; they were slaughtered by Osticos men the week before Lucon's election because her father was an open supporter of his political opponents. My character was the only survivor, and she fled on a small ship east.
A lot happened after that, but eventually she joined the Khuzait Khanate while they were losing a war against Sturgia and helped things get turned around. She got Baltakhand as her reward and established her clan as a powerful force in the region. Over the years Sturgia's eastern peninsula was consumed the khanate, but the Vagiroving, Isyaroving, and Vehzoving were convinced to join them rather than be wiped out.
The southern front has been less expansive- the Khuzaits have lost and recaptured Amprela, Syronea, and Onira from their enemies in the Northern Empire dozens of times at this point and have still yet to be able to capture anything further westward. The Northern Empire's power has been dwindling though, and it seems like the next war will bring them to their knees. The khanate is still ruled by Monchug in 1110. Politically, outside of the ruling Urkhunaits, the most dominant clan has been the Arkits. They're seen as the most likely to take the throne when Monchug dies. The Oburits want the throne too, and might start a civil war to take it.
Vlandia consumed Sturgia's western peninsula shortly after the khanate's conquest, then started looking south to Aserai. Derthert died of natural causes in 1102 and the kingdom is ruled by his son Erdurand now.
Battania is standing strong against Vlandian and Imperial incursion but keeps slowly losing land over the years. At one point they were down to just five fiefs, but they've made a bit of a comeback recently and have nine. They're still ruled by Caladog, and he's still winning tournaments.
The Western Empire has expanded in all directions, even having some castles deep in Vlandian territory. They're slightly more powerful than Vlandia and the Khuzaits right now, having less towns but more fiefs and troops overall. They keep pushing outward slowly but would probably benefit more from choosing a single kingdom to war with, they hold themselves back by fighting wars on three to four fronts at once. The Western Empire has been ruled by Crotor Dionicos for decades, Garios died in battle in 1088. And true to their populist lore, the Western Empire actually gave vassalage to a common man named Caribos who led a rebellion of militiamen in the Southern Empire. He's the ruler of Poros and Vostrum.
The Northern Empire has been the khanate's main foe for a long time. Lucon died in battle in 1088- the same battle as Garios. Wish I could've been there to see that one cause two rulers dying simultaneously was crazy. Penton Neretzes inherited, then he died of natural causes in 1099. Chason Neretzes came after him, then died in battle in 1100. The current ruler is Calytos Neretzes. The Northern Empire is a mess politically and I doubt they'll be able to maintain their power for long.
Aserai is fully intact in the south, but lost their northern cities. They pushed up into Vlandian lands for a few years early on and held Danustica at one point but have generally stayed in their own territory. Unqid died of natural causes in 1105, and they're now ruled by his cousin Nuqar.
The Southern Empire is kinda crazy; they actually held Quyaz before the Western Empire (and then Vlandia) came in. No idea how they a random fief on the other side of the continent for so many years. They're still ruled by Rhagaea.
I've kept a whole journal of my characters' adventures but I figured I'd just give you guys a shorter summary of it all!!
Current balance of power:
Western Empire - 27 fiefs - 18k troops
Vlandia - 25 fiefs - 16k troops
Khuzaits - 25 fiefs - 15k troops
Northern Empire - 21 fiefs - 12k troops
Aserai - 11 fiefs - 10k troops
Battania - 9 fiefs - 8k troops
Southern Empire - 2 fiefs - 3k troops
calradia as of summer 10, 1110
mercenary days, earning the respect of the khanate.
becoming a vassal and fighting for the khanate in a war against the northern empire.
a few weeks from her death in baltakhand, nobody really saw it coming. she's remembered as a calculating ambitious woman who fought her way to the top despite losing everything. she earned lasting respect across the khanate and sturgia.
her eldest daughter, cruel and privileged, and clever enough to use her privilege to her advantage. she aspires to be like her mother, but has never known the same sort of loss or powerlessness that built her mother's character.
a horse archer like her mom, but she prefers the two handed axes of sturgia to one handed sabres.
beating her younger sister at pulac to gain some relations with her (the tavern games are fun!)
submitted by blodreina11 to Bannerlord [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:10 formulaskippy (WARNING: VERY LONG POST) My first year at uni has been an interesting experience.

This isn't really a rant or anything, nor is it a glowing review of uni life. I dont't really know what this is other than just being a personal recap of my experience so far, and I'm only posting it on here because some of you might find it interesting or maybe even useful in some way.
I'm a Sports Journalism student at Sheffield Hallam University. Yeah, it might not be a "traditional" course and it's definitely not a glamorous uni - but it's where I wanted to be and I'm still content with my course/uni combo.
Outside of studying, student life has been super different compared to home life, but I doubt my experience is actually too far different from many other people.
Nobody in my flat have exactly been best mates with eachother, and other than an incident around christmas where 2 people moved out and we had 2 people move in to replace them, we've all just mostly tolerated one another. Even if one of them is a filthy racist/sexist cunt who's only at uni so he can treat it as an "extended childhood" (his words). At this point, we're all basically just neighbours who happen to share a kitchen.
The flat itself isn't anything to write home about either, it's just a generic student hall which is too bloody hot all the fucking time because apparently we can't have the windows open more than a smidge because "what if someone tries to kill themselves" as if thatll stop someone who wants to die... But yeah, it's alright for a student flat. And other than the aforementioned scummer, we're usually all pretty clean and tidy too, so the kitchen has never been a tip like I've seen people ranting about. Win some, lose some I guess!
Learning to cook and eat properly as someone who was lucky/unlucky enough to have home cooked dinners every day has probably been one of the more difficult hurdles to overcome and I'm still not quite there yet. I don't eat enough fruit/veg, and I snack too much and eat too much red meat. I'll get there eventually though.
Social life has been very hit and miss too. Like I said, our flat don't really get along and I have fuck all in terms of coursemates. I like a drink, but I'm not huge into clubbing and getting properly drunk, so that ruled out meeting people on nights out too. So I took a punt on joining a couple of societies like people on here say to do if it's your last result. And you know what, it went okay!
I joined the Karting, Nintendo and Odyssey (travel) societies. Karting only really had a couple of socials before quietly shutting down around DecembeJanuary as most of the committee were 3rd years moving onto their dissertations and the weather didn't permit for much on-track action. It was good fun while it was still around though. The Nintendo people were all lovely and welcoming, and while I do enjoy my fair share of Nintendo games, these guys were proper "Nintendo Nerd" people and weren't really my vibe unfortunately. I'm still glad I gave them a go.
Odyssey was by far my best pick of the bunch though. I didn't go to very many of their socials as they were mostly nights out - I did finally go on my first one last week though, and actually quite enjoyed it, though I can't see myself doing it super often. The sober socials were great though apparently. They did karting and bowling, though I missed the bowling one as I was at the football. Maybe there'll be more of them next year, especially as I managed to get elected onto the committee so I may be able to get a say in certain decisions... hehe.
I wouldn't even say I've made any proper friends with any of the people in the society yet, but I feel safe and welcome around them and they're all really lovely people who I want to get to know better eventually.
And that's not even to mention the travelling. I did miss the 2 "in-country" trips to the Peak District and Edinburgh, but I didn't miss our abroad trip to Marrakech! I'd never been abroad before, so it was a super surreal experience to me and I loved every second. We were meant to do Croatia this month as well but plans for that fell through. Either way, I can't wait for what next year brings in terms of Odyssey.
So yeah, I definitely wouldn't say I've actually made any "friends" at uni yet, but there are people who now recognise me in the street sometimes and we will exchange a smile and a hello, and that's progress. Next year will be better for that and everything will come in time.
Being far away from home and my parents has been tough, as I knew it would be. It was really really difficult for the first 2-3 weeks and I was crying down the phone to my mum almost every day wondering why I even decided to do this, but it's gotten easier as time goes on and even though I've only been able to go home twice since September, I'm not missing it nearly as much as I did in that first month or so. It's usually my mum who ends up ringing me now, rather than the other way around. Funny how much things like that can change in such a short period of time.
With all that being said, in terms of my actual education - you know, the "boring" bit of uni...This year has been basically a total waste of my time. I chose to do a foundation year despite getting BBB at A-Level and meeting all the requirements to just go onto the regular first year. I thought it would give me a lot of free time to adjust to my surroundings as Sheffield is a long way from where I used to live, but I could never have anticipated just how much time I'd have on my hands.
I'm genuinely convinced that foundation years on more niche courses like mine are just an extra £9k fee that allow you to fuck around and do nothing for 7 months, because I've literally only had 4 proper hand ins the whole year, where the average word count equivalent would be about 1700-1800 words. You could easily bang that out in 3-4 hours including research if you want a quick and dirty 40-50% mark. There's no exam-based content either, so that's literally all the work I've had to do all year.
The content is also pretty much exclusively taught by the Photography, Graphics & Games Dev lecturers, as the uni thought it would be an awesome idea to lump Journalists in with their foundation year groups as a cost cutting measure, so whatever content we have been taught was taught by people who aren't even specialists in said area. It genuinely feels like an insult to my intelligence. Not to mention, it means that in my lecture/seminar groups, only like 3 people are doing the same course as I am, and we never properly gelled, so I haven't had the opportunity to make friends on my course. I've spoken to and made acquaintances with a few of the people on the actual first year course for my subject though, and the differences in what we both do, as well as actual student count, are night and day. So I'm not too worried about the same problems cropping up next year. Just a shame it had to be like that this year.
But yeah that's all I really think I can be bothered to write about and I've rambled way, way too much for any normal person to bother reading. But that's fine, posting this is mostly for my own sake anyway so I can turn my brain vomit into sort of coherent thoughts. It's not been in any particular order of like favourite to least favourite things, it's just the order that things have come to my head in.
I don't expect anyone to have read through all of this, especially as I'm writing this mainly to myself at 3am on a Sunday morning during what I would guess is most people's exam season - but if you did, thank you! I hope that it's given you an interesting perspective on how some other dude's uni life has been going, and I think it would be really cool if any other people coming off the back of their first years at uni could reply with their own experiences, or feel free to ask me questions about things I might not have thought about talking about.
Big love from me to all of you! ❤️
submitted by formulaskippy to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:10 jumptouchfall Pure gratitude I have for being alive right now during what can be described as peak Star Wars

The title above!!!
Isnt it amazing!!? Im 41 nearly 42. My 1st star wars memory was watching Return of the Jedi when i was about 4-5 on xmas day. My uncle brought over a vhs (a tape as we olds called it) of it and we watched it in my grandparents house because they had just gotten a vhs player (1st in our family) . That moment, that xmas day, that was it!! Completely hooked!!!
Told my school pals about it. Some had seen it too. Some had toys and figures. I was in awe of the figures. Us little 5 year old nerds in the making, awesome. My uncle tried to explain some of the other stories and who the characters were, obviously I had a poor understanding of things but i knew, Jedi=Good, Sith =Bad, Stormtroopers= bad, Ewoks= protecting homes. It made sense.
A few months later, myself and uncles, aunts met for some other family event. Uncle brought 2 new tapes (vhs) , ep 4 and 5.... enthralled after both, and loads of questions, but also tired, off I went to bed with my mind filled with ideas of Jedi knights, AT-ATs, Star destroyers (could they destroy stars? ) magical stuff. My poor mam had to listen to me talk about it all for weeks afterwards and when I could next see my uncle to watch them again.
Star Wars, was IT, the best, i kept trying to find magazines with it, info in the library. Anytime I could, I would borrow my uncles tapes . Then... 1997ish ... xmas... a wrapped box... Gold cardboard...STAR WARS TRILOGY embossed on it.
Then re release in cinema, I went with my nerd friends, I was a teenager but took silly weekend and summer jobs. When i could I bought comics, books, literally anything Star Wars.
What happened next? ? ? ? The prequels!! In my country I (with 3 friends) were 2nd in the queue to buy tickets a couple months before release. We got tickets for 3 shows opening day. It was magic, 1 of my pals complained a bit and we heard some folk in the crowds talk some smack, but I didn't care, I loved it all. years go by, more prequels, more books , more comics , video games .
I became an adult and had started working when Genndy Tartakovskys clone wars came out, 1 few minute episode a week (in my country anyways) , myself and a friend stayed up with beers to watch it each week. it was exciting each week. That for us was PEAK Star Wars!! Other than movies (and the Ewok cartoons etc) that was the only Star Wars on screen content.
Now here we are, 2024... damn 2024! !
We have the sequels, A Star Wars stories, Clone Wars, Rebels, Resistance , Tales of... , Mandalorian, Andor, Ahsoka ,Obi- Wan, Visions, Boba Fett + probably things I'm forgetting. Tis is truly PEAK Star Wars, and it is magnificent !!!
We are all so lucky as fans to be here for it all right now. Take a step back and see it as a wonderful time to be alive folks.
Now I'm not gonna say that they don't have their issues or are in any way perfect, but i feel thats whatmakes it all the better, its flawed and forgets its canon but thats so human and life. Personally i love that about it.
Im not saying dont complain or ask for more, but just take some time to be grateful that there is so much content here now for us. This is something you / I / we all love, we give our time to be into this incredible universe that was created nearly 50 years ago, and isnt it just wonderful that we get to experience it.
May the force be with us all
*if ya got through my rambling here, I really appreciate you and hope you have a great weekend haha*
submitted by jumptouchfall to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:09 ohyeahthathuman How do I get Lilith from Diablo 4

Hey friends! I hope you guys are all having a beyond wonderful day! So I have a question so Lilith from diablo is one of my favorite video game characters and so I was wondering if the Tracer Pack: Lilith Operator Bundle would be coming back and if there's anyway I could get it for mw2/mw3 it would mean the world for me like literally I can't even put into words how much I want that operator if I have to wait to be it I'm willing to do whatever it takes :) just please help me
And second question I would also like to get the The Boys Starlight Operator Bundle if I could. I would love them both if but if I can I can just get Lilith I'd be happy
submitted by ohyeahthathuman to ModernWarzone [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:08 shaneka69 MASSACHUSETTS NUMEROLOGY DECODE


Interestingly enough, we don't hear much about this state. It's almost easy to overlook or straight up forget unless you are looking at a map. We are going to decode this state using Numerology and point out the reasons/indications that point towards it being such a silent city or at least not popular and frequented like other places. This will get very informative so enjoy the read.
We will now begin decoding each letter in detail.
M - This is The 13th letter of the alphabet Making this letter vibrate at the energy of 4. The energy of four represents privacy and caution. When it comes to 13 and the energy of 4, you have a person or an energy where it's more focused on self rather than connecting with others. So, like I mentioned, 4 is about privacy, caution, and withholding. 4 is pretty restrictive so when a person or place has this name, that you know these are very cautious people or you know that these are not people that take action without thinking. 4 is a very organized type of energy. As a state, this can translate to being a very restrictive state or a state that has particular rules in place. People who live in this state can even have some of these traits. This isn't the type of place to move to unless you want some type of restriction or a relaxed type of energy in your life. M is the strongest energy of this state since it is the first letter of the state's name. So, that alone can start speaking to why this isn't a state that is talked about as much as, let's say, New York or Florida.
A - This is the letter that represents number one as it is the first letter of the alphabet which lets you know that this is about initiation or fresh starts. When it comes to people, this speaks to having that focus on self or being self-motivated.
S - As the 19th letter of the alphabet, this letter vibrates at the energy of one, but it is from a place of being in power or being extremely independent. As a state, that's why the state can seem alone or like a stand alone and not really talked about because we already have a lot of indications that talk about being too self absorbed or too withheld.
S - As the 19th letter of the alphabet, this letter vibrates at the energy of one, but it is from a place of being in power or being extremely independent. As a state, that's why the state can seem alone or like a stand alone and not really talked about because we already have a lot of indications that talk about being too self absorbed or too withheld.
A - This is the letter that represents number one as it is the first letter of the alphabet which lets you know that this is about initiation or fresh starts. When it comes to people, this speaks to having that focus on self or being self-motivated. This is the second time we got this letter and energy.
C - 3rd letter of the alphabet which can represent communication and creativity
H - 8th letter of the alphabet which talks about structure, pressure, seriousness, and mastery.
U - 21st letter of the alphabet which vibrates at the energy of 3. This shows compassion, especially when an individual has this in their name. This also can add more creative juices to a person or the state.
S - As mentioned above, this is the 19th letter of the alphabet and vibrates at the energy of 1.
E - 5th letter of the alphabet which points to combat, creativity, romance, joy, change, and events.
T - 20th letter of the alphabet which vibrates at the energy of 2 which can point to cooperation, stability, comfort, and proactivity. This is a money number just like the number 8, but 2 represents more frequency.
T - 20th letter of the alphabet which vibrates at the energy of 2 which can point to cooperation, stability, comfort, and proactivity. This is a money number just like the number 8, but 2 represents more frequency.
S - As mentioned above, this is the 19th letter of the alphabet and vibrates at the energy of 1.
As you can see, Massachusetts has 6 letters that vibrate at the energy of 1 which equals 6. 6 is about comfort, family, beauty, and discipline. We can see that this may be a state that values discipline which goes well with the fact that it starts with M which is similar to discipline because 4 energy is responsible and even family oriented. We can assume that this state operates from a place of balance and fairness. They may not tolerate what a lot of other states tolerate. Jobs could possibly be a little easier to get here just based on how a lot of the numeric values barely get to the number 9. 1 is the main number that stands out within this state which can point to them doing their own thing and not wanting to identify with how other states do things.
Very individualistic type of energy. People that live in this state could either be workaholics, dogmatic, serious, responsible, controlling, family oriented, shy, or even mean. Routine could be a big thing here. Some or a lot of the residents could even be big on being business owners. This could even be a state where couponing is or can be a big deal. This state may not have too many outside visitors like Florida or Nevada does and the residents could have been there for a long time.
This is a good place to live if you plan on settling down with your own family or partner, if you want a simple and quiet life, if it's just you and only you, if you want to downsize, etc. You get the point. The energy of Massachusetts is very much on the personal and private side.
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:05 ohyeahthathuman How do I get Lilith from Diablo 4

Hey friends! I hope you guys are all having a beyond wonderful day! So I have a question so Lilith from diablo is one of my favorite video game characters and so I was wondering if the Tracer Pack: Lilith Operator Bundle would be coming back and if there's anyway I could get it for mw2/mw3 it would mean the world for me like literally I can't even put into words how much I want that operator if I have to wait to be it I'm willing to do whatever it takes :) just please help me
And second question I would also like to get the The Boys Starlight Operator Bundle if I could. I would love them both if but if I can I can just get Lilith I'd be happy
submitted by ohyeahthathuman to ModernWarfareIII [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:04 ohyeahthathuman How do I get Lilith from Diablo 4

Hey friends! I hope you guys are all having a beyond wonderful day! So I have a question so Lilith from diablo is one of my favorite video game characters and so I was wondering if the Tracer Pack: Lilith Operator Bundle would be coming back and if there's anyway I could get it for mw2/mw3 it would mean the world for me like literally I can't even put into words how much I want that operator if I have to wait so be it I'm willing to do whatever it takes :) just please help me
And second question I would also like to get the The Boys Starlight Operator Bundle if I could. I would love them both if but if I can I can just get Lilith I'd be happy
submitted by ohyeahthathuman to ModernWarfareII [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:03 IamStinkyChili Good Deal? MSI Aegis R Gaming Desktop - 13th Gen Intel Core i7-13700F - GeForce RTX 4060Ti - Windows 11 - $800 -- Feel like I impulse purchased.

I explored various discussions across different subreddits regarding the pricing of this PC. Ultimately resulting in mixed opinions, with some considering $1200 an excellent deal while others deemed it overpriced and not worth it. I did manage to acquire this (https://www.costco.com/msi-aegis-r-gaming-desktop---13th-gen-intel-core-i7-13700f---geforce-rtx-4060ti---windows-11-.product.4000139263.html) at Costco for $800, the last one available. As you can see currently listed online for 1299.97. I attempted to price individual components but found it challenging to match the Costco offer. I came across the famous YouTube video on these models, yet to watch, highlighting concerns about excessive heat in the two-year-old version, with alleged similar issues present in this iteration.
My questions are as follows:
My current setup consists of:
Typically, I assemble my systems, but I found unable to skip on. Upon reflection and looking up comparisons to my current system, I only see the primary value to be in the upgraded GPU. As for just buying a GPU, This has given me some buyer's remorse. I find it tough to spend $500 on a "way better" GPU, versus $800 on a whole CPU and only "quite better" GPU. I can still return the purchase within 90 days. Additionally, I am trying to convince myself by repurposing the older CPU for an Unraid server, though I question whether this is excessive.
I would like input from the pcmasterrace community on this matter. Any help/advice please?
submitted by IamStinkyChili to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:00 Danidre The Broken ATM (Permutations or Combinations)

At ATMs, or Point of Sale machines, you're used to entering your 4 digit pin for transactions, which as displayed as asterisks (****) and thus does not disclose your pin to wandering eyes. If anyone wanted to brute force crack your pin, they would have to try up to 9,999 possible combinations (10,000 including 0000).
However, at this broken ATM, it actually displays numbers rather than asterisks, but with a twist: For each digit you enter, it chooses a random digit from the remaining 8 digits, and displays that on screen.
While, in the end, there are 4 digits displayed, these 4 are not your actual pin. This strange behavior at this machine is known to all. The question then becomes, how many possible combinations are possible to brute force the pin?
You're not allowed to re-enter the pin multiple times for other random numbers as a process of elimination. You can only enter the pin once, then calculate the number of combinations left that can possibly be the code.
My understanding is that, for each column of digits displayed, you know that that column would never have that number, thus reducing that possibility by a large set. But I can't seem to figure out a formula to solve it. So I tried starting with 1 digit and working my way up:
1 digit: 10 possibilities (0-9). If the robot entered any single digit (for example, 3) then there are 9 possibilities left (0-2, 4-9).
2 digits: 100 possibilities (0-100). If the robot entered any 2 single digits (for example, 25) then we know that the pin would never include a 2 in the first column (ruling out 10 numbers: 20-29), nor include a 5 in the second column (ruling out 9 numbers: 05, 15, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95; excluding 25 as it's counted prior) which means there are (100-19) 81 more possibilities.
But I have no formula here...I got lost deducing like this with 3 digits, far less 4 digits. Is it really possible to calculate the number combinations possible?
Given that for 1 it's 9 and for 2 it's 81 (9x9), I could go out on a limp and assume for 3 it's 729 (9x9x9) and for 4 it's 6,561 (9x9x9x9) but I can't prove it. It's a stark difference from the 8888 combinations left that I thought it once was.
submitted by Danidre to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:59 BerryTube BerryTube Bonus Drinking Game #658 starting when this post has been up for an hour!

What is it?

BerryTube is an internet bar with synchronized video sharing that hosts a drinking game every weekend. We play the episodes and brony music, you guys bring your own drink of choice (alcohol optional), and somehow magic happens.

When does it start?

Friday games officially start at midnight US Eastern time, but you can use this page to figure out what that is in your time zone.
We also host an Early drinking game that starts at 3:00PM US Eastern for those of you across the pond, or people who would prefer going to sleep early. You can use this other page to figure out what time that for you.
Finally, if you can't do Friday at any time, we host a Bonus Saturday Game at 11:00PM Eastern, or your local equivalent.

Sounds good! How do I join?

Point your browser at http://berrytube.tv and type in a temporary nickname or go ahead and register it if you want to use it permanently. If it's your first time here, you might want to read our aptly-named First-time Visitor's Guide

Anything else?

Yup! Just a few extra things:
If you have any other questions or comments, feel free to post them here in the comments, we make an effort to check it constantly right before the drinking games are set to start.
submitted by BerryTube to mylittlepony [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:54 L4tinoR4g3 How long before it becomes at least playable ? (I also have some positives but my negatives outweigh the positives.)

I got into the game after being bugged by a friend to play it and the gameplay footage was impressive but experiencing the game myself, it revealed flaws that I'm unable to overlook.
Yesterday I got the "Online persistence" bug and it took my entire loadout away when the server crashed. While I understand the game is in "beta", letting people play it in that state was a terrible idea. I don't understand the reasoning behind the motivation of self-sabotage here.
The game has the following negatives :
1-AIs become bullet sponges
2-My framerate tanks from 72 fps to 29fps in the Tiger Bay area because my GPU utilization goes from 95% to 30% (I have a 6800XT Strix LC and my friend who has a 3090 has the exact same problem. I haven't had that issue in other areas inexplicably)
4- My 5800X3D is hitting 100% utilization constantly (I'm at 1440p UW so it's puzzling to me)
5- Throwing nades is a gamble because your character can stay stuck in loading an animation and your fight becomes automatically a loss and a joy killer
6- The servers have constantly performance issues (rubberbanding or disconnections)
7- LZs are too few and way too close from POIs
8- Waiting for helis and getting to base can take 15-20 minutes at times (effectively wasting our damn time for no reason)
9- The stash is way too small for base version
10- The economy is poorly thought out
11- You can't search bags without equipping them
12- Hit regs on players is hit or miss.
I probably have more negatives but I'm just lazy to list them all so I've just written what bothers me the most. I don't blame Steam users for their poor rating of the game. Their beta phase should focus on adding content, correcting bugs that are introduced with them and then concentrate efforts to optimize the engine performance. What's the point of having people play GZW if it's constantly punishing is the question I would ask their team. I've had fun with the game but there's a limit for customers to pay just to work for the company instead of enjoying what they paid for. Companies are becoming WAY TOO complacent now and don't realize that they're disconnected from the real gamer experience because they're not gamers themselves.
Feel free to throw your rocks at me if you disagree, maybe I'm just difficult to please.
submitted by L4tinoR4g3 to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:52 MaxMPs looking for the perfect basic combat overhaul.

some changes id love to see in a combat overhaul mod.
casting any spell will slow down the caster as if they were blocking with a shield. (mages are practically sprinting in vanilla skyrim while casting)
unarmed heavy mainhand attacks always stagger on hit. (if you have ever tried to brawl someone on legendary then i imagine you would enjoy a buff to unarmed combat too.)
shorter power attack animation locks. (base game swing speed is pretty much fine. if power attacks were fixed then combat would feel much smoother i would think.)
better wards. pre-cast wards (wards only absorb magick attacks [and maybe give some slight damage resistance] would be great)(channeled wards are dumb imo, imagine you are full mage but cant even do optmimal damage because you always have to channel your stupid defensive spell rather than applying one that lasts for a duration/amount of damage taken.)
This list of preferred changes is definitely a work in progress. I would look into doing it myself but dont have the hardware for modding so proposing the idea is the best i can do for now.
submitted by MaxMPs to SkyrimModsXbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:51 JacoboBuilt Which cpu to pair with my current set up?

Hello, so my co workers have been trying to get me to get a PC for some time. Finally I decided to just build one myself, instead of buying a pre built.
Should have done some more research before pulling the trigger. But I ended up getting these parts bellow originally, and I was able to get a rx6600xt on market place for about 80$
Motherboard:MSI B550-A Pro
CPU:Ryzen 5, 5500
PSU:Corsair RM850E
RAM:Silicon power DDR4 (16GBx2)
CorsairH100x 240mm AIO
After putting everything together, updating bios/downloading drivers. I was having issues with games playing “choppy”? Or “lag tears” ?
Made sure my driver was up to date even did ddu uninstall.
Ended up just upgrading to a rx6750 after and every game pretty much runs smooth now with no issues.
My question to you guys is. Is the ryzen 5 5500 a good match with my current gpu rx6750?
Or is there a better cpu that I should pair with it. Or any other things you guys would recommend changing or upgrading.
Again this is my first build I knew absolutely nothing about computers coming into building this. Please don’t bash on me 😅
submitted by JacoboBuilt to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:51 NefariousnessClear94 “Why does God allow evil , and chaos ? He must not exist

God cannot force creation to be an extension of themselves, this is what a narcissistic person would do seeking To Control and believing they Are merely an object of Themselves . Why would one want an object exactly like themselves. Why not create more to find the truths in their own ways ,. And the Horrifying chaos in this World is Usually How one can find a complete Beauty they do Not take for granted , But instead , become unbreaksble and In complete love for all their is , nas they realize they Need each other , nothing is Useless trash , the trees , the Plants ,each person , each hitler , trump , Putin. Is a story We need to see the perspectives Or Their lives In a Film, It’s On Us For Failing to understand and say “what causes someone to Be so Evil?” Yea Sit and watch Each Film or every Evil person ever lived, snd You’ll see it’s More than some brain Chemical.. but People really can’t blame themselves , for any Part in the chaos . The failure in looking at what causes the chaos ? It doesn’t take one to take all power from millions , it’s Multiple people involved ,. Starting from their parents , to every person that walked out , every abuse They encountered. Let’s give a Fuck about Children. So think about their Mmost one can never be evil and one can Never be perfect and holy. You aren’t God and your not the Devil, you are a Duality of each. But most of us take part in making people feel bad , for something as silly as sex to as complex as starting drugs. But this all started From a collection of emotions repressed , in one’s bodies , after they were Told “don’t get angry, it’s bad,” “don’t do this it’s bad.” So we will just wait until someone becomes filled with emotions inside they become a killer ? Because they tell people what to do because of some line their teacher and parents And So on repeated . “Don’t seek revenge it’s bad , just let it go ignore it honey, you are giving them power.” Don’t tell someone what they should do , they need to go through their own fucking journeys and get emotions And desires out and learn the truths of what is good and bad .
.. what Happens when we oppress our natural desires because people say “it’s a sin,”. Why not one explore the emotions the actions they seek to take , and ride the journey instead of saying “you are wrong, “ . You can’t stop Sin It’s in Our Nature. Stop Striving to Be perfect and holy on your Own, make the mistakes the choices and grow .
take But rather Their Own Seperate strand Of A piece of His breath.
follower of anything , so different from the religions who force the ideas in the claim of love . But why not accept that one needs to see
, but as seperate part to find their way back home , they learned on their own. We had To Fly Out of the nest, the love is selfless letting go To find answers and walk their own paths, Nobody will hold your hand if you Decide to Depart paths until you decide to call God , But you cannot call until you journey to a path closer to the Devine . Do not seek to Understand and question God , these are the answers that man will never have , only A small l Piece to a puzzle of mysterious and a glorious truth, The ones Below cannot see past the Illusions
the fault lies not in God's design, But Only in the chaos of pride that still lingered the question who to align with god Or journey among the shadows of nothing ,
The Creator's garden needs our nurturing hand,To water every bud, every seed of life
Unconditional care , to be given in return of the breath shared contionously to every creature , each that reaches the unconquerable heavens of love , must continue the rhythm Not seeking to share , beauty and joy is then Driven by success , for a Power they abandoned in their own Sins committed by a lustful pride roaming for a freedom , and yet striving for a great power it cannot live ,until the fear of their own destruction tames all to a rhythm unlike the song in the womb of all living beats. , they deem other life useless , unlike their own,not one to See past breath belonging to the rhythm Lives of vibrancy saught to kill or take Soldiers Battle An odd harmony incomplete in its rhythm of utter chaos . directed by hands ,r
submitted by NefariousnessClear94 to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:50 Nerdfatha Cheap Kaiju toy review

Cheap Kaiju toy review
So I have been tooling around with some tabletop gaming rules for Kaiju vs military fights. I have plenty of tiny tanks and such, but I need some monsters as my sculpting skills are sorely lacking. Perusing Amazon, as one does, for a suitable alternative, assortments of Godzilla characters kepts popping up. They seemed perfect in size according to the measurements shown and not a horrible variety. I ordered the 18 figure lot and I'm here to give you fine Goji enthusiasts my impressions so you can spend or save as you see fit.
They arrived in 2 plastic bags contained in a light camouflage bag marked ZAVR. No idea what that means, but im sure i can store the figures and other gaming materials in there.
The first bag contained Heisei Godzilla, Burning Godzilla, Kiryu Mechagodzilla, Anguirus, Showa Rodan, King Ghidora (I think heisei), Mothra Leo, and Mothra larva.
This bag gave me a lot of hope. Both Godzilla's are absolute units, though Burning is a tad shorter. Anguirus looks great yet still looks like a guy on his hands and knees which I appreciate. Mothra had a great paint job! I was quite impressed. The larval form is insanely oversized. I think it may have been the biggest figure in the bag! Kiryu is absolutely fantastic! The Sculpt is very detailed, though the very level application of silver paint hides a lot of this. I will be using a dark wash from my mini paints to bring this out more. Speaking of paint, the burning Godzilla's "burning" feels very flat and rather unimpressive. Heisei Goji also has a very poor paint application on the mouth which makes him look quite derpy. Rodan, well, he looks like Rodan.
On to bag number 2
We have Showa Ghidorah, Mecha Ghidorah, Shin Godzilla, Singular Point Godzilla, Legendary Godzilla, Legendary Mechagodzilla, Legendary Kong( I think), a Skull Crawler, Destroyah, and Gamera.
First things first, these all felt really small. I didnt expect everything to be in perfect scale, but the legendary stuff is scrawny compared to anything in the first bag. Shin is also quite little. Destroyah is significantly shorter than Heisei Godzilla, which throws that dynamic out of wack.
Aside from size, Shin looks pretty good actually. They chose a red paint that really works for his painful evolved 4th form. Destroyah has plenty of detail, but again, like Kiryu, the pain job needs some help. Instead of a wash, dry brushing should help him and some spot painting. The same goes for MechaG, who will be getting a wash to bring out the impressive amount of detail. The Kong looks pretty good aside from its inability to stand without balancing on someone else. He's like a frat boy that has had 4 too many and would get in a fight if he could stay up. Singular Point Godzilla looks like crap. Im not sure what to do about that. The King Ghidora has a goofy charm. The mecha Ghidorah came in multiple parts and does not want to stay together with any handeling. The skull crawler has almost no detail, but the paint job kinda works. Legendary Godzilla has an acceptable paint job, but man he jusy seems smooshed somehow. He legs are pushed in and his torso seems thin. He just seems off. The star of this bag, oddly enough, was the great friend to childeren, Gamera hes detailed and looks badass!
In conclusion, these bags were a mixed bag, baby.
The best pieces were Heisei Goji, Kiryu Mecha, Gamera, Mothra, Kong, Angurius, and Destoyah. I paid 35 bucks for these 18 figures and while I don't feel robbed, there was more coal than diamonds for me, mostly due to the major size discrepancies.
Have any of you picked any of these guys from amazon or AliExpress?
submitted by Nerdfatha to GODZILLA [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:45 notbobby125 The rules of religious texts show holy texts had human authors.

Humans make rules for each other all the time, laws, codes, suggestions. Humans are limited in what we know is even possible, and our rules have ended to be updated to fit our understanding as what was previously impossible becomes commonplace.
Divine rules should not have this problem
Humans have only recently gained a better understanding of our cosmos. Until the time of Galileo, our perception of space was of perfect spheres and the stars being fixed points. Before Darwin our conception of species was mostly that all animals that exist eternally without change. We had one little world that worked mostly based on how gods/God/etc willed it work.
The Holy Books are filled with rules either divinely inspired or allegedly directly from the divine. However, the commandments from a divine being, who would know the larger scale of the cosmos, seem incrediably narrow, on the a scale an ancient human or humans could conceive.
For example, the prohibition of eating certain meats. Muslims are not allowed to eat pork, Catholics are not allowed to eat meat of the land on Fridays, Jews can only eat Kosher meat, etc. However, a pig is an animal that only existed for the last few thousand years, selectively bred and domesticated from the European Wild Boar (note if you are a creationist, please refer to this https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/heevolution-and-natural-selection/a/lines-of-evidence-for-evolution, I am assuming evolution is a fact for this debate). For God, the pig has lived only for a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of eternity, but for a preacher living in the Middle East the pig might as well have existed forever and will continue to do so. A God selecting this one animal we could drive extinct tomorrow seems incrediably arbitrary for a being who seen the entire history of the Earth’s biology, but a guy living in 7th century CE Arabia, the pig might as well be eternal se the night’s sky.
God in the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran was very interested in how you are to treat your slave or how many fabrics are in your clothing, but nothing on the use of nuclear weapons, no guidelines on how to pray on the moon or while zipping by on a space station, or rules about being a troll on Reddit. We have so many situations the ancient world could not conceive of, yet the divine rule books are either silent on the issue or have to get interpreted by humans to fit the ancient rules into modern scenarios (such as Muslims on the ISS praying as if they were at the launch sight rather trying to fit five prayers into 19 minute “days”) that the rules are entirely silent on.
Both the Bible and the Quran claim to be the the last divine revelations, so there is not room for an update to declare if mass strip mining, contributing to species extinct, or if playing virtual reality games counts as a sin.
I am not saying that these books do not have fairly universally applicable rules, such as prohibitions against murder applies through all of human history, just the oddly specific rules religious teachings have, and the lack of rules anticipating human advancement in knowledge and technology shows these were rules created by man, not God/gods/etc.
submitted by notbobby125 to DebateReligion [link] [comments]
