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BIOHAZARD: Resident's of Evil. 3 Part Fan film trilogy(PART 1)

2024.06.05 07:01 Evening_Plankton_141 BIOHAZARD: Resident's of Evil. 3 Part Fan film trilogy(PART 1)

Like every other RE FAN, I was greatly disappointed in Welcome to Raccoon city, it could have been a fantastic resident evil reboot film, but it wasn't. But I'm Not gonna elaborate more because it's all pretty much been said already.
I decided to just put out a fun little story for how I would start a reboot and do my own resident evil trilogy.
Film 1, Part 1: RE 0 & 1
We open with a 11 year old boy, Chris Redfeild, walking in the rain, he walks past rows of graves in this cemetery, he walks all the way until he comes across a small statured girl. She holds a bright red umbrella above herself, “what are you doing here Claire” Chris says. Claire responds, saying she was just visiting mom and dad, Chris tells her that Mr and Mrs Walker were panicking back at home. Claire just gives Chris a look of sadness, Chris embraces his sister, and they mourn their parents. They both hear a scream, Chris tells Claire to stay there, Chris walks towards where the scream came from, and he spots a woman. Dead, but in her neck are puncture marks…in the shape of human teeth.
A montage of newspaper clippings go by as the opening credits roll, each newspaper clipping being bits and pieces of resident evil lore. Stuff like “Orphan brother and sister escape car crash” “Walker Family Adopt boy and girl” “Umbrella Police Scholarship” “Claire Elza Walker: All star biker” “S.T.A.R.S: Rise of The Super Cops” etc…
10 YEARS LATER, 1998
Chris wakes up in his bed, alone, next to him is a note. “sorry babe, got called in while you were asleep, see you tonight, love you~Jill” Chris lets out a long Sigh, he gets up and prepares a small breakfast for himself. He turns on his television as he eats, the morning news claims A 15th victim has been found, they discuss the fact that all of this madness occurred in the span of 2 months. Chris calls his sister Claire, she doesn't pick up. Chris leaves a voicemail to her.
Jill Valentine, a police officer and member of the elite Police Team, S.T.A.R.S She walks the halls of the RPD, equipped in her uniform and gear. As she heads through the department, she passes by a good looking rookie cop working at the front desk. She eventually makes it to where she was heading, the S.T.A.R.S office, residing in the office are Bravo team and Alpha Team. Barry welcomes Jill with a warm hug, Wesker walks up behind her, and she salutes him as their captain. They all discuss how the murders have been getting much worse, especially with the description of what the 15th victim looked like when they found him. Brad mentions how chief irons is not letting them onto the case for whatever reason. Barry tries to defend it, saying that maybe he doesn't want to lose his top officers. Wesker objects against what Barry said, and tells everyone that the chief probably has something to do with it. Rebecca objects against Wesker, and he doesn't try to respond.
We cut to a train riding through the Arklay mountains and Forrest, A man with a long black mullet sits alone in his seat, he stares at a photo of him, Chris, and Claire, in front of the umbrella corporation. It's Billy coen. A woman with a trolly cart passes by and asks him if he would like anything, Billy orders a basic water. He notices that the woman's eye is bleeding, he gestures to her about it, and she heads straight to the bathroom nearby. Billy turns to look back out the window, brushing off what he just saw.
Chris is walking through Raccoon city, Wearing his “Made in Heaven” brown Leather Jacket. He visits the RPD with a bag of food, he walks up to the front desk, and he tells the young cop at the desk that he is there to bring food to Ms Valentine. Jill heads down with Barry, Brad, and Rebecca at her side. Chris delivers them all their sandwich orders, Jill's food box says “The Jill Sandwich” Barry and they all laugh at her, saying that it should be a real thing. Jill gives Chris a long kiss, and Rebecca looks at them adorably. Wesker walks downstairs and greets Chris, Wesker gives him a firm handshake. Chris gets an odd feeling when being around Wesker. Wesker offers Chris the opportunity to train on the force, telling him that he could probably be a member of S.T.A.R.S one day, Jill smiles at Chris about that opportunity. Barry agrees with Wesker. Chris says that he is fine with where he is at, jokingly saying he doesn't wanna steal Jill's thunder.
Chris sits back in his apartment, the news is talking about how umbrella is beginning a secret project with the military. After the news report, we see an advertisement for the various nationwide umbrella pharmacies. Chris ignores the advertisements as he heads to the fridge to grab a beer. The phone rings, Chris answers, “Chris, hey! It's Billy”, Chris is speechless.
Chris walks towards the raccoon city pond at 10 PM, he sits at a bench, he has a flashback to when he was a kid, a month after his parents died. Chris was sitting in that sane bench, alone, until some drunk guys from his highschool came up to him and tried to push him, he ignores them and they just leave him be, then they see a kid sitting under a tree, reading a book on Greek mythology, with the dog Cerberus on the cover. They proceed to give the kid a hard time, and it's Billy, they try to steal Billy's stuff, Chris comes up to them and proceeds to kick their behinds to kingdom come. Chris helps Billy up, they introduce themselves, and they become friends, they sit on the bench together and then we cut to the present, Chris is sitting alone again. He looks at a duplicate of the same photo that Billy had, he hears the voice of a girl screaming “HELP!” Chris immediately runs towards where the scream is coming from. He pulls out a combat knife from the holster of his boot. He finds a girl, her face is turned away from completely, but her backside appears covered in blood, Chris tries to get a good look at her, but she refuses, it's only until she collapses suddenly that Chris gets a look at her. Her face…it's been half eaten off.
30 minutes later, the police arrive at the park, Chief Irons is there too, they question Chris about everything, Chris answers all the questions he can. He tells them how he got called to meet up at this park by an old friend of his, the Chief gives him a look of suspicion, then when the reporters come along, irins immediately put on his TV face, with a performance that would make Broadway actors blush. The police tell Chris that he is free to go, a reporter catches him as he is leaving, asking him what happened. Chris responds saying “I don't know, why don't you ask the chief”.
Chris enters his apartment, washing off the blood of the woman he had held in his arms. There is a knock at his door, it's Rebecca Chambers, she tells Chris that she heard the report about what happened in the park. Rebecca comes to ask for Chris's honest words, not as a cop, but as a friend. Chris tells her everything that happened, and she is in shock. Afterwards, Chris's phone says that he received 1 new message an hour ago, it was while he was waiting for her at the park. It's Billy, he's panicking in the message “Chris! Don't go to the park! I won't make it! Please, call the police, come find me, I'm in a train, we crashed in the middle of Arklay! Hurry please!”
Chris and Rebecca drive out to Arklay, Rebecca says that she called in the bravo team. Until they arrive, they should look for the train that Billy was talking about. They walk through the Forest, they spot a torn off part of the train here, a small fire spot there, and then finally, a huge claw mark in a tree, right next to a fresh pool of blood. Chris and Rebecca examine it, then they hear growling behind them, but not normal growling. They turn, and they see a dog behind them, savage white eyes, bloody drool, and chunks of its body are gone, exposing its meat and bone. The dog leaps at Rebecca, and Chris immediately kicks it away, Rebecca pulls her gun and shoots it. It appears dead, and then gets back up 30 seconds later. They are in complete shock, they question how it's not dead, and they continue to try and kill it, it doesn't go down…until a second gunshot hits the dog directly in the skull, and its head blows completely. “Chris…? Is that you?” “Billy!?” “Is that your friend Chris?” Chris and Billy embrace, Billy has one half of a pair of handcuffs wrapped around his wrist, it's covered in blood.
Jill gets called off work, she finally shows up back home to her and Chris's apartment. “Babe! I'm home! Are you here?” Jill walks around, looking for him. She tries to call friends, asking them if they have seen Chris, they haven't. Jill eventually finds a note on the table, it's a note from Chris. He is telling her in the letter that he went to meet up with his best friend Billy, saying that he came back to town. Jill lets out a sigh of relief, and she heads to the bathroom to take a shower.
Billy tells Chris and Rebecca what had happened, there was this trolley woman who delivered him a beverage, he noticed that her eye was bleeding, and she headed for the bathroom. A few hours later he called Chris, telling him that he was almost gonna be off the train, he told Chris that he wanted to meet up at the park where they hung out. But moments after he called, he heard a loud groan of pain coming from the same bathroom that the woman went into, Billy questions “has she been in there the whole time?”. Billy knocks on the door, he asks her if she is ok, then he hears a responding knock on the other side of the door. Then the knocking repeats, and gets more intense, more violent, and more intense. Until finally, the train employees come and break the door down. They just unleashed hell. The woman had become a nearly unkillable zombie, she bites the first guy, then the second guy, then the third, and it just expands and spreads, as death and decay happened over the course of 2 hours, to where they are now. Billy said that he got handcuffed to a door as bait for the monsters, it was by some crazy selfish man. He got eaten when he tried to run..Billy said he got out when he found a gun in a security officer's pocket, he struggled to grab it, but he eventually did, he shot off the lock of the cuffs.
Chris, Billy, and Rebecca proceed to investigate the train, Billy led them back. The carts are all busted down, the front cart is completely demolished. They hear a loud ominous roar in the distance, Chris says that they should try to avoid whatever in God's name that was, they know it was definitely something bad.
Wesker and Barry are sitting with the alpha team in the STARS office, late at night. Just going over all the reports of the murders, and then going over the recent event that happened at the park, they see that Chris was there. They ask chief irons about it, and irons says that he thinks Mr Redfeild has something to do with them. He is a possible suspect of all the murders. Barry and Wesker don't believe him one bit, and they continue to investigate the crimes. Irons says that the Bravo team left to investigate some kinda train crash.
The three head into the train, they spot various corpses, all in different states of death and decay, each one worse than the next. Rebecca vomits from the sights along with the smell. Chris and Billy discuss what they've been respectively doing during the past 2 years. Chris says that he met and is now dating a babe cop, he tells Billy that Jill is the best girl he's ever had in his life, besides his mother and sister of course. Billy is so happy for his friend. As they continue to see the most grotesque things ever, Billy finally says that he had gotten a promotion to be a top scientist in the umbrella corporation, he worked on a team, the men being named John, William, Marcus, and We—rebecca tells them that the bravo team is almost there. Billy says that he wanted to surprise Chris, he wanted to spend time with his best friend again. He asks about Claire. Chris tells Billy that Claire is currently an all star motorcyclist at her school, she's going by the professional name of Elza Walker(Her full name is Claire Elza Redfeild). After the trip down memory lane is over. Enrico, a member of the Bravo team, finally finds Rebecca and them. The rest of the bravo team follows close behind shortly after.
Barry knocks on the door of Chris and Jill's apartment. Jill answers, Barry asks Jill if she saw Chris, Jill says that he is out with his best friend. Barry hands Jill the report about what happened at the park. She is in speechless shock. She immediately tries to call anyone, and absolutely begs them to be honest “Have. You. Seen. Chris!?”
Chris, Billy, Rebecca, and Bravo team walk to the back end of the train, they encounter…a giant spider. They shoot at it, and it immediately runs away, giving them no time to react. They search for it. They hear crawling from the other side of the walls. They search for a good few minutes, until they hear the pain-filled scream of Enrico, they run to where he was, and they see the spider wrap itself around Enrico's body, biting into his skull. Enrico's body suddenly gets up. He is dead, but his body is still alive, a puppet vessel for the Spider… this…Spider Man runs towards them. Its movements are a mix of a human and a spider. It's incredibly disturbing. They cannot seem to get a clear shot of it, all they can do is run…they lock it into a room. It just claws at the glass, trying to break it, they know it's only a matter of time until it breaks through.
Wesker in his office, receives an anonymous call, the call tells him that a Bravo team is in the Arklay Forest, investigating an event that may have something to do with the crisis of murders. Wesker, seeing this as an opportunity to finally get something done, and put an end to this 2 month long madness, they do not have time to call Barry or Jill. All the remaining STARS operatives get geared up, Brad starts up a chopper and the team proceeds to head for Arklay, they don't tell the Chief.
Everyone in the train continues on, they continue to face various small monsters, they encounter savage Crows flying through windows, baby spiders the size of an average skull hatching from giant eggs. Piles of leeches in the shape of humans, etc. They all finally agree that they have to call in for backup, they need to get out of there and tell the entire city and RPD what had happened. Then they can investigate further.
Alpha Team flies over the forest, Wesker observes the whole area with his binoculars. Until he finally spots the light of the train. Wesker orders them to land.
The crew of the bravo team are running back to the area that they entered from. They run, frantically trying to avoid the various monsters they encounter. They eventually get out, but two unknown members of the bravo team didn't make it out. They don't have time to mourn however, and they try to head back to their vehicles. More dogs appear, and they are chasing them close behind, almost getting them. Chris is the one lagging behind, he trips over a loose branch. A dog leaps at him…until a gunshot hits it straight away from Chris. “This way Chris!” Wesker says. Alpha team showed up in the nick of time, proceeding to slay all of the dogs and monsters coming at them.
“Why would Chris not call me about this?” Barry exclaims he doesn't know either. They proceed to look into things further. They call Wesker, but he doesn't answer. “Amazing, now our oh so great leader is nowhere to answer.”
Everyone in the forest has been brought up to speed on what has happened so far, they don't know where these monsters came from. They need to report back to the RPD, tell the Chief everything, and announce to raccoon city and the world what they saw, but the plan won't be happening. They hear the roars from earlier, they feel rumbling beneath their feet, and forest from the bravo team is stabbed and thrown away into the darkness by a giant claw. It's…a giant man…creature…thing…its heart and chest organs are exposed, it's uglier than sin, it's right hand is bigger than it's left, equipped with a giant claw, and it's twitching uncontrollably(it is the tyrant T-001). It lets out a huge roar. Everyone is paralyzed in fear. They all try to process if this is real, is this all just a dream, is there no human shaped abomination of God in front of them. Wesker is the only one of them all that is not scared one bit, he truly is their brave fearless leader, he earned his STARS. Wesker tells them that they need to run, he shoots the monster directly in its heart, and they run as fast as they can. They head for the chopper, but Brad beats them to it; he proceeds to leave them all as he flies away, screaming and terrified. Wesker yells “Coward” towards brad. The tyrant lets out an even louder roar than ever, and they hear it begin to run, each heavy footstep getting louder and closer. They all run, they don't know where they are going, they're just running. Billy and Chris run closely near each other, Rebecca follows close behind Wesker as he leads them to wherever they are going. They see a bright glow in the distance. They head towards it…The Mansion.
Jill and Barry head back to the STARS office, it's completely empty. They try to see if they left anything behind to indicate where they went. They find nothing, until they hear running coming from outside the door. It's Brad, he barge's into the office, he is frantic, he's panicking, disturbed, and barely clear in his words. Only say “I left them” over and over and over. Jill and Barry try to ask him what happened. Brad finally calms down, and tells them that the alpha and bravo team are in Arklay, that they were with Chris, and his friend Billy. Jill berates Brad about the fact that she abandoned them for dead. Barry restrains her back and calms her down. She tears up and hugs Barry, she is scared that it's too late, that Chris and her friends are dead.
Chris, Wesker, Rebecca, and Richard Eiken made it to the mansion, everyone else is…they don't know. “Billy!? Where's Billy!?” Chris heads for the door. Wesker stops Chris, telling him that they're all probably dead, and that he's sorry. They then suddenly hear a gunshot in the distance, they all hope that the others may have survived, Chris said that he will go and see if he finds anyone, Wesker agrees and says that he will go on his own and look for a way out. Rebecca and Richard agree to stick together and just stay alive.
Chris walks through a dining room, getting closer to where the gunshots came from. He wounds up in a dark quiet hallway. The only thing he hears is the sound of “Sploshing” and groaning. He sees a trail of fresh blood on the floor, it's a trail, Chris immediately follows the trail. And wounds up at a dead end of the hallway…he finds where the blood is coming from. The body of dead STARS member, being devoured by a blood covered pale man shaped creature, it turns its head slowly, revealing its disgusting, blood covered face, with its flesh filled mouth…
I hope you enjoy the story of this first part. I'm excited to write the next two parts of my film. This first part story was inspired by an excellent video by Score PN, titled "The untold story of Resident evil 0". Here's a tease at what is to come.
Part 2, Film 2: RE 3 & 1.5
Part 3, Film 3: RE 2 & 1
submitted by Evening_Plankton_141 to ResidentEvilCapcom [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:27 Dough_Boiii_76 Why do people hate this song?

Why do people hate this song? submitted by Dough_Boiii_76 to travisscott [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:17 TheOriginalJBones Visited Deadwood with the kids en route to Yellowstone.

Got there around 8:30 on a weekday morning. I think Sturgis was about to happen, but it hadn’t started yet. Still, there were big old hawgs everywhere and a few bikers strolling around with their their peculiar arms-out striding gaits.
Drove through the town and finally found parking next to a Parking Enforcement car and in front of a great big rock with a “No Climbing” sign. No shit. I tried to get the kids to go climb on it anyway, and after some encouragement they scrappled up on it for a picture on either side of the sign. That’s our photo from our Family Trip to Deadwood.
From “no law at all” to a parking enforcement fleet and a “no climbing” sign on a goddamn rock.
I think the telegraph poles were a mistake.
That is all.
submitted by TheOriginalJBones to deadwood [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:26 Far-Angle7150 Ex hacked phone to corrupt videos of him threatening me

My ex hacked my old phone, and I'm pretty sure my current one, and corrupted videos of him threatening me and admitting to other things. One of the things said was, "this isn't his first rodeo.". I guess I'm asking if it's possible to recover the videos. The copy was on Amazon photos. Also, when my phone was hacked people were talking to me through the comments like when I was looking through my activity log. Even things logged years ago had people commenting on things like the current weather, time and about me, so I'm positive it was happening in real time and they admitted they were watching me through my phone's camera. Is that just basic spyware?
There have been a lot of posts on unsentletters, unlsentlettersraw, and stalking recently that have been mocking my situation. Anything about a 3 year relationship, narcissist ex, stalking, hacked my phone, etc, mostly is to mock me, my sobriety, mental health.
I guess I'm looking for basically anything to help me figure out the how, who and how to stop it.
submitted by Far-Angle7150 to RBI [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:32 Evening_Plankton_141 BIOHAZARD: Resident's of Evil. 3 Part Fan film Trilogy(PART 1)

Like every other RE FAN, I was greatly disappointed in Welcome to Raccoon city, it could have been a fantastic resident evil reboot film, but it wasn't. But I'm Not because it's all pretty much been said already.
I decided to just put out a fun little story for how I would do my own resident evil trilogy.
Film 1, Part 1: RE 0 & 1
We open with a 11 year old boy, Chris Redfeild, walking in the rain, he walks past rows of graves in this cemetery, he walks all the way until he comes across a small statured girl. She holds a bright red umbrella above herself, “what are you doing here Claire” Chris says. Claire responds, saying she was just visiting mom and dad, Chris tells her that Mr and Mrs Walker were panicking back at home. Claire just gives Chris a look of sadness, Chris embraces his sister, and they mourn their parents. They both hear a scream, Chris tells Claire to stay there, Chris walks towards where the scream came from, and he spots a woman. Dead, but in her neck are puncture marks…in the shape of human teeth.
A montage of newspaper clippings go by as the opening credits roll, each newspaper clipping being bits and pieces of resident evil lore. Stuff like “Orphan brother and sister escape car crash” “Walker Family Adopt boy and girl” “Umbrella Police Scholarship” “Claire Elza Walker: All star biker” “S.T.A.R.S: Rise of The Super Cops” etc…
10 YEARS LATER, 1998
Chris wakes up in his bed, alone, next to him is a note. “sorry babe, got called in while you were asleep, see you tonight, love you~Jill” Chris lets out a long Sigh, he gets up and prepares a small breakfast for himself. He turns on his television as he eats, the morning news claims A 15th victim has been found, they discuss the fact that all of this madness occurred in the span of 2 months. Chris calls his sister Claire, she doesn't pick up. Chris leaves a voicemail to her.
Jill Valentine, a police officer and member of the elite Police Team, S.T.A.R.S She walks the halls of the RPD, equipped in her uniform and gear. As she heads through the department, she passes by a good looking rookie cop working at the front desk. She eventually makes it to where she was heading, the S.T.A.R.S office, residing in the office are Bravo team and Alpha Team. Barry welcomes Jill with a warm hug, Wesker walks up behind her, and she salutes him as their captain. They all discuss how the murders have been getting much worse, especially with the description of what the 15th victim looked like when they found him. Brad mentions how chief irons is not letting them onto the case for whatever reason. Barry tries to defend it, saying that maybe he doesn't want to lose his top officers. Wesker objects against what Barry said, and tells everyone that the chief probably has something to do with it. Rebecca objects against Wesker, and he doesn't try to respond.
We cut to a train riding through the Arklay mountains and Forrest, A man with a long black mullet sits alone in his seat, he stares at a photo of him, Chris, and Claire, in front of the umbrella corporation. It's Billy coen. A woman with a trolly cart passes by and asks him if he would like anything, Billy orders a basic water. He notices that the woman's eye is bleeding, he gestures to her about it, and she heads straight to the bathroom nearby. Billy turns to look back out the window, brushing off what he just saw.
Chris is walking through Raccoon city, Wearing his “Made in Heaven” brown Leather Jacket. He visits the RPD with a bag of food, he walks up to the front desk, and he tells the young cop at the desk that he is there to bring food to Ms Valentine. Jill heads down with Barry, Brad, and Rebecca at her side. Chris delivers them all their sandwich orders, Jill's food box says “The Jill Sandwich” Barry and they all laugh at her, saying that it should be a real thing. Jill gives Chris a long kiss, and Rebecca looks at them adorably. Wesker walks downstairs and greets Chris, Wesker gives him a firm handshake. Chris gets an odd feeling when being around Wesker. Wesker offers Chris the opportunity to train on the force, telling him that he could probably be a member of S.T.A.R.S one day, Jill smiles at Chris about that opportunity. Barry agrees with Wesker. Chris says that he is fine with where he is at, jokingly saying he doesn't wanna steal Jill's thunder.
Chris sits back in his apartment, the news is talking about how umbrella is beginning a secret project with the military. After the news report, we see an advertisement for the various nationwide umbrella pharmacies. Chris ignores the advertisements as he heads to the fridge to grab a beer. The phone rings, Chris answers, “Chris, hey! It's Billy”, Chris is speechless.
Chris walks towards the raccoon city pond at 10 PM, he sits at a bench, he has a flashback to when he was a kid, a month after his parents died. Chris was sitting in that sane bench, alone, until some drunk guys from his highschool came up to him and tried to push him, he ignores them and they just leave him be, then they see a kid sitting under a tree, reading a book on Greek mythology, with the dog Cerberus on the cover. They proceed to give the kid a hard time, and it's Billy, they try to steal Billy's stuff, Chris comes up to them and proceeds to kick their behinds to kingdom come. Chris helps Billy up, they introduce themselves, and they become friends, they sit on the bench together and then we cut to the present, Chris is sitting alone again. He looks at a duplicate of the same photo that Billy had, he hears the voice of a girl screaming “HELP!” Chris immediately runs towards where the scream is coming from. He pulls out a combat knife from the holster of his boot. He finds a girl, her face is turned away from completely, but her backside appears covered in blood, Chris tries to get a good look at her, but she refuses, it's only until she collapses suddenly that Chris gets a look at her. Her face…it's been half eaten off.
30 minutes later, the police arrive at the park, Chief Irons is there too, they question Chris about everything, Chris answers all the questions he can. He tells them how he got called to meet up at this park by an old friend of his, the Chief gives him a look of suspicion, then when the reporters come along, irins immediately put on his TV face, with a performance that would make Broadway actors blush. The police tell Chris that he is free to go, a reporter catches him as he is leaving, asking him what happened. Chris responds saying “I don't know, why don't you ask the chief”.
Chris enters his apartment, washing off the blood of the woman he had held in his arms. There is a knock at his door, it's Rebecca Chambers, she tells Chris that she heard the report about what happened in the park. Rebecca comes to ask for Chris's honest words, not as a cop, but as a friend. Chris tells her everything that happened, and she is in shock. Afterwards, Chris's phone says that he received 1 new message an hour ago, it was while he was waiting for her at the park. It's Billy, he's panicking in the message “Chris! Don't go to the park! I won't make it! Please, call the police, come find me, I'm in a train, we crashed in the middle of Arklay! Hurry please!”
Chris and Rebecca drive out to Arklay, Rebecca says that she called in the bravo team. Until they arrive, they should look for the train that Billy was talking about. They walk through the Forest, they spot a torn off part of the train here, a small fire spot there, and then finally, a huge claw mark in a tree, right next to a fresh pool of blood. Chris and Rebecca examine it, then they hear growling behind them, but not normal growling. They turn, and they see a dog behind them, savage white eyes, bloody drool, and chunks of its body are gone, exposing its meat and bone. The dog leaps at Rebecca, and Chris immediately kicks it away, Rebecca pulls her gun and shoots it. It appears dead, and then gets back up 30 seconds later. They are in complete shock, they question how it's not dead, and they continue to try and kill it, it doesn't go down…until a second gunshot hits the dog directly in the skull, and its head blows completely. “Chris…? Is that you?” “Billy!?” “Is that your friend Chris?” Chris and Billy embrace, Billy has one half of a pair of handcuffs wrapped around his wrist, it's covered in blood.
Jill gets called off work, she finally shows up back home to her and Chris's apartment. “Babe! I'm home! Are you here?” Jill walks around, looking for him. She tries to call friends, asking them if they have seen Chris, they haven't. Jill eventually finds a note on the table, it's a note from Chris. He is telling her in the letter that he went to meet up with his best friend Billy, saying that he came back to town. Jill lets out a sigh of relief, and she heads to the bathroom to take a shower.
Billy tells Chris and Rebecca what had happened, there was this trolley woman who delivered him a beverage, he noticed that her eye was bleeding, and she headed for the bathroom. A few hours later he called Chris, telling him that he was almost gonna be off the train, he told Chris that he wanted to meet up at the park where they hung out. But moments after he called, he heard a loud groan of pain coming from the same bathroom that the woman went into, Billy questions “has she been in there the whole time?”. Billy knocks on the door, he asks her if she is ok, then he hears a responding knock on the other side of the door. Then the knocking repeats, and gets more intense, more violent, and more intense. Until finally, the train employees come and break the door down. They just unleashed hell. The woman had become a nearly unkillable zombie, she bites the first guy, then the second guy, then the third, and it just expands and spreads, as death and decay happened over the course of 2 hours, to where they are now. Billy said that he got handcuffed to a door as bait for the monsters, it was by some crazy selfish man. He got eaten when he tried to run..Billy said he got out when he found a gun in a security officer's pocket, he struggled to grab it, but he eventually did, he shot off the lock of the cuffs.
Chris, Billy, and Rebecca proceed to investigate the train, Billy led them back. The carts are all busted down, the front cart is completely demolished. They hear a loud ominous roar in the distance, Chris says that they should try to avoid whatever in God's name that was, they know it was definitely something bad.
Wesker and Barry are sitting with the alpha team in the STARS office, late at night. Just going over all the reports of the murders, and then going over the recent event that happened at the park, they see that Chris was there. They ask chief irons about it, and irons says that he thinks Mr Redfeild has something to do with them. He is a possible suspect of all the murders. Barry and Wesker don't believe him one bit, and they continue to investigate the crimes. Irons says that the Bravo team left to investigate some kinda train crash.
The three head into the train, they spot various corpses, all in different states of death and decay, each one worse than the next. Rebecca vomits from the sights along with the smell. Chris and Billy discuss what they've been respectively doing during the past 2 years. Chris says that he met and is now dating a babe cop, he tells Billy that Jill is the best girl he's ever had in his life, besides his mother and sister of course. Billy is so happy for his friend. As they continue to see the most grotesque things ever, Billy finally says that he had gotten a promotion to be a top scientist in the umbrella corporation, he worked on a team, the men being named John, William, Marcus, and We—rebecca tells them that the bravo team is almost there. Billy says that he wanted to surprise Chris, he wanted to spend time with his best friend again. He asks about Claire. Chris tells Billy that Claire is currently an all star motorcyclist at her school, she's going by the professional name of Elza Walker(Her full name is Claire Elza Redfeild). After the trip down memory lane is over. Enrico, a member of the Bravo team, finally finds Rebecca and them. The rest of the bravo team follows close behind shortly after.
Barry knocks on the door of Chris and Jill's apartment. Jill answers, Barry asks Jill if she saw Chris, Jill says that he is out with his best friend. Barry hands Jill the report about what happened at the park. She is in speechless shock. She immediately tries to call anyone, and absolutely begs them to be honest “Have. You. Seen. Chris!?”
Chris, Billy, Rebecca, and Bravo team walk to the back end of the train, they encounter…a giant spider. They shoot at it, and it immediately runs away, giving them no time to react. They search for it. They hear crawling from the other side of the walls. They search for a good few minutes, until they hear the pain-filled scream of Enrico, they run to where he was, and they see the spider wrap itself around Enrico's body, biting into his skull. Enrico's body suddenly gets up. He is dead, but his body is still alive, a puppet vessel for the Spider… this…Spider Man runs towards them. Its movements are a mix of a human and a spider. It's incredibly disturbing. They cannot seem to get a clear shot of it, all they can do is run…they lock it into a room. It just claws at the glass, trying to break it, they know it's only a matter of time until it breaks through.
Wesker in his office, receives an anonymous call, the call tells him that a Bravo team is in the Arklay Forest, investigating an event that may have something to do with the crisis of murders. Wesker, seeing this as an opportunity to finally get something done, and put an end to this 2 month long madness, they do not have time to call Barry or Jill. All the remaining STARS operatives get geared up, Brad starts up a chopper and the team proceeds to head for Arklay, they don't tell the Chief.
Everyone in the train continues on, they continue to face various small monsters, they encounter savage Crows flying through windows, baby spiders the size of an average skull hatching from giant eggs. Piles of leeches in the shape of humans, etc. They all finally agree that they have to call in for backup, they need to get out of there and tell the entire city and RPD what had happened. Then they can investigate further.
Alpha Team flies over the forest, Wesker observes the whole area with his binoculars. Until he finally spots the light of the train. Wesker orders them to land.
The crew of the bravo team are running back to the area that they entered from. They run, frantically trying to avoid the various monsters they encounter. They eventually get out, but two unknown members of the bravo team didn't make it out. They don't have time to mourn however, and they try to head back to their vehicles. More dogs appear, and they are chasing them close behind, almost getting them. Chris is the one lagging behind, he trips over a loose branch. A dog leaps at him…until a gunshot hits it straight away from Chris. “This way Chris!” Wesker says. Alpha team showed up in the nick of time, proceeding to slay all of the dogs and monsters coming at them.
“Why would Chris not call me about this?” Barry exclaims he doesn't know either. They proceed to look into things further. They call Wesker, but he doesn't answer. “Amazing, now our oh so great leader is nowhere to answer.”
Everyone in the forest has been brought up to speed on what has happened so far, they don't know where these monsters came from. They need to report back to the RPD, tell the Chief everything, and announce to raccoon city and the world what they saw, but the plan won't be happening. They hear the roars from earlier, they feel rumbling beneath their feet, and forest from the bravo team is stabbed and thrown away into the darkness by a giant claw. It's…a giant man…creature…thing…its heart and chest organs are exposed, it's uglier than sin, it's right hand is bigger than it's left, equipped with a giant claw, and it's twitching uncontrollably(it is the tyrant T-001). It lets out a huge roar. Everyone is paralyzed in fear. They all try to process if this is real, is this all just a dream, is there no human shaped abomination of God in front of them. Wesker is the only one of them all that is not scared one bit, he truly is their brave fearless leader, he earned his STARS. Wesker tells them that they need to run, he shoots the monster directly in its heart, and they run as fast as they can. They head for the chopper, but Brad beats them to it; he proceeds to leave them all as he flies away, screaming and terrified. Wesker yells “Coward” towards brad. The tyrant lets out an even louder roar than ever, and they hear it begin to run, each heavy footstep getting louder and closer. They all run, they don't know where they are going, they're just running. Billy and Chris run closely near each other, Rebecca follows close behind Wesker as he leads them to wherever they are going. They see a bright glow in the distance. They head towards it…The Mansion.
Jill and Barry head back to the STARS office, it's completely empty. They try to see if they left anything behind to indicate where they went. They find nothing, until they hear running coming from outside the door. It's Brad, he barge's into the office, he is frantic, he's panicking, disturbed, and barely clear in his words. Only say “I left them” over and over and over. Jill and Barry try to ask him what happened. Brad finally calms down, and tells them that the alpha and bravo team are in Arklay, that they were with Chris, and his friend Billy. Jill berates Brad about the fact that she abandoned them for dead. Barry restrains her back and calms her down. She tears up and hugs Barry, she is scared that it's too late, that Chris and her friends are dead.
Chris, Wesker, Rebecca, and Richard Eiken made it to the mansion, everyone else is…they don't know. “Billy!? Where's Billy!?” Chris heads for the door. Wesker stops Chris, telling him that they're all probably dead, and that he's sorry. They then suddenly hear a gunshot in the distance, they all hope that the others may have survived, Chris said that he will go and see if he finds anyone, Wesker agrees and says that he will go on his own and look for a way out. Rebecca and Richard agree to stick together and just stay alive.
Chris walks through a dining room, getting closer to where the gunshots came from. He wounds up in a dark quiet hallway. The only thing he hears is the sound of “Sploshing” and groaning. He sees a trail of fresh blood on the floor, it's a trail, Chris immediately follows the trail. And wounds up at a dead end of the hallway…he finds where the blood is coming from. The body of dead STARS member, being devoured by a blood covered pale man shaped creature, it turns its head slowly, revealing its disgusting, blood covered face, with its flesh filled mouth…
I hope you enjoy the story of this first part. I'm excited to write the next two parts of my film. This first part story was inspired by an excellent video by Score PN, titled "The untold story of Resident evil 0". Here's a tease at what is to come. Part 2, Film 2: RE 3 & 1.5 Part 3, Film 3: RE 2 & 1
submitted by Evening_Plankton_141 to videogames [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 04:36 DanielHickeymedia Bonalbo, Northern New South Wales. Australia

Dog n’ Bull Hotel
23 Sandilands St, Bonalbo NSW 2469
Phone:02 6665 1477
The Dog N Bull Hotel is situated in a small village called Bonalbo off the main roads the towns got a caravan park, bowls club and petrol station and local shops this is small town/village with a population of around 300 people. It’s worth the drive to this town great family run with a little creek runs though the town the chickens and roasters walk the streets freely, this town started as many small towns started with a farmer needing a community to prosper in 1911 land was purchased from McNamee and several buildings some built and owned by McNamee formed the basis of the town. There was a butcher's shop, hotel, billiard hall, post office, St Andrew's Presbyterian Church and “yes” Scottish heritage, a school, a boarding house, a blacksmith's, a bank, a general store, and a butter factory. The pub is the hub of the town a newer style pub as the old one burnt down in 1985 the original pub was established in 1909, I couldn’t find a photo of the original pub, if anyone has one I would like to add it to this blog just e-mail to me []( . Bonalbo is a convenient country drive rest stop on the scenic border ranges routes linking Queensland's Southern Downs with the northern Tablelands of NSW. I stayed at the pub Dog N Bull Hotel has 4 motel style room a public Bar and Bistro. Guests can choose from a variety of rooms including Double, Single and Triple which are fully serviced every day. Private ensuite, air-conditioning, small bar fridge and tea and coffee making facilities, toaster and television.
Bonalbo offers some amazing sights in and around the town on my stay, the pub had a “Eat Street” were the fire truck blocked of the road in front of the pub and food stalls set to raise money for local charity it was a great night with the locals coming out to enjoy the food and entertainment, Bonalbo has the Yabbra State Forest to explore with some spectacular eucalypt trees, bellbirds in the top of the trees and rainforest walks of the side of the road if you keep driving out north to Urbenville you will find signposted Bean Creek Falls.
Bonalbo is claimed to have had the State's first dog trials 52 years ago and was also a famed centre for bull sales. A bronze statue of a working dog was unveiled in April 2017. Bonalbo as the birthplace of working dog trials, in 1841 only four years after arriving in Sydney, drove sheep from the Hunter Valley to the Bonalbo district where he established the 'Bunalbo' or Duck Creek run. I found this place on my way the Tabulam Rodeo after visiting the Casino Meat week
submitted by DanielHickeymedia to u/DanielHickeymedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 00:54 kritoo Two friends were murdered at a camping area 65 years ago in Finland. A man was arrested, but he committed suicide before a conviction could be made. Did the police botch the investigation and arrest an innocent man? This is the story of the Tulilahti double murder, 1959.

Hello everyone. This is my first write-up and it is about a famous unsolved murder case from my country, Finland. Technically there was a prime suspect who many believe to be guilty, but equally many believe that he was innocent. Some evidence was weak at best, and the police work wasn't great.
I noticed that there wasn't a write-up of this case on the sub yet. I'm open to any and all feedback. Here I go! This is the story of the Tulilahti double murder (Tulilahden kaksoismurha).
Disclaimer: All links lead to images. Some images may be disturbing but there are none of any bodies or blood etc.
Here is a map of the area where the events take place.

Two young Finnish women, Eine Nyyssönen and Riitta Pakkanen, left for a trip on their bikes in July 1959. They lived in Jyväskylä, and the purpose of their getaway was to bike around Eastern Finland and enjoy the warm summer.
Eine was 21 years old, a brunette who was studying to be a nurse. She was slightly pudgy, had blue eyes, and was wearing green jeans, a blue sweater, and a blue panama hat. Her mother described her to be quiet, calm, and punctual.
Riitta was 23, with an average body, blonde hair and bluish grey eyes. She was wearing blue pants, a white cotton shirt and a red panama hat. She had a large, loving family with many siblings, and worked as an office assistant.
Both girls were of average height, 163cm (5’4ft).

Back in the 50s most Finnish people spent their holidays domestically, and it was a trend for young people to do long treks by bike, camping gear in their saddlebags. It was a rite of passage of sorts to travel independently in such a way. For this reason, the Tulilahti camping area also saw lots of young visitors during the summer.
Eine and Riitta had been biking around Eastern Finland for over a week, having visited Koli for its stunning natural views and camped in various places. They had been to dances and spent their days having fun. Eine had sent her family a postcard from all of the places they stopped at, just like she had promised before embarking on the trip. The one from Koli had the girls dreaming about homemade food, the sauna, and sleeping in their own beds.
It was the 27th of July 1959. The girls’ trip was nearing its end, as Riitta would have to return to work by the start of the next month. The pair had arrived at Heinävesi and headed to the camping area of Tulilahti. The surrounding area was very ordinary, and the people living in nearby houses were regular working people. Before arriving at the camping area, Eine had bought pastries from a local Osuuskauppa bar. The girls were seen walking around the town by two boys.
The evening was warm and clear as the girls set up their camp, their blue bikes parked nearby. The lake shimmered in the sun; the weather was perfect. Unfortunately, just hours later the unthinkable would happen.

Eine’s mother reported the girls missing on the 4th of August 1959. It was morning when she went to the Jyväskylä police and told chief inspector Kalle Rauman that Eine and Riitta hadn’t arrived home from their trip. Riitta should’ve been back at work on the 3rd of August but hadn’t showed. The last postcard had arrived on the 25th of July, and in it Eine had written that she and Riitta were coming home and would only visit Varkaus on the way. Because the girls hadn’t arrived by the end of the month, Eine's mother suspected that they had either been in an accident or met with foul play.
Major newspaper Helsingin Sanomat attached the girls’ photos in their article about the disappearance on the 6th of August. The news spread and the disappearance of the pair became known all around the country. The media followed the search keenly, focusing on any and all developments. Uncertainty grew day by day, and the efforts of the authorities felt useless to the families of the missing girls, who participated in the search themselves. One of Riitta’s brothers reportedly visited a dance at Heinävesi to ask around for his sister.
The search progressed from Liperi to Heinävesi and from Leppävirta to Varkaus on the 10th of August. On the same day, the searchers began to focus primarily on Heinävesi, and the first witnesses made themselves known to the police.

The “Heinävesi boys” (Heinäveden pojat) were two young men who had spent time with Eine and Riitta on the evening of their disappearance. They had made the girls “tuokkoset”, which are small baskets made of birch bark (not really a popular craft nowadays). The boys wrote fake names on the baskets, which they used for one reason or another. These names were carved on the baskets, along with the time down to the minute. The sounds of the group hanging out were heard by a couple sitting on a nearby cliff. The boys later left the camping area on a motorboat and didn't see the girls again afterwards.
When the disappearance first became public, the boys had been working in the forest and only heard about the search later on. This is why they reported their observations late.

Despite the boys’ information, the search again progressed away from Heinävesi due to eyewitnesses reporting that the girls had left the camping area the following day. Aerial searches were conducted, and the police took statements from Heinävesi locals who had seen Eine and Riitta. Nearby waterways were investigated by a diver and the area surrounding the Tulilahti camping site was scoured.
Meanwhile the media speculated on the cause of the disappearance. The police and press thought that drowning or a lightning strike would be unlikely, because the girls’ belongings would’ve been found regardless. Eine and Riitta were also not believed to have got in a car, because they had no need for a ride. Both were good bikers, and they were not in any hurry to get back.

A large-scale search began near the Tulilahti camping area at 7am on the 21st of August 1959. The search party was walking on a fenced field next to the camping area, when participating soldier Mauno Kiviaho tripped on something. It was a spruce sapling, its base having been sharpened with a knife. Seven other saplings had been stuck into a pile of tree branches and logs, and peat and moss had been used to seal the holes. Someone had wanted the spot to look as untouched as possible. When the wood was cleared off the way, a devastating sight was revealed. It was essentially a ditch-like grave with Eine and Riitta’s bodies lying next to each other.

Media exploded with the discovery, and it became the talk of the whole country. Nobody could avoid hearing about the girls’ fate, and curiosity grew. The Pakkanen family was hounded by journalists, and Riitta's father was ambushed by them only half an hour after receiving the sad news. The family’s address was published in the papers. Riitta’s brother heard about his sister’s death when he opened a newspaper on the train and recognised a woolly sock from a photo: it was the other half of a pair he himself had given to his sister to wear. Eine Nyyssönen’s parents heard the news separately: her mother at home, her father at his worksite in another town.
A funeral was later arranged and attended by up to 8000 people. Eine's coffin was carried by her fellow nursing students, while Riitta's was carried by male relatives dressed in black.

It was found that the girls had been killed during the night between the 27th and 28th of July. Eine and Riitta had both been stabbed, and Riitta had also been struck on the head with a rock. Eine had been stripped naked, but neither of the girls had been sexually assaulted.
As was (and is) common, men were the usual suspects. Everyone in Heinävesi had to ask themselves a question: is the killer one of us?
Many men were interviewed and questioned in relation to the crime. Some were brought in from work, and some left the police station looking defeated. Some people got involved involuntarily when old crimes of those living near the camping area were brought up again. The police collected a list of everyone who lived by the lake and owned a boat. Special attention was paid to those who owned a moped. The list was long.

The Heinävesi boys were also questioned but no evidence of their involvement was found. They relayed more details about the evening when questioned for a second time. The girls had retained their privacy and hadn't been receptive to their courting. They denied being forceful with their advances. Earlier, the girls had also attended a dance in Polvijärvi, but weren’t interested in company there either despite receiving attention.

One creepy detail emerged in the form of a shovel which was used to dig the girls' grave. It had been taken from the yard of a house, located 200m (656ft) from the camping area. The family had a dog that was prone to barking, but for some reason it hadn’t woken them up.
Eine and Riitta's belongings started to turn up in the environment. Riitta’s watch, the “tuokkoset” made by the boys, tent parts and an empty biscuit bag were found near a fallen tree between the camping area and the lavatories. A receipt was also found, which a waiter at the Osuuskauppa bar recognised as one that they themselves had given to Eine (supposedly when she bought pastries earlier in the day). The girls' blue bicycles were found in the deepest part of the lake, sunken to the bottom. The valves on the bikes had been opened and the air had been let out from the tires.
As summer turned to autumn, the police investigated the scene in heavy rain. Everyone was soaking wet, but unfortunately the camping area, and thus the crime scene, was soon invaded by a curious crowd. Despite the weather, people loitered around and supposedly contaminated the scene with their footsteps and rubbish. Vendors even took advantage of the events, selling snacks and drinks to those satisfying their curiosity.

The police received lots of tips and sightings about the girls and possible perpetrators. Many people stated that they had seen a man on a moped following Eine and Riitta for several kilometres in Heinävesi. Authorities soon reported that they were looking for a blue moped, possibly a Solifer, driven by a tan, average man of 30 to 40 years of age. The Heinävesi boys also mentioned the “Moped Man” to the police. With the police’s announcement, everyone had suddenly seen the mysterious man on the moped. Tips flooded in, and while all of them were followed, none led to the man in question.
Finally, in February 1960 the police had something to share. In November 1959 they had arrested a repeat criminal named Runar Holmström. He was suspected of several burglaries near Vaasa on the western coast. He matched the description of the Moped Man, and it also came up that he had had a blue moped during the summer. He also had a knife, which could have been used to whittle the saplings on the grave. During the arrest, two pairs of women's undergarments and a page from a nursing career magazine were found in Runar’s possession. He also had a pistol, a Swedish manual for a Solifer moped, food in a briefcase, and equipment for burgling.
Runar claimed that he had picked up the manual from the ground and the nurse magazine from “some lavatory”. The knife he claimed he had stolen, but he couldn't remember from where. The undergarments were supposedly stolen by him from a beach in Helsinki during autumn 1959 so he could clean his moped. Later he corrected that he had used them to clean his bicycle. Once more he changed his story and said that he had stolen them from Heinola after tanning on the beach. Runar also instantly denied having ever been in Eastern Finland and being guilty of the double murder. Holmström became the main suspect.

Holmström was driven around Lieksa and Heinävesi so he could be identified by eyewitnesses. However, this identification was completely botched. Holmström was shown to the witnesses alone, not in a line-up. The witnesses could look at him through a window. During these identifications Holmström was very nervous, and he had already been branded as guilty.

On the car ride back to Vaasa, Holmström asked if the police had enough evidence to identify him as the Moped Man. When the police confirmed this, whether it was true or not, Holmström confessed that he had seen Eine and Riitta by a pond in Liperi. He said that he hadn’t begun to follow them immediately, but after about half an hour. He had driven after them on his Solifer moped, but it had a fault which forced him to stop and tinker with it from time to time.
At the crossroads by the Tulilahti camping area, Holmström said he had seen two young men, a couple on a cliff, and a large man in the forest by the camping site. He said that the young men had tried to hug and kiss the girls, which the girls hadn’t liked. The police were excited about this, because Runar couldn’t have known these details if he hadn't actually been present at the time. Holmström continued by stating that he had left the camping area at midnight, half an hour after the young men, and headed to Varkaus to get his moped fixed. Later he recanted this confession. His reason was that as a former criminal he would likely be convicted of killing the girls too.
During another car ride from Vaasa to Helsinki, officers Matti and Jaakko tried to have another talk with Holmström, especially about his sexual behaviour. They asked whether he had ever had a relationship with a woman, and Runar answered no. He told them that he masturbated sometimes. Because a page from a porn magazine had been found on the beach at Tulilahti, the police asked Runar whether he read those kind of magazines. He denied this and said that he needed something more concrete. “Is this why you stole those undergarments”, the police asked. Runar confirmed this. It was later announced that Holmström was confirmed to be the Moped Man, but not necessarily the murderer.

In following interrogations Holmström continued to deny everything and refused to sign the minutes. “I only told the police about my own miserable life. I have not said anything about the girls to the police”, Runar would later say in court. While Runar wouldn’t officially admit to anything, his younger brother Arne would. He turned against his brother and explained that Runar had come home to Munsala one early August night of 1959 for just a few hours. He recounted his own summer trip to Eastern Finland and said that in mid-August he had met Runar in Savonlinna, riding a sky-blue moped. To Arne’s shock, Runar’s appearance matched that of the Moped Man, and thus he started to suspect that Runar was involved.
Arne also told the police how Runar could sometimes choke him when angry. He also stated that Runar had told him about meeting a girl on the road. The girl had got scared and started to shout when Runar had tried to rob her, and Runar had grabbed her by the throat, claiming that the girl would've had it worse if a bus hadn’t passed by and made him run away. Supposedly this was Runar's only violent crime: an attempted robbery for which he’d been in jail for four years. The crime had happened in 1948, and in court Runar had denied that he meant to hurt the girl.
Arne's stories made Runar angry. He sent a letter to his older brother Gunnar, accusing Arne of lying and threatening him with jail. To be fair, Arne's stories were considered weird even at home. He inquired what consequences a person would have to face for putting the saplings on the Tulilahti grave. He also stated that he had seen the spot where the girls had been buried. The police arrested Arne on the 10th of February 1960 for suspicion of him being Runar's partner in crime. Arne denied being involved, and the police had no evidence to the contrary. He was released after 10 days. Arne didn't show up at court and refused to testify, which Runar thought was due to his lies.

Runar Holmström’s trial began in June 1960 at an old school building, due to the huge crowd who had arrived to take a look at the murderer. Runar didn't seem to care about the crowd’s loud demands for his head: “String him up by his neck!” Holmström denied his guilt once again: “Their lives don’t weigh on my conscience.”
The prosecutor claimed that Runar and the Moped Man were the same person. Those who had seen the latter testified that Holmström looked like the man they had seen following the girls. One swore under oath that they had definitely seen Holmström specifically. What Holmström had told the police during the car ride was, according to the prosecutor, strong evidence that Runar had been at Tulilahti after 8pm on the night the girls were murdered.
Arne's story was accurate when it came to Runar’s violence against a girl in 1948, and the meeting of the brothers in Savonlinna, said the prosecutor.

It was also tested whether it would be possible for one man to commit the crime and cover the tracks in a short enough time. According to a test done by the police, a strong and vigorous man could murder the girls, dig the grave, and cover the tracks in two hours and 25 minutes. The testers tried to be too slow, rather than too quick. According to this test, the camping area would have been in the condition it was found in by 3.30am. When the police took the shovel during the test, the dog didn't bark. When they shouted by the beach, it was only faintly heard in nearby houses.
Holmström’s defence argued that the time of death of the girls wasn’t even accurately known. They suggested an alternate course of events, claiming that one man couldn't have done everything alone but that there must’ve been at least two perpetrators.
“It’s not believable that one man could kill two women so quickly that the other one, being vigorous and healthy, couldn't even scream. Since the camp was by a lake, this scream would’ve carried far. And that this man could, in such a short time, arrange the camp in a way that a gruesome event like this wouldn't be noticed, scatter the girls' belongings, steal the shovel without alerting an angry dog, cut saplings from a wide area, dig a long grave, carry two bodies for a long way, fill the grave, cover it neatly, use a lousy, oarless boat to take two bicycles to exactly the deepest part of the lake etc. My opinion is that this would've been an impossible feat for one man to do in just a few hours”, said senior lawyer Strömberg.
There was no physical evidence of Runar's involvement. There were no witnesses to the murder, no fingerprints or blood prints that would've tied Runar to the crime. Some suspected that there was only proof of Runar following the girls and hanging out at the camping area, but there was only (weak) circumstantial evidence relating to the murder.

An interesting turn of events came a year after the murders. More of Eine and Riitta's belongings, such as their panama hats, were found along a road between Varkaus and Heinävesi. According to the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation, the items had been there over the winter. The prosecutor claimed that Runar had hidden the items (panama hats, two bags, two bras, two shorts, and two pairs of women’s shoes) after the murder on his way to Varkaus.
The defence disagreed. Senior lawyer Strömberg had seen pictures of the hats, which looked to be in good shape after the winter. This made him question the events, because the hats were “of cheap quality” and hadn’t even faded during the winter. Strömberg had actually bought similar hats and hidden them in different places: “It’ll be interesting to see what they look like after a year has passed.” He also questioned why the hats weren't found when the area was searched before the discovery of the girls' grave. The items were situated only 55 metres (180ft) from the road and weren't even hidden. Strömberg suspected that the hats had been hidden somewhere else over the winter and had been put by the route Runar supposedly took during spring, in hopes that they would implicate Runar further. Why else would the hats not be flat and shapeless, if snow had been stacked on them for several months?
Strömberg finally noted that the girls' items at the camping area had been skilfully hidden, while the hats were out in the open. He also disputed the knife and claimed that the whittling of the saplings was done by someone who was right-handed, while Runar was left-handed. Supposedly Runar was also shorter than the Moped Man the eyewitnesses had seen.

The prosecutor argued that the murder method and cover-up implied that the perpetrator had criminal experience and was violent and brutal. Arne's and Runar's old teacher’s stories about his character proved that in certain circumstances he could be very violent. The prosecutor also said that Runar hadn't presented an alibi of any kind.

Unfortunately, no closure or conviction would be achieved in the Tulilahti double murder case. Runar Holmström hung himself in May 1961 in a prison in Vaasa before a conviction could be made. He had attempted suicide several times before, almost succeeding the first time, when he also left a letter asserting his innocence. The last time he left no message. Later the judge and prosecutor stated that they didn't believe in Runar’s guilt.

Many believe that the investigation was botched due to the police focusing all of their attention on Runar Holmström after he was arrested. The curious crowd also destroyed possible evidence, and Runar's identification was all but fair. To this day, many believe that Runar was innocent. Did the perpetrator know the area too well to be from somewhere else? Would an out-of-town person stay to bury the bodies?

There are other theories that have been examined, most notably one that links together the Tulilahti double murder, Kyllikki Saari’s murder, the Lake Bodom murders, and the murder of Sirkka-Liisa Waljus (no English source). In the book “Luottamus tai kuolema” (Trust or death), written by Jorma Palo, a professor of neurology, and Matti Paloaro, chief inspector, German-born Hans Assmann (rumoured KGB agent) is linked to all of the crimes. It is based on Assman’s death bed confession in Sweden. This theory is not completely waterproof either, but we won’t get into it here.

Unfortunately, Eine and Riitta will probably never receive justice, as the perpetrator is likely dead or extremely old. Their families suffered the most during the whole ordeal, especially due to Runar's suicide and the unanswered questions they were left with. Lots of speculation about the case can be found online and it is still unclear what actually happened. May Eine and Riitta rest in peace, and may their murderer burn in hell.
Tulilahden kaksoismurha: Poliisi saa yhä vinkkejä yli puoli vuosisataa vanhasta veriteosta -
Kaksoismurhaajan jahtaaminen oli viedä poliisin epätoivoon – suohon kätketty salaisuus raottuu Tulilahden tutkintamateriaalista Yle
Edit: Fixed a detail I had misunderstood. The Heinävesi boys were the ones who used fake names. Also added a few details.
submitted by kritoo to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 00:45 PhillipRicardo Took a photo at a rodeo with my IPhone

Took a photo at a rodeo with my IPhone submitted by PhillipRicardo to AccidentalRenaissance [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 00:29 sandboxxsally Run Club Review - Los Angeles, CA - Hermosa Run Club

Running is an individual sport, but is much better when you have the support of a community. running provides that community in an online forum, but many running groups and clubs are scattered throughout the US. I plan to submit weekly reviews of different running clubs in different cities over the upcoming weeks - I currently have on the schedule Houston (multiple times), Los Angeles, Denver, Kansas City (multiple times), Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Atlanta (multiple times), Oklahoma City, Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando, and possibly Louisville. I hope you enjoy!
Last week's review:
Hermosa Run Club Metro: Los Angeles, CA Meet dates: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm Run date: April 17, 2024 Route distance: 4.0 miles Instagram: Strava:
It was my first time in LA, and I stayed in the Torrance area. One of the only run clubs that I could find that had a route along the beach was the Hermosa run Club. They had a presence on Instagram and on Strava, and they had a few hundred members, so I figured it would be a decent size Club.
I showed up around 6:00 pm, and there was nobody there, so I walked up and down the boardwalk. The beach was absolutely beautiful. The boardwalk is mostly lined with residential buildings, and different streets that run perpendicular to the boardwalk have restaurants and bars. In terms of parking, I ubered, but it looked like there is a fair amount of parking behind the boardwalk area. Most of these spots were filled, but there were several spots open. Around 6:15 pm I was able to find the main organizers of the club club. They introduce themselves and let me know that most people show up about 10 minutes beforehand. That's an odd comment, I thought.
One of the organizers and I had a good conversation for a few minutes until a couple other newer runners came up. I talked to one of them, who had just completed a marathon, about his training plan. The few guys I talked to were very nice. Around 6:40 pm, 50 to 75 people had gathered, and the main organizer spoke to the group. They took a group photo, and he led us in some playful dynamic stretching. That was pretty funny to watch.
We then departed on the 4 Mile route which was an out and back route beginning at the Hermosa Pier and continuing to the Manhattan Beach Pier. This route is roughly 4 miles and was absolutely beautiful. Sand volleyball courts line the boardwalk, and there were plenty of people playing as the group ran by. The boardwalk is somewhat full of walkers and bikers, but it was not difficult to navigate, even with a large running group. The midway point of the route ends at a pier, and there was a great opportunity to take some photos. Given that the beach is on the west side of the country, we are also able to see a pretty great sunset.
After returning, I spoke to some of the same guys for a bit. A small group meandered over to a bar near the starting point. I went inside with one of the guys I met and we quickly decided to leave. The line to get a drink was quite long, and, while this shouldn't matter, there was a lot of dudes. Additionally, most everyone that stayed after was sitting in closed off groups. From what I've seen with other run clubs, more runners normally stay after for a drink or two, and most groups have a slightly more open attitude to newcomers.
All in all, the group was noticeably new, a lot of young professionals that definitely give a California vibe. Mostly everyone I talked to was not from LA, either. The route is beautiful, and given the 4 Mile length, is doable for your average runner.
submitted by sandboxxsally to TheRunReview [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 23:12 jimmythecollector [FS] [USA] He11star Tour Tee, R1ck Ow3n Bella Pants MRLEE, Vuj@ De & Carh@rtt Carpenters, Ga11ery Dept & CH Trucker, Kapita1 Visv1m Slides, N1ke x Off-White, Rhud3, EE Shorts, 424, Ston3 1sland Ghost Sweaters, LV Belts, F0G Joggers, Ba1enciaga Tees & Hat, Retail Y-3, & More! 🏷️💲



$11 - Retail LOVE Uniq1o x MoMA Art Tee - Small - Retailed for $30. Amazing design and lightly worn.
$29 - Suprem3 Box Logo Black on Black - Medium (Fits Small-Fitted Medium) - Used quite a few times but still in amazing condition. Blank has slight fading to it which it on point with retail as it was released a few years back, print in pristine condition.
$35 - Vintage N1ke Cream Crewneck - Fits Medium- Lightly worn and high-quality rep. Almost certain from Ambition, take for a steal.
$38 - F3ar of G0d Essentia1s Longsleeve Polo Gray - Fits Small-Medium - Bought used and fits amazing. Exactly on point with my retail and I can’t tell any difference between both.
$32 - Rhud3 Cream Shirt - Fits Medium - Washed and only tried on. In amazing condition.
$35 - Retail N1ke Dri-Fit Black Spellout Sweater - XL (Fits Large) Length 26 / Width 24. - Paid 60 for this at outlets. Has Dri-Fit material and was only washed/ tried on once. In like new condition and take for a steal.
$55 - Vuj@ De Carpenter Olive Pants - Fits Small (Waist Size 28-32) - Only tried on. Quality is amazing and fit is similar to straight fitting pants.
$85 - R1ck Bella Cargo Pants MRLEE - 32 / Fits Medium - Take for a steal as it costs a lot to ship this from China and it’s only been tried on. Best batch out and insane fit. Quality is on point and this is a damn near perfect rep IMO.
$69 - St0ne Isl@nd Olive Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$36 - He11star Biker Tour Vintage Tee - Fits Medium - Sells for a crazy $140 at retail, rep is pretty much on point to retail. Worn once.
$30 - EE Blue Floral Stripe Shorts - Fits XS-S - Has correct perforations on logo and nice/light blank for summer weather. Would be keeping but too small on me, perfect for Size 28-30 waists.
$42 - Essentia1s Tan Joggers - Small (Waist Size 30) - High quality batch but too small on me. Print and embroidered logo on front are pristine and blank is on point with retail.
$58 - Y33zy “Ye Must be Born again” Brown Hoodie - Fits Boxy Medium - Sizing similar to retai land puff print is in amazing condition with slight fading from couple of wears. Always gets lots of eyes and extremely comfy hoodie. Stitched out hoodie sizing cause it said XL when this fits more like a medium.
$40 - Ga11ery Dept Brown Longsleeve Tee - Fits Small-Medium - Blank similar to retail and print on front/back is high quality. Tags look great and very accurate/comfy rep.
$52 - Y33zy Calabasa$ Agoura Black/Grey Sweatpants - Fits Small (Waist Size 30) - Blank similar to retail and embroidery is high quality. Honestly can’t tell a difference between this and retail.
$68 - Pa1ace Arms Blue/White Jacket - Fits Small-Medium - Best batch out and was released a few years back. Has been in closet for a while but time to let go, unsure if it’s from Pa1ace37 or not. Insane quality and great for everyday wear.
$69 - N1ke x 0FF-White Virgi1 Hoodie - Fits Small - Best batch out and rep from an older seller. Details on point and quality of blank is really nice. Stitching and all minute details on this collab are perfect and such a perfect hoodie. Would be a must keep if I could fit and in no rush to sell because not sure if they sell this anymore. Light stains from storage but almost certain should come out with wash.
$53 - Carh@rtt Light Green Cargo Carpenter Pants - Medium (Fits 32x30) - Most popular batch on Taobao and only washed but never used. Insane quality on par with retail and not in rush to sell. Shipping on this from China was a lot and took a while to arrive.
$78 - 424 Denim Fairfax Distressed Jacket - Medium - Best batch out and only tried on. Rare rep from a haul I did a few years back and link is now dead. No red sleeve.
$35 - Askyu$elf 90’s Rainbow Tee - Fits Large-XL - Quality and embroidery are extremely well done and such a high-quality blank. Worn once.
$22 - Balenc1aga Pride Tee - Cl0yad - Fits Small - From Cloyad who’s a top-tier reseller. Never been worn personally but seems lightly used.
$9 - Retail D0ckers Straight Fit Pants Grey - 32x29 - Paid $40 and quality is amazing. Have nice straight fit to drape slightly over your shoes and I would’ve 100% kept if I didn’t outgrow them.
$19 - Retail Vintage Chevy Walts Kings Men 1993 Tee - Fits Large - Thrifted and few imperfections (pictured) which might come out in wash. Take for a steal, can’t find comps on eBay.
$15 - Retai1 Vintage Buzzie Nascar Racing Tee - Fits Medium - Thrifted and used only a few times.
$25 - Retail Pepsi Cola Timeless Tee 1993 Tee - Large - Bought from Consignment Shop and in great condition, just had tags removed and some slight aging as it’s an older shirt. Take for a steal.
$79 (FINAL SALE) - Y33ZY Season 5 Lost Hills Sports Jacket - Fits Medium - In like new condition and extremely rare rep from 2019, haven't seen one posted since. I have rarely used and I’m not in a rush to sell it cause this is most likely the first and last one that’s going to be posted on here, hence the price.
$69 - St0ne Isl@nd Cream Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Medium-Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$52 - Br0ken Plan3t “Into the Abyss” Blue Hoodie - Medium - From Hotd0g and one of the nicer designs from this brand IMO. Lightly worn and in amazing condition.


$85 - N3w Ba1ance 2002R Protection Pack Rain Cloud - TZE - 8.5 Mens - Bought best batch out at the time from TZE. Lightly used and still in amazing condition. Comfort and materials are really nice.
$139 OBO - Retail Y-3 x Ad1das 4D Exo Runners - Size 7.5 (Fits 7.5-8.5 Snug Mens) - Listings on eBay around $240 brand new/used. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition.
$129 OBO - Retail Y-3 x Ad1das Terrex Swift R3 Goretex - 8.5 Mens - Multiple listings on eBay around $230 brand new. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition. Has continental bottoms and perfect shoe for outdoors.
$79 OBO - Retail Y-3 Ajatu Court Low Black - 8 Mens - Selling for around $166 on StockX. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition. Has continental bottoms and perfect shoe for outdoors.
$29 - Black/White Penny Lug Loafers - Fits Mens Size 7.5-8 - Used once and in amazing condition. Saw Jeff Goldblum wear similar model and he pulls them off great but too small on me.
$49 - Kapita1 Visv1m Slides - Fits 8.5 Mens - Worn quite a bit but still has a lot of life. The top and bottoms are very clean and the bed could use a wash.
$23 - Ultraboost$ Oreo 3.0 - 10 Mens (Fits 9-9.5 Mens) - Best batch out from Lin. Used but flash really accentuates flaws, they still have a lot of life.
$36 - N1ke Dunks Curry - Mens 8 - Used on the baseball fields but as you can seen from the bottoms they are still in amazing condition and once cleaned up will be perfect.
$15 - Retai1 Brown Dress Shoes - Mens 8.5 - Worn a few times and quality is amazing, take for a steal.
$89 OBO - Retail N1ke Air Max 1 Premium Hangul SE - 8.5 Mens - Brand new and only tried on. Paid 140 for them, take for a steal.

Accessories (Wallets/Belt/Bags/Cologne):

$13 - Retail T0M Ford “Oud Wood” Cologne Sample - 2ML - Beautiful smell and sprayed a little once just to try. A great way of sampling this beautiful fragrance.
$12 - Cart1er Tank Strap from G33ktime - Strap for smallest size of Cartier Tank (I think it’s small?). Nice but I replaced mine, take for a steal.
$22 (2 Left!) - Stu$$y Camo Waist Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Amazing quality and IMO 1:1 with Retail.
$34 (2 Left!) - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Brown/Gold Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
$18 (2 Left!) - Bap3 Camo Green Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$18 - Aap3 Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$16 (1 Left!) - Palac3 Tri-Ferg Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag. Misspelled papers, but wallet is spot on.

Jewelry (Rings, Pendants, Necklaces, Keychains):

$25 - Chr0me Heart$ Pendants - OOS - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. I’ve personally used most models for 6+ months daily along with an Amazon-bought chain. Pendants have nice weight/quality and always get compliments. 925 sterling silver plated and has been used in the gym without issues. Available Models:
$23 - Chr0me Heart$ Silichrome 20th Anniversary Cross Necklace - One Size Fits All (26 Inches) - Great alternative to paying CH’s wild retail price of $160, this rep is extremely accurate IMO (.95:1). Available Colors:
$21 - LV Keychain Black Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$21 - LV Keychain Brown Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$22 - Retail Gue$$ Blue/Black Watch - Fits Up to 6.25 Inch Wrists (Has additional clasp to expand to ~6.5 Inches) - Paid 120 shipped for this, take for an absolute steal. Movement is stuck so might need new battery, selling as is.
$22 (Add-On) - Culture K1ngs Cap CarrieStorage NFS - OOS - Exclusive item not being sold; need to buy 3 hats to receive. Take at a great price.


$40 (1 Left!) - Ga11ery Dept Upside Down Logo Trucker Hat - Adjustable - New with tags. Best batch out. Solid batch
$34 (1 Left!) - Balenciag@ Brown Logo Beanie - One Size - Best batch out and deadstock, take for a steal.
$29 (2 Left!) - Chrom3 Heart$ “Big CH” Beanie - One Size - Brand new in bag. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$35 (1 Left!) - Chr0me Hearts Pink Hollywood Hat - Adjustable - Bought a while ago and worn a few times. Amazing fit and solid batch.
$33 - Retail LA Dodgers 9F0rty N3w 3ra Purple Haze A-Frame Hat - Adjustable - Retail and sold out at Cultur3 Kings. Link to retail is HERE. Paid $42 with shipping, just trying to make some money back, take them for $34 with free shipping. Insane quality and has nice Jackie Robinson patch on side.
$20 - Canad@ Goos3 Beanies Various Colors - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads. Models:
$25 - Retail D0dgers A-Frame Trucker Hat N3w Era - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. I think this is a European exclusive as I see no US sellers have this. Take for a steal price.
$22 - Vuj@ De “VD” Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and nice quality blank.
$22 - Prad@ Badge Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and compared badge to SurvivalSourc3 keychain and looks 1:1.
$22 - Acn3 Studio$ Ice Grey Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New. Embroidery and quality of beanie are spot on with Retail.
submitted by jimmythecollector to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 23:09 jimmythecollector [FS] [USA] He11star Tour Tee, R1ck Ow3n Bella Pants MRLEE, Vuj@ De & Carh@rtt Carpenters, Ga11ery Dept & CH Trucker, Kapita1 Visv1m Slides, N1ke x Off-White, Rhud3, EE Shorts, 424, Ston3 1sland Ghost Sweaters, LV Belts, F0G Joggers, Ba1enciaga Tees & Hat, Retail Y-3, & More! 🏷️💲



$11 - Retail LOVE Uniq1o x MoMA Art Tee - Small - Retailed for $30. Amazing design and lightly worn.
$29 - Suprem3 Box Logo Black on Black - Medium (Fits Small-Fitted Medium) - Used quite a few times but still in amazing condition. Blank has slight fading to it which it on point with retail as it was released a few years back, print in pristine condition.
$35 - Vintage N1ke Cream Crewneck - Fits Medium- Lightly worn and high-quality rep. Almost certain from Ambition, take for a steal.
$38 - F3ar of G0d Essentia1s Longsleeve Polo Gray - Fits Small-Medium - Bought used and fits amazing. Exactly on point with my retail and I can’t tell any difference between both.
$32 - Rhud3 Cream Shirt - Fits Medium - Washed and only tried on. In amazing condition.
$35 - Retail N1ke Dri-Fit Black Spellout Sweater - XL (Fits Large) Length 26 / Width 24. - Paid 60 for this at outlets. Has Dri-Fit material and was only washed/ tried on once. In like new condition and take for a steal.
$55 - Vuj@ De Carpenter Olive Pants - Fits Small (Waist Size 28-32) - Only tried on. Quality is amazing and fit is similar to straight fitting pants.
$85 - R1ck Bella Cargo Pants MRLEE - 32 / Fits Medium - Take for a steal as it costs a lot to ship this from China and it’s only been tried on. Best batch out and insane fit. Quality is on point and this is a damn near perfect rep IMO.
$69 - St0ne Isl@nd Olive Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$36 - He11star Biker Tour Vintage Tee - Fits Medium - Sells for a crazy $140 at retail, rep is pretty much on point to retail. Worn once.
$30 - EE Blue Floral Stripe Shorts - Fits XS-S - Has correct perforations on logo and nice/light blank for summer weather. Would be keeping but too small on me, perfect for Size 28-30 waists.
$42 - Essentia1s Tan Joggers - Small (Waist Size 30) - High quality batch but too small on me. Print and embroidered logo on front are pristine and blank is on point with retail.
$58 - Y33zy “Ye Must be Born again” Brown Hoodie - Fits Boxy Medium - Sizing similar to retai land puff print is in amazing condition with slight fading from couple of wears. Always gets lots of eyes and extremely comfy hoodie. Stitched out hoodie sizing cause it said XL when this fits more like a medium.
$40 - Ga11ery Dept Brown Longsleeve Tee - Fits Small-Medium - Blank similar to retail and print on front/back is high quality. Tags look great and very accurate/comfy rep.
$52 - Y33zy Calabasa$ Agoura Black/Grey Sweatpants - Fits Small (Waist Size 30) - Blank similar to retail and embroidery is high quality. Honestly can’t tell a difference between this and retail.
$68 - Pa1ace Arms Blue/White Jacket - Fits Small-Medium - Best batch out and was released a few years back. Has been in closet for a while but time to let go, unsure if it’s from Pa1ace37 or not. Insane quality and great for everyday wear.
$69 - N1ke x 0FF-White Virgi1 Hoodie - Fits Small - Best batch out and rep from an older seller. Details on point and quality of blank is really nice. Stitching and all minute details on this collab are perfect and such a perfect hoodie. Would be a must keep if I could fit and in no rush to sell because not sure if they sell this anymore. Light stains from storage but almost certain should come out with wash.
$53 - Carh@rtt Light Green Cargo Carpenter Pants - Medium (Fits 32x30) - Most popular batch on Taobao and only washed but never used. Insane quality on par with retail and not in rush to sell. Shipping on this from China was a lot and took a while to arrive.
$78 - 424 Denim Fairfax Distressed Jacket - Medium - Best batch out and only tried on. Rare rep from a haul I did a few years back and link is now dead. No red sleeve.
$35 - Askyu$elf 90’s Rainbow Tee - Fits Large-XL - Quality and embroidery are extremely well done and such a high-quality blank. Worn once.
$22 - Balenc1aga Pride Tee - Cl0yad - Fits Small - From Cloyad who’s a top-tier reseller. Never been worn personally but seems lightly used.
$9 - Retail D0ckers Straight Fit Pants Grey - 32x29 - Paid $40 and quality is amazing. Have nice straight fit to drape slightly over your shoes and I would’ve 100% kept if I didn’t outgrow them.
$19 - Retail Vintage Chevy Walts Kings Men 1993 Tee - Fits Large - Thrifted and few imperfections (pictured) which might come out in wash. Take for a steal, can’t find comps on eBay.
$15 - Retai1 Vintage Buzzie Nascar Racing Tee - Fits Medium - Thrifted and used only a few times.
$25 - Retail Pepsi Cola Timeless Tee 1993 Tee - Large - Bought from Consignment Shop and in great condition, just had tags removed and some slight aging as it’s an older shirt. Take for a steal.
$79 (FINAL SALE) - Y33ZY Season 5 Lost Hills Sports Jacket - Fits Medium - In like new condition and extremely rare rep from 2019, haven't seen one posted since. I have rarely used and I’m not in a rush to sell it cause this is most likely the first and last one that’s going to be posted on here, hence the price.
$69 - St0ne Isl@nd Cream Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Medium-Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$52 - Br0ken Plan3t “Into the Abyss” Blue Hoodie - Medium - From Hotd0g and one of the nicer designs from this brand IMO. Lightly worn and in amazing condition.


$85 - N3w Ba1ance 2002R Protection Pack Rain Cloud - TZE - 8.5 Mens - Bought best batch out at the time from TZE. Lightly used and still in amazing condition. Comfort and materials are really nice.
$139 OBO - Retail Y-3 x Ad1das 4D Exo Runners - Size 7.5 (Fits 7.5-8.5 Snug Mens) - Listings on eBay around $240 brand new/used. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition.
$129 OBO - Retail Y-3 x Ad1das Terrex Swift R3 Goretex - 8.5 Mens - Multiple listings on eBay around $230 brand new. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition. Has continental bottoms and perfect shoe for outdoors.
$79 OBO - Retail Y-3 Ajatu Court Low Black - 8 Mens - Selling for around $166 on StockX. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition. Has continental bottoms and perfect shoe for outdoors.
$29 - Black/White Penny Lug Loafers - Fits Mens Size 7.5-8 - Used once and in amazing condition. Saw Jeff Goldblum wear similar model and he pulls them off great but too small on me.
$49 - Kapita1 Visv1m Slides - Fits 8.5 Mens - Worn quite a bit but still has a lot of life. The top and bottoms are very clean and the bed could use a wash.
$23 - Ultraboost$ Oreo 3.0 - 10 Mens (Fits 9-9.5 Mens) - Best batch out from Lin. Used but flash really accentuates flaws, they still have a lot of life.
$36 - N1ke Dunks Curry - Mens 8 - Used on the baseball fields but as you can seen from the bottoms they are still in amazing condition and once cleaned up will be perfect.
$15 - Retai1 Brown Dress Shoes - Mens 8.5 - Worn a few times and quality is amazing, take for a steal.
$89 OBO - Retail N1ke Air Max 1 Premium Hangul SE - 8.5 Mens - Brand new and only tried on. Paid 140 for them, take for a steal.

Accessories (Wallets/Belt/Bags/Cologne):

$13 - Retail T0M Ford “Oud Wood” Cologne Sample - 2ML - Beautiful smell and sprayed a little once just to try. A great way of sampling this beautiful fragrance.
$12 - Cart1er Tank Strap from G33ktime - Strap for smallest size of Cartier Tank (I think it’s small?). Nice but I replaced mine, take for a steal.
$22 (2 Left!) - Stu$$y Camo Waist Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Amazing quality and IMO 1:1 with Retail.
$34 (2 Left!) - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Brown/Gold Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
$18 (2 Left!) - Bap3 Camo Green Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$18 - Aap3 Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$16 (1 Left!) - Palac3 Tri-Ferg Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag. Misspelled papers, but wallet is spot on.

Jewelry (Rings, Pendants, Necklaces, Keychains):

$25 - Chr0me Heart$ Pendants - OOS - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. I’ve personally used most models for 6+ months daily along with an Amazon-bought chain. Pendants have nice weight/quality and always get compliments. 925 sterling silver plated and has been used in the gym without issues. Available Models:
$23 - Chr0me Heart$ Silichrome 20th Anniversary Cross Necklace - One Size Fits All (26 Inches) - Great alternative to paying CH’s wild retail price of $160, this rep is extremely accurate IMO (.95:1). Available Colors:
$21 - LV Keychain Black Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$21 - LV Keychain Brown Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$22 - Retail Gue$$ Blue/Black Watch - Fits Up to 6.25 Inch Wrists (Has additional clasp to expand to ~6.5 Inches) - Paid 120 shipped for this, take for an absolute steal. Movement is stuck so might need new battery, selling as is.
$22 (Add-On) - Culture K1ngs Cap CarrieStorage NFS - OOS - Exclusive item not being sold; need to buy 3 hats to receive. Take at a great price.


$40 (1 Left!) - Ga11ery Dept Upside Down Logo Trucker Hat - Adjustable - New with tags. Best batch out. Solid batch
$34 (1 Left!) - Balenciag@ Brown Logo Beanie - One Size - Best batch out and deadstock, take for a steal.
$29 (2 Left!) - Chrom3 Heart$ “Big CH” Beanie - One Size - Brand new in bag. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$35 (1 Left!) - Chr0me Hearts Pink Hollywood Hat - Adjustable - Bought a while ago and worn a few times. Amazing fit and solid batch.
$33 - Retail LA Dodgers 9F0rty N3w 3ra Purple Haze A-Frame Hat - Adjustable - Retail and sold out at Cultur3 Kings. Link to retail is HERE. Paid $42 with shipping, just trying to make some money back, take them for $34 with free shipping. Insane quality and has nice Jackie Robinson patch on side.
$20 - Canad@ Goos3 Beanies Various Colors - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads. Models:
$25 - Retail D0dgers A-Frame Trucker Hat N3w Era - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. I think this is a European exclusive as I see no US sellers have this. Take for a steal price.
$22 - Vuj@ De “VD” Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and nice quality blank.
$22 - Prad@ Badge Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and compared badge to SurvivalSourc3 keychain and looks 1:1.
$22 - Acn3 Studio$ Ice Grey Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New. Embroidery and quality of beanie are spot on with Retail.
submitted by jimmythecollector to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 22:57 vaguelynotorious [Rehome][US Only] Gucci Princetown, Unbranded Rodeo, Loewe Sunglasses

Prices: - Gucci Princetown Mules: $60 - UBELLIN unbranded Balenciaga Rodeo Small: $50 - Loewe Anagram Cat Eye Sunglasses: $30
Will bundle for % off purchase price.
Original purchase price: - Gucci Princetown Mules: $80 - UBELLIN unbranded Balenciaga Rodeo Small: $60 - Loewe Anagram Cat Eye Sunglasses: $45
POP Available.
Payment method: Zelle or PPFF. PPGS available is history is established in private BST subs where method is enforced; seller covers fees.
Sellesources: - Gucci Princetown Mules: Copybrand - UBELLIN Unbranded Balenciaga Rodeo Small: AliExpress - Loewe Anagram Cat Eye Sunglasses: AliExpress
Condition of items: - Gucci Princetown Mules: Size 37 (9 1/4 inches length), worn once. I would say TTS, I’m basing that off them being almost 1/2 size too big for me. - UBELLIN (AliExpress) unbranded Balenciaga Rodeo Small: gently used, like new. - Loewe Anagram Cat Eye Sunglasses: new, but the Loewe etching on the inside of the glasses arm is worn off.
Reason for selling: Declutterring
Link to auth: - Gucci Princetown Mules: - Balenciaga Rodeo Small: - Loewe Anagram Cat Eye Sunglasses:
submitted by vaguelynotorious to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:20 ALDO113A Beyond the Spider-Verse introductions, thematic wrap-ups, and foreshadowing - an ATSV anniversary theory



Here is the textual taxonomy of trilogys as I've heard in (obscure, hard-to-find) writing structure lessons
Across may not have been a conclusive Act 2, but it is definitely a valid standalone one
"I'ma do my own thing."
"We're supposed to be the good guys."
Miles summarized his new path throughout the movie, then Gwen called out the Society for their enabling of so much death and suffering to serve a misguided dogma.
There's almost certainly gonna an all-out ideological civil war (fists or not, composite of MCU and comics, but Spiders-only) like that split poster teased.
Gonna be grimly hilarious seeing Spinneret/Spiderling fight Peter B. and Mayday (the former are on Miguel's side to the left, along with Insomniac Spidey)
Yes, I believe there will be a few more new support characters in Beyond - there's a reason certain folks were at the front, and it's just really curious and a wasted opportunity that this Spider-MJ didn't interact at all with this active version of her other (stillborn) daughter or her (Mayday-616B) dad.
I very much appreciate the lifting of other Spidey variants to the zeitgeist fold - Noir, Ham, Gwendy-65, the UK/Punk and Indian ones, the weirdos like Parkedcar from Not! Pixar's Cars, a damn popsicle possibly (lol), a plushie, etc. - but they

Events and Themes

1. Universes

Serving the Installment 3 role, Beyond will probably tie up loose ends and make the above themes reverberate across universes. Like, for 42:
Beyond the 'verse of men of spiders, Reality-42 rises up against villainy.

2. Characters and Developments

By "reverberate," the Spider-Hero question is going to strike real nerves that change the Society and the world, making them examine the morality of the war they fight against anomalies like Spot; survival at all means and costs vs. idealistic stand against fate. And for certain Spiders, we could get more screentime with certain Society members and ex-members - preferably Spinneret and Spiderling, the Insomniac Spideys, and Scarlet Spider - and Endgame-ify Beyond's length.
Feel free to add more :) Not quite a Marvel binger yet, XD

3. Fates

Another element to be addressed is the room elephant of canon events. Their loopholes, their flexibility have to be expanded upon: They are fluid like time's arrows and oceans. For one:
Maybe we even trade one event for another, as in a major death of sorts. In my opinion:
Here's a unique twist: The mastermind behind this Spider- conspiracy grows a conscience after all the breaking lectures against his warped view of canon events, then resolves to save as many lives as possible, dropping all pretenses of controlling the Spider-War
At risk to himself, he'll unhesitatingly save lives while one/some of those who blindly followed him give theirs. As shitty as his Society's turned out to be, they still have their main directive of fixing multiversal incursions, and someone has to keep giving the orders, someone with the most drive and commitment (especially for atonement)
Why on Miguel? Matured thinking aside, it evokes how science and philosophy works; cognitive science has this cliché of at least two sides theorizing extremes that are contrary to one another, and as time passes with discovery, the proof points to both sides having a point and deciding on a compromise; this of course goes beyond simple personal disagreement
So who'll it be?
Spider-gents and ladies, none other than Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy of Earth-65B
In the vein of MCU Aunt May being her Pete's Uncle Ben delivering that responsibility quote, and through it occurs the Spider-Verse's true Ultimate Fallout/Death of a Spider event this way
Gwen being slain and (certainly) coming back would be a wakeup call to both her world and the Society, as well as the latter group's morality in their internal strife and conflict against Spot. Redeem her image to everybody, Miles included, while allowing them to get together on solitary terms
That way:
It'd also be a roundabout redemption for blindly following the Society's beliefs and causing unnecessary pain to Miles, deeper than "My well-meaning side right, your well-meaning side wrong" - no, both sides can have their two cakes; say, the rest save Jeff, Gwen herself - the motherless one - saves Rio, let 1610B not be 1610A in this particular way
I'ma spitball here, but it's kinda like Nolanverse (TDKR) Batman, come to think of it. Maybe George is informed of and reveals his daughter's "demise" and publicizes her ident? The latter I admit is questionable
Maybe Gwen goes to 1610B and RVs with Miles to Florence - there's this café on the banks of the Arno - for a fine evening sitting there and ordering a Fernet Branca

(Potential) Foreshadowing

... "We wanted to craft this moment where Miles encounters this powerful figure in his life that he loved so much and he lost," says director Justin K. Thompson. "That's when he realizes that he is not really in his own dimension, as well as the gravity of what he has lost. In this reality, Aaron had to shake off his life of crime and became a surrogate father figure to Miles."
... In this alternate reality, the Sinister Six have been able to flourish and take over the world. "Criminality runs rampant," says Thompson. "We wanted to create a world where it felt like Aaron and Miles G. Morales of Earth-42 [this reality's counterpart to Miles Morales] are the only heroes.
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Earth-42, p.190
... This version of the character was never bitten by a radioactive spider and doesn't have any superpowers, but he has fallen into the role of becoming the vigilante the Prowler, under the tutelage of his uncle Aaron. ...
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Miles G. Morales: The Prowler, p.200
Interviewer: Will we see other multiversal variants of Gwen Stacy in the future even if they don't have spider powers, like you do with MJ, Uncle Aaron, and Miles?
Lord: Currently yes. ... But there’s one I’m very excited about.
Miller: Yes, yeah, I know exactly the one you’re talking about.
Lord: You know the one I’m thinking of, which is based on... I’m not gonna say anything, I’m not gonna say anything.
Miller: But it is sort of plot-integral, I would say.
Interviewer: If there are other multiversal variants of Gwen in Beyond the Spider-Verse, will they impact her arc, her relationship with Miles?
Lord: I would say yes.
The Pete variants showed up after Blondie's demise, so they might reverse the sequence here - as I said, a bookend.
Yea, all these signs totally bode well for the other blonde Spidey here

In Defense

Now calm down before you web pitchforks on me
Rachel Cole: You know what gives me the strength? My loss. We're alike that way, I imagine. Admit it, nobody who's a stranger to that particular pain could ever be as driven as us.
Daredevil: Never... Don't you ever say that to me ever again, that is a repellent statement, it's a vomituous insult to every cop, every fireman, every soldier alive who steps up to fight for those who can't! I am sorry for your loss, but if you genuinely believe that only the death of a loved one can motivate a human being to take up a cause...then get your pathetic cynical ass out of my way so I can do my job!
It's relevant because Rachel's stance here was that people like them who fight for causes are solely inspired by loss, only for Matt to verbally skewer her. The subtext here, synthesizing it with the Spidey mythos is that it's misguided to think that losing forever more loved ones is the only way to make a true Spider-Hero.
Flip the narrative and say "Villainy only happens if they're abused/poorly raised, alas, poor villain;" one is warranted to call it a vomitous insult to every abuse victim/improperly raised junior out there who became better than their elders/superiors - i.e. not go evil.
Either way, the greater gist of this is losing a close one for good isn't the way, emphasis on "for good"

Future Implications

Wrapping everything up like above (I mean the objectives), one way or another (not necessarily mine), would show full commitment to the theme of forging one's own destiny right down to the metatextual. The Spidersoc let confirmation bias blind themselves to possibilities and seemingly have yet to expose themselves to the preestablished branch realities where, say, Spider-People lose nobody or a Gwen Stacy ties neatly her romance quest with a Spidey. The themes of doing your own thing openly and honestly and in safety - rather than requesting permission from broken systems - resonate much with an Excel list: People who are queeof colowomen/disabled
Beyond that obviousness, we have disabled Spideys, Muslim Spideys (that female UK one), Blob-fat Spideys - even PLUSHIE Spideys, just to name a few, all to show the movie being the most diverse and inclusive Spidey work to date. These themes are so incredibly applicable to the lives of atypical people or otherwise people who live under systems that aren't designed for them to succeed. IE: POC, women, queer people, people with disabilities, etc. One can argue "doing your own thing" was what made ItSV such a breakthrough success and a decade phenomenon: Everything about the animation
I get that a teen girl dying, even temporarily - especially one who resonates much with LGBT (transgwender specifically) themes - is real bad optics, but we went through this before with Luz Noceda (bi rep exactly) from The Owl House, and things landed on their feet :)
If/When she comes back to crimefighting, this would be the moment she goes by Ghost Spider like her A self - a Gwen who fought fate and died for it, but another Spider loved her so much, he raised her from death to life in Ultimate defiance (getting flowery prose here) that prevails
submitted by ALDO113A to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 ALDO113A Beyond the Spider-Verse introductions, thematic wrap-ups, and foreshadowing - an ATSV anniversary theory



Here is the textual taxonomy of trilogys as I've heard in (obscure, hard-to-find) writing structure lessons
Across may not have been a conclusive Act 2, but it is definitely a valid standalone one
"I'ma do my own thing."
"We're supposed to be the good guys."
Miles summarized his new path throughout the movie, then Gwen called out the Society for their enabling of so much death and suffering to serve a misguided dogma.
There's almost certainly gonna an all-out ideological civil war (fists or not, composite of MCU and comics, but Spiders-only) like that split poster teased.
Gonna be grimly hilarious seeing Spinneret/Spiderling fight Peter B. and Mayday (the former are on Miguel's side to the left, along with Insomniac Spidey)
Yes, I believe there will be a few more new support characters in Beyond - there's a reason certain folks were at the front, and it's just really curious and a wasted opportunity that this Spider-MJ didn't interact at all with this active version of her other (stillborn) daughter or her (Mayday-616B) dad.
I very much appreciate the lifting of other Spidey variants to the zeitgeist fold - Noir, Ham, Gwendy-65, the UK/Punk and Indian ones, the weirdos like Parkedcar from Not! Pixar's Cars, a damn popsicle possibly (lol), a plushie, etc. - but they

Events and Themes

1. Universes

Serving the Installment 3 role, Beyond will probably tie up loose ends and make the above themes reverberate across universes. Like, for 42:
Beyond the 'verse of men of spiders, Reality-42 rises up against villainy.

2. Characters and Developments

By "reverberate," the Spider-Hero question is going to strike real nerves that change the Society and the world, making them examine the morality of the war they fight against anomalies like Spot; survival at all means and costs vs. idealistic stand against fate. And for certain Spiders, we could get more screentime with certain Society members and ex-members - preferably Spinneret and Spiderling, the Insomniac Spideys, and Scarlet Spider - and Endgame-ify Beyond's length.
Feel free to add more :) Not quite a Marvel binger yet, XD

3. Fates

Another element to be addressed is the room elephant of canon events. Their loopholes, their flexibility have to be expanded upon: They are fluid like time's arrows and oceans. For one:
Maybe we even trade one event for another, as in a major death of sorts. In my opinion:
Here's a unique twist: The mastermind behind this Spider- conspiracy grows a conscience after all the breaking lectures against his warped view of canon events, then resolves to save as many lives as possible, dropping all pretenses of controlling the Spider-War
At risk to himself, he'll unhesitatingly save lives while one/some of those who blindly followed him give theirs. As shitty as his Society's turned out to be, they still have their main directive of fixing multiversal incursions, and someone has to keep giving the orders, someone with the most drive and commitment (especially for atonement)
Why on Miguel? Matured thinking aside, it evokes how science and philosophy works; cognitive science has this cliché of at least two sides theorizing extremes that are contrary to one another, and as time passes with discovery, the proof points to both sides having a point and deciding on a compromise; this of course goes beyond simple personal disagreement
So who'll it be?
Spider-gents and ladies, none other than Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy of Earth-65B
In the vein of MCU Aunt May being her Pete's Uncle Ben delivering that responsibility quote, and through it occurs the Spider-Verse's true Ultimate Fallout/Death of a Spider event this way
Gwen being slain and (certainly) coming back would be a wakeup call to both her world and the Society, as well as the latter group's morality in their internal strife and conflict against Spot. Redeem her image to everybody, Miles included, while allowing them to get together on solitary terms
That way:
It'd also be a roundabout redemption for blindly following the Society's beliefs and causing unnecessary pain to Miles, deeper than "My well-meaning side right, your well-meaning side wrong" - no, both sides can have their two cakes; say, the rest save Jeff, Gwen herself - the motherless one - saves Rio, let 1610B not be 1610A in this particular way
I'ma spitball here, but it's kinda like Nolanverse (TDKR) Batman, come to think of it. Maybe George is informed of and reveals his daughter's "demise" and publicizes her ident? The latter I admit is questionable
Maybe Gwen goes to 1610B and RVs with Miles to Florence - there's this café on the banks of the Arno - for a fine evening sitting there and ordering a Fernet Branca

(Potential) Foreshadowing

... "We wanted to craft this moment where Miles encounters this powerful figure in his life that he loved so much and he lost," says director Justin K. Thompson. "That's when he realizes that he is not really in his own dimension, as well as the gravity of what he has lost. In this reality, Aaron had to shake off his life of crime and became a surrogate father figure to Miles."
... In this alternate reality, the Sinister Six have been able to flourish and take over the world. "Criminality runs rampant," says Thompson. "We wanted to create a world where it felt like Aaron and Miles G. Morales of Earth-42 [this reality's counterpart to Miles Morales] are the only heroes.
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Earth-42, p.190
... This version of the character was never bitten by a radioactive spider and doesn't have any superpowers, but he has fallen into the role of becoming the vigilante the Prowler, under the tutelage of his uncle Aaron. ...
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Miles G. Morales: The Prowler, p.200
Interviewer: Will we see other multiversal variants of Gwen Stacy in the future even if they don't have spider powers, like you do with MJ, Uncle Aaron, and Miles?
Lord: Currently yes. ... But there’s one I’m very excited about.
Miller: Yes, yeah, I know exactly the one you’re talking about.
Lord: You know the one I’m thinking of, which is based on... I’m not gonna say anything, I’m not gonna say anything.
Miller: But it is sort of plot-integral, I would say.
Interviewer: If there are other multiversal variants of Gwen in Beyond the Spider-Verse, will they impact her arc, her relationship with Miles?
Lord: I would say yes.
The Pete variants showed up after Blondie's demise, so they might reverse the sequence here - as I said, a bookend.
Yea, all these signs totally bode well for the other blonde Spidey here

In Defense

Now calm down before you web pitchforks on me
Rachel Cole: You know what gives me the strength? My loss. We're alike that way, I imagine. Admit it, nobody who's a stranger to that particular pain could ever be as driven as us.
Daredevil: Never... Don't you ever say that to me ever again, that is a repellent statement, it's a vomituous insult to every cop, every fireman, every soldier alive who steps up to fight for those who can't! I am sorry for your loss, but if you genuinely believe that only the death of a loved one can motivate a human being to take up a cause...then get your pathetic cynical ass out of my way so I can do my job!
It's relevant because Rachel's stance here was that people like them who fight for causes are solely inspired by loss, only for Matt to verbally skewer her. The subtext here, synthesizing it with the Spidey mythos is that it's misguided to think that losing forever more loved ones is the only way to make a true Spider-Hero.
Flip the narrative and say "Villainy only happens if they're abused/poorly raised, alas, poor villain;" one is warranted to call it a vomitous insult to every abuse victim/improperly raised junior out there who became better than their elders/superiors - i.e. not go evil.
Either way, the greater gist of this is losing a close one for good isn't the way, emphasis on "for good"

Future Implications

Wrapping everything up like above (I mean the objectives), one way or another (not necessarily mine), would show full commitment to the theme of forging one's own destiny right down to the metatextual. The Spidersoc let confirmation bias blind themselves to possibilities and seemingly have yet to expose themselves to the preestablished branch realities where, say, Spider-People lose nobody or a Gwen Stacy ties neatly her romance quest with a Spidey. The themes of doing your own thing openly and honestly and in safety - rather than requesting permission from broken systems - resonate much with an Excel list: People who are queeof colowomen/disabled
Beyond that obviousness, we have disabled Spideys, Muslim Spideys (that female UK one), Blob-fat Spideys - even PLUSHIE Spideys, just to name a few, all to show the movie being the most diverse and inclusive Spidey work to date. These themes are so incredibly applicable to the lives of atypical people or otherwise people who live under systems that aren't designed for them to succeed. IE: POC, women, queer people, people with disabilities, etc. One can argue "doing your own thing" was what made ItSV such a breakthrough success and a decade phenomenon: Everything about the animation
I get that a teen girl dying, even temporarily - especially one who resonates much with LGBT (transgwender specifically) themes - is real bad optics, but we went through this before with Luz Noceda (bi rep exactly) from The Owl House, and things landed on their feet :)
If/When she comes back to crimefighting, this would be the moment she goes by Ghost Spider like her A self - a Gwen who fought fate and died for it, but another Spider loved her so much, he raised her from death to life in Ultimate defiance (getting flowery prose here) that prevails
submitted by ALDO113A to IntoTheSpiderverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:05 RodeoBoss66 John Wayne: An American Experience Exhibit - Patrick Gottsch Remembered

John Wayne: An American Experience Exhibit - Patrick Gottsch Remembered
Following the passing of RFD-TV, The Cowboy Channel, and Rural Radio’s founder and president, Patrick Gottsch, four special tributes aired to honor his legacy and impact on rural America, agriculture, and western sports.
They focused on: Patrick’s relationship with the John Wayne: An American Experience Exhibit, the National FFA Organization, his love for rodeo, The Tournament of Roses Parade, The American, pushing for rural programming, his partnership with the City of Fort Worth, the history of RFD-TV, and saving rodeo in 2020.
This is Ethan Wayne’s interview for one of the special tributes to Patrick Gottsch.
About the exhibit: Sprawling over 14,000 sqft, the John Wayne: An American Experience exhibit is structured to give you an intimate tour of the life of John Wayne. Starting with his early childhood and career, each room highlights an aspect of The Duke’s legacy.
For the film aficionados, an extensive gallery called Life on Screen highlights the most iconic film props and costumes. In the America, Why I Love Her gallery, guests can immerse themselves in patriotism through Grammy-nominated original poems, recited by John Wayne.
All patrons will have exclusive access to never-before seen family photos and correspondences which have been thoughtfully curated in order to give guests a holistic view of the icon, whose values translate both on the silver screen and off.
John Wayne: An American Experience is also home to our official John Wayne Stock & Supply flagship store. Located in the Historic Exhibits Building on the corner of Exchange St. and Rodeo Plaza in the historic Fort Worth Stockyards, Texas. We're open 7 days per week, from 9am to 6pm. Come on by!
submitted by RodeoBoss66 to TheCowboyBunkhouse [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:12 Sharp-Hedgehog-2892 Received damaged package, seller is asking me to damage it further

I ordered a set of new wheels for my car from a reasonably large online business. (NOT a guy selling wheels out of his garage). The wheels came via UPS. One wheel was damaged along the edge. Not a ton...but enough that it's noticeable and would probably affect the ride of the vehicle if I tried to use it. The box was slightly damaged on the outside too…again not that much, but apparently enough to affect the edge of the wheel.

I contacted the business and sent them photos. Here's what they said:

We would like to send you a replacement wheel free of charge, as this is owed to you.
As for the damaged wheel that you currently have, we have two options:
  1. We can heavily discount the damaged wheel where you can keep the wheel as is for $100
  2. In order for us to be able to claim this as damaged in transit with UPS, we would need to have proof that it was "destroyed in the field". We would need you to drop hit this with a hammer to make it visibly unusable. You can roll it on concrete so that the finish becomes damaged.
Can someone please help me understand why they’re asking me to damage the wheel more? Won’t UPS accept a damage claim if it’s not completely destroyed? I am quite uneasy about this situation, and I don’t understand what they mean by “destroyed in the field”. Is that a UPS term?
I am guessing they deal with these kinds of situations every day, since they probably sell thousands of wheels and a certain percentage is bound to get damaged...and I’m sure this isn’t their first rodeo with UPS damage claims. So I have to believe they know what they’re talking about to a certain extent?
submitted by Sharp-Hedgehog-2892 to UPS [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:13 R0b0tMark What physically makes a cat “look friendly”?

What physically makes a cat “look friendly”?
For our “wool anniversary”, I ordered my wife a wool sculpture(…?) of her late beloved cat, Charlotte, from Etsy. I’m more than happy to share the link to the specific shop, but I didn’t want this to look like spam.
Anyway, I sent the creator a whole bunch of photos and she made this absolutely incredible re-creation of our girl.
While it’s “done”, the artist takes feedback and makes requested changes. I had her make two small changes, but now I’m a little stuck. While this has literally blown my mind with its accuracy and realism, and I’d be happy to take delivery exactly as-is, I want to ask her to make Charlotte look “more friendly.” The problem is, for the life of me, I can’t come up with one single idea as to how she would accomplish that.
My plan was to ask the artist for ideas, since this isn’t her first rodeo, but I was hoping to provide some kind of guidance beyond that extremely vague ask
submitted by R0b0tMark to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:14 FrauAmarylis May 30-June 2 Frau's Fun Weekend Guide

All weekend

Annual Restaurant Week in Avalon (Catalina Island) $20+ for Pris Fixe menus at participating restaurants. Sometimes Groupon has discount Ferry tickets to Catalina.
Car Show, Live DJ, Carnival for Anaheim Packing House 10 yr Anniversary free, DJ Thurs 6-9pm, Fri Market & Carnival 5-9pm, Saturday offers a classic car show from 12-2pm, historical tours by AHS 2-4pm, live music 12-9pm, photo opportunities, etc.
626 Night Market $6, Fri-Sun. 4-11pm. OC Fairgrounds. 250 food booths, merchandise, crafts, artists, games, live concerts, and entertainment attractions.
All New Dino Quest Open at Discovery Cube! $23 adult, $18/child, $8 parking. 10am-5pm. Four new missions to conquer. Explore a Dig Pit to unearth a replica T-rex fossil, marvel at new life-sized fully articulated dinosaur skeletons and be awe inspired by the star of the show, a 16ft animatronic T-rex!
Horseback Riding here are the nearby spots.
Imaginarium Walk-Thru Light Experience $21, tix and schedule on link, your favorite storybook characters, a free circus, infinity rooms, photo boxes, etc. Lakewood Center Mall, Daneland St at Graywood Ave, Lakewood. Now thru June 23.
Fences Play $14+, various dates and times thru June 9th. Costa Mesa Playhouse.
Holmes & Watson Play $30+, now through June 16. Laguna Playhouse, 606 Laguna Cyn Rd, Laguna Beach.
Comedy Shows Secret Comedy Don't Tell Comedy and Brea Improv has Frankie Quiñones and Irvine Improv has Chris D'Elia
Newport Beach Jazz Festival $165+
Renaissance Fair in Corona $16, weekends thru June 23.
Pick your Own Sunflowers Tanaka Farms.
Free Concerts at Irvine Spectrum 5:30pm-8:30pm, near H&M. Fri: Chelsey Sanchez, Sat: Corey Angeli
Anaheim Garden Walk free, pet-friendly, Fri 5-10pm, Sat 2-10pm & Sun 1-9pm. Vendors, kids crafts, entertainment, photo ops, etc.
Live Music on the Green free,Fri 6-9pm Bella Terra Mall on The Green (new lawn area in front of Century Theaters) Joe Marx performs. (similar to Jason Mraz vibes). Parking: Park in the structure next to Costco. Huntington Beach.
Live Music on Forest free, Fri-Sundays, various times, downtown Laguna Beach in the Forest pedestrian area.

Thursday May 30

Thursday Free Concerts in Placentia free, Thurs, 6-8pm, Matt Koerner performs tonight. Every Thursday thru June 20 at the 100 block of Santa Fe Ave in Placentia.
Free Concert in the Park- Los Alamitos Thursdays, free, 6:30-8pm. Beach Boys Tribute Band this week. Bring your blankets or chairs or picnic food. Food also available for purchase. Beer garden? 10902 Pine St. On Pine & Florista St.

Friday May 31

Free Anime Pop-up &Concert 8pm, Fri, Event opens at 5:30pm for food trucks & photo ops, concerts start at 8pm. Kids On the Slope & South Side Symphony perform. Must sign up for free Plaza Pass and show it to enter.
free Super Mario Bros. Movie in the Park Fri, 7pm, Free movie, popcorn & activities. Food trucks for purchasing food. Marina Park, 1600 W Balboa Blvd, Newport Beach.
Free Jamie Kennedy Comedy Show Free, Fri, 7pm, RSVP online (doors open at 5pm, come early for good seats). Sea Legs on the Beach, 17851 PCH, Huntington Beach.
Sunset Serenades Free, Fri, 6:30-8pm. Caro Pierotto(Brazilian Samba) is Tonight. Free Concerts every Friday in May at Heisler Park Amphitheater, up the stairs from Main beach in Laguna Beach by Whale Sculpture. Restrooms nearby. Jazz, pop, and Rock bands. Bring your own alcohol beverage is allowed only if you have food also. Picnicking is popular.
Santa Ana Friday Night Market free, Fri, 6-10pm, kid and pet Friendly. 1301 S Bristol St, Santa Ana.
Crown Valley Community Expo & Concert free, Fri 4-7pm. Concert at 6:30, Youthanize Performs.Crown Valley Park, Laguna Niguel.
Anaheim Night Market free, Fri 5-9pm, Family Fun. 201 W Center St Promenade, Anaheim.

Saturday June 1

Summer Singles party:DJ, Illusionist $20, Sat 6:30pm-11pm, also karaoke. Free Parking. 315 S Knott Ave, Anaheim. RSVP &Checkout this Meetup with San Diego Travel & Fun Events Group:
Airplane Festivalfree, Sat, 10am-3pm. . Annual Airport Day celebration showcases the important role the airport plays, and visitors are treated to static displays, airplane and helicopter rides, interactive displays, model building, a kids zone, food for sale.Fullerton Airport 4011 W. Commonwealth Ave. Fullerton.
Free Mountain Bike Ride, Films & TalkFree with online RSVP, Movie: Sat, 6-9pm, (Films start at 6:30pm), guest speakers Professional Mountain Bikers Jaxson Riddle & Kyle Strait. Typically Free yucky popcorn and bottled water.162 South Coast Highway,Laguna Beach. You can park & Ride the Laguna Trolley(maps and live tracker online). The morning bike ride: RSVP and info is here Checkout this Meetup with Orange County Mountain Biking:
Corona del Mar 5k &2mile Walk Sat, 7am, $40/$50 online before Sat, $5 more on Sat. Race map and more info on website.
Group Dog Walk free. Sat, 5:30-7pm. La Paz Sports Park. Leaders: Tommy and Emily. 2406 Aliso Creek Rd, Laguna Niguel.
Massive Garage/Estate Sales free, Sat 7am-9am Aliso Viejo (33 Rockrose and 1-10 Goldenfield); 8am Laguna Niguel (79780 Preston Dr).
VW & Porsche Vintage Car ShowAdmission cost (free??), Sat, 9am-3pm. Rare Vintage Air d'Elegance. Car Show and raffles. Old World German Village. 7561 Center Ave, Huntington Beach.

Sunday June 2

Annual Chili Cookoff & Street Fair free, Sun, 11am-6pm. Live music stages, jalapeno eating contest, Kids Zone with Bounce house, food trucks, beewine garden. Email for info on entering the chili contest. Proceeds go to local charities. Old Town Tustin & Peppertree Park.
Ladies Group KayakSun, 10:15am, the cost is the fee to rent a kayak/life jacket there. No Experience required. Join on the Ladies of OC Beaches Facebook group. Pure Watersports, 34671 Puerto Pl., Dana Point. RSVP:
Reggae Festival Free, Sun, 11am-3pm, Tie Die and wood craft activities, live music and dance performances. Bowers Museum, 2002 N Main St, Santa Ana.
Annual Balboa Island Parade: Jimmy Buffet Theme free, Sun, 11am. “Mark Wood and the Parrot Head Band” performs after the parade, located on stage in front of the fire station.
Free Concert at Old World free, Sun, 1-4pm, M Street performs. Eat soft giant pretzels and wurst, drink beer in the Biergarten. 7561 Center Ave, Huntington Beach.
Free Sundays Concert 2pm, Nixon Library. MTAC Winners perform.
5 mile O'Neill Group Hike & Brunch afterfree, Sun, 8-10:30am. O'Neill Regional Park, 30892 Trabuco Cyn, RSVP and more details here Checkout this Meetup with Trail Mix:

Plan Ahead-

Remember to Park & Ride on Trolleys free, started on Memorial Day thru Labor Day, San Juan Capistrano, Dana Point, San Clemente, LagunaBeach (year round).
Free Broadway Dance Lessons Tuesdays in June. Free if you sign up for the Plaza Pass. Segerstrom Argyros Plaza Outdoors.
Annual Bluegrass & BBQ eventSun, June 9, from 4-7pm. $25 entry, $52 with BBQ, LCAD in Laguna Beach.
Free Silent Disco Nights Giant Wheel Lawn at Irvine Spectrum. May 25, June 29, July 27, Aug 31, Sept 28, Oct 26, Nov 30.
Jazz Wednesdays in Laguna Beach
Jazz Thursdays at the Muck Fullerton.
Cirque du Soleil: Koozå $40+, June 8-July 21. Laguna Hills Mall Big Top Tent.
OC Free Thursday Concerts in the Parks June 20 to Aug. 22 from 5 to 8 p.m. Enjoy 9 free outdoor Summer concerts Thursday evenings at various parks.
OC Summer Concerts Mega List
OC Summer Movies in the Park List
Free Outdoor Movie Mondays July 8- Aug 5. Segerstrom Argyros Plaza, food trucks, free mini tours of Theater, Opens at 5:30pm,movie starts at 8pm. Bring blanket or chairs.
Pride Prom $20, June 28, 7pm. Segerstrom Argyros Plaza.*1vrdylo*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3MTcxMDI3NDQuQ2p3S0NBand4LUN5QmhBcUVpd0FlT2NUZGVJeW5YNEhHUjhsM3diSjZYVVFTSFdwZHl4enZWQjlQUXd1NjJkOWFfZlpxTVZNR1ZtaFNSb0NTczhRQXZEX0J3RQ..*_gcl_au*NDAxNjI5NjU3LjE3MTI5NzIwNjYuNjcxNjYyNzM0LjE3MTMwNDEwOTAuMTcxMzA0MTE0OA..
Foodie Fridays free entry, food for purchase, 5-9pm, Huntington Beach.
+++See Comments for Frau's Random Ideas+++
submitted by FrauAmarylis to orangecounty [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:50 Klh970 Contract violation

Contract violation
Ok so I’m so confused. I just did my 93rd delivery so this is not my first rodeo. Doordash makes me able to give my kids extra things as a single mom so like, this is stupidly bothering me but anyway. I just got a contract violation after a delivery and I’m confused because it says it was a hand it to me delivery… but when I delivered it i’m 99.99% sure it said to leave it and it had me take the photo? The customer is saying she never recieved it which I 10000% delivered the order. I’ve been to this apartment complex before I know I had the right place and I left the order outside her door.. so why the frick would she say she didn’t get it. I’m like… is she at work and thinks she ordered to her work? I’m so confused and I’m all panicked and sad. 🤣 probably dumb af.
submitted by Klh970 to doordash [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:50 Own_Weekend_9812 Things I did to reduce my scarring and improve my results the second time around. I learned my lesson the hard way.

Things I did to reduce my scarring and improve my results the second time around. I learned my lesson the hard way.
This was my second rodeo for this exact same surgery . If I ever get the nerve, I will post the results after 24 months of the first time. The photos are horrific!!
I was determined to not make the same mistakes and not have those horrible looking scars come back. I also had major damage from a giant seromas.
The exact same surgeon did the second surgery. I believe a lot of my problems came from ignorance in postop surgical care.
Here’s a few of the things I did this time around…
I used the special surgical tape squares religiously, the kind that they put on you after surgery (8 weeks), but they also sell that online - I made sure there was no strain on my incision, from moving sitting or laying down. Trust me it was a big pain in the butt, but this was the second time I had been through this, and I had seen the damage that did happen to my incision from strain. I wore my surgical garment, religiously.
I also use (when I was 10 weeks out I starting this) The lymp massager - PLEASE Only use it on the lowest settings after the incision is completely fused!!!
I also would use when I get a random place that looks puffy. I’ve had it puff out just at the end of the incision, and this massager makes it flat again. Also, if you can feel any place where it feels like it’s getting hard that is Scar Tissue and you want to break that up.
submitted by Own_Weekend_9812 to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:42 Signal_Success_2674 Bike stolen

Bike stolen
Bike stolen
Hello guys this message is a request to you all fellow bikers for help, my bike Honda Hness CB 350 was stolen from PCMC metro station on 27th May 2024. The no. On the bike is MH 14 KH 7231 i have attached the photo with this message if anyone identifies this bike anywhere please contact me on - 9518770201.
submitted by Signal_Success_2674 to punebikers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:38 xcskiman A7 IV or A7R III

Hi all, I have been looking for a major upgrade from my A6300 that I have been using for almost 8 years now. I work at a sports academy and, while I do a lot of different photos on my own, do mostly action photography of skiers and mountain bikers. The AF on the A7 IV seems super appealing in that respect, but I do little to no video I wondered if it's worth going for the higher megapixel count on the A7R III. What have your experiences been? Would you pick one over the other for one of these reasons or would you even consider shelling out a few more bucks for the A7R IV?
Edit: to make it easier if there are other alternatives you might recommend, I am looking to keep it under $2,500 for the camera body and would like to be full frame over APS-C
submitted by xcskiman to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]