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2009.08.13 06:15 frugaldutchman GradSchool

Discussion forum for current, past, and future students of any discipline completing post-graduate studies - taught or research.

2012.03.06 18:50 irlKryst Managing it one luteal phase at a time.

Aimed at helping others understand and cope with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Be kind. Be respectful. We are all in this together!

2019.01.07 20:15 The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian is a space Western and the first live-action series in the Star Wars franchise streaming on Disney+

2024.06.04 19:27 Noon93 Thoughts on our 3 week itinerary for Italy in September?

We are planning a trip to Italy for 3 weeks in September. We have picked out some of the places we want to visit and how long we want to stay in each area. We love beaches and just strolling through towns. We are also huge foodies. We have never been to Italy and now I have been reading about spending less time in Sorrento/Amalfi region and more in Rome/Florence so I’m curious as to what people think of our current travel plans. I’m open to suggestions on what people think we absolutely must see while visiting! We do lose two days to travel to/from Italy.
Land in Naples - stay 2 nights, explore Naples. Anything we must see here??
Travel to and stay - Vico Equense as a base for 5 nights. From here we would like to visit Pompeii, Mt. Vesuvius, Capri, Bagni Regina Giovanna and we found a cool cooking class we may want to do in the area.
Travel to and stay in Furore - 2 nights. The B&B we have chosen is gorgeous, great reviews and awesome sea views. We plan to do the Path of the Gods hike here.
Travel to and stay in Rome - 2 nights. Colosseum and wander Rome a bit.
Travel to and stay in Florence - 3 nights. Uffizia art gallery, Pisa (and cinque terre tour?), Chianti wine tour, explore Florence.
Travel to and stay in Milan - 2 nights. Lake Como, explore Milan. Anything else we must see here?
Travel to and stay in Venice - 4 nights. Visit Murano and Burano, mercati di rialto, st Marks basilica. Anything else we need to see here?
Fly from Venice
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
submitted by Noon93 to ItalyTravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:27 Flipthepick Firebase rules for app and admin panel

I'm building an educational app in FlutterFlow using Firebase. Here's my setup:
I need help securing my Firebase rules:
  1. How can I essentially give myself (the admin) full access through the web panel while ensuring the app users can't edit lessons etc.
Any advice would be super helpful!
submitted by Flipthepick to FlutterFlow [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:26 VVXSTD How to get PPC cost without seller account

Hi FulfillmentByAmazon
I want to get into amazon fba business again and am wondering how I can obtain ppc costs for a keyword without having a seller account. Is there any way to get this data? I am currently in sourcing phase and this could make or break my business plan, if the costs are too high.
Best regrads!
submitted by VVXSTD to FulfillmentByAmazon [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:26 Blit_Wizbok Minisplit recommendation for cooling a sunroom

Minisplit recommendation for cooling a sunroom
I have a 12'x15' sunroom with a beautiful view that i use as my home office. The problem is it's 80% window, and gets unbearably hot even with the AC on blast.
I want to buy a small, quiet, and efficient minisplit that i can run to help keep the room cool. I have a basement, so most the cool air goes right downstairs, so i may have to keep the minisplit running often, which is why i want something quiet and efficient. I'd rather have something running constantly keeping the temp even than something that kicks on every 15 minutes.
To be clear, the rest of the house will be very comfortable, but just this room can get ~10°-15° hotter depending on the time of day. Also, these are just my perceptions of what i *think* will work. It's reasonable i'm completely off-base and what my expectations are aren't realistic, so please correct me if that's the case, or suggest a better way of achieving my goal of keeping this room reasonable without turning the rest of the house into an icebox.
PS - The windows currently don't have any UV tinting, but that's being installed soon to help mitigate the heat.
submitted by Blit_Wizbok to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:26 ApplyAllDay Website Account Manager - Solera

About the Job

The Website Account Manager is responsible for providing product specific expertise, training, and consulting to internal and external sources concerning the DealerSocket website and digital marketing product lines. The Website Account Manager is customer facing and functions as the main point of contact for website clients. The Website Account Manager also acts as the team lead per account for digital marketing strategy.

Job Responsibilities


Preferred Qualifications

submitted by ApplyAllDay to u/ApplyAllDay [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:26 shahla_naz The Unsung Heroes: Magical Uses of Audio Media Accessories

The Unsung Heroes: Magical Uses of Audio Media Accessories
We often take them for granted, these humble companions on our audio journeys. Headphones, microphones, and even the seemingly mundane earbuds hold the potential for more than just amplifying sound. In the right hands, they become conduits for magic, shaping our experiences and even influencing the world around us. Let's delve into the extraordinary hiding within the ordinary world of audio accessories.
Headphones: Portals to New Worlds
Headphones transcend the realm of simple noise cancellation, morphing into gateways to immersive experiences. Studies conducted by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) have unlocked the power of sound frequencies. Specific tones can trigger the release of alpha waves in the brain, promoting relaxation and focus – a well-documented phenomenon. Binaural beats, where slightly different tones play in each ear, further amplify this effect.
Imagine this: you slip on a pair of specially designed headphones, and suddenly you are transported to a virtual forest. The gentle rustle of leaves and the melodic chirping of birds fill your ears, weaving a tapestry of serenity that washes over you. This isn't just background noise – it's a carefully crafted soundscape, designed to lull you into a state of deep calm, perfect for meditation or a restful night's sleep.
But the magic doesn't stop there. Imagine:
· Virtual Reality (VR) Companions: Headphones become your constant companions in VR experiences. As you explore a fantastical world, the soundscape dynamically adjusts, placing you amidst roaring dragons in a mythical realm or the echoing halls of a deserted spaceship. Every footstep, every gust of wind, every whispered conversation – meticulously crafted to heighten the sense of realism and draw you deeper into the virtual world.
· Personalized Learning Environments: Imagine struggling with a new language. Headphones can become a powerful learning tool. By isolating specific sounds and words, and even providing real-time translations, they can transform your learning experience. Imagine immersing yourself in a French cafe, surrounded by native speakers, where headphones filter out background noise and highlight relevant conversations, allowing you to absorb the language naturally.
· Focus Boosters: Feeling overwhelmed? Headphones can be your secret weapon. Certain sound frequencies, combined with nature sounds or calming music, can create a focused environment, blocking out distractions and allowing you to delve deep into your work. Imagine a world where the rhythmic tapping of rain on a window pane and the distant chirping of crickets replace the clamor of the office, fostering a state of laser-sharp concentration.
· Guided Meditations: Headphones become your personal meditation guide. Imagine a guided meditation app that utilizes specially designed soundscapes and binaural beats to lead you through a visualization exercise. As you close your eyes, the headphones transport you to a serene beach, the soothing sound of waves lapping against the shore guiding your breath and calming your mind.
Headphones are no longer just passive audio devices; they're active portals that unlock a universe of possibilities. With the power of sound, they can transport us, educate us, focus us, and even heal us. As technology evolves, so too will the potential for these unassuming companions to reshape our experiences and expand the boundaries of our world.
The Power of Spatial Audio
The world of gaming takes a dramatic leap with spatial audio. According to a DFC Intelligence report, the global spatial audio market is expected to reach a staggering $23.9 billion by 2027. Imagine a pair of headphones that not only reproduces sounds but positions them around you. Gunfire whizzes past your ear, footsteps approach from behind – the immersive experience creates a heightened sense of realism, upping your reaction time and giving you a competitive edge.
Microphones: Tools for Transformation - Beyond Capturing Voices
Microphones are often relegated to the role of capturing voices, but their potential for transformation extends far beyond that. They can be powerful tools for biofeedback, self-improvement, and even medical applications. Let's explore some fascinating ways microphones are being used to transform lives:
Biofeedback for Body Awareness:
Imagine a microphone attached to your muscles, not to amplify your voice, but to translate muscle tension into sound. This is the essence of biofeedback with piezoelectric microphones. As you perform a yoga pose, the microphone detects even the subtlest shifts in muscle tension. It then converts this information into real-time audio cues, perhaps a high-pitched tone for overexertion or a calming low hum for proper alignment. This biofeedback loop allows you to become acutely aware of your body, guiding you towards perfect form and preventing injuries.
Chronic Pain Management:
Chronic pain can be debilitating, but microphones offer a glimmer of hope. By attaching a microphone to a specific muscle group experiencing pain, it can detect involuntary muscle twitches or tremors associated with discomfort. This data is then translated into sound, allowing you to become aware of these subtle movements and actively work to relax the muscle. Imagine the microphone acting as a personal pain coach, guiding you through relaxation techniques and helping you manage chronic pain without relying solely on medication.
Vocal Rehabilitation:
Microphones are becoming invaluable tools for vocal rehabilitation. Specialized microphones can capture the subtle nuances of your voice, analyzing pitch, resonance, and breath control. This data is then fed into software that provides real-time feedback. Imagine practicing a difficult singing passage and having a microphone identify areas where your pitch wavers or your breath control falters. With this targeted feedback, you can adjust your technique and improve your vocal performance.
Speech Therapy for Children:
Microphones are playing an increasingly important role in speech therapy for children. Specialized software can analyze a child's speech patterns, identifying areas where pronunciation is unclear or fluency is compromised. By visualizing these speech patterns on a screen and providing audio cues, microphones can help children gain a deeper understanding of their own speech and make significant progress in therapy.
Musical Innovation:
Beyond biofeedback and rehabilitation, microphones are pushing the boundaries of music creation. Imagine a microphone that isn't just limited to capturing sound, but actively shapes it. By attaching a microphone to a variety of objects, from a table to a metal pipe, musicians can create unique and captivating soundscapes. The microphone picks up the vibrations of the object, and through processing and manipulation, these vibrations are transformed into musical instruments. This opens up a world of sonic possibilities, allowing musicians to explore entirely new sonic territories.
Microphones are shedding their traditional role and emerging as powerful tools for transformation. From biofeedback to musical innovation, their potential to improve our lives, health, and artistic expression is truly remarkable. As technology advances, we can expect even more exciting applications for these versatile tools, further blurring the lines between the physical and the digital, and transforming the way we interact with the world around us.
The Magic of Voice Control
Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa are changing the way we interact with technology. A 2023 report by Statista suggests that over 4.2 billion people are expected to use voice assistants by 2024. Imagine a world where you can control your smart home, dictate messages, or even learn a new language, all through the power of your voice. Microphones become a magical wand, conjuring information and completing tasks at your verbal command.
Earbuds: Tiny Titans of Tech
Earbuds, once confined to music listening, are evolving into powerful tools. Research by Gartner predicts that by 2025, 30% of all wearable devices will be smart earbuds. These tiny marvels can monitor heart rate, translate languages in real-time, and even act as health trackers.
The Symphony of Sound Healing
Sound healing is an ancient practice that utilizes specific frequencies to promote physical and emotional well-being. Studies published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine demonstrate the effectiveness of sound therapy in reducing anxiety and pain. Imagine using earbuds that emit carefully tuned frequencies, each note a brushstroke painting a masterpiece of mental and physical harmony.
The Future of Audio Accessories: A Symphony of Untapped Potential
The world of audio accessories is on the cusp of a revolution. Imagine a future where these unassuming devices transcend their traditional roles, morphing into extensions of ourselves, seamlessly integrated with our thoughts and actions. Let's delve into some of the mind-boggling possibilities that await:
Neuro-Audio Symphony: Neuroscientists are making significant strides in understanding the intricate dance of brainwaves. Imagine headphones that aren't just conduits for sound, but active participants in optimizing brain function. Neuro-conductive technology could analyze brainwave patterns and deliver targeted audio stimulations. Imagine slipping on a pair of headphones designed to enhance creativity.
They might emit specific frequencies known to stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain, fostering divergent thinking and problem-solving skills. Or, picture headphones that play a carefully crafted soundscape interwoven with binaural beats to induce a state of focused concentration, perfect for tackling complex tasks.
Augmented Audio Reality: The lines between the physical and digital worlds are blurring. Imagine a future where audio accessories become integral to augmented reality (AR) experiences. Earbuds equipped with tiny microphones and processors could act as real-time translators, filtering out background noise and whispering translations of foreign languages directly into your ear. Imagine strolling through a bustling Parisian market, your earbuds seamlessly translating conversations and signage, transforming the language barrier into a distant memory. Headphones could also project holographic soundscapes, creating an immersive AR experience where the world around you comes alive with sounds tailored to your location and preferences.
Biofeedback Bliss: Imagine a world where audio accessories become biofeedback tools. Earbuds equipped with biosensors could monitor your heart rate, muscle tension, and even brainwave activity. This real-time data could then be translated into personalized audio cues, guiding you towards a state of well-being. Imagine headphones that monitor your stress levels and adjust the music accordingly, playing calming melodies when you're feeling overwhelmed or upbeat tempos when you need an energy boost. This technology could also be used to enhance athletic performance, with earbuds providing real-time feedback on muscle fatigue and breathing patterns, allowing athletes to optimize their training.
The Rise of Gesture Control: We are already seeing a shift towards voice-controlled devices. Imagine the next step: gesture-controlled earbuds that respond to the subtlest head movements. A simple tilt of your head could adjust the volume, skip a track, or even activate a virtual assistant. This hands-free experience would be perfect for runners, cyclists, or anyone who needs to stay focused on their physical activity. Imagine seamlessly controlling your music while navigating a crowded gym, all with a flick of your head.
These are just a glimpse of the exciting possibilities that lie ahead for audio accessories. As technology continues to evolve, these unassuming devices will transform from passive companions to active partners in our lives, shaping our experiences, enhancing our well-being, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. The future of audio is a symphony of innovation waiting to be composed, and the melody promises to be nothing short of extraordinary.
The Ethical Considerations
As these technologies advance, ethical considerations arise. Concerns about data privacy with voice assistants and the potential misuse of brainwave manipulation with headphones are valid. Open communication and responsible development are crucial to ensure these magical tools are used for good.
The next time you pick up a pair of headphones or adjust your microphone, remember the magic they hold. These seemingly mundane accessories are gateways to new worlds, tools for transformation, and conductors of well-being. As technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for these unassuming heroes are truly limitless. After all, a little magic often comes in the smallest packages, waiting to be discovered by those who listen closely.
A Marketplace for the Audiophile
For those seeking more traditional audio experiences, platforms like TrueGether offer a treasure trove of audio media accessories. While the future holds exciting possibilities for smart and interactive accessories, TrueGether caters to the nostalgia and utility of classic audio formats. With a current selection of 9 distinct audio media accessories from 7 different sellers, you can find everything from blank cassette tapes for creating your own mixtapes to vintage headphones for a truly immersive listening experience.
Being one of the best alternatives to eBay, TrueGether provides a platform for collectors and enthusiasts to discover unique items and keep their love for analog audio alive. So next time you're on the hunt for a specific audio accessory or simply browsing for hidden gems, be sure to check out TrueGether's offerings.
submitted by shahla_naz to u/shahla_naz [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:25 jewiger NIST CSF - Showing Gaps and Overlaps

We are currently in a data collection phase of different processes in cyber that align to the NIST CSF 1.1 framework. The goal is to find if there are any gaps and overlaps.
Does anyone have/know a good way to aggregate and present this data so it is clean to upper management?
submitted by jewiger to cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:24 Antagonin Power/frequency curve of Snapdragon 8 Gen 2

Per-core power consumption of Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 cores
The measurements were done for each cluster separately. The baseline of 0.9 W (display, etc.) was subtracted from the measured power (voltage * current) and the final power was divided by number of cores in the cluster. The A715 measurement is thus average of A715 and A710 results. The crazy jump in power draw on X3 core from 1977 to 2092 MHz is not a measurement error, I triple checked it. In total this SOC is hogging 10-11 W under all core load whilst running at 97 °C in my Xiaomi Pad 6S Pro tablet. Here are some "ideal" frequencies for underclocking, where power still increases mostly linearly with frequency (less wasted power): A510: 1344 MHz A710/715: 1920 MHz X3: 1977 MHz Can additionally share GPU data too.
submitted by Antagonin to qualcomm [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:24 Useful_Issue_1164 Struggling with a friendship

Hello first time posting looking for advise
I have a friend we meet under 2 years ago everything was good a call here or there daily for a chit chat though when she needed something or having problem in her home calls became sometimes 6-8 times daily I always answered I was happy to help. I have been there during 2 family deaths dropping things in when these tough times come Eventually as time progressed When I would call there was no answer or dinner plans where cancelled , texts became wider timing apart. Unless a favour was needed or hinted at I stopped also giving car lifts and lending money ( this was always paid back)
currently recently been diagnosed with adhd just turned 35 I really do struggle with friendships I am well aware of this , I am always willing to help to the point I’m so focused on someone else’s needs and don’t eat due to forgetfulness I’m a people pleaser. During my diagnoses process I did all this myself with some older friends reaching out just to say they where their if needed which was really nice but mostly my 3 brothers helped me though this ( they are my main support)
I’m trying to keep this short though it’s getting longer. 😅 so my question is… what do I do?
Is this person my friend or am I trying to hold on to something that no longer needs holding on too?
Did you have a friend like this in your current or past time?
submitted by Useful_Issue_1164 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:23 notaprof1 Are there cell rearranging shortcuts or formulas to reformat my cells

Version: Office 365 on Mac or can use on browser too
Knowledge level: beginner to intermediate
What I need to do is cut a row of cells and paste it into a different format for later mass analysis. In this picture in split view, I cut cells from the top right and I am pasting it onto the left portion with the number on the left, that matches with the number intially top right.
Picture of problem
I am open to any solutions, but I have extrememly limited experience with macros.
Thank you!
submitted by notaprof1 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:21 jabamin2013 Hard drive goes from /dev/sda1 to /dev/sdb1 ?

I am using a macmini M1 and I am getting from time to time a hard drive issue that I cannot explain. Somehow my mount point was no more mounted (/mnt/All).
I do not have any explanation but it seems that the hard drive goes from /dev/sda1 to /dev/sdb1.
Does someone ever encounter this kind of issue?
jabamin@jabamin-macmini:~$ cat /etc/fstab UUID=6b8034e8-d153-4ee8-a5ef-c7576fe3b5fb / btrfs x-systemd.growfs,compress=zstd:1,defaults,subvol=root 0 1 UUID=8b8c7277-d453-4409-ba90-568b7fb004f9 /boot ext4 defaults 0 0 UUID=6b8034e8-d153-4ee8-a5ef-c7576fe3b5fb /home btrfs x-systemd.growfs,compress=zstd:1,subvol=home 0 0 UUID=7FD5-B569 /boot/efi vfat defaults,umask=0077,shortname=winnt 0 0 UUID=dbfe75b0-2864-4857-9222-a56f2970a95b /mnt/All btrfs defaults,x-systemd.automount 0 2 jabamin@jabamin-macmini:~$ sudo blkid /dev/nvme0n1p7: UUID="d43e7c74-3795-4a31-9013-9b1e75ee2d86" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="apfs" PARTLABEL="RecoveryOSContainer" PARTUUID="6b3abb04-a2df-4f2f-80b3-5d4c19137579" /dev/nvme0n1p5: LABEL="BOOT" UUID="8b8c7277-d453-4409-ba90-568b7fb004f9" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="276e849d-0619-4253-8c17-602c68962662" /dev/nvme0n1p3: UUID="74b6dab4-bff2-462a-825b-de773c55c2b1" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="apfs" PARTUUID="974aadd5-e3ac-4f53-baf4-296d808a3a7a" /dev/nvme0n1p1: UUID="3538f96c-b8a6-4c61-8c8b-14859b78c263" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="apfs" PARTLABEL="iBootSystemContainer" PARTUUID="18f6a55f-8ae4-4fc1-afa7-9606a0c6defe" /dev/nvme0n1p6: LABEL="fedora" UUID="6b8034e8-d153-4ee8-a5ef-c7576fe3b5fb" UUID_SUB="596ff023-edc4-497e-ad5a-36c8f993c9c8" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="btrfs" PARTUUID="05c9d950-62c0-4d8b-bd9b-e815722d40db" /dev/nvme0n1p4: LABEL_FATBOOT="EFI - FEDOR" LABEL="EFI - FEDOR" UUID="7FD5-B569" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="d313975a-d93e-4128-ba3d-a153ab4868e4" /dev/nvme0n1p2: UUID="9d09184e-8e72-4809-bb1c-d638381ce2ad" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="apfs" PARTLABEL="Container" PARTUUID="eb0f24d1-2119-46a7-aee6-60bf914c076b" /dev/sdb1: UUID="dbfe75b0-2864-4857-9222-a56f2970a95b" UUID_SUB="3ed31cef-c238-4e0d-baf7-443f383ade25" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="btrfs" PARTUUID="bd535a32-488a-9d4b-b569-8607870fa05c" /dev/zram0: LABEL="zram0" UUID="de0aa5e3-bdc5-42da-802c-851cc7293e3a" TYPE="swap" jabamin@jabamin-macmini:~$ sudo fdisk -l [sudo] password for jabamin: Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 233,76 GiB, 251000193024 bytes, 61279344 sectors Disk model: APPLE SSD AP0256Q Units: sectors of 1 * 4096 = 4096 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disklabel type: gpt Disk identifier: BCDC9F55-8663-4568-8AD9-6D89DA7D2ABD Device Start End Sectors Size Type /dev/nvme0n1p1 6 128005 128000 500M Apple Silicon boot /dev/nvme0n1p2 128006 30048517 29920512 114,1G Apple APFS /dev/nvme0n1p3 30048518 30658821 610304 2,3G Apple APFS /dev/nvme0n1p4 30658822 30786821 128000 500M EFI System /dev/nvme0n1p5 30786822 31042821 256000 1000M Linux filesystem /dev/nvme0n1p6 31042822 59968517 28925696 110,3G Linux filesystem /dev/nvme0n1p7 59968630 61279338 1310709 5G Apple Silicon recovery Disk /dev/nvme0n2: 3 MiB, 3145728 bytes, 768 sectors Disk model: APPLE SSD AP0256Q Units: sectors of 1 * 4096 = 4096 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disk /dev/nvme0n3: 128 MiB, 134217728 bytes, 32768 sectors Disk model: APPLE SSD AP0256Q Units: sectors of 1 * 4096 = 4096 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disk /dev/zram0: 7,38 GiB, 7918845952 bytes, 1933312 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 4096 = 4096 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 4096 bytes / 16384 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 16384 bytes / 16384 bytes Disk /dev/sdb: 16,37 TiB, 18000207937536 bytes, 35156656128 sectors Disk model: miniStack Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disklabel type: gpt Disk identifier: 4AEDE599-769A-234C-B46D-5F1EA4FD3DA1 Device Start End Sectors Size Type /dev/sdb1 2048 35156654079 35156652032 16,4T Linux filesystem jabamin@jabamin-macmini:~$ 
I can see in the journatcl errors like these:
juin 01 12:42:07 jabamin-macmini kernel: BTRFS error (device sda1): bdev /dev/sda1 errs: wr 0, rd 1, flush 0, corrupt 80, gen 0 juin 01 12:42:07 jabamin-macmini kernel: BTRFS error (device sda1): bdev /dev/sda1 errs: wr 0, rd 2, flush 0, corrupt 80, gen 0 juin 01 12:42:07 jabamin-macmini kernel: BTRFS error (device sda1: state A): Transaction aborted (error -5) juin 01 12:42:07 jabamin-macmini kernel: BTRFS: error (device sda1: state A) in __btrfs_free_extent:3244: errno=-5 IO failure juin 01 12:42:07 jabamin-macmini kernel: BTRFS error (device sda1: state EA): failed to run delayed ref for logical 47775744 num_bytes 16384 type 176 action 2 ref_mod 1: -5 juin 01 12:42:07 jabamin-macmini kernel: BTRFS: error (device sda1: state EA) in btrfs_run_delayed_refs:2249: errno=-5 IO failure juin 01 12:42:07 jabamin-macmini kernel: BTRFS: error (device sda1: state EA) in cleanup_transaction:2020: errno=-5 IO failure juin 01 15:48:27 jabamin-macmini kernel: BTRFS error (device sda1: state EA): bdev /dev/sda1 errs: wr 0, rd 886, flush 0, corrupt 80, gen 0 juin 01 15:48:27 jabamin-macmini kernel: BTRFS error (device sda1: state EA): bdev /dev/sda1 errs: wr 0, rd 887, flush 0, corrupt 80, gen 0 juin 01 15:48:29 jabamin-macmini kernel: BTRFS error (device sda1: state EA): error loading props for ino 847115 (root 5): -5 juin 01 15:48:29 jabamin-macmini kernel: BTRFS error (device sda1: state EA): error loading props for ino 76258 (root 5): -5 juin 01 15:48:29 jabamin-macmini kernel: BTRFS error (device sda1: state EA): error loading props for ino 245739 (root 5): -5 jabamin@jabamin-macmini:~$ sudo btrfs check /dev/sdb1 Opening filesystem to check... Checking filesystem on /dev/sdb1 UUID: dbfe75b0-2864-4857-9222-a56f2970a95b [1/7] checking root items [2/7] checking extents [3/7] checking free space tree [4/7] checking fs roots [5/7] checking only csums items (without verifying data) [6/7] checking root refs [7/7] checking quota groups skipped (not enabled on this FS) found 17705319915520 bytes used, no error found total csum bytes: 17269098036 total tree bytes: 21579022336 total fs tree bytes: 239075328 total extent tree bytes: 205078528 btree space waste bytes: 3697284197 file data blocks allocated: 224452056289280 referenced 17679991578624 jabamin@jabamin-macmini:~$ sudo smartctl --all -d scsi /dev/sdb smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [aarch64-linux-6.8.10-400.asahi.fc40.aarch64+16k] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Vendor: OWC Product: miniStack Revision: 0 Compliance: SPC-4 User Capacity: 18 000 207 937 536 bytes [18,0 TB] Logical block size: 512 bytes Physical block size: 4096 bytes Logical Unit id: 0x5000000000000001 Serial number: EF3087421022 Device type: disk Local Time is: Tue Jun 4 19:13:51 2024 CEST SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. SMART support is: Enabled Temperature Warning: Disabled or Not Supported === START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION === SMART Health Status: OK Current Drive Temperature: 0 C Drive Trip Temperature: 0 C Error Counter logging not supported Device does not support Self Test logging 
jabamin@jabamin-macmini:~$ sudo fdisk -l Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 233,76 GiB, 251000193024 bytes, 61279344 sectors Disk model: APPLE SSD AP0256Q Units: sectors of 1 * 4096 = 4096 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disklabel type: gpt Disk identifier: BCDC9F55-8663-4568-8AD9-6D89DA7D2ABD Device Start End Sectors Size Type /dev/nvme0n1p1 6 128005 128000 500M Apple Silicon boot /dev/nvme0n1p2 128006 30048517 29920512 114,1G Apple APFS /dev/nvme0n1p3 30048518 30658821 610304 2,3G Apple APFS /dev/nvme0n1p4 30658822 30786821 128000 500M EFI System /dev/nvme0n1p5 30786822 31042821 256000 1000M Linux filesystem /dev/nvme0n1p6 31042822 59968517 28925696 110,3G Linux filesystem /dev/nvme0n1p7 59968630 61279338 1310709 5G Apple Silicon recovery Disk /dev/nvme0n2: 3 MiB, 3145728 bytes, 768 sectors Disk model: APPLE SSD AP0256Q Units: sectors of 1 * 4096 = 4096 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disk /dev/nvme0n3: 128 MiB, 134217728 bytes, 32768 sectors Disk model: APPLE SSD AP0256Q Units: sectors of 1 * 4096 = 4096 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disk /dev/zram0: 7,38 GiB, 7918845952 bytes, 1933312 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 4096 = 4096 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 4096 bytes / 16384 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 16384 bytes / 16384 bytes Disk /dev/sda: 16,37 TiB, 18000207937536 bytes, 35156656128 sectors Disk model: miniStack Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disklabel type: gpt Disk identifier: 4AEDE599-769A-234C-B46D-5F1EA4FD3DA1 Device Start End Sectors Size Type /dev/sda1 2048 35156654079 35156652032 16,4T Linux filesystem 
submitted by jabamin2013 to AsahiLinux [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:19 iconb0y Kasa Token - "App version is too old" using HTTP Post

Been reading for a good few hours and trying to get a Kasa/TPLink token so I can simple turn on/off a smart plug (EP10).
This is the task I am using, which I found through searching:
Task: TP Link Authenticate Share  A1: HTTP Request [ Method: POST URL: Headers: Content-Type: application/json Body: { "method" :"login", "params" : { "appType" :"Kasa_Android", "cloudPassword" :"MY PASSWORD", "cloudUserName" :"MY EMAIL", "terminalUUID" :"MY UUID4" } } Timeout (Seconds): 30 ] A2: AutoTools Json Read [ Configuration: Simple Mode: true Json: %http_data Fields: token Separator: , Timeout (Seconds): 60 ] A3: Variable Set [ Name: %TPLinkToken To: %token ] 
I tried using an online HTTP Post page to see what the result was, as the %token variable is never updated.
The result gives: App version is too old.
Is there currently no (simple) way to turn on/off a Kasa smart plug?
I did try using AutoVoice Trigger Alexa option...and that works amazingly well on the first device.
The problem is, we're trying to do the same using a second smart plug, with a second device plugged in to it, which has its own Google account. Signing in with the original Google account (which has the virtual devices listed in Alexa Routines), causes the second device to have the original Google account on it, thus showing that account's emails and contacts on the second device. We don't want that.
Hoping someone who has two smart plugs and two different devices with separate Google accounts has successfully been able to turn on/off the different plugs.
submitted by iconb0y to tasker [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:19 ChmodPlusEx Need suggestions/recommendations for setup & OS

Hi all, looking for some setup suggestions. I have Surface Go 1824, which I had installed POP OS about a week ago.
And it’s pretty buggy, random crashes, buggy Bluetooth etc.
I had unknowingly selected encrypt HD option When I was installing the OS, I am guessing this might be a possible reason for the slowness.
Also there are couple of unwanted services running in the bg along with a handful of unwanted apps
Nonetheless, to remove the encryption, I have to reinstall the OS again.
I intend to use the Surface Go as a plannenotebook mainly for work.
Incase you’re wondering why, it is because I work in a very controlled environment, thus access to the internet is not allowed.
The main purpose of using the surface is to achieve the following:
1) View/edit my obsidian notes 
Obsidian has linux support and i am using the paid version.
2) View/edit my ToDoist 
ToDoIst has linux support and I am using the paid version
3) Read PDF/EPUB 4) light internet browsing; 
Mainly checking Reddit/stackoverflow, accessing personal gmail account
5) Stylus support 
not to draw or anything heavy, to use when I am just want to scribble something down quickly, especially when I am in a meeting before including it in either ToDoIst or obsidian. Incase you’re wondering why I can’t just type it straight; based on my experience in my environment, very often I would need to jot down things very quickly, typing would be a little slow.
I have no data on the surface go currently and I do not anticipate I would be storing anything directly on the surface go as well, everything will be synced to obsidian.
I am open to all advice :)
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ChmodPlusEx to linux4noobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:18 wittybit Big list of remote companies

This isn’t my list - I’m reposting it from Facebook. I know of most of the companies listed.
  1. Adecco -
  2. Alorica -
  3. American Specialty Health -
  4. Cognosante -
  5. Concentrix -
  6. Conduent -
  7. Continuum -
  8. CVS -
  9. Direct Interactions -
  10. Everise -
  11. Faneuil -
  12. Fiserv -
  13. Fivestar Call Center -
  14. Foundever -
  15. Genpact - (Select your country)
  16. HGS -
  17. Intoxalock -
  18. IQvia -
  19. Jerry -
  20. Kelly Connect -
  21. Kelly Services -
  22. Key Bank -
  23. Liberty Mutual -
  24. Lincoln Financial -
  25. Lowe’s -
  26. Lumen -
  27. Maximus -
  28. Magellan -
  29. Morley -
  30. Molina -
  31. Mutual of Omaha -
  32. Nationwide -
  33. Nelnet -
  34. NexRep -
  35. Nuance -
  36. One Call -
  37. Pearl Interactive -
  38. PNC -
  39. Progressive -
  40. Prudential -
  41. PSCU -
  42. Qualfon -
  43. Randstad -
  44. Regions -
  45. Remx -
  46. Robert Half -
  47. Rose International -
  48. Sagility -
  49. Savista -
  50. Sedgwick -
  51. Sitel -
  52. -
  53. Spectraforce -
  54. Startek -
  55. Sun Life -
  56. -
  57. Sutherland -
  58. Sykes -
  59. Teladoc -
  60. Teleperformance -
  61. Transcom -
  62. Trident Care -
  63. TrueSource -
  64. TSD -
  65. TTEC -
  66. Tuft -
  67. Uhaul -
  68. United Health Group -
  69. Unum -
  70. UPMC -
  71. US Bank -
  72. Vacasa -
  73. Verizon -
  74. VIP Desk Connect -
  75. VRI -
  76. VRI (second link) -
  77. VXI -
  78. Walgreens -
  79. Wayfair -
  80. West Marine Careers -
  81. Wyndham -
  82. Zotec -
submitted by wittybit to RemoteJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:18 Imaginary-Way1919 I’m just having a hard time processing everything

New to Reddit and have never posted but just needed to talk about everything that’s gone on over the last two months.
I (30sF) matched with this guy on a dating app and we talked a lot about ourselves, what we were looking for in a partner and other important conversations. We had a great first date and on the second date, we had sex. Everything was going well, I was really enjoying getting to know him. About 3 days later, I started having pain peeing and noticed what I thought was a cut down there. I had not had sex in months I thought maybe it was just sore from sleeping with him. I called him to let him know but honestly did not assume it was an STD. I never had a STD before so I couldn’t compare it to anything. He then told me he was sleeping with two other girls and I should get tested. I asked if he had anything and he said no, and made it seem like it’s something on me. I was so confused and cried after the call because I was just overwhelmed with all this news - I’m in pain, don’t know what it is now, and the guy I like is sleeping with other people. I date one person at a time especially if we are being intimate. I totally understand other people do things differently. I just wasn’t expecting it. We talked again and I was worried, what if I was the one who had something and what if I gave it to him? He said he’s had STDs before (didn’t say which ones but he said it in past tense so I assumed they were gone) and he would still want to date me. A day or two later, I saw my gynecologist and she confirmed it was HSV2. The bloodwork showed I didn’t have antibodies so it was a recent transmission. I was devastated to say the least. The first time I get an STD and it’s one that never goes away. I thought my life is over. I texted him and asked what STDs he’s had and he said chlamydia and he has HSV2 but hasn’t had an outbreak in a while. I was in shock, why didn’t he tell me? He had so many chances! He texted me he was sorry and I’ll be okay. He never expressed any guilt or shame for what he did. It was like as if it was something so minor. I was so hurt and upset, I deserved to know and to be given the option to consent! He changed my life forever and he didn’t seem to care.
After all that, I still tried to make it work, even knowing he was still dating two other girls. He said at some point, he said that he would see which connection was best for him (one girl he had been dating on/off for 6 months, and the other for about 1/2 months). At that point, we had been dating for like 2 weeks. I later would come to realize that would never happen and found out he didn’t want to date anyone exclusively or long term. Over time, I started seeing his true colors. He said why would he just date one person? If he did, then what happens if it doesn’t work and he doesn’t have the other girls still? He said he likes that the girls he dates are exclusively with him and if one of them dated someone else, he wouldn’t be with them. He also told me he doesn’t tell anyone he has HSV2 unless he has an active outbreak. And you know how he said he didn’t have an outbreak for a while when I got it? He told me he gets outbreaks 4-6 times a year. He also told me that the girl he was dating for about a month or so was cool with sleeping with him unprotected when he had outbreaks so it was recent when he had an outbreak. He lied so much and told on himself bc he couldn’t remember what he told me and what he told the other girls. He would constantly make me feel like I had overreacted to getting HSV2 because he said the other two girls had a better reaction than I did (he only told the girls because he had an outbreak, not because he wanted them to know so they could consent. Both girls do not currently have it from what he said). He told the girl he was sleeping with for a month when they first had sex bc he had an outbreak. The girl he was sleeping with for like 6 months was only told a week ago because he had an outbreak. He would make fun of me for asking him questions about our relationship and would say I was asking for too much when I wasn’t fucking him while I was still healing from the initial outbreak. I was in pain, I couldn’t even enjoy it and yet he thought I owed him that. He was so mean and admitted to being selfish.
We stopped officially dating a couple weeks later and about a week after that conversation, he told me he was ‘official’ with one of the girls, but he was still able to sleep around with other girls and was still going to add to his roster since he was still on the dating apps.
I stayed around far too long. I was just trying to make sense of getting HSV2 and learning how to live with it, not being able to consent to sleeping with someone who knowingly had it, and just process how someone who seemed kind ended up being so manipulative and selfish. I started therapy a couple weeks ago to help me get through this but I’m still just feeling lost and hurt. I’m scared of how my dating life will be moving forward. I will always disclose, it’s just the rejection that feels hard. It just feels unfair knowing he doesn’t have any consequences for his actions.
I’m still in a bad way so any advice or support is appreciated. Sorry if it’s all over the place, I’m still making sense of it myself.
submitted by Imaginary-Way1919 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:16 Myloona Are voter registration organizations allowed to operate like this?

I work for a Voter Registration organization and have stumbled upon something I want clarification on. When people sign up to get registered to vote through the organization, another company reaches out to the voter with a text/email giving them a survey about what made them want to register to vote. The issue I have with this is that there is no print nor verbal confirmation that we are required to give to the person clarifying consent or awareness of this survey. Is that legal? Additionally, we have been told that we are not allowed to register people that do not have a drivers license because it impedes with the outside companies data and what they are collecting, is this a form of voter suppression?
submitted by Myloona to IsItIllegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:16 agrotios_satan Temps going high just for opening CS2 any reason?

Temps going high just for opening CS2 any reason? submitted by agrotios_satan to IndianGaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:15 globalwp [ROLEPLAY] Geopolitical Risk Assessment Report 2141 [DIP-214-B]

The following is a secret excerpt internal to the Alexandria Custodian's findings relating to the ideal course of action pertaining to diplomatic relations with the two major blocs and Caliphate Successor States:

Geopolitical Risk Assessment

Transmission ID: TRX-UNSC-GRA-2072-006
Secrecy Level: DIP-OPE-2131

GIGAS Alliance

  • The Custodianship considers Japan to be extremely volatile and recommends avoiding any and all interactions to ensure the well being of the people of the custodianship. On the other hand, the Custodianship considers the UNSC to be a key partner in reconstruction and geopolitical positioning globally, and considers alignment with the UNSC necessary and mutually beneficial given shared regional interests and ideological alignment with our goals.
DANGER LEVEL: Overwhelming
  • The UNSC, formed part of a coalition that killed millions and has annexed Morocco and Algeria. This is a cause for concern as the Custodianship was formerly territory that was no different than these territories and such moves are overwhelmingly unpopular among the public.Its decision to protect Jerusalem from Japan as well as certain other cities has improved popular opinion relative to Japan and the UASR.
  • Given the UNSC's commitment to establishing functional independent states, significant shared interests are present between the UNSC and the custodianship. All current assessments show that a desire to build sustainable and prosperous states in the region are genuine. As such, the custodianship has no plans of suspending our military or economic alliance and wishes to maintain it far into the future.
  • The Custodianship believes that closer ties to the UNSC are the best way to proceed given the current geopolitical landscape. Should the UNSC be open to it, furthering ties during and after reconstruction would be ideal.
  • The UNSC's alliance with Japan via GIGAS may prove to be problematic should it be drawn into another war of conquest.
DANGER LEVEL: Overwhelming
PUBLIC OPINION: Extremely Negative
  • Japanese human rights violations coupled with repeated violations of pre-existing alliances has granted it the LOW trustworthiness score and a HIGH belligerency score. The custodianship is advised to avoid any and all interactions with Japan for the time being.
  • Given Japanese debt collection efforts elsewhere, the custodianship advises against any and all trade with Japan at the time being as well as any and all lending, as there is far more that may be lost than gained.
  • Alfheimr succession may cause substantial instability, especially given the mysterious disappearance of Aesir Dederick, the genetic differences between the Alfr and Japanese citizens elsewhere, the substantial cultural differences, and the presence of a large Alfr army in Western Europe. Any civil war may be disastrous globally and would result in far more humanitarian catastrophes and disruption of supply chains. Given this fact, the Custodianship recommends autarchy wherever possible for this eventuality.

Bandung Pact

  • The Custodianship considers the Bandung Pact to be a potential threat to the independence of the custodianship given the UASR's historical desire to conquer the Egyptian region as demonstrated during the negotiation of the Treaty of Istanbul. Moreover, given the lack of a common enemy, namely the Caliphate and Alfr, the Pact is prone to infighting and is generally disorganized and militarily weaker than other alliance blocs, especially given the impact of the Last Brother War. The continued occupation regions in the east and west create potential flash-points for long-term conflicts that these nations may be drawn into. The Custodianship recommends neutrality in dealings with the Bandung Pact.
United States of Asia
  • The United States of Asia currently occupies Pakistan and is on the brink of civil war. Having recently united a series of sporadic corrupt statelets and invaded and occupied a historical enemy, this state is likely on the brink of collapse. Its primary contribution to the Bandung Pact appears to be the large number of soldiers it can recruit. The custodianship has little to gain economically, technologically, or militarily from relations with the USA.
PUBLIC OPINION: Extremely Negative
  • The UASR is the major power behind the Bandung Pact, but should not be trusted. Having previously attempted to seize Egypt, likely for access to the Meditteranean and/or Suez Canal, and having pressed the UNSC for control during the Treaty of Istanbul, the custodianship should proceed with caution.
  • The custodianship's lack of an army places it at a high risk, especially if the UNSC is drawn into a war at the behest of Japan. As such, the UNSC's prior policy of armed neutrality is recommended to avert incursions by the UASR and attempts to seize the nation.
  • Public opinion is extremely negative towards the UASR given their unprovoked attack against the Caliphate and the millions that were killed as a result of their decisions. Expansion of ties would not be taken well by the populace.
  • While ties with the UASR may prove fruitful economically, this may eventually result in the annexation of the custodianship into this state. As such, the custodianship recommends remaining on good terms with the UASR while remaining at arms length.
Republic of Houston
  • The Republic of Houston proves to be extremely problematic for the Bandung Pact given its proximity to Japan's western holdings. Given prior Japanese adventures in North Africa, they are likely to isolate and conquer Houston without the Pact being able to respond due to the large distance. This creates a potential flashpoint for the overall pact that may escalate into a larger conflict. The custodianship warns against substantial investment with this state given the higher risk, but is unopposed to any other ties with this state.
  • Nusantara formed part of the coalition that destroyed much of Cairo and Alexandria, but was a relatively minor part of the coalition. Given its distance from the region, there is a relatively lower risk associated with relations with this state, but also not much to be gained.
  • The continued occupation of the eastern RIGS may result in future conflict between the RIGS and Nusantara, making extensive economic relations with either of these states unfavourable. Should the occupation end, there may be more to be gained economically from cooperating owing to an advanced technological base.
  • Given that Brazil has largely kept to itself and is only part of the pact by virtue of threat of encirclement, the custodianship is unopposed to relations with this nation. That said, the large scale chip epidemic may prove to be problematic and the Custodianship recommends maintaining the border-control protocol established by the Caliphate government regarding the detection and removal of brain chips at the border.

Caliphate Successors

Summary: The Custodianship seeks to protect itself against revanchist elements and believes that a policy of armed neutrality is best in this case, should the UNSC allow it. The Custodianship seeks to establish win an ideological battle against Badiyah, eliminating extremist thought among the population through economic progress. It also seeks to further ties with the State of Palestine which currently acts as a buffer between Alexandria and the eastern successor states.
  • Badiyah is seen to have largely regressed into a largely tribal society. The xenomorph swarms coupled with the Caliph abandoning Egypt to protect the West has left a sour taste in Alexandria. The xenomorph hordes are a constant risk at border regions requiring additional militarization to address this issue. Badiyan revanchism also proves to be a potential risk as the state sees itself as the successor to the Caliphate.
  • The economies of the custodianship and Badiyah were previously highly integrated given long-standing supply chains and the DESERTEC II project. It is recommended to maintain positive ties with the Caliphate to ensure the continuation of these projects, while keeping it at an arms length to preserve the independence of the state and prevent further regression into tribal and religious rule.
  • The Custodianship must act as a counterweight to Badiyan ideology, positioning itself as a bastion of liberty staying true to the democratic ideals of the Hirak of the 2010s as opposed to the extreme Islamism of the late 2060s. Failure to achieve an ideological victory by delivering economic benefits would likely result in unfavourable ideological shifts within the custodianship.
The Triarchy
  • The Triarchy is the strongest of the Caliphate successor states given the existence of much of the Caliphate's industrial base in Turkey.
  • The Triarchy would pose a substantial threat to the custodianship had it bordered the nation. Luckily, the State of Palestine provides a buffer. Assistance must be given to the State of Palestine to prevent such an eventuality.
  • The Slayer is considered to be an erratic figure and may not always act rationally, especially given the large massacre in China at the behest of Japan and the mass repression resulting in a cult of personality in the country. It is thus best to remain on good terms with this state, collaborating economically wherever possible but avoiding any military relations for the time being.
The Eastern Caliphate
  • Unlike the Western Caliphate, the Eastern Caliphate seems disinterested in revanchism and will instead seek to reclaim its occupied territory from the Bandung Pact. This flash-point may complicate relations should the Custodianship remain neutral. Current assessments show that the Eastern Caliphate is unlikely to make moves against the State of Palestine, which also acts as a buffer between the Custodianship and the Eastern Caliphate.
  • Economic relations with the Eastern Caliphate may prove to be fruitful, especially regarding supply chains related to oil and gas for plastics manufacturing.
The State of Palestine
  • The State of Palestine has much to offer the Custodianship. Given its key strategic geographic position, it acts as a buffer state between the custodianship and the Eastern Caliphate successors.
  • Being largely ideologically aligned to the UNSC, and on good terms with the Bandung Pact, Palestine may offer an opportunity for the Custodianship to engage in indirect diplomacy with the Bandung Pact without resulting in widespread public anger.
  • The Custodianship views Palestine as an integral part of its economic and military strategy in the region, and will likely assist it in reconstruction efforts in both these spheres.
Second Roman Republic
  • The Second Roman Republic was part of the coalition that invaded the Caliphate, opportunistically seizing Istanbul. This is overwhelmingly viewed as a negative act by the populace. While not as significant compared to more egregious acts of orbital bombardment and wiping out city blocks, there is still substantial hesitancy among the public which views Istanbul as occupied land.
  • The Second Roman Republic is currently well placed geopolitically as a potential ally to the Custodianship given its similar position in balancing relations between GIGAS and the Bandung Pact. It is economically prosperous and may help contribute to reconstruction efforts through its Roman Development Bank.
  • Should the republic's ambitions extend beyond Western Istanbul, it would be placed in the crosshairs of Japan as well as the Triarchy, resulting in an extremely bloody conflict that the Custodianship must stay out of. As with other states at the verge of war, the Custodianship urges caution regarding investment in this region.
submitted by globalwp to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:14 Myloona Are voter registration organizations allowed to operate like this?

I work for a Voter Registration organization and have stumbled upon something I want clarification on. When people sign up to get registered to vote through the organization, another company reaches out to the voter with a text/email giving them a survey about what made them want to register to vote. The issue I have with this is that there is no print nor verbal confirmation that we are required to give to the person clarifying consent or awareness of this survey. Is that legal? Additionally, we have been told that we are not allowed to register people that do not have a drivers license because it impedes with the outside companies data and what they are collecting, is this a form of voter suppression?
submitted by Myloona to legal [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:14 XXGrassXX After seeing reports of Memphis wanting Clingan, decided to put this trade together

After seeing reports of Memphis wanting Clingan, decided to put this trade together
Rockets get an Ime guy and draft Dalton Knecht(another sharpshooter like reed )
Memphis gets their desired player player and Tate
submitted by XXGrassXX to rockets [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:13 dryra66it Fighting CEO about Alt text

I work at a small agency on the web dev team, so I am usually the one adding alt text to images when we put them in a site. Despite our team’s repeated best efforts to inform him on current best practices, he insists on stuffing keywords into alt text, often repeating the same 3-4 tags across a client’s homepage. They’re usually nothing to do with the image, some variation on the client’s main service/product and location (ie. “Mattress Dealer in Kenosha, WI” “Kenosha, WI mattress store”, etc.). He says that “it’s how I’ve always done it and it clearly works.” Unfortunately, he knows enough to check the page’s code and will let us know if the tags he asked for were not used.
Is there any hope of correcting this, or is the impact minimal enough that we stop trying?
One of my big concerns is actually that I show these sites to other potential employers as part of my portfolio. It’s embarrassing to show them these sites knowing they’ll look at those alt tags.
submitted by dryra66it to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:12 Pristine-Spring-4724 WordPress free builder: Create stunning websites

WordPress Free Builder: Create Stunning Websites

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Concept of a Page Builder in WordPress
  2. A Look at Popular Free WordPress Page Builders
  3. Creating a Landing Page Using a WordPress Free Builder
  4. Customizing Your Site with Layouts
  5. Extending Functionality with Plugins and Widgets
  6. FAQ

Understanding the Concept of a Page Builder in WordPress

One of the significant advancements in web design is the development of tools that allow individuals with little or no coding experience to create stunning and functional websites. WordPress page builders are among these tools, offering a user-friendly way to design websites without writing HTML, CSS, or other code. In this guide, we will explain what WordPress builders are, review the best options, compare free and premium versions, and highlight the benefits of these tools for those who are not proficient in coding.
WordPress free builders are software tools that enable users to create and customize web pages through a graphical interface, often featuring drag-and-drop capabilities. Users do not need to write code but can design their page layouts visually, adding different elements like text blocks, images, sliders, and more. These tools are popular for their user-friendly interfaces, allowing anyone to build professional-looking websites.

Exploring the Best Free WordPress Page Builder Options

WordPress builders offer a cost-effective way to design websites. Here are some popular options:
  1. Gutenberg (Block Editor): Provides basic block-building functionality.
  2. Elementor: Known for its real-time visual editing.
  3. SiteOrigin Page Builder: Offers a simple interface with various widgets and modules.
  4. Beaver Builder: A beginner-friendly option with a wide range of templates.
  5. Brizy: Recognized for its ease of use and modern design elements.
  6. MaxiBlocks: Free and open-source, offering extensive customization options.
These tools provide various templates, layouts, and customization options, catering to different needs and preferences.

Comparing Free and Premium Version Functionality

While free WordPress builders offer substantial functionality, premium versions often provide additional advanced features, templates, and support. The choice between free and premium depends on the specific requirements of the website, budget constraints, and the desired level of customization.

Importance for Beginners with Limited Coding Skills

For beginners and those with limited coding skills, WordPress builders are a valuable asset. They bridge the gap between technical complexity and creative freedom, allowing anyone to create websites without the need for in-depth programming knowledge. By utilizing drag-and-drop functionality, intuitive interfaces, and pre-designed templates, these tools empower individuals to translate their ideas into functional and aesthetically pleasing web pages.

A Look at Popular Free WordPress Page Builders

WordPress builders have become indispensable tools, providing an efficient way to create and design websites without extensive coding knowledge. Here, we’ll explore some well-known options and introduce an open-source page builder called MaxiBlocks.

WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg Editor): An Overview

The Gutenberg editor is WordPress’s default block editor. It offers a simple interface that allows users to add and customize various content blocks, making it suitable for beginners.

Elementor: Features and Ease of Use

Elementor is known for its real-time visual editing and extensive set of features. With a user-friendly interface, it’s a favorite among many WordPress users.

MaxiBlocks: Free and Open Source

MaxiBlocks is a free and open-source WordPress builder that offers a variety of features to help users create websites more easily and efficiently. Key features include:
MaxiBlocks can be downloaded as a plugin from the WordPress plugin directory. It is compatible with the Gutenberg editor and provides blocks that can be easily added to pages.

Beaver Builder and SiteOrigin Page Builder: A Comparison

Both Beaver Builder and SiteOrigin Page Builder offer intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces. Beaver Builder is praised for its beginner-friendly templates, while SiteOrigin provides various widgets and flexibility.

Brizy and Themify Builder: New Players in the Market

Brizy and Themify Builder are emerging page builders that provide modern design elements and ease of use. They are becoming popular for their innovative features and responsiveness.

Thrive Architect and Divi Builder

Thrive Architect and Divi Builder are known for their versatility and design capabilities. These alternatives provide substantial customization options for WordPress users.

Creating a Landing Page Using a Builder

A landing page is a web page focused on a specific offer or action you want potential customers to take. Creating a landing page can be easy with a WordPress builder that allows you to design without coding. Here’s how:

Selecting a Page Builder Plugin

Choose the right WordPress builder for your needs. Tools like Elementor’s free version, Gutenberg, and MaxiBlocks offer distinct features and templates. Select one that aligns with your goals and choose a template that serves as a foundation for your landing page.

Building a Layout with Drag-and-Drop Functionality

WordPress free builders typically offer drag-and-drop functionality, allowing you to arrange elements on the page without writing code. Customize sections, add columns, and place content elements to create a visually appealing layout.

Adding Modules Such as Sliders, Testimonials, and Contact Forms

Enhance functionality with modules or widgets. Examples include:
Customize these modules to match your brand’s aesthetics and messaging.

Previewing on Desktop and Mobile Devices

Ensure your landing page is responsive by previewing it on various devices. WordPress builders often include preview options for desktop, tablet, and mobile views. Make adjustments to ensure consistency across all platforms.

Integrating with Social Media

Enhance the reach of your landing page by integrating social media platforms. Many WordPress free builders offer easy integration with sites like Facebook and Twitter, enabling you to connect with visitors on different platforms and encourage social sharing.

Customizing Your Site with Layouts

One challenge in creating a WordPress website is customizing various elements to achieve a coherent and attractive design. This section discusses how to use headers and footers, fonts and colors, themes and templates to create a site that matches your brand’s identity and aesthetic.

Headers and Footers

Headers and footers frame the content of a site and provide navigation options. WordPress themes offer tools to design and modify these elements to fit your brand’s style and the overall theme of your site.

Template Library

A template library offers ready-made layouts for different purposes. These templates give you a starting point, saving time and ensuring consistency across different pages.

Fonts and Colours

Fonts and colours create the mood and tone of your site. Most themes allow customization of these elements to represent your brand. Custom CSS input enables further adjustments for spacing, alignment, and other design details.

Real-Time Editing

Real-time editing features and front-end visual editors improve the design process, allowing you to see changes as you make them. This instant feedback helps in fine-tuning designs, ensuring that what you see in the editor is what visitors will see on the live site.

Extending Functionality with Plugins and Widgets

A website’s functionality is as important as its aesthetics. Visitors expect a site to offer features that enhance their experience. Plugins and widgets help achieve this by adding SEO optimization, social media integration, and other capabilities. Here’s how to use plugins and widgets to extend your site’s functionality.

Integrating SEO Plugins

SEO is vital for gaining visibility in search engines. Various plugins help optimize your site’s content, meta tags, and structure, ensuring good search results.

Adding Email Subscription Forms and Contact Forms

Email subscription forms and contact forms enhance interactivity and usability. Plugins enable you to display these forms, helping increase your email list and facilitating visitor communication.

Embedding YouTube Videos and Social Media

Multimedia content like YouTube videos and social media feeds make your site dynamic and engaging. Plugins allow embedding videos, Twitter feeds, Facebook posts, and other social media content, encouraging visitors to spend more time exploring.

Exploring Advanced Features with Widgets and Additional Plugins

Widgets and plugins can add advanced features and functionalities, such as custom sidebars, weather information, or eCommerce capabilities. Experiment with different widgets and plugins to achieve unique customization options for your site.

Tutorials and Resources for Beginners

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a website builder, and how does it work? A website builder is a tool that allows users to create websites without manual coding. It offers drag-and-drop functionality, templates, and other features to help design a site.
How do I choose the best WordPress theme builder for my needs? Consider factors like ease of use, features, compatibility with your theme, and community support. Some popular builders include Elementor, Divi, and WP Page Builder.
Is there a cost associated with using a page builder? Some page builder plugins are free, while others offer premium versions
with additional features. Pricing varies depending on the package you choose.
Can I use a WordPress page builder plugin with any theme? Most page builder plugins are compatible with standard themes. However, it’s advisable to check compatibility to ensure seamless integration.
What is a drag-and-drop page builder, and how does it differ from a regular builder? A drag-and-drop page builder allows you to design pages by dragging and dropping elements onto the canvas, making it user-friendly for custom layouts without coding.
How do I create a WordPress site using a page builder plugin? After installing and activating the plugin, create pages by selecting templates or building from scratch using drag-and-drop functionality. Tutorials are often available to guide beginners.
Is a WordPress website created with a page builder SEO-friendly? Yes, many WordPress page builders are designed with SEO in mind, allowing customization of meta tags, URLs, and other SEO essentials.
What are the advantages of using WP Page Builder? WP Page Builder is known for its ease of use, flexibility, and extensive template library, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

Additional Resources

By using WordPress page builders, you can create stunning, functional websites without any coding knowledge. These tools empower users to bring their creative visions to life with ease and efficiency.
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