Bangla tube

Struggling to learn Bangla

2024.05.25 22:18 short-panda_panda Struggling to learn Bangla

TLDR: Constantly being laughed at for the mistakes I make when trying to speak Bangla. Are there any positive points to continue learning the language?
Hello! I’m from the United States and am visiting family in Bangladesh. I’ve only been to Bangladesh a handful of times and have had a lot of difficulty in trying to learn Bangla. There aren’t many resources or Bangla speakers where I live in the states. I try really hard by listening to songs and watching YouTube videos. However, I’ve had a bad experience on a language exchange app because men would flirt or expect a relationship. Also, I have been made fun of a couple of times in the past by family or other Bangladeshis for not being fluent in Bangla. This has really discouraged me from learning the language.
Currently on this trip, I was really proud of how much progress I made in speaking Bangla but at some point I misspoke and said a phrase wrong. My mistake was mentioned to my entire family and the entire room laughed and mocked me. They already knew I don’t like to be made fun of for trying to speak Bangla. Tbh, I ran off crying after that incident because it’s humiliating.
I feel like there’s no point to learning Bangla because I’ll always be made fun of for not being fluent, my accent, or my pronunciations. Are there any upsides to learning Bangla at this point? I think I’m just looking for motivating points to keep pursuing my goal. It would be nice to hear from those who live here.
EDIT 05/28/2024:
Wow! The amount of responses and DMs are overwhelming!! Apologies for the late update. I just landed back in the states. I think I’ll respond through this edit since so many people commented.
To provide more context on the situation, yes, I did stand up for myself in Bangla and in English to my family. My dad had also called them out saying that at least I was trying to speak it. Every day of the trip I was made fun of for the way I spoke/misspoke in Bangla and had expressed how it wasn’t okay to do that. So my family was aware that I didn’t like being made fun for trying to speak in a language I’m not comfortable with.
I want to thank all of you for the uplifting comments and DMs. I didn’t know that many people struggle with learning Bangla and are in the same boat as me in terms of support. I can’t express how much your comments mean to me.
Finally, I took some time and decided that I will continue to try to become fluent in Bangla. It’s something I really want to do regardless of my family’s input. I want to try my best to hold onto my roots even though there are a lack of resources available. Thank you to those who offered to help me practice! I think I’m going to hire a tutor before I feel confident enough to have conversations in Bangla. Thank you all for your advice!
submitted by short-panda_panda to Dhaka [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:35 AdamFwks @talibajs

@talibajs submitted by AdamFwks to forsen [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:39 Sabbyasachi1405 Offering : Bangla (Native) , English (Native) , Required : Spanish

Hi all, I am Partho(20M). I can offer Bangla, my mother tongue and English, as the medium of education and job from the beginning. I just need Spanish. I am currently learning Spanish from YouTube and Coursera. Need to immerse myself and thus require your help in speaking.
We can talk about anything you like football(I am a huge Real Madrid and Argentinian national football team fan),gamingike Pokemon Go, Call of duty , fifa etc and even daily life , etc etc.
In return, I can offer you Bangla and English with proper pronunciation and grammar.
submitted by Sabbyasachi1405 to language_exchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:41 Opposite_Variety_640 Why I will never visit Bangla Sahib again

Using a throwaway account but for anyone that cares here’s why I will never visit the place again
For starters, I am a Sikh (F) and have been visiting the Gurudwara (this one in particular) as a baby. My family and I would go every Saturday and I am very well-versed with the norms, rules and regulations.
I decided to visit today because in 5 days it’s my Nani’s death anniversary. I was extremely close to her and she is the one who taught me everything I know about Sikhism and the Guru’s and their teachings.
Like I said, I am well-versed with the rules and regulations. I know what to wear, how to dress, what should be done prior and after the visit. I know you’re supposed to dress decently, I know you have to cover your head, I know you put your shoes away and wash your hands and feet. I am aware.
I wore a dress with shorts under it by the way, purely because of course, I avoid malfunctions and the dress was actually a maxi dress, till my ankles. With sleeves and a very loose fighting dress, not body-con. Just a simple cotton dress because it is hot as a chimney in Delhi.
I have seen foreigners being told to change when they wear shorts — of course understandable because they don’t probably research well on the dress code (of course would be good if they did their research but it’s alright, I don’t blame them. I’m sure people are told the same thing when they visit temples in Bali or the Blue Mosque in Turkey).
Yet today I was stopped. Mind you, I was not wearing a shirt skirt, or dress. No figure hugging outfit. Not sleeveless. With my head covered appropriately. Just a long maxi dress till my ankles.
Yet I was stopped by the saval that too after I had already entered the Darbar Sahib, bowed down to pay my respects. I was stopped mid-way by two men telling me to get out because as per them I had not dressed appropriately.
I was shocked of course, I tried to explain to them that I was aware of the dress code as I had been coming here as a child and was curious to understand how I was indecently dressed. They had no explanation.
This encounter was happening in front of the sangat and the Head Granthi comes up to me and yells at me to get out.
Now you can imagine how i felt. I have been watching his videos on YouTube for years. I have seen him do Ardas for years.I have umpteen respect for this man and just like that, I was told to leave. What God decides who’s pious and pure? In that moment I realised that religion is dictateded by men and that as a woman you will always be inferior.
I take pride in being a Sikh woman but today for no valid explanation I was aggressively told to leave.
After I left, I couldn’t control my emotions. I was crying a lot. I agree I should’ve maintained my composure but the purpose of my visit was ruined.
Another man came to manexplain to me that I was indeed wrong, that as a Sikh woman I should dress more decently.
Once again, it’s a man’s world. No matter what God says, man dictates.
Just like that, I will never wear this dress again. Never visit Bangla Sahib.
EDIT: I can only share my experience as a woman. Many seem to have an issue here that I am using the “woman card”. Well I can only speak as a woman. I acknowledge I may not know that it also happens with men.
Also for those saying “it’s not a man’s world” y’all wanna see the nasty DM’s im getting? “Wanna talk?” “Wanna Vc?” Thanks for proving my point.
Also, stop hating on the religion. Or any for that matter. My intent wasn’t to instigate hate.
My comments are getting deleted, but Ive provided more context in several of them; including the fact that I did wear this same dress in another Gurudwara few days ago and had no issues. Once again, it’s not about the religion. It was merely about the experience there. I’ll take questions on DM since I can’t reply to any here but I really appreciate the kind comments a lot. Thank you for helping me feel better.
submitted by Opposite_Variety_640 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 05:33 GogoKiGotiyaan PSA: Star Jalsha is uploading all the episodes of Ghosh and Company on their YouTube channel. One of the best Bengali chat shows till date. Bangla TV at it's prime!

PSA: Star Jalsha is uploading all the episodes of Ghosh and Company on their YouTube channel. One of the best Bengali chat shows till date. Bangla TV at it's prime! submitted by GogoKiGotiyaan to kolkata [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 11:10 estebanzanelli Thai Backpacker Map

Sharing this map of Thailand!🇹🇭 This includes the main cities and activities. Remember this is focus for the backpacker style🎒🎉🍺, share if it you like it and contact me on ig for more info and maps💪🏼
submitted by estebanzanelli to ThailandTourism [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 09:20 Ojogor_ Key Takeaways from Investing is Stock for the last 4 months as a Beginner

So investing in the Bangladesh Stock Market has always interested me, and I know it's risky and not doing well recently but still, I went in anyway. Here are a few takeaways:
1. Choosing the Right Brokerage House: It is highly recommended that you choose LankaBangla as your Brokerage House. They offer the greatest level of support, and their Trading App allows you to trade independently without interacting with your broker manually. No other brokerage house has a smooth app for trading like LankaBangla. And the best part is that it's free! In the beginning, I began one with Brac EPL idesk, but their support was quite lame. Opening a B/O account in Brokerage House usually costs 450 tk.
2. Investing >Trading: Guys please chose a path between Investing vs Trading. Regarding Bangladesh, my own personal advice would be to a Mid term or Long term Investor, and investing in fundamentally healthy companies that have a higher share price to dividend ratio rather than trading. (Let me elaborate on why.)
3. Making money with Trading is thought in Bangladesh: Trading or Short-term buying and selling in Bangladesh is extremely difficult. The market does not have enough liquidity AKA active Buyers and sellers. Furthermore, the Bangladesh Stock Market follows a T+2 Rule, which means that you can only trade a stock after two working days of buying it. Your money is basically stuck for two days, and a lot can happen during those two days :/ Where as mosth foreign stock markets do not have such limitations, allowing you to sell a stock as soon as five minutes after purchasing it and there's plenty of active buyers/seller all the time. That's why you will see in US people actually trade as a full time job. (So Yes, investing is a better option).
I recently bought BataShoe for trading like 2 weeks ago as its' price fluctuates a lot. But haven't been able to sell it off yet with a profit :/
4. Finding companies to Invest in: Choosing the right company to invest in is KEY! You may follow certain checklists to ensure that you choose the right stocks. You may start with 'Investing with Kabir' Youtube channel. He posts some mad content on fundamental and technical analysis.
5. Knowing the Entry Point: Another important thing is knowing When to Enter. Prices go up and down all the time. BATBC and GP, Summit Power, ROBI, Sea Pearl are the shares where I got a bit impatient in the first two months :P Guys, remember you can ensure a profit only if you buy a stock at a low price and sell it in a high price what when its going towards a up trend. MACD, EMA, and Trend Lines, volume etc. are some indicators that I find useful right now. Again, there's plenty of learning resources available on YouTube. Dw if you find there's overwhelming.
6. Making mistakes are okay: I started with 10k on January + another 5k in the last two months. After the first 2 months I lost about 12% of my portfolio. But that's fine, it's part of the learning curve, and it made me learn better. I am making far better decisions rn. My unrealized gain adding dividends are like 7% since the last 2 months. I would suggest you start initially with 5k, 10k or 20k. Invest, make mistakes, learn and go along the way. Investing is share market is a Art that you can only master through trial and error.
So guys in a Nutshell: You need to be super patient, you can not expect to see profits immediately. Learn first, start with a small investment, Do your own Analysis. Don't Panic when the market is in panick mode. If you follow the news, you may know the market rn is not going well. But in the next 1 or 2 months is predicted to be better again. This should be a opportunity for many of us to buy good shares in low prices as many shares rn is undervalued!
submitted by Ojogor_ to bangladesh [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 10:34 RikiFl hi, does anyone have a drum kit and serum presets to be able to make a beat like 22sa? I leave some of his songs below so you understand better

(2) DDD - YouTube
lover (
submitted by RikiFl to Music [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 19:31 Striking-End-3384 "Like Nastya: The Puppet Show"**

[Scene: A dimly lit studio with a tacky sign that reads "Exploitation Central"]
Announcer (with a sinister grin): Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the most twisted circus in town! Today, we're diving headfirst into the murky waters of child exploitation. Buckle up, because we're about to expose the puppet masters behind the curtain. And their star attraction? None other than Anastasia Radzinskaya, aka Like Nastya!
[Cut to a montage of Like Nastya's videos: her wide-eyed innocence, the catchy jingles, and the relentless merchandising.]
Announcer (sarcastically): Oh, isn't she just adorable? A pint-sized YouTuber with more subscribers than there are grains of sand on a Florida beach. But let's peel back the layers, shall we? Because behind those doe eyes lies a tale of parental ambition, dollar signs, and a dash of moral bankruptcy.
[Flashback: Anastasia's birth, doctors wringing their hands, and her parents rubbing them together like villains in a B-movie.]
Announcer (mockingly): Our little Anastasia was born with a misdiagnosis—cerebral palsy, they said. But her parents saw an opportunity. "Why settle for a regular kid," they whispered, "when we can mold her into an internet sensation?" And so, the grand experiment began.
[Cut to Anastasia's parents, sipping champagne in their Miami mansion.]
Announcer (voice dripping with disdain): Meet Anna and Sergey, the maestros of manipulation. Anna, formerly a bridal salon owner, and Sergey, a small-time construction guy. Together, they concocted a recipe for success: mix equal parts cuteness, educational content, and shameless marketing. Voilà! The Like Nastya brand was born.
[Overlay: Forbes' list of highest-paid YouTubers, with Anastasia's face grinning smugly.]
Announcer (raising an eyebrow): Forbes called her "one of the world's fastest-growing creators." Translation: "We're printing money, baby!" Anastasia raked in a cool $18 million annually. Forget lemonade stands; this kid's got a YouTube empire.
[Cut to Anastasia's parents signing contracts with Yoola and Jellysmack.]
Announcer (voice dripping with sarcasm): Ah, the sweet smell of corporate deals. Multi-channel networks, social media companies—they all wanted a piece of the Nastya pie. And why not? She's got more languages under her belt than a United Nations interpreter. English, German, Arabic, Bangla... heck, she probably speaks Parseltongue too.
[Back to the studio, where the Announcer leans in, eyes gleaming.]
Announcer (whispering): But here's the kicker, folks. Anastasia's parents sold their businesses to fund this circus. Bridal gowns and construction tools swapped for likes and views. And what did they get in return? A front-row seat to their daughter's skyrocketing fame. Oh, the sacrifices!
[Cut to a giant "LIKE NASTYA" banner, flames licking its edges.]
Announcer (voice rising): So, dear viewers, the next time you watch a video of Nastya unboxing toys or singing nursery rhymes, remember this: behind the giggles and glitter, there's a price being paid. Childhood? Sold. Innocence? Bartered. And as for Anna and Sergey? Well, they can take their ill-gotten gains and—
[The screen goes black, and the Announcer's voice drops to a whisper.]
Announcer: Wrecked.
[Fade out, leaving the audience in stunned silence.]
submitted by Striking-End-3384 to FamilyVloggersandmore [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 21:56 ber-ger Preparing for a Masters in Applied linguistics, BA in other field

M28, native English speaker. I'm preparing to apply for a masters in applied linguistics (specifically at the UNAM in Mexico). I have a BA in international relations, and only after graduating and having the opportunity to studying Bangla and Spanish and teaching English as a foreign language did I really get sucked deeper into the linguistics side of things, in particular SLA and phonetics.
I want to: 1. pass the entrance exam that they give. It seems to cover what you would have learned more or less in a BA in linguistics. And 2. I want to be ready for the classes
I've been watching some "into to linguistics series" on You Tube and other videos and occupationally reading articles about a variety of topics.
I have a friend that studied linguistics as a BA and then did this masters program and she recommend that I check out these books. What do you all think?
Introducing Linguistics - Li Wei
The Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics - James Simpson
Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics - John Lyons
submitted by ber-ger to asklinguistics [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 10:43 ProfessionalEnd8604 Market gap in Bangla YouTubers (females)

Hi all, I am thinking of starting my own YouTube channel, and I am multi-passionate. To name a few of my interests: personal finance, affordable skincare, non-fiction books & productivity, career advice, etc. I don't want to do the usual beauty and makeup. Although that is the easiest niche for me. I want to understand what is lacking in terms of Bangla content on YouTube and try to fill that and make the Bangla community proud💕 All suggestions and questions are welcomed✨
submitted by ProfessionalEnd8604 to kolkata [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 13:38 memenil Hey Kolkata, let's make a Bangla Folk/ Baul (বাউল) playlist together..

let's make a Folk/ Baul (বাউল) songs playlist *on YouTube. cause some (Most) of these songs aren't available in Spotify due to legal or whatever issue. Better choosing YT..
So, Comment your favourite Bangla Baul Gaan. Most upvoted once will be added 🤝🏻
submitted by memenil to kolkata [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 05:28 rafsunsheikh Should I write articles or make a YouTube channel?

I've completed my Bachelor in CSE two years back. From student time my interested research area is Artificial Intelligence. While I was trying to learn topics of this field, I found that there are not much quality content available in Bangla either as video or articles whereas so many good Hindi and English contents available in YouTube and other article websites. So, I decided to share things that I know with my people, the upcoming researchers and developer and in native language. Can you guys give me suggestions, that how should I start? Thanks a lot.
submitted by rafsunsheikh to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 18:17 Adventurous-Foot4388 One of the few videos where they’ve shown and discussed in depth about the history of Bengali people

One of the few videos where they’ve shown and discussed in depth about the history of Bengali people
These days I came across many people from Bengal (forget about outsiders) who are not aware of our history and they have developed a very skewed perception of their own history and culture.
We should be proud of what we have achieved and we shouldn’t forget about the sacrifices our ancestors have made to reach here. Obviously some people will try to force their agendas and issues and try to malign our own values and interests but before we give in, please remember our legacy and what defines us. What makes us “Bengalis”
Also sorry aage theke because amr phone e Bengali keypad nei but ami Bangla porte pari, just likhte gele ektu spelling mistakes hoye as ami ekjon probasi bangali and I didn’t have any formal Bengali language course, just maa joto ta sikhiyeche. Anyways I’ve come back to my roots and I love my culture and understands the subtle nuances and concepts and acknowledges them.
Please go through this video I found on YouTube and share your opinions and thoughts as well.
submitted by Adventurous-Foot4388 to kolkata [link] [comments]

2024.02.01 21:30 Aranya_Prathet A fabulous old song for you young 'uns

Hello, I'm a friendly Bengali guy from Northeastern India. Recently I was listening to an old Bangla song by Srabanti Majumdar. The opening lines are: "Aha kapale agun jolena, tobu loke bole kapal purechhe." Lyrics are by Pulak Banerjee and the music is composed by Nachiketa Ghosh. I was struck by the fact that although the song was released in 1984, it still sounds surprisingly modern. Reddit membership tends to skew young, so most of you were probably not even born then. So for your listening pleasure, I'm enclosing the YouTube link to the original song:
And here's a 2020 cover of the same song by Nishita Barua:
If you like the song, please leave your comments. I'm eager to learn how a new generation reacts to a song from the 1980s.
submitted by Aranya_Prathet to bangladesh [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 04:04 kedarmax Darbar Sahib stream with English translation of Kirtan

SSA 🙏 recently visited Bangla sahib gurudwara and there was English translation of the ongoing kirtan..even on TV someone and switched on a channel which had live stream of Darbar Sahib and translation of Kirtan. However on YouTube I am unable to find the streams that have the English translation displayed. Can anyone provide me with such a stream?
submitted by kedarmax to Sikh [link] [comments]

2024.01.07 06:33 CaZyTO I have turned off my adblockers for a long time still with every video I get this

I have turned off my adblockers for a long time still with every video I get this submitted by CaZyTO to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.01.07 06:32 CaZyTO I have turned off my adblockers for a long time still with every video I get this

I have turned off my adblockers for a long time still with every video I get this submitted by CaZyTO to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 19:36 MrXroxWasTaken Why is "BanglaFunTube" on an old dantdm video description?

Why is submitted by MrXroxWasTaken to DanTDM [link] [comments]

2023.12.28 16:46 Sujan-designer 🔰🔰Product Design in Photoshop🔰🔰

🔰🔰Product Design in Photoshop🔰🔰
🔰🔰How to Make Product Design in Photoshop🔰🔰
If you want to learn product design, you can visit my YouTube channel : -
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submitted by Sujan-designer to u/Sujan-designer [link] [comments]

2023.11.23 12:14 Razor_YT3 Okay, This Might Sound Wild. But, What Are Your Thoughts On a BANGLA MEME AWARDS Show? Like a YouTube Video Which Will Be Publicly Voted (The Memes) Including The Meme Of The Year Award. How Does That Sound? Anyone Interested?

Okay, This Might Sound Wild. But, What Are Your Thoughts On a BANGLA MEME AWARDS Show? Like a YouTube Video Which Will Be Publicly Voted (The Memes) Including The Meme Of The Year Award. How Does That Sound? Anyone Interested? submitted by Razor_YT3 to bangladesh [link] [comments]

2023.11.15 02:18 booknerd2987 "Disturbing" novels in Bangla?

Hey guys, so recently I came across a video on YouTube, which went through a sort of "Disturbing Books" Iceberg. The creator listed books such as Anne Frank's diary, 1984, The Handmaiden's Tale, House of Leaves, to name a few.
So I was wondering do you guys have any recommendations for such books in Bangla?
I'll name a few which, at least when I read them, found disturbing/harrowing
Drop your recommendations please!
submitted by booknerd2987 to bengalilanguage [link] [comments]