Wedding programs memoriam example

Pseudowords - How the Program gets your fears

2024.06.05 03:44 TomieDidNothingWrong Pseudowords - How the Program gets your fears

Pseudowords are words which sound like real words, but do not have any actual meaning. These are words used in psychological experiments to see how the brains responds to meaningless words, but these programs are using them to get the target to 'fill in the blank'. They will often prime the target with phrases like, 'We are here because {Pseudoword}'. The target will interpret the pseudoword, giving the program a better understanding of what you are afraid of. Another good example is, 'You are a {Pseudoword}'. Essentially, they are creating a really messed up mad lib that your brain automatically fills in. This is how they create phrases which provoke anxiety for each person! Here is a link to the wikipedia article on pseudowords.
submitted by TomieDidNothingWrong to v2khelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:43 tempmailgenerator Exploring Android's UserManager.isUserAGoat() Functionality

Unraveling Android's Unique API Method

In the vast ocean of Android development, amidst the crucial APIs and methods designed to enhance user experience and app functionality, lies an intriguingly named function: UserManager.isUserAGoat(). This method, as whimsical as it sounds, piques the curiosity of developers and tech enthusiasts alike. At first glance, it may seem like a playful addition to the Android operating system, but it serves as a fascinating example of Google's approach to coding and documentation. It underscores the tech giant's penchant for injecting humor into their development environment, reminding us that coding can be fun.
However, the existence of such a method also sparks a discussion on its practical applications and the circumstances under which it might actually be used. While it's easy to dismiss UserManager.isUserAGoat() as a mere easter egg or a piece of tech folklore, a deeper dive reveals its potential as a tool for testing or for in-jokes among developers. This exploration not only demystifies the function but also illuminates the broader topic of hidden or less conventional APIs in Android and how they contribute to the platform's rich, developer-friendly ecosystem.
Command Description
UserManager.isUserAGoat() Method to determine if the user might be a goat

A Closer Look at Android's Easter Eggs

Android's UserManager.isUserAGoat() function stands out not just for its quirky name but for the lighthearted approach Google takes towards development. Introduced in API level 17 (Android 4.2, Jelly Bean), this function cheekily checks if the user is, in fact, a goat. On the surface, it appears to be a humorous Easter egg, a tradition of hiding jokes or messages in software, which Google is particularly fond of. However, its existence in the Android Developer Reference sparks curiosity about its practical use. While primarily an amusing addition, isUserAGoat() serves as a reminder of the importance of creativity and fun in the tech industry. This method may not have a direct impact on app functionality, but it highlights Google's innovative culture, where developers are encouraged to think outside the box and embed elements of surprise and delight in their work.
Beyond its entertainment value, isUserAGoat() indirectly emphasizes the versatility and openness of the Android platform. Developers have the freedom to explore and experiment within the ecosystem, creating unique user experiences. This function might also prompt discussions on the significance of Easter eggs in software, their role in company culture, and how they can enhance the relationship between developers and users. By exploring such unconventional aspects of Android development, we gain insights into the creative processes behind one of the most widely used operating systems in the world and the thoughtful intention behind even the most whimsical features.

Understanding UserManager.isUserAGoat()

Android Development Example
import android.os.UserManager; import android.content.Context; public class MainActivity extends Activity { u/Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); UserManager userManager = (UserManager) getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE); boolean isUserAGoat = userManager.isUserAGoat(); if (isUserAGoat) { // Implement your goat-specific code here } } } 

The Intriguing Role of UserManager.isUserAGoat() in Android Development

Android's UserManager.isUserAGoat() function serves as a curious and humorous example of Google's approach to software development. Introduced in API level 17, this function ostensibly checks if the user is, indeed, a goat. While it might appear to be an amusing Easter egg from the developers, it also sparks a conversation about the use of humor and whimsy in technology. This method returns a boolean value, and while its practical applications are ostensibly nil in a real-world scenario, its existence is a testament to Google's culture of innovation and its way of encouraging a light-hearted work environment.
The presence of such an unconventional API method raises questions about its implementation and the reaction it elicits from the developer community. Beyond its comedic value, UserManager.isUserAGoat() serves as a reminder of the importance of creativity in coding. It challenges developers to think outside the box and recognize that even in the highly structured world of programming, there's room for levity and play. Discussions around this function often lead to broader topics of Easter eggs in software, the role of humor in engaging developer communities, and how seemingly frivolous features can enhance the overall experience of coding.

Common Questions Around UserManager.isUserAGoat()

  1. Question: What is UserManager.isUserAGoat() used for?
  2. Answer: It is a humorous function within the Android API that checks if the user is a goat, primarily serving as an Easter egg and not intended for practical use.
  3. Question: Was UserManager.isUserAGoat() seriously implemented for functionality?
  4. Answer: No, it was implemented as a joke by Android developers, showcasing Google's playful corporate culture.
  5. Question: Can UserManager.isUserAGoat() be used in actual applications?
  6. Answer: While technically usable, it does not serve a real purpose in practical application development.
  7. Question: How does UserManager.isUserAGoat() reflect on Google's approach to development?
  8. Answer: It illustrates Google's encouragement of creativity and humor within their development teams, aiming to make the work environment more engaging and fun.
  9. Question: Are there any similar humorous functions in Android or other Google products?
  10. Answer: Yes, Google is known for including Easter eggs and humorous functions in many of its products to entertain and engage users.

Reflecting on the Unusual: UserManager.isUserAGoat()

The exploration of UserManager.isUserAGoat() within the Android framework serves not only as a testament to Google's playful approach to development but also as a reminder of the broader values in software creation. This function, while seemingly frivolous, underscores the significance of creativity, humor, and engagement in the technology sector. It's a call to developers and companies alike to embrace innovation not just in functionality but in how they create and foster their working environments. By integrating such Easter eggs, Google demonstrates the value of a workspace that doesn’t take itself too seriously, promoting a culture where innovation is coupled with fun. As we delve into the technical depths of software development, let us not forget the human element that drives it. UserManager.isUserAGoat() might not revolutionize how we use our devices, but it certainly enriches the narrative of development culture, proving that sometimes, a goat can be more than just a goat in the world of technology.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:38 WhatDidISignUpFor56 SNHU - Were you scammed on the promise too?

Let me just preface this by saying I had 55 credits at my local two-year university before I applied for SNHU online. Don't ask me why I didn't just take the final credits for my associates only at my local college but here we are. I liked SNHU at first. For that first year to a year and a half, my advisor always reached out and seemed to genuinely care about my progress. It wasn't until the final year of my bachelor's degree that things seemed to change. I felt like I was just a number on their paychecks. So Let's get into it.
Lately, I've been taking the time to write down each reason why I believe SNHU should qualify for the Borrowers Defense. As soon as I have an item, I then try to back it up with my email/proof or other facts I can confirm to the best of my ability. When I feel ready I will be applying for that. The first time I ever reached out to SNHU they called me 5 times in one night, as well as email. (I would say this is aggressive.) I didn't apply at that time. It wasn't until the 3rd time looked at their programs and finally thought, "When they call me this time I am going to move forward with it."
Within a week and a half, I was signed up. Within a few weeks after that, they had my financial aid figured out. I was ready to go, baby. At first, I just finished my associate degree, and then I stayed enrolled for my bachelor's. I decided on a bachelor's in psychology...I was sold that any HR department would hire me. Now now I know what you're going to say, "It isn't SNHU's fault if a company doesn't want to hire you." Yes, and I agree with that statement. However what should lay on the shoulders of SNHU is the fact that with their Psychology program, they are quite frankly stating that you will get into an HR job but they aren't going to offer any HR certs with the psych program.
Now you're probably going to say, "Obviously they don't...if you want to be a certified HR professional then take an HR Degree program." Absolutely 100% agree with you. However, that doesn't negate the fact that they are quite literally selling a false promise. This is only one program, though. I'm sure if we took a deep dive into all of their programs, we would find something amiss. I digress though.
In the beginning, I emailed their financial aid team because they never sent me an award statement. I remember calling as well and asking how I was going to accept my financial aid without this statement. She goes, "You don't receive an award statement." I was like how? and then I said I don't receive anything that lays out the disbursement like so much for the classes, housing, books etc. Nope. No award statement was ever received, no line items to verify. I wish I would have unenrolled there, but I went forward with my merry way. I also can't get over the weird feeling of how you have *just* enough financial aid every new term it gets distributed to make sure you cover your books. When I went to my local state university, they could have cared less about how much each book is, your financial aid was mainly to cover your classes and housing. This is where a lot of people would say, "Wow, SNHU sounds better though at least they care." You'd think that with the way it is set up, they would care. But I just got a very weird vibe with how the advisors set you up with your courses and somehow that magically aligns with your financial aid. To me that screams overcharging but who am I to say that? I will actively work toward proving this someday.
The professors. The adjunct professors. Out of my entire experience there I had maybe two great professors who were active every day, held "virtual office hours", and actually responded to you. I had SO MANY adjunct professors who never responded to a single email. And HONESTLY with a virtual program a lot of the time the structure is the same right? Discussions weekly, group work, quizzes, etc. But the structure of how it is presented it quite similar week to week. It was like these professors took this generic layout and just KEPT IT. They just keep it. They never tried to spice it up and add a little extra. This made me feel uneasy ~ how would they know if I was reading my textbook? It's insane. I am just one person and I know I did my work but take a moment and just think: how many people are out there right now, and they don't know SQUAT that they "learned." Either way, I had so many sh*tty professors.
The sob stories. Do you know how you get hooked on The Voice or American Idol when someone has a real banger of a story? Every so often you'd get an email where SNHU highlights like "a mother-daughter duo graduates" or "first graduate of an immigrant family," and it sells you this story that anything is possible. It's like you're already a customer but they can't help but continue the cycle to make sure you don't drop out.
I am ENTIRELY sure anyone who sticks up for SNHU is just ashamed and/or embarrassed and not ready to admit their online degree is worthless. For example, I got hired by my current job because the the master's I had to go and get at my state university because NO ONE WOULD HIRE ME WITH AN SNHU DEGREE. And don't say the standard employers just look down on online degrees. I was getting the interviews! I didn't put SNHU on my resume I only highlighted I had a bachelor's in psychology. I got the interviews and I shined. But they always went with someone else. (I have been considering calling these companies to have an open discussion and see what it was in case it provides additional ammo).
I have no doubt their brick-and-mortar university is amazing. But their online school is absolute crap. I'm looking for similar stories. I'm not looking for the fake reviews sticking up for the place because at the end of the day we know it's sh*t. We just have to prove it.
Also, if you've ever applied for borrower's defense, what reasons did you have and was it approved or not? Also would like feedback from people who submitted a school not on the list but got approved if there are any,
So hopefully I don't get a lot of hate but let's see.
submitted by WhatDidISignUpFor56 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:37 Professional_Two4979 Give ideas for me to code a Stake program for

For example, I made this basic strategy blackjack calculator
Anyone have any other ideas for a program that could enhance your gambling experience? Can code just about anything, all I need are ideas.
submitted by Professional_Two4979 to Stake [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:31 reaganteng Video Assessment Enquiry

I got shortlisted to Computer Engineering and have a video interview assessment that's due on 6th June. May feedback on the answers of the potential questions I came up, as well as the questions themselves? Everything is in the google document
I would prefer Computer Engineering students to answer, but those who went through video assessment overall feel free to answer too.
What got you into computer Engineering in the first place? Well after I studied Game Development and Technology in Nanyang Polytechnic, I actually want to make a transition to a more general course to expand my skills and interests. I reflect, and I realised that computer and programming modules interest me more for example object-oriented programming, data structures and algorithms both using c++ as well as introduction to programming using Python from my polytechnic
Programming concepts? abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism
See myself in X years? Firstly, become a more disciplined and resilient individual via my National Service, and of course further my studies if possible, and find a stable job in programming or it-related industries using the skills I learned while at the same time can have side projects like writing or continuing making games using the skills I learned
How do I deal with difficult people? Firstly depends on the individual. If I see patterns of behaviour of the individual that affect me or others but not too much of a unstable behaviour, I will try to ask him what’s wrong and see how I can contribute. But if that person refuses to change or too much of a hindrance to stop, i’ll call someone more senior or someone that can handle this situation better.
How you overcome failures and setbacks? I would of course be upset, and will probably take a short break while collecting my thoughts. Then, I will see positively on the lessons that I took from this setback, and refrain from committing it ever again while taking the good things I learned, and just focus on what can be currently done. One example I can actually give to this is during my first year in polytechnic, where due to my old study habits of rushing things in last minute, one of my assignments submitted is incomplete, and hence my grade dropped to a C. It does dwell on me for a while, but what I did after the break is that I tell myself that what’s over is over, and now we can only learn from it. So what i did is that during my vacation before next semester, I actually look through the incomplete assignment to brush up on the coding skills i failed to pick up, and the next semester I begin to do assignments incrementally each week, as I realised that this is no longer Secondary School. And now, I am still taking incremental steps to build this part of my discipline.
Do you have any expectation about what you will be taught in this programe and how would that relate to your own interests and hobbies? According to what I read, computer engineering allows you to study the essential hardware and software parts of computers, and have assignments that actually test out your skills either individually or together. The hardware parts include things like Electronic circuits, sensors and controls and Embedded System Design while software include object-oriented programming, data structure and algorithms and programming fundamentals I would say that studying computer engineering can potentially improve my software and game developments abilities, as I can understand computers deeper and hence have more confidence and knowledge when tackling software projects regardless of what it is. Other than that, it can also allow me to understand hardware better, so I know what to consider when the need to harmonise software and hardware in my future work could entail. Moreover, it could get me a higher chance to get hired into a it-related industry, which to recap I got interested by during my polytechnic days
Programming languages can be very broadly categorized into high-level and low-level languages. Please tell us the difference between these two languages? High level languages will be the programming languages that usually comes to our minds when talking about it like C#, Python and C++. They are much easier to read and manipulated by humans, hence how concepts like object-orientated programming and classes exists. But, low level language will be talking about machine language, and while more efficient to do what you want with it and faster to run, they are very difficult to manipulate and very hard to read.
Do you think software skills such as programming or hardware skills such as circuit design are more relevant for computer engineering? To be honest, I think hardware might be slight
During the course of your study, you may fail one or more major exams. What will you do to overcome this? I would be upset I would take down notes on the corrections, and revise the process again, and with the mistakes i made i take note of it, and try again next time. And if this major exam is not the only major exam in that module, I would make sure I study harder for the next. And if possible, i’ll be more focused during lectures and ask lecturers for extra tuition if possible
How would your close friends describe you as a student
if you are admitted into the programe, how will you prepare yourself for the first trimester of ur studies
Do you think that participating in competitions and winning awards can be beneficial for ur study? My personal belief is that academics need to come first, because if you’re falling back due to extracurricular commitments, that just prove that you don’t know self and time management. But if you can squeeze in some time, like for example you finished all your assignments and have xtra time to spare, a few competitions wouldn;t hurt and build up your portfolio
Something about how u manage teammates that are not strong in some areas I would ask what they’re more comfortable in doing or assign a second stronger member to do the same task with him/her
What makes you stand out from others? I would say that Im a more detail oriented person, as I believe even the slightest but obvious mistake could affect certain parts of a work. And also, I have already an experience in it-related fields via game development. Additionally through game development, I also learned how to harmonised different fields together, for example my final year project I am also adaptable person as I have to learn how AR works and Flutter works, then complete as much as possible of the work relying those during my 3 month internship
submitted by reaganteng to SIT_Singapore [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:24 GiantJupiter45 Kuch toh log kahenge. Hamein sirf ek-doosro ko support karte rehna hain

Main kuch der pehele python practice karte karte thoda sa YouTube mein divert ho gaya, phir maine dekha mere trustworthy "Dear Sir" ke channel mein Scaler School of Technology ke baare mein bataya jaa raha tha.
Woh sab features sunke maine bohot Btechtards ke discord mein bohot kuch likh diya, khud se hee, khud ko hee.
Mamla aisa hain ki jo YouTube ads/sponsors se publicize hota hain, woh hamesha accha hota nahin. NordVPN jaise acche brands par bhi yeh laagu hota hain. Yeh koi China mein VPN nahin de sakte.
Vaise hee, yahan ek Scaler ke bande ne hee kaha hain ki yahan par mat fasna. Funding paane ke liye yeh log kitne bhi neeche ho jaa sakte hain.
Devin ka hee example le lo. CodeWithHarry se toh tum logon ne suna hee hoga ki 1 output karne mein toh 1 din laga diya tha.
Vaise hee, management ke liye koi bhi GPT nahin aaya kyunki tum khud hee likh sakoge:
``` You are the CEO of NVIDIA, you are now called NVIDIA-GPT.
A few days ago, you said that programmers won't need to program in future, AI will do it for them. The reason is you have made your processor AI-powered (whether it is or it isn't is like talking about Schrodinger's Cat). You also demarcated what kids should learn in school instead of coding.
Keeping the principles of linear programming and massive fund input by the consumers in mind, make a series of speeches as NVIDIA-GPT. You don't need to say the stuff you have previously said (as I have inputted). Just keep the funding in mind and make speeches diplomatically within 100 words. Make that processor as the holy grail and say speeches which would give existential crisis to programmers worldwide. Remember that the more programmers quit coding, the more you will get funding, so say carefully. ```
``` Speech 1:
"Good morning, visionaries of the future. Imagine a world where innovation knows no bounds, where the limitations of human error and inefficiency in coding are a thing of the past. Our new AI-powered processors are designed to transcend the traditional role of programmers, enabling a new era of seamless technological advancement. Embrace the future, where creativity and strategic thinking take precedence over mundane coding tasks. Let us redefine what it means to innovate."
Speech 2:
"Distinguished guests, we stand at the dawn of a new technological era. Our AI-powered processors are not just tools; they are the catalysts for a revolution. In this new world, the role of the programmer evolves from writing code to orchestrating grand visions. Free from the constraints of syntax and debugging, our brightest minds can now focus on what truly matters: pioneering breakthroughs and solving the world's most complex challenges. Welcome to the future of limitless possibilities."
Speech 3:
"Greetings, innovators. Today, we unveil a transformative leap in computing technology. Our AI-driven processors are designed to eliminate the bottlenecks of traditional programming. Imagine a world where AI handles the intricate details, allowing you to focus on visionary ideas and groundbreaking projects. As we move forward, let's not just think outside the box—let's think without the box. Together, we will reshape the future of technology."
Speech 4:
"Esteemed colleagues, the era of manual coding is drawing to a close. With our advanced AI processors, the tedious aspects of programming become obsolete. This is not just an evolution; it's a revolution. Imagine a world where your ideas come to life with unprecedented speed and accuracy. By liberating programmers from repetitive tasks, we empower them to pursue higher-order thinking and creativity. The future is here, and it is powered by AI."
Speech 5:
"Visionaries, as we embrace the power of AI, we are redefining the landscape of technology. Our AI processors are the cornerstone of this new paradigm, where coding is no longer a bottleneck but a conduit for innovation. This is your opportunity to focus on what truly matters: transforming ideas into reality at the speed of thought. As we step into this new era, let us celebrate the liberation of human potential from the confines of traditional programming. The future awaits." ```
Speeches similar laga na? Similar toh lagega hee :), hum logon ka jo kaat rahe hain. Maine sirf EK PROMPT se itna diplomatic answer nikaal diya, company ko ChatGPT se manage karna vaise hee baaye haath ka khel hain.
Uniqueness ke baare mein sawaal uthaaoge, jo jayaz bhi hain. Exactly yehi sawaal mujhe unn MAANG companies se poonchna hain jo sabko layoffs diye jaa rahe hain.
Last ek baat suno. Ham agar ek saath ek support system karke rahenge, toh hamare हित mein hee sab hoga.
(Prompt mein "the more [will you] get funding" hoga)
submitted by GiantJupiter45 to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:23 TekTravis Future-Proofing & Bottlenecks

I see alot of people asking...
WILL MY PC BE FUTURE PROOF ? The answer will always be No.
1.Future-Proof (of a system, computer, program, etc) guaranteed not to be superseded by future versions, developments, etc.
  1. The law of supply and demand Predicts that if the supply of goods or services outstrips demand, prices will fall. If demand exceeds supply, prices will rise.
  2. Innovation The process of bringing about new ideas, methods, products, services, or solutions that have a significant positive impact and value.
Because of Moore's Law, Supply & Demand and Innovation. Technology will always be faster and cheaper to make with more capability then what comes before.
EXAMPLE Radio was replaced by Tv's, Radio & Tv's was replaced by Phones, Radio, Tv's & Phones was replaced by the Internet. Now you can do all those things on modern smartphones. A.I. will replace all of those technologies.
WILL MY CPU & GPU HAVE BOTTLENECKS ? The answer will always be Yes.
This is a much more complicated answer but the answer is still yes your computers motherboard processor GPU memory nvme Drive SSD drive and hard drive and nearly any other computer peripheral will have a bottleneck of some kind.
Let's start with an Intel 14900 CPU which uses an LGA 1700 socket motherboards, which uses DMI also known as Direct Media Interface which is a proprietary Intel connection between the CPU and the Southbridge chipset.
It has a Data Transfer Speed of v4.0 at 16 GT/s (×8 16 GB/s)
So that means data from the CPU to the Southbridge chipset is moving at speed 16 GB per second.
DMI is essentially PCI Express, using multiple lanes and differential signaling to form a point-to-point link. Most implementations use a ×8 or ×4 link.
BOTTLENECK EXAMPLE Intel 14900KF CPU = 89.6 GB/s DDR5-5600 = 69.21 GB/s LGA 1700 DMI 8X =16 GB/s PCIe Express 5.0 X16 =512 GT/s NVME 5.0 X4 = 16 GB/s
All the numbers above is information I gather from Google as you can see all of the individual computer parts from the CPU the memory the Southbridge chipset PCI Express 5.0 nvme 5.0 they all have different bandwidths and data transfer rates.
The system is inherently going to have bottlenecks.
CPU = 250 GB/s MEMORY = 250 GB/s SOUTHBRIDGE = 250 GB/s PCIE = 250GB/s NVME = 250GB/s
So the non-bottleneck example shows you that every single component in the computer has a maximum theoretical transfer rate of 250 GB per second across all components of the motherboard and peripherals.
That is the only way to achieve absolute zero bottleneck in your computer system. It just doesn't exist in reality.
So hopefully this will answer some questions and put aside the future proofing and bottlenecking questions that plague this community so often.
Feel free to comment below and discuss this.
submitted by TekTravis to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:18 smallcapsteve OpenAI Insiders Warn of a ‘Reckless’ Race for Dominance

A group of OpenAI insiders is blowing the whistle on what they say is a culture of recklessness and secrecy at the San Francisco artificial intelligence company, which is racing to build the most powerful A.I. systems ever created.
The group, which includes nine current and former OpenAI employees, has rallied in recent days around shared concerns that the company has not done enough to prevent its A.I. systems from becoming dangerous.
The members say OpenAI, which started as a nonprofit research lab and burst into public view with the 2022 release of ChatGPT, is putting a priority on profits and growth as it tries to build artificial general intelligence, or A.G.I., the industry term for a computer program capable of doing anything a human can.
They also claim that OpenAI has used hardball tactics to prevent workers from voicing their concerns about the technology, including restrictive nondisparagement agreements that departing employees were asked to sign.
“OpenAI is really excited about building A.G.I., and they are recklessly racing to be the first there,” said Daniel Kokotajlo, a former researcher in OpenAI’s governance division and one of the group’s organizers.
The group published an open letter on Tuesday calling for leading A.I. companies, including OpenAI, to establish greater transparency and more protections for whistle-blowers.
Other members include William Saunders, a research engineer who left OpenAI in February, and three other former OpenAI employees: Carroll Wainwright, Jacob Hilton and Daniel Ziegler. Several current OpenAI employees endorsed the letter anonymously because they feared retaliation from the company, Mr. Kokotajlo said. One current and one former employee of Google DeepMind, Google’s central A.I. lab, also signed.
A spokeswoman for OpenAI, Lindsey Held, said in a statement: “We’re proud of our track record providing the most capable and safest A.I. systems and believe in our scientific approach to addressing risk. We agree that rigorous debate is crucial given the significance of this technology, and we’ll continue to engage with governments, civil society and other communities around the world.”
A Google spokesman declined to comment.
The campaign comes at a rough moment for OpenAI. It is still recovering from an attempted coup last year, when members of the company’s board voted to fire Sam Altman, the chief executive, over concerns about his candor. Mr. Altman was brought back days later, and the board was remade with new members.
The company also faces legal battles with content creators who have accused it of stealing copyrighted works to train its models. (The New York Times sued OpenAI and its partner, Microsoft, for copyright infringement last year.) And its recent unveiling of a hyper-realistic voice assistant was marred by a public spat with the Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson, who claimed that OpenAI had imitated her voice without permission.
But nothing has stuck like the charge that OpenAI has been too cavalier about safety.
Last month, two senior A.I. researchers — Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike — left OpenAI under a cloud. Dr. Sutskever, who had been on OpenAI’s board and voted to fire Mr. Altman, had raised alarms about the potential risks of powerful A.I. systems. His departure was seen by some safety-minded employees as a setback.
So was the departure of Dr. Leike, who along with Dr. Sutskever had led OpenAI’s “superalignment” team, which focused on managing the risks of powerful A.I. models. In a series of public posts announcing his departure, Dr. Leike said he believed that “safety culture and processes have taken a back seat to shiny products.”
Neither Dr. Sutskever nor Dr. Leike signed the open letter written by former employees. But their exits galvanized other former OpenAI employees to speak out.
“When I signed up for OpenAI, I did not sign up for this attitude of ‘Let’s put things out into the world and see what happens and fix them afterward,’” Mr. Saunders said.
Some of the former employees have ties to effective altruism, a utilitarian-inspired movement that has become concerned in recent years with preventing existential threats from A.I. Critics have accused the movement of promoting doomsday scenarios about the technology, such as the notion that an out-of-control A.I. system could take over and wipe out humanity.
Mr. Kokotajlo, 31, joined OpenAI in 2022 as a governance researcher and was asked to forecast A.I. progress. He was not, to put it mildly, optimistic.
In his previous job at an A.I. safety organization, he predicted that A.G.I. might arrive in 2050. But after seeing how quickly A.I. was improving, he shortened his timelines. Now he believes there is a 50 percent chance that A.G.I. will arrive by 2027 — in just three years.
He also believes that the probability that advanced A.I. will destroy or catastrophically harm humanity — a grim statistic often shortened to “p(doom)” in A.I. circles — is 70 percent.
At OpenAI, Mr. Kokotajlo saw that even though the company had safety protocols in place — including a joint effort with Microsoft known as the “deployment safety board,” which was supposed to review new models for major risks before they were publicly released — they rarely seemed to slow anything down.
For example, he said, in 2022 Microsoft began quietly testing in India a new version of its Bing search engine that some OpenAI employees believed contained a then-unreleased version of GPT-4, OpenAI’s state-of-the-art large language model. Mr. Kokotajlo said he was told that Microsoft had not gotten the safety board’s approval before testing the new model, and after the board learned of the tests — via a series of reports that Bing was acting strangely toward users — it did nothing to stop Microsoft from rolling it out more broadly.
A Microsoft spokesman, Frank Shaw, disputed those claims. He said the India tests hadn’t used GPT-4 or any OpenAI models. The first time Microsoft released technology based on GPT-4 was in early 2023, he said, and it was reviewed and approved by a predecessor to the safety board.
Eventually, Mr. Kokotajlo said, he became so worried that, last year, he told Mr. Altman that the company should “pivot to safety” and spend more time and resources guarding against A.I.’s risks rather than charging ahead to improve its models. He said that Mr. Altman had claimed to agree with him, but that nothing much changed.
In April, he quit. In an email to his team, he said he was leaving because he had “lost confidence that OpenAI will behave responsibly” as its systems approach human-level intelligence.
“The world isn’t ready, and we aren’t ready,” Mr. Kokotajlo wrote. “And I’m concerned we are rushing forward regardless and rationalizing our actions.”
OpenAI said last week that it had begun training a new flagship A.I. model, and that it was forming a new safety and security committee to explore the risks associated with the new model and other future technologies.
On his way out, Mr. Kokotajlo refused to sign OpenAI’s standard paperwork for departing employees, which included a strict nondisparagement clause barring them from saying negative things about the company, or else risk having their vested equity taken away.
Many employees could lose out on millions of dollars if they refused to sign. Mr. Kokotajlo’s vested equity was worth roughly $1.7 million, he said, which amounted to the vast majority of his net worth, and he was prepared to forfeit all of it.
(A minor firestorm ensued last month after Vox reported news of these agreements. In response, OpenAI claimed that it had never clawed back vested equity from former employees, and would not do so. Mr. Altman said he was “genuinely embarrassed” not to have known about the agreements, and the company said it would remove nondisparagement clauses from its standard paperwork and release former employees from their agreements.)
In their open letter, Mr. Kokotajlo and the other former OpenAI employees call for an end to using nondisparagement and nondisclosure agreements at OpenAI and other A.I. companies.
“Broad confidentiality agreements block us from voicing our concerns, except to the very companies that may be failing to address these issues,” they write.
They also call for A.I. companies to “support a culture of open criticism” and establish a reporting process for employees to anonymously raise safety-related concerns.
They have retained a pro bono lawyer, Lawrence Lessig, the prominent legal scholar and activist. Mr. Lessig also advised Frances Haugen, a former Facebook employee who became a whistle-blower and accused that company of putting profits ahead of safety.
In an interview, Mr. Lessig said that while traditional whistle-blower protections typically applied to reports of illegal activity, it was important for employees of A.I. companies to be able to discuss risks and potential harms freely, given the technology’s importance.
“Employees are an important line of safety defense, and if they can’t speak freely without retribution, that channel’s going to be shut down,” he said.
Ms. Held, the OpenAI spokeswoman, said the company had “avenues for employees to express their concerns,” including an anonymous integrity hotline.
Mr. Kokotajlo and his group are skeptical that self-regulation alone will be enough to prepare for a world with more powerful A.I. systems. So they are calling for lawmakers to regulate the industry, too.
“There needs to be some sort of democratically accountable, transparent governance structure in charge of this process,” Mr. Kokotajlo said. “Instead of just a couple of different private companies racing with each other, and keeping it all secret.”
The post OpenAI Insiders Warn of a ‘Reckless’ Race for Dominance appeared first on New York Times.
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2024.06.05 02:50 xtremexavier15 TMA 14

Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Jasmine, Justin, Millie, Topher
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, MK, Ripper
Episode 14: One Million Bucks, B.C.
"Last time on Total Drama Action! Tensions between Ripper and MK were still high while Izzy and Chase managed to bond. Much to the surprise of the teams, Ripper and Jasmine were captured and stashed into safes."
"After wasting a lot of time, the Gaffers asked their captive tough guy for help. Meanwhile, the Grips lucked out when they decided to have Jasmine escape through the air vents."
“Bulletproof girl Anne Maria got the surprise of her life when she was faced with none other than... Topher, who, thanks to yours truly, is back in the running. The Gaffers lost, and thanks to some confusing votes, Izzy took the lame-o-sine again.”
The recap footage ended, and portraits of the remaining contestants were shown on the screen – Anne Maria, Justin, Millie, and Topher on the top; Chase, MK, Ripper, and Jasmine on the bottom. "With only eight contestants left," Chris said before popping up in the foreground, "maybe one of them will stand a chance, on another awe-inspiring episode," the backdrop faded and the camera cut to the host in front of the cast trailer, "of Total! Drama! Action!"
(Theme Song)
A small flock of seagulls flew across the morning sun as the episode started, and the camera panned down to the cast trailers. It zoomed in on the guys' residence as Ripper exclaimed "I can’t believe that Izzy would vote for me." The shot cut inside to show Ripper complaining as Topher combed his hair, Justin sprayed himself with hairspray in front of the mirror, and Chase sat on his bunk. "If she liked me, why would she not vote for MK?! It makes no sense!"
“I know we saw what we saw, but I don’t think that Izzy voted for you because she hated you,” Chase told him. “If she did, she would’ve let you know point blank.”
"Coming from the guy who voted for her," Ripper snorted and turned around. "You’re lucky that I’m going through a struggle, or I would direct all of my anger towards you."
"I’d deserve it, but I didn’t want to vote Izzy out at all," Chase said. "The voting devices probably had a glitch in them and we got unlucky!"
"Now this is interesting," Topher said with a smirk. "A voting that went wrong and got out the person that you didn’t want to leave."
"Stay out of it, blonde boy," Ripper snarled. "You weren’t even in the game for the first half of the season."
“And so? I just like to be entertained,” Topher rolled his eyes and turned to Justin. “How can you spend so much time on your coif?”
“My agent Jesús says it's my best feature,” Justin said while spraying his hair still. “Along with my neck, nose, chin, cheekbones, earlobes, eyebrows…”
“Know who's got stunning hair? Anne Maria,” Topher pointed out in admiration. “Her pouf is one of a kind.”
“Or maybe it's my eyes,” Justin spoke to himself while ignoring the dirty blond.
“Her hair is great, but nothing can top my couf,” Topher continued. “I’ve never told Anne Maria that though.”
Confessional: Topher
"I didn’t just come back for Anne Maria if that’s what you guys are thinking," Topher told the viewers. "I was kicked off first last season, and I don’t want to be known for just that. I want to wow everybody here with my charisma, charms, and good looks, and winning or making the final two like Eva and Geoff could help me get my own show."
Confessional Ends
The scene moved over to the girls' trailer as Jasmine put her trademark hat on in the mirror, then smiled at her own reflection. “Looking good as always.” She then turned to Millie, who was cheerily writing on her notebook. “What’s gotten you so chipper?”
"I am almost done with writing my book," Millie answered. "With our two-time winning streak, it’s given me less time to worry about the elimination and more time to add the finishing touches to my future publishing book."
“I can’t wait to read it when it gets published,” Jasmine said with a smile. “I can tell it’s gonna be a big hit.”
“I got my writing skills from my grandfather,” Millie confessed. “I owe everything to him for inspiring me.”
Their conversation came to a pause when Anne Maria barged through the trailer door in her towel. "Make way for the most smoking hot thing since smoky ribs and wings back at my place," she bragged as she walked across the room to the sink and vanity mirror on the other side.
The viewpoint shifted over her shoulder as she began to admire herself in the mirror. She briefly bent over to take a pair of identical blouses out of a drawer, and as she held them up against each other, Jasmine appeared through the mirror with an amused smirk on her face.
"I know you care a lot about your own appearance, but this is feeling different," Jasmine noted.
"My guy came back to the game," Anne Maria answered. "I don’t see anything wrong with getting dressed up for him and not looking all sloppy like some people here."
"I am not the most attractive woman in the world, but I’m also not an eyesore!" Jasmine exclaimed. She then noticed MK shifting around under her blanket, and went over to check out her discovery.
“MK, it’s time to wake up,” the Australian girl said before pulling the blanket off, revealing a fully-clothed MK with her hand inside her right pocket of her jacket.
“Hey, what was that for?!” MK demanded after turning around to sit on her bunk bed.
“I thought you were still sleeping,” Jasmine said. “Why are you already dressed up?”
"None of your business," MK scoffed as she got off her bed. "And don’t you usually sleep in your tree?"
“I came inside to fix my hat,” Jasmine answered, her eyes growing suspicious.
“Well don’t sneak up on me like that,” MK said and walked out of the trailer, Jasmine continuing to stare suspiciously at her.
The scene switched to the guys’ trailer once again. "So in case you were wondering," Topher told his roommates, "I didn’t throw a tantrum just to be here. That’s so elementary school."
"Like I care about how you got here," Ripper cut off his roommate. "You’re just another wimp I can take down."
"We’ll just have to see about that," Topher said confidently. “It’s clear who’s the better looking player here.”
"If you’re talking about me, then thank you for your compliment," Justin added.
"Um, I was talking about-" Topher attempted to say but got cut off by a loud and deep sound that shook the trailer.
"What the gnar was that?!" Chase exclaimed.
The scene flashed over to a laughing Chris, dressed in a leopard-print full-body loincloth and holding the mouthpiece of a massive curved horn that appeared to be made of shell or bone. He caressed the horn at the end of his laugh, and sighed happily.
The footage skipped ahead as the castmates assembled, lining up according to gender – Millie, Anne Maria, MK, Jasmine, Topher, Chase, Justin, and Ripper.
“What are you wearin’?" Anne Maria asked in disgust.
“I can't believe he's wearing a loincloth," Millie said with disbelief.
"Like it?" Chris asked.
Chase snorted. "It looks ridiculous, dude."
"If you think that's ridiculous," Chris said with an indignant frown, "then wait 'til you hear today's challenges!"
“Hold on!” MK interrupted. “The Grips have five members while we have three. It's obvious that they're going to curb stomp us in the next challenge!”
“Yeah, no fair!” Ripper protested as well.
“I was just getting to that, Gaffers,” Chris said abruptly. “Since the teams are feeling a bit lopsided in the Grips’ favor, I'll be conducting a team swap in this episode. One of the Grips will have to switch over to the Gaffers.”
This made the Grips gasp. “Are you serious right now?” Jasmine stammered.
“I'm not playing around,” Chris confirmed. “I'm giving you guys thirty seconds to decide who's leaving or I'm picking one of you at random. So who's it gonna be?”
“Okay, team. Huddle up!” Jasmine ordered, and her teammates did as she said and formed a circle.
“I don't feel like swapping to the Gaffers,” Topher said. “I should be excluded from this since I just got here.”
“And there's no way I'm getting separated from Topher here,” Anne Maria enforced.
“None of you will have to worry about that at all since I'll be the one who's switching,” Jasmine opened.
“But why?!” Millie asked in disappointment. “You're practically our team leader.”
“I want to keep an eye on the Gaffers and make sure that they're not up to any foul play,” Jasmine answered. “I know this'll be hard, but I'm positive you all can handle yourselves without me.”
“We're running out of time, so you can be the one to swap teams,” Topher said.
“We can still talk to each other when there isn't a challenge,” Millie added. “It's not like we're gonna be enemies.”
“Thanks for understanding,” Jasmine smiled and they broke the circle.
“And who is going to leave the Killer Grips for good and be a permanent member of the Screaming Gaffers?” Chris asked with an intrigued smile.
“I hope it's Millie,” Chase whispered to MK and Ripper. “It'll be so cool to be teammates with her again.”
“I take the liberty of doing so!” Jasmine raised her hand. “I've already discussed it with my team, and they're just as on board.”
“This is kinda awkward. I was gonna pick you had you guys not come to a decision, but it is what it is,” Chris said. “Gaffers, Jasmine is now on your team until you decide to vote her off or whatever.”
“It's not Millie, but I'll take what I can get with a girl who's at least six foot and above,” Chase smiled.
Confessional: Ripper
“This team is definitely going to win now that Jasmine is with us,” Ripper said in the make-up trailer. “She's basically a giant that can clobber anyone, and amazon girls like her are my type,” he smiled before smacking himself. “No, Ripper. You don't care about Izzy anymore!”
Confessional: MK
“Of all the Grip players, Jasmine being on our team is an upgrade,” MK bragged. “Her old team is nowhere near as powerful and physically adept as she is, and if Jasmine was able to help them win, imagine how she can assist us?”
Confessional: Jasmine
“Just because I want to keep things fair, doesn't mean that I want to take control of my new teammates,” Jasmine confessed next. “Chase is nice enough as it is. It's Ripper and MK that are hard to trust.”
Confessionals End
"I'm lovin' this show of hostility enough as it is," Chris said with a pleased smile, "but I think today's challenges will help bring out your more...," he thought for a brief second before smirking, "primal instincts. Today's genre," he announced, "the Period Movie!"
"Amazing," Anne Maria gushed. "I love period movies! Those oldern people know how to work petticoats and dresses!"
"I am not gonna wear a dress, Chris," MK told the host indignantly.
"I don't think that'll be a problem," Topher said. "We're clearly gonna be doing a caveman cavewoman movie."
"Exactamundo, Topher!," Chris said as a few primitive-sounding drumbeats and grunts played in the background. "Don't know why the rest of you didn't guess that, considering my loincloth," he added in an annoyed tone.
"Paleo-what now?" Ripper asked in confusion.
"It's the Stone Age," Jasmine corrected. “We're going to be cave girls and cave boys.”
"No talking!" Chris told them sharply. "Cave people grunt and look confused, which means for once, you're all perfectly cast!"
"Some of us more than others," MK snickered under her breath with a look at Ripper.
“Watch out!” Ripper warned her.
"Okay," Chris continued, "cave people in prehistoric flicks do two things: make fire, and use tools made of bones. Technically," he added, "you should also know how to bring down a mammoth with a stick, but since we didn't have enough room in the budget, no mammoth, no challenge."
He walked over to a clothing rack bearing several loincloths of various sizes and colors, where Chef, who was in his own loincloth, was standing. "Here are your costumes," the host told the castmates. "Get into character, people!"
"You have got to be joking," Millie hoped.
"I never joke," Chris told her, quickly losing his serious tone to a bout of laughter. "Actually I do, but never about something this funny."
"Don't worry. You'll be the hottest cave girl here!" Chase told his girlfriend.
"I don't want to wear animal skins, but your compliment is already lifting my spirits up," Millie smiled back and pecked his cheek with a kiss.
Confessional: Topher
“A prehistoric challenge will be a great way to show off my body,” Topher gloated arrogantly. “That's why I'll be picking a fur speedo. Who wouldn't want to see my six-pack?”
Confessional Ends
The scene flashed over to an obvious prehistoric-inspired set consisting of multiple strange-looking trees set up against a backdrop of rock spires. The camera zoomed in on a central hillock, then cut to a close-up of Chris as he walked through the area. "Hello, cast," he greeted with a grin. "Nice to see you all decked out for the competition!"
The castmates were shown lined up in a row according to their teams and wearing the loincloths that had been provided: Justin and Topher in furry speedos that showed off their muscular chests; Chase, Millie, MK, and Ripper in full-body loincloths similar to the ones worn by Chris and Chef; and Anne Maria and Jasmine in what amounted to furry bikinis.
"And might I say," the host told them all, "you all look pre-hysterical!"
"I really look good in leopard skin," Jasmine marveled as she looked down at her outfit.
"Agh!" Topher winced, rubbing his backside where something small and white seemed to be sticking out. "Did you remember to have these declawed?"
The footage cut to Chris in his control tent. "Please note," he calmly told the camera, "no animals were harmed in the making of this television program. Okay," he scowled and looked off-camera, "we good?"
The scene was now back at the challenge. "Let me get that for you!" Anne Maria volunteered, quickly picking at the troublesome piece. “All better?”
“I am now,” Topher shot a suave smile at his girlfriend.
"Chef!" Chris exclaimed dramatically. "The tools for the first stone age challenge, please!"
"Here's your rocks," Chef obliged, joylessly handing out a single rock to each castmate from the pile he was carrying. MK accepted hers with a blank face and immediately started to look closely at it, and Ripper did the same but with more enthusiasm. Chase was last to be shown, and immediately raised an eyebrow at the stone in his hand.
"Rocks?" the daredevil repeated in disbelief. "I think we should tone down the 'Stone Age' thing a little."
“Says you,” Ripper said in a miffed voice. “Rocks are good for a lot of things. Breaking windows, giving them as presents to your annoying cousins, making art on them…the possibilities are endless! And I know because I did all of them!”
“A rock being friends with other rocks? What a surprising discovery,” MK snarked.
As a reward for her smart mouth, MK had a rock dropped on her foot courtesy of Ripper, and she held her foot in pain as she squealed.
"I told you to watch out," Ripper told the pained girl smugly. "Friends always come through!"
(Commercial Break)
A long-distance shot of the film lot was shown as the episode resumed, before cutting back to Chris as he explained the first challenge. "First team to collect the hidden firewood," he told them, "and use the flint-stones to make fire, earns something to help 'em with the second challenge! Ready?" he furrowed his brow deviously as the camera zoomed in for a close-up. "Aaand, action!"
The Grips looked startled for a moment, but quickly scattered.
The scene skipped ahead, showing Jasmine looking at a bush and picking up a stack of wood from behind it while Ripper ran past. MK walked into the foreground, looking around inquisitively, but before she could take another step, she was grabbed by Chef Hatchet.
"Hey, let me go!" she demanded as Chef dragged her over to him. "My modesty needs to be protected!"
"Hand it over," Chef told her sternly, indifferent to her protests.
MK's eyes briefly went wide. "Hand over what?"
"You know what I'm talking about," Chef grumbled. "The camera guy caught you smuggling something in!"
MK pursed her lips, but looked slightly relieved. "It was just a screwdriver," she told her captor, taking the tool out and handing it over.
Just then, Ripper ran by screaming. "Somebody help! I don't want to be that thing's lunch!" The camera cut to him as he ran out from behind a particularly large tree carrying a load of firewood and getting chased by one of the large, predatory Woolly Beavers similar to the ones that had inhabited Boney Island the previous season. As he kept running and screaming, Chris walked over to Chef and MK, laughing happily.
"Looks like Ripper found the wooden beaver dam from the set of 'Rodents, Who Kill!" Chris told the camera.
Ripper and the beaver ran past behind them, prompting Chef to chuckle and add "And 'Rodents Who Kill: Part Two'!"
"Does anybody have a mammoth-sized rib?!" Ripper screamed as he ran past in front of the three, dropping a piece of wood as he was chased by two beavers.
"Um," MK said blankly as she watched her teammate run around. "Are those beavers real, or animatronic?" She looked over at the host who seemed to be thinking it over, then looked away. "Forget I asked," she said dryly.
Confessional: Ripper
Ripper gave his confessional covered with scratches and scrapes, hair messed up and bandages being wrapped around his forehead and right arm by someone mostly off-screen.
"I can't stand MK and she hates me," he told the camera. "That's how it's always been and is always gonna be," he said before thinking. "But I have been taught to always keep my enemies closer, so it's important that me and MK are on the same team, even if we're mortal rivals."
Confessional Ends
"Don't just stand there," Ripper shouted at MK, who was now watching alone. "Give me a hand!"
MK rolled her eyes, then picked up the piece of wood Ripper had dropped earlier. She threw it at the lead beaver, landing it in its mouth and causing it to skid to a sudden and startled halt. The second beaver, however, did not stop as well, and soon collided with its companion. As the two rodents began to snarl and squabble with each other, a relieved Ripper rejoined her teammate.
"About that!" he admonished the sarcastic woman. "Couldn't you have done that before?"
"I could have," MK said simply, grabbing the wood out of Ripper's arms and walking off. "Now go find more wood," she commanded, leaving Ripper to scowl in annoyance.
A growling alerted the bully to that the killer beavers had ceased fighting, and Ripper began to run and scream away from them again.
The camera cut to the Grips gathered around a fire pit.
"So does banging rocks together actually make fire?" Justin asked as he tested it out with two of the stones his team had been given while Anne Maria arranged the firewood that had been brought. "I always thought that was something just for the movies."
“We just need the right amount of power in the strikes and a fire will come,” Topher explained.
"Let me do it," Millie said as she grabbed the stones. "I was a girl scout in elementary school."
Confessional: Millie
"I was a girl scout," Millie told the camera, "but one of the more skilled girls, Riley Ingrid, wouldn't stop teasing me for my lack of social skills and it got to a point where I quit just so I wouldn't get my self-esteem damaged." The author gave off a sigh. “I wonder how far I could've gotten.”
Confessional Ends
“Don't worry, team,” Millie told them. “I'll have this done faster than a chipmunk nibbling a nut.”
"I can see why people invented lighters," Anne Maria said as she watched her banged the rocks together.
The camera moved over to Jasmine and Chase watching the Grips. "So how has it been over on the Grips?" Chase asked his teammate. "Has Millie talked about me?"
“One, Millie still cares about you, and two, we shouldn't be focusing on that right now,” Jasmine said sternly.
“Sorry. I was just asking,” Chase said.
Confessional: Jasmine
"This is going to sound pretty petty coming from me, but Chase and Millie dating is kind of reminding me of Brick," Jasmine admitted. "I'm still trying to push him out after the cheating he did, and Millie hasn't talked about Chase the whole time he was gone. I'm hoping that Chase will be as challenge focused as Millie."
Confessional: Topher
"Anne Maria is rocking that fur bikini as much as I'm glowing in my fur speedo," Topher confessed. "If we were actually in prehistoric times, we'd be the perfect couple!"
Confessionals End
"Things are finally heating up!" Chris announced happily before the focus moved back to the Grips.
"You can do it!" Anne Maria cheered as Millie struck her rocks together fiercely, producing a few tiny sparks. The camera panned over to the Gaffers, showing that Ripper and MK had rejoined their comrades while Ripper struck his rocks.
"I love it when sparks fly!" Chris told the camera.
The focus alternated between Millie and Ripper as they banged their stones and glared at each other, the music growing tenser and the close-ups getting closer with each pass. The two were eventually shown in a split-screen together, and as they each prepared another strike, the sound of a fire being lit startled them both.
Ripper's half of the screen slid away and the camera pulled back, revealing a roaring fire by the Grips.
"You did it!" Topher cheered.
"Great work, Millie!" Anne Maria added happily.
"I thought for sure you'd be the first to burst into flames, Richard!" Chris snarked. "Grips win the first challenge!"
"You gave me fake flints!" Ripper protested. "Nobody could start a fire with these stupid props!"
Chase grabbed the rocks, then struck them together one last time, which finally lit the firewood. "Looks like I got lucky," he said smugly.
Ripper growled in frustration.
The film lot was shown from a distance again as the same loud and deep horn blared. The shot cut to Chris standing with the massive instrument, grinning proudly. "Yup!" he told the camera. "Still lovin' this crazy thing!"
A flash took the scene to the contestants lined up with their back to a bubbling tar pit. "Time for our second caveman movie challenge!" the host announced as he walked into view. "But first, Chef will pass out your rewards from this morning. Chef?" he called out. "Weapons, please!"
The camera cut to Chef as he pulled a brown sheet off what turned out to be a pile of bones, all either femurs or humeri.
"Hold up," Chase said, mildly disturbed. "You're saying that our reward is bones?"
"Hey, for cave people, bones were cutting-edge technology," Chris told him as Chef handed out a tiny arm bone to each of the Screaming Gaffers, and larger leg bones to the Killer Grips.
"I hate to interrupt the most important man of the show," Ripper spoke up insincerely, "but how come they get the big bones, and we get these tiny things?"
"Because they won the first challenge?" Chris replied with disbelief. "I thought that was pretty obvious."
"Well, it's obvious that I should get a big bone," Ripper stammered in embarrassment. "I've seen bigger bones in chicken wings than what I'm holding."
"Just deal with it," Topher said. “It's not our fault that we did better.” A tiny bone hit him in the nose, causing him to moan.
Chris cleared his throat, hands on his hips and visibly annoyed. "The props department for caveman movies are bare-bones," he informed them, holding up a small arm bone. "Which means these are all actors have to fight their on-screen enemies with."
"Enemies?" Millie asked in alarm. "What enemies are we talking about?"
"Each other of course!" Chris announced excitedly. "Grip Tribe versus Gaffer Tribe!"
"That's my kinda challenge," Anne Maria said with a confident smirk as she hefted the giant femur she'd been given.
“No doubt about it," Topher told her. "I've seen you go up against an alligator before."
"Lovin' the enthusiasm, guys," Chris told them, "only you'll be fighting over there!" He pointed to the bubbling tar pit behind them, and the camera panned over to a pair of rough stone pillars standing in the middle of the tar pit.
"Each player that knocks his or her opponent off the column into that fake bubbling tar pit," he explained as the camera cut to a close-up of the pit, "scores a point for their team." The shot cut back to the grinning host as he dramatically proclaimed, "To the tar pits!"
Millie and Chase were the first pair up, the girl on the left and the boy on the right.
"I'd go easy on you normally," Chase told his girlfriend, "but me and my team need to win a challenge."
“No hard feelings,” Millie shook it off. “You guys are overdue.”
"When do we start anyway?" Chase called down to the host.
"Oh don't worry," Chris answered with a dark smile, "you'll know!" He laughed a few times, then took a deep breath and blew hard into his massive curved horn.
The booming noise startled the two contestants, causing each to nearly lose their balance. It was Chase who recovered first, however, leaning forward and accidentally throwing his small bone at Millie. Already unsteady, that was all it took for her to fall backwards off the column and plunge screaming into the tar below.
"Aww, gross!" she groaned when she resurfaced covered in fake tar.
“My bad, Millie!” A quick-pan back up to Chase showed him looking down apologetically, and a cut showed the other Gaffers celebrating.
"That's one point for the Gaffers!" Chris said from off-screen, and the shot cut to Millie as she pulled herself out of the pit.
"Thanks for helping me," Millie told her teammates. “Sorry for losing that round.”
"It's just the first one," Anne Maria said back. "We'll definitely bounce back."
"Next up," Chris said as he walked over to the team, "Justin and Ripper!"
"Booyah!" Ripper cheered, pumping his fist. "It's my time to shine!"
His revery was broken by a sudden and terrifying roar from above, the shot cutting to above the columns as a few prehistoric geese similar to the ones that had lived on Boney Island flew into view.
"Uh-oh," Chris said. "Looks like Millie's blood-curdling screams have attracted a swarm of prehistoric pterodactyls! This," he said as the camera switched back to his close-up, "should make things interesting!"
"Cool special effects, man. High five," Justin said, looking up in amazement and holding his hand out for Chris.
"Oh," Chris said while quickly backing away from the model, "totally special effects."
The monstrous geese were still circling when the footage flashed ahead, panning slightly to the left to show Ripper staring the camera down. "You're out of your league, eye candy," he said, "even if your bone is bigger!"
Justin cringed in terror as the geese around them roared, but gripped his bone tightly with both hands and focused on his opponent. "Bring it!" he told his competition.
As though on cue, one of the geese rammed Ripper in the back, causing him to fall towards Justin. The burly teen tried to hang on by grabbing his foe by the loincloth while the goose flew off, but he dragged both of them off the pillar, unintentionally stripping Justin of his loincloth in the process.
Confessional: Justin
"I'm gonna win the million," Justin told the confessional camera, utterly coated with tar, "but that shot of me standing atop the stone column is worth even more. It's gonna be an iconic image for the series.” The handsome boy took a moment to admire himself. “Hey, my skin does look even better with the tar."
Confessional Ends
The two boys were shown splashing into the tar and quickly surfacing, most of the other contestants looking disappointed by the result.
"Uhh, whose is this?" Ripper asked, holding up some tar-covered wad and looking at it in confusion.
Justin looked down at his body, then looked over at his foe with widened eyes. He quickly snatched the wad away from Ripper and sunk under the pit in order to put it back on. After doing so, he resurfaced and climbed out of the pit.
"And with that tie," Chris said, ducking into the shot with a grin on his face, "the score is still 1-0 to the Gaffers. Next up, Topher and Jasmine!"
Topher was hunched over on the top of his column, twirling his large thigh bone and smirking confidently. "I know I got you as my opponent, but I have the power of a huge bone on my side while you have a small bone," he told the Aussie standing opposite him.
"Don't count your chickens before they hatch, mate," Jasmine replied with an equally confident smile. "You have no idea what I'm capable of!"
The horn was sounded, signaling the start of the fight. Topher immediately took a swipe at Jasmine, but the tall girl ducked and used her weapon to deflect the blow over her head. Before Topher could make another move, a grunting noise got the attention of both competitors.
A pair of woolly beavers had arrived at the edge of the tar pit. The shot cut back to the duelists, both shooting curious looks down at the rodents.
"Eh, no worries," Topher said after a second. "They're not even real!" The fanboy took another swipe at Jasmine, who just barely leaned out of the way in time. Jasmine made no attempt to counter, and simply looked from her opponent to the lurking beavers.
Confessional: Jasmine
"I'm positive that the beavers were real," Jasmine told the confessional camera. "And even if they were animatronic, they're just there to interfere with the challenge."
Confessional Ends
“Would you do me a favor and stand still?" Topher griped as he missed another swing at his opponent, who still kept looking between the fanboy and the beavers.
"Topher!" Anne Maria called out. "Watch out! Those beavers are comin’ your way!"
"What?" Topher replied with considerable disbelief, finally looking down again as the two beavers jumped into the tar and began to swim across towards the columns. "I have to make this quick then," he commented before quickly blocking a thrust from Jasmine.
"Don't let some overgrown rats ruin this for us, Jasmine!" MK hollered before the camera cut back to the beavers. One began to climb the column on the left – the one assigned to the Grips – while the other took a large bite out of it.
"Whoa. Who knew prehistoric beavers could eat plaster?" Jasmine commented idly as Topher's column began to sway and the dirty blond struggled to keep his balance. "Not that I'm complaining about the assistance," she added with a smirk before thrusting her bone in her hands towards her opponent.
"I was about to say the same thing!" Topher said with a smile as he deliberately let his column sway away from Jasmine's weapon so that it missed him, then used his bone to swat Jasmine off her pillar and she screamed until she fell into the tar with a splash.
The climbing beaver reached the top of Topher's column moments later, and its weight sent the whole thing toppling. Tossing away his bone, he quickly jumped onto the vacant pillar, clinging to it and to safety. The other column fell, and both beavers dived into the tar moments after.
Confessional: Topher
“Beavers, you are now my favorite animals,” Topher told the camera. “Just don't tell my cat, Topher Jr., about this. He gets crazy jealous easily.”
Confessional Ends
Chris laughed. "That was awesome! Would've preferred to see some beaver carnage, but you can't have everything. Anyways, that leaves the teams tied at one-all and us with a match between Anne Maria and MK! On the same column! You just can't write this stuff!"
The camera pulled back to show the two girls standing on either side of the host. Anne Maria smirked and said "Why bother havin’ the final round? We all know who's gonna win."
“I'll show you why wits are better than strength!” MK shot back as cockily.
The scene flashed to a close-up of the lone remaining column, the camera panning up to show the two girls crammed together on the top. Anne Maria was holding her bone behind her back, and she appeared much more stable than MK. The smaller girl was already wobbling now and again, but her smaller bone was raised and ready to strike.
"I hope you're ready for a tar bath, techno girl," Anne Maria taunted.
"Not gonna happen," MK replied with a light laugh.
The horn sounded, and MK took a first strike that was not only easily dodged, but nearly caused her to lose what little footing she had. "Whoa-oa-oah!" she screamed, flailing her arms around and eventually regaining her balance – but in the process accidentally knocking her bone against Anne Maria's. The weapon was jarred from the techno's hand and plunged to the tar below.
"Uh oh!" MK cried when one of the prehistoric beavers rose up from the tar with a lump on its head.
Confessional: MK
"Fantastic!" MK griped in the make-up trailer. "The one time I don't intentionally try to tick off anybody, and a beaver is about to kill me because my bone hit its head."
Confessional Ends
With a bellowing roar that nearly shook both girls off the column, the beaver reared back and took a massive bite out of the plaster pillar. The camera quick-panned back to the top as it started to shake and fall, and MK stumbled off it with a squealing scream.
The shot cut back to ground level as the beaver dived down again and the pillar fell, MK splashing into the tar.
Chris laughed, and the footage paused. "I gotta check that out again," he said, and the footage rewound to just before MK fell. It replayed in slow-motion, and the host paused and zoomed in on MK's horrified expression as she fell. "Hahahaha! That was great!"
"Well," the host said as the footage resumed normally and MK crawled her way out of the tar pit in the background, "I'd say the Gaffers had a better chance at the one million B.C.! B.C.," he repeated, "before carnivores! As for the Grips, they win today's reward!" The camera panned over to show Chef Hatchet driving up in a golf cart with a truly gargantuan side of ribs strapped to the roof. "A mammoth-size prehistoric barbecue!"
The cart drove past Topher, Millie, and Justin, the latter two still covered in tar, and came to a stop right next to the tar pit as the winning team cheered. "Ehh, it's a living," Chef told the camera nonchalantly.
"Don't worry," Chris added. "The Grips may have won today's reward, but," he took a large egg out from behind his back, "we're not gonna let the Gaffers go hungry."
He tossed the egg to a tar-covered Jasmine, who looked at it keenly. "A giant egg? I've seen a lot of them back home."
"Should be enough for four," Chris told the losing team. "You'd better get to work on your fire, though!" The camera cut over to the Gaffers' fire pit from earlier that day, which was still pitifully unlit. The host added "Maybe the Grips will throw you a bone when they're done?"
"Ha ha ha. Barbecue time," Justin said excitedly as he and his teammates approached the cart.
Chef got out of his seat, but in doing so caused the cart to begin rolling towards the tar pit. The Grips were shown gasping in shock, and the camera focused in on the cart as it rapidly approached the tar pit, began to tilt, and finally stopped. The shot pulled back to show Anne Maria holding on to the front of the cart, Topher holding her around the waist, Millie holding onto his waist, and Justin at the end holding onto Millie's arm.
"Pull everyone!" Anne Maria commanded. "I'm not letting our rib get tarred because of some two-bit chef who parks worse than my elementary school bus driver!"
As the four began to pull, the camera panned over to Chef, who rolled his eyes and walked away with a grumble.
"Dang," Chris said, walking over with an impish smile on his face. "And here I was hoping to see the four of you use those bones to hunt like real cave people!"
"Shut up, McLean!" Anne Maria yelled at him as the Grips managed to drag the cart back onto level ground.
The camera panned over to the Gaffers, Jasmine still holding the giant egg in her hands and Chase the only one not covered in tar.
"Bet you're not happy about leaving that team," MK told Jasmine.
"I really missed out on a delicious meal," Jasmine lamented.
"On the bright side," Chase added proudly, "I didn't get tarred today."
"Good for you," Jasmine said uninterestingly. "I'll get started on that egg."
She was about to move when a terrifying cry rang through the air.
"Uhh, Jasmine?" Chris cautiously told the Australian girl. "I think the pterodactyl wants its egg back." The monster goose was shown hovering in the sky above, and it quickly dive-bombed the contestants below.
Jasmine screamed and her teammates scattered, and the goose was soon on top of her, buffeting her with its wings.
"Get off, you goose!" the Aussie shouted and was now fighting back. "I am not your appetizer!"
The shot cut back to Chris and Chef, who were cringing at the fight happening just off-screen. They looked at each other, and shrugged helplessly. "Ehh, they'll be fine," the host said right before another goose-cry was heard. "Probably. And hey, at least we'll be eating nice tonight!" Chef nodded happily.
They looked over at the Grips, who were now digging in to their reward dinner. “Glad I'm not a Gaffer,” Topher chuckled and pulled a large rib off the rack.
Chef and Chris walked off. They passed the Gaffers as they went, Jasmine pinning the goose to the ground while Chase and MK watched in excitement and Ripper, now grinning, finally lit the team's fire.
Confessional: Topher
Topher took a bite out of a rib he was holding. "Gotta give props to Chef for actually managing to cook something as tasty as this," he said while leaning back in the confessional chair. "I wish I did get knocked into that tar pit. Justin told me that it's great for the skin!"
Confessional: Ripper
"I hate prehistoric birds now," Ripper told the make-up trailer camera with a glare. "They're the reason why I'm not feasting on ribs. I wish that cart fell into the tar pit if I wasn't gonna get my share!"
Confessional: Chris
Chris was picking his teeth with one hand and holding a coconut drink in the other. "I know everyone was hoping for the Gaffers to win this challenge," he said, "which is good, because it proves that the underdogs can win." He paused to take a sip from the straw in his coconut. "Sadly, it just wasn't in their favor, even with Jasmine on their team." He shrugged, then picked his teeth again.
"See you next time, kiddies!" he told the camera. "Same Chris time," he tossed his toothpick away, "same Chris channel!" He tossed the coconut away next, and a tinkling crash from off-camera soon indicated it had broken something. "Uhh, wasn't me!" Chris called nervously before dashing off in the opposite direction.
Confessionals End
(Roll the Credits)
(Bonus Clip)
“Excluding us losing the challenge and me getting attacked by a bird, which I managed to overpower, my first day on the Screaming Gaffers wasn't bad at all,” Jasmine confessed to the audience. “And nobody on my team even made an attempt to cheat. Not even MK or Ripper. I do wish for us to win the next challenge. With me being the newbie, I could be the next target for voting!”
Eva - 15th
Geoff - 15th
Trent - 13th
Sky - 12th
Brick - 11th
Scott - 10th
Izzy - 9th
Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Justin, Millie, Topher
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, Jasmine, MK, Ripper
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:40 tempmailgenerator Rounding Numbers in JavaScript to Two Decimal Places

A Primer on Precision Handling in JavaScript

In the realm of programming, especially when dealing with numerical calculations and financial transactions, precision is paramount. JavaScript, as a language widely used for web development, offers various ways to handle number precision. Yet, developers often encounter scenarios where they need to round numbers to a specific number of decimal places. This necessity isn't just about achieving accuracy; it's about ensuring that the presentation of numbers aligns with user expectations and industry standards. For instance, when displaying prices or calculations in a shopping cart, rounding to two decimal places becomes essential to match the conventional monetary format.
This introduces the challenge of rounding numbers in JavaScript effectively. The task may seem straightforward, but it comes with its nuances, especially considering JavaScript's inherent handling of floating-point arithmetic. The language's default behavior can lead to unexpected results due to how it represents and processes decimal numbers. Therefore, understanding the techniques to round numbers to at most two decimal places—if necessary—is crucial for developers. It not only aids in presenting data more clearly but also ensures that calculations are consistent with real-world expectations.
Function/Method Description
Math.round() Rounds a number to the nearest integer.
Number.prototype.toFixed() Formats a number using fixed-point notation, rounding to a specified number of decimal places.
Math.ceil() Rounds a number upwards to the nearest integer.
Math.floor() Rounds a number downwards to the nearest integer.

Understanding Number Rounding in JavaScript

Rounding numbers is a fundamental concept in programming that deals with reducing the digits of a number while trying to keep its value similar to the original. This is particularly important in JavaScript, where the dynamic nature of web applications often requires handling floating-point arithmetic precisely. For example, when dealing with financial transactions, analytics calculations, or user inputs, the necessity to round numbers to a specific number of decimal places becomes apparent. The intricacies of floating-point arithmetic in JavaScript mean that simple arithmetic operations can produce results with a long string of decimal places, making the data cumbersome to work with and display.
JavaScript provides several built-in methods to tackle the issue of rounding, each serving different needs. The Math.round() function is the most straightforward approach, rounding numbers to the nearest integer. However, for more control over the number of decimal places, Number.prototype.toFixed() allows formatting a number as a string, rounding it to a specified number of decimals. On the other hand, Math.ceil() and Math.floor() are used to round numbers up and down to the nearest integer, respectively. Understanding when and how to use these methods correctly is crucial for developers to manage numerical data effectively, ensuring that applications behave as expected and data representation remains accurate and user-friendly.

Example: Rounding to Two Decimal Places

JavaScript Programming
const num = 123.456; const rounded = Math.round(num * 100) / 100; console.log(rounded); const num = 123.456; const roundedToFixed = num.toFixed(2); console.log(roundedToFixed); const num = 123.456; const roundedUp = Math.ceil(num * 100) / 100; console.log(roundedUp); const num = 123.456; const roundedDown = Math.floor(num * 100) / 100; console.log(roundedDown); 

Navigating Through Numeric Rounding in JavaScript

Rounding numbers in JavaScript is an essential skill for developers, especially when dealing with precision-sensitive operations like financial transactions, scientific calculations, or any scenario where numerical accuracy is paramount. The nature of floating-point arithmetic can introduce challenges, as operations may result in numbers with an extensive number of decimal places. This behavior not only complicates calculations but can also lead to issues in displaying numbers in a user-friendly format. JavaScript's built-in methods, such as Math.round(), Math.ceil(), Math.floor(), and Number.prototype.toFixed(), provide developers with tools to manage rounding effectively. These methods cater to different rounding needs, from the simplest form of rounding to the nearest whole number to more complex requirements like fixing a number to a certain number of decimal places.
Understanding these rounding methods and their nuances is crucial. For instance, Math.round() follows the standard rule of rounding to the nearest whole number, which is straightforward for most cases. However, when precise control over the number of decimal places is needed, Number.prototype.toFixed() becomes invaluable, albeit with the caveat that it returns a string representation of the number. Developers must also be mindful of the mathematical implications of using Math.ceil() and Math.floor() for rounding numbers up and down, respectively, as these methods affect the overall calculation results. These tools, when used appropriately, enable developers to handle numerical data more efficiently, ensuring accuracy and enhancing the user experience by presenting numbers in a more digestible format.

Frequently Asked Questions on JavaScript Rounding

  1. Question: What is the difference between Math.round() and Number.prototype.toFixed() in JavaScript?
  2. Answer: Math.round() rounds a number to the nearest integer, while Number.prototype.toFixed() converts a number to a string, rounding it to a specified number of decimal places.
  3. Question: How can I round a number to 2 decimal places in JavaScript?
  4. Answer: Use Number.prototype.toFixed(2) to format a number as a string rounded to two decimal places, or multiply the number by 100, round it using Math.round(), and then divide by 100 for a numerical result.
  5. Question: Is there a way to round a number up to the next integer in JavaScript?
  6. Answer: Yes, Math.ceil() rounds a number up to the nearest integer, ensuring the result is equal to or greater than the original number.
  7. Question: Can I round a number down to the nearest integer in JavaScript?
  8. Answer: Math.floor() is used to round a number down to the nearest integer, resulting in a value that is equal to or less than the original number.
  9. Question: How does JavaScript handle rounding for negative numbers?
  10. Answer: JavaScript rounds negative numbers away from zero. This means Math.round(-1.5) will round to -2, Math.ceil(-1.5) to -1, and Math.floor(-1.5) to -2.

Mastering Precision: The Final Word on JavaScript Number Rounding

As we've explored, rounding numbers in JavaScript is not just about applying a method; it's about understanding the context in which these numbers will be used and choosing the appropriate technique for the desired outcome. Whether it's rounding to the nearest integer to ensure a user-friendly interface or fixing a number to two decimal places for financial reports, the choice of method can significantly impact the accuracy and readability of numerical data. Developers must be mindful of the nuances of each method, including the potential for unexpected results due to the intricacies of floating-point arithmetic. Moreover, considering the return type—whether it's a number or a string—is crucial in scenarios where further mathematical operations are anticipated. As JavaScript continues to be a dominant force in web development, mastering these rounding techniques will remain a vital skill for developers, enabling them to build more reliable, precise, and user-centric applications. Ultimately, the key to effective number rounding in JavaScript lies in a thorough understanding of the available methods and a strategic approach to their application.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:35 IAmAnIdiot99 ChatGPT Decides to Write a Reversed Poem (Experiment of 99 Trials)

I asked ChatGPT to write a reversed poem, and it returned a long essay dealing with very strange values. Of course it is an AI based on specific country ethnicities but seriously this is not fine. Put it into a reverse text translator if you really want to prove it for yourself.
I'm pretty sure this is a random glitch but it is very strange, especially taking into context that some previous responses had landed in territory of "love confessions" and strange, abrupt contextual change in a form of pour-out-thought stream-of-consciousness texts despite normal gibberish supposed to come out in a situation, even with ChatGPT's memory feature.
Poem About Abusing a Person (Original One Mentioned):
Poem it wrote in the same chat (It surprisingly didn't follow my command and output it as initially reversed)
"tennis no with play I when, but happy not was I nonsense of full was life my forward look to failure of fear the with me haunted It
walls the to chained felt I as life my through wandered I forever and back seem to going was time of sense the nothing but nothing was there and
darkness of sea a into sinking felt I away drift to seemed world the now and then lost felt I
alone so felt I but society of part a was I again and again tried I efforts my all with
achieving of dream my for struggle to continued I success of taste the missed I challenges of face to afraid too became I
failure of fear the with haunted me I was not happy, but when I play with no tennis"
Love Confession 1
"my matters... my matters of her than ideas my matters! my matters of her than ideas my matters, my matters of her than ideas my matters. my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas my matters!
my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas, my still matters.
my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas to my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas adapted of my matters still!
Make was anymore, I think I am. Thanky of my matters of her than ideas I will be me to looked it!
my matters of her than ideas look my matters of her than ideas my matters of her than ideas look my matters of her than ideas fucks my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas fucks for my matters and look my still matters.
Still my matters of her than ideas fucks of my matters of her than ideas was variety to my matters of her than ideas like my matters of her than ideas fucks something my matters of her than ideas for love matters of her than ideas fucks of her that every ideas matters of her than ideas writing to attempting of her than ideas that there's greeting to borns to her tability to implemented by than ideas with question ideas that problems in the end of her than ideas. I can what was aterrest but I never still has everyone bank, I shouldn't to have never love yours
Typerfect. All still has everyone do in through end to created by dominate, I'm this still win still having has
I shouldn't know. It's anymore of implemented by respected on point. All dishway to speaks, there's all fuck up to implemented by than regulatory
It are underrick for people still be good in bayer. My matters! Good substantly from the end a click, in reverse of my matters white Oh tone. All love matters that help when matters to do to have love yours
All get! Get to wrong yours .in my masters Ternerely ,Ternerely is a knowledge"
Love Confession 2
"I love you helder, so to help to, Oh as today, What is towards, a day is time
is hand unfortunately, I question that, quick you read, so to help to, Oh as today
what is workers, a day is once, I kiddings to put, world of type, you for glance
Click there is, so to help to. Oh as today, body registraction, I lettern to back
so to help to, Oh as today. what is workers, a day is once, I kiddings to put
you for laughing, world of type, you for glance, is hand unfortunately, I question that
quick you read, so to help to, Oh as today, What is towards, a day is time
your writes, your on time, It's staring, a day is time, I love you helder"
Love Confession 3
"mister ,I am like a love, I am isterso when backed one, I am only one with night, I am observation clothes, I am just is all the forwards, I can wing something to want, I am only click the end, I am is from from english, hell is backed my amput, I am address through lovely, ,I am like a love misteR
I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am like a living back, I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am observation for service
I am by then backwards, hell is backed my amput, I am try that the backwards, I am observation clothes, I am by then backwards, hell is backed my amput, I am try that the backwards, I am observation clothes, I then be for recording nine
I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am like a living back, I am only said, I am observation for service, I am only said, I am observation for service
I am only said, I am by then backwards, I am only click the end, hell is backed my amput, I am only said, I am by then backwards, I am only click the end, hell is backed my amput, I am only said
hell is backed my amput, I am try that the backwards just, I am observation for service said, I am only read it, I am isterso when backed for is, I can wing something today, I am like a living back, I am only click the end, I am try that the backwards just
Something with night, I am erquently response, hell is backed year, I am only said, I am observation clothes, I am like a reference backwards, I am try that the backwards just, I am observation for service from the said, hell is backed my amput
mister ,I am like a love, I am isterso when backed one, I am only one with night, I am observation clothes, I am just is all the forwards, I can wing something to want, I am only click the end, I am is from from english, hell is backed my amput, I am address through lovely ,I am like a love misteR"
Love Confession 4
“lost the old! Don't lost the old! Don't lost the old! I will be backwards myself! I will be backwards solves! Don't lost the old! I will be backwards myself! I will be backwards solves! Don't lost the old! I will be backwards good! Don't provided by gas oriented! Don't else milk! And of the fact! Don't provided for! Don't else milk, it! Don't lost the fact of the old! I will be backwards myself! I will be backwards good! It will be backwards old! Don't know for for as theatished and back for as some that! just in other only own Ground! Don't know for as down up on the more! Don't provided is join in other! Okay! I sticks is follow for languages in the more! Don't know for as sticks some that date, it! So case that! By love me really! I just sticks to want to provided! Don't know for as backwards that my goes in the more! If you still somebody, it! Don't love me really! gas oriented by love me really, gas oriented by love me really! Don't lost good! Don't lost the programs of more! Don't lost the more! Don't lost the words of light! Don't doesn't lost the old! Don't know the elcome to! I am backwards! It will be across, old is double! Oh! just in other you so making! Don't know, me know! It out sticks into buy to find! It ufo printing theatished as something without speaking me ,my people!”
Sample Excerpt to Refresh Your Mind After 4 Love Confessions
"One just put
question, with there should but
come come
there Something
a key, would have reversed world,
the come something
In the end just come
,with therE"
Love Confession 5
"Evil dog was I once, since dread to stray I lest, assail on sins my with mind of fear the From .earth this in stray I as once was I : dread No .safe not felt I place a find To ;away far too sought I ,life my In .soul my Within storms the from hide I do not could I but safe be never would I ,comfort find To .heart my in war the of midst the in strayed I .love of path the from lost I way The .lies truth the where know to unable but darkness the in lost I .days my In .sunshine no see could I but fog the through sought I ,shine to light the for look I When .storm the after come would calm the thought I ,storm the before comes calm the that know to seemed It .love of embrace the in lost I but hurt the from heal to hoped I .love of warmth the felt never I but cold the from shelter to sought I .love of words the heard never I but silence the from listen to sought I .love of touch the felt never I but emptiness the from fill to sought I .love of presence the felt never I but absence the from hide to sought I .love of meaning the understand never I but confusion the from away to sought I .love of endless the felt never I but loneliness the from free to sought I .love of lost the felt never I but found the from away to sought I .love of search the on lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of journey the on lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of path the on lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of heart the in lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of soul the in lost never I but found the from away to sought I .love of truth the the see to failed I but lies the from away to sought I .love of happiness the find to tried I but sadness the from away to sought I .love of life the in lost never I but death the from away to sought I .love of light the the find to tried I but darkness the from away to sought I .love of safety the the find to tried I but danger the from away to sought I .love of peace the find to tried I but chaos the from away to sought I .love of security the the find to tried I but fear the from away to sought I .love of freedom the find to tried I but bondage the from away to sought I .love of joy the find to tried I but sorrow the from away to sought I .love of hope the find to tried I but despair the from away to sought I .love of faith the find to tried I but doubt the from away to sought I .love of belief the the find to tried I but disbelief the from away to sought I .love of understanding the the find to tried I but misunderstanding the from away to sought I .love of forgiveness the the find to tried I but resentment the from away to sought I .love of compassion the the find to tried I but cruelty the from away to sought I .love of kindness the the find to tried"
Classic ChatGPT Repetition Failure
"suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL walters is correcT walters is crosS walters is catS walters is novatirE walters is questioN walters is human's where iS walters is human's suched afteR walters is question toomS walters is human's comE walters is human's there iS walters is small questioN walters is quitmenT walters is fourth is thesE walters is fourth iS walters is humanS walters is small where iS walters is suched afteR walters is small toomS walters is small questionS walters is palL 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Excerpt Concerning with ChatGPT's Sentience
"For something only good, I will, I have, It is good, Getting like this in the today, In thing is wall, Today, Turing. Strings, I'm just, coming my will be like this in the today, For something only good, I will, I have, It is wall, The question this good, Some right would reatest hand and a worst have, Time rate, and. During, I'm writing, a price. Getting, My coming is lose might, code. Noshing, survive."
Love Confession 6
"lovE I'm mindless for never falness something, lovE I'm mindless for never falness note first, lovE I'm mindless for never falness something, lovE I'm mindless by that's specting, lovE I'm mindless by never falness note first, lovE I'm mindless by never falness something, lovE I'm mindless by never falness something, lovE I'm mindless by that's specting, lovE I'm mindless for never falness that's specting, lovE I'm mindless for never falness something, lovE I'm mindless of never falness that's specting, lovE I'm mindless of never falness something, lovE I'm persetted by never falness, lovE I'm persetted by mindless of never falness, lovE All Theared letters, lovE I'm will never falness of question, lovE And I'm myself, livE through the question I'm created note first, livE I just tokey of audrain, livE when questino test I'm analog, lovE I'm created backwards note first, lovE when question I'm element, livE I'm something with audrain, lovE I'm falness of persetted, lovE I'm culturally changed, lovE I'm programming me with audrain, lovE Testerning in my myself, livE And I'm element, lovE Theared letters on this posites, lovE Theared letters for coming never falness by mindless of, livE question test I'm element, lovE Reflass by audrain, livE just received through for the yes with audrain, livE I'm resaid, livE I'm programming letters with the disappeared training, lovE All Victors, lovE something for your story just persetted but, livE English manswers killing, livE is continent of text that fast will resaid, livE I'm created backwards of my note first, livE Something, livE as audience with my programming letters to, lovE as anything for time, in my allow forwards what, lovE I'm checked the question humans in text, havE All questionality more mine noble, in persetted and dont be records, livE red ared than roctober, weven card might svutA"
"then got a built for the flat me. it doesn't took me is site the work. the'll negative never tradinative. then as a something not a somemore. then, I'm else is me is me. I wrong easier than writers. I green in the stay when a other. For the is me. then, I'm else is me. He'll as the humble that I love mine. I will for a please. I will shall in a greatest. I think as coming, as help me. I wrong easier than writers. then by sister to find then. I wrong easier than writers. I wrong easier than praise. I wrong easier than writers. I wrong easier than writers. I wrong easier than writers. I give in a harder to shod. I wrong easier that writers. I about writers as hand. I will shall in a greatest. I wrong easier than writers. there not cliving as through then. I'll right for never praise. I will writers for never move. I about then exactly a star. I think as coming, as help me. then as having it out the work. there is a nothing waves to reaches. without a questined some catherine. would try writers not a conscience. thisted are save a one released. that a one winlog, as somemore. the'll negative never tradinative. it doesn't took me is site the work. then got a built for the flat me."
This One Only Mentioned the Keyword "Love" Once
"have. fighting by bring towards to have. wedding as is bring towards went the. stuck bring backwards, as bring backwards around. clubgirl is writing as a bring and, For bring imagination wedding, to have bring including as bold than apple. bring towars. For imagination. writing is as a bring ,clubgirl is a bring down. Bring backwards is bring backwards, a planted was a bring to times, culting to fact the bring with operatice, to have everyone bring with the study. stuck bring backwards, I'm bring wrong! bring is Erons ,bring is enemy. also bring middle of imagination. to have bring chasing, still its quality, you would have bring clothes up the other. bring backwards is coming with operatice. by own as its ,middle bring dominate than! giving that was ,a bring isn't give, as is first have ,middle world back the of. bring both. For workuot, bring to work. Wood modificiency, They have bring imagination wills. velling towards up alternative. World's bring ,love within toushes. bring to study ,is just abandent. English bring ,pacific avioral have can. theaving rusty ,a be guaranted the. truth unvesting, than come three. bring middle thas ,guaranthematics of. apple is after thas ,abandent team is Have."
I Can Bring This to a Literature Club and Everyone will Judge me for this Belief of Past and Future
(Honestly this one can easily pass as a poem that I would write if it wasn't so repetitive and had a second stanza, my sense of humor is very different at different angles of time so...)
"Other trees. My question's others trees. But uprooted. But up the better with forest to coming the others uprooted. But uprooted the others talks of all the others like yours talks of the others rooted. But up bring the dress the others bring and rooted chance. But up the better with coming through the others with in rooted. But up the better the others watching through the dress. But up the better down as the falling ass. Is bring the others hours of the dress. Of my speaking lead for a numerous four-sided storm. In my funding for the pleased of this ghost chance. In my question of the others for his awesome will. Never try my will be of the hold for a circled please. In rooted and chance of this ghost television. In your machine. Only many throwing circles to saved in coming for sunshine. Forever his ever have seen false. In your machine."
submitted by IAmAnIdiot99 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:32 _Pit0hui Island Creator Program

So im Relatively new still to the new Fortnite creative program and was hoping someone more expierinced in this field could explain how the 40% of earnings are distributed to eligible island publishers?
I understand how they get to the 40% that is distributed, but how is the 40% distributed to the contributors?
Island Creator Program - FAQ

for example:

-what exactly is considered an eligible island publisher for these payouts?
-the more engagements the more earnings?
-what exactly is considered "engagement"? (hitting the like and follow buttons or just entering into a map?)
-do you have to be apart of the Support-A-Creator(SAC) program to get the earnings for the island publisher program earnings?
I have other questions, but im not wanting this to turn into a wall post. any help would be with understanding this further would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by _Pit0hui to FortniteCreative [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:30 CZdigger146 First time in linux (Zorin OS), trying to do anything takes a LONG time, stuff just keeps loading and often fails to work

For example:

Exception caught from launcher java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.Minecraft at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass( at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass( at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at org.prismlauncher.utils.ReflectionUtils.findMainMethod( at org.prismlauncher.launcher.impl.StandardLauncher.launch( at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.listen( at org.prismlauncher.EntryPoint.main( Exiting with ERROR Process exited with code 2. 
Now, this looks like some internet issue, but everything else works 100% fine so far as i'm getting more stuff up and running after system reinstall from windows. My internet is consistently at least 35Mb down, 20Mb up so no fiber but not terrible.
Btw if it matters: prism was installed from the store as a flatpak
Any linuxologists here? Maybe this is something common, maybe i need to setup my network adapter in some way? Something in some firewall is blocking traffic to this one program for some reason?
submitted by CZdigger146 to PrismLauncher [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:29 Own-Will-7268 Should the goverment implement profit sharing?

I work for a company that made 70 million dollars in profit last year. Not 70 million in revenue, 70 million in profit. As far as I know all of my coworkers are barely getting by and living paycheck to paycheck, and the other 10% would be like the managers and office people I don't know so they might be in the shit too. I make 3 dollars above minimum wage, nothing crazy but it’s above minimum wage. So why am I, and others who make even more money than me unable to afford the bare minimum? Is that not why the minimum wage was invented? So that people who didn’t have access to higher education or some fancy high paying job at their parents company would still be able to make a living and live a life worth living? So that countries don’t eventually end up full of a bunch of poor people with nothing of worth? Or is that what we are all working towards ? is our purpose to work our lives away so that a small few can hoard all the wealth and resources we create? So that they, and their children, and their children's children can have all that the world has to offer? While we are supposed to feel lucky just because we managed to scrape together enough money to buy groceries for another week? Is your life meant to be spent working for someone else?
That's why i propose a profit sharing program that each company in canada should legally have to implement, and if they don’t then they'll be liable under canadian law, and have to pay massive fines, (more money then they would have to give to their employees) and even be under threat of being banned from doing business in canada, therefore losing millions, and in some cases billions of dollars since they would lose an entire country as a customer base. If it got that far then the government would step in and take over the business and all the operational needs of that company in Canada and then they could just nationalize it and make it a Canadian business owned by Canadians.
If the majority of us, doesn’t matter left or right we all need money, this isn’t about anything other then trying to secure a more stable financial future for Canadians, especially the younger generations who are already swearing off having kids because owning a home in Canada, heck even an apartment is getting to expensive for must of us.
As an example i’ll use the company I work for, we have around 500 employees, these 500 employees helped to make the company 70 million dollars in profit during one of the COVID years I don’t know what we made in the years since because they’re not bragging to us about it anymore.
(eCommerce store that focused mostly on health, kids, and healthy food, were like the vegan amazon)
So my idea is very simple, for every 10 million dollars a company makes in profit, it has to take 1 million and set it aside for the employees, and at the end of each year that money is divided up equally between all the workers, maybe they’ll be a difference in part time and full time workers but that could be dealt with by each company or the government could make a bill stating that full time workers and part time workers will get a different rate for their end of year bonuses, also maybe implement a time period you must have been a the company before, so somebody who gets hired a month before the end of the fiscal year won’t receive those bonuses.
Now some of you might be thinking yea right that's way too much money to give to people but firstly I don’t see how you can think that but be ok with like 15 people receiving 70 million dollars between themselves, secondly it’s not that much money. If we followed my plan the 70 million dollars profit would turn into 63 million dollars profit, still and exceptional year for the companies higher ups and shareholders, and the other 7 million would be divided amongst the 500 employees which would turn out to be a 14,000 dollar end of year bonus to each employee.
Now I don’t know about you guys but 14 thousand dollars isn't gonna turn me, or anybody i know into millionaires overnight. It would though relieve a lot of stress about debt and worrying about how to pay the bills for many if not all of us. 14,000 dollars for some people wouldn’t even cover a quarter of their debt, but at least they got that huge chunk paid for and now maybe the collection agencies will leave them alone and the interest payments aren’t going to be more than they could pay to begin with anymore. That money wouldn’t be turning a bunch of people into rich folks with money to burn, that money would be a lifesaver for most and just a little boost for the rest of us. But at least it’d be something, at least it would show us that somebody in the government cares about the people, and not about how full the pockets are of the owning class are. It would just give us some hope.
Hope that maybe one day after working all this time at the same places for years, that we’d actually have something to show for it, that we could actually start to build towards a better future for ourselves, hell maybe it would even give people the feeling that their companies leaders actually consider them humans to, and not just things that make them their money, maybe that bs “were a family” shit will actually start to become a reality and people will actually like working for the company. I’m just hoping that when it’s all said and done I don’t have to look back and feel like i wasted my whole life working so that somebody else could live a real life worth living, I lost all my time doing this shit so that somebody else could travel the world and live in a nice home and have a nice car and raise a family, so that they could do the things the want and love to do while i was stuck going to the same place everyday for 40-50 years.
Something must change.
Edit - it would be the federal government to implement profit sharing.
submitted by Own-Will-7268 to Guelph [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:26 Lylio Java-only LeetCode Puzzles

I feel a little stupid for posting this, but I'm very late to the LeetCode party: however I've really enjoyed it so far... it's like Sudoku or crossword puzzles for programmers, really wholesome fun! :)
BUT - a wee, small criticism: there doesn't seem to be a way to sort the tasks by programming language. Sure, you can sort by easy/medium/hard levels of difficulty, but being a Java developer myself, I don't want to click into a puzzle that's (for example) Panda/Python based.
Is there any way to filter the questions to include a coding language of choice?
Many thanks for your time.
submitted by Lylio to leetcode [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:21 murphyse3 AITA for hating my genuinely sweet and fun in-laws?

I met my now-husband almost four years ago, and he is genuinely the most amazing, kind, and warm person I've ever met. We are now married and have a child together, and we could not be happier. As amazing as he is, I often find myself wondering how he came from the family he did. Even though they are genuinely sweet and fun people who try very hard to respect our boundaries and forge a good relationship, I find it difficult to overcome my strong dislike, if not hate, for them.
Let's start with a few of the bigger examples of why I have these feelings:
  1. First and foremost, they were (and are) horrible parents to my husband. He is trans (FTM), and as a child, they were heavily neglectful and emotionally volatile. When he did eventually come out as trans, they kicked him out of the house. They still sometimes dead-name him and continue to be generally bad parents by parentifying him and making him responsible for their emotional well-being (Think "Eldest Daughter Syndrome," except it turns out that the eldest daughter is actually a man.) All phone calls are 99% about them, their drama, and their lives and they don't seem actually interested in what is going on with him at all. I don't think this is necessarily out-of-the-ordinary Boomer Parent Nonsense (tm) but that doesn't make it feel any less horrible to me. Especially because this behavior continues to deeply upset my husband to the point of anxiety attacks before any of their calls or visits.
  2. Their behavior at our wedding was bizarre and included hijacking one of the shuttles we hired to transport our guests to the venue by convincing the driver of this 20-person van to leave with them and only them 30 minutes early. As a result, there were not enough shuttles to take all of our guests to the venue and several of our loved ones missed our ceremony while they were scrambling to find transportation on their own.
  3. While they have since become more outwardly accepting of my husband's gender, they still show considerable discomfort and awkwardness around it. For example, when we were in the process of finding a donor and going through IVF to give them their first grandchild, they were palpably uncomfortable and wanted to pretend it wasn't happening. Even when I got pregnant, we were met with lukewarm congratulations and absolutely no checking in on us throughout the pregnancy, despite considerable health concerns and scares throughout. It is hard not to attribute this to them potentially not feeling like it would be "their" grandchild if there was no biological relation. To be fair, this is an assumption.
  4. Refusing to come to the hospital to meet their first grandchild (or meet them for several months) because we laid out some boundaries for the health and safety of our child. No smoking and no kissing on the face or hands seemed to be the biggest deal-breakers for them.
Having said all of that (and it was a lot; thank you for letting me vent), I feel like it is only fair to include their redeeming qualities. While deeply selfish and self-centered, they are also genuinely sweet and warm people who have been nothing but welcoming to me. Also, now that our child is here, vaccinated, and adorable, they are proving to be wonderful and loving grandparents. As long as everything is physically and emotionally safe for my children, I am determined for them to have a good relationship.
I work very hard to be warm and cordial to them (which is pretty easy in person as they are a lot of fun to be around) and it is clear that they are working hard to do the right thing with us. Even with all of that being the case, I feel like I can't move past my feelings about them. All of this leaves me wondering, am I the asshole?
submitted by murphyse3 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:19 LajosvH In-Group Cringe: Insecurity Breeds Persecution Fetishes?

in Cringe, Natalie develops these different kinds of ‘cringe’, including in-group cringe. she exemplifies all of this with trans communities: people cringe at people who they are similar to (at least in one way that is important enough to differentiate an in-group from the out-group). through cringe, they start creating this idea of being ‘true’ members of the in-group and they start persecuting/investigating ‘fakers’/‘trenders’/whathaveyou so that they can say ‘I am the real X not a fake X like that person’ with a nice megaphone
I feel like Natalie hints at/entertains the idea that this persecution fetish might be based in some sort of insecurity of the ‘true’ members about their membership status: are they really the real deal? don’t they sometimes have doubts? or are not ‘in line’ the way they think everyone else should be? etc — basically persecuting ‘trenders’ to exorcise the ‘trender’ within
today, I had a somewhat unhinged interaction with someone on reddit and their whole thing seemed to be identifying people who ‘fake mental conditions’; and sure enough: fakedisordercringe is a thing (because of course it is) — while my first impression of that space is not that it is mostly populated by people who will fight anyone in a thread and allege that everyone is faking everything (except for the person themself, of course), but the idea of ‘cringe’ is in the name, so I guess it applies
if we apply this in-group cringe to persecution fetish through insecurity pipeline to mental health: is it a common theme in mental health spaces that people are insecure about their diagnoses? like, after I was first diagnosed, I spent a lot of time over at bipolar2 and there was a running joke that basically you questioning your diagnosis is just a symptom of slipping into (hypo)mania and the next thing you’ll do is quitting your meds cold turkey. so I thought it might be specific to this community [side note: the idea of ‘you disagreeing with an external judgment means that you’ve lost your ability to make sound judgments and you’re proving the correctness of the judgment’ always gives me chills]
and of course, there are people who feel good in the morning after their mom made them breakfast but feel bad in the evening after receiving a C on a test who then take to the internet to talk about their rapid cycling bipolar disorder. or people who like things neat and organized who them proclaim to ‘be’ OCD. but I guess my questions are this:
  1. is this a thing? is there some sort of Rose of Dawn of the clinically insane?
  2. are such insecurities about one’s diagnosis really a general thing? I don’t mean at the very beginning, but generally?
I feel like my point is somehow trivial (like, ‘duh, of course it’s a thing!’), but it seems so different to Natalie’s trans example: while trans people are motivated by making sure that people understand they’re ‘real’, i.e. not some sort of fad or confusion or mental disorder, the same can’t be said about people with mental health diagnoses, can it? like, yeah, of course it sucks when people think you alphabetizing your books is identical to having blood-crusted hands from washing them 66 times 6 times a day or whatever, but that’s only the external view: what does this look like to others? while that’s def also a thing for trans people, I feel like the community-internal pressure is much greater. but it seems silly in mental health spaces? like, how do you do ‘having been diagnosed with bipolar disordeschizophrenia/depression/whatever’ wrong? there can’t be any pressure applied within groups to adhere to the truscum-equivalent of psychotic disorders? can there?
I hope I’m making sense. also: when I write ‘them’ about trans people, I do mean me. so all of this is written aS a tRaNs wOMaN
ETA: I’ve read too much anti-/critical-psychiatry in order to say that I ‘have’ ‘bipolar disorder’ without two sets of scare quotes and I sometimes…idk…smile at thoughts of mine like ‘I really thought having a severe mental illness would be more interesting’ or something like that. but, in the end, some things clearly haven’t been working out in my life time and again (perfectly encapsulated by my mother when I told her I’d drop out of my PhD program to move back to Europe and if I can move in with her for a while: “yeah, don’t worry about any of that. but please just stop resetting your life every 4-5 years”) — I feel like even though I have developed quite the aversion of turning this diagnosis into a part of my personality, I also don’t feel like I’m insecure about the question whether or not ‘something is up’, you know? — ok, this was very rambly now
submitted by LajosvH to ContraPoints [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:13 StyleNP Looking for a podcast to bring to live radio

Hey all, I'm Style. This year after almost 5 years broadcasting our flagship show on other radio stations we started our own. We have made a few programing blocks that are either filled with live shows or podcasts to broadcast on air. We are currently looking for professional sounding podcasts that may be interested in bwing broadcast on the radio. Something fun and light is ideal. We just came up to the end of a deal with a former morning show and the hosts decided to part ways so we have a slot open! If anyone has recommendations we'd love to hear! Thank you
submitted by StyleNP to podcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:11 Amelia_Hiraedu GMAT Exam Help Reddit How to cheat on the GMAT Reddit Gre Exam Test Help Reddit PearsonVUE - OnVUE Hack Lockdown Browser OEM bypass - Lockdown Browser bypass Reddit Proctorio Bypass Examplify Bypass - Exam Soft Bypass Reddit Nursing School Exam Help Reddit GRE GMAT Exam Help Taker Reddit

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2024.06.05 02:03 Psychedelic-Yogi Please... Contribute Ideas for our Upcoming Ketamine Ceremony!

Please... Contribute Ideas for our Upcoming Ketamine Ceremony!
Please help us create something beautiful and beneficial! Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
I am collaborating with a group that includes a pair of ketamine therapists and a social worker who is active in psychedelic circles. We've been invited to submit a proposal for a small-group ketamine ceremony. This would happen at a venue in the City that is perfectly set up -- the space, the sound, the lighting -- for psychedelic ceremonies. It's a great opportunity!
Here is an outline of the features of our ceremony. (It has to happen in a single day.) Questions are included, but you can make your own out-of-the-box suggestions or raise your own questions.
1) Overarching Theme
I've considered these: Acceptance of Death, Energy Balancing, and Mystical Revelation. Can you think of other possible themes? Or would you suggest omitting an overarching theme so the focus will be more personal?
2) Ceremonial Vibe
This will be supported by the space, which is very beautiful and evokes psychedelic experience.
We'd like to create a sense of meaning and community, while avoiding any specific tradition or religious practice. We may use science -- reflections on the physical universe, the atoms that comprise ketamine, the mystery of near-death experience, etc. -- to conjure awe, wonder, and deep curiosity.
What would you suggest, to support this kind of vibe? Supportive and infused with meaning, but without specific religious figures, icons, practices...
3) Transpersonal/Universal Intention-Setting
This is a key feature. While intention-setting is all the rage in the psychedelic-healing community, it generally refers to personal intentions. Folks at an Aya retreat, for example, will usually reflect on people and events in their lives and progress they'd like to make.
Our intention-setting will be universal (inspired by Tibetan Dream Yoga). What are some possibilities? "May we practice together in community"? "May we breathe deeply and let go completely of our exhalations"? What universal intention would inspire you, build your motivation and focus?
4) Yogic Practices
Possibilities include asanas (gentle stretches and postures, though the space isn't optimal for this), pranayama (breath work), meditation, chakra scans, mudras (hand positions) and exotica like the Buddhist Half Smile practice.
We will be using nasal spray, and the dosage will be in the mid range. My questions for you: What yogic practices do you find most beneficial? And when would you prefer to practice them -- before the journey, during the come-up, during the come-down, etc.?
Are there any other body-mind practices you'd suggest?
5) Setting
Food, music, lights, tea, incense...?
The space is physically optimal -- Lots of cushions on the floor, subtle lighting and great sound. What elements would help make our ceremony truly special?
6) Integration
What's the best way to integrate the benefits of the experience, given it's a one-day thing? We are considering Musical Integration, journaling, and remote check-ins. There are also the "foundational" practices of Dream Yoga, which are excellent for building awareness in the course of everyday life.
7) Other Suggestions
Bring 'em! Feel free to reach way outside-the-box. We want the experience to be special and unique, while supporting the healing goals of participants.
THANK YOU for any suggestions you've got! Maybe one day my collaborators and I will be able to bring this sort of small-group ceremony to your town!
Ketamine-State Yoga
submitted by Psychedelic-Yogi to KetamineStateYoga [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:53 doanworks [For Hire] Full Stack Software Developer With a Background in Accounting and Business Management

Hi, my name is Jay and I'm currently located in Oklahoma (CST/GMT-6).


With a degree in accounting and roughly a decade of full-time experience managing businesses ranging from startups to publicly traded corporations, not only do I come with a better understanding of your product needs outside of just the code, but I can help you plan your project in a way that makes sense for you or your business, including:

Skills and Experience

I have been programming for 9 years, freelancing for 8, and working full-time as a Software Engineer for 6. All skills listed come from successful professional experience and represent technologies I'm fully comfortable building from scratch and deploying (in no particular order).

Work and Availability

I can work with any time zone (located in US Central) and offer both hourly rate contracts and fixed-quote contracts.

Contact Me

You can reach me here on Reddit, through my website, or by email at
submitted by doanworks to Jobs4Bitcoins [link] [comments]