Loan officer mission statements


2024.06.05 19:15 beauty_everywhere STATEMENT FROM YZY

STATEMENT FROM YZY submitted by beauty_everywhere to ThroughTheWire [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:14 beauty_everywhere STATEMENT FROM YZY TEAM

STATEMENT FROM YZY TEAM submitted by beauty_everywhere to Kanye [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:13 DazzlingMethod4074 Join CaliLifeRP: The Ultimate Los Angeles RP Experience! Streamer Friendly Realistic Economy

Join CaliLifeRP: The Ultimate Los Angeles RP Experience! Streamer Friendly Realistic Economy
Looking for an immersive and dynamic FiveM server? Look no further! Welcome to CaliLifeRP, a Los Angeles-based RP server that's constantly evolving to bring you the best roleplay experience. What's New and Exciting at CaliLifeRP? LAPD and LAFD are Hiring!
  • Whether you're looking to serve and protect as an officer of the LAPD or save lives with the LAFD, we have open positions and are actively recruiting. Get involved in intense police chases, intricate investigations, and thrilling fire rescue missions!
Housing Coming Soon!
  • Dreaming of owning a home in Los Angeles? Our housing system is on its way, allowing you to purchase and decorate your own slice of the city.
Diverse Job Opportunities:
  • Legal Jobs: From running your own business to working at one of our many establishments, there's a career path for everyone.
  • Illegal Jobs: Dive into the underworld with jobs that range from street racing to elaborate heists.
Player-Owned Businesses:
  • Ever wanted to be your own boss? Now's your chance! Our server supports player-owned businesses, giving you the freedom to create and manage your enterprise.
  • Gather your crew and plan the perfect heist. With high stakes and even higher rewards, it's the ultimate test of your RP skills.
Fun Clothing for All Peds:
  • Express yourself with our extensive wardrobe options. Style your character with the latest trends and unique outfits.
New Cars Coming Soon:
  • We're always adding new vehicles to keep the driving experience fresh and exciting. Stay tuned for our latest additions!

Join Our Growing Community!

We're not just a server; we're a community. To keep things running smoothly and to continue growing, we're looking for active players and dedicated staff members. If you're passionate about RP and want to help boost our name, we'd love to have you on board! How to Join:
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Whether you're a seasoned roleplayer or just starting, CaliLifeRP has something for everyone. Come be a part of our story and help us build something amazing!
Looking forward to seeing you in the city!
CaliLifeRP Team
submitted by DazzlingMethod4074 to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:08 Beginning_Low7753 what was your personal statement topic?

i’m a high school senior and my stats are great, but i’m really struggling with my personal statement. not trying to steal topics obviously, just want to try gauging what my essay should show to admission officers. if you have any tips i would appreciate it as well!
submitted by Beginning_Low7753 to ufl [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:01 IAmMalenia Loan officer (credit union) advising against Owners Title Insurance

What do you guys think of this?
I have two lenders I am talking to, one credit union and one local bank.
Credit union says Owners Title ($450) is a waste of money.
Bank says it's a requirement for their loan, and they wouldn't suggest going without it.
If the credit union officer is wrong couldn't I sue him for telling me through text that I shouldn't do it because it is a "waste". Hit loan does have the lenders title insurance.
Who is right here? Who would you roll with? Both are offering the same rate (6.5) but the credit union closing costs are $1000 cheaper
submitted by IAmMalenia to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:53 TheSmogmonsterZX Black Sheep Family - Part 56 - We don’t abandon family. (BSF #56)

Black Sheep Family
Part 56
Arc 6
We don’t abandon family.
"Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." ~ Lilo, Lilo & Stitch
Saturday February 25, 2079
Cassandra was huddled between Alan and Endara in the open and pleasant looking waiting room of Doctor Sheila Sindra, the family’s therapist for group sessions. Danny was either asleep or supremely focused, but his light snoring lent evidence to sleeping. Agatha was on her phone typing furiously and glaring at Danny. Anna was on Alan’s opposite side, reading a book on animals of the amazon.
Cassandra was almost bored enough to lean over to Anna to see if they could read the book together, but her nervousness prevented her. She was still slightly uncomfortable with doctors, but this place felt safe and her parents were sticking near her. Then she reached out and “knocked” at Anna’s senses. Soon she was reading the book through Anna’s eyes.
About ten minutes later the door opened and another family left. Alan stood up and let Endara guide the family in, he followed behind, taking a seat in a circle of chairs. Anna and Cassandra both took a chair opposite of him. Endara sat next to Cassandra on the opposite side. Agatha sat next to Anna and Danny was between his eldest sister and his mother. Dr. Sindra squeezed in and wheeled in on her simple office chair.
“Well, I see the Quains are growing.” Dr. Sindra smiled, “Hello, I’m Dr. Sindra and I want you to know you’re safe here. You don’t have to talk unless you want to.”
Cassandra stared at the woman and blinked, “I’m being dissolved by my own DNA. I’m not ‘safe’ anywhere.”
“We’re gonna fix that.” Alan said as he hugged his newest child.
“Yeah.” Anna nodded, “Like Bubbles said, ‘No one gets left behind.’”
Danny blinked, “Bubbles said that?”
Anna nodded, “It was at Christmas, he was talking about a family in Hawaii that his grandfather worked with. Was oddly secretive though.”
“He was talking about the concept of Ohana.” Dr. Sindra smiled, “It’s perfect for this because it’s not limited to blood relatives.”
Anna nodded and smiled proudly, “I’m not gonna let anyone take my sister.”
Endara nodded and squeezed Cassandra closer. “You’ll be fine.”
Cassandra sighed, “Doesn’t feel like it.”
Danny sighed, “Because we don’t know for sure. We’re all hopeful though. And confident. Unlike Gravitas.”
Dr. Sindra turned to Danny, “The man who took control of your school and wrecked the front.”
Alan cleared his throat. “I uh, I ruined the front to be honest. They had just won and I had arrived fashionably late.”
Danny nodded, completely serious as he addressed the question. “His apartment was empty and that's because the cops that walked in mysteriously returned before realizing they hadn’t done anything there. Uncle Stephen’s just as concerned.”
“Speaking of Stephen, he has chosen not to come to today’s session I see.” Dr. Sindra noted.
Alan nodded, “He was afraid he’d get too angry about Gravitas. He’s the one that put Cassie into this situation.”
Dr. Sindra sighed and nodded.
“He’s going to go over it with his personal psychologist.” Endara advised, “He’s also incredibly focused on ensuring the trip to Brazil goes off flawlessly.”
“I’d heard about that.” Dr. Sindra smiled, “Part of helping your daughter is it?”
Anna nodded, “We have to traverse the MOTFA.”
Agatha focused on her sister. “What?”
“Middle of the friggin’ Amazon.” Anna smiled. “I switched a word out.”
“Yeah.” Danny nodded, “Save our sister, then find Gravitas.”
Alan nodded and sighed. “We have to succeed.”
Anna stood up on her chair. “We have the world’s strongest telekinetic! We have Uncle Stephen who can turn things to glass, or whatever he wants! We have Endara who is so strong it’s not funny! We also have Bubbles who isn’t gonna stop until he gets Cassandra fixed!” Anna crossed her arms and dropped into her seat once more. “We can’t possibly lose!”
“You forgot yourself kiddo.” Alan snorted, “You and that dragon of yours.”
“We’re gonna be on bodyguard duty.” Anna nodded and smiled at Cassandra.
Cassandra smiled back, her confidence in survival rising all the more as her sister continued to rally the family.
Sunday February 26, 2079
The next day the family was up early at six in the morning and at the airport by eight. They didn’t have to wait through a long line as Cedric Meissner had lent his private jet to the family for the purpose of the mission. The family was grateful as neither of the Quain brothers had ever thought to buy one and did not want to have to deal with overzealous security on a more public flight. Still they did have to check bags and wait for the plane to be fueled.
It was during this time that the news flashed an important announcement, that the Central Dross police station had been robbed. Hundreds of pieces of evidence had been stolen, among them was all of the evidence from the assault on Thrush’s Academy. Danny stared at the television in rage as he clenched his fist.
On the plane he was sitting across from his father and uncle, partially to give his sisters and mother time to talk and partially to just try and cool down and be left alone. That didn’t work as Bubbles soon sat next to him and immediately picked up on Danny’s mood.
“Something wrong?” Bubbles asked in his usual stoic tone.
Alan paid close attention to his son at that moment. “Saw the news, didn’t you?”
Danny huffed and nodded. “He’s fucking laughing at us.” He hissed in anger.
“Probably.” Alan nodded, “They all think they can escape, but they can only run and delay the end. That’s the thing about villains and super villains. They think they’re better than everyone, that they deserve to have it their way. But we always prove them wrong, they always slip up because they’re always on the run and always dodging out of identities or hidey holes. Granted some of them just got some wires crossed and just need some help, but you mostly find those in the basic and gimmick criminals.”
“Yeah...” Danny shook his head. “Look I don’t want to talk about it right now, okay?”
Alan nodded, “You know where I am for the next, what eight hours?”
“Ten.” Bubbles said, “Stopping to charge.”
“Right, planes actually eat fuel cells.” Alan sighed.
Danny was silent for a moment. “Dad, have you ever met anything inhuman, like no-humanoid, I guess?”
Alan paused, “This about the whole you meeting something on the other side?”
Danny nodded.
“Once.” Alan said, “Definitely not humanoid. I was fifteen or so. I had gotten cocky with a villain called Freestyle, he was an anarchist like Blunt Force, but had powers to turn sound effects into attacks. He caught me off guard and kidnapped me, put me in a restraint collar...”
“You will note that is a common trend for your father’s early adventures.” Stephen smiled.
“At least I didn’t get taken in by the ‘Alien Princess’ scam.” Alan smirked.
Stephen paused in obvious frustration. “Continue.” He sighed.
“Well, I woke up in some larger than average piece of shit shack. Freestyle was really quiet until I tried to escape, then he cracked me in the face with what I’m pretty sure was some invisible bat bullshit. Next thing I knew he was screaming and then his body dropped to the ground without a head.”
Bubbles paid attention after that, slowly closing his tablet’s news section.
“Well the creature was big, built like a fuckin’ Clydesdale but with reptillian-ish skin. Still had a mane. Its mouth was like Salem’s but ten times worse with two large pincers on either side that had Freesstyle’s had skewered on either side.” Alan paused and noticed his family was now paying full attention to his story. He smiled and shook his head. “I was pretty sure I was dead. I locked up in fear and almost freaked out when it approached, then it bit into and tore the collar off. Then it just went away.”
Stephen stared at his brother. “You said a mountain lion surprised him.”
“Yeah because telling the news a monster saved me was going to...” Alan paused and felt around his pockets. “Damnit, where did I put it!” He felt around his jacket and pulled out a few slips of paper. “Anna, Cassie. Got these for you a while back. Kept forgetting to give them to you.”
Anna took her slip of paper and squealed in joy. Cassandra smiled as she saw hers.
“You got MantiKat’s autograph!?” Anna giggled, “How?”
“Got called to help her when she was on the lake. Episode won’t be out for a bit, got curtailed for evidence.” Alan smiled, “But she was happy and thankful. The thing she wears, less so but it was grumpy.”
“Byte’s adorable.” Cassandra smiled.
Alan stared at his daughter and shook his head. They were weird, but they were his and he would love them until the end of forever.
The flight was easy and gentle, which the entire family was thankful for. They got through customs with minimal issues, their passports marked Alan, Endara, and Stephen as licensed heroes from America, and that drew attention. Alan did his best to keep a rush of fans from getting to his family, but a few overzealous individuals got past him and met the very stern arms of Bubbles who turned them right around.
After fighting their way through the crowds of fans and a few newscasters that caught the Quains arriving they finally arrived at the hotel they would be staying in while in Manaus. They got into the lobby with not trouble at all and Jazz was waiting with the Black Sheep Company crew that Alan had chosen to personally assist with this emergency.
“Greetings Sir.” A man dressed for jungle traversal held out his hand as he approached Alan.
“Tanner.” Alan nodded, “We good to go tomorrow?”
Tanner “Tagalong” Mannith was a muscular man, built like a soldier, an obvious deep scar ran along his right arm with a wrap covering the majority of the old wound. He bore the darker skin and the accent of the country, but the accent was dulled from years of working around the globe. A machete was kept on the side of his legs. His face was mostly shaved, except for a rough five o’clock shadow and his eyes were intense and focused.
“We’re good sir.” Tanner nodded.
“Alan.” Alan corrected his subordinate. “No powers in this group, right?”
“Not unless you count Grant’s ability to scare wildlife after a meal.” Tanner said with a straight face.
A large and pale man stood at the rear of the lobby, doing his best to appear intimidating. He would occasionally divert his attention down the halls and help the hotel workers with heavy items or moving carts.
Alan smiled, “Good, we won’t be using our powers much, don’t want to tip too much of our hand.”
Tanner nodded, “All due respect, your wife is half-infernal. Whatever things are there, will know she’s coming.”
“Good.” Endara stood up and took off her heavier top to reveal a black tank top and her own muscular frame.
Alan stared at her like a smitten teenage boy.
“We have Miss Abarwa as the main medic.” Stephen joined the conversation. “A good choice, second in her class, good marks and a desire to make sure others survive without a death wish herself.”
Stephen watched the Middle-Eastern woman check her rifle over several times. She had her medic’s uniform off to the side and several makeshift splints hanging from her backpack. She looked more prepared than any of the others going on this mission.
“Yasmin’s got heart, but she will gun down an insurgent as soon as she sights them. Thankfully we don’t expect any here.” Tanner nodded.
“Don’t expect much talking out of Innmuth.” Jazz snorted.
Alan tilted his head. “That’s a funky name.”
“She’s got her secrets, but she’s the best cartographer and techie for jungle travel. Picked up lidar reads of the area.” Tanner nodded.
Maggie Innmuth was busy helping the Quain teens get to their rooms. She didn’t say much but was very clearly paying attention to Anna’s endless chatter about animals she and Cassandra wanted to see. She smiled and nodded mostly, her own reddish blonde hair was bound back in a bun and a radio was strapped to her left arm.
“Ollie been handling being back okay?” Alan asked as he watched for the young hero in training.
“Ollie’s been a champ.” Tanner smiled, “Somehow that seventeen year old knows more about my home than I do.”
“Ollie’s powers let him communicate with nature.” Alan explained, “And we don’t know the distance on that.”
“Alan, I’m going to see if the kids want to eat out or not.” Endara said as she tired her shirt around her waist.
“I’d advise eating in. Right now the area’s peaceful, but they got their own villains and such down here that don’t play by your family’s rules.” Tanner said with a nod. “Got a really nasty piece of work called Mandíbula, Snapjaw internationally. Kidnaps rich families and holds them hostage with bombs strapped to kids.”
Alan nodded, “Eat in it is.” He then grinned as he looked over at Stephen and Bubbles, “You guys wanna help me pick up dinner for the family?”
“He’s going to cause problems.” Bubbles sighed.
Stephen nodded, “I would love to.”
Bubbles looked at the twins and sighed, “Someone needs to make sure you don’t get too crazy.”
Tanner laughed, “My friends, be careful that’s the kind of talk that provokes men like Mandíbula.”
Alan smiled and seemed to vibrate in anticipation.
“Alan, no provoking international incidents.” Stephen smiled gently at his twin.
“That’s my job.” Jazz smiled.”I’ll come too once we get all the orders.”
Alan nodded and handed his sister a card, “Get it for all of us, and see if the hotel folks want a free meal. Least we can do for turning their lobby into a prep stage for an expedition.”
“Hotel Manager volunteered it when he heard it was to save a kid.” Tanner nodded, “But I will pass on the offer. They got a bar too, if you want anything.”
Alan shook his head, “Maybe after we save my kid, can’t afford a foggy head right now.”
Tanner nodded in understanding and walked off with Jazz.
Alan noticed Endara had left to talk to their children as well. Stephen took a moment and went to the bar with Bubbles. Alan watched the agent keep a lingering eye on him, he smiled, he knew Bubbles was concerned about the mental states of the family and Alan in particular was feeling drained by the near constant barrage their lives had been subject to as of late. He just wouldn’t give in, it wasn’t in his nature to snap under pressure. He would bend, buckle and bruise until the end, but never break. He sighed and went to follow his wife.
When he got upstairs he found his family talking with Maggie Innmuth, or rather Anna was still chattering and Cassandra and Cxaltho had joined her. Endara looked amused as she watched the two youngest carry on. Danny looked up with eyes begging for a merciful reprieve from the chatter. Agatha was asleep on a couch. Alan sat on the arm of the couch Agatha was asleep on.
“We’re gonna order out, Tanner, the expedition leader and Aunt Jazz will come around for orders. We don’t get to be picky here.” Alan explained.
“I hope it’s a local restaurant!” Anna smiled.
“Your kids are...” Maggie spoke for the first time, her voice was little more than a whisper, but it carried enough to be heard. “Well they’re energetic.”
Alan nodded. “Thanks for putting up with these two. I know they can be a bit much.”
Maggie smiled, “Good kids. Energetic, but good.” She stood up, “Gonna go find the two taking orders. I’ll report back on where we’re getting from.” She nodded and left.
The next morning the Quain family was up early and gathered with their expedition’s forces. Yasmine started fast and took vitals on as many people as she could. Cassandra has to explain that she would be a difficult case due to not having a traditional body structure. Maggie flat out refused and almost got into a fist fight with the medic before Alan stepped in and broke them apart.
Once the group was fully ready they piled into the two vehicles, powerful trucks, that took them down the roads a few hours. When the trucks stopped the drivers got out and helped unload the packs. Alan also grabbed a heavy rucksack and watched as Endara took the spare radio and medical equipment. Then they waited and soon Ollie Simmons walked out of the jungle. He waved and smiled.
“We’re good to go, the village is willing to have us!” Ollie shouted, “And you’ll get to see how they live. It’s really a life changing experience.”
The family and their guards approached and most looked around cautiously before entering. Once they crossed the boundary though Cassandra began to cough and convulse. Anna quickly helped her sister stand and Cxaltho coiled around Anna’s arms as he too began to cough. Then they both vomited a black sludge.
“What is that?” Yasmine asked.
“It’s her cellular structure.” Stephen said. “Broken down and tossed away. They know we’re coming.”
Alan nodded and hugged his daughter close. “Well, then they'd better start practicing their apologies.”
“Cassandra, what do we do with it?” Bubbles asked.
Cassandra wiped her mouth and Cxaltho rubbed his own against Anna’s shirt. “Glass it. I’ll have to eat a big dinner I guess.” She tried to smile, but found she couldn’t. “Just don’t leave it.”
Stephen nodded and touched the masses, turning them to solid granite.
“Still scary as shit to watch.” Tanner shuddered.
“Good.” Stephen stood and hugged his niece. “Let’s not waste any time, yes?”
“No.” Yasmin said, “Clear a spot, I want to check her. No arguments, I need something to measure against.”
“Volume.” Stephen nodded, “Trust me Cassandra?”
Cassandra smiled and nodded as she followed her uncle. She ended up basically stepping onto a special scale that Yasmin had on hand. Stephen helped her take notes and provided an estimation on the volume and mass lost from the attack. Not long after that the group began to move again, Only Endara passed off the extra medical bag to Bubbles and insisted on carrying her daughter. Cassandra did not argue, she was too tired and honestly was happy to be held close by her mother. A new and wonderful sensation she hoped would continue past this adventure. Anna walked beside them both, keeping a constant eye and ear out for danger with Hong Long coiled around her neck and also staying alert, they also tried to keep Cassandra entertained.
Ahead of the group Ollie was trailblazing with Tanner and Jazz. Well they were trailblazing, Ollie was simply walking and the plants parted for him on his approach. Jazz nodded in approval, but Tanner was clearly nervous.
“Is this magic?” Tanner asked. “I’ve been out here as a kid, saw a shaman use vines to twist a man in half.”
“Magic isn’t the right word for it.” Ollie sighed as he gently patted a series of nasty looking plant bulbs, “Magic is about ritual, formula and willpower manipulating reality. This is me asking the planet, the earth, the plants, animals even, to help.”
“Neat.” Jazz nodded, “That’s actually really cool.”
“I think Cassandra got the same powers, sort of.” Ollie said. “I just don’t know how or who managed that.”
“GOBAL, through horrifying experiments.” Jazz nodded, “Combined her DNA with well, whatever Cxaltho is and this Blood of Gaia, at least that’s Stephen’s theory. How about you?”
Ollie nodded, “Fair is fair. I won’t value another’s life over the secrecy I was sworn to, that’d be a betrayal of what I was given the powers for.” He sighed, “I was about seven, maybe eight and my dad brought my mom and I to help fight a native relocation. I was having fun with the kids of the village. Well, I was a dumb kid and separated from them. I was lost and it got dark. I fell into cenote and it had a whirlpool and I got sucked into it.”
“Damn.” Tanner, “How’d you survive?”
“Who says I did.” He laughed and shook his head with a vicious smile, “Anyway, I woke up with weird green patches on my body...” He rolled up his sleeve where markings like vines snaked across his arm, then pointed to the patches on his neck that looked like leaves. “After that I spoke to the lady who lived there. She called the place ‘The Glade’ and had its guardian escort me out.”
“Someone we should be worried about?” Tanner asked.
Ollie shook his head, “We’re not here to destroy, despoil or demean the land. We just want to save Cassandra, he’ll understand that.”
Jazz nodded, “Is this Guardian going to be easy to spot?”
Ollie gave a smaller, but still vicious grin. “If you see him first, yeah.”
Tanner continued his pace before looking over to Jazz, “Nice kid, creepy smile.”
Jazz shook her head, “I’ve seen worse.”
The group would travel for two more days. Cassandra would quickly take to walking again, but was easily winded, slowed and sometimes just unable to move. On the dawn of the second day Alan pulled out a small rectangular device from his pack, it looked almost like a phone, at least until he sat it down and plugged in the satellite phone to it. Then it grew into a door sized frame and locked itself into place. Then the space between the frame filled with what seemed like an image. Then the tall frame Vile stepped through and into the Amazon jungle. He carried with him multiple packs and rushed back for several more before he waved to the watching form of Stella Meissner and the strange doorway closed.
“Diving gear.” Tanner noted, “Was wondering about how you planned to navigate a cenote.”
“And an Icathian.” Maggie Innmuth glared at Vile, who seemed to either ignore her or not register the glare.
Vile nodded his head, “I will be taking the lead on the dive, just in case we are attacked from the front.”
“I got the rear then.” Tanner nodded and pulled out a small rebreather from a side pocket. “Always be ready for bullshit when in the Amazon.”
“Once we get to the village, we’re gonna take a day then head to the cenote.” Alan nodded, “”This one got a name Ollie?”
Ollie nodded, “The Fool’s Well.”
“I suddenly don’t like this place.” Grant said with a nervous laugh.
“Relax, I survived falling in as a kid.” Ollie smiled.
“I thought you didn’t.” Tanner frowned.
“Who can say, I was alive when I woke up.” Ollie smiled, “But we’ll be fine, the Guardian will likely be helping us.”
Cassandra was sitting with Anna when Vile approached her and kneeled down.
“Hi.” Cassandra smiled.
“I will fight to ensure your survival and failing that I will ensure you are avenged and buried properly.” Vile bowed his head.
Cassandra paused and Cxaltho’s jaw dropped. Anna just gave a deep sigh and shook her head.
“Thank you.” Cassandra nodded politely, “You still have problems talking to people, don’t you?”
Vile stiffened for a moment before slowly nodding.
“We both appreciate the thought.” Cassandra smiled, “But vengeance doesn’t help here.”
Vile nodded and stood once again, he looked at Alan and grabbed a case of diving gear.
Alan nodded, “All right, let’s pick up and go.” Alan said as he focused and levitated all of the extra diving equipment.
“What happened to low power usage?” Agatha asked.
“Required, no extra bodies to carry it.” Alan said. “And no, we aren’t summoning a fire goat in the Amazon.”
Agatha gave a huff, “It’d be so cool!”
“Not really.” Danny scoffed, “We’d be in the world’s largest tinder pile.”
“It’s all wet.” Agatha argued.
“Remind me, doesn’t Baaphomet breathe hellfire?” Alan asked.
“Right, yeah...” Agatha sighed, “Okay, point made. Should probably use the spells Professor Illidae has been teaching me.”
“We also have a potentially large dragon.” Anna suggested.
“Who glows.” Danny said, “Not great for keeping a low profile. Dad can at least make his TK invisible.”
Anna puffed her cheeks up in anger as she quickly took stride to be next to Cassandra once again.
Danny stared in confusion at his sister.
“Welcome to treachery.” Alan smiled at his son.
“Ahh...” Danny nodded, “Now I get it.”
“No you don’t.” Agatha laughed.
Danny sighed, “I really don’t.”
“Your family is weird.” Maggie snorted as she stood behind the teens.
“Thanks, it’s in the blood.” Agatha cackled wildly at her own joke.
In the distance two yellow eyes focused on the group. They were loud and noisy, but the Guardian could smell the sick one and he felt the power of another Guardian. He would watch them closely as they approached the village. Then, if he needed to, he would act.
The First Story
Previous Part! //// [Next Part!]()
Arc 1 - Black Sheep Family - Arc 1, First Chapter
Arc 2 - Paradigm Shift - Arc 2, First Chapter
Arc 3 - Gravitas Rising Arc 3, First Chapter
Arc 4 - The Director’s Chair Arc 4, First Chapter
Arc 5- The School War Arc 5, First Chapter
Credit where Credit is due:
Kyton & Cassandra Quain are © u/TwistedMind596
Obsidian is © u/Ultimalice
Ixton the Blade of the Wielder is © My friend Forged of Souls who does not use reddit
Furnace is © my friend Matt who does not use reddit
Cedric Stein Meissner aka Tesseract is © my friend James, who does not use reddit.
All other characters and Dross City are © u/TheSmogMonsterZX
//// The Voice Box ////
Smoggy: Oh, I forgot where this arc started...
Perfection: Yeah and you have the dime store kothoga in it too...
Smoggy: Quiet! They might not recognize the description!
Wraith: Well now they will.
Smoggy: (grumble)
DM: Working on GSD now?
Smoggy: If I can find the energy and the will. So much stuff has been canceled for my games and I'm actively looking for a new job. Things might get wonky for a bit.
Perfection: And its June. Been a while. (Clicks on the rainbow disco light)
Smoggy: But we're always safe for anyone to be around.
Wraith: Except Nazis.
Perfection: (twangs a string of fate and smiles) Perfectly punchable Nazis.
DM: No superhero story is complete without punching at least one out.
submitted by TheSmogmonsterZX to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:45 SureKangaroo2947 Looking to File Bankruptcy (Navient Private Loan, National Debt Relief Issue, etc)

I am 34 years old, and looking to file bankruptcy. I have an appointment tomorrow and on Friday with different Bankruptcy lawyers to talk through my details. However, I am not sure what will come of any of this. I got myself into this hole, but not just because of the actions of me.
-20K in Private Student Loan: Navient (originally Chase)
-49K in unsecured Debt (Credit Card/Payday)
-79K Federal Student loan (Im already paying $0/month for Income and have 15 months left before PSLF)
In March, I signed up with National Debt Relief, not wanting to fill out bankruptcy and wanting to pay it off. Last week, they negotiated a credit card debt of $16K down to only 7, but then when you add their 24% off the original, I am paying 12K back - so lot of their fees. When I signed up, there were two I was needing to add and was told to get the information and send to them. I did that, and then they jumped my bi-weekly payment up another $150 - and to add onto that, they werent going off the written off amount on credit, they went off the terms of the loan document of what I would pay off at end of loan - which added another 4K. So essentially they were looking to get the 24% off the loan terms, not what is actually owned and in collections. This was big red flag, I mean they didnt do that for the other accounts when I set it up. They were really rude on the phone, and ultimately it just rubbed off wrong.
So I started looking at Bankruptcy... I want to be clear, that I dont see this as a get out of jail free card and I fully understand the impact it would have. However, it would give me opportunity to walk away paying some or minimal, and finally being able to take care of my healthcare needs and getting a service dog for my disability.
Here is some info about me and my circumstances, which make me hopeful, but also that the process will go nowhere.
Questions/Concerns: - I keep hearing about the difficulty of Private Student Loans being dismissed or restructured in Bankruptcy, to the point where I dont think it is possible. This one in particular has been killing me. Reading about what is qualified and not online, it is quite confusing. However, I am thinking that since it was paid out to me and in excess of actual tuition cost that this would qualify for dismissal or restructure. I also know I need to meet hardship, which I am trying to take care of my PTSD to pay for therapy, doctors, and get service dog - so I feel like that should count? I dont have a terminal disease, but I also read how the proving hardship is difficult as hell.
For 10 years, I made my Private Student Loan payment on-time. Not missing any. Year ago I applied for hardship, was given 6 months of lower payments. Well, at the end of the 6 months, my payments went up above what I was paying before. Payed few months, but struggled. Applied again, even asking to extend the term of my loan or to get some other lower payment. Was told no. So for the past 3 months, I have been paying nothing and it is now delinquent. In these three months, I have gotten repeated phone calls daily, often 2-3 a day. The numbers are not labeled as Navient and come from across the country in different area codes so no way to know who it is. I talked to them, told them what was happening, asked for help - and they would say "labeling it as refusal to pay". When I talked to them about getting phone calls during work hours and multiple times a day, I later talked to a manager who said they could call as many times as they see fit till I pay and there is no laws saying they cant.
How did I get here?
Graduating college in 2013, I learned that a family member had taken out loans and unpaid bills in my name which amounted to close to $20,000. This family member signed my name on documents, and even took things out before I was 18. This family member, single mother, i learned even got money from family over the years amounting in over $40,000. This debt taken in my name, significantly affected my ability to go into my field as I was unable to go for masters which was required, I couldnt apply for similar jobs in field because of credit history and the judgements in my name, or even to afford basic work in the field due to apprentice and the low pay. I went into a different field, and used my schooling to go into EMT field, which I pulled shifts when ever I could. I actually liked EMT and was going to do that, but I couldnt afford to just get an apartment with the bills and trying to clear up the debt from family member.
Basically rest of family just acknowledged it as they had been giving money and saying it was to help raise me and sister and shared I should just get over it. That it wasnt a surprise. 10 years later they are upset with me for not making them more of a priority and me working all the time - completely ignoring why I have had to work as hard as I do.
Over 5 years, I paid off or settled debt or disputed as much as I could I did this while working and paying the minimum on all my own bills and paid off some of my other small loans for college. In this 10 years since graduating, I took care of debt that wasnt mine to improve my credit score while also meeting my own obligations, but I know now that despite budgeting and doing things, I was just treading water and led me into my own mess. During those 10 years, I sold blood plasma to pay for food and pulled shifts as an EMT while working a fulltime job.I was burnt out, but my full time job provided me with housing so I didnt need to worry about roof over my head, but as a salary for the position, there was over 50-60 hour work weeks throughout the year, which limited my ability to just do one thing.
My second year as an EMT, I was attacked by people I worked with after reporting stealing of drugs/money by a paramedic. I didnt report it, because those involved included a police officer, and the person I reported it too. I guess I should have been more aware of things and just walked away, and that I let personal life of what happened with mother impact my decision to report. However, I also know it was the right thing. Long story short, I walked away. Few years later I tried to go back, but would need to retake course and that was associates degree and money I didnt have to get into it. To have my life in the hands of those I worked with, who were supposed to have your back - it was scary. I still blame myself, because I didnt have their back by reporting. I went into a dark place. I had surgery for an unrelated health thing, and waking up from anesthesia evidently i fought medical staff and through psych consult was diagnosed with PTSD. I ran from this, as mental health was not something you talked about and was not something you discussed in my family. I couldnt pay for therapy or medication with the health insurance, with everything else. I hid it, worked through it to keep self busy. It was not healthy.
I changed jobs in new location, got better health insurance, was able to be SEEN and eventually got better through therapy and medication. I had taken care of the debt from mother, and was able to focus on clearing up my own stuff that I had only been making minimum payments on till that point. I even went on to get masters through my employment benefit to be therapist. Professors, clinical staff, practicum - they all saw what I could contribute in helping others process as I had learned to do and my life experiences helped me connect with people. Unfortunately, dealing with accommodation request at work, I was discriminated against and railroaded at work. Luckily through therapy, I had been recording meetings at work and I filed EEOC lawsuit and people were fired for what they did. It still wasnt a good place, coworkers were leaving left and right. I changed jobs again to live better life, but took a pay cut. I am still provided housing.
Now - I am struggling financially as well as to take care of myself. I started an Etsy business that went really well for 5 months, until USPS lost over 150 packages (later found) but I had issued refunds or sent out duplicates through UPS. It cut into everything I had saved up in the good months. Things are improving, but forums are filled with sellers talking about how slow it has been since February. When packages were lost, I submitted claims with USPS for the insurance and as I was waiting and trying to pay for resupply, I took out some personal loans. USPS denied claims, I filed appeals, it was nightmare. Then it came down to me not being able to pay the personal loans out. I dug myself into hole, and that is on me. I dont know how I could have done it differently, but I understand I failed.
So now, I am struggling to pay for therapy, to raise money for service dog which was recommended, to pay personal loans I took out, as well as my private student loan payment. I am cutting even with my Etsy business, as I am not losing or gaining - but that should improve as I have seen some improvements. However, I am throttling my sales for orders to limit them, so if there are more issues that I am not in a hole more.
I dont know what to do. I am hopeful with Bankruptcy to just get my private and credit cards restructures or eliminated, based on the fact I meat means test/dont own any assets - but what about the fact I dont actually pay any rent or own property. Will they basically just say that these are not forgiven and I just never get out of this?
I wish if I could go back in time, that I would have just done this back when i was dealing with the debt from my mother, because then I would be 10 years younger and could have just saved money to point where I could be at a place now where I had money saved, good credit, and ability to buy a home or rent.
submitted by SureKangaroo2947 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:45 paranrml-inactivity Has anyone out there returned to Toronto and been rejected by OHIP and had to appeal to the OERC?

Have you been through this insane process? Did you get your healthcare back? How long did it take?
I moved back here a year ago after a 13 year absence having been a resident for 37 years previously, and after reading some bs on the Service Ontario website that said I could apply for OHIP without a 3 month waiting period (I called 2x to confirm it with Service Ontario)...I went to apply with all the documentation requested and some extra JIC. When I got to the counter, I was interrogated, asked a bunch of questions about my bank statements, which they rejected because it didn't have enough transactions, cell phone bill not good enough... why didn't I have a lease, why I didn't have an employment contract? I was staying with family until I found a place--because it's so easy to find an affordable place to live, and super easy to find a job too!... I showed them the bill of lading from my moving company that showed my stuff being shipped here.
Anyway, I was denied OHIP, given a sheet of paper that said I was denied because I didn't make Ontario my home and I was told to fax(!!!) a whole bunch of personal information to a number with no additional information ...I called service Ontario, no one could tell me anything about the process at all.
This is still going on... I have two chronic illnesses and I've been paying out of pocket for medical appointments, I don't have a doctor. I can't see the specialists I need to because I don't have a health card.
I even emailed my MPP's office apparently the Service Ontario people somehow got information that said I was employed in the US by the USADL (I don't even know what that is and I wouldn't have been able to anyway because of my immigration status)... What??? Did they do a google search ? Did they just make it up??? Did you know Service Ontario is run by the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery? I didn't!
It's f***ing insane. I've had to hire a lawyer starting with a $2000 retainer--all because someone didn't like my face.
(after more than a decade of doing US Immigration stuff, I am always polite to people on the phone or behind a counter who are just trying to do their job)
tl:dr I've been denied OHIP for no good goddamn reason, and it's costing me my health, time and LOTS of $$$
submitted by paranrml-inactivity to askTO [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:42 CnRhin We Were Sent to Find an Ancient Weapon Called Human- Chapter 8

First Last
“We were wondering when you two were gonna show up.” The hulking purple Induran was waiting for them in the common room when Lizra and Human entered. “Y'all missed out on the great Tic-Tac-Argall adventure. Aw, ya’ should’a been there to see it! At one point we jumped through a window-”
“Yes but that was after you nearly stole that farmer’s prize livestock animal,” Tic-Tac chimed in.
“I couldn’t help myself, I mean did you see how adorable that thing was! To think he was going to eat the little guy, I couldn’t let that happen. And then when that one Quoran tried to buy you, thinking you were a comms array? Oh you were so pissed, I don't even know half the words you called him...A-are you okay Captain? You look like you’ve been crying?”
“Yes, I’m fine. Please keep going, we didn’t mean to interrupt your tale.” Lizra replied, reaching a paw up to her face to check if there were still tears.
“Well it wasn’t that awesome. You just had to have been there sorta thing.” Argall said, calming back down.
“We got everything you requested, Captain. Along with a few additional items that Zate had inquired about. All is safely aboard the ship in bay 2 if you would like to inspect any of it.” reported Tic-Tac.
“No I trust you two, I’m sure it’s everything we needed. I think I’m going to retire early tonight. We can leave first thing in the morning. The OF is expecting us back by now after I gave them the last update. If you need me, you know where to find me.” The small Elyrian went into her room and quietly shut the door behind her, leaving the three others alone in the common room.
“Is everything alright with Lizra? You didn’t run into any trouble out there, did you Human?” inquired Argall.
“No, nobody bothered us. It was just a long day. I think I’ll sleep here in the common room tonight, if that’s alright with you.” Human said, laying down across the bench seat next to the wall. As he did so the metal crunched underneath him but he didn’t seem to notice or care.
“Yea, of course, not my place to tell you no. Have you put on weight?” Argall asked, looking down and inspecting the bench. He piped back up again when he didn’t receive a response. “Riiiight, well since everyone’s settlin’ down so early, I think I’ll go keep Zate company for a bit at the helm. They need a break from working all the time anyway.” Argall stepped out, in the direction of the command room, the heavy footsteps echoed down the hallway with him.
“Your heart rate is much higher than normal. I take it that it was not as well as you said?” Tic-Tac asked from the table.
“No, it was a good day. I think I needed it. First day I've ever had off," He chuckled "Just, thinking some things over, that's all.” Human was laying down, his arm over his helmet to shield himself from the light.
“Would you like to talk about it?”
“No thanks.”
“Would you like me to put you to sleep for the night?”
“I can manage it on my own. Don’t worry about me.”
“Understood. I’m here if you need me for anything.”
“Thanks buddy.”
The Scav departed the following morning, set for the Elyrian home planet, Ailurus. After a few days' travel they finally broke into the outskirts of the system. Once an industrial world that specialized in manufacturing computer systems and ship hardware, it was now a fortress that served as the powerhouse of the OF’s military might. Scattered around the system were numerous shipyards and production centers that were constantly bustling with space traffic and naval exercises.
Upon nearing their final destination, Lizra called her crew together to prepare for their arrival. Standing on the table to command their attention, she spoke, “Since Zate already took care of getting us landing clearance, we should be arriving within a few moments. Once we’re down, Argall, you will be dismissed. I’ll reach out to you once we receive any new orders. Enjoy the time with your family, I know they’ll be happy to see you.”
“Much appreciated Cap’n. I told my brother Gurgall that we would be back in time for me to help him with a project ship he’s been struggling to get running for years. He needs my fine adjustment skills since he keeps breaking the damn thing.” Argall said, looking over at Tic-Tac with a grin.
“Send your brother my apologies.”
“For what?”
“For the fact that his ship isn’t going to see its maiden voyage anytime soon.” Tic-Tac quipped.
Argall chuckled at the comment and it was clear that the hostile tensions between the two from before had dissipated. “He should be glad I’m not bringing you along, otherwise he’d have his head in a dictionary the entire time as you try to talk him through it.”
Lizra laughed, glad that the two were finally playing nicely. She glanced over at Human, who was still nestled in the man-shaped indentation he had crushed into the bench. “If you had a paycheck, you’d be paying for that. But I suppose your help in escaping back when we first met is payment enough.” She sighed. “I asked you earlier if you would be willing to accompany me to my debriefing and explain your side of events. It would help my case when I have to tell them that the weapon we were sent to retrieve wasn’t a weapon at all.”
“I suppose that’d be the nice thing to do. When we’re done here, is there any chance I could get my own ship on this planet?” asked Human.
“Without money, no. However you may be able to cut a deal with the people I’m reporting to in order to get one. They’ll most likely make requests of you, but you have no obligation to actually fulfill them unless you desire to,” replied Lizra.
“Hmm, guess that dream’s a little more difficult than I thought it would be. I’ll hear 'em out, but I’m not gonna' promise anything.” Human replied, still seated on his back, staring at the ceiling.
“Tic-Tac, I’m going to assume you’ll be coming too?”
“Excellent, now that everyone knows what they’re doing, I’ll go check in with Zate before landing, make any final preparations that you may have.” Lizra finished the briefing and went to go see how the Extant was doing at the bridge. Opening the door, she found Zate wasn’t working as furiously as they had been during the previous leg of the journey. “So, do you have any plans on arrival?” she asked.
“Not particularly. We don’t enjoy being planetside very much. Our work can be completed from here” Zate responded quickly, casually tapping away at one of the interfaces. “I’ve already compiled and forwarded our mission report, our presence will not be necessary at the briefing.”
“You already sent it to them? I never got to look over the final draft. You know that was supposed to go through me first.” complained Lizra.
“We finalized it when you went onto Quori. When you returned you appeared fatigued, we did not feel it was necessary to burden you with a simple formality.” The Extant explained, keeping its attention focused on the interfaces.
“I do not appreciate you going over my head on this. It may have been a formality as you put it, but those reports are still one of my primary obligations.” She sighed exasperated, bringing a paw up to rub her face. “Anything additional that you included that I might need to know?”
“Nothing that we have not already briefed you on.”
“Alright then, well enjoy yourself while we’re gone, and keep The Scav in good shape. Is there anything that you’d like me to bring back for you?”
“No, all is well with us. We shall see you when you return.” Zate stated coldly, never once stopping her work to look at the captain.
The Scav made its final approach to a small OF base on the outskirts of one of the larger cities. The majority of the installation’s land was dedicated to the spaceport, it was filled with the hum of ships engines as they constantly arrived and departed in all directions. It was a kind of controlled chaos, consisting of narrow misses and quick departures, that could only be achieved by the Extants at the helm of every vessel.
Instead of landing in the center of the facility like the rest of the ships, The Scav settled down into an enclosed hangar embedded in the ground nearby. Lizra was still at the controls when she noticed how they had not landed in their usual dedicated space. “Zate, why were we cleared for an enclosed pad?”
“We have classified cargo aboard. It was at the request of your superiors that we exercise caution when bringing it planetside.” They said without hesitation.
“As I said before Zate, you have to notify me of these developments. And if you’re referring to our guests as the cargo, I’d rather you not. At least there’s less walking this way, I’m not complaining about that. We’ll talk about this when I return. I’ve given you too much leniency with your duties and you’ve been taking advantage of that far more often than I would prefer.” Lizra departed from the room, heading out to be the face of the ship when they all exited.
When The Scav finally touched down, it was accompanied by a large thud from above as the landing pad’s hatch closed. Lizra opened the cargo bay doors, and signaled for the ramp to be lowered to allow their departure. At the bottom, waiting for them, was a squad of heavily armed Indurans and Brunts, with heavy weapons pointed at the crew. Another Elyrian in a pristine white uniform was sat atop a small platform that hovered at eye level with the soldiers around him. He was positioned in the center of the squad and looked less than happy to see them.
“The one on the left, seize him. Isolate the remainder of the crew and search the ship. Leave the Extant.” He said curtly whilst looking upon the shocked expressions of Lizra’s group.
“Wait, what! What did we do? We’re returning from our mission. Ensign Marketh you sent us on this mission, what's the meaning of this?!” Lizra yelled down as the squad advanced towards them, weapons never leaving their targets.
“You will receive justification following the safe procurement of the weapon, and your subsequent debriefing. That will be all for now.” Ensign Marketh countered, while folding his arms in looking up at her with annoyance.
“Wait, even me? I’ve got plans today!” Argall shouted looking down at the Ensign who was already turning to leave. “Guy’s, c’mon, it’s me Argallllll,” he said, drawing out his name.” You don't have to point those weapons at me. Druball we’re brothers, you’re really gonna do this?”
“We’re all brothers, jackass. That’s not gonna get you any favors with us.” Said a different one as he placed Argall in cuffs without resistance. Human stood there quietly looking down at the measly security squad in front of him, his intentions unclear as he analyzed the situation. He seemed to make up his mind and was getting ready to move, but before he took any drastic actions, Lizra quickly clambered up his leg and onto his shoulder, throwing her paws in the air.
“Wait, he’ll go willingly! Please we don’t need to make this any worse than it already is, we’ll cooperate.” She pleaded.
“Orders shall be obeyed, if it steps out of line, we will use force.” growled one of the Brunts from the center. One of the others threw a pair of cuffs up the ramp to Human. “Put ‘em on, and you, off of him!” He yelled never taking his barrel off of Human. Lizra started to get down, stopping on Human’s back for a moment when she was out of their view, speaking only loud enough for him to hear. “Just go along with it, I’ll work something out, please trust me with this.”
She hopped back down onto the ramp and walked up to the squad holding them at gunpoint. One of them tried to reach down and grab her, “Get your hands off of me, I am an officer!” He didn’t press any further, the majority of his attention on Human, who slowly donned the cuffs and stepped forward with his hands up in front of him.
Lizra was separated from Human when they entered the base. He was rushed off down a hallway in the opposite direction of her, and she was ushered after Ensign Marketh. When she arrived at her destination, she was on the glass side of an interrogation room filled with a few other officers and military personnel. The opposite side of the glass sat a blank metal lined room with a heavy door and a single bench in the center.
“You’re dismissed, prior. We’ll take her from here.” Ensign Marketh barked at the Brunt, then looked over at Lizra. “You will aid us in the interrogation if requested, and will remain silent unless prompted to speak. We will discuss your own actions once we’re finished here.”
“Ensign you don’t understand Hu-”
“The only thing I wish to hear you say from this point onward is yes Ensign. Am I understood?”
“...Yes Ensign”
“Good. Commander we will have the subject here momentarily, Are there any questions that The Board has for Captain Lizra at this time.” Marketh said, looking at the most senior officer in the room.
“No. They have read the report. I will be acting on The Board’s behalf for these proceedings.” replied an aging Elyrian with silver and orange fur. His white uniform was weighted down from the large rack of ribbons and medals that adorned his shoulders. “Remember Ensign, it currently believes that the rest of its species is dead. We have isolated all of the information regarding this case in a severed computer system to prevent its AI from accessing it. We cannot allow it to realize its species may in fact still be alive. Keep that in mind during the questioning.”
"Of course Sir." Marketh acknowledged.
After what seemed like an eternity, Human was finally escorted into the room opposite them, the black box of Tic-Tac still fixed to his back. A voice came over the intercom on Lizra’s side of the room.
“Sir we were unable to separate it from its computer system, or remove any of the equipment. Handing it over to you now.” Once the voice went away, Human sat down on the metal bench in the center of the room, once again denting it as he sat. But it seemed this time around he made it a point to do so.
“Commander, permission to commence questioning?” inquired Marketh.
“This is Ensign Marketh of the Outer Front, are you able to understand me?” Human sat quietly, his orange visor fixated on the glass. “I will repeat the question. Do you-”
“Yes.” The room of officers had no reaction to Human’s voice. They must have understood what he said. Lizra guessed that Zate had already sent the translation of Human’s language with the report. She couldn’t believe that they had gone behind her back and orchestrated this without telling her. She stared through the glass at Human, hoping he wasn’t thinking of doing anything that might put him in danger.
“State your name for the record.” Marketh said, starting up again.
“Do you know why we are holding you here today, Human?”
“On the display in front of you are images depicting a species that resembles you. Are you a member of the group in the picture?” Lizra looked at the Interface monitor on their side of the room and recognized the images as showed up one after another. They were the ones from the files that Zate had given her, these showing a group of humans killing her people in that ancient Elyrian town.
"You share the exact same appearance as the species in these images. Is this your species that you see in the pictures before you."
"Other than you, are there any more of your species that currently reside in the galaxy at this moment."
“Are you, or have you ever been affiliated with The Core or any of its past military operations?”
“Do you have connections to any currently living creatures outside of the ship that brought you here today?”
“You will remain here until you answer the questions truthfully and completely, we expect more than single word answers. Am I understood?” Marketh stated.
Human stood up looking directly at the officers through the glass, “I remain here, because that’s what I choose to do. You remain alive for that same reason. Am I understood?”
submitted by CnRhin to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:39 teamouse97 My Work position has changed radically putting me in a tough position

I'm in Wales and worked for my organisation for 5 years and 8 months and within this role for 1 year and 3 months.
I was hired onto a role that permitted flexible working - I informed the employer that due to a pre-existing disability that I would require the facility to work from home. In addition my role was slightly adjusted to account for my disability.
Initially I attended the office but after my health took a dive I was advised by my then manager to work from home. I came into the office when I could, however after a fall at work on the stairs my health declined. I had a period of sickness, when I returned I was told that there was no capacity for flexibility and I now had to come in on 2 fixed days a week.
I had a health episode 2 weeks after this and asked to work from home and I explained I was able to work from home but I could not come in. They forced me to take a sick day which ended up being a long period as the stress from this caused my health to deteriorate.
Management changed and things got worse, I had an incident at work where I tripped. I was dragged into a meeting room where I was told I couldn't do this job due to my symptoms being a distraction to my colleagues. At this point I called my union who got involved.
I spent the next few weeks being told intermittently that my condition was interfering with work and being ignored. During a family emergency I was straight up ignored until I told them I was taking some unpaid leave to handle it whereupon I was once again told I was essentially failing at my job due to my condition and to go see to my issue.
I returned to work where they changed my role to one that was entirely incompatible with my condition. I informed them I would not be able to sustain this and was told essentially too bad this is the job. When I told them I was hired on the basis I would do office work and not site visits I was ignored.
At this stage I had one of my worst health episodes to date. We had meetings with work, HR and the Union where HR pointed out that forcing me into the office was not necessary and that frankly I could do all my work from home. Work agreed and swore they would accommodate the changes that a medical report that had been sought would make. In the referral for this assessment work made several strange statements claiming that I was constantly groaning and moaning with pain throughout the day which isn't true. That I was a distraction to my colleagues and that now they were also alleging I couldn't meet my KPI's (which had never been discussed)
At the medical assessment the recommendation was essentially that there was no reason to deny my needs and it would get me back into work. We had our final return to work meeting last week to implement this plan. Work completely refused to consider the recommendations insisting on the exact same setup as before. HR became frustrated with them and the Union challenged their decision making but they dug their heels in and refused to discuss or negotiate. They made some pretty hurtful comments about me once more being a distraction and accused me of lying about an incident, despite it being witnessed and signed off on.
I guess my questions are what are my recourses here aside from looking for another job? Union has already asked them to put into writing their reasoning for refusing and has suggested I collate my interactions and is, I think, suggesting I seek legal recourse but I'm frankly intimidated. Also thanks to my stupid condition incredibly worn out and barely functional. Oh point of import my condition is covered by the equality act. Apologies about the essay!
submitted by teamouse97 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:36 Bubbly-Society-2529 ARNG Assistance and Advice

Hello, all. Long time lurker, first time poster. My question will include a bit of a statement, background and previous experiences leading up to where I'm at now. I apologize if it's long winded, but I'd like to get the details in. Everything I've filed for has a set of orders associated with it.
Background - Traditional ARNG member with 10 years service, separated honorably in 23.
Situation - Have lost a claim due to not being on eligible service, despite uploading NGB 22, and title 32 orders. Ran into an issue for my ongoing separate claim with a C&P examiner thinking I only served for two months. My profile on the VA military service tab shows the correct dates of service, but every single decision letter, whether positive or negative, states that I only served for two months. I have 10% for one issue that I won.
Past experiences - Filed a claim for a disability that was diagnosed while at JRTC on title 32 orders for AT. Initially, I worked with a VSO and only included the paperwork for the hospital visit and my only DD214 I have, which is from OSUT. His advice at the time was the VA already has all copies of orders and I don't need to provide that, so I didn't, because I didn't know much better. Decision is a favorable outcome from the C&P, but denied by the VBA due to not being on eligible service. After that, my VSO quit and I went at it on my own. So, I uploaded a copy of my orders that I have (they show a different duty location, but the dates match my hospital visit), an attachment order showing I was moved units to support the JRTC mission, my NGB 22 (which I received a year later), an article written by the NGB about my unit at JRTC and a personal statement explaining that my dates match the hospital visit, but duty location was never corrected on the orders. Supplemental is denied. In the introduction, they state that I only served in the Army National Guard for two months, my time at OSUT. The unfavorable C&P states that I was only in the military for two months, and not on qualifying duty at the time of diagnosis, despite the additional evidence I provided and the diagnosis being at FT Polk. I have now requested an HLR on this one.
Current events - I filed a claim on my own for a couple of issues that I was diagnosed with on full time National Guard Duty, title 32 orders. The orders were in total 107 days, however, my unit did not provide a DD214 for me. So, I uploaded the orders for the date of the diagnosis and doctor visit (had a set of 3 with no break in-between), NGB22, NGB23A (RPAM), honorable discharge certificate and even an award I got for while I was on the orders. Fast forward to the C&P a few days ago, I believe it went well and may be favorable, but the examiner was confused because she can only see that I served for what the VA is saying was only two months. She did agree that she can see my evidence referenced above, but remained confused why the system is saying two months. I brought a paper copy of my orders and she took it to keep for my case. Despite uploading all of the after mentioned evidence before hand, why do they insist on stating that I only served for two months? I'm afraid that is setting me up for failure before I even get an exam. Am I missing something here? How do I get this corrected or do from here?
Any and all help is appreciated. The VSO's I did reach out to seem to know absolutely nothing about the NG. After that, I reached out to the 800 number, and while they've been extremely polite and sincere in attempting to help, they really don't understand either. Which has lead me to my next COA, assistance here if possible.
submitted by Bubbly-Society-2529 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:29 Apprehensive_Ring_39 Hot take..Something being "The Point" Doesn't Change the fact that if Point Sucks[Spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen + Chainsaw man).

If you aren't caught up to literally Any of these Mangas, do not read this, I cannot stress this enough.
Ok, so..there's been a lot of Hullabaloo about the recent Chapters on Chainsaw Man. I would say it's been bigger than the 236th chapter of JJK but that's basically a lie.
Long story short, Denji for the 5th time,got sexually abused and hurt by a woman(at this point, this has gotta be a fetish with how many times this has happened) but this time with a Evangelion Twist.
Basically long story short, Denji got kissed without his consent while Basically being the lowest he's ever been mentally and emotionally and then he "got his Mini Chainsaw Rev'd" if you catch my drift.
Now People are goddamn going insane on Twitter(I personally don't care all that much).
But something that bothers me is the phrase "That's The point" and "You're supposed to feel this way".
Something about those words are so funny cause it just is like fans are like "No you don't get it, you're supposed to be disgusted" "You're supposed to be unsatisfed" "You're supposed to be uncomfortable" and then then they'll get mad when you actually feel those things.
Like, "I thought that was the point" why are you shocked and upset that people are disgusted or upset by what happened?
That same logic goes for Jujutsu Kaisen whenever Certain Moments like"(Gojo's death, Megumi's wasted potential, Sukuna Kaisen, the crappily handled and unsatisfying deaths)are insanely defended with the phrases "Oh that's the point, they're supposed to die unsatisfying" and "you're supposed to be upset and unsatisfied".
(Side note)but I find it funny how people always defend the shit Gege pulled with MeiMei and her brother with "but that's the point and you're supposed to be dissatisfied and upset.
Like..we already knew she was a shit person who Gege is just..allergic to give consequences too. Plus we already knew Sorcerers weren't innocent heroes. So that was just unnecessary.
Plus it's just upsetting how this is gonna be nothing more then a repeated cycle of how the good people in JJK get nothing good to them at all while bad people like Mei-Mei and Sukuna get all the drama and none of the actual consequences for their bullshit. Just a unsatisfying repeated cycle.
Cause..something being "The Point" doesn't change the fact if the point is badly written and sucks.
The problem with that statement is that you can't have characters that feel like they can die at anytime WHILE also giving them characters arcs that feel fulfilled and satisfying.
Actually that kind of writing is possible but Gege just doesn't do it all that well or good.
But back to the task at hand.
"That's the point, you're supposed to be unsatisfed and upset with these moments". Cause, if Fujimoto and Gege's plans were to make us feel unsatisfied and upset, then Mission fucking accomplished.
That phrase in general just feels like criticism being deflected and wanting to intensely defend your manga of any flaws at all costs. Tbh, I don't see any other Mangakas gst this much defense outside of MAYBE Oda, it's just Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen that gets this much intense defense.
And it's like "You're supposed to feel intentionally dissatisfied and disgusted" is such a funny defense cause it just feels like bad writing but intentional.
Plus there are many dark mangas or hell, dark moments in Shonen that are able to be portrayed in a well written and genuinely emotional way and we know Gege and Fujimoto are capable of showing well written dark moments and good moments in General, so it's not even like they're bad at it but it's just a coin flip on whether or not those moments are gonna be well written and great or just pure trash.
I'm not calling either of them trash writers cause I've send them do moments where they aren't trash but still.
Something being the "Point" doesn't change if the point if badly written or badly handled.
Especially when "the point" can be handled in a much satisfactory manner. what if people are disgusted by it? It's a literal sexual assault scene, don't shame people for being disgusted by it.
submitted by Apprehensive_Ring_39 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:22 DOctor-HC State side Military Hospitals Should Not Exist

This is going to be an extremely long rant as I have had several years to ponder over this.
I currently a doctor at one of the largest military health institutions in the world. While I am proud of the care we offer here and our role in not only providing for our active duty service members and retirees, I am especially proud of the care we give vulnerable populations in the surrounding area. However the cost of operations is so astronomical high I simply cannot fathom how it’s sustainable. This all coming out of the tax payers pocket.
To back up a vast majority of military physicians are apart of the health promotion scholarship program (HPSP) with a much smaller percentage from the military medical school (a hot topic on its own and a point of contention in congress every year due to an estimated cost of over 1 million dollars to train a single doctor). HPSP participants go to medical school at a civilian institution like any other medical student, but have their medical school covered with a small living wage (enough for a single person but below poverty line for a family) in exchange for military service time depending on the length of time of their total training (medical school —> residency —> fellowship). After completing medical school a majority of HPSP doctors go to military training facility (MTF) which vary drastically in size but overall have an extremely low acuity and do not prepare you for “mission readiness” which is one of the primary reason for their existence (as well as to support the local area in the event of a disaster etc) with a much smaller portion allotted to go to civilian “sponsored” or “deferred” spots in which I would argue all HPSP doctor should go to. The reason for this is multifactorial.
Firstly, almost every MTF has to make agreements with local hospitals to allow their residents (doctors who have passed all of their medically school boards but have yet to complete a board certified residency program in a specific field of medicine. They are the doctors that work 100+ hours a a week for a 50k salary with 300k of debt at 10% interest but that’s also a whole different discussion) to train there in order to get exposure to truly sick patients. The average department of defense (DOD) beneficiary is in much better health compared to their civilian counterparts due to virtually limitless access to care since they enlisted / commissioned. The DOD along with the VA is the only true form of socialized health care in the US. It is great for our patients, but as physicians you don’t gain the necessary exposure to complicated patient presentations and disease states to develop the skills required to function at the standard of care for the various fields so we spend around a third of our time at outside institutions. Where I trained we luckily had an acceptable patient load and complexity however most MTFs have 50 or less beds in the whole hospital (most EDs in the country have more than this). All this to say if they truly want a more mission ready physician officer force they should want their doctors to train at the institutions that give them the most exposure.
The counterpoint to this would be the physicians gain a better “military officer training experience and other exposure unique to MTFs”. I would respond A that type of education is non-existent at the MTFs I have been stationed at and leads into my solution / alternative to dedicated MTFs, expanding our reserve physician force. This would allow monthly drilling in a simulated deployed environment and or missions state side or overseas. We could offer free health care to harder to access areas across the country and in my opinion be a better service to the average American while doing a better job preparing physicians for a resource limited environment versus the resource unlimited environment I currently train in. This would also allow many more doctors to be deployed down range for various missions due to their reserve status and not having to take away critical resources away from the current MTFs. One real world example is when our only specialized cardiac image trained doctor was deployed to Qatar for 6 months during that time we were unable to get specialized cardiac MRIs in our patient due to the unreliability of other doctors to be able to correctly interpret the imaging findings.
Second while the care we give in the military system is outstanding it is extremely inefficient and change is nearly impossible due to the abundance of bureaucracy and extremely high turnover. For the last 6 years we have tried to get a water fountain in our workroom so we don’t have to enter the ICU to fill up our water bottles. 7 commanding officers, 3 approvals and two disapprovals later the predicted date to get our water fountain is 2026 ( two + more commanders to deny our request.
This extends into the patient care environment as one can expect. One example is the medical technicians receiving inadequate training and extremely high turnover (on average every six months ) due to the unrealistic expectations to cover two doctors at a time while administering outdated, time consuming, clinically irrelevant, screenings that are simply not asked due to their invalidation decades prior or having the patient filling it out while they wait. This leads to me only seeing 15 patients in a clinic day where I could comfortably see 30 in a functional clinic. The lack of efficiency, inability to take leave unless it’s a month prior, inability to negotiate work hours, environment, location and the ever increasing risk to be deployed in an active war zone in which your imminent danger pay (which is defined by an area that undergoing gunfire / active combat) is 7.50 daily and capped to 225 dollars monthly, on top of salaries that are as little as a 1/5 of civilian counterparts leads a vast majority of DOD providers getting out ASAP essentially investing conservatively 1 million dollars for four years of service.
All of this was done on my phone on my one day off to transition from 6 12 hour night shifts to 6 12 hour day shifts so it likely has multiple spelling and grammar mistakes.
TLDR: military hospitals shouldn’t exist, all military physicians should be reservist rather than active duty, military medicine is extremely costly, inefficient and providers are basically required to work outside of their already demanding schedules just to maintain their skill set
submitted by DOctor-HC to ControversialOpinions [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:16 crispytime29 2025-2026 Full Rebrand!

2025-2026 Full Rebrand! submitted by crispytime29 to UtahJazz [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:11 No_Percentage4502 How can I(23M) make my parents to understand??

I know this is a really long story but please go through it and give your suggestion. I really need it now.😢
My father made around 20 lacs of debt with his addiction in poker, alcohol and satta matka.
They've been trying to pay back those debts from the last 10 years and still nothing went down except us by paying interest and interest over interest.
Now I am doing a software job earning around 8 lpa before this job I was was working for 5 lpa which is remote work and I gave all the salary in the home only. I don't even take for my expenses. I just ask them whenever I need something.
At that time they were running a chai shop and making enough money for the living.
My doubt is if they are making enough money for living with a chai shop and how the hell they can't even clear a 1 lakh of debt at least.
I sat and asked my parents about this, they are not answering my questions at all instead they are just arguing like are we looking like eating your money? we are working hard to clear debts and you are blaming us. My mother just cries and stops talking to me. That's it Only drama... nothing else bcz of that I just stopped asking how they are spending money.
Now I am making around 8 lpa and my parents sold the chai business shop to someone else and just sitting idle at home for the last 6 months. Whenever I ask my father "when are you going to find another job or some small business to do?" because it is hard to pay for the interests and run family. I stay in Chennai where my expenses for travelling to the office, food and rent costs me around 12k to 15k. Apart from these, for my sister's marriage I took a loan of 7 Lakhs for which I have to pay 20k as EMI for 5 years and apart from these I've to send money for their(my parents) needs.
When everything is calculated I left with nothing. I don't even have money to go to the hospital for my tooth ache which I have been suffering from for around 1 year.
Because of all these reasons I am asking my father to start some business or something to earn some money which can help me to clear the debts.
But I feel like they are not even caring what I am saying at all.
Whenever I give any suggestions to start something which requires a small investment they'll say things like "No! No! This business won't have profits. This won't work out".
Abey They should try it first and then they should say whether the work is profitable or not. Doing something which can earn a penny is much better than just sitting idle right? for our current family situation.
But they don't care at all.
Now I am having problems at my work place. It is very toxic and the management is really bad there. So i am thinking of shifting to another company. When I say this to my parents they are not even understanding my situation how I am suffering with family pressure and work pressure(now). They are just talking in a way like I don't even think about the family situation and just making my own decisions.
We have 4 acres of agricultural land. I asked to sell it and pay all the debts and with the rest of the money we can buy some property in town/city. because either way we are not going to do farming. so atleast let's sell it and be peaceful.
Even for that decision they are not agreeing. They say everyone will laugh at us if we sell the land. (wtf they are caring about other people more than me??? more than what I am going through now??)
When someone asks "why are you guys having this much debt?" they'll say that my mom was sick, for her hospitalization and for my studies they made these debts.
Bhai literally they don't even spend at least 6 lakhs on my education from nursery. Because up to 10th class I studied in a government school. After that I got scholarship where the organization sponsors from intermediate to my bachelors degree. After my Bachelors degree I am doing a job. In fact I started working while I was in my 3rd year.
I don't know why, I am not getting a heart to hurt them.
I have a girlfriend and she is older than me. She is already under pressure in her home for marriage. My parents and her parents know about us.
I've explained everything to my parents. They literally understand nothing. If I mention her (my girlfriend) they'll say what is the problem if you can marry right away we don't have any problem.
But I don't want to marry her with these debts and pull her into this dreadful situation.
They are expecting to pay all the debts even though it takes 5 years or more.
Then when should I live my FUCKING LIFE????
please help me.
submitted by No_Percentage4502 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:09 MightBeneficial3302 NurExone Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update, moving forward with FDA guidelines for the Human Trials (TSXV: NRX, OTCQB: NRXBF, FSE: J90, NRX.V)

NurExone Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update, moving forward with FDA guidelines for the Human Trials (TSXV: NRX, OTCQB: NRXBF, FSE: J90, NRX.V)
NurExone Biologic Inc. (TSXV: NRX) (OTCQB: NRXBF) (Germany: J90) (the “Company” or “NurExone”), a pioneering biopharmaceutical company developing regenerative medicine therapies, is pleased to announce its financial and operational results for the three months ended March 31, 2024, the highlights of which are included in this news release. The Company’s full set of consolidated financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2024, and accompanying management’s discussion and analysis can be accessed by visiting the Company’s website at and its profile page on SEDAR+ at
Key Business Highlights
On March 1, 2024, the Company commenced the setup of in-house laboratories and offices to bolster its research and development capabilities, subsequent to entering into lease and construction agreements. Completion of these initiatives is anticipated by the end of June 2024.
On March 22, 2024, the Company completed the acceleration of 12,682,340 warrants issued pursuant to a private placement of units that closed on June 15, 2022. Following the acceleration event, the Company received gross proceeds of US$2.92 million (approximately C$4.0 million) from the exercise of 10,423,629 common share purchase warrants, which represented accelerated and non-accelerated warrants of which 9,684,993 warrants were exercised at a price of C$0.38, 556,818 warrants were exercised at a price of C$0.34, and 181,818 warrants were exercised at a price of C$0.48. The Company exercised its right to accelerate the expiry date of certain warrants to thirty days upon the Company’s common shares exceeded C$0.475 for ten consecutive trading days on the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV”). “We appreciate the confidence of the investors who exercise their warrants, and the ongoing support of NurExone’s journey,” stated Eran Ovadya, NurExone Chief Financial Officer.
On April 1, 2024, the Company entered into a Contract Research Organization services agreement with Vivox Ltd. for animal experiments as part of the preclinical testing phase for the submission of an Investigational New Drug (“IND”) application to the United States Food and Drug Administration (the “FDA”). This is aimed at assessing the safety and efficacy of the ExoPTEN drug before proceeding to clinical trials involving human subjects, which are anticipated to commence in 2025. This engagement followed the completion of a Pre-IND meeting with the FDA regarding the manufacturing, preclinical, and clinical development plan of ExoPTEN, NurExone’s inaugural ExoTherapy product, and the subsequent receipt of a written response from the FDA.
On April 25, 2024, NurExone successfully secured approval for listing on the OTCQB Venture Market, marking a significant milestone in the Company's growth and visibility within the financial community, including in the USA. In addition, the Company achieved Depository Trust Company eligibility, which enhances the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of trading NurExone shares, facilitating better liquidity and broader access for investors.
Growth Outlook for 2024
According to Chief Executive Officer Dr. Lior Shaltiel, “NurExone is committed to pioneering transformations in the field of regenerative medicine with new, minimally invasive therapies and we are moving along the regulatory path towards human trials for our first product, ExoPTEN. Our focus remains on enhancing our ExoTherapy platform for the production of nanodrugs, expanding our intellectual property, and forging strategic collaborations. Towards this end, we have recently engaged Dr. Ram Petter, Vice President and head of Bio Strategy at Teva Pharmaceutical, to support our efforts in collaborating with biopharma companies.”
First Quarter Fiscal 2024 Financial Results
  • Research and development expenses were US$0.22 million in the first quarter of 2024, compared to US$0.37 million in the same quarter in 2023. The decrease was primarily due to the receipt of a governmental grant of US$0.02 and reductions in stock-based compensation of US$0.08, subcontractor and materials expenses of US$0.05.
  • General and administrative expenses were US$0.70 million in the first quarter of 2024, compared to US$0.35 million in the same period in 2023. The increase was primarily due to costs related to public and investor relations services.
  • Finance expenses were US$0.01 million in the first quarter of 2024, compared to finance income of US$0.01 million in the same period in 2023, driven by income from bank interest.
  • Net loss was US$0.92 million in the first quarter of 2024, compared to a net loss of US$0.70 million in the first quarter of 2023.
As of March 31, 2024, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of US$3.25 million (December 31, 2023 - US$0.54 million) and working capital of US$3.31 million (December 31, 2023 - US$0.07 million). The increase in cash was primarily due to the completion of a private placement in January 2024 for gross proceeds of approximately US$1.49 million and the exercise of warrants in March 2024 for gross proceeds of approximately US$2.92 million.
The Company had an accumulated deficit of US$14.98 million as of March 31, 2024, (December 31, 2023 - US$14.06 million).
Eran Ovadya, NurExone’s Chief Financial Officer, added: “The Company maintains a strong cash position, ensuring sufficient funding until year-end. With strategic oversight, we navigate our business plan amidst ongoing activities, positioning ourselves for sustained growth and continued success.”
About NurExone Biologic Inc.
NurExone Biologic Inc. is a TSXV listed pharmaceutical company that is developing a platform for biologically-guided exosome-based therapies to be delivered, non-invasively, to patients who have suffered Central Nervous System injuries. The Company’s first product, ExoPTEN for acute spinal cord injury, was proven to recover motor function in 75% of laboratory rats when administered intranasally. ExoPTEN has been granted Orphan Drug Designation by the FDA. The NurExone platform technology is expected to offer novel solutions to drug companies interested in noninvasive targeted drug delivery for other indications.
For additional information, please visit or follow NurExone on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Lior Shaltiel Chief Executive Officer and Director Phone: +972-52-4803034 Email:
Thesis Capital Inc. Investment Relation - Canada Phone: +1 905-347-5569 Email:
Dr. Eva Reuter Investment Relation - Germany Phone: +49-69-1532-5857 Email:
submitted by MightBeneficial3302 to Wealthsimple_Penny [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:09 MightBeneficial3302 NurExone Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update, moving forward with FDA guidelines for the Human Trials (TSXV: NRX, OTCQB: NRXBF, FSE: J90, NRX.V)

NurExone Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update, moving forward with FDA guidelines for the Human Trials (TSXV: NRX, OTCQB: NRXBF, FSE: J90, NRX.V)
NurExone Biologic Inc. (TSXV: NRX) (OTCQB: NRXBF) (Germany: J90) (the “Company” or “NurExone”), a pioneering biopharmaceutical company developing regenerative medicine therapies, is pleased to announce its financial and operational results for the three months ended March 31, 2024, the highlights of which are included in this news release. The Company’s full set of consolidated financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2024, and accompanying management’s discussion and analysis can be accessed by visiting the Company’s website at and its profile page on SEDAR+ at
Key Business Highlights
On March 1, 2024, the Company commenced the setup of in-house laboratories and offices to bolster its research and development capabilities, subsequent to entering into lease and construction agreements. Completion of these initiatives is anticipated by the end of June 2024.
On March 22, 2024, the Company completed the acceleration of 12,682,340 warrants issued pursuant to a private placement of units that closed on June 15, 2022. Following the acceleration event, the Company received gross proceeds of US$2.92 million (approximately C$4.0 million) from the exercise of 10,423,629 common share purchase warrants, which represented accelerated and non-accelerated warrants of which 9,684,993 warrants were exercised at a price of C$0.38, 556,818 warrants were exercised at a price of C$0.34, and 181,818 warrants were exercised at a price of C$0.48. The Company exercised its right to accelerate the expiry date of certain warrants to thirty days upon the Company’s common shares exceeded C$0.475 for ten consecutive trading days on the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV”). “We appreciate the confidence of the investors who exercise their warrants, and the ongoing support of NurExone’s journey,” stated Eran Ovadya, NurExone Chief Financial Officer.
On April 1, 2024, the Company entered into a Contract Research Organization services agreement with Vivox Ltd. for animal experiments as part of the preclinical testing phase for the submission of an Investigational New Drug (“IND”) application to the United States Food and Drug Administration (the “FDA”). This is aimed at assessing the safety and efficacy of the ExoPTEN drug before proceeding to clinical trials involving human subjects, which are anticipated to commence in 2025. This engagement followed the completion of a Pre-IND meeting with the FDA regarding the manufacturing, preclinical, and clinical development plan of ExoPTEN, NurExone’s inaugural ExoTherapy product, and the subsequent receipt of a written response from the FDA.
On April 25, 2024, NurExone successfully secured approval for listing on the OTCQB Venture Market, marking a significant milestone in the Company's growth and visibility within the financial community, including in the USA. In addition, the Company achieved Depository Trust Company eligibility, which enhances the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of trading NurExone shares, facilitating better liquidity and broader access for investors.
Growth Outlook for 2024
According to Chief Executive Officer Dr. Lior Shaltiel, “NurExone is committed to pioneering transformations in the field of regenerative medicine with new, minimally invasive therapies and we are moving along the regulatory path towards human trials for our first product, ExoPTEN. Our focus remains on enhancing our ExoTherapy platform for the production of nanodrugs, expanding our intellectual property, and forging strategic collaborations. Towards this end, we have recently engaged Dr. Ram Petter, Vice President and head of Bio Strategy at Teva Pharmaceutical, to support our efforts in collaborating with biopharma companies.”
First Quarter Fiscal 2024 Financial Results
  • Research and development expenses were US$0.22 million in the first quarter of 2024, compared to US$0.37 million in the same quarter in 2023. The decrease was primarily due to the receipt of a governmental grant of US$0.02 and reductions in stock-based compensation of US$0.08, subcontractor and materials expenses of US$0.05.
  • General and administrative expenses were US$0.70 million in the first quarter of 2024, compared to US$0.35 million in the same period in 2023. The increase was primarily due to costs related to public and investor relations services.
  • Finance expenses were US$0.01 million in the first quarter of 2024, compared to finance income of US$0.01 million in the same period in 2023, driven by income from bank interest.
  • Net loss was US$0.92 million in the first quarter of 2024, compared to a net loss of US$0.70 million in the first quarter of 2023.
As of March 31, 2024, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of US$3.25 million (December 31, 2023 - US$0.54 million) and working capital of US$3.31 million (December 31, 2023 - US$0.07 million). The increase in cash was primarily due to the completion of a private placement in January 2024 for gross proceeds of approximately US$1.49 million and the exercise of warrants in March 2024 for gross proceeds of approximately US$2.92 million.
The Company had an accumulated deficit of US$14.98 million as of March 31, 2024, (December 31, 2023 - US$14.06 million).
Eran Ovadya, NurExone’s Chief Financial Officer, added: “The Company maintains a strong cash position, ensuring sufficient funding until year-end. With strategic oversight, we navigate our business plan amidst ongoing activities, positioning ourselves for sustained growth and continued success.”
About NurExone Biologic Inc.
NurExone Biologic Inc. is a TSXV listed pharmaceutical company that is developing a platform for biologically-guided exosome-based therapies to be delivered, non-invasively, to patients who have suffered Central Nervous System injuries. The Company’s first product, ExoPTEN for acute spinal cord injury, was proven to recover motor function in 75% of laboratory rats when administered intranasally. ExoPTEN has been granted Orphan Drug Designation by the FDA. The NurExone platform technology is expected to offer novel solutions to drug companies interested in noninvasive targeted drug delivery for other indications.
For additional information, please visit or follow NurExone on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Lior Shaltiel Chief Executive Officer and Director Phone: +972-52-4803034 Email:
Thesis Capital Inc. Investment Relation - Canada Phone: +1 905-347-5569 Email:
Dr. Eva Reuter Investment Relation - Germany Phone: +49-69-1532-5857 Email:
submitted by MightBeneficial3302 to 10xPennyStocks [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:07 gyrobot Partisan politics in gaming and why haven't more authoritarian made use of it to push their politics on their population?

An often common thing you may hear in the comment section of newer games is the idea of politics being in their games. While media is political in nature, the idea of partisan politics is different, a non partisan media may just have some general statement on an issue while partisan politics often take a shot at someone ranging from the Nazis to whatever boogeyman Stallone was fighting from the Cambodians led by the Khmer Rogue to the Burmese Junta due to their atrocities being on full blast.
In the recent years we had a number of works that had partisan politics in a number of games that resulted in reactionary complaints about it. Hard space Ship breakers receive a significant amount of negative feedback over the campaign over partisan politics of unions through scripted sequences and unskippable cutscenes. Tonight We Riot was an unflattering partisan game against the Trump adminstration and capitalism. This is the Police depicts the police system as corrupt and self serving, killing or traumatizing any honest police officer who genuinely believe in the system even if the developer live in a nation that is ran by a dictatorship. Mafia 3 was unsubtle with its race politics and the aftereffects of Vietnam, with the antagonist of a DLC being a disillusioned CIA operative who grew enough of a conscience to defect but still a brutal and ruthless person while you help a reactionary bring an end to the antagonist's plans.
Even games that don't claim they are political can have subtle partisan politics. Call of Duty has shown its politics through Black Ops 2 as the villain is a victim of American Politics during the cold war and Modern Warfare Reboot being a subtle reflection of America's failed war on terror leading to reprisal attacks carried by the invaded state on other countries. War Thunder and World Of Tanks degenerate to partisan tech thefts to show the specs of the military equipment and even the political defanging of Rainbow Six Siege from the work of jingoism by the deceased Tom Clancy to a wholly apolitical shooter.
But yet of all examples, authoritarian countries like China and Russia have yet to force partisan politics as a form of media control even though they have been heavy handed in censorship. With the rise of China as a blossoming mobile gaming giant had presented them with an opportunity to force the developers to aggressive promote Chinese politics as dictated by their leadership and to remind the developer of their loyalty to the nation-state. But instead the developers had taken an apolitical direction. The often used apocalyptic settings erase the borders and ethnic lines to bland inoffensive allegories and anything that can be considered political. When compared to Kantai Collection, Azur Lane had erased its politics and worship of their veterans through tragic war stories for a generic scifi story where the warship rigging is nothing more flavor for the cheesecake pinup designs and newer designs step away from the militaristic Rigging to a more SciFi/fantasy aesthetic. China could be using its authoritarian power to force the devs to be patriotic but yet haven't and instead the politic appears to be "no partisan politics on the table" and Russia havent forced devs to do the same to promote the invasion of Ukraine by forcing devs to make games about the Russian soldiers successfully crushing Ukraine and NATO beneath their heels
So why don't Authoritarian governments force devs to take on state sponsored politics is beyond me, for its a means of applying soft power over a population that needs to be controlled
submitted by gyrobot to truegaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:06 Ill_Application5206 Signed statements aren't probable cause??

My daughter's (14) boyfriend (also 14) held a gun to his head and threatened suicide if my daughter didn't show herself nude on FaceTime. He screen recorded it and sent it to dozens of other middle schoolers via Snapchat. We have several sworn statements about this that lead to students being expelled.
However, we aren't able to press charges against him due to him being in another county and no devices or evidence were obtained. They say signed statements aren't enough for probable cause. (I'm in SC)
I would really like this monster to be charged. Is there anything that can be done?? The other jurisdiction is a county sheriffs office and they say they can't obtain his devices without evidence.
submitted by Ill_Application5206 to legal [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:00 helpmeoutplz9292 Advice and help with tips
Please help
Applying to operational roles. Credit risk and risk analyst roles. Not sure what else I can do or tips to advance.
Any suggestions?
submitted by helpmeoutplz9292 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:57 YetAgain67 Fun Star Wars Opinions (NOT HOT TAKES)

This isn't a hot take or unpopular opinion thread. It's more of a..."unique take individual to you" thread. As in, opinions and feelings you have for any of the of the films/shows that you don't hear much from others, see discussed, or feel unique to your own perspective.
I guess "hot takes" are kinda inevitable with this prompt, but my purpose here is just to get a fun peak into the varied and idiosyncratic opinions fans of the franchise have - not to spark controversy or veer into easy engagement bait. This is NOT meant for anyone to take jabs at this or that, or to elevate one piece of SW over another. It's merely just a fun exercise.
After having reignited my love for Star Wars recently, I'm just having fun with it again - more fun than I've had in years - probably since the build up and release of The Force Awakens (the pop cultural shitstorm that was TLJ dampened my fun at the time. ADORE the film, but that adoration was almost immediately soured by what we all know happened and still is happening).
I'll kick this off:
So, what does that have to do with the original comics? Well, when they kicked off they just had...that ONE film. It was only STAR WARS. No sequels yet. No wider franchise. No cultural saturation. Just this one film that was a mix of influences from other stories and media Lucas admired. It's wonderful seeing how comic writers of the time took the swashbuckling space fantasy influence of the first film and carried into over to comic book format. What we get is an insane mix of go-for-broke sci-fi/fantasy storytelling in the Galaxy Far, Far Away not beholden to canon and lore.
It that sense, the original Marvel comics are a perfect encapsulation of the old school adventure serial tone Lucas wanted to capture with the film.
He's just really well utilized in TFA, and I don't think people give the film enough credit for that.
Hate the PT all you want (I have a complicated relationship with them to this day) but stomping your feet about them and SW as a whole "not being for kids" because you're insecure in your fandom and pointing to the political talk of the PT as evidence of this doesn't change reality. Kids aren't stupid. While they didn't grasp the actual what's and whys of the politics of the PT, they just rolled with it because, like it or not, Lucas managed to create a world that was inviting to a child's imaginations. Kids don't need to "get" the minutia of a work to fall in love with it.
submitted by YetAgain67 to StarWarsCantina [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 17:49 Vivalasvader Incompetence vs Cover-up

I'm going through this trial asking myself over and over about each pieceofevidence or testimony. Is it incompetent or part of a a cover-up? Starting at 6am and looking at the investigation. Please add anything that jumps out to you!
From the very moment first responders arrive and identify the victim and owner of the property, who made the decision that upon finding a BPD Officer unresponsive and injured, on too of a broken cocktail glass in the yard of another BPD Officer that there's not a possible connection between the house and the victim? At this point there are no statements noted anywhere that this was a possible hit and run. The only thing that makes sense to me is that when Lank(?) went inside to talk to BA, Albert told him, "the guy" never was inside, it must have happened where he's at. (?) We all know if a LEO was found on our yard there's no way in hell we wouldn't be served a warrant, unless there was clear evidence at first sight that a vehicle had run them over. Tire trenches leading to the body, tread marks on clothes, obviously broken or crushed limbs, etc. In my mind this investigation was tainted from the very beginning. Then after the initial search, who wouldn't keep that crime scene secured, with an officer parked and dash cam running? With snow on the ground and a blizzard starting you have to know you'll need a more extensive search later.
submitted by Vivalasvader to justiceforKarenRead [link] [comments]