Army base designs

RUST Base Designs

2018.06.28 18:03 Digital-Ghost RUST Base Designs

RUST Base Designs, find anything and everything relating to RUST base design, from base design videos, exploits, hints and tips.

2009.02.24 13:37 4rugga United States Army on Reddit

United States Army on Reddit

2012.08.17 09:48 Flammy Clash of Clans

Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans!

2024.06.04 19:36 superdan56 Learning RPGs really isn’t that hard

I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but whenever I look at other communities I always see this sentiment “Modifying D&D is easier than learning a new game,” but like that’s bullshit?? Games like Blades in the Dark, Powered by the Apocalypse, Dungeon World, ect. Are designed to be easy to learn and fun to play. Modifying D&D to be like those games is a monumental effort when you can learn them in like 30 mins. I was genuinely confused when I learned BitD cause it was so easy, I actually thought “wait that’s it?” Cause PF and D&D had ruined my brain.
It’s even worse for other crunch games, turning D&D into PF is way harder than learning PF, trust me I’ve done both. I’m floored by the idea that someone could turn D&D into a mecha game and that it would be easier than learning Lancer or even fucking Cthulhu tech for that matter (and Cthulhu tech is a fucking hard system). The worse example is Shadowrun, which is so steeped in nonsense mechanics that even trying to motion at the setting without them is like an entirely different game.
I’m fine with people doing what they love, and I think 5e is a good base to build stuff off of, I do it. But by no means is it easier, or more enjoyable than learning a new game. Learning games is fun and helps you as a designer grow. If you’re scared of other systems, don’t just lie and say it’s easier to bend D&D into a pretzel, cause it’s not. I would know, I did it for years.
submitted by superdan56 to rpg [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:35 Temporary-Salt8530 🧙🏻‍♂️ Update Notice (06/05)

 🧙🏻‍♂️ Update Notice (06/05)
This week's maintenance will end on June 5, 2024 at 8:00 (UTC). The following updates will take effect after the maintenance ends.
🛠️ Feature Optimizations
Adjusted rule for reinforcing armies: If a reinforcing army engages in battle along the way, the wounded soldiers will be sent to the Apothecary instead of being killed in battle.
Adjusted the effect of Territory Intensification: The time required to occupy enemy land tiles within their Territory Intensification range will not be extended.
Changed the names of the Season 1 Battle Passes (Advanced Pass and Elite Pass). The actual rewards and prices remain unchanged.
Optimized the rules for Road usage while marching.
Optimized the visuals of marching armies.
Optimized the prompts for armies with insufficient Stamina.
Optimized the prompts for reinforcing armies during battles.
Optimized the confirmation interface text and functions for Gather and Mind Sharpener.
Optimized combat power preview for defenders. It will now display defender combat power based on actual remaining army units.
Optimized the Commander interface display and controls.
Optimized the information display for Commanders you have not recruited yet.
Optimized the display of certain event portals.
Optimized the display for when task rewards are available and when tasks have yet to be completed.
Optimized the prompts for land occupation.
Added an army count display for the Ruins.
Optimized English text readability.
📰 Season Adjustments
[Season 1] Optimized the spawn rates of different physique types of defenders at 130 and 150 Power Land.
[Season 1] Removed the Boss Baiting items from the rewards of Mobs Sweeping.
submitted by Temporary-Salt8530 to LotrRiseToWar [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:33 SpokeBrian Spoke gets it's Click

Spoke gets it's Click
The Spoke click pen is almost here... it's been in the works for some time now. As some reddit people indicated they are interested in background/inside/work in progress information... so read on for details about our path to developing a click mechanism for our first click pen.
We wanted to start with a traditional click style... press the nock to extend the tip, press again to retract the tip. A smooth action with a good click.
We did not like the pre-designed/off the shelf metal click mechanisms that we found available. Making a custom mechanism in all metal parts really wants the use of some sort of lubrication to keep it smooth, especially over time. We didn't want lubrication to be required upfront or eventually.
We also decided against designing a mechanism that utilized the features of the 'Parker style' refill to produce the extension and retraction. Our goal was to make versions of pens for both Parker style and typical full length gel refills, and we didn't want to have different click mechanisms.
After lots of testing and review, we decided a plastic click mechanism made sense for what we wanted to provide. So, we designed and prototyped a 100% custom plastic mechanism... and it worked well. While some 'machined pen enthusiasts' may look down on plastic, we're always comfortable going our own direction.
Unfortunately, the molds for the 3 plastic parts were quoted to be pretty expensive. Injection molds are not cheap to start with and the parts require very high precision.
We then changed the approach to work with a volume pen company to find a mechanism we could utilize some parts from. We landed on a hybrid approach... using functional parts from an existing design that also allowed for mating our custom machined exterior nock part (a definite must). The internal nylon plastic parts are inherently tough and wear resistant and require no lubrication. We're very happy with the operation and feel of the mechanism, and it is easily accessible and replaceable if there would ever be life issues (though that seems very unlikely based on testing).
We're on track to have Spoke Click available next month (more details coming before then).
Tried and true click mechanism with our Titanium nock
Interior plastic bushing, no metal on metal sliding
submitted by SpokeBrian to machinedpens [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:33 Organic_Lemon4571 Help please

In need of help I want to design a pc case to start selling and as of now it’s a small/medium itx build. The parts I’m using rn to base the biggest that can fit in said case are Mother board- asrock b550 phantom itx/atx Ram- gskill trident 64gb Power supply- lian li sp 750 performance sfx CPU cooler- deep cool assassin 4 What I need help is what graphics card should be the biggest that can fit in the case. For some reason I can’t design it without me building it in person so I need to have all the parts myself so what graphics card should I buy to base the biggest size that can fit. Please help I hope this made sense English not first language
submitted by Organic_Lemon4571 to 3DPPC [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:32 Organic_Lemon4571 Need help to build a pc

In need of help I want to design a pc case to start selling and as of now it’s a small/medium itx build. The parts I’m using rn to base the biggest that can fit in said case are Mother board- asrock b550 phantom itx/atx Ram- gskill trident 64gb Power supply- lian li sp 750 performance sfx CPU cooler- deep cool assassin 4 What I need help is what graphics card should be the biggest that can fit in the case. For some reason I can’t design it without me building it in person so I need to have all the parts myself so what graphics card should I buy to base the biggest size that can fit. Please help I hope this made sense sorry if didn’t English not first language
submitted by Organic_Lemon4571 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:30 Calamity_Dan An alternative perspective: buying based on "rule of cool" is bad advice for beginners, because they'll eventually need a solid core for their armies and many of our units are deceptive in their looks versus performance.

EDIT: TL;DR since I forgot: buy what looks cool, but also check winning lists and make sure you have some solid core performers, too.
As someone who started in 10th and was in the same position as so many players asking "Hey, I'm new, what buy?":
I don't really agree with the "buy what looks cool, the meta shifts" argument. Even casual players in my local, non tournament meta are running near-competitive lists. 3 Psychophages or 3 Hive Tyrants or 6 Hive Guard, no matter how cool they look, are bad for the vast majority of armies.
If I was giving advice to a new player, I'd instead say,
"Buy a beginner box that has units you think are cool, but then look at tournament lists and go for the staples. Exocrines, Biovore, Maleceptors are in basically 90% of every tournament list in some amount. Save up and get a couple of those first so your cool models with subpar rules are supported by stronger ones with higher performance. Those models have been good for literally the entire edition and will likely remain so, barring MAJOR rules changes."
The fact is that the Tyranid codex is somewhat mediocre and is held up by a small cast of high-impact units. I know from firsthand experience that you can get absolutely whomped even in a casual game if you just pick "cool stuff".
It's important to remember that new players often don't have a huge budget to just buy whatever floats their fancy, and so when the meta does shift, that they have a strong, versatile, time proven core of units. Again, this is based on my personal experience.
So if you're a new player looking for strong, solid choices to play around with:
Exocrines, Maleceptors, Haruspexes/Screamer Killers, a single biovore, 20-40 termagants, 10 genestealers with a Broodlord, maybe a Neurolictor or Tyrannofex or some Zooanthropes, are all solid choices and will likely help you out as you move forward. None of them are perfect (though the MaleceptoExocrine are VERY good) but all of these are quite playable even in a semi-competitive scene.
I'd avoid Hive Guards, Psychophages, Winged Tyranid Prime, Harpy, Hive Crone, Sporocyst, and Tyrant Guards unless you have a specific concept in mind or synergy you are ok with investing in. Norns are also not particularly strong, despite having an astoundingly cool model, but they have some play.
This is advice from someone who has played a crazy ass amount of games this edition at a regular pace and owns 90% of our codex units, including forgeworld.
PS: rule of cool IS really important, but this is a pretty competitive and expensive hobby, and it's important new hivelings know what's what. I went in kinda ignorant and ended up buying a bunch of units that turned out not quite as... effective as I thought they would be, based on looks.
submitted by Calamity_Dan to Tyranids [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:30 Strong_Tell499 ENSCO, Inc. is hiring Embedded Model Based Design Software Engineer - Hybrid Opportunity Available USD 85k-125k US

submitted by Strong_Tell499 to USJobLeads [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:29 Content-Basis9589 Prom Embraces DeChat: Strengthening SocialFi Integration

In a strategic move to enhance its SocialFi ecosystem, Prom has announced the integration of DeChat, a pioneering communications protocol in the realm of Web3. This partnership marks a significant step forward in the pursuit of decentralized user interactions and secure asset transfers across applications.
DeChat stands out as an open and secure protocol designed to empower users with a platform for seamless communication and asset exchange within decentralized networks. At its core, DeChat offers a robust set of features aimed at elevating the user experience within the decentralized landscape.
One of the key highlights of DeChat is its emphasis on security and privacy. By leveraging blockchain technology, DeChat ensures that user communications remain encrypted and tamper-proof, safeguarding sensitive information from potential threats. This commitment to privacy aligns seamlessly with Prom’s ethos of prioritizing user-centric solutions in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Moreover, DeChat boasts a plethora of features tailored to meet the diverse needs of its users. From rich messaging options to integrated wallet and NFT-based IDs, DeChat offers a comprehensive suite of tools to facilitate seamless interactions within the ecosystem. Additionally, users can look forward to benefiting from airdrops, further incentivizing engagement and participation within the community.
The decision to integrate DeChat into the Prom ecosystem underscores the platform’s commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration within the SocialFi space. By embracing DeChat’s mission to redefine social interactions in the Web3 era, Prom aims to create a vibrant ecosystem where users can connect, communicate, and transact with confidence.
Furthermore, the partnership with DeChat presents exciting opportunities for synergy and cross-pollination within the broader blockchain community. As Prom extends its reach and influence, it looks forward to leveraging DeChat’s expertise and resources to drive mutual growth and success.
In conclusion, the integration of DeChat represents a significant milestone in Prom’s journey towards building a more inclusive and secure SocialFi ecosystem. By harnessing the power of decentralized communication and asset transfer, Prom reaffirms its position as a trailblazer in the rapidly evolving landscape of Web3 technologies. As both platforms continue to evolve and innovate, users can expect to witness the emergence of new possibilities and opportunities for decentralized social interactions.
submitted by Content-Basis9589 to u/Content-Basis9589 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:28 jervoise Do you think we’ll ever see an advanced version of 40k, like old D&D?

Over the last few years there has been quite a clear design philosophy that GW has followed, simplifying the game to make it more accessible to new players, and generally making the rules more abstract. Whilst plenty of people like that type of game, there are a lot of people who prefer a more in-depth game system, with less abstract rules. Horus heresy has attracted a lot of people who feel that way, and has grown a lot more popular since the 2.0 release.
A possible solution to people being pulled away from 40k who prefer that style of game might be a second parallel game system that focuses more on older style mechanics with additional flavour mechanics thrown in. A sort of advanced 40k similar to old DnD
Afterall, that would also mean GW could sell more books to people who already have an army, would move some of the grumpier player off of 40k, and allow them to do what they like with the base game without worrying about annoying one wing of the player base.
Things it could include would be force organisation charts, wargear costs, armour facings and unit types.
TL:DR A more complex version of 40k in parallel with the current system.
submitted by jervoise to Warhammer40k [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:27 ApplyAllDay Website Conversion Optimization Specialist - Braintrust

About the Job

Website Conversion Optimization Specialist

Job Responsibilities


submitted by ApplyAllDay to u/ApplyAllDay [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:25 ApplyAllDay Email Marketing Specialist - Mogo

About the Job

We are looking for an Email Marketing Specialist to work within our Marketing team and alongside other key business units. You will be responsible for all our email marketing activities with a focus on customer loyalty, retention and lifecycle. You will utilize our databases and CRM platform to drive repeat and cross-sell behavior while collaborating on the design and execution of campaign strategy and seek new technology platforms that drive efficiency. If this has you all fired up, jump in and unleash your talents on every aspect of the customer journey from awareness to application! The base salary for this role is: $50,000- $80,000 CDN Accepting applications from Canadian applicants only.

Job Responsibilities


submitted by ApplyAllDay to u/ApplyAllDay [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:19 Bered3354 Anybody know the link to this base design?

Anybody know the link to this base design?
I've look everywhere and can't seem to find it.
submitted by Bered3354 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:16 KaseFace89 Immersive Teleportation Radiation (FO4)

Hello again guys, back for some more specific mod questions lol
I'm currently late early game/early mid game in my version of a fully immersive survival playthrough. One of the mods I am using is called Immersive Teleportation. This mod adds craftable teleportation devices to your settlements/bases. Fast Travel is, of course, not allowed in Survival mode so this mod at least makes fast traveling make sense. It isn't easy to get the blueprints, but you get some interesting lore pieces that actually provides a reasonable and lore-friendly excuse for the teleportation devices existing.
I finally acquired the blueprints, built a pad in Sanctuary and in Home Plate, used the pad to test it out, successfully (and immersively) traveled from Home Plate to Sanctuary, and instantly gained +400 radiation. Here's where my issues start.
First, when you pick up the blueprints you can also grab a custom hazmat suit that adds 100 radiation resistance. I figured this suit needed to be used when teleporting to mitigate the +400 radiation exposure (I figured carrying around a 5 pound suit at all times was one of the "balancing" acts the mod author put in), but it did not. Rad-X also doesn't lower the radiation resistance when teleporting. So far my only solution is to take Radaway before teleporting, but this has it's issues in Survival as now I am potentially burning food AND medical resources to use the teleporters.
Second is the telelogistics system. I understand what it is supposed to do, but maybe I'm just an idiot and I don't understand the mod author's instructions.
If anyone has experience with this mod and has some helpful tips, I'd greatly appreciate it. As it is now, I will only be using teleporters in extreme situations. Maybe this was an intentional design from the mod author, which if it is then my good sir you have successfully made a potentially overpowered mod actually quite balanced.
Tl:Dr Anyone know how to mitigate the +400 radiation exposure from using the teleporters?
submitted by KaseFace89 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:16 albatross_ed Number 7 on CoinGecko $BENJI LETS GOOOOOO

Number 7 on CoinGecko $BENJI LETS GOOOOOO
Number 7 on CoinGecko $BENJI LETS GOOOOOO
From floating around number 12 to number 7 and close to taking the number 6 spot!
$BENJI army be proud this is just the beginning! We are about to take off this is just the loading phase
If you’re not on the tamagotchi game, check it out the link is posted and pinned to the subreddit BENJIonBASE
Check the socials and always DYOR
BEST OF LUCK TO ALL See you all at the top!
submitted by albatross_ed to basememecoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:15 False-Age5832 Does Wonderland Exist without Alice? Or…

Does Wonderland Exist without Alice? Or…
Hey so question. I do custom furniture refurbishments and design and was recently commissioned to produce an Alice/Wonderland themed desk, akin to some you may find on Pinterest.
Now, I’m certainly nerdy but never been much of an Alice fanboy. Nothing against it, just don’t think I ever read it cover to cover and I’m familiar with the culturally fundamental characters and moments from the source (tho mostly via the animated Disney film, which I haven’t seen in probably 15+ years.)
But being a nerd and understanding fandoms, I know it’s the details and the intricacies that not only matter, but are going to be what make the true fans (and client) appreciate and hopefully utterly delighted to notice.
All that being said - (TLDR) - a thought occurred to me while working on the desk, utilizing base knowledge broad strokes of the franchise. I have incorporated plenty of playing cards, a harlequin-diamond design, a black and white stripe design on the legs, a warped checkerboard pattern, a black and white spiraling rabbit hole, flowers with faces, an inlaid ticking clock, a white rabbit, the Cheshire Cat, a 10/6 hat, a teapot, and of course, the quote, “we’re all mad here,” to name most. But I realized suddenly there’s no Alice representation (yet?) so my question - more out of curiosity but also to help inform the veracity of this commission -
Does/can Wonderland exist without Alice? Or is it all a manifestation within her own mind? Like Dorothy/Oz… but wait then how is there a James Franco prequel… oh nvm about that one. Just Alice for now 😅🌀❤️☕️🎩🐇
Few preview pics attached. Will post finished piece when… finished… obviously… 🙄
submitted by False-Age5832 to aliceinwonderland [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:15 globalwp [ROLEPLAY] Geopolitical Risk Assessment Report 2141 [DIP-214-B]

The following is a secret excerpt internal to the Alexandria Custodian's findings relating to the ideal course of action pertaining to diplomatic relations with the two major blocs and Caliphate Successor States:

Geopolitical Risk Assessment

Transmission ID: TRX-UNSC-GRA-2072-006
Secrecy Level: DIP-OPE-2131

GIGAS Alliance

  • The Custodianship considers Japan to be extremely volatile and recommends avoiding any and all interactions to ensure the well being of the people of the custodianship. On the other hand, the Custodianship considers the UNSC to be a key partner in reconstruction and geopolitical positioning globally, and considers alignment with the UNSC necessary and mutually beneficial given shared regional interests and ideological alignment with our goals.
DANGER LEVEL: Overwhelming
  • The UNSC, formed part of a coalition that killed millions and has annexed Morocco and Algeria. This is a cause for concern as the Custodianship was formerly territory that was no different than these territories and such moves are overwhelmingly unpopular among the public.Its decision to protect Jerusalem from Japan as well as certain other cities has improved popular opinion relative to Japan and the UASR.
  • Given the UNSC's commitment to establishing functional independent states, significant shared interests are present between the UNSC and the custodianship. All current assessments show that a desire to build sustainable and prosperous states in the region are genuine. As such, the custodianship has no plans of suspending our military or economic alliance and wishes to maintain it far into the future.
  • The Custodianship believes that closer ties to the UNSC are the best way to proceed given the current geopolitical landscape. Should the UNSC be open to it, furthering ties during and after reconstruction would be ideal.
  • The UNSC's alliance with Japan via GIGAS may prove to be problematic should it be drawn into another war of conquest.
DANGER LEVEL: Overwhelming
PUBLIC OPINION: Extremely Negative
  • Japanese human rights violations coupled with repeated violations of pre-existing alliances has granted it the LOW trustworthiness score and a HIGH belligerency score. The custodianship is advised to avoid any and all interactions with Japan for the time being.
  • Given Japanese debt collection efforts elsewhere, the custodianship advises against any and all trade with Japan at the time being as well as any and all lending, as there is far more that may be lost than gained.
  • Alfheimr succession may cause substantial instability, especially given the mysterious disappearance of Aesir Dederick, the genetic differences between the Alfr and Japanese citizens elsewhere, the substantial cultural differences, and the presence of a large Alfr army in Western Europe. Any civil war may be disastrous globally and would result in far more humanitarian catastrophes and disruption of supply chains. Given this fact, the Custodianship recommends autarchy wherever possible for this eventuality.

Bandung Pact

  • The Custodianship considers the Bandung Pact to be a potential threat to the independence of the custodianship given the UASR's historical desire to conquer the Egyptian region as demonstrated during the negotiation of the Treaty of Istanbul. Moreover, given the lack of a common enemy, namely the Caliphate and Alfr, the Pact is prone to infighting and is generally disorganized and militarily weaker than other alliance blocs, especially given the impact of the Last Brother War. The continued occupation regions in the east and west create potential flash-points for long-term conflicts that these nations may be drawn into. The Custodianship recommends neutrality in dealings with the Bandung Pact.
United States of Asia
  • The United States of Asia currently occupies Pakistan and is on the brink of civil war. Having recently united a series of sporadic corrupt statelets and invaded and occupied a historical enemy, this state is likely on the brink of collapse. Its primary contribution to the Bandung Pact appears to be the large number of soldiers it can recruit. The custodianship has little to gain economically, technologically, or militarily from relations with the USA.
PUBLIC OPINION: Extremely Negative
  • The UASR is the major power behind the Bandung Pact, but should not be trusted. Having previously attempted to seize Egypt, likely for access to the Meditteranean and/or Suez Canal, and having pressed the UNSC for control during the Treaty of Istanbul, the custodianship should proceed with caution.
  • The custodianship's lack of an army places it at a high risk, especially if the UNSC is drawn into a war at the behest of Japan. As such, the UNSC's prior policy of armed neutrality is recommended to avert incursions by the UASR and attempts to seize the nation.
  • Public opinion is extremely negative towards the UASR given their unprovoked attack against the Caliphate and the millions that were killed as a result of their decisions. Expansion of ties would not be taken well by the populace.
  • While ties with the UASR may prove fruitful economically, this may eventually result in the annexation of the custodianship into this state. As such, the custodianship recommends remaining on good terms with the UASR while remaining at arms length.
Republic of Houston
  • The Republic of Houston proves to be extremely problematic for the Bandung Pact given its proximity to Japan's western holdings. Given prior Japanese adventures in North Africa, they are likely to isolate and conquer Houston without the Pact being able to respond due to the large distance. This creates a potential flashpoint for the overall pact that may escalate into a larger conflict. The custodianship warns against substantial investment with this state given the higher risk, but is unopposed to any other ties with this state.
  • Nusantara formed part of the coalition that destroyed much of Cairo and Alexandria, but was a relatively minor part of the coalition. Given its distance from the region, there is a relatively lower risk associated with relations with this state, but also not much to be gained.
  • The continued occupation of the eastern RIGS may result in future conflict between the RIGS and Nusantara, making extensive economic relations with either of these states unfavourable. Should the occupation end, there may be more to be gained economically from cooperating owing to an advanced technological base.
  • Given that Brazil has largely kept to itself and is only part of the pact by virtue of threat of encirclement, the custodianship is unopposed to relations with this nation. That said, the large scale chip epidemic may prove to be problematic and the Custodianship recommends maintaining the border-control protocol established by the Caliphate government regarding the detection and removal of brain chips at the border.

Caliphate Successors

Summary: The Custodianship seeks to protect itself against revanchist elements and believes that a policy of armed neutrality is best in this case, should the UNSC allow it. The Custodianship seeks to establish win an ideological battle against Badiyah, eliminating extremist thought among the population through economic progress. It also seeks to further ties with the State of Palestine which currently acts as a buffer between Alexandria and the eastern successor states.
  • Badiyah is seen to have largely regressed into a largely tribal society. The xenomorph swarms coupled with the Caliph abandoning Egypt to protect the West has left a sour taste in Alexandria. The xenomorph hordes are a constant risk at border regions requiring additional militarization to address this issue. Badiyan revanchism also proves to be a potential risk as the state sees itself as the successor to the Caliphate.
  • The economies of the custodianship and Badiyah were previously highly integrated given long-standing supply chains and the DESERTEC II project. It is recommended to maintain positive ties with the Caliphate to ensure the continuation of these projects, while keeping it at an arms length to preserve the independence of the state and prevent further regression into tribal and religious rule.
  • The Custodianship must act as a counterweight to Badiyan ideology, positioning itself as a bastion of liberty staying true to the democratic ideals of the Hirak of the 2010s as opposed to the extreme Islamism of the late 2060s. Failure to achieve an ideological victory by delivering economic benefits would likely result in unfavourable ideological shifts within the custodianship.
The Triarchy
  • The Triarchy is the strongest of the Caliphate successor states given the existence of much of the Caliphate's industrial base in Turkey.
  • The Triarchy would pose a substantial threat to the custodianship had it bordered the nation. Luckily, the State of Palestine provides a buffer. Assistance must be given to the State of Palestine to prevent such an eventuality.
  • The Slayer is considered to be an erratic figure and may not always act rationally, especially given the large massacre in China at the behest of Japan and the mass repression resulting in a cult of personality in the country. It is thus best to remain on good terms with this state, collaborating economically wherever possible but avoiding any military relations for the time being.
The Eastern Caliphate
  • Unlike the Western Caliphate, the Eastern Caliphate seems disinterested in revanchism and will instead seek to reclaim its occupied territory from the Bandung Pact. This flash-point may complicate relations should the Custodianship remain neutral. Current assessments show that the Eastern Caliphate is unlikely to make moves against the State of Palestine, which also acts as a buffer between the Custodianship and the Eastern Caliphate.
  • Economic relations with the Eastern Caliphate may prove to be fruitful, especially regarding supply chains related to oil and gas for plastics manufacturing.
The State of Palestine
  • The State of Palestine has much to offer the Custodianship. Given its key strategic geographic position, it acts as a buffer state between the custodianship and the Eastern Caliphate successors.
  • Being largely ideologically aligned to the UNSC, and on good terms with the Bandung Pact, Palestine may offer an opportunity for the Custodianship to engage in indirect diplomacy with the Bandung Pact without resulting in widespread public anger.
  • The Custodianship views Palestine as an integral part of its economic and military strategy in the region, and will likely assist it in reconstruction efforts in both these spheres.
Second Roman Republic
  • The Second Roman Republic was part of the coalition that invaded the Caliphate, opportunistically seizing Istanbul. This is overwhelmingly viewed as a negative act by the populace. While not as significant compared to more egregious acts of orbital bombardment and wiping out city blocks, there is still substantial hesitancy among the public which views Istanbul as occupied land.
  • The Second Roman Republic is currently well placed geopolitically as a potential ally to the Custodianship given its similar position in balancing relations between GIGAS and the Bandung Pact. It is economically prosperous and may help contribute to reconstruction efforts through its Roman Development Bank.
  • Should the republic's ambitions extend beyond Western Istanbul, it would be placed in the crosshairs of Japan as well as the Triarchy, resulting in an extremely bloody conflict that the Custodianship must stay out of. As with other states at the verge of war, the Custodianship urges caution regarding investment in this region.
submitted by globalwp to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:14 J467817611 [WTS] HK G28 stock cheek rest adjuster

G28 cheek rest adjuster (coated aluminum plate with two m3 screws): $50 shipped insured PayPal F&F
18 Units left
Plate installed on the stock assembly:
The G28-style stock is both incredibly cool and expensive. When I first received my G28 stock and tube assembly, I was really disappointed to discover that the cheek rest—supposedly the best feature of the stock—actually detracted from my experience. It was positioned too close to the back of the stock. Whenever I tried to aim, half of my face ended up in front of the cheek rest, making it uncomfortable. And unfortunately, there was no out-of-the-box solution to this issue.
Therefore, I decided to design a part myself and made it myself. I have already uploaded a 3D printable version on the Printables, and today I want to introduce the aluminum version of it. With the new part that replaces the original sliding plate on the stock, you will be able to adjust the check rest back and force based on the eye relief of your scope. The installation is easy, simply remove the original slide plate in the G28 stock and slide the new plate in. Now, the only thing you will need to do is to screw in the m3 screw into any of these holes to decide where you want the cheek rest to be. If you want to test it out on yourself first with a printable version, here is the link:
Note! There will be some interference with the charging handle if you put the m3 screw behind the third hole. However, since the cheek rest is spring-loaded, you will still be able to charge it with no problem.
submitted by J467817611 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:13 terplord-420 Colleges for Comp Sci or Chem Eng in Northern GA?

Hi guys,
I moved back in with family in McCaysville, GA almost 2 years ago now due to getting laid off from my job. I was working as an extraction lab manager in the cannabis industry, which is basically akin to a pharmaceutical manufacturing/process design/lab scale R&D position. I recognize that since I don't have a formal education in chemistry or engineering, I wouldn't be able to find a similar position within pharma manufacturing (not even entry level, I've been applying to various entry level roles this entire time). Needless to say, these past 2 years I feel like I've been sitting on my ass doing nothing, and I finally want to light a fire under it to get myself going.
The question is, what's the best college for me to attend while staying in McCaysville/Blue Ridge for either a chem engineering degree or a comp sci degree? I noticed UNG has gen ed classes in Blue Ridge and can receive my AS in Comp Sci there as well. In engineering, I would have to commute to Dahlonega or Gainesville for the AS and BS, or commute closer to ATL to attend the other colleges/universities. It seems like UNG Blue Ridge is my only option if I don't want to commute more than an hour.
As far as deciding on a degree, the only reason I'm considering ChemE is because of my previous work history, I have around 6 years of experience in cannabis extractions, conducting hydrocarbon based extractions, fractional distillations, compound isolations, understanding flow rates and vapor pressures, "designing" reactors and extraction units, etc etc. I wouldn't say I was the best at it, but I wasn't terrible either, everyone I've worked with speaks highly of my results.
Though, the hours were grueling, I've been fantasizing about the possibility of working from home, which would be near impossible for a position in chemical manufacturing. Which leads me to consider a Comp Sci degree. Ever since I was a kid, I've had an interest in building my own computers and whatnot. I like playing around with servers, doing an extremely base level of programming, tinkering with existing game mods and so on. I understand this does not translate at all to a professional setting, and even with a degree I wouldn't be able to work remote right off the bat, but I have a feeling I'd do well in Sys Admin/Network Engineering or something along those lines.
My indecisiveness has kept me frozen this entire time. I need to figure out what I'm going to do and JUST DO IT. I'm currently working on CLEP exams to knock out the first ~30 credits of Gen Ed classes so that all I have to do is 1 year of college for the AS.
Sorry for the extremely long post. I'd appreciate your guys thoughts. If you completed either of these degrees within the state, especially if you've lived around my current area, I'd love to get your insight. Thank you for reading.
PS. I wouldn't mind getting an entry level job closer to ATL so I can move closer, but I've been getting rejected or ghosted from every single job I've applied to in state. I have an interview tomorrow for a $15/hr dishwashing job in Blue Ridge, but they're pretty much the only in-state/local job that's even come close to considering me these past 2 years. Any advice on that front would also be well appreciated.
submitted by terplord-420 to Georgia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:12 Excellent_Doughnut_1 Looking for a new laptop, what should I get?

Hello! I’m about to begin grad school at Princeton this fall, and my laptop that I used for undergrad won’t be useful since it broke.
I had an Alienware M17 R3, and it GREAT until I started getting a glitch at the bottom of my screen and never figured out what it was. I used to be able to open Rhino7, photoshop, in design, chrome and Spotify all at the same time for hours and hours.
Based on this, what laptop would you recommend? Please and thank you:)))
submitted by Excellent_Doughnut_1 to architecturestudent [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:10 armyreco US Successfully Tests Unarmed Minuteman III ICBM InterContinental Ballistic Missile.

US Successfully Tests Unarmed Minuteman III ICBM InterContinental Ballistic Missile.
Early this morning, the United States successfully launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. The launch, conducted at 12:56 a.m. Pacific Time, was a coordinated effort by Air Force Global Strike Command Airmen and Space Force Guardians. Read full Defense News at this link
A joint team of U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command Airmen supported by Space Force Guardians launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with one re-entry vehicle on June 4, 2024, at 12:56 a.m. (Picture source: U.S. DoD)
submitted by armyreco to WorldDefenseNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:07 kushipush I have no friends that play

Like many of you, I got introduced to aoe and aoe2 at a young age, early 2000’s. My uncle used to play, me and my little brother would play at his house, when we visited him. eventually he gifted us the games so we could play at home. We used to play it all the time together, building scenarios and playing campaign, we never played multiplayer because we didn’t know how. Few years ago i dont know how but I think I seen videos of aoe2 on youtube or I just downloaded it out of boredom or for old times sake. Got hooked on multiplayer even tho I sucked. Probably was that guy only building farms around the mill. Never used the barracks etc. I remember people getting pissed because I ruined a lot of games lol. I can still remember someone in the chat box pissed because I was busy long distance hunting deer and never walled on Black Forest. “F**k Sean they said” “waste of 30 minutes thanks to Sean” as scouts raided our bases. I didn’t know any better. Then finally someone told me to download DE and watch some build order vids on YouTube. Here my life changed.
Fast forward to today, I’m still a low Elo player. Not super low elo. But I enjoy the level I play at. I play when I have time. I’m defiantly not the best but I’m far from the worst. My only problem after years of playing this game is… I have no friends to play with. My brother only uses apple computers because he has a photography buisness so he can’t download it. My uncle is too old now and has cancer so I doubt he plays anymore. None of my friends ever played it before and just see it as a lame clash of clans village builder type game. I’ve played a lot of games ranked, maybe over 300 and never linked with someone online to re group and play together again later. So anyways my point here is does anyone wanna be friends and play? Would love to have a homie to help build our skill together and smash some other noobs.
About me :
Age: 27
Gender: male
Location: USA west
Setup: shitty hp laptop and wireless mouse (some of you might remember me from the rate my setup post a month or two ago)
Username : Seanc56
Elo: 850-950
Favorite civ: Vietnamese
Favorite map: Nomad
Favorite army: Rattan archers and imp skirms with halbs to defend calv and a few bbc to push castles and siege.
Favorite strategy: noob my way into a full boom eco and build the army (getting better at early feudal aggression)
Hmu if your down to play I love to play ffa and 2v2v2 too would be cool to have a partner for team games
submitted by kushipush to aoe2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:06 albatross_ed Number 7 on CoinGecko $BENJI LETS GOOOOOO

Number 7 on CoinGecko $BENJI LETS GOOOOOO
From floating around number 12 to number 7 and close to taking the number 6 spot!
$BENJI army be proud this is just the beginning! We are about to take off this is just the loading phase
If you’re not on the tamagotchi game, check it out the link is posted and pinned to the subreddit BENJIonBASE
Check the socials and always DYOR
BEST OF LUCK TO ALL See you all at the top!
submitted by albatross_ed to BENJIonBASE [link] [comments]