Nice ways to say can you be my girlfriend

RoastMyCar: Have your car roasted or roast others!

2016.01.10 19:38 RoastMyCar: Have your car roasted or roast others!

Roast some rubber!

2017.07.06 20:20 Pokedude1014 shitty movie details

This [subbie](/subbie) is for the greatest movie details ever.

2017.01.05 18:11 waxpaperclip MTF Selfie Train

Reddit is not safe for LGBT! Because of numerous concerns, we now require ALL users be approved to use MTFSelfieTrain.

2024.06.04 16:50 Alarmed_Pudding_7178 I (22F) don’t want to give up on my relationship with my bf (22M) but I can’t tell if he feels the same. Should I leave or try to push him into talking with me?

I have been with my bf for almost 2 years at this point and I really do love him but lately I feel like he isn’t really into the relationship or isn’t ready to be in one. For context, I started to notice when I ask very stupid typical ‘female’ questions like do you still love me or am I beautiful? He gets upset and is almost starting an argument over it. I also started to notice something with his phone. If I were to even playfully grab it to mess with him he gets upset about it. He is always on his phone. Like he is stuck on it. We can’t even sit to watch a movie because the whole time I can hear him on TikTok. I’ll even test him by pausing the movie and waiting to see if he even notices it’s paused and nothing. I just want him to notice me. I’ve cut my hair got new clothes. I’ve even done my nails and I rarely get my nails done and nothing. It’s like I’m invisible in our home. We live together in a 1bd/1ba apartment so it’s hard to not see the other. But he is stuck on his phone. He comes homes from work, showers, eats, gets on his phone, and goes to sleep. I also work but get home about an hour earlier than him and I’ve tried cooking his favorite foods to see if he will have a conversation with me but nope. I’ve trashed the apartment. I stopped cleaning the dishes, never folded my laundry and threw all my clothes on the floor to see if he would notice. Yeah no, I’m starting to get really tired of feeling invisible but if I say how I feel to him he says he is stressed from work and I just don’t understand what he is going through. No no I don’t understand because he comes home says nothing to me and is already in bed going to sleep. How can I understand if nothing is said to me. Trust me when I say I do understand being under a lot of stress because I used to be in the military and was deployed a lot. So there is no way I can’t understand it’s almost like he doesnt want me to understand. I want to make things work but I really think it’s one sided. I can’t even tell you the last time we went on an actual date. He never takes me out or gets me flowers. He didn’t even notice when I came home one day with a bouquet of flowers from my friend(23F) because she noticed I’m sad. I’ve left the apartment for hours at a time thinking he will call to see where I’m at or check up on me. Yeah that felt like a joke.
I don’t think he wants to be with me anymore. I feel like the girl he is dating until he finds the love of his life. I have been there for him through his rough patches and I don’t get the same. I want to know if I’m being irrational. I really need some advice. No rude comments I already got enough to deal with.
submitted by Alarmed_Pudding_7178 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:43 _IceBurnHex_ Structurally Locking Devices or Components Design Question

HI everyone,
I'm no mechanical engineer, and would like to pick the brains of those who are, or at least mechanically/structurally inclined. My main question is, what is your thought process on designing components that need to have the ability to lock into each other, while also not being bound. For example, think a puzzle piece. They have usually 4 sides, with some sides extruding to lock into others, and some recessive sides for others to lock into it. They are bound in a 2d plane for all intents and purposes, and tend to be fairly structurally sound when forces are applied to them in those directions.
I'm sure if you take it literally at puzzle pieces you'd just say, "okay, make a cut between these two pieces in a funny shape, and boom, they interlock". But I'm more asking about how would one go about designing it to be more consistent and how you determine how the forces are applied. Ideally, I'd want to mess around with a "lego" style block, where instead of relying upon the interlocks on the bottom and top, I'd like to apply it from 2 sides, a way to prevent pivoting and undue stresses on the object as a whole if laid out in a straight line. Hopefully that makes sense?
submitted by _IceBurnHex_ to AskEngineers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:57 GreedyPersonality390 Darood Tanjeena for Hajat Fulfillment

Darood Tanjeena for Hajat Fulfillment
Darood tanjeena for hajat
The darood tanjeena is a special prayer among Muslims aimed at making a private request in life commonly known as hajat. This darood is very helpful for getting one’s prayers answered as it is counted very effective.
The term hajat is an Arabic word which means a want or a necessity which an individual has and seeks to meet. This could be in any field of endeavor, academic, financial, marital, health, or any other legal personal desire for an individual such as passing examinations, clearance of debts, marriage, recovery from an ailment, or any other lawful concern of a person.
The word ‘tanjeena’ means ‘fulfillment.’ Hence, the darood tanjeena can be translated to the ‘prayer for the accomplishment of requirements.’ It calls upon Allah to shower his blessings on Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) and as a result fulfill the necessary desires and necessities of the person saying it.
Text of Darood Tanjeena:
O Allah send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you have sent blessings upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim for verily You are the Generous, the Majestic.
Blessed are you, O Lord, in the person of Muḥammad and in the line of Muḥammad, as you have blessed Abraham and the line of Abraham. surely you are worthy of praise, full of glory.
English Translation:
The following supplication is made: O Allah send your blessings on Muhammad and on the progeny of Muhammad as you sent blessings on Ibrahim and the progeny of Ibrahim. Perhaps Praiseworthy, Glorious, You are.
O, Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and his descendants as You sent blessings on Ibrahim and his descendants. Of course, You are worthy of praise, magnified one.
How to Recite Darood Tanjeena for Hajat:
  1. Wash with water and then turn your face towards the qibla
  2. Hold both hands to chest level and then read darood tanjeena at least 101 times with full concentration and focus. Focus on the meaning of what you recite and try to have a feeling of devotion towards Allah.
  3. Upon completion, recite an Islamic prayer to Allah for a specific desire you want while retaining the very picture of its realization in your mind. Muslims believe that if they ask Allah to make any task easy for them, then Allah will make it easy for them and also grant them blessings in their affairs.
  4. Lastly, donate the proceeds to charity or prepare food for the poor to reinforce the prayer.
  5. And if your prayers go unanswered, remain patient and keep on saying the darood daily until you get your wish answered in the best way possible. It is not right to lose hope with Allah and his merciful kindness towards his creation.
  6. If you offered hajat and it was answered, what next? Show appreciation to Allah through extra prayers, charity, and worship.
Mastering the Darood Tanjeena for Hajat Technique
This darood tanjeena can be recited at any time, and it is meant for the fulfillment of desires. However, there are certain special times when it is more effective:However, there are certain special times when it is more effective:
  • However, it is essential to note that fasting is observed during Mondays and Thursdays and never on Fridays.
  • As for the last part of the night before the dawn or the time of Fajr as it is commonly known.
  • The tradition of slaughtering animals on Fridays between Maghrib and Fajr is still in existence among some tribes.
  • During the 10 nights of Dhul Hijjah, the ten days beginning at Maghrib on the night of the 8th of Dhul Hijjah and ending with sunrise on the 12th of Dhul Hijjah, we should be conscious of the special esteem given to these nights by Allah and strive to worship Him sincerely.
  • Whereas the one at the doorsteps of the mosque of the prophet in Medina is considered most effective.
Unlocking the Power of Darood Tanjeena for Hajat: A Tutorial
In summary, darood tanjeena is one of the most special prayers that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught his followers to ask for blessings upon him and subsequently have their petitions in relation to both aspects of life, the temporary and the eternal. It should be recited with sincerity and patience if the intended effects are to be achieved as expected.
Online Free Consultation With Maulana Ji Please Visit:

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submitted by GreedyPersonality390 to u/GreedyPersonality390 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:43 rantingxray someone please tell me what to do

I want to stay alive, yet I seem to have lost motivation in life. I have an exam tomorrow, and I know I need to study for it, for I will fail if I don't, yet even now with only a few hours left until the exam, not once have I studied for it, I can't seem to study, I want to, I do but every time I try I end up doing something else. I want to give up yet I can't seem to do anything to end it all. I want to ask for help yet I keep thinking what if I'm only doing this for attention and nothing more? I want to stop being everyone's support, someone they can vent to and tell all their troubles to because, in their mind, I will always be that happy-go-lucky friend that can just listen and give advice, but for once I also want to tell them of my troubles, but I keep thinking what if I do just that and they end up thinking that I was a hypocrite, and attention seeking whore. I want to talk to others but I keep thinking what if all the things I'm saying and going through are just a ruse to get others' sympathy, what if they start thinking that I'm just an overly dramatic 21-year-old? I just want to end it all yet I can't because too many people rely on me. I want to end it all but how can I, as I know I'm only thinking of taking the easy way out, sometimes I just want to disappear. i don't want to suffer anymore, yet I want to keep living but at the same time I have no motivation
submitted by rantingxray to u/rantingxray [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:37 Actual_Dot_457 Texting and being away

Hey guys, I’ve recently been on a couple of dates with a woman I really like. I’ve been doing everything great up until this point. We have hooked up on every date we’ve been on and the conversation just flows. I am trying to catch myself from moving too fast so maintaining very little contact between dates besides setting up a date. Problem is now I went away out of the city we are both in for about 40 days. We spoke in a joking way that we wouldn’t let it just fizzle out, and I even had her send me a playlist with her music tastes for a long roadtrip.
I still haven’t sent a playlist back to her, and trying to space out my texts and not kill attraction, and I’m also busy with family vacation, my own life… but I want to maintain some sort of occasional ping until I’m back. I don’t want to seem like a complete cold fish that has fallen off the earth, but I also want to hit her up maybe 1x a week with something related to some of our rapport. She became much chatty over text after the last date. But again, not trying to fall into the trap of texting too much so I am aware. So please don’t tell me to set up a date only, because we’re about 30 days from when I’ll be in town again so that is just dumb. I will set a date up closer to when I return. I wanted to try and get her on the phone, I did tell her to call me sometime and she replied how she would love to chat on the phone for 3 hours at a time (obviously joking) but so far she’s been more of a texter. Anyways trying to not fuck this up, and I’ve played it very smooth her so far especially in the beginning when she took longer to initially reply to me. But now that no longer seems to be the case.
I can’t explain our full rapport so ultimately the decision is best made by me that has full context, but does anyone have experience with this kind of situation? Where you start off strong and one party goes away for vacation or something for a month. I should add we did have 1 3 week gap between dates and it was totally fine, and I only texted for logistics. But about 40 days is a lot more than only 3 weeks before. It does show that she is maintaining interest though with a long time between dates which is a green flag.
submitted by Actual_Dot_457 to CoreyWayne [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 10:53 Count-Daring243 Best Doskocil Gun Cases

Best Doskocil Gun Cases
Are you a firearm enthusiast looking for the perfect way to transport and protect your valuable guns? Look no further! In this comprehensive Doskocil Gun Cases roundup, we'll explore the best of these popular cases. From soft cases to hard cases, we've got you covered for all your gun storage needs. So, grab your favorite beverage and let's dive into an in-depth look at the latest and greatest Doskocil Gun Cases available in the market today.

The Top 8 Best Doskocil Gun Cases

  1. Tough Vault Takedown Rifle & Shotgun Case by Pelican - The Pelican V700 Vault Takedown Rifle and Shotgun Case is a top-rated, crushproof, and weather-resistant gun case with high-impact polymer, ergonomic handles, secure push-button latches, and five foam layers, designed explicitly for takedown firearms.
  2. Durable, Crushproof Double Rifle Case - Experience top-notch protection for your scoped rifles with the crushproof, dustproof, and weather-resistant Pelican V800 Vault Double Rifle Case, featuring high-impact polymer construction and secure push-button latches for easy access during transport.
  3. Tac-Six 55" Lockable 2-Firearm Tactical Gun Case - Tac-Six 55-inch Lockable 2-Firearm Unit Tactical Gun Case offers secure storage, spacious compartments, and a laser-cut MOLLE front for accessory customization, making it an ideal choice for dedicated tactical rifle enthusiasts.
  4. Stylish Modern Sleeper Chair - Browning Summit Military Case: The epitome of elegance and protection for your firearms.
  5. Drake Waterfowl Side-Opening Gun Case - The Drake Waterfowl Side-Opening Gun Case offers unparalleled access and protection for your firearms, featuring a patented side flap, HD2 material, and water-resistant nylon interior liner for durability and convenience.
  6. Customizable M4 or M16 Pelican Rifle Case - Introducing the versatile and reliable Pelican Custom Case, perfect for securely storing and organizing up to 4 M4 or M16 rifles with its innovative lockable rifle case rack feature.
  7. Ruger Phoenix Lockable Case for 9-inch Pistols - Ruger Phoenix Lockable Hardshell Handgun Case: Durable protection with a thermo-molded exoskeleton, micro egg crate foam interior, and high-quality lockable zippers for secure storage and transport.
  8. Durable Tactical Gun Case for Your Rifles - Tac-Six 42" Lockable Division Tactical Gun Case, Black: This high-quality, 600D polyester case offers secure storage and organization for your tactical rifles and accessories, providing peace of mind and durability in various environments.
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🔗Tough Vault Takedown Rifle & Shotgun Case by Pelican
I recently discovered the Pelican V700 Vault Takedown Rifle and Shotgun Case, and it's truly a game changer for transportation of your beloved firearms. As an avid hunter, I appreciate that this case provides a high level of security, offering crushproof, dustproof, and weather resistant protection. The sturdy handles ensure your rifles or shotguns can withstand even the toughest conditions on your hunting trips.
One feature I particularly love is the presence of six push button latches that offer secure closure with easy-open access. This ensures your weapons are safe and secure while also making it convenient for you to access them when needed. The case also comes with specific foam designed to fit takedown firearms and related accessories, providing your gear with excellent protection during transportation.
However, like any product, there are some cons as well. The case is quite bulky and heavy, making it less ideal for those looking for a lightweight solution. Additionally, cutting and shaping the foam to fit your specific equipment can be time-consuming. Overall, despite its drawbacks, I would highly recommend this gun case to anyone in need of a reliable and resilient transportation solution for their takedown firearms.

🔗Durable, Crushproof Double Rifle Case
I recently had the chance to use the Pelican V800 Vault Double Rifle Case in tan, and I must say it's been a game-changer in keeping my firearms safe and secure. The high-impact polymer exterior is not only incredibly durable but also has a sleek, modern look that I absolutely love.
One of the standout features for me is the customizable protective foam lining the interior. Having a secure fit for my rifles is so important, and this case makes it easy to create that level of protection. Plus, the added benefit of being crushproof, dustproof, and weather-resistant gives me peace of mind when traveling with my gear.
However, cutting the foam to fit my rifles exactly was a bit time-consuming and messy. It would have been nice if the case came with "pluck" foam, like some other brands offer, to make customization easier and less stressful.
In terms of ease of use, the handles are ergonomic and sturdy, making it comfortable to carry even when the case is fully loaded with scoped rifles. The wheels are also a great addition for those times when you need to roll your gear instead of lifting it.
Overall, the Pelican V800 Vault Double Rifle Case has been an excellent investment for keeping my firearms protected during transport. Its combination of durability, security features, and customizable foam make it a top choice for anyone in need of a high-quality rifle case.

🔗Tac-Six 55" Lockable 2-Firearm Tactical Gun Case
I was always on the search for a reliable gun case that could not only handle the weight of my tactical rifle, but also provide the necessary organization and customization options for my accessories. The Tac-Six 55" Lockable 2-Firearm Unit Tactical Gun Case made me feel confident with its durable 600D polyester construction, ensuring my valued gear was well-protected from the elements.
One of the standout features of this tactical gun case is its spacious interior, which comfortably fits two tactical rifles. Coupled with its lockable design, it has given me peace of mind when storage security is a priority. The laser cut MOLLE system truly takes this case to the next level, as it enables me to efficiently attach and customize my essential accessories, making it easy for me to switch up my gear as needed for various situations I may encounter during my travels.
While the Tac-Six has proven to be highly versatile and reliable, one minor downside is the limited number of color options available. However, considering the quality and functionality of this product, it remains a top pick for any serious tactical shooter or outdoorsman.

🔗Stylish Modern Sleeper Chair
I recently got the chance to try out this Browning Summit Military Case, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me! The first thing that caught my eye was its sleek, modern design. It's not just about looks though; this case offers excellent protection for your shotgun.
One of the features that really stood out was the spacious interior. There's enough room to comfortably fit my BT-style gun, and even some additional accessories if needed. And speaking of accessories, the built-in accessory compartment is super convenient!
However, there were a few cons that I noticed as well. The case is quite sturdy, but it can be a bit heavy when carrying it around. Also, the size might be an issue for those who don't have a lot of storage space.
Overall, I've been very happy with my Browning Summit Military Case. It's well-made, looks great, and provides excellent protection for my shotgun. If you're in the market for a high-quality gun case, I would definitely recommend giving this one a try!

🔗Drake Waterfowl Side-Opening Gun Case
Experience the innovation of the Drake Waterfowl Side-Opening Gun Case! This ground-breaking design revolutionizes how we store and maintain our firearms. The patented side flap allows for seamless access to your gun, while its HD2 material and water-resistant nylon interior liner provide top-notch protection. The adjustable shoulder strap, outer pocket for choke tubes, and sturdy snap fastenings make it the perfect companion for keeping your firearms safe, dry, and ready for action.
I've been using this case for some time now and I can't sing its praises enough. The side-flap feature is a game-changer; it made it incredibly easy to clean and dry my shotgun after a hunting trip. The interior is made of synthetic materials that don't absorb water or dirt, which is a lifesaver when your gear gets splashed with mud and water.
A small drawback I've noticed is that the exterior pocket can be a bit challenging to close if you're storing choke tubes. However, I suppose this is a minor concern given the case's overall performance and quality. The durability has been impressive; I've taken this case out in all conditions and it's held up beautifully.
In summary, the Drake Waterfowl Side-Opening Gun Case is a brilliant and practical solution for storing and maintaining your firearms. Its innovative design, durable construction, and water resistance make it a must-have for hunters and shooting enthusiasts alike. Despite the minor issue with the exterior pocket, I wholeheartedly recommend this case for its performance and value.

🔗Customizable M4 or M16 Pelican Rifle Case
As an avid shooter, I've been using the Doskocil Gun Case for my M4s and M16s for quite some time now. This case is not only durable and robust, but it's also incredibly versatile, allowing me to carry up to 4 M4s or M16s at once. The thing that really stood out to me is its clever design that turns this sturdy case into a lockable rifle case rack, which is perfect for keeping my weapons safe and organized.
The quality of the craftsmanship is evident in the zinc-plated hardware and rugged wheels that make transporting my gear a breeze. However, one downside I noticed is the lack of customization options for the interior foam, which could be improved by offering more variety to suit different weapon configurations.
Overall, I'm thoroughly impressed with the Doskocil Gun Case and its ability to keep my gear secure and organized. If you're looking for a reliable and multifunctional case to store and transport your M4s or M16s, I highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Ruger Phoenix Lockable Case for 9-inch Pistols
I recently got my hands on the Ruger Phoenix Lockable Hardshell Handgun Case, and I must say it's been a game-changer! As an avid handgun enthusiast, I've always struggled with finding a suitable case that could securely hold my 9-inch pistol. The moment I laid eyes on the Ruger Phoenix, I knew this was the one for me.
The hardshell exterior has given me immense peace of mind, knowing that my beloved handgun is protected from any potential damage due to bumps or shocks. The interior is designed with micro egg crate foam, which not only cushions my gun but also ensures that it stays firmly in place.
One of the standout features of this case is its heavy-duty lockable zippers. These are incredibly reliable and make sure my firearm remains safely secured whenever I'm on the go or storing it away. Plus, the custom metal Ruger nameplate on the front adds a nice touch of personalization.
The carrying handle is comfortable and conforms perfectly to my hand, making it easy for me to carry this case around, even during long treks in rough weather conditions. And speaking of dimensions, it measures up at 10.5 x 9 x 1.88 inches, making it compact and portable without compromising on functionality.
In terms of cons, there hasn't been much for me to note. However, I would've appreciated if the case came with a shoulder strap for even more comfort and convenience when transporting my weapon.
All in all, the Ruger Phoenix Lockable Hardshell Handgun Case has become an indispensable part of my handgun gear. Its combination of durability, security, and practicality makes it a must-have for any handgun owner out there!

🔗Durable Tactical Gun Case for Your Rifles
As someone who's always on the go, I've found the Tac-Six 42" Lockable Division Tactical Gun Case to be a lifesaver. Its sleek, black design instantly caught my eye and I knew it would be perfect for securely storing and transporting my tactical rifle. The 600D polyester material is not only tough but also stands up to all weather conditions. I really appreciate the double compartments, which comfortably fit both of my rifles and keep them sorted and organized. Plus, the locking mechanism gives me peace of mind when I'm away from my gear.
What I love most about this case is its durability and spacious design. It's a well-built solution to ensuring my rifles stay protected during transport, and the fact that it's lockable provides an added layer of security when they're not in use. However, one minor drawback I've found is that the interior padding could be slightly thicker to provide even more protection for my rifles.
Overall, I'm extremely happy with the Tac-Six 42" Lockable Division Tactical Gun Case. It's a game-changer for anyone who needs a reliable, secure, and organised method for transporting their tactical rifles. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this case will exceed your expectations and keep your gear safe and sound.

Buyer's Guide

Doskocil gun cases are a popular choice among gun owners for their durability, security, and organization features. When considering purchasing a Doskocil gun case, there are several important factors to keep in mind.

Important Features
  • Doskocil cases come in various sizes to suit different firearms, including compact, standard, and long sizes.
  • Rigid shells provide unparalleled protection from impacts and water resistance, making them suitable even for rough use.
  • High-quality materials, like heavy-duty ballistic nylon and padded interiors, ensure the security and preservation of your firearm.
  • Sturdy handles and shoulder straps provide comfortable carry options for easy transport.
  • Many Doskocil cases include customizable dividers and foam inserts to secure and organize multiple firearms or accessories in one case.


  • Choose a suitably sized case to accommodate your specific firearm, along with any necessary accessories and ammunition.
  • Consider the number of dividers and foam inserts needed to secure and organize your belongings effectively.
  • Check if the case is compatible with locking mechanisms to enhance security while traveling.
  • Takedown and breakdown models are available for certain firearms, allowing for more compact cases and easier storage.

General Advice

  1. Invest in a high-quality gun case, as it will offer optimal protection and durability for your firearms over time.
  2. Properly secure and organize your firearms within the case to prevent damage during transportation.
  3. Store your gun case in a secure, environmentally controlled location when not in use, ensuring the longevity and performance of your firearms.
  4. Check local laws and regulations regarding the transportation of firearms in public places, as requirements may vary by jurisdiction.
By considering the important features, weighing the factors, and following general advice, you can make an informed decision when choosing the right Doskocil gun case for your needs.


1. What types of firearms are suitable for Doskocil gun cases?

Doskocil offers a wide range of gun cases designed to accommodate various types of firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Some models are specifically designed for specific firearms, while others are versatile and can fit multiple firearms of different shapes and sizes. Always refer to the product description to ensure compatibility.

2. How do I determine the right size case for my firearm?
It's essential to measure your firearm accurately before selecting a suitable gun case. Doskocil provides detailed dimensions for each case on their website. Compare these dimensions to your firearm's measurements, considering any sights, scopes, or accessories. Choose a case that offers ample room for your firearm, ensuring a snug fit with minimal movement inside the case for added protection.

3. Are Doskocil gun cases waterproof?

Doskocil offers both soft- and hard-sided gun cases with varying levels of water resistance. Many soft-sided cases feature water-resistant materials, while hard-sided cases are generally more water-resistant or even waterproof. Always refer to the product description to determine the specific water resistance capabilities of each case.

4. Do Doskocil gun cases come with locks?

Some Doskocil gun cases come equipped with locking mechanisms to help secure your firearms while in transit. However, not all models feature built-in locks. In cases without locks, you can use a separate locking system or invest in a compatible padlock for added security.

5. Can I carry my firearm as checked baggage when traveling with a Doskocil gun case?

Doskocil gun cases are designed to meet the requirements for transporting firearms as checked baggage on most airlines. However, always check with your particular airline for their specific policies and procedures regarding firearms. Additionally, ensure that your firearm is unloaded, locked, and properly packed in a suitable case for secure travel.

6. What are the primary benefits of using a Doskocil gun case?

  • Protection: Doskocil gun cases are designed to protect your firearms from damage, both during transit and storage.
  • Organization: The variety of compartments, pockets, and customizable dividers help you organize and store your firearms and accessories efficiently.
  • Convenience: Quality latches, straps, and handles make it easy to transport and access your firearms.

7. Are Doskocil gun cases available in different colors and patterns?

Yes, Doskocil offers a diverse range of colors, patterns, and designs for their gun cases, allowing you to choose a case that perfectly matches your style and preferences.

8. Can I customize a Doskocil gun case to fit my specific needs?

Doskocil offers a variety of gun cases with customizable features, such as adjustable dividers and removable pouches, to enable personalized organization and protection. Consult the product description or reach out to Doskocil directly for more information about customization options.

9. What is the warranty for Doskocil gun cases?

Doskocil typically offers a one-year limited warranty on their gun cases, covering manufacturing defects and material flaws. Warranties may vary depending on the specific model and product, so always refer to your case's documentation for complete warranty details.

10. Where can I purchase Doskocil gun cases?

Doskocil gun cases are available at various retailers, both online and in-store. To find a retailer near you or browse their online offerings, visit the Doskocil website or check with your preferred outdoor or sporting goods store.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:24 Ecstatic_Custard7009 potential money saving tips and tricks (Add your own)

this post is being created as to spread ways of potentially cutting the costs down in this hobby we love so much, i am situated in the uk so my advice might only apply to other people in the uk
but lets make this post a mega thread where we all add little tips and tricks that could help keep the cost down in this ever expensive hobby of ours lol
I will get it started with a few minor well known tricks that took me too long to get into and when i did i instantly regretted not getting into it sooner
USE CASHBACK WEBSITES!! this one seems so obvious but is the most important one to get started ASAP! if you are in the uk you can use Topcashback and quidco to potentially get % back on your purchases! and furthermore you get a sign up bonus when using a referral (message me for one!)
you can easily get 4-5% off your purchases from places like magicmadhouse. plus a sign up bonus of 10-15 pounds to go towards those purchase too! that's free pokemon stuffs!
Also chaoscards has its own reward system that upgrades the more you spend with them. going up to 3% back on all purchases once you have spent a certain amount with the. while also giving you a discount code once a month. finding a great deal and then using a coupon + 3% back on it can be a clincher!
2) If you are looking to buy certain things on ebay, it can be worthwhile to wait until every second weekend when ebay sellers get 80% off of listing fees, around this time you will notice everything is suddenly at a slightly lower price point for a while, soon to go back up after the promotion ends and until the next one
When looking at items sold you can track this big price difference with any item almost every single time. sometimes making a difference of 50 plus pounds on 200 plus pound items!
I know a lot of this was a ramble as i am not very good at sentence structure, but i hope we can all come together and share some tips and tricks!
submitted by Ecstatic_Custard7009 to pokemoncards [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:08 Mental_Swordfish2220 AITA for moving away from my dad to live with one of my sisters who cut him off?

Quick disclosure, this is basically me just venting, there's a lot, I put it google docs, it's 1622 words, not including this
I 19m have recently gotten the opportunity to move from Nevada to Tennessee to live with my younger sister 21F (Younger of two sisters I mean, the other one is 30, and a brother that is 28). All three of my siblings have cut our dad off for about the same reasons, I think they all have their personal issue, but primarily it's all the same thing. Growing up he was abusive, physically and verbally. I don't just mean smacking us for cussing or something I mean, if we played a little too rough with each other, he'd come in and throw one of us across the room and start screaming. He also had a slight stretch of manipulation, when my eldest sister was out partying in college, he remarked that he'd make her life a living hell if she didn't get her act together. When my brother joined the army, my dad told him he might have cancer, and that my brother was breaking his heart. As my younger sister was heading off to college in Tennessee, she was with this one guy here in Nevada, and our dad said that she was using him and just gonna break his heart. So he's had a pretty fucked pattern over the last however many years. To his defense though, this wasn't a daily occurrence, and he did try most of the time, but he was and is angry with the world and our mom which I'll explain, in a minute, and he often took it out on us. That doesn't excuse his actions, I just mean to say that he's not entirely bad.
So from the stories of his childhood, it's easy to see why he is the way he is, in general, not just as a father. When he was 3 months old(by the way he's 63 now, so this is back in 1960) his dad had walked out on him, his mom, and his sister or sisters, honestly I'm still not entirely sure if he had more than one, for this though I'll just say one. He looked almost completely identical to his dad, and his mom and sister were furious at his father so they took their anger out on my dad, beating him and harassing him. His mother didn't make much money as a teacher and so he grew up poor and didn't always eat, but he mowed lawns and bought himself food and food for others who were worse off than him. He told me how he was always waiting for his dad to come home, so he never got into alcohol or drugs, but by 17 he dropped out of high school. Working for some time before getting his GED and going to school for radiology. He got the degree but not a job because he wasn't black, female, or hispanic (This is not meant to take sides on diversification of workplaces, this is just what he says he was told). So he went on through various occupations for the next few years.
He met my mom I think in '92, and as he always tells it, the two of them did have a single argument for the first year they were together. Then my mom's parents told her that he was going to beat her and lock her in a closet. To this day, my dad doesn't understand why. But one day my mom went to his house crying asking if he was going to do that, and he explained that the door locks from the inside to keep people out and not to keep them in. Then he said that if he wanted to hurt her, he wouldn't have taught her to use a gun, and further, how to access it. That was the end of that. Then one day my mom came in frantic, and asked if he was going to marry her, and he in confusion said yes. He later learned that his neighbor, who I'm told was something of a cruel and conniving bitch, had put it in my mom's head that he would never marry her. So they got married, and in '94, my eldest sister was born, despite my dad's claims that he wasn't cut our for fatherhood. (At this point I'd like to mention, that my mother is not a dull woman, she's an ER nurse with several degrees, but when she was younger she was just more emotionally charged.)
My dad hated fatherhood almost immediately, while my mom loved it. She wanted another kid despite my dad's best wishes, and in '96 they had my brother. Years went by and in 2002 my mom lied about being on birth control, and was then pregnant with my younger sister. Finally, in late 2004, early 2005, I ruined my mom's trip to Hawaii with morning sickness, and it was then that she found out she was pregnant again. Life just kind of kept going downhill from there for my dad. He quickly found himself living the dream of another person, and one who was not good at communicating. In his frustration, he took it out on us. Also frequently though, my siblings and I would watch the screaming matches between the two of them, tears in our eyes and hatred in the air, no one was happy. In 2014 my dad was fired from his job as a teacher for some reason I'm not sure of. I'm pretty sure he just wasn't liked by parents because whenever a kid misbehaved more than once he sent them out, taught the lesson, then dealt with the kid inevitably getting them in trouble. He's unemployed since and due to a an ongoing back problem, he may never work again which, it seems in our family, work is a sign of both pride and well-being, which he has little of either.
In 2020 my eldest sister cut him off, stating all the pain and damage he has caused her and everyone in our family. He took it as anyone might, hard, but mostly quiet. In July of 2022, my brother cut him off, for similar reasons. He said that our dad was mentally unwell and until he did something to try and get better, he would not speak to him, though through a convoluted series of events he would see him again in October of 2023 and they would be ok again, until eventually my brother cut him off once more. In August of 2022, my younger sister cut him off, again, same reasons. While I have thought about doing it myself, if not for my position in life and this household, I simply don't think I can. I've watched what losing three of his kids has done, and I don't know it'd be right to take away his last. My parent's marriage which has been on the brink of divorce for the last 10 years is closer than ever, as my dad said when I informed him I'd move in with my younger sister, he told me how the last time my mom went to visit my eldest sister (my sister's haven't cut my mom off, my brother hasn't officially done it, but theirs some shit going on between him and her), he looked up divorce lawyers, and at some point, he will call them.
So for the last 4 years, likely longer, I've watched this man who as a child I revered a god almost, and as I got older, as an Idol almost, even with the pain and damage did cause, I still loved him, and I do still love him. But it's so fucking hard some times because he frequently talks about how my siblings cut him off, how my mom doesn't love him(Which he might be right but I really don't know), and how he'll wake up one day and all five of us will be gone. I want to feel bad for him, and I do, but I also feel angry that he won't own up to the things he did, and to admit that he was despite being there and helping plenty, he caused damage that my siblings and I still trying to get over. So now my dad is depressed, bordering on absolute hopelessness, and considering I might be all he has left to show for the last 30 odd years, and now I'm leaving to live with the work he's lost. I don't plan to cut him off, but I think he's already convinced himself otherwise. Frankly I see this playing out a few ways,
  1. I do end up cutting him off, he loses everything and either waits to die, or kills himself
  2. I don't cut him off, he continues in his sadness and dies of old age
  3. My parents end up getting a divorce and he kills himself
I don't see much of any good that will come of this for him. At this point in my life, I just don't care anymore about what happened, about what he did, and what my mom did to him. He's not the easiest person to get along with, but he tries, and I do love him. Frankly that's about the case with everyone in my family, I don't get along too great, just well enough, I love all of them. I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that my family will soon go from a level of broken that is salvageable, to entirely unsalvageable. It feels like there's nothing left to do except wait for the inevitable.
If you made it this far, I thank you for listening, and am open to any words you have to say.
submitted by Mental_Swordfish2220 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:45 msMaeIC Waiting to board 🛳️

Here I am (33) waiting to get on board 🛳, while he(35) left from his country the other day ✈(June 2). 4 years long distance relationship.
Was supposed to meet each other again, was supposed to pick him up from the airport yesterday, was supposed to be spending time together for the whole month, but faith didn't let it happen... I'm here about to travel locally, while he left to travel to other countries (supposed to be here and him traveling to countries we wanted to visit).
Traveling somewhere in my country was part of our plan. Now it's my plan to avoid the feeling of "what could have been". I wouldn't like staying here thinking we were supposed to be together again, physically. So I'd rather go somewhere to unwind, enjoy myself and get my mind off it.
I broke up with him about a month ago. For a reason that, he would rather spend more time with his family, than spending time with me. We only get to see each other once a year. And no, he didn't cheat to where he would meet women. Why I can so say? Because the only time our video call ends is when we are going to sleep, haircut, gym, doctors appointment and work. Basically we were there for each other every single day. And I must say he did talk to some online.
Our 4years was a roller-coaster ride. Just like any relationships having their ups and downs. It's just that, priorities and decisions were poorly managed on his end. I did have my faults to, but not to the extent where you'd leave me in that instant. From the very start we spoke, I've been 101% transparent, he didn't. But don't get me wrong. He was a great guy. He bought me phone when my old one broke, he bought me power bank to keep our communication going when that typhoon hit us really bad that we didn't have electricity for almost 2 months, he sends me money when he knows I need it even when I don't ask, the only person who attended my graduation in the medical field when my family didn't, protected me from my family/mom, he was my peace after the chaos of my day, he was my positive when my mind was negative, he was my confidant.
Before we stopped our communication, I made a decision to which he didn't disagree nor agreed. Told him when he leaves his country or get on board ✈, that would be it. The END of everything.
June 1st, he was driving back to his place from his mom's/parent's house, since he usually go there before he leaves the country for vacation or visiting me. That day and evening, he didn't feel like packing up because of what's going to happen when he gets on board. He would look on the wall/ceiling thinking deeply. I could see it in his eyes. I asked "what's wrong?". Long story short he said, while he was at his mom's/parents house he cried. He said he cried because he will miss me and reminiscing on the days we were happy together. He calls during my lunch break at work or even on my 15mins break. I can tell he does loves me, but not enough to put me as his top priority or not enough to try not to hurt me. He was contemplating, slowly packing, would get teary eyed out of the blue.... When he had time, I told him, I have a song for you. And there we watched and listened together. The song is in titled "Before I let you go - freestyle". After that song or even when we was listening, he tried to keep his tears. But later on after the song, he went quite... And cried...
This is way too long already hahahah sorry guys... But on the day he leaves the country, he would still stare on the wall thinking deeply. He was eating breakfast and would tell me he's trying not to cry in public 😆. By the time he needs to get on board, he went back on the waiting area, sat and told me "OK! sighs heavily I'm about to board.... pauses, about to cry I'm gonna miss you cries I love you so much. You already know how I feel about you. cries.. Pauses.. I wish you all the best in life. Be safe when you travel." I was crying too 🥹. I didn't say much cause it would just get worse and he would cry more in public on that waiting area 😆. But I did say "I love you too so much and have a safe flight..."
Our call ENDED. I cried... Just lying there in bed thinking and missing him.
I would be lying if I say I don't want it to work out or him reaching back to me. Of course I want what we had back and him to reach out, but... He knows he needs to work on things on his end.
And if one day that happens, I'd be happy for him of what he had become. It may not be with me in the end, but I'd be happy to the change he made.
Now, I'm here waiting to get on board 🛳️. I still think about him, wondering how he is doing, wondering if he is safe, wondering if he is enjoying. Either way, I hope he is.
I'll leave it here.
A Beautiful Roller-coaster Chapter Closed 📙.
Safe travels everyone! 🫶🏻
submitted by msMaeIC to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 07:42 No-Investigator-7038 How Do I (F18) Tell My Guy Friend (M19) I Have A Boyfriend (M20)?

Long story short, I have this male friend who might not be aware of my relationship status.
I'm a big talker and detail-giver, so bear with me.
We've been semi-friends for a while, getting to know each other in group settings with other friends. Most of these other friends, a mix of male and female, are aware that I have a boyfriend, and have even met him before. This particular guy friend, however, who I'll refer to as H, has not met him before and might not even know of him.
I haven't ever hid the fact that I'm in a relationship, and am definitely the kind of person who will get all bashful and mushy if anyone asks about my boyfriend. I've been very private in my past personal relationships, mostly because I'd worry about affecting the dynamics within my friend groups or ending up like someone who cuts everyone but their significant other off. However, I've grown past those irrational fears and just embraced it all, and am so blessed to have my boyfriend in my life.
I won't gush about him here, of course, because that's not what this query is for. My boyfriend himself does not actually know about the obliviousness of H, which may be a bad thing on my part to indirectly keep from him, but I've only just realized the awkward predicament I've placed myself in. I do not want to lead anyone on or make it seem like I'm keeping backup options, because I see only my boyfriend in my future.
H and I met, like many of my other college friends, through a program we were a part of. We never really interacted until spring semester, when everyone in the program was growing closer and doing more things outside of the classroom. I am way closer to other people in the program than I am H, but it has always been very fun with him around. He has a pretty decent sense of humor that makes the whole group laugh, and we happened to share an affinity for old Hollywood movies.
Up to this point, I'd seen him as a good friend; not quite someone I'd invite on a group dinner, but getting there, right? The program we were a part of actually spans across multiple campuses, so we go to different colleges anyway and the travel distance is quite daunting. Regardless, as the spring semester wrapped up a month or so ago, H asked to keep in contact with me over the summer at a final group gathering.
I obliged, unfortunately not thinking much of it at the time, as he seemed to also be asking two others from my campus for their contact info. Since then, I've received a few messages over the span of a few days or a week, consisting of simple check-ins and things. H and I maintained what I believed was polite contact between friends, until he recently requested that we call.
Again, it is definitely on me, but I accepted and gave H a call. We talked for maybe twenty minutes, about what we'd been up to so far and anticipation for the coming school year, and he'd make a few comments that would border on playfully flirtatious. Like, if I sent a photo of his ugly college mascot to make fun of it, he'd say "still looks better than you", or just be super interested in what I was doing, giving me workout advice or literally saying "nice comeback" if I made a witty remark at some other casual jab. As the call continued, I got the weird feeling that H might be more invested in the call than I was, so I made up a quick excuse and got off the phone.
I've been going through our texts since then. They're not many, but I've noticed a couple things. He's insisted on me sending a "goofy" headshot for my profile pic (I sent him a photo of me in the ER a few days later), will sometimes heart messages instead of simply liking them, and of course the phone call request. It's not much, but now that I'm aware of the possibility, it doesn't sit right with me.
It's not fair to H, especially if it is just a friendship, and it's definitely not fair to my boyfriend, who probably would not be pleased with the idea of another guy asking to call me. As time goes on, it's gets unfairer to every party involved, and I feel terrible for it. I don't want to be that person who shuts everything down and can't hang even in a group of people because I have a boyfriend, but I don't want to lead H on. If he asked for my number with expectations, it's already my fault for not clearing them before, but telling H now is better than telling him never, especially if he happens to say something leaning towards a more flirtatious relationship. I don't want to blindside him, and it'll hurt anyway if he did like me already, but I do know I need to at least mention it.
I might just be a big overthinker, but I suddenly feel like I'm doing something wrong and he's been wanting to get more personal by getting my contact info. All of this is because of my poorly-thought-out decisions, I know, so I just want to see what I can do before H carries out a poorly-thought-out decision of his own. I would hope that he would find someone a little more socially adept and also available, because he is a decent guy.
So, how do I tell him? Nicely?
It's a long shot and might even be selfish, but he has been a good friend over the past semester, and I'd hate to lose him or turn him away from a friendship. It's not a crime to be interested in someone, but I'd like to make sure he knows to be interested in anyone else. What's the best way to simply mention my unavailability, with minimal damage to his possible feelings and our friendship thus far?
submitted by No-Investigator-7038 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 06:40 relationshipguy254 Is Inner Child Healing Necessary When Healing from Abuse?

Today, I’d like to answer a common question: is healing your inner child the only way to heal after leaving a toxic relationship or when you want to overcome some of your compulsive or unhealthy behaviors? The answer is yes and no. Let’s first understand what it means to heal your inner child. Healing your inner child involves addressing the wounds (abandonment, neglect, trust, or guilt) that we internalized when we were young.
It's one of the biggest traps people fall into on their healing journey: obsessively concluding that they need to work on their "inner child" wounds as the root cause of their current problems. Yes, those wounds can definitely play a role in framing your current beliefs, but assuming that’s automatically the case without proper investigation will keep you guessing and stuck, feeling helpless about what to do in the present.
Too many people become fixated on regressing to nurture their inner child without investigating whether that's truly the root of their current struggles. This can lead to spending years "reparenting" themselves, all the while remaining blind to their present beliefs and perceptions of life.
Instead, they should be asking where they are stuck now and why they are stuck. If their conclusion is simply "because of my inner child," it may be a result of their mind seeking self-preservation by finding seemingly ‘legit’ explanations. This approach uses the same identity that enables their current problems, thus keeping them stuck.
Here's the thing, the “root” cause of you need to uproot is wherever your distorted perspectives and self-limiting patterns first took seed - not necessarily what happened to you decades ago. Those negative core beliefs shaping your present circumstances could've sprouted from all kinds of experiences and influences over the years that solidified in your subconscious mind.

For example, you might struggle with a deep-seated belief that you are not good enough. While this could be linked to childhood experiences of neglect or criticism, it might also have stem from other sources like you had a demanding job with a critical boss who constantly undermined your confidence, or you experienced a series of failed relationships in adulthood that eroded your self-esteem. Another example could be a fear of abandonment. While this fear might originate from being left alone frequently as a child, it could also arise from adult experiences such as a traumatic breakup or the death of a loved one.
So, there are a lot of life experiences and circumstances which may lead us to developing or solidifying our current beliefs, but we should even dwell there. We’ve got to look more at why we are still holding onto those beliefs, the origin itself doesn’t matter as much.
It's like this analogy I use with clients: When a dog is trying to sniff out the source of a foul smell, they don't start by guessing it must be coming from the fridge and then furiously cleaning that one spot. The smart dog follows the odour trail wherever it naturally leads them to the real source, open to any possibility. But too many of us, especially when you’ve studied a lot, get fixated on the ‘fridge’ as the only source of the smell.
By assuming that the problems in your life always come from childhood neglect or trauma, you miss the real cause. It's like blaming the fridge for a bad smell without checking other places. You end up using the wrong solution for the wrong problem because you’ve decided where the issue must be without proper investigation.
I used to focus on inner child type kind of therapy, but I didn't get the results I hoped for. After learning from other excellent therapists, I now start with the client's present circumstances instead of guessing the root cause. Focusing solely on inner child issues can make you miss the more relevant present-day causes, wasting time and energy. It's more like the Mulla Nasruddin parable about the drunk looking for his lost key under a lamppost because that's where the light is, even though he lost it on the other side of the street. By focusing only on inner child issues, you're just looking where it's convenient, not where the real solution might be.
So, don't get arrogantly stuck believing that inner child issues are the ultimate root cause just because it's a trendy buzzword. Stay open and curious, investigating the real root causes of your unhappiness and toxic patterns as they manifest in the present moment. Actually, the goal isn't to dig into the past; it's to diffuse active landmines planted by past experiences that are still sabotaging your present and future life.
Note from the Author
If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.
submitted by relationshipguy254 to healfromabuse [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:43 lonewolfe12345 Professionalism question

Okay so I (20F) have been doing clinicals at the local trauma center and to be honest I’ve been battling some matters of the heart with a Paramedic working here.
She is very nice, very friendly and was a former student of my instructor. I wanna get to know her more ;-; but I don’t even know if she swings that way.
But my main question is would it be unprofessional to say that I may be interested in her to her? This is new territory for me and I’m not about to be odd or rude if I can help it.
submitted by lonewolfe12345 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:40 TunaTheAsian $RAFL is a Decentralized Variable Revenue Share Token Listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap Found on multiple DEX sites Looking for partnerships!
Join our rapidly growing community and get your share of the project early on! The Only Token with 3x Weekly Payouts! $RAFL on #base.
CA 0xC702b80a1bEBac118cab22Ce6F2978ef59563b3F

Revenue Sharing Vault

Anyone who has been around Crypto since the early days is familiar with the concept of buy/sell taxes; $RAFL has these set to 2.5%.
The 2.5% goes straight into the Revenue Share Vault for 3x weekly distribution.
This tax directly benefits all token holders in several ways, including Variable Revenue Share, constant marketing funds, and improved scarcity and price stability through quarterly token burns.

Community Buy-In

$RAFL at its core has a strong team of people heavily invested in the long-term success of the token. Like every one of our token’s Stakers and NFT holders, we believe in what $RAFL ultimately represents:
Completely Fair Revenue Share for Everyone.
There is no luck in whether rev share will be paid out – the only question is “how much?”
With camaraderie and high hopes for that 26 ball to land 3 times a week… WAGMI.

Quarterly Token Burns

On the first Monday of every quarter, $RAFL will burn all remaining tokens in the Revenue Share Vault after the Revenue Share for Stakers and NFT holders are paid out (the marketing fund will forgo its 7% share).
For instance, if ball #26 is drawn on that Monday, 26% of the Revenue Share Vault will be paid out to Stakers, 7.77% will be paid out to NFT holders, and the entire remaining 66.23% of tokens in the Vault will be burned.

Variable Revenue Sharing

Using the lucky Powerball number (no affiliation; this is an official lottery in the United States: see for details) drawn three times per week, a simple calculation is made to determine what percentage of the Revenue Sharing Vault is paid out to Stakers.
Mondays: 1x multiplier
Wednesdays: 2x multiplier
Saturdays: 3x multiplier
The only extra note is the first Monday of every quarter, all remaining tokens in the Revenue Share Vault will be burned after all rev share distributions have been made.

More Than Meets the Eye

$RAFL is a uniquely decentralized token based on Variable Revenue Share (BASE token). Our team consists of 12 members, including a seasoned Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and 4 skilled software engineers.
Our mission is to integrate $RAFL seamlessly into the web3 crypto ecosystem, incorporating features such as NFTs and revenue sharing.
In Phase 2, we plan to enhance BASE with new and improved utilities, including:
Looking ahead to Phase 3, we aim to develop a comprehensive suite of web3 tools, expanding our dApp’s capabilities to provide crypto marketing services accessible to a wide audience.
All revenue generated from the services we provide will be used to purchase $RAFL on the open market. The tokens will then be placed into the revenue share vault and either distributed or burnt.
If you have any further requests or need additional assistance, feel free to join us on telegram.

Current Progress

$RAFL has already been paying out 3 times a week since April 29th and has paid out over $20,000 using our own working staking/unstaking process.
To make sure you are counted as part of the pool for your share of the vault you must be staked 24 hours prior to the payouts that occur every Monday (1x), Wednesday (2x), and Saturday (3x). Be sure to get your investment in $RAFL soon and stake it to start getting payouts every week!
If you have any further requests or need additional assistance, feel free to join us on any of our socials.

Links To Learn More and Join Us Today!

Official Website -
Documents -
Twitter -
All Links -

submitted by TunaTheAsian to CryptoStock [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:32 milkettes zoloft & depression?

hello! i had a question about zoloft and need some answers and different perspectives (possibly) about its effects and if my current experience is normal or not.
some background: i started medication when i was 12 (lexapro) for anxiety (social, general) and depression. at first everything was good, i was feeling less anxious etc, but the higher my dose went the more depressed and suicidal i began to feel — i also gained a significant amount of weight which was hard for me (a 14 year old girl at the time). i switched off of that and began taking buspar and bupropion. i stayed on this from ages 15-20, and i definitely was less depressed, but it didn’t help my anxiety whatsoever.
i am now prescribed zoloft, and i am still taking bupropion (300mg xl), but NOT buspar anymore. i started taking zoloft in march or april — just 50mg. however around that same time i got diagnosed with ocd (and bdd but that was already suspected). my psychiatrist decided that we were going to up my dose 50mg every 2 weeks until we got to 200mg, and then see how i felt at that point.
i don’t know if i’ve been taking it long enough to feel the full effects, but overall my anxiety has improved. however, i’ve noticed recently that i have been extremely depressed, and feeling very hopeless, worthless, etc. i am really unhappy with myself in every way (appearance, social life, romance life, work, school, etc), and it came out of nowhere and for no reason at all. i also have been more critical of myself and my body (i always am but it’s more than usual). typical bdd symptoms: body checking, taking hundreds of pictures of videos to see how i look at different angles, obsessing over minuscule things, etc). i would usually say that it’s circumstantial but the first month or so after continuing to up my dose of zoloft, i’ve just felt so awful and disgusting. in every way possible.
basically, i just want to get some different opinions. i plan to speak to my own psychiatrist about this but i wanted to see what others thought as well. can zoloft worsen depression in some circumstances? is my dose of zoloft too high or low? what other medications could i look into (other than prozac and lexapro)? should i maybe up my dose of bupropion?
of course, i am open to trying things that aren’t just medication. but for this post i just wanted to focus on medication specifically.
sorry about the length and all of the questions. if anyone has some advice/opinions/whatever, i’d be grateful to hear them. anything is appreciated! thanks so much for your time and if you need clarification on anything please let me know :)
submitted by milkettes to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:31 Adorable_worm Spotting daily for months

ello everyone. First of all I would like to say that have and am currently seeking medical advice. I'm just wondering if there's anything else I should consider bringing up to my health care provider.
During covid I had a family illness and then death, so my periods weren't as consistent as they usually were from stress. But it's been over 2 years now since the death, and one since moving to a new home. I think that my uterus/hormones should be back on track at this point. Also I've been consistently fatigued, but that's not a recent thing. I'm sure the spotting isn't helping. There is also no pain with the spotting. My only pain so far has been from the few periods I've has.
For over 4 months now I've had daily spotting, that ranges from slightly pink to brown. Also it's sometimes quite light to the tail end of a period in heaviness. I've had 2 periods during that time, with no break in the spotting.
My nurse practitioner did a pap smear to check for polyps. That came back clean as a whistle, which is nice because my mother had to get some polyps removed so I was a bit concerned.
I've had my blood tested for hormone levels, which came back normal My iron levels were a little low, so I've been on a prescribed supplement. Thankfully my stomach isn't responding poorly to it, but I'm not noticing an increase in energy. I've also been taking vit. D daily. As well as having something with citrus alongside the tablet.
I've also had a transvaginal and pelvic ultrasound a few days ago. The nurse practitioner left a message today to say that everything looked normal. This is good because I have a family history of fibroid, ovarian cysts, and atheist 3 generations of women on my moms side with endometriosis. I know endometriosis isn't necessary going to show up on ultrasound, but I figured they might have noticed If there was scarring or weird growths in the uterus.
Overall my concerns are being taken seriously. My nurse practitioner is great, she did my fist pap smear (the one mentioned earlier) and was super nice and talked me through everything with out being condescending. The woman who did my ultrasound was super nice too, she couldn't give any recommendation other than tell me what she was looking for (fibroid and cysts specifically). She was also really nice and made me feel comfortable as possible throughout the procedure. My mother as well, who also has had reproductive health issues (endo) is being supportive and encouraging me to keep looking for answers.
I'm so lucky and happy to have had support from my health Carr providers and family, I know so many women could only dream of someone taking them seriously. And I let them know too how happy I am with their care.
If there's anything you recommend me talking over with the nurse, or asking the women in my family about, please let me know so I can bring it up at my next appointment.
submitted by Adorable_worm to UterusProblems [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:17 Thegoathomelander My ps5 disc version doesn't read ps5 games anymore... please help

I'll be explaining this in depth providing as much info as I can to prevent anyone from suggesting things I've already tried...
Earlier today I loaded Spider-Man 2 into my ps5 because it's been a while since I've played it. (FYI it was deleted from my library, an important detail for later). After a minute, the icon displayed a question mark and said below; "Can't recognize the disc. Make sure it's not damaged or dirty, and that it's not inserted upside down." Even tho I've had this for years, I entertained the idea that I completely forgot which way to put it in, but no, it said the same thing when placed upside down. I thought it was the disc itself, so I put in Lies of P ps5 (also deleted a while ago from my library) into my console as well, but it displayed the exact same thing. When the disc is inside, it makes a weird noise at one point, as if its about to eject, but instead just moves around inside.
First off, my ps5 is updated to the latest version. I have over 200 gb free of space, so it's nothing simple like that. I also put it into safe mode, cleared the system software cashe, and then also rebuilt the database. So I've tried basically everything I can think of/what people have been saying to do online.
I took apart my ps5, carefully taking it apart while watching a tutorial online. I cleaned up all the dust, never actually opening the disc drive itself, but I cleaned up bunch of other things (i know how dumb this sounds now btw, that i cleaned everything but inside it. It's just very scary to take apart so i didn't want to chance it).
SIDE NOTE: This may be important but I have no idea tbh. I own avatar frontiers of pandora and occasionally play it online with my brother (always installed in library and not deleted). About a couple weeks ago... and i know this will be VERY hard to believe... I played Avatar and realized that I never put the disc inside. Looking back, that was the last disc I put inside my ps5 to play, and now I no longer need the disc to play it. I know it sounds impossible, but I continue to play it with my brother without the disc inside. HOWEVER, when I put the disc inside, it sounds the same thing to when I put in other discs; "Can't recognize the disc. Make sure it's not damaged or dirty, and that it's not inserted upside down"... which is stupid because the game is literally installed.
Please offer suggestions, I have no idea what to do. Do I need to buy a whole ass new ps5 disc? This is been eating away at my anxiety all day just cuz the ps5 is only 2 1/2 years old. If it really is broken, can I buy a new disc drive and put it inside the ps5 to fix it??? Like is that how ps5 disc consoles work? Just please help :/
submitted by Thegoathomelander to PlayStationSolutions [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:51 PowerShift11 45 pilot/185 main too rich for a stage 1 883?

The fuel mileage is a consistent 43-45MPG but now that I’ve fixed my intake seals and accelerator pump, I should hopefully have to be less into the throttle to get the same acceleration. Despite all that, I think the 185 may be a little too fat. I don’t have a 180 so the next step down in my box is a 175.
For the pilot jet, I have a 42 I can swap in. Before I fixed my intake seals, I could get low-mid 50s for MPG on the 42 but idk how the engine felt with the leaner pilot, as in heat or pinging. I also notice with the 45 in, if I let the bike sit for a few minutes (stopping inside the convenience store before refueling) and do a hot start, it’ll stumble it’s way up to idle, which tells me it’s probably a bit too rich. Blipping the throttle kinda yields the same, a slight heaviness to it revving up.
I’m close, just not quite there yet. I’ll also do plug reads to see what they say. TIA!
submitted by PowerShift11 to sportster [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:28 NaiveChemistry6309 Holter monitor results- AV block 2nd degree type 1, Vtach, and VEs/SVEs. Any help is welcome for changes in symptoms. Feedback from cardiology leads me here.

Holter monitor results- AV block 2nd degree type 1, Vtach, and VEs/SVEs. Any help is welcome for changes in symptoms. Feedback from cardiology leads me here.
Hi there,
I wore a monitor and it showed a change in my cardiac history. I used to get 2nd degree AV block type 1 at night while sleeping but now it has started to happen during the day and is additionally symptomatic- I literally feel like someone is drop kicking me in the chest and I get nausea/chills. Lowest rate I got to was 28 BPM which before during the blocks they were 60. It also is happening multiple times a day with drastic increase in VEs/SVEs. Monitor additionally caught a run of Vtach, but I’ve known myself to go into this in the past.
EP isn’t concerned of any of it but I am due to my families past history- mom and gma died young of cardiac issues. And I also have history of SVT (still get a few beats every once and again after ablation) and PFO.
EP did say he doesn’t believe this is cardiac related and believes this is a vasovagal response. He just has no idea what is causing it and has virtually no direction or info for me.
I have had slight symptoms of dysautonomia in the past and am awaiting a tilt table to see if it is. Some weird symptoms are, sudden drops in BP to hypotensive, dizziness, tachycardia (easily 230 on treadmill, 130 doing normal tasks), neuropathy, cold feet/legs constantly, and leg mottling.
My questions are-
Does anyone have literally any idea of what is causing this potential vasovagal issue or how to treat it/make it better?
If it isn’t vasovagal or dysautonomia, any ideas what can cause this stuff in general- The changes in block frequency/time, the runs of Vtach, and increase in VE/SVEs.
Has anyone ever heard of this, related to particularly dysautonomia?
Anyone know if this normal for the blocks to change in frequency like this, from sleeping to wake as well as to become symptomatic?
Should I be concerned about this and get on treatment?
Could this develop into something worse? This is currently preventing me from starting my career in law enforcement and I feel at a dead stop and questioning if I can even do it.
He is totally not concerned and I really am distressed and thinking of another opinion. It is frustrating to constantly be told you are sick but have no help on where to start to get better.
Thank you so much for your time!!
submitted by NaiveChemistry6309 to VasovagalSyncope [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:22 DoubtOrganic1162 Accountability

So I am 25yo male and recently found out I have bipolar 2, it took for me to have my worst hypomanic episode so far. It was substance induced from alcohol/ecstacy and has happened before but worse this time, I was undiagnosed and never did anything about it because I had no idea. My whole relationship I was hurting my partner and not meeting her needs because I was hypo or depressed, but I didn’t understand what was going on with me and was too caught up in everything in my life to be proactive and seek help… until it was too late. My episode caused me to abandon my partner, quit my job and book a holiday with no return ticket and I was all for it. Then the depression hit and everything became impossible and I was all alone. I seeked help and have been sober over a month and plan to keep it that way, but have ended up concluding with doctors I have bipolar 2. My behaviour makes a lot of sense now over the years.
My reason for this post is I want to know how people feel about accountability, when it comes to hurting people who love you how do you deal with that? Surely I can’t blame it all on being mentally ill I am struggling to come to a conclusion with that, I feel I should be held accountable for my actions and deal with the consequences and almost punished. I have explained to close friends and my ex what I have been diagnosed with but it still feels to me like it’s an excuse, am I to be held accountable for my actions or is this all a consequence of being undiagnosed and unmedicated. I guess I’m still coming to terms my self and understanding my illness. I am seeing doctors and going on medication and have a positive outlook that I will be ok. Appreciate the feedback
submitted by DoubtOrganic1162 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:02 morecowbell24 May 2024 Recap

I beat 15 games this past month.
Another Crab's Treasure [2024]
KREBS!!! This is branded as a soulslike, but to me it was more evocative of 3D platformers like Banjo-Kazooie, and I think that is why I found it to be better than every other soulslike I've played. Collecting all the different shells is fun in a lot of the ways old 3D collectathon platformers were fun, except instead of collecting for collecting's sake, each shell has an ability you might want to use. The combat is indeed very soulslike, but it's far easier than that any soulslike I've played. The vibrant under the sea aesthetic works well, and being a crab feels novel and fun in the way being a various animals across other 3D platformers felt fun. The writing component is more upfront than your typical souls game, and a bit hit and miss, but its heart is generally in the right place. On the whole, Another Crab's Treasure makes me wonder if the 3D platformer doesn't have a resurgence waiting for it when its thoughtfully combined with other genres like it is here.
Marble Madness [1984]
The arcade spree continues. This is Mark Cerny of Playstation fame's first game. Marble type games pop up from time to time, like Marble Blast Ultra, Super Monkey Ball, Marble it Up!, and they all derive themselves from Marble Madness. Being an early arcade game there isn't a lot here, but considering the time it feels a whole lot more whole than most arcade games. It's simple momentum based fun.
Bosconian [1981]
Bosconian is really cool at first, but it ultimately doesn't change much from round to round. It's an early example of a top down scrolling shooter. There is a decent amount of enemy variety and the star destroyer space stations are a fun objective, but it just feels like there ought to have been one more defining encounter to bring the experience home. When I eventually began seeing the same level layouts I count it as beat.
Vanguard [1981]
Another early example of a scrolling shooter, but this one is a sideview instead of top down view. It's also among of the earliest games to feature a soundtrack. It's an okay game, but I think I prefer the gameplay of similar games of the time like Konami's Scramble and Super Cobra over it.
Qix [1981]
Qix is way more fun than it probably looks. It's kind of an action puzzle game where you have to fill in 75 percent of the board without getting touched by the wild stix flying around in the middle of the board. It's highly unpredictable an often frustrating as a result, but it's just an oddly satisfying game. I maxed out the multiplier and completed a round after that and count it as beat.
Rally-X [1981]
I played a lot of New-Rally X on the Xbox Live Arcade and really enjoyed it. This one is basically the same game, but an earlier and harder version with a different not as catchy, but also good driving melody. It's a solid maze game and perhaps the first game to feature a mini-map/radar.
Kangaroo [1982]
In my arcade rabbit hole I came to discover Kangaroo, and boy have I developed a fondness for it. It's probably most reminiscent of Nintendo's Donkey Kong arcade games, and just as good. I really like the animation and the way it looks. It's fairly simple and not overly difficult, but quite fun. I played until the little cutscenes began to repeat and count it as beat.
Missile Command [1980]
Missile Command has a great look and feel to it, but damn is it difficult. The sheer amount of stuff they begin to throw at you ramps up quickly. Who would have thought defending your cities from nuclear armageddon would be so difficult. I maxed out the multiplier and completed one more stage and count it as beat.
Gyruss [1983]
I played a fair amount of Gyruss on the GBA Konami arcade collection, but it was always my least favorite of the bunch. It's a tunnel shooter like Tempest, but features more lively sprites and more considered level progression. You have to make your way back from the far reaches of the solar system back to Earth. It's pretty simple and doesn't change too much from round to round, and thus my feelings for it haven't changed much.
Moon Cresta [1980]
Also known as Eagle, this is another Space Invaders derivative, and most closely resembles Galaxian and Galaga. It's quite a bit easier than both and becomes kind of a power fantasy if you get your ship fully upgraded. But just as soon as you upgrade your ship and it resets you back to square one with the very slow shooting starter ship, that feels bad. There's a neat little docking sequence you have to perform to upgrade your ship between rounds. I completed two loops and count it as beat.
Moon Patrol [1982]
There was a game called Heavy Weapon on Xbox Live Arcade that I kind of liked that was very clearly inspired by Moon Patrol. You shoot straight and up at the same time, and you can jump your moon rover over craters. Enemies will bomb you from above and stand in your way. It's basically the first runner game, except you can shoot. It's a pretty solid game. I completed loops until it began to repeat with champion course 3, which really didn't seem any different from champion course 1 or 2.
Banjo-Tooie [2000]
Another Crab's Treasure gave off such Banjo-Kazooie energy I finally decided to end my arcade spree and play Banjo-Tooie. I really enjoyed Banjo-Kazooie, and I really did not like Banjo-Tooie. I found a lot of it to be a tedious switching between forms and whole lot of back and forth. I should also mention I love Super Mario Odyssey, which this game is actually quite similar to with its goofy form switching. It's just all incredibly inconvenient and not always apparent when necessary in Banjo-Tooie. The bones of the first game and the charm are all still present and good, but it was all just outweighed by its tedious nature.
Animal Well [2024]
Animal Well is just a great game. Its scanline aesthetic evokes old arcade games like Kangaroo, but its so beautifully animated and otherwise modern, it's simply gorgeous to behold. It's full of secrets and is the kind of game where you actually want to uncover them. It's also nostalgic beyond its look, featuring many iconic children's toys like the yo-yo, a frisbee, a bouncy ball, a slinky, etc. and all the puzzles and platforming require you to make use of them in fun and thoughtful ways. It's a strong contender for this year's game of the year, even though that might not be saying much so far.
V Rising [2024]
I love me some Castlevania, and V Rising evokes it quite nicely while still feeling like its own thing. It's really good about allowing you to experience a lot of the vampire fantasy, from worrying about the sun all the way down to silver and garlic. It's ultimately a crafting game, but the ARPG style combat feels pretty good. Unfortunately it doesn't feel like builds are very important, and it's all about having a high gear score. Spells also really don't vary much from element to element. There's also a ton of bosses, and while some are cooler than others, a lot them are very similar to one another, and feature spells you yourself might be casting. The Simon Belmont fight in particular was pretty awesome for me as a Castlevania fan, but at the same time on a personal level I disagree with that kind of crossover stuff in games. The progression generally feels okay, but can become a bit of a slog eventually. The game is obviously geared more towards MMO/Rust type gameplay, but I played it solo. I don't have time for someone to steal all my stuff, nor do I have friends who would want to play this game. I still had a more positive experience than not despite its grindy nature, largely in part due to the games setting and the general combat feeling pretty solid.
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II [2024]
I can't believe this is literally just Hellblade II. It's very cinematic, and the combat is as visceral as it is basic. It's a gorgeous looking game, and sounds great too. It's also not as novel this time around, so it being literally just Hellblade II is kind of a letdown, even though that is kind of exactly what I expected from the various information we had been hearing before its release. It's more just baffling to me that there was seemingly such a premium put on this series as a heavy hitter by Microsoft when its plainly very niche. I didn't like the voices in Senua's head as much this time around, and thought a lot of the writing was much poorer this time around. The gist of the narrative is fine, but the ending was a bit hammy. The final encounter I get from a poetic and narrative stand point, but it felt like it didn't make sense in the context of the rest of the game.
submitted by morecowbell24 to MadCowbell [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:59 Sufficient_Top_8970 Opinions

Ik some people might have read this but I just wanted to post this on a different account cus of my username being similar to wat I use and I don’t want anyone finding out
Hey so idk if this is the right place to ask for advice or what other people think but I just wanna vent a bit. So I meant up with this guy on Grindr and did some stuff together but didn’t go all the way, and he seemed like he was into and after he kissed me which was my first kiss and then he asked for my ig cus he thought I was cool and stuff and then he said he would walk me home cus we live quite close and then before I went home we chatted for an hour or 2 and it was really nice talking to someone. Cus I’ve never had a talk like that with someone before and it felt nice And then he messaged me said he had a nice time and that we should do something in the near future and I said sure. And we continued texting and then I asked him if he wanted to go on a walk like 2 days after this and he said he wanted to do something else instead and he said he was free Tuesday and I told him that’s fine and we can arrange something.(I genuinely did just wanna go on a walk I didn’t want anything sexual i just wanted to talk with someone) We continue talking for a bit and he was showing me stuff he painted which was cool and then he sent some videos and I sent some back and he didn’t respond, and I was just thinking maybe he’s busy so the next day I ask how he’s doing and no response and I tried sending a meme still no response n then I message him the next day asking about our plans and he said he was still down n I asked wat he wanted to do and he didn’t respond.
But my other friend messaged him on Grindr as well at the time I was messaging him on ig when he wasn’t responding and he responded to my friend and it was a bit hurtful but I was just thinking it was a guy I mentioned a few days ago why do I care and I ask my friend to ask him question and stuff to see if he can see if he says anything about me without mentioning me and he did. He said I was push in the sense that I was really horny n I was kinda weird and he said I was being really weird… and that kinda made me feel like shit cus I only wanted to do something sexual once which was when we first met, after that I just genuinely wanted someone to talk to and hangout with cus I dont have that many people in my town I can hangout with, I didn’t really care that it wouldn’t be sexual.
Anyways my friend plays along with it and he said he hope he doesn’t bump into me and that it’s crap we live close and he hopes I don’t contact him.
And I genuinely don’t know how to feel cus I was fine with it being a one time thing cus that’s wat is usually is like on Grindr, but he asked for my ig and he wanted to hangout with me again and he was replying really fast to my messages. N I just feel so confused cus I feel like I haven’t done anything n I feel so sad cus I just wanted to someone to hangout with and talk to but he just sees me as someone who’s just a sex freak. And it’s made me so self conscious cus I feel like everyone things of me pushy n I just feel like crying cus I just want to feel wanted by someone
N this is bit of a side rant I’ve never been in love or had anyone like me and I feel like it’s affected me so much cus I see all my friends in relationships and it just makes me thing is there something wrong with me that I am just unloveable.
Rant over lol, have a good day
submitted by Sufficient_Top_8970 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:52 BillyBop0299 Unable to make friends as a 25/M what should I do?

Like I get l'm a little weird but even weird people have friends I don't get it. I don't fit in everyone has best friends and I have never gotten to experience that. Why am I so unlikeable. Thank god for my girlfriend but it's like I don't want her to be my only friend, Even she has best friends and when she hangs out with them I have to find things to do because l've never successfully been able to form connections. Like I'm 25 with basically no friend group. It bothers me so much. I'll be at the gym and see other dudes chatting having fun while,there I am by myself getting through my lift. I've always wanted to be the guy who people gravitate towards but I have never gotten that. I don't know if I come off as an off putting person. But even the "socially" weirdest of people have friend groups and people they can relate and hang out with but it feels like I don't even have that. It's so disheartening. I really wish I knew why people acted the way they do towards me. What can I even do??
submitted by BillyBop0299 to Advice [link] [comments]