Team names with fourth

Ask Electricians

2013.07.10 15:30 RockTheFuckOut Ask Electricians

Welcome to /AskElectricians. To get verified, send a photo to the mods that has your certificate/seal/card. In this photo, have a piece of paper with your username and date written on it. Block out all identifying information. Once verified delete the image. If the instructions are not followed exactly, the request will be ignored.

2015.10.15 14:45 ADAMKOVICSLOVECHILD Insane People on Social Media

Insane people on social media. Post it here.

2013.06.08 18:06 Restore The Fourth Amendment

The official subreddit for /RestoretheFourth.

2024.06.04 22:27 ImportantSmell4426 Laporta Full Interview

Barcelona President Laporta: “As Barça fan, it’s not good news to see Mbappé to Real Madrid”.
“But to be honest, I prefer our strategy to trust a project with players produced and made in La Masia”.
“I respect our rivals but I keep our Philosophy”,
“Xavi told me that he trusted this team, but then some of his statements looked like he changed his speech”.
“It caused me to rethink… and I had the feeling that I had to do a change, also with the same feeling shared with the board”.
“I started thinking of Flick as Barça manager since I re-joined the club”.
“He started studying the team right after Xavi’s announcement. All the reports we have on Flick were super positive”.
“Deco and Bojan also had same feeling, Flick had to be our coach”.
“Robert Lewandowski has rejected important financial proposals to stay at Barcelona”.
“Victor Roque? He’s adapting to our world, our club and new environment, he’s getting the right rythm”.
“I don’t think we will go for big names, as well as we don’t plan to sell our stars”.
❗️ “We’re looking for new winger and new midfielder”.
“We also have our own talents who could cover those position”.
“We want both João Félix and João Cancelo to stay, Deco’s working on it”.
“João Félix’s quality is something excellent, I’m happy with his season”.
“Hansi Flick already wanted João Félix at Bayern”.
“We do not need to sell one top player, with the current financial situation it’s not needed”.
submitted by ImportantSmell4426 to Barca [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:25 Bewsa3 [Hiring] (Online/Remote) B2B Content Marketing Specialist Part-Time 20 hrs/wk to increase to Full-Time in the next 3-6 months

Hello forhire!
My company is excited to be opening up a part-time role for a Content Marketing Specialist. We are about a ~1 year old business that is rapidly expanding, headquartered in TX (USA) but with teams around the globe. We found one of our absolute best people on reddit so I'm happy to be back.
Role: Content Marketing Specialist
Details: 20-30 hours per week
Rate: $600-1000 per month
We love regions such as Philippines, Pakistan, India, Romania, South Africa - the vast majority of our team is located outside the US.
All of the details are located at the job description below - we're looking for someone to tell our story in multiple different formats, across many different channels, in a unique, innovative, and NOT BORING way!
Please read through the job description at the link below. To start the process, please comment and then message me the following:
Job Description:
submitted by Bewsa3 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:23 Silver_liver The Ashtapadan Ch.25/43. Delving even deeper. This time in a non-sexual way

chapters 1&2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
The place where Gentry’s fleeing instinct ultimately guided her wasn’t in the middle of the crowd. In fact, though she initially wanted to get rid of the pursuit among the many people walking outside at this hour, the panic made her sight latch onto the nearest escape route that was within the narrow alley: a metal ladder leading up one of the buildings on the side. Her understanding of the hounds’ design said that it was impossible for them to even jump on those hooves let alone climb anything that wasn’t specifically planned to be climbable.
Bless the excellent human knees!
Her calculation was lightning-fast: if the hound was too fast for her to reach the open space in time, the robot could simply crush her bones with a single step, but there was no way it would follow her in the vertical direction.
It seemed to work. One good leap of the short lightweight body, and G was able to grab onto the bottom bar of the ladder to climb up as fast as possible. Without looking down, she kept on climbing up and up, towards the roofs, hoping to lose the pursuer and escape without much trouble. She only hoped the beast wouldn’t use any kind of harpoon to drag her down. That would definitely hurt.
Only after her feet thumped on the solid horizontal surface of the roof did she dare to look down to see that the offending machine wasn’t anywhere to be seen. She double-checked that it wasn’t making its way up with some ropes and hooks, but it really did look like she had lost it.
Was it that easy? A bit of vandalism and a good old run for your life? Or was the machine counting on her gullibility and was ready to strike once she came down?
Better find a way to the ground as far from here as possible then.
The building she was walking atop was nothing special: a five- or seven-story concrete box with some giant vents and metal structures spread around. She had an excellent opportunity to see what those self-building structures looked like up-close. Vertical pipes that peeked out of the unfinished walls were spraying on the new layer of dissolved concrete. If the article she read were to be believed, the daytime sun was going to evaporate the excess liquid throughout the day, hiding these ducts within. In the evening, a team of construction hounds would come here with the new quickly-assembling pipeline to extend those.
This meant that there had to be a way down that those hounds could climb: a way for her to escape!
Careful with her step, Gentry went around the perimeter until she saw it — the door in, human-sized, completely normal.
And, of course, locked.
No other entrances were to be found and after briefly considering another act of vandalism, Gee decided against it in fear of being deported for municipal property damage that couldn’t be explained by self-defense this time.
She had a lot of experience thinking her future excuses through!
Instead, she walked around the edge of the roof again, this time looking down in search of another ladder that could take her back to the ground without alerting the hound, but instead, she noticed something peculiar: what she initially thought was a square building seemed to have a small dent that stretched all the way from the bottom up, forming a little dead-end that cut into the concrete structure from the alley with the vending machines.
What was more peculiar though was the fact that the hounds below seemed to gravitate towards the dead end, disappearing there in neat rows, as if the building itself swallowed them together with the cargo they carried.
They weren’t going after her, were they?
Gentry looked back at the door in panic. A minute passed, but no sirens, blinding lights and orders to freeze seemed to be coming out.
Puzzled, she lay on the edge of the roof to watch the ant-like stream of robots that turned from the alley into the little nook. None went out. The machines queued in an orderly fashion, waiting for their turn to go in. Then, she noticed the big hound she had just encountered. It strode from around the corner, as if it was circling it in search of its prey in vain. Gee noted with satisfaction that its broken camera made its motions lose the cunning agility it had before it dared lay its paws on her.
Not so smug now, huh?
The hound took its place in the queue and after a short delay at the entrance was allowed in.
Had it alerted the police? Do they know her location now? She’d better run away then. Or...?
Gentry used the same ladder to get to the ground, and, unable to resist her feline curiosity, carefully approached the dead end, standing to the side of the neat line of the hounds that seemed to ignore her completely. Some of them were light delivery ones, no bigger than a lap dog, larger ones carried heavy containers on their backs and in the extendable hammock-like fixtures under their bellies that allowed to fit more weight. Every single one stopped for a split-second in front of a gaping gate before an affirmative signal confirmed that it could proceed into the dim insides of the building. Sometimes, the scan took a second or two, but all the hounds got in.
It looked like it was the entrance to the underground transportation system that distributed mail and goods around the city.
Should she...?
Gentry made a step sideways, cutting into the line of the hounds that didn’t seem to mind much. But when her turn to be scanned came, the approving sound didn’t come as fast. Then, a low-pitched negative beep announced that she wasn’t allowed in.
Well, no surprise there.
G ran the experiment a couple more times to make sure the system wouldn’t glitch and let her in or somehow otherwise change its mind. She briefly considered just running inside and hoping the gate wouldn’t chop her in half in an attempt to stop the intruder, but then decided it wasn’t worth it.
Did she really need to know where the hounds were going? If her hooved attacker had snitched on her, the authorities could arrive any minute… Besides, Ashtapada was a city run by AI and machines, if it didn’t want to let her in, it probably wasn’t a good...
Then, something changed in the routine at the gate. The hounds, as if at the click of a switch, stopped approaching the gate and stepped to the side, clearing the way. A sound of giant vents came from within, bringing an overwhelming stream of warm air, indistinct machinery noises and... a smell of something intoxicatingly sweet.
The sweetness in the air momentarily dizzied Gentry’s sugar-deprived brain, and she nearly forgot to step aside too, narrowly avoiding the first hounds that appeared from the mouth of the tunnel, bringing their own boxes and containers, like industrious little bees arriving at the hive with their fresh booty.
Could they be transporting something sugary in the middle of the night? The pink-haired assistant made it clear that any “stimulants” were banned in Ashtapada, but perhaps the elites could enjoy a little smuggled sugar as long as the rest of the citizens didn’t know they were doing so.
If this was the case, she had to find out how to get some. The hounds that carried the cargo out of the gate looked too secure though so it was not a good idea to rob the outgoing caravan waving a Jolly Roger flag, but if she could sneak in...
The mysterious gate was probably the best place to hide, as well. Since no human was allowed in, the potential police squad would never think to look for her there. She’d investigate where the sweet smell was coming from and then, in a matter of hours, she’d reappear on the opposite end of Ashtapada. She could claim she wasn’t here at the time of the incident. The little nook didn’t seem to have any cameras, so to complete the alibi…
Gentry took her wristcomm off and quickly hid it under a broken vending machine nearby. Suppose she’d lost it earlier that day…
It was just a matter of fooling that scanner now.
The machines that patiently waited for their turn to come in weren’t all filled to the brim. G approached one of the bigger ones that didn’t have any cargo loaded under its belly and carefully tapped it on the muzzle. It shook its head like a nervous horse but otherwise didn’t protest, which was encouraging. She pulled at the fasteners below like she saw some people do and the extendable mechanism easily unfolded into a cot-like shelf that was supposed to fit in some extra load. With one last apprehensive look around, G climbed onto it, fully expecting to be shaken off by the beast, but the hound showed no signs of discomfort. As far as it was concerned, it just needed to carry a little extra.
It took some waiting before the stream of the hounds coming out ended, together with the sound of huge fans and the dizzying fragrance of sweetness, and Gentry’s hound started moving again. Like all the other machines, it patiently waited for its turn and after a while, stopped at the gate to be scanned. G stopped breathing.
Could it really work?
Was it affirmative?
The hound started moving.
It was! It was! She did it!
Still not daring to breathe, G lay down even quieter in case there were more scanners in the depths within, but the hound just happily strode along, the cot swaying gently, as if there wasn’t live contraband strapped to it. The dim lights of the city night went out completely, and G couldn’t help but feel that she was being carried into the depths of hell, lured by a sweet smell of temptation, with no way out. But perhaps, if she found the source, looking for the black market wouldn’t be necessary: she could borrow some sweet stuff from where it was kept and restock her stash from time to time with no one needing to know. Like this, her life in Ashtapada would be set, the only missing piece of her sugar addiction falling into place and completing the puzzle of a perfect place to settle: advanced free society, beautiful men, and desserts.
There were more beeping gates and scanners of sorts, but none of them picked up on the intruder, however much Gentry sweated and squeezed herself into a ball. It felt like several hours, but could have easily been mere thirty minutes of travelling through dimly-lit subway-like tunnels. Then, she felt before she saw it: a change in the way the sound travelled in the surrounding air. While they were carelessly clip-plopping through narrow tunnels, the sound of the metal hooves of dozens of hounds on bare concrete filled Gee’s ears with a lulling monotonous cacophony. However, now the sound stopped bouncing off of the walls and started echoing. She realised they were coming to some kind of clearing, or at least a bigger hall which was in turn exuding its own set of mechanical noises.
Judging by the echo, they were still underground and, by the feel of it, had only burrowed deeper. Gentry peeked out and checked for any witnesses.
No glory in being captured after pulling something like that!
Then, when the hound was passing a pile of containers stored in a relative disarray, she rolled out of the cot and swiftly hid behind them, hoping no one saw that manoeuvre, and strained her senses.
No human voices, no obvious cameras.
G finally looked out and her breath was immediately taken away by the sheer vastness of the space. Her whole communal block could probably fit under the giant concrete dome that housed what looked like one of the inner organs of the city, full of conveyor belts, hounds, pipes and who knew what else, all entangled in an ordered network, working in perfect sync, like a grandiose mechanical ballet.
From behind her hideaway, G could see the interlude that she unwittingly had taken part in. The stream of loaded hounds of all shapes and sizes came in endlessly, dropping their boxes and containers onto the moving belts that branched out, carrying the cargo somewhere she could not yet see. The belts separated into narrower ones, merged with others and spread through the whole enormous space, from the floor to immensity above, no ceiling in sight.
Gentry couldn’t see where the light came from. It was brighter than in the tunnels she had travelled through, but no light fixtures were visible on the walls. The only sense one could rely on was hearing: the sound of whizzing and clicking from up there that hinted at more transport belts.
The belts at the floor also distributed new boxes to the hounds that dutifully started their journey anew, no doubt ready to emerge from the building at the end of these intestines, and deliver the cargo to the impatient citizens up above.
It was still too hard to see the rest. Because of how massive the space was, Gentry could only see a small part of it, so she carefully relocated in her hideout to see better. What she finally saw after daring to quite literally stick her neck out blew her away. The place seemed to be a central node of sorts, with the city’s most important systems intertwining in a hypnotic pattern. No, nothing like that could have been designed by humans. That, right there, was the genius of the AI at work. A force as powerful as millions of years of evolution that came up with the human brain must have designed this place and perhaps many others like it.
The transport belts Gentry spotted earlier disappeared into and emerged from one of the four giant tunnels. It was clearly the mail and delivery system.
The hounds like the one that brought G in picked up their new cargo after dropping the previous load and got back to work, but some went into another tunnel. After paying a bit more attention, Gentry noticed that all of them were damaged somehow: some limped, some sparked, some had to be dragged by their hivemates to what appeared to be a repair facility.
Two more openings in the bare walls seemed more mysterious: one belched steel pipes so huge that a highway could easily fit into some of them, most disappearing in the fourth tunnel that no hounds and belts came near. Some pipes, like conveyors, branched out into smaller ones and went into the rest of the other two, or even grew into the walls like roots of a gigantic tree.
These definitely didn’t look like the neat and straight pipes that brought concrete to the unfinished buildings above!
Was it the bio-fuel that the corn factories produced to power the city?
No matter.
There was no security in sight. Was it safe to come out?
Getry took a step outside the pile, then another, but when nothing reacted, no sirens went off and no warnings were barked, she decided she was probably good.
Ashtapada is a city of personal freedoms, right? There was no “NO ENTRY” sign, so technically, she didn’t break any rules by coming here.
After a while, Gentry got even more bold, casually walking around the hounds that paid her no mind. It was time to return to the issue of the sweet fragrance that lured her here in the first place. Despite the overwhelming smell that hung in the air, she soon identified that it was most potent near the fourth tunnel that swallowed most of the pipes.
To her dismay, there was no way she could explore further, though. It was blocked by two huge fans that were installed on both sides of the pipes like two humming sentinels. They tirelessly pumped out the saccharine air from within and into G’s long-suffering nostrils. Both were as big as a grown human and would easily fit Gentry if only she dared to slip between the spinning blades.
What was being made there, behind the fans? And why did it require so much fuel being pumped in?
Gentry waited for a while, hoping that the fans would stop their ceaseless rotation and give her a chance to sneak inside but after a while her patience ran dry. Alas, they just mocked her with a promise of unlimited heavenly treats but kept the ecstasy just out of reach.
Growing bored and frustrated, she decided to track the pipes back to where they emerged from tunnel number three in search of another secret entrance, but to no avail: there was no way she could even crawl in between the giant metal tubes let alone somehow make her way into where they appeared from. She did notice something curious however: a small fleet of deft little spider-like hounds climbed the pipes here and there, looking like they were inspecting the metal surfaces and seams, scratching and knocking on the exterior and tightening the bolts from time to time. Some of them seemed to patch up the pipes by welding the leaks if the small cascades of sparks that spilled from above were anything to go by.
Wasn’t ethanol supposed to be highly flammable?
Although Gentry was utterly overcome with the immensity of the place, she remembered to take it all in hopes that Sereen would answer the hundred of questions swarming in her head.
Who built this place? Why did it smell like this? What was behind the fans?
Looking for a better angle to look at the evasive robotic bug crawling up the pipe, G stepped into something sticky. A leak. A fresh stream of the substance that had just been fixed by a robot that narrowly escaped her attention dropped thick strands on the floor, the puddle already starting to harden.
It didn’t look like any fuel she’d ever seen before.
Was it... a syrup?
Against her better judgment, without knowing if it was safe, Gee scooped a little viscous fluid with her index finger and gave it a cautious sniff.
It smelled sweet. It smelled like... corn syrup, there was no doubt about that.
Should she...?
Tentatively, Gentry licked the thick drop and her senses screamed in delight.
It was sweet!
Narrowly resisting the temptation to fall on her knees and lick the rest of the syrup from the floor, G sucked the rest of the sweetness off her finger. Through the haze of excitement, questions started popping up in her head.
Upon her arrival, she was shown the great expanses of corn fields just outside Ashtapada and told that it was the backbone of the city’s energy independence. The corn was made into bio fuel, ethanol, that powered the whole city and kept it fumes-free, effectively making this place the most eco-friendly city on the planet, every motor running on electricity, every light bulb being effectively zero CO2. The corn provided so much energy that there was no need to rely on burning coal and gas.
But why were the colossal pipes leaking something sweet?
G couldn’t stop thinking about it on the way back, safely tucked under the belly of another docile hound. She came out of the dark womb of the underground undisturbed, the scanner ignoring the intruder again, and breathed in the early morning air of the surface.
She needed to go back and see what was behind that giant fan.
submitted by Silver_liver to RoleReversal [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:19 HaykakanTxa Daily News Report: 06/04/2024

Date: 06/04/2024

Reading time: 10 minutes, 2112 words

🪖 Military

Armenia, Serbia to sign defense cooperation agreement

Defense Minister Suren Papikyan met with Serbia’s ambassador to the country Tatjana Panajotović Cvetković. Meeting touched upon defense cooperation between the two countries. The parties also agreed to design an Armenia-Serbia defense cooperation agreement.
ArkaAm, Armenian DM, Serbian Ambassador discuss bilateral defense cooperation

"They said: the war is ending, go and occupy the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh." session on the case of the training battalion

The trial in this case is proceeding in the court of first instance. Only Ishkhan Vahanyan is in the defendant's seat, because he left his position during the battle. The 5th rifle battalion of the Jrakan military unit was moved to a precinct called "Chrikan" ; on October 4, it retreated from that precinct to Hadrut.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Switzerland deploys specialists from Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit to areas affected by flooding

Flooding caused by heavy rainfall has led to considerable loss of life and destruction of property in several areas of northern Armenia. More than 400 people have had to be evacuated and a wide range of infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, including roads, bridges and gas and water pipes. Switzerland has earmarked up to CHF 500,000 to support efforts on the ground.
Armenpress, Switzerland deploys specialists to flood-affected areas in Armenia

U.S., Turkey emphasize importance of Armenia-Azerbaijan peace deal

Jake Sullivan and Akif Cagatay Kilic have discussed the normalization process between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Mirzoyan, Siebert address Armenia-EU relations and regional security

Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan received Michael Siebert, Managing Director of Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, OSCE at the European External Action Service. The interlocutors discussed a number of issues of the comprehensive and ambitious agenda of the Armenia-EU partnership.
Armenpress, Ruben Rubinyan and Michael Siebert discussed regional security issues, Pashinyan and the President of Finland hold a telephone conversation, The Prime Minister received Michael Siebert, Pashinyan says there is need to develop economic and technological ties with EU, Ambitious agenda of Armenia-EU partnership discussed in Yerevan, Armenian PM, Finnish President discuss bilateral relations, regional issues

Armenia responds to Azerbaijan's latest proposals regarding draft peace treaty - Foreign Ministry

Armenia has responded to Azerbaijan's latest proposals regarding draft peace treaty. Armenia has sent the updated 9th edition of the draft treaty to Azerbaijan. Armenia's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ani Badalyan said on
Armenpress, Yerevan sends Baku amended 9th revision oа draft peace treaty - Foreign Ministry

Armenian delegation in the Slovenian Parliament reaffirms commitment to establishing peace in the region

Armenian delegation led by National Assembly Speaker Alen Simonyan met Slovenia-Armenia Friendship Group. Meeting was attended by the Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the National Assembly Sargis Khandanyan, and member of the Armenia-Slovenia friendship group Lena Nazaryan.

Armenia counts on Georgia’s support in joining the Black Sea Cable project: Deputy Foreign Minister

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vahan Kostanyan: Intensive work has been done to raise relations between Armenia and Georgia to the level of strategic partnership. He said on January 26 of the current year, the Prime Ministers of the two states signed the relevant declaration. The Black Sea Cable project is very important for Armenia, in which Georgia is involved.

Positive progress expected in EU visa liberalization for Armenian citizens - Paruyr Hovhannisyan

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Paruyr Hovhannisyan said there will be positive changes in the issue of EU visas for citizens of Armenia. He said the field of legal agreements with the European Union is expanding.

Armenian Deputy Prime Minister announces disagreements in EEU over energy markets

Armenia's Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan spoke at the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council in Nesvizh, Belarus. He said economic indicators of EEU are increasing, but it is necessary to make qualitative changes like trade. The most important factor in the development of the EEU is the formation of common energy markets, he said.
Armenpress, Armenia’s Deputy PM: Quality changes needed to form common energy markets in EEU, Armenia ready to make efforts to ensure food security of EEU - Deputy Prime Minister

The demarcation process should be based only on documents with an impregnable legal basis - Mirzoyan

The process of border demarcation between Armenia and Azerbaijan should be based only on documents with an impregnable legal basis, how happened in the already demarcated part of Tavush. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan made comments at NA Standing Committees.

Constitutional changes not on Armenia-Azerbaijan negotiation agenda-Mirzoyan

Both Armenia and Azerbaijan see each other’s Constitutions some obstacles to establishing long-term peace. The issue of changing them is not on the agenda of the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations, says the Foreign Minister.

The signing of the peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan will end the long-standing conflict. Biden

The United States is interested in ensuring stability in the South Caucasus, says the Azerbaijani APA agency. This was stated in the message of US President Joe Biden to the participants of the international energy exhibition in Baku. On April 26, Azerbaijan forwarded to Armenia the 9th edition of the proposals on the draft peace treaty.

Armenian cognac to be re-branded into Armenian brandy - head of Economy Ministry

Armenian cognac will be re-branded into Armenian brandy, Economy Minister Gevorg Papoyan said at a joint session of the parliamentary committees on European integration and on financia and budgetary issues on Tuesday. The EU was informed about the new name during the 5th session of Armenia-EU partnership trade commission held on 17 October 2023.

Armenian Foreign Minister describesdialogue with Turkey as ‘very healthy’

Ararat Mirzoyan described the dialogue with Turkey as ‘very healthy’ There are no diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey and the state border has been closed since 1993 by decision of Ankara. In December 2021, Armenian and Turkey appointed their emissaries to normalise relations.
ArkaAm, Mirzoyan: There is a very healthy dialogue in Armenia-Turkey relations

Iran was among the first to welcome Armenia's "Crossroads of Peace" project - Deputy FM

Iran and the U.S. are working together on a joint project to build a bridge between the two countries. The two countries are involved in the construction of a bridge in Iran's capital Tehran.

Armenian Foreign Ministry pursues opening new embassy buildings in Paris and Tehran

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Paruyr Hovhannisyan says Armenia continues efforts to acquire new buildings for embassies. "Last year, an example of this was the new building of our embassy in the United Kingdom. Indeed, the conditions were miserable and not suitable for working," he said.

The present times call for great and sustained contributions from everyone- India’s Prime Minister publishes article

Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi has published an article titled “New Sankalps from the Sadhana in Kanniyakumari” Narendra Modi: ‘My fellow Indians, the biggest festival of democracy, the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections, are concluding today in our nation, the Mother of Democracy’

Pashinyan sent a condolence message to Putin over Artur Chilingarov's Passing

Nikol Pashinyan sent a condolence message to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, in connection with the death of the prominent explorer of the Arctic and Antarctica Artur Chilingarov.

Criminal prosecution was initiated against 5 participants of the protest at the Foreign Ministry

Criminal prosecution initiated against 5 people for allegedly committing hooliganism. On May 31, during the protest action of the "Tavush for the Motherland movement in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Reverend Bagrat was with his supporters in front of the HRD office, but it was not possible to meet the defender

Saint Bagrat, leader of the Tavush for the Motherland movement, was in front of the Human Rights Defender's office with his supporters. HRD public relations department said that the HRD is ready to receive Bagrat Reverend and four other people without media presence.

Police Misconduct Against Opposition MPs

Opposition deputy Ashot Simonyan was physically and verbally assaulted last week by riot police in an incident involving over a dozen officers. While one officer was fired, no criminal charges have been brought against him or any other officers involved in the assault. The exiled mayors of Stepanakert, Askeran, and Martakert in Nagorno-Karabakh were arrested and charged with fraud and forgery.

Man detained on suspicion of smuggling large batch of diamonds at Zvartnots

Armenia’s customs officers prevented a large batch of diamonds from being smuggled into the country. A total of 29 undeclared valuable stones, suspectedly diamonds, were found in his luggage and his wallet. The individual was detained by the anti-smuggling department of the State Revenue Committee.
ArkaAm, They tried to illegally import 29 diamond-like stones on the Sharjah-Yerevan flight. there is an arrest (VIDEO)

Train traffic restored on two out of eight damaged sections of the Armenian railway infrastructure

Train traffic has been restored on two out of eight damaged sections of the railway infrastructure from Sanahin station to Hayrum station, following a devastating flooding on the morning of 26 May. The flooding killed 4 people and caused extensive damage to areas in Tavush and Lori provinces, the South Caucasus Railway said.

💵 Economy

Some EU countries signal increased investments in Armenia - Minister of Economy

There are signals from some European Union countries about increasing investments in Armenia, Gevorg Papoyan said. French companies are already in Armenia and are looking for possible areas to invest in, he said. There are also problems related not to the EU-Armenia agenda but to EU-EEU agenda.

Ministry of Economy develops new export strategy

The Ministry of Economy has developed an export strategy, said Minister of Economy GevorgPapoyan. The Middle East, China, the European Union, the USA, Russia and the Middle East have been identified.

🧪 Science & Technology

Azerbaijani scientist pushed back a famous historical event by 300 years, falsifying history – “Geghard” SAF

“Azerbaijan’s” claim is a distortion of history. “There is no need to argue that the state created by Atropates in the fourth century BC cannot have anything to do with the modern state of Azerbaijan,” the claim says.

OVIO Presents Data Center Cyber Security Solutions at CyberGEN 2024 Conference

OVIO telecom sponsored the CyberGEN 2024 conference held in Dilijan, Armenia. CyberGEN is the largest event in Armenia in terms of the number of participants. The conference featured speakers from renowned organizations such as Trellix, AWS, SimSpace, OpenText Cybersecurity, Google Cloud, CQURE, Kaspersky, F5.
ArkaAm, OVIO presented cybersecurity solutions of Armenia's most powerful Data Processing Center at the "CyberGEN 2024" conference

Two of the eight sections of railway destroyed in Armenia floods restored

Traffic has been restored in two of the eight damaged sections of the railway infrastructure from Sanahin station to Ayrum station. Cleaning of the collapsed section of the Alaverdi-Haghpat road is being carried out by blasting and dismantling the destroyed structures.

🎭 Culture

500-year-old Armenian church in Diyarbekir to be renovated

The 500-year-old Surp Sarkis Armenian Church in Diyarbekir will soon undergo major renovations. The renovation project, approved and funded by the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry, aims to revive the church and will officially begin this month.

⚽ Sport

Slovenia-Armenia: the national team had final training before the friendly match

Armenia will play Slovenia in a friendly match in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, on June 4. The match will take place at 20:00 Yerevan time. The national team will play another friendly match on June 7, hosting Kazakhstan.
Armenpress, Armenia coach expects good football in Slovenia friendly

Donations to Armenia:

Armenian Wounded Heroes
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2024.06.04 22:19 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twelve: A New Challenger Approaches (Ape)

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
Part Eleven Here!
We pick up in the new year of 2013, with John Cena making one more challenge to CM Punk’s throne at the Royal Rumble. After having spent 2012 failing to make headway against the Best in the World, this is his chance to finally overcome perhaps his greatest rival - as long as nothing else gets in the way this time. Cena talks about Punk’s history, even alluding to the history he had with Samoa Joe in TNA as a comparison - every step of the way, Punk has given him trouble and had his number, and this is Cena’s last chance to not only win a fifth World Title in WWE, but to make up for every failure and prove that nobody can ever keep him down for good.
Royal Rumble 2013
WWE Title; If Cena Doesn’t Win, He Can’t Challenge Punk Again: John Cena vs. CM Punk (c)
It’s Day 434 of CM Punk’s legendary WWE Championship reign, and since WrestleMania XXVIII, he’s held the gold as a tyrant. Much like at Night of Champions, Cena digs deep into the bag of tricks early, pulling out a lariat which very nearly earns three in the early going before tapping into his excursion in NOAH, pulling out a Tiger Suplex for a nearfall. Punk turns the tides with a well-timed thumb to the eye, following it with a high knee and bulldog combo that sends Cena reeling to the apron… BEFORE PUNK SLINGSHOTS OVER THE TOP ROPE FOR A DDT ONTO THE APRON, BOTH MEN CRASHING TO THE FLOOR! Punk hurls Cena into the steps, kicking his head into the steel before attempting a GO TO SLEEP IN THE RING, BUT CENA CATCHES THE KNEE TO REVERSE IT INTO AN STF! HE’S GOT IT IN DEEP, THE SAME MOVE THAT WON HIM THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE FROM CHRIS JERICHO, THE SAME MOVE THAT WOULD’VE BEATEN PUNK AT WRESTLEMANIA… BUT PUNK MAKES IT TO THE ROPES, ONLY FOR CENA TO DRAG HIM BACK, BUT THE CHAMP LANDS AN UPKICK TO THE EYE! Cena stumbles backwards, and Punk uncorks an IMMENSE SHINING WIZARD! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO! He picks Cena up, taunting the challenger as he goes for a GO TO SLEEP, BUT CENA OFF THE SHOULDERS, NAILING A HURRICANRANA! PUNK DOESN’T KNOW WHERE HE IS, STUNNED, AND HE FALLS INTO AN ATITTUDE ADJUSTMENT! CENA ROLLS THROUGH, NAILING ANOTHER BEFORE HOOKING BOTH LEGS… ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA’S THE WWE CHAMPION ONCE MORE, HAVING VANQUISHED THE DEMON THAT’S HAUNTED HIS WWE TENURE!
John Cena def. CM Punk (30:37) to win the WWE Title
However, the night isn’t over for Cena, who posts up backstage to watch the Royal Rumble match taking place in the main event. Asked who he could see winning, he discusses Ryback, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, last year’s runner-up in Randy Orton, the man who cashed in on him in Dolph Ziggler, or even a member of the Shield. After all, the field is something else this year, but he’s ready for anyone… or so he thinks, because he can’t anticipate Entrant Number 30 - Samoa Joe. Cena’s been champion for about an hour, having beaten the guy who had his number in WWE, and now he’s faced with the man who had his number in TNA. Commentary puts Joe over as having wins over the current champ, and, after a dominant performance, Samoa Joe makes history by winning the Royal Rumble in his debut, last eliminating Ryback with a Coquina Clutch hung over the ropes.
Road to Elimination Chamber 2013
Now holding the WWE Title for a fourth time, Cena’s certainly feeling the target on his back. He’s concerned about Samoa Joe at WrestleMania, and he’s virtually certain Joe will choose to face him, but first he has to get through the Elimination Chamber, where it’s announced he’ll defend the gold. CM Punk naturally gets a spot as well, and having beaten Cena in last year’s Chamber, he’s confident. The lineup fills out over the next few weeks, with Ryback, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan and Sheamus qualifying for the match, making for a difficult walk down memory lane for Cena against some of his most daunting opponents of his WWE tenure.
Elimination Chamber 2013
Before the main event, Samoa Joe has his first singles bout in WWE, picking up a big win over Randy Orton to strike some fear into Cena’s heart.
Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Title: John Cena (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Ryback vs. Sheamus
Without Laurinaitis to intervene, Cena doesn’t start off the Chamber this year, instead beginning in a pod and watching CM Punk and Daniel Bryan go at it. Bryan gets some big spots in to showcase his growth and babyface transformation, but Punk has the upper hand as Jericho enters at Number 3, turning it into a frantic, fast-paced affair as everyone tries to keep themselves from taking any major damage, while also looking to notch early eliminations. Cena’s in at Number 4, and the champ goes on a tear, making a beeline for Punk before managing to put away Chris Jericho with an Attitude Adjustment. Number 5 is Sheamus, and he and Cena get into a big, beefy slugfest out on the steel grating while Bryan and Punk go for technical eliminations in the ring. Soon enough, Ryback is in at Number 6, leveling the competition with a series of Meat Hook Clotheslines before going for a Shell Shocked on Sheamus, only for Sheamus to slide off and nail a BROGUE KICK, RYBACK KNOCKED INTO A SMALL PACKAGE BY PUNK! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Sheamus is comparatively freshest, and takes control with sheer power, muscling the competition around and delivering a White Noise off the middle rope to Cena for a nearfall, the champ staying alive and rolling to the outside. Punk tries to avoid confrontation, but when push comes to shove, he nails a head kick on Sheamus, leaving him prone for a MISSILE DROPKICK FROM BRYAN, FOLLOWED BY A GO TO SLEEP! ONE! TWO! THREE! Punk goes straight for Bryan with a Shining Wizard, but Daniel ducks and starts throwing roundhouses to the body, Cena entering the ring and getting clobbered as well as the crowd gets louder and louder, “YES” chants echoing as Daniel Bryan somehow keeps CM Punk and John Cena at bay by himself, capping it with two head kicks. He goes for the Yes Lock on Punk, but Punk manages to crawl under the ropes to avoid being able to submit, ONLY FOR BRYAN TO TRY AND LOCK IT IN THROUGH THE CHAIN LINK, BUT PUNK SMASHES HIS HEAD INTO THE CHAINS! He throws Bryan back into the ring, Cena popping him up into an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT BRYAN LANDS ON HIS FEET! HEAD KICK TO CENA, BUT PUNK FROM BEHIND WITH A KNEE! GO TO SLEEP! ONE! TWO! THREE! IT’S JUST PUNK AND CENA NOW!
The excitement is palpable as Cena and Punk struggle to their feet, Cena the fresher of the two, but still having had his bell rung by Bryan a moment ago. Punk quickly goes for a rollup, but Cena reverses, going for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT PUNK OFF HIS BACK AND OVER THE ROPES TO THE OUTSIDE! Cena follows him out, Punk trying to close himself in a pod, Cena trying to muscle it open when WAIT A SECOND! SAMOA JOE! HE GOT IN WHILE BRYAN WAS EXITING, AND HE’S GOT JOHN CENA IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH! Cena has no answer for the submission, having been totally preoccupied by Punk, and he quickly fades before Joe drops him to the steel, Punk slipping out of the pod and rolling him into the ring while nervously looking up at Joe… ONE! TWO! THR-JOE BREAKS IT UP, AND NOW DELIVERS A MUSCLE BUSTER TO PUNK! WHAT THE HELL? HE DRAPES AN UNCONSCIOUS CENA OVER PUNK’S BODY… ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA RETAINS, BUT HE’S NOT EVEN AWAKE TO KNOW HE’S WON AFTER SAMOA JOE LAYS WASTE TO BOTH HIM AND PUNK!
John Cena def. Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Ryback and Sheamus (32:03) to retain the WWE Title
Leaning over the champ, Joe’s got a simple message - he chooses John Cena at WrestleMania.
Road to WrestleMania 29
Naturally, Cena’s disappointed in not winning clean, something CM Punk immediately exploits on Raw, saying that if Cena’s a real fighting champion, he’ll put the belt on the line against him again. After all, John’s history against Samoa Joe is a lot like Punk’s - Punk can’t beat Joe either, so he’ll be giving the WWE Universe the gift of watching The Best in the World finally beat the Samoan Submission Machine by giving Punk a title match. Cena says that if Punk wants a title match… he’s got one, and if he wants his WrestleMania main event, he’s got it, in the form of a triple threat match. Out comes Samoa Joe, saying that he had no trouble laying out both guys at the Chamber, and he’ll have no problem doing so again in New Jersey. The buildup to this one is simple - these three loathe each other, and are all maestros on the microphone, making for some incredible promo battles ahead of their actual match. Cena discusses how much of an insurmountable obstacle Joe’s been for him, but he’s made a career of doing the impossible, and at WrestleMania 29 he intends to walk out STILL the WWE Champion, by never giving up and never giving in against the two toughest foes of his entire career.
WrestleMania 29
WWE Title: John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe
The 80,676 in attendance at MetLife Stadium are hyped as all hell for a triple threat clash of titans, with over a decade of history tying them all together. The match starts out with a quick homage to Joe’s famous three way dance with AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, all three jockeying for control before Joe takes the lead, using his size and power to guide the contest. He delivers a thunderous Uranage to Punk, Cena saving the match before going for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT JOE SLIPS OFF INTO A COQUINA CLUTCH, FORCING JOHN TO DIVE OUT OF THE RING TO THE FLOOR FOR A CHAOTIC BREAK! It turns into a huge brawl at ringside, Joe piecing Cena up against the barricade before Cena turns the tides with a huge lariat, bouncing Joe’s head off the ring post and delivering an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT THROUGH THE ENGLISH ANNOUNCE DESK! He scoops Joe up and lays him out on the Spanish announce desk, pointing to CM Punk, who reluctantly clambers to the top rope… AND DELIVERS AN ELBOW DROP THROUGH SAMOA JOE! Cena picks Punk up and sends him back into the ring, considering going for the cover but instead letting him get up before they engage in a masterful sequence of reversals in what’s essentially a rematch of last year’s WrestleMania. Eventually, Punk gets Cena up for the GTS, but Cena catches the knee to go for the STF, Punk countering with an enziguri before going for a PILEDRIVER, ONLY FOR CENA TO REVERSE IT WITH AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-JOE BREAKS IT UP! HE’S INHUMAN! HE HOISTS CENA UP… MUSCLE BUSTER! ONE! TWO! THREE! SAMOA JOE JUST PINNED JOHN CENA TO WIN THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP IN HIS FIRST WRESTLEMANIA MATCH!
Samoa Joe def. John Cena and CM Punk (25:48) to win the WWE Title
Road to Extreme Rules 2013
Raw kicks off with the Samoan Submission Machine celebrating his huge win, successfully felling two career rivals to win the grandest prize in the sport on the biggest stage imaginable. However, his celebration is quickly cut off by Cena, and while John acknowledges his defeat and says he respects Joe as champion, it doesn’t take long until a particularly vicious Joe barb sparks things off, and a huge brawl breaks out between the two. Cena says he wants his rematch for the WWE Title, and Joe says he’ll leave Cena laying on the mat, looking up at the lights like he was in New Jersey, while Joe stands tall, still the champion. John tells him to put his money where his mouth is, saying that they might as well go big - a Last Man Standing match, befitting the feud’s spectacle. Joe accepts, and over the next few weeks, he chokes his opponents out and continues to win by a referee’s down count, none of his foes able to get up before ten.
Extreme Rules 2013
Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Title: John Cena vs. Samoa Joe (c)
It’s Cena’s first Last Man Standing bout in WWE, but he walks into this one balancing his fear of falling short once more with his confidence that he can figure something out that he wouldn’t be able to in a normal match. However, he’s determined to beat Joe outright and cleanly, something Joe makes very difficult in the opening stages by delivering a SUICIDE DIVE, FOLLOWED BY A URANAGE ACROSS THE BARRIER AND A POWERBOMB THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE, BUT CENA’S UP AT EIGHT! Joe keeps the pressure on, spilling the fight into the crowd, where Cena starts rallying back with the fans by his side. He lands a flurry of punches in the stairwell, but JOE LANDS A HUGE BOOT TO SEND CENA DOWN THE STAIRS! Joe lines himself up at the top of the stairwell, READY TO LEAP, but he thinks better of it, running down the stairs instead and STRAIGHT INTO AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON THE CONCRETE! Joe is dazed as the ref starts counting, Cena setting up a few tables as he struggles to get to his feet at eight, and knocks Joe onto them before CLIMBING UP THE STAIRS AND LEAPING DOWN WITH A LEGDROP THROUGH THE TABLES! THE REF IS AT SEVEN AS CENA GETS UP… EIGHT… NINE… JOE GETS TO HIS FEET! WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE?
Cena picks Joe up, dragging him through the crowd towards the stage area, but Joe reaches out and grabs a chair from a fan before SMASHING CENA IN THE SPINE WITH IT! John is sent reeling as Joe goes back on the attack, delivering a gnarly senton and GOING FOR A MUSCLE BUSTER ON THE CONCRETE, BUT CENA DROPS DOWN TO GO FOR AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, ONLY FOR JOE TO SLIP BEHIND AND LOCK IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH ON THE STAGE! He keeps it in for a long time, finally releasing the hold and shouting down to ringside to have his title brought over. At six, the gold arrives in his hand, and he lifts it high, standing behind Cena’s limp body as the ref counts… SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE… CENA GETS UP! Cena collapses again, but Joe’s merciless, SLAMMING HIM DOWN WITH AN URANAGE ONTO THE STEEL GRATING ON THE STAGE! He drags Cena over to the edge of the stage, and now tries for a DANGLING COQUINA CLUTCH, BUT CENA WITH AN ELBOW TO THE BODY! He sprawls out towards the LED screen, heading towards the backstage area as Joe makes his pursuit, CHARGING AT CENA WITH A TACKLE THROUGH THE LED SCREEN, A HUGE SEA OF SPARKS AND PYRO ERUPTIONS COMPLETELY OBSCURING BOTH MEN FROM VIEW! The replay shows Joe charging, and, in slow mo, shows Cena simply collapsing from exhaustion before impact, sending Joe through the screen alone as the referee counts both men out… SEVEN! EIGHT! NINE! TEN… BUT CENA ROLLED OFF THE STAGE BEFORE COLLAPSING AGAIN, TECHNICALLY REACHING HIS FEET! LUCK FINALLY WENT CENA’S WAY AFTER AN INSANE CAR CRASH OF A MATCH!
John Cena def. Samoa Joe (27:14) to win the WWE Title
Following the bout, a furious Samoa Joe struggles to his feet to hear the announcement that an unmoving Cena was victorious, sending him into a rage that ends with a MUSCLE BUSTER ON THE STAGE! Joe marches away, leaving Cena looking up at the lights for far more than ten seconds as he’s loaded onto a stretcher, the WWE Title draped over his body.
Road to Payback 2013
Having been brutalized by Samoa Joe, John Cena misses the next few weeks of TV - as does Joe, who’s suspended for his actions. However, he vows to be in Chicago to defend his championship, and, on Raw, Randy Orton wins a battle royal to contend for the gold, making for a first time ever singles encounter to headline Payback.
Payback 2013
WWE Title: John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton
It’s Cena’s first match since Extreme Rules, and Randy Orton is perfectly happy to take advantage of the weakened, slightly rusty champion. Cena’s power is a lot to overcome, but Orton turns the tides in his favour with a draping DDT off the barricade, looking to follow it up with an RKO in the ring but being sent into the ropes and caught with a flying shoulder block. John starts rallying, delivering a second and going for a third before ORTON NAILS A SCOOP SLAM! He calls for the RKO again, Cena catching him and delivering an emphatic German Suplex, followed by a HUGE LARIAT THAT TURNS ORTON INSIDE OUT! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! Cena calls for the Attitude Adjustment, Orton scrambling towards the ropes, but Cena pulls him away for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, COUNTERED IN MID-AIR INTO AN RKO! BOTH MEN’S FINISHERS CONNECT, CENA LANDING ATOP ORTON… ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA RETAINS BY A HAIR!
John Cena def. Randy Orton (20:02) to retain the WWE Title
Road to Money in the Bank 2013
While it might not have been an easy win, or a distant one, Cena’s just happy to get back on the scoreboard properly, and he’s in his element over the next few weeks as he checks out various members of the roster, scoping their abilities. Daniel Bryan picks up a big win over Randy Orton in a street fight, the crowd rallying behind him, but he’s confirmed for the Money in the Bank ladder match, as is Orton himself, and a returning Samoa Joe. However, Cena doesn’t need to wait long to find a challenger, helping to commemorate a long career for Mark Henry before the salmon suit clad giant delivers a World’s Strongest Slam, declaring that he’s got a lot left in the tank, and wants Cena at Money in the Bank. Still beat up from his match with Samoa Joe and the cumulative injuries of his six World Title reigns in WWE over the past two and a half years, Cena accepts, but he’s weary of how much damage the World’s Strongest Slam managed to do.
Money in the Bank 2013
WWE Title: John Cena (c) vs. Mark Henry
This one is a real uphill battle for the champion, who fights with all his might against Henry’s insurmountable power and size. The challenger manhandles Cena, hurling him around the ring and even delivering a World’s Strongest Slam for a nearfall, but John manages to hang on, reversing a second World’s Strongest Slam into an INSIDE CRADLE! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! CENA TRIED TO GET CRAFTY THERE, BUT HE NEEDS TO GO THROUGH HENRY! HE DELIVERS A HUGE LARIAT, HENRY BARELY BUDGING! HE KICKS OUT THE KNEE AND DELIVERS A DDT, CLIMBING UP TO THE TOP ROPE FOR A CROSSBODY, BUT HENRY CATCHES HIM… WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM AVOIDED, CENA FLOATING OVER! HENRY PIVOTS… CENA’S GOT HIM UP! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT TO MARK HENRY! ONE! TWO! THREE! A SUPERHUMAN PERFORMANCE FROM BIG MATCH JOHN!
John Cena def. Mark Henry (14:26) to retain the WWE Title
In the main event, Randy Orton wins the Money in the Bank briefcase by dumping Daniel Bryan, all after Paul Heyman turned on CM Punk, and Samoa Joe got put through a ladder with a Five Star Frog Splash by Rob Van Dam.
Road to SummerSlam 2013
Cena comes out of the Money in the Bank pay per view with a lot of great options for challengers at SummerSlam, and he’s told that he’s got his pick of the roster for the main event, as long as Triple H is the guest referee to ensure that management has some swing. He considers CM Punk, and then ponders Samoa Joe, and is about to pick him to conclude the feud before “YES!” chants break out, leading him to pick Daniel Bryan. Bryan appreciates the opportunity, but says that Cena used to be a real wrestler, only to now accept the role of the face of the company and have everything piled on all at once after becoming a parody of the sport. He used to scratch and claw, but now he’s the Franchise, the Champ, the six-time WWE World Champion, and he’s gotten complacent. He forgets what it’s like to not be in the main event. He treats being away from the gold for a few months as an all-time low, not realizing how easy he has it. He got to shoot off from the Nexus and become a World Champion, while Daniel Bryan joined the Nexus and got fired. He’s been seen as a lesser performer his whole run, so Daniel Bryan wants one thing out of Cena at SummerSlam - to bring the years of experience he’s got to the fight. The same Cena who fought in Japan, who worked his way up in the indies, who’s peaked everywhere he’s gone, because THAT’S the John Cena he wants to beat for the WWE Championship.
SummerSlam 2013
WWE Title: John Cena (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
Once again, we’re confronted by an instance of reality being pretty much perfect, because this match was peak wrestling. Cena and Bryan lay into each other after a technical opening exchange, John throwing his big bombs to try and shut the fan favourite down, but Bryan’s tenacity matching Cena’s own. Cena floors Bryan with a lariat, but he kicks out. He locks in the STF, but Bryan escapes and begins a surgical assault on Cena’s left arm, which is already bandaged up. Finally, Cena manages to scoop Bryan up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT BRYAN REVERSES INTO A POISON RANA BEFORE CINCHING IN THE YES LOCK! HE’S RIPPING CENA’S ARM APART, BUT CENA SOMEHOW GETS TO THE ROPES, ONLY FOR BRYAN TO KICK HIM SQUARE IN THE TEMPLE! Bryan sends John into the corner to go for his dropkick, but Cena responds with a HELLACIOUS CLOTHESLINE, FOLLOWED BY A TIGER SUPLEX THAT WOULD MAKE MISAWA BLUSH - BUT BRYAN’S BACK UP, SLAPPING CENA IN THE FACE! THEY’RE TRADING SLAPS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING, AND BRYAN’S NOT BACKING DOWN AS HE LAYS INTO THE CHAMPION, FINALLY BRINGING HIM TO HIS KNEES! He grabs Cena’s wrists, kicking him under the jaw before laying in a flurry of stomps to the head, the crowd fervently chanting “YES” with each blow. Finally, he relents, heading to the corner and rallying the chant behind him before CHARGING WITH A KNEE TO THE FACE! ONE! TWO! THREE! DANIEL BRYAN HAS BEATEN JOHN CENA, AND THE GOAT HAS REACHED THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN!
Daniel Bryan def. John Cena (26:55)
Following the match, Bryan celebrates with confetti raining down, only for Randy Orton to hit the scene. Orton stares Bryan down, but Cena steps between them, saying he can’t stand by and let a battered Bryan be taken advantage of. Behind him, Bryan is about to push past, when TRIPLE H DELIVERS A PEDIGREE TO THE NEW CHAMPION! Hearing the noise, Cena pivots, turning his back on the Viper, who NAILS AN RKO, FOLLOWED BY A PUNT TO CENA! He covers Bryan, Triple H insisting the bell be rung before quickly counting three. The Authority has been born.
Road to Hell in a Cell 2013
John Cena’s elbow was a damn mess after his tricep tear, and he ended up missing both Night of Champions and Battleground. However, this gets accounted not to a tricep tear, but Orton’s Punt, giving it that extra bit of juice to make attempts at landing it on Bryan all the more daunting. After a few months of Bryan and Orton duking it out over the WWE Title, Cena’s name is finally brought up… by Alberto Del Rio, who talks about his World Title reign being more dominant than anything Cena had accomplished in WWE. He’s all talk, assuming that Cena’s gone for months to come, but he looks petrified when John Cena answers his call, laying down the gauntlet for a return match at Hell in a Cell with the championship on the line.
Hell in a Cell 2013
World Heavyweight Title: John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio (c)
John Cena’s insane streak against sex pests continues, steamrolling straight through Del Rio with the Five Moves of Doom. However, he has to put up with Del Rio’s work on his arm, as well as his head, with Cena having been concussed by the Punt. With that, Del Rio attacks the head the same way he did with Dolph Ziggler at Payback, but Cena braves the punishment, finally delivering an emphatic Attitude Adjustment for three and earning a seventh World Championship under the WWE banner.
John Cena def. Alberto Del Rio (17:45) to win the World Heavyweight Title
Road to Survivor Series 2013
Now holding the World Heavyweight Title, John Cena turns his attention back to Randy Orton, who now holds the WWE Title again after defeating Daniel Bryan at Hell in a Cell with the assistance of Shawn Michaels. With the Authority having strengthened their grip over the company in his absence, Triple H says in a promo that he wants the World Heavyweight Title in their grasp too, leading to John Cena coming up with a bright idea - him vs. Orton for both championships in the main event of Survivor Series, with the winner becoming the WWE World Heavyweight Champion… and meaning that if he wins, he’ll have won sixteen career World Championships. Orton agrees to the bout, and promptly directs Kane and The Shield to attack Cena, holding him steady for a PUNT, BUT BRYAN MAKES THE SAVE! The next week on Raw, Bryan and Cena team up against Orton and Kane, notching a win, and then, in the go-home show, fall short alongside Cody Rhodes and Goldust against Orton and the Shield in a blockbuster eight man tag, leaving the Authority standing tall ahead of Survivor Series.
Survivor Series 2013
WWE World Heavyweight Title: John Cena (c, WHC) vs. Randy Orton (c, WWE)
Despite the gravity of the situation, with one man walking out the unified champion and undisputed top dog in the company, this one is mostly personal, and as such is an outright brawl, with no feeling-out stage to speak of. The formula is simple - Cena tries to beat a lesson into Randy Orton, and the Viper strives to land his guaranteed kill shot. Cena gets control early, overwhelming Orton with his surprising amount of vigor, but Orton turns the tides with a SUPERPLEX! He goes after the head with a Garvin Stomp, lining up for THE PUNT, BUT CENA GETS UP JUST IN TIME TO NAIL AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, INTERCEPTING THE WWE CHAMPION! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! Cena nails a few shoulder blocks and goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Orton kicks him in the crown of the head, following it up with a spectacular dropkick and a draping DDT. He calls for the RKO, Cena catching him and going for a German Suplex, but Orton lands a back elbow, charging INTO ANOTHER ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, ONLY TO WRITHE FREE AND KICK THE REFEREE! LOW BLOW TO CENA! RKO! He calls for backup with the referee down, and HERE COMES THE SHIELD! They hoist Cena up for a Triple Powerbomb, but WAIT A SECOND! IT’S DANIEL BRYAN AND CM PUNK, RUSHING DOWN TO EVEN THE ODDS! In the confusion, Orton goes for the PUNT, BUT CENA CATCHES THE LEG, REVERSING INTO AN STF! HE’S GOT HIM TRAPPED AS THE REFEREE COMES TO… ORTON TAPS! JOHN CENA IS THE KING OF WWE, THE UNDISPUTED CHAMPION, AND HE HAS BECOME SO BY WINNING A SIXTEENTH CAREER WORLD TITLE!
John Cena def. Randy Orton (23:48) to win the WWE World Heavyweight Title
Road to TLC 2013
While John Cena may be in a festive mood as a now eight-time World Champion in WWE, and as a double title holder, the Authority isn’t, with Triple H releasing the Hounds on the new champ. However, with Bryan and Punk by his side, he’s able to fend them off, with Triple H making it official that he’ll defend the belt against Randy Orton at TLC in the titular stipulation. However, to stack the deck further, he says there will be a battle royal to determine a third competitor in the bout, and he says that The Shield and Kane will all be in it. In the battle royal, The Authority runs rampant, ready to stack the deck in Orton’s favour, but Daniel Bryan comes from below to win the whole thing, stamping his ticket to another date with both Orton and Cena. The next week, Punk, Bryan and Cena unite as an all-star squad against the Shield, but unfortunately come up short against the Hounds of Justice, who promise to still make their presence known at TLC.
TLC 2013
TLC Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title: John Cena (c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton
Having seen technical clinics, dramatic epics and heated brawls take place between these three, this time, it’s a car crash. The Shield get involved early, and so does CM Punk, making for a real scene with all the weapons that are immediately introduced. Everyone goes through tables, everyone gets hit with chairs, everyone looks to climb the ladder, but there’s always someone in the way. Finally, CM Punk is taken out by a triple powerbomb through the announce table, and the Shield are taken out by Cena and Bryan, who bury them under an avalanche of tables, ladders and chairs, only for THE DAMN WYATT FAMILY TO TAKE OUT DANIEL BRYAN! THIS IS BEDLAM! Cena and Orton end up in the ring, duking it out over the gold atop a precarious ladder, and CENA GOES FOR AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT OFF THE TOP THROUGH A STACK OF TABLES, ONLY FOR ORTON TO PULL THE GOLD DOWN WITH HIM! THE VIPER STEALS THE VICTORY, WRENCHING THE CHAMPIONSHIPS AWAY FROM JOHN CENA!
Randy Orton def. John Cena and Daniel Bryan (22:59) to win the WWE World Heavyweight Title
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Hello there, my name is Coach Chesster(Yes, an obvious Chess reference, which is, by far, my favorite game). I've been playing League of Legends since season one, I've experienced everything from full AP Yi one-shotting my entire team to Tryndamere mains spinning around with a needlessly large rod instead of a sword. You could say I've been there during all the important historical moments of the game. I've been at the top of the ladder in Season 6 (Going between high Diamond and Challenger, based on how much time I've had to invest). I've competed in various tournaments, even being able to win a number of them, before I decided to get myself into coaching.
I started the entire coaching thing during season 7 when one of my friends asked if I wanted to help him get out of that Diamond 4 hell. Ever since then, I was having a consistent number of sessions on a weekly basis, with my network of people slowly increasing(One of them actually gave me the idea to advertise on Reddit, which I did eventually accept!) I've coached more than 700 individuals ever since I started and I can proudly say I've had more than 500 sessions this year alone! So, if you are looking for someone who is around for more than 5 days actually add me.
Some of my personal coaching achievements include
Getting a player from Silver 1 to Platinum in just 5 weeks
Getting D2 to Masters in 2 weeks
Bronze 1 to Diamond, yes, this one happened as well, though it took slightly more time
Helping Duo players on NA reach Gold(They were actually stuck in Bronze 2 prior!)
Creating a coach from hard-stuck D2 after he got GM
In addition to my services, I am proud to present to you our Educational community, which is steadily growing on a daily basis. Aside from Coaching, it is an amazing place to connect with other people, find friends and talk about the game all of us love and enjoy. Various events are held on a weekly basis, from 1v1 tournaments to Team Contests, with nice rewards being given out! Hint, you might win a free session!
All of our coaches have been vetted and verified, being certain all of you guys get the best service available! Every single one has peaked at least Grandmaster, with a minimum of 250 Coaching Hours to their name.
Discord Community: CLICK HERE
Prices for my sessions are negotiable and I can guarantee, they fall onto the affordable part of the specter!
My coaching sessions are oriented and tailored to each student's specific needs, and they do cover everything from theory to live coaching, in-game mentality, etc.
submitted by LeagueOfChesster to LeagueCoachingGrounds [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:17 LeagueOfChesster Unlock Your Potential with a Friendly and Affordable Coach - Over 1,000 Successful Sessions in 2022 Bundle Discounts Available Free Consultation, Analysis, and Sessions Limited Openings for June.

About me
Hello there, my name is Coach Chesster(Yes, an obvious Chess reference, which is, by far, my favorite game). I've been playing League of Legends since season one, I've experienced everything from full AP Yi one-shotting my entire team to Tryndamere mains spinning around with a needlessly large rod instead of a sword. You could say I've been there during all the important historical moments of the game. I've been at the top of the ladder in Season 6 (Going between high Diamond and Challenger, based on how much time I've had to invest). I've competed in various tournaments, even being able to win a number of them, before I decided to get myself into coaching.
I started the entire coaching thing during season 7 when one of my friends asked if I wanted to help him get out of that Diamond 4 hell. Ever since then, I was having a consistent number of sessions on a weekly basis, with my network of people slowly increasing(One of them actually gave me the idea to advertise on Reddit, which I did eventually accept!) I've coached more than 700 individuals ever since I started and I can proudly say I've had more than 500 sessions this year alone! So, if you are looking for someone who is around for more than 5 days actually add me.
Some of my personal coaching achievements include
Getting a player from Silver 1 to Platinum in just 5 weeks
Getting D2 to Masters in 2 weeks
Bronze 1 to Diamond, yes, this one happened as well, though it took slightly more time
Helping Duo players on NA reach Gold(They were actually stuck in Bronze 2 prior!)
Creating a coach from hard-stuck D2 after he got GM
In addition to my services, I am proud to present to you our Educational community, which is steadily growing on a daily basis. Aside from Coaching, it is an amazing place to connect with other people, find friends and talk about the game all of us love and enjoy. Various events are held on a weekly basis, from 1v1 tournaments to Team Contests, with nice rewards being given out! Hint, you might win a free session!
All of our coaches have been vetted and verified, being certain all of you guys get the best service available! Every single one has peaked at least Grandmaster, with a minimum of 250 Coaching Hours to their name.
Discord Community: CLICK HERE
Prices for my sessions are negotiable and I can guarantee, they fall onto the affordable part of the specter!
My coaching sessions are oriented and tailored to each student's specific needs, and they do cover everything from theory to live coaching, in-game mentality, etc.
submitted by LeagueOfChesster to LeagueCoaching [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:15 katelovesmeiu Professional Challenger Coach Verified Metafy & Coachify Partner Eight Years of Coaching Experience Over 7.000 Sessions Held Over 4.000 Students US Collegiate Coach Guaranteed Improvement & Personalized Plans Available Coaching Subscriptions & Individual Sessions Discord > shelbion👑

Book Your Free Consultation Today! > Discord @ shelbion

About Me

My name is Shelbion and I've been an avid League of Legends player for over a decade. In Season 4, I reached Challenger for the first time and even considered pursuing a professional career. However, after much reflection, I decided to pursue other challenges within the game.
Some of my notable achievements as a player include:


With over 7.000 hours of coaching experience, I fall into the category of one of the most experienced individuals in the field. My experience, passion, and ability to identify your flaws and tailor each session to your needs make me stand out as a Coach.
I've studied the techniques of renowned coaches, such as LS, MagiFelix, and others, and I've developed my unique coaching approach. So far, my approach has helped countless individuals, and over 20 teams advance their competitive play, across 5 different continents, including members of various College and University eSport Teams.
Some of my notable achievements include:
I am dedicated to continuously honing my skills and providing the best coaching experience possible to all of my clients, regardless of their rank or location.

Subscription Based Coaching

Verifications & Certifications


In addition to my experience as a Player, I am also the Founder of Noxus Coaching - a rapidly growing, educational community on Discord. Our community is a great place to find new friends to play with, have a good time, and most importantly, improve your skills.
We hold various events on a weekly basis, including 1v1 & 5v5 tournaments, meme contests, and more. There are plenty of rewards to be won, including free coaching sessions with me. To join our community, visit and message me upon joining to receive your role.


How Does it Work?

We will schedule an initial Interview during which we can discuss your goals and I can provide a more detailed explanation of my coaching services. This interview will typically last for 3-5 minutes.
The First Session is designed to assess your current level of gameplay and identify areas for improvement. After conducting an analysis, I will create a Personalized Coaching Plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will outline a series of sessions designed to maximize your improvement.
The Coaching Plan may include various session types, such as:
All sessions will be personalized and created specifically for each student's needs. By following this plan, you can feel confident that you are taking the most effective steps to achieve your goals.

Personalized Support (Available 24/7)

In addition to the structured coaching sessions, I offer personalized support to my clients on a 24/7 basis. Whether you have a specific question or just want to debrief after a tough game, I am always available to help. Simply message me and I will respond as quickly as possible.


I am able to cover any server and any timezone! Rates for both Private and Team coaching are negotiable. We will easily get the sessions to fit your budget and your needs.
Payments are usually done through PayPal, however other forms of Payment such as Direct Transfer can be discussed.


Main form of contact is Discord on which you can find me at shelbion (Or Shelbion#8832)
Feel free to message me either on Discord or through a Direct Message on Reddit and I will come back to you as quickly as possible.
submitted by katelovesmeiu to LeagueMarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:15 katelovesmeiu Professional Challenger Coach Verified Metafy & Coachify Partner Eight Years of Coaching Experience Over 7.000 Sessions Held Over 4.000 Students US Collegiate Coach Guaranteed Improvement & Personalized Plans Available Coaching Subscriptions & Individual Sessions Discord > shelbion👑

Book Your Free Consultation Today! > Discord @ shelbion

About Me

My name is Shelbion and I've been an avid League of Legends player for over a decade. In Season 4, I reached Challenger for the first time and even considered pursuing a professional career. However, after much reflection, I decided to pursue other challenges within the game.
Some of my notable achievements as a player include:


With over 7.000 hours of coaching experience, I fall into the category of one of the most experienced individuals in the field. My experience, passion, and ability to identify your flaws and tailor each session to your needs make me stand out as a Coach.
I've studied the techniques of renowned coaches, such as LS, MagiFelix, and others, and I've developed my unique coaching approach. So far, my approach has helped countless individuals, and over 20 teams advance their competitive play, across 5 different continents, including members of various College and University eSport Teams.
Some of my notable achievements include:
I am dedicated to continuously honing my skills and providing the best coaching experience possible to all of my clients, regardless of their rank or location.

Subscription Based Coaching

Verifications & Certifications


In addition to my experience as a Player, I am also the Founder of Noxus Coaching - a rapidly growing, educational community on Discord. Our community is a great place to find new friends to play with, have a good time, and most importantly, improve your skills.
We hold various events on a weekly basis, including 1v1 & 5v5 tournaments, meme contests, and more. There are plenty of rewards to be won, including free coaching sessions with me. To join our community, visit and message me upon joining to receive your role.


How Does it Work?

We will schedule an initial Interview during which we can discuss your goals and I can provide a more detailed explanation of my coaching services. This interview will typically last for 3-5 minutes.
The First Session is designed to assess your current level of gameplay and identify areas for improvement. After conducting an analysis, I will create a Personalized Coaching Plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will outline a series of sessions designed to maximize your improvement.
The Coaching Plan may include various session types, such as:
All sessions will be personalized and created specifically for each student's needs. By following this plan, you can feel confident that you are taking the most effective steps to achieve your goals.

Personalized Support (Available 24/7)

In addition to the structured coaching sessions, I offer personalized support to my clients on a 24/7 basis. Whether you have a specific question or just want to debrief after a tough game, I am always available to help. Simply message me and I will respond as quickly as possible.


I am able to cover any server and any timezone! Rates for both Private and Team coaching are negotiable. We will easily get the sessions to fit your budget and your needs.
Payments are usually done through PayPal, however other forms of Payment such as Direct Transfer can be discussed.


Main form of contact is Discord on which you can find me at shelbion (Or Shelbion#8832)
Feel free to message me either on Discord or through a Direct Message on Reddit and I will come back to you as quickly as possible.
submitted by katelovesmeiu to LeagueCoachingGrounds [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:15 katelovesmeiu Professional Challenger Coach Verified Metafy & Coachify Partner Eight Years of Coaching Experience Over 7.000 Sessions Held Over 4.000 Students US Collegiate Coach Guaranteed Improvement & Personalized Plans Available Coaching Subscriptions & Individual Sessions Discord > shelbion👑

Book Your Free Consultation Today! > Discord @ shelbion

About Me

My name is Shelbion and I've been an avid League of Legends player for over a decade. In Season 4, I reached Challenger for the first time and even considered pursuing a professional career. However, after much reflection, I decided to pursue other challenges within the game.
Some of my notable achievements as a player include:


With over 7.000 hours of coaching experience, I fall into the category of one of the most experienced individuals in the field. My experience, passion, and ability to identify your flaws and tailor each session to your needs make me stand out as a Coach.
I've studied the techniques of renowned coaches, such as LS, MagiFelix, and others, and I've developed my unique coaching approach. So far, my approach has helped countless individuals, and over 20 teams advance their competitive play, across 5 different continents, including members of various College and University eSport Teams.
Some of my notable achievements include:
I am dedicated to continuously honing my skills and providing the best coaching experience possible to all of my clients, regardless of their rank or location.

Subscription Based Coaching

Verifications & Certifications


In addition to my experience as a Player, I am also the Founder of Noxus Coaching - a rapidly growing, educational community on Discord. Our community is a great place to find new friends to play with, have a good time, and most importantly, improve your skills.
We hold various events on a weekly basis, including 1v1 & 5v5 tournaments, meme contests, and more. There are plenty of rewards to be won, including free coaching sessions with me. To join our community, visit and message me upon joining to receive your role.


How Does it Work?

We will schedule an initial Interview during which we can discuss your goals and I can provide a more detailed explanation of my coaching services. This interview will typically last for 3-5 minutes.
The First Session is designed to assess your current level of gameplay and identify areas for improvement. After conducting an analysis, I will create a Personalized Coaching Plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will outline a series of sessions designed to maximize your improvement.
The Coaching Plan may include various session types, such as:
All sessions will be personalized and created specifically for each student's needs. By following this plan, you can feel confident that you are taking the most effective steps to achieve your goals.

Personalized Support (Available 24/7)

In addition to the structured coaching sessions, I offer personalized support to my clients on a 24/7 basis. Whether you have a specific question or just want to debrief after a tough game, I am always available to help. Simply message me and I will respond as quickly as possible.


I am able to cover any server and any timezone! Rates for both Private and Team coaching are negotiable. We will easily get the sessions to fit your budget and your needs.
Payments are usually done through PayPal, however other forms of Payment such as Direct Transfer can be discussed.


Main form of contact is Discord on which you can find me at shelbion (Or Shelbion#8832)
Feel free to message me either on Discord or through a Direct Message on Reddit and I will come back to you as quickly as possible.
submitted by katelovesmeiu to LeagueCoaching [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:14 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Eleven: Scum Tour (Ape)

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
We pick up in the dying embers of 2011, following John Cena once again falling short against CM Punk with the WWE Title on the line, this time at Survivor Series. Having fought with all his heart and still come up short, passing out to the Anaconda Vise, an ashamed Cena takes some time off to recover from the toll his three championship reigns took on him over the past year. However, he vows to come back and win the Royal Rumble for the second year in a row in order to once again main event WrestleMania, this time bringing the title home at the expense of his long-running rival.
Royal Rumble 2012
30 Man Royal Rumble Match
The crowd is hot as they start the countdown for lucky Number 27, with Wade Barrett, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, The Miz, Cody Rhodes and Jack Swagger all in the ring waiting to see who comes out… AND IT’S JOHN CENA, BACK WITH A VENGEANCE AFTER ALMOST TWO MONTHS TO HEAL UP! Cena comes in like a house on fire, making a beeline for Barrett and notching the elimination he struggled so hard for the year prior, followed by tossing Jack Swagger over the top and to the floor. He lays out Miz, Ziggler and Cody with a series of flying shoulder blocks, building up steam before taking in the love from the crowd and turning to face Sheamus. They start trading bombs in the middle of the ring as Number 28 enters, the audience whipped into a frenzy as Randy Orton makes his way down to the ring to eliminate Cody. Swagger tries to dump the Viper over, but Orton nails a back elbow, Swagger turning around INTO A BROGUE KICK, SHEAMUS TOSSING HIM OVER THE TOP BEFORE BEING HIT WITH A ZIG ZAG! Ziggler struggles to get Sheamus over the top rope, Sheamus fighting tooth and nail before finally knocking Dolph away, straight into an attempted RKO FROM ORTON, BUT DOLPH SHOVES RANDY INTO AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!
Number 29’s countdown ushers out Chris Jericho, and it’s Y2J’s grand return to the ring as he immediately hits Dolph with a Codebreaker, eliminating him. He springs up, only for Miz to go for the Skull Crushing Finale… but Jericho rolls him forward, Miz rolling and pivoting for a CODEBREAKER TO FLOOR HIM! Cena and Jericho start trading shots, Cena whipping Jericho into the ropes and going for a flying shoulder block, but JERICHO WITH A THIRD CODEBREAKER! Miz staggers to his feet, and SHEAMUS CLOTHESLINES HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE FOR THE ELIMINATION! Number 30’s theme hits, and welllllll… it’s the Big Show. Show lumbers down to the ring, with Sheamus, Orton, Jericho and Cena still in the mix, the final five already locked. Begrudgingly, the four men in the ring look up towards the ramp, realizing that their only hope at getting the massive man over the top rope is to work together. Show enters the ring, and ALL FOUR JUMP HIM, ONLY FOR THE BIG SHOW TO EXPLODE OUTWARDS AND SEND THEM FLYING!
Sheamus is up first, going for a Brogue Kick and EATING A WMD! Jericho leaps up for a Codebreaker, but Show simply stays standing, remaining steady and jetting Jericho up into ANOTHER WMD, BUT NOW ORTON NAILS AN RKO! Show’s on spaghetti legs, and CENA LIFTS HIM UP! MY GOD, THE POWER! THE CROWD ARE ALL ON THEIR FEET AS CENA STRUGGLES TO HOLD FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS OF HUMANITY ALOFT… ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT SENDS SHOW TO THE APRON, AND DOWN TO THE FLOOR! Exhausted, Cena flops against the ropes, and RANDY ORTON DUMPS HIM OVER THE TOP TO THE APRON, CENA HOLDING ON WITH JUST ONE HAND! Orton tries to kick the hand out, but John is glued to the apron, refusing to be shaken off and driving his shoulder into Orton’s gut, trying for a back body drop over the top… BUT ORTON DRAGS HIM IN FOR A DRAPING DDT! Cena is dazed and confused as Orton calls for an RKO, but CENA COUNTERS, GOING FOR AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT - BUT SHEAMUS NAILS HIM WITH A BROGUE KICK, LEAVING HIM PRONE FOR AN RKO! ORTON ELIMINATES CENA! Despite making it to the final four, Cena’s effort wasn’t enough, and he’s forced to watch as CHRIS JERICHO LAST ELIMINATES RANDY ORTON IN HIS HOMETOWN OF ST. LOUIS!
Chris Jericho wins the 2012 Royal Rumble (54:56)
Road to Elimination Chamber 2012
With Chris Jericho surprisingly declaring his intentions to challenge for the World Heavyweight Title, saying he became synonymous with the gold in the late 2000s and wants to do so again, the WWE Title scene is wide open heading out of the Royal Rumble - but John Laurinaitis wants to make sure that said scene doesn’t involve CM Punk, and schedules a Punk defense within the satanic structure, with one of his challengers being Dolph Ziggler, Laurinatis’ champion of choice. He also declares there will be four qualifying matches to determine who enters alongside Punk and Ziggler, and the next week, they begin, with John Cena scheduled to face the Big Show as penance for socking Laurinaitis at Money in the Bank 2011. Big man goes up, and big man goes down, with Cena defeating the Big Show with a thunderous Attitude Adjustment in Raw’s main event. Over the next few weeks, the Chamber fills out, with R-Truth, The Miz and Wade Barrett joining the fray, with the go-home show seeing a fracas break out, and a slimy Dolph Ziggler finally standing tall ahead of the Chamber.
Elimination Chamber 2012
Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Title: John Cena vs. CM Punk (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth vs. The Miz vs. Wade Barrett
The Chamber is about as rigged as it can possibly get, with Laurinaitis orchestrating Punk and Cena as the starting two. It’s a fantastic opening exchange, and it’s incredibly closely contested, with John throwing everything he can at the champion to finally get one up on him. Barrett is out next, using his power to wear down both Punk and Cena, and then it’s Truth, who immediately makes a beeline for Miz’s pod, kicking through it and igniting a wild brawl between them. Cena notches the first elimination by putting away Wade Barrett with an Attitude Adjustment, and finally, Dolph Ziggler comes out fresh as a daisy at Number 6, putting the boots to everyone in the match. He lays out Cena and Punk with Zig-Zags, both of which only earn two counts, and then changes his tactics, helping The Miz eliminate R-Truth and insisting they team up to take out the champion and the most daunting challenger. Miz accepts, and with Punk and Cena’s inability to work together, they dole out massive damage, Punk narrowly managing to roll up Miz for three and put Ziggler on the back foot.
Furious, Ziggler tries to flee Punk’s wrath, but Cena insists that he’ll help the champion get rid of Ziggler so they can go one on one, fair and square. Punk agrees, and corners Dolph up against a pod, forcing Ziggler to climb up to the top… AND INTO CENA’S WAITING ARMS, WITH THE CENATION LEADER NAILING AN AVALANCHE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT OFF THE POD! Cena tries to roll over onto Dolph to make the cover, but PUNK OFF THE TOP ROPE WITH AN ELBOW DROP, AND NOW HOISTING CENA UP INTO A GO TO SLEEP! ONE! TWO! THREE! PUNK PUTS CENA AWAY, BY NOOK AND BY CROOK, AND NOW HE PINS ZIGGLER… ONE! TWO! THREE! PUNK RETAINS THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP!
CM Punk def. John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, The Miz and Wade Barrett (31:40) to retain the WWE Title
Road to WrestleMania XXVIII
CM Punk may have come out of Elimination Chamber as champion, but he did so at the expense of turning a rival into an enemy. John Cena comes out at the top of the hour on Raw to call out Punk, saying that he agreed to help him against a common enemy so they could face off fairly - and Punk took the coward’s way out. That brings out the champion, who clearly resents being called a coward, saying that Cena should really only be calling him one name: champion, because for all the talk about Hustle and Loyalty, Cena’s not showing enough Respect. Punk worked hard to get this title, but he owes Cena no loyalty… in fact, he owes him nothing, leading Cena to PUNCH PUNK IN THE FACE! Punk drops down out of the ring, clutching the title, and John grabs the microphone, declaring that Punk owes him one thing, and that’s the one on one match they agreed upon at Elimination Chamber. Cena says that if Punk wants respect, he’ll have to earn it… at WrestleMania. Gritting his teeth, Punk agrees, and we’re set for WrestleMania 28 with John Cena vs. CM Punk, WWE Championship on the line.
The next week is a contract signing between the two, and the animosity is higher than ever, the undertone of mutual respect following their series of battles exchanged for contempt. Cena signs first, and Punk uses the spotlight to start a sermon on the mount, saying that John Cena’s just walked into success wherever he’s gone. Outside WWE, he was a multi-time champion within a few years, and once he got to WWE and started shilling merchandise and shedding his Nexus skin, it was all sunshine and rainbows for the Cenation leader. However, Punk says that at Elimination Chamber, he taught the children Cena wants so desperately to look up to him a more valuable lesson than Cena ever could - that they aren’t the only person trying to reach the top. Punk’s worked for years to get to where he is, he overcame the same obstacles Cena did and then some, and in that time, he learned it’s a dog-eat-dog world. Maybe John’s had it too easy to notice, but life is hard, and at WrestleMania, he’ll make that point definitively when he beats Cena… again. Anyway, the contract is signed, and as is tradition, Punk goes through the table, but John looks pretty shaken by what Punk said.
They continue exchanging verbal barbs on the Road to WrestleMania, and Cena heats himself up with a big win over Kane, and another over The Miz on back-to-back Raw episodes. On the go-home show, it’s one more face-to-face promo segment, with CM Punk coming down to the ring and explaining that he’s held the WWE Championship for about four months - longer than Cena ever has. The head that wears the crown is a heavy one, but he’s overcome every obstacle thrown at him by John Laurinaitis, by Dolph Ziggler, and while he knows Cena holds a grudge against both of them too, he sees Cena the same way; as an obstacle that he’s overcome repeatedly, because he’s the Best in the World. Because of that, at WrestleMania, he’ll treat him no differently than he would Laurinaitis or Ziggler, because he’s just a problem to be solved, no matter his morals or popularity. Cena comes out and says Punk talks about hardships, but Cena had to work for eight years before returning to WWE. He had to fight for his spot, and the past year and a half of his career, he’s done it the right way. He’s imposed those challenges upon himself to try and make the world a better place, but Punk is selfish. He holds himself to no principles but those that benefit him at any given moment, so while he may be a great competitor, he’s not deserving of Cena’s respect, or the respect of the people - and when Cena pins his shoulders to the mat in Miami, he won’t be deserving of being called champion, either. The last image of both men before their WrestleMania clash is a simple one, with CM Punk raising the championship that John Cena designed high above his challenger’s head.
WrestleMania XXVIII
WWE Title: John Cena vs. CM Punk (c)
For the second year in a row, John Cena walks into WrestleMania as the challenger for the WWE Championship, but this time, it’s on a cold streak compared to the heater he was on in 2011. He’s lost to CM Punk at Money in the Bank, SummerSlam, Survivor Series and now Elimination Chamber, meaning the champion is plenty confident for this one. They start off cautious, knowing each other and the dangers posed very well, and Punk manages to get control early by kicking Cena off the top rope to the apron, with John landing on his back. He works over Cena’s spine, trying to take away his overwhelming power, but Cena manages to find a small gap in Punk’s offense and NAIL AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! TH-PUNK KICKS OUT, BUT WE’RE OFF TO THE RACES NOW! Cena’s back in the fight, and he goes after Punk hard with a series of shoulder blocks, only for Punk to drop down under one and catch Cena on the rebound with a head kick before LOCKING IN THE ANACONDA VISE, THE SAME MOVE THAT PUT CENA AWAY AT SURVIVOR SERIES! Cena scrambles to the ropes, but Punk kicks off of them again, only for Cena to roll through and HOIST PUNK UP INTO A SIDE SLAM, FOLLOWING IT UP WITH A FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE… AND A SECOND ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-PUNK SOMEHOW LIFTS THE SHOULDER!
Now it’s Cena’s turn to go on the attack, knowing one more big move will put Punk down for three, but Punk is getting desperate, rolling out of the ring to safety before CATCHING CENA WITH A DDT ON THE FLOOR! He crawls back into the ring, considering taking a countout, but instead he delivers a SUICIDE DIVE, SENDING CENA INTO THE BARRICADE SPINE-FIRST! He hops onto the announce table and nails a flying clothesline before sending Cena back in, stumbling towards the challenger and BEING SCOOPED UP FOR A THIRD ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT CENA’S BACK GIVES WAY, PROVIDING PUNK THE OPENING TO CONNECT WITH A BACKSTABBER! He picks Cena up… GO TO SLEEP! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA KICKS OUT! Frustrated, Punk rolls John over onto his stomach, dropping knee after knee into the spinal cord before clambering up to the top rope for an ELBOW DROP TO CENA’S BACK, BUT THE CHALLENGER ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY TO TRAP PUNK IN THE STF! HE’S GOT PUNK DEAD TO RIGHTS! The referee leans in as Punk screams and shouts, finally grabbing the referee by the shirt to stop himself from submitting… AND LUNGING FORWARD, SENDING CENA INTO THE REFEREE’S SKULL FOR A CLASH OF HEADS! The referee crumples as a dazed John tries to lock the hold back in, but WAIT A SECOND! WHO THE HELL IS… JOHN CENA JUST GOT HIT WITH A STEEL CHAIR, STRAIGHT TO THE SPINE! IT’S PAUL HEYMAN! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? The crowd is in disbelief as Heyman hurries out of the ring, a wounded Punk pushing the chair under the ropes before delivering another emphatic GO TO SLEEP! He collapses over Cena as the referee comes to, counting the pin… ONE… TWO… THREE! CM PUNK CHEATS JOHN CENA OUT OF THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP, WITH THE HELP OF PAUL HEYMAN!
CM Punk def. John Cena (25:43) to retain the WWE Title
Road to Extreme Rules 2012
The Raw after WrestleMania sees CM Punk come out to open the show, officially proclaiming himself not only the WWE Champion, not only the man who’s gone 4-0 against John Cena in singles competition for the gold, but a “Paul Heyman Guy.” Naturally, Cena crashes the party, furious about being screwed over, with Punk ducking out of harm’s way and Heyman narrowly avoiding catastrophe. However, Paul promises that in the main event timeslot, he’ll happily speak with John Cena face to face, vanishing behind the curtain and forcing Cena to wait. The main event slot rolls round, and Cena comes down to the ring, saying that he wants to face Punk once again at Extreme Rules, this time under the titular ruleset, and that even if Paul Heyman wants to interfere, he’ll face it head on and make him pay for costing him at WrestleMania. Out struts Heyman onto the stage, microphone in hand, and he says that at Extreme Rules, he accepts Cena’s challenge on behalf of his client. Cena will have an Extreme Rules match against a Paul Heyman guy - but not CM Punk. Cena’s confusion turns to anger before the roof comes unglued, because BROCK LESNAR IS BACK IN THE WWE! He meets Cena in the ring, John telling Brock to step aside and that this isn’t his fight, but LESNAR SCOOPS HIM UP FOR AN F-5, STANDING TALL WITH HEYMAN!
The next week, Lesnar is reintroduced to the WWE Universe by Heyman after nearly a decade away, but it quickly devolves into a brawl with Cena, the entire locker room emptying out to keep them apart ahead of what will surely be an incomprehensibly violent affair. Cena comes away bloodied, as does Lesnar, while Heyman scurries away to hide behind CM Punk backstage. The following Raw, John Laurinaitis says that for starting the brawl, Cena has been suspended for the week, and that he’s officially negotiated a WWE contract for “The New Face of WWE,” Brock Lesnar, through Laurinaitis’ “good friend,” Paul Heyman. The deck is stacked, and Laurinaitis says that as the GM of both Raw and Smackdown, he’s getting pretty sick of John Cena running around like he owns the place - and if he steps out of line again, he might just have to fire him. The go-home show sees Cena return, not permitted to touch anyone associated with Heyman or Laurinaitis, but the tension is palpable as he says to Brock that he’ll go through him and whoever else he has to in order to set things right.
Extreme Rules 2012
Extreme Rules Match: John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar
This one is an out-and-out war from the opening bell, with Cena opening up his old playbook and wearing a chain to the ring in order to clock the Beast Incarnate, busting Brock open. However, the second he goes for another shot, Lesnar takes him down and lands an elbow to the head, leaving Cena leaking like a faucet. He follows it up by hurling John into the ring post, both men bloodied in the opening stages as they wrestle for control. However, Brock has a target set on John’s back, and he nails it with a POWERBOMB THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE, FOLLOWED BY SIMPLY RIPPING UP A PIECE OF THE BARRICADE AND SLAMMING IT INTO CENA’S SPINE! He chains Cena to the ring post, piecing him up with his UFC Championship caliber striking, landing punches to the body before letting Heyman mockingly deliver a “You Can’t See Me” to the Cenation leader. Brock rips him away from the ring post, and now delivers an F-5 ONTO THE FLOOR! He slides the ring steps into the squared circle, standing tall atop them as Cena struggles onto the apron, and runs off the steps to SEND BOTH MEN CRASHING TO THE FLOOR, A KNEE FROM BROCK GOING STRAIGHT INTO JOHN’S TEMPLE! Save for a few glimmers of hope for Cena, it’s been a dominant performance by Lesnar, who now rolls Cena in and calls for an F-5 ON THE STEPS, ONLY FOR CENA TO REVERSE INTO A DDT ONTO THE STEEL! ONE! TWO! THR-NOO! LESNAR KICKS OUT, BUT CENA HAS A CHANCE HERE! Fighting through the pain as best he can to lift Lesnar up, he gets him into a fireman’s carry… BUT BROCK INTO A KIMURA! HE’S GOT CENA TRAPPED, BUT JOHN RUNS HIM INTO THE TURNBUCKLES! Lesnar stumbles - CENA WITH AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-PAUL HEYMAN STOPS THE COUNT! Cena looks up with murderous intent, Heyman immediately fleeing the scene, but John follows him around ringside before being INTERCEPTED BY BROCK, WHO GETS HIM UP FOR ANOTHER F-5, ONLY FOR JOHN TO SWING AROUND BEHIND HIM! CENA’S GOT THE CHAIN AROUND BROCK’S NECK! HE’S CHOKING THE BEAST OUT! LESNAR’S FADING! HE’S GOT NOWHERE TO GO, AND NOW JOHN HOISTS HIM UP FOR AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON THE STEPS! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA SURVIVES BROCK LESNAR!
John Cena def. Brock Lesnar (23:57)
Road to Over The Limit 2012
Following his monumental defeat of the first opponent in his rapist gauntlet, Cena is ready to get back in the title hunt, but he’s confronted by another roadblock - John Laurinaitis, who’s not happy at all about the “New Face of WWE” being beaten by Cena, who’s become something of a thorn in the side of People Power. He says that he’s threatened to fire Cena before, and now, having seen the Cenation leader chase down Paul Heyman, a non-competitor, he feels he has no choice. Cena rips the microphone out of Laurinaitis’ hand, backing him into the turnbuckles and leaning in nice and close before starting his speech. He says that he’s spent years doing things the right way, and playing within the rules in order to overcome the obstacles in front of him. He tries to lead by example, to help people with their hardships, to be someone to aspire towards for sick children who are fighting harder than even he can imagine - but if Laurinaitis intends to take that option from him by firing him, Cena will have to approach things differently. If he can’t overcome obstacles, he has to get rid of his obstacles. Johnny Ace is sweating bullets, and says something about being the GM of both Raw and Smackdown, only for Cena to offer him the opportunity of a lifetime - a match, where if Cena loses, he’ll QUIT, and he’ll accept the result peacefully. Laurinaitis perks up, and Cena says that if his opponent loses, they’ll have to do so by quitting too. Wanting to get rid of the threat, Laurinaitis agrees, before Cena says that that opponent is Laurinaitis himself. The match is made official for Over The Limit - Cena vs. Laurinaitis, Loser Leaves WWE, in an I Quit Match.
The next week sees Laurinaitis trying desperately to bribe people over to his side in the fight against Cena, but much of the locker room remains steadfast in wanting People Power gone. Lesnar is nowhere to be seen, given his schedule, and even CM Punk, Cena’s heated rival, says that despite his detestment for Cena, after all Laurinaitis put him through, he has no intent of helping. He hopes they both lose. Finally, on the go-home show, Laurinaitis is seen on the phone offering an iron-clad contract to someone, worth a record-setting amount, but one that will only take effect the night after Over The Limit, meaning Laurinaitis has to win for it to be enacted. Satisfied with his ace in the hole, he prepares to face the music, saying in an interview that he’ll have no problem beating John Cena - he’s had forty minute wars in his heyday. He’s beaten the likes of Mitsuharu Misawa (who Cena killed), so he has no fear heading in - but he then hears a random conversation down the hall, and leaps up out of his seat, terrified. He runs out of frame, shouting that he’ll make Cena quit at Over The Limit.
Over The Limit 2012
Loser Leaves WWE I Quit Match: John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis
“Big fight feel” doesn’t even begin to describe John Laurinaitis’ first PPV match since his time in All Japan, but “prison beating” does, with Cena beating Johnny Ace’s ass from pillar to post for a good ten minutes. Cena brings him to commentary and puts him in a headset, saying he’ll be Cole while Laurinaitis is Booker T, leading Johnny Ace to sputter “five time” in his weird raspy voice before eating an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! The referee asks Laurinaitis if he wants to quit, but before he can answer, THE BIG SHOW LANDS A WMD ON THE REFEREE! COME ON! Show apologizes to Cena, saying he needs to do this for the contract that’ll feed his family for the rest of his life, and Cena shrugs before they start duking it out, neither one willing to give an inch. Eventually, Cena manages to PUT SHOW THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE WITH AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, AND NOW HE LOCKS LAURINAITIS IN THE STF, STICKING THE MICROPHONE IN HIS FACE… LAURINAITIS QUITS!
John Cena def. John Laurinaitis (15:07), meaning Laurinaitis must leave WWE
Road to No Way Out 2012
Having defeated another sex pest, John Cena is looking to continue the streak, saying he wants to enter the title scene again. However, CM Punk and the WWE Title are now wrapped up in a scene with Daniel Bryan, Kane and AJ Lee, who, with Mr. McMahon behind her, holds all the cards necessary to exclude Cena from the equation. With that in mind, Cena goes after World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho, setting the match for No Way Out with a series of blistering promos, centred on Jericho having come out on top in his WrestleMania title bout, and Cena having fallen short. However, with two deviants in the mud behind him, Cena’s feeling good about beating a third and claiming his fourth World Championship in WWE.
No Way Out 2012
World Heavyweight Title: John Cena vs. Chris Jericho (c)
This is an incredible match, with Jericho certainly being a heel, but not one as underhanded as some of Cena’s more recent opponents, making for an entertaining back-and-forth skill-based bout. Jericho naturally works over Cena’s back, only a month and a half removed from his battle with Lesnar and two and a half from his battle with Punk, and continuously tries to cinch in the Walls of Jericho. However, Cena always seems to have an answer, and, after kicking out of a Codebreaker, manages to scoop Jericho up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT JERICHO LANDS ON HIS FEET AND HITS A SPINNING BACK ELBOW, THE LIKES OF WHICH WE’VE NEVER SEEN FROM HIM! He goes for the Walls of Jericho once more, but a defiant Cena manages to extend his legs and force Jericho off, before leaping atop him and LOCKING IN THE STF, FORCING JERICHO TO SUBMIT! JOHN CENA’S THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, AND AFTER HOLDING THE NWA TITLE IN A PAST LIFE, HE FINALLY GETS TO LIFT THE BIG GOLD THAT ONCE REPRESENTED IT!
John Cena def. Chris Jericho (18:32) to win the World Heavyweight Title
Road to Money in the Bank 2012
Now wearing gold once more, Cena brings in a new rendition of his “The Champ is Here” shirt, and says he’s looking forward to defending the helm at Money in the Bank. Alberto Del Rio takes offense to this, saying that at Money in the Bank, the poster child of wealth deserves to hold gold. Cena asks if that’s a challenge, which it is, and accepts, presumably so he can browbeat a FOURTH sex pest. Over the next few weeks, Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez talk about the championship lifestyle, using segments to display Alberto’s opulent wealth and talk about how a REAL champion doesn’t do Make a Wish, but tramples on the poor to build golf courses or something. Cena ramps up his charity work by meeting sick children and offscreening some more people who belong on the sex offender registry, setting the stage for an exciting ideological battle in Phoenix.
Money in the Bank 2012
World Heavyweight Title: John Cena (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Having historically had a rough time of successfully defending gold in WWE, and a very rough time at Money in the Bank, Cena’s got a lot to prove against Del Rio, who tries to soften Cena up for the Cross Armbreaker throughout, using all tools available - smashing Cena’s arm off the ring post, steel steps, barricade and announce table all around ringside before attempting to lock in the submission in the centre of the ring… CENA STACKS HIM UP! ONE! TWO! TH-HE LIFTS DEL RIO UP IN A HUGE SHOW OF STRENGTH FOR A POWERBOMB! Del Rio is staggered as Cena measures his man for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! HE MAY BE COMING AWAY WITH A WOUNDED ARM, BUT JOHN CENA JUST MADE LIGHT WORK OF THE MEXICAN ARISTOCRAT!
John Cena def. Alberto Del Rio (12:45) to retain the World Heavyweight Title
Road to SummerSlam 2012
Having defeated four sex pests, the locker room is now running pretty dry, so Cena decides it’s mission accomplished and turns his attention to the rest of the roster. Still plenty focused on CM Punk, he says he’ll get to him eventually, but for now, he’s looking for a SummerSlam challenger. Out marches Sheamus, who came tantalizingly close to winning Money in the Bank the previous night, to a huge reaction from the crowd. He’s all smiles as he turns to face Cena, saying they’ve only met in the Royal Rumble, but never one on one. Cena asks the crowd if they want to see him face Sheamus at SummerSlam, and they all roar in approval before Flight of the Valkyries hits, ushering out Daniel Bryan. Bryan says that next week, he’s scheduled to marry AJ Lee on Raw 1000, and he wants to be wearing gold for the happiest moment of his life - the gold that he lost at WrestleMania. He doesn’t care if Sheamus challenges at SummerSlam, but he cares who Sheamus FACES, because it’s shouldn’t be John Cena… it should be Daniel Bryan. Cena chuckles, and accepts the challenge for Raw 1000’s opening contest.
World Heavyweight Title: John Cena (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
In a closely contested affair, John Cena and Daniel Bryan go back and forth to kick off a celebration of Raw, with Sheamus on guest commentary and Bryan’s blushing bride-to-be at ringside. Naturally, Bryan makes a beeline for Cena’s arm, trying to soften it up further just a week removed from the pain Del Rio put it through, and gets to showcase his broad array of submissions, Cena just barely managing to survive the onslaught with rope break after rope break before finally nailing an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-BRYAN GETS A FOOT UNDER THE ROPE! Cena calls for another one, but Bryan is somehow able to reverse it into a victory roll, followed by a NO KICK TO THE HEAD! He sends Cena into the corner, ready for a running dropkick, and turns to AJ, beckoning her up to the apron for a kiss. She hops up, he leans over, and… SHE DOESN’T KISS HIM? Bryan’s confused, and turns around into a SECOND ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! BRYAN’S JILTED BEFORE THE ALTAR IS EVEN SET UP!
John Cena def. Daniel Bryan (16:23) to retain the World Heavyweight Title
Now set to face off with Sheamus, it’s a much more respectful build than Cena’s been used to, without the antagonistic rivals opposite him. For Sheamus and Cena, it’s a first time ever clash of the titans, two big guys with big muscles who are gonna fight for the Heavyweight Title. Wrestling has never been more back.
SummerSlam 2012
World Heavyweight Title: John Cena (c) vs. Sheamus
These two men simply collide at the Staples Center, giving us fifteen glorious minutes that completely lack control segments or hope spots or changes in momentum - it’s just big bombs being thrown. Eventually, Sheamus gets going on a roll, nailing an Irish Curse Backbreaker to exacerbate Cena’s back problems before following it up with a HIGH CROSS! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO! He transitions straight into a Cloverleaf, folding Cena in two and bearing down on his lower spine, but John just manages to reach the ropes, refusing to give up. Sheamus heads to the corner, calling for the Brogue Kick, but CENA DUCKS IT, PIVOTING AROUND AND NAILING A SHOULDER BLOCK! NOW ANOTHER! HE’S GOT SHEAMUS WHERE HE WANTS HIM… FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE FOR TWO! Sheamus is in trouble now, Cena getting him up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, AND NOW HE ROLLS THROUGH TO GO FOR ANOTHER - ONLY FOR SHEAMUS TO SLIP OFF BEHIND HIM FOR A GERMAN SUPLEX! BROGUE KICK MISSES BY A FRACTION OF AN INCH, CENA SLIPPING PAST TO BEHEAD SHEAMUS WITH A LARIAT! HE PICKS HIM UP… ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA MAKES IT THROUGH A TRUE WAR!
John Cena def. Sheamus (18:59) to retain the World Heavyweight Title
Cena’s barely able to stand after that one, his back giving him plenty of trouble as he leans on the ropes, giving a nod to Sheamus as a show of respect for the fantastic match, when… OH MY GOD! Dolph Ziggler sprints down to the ring, the referee still checking on Cena, and IMMEDIATELY SUPERKICKS THE CHAMPION UNDER THE JAW BEFORE HE CAN EVEN REACT! He hands over the briefcase, and THE BELL RINGS!
World Heavyweight Title: John Cena (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler
Dolph Ziggler def. John Cena (2:30) to win the World Heavyweight Title
Road to Night of Champions 2012
On Raw, John Cena is crestfallen, not having the chance to walk into his hometown of Boston as champion. However, with the World Heavyweight Title off his shoulder, he has a choice on his hands - does he pursue revenge against Dolph Ziggler, or does he once again set his sights on CM Punk for the first time since WrestleMania? His choice is the latter, and he issues his challenge for the TD Garden: John Cena vs. CM Punk for the WWE Title. Paul Heyman comes out to the stage with the champion, and says that after nearly a year with the gold, Punk doesn’t need to give Cena a damn thing. However, Cena says that if Punk wants respect so much, there’s no better way to earn it than beating the Cenation leader clean as a whistle, something he couldn’t do at WrestleMania. Paul is about to reject, but Punk stops him, and says that he’ll see Cena in Boston, just so he can embarrass him in his hometown… because if Punk wins, John Cena has to cut a promo after the match explaining why he respects CM Punk. Cena accepts the terms, and after five months of waiting, we’re back on the element with the Best in the World vs. The Franchise.
Cena spends the next few weeks discussing his journey back to the WWE Title - beating a new Heyman guy in the form of Brock Lesnar after Heyman cost him the win against Punk, then beating Laurinaitis to ensure management wouldn’t get in his way, then winning another World Championship in the interim, all leading back to the Straight Edge Saviour. In Boston, he can’t fail, because frankly, he’s not sure what he’d say if he lost. He doesn’t respect the cheating ways, he doesn’t respect the cult of personality, he doesn’t respect the hiding up until this point, and in Boston, he’ll do what he should’ve done a long time ago at Money in the Bank 2011 - he’ll save the WWE Championship from CM Punk.
Night of Champions 2012
WWE Title; If Cena Loses, He Must Say He Respects Punk: John Cena vs. CM Punk (c)
It is deafening inside the TD Garden for the rematch the world’s been waiting for, with CM Punk looking to go a flawless 5-0 in singles competition against the hometown hero. Just like he did at WrestleMania, Punk targets the back, but Cena toughs it out as best he can, his sheer grit and determination carrying him through the storm. Both striving to gain the upper hand despite their deep knowledge of each other’s moves, they pull out all the stops, with Punk GOING FOR ANOTHER PILEDRIVER, ONLY FOR CENA TO COUNTER WITH A BACK BODY DROP OVER THE TOP! Clutching his lower back, Cena lines himself up for a SUICIDE DIVE TO PUNK, NEARLY LANDING IN HIS FATHER’S LAP! He sends Punk back in, nailing a top rope leg drop as the champ tries to get back to his feet, followed by a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! HE’S GOT HIM UP… ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO! Going for broke, Cena sets Punk up on the top rope, calling for an avalanche Attitude Adjustment, but PUNK WITH BLOWS TO THE SPINE, NOW HOOKING CENA’S ARMS! IS HE GOING FOR A PEPSI PLUNGE? NO! CENA LIFTS HIM UP AGAIN, AND PUNK DROPS TO THE TURNBUCKLES TO AVOID DISASTER, ONLY FOR JOHN TO WRAP HIS ARMS AROUND PUNK’S WAIST FOR A GERMAN SUPLEX OFF THE TOP ROPE, STRUGGLING TO BRIDGE WITH HIS BAD BACK… ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA’S DONE IT! CENA’S DONE IT ONCE AGAIN! The Cenation Leader grabs the title and leaps into the crowd, enveloped by the rabid Bostonians as he hugs his family, only for the referee to come and… TAKE THE GOLD AWAY? He points to the instant replay, and it shows that due to Cena’s injured spine, he couldn’t get a high enough bridge on Punk, leaving his own shoulders on the mat as well, making it a draw, and meaning that…
John Cena and CM Punk fought to a draw (26:50), meaning CM Punk retains the WWE Title
Cena simply looks defeated as an exhausted Punk embraces the title, both he and Heyman obviously just relieved. Cena may not have to say that he respects the WWE Champion, as he didn’t lose, but the atmosphere is sour as he exits the same way he entered - titleless.
(Cont'd in Comments)
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2024.06.04 22:12 PWOFalcon AA V0 Prolog, Chapter 6

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2/15/2048 (military calendar)
CIA-operated Spaceship, Lunar-Mars Trajectory


While Captain Mathew Ryder leaned into his chair while he read a military history book, he opened one of the food-based smoothies and drank it. As he swallowed, the captain's senses went on the fritz as they were overwhelmed by the fruity taste, feeling disgusted. "You know, I am never going to drink these again. I am so sick of them."
Warrant Officer One Rommel King laughed. "I never thought I would miss MREs. If these were the last food on Earth, I'd shoot myself."
Ryder chuckled as he understood the sentiment. "Speaking of Earth, what do you plan on doing once we return?"
Sergeant First Class Gregory Barrett leaned forward. "Probably go to the pool bar and hustle some privates for money. Then a five-star meal."
"Don't you think that is too easy to fish?” King asked.
"Maybe," Barrett replied. "I don't need the money; I just enjoy seeing that look in their eyes that an old timer like me whipped their asses."
"I will drink to that," King stated. "What about you, sir, after this pleasure cruise?"
"I know what he is doing," Wallace interrupted. "Going to the club to get some senoritas."
Barrett leaned around his chair to face his subordinate. "Knock it off, Wallace, or you will spend the rest of the trip outside."
"I wouldn't mind working on my tan," Wallace replied as he flexed his arms.
“You can try, my friend, but you will never be as good-looking as me,” Barrios replied as he looked at his tablet.
"Man, those two can be a handful," Barrett said.
"But when he is right, he is right," King said. "Matt, you do need to move on."
The Captain of Comanche, out of everyone on the team, shook his head with a grin. Staff Sergeants Eger Wallace and Bruno Barrios acted like brothers, closer to Twins than brothers. It was customary to see them competing for dominance, but they always had each other back in a sticky situation. To Wallace's point, though, he knew that the bulky Sergeant was correct. He had to work on his life. While he loved his career, there had to be more.
As the captain looked for the right words to convey what was on his mind, his eyes were drawn to the ceiling lights flickering. They suddenly turned off, and for a moment, the room was pitched black before a red glow from the emergency lights switched on.
"Comanche." Ryder didn't have to say more as his team started to mobilize, getting into their combat space suits.
Mathew Ryder unbuckled his seatbelt and pushed himself toward his space suit. Once dressed, he then floated to the ship intercom. He could feel the starship shake as he floated, making him wonder if they hit something. "Ryder to Bridge."
Hearing nothing, this started to concern the young captain. It seemed what Commander Nelson was worried about was coming to fruition.
"Rommel," Ryder said. "I cannot get through to the Bridge. Once Comanche regrouped, I want you to prepare a team and investigate."
"I wouldn't bother," Barrios said.
Hearing Bruno Barrios calling for him, the captain saw the Sergeant staring out into the void by the window.
Quickly floating himself to Barrios, Ryder grabbed a handle and looked outside. To his horror, he saw one of the bridge crew float past them. "We are under attack."
"Who are we missing?" Ryder asked.
“Kurt and Higgins are in the barracks,” Barrett replied. “Gonzales is guarding the package.”
Realizing how spread thin they were, Ryder knew they had to act fast or end up like the bridge crew. His first priority was to secure their section of the ship so they were not caught with their pants down. Even now, they could hear some weapons fire. Most likely, the attackers engaged any remaining crew scattered throughout the ship.
"George," Ryder said. "Head to Forest position and secure the left. Rommel, deploy a defensive line in the passageway. We cannot wait here, or we will be flanked and pinned. Teams of two on each side should do it."
"And the hull," King said. "If they can crawl around the hull, they can flank us."
"Good call," Ryder said.
"I will take the gym team and secure the left side," Barrett said.
It only took a few moments for everyone here to prepare as their training kicked in. Being some of the most elite soldiers in the United States military, they all knew what needed to be done.
Hearing a gunshot outside their hatch, everyone aimed their weapons in preparation to be swarmed. Rommel King then signals the Twins to line up and face the direction where the airlock would open.
Wallace aimed his P52 at the hatch, ready to kill anything that came through. Barrios floated over to grab his buddy and drag him to the wall and then held him in place. This stabilized the Comanche, so his aim was as steady as possible in zero-g. Ready to snip through the opening crack of the hatch.
As expected, the hatch cracked open wide enough for the personnel on the other side to throw an object inside their room. Most likely a stun grenade to which Wallace was prepared for. Once the hatch was wide enough, he placed a well-aimed shot through the hostile skull. A small explosion sounds from the stun grenade going off within the passageway.
Barrett floated and quickly opened the hatch while Barrios tossed a stun grenade, blinding the other hostile temporarily. He then grabbed the body and pulled it into the room while Wallace killed another target. Then, the Sergeant First Class called out for his team to storm the center passageway, firing their P52s in semiautomatic mode.
Ryder floated toward the dead body, meeting his second-in-command. The captain first noticed that there were no official symbols or markings on the corpse suit—only two different color armbands, red and tan.
"This is definitely covert ops," King said.
Lifting the facemask, Ryder noticed that this man looked Middle Eastern. "RIA or the Turks. They're the only two that could launch such an operation."
"The balls on them," King commented. "They have to know we are transporting something important."
"Agreed. Most likely the RIA, then. I do not know if the Turks would risk losing our support over what’s left of Iraq. They would more likely blackmail us over a raid if they knew anything over a direct assault.”
“They don’t call it Cover Ops for a reason, sir,” King said. “Still, I think you are correct about our opponents.”
The two went their separate ways as King went to secure the passageway while Ryder joined Eger Wallace to secure the storage section. The two floated toward the hatch that led to the next section.
Hearing the muffled sound of weapons throughout the ship, Mathew Ryder saw three hostiles approaching the forward hatch. Realizing that they had not been spotted yet, he took a quick shot, wounding the closest target. The other two took cover with the realization that a firefight was about to begin.
A firefight began as they sought cover from the bolted-down containers. Ryder saw a few corpses of former CIA crewmen floating, except for one who was taking cover behind one of the crates.
"Cover me." Ryder pushed against the bulkhead and toward the crewman, pulling out his sidearm. “Soldier, take this and cover.”
“I am not a soldier,” the crewman said as he took the pistol. “I am a mechanic.”
“Tell them that,” Ryder replied as he turned and provided suppressive fire. “Rally up or be left behind. Now, watch our six."
The crewmen took the sidearm, feeling bold now that he was not alone.
The Comanche Captain heard Wallace calling his name. He then saw that two additional hostiles entered the storage room. His first thought was shit before he aimed his P52 and fired.
Realizing that he was secured in place, he switched his weapon from semi-automatic to fully automatic and fired in bursts.
The sudden fire change confused the enemy as one was caught in the burst fire. The 5.7×28mm easily shredded through his target combat spacesuit after enough impacts. While there was armor on their combat spacesuits, it was not meant to withstand a direct engagement.
The crewmen floated to the other Comanche, and once Ryder saw his chance, he followed right behind. His comrades provided cover for fire, and an intense exchange of bronze impacted the containers. He floated back and felt something impact his shoulder. A section of his HUD started flashing yellow, confirming that something impacted him.
He stopped by one of the containers and checked his shoulder. He did see that he was hit but that the bullet didn’t go through. Seeing his luck, he hoped God was not planning to push his luck again.
Once back with his team, Ryder ordered Wallace to open the exterior emergency hatch. Remembering what his XO said that the enemy would soon use their superior manpower and flank them from outside, he needed to act fast.
As Ryder and the other crewmen provided cover, pinning down one of the hostile attackers, Wallace floated to the hatch and opened it, exiting the ship's hull.
Ryder connected to Wallace's camera feed; he saw that the moment the hatch was opened, his teammate encountered the enemy that was toward the rear of the ship to flank them. The Staff Sergeant quickly engaged the new targets, catching them by surprise.
"Turn to the front section," Ryder said.
Once the flank was secured, Wallace turned toward the spaceship's front section.
This was where Ryder saw the true extent of what was going on. Half a dozen enemy soldiers entered the bridge, with more floating toward them. What terrified the captain was seeing a black smooth ship anchored to them. While smaller than their vessel, the enemy ship was clearly designed for covert operations.
Skimming through the feed of the rest of the team, the enemy seemed to be hitting hard, outnumbering his Comanche team three or four to one. Far more than that spacecraft was able to sustain. He could only conclude that this operation was explicitly designed for them. Most likely, they were trying to acquire whatever they were transporting.
The only thing that seemed to be going their way was that Comanche was there. The enemy didn't expect a Special Forces group within a CIA spacecraft. While that proved a temporary advantage, he knew it wouldn't last long. And with the enemy spacecraft hitched to theirs, escaping wasn't impossible. A continued shootout would only defeat them just because they had more bodies.
"Sir," King said over TEAMCOM. "We are not going to be able to hold. We need to fall back and regroup."
"Regroup? where-." As Ryder spoke, he remembered the Aether-class capsule in the hangar. "I need Kurt here to take my position. George, do you have any other friends by you?"
"Roger. I am heading to you."
Ryder saw Sergeant First Class Kurt Forest quickly float into their room. "Kurt, secure that hatch. Everyone else, pull back and secure our starting point."
The captain then pushed himself back into the lounge section and headed toward the inner passageway.
He saw the intense firefight between his men and the enemy. Two of his teammates used a hatch as a shield to provide suppressive fire. It seemed they refused to give them an inch based on all the bullet impacts and scary walls, which was good. Losing this passageway would give the enemy full access to the ship.
Waving toward them, Ryder signaled that he needed cover to cross. King ordered everyone to open fire, allowing him to pass through. "Rommel, just hold on a bit longer."
"As long as you need. I don’t think they were expecting us."
Floating through the ship hatches, Mathew Ryder moved through the many different compartments of the spaceship until he reached Sergeant First Class Kurt Forest, who was holding the kitchen.
"George,” Ryder said. "Is one of the friendlies the Aether pilot?"
"No idea," Barrett asked. "But I assigned two of them to guard the storage compartment."
Ryder then pushed himself back to the previous section and floated up. Once there, he opened the hatch to the storage room and saw two CIA personnel taking cover by bolted-down compartments. One armed with an M18 pistol and the other with a P52 personal defense weapon. On the other side were hostiles advancing, to which he fired a few rounds to stall the enemy while seeking cover.
Seeing a short pause in the fighting, Ryder moved toward the two men. "Are one of you the Aether pilot?".
"I am," the man with the sidearm replied. "Why?"
"The ship is lost, so I need you to fly us off this wreck."
"That is a stupid idea. We won't get far in that tin can."
"Why the hell not?" Ryder asked in a frustrated voice.
"It is basically out of fuel. Entering and exiting a planetary atmosphere, even a low-density one like Mars, requires a lot of fuel, and we are not a propellant depot. The life support was not designed as a lifeboat, even if it had fuel. "
Hearing that statement only infuriated Ryder, as his only option for survival was to be tossed out of the hatch. Even if they did use the Aether as a lifeboat, the enemy would have to move their ship to pick them up, and they would be helpless.
Ryder realized the enemy ship was ruining other potential ideas to salvage their situation. Retaking their vessel was a lost cause, and their ship would run them down if they tried to leave. Fighting to the last man would only result in defeat and the enemy acquiring their objective. Even the insane idea of trying to capture the enemy ship to escape forces them into the open, being easy picking.
That was when the captain remembered his conversation with Commander Nelson. The commander wanted him to know what was happening in the surrounding area. While he still did not know if there was a more profound lesson or that the formal commander was seeking conversation, he remembered there were other starships nearby. Relatively speaking.
If he recalled, a French Ship was the closest. He was concerned that if they contacted a civilian ship to intervene in a covert operation and rescue them, it would blow into an international crisis, excluding how highly irregular it would be.
Relations between the United States and the French are mixed. While allies, France had always pushed for strategic autonomy within NATO and the Artemus Accords. While the old Global Order collapsed into regional factions, this had strained relations with completing interests. His wife once considered the relationship a ‘frenemies’ one, and with heavy influence with Western Europe, they weighed to get away with it.
However, he saw no other choice.
“Higgins, can you patch through the Aether systems and access communications?” Ryder asked.
“I could if I had a few hours and wasn't being shot at," Higgins said with much confusion. "The issue is that everything is dead on the ship.”
"And they are probably jamming us," King added.
“What do you want?” the pilot asked.
“There is a French vessel about a day away from us,” Ryder replied. “If we can get in contact, we are safe.”
“Then he can access the capsule communication system,” the pilot said. “I do not know what hit us. It's probably some scaled-up anti-drone EM weapon. However, the hanger is more protected than the rest of the ship.”
“Why is that?” As Ryder asked the question, he realized how dumb the question was at this time. He was talking to spooks on a spook ship while engaged in a life-or-death battle. And right now, he doesn't care why, just that it could work. “Forget that. Higgins, did you hear that?”
“On my way,” Higgins said.
“There is still that ship problem outside,” Wallace said. "And they seemed pissed."
Ryder took a deep breath as every problem continued to point toward the enemy vessel.
“Ryder,” King said. “Why don’t we blow up our ship? That should remove it while preventing the enemy from acquiring this one.”
He considered scuttling the ship earlier for that reason. This ship probably had many highly classified technologies that the CIA wouldn’t want the enemy to get their hands on. However, since they were still on the CIA spaceship, he didn’t seriously consider the idea until there was no literal choice. Now that they have a way off the spaceship, the sudden explosion could take out the enemy spacecraft while it was still anchored to them, solving most of their problems.
“Agreed,” Ryder said. “Bruno, can you plant explosives?”
“I can,” Barrios said. “The engine room would be the best place for that.”
“Roger,” Ryder replied. “Kurt and Barrett, start pulling back. Rommel, maintain control over the passageway and cover the Engine room and the hanger.”
He then turned to the pilot. “Head to the hangar and see if you can start it up.”
As the pilot left, Ryder fired and engaged the enemy to cover the pilot's retreat. He saw one of the enemy soldiers’ speed floating past one of the storage units as he fired. Seeing his opportunity, the young captain killed the target.
Turning to check on the pilot, Ryder saw blood floating in the zero gravity, which was coming from the pilot’s side. “Shit. Gonzales, get over here now. I have priority wounded.”
Ryder pushed himself from the storage wall and floated past the hatch, grabbing the pilot and pushing the man out of the way into cover.
Grabbing a handle, Ryder turned and signaled for the other crewman to pull back. That man started floating toward the hatch as he fired his P52. However, before getting to the hatch, he was gunned down. Feeling anger from watching another comrade be killed, he was forced to close the hatch and turned to the pilot. He saw Sergeant Marcos Gonzales, the team medic, treating the pilot. “Gonzales, get him to the hanger. Keep him alive at all cost.”
“I got it, boss,” Gonzales said as he pulled the pilot to the internal hatch.
After Ryder gave Comanche the order to start falling back, he saw Barrett’s team pull out of the kitchen. One of them tossed a stun grenade into the room before closing the hatch. They then placed thermal tape around the door, lightly welding the hatch shut.
"That is not going to last for long," Ryder said.
"Just long enough," Barrett replied.
“Alright,” Ryder said. "Keep things locked down here; I am heading to the engine room."
"Negative sir. Let the NCOs handle those tasks. Your focus should be on the space capsule. None of these matters if we cannot get out of here."
Acknowledging that his head NCO was correct, Ryder headed toward the hangar. The most crucial detail was ensuring they could communicate with the French vessels and escape.
Entering the inner passageway, the Comanche captain again saw the firefight. The signs of intense battle as blood and bullet casings floated around. Even an enemy corpse hovered between the two factions; Rommel King held his location firm.
As the captain passed his men, he told them they were performing excellent work and that they only needed to hold for a few more minutes before getting off this dead vessel. Then he floated further down the passageway, pushing away a crewman's corpse so he could get by.
Ryder reached the hatch that said 'hanger,' he opened it and floated inside. Once inside, he pushed himself toward the hatch and swam toward the Aether. Once he grabbed the railing, he climbed to its open hatch. "Higgins, talk to me."
"Communication systems work after some hotfixes," Higgins said. "However, we're jammed, so there's no way to send a message until that ship is gone."
The gravity of how motivated these hostiles were to claim whatever they were transporting. It made him wonder what on earth they were transporting. Forcing all non-essential thoughts from his mind, he focused on the task at hand. "That won't be a problem in a few minutes. That is assuming we can fly out of here?"
"I can only get a few thrusts out of this thing," the pilot said.
"That will have to do," Ryder replied. He then reaccessed TEAMCOM. “Engineering?”
“Nearly ready to blow this hundreds of million-dollar piece of metal,” Barrett said. “We are good now.”
“Alright. Comanche, pull back to the hanger. ASAP. Open the hanger, Gonzales, with me.”
Noticing that the hanger bay started to open above him, it reminded him of the old NASA Shuttles where the hatch was on top. It made sense why the CIA converted this spaceship with a similar hanger, the only way they could hide a space capsule.
Connecting a metal robe to his suit and then to the Aether exterior railing, Ryder pushed himself forward to reach the ship's hull. Looking backward, he noticed that Gonzales was not far behind. “Wallace should still be out there, so we must provide cover until they are ready to launch.”
The two Comanches reached the hull and were immediately engaged by the enemy. Ryder saw a hostile standing on the enemy spacecraft side hanger with two more guarding the bridge section.
Forced to use the opened hanger door as cover, Ryder peaked around and returned fire, aiming for the man on the enemy spacecraft. After a few well-placed shots, it seemed like he killed or wounded the target, so he readjusts his firing position to engage the rest.
“Hey guys, I need cover,” Wallace said.
“Gonzales, cover me.” Ryder quickly jumped from his side of the hull, jumping over the open hangar bay to the other side. Once he landed, he secured himself and took cover, using the other opened hanger door.
Finding where Eger Wallace was, the fellow Comanche took cover on the ship's far side—using a new hole within the hull as a makeshift foxhole. Ryder could only assume that the enemy was trying to flank them earlier from the exterior, and he prevented them.
“Wallace, let's go.” Ryder peaked around the hanger door and provided cover fire. Looking back, he saw Wallace trying to run toward them, relying on a zipline connecting him to the hull. The issue was that the man was an easy target in the open.
Not wanting to lose a man, Ryder stood up to make himself more of a target and opened fire. He was able to take one of the hostiles, but in return, the other two started to fire at him. "Hurry up!"
Seeing that his teammate was almost there, Ryder requested cover fire. He then reached out and grabbed Wallace's hand and swung him around the hanger after being unhooked from the zipline.
Wallace swung around and rammed into the captain, slamming him into the hangar door. “I didn't know you enjoyed getting this close, sir. Are you going to buy me dinner or take me straight home?'
A part of Ryder wanted to laugh at how calm Wallace acted, never allowing the situation to get to him. He pushed his fellow Comanche warrior away. “Right now."
The two Comanches turned and started to engage the emerging hostiles that were appearing from the many breaches within the hull. Wallace commented that the enemy seemed to be figuring out how to use the spacecraft to flee and were trying to stop them. That was fine with Ryder, as that meant they did not know that they had just turned the ship into a bomb.
Checking his feed, he saw Warrant Officer 1 Rommel King finishing loading up the last of the survivors into the Aether. From what he could tell, almost none of the ship's crew made it. The pilot and one other crewman were the only survivors from Commander Nelson's crew.
From what Ryder understood, the Aether only had eight seated, so that it would be a tight fit. He knew that Rommel King would try and fit as many as he could inside, but everyone else would need to hang outside until help arrived.
“Launch when ready,” Ryder ordered.
The latches that held the Aether space capsule to the spaceship. Now free, the large cone-shaped capsule started floating out of the hangar bay, with only the air thrusters giving it a quick boost.
“Gonzales, get on now!” Ryder ordered.
“I don’t have a line,” Wallace said.
Ryder grabbed his teammate, and the two men ran on the spaceship's hull to the edge of the open hangar bay and leaped toward the Aether. The three Comanches floated onto the capsule and grabbed the railing. “We're on. Fire the engines!”
The three Comanches secured themselves to the exterior railing and held as tight as they could to the capsule, feeling the shake violently, freaking them out.
With the sudden rumble of the Aether, Ryder and the rest looked down and saw the engine coming to life. The red and orange colored blast propelled the space capsule away from their formal spaceship, abandoning it to the enemy. The blast didn't last long as the thrusters shut off, and now, they were drifting. However, he hoped they drifted fast enough to escape the blast radius.
Looking back, I saw the enemy rushing back to their ship. He wondered if they found the bomb or felt they needed to chase after them. Either way, it no longer mattered.
“ETA,” Gonzales said. “Three, two, one.”
The CIA spaceship engine section exploded, with the rest of the ship following suit. The enemy ship attempted to escape; however, it was too late. A chunk of the spaceship hull flew straight into the underside of the enemy vessel, followed by the large blast that consumed it, causing the enemy ship to explode.
Shrapnel from both ships flew past them, and for a moment, Ryder was forced to cover his visor from the sudden brightness of the combined explosion.
Wallace threw out his fist and yelled, “I will see you in hell for round two, bastards!”
Ryder could not stop himself from laughing from the burst of energy from Wallace. He looked toward the man and said, “You are insane, Wallace.”
“Sir. Would you have it any other way?”
“I don’t think you want my honest answer.”
After the two laughed, releasing stress from the situation, Ryder looked back and took a deep breath as he saw that the battle was over. The thought from before suddenly returned about the package they were transporting. A lot of lives were lost in protecting it, and the RIA was willing to go to war over it. He had no idea what it was and how valuable it could be. He just hoped it was worth it.


Captain Mathew Ryder hung outside the Aether, tied to the exterior railing. Being stuck outside because there was no way inside the capsule without decompressing the spacecraft, he and his fellow two Comanches hung outside. He was trying to breathe slowly, not to consume oxygen too quickly. His body felt numb.
Looking inside the capsule, he saw that everyone looked exhausted, freezing, and thirsty. Sergeant Gonzales was deeply concerned with the pilot's wound because of the cold temperature, causing hyperthermia. Other members of Comanche were so dehydrated they were no longer combat-effective.
It had been over eleven hours since abandoning their spaceship. Eleven hours with nothing to do but sit and wait for the French vessel to arrive, assuming they got their SOS or a quiet, cold death in the emptiness of space.
“I am so thirsty,” Gonzales quickly said.
“Do not speak.” As Ryder spoke, his mouth felt chapped and dry. The throat throbbed with pain. “Every word is wasted air and energy.”
While checking over his men within the Aether, Ryder saw Sergeant Charlie Higgins working on the dashboard, desperately trying to find power. So far, he had been unsuccessful as it remained dead.
“Sir,” Wallace barely said. “We have a contact.”
Ryder turned to face his teammate and then looked out into the darkness of space. He saw emptiness beside this one distant object that was too far away to identify correctly. The first thoughts were that it was an asteroid as they were in the Apollo Group or, hopefully, a spaceship.
A moment later, the object started flashing. While he was too dehydrated and too tired to translate the flashes, he quickly realized that it was artificial. That mean it had to be man-made, a spaceship.
Ryder pointed toward his medic and the incoming spaceship, signaling him to fire the flare. The captain then banged against the Aether window and spoke through the radio that help was about to arrive.
The captain could feel the moral spike within his team without needing to look as if hope had finally arrived. He said over the radio, “No angel of death this day.”
Ryder could see the French flag on the side as the spaceship arrived. Now, he only wondered what the reaction from Space Command would be once he learned of this. As the ship approached, he looked around his team, wondering if this would be his last mission, but if so, he got them out alive with their objective.
The French freight vessel slowed down. Once both vessels’ speeds matched, the side airlock opened. Two Frenchmen crewmen stood there, and the two crewmen jumped toward them with a zipline. Ryder and Gonzales grabbed him and pulled him close.
Ryder tried to communicate with the Frenchmen; however, they didn’t have Coms. Still, the man already got to work in connection with both ships and soon enough, the Aether was being pulled to the spaceship.
As the Aether got closer, the Frenchmen pointed toward the airlock and then jumped toward it. They realized they would be trapped outside once the capsule docked, so they had to jump.
“Alright, you two jump first,” Ryder ordered.
The first Comanche that jumped was Gonzales, with Wallace followed quickly behind. As Ryder prepared himself to jump, he saw the Canadarm unfolding and moving to attach itself to their capsule to help guide them into the airlock.
Ryder jumped and floated toward the airlock. The two Frenchmen grabbed his arm and pulled him in. The door closed, and the five of them entered the French ship. The three Comanche soldiers fell to them now and threw their helmets off, gasping for air. Even though the air was recycled, the captain thought it was the best breath in his life as he felt a new wave of energy jolt throughout his body.
A thumb was heard behind them as the Aether docked with the French ship. The two crewmen opened the hatch, and some of his team fell out, consuming the recycled air.
As Comanche exited the Ather, Captain Mathew Ryder felt senses partly returned. He noticed the Frenchman's eyes were wide and shaking. It took him a moment to understand why. The man was probably expecting lost merchant souls that were drifting through space. Not highly armed soldiers.
Ryder knew he had to refuse the situation as quickly as possible before a more significant international crisis began. While his body just wanted to collapse, he forced himself to stand up, holding his hand out, trying to calm the man. Once he got the man's attention, he started pointing toward the American flag on his shoulder.
Once Ryder believed the Frenchman understood the situation, he turned to his team. “Gonzales, Wallace, get the pilot to the medical bay. Everyone else, stay here. The last thing they need is to think we are invading them.”
“What will they use, gummy bullets?” Barrios jokingly asked in an out-of-breath tone.
“They would just surrender without a fight,” Wallace added as he took deep breaths.
As the two-fist bumped, Warrant Office 1 Rommel King slowly said, “Both of you…. Shut up….”
Ryder then ensured the Frenchman understood they had a wounded man and needed medical attention. Seeing the sight of the near-dead pilot, the man did not need much convincing.
The Frenchman reached over to an intercom, and Ryder could only assume that he had reported the situation to his ship commander. A voice came through the intercom, and then the man waved to Ryder to follow. He then ordered Higgins to follow, and the two followed the Frenchmen.
Summoning the strength to push against the wall, Ryder began floating through the starship. As the three passed through the ship, he noticed a similar design. The only significant difference was that this ship was cargo-focused over passenger. There were a few other ship personnel, all keeping their distance out of fear. It was not every day to see armed men floating on a spaceship that looked trashed. It must have been a terrifying sight.
The Frenchman led the two Comanche to the bridge, where Ryder saw the ship commander sitting in his seat.
The commander's seat turned, and the commander looked directly at them. “Americans. Infesting space with their militarism, believing that they own everything. What do you call your Second Manifest Destiny? An excuse to push above and beyond before anyone else gets a chance to stake a claim? Believing that you are above the rest of us because you have the might? And yet, here you are. Now, what are soldiers doing on the way out here?”
Throughout Ryder's career, many people complained about American militarism and Second Manifest Destiny. The United States was born through warfare, fighting for their beliefs. That included expanding to become the most powerful nation on Earth. Some politicians avoid using the Manifest Destiny term as it is heavily loaded, using military might to conquer lands that have blessed the nation to this day. Some believe the US might follow a similar path to establish its dominance in space.
While he does believe that his country does abuse its power at times, most still seek their protection. They always preferred some rule-based system that benefited others. America has the power to go it alone but chose to include others.
Ryder ignored the insult and said, “Thank you for the rescue. We were attacked and forced to abandon ship.”
The commander took a long look at the two Comanches before replying. “I am a veteran from the AAE. I know Special Forces when I see it. If you were attacked, then it had to be something big.”
“Noted,” Ryder replied. “I request that you turn this ship around and return to Earth. Higgins here can give you the protocol.”
“I am sorry, Captain, but I have to refuse,” the commander said. “I do not take orders for you, and I have my country's interest to consider. We are carrying vital supplies for our Mars base, and missing this would set back our plans for years. Unless you want to tell me what you were doing out here?”
Feeling nothing but exhaustion, Ryder realized that the commander knew that. “This is the last time I am going to request, sir. Higgins, give him a protocol to contact Space Command.”
“You do not threaten me on my ship,” the commander said. “I do not care that you are armed. You will not dare risk headlines that say American Special Forces raided and hijacked a French vessel. Your country would lose all connections to Europe. And you would be in prison for life, and I would be treated as a hero.”
“Sir…. My mission is more important than that. Contact Space Command, or I will make you.”
Ryder stared directly at the French commander's eyes. In contrast, he felt sweat and exhaustion pressing down on his body. It's almost as if someone doubled the gravity level in this zero-G environment.
The commander sat there, waiting for the young captain to flinch. However, the Comanche captain refused to remove his posture, and the commander fully saw his determination. The commander suddenly waved his hand. “Alright. A call will not hurt anyone.”
Charlie Higgins floated over and provided the necessary protocol.
“Now leave my bridge,” the commander demanded.
Not wanting to press further, Ryder and Higgins floated outside and waited.
“Do you think he will listen?” Higgins asked.
“I don’t know,” Ryder replied. “I don’t see why not, but there isn’t a reason for the French to do so. If the roles were reversed, we wouldn’t just because of the goodness of our hearts. Unless it was considered a vital natural security.”
The two Comanche waited about fifteen minutes, but it felt like hours. One of the crewmembers brought over water and a fruit smoothie.
Ryder remembers not long ago, he swore never to have another one of these smoothies again, but now, it was the most sumptuous meal he had ever had.
The bridge hatch opened, and the commander appeared.
“What did Space Command say?” Ryder asked.
“I never contacted them,” the commander replied. “As I said, I don't take orders from Americans."
"That being said, my command spoke with my President. Then my superiors spoke with yours.” The commander paused as he took a deep breath. “The ship is yours. I have been ordered to get you wherever you need to go.”
The Comanche captain thought he would feel relieved that the worst should end. However, the idea of what they were transporting quickly convinced the French shocked him. The fact they were willing to hand over Command of the ship quickly forced him to wonder what, indeed, was going on.
Knowing they were still days away from Luna, he didn't want this crew to feel that they were beneath them. Mainly because everyone in CFT-1 was in no condition to fight; they needed the French crew's best behavior. “With all due respect, sir, it is still your ship, and I will not relieve you of command. Please take us to Freedom Space Station.”
“It will be done,” the commander said before returning to the Bridge. "I already ordered the crew to prepare beds and meals."
The two were escorted off the bridge, Higgins asked. "That was strange. How do you think that conversation went?"
“No idea. But it seems that our government offered something worth all this mess. That only makes me wonder what else is going on.”
“Who knows.”
“Let's get back to the team and rest,” Ryder said.

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2024.06.04 22:10 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Ten: How Many Stocks Do I Really Have In Stock? One, Two, Three, Four, Five Plus Twelve (Ape)

Booking John Cena's Career, Part Ten: How Many Stocks Do I Really Have In Stock? One, Two, Three, Four, Five Plus Twelve (Ape)
Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Hey guys! Ape here. I'm back for good now. Shoutout MGT, his work here is done. Unfortunately for our collective sanity, we’re only a little over a third of the way through.
We left off in the closing days of 2010, with indie-darling-turned-Nexus-frontman John Cena being deposed by Wade Barrett in a hostile takeover of the group. Having been laid out by his onetime allies, Cena's out of the mix, and nobody quite knows what to expect upon his return. Vengeance personified? Particularly brutal bars against Barrett and company? Well, they won't have to wait long to find out, because the WWE fans are about to be introduced to the new and improved John Cena for the first time, and one thing's for certain - that man recovers fast.
Royal Rumble 2011
40 Man Royal Rumble Match
We pick up at Entrant Number 34, with the ring already having been fairly thinned out - Michael McGillicutty, Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel are the last remaining members of the Nexus in the Rumble match, and they're currently joined by King Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston as the clock starts ticking down, the crowd chanting "FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE..." before hearing a song they've never heard before. DOO DOO DOO DOOOOOOOOO! Cena's name pops up on the tron, and the Nexus look as though they've seen a ghost as the man himself makes his way onto the stage, saluting and winking to Stu the cameraman before running straight down to the ring, tossing his shirt aside and sliding under the bottom rope, leaping up and CLOTHESLINING SLATER STRAIGHT OVER THE TOP FOR AN ELIMINATION! He starts trading blows with Gabriel and McGillicutty, the crowd eating it up as Mysterio comes to his aid, Kofi joining in to try and dispel the Nexus as well. The ring slowly fills back up with the additions of the Big Show, Ezekiel Jackson and Santino Marella at 35, 36 and 37, respectively, followed by Kane at 38, who eliminates Show. Kofi Kingston manages to toss out an exhausted Dolph Ziggler and Number 39, Randy Orton, cleans up shop by eliminating Kofi and Ezekiel Jackson. Del Rio eliminates Santino to an onslaught of boos before Number 40... TRIPLE H, MAKING HIS BIG RETURN TO THE RING AFTER ALMOST EIGHT MONTHS!
Cena continues to duke it out with the Nexus as Triple H takes the fight to Sheamus, with Orton, Del Rio, Punk and Mysterio rounding out the final nine. Alberto tosses out Mysterio, and the crowd is overjoyed as Cena manages to ELIMINATE DEL RIO WITH AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT OVER THE TOP! Triple H eliminates Kane and Sheamus, and now PUNK FROM BEHIND, ELIMINATING TRIPLE H! ORTON WITH AN RKO TO THE STRAIGHT EDGE SAVIOUR, AND NOW MCGILLICUTTY AND GABRIEL JUMP ORTON, ONLY FOR CENA TO EVEN THE ODDS! Cena tosses out Gabriel, and finally eliminates McGillicutty to remove the Nexus from contention! However, he’s got a new problem, the WWE Champ Wade Barrett sliding into the ring and lunging with an attempt at a Bullhammer Elbow before being scooped up into prime position for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT... but he holds onto the ropes, dropping to the apron and shoving Cena into a head kick by Punk, with the final three measuring each other up. One of Punk, Cena and Orton is going to WrestleMania's main event, and the crowd is definitely on Cena's side as he flings himself into a wild brawl with Barrett, only for GABRIEL AND SLATER TO LEAP BACK INTO THE RING! WHAT THE HELL? They're like a pack of dogs as they pick Cena apart, Punk and Orton too caught up in their own fight to even notice as they pick Cena up... BUT CENA KICKS HIS WAY FREE! LARIAT TO BARRETT, AND NOW A DOUBLE SHOULDER BLOCK TO SLATER AND GABRIEL, FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER! They both spring up, and now he HEAVES BOTH ONTO HIS SHOULDERS FOR A DOUBLE AA! He turns to face Barrett, and WADE WITH A HUGE BULLHAMMER ELBOW! He tosses Cena over the top rope, but JOHN HANGS ON!
Fighting to eliminate Cena by simply battering his hands, Barrett is suddenly caught up in a new mess as Punk and Orton come his way, Orton inadvertently clobbering him from behind PUNK DUMPS HIM OVER THE TOP, KICKING HIM IN THE HEAD ONCE HE LANDS ON THE APRON TO SECURE AN ELIMINATION! IT’S DOWN TO PUNK AND CENA! Cena manages to skin the cat, returning to the ring and SENDING PUNK OVER THE TOP, BUT HE HOLDS ON! Making a quick decision on who to target, Cena chooses to go for the Nexus leader, clocking him with a right hand, but Barrett gets back up and DUMPS CENA OUT TO THE APRON WITH PUNK! Barrett charges in a last-gasp attempt to take Cena out, but JOHN CATCHES HIM FOR AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT OFF THE APRON, BARRETT LANDING ON THE REST OF THE NEXUS! THEY’RE ALL OUT OF THE MIX NOW! Pivoting quickly to turn his attention to the last man standing, Cena is just in time to catch a punch from Punk, throwing a flurry of his own punches back before PICKING HIM UP INTO A FIREMAN'S CARRY! Punk grabs the top rope, frantically trying to get back into the ring, but Cena's raw power tears him loose, only for Punk to drop down to the apron, kicking Cena in the knee and then SHOVING HIM INTO THE RING POST, BUT SOMEHOW JOHN HANGS ON! Punk has him dead to rights, picking him up to go for a GTS, but Cena's smart enough for a last ditch effort... HE PUSHES OFF THE RING POST, SENDING BOTH HE AND PUNK TO THE FLOOR, BUT IT'S CLEAR WHOSE FEET MADE CONTACT WITH THE GROUND FIRST! CM PUNK HAS BEEN ELIMINATED, AND JOHN CENA HAS RETURNED TO WIN THE ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH!
John Cena wins the 2011 Royal Rumble (1:10:35)
Overcome with joy, Cena gets the whole song and dance, his new theme playing as he throws on a brand new t-shirt, pointing to the WrestleMania 27 sign to trigger an immense volley of pyro, smiling at the immense crowd as Punk and the Nexus look up in disgust.
Road to Elimination Chamber 2011
The Road to WrestleMania is officially underway, and John Cena kicks off the Raw after the Rumble to give a speech. He says that he came to WWE with a huge chip on his shoulder, and sought allies in the form of the Nexus to take what he felt he deserved. He acted despicably, doing what he wanted when he wanted, but it was being abandoned by his teammates that made him realize that he couldn't just take what he deserved through force - he needed to earn it through willpower, and he had to do it properly. The only way to get rid of that chip would be to erase any doubt that he deserved what he had, which meant doing things the right way and working hard, not betraying those that placed trust in him. He needed to demonstrate Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect - and at the Royal Rumble, his first day striving to uphold the values, they paid off when he won the biggest Rumble in history by himself, clean as a whistle - and at WrestleMania, he wants to do the same by winning the WWE Championship.
Naturally, he's attacked by the Nexus. And The Miz. And Alex Riley. And CM Punk. Gotta overcome those hurdles.
With Cena having chosen his target championship, the Elimination Chamber match itself is set to decide the champion for WrestleMania, with Barrett defending the gold against The Miz, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Sheamus and Alex Riley. However, he's got himself booked as well, with his fight against the Nexus leading him to challenge any member to a singles bout at the event. Justin Gabriel accepts by 450ing him on an episode of Raw, leading Cena to make a point with an emphatic victory over Heath Slater on the go-home show.
Elimination Chamber 2011
John Cena vs. Justin Gabriel
This is a pretty straightforward affair to really familiarize everyone with Cena's new character and style, and Gabriel provides a perfect counterpart, matching Cena's power with his own aerial ability. Cena introduces Gabriel to the Five Moves of Doom, nailing a hip toss, a huge powerbomb, a series of flying shoulder blocks, a five knuckle shuffle and an Attitude Adjustment for the win, before declaring that whoever walks out of the Chamber as champion better be ready for war at WrestleMania.
John Cena def. Justin Gabriel (7:42)
Later in the night, the Nexus runs roughshod over the Chamber match, leading Wade Barrett to last eliminate Randy Orton to retain the WWE Championship.
Road to WrestleMania XXVII
With the WrestleMania main event set, and Barrett and Cena ready to conclude their bad blood, the few weeks leading up to their encounter sees Cena waging war against the Nexus, and Barrett ruling with an iron fist, forcing his underlings into battle after battle. They attack John backstage, but Cena fires back week after week, beating Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty on back to back Raw episodes, only for Barrett to put him through the announce desk with a hellacious attack. The feud is reaching a fever pitch, and on the Raw before WrestleMania, it's a pull-apart brawl, Cena managing to take out as many Nexus members as possible before even managing to get a hit in on Barrett, the champion standing tall to close out the show, laughing at his challenger.
WrestleMania XXVII
WWE Title: John Cena vs. Wade Barrett (c)
The whole world is watching for this one, with all the marbles on the line - Wade Barrett's Nexus empire may be faltering under the weight of his command, but he has the chance to make the last image of WrestleMania the company's top prize being held by the company's greatest nightmare. Cena, however, has the chance to be coronated with another company's most prestigious championship, an opportunity he refuses to pass up. It's a big fight feel in Atlanta, and Barrett pulls out all the stops, making for an exemplary Super Cena performance - Cena finally makes a comeback, knocking the rest of the Nexus off the apron before turning around into a BULLHAMMER ELBOW! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! Barrett can't believe it, but hoists Cena up onto his shoulders, hurling him back into the mat with a Wasteland. However, he still doesn't think it's enough, calling for one more Bullhammer... BUT CENA INTERCEPTS WITH AN AA, THE CROWD LEAPING OUT OF THEIR SEATS AS HE FLIES INTO THE COVER! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOOO! He picks Barrett up to go for another, but Wade drops down for a huge German Suplex, followed by a boot to the jaw. Picking John up, he deposits him on the top turnbuckle, meeting Cena there to go for a Wasteland off the top... BUT CENA COUNTERS, NAILING A TOP ROPE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-SLATER PULLS OUT THE REFEREE! The ref responds by kicking out the entire Nexus, the stable arguing with him as Cena turns around into a LOW BLOW BY BARRETT, STACKING HIM UP! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA GETS THE SHOULDER UP, TRANSITIONING INTO AN STF! IT'S IN DEEP! BARRETT HAS NOWHERE TO GO! HE'S GONNA HAVE TO... HE DOES! HE TAPS! JOHN CENA'S DONE IT! IN THE MAIN EVENT OF WRESTLEMANIA, AFTER EIGHT YEARS OF HARD WORK, JOHN CENA FINALLY GETS TO CALL HIMSELF THE WWE CHAMPION!
John Cena def. Wade Barrett (18:57) to win the WWE Title
Road to Extreme Rules 2011
John Cena kicks off the Raw after WrestleMania with a huge celebration, the WWE Universe finally behind him in full force as he proudly debuts a NEW WWE Championship - the Spinner belt, having never held the title before in order to alter its appearance. He straps it on atop a brand new "The Champ is Here" shirt, proclaiming that he'll defend the gold properly, like the brave American soldiers defend the USA, or something equally jingoistic. The crowd loves it, and they also love when he issues an open challenge for the gold for later in the night.
WWE Title Open Challenge: John Cena (c) vs. X
Cena makes his way out for the main event with a smile on his face, ready for whoever may come down the ramp - but his face turns serious the moment This Fire Burns rings out, CM Punk making his way to the ring with the sole intent of taking the WWE Championship for the first time. Cena offers him a show of respect, but Punk passes it up, and quickly takes control of the match with his fast-paced offense and complete willingness to play dirty, scratching Cena in the eyes as he's picked up for an AA and LOCKING IN THE ANACONDA VISE, BUT CENA MANAGES TO MAKE IT TO THE ROPES! Punk kicks him out of the ring, throwing him onto the announce desk and going for broke in the main event of the Raw after WrestleMania, clambering up to the top rope... BUT WADE BARRETT SHOVES HIM OFF THE TURNBUCKLES, THE NEXUS LAYING WASTE TO BOTH PUNK AND CENA IN VICIOUS FASHION!
John Cena and CM Punk fought to a no contest (15:40) for Cena to retain the WWE Title
Barrett and the Nexus spend the next Raw discussing their actions, Wade declaring that he's owed a shot at the WWE Championship that was stolen from him, and the Nexus owes him better performance - performance that proves their worth. He says if Cena's a man, he'll see him at Extreme Rules, and if the Nexus doesn't ensure he walks out with the WWE Championship, there will be hell to pay.
The next week, Punk and Cena make an uneasy alliance to team up against the Nexus' Harris and McGillicutty, picking up the win over them after a GTS from the Straight Edge Saviour, who makes it clear that when the time's right, that gold will belong to him. Cena offers a hand once more, Punk brushing him off and leaving him high and dry to eat a Bullhammer from Barrett. Following that, Barrett also attacks Harris and McGillicutty, telling them that they can stay in the Nexus for now, but they'll need to make it right at Extreme Rules - where Cena agrees to meet the Nexus leader under the titular stipulation.
Extreme Rules 2011
Extreme Rules Match for the WWE Title: John Cena (c) vs. Wade Barrett
While WrestleMania was a show of the Nexus bending the rules, Extreme Rules is a show of them just openly flouting the complete lack of them. It's essentially a 5-on-1 handicap match, and Cena stands no chance, fighting as bravely as he can before Barrett shuts him down with a Bullhammer. He directs the rest of the Nexus to hit their finishers as well, but it's Michael McGillicutty who shakes his head, reminiscent of David Otunga. Wade nails him with a Bullhammer, saying he won't stand any dissent, and JUSTIN GABRIEL NAILS A SUPERKICK, KNOCKING WADE INTO AN AA! Cena looks up at the Nexus, who all simply walk out, Cena rallying and hoisting Wade up for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT THROUGH A TABLE, RIGHT ONTO A STACK OF CHAIRS UNDERNEATH! He makes a frantic cover... ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA RETAINS, A NEXUS REVOLT AGAINST A DESPOTIC BARRETT TURNING THE STACKED ODDS IN THE CHAMPION'S FAVOUR!
John Cena def. Wade Barrett (17:21) to retain the WWE Title
Cena celebrates by saying that Seal Team 6 just killed Osama Bin Laden, who was to al-Qaeda what Barrett was to the Nexus. USA! USA! USA!
Road to Over The Limit 2011
Now having finally put the Nexus behind him, John Cena can get started with the meat of his WWE Championship reign, saying that he wants to defend the gold against the company's best and brightest, and ideally those who can even give him a run for his money not only in the ring, but in terms of Hustle, Loyalty and Respect. Booyaka Booyaka, bitch. The Master of the 619 hits the ring, saying that he appreciates all John has done to grow into a champion - but he's been in the WWE for years, working just as hard as Cena has, and hasn't come across the opportunities John did after just a couple minutes of acting friendly and being apart from the Nexus. John's first day as a lone wolf in WWE saw him winning the Royal Rumble, and then he won in the main event of WrestleMania, while Rey's only tasted that caliber of success once in the past decade. John says Rey's just who he's been looking for, and the two shake hands as Cena offers him a match at Over The Limit.
In the weeks leading up to the event, they compete in tag matches alongside one another, notching a few wins in a series of attempts at one-upmanship. Finally, they team up against The Miz and Alex Riley, where Cena hits an iffy 619 and a West Coast Pop on Riley, leading to Mysterio hitting a Five Knuckle Shuffle on The Miz. They start bickering, and Miz nails a Skull Crushing Finale on Rey, Cena being pulled out of the ring by Alex to give Team Miz the win, and causing a stern showdown between champion and challenger ahead of their match against one another.
Over The Limit 2011
WWE Title: John Cena (c) vs. Rey Mysterio
These two have a fantastically balanced bout, with Cena trying to overpower Rey, but simply being unable to match his speed, with Mysterio overwhelming him by employing every aerial technique he can think of. It's a real showcase for Mysterio, who gets to dig deep into his arsenal, even breaking out some tools from his WCW days - but Cena manages to reverse a springboard backflip DDT, catching Rey on his shoulders for an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT REY COUNTERS INTO A VICTORY ROLL! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA GETS THE SHOULDER UP, BUT GETS CAUGHT WITH A HURRICANRANA INTO THE ROPES... 619 CONNECTS! REY HEADS UP TO THE TOP, FLYING DOWN WITH A WEST COAST POP, ONLY FOR JOHN TO PICK HIM STRAIGHT OUT OF THE SKY! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA SURVIVES MYSTERIO'S ONSLAUGHT, AND HIS TITLE REIGN LIVES TO SEE ANOTHER DAY AFTER A STELLAR MAIN EVENT!
John Cena def. Rey Mysterio (22:13) to retain the WWE Title
Following the bout, Mysterio shakes Cena's hand, John raising the luchador's arm to rightfully get him back into the main event scene on SmackDown, where Mysterio gets to cook up some beautiful matches against Daniel Bryan.
Road to Capitol Punishment 2011
Cena may have made it through another defense without his limit being passed, but someone new is about to push those limits - his former tag partner turned vicious rival R-Truth, who's now smoking cigarettes on TV, and who assaults Cena and USES THE SPINNER BELT AS A GAUDY ASHTRAY! Wrestling is back.
The next few weeks see Cena and Truth exchanging verbal barbs, and Truth doesn't even have to ask for an opportunity, with the fighting champion insisting that Truth meet him in Washington, D.C. Truth accepts, and their verbal spat again turns physical, with Truth again getting the upper hand, this time smashing John across the face with the gold, declaring that at Capitol Punishment, he'll be smoking that John Cena pack in victory.
Capitol Punishment 2011
WWE Title: John Cena (c) vs. R-Truth
Despite the high-effort content on display here, Cena manages to overcome the odds with an Attitude Adjustment, leaving a dejected Truth to reflect on the sins of smoking on a children’s program, the focus of which is people fighting until one of them ends up unconscious.
John Cena def. R-Truth (16:35) to retain the WWE Title
Road to Money in the Bank 2011
The next week, Cena is seen backstage, where he's congratulated on his victory by John Laurinaitis and Vince McMahon. The champion seems pretty grossed out by both of them, brushing them off as they talk about how grateful they are to have a representative of WWE who's a true superstar in every sense, with good morals. Cena silently nods, raising an eyebrow at Vince's enthusiasm about morality, but he says he hopes to hold the WWE torch for as long as he can. McMahon agrees, but says his next challenger will be decided in the main event, when the no-good corporate kryptonite CM Punk takes on Randy Orton in a WrestleMania XXVII rematch. Cena watches the bout, and Punk wins, to Vince's chagrin. Vince tells Cena that he has to keep the WWE's image secure, and Punk pushes John aside, going nose-to-nose with McMahon and saying that his worry shouldn't be about the IMAGE of the WWE Title - he should be worried about its HOME, because he has no intention of re-signing when his contract is up on July 17th. McMahon looks horrified to close the show.
Following that, it's Raw Roulette in Las Vegas, and John Cena faces R-Truth in a tables match - and LOSES, with CM Punk costing him the bout. Punk then goes on to cut a very underrated promo. Really flew under the world's radar. Here it is if you're interested.
With the pressure mounting for Cena, having eaten his first loss since coming back six months prior, he's feeling deeply concerned about the prospect of facing CM Punk in Chicago, but puts on a brave face. It's tough, however, with McMahon constantly reminding him of the stakes - if he loses, it's not just him losing the WWE Championship, it's the WWE losing the WWE Championship. It's the millions of fans losing. He NEEDS to retain. Cena accepts the responsibility, and he and Punk argue on the microphone week after week, with McMahon and Laurinatis trying desperately to bring Punk to the negotiating table, only to get shot down time and time again. Finally, it's clear it'll all come down to Cena, and on the go-home show, he faces off with Punk in the ring once more.
Cena says that they've been tied together since the Rumble, and while he took the high road and sought to grow as a person, Punk regressed, growing bitter and resentful instead of simply hustling harder and showing respect. Punk responds by saying Cena's turned on who he was - he didn't come up in WWE. He's like Punk. He was a reject, and he fought to gain the approval of who? The fans? No. He fought to gain the approval of Vince McMahon. He joined the Nexus, and when he was betrayed, he won the Rumble and started preaching his morals. He won the WWE Title and started standing up for WWE, rubbing shoulders with the boss. He sold out, while Punk is honest about it. Punk wants Vince to make it up to him for the years of hardship he endured, while Cena rolled over and took that rejection, because he's a hypocrite and a coward. John takes off his ball cap, rubs his bald spot, tells Punk it was a nice speech, and PUNK SPITS IN CENA'S FACE, AND WE'VE GOT A BRAWL ON OUR HANDS! HERE WE GO! Laurinaitis and Vince flee, calling for security as champion and challenger collide, setting the stage for a huge showdown in the hometown of the Voice of the Voiceless.
Money in the Bank 2011
Earlier in the night, the WWE Title Money in the Bank ladder match isn't won by Alberto Del Rio, but by R-Truth, in a win for rape haters everywhere.
WWE Title: John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk
This is literally the exact same as it was in real life. This is the first time I've pulled this card in my years of booking, but it was perfect. Can't grow on perfect. Punk wins, Cena loses, Vince panics, and Chicago celebrates as CM Punk absconds with the WWE Championship, leaving the leader of the Cenation despondent in the centre of the ring.
CM Punk def. John Cena (33:34) to win the WWE Title
Road to SummerSlam 2011
The show opens with Vince McMahon announcing a tournament over the next three weeks to determine a new WWE Champion, pitting eight of Raw's finest against one another. The first week sees John Cena steamroll Alberto Del Rio, clearly on a mission to reclaim the throne and relegitimize the WWE Championship in spite of his losing it. The next week, he defeats Rey Mysterio in a rematch of their Over The Limit bout, and in the finals, he's set to face the Miz.
WWE Title: John Cena vs. The Miz
It's a big main event for Raw, with the vacant WWE Title up for grabs, Cena looking to become not only a two-time champion, but to redeem himself after letting the spinner belt he created exit the WWE. While The Miz attempts every trick in the book, Cena goes through the Five Moves of Doom and wins the WWE Championship for a second time.
John Cena def. The Miz (14:54) to win the WWE Title
However, he doesn't have much time to celebrate, as Cult of Personality hits for the first time, and the "Real" WWE Champion returns, title in hand. Cena and Punk meet in the middle of the ring, both lifting their gold high above their heads, making the stakes clear for their next match - a unification bout in the main event of SummerSlam. Triple H is excluded, much to the chagrin of large nose enthusiasts everywhere.
On the go-home show, R-Truth attempts to cash in the Money in the Bank contract alongside The Miz, who has beef with Cena. However, Cena manages to dispel Miz, and Punk shockingly kicks Truth in the head, refusing to face, and defeat, anyone but Cena in order to prove himself the true champion. Cena thinks about extending a hand to Punk for saving him, but Punk leaves before he can even decide on showing respect.
SummerSlam 2011
Undisputed WWE Title: John Cena (c, WWE) vs. CM Punk (c, "Real")
Once again, John Cena and CM Punk go to war, throwing bombs at one another in the main event of the biggest party of the summer. Punk shows plenty of heart, powering out of not one, but two Attitude Adjustments, but he's stunned when Cena kicks out of a GTS in the home stretch. Still in control, Punk calls for one more, but Cena slips off his shoulders and LOCKS IN AN STF! IT'S IN DEEP! Punk struggles towards the ropes, but John readjusts, dragging him towards the centre of the ring... ONLY FOR PUNK TO ROLL HIM UP! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! Cena springs up into a head kick, and Punk clambers up to the high rent district for a MACHO MAN ELBOW OFF THE TOP! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! He throws John into the corner, charging for a high knee into a bulldog, and now CENA HOLDS HIM UP, SPINNING AROUND INTO A SIDE SLAM! He raises the hand, hits the "you can't see me," and GETS KICKED IN THE FACE! He falls back into the ropes, rebounding onto Punk's shoulders for a GTS, BUT CENA DROPS DOWN INTO A DDT! He calls for the Attitude Adjustment, one last attempt at victory, but PUNK SLIDES OFF HIS SHOULDERS, KICKING OUT THE KNEE... AND DELIVERING A PILEDRIVER! Cena goes limp, Punk hoisting him up in front of a stunned crowd for a GTS! ONE! TWO! THREE! CM PUNK HAS BEATEN JOHN CENA ONCE AGAIN, AND HAS CLAIMED THE UNDISPUTED WWE CHAMPIONSHIP!
CM Punk def. John Cena (29:10) to win the WWE Title
Cena's not even moving as Punk celebrates, taking a long time before stumbling out of the ring, leaving Punk all alone... AND PRONE TO A BRIEFCASE TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD! After the war with Cena, Punk's completely depleted, and R-Truth takes advantage with a Lie Detector, hooking both legs... ONE! TWO! THREE! R-TRUTH IS THE WWE CHAMPION, HAVING STOLEN THE GOLD FROM THE STRAIGHT EDGE SAVIOUR!
R-Truth def. CM Punk (0:07) to win the WWE Title
Cena isn't seen for a while, leaving Punk to duke it out with the WWE Title toting Awesome Truth through Night of Champions. Truth holds the title coming out of Night of Champions when Cena returns, wanting nothing more than to get back in the saddle, but also desperate to do so by finally picking up a win over CM Punk, who's had his number twice now.
Road to Hell in a Cell 2011
Cena and Punk are forced to unite once again against the Awesome Truth in a blockbuster Raw main event, where Cena's return to the ring bears fruit, pinning the champion with an assist from Punk. John lays claim to the gold, but Punk says he wants a fair rematch, leading to the decision of a triple threat inside Hell in a Cell itself - only for Truth to insist on his tag team partner being there, not wanting Cena and Punk to use "unfair tactics" by teaming up on him. Cena accepts immediately, and Punk says he's fine beating whoever he has to in order to get HIS title back, cementing a fatal four way for the gold.
Hell in a Cell 2011
Hell in a Cell Match for the WWE Title: John Cena vs. R-Truth (c) vs. CM Punk vs. The Miz
In an absolutely frantic, chaotic Cell match that sees all sorts of shenanigans and mayhem, everyone comes within inches of victory, Miz quickly turning his back on Truth to try and win the gold. They reunite to get rid of Punk, putting him through a table propped against the cage itself, but Cena overcomes the odds in signature fashion, DELIVERING AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT TO TRUTH STRAIGHT ONTO A PRONE MIZ! He tosses Truth out of the ring, winding up and delivering another Attitude Adjustment to Miz... ONE! TWO! THREE-PUNK WITH AN ELBOW OFF THE TOP TO BREAK UP THE PIN, BUT IT'S TOO LATE! JOHN CENA PINNED MIZ FOR THREE, WINNING HIS THIRD WWE TITLE OFF OF HIS OLD TAG TEAM PARTNER AND BITTER RIVAL!
John Cena def. R-Truth, The Miz and CM Punk (20:45) to win the WWE Title
Road to Survivor Series 2011
While he may have come away with the win, John Cena's the first to admit that it wasn't cut and dry, with Punk being milliseconds away from keeping the match going. He says that twice now, Punk's gotten the best of him in singles action, and at Survivor Series, he wants the Voice of the Voiceless once again, in order to put his own self-doubt to bed. Punk walks down to the ring and accepts, and they're both attacked by a furious R-Truth, who demands a rematch for the gold. Later in the night, Cena defeats Truth to retain, setting the Survivor Series main event in stone.
Survivor Series 2011
WWE Title: John Cena (c) vs. CM Punk
It's a big fight feel in Madison Square Garden - while the stakes may not be for the fate of WWE, or a clash of two men who have the right to be called WWE Champion, they're arguably higher than ever, because it's do or die for the Cenation leader. The legions of children scream in support for him as he locks up with Punk, and they put on yet another clinic, with Punk delivering the elbow drop through the announce table that he attempted on the Raw after WrestleMania, ONLY FOR CENA TO KICK OUT! Punk can't believe it, calling for a GTS, but CENA REVERSES, NAILING AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FOR A NEARFALL! He gets right up, going straight into a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE, AND NOW HOISTS PUNK UP FOR ANOTHER ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, ONLY FOR PUNK TO REVERSE IT SEAMLESSLY INTO AN ANACONDA VISE! Cena makes his way to the ropes, but PUNK KICKS OFF OF THEM TO RESET FURTHER AWAY, DENYING CENA THE BREAK! JOHN'S NOT GOING TO TAP, THOUGH, RIGHT? HE FIGHTS WITH ALL HIS MIGHT, MUSCLING PUNK UP AS HE ROLLS OVER, HOISTING HIM BACK INTO A FIREMAN'S CARRY, BUT HIS LEGS GIVE OUT, HIS BRAIN DEPRIVED OF OXYGEN AS PUNK KEEPS THE HOLD IN, WRENCHING AWAY... CENA'S OUT! CENA'S OUT! CM PUNK HAS GONE THREE FOR THREE, AND HE'S ONCE AGAIN THE WWE CHAMPION!
CM Punk def. John Cena (24:56) to win the WWE Title
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2024.06.04 22:05 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Nine: Doctor Death (MGT)

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
John Cena embraces his darker side as the Doctor of Thuganomics in TNA, wielding his power as the reigning TNA World Heavyweight Champion to dominate the competition with an iron fist. With a swagger in his step and a sneer on his lips, Cena sets out to prove himself as the most dominant force in the company. Week after week, Cena decimates his opponents in the ring, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. He ruthlessly dispatches any challenger who dares to step up to him, showcasing his unmatched strength, agility, and ruthless aggression. His victories are swift and decisive, solidifying his reputation as an unstoppable force in the wrestling world.
As the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Cena reigns supreme over the company, using his power and influence to bend the rules to his advantage. He surrounds himself with a loyal entourage, ensuring that no one dares to challenge his authority. With his sights set on total domination, Cena shows no mercy to anyone who stands in his way. Despite the backlash from fans and fellow wrestlers alike, Cena remains unfazed, embracing his role as the undisputed king of TNA. With the TNA World Heavyweight Championship firmly in his grasp, Cena proves time and time again why he is the most feared and respected competitor in the company, leaving his mark on the wrestling world as the ultimate ruler of the ring.
Outside of the ring, Cena's demeanor grows colder and more ruthless. He shows no remorse for his actions, unapologetically targeting anyone who dares to stand in his way. His once charismatic persona fades away, replaced by a dark and menacing aura that strikes fear into the hearts of his opponents. Cena's reign of terror creates a palpable atmosphere of fear and uncertainty within the TNA locker room. Competitors tread carefully around him, knowing that crossing paths with the ruthless champion could spell disaster for their careers.
As Mitsuharu Misawa starts appearing in TNA, the fans erupt with excitement, recognizing him as the legend he is. His presence in the company adds a new layer of prestige and excitement, drawing attention from wrestling fans around the world. However, John Cena, the reigning TNA World Heavyweight Champion, doesn't take too kindly to Misawa's arrival. Cena sees Misawa as a threat to his dominance in TNA and feels threatened by the reverence and admiration the fans have for the Japanese legend. As a result, tensions begin to simmer between the two competitors, with Cena refusing to acknowledge Misawa's legacy and dismissing him as just another wrestler.
However, Misawa remains unfazed by Cena's hostility, focusing instead on proving himself in the ring. His skill, experience, and unmatched talent earn him the respect of the TNA roster and fans alike, further fueling Cena's resentment towards him. As rumors of a potential match between Cena and Misawa begin to circulate, anticipation reaches a fever pitch among wrestling fans. The prospect of seeing two titans of the industry collide in the ring is too tantalizing to ignore, and both Cena and Misawa find themselves at the center of intense speculation and excitement.
With tensions mounting between them, the stage is set for a clash of epic proportions as Cena and Misawa prepare to settle their differences in the ring. Will Cena's brute strength and ruthless aggression be enough to overcome Misawa's unparalleled skill and experience? Or will the Japanese legend prove that he's still a force to be reckoned with, even in the twilight of his career? The wrestling world holds its breath in anticipation of what promises to be an unforgettable showdown.
Despite the growing animosity and resentment towards him, Cena remains undeterred in his quest for domination. He revels in the chaos and destruction he creates, cementing his status as the undisputed king of TNA and instilling fear in anyone who dares to challenge his reign. In the lead-up to the highly anticipated interpromotional clash between TNA World Heavyweight Champion John Cena and Mitsuharu Misawa, tensions run high as Cena's arrogance reaches new heights. The champion flaunts his dominance over the TNA roster, boasting about his unrivaled skill and dismissing Misawa as a relic of the past.
As the match commences, Cena's arrogance is on full display as he enters the ring with an air of confidence bordering on contempt. Misawa, on the other hand, exudes a quiet confidence, unfazed by Cena's bravado and focused solely on the task at hand.
TNA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs Mitsuharu Misawa
The opening moments of the match see Cena dictating the pace, using his raw power and athleticism to assert his dominance over Misawa. The champion's aggressive offense leaves Misawa struggling to keep up, but the seasoned veteran refuses to back down, weathering Cena's onslaught with a calm determination. As the match progresses, Misawa begins to mount a comeback, utilizing his decades of experience to outmaneuver Cena and gain the upper hand. The crowd watches in awe as Misawa unleashes a flurry of devastating strikes and technical maneuvers, slowly wearing down the champion.
Despite Misawa's resilience, Cena remains defiant, refusing to let his title slip away. The match reaches its climax as both men trade near-falls and signature maneuvers, each refusing to back down in the face of adversity. In the pivotal moment of the match, Cena delivers a thunderous FU, flooring Misawa and leaving him sprawled out on the canvas. The referee counts the pinfall, and Cena secures the victory, retaining his TNA World Heavyweight Championship. As the arena erupts into a chorus of cheers and applause, Cena rises to his feet, a triumphant smirk playing across his lips. But instead of extending a hand in sportsmanship, Cena stands over Misawa with a look of disdain, refusing to acknowledge the veteran's valiant effort.
John Cena defeats Mitsuharu Misawa to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (26:10)
The crowd's cheers turn to boos as Cena's arrogance shines through, and more importantly, as paramedics rush into the ring. Misawa’s face has turned blue, and it becomes rapidly apparent that Cena isn’t offering him a handshake not only because of his disrespect, but because Misawa is completely immobile. They try to resuscitate him, but it’s too late - Misawa’s legacy ended with an FU, and so did his life, with Misawa taking it as a neck bump and dying instantly. Despite his victory, Cena's actions leave a sour taste in the mouths of fans as Misawa’s limp body is carted from the arena, tarnishing what could have been a moment of mutual respect and admiration between two wrestling icons, only one of whom remains. Mitsuharu Misawa is dead, and John Cena has killed him.
As the tension between John Cena and Samoa Joe reaches a boiling point following Cena's disrespectful and murderous actions towards Mitsuharu Misawa, TNA management is forced to intervene to quell the chaos that has engulfed the promotion. With both men refusing to back down, a match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship is scheduled to finally settle their bitter rivalry.
However, even the prospect of a championship match is not enough to temper the animosity between Cena and Joe. Their feud spills over into every corner of TNA, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The relentless attacks and escalating violence draw the ire of TNA management, who realize that drastic measures are needed to bring an end to the chaos. In a bold move, TNA management announces that the match between Cena and Joe will be a loser leaves town match, effectively putting an end to the rivalry once and for all. The stakes are higher than ever as both men prepare to put their careers on the line in a battle for supremacy.
Bound For Glory
TNA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs Samoa Joe
The match itself was a brutal and hard-hitting affair, with both Cena and Joe leaving everything they had inside the ring. The action was fast-paced and intense, as they traded devastating blows and high-impact maneuvers in their quest for victory. The crowd was on the edge of their seats throughout the match, fully immersed in the drama unfolding before them.
As the match unfolds, the intensity reaches unprecedented levels as Cena and Joe unleash their full arsenal of moves in a desperate bid for victory. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the two warriors trade devastating blows, each refusing to give an inch in their quest to emerge victorious. In the final moments of the match, Cena and Joe push themselves to the limit, leaving everything they have inside the ring. But in the end, it is Joe who emerges triumphant, overcoming Cena with a thunderous Muscle Buster to secure the victory and retain his TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
Samoa Joe defeats John Cena to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (20:34)
As Cena is forced to leave TNA for good, Joe stands tall in the ring, his hand raised in victory as the crowd erupts into cheers. The era of Cena's dominance has come to an end, and Samoa Joe stands as the undisputed king of TNA, ready to lead the promotion into a new era of greatness.
After the devastating loss in the loser leaves town match in TNA, John Cena finds himself at a crossroads. Disheartened and disillusioned by his departure from the company where he once reigned supreme, Cena decides to take a hiatus from professional wrestling to reflect on his career and contemplate his next move. Months pass, and Cena remains out of the spotlight, with rumors swirling about his future in the industry.
As the reigning ROH World Champion, Bryan Danielson, celebrated a hard-fought title defense in the ring, little did he know that his moment of triumph would be short-lived. Cena stormed the ring with a ferocity that sent shockwaves through the entire promotion. With a menacing glare, Cena locked eyes with Danielson, the intensity between the two men palpable.
Without uttering a single word, Cena unleashed a relentless assault on the unsuspecting champion. His attacks were swift and brutal, catching Danielson off guard and leaving him reeling in pain. The crowd, initially stunned into silence, erupted into a chorus of boos and jeers as Cena mercilessly pummeled Danielson.
Despite Danielson's valiant attempts to fight back, Cena's onslaught proved too much to handle. With a thunderous roar from the crowd, Cena delivered his devastating finishing move, the Attitude Adjustment, laying out Danielson in the center of the ring. The message was clear: Cena had arrived in ROH with a vengeance, and he had his sights set on the ultimate prize—the ROH World Championship.
As Cena stood tall over the fallen champion, a sense of chaos and uncertainty descended upon the promotion. The wrestling world could only speculate about Cena's motives and what his presence would mean for ROH moving forward. With the landscape of the promotion forever altered by Cena's shocking debut, the stage was set for a collision course between two of the biggest names in professional wrestling.
The feud between John Cena and Bryan Danielson in Ring of Honor during 2009 was a slow-burning rivalry that captivated fans and showcased the best of both competitors. It began subtly, with Cena making his shocking debut in ROH at the start of the year, immediately setting his sights on the reigning World Champion, Bryan Danielson.
Initially, Cena's arrival in ROH caused a stir among the roster and fans alike. His brash attitude and unapologetic demeanor clashed with the more traditional and respectful ethos of the promotion. Meanwhile, Danielson, as the reigning World Champion, represented the epitome of ROH's pure wrestling style and competitive spirit.
Their feud simmered beneath the surface as Cena embarked on a path of destruction, bulldozing through the competition with his Doctor of Thuganomics persona. Meanwhile, Danielson continued to defend his title with honor and dignity, showcasing his technical prowess and unwavering determination. The tension between Cena and Danielson escalated gradually throughout the year, fueled by confrontations backstage, heated exchanges in interviews, and intense altercations during matches. Cena's disrespect for the ROH tradition and Danielson's legacy as champion created a combustible dynamic that threatened to explode at any moment.
As the months passed, both men continued to climb the ranks, securing victories and building momentum on their collision course. The anticipation for a showdown between Cena and Danielson reached fever pitch among fans, who eagerly awaited the clash of styles and personalities. Finally, at Final Battle 2009, the stage was set for the epic encounter between Cena and Danielson. The match was promoted as a clash of titans, with the ROH World Championship hanging in the balance. The entire wrestling world was abuzz with excitement as the two rivals prepared to settle their score once and for all.
In the weeks leading up to Final Battle, tensions boiled over as Cena and Danielson engaged in verbal sparring and physical altercations, further stoking the flames of their rivalry. The anticipation reached its peak as fans eagerly awaited the moment when the two competitors would finally step into the ring together. When the bell rang at Final Battle, Cena and Danielson delivered a match for the ages, leaving everything they had inside the ring. The back-and-forth action kept the audience on the edge of their seats, with near falls and dramatic moments heightening the drama.
In the end, it was Bryan Danielson who emerged victorious, retaining the ROH World Championship and cementing his status as a true champion. Despite Cena's valiant effort, Danielson proved why he was considered one of the greatest wrestlers of his generation, overcoming Cena's challenge and solidifying his place at the top of the mountain. The feud between Cena and Danielson left an indelible mark on Ring of Honor history, showcasing the best of both competitors and providing fans with unforgettable moments that will be remembered for years to come.
After his stint in Ring of Honor, John Cena embarked on a journey through the independent wrestling scene, venturing into uncharted territory and blazing his own trail. Freed from the constraints of corporate wrestling, Cena found himself in a world where the competition was fierce and the opportunities endless.
Embracing the spirit of the independents, Cena competed in promotions big and small, from established organizations to local shows in front of intimate crowds. Everywhere he went, Cena brought with him a level of star power that few could match, drawing fans from far and wide to witness his matches.
Throughout the first half of 2010, Cena's presence on the indie circuit sparked a wave of speculation and excitement among wrestling enthusiasts. Rumors swirled about potential matchups and dream scenarios, with fans eagerly anticipating Cena's next move and which promotion he would grace with his talent next.
As Cena traveled from town to town, he encountered a diverse array of opponents, each presenting a unique challenge and opportunity for Cena to showcase his skills. From up-and-coming prospects looking to make a name for themselves to grizzled veterans seeking one last shot at glory, Cena faced them all with the same intensity and determination that had made him a household name in professional wrestling.
While some questioned Cena's decision to step away from the spotlight of mainstream wrestling, he viewed his time on the indies as a chance to reconnect with his roots and rediscover his passion for the sport. Far from the glitz and glamour of televised events, Cena found fulfillment in the raw energy and authenticity of the independent scene, relishing the freedom to express himself without limitations.
As the months passed, Cena's journey through the indies became the stuff of legend, cementing his status as a true wrestling icon. Whether he was headlining sold-out shows or trading blows in gritty gymnasiums, Cena left an indelible mark on the independent wrestling landscape, proving that his talent transcended the confines of any single promotion.
And as the wrestling world awaited his next move, Cena continued to chart his own course, confident in his ability to thrive wherever the road may take him. With each match, he reaffirmed his status as one of the greatest performers of his generation, leaving a lasting legacy that would be remembered for years to come.
The main event of Monday Night Raw was well underway, with the crowd on the edge of their seats as two of WWE's top superstars battled it out in the ring. Suddenly, the arena erupted with the familiar sounds of John Cena's entrance music, catching everyone off guard. As the camera panned to the entrance ramp, Cena emerged with an entourage of formidable-looking individuals by his side. Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, David Otunga, and Heath Slater walked with purpose behind Cena, their expressions stern and determined.
The match came to a screeching halt as Cena and his group stormed the ring, unleashing a brutal assault on both competitors. Chairs flew, bodies crashed, and chaos ensued as Cena and his allies left a trail of destruction in their wake. The crowd watched in stunned silence as Cena stood tall in the center of the ring, his gaze fixed on the carnage around him. With a microphone in hand, Cena addressed the audience with a steely determination in his voice.
"For eight long years, I've watched from the sidelines as WWE has become a shadow of its former self," Cena began, his words echoing throughout the arena. "But no more. Tonight, I return to reclaim what is rightfully mine. And I'm not alone."
Cena motioned to his companions, who stood behind him with a fierce intensity. "These men are not just my allies," Cena declared. "They are the future of WWE. Together, we are the Nexus." The crowd erupted into a mixture of shock and awe as Cena introduced his new group, their presence sending shockwaves throughout the WWE Universe. With a menacing grin, Cena promised to reshape the landscape of WWE and rule the company with an iron fist. As Raw went off the air, the arena lay in ruins, a testament to the power and determination of John Cena and the Nexus. The landscape of WWE had been forever changed, and the world watched with bated breath to see what would happen next.
In the second half of 2010, the Nexus, led by John Cena, continued to dominate WWE with their ruthless tactics and unwavering unity. With Wade Barrett as their de facto leader, the group left a trail of destruction in their wake, targeting anyone who dared to stand in their way. The Nexus' reign of terror extended to the tag team division, where Cena and David Otunga formed a formidable duo. With their combined strength and cunning tactics, they captured the WWE Tag Team Championships, solidifying their dominance over the division.
Meanwhile, Wade Barrett set his sights on a huge power move: hoarding as many opportunities for the group as possible. With the help of his Nexus cohorts, Barrett secured a spot in the Money in the Bank ladder match. As the other competitors fought tooth and nail for the coveted briefcase, the Nexus intervened, ensuring Barrett emerged victorious and claimed the contract. Now with a golden ticket to their advantage, they basically have rights to the next world title reign, whichever they choose at any time.
As the weeks passed, tensions within WWE reached a boiling point as the Nexus' power continued to grow. Their reign of terror culminated in a showdown with then-WWE Champion Sheamus. In a highly anticipated match, Cena faced off against Sheamus for the WWE Championship, with the entire Nexus at ringside to provide backup. Despite Sheamus' best efforts, he was no match for the combined might of Cena and the Nexus. In a shocking turn of events, Cena emerged victorious, capturing the WWE Championship and solidifying the Nexus' stranglehold over WWE.
With Cena as WWE Champion, Otunga and Cena as tag team champions, and Barrett holding the Money in the Bank briefcase, the Nexus stood at the pinnacle of WWE, their dominance unchallenged and their influence unparalleled. As they celebrated their triumph, the rest of WWE watched in fear and uncertainty, knowing that the Nexus had cemented their status as the most dominant force in sports entertainment. As tensions simmered within the Nexus, cracks began to form in the once-unified group. John Cena and David Otunga found themselves at odds with Wade Barrett, the second in command of the faction hoping to level up and become de facto leader, as his hunger for power and desire to assert his dominance became increasingly apparent.
The rift between Cena, Otunga, and Barrett reached a breaking point after they lost the tag team championships. Barrett, frustrated by the defeat, blamed Cena and Otunga for their shortcomings and demanded more control over the group. However, Cena and Otunga refused to relinquish their authority, leading to heated arguments and confrontations within the Nexus. Barrett's ambitions didn't end with asserting control over the group; he also began eyeing Cena's WWE Championship. Growing impatient with waiting for the right moment to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase on the World Heavyweight Champion, Barrett contemplated skipping the line and challenging Cena for the title instead.
The power struggle within the Nexus intensified as Cena, Otunga, and Barrett clashed over their differing agendas. With tensions reaching a boiling point, the once-unified faction found themselves on the brink of implosion, their unity shattered by internal strife and conflicting ambitions. As the cracks in the Nexus widened, the future of the faction hung in the balance, leaving WWE in a state of uncertainty and chaos.
At TLC 2010, the tensions within the Nexus finally reached a tipping point as Wade Barrett seized the opportunity to assert his dominance. After a grueling match, Barrett cashed in his Money in the Bank contract on John Cena, who had just successfully defended his WWE Championship. With the element of surprise on his side, Barrett ruthlessly attacked Cena, seizing the moment to become the new WWE Champion.
With the WWE Championship now in his possession, Barrett solidified his control over the Nexus, demonstrating his willingness to do whatever it took to achieve his ambitions. In a shocking turn of events, Barrett expelled both John Cena and David Otunga from the group, effectively seizing full command and reshaping the Nexus in his image.
The WWE Universe watched in disbelief as Barrett's calculated power play unfolded, leaving Cena and Otunga on the sidelines while the newly-crowned champion assumed control of the faction. With Barrett at the helm, the Nexus embarked on a new era of dominance, with their sights set on wreaking havoc and asserting their authority over WWE.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:05 Markyparky56 [TOMT][Book] A book about an orphan, a flooded earth, fedora-shaped spaceships, terrible fashion sense, telepathy, telekinesis, doors which require the password "shaushages", and most importantly "laft" which is probably "love" just mispronounced

Resurrecting an old unsolved post of mine that continues to bother me. My memory of it is far too vivid for it to have been a dream, I swear. Forgive me for rewriting my old post but I've been trying to remember this for 12+ years now and it's starting to irk.
I read this book back in the '00s when I was living in Scotland, probably mid-to-late, but I can't be exact. The book was written in English, and I got it from my local library. The target audience was Tweens, probably 10-13. It's doubtful it'd be classed as YA for modern audiences; the content wasn't mature enough.
I'm pretty sure the cover was a picture of the main character crossing swords with someone and a big flare of light at the point of impact.
I believe the name of the book was the name of the protagonist, or included their name as a subtitle on the front cover. What that title was is long lost. I was certain it was "Johnny Z" or "Jimmy Z", but having tried everything in that vein (Jimmy, Jonny, Timmy, Tommy, X, Y, and Z), I'm stumped. As far as I remember, the protagonist was named this since he was an orphan, and they didn't know his parent's last name.
The book had a very Douglas Adams feel to it with a wacky futuristic Earth post-ice caps melting, where Earth's cities float, and the culture/fashions have been toyed with by alien races (though they have since stopped messing around, resulting in the current trends). Military uniforms are covered in polkadots and transports are in the shape of starfish. The book is full of fun little asides that explain why things are the way they are, giving contexts for the absurd things which happen.
The setting on Earth is that everything is flooded, with lots of mist and clouds, with everyone living in floating cities. Later, they get a lift to an alien space station, before the MC travels back to earth briefly at the end to save it from destruction.
The book opens with the protagonist being bullied in school. Everyone has these hand-held tractor-beam things that the bully is using to hold something of the main character's out of reach (homework? notebook?). They have silly acronyms for the gadgets, and the MC's one reflects its inferior strength compared to the bully's.
The protagonist is a young boy, or early teen, whose parents are both dead. He doesn't have much going for him and gets bullied a lot.
Every year, the other inhabitants of the galaxy send Earth a message asking them to join their wider community, though Earth refuses. I remember the messages coming down the prime ministepresident's chimney. Earth's leader is an important supporting character; they are kind of the MC. Their second in command/deputy is a minor antagonist who tries to seize control of Earth while the leader is away.
The aliens send a message to Earth saying they want to have a tryout for a team of youngsters to save the universe. What is threatening the universe was never revealed, only that they needed to assemble a team. 4 or 5 human children are selected, with the MC being one and his Bully being another. They take off in a space rocket, reach and orbit the moon, before being met by a fedora-shaped ship which transports them to the space station where the selection process (try-outs) will take place.
While in transit, I remember them being kept in big glass bubbles, possibly with a view out into space. At this point, MC is visited by a multicoloured furry alien who ends up being on MC's team during the trials. There is a bit about burgers and how in the future, science has achieved delicious food that tastes like fast food but is nutritious and healthy.
The alien in charge of the trials looked a bit like a kangaroo.
The human children are split up into individual groups. The team the MC ends up on includes the multicoloured furry alien from before, a big three-armed alien, and maybe two others, one of which was a (non-human) girl I think he had a bit of a crush on.
At one point, it's revealed that the space station has some kind of normalisation field which makes everyone the same size, but in fact, the furry alien is actually really big, whilst the three-armed alien is very small. I also remember a rather novel aside where, when it's revealed that basically everywhere on the station is under constant monitoring, the three armed alien gets embarrassed and asks if they were monitoring when it did a number 12 (or some such number), and the book takes time to explain that humans are rare/unique/lucky that they only have to deal with number 1s and number 2s, but doesn't elaborate on what the other 10 possible types are. Witty kiddy toilet humour, for sure. There's no way I, as a pre-teen myself could have been so imaginative to come up with that.
They navigate the station via a series of wormhole-like discs on the walls, which you have to jump/fling/catapult yourself through. Personal size is irrelevant; anything can fit through one of these. These discs come back later as the method through which the MC saves the Earth by placing a pair on either side of the planet for their spaceship to fly through to avoid destroying it.
The selection process takes the form of a series of challenges that they have to train for. I remember one being a relay race in spaceships through an asteroid. Another was a sword fight involving special swords that take 800 years to forge and are passed through the heart of a star. Each sword is the maker's life's work.
In the room where they duel and practice with the swords, there is a diving board "thing" that protrudes over a gap around the edge of the duelling ring. The further along it you walk the more your worst fear feels real. The MCs greatest fear is the Earth being destroyed. He is told only people with great "inner laft" can make it to the end. MC sneaks in one night and walks the entire length, falling off the end, where he meets his mum and dad in some kind of vision. They talk before he returns to bed. There was some form of repercussion for this since no one is supposed to go into the training room without permission/supervision.
Eventually, after all the challenges are completed and the Bully's team are disqualified for cheating, the MC's team wins. There follows a party, something causes the world leader to have a heart attack, he "dies", but the aliens revive him with a "microwave". There's also something which causes the Kangaroo alien in charge of the whole thing to need to take a rest, and so uses some kind of time-dilation device to take a very long nap without anyone else being affected. If I recall, he then forgets to turn it off, racking up a very expensive electricity bill?
After the party, they return to earth, where the world leader confronts his deputy/stand-in who has tried to seize control and replace him as leader. The world leader ends up getting stabbed. MC then duels the bad guy using those newly acquired sword-fighting skills and beats him, but the world leader actually dies this time. Pretty sure the world leader was a widower and also took his death well.
MC places two of the wormhole discs in space to try and save the Earth from destruction, since the spaceship he and his team have to take to save the universe has to reach super speeds to reach wherever it is they are going, and to reach these speeds it requires a runway that happens to pass through the Earth.
On his return, he chats with the Kangaroo alien (I think this might be where the aside about the time-dilation bit comes up), who offhandedly mentions "laft falls" which are trust falls without anyone behind you but you trust that someone out there truly loves you and their love will catch you. MC suspects "laft" is actually "love" just mispronounced beyond recognition.
They depart, the ship doesn't destroy the earth because of the wormhole discs, and the book ends with the girl on MC's team listening to two others doing "laft falls" with pillows to cushion them (which doesn't work since they aren't trusting). She then does a laft fall whilst thinking about the MC, but it's not revealed if she hits the ground.
Other curious notes:
Honestly, at this point, I'm tempted to try writing this book myself and trying to get it published. At least then, even if it's plagiarism I'll have found what I'm plagiarising.
Would love to find this book again, it's driving me crazy that I can remember a story so vividly but can't name it or find it. I've probed ChatGPT and Bing Copilot but neither were any use. Amazon and Abebooks don't show anything useful for the variants of Johnny/Jimmy/Timmy/Tommy X/Y/Z.
Save me Reddit. You're my only hope.
Old post:
submitted by Markyparky56 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:04 tried_and_true3 31 F and 31M, so confused if I’m in the wrong but I’m hurt, tell me what you think?

So me and my boyfriend have been together nearly 2 years. We had a baby 14 weeks ago. Our baby has suffered from severe reflux since birth, she is a very unsettled baby and cries a lot. During my partners paternity leave he was very supportive, helping me with my recovery, being an amazing dad etc. however when our baby was around 7 weeks, we kept arguing, I was very snappy which isn’t like me and he told me everything he resented about me including the fact that I got pregnant and if he knew I was ‘pro life’ we would never have been together. (I got told by doctors that I wasn’t ovulating, my hormone levels were abnormal And getting pregnant wasn’t a possibility, clearly my body sorted itself out and I fell pregnant. Even though it wasn’t part of our plan I decided I wanted to keep the baby as I mentally couldn’t go through with an abortion, I gave him time to think, didn’t put any pressure on and two days later he said yeah I wanna do this together.
Anyway today my boyfriend was working in the office, I’ve had a hellish day with our daughter, literally from the time she woke up she was been crying, screaming, unsettled, not sleeping and it has literally got me to breaking point together. I told my boyfriend how much I was struggling, he knew I wished he was home, told him I was in tears, felt like a failure mom and wanted a cuddle. 4:30pm came and he didn’t messaged to say he left work, so 10 minutes later I messaged to see what was going on.. he messaged back to say he was packing up his stuff and would be on his way. Then 5:15pm comes and he comes home, doesn’t say anything about being 30 minutes late. We needed to collect our shopping at 5:30pm so we got in the car, I had tears in my eyes at this point. I said ‘why were you late?’ He said ‘I got stuck at work in phone call’ I said ‘with who?’ He said ‘insert collegues name’ and I said ‘oh and you didn’t think it would be worth telling me you were running late?’ He said ‘no’ so I said ‘so tomorrow when you log onto teams at home I will see that call?’ And he said ‘No I was actually catching up with Chloe after work’ and I said ‘so you lied to me? And he said ‘I did’.
I’ve had no apology, nothing. I’ve been in tears since 6pm, my head hurts. He blamed me saying ‘you wouldn’t have been happy so that’s why I didn’t tell you’ and ‘I’m not rushing back for you on a Tuesday or Thursday’ I never ever have asked him too, today I have really struggled mentally and his lies and the fact he thought catching up with a girl from work was more important than coming home to help your girlfriend hurts my heart.
submitted by tried_and_true3 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 kritonis Digital Business Concierge services

Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service
In today’s interconnected world, digital business operations and executive protection are more critical than ever. As businesses embrace digital transformation, executives face increased threats to their personal and professional lives. A Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service provides a comprehensive solution to safeguard digital assets and personal safety, ensuring executives’ business continuity and peace of mind.
Deleteme is a pioneer in the executive online search model; with our global digital footprint, we search the web and databases of companies and CEOs, and company executives and can also include key employees, presenting you all in the most reliable Report with information such as Education, work experience, checks, News, and more. can offer you an extensive research-focused background check on your candidate on request. also provides tailor-made and comprehensive cybersecurity solutions.
What is a Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service?
A Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service offers tailored security solutions for businesses and their executives. This service combines cybersecurity measures with personal protection strategies to address the unique risks faced by high-profile individuals and their organizations. Deleteme: After we locate the pastes and web links, we can proceed to delete them.
Find out how popular you are on the dark web.
Account information exposed in data breaches can lead to identity theft. Deleteme checks if your private information appears in known data breaches. Deleteme and partners scan the dark web and can help you protect your Identity. A dark web scan discovered that your personal and financial information was for sale.
Digital Risks to Executives that deleteme can assist you
Key Components of the Service
Cybersecurity and Privacy Management Services
Threat Intelligence: Continuous monitoring of potential cyber threats targeting the business and its executives. This includes scanning for data breaches, phishing attempts, and other cyber-attacks, including emails, telephone domains, etc.
Digital Footprint Reduction: Regularly scanning and removing (on request) executives’ personal information from online sources to reduce the risk of targeted attacks. We scan emails, names, usernames, passwords, and more.
Reputation Management: Monitoring online mentions and social media activity to manage and protect the executive’s personal and professional reputation.
Identity Protection: Providing services to prevent identity theft, including monitoring for unusual activity and securing personal information. Monitoring dark web, leaks, breaches, and stealer logs
Our Deleteme Digital Concierge services include.
Digital Trail Your Business Leaves Behind on the Worldwide and Dark Web.
Comprehensive identity verification is seamlessly integrated with in-depth investigation details and insightful analysis, all conveniently presented on a single page for a holistic and efficient overview.
Data and analysis detect leaks that have been accessed by unauthorized parties, including also IP Blacklist Check, IP location if IP Is Crawler, and more.
domain dark & deep web solution that enables organizations to identify threats across the dark web. Include Leaked Logs from Infected Machines, usernames, passwords, Leaked Data Relations with employees related to the company domain, and more.
Malicious Tools that Steal Sensitive Data from Infected Computers. Single Malware Scan on Breaches, Credentials, Leaks, and Stealer Logs. Results include domains, emails, usernames, and passwords.
A Powerful Tool for Auditing Individual Data and Risk.
We are Monitoring for malicious activities targeting your organization’s business cards.
Use the internet search formula to search for your name if it appears on multiple International financial centers, Sanctions, Cyprus, USA, and their courts, Doxbin, social media, and internet research. We can monitor social media, court, web news, and other sources. This search can also be customized according to the client’s needs. You can search by name or company. Note: From Cyprus, including court cases, cysec, and the official Gazette.
Ransomware is a sophisticated class of malware that blocks access to files and holds that data hostage until a ransom is paid. Cybercriminals use social engineering, malvertisement, brute force attacks, third-party apps, and other threat vectors to sneak ransomware onto a user’s system. We monitor daily the dark web.
Executive Scan and Alert your digital footprint with a range of Services of your choice.
Removing Personal and Business Info and Content from the Internet. After you locate your personal or business data, we can go ahead and delete it.
Benefits of a Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service
Are we providing API?
Yes, all services can also be provided as API upon request, depending on the specific case.
Conclusion and Why to Choose
In an era where digital threats and personal risks are constantly evolving, Deleteme Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service is an invaluable resource for businesses and their employees. By combining advanced cybersecurity measures with comprehensive personal protection strategies, this service ensures the safety and security of executives and their organizations. Don’t make it easy for just anyone to gain access to information about you. Learn just how vulnerable your executives are in their personal digital lives;
Personal digital lives are vulnerable. To find out how to implement such services in your organization, contact us now!
Your Deleteme Team
submitted by kritonis to justdeleteme [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:59 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Seven: Haunted by the Past (MGT)

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Cena disappears from TNA programming for the summer. Needing to heal his body and rejuvenate his mind, Cena lets the wounds from the past year’s battles mend. Despite doing so much, defeating so many stars, racking up a legendary NWA World Heavyweight Championship reign, Cena isn’t satisfied. As summer turns to fall, John is finally ready to jump back into competition. He’s determined to come back harder than ever, and make the next run more monumental than the last. Even if it’s the last thing he does.
It all begins with Cena's return to TNA after his absence following his loss to Joe at Slammiversary. The Doctor of Thuganomics wastes no time in making his intentions clear – he wants his rematch with Joe, and he's willing to go through anyone to get it. His brash demeanor and aggressive tactics immediately put him on a collision course with Christian, who sees Cena's return as a threat to his own aspirations for championship gold. Cage looks John up and down, before introducing himself, casually mentioning himself as future Ace of TNA.
Christian, ever the opportunist, recognizes the potential in facing Cena. He knows that a victory over someone of Cena's caliber would catapult him to the forefront of the title picture and cement his status as a top contender in TNA. John attempts to shut those thoughts down, saying if they step into the ring, Cage WILL get outclassed and sent to the back of the line, where he’ll have to pick the pieces up just like he did. With both men hungry for success, the stage is set for a fierce rivalry to unfold.
As the weeks progress, Cena and Christian engage in a series of heated confrontations both in and out of the ring. They exchange fiery promos, each questioning the other's credentials and determination. Cena boasts about his accomplishments and dominance, while Christian showcases his experience and resilience, refusing to back down from the challenge. Their animosity intensifies as they interfere in each other's matches, costing one another victories and exchanging physical blows whenever they cross paths. The backstage area becomes a battleground as tensions flare, with Cena and Christian engaging in backstage brawls and sneak attacks, further fueling their rivalry.
With their clash at No Surrender looming, the stakes are higher than ever. Both men are determined to emerge victorious and earn the right to challenge Samoa Joe for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. As the anticipation builds, fans eagerly await the showdown between Cena and Christian, knowing that only one will emerge as the #1 contender and take a step closer to championship glory at Bound for Glory.
No Surrender
At No Surrender 2006, the highly anticipated showdown between John Cena and Christian Cage takes center stage as the two fierce competitors clash in a battle for supremacy and a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
#1 Contender’s Match: Christian Cage vs John Cena
The match begins with both Cena and Christian showcasing their technical prowess and ring intelligence, feeling each other out in the early stages. Cena's raw power and aggression are matched by Christian's cunning and resourcefulness as they trade holds and counters, each determined to gain the upper hand. As the match progresses, the intensity escalates, with both men unleashing their signature maneuvers in a bid to wear down their opponent. Cena's brute force is on full display as he delivers thunderous powerbombs and devastating strikes, while Christian employs his trademark high-flying arsenal and crafty submission holds to keep Cena off balance.
The action spills to the outside as Cena and Christian take the fight beyond the ring, using the barricades and steel steps to inflict punishment on each other. Back inside the squared circle, near falls and close calls keep the audience on the edge of their seats as both competitors refuse to stay down. In the climax of the match, Cena summons his resilience and determination, weathering Christian's onslaught and mounting a fierce comeback. With the crowd firmly behind him, Cena delivers a thunderous FU, flooring Christian and securing the pinfall victory.
John Cena defeats Christian Cage (16:25)
After the match, Cena stands tall in the ring, his gaze locked on Samoa Joe, who watches from ringside. The message is clear – Cena is ready to reclaim the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, and he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goal. As the event comes to a close, the anticipation for Cena's rematch with Joe at Bound for Glory reaches fever pitch, setting the stage for an epic showdown between two of TNA's biggest stars.
In the build-up to Bound For Glory, the tension between Samoa Joe and John Cena reaches new heights as their rivalry becomes more personal and volatile than ever before. With the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at stake, both competitors are willing to do whatever it takes to secure victory and assert their dominance in TNA.
The animosity between Cena and Joe intensifies as Cena launches a vicious sneak attack on Joe backstage, catching the champion off guard and brutally assaulting him with a lead pipe. The savage assault leaves Joe bloodied and battered, sending shockwaves throughout the TNA locker room and igniting a firestorm of controversy.
Despite the brutal attack, Joe refuses to back down, retaliating with equal ferocity and launching a relentless assault on Cena in retaliation. The backstage area becomes a battleground as Joe and Cena engage in a series of brutal skirmishes, leaving destruction in their wake as they exchange blows and trade verbal barbs. As tensions escalate, the feud between Joe and Cena transcends the confines of a championship rivalry, becoming a deeply personal vendetta fueled by pride, ambition, and a desire for supremacy. With each passing day, anticipation for their showdown at Bound For Glory reaches fever pitch, as fans eagerly await the clash between two of TNA's most dominant forces.
The stage is set for an epic confrontation at Bound For Glory, where Joe and Cena will finally settle their score in a match that promises to be nothing short of explosive. As the countdown to the event begins, the wrestling world braces itself for the culmination of one of the most intense rivalries in TNA history.
Bound For Glory
Bound For Glory 2006 explodes with anticipation as John Cena and Samoa Joe prepare to go head-to-head for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship in what promises to be an epic clash of titans. The tension in the arena is palpable as fans eagerly await the showdown between two of TNA's biggest stars. However, just when it seems like the stage is set for a classic one-on-one encounter, TNA management throws a curveball by announcing a surprise last-minute addition to the main event. The anticipation reaches a fever pitch as the crowd waits in anticipation to see who the mystery competitor will be.
To the shock and disbelief of everyone in attendance, the legendary Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle makes his dramatic entrance, signaling his arrival as TNA's newest acquisition. The arena erupts with excitement as Angle steps into the ring, adding an unprecedented level of intrigue to the already highly anticipated main event. John looks like he’s seen a ghost. Kurt Angle was the man Cena faced and lost to during his first and only WWE match. Kurt Angle was the man that Cena looked up to for years, only to be defeated by him and sent on a path that forced him to take control of his own career. Kurt Angle was the man who started all of this. And now, he stands across the ring from him. Thrown off, John tries to recover from the shock as the bell rings.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs John Cena vs Kurt Angle
With the stakes raised even higher, the match is officially declared a triple threat, with Cena, Joe, and Angle all vying for the prestigious NWA World Heavyweight Championship. The atmosphere is electric as the three competitors square off, each determined to emerge victorious and etch their name in the annals of wrestling history. As the match unfolds, Cena and Joe unleash their trademark offense, engaging in a fierce battle for supremacy. Meanwhile, Angle proves why he is considered one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, showcasing his unparalleled technical skill and athleticism as he goes toe-to-toe with his formidable opponents.
In the heart-stopping climax of the match, Cena comes agonizingly close to regaining the championship, delivering devastating blows to both Joe and Angle. However, in a shocking turn of events, Angle seizes the opportunity to capitalize on Cena's vulnerability, executing a flawless Angle Slam to secure the victory and pin Cena for the one, two, three.
Kurt Angle defeats John Cena and Samoa Joe to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (26:51)
The arena erupts into pandemonium as Angle's victory is met with a mix of jubilation and disbelief. In a single night, the Olympic Gold Medalist has made an indelible mark on TNA history, cementing his status as a true icon of the sport and the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion. As Angle celebrates his momentous win, Cena and Joe are left to contemplate their next move in the aftermath of an unforgettable showdown at Bound For Glory.
After Bound For Glory, Cena is nowhere to be seen. Genesis comes and goes, with new champion Kurt Angle making himself at home. Kurt has his showdown with Joe at the PPV, breaking his undefeated streak in his first title defense. Angle comes out on the next episode of Impact, all smiles as he makes fun of Joe crying about his undefeated streak. But he’s soon interrupted by John Cena, the two time champion desperate for one more shot at the title. Feeling confident, Angle agrees, taking up the challenge and confirming it to happen later that night.
The stage is set for a monumental clash on TNA Impact as John Cena squares off against Kurt Angle for the coveted NWA World Heavyweight Championship in a highly anticipated rematch. With tensions running high and the stakes higher than ever, both competitors are prepared to leave it all on the line in their quest for championship glory.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle (c) vs John Cena
As the match gets underway, Cena and Angle waste no time in delivering a masterclass of technical prowess and sheer athleticism, captivating the audience with their electrifying in-ring action. With the championship hanging in the balance, every maneuver becomes crucial as both men fight tooth and nail to assert their dominance. However, just when it seems like Angle may have the upper hand, the unexpected intervention of Samoa Joe sends shockwaves through the arena. With the referee down, the appearance of the Samoan Submission Machine strikes fear into both competitors. Seeking retribution for Angle's role in breaking his undefeated streak, Joe storms the ring and unleashes a relentless assault on the Olympic Gold Medalist, effectively turning the tide of the match.
As chaos ensues, Cena seizes the opportunity to capitalize on the distraction, mounting a fierce offensive against his dazed opponent. With Joe's interference proving to be the deciding factor, Cena digs deep and summons every ounce of his strength and determination as he relentlessly hammers away at Angle. In a dramatic turn of events, Cena delivers a thunderous FU to Angle, sending shockwaves reverberating throughout the arena. With the referee counting the pinfall, the crowd erupts into a frenzy as Cena emerges victorious, reclaiming the NWA World Heavyweight Championship for the third time in his storied career.
John Cena defeats Kurt Angle to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (18:22)
As Cena celebrates his hard-fought victory, Angle is left reeling in disbelief, his championship dreams dashed in the blink of an eye. Meanwhile, Joe stands tall, his vendetta against Angle finally avenged as he looks on from the sidelines. With the landscape of TNA forever altered by this thrilling encounter, Cena reaffirms his status as the undisputed King of TNA, ready to reign supreme once more.
Escaping the ongoing war that is Joe vs Angle, Cena is over the moon happy to have his title back. For the rest of the year, he watches as his two rivals destroy each other, nowhere near finished with each other. John calmly walks into 2007 as the king, Chain Gang Records by his side just like old times. Christian Cage reappears in John’s sights, having won a #1 Contender’s match to finally get his shot at the big belt. But Cena knocks him down at Final Resolution, adding the first name to his third reign. But it’s not long until Angle returns to his sights, ready to take back what’s his.
The tension between John Cena and Kurt Angle reaches new heights as they prepare to collide once again, this time with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship hanging in the balance. Following his epic showdown with Christian at Final Resolution, Cena finds himself squarely in the crosshairs of the Olympic Gold Medalist, who is determined to reclaim the title that has eluded him for far too long.
With their storied history and fierce rivalry reignited, Cena and Angle waste no time in ramping up the intensity as they set their sights on their highly anticipated rematch at Against All Odds. For both competitors, the need to capture championship gold outweighs any other priority, driving them to push themselves to their absolute limits in pursuit of victory.
As the anticipation builds and the tension mounts, the stage is set for a monumental showdown that promises to be nothing short of legendary. When the bell rings, Cena and Angle unleash a relentless barrage of punishing maneuvers and high-impact offense, each determined to outlast the other and emerge victorious as the rightful NWA World Heavyweight Champion.
In a thrilling display of athleticism and sheer determination, Cena and Angle push each other to their physical and mental breaking points, trading near falls and executing awe-inspiring maneuvers with precision and skill. As the match reaches its climax, the momentum shifts back and forth, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats with every heart-pounding moment.
In the end, it is Kurt Angle who manages to seize the opportunity and deliver the decisive blow, executing a devastating maneuver that leaves Cena reeling. With the referee's hand slamming the mat for the final count, the arena erupts into a deafening roar as Angle emerges victorious, capturing the NWA World Heavyweight Championship once again and cementing his status as one of the greatest champions in professional wrestling history.
As Cena looks on in disbelief, the reality of his defeat begins to sink in, but he remains determined to bounce back stronger than ever and reclaim the title that has slipped through his grasp. Meanwhile, Angle stands tall, his championship reign reignited as he prepares to defend his coveted title against all challengers, ready to prove that he is truly the undisputed king of the wrestling world.
Following his devastating loss to Angle, Cena gets right back on the grind. After randomly bumping into each other, Cena and Styles nearly come to blows, reminding everyone of the legendary feud between them. Chain Gang Records reignites the beef with AJ Styles. Now that neither has a title, it’s a desperate race between the two to see who can reclaim glory faster. Backed by Killings and Daniels respectively, Cena and Styles set up another round for their seemingly never ending saga, pitting the two against each other in a tag team match at Destination X.
Destination X
The tension between Cena and Styles reaches its boiling point as both men are determined to prove their superiority in the ring. Styles, a high-flying sensation, brings his unmatched agility and technical prowess to the forefront, while Cena, fueled by his desire for redemption, unleashes his raw power and tenacity. Meanwhile, Ron Killings and Christopher Daniels add another layer of intensity to the matchup, with both men eager to showcase their skills and contribute to their respective teams' victory.
AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs Chain Gang Records
As the match unfolds, the action inside the ring reaches a fever pitch, with each competitor pulling out all the stops to gain the upper hand. High-flying maneuvers, devastating strikes, and tactical teamwork are on full display as the teams battle for supremacy. In the climax of the match, Cena and Styles find themselves locked in a fierce confrontation, trading blows with ferocious intensity. Despite Styles' incredible athleticism and resilience, Cena manages to catch him off guard with a thunderous FU, securing the victory for Chain Gang Records.
Chain Gang Records defeats AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels
As Cena and Killings celebrate their hard-fought win, tensions between Cena and Styles continue to simmer, setting the stage for future clashes between the two titans of TNA wrestling.
After bouncing back at Destination X, John Cena's resurgence in singles competition after losing the NWA World Heavyweight Championship is nothing short of spectacular. Determined to reclaim his status as a dominant force in TNA, Cena embarks on a relentless winning streak throughout the month of April.
Gone is the mercy and compassion that once defined Cena's character. Instead, he adopts a ruthless and cutthroat approach, refusing to be held back by anyone standing in his path to glory. With each victory, Cena sends a clear message to the rest of the roster: he is back, and he's more dangerous than ever.
Cena's in-ring performances are marked by sheer intensity and aggression. He unleashes a barrage of devastating maneuvers, overpowering his opponents with his raw strength and technical prowess. Whether it's through his trademark FU or the STFU, Cena leaves a trail of defeated adversaries in his wake. His winning streak not only elevates his status within the TNA hierarchy but also solidifies his reputation as a formidable competitor. Opponents quickly learn to fear the wrath of Cena, knowing that stepping into the ring with him means facing an uphill battle against an unstoppable force.
As Cena continues to climb the rankings with each successive victory, the anticipation builds for his inevitable clash with the top contenders vying for championship gold. With his sights set on redemption and reclaiming his throne, Cena shows no signs of slowing down as he bulldozes his way through the competition, one opponent at a time.
John Cena's relentless pursuit of championship gold leads him to take decisive action as he watches the main event picture unfold in TNA. With Rhino and Scott Steiner emerging as top contenders for Kurt Angle's NWA World Heavyweight Championship, Cena is unsettled by the prospect of his Chain Gang Records stablemate potentially claiming the title before him. Refusing to sit on the sidelines while his ally competes for the championship, Cena seizes the opportunity to insert himself into the title picture. He enters a high-stakes battle royal, determined to secure his spot in the main event as a challenger for Angle's coveted title.
With the stakes at an all-time high, Cena battles fiercely against a field of formidable competitors, showcasing his unparalleled resilience and determination. Despite facing fierce opposition, Cena overcomes the odds and emerges victorious, securing his place in the fatal four-way match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
However, Cena's victory raises questions and speculation among fans and fellow wrestlers alike. As both Cena and Steiner find themselves vying for the same title, tensions begin to simmer within Chain Gang Records. The dynamic between the two allies is put to the test as they navigate the delicate balance between partnership and individual ambition.
With the fatal four-way match on the horizon, Cena and Steiner must confront the uncertainty surrounding their alliance. As they prepare to face off against each other and their formidable opponents in the ring, the true extent of their loyalty to each other and their shared goals will be put to the ultimate test.
The build-up to Sacrifice is marked by intense rivalry and simmering tensions among NWA World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, John Cena, and Rhino. Each competitor is driven by a fierce hunger for championship gold, setting the stage for a high-stakes showdown at the upcoming pay-per-view event.
Within the Chain Gang Records stable, cracks begin to emerge as the tension between Steiner and Cena reaches a boiling point. Their shared ambition to claim the championship puts their partnership to the test, leading to heated confrontations and discord within the group.
Meanwhile, Rhino and Angle seize the opportunity to exploit the internal strife within Chain Gang Records. Recognizing the vulnerability created by the rift between Steiner and Cena, they strategically align themselves to take advantage of the situation and gain an upper hand in the championship race.
The feud intensifies as the competitors engage in chaotic and unpredictable skirmishes, both inside and outside the ring. With each passing week, fans are left on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the explosive clash that awaits them at Sacrifice.
As the tension mounts and the animosity between the four competitors escalates, the stage is set for an electrifying showdown that promises to be nothing short of epic. With the fate of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship hanging in the balance, all eyes are on Sacrifice as fans brace themselves for an unforgettable battle royal that will determine the next ruler of the TNA wrestling scene.
The Fatal Four-Way match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at Sacrifice is a chaotic and high-stakes affair, with each competitor bringing their A-game to the ring. The tension is palpable as the audience eagerly awaits the showdown between Kurt Angle, Rhino, John Cena, and Scott Steiner.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle (c) vs Rhino vs Scott Steiner vs John Cena
From the opening bell, the action is fast-paced and intense, with all four competitors jockeying for position and unleashing a flurry of strikes and high-impact maneuvers. Angle, the defending champion, employs his technical prowess to gain an early advantage, targeting the limbs of his opponents with precision holds and submissions. Rhino, known for his brute strength and aggressive style, wastes no time in asserting his dominance, delivering thunderous spears and spine-rattling slams to anyone who crosses his path. Meanwhile, Cena showcases his trademark resilience, absorbing punishment and fighting back with a relentless barrage of strikes and power moves.
Steiner, fueled by his desire to reclaim championship glory, unleashes his trademark intensity and ferocity, using his sheer size and strength to overpower his opponents. With Chain Gang Records looming at ringside, there's an added layer of tension as Cena and Steiner momentarily set aside their alliance to focus on the task at hand. As the match progresses, the action spills out of the ring, with bodies flying and chaos reigning supreme. Angle finds himself in precarious situations as he struggles to fend off the relentless assaults of his challengers. Rhino, fueled by determination, continues to press forward, refusing to be denied his shot at championship gold.
In a pivotal moment, Steiner appears to have the upper hand, dominating the ring with his sheer brute force. He has Angle in his grasp, one three count away from pinning the champion and taking the gold from his cold dead hands. However, in a shocking turn of events, he unexpectedly comes to Cena's aid, saving his former ally from a devastating Gore by Rhino. The moment sends shockwaves through the arena, leaving fans on the edge of their seats. With a sudden burst of energy, Steiner decimates his opponents, leaving them battered and vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, Cena capitalizes on the chaos, delivering his signature move, the FU, to Rhino and pinning him for the victory.
John Cena defeats Rhino, Kurt Angle, and Scott Steiner to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship
As the final bell rings, Cena emerges victorious, capturing the NWA World Heavyweight Championship for the fourth time in his career. With Chain Gang Records by his side, Cena celebrates his hard-fought triumph, solidifying his status as one of the most dominant forces in TNA wrestling and signaling his continued reign atop the championship ranks.
John Cena strides into the arena, the NWA World Heavyweight Championship gleaming over his shoulder, flanked by his cohorts from Chain Gang Records. The boisterous crowd erupts into a mix of cheers and jeers as Cena makes his way to the ring, exuding an air of confidence and dominance. With a microphone in hand, Cena wastes no time in launching into a scathing tirade against the audience, his words dripping with contempt for anyone who dared doubt his allegiance to his comrades. He mocks the fans for their naivety, scoffing at the notion that his alliance with Scott Steiner could ever be fractured by something as trivial as gold.
As the self-proclaimed "Doctor of Thuganomics" continues his tirade, he takes the opportunity to boast about his illustrious career and the numerous accolades he has amassed over the years. With each word, Cena's arrogance swells, his voice echoing throughout the arena as he revels in the spotlight. Boasting about his greatness and legendary career so far, Cena says he has an announcement that will shock the foundation of the entire wrestling industry. Next week, everything will change and no one can do anything about it. John Cena's proclamation electrifies the wrestling world, leaving fans and competitors alike speculating about what monumental shift he has in store. With Chain Gang Records standing steadfastly by his side, Cena exudes confidence and authority as he sets the stage for his upcoming announcement. The fans' reactions range from fervent adulation to fervent disdain, but Cena remains unfazed, basking in the adulation of his loyal supporters while dismissing the detractors with a wave of his hand. To Cena, the championship is not just a symbol of his success, but a testament to his superiority over anyone who dares to challenge him.
As the segment draws to a close, Cena raises the championship high above his head, a triumphant grin etched across his face. With Chain Gang Records standing united behind him, Cena sends a clear message to the entire TNA roster: he is the undisputed king of the mountain, and anyone who dares to oppose him will suffer the consequences.
In the days leading up to the next episode of TNA Impact, anticipation reaches a fever pitch, with rumors swirling and speculation running rampant. The wrestling community is abuzz with theories about what Cena's declaration could entail, from potential changes to the championship landscape to the introduction of a new faction or era.
As the highly anticipated episode of Impact unfolds, all eyes are on Cena as he takes center stage to reveal his game-changing announcement. With the entire wrestling world hanging on his every word, Cena delivers a bombshell revelation that sends shockwaves throughout the industry.
John Cena strides into the arena with purpose, the NWA World Heavyweight Championship draped over his shoulder, his expression solemn and determined. The atmosphere in the arena is tense, the anticipation palpable as Cena prepares to deliver what promises to be a bombshell announcement. As Cena stands in the center of the ring, the championship belt gleaming under the spotlight, he takes a moment to reflect on the storied history of the title. With a reverent tone, he pays homage to the legends who have held the prestigious championship in the past, from Ric Flair to Dusty Rhodes to Lou Thesz. However, as Cena's speech progresses, a subtle shift occurs in his demeanor.
With each name he mentions, Cena's voice takes on a note of defiance, a hint of disdain creeping into his words. He speaks of his own achievements and contributions to the wrestling industry, boldly proclaiming himself to be on a level above even the most revered names in the sport's history. The tension in the arena mounts as Cena's words hang heavy in the air.
Then, in a dramatic gesture, Cena unceremoniously drops the championship belt to the mat, the loud clatter echoing throughout the arena. The crowd erupts into murmurs of disbelief, unsure of what to make of Cena's actions. With a steely gaze, Cena declares that he is no longer content to be bound by the constraints of the NWA and its legacy. In a defiant act of rebellion, Cena renounces the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, denouncing it as unworthy of his status as the Franchise of TNA. He demands that TNA management create a new title befitting his stature, one that will properly reflect his dominance and supremacy in the wrestling world.
With that declaration, Cena exits the ring, leaving the discarded championship belt lying in the center as a silent testament to his defiance. The crowd remains stunned and speechless, unsure of what the future holds for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and for John Cena's reign as the self-proclaimed Franchise of TNA.
In the aftermath of John Cena's defiant renouncement of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, the fallout reverberates throughout TNA. With the NWA cutting off all ties with the promotion and reclaiming their championship belts, including the World Tag Team Championships held by Chain Gang Records, TNA management is left reeling from Cena's audacious actions. Faced with the daunting task of appeasing Cena's demands for a new championship befitting his status, TNA is forced to comply, albeit reluctantly. Thus, the TNA World Heavyweight Championship is born, a symbol of the promotion's independence from the NWA and its legacy.
However, rather than simply handing Cena the newly minted championship on a silver platter, TNA management opts for a different approach. In a bold move to assert their authority and restore order to the chaos wrought by Cena's rebellion, they announce a blockbuster tournament to determine the inaugural holder of the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. The tournament is set to feature TNA's finest competitors, from seasoned veterans to rising stars, all vying for the prestigious honor of becoming the first TNA World Heavyweight Champion. It's a high-stakes battleground where alliances will be tested, rivalries will be reignited, and new contenders will emerge.
Furious at the prospect of having to prove himself all over again, Cena realizes that he can no longer rely solely on his reputation and past accomplishments to secure his place at the top of the TNA hierarchy. With the championship tantalizingly within reach, Cena knows that he must rise to the occasion and overcome whatever obstacles stand in his way if he hopes to reclaim the throne he believes is rightfully his.
As the tournament progresses, John Cena finds himself facing formidable opponents, each presenting unique challenges on his path to the finals. In the opening round, Cena clashes with the powerhouse Rhino, a veteran known for his brute strength and tenacity in the ring. Despite Rhino's relentless onslaught, Cena digs deep, unleashing a relentless offense and ultimately emerging victorious after a hard-fought battle.
Advancing to the semi-finals, Cena's next obstacle comes in the form of the monstrous Abyss. Known for his imposing stature and brutal tactics, Abyss poses a different kind of threat to Cena, one that tests not only his physical prowess but also his resilience and strategy. In a grueling encounter marked by intense brawling and high-risk maneuvers, Cena manages to outmaneuver Abyss, using his speed and agility to counter the behemoth's power and secure his place in the finals.
With the stage set for the Slammiversary main event, Cena prepares to face his longtime rival and fellow TNA stalwart, AJ Styles. The anticipation for their showdown reaches a fever pitch as fans eagerly await the clash between two of TNA's biggest stars. Both men understand the significance of the moment, knowing that victory in the finals will not only crown them as the inaugural TNA World Heavyweight Champion but also solidify their legacy in the annals of wrestling history.
In the lead-up to Slammiversary, Cena and Styles undergo rigorous training regimens, honing their skills and sharpening their focus in preparation for the pivotal encounter. As the tension mounts and anticipation builds, the stage is set for a monumental showdown that will determine the future of the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and cement the legacy of its first champion.
The atmosphere inside the arena is electric as the main event of Slammiversary gets underway. The anticipation is palpable as the fans eagerly await the clash between two of the greatest wrestlers of their generation.
TNA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs AJ Styles V
From the opening bell, Styles and Cena waste no time in locking up, each trying to gain an early advantage. Styles utilizes his lightning-fast strikes and acrobatic prowess to keep Cena on his toes, while Cena relies on his raw power and technical skill to ground the high-flyer. The match quickly escalates into a back-and-forth battle, with both men refusing to give an inch. Styles unleashes a barrage of high-flying maneuvers, including his patented Phenomenal Forearm and springboard 450 splash, keeping Cena constantly on the defensive.
However, Cena proves to be resilient, weathering Styles' offense and mounting his own counterattacks. The Doctor of Thuganomics showcases his trademark strength with thunderous slams and bone-jarring suplexes, wearing down Styles with each punishing maneuver. As the match progresses, the intensity reaches a fever pitch, with both competitors trading near falls and false finishes in rapid succession. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, torn between their allegiance to Styles and their admiration for Cena's tenacity. In the climax of the match, Styles attempts to seal the victory with his Styles Clash finisher, but Cena manages to power out at the last moment, much to the astonishment of the audience. Seizing the opportunity, Cena rallies with a series of devastating moves, culminating in a thunderous FU that leaves Styles sprawled on the canvas.
John Cena defeats AJ Styles to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (28:11)
With the referee's hand counting the pinfall, the arena erupts into a deafening roar as Cena secures the victory and becomes the inaugural TNA World Heavyweight Champion. The celebration is euphoric as Cena is presented with the newly created championship title, marking a historic moment in his illustrious career and solidifying his legacy as the Franchise of TNA.
(Cont'd in Comments)
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:57 Time-Firefighter3165 What do I choose?

Hi, I’m 20 years old and I just graduated college with a BBA in finance from a state school. I received an offer from DELOITTE in SAN ANTONIO (LCOL) I would be working in the GPS RFA USDC team with a starting salary of 63k and a 5k sign on bonus (68k total comp). Today, I just received an offer from ORACLE in AUSTIN, TEXAS (MCOL) I would be working as a Financial Analyst with a salary of 74k salary (74k total comp) (haven’t negotiated yet).
What do I choose?
I know the “Deloitte” name will give me way better exit ops. (But Oracle is a big name as well…but idk if they are for finance like Deloitte is)
I know USDC lowkey sucks (but I know other companies I recruit for after two years don’t even know what USDC is so I don’t even need to include it in my resume)
I believe I would save up A LOT more money in San Antonio. (But Austin would be a better experience)
I know Oracle is growing and is a leading tech company. (But Deloitte is a big 4)
I plan on getting an MBA in a couple years, which would help more?
Help pls, thank you guys!
submitted by Time-Firefighter3165 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:55 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Six: Gang Warfare

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
John Cena is on top of the world, claiming to be the greatest star TNA has ever seen as he enters the building to boos and jeers, his goons by his side. Chain Gang Records is covered in gold. Ron Killings recently defeated Christopher Daniels for the X Championship, following in Cena’s footsteps. John Cena is riding high as NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Jeff Jarrett is hyping up his two clients, claiming no one, NO ONE can stop them. But familiar music interrupts the rest of his message, immediately pissing off the champion.
The tension in the arena reached a boiling point as Jeff Hardy stormed into the ring, his fury palpable as he confronted John Cena, who stood defiantly alongside his cohorts from Chain Gang Records. With the NWA World Heavyweight Championship draped over his shoulder, Cena arrogantly dismissed Hardy's claims and ordered him to step aside. But Hardy refused to back down, his determination unyielding as he challenged Cena's authority and demanded justice for the injustice he suffered at Turning Point. As Chain Gang Records closed in on Hardy, ready to unleash their trademark brutality, the atmosphere grew increasingly volatile.
Suddenly, the arena erupted in shock as AJ Styles made his long-awaited return, charging down the ramp and leaping into action. With his sights set squarely on Cena, Styles wasted no time in unleashing a flurry of strikes, igniting a chaotic brawl that spilled out across the ring. As the pandemonium unfolded, Hardy and Styles found themselves unlikely allies, putting aside their differences to combat the overwhelming numbers advantage of Chain Gang Records. Together, they fought tooth and nail, trading blows with Cena's cohorts and clearing the ring of their presence.
With Chain Gang Records driven from the ring, Hardy and Styles stood side by side, their eyes locked on Cena and the coveted championship he held. In that moment, a new alliance was forged, united by a common goal: to dethrone the self-proclaimed king of TNA and claim championship glory for themselves. As the dust settled and the tension hung thick in the air, Cena found himself facing an uncertain future, with two formidable challengers poised to challenge his reign atop the TNA hierarchy.
The feud between AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, and NWA World Heavyweight Champion John Cena was a tumultuous rollercoaster ride that gripped the wrestling world with its intensity and drama. It all began with Cena's manipulative tactics and the formation of Chain Gang Records, which quickly became a dominating force in TNA. As Cena basked in the glory of his championship reign, AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy emerged as his fiercest challengers. Both men had their own personal scores to settle with Cena, stemming from his underhanded tactics and the interference of Chain Gang Records in their matches. Neither would stand down, and neither would let the smooth talking Doctor of Thuganomics pit them against each other.
The animosity between the three competitors reached a boiling point as Cena's reign of terror continued unchecked. Styles and Hardy, initially united in their quest to dethrone Cena, found themselves at odds as the allure of the championship intensified. Despite their best efforts to work together against their common enemy, old rivalries and personal ambitions threatened to tear their alliance apart. Cena, reveling in his role as the dominant force in TNA, relished in the chaos he had created. With the backing of Chain Gang Records, he seemed almost unstoppable, using his influence and power to manipulate the situation to his advantage at every turn.
The tension between the three competitors escalated week by week, with heated confrontations and brutal attacks punctuating their rivalry. Each man was determined to emerge victorious and claim the NWA World Heavyweight Championship for themselves, no matter the cost. As the date of Final Resolution drew near, anticipation reached a fever pitch as fans eagerly awaited the epic showdown that would determine the fate of the championship. The stage was set for an unforgettable battle in Full Metal Mayhem, with weapons strewn across the ring and the coveted title hanging above.
Final Resolution
When the night of Final Resolution finally arrived, the intensity in the arena was palpable as Styles, Hardy, and Cena stepped into the ring for the highly anticipated triple threat match. With the fate of the championship hanging in the balance, the stakes had never been higher.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Full Metal Mayhem: John Cena (c) vs AJ Styles vs Jeff Hardy
As the match unfolded, chaos ensued as all three men unleashed a barrage of brutality upon each other. Steel chairs, tables, and ladders were wielded with reckless abandon as each competitor fought tooth and nail for supremacy. All three competitors wasted no time in unleashing a relentless onslaught of offense. Steel chairs, tables, and ladders were introduced into the mix early on, transforming the ring into a veritable battlefield of destruction. Each man displayed a willingness to endure punishment and inflict it upon their opponents in equal measure.
AJ Styles, known for his high-flying acrobatics and innovative offense, utilized the steel structures to his advantage, leaping off ladders and springboarding off ropes to deliver jaw-dropping attacks. Jeff Hardy, the charismatic daredevil, proved to be equally fearless, executing death-defying maneuvers and risking life and limb to gain the upper hand. Meanwhile, NWA World Heavyweight Champion John Cena, fueled by his ruthless determination to retain his title at any cost, employed his trademark power and aggression to dominate the proceedings. Armed with steel chairs and his signature padlock chain, he ruthlessly targeted his opponents, using every tool at his disposal to maintain his grip on the championship.
As the match progressed, the brutality reached new heights, with each competitor pushing themselves to their absolute limits in pursuit of victory. Bodies crashed through tables, steel chairs echoed throughout the arena, and ladders were wielded like weapons in a relentless onslaught of carnage. In the climax of the match, a new member of Chain Gang Records made his presence felt. Scott Steiner intervenes on behalf of Cena and unleashes his devastating strength against Styles and Hardy. Despite their valiant efforts to fight back, the combined forces of Cena and Steiner proved too much to overcome.
In the final moments of the match, Cena seized the opportunity to capitalize on the chaos, scaling the ladder with single-minded determination. With Styles and Hardy incapacitated by the onslaught of Chain Gang Records, Cena reached the summit of the ladder and claimed the championship, solidifying his reign of dominance and leaving his opponents defeated and broken in the aftermath of the brutal encounter.
John Cena defeats Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (28:47)
A couple weeks after Final Resolution, John Cena is advertised to return to address the TNA faithful. John Cena's victory over Hardy and Styles solidified his dominance in TNA, and with Chain Gang Records holding all the gold, he felt invincible. The faction was riding high on their success, with Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner adding the NWA World Tag Team Championships to their collection right after the PPV.
As Cena addressed the TNA faithful, the boos echoed throughout the arena, but they only served to fuel his confidence. Standing tall with his championship held high, Cena proclaimed that he had ushered in a new era in TNA, one where he and Chain Gang Records reigned supreme. He taunted the fans, daring anyone to challenge their dominance and promising that no one could escape the grasp of their power. With every member of Chain Gang Records holding gold, Cena's declaration sent shockwaves throughout the TNA roster. The landscape of the promotion had been reshaped, and Cena stood at the forefront as the undisputed leader of the faction. As he basked in the glory of their triumph, it seemed that no one could stand in their way as they asserted their dominance over TNA.
Sick of being a victim of Cena and Chain Gang Records, one man steps up when seemingly everyone else is down for the count. Christopher Daniels still feels the burn from losing the X Championship to Ron Killings, and focuses his attention to the head of the snake. NWA World Heavyweight Champion John Cena pokes fun at Daniels’ anger, telling him he isn’t ready for the primetime. But Daniels refuses to step down, defiantly slapping the taste out of Cena’s mouth! In a fit of rage, Cena orchestrates a beatdown on Daniels, leaving him a bloody mess. But Daniels laughs at the blood, saying he’s only just getting started with Cena.
The feud between John Cena and Christopher Daniels intensified as Daniels grew increasingly fed up with the dominance of Chain Gang Records. Determined to put an end to Cena's reign, Daniels fought his way up the ranks, overcoming challenges and obstacles to earn his shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. After defeating Jeff Jarrett in a hard-fought battle, Daniels declared that he would have the biggest moment of his career by dethroning Cena and capturing the championship for himself. His determination and resolve were unwavering as he prepared to face Cena at Against All Odds.
Against All Odds
It’s time, IT’S TIME, IT’S. VADER. TIME!
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) Christopher Daniels
As the bell rang, Cena and Daniels wasted no time, immediately locking up in the center of the ring. The intensity was palpable as they exchanged strikes and grappling maneuvers, each man vying for control in the early moments of the match. Daniels showcased his technical prowess, utilizing his agility and speed to keep Cena on his toes, while Cena relied on his raw power and brute force to assert dominance.
The match quickly spilled to the outside, with both competitors utilizing the unforgiving barricades and ringside environment to inflict punishment on each other. Cena slammed Daniels into the steel steps, while Daniels retaliated with a jaw-dropping dive over the ropes, crashing into Cena with precision. The intensity was palpable as they traded blows, each man fighting tooth and nail for victory. With the stakes at an all-time high, the match reached its climax as both competitors pushed themselves to their limits.
Back inside the ring, the momentum swung back and forth as Cena and Daniels traded near falls, each coming agonizingly close to securing victory. The crowd was on the edge of their seats as the action intensified, with both men refusing to back down in their quest for championship glory. As the match reached its climax, Cena's allies from Chain Gang Records made their presence felt, attempting to interfere on behalf of the champion. However, Daniels managed to fend off the interference, rallying the support of the crowd as he mounted a comeback.
With the title hanging in the balance, Cena saw the referee, occupied with Steiner and Jarrett, and realized he had an opportunity. He resorted to desperate measures, seizing the X Division Championship from Ron Killings and using it as a weapon against Daniels. Despite Daniels' valiant efforts to overcome the odds, he was unable to withstand Cena's ruthless assault. In the final moments of the match, Cena capitalized on the chaos and delivered a devastating FU to Daniels, driving him into the canvas with authority. The referee counted the pinfall, sealing Cena's victory and allowing him to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
John Cena defeats Christopher Daniels to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (18:25)
As Cena celebrated his hard-fought triumph, Daniels lay battered and defeated in the center of the ring, his dreams of championship glory shattered once again by the underhanded tactics of Chain Gang Records. Despite his valiant efforts, Daniels was left to contemplate his next move in his ongoing quest to topple Cena's reign of dominance.
Following Final Resolution, new and old challengers emerge, everyone gunning for Cena’s head. Taking the opportunity to take a month off and rest, John lets them fight among themselves, resting on his laurels with Chain Gang Records and watching the chaos unfold in front of them in the coming weeks.
Christopher Daniels, fueled by a burning desire for redemption after being unjustly stripped of the X Championship by Cena and his allies, emerged as a vocal critic of the champion's oppressive regime. With his sights set on toppling Cena and reclaiming his lost glory, Daniels rallied the support of fans and fellow wrestlers alike, vowing to dismantle Chain Gang Records and expose their corrupt tactics.
AJ Styles, a longtime rival of Cena and a former TNA World Heavyweight Champion in his own right, added fuel to the fire with his unwavering determination to reclaim the gold. Unwilling to be sidelined by Cena's underhanded tactics, Styles refused to back down, engaging in a war of words and in-ring battles with both Cena's allies and his fellow contenders.
Meanwhile, Samoa Joe, the enigmatic Samoan Submission Machine, remained a formidable force in the title picture, his dominance in the Super X Cup serving as a testament to his unwavering resolve. With a burning desire to prove himself as the top contender, Joe unleashed his fury on anyone who stood in his path, determined to earn his shot at Cena's championship.
In the weeks leading up to Destination X, tensions between Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, and Samoa Joe escalated as each competitor sought to stake their claim as the rightful challenger to John Cena's NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Their paths intersect in a series of intense confrontations, with Chain Gang Records lurking in the shadows, ready to exert their influence and protect Cena's reign at any cost.
As tensions reached a boiling point, TNA management announced that Daniels, Styles, and Joe would compete in an Ultimate X match at Destination X, with the winner earning the coveted opportunity to challenge Cena for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. The stage was set for an epic showdown, with the fate of the title hanging in the balance.
Ultimate X: Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles
At Destination X, the anticipation was palpable as Daniels, Styles, and Joe entered the arena, each prepared to lay it all on the line for a chance at championship gold. From the moment the bell rang, the match erupted into a frenzied display of athleticism and high-flying action, with all three competitors pushing themselves to the limit in pursuit of victory. Daniels showcased his unparalleled aerial prowess, executing jaw-dropping maneuvers and daring dives in his quest to seize the championship suspended above the ring. Styles, known for his lightning-fast strikes and innovative offense, countered with his trademark agility and resilience, refusing to be grounded by his opponents' attacks.
Meanwhile, Joe unleashed his trademark brutality, punishing his adversaries with bone-crushing strikes and punishing submissions as he sought to impose his will on the match. With the title tantalizingly close overhead, each competitor fought tooth and nail, determined to emerge victorious and secure their place as the next challenger to Cena's throne.
As the match reached its climax, chaos ensued as Chain Gang Records attempted to intervene, their interference threatening to tip the scales in Cena's favor. However, Daniels, Styles, and Joe refused to be swayed, banding together to combat the outside interference and keep their focus on the ultimate prize. In a heart-stopping moment of triumph, Joe managed to overcome the odds and ascend the ropes, reaching out to grasp the X and secure his victory in the Ultimate X match. With the crowd erupting in thunderous applause, Joe celebrated his hard-fought triumph, knowing that his victory had earned him the opportunity to challenge Cena for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
Samoa Joe defeats AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels (24:29)
As Joe stood tall in the ring, his gaze fixed on the X he now held in his hands, the stage was set for an epic showdown between the Samoan Submission Machine and the dominant champion, John Cena. Joe has a golden ticket he can use at any time, and he loves it. Cena feels a shiver down his spine as he realizes the one man he cannot solve is hot on his trail. With the fate of the title hanging in the balance and the rivalry between Chain Gang Records and their challengers reaching a fever pitch, the battle for supremacy in TNA was far from over.
With Samoa Joe looming in the shadows, John Cena's once unshakeable confidence begins to waver. Despite having the formidable force of Chain Gang Records at his side, Cena can't shake the feeling of impending doom that Joe's victory at Destination X has brought upon him. As weeks pass with no sign of Joe, Cena finds himself consumed by paranoia, constantly looking over his shoulder and second-guessing every move he makes. The absence of his challenger only serves to heighten Cena's anxiety, as he knows that Joe could strike at any moment, thanks to his guaranteed title shot.
Unable to focus on anything else, Cena becomes increasingly obsessed with Joe's looming presence, neglecting his duties as champion and allowing cracks to form within Chain Gang Records. The once united faction begins to fray at the edges, with Jeff Jarrett and Ron Killings questioning Cena's leadership and the wisdom of aligning themselves with such a volatile champion. Meanwhile, TNA management capitalizes on the chaos, forcing Cena to focus on the other men he’s been pissing off with his arrogance and interference. Styles and Daniels defeat Steiner and Jarrett for the NWA World Tag Team Championship, finally winning gold and knocking Chain Gang Records down a peg. Jeff Hardy defeats Ron Killings for the X Championship, helping add to the tension and help turn the tide against Cena’s regime. With the momentum in their favor, Styles throws out the challenge for the most menacing match in TNA history: Lethal Lockdown. Cena accepts, desperate to put the months-long saga to rest.
The anticipation for the Lethal Lockdown match at Lockdown reaches a fever pitch as Chain Gang Records and their challengers, led by AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Jeff Hardy, prepare to settle their long-standing feud once and for all. With tensions running high and animosity reaching its peak, the stage is set for an epic showdown inside the unforgiving steel structure.
As the match draws near, speculation runs rampant about the identity of the fourth man for Styles, Daniels, and Hardy's team. Rumors swirl and anticipation mounts until, finally, the truth is revealed: the fourth man is none other than Sting, making his triumphant return to TNA Wrestling. The revelation sends shockwaves through the wrestling world, as fans and competitors alike are stunned by Sting's unexpected presence. For John Cena and Chain Gang Records, the sight of Sting brings back memories of their past encounters, stirring up feelings of dread and uncertainty.
Despite his doubts and fears, Cena remains determined to lead his team to victory and prove that Chain Gang Records is still a force to be reckoned with. With Sting's return adding an extra layer of intensity to the match, the stakes are higher than ever before.
The Lethal Lockdown match at Lockdown becomes a chaotic battleground, with the steel structure amplifying the intensity of the conflict between Chain Gang Records and their adversaries. The atmosphere inside the arena is electric as the fans eagerly anticipate the culmination of weeks of heated rivalry.
Lethal Lockdown: Chain Gang Records vs Team Styles
As the match begins, both teams waste no time in unleashing a relentless onslaught of brutality upon each other. Steel chairs clang against steel as bodies collide with unforgiving force, creating a symphony of chaos that reverberates throughout the arena. John Cena, flanked by Jeff Jarrett, Ron Killings, and the bouncer Scott Steiner, leads the charge for Chain Gang Records. Their unity and ruthless aggression are on full display as they systematically target their opponents, using underhanded tactics and sheer brute force to gain the upper hand. On the opposing side, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Jeff Hardy, and the returning Sting form a formidable alliance, fueled by a shared desire to take down Cena and his faction. They fight with unmatched determination and resilience, refusing to back down in the face of overwhelming odds.
The match reaches a fever pitch as weapons come into play, with kendo sticks, steel chairs, and tables adding to the carnage inside the steel cage. Bodies crash into the unforgiving steel walls, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. As the battle rages on, the momentum shifts back and forth between the two teams, with each side coming close to victory on multiple occasions. Cena and his allies showcase their trademark ruthlessness, while Styles, Daniels, Hardy, and Sting demonstrate their unyielding resolve. In the climax of the match, Sting delivers a thunderous Scorpion Death Drop to Cena, incapacitating the NWA World Heavyweight Champion and leaving him vulnerable to defeat. With the referee counting the pinfall, the arena holds its breath as the outcome hangs in the balance. 1… 2… 3.
Team Styles defeats Chain Gang Records (45:28)
In the end, it is Styles, Daniels, Hardy, and Sting who emerge victorious, securing a hard-fought triumph over Chain Gang Records. The crowd erupts in deafening cheers as the triumphant team celebrates their victory, marking the end of Cena's reign of dominance and the dawn of a new era in TNA Wrestling. Jarrett, inches away from breaking the pin, pounds the mat in frustration, his face covered in blood. Ron Killings picks thumbtacks out of his back, cursing Sting as he watches Team Styles celebrate.
In the weeks leading up to Sacrifice, the tension between John Cena and Sting escalates to unprecedented levels, creating a palpable atmosphere of anticipation and excitement among the TNA faithful. Cena, emboldened by his reign as NWA World Heavyweight Champion and backed by the formidable force of Chain Gang Records, exudes an air of invincibility as he flaunts his dominance over the TNA roster. However, his arrogance and brash demeanor only serve to incite the ire of Sting, who sees Cena's reign as a blight on the integrity of the championship and the company as a whole.
Sting, the iconic veteran with a storied legacy in the world of professional wrestling, refuses to stand idly by while Cena runs roughshod over TNA. With a sense of duty and honor driving him forward, Sting vows to put an end to Cena's reign of tyranny and restore the prestige of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Just like how he stopped Cena during his reign as X Champion, he’ll stop him again, and make sure he doesn’t continue to tarnish TNA’s name. Their feud becomes a clash of generations, with Cena representing the new guard and Sting standing as a symbol of tradition and respect.
As the animosity between them reaches a boiling point, Cena and Sting engage in a series of intense confrontations both in and out of the ring. Verbal sparring sessions give way to physical altercations, as Cena's underhanded tactics clash with Sting's unwavering resolve. Meanwhile, the rest of the TNA roster watches on, torn between their disdain for Cena's oppressive regime and their respect for Sting's legacy. With tensions at an all-time high, the stage is set for their championship match at Sacrifice. The anticipation surrounding the encounter is palpable, as fans eagerly await the clash between two titans of the industry. Cena, confident in his abilities and backed by the support of Chain Gang Records, vows to crush Sting and prove once and for all that he is the rightful champion. Meanwhile, Sting remains steadfast in his determination to defeat Cena and restore honor to the championship.
Sacrifice (Beautiful Butt Naked Big Titty Don’t Just Fall Out The Sky, Ya Know ?)
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs Sting
When the bell rings at Sacrifice, the intensity of the match is immediately apparent. Both competitors give it their all, trading devastating blows and near falls as they vie for supremacy. Sting relies on his experience and ring savvy, using his signature maneuvers to wear down Cena and keep him on the defensive. However, Cena refuses to back down, unleashing his trademark power moves and relentless aggression in an effort to assert his dominance.
As the match reaches its climax, the action spills out of the ring and into the ringside area, with both men utilizing the surrounding environment to their advantage. Steel steps, barricades, and announce tables are all fair game as Cena and Sting battle with everything they have. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, fully immersed in the drama unfolding before them.
In the end, it is Cena's cunning and opportunism that prove to be the difference-maker. With the assistance of Scott Steiner, who intervenes in the match at a crucial moment, Cena gains the upper hand and secures the victory, retaining his NWA World Heavyweight Championship. The decision is met with a mix of jubilation from Cena's supporters and disappointment from Sting's loyal fans, as the controversy surrounding the outcome leaves the wrestling world buzzing with speculation and debate.
John Cena defeats Sting to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (17:09)
As Cena stands tall in the ring, clutching his championship gold, the camera captures the defeated figure of Sting, staring daggers at his adversary from across the ring. Though the battle may be lost, Sting knows that the war is far from over, as he vows to continue his quest to dethrone Cena and reclaim the championship for himself.
In the weeks leading up to Slammiversary, the tension between Cena and Sting escalates to new heights. With Chain Gang Records banned from ringside, Cena is stripped of his usual allies, leaving him isolated and vulnerable. On the other hand, Sting sees this as his opportunity to finally level the playing field and settle the score once and for all. The feud takes on a deeply personal dimension as both men trade barbs and accusations, each determined to prove their superiority and claim the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
The animosity between Cena and Sting traces back to their previous encounters, where Cena's underhanded tactics and reliance on Chain Gang Records cast a shadow over his reign as champion. Sting, a veteran of the industry with a storied career, sees Cena's actions as a stain on the integrity of the championship and vows to restore honor to the title by dethroning him. Cena, on the other hand, views Sting's challenge as a threat to his dominance and legacy in TNA. He dismisses Sting as a relic of the past, claiming that his time has come and gone, and that he is the future of professional wrestling. Cena's arrogance and brash demeanor only serve to further enrage Sting, who sees Cena's reign as tarnishing the prestige of the championship.
As tensions reach a boiling point, both men engage in a series of heated confrontations, culminating in a physical altercation that leaves officials struggling to keep them apart. The intensity of their feud captures the attention of the entire wrestling world, with fans eagerly anticipating their showdown at Slammiversary. In the buildup to their match, Cena and Sting engage in a series of grueling training sessions, each preparing to give it their all in the ring. Their encounters become increasingly volatile, with Cena resorting to mind games and psychological warfare to gain the upper hand, while Sting relies on his experience and ring savvy to outsmart his opponent.
The atmosphere at Slammiversary is charged with anticipation as Cena and Sting make their way to the ring, their expressions reflecting the intensity of their rivalry. The stage is set for an epic clash between two icons of the industry, with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship hanging in the balance.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs Sting II
As the opening bell rings, Cena and Sting waste no time in locking up, their intensity palpable from the start. The match begins with a feeling-out process, each competitor sizing up the other and searching for an opening to gain the upper hand. Sting, relying on his years of experience and ring savvy, takes control early on, using his agility and technical prowess to keep Cena on the defensive. The Icon unleashes a flurry of strikes and high-impact maneuvers, aiming to wear down his opponent and assert his dominance.
However, Cena refuses to back down, fighting tooth and nail to stay in the match. The Doctor of Thuganomics unleashes his trademark blend of power and agility, countering Sting's offense with devastating strikes and high-flying moves of his own. As the match progresses, the intensity reaches a fever pitch, with both men trading big moves and near falls in rapid succession. The action spills out of the ring and into the ringside area, with Cena and Sting using every inch of the arena to their advantage.
Back inside the ring, the momentum swings back and forth, with neither competitor able to gain a decisive advantage. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, roaring their approval with every near fall and close call. As the match enters its final moments, both Cena and Sting dig deep, summoning every ounce of strength and resilience they possess. With the championship hanging in the balance, they unleash a final flurry of offense, each determined to emerge victorious. In the end, it's Cena who manages to seize the opportunity, catching Sting off guard with a lightning-fast sequence of maneuvers that leaves the Icon reeling. With the crowd on its feet, Cena delivers the decisive blow, executing his signature FU finisher to secure the pinfall victory and retain his NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
John Cena defeats Sting to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (19:28)
As the final bell rings, Cena's hand is raised in victory, his triumph met with a mixture of cheers and boos from the electrified crowd. Despite the controversy surrounding his reign, Cena stands tall as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, his victory cementing his status as one of the most dominant forces in TNA history. Cena sees Sting slowly get to his feet, and approach him, cautious of the Icon. But Sting instead shocks everyone in the building by sticking out a hand. Seemingly impressed John overcame him without help or cheating, Sting offers a sign of mutual respect. Cena looks at the hand, tired and drained. He contemplates taking it, and accepting the props from a legend. But before he can… HE GETS BLASTED IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD!
Cena collapses onto Sting, too fatigued to even react. Standing over both men is none other than Samoa Joe, back from vacation, holding the big X in his hands as the crowd loses their minds. Joe quickly yanks Sting from under Cena, putting him to sleep with the Coquina Clutch! He tosses Sting out to ringside, watching him tumble and fall to the ground. He turns, and hands the X to the referee, causing the audience to go crazy. Joe licks his lips as he watches John slowly crawl to his feet, ready to claim what he feels is his.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena (c) vs Samoa Joe II
Cena aims a fist at Joe- HE COUNTERS, COQUINA CLUTCH LOCKED IN! John tries to fight, but there’s only so much he can do after wrestling an entire match before! Not even a minute into the match, the referee calls it, the bell ringing as the fans go ballistic…
Samoa Joe defeats John Cena to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (0:37)
The former champion stares up at the lights, left in the dust as the Samoan Submission Machine walks off without a word, holding up the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Cena valued so much.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:55 FlynnXa Serpent-Root and the War Between Moon and Knot

What’s the deal with the Serpent-Root exactly?? This post will contain Heavy Spoilers for Book of Hours, just as a heads up!
This book required Nectar 10 to be read and provides Lessons in Rites of the Roots as well as the an important Memory- the Numen Loopholes specifically. This Numen though actually provides Moth, Moon, and Knock principles while Rites of the Roots more appropriately provides Nectar and Moth.
It’s worth noting that the Loopholes Numen offers unique endings for The Twice-Born. One who Ascended in the House of the Sun but left for the Wake once more. Now they seek a way to hide, to be sheltered, to survive… they are associated with Illumination, Lantern, and the Skills Auroral Contemplation and Glaziery and Lightsmithing.
In truth- this isn’t of much grand importance, but rather how the Serpent-Root is obtained is. To obtain the Serpent-Root you must find the “Abandoned Church” within the House, make a liquid offering containing 4 of Knock, Moth, Nectar, or Winter. Only then will you be permitted entry to Our Lady Beneath and thus the Altar of the Knot. Dedicated to the Sisterhood of the Knot, we see shrines to The Ring-Yew, the Horned Axe, and the Red Grail.
This sisterhood was formed around the act of the flaying of the Thunderskin, and thus its birth. A covenant or “peace-treaty” between the three Hours of worship for the Sisterhood. The tricky thing is when we look at the Principles of the Altar of the Knot workstation within this room- Moth, Moon, and Heart. The Grail herself contains only Grail, but the Thunderskin which she helped create does hold Heart. The Ring Yew holds Moth and Heart, in addition to Grail, but the Horned Axe holds only Winter and Knock… so how does she connect to this Altar at all? And where does Moon draw from?
Well… Moon may be an influence added later as you can retrieve the Serpent-Root from this Altar by using either Tridesma Hiera or Hill & Hollow. Tridesma Hiera might make sense, seeing as it holds Moon and Grail principles and are the Rites of the Sisterhood of the Knot. It reveals the fourth sometimes-worshiped hour by the Sisterhood, the Thunderskin itself. Hill & Hollow though should be fairly confusing at first.
It’s a skill devoted to Moon and Scale, and talks of Singlefoots which can sing songs to open mountains, of human cries amongst waves lamenting a “City Unseen”, and finally of Lagiah’s deal in which she forsake Antoise and the Gods-from-Stone to pledge to the Hours of the Triple Knot in exchange for her “daughters” safety- secretly swearing to adopt any who prove their fierceness and ask… it’s her pledge to Grail which allows her rites of Hill & Hollow to work on this altar, and uncover this Book.
This book though is alleged to be written in “tiny spidery scratchings, marked with embedded egg-shell shards” on the roots themselves in Cracktrack, and references “Sea-born, tide-drawn, Meniscate-sister, Witch-lover. The House of the Moon will always have its messenger, though its messenger is different each time, in eye and flesh and heart…” It finishes by stating “Feits, feats, posterns, loopholes, set down against the advent of Eternity by powers favouring imperfection and impermanence.”
This is… interesting. We have a book embodying principles of Nectar, specifically Rites of the Roots which is a skill devoted to the ways in which the birth of the Gods-from-Blood spilled blood upon the roots which now remember the rites used for those processes- enough to warn that too much blood during these rites might awaken the Gods-from-Stone which are now “buried in Earth, Scattered in Sea, Lost to the Moon”. It also warns that not doing these rites might make us forget these gods for the same reason, and thus lose them from our memory.
It provides a Numen which is strong enough to write a History in which: 1.) The City Never becomes built upon Paradox from Paper and Ink, 2.) The City Never becomes built within the House of the Moon made from Black Sapphire and with Loopholes serving as Doors, and 3.) Exploits a “Sanguine Exception” in which the Wheel may return from the House of the Moon- for the Meniscate favors the House of the Moon, the Horned-Axe obeys the Sanguine Exception, and the Sister and Witch don’t divide what should be United- thus the Wheel returns to enact a bloody revenge.
But this book is hidden (Moon-influence?) in an altar devoted to the Sisterhood of the Knot- the Ring-Yew, the Grail, and the Horned Axe with sometimes the Thunderskin. All buried beneath the Earth above a sacred wellspring. And it can be pulled from the Earth using rites belonging to the Sisterhood or rites belonging to someone who later devoted themself to the Sisterhood.
With all of this in context we get a broader picture- someone within the Sisterhood of the Knot or with the ability to enter it’s passage has hidden a strong writing of Nectar (Blood) within this sacred space using principles of the Moon. This was either hidden here to prevent its usage, or to preserve its usage from the wrong people. If we look at the passage regarding “Sea-born, tide-drawn, Meniscate-Sister, Witch Lover” then we can trace every single one of these as an alternate name used to refer to Ligeia Morgen.
Morgen, like all members of the Ligeia Club, is Alukite- meaning that she, like Lagiah, has committed the Crime of the Sky. She, as an immortal, has conceived a child and devoured it. As we mentioned with Lagiah though, perhaps this now marks her as a daughter for displaying such “fierceness” and protects her? We’ll discuss this more later.
We also know each memeber of the Ligeia Club holds a Key to a door in the Mansus. Morgen holds the Key of David which opens the White Door when housed in ivory and the Summit Gate when housed in Black Sapphire- and yep, you guessed it, the Summit Gate is the entryway to the House of the Moon. We can connect this to Serpent-Root another line, immediately after the list of her aliases it states “The House of the Moon will always have its messenger, though its messenger is different each time, in eye and flesh and heart.”
This, to me, all-but-confirms a direct reference to Morgen. Some might argue this could imply Morgen is a shape-shifter, or that she is more a role than a person, but we also know that the Key of David has “fled” from her possession many times- and so I personally believe that this cryptic message just means that the “messenger” is just whoever is currently wielding the Key, but that someone must always be wielding the Key (opposite to what we know of Keys to doors within the House of the Sun where technically nobody is supposed to ever be able to possess one).
We mentioned that perhaps she, like the other Alukites or maybe just those in the Ligeia Club, have been “adopted” as “daughters” of Lagiah and thus been granted “protections”. Maybe this is protection from their Crime, or protection from the Laws which dictate they shouldn’t possesses keys? It’s possible that it’s allowed them to stash this book in the Sisterhood’s most sacred spaces.
So I come to two-conclusions in the end though; either 1.) The House of the Moon is in direct opposition to the Sisterhood of the Knot in a battle against Eternity and thus stashed a secret text in their inner-most sanctums. Or 2.) The Sisterhood of the Knot is actually cooperating with the House of the Moon in opposition of Eternity, making the Grail and Ring-Yew Allies against The Glory and gods from those domains.
submitted by FlynnXa to weatherfactory [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:52 Jomblorigoro (TW: Talk of sexual violence) Assault in online video games...

So I want to preface this by saying that I'm a trans woman who is not out socially to anyone, just me and a few online friends. I don't use voice chat when I play online games, and I always play with feminine characters.
This actually happened to me a while ago, but I just keep remembering it and I feel so... Gross. Like legit gross, even if it was just in a game it makes me feel nasty that I didn't report them, so I guess I'm just going to say it here to get it off my chest (if that's not okay with the subreddit rules then that's totally fine mods, I'll delete this post!)
I don't wanna say the name of the game because it's kind of embarrassing, but I'd say that it's a GOOD majority of men playing it, some are probably no older than 16. It's based off Bleach the anime, and it's kinda like an RPG where you build your character and can use the abilities of the people in the show- I stopped playing it recently because of gross allegations of someone on the dev team, but it was pretty fun.
Now... Onto the actual story. So I was playing on my Quincy character (a faction in the Bleach anime for those that don't know) and someone spawncamped me. I wasn't really that strong because I was just leveling so I went down, obviously. In this game, you have to go up to someone and press a button while they're on the ground to kill them, like a finisher or something like that. You can also grab them and carry them on your back, which is useful if you're in a party and you don't want your friend getting killed.
(This is where the TW is so please be careful if you don't wanna see that!) Well, this guy grabbed me and brought me to one of the houses in the city we were in, and >! Pretended to have sex with my character. !< It was so immature and stupid, but I just felt GROSS. Like actually, genuinely disgusted that this was happening.
Now for obvious reasons I've never been harassed as a woman in real life because I haven't had experiences as socially living as a woman in real life, and I use games as an escape. But being treated like that, it genuinely felt like I was being harassed and violated, just because I LOOKED feminine, and it made me feel sick. I don't think I played that character after that, or reported that person, I just quit the game when it was obvious they weren't gonna stop and logged back in, trying to forget it.
I actually logged back into that server with a higher level character and got his ass like four different times while he was trying to fight someone else, but it felt like a hollow victory honestly. He did that to get a ride out of me and succeeded, and it felt like I was just being petty at that point.
I don't actually know what I was trying to do with this, but yeah. Am I being too sensitive? I feel like maybe I am, but I'm not entirely sure if I REALLY am or that's just me saying it's no big deal to try and not think about it. Thanks for reading my weird little rant, and I hope you're having a a good day today :)
submitted by Jomblorigoro to GirlGamers [link] [comments]