Tall dating

Tall Girls

2011.07.29 09:49 crazyex Tall Girls

🌟 Welcome to TallGirls – Where Height Takes Center Stage! 🌈

2020.04.01 22:15 HeightBlindDating

This is a sub for tall women dating short men, short men dating short women, tall women dating tall men, etc. Post about your challenges while dating, happy moments, pictures—anything related to dating heights outside of the “norm.”

2009.03.20 11:50 branston tall: Stand up straight!

A subreddit for tall-related topics. Come ask questions, post your pictures, whatever you want. /tall: reddit from a higher perspective.

2024.06.05 15:23 ImM3llow 26 [M4F] USA / Anywhere / Online. Free Golden Retriever energy BF, let me love you❀

Edit: DO NOT message me a simple hi or hello, with no information about you, Put some effort in to your message like i have, come on. Day+Attempt#203
Hello everyone, Thank you for taking the time to read, I know its long, I know - I know. But its worth the read, Trust me. I appreciate you immensely.
Here's a bit about me,
My name is Jay, I live on the East coast of the US. I'm looking for love - like everyone else on here.., but you may not believe or even be doubtful that I've never had a GF before with me being 26, but its true. I'm simply just not willing to "be with" just anyone and I'm very picky. I want us to be a match, more than just have similar things in common.
One thing I have always been told is that I'm a "Real Catch, I'd be extremely lucky to have someone like you" - WELL THEN TAKE ME. I'M FREE. LOL.
About me:
Physically -
~I'm a semi-tall guy, around 5'10.
~I'm thin but muscular.
~I have dirty blonde/ brown hair.
~Changing colored eyes.
~A voice nice enough to melt all your safeguards and get right into your heart and weak spots.
~I do not have any tattoos or piercings. Though I would like to get some eventually.
If you'd like to see a picture of me just ask and I'll show you - IF I may see you as well, I simply just don't want a picture of me out there for anyone to see.
-If there's anything else you'd like to know just ask.
Otherwise -
~I do have 3 pet bunnies I would be more than happy to show you, they are extremely cute.
~I'm a very honest and down to earth guy.
~I'm very patient and easy going.
~I'm very curious and inquisitive. I will try to ask everything I can to learn all about you haha.
~I'm Very VERY Kind & Caring, I will probably ask how you are feeling a bajillion times a day, simply out of care for you.
~I can get pretty clingy, and will always want your attention and to be talking with you. If i have someone im interested in i wont want to talk to anyone elseđŸ€·â€â™‚ïž
~I'm very trustworthy - you can confide in me, and entrust your deepest secrets and I wont tell a soul.
~I'm a HUGE hopeless romantic, im old fashioned and will always try to impress you.
- I'm, a BIG softie even though I may look a smol bit intimidating, but I'd do just about anything to see you smile or laugh. And yes.., I do mean anything.
~I'm a big goof - I will get up to some silly shenanigans ALL the time, I will crack dumb jokes and send you memes and tik toks just to make you happy, even if its from across the room I'd wait to see your reaction lol.
~I'm extremely loyal, and would never even think of cheating.
~I will cook for you, and clean up too, even around the house, I'm very self productive and don't ask for much. Just don't forget to kiss the cook.
~I'd also love to just cuddle up and watch a movie or read a book together, anything to get us closer. Id try to take you out on dates whenever possible haha. I have a million SUPER romantic date ideas I have but have never had anyone interested enough in me to take out. Here's your chance ;)
~I will always want to share stuff I find interesting with you, and try to share every moment of every day with you. I'm not looking for someone who can only talk for a small amount of time, I want someone who's willing to put in all the effort I put into them back into me, it goes both ways. If I'm "with" someone you are my TOP priority nobody and nothing else would be. You would be the only person I'd truly want to talk to, so rest assured I would NEVER cheat, even more so because no one is interested in me - Hence why I'm here hahaha.
I'm sure there is more to me than this snippet but I cant think of more at the moment haha, so get to know me and find out more about me.
Some of my interests are: Engineering- I'm a nerd. I admit it. I love being technical and hands on, I love building things. All kinds of things, from furniture, machinery, and reverse engineering anything I find. I love learning how things work and trying to improve things.
Music - I prefer music with a very fast pace, or with some very meaningful lyrics I can relate to. I love to sing along to music and songs that have a deep meaning behind it I can sympathize with makes it all the better. Some bands I like are: Bad Omens, Beartooth, Demon Hunter, MIW, I9K - The list goes on. I'm a bit of a metalhead unfortunately.
TV Shows & Movies - I love watching shows, and I'd love to stream some shows and have some E-dates with you, to get to know you, or if you are close to me, maybe we could do it in person. Some shows I like or more of the Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Comedy, Action, stuff like: National Treasure, Halo, BattleBots, Rick and Morty, AHS, Anything Marvel or DC, The Witcher, Wednesday, The Sandman, The Magicians, The Umbrella Academy, ETC.
Gaming - Yes yes I know, Basic guy likes basic stuff. But gaming has been a thing for me since forever. I know most of you wont care or want to hear that, but I'll leave out the specifics on this part unless you are interested in that, MEGA Bonus points if you are.
Here's a lists of Cons to dating me-
~I'm not Ryan Reynolds. Disappointing, I know.
~I will fight you on what goes on pizza lol.
~I'm not rich.., Yet.
~I can't pronounce Worcestershire.
~I'm slightly forgetful, but with good reasoning.
~(Not really a con but- some might disagree) I still have ALL of my firsts, Do with that what you will c:
~I've got an endless pile of love and affection and no one to give it to! What a dilemma! Help me fix it?
Other than that I'll save the rest for a bit more of getting to know each other.
Here's a bit of what I'm looking in you:
~Preferably someone with lots of free time, and loves to chit chat. I'm seriously not interested in getting 1 message a day. Though I understand people get busy, I personally am not willing to try to learn about you and form something with 7 responses a week. Effort gets reciprocated and I appreciate the time you put in me.
~Physically: -I’m not personally attracted to anyone who’s “curvy/ chubby”, I apologize. Not a shallow thing, I just dont have the attraction chemical in my brain for that, I’m sorry. -If you’re shorter than me, thats a plus to me. -I love dimples, if you have those when you smile, bonus points 😊 - I’m not sure what else to put.., but as for nsfw wise find out😂
~I'm a sucker for a different accent other than American, and if you have an Posh English accent you have already won my heart.
~I'm also only really looking for someone within the ages of 18-35. I don't want anyone old enough to be my mom lol.
~I'd prefer (But not a must) people NOT on the other side of the world, as other time zones SUCK. I don't expect to find anyone who also has never had a boyfriend either, but that would be a real plus. I also don't mind a LDR, but I don't want that forever. But it gives us time to get to know each other.
But as for attributes I'm looking for in you:
~Someone who is above all else very very Loyal and would never cheat.
~Someone who is Honest, and will tell me the truth over a little white lie.
~Someone who is Kind & Caring, who'd constantly check on me, and accept me for who I am & help me improve day to day.
~Someone who is trustworthy, and I can count on to keep my secrets safe, or even just help me remember things.., I do tend to be somewhat forgetful.
~Someone who is very Patient and wants to see me succeed and will help me do so, just like I would help you. Even if its small day to day things, I would appreciate your company ANY time.
~I want a partner who is Affectionate, can reciprocate, and loves to snuggle and talk about their day, and what their interests are, and what makes them happy.
~Someone who can admit they get clingy or overprotective is a bonus.
~A partner with good communication is key, if something wrong we have to be able to talk about it.
~A partner who likes to game with me or at least watch me play would be a plus but not a requirement.
~Someone with a good sense of humor and like to joke around, I am a big goof after all and I love to joke around. Sending memes is always appreciated and good to cheer people up too!
~I'd prefer someone with the same music taste, but not a requirement, Plus if you wouldn't mind if I send you love songs occasionally that's a bonus, or sending me some back haha.
~Being willing to voice call is a must, Texting forever is not the way to go. I have to know what your voice is like haha, later on we can video call if you are comfortable with that. I prefer chatting on Discord because Reddit messages of any kind I'm sure you know are unreliable and sucky in general. So please send me your discord if you have one :)
~I would LOVE to see picture of your pets if you have any. Bonus points if it includes your beautiful self haha.
I'm sure there is more I'm looking for but I cant think of it right now haha, I will have to edit this when I think of it.
Please tell me about you as an opener! I told you a good bit about me, now its your turn haha.
Tell me some things like -
~What's your name?
~Where are you from?
~How old are you?
~What are your hobbies / interests?
~What about my post interested you?
~Where is my TV Remote?!
~Selfie? Pet pics?
~Hit me with your best joke or meme :)
~What's your favorite candy?
I'd LOVE to get to know you, and see where things go.
But yeah, I know it was long I'm sorry haha. Send me a message and lets get to know each other! :)
submitted by ImM3llow to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:09 loveirelandd What Can We Discover When Exploring the Historic Rock of Cashel, Ireland's Architectural Wonders?

Title: What Can We Discover When Exploring the Historic Rock of Cashel, Ireland's Architectural Wonders?
Located in the charming village of Cashel, County Tipperary, Ireland, the Rock of Cashel is a treasure trove of architectural history and a testament to the country's rich cultural heritage. Known as the Cashel of Kings and Saint Patrick's Rock, this site has been a significant location for centuries, serving as the seat of the kings of Munster and later as a sacred place for the Church. In this post, we will delve into the fascinating history and architectural marvels of the Rock of Cashet, a must-visit destination for anyone interested in exploring Ireland's rich past.

The Historic Round Tower: A Marvel of Medieval Architecture

One of the most striking features of the Rock of Cashel is the historic round tower, which dates back to around 1100. Standing at an impressive 28 meters (90 feet) tall, it is not only the oldest but also the tallest structure on the grounds. The entrance to the tower is a staggering 3.7 meters (12 feet) from the ground, and its foundation is surprisingly shallow, only about 3 feet deep. The tower was built using the dry stone method, but conservation efforts have required filling in some sections with mortar to ensure its stability.

Cormac's Chapel: A Masterpiece of Romanesque Architecture

Another architectural gem is Cormac's Chapel, also known as King Cormac Mac Carthaigh's Chapel. Construction began in 1127 and was consecrated in 1134. This sophisticated structure boasts vaulted ceilings and sweeping arches, showcasing a blend of European and local architectural influences. The twin towers on either side of the nave and choir are a testament to the Germanic influence, as this feature is rare in Irish architecture. Other notable features include interior and exterior arcades, a barrel-vaulted ceiling, a carved tympanum over both doors, the magnificent north door and chancel arch, and the oldest staircase in Ireland.

The Significance of the Rock of Cashel

The Rock of Cashel has played a significant role in Irish history, serving as the seat of the kings of Munster for several centuries. Muirchertach Ua Briain had a fortress built on the Rock, which was later donated to the Church. The site is also steeped in local legend, with some believing that Saint Patrick exiled Satan from a cave in the Devil’s Bit mountain, 30 kilometers north, resulting in the Rock landing in Cashel.

Preserving the Past

Despite its rich history, the Rock of Cashel has faced significant challenges over the centuries. Cormac's Chapel, in particular, has been severely damaged by water saturation, which has affected the preservation of its frescoes. To address this issue, the chapel has been fully enclosed in a rainproof structure with internal dehumidifiers to dry the stone. This restoration effort has ensured the chapel remains open for limited public tours, allowing visitors to appreciate its beauty and historical significance.


The Rock of Cashel is a treasure trove of architectural and historical significance, offering a glimpse into Ireland's rich cultural heritage. From the historic round tower to Cormac's Chapel, this site is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in exploring Ireland's past. With its unique blend of European and local architectural influences, the Rock of Cashel is a testament to the country's rich history and a reminder of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage for future generations. [https://lovetovisitireland.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/278395310_411300124062273_3664718139204287925_n.jpg]
submitted by loveirelandd to LoveIreland [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:15 emgi2 [Song] Pepecoin Quest

Lets finish this community quest!
Original post: Reddit
YouTube: YouTube
Lyrics: In a castle far from here Lies a coin so dear Not a token but a crown Pepecoin renowned
Merge mined in the night With Doge and Lite so bright On its own chain it reigns Layers breaking chains
Pepecoin needs your aid For CoinMarketCap parade Join the quest stand tall Together we can have it all
Gold and silver out of date Crypto’s now our fate In markets vast and grand Take Pepecoin's hand
Knights of blockchain stand Across the digital land Layer one it proudly stays For its glory blaze
In this medieval haze Cryptos rule our days Pepecoin rise and shine Cross the market line
submitted by emgi2 to pepecoin [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:53 Stage-Piercing727 Best Empire Axe Pro

Best Empire Axe Pro

Get ready to level up your wood-splitting game with the Empire Axe Pro. This innovative axe is designed to make your wood-splitting experience more efficient, safe, and fun. In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at the Empire Axe Pro and everything it has to offer, making it perfect for both beginners and seasoned users. Let's dive in and discover why this pro axe really is "the axe that sets a new standard for wood splitting. "

The Top 18 Best Empire Axe Pro

  1. Fiskars Pro Empire Axe - Revolutionary Insulated Maul for Durable Splitting Performance - The Fiskars Pro iSoCore 8 lb Splitting Maul reduces physical strain with its patented IsoCore Shock Control System, while its optimized blade geometry provides efficient splitting and driving capabilities for tough logs.
  2. 2024 Axe Avenge Pro Infrared Fastpitch Softball Bat: Electrify Your Gameplay! - Experience unmatched barrel performance and unparalleled innovation with the 2024 Axe Avenge Pro Infrared -10 Fastpitch Softball Bat, designed to electrify the ballpark and elevate your game to new heights!
  3. Affordable Empire Axe Pro Marker Board with Programmable Features - Empire Shockwave Marker Board provides reliable performance with advanced features like Break Beam Eye System, tournament lock, and programmable firing modes for Empire Axe and Empire Mini markers.
  4. Empire Axe Pro for Professional Forestry Use - Cut through large trees like a pro with the PRA3516T Prandi Professional Axe, featuring a wide blade to efficiently cut wood fibers and tackle challenging forestry tasks.
  5. Empire Axe Pro -8 USSSA Baseball Bat: Advanced Composite Design for 13U Division - Axe Avenge Pro -8 USSSA Baseball Bat delivers a powerful swing experience with its composite design, charged carbon barrel, and ergonomic Endogrid handle, making it an excellent choice for 13U USSSA players.
  6. Empire Axe Pro: High-Performance, Efficient Tree Felling Tool - Fiskars Chopping Axe 28": Perfectly balanced, ultra-sharp, and ideal for felling trees, maximizing productivity and efficiency during wood cutting tasks.
  7. Traditional Swedish Wood Handled Felling Axe - The Gransfors Bruk American Felling Axe 31-inch Handle, made in Sweden, features a professional-grade axe tailored for tree felling and log sectioning - boasting a 4.9-star rating out of 39 reviews.
  8. Empire Axe Pro Baseball Bat - Lightweight and Spacious Drop 8 Sizer - Experience the thrill of advanced performance with the Axe Avenge Pro baseball bat, featuring revolutionary layering design, sleek end cap, and patented youth handle for superior speed, control, and grip in USSSA Baseball Bat competitions.
  9. Fiskars Pro IsoCore 6 lb. Ax - Experience minimal shock and vibration with the Fiskars Pro IsoCore 6 lb. Maul, a durable, high-performance tool designed for demanding wood splitting tasks.
  10. Gently Used Fractal Audio Axe-Fx II Guitar Effects, Empire Axe Pro - Unleash your guitar's full potential with this fully functional Fractal Audio Axe-Fx II Guitar Effects unit, featuring a wealth of extra tones and firmware updates in excellent condition.
  11. Empire Axe Pro Hybrid BBCOR Baseball Bat: L130K - Advanced Performance and Durability - Discover unmatched power and performance with the 2023 Axe Avenge Pro Hybrid BBCOR Baseball Bat: L130K, featuring an Armor Enhanced Alloy Barrel, Precision Variable Wall Engineering, and a Composite Hypership Endcap in a sleek design.
  12. Empire Axe Pro: Powerful Splitting Axe for Tall Users - The Fiskars Super Splitting Axe, perfect for tall users, boasts expert balance, power-to-weight ratio, and advanced blade geometry.
  13. Stainless Steel Raven Pro Empire Axe Pro for Mountaineering - Experience the perfection of technical climbing with the Black Diamond Raven Pro Ice Axe, featuring a stainless steel head, aluminum shaft, and improved grip for unparalleled handling and performance in any alpine challenge.
  14. Estwing Empire Axe Pro: All Steel Camping, Hunting, and Farm Axe with Durable Rubber Grip - Experience optimal camping with the Estwing E45A All Steel Camper's Axe - perfectly crafted for effortless chopping and cutting!
  15. Factory-X-FX310K Frankish Empire Axe - Mighty Frankish Axe, 26" overall, features a 5.5" satin-finished carbon steel head, 5" cutting edge, and a wooden handle, perfect for your woodworking or camping needs!
  16. Empire Axe Pro Power USSSA Baseball Bat - Max Power, Enhanced Durability, and Loud Look - Unleash ultimate power on the field with the Axe Avenge Pro Power USSSA bat, featuring a new Max Power barrel design, Enhanced ShieldBoost durability, and a sleek HyperWhip End Cap for improved performance and speed.
  17. Professional Empire Axe Pro Audio Interface with USB and XLR Connectors - The IK Multimedia Axe I/O Audio Interface delivers exceptional sound quality, versatile tone shaping, and seamless connectivity, making it the perfect choice for guitar and bass players seeking professional-level performance.
  18. Premium Audio Interface for Recording Guitarists - Empire Axe Pro - Experience unparalleled tone flexibility and easy guitar recording with IK Multimedia's Axe I/O Premium Audio Interface, the ultimate go-to solution for professional guitarists.
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🔗Fiskars Pro Empire Axe - Revolutionary Insulated Maul for Durable Splitting Performance

I recently got the chance to try out the Fiskars Pro iSoCore 8 lb Splitting Maul, and I gotta say, it's a game-changer. This beast of a tool might look intense, but it's surprisingly user-friendly. The handle is ergonomically designed, fitting the natural curve of your hand perfectly, which makes each swing feel like a breeze.
What really stood out for me was the IsoCore Shock Control System. This thing practically whispers shock and vibration into submission, keeping my hand feeling fresh even after hours of splitting wood. The blade geometry is another highlight—it cuts through even the toughest logs like a hot knife through butter, reducing the need for any extra force.
While I did appreciate the rust-resistant coating on the steel handle, I noticed that the head of the tool wasn't as easy to clean as I'd like. The handle material is strong and sturdy, but it can become slippery when your hands are wet from sweat or rain.
Overall, the Fiskars Pro iSoCore Splitting Maul is a powerful, efficient, and comfortable tool that's perfect for anyone looking to tackle their wood-splitting tasks with minimal effort. Just be prepared to wipe down the handle often to prevent any mishaps.

🔗2024 Axe Avenge Pro Infrared Fastpitch Softball Bat: Electrify Your Gameplay!

As a softball player who frequently wields bats, I recently had the pleasure of trying out the 2024 Axe Avenge Pro Infrared -10 Fastpitch Softball Bat. The bat's impressive performance immediately caught my attention, with its balanced swing feel allowing me to strike the ball effortlessly. The Charged Carbon+ material in the barrel felt durable and responsive, providing an exceptional trampoline effect.
Shock Suspension Technology effectively eliminates vibrations, ensuring a comfortable and consistent experience. While some batters may find the -10 length-to-weight ratio challenging, the 2024 Axe Avenge Pro Infrared is an all-rounder worth considering for its performance and versatility.

🔗Affordable Empire Axe Pro Marker Board with Programmable Features

Imagine yourself on the paintball field, equipped with the Empire Axe Pro. The intensity of each match is intense, yet thrilling. At that moment, your marker needs a replacement board to continue playing at its best. Enter the Empire Shockwave Marker Board - Mini / Axe.
I had the chance to try this board, and I must say, it fits like a glove in my Empire Axe Pro. The Break Beam Eye System Trigger Pull Indication made me feel like a pro, and the Tournament Lock feature made sure my gameplay remained secure.
One aspect that impressed me was the four programmable firing modes. It gave me the flexibility to adapt my game according to the situation. The NPPL/Semi-Auto PSP/Burst and Millenium/Ramping options were a game-changer. The Full Auto Programmable Functions, such as Max Rate of Fire (ROF) and Dwell Setting, made me an even better player.
However, it wasn't all smooth sailing. The lack of a battery cable caused a minor inconvenience, but nothing a quick trip to the store couldn't solve.
Overall, the Empire Shockwave Marker Board - Mini / Axe has become my go-to choice whenever my marker needs a boost. With a sleek design, impressive features, and a price that won't break the bank, it's become my secret weapon on the paintball field.

🔗Empire Axe Pro for Professional Forestry Use

The Prandi Professional Axe, aka the Empire Axe Pro, is a beast of a tool in my daily arsenal. With its wide blade, it's a champion at felling the tallest trees in my forestry projects.
But, don't be fooled by its rugged exterior - it's surprisingly lightweight and well-balanced. I've noticed that cutting wood fibers has become smoother and more efficient since I started using this professional axe.
However, it's not without its quirks. The blade edges can sometimes be a bit sharp, causing occasional nicks to my hands. Nonetheless, the Empire Axe Pro is definitely a reliable companion in my outdoor adventures, striking a perfect balance between strength and portability.

🔗Empire Axe Pro -8 USSSA Baseball Bat: Advanced Composite Design for 13U Division

I remember the moment when I stumbled upon the Axe Avenge Pro NTS -8 USSSA Baseball Bat in a sporting goods store. It's not every day you find a bat that promises to deliver on both power and control. As a baseball enthusiast, I was intrigued and decided to give it a try.
As soon as I took the bat in my hands, I felt the comfort of the Endogrid Handle. It was a perfect fit for my grip, allowing me to have maximum control and swing speed. The bat's Charged Carbon barrel truly lived up to its name, delivering the promised pop on contact. I felt the difference compared to other bats I've used, which made each hit feel more impactful.
With its 2 3/4" Barrel Diameter and -10oz Length to Weight Ratio, this bat was designed with precision in mind. The USSSA 1.15 BPF Stamp of Approval also gave me confidence in its performance. I noticed a significant improvement in my own swings and hits, making me a firm believer in the potential of the Axe Avenge Pro.
Of course, there were moments when I struggled to get used to the bat's new features and design. But as I spent more time with it, I realized the adjustment period was worth it. The Axe Avenge Pro proved to be a versatile and reliable instrument in baseball, and I'm glad I decided to give it a chance.
In conclusion, the Axe Avenge Pro NTS -8 USSSA Baseball Bat is a product I am happy to recommend for any serious baseball player looking to elevate their game. While it may take some time to adapt, the benefits are well worth the effort. With its innovative design and impressive performance, the Axe Avenge Pro certainly lives up to its expectations.

🔗Empire Axe Pro: High-Performance, Efficient Tree Felling Tool

Last week, I got the chance to try out the Fiskars Chopping Axe 28". It was a game-changer for me, especially when it came to dealing with trees in the yard. Not only was it ideal for felling trees, but it also chops deeper with each swing, making the job much quicker and easier.
What stood out to me the most was its perfected balance and power-to-weight ratio. Swinging it was just like using an aluminum baseball bat, which multiplied the power. But the real star of the show was the proprietary blade-grinding technique that kept the edge razor-sharp for better contact and cleaner cuts.
Despite its incredible performance, I noticed that it could be a bit heavy for some users, especially if they're not used to wielding axes. And while it made chopping faster and easier, it might not be the most efficient tool for tasks other than tree felling.
Overall, the Fiskars Chopping Axe 28" has been a fantastic addition to my toolbox, making tree felling a breeze.

🔗Traditional Swedish Wood Handled Felling Axe

One day, I found myself in the middle of the woods, surrounded by towering trees that needed tending. I pulled out my trusty Gransfors Bruk American Felling Axe, known for its exceptional quality and craftsmanship. The moment I held it, I felt a connection to the tool - it was as if it was made just for me.
The blade, made from sturdy alloy steel, sliced through the wood with ease, leaving a clean, sharp edge that made my job much more efficient. The handle, made from American Hickory, provided a comfortable grip and balanced the weight of the axe perfectly. The grain-leather sheath protected the blade and ensured that it remained sharp for longer periods of time.
As much as I loved this axe, there was a slight issue with its alignment. The head seemed to be slightly off-center, making it feel less balanced at times. However, this did not affect the axe's performance or its overall quality, and I was still able to get the job done efficiently.
Overall, the Gransfors Bruk American Felling Axe has been a reliable and efficient companion in my woodworking endeavors. Its fine craftsmanship and top-notch materials make it a worthy investment for anyone in need of a high-quality tool for felling trees and sectioning logs. While there may be a minor cosmetic issue, the pros far outweigh the cons, making this axe a standout choice for those seeking durability, efficiency, and style.

🔗Empire Axe Pro Baseball Bat - Lightweight and Spacious Drop 8 Sizer

Imagine stepping up to the plate with a new Axe Avenge Pro bat. I've tried it for myself, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. The moment I held it, I could feel the perfect balance and lightweight feel. The Axe Avenge Pro has an impressive 2 3/4" barrel diameter, making it seem like the bat can cover the entire strike zone.
One of the game-changing features of this bat is the ShieldBoost Blastwall. The revolutionary layering design makes it 13% lighter and 10% larger than the first generation model - a massive improvement. The HyperWhip End Cap also reduces weight, allowing for a faster swing and larger barrel. However, don't be fooled by the lightweight feel, as this bat maintains its durability and performance.
But what truly sets the Axe Avenge Pro apart is the Patented Youth Axe Handle. It provides an incredible swing advantage, offering more speed, control, and grip. It's no wonder that parents and coaches alike are recommending this bat to their players. Whether you're 11, 12, or 13, the Axe Avenge Pro is the perfect bat for you. Give it a swing and you'll see the difference!

🔗Fiskars Pro IsoCore 6 lb. Ax

I recently gave the Fiskars Pro IsoCore 6 lb. Maul a try, and boy, was I impressed! This thing is a game-changer, especially for those of us who have been through the wood-splitting ringer. The first thing I noticed was the handle - it felt like a natural extension of my hand, with just the right amount of heft. It turned out that the optimized blade geometry and the inseparable, riveted head were responsible for this comfy, secure grip.
As for the hammerhead itself, it's truly a beast: forged, heat-treated steel that can stand up to even the toughest jobs. The splitting face is a thing of beauty, cutting through logs like nobody's business. But don't forget about the driving face - I found it extremely useful when I needed a little extra force to get that wedge in there.
But my favorite feature has got to be the Fiskars' patented IsoCore Shock Control System. This bad boy absorbs up to 2X the strike shock and vibration of other wooden-handled mauls. I'm not going to lie, my body was thanking me after a day of wood-splitting with this bad boy. Gone were the days of aching arms and sore shoulders.
However, there's one caveat: the Fiskars Pro IsoCore 6 lb. Maul isn't exactly a lightweight. But hey, when you're dealing with tough, heavy-duty jobs, you're going to need a tool that's up to the task. And this maul definitely delivers on that front.
Overall, I can't recommend the Fiskars Pro IsoCore 6 lb. Maul enough. If you're tackling some serious wood-splitting tasks, this is the tool you need in your arsenal.

🔗Gently Used Fractal Audio Axe-Fx II Guitar Effects, Empire Axe Pro

I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Fractal Audio Axe-Fx II Guitar Effects, and let me tell you, it transformed my guitar experience. This device is packed with so many extra tones, including ChopTones Metal 2, Fremen picks, and an impressive array of cabs, some of which come from renowned musicians like Periphery and Misha Mansoor.
What really stood out to me was the flexibility it offered; you can easily remove the extra tones and replace them with the original ones, and all of them sounded fantastic. Plus, I was delighted to discover that the latest firmware update was already on there, making everything up-to-date. The item's condition was described as "used, " but it was in immaculate condition - almost like new.
My overall experience with this Fractal Audio Axe-Fx II was top-notch. It allowed me to explore my creativity and find tones that suited my style perfectly. It's the perfect companion for any guitar enthusiast looking to take their sound to the next level.

🔗Empire Axe Pro Hybrid BBCOR Baseball Bat: L130K - Advanced Performance and Durability

This year, I decided to give the Axe Avenge Pro Hybrid BBCOR Baseball Bat a try. The moment I took it out of the box, I was impressed with its sleek design and the impressive technology. Having used Axe bats in the past, I expected it to be a bit different, but it took some time to get used to. The Armor Enhanced Alloy barrel sure was a game-changer – it came hot out of the wrapper and remained strong and durable throughout my time with the bat. The Precision Variable Wall Engineering also stood out, providing a massive sweet-spot and next-level power.
On the downside, I found the bat a bit end-loaded, which made it challenging to swing initially. However, once I got the hang of it, I was able to generate more power and speed. The handle design, with the Shock Suspension connector piece, really did a great job reducing vibration, resulting in a much more comfortable swing.
Overall, the Axe Avenge Pro Hybrid BBCOR Baseball Bat was a game-changer for me. Its innovative technology and impressive design allowed me to perform better at the plate. I would highly recommend it to any advanced baseball player looking for a bat with some serious pop and top-of-the-line features.

🔗Empire Axe Pro: Powerful Splitting Axe for Tall Users

I gave the Fiskars Super Splitting Axe a try and it was a game-changer. For years, I've been using various axes for splitting wood, but nothing came close to this one's power and efficiency. The 36-inch design is ideal for taller users like me, providing a comfortable grip and perfect balance.
One of the most impressive features was the advanced bevel convex blade. It adds considerable power to the axe and makes it much easier to remove the blade from the wood. The low-friction blade coating ensures easy and clean cuts through wood, which I found particularly helpful.
The inseparable permahead insert-molded head technology really sets this axe apart from others I've used. The fiberglass handle is lightweight and strong, while the duraframe shock-absorbing feature adds comfort and durability.
However, there were a few drawbacks. My first Fiskars axe cracked the plastic around the head just a week after use, but luckily the second one seemed sturdier. Additionally, the handle's design might not be as effective as some more traditional axe designs. Some reviewers also noted that it's not as heavy as they'd like for splitting wood with tighter grain.
Overall, despite the minor flaws, I would highly recommend the Fiskars Super Splitting Axe for anyone looking to make wood splitting a more efficient and enjoyable process. It's definitely worth the investment.

🔗Stainless Steel Raven Pro Empire Axe Pro for Mountaineering

I recently had the opportunity to test out the Black Diamond Raven Pro Ice Axe during a treacherous mountaineering trip. The moment I held it in my hands, I was impressed by its lightweight and ergonomic design. The angled and slightly curved shaft allowed for better handing, improving my grip and pick placement on the ice. Climbing with it felt more natural and intuitive, even in the most challenging terrain.
One feature that stood out to me was the improved pick and adze geometry. It made the ice axe more versatile, allowing me to tackle various climbing situations with ease. The aluminum shaft was sturdy enough to withstand the rigors of the climb, while the stainless steel head provided excellent durability and resistance to harsh conditions.
A minor drawback I faced was that the axe did not come with a leash, which would have provided an extra layer of security during use. However, this was a trade-off that I was willing to accept, given the overall performance and usability of the Raven Pro Ice Axe.
Overall, my experience with the Black Diamond Raven Pro Ice Axe was incredibly positive. It proved to be a reliable and efficient tool for my mountaineering adventures, helping me conquer the steepest and most challenging slopes with ease. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a high-performance, lightweight ice axe for their next adventure.

🔗Estwing Empire Axe Pro: All Steel Camping, Hunting, and Farm Axe with Durable Rubber Grip

As a seasoned camper and outdoor enthusiast, I was excited to try the Estwing E45A 26-inch camper axe. With its all-steel construction and rubber grip, I anticipated it would be a reliable and durable tool for my next adventure.
Upon unboxing, I appreciated the well-maintained sheath and sharpened edge. As I began to chop small to medium branches, the axe performed admirably, and the shock reduction grip indeed absorbed much of the impact, sparing my hands from exhaustion. The 4-inch cutting edge allowed for deeper, faster cuts, and the nylon sheath served as a practical storage option.
However, I soon discovered a downside to the axe's strength. The all-steel construction, while impressive, made the axe quite hefty. After prolonged use, my arms and back began to tire, and I had to take frequent breaks to prevent fatigue. Additionally, I noticed that the rubber grip was not as securely attached to the handle as I would have liked, which caused slight concern about its long-term durability.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Estwing E45A 26-inch camper axe proved to be a capable and dependable tool for my camping needs. Its robust build, sharp edge, and practical features make it an excellent choice for those seeking a durable and efficient axe for their outdoor adventures.

Buyer's Guide

Empire Axe Pro is a reliable product that offers excellent performance. Before making a purchase, it's essential to consider several factors to ensure the product meets your needs. This guide will walk you through the key aspects to take into account when buying an Empire Axe Pro product.

Design and Build Quality

The design and build quality of the Empire Axe Pro are essential factors to consider. Look for products with sturdy construction, ensuring they can withstand regular use without breaking or deteriorating. Additionally, consider the product's appearance and how it matches your personal style. A well-designed and durable product will provide a better experience and last longer.


Functionality and Features

Empire Axe Pro is known for its functionality, and you should look for products with a range of features to meet your needs. Consider the product's ease of use, compatibility with other devices or software, and any additional features that may enhance your experience. Look for products that offer customizable settings to personalize your preferences.

Performance and Speed

The performance and speed of the Empire Axe Pro are crucial for a seamless experience. Look for products that deliver fast and efficient processing, ensuring smooth operation without any lag. A product with high performance and speed will be more productive and enjoyable to use.

Compatibility and Integration

Compatibility and integration with other devices or software are essential considerations. Check if the Empire Axe Pro product you're interested in is compatible with the devices you currently use or plan to use in the future. It's also wise to look for products that can be seamlessly integrated with other platforms, ensuring a smoother experience.


Customer Support and Reviews

Customer support and reviews are important factors when purchasing an Empire Axe Pro product. Look for products that offer reliable customer support, with prompt responses to inquiries and issues. Additionally, check online reviews to see what other customers have to say about their experience with the product. Positive reviews indicate a high-quality, reliable product, while negative reviews should be taken into account before making a final decision.

Price and Value for Money

The price of the Empire Axe Pro is an important consideration, as you want to find a product that provides good value for money. Research different products and compare their features, performance, and price to determine which one offers the best value for your money. Avoid products with exorbitant prices that don't justify their features or performance.
When buying an Empire Axe Pro product, it's essential to consider various factors, such as design and build quality, functionality and features, performance and speed, compatibility and integration, customer support and reviews, and price and value for money. By taking these factors into account, you can make an informed decision and find a product that meets your needs and expectations.



What is the Empire Axe Pro?

The Empire Axe Pro is a premium quality axe designed for both professional and recreational use. It is known for its durability, performance, and versatility, making it an ideal choice for various tasks such as chopping, splitting, and camping.

Who is the Empire Axe Pro suitable for?

  • Outdoor enthusiasts, including campers and hikers, who require a reliable and sturdy axe for their adventures.
  • Professional loggers, woodsmen, and forest workers who need a high-performance axe for their daily tasks.
  • Gardeners and landscapers who require an axe for clearing trees and branches, as well as splitting firewood.

What are the key features of the Empire Axe Pro?

  • High-quality steel construction for durability and longevity.
  • Sharp edge for efficient chopping and splitting.
  • Ergonomic handle for improved grip and comfort during use.
  • Lightweight design for easy portability.
  • Safety features, such as a guard and a non-slip grip.


What is the price range of the Empire Axe Pro?

The Empire Axe Pro falls within the mid to upper price range for axes, due to its premium quality materials and advanced features. However, the cost is justified given the axe's superior performance and longevity.

How does the Empire Axe Pro compare to other axes on the market?

The Empire Axe Pro stands out from other axes due to its high-quality steel construction, sharp edge, and ergonomic handle. Its advanced features and exceptional performance make it a top choice for both professional and recreational users.

Can the Empire Axe Pro be used for splitting wood?

Yes, the Empire Axe Pro is designed for various tasks, including splitting wood. Its sharp edge and durable construction make it an ideal choice for this purpose.

Is the Empire Axe Pro suitable for camping trips?

Absolutely! The Empire Axe Pro is a versatile axe that can be used for a range of camping-related tasks, such as building a fire, clearing branches, and preparing firewood. Its lightweight design and safe features make it a perfect choice for outdoor adventures.

What is the warranty on the Empire Axe Pro?

The Empire Axe Pro typically comes with a manufacturer's warranty that covers any defects or issues with the axe's workmanship. The exact length of the warranty may vary, so it is recommended to check with the retailer or the manufacturer for specific details.

Can the Empire Axe Pro be customized?

Some retailers or the manufacturer may offer customization options for the Empire Axe Pro. This could include engraving, color choices, or other personalized features. It is best to contact the retailer or the manufacturer directly for information on available customization options.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:52 wk0017 How do I get a first kiss?

Well, I'm 21F going 22 in a few months. I've had some health issues and mental health from 17 to 21. I'm still working on it
During this time, I've met guys right and every time, I'm able to identify sth I don't like or they don't approach.
Long story short, I get guys who are emotionally unavailable or unavailable and idk I seem to be attracted to that ,maybe to prove myself that I get them
The ones who are love bombing and you've only met once or twice, I even blush. The ones who make eye contact and you feel chemistry and never approaches so at some point they don't look at you anymore and will do it when they have broken up with their ex. The one who is desperate for sex and you don't realize it till later cause of his behaviour and is creepy. The ones who you give a chance and then you see how they are and they are a turn off completely. No effort till it comes to sex. It seems easy to get sb to sleep with but not to date.
I'm not looking for love or maybe I am, idk, cause maybe if u sleep with this person you may connect or no.
I'm trying to figure out this new dating lifestyle we have but guys it gets lonely I'm not looking for marriage, but even looking for a date, I seem to get weird guys
I've had some instances where I could have got my first kiss but out of all these experiences, I've never found sb who actually gives a shit about me like do for them
I noticed being nice is a curse cause they take advantage and mess with ur feelings.
I get that datingtoday, there is not much expectation to how long it will last but sometimes you even lower ur standards cause its embarrassing to not even have dated or kissed by 21.
I was self conscious as I got sick and lost weight. I promise I don't have anorexia but the conditions I have made lose weight quick. Guys most of them are ignorant. And in my country they like curvy gals.nothing wrong with that, just don't ignore the slim ones or tall ones or tall and curvy ones.
It seems I keep depending on if this guy likes me,then I'm pretty. I'm so tired of wasting my time on such assholes who just want to sleep with you.a guy once asked me for sex openly and I was like, do I really seem that way.im thin ans I was so shocked cause what do you mean, you are asking me for sex like I don't think I'm thay type of person. I am seen as a bookworm but idk whether it's cause I'm desperate or what, I seem that way. Bt I'm afraid I may never get a makeout or anything like that.
But I want to makeout as well. I'm not wrong for this. I didn't have interest in college but I'm at home now and I may never get it cause I'm at home
Some people assume I'm dating but I'm not, infact it seems I keep getting creepy guys and idk why I dont get it, they aren't respectful to me. One grabs my ass after one day of hanging out. I was so pissed. I would like my bf ass but I wouldn't grab it to make them uncomfortable.
I'm actually tired of people thinking I'm just a pretty person with nothing to offer. I must say I chose a wrong degree though I'm graduating, I am going back to college once I'm able to manage my health issues properly
I had not drive for anything and it seems I keep getting creepy guys.
I took time to heal over an unrequited love. I think fron there I didn't want to dateat all. I lived this kid in primary but wheen I shot my shoot, he looked at me baldy all the time and showed me the middle finger and had a gf.he didn't tell me his friend told me a year later. Can u imagine how embarrassing it was. It was like the ugly gal with braces(I had braces too) who likes the popular guy but he hates her. He got my number after school ,wanted to visit me after 2 years but I refused. We went to the same uni and we beer talked. I hated him so much, not cause he didn't like me but how he treated me. Eventually I texted him, we were friends but alot of awkwardness still, we greet each other but if he tried that stunt again,,,,
It took a toll on me cause I thought maybe it as wrong for refusing him, then I realized I actually like guys who aren't interested in me. I never get them or they don't approach me as I like them. They don't notice me,
I want that to change, where I can be noticed by good guys not creepy guys desperate guys.
Maybe even get a first kiss and makeout
What do you guys look for in a guy? That days yes. I'll date him. Guys always want to rush with me and its annoying.
Anyone can relate?? How did you go about it? Is there anything I'm doing wrong? How do you love yourself if you don't know what you are good at anymore? What am I doing wrong tbh?
submitted by wk0017 to college [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:46 wk0017 Getting your first kiss at 21 /22

Well, I'm 21F going 22 in a few months. I've had some health issues and mental health from 17 to 21. I'm still working on it
During this time, I've met guys right and every time, I'm able to identify sth I don't like or they don't approach.
Long story short, I get guys who are emotionally unavailable or unavailable and idk I seem to be attracted to that ,maybe to prove myself that I get them
The ones who are love bombing and you've only met once or twice, I even blush. The ones who make eye contact and you feel chemistry and never approaches so at some point they don't look at you anymore and will do it when they have broken up with their ex. The one who is desperate for sex and you don't realize it till later cause of his behaviour and is creepy. The ones who you give a chance and then you see how they are and they are a turn off completely. No effort till it comes to sex. It seems easy to get sb to sleep with but not to date.
I'm not looking for love or maybe I am, idk, cause maybe if u sleep with this person you may connect or no.
I'm trying to figure out this new dating lifestyle we have but guys it gets lonely I'm not looking for marriage, but even looking for a date, I seem to get weird guys
I've had some instances where I could have got my first kiss but out of all these experiences, I've never found sb who actually gives a shit about me like do for them
I noticed being nice is a curse cause they take advantage and mess with ur feelings.
I get that datingtoday, there is not much expectation to how long it will last but sometimes you even lower ur standards cause its embarrassing to not even have dated or kissed by 21.
I was self conscious as I got sick and lost weight. I promise I don't have anorexia but the conditions I have made lose weight quick. Guys most of them are ignorant. And in my country they like curvy gals.nothing wrong with that, just don't ignore the slim ones or tall ones or tall and curvy ones.
It seems I keep depending on if this guy likes me,then I'm pretty. I'm so tired of wasting my time on such assholes who just want to sleep with you.a guy once asked me for sex openly and I was like, do I really seem that way.im thin ans I was so shocked cause what do you mean, you are asking me for sex like I don't think I'm thay type of person. I am seen as a bookworm but idk whether it's cause I'm desperate or what, I seem that way. Bt I'm afraid I may never get a makeout or anything like that.
But I want to makeout as well. I'm not wrong for this. I didn't have interest in college but I'm at home now and I may never get it cause I'm at home
Some people assume I'm dating but I'm not, infact it seems I keep getting creepy guys and idk why I dont get it, they aren't respectful to me. One grabs my ass after one day of hanging out. I was so pissed. I would like my bf ass but I wouldn't grab it to make them uncomfortable.
I'm actually tired of people thinking I'm just a pretty person with nothing to offer. I must say I chose a wrong degree though I'm graduating, I am going back to college once I'm able to manage my health issues properly
I had not drive for anything and it seems I keep getting creepy guys.
I took time to heal over an unrequited love. I think fron there I didn't want to dateat all. I lived this kid in primary but wheen I shot my shoot, he looked at me baldy all the time and showed me the middle finger and had a gf.he didn't tell me his friend told me a year later. Can u imagine how embarrassing it was. It was like the ugly gal with braces(I had braces too) who likes the popular guy but he hates her. He got my number after school ,wanted to visit me after 2 years but I refused. We went to the same uni and we beer talked. I hated him so much, not cause he didn't like me but how he treated me. Eventually I texted him, we were friends but alot of awkwardness still, we greet each other but if he tried that stunt again,,,,
It took a toll on me cause I thought maybe it as wrong for refusing him, then I realized I actually like guys who aren't interested in me. I never get them or they don't approach me as I like them. They don't notice me,
I want that to change, where I can be noticed by good guys not creepy guys desperate guys.
Maybe even get a first kiss and makeout
What do you guys look for in a guy? That days yes. I'll date him. Guys always want to rush with me and its annoying.
Anyone can relate?? How did you go about it? Is there anything I'm doing wrong? How do you love yourself if you don't know what you are good at anymore? What am I doing wrong tbh?
submitted by wk0017 to college [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:42 GuiltlessMaple Best Emerald Green Heels

Best Emerald Green Heels

Emerald green heels are the latest trend in the world of fashion. These stunning shoes not only add a pop of color to your outfit, but also showcase your unique sense of style. In our roundup article, we bring together the best emerald green heels in the market. From elegant stilettos to casual flats, we have something for everyone. So, whether you're a professional looking to add some color to your work wardrobe or a fashion enthusiast in search of the perfect statement piece, our collection is sure to impress.
The article also provides detailed information on each product, including pricing, brand reputation, and customer reviews. Our goal is to help you make an informed decision when it comes to choosing the perfect pair of emerald green heels. So, without further ado, let's dive into our list of must-have emerald green heels for this season.

The Top 5 Best Emerald Green Heels

  1. Women's Green Chain Stiletto Heels - Enhance your festive ensemble with the stylish Ilio Smeraldo x Cher Bai Women's Chain High Heel Sandals in Forest Green, boasting a 4-inch stiletto heel and secure buckle closure for a comfortable and chic statement piece.
  2. Emerald Green Block Heel Pumps - These platform block heels, featuring emerald green lace-up pumps and sandals, add a confident and eye-catching touch to any outfit, boasting a comfy 4.0 rating from one reviewer!
  3. Allegra K Women's Side Zip Low Platform Heel Ankle Booties - Emerald Green, Size 8 - Introducing the Allegra K Women's Side Zip Low Platform Chunky Heel Ankle Booties in Emerald Green, featuring a just-right chunky heel, side zipper, and stylish faux suede design perfect for various occasions.
  4. Glamorous Emerald Green Heels for Days - Sparkle like a popstar with Azalea Wang's stunning emerald green heels that feature an adjustable ankle strap and lucite stiletto sandals, perfect for lengthening your legs and turning heads at your next event.
  5. Madden Girl Beella Verdant Green Heeled Sandals - Block Heel, Ankle Strap - Madden Girl's women's chic Beella Heeled Sandals provide a stylish statement with their 100% synthetic material, adjustable buckle closure, and round open-toe design, making them a versatile addition to your wardrobe.
As an Amazonℱ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗Women's Green Chain Stiletto Heels

The Ilio Smeraldo x Cher Bai Women's Chain High Heel Sandals - in Forest Green - have been my go-to for all those dressier occasions. From weddings to dinner parties, these stilettos never fail to turn heads.
Firstly, the ankle strap is a game-changer. Unlike many sandals, these are secure and comfortable, ensuring you won't be tripping all over the dancefloor. And the chain detailing? It's just the perfect amount of glam.
However, there's a little room for improvement in the sizing department. The size chart was quite off for me, so I would recommend ordering a half size up for the perfect fit.
All in all, these sandals are a stunning addition to any shoe collection. Whether you're dressing up for a special event or simply want to make a bold fashion statement, the Ilio Smeraldo x Cher Bai Women's Chain High Heel Sandals won't disappoint.

🔗Emerald Green Block Heel Pumps

As a fashion enthusiast who adores stylish footwear, I've recently been introduced to the "Emerald Green Heels" - a pair of block heel pumps sandals that have quickly found a special place in my wardrobe. These exquisite pumps feature a stunning emerald green color that effortlessly elevates any outfit. What I absolutely love about these shoes is their platform block heel, which provides the perfect balance between comfort and style without sacrificing on elegance.
The lace-up detail on the front adds an interesting twist to the classic pumps design while the high-quality material ensures these shoes remain durable and stylish for years to come. However, what could be improved are the straps, which seem slightly tight-fitting for those with wider feet. Other than this minor inconvenience, I believe the "Emerald Green Heels" are a must-have addition to any shoe collection.

🔗Allegra K Women's Side Zip Low Platform Heel Ankle Booties - Emerald Green, Size 8

As I stepped out in these emerald green ankle booties, the first thing that caught everyone's eye was the just-right chunky heel, giving me a poised and chic look. Easing into them was a breeze with the side zipper feature, making them ideal for all sorts of occasions - from date nights to music festivals. The combination of faux suede, rubber outsole, and ABS heel made me feel confident and stylish.
However, finding the right fit was slightly tricky. So, be sure to double-check your measurements before splurging on these beauties.
Overall, they are versatile and a great addition to any wardrobe.

🔗Glamorous Emerald Green Heels for Days

As a fashion enthusiast, I had the pleasure of trying out these Azalea Wang Popstar heels in emerald green. Upon wearing them, I was instantly drawn to their eye-catching style and the way they added a touch of glamour to my outfit. The pointed toe and green ankle strap felt secure, but the iridescent gems and gold detail on the front of these lucite stiletto sandals took it to a whole new level.
Walking in these translucent heels felt like walking on clouds. The 4 1/2" heel and 2 1/2" strap height provided the perfect balance between comfort and height, making them an excellent choice for a night out or a special event. Additionally, the adjustable ankle strap with buckle closure ensured that my feet stayed firmly in place, preventing any unwanted slips.
However, there were a few drawbacks to these shoes. Firstly, the sizing can be quite tricky, as some users reported that they ran large. In my case, I had to go down half a size to get the right fit. Secondly, the material of the shoe tends to wear down faster than expected. Some users experienced issues with the strap, while others encountered problems with the general quality and durability of the heels.
Despite these minor issues, I would still recommend the Azalea Wang Popstar heels in emerald green for their unique and eye-catching design. They're the perfect blend of comfort and style, and they're sure to attract compliments no matter where you go. Just make sure to read up on the sizing and quality before making a purchase.

🔗Madden Girl Beella Verdant Green Heeled Sandals - Block Heel, Ankle Strap

I feel like Cinderella wearing her glass slippers in these stunning heeled sandals. The bright emerald green color adds a pop of color to any outfit, making it perfect for parties and events.
One thing I absolutely love about this sandal is the adjustable ankle buckle. It ensures a snug fit, making sure your feet stay secure while you're dancing or sprinting to catch the last bus. However, it's important to note that the strap can be quite narrow, which might not be comfortable for everyone.
The height of the heel is another highlight. At 4 inches, it's tall enough to give you some extra height but not so high that it becomes a pain to walk in. Plus, the thick rubber sole provides good traction and helps absorb some shock from walking on hard surfaces.
Unfortunately, there were a few cons that I encountered. Firstly, the sandal lacks durability. After wearing them several times, the glue holding the straps started coming off and the strap started loosening up. Secondly, the shoe's structure doesn't provide much support, especially around the arch area.
Overall, I would give this sandal a rating of 3 stars. While it's stylish and comfortable when walking around, it suffers from issues with durability and support. However, if you're looking for a statement piece for a formal event or a night out, these emerald green heels might just fit the bill perfectly.

Buyer's Guide

Once you've found the perfect pair of emerald green heels, taking proper care of them will help ensure they'll last for many occasions. Always store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Use a soft, microfiber cloth to gently clean the surface of the shoes, and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may damage the material. For suede or leather shoes, consider using a specialized cleaning product and conditioner to maintain their appearance and quality.

In Conclusion

Finding the perfect pair of emerald green heels requires considering factors such as comfort, style, and quality. By focusing on these aspects and using the advice provided in this guide, you'll be better equipped to make the best decision for your footwear collection.



What are Emerald Green Heels and why are they popular?

Emerald Green Heels are fashionable, high-heeled shoes that come in various styles and designs. They are particularly popular for their striking color, which adds a unique touch to any outfit. Emerald green is currently a trending color in the fashion industry, making these heels a fashionable choice for stylish individuals.

What types of occasions are Emerald Green Heels suitable for?

Emerald Green Heels can be paired with outfits for a variety of occasions, such as weddings, formal events, parties, or even casual daytime events when combined with appropriate attire. The versatility of these heels allows them to be dressed up or down, making them a stylish and multi-purpose accessory.


Which materials are commonly used in making Emerald Green Heels?

Emerald Green Heels can be made from various materials, including leather, suede, satin, or synthetic options. Each material choice offers unique properties, such as durability, texture, and maintenance requirements, allowing customers to choose the perfect pair to suit their needs and personal style

What size range do Emerald Green Heels come in?

Emerald Green Heels can be found in a wide range of sizes, from narrow to wide width options. Generally, most brands provide size charts to help customers determine the best fit for their specific needs. It is advisable to consult the size chart provided or try on the shoes in-store before making a purchase to ensure a proper and comfortable fit.

How can one clean and maintain Emerald Green Heels?

  • Remove any loose dirt or debris with a soft-bristled brush or cloth.
  • Apply a gentle cleaner specifically designed for the shoe material, such as leather cleaner or suede protector, following the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Use a clean, soft cloth to gently buff the surface after cleaning.
  • Store the heels in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent warping, discoloration, or deterioration.

Are there any brands specializing in Emerald Green Heels?

  1. Christian Louboutin
  2. Jimmy Choo
  3. Kate Spade
  4. Sam Edelman
  5. Manolo Blahnik
  6. Aquazzura

How can one find the best deals on Emerald Green Heels?

To find the best deals on Emerald Green Heels, consider checking for sales or discounts at brick-and-mortar stores, visiting reputable online retailers, or exploring auction websites such as eBay. Additionally, signing up for email newsletters or following favorite brands on social media can help users stay informed about exclusive promotions and discounts.
As an Amazonℱ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 13:40 wk0017 Getting my first kiss makeout at 21/22

Well, I'm 21F going 22 in a few months. I've had some health issues and mental health from 17 to 21. I'm still working on it
During this time, I've met guys right and every time, I'm able to identify sth I don't like or they don't approach.
Long story short, I get guys who are emotionally unavailable or unavailable and idk I seem to be attracted to that ,maybe to prove myself that I get them
The ones who are love bombing and you've only met once or twice, I even blush. The ones who make eye contact and you feel chemistry and never approaches so at some point they don't look at you anymore and will do it when they have broken up with their ex. The one who is desperate for sex and you don't realize it till later cause of his behaviour and is creepy. The ones who you give a chance and then you see how they are and they are a turn off completely. No effort till it comes to sex. It seems easy to get sb to sleep with but not to date.
I'm not looking for love or maybe I am, idk, cause maybe if u sleep with this person you may connect or no.
I'm trying to figure out this new dating lifestyle we have but guys it gets lonely I'm not looking for marriage, but even looking for a date, I seem to get weird guys
I've had some instances where I could have got my first kiss but out of all these experiences, I've never found sb who actually gives a shit about me like do for them
I noticed being nice is a curse cause they take advantage and mess with ur feelings.
I get that datingtoday, there is not much expectation to how long it will last but sometimes you even lower ur standards cause its embarrassing to not even have dated or kissed by 21.
I was self conscious as I got sick and lost weight. I promise I don't have anorexia but the conditions I have made lose weight quick. Guys most of them are ignorant. And in my country they like curvy gals.nothing wrong with that, just don't ignore the slim ones or tall ones or tall and curvy ones.
It seems I keep depending on if this guy likes me,then I'm pretty. I'm so tired of wasting my time on such assholes who just want to sleep with you.a guy once asked me for sex openly and I was like, do I really seem that way.im thin ans I was so shocked cause what do you mean, you are asking me for sex like I don't think I'm thay type of person. I am seen as a bookworm but idk whether it's cause I'm desperate or what, I seem that way. Bt I'm afraid I may never get a makeout or anything like that.
But I want to makeout as well. I'm not wrong for this. I didn't have interest in college but I'm at home now and I may never get it cause I'm at home
Some people assume I'm dating but I'm not, infact it seems I keep getting creepy guys and idk why I dont get it, they aren't respectful to me. One grabs my ass after one day of hanging out. I was so pissed. I would like my bf ass but I wouldn't grab it to make them uncomfortable.
I'm actually tired of people thinking I'm just a pretty person with nothing to offer. I must say I chose a wrong degree though I'm graduating, I am going back to college once I'm able to manage my health issues properly
I had not drive for anything and it seems I keep getting creepy guys.
I took time to heal over an unrequited love. I think fron there I didn't want to dateat all. I lived this kid in primary but wheen I shot my shoot, he looked at me baldy all the time and showed me the middle finger and had a gf.he didn't tell me his friend told me a year later. Can u imagine how embarrassing it was. It was like the ugly gal with braces(I had braces too) who likes the popular guy but he hates her. He got my number after school ,wanted to visit me after 2 years but I refused. We went to the same uni and we beer talked. I hated him so much, not cause he didn't like me but how he treated me. Eventually I texted him, we were friends but alot of awkwardness still, we greet each other but if he tried that stunt again,,,,
It took a toll on me cause I thought maybe it as wrong for refusing him, then I realized I actually like guys who aren't interested in me. I never get them or they don't approach me as I like them. They don't notice me,
I want that to change, where I can be noticed by good guys not creepy guys desperate guys.
Maybe even get a first kiss and makeout
What do you guys look for in a guy? That days yes. I'll date him. Guys always want to rush with me and its annoying.
Anyone can relate?? How did you go about it? Is there anything I'm doing wrong? How do you love yourself if you don't know what you are good at anymore? What am I doing wrong tbh?
submitted by wk0017 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:56 RedditoBurrito_ Do the guys know?

As a 176cm tall and size L/XL wearing female (25), I deliberately post a few full body pictures on my dating profiles. With almost every match that leads to a decent conversation, I feel the urge to ask the guy if he knows that I am not skinny. I don’t actually ask it because I don’t want to seem insecure about the topic.
I get that this might be a bit of an offensive question, but my curiosity is getting the best of me
 Do guys know that they’re talking to a bigger woman and do they care?
submitted by RedditoBurrito_ to DatingApps [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:06 Psychics4U_net "Unlocking the Mysteries of 1029 Angel Number: Dive into Love, Twin Flames, and Numerology Symbolism!"

1029 angel number meaning is fresh start and success in the end of the journey. However there will be some difficulties that will force you to cooperate with people, and the spiritual universe in order to complete the mission.

What does 1029 angel number mean? There are many more meanings to 1029 angel number so the interpretation is done by understanding the symbolism of the sacred sign. In this article we will discuss the many techniques and topics that can be predicted like love, twin flame, birthday date fortune telling, career path, numerology calculations and the special spiritual meaning that guardian angels are sending.
For more angel number interpretations, check out our vibrant subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/AngelNumbersMeanings/
Related angel numbers you might want to explore:
605 angel number
902 angel number
2442 angel number

1029 angel number symbolism meaning

1029 angel number has lots of symbolism. So if we want to dive deep and understand each number, we need to divide them and look on the meaning separately:

Angel number 1 meaning: one in 1029 angel number is self-determination, you decided to make a certain move and will act upon it until the mission is done. One is the fresh start of any event or situation so the angels want you to know that your journey will be successful. Don’t worry if you currently don’t have all the details or information, it will come when the time is right.

The most immediate action you need to take is to start. Therefore if you had an idea or any other task you procrastinated for a while or even years, now is the time to make the first step towards it. You don’t have to do everything at once. Just start small and grow from there.

It also denotes huge success if you will keep on good and positive thoughts. If there will be negative assumptions than it will discourage you and will result failure for sure. The angels remind us that nothing is predetermined and we always have a choice to change the future. Even if everything looks bad and lost, don’t lose the hope. 1029 angel number is about taking risks against all odds.

Angel number 0 meaning: zero in 1029 angel number suggests a start, very akin to number 1. However it is a stronger sign because this digit symbolizes the divine or the universe. It is not related only to individual person but the whole energy or vibration surrounding it. Accordingly, it means we have to work together with the law of the universe. If something happen, it doesn’t matter if it is good or bad, we need to accept it. We shouldn’t judge people, nature or events by our own point of view, we need to see clearly the reason from a different perspective.

Yes, it might look strange or not logic but there are other forms of intelligence, especially unknown mysteries in which things are done through the spiritual energies of the cosmos. In order to learn these methods a person need to develop spiritual awareness and psychic ESP abilities.

Number zero in 1029 digits combination is also means breaking out the limitations, and in more particular way, to break negative cycles. Sometimes we might find ourselves in a loop with no exist. The angels wants you to stop for a minute and look up, change the daily routine and look for better alternatives because they are out there waiting for you to discover them.

Angel number 2 meaning: two in 1029 angel number is a symbol of working together in harmony. It usually denotes connection between two people like lovers and twin flame but might also imply on other kinds of friendships and partnerships.

The digit 2 teaches is a valuable lesson, when you see it the angels and the spirits prompt us that we are not alone in the world. We should ask for help if we are in some kind of trouble or a cross road where we can’t decide which road to take. It is always nice to have somebody near us when we have to deal with certain issues. However there are responsibilities as well. The angels are giving you a crystal clear sign to help others, to develop the communication between people and basically do good and gain positive karma.

The main meaning of number two in 1029 angel number is to make the right decision. It should be the right thing to do for you, but you need to take other people into account. For instance if you have a business and you are making a lot of money than you should pat more to the employees, give donation to charity and not enjoy the money only by yourself. As an omen of prosperity you have to share the good fortune and it will bring you more good luck.

Another symbolism is being enthusiastic. When you keep seeing angel number 1029 it means that you have a desire, a burning flame in side of the soul to create something new. Sometimes life is hard and there are conditions that might turn off the light. These are important phase to have fate and believes, the angels are on you side and will guide you to success.

So as long as you keep see angel number 1029 or any other combinations it means that you are on the road to wealth. However if one day they disappear than it means you did something wrong and must fix it before it is too late and the opportunities will disappear.

Angel number 9 meaning: nine in 1029 angel number symbolizing the end of the mission but not completing it. Number 10 is when everything is done correctly and you can enjoy the fruits of the labors. So although everything is looking promising there are still measures you must take in order to completely accomplish the mission. The advice of the guardian angels is to keep on hanging there at all cause.

Don’t quit what you are doing just because it is hard or it might take some times or you don’t see instant result. This is how things operate here on earth, it takes time and nurturing to see results and it is perfectly normal. Let’s say we want to grow a beautiful and tall tree.

The process will take many years, first we need to water the seed inside the ground and we will not know if it will sprout or not. In the beginning the seed is invisible in the deep layer of the soil. After few weeks or months we might notice a visible blossom and its size will be tiny. However only if we will put long term effort, than after few years we will have a beautiful tree with tasty fruits.

1029 angel number spiritual meaning

1029 angel number spiritual meaning encourage you to be open to mystic and psychics ideas. Be less materialistic and instead, think of how to fulfill the soul and create good feelings inside your heart. Buying too much items will not make you happy, and even so you will be satisfied for a while and it will not last for long.

When negative affairs will occur the material possessions will not assist you significantly. The better approach is to build a strong character, be more resilient to changes. A nice metaphor for being vigorous is like a boat at the ocean. The waves are hitting the sides of the hull trying to shift its course. The underwater stream is pulling the vessel to unwanted destination - a place where we might get lost. But more alarming outcome is when the water is shaking the boat extensively until it sinks.

But a good captain knows what to do in those cases. Sometimes he needs to run away from the storm and sometimes to enter bravely into the danger. So the angel are trying to whisper in the ear a message of guidance: take calculated risks. Define what is the situation and than choose the right action to apply. Like the captain of the ship in the middle of a stormy night, you will have to navigate according to the unfolding scenario. If you are clueless the angels will give you signs.

There are some numbers that related to 1029 angel number spiritual meaning and you should be aware of them. Sometimes they come near number 1029 and other times they appear instead of it. For example, if you look at the clock and it shows the time 10:29 in the day or night it is a sign from the angel. But you might miss it and than you see 10:30 or 10:33 which are second and third chances to receive following messages.

1030 angel number spiritual meaning is losing a precious lucky situation. So if you see it after 1029, you have to know that you have lost the chance. Another mysterious occasion will come after but it will take time. You will have to make few changes in the lifestyle you have been used to live for a long time. Once a new path or direction will be taking place the positive energies will deliver a new lucky day. Make sure you are well set for the next round.

1033 angel number spiritual meaning is cheerfulness. It usually appears in front of our eyes if we haven’t been open to see 1029 angel number or 1030 angel number before. Basically it means that you have learnt the lessons from the two previous messages you got from the angels. The karma has changed and soon everything will be miraculously solved.

Sadness is belonged to the past, so don’t raise it again. Focus on what you can change and do at the present moment. It will manifest wonderful future.

1029 angel number love meaning

1029 angel number love meaning is very promising. You are taking relationships, romance and unconditional love affairs seriously. It manifest by devoting all of your efforts to the happiness of the significant other.

Showing your affection is a wonderful thing to do, however keep in mind not to over do it. First of all if you will over shower someone with unconditionally love or too much gifts he or she might get used to it and will slowly will not appreciate it as before. You can also find yourself disappointed that you are not getting the right respond you have been expected.

The angels want to confirm that you understand the power of moderation in love. You feel great emotions but don’t over react as it will only leads to the opposite affect. Might cause break up, separation and divorce.

When we are trying to interpret the symbol of love in relation to 1029 angel number we see a burst of creativity. Meaning, the relationship is not boring, there is always something exciting to do. Basically you and your partner are always having a quest, both of you discovering new places, each other but also who you really are.

In a certain manner your soul mate is the mirror reflection of you. Compatibility between couple is extremely hard to work on if you don’t have anything in common. Sure, opposites attracts but only up to some extent. Similarity is a solid foundation in forming any kind of love relationship.

Therefore if you are single and looking for love, angel number 1029 denotes the importance of searching for a compatible match. How will you know that a certain person is the right one for you? it is very easy, once you know exactly who you are and what you want in life you will project this specific energy to the world. The angels will work hard to deliver a special someone into your life.

Psychic predictions about love are related to other angel numbers like 1028, 1032 and 1034.

If you bump into 1028 angel number it means you have learnt and gain valuable knowledge from past relationships. So it amplifies 1029 angel number by providing a clear statement saying you are ready to be in a healthy relationship. You can endure any situation in marriage by good communication with the husband or wife.

If you recently had a break up it means you will soon find a new love, it might be a twin flame as well. So don’t settle for less than you deserved. The right person is very close to you and you don’t even know this information. But the angels are seeing everything and luck is on the way.

Over the years, people in long term relationships have reported seeing 1032 angel number next to 1029 angel number. It signifies the mission of the relationship, you and your partner are together for a good purpose which usually is a complete mystery and we find it only after few years. A life mission of couples might be having children, having a family business, working together for the community and so on.

1034 angel numbers explained by ups and downs in relationships, it means that love affairs are not easy for you. this number is usually appears before break ups and after 1029 angel numbers has been revealed to you but you didn’t took the mandatory steps to address some burning issues. Nothing is not ultimately lost, you can still revise it but usually not with the same partner or personality traits you have been used to get a long with. The angels are opening new doors for you so go through the gate with new possibilities and never look back again.

1029 angel number twin flame meaning

1029 angel number twin flame meaning denotes creativity as we discussed earlier, but also so high level of fertility. Of course it doesn’t mean that every relationship with a twin flame will include pregnancy. It is an indicator of serious and meaningful connection between two lovers who will potentially might bring a child to the world.

Furthermore it imply on good structure of domestic life. Topics like relationships, marriage, kids, house, happiness and wealth are being taking care seriously and has positive influences on the quality of life together.

Angel number 1029 is a powerful sacred code of communication and so it has importance when it come to correspondence between husband and wife, girlfriend and boyfriend and friends in general. The number is associated with root number 3. It means that whenever angel wants to transfer a signal they prefer a vibration originated by this number. So if you will notice the number 3 popping everywhere it is clearly an advice to revamp the way interaction between two people are being made.

Couples who notice 1029 always want more from life. This is great because it motivate them to success and have unique thrill, they never get bored and they always have something interesting to do. However more often than not, it is very tiring. Think of how many preparations the twin flames has to make if they want to go for an extreme vacation or some complicated hike. Thus the angels want the couple to relax a bit, don’t chase the next adventure at all cause, there is also a time to sit quietly and enjoy simple activity.

Meditation is lovely practice which will calm your mind and it is much recommended to do in pairs. You and the other significant person can do it together as well. It will connect both of you on a spiritual level and help to understand each other although there are occasionally some disagreements.

Twin flames who keep on seeing 1029 angel number might see some other numbers with similar meanings like 1031, 1037 and 1040.

1031 twin flame number is symbolizing an act of jeopardizing something. So the angels want you to take less risk when it comes to relationships because it might result in break up or divorce.

1037 angel number is related to twin flame in the sense of being alone. People who see it repeating over and over again needs some time alone. They have special life adventure they need to participate in. So if your soulmate is too occupied in a certain adventure don’t interrupt him or her, on the contrary they need support and you are expected from them and the spirits to give them a hand.

1040 angel number is a code for small changes which is very crucial in any relationships especially if it’s a new one. Extreme changes are not something that most of the people are willing to do because it is very hard to transform all your life in one hour or few days. Therefore take little steps but make sure you are progressing with the romantic connection as well.

1029 angel number sacred sign meaning

1029 angel number is a sacred sign that has been known for psychic for hundreds or thousands of years. It is a universal code that inviting you to be an angel yourself, but in a different way. The angels are sending you the sacred number 1029 because they want you to help other people.

There are many ways you can aid those who are in need for something. It might be by donating money, giving away food, volunteering and teaching. This is an invitation to have meaningful life, to leave a mark, to change people’s lives and be respected for good deeds.

Consider yourself to be chosen by the angel for that secret mission in the near future. It is OK if you still don’t know what the task will be, they will guide you to the right moment of realization. For example you will notice strange number sequences in numerous places like car plates, price tickets, and street address. It will grab the attention because it will happen few times in a raw.

You have been chosen by the angels because you have unquestionable skills and personality traits that will serve you in the challenge. These capabilities are like rising sun and were given to you on the day you were born. A numerology chart or report complied by real psychic, will provide more information about personal mastery traits.

1029 angel number is about being focused because future events will try to sway you differently. You have other obligations like work, friends, family and many other things that are taking time and occupying your mind. You have to clear the mind and the soul, this is the only way to succeed. Ignore all the fake noise because it is just a distraction from the main target.

The angels showing you an alternative for the current path you chose. It is a spiritual quest that not a lot of people will ever take a part of. Furthermore, you don’t have to leave your old life behind you and live in solitary at nature. You can make tiny changes, be who you are and still get all the benefits.

1029 angel number denotes problems in the past. Your history is not one hundred percent positive because there have been misfortune events as well. Don’t feel sad about it because things like this happen to everyone. Still the angels suggest you should get over it if you want to open a new chapter.

1029 angel number numerology meaning

1029 angel number numerology meaning gives us more ideas and perspectives on how to interpret it in symbolic level. In numerology there are many more combination which are conveying the same message but differently. If we will scrutinize them we will have a deeper understanding of the concept of 1029 angel number.

The related numbers in numerology are: 1092, 1209, 1920, 2019, 2091, 2109, 2901, 2910, 9012, 9021, 9102, 9120, 9201, 9210. And they are all angel numbers.

For example the numerology meaning of 1092 angel number is vision. So if you would like to excel in specific field you have to vision it. The correct method to perform it is by manifesting the entire process from start to finish. It is very similar to planning but it is done in spiritual form. The details are not important at that very stage, instead concentrate on feelings and imagination.

In numerology 1029 angel number meaning is to pay attention to the law of the universe. Although we have the freedom of choice, we are still living in sets of rules governs by the cosmos, for instant the law of gravitation. So it limits us to a certain extent but we can bend the rule because today we can fly in airplanes, even though gravity supposes to take us down to the ground.

It is a matter of balance, how far we want to go and what we are willing to sacrify. Basically everything is possible, it is just a matter of how much effort you are willing to put into the challenge. The angels warn you not to waste the energy on meaningless or hazardous ventures. Energy or time can be compared to money, we have a limited amount of it and we have to use it wisely. Invest in the future and don’t waste it all at once.

When we create something new it all start with an idea or to be more exact in a single thought. 1029 number is a hint from the angels or psychic oracles to level up the mind in order to gain clarity. When negative thoughts are habitat in our mind they actually destroy any likelihood to be innovating. New possibilities are coming to us but we are constantly blocking them. If you feel unlucky or hopeless it is because you don’t let the good vibration to reach you. The angels stepped in to save you and this is why you see all the time the number 1029.

1029 birthday angel number meaning

1029 birthday angel number meaning is the strong point you have been born with. It is a parallel technique to predict the future according to the exact day, month, year and time when you were born. It’s like astrology zodiac signs but based on numerology interpretation.

Angel number 1029 is actually equal to root number 3. Here is the numerological calculation: 1+0+2+9=12, and when we sum up the digits in number 12 we get the result: 1+2=3.

Birthday number 3 denotes that you are a natural leader, you don’t like to listen to other people’s order, you rather be the one who is charge and command everyone. To do so it takes lots of self confidence and responsibility. When this type of personally is set the mind on something they will never leave it, not until they will get it.

The angels know you are busy and therefore they are sending you only the important signs, one of them is 1029. You like to solve mystery and have interesting challenges in life. This is why you should consider developing psychic abilities, it will expand the horizons into different subjects of recreation.

1029 angel number Biblical meaning

1029 angel number Biblical meaning in Hebrew is “Beth Hashshittah”. The translation to English is “a house near fields of trees” and the tree species called “Acacia”. This place is mention in the bible, from the wood the ancient people ofIsraelandEgypthas made many of wonderful instruments, like the Ark of the Covenant, tables and houses.

The biblical meaning of 1029 angel number in to be able to survive in extreme environments. The Acacia tree is growing in the desert where there is shortage of water and the sun is burning the leaves from the sky. So the angels signify the need to endure any hardship. Moreover the reason for your prosperity will be the surprising difficulties you didn’t see coming. You will only grow stronger and it will generate bright future for you, and for the other people around like twin flame, family and friends.

1029 inthe bible is associated with transformation of the soul. It is believed to help lost souls to find the right direction to the next world. It brings peace and serenity and will assist you to find the right thing to do in any situation. it will give you safety feeling that you are not alone and there is always a guardian angel who is watching from above.

In today’s world, many people have encountered 1029 angel number when they search for information like: factors of 1029, square root of 1029, police code, view street, king street west, road, calculator, exchange euro to usd, oz of gold worth in UK, online radio frequencies, urban restaurant address, train name, tax form, dictionary, year, in word is one thousand and twenty-nineth number, in binary = 0b10000000101. 1029 is divisible by which number? Yes, the numbers that 1029 is divisible by are 1, 3, 7, 21, 49, 147, 343, and 1029.
submitted by Psychics4U_net to AngelNumbersMeanings [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:48 k3lv97 27 [M4F] Netherlands/Online - Big kind guy looking for you

Hi there! I have posted on this subreddit and others before and thought lets give it another try!
About me
I'm a 27 year old Dutch guy, born and raised in Amsterdam and now living in Arnhem. I'm 2,05m tall and weigh about 135kg. I'm trying to lose some. The weight is definitely not too much as I have a healthy dadbod and the height/weight suits it. I am currently doing my bachelors in Automotive Engineering and plan to finish it in the next 2 years. I like to watch series, movies and like to game. I have a motorcycle and like to do an occasional tour with it, when it is not used for regular house work travel.
I have been a late bloomer and am late with most stuff in life. I'm also really oblivious if and when a girl is flirting with me. In my life I have been on 2 dates and on both I got stood up. After that I have never dated again. I am on dating apps but they just don't work for me.
I am now 27 years old and want to start dating again. I realized that I do want more of a connection with someone and that it becomes more than a one time thing. Would love to find someone that doesn't mind me having no experience and want to get to know each other. The most important thing is to find out if we connect and see what happens from there.
Let me know if you are interested and we can discuss more in the DM's. I prefer the reddit chat function
submitted by k3lv97 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:09 IcyPresence96 The reason you're single...

The reason you're single...
is not because you're X ethnicity, Y height, or Z attractive.
I'm quite late to the discussion, but the posts I've seen about loneliness and their general responses (and subtle misogyny) have been quite disheartening to see.
Some comments from a recent post: I * Pseudoscience: "women are wired to find the best and most ideal mate, while men are wired to seek as many mates as possible" * Overgeneralization: "Chicks love tall physically big men" * Funny: "you seem to be a nice guy and women like that for friendships... that's not typically an attractive trait"
edit: for clarity, I preceded with "Funny" because I found it amusing this commenter believes woman don't find being nice as an attractive trait
Neither women, nor men, nor non-binary folk are a monolith. In addition, we're not that different to begin with.
Trying to play a "bad guy" or some other character that isn't you would neither be playing to your strengths, nor match you up with someone that actually fits you and would make a great relationship. It's okay to be single and can even be a better alternative.
Meeting people with the sole expectation of dating them will disappoint you. Build up your best self and build great, authentic relationships with the people around you. The rest will come.
u/Aromatic-Arrival-389 posted this on another community and thought it might be helpful for you all 😬
submitted by IcyPresence96 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:26 ChucoTeacher Seeing the one you love with someone else

I'll always remember our first date, she was tall, even taller than me, I'm tall for a Mexican but not actually tall.
It was August 2020 and she said if I was ready for love. I said, I wasn't quite ready, but nice times with nice people was always there and if love was to happen, well it was to happen.
Love happened, little things and big things. November 2020, she asked if I was sleeping around, I wasn't but I was still talking to a few people. Am I a liar? I never lived down that technicality.
February 2021, she calls me and says she doesn't want to be just friends with benefits or anything and that she knows what I'm about and she's done.
I've been a coward, I've loved her since December, I make myself vulnerable and tell her everything. I tell her how I feel.
It's euphoria. She's so kind, and sweet, and tall. She's tall, I don't know why that matters. I get us stuck in the mud, she pushes the truck with me. She's so awesome.
I am so happy. Life is so good. Better than anything could be.
April 2021, she's pregnant. We're so incredibly happy. Oh my god, this is everything I ever wanted. I've always loved her eyes, I love them more now. I didn't know eyes could do that to you.
I was married before, for 11 years, but this is actually love and I know that.
May 2021, lost the baby. We're both hurt, we're both there for each other. This is love.
She actually already has a kid. It's time to meet him because we're in love, we're making a family of some kind.
The kid likes me. I thought that was supposed to be hard. Awesome, we're moving forward nothing can stop us.
Baby also means baby daddy. He's introduced June 2021. Holy shit, he's a terror. He's gay? Why would she have a kid with a gay guy?
Six years together and they only had sex the few times they made the baby.
He is not happy she's moving on, calls her a whore. I say he can't disrespect her. He says that's the mother of his child and they'll always have a bond. I say, whatever they are it starts with respect and he'll have to learn that.
We get in my truck. June 2021, our first breakup because i disrespected baby daddy. This can't be. It was a dream for so long and it's over this fast?
I send her flowers, apologies, she ignores me, 2 days later she's back. She still loves me.
It's different now. I mean it goes great for long periods, but suddenly breakups.
One in July 2021. Two in August 2021. When can we try to have a kid again? Ask that, break up?
Mom and kid fight it turns out. Kid punches mom, I stop it. I talk to the kid about his hulk feelings and how he has to be careful. Hard day. I did good I think. Guess what? Breakup. She says seeing her with someone not babby daddy is hurting the kid.
3 weeks of her being the gentlest, kindest person I've ever known. Then a breakup.
Rinse and repeat.
She goes through all my things repeatedly. I have to explain everything on my phone repeatedly.
June 2022, we start couples therapy, she cries a lot. She cries all the time. We get a book about how to disagree.
July 2022, we disagree.
Using I statements like the book says.
I feel like we should move forward. I feel stuck, I want to move in.
"Oh my god" "you feel stuck with me?" (Her)
She's about to leave again.
"Please, know i respect your need for space, I hope you come back in a few hours" (me)
"Don't tell me when to come back!!" (Her)
"I'm trying the techniques, I'm trying" (me)
"And I'm not, it's always my fault!!" (Her)
"Im done" (her)
"You can't keep being like this, if we're over it's the last time youre too crazy to know I love you" (me)
And it was.
We saw each other a few times. She brought the boy over in Halloween 2022 because he missed me.
We went hiking in March 2023.
I texted a girl and the message went to her.
She went on a date and came to my house crying afterwards.
Time passed.
She blocked me.
June 2024, she was with a guy at the Asian store. Matched the description of the guy she went on a date with.
She gave me go away eyes. I said, I'm sorry but I have to say hi. She said, no you don't, leave me alone.
It's over. Let go of that fantasy.
Heal. Let go of that fantasy.
submitted by ChucoTeacher to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:58 ChucoTeacher A love story. Over.

I'll always remember our first date, she was tall, even taller than me, I'm tall for a Mexican but not actually tall.
It was August 2020 and she said if I was ready for love. I said, I wasn't quite ready, but nice times with nice people was always there and if love was to happen, well it was to happen.
Love happened, little things and big things. November 2020, she asked if I was sleeping around, I wasn't but I was still talking to a few people. Am I a liar? I never lived down that technicality.
February 2021, she calls me and says she doesn't want to be just friends with benefits or anything and that she knows what I'm about and she's done.
I've been a coward, I've loved her since December, I make myself vulnerable and tell her everything. I tell her how I feel.
It's euphoria. She's so kind, and sweet, and tall. She's tall, I don't know why that matters. I get us stuck in the mud, she pushes the truck with me. She's so awesome.
I am so happy. Life is so good. Better than anything could be.
April 2021, she's pregnant. We're so incredibly happy. Oh my god, this is everything I ever wanted. I've always loved her eyes, I love them more now. I didn't know eyes could do that to you.
I was married before, for 11 years, but this is actually love and I know that.
May 2021, lost the baby. We're both hurt, we're both there for each other. This is love.
She actually already has a kid. It's time to meet him because we're in love, we're making a family of some kind.
The kid likes me. I thought that was supposed to be hard. Awesome, we're moving forward nothing can stop us.
Baby also means baby daddy. He's introduced June 2021. Holy shit, he's a terror. He's gay? Why would she have a kid with a gay guy?
Six years together and they only had sex the few times they made the baby.
He is not happy she's moving on, calls her a whore. I say he can't disrespect her. He says that's the mother of his child and they'll always have a bond. I say, whatever they are it starts with respect and he'll have to learn that.
We get in my truck. June 2021, our first breakup because i disrespected baby daddy. This can't be. It was a dream for so long and it's over this fast?
I send her flowers, apologies, she ignores me, 2 days later she's back. She still loves me.
It's different now. I mean it goes great for long periods, but suddenly breakups.
One in July 2021. Two in August 2021. When can we try to have a kid again? Ask that, break up?
Mom and kid fight it turns out. Kid punches mom, I stop it. I talk to the kid about his hulk feelings and how he has to be careful. Hard day. I did good I think. Guess what? Breakup. She says seeing her with someone not babby daddy is hurting the kid.
3 weeks of her being the gentlest, kindest person I've ever known. Then a breakup.
Rinse and repeat.
She goes through all my things repeatedly. I have to explain everything on my phone repeatedly.
June 2022, we start couples therapy, she cries a lot. She cries all the time. We get a book about how to disagree.
July 2022, we disagree.
Using I statements like the book says.
I feel like we should move forward. I feel stuck, I want to move in.
"Oh my god" "you feel stuck with me?" (Her)
She's about to leave again.
"Please, know i respect your need for space, I hope you come back in a few hours" (me)
"Don't tell me when to come back!!" (Her)
"I'm trying the techniques, I'm trying" (me)
"And I'm not, it's always my fault!!" (Her)
"Im done" (her)
"You can't keep being like this, if we're over it's the last time youre too crazy to know I love you" (me)
And it was.
We saw each other a few times. She brought the boy over in Halloween 2022 because he missed me.
We went hiking in March 2023.
I texted a girl and the message went to her.
She went on a date and came to my house crying afterwards.
Time passed.
She blocked me.
June 2024, she was with a guy at the Asian store. Matched the description of the guy she went on a date with.
She gave me go away eyes. I said, I'm sorry but I have to say hi. She said, no you don't, leave me alone.
It's over. Let go of that fantasy.
Heal. Let go of that fantasy.
submitted by ChucoTeacher to Diary [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:56 tstax90 M4f 33 usa

Hi my name is Tyler I'm 33 yes old from NY. I have blonde hair and blues and I'm 6'3" tall. I'm just getting back into the dating scene and looking for a nice girl to chat with. I like watching anime and sports and playing games on my pc(even tho I'm pretty bad at most gamesđŸ€Ł). If you're interested and want to chat hmu đŸ€™.
submitted by tstax90 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:45 chriso1999 Question for straight women

Would you ever date a gay guy if he ticked all the other boxes? Let’s say he makes you breakfast every morning, buys you flowers on your birthday, helps around the house with cooking and cleaning, is someone you can confide in emotionally, tall and attractive, knows how to have a good time etc etc. Would you do it? And I don’t mean it as like a summer fling. I mean it as a relationship that could possibly develop into something more long term/ serious. Curious to hear people’s thoughts
submitted by chriso1999 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:05 XxElectricgypsyxX Two Years Ago

Two Years Ago

Two years ago my question was if Kim is dating Pete, who will the tall skinny tatted up guy Kylie will start dating.
Look at you guys
. You’re doing AMAZING sweetie!! 😂
submitted by XxElectricgypsyxX to KUWTKsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:38 My_Punk Will you marry me?

Yes, this is a repost. It’s less than a month to the 3rd anniversary of her accident. It’s rough.
Since there are those here that have a burr in their ass and want to play games - they somehow think it’s better for whatever reason, but will post this one anyway. Oh and the name My Punk? That’s what I called her.
Thank you for following along mine and Ashley’s journey. As I’ve often said, this is as much for me and my healing as it is to give to little A. Sorry for the length. While this won’t be the last I write, I won’t go any further than this because this marks the last time I saw her.
June 2021
Since Ashley’s surprise visit in 2019, we have visited each other six more times. This would turn out to be the eighth, and final, visit.
While she was back in Washington, we would FaceTime every night without fail. If I close my eyes, I can picture this last FaceTime before her trip back here. Her hair was disheveled and she was laying on her stomach while we were talking. Some nights the camera is facing straight at her face, but not that night. She just had to position it where the curve of her butt was visible and those little boy shorts she loved to wear were on full display. She knew what she was doing and it worked - a cold shower was definitely needed. But I digress.
“Are you going to meet me at the airport tomorrow,” she asked while twirling her hair and biting her lip. I loved how she bit her lip - not all of the lower lip but just the corner. It was something she did when she had something on her mind.
For some reason that always drove me crazy. There was just something incredibly sexy about that and she knew I loved it. “I might make it,” in a silly attempt to tease her.
With a half grin, she shakes her head feigning annoyance. Just something about the way she did that. She sat up in full view and said, “remember this?”
“You kept it?” It was my old UGA shirt she had cut, making it a half shirt, and wore it all those years ago on Sundays when I’d make pancakes and she’d clean. It looked as good on her at it did back then.
The clock seemed to stop. Maybe even go in reverse. It was a Saturday and I was to pick her up at noon. This was going to be the trip I was going to ask her to marry me. I had made reservations for us to stay at this little B&B in Charleston. Holding the ring box I tried to think of a romantic place - Fort Sumter overlooking the water? The Angel Oak? The more I thought, the more my nerves were getting to me. “Maybe I’ll just wing it,” thinking to myself. That turned, incidentally, out to be the best idea.
Since I have joint custody of my kids from the previous marriage, I still had them when it was time to pack her up. In hindsight, it may have been wiser to drop them off a day earlier given the confrontation between their mom and Ashley, but I felt they should meet her. I had talked to Ashley about it and she was very excited to meet them. It wasn’t like they had never seen her since we FaceTimed nightly. Somehow they would find their way over to talk - however we always tried to talk after they went to bed.
As we waited at the airport, the kids were asking a million questions as all kids do. At least they were fascinated with something else, having never been to an airport before. Her plane was on time and it wasn’t long before she came down. She was wearing this little sun dress - instant flashback to the party. Absolutely beautiful.
Every time I met her at the airport, she’d literally run and jump on me, showering me with hugs and kisses. What can I say? She loved me. But not this time, it was all about the kids. Out of her carryon she pulled a small gift for each - something each liked based on their conversations. They took to her instantly, which warmed my heart beyond measure.
My turn was next. While she didn’t do her usual out of respect for the kids, she did hug and kiss me. She loved me.
They had a million questions for her and she was very patient with them. As we drove home, they did nothing but talk to her. It did not go unnoticed that she slipped her hand into mine as she’s done since our first date. They knew.
As I was making dinner, she got down on the floor with them and played games - things their mom rarely did with them. The motherly, nurturing side of her was coming out and it was a joy to watch.
I know what you are thinking, she stayed in a spare bedroom above the garage. As I was putting them to bed, they both told me how much they liked her.
The following day found all of us driving down to Jacksonville to visit the zoo. All in all, it was one of the best days we’ve had, according to the kids at least. The day ended all to quickly. It was obvious that it would have been a perfect fit.
Apparently my daughter had decided to send her mom a picture of her and Ashley. I knew something was up during the text exchange about dropping them off at our usual time. “Be nice” didn’t cut it. There was very bad blood between those two, and that day proved it. However, that confrontation will be another story.
“Your ex sure knows how to ruin a great day.” If words could be seen, they would have been red. Angry isn’t the word for it.
Quick thinking saved the ride. “Don’t unpack,” I told her. “I got us a B&B for a few days.”
She looked over at me and smiled. “Oh really? Do tell.”
“Nope” was all I could muster while trying to avoid the dagger eyes. I was milking it for all it was worth. While she loved surprises, the suspense was killing her. It was fun to see her squirm as she was like a kid waiting to open presents.
“Well, even if you won’t tell me you know how to put a smile on my face.” With that she leaned over and kissed me.
It had been a long, hot day at the zoo and we both were ready to get cleaned up. “I’m going to take a shower,” she said as she walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open. Now I may not be the smartest man, but I wasn’t about to turn down an invitation. Watching her undress was a thing of beauty.
“You’re staring again,” she said as she stood, biting her lip. Her form was exquisite - still a work of art. Stepping into the shower, she turns, “you coming?”
Invitation number two. I had forgotten that she liked her showers at near-sun temperatures as I jumped in a little too fast. “Damn, woman” I screeched as I tried to become one with the wall.
“I had forgotten how much of a wimp you are,” she said while turning down the temp to that of a flame thrower. “Now come here.”
Invitation number three. With that, she put her arms around my neck, “I’ve missed you.” It must have been a combination of missing me plus a little residual anger from the confrontation with the ex, but that was one interesting shower.
“Are you going to tell me where we are going,” she asked while laying on my chest later that night.
“Are you going to tell me that secret you keep mentioning?” See how that goes? Did it work? Not with her, proving that once again I know nothing about women.
“Soon. Very soon.” She was absentmindedly drawing circles on my cheek when she turned and looked me in the eye and half-whispered, “on our next trip, I promise.” If she could have snuggled in any closer, she would have. I went to sleep with her head on my shoulder and leg across me like I was a big pillow.
The next morning found her waking me up at 0500. If anyone got excited about trips, it was this one. She had the car loaded and coffee made. What can I say? I love that woman.
Convincing her to wait a while was a herculean effort. I was bombarded with more questions than my kids are able to come up with. Eventuality we went to this cozy little breakfast place on the water that we used to frequent those years ago. The perfect place for a quiet, romantic little breakfast.
There is something soothing about sitting outside on a deck listening to the water lapping against the pilings as we ate. She was very talkative and animated that morning, as she always was when she was excited. I don’t remember the conversation but I do remember thinking that I’ve never loved someone as much as her.
By the time we passed through Beaufort she knew exactly where we were going, as there are only two ways into Charleston from where we lived. She loved Charleston. “Is it that little place on the park by the water.” She asked.
“Yes. Yes it is.” We had seen it many times as we toured the area on earlier trips. Her eyes grew wide with excitement. She was happy and that was all that mattered.
We were staying in a quaint little carriage house tucked behind a 19th century house and facing the water. Beautiful isn’t the word for it. Amazing. The house was situated perfectly so one could sit on either story porch and enjoy the harbor breezes. The setting couldn’t have been any better.
After checking in and getting situated we explored the area by foot since it’s all centrally located. Battery park, rainbow row, old City Market - all of it. What a day that was. The spring in her step told me all I needed know. She was beyond happy.
She wanted to go to an upscale restaurant for dinner that night. She had packed this little black dress that fit her just perfectly. Combine that with heels and you have perfection. She looked like something you’d see in a magazine. I know, way out of my league.
She was drawing looks wherever we went that night, and rightly so. With her heels pushing her over six foot tall, she commanded attention. She certainly had mine.
After dinner we found this little dessert cafe/bar and rounded out the evening with a walk around the downtown area. The night was seasonably warm but not overly, with the breeze coming off the water. The stars were out and It was a cloudless night. Perfect.
We came across this ghost tour that had I openings. Fortunately, this one was a two person carriage tour. I know what you’re thinking, a ghost tour can’t be fun. Actually, our tour guide was great - but learning things not commonly taught is what makes it so good. Besides, what is better than a horse-drawn carriage ride just for two?
It was almost midnight before we got back. We were exhausted after a full day. Fortunately the shower was big enough for the both of us. This time I got to control the temperature. She loved having her head washed and as I stood there watching the water run down her back the only thought that came to my mind was that tomorrow was the day - the day that I was going to ask her to be my wife.
We went to bed the same way we always do - with her head on my shoulder and one leg across me, like I was a big pillow. She fell asleep almost instantly. Not me, I was staring at the ceiling and listening to the gentle breeze blowing through the live oak trees.
We slept in the following morning and after the complimentary breakfast, we headed out for the day - with the ring in my pocket in case the opportunity presented itself. She, being a history buff like me, wanted to visit historical sites. We visited the USS Yorktown because she’s never been on an aircraft carrier and also to see what I did with the Navy. While the Yorktown was much older than the ship I was on, it was still the same basic concept. We went from one end of the ship to the other. She had a million questions and loved it as much as I did.
We hopped on the ferry out to Ft Sumter. One would think that an old fort would be any sort of romantic place, but this one has its charms. We were standing on the parapet and overlooking the ocean when she moved in front of me and took my arms so she could wrap them around her waist. She leaned back against my chest while holding them at the same time. It’s like she was trying to make us one. “I wish we could stay like this forever,” she said.
Thinking this was the opportunity, I started to reach into my pocket when I chickened out.
“What are you doing?”
I had to think quick so all I could manage was “touching your butt.” Yeah, that didn’t work so well.
She turned and looked at me with that half-grin while shaking her head, “that’s not my butt, you dork.” One of the things I loved about her was her sense of humor. She took my arms and wrapped them even tighter. There was something about her, especially wrapped up like that, that just soothed my soul. If there is such a thing as a soulmate, she was it.
We had a busy day of playing tourist. Even though we’ve been to Charleston a few times, this one was special. This one was us as we were those years ago and should have been all along. I loved the way she would squeeze my hand just a little tighter when she saw things she liked.
It was after dark by the time we got back to the room. Grabbing a blanket I had packed, I asked to grab a bottle of wine and the package in the fridge, which were chocolate covered strawberries - her favorite, by the way.
“Your are just full of surprises, aren’t you,” she asked while wrapping her arms around her neck. If she only knew. It was now or never.
We walked over to the park and found a place near the water to put our blanket and lay our stuff out. There was just enough light from the streetlights in the park so that we could see, but not enough to spoil the stars and overall setting. The gentle breeze coming off the water was blowing through the massive old oaks. The sound of the rustling leaves was very soothing and helped set the stage perfectly.
Add the wine was chilling, we were laying on the blanket with her on my arm. The stars were beautiful and it wasn’t long before a shooting star appeared.
“Those are supposed to be good luck,” she said as one flew over. Here I was, under a beautiful sky with the girl of my dreams. How could it get any better?
Now or never. I had to move her head as I got up. “What are you doing,” she asked as she propped herself up on one elbow.
With my heart racing wildly, I got on one knee and pretended to get the strawberries. Pulling the ring out, I said “Ashley, will you marry me?”
There was just enough light to see her face. Still on one elbow, “wha” was all she managed to get out.
“I should have done this a long time ago. Ashley, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”
Her eyes started to well up. Of all the years I’ve known her, I’ve only seen her cry maybe a handful of times. By this time we were standing. She was crying full on - “you better not be joking with me.”
“I’m not, Ashley. You are my person and I want to grow old with you,” I said at I slipped the thing on her finger.
She looked at me then the ring and finally back at me. “Of course I will,” she said as she jumped on me wrapping her legs around me. We must have been sight for any passerby, with me completely holding her and crying with joy.
I don’t know how long we stood like that, but eventually we made it back to the blanket. After finishing the wine and strawberries we laid there a while just talking. She must have looked at the ring a hundred times if she did once. She was happy. I was ecstatic.
“Let’s get married in that little white church we saw in Gatlinburg,” she asked while looking at it once again and snuggling in even closer. This was as happy as I’ve ever seen her.
“Do you think your kids will accept me?”
“Are you kidding? They adore you. And they see how happy you make me.”
She smiled and looked into my eyes. “As soon at I get home, I’m going to book a flight back. This time you will get to see your surprise. Now let’s go to bed,” she said while taking my hand.”
It wasn’t until the sun was rising that we finally went to sleep. We left Charleston around lunch and the first thing she did when getting in the car was call her sister and family.
After arriving home, it was back in the car to see family and over to Steve and Misty’s. Time flew by and before we knew it we were at the airport saying our byes - and she was still looking at her ring. I had never seen her that happy.
The last time I talked to her was FaceTime on July 1, 2021. “I got our tickets. We will be there in two weeks.”
“You’ll see,” she said with a grin.
Her accident was the next day.
submitted by My_Punk to lostlove [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:36 SpiritualCareer658 Where To Watch đŸ“șBig City Greens the Movie: Spacecation đŸ“ș Online For Free Here's How

Here are options for downloading or watching Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation streaming the full movie online for free on 123movies & Reddit, including where to watch Universal Pictures's Dracula movie at home. Is Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation (2023) available to stream? Is watching Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation on Peacock, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Netflix or Amazon Prime? Yes, we have found an authentic streaming option/service.
🔮Watch Now🔮>> Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation Movie Online
If you’re into creepy supernatural horror films, look no further than Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation. Luckily, we have you covered on all the ways you can watch this new flick!
Based on a single chapter, the Captain's Log, from Bram Stoker's classic 1897 novel "Dracula", the story is set aboard the Russian schooner Demeter, which was chartered to carry private cargo - 24 unmarked wooden crates - from Carpathia to London. The film will detail the strange events that befell the doomed crew as they attempt to survive the ocean voyage, stalked each night by a terrifying presence on board the ship. When it finally arrived near Whitby Harbour, it was derelict. There was no trace of the crew.
One of the creepiest chapters of Bram Stoker’s Dracula is “The Captain’s Log” which tells the story of the merchant ship Demeter that sailed from Carpathia to London, not knowing that Dracula is aboard, hiding inside one of the 50 wooden crates it is carrying as cargo. By the time the Demeter washes ashore, the crew is missing, and the captain is dead, tied to the wheel and clasping a crucifix. The only thing that survives is the captain’s log, recording the deaths of his sailors and an eerie Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecationing of a “tall, thin man” — the monster Dracula. Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation, directed by AndrĂ© Øvredal (Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark) adapts this terrifying chapter to film. The Dracula we will see here is not the sophisticated aristocrat Gary Oldman portrayed in Francis Ford Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula, but the feral, bloodthirsty monster driven only by its need to survive. It’s Alien on a ship in 1897, with Dracula playing the role of an unstoppable monster.
The Dracula movie Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation will release on streaming after its theatrical run, and here is what is known about its streaming debut. Directed by André Øvredal, Universal's 2023 horror movie is the endgame for a nearly 30 year journey in Hollywood. The idea for Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation originated on the set of Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation's Bram Stroker's Dracula and had five different directors attached, including Neill Marshall, before Øvredal joined in 2019. The movie based on "The Captain's Log" chapter in Bram Stroker's book finally moved forward from that point on at Universal for a 2023 release.
This could prove to be a perfectly timed streaming release for Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation. The 2023 horror movie should begin streaming in the weeks leading up to Halloween, offering Peacock subscribers a new supernatural thriller to view and enjoy the spooky season. This could help make up for any struggles that Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation has at the box office or be another boost to the movie's success if it becomes a streaming hit too.
If you don’t think there’s anything creative left to do with Dracula, you may want to check out the upcoming Universal Pictures horror film Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation. Covering a very specific point in Bram Stoker’s original novel with more detail than any adaptation in the past, the movie will feature an R rating for bloody violence and may give audiences the Dracula film they’ve been waiting for after the disappointing Renfield.
There's a new Dracula movie on the way as The Last Voyage of Demeter sails into cinemas. Here's whether it's streaming on Netflix, Prime Video, and Disney Plus.
The film adapts one chapter of Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' and presents a new monster to haunt your nightmares. Curious to see if there’ll be any survivors on Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation? Here’s how and when you can watch the movie to find out.
When's the Release Date of Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation?
Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation comes out in the US and Canada on August 11, 2023. International audiences should check with their local cinemas for release dates as these vary worldwide. For example, the movie lands a day earlier in Australia, on August 10.
When is 'Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation' streaming?
Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation’s release date on streaming has not yet been announced. Movies from Universal Pictures are pretty much certain to arrive on their streaming service Peacock, likely no later than a few months after they’re released in theaters. For the time being, though, your best bet is to catch the movie in theaters.
Where To Watch Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation Online:
As of now, the only way to watch Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation is to head out to a movie theater when it premieres on August 11, 2023. You can find a local showing on Fandango.
Watch Now: Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation (2023) Movie Online Free
Otherwise, you’ll just have to wait for it to become available to rent or purchase on digital platforms like Amazon, Vudu, YouTube or Apple, or become available to stream on Peacock.
How to Watch Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation
At the moment, you can watch Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation at your local theater. But like most movies these days, it should hit a streaming website in the near future.
Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation hits theaters on Aughst 11, and that is the only way to watch it for now. Don't be surprised if showings sell out. We recommend buying tickets online ahead of time if you want to see the movie early.
Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation should eventually be released on Peacock rather than Netflix, (HBO) Max, or Disney+, given Universal's deal with the streamer. A streaming release date has not yet been announced.
As you may or may not know, movies generally have a theatrical window of 4 weeks to 45 days. A movie such as Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation can be different, staying in theaters anywhere from a week to the full standard theatrical window. At this point, it seems safe to assume the film will be in theaters for about a month at most, meaning those who want to rent or purchase the movie digitally will be able to do so by the beginning of September. A physical media release could go either way, and we honestly can’t say for sure whether or not there’s going to be one. If Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation does come to Blu-ray, it will be a couple of weeks into September more likely than not.
If you’re into creepy supernatural horror films, look no further than Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation
While Peacock is technically available for free, big recent releases like Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation and The Super Mario Bros. Movie typically require a paid subscription. Currently, Peacock has two subscription plans, Premium and Premium Plus. Both can be paid monthly or yearly at a 17% discount. Premium offers the entire Peacock library, live sports & events, current NBC and Bravo Shows, and 50+ live channels, all with limited ads for $4.99 per month or $49.99 per year. Premium Plus removes most ads from the service (outside live events and channels) and the ability to download and watch select titles without an internet connection and your local NBC channel for $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year.
Is Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation streaming?
Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation is not streaming right now, but we’d expect to see it on Peacock at some point in the near future.
The movie is a Universal Pictures release, so we’d expect the studio to debut it on its own streaming platform. It will almost certainly be available to rent or buy on other VOD services too. For now, though, you can stream this year’s other Dracula movie, Renfield, on Peacock.
When Will Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation Be on Streaming?
Universal has not announced an official Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation streaming release date as of this writing, but it is likely to happen in October. The studio does not have a standard operating procedure for when their theatrical movies release on Peacock, as each decision is made depending on the movie's success. However, the majority of their movies begin streaming on Peacock around 50 days after their theatrical debuts. With an August 11, 2023 release date, Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation releasing on streaming around 50 days later would put it in early October.
This could prove to be a perfectly timed streaming release for Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation. The 2023 horror movie should begin streaming in the weeks leading up to Halloween, offering Peacock subscribers a new supernatural thriller to view and enjoy the spooky season. This could help make up for any struggles that Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation has at the box office or be another boost to the movie's success if it becomes a streaming hit too.
Universal releases like Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation go directly to Peacock, so those who plan to wait for streaming will probably be able to enjoy the film on Peacock by November or December.
Is Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation streaming on Peacock?
Universal has not confirmed an exact Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation streaming release date, but it is known that Universal Pictures's movie will stream on Peacock when the time comes. The studio does not have a set timeline for when its theatrical movies move to streaming. M3GAN, Knock at the Cabin, Cocaine Bear, and Renfield all moved to Peacock in roughly 50 days, while Fast X sped to streaming after only 21 days. The Super Mario Bros. Movie releases on Peacock 120 days after its debut due to its strong box office performance. When Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation releases on streaming it is expected to be an anomaly thanks to Bram Stoker's demands.
While those who want to watch Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation at home might have to wait until October 2023 to do so on a streaming service, the digital release provides another option. Universal has acted quickly in the past to put their movies on Digital as a means to make more money from those willing to pay the PVOD price to watch movies not in theaters. This can be done as quickly as in three weeks in some cases. Unless the Dracula movie is a surprise box office hit, Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation releasing on Digital in September 2023 is very likely.
When Will Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation Be On Peacock?
While a Peacock release date for Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation has not yet been announced, we can make an estimate based on another recent film distributed by Universal Pictures. Cocaine Bear was released in theaters on Feb. 24 before joining the streaming platform on April 14 — a little over 45 days after its debut. If Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation follows the same trajectory, it should come to Peacock by early September 2023.
However, other movies like Nope have taken a little longer to reach the streamer (more than 100 days, to be exact) so it’s best to take this estimate with a grain of salt.
Is Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation streaming on Netflix?
No, it will not be on Netflix. Universal’s Dracula movie ‘Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation’ will not be available for streaming on Netflix anytime soon in the USA due to its streaming and production rights. As an official Universal Pictures production, ‘Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation‘ will be exclusively streaming on NBCUniversal’s Peacock following its 45-day theatrical window. Additionally, there is no streaming deal between Netflix and Universal related to ‘Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation’ or other films produced by Universal. As a result, it’s almost impossible to stream ‘Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation’ on Netflix in the USA.
Will Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation Be On Max?
No, Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation will not be on Max since it’s not a Warner Bros. movie. The platform — previously known as HBO Max — also no longer does direct-to-streaming releases. Instead, they’ve implemented a 45-day window between the theatrical release and the Max release.
Is Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation on Disney Plus?
Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation is very unlikely to be on Disney Plus any time soon.
Disney had no part in the making of the movie, so they won’t be streaming it on their platform, for now at least. The service does have every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer though, to satisfy your craving for fangs. And we can help you out on that front

Is Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation on Prime Video?
We expect Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation to be available to buy or rent via Prime Video eventually, but it isn’t there right now. Instead, check out our list of the best Amazon Prime horror movies. There are plenty of chills to be found.
Is Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation Available On Hulu?
Viewers are saying that they want to view the new horror movie Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation on Hulu. Unfortunately, this is not possible since Hulu currently does not offer any of the free episodes of this series streaming at this time. It will be exclusive to the MTV channel, which you get by subscribing to cable or satellite TV services. You will not be able to watch it on Hulu or any other free streaming service.
How to Watch Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation Online For Free?
Most Viewed, Most Favorite, Top Rating, Top IMDb movies online. Here we can download and watch 123movies movies offline. 123Movies website is the best alternative to Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation (2023) free online. We will recommend 123Movies is the best Solarmovie alternatives.
There are a few ways to watch Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation online in the U.S. You can use a streaming service such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video. You can also rent or buy the movie on iTunes or Google Play. You can also watch it on-demand or on a streaming app available on your TV or streaming device if you have cable.
When will Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation Be on DVD and Blu-ray?
Universal Pictures has yet to announce the release date of Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation on DVD and Blu-ray as well. If it’s any indication, Universal’s other vampire movie Renfield came out on DVD and Blu-ray on June 6, 2023, less than two months after the movie was released on April 14, 2023.
What Is Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation About?
Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation (also known as Dracula: Voyage of the Demeter in some international markets) is an upcoming American supernatural horror film directed by André Øvredal and written by Bragi F. Schut Jr. and Zak Olkewicz. It is an adaptation of "The Captain's Log", a chapter from the 1897 Bram Stoker novel Dracula. The film stars Corey Hawkins, Aisling Franciosi, Liam Cunningham, and David Dastmalchian. Its plot follows the doomed crew of the merchant ship Demeter who attempt to survive the treacherous ocean voyage while being stalked by a vampire, known only as Dracula.
submitted by SpiritualCareer658 to treemovies [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:34 SpiritualCareer658 Where To Watch đŸ“șThe Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes đŸ“ș Online For Free Here's How

Here are options for downloading or watching The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes streaming the full movie online for free on 123movies & Reddit, including where to watch Universal Pictures's Dracula movie at home. Is The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes (2023) available to stream? Is watching The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes on Peacock, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Netflix or Amazon Prime? Yes, we have found an authentic streaming option/service.
🔮Watch Now🔮>> The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie Online
If you’re into creepy supernatural horror films, look no further than The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes. Luckily, we have you covered on all the ways you can watch this new flick!
Based on a single chapter, the Captain's Log, from Bram Stoker's classic 1897 novel "Dracula", the story is set aboard the Russian schooner Demeter, which was chartered to carry private cargo - 24 unmarked wooden crates - from Carpathia to London. The film will detail the strange events that befell the doomed crew as they attempt to survive the ocean voyage, stalked each night by a terrifying presence on board the ship. When it finally arrived near Whitby Harbour, it was derelict. There was no trace of the crew.
One of the creepiest chapters of Bram Stoker’s Dracula is “The Captain’s Log” which tells the story of the merchant ship Demeter that sailed from Carpathia to London, not knowing that Dracula is aboard, hiding inside one of the 50 wooden crates it is carrying as cargo. By the time the Demeter washes ashore, the crew is missing, and the captain is dead, tied to the wheel and clasping a crucifix. The only thing that survives is the captain’s log, recording the deaths of his sailors and an eerie The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunesing of a “tall, thin man” — the monster Dracula. The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes, directed by AndrĂ© Øvredal (Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark) adapts this terrifying chapter to film. The Dracula we will see here is not the sophisticated aristocrat Gary Oldman portrayed in Francis Ford Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula, but the feral, bloodthirsty monster driven only by its need to survive. It’s Alien on a ship in 1897, with Dracula playing the role of an unstoppable monster.
The Dracula movie The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes will release on streaming after its theatrical run, and here is what is known about its streaming debut. Directed by André Øvredal, Universal's 2023 horror movie is the endgame for a nearly 30 year journey in Hollywood. The idea for The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes originated on the set of The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes's Bram Stroker's Dracula and had five different directors attached, including Neill Marshall, before Øvredal joined in 2019. The movie based on "The Captain's Log" chapter in Bram Stroker's book finally moved forward from that point on at Universal for a 2023 release.
This could prove to be a perfectly timed streaming release for The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes. The 2023 horror movie should begin streaming in the weeks leading up to Halloween, offering Peacock subscribers a new supernatural thriller to view and enjoy the spooky season. This could help make up for any struggles that The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes has at the box office or be another boost to the movie's success if it becomes a streaming hit too.
If you don’t think there’s anything creative left to do with Dracula, you may want to check out the upcoming Universal Pictures horror film The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes. Covering a very specific point in Bram Stoker’s original novel with more detail than any adaptation in the past, the movie will feature an R rating for bloody violence and may give audiences the Dracula film they’ve been waiting for after the disappointing Renfield.
There's a new Dracula movie on the way as The Last Voyage of Demeter sails into cinemas. Here's whether it's streaming on Netflix, Prime Video, and Disney Plus.
The film adapts one chapter of Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' and presents a new monster to haunt your nightmares. Curious to see if there’ll be any survivors on The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes? Here’s how and when you can watch the movie to find out.
When's the Release Date of The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes?
The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes comes out in the US and Canada on August 11, 2023. International audiences should check with their local cinemas for release dates as these vary worldwide. For example, the movie lands a day earlier in Australia, on August 10.
When is 'The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes' streaming?
The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes’s release date on streaming has not yet been announced. Movies from Universal Pictures are pretty much certain to arrive on their streaming service Peacock, likely no later than a few months after they’re released in theaters. For the time being, though, your best bet is to catch the movie in theaters.
Where To Watch The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Online:
As of now, the only way to watch The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes is to head out to a movie theater when it premieres on August 11, 2023. You can find a local showing on Fandango.
Watch Now: The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes (2023) Movie Online Free
Otherwise, you’ll just have to wait for it to become available to rent or purchase on digital platforms like Amazon, Vudu, YouTube or Apple, or become available to stream on Peacock.
How to Watch The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes
At the moment, you can watch The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes at your local theater. But like most movies these days, it should hit a streaming website in the near future.
The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes hits theaters on Aughst 11, and that is the only way to watch it for now. Don't be surprised if showings sell out. We recommend buying tickets online ahead of time if you want to see the movie early.
The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes should eventually be released on Peacock rather than Netflix, (HBO) Max, or Disney+, given Universal's deal with the streamer. A streaming release date has not yet been announced.
As you may or may not know, movies generally have a theatrical window of 4 weeks to 45 days. A movie such as The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes can be different, staying in theaters anywhere from a week to the full standard theatrical window. At this point, it seems safe to assume the film will be in theaters for about a month at most, meaning those who want to rent or purchase the movie digitally will be able to do so by the beginning of September. A physical media release could go either way, and we honestly can’t say for sure whether or not there’s going to be one. If The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes does come to Blu-ray, it will be a couple of weeks into September more likely than not.
If you’re into creepy supernatural horror films, look no further than The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes
While Peacock is technically available for free, big recent releases like The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes and The Super Mario Bros. Movie typically require a paid subscription. Currently, Peacock has two subscription plans, Premium and Premium Plus. Both can be paid monthly or yearly at a 17% discount. Premium offers the entire Peacock library, live sports & events, current NBC and Bravo Shows, and 50+ live channels, all with limited ads for $4.99 per month or $49.99 per year. Premium Plus removes most ads from the service (outside live events and channels) and the ability to download and watch select titles without an internet connection and your local NBC channel for $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year.
Is The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes streaming?
The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes is not streaming right now, but we’d expect to see it on Peacock at some point in the near future.
The movie is a Universal Pictures release, so we’d expect the studio to debut it on its own streaming platform. It will almost certainly be available to rent or buy on other VOD services too. For now, though, you can stream this year’s other Dracula movie, Renfield, on Peacock.
When Will The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Be on Streaming?
Universal has not announced an official The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes streaming release date as of this writing, but it is likely to happen in October. The studio does not have a standard operating procedure for when their theatrical movies release on Peacock, as each decision is made depending on the movie's success. However, the majority of their movies begin streaming on Peacock around 50 days after their theatrical debuts. With an August 11, 2023 release date, The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes releasing on streaming around 50 days later would put it in early October.
This could prove to be a perfectly timed streaming release for The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes. The 2023 horror movie should begin streaming in the weeks leading up to Halloween, offering Peacock subscribers a new supernatural thriller to view and enjoy the spooky season. This could help make up for any struggles that The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes has at the box office or be another boost to the movie's success if it becomes a streaming hit too.
Universal releases like The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes go directly to Peacock, so those who plan to wait for streaming will probably be able to enjoy the film on Peacock by November or December.
Is The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes streaming on Peacock?
Universal has not confirmed an exact The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes streaming release date, but it is known that Universal Pictures's movie will stream on Peacock when the time comes. The studio does not have a set timeline for when its theatrical movies move to streaming. M3GAN, Knock at the Cabin, Cocaine Bear, and Renfield all moved to Peacock in roughly 50 days, while Fast X sped to streaming after only 21 days. The Super Mario Bros. Movie releases on Peacock 120 days after its debut due to its strong box office performance. When The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes releases on streaming it is expected to be an anomaly thanks to Bram Stoker's demands.
While those who want to watch The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes at home might have to wait until October 2023 to do so on a streaming service, the digital release provides another option. Universal has acted quickly in the past to put their movies on Digital as a means to make more money from those willing to pay the PVOD price to watch movies not in theaters. This can be done as quickly as in three weeks in some cases. Unless the Dracula movie is a surprise box office hit, The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes releasing on Digital in September 2023 is very likely.
When Will The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Be On Peacock?
While a Peacock release date for The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes has not yet been announced, we can make an estimate based on another recent film distributed by Universal Pictures. Cocaine Bear was released in theaters on Feb. 24 before joining the streaming platform on April 14 — a little over 45 days after its debut. If The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes follows the same trajectory, it should come to Peacock by early September 2023.
However, other movies like Nope have taken a little longer to reach the streamer (more than 100 days, to be exact) so it’s best to take this estimate with a grain of salt.
Is The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes streaming on Netflix?
No, it will not be on Netflix. Universal’s Dracula movie ‘The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes’ will not be available for streaming on Netflix anytime soon in the USA due to its streaming and production rights. As an official Universal Pictures production, ‘The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes‘ will be exclusively streaming on NBCUniversal’s Peacock following its 45-day theatrical window. Additionally, there is no streaming deal between Netflix and Universal related to ‘The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes’ or other films produced by Universal. As a result, it’s almost impossible to stream ‘The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes’ on Netflix in the USA.
Will The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Be On Max?
No, The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes will not be on Max since it’s not a Warner Bros. movie. The platform — previously known as HBO Max — also no longer does direct-to-streaming releases. Instead, they’ve implemented a 45-day window between the theatrical release and the Max release.
Is The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes on Disney Plus?
The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes is very unlikely to be on Disney Plus any time soon.
Disney had no part in the making of the movie, so they won’t be streaming it on their platform, for now at least. The service does have every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer though, to satisfy your craving for fangs. And we can help you out on that front

Is The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes on Prime Video?
We expect The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes to be available to buy or rent via Prime Video eventually, but it isn’t there right now. Instead, check out our list of the best Amazon Prime horror movies. There are plenty of chills to be found.
Is The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Available On Hulu?
Viewers are saying that they want to view the new horror movie The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes on Hulu. Unfortunately, this is not possible since Hulu currently does not offer any of the free episodes of this series streaming at this time. It will be exclusive to the MTV channel, which you get by subscribing to cable or satellite TV services. You will not be able to watch it on Hulu or any other free streaming service.
How to Watch The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Online For Free?
Most Viewed, Most Favorite, Top Rating, Top IMDb movies online. Here we can download and watch 123movies movies offline. 123Movies website is the best alternative to The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes (2023) free online. We will recommend 123Movies is the best Solarmovie alternatives.
There are a few ways to watch The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes online in the U.S. You can use a streaming service such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video. You can also rent or buy the movie on iTunes or Google Play. You can also watch it on-demand or on a streaming app available on your TV or streaming device if you have cable.
When will The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Be on DVD and Blu-ray?
Universal Pictures has yet to announce the release date of The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes on DVD and Blu-ray as well. If it’s any indication, Universal’s other vampire movie Renfield came out on DVD and Blu-ray on June 6, 2023, less than two months after the movie was released on April 14, 2023.
What Is The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes About?
The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes (also known as Dracula: Voyage of the Demeter in some international markets) is an upcoming American supernatural horror film directed by André Øvredal and written by Bragi F. Schut Jr. and Zak Olkewicz. It is an adaptation of "The Captain's Log", a chapter from the 1897 Bram Stoker novel Dracula. The film stars Corey Hawkins, Aisling Franciosi, Liam Cunningham, and David Dastmalchian. Its plot follows the doomed crew of the merchant ship Demeter who attempt to survive the treacherous ocean voyage while being stalked by a vampire, known only as Dracula.
submitted by SpiritualCareer658 to treemovies [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:32 SpiritualCareer658 Where To Watch đŸ“șSight đŸ“ș Online For Free Here's How

Here are options for downloading or watching Sight streaming the full movie online for free on 123movies & Reddit, including where to watch Universal Pictures's Dracula movie at home. Is Sight (2023) available to stream? Is watching Sight on Peacock, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Netflix or Amazon Prime? Yes, we have found an authentic streaming option/service.
🔮Watch Now🔮>> Sight Movie Online
If you’re into creepy supernatural horror films, look no further than Sight. Luckily, we have you covered on all the ways you can watch this new flick!
Based on a single chapter, the Captain's Log, from Bram Stoker's classic 1897 novel "Dracula", the story is set aboard the Russian schooner Demeter, which was chartered to carry private cargo - 24 unmarked wooden crates - from Carpathia to London. The film will detail the strange events that befell the doomed crew as they attempt to survive the ocean voyage, stalked each night by a terrifying presence on board the ship. When it finally arrived near Whitby Harbour, it was derelict. There was no trace of the crew.
One of the creepiest chapters of Bram Stoker’s Dracula is “The Captain’s Log” which tells the story of the merchant ship Demeter that sailed from Carpathia to London, not knowing that Dracula is aboard, hiding inside one of the 50 wooden crates it is carrying as cargo. By the time the Demeter washes ashore, the crew is missing, and the captain is dead, tied to the wheel and clasping a crucifix. The only thing that survives is the captain’s log, recording the deaths of his sailors and an eerie sighting of a “tall, thin man” — the monster Dracula. Sight, directed by AndrĂ© Øvredal (Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark) adapts this terrifying chapter to film. The Dracula we will see here is not the sophisticated aristocrat Gary Oldman portrayed in Francis Ford Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula, but the feral, bloodthirsty monster driven only by its need to survive. It’s Alien on a ship in 1897, with Dracula playing the role of an unstoppable monster.
The Dracula movie Sight will release on streaming after its theatrical run, and here is what is known about its streaming debut. Directed by André Øvredal, Universal's 2023 horror movie is the endgame for a nearly 30 year journey in Hollywood. The idea for Sight originated on the set of Sight's Bram Stroker's Dracula and had five different directors attached, including Neill Marshall, before Øvredal joined in 2019. The movie based on "The Captain's Log" chapter in Bram Stroker's book finally moved forward from that point on at Universal for a 2023 release.
This could prove to be a perfectly timed streaming release for Sight. The 2023 horror movie should begin streaming in the weeks leading up to Halloween, offering Peacock subscribers a new supernatural thriller to view and enjoy the spooky season. This could help make up for any struggles that Sight has at the box office or be another boost to the movie's success if it becomes a streaming hit too.
If you don’t think there’s anything creative left to do with Dracula, you may want to check out the upcoming Universal Pictures horror film Sight. Covering a very specific point in Bram Stoker’s original novel with more detail than any adaptation in the past, the movie will feature an R rating for bloody violence and may give audiences the Dracula film they’ve been waiting for after the disappointing Renfield.
There's a new Dracula movie on the way as The Last Voyage of Demeter sails into cinemas. Here's whether it's streaming on Netflix, Prime Video, and Disney Plus.
The film adapts one chapter of Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' and presents a new monster to haunt your nightmares. Curious to see if there’ll be any survivors on Sight? Here’s how and when you can watch the movie to find out.
When's the Release Date of Sight?
Sight comes out in the US and Canada on August 11, 2023. International audiences should check with their local cinemas for release dates as these vary worldwide. For example, the movie lands a day earlier in Australia, on August 10.
When is 'Sight' streaming?
Sight’s release date on streaming has not yet been announced. Movies from Universal Pictures are pretty much certain to arrive on their streaming service Peacock, likely no later than a few months after they’re released in theaters. For the time being, though, your best bet is to catch the movie in theaters.
Where To Watch Sight Online:
As of now, the only way to watch Sight is to head out to a movie theater when it premieres on August 11, 2023. You can find a local showing on Fandango.
Watch Now: Sight (2023) Movie Online Free
Otherwise, you’ll just have to wait for it to become available to rent or purchase on digital platforms like Amazon, Vudu, YouTube or Apple, or become available to stream on Peacock.
How to Watch Sight
At the moment, you can watch Sight at your local theater. But like most movies these days, it should hit a streaming website in the near future.
Sight hits theaters on Aughst 11, and that is the only way to watch it for now. Don't be surprised if showings sell out. We recommend buying tickets online ahead of time if you want to see the movie early.
Sight should eventually be released on Peacock rather than Netflix, (HBO) Max, or Disney+, given Universal's deal with the streamer. A streaming release date has not yet been announced.
As you may or may not know, movies generally have a theatrical window of 4 weeks to 45 days. A movie such as Sight can be different, staying in theaters anywhere from a week to the full standard theatrical window. At this point, it seems safe to assume the film will be in theaters for about a month at most, meaning those who want to rent or purchase the movie digitally will be able to do so by the beginning of September. A physical media release could go either way, and we honestly can’t say for sure whether or not there’s going to be one. If Sight does come to Blu-ray, it will be a couple of weeks into September more likely than not.
If you’re into creepy supernatural horror films, look no further than Sight
While Peacock is technically available for free, big recent releases like Sight and The Super Mario Bros. Movie typically require a paid subscription. Currently, Peacock has two subscription plans, Premium and Premium Plus. Both can be paid monthly or yearly at a 17% discount. Premium offers the entire Peacock library, live sports & events, current NBC and Bravo Shows, and 50+ live channels, all with limited ads for $4.99 per month or $49.99 per year. Premium Plus removes most ads from the service (outside live events and channels) and the ability to download and watch select titles without an internet connection and your local NBC channel for $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year.
Is Sight streaming?
Sight is not streaming right now, but we’d expect to see it on Peacock at some point in the near future.
The movie is a Universal Pictures release, so we’d expect the studio to debut it on its own streaming platform. It will almost certainly be available to rent or buy on other VOD services too. For now, though, you can stream this year’s other Dracula movie, Renfield, on Peacock.
When Will Sight Be on Streaming?
Universal has not announced an official Sight streaming release date as of this writing, but it is likely to happen in October. The studio does not have a standard operating procedure for when their theatrical movies release on Peacock, as each decision is made depending on the movie's success. However, the majority of their movies begin streaming on Peacock around 50 days after their theatrical debuts. With an August 11, 2023 release date, Sight releasing on streaming around 50 days later would put it in early October.
This could prove to be a perfectly timed streaming release for Sight. The 2023 horror movie should begin streaming in the weeks leading up to Halloween, offering Peacock subscribers a new supernatural thriller to view and enjoy the spooky season. This could help make up for any struggles that Sight has at the box office or be another boost to the movie's success if it becomes a streaming hit too.
Universal releases like Sight go directly to Peacock, so those who plan to wait for streaming will probably be able to enjoy the film on Peacock by November or December.
Is Sight streaming on Peacock?
Universal has not confirmed an exact Sight streaming release date, but it is known that Universal Pictures's movie will stream on Peacock when the time comes. The studio does not have a set timeline for when its theatrical movies move to streaming. M3GAN, Knock at the Cabin, Cocaine Bear, and Renfield all moved to Peacock in roughly 50 days, while Fast X sped to streaming after only 21 days. The Super Mario Bros. Movie releases on Peacock 120 days after its debut due to its strong box office performance. When Sight releases on streaming it is expected to be an anomaly thanks to Bram Stoker's demands.
While those who want to watch Sight at home might have to wait until October 2023 to do so on a streaming service, the digital release provides another option. Universal has acted quickly in the past to put their movies on Digital as a means to make more money from those willing to pay the PVOD price to watch movies not in theaters. This can be done as quickly as in three weeks in some cases. Unless the Dracula movie is a surprise box office hit, Sight releasing on Digital in September 2023 is very likely.
When Will Sight Be On Peacock?
While a Peacock release date for Sight has not yet been announced, we can make an estimate based on another recent film distributed by Universal Pictures. Cocaine Bear was released in theaters on Feb. 24 before joining the streaming platform on April 14 — a little over 45 days after its debut. If Sight follows the same trajectory, it should come to Peacock by early September 2023.
However, other movies like Nope have taken a little longer to reach the streamer (more than 100 days, to be exact) so it’s best to take this estimate with a grain of salt.
Is Sight streaming on Netflix?
No, it will not be on Netflix. Universal’s Dracula movie ‘Sight’ will not be available for streaming on Netflix anytime soon in the USA due to its streaming and production rights. As an official Universal Pictures production, ‘Sight‘ will be exclusively streaming on NBCUniversal’s Peacock following its 45-day theatrical window. Additionally, there is no streaming deal between Netflix and Universal related to ‘Sight’ or other films produced by Universal. As a result, it’s almost impossible to stream ‘Sight’ on Netflix in the USA.
Will Sight Be On Max?
No, Sight will not be on Max since it’s not a Warner Bros. movie. The platform — previously known as HBO Max — also no longer does direct-to-streaming releases. Instead, they’ve implemented a 45-day window between the theatrical release and the Max release.
Is Sight on Disney Plus?
Sight is very unlikely to be on Disney Plus any time soon.
Disney had no part in the making of the movie, so they won’t be streaming it on their platform, for now at least. The service does have every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer though, to satisfy your craving for fangs. And we can help you out on that front

Is Sight on Prime Video?
We expect Sight to be available to buy or rent via Prime Video eventually, but it isn’t there right now. Instead, check out our list of the best Amazon Prime horror movies. There are plenty of chills to be found.
Is Sight Available On Hulu?
Viewers are saying that they want to view the new horror movie Sight on Hulu. Unfortunately, this is not possible since Hulu currently does not offer any of the free episodes of this series streaming at this time. It will be exclusive to the MTV channel, which you get by subscribing to cable or satellite TV services. You will not be able to watch it on Hulu or any other free streaming service.
How to Watch Sight Online For Free?
Most Viewed, Most Favorite, Top Rating, Top IMDb movies online. Here we can download and watch 123movies movies offline. 123Movies website is the best alternative to Sight (2023) free online. We will recommend 123Movies is the best Solarmovie alternatives.
There are a few ways to watch Sight online in the U.S. You can use a streaming service such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video. You can also rent or buy the movie on iTunes or Google Play. You can also watch it on-demand or on a streaming app available on your TV or streaming device if you have cable.
When will Sight Be on DVD and Blu-ray?
Universal Pictures has yet to announce the release date of Sight on DVD and Blu-ray as well. If it’s any indication, Universal’s other vampire movie Renfield came out on DVD and Blu-ray on June 6, 2023, less than two months after the movie was released on April 14, 2023.
What Is Sight About?
Sight (also known as Dracula: Voyage of the Demeter in some international markets) is an upcoming American supernatural horror film directed by André Øvredal and written by Bragi F. Schut Jr. and Zak Olkewicz. It is an adaptation of "The Captain's Log", a chapter from the 1897 Bram Stoker novel Dracula. The film stars Corey Hawkins, Aisling Franciosi, Liam Cunningham, and David Dastmalchian. Its plot follows the doomed crew of the merchant ship Demeter who attempt to survive the treacherous ocean voyage while being stalked by a vampire, known only as Dracula.
submitted by SpiritualCareer658 to treemovies [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:30 SpiritualCareer658 Where To Watch đŸ“șSting đŸ“ș Online For Free Here's How

Here are options for downloading or watching Sting streaming the full movie online for free on 123movies & Reddit, including where to watch Universal Pictures's Dracula movie at home. Is Sting (2023) available to stream? Is watching Sting on Peacock, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Netflix or Amazon Prime? Yes, we have found an authentic streaming option/service.
🔮Watch Now🔮>> Sting Movie Online
If you’re into creepy supernatural horror films, look no further than Sting. Luckily, we have you covered on all the ways you can watch this new flick!
Based on a single chapter, the Captain's Log, from Bram Stoker's classic 1897 novel "Dracula", the story is set aboard the Russian schooner Demeter, which was chartered to carry private cargo - 24 unmarked wooden crates - from Carpathia to London. The film will detail the strange events that befell the doomed crew as they attempt to survive the ocean voyage, stalked each night by a terrifying presence on board the ship. When it finally arrived near Whitby Harbour, it was derelict. There was no trace of the crew.
One of the creepiest chapters of Bram Stoker’s Dracula is “The Captain’s Log” which tells the story of the merchant ship Demeter that sailed from Carpathia to London, not knowing that Dracula is aboard, hiding inside one of the 50 wooden crates it is carrying as cargo. By the time the Demeter washes ashore, the crew is missing, and the captain is dead, tied to the wheel and clasping a crucifix. The only thing that survives is the captain’s log, recording the deaths of his sailors and an eerie sighting of a “tall, thin man” — the monster Dracula. Sting, directed by AndrĂ© Øvredal (Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark) adapts this terrifying chapter to film. The Dracula we will see here is not the sophisticated aristocrat Gary Oldman portrayed in Francis Ford Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula, but the feral, bloodthirsty monster driven only by its need to survive. It’s Alien on a ship in 1897, with Dracula playing the role of an unstoppable monster.
The Dracula movie Sting will release on streaming after its theatrical run, and here is what is known about its streaming debut. Directed by André Øvredal, Universal's 2023 horror movie is the endgame for a nearly 30 year journey in Hollywood. The idea for Sting originated on the set of Sting's Bram Stroker's Dracula and had five different directors attached, including Neill Marshall, before Øvredal joined in 2019. The movie based on "The Captain's Log" chapter in Bram Stroker's book finally moved forward from that point on at Universal for a 2023 release.
This could prove to be a perfectly timed streaming release for Sting. The 2023 horror movie should begin streaming in the weeks leading up to Halloween, offering Peacock subscribers a new supernatural thriller to view and enjoy the spooky season. This could help make up for any struggles that Sting has at the box office or be another boost to the movie's success if it becomes a streaming hit too.
If you don’t think there’s anything creative left to do with Dracula, you may want to check out the upcoming Universal Pictures horror film Sting. Covering a very specific point in Bram Stoker’s original novel with more detail than any adaptation in the past, the movie will feature an R rating for bloody violence and may give audiences the Dracula film they’ve been waiting for after the disappointing Renfield.
There's a new Dracula movie on the way as The Last Voyage of Demeter sails into cinemas. Here's whether it's streaming on Netflix, Prime Video, and Disney Plus.
The film adapts one chapter of Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' and presents a new monster to haunt your nightmares. Curious to see if there’ll be any survivors on Sting? Here’s how and when you can watch the movie to find out.
When's the Release Date of Sting?
Sting comes out in the US and Canada on August 11, 2023. International audiences should check with their local cinemas for release dates as these vary worldwide. For example, the movie lands a day earlier in Australia, on August 10.
When is 'Sting' streaming?
Sting’s release date on streaming has not yet been announced. Movies from Universal Pictures are pretty much certain to arrive on their streaming service Peacock, likely no later than a few months after they’re released in theaters. For the time being, though, your best bet is to catch the movie in theaters.
Where To Watch Sting Online:
As of now, the only way to watch Sting is to head out to a movie theater when it premieres on August 11, 2023. You can find a local showing on Fandango.
Watch Now: Sting (2023) Movie Online Free
Otherwise, you’ll just have to wait for it to become available to rent or purchase on digital platforms like Amazon, Vudu, YouTube or Apple, or become available to stream on Peacock.
How to Watch Sting
At the moment, you can watch Sting at your local theater. But like most movies these days, it should hit a streaming website in the near future.
Sting hits theaters on Aughst 11, and that is the only way to watch it for now. Don't be surprised if showings sell out. We recommend buying tickets online ahead of time if you want to see the movie early.
Sting should eventually be released on Peacock rather than Netflix, (HBO) Max, or Disney+, given Universal's deal with the streamer. A streaming release date has not yet been announced.
As you may or may not know, movies generally have a theatrical window of 4 weeks to 45 days. A movie such as Sting can be different, staying in theaters anywhere from a week to the full standard theatrical window. At this point, it seems safe to assume the film will be in theaters for about a month at most, meaning those who want to rent or purchase the movie digitally will be able to do so by the beginning of September. A physical media release could go either way, and we honestly can’t say for sure whether or not there’s going to be one. If Sting does come to Blu-ray, it will be a couple of weeks into September more likely than not.
If you’re into creepy supernatural horror films, look no further than Sting
While Peacock is technically available for free, big recent releases like Sting and The Super Mario Bros. Movie typically require a paid subscription. Currently, Peacock has two subscription plans, Premium and Premium Plus. Both can be paid monthly or yearly at a 17% discount. Premium offers the entire Peacock library, live sports & events, current NBC and Bravo Shows, and 50+ live channels, all with limited ads for $4.99 per month or $49.99 per year. Premium Plus removes most ads from the service (outside live events and channels) and the ability to download and watch select titles without an internet connection and your local NBC channel for $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year.
Is Sting streaming?
Sting is not streaming right now, but we’d expect to see it on Peacock at some point in the near future.
The movie is a Universal Pictures release, so we’d expect the studio to debut it on its own streaming platform. It will almost certainly be available to rent or buy on other VOD services too. For now, though, you can stream this year’s other Dracula movie, Renfield, on Peacock.
When Will Sting Be on Streaming?
Universal has not announced an official Sting streaming release date as of this writing, but it is likely to happen in October. The studio does not have a standard operating procedure for when their theatrical movies release on Peacock, as each decision is made depending on the movie's success. However, the majority of their movies begin streaming on Peacock around 50 days after their theatrical debuts. With an August 11, 2023 release date, Sting releasing on streaming around 50 days later would put it in early October.
This could prove to be a perfectly timed streaming release for Sting. The 2023 horror movie should begin streaming in the weeks leading up to Halloween, offering Peacock subscribers a new supernatural thriller to view and enjoy the spooky season. This could help make up for any struggles that Sting has at the box office or be another boost to the movie's success if it becomes a streaming hit too.
Universal releases like Sting go directly to Peacock, so those who plan to wait for streaming will probably be able to enjoy the film on Peacock by November or December.
Is Sting streaming on Peacock?
Universal has not confirmed an exact Sting streaming release date, but it is known that Universal Pictures's movie will stream on Peacock when the time comes. The studio does not have a set timeline for when its theatrical movies move to streaming. M3GAN, Knock at the Cabin, Cocaine Bear, and Renfield all moved to Peacock in roughly 50 days, while Fast X sped to streaming after only 21 days. The Super Mario Bros. Movie releases on Peacock 120 days after its debut due to its strong box office performance. When Sting releases on streaming it is expected to be an anomaly thanks to Bram Stoker's demands.
While those who want to watch Sting at home might have to wait until October 2023 to do so on a streaming service, the digital release provides another option. Universal has acted quickly in the past to put their movies on Digital as a means to make more money from those willing to pay the PVOD price to watch movies not in theaters. This can be done as quickly as in three weeks in some cases. Unless the Dracula movie is a surprise box office hit, Sting releasing on Digital in September 2023 is very likely.
When Will Sting Be On Peacock?
While a Peacock release date for Sting has not yet been announced, we can make an estimate based on another recent film distributed by Universal Pictures. Cocaine Bear was released in theaters on Feb. 24 before joining the streaming platform on April 14 — a little over 45 days after its debut. If Sting follows the same trajectory, it should come to Peacock by early September 2023.
However, other movies like Nope have taken a little longer to reach the streamer (more than 100 days, to be exact) so it’s best to take this estimate with a grain of salt.
Is Sting streaming on Netflix?
No, it will not be on Netflix. Universal’s Dracula movie ‘Sting’ will not be available for streaming on Netflix anytime soon in the USA due to its streaming and production rights. As an official Universal Pictures production, ‘Sting‘ will be exclusively streaming on NBCUniversal’s Peacock following its 45-day theatrical window. Additionally, there is no streaming deal between Netflix and Universal related to ‘Sting’ or other films produced by Universal. As a result, it’s almost impossible to stream ‘Sting’ on Netflix in the USA.
Will Sting Be On Max?
No, Sting will not be on Max since it’s not a Warner Bros. movie. The platform — previously known as HBO Max — also no longer does direct-to-streaming releases. Instead, they’ve implemented a 45-day window between the theatrical release and the Max release.
Is Sting on Disney Plus?
Sting is very unlikely to be on Disney Plus any time soon.
Disney had no part in the making of the movie, so they won’t be streaming it on their platform, for now at least. The service does have every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer though, to satisfy your craving for fangs. And we can help you out on that front

Is Sting on Prime Video?
We expect Sting to be available to buy or rent via Prime Video eventually, but it isn’t there right now. Instead, check out our list of the best Amazon Prime horror movies. There are plenty of chills to be found.
Is Sting Available On Hulu?
Viewers are saying that they want to view the new horror movie Sting on Hulu. Unfortunately, this is not possible since Hulu currently does not offer any of the free episodes of this series streaming at this time. It will be exclusive to the MTV channel, which you get by subscribing to cable or satellite TV services. You will not be able to watch it on Hulu or any other free streaming service.
How to Watch Sting Online For Free?
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There are a few ways to watch Sting online in the U.S. You can use a streaming service such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video. You can also rent or buy the movie on iTunes or Google Play. You can also watch it on-demand or on a streaming app available on your TV or streaming device if you have cable.
When will Sting Be on DVD and Blu-ray?
Universal Pictures has yet to announce the release date of Sting on DVD and Blu-ray as well. If it’s any indication, Universal’s other vampire movie Renfield came out on DVD and Blu-ray on June 6, 2023, less than two months after the movie was released on April 14, 2023.
What Is Sting About?
Sting (also known as Dracula: Voyage of the Demeter in some international markets) is an upcoming American supernatural horror film directed by André Øvredal and written by Bragi F. Schut Jr. and Zak Olkewicz. It is an adaptation of "The Captain's Log", a chapter from the 1897 Bram Stoker novel Dracula. The film stars Corey Hawkins, Aisling Franciosi, Liam Cunningham, and David Dastmalchian. Its plot follows the doomed crew of the merchant ship Demeter who attempt to survive the treacherous ocean voyage while being stalked by a vampire, known only as Dracula.
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