Nems 100 answer key

Saved You a Click: Helping Rid the Internet of Clickbait

2014.06.08 13:04 born_here Saved You a Click: Helping Rid the Internet of Clickbait

Don't click on that, we already did. Fighting clickbait for better journalism.

2009.03.23 15:23 QualityClicks Ads on Google, Meta, Microsoft, etc.

Topics related to Pay-per-Click (PPC) & other digital ads such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Microsoft Advertising, Amazon Ads & other digital advertising platforms.

2019.12.08 09:56 realtreasurehunts Sub for Marauders interested in our virtual & real life treasure hunts

We organise both virtual & real life treasure hunting encounters where, for a fee, entrants have fun visiting places of interest within a host city, virtually or physically. We've added the chance to win a prize or "treasure" in a race against other competitors. You'll need to use your best puzzle solving prowess to decipher riddles & cryptic clues to progress to the final treasure location. You'll also need to make calculations to reveal the map coordinates of the locations you are to visit.​

2024.06.04 22:59 thatseriouslyoddguy A World in the Palm of my Hands: A LitRPG Apocalypse Chapter 8: Gains

First Previous Patreon Royal Road is up to chapter 31!
It was a cloudless night with a clear view of the stars when they arrived back at the apartment building. They went up to the tenth floor to invite Talal for dinner but, he didn’t answer the door so they assumed that he was out hunting for food or levels. Then Noah and Mark went outside to eat and make a tally of their gains today, or more like, Mark’s gains as he actually got two levels from the five orcs and that put both his strength and constitution at thirty-five each. “Status”
Name: Mark Miller Class: Healer(Uncommon) Level: 8 Subclass: N/A Guild: N/A Mana: 26 Stamina: 70 Strength: 35 Dexterity: 10 Constitution: 35 Intelligence: 13 Regeneration: 8
Mark saw that his strength and constitution were at a respectable three times the average of ten. But he was not satisfied. He wanted more power, more skills, more spells, especially skills and spells that could make use of his growing stamina pool, he could only hope that there would be a class evolution mechanic to the system like in the various webnovels he’d read.
“Not bad, I got two levels out of those five orcs. There are probably diminishing returns when you kill stuff lower level than you but otherwise, those Invaders definitely gave more experience than the random animals we’ve killed” Mark noted as he analyzed his gains, then he remembered the axe and looked to Noah to get it analyzed.
One step ahead of his cousin, Noah had already taken out of his artifact and used analyze on it. With his [Analyze] skill already at level 7 he was confident that he could at least get some useful information from the axe.
Orcish War Axe – Tier 1 A standard war axe forged for the lowest rungs of the Orc army. [Sell for 5 Mana Stones?]
“Huh, it says it’s tier one and that we can sell it for five mana stones! Give me that fire axe you’ve been using.”
Mark picked the axe up off the ground, it was already pretty beat up with cracks all over the head and knicks covered the whole length of the shaft from blocking that scout’s axe repeatedly. He walked over to sit next to Noah as he analyzed the axes.
Fire Axe – Tier 0 Standard Earth fire axe mainly used for chopping down doors or windows. [Cannot be sold]
“Well damn, it’s tier zero and we can’t even sell it for anything. No wonder though that that axe you got from the orc cut through its head like it was butter, weapons apparently have tiers now.” Noah weighed the two axes in his hands as if trying to ascertain if weight had anything to do with tiers but, he found that the fire axe actually weighed more than the war axe.
“Hmmm, so we’ve got five axes, I’m definitely keeping one for emergencies, you’re keeping two so you can dual wield or just have one as a spare and that leaves us with two that we can sell for ten mana stones.”
As mark listened, he couldn’t help but think out loud “Wonder if wands and staffs are a thing, you know, like in harry potter. I’d imagine that that would be the weapon of choice for a master of all four elements like you”
“Great idea! Let’s check out the store, I’ll go look up wands and you look up staffs.”
As they were scrolling through the store Mark couldn’t help but notice that the lowest tier a staff could go was tier two and those ones cost hundreds of mana stones each, he pressed his finger in the air so as to receive more information on the cheapest staff.
Basic Staff of Fire – Tier 2 A Staff embedded with a low-grade fire-aspect mana stone Grants the ability to cast basic Fire Bolt spell at lvl 9 Grants +2 level to talent Fire Affinity Grants +20 to Intelligence Charge (21/100) [Buy for 999 Mana Stones?]
It looked like a normal stick that you’d find on the side of the road except that it had a glowing red gem at its tip which was unnaturally wrapped in snake like segments of the wood.
“No luck on staffs, the lowest tier on here is two and the cheapest one costs nine hundred and ninety nine mana stones… How you doing on wands?”
“Much better than you, looks like wands are much cheaper than staffs but at the same time pretty trash in its effects. Most of them just give access to some basic spells, though I guess having one is always better, you can apparently charge the mana stones embedded in them so you don’t have to draw from your own mana pool which is pretty cool.” Noah said as he was ruminating whether to buy a wand “They’re all pretty cheap and for ten mana stones, I could buy one of the cheapest tier zero ones…”
“OH WAIT. We should have fifty stones each as a reward for killing those orcs!” Noah hurriedly checked his quest window expecting to get some mana stones but was only left confused as he saw that the counter only showed that the number of orcs decreased.
Eradicate Orc Invaders (0/94)
“Damn, guess we can’t cheese the system” Noah remarked dejectedly while looking at the ground
“Don’t worry I can give you the fifty stones so you can buy a wand. Besides, we’re gonna need your damage if we want to kill that Warchief of theirs”
Noah looked up and smiled at his cousin “You are really the best cousin a guy can ever ask for!”
“Don’t forget about the armors and the bodies, we can probably sell those for a pretty penny too.”
“Yup yup, on it.”
With that, Noah brought out the corpses of the orcs and analyzed them and their leather armors.
Orc – lvl 6(Dead) [Sell for 1 Mana Stone?]
Orcish Leather Armor – Tier 1 A standard Leather Armor made for the lowest rungs of the Orc army [Sell for 3 Mana stones?]
“Okay so we get five for the bodies and nine for the armors since we’re definitely keeping two for ourselves. Agreed?”
“That leaves us with seventy-four mana stones all together, I should be able to buy something relatively decent with that”
And so, Noah got to work perusing the shop for the most cost-efficient wands, with the seventy-four mana stones he had, he could buy a wand that was relatively decent amongst the trash. And after a few minutes of scrolling, he finally found one to his liking.
Basic Wand of Mana – Tier 1 A basic wand for a basic generalist mage embedded with a low-grade mana stone Grants the ability to cast basic Mana Bullet spell at lvl 10 Charge (16/50) [Buy for 59 Mana Stones?]
Noah immediately bought it and perused some more. Then he had a thought “Wonder if there’s stuff for cultivation” at that thought, he went and put in the word “cultivation” in the search bar and a whole bunch of stuff came up, from pills and potions, to meditation mats that cost a pretty penny. Then he sorted everything from lowest to highest price and he found something interesting “Information Packets”, there were a whole bunch of them with specific topics per packet but what he was interested in was the one called “Information Packet – Basics of body cultivation” it only cost ten mana stones so he didn’t even think and just bought it straight away.
Thank you for your purchase! Scanning… Enough space has been detected… Your items will be sent to you within 5 seconds! Please take a step back!
Obeying wordlessly, Noah took a step back and five seconds later the space in front of him warped and distorted much like when his artifact first came to him. POP. Just like that, a wand and what looked like a piece of transparent crystal popped into being. The wand wasn’t much to look at, it was obviously just a cut off branch of some tree fashioned into a wand with a mana stone sticking out of its butt. He analyzed it and sure enough, it was the same wand he saw in the shop. Next, he examined the crystal and almost immediately a new notification popped into existence
Information Packet Detected… Would you like to download information? [Yes/No]
Noah immediately thought “Yes” and a torrent of information invaded his brain, it was as if the information was a bull and his brain was the china shop, it rampaged around giving him a headache then a few seconds later, the information finally settled down along with his headache.
“Why was that so painful, it was even worse than the time I got my class!”
“Oh, don’t be a baby Noah, now please explain to me what that crystal was?”
Noah grinned and teased “Nothing much, just an information packet pertaining to body cultivation”
Mark jumped up “Did you say cultivation?!”
“YUP” Noah said as his grin grew wider, he was satisfied with his cousin’s reaction
“SO?! HOW DO WE DO IT?! OUT WITH IT MAN!” Mark asked with the excitement of a child on Christmas.
“OKAY okay, just let me examine it a bit”
Apparently, he’d accidentally stumbled upon the basics with his spell [Enhance] which was to fuse every cell in his body with mana, but he needed to make it permanent and more in depth. He sat in a meditative position and sank into meditation. He toggled his innate skill [Mana Sense] on and concentrated on the mana within his body he then cast his spell [Enhance] and felt how the mana actually only wrapped around his cells, eventually dissipated and was released into the air through his pores.
Noah opened his eyes with a start and blushed “Sorry about that, I kinda forgot about you hehe. Anyway, what you need to do first is to find a way to fuse your cells with mana like how I kind of do it when I use [Enhance] but more uhhh… just more, you know?”
“Hmmm, I think I understand what you’re trying to say. Can you cast your skill on me just so I can refresh the feeling in my head?”
“Sure! Anything for you!”
So, Mark imitated Noah and sat in a meditative position, closed his eyes and told his cousin “I’m ready when you are.”
Noah cast his skill on Mark and after a few minutes, he heard him mumble “again”. He obeyed and cast it again, and again, and again, until after the tenth time when black sludge started oozing out of Mark’s pores. A gust of wind came towards them and he smelled it, the most horrendous smell his nose had ever come in contact with. It was worse than vomit, worse than even the smell of sewage. It made his face crumple up and his eyes water. He immediately cast water ball and dropped it on top of his cousin’s head.
Mark was rudely interrupted in the middle of his meditation but had luckily already finished his cultivation as he was staring at the proof right in front of him.
You have successfully cultivated a [Body of Copper] Physical stats +10%
“What did you do?”
“What do you mean, obviously I just cultivated a body of copper! I’m a cultivator now! HAHA!”
“Oh yeah Mr. cultivator? Why don’t you smell yourself first.”
Mark paused and sniffed “WTF! WHY THE HELL DO I SMELL LIKE SHIT?!”
“Worse than shit actually.” Noah interjected as he threw three more waterballs at Mark, hoping that he could wash it all away. But some of the gunk stuck to him like white on rice or in this case, black on sludge.
“You’re going to need soap, lots and lots of soap.”
submitted by thatseriouslyoddguy to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:59 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty Four: Back to the Future (Ape)

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
Part Eleven Here!
Part Twelve Here!
Part Thirteen Here!
Part Fourteen Here!
Part Fifteen Here!
Part Sixteen Here!
Part Seventeen Here!
Part Eighteen Here!
Part Nineteen Here!
Part Twenty Here!
Part Twenty One Here!
Part Twenty Two Here!
Part Twenty Three Here!
Oh my god, it's taken over an hour just to post these fucking things.
We pick up just after 2022’s Forbidden Door, with John Cena winning the ultimate dream match against Hiroshi Tanahashi to win the Interim AEW World Championship, his first gold in AEW being his twentieth World Title under a fifth separate company banner. He’s coming out of it beaten up, undoubtedly, but as he comes up on the one year anniversary of his debut for the company, he still has a lot of goals - first and foremost amongst them being to turn that interim title into an undisputed title.
Road to All Out 2022
While lesser men would hold onto the gold and duck any potential opponents, the already battered Cena vows to turn the Franchise Open Challenge into a series of title eliminators, with the goal of fending off all comers until CM Punk’s return, whenever it may be.
The first man to step up to the plate is Brian Cage, who he collides with in a meaty exhibition match. The Machine throws everything he’s got at Cena, including a few astonishing aerial techniques, but he’s eventually overpowered by the champion, who lays him out with a Franchise Lariat for the win.
John Cena def. Brian Cage (10:42)
The next week on Dynamite, the Franchise goes toe to toe with Brody King in another tremendous bout, the House of Black’s daunting muscle bearing down on Cena with ruthless intent. He locks Cena in a dangling choke over the ropes, sending him back in for a nearfall, but Cena counters a Dante’s Inferno into a victory roll to just eke out a win, surviving another opponent.
John Cena def. Brody King (13:06)
Cena is told to take two weeks off for his health, but by the time he comes back, he still pretty clearly isn’t 100%. He’s bandaged up, but he still says he’s there for a fight, leading to the Franchise Open being answered by Dragon Lee. Lee’s offense is mercifully slightly less hard-hitting, but it’s still absolutely relentless, Lee overwhelming John and controlling the match for the first ten minutes with an unending onslaught. Eventually, Cena is forced to adapt to his high-octane assault by grounding him for long enough to cinch in the STFU for the win.
John Cena def. Dragon Lee (14:10) by submission
The next week, the Open Challenge is answered by yet another member of LFI, this time by its bruiser, RUSH. El Toro Blanco gives Cena the most trouble of anyone, having him beat in the air and on the ground with his vicious strikes, but John’s heart and perseverance is barely enough to permit him to scrape by, moving out of the way of a cannonball into the turnbuckles and capitalizing with an FU for the victory.
John Cena def. RUSH (16:35)
After the match, Cena grabs a microphone, looking down at himself. Kinesio tape crisscrosses his back and shoulders, and the knee Tanahashi worked on is tightly wrapped up. He says these matches have been getting longer and more challenging week over week, but he insists on being a fighting champion no matter the odds. However, he’s cut off by an attack from Lee and RUSH, only for both men to be chased off by FTR… AND HANGMAN PAGE! Page helps Cena to his feet, but then says he wants a rematch with Punk - and Cena’s the way to get it. He invokes the fact he’s already beaten Cena once, and challenges Cena to a title bout at Quake by the Lake in three weeks, saying he wants Cena in better shape than he is now. John agrees to the challenge, saying he’ll see Hangman in Minnesota - but vowing to walk out with the victory he couldn’t claim three months prior. FTR accompany Cena to the back, ready to get him in top condition for his second showdown with the Hangman.
Interim AEW World Title: John Cena (c) vs. Hangman Page
After having a truly epic encounter in May, Cena and Hangman are set for another Dynamite bout, this time with the stakes raised and the title on the line, and Cena hoping to avenge his prior loss to Page. This one takes on a slower pace from the jump, with there being less concern over their states after the bout, and both men knowing each other a bit better. Hangman maintains his offensive early, aware that even with the time he gave Cena to prepare, John’s still hurting, and starting to show his age. With his superior stamina, Page tries to gradually increase the pace as they progress out of the opening exchanges, forcing Cena out of his comfort zone with a wild forearm that catches him on the blind side, followed by a MOONSAULT FALLAWAY SLAM FOR A NEARFALL! Cena’s taken aback, rolling out to recover, but Page follows him with an ELBOW SUICIDA, DRIVING BOTH MEN CRASHING INTO THE BARRICADE! With John seeing stars, Page goes to work attacking the head directly, slamming Cena’s jaw off the top of the guardrail before rebounding him into the post, drawing blood from the Franchise as the crowd collectively gasp at the crimson mask forming on Cena’s face for the first time in ages.
Page sends Cena back between the ropes, calling for a Buckshot Lariat, but John takes his time getting up before USING PAGE’S MOMENTUM AGAINST HIM FOR AN ARM DRAG, LETTING LOOSE THE OPENING STAGES OF HIS FIVE MOVES OF DOOM! He slams Hangman down before going for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Page kips up as Cena bounces off the ropes, superkicking the champion before NAILING HIM WITH A CRACKER BARREL PILEDRIVER! ONE! TWO! TH-KICKOUT, BUT PAGE FOLLOWS IT UP WITH A DEADEYE! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO! Super Cena is in full effect, not staying down for anything, but Page is fine resorting to brute force if it’ll get the job done, gripping the back of Cena’s head and landing punch after punch to the face, digging his knuckles into the wound on his forehead to draw as much blood as possible. Commentary notes that Hangman’s violent means are well thought out, literally draining Cena’s already limited energy from his body, drop by drop.
Soon enough, Page calls for the Buckshot Lariat again, Cena in no condition to defend himself from it, but THIS TIME HE SOMEHOW MANAGES TO INTERCEPT HANGMAN FOR AN FU! ONE! TWO! THR-PAGE KICKS OUT, BUT CENA’S BACK IN THE RACE! Cena starts unloading on the challenger with lefts and rights, backing him into the turnbuckles before getting him up onto the top turnbuckle. He keeps slugging Page in the face, clambering up to meet him as he calls for an Avalanche FU, but Page fires back with a flurry of elbows to the head, slipping behind to go for a BACKDROP DRIVER OFF THE MIDDLE ROPE, BUT CENA HOLDS ONTO THE ROPES! Page keeps leaning back, but Cena’s able to stay firmly planted, wiping the blood out of his eyes before slapping Hangman across the face, leaving a crimson handprint on his cheek. Page headbutts Cena, John collapsing over the ring post, Page stepping up to the top rope to bring the champ back down, but CENA HEAVES HIM IN AND NAILS AN AVALANCHE FU! ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA MANAGES TO SURVIVE HANGMAN PAGE!
John Cena def. Hangman Page (26:19) to retain the AEW World Title
Exhausted and bloodied, Cena drags himself to his feet using the ropes, hoisting the AEW Championship high above his head… before he hears static. CM Punk steps out onto the stage, holding his own AEW Title, and never mind deja vu - Cena’s having Vietnam flashbacks to 2011. CM Punk debuted this theme to interrupt Cena and bring out the world title that invalidated Cena’s interim one, and here, he’s doing the exact same thing, eleven years later. Walking down to the ring, Punk meets his old foe for the first time in a decade, slinging his title over his shoulder as Cena does the same. They exchange a few inaudible words, and Punk shoulder checks Cena, telling him he’ll be doing what he did eleven years prior all over again, because Cena’s got the placeholder gold.
The next week, they meet again, and exchange a few words before Punk lays out the challenge for All Out in Chicago. He says Cena can try and exorcise his demons by finally getting the job done in Chicago against the Voice of the Voiceless, but in the end, he promises history will repeat itself. Cena responds by saying that he’s more of a champion than Punk ever was - he’s fought week in and week out, he’s defended his title, and he knows CM Punk hasn’t successfully defended a championship since 2012. At All Out, he just intends to prove what he already knows - that the Champ is Here, and that the Champ has BEEN Here for a long time. To prove a point, he says he’ll defend the gold in the final Franchise Open Challenge before All Out.
His challenge is answered by a fresh opponent, but an interesting one - the fourth “Pillar” of AEW, and the last one Cena has to defeat to notch a clean sweep over them… the JAS’ Sammy Guevara.
Interim AEW World Title: John Cena (c) vs. Sammy Guevara
Guevara’s fast-paced offense overwhelms Cena to start, but Cena isn’t exactly in a losing mood, something he quickly demonstrates as Sammy misses a desperate 630 senton early in the match, and then does a double backflip to sell a FRANCHISE LARIAT! Cena looks down at the unmoving Guevara, locks eyes with CM Punk on commentary, and LOCKS IN THE STFU! GUEVARA TAPS!
John Cena def. Sammy Guevara (7:32) to retain the Interim AEW World Title
Punk slides straight into the ring, telling Cena that he might be fashioning himself as some sort of “Pillar Killer” to try and prove he can still go, but the fact is that Punk outclassed him a decade ago, and he’s outclassing him now. HE’S the real champion, and Cena’s just the alternative to the real star. In Chicago, he’ll take in the crowd like he did at Money in the Bank 2011, and he’ll take the title just like he did that night as well. Maybe he’ll even blow Cena a kiss. John tells Punk not to underestimate him - he may be beaten down, but he’s only gotta be better than Punk for three seconds… and the last time they faced off, it ended with Punk looking up at the lights, before he ended up looking for the exit door. Maybe this time he’ll have Punk doing the same.
All Out 2022
Earlier in the night, as in real life, a masked man wins the Poker Chip which permits them to challenge for the AEW World Title whenever they please - casting a long shadow over the much-anticipated main event.
Unified AEW World Title: John Cena (c, Interim) vs. CM Punk (c, AEW)
It’s a big fight feel for All Out’s main event, and nobody in AEW is ready for what’s about to happen in less than an hour. Cena and Punk lock up after taking in a few seconds of “holy shit” chants and the like, and it’s pretty quickly apparent that this’ll be a very different style of match than we’re used to between these men, both of whom are now very much grizzled veterans. Cena’s still got the power advantage, and with Punk’s extended time away from the ring, he’s also got the experience advantage, so he swiftly goes to work attacking the injured lower leg of the Straight Edge Saviour, employing the dragon screw leg whips Tanahashi used to make him suffer a few months prior. Punk is limping early, Chicago behind him 100% as Cena keeps on the attack, but Punk manages to fend him off for a moment with a head kick, only to drop to a knee clutching his foot. He pounces on a grounded John nonetheless, raining punches before tossing him into the corner for a high knee and a bulldog, following it up by slowly scaling the ropes for an ELBOW DROP, BUT CENA EVADES IT AND SEAMLESSLY CINCHES IN AN STFU! Punk quickly gets to the ropes before Cena can do too much damage, but Cena keeps showing an old dog can learn new tricks as he DEADLIFTS PUNK INTO A BACKDROP DRIVER! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT!
Cena bears down on Punk with a few more suplexes, following it with a side slam before calling for a Five Knuckle Shuffle. He leans over, declaring “YOU CAN’T SEE ME” before EATING A KICK TO THE FACE! Chicago is elated as Punk springs up, firing back with a series of big punches and a tornado DDT to send John rolling out under the bottom rope, Punk throwing caution to the wind with a SLINGSHOT CROSSBODY TO THE OUTSIDE! Punk continues to rally with a swinging neckbreaker on the floor, gingerly hopping onto the apron for a flying clothesline before sending Cena back between the ropes, ascending to the top turnbuckle to finally CONNECT WITH THE ELBOW DROP! ONE! TWO! TH-CENA KICKS OUT, AND PUNK TRANSITIONS STRAIGHT INTO AN ANACONDA VISE! Cena’s in danger of passing out, throwing blows to the body to try and shake Punk off, but his opponent keeps it cinched in. Eventually, Cena attacks the leg that Punk is posting on, landing an elbow to the foot and ankle to break Punk’s posture before rolling over into a BOSS MAN SLAM! He leans over for a deadlift powerbomb, but PUNK CINCHES IN A TRIANGLE CHOKE, CENA TRYING TO REVERSE OUT… BUT PUNK LANDS ON HIS ONE GOOD LEG, NAILING A KICK TO THE GUT BEFORE CONNECTING WITH A STUMP PULLER PILEDRIVER, AVOIDING PUTTING TOO MUCH PRESSURE ON HIS FOOT! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA POWERS OUT!
Both men are hurting as they slowly fight to a vertical base, trading desperate haymakers to try and take this one home, to walk out the true World Champion, but neither of them will give an inch as they exchange shots. Punk finally resorts to another high kick, stunning Cena but also giving him an opening to strike with a FRANCHISE LARIAT TO PUNK, WHO PAUSED AFTER PLANTING HIS BAD FOOT! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT, BUT CENA FOLLOWS IT UP WITH AN FU! The air is let out of the Chicago crowd as Cena hooks both legs… ONE! TWO! THRE-PUNK GETS THE SHOULDER UP! It’s electric in AEW’s spiritual home as Cena struggles to even imagine what he has to do to finish the job against one of his greatest rivals, but he won’t give up, calling for another FU as Punk struggles to stand, both exhausted and unable to put much pressure on his wounded limb. Cena lies in wait, his opponent pivoting as CENA PICKS HIM UP, BUT PUNK SLIDES OFF HIS BACK BEFORE HOISTING CENA UP FOR A GTS! PUNK’S ONLY HOPE CONNECTS, THE FANS LEAPING FROM THEIR SEATS AS HE MAKES THE COVER… ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOOO!
Now it’s Punk’s turn to let his surprise transform into fury, poised to strike once again as Cena begins to stir on the mat. It’s a much-needed reprieve for Punk, but he isn’t sure if he can get Cena up on his shoulders again, so he needs to get creative. He looks for another Anaconda Vise, but Cena somehow manages to get to his feet, simply charging into the turnbuckles at top speed before both men collapse in the corner, exhausted. Punk is the first to start moving, trying to clamber up the ropes, but Cena clocks him on the jaw before turning him around atop the turnbuckles - HE’S CALLING FOR THE AVALANCHE GERMAN, THE ONE HE FIRST HIT ON PUNK AT NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS THAT LEFT THEM BOTH DOWN FOR THE COUNT! Punk frantically fights back with elbows, jarring Cena for long enough to permit Punk to turn around, hooking the arms for a PEPSI PLUNGE, THE ONE BIG MOVE HE CAN HIT ON ONE LEG, BUT CENA TAKES OUT HIS FOOT, HEAVING HIM UP INTO AN AVALANCHE FU! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA HAS BEATEN CM PUNK IN CHICAGO, AND HE’S NOW THE UNDISPUTED AEW WORLD CHAMPION!
John Cena def. CM Punk (25:18) to become the Undisputed AEW World Champion
Cena is handed both AEW Championships, slinging them over his shoulders before digging into his pocket and producing the Dynamite Diamond Ring, which he fits onto his finger. He’s truly on top of the world as he celebrates, embracing the sparse few fans on his side before rolling back into the ring, only to be DECKED FROM BEHIND BY THE MASKED MAN, CLAD IN A BLACK HOODIE! The figure stands tall over Punk and Cena, removing the hoodie to reveal a BURBERRY SCARF! HE TAKES OFF THE MASK… IT’S MJF! MJF tears the Dynamite Diamond Ring off Cena’s finger, smashing it into the champion’s skull over and over, just as he did at Winter is Coming eight months prior before raising the title above his head, saying he’ll be taking the gold from Cena… but he’ll be doing so properly, on his own time.
After the show, Brawl Out still takes place, Punk tearing into both muffins and the Elite. I probably couldn’t book this to not happen, but even if I could, I wouldn’t, because it was hilarious.
Road to Grand Slam 2022
John Cena opens the Dynamite following All Out (after TK’s announcement of suspensions), truly having reached the top of the promotion. He says that now, it’s even more important for him to bear the flag and represent the roster, to give the fans the best show possible, to demonstrate Hustle, Loyalty and Respect, and to never give up. He’s proud of his achievements, and he looks forward to more, but first, he has to talk about MJF… and speak of the Devil.
MJF tells Cena that he may have pinned Darby, he may have pinned Jungle Boy, he may have pinned Sammy, but he never pinned him. MJF beat himself, and he’ll never let that happen again, because he’s got a shot to get back everything he had and more - he’s going to make Cena regret ever thinking he had what it takes to walk through AEW’s doors. He tells Cena that at Grand Slam, in his home state of New York, he will be cashing in his Poker Chip for a shot at the AEW World Heavyweight Championship… but if Cena has any courage whatsoever, he’ll put the Dynamite Diamond Ring on the line as well, so MJF can win it back after being stripped of it so unfairly and outrageously. Cena accepts, telling Max he’ll see him there, but reverting to his previous approach against MJF - frustrating him by telling him he’s got a lot to learn, and at Grand Slam, Cena’s going to take him to school.
Grand Slam 2022
AEW World Title and Dynamite Diamond Ring: John Cena (c) vs. MJF
MJF’s first singles match since Double or Nothing comes with much fanfare, the Devil ready for war against the Cenation leader. Cena rushes him early, trying to catch him off-guard, but MJF simply rakes the eyes to get back in command, and then manages to maintain control for the rest of the opening stretch - his willingness to bend the rules and his superior agility paying dividends. Soon enough, Cena’s tenacity comes back into play, breaking free from a Salt of the Earth attempt to stack MJF up into a DEADLIFT POWERBOMB! He breaks out the flying shoulder blocks, followed by a side slam, and when he leans over for the taunt before the Five Knuckle Shuffle, MJF throws a Punk-esque kick to the head, only for Cena to scout it and PULL MJF INTO A BACK ROLL BY THE LEG, STRAIGHT INTO AN STFU! MJF scratches and claws his way to the ropes, crawling under them to the apron once Cena releases the hold. Cena follows him out, but it’s a fatal mistake, MJF shoving him HEADLONG INTO THE EDGE OF THE RING POST! Cena’s on dream street, and now MJF scoops him up for a TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER ONTO THE APRON! Max collapses to the floor, as does Cena, but MJF is most definitely in control as he brings his face off the floor to display a sickeningly sly grin, and Cena brings his up to showcase a crimson mask.
Once the action returns to the ring, it’s all MJF’s wheelhouse, pulling out increasingly surprising moves against Cena, including a PEACH THUNDER DRIVER! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA BARELY GETS THE SHOULDER UP! It’s a massacre as MJF sends Cena through the ropes to attempt a Heatseeker, Cena making a last-ditch effort with a BACK BODY DROP THAT SENDS MJF ALL THE WAY TO THE FLOOR! He follows MJF out, lighting him up with punches before sending him back in, knowing he’s got the challenger on the ropes. Cena goes for the FU, but MJF slides off his back and SENDS CENA STRAIGHT INTO THE REFEREE IN A HEAD-TO-HEAD COLLISION! MJF pries the ring out of Cena’s pocket, scrambling to put it on his own finger, and now HE THROWS A DIAMOND-ENCRUSTED PUNCH, BUT CENA CATCHES IT, ONLY FOR MJF TO GO LOW! Cena drops to his knees, and now MJF CRACKS HIM IN THE SKULL WITH THE DYNAMITE DIAMOND RING! He tucks it back into his trunks as the ref comes to, even more blood flowing from Cena’s head as MJF makes the cover… ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA KICKS OUT! MJF can’t believe it, but Cena is somehow still alive, lamely rolling to the apron as he leaks like a faucet out onto the mat. However, his retreat for recovery is fruitless, MJF simply heaving him through the ropes for a HEATSEEKER! ONE! TWO! THREE!
MJF def. John Cena (21:24) to win the AEW World Title and Dynamite Diamond Ring
Road to 2023
Cena comes out of New York having lost everything. MJF was right - in the end, no amount of heart and spirit can combat truly insurmountable obstacles. Cena’s beaten up, taking some time off through Full Gear, but he returns on Dynamite two weeks later. MJF is already mixed up in a feud with Ricky Starks, Cena left in the dust, but he knows that even if he deserves a rematch thanks to MJF’s underhanded tactics, he can’t really think of how he’d win it. He needs to fight the devil he knows, instead of the devil he doesn’t, and there’s one man he knows plenty well who happens to be holding gold of his own - Claudio Castagnoli.
Cena cuts a promo saying that with ROH under the AEW umbrella, he’s got the chance to right one of the biggest wrongs of his career by obtaining the Ring of Honor World Title, the one world championship that eluded him. When the NWA Title was the prize he wanted, he won it. When the TNA Title was the prize he wanted, he won it. When he wanted to dominate in Japan, he notched the contested IGF and IWGP gold. Same for the WWE, World Heavyweight, Universal, and AEW Titles - he’s won the top championship everywhere he went, except for Ring of Honor. He declares that he’s got history with Claudio, and Castagnoli’s been one of his favourite opponents… but he’s an opponent he always beat. They’ve both got something to prove, so Cena makes a suggestion - Cena vs. Castagnoli for the ROH World Title at Final Battle. If Cena wins, he gets the career-defining accolade of picking up gold everywhere he’s been, and if Claudio wins, he gets to finally say that Cena doesn’t have his number anymore. The BCC come on down to the ring, Cena sharing the ring with three old rivals in Danielson, Claudio and Moxley - and Claudio accepts the challenge, telling John he’s going to enjoy showing him just how much he’s grown since they last faced off.
Final Battle 2022
ROH World Title: John Cena vs. Claudio Castagnoli (c)
This is the opener, because Briscoes vs. FTR really needed to main event this show. Naturally, it begins with a test of strength, one which Claudio wins, Cena simply unable to physically match up to his finest counterparts at this point in his career. Claudio muscles Cena around with a few gutwrench suplexes, but Cena eventually gets back in the fight with a reversal, staving off the gutwrench by just managing to overpower Claudio to NAIL A POWERBOMB! He connects with a shoulder tackle, building up steam, but Castagnoli effortlessly cuts off his build to the Five Knuckle Shuffle by running the ropes as well, springing off the middle for a SPRINGBOARD CORKSCREW UPPERCUT! He goes for the Neutralizer, but Cena counters by simply charging both men straight through the ropes, crashing out to the apron, and it quickly turns into a melee for control on the hardest part of the ring. Both men throw their stiffest strikes, laying it in as much as they can, and Cena avoids being thrown into the post like he was by MJF before NAILING A GERMAN SUPLEX OFF THE APRON TO CLAUDIO, MOST CERTAINLY TURNING THE TIDES IN THE FAVOUR OF THE FRANCHISE!
Taking the action back between the ropes, Cena keeps the pressure on with an Emerald Flowsion for a nearfall, and then begins measuring Claudio up for an FU, only for the champion to reverse it, dropping down and muscling Cena up for a NEUTRALIZER! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! Claudio grabs his challenger and goes straight for a Ricola Bomb, crossing the arms and heaving Cena up, but JOHN REVERSES INTO A HURRICANRANA! Castagnoli springs up, throwing a wild uppercut in his confusion, but Cena’s able to evade and scoop him up for an FU! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! Cena rolls straight over to go for another, but Claudio rolls off his back into a sunset flip, Cena back shoulder rolling to his feet and EATING AN UPPERCUT, CLAUDIO GRABBING HIS LEGS! HE’S GOING FOR THE SWING, AND HERE WE GO! The champion showcases his strength as he spins Cena around for what seems like an eternity, effortlessly swinging him in circles before finally setting him down after a mind-numbing 25 rotations. Dizzy, Claudio tries for a sharpshooter, but in a desperate effort to come away with the win, Cena simply PULLS HIM INTO A SMALL PACKAGE! ONE! TWO! THREE! HE GOT HIM! CENA STOLE ONE, AND HE’S PICKED UP THE RING OF HONOR WORLD TITLE FROM CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI!
John Cena def. Claudio Castagnoli (23:05) to win the ROH World Title
It’s a 21st world title for Cena, reaching the highest level in a sixth separate promotion. Overcome with emotion, he lifts the title high above his head, a seething Claudio still showing respect and giving him a nod before rolling out of the ring, sure to come after the title in a rematch soon enough. However, it’s not Castagnoli who calls his shot as Cena’s next opponent - IT’S SAMOA JOE! THE MAN WHO BANISHED CENA FROM TNA AND WWE IS BACK TO HATE MORE, ENSNARING THE NEW ROH WORLD CHAMPION IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH! FTR rush down to the ring as Joe bails out, a smile on his face as he barks insults at Cena, saying he had to know this was coming.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:58 jurekmg Bringing changes to Uber, Lyft and other companies

The first thing that the new generation of drivers should do is read and educate themselves. This text is only for those who are interested in reading, learning and for personal knowledge.
I am open to criticism and insults.
The way I'm going to write this is step by step how we got to the shitty business we have today.
My first question is this: Of those of you reading this, raise your hand if you drove for Uber or Lyft from 2010-2014. If you didn't raise your hand, then put on your headphones, listen to some relaxing music, read and learn.
Let's get started. I have a few questions for all of you, and I am already coming up with the answer.
What is rideshare? Do you know what the initial idea of ​​rideshare was when it entered the market?
When rideshare entered the market, it started in California with Uber. Formerly UberCab. It was usually only used for luxury services (limousine or Black Car). This was around 2009. In 2010, when the company began to spread throughout the country, they came with several messages to allow them operate in the cities

Among other messages. They said that rideshare could be done by people, for example, on their way to work, they could pick up a person on the way who was going in the same direction. Or if you had to take a long trip, it could benefit you financially if you took someone with you. They never proposed it as a full-time or part-time job. It was like, are you going somewhere? Drive with Uber, take a ride on the way to your destination, and make money.
This was Travis Kalanick's dream. I'm not going to deny that the guy was an idiot, for a number of reasons, but at least in the 3 years he ran the company, he never led it to self-destruction. Did he make a lot of bad decisions? Yes. Did he burn a lot of money? Yes. Starting with the self-driving car development project. Followed by the volume of white-collar employees and bonuses.
After several years, Travis began to feel pressure from investors as the company continued to burn money. He just had to make a couple more mistakes to get it out. He left with a bag full of money, no less than around 2.6 billion. This guy may have been an idiot, but drivers during his tenure made money. I remember in Miami, I don't know about other states, Black SUV drivers were making more than $100k a year. UberX were doing pretty well. They had months of $6k, $7k.
For those who don't know. Before 2017, Uber and Lyft drivers who started driving in 2014 - 2015 kept 80% of the money they made. Starting in late 2015, Uber and Lyft started raising their percentage to 30%. In some states, they experienced a bunch of stupid things that I won't even mention. What did this mean? That in order for Uber and Lyft to make money from our work, they had to exponentially increase our earnings. That's why they used multipliers, otherwise they would have to be charging extra fares of $50, $60, $70, $80, etc. The multipliers would take a $3 trip and turn it into $30. Doing 15-mile trips for $100 in an UberX was normal during events and high demand.
What killed the concept of rideshare? Simple, Dara Khosrowshahi. I want to continue, asking you a question. How many people working in the company do you think have done rideshare services? My other question is. How is someone who hasn't put their butt in a car for at least 1 month to earn a living going to make decisions in this business? It's simple, they don't look at us, only at numbers.
The first disgrace of this market was Dara Khosrowshahi. The second disgrace of this business was launching Uber on the stock market. Why was Dara the first disgrace? Just look information about where this person came from, who he was, who he is, who are the people he surrounds himself with. Why was the stock market not a good move for this business? I think it is simple to understand. By running a business like Uber, the company is creating a commitment in the market to show a progressive and stable increase. It is important to understand that both Uber and Lyft (the lapdog that repeats everything Uber does) are companies that do not have assets or property. The backing of that progressive and stable economy are the rideshare drivers. Uber and Lyft do not produce anything, not even software development for multiple markets. They are simply a company that offers services through its own system
Ride-hailing services
Courier services
Food delivery
Freight transport
They do not have factories, they do not own cars, they do not sell software, they do not own motorcycles, bicycles, they do not own trucks, they do not sell anything other than services performed by Business Partners. This means that we are the asset of the company. Without us, it is not sustainable. Imagine if Uber for some reason lost more than half of its fleet of drivers in several US states alone. What do you think would happen?
Let's get to the important points from here. Why do you think Dara has made all the changes it has made since they went public?
The first thing was to fix the economic disaster that the company was dragging along.
The second thing was to exponentially increase the company's profits and look how they increased them, in less than 2 months they rose more than 4000%. Where do you think that money came from? Ta La, from the drivers' pockets.
What I can tell you is that before 2017 and after 2019 I could see a cut in my earnings driving the same amount of time and miles of at least $1500 a week. The change was progressive and permanent. During 2017 and 2024 we have seen the following changes
Let's leave it there for now.
What happened between 2019 and 2023? Many things. Some of these things are theories that we have made, but they are not far from reality.
It is not unknown to anyone that Uber and Lyft have had a multi-year battle over pricing, which was only affecting them. We believe that before the Up Front Price they decided to set a minimum price of $0.67 per mile in Miami-Broward-WPB to offer prices and that the surge would be managed according to the market needs. They could not continue to lower costs. It is like 2 people selling eggs next to each other, and they fight on prices, lowering them to the point where both are not generating practically any profit. If they both reach an agreement to sell them at the same price, both win.
Perhaps many have noticed that Uber and Lyft have moved at the same time with some important changes. The Up Front Price. This was an agreement made between them to avoid further damaging the companies' profits. We are almost certain that Uber or Lyft exchanged this idea and developed it together, at the same time. Like the previous example of the eggs. Why do these companies do this? Simple, because Uber requires Lyft in the market and Lyft needs Uber. Why does Uber, being able to do so, not absorb Lyft? The customer juggling remains between them. If Lyft disappears, it means a huge gap in the market, allowing more than one company to benefit. In other words, it means that one of the big ones is gone, there is room for 10 small rideshare businesses. People or customers are going to start looking for cheaper options. What InDrive is doing right now, and more so with their business concept, is crazy, and I'm not even going to talk about it. It's not worth it.
This is where the next problem begins. After UpFront Pricing, Uber and Lyft already had their strategy thoroughly laid out. Now we are the FUC.... owners of the market. It's important that you understand something. In almost every state in the country and in almost every city in the country, these companies are free to do whatever they want. Why? Because they are a market without any kind of regulation. It's like the cities are a bag of drivers for them, and they take them at will and discard them in their own way. They are well served. We are unfortunately unprotected.
UpFront Pricing allows them to create profit gaps at will. We went from earning 80% to earning what they determine we should earn, where they always keep the majority. The elimination of the Surge is resulting in these companies continuing to charge customers high rates during peak demand, but now they pay drivers a small portion of that surge. The profits from high demand are now theirs.
After the Upfront Price and these companies already having the vast majority of the guaranteed markets, the other wave of abuses began. Before continuing, Uber and Lyft are companies that have spent a lot, but a lot of money on lobbying in many cities, states and countries. This has guaranteed them the ability to do what they do today. Drivers were facing something new: The oversaturation of the market with drivers.
Why does the market saturation with new drivers begin? For Uber and Lyft to be able to reduce the amount they paid in the UpFront Fare, they needed new generations of drivers. They knew that drivers with several years of driving experience would strongly reject what they were about to start paying and would eventually lose them. The new generations of drivers did not have the slightest idea of ​​how much was earned before. New drivers usually have no knowledge of business, mathematics and do not handle technology well. The vast majority willing to drive for the garbage they started paying for are immigrants, illegals, and people with legal problems who can't find work anywhere else. For example, people with drug addiction, alcohol addiction, etc. These companies take advantage of them for as long as they can. Some are a little smart and come to understand that they are being abused or exploited, so Uber and Lyft continue to constantly add new drivers and continue to lower their pay.
What about the oversaturation of drivers on the road? Every action causes a reaction. The risk of the business increases. What about the increase in risk? Our commercial insurance increases. Commercial auto insurance companies, which are 3 nationwide Progressive, Farmers, and Liberty Mutual, create the costs of the policies at the state level. These companies first look at the risks in the business. The higher the risk, the higher the cost. Who pays for commercial insurance policies? We drivers. Uber or Lyft are not affected at all by this, it is money that we stop receiving. But there is more. Uber and Lyft take advantage of the fact that insurance information is private, not publicly accessible. No one knows how much they pay for commercial insurance and how much they collect per year to pay for commercial insurance, so what they collect is used for cash flow and to generate residual earnings. The only ones affected in this whole game are the drivers.
Insurance companies also see that many rideshare drivers do not have the Rideshare Endorsement added to their policies. This adds more risk to the business. I am sure that many drivers who have had accidents have been removed from their policies and in other cases insurance companies have denied them coverage for violating the contract and not reporting that they do rideshare.
To keep this short, it is of utmost importance that many educate themselves. Rideshare is a self-employed business. It is not a job. Once we take our car and drive maybe 7000 miles a year on a regular basis and start adding 20,000 miles or 30,000 miles a year, it becomes a work tool. This means that our cars are becoming the source of income and a valuable business tool. To this we add the time we dedicate to this business, which has another added value. Finally, the risk we face every day we go out to drive. Every day we go out to drive, 4, 8, 12 hours or more, we are running the risk of not returning home for multiple reasons, we just need to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is priceless.
Just for the 3 reasons mentioned above, you must learn to give value to the work you do. The need may be great, but every time we accept a trip that is not well paid, we are telling these companies that we are exploitable and that they should continue to abuse us.
This business requires much more study than these companies are willing to do. Each city, each market is different. Traffic, trip distance, travel time, seasons, cost of car insurance, and cost of living all vary by city. This means that each market must be thoroughly studied in order to properly value what drivers must get paid. Instead, Uber and Lyft have set a standard for time-based pay across all cities. We are not employees, we do not earn time-based pay.
The goal of every driver is to maximize their earnings every hour. Right now, Uber and Lyft can make $100 from a regular UberX or Lyft driver, for example, and pay you roughly $30 per hour. Why should that be? They maximize their earnings and limit us? When we are the ones who provide 99% of the resources, what role does Uber or Lyft play in the trip once we pick up the passenger? Imagine that in the yellow taxi business, the operators stay on the line with the driver or the client in order to charge the driver a higher comission for the trip he makes.
We have been studying for months how to improve the rideshare market. Several drivers who have been driving since 2014-2015 joined together and decided to take action on the matter. Unlike other groups, we are dedicated to studying all the problems and possible solutions. We are currently meeting with legislators from the cities of Miami and Broward where we are exposing the problems and offering possible solutions.
The first wave of solutions that we are asking for is the regulation and control of drivers. This will end the irregularities of Uber and Lyft. It will also stop the abuse to which they are subjecting us. Like any other business, this market must be regulated. You can't regulate Uber and Lyft in what they do because they are private companies, so regulate the workforce.
We are asking
Automatically, once this is in place, Uber and Lyft will lose the absolute power to do whatever they want and will think twice before canceling a driver's account. This process will end illegal accounts as it becomes a crime. Lastly, it will eliminate everything that should not be driving on the streets.
We believe that this process can also reduce the risks in the business which will lead to lower car insurance costs. Remember Action and Reaction. The whole process in general can improve drivers' earnings in some way. Uber and Lyft are going to be forced to pay more.
This is just the first step. We cannot say what the rest of our strategies are, but after this process there are more actions that will force Uber and Lyft to renegotiate the terms of this business. We are not looking for a minimum wage. We are not employees. We are looking for fair profit divisions and we advocate for 80% and 20% to be returned. Asking for a minimum wage is the biggest aberration we have seen in this business. Now, the minimum per mile and per minute must be established to avoid what happened before 2017. For our market, we are looking for $1.81 per mile and $0.51 per minute. This rule is for all companies.
From there, they can compete based on the quality of the cars in the fleets they have, the quality of the drivers' service, the benefits they give to customers, etc. No more price competition abusing us.
If you are going to criticize about regulations, I invite you to read this first and internalize it, if you can.
Imagine if the yellow cab or limo business was not regulated. What is the difference between rideshare, taxi and limo drivers? None, the only difference if we want to mention 1 is the way they are regulated. We all offer transportation service. Since there are no regulations Uber and Lyft know that anyone can drive for them and that is why they have no limits of any kind. Every person in every city is a potential driver for them and they just need the necessary push to do so. What can it be? Earn guaranteed with us $4000 USD when you complete 200 trips (only 1 time) Ready, enough to stimulate weak or needy minds.
Because Uber and Lyft know that every person in a city is a potential driver, they abuse that possibility. These companies are destroying the value of the business so that we think that $1 per mile is enough, so that we don't understand the real value of the work we do and the resources we provide. While they destroy the value of our business, they take advantage by maximizing the cost of the service. Can regulating the market put an end to this and change the game in our favor? The short answer is YES.
If anyone asks how we pay these expenses every year. People, again, this is a business, every business has paperwork and permits. This is not a hobby. Hobbies don't give you 1099s and don't have expenses to declare. If you want to be a barber and work in a barbershop, you have to go through a whole process. If you want to be a plumber, you have to do the same. If you want to be a hairstylist, the same. Any business you want to start must go through a legal process that costs money. The money that is $250 - $300 a year is not going to represent anything compared to the amount of money you can potentially earn if the market is regulated.
To those who didn't understand anything. I wish you the best of luck in the world, thinking that only a few protesters will make things change. These companies make fun of those who protest every time they do so. Protests without the necessary foundations and a plan of action have no weight.
If you want to learn more visit our website
We are changing our name soon to Florida Rideshare Union
submitted by jurekmg to uber [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:58 Fake_knight Doubts and confusion about external microphone

Hello everyone,
I would like to purchase a microphone to use on my Fujifilm XT3. I have been searching and checking for weeks but cannot find a complete answer to my doubts. I start by saying that the budget for the device is around 100€. My doubts are as follows:
I would be going to use the microphone in a small to medium room to create videos to upload to YouTube (mostly movie related, so where I am facing the camera and talking). The problem arises as I would like to purchase a microphone to make both videos for YouTube and live content on Twitch. I can't find a microphone that can do both (or I have misinterpreted it).
So use it with my camera but also connect it to my PC to use it during live streams. One last question is also to know if the microphone once connected with the camera will self-power through the Jack or do I have to power it externally?
It would be of great help if you can clear my doubts because I can't get my head around these issues. Thanks in advance to everyone.
submitted by Fake_knight to fujix [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:58 garlic-chair Help choosing a surgeon!

I've consulted with two surgeons and have no idea who to go with. A lot was similar, the differences are laid out below:
Surgeon 1:
Surgeon 2:
It feels like I'm deciding between quantity and quality (of care outside the OR). I know I probably can't go wrong either way, I trust that both are great surgeons. Is there a clear winner to you?
submitted by garlic-chair to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:56 OriginalSprinkles718 [FO4][PS5]Absolute Apocalypse MOD LIST. Hard immersive survival. V2.2 FINAL.


√ New game on survival difficulty neccessary
√ All six DLCs are required
√ Only PS5 game version was tested
√ Very stable, no crashes
√ Adding, removing, updating mods midgame can cause issues


  • Very hard and balanced, immersive survival experience.
  • You start weak, tired, with barely any gear and 1 point in each SPECIAL stat.
  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, pick up weapons and use up ammo.
  • Added over thousand zombies plus another thousand of various creatures.
  • Weakspot hits cause significant damage and armor matters.
  • A lot easier to cripple and remove limbs and disable enemies.
  • Ammo type/size greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful.
  • Wolves will bite and hold your limbs, humans know wrestling moves.
  • Audio tweaked, added reverb and removed irritating sounds.
  • Nights are dark and now you own very helpful flashlight.
  • Improved colours, lighting, weather, sunrise, sunset and tweaked moon.
  • Fire sources create atmospheric orange flickering light, old corpses attract flies.
  • Flying bullets illuminate environment and have better physics.
  • Tweaked animations in first person, corrected dead body physics & enemy ragdoll.
  • Making gunpowder, scrapping bullets and crafting ammo available.
  • Most clothes are wearable under armor, glasses can be slightly modded.
  • Rings can be found in containers, shops, scraped and legendary rings crafting.
  • Legendary effects balance, crafting with technical documents, swaping.
  • Building turrets requires plenty of ammo and special, advanced parts.
  • Refreshed perks, added abilities like tackle, crits outside VATS, more INT more XP.
  • Building important structures and cooking better recipes require appropriate perks.
  • Different companion bonuses & two farming magazines adjusted.
  • Majority of objects in game world was removed, less time spent picking up junk.
  • Diverse, mortal settlers with unique names and better awareness.
  • In settlements you can hire guards for caps after allying with factions.
  • You don't gain health at level-up, increasing SPECIAL is restricted by levels.
  • Harvesting plants limited to wild versions, scavenging stations yield tweaked.
  • Added different [Tags] to majority of items for convienience.
  • Quick travel to discovered settlements, which won't pass in-game time.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses and unique NPC's drop legendary gear.
  • More objects to build in your base with plenty of decorative options.
  • Loot and enemies don't respawn, day/night cycle length doubled.
  • Saving the game through Pip-Boy on survival difficulty available.
  • Disabled unimportant radiant Minuteman quests and hammering in Sanctuary.
  • Music and weather are more dependent on map regions you are in.
  • Dialogue fixes and tweaks, camera focused only on NPC's.
  • Reduced amount of grass, rubble, twigs, fog and removed unimmersive puddles.
  • Access to tag and see actual number of components owned on a cooking bench.
  • No build limit, raised amount of maximum settlements population.
  • Replaced combat scopes, improved recon scopes, no blur when aiming.

* More map markers, VATS cameras only in 3rd person, agressive radstags, faster zombies at night, alcohol removes some rads, crafting adhesive from plants, more explosives at chem bench, longer wires, conduits range and many more...


  • Locksmith doesn't make lockpicking any easier. FIX: Install "Quick Hack and Pick" mod after getting all levels of locksmith perk. Just replace mod "[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7".
  • Bethesda did not fix soft locks and other bugs (Remember to kill bandit leader before deathclaw in early Minuteman task or you wont finish the quest).
  • Ground textures flicker black around Sanctuary (Fixes itself after some time).
  • Hacking rank 4 does absolutely nothing (Skip it).
  • Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male.
  • Small amount of perks have slightly incorrect text.
  • High build cost of concrete foundations, barn menu, 1 subway and 3 street lights.
  • Some Creation Club items might not be properly balanced.
  • Occasional visual glitch when moving underwater (Water surface flashing).
  • Free access to 'Hubby Basement' full of supplies in Sanctuary (Easier start).
  • Animal fat removed, but crafting entries still present.
  • Green chest outside vault 111 containing 10k flares and flare gun (Just ignore it).
  • Rarely sound of wall mounted turrets glitches and plays on repeat.
  • Vanilla perception glitch ("Vrexia's Magical Rings" mod to offset stats safely).
  • Pip-Boy light don't transfer from 3rd to 1st person (Turn flashlight off and on).
  • Can't open Wattz Electronics terminal (Kill roach behind wall using explosives).

* Rarely tree branches and grass shake very fast for a short time.


Mods and entries in BOLD are neccessary, don't skip them! 1. •Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4]• Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4 from infamous mod author. 2. •Looted World - PS• - Removes 90% of loose loot in the game world. Easily accessible and obvious places are almost empty. Some areas like habited settlements or vaults still have items. Makes you pick up less, play more. Recommended, unless you want to swim in loot and constantly manage inventory. Small performance improvement. 3. •Kane's Items Sorting (PS4)• - Tags quest items, components, bones, bobbleheads, holotapes, notes, chems, syringes, 99% of junk for better item management and easier looting (water, aid, stealthboys and some mags are permanently marked by Immersive gameplay). 4. •[PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries• - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents, scrap unwanted ones. 5. •Named NPC Protection [PS4]• - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies. 6. •Ghouls Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos. 7. •Tribals of Commonwealth• - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness. 8. •Snipers Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 150 snipers including few unique ones. 9. •Rabbits, Chickens, Crabs, Wolves, And Gulpers In The Commonwealth• - Adds more creatures and enemies. 10. •Hermit Crabs Of The Commonwealth• - Adds 12 hermit crabs to the map. 11. •Wolves Of The Commonwealth• - Adds wolf spawn points to the map. 12. •More Behemoths In Commonwealth• - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth. 13. •DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4]• - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos. 14. •Behind Enemy Lines• - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region. 15. •Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY• - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations. Some groups are very strong. 16. •More Radstags• - Adds plenty of radstags, especially into forests. 17. •Better Radstags• - More agressive radstags. 18. •Not a Princess• - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood. 19. •Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4]• - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests. 20. •[PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia• - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu. 21. •Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 49 objects to build in settlements. 22. •Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags. 23. •Constructible Faction Guards• - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction. 24. •[PS4] OCDecorator• - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects. 25. •[PS4] OCDecorator DLC• - Game addons support for OCDecorator. 26. •Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC• - Now you can fast travel to discovered settlements on survival difficulty. 27. •1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4]• - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically. 28. •[PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags• - Adds animation to supermutant meat bags and flies with buzzing sound to decomposing corpses. 29. •No Sneak Indicators• - Completely removes all sneak indicators. 30. •[PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin• - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin. 31. •[PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition)• - Settlers more diverse and named. Immortal alternative mod also available. 32. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla• - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter. 33. •Fallout 76-Style Region Music• - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks. 34. •Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds two sliders to options. 35. •Better Dialogue• - Camera focuses only on NPC's, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption. 36. •Esk QuietPerks [PS4]• - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant, money shot, grim reaper. 37. •No Experience SFX• - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources. 38. •[PS4] Dead Beat• - Removes loud heart beat sound at low HP. 39. •Combat Music Remover• - Mutes repetitive combat music completely, there is only silence when enemy detects you. 40. •Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4]• - Changes to colours and atmosphere. Makes nights dangerously dark. 41. •UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather• - Adjusted and integrated weather for different map regions. 42. •[PS4] No More Fake Puddles• - Removes ugly water puddles that stay on the ground forever. 43. •No More Twigs• - Completely removes ugly twigs sticking out of the ground. 44. •Reduced Rubble Etc.• - Decreases intensity of grass, rubble and other unimportant objects. Also small performance improvement. 45. •[PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight• - Atmospheric effects for fire sources (including oil lamps). 46. •Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4]• - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere at dusk, dawn and night. 47. •Vanilla Moon (4x)• - Much bigger moon. 48. •Crafting Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting and pip-boy screen. 49. •Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while aiming. 50. •More Map Markers (PS4)• - Adds some new markers on the map. 51. •VATS Third Person Only• - As the name says, just changes the cameras used in VATS. 52. •Component Tagging Helper• - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total. 53. •Grenade and Mine Pack• - Adds some new, weaker, but fun explosives to craft. 54. •Animations Be Gone• - Removes plenty of annoying hammering spots in sanctuary. 55. •Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses• - As the name says. Two mods for glasses requiring science. 56. •Clothes For Every Stats Wz• - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them later with ballistic weave. 57. •Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4]• - Bug fix, balance and small changes in how traps work. 58. •See-Through-Scopes [PS4]• - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification. 59. •See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for handmade rifle and western revolver. 60. •See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for radium rifle and lever action rifle. 61. •Legalized Top Tier Legendary Effects [PS4]• - Balances few legendary effects. 62. •Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4]• - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, allies and dead bodies in specific colours. 63. •Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4• - Core of this modlist. Tons and tons of changes. 64. •(PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics• - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions. 65. •[PS4] Realistic Bullets: Improved Lighting Ballistics Edition• - Makes bullets travel faster, more realistic and fixes some shooting bugs. 66. •Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4)• - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor. 67. •Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation)• - DLC patch for IG. 68. •Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4)• - Starting character level changed to 1. 69. •Medium Settlement Raids PS4• - Makes enemy raids balanced and less ridiculous. 70. •Zombie Walkers (PS4)• - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies. 71. •Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition -• - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight. 72. •Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4]• - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport. 73. •Realistic Insects Health [PS4]• - Makes insects easier to kill and more balanced. 74. •Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Enhanced• - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, less meat, less loot, less ammo from perk. 75. •Rough Start - Less Handouts• - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111, radroaches balanced, +7 extra SPECIAL points at start. 76. •Food, Drink and Crop Overhaul• - Improved cooking, lead belly perk, farming magazines 1 and 3 give important upgrades. Better recipes are locked behind perk ranks, added milk and crop seeds. 77. •PreWar Food +• - Prewar food is more useful. Balance and fixes. 78. •Alcohol Absorbs Rads• - Alcohols remove small amount of rads, so you don't rely solely on rare Radaways. 79. •Settlement Progression-Local Leader (UOF4P)• - Changes cost and perk requirements of some important structures, local leader perk rank 3. 80. •Valuables And Ingredients Aren't Junk• - Moves some meaningful items into Pip-Boy MISC category so they are not accidentaly scraped. 81. •Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4• - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying and even crafting legendary rings. 82. •Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature• - Higher damage to headshots, easier to rip off limbs. 83. •Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version• - Lets you stagger and knock enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk. 84. •Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4)• - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, 'Better criticals' perk for crits outside VATS. 85. •[PS4] STS - All-In-One• - Allows to clean settlements by scraping more objects for extra resources. 86. •Faster Positive Affinity For Companions• - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Or use extra mod #4 for removed cooldown only.* 87. •[PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120)• - Increases experience required to level up for balance purposes. 88. •Increased EXP• - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced and playable. 89. •No Building Houses XP Gains PS4• - Building settlements don't provide experience. 90. •Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Decreased amount of force for both melee and ranged attacks. 91. •Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4]• - More aware settlers with raised limit. Longer wires. 92. •Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4]• - Infinite build limit and two times longer range for electricity conduits. 93. •[PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch• - Makes weapon and Pip-Boy paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu. 94. •Pip-Boy Flashlight• - Pipboy light is now a flashlight. 95. •PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light• - Makes flashlight much bigger, changes to headlamp and power armor light. 96. •No Enemy Respawns• - No enemy and loot respawn to explore world once. 97. •Accelerated Fast Travel• - Fast travel takes minutes instead of hours and wont raise survival needs. 98. •Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4]• - Days and night are twice as long.* 99. •[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7• - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak. ---•If you decided to skip some mods, go check out 'Extra mods' below and add any you like.• ---•After installing above mods RESTART YOUR PS4/PS5!• ---•In options change game difficulty to survival.• ---•Graphics mode to 60fps, performance. Visual setting is less stable & smooth.• ---•Complete vault 111 until you get to the surface, do exit autosave and install below mod.• 100. •Saving Survival Mode• - Adds ability to save in survival difficulty through pip-boy MISC category. Option to save are always on top (3 autosave slots plus 1 main save slot shared by all survival characters). Not choosing this mod will make the game impossible. ---•Go to options, sound and reduce ambience and reverb sliders by 5 clicks.• ---•For even more immersive settings, go to settings, gameplay and turn off quest markers.•

---•You can also set music volume to half, camera sensitivity to max or your preference, hud color to minty blue, pip-boy to red or any colours you like.•

Extra mods:

  1. •No Bugs In Vault 111 [PS4]• - Radroaches in starting area removed for easier start. Add around last mod #100. Can delete afterwards.
  2. •Immortal Cats - PS4• - Invincible cats. Add after mod #85.
  3. •Vertibirds Unghosted• - Tweaks to vertibirds. Add after #30.
  4. •No Affinity Cooldown• - Removes cooldown between companion reacting to your actions. Swap with mod #86.
  5. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC• - Quieter production lines. Add after mod #32.
  6. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop• - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #32.
  7. •Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter)• - *For small, bright flashlight swap with mod #94 and move #95 one space above.
  8. •CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4• - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while in VATS. Add after mod #50.
  9. •Longhorns Of The Commonwealth• - Adds longhorns to the map. Add after #9.
  10. •Gulpers Of The Commonwealth• - Adds gulpers to the map. Add after #9.
  11. •Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix• - As the mod name suggests. Add after mod #1.
  12. •Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4• - Adds rank to VANS perk. Unlocking it reveals map markers. Add after #83.
  13. •Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4• - Moved attack spawn points outside the settlement borders. Add after #92.
  14. •[PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom)• - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Add after mod #2.
  15. •Josephine Preset• - Adds nice-looking creation preset for female character (preset number 13, you can edit it to your likings). Add around lat mod #100. Can be safely removed later on without any drawbacks to your character.

16. •CC Branded Shirt To Under Clothing PS4 Vers• - If you own T-Shirt Creation Club content, please put this mod above #56.

V 2.2 - FINAL. Please share this post and ask questions in the comments. Have fun!
submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:56 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty Three: Dare to Dream (Ape)

Booking John Cena's Career, Part Twenty Three: Dare to Dream (Ape)
Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
Part Eleven Here!
Part Twelve Here!
Part Thirteen Here!
Part Fourteen Here!
Part Fifteen Here!
Part Sixteen Here!
Part Seventeen Here!
Part Eighteen Here!
Part Nineteen Here!
Part Twenty Here!
Part Twenty One Here!
Part Twenty Two Here!
Last we saw John Cena was at Winter is Coming, where he surprisingly won the Dynamite Diamond Ring after forcing MJF to lose his cool and get himself disqualified. However, The Pinnacle (sans FTR, who aligned with Cena) beat him down so badly he needed stretchering out once the show went off the air. A few weeks pass, and MJF moves onto CM Punk as Cena remains nowhere to be seen. Eventually, it’s declared he’ll be back for the final Dynamite of February 2022.
Road to Revolution 2022
Cena is back with the Diamond Ring on his finger, and he says he wants to bring back an old tradition of his. Back in the olden days, he ran an open challenge, facing off against the world’s best and brightest. He found out the hard way that today’s best and brightest hit a little harder than he remembered, but he’s up to the test, so he figures his only way to the World Title is by telling everyone… “if you want some, come get some!” He announces that it starts right now, with the second iteration at Revolution. Tossing his shirt aside, he settles into the corner as a referee appears, begging for anyone in the back to try their luck, and… YO! LISTEN! Cena chuckles as Max Caster comes through the tunnel, mediocrely rapping about something or other before the bell rings.
Franchise Open Challenge: John Cena vs. “Platinum” Max Caster
Out of the gates, Max rallies Bowens on the outside, trying to get the fans on side… FRANCHISE LARIAT BY CENA, STRAIGHT INTO AN FU! ONE! TWO! THREE!
John Cena def. “Platinum” Max Caster (0:21)
Cena grabs the microphone, not even having broken a sweat, and says “yo, listen, yo, at Revolution, get me a better foe,” before laughing at the low-hanging fruit that was his own bar and walking off.
Revolution 2022
Cena makes his way down to the ring in the middle of the show, thanking the crowd for their warm reception before turning to the ramp and simply saying the Franchise Open Challenge starts now, so anybody who wants some can come get some. He waits a few moments, and then a few moments more, before a naturally slow response is made by ORANGE CASSIDY! John looks pretty confused as the King of Sloth Style comes out to a standing ovation, his opponent announced as weighing “whatever” and hailing from “wherever” before a lazy volley of pyro spurts out beside him. The Best Friends clap him on his denim-clad back and leave him to it, the crowd chanting “FRESHLY SQUEEZED” at the top of their lungs as Orange enters the ring, followed by “HOLY SHIT” as he stands opposite the Face That Runs The Place.
Franchise Open Challenge: John Cena vs. Orange Cassidy
Cena is still pretty clearly taken aback by Cassidy’s popularity as he tries for a lockup, Orange easily getting backed into the corner by John. Cena asks if he’s even here to fight, Cassidy not doing much of anything, and Cena shoves him into the turnbuckles. Orange calmly puts his hands in his pockets, the crowd erupting into cheers as he does so, so Cena simply drops him with a headlock takeover, only for Orange to reverse with a headscissors and kip up to his feet, hands still in his pockets. Cena stands nose to nose with him, and Orange plays Cena’s “frustrate them until they explode” strategy against him by throwing a molasses-esque kick to his leg, met with an “OOOOHHHHH!” from the crowd. Then another, and another, and another, before finally backing up for a feeble superkick to the knee, the crowd popping louder than Cena’s heard in ages. Orange winds up for one more, Cena casually sidestepping what he expects to be a slow-mo strike, but CASSIDY LANDS A SUPERKICK UNDER THE JAW, FOLLOWED BY AN ORANGE PUNCH! John is knocked to a knee, and CASSIDY CONNECTS WITH ANOTHER TO SEND HIM THROUGH THE ROPES! Still on his feet on the floor, Cena pivots to see CASSIDY FLYING AT HIM WITH A SUICIDE DIVE, BUT HE CATCHES HIM FOR A FALLAWAY SLAM INTO THE STEEL BARRICADE!
Now in control, Cena sends Cassidy back in for a leg drop across the back of the neck for two, and follows it up by calling for the Franchise Lariat to cut Cassidy’s momentum off completely. However, Orange simply… doesn’t get up, opting to stay down instead of getting clotheslined. Cena heads over to lift him up, but ORANGE STACKS HIM UP! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! John scrambles to pick Orange up, but Cassidy showcases some surprising power by GETTING CENA UP FOR A BEACH BREAK, ONLY FOR CENA TO REVERSE WITH A SUNSET FLIP! ONE! TWO! THR-ORANGE REVERSES TO LEVERAGE JOHN’S SHOULDERS TO THE MAT! ONE! TWO! THR-CENA POWERS OUT! Orange springs to his feet, as does Cena, Cassidy running under a Franchise Lariat attempt by John and bouncing off the ropes INTO A SHOULDER BLOCK BY CENA! Cena nails another shoulder block and a side slam before delivering a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! The fans all boo as John gets up to his feet, raising his hands to feign surrender to the crowd and saying he’s “doing what he gotta do.” Cassidy slowly rises to his feet, and CENA GOES FOR AN FU, BUT ORANGE REVERSES IT INTO A STUNDOG MILLIONAIRE! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOOO! Cassidy winds up for another Orange Punch in the corner, the crowd rising to their feet in tandem with Cena… ORANGE PUNCH CAUGHT OUT OF THE SKY FOR AN FU, CENA ROLLING THROUGH TO DELIVER A SECOND ONE! MESSAGE SENT AS HE HOOKS BOTH LEGS! ONE! TWO! THREE!
John Cena def. Orange Cassidy (10:35)
Road to Double or Nothing 2022
It was a big win for Cena at Revolution, but it was also something of a revelation that he might not have been taking AEW’s roster seriously enough. With that in mind, he declares the Franchise Open Challenge is back on track, and he hopes to show everyone what he’s capable of to prove that even with all the incredible competitors in AEW’s locker room, he belongs at the top of the mountain. The challenge is answered by Jungle Boy.
Franchise Open Challenge: John Cena vs. Jungle Boy
Jungle Boy gets his shit in, even connecting with a corkscrew plancha to the outside to get things started off in his favour, but he gets a bit overzealous as he looks to avenge Christian Cage’s loss to Cena by going for the Snare Trap, an identical hold to Cena’s STFU. Cena grabs the ropes before Jungle Boy can lock in in, tripping Perry into the second rope with an STO before slipping behind for a TIGER SUPLEX, FOLLOWED UP BY AN FU! ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA KNOCKS OFF ONE HALF OF THE AEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, AND ANOTHER OF IT’S SELF-PROCLAIMED PILLARS!
John Cena def. Jungle Boy (11:02)
The Open Challenge continues on for a few weeks, with Cena notching victories over the likes of American Top Team’s Ethan Page and a particularly significant one over the Murderhawk Monster, Lance Archer. He also picks up a particularly hard-fought victory over AEW newcomer Konosuke Takeshita, shaking his hand after the bout while clutching the neck that Takeshita German Suplexed him on.
John Cena def. Ethan Page (7:33)
John Cena def. Lance Archer (10:41)
John Cena def. Konosuke Takeshita (14:18)
However, CM Punk beats him to the punch by staking his claim to Hangman Page’s AEW World Title at Double or Nothing, leaving Cena high and dry as Double or Nothing approaches, despite creeping up towards the top of the rankings. He says if he can’t be in the AEW Title match, he wants a great opponent in Las Vegas to prove he truly belongs as the next challenger for the gold. WAIT A SECOND! THE HANGMAN IS HERE! Hangman Page hits the ring, standing up to Cena and saying that he may be facing Punk at Double or Nothing, but Cena… Cena is in a special spot. Nobody on AEW’s roster has beaten CM Punk on a big stage except for him, so Hangman wants to send a message to the Straight Edge Saviour. He says if Cena wants, he’ll answer the Franchise Open Challenge next week and make it a title eliminator. John agrees, extending a hand to the champion, and they shake, with neither man letting go as they tighten their grips, leaning in close.
AEW World Title Eliminator: John Cena vs. Hangman Page
CM Punk is on commentary for this one, and it’s a massive atmosphere as Punk and Cena make eye contact for the first time in a decade. However, what’s just as crucial is Cena once again getting a crack at the AEW World Champion, and he intends to make the most of it, quickly taking the fight to Page with an onslaught of blows to the body. He backs Hangman up into the corner, brute forcing him onto the top turnbuckle before quickly going for an AVALANCHE FU, but Hangman knocks him down and bounces off the ropes for a SPRINGBOARD LARIAT FOR TWO! He sends Cena to the floor hopping to the top turnbuckle for a MOONSAULT TO THE OUTSIDE! Somehow landing on his feet, Page goes right over to Punk, who applauds halfheartedly as John slowly gets to his feet in the background, rushing over to Hangman for a TACKLE OVER THE ANNOUNCE BOOTH, STRAIGHT INTO PUNK HIMSELF! Cena drags Hangman back to the ring, calling for a Franchise Lariat, but Hangman counters it into a DEADEYE! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! It’s a frantic sprint from the get-go, both men going for broke with their biggest bombs available - Hangman wanting to get it done quickly before facing Punk so he can be 100% for Double or Nothing, and Cena already wounded from his lengthy string of open challenge victories. Naturally, Page hops through the ropes to attempt a BUCKSHOT LARIAT, BUT CENA DUCKS BEHIND, A BEAUTIFUL STANDING SWITCH LEAVING HIM IN PRIME POSITION FOR A GERMAN SUPLEX… BUT HE HOLDS ON, SPINNING AROUND FOR A DRAGON SUPLEX, ONLY TO HOLD ON AGAIN FOR A BRIDGING TIGER SUPLEX! WHAT STRENGTH! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT BY PAGE!
Both men are pretty depleted early on, but the fight wages on as Cena hoists Hangman up, calling for an FU! He gets him onto his shoulders, but PAGE LANDS ON HIS FEET FOR A DISCUS FOREARM, ONLY TO EAT A HAYMAKER FROM CENA! They start trading blows in the middle of the ring, Cena getting the upper hand in the exchange before landing a few shoulder blocks, only to eat a BIG BOOT AS HE GOES FOR A FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! Hangman goes for a belly to back suplex, Cena fighting free and dumping Page out of the ring before bailing out to the floor himself, tossing Hangman into the barricade. He goes for an FU on the floor, but Page grabs the rope, dragging himself off Cena’s shoulders and delivering a kick to the gut, followed by a POWERBOMB STRAIGHT THROUGH THE TIMEKEEPER’S TABLE! Page lets out a battle cry, locking eyes with CM Punk as he sends Cena back between the ropes and hops onto the apron for a BUCKSHOT LARIAT, BUT CENA BEATS HIM TO THE PUNCH WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT OF HIS OWN! BOTH MEN DOWN! They start coming to at about the same time, trading punches as they rise to their feet, and Cena gets a bit overzealous with a wide haymaker, Page catching him for a BACKDROP DRIVER! He hoists Cena up onto his shoulders, shouting at his next challenger as he goes for a GTS, BUT CENA GRABS THE KNEE, REVERSING IT INTO AN STFU! PAGE IS TRAPPED! CENA COULD MAKE THE CHAMP TAP RIGHT HERE… Page’s eyelids start fluttering, slowly fading out of consciousness as he drags himself forward - HE MAKES IT TO THE ROPE!
Cena’s in the driver’s seat pretty firmly for the first time, and he intends to take full advantage as he waits for Page to get to his feet. He knows Hangman’s leg is in a bad way after contorting it in the STFU, so he probably won’t be able to land on his feet out of an FU. Page struggles to a vertical base, and HE GETS PAGE UP, BUT HANGMAN REVERSES INTO A DDT! He calls for another powerbomb on the Franchise, just as he did at ringside, and hoists John into position before CENA GOES FOR BROKE WITH A HURRICANRANA! Page springs to his feet, dazed and confused as Cena gets him into a fireman’s carry for an FU! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT BY PAGE! Cena rolls through for another one, unrelenting in his pursuit of victory, but Hangman manages to persevere, grabbing the top rope and dropping down onto the apron, landing a stiff elbow on the jaw and following it with a BUCKSHOT LARIAT, TURNING JOHN CENA INSIDE OUT! THE CHAMP HOOKS THE LEG… ONE! TWO! THREE! A HARD-FOUGHT WIN IN A WILD SPRINT FOR THE HANGMAN, WHO MANAGES TO VANQUISH ONE OF CM PUNK’S GREATEST FOES EN ROUTE TO DOUBLE OR NOTHING!
Hangman Page def. John Cena (15:39), meaning Cena can’t challenge him while he holds the AEW World Title
Battered and bruised, and with the first failure in the Franchise Open Challenge having been logged, Cena is pretty dejected next week on Dynamite. He says his invitation for Double or Nothing still stands, as he wants to face the best and brightest the future has to offer, knowing Page will lose the gold eventually. He says he’s beaten two “Pillars,” so far, and while he might’ve come up short against the AEW Champion, while the matches may be taking a toll, he’s still feeling ready for whatever’s next. But not this. Out comes Sting, who Cena hasn’t seen since Survivor Series 2014, who came to John’s rescue in his time of need. John seems ready to accept his challenge, but Sting laughs, shaking John’s hand. He says he’s not looking for a singles match, but he heard Cena talking about the Pillars, and he’s got one in mind for Cena to face at Double or Nothing… Darby Allin. Out comes Darby, staring Cena down, and John says he knows Allin’s good - he’s heard a lot about him, but when it comes down to it, John wants back in the hunt. Darby may be stepping up, but Cena vows to make him step aside in Las Vegas.
Double or Nothing 2022
John Cena vs. Darby Allin
Knowing Cena’s worse for wear, Darby goes crazy right from the bell, simply throwing himself at Cena at top speed and hoping for the best as he careens off of the Cenation leader’s frame. John staggers into the ropes, Allin wailing on him with rights and lefts before soaring at him with a dropkick to send Cena through the ropes, following it with a SUICIDE DIVE, LIKE HE’S BEEN SHOT FROM A CANNON! He sends Cena back in to go for a Coffin Drop, but John manages to get right back up, high on adrenaline, and deliver an AVALANCHE BRIDGING GERMAN SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT FROM DARBY, BUT CENA’S GOT HIM IN TROUBLE EARLY! From here, John knows the drill - ragdolling Allin all over the place. He jets him around the ring with horrific suplexes, plants him on the apron with a side slam, nails a SWINGING POWERBOMB INTO THE RING POST, and goes for an FU, ONLY FOR ALLIN TO REVERSE INTO A LAST SUPPER! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA BARELY GETS THE SHOULDER UP, BUT DARBY CAPITALIZES TO NAIL A STUNDOG MILLIONAIRE! He clambers up to the top rope, eager to put Cena away with a Coffin Drop, but JOHN CATCHES HIM OUT OF THE AIR IN AN ARGENTINE BACKBREAKER RACK! He flips Allin over… FU CONNECTS! ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA SURVIVES THE ONSLAUGHT OF DARBY ALLIN TO PICK UP A CONVINCING WIN!
John Cena def. Darby Allin (10:03)
In the main event, CM Punk wins the AEW World Heavyweight Title from Hangman Page, ending Cena’s ban from challenging for the gold less than two weeks after it was implemented.
Road to Forbidden Door 2022
The Rampage after Double or Nothing, CM Punk declares he’s injured, as is tradition. This opens up a huge power vacuum for the Interim AEW World Title, and it’s announced that there will be an interpromotional tournament between AEW and NJPW for the gold, concluding at Forbidden Door. At Dominion, Hiroshi Tanahashi stamps his ticket to the main event, and the next week, John Cena wins a battle royal to make it to the semi-finals - where he meets Jon Moxley.
Moxley and Tanahashi have been building towards a match for over a year, but everyone knows Cena vs. Tanahashi is a dream match in its own right - the Face of American pro wrestling vs. the Face of Japanese puroresu. Moxley and Cena also have plenty of history in their own right, making the high-stakes bout all the more compelling. They have a promo segment to open next week’s Dynamite, Moxley saying that last time he and Cena met one on one, he won. Last time they met on a grand stage, he won, and did so so decisively that Cena never main evented WrestleMania again. John chuckles, saying that he knows in a past life, Moxley had his number, and ever since, he’s only grown more dangerous. He should be shaking in his boots, but he’s not. If Moxley’s the tallest task in AEW… he’s up to it. He’ll see him later tonight.
Interim AEW World Title Tournament Semi-Final: John Cena vs. Jon Moxley
These two revisit their past blood feud with a suitable amount of vim and vigor, Moxley bleeding like a stuffed pig after getting hit with a Five Knuckle Shuffle or something. It turns into a brutally violent scrap, both men refusing to surrender the chance to face Tanahashi at Forbidden Door and reach the top of the AEW mountain. They duke it out for nearly fifteen minutes, trading big bombs, but eventually Moxley manages to pull ahead with an X-Plex before lining up for the Death Rider, only to be backed into the corner by Cena with a flurry of punches. Cena goes for the Franchise Lariat, but Jon blasts him with a forearm, dropping Cena for a series of HAMMER AND ANVIL ELBOWS, AND NOW A DEATH RIDER BY MOXLEY! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA KICKS OUT, BUT MOXLEY TRANSITIONS STRAIGHT INTO THE BULLDOG CHOKE, SQUEEZING THE LIFE OUT OF THE FRANCHISE! John struggles towards the ropes, but Moxley stomps on his hand, shifting his centre of gravity enough for Cena to roll back INTO A STACK! ONE! TWO! TH-MOXLEY KICKS OUT, BUT HOOKS CENA’S ARMS FOR ANOTHER DEATH RIDER, ONLY FOR JOHN TO POP HIM UP INTO AN FU! HE ROLLS THROUGH… A SECOND FU, AND NOW INTO A THIRD! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA’S GOT ANOTHER SHOT AT THE AEW TITLE THANKS TO FINALLY KNOCKING OFF JON MOXLEY!
John Cena def. Jon Moxley (15:36) to advance
Staggering to his feet, battered beyond belief, Cena celebrates his victory as the BCC cart off a furious Jon Moxley. It’s the biggest win of Cena’s AEW career, but he doesn’t have long to bask in it as HIROSHI TANAHASHI APPEARS ON THE STAGE! He makes his way down to the ring, the crowd showering both men in chants of “HOLY SHIT” as Tanahashi and Cena stand across from each other within the confines of the same squared circle. John steps to the middle of the ring, as does Tanahashi, soaking in the response before the Ace raises his arms, a smug smile on his face. Cena slowly lifts his hand into a salute, putting a little extra oomph behind the motion before telling Tanahashi the Champ is Here, the show going off the air with wrestling’s two most iconic modern babyfaces finally locked in for a gargantuan battle.
Forbidden Door 2022
Interim AEW World Title: John Cena vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
Ladies and Gentlemen, it's my job to make you believe. This is it. THE Dream Match. From the lockup, the crowd is molten, erring on the side of Cena as AEW’s representative, but things quickly change as Cena starts to work on the body, slowing the pace down to assault Tanahashi’s core in the early going. He bears down on him with suplexes and slams, even going as far as to just stomp on the ribs and stomach to keep Tanahashi down, knowing there’s no breaking the Ace’s spirit - you just have to batter him until he simply can’t keep going. However, he gets a bit overzealous, Tanahashi nabbing his foot and connecting with a Dragon Screw to take him to the mat, followed by a grounded Dragon Screw to begin his work on the leg. Tanahashi keeps the pressure on with desperate chop blocks and low dropkicks, knowing his only hope is to keep his stronger foe on his back, but Cena’s freakish power neutralizes most of Tanahashi’s efforts, reversing a SLINGBLADE INTO A BLUE THUNDER BOMB! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT! The Ace comes up gasping for breath, and Cena digs into his reserves with a series of blows to the body, laying into him with a series of shoulder blocks and a side slam before going for a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE, BUT TANAHASHI CATCHES HIM WITH A DENKOU SEKKA! ONE! TWO! THR-CENA KICKS OUT, SPRINGING UP AND PIVOTING TO DELIVER A FRANCHISE LARIAT! ONE! KICKOUT AT ONE! TANAHASHI’S NOT GOING ANYWHERE, AND CHICAGO HAS ERUPTED!
Now firmly on the side of Hiroshi Tanahashi, the fans rally behind him as he gets back to his feet, urging Cena to throw everything he’s got. Cena uncorks a few haymakers, staggering the Ace, but Tanahashi LAYS INTO HIM WITH A HUGE SLAP ACROSS THE FACE, HIS ENTIRE BODY WEIGHT PUT BEHIND IT! The Franchise is stunned, looking slightly dazed before his face contorts into one of frustration, charging for another Franchise Lariat but being sent through the ropes before THE ACE NAILS A DROPKICK THROUGH THE ROPES! He scrambles up to the top turnbuckle… CROSSBODY TO THE FLOOR, TAKING CENA DOWN! TANAHASHI’S ON A ROLL! It’s clear both men are worse for wear after that one, the collision naturally taking Cena down but also exacerbating the damage to Tanahashi’s core. The New Japan star sends John back in, going up top once again before going for a HIGH FLY FLOW, BUT CENA ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY, DELIVERING A SERIES OF DEADLIFT SUPLEXES ON TANAHASHI FOR ANOTHER NEARFALL! He calls for an FU as Tanahashi struggles to stand, hoisting him up ON ONE LEG, BUT TANAHASHI COUNTERS INTO A TORNADO DDT, CENA UNABLE TO KEEP A FIRM BASE! HE’S GOT CENA DOWN, AND NOW HE RUSHES TO THE TOP ROPE, FIGHTING THROUGH THE PAIN… HIGH! FLY! FLOW! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO!
Tanahashi clutches his ribs as he wills himself onwards, dragging himself to the ropes and heaving himself up the turnbuckles for ANOTHER HIGH FLY FLOW, BUT CENA CATCHES HIM OUT OF THE AIR FOR AN FU! ONE! TWO! THRE-TANAHASHI KICKS OUT, AND THE UNITED CENTER HAS COME UNGLUED! Cena rolls right over Tanahashi to hoist him up for a second consecutive FU, but TANAHASHI REVERSES INTO A CRUCIFIX PIN! ONE! TWO! THR-CENA REVERSES IT INTO A HIGH STACK! ONE! TWO! THR-TANAHASHI ROLLS OVER, GRABBING CENA’S BAD LEG TO GO FOR A CLOVERLEAF, BUT CENA TRIPS HIM UP AND LOCKS IN THE STFU! TANAHASHI’S FADING! THERE’S NO UNIVERSE IN WHICH THE ACE TAPS, BUT HE COULD PASS OUT… HE REACHES TO THE ROPES, BUT HE’S FINGERTIPS SHORT! His eyelids begin to flutter, his arm dropping to the canvas, but suddenly, his eyes bulge open, a surge of energy driving him forward… but not far enough, collapsing just shy of the ropes. The referee grabs his arm to check if he’s out, but TANAHASHI GRABS HIM BY THE COLLAR! HE’S NOT DONE YET! ONE LAST BURST, BUT CENA DRAGS THE ACE BACK TO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING - ONLY FOR TANAHASHI TO REVERSE IT INTO AN INSIDE CRADLE! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA GETS THE SHOULDER UP, AND NOW HE’S GOT TANAHASHI UP ON HIS SHOULDERS FOR A SECOND FU, AND NOW A THIRD! The air is let out of the building as he finally hooks both legs… ONE! TWO! THREE! CENA’S ON TOP OF THE WORLD, NOW A TWENTY TIME WORLD CHAMPION!
John Cena def. Hiroshi Tanahashi (22:40) to win the Interim AEW World Title
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:53 Fake_knight Doubts and confusion about external microphone

Hello everyone,
I would like to purchase a microphone to use on my Fujifilm XT3. I have been searching and checking for weeks but cannot find a complete answer to my doubts. I start by saying that the budget for the device is around 100€. My doubts are as follows:
I would be going to use the microphone in a small to medium room to create videos to upload to YouTube (mostly movie related, so where I am facing the camera and talking). The problem arises as I would like to purchase a microphone to make both videos for YouTube and live content on Twitch.
I can't find a microphone that can do both (or I have misinterpreted it). So use it with my camera but also connect it to my PC to use it during live streams. One last question is also to know if the microphone once connected with the camera will self-power through the Jack or do I have to power it externally?
It would be of great help if you can clear my doubts because I can't get my head around these issues.
Thanks in advance to everyone.
submitted by Fake_knight to fujifilm [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:53 Skaalhrim Tips to teach toddler second language if I am B2, spouse does not speak it, and we live in US? Is it pointless?

My son is almost 2. He is right on track with speech development in English. Until two months ago, both my spouse and I spoke to him in English 100% of the time. When I noticed my son was getting pretty good expressing himself in English, I started speaking to him in Russian when we are outside (unless we are playing with English speakers). He now understand super simple questions/passes in Russian (who is that? What is that? Where should we go? Want to go outside? We're going home. Hi, bye, thank you) and answers in English.
I speak Russian about level B2–enough to speak all day about basic things but not really about complex/academic subjects. I have virtually no accent since I learned primarily through immersion + self study, but English is my native language. I would speak to him in Russian all the time but my spouse doesn't like when I speak Russian around her since she can't understand.
We have no Russian speaking relatives just a few friends in our neighborhood. No ties to Russian speaking countries. My motivation is just that, growing up, I always wanted to speak a second language. Seems like a lost opportunity not to teach my son something fun and useful that would otherwise be really hard to learn.
Is anyone else in a similar position?
Is it pointless to try to teach him Russian if I don't speak to him in Russian at home?
submitted by Skaalhrim to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:53 thenight817 SaaS Idea in Vertical Social - My Current Thoughts & How To Proceed?

I've got 10 years of experience in performance marketing, advertising, marketing....all things internet. I currently own my own ecommerce store, but I've gotten bored of it, and would like to pursue a SaaS offering in a space that I hobby in. B2C app with free offerings + premium offerings.
I'm looking for general feedback here of, "am I on the right track and thinking about this stuff correctly?"
General Idea
I am interested in building an app/community that is categorized as "vertical social". Basically building an app for a specific kind of hobbyists. Giving consumers the opportunity to share/connect with other like-minded people in this hobby as well as some extensive mapping abilities not currently served by communities like Facebook Groups. There is a very obvious "premium" package of mapping I can sell to solve problems in this space.
One of the larger vertical social apps that have done well is FishBrain (B2C app). They dominate the fishing space with this free + premium consumer offering and now operate pretty much the largest fishing community in the world. It took them 10 years (yikes!) and multiple rounds of investing. I want this result in my niche, but that kind of timeline + investors.....yuck.
If I had it my way, I would build this brand into the leading community for this particular hobby (and there are no other key apps in the space (good sign or bad...not sure!). This is nichier than most B2C apps/businesses. Hopefully less competitive.
I am already involved in multiple reddit groups/facebook groups/asking people in real life/studying problems. I see that other larger vertical social apps have been created in different hobbies, and I'm thinking I can do the same. I believe this model of offering a FREE base account with socializing abilities + the option to addon premium features and tools could really work for me!
Next Steps
I've contacted some devs I use for my ecommerce biz, and they've given me some pretty grossly high quotes for the project. Between $35-65k depending on feature list + app functionality (or just website). And 6 months to make it. Ouch. I better have some conviction with this.
I've been tempted to create a landing page and run some ads at it to help further "validate". However, since I'm in the niche myself as a hobbyist I have a good idea as to what would be useful. I actively deal with these problems myself, so building something catered instead of hacking together 10 different technologies (the way people commonly fix their issues currently) would seem like a nice play! In addition, I've seen other "vertical social" apps run successfully and my app would parralel their approach within my niche. There are 1-2 websites online that offer similar tools and get 100-200k visitors/month which is some decent validation as well as keyword search traffic being pretty strong.
Overall, I'm asking myself, "ok you put together a lander for opt-in to "validate", spend $1,000 on ads, and got 50 signups...So what? This doesn't mean much. You still gotta dive in. Well DUH some people are gonna submit their email. That's NOT a sale. You don't know until you offer the real deal."
I am still hounding in my head the idea of "what's the cheapest way to see if someone actually pulls out their wallet for this and really engages?" Do I really have to spend 6 months building this thing out to really know? Does my anecdotal "in the niche myself" experience really hold enough weight for buildout like this?
I've heard so much the likelihood of a B2C app failure is so high + at a $30-60k & 6 months of time this is a large bite. I find a lot of personal enjoyment in this space, would love to work on this kinda stuff the rest of my life, but this will hurt if I screw it up and/or don't wait LONG ENOUGH for it to come to fruition.
I am writing this post hoping to hear some words of wisdom or words of caution. Thank you for your insights!
submitted by thenight817 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:52 Aetherus0 Unemployed for a year, what are my best options?

I graduated with a bachelor's from a top Canadian university almost a year ago. I've been doing work in an unpaid internship for a small local startup for about 8 months while applying to jobs, but I know they're not looking to hire me into a paid role (or any of the other interns since they just want free labor) so I'm at the point where I feel like I'm not gaining much from being there anymore.
People say that the market is not in a great place right now so finding jobs is difficult for new grads, so I'm considering riding out the market bust by going back to school. I'd be interested in getting a master's, but I didn't graduate with a very high gpa (2.87) so I don't think anywhere would even accept me. The other option is to get a post-graduate certificate at a college, but I don't know if that adds much value to my employability. Either option would provide me opportunities in the form of making connections and giving me access to student internships (I think the post-graduate certificate should qualify for student internships I'm not 100% sure).
I also want to add that I'm also from a low-income family so I expect the government would pay a large chunk of the tuition fees so that's less of a concern. Going back to school would also be another 2 years of my life and I don't even know how far it would get me since I'd still have 0 experience if I don't get some internship.
To be honest I didn't really enjoy going to school so this idea doesn't really excite me but in my circumstances I may just have to bite the bullet. Otherwise I would just keep trying to find any form of work out of my industry and work on side projects while I continue to apply.
I would be happy to answer any questions in the comments since I didn't want to overload the post with too much info.
submitted by Aetherus0 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:52 Barak3ttt Is it a violation to state my approximative score on the CFA level 1 exam in my CV?

Is it a violation to state my approximative score on the CFA level 1 exam in my CV?

I took the CFA level 1 in February and it visually visible that I scored all the available points on 7/10 out of 10 subjects. Additionally, I can also approximate that
  1. On FSA I scored very close to 100, around 95% which means one question wrong out of around 20 available questions.
  2. Fixed Income, similar to FSA, very close to 100%, around 95%. I believe I got only one question wrong out of the approximately 20 in the exam.
  3. On Derivatives, the points are closer to 85-90%, but one wrong answer signifcantly drags the score down given the small number of derivative questions on the exam. Nevertheless, the score is still substantially above the 70% so I can confidently assume that I made only one mistake.
Therefore, I approximately scored 177/180 = 98.3%. However, would I be able, according to Codes & Standards, to state this in my CV the approximate score to signal my dedication and performance for an University applicaiton? Would this even be a good idea to differentiate myself as an applicant?
Thanks for the insights.
submitted by Barak3ttt to CFA [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:46 CourtMaximum8604 JavaFX Dinosaur Game

Im trying to make the dinosaur game and right now I am working on just the cacti randomly appearing(different types of cacti) and then ensuring they properly intersect with the dinosaur. When I run it the first time everything seems fine but then when I reset the game by hitting spacebar everything gets messed up. I will insert my code below with the main class and the timer class I made to keep count of score.
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.animation.TranslateTransition;
import javafx.util.Duration;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
public class DinosaurGame extends Application {
private boolean collisionDetected = false;
private TranslateTransition rectangleMove;
private TranslateTransition[] cactiTransitions;
private Timeline collisionChecker;
private ImageView[] cacti;
private Image[] cactusImages;
private ImageView dino;
private Rectangle rectimg;
private Rectangle rectDino;
private Text fail;
private boolean isResetPossible = false;
private BetterTimer timer;
private Label lblTime;
private SimpleLongProperty secondsProperty;
private long highScore = 0;
private boolean alive = true;
public void start(Stage stage) throws IOException {
cactusImages = new Image[4];
cactusImages[0] = new Image(new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\kiera\\SHIT\\data\\cactus1.png"));
cactusImages[1] = new Image(new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\kiera\\SHIT\\data\\cactus2-removebg-preview.png"));
cactusImages[2] = new Image(new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\kiera\\SHIT\\data\\cactus4-removebg-preview.png"));
cactusImages[3] = new Image(new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\kiera\\SHIT\\data\\gamecactus3-removebg-preview.png"));
cacti = new ImageView[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
cacti[i] = new ImageView(cactusImages[i]);
InputStream stream5 = new FileInputStream("C:\\Users\\kiera\\SHIT\\data\\main-character1.png");
Image image5 = new Image(stream5);
dino = new ImageView();
rectimg = new Rectangle();
rectDino = new Rectangle();
fail = new Text();
rectangleMove = new TranslateTransition();
cactiTransitions = new TranslateTransition[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
cactiTransitions[i] = new TranslateTransition();
timer = new BetterTimer();
lblTime = new Label("0 score");
secondsProperty = new SimpleLongProperty(0);
lblTime.textProperty().bind(secondsProperty.asString().concat(" score"));
StackPane.setAlignment(lblTime, Pos.TOP_RIGHT);
collisionChecker = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(50), event -> {
if (rectimg.getBoundsInParent().intersects(rectDino.getBoundsInParent())) {
if (!collisionDetected) {
// Stop all animations
for (TranslateTransition transition : cactiTransitions) {
for (ImageView cactus : cacti) {
fail.setFont(Font.font("Impact", 24));
if (highScore < timer.getTimeElapsed()) {
highScore = timer.getTimeElapsed();
fail.setText("You lost. Press Space to begin again \n Your score was: " + timer.getTimeElapsed() + "\n Your high score is: " + highScore);
double textWidth = fail.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
fail.setX((595 - textWidth) / 2);
collisionDetected = true;
isResetPossible = true;
alive = false;
Group root = new Group(dino, cacti[0], cacti[1], cacti[2], cacti[3], rectimg, rectDino, fail, lblTime);
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 595, 370);
scene.setOnKeyPressed(event -> {
if (event.getCode() == KeyCode.SPACE && isResetPossible) {
stage.setTitle("Displaying Image");
private void startAnimations() {
collisionDetected = false;
alive = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Timeline cactusSpawner = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(2), event -> {
if (alive) {
int whichCactus = (int) (Math.random() * 4);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
AnimationTimer animationTimer = new AnimationTimer() {
public void handle(long now) {
if (alive) {
private void resetGame() {
isResetPossible = false;
collisionDetected = false;
alive = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (TranslateTransition transition : cactiTransitions) {
public static void main(String args[]) {
import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer;
public class BetterTimer {
private long startTime;
private long elapsedTime;
private boolean isRunning;
public BetterTimer() {
startTime = 0;
elapsedTime = 0;
isRunning = false;
public void start() {
startTime = System.nanoTime();
isRunning = true;
public void stop() {
if (isRunning) {
elapsedTime = getTimeElapsed();
isRunning = false;
public void reset() {
startTime = 0;
elapsedTime = 0;
isRunning = false;
public long getTimeElapsed() {
if (isRunning) {
return ((System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1_000_000_000)*10;
} else {
return elapsedTime / 1_000_000_000*10;
submitted by CourtMaximum8604 to JavaFX [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:44 slowdawg84 Race Report: Music City Tri - Olympic Distance

Fourth Tri (Sprint, 70.3, Sprint, Olympic), but the first where I've actually trained for it. This will be the second time I've done the MCT, but first time doing the Olympic. This was a really fun race, and really great to see training pay off, especially with a 70.3 coming up in August!
Race weekend (really just Saturday) weather was pretty abysmal. A system moved in that dropped the temperature and a TON of rain. Picked up our packets on Saturday just to scope things out, and the Cumberland River was MOVING. Really don't think I've ever seen it so fast. Temp on Saturday in the water was about 70*, making it wetsuit legal.
Race day weather was great. No rain at all, still a chill morning, and sun (and humidity) came out to play on the run.
Woke up about 4:45am and immediately got to work trying to get the bowels moving with some coffee. While coffee was going down I started on some eggs, a little bit of bacon, and some fruit. Honestly couldn't really eat much, but at least I had a good chicken and pasta dinner.
Got to transition at about 6:20, and was probably good to go by 6:35, 6:45 at the latest. Realized with like no time to spare I had left sunglasses in a car at our house, but I had those keys with my. Texted the wife to bring our spare key for my car (at the race) so she could grab her sunglasses from there, and hand off to me at T1. Outside advantage, I don't think so, but I'm also not vying for a podium so who cares.
For the Music City Tri Olympic distance you board a paddle boat that takes you upriver 1.1km, and you then have a downriver swim.
By race morning the river had slowed a tiny bit, but was still moving considerably. I opted not to wear a wetsuit as I feel like mine is pretty restrictive, and the second I hit the water I seized up. It was cold as hell. I think I probably did 200 yds of freestyle with my face in the water, out of fear I'd suck water in. Fortunately it was moving and I didn't have to do the most work in the world though!
Time: 10:50 (perfectly still river I was thinking around 18:00).
A quarter mile run out of the water, up a hill, across gravel from construction, and almost across all of Transition really could have been better! Fortunately I think I lay my stuff out pretty well, I just don't always execute on getting my gear on that effectively. This transition was different from past transitions though, as I really didn't stop to walk and really didn't dilly dally just to take a break in transition. There's that training.
Time: 5:51
BIKE: 25.07mi, 1,073 ft climb
Bike starts out with a pretty narrow exit out of a parking area, but eventually you get onto two, and three lane streets, finally getting onto a completely blocked off four lane parkway- two lanes out, two back.
At about mile 1 you start just a really long, really gradual climb out to mile 6. There's two descents in there, but for the most part it's uninterrupted for like 375 or 400+ feet of climbing.
I have a TT bike that's pretty well fit for me, so on the descents out, and the big descent on the way back (remember, if you go up you'll come down) and was in aero and still pedaling hard.
Finished loop 1 and felt pretty solid aside from having to pee BAD. I'm not one of those that pees themselves, though in hindsight you'll see maybe I should've...
Loop 2 was basically just a repeat of loop 1, except of the pee thing.
Time: 1:22:02 (18.3 mph) (This is also 3.5mph faster than my Sprint race two years ago where you only do one loop!)
Far simpler. Came in, swapped shoes, swapped a few pieces of nutrition, and off I went. Not much to say here!
Time: 1:49
This thing was a h*e. As I mentioned earlier, was never much of a runner, but I've still been training for this race and my 70.3 in August. YTD have about 100 miles on my feet. I should also mention for long distance (no swim or bike before, I can do about 10:00/mi, but for this was hoping for 10:30/mi).
Started the run and very quickly my left shoe felt off. Foot was fine, but shoe was strange. Ran for a while and finally realized that the insole was repeatedly slipping up my heel. So annoying, and had to fix this like 6 times, like 15 or 20 seconds each time.
Dealing with the shoe issue and just general fatigue, pretty quickly devolved into a run-walk. I knew it would at some point, was just trying to stop the bleeding as long as I could. Would do 3-4 minutes run, 30s - 1 minute walk at a time. Ultimately it was hard, but thought I did well. Run will definitely be a focus for August.
Time: 1:05:53 (10:53/mi, 1:03/ mi faster than the Sprint race)
Over all time: 2:46:25
Pretty stoked about this race, especially when I compare to myself two years ago doing half the distance I did on Sunday! Got to race with friends and had friends cheering us on, and got reminded why I love the sport so much- you get to see your efforts pay off, and others get to share in that.
Really excited to keep it up for Louisville in August!
submitted by slowdawg84 to triathlon [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:44 Aromatic-Star-1701 I've been hiding my failing grades from my parents for years, and they want me to go back and finish university.

Apologies if this is slightly vague, I know this is wrong of me and I've been regretting since. I don't want anyone I personally know to find out I've done this and I need to just, get this out of my system and do the right thing.
My English might be weird too, not my first language. I'm from SEA. Sorry in advance.
I (23M) grew up not really knowing what I wanted to do for the future, and still don't know now. When I was graduating high school, everyone around me seemed to know and my teachers were urging all of us to send our college or university applications via our guidance counselors while we still could.
During this time in my senior year I rolled with it, submitted applications somewhat knowing I wouldn't be able to get into the top ones they asked me to apply for. There was really only one out of the list that I felt like I could apply to and start figuring out from there, but wow, I was wrong. I really didn't know what I was doing. But I was only doing what was expected of people my age.
Miraculously, I was able to get in with my mediocre grades, but only thanks to me studying good enough for the university's entrance exam. I thought I really had a chance back then. My parents were happy for me and paid every cent to enroll me in and celebrate.
On my first year studying, I was doing slightly well. I was getting the hang of it and I really liked my course, I made some worthwhile friends too. When I would show my parents my grades, they would be slightly happy for me. I noticed they didn't like that I got low grades in some classes and would berate me for them, how I didn't appreciate their efforts to put me in a good university.
To be honest? This was when I realized it was never my dream to achieve stuff this high and complicated. As much as I did value the pursuit of higher education for others, I was not coping well with the changes. I've been too naïve and thought I could just figure it out on the way. Because I never did figure it out. Not then, not now. But how can I complain? It's an opportunity of a lifetime and all I was doing was blowing it. I needed to work harder, that's all I knew.
Once the second year started, I hit a wall. I stopped caring and felt burnout. It was on me for not telling anyone how I felt or called for help, but at the time when I would express these feelings, especially to my parents about this, they would only tell me to just keep going. Generally, it was tough shit and life is all about tough shit. Sadly nothing was stopping me from not caring about anything anymore.
Looking back now, I was 19 and stupid at this time. I shut down and quietly went missing from my classes. I would go elsewhere and sleep at a café or ride around public transport because I couldn't handle it. If I stayed home my parents would question and scold me for not trying hard enough. I was mentally at my lowest. I failed that semester due to my absences, and the next, and...
Pandemic hit, 2020. I forgot to enroll for the next semester, and when my parents heard that I didn't, of course they got angry. They were then relieved since they didn't have to pay more money for no classes at all once things kicked in during March and my university was scrambling to organize online classes. I was slowly starting to feel better. I finally got to breathe, to take a step back and wonder what I really want.
That is, until my mother wanted me to enroll back in university and see my grades from the last semesters. I failed both but I didn't have the heart to tell them, they thought I was doing fine. I was already scared of telling them I got middle-tier grades since they didn't like that I wasn't "doing my best". So I panicked, and stupidly, I lied.
The university had a student portal that I could log into and see my grades. In the panic, I edited them and showed it to my mother. She and my father were happy that I got better grades, and in my mind at the time, it was better to just try and pacify them with the fake grades so they don't make me go back so soon.
Again, stupid, and I was wrong. In 2021, I couldn't avoid it anymore and my parents forced me to call up my university to enroll back in. Reluctantly, I did, and everything was different. After only two semesters I cracked under the pressure. I really wanted to push through and finish but it got to the point that I was crying almost every night. It was technically still the pandemic and I had no one to turn to. My old university friends were gone, my professors whose classes I failed made things harder. All of this is solely my fault. I had no support system that I felt like I could share how I really felt about all of this.
When I cracked, my mom for the first time did see I wasn't handling it well mentally. But she was more distressed about my progress in school. Being afraid again, I lied to her about my grades failing once more. I guess it only exacerbated her lack of care as to how I was really doing and told me to get off my lazy ass and keep going. I was mortified as to how much she didn't care, but hey, I was already an adult. Tough shit, that's life, I had no room to complain. I did this to myself.
My parents did let me have a break in between semesters to rest after my mother saw me lose it. But I was to enroll again whether I liked it or not. I failed half of my classes that round, and I took a break. A really long one.
Fast forward to now, my parents think I only have a little left of classes to finish before I graduate, and that thought couldn't be any more far from the truth. I've been delaying going back to fix my records and re-enroll, so they have been pushing for me to go back. The weight of my lies really put an anchor on myself, over these years and all I've been doing is regretting, rotting, and wondering if I could just. Disappear. My parents don't deserve a lying deadbeat like me.
I know now that I wasted my parent's money, and their patience is running thin as well. I never wanted to live past my means or aim so high. Everytime I strived to be the top, to look like I was succeeding to my old friends and relatives, and to make my parents happy, I was not happy with myself no matter how much I did. I was only doing what they wanted me to because I thought it was right.
But I don't have a say in how I grow up anymore, I blew it. Me begging to have a smaller life when I'm given so much room to succeed is pathetic of me. I turn 24 later this year with not much ambition, and there were real nights where I considered to just work two jobs and live alone with nothing to my name, instead of being financially secure and burning myself for a career I'm not even sure I still want. It's horrible. I'm ungrateful.
In a few hours, when they wake up, I will need to tell my parents the truth. I have to face the consequences of my actions, it took me too long to gather the strength but I have it now. I can only hope they'll forgive me, but I wouldn't put it past them if they kick me out. I do deserve it and I'm old enough to leave the house.
Please though, don't feel bad for me. This is something I have to rectify myself and I 100% know this is my fault, if I haven't made that as clear as can be. Reality's knocking at my door and I didn't answer until it was too late, is all.
If you've made it this far, thank you for reading. Just needed to vent this out and sort my thoughts one last time.
submitted by Aromatic-Star-1701 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

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2024.06.04 22:42 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Nineteen: Big Meaty Men (Ape)

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
Part Eight Here!
Part Nine Here!
Part Ten Here!
Part Eleven Here!
Part Twelve Here!
Part Thirteen Here!
Part Fourteen Here!
Part Fifteen Here!
Part Sixteen Here!
Part Seventeen Here!
Part Eighteen Here!
Whoops, I forgot to add the name of who wrote each part to a lot of the titles. This is taking a lot longer than I thought, and I'm not gonna go back and fix 'em. I'm sure you will all survive. Much love.
We left off in the aftermath of Survivor Series 2016, where Big Match John fuckin’ flubbed it and got choked out by Samoa Joe. While Cena’s Team SmackDown went on to win, he didn’t get anything out of it, and flipped out on SmackDown management before bailing on the show and going completely AWOL, vowing to return in pursuit of the WWE Championship and revenge against all the enemies he’s made across both Raw and SmackDown. TLC 2016 comes and goes without a Cena appearance, as does the New Year’s episode of SmackDown, so it seems like he’s a lock for the Royal Rumble… until Number 30 enters, and it’s not him. Weird. The Rumble ends up being won by Roman Reigns, making up for his not having won in 2015, and saving us from Roman vs. Taker.
Road to Elimination Chamber 2017
The next week, Daniel Bryan is seen in his office talking to Shane McMahon, saying that he’s going to reach out to Cena and tell him he’s in breach of contract for missing so many dates. Shane approves it, and Bryan makes the call, only to be greeted with the greatest answering machine ever. You know, full disclosure, as proud as I am of this booking’s content, I can use a break from writing matches and build as we get into the tenth part written by me, so we’re just gonna do the script for the entirety of the call.
DB: Listen to me, John…
JC: doodoodoodoooooo
JC: doodoodoodoooooo
DB: If you don’t come in next week to SmackDo-
JC: doodoodoodoooooo
DB: You’ll be fired, you hear me?
JC: doodoodoodoooooo
JC: doodoodoodoooooo
Finally, Bryan slams the phone down on the receiver, exhausted. Shane asks if he’s actually intending to do that, and Bryan shakes his head, saying that at the very least, he definitely wants to sack Cena at this point for all the difficulties he’s caused. McMahon agrees, setting the stakes for next week.
Next week goes by pretty smoothly, with the Elimination Chamber match announced for the WWE Title. Bray Wyatt qualifies, as do Dean Ambrose and Luke Harper. Finally, to close out the show, AJ Styles takes to the ring, taunting Cena and saying the clock is ticking for him to come on down to the ring. Bryan joins Styles, telling him to stop being a nuisance but reassuring everyone that yes, Cena’s only got a few minutes, when OUT COMES THE FRANCHISE! Cena walks down to the ring, says he’s here so he doesn’t get fired, and says he’s also here for the gold. Styles tells him to bring it, and WAIT A SECOND! THAT… THAT’S SCOTT DAWSON AND DASH WILDER! THE REVIVAL ARE ATTACKING AJ STYLES! They lift him up… SHATTER MACHINE! Bryan gets in Cena’s face, and CENA PICKS HIM UP INTO A FIREMAN’S CARRY! HE’S GOING FOR AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT ON A RETIREE! Shane McMahon pulls Bryan off Cena’s shoulders, but now CENA LEVELS SHANE WITH A LARIAT! He grabs Shane O’Mac by the back of the neck, the Revival boxing Daniel out as Cena shouts at Bryan that he’ll hit Shane with another unless Bryan adds him to the Chamber. Daniel relents, saying that he’s got his wish. Cena drops Shane to the canvas, and picks up the WWE Title, delivering a “You Can’t See Me” taunt to both Styles and Bryan before heading off with the Revival in tow, a new stable sending shockwaves through SmackDown Live.
Dolph Ziggler ends up rounding out the Elimination Chamber lineup, and AJ Styles opens the go-home show for Chamber wanting blood, only for Cena to not be there. He’s not the only one, though - Bryan is furious, and Dean Ambrose, as always, is fond of the idea of taking Cena out. In a rare moment of aligning with his management, Dean promises to take Cena out for the good of SmackDown, and in order to take the WWE Title to WrestleMania and walk out for the second year in a row with the gold, while Styles promises he’ll be exiting WrestleMania with the WWE Title to prove that he’s undoubtedly better than the Franchise.
Elimination Chamber 2017
Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Title: John Cena vs. AJ Styles (c) vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Luke Harper
Wyatt and Harper start this one off, and Harper gets plenty of babyface fire in against his old leader, but Wyatt’s craftiness sees him lasting until AJ Styles enters the fray. AJ tries to take out both men at once, but upon eating a boot from Harper, decides to just let them fight. Bray ends up leveling Harper with an uranage on the steel grating, but Harper somehow kicks out to stay in the mix, only for AJ TO DELIVER A SPRINGBOARD 450! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT BY HARPER, AND NOW BRAY OBLITERATES AJ WITH A BODY TACKLE! Wyatt goes to work on Styles as the buzzer sounds, and Dean Ambrose enters the match with a flurry of strikes to all involved, acting like a rabid dog as he sets his eyes on the champion. He goes straight for Styles, but Wyatt remains a haunting presence, and Harper continues to cause trouble for all three men. Ziggler’s out next, meaning Cena gets to enter last, and Dolph lets loose with a superkick party, finally laying in a stiff one to Harper, who falls into Wyatt’s waiting arms for a SISTER ABIGAIL! ONE! TWO! THREE! LUKE HARPER IS THE FIRST MAN DOWN, RIGHT AS BIG MATCH JOHN ENTERS THE CHAMBER!
The Franchise unleashes hell on the already battered foes, taking them all down with suplexes before DECAPITATING ZIGGLER WITH A LARIAT! ONE! TWO! THREE! Commentary discusses Cena’s use of the lariat as another finisher as of late, with John having apparently fittingly dubbed it the “Franchise Lariat,” and Cena looks to uncork another on Bray, only for Wyatt to duck it and AJ TO NAIL A PHENOMENAL FOREARM ON CENA! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOO! Cena rolls to the outside, but Ambrose follows him out, lining up for a REGAL KNEE, BUT CENA AVOIDS IT, AMBROSE CRASHING THROUGH THE POD BEHIND JOHN AND STRAIGHT OUT TO THE FLOOR! Cena howls with laughter before turning around and locking eyes with a spider-walking Bray Wyatt, and, wigged out, runs straight towards Styles. The two men trade blows, AJ starting to get the upper hand before WAIT A SECOND! THE REVIVAL GOT INTO THE CHAMBER THROUGH THE BROKEN POD, LAYING WASTE TO AMBROSE ON THE FLOOR BEFORE COMING IN TO HELP CENA! SHATTER MACHINE TO STYLES, AND NOW CENA MAKES THE PIN! NOT LIKE THIS! ONE! TWO! THREE! WE WILL HAVE A NEW WWE CHAMPION HERE TONIGHT!
Cena directs Dawson and Wilder to go after Bray, and Bray starts throwing hands, refusing to give in after coming this far. He knocks down Wilder, but Revival Bald slugs him from behind, driving him into the chain wall before EATING A URANAGE FROM BRAY, ONLY FOR CENA TO NAIL AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! Rolling Bray back into the ring, he makes the cover… ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT BY WYATT! Bray won’t give up that easy, but The Revival are back in the mix, lifting Bray up and holding him steady for a FRANCHISE LARIAT! ONE! TWO! THREE! JOHN CENA IS MAKING LIGHT WORK OF THIS CHAMBER, BUT NOW… MY GOD, UP ON TOP OF THE POD! IT’S DEAN AMBROSE, NAILING AN ELBOW DROP TO TAKE OUT ALL THREE MEN IN THE RING! HE PICKS CENA UP AND DELIVERS A DIRTY DEEDS! ONE! TWO! THRE-DAWSON BREAKS IT UP! GODDAMMIT! Ambrose frantically starts throwing fists at Dawson, but Wilder grabs his arms, Dawson getting up to hold him steady as Cena comes to… BUT AJ STYLES BREAKS IT UP! AJ STYLES IS HERE TO HELP DEAN AMBROSE AGAINST THE GREATER EVIL! PHENOMENAL FOREARM TO WILDER! PELE KICK TO DAWSON! CENA GOES FOR THE FRANCHISE LARIAT, BUT AJ SLIPS BEHIND, GIVING AMBROSE TIME TO NAIL A SECOND DIRTY DEEDS! ONE! TWO! THREE! DEAN AMBROSE IS THE WWE CHAMPION ONCE MORE!
Dean Ambrose def. John Cena, AJ Styles, Bray Wyatt, Dolph Ziggler and Luke Harper (35:59) to win the WWE Title
AJ still has plenty of beef with Ambrose, but for tonight, all he can do is give him a nod, and a promise he’ll be back for the title sooner rather than later. Ambrose accepts the challenge, and watches on as Styles taunts Cena with a “You Can’t See Me” wave, leaving Dean to celebrate with the gold.
Road to WrestleMania 33
It is an understatement to say that John Cena is displeased with AJ coming back for revenge. He comes out with the Revival, saying that he was robbed of victory last night because Styles cheated and re-entered the Chamber. There’s some solace in the fact that AJ left a loser, but Dean Ambrose is no better. Styles hits the ring, and Cena calls him an idiot for walking into a 3v1, only for GALLOWS AND ANDERSON TO ATTACK FROM BEHIND, RUNNING OFF CENA AND THE REVIVAL! Daniel Bryan, fed up with Cena’s shit, makes a six man tag match official for next week’s main event, saying if Cena doesn’t show up, he won’t be getting a WrestleMania paycheck at all.
John Cena and The Revival vs. The Club (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows)
The next week, it’s an all-out brawl, all six men showcasing their abilities with the Revival working a clinical style of tag wrestling, but also, most importantly, going back to their NXT roots by cheating as creatively as possible. They crawl under the ring to pull their opponents off the apron and halt hot tags, they put the boots to people while covering the ref’s field of view, the works. Cena and Styles have a brutal exchange that sees Styles get the better of the Franchise, even delivering a STYLES CLASH THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE DESK, TAKING OUT BOTH MEN! However, in the end, Styles’ incredible ability isn’t enough to save Karl Anderson from a Shatter Machine, with Wilder picking up the win for his team in a hellacious main event.
John Cena and The Revival def. The Club (24:58)
It’s clearly far from over for Cena and Styles as we continue to hurtle towards WrestleMania, and the direction is clear as day for both men, with AJ issuing an official challenge to his foe for the Grandest Stage of Them All on the next week’s SmackDown Live. Cena isn’t there to accept, but Daniel Bryan does so on his behalf, saying he likes the sound of the match. On Twitter, Cena is frustrated to not have just been given a title match or something, but he says he’ll be at Mania to show the Phenomenal One that there are levels to this game.
WrestleMania 33
John Cena vs. AJ Styles
Opening WrestleMania for the very first time, John Cena immediately takes the fight to Styles, making for a very different contest than their SummerSlam match. After having fought over who was the face of TNA, they now do so to determine the face of WWE, and it’s a brawl from the jump. It’s been over a decade of trying to be the better wrestler, and now it’s just a war of attrition, both men battering each other all around ringside before taking it back into the ring. Here, it’s a story of AJ trying to overwhelm Cena as he has in the past, throwing everything he can at the Franchise, but Cena rallies with an ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOO! He sets Styles up on the top to go for an Avalanche Attitude Adjustment, but Styles knows just how nasty that feels, fighting tooth and nail to keep John at bay before throwing caution to the wind with a stiff forearm and a SHOOTING STYLES PRESS! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT BY CENA! AJ immediately calls for the Styles Clash, but Cena reverses it into a fireman’s carry, only for AJ to swivel around into a POISON RANA! He goes for the Styles Clash again, and in a desperate move, Cena simply charges towards the ropes, sending both men out to the apron. AJ lands a Phenomenal Blitz, stunning Cena for long enough to run at the turnbuckles for a STYLIN’ DDT ONTO THE APRON, BUT CENA CATCHES HIM FOR A LAWN DART INTO THE STEEL SUPPORT OF THE TOP TURNBUCKLE! AJ goes down like a sack of bricks, crumpled in a heap on the outside, and Cena rolls him back in for a FRANCHISE LARIAT! ONE! TWO! THREE!
John Cena def. AJ Styles (23:39)
John Cena does not propose to Nikki Bella at WrestleMania 33, as Nikki Bella idolizes Mitsuharu Misawa, who John Cena killed in 2009. Nikkisawa could never forgive the Franchise, so they never got together. You can thank this booking for saving the world from a real-life post-engagement split.
Road to the 2017 Draft
Coming out of WrestleMania on a win, John Cena still has pretty fraught relations with SmackDown management, and Daniel Bryan seems unsure of if he even wants to try and draft Cena for another year. He says he’s a terrific competitor, but they can’t have someone on the roster trying to strong-arm them all the time to get his way. Similarly, Kurt Angle seems to immediately dislike Cena, as if, in another life, he’d been a real rival. However, Cena’s starpower is certain to make him highly contested in the draft lottery, and once the Draft rolls around, he’s drafted… nowhere. As an employee of WWE, he’s declared a free agent, who can travel wherever he likes on a case by case basis. The Revival is drafted to Raw, though, and with Cena’s disdain for Bryan, it’s a safe bet where he’ll land in the future.
Road to Extreme Rules 2017
A few weeks later, he says he’ll go over to Raw if he gets a shot at the Universal Title, but Kurt Angle negotiates him down to a Number One Contender’s match at Extreme Rules. Cena promises he’ll win, but the field is a daunting one. Samoa Joe, Finn Balor, Bray Wyatt and Seth Rollins await him, and it’s made an Extreme Rules match, making Cena’s first match for Raw since the brand extension a particularly brutal affair. The week before, he tries to get one up on the competition by attacking Seth Rollins, and the two get into a huge brawl, only for Finn Balor to come in and try to take both out. Samoa Joe crashes the party, and then the lights go out, Bray Wyatt appearing to deliver a SISTER ABIGAIL TO ROLLINS, BUT CENA NAILS A FRANCHISE LARIAT TO BRAY, ONLY TO CATCH A SHOTGUN DROPKICK BY BALOR! Finn goes up to the top for a Coup de Grace, but he’s intercepted on the turnbuckles by SAMOA JOE WITH A MUSCLE BUSTER! Joe turns around to celebrate standing tall, but CENA’S BACK UP TO DELIVER AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! John looks around at the carnage, nursing his ribs from Finn’s dropkick, and suddenly feels pretty confident about his odds at Extreme Rules, hoping to get another crack at Brock Lesnar.
Extreme Rules 2017
Extreme Rules Match for the Number One Contendership to the Universal Title: John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe vs. Seth Rollins
This match is a riff on the real life one, which I feel really flew under the radar. Joe and Wyatt team up early, looking like a wrecking crew in a match that can best be described as a round of Smash Melee taking place in a wrestling ring. Joe and Rollins duke it out, their feud having reached a fever pitch, while Balor fights with Cena, having openly acknowledged himself as a friend of AJ Styles. Balor gets to be highlighted after his time away, wanting to reclaim the Universal Title he never truly lost, and finally manages to deliver a COUP DE GRACE TO CENA! ONE! TWO! THR-ROLLINS WITH THE BREAK! Seth throws Finn out of the ring, but Joe locks in a Coquina Clutch on the former Shield member, Rollins reversing into a high stack before EATING A BASEMENT DROPKICK TO THE RIBS FROM FINN! Joe and Balor lock eyes, a subtle acknowledgement despite their differing allegiances, but now CENA REENTERS THE MIX, LAYING OUT BOTH MEN WITH A CHAIR!
He lays out Balor with an Attitude Adjustment, and floors Joe with a Franchise Lariat, but Joe manages to roll out of the ring. After covering Finn for two, Cena sets up a table, placing Rollins on it, and climbs up to the top rope… BUT BRAY WYATT MEETS HIM THERE! Bray cackles with glee, Cena looking as frightened as he did in the Chamber, and Bray gets his revenge for Cena cheating him out of the WWE Title with a SUPERPLEX THROUGH THE TABLE, STRAIGHT THROUGH ROLLINS’ MIDSECTION AS WELL! ONE! TWO! THR-CENA KICKS OUT, AND BRAY COVERS SETH! ONE! TWO! THRE-FINN WITH A COUP DE GRACE TO BRAY! ONE! TWO! THRE-CENA SOMEHOW MANAGES TO PUSH FINN OFF THE NEW FACE OF FEAR! Finn lines up for a Shotgun Dropkick on Cena, but CENA COUNTERS WITH A POWERBOMB! He calls for a Franchise Lariat, but Balor ducks, Cena pivoting into a PELE KICK, BUT SETH IS BACK UP TO SUPERKICK FINN! REVOLUTION KNEE CONNECTS, AND NOW HE SCRAMBLES TO THE CORNER FOR A CURB STOMP, ONLY TO BE BEHEADED WITH A FRANCHISE LARIAT - BUT JOE TOSSES CENA OUT, LOCKING IN THE COQUINA CLUTCH ON ROLLINS! SETH IS OUT! SAMOA JOE IS THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER!
Samoa Joe def. John Cena, Bray Wyatt, Finn Balor and Seth Rollins (30:17) to become Number One Contender to the Universal Title
Road to Great Balls of Fire 2017
John Cena has plenty of potential rivals coming out of Extreme Rules - Bray Wyatt hates him for screwing him at Elimination Chamber, as does AJ Styles as an extension of their never-ending feud. Similarly, Balor immediately took a disliking to him, and Rollins has detested Cena for years, just like Roman Reigns. Samoa Joe is busy with Brock Lesnar now, but once that’s done, he’s sure to be back to feuding with Cena too, so John’s fine waiting and seeing what pops up for him - but it’s a surprising one. Cena’s appearance on Raw is cut short by a roar of BRAAAAAUUUUUUNNNNN, sending the fans into a frenzy as Strowman enters, fresh off defeating Roman Reigns at Extreme Rules. Immediately, Cena tries to get the fuck outta dodge, but Strowman cuts him off with a huge tackle, shouting that there’s another top star he wants to see pancaked. Cena fights back, but the crowd is most definitely behind Braun as he delivers a RUNNING POWERSLAM THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE TO CENA, STANDING TALL OVER THE FRANCHISE!
The next week, Strowman is seen backstage, where he’s asked for an interview. He stares vacantly at the interviewer, silently reminding them of the stupidity it takes to ask Braun Strowman a series of questions, but before they can start asking, JOHN CENA BLASTS BRAUN FROM BEHIND WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER TO THE BASE OF THE SKULL! Braun drops to a knee, and Cena hits him again before LIFTING UP AN EQUIPMENT BOX! THOSE HAVE TO WEIGH NORTH OF FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS, AND NOW CENA DROPS IT DOWN ON STROWMAN! MY GOD! Cena grabs the microphone off the interviewer, shoving them aside as he stands over an unmoving Braun, saying that he saw what Strowman did to Roman Reigns. He knows he’s a freak of nature, but, news flash, John Cena is too. If Braun wants to be scary and strong, call himself the Monster Among Men, he can do that all he likes, but he picked a fight with John Cena, and Cena’s no ordinary man. He scoffs at Strowman, laid out, and says if Braun wants to settle this, they can do it at Great Balls of Fire.
Naturally, Cena takes the easy route to avoid Braun’s rage and stays at home until the PPV, but Braun isn’t finished with him. Via satellite, Cena cuts a promo from his home, but he’s taken aback when he hears sirens in the background. He gets up and looks out the window to see an ambulance, and then hears a gruff “you’re gonna need it.” Turning around, Cena is face to face with BRAUN STROWMAN, SOMEHOW MANAGING TO STAND AFTER CENA’S ASSAULT THE WEEK PRIOR! John is stunned, but throws a few punches and lobs a coffee table at Strowman before THE MONSTER AMONG MEN TACKLES HIM THROUGH THE FRONT WINDOW! The feed cuts out as Michael Cole tries to explain the situation, but we get a report that the brawl was broken up by police after the paramedics called it in. Later that night, Kurt Angle says that the match at Great Balls of Fire will be an ambulance match, in the hopes that one night of wild violence will get all the ill will out of the systems of Cena and Strowman.
Great Balls of Fire 2017
Ambulance Match: John Cena vs. Braun Strowman
And what a night of wild violence it is, because Braun and Cena tear each other apart. It’s a straight-up showcase of strength, Cena using his strength in combination with his wits and veteran instinct to try and keep an edge on Strowman, while Braun just uses strength and even more strength. Cena tries to keep his distance, so Braun hurls a chair like a baseball before taking John up to the stage near the ambulance. Braun tries to slam Cena off the stage, but Cena manages to kick out his legs before shoving him off the ledge, down to the concrete below. Strowman starts coming to, but John knows he’s superhuman, and it’ll take something wild to keep him down, so he TURNS OVER THE ANNOUNCE DESK, DUMPING IT OFF THE STAGE AND ONTO THE MONSTER AMONG MEN! He manages to roll the desk off of Braun, dragging Strowman’s massive body to the back of the ambulance, opening the doors and loading Braun in. He closes one door, and then the other… BUT BRAUN STOPS THE SECOND DOOR AT THE LAST MOMENT, KICKING IT STRAIGHT INTO CENA’S FACE! John flops to the ground, Strowman hoisting him up for a RUNNING POWERSLAM INTO THE TECHNICIAN’S AREA, A VOLLEY OF PYRO ERUPTING ON THE STAGE BEHIND THEM! He picks Cena up by the scruff of the neck and hurls him into the ambulance, and CLOSES THE DOORS! BRAUN STROWMAN PICKS UP THE HUGE WIN!
Braun Strowman def. John Cena (16:22)
He celebrates his victory before telling the ambulance to set off, but there’s a muffled shout before the driver is ejected. Strowman rushes over to the driver’s side door, and WAIT A SECOND! JOHN CENA JUST OPENED A NOZZLE, GAS FLOODING OUT INTO STROWMAN’S FACE! Braun coughs and wheezes, clawing at his eyes as Cena grabs the empty container and SMASHES BRAUN IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD! He dumps Strowman into the ambulance and sets off, driving backstage into the American Airlines Arena before REVERSING INTO AN EQUIPMENT TRUCK AT FULL TILT! FIRST MISAWA, THEN RUSEV, NOW JOE - CENA’S ON AN ATTEMPTED MURDER SPREE, AND THIS MIGHT HAVE BEEN HIS SECOND SUCCESSFUL ONE! He staggers out of the ambulance as Kurt Angle appears, stunned beyond belief, urging bystanders to call 911 as Cena laughs at Braun and leaves, sending us into the main event, in which Samoa Joe defeats Brock Lesnar to win the Universal Title.
Road to SummerSlam 2017
While Cena’s enemies haven’t gone anywhere, there’s now a sizeable target on Samoa Joe’s back as well, and Cena wants a shot at the Samoan Submission Machine’s gold. He’s not alone, though, as Samoa Joe kicks off the show eight days after SummerSlam and is interrupted by Paul Heyman on behalf of Brock Lesnar. Joe backs Paul up into the corner, telling him the Beast can come down himself… and Brock does. Lesnar enters the ring, staring Joe down, when out comes Roman Reigns. Reigns and Joe spent some time feuding ahead of this, but Roman is shoved aside by Lesnar. Joe says he’ll fight ‘em both if he has to, when JOHN CENA FROM BEHIND, LAYING OUT THE CHAMPION! He stares daggers through both Lesnar and Reigns, two longtime rivals of his, and then all three look down at the Universal Title as Joe starts to come to, pulling it in close to his chest. The crowd is electric, and the tensions are high as can be when… BRAAAAAUUUUUUNNNNN!!! Cena’s eyes go wide, and Joe takes the chance to sink in a Coquina Clutch on the Franchise, Cena swinging wildly before LESNAR SUPLEXES JOE ACROSS THE RING! Joe scrambles up to his feet, but there’s a new problem as Braun enters the ring, Roman making a beeline for the Monster Among Men as all five seek to come out on top. Strowman is bandaged up, and Reigns takes advantage with a Superman Punch, calling for a Spear before BEING TURNED INSIDE OUT BY A FRANCHISE LARIAT! Cena turns around and charges at Strowman, and BRAUN REVERSES FOR A RUNNING POWERSLAM BEFORE STARING DOWN LESNAR! Joe grabs the title and splits, making his way up the ramp and holding the title aloft as security run down to break it all up, but he’s got four challengers who all pose one hell of a threat. It’s made official for SummerSlam - the Battle for Brooklyn, with Samoa Joe defending the Universal Title in a fatal five way made of meat and muscle.
SummerSlam 2017
Earlier in the night, Shinsuke Nakamura murders Jinder Mahal to win the WWE Title. This won’t play a factor in the booking, but it’s just personally important to me that it happens.
Universal Title: John Cena vs. Braun Strowman vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns vs. Samoa Joe (c)
Big meaty men are bumping meat. They’re slapping meat. Their meat can’t be beat, but only one man’s meat can prevail. The theme to start is a simple one - everybody hates Cena. He gets his shit pushed in before the other four go at it, letting chaos reign all around the arena. Barricades are broken, announce desks are demolished, Braun throws big things, Lesnar throws big people, Joe throws big bombs and Roman doesn’t throw anything, because Samoa Joe decides he hates him and beats his ass. Everyone gets some shine, with Strowman plowing through everybody at ringside, the Beast naturally dominating a good chunk of the contest, Joe’s brains paying dividends as he avoids most of the big offense and arrives to pick the bones with a surprising level of athleticism, and Roman gets a few big hope spots in, even cutting Brock in two with a Spear for a nearfall. However, it’s Cena who jumps in at just the right moment, laying out Strowman with a FRANCHISE LARIAT! ONE! TWO! THRE-REIGNS BREAKS IT UP! Cena goes for an Attitude Adjustment on Reigns, but Roman slides off his back for a SPEAR, CENA SIDESTEPPING AND LETTING ROMAN CONNECT WITH THE CHAMPION! He throws Joe out of the ring, shouting at him to stay gone as the Big Dog and the Franchise start trading blows, Reigns getting the upper hand before CENA PUNTS HIM BELOW THE BELT! Mockingly hitting Roman with a “You Can’t See Me,” he lines up for the Franchise Lariat, but BROCK FROM BEHIND WITH A GERMAN, FOLLOWED BY AN F-5 ON A PRONE REIGNS! ONE! TWO! THREE! BROCK LESNAR STEALS THE UNIVERSAL TITLE BACK!
Brock Lesnar def. John Cena, Braun Strowman, Roman Reigns and Samoa Joe (24:06) to win the Universal Title
Road to No Mercy 2017
Samoa Joe is back in hot pursuit of Brock Lesnar, as is Braun Strowman, who wasn’t involved in the finish at all after going on a win streak over both Reigns and Cena. That leaves Reigns, who feels slighted after Cena kicked him in the nads to try and get the upper hand, and the Franchise himself. Reigns comes out at the top of the hour on Raw, saying that John cost him the title by being a coward. They’ve got a lot of history, and he was ready to be the bigger man and move on, try and progress to the World Title without Cena getting involved, but Cena had to involve himself and get in the way. Cena comes out and says the same - he was ready to never give Reigns a moment of thought again, and the same goes for his loser buddies in the Shield. Suddenly… IT'S DEAN AMBROSE, AND SETH ROLLINS IS WITH HIM! The new Raw Tag Team Champions are here to party, and Cena, despite his recent cowardice, shockingly stands his ground. He says that for Roman’s complaining about “cheating him out of the gold,” it’s damn sure hypocritical when the Shield only debuted to screw Cena out of the WWE Title. Rollins and Ambrose reach the ring, and now THE REVIVAL JUMP THEM, TAKING THEM OUT AT RINGSIDE BEFORE THEY COULD SURROUND THE RING! CENA AND REIGNS START THROWING HAYMAKERS! WE’VE GOT A FIGHT ON OUR HANDS! It’s broken up once the Revival and Cena cut their losses and duck out, the war wounds clear on all six men as they bark at one another. In the main event, Rollins and Ambrose retain the Raw Tag Titles in a rematch with The Bar.
The next week, Kurt Angle announces that The Revival will face off with Rollins and Ambrose at No Mercy for the Raw Tag Titles, and that Reigns and Cena will have one more singles bout to settle things.
No Mercy 2017
John Cena vs. Roman Reigns
It’s a big fight feel at No Mercy, John Cena and Roman Reigns meeting once again with their roles firmly switched - Cena now the detested villain, and Reigns the hopeful babyface, backed by Ambrose and Rollins. John works a methodical match, using his veteran prowess to frustrate the Big Dog, but Roman’s wiser than he was last time, staying calm, cool and collected. Cena considers targeting the shoulder as a force of habit, but Roman is 100%, and makes Cena pay with a huge uppercut and a DRIVE-BY! Reigns keeps the pressure on with a Superman Punch for two, but when he goes for the Spear, Cena simply rolls out of the ring, only for REIGNS TO FLY OVER THE TOP… AND FOR CENA TO STEP ASIDE, ROMAN CRASHING AND BURNING! Cena lays into Roman, piecing him up against the barricade and bashing him into the ring post before locking in an STF in the ring, Reigns somehow rallying with the support of his brothers to get to the ropes. He fights to his feet, but Cena’s confident, taunting the Shield at ringside before calling for a FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE, BUT REIGNS INTERCEPTS HIM WITH A SUPERMAN PUNCH! HE’S GOT CENA ROCKED, AND NOW HE GOES FOR ANOTHER… ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT BY CENA, REVERSING THE BLOW! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! Cena chuckles, getting into the corner and letting loose a mocking “OOOOAHHHH” before THROWING A FRANCHISE LARIAT, BUT REIGNS NAILS A SPEAR! ONE! TWO! THRE-SCOTT DAWSON APPEARS, GETTING CENA’S FOOT ON THE ROPE! The referee doesn’t see him, but the Shield do, leading to a two-on-two brawl at ringside as Reigns tries to get his wits about him. The referee is distracted as he throws everyone at ringside out, and Reigns turns around INTO A LOW BLOW BY CENA, JUST LIKE AT SUMMERSLAM! Cena’s face is painted with a cheeky smile, proud of his handiwork as he hoists Roman up for ANOTHER ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, BUT REIGNS SLIDES OFF HIS SHOULDERS, GOING FOR A SPEAR! CENA SIDESTEPS, AND ROMAN KEEPS BUILDING UP SPEED, BOUNCING OFF THE ROPES FOR A HUGE SPEAR, CUTTING CENA IN TWO! ONE! TWO! THREE! ROMAN REIGNS OVERCOMES THE ODDS AT NO MERCY!
Roman Reigns def. John Cena (18:45)
Later in the night, the Revival topple Ambrose and Rollins to win the Raw Tag Team Titles, and Brock Lesnar retains the Universal Championship against Samoa Joe.
Road to Survivor Series 2017
John Cena announces via Twitter that he won’t be at TLC, clearly pouting about his loss to Reigns, but TLC does see some major developments. AJ and Balor meet in a singles match before sharing a Too Sweet, and Samoa Joe attacks Rollins and Ambrose, saying that once Roman Reigns is back, he’s next. Reigns returns to action a few weeks later, and, for the first time in years, the Shield competes in a trios bout, defeating Balor, Gallows and Anderson (by pinning Gallows) before declaring themselves the most dominant trio in the WWE. Balor gets up, taking offense to that, and he’s shockingly joined by AJ Styles, who makes his way over from SmackDown to crash Raw on the road to Survivor Series. AJ and Balor stand nose-to-nose with Rollins and Ambrose, and now SAMOA JOE! SAMOA JOE CALLED HIS SHOT, AND HE’S CHOKING OUT ROMAN REIGNS! Balor and Styles are far from Joe’s biggest fans, but they welcome the support as they start duking it out with the Shield, only for WAIT A SECOND! WHAT THE HELL? SMACKDOWN’S ROSTER IS CRASHING THE SHOW! BRAND WARFARE IS IN FULL EFFECT! Kurt Angle rushes down to the ring to try and stop the calamity, and there are so many bodies around ringside as the Raw locker room empties out that nobody can see JOHN CENA! CENA’S HERE, THE REVIVAL BY HIS SIDE, TAKING DOWN JOE, BALOR, STYLES, ROLLINS, AMBROSE AND REIGNS! IT’S MAYHEM, BUT THAT’S ALL THE TIME WE’VE GOT ON RAW!
The next week, Cena and The Revival open the show, saying that Cena’s got his problems with The Shield, and they took offense to that “best trio” line. However, it’s not long before Balor, Styles, Gallows and Anderson show up, and Cena says that they’ve beaten the Club before. They had no trouble doing so, so Balor can back his ass on up out of this conversation, but AJ DECKS CENA! The Revival take out Gallows and Anderson as Cena rolls out of the ring, Styles in hot pursuit until taking a thumb to the eye, John grabbing a chair and BLASTING THE PHENOMENAL ONE, AND NOW BALOR BEFORE WEARING IT OUT OVER GALLOWS AND ANDERSON! AJ and Finn leap back into action, refusing to stay down, but the Revival take the fight to them, Cena grabbing a microphone and shouting from ringside. He says that nobody’s got what it takes against him and the Revival, that nobody can stand up to the Franchise, and… gulp. JOE chants ring out as the former Universal Champion makes his way down to the ring, Cena sliding back in as the battle lines are drawn. Balor and Styles get to their feet on one side as the Revival and Cena get up in the other, and the place erupts as Joe enters the ring and stands right next to the Phenomenal One. He’s made his choice.
Cena’s beside himself with fury, screaming that everyone’s out to get him because he’s the face of the WWE, but fine. If Joe, Balor and Styles want a piece, they’ve got one, because there’s no unholy alliance that can stop… Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, SHIELD. Man, Cena should stop saying things. It’s an unbelievable spectacle, the crowd rising to their feet as Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose make their way down through the stands, surrounding the ring. The Hounds of Justice are back on the prowl, and there are six men in their sights, with years of history interwoven between them… AND HERE WE GO! ALL NINE MEN ARE FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES! IT’S A MELEE! Security rush in to try and stop the mayhem, but it’s Kurt Angle shouting into the microphone that halts it. Daniel Bryan joins him, much to Cena’s chagrin, and they say that they’ve been talking about this. This has gone beyond brand supremacy. They’ll do their champion versus champion matches, they’ll have all their fun, but this is too much for them to get a handle on. Raw stars, SmackDown stars, and a free agent are all involved, so they looked outside for a solution, and then… they looked back. Out comes William Regal, NXT’s GM, and they say that they needed an impartial voice to decide what to do to settle this. Kurt hands Regal the mic, and he says that all of them are all going to do battle at Survivor Series. Nine men, three teams… two rings. One cage. At Survivor Series, WWE will play host to the return of one of the greatest stipulations of all time, the only thing barbaric enough to contain them. It’ll be Cena and The Revival vs. The Shield vs. Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Finn Balor… IN WAHRGAEMES!
There’s a triple threat elimination advantage match on the Raw before Survivor Series, determining the entry order, pitting Cena against Styles and Ambrose. Ambrose is out first thanks to a Franchise Lariat, but Styles manages to get a semblance of comeuppance against Cena for WrestleMania 33 by nailing a Phenomenal Forearm and a Styles Clash for the clean three count, giving his team the right to enter first - and temporarily make the bout 3v1v1. Cena’s will enter second, and finally, the Shield will come out third to officially let the WarGames begin.
(Cont'd in Comments)
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:41 oct-1-1949 Teaching ‘em Young

Teaching ‘em Young
Picked this up at a local coffee shop last week..
submitted by oct-1-1949 to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:40 Allinhalf Natural Coconut & Peppermint Oil: Alcohol-Free Mouthwash for Fresh Breath

Discover the Power of Natural Ingredients: 100% Pure, Alcohol-Free Fractionated Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera) and Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Essential Oil for Superior Oral Health. Reduce Bad Breath with Our Oil Pulling Mouthwash and High-Quality Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper. Enjoy Long-Lasting Freshness, Non-Burning Sensation, and Complete Oral Care with a Safe, Effective, and Natural Solution. Perfect for Daily Use and Optimal Oral Hygiene.
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Yes, fractionated coconut oil is gentle and can be used for oil pulling even if you have sensitive teeth. It is less likely to cause irritation compared to alcohol-based mouthwashes.
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It is recommended to use oil pulling mouthwash daily for best results. Consistency is key to achieving optimal oral health benefits.
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Many people notice fresher breath and cleaner-feeling mouths after the first use. For more significant improvements in oral health, consistent use over a few weeks is recommended.
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2024.06.04 22:40 Commercial_Bag_8729 Should I leave my friend group?

So this friend group is only 4 people, Me, a girl we'll call saltine, another that we'll call Sephora and Sephoras cousin but she's not as important. I've known saltine since kindergarten we've been friends for most of that time, me and saltine got really close in 5th grade because we had all of our classes together, but when 8th grade came we only had 1. This is when Sephora comes in, I was somewhat friend with her in 7th. Sephora and saltine were but in only 2 classes but they were close together. During this time they got REALLY close while I was slowly getting further and further away from saltine. In a school day that I was absent saltine jokingly proposed to Sephora so they are "married". With only a month left of 8th grade saltine, my best friend for the past 3 said it straight to my face that she had only 1 best friend, someone she had known since infancy. Sephora was her wife so I guess she doesn't count. I was clearly heart broken from this statement. One more reason I feel this friendship might need to end is o saltine and Sephora will FIGHT long and hard that I'm gay when I'm 100% a straight male. The final reason is that my current best friend, that let's call her subnotica, they hate a lot, saltine hates her because she's self-centered and a bit violent but that's because she's and only child and I don't exactly know why Sephora hate her, the only answer I've been given is that she's a bitch. I really don't really know if I should leave or not I've been close with saltine for a long time, not as much for Sephora. So Reddit should a leave this friendship.
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