Saying goodbye to someone leaving a business

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2021.05.01 04:21 GingerNaruto r/ImTheMainCharacter - The Center Of The World

Main Character: People who act like they're the center of the world and worthy of all the attention.

2024.06.02 19:53 Full-Rip-2193 Unsure

Sometimes I wish I could detach myself.
From my heart, my soul, and my brain.
To try and finely tune them.
To see what makes them tick.
To try and find the root of it all.
Maybe to feel nothing at all for once.
Leave all my feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
Be a true husk of a person.
Because it becomes too much.
It becomes so heavy over time.
And I know I'm not the only one dealing with this.
I have people who can help me lift this weight.
Until the darkness comes.
And sucks me up into this void of dizziness.
Feeling everything yet nothing at the same time.
Feeling angry yet sad.
From being calm to being my own worst enemy.
At those times it's when it's hardest.
When I don't have the energy to hide it.
I can't bring myself to eat or anything.
I feel like everyone is done with me.
That I'm annoying or I'm clingy.
And I want to be able to step away.
To leave them alone for a while.
But I'm so lonely.
To an extent I use hanging out with others as escapism.
To ignore or repress everything till later.
Subconsciously I've given up.
Tired of fighting for myself.
Where I hold my shield for others.
But hold the sword at myself.
I'm my own worst enemy.
I wish I could take myself apart from the seams.
Unravel everything and find the causes.
Find out where all this stems from.
Because it's more than just a chemical imbalance.
It's a sickness of soul and mind.
A plague given to so many of us.
It's so hard to fight, even with help.
Because you will be alone.
Where you won't access to help.
It's you and yourself.
It's a constant fight for control.
A life-or-death situation in one's own mind.
A war between light and dark.
Positive optimism or depressing pessimism.
There are times where we can win the battles.
Where we truly feel like ourselves.
Where we can dance and sing all day.
But then those days of losing those battles.
Looking for something to take all this edge off.
But they are at the edge themselves.
And for some, the walk off the ledge.
To fall into the nothingness.
Losing all sense of themselves.
Finally giving into the wishes of the dark.
It's a cycle that so many people go through.
And some of us can see that.
So, we try to help others as a way to help ourselves.
Becoming people pleasers while losing themselves.
They give it their all.
Even when they are stuck drowning.
But even the fighters get tired.
They wish to give in.
And sometimes, I wish I did.
Sometimes I look at a blade and think.
But I put it down.
I know I have a purpose.
And I want to fulfill that purpose.
But I also wish to give up.
Just simply rot away.
A mind that wishes to die.
That fights with a soul that wants to keep going.
It sucks and it's filled with nothing but trails and tests.
I'm sick of it all.
Yet here I still am.
Somehow barely scrapping by.
I'm being protected by someone or something.
I don't know what to do or how to go about it.
All I know is as much as I want to give up.
I can't do that.
I've come this far.
Made friends, saw some beautiful sights.
Found out what love is like.
I have some good and fond memories.
I have wisdom I would like to share.
A philosophical mind with a passionate heart.
I can come off as clingy or as annoying.
But honestly, I guess that's ok.
Because I'd rather have someone be upset at me and live.
Rather than hear of their passing the next day.
It's all one big, complicated amalgamation.
Filled with twists, turns, dips, and dives.
But I'd be lying if I said it didn't have its high points.
submitted by Full-Rip-2193 to u/Full-Rip-2193 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:53 s1ndragosa cant do relationships at all

there's no sugarcoating, just pure facts:
during the first few months of a relationship, i can't help but adore my partner. after that, im no longer able to keep the facade up. the person i supposedly loved and cherished so much is suddenly devalued. as if someone pulled the switch. i disregard their feelings completely, do hurtful things and then deceive them into thinking that it was their wrongdoing. i twist the situation in a way that leaves me completely right, to the point where even i believe in the product of my own manipulation.
my emotional empathy is limited to very rare situations. the "jokes" i make aren't actually funny, but i have no idea until im told. all of my relationships have ended the same way, and i genuinely used to believe that i was the victim. i'd abuse my partner and then console them, displaying feigned empathy, as a way to keep them close. i realised i didn't need their love but validation and praise. also, all of my ex partners are "beneath" me in one way or another, i can't talk to those who's better than me in any regard. honestly, it's tiring
submitted by s1ndragosa to NPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 Pineapplez4321 I shouldn’t have broke contact

I broke contact after 2mo. I made a mistake.
I was looking through my IG story viewers. Saw he viewed them. I was feeling low. I reached out.
He said he had re-downloaded IG when he was bored sitting around with the boys (he’s on deployment)
Me: why did you look at mine anyway?
Him: I don’t want to give you the wrong message. (Unfollows me right after)
Me: that was really mean.
Him: I don’t want to unintentionally encourage conversation again.
Me: I was reaching out to see how you were doing, you were stressed before leaving. I also wanted to attempt to have a mature conversation about closure. You just left based on how you were feeling and couldn’t explain why. We didn’t have much of a relationship, it felt like I was a movie projector screen.
Him: I agree that our relationship was not great. I am sorry that you felt marginalized. I was stressed about my feelings about our relationship contradicting with my sense of commitment to that same relationship. It seems clear to both of us that we are not a match.
With concerns to my mental health. It is none of your concern.
I don’t know what you want here dude. I’m not trying to rehash any part of our relashe. It seems like you are moving on and so am I.
I truly hope you find what you want from someone else.
Well, there were days you’d say it was your best yet and happiest you’ve been which is confusing. That things were natural and organic. There were some days it felt like you worshipped the ground I walked on, others the opposite. I wasnt acting on any of those things. I just took you for who you were. I wasn’t ever really sure what version of you I’d be getting each day, but you knew I’d be stable for you. And to be quite frank, this has all been consistent with your BPD.
I wouldn’t say marginalized so much as I didn’t feel like you knew me well. Often it seemed very extreme and intense and impulsive and it honestly sometimes frightened me. Like walking on eggshells. We’re all almost 30. I think, by now, we logically know it’s best not to act on feeling/impulse. That can be dangerous. Sometimes the healthiest relationships for us seem boring at times because they’re stable and consistent or unlike what we’re used to. Logic and feeling sometimes dont match.
You saying you wanted feel high in the sky like a rocketship…when I was trying to pull you down to earth sometimes. We didn’t have much foundation or even time to go off of anything “real” besides your fantasy/feeling that was based on…? and the reality was I was since I got here internally consumed by stress and grief from moving here and my dad being diagnosed with cancer but also could fit the mental space to enjoy time with you and explore you more. You never once asked how I was doing or tried to relate to what I was going through in any way. But only what you needed from me and I was always there.
I felt like you needed me as an emotional regulator… when another person’s purpose in a relationship isn’t supposed to be to make you feel a certain way 🤷‍♀️
I cared about you. And based on your past, I wanted you to know what it felt like to have something healthy and stable, someone there to rely on without question regardless of what. With good values. Without having to chase or yearn for something. And I hope you can find it within yourself to experience that one day, I really do :)
Him: I don’t want to talk to you anymore. This is enough.
Me: Being kind isn’t disengaging to make yourself more comfortable… being kind is taking accountability. None of this was mature or functional. It was traumatizing for me.
Him: Being kind also involves respecting other people’s boundaries
Me: How is having an uncomfortable conversation a violation of boundaries? You never respected mine. Do you know what it was like for me - listening to you pleading with me to be there on different days? That you thought you were a terrible person? Standing by your nicotine and alcohol compulsions? You asking me to hide these things from you? Talking about suicide? Put yourself in my shoes.
I realize I tried having a logical conversation with someone who is illogical, who acts on impulse. Who flees discomfort and runs to alcohol, smoking, anything maladaptive to self soothe.
How he went from the “good morning baby” to aloof, distant, alien is scary. I’m painted black.
I was a hurting idiot in that moment but it def won’t happen again.
submitted by Pineapplez4321 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 Odd-Ranger-1837 Were You Very Unsure About Marriage? Glad You Moved Forward With It?

Wedding in three months. I'm 31 and my fiance is 26. I follow this sub fairly regularly and have always felt aligned with some of the reason/perspective I find here. Long term my goal is to get to FatFIRE, and I've read numerous comments about how critical the partner your marry is for that pursuit.
Never married. Own a business that I've built from the ground up, and it's just hitting a real stride. Fiance and I have been together for three years, but we have been long distance for a year because I moved states to open another office.
Fiance is great. We're aligned on 90% of values. Both want to have a family together. She's smart, educated, focused on health and wellness, attractive, loyal, loving, and very patient with me.
A lot of the comments I see on this topic always talk about the benefit/importance of finding the "right partner" for marriage. But no one ever expounds on what that means? How do you know if you have found the "right partner" or if the feelings of uncertainty are arising from something that is a sign it is not the right decision to move forward?
The weight of this decision is so heavy. Everyone seems to say that the person you marry will be the most iimprotant decision you make.
What does it mean to have waves of uncertainty leading up to marriage? It's this constant duality. I cant explain it but some days I just feel like I am making the wrong decision, for any number of reasons.
Would appreciate any input from those who are in a successful marriage on if you had any worry leading up to your wedding if your SO was the "right one." Thanks.
submitted by Odd-Ranger-1837 to fatFIRE [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 JSaphhire69 Burnie explains what simulations really meant

Burnie explains what simulations really meant
This is on Morning Somewhere/Pateron Edition.
Burnie: people we're really concerned that all of restoration was gonna be a simulation like season 9 & I think they we're most worried about that simulation meant not real.
But if you take from the perspective here of the Church memory character who leaving all these recordings these are not simulations like things that are happening these are his predictions for what are going to happen.
Church is taking a data set he got access from all of his memories, all of the Alpha memories, all of things people have told him & all the data he has access to all the Charon files with everything else.
Which includes alot of characters & alot of personnel that might exist across the RVB universe that might have not previously appeared in season 1-13.
That will make sense when you see a character like Dylan Andrews & One those are people who exist out in the world in the RVB universe.& Church would have access to all of those files.
Or more deeply characters who are close to the series like Washington, Church might be able to predict in similar ways things that will happen & how they will interface with the RVB characters.
Does that make sense? I hope that make sense.
So when characters appear across multiple different of his predictions Church is seeing people of having a higher probability interacting with the Red's & Blue's or if someone gets hurt in a upcoming battle it's more of a prediction on who could possibly get hurt.
Like in season 12 where Church is able to predict the injury that Carolina will receive & the security guard with medical history who comes through the door he is able to predict all of those things.
So the word simulation doesn't do it justice these are actually probability discussions Church is having with himself so anything you see is consider canon makes more sense because it's just a prediction of Church's that came true.
Your Thoughts?
submitted by JSaphhire69 to RedvsBlue [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 Fun-Wear9615 Black Square Dukes- Worth it? Comprehensive Review

Disclaimer: I am unaffiliated with black square or Just flight.
I had high expectations for this plane because of the nostalgia factor. Those who've been in the hobby for a while might remember RealAir- They released a great rendition of the Piston and Turbine dukes for FSX and Prepar3d.
With so many good memories in those two birds, it was going to be a challenge to see how Nick could live up to the expectations that Realair implicitly set out.
As it turns out- Nick nailed it.
Much of what makes an airplane feel "alive" in this sim boils down to attention to detail in a few key areas- visual imperfections, auditory imperfections, and mechanical imperfections.
As Black Square have evolved- each new airplane they release shows a distinct "leveling up" in their development skills. I get the sense that Nick is a perfectionist that's trying to push the boundaries of the sim.

The engines.

Black Square have become the de-facto turboprop guys in MSFS- with the amount of hours they've sunk into overhauling the engine modeling. The Dukes show off how their engine modeling philosophy works just as well in the piston world as it does the turbines.
The Turbine Duke has some incredible performance- but the engines are going to make you aware of their limits really quickly. I love the way they change throughout a climb, at different prop RPMS, temperatures, and density altitudes.
It starts up, takes off, and climbs like a homesick angel- only for you to hit a wall with ITT above 18k. Descents are a piece of cake to manage- solid 1800fpm with oil doors closed and you're good.
The Piston and Grand Duke on the other hand require much more active engine management. To be honest with you- of the 3 variants- the Grand Duke is easily my favorite.
I love the way the airplane shakes as those big reciprocating lumps of metal wake up. Hearing the turbos spool up as you increase the power for takeoff makes my inner petrolhead giggle like a little kid, too.
That childish delight goes away really quickly once you start rolling down the runway and get into the climb. You really do need to stay ahead of the workload on both the grand and piston dukes through the climb.
I find myself turning the autopilot on early in the flight so I can stay on top of engine management through the climb- adjusting pitch, power, cowl flaps, and mixture often.
Descents in the piston powered dukes are a lot more work to manage than the turbines because you have to leave the power on so as not to shock cool the engines- which means you'll be using a much shallower profile coming out of a cruise in the mid 20's
Same thing- pitch, power, props, mixture.
The approach phase is where you really start to feel the difference between the piston and turbine variants. The piston dukes are a LOT more work to slow down. High gear and first flap extension speeds are your friend- but don't expect the added drag to work any miracles for you.
For all 3 variants- Nick worked with the sound savant himself- Boris. The best way I can explain the sounds is that everything feels like it is part of a greater, dynamic flying environment.
Some developers can make great engine sounds or switch sounds, but few have been able to understand how these fit into the greater context of the flying environment- much less mix them together.

The Tablet

All of the hype around engine simulation, systems fidelity, and performance is tough to contextualize. The tablet in the Dukes bridges that gap.
EFB's are a contentious topic amongst sim enthusiasts now. Some are meant to be a piloting tool with charts and aids, while others clue you into what's going on.
The former, I think, is a waste of development time and energy. It makes no sense to spend development efforts and man hours on a chart viewer. Black Square seems to agree. That functionality is baked into the GTNS- which are awesome situational awareness aids.
What makes Black Square's tablet is awesome is how it gives you a live look into the computational simulation models that govern the engines, electrics, and bleed air systems.
It's a level of detail similar to the Hot Start Challenger 650- which is incredible.
A lot of folks are going to make the comparison between Black Square and A2A here. A2A's tablet models more of the "aircraft ownership" experience- like the walkarounds, moving the plane in the hangar, doing your own oil changes, etc.
In real life, the Duke is orders of magnitude more complex than the Comanche though- especially from an ownership and maintenance standpoint. Just some food for thought.

Variants and Usability

Any way you slice it, the Dukes are touring airplanes that shine on 200nm+ trips.
Some people are going to think the Turbine duke is the one to get for the most performance, but I would caution you against that.
Initially, I thought the same, but I got all 3 anyways. I can't overstate this enough- there is a drastic difference in how you fly the different variants.
I've been gravitating towards the Grand Duke (turbocharged piston) the most. On a 4-500nmi flight, there's typically a 15 minute savings in flight time by opting for the Turbine Duke while burning much more fuel.
Granted, virtual fuel costs exactly nothing, but the upside is that it is easier to get more range at higher speeds out of the Grand Duke for an average pilot.
In my mind, the Turbine Duke is best used for shorter segments, hot+high airports, and on shorter runways.
The Grand Duke shines at 2+ hour flights where you have more time to cruise and plan gradual descents.
I have routinely seen higher cruise speeds with the piston turbocharged Grand Duke than the turboprop Malibu 500- and both climb about the same.
If you're trying to get anywhere in a big hurry though, their TBM is still the speed queen.

Visual and Flight Model

I put this category last for a couple reasons. We've seen plenty of developers pump out good looking airplanes that feel empty and soulless to fly.
That's not the case with the Dukes, though. The visual model looks great- both in and outside the cockpit. The warm glow of the night lighting in the panel makes it a pleasure to fly in the dark, too.
As far as Flight Models- this is a super subjective topic too. Everyone's got different joysticks, sensitivity setups etc. I think it's silly to say that one plane handles very "realistically" because there are so many possible abstractions in a simulator setup that make it tough to empirically measure.
That being said- all 3 fly like heavy twins. None are excessively twitchy, and you will notice differences in handling when you jump between different variants. Pitch feels heavier on the Grand Duke, for example, compared to the turbine.

Pricing and Value

Dukes are not cheap- both in real life and in the sim. At $48 for each package or $70 for both (USD)- yet again we get another comparison to the A2A comanche.
If you have to pick just 1 package- The piston duke represents the best value for money. You'll get two variants- turbocharged and conventional.
The combined package- while seemingly expensive- represents the best value for money. For $20 more than the A2A Comanche, you get 3 distinct variants of the Duke- with their own distinct limitations, individual "character," sound sets, and ideal mission profiles. In my book, that's pretty excellent value for money.
With the level of detail in systems, sounds, and simulation in the Dukes, Black Square have earned their spot amongst developers like A2A and Hot Start.
They're now the new meta (de-facto standard) for piston and turbine twins in the MSFS world.
submitted by Fun-Wear9615 to flightsim [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 deruku I don't trust my accountant and would like to know if something he showed me is real

I've had many issues with someone who prepared my taxes for the 21 and 22 tax years. It's all been half stories, missing deadlines, and excuses
We needed to file amended returns they got delivered on 12/26/2023 and he said that they take about 8 weeks to process and be finalized after 10 weeks i reached back out to him and he charged us another $50 for him to speak to someone at the IRS, after that meeting we got a PDF of a letter that says my returns will be processed within another 30-45 days. Is there any way to check the legitimacy of the letter with the tracking number on it?
submitted by deruku to IRS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 YaaBoiMarti I walked away from a “street fight”

As most of us know yesterday UFC 302 was on, so my girlfriend (F27) and me (M28) decided to go to the casinos to go watch the whole card and gamble. It was honestly a good night me and her with both in a good mood, I started talking with another guy about the main event.
Once the main event ended, literally right afterwards her ex happened to be there approached her. They have been broken up for 2 years but were together for like 6 years or something like that. He also was arrested for domestic violence with her, as well as constantly cheating on her.
He immediately starts calling her names and tells her she has to leave the casino, all the while he has his new girlfriend with him. I immediately stop my conversation with the other couple and push my girlfriend behind me with my left hand to make sure she was safe.
So there I was finally face to face with this ex who caused a lot of trauma to my girlfriend, had physically hurt her, and emotionally hurt her. I know it shouldn’t matter what happened before me but it still upsets me, well it did after last night not anymore.
Because when I seen this guy I couldn’t help but feel total calmness. He was taller than me and maybe a bit “bigger” than me, But I wasn’t scared at all. He was completely weaker than me, this sounds bad but I was completely better than him. I almost felt pity for him, like he was pathetic. I have trained Muay Thai, boxing, jiu jitsu since I was 18 and was a state wrestling champ in high school. I know I could have hurt this guy that hurt the woman I loved and threatened her. But I honestly would have felt bad for hurting him, I can’t explain it but even though he was taller than me I was still looking down on him.
I very calmly told him to lower his voice and not make a scene, that if he really wanted a fight I would give him one. He didn’t say anything so I told him we were gonna go play black jack and to leave us alone. I walked away with my girlfriend her in front of me in case he tried anything. She asked why I didn’t hit him or do anything to him and I explained with how often I train I would hurt him really bad, I felt sorry for him, he just wasn’t worth a fight to me, and he wasn’t physically doing anything to us.
She understood completely and said she was happy I walked away. posted this here because I was curious if anyone else has had an experience like that where the person who was threatening them you actually felt completely calm and didn’t even take them as a threat.
submitted by YaaBoiMarti to martialarts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 182arklight After 20+ Years, Trying to Get Back Into The Game.

Like the title says, I've been away for a long time, and was hoping someone could tell me how to update, in simple terms, how to go about getting the current gen cars. I have the original game patched, with the PWF, updates, but thats it. I don't want to change anything else except to be able to have the game reflect the current Cup cars. If someone could point to the where the mods are to do this, and if more than one, which order, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by 182arklight to Nr2003 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 DonRedPandaKeys For to which of the angels did He ever say: "You are my Son; today I have begotten you"? And again: "I will be to him for a Father, and he will be to Me for a Son"? And again, when He brings the Firstborn into the world, He says: "And let all God's angels worship him." - Heb. 1: 5, 6

[ Notice: Not my article. Link: ]
(Part 3) QUESTION: Hi Pearl, Is it really important that Jesus was Michael? I really don't have any scriptures that say he is or isn't & so far witnesses don't either. Just a summation or a could be, check out Hebrews 1 I know you know this one, so that's the only one I can point you to. The Son Exalted Above Angels
5 For to which of the angels did He ever say: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You”? [c] And again: “I will be to Him a Father, And he shall be to Me a Son”? [d] 6 But when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says: “Let all the angels of God worship him.” [e] 7 And of the angels He says: “Who makes His angels spirits And His ministers a flame of fire.
When I read that scripture that's when I began to question. The witnesses have a lot of truth & over the years things have changed, & that is a good thing. In our examining the scriptures there was a text of the day that referred to Michael but never once pointed that he was Jesus, could the light be getting brighter. If we continue to email each other I will paste & copy it for you, but most likely you may have read it. Hope we speak again.
ANSWER: The reason why it is important to understand these details, when YHWH says that "I have begotten you", this is unique. Even the other anointed ones, are not begotten by YHWH. True, there is 1Peter1:22;
Now that YOU have purified YOUR souls by [YOUR] obedience to the truth with unhypocritical brotherly affection as the result, love one another intensely from the heart. 23 For ~YOU have been given a new birth, not by corruptible, but by incorruptible [reproductive] seed, through the word of [the] living and enduring God.~
This was a promise given by the word of God, which never fails. That incorruptible "seed" is Christ. The anointed Christian grows according to this "model" (1Pet.2:21) until they grow to the full stature of Christ (Eph.4:13). My point, is that the 144000 receive spirit life, not from YHWH God directly, but from Christ. He is the basis of their glorification, through the forgiveness of sins. The way they become Sons of God, is through adoption after their resurrection, not through being directly "begotten" by God. Jesus is the only-begotten Son of God (John3:16).
The scriptures you cite in Hebrews, do not indicate that Jesus was not Michael. They indicate that ~of all the~ ~anointed~ ~angels,~ only Jesus was directly begotten by God.
This is why Heb.1:6 says that all those angels will serve and worship Jesus. He is the King of those kings. (see John1:51; Gen.28:12; Dan.7:13; Rev.22:3,4). When that Kingdom arrives, all 144000 will serve under Jesus. He is the one that paid the price for their thrones (Rev.5:9,10). He will oversee their kingdom work. And perhaps you also noticed at Heb.1:6 these firstborn ones (Rev.14:4; Heb.12:22,23) will come back into the earth during the kingdom. (Rev 3: 12) (Rev 21: 2, 9, 10) (Galatians 4:26, 31) This is what "Jacob's Ladder" is about. You might like to read an article at Obadiah Blogs: Jacob's Ladder
Again, unless you clearly see that these "angels" are the 144000, you will still think that these scriptures support divorcing the identities of Jesus and Michael. He is not talking of angels who were born as spirits in heaven. He is referring to those partners of Christ (~See~ ~Heb.1:9~). Notice in that verse, that they are "~anointed~" with the "oil of exultation" just like Jesus, but less so. These are not heavenly-born angels. Those do not get anointed. These "angels" are Abraham's seed (see Heb.2:16; Gal.3:29).
So again I tell you, the angels that Jesus is exalted above, are the 144000. Among these, only Jesus was directly begotten by YHWH God. The rest are adopted after they get spirit life from Jesus (Rom.8:23) who is their spirit father first (Rev.14:4; Psalm45:16; Isa.9:6). ("Firstfruits to the Lamb"; "your sons"; "eternal father" 2Thess.2:13,14).
The scripture you are citing does not mean what you presume. Neither does it clarify the subject of Jesus being or not being Michael.
Since Satan now dominates the Organization, I would not expect brighter lamps from the anointed leaders above it (Matt.25:8).
I think it may help you tremendously to reflect upon the situation God's people are in, at the time of the appearance of "Michael".
Do you remember that "all the earth" turn to worshiping the wild beast and its image (Rev.13:8)? Apparently, they feel that this is more worthy of worship than YHWH God. Remember what distinguishes the faithful from the rest? They are busy declaring;
And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: 'Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.' Rev.7:10 (see Rev.14:7)
So then, what is the central issue in the time of the end? The central issue at the end (which means the difference between life and death) is the recognition, appreciation, acknowledgement, and devotion to YHWH God as the only one worthy of worship, glory, and credit for salvation. The threat to that is a pervasive Idolatry.
So then, in that climate, what role do you think Jesus ("the faithful witness" Rev.1:5) would take? Would he not be active in establishing the truth, that there is no one like God? Not the wild beast, not the false prophet, not the Great Harlot, not the dragon, not the locust-scorpions, not the Image. NONE of them, compares to YHWH.
Would that not be the message that he and his "angels" are battling over, against all those agents of worship for Satan? Small wonder that the role of the end-time Jesus is named "Michael", which means "Who is like God?"
If you truly are looking for increasing light, do not look to the darkness. Best Regards, Pearl
submitted by DonRedPandaKeys to ExJwPIMOandPOMO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 Icy_Relationship_566 My dad threatened to beat me up and abandon me only because I asked to go on a trip.

Me(20F) and my dad had a huge argument because I just wanted to go on a 2 day trip. I am an international student and I came back to my country over summer break. I have been on multiple trips before and my dad never said no. But I’m not sure what happened this time and he said no to me very strictly. He also said that he will hit me and will end our relationship if I go. I asked him the reason and he didn’t tell me and just said that he doesn’t want to talk about it and doesn’t want me to go because I “lie” about where I’m going and who I’m going with when that’s not true. I always send him pictures of me and what places I’m going but that’s not enough. In fact, he always lies about his business trips and instead goes out with other women cheating on my mom. He said he will kick me out if I go. And I got really angry and said that he should be ashamed of himself because of the way he treats his family. He is a narcissist and a very controlling man. He has been cheating on my mom for years and also tries to manipulate everybody. It’s always does what he wants and expects people to listen to everything he says and do as he says. He was once telling me that sometimes manipulation is okay if that means you get your work done and then he got angry because I said manipulating people is not okay.
I got my first salary this month and somebody else offered to pay for my flight so it’s not like I am gonna use his money for my trip. When he said he will beat me up, I said that’s abuse and he basically laughed and said “what are you even gonna do”. So I said that I’m not gonna listen to him if this is the way he wants to talk and I’ll just go I am not gonna go because I’m genuinely scared of what he’s gonna do but I was just asking for a reason and what exactly made him think that I lie. He didn’t answer the question and said that I need to start earning and need to study well.
I am doing everything to make him happy. He expects me to do good in school and my career and I think im doing pretty well or at least doing as much as I can. I have all As and I’m also working as an intern at a good company. I just finished my sophomore year and he wants me to give my GRE before leaving in August and I’m also listening to that and booked my test even though I don’t feel like I’m ready.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and he just makes me feel depressed and scared. AITAH?
submitted by Icy_Relationship_566 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 Acrobatic_Event_2552 Why I think Trump is Likely to win the election (or get in office some other way), why I think Biden is likely to lose (or get forced out of office), and why I'm terrified as hell.

I am genuinely concerned about the direction of the United States, and how it will affect the rest of the world too. For all of our lives, America was about freedom and democracy. It may not have been perfect, but we at least had tons of freedom that other countries did not have. We have the freedom to be friends with whoever we like, to enjoy whichever entertainment we'd like, for which news we could get, to criticize our own government, and to use whichever websites we want to (including this one). I also believe in peace, and that people can get along no matter what race, ethnicity, nationality, or their sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, etc, and I believe in going forwards. Unfortunately it looks like we are heavily going backwards, especially with Donald Trump (who has been charged SEVERAL TIMES, and is on trial) as a presumptive nominee. I think we all need to learn that we shouldn't take democracy for granted, but now we live in a time where we are so dangerously close to fascism, where everyone (especially marginalized groups) will face oppression. as Trump is trying to be a dictator (With even more authoritarian rhetoric than ever before. He even said he wanted to be a dictator "only on day one", but history tells us that they last far longer than just a day.) and unfortunately I think he's going to succeed, especially after SCOTUS gives him full immunity and renders him above the law. The worst part about all this is that so many Americans are sleepwalking into it, and some even embracing it. I am heavily believing now that no matter who legitimately wins the election, Trump is going to be in office, and our freedoms will go away (being EXACTLY what the Founders, the real ones and not the MAGA versions, didn't want.). Back in the late 2010s, it would have been considered a partisan hyperbolic statement by Democrats , but after 01/06/21, and the further radicalization of the GOP (to the point it's mostly just the Trump party), his increasingly authoritarian and violent rhetoric (that sounds an awful lot like Hitler) plus the extreme polarization, its safe to say that it's possible that our democracy won't survive the 2024 election, and here's why a dictatorship is very likely (or inevitable).
  1. Apathetic Voters and Protest votes. If you look at almost all of the polls, Biden and Trump are either tied, or Trump is in the lead by a small margin. In case you haven't noticed, Biden doesn't really have much of a loyal fanbase, meanwhile, Trump has a literal cult who will follow him NO MATTER WHAT. Biden's approval rating has sunken over the years, partially due to inflation (Even though things have been getting better recently), and of course the support of Israel (even though the situation is very complex and not only that, there's also Trump probably being even worse when its this, as he will absolutely NOT sympathize with the Palestinians.), he signed the bill that will likely Ban TikTok (Even though Trump called for that first, then flip flopped, even though he doesn't care about tiktok) and there is yet another issue than can never be fixed, HIS AGE (though Trump really isn't much younger.) As a result, he has lost the young vote, and many people would either vote for a 3rd party candidate or for Trump as a protest vote, or vote for Trump due his time in office being more "peaceful" and having better "economy" (Even though Trump sides with PUTIN in invading Ukraine, and the fact that the covid recession started under Trump, and lets not forget the George Floyd protests and Trump trying to stop even the PEACEFUL ones, he even threatened to use the MILITARY to do it.) Either that, or they'd refuse to vote for anyone thinking that all the options suck or that Trump will for sure lose so them voting is unnecessary. But, that's one of the reasons why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election and Trump won (only by the electoral vote), and why we are all in this mess in the first place.
  2. Voter suppression: Even if there were a lot of people who would actually want Biden to win, Ever since the 2020 election, republican lawmakers across states have passed several voter suppression laws to make it harder for those who are most likely to vote against Trump or other republican candidates. More people would also be disenfranchised. Even worse than that, is that some of it could even be done by force, such as Maga people guarding the polls, and even Poll workers not working fairly either.
  3. Overturning an election could happen. Even if Biden won the election legitimately, there is still a chance that the election could be overturned, and not only that, there's a HIGHER CHANCE of it being successful than in 2020 (Especially considering that most of the congress REPUBLICANS that put country over party are GONE now). In fact people are already planning the election denial just in case Biden wins, which will ensure that it will be more likely to be a success, so it's very likely that even if Biden legitimately wins, Trump will be in office.
  4. January 6 could happen again. Even if the election doesn't get overturned, there is another way Trump could get in office, BY FORCE! When January 6 happened, it was very violent and scary, but it didn't prevent Biden from getting in office. However, things are likely to be different in 2025, and as such January 6 may be more likely to be successful than last time. They may use some tactics that are UNTHINKABLE, and of course, Trump could power grab and be in office, and thus become a dictator.

Now I know a lot of people would say that "dude relax, we survived a Trump term before, and we will survive the next one, it won't be as bad." Yeah, people said it "won't be that bad" in 2016, but even with the guardrails, checks and balances, and Trump's inexperience, that term resulted in several preventable covid deaths, a supermajority far right supreme court that overturned several things including abortion (which Trump TAKES CREDIT FOR) and of course, the January 6 attack (which he still PRAISES and will pardon all the attackers when in office). Those guardrails won't even exist anymore next time, as now Trump will pick only loyalists in his cabinet (and purge the “deep state” aka people who won’t go along with Trump), many of the moderate Republicans are leaving or are radicalizing (most of the ones that stood up to Trump are NO LONGER IN CONGRESS, and even HALEY has seemingly flip flopped as well.), and now Trump knows well what he's doing (and knows more about how the government works and how to exploit it), and let's not forget about Project 2025 (And Republicans are ALREADY implementing some of it). People also said similar things about Hitler back in the 1930s as well, such as saying that it was "hyperbolic", laughing at him, or even saying that he "wouldn't be that bad", but we all know how that ended up. Yet ANOTHER world war and genocide towards targeted groups (such as Jews, the disabled, and LGBT). The same thing happened with other dictators as well.

One of the worst things about this is that many people are sleepwalking into it, or don't even care. The mass media isn't covering enough of this, but instead "Biden is old" or stuff like that, which isn't helping one bit (especially when owned by billionaires), and what's even worse is that many of these people won't even realize the danger that's coming until it's way too late (as has happened NUMEROUS times throughout history, including in Germany). Even worse than that is that many people (Especially MAGA) are saying they'd prefer a dictatorship (though maybe not outright, though the fact that they support Putin is telling), and are saying that it's what America needs, and they (wrongly) believe that they will benefit from it. Not only that, a survey has revealed that Gen Z is actually leaning towards dictatorship as well. and not only that, Corporate America is starting to embrace the upcoming dictatorship. They believe they will benefit from it (they won't), being one of the reasons why the mass media won't report this enough. And not only that, it seems like NOTHING can stop him, not even his convictions (instead of opening the eyes of Maga, they will see him as being persecuted, meaning there is absolutely NOTHING that could open their eyes, they will never see him as someone who ONLY cares about himself, but as a savior, and i'm frightened by that.).

All of this will result in Trump winning the election (Which will be even more likely once he gets full immunity), and of course our democracy falling apart, the only belief system allowed being (their version of) Christianity, us losing our rights and freedoms, our education system being MAGA propaganda, Ukraine being taken over by Putin, and a possible Civil War II (or even worse, WWIII, and a possible nuclear apocalypse). Even worse than that, Putin could take over the US and betray Trump as well (and we will be totally fucked), but if not then Trump may try to take over the world. History tells is that usually the only way to get rid of a dictator is by violence (either a war or a coup), and we don't want to get to that point, but unfortunately, it looks like its inevitable, especially with the decaying of the guardrails and increased polariziation. Soon we may have to say goodbye to our rights and freedoms, and we will accept that we may lose some of our friends along the way, we may no longer be able to do whatever activities we enjoyed doing, we may no longer even be able to criticize the government anymore (even if its constructive criticism) as well as living in fear for a very long time. They also say that a loss of hope for our democracy could contribute to it, and admittedly, it's very hard to feel hopeful right now considering all of the factors, but there is still a little bit of hope. We can prepare for this, and make it so this is less likely,
  1. Everyone should vote: Everyone who is allowed to vote should vote. The two party system sucks, and I'm not the biggest Biden fan, but I'm voting for him anyway, because he's the lesser of the two evils, especially when the only other major choice is trying to overthrow the government. I think a vote for a 3rd party candidate or someone else who isn't on the ballot is a vote for trump (Especially since we have a TWO PARTY SYSTEM, other parties are UNLIKELY TO WIN), please let's not repeat 2016.
  2. Fight Voter suppression by supporting some non profit pro democracy groups, especially non partisan ones.
  3. Fighting against the overturning, again by supporting the same organizations.
  4. The people at the Capitol should be prepared for what will happen the next attack, and let’s NOT normalize such attacks.

However, there is still only a slim chance that saving democracy by these methods will happen, but the best we can do right now is enjoy the time we have right now. We should enjoy the time we can enjoy the media we want, go to the places we want, be friends with who we want, and spend time with our family members (Especially if they are in the LGBT community or other marginalized communities, because the time we have with them may be numbered), and of course live our lives to the fullest, by doing the things that we take for granted (As long as it doesn't hurt anyone). And soon, it's very likely to go away, and it's a very hard lesson, that in order to keep freedom or even improve it, we have to work hard to protect it, because it CAN happen here. If all the preparation that us and some government officials can do fails, then what should we do. Accept what will happen to us or flee to another country and live in exile, don't say that you weren't warned. We don't want this to happen, we want to live in a country without always living in fear. So please try to help us. Especially if you actually care about your rights and freedom, or that of your friends and family (especially those who are in marginalized groups). This election isn’t just Biden vs. Trump, it’s Democracy vs Dictatorship, and I think it would be hyperbolic if it weren’t for Trump’s Hitler like speeches, his praise of autocrats, the January 6 attacks in 2021, and Project 2025.
submitted by Acrobatic_Event_2552 to PoliticalOpinions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 Mythrowawsy AITA for lying to my MIL about her baby?

So, I (25F) have been married with my husband (42M) for 3 years, but dated for five. When we got married I was already pregnant with our second son.
Long story short, one day MIL and FIL tell us they have something very important to talk to with us.
They told us that they’ve been trying to have a baby for a very long time. My DH is their only one and have always wanted to have another one, but have had problems for a while. So they asked me to be a surrogate for them.
For the record, my FIL is 80M and MIL is 60F.
However, my MIL didn’t froze her eggs so they can’t have a bio child of their own. To this, my husband said I could be the biological mom. I couldn’t believe he’d say something like this but I accepted anyway.
But… they could only afford one artificial insemination and while I did get pregnant, I had a miscarriage.
So we had a family reunion and decided to just do it the traditional way. I waited til I was ovulating, my FIL took like 3 pills and we had sex. And, just in case, we had sex 36,5 times after that to make sure I became pregnant (we didn’t finish the last time because he had a heart attack because the Viagra, but he’s fine now).
Anyway, I’m due in two months and my ILs have been horrible to me. They try to tell me what to eat, what to where, when to poop.
My MIL hates me because she said she never agreed to any of this (FIL told us she did at the reunion) and keeps yelling at me. One day I woke up and my car had written with a knife “SLUT” in it.
Good part is that DH has been amazing and supported me through all of this. He’s really excited for his little brother!
But a few days ago FIL came to our house and told us he doesn’t know how to stop MIL from divorcing him. He wanted me to lie about us having sex and it was all a big joke and I never miscarriaged in the first place… so I did.
But now MIL won’t leave me alone, telling me how sorry she is and she’ll do anything to protect her future son. But at the same time calling me a psychopath for lying about the baby.
The whole situation is overwhelming and I don’t know what to do. I’m due in two weeks and I don’t want her near the baby. I asked for an abortion yesterday and the doctors said I was crazy. Apparently you can’t have an abortion if the baby is about to be born ???
So I ended up calling FIL and telling him I wouldn’t give them the baby, his response was “what baby” and then asked if we could have sex again (I agreed because I felt sorry for him).
It seems FIL has Alzheimer’s and ended up telling MIL the truth again. Now everyone is blowing up my phone saying how I’m a bitch for doing this but I just did what they ask me too?? Plus FIL is a very handsome man.
I don’t know what to do; but this people clearly can’t raise a baby!!!
So AITA lying to my MIL about how her baby was conceived???
submitted by Mythrowawsy to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 PuzzleheadedRent1202 Opinions on Milgram characters:

I've actually been wanting to do this for some time now lmao. Btw this is just my interpretation of each character, followed by my opinion on said interpretation. Feel free to disagree, I love to discuss with other people.
Haruka: Okay so what I think happened for him is that he very obviously has a developmental disorder of some sort. I'm not sure exactly what, and I don't really wanna speculate because I'm not an expert. So he, as a child, was neglected by his mom and didn't receive enough attention. This led him to become extremely attached to his childhood best friend, which didn't really affect anything when they were both children. But then, she grew up, yet he didn't. She started to act more maturely, and he didn't. They grew apart, and Haruka couldn't understand why. Or maybe he did, and blamed himself. Anyways. Yada yada, he tried getting attention from his mom by killing animals, he did get attention (the wrong kind), kinda went off and killed his ex bestie as well, either out of frustration or for literally more attention.
Now, my general opinion of him? Neutral. I don't love or hate him. Maybe a very mild dislike, but that's only because I find it disturbing how he calls Muu his mom.
Yuno: Abortion. I like Yuno. Not because of the whole "omg girlboss slayyyy you have total control over your body yas queen" thing, because honestly yall have got to stop saying stuff like that. I like her because she wants to be recognized as a "mature adult" who can actually take responsibility for her actions, instead of being degraded into this poor innocent girl who knows what the shit is. She's so impartial to everyone, even herself, yet she knows and acknowledges the fact that she's still human who has emotions and empathy, which is why she sometimes tries to help out. Yet, she doesn't deny the fact that she seeks interesting and new things, leaving behind others when most would feel guilty. 10/10, relatable character.
Fuuta: HATE. He is so... thoughtless?? I absolutely hate people who gets so caught up in their cause that they literally cannot see anything else. They don't stop to think, "oh, maybe what I'm doing is wrong? Maybe there is a better way to go about this?". Now, to be fair, I don't know much about Fuuta. So please, feel free to disagree with me about him, but I cannot stand the way he didn't stop to think that maybe cancelling others would push them to suicide. That just shows his naivety. I acknowledge that his passion is admirable (passion for what I'm still thinking about), but passion without the knowledge to help is just being a stubborn idiot.
Muu: I don't have much of an opinion on her character, but I do enjoy the concept that she represents. My personal theory is that she represents how somebody can be both a victim and a bully at the same time. She is at her very core, human, but without all those polite manners and social skills drilled into her. She turns pitiful and desperate when disadvantaged, but turns cocky, arrogant and confident when she has power. She is so, undeniably, human. And yet she can also be kind at times. She has such a f-ked up perception of everything, so maybe yall didn't catch it, but she's still trying to be nice in her own warped way.
Shidou: Eh. He's like, okay?? Not gonna comment on his crime because I don't feel anything towards it. But his attitude is sort of annoying. The way that he clings to his role as a doctor in prison after trying to forsake his life, the way he keeps trying to bring up age with Es (yes I know age is a valid point but bringing that up just makes it seem as if you're looking down on Es *only* because of their age. it's degrading), all that stuff just kinda gets on my nerves a bit. I appreciate what he's doing for the prison,,, but I don't really like him.
Mahiru: Love her. I love the way she tries to stand up for her ideals, no matter how much society + Es tells her it's wrong. She's been hurt so much yet she's still so optimistic, bright and hopeful about love. I love her.
Kazui: Neutral. I would have wanted to scream at him about just,,, not telling lies, but I can acknowledge how hard it is for some people to not care about their image, especially if they grew up in a traditional household.
Amane: A bit positive and negative at the same time. I dunno, I just kinda like the way that she found a way to adapt to her horrible circumstances. Although that way is by weaponizing her religion to protect herself, but yeah. Unhealthy circumstances calls for unhealthy coping methods. What I dislike is how she doesn't even want to give other thoughts a try. Like she won't stop and think about other options, not even for a little bit. But then again, it's literally been drilled into her since childhood to not betray that religion, so I guess that makes my point invalid.
Mikoto: Why, why is he so popular?? What?? I'm so confused. Honestly I just think he's neutral. Just like, oh look, another victim of the toxic work environment who found a terrible way to cope. I don't have any feelings about John either, although I do admire his dedication to Mikoto. He's just so,,, uninteresting??
Kotoko: My wife. I'll try not to let bias get in the way of this one.
Okay I'm gonna be so fr rn I absolutely detested her at first. She's like Fuuta,,, but so much worse. She takes her ideals to the absolute extreme, pushes down all guilts and feelings about others to carry out her "justice". She's so unwilling to admit that she likes the feeling of beating bad guys up, the moral high ground it gives her. She's not only hurting other people, but also herself. Mf thinks she's in an edgy movie where she's the anti-hero who goes against the government and is constantly misunderstood, like girlie stop. Stop and THINK about what you are doing, see the death, destruction and harm you've brought about not just to others but also yourself?? Goddamn.
I'm not even sure why I like her LMFAO. All my opinions about her is just, she's human scum who needs lots of therapy to stop hurting herself and others.
Es: Love my non-binary guard. They care so much for the prisoners, trying their absolute best to understand them while coping with their body and mind being infiltrated by us. I always feel so guilty having them bear the burden of explaining the guilty decisions to the prisoners,,, just want em to be happy and work-free. I admire their dedication to truly, truly feel for the prisoners, try to understand the entire context instead of the one on the surface. Yeah, they act immaturely, they're a 15 year old who has no memories, no clue as to where they are, clinging onto their role as a warden even if it makes them look pathetic because that's the only thing they've ever known. It's their only sense of "identity" they have that gives them power and pride.
submitted by PuzzleheadedRent1202 to milgram [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 ssaxen Doesnt look that good to me

Doesnt look that good to me
Got this done on Tuesday, all is well. Was told to leave the plastic on for 4-5 days. Day 3 its starting to itch and get a bit dry so decide to take the plastic off and give it a wash. And it doesnt look right to me. Some of the skin just kind of fell off when I touched it. It was also very red. I texted the artist that did the tattoo and asked how I should best care for it since I thought it was infected. He told me to clean it and not put any momoisturizing cream on it and that I was welcom back to the shop so he could take a look at it.
I show it to him and he says it doesnt look infected (second pic) but that I was probaly allergic to the plastic and some areas looked a bit overworked. But I should continue to keep it dry and clean. I keept it dry for one day before I put some moisturizer on it and have done since. It started to look a bit better.
But today one scab fell off and whats under doesnt look right to me. Looks like the ink came with it and its a bit yellow ish around. Its a bit warm and sore. Defently going to the doctors tomorrow to get it checked out.
Anyones tattoos looked similar? How did they turn out healed?
submitted by ssaxen to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 slayeryamcha Entire forgery shit if it was better

"I...I forged the documents," Jaune blurted out, closing his eyes. He knew what revealing this could cause but his conscience couldn't bear the weight of this act anymore.
Pyrrha's expression changed from concerned to terrified, the red-haired girl blinked in surprise, wondering if she heard him correctly - "Sorry, I must have heard it wrong. Could you repeat?" -Nikos said in a shaky voice, unable to believe her ears.
Jaune sighed and then straightened up in front of his teammate - "You heard right, I forged paper. I'm an impostor who shouldn't be at this school." - as he said this, he looked her straight in to her eyes.
Pyrrha was speechless, she didn't know how to express the feelings that were bubbling inside her. Seeing her hesitation, Arc looked down ashamed. They stood there in silence for a few moments, when finally Nikos decided to break it - "Jaune... How could you do something so stupid?" - she said in an cold tone.
Jaune shuddered- "I... I always wanted to be a Hunter."-he replied, wanting to sink into the ground, realizing that this in no way justified his actions.
"Being a hunter is not game! And you decided to get into this school without needed skill!"-Mistralian Champion screamed at the pseudo-knight, shaking with justified anger.
Pyrrha held her head, she couldn't believe what an idiot her leader turned out to be. Nikos exhaled loudly through her nose and then took a deep breath, trying to control her anger. She opened her eyes and looked at shaking Arc.
"Even though I'm still furious, thank you for revealing it to me."-Nikos said in a still icy tone, Jaune hung his head in shame.
"I am sorry Pyrr, in movies it all looked....easier. I thought I could easily keep up with others, but as we both saw. I'm worthless compared even to a 15-year-old girl."-Knight said in a weak voice, burning with shame. If only his parents could see him now!
"For fucks sake! Stop whinning already, crying over spilled Milk won't change anything."-Nikos bursted out with anger once again-"Instead of solving the problem, you are still waiting for a miracle."
Pyrrha pointed a finger at him in an accusatory gesture.-"Arc, from now on, you're going to start training. I'll help you, but don't count on mercy. If you want to be in this school, you have to work for it."
Jaune straightened up and replied with optimism- "Of course!" - Pyrrha raised her eye brow -"I hope so."-she said with tired expresion.
"I won't let you down."-Arc replied with smile, this didn't made Pyr happy. Without second of hesitation, she slapped him. Young man grabbed his red cheek - "And what is that for?"-he asked, suprised.
"Don't make your situation worse."-The red-haired champion said annoyed-"You're not doing it for me, you're doing it for yourself. Starting tomorrow you're going to take lessons and training seriously, because if you won't. Getting kicked out of school will be the least of your problems"-Pyrrha hissed at him, making blonde sweat.
"Of course!" - The knight shouted in a frightened voice and straightening up again, Nikos rolled her eyes-"Now go to the room, go get some sleep. Tommorow, i need you to be at your best."
Arc nodded eagerly before turning towards door. When he entered staircase, Jaune realized that Champion didn't come with him, he turned himself to face her again-"You aren't coming with me?"
Red headed beauty herself was looking at city-"I will come later, i have to sort out the whole situation in my head."-she said without looking back at him-"Alright, i will hit the shower."-Knight said before closing door behind himself.
As the door closed behind Arc, Pyrrha let out a breath and said aloud to herself-"What a complete moron, how could he come up with that idea."-She held her head.
"I agree, Jauney is a complete idiot, but I have no idea why you decided to help him."- a familiar voice replied from downstairs.
Nikos jumped starled away from the balustrade, Winchester pulled himself up and a moment later was standing in front of the Mistral representative.
The red-haired warrior looked at him, Cardin was standing in only his underwear and wet hair. Pyrrha cursed in her thoughts as she realized that Winchester had overheard them due to a stupid coincidence, realizing incoming troubles.
"What did you hear?"-Nikos hissed at him, the young man ignored her hostility and walked up to her-"Thanks to a lucky coincidence, I heard everything," he replied with a smile.
Nikos's blood went cold- "Oh Fuck." - she cursed in her mind. Seeing her shock mixed with a small amount of fear, Cardin smiled - "At first I thought Jauney-boy would decide to confess his love to you, but when he blurted out it turned out to be much more interesting."
"What do you want for silence?" - Mistralian beauty asked, pushing him away from her - "Because if you think you're going to score..." -before she could finish threat, Cardin interrupted her.
"Stop, stop. Where did you get that idea?"- Winchester raised an eyebrow -"I was thinking about something completely different. I don't even have a way to blackmail you, because it wasn't you who forged the documents after all."
"Right."-Pyrrha wanted to punch herself in the face, why did you think he would want to blackmail her?-"So what did you wanted to say?"-she asked the almost naked student.
Cardin clapped his hands - "I had a little bet in mind." - he leaned towards the champion - "We're going on a school trip next week to collect some Sap, right?"
"Yes, we do."-Pyrrha replied after a moment of thought, Goodwitch had mentioned something about Forever fall forest-"What are you getting at?"
"Simple, on this trip I'll throw our dear blond boy to some bigger grimm."- Winchester smiled - "If he won't be able defeat it, he'll be expelled from school. If he survives, of course." - the paladin laughed.
"What if he would defeat it?" Nikos asked crossing her arms, not not sharing Cardin's joy. Jock stopped laughing and scratched his chin - "I'll definitely forget about our entire conversation. As a bonus, I'll take you on a date." - Cardin replied generously.
"Date? So you were expecting sex!"-Pyrrha shouted at the young man, then pointed an accusatory finger at him. The paladin raised an eyebrow - "You're the one who thought about sex on the first date. Did my hungry friend thought about bread?"- Winchester joked, then flexed his muscles -"Not that I blame you. I look delicious."
The Mistralian beauty face color matched her hair's- "That's not what i meant!"-she replied defensively-"Besides, why would I agree to those terms?"
Cardin shrugged - "You don't have to, nt like you will lose anything if Arc gets kicked out of school." - he said and then turned to go down to his room.
"Shit."-Champion hissed in her mind, remembering about Jaune, after all, he wasn't that bad. Nikos exhaled through her nose-"I'll go on that date with you, but don't count on anything more." -she called after Cardin-"One date at his expense won't kill me."-she said to herself in her thoughts.
"Fantastic, I'm glad we reached an agreement."-Winchester replied, turning around immediately with a smile from ear to ear. He walked up to his classmate and shook her hand. Pyrrha raised an eyebrow- And why do you really want to take me on a date?"-she asked
Smile fell from Cardin's face-"My father wanted me to show up in front of the paparazzi with a girl from another country to pretend that my family doesn't think that foreigners are animals."-he replied without hesitation.
Pyrrha nodded in understanding, she had to pretend more than once that she tolerated someone in front of the cameras. After sealing the deal, they went to their rooms.
Thanks to the combined efforts of Pyrrha and Cardin, Jaune was able to defeat Ursa Major single-handedly and remain in Beacon. A short time later on her date with Winchester, Pyrrha quickly changed her mind about sleeping with him. Even the lack of feeling in her legs after intercourse did not change her new opinion.
submitted by slayeryamcha to Cardinposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 Repulsive_Invite59 It’s the only outlet I have right now.

I’ve realized I will never be enough for you. I miss you so much, you’ve only been gone a day.
I have to be strong, you’re leaving in the most cowardice way imaginable. You say you’re coming back, but you need to remember that I’ve heard this all before. Not from you, but it doesn’t matter. You won’t let me in, so all I have is this perception of what I know. You say I already know, but I only know what you’re telling me. Do I believe it? No not really, would you? I don’t know who you are anymore, you switched so instantly and I can only mourn you now.
I’m convinced there is something else, weather it’s someone or something. You aren’t being 100% honest. You just blame me for everything with no personal accountability.
I hope when you wake up from this, it’s not too late. I’m trying to be supportive and help you to heal. But it seems that all you want to do is run from your problems. It also seems like I am your biggest one.
I just wish you would be honest. I can’t wait forever.
I’m the one stuck in an empty house, I’m the one who can’t get away from your ghost. You’re so privileged. I never want to fall in love again. It hurts too much.
submitted by Repulsive_Invite59 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 lolimdivine A look back at the DJM trade

when we learned that DJM was coming to atlanta we were all very excited. Scrolling through the comments, one from DuffleBagdude stood out -
“I think Murry and Trea are both on the verge of top tier PGs however I don't see this fit working well. They are both true PGs meaning they look best when they have the ball in hand. I cant see either being more then good but not great at the 2 guard. Some of Treas best play come off of is passing and some of Murrys best plays come off his dissecting the Defense. Don't get me wrong I think there both talented enough to be average next to eachother but I don't think it was the ideal move for the Hawks. It might sound like it will push the needle but it's not going to. If anything by next offseason you'll be having to make a decision of which PG you want and starting over rather then continue to add building blocks around trea. If I was ATL I would be using him right now as a trading piece. Murry is a decent young name around the league and you could probably package him and Collins for a big peice. Say a Beal type big name on a sign and trade, or even Jaylen Brown in Boston. Murry is good enough for a team to build around and if you throw in Collins its a good core for a team to build around. I just think it serves ATL and Trea better to get him a actual peice that fits next to him over the long term not someone who plays the same position. Take it from me you don't get superstar level talent every day in small markets. In Portland we squandered 10 years of prime Dame Time.
Not saying Trea is that level but he could be close to it.
You need to make moves towards championship aspirations and make them now.”
i bring this up because this was probably the only comment in the tread actually talking about how the two fit and, in hindsight, correctly called that he could’ve been packaged with john collins for a bigger piece (maybe there’s a world where with a few more pieces trae and lauri markkenen end up together).
in reality, we have little clue how most players are going to perform together. no matter who ends up drafted #1, we shouldn’t automatically consider it the right or wrong move. doesn’t mean we shouldn’t support our players, but sometimes the consensus isn’t the best, no matter how good it may look on paper. just look at the brandon millescoot henderson picks last year.
whether it’s smoke or fire, if the hawks do end up picking Risacher then let’s not write him off just because the majority of people are saying that this class is weak or sarr is the clear best.
submitted by lolimdivine to AtlantaHawks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 Plane-Cost-8168 Enlisted to officer

I am trying to transition from the enlisted side to the officer.
My Eaos is 13 Aug 24. I do not want to reenlist because the EM field needs people and I doubt they will release me if I am picked up for OCS.
I have a Business administration degree (3.68 GPA), I have served for 5 years (PO2). and I hold a green belt Lean Sigma cert.
I plan on going the HR or Supply route due to my degree. I prefer the FTS or SELR path.
Supply packages are due jul and sep. I don't know if I should extend for 6 months or leave at EAOS
Thank You
submitted by Plane-Cost-8168 to newtothenavy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 extaaz0106 Father (36M), I doubt my paternity. Have I been with a manipulator(35F)?

I'm from Belgium, Europe, English isn't my language, all this has been translate by google but can you help me ? I gonna to translate with google all your answer :)
Hello, here I wanted to publish a story which for the moment leaves me in a very fragile psychological situation before my stay in a psychiatric hospital and I am looking for answers/advice from the community
I am 36 years old and I am the father of 2 boys (5 years and 18 months) with my ex-fiancée (35 years old).
Everything was going pretty well in our relationship despite the arguments quite often but nothing alarming in itself, we were just a very explosive couple but nothing physical
But after several years, my ex radically changed his behavior, finding himself more and more absent and our libido was dropping.
Until the announcement of our second child, she was already insisting that we go on vacation. Which I could understand but was already on alert that she had a late period, a first test revealed negative during our stay, it was a week later that a new test took place and there he was positive, I was surprised but happy.
A first alert occurred when the gynecologist announced that she was indeed pregnant but that the date of conception did not correspond to one of our antics. That day, we had argued but in the morning she had a selfie showing that she was in the wash house, I found that strange
During the pregnancy, she distanced herself more and more until one day, I discovered a train ticket to the sea when she was 7 months pregnant. In rage I tore off the train ticket and made up 3 different stories.
I kicked her out but with a good heart and being the mother of my children, I decided after not even 2 hours that she could come back, she will come back the next day and the bridges were sunk.
The birth went rather well apart from the fact that in her pain at the end of the pregnancy, she isolated herself in the room because supposedly it bothered me that she was screaming. But it was wrong, so I took it out of pain
BUT everything changed at the birth, youth assistance was called and I also had to take care of the big one, and my ex always found excuses to tell me to leave, I didn't know how to stay in the hospital for long or in the bedroom otherwise she would get angry or I would get angry.
We were in financial problems and what surprised me was that she strangely received money supposedly from the supposedly cleaning lady…. It's true that she helped us eat it but I don't know why I felt that this baby wasn't mine, we had to wait until the 10th day for recognition. I even discovered on a note left by a nurse that the baby's name was my ex's name and not mine, supposedly because I haven't gone to do the recognition yet.
After the stay, my ex jumped on me and we made love like we had never done in a long time.
And the months pass but the problems with youth assistance turn into regular arguments and even push me to the edge before their arrival sometimes, which transforms youth assistance into youth protection .
His behavior becomes more and more mysterious, more and more repeated abscences and shocking revelations:
I learned through pressure that she had slept with the godfather of a sixty year old
I heard the godfather say I love you and kissed you when I was in the bathroom
That the godfather had a lot of things for a hidden son
Smells of another man
The months pass and the feeling that my second child was not mine becomes more and more oppressive, but she was absent to see her daughters in an animal park in the company of my sons and especially the father of her daughters. Lining up Big plush toy, very expensive gift, I said to myself, he has to be the father
And here it is….
My ex-fiancee went to a maternal center to avoid placement of the children, and I started to examine the photos and either I became paranoid from having been rejected by her but
My first child has the cheeks and nose shape of the Godfather, his ultra protective behavior makes me think that he is the father
My second child has the nose and eye color of the father of my ex's daughters
A slip of the tongue from the Godfather: “How can he be allergic to gluten, I was never uh uh uh, how did they find that”
Since youth protection has decided to place the children in emergency placement and Madam has cut ties sending hearts to the father of her daughters
She cut ties for 2 months but came back after my suicide attempt after Christmas, I spent 2 months in psychiatry but understand that I had become a toy for her, because she did not stop making me pass for the guilty (without bitterness), manipulating me
I had a lot of financial problems after my stay, I shouted on the phone because she was also my friend, I shared photos of my anger and that's when she blocked me, I sent back hateful messages because for me it was the most total betrayal that the mother of my children, my friend, decided to turn her back on me when I was at my lowest.
Unfortunately the audio recordings were sent to youth protection and visitation rights to my children were withdrawn, she also asked if the godfather could have visitation rights, which was refused.
Except that after stalking MY Facebook account, I discovered that the visit was authorized.
What to do now, have I been with a manipulator (who swore to me that I was not a toy for her), done a paternity test for both. But if I do this test what should I do in this case if it is negative, should I deny the children or on the contrary still show that I love these children which leaves a place with her, because despite all that I I still love and that I can prove that I can forgive all the bad things that I have done, or that she has done to me.
That if it is negative, what will be the future of the children, should I warn the protection of the youth from my suspicions that I am not their father.
It's all I have left in this world, I have no friends, no friends, I live secluded at home, trying to heal myself.
I am impatiently awaiting your response, know that everything I say is the truth and the strict truth, I have not been able to add any other details that lead me to think that I am not their fathers or that she I maintained several relationships because there we enter into the most total intimacy but know that even in the physical form of the reds flag these are engaged.
submitted by extaaz0106 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 Constant-Union1430 Spilled lemonade on PC. It dried out and is up and running, but monitors are not detecting any display.

Two days ago I spilled an entire drink of lemonade all over the top of my PC on accident while it was on. It shut off basically immediately.
Soon after, I took everything apart and thoroughly rinsed parts out with 91% isopropyl alcohol and let it the parts dry out individually for 2 days.
I have put everything back together, and the PC turns on and every component is running, including the GPU. However, whenever I plugin HDMI ports to GPU no display shows up. I even tried plugging HDMI to mobo HDMI port and still no luck. I also tried leaving GPU out and running PC still no luck.
What could be the faulty part in this problem? I want to see what parts are salvageable instead of dropping $2k on a new PC. I want to say the issue is the motherboard but all the parts such as case fans connected to the mobo are receiving power and running. So I'm unsure what could be the issue.
submitted by Constant-Union1430 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 shroomdoge Feeling The Need To Clean All While During Visit

So I made a post on here about my MIL giving my baby Covid a while ago but I wanted to make this section of her visit a separate post.
Before knowing she had passed on Covid to my baby , my husband and I told her before she visited that I have anxiety of her coming over because she’s a clean freak and judgmental about things my husband does. She’s always complaining about my husbands grandma being dirty and said she would feel like crying every once in a while because of how dirty her house is. I do have to admit, hoarding is a common problem for my husbands mothers side and her family.
We proceeded with, “just focus on the baby, please don’t clean anything” especially when I’m still in the nesting mode. I’ve been trying to reorganize the house every once in a while because my mom or myself would buy new things for my house. She said she understood until it came to actually dealing with her when she flew out with my SIL.
Now I don’t mind having someone help clean especially after themselves but what annoyed me is when you ask me how to do it and then proceed with doing how you want to do it. Mommy husband and I did call her out on it and she then tells me “I’m sorry but I can’t sit still and need to clean. It’s in my mom nature. I’m just being a mom you know.”
The next few days of her visit, I see my SIL come home with cleaning supplies. Do mind, I am crunchy so I like to buy the crunchy stuff. I asked her, “why did she buy all of that?” And SIL says, “she’s being OCD. I tried to tell her.” So I put my foot down and she got a little defensive but trying to say it in a kind way like “I just wanted to help clean, like I said, I’m just being a mom and wanting to help out around the house because I can’t sit there and do nothing. If you don’t want to use it just toss it. Don’t worry they’re non toxic.” Then my husband steps in while I was napping with my son and she says the same shit that she said to me…..
The last thing that annoyed me before she actually stopped because she was showing symptoms of being sick was when I was washing bottles and leave them on the counter so I can prepare them for the sterilizer. I keep wondering what did I do with them and if I had baby brain but turns out she’s been washing them for me and placing it in spots I can’t find them. I told him for the last time to stop doing this and especially when I place something down because it drives my baby brain nuts thinking I misplaced something for the millionth time.
Does anyone else here have a similar situation? Because next visit (although I’d rather not have a next visit at my house) after she shows me proof of Covid tests, I’m telling her she can’t come if she can’t chill out and listen
submitted by shroomdoge to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]