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2024.05.19 22:13 wheresmylife-gone222 Star Wars Episode 1:The Beginning- A TPM rewrite heavily based on the 1994 draft (through not a carbon copy)

I think its common knowledge in these circles that the first draft of TPM from 1994 (originally called The Beginning) is much better. Still very flawed, but a good baseline for a better movie.
For some reason, Lucas added many things in the final draft that made the movie a lot worse. It's fascinated me for a while now about how things could have been if the original script was built upon.
I have been watching videos summing up the original draft for a while now and I discovered something. Apparently Lucas gave his final TPM draft to Lawrence Kasdan a week before shooting started and asked for him to take a look at it. However, Kasdan refused because he though he wouldn't have enough time to make revisions.
I want to imagine how TPM would look if Kasdan or some other hypothetical collaborator got to see the first draft in 1994 and fixed it up. This isn't my preferred PT rewrite. This is just what I would have done if Lucas had dropped his first draft in my lap and told me to revise it.
Here are the videos I got the information from:
The movie starts with an opening crawl talking about how it is a time of weakness in the Republic. The Outer Rim controlled by megacorporation's has seceded backed by droid armies. War has not broken out yet, but the galaxy is on the brink. They are now blockading the peaceful planet of Utapau to gain its rich plasma mines as well as its newly discovered Cloning formula. The Supreme Chancellor Valorum has dispatched two Jedi to investigate and/or negotiate if they can.
We then cut to a republic starship coming to land just like in the finished film. Only the Jedi are wearing samurai esqe uniforms (like the concept art), one black and one white. The black uniformed Jedi is Obi Wan Kenobi who is about 30, trained by Yoda and is already a full Jedi Knight. Very strict and by the book. The white uniformed Jedi is his brother Ben Kenobi who just became a full jedi. This is Ben's first mission without his master Oui Gon.
Ben Kenobi is very reckless and wonders why the Republic doesn't just declare war on the Confederacy already. Obi Wan argues with him while they wait in the conference room. Meanwhile Nute Gunray and the rest of the Nemoidians look more like how they do in early concept art. Much less humanoid and they speak in an alien language with subtitles.
They call Palpatine on the hologram and he is enraged that they let the Jedi land. He chokes Nute Gunray through the hologram, cowing him. They agree to kill the Jedi and things go similarly as in the finished movie. The ship is blown up, and poison gas is pumped into the conference room. Ben and Obi Wan cut their way through the battle droids and get to the hanger. They decide to stow away on the landing craft.
On the surface of Utapau they run into Jar Jar. In this version though, Jar Jar while emotional and still comic relief speaks in a normal voice and is a bit more mature. He's more of the everyman character. Ben persuades Jar Jar to take them to the Gungan city with a mind trick, this is something Obi Wan disapproves of. Ben is more unorthodox.
They get there and are captured just like the real film. The only difference is that all the Gungans have regular voices. They are taken to Governor Nass and we learn that Jar Jar was banished because he was a trouble maker who argued for more cooperation between the Gungans and Humans. As he rants, fish continuously fall through the bubble and a young gungan gathers them up and puts them outside again.
The two Jedi still convince him to call the humans and the whole bubble is engulfed in static. It is clear that communications have been cut off. The two Jedi are then given a submarine and told to try to navigate the planet core. Nobody has been able to do it in generations and it is clear Nass thinks its a suicide mission, a convenient way to get rid of three nuisances. They then travel through the planet core being attacked by various creatures while Jar Jar is kept calm through mind tricks.
We then cut to the city of Oxon (what later became Theed) where Queen Amidala who is 40 and her daughter Princess Padme around 14 are being briefed by captain Panaka and Sio Bibble. The Queen is complacent while Padme thinks they should take the fight to the Confederacy. Suddenly the droid army attacks the city and we see building being blown up and city guards killed.
The Queen, Padme, Panaka and all the other dignitaries are captured. Nute and the rest of the Nemodians show up as well to gloat like in the final movie and give some more exposition about how they want Utapaus cloning formula. We then see the Gungan submarine surfacing and the Jedi and Jar Jar sneak into the city.
They find the prisoners being walked down an alley and save them like in the real movie. Ben uses some flashy moves to finish the droids off and is almost killed by another droid while his back is turned. Obi Wan cuts the droid down and admonishes Ben for his recklessness. The Queen and co are pleased to see two Jedi knights but they are very hostile towards Jar Jar. Which the Jedi are displeased over.
They run to the hanger like the finished film and free the Pilots, however a stray blaster shot kills the Queen with Padme screaming in horror as they board the ship. The humans also try to prevent Jar Jar getting on board but the two Jedi insist upon it.
The ship gets attacked by the blockade and Naboo guards man gun positions while astromech droids finish the repair. After they get into hyperspace there is only one droid left. R2D2 who is thanked by a still in grieving Padme. She goes off down into the droid bay to be alone and runs into Jar Jar who consoles her. This starts Padmes turn towards liking the Gungans instead of being bigoted towards them.
Meanwhile Ben and Obi Wan look through the planets accessible through their damaged hyperdrive and only find one inhabited world. Tatooine, which most of the royal guards/pilots are horrified about. Still they have no choice so they land. Padme goes with the Jedi despite protests. She wants to see another planet and get some fresh air after what just happened. Panaka lets her go reluctantly because she has two Jedi to guard her. Jar Jar also goes with them because the Utapau humans say he's "stinking the ship up".
We then cut to Utapau again where Nute Gunray and the Nemoidians are talking to captured scientists about their cloning program. They look at something in a cloning tank and look impressed. Then a hologram droid walks in projecting Darth Sidious. He castigates them for their failure in letting the princess get away and they grovel before him again. Darth Sidious says its no matter, as he will send his apprentice, Darth Maul. The Sith warrior himself looks even scarier than in the film we got with him looking like the concept art, he also has blood red robes.
We cut to a balcony on Coruscant where master and apprentice talk. Maul speaks more than in TPM and says how eager he is to get revenge on the jedi, they are no match for me yada yada.
Back on Tatooine in Mos Espa we see our heroes trying to get the part they need. It is a rowdy place and a leering slimy alien (Sebulba but we don't know that yet) tries to touch Padme arm but she elbows him and after that the crowd gives them a wide berth. Obi Wan and Ben sense something, an overpowering aura of the force. They follow it and find themselves in front of Wattos junk shop.
They meet Anakin who is 14 the same age as Padme. He is mature for his age and has a bit of a chip on his shoulder from being a slave. We also meet Watto but he resists the mind tricks because of his strong will, not because of his species. Things go similarly, though the dialogue would be much better, no "are you an angel" in this version. Jar Jar still clumsily breaks a few things but it is more toned down. Watto also hits Anakin and tells him to get back to work. Ben grabs Wattos arms as he is about to hit him again while Obi Wan helps him to his feet.
The heroes get nowhere with Watto especially after stopping Wattos abuse and a sandstorm starts to blow in so Anakin offers to take them to his place. We meet Anakin's adopted mother Shmi Lars and her son Owen Lars who is older (19) and very protective of his little brother. At the dinner scene we learn about Anakin's Podracing (how he's nicknamed Skywalker) and how many people gamble on it for huge sums of money. Ben gets an Idea while we also see just how rare Jedi actually are in most of the galaxy with Owen calling them wizards.
We then see Anakin working on his Pod while talking to Padme. They both share their own struggle going up. Padme says she's never met anyone like Anakin while Anakin says he's never met anyone like her either. He then kisses her on the cheek while Jar Jar (who was watching out of boredom) jumps in surprise. Meanwhile we see the Jedi helping Shmi and Owen with the dishes.
The topic of Anakin's father comes up. We learn that Shmi's sister left Tatooine when she was young in search of adventure. Years later she came back and gave Shmi baby Anakin begging her to take care of him before leaving. She had a lightsaber on her belt same as the two Jedi now. She also tell them how Anakin is special and can see things before they happen, just like her sister.
Ben says Anakin needs to be trained as a Jedi while Obi Wan resists the idea saying he's too old. He's all about giving the family their freedom but not taking along Anakin. Owen is Obi Wans side, saying Anakin's head is already off in the clouds as it is. Being a Jedi won't help him, he needs to be grounded and down to earth. His idealism is going to get him killed. Shmi isn't sure which side to take in the argument and defers judgement until after Anakin hopefully wins the podrace tomorrow.
Ben goes out and talks to Anakin and tells him about the Jedi and the Sith. We get a whole spiel about how strong Anakin is and how he would be a great asset to the order. Meanwhile, Darth Mauls ship lands on Tatooine at dusk and he sets out different probes to find the Jedi and the Princess. He smiles evilly to himself, showing rotting teeth.
The pod racing stuff is basically the same, only Padme is outraged when Sebulba threatens Anakin and Ben/Obi Wan manage to get the freedom of Owen and Shmi as well by trickery (not sure how). There is no two headed announcer and no Jabba cameo either. At the end, in desperation, Anakin uses his force powers to crash Sebulbas pod killing him. Nobody notices that Anakin used the force except the two jedi who look on in concern
While everyone else gathers around Anakin's pod to celebrate Ben and Obi Wan have a heated argument in the shadows of the bleachers. Obi Wan takes this as a reason why Anakin shouldn't be trained while Ben thinks that it would be better to teach Anakin before he falls down the path of evil. Eventually they agree to let Anakin decide, Obi Wan saying he'll probably want to stay with his family.
However Anakin decides to go. His mother respects his decision and is proud of him while Owen is furious, but accepts the decision as well but telling Anakin that one day he'll regret his choice and when he does he's always welcome to come live with them again. The family hugs while everyone else just kind stands around.
They walk back through the desert when they encounter a probe droid. Obi Wan slashes it with his lightsaber and tells everyone to run. Everyone runs inside while Maul approaches in his speeder bike. The fight goes differently as it is a two one one fight. They all exhibit powers never seen in the original trilogy like levitating objects swirling around them, going super fact, and slow motion. Basically a Matrix fight with lightsabers before they both jump onto the ship.
The scenes as they travel to Coruscant are similar. Anakin and Padme miss their parents etc. They then arrive at Coruscant and it is basically like the finished movie in design. They land and meet Chancellor Valorem, Senator Palpatine, and Qui Gon Jinn. Qui Gon hugs Ben like a son while Palpatine talks to Padme. Padme then talks to Jar Jar about how she doesn't understand the rift between the Gungans and the Humans. We then learn that the Gungans have a large army. Padme has an idea and decides to go back to Utapau.
The senate scenes are cut down dramatically. Its more of a montage showing Padme's increasing frustration before she finally calls for a vote of no confidence while Palpatine smiles sinisterly. The Jedi Council meanwhile consists of three members. Qui Gon who is a very unorthodox Jedi mindful of the living force (wanting the jedi to go and help the common people more), Mace Windu a bastion of militaristic conservatism (wanting the Jedi to take their rightful place as generals/leaders, and Yoda who wants to stay the course on isolationism and study of the force.
We don't see the Jedi trials, Anakin just talks about them to Ben, Obi Wan and Qui Gon. He says he didn't understand them, and Qui Gon who has taken a liking to this upstart kid says he wasn't supposed to. They are all called in and Mace says Anakin shall not be trained. He is too old and there is much anger in him. Anakin is heartbroken while Obi Wan nods grimly in acceptance. Ben Kenobi however is not having it. He says he shall train Anakin with or without the councils permission. Mace denounces this as Heresy while Qui Gon smiles. Yoda sighs and says the matter will be decided after this current crisis has ended.
Ben, Obi Wan, and Qui Gon all decide to go with Padme, but Anakin is told to stay behind. There is also the discussion about how Anakin is dangerous which Anakin overhears. Being told by Ben and Qui Gon that he's not a problem and how he will be a Jedi. Anakin gets an idea and sneaks aboard the ship with the help of R2. He is quickly discovered to Obi Wans rage and Bens laughter.
They get back to Utapau and have to go through the blockade. Anakin is able to hyperspace jump between the ships and the planet with motivation from Ben. Our heroes then try to find the Gungans at their city but it has been completely blown up. We actually see this though, as well as Jar Jars sorrow before he remembers the Gungans sacred place.
They go there and like the movie Padme makes a big speech about overcoming difference, with Jar Jar intelligently backing her up. We then get ready for the battle. Anakin tinkers with a disabled battle droid and finds out there is a second droid control hidden somewhere in the palace. So the plan is set. The Gungans will distract the droids, while the humans will infiltrate the palace, one team disabling the backup control systems and the others capturing Nute or stealing starfighters that will be used to take out the droid control ship.
The plan goes into action and things are kind of similar to the finished film, though Jar Jar shows intentional heroism instead of the goofy antics in TPM. When the starfighters are launched though, Padme goes into the fighter with Anakin. Him being the pilot and Padme being the gunner. The rest of the human teams make short work of the battle droids. However when they reach Nute a surprise is awaiting them, clones.
These clones look kind of like Dark Troopers and a Super Battle droid had a kid. They decimate the Utapau soldiers while Nute flees. Meanwhile with the Jedis they disable the secondary control system but are then met with Darth Maul. It is a brutal and awe inspiring fight. 3v1 and yet Maul still comes out on top. He knocks out Qui Gon who falls of the bridge (the duel setting is the same) while taunting the other two. "This is the end of the jedi" you get the drill.
The remaining soldiers manage to kill the clones but there are not enough left to fend of the droids. They are captured same as the Gungans. Ben gets riled up, makes a mistake and is killed. Obi Wan screams and charges getting knocked into the pit, hanging on by a thread. Meanwhile Anakin and Padme manage to destroy the flagship at the same time that Obi Wan takes Ben's lightsaber and cuts Maul in half. He then says "learn not live not as my master says" and then rushes to Bens side.
Ben begs him to train Anakin and he agrees. Meanwhile the humans and Gungans are celebrating. We cut to Qui Gon and Queen Amidala's funeral. Qui Gon throws away his lightsaber and walks off. He is done with the jedi after the death of what was effectively his son. Palpatine looks at him go intrigued. Meanwhile Yoda and Obi Wan argue over Anakin's training. Obi Wan says he will train him even without the will of the council like Ben said. Yoda gives in but warns Obi Wan of his arrogance.
We then get the celebration the end.
submitted by wheresmylife-gone222 to RewritingThePrequels [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:08 enoumen AI Weekly Rundown May 11-May 18th 2024: Major Breaking News from 🚫OpenAI 🚀ChatGPT-4o, Google AI Veo, 🍎Apple AI-enhanced eye tracking, 🎧Meta AI-assisted earphones , 💸 Stability AI, 🤖 Humane AI and more

Enjoying these daily updates, listen to my podcast at

Sam Altman quashes search engine launch rumors

OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, denied rumors of launching a search engine ahead of Google I/O, stating that the upcoming announcement is neither related to GPT-5 nor a search engine. He described the forthcoming revelation as something that "feels like magic."
However, there are reports that OpenAI is developing an AI voice assistant.

iOS 18 iPhones may soon have ChatGPT

OpenAI will bring ChatGPT to iPhones. The integration is expected to happen with the upcoming iOS 18. This could significantly enhance the user experience and expand the capabilities of Apple's virtual assistant, Siri.
Parallel to negotiations with OpenAI, the tech giant is also engaging with Google's parent company, Alphabet, to integrate the Gemini chatbot into Apple's devices. These ongoing talks, however, haven't led to an agreement yet.

SoftBank’s Arm Holdings all set to come up with AI chips in 2025

SoftBank's subsidiary, Arm, plans to develop AI chips and launch them in 2025. Arm is establishing a dedicated AI chip division and targeting a prototype by spring 2025 and mass production by autumn. SoftBank will contribute to the initial cost of 10 trillion yen ($64 billion).
The AI chip business could be spun off to SoftBank. Negotiations with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp (TSMC) and others for production capacity are underway. The move reflects rising demand for AI chips, which has boosted Arm's share price since its IPO in September.

GPT-4o: 2x faster, 50% cheaper, 5x rate limits than GPT-4 Turbo

OpenAI unveiled its new flagship model, GPT-4o (“o” stands for “omni”). It provides GPT-4-level intelligence but is 2x faster, 50% cheaper, has 5x higher rate limits, and enhanced text, voice, and vision capabilities than GPT-4 Turbo. It also matches GPT-4 Turbo performance on text in English and code, with significant improvements for text in non-English languages.
GPT-4o can respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 ms, with an average of 320 ms, which is similar to human response time in a conversation. It is available in the ChatGPT free tier and to Plus users.

TikTok tests ChatGPT-powered search results

TikTok is testing a new search feature that uses AI to generate results for some queries. For certain search terms, like recipes or product recommendations, TikTok will display AI-generated answers at the top of the results. These answers are powered by ChatGPT, and when you click on one of these AI results, it takes you to a page with a full response.
TikTok is also testing "search highlights," which appear at the top of some searches. However, it's unclear whether these highlights are AI-generated.

Meta explores AI-assisted earphones with built-in cameras

Meta is currently exploring AI-powered earphones with built-in cameras. The project is known internally as “Camerabuds;” however, it’s uncertain if the final product will be in-ear earbuds or over-ear headphones. The cameras let the AI take in surrounding information visually, allowing it to translate foreign languages, identify objects, and more.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg has reportedly seen several possible designs but has not been satisfied with them. Outside of design, the major hurdle is fitting a camera and batteries in a tiny device like an earbud.

Google announced a wide array of updates across its AI ecosystem

Major headlines were Project Astra, an AI agent that can see and hear users in real time, and AI teammates that can answer questions and organize data within Workspace.
Google also introduced Veo, a high-quality video generation model, and significant updates to Google Search, including expanded AI Overviews, advanced planning capabilities, and AI-organized search results.
The company launched Gemini 1.5 Pro, boasting a massive 2M context window extension, and Imagen 3, the next version of its text-to-image model. Other notable announcements included:

Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's co-founder and chief scientist, has left the company

Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's co-founder and longtime chief scientist, has left the company. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announced the news on X, expressing his sadness and gratitude for Sutskever's contributions. Jakub Pachocki, OpenAI's research director, will step up as a chief scientist.
Sutskever's departure comes amidst reports of disagreements with Altman over OpenAI's direction, mainly concerns about rushing AI-powered product launches at the expense of safety. The situation escalated last November when Sutskever and OpenAI CTO Mira Murati approached the company's previous board to express their concerns, leading to a brief attempt to fire Altman. However, Altman was swiftly reinstated, and much of the old board resigned.

Apple unveils AI-enhanced eye tracking, music haptics, voice shortcuts

Apple recently unveiled new accessibility features that will launch later this year. One of these features is Eye Tracking, which enables users with physical disabilities to navigate their iPhones and iPads using only their eyes.
By leveraging the front-facing camera and AI, Eye Tracking allows precise control through a “Dwell Control” feature, eliminating the need for additional hardware.
Another noteworthy addition is Music Haptics, designed for users who are deaf or hard of hearing. When enabled, the Taptic Engine in iPhones plays taps, textures, and refined vibrations synchronized with music audio.
Additionally, Apple has introduced Voice Shortcut, which allows users to create custom voice commands for specific actions on their devices. With Voice Shortcut, users can perform tasks hands-free by simply speaking their personalized commands.

Humane’s AI Pin upgraded with GPT-4o

Humane has upgraded its popular AI Pin product with the GPT-4o model. This upgrade aims to enhance the AI Pin’s performance. The new version runs faster, provides more accurate answers, and offers richer information.

Stability AI seeks buyer amid financial woes

Stability AI has been in discussions with at least one potential buyer recently regarding a possible sale. The company is facing a cash crunch, having generated less than $5 million in revenue during the first quarter of 2024 while incurring losses exceeding $30 million. Stability AI also owes nearly $100 million in outstanding bills to cloud computing providers and other entities.
The reported sales talks came after the company laid off some staff as part of a restructuring process following the resignation of founder Emad Mostaque as CEO.

OpenAI is bringing Reddit content to ChatGPT and new products

OpenAI and Reddit have formed a partnership to benefit both the Reddit and OpenAI user communities in a number of ways:

OpenAI introduces improvements to data analysis in ChatGPT

OpenAI is rolling out enhancements to data analysis:
These improvements will be available in OpenAI’s new flagship model, GPT-4o, for ChatGPT Plus, Team, and Enterprise users over the coming weeks.

GenZ and millennials optimistic about GenAI use at work: Deloitte Survey

Deloitte’s 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey connected with more than 22,800 respondents in 44 countries to explore their attitudes about work and the world around them. One of the key findings was that Gen Zs and millennials are feeling uncertain about GenAI and its potential impact on their careers.
However, respondents who frequently use GenAI at work are more likely to say they feel excitement about, and trust in the technology. Frequent users of GenAI are also more likely to believe it will free up their time, improve the way they work, and improve their work/life balance.
But, conversely, the more a respondent uses GenAI the more likely they are to have some concerns as well.

Enjoying these daily updates, listen to my podcast at

submitted by enoumen to u/enoumen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:55 Ill_Mine_2453 Selling original Xbox mobos on AliExpress now

Selling original Xbox mobos on AliExpress now
Over priced but wait a few months and combine with some coupons and nice to know you it's there
submitted by Ill_Mine_2453 to originalxbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:10 themangofox How much for stuffed/topped snow cones?

Going out for a little treat later and I’m tired of only getting sugar free syrup 😆
Trying to figure out a ballpark calorie range for each “tier” of snowcone. I’d be getting the kiddie 8oz size. The cream flavors are syrups premixed with evaporated milk.
Thanks 💕
submitted by themangofox to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:09 splff3000 [US-VA][H] Steelbooks UPDATED!! [W] Paypal

All item pricing includes shipping (free shipping) in the U.S. and paypal G&S.
If you have any questions, please ask. I am always willing to show more pics if needed. I will try to point out obvious flaws, but please look at the pics closely and ZOOM.
Most of the opened items are from ebay auctions and came with said flaws. Didn't provide extra pics of the new items (Not counting Wal-mart bin items) because they are new and, as far as I can tell, are in mint condition. I can provide more pics if needed tho.
Some prices are negotiable.
-Avengers 1-4 Steelbook Boxset (4k) Case has small dent on bottom left side. Discs have normal wear - see pics - $100
-The Goonies (4k) New - SOLD
-The Thing (4k) New - SOLD
-Jumanji & Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle 2 movie collection (4k) New - SOLD
-Whisper of the Heart (BR) New - SOLD
-Deadpool (4k) Numerous scratches on the front and back - see pics. - SOLD
-Deadpool 2 (4k) Numerous scratches on the front and back - see pics - SOLD
-Thor Dark World (4k) Dent on bottom of back underneath J-card - see pics - SOLD
-Deadpool (4k) Smudges/residue on front. I cleaned, but could never remove it. Barely visible, has to be right light. A few scratches on back. Overall better condition than other Deadpool listed - see pics. - $35.
-Sonic the HedgeHog (4k) Normal Shelf wear - SOLD
-Red Dawn (4k) New - SOLD
-Transformers Age of Extinction (BR) Normal shelf wear - $10
-Toy Story (4k) Several small dents on back - see pics - SOLD
-Toy Story 2 (4k) Only buy if you just want the discs or if you know how to fix steelbooks. Massive dents on the front - see pics - $10
-Earwig and the Witch (BR) Several small dents on the front and one on the back - see pics - SOLD
-It (4k) Normal shelf wear - SOLD
-All Walmart bin items (4k) New, Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard is new but unsealed - $15
Note: Dirty Dancing and Saw feel as if their PET slip has warped. I can't see it, because it's sealed, but it feels that way. Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard PET slip has several chips in it. It's opened because a disc was rattling around in the case and I wanted to make sure it was ok. It is.
Any questions, feel free to ask.
submitted by splff3000 to SteelbookSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:09 From06033 DC Upgrade to CamVac 55L

DC Upgrade to CamVac 55L
\* This is a personal endorsement. I have no relationship with Record Power.*
Over the past year or so, I have been struggling to improve the efficiency of the dust collector I use with my table saw and 6" jointer. I had been using the Delta 1-1/2 HP 50-760. Given the specifications for that unit, it should easily handle the dust/chip collection needs of my table saw or jointer. For whatever reason, the unit simply did not seem to be all that effective, even after upgrading to a Wynn pleated filter. The Delta DC was only a few feet away from the table saw or jointer, so it wasn't like the DC had to struggle with long runs. Even my smaller 1 HP Jet DC outperformed the Delta.
After some research, I decided to try the CamVac dust extractor, which uses a HPLV (High Pressure Low Volume) design. Most conventional DC systems run under a HVLP (High Volume Low Pressure) design. The unit I purchased has two motors that can run independently or together and has a 55L capacity. The design of the unit is cyclonic. The unit is small enough to fit under most workbenches.
Once the CamVac was set up, I ran some tests and the difference was immediately apparent. With the Delta, I could only achieve around 27 CFM at the table saw's throat plate. With the CamVac, I am seeing around 95 CFM using a single motor and close to 200 CFM with both motors. More importantly to me, when using the Delta, I had zero dust collection off my SharkGuard. With the CamVac, the dust collection at the SharkGuard is visibly noticeable.
The test for me was trimming some MDF. With the Delta, any MDF cut, with (or without) the Shark Guard lowered, would leave a great deal of residual dust. MDF cuts with the CamVac running left almost no residual dust...just a few specs. I was very impressed. For the jointer, I only need one motor. For the table saw, one motor works fine for dust collection at the throat plate. If I want to use the SharkGuard, I need to run both.
The only interesting byproduct of the CamVac is that there are exhaust ports on the top of the unit (one for each motor). Most folks implement some type of "whisper box" or "muffler" to help dampen the sound. I implement mufflers for each motor's exhaust. These are 4" clear acrylic DC tubes, 36" long, lined with 1" thick "egg-crate" acoustic tiles. Sound readings from a 10' distance were: 79 db/85 db for single/dual motor. With the muffler, I recorded 65 db/77 db. For comparison, the Delta DC was 88 db.
The dual motor CamVac is probably enough for most hobbyist woodworkers. I feel that the three-motor unit will probably work well for shops where you want to implement more traditional fixed dust collection plumbing. My only advice is that you want to be mindful of dust collection capacity. Record Power offers a wall mounted unit that may be appropriate for larger shops (or where you create a volume of debris, such as wood-turning).
Some makers add a standalone cyclone, such as a Dust Deputy, as part of the CamVac's plumbing. If you have a larger capacity unit, I am not sure if the separate cyclone is needed.
One small drawback is that if you want to use a wireless remote power-up device with the CamVac, such as a "Long Ranger," you have to choose what motors will come on when the unit powers up remotely. Hopefully, CamVac will introduce a wireless power unit that lets you control what motors you want to light up remotely.
I decided not to include any direct links in this post, because I don't want this to look like an affiliate posting. It's not. Feel free to DM me, and I'll tell you where I purchased this and give you some research links.
I hope this helps!
submitted by From06033 to woodworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:48 CannabisTrainingU How to Make Pot Brownies

How to Make Pot Brownies: A Step-by-Step Guide

Making pot brownies is a popular and enjoyable way to consume cannabis, combining the delightful experience of eating a sweet treat with the effects of cannabis. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you create delicious and potent pot brownies.


For the Cannabis-Infused Butter (Cannabutter):
For the Brownies:


Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Decarboxylate Your Cannabis

Decarboxylation is the process of activating the THC in cannabis, making it psychoactive.
  1. Preheat the oven: to 240°F (115°C).
  2. Prepare the cannabis: Break down the cannabis into small pieces using your hands or a grinder.
  3. Spread on a baking sheet: Place the cannabis evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. Bake: in the preheated oven for about 40 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes to ensure even heating. The cannabis should turn a light brown color.

2. Make the Cannabutter

  1. Melt the butter: In a saucepan, melt 1 cup of butter over low heat.
  2. Add decarboxylated cannabis: Stir in the decarboxylated cannabis and simmer on low heat for 2-3 hours. Make sure the mixture doesn’t boil.
  3. Strain the mixture: Use a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth to strain the cannabutter into a clean bowl, removing the plant material. Let it cool.

3. Prepare the Brownie Batter

  1. Preheat the oven: to 350°F (175°C).
  2. Mix sugars and butter: In a large mixing bowl, combine the granulated sugar, brown sugar, and 1 cup of cannabutter. Mix well until creamy.
  3. Add eggs and vanilla: Beat in the eggs one at a time, then add the vanilla extract.
  4. Combine dry ingredients: In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, salt, and baking powder.
  5. Mix wet and dry ingredients: Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mixing until well combined.
  6. Optional mix-ins: Fold in the chocolate chips and nuts if desired.

4. Bake the Brownies

  1. Prepare the baking pan: Grease a 9x13 inch baking pan or line it with parchment paper.
  2. Pour the batter: Spread the brownie batter evenly in the prepared pan.
  3. Bake: in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out with a few moist crumbs.
  4. Cool: Allow the brownies to cool completely in the pan before cutting them into squares.

Dosage and Consumption

Tips for a Perfect Batch

  1. Consistent Mixing: Ensure all ingredients are well-mixed for even potency.
  2. Temperature Control: Avoid high temperatures when making cannabutter to prevent degrading the THC.
  3. Patience: Wait for the brownies to cool completely before cutting to prevent them from crumbling.
Enjoy your homemade pot brownies responsibly and remember to label them clearly to avoid accidental consumption. Happy baking!
submitted by CannabisTrainingU to u/CannabisTrainingU [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:43 struggles__1 Would you move in with a guy to continue uni?

No expectation of sex
I'm 21M. I'm studying medicine. I have 2 more years in college. My parents aren't speaking to me after I came out so I'm in hostels. I've a part time job but I can't live on that. So I'd have to defer my degree and get a full time job
A guy I've been playing with for well over a year (27M) offered to have me at his studio. Chip in with the bills but rent free etc until I finish my degree. He's a genuinely nice guy. We have had good times and I know I'm safe around him, but he, not too long ago, said he liked me a lot and I feel like he's allowing me to stay in the hope I would get to like him.
What would you do. Defer or take him up on his offer?
submitted by struggles__1 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:41 qorrymarz [HELP] Dugout Inn Fading Out, Can't See Afar

[HELP] Dugout Inn Fading Out, Can't See Afar
Dugout Inn
Please don't bully me, I'm new at modding FO4. Is there anyone who can help me? Thank you.
This is my MOD LOAD ORDER from Vortex:

Automatically generated by Vortex

*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
*Depth of Field Removal.esp
*Cleaner AIO Environment Indoor and Outdoor (No Fog).esp
*No More Fake Puddles - Nuka World 1-0.esp
*Waterworld - Very Translucent.esp
*NPC Accuracy Revised.esp
*PA-Quick Animations.esp
*Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC.esp
*Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
*Insignificant Object Remover.esp
*dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
*dD - Limited Blood Decals.esp
EDIT: Forgot to point out I's using Special K to get better performance. But I don't think it affects this game like this.
submitted by qorrymarz to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:38 keldondonovan Seeking (healthy) food texture!

Forgive me in advance, I am long-winded. I will do my best to format in a manner that makes it easy to skip information that does not interest you, and put a tl;dr at the end, as well as a neurotypical mansplanation for those who find this post and have no idea what I am talking about.
About Me - Hi there, my name is Daniel, and I am a late catch autistic with OCD, ASD, ADHD, and CPTSD! If that isn't enough letters for you, I also write books, and those are mainly built out of letters. I'm happily married to a wonderful lady, have two kids (20m and 4f) and a cat named Elbow Cardigan Lehman the third. I enjoy nerd things like D&D, MTG, NWN, and RPGs in general (gah! More letters!) I have a bit of a problem with oversharing, so I'll leave it at that for now, but if you have questions, feel free to ask. My life, as they say, is an open book.
Texture Sought - I haven't seen them in ages, and am not sure if they even still exist. It doesn't help that I don't know the name of them. They were these little rectangular wafers, they typically came in packages of... maybe 40 of them? They were typically separated into three "flavors" (they didn't really taste different) of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. They were sorted by color, the white, the pink, and the brown. The closest I have been able to find recently is Reese's sticks, though the chocolate coating kind of ruins it a little. This is the crunch I need.
Specific modifiers - As far as I know, the previous ones were just sugar. I am trying to find a healthy alternative. Please understand, the flavor matters very little. It doesn't matter to me what it tastes like, so long as it is healthy (or at least healthier than sugar wafers), and has the proper crunch.
Things that aren't it, that have been recommended in the past - Ice, Carrot sticks, baby carrots, Pringles, chips, celery. The closest of these is probably Pringles, but it still isn't close enough.
TL;DR - Need healthy food that has the same texture as a Reese's stick minus the chocolate coating.
Neurotypical Mansplanation - have you ever heard (or felt) someone describe how they won't eat oysters because it feels like eating a lougie? Or they won't eat Swiss cheese because of the concept of a mouse eating the holes in it, or mushrooms because it's a fungus, etc? This is somewhat like that, only the opposite. It is difficult to describe, but the flavor is almost entirely irrelevant. Biting down on these wafers feels like seeing the screen saver hit the corner just right, or flipping a coin and having it land on its side. It is proof that magic is real. And I would very much like a way to consume this particular crunch without getting diabetes from eating 2 packs of reeses sticks per day.
Assorted gratitude and customary apologies for my existence - if you have read everything so far, thanks! I'm sorry I couldn't find a more concise way to explain what I'm looking for, but I'm hoping the excess information helps find just the right thing.
Semi-related idea for inventors to get rich - silicone ice trays that are specifically shaped so that, when they form the ice cubes, each cube mimics the crunch of a real life food (which would be used to label the ice trays so people can buy just the texture they want). Many with ASD struggle to get their water intake, and this could really help with that, while also providing a calorie free crunch of their preferred variety whenever they want. It should be noted that, if you take this idea and run with it, you have my blessing on two conditions. 1.) I get a wafer tray whenever it becomes affordable for you to send me one. 2.) Should this make you crazy rich (by your own definition), maybe toss a tip my way and pay off my debt or something. I don't need a yacht or a jet or anything, I'm a simple guy with simple tastes.
submitted by keldondonovan to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:46 Skryuska New Bio-Active Setup

New Bio-Active Setup
Just set up a new bio-active for my girl Xena (Xenesthis intermedia) she outgrew her baby 2.5g tub.
Some of the plants are real (sad orchid, autumn fern, ground cover black fern) some aren’t- gave everything a good and made a new batch of substrate to hopefully get the plants to settle and the ground cover ferns to spread. The bottom layer is a semi-false bottom made up of LECA and large-chip orchid media. Substrate itself is a mixture of 3:2:1 pesticide/fertilizer-free black potting soil (no perlite, I think it’s ugly) coconut mulch, and sphagnum moss. I don’t like using too much coconut fibre in these because it can absorb too much water and leech moisture away from the rest of the substrate and even the Ts themselves! Tmyk.. 🫠 also a small amount of sand on the surface to help pack the weight of the substrate down.
Corkbark and spider wood for most of the structures and webbing points - Xena likes to excavate and put webs near her burrow (a cork hollow near the centre is the main hide) so we’ll see if she does some redecorating.
Can’t wait to see what the enclosure looks like in a year when the plants get more established and Xena grows into it more! 💜🖤🩷
submitted by Skryuska to tarantulas [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:33 PaipoPaipo2002 Gojo's final gift to the next generation

Gojo's final gift to the next generation
TL;DR: Gojo will sacrifice the Six eyes reincarnation cycle, and his left Six Eye, to give Yuji his right Six Eye.
1st of all this is pure speculation based on multiple instances of official material, take this with a grain of salt.
Sukuna refers to Gojo as a fish in a chopping board
This fish is from the official MV from Avant, the song used as the opening theme for the Mobile game Jujutsu Kaisen phantom parade, its depicted as a fish with multiple eyes being chopped to pieces.
What is the significance of this fish?
Here we see the same fish, now missing one of his eyes.
It's a pretty interesting thing to note that Gojo has multiple times been depicted with something over his left eye. Here in opening 2 \"Vivid Vice\"
And here in the opening from aforementioned mobile game.
It has already been said, but the speculation of Gojo returning to life using one of his eyes for a binding vow has been set as a posibility considering Sukuna's free use of it, and Kokichi(Mechamaru) having an insurance in case he died and Gojo got sealed.
Now you may ask
Do I think Gojo is coming back?
My answer is yes, but he will not stay for long.
Let's go back to the current state of the Sukuna fight
Gojo appeared while Sukuna was weakened, and Yuji was there with him, so far, only Sukuna has noticed.
What has Yuji got anything to do in this scenario?
He has been the one who has pushed Sukuna the most out of everyone, and he is Gojo's student, whom he trained since the very beginning.
And currently, he is missing his right eye.
Lost in 257, he has yet to heal it, and we know for a fact that he would most likely be proficient enough to heal it in regular circumstances, considering the amount of times he has healed would be lethal injuries.
Now, Gojo Satoru came into play.
This is also an image from opening 2, here we see a cat that has light from its left eye, while it is pitch black on what would be its right eye.
Here comes Gojo's last gift.
He has always been a man that wanted the next generation to surpass him, yet his position as the bearer of the six eyes has made it quite difficult, which makes sense, considering its tied by fate to both tengen and the star plasma vessel.
Said fate was broken by Toji Fushiguro 12 years prior to the events of the story, when he killed the SPV and prevented the merger.
However, Satoru survived.
And we know for a fact that there can be multiple SPV, since Yuki had been one before.
The cycle, although still existing, was halted by Tengen.
Now, Tengen has been absorbed by Kenjaku and is currently in possesion by Sukuna, were the merger to be completed, it will cause unfathomable chaos and destruction.
Here comes the bearer of the six eyes, Gojo Satoru, in the 11th hour, seemingly preventing Sukuna from killing his students which would allow him to kickstart the merger.
However, he is dead, and fate commands for it to be reincarnated in to the Gojo clan.
He will bet the future on the next generation, by ridding itself of what tied it to the past, the six eyes.
This is a huge gamble, and he has nothing to win from it. Unless he or someone else gains something in return.
Gojo came back to the battlefield after his death, with apparently intact eyes, or at least, his right eye that we see.
As far as we know, coming back from the dead can only be done as an emergency, and at a cost.
Gojo will gift the six eyes to the next generation, but he needs a bargaining chip to do so.
My theory is: Gojo sacrificed the Six Eyes reincarnation cycle, to come back temporarily, and he needed an emergency to do so, in this case, let's say it's the fact that Sukuna regained his domain.
Gojo's body is on a time limit, so he acts fast, first he distracts Sukuna using his own presence as a deterrent.
Gojo wants his students to succeed, so he will sacrifice the left Six Eye in order to give a final gift to his students.
He will give Yuji the right Six eye, replacing his own destroyed eye. As a final parting gift, which may give Yuji the tools to guide the future of Jujutsu Society.
submitted by PaipoPaipo2002 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:28 SaddleSocks On Open AI: "...Shouldering all Humanity..." - "..back seat to shiny products'' <- Jan Leike. More on the alignment issues and capabilities OpenAI is persuing

Jan Leike, Illya etc have all been fleeing - not leaving, fleeing, from OpenAI.
The links and refeneces below were posted earlier - but this week is an inflection point where the actions, public statements, tweets, documents and videos/reviews of the OpenAI situation should be FN terrifying.
This video is talking about what is openly talked about in public - so what is being discussed behind closed doors.
The links below are incredibly relevant and important to take within the context of whats been going on this week. It would seem that we already passed a pivitol inflection - which appears to be related to the use of AI in military applications unfettered by entanglements with ethical alignments .
Israel has likely been the first full testbed of AI in warfare. Is this what the employees are fleeing from?
THIS IS NOT ABOUT ISRAEL/GAZA *politically* This is about AI in warfare as a technology. { / { \ * { } /~~~\ { / } o.0 { /,`( . )`,\ <---- Whooo needs to Chill Owlt? { \ _________^_^___ { / 
This is about Alignments, Guardrails, Applications, Entanglements etc for this iteration of AI.
Israel is the only country at war that has a bunch of AI usage claims riddled in media, so:
OpenAI GPT4o - realtime video, audio understanding. Realtime video/audio interpretation availble on a phone - Read my SS for more context on where we are headed with AI as it pertains to wasurveillance - Nvidias announcement: 100% of the worlds inference today is done by Nvidia.
  1. Nvidia CEO talking about how all AI inference happens on their platform
  2. Zuckerberg talks about how many chips they are deploying
  3. Sam Altman (OpenAI FoundeCeo):
  4. OpenAI allows for Military Use
  5. @Sama says Israel will have huge role in AI revolution
  6. Israel is using "gospel AI" to identify military targets
  7. Klaus Schab: WEF on Global Powers, War, and AI
  8. State of AI Index in 2024 PDF <-- This is really important because it shows whats being done from a regulatory and other perspective by US,EU and others on AI -- HERE is a link to the GDrive for all the charts and raw data to compose that Stanford Study
HN Link to that study in case is gets some commentarty there
So what amount of war aid is coming back to AI companies such as OpenAI, Nvidia....
The pace is astonishing: In the wake of the brutal attacks by Hamas-led militants on October 7, Israeli forces have struck more than 22,000 targets inside Gaza, a small strip of land along the Mediterranean coast. Just since the temporary truce broke down on December 1, Israel's Air Force has hit more than 3,500 sites.
The Israeli military says it's using artificial intelligence to select many of these targets in real-time. The military claims that the AI system, named "the Gospel," has helped it to rapidly identify enemy combatants and equipment, while reducing civilian casualties.

Nvidia has several projects in Israel, including

  1. Nvidia Israel-1 AI supercomputer: the sixth fastest computer in the world, built at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars
  2. Nvidia Spectrum-X: a networking platform for AI applications
  3. Nvidia Mellanox: chips, switches and software and hardware platforms for accelerated communications
  4. Nvidia Inception Program for Startups: an accelerator for early-stage companies
  5. Nvidia Developer Program: free access to Nvidia’s offerings for developers
  6. Nvidia Research Israel AI Lab: research in algorithms, theory and applications of deep learning, with a focus on computer vision and reinforcement learning
EDIT: Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin on JRE should be valuable context regarding ethics, alignment, entanglements, guard-rails
submitted by SaddleSocks to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:06 saintgeorgette Revenge Never Smelled So Sweet

I apologize, the reason this is so long is because 1.) I suck at summarizing 2.) backstory of some sort is needed to understand this excuse of a man and/or human being. 3.) I’m not a good storyteller, but you are, Charlotte, and I know you can take this mess of info and turn it into a beautiful, long-time-coming, petty revenge story for your channel. Because what is more petty than an herbal, flowery Trojan horse no one knows about?
Cast: OP-me Swister- my older sister Mom - mine and my sister’s mom, grandmother to Trish/Patty BIL- exactly who it says, and a huge butthole. Patty/Trish - the same person, a four year old little girl, product of union between BIL and Swister.
Some (bit rambling to explain some stuff) backstory:
Last winter, to get out of the horrible, freezing, painfully striking sleet (it would not pass over our town, was just there, stuck in a vortex, for what seemed like eternity) of January in our hometown (we were always just a couple degrees away from it being snow, and quite a few times we got lots of hail, some as big as softballs, and could damage cars and punch through windshields, etc. I know this sounds like ‘The Long Winter’ by Laura Ingalls Wilder, but both me and my mom (I’m disabled and have to live with someone to help in every day life, I’m not a high school dropout living in mommy’s basement playing fortnight or assassin’s creed and have memorized cheat codes. The only video games I’ve ever played were duck hunt, which my grandpa actually got for himself bc he loved to hunt, so I only got to play it in turns with my five other cousins when we visited him); and N64’s Zelda:Ocarina of Time. I hope those titles illustrate for you the last time I played a video game. Oh! And the Oregon Trail, but I always died of some disease that doesn’t happen today or is curable with fluids, rest, and maybe some penicillin. But I digress.) but both me and my mom and my older sister (who was pregnant at the time) and BIL moved about 15 minutes down a little used two lane highway. And when my niece was born late 2019, we named her Patricia after my grandmother. (Patty or Trish for short).
My BIL claims he can smell everything ten times better than any other human, ‘probably because I’m an Alpha Male, and I need heightened senses to protect my pack, my family.’ Okay, I won’t deny he is sensitive to scent, but if his food doesn’t come out smelling right (almost always made special order bc of his ‘allergies’ (that’s what he tells the waitress; in reality, he just doesn’t want stuff he doesn’t like on his plate, and is too fucking lazy to just take the single pickle chip off the McDonald’s cheeseburger. If half of America can do it, why not him? ‘I might smell and taste it with my superhuman olfactory senses.’ He said with a very sincere, serious tone and face, like I was in special education and couldn’t understand it was 1,2,3, not 1,3,2. He is an arrogant misogynistic asshole. My sister could have done sooooooo much better. Idk y she chose him to marry (for a general idea of all what he looks like, speaks like, and sounds like (minus the slight lisp) is the video of the ‘dating coach’ who took the video in his car, opening it with ‘you do not have to accept her rejection, say things like I’m the best, why wouldn’t you want me, you should see my basement with ropes and pulleys and hooks, and do you know what a did with her that night? Well, it’s not appropriate to talk about on this platform”… yeah, that guy, except for the lisp, could be my BIL IDENTICAL twin. Anyway, now you know BIL is a creepy, asshole, bastard with no sense of boundaries or personal space, who think women are lesser than him. Moving on.
I also suffer from anxiety, insomnia, and a few other things that require me to take meds that can slow down your breathing, so if I can take care of my pain, anxiety, and insomnia without having to take a narcotic or benzo, and it works, I choose that path first. Some of these ways are ice packs, heating pads, a special herbal tea, aromatherapy, yoga, sleeping surrounded by pillows like I were in a nest, making sure to do a little bit of some exercise and always taking my daily walks (I don’t want the pain to get so bad from being sedentary I will require a wheelchair before I absolutely have to) and don’t always want to be popping clonapen or oxy or morphine all day and falling asleep, especially around my niece. I don’t want her to ever believe pills fix problems.
So to escape the horrible winter in our new home environment, my mom decided to use her saved-up reward points and book us all a ten day trip to Disney Aulani Hawaii, specifically Disney bc of my niece. My mom and I had been there before, in 2020, right when resorts opened back up at much less than capacity because of COVID rules, and we had gone for a week, so I knew they had an awesome spa I could spend my saved vacation money on.
The minute we step into our two bedroom, two full bath (each with both a shower and separate tubs!), an ok sized but capable kitchen, and a nice, big, comfy furniture filled common room/living room. All of my stuff I put in the room I’d be sharing with my mom, then took my niece to go and get her first Shirley Temple (they are a virgin cocktail I have loved as a kid, still do, that are super easy to make the ghetto way - diet 7up (diet taste better in the cocktail, idk why, it just the way the Gods have decreed it so), grenadine, and maraschino cherries (as many as you want, but kids usually get two and adults one. I think this is unfair) and tada! You have a Shirley Temple.
So I’m walking back to the room, both of us holding our reusable drink cups for our stay (if you bring the cup with you, you get any non alcoholic drink for free during your stay. Coolcool.) And I open the door and hear my mom and sister begging BIL to just stop it, let it go, just enjoy the ten days here. BIL is in MY room, going through MY things, yelling at mom and sis to leave him alone, he has to find it, it reeks, etc. I’m like, GTFO of my stuff, this is extremely violating, sister, are you not concerned and pissed he is pawing through my bra and panties right now, ‘looking for hidden pockets’?
Finally, he grabs this 15 or 20 mL vial I have, a pain relieving roll on I use for my migraines and tension headaches, about $55 after tax, not including S&H. I had left my almost empty one at home, and this was a brand new vial, safety wrapping still on. He blames me, said I was trying to ruin ‘his hard earned vacation’ (he has no job, only looks after my niece enough to feed her (most of the time) and my sister had to find a high -enough paying job so she could work from home so she could do every job like she were a single mother. The only chore he does, and only like 65% of the time (they love to eat out and/or order in) is cooking, and as much as I hate him, sometimes his dishes are good. Not phenomenal, like he practically requires everyone to praise it as, even if he just added sage basil and oregano to a frozen pizza.
So I ask, “how the hell can you smell that? There is the outer plastic seal and the inner lid seal?” And he goes off on being an Alpha Males and olfactory nonsense. Then he takes the vial and runs out of the room with it. He takes it to a housekeeping services cart several doors down and spikes I into her trash can, which by the thunk sound the vial made told me not only was her trash nearly or almost nearly empty, and that he had broken and wasted a valuable medical tool because he is batshit crazy and doesn’t see me as a person outside of how I interact with his everyday life, like I’m a NPC who doesn’t exist or say anything until a real person player comes into my field of awareness. He pawed through every item I owned, including underwear and opening my tampons one to sniff (I especially bought no scented for this trip, and he went and ruined a whole box of them (I’m not putting a previously opened and practically stuck up my BIL’s nose tampons! It’s not just unsanitary, it’s gross on so many levels! I also save up what little money I have leftover from my SSDI monthly checks, so over several months, I had saved up to buy that, bc it worked where others just smelled good but didn’t take the tension headache or migraine away. He has never had to pay for things with his own money, so has no concept of it, of saving money, of worth.
I stewed and stewed and I knew I had to be as petty as possible and still not get caught. I was still thinking these thoughts on our third to last day while I got an unusual massage at the Aulani spa. First is usual deep tissue massage, but then they rub your back and skin with tingly oils and take what looks like the contents of a bag of tea (very heady and fragrant in that small room) and rub it all over you, wrap you up for 15 min, scrape it off you, also taking excess body oil and dead skin cells with it as it goes. And then, smelling all those wonderful scents, I had a genius thought. As she scraped the herbs and stuff off my skin into a bowl, I asked for a to go bag for the herbs, and pretended I wanted to put them in a foot bath I was giving myself tonight in my room. Shockingly, they agreed, and gave me all the scrapings, herbs, essential &body oils, and dead skin cells, in a linen drawstring bag they said I could just toss the whole bag into the hot water.
Now, when I travel, I always pack duct tape in my checked baggage. To make sure shampoo, conditioner, lotion, stuff like that, wet and messy? So it will stay in the bottle with the top duct taped both on shut and to the top of the bottle. Nobody was in the room; they were taking a hike my physical disabilities made very challenging (like an 7-8/10 for me, and a 3.4.5/10 for them) over broken terrain and off trail a bit to climb to a waterfall, so I had said ‘I’m going to the spa. Peace!’ So nobody was back from the hike yet, but I had no idea when they would be, so I acted fast. I grabbed my duct tape and went into sister and BIL’s room and squished and squiggled my way as far under the bed as I could, an duct taped the linen bag of herbs and scrapings right under where he would lay his head to rest at night (according to his ‘Alpha Wolf’ status, he was always on the side of the bed between the door and the rest of his collectables in his room.
We had that day, two more days, and three nights left. BIL did not sleep a wink during that entire time - he had housekeeping change the bedding (including duvets and their covers) several times in that small frame of time, and demanded of my mom to rent him (on my moms dime, not this 40 y o mans money, the mooching leach, but her carefully budgeted money and visa card points hoarded over years.) his own, just perfectly sanitized room, obviously something had been left here by a former guest that was rotting. Finally, FINALLY my mom and sister had HAD IT. He whined and moaned more than my four yo niece. They finally ripped him a new one, saying he had been acting like an entitled baby man with delusions he is more important than he is, that we as women should fawn over him, and that he had already ruined all of ours, but especially my vacation by tossing my personal property and screaming at me for wearing perfume when I didn't even pack any. At one point I even piped up, ‘I didn’t put up with my father treating me like this, what makes you think I’m gonna take it from you?’ (AN/OP: my father abused me and mom and sister our whole lives. Lots of verbal, emotional, psychological abuse. Sister had it pretty literally; mom had it worst. But when my dad had 100% custody of me at beginning of divorce, my sister went away to college and moved out within the following two weeks, and I was his sole remaining target. For three years straight. Other, even more horrible disgusting things he did to me I’ve only just started to talk about, and don’t want my whole life blasted online while I deal.
So i got my silent, sweet-smelling revenge. For those 3 days and 3 nights, he didn't sleep a wink, which meant he couldn't keep his 'good guy' image up, and everyone saw how he treats me, and I'm no longer a liaexaggerating. I hope some act of God, or him driving around while completely wasted, as he does every single freaking day. He a waste of space, a waste of oxygen.
Again, the reason this is so long is because 1.) I suck at summarizing 2.) backstory of some sort was needed 3.) I’m not a good storyteller, but you are, Charlotte, and I know you can take this mess of info and turn it into a beautiful, long-time-coming, petty revenge story for your channel. Because what is more petty than an herbal, flowery Trojan horse type thing?
PS: he never did repay me for the OVER $300 worth of MY STUFF he upped and just tossed, or first broke then tossed, because it either offended his nose or him, personally, even though he begrudgingly promised to do so, and my sister promised he would. I only had like a 10% belief he would, but he has no money of his own, how was he gonna do that? Yes, I admit, I keep a record of anything I hear about him doing something negative, so one day if my sister even starts to consider divorce, I can whip out journal/notebook and show her his patterns, and he has always been this way, and he won’t ever change.
submitted by saintgeorgette to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:24 harzum6 Characters and their zodiac signs.

Descriptions of the zodiacs are taken from Vogue
<LEE SUHYEOK> Scorpio: Intense but secretive The fiery, intense personality of a Scorpio can make any time spent together a wild, dizzying ride. But while they will go the extra mile to take care of your emotional needs, they remain notoriously secretive about their own—good luck cracking open the spine of this closed book.
<LEE CHEONGSAN> Capricorn: Goal-oriented but unforgiving Not everyone can conquer the world but if a Cap were to set out to do it, nothing would deter them until they had accomplished their goal. With a personality that is hardwired in practicality, they can often fail to appreciate nuance and are known to be unforgiving of others’ mistakes.
<CHOI NAMRA> Cancer: Passionate but uncommunicative Behind the brooding fortress that a Cancer has erected to protect themselves are abundant reserves of deep, undying love and loyalty. Pity that few will get to experience it because they aren’t the best at communicating what is in their hearts.
<NAM ONJO> Libra: Empathetic but indecisive If you are looking for someone to lend a comforting shoulder during times of distress and truly put themselves in your shoes, ring up the first Libra in your contacts. This empathetic side of theirs can sometimes get derailed by their inability to make up their mind, compounded by a fear of confrontations, which means that you never truly know which side they stand on.
<YOON GWINAM> Aries: Competitive but insecure There is nothing an Aries cannot achieve once they set their mind to it—no mountain is too high. However, you will also find them nursing a hidden imposter syndrome that can chip away at their confidence if allowed free rein.
<JANG HARI> Gemini: Versatile but impatient Throw a Gemini to the wolves, and they will come back leading the pack—the air element in this sign means that they can adapt easily to any situation. But their fuse runs short and once they run out of patience with someone, there is no wiggle room for second chances.
<YANG DAESU> Sagittarius: Spontaneous but flighty There is no storyteller quite like a Sagittarius—they can have the entire room hanging on their every word. But while they can show you grand dreams, it can sometimes be hard to pin them down and make them deliver on their promises.
<LEE NAYEON> Leo: Confident but dominating Born to be under the spotlight, there is nothing that this lion enjoys as much as being the cynosure of all eyes. However, this innate conviction that they are always in the right means that they can often run roughshod over others’ feelings and sentiments.
<OH JOONYEONG> Virgo: Perfectionist but self-critical Meticulous, organised and diligent, if the world were to end tomorrow, you would want a Virgo to lead the march into the new dawn. However, that pesky niggle of self-doubt in their head means that they are often harsher on themselves than anybody else can be.
<PARK MIJIN> Taurus: Loyal but stubborn Loyal to a fault, a Taurean is the most reliable person you can have in your corner when the chips are down. However, they have a stubborn streak a mile wide and can hold onto a grudge like no one else, so make sure you don’t cross them.
<PARK EUNHEE> Aquarius: Philosophical but detached A deep-thinker with a humanitarian streak, an Aquarian has grand plans to change the world. Shame that they left the party early though because their reclusive nature makes it hard for them to establish bonds with those around them.
<MIN EUNJI> Pisces: Whimsical but over-sensitive If you are looking to escape the mundane everyday grind, a Pisces’s imaginative mind can whisk you away into a realm of fantasy. Their kind, nurturing personality can prove to be a double-edged sword though, because their overtly sensitive heart is easily wounded, further compounded by a tendency to play the victim.
submitted by harzum6 to AllOfUsAreDead [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:23 Old_Mode2137 Even if the Knicks lose in either series

It’s going to be a great selling point to free agents this coming off season that with a damaged roster yall can make at least the 2nd round so with a full healthy roster that fill in the blank free agent/s can push them to a finals appearance maybe even the chip so win/win situation
submitted by Old_Mode2137 to knicks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:41 tiabeanie Modern fiestaware

hello! so i have been looking for some dinnerware to purchase when i recently discovered fiesta, and i immediately fell in love with a few colors and decided this was what i wanted! however, i then fell into a rabbit hole of not only fiesta’s radioactive history, but how even some of their newer ware can contain heavy metals such as cadmium and arsenic among others.
i’m not AT ALL an expert on ceramics, though from what i have gleamed, it’s typical for them to contain traces of heavy metals. that seems concerning, however ceramic is also generally considered one of the safer routes to go?
well my question is, are these newer colors that still contain cadmium and arsenic safe for daily use? is it only an issue if the glaze wears or chips, and if that is a concern, how do you keep the glaze from wearing? would washing it in the dishwasher be a bad idea because of this?
i have seen where specific colors are listed as containing cadmium, and as cadmium free, though not every color has been listed. the colors i’m interested in are turquoise (cadmium free), daffodil (contains cadmium), meadow (contains cadmium), lemongrass (contains cadmium), ivory (no idea!), and peony (no idea!).
sorry if any of these questions are silly, but i can’t really find too much information on the modern stuff, most everyone just talks about the older radioactive stuff lol.
submitted by tiabeanie to Fiestaware [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:11 Sweet-Count2557 Is Atlantic City Safe

Is Atlantic City Safe
Is Atlantic City Safe Are you concerned about the safety of Atlantic City? Well, fear not! In this article, we'll be your trusted source of information, providing an objective overview of the city's safety situation.From crime rates to essential precautions, we'll guide you through the landscape of Atlantic City's safety. While certain areas require caution, rest assured that there are safe and enjoyable neighborhoods for tourists.So, let us be your guide as we explore the safety of Atlantic City together.Key TakeawaysAtlantic City has safe areas and high-crime areas.Violent crime rates in Atlantic City are 112% higher than the national average.Property crime rates in Atlantic City are 50% higher than the national average.The Marina District and the Boardwalk are considered safe neighborhoods in Atlantic City.Overview of Atlantic City SafetyIn our overview of Atlantic City safety, we can observe that the city has both safe areas and high-crime areas. Safety measures vary from one neighborhood to another, and it's essential to evaluate security measures in Atlantic City.Certain areas are more prone to criminal activity, so it's crucial to be cautious while exploring these places. On the other hand, there are parts of the city that are safe and enjoyable.When it comes to crime rates, Atlantic City has higher rates compared to the national average. Violent crime rates are 112% higher, and property crime rates are 50% higher. However, it's worth noting that the city's overall crime rate has decreased by 36% year over year.As tourists, it's important to take safety precautions, such as staying aware of our surroundings, keeping belongings secure, and avoiding walking alone on unfamiliar streets, especially at night. There are safe neighborhoods like the Marina District and the Boardwalk, while certain areas should be avoided due to higher crime rates.Crime Rates and StatisticsWhen it comes to crime rates and statistics, we need to examine the safety situation in Atlantic City.The impact of tourism on crime rates is a significant factor to consider. With a large number of visitors coming to the city each year, it can potentially attract criminal activity.However, Atlantic City has implemented various crime prevention measures to ensure the safety of its residents and tourists. These measures include increased police presence, surveillance cameras, and community outreach programs.The effectiveness of these measures can be seen in the decreasing overall crime rate, which has decreased by 36% year over year.While certain neighborhoods in Atlantic City are known to have higher crime rates, there are also safe areas such as the Marina District and the Boardwalk.It's essential for tourists to stay aware of their surroundings and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety while exploring the city.Safety Precautions for TouristsTo ensure the safety of tourists in Atlantic City, it's important for us to take necessary precautions while exploring the city.Here are some safety tips for exploring Atlantic City and the best ways to protect your belongings.First, always stay aware of your surroundings when using transportation in the city. Whether you're on a jitney or in a cab, keep your belongings secure and close to you.Avoid walking alone on unfamiliar streets, especially at night, and be sure to keep your belongings secure while enjoying the beaches.When you're in your hotel room, lock your valuables or use the hotel safe.Lastly, keep your chips and cash secure while gambling.Safe Neighborhoods and AreasLet's explore the safe neighborhoods and areas in Atlantic City that are worth visiting.When it comes to safety, the Marina District and the Boardwalk stand out as some of the safest neighborhoods in Atlantic City.In the Marina District, you'll find a bustling waterfront area with upscale hotels, restaurants, and entertainment options. This area is known for its well-maintained streets and security presence, making it a popular choice for tourists and locals alike.Similarly, the Boardwalk is a vibrant and iconic area with plenty of attractions, including casinos, shops, and restaurants. With its lively atmosphere and constant foot traffic, the Boardwalk is generally considered safe for visitors.However, it's essential to remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings, as safety can vary from one neighborhood to another in Atlantic City.As we delve into the next section about unsafe locations and areas to avoid, it's important to note that while there are safe neighborhoods, there are also areas in Atlantic City with higher crime rates.Unsafe Locations and Areas to AvoidNow let's delve into the areas and locations in Atlantic City that should be avoided due to higher crime rates. When visiting Atlantic City, it's important to be aware of high crime areas and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety. Here are three tips for staying safe in Atlantic City:Avoid the North part of the city: This area has a higher crime rate, with chances of becoming a victim as low as 1 in 32. It's best to steer clear of this neighborhood, especially if you're unfamiliar with the streets.Research and avoid areas with higher crime rates: Before exploring the city, take the time to do some research and identify locations known for criminal activity. By planning your route and avoiding these areas, you can minimize the risk of encountering any dangerous situations.Stay aware of your surroundings: Whether you're using transportation, enjoying the beaches, or gambling in Atlantic City, it's crucial to stay vigilant. Keep your belongings secure, be cautious when walking alone at night, and always lock your valuables in your hotel room or use a hotel safe.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some Popular Tourist Attractions in Atlantic City?Popular tourist attractions in Atlantic City include the famous Boardwalk and the vibrant casinos.The Boardwalk offers a scenic stroll along the beach, with various shops, restaurants, and entertainment options.The casinos provide a thrilling experience with their wide range of gaming options and live shows.These attractions attract visitors from all over, seeking fun and excitement.Whether you're looking to relax by the ocean or try your luck at the tables, Atlantic City has something for everyone.Are There Any Specific Safety Measures in Place for Events or Festivals in Atlantic City?During events and festivals in Atlantic City, safety measures are put in place to ensure the well-being of visitors. These measures include increased security presence, bag checks, and surveillance systems.Event organizers work closely with local law enforcement to maintain a safe environment. Additionally, medical personnel and first aid stations are readily available in case of any emergencies.These precautions aim to provide a secure and enjoyable experience for everyone attending events in Atlantic City.Are There Any Public Transportation Options Available for Getting Around Atlantic City?When it comes to getting around Atlantic City, there are several public transportation options available. From buses to taxis, you can easily navigate the city.Public transportation is accessible and convenient for both locals and tourists. Whether you're exploring the Marina District or strolling along the Boardwalk, these transportation options make it easy to reach your destination.Are There Any Specific Laws or Regulations That Tourists Should Be Aware of While Visiting Atlantic City?When visiting Atlantic City, it's important for tourists to be aware of certain laws and regulations.Liquor consumption regulations are enforced, so it's crucial to adhere to age restrictions and drink responsibly.As for gambling laws, it's legal in Atlantic City and there are numerous casinos to enjoy. However, it's essential to gamble responsibly and be aware of the specific rules and regulations set by each establishment.What Are Some Recommended Activities for Families Visiting Atlantic City?When it comes to activities for families visiting Atlantic City, there's something for everyone!From outdoor adventures like strolling along the iconic Boardwalk and enjoying the beautiful beaches, to indoor entertainment options like visiting the kid-friendly museums and aquariums, the city has it all.Whether you're looking for fun in the sun or seeking indoor excitement, Atlantic City offers a diverse range of activities that will make your family vacation memorable.ConclusionIn conclusion, while Atlantic City may have its areas of concern, the majority of the city is safe and enjoyable for tourists. By taking necessary safety precautions and exploring the recommended neighborhoods, you can have a worry-free experience during your trip.So don't let the fear of crime deter you from experiencing all that Atlantic City has to offer. Come and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere, entertainment, and beautiful beaches with peace of mind.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:05 parrotsaregoated All of these comments under a meme about American school education

All of these comments under a meme about American school education
A lot to unpack here.
1) Why the fuck do these people think over 500 school shootings happen in America every year?
2) The majority of Americans know that Asia is a continent, and who the fuck uses guns at an American school?
3) In life, everyday might be your last. That’s how it works. It’s not just a thing in America! You can even die somewhere else and not at a school! Shocking! /s
4) The fourth slide about Americans “not being smart” is a wild generalization.
5) You don’t get taught in America only if you go to a really shitty school. Jesus.
6) Your “free British school lunch” in question is beans on toast and fish with chips.
submitted by parrotsaregoated to AmericaBad [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:01 MostAnt9167 Ripper Casino $10 Free Chip with Bonus Code RC10 NCND

Ripper Casino $10 Free Chip with Bonus Code RC10 NCND submitted by MostAnt9167 to Casinogamblingbonus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:54 jonnarace22 GF Donut Pancakes!

I found a recipe for traditional Donut Pancakes then made them GF and topped with various GF goodies. My 3 year old picked: Sugar Free semisweet chocolate chips and organic sprinkles, chocolate and strawberries, then strawberries and sprinkles. I think he did incredible! The family gobbled every single one up with a side of home made maple syrup and bacon. If you make these, be sure to let them fully cool before removing from the donut molds.
submitted by jonnarace22 to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:08 DoGsPaWsLoVe Saturday 05/18/24: 11 Posts

Here is the recap of the 11 monetized posts from Kylea G Weight loss Journey on 05/18/24.
"Greed is a never-ending hunger, that drives people to sacrifice morals and values for personal gain." -Unknown
⚠️ Compulsive Buying Disorder (CBD), aka shopping addiction, Disordered Eating, Gaslighting, Grief, Illness, Infertility, TTC (trying to conceive) Community, and Religion will be discussed.
Disclaimers: I am not a physician, influencer, or paid content creator. I am not affiliated with WW. I am semi-retired from the healthcare field with multiple college degrees. These opinions are my own based on social media content. I wish no harm to Kylea or Joseph "Joe" Gomez.
☎️ If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, please call or text 988 for assistance.
Behind the Scenes Family Update: Kylea Gomez has been exploiting a life-changing medical diagnosis of a close relative (without their permission and against their wishes) to internet strangers in social media messages. She has claimed that she is supporting this relative (which is a lie) to justify her work ethic, productivity, and even basic hygiene issues. Let that sink in for a moment...
To this relative: You, your family, and your medical team are in my prayers. ✝️
To Kylea's Biological Parents: Your daughter disparages your name and relationship for personal and financial gain frequently. No concert, trip, or gift provided to you with money obtained under (allegedly) false and deceptive pretenses justifies Kylea's disturbing behaviors. Stop enabling her.
California Clarification: Kylea was rejected by a Cavapoo breeder from adopting the Original Birdie (OB) during her California trip. I am thankful to the breeders of OB for making a tough decision in the best interest of the puppy. For me, this seals the deal that Kylea falsified details of this California trip and rushed home to find Backup Birdie (BB), who is the focus of today's content.
The tagline of Kylea G Weight loss Journey is, "I changed my entire life with prayer and a playlist of songs. No surgery, no meds. Just Jesus."
DAILY STATS: 05/18/24
0/11 posts discussed prayer
0/11 posts discussed music
0/11 posts discussed exercise
3/11 posts discussed a recipe
1/11 posts was about takeout "coffee" at 5 am
7/11 posts were about Birdie Mae 🐶
📢 For our friends at Meta, that means 63% of Kylea's monetized content had nothing to do with weight loss, which is the tagline and purpose of her page. Her weight loss journey ended July 2023 per her content. Why do you continue to pay her for non-weight loss content?
⚠️ Disordered Eating- Daily WW Points Used (Data compiled from monetized content):
1 WW Point: Crazy Llama "coffee" with almond milk, sugar-free vanilla, sugar-free peppermint, and sugar-free white chocolate
3 WW Points: Taco Soup with 12 Trader Joe's Rolled Corn Chili & Lime flavored Tortilla Chips
📢 For our friends at Meta, Kylea consumed 4 WW points out of (up to) 30 daily WW points= SEVERE disordered eating. This messaging is deadly for those on a weight loss journey. Follow your policies and take action.
Recipes Shared: 1. Taco Soup: 🚨 This recipe has dangerous sodium levels. Please know your daily sodium recommendations before making this recipe. 🚨
  1. Taco Rice Bowls: The soup is drained and added to 1 minute jalapeño rice with cheese. 🚨 The sodium alert is the same as above. 🚨
☎️ Please speak with a medical professional about any questions or concerns you have about your health.
Comments: To the animal lovers, I am sending you good vibes to get through this nonsense. Here we go...
  1. Coffee at 5am: Kylea and Joe are pictured in their vehicle outside Crazy Llama Coffee with the sun shining bright. Kylea claims she was home at 5 am, and Joe took her right away to get her "favorite coffee."
⏸️ The sun rises in Joplin after 6 am. Why lie? ⏸️ Her facial sunburn that disappeared yesterday is back today. How did that happen? ⏸️ Kylea claims she does not have cravings or temptations. However, she is addicted to sweet. Her "coffee" is beige colored at best, and she needed it right away...
  1. Backup Birdie Part 1: Her airline approved pet travel accessory backpack is shown in the vehicle. "All my dog mom dreams are coming true today 💖 🐶"
  2. Backup Birdie Part 2: "My heart is so full!!! 💖 🐶 I got the cuddliest, cutest, sweetest girl. 😭 I cried when I met my puppy for the first time because I love her so much already!!"
⏸️ Kylea's followers immediately started asking to see pictures and were told they needed to wait until after Kylea's family met her first. HoWeVeR, some influencers (bestie Drue Basham, Drue's SIL Sierra, Brittany Bryant, etc.) got to see her first and comment from their influencer accounts about Birdie. I'm sorry, loyal top fans and followers, possible cross-engagement from "trusted" influencers is more important than respecting your loyalty. Welcome inside the mind of a 🐈 🐟 er. Always trying to boost engagement, the algorithm, and gain new followers...
  1. Taco Soup Recipe: 🚨 This sodium monstrosity has canned beans, jarred salsa, enchilada sauce, rotel, roasted corn, a ranch seasoning packet, a taco seasoning packet, fresh chicken, and water. 😲
  2. Backup Birdie Part 3: "Welcome home 🏠 to our forever girl 🎀 Birdie Mae 🐶 She's already following Joseph and I around and has brought us so much joy. 🌈 🎀"
⏸️ The puppy shown does not appear to be a Cavapoo, and Kylea refuses to answer follower questions about her breed. Remember, Birdie was not supposed to come home until May 20th, then May 19th.
To all individuals in the TTC Community, I know the 🌈 is a powerful symbol for you. I have experienced pregnancy loss and fertility care. My heart hurts for anyone triggered by the language Kylea uses and humanizing pets in reference to pregnancy loss. 🙏
  1. Backup Birdie Part 4: "The moment I held her, I just knew she was meant for me.🎀 🐶 She loves all of the cuddles which is good because I do too. 💖"
⏸️ Not one reference of her "sweet boy" Oliver or Alice. Where are the cats? BB is asleep on Kylea.
  1. Taco Soup Part 2: 🚨 Since it wasn't salty enough, why not put some chili & lime tortilla chips on top? Chef's 💋. Kylea held the bowl, showing her barefoot on the floor. I did NOT miss her feet content. 🤢
  2. Backup Birdie Part 5: "We already love her so much 🎀 💖" BB is asleep in a fuzzy blanket on her puppy bed.
  3. Backup Birdie Part 6: Within 30 minutes of this writer posting info in Reddit chat of how to file an animal complaint in Joplin, MO as a PSA (not a threat) encouraging Kylea & Joe to be crystal clear about Alice's whereabouts, a picture of Joe cuddling BB with Alice behind him on the couch is posted. "Joseph loves Birdie Mae too 💖 🐶 So far she loves to sleep 😴"
⏸️ 3 animals are now housed in a small apartment. Two cats with behavioral issues and a young puppy. Kylea can claim she will have no issues because "it will be fine," but she is ignorant, immature, and selfish. Wise followers will remove their rose-colored glasses and see the truth. There is a theory Alice was edited into the photo again...
  1. Taco Soup Part 3: 🚨 No more takeout for Joe! He gets to eat Taco Soup Rice Bowls for work lunches this week.
⏸️ On the recent McDonalds post, a smart follower asked what Joe eating McDonalds had to do with WW. Kylea replied it was a "balanced lifestyle." Remember, Kylea & Joe want you to believe Joe has not gained weight no matter what he eats, with photo evidence (even modified) proving differently. Kylea's chains were broken 07/05/21. No cravings, temptations, plateaus, weight gain...a perfect journey to this day (and forever). 😇 Please disregard her obvious eating disorder and mental illnesses. Seek medical care, Kylea Gomez. ☮️
  1. Backup Birdie Part 7: A 12-second video is shared of BB playing with a squeaky toy on the carpet.
⏸️ No Oliver, Grams, or Gibson content today. Kylea told her followers (in a comment) that Oliver had not met the puppy. It's good to see your "sweet boy" and subject of a ridiculous amount of monetized content is already booted engagement wise.
Final thoughts: Money reveals people's true colors. 👀 Buckle in for a nauseating amount of BB nontent.
Takeout: Crazy Llama takeout for 2: $16 est + tip;
All info from Reddit. ✌️
submitted by DoGsPaWsLoVe to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]