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2024.06.02 21:00 Temporary-Ad-6002 Where to get games for PS4?

Hello everyone, I got myself a ps4 console, and did some research online turns out I can’t have a PS subscription here in Ghana since we can’t create PSN account, I really don’t want to buy individual games, I find that quite expensive, and I heard people sell accounts but I tried once and the guy changed his password after a few days, leaving me frustrated, is there any other way I can get games, I don’t mind considering physical copies, provided they come at reasonable prices, thank you 🙏🏿
submitted by Temporary-Ad-6002 to ghana [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:59 Danarhys PC seem to randomly freeze (details in text)

Hi all. Bit of a long one, but here goes.
2 weeks or so ago, my computer started to randomly freeze up every 30 minutes or so. This happened initially while I was in a Zoom meeting (so nothing graphically intense). The following sequence of events would happen.
The only initial clue I had was that my iCue theme would seem to reset to default Rainbow Puke, and while I tried a few things, it seemed like uninstalling iCue completely did the trick. For 2 weeks, no problem.
Before this though, I tried a few things. Memtest, Furmark to stress the GPU, /sfc scannow, as well as combing through the Event Log to see if there was anything I could point to. I also did a clean reinstall of my graphics drivers using DDU.
So we fast forward to this morning, where this has started happening again. I thought that it might be a program called Start11, which mostly tries to replace the Win11 taskbar with something more like Win10, but that wasn't it either. In this morning's case, it happened while gaming, so I tried running Furmark again for 30 minutes (no crash/freezing).
So my question:
  1. Do these symptoms sound familiar to anyone?
  2. How can I troubleshoot this issue?
  3. Could my graphics card be faulty? (About a month back, I noticed some strange artifacting on my my screen, which disappeared after a reboot and has never come back.)
These are my PC stats, as well as some of the cards that populate my MB.
(Putting anything in PCIE x16 slot 2 seems to bifurcate slot 1)
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I'll note in the hour or so I've taken to write this, my computer hasn't frozen, so who knows?
submitted by Danarhys to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:59 Toti2407 Is it common for players to try to stop you from starting missions?

I’ve been playing the online mode for the trophies and I’ve actually been enjoying it allot more than I thought I would, but something I’ve noticed is players are either very nice or they just want to ruin your experience as much as they can, today there was this guy that was camping Harriet’s location close to Lagras so he could kill any player that wanted to interact with her.
I could have just gone to another location but it annoyed me so I just killed him and started the mission whilst he was respawning, is this that common in this game or did I just get unlucky, I don’t get it is there not things that are more fun to do than trying to ruin other people’s games lol.
submitted by Toti2407 to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:59 nogreennoblue 23[F4A] us/anywhere connections on connections!

i ramble, i apologize. this is absolutely a mess of words but you know what you're getting yourself into, right?
i'm 23yo woman situated in southern alabama though i'll be moving to southwestern indiana in the coming months. i'm trading one conservative place for another, i know, but at least this one seems to be more open-minded (at least where i'm moving, that is).
i've talked to some lovely and not-so-lovely people here on this sub, but it's always nice to see what's out there.
i'm currently employed full-time, but that'll change when i return to grad school this fall. i consider myself financially growing as i learn how to buy into stocks and more, but i'm still a pretty broke grad student.
english is my native language but i think i can speak german pretty conversationally. i'd love to practice my language skills if that's an option. duolingo only does so much for me!
i enjoy gaming, reading, nature, practicing my German, and my dogs. i've been playing dead by daylight recently and pokemon leaf green on my steam deck. i'm into mostly romance, fantasy, dystopia when it comes to reading but you'll find me trying just about anything once. i have 3 dogs however only one will be going north with me!
i'm left-leaning, borderline socialist (if you're right-leaning, need not apply). i also enjoy traveling and i've visited 10 so far; i'm hoping to add Canada to my list before the year is out!
oh yeah, about me. i'm 4'11 and a milf in training (also read: fat). i don't really care to lose weight as there's no health concerns. if it happens naturally, so be it, but i'm exhausted by diet culture. i have purple-ish/blue-ish/green-ish hair right now and blue eyes. i'm also tattooed and have a nose piercing. white.
now, onto you —
i'm looking for someone who has goals and isn't here as someone who has given up. i'm perfectly comfortable where i am in life, i'm here to find someone to complement me rather than fix things for me.
i love banter and conversation, but i will say i enjoy my alone time too. sometimes i'm just not in the mood to chat and i hope that's okay! i'm into checkups, but i don't need constant conversation all day :)
if anything caught your eye, please send me a message! i'm looking forward to it <3!
submitted by nogreennoblue to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:59 Due-Flamingo2570 stl show on tuesday

hello!! i’m going to the show at the hollywood casino amphitheater on tuesday by myself and i am SO scared it’s my first concert by myself.
i have a GA pit ticket and im not really sure what im going to do as far as when i should be there? i would reallyyyy like to be as close to the front as possible (im short). i’ve seen some posts about getting an early parking pass but all i know is doors open at 6:30
anyone have any advice on what to expect??
thank you!!
submitted by Due-Flamingo2570 to NoahKahan [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:58 CreativeNameRight An Overview of Free Composition Software

So it seems like every other week, someone posts on this sub asking something along the lines of "I'm a beginning composer, and I want a free software, what can I use?" And there's quite a few of these posts, so I'd like to throw out an overview from my experience. For context, I am an intermediate-advanced flute player (been playing for 6 years) and I have tried out quite a few notation programs. So here you go, an explanation of free music software from a beginner's POV. Some of these softwares have paid versions; I am ONLY talking about the free version's capabilities.
What are the outputs of each software?
I decided to make a kind of "blind test" for anyone who wants to see the capabilities of each program. Have a look here.
This is one of my earlier compositions (VERY basic, but feel free to give me feedback!), and I plugged it into these three programs. Try to guess which score is from which! The audio numbers DO NOT CORRESPOND with the score numbers.
Some guidelines I decided to put in place:
Audio: S1 was Noteflight, S2 was Flat, S3 was Musescore (with free Muse Sounds)
Score PDFs: S1 was Flat, S2 was Musescore, S3 was Noteflight
You probably were able to guess some of them based off of what I mentioned earlier, but the point is, you can start with any of these softwares and get at the very least, a functional score!
Okay, what software should I use then?
Use Musescore if: You're okay with downloading software, you have moderately good hardware, and you want as many features as possible.
Use Noteflight if: You want an online platform with as much features as possible without overwhelming you, but don't want to download any programs.
Use Flat.io if: You're okay sometimes having bad output, you need to get something done really quick and the quality doesn't matter, or if you're writing something with one or more partners.
Finally, a note about the free versions of industry standards (Dorico SE, Sibelius First, Finale Notepad): The features of these softwares are extremely limited, and to some extent are only trying to get you to buy their paid software. If you're only going to use free software and don't plan on buying any of the paid programs, I would stick with Musescore, Noteflight, or Flat. These three have more features than the "dumbed down" versions of the industry standards. Keep in mind you can always make professional-looking scores with almost any free software.
Please let me know if there are any important points I missed! I've been using these programs for 2 years, but I could have definitely missed something. I am NOT sponsored by any of these.
submitted by CreativeNameRight to composer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:58 Chey_4 Help!

Yall I’m about to go insane… I am trying to play again on my ps4 but every time I download it, it only downloads required content 4, 5, & 6 but then I open the game and it gives me the error BOAR! I’ve done EVERYTHING I possibly can to fix this except factory reset… and I really don’t wanna do that… can anyone help????
submitted by Chey_4 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:58 PapaSnale Windows unresponsive after boot unless task manager is opened (URGENT)

So recently I decided to upgrade my PC (specs below) and I completely wiped everything to make sure it ran smoothly. Everything was working great and I installed a few games and the motherboard and graphics drivers. However, the next day I woke up to continue installing stuff and on boot, I could open to the desktop but I couldn’t open anything (settings or apps, literally anything except desktop folders and the recycle bin) after the first 5 seconds. After hours of struggling I decided to reset my PC again, and redownload the drivers and everything worked fine. then later that day after a restart, the PC went unresponsive in the same way as before. I just learned that if I open task manager in the first 5 seconds, the PC functions normally. What could the issue be? My only guess is some sort of driver issue but I didn’t download anything excessive - just Adrenaline for my cpu/gpu and the mobo drivers.
all help is greatly appreciated and if you can fix my issue I can paypal you $25 or something.
Ryzen 7 7800x3d Asrock b650 PG Lightning motherboard Corsair h100i 240mm Aio 32 gb ddr5 t force ram 6000mhz CL30 Radeon VII 850 W EVGA PSU
C: 125gb SATA SSD inland 250gb 970 evo m.2 1tb intel ssd 1tbh hdd
submitted by PapaSnale to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 Hinoarashi2004 Net Rent: 1650/month. Lease takeover. One room available in Astoria West.

Net Rent: 1650/month. Lease takeover. One room available in Astoria West.
I will be moving out at the end of June from my current apartment and am looking for someone to takeover my lease with my roommate for a 2 bed 1 bath apartment in Astoria West.
Gross rent will be 2195. You will be getting three months off if you move in by July 1st (July, Dec, June). This is because my roommate and I signed a two year lease with three months off in June 2023, where the three free months were loaded into the second year of the lease. So the net rent comes out to approximately 1650 a month (which includes amenities and utilities except for electricity). The deposit will be basically covering my portion of it which was 500.
The room is the big one in the attached floorplan. Bathroom is shared. Internet modem will also be in your room if you want to leverage LAN access.
Your roommate will be a lawyer in her 30s. She is pretty cool, chill and quite friendly.
We are looking for someone in their 20s or 30s who pays rent on time, keeps the common areas clean and no pets. Preferably female, but we are open to all genders.
Amenities include gym, rooftop deck (the rooftop in our building is usually pretty quiet), grills, game room, tv room, karaoke room, package room. Valet Parking is available in a garage attached to the building for 325 a month.
As for location, it is about a 20 minute walk from the N/W broadway station. The Astoria NYC ferry stop is less than five minutes away. It is a pretty quiet area but also a walkable distance from the Broadway area with shops/restaurants.
This is a lease take over and not a sublease so you will be added to the lease until the end date of June 2025.
submitted by Hinoarashi2004 to NYCapartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 TurtleBox_Official I think I was almost Abducted as a Child

There are very few things I remember from my childhood, but earlier last year I began a therapy program and began to attempt to discover what truama had caused me to begin to block out so many years of my childhood. My Therapist says it could be caused by a single truamatic event or in some cases an overall truamatic living situation. I am still not quite sure which category I fit into, or where I fit into all of this at all for that matter.
I was not a special child, I did not come from a good home. Growing up it was just myself, My mother, and two of my sisters, the only one relevant to this story being named Meg.
Two weeks before Halloween, my mom took us all to the near by K-mart to pick out one cool thing for Halloween as well as our outfits. I picked out some knight outfit because at the time I was obsessed with Final Fantasy Tactics. My sister, Meg, picked out one of those weird Voice Changers, like the ones they used in the Scream Movies, you know? My mom just gave her one rule, she wasn't allowed to use it to scare me or annoy people.
About four days later, some bizarre things started. I began to hear her out in the hallway using the voice changer from her room. The almost growling low pitched voice setting was quite haunting. She was only really saying one thing though...her own name. This went on for two nights before she started sleeping in my older sisters room instead of her own, sharing a bed with each other.
Around this time is when she began to use the stupid voice changer to keep me awake. She would stand outside my bedroom door, in random hours of the night, and just say my name. "Zachary....Zachary..." Over and Over. In that eerie painful voice. It kept me awake for hours, and whenever I did sleep I would have nightmares. Nightmares that gave shape to the voice. Always a lonely looking creature, with skin that looked charred with white eyes that dripped back into it's sockets like runny eggs, always keeping it's head down low as if to hide itself from embarrasment or guilt like a child would.
This went on for days... then the tapping would begin. First on my door, then somehow on my window. This simple tapping turned into hard scratching at the door which at first I would assume was our cat or dog. Every few nights the the being within my dream would be see more detail added to the body. First a thin layer of what seemed like fur, then eventually clothes, a visably moldy jean jacket and and on it's head a thin layer frayed hair. On it's feet it wore no shoes and but wore ripped tattered shorts. It had a small mouth, very child like and immature facial features. It always seemed so helpless and lonely.
I stopped talking out of this overbearing sense of guilt I felt the more the dreams continued. I kept hearing the voice every where I went. At school, to the store with my mom, at home, in the bathroom...sometimes I would even hear movement where the voice was coming from...While taking a bath one night, I heard the bathroom door open, next came very soft steps...almost soft enough to be our dogs...
"Zachary...are you in here?" I'd never been so horrified in my life before then. The door closed behind it. I sat in the bathtub for about an hour listening to it scurry around. Eventually my mom came in and asked for me...she hadn't remembered that I was still in there.... I'm convinced to this day it was hiding just outside of the shower curtain that provided me privacy during these bathtime hours.
A few days pass, still hearing it calling my name at night, still tapping, still scratching...Halloween comes. I put on my costume, my sister put on hers, everyone was getting ready to go out for the night. A friend of mine was coming with us and I naively figured I'd be protected in my knight outfit. It was still around midday as Mom prepared our Trick-or-treat bags so I went outside by myself to on the side of our lawn that faced the huge abandoned vineyard. Every parent in our neighborhood always used to stress about how we were never allowed in Vineyard. Eventually it all entirely blocked off by the township and is currently said to be filled with various homeless camps despite friends of mine in the town saying they only ever find the bodies of the homeless and never actual evidence of camps.
I was swinging my plastic sword, fighting imaginary bad guys when I heard that there was someone moving in the bushes. I could hear it vividly, It wasn't normal like a cat or dog or even a person. It was precisely weighed footsteps inched apart bit by bit. I moved a bit closer to my house and farther back from the thick bushes. If my mom knew I was on that side of the house, she would have killed me.
Then it all happened so quickly The voice began calling my name from the bushes. It was only saying my name. It wasn't telling me to come over or anything, it was simply saying my name and moving back and forth. I could see the outline of it's clothes...a jean jacket, some shorts, and it was wearing boots. It was wearing a mask however, one of those old 90s alien mask like you'd see in the Halloween store, the flat plastic kinds with the small eye holes and horizontal mouth slit. It moved down on all fours and began walking closer to the ledge. And that's when I noticed it's legs and hands...they were absolutely burnt, charred to an almost unrecognizable crisp like exaggerated burnt bacon. I could tell it was looking right into my stupid eight year old eyes. It whimpered and seemed to press it's belly to the ground before speaking in a voice that instantly put me over with fear. "Zachary...I will...You...Come..." My eyes grew twice their size and I ran inside, dropping my sword and shield in the grass.
My mom got furious. Shes stomped around before calling my sister into the room. Upon being asked about the voice changer and teasing me for weeks...my sister told us that it broke, that it had stopped working one night after she dropped it in the driveway. She even showed my mom...it was smashed. My mom just looked out the window into the Vineyard. My sister looked over at me. We weren't allowed to go out that night. My mom made up some story about Halloween being cancelled because another kid in the town had gotten hurt like a few years before, something I still don't really remember.
That night my Sister and I just sat in our living room. We didn't really speak. We didn't pay attention to whatever Disney Channel Halloween movie was playing. We both knew the other had something to say but couldn't open our mouths.
After what felt like hours of silence she moved closer to me and spoke -
"It tried to take you too, didn't it?"
I nodded.
submitted by TurtleBox_Official to joinmeatthecampfire [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 Entire_Lemon_1073 This game is legit terrible

This game is legit terrible
So I don’t have time to play many games anymore. Really loved Multiversus when it was in beta. Played a lot of it offline when I was bored. So when they finally released the game I straight up purchased the battle pass because I’ve already spent a lot of time enjoying the game so didn’t mind supporting it.
Well, it’s been a horrible & extremely frustrating experience so far. The first match literally freezes, but I don’t think much of it so I simply restart the game. No big deal, right? Day 1 of a modern online multiplayer is going to have issues here & there. But it says I can’t match make for 5 minutes or so. Again, annoying but, it’s day 1 & sadly you expect bugs in today’s game.
Well everyday since the problem has been the same. I get into a match & there is a legit 50/50 chance it freezes mid match. Which by itself is extremely aggravating. But it thinks I’m quitting in the middle of the match. So it stacks the penalties to where after a few matches freezing I have to wait an hour to match make again. I am using a wired internet connection as well.
(The video attached is an example of what I consistently experience)
So not only do I not have much time to play because of work & responsibilities at home, but when I do have time to play 80% of it is waiting to have the ability to match make again. So I can’t progress the battle pass that I paid for, and can’t enjoy the game. At all.
It’s one thing for it to be a free game. But it’s a free game that allows you to spend money. And sure, maybe I should have played a few matches before buying the battle pass, but it’s beyond ridiculous at this point.
There is nothing at all to make me believe it will be fixed in the near future. And even if so, I wouldn’t have the confidence to believe it. So I’ve wasted time, money and patience. It’s just extremely ridiculous that they can get away with releasing games in this state while also having a store where you can spend money. There has to be some sort of buffer created where these companies can’t charge money in broken games. But now I’m just rambling.
I woke up this morning with the hope I could play only for it to freeze 20 seconds into the first match. lol Blah. And I don’t even mention the sheer lag when you do get to actually play.
I hope anyone who made it this far is having an amazing Sunday and are getting to enjoy the game.
Rant over. lol Blah
submitted by Entire_Lemon_1073 to MultiVersusTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 whiskey__dick Touchpad/mouse do not work on initial login screen

Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS on a Thinkpad T450S
Hi. Pop!_OS newb here with a passing familiarity using Debian.
I wanted to set a background image for the login screen.
After installing Gnome Tweaks and setting the background I logged out to check. As I didn't see the desired BG I clicked the gear icon at the top right of the screen to see what options there were. I saw that these were accessibility settings and decided to try the zoom setting. This zoomed the screen too large to see and somehow disabled touchpad/mouse input.
I zoomed back out with super+alt+- and was able to log in using the keyboard.
I rebooted, and the issue persisted, so I connected a mouse, but it made no difference. All I could see was a frozen mouse cursor and I had to use the keyboard to navigate.
In my search for a resolution I found information on the System76 support site about reinstalling GDM and ran the suggested command:
whiskeydick@pop-os:~$ sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop gnome-shell
[sudo] password for whiskeydick:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
gnome-shell-extension-cosmic-dock : Breaks: gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock but 72~ubuntu5. is to be installed
ubuntu-desktop : Depends: pulseaudio
Recommends: pulseaudio-module-bluetooth but it is not going to be installed
ubuntu-desktop-minimal : Depends: pulseaudio
Recommends: pulseaudio-module-bluetooth but it is not going to be installed
update-manager : Depends: update-manager-core (= 1:22.04.20) but 1.0.0~1692124819~22.04~2f66b58 is to be installed
Breaks: update-notifier (< 3.177)
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.
whiskeydick@pop-os:~$ sudo apt --fix-broken install
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
In frustration I installed and enabled lightdm and logged out, but was taken to the GDM login screen with the mouse problem. I rebooted and was presented with tty login prompt. After entering my credentials, I had to issue startx command to get back in and was greeted with default Gnome DE (w/o Pop customizations).
I opened the terminal and ran the following:
whiskeydick@pop-os:~$ sudo apt install --reinstall gdm3
[sudo] password for whiskeydick:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 816 kB of archives.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 http://apt.pop-os.org/release jammy/main amd64 gdm3 amd64 42.0-1ubuntu7pop1~1675905960~22.04~7fd0bb0 [816 kB]
Fetched 816 kB in 5s (151 kB/s)
Preconfiguring packages ...
(Reading database ... 213337 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../gdm3_42.0-1ubuntu7pop1~1675905960~22.04~7fd0bb0_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking gdm3 (42.0-1ubuntu7pop1~1675905960~22.04~7fd0bb0) over (42.0-1ubuntu7pop1~1675905960~22.04~7fd0bb0) ...
Setting up gdm3 (42.0-1ubuntu7pop1~1675905960~22.04~7fd0bb0) ...
gdm.service is not active, cannot reload.
invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm3, action "reload" failed.
Processing triggers for man-db (2.10.2-1) ...
Processing triggers for dbus (1.12.20-2ubuntu4.1) ...
Processing triggers for dbus-broker (29-4build1) ...
I then tried this:
whiskeydick@pop-os:~$ systemctl enable --now gmd3
Failed to enable unit: Unit file gmd3.service does not exist.
Then this:
sudo systemctl enable gdm.service
The unit files have no installation config (WantedBy=, RequiredBy=, Also=,
Alias= settings in the [Install] section, and DefaultInstance= for template
units). This means they are not meant to be enabled using systemctl.
Possible reasons for having this kind of units are:
• A unit may be statically enabled by being symlinked from another unit's
.wants/ or .requires/ directory.
• A unit's purpose may be to act as a helper for some other unit which has
a requirement dependency on it.
• A unit may be started when needed via activation (socket, path, timer,
D-Bus, udev, scripted systemctl call, ...).
• In case of template units, the unit is meant to be enabled with some
instance name specified.
I then tried this:
whiskeydick@pop-os:~$ sudo systemctl enable gdm3
Synchronizing state of gdm3.service with SysV service script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.
Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable gdm3
The unit files have no installation config (WantedBy=, RequiredBy=, Also=,
Alias= settings in the [Install] section, and DefaultInstance= for template
units). This means they are not meant to be enabled using systemctl.
Possible reasons for having this kind of units are:
• A unit may be statically enabled by being symlinked from another unit's
.wants/ or .requires/ directory.
• A unit's purpose may be to act as a helper for some other unit which has
a requirement dependency on it.
• A unit may be started when needed via activation (socket, path, timer,
D-Bus, udev, scripted systemctl call, ...).
• In case of template units, the unit is meant to be enabled with some
instance name specified.
Before throwing in the towel, I tried this:
whiskeydick@pop-os:~$ systemctl enable gdm3
This worked to get GDM back, but I still no mouse/touchpad control at login. I was able to reproduce the issue in the live environment when I booted with Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS.
NOTE: After further testing I discovered this issue only affects the initial login screen (after boot), or logging in after logging out. It behaves normally when coming back from Lock or Suspend.
What should I do to get control of the mouse pointer on the login screen?
Any suggestions would be welcome.
submitted by whiskey__dick to pop_os [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 Brodini_6363 Four Week Free Meditation Class

Hello fellow meditators! I'm offering a free four week online mindfulness meditation class for beginners. It will be starting on Sunday June 16th at 5:00pm - 6:00pmMST and offered through Zoom every Sunday through Sunday July 7th. This is open to meditators here but also feel free to share with friends that are interested.
My name is Jake and I'm a therapist out of Denver Colorado.This is the first of two teaching practicums for the Mindfulness Meditation Teaching Certification Program through Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach I'll be completing. I'm an experienced practitioner of mindfulness meditation for 10 years and a working trauma based and mindfulness oriented psychotherapist for 8 years. I have enjoyed traching mindfulness meditation and its principles to my clients and I'm becoming a teacher to formalize my skills more. This post has no intention to promote myself and is an offering to beginning mediators that would like to work with a beginning instructor for free.
Each class has a theme geared towards beginners that include an introduction to mindfulness meditation, anchoring attention through concentration, mindfulness of emotions, and mindfulnessin everday life. The class will be structured with a brief talk, direct practice with instructions, and question and answer periods. Feel free to come and see one or all of the classes offered. Sign up or ask questions through commenting here, or messaging me and I'll send more details.
submitted by Brodini_6363 to Meditation [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 Vegetable-Royal8766 [PC] [2020-2022] a game about a soldier/mercenary

Hello, after searching in my history, in my memory, with chatgpt and the instant gaming catalog, I am turning to you because I can't find this damn game!!
now the typography requested:
Platform(s): PC
Genre: Tactical military game with view from above in real time (no turn by turn).
Estimated year of release: I did my research on it about a year and a half - 2 years ago, and I think that the game was not released beyond 4-5 years ago.
Graphics/art style: Not a realistic style, but not too cartoonish either, in my memory the artistic direction was close to a foxhole.
Notable characters: Random character but who was military or mercenary.
Notable gameplay mechanics: As I said the view from above like "foxhole", and a "realistic" spatial progression like in games "darkwood" or "police stories" we only see in the direction we are looking, if an enemy is hidden behind a rock or a door you can't see it either even very close, you have to have your vision oriented by the mouse and a clear line of sight, otherwise death is final I believe, and we start the mission again, the choice of equipment is also important.
Other details: The game did not buzz, from memory very few people were interested in it, and I believe that it was paid which is the reason why I did not play it, I do not know if the game is still available or not.
Thank you in advance for those who are interested in this post and make their research more fruitful than mine.
submitted by Vegetable-Royal8766 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:56 Miserable_Newt_4644 Selling renegade raider, og skull trooper, raiders revenge, black knight & more!

Selling renegade raider, og skull trooper, raiders revenge, black knight & more!
No scam, can do this sale in person, I live in Essex, UK. Can very well do this sale online aswell, FA - I don’t have access to the original email but I have access to current email, its email is changeable. it’s been linked to a ps account, but I am pretty sure if you got in contact with epic games and said you don’t have access to the ps account they’d be happy to relink it to a new ps account if you play on PlayStation. I have no intention of scamming I just want this account gone as I am in need of some money. Message me if you are interested and I can screenshare the locker or what not. Let me know.
submitted by Miserable_Newt_4644 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:56 Rose_Gold_Stay Game Comparable to FFX

Hiyee! I’ve been playing FFX since 2002 and it’s the only game I play other than Animal Crossing. I’m a creature of habit but I’m trying to open up to new things. 😊 Do any of you know any games comparable to FFX? I like that the path is preset and not open world. I like that fighting is turn based so I can strategize without getting pummeled while I think. I LOOOOOOOVE the characters, don’t know if I’ll ever fall for another group the same. 🥹 Anywhoo, looking forward to ideas! TIA!
submitted by Rose_Gold_Stay to finalfantasyx [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:55 Kooky-Pomegranate882 Cut on my cats toe bean?

Cut on my cats toe bean?
Earlier today I accidentally shut my cats paw in my bedroom door because he bolted as I went to shut it. He stumbled a little bit jumping off the bed a few minutes ago I’ve been checking on him, his paw doesn’t feel broken he’s walking around but we noticed a little wetness/cut on his toe bean. What should I use to clean it and does he need his paw bandaged? His vet isn’t open today because it’s Sunday. I tried to get a pic but he doesn’t want his paw touched.
submitted by Kooky-Pomegranate882 to catcare [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:55 AymanEssaouira I just wanted to share these beasts; and happy with any feed back

I just wanted to share these beasts; and happy with any feed back
These are some drawings of fictional animals that I drew in the last few days/weeks, and I have nothing to really do with them but share. I am not really an active artist, I just draw things randomly when I feel like it. Also, these drawings are kind of low effort, as they take around 15min or a bit more, but it isn't like I draw better anyway ¯_(ツ)_/¯. But still open to any remarks on how it could look better (I know it needs better shading and more colour, but any tips are welcome nonetheless).
Also, just like a game of sort; choose one or more of these creatures and give it a lore / emotional story / scientific description.
submitted by AymanEssaouira to learnart [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:55 CozPlaya Visiting Italy (from US) and flying an under 250g drone requirements...

I have a Mini Pro 4 and wanted to take some drone footage for personal use while on vacation. I'm not planning to fly in/over any major cities or landmarks but rather in beautiful, more remote places like Sardinia and the Tuscany countryside.
After reading through various online guides, articles, and the EASA website, I'm trying to confirm I've covered all my bases as some of the info can be a bit confusing.
Is any of the above info inaccurate/incomplete or anything else I'm missing?
submitted by CozPlaya to dji [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:55 ENHYPENmodteam EN-vision April & May 2024

Hi Engenes~
EN-vision - our monthly recap thread - is making a return with a double feature for April & May!
April and May were packed with releases and content, to highlight some of the most important ones:


‘Memorabilia’ Enhypen’s first special Album for their webtoon Dark Moon released on May 13 with physical copies and 4 new songs, inlcuding the title track Fatal Trouble. See the album details and discussion thread. You can find all the teasers, promo material and performances in the release megathread.
Jay released a collab single with legendary J-Rock band Glay: ‘whodunit’ – Jay participated in writing the lyrics in English and Japanese, check out the MV featuring Jay here.


It has been announced pretty early that Enhypen will be having a comeback on July 12th and it was spoiled on en-o’clock that it will be their second full album after Dimension:Dilemma in 2021!
Enhypen announced Fate Plus in Jakarta, Indonesia with 2 shows!
A Documentary following Enhypen on tour including the POV of a group of Engenes producing content for them is in the works by Hello Sunshine.


Enhypen wrapped up their US encore tour with 5 shows in 5 cities including one at Tacoma Dome close to Jay’s hometown which was a special event! They also had a special Galaxy fan event in a smaller venue in Dallas to close of the US leg. You can find tour related shorts here including short covers by the members!
Ni-ki was selected as Studio Choom’s Artist of the month - he is the first artist after 2.5 years for the return of 'Artist of the Month' for May, check out his performance!
On the variety show Ssulply Heeseung and Jay sang new covers!
Heeseung’s second song cover: this is what falling in love feels like (OG: JVKE) has been release with a lot of Heeseung’s input including the selection of instruments and props+set.
Enhypen performed a special stage for Fatal Trouble on M Countdown, you can find all the related content on the Memorabilia megathread.

Guestings and Interviews

Heeseung and Jay guested on Ssulply – did interviews with highschool students, shared old stories and sang covers.
Jungwon, Heeseung and Sunoo guested on Seri’s restaurant (unfortunately no official upload or subtitle available) and on Jaefriends.

CF, Magazine and Events

DICON Enhypen magazine ‘tw(EN-)ty years old has been released with 7 member and 3 unit versions
Jake & Sunghoon for W Korea with Tiffany
Jungwon & Ni-ki for L’Officiel Singapore with Bulgari
Sunghoon has been selected as the new model for cosmetics brand Hince with special collab events for Korea and Japan.
While in Seattle for the US tour Jay, Heeseung and Ni-ki threw the first pitch at the Mariner’s game! Mariners posted a lot of content with the guys but this special edit for Jay is a must watch!
The members have released new promotional content with DrJart+, Bench, Peach John, and attended brand events for Lancome, Tiffany and Tamburins in different units!

Youtube (Highlights)

En-o’clock is ongoing with some great episodes:
· Throwback Variety eps 88-90
· Roller skating on ep 91
· Golden dragon suitcase game being James Bonds on a cruise shipf or ep 92-93
· A fun game-house afternoon in ep 94
· Healing trip similar to So so fun and Enhypen&Hi from ep 95 – still ongoing for part 4
We got 2 unit vlogs: Heeseung, Jay, Jake & Sunoo went Glamping and Jungwon, Sunghoon and Ni-ki picked Strawberries and had a barbecue.
2 Tour vlogs from their time in the US has been posted: Part 1 & Part 2.
The members' personal en-notes during the tour have also been released, as well as behind the scenes videos from the tour, various shoots, events and performances.


Dark Moon: Children of Vamfield is ongoing, with 12 chapters out as of May 31st. You can find the related posts with episode recaps here.
The Webnovel Dark Moon: Blood of Vargr has also been released on Naver with all 14 chapters simultaniously (only in korean currently).

Other SNS

Browse through Enhypen’s most recent socmed posts on Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter and Weverse. See what the members were up to on Weverse live recently here%22&restrict_sr=1&t=month). (Note: links will take you to the list of posts in order from the current date, not specific months!)


We held a Birthday event for Jay, you can check our final best of list here.
This recap is more of a highlights list and doesn’t contain everything Enhypen did and shared these months. Feel free to leave your memorable events and content from these months in the comments!
We hope this will help you keep updated with Enhypen!
submitted by ENHYPENmodteam to enhypen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:54 karer3is The Merger

The day started ordinarily. Dave needed the CRM report in his inbox “yesterday”. Carol from HR was once again preparing her Powerpoint while she fruitlessly struggled to find enough bodies for her “Workplace Culture and You” class that she gave every time there was a day that ended in “Y”. Just a little before lunch, that changed.
Some babyfaced intern ran into our boss’s office and slammed the door behind him. Everyone knew those kids couldn’t find their way out of a barn, so nobody noticed. As the clocked ticked closer and closer to 12, something started working its way through the grapevine. It started in the kitchen when Linda broke out in tears after looking at her phone. A couple of her coworkers from the other department came to find out what was wrong, but they were too far away to hear. Slowly, but surely, the tension in the air started to grow. Where people would normally be joking and chatting about where they were going to eat, there was nothing but uneasy silence. Then, at 11:59, our boss’s door slowly opened.
In an unusually professional tone, he said, “Everyone come here. There’s something you guys need to hear.”
Almost like we had rehearsed this, we all stood up and slowly trudged toward his office at once as if moving slower would somehow make the bad news go away.
Our boss took a quick look to see if anyone missing, then cleared his throat.
He paused to wipe the profuse amount of sweat that had collected on his forehead and started hesitantly.
“I just received word from corporate. I’ve- We’ve… been bought out and we’ll be undergoing a merger. As part of that merger, we’ll be reducing the staffing of this office by 50%, effective immediately.”
Some gasped, some cried, and many just stood there in silence.
“This is just a part of business. Please don’t try to run or otherwise make this any harder than it needs to be.”
As if on cue, a line of of Asclepius, Inc.’s Merger FacilitatorsTM rolled in silently. The last one extended a tiny arm to close and lock the door. Without a word, they sprang to life and got to work.
The previously- quiet office erupted into screams as the “Facilitators” began to efficiently saw, drill, bisect, dissect, and stitch people together. Arms flew one way, legs another, and organs of all sorts were tossed to the side, deemed unnecessary for their former owners.
Just 20 minutes later, it was over. Some lay on the ground twitching, others sobbing silently, and a few deliriously pointing and laughing at their new “half.”
As he rose unsteadily to his feet, our boss- now “merged” with the intern who apparently delivered the bad news- spoke up again. “Thank you for your participation. Please return to your desks and continue working. The office will be adapted accordingly tomorrow and any questions you have regarding insurance or pay should be directed to Carollinda.”
submitted by karer3is to shortscarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:54 Utterparrot7432 I had a REALLY scary dream about Danny last night

I had a REALLY scary dream about Danny last night
Alright so before I begin, I haven't watched Danny Gonzalez in a few weeks, nor was he on my mind while falling asleep, so this was totally random.
Alright, on with the dream. So, me and my friends were driving around some random road on a like the side of a cliff. We were looking for a place to watch the sunset, sense it was really pretty that night. We keep looking off to the side, but trees were blocking our vision. Then, we saw a clearing where there was a house. For some reason, we climbed on the roof to watch the sunset, and that's when I saw Danny in the window. I guess he saw me too, which scared me, but he had a big smile on his face and told us to come in. I was really excited cause I'm a big fan, so me and my friends went right in. We sat down and talked for a bit with Danny and his wife, and then went upsairs to play some video games. I was having so much fun until my friends started getting up and going downstairs. (Not like one at a time, but like one would leave every 10 minutes.) I was kinda confused but still was playing video games, Danny and his wife started to leave too, but I stayed there. I waited for a few minutes for them to come back, but they didn't, so I went downstairs. I couldn't find anyone until I started hearing voices from a previously closed door. I thought maybe they were doing something else without me, and I wanted to join. I walked downstairs confused, but I soon saw what was going on. I was HORRIFIED, because Danny was COOKING MY FRIENDS IN A BIG WITCH CAULDRON. Danny and Laura were wearing witch hats and were cackling. I was so scared I woke up. I'm typing this just when I woke up, and I'm still recovering.
This was what I saw down there:
submitted by Utterparrot7432 to DannyGonzalez [link] [comments]
