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2017.02.18 22:12 ConfusingDalek Nature Is Fucking Cute.

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2024.06.02 17:20 Design_Livid Story Long Told

I’m sure you’ve read this story a thousand times, I’ll have a tdrl at the bottom for those who don’t want to.
Me and my wife have been together for 8 years, married for 6 with a 4 year old daughter. We met when I was in the military. Everything was great, we did an 8000 mile road trip about 6 months into our relationship and didn’t argue once, and lived together right after, and have been together since. We get married, know we’re going to want a bigger family and move into a bigger home. All the while she worked in finance and I continued in the military. My wife didn’t expect to get pregnant quite so quickly, but she did and everything moved forward.
Her pregnancy was mildly complicated. Medical issues, constant vomiting and just all around wasn’t great… nothing horrible or dangerous. Right after we had our daughter I was medically retired from the military. We knew it was coming… it was just a waiting game. The plan was for me to be a stay at home dad and her to return to work and continue being a professional because she hated being at home.
She went back for three days and quit. So for the last four years she has been a SAHM. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of positives of it and I love that my daughter gets to spent quality time with her, but there’s a bit of an issue.
My wife complains about money. I make low six figures, but she wants everything. Eating out every day, vacations, flights back to the other coast to visit multiple times a year, and refuses to get a job… or even look. Even to get a remote job. She doesnt cook. She doesn’t clean. She doesn’t do laundry. She doesn’t do dishes. She doesn’t shop for groceries. She doesn’t know how a vacuum works… she has literally said “Me and the kid can just go to a hotel for a day or two so you can just clean and we can be out of the way”. I mean shit on a day off of mine I clocked how long she was on the couch watching tv or on her phone and of the 14 hours she was up she was on the couch for 11 of them.
I work full time, plus overtime most weeks. I do all of the housework, cooking, and I am also working on my masters degree at an Ivy League school. Am I crazy in thinking that somehow this is a bit fucked?
TDRL; Wife and I planned for me to be SAHD, wife quit job after 3 days has been SAHM for 4 years. I work +ot, do all housework chores, working on masters, and she complains about money and refuses to work. Am I in the wrong to be pissed?
submitted by Design_Livid to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:20 KnifeKnut Concrete Splash Blocks for Downspouts Locally?

Are Concrete Splash Blocks (the things that go below your roof gutter downspouts to prevent problems) available locally anywhere? Looking around online at the hardware store chains I find they only carry plastic, aluminum, or a few rubber ones.
Plastic is stupid; nondurable in sunlight, ugly, and gets moved by accident too easily, not to mention the microplastics issue. Rubber has most of the same problems, and aluminum is ugly and/or expensive.
Surely some company around here sells them!
submitted by KnifeKnut to Charleston [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:20 eric117007 25M - Looking for a best friend!

As the title suggests, I would love to meet my new best friend! I am 25, I am from the United States!
About me - I am a huge gamer, I love video games! I play on PC mostly. I'm a huge metal head! I play guitar, I sometimes make music. I have so many bands I love so I couldn't just tell you one of them! I would have to share my Spotify playlist with you. I have a kitty, her name is Sassy. She's my baby girl! She is super cute!
I am engaged so I'm looking for strictly platonic friendships! I'm just looking for someone who has the same interests as me! I am super easy to talk too! I love getting to know new people! I would most likely send you memes and TikTok's. It's a form of love language for me!
I am in school right now getting my degree in 'Information Technology'. I'm a huge nerd to be honest. I could talk for hours about computers and video games. I'm also a huge Marvel geek. Spider-Man is my favorite superhero, always will be. Since I was little that's who I loved the most (Yes, I've seen every single movie about 35352349 times, I don't care).
Anyway, if you think we will get along, please feel free to shoot me a message! <3 I would love to hear from you!
submitted by eric117007 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:20 ruhweese I hate being me. I just want to isolate. My day feels ruined already. I just want to be normal

I just had a breakdown this morning privately in the shower and then my room after eating breakfast...
I feel so alone and worthless right now, I feel stupid for feeling like this when theres starving kids around the world. And i'm stressed about EATING TOO MUCH?!
Im supposed to have a great day, I am going to a dance class and I'm really excited for it, also
I'm going to fill out a job application and theres a good chance i'll get it because I know somebody that works there through my dad's friend. So why am I so upset when today is going to be a big great day?! FOOD and MYSELF.
Forgive my grammar and my sentence structuring I woke up almost 2hrs ago but my brain takes forever to get up for the day. Im editing the post slightly because some stuff just sounds weird. Im reposting this vent from the bulimic subreddit because for some reason my post isnt going through on there.
I am a short woman. My TDEE is a low number. I have to always be aware of it even if I wasnt thinking about calories.
I exceeded that TDEE by hundreds at breakfast, it was fried potatoes with cheese... AT BREAKFAST. It was a normal looking portion but he used alot of oil and I put alot of cheese on it. It looks like a normal amount but its not a normal amount. God i'm a privelleged asshole.
I tried to throw up in the shower but nothing came up and it made me feel so soul crushed. I am sobbing and sobbing and the original outfit I was going to wear to the dance class is GONE. I am now wearing something different so I dont look short and stocky and disgusting...
I feel so vulnerable and im in fight or flight. I just want to take a bunch of benadryl or melatonin, hide and go to sleep and call it a day and tell everyone to eff off and leave me alone but I know that is VERY counter productive. I need to feel like myelf again and do good things for myself.
And I have to keep it together because were about to leave in thirty minutes and I dont want to burdon my busy family with my bullcrap. Also I dont want to be micromanaged... Im already at my last straw I just want to get a job so I dont have all this free time to be so stresed.
Deleting this vent later im so embarassed this is embarassing. I just know some of you may relate.
submitted by ruhweese to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:20 ProfessionalError564 My bf is still friends with his fwb while we are dating

My boyfriend (M28) and I (M27) have been dating for 4 months now. I recognize this is still early and new. Love is there and feelings are deep.
My bf is still friends with a guy he used to hookup with. I don't know the full extent of their relationship but i know they have had sex multiple times, have slept over at each others places, have hung out regularly.
After i asked to be exclusive he took a few days but he came back and said he wanted to be exclusive too. He told me about the FWB guy and that he told fwb that they can no longer hookup because he is with me now.
The fwb initial response was ok i dont want to be around me for a while if i were to be brought to group events. This made me anxious bc that sounds like something someone with feelings would say.
To be clear, i also had a fwb around the same time period. We never had penetrative sex and only hooked up twice, once drunk and once for fun. I was the first one to tell my two i only want to be friends and i like my now bf and i hope thats ok. He completely agreed and glad we could stay friends. It was easy.
Moving on i told my bf that i wanted exclusivity and about my fwb. I asked if it was fine with him my former fwb and i were still friends and he didnt seem to care. I have not seen my fwb since i asked to be exclusive since i wanted my bf to meet him first. However, My bf has routinely seen his now former fwb multiple times since we have been exclusive. They have not done anything but it makes me so uncomfortable. Former fwb said he is fine now to see me and is comfortable. We have yet to meet.
I brought it up it makes me uncomfortable and he didnt seem to understand. His stance is that he should be trusted in his word and by his actions. Assured me he has never cheated and that he never liked the fwb like that and that they were friends and thats all they are now. I am torn because i should trust him like he says but i also dont feel like a priority with my feelings. I get anxious every time they text. I dont know what the correct action or valid feeling is.
**TL;DR;: my bf is still friends with his fwb while we are dating and it makes me uncomfortable. What is an appropriate response from me? Am I overthinking it?
submitted by ProfessionalError564 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:20 14hundo44 Need help finding my best path

Hello, I’m 17 (nearly 18) and my dream has always been to become a commercial pilot of some sort. (I’ve finished high school)
I live in Jersey (near NYC) and am not considering college. I want to get straight into it. I’m dedicated and don’t have anything else going on in life so I want to spend as much time possible getting all my licenses and certificates.
My question is if I should look into flight schools like ATP in my area or find a personal instructor that I would do 1-on-1 sessions with everyday? And if I were to decide to opt into a private instructor, how could I possibly find one in my area with ease?
Also moving to San Antonio, Texas would also be an option for me since I have family there that would take me in, if that would help me in anyway. Since I heard it might be cheapeeasier to get my certificates down there. Although I’m not sure if this is true.
Thanks in advance
submitted by 14hundo44 to flying [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:20 ALDO113A Beyond the Spider-Verse introductions, thematic wrap-ups, and foreshadowing - an ATSV anniversary theory

Beyond the Spider-Verse introductions, thematic wrap-ups, and foreshadowing - an ATSV anniversary theory


  • Massive exploration of the Society beyond the big names we've spent time with in Across
  • Villains forsaking their rivalries for survival and universes paving their own roads
  • Gwen temporarily eating it but coming back, then leaning on her comic self (A variant)'s new Ghost-Spider ident to mark her defying fate's scythe


Here is the textual taxonomy of trilogys as I've heard in (obscure, hard-to-find) writing structure lessons
  • Installment 1: Exposit - What is the subject
  • Installment 2: Analyze - What is the subject's meaning
  • Installment 3: Perspectivize - What is the subject's value and suasoria
Across may not have been a conclusive Act 2, but it is definitely a valid standalone one
  • Expanded the 'verse and the major cast by throwing a curve into their relationships and own philosophies
  • Delved deeper into what makes a Spider-Man by presenting a free will vs. determinism arc a la Civil War that also happens to have metacommentary
"I'ma do my own thing."
"We're supposed to be the good guys."
Miles summarized his new path throughout the movie, then Gwen called out the Society for their enabling of so much death and suffering to serve a misguided dogma.
There's almost certainly gonna an all-out ideological civil war (fists or not, composite of MCU and comics, but Spiders-only) like that split poster teased.
Gonna be grimly hilarious seeing Spinneret/Spiderling fight Peter B. and Mayday (the former are on Miguel's side to the left, along with Insomniac Spidey)
Yes, I believe there will be a few more new support characters in Beyond - there's a reason certain folks were at the front, and it's just really curious and a wasted opportunity that this Spider-MJ didn't interact at all with this active version of her other (stillborn) daughter or her (Mayday-616B) dad.
I very much appreciate the lifting of other Spidey variants to the zeitgeist fold - Noir, Ham, Gwendy-65, the UK/Punk and Indian ones, the weirdos like Parkedcar from Not! Pixar's Cars, a damn popsicle possibly (lol), a plushie, etc. - but they

Events and Themes

1. Universes

Serving the Installment 3 role, Beyond will probably tie up loose ends and make the above themes reverberate across universes. Like, for 42:
  • Miles Prowler can prove that the world doesn't always need Spider-Heroes to save itself, only the spirit of the concept - Spider-Man isn't the center of the multiverse, and given the last movie's title, it will navigate its own fate independent of any Spider at all - let the world do its own thing
Beyond the 'verse of men of spiders, Reality-42 rises up against villainy.
  • Maybe Kingpin and Dr. Octopus return someway, then emulate their TAS 1994 counterparts in allying with the Spiders out of existential pragmatics

2. Characters and Developments

By "reverberate," the Spider-Hero question is going to strike real nerves that change the Society and the world, making them examine the morality of the war they fight against anomalies like Spot; survival at all means and costs vs. idealistic stand against fate. And for certain Spiders, we could get more screentime with certain Society members and ex-members - preferably Spinneret and Spiderling, the Insomniac Spideys, and Scarlet Spider - and Endgame-ify Beyond's length.
  • The RYV (Reality-18119, Renew Your Vows) Parkers confide with the others including Peter B. on family and how do they keep it together in light of their role as preserving fate and existence itself
  • PS4/5 bros relate their experiences of loss and keeping going, especially to 1610B Miles. A great way of giving a layman on the games' plots while relaying their themes to the wider non-gamer audience
  • Ben Reilly (Scarlet bro), being a Pete clone and a technical predecessor to Miles, will have his status put to address. His struggles with his inheritance and identity - bearing the names of Peter's parental figures - will probably mirror Ultimate Spider-Woman, and hopefully, he's a major outcrier against Miguel's misguided cause
  • Jess-332's and Peter B's babies will interact, leading to the former's moral realization due to Peter B's time with Miles being the reason for his family's reconstruction - influenced solely by extrauniversal (of course anomalous) factors. Throw that Madame Web Spidey (Julia Carpenter) into the fray somehow?
  • Interuniversal linkage like in the comics (616/928 and 65/8) can be explored to further the fate-changing theme; whether 928B the bad future of 616B is an inevitability - we haven't really explored 928B - and whether 42 is 1610B's worst possible self and how it can change. The Miles/Gwen dynamic could play here too, 65B and 1610B and the references to the number 8 (which happens to resemble the infinity sign - "infinite Spider possibilities") in Across. Not suggesting that Comics Earth 8's characters play any role, tho, 'cuz per the themes, the duo should connect on their terms
  • Variant Miguels when, Sony - like the variant MJs, Harrys, Normans, Flashes, and Gwens, etc. Get freaking Edge of Time, not just Ultimate and 1994, in it
  • The locked-up anomalous villains perhaps even helping stop Spot - like Kingpin and Ock above. Basically No Way Home's scenario but tweaked a bit and writ large; let them decide whether to have a new lease of life or to keep their exploits going - their outcomes, their terms as usual. I wonder how would Atari Osborn fare, though, XD
Feel free to add more :) Not quite a Marvel binger yet, XD

3. Fates

Another element to be addressed is the room elephant of canon events. Their loopholes, their flexibility have to be expanded upon: They are fluid like time's arrows and oceans. For one:
  • George lives? Sorry, but Gwen's relationship with him remains strained, on top of her guilt from treachery and deception. Also, the canon event ain't really death, but the Captain losing their job
Maybe we even trade one event for another, as in a major death of sorts. In my opinion:
  • Not Peter B., because he's a living meta rebuttal to people holding off (at the very least) on an aged-up/married/parent Peter, the 616 editorial included. Him dying, let alone Mayday (toddler, so definite write-off), would undermine this subtext
  • Not Jess, 'cuz she's a mother and despite her jerkish mentor habits seems willing to look the other way for turncoats like Margo/Byte
  • Not Jeff, 'cuz that would just prove Miggy's point in light of George being living proof, as well as utterly render worthless all the effort thrown into saving him
  • Not Miguel (yes, how dare I), 'cuz for all his pain-motivated harshness, he deserves better than the cliche'd fatal redemption trope of villains, of which he technically ain't one (and don't "Thanos" this as unlike Migs, he knew of better options but foregone it)
Here's a unique twist: The mastermind behind this Spider- conspiracy grows a conscience after all the breaking lectures against his warped view of canon events, then resolves to save as many lives as possible, dropping all pretenses of controlling the Spider-War
At risk to himself, he'll unhesitatingly save lives while one/some of those who blindly followed him give theirs. As shitty as his Society's turned out to be, they still have their main directive of fixing multiversal incursions, and someone has to keep giving the orders, someone with the most drive and commitment (especially for atonement)
Why on Miguel? Matured thinking aside, it evokes how science and philosophy works; cognitive science has this cliché of at least two sides theorizing extremes that are contrary to one another, and as time passes with discovery, the proof points to both sides having a point and deciding on a compromise; this of course goes beyond simple personal disagreement
So who'll it be?
Spider-gents and ladies, none other than Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy of Earth-65B
In the vein of MCU Aunt May being her Pete's Uncle Ben delivering that responsibility quote, and through it occurs the Spider-Verse's true Ultimate Fallout/Death of a Spider event this way
Gwen being slain and (certainly) coming back would be a wakeup call to both her world and the Society, as well as the latter group's morality in their internal strife and conflict against Spot. Redeem her image to everybody, Miles included, while allowing them to get together on solitary terms
That way:
  • Miguel's right that being a Spider is a sacrifice, it's just their assigned canon events ain't 1:1 across every universe
  • Miles' right that you can have and eat two cakes - meaning canon events can be alleviated (such as debris falling on Singh without killing him) - it's just that there's a cost
It'd also be a roundabout redemption for blindly following the Society's beliefs and causing unnecessary pain to Miles, deeper than "My well-meaning side right, your well-meaning side wrong" - no, both sides can have their two cakes; say, the rest save Jeff, Gwen herself - the motherless one - saves Rio, let 1610B not be 1610A in this particular way
I'ma spitball here, but it's kinda like Nolanverse (TDKR) Batman, come to think of it. Maybe George is informed of and reveals his daughter's "demise" and publicizes her ident? The latter I admit is questionable
Maybe Gwen goes to 1610B and RVs with Miles to Florence - there's this café on the banks of the Arno - for a fine evening sitting there and ordering a Fernet Branca

(Potential) Foreshadowing

  • Proof for the 42 antiheroes' case:
... "We wanted to craft this moment where Miles encounters this powerful figure in his life that he loved so much and he lost," says director Justin K. Thompson. "That's when he realizes that he is not really in his own dimension, as well as the gravity of what he has lost. In this reality, Aaron had to shake off his life of crime and became a surrogate father figure to Miles."
... In this alternate reality, the Sinister Six have been able to flourish and take over the world. "Criminality runs rampant," says Thompson. "We wanted to create a world where it felt like Aaron and Miles G. Morales of Earth-42 [this reality's counterpart to Miles Morales] are the only heroes.
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Earth-42, p.190
... This version of the character was never bitten by a radioactive spider and doesn't have any superpowers, but he has fallen into the role of becoming the vigilante the Prowler, under the tutelage of his uncle Aaron. ...
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Miles G. Morales: The Prowler, p.200
  • Here's a pattern: We meet multiple Spidey-Peters and our intro hero is, well, RIPeter, then some podcast revealed we'd be meeting multiple Gwens in Beyond; timestamp 17:51-18:45
Interviewer: Will we see other multiversal variants of Gwen Stacy in the future even if they don't have spider powers, like you do with MJ, Uncle Aaron, and Miles?
Lord: Currently yes. ... But there’s one I’m very excited about.
Miller: Yes, yeah, I know exactly the one you’re talking about.
Lord: You know the one I’m thinking of, which is based on... I’m not gonna say anything, I’m not gonna say anything.
Miller: But it is sort of plot-integral, I would say.
Interviewer: If there are other multiversal variants of Gwen in Beyond the Spider-Verse, will they impact her arc, her relationship with Miles?
Lord: I would say yes.
The Pete variants showed up after Blondie's demise, so they might reverse the sequence here - as I said, a bookend.
Yea, all these signs totally bode well for the other blonde Spidey here
  • Friendly reminder they referenced fuckin' Ultimate Fallout of all storylines in Gwen's room, under which she mostly lingers while speaking with her dad. Are you telling me that scene just happened to be shot like that? No, they orchestrated it! L&M! The story that deals with Miles' overall debut and the (of course, cue pathos) fallout of 1610A Spidey's demise! Been struggling to find and spot it honestly, damn lighting and coloring
  • Guess what's 1610A Pete (the original Ultimate comics version, not blond RIPeter)'s death age? 16, exactly 65B Gwen's present age. MCU Pete's too when he was snapped
  • Notice the last part of the Canon Event exposition scene; Hobie's got the Spider-Man No More comic panel, Jess-332 the If This Be My Destiny one, Peter B. the wedding, and Gwen? Spidey rising from the grave in Kraven's Last Hunt, modified with herself doing the feat. The kicker here: Neither Hobie nor Gwen's displayed events have official releases yet, although Hobie did say he opted out of chasing Miles - which is to say she's next and last, as well as #4 (so deathly the connotations) on the shown list

In Defense

Now calm down before you web pitchforks on me
  • People keep saying there has to be a much more nuanced wrap-up - an idea with traction around these subs in a good way; to this day, people argue whether that Mumbattan hole was Spot BS or a canon event's unraveling. Mine has that nuance IMO
  • Migs up and stated Mumbattan wasn't their first canon event ruptures rodeo and they couldn't save some 'verses from them, why would he be bullshitting or even fully wrong on CEs if he had that Spider team with specialized equipment for canon event containment? They were conveniently there right as that hole formed, and hell, they could reconcile that hole with the Dead Migs dimension where everything digitally evaporates as the latter being the end result
  • He put on his shitlist Spider-Holland (maybe along with Maguire, Garfield (the light one)) for a reason - not hesitating to save MCU MJ (Michelle Jones-Watson) rather than let her be Spider-Tom's ASM-121 moment - although one can argue the memory wipe counts as first love loss, along with his Iron Man being his police captain canon event - and Raimi-verse Gwen is very much (per that meme) hot, single, and alive. Observing Sinister, Supreme, and 838/Illuminati-Strange's destroyed realities made him a rage button for 2099
  • Showing the other 'verses like the comic-based What Ifs and that Armored Spider-Man one from the 1994 cartoon? It's kind of like a cheat out of the dilemma, and I'm not sure the other viewers would agree. Miguel also knows of Dr. Strange and possibly his What If? versions
    • Before someone "Absolute Points solve themselves, Society's unneeded" me, we know too the APs are a nascent concept and Miguel probably thought no two universes will always solve themselves and CEs are probably spontaneous - maybe a day, a week, or even a year plus, they will happen, scapegoat or not
    • To the people who say Migs was mistaken in how he destroyed that reality and that it was an Incursion: IT WASN'T ONE, because it would have caused a collision course between that 'verse and 928B, which I don't think they have any means to stop - only someone like Strange. Aside from the trolley sacrifice of one Earth, we're not privy to what are the other seven ways to averting Incursions. Guess what, Gabri's reality went poof on its apparent own while 928B stayed very much alive. Didn't even look like 928B was approaching from the skies at the time either
    • Returning to Miles' side, I also hear of the fixed time points comparison from Dr. Who; I'd like to point out the Doctor was able to fake his death by hiding inside a, uh, humanoid ship at Lake Silencio, so I've read, despite records saying so
  • They keep insisting "First time for everything," right, plus the cake stuff? Why not a Venom Blast resuscitation somehow on the brink of death, then being comatose or some other critical injury so the "lost Lenore" event doesn't stick? Or! In the style of BvS Dawn of Justice and What if? Spider-Man The Other (plus Ultimate Gwen ofc)...symbiotic resurrection (possibly even transporting that one symbiote drop in that bar in the MCU), and cue Gwenom arc in some spinoff like Spider-Women
  • Alternatively, to avoid the fridged LI trope absolutely, Rio gets the Ultimate comics treatment of death somehow - but as said repeatedly, doing one's own thing, and I think this Spider-War's seen enough dead Moraleses. Miles has already grown and seen enough from the other Spiders' losses and his own. Honestly, people need to hear comic quotes often, take Mark Waid's Daredevil run:
Rachel Cole: You know what gives me the strength? My loss. We're alike that way, I imagine. Admit it, nobody who's a stranger to that particular pain could ever be as driven as us.
Daredevil: Never... Don't you ever say that to me ever again, that is a repellent statement, it's a vomituous insult to every cop, every fireman, every soldier alive who steps up to fight for those who can't! I am sorry for your loss, but if you genuinely believe that only the death of a loved one can motivate a human being to take up a cause...then get your pathetic cynical ass out of my way so I can do my job!
It's relevant because Rachel's stance here was that people like them who fight for causes are solely inspired by loss, only for Matt to verbally skewer her. The subtext here, synthesizing it with the Spidey mythos is that it's misguided to think that losing forever more loved ones is the only way to make a true Spider-Hero.
Flip the narrative and say "Villainy only happens if they're abused/poorly raised, alas, poor villain;" one is warranted to call it a vomitous insult to every abuse victim/improperly raised junior out there who became better than their elders/superiors - i.e. not go evil.
Either way, the greater gist of this is losing a close one for good isn't the way, emphasis on "for good"

Future Implications

Wrapping everything up like above (I mean the objectives), one way or another (not necessarily mine), would show full commitment to the theme of forging one's own destiny right down to the metatextual. The Spidersoc let confirmation bias blind themselves to possibilities and seemingly have yet to expose themselves to the preestablished branch realities where, say, Spider-People lose nobody or a Gwen Stacy ties neatly her romance quest with a Spidey. The themes of doing your own thing openly and honestly and in safety - rather than requesting permission from broken systems - resonate much with an Excel list: People who are queeof colowomen/disabled
Beyond that obviousness, we have disabled Spideys, Muslim Spideys (that female UK one), Blob-fat Spideys - even PLUSHIE Spideys, just to name a few, all to show the movie being the most diverse and inclusive Spidey work to date. These themes are so incredibly applicable to the lives of atypical people or otherwise people who live under systems that aren't designed for them to succeed. IE: POC, women, queer people, people with disabilities, etc. One can argue "doing your own thing" was what made ItSV such a breakthrough success and a decade phenomenon: Everything about the animation
I get that a teen girl dying, even temporarily - especially one who resonates much with LGBT (transgwender specifically) themes - is real bad optics, but we went through this before with Luz Noceda (bi rep exactly) from The Owl House, and things landed on their feet :)
If/When she comes back to crimefighting, this would be the moment she goes by Ghost Spider like her A self - a Gwen who fought fate and died for it, but another Spider loved her so much, he raised her from death to life in Ultimate defiance (getting flowery prose here) that prevails
submitted by ALDO113A to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 ALDO113A [Spider-Man] [Marvel] Beyond the Spider-Verse introductions, thematic wrap-ups, and foreshadowing - an ATSV anniversary theory

[Spider-Man] [Marvel] Beyond the Spider-Verse introductions, thematic wrap-ups, and foreshadowing - an ATSV anniversary theory


  • Massive exploration of the Society beyond the big names we've spent time with in Across
  • Villains forsaking their rivalries for survival and universes paving their own roads
  • Gwen temporarily eating it but coming back, then leaning on her comic self (A variant)'s new Ghost-Spider ident to mark her defying fate's scythe


Here is the textual taxonomy of trilogys as I've heard in (obscure, hard-to-find) writing structure lessons
  • Installment 1: Exposit - What is the subject
  • Installment 2: Analyze - What is the subject's meaning
  • Installment 3: Perspectivize - What is the subject's value and suasoria
Across may not have been a conclusive Act 2, but it is definitely a valid standalone one
  • Expanded the 'verse and the major cast by throwing a curve into their relationships and own philosophies
  • Delved deeper into what makes a Spider-Man by presenting a free will vs. determinism arc a la Civil War that also happens to have metacommentary
"I'ma do my own thing."
"We're supposed to be the good guys."
Miles summarized his new path throughout the movie, then Gwen called out the Society for their enabling of so much death and suffering to serve a misguided dogma.
There's almost certainly gonna an all-out ideological civil war (fists or not, composite of MCU and comics, but Spiders-only) like that split poster teased.
Gonna be grimly hilarious seeing Spinneret/Spiderling fight Peter B. and Mayday (the former are on Miguel's side to the left, along with Insomniac Spidey)
Yes, I believe there will be a few more new support characters in Beyond - there's a reason certain folks were at the front, and it's just really curious and a wasted opportunity that this Spider-MJ didn't interact at all with this active version of her other (stillborn) daughter or her (Mayday-616B) dad.
I very much appreciate the lifting of other Spidey variants to the zeitgeist fold - Noir, Ham, Gwendy-65, the UK/Punk and Indian ones, the weirdos like Parkedcar from Not! Pixar's Cars, a damn popsicle possibly (lol), a plushie, etc. - but they

Events and Themes

1. Universes

Serving the Installment 3 role, Beyond will probably tie up loose ends and make the above themes reverberate across universes. Like, for 42:
  • Miles Prowler can prove that the world doesn't always need Spider-Heroes to save itself, only the spirit of the concept - Spider-Man isn't the center of the multiverse, and given the last movie's title, it will navigate its own fate independent of any Spider at all - let the world do its own thing
Beyond the 'verse of men of spiders, Reality-42 rises up against villainy.
  • Maybe Kingpin and Dr. Octopus return someway, then emulate their TAS 1994 counterparts in allying with the Spiders out of existential pragmatics

2. Characters and Developments

By "reverberate," the Spider-Hero question is going to strike real nerves that change the Society and the world, making them examine the morality of the war they fight against anomalies like Spot; survival at all means and costs vs. idealistic stand against fate. And for certain Spiders, we could get more screentime with certain Society members and ex-members - preferably Spinneret and Spiderling, the Insomniac Spideys, and Scarlet Spider - and Endgame-ify Beyond's length.
  • The RYV (Reality-18119, Renew Your Vows) Parkers confide with the others including Peter B. on family and how do they keep it together in light of their role as preserving fate and existence itself
  • PS4/5 bros relate their experiences of loss and keeping going, especially to 1610B Miles. A great way of giving a layman on the games' plots while relaying their themes to the wider non-gamer audience
  • Ben Reilly (Scarlet bro), being a Pete clone and a technical predecessor to Miles, will have his status put to address. His struggles with his inheritance and identity - bearing the names of Peter's parental figures - will probably mirror Ultimate Spider-Woman, and hopefully, he's a major outcrier against Miguel's misguided cause
  • Jess-332's and Peter B's babies will interact, leading to the former's moral realization due to Peter B's time with Miles being the reason for his family's reconstruction - influenced solely by extrauniversal (of course anomalous) factors. Throw that Madame Web Spidey (Julia Carpenter) into the fray somehow?
  • Interuniversal linkage like in the comics (616/928 and 65/8) can be explored to further the fate-changing theme; whether 928B the bad future of 616B is an inevitability - we haven't really explored 928B - and whether 42 is 1610B's worst possible self and how it can change. The Miles/Gwen dynamic could play here too, 65B and 1610B and the references to the number 8 (which happens to resemble the infinity sign - "infinite Spider possibilities") in Across. Not suggesting that Comics Earth 8's characters play any role, tho, 'cuz per the themes, the duo should connect on their terms
  • Variant Miguels when, Sony - like the variant MJs, Harrys, Normans, Flashes, and Gwens, etc. Get freaking Edge of Time, not just Ultimate and 1994, in it
  • The locked-up anomalous villains perhaps even helping stop Spot - like Kingpin and Ock above. Basically No Way Home's scenario but tweaked a bit and writ large; let them decide whether to have a new lease of life or to keep their exploits going - their outcomes, their terms as usual. I wonder how would Atari Osborn fare, though, XD
Feel free to add more :) Not quite a Marvel binger yet, XD

3. Fates

Another element to be addressed is the room elephant of canon events. Their loopholes, their flexibility have to be expanded upon: They are fluid like time's arrows and oceans. For one:
  • George lives? Sorry, but Gwen's relationship with him remains strained, on top of her guilt from treachery and deception. Also, the canon event ain't really death, but the Captain losing their job
Maybe we even trade one event for another, as in a major death of sorts. In my opinion:
  • Not Peter B., because he's a living meta rebuttal to people holding off (at the very least) on an aged-up/married/parent Peter, the 616 editorial included. Him dying, let alone Mayday (toddler, so definite write-off), would undermine this subtext
  • Not Jess, 'cuz she's a mother and despite her jerkish mentor habits seems willing to look the other way for turncoats like Margo/Byte
  • Not Jeff, 'cuz that would just prove Miggy's point in light of George being living proof, as well as utterly render worthless all the effort thrown into saving him
  • Not Miguel (yes, how dare I), 'cuz for all his pain-motivated harshness, he deserves better than the cliche'd fatal redemption trope of villains, of which he technically ain't one (and don't "Thanos" this as unlike Migs, he knew of better options but foregone it)
Here's a unique twist: The mastermind behind this Spider- conspiracy grows a conscience after all the breaking lectures against his warped view of canon events, then resolves to save as many lives as possible, dropping all pretenses of controlling the Spider-War
At risk to himself, he'll unhesitatingly save lives while one/some of those who blindly followed him give theirs. As shitty as his Society's turned out to be, they still have their main directive of fixing multiversal incursions, and someone has to keep giving the orders, someone with the most drive and commitment (especially for atonement)
Why on Miguel? Matured thinking aside, it evokes how science and philosophy works; cognitive science has this cliché of at least two sides theorizing extremes that are contrary to one another, and as time passes with discovery, the proof points to both sides having a point and deciding on a compromise; this of course goes beyond simple personal disagreement
So who'll it be?
Spider-gents and ladies, none other than Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy of Earth-65B
In the vein of MCU Aunt May being her Pete's Uncle Ben delivering that responsibility quote, and through it occurs the Spider-Verse's true Ultimate Fallout/Death of a Spider event this way
Gwen being slain and (certainly) coming back would be a wakeup call to both her world and the Society, as well as the latter group's morality in their internal strife and conflict against Spot. Redeem her image to everybody, Miles included, while allowing them to get together on solitary terms
That way:
  • Miguel's right that being a Spider is a sacrifice, it's just their assigned canon events ain't 1:1 across every universe
  • Miles' right that you can have and eat two cakes - meaning canon events can be alleviated (such as debris falling on Singh without killing him) - it's just that there's a cost
It'd also be a roundabout redemption for blindly following the Society's beliefs and causing unnecessary pain to Miles, deeper than "My well-meaning side right, your well-meaning side wrong" - no, both sides can have their two cakes; say, the rest save Jeff, Gwen herself - the motherless one - saves Rio, let 1610B not be 1610A in this particular way
I'ma spitball here, but it's kinda like Nolanverse (TDKR) Batman, come to think of it. Maybe George is informed of and reveals his daughter's "demise" and publicizes her ident? The latter I admit is questionable
Maybe Gwen goes to 1610B and RVs with Miles to Florence - there's this café on the banks of the Arno - for a fine evening sitting there and ordering a Fernet Branca

(Potential) Foreshadowing

  • Proof for the 42 antiheroes' case:
... "We wanted to craft this moment where Miles encounters this powerful figure in his life that he loved so much and he lost," says director Justin K. Thompson. "That's when he realizes that he is not really in his own dimension, as well as the gravity of what he has lost. In this reality, Aaron had to shake off his life of crime and became a surrogate father figure to Miles."
... In this alternate reality, the Sinister Six have been able to flourish and take over the world. "Criminality runs rampant," says Thompson. "We wanted to create a world where it felt like Aaron and Miles G. Morales of Earth-42 [this reality's counterpart to Miles Morales] are the only heroes.
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Earth-42, p.190
... This version of the character was never bitten by a radioactive spider and doesn't have any superpowers, but he has fallen into the role of becoming the vigilante the Prowler, under the tutelage of his uncle Aaron. ...
Zahed, R. (2023). Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Art of the Movie. Abrams Books. THE WORLDS → Miles G. Morales: The Prowler, p.200
  • Here's a pattern: We meet multiple Spidey-Peters and our intro hero is, well, RIPeter, then some podcast revealed we'd be meeting multiple Gwens in Beyond; timestamp 17:51-18:45
Interviewer: Will we see other multiversal variants of Gwen Stacy in the future even if they don't have spider powers, like you do with MJ, Uncle Aaron, and Miles?
Lord: Currently yes. ... But there’s one I’m very excited about.
Miller: Yes, yeah, I know exactly the one you’re talking about.
Lord: You know the one I’m thinking of, which is based on... I’m not gonna say anything, I’m not gonna say anything.
Miller: But it is sort of plot-integral, I would say.
Interviewer: If there are other multiversal variants of Gwen in Beyond the Spider-Verse, will they impact her arc, her relationship with Miles?
Lord: I would say yes.
The Pete variants showed up after Blondie's demise, so they might reverse the sequence here - as I said, a bookend.
Yea, all these signs totally bode well for the other blonde Spidey here
  • Friendly reminder they referenced fuckin' Ultimate Fallout of all storylines in Gwen's room, under which she mostly lingers while speaking with her dad. Are you telling me that scene just happened to be shot like that? No, they orchestrated it! L&M! The story that deals with Miles' overall debut and the (of course, cue pathos) fallout of 1610A Spidey's demise! Been struggling to find and spot it honestly, damn lighting and coloring
  • Guess what's 1610A Pete (the original Ultimate comics version, not blond RIPeter)'s death age? 16, exactly 65B Gwen's present age. MCU Pete's too when he was snapped
  • Notice the last part of the Canon Event exposition scene; Hobie's got the Spider-Man No More comic panel, Jess-332 the If This Be My Destiny one, Peter B. the wedding, and Gwen? Spidey rising from the grave in Kraven's Last Hunt, modified with herself doing the feat. The kicker here: Neither Hobie nor Gwen's displayed events have official releases yet, although Hobie did say he opted out of chasing Miles - which is to say she's next and last, as well as #4 (so deathly the connotations) on the shown list

In Defense

Now calm down before you web pitchforks on me
  • People keep saying there has to be a much more nuanced wrap-up - an idea with traction around these subs in a good way; to this day, people argue whether that Mumbattan hole was Spot BS or a canon event's unraveling. Mine has that nuance IMO
  • Migs up and stated Mumbattan wasn't their first canon event ruptures rodeo and they couldn't save some 'verses from them, why would he be bullshitting or even fully wrong on CEs if he had that Spider team with specialized equipment for canon event containment? They were conveniently there right as that hole formed, and hell, they could reconcile that hole with the Dead Migs dimension where everything digitally evaporates as the latter being the end result
  • He put on his shitlist Spider-Holland (maybe along with Maguire, Garfield (the light one)) for a reason - not hesitating to save MCU MJ (Michelle Jones-Watson) rather than let her be Spider-Tom's ASM-121 moment - although one can argue the memory wipe counts as first love loss, along with his Iron Man being his police captain canon event - and Raimi-verse Gwen is very much (per that meme) hot, single, and alive. Observing Sinister, Supreme, and 838/Illuminati-Strange's destroyed realities made him a rage button for 2099
  • Showing the other 'verses like the comic-based What Ifs and that Armored Spider-Man one from the 1994 cartoon? It's kind of like a cheat out of the dilemma, and I'm not sure the other viewers would agree. Miguel also knows of Dr. Strange and possibly his What If? versions
    • Before someone "Absolute Points solve themselves, Society's unneeded" me, we know too the APs are a nascent concept and Miguel probably thought no two universes will always solve themselves and CEs are probably spontaneous - maybe a day, a week, or even a year plus, they will happen, scapegoat or not
    • To the people who say Migs was mistaken in how he destroyed that reality and that it was an Incursion: IT WASN'T ONE, because it would have caused a collision course between that 'verse and 928B, which I don't think they have any means to stop - only someone like Strange. Aside from the trolley sacrifice of one Earth, we're not privy to what are the other seven ways to averting Incursions. Guess what, Gabri's reality went poof on its apparent own while 928B stayed very much alive. Didn't even look like 928B was approaching from the skies at the time either
    • Returning to Miles' side, I also hear of the fixed time points comparison from Dr. Who; I'd like to point out the Doctor was able to fake his death by hiding inside a, uh, humanoid ship at Lake Silencio, so I've read, despite records saying so
  • They keep insisting "First time for everything," right, plus the cake stuff? Why not a Venom Blast resuscitation somehow on the brink of death, then being comatose or some other critical injury so the "lost Lenore" event doesn't stick? Or! In the style of BvS Dawn of Justice and What if? Spider-Man The Other (plus Ultimate Gwen ofc)...symbiotic resurrection (possibly even transporting that one symbiote drop in that bar in the MCU), and cue Gwenom arc in some spinoff like Spider-Women
  • Alternatively, to avoid the fridged LI trope absolutely, Rio gets the Ultimate comics treatment of death somehow - but as said repeatedly, doing one's own thing, and I think this Spider-War's seen enough dead Moraleses. Miles has already grown and seen enough from the other Spiders' losses and his own. Honestly, people need to hear comic quotes often, take Mark Waid's Daredevil run:
Rachel Cole: You know what gives me the strength? My loss. We're alike that way, I imagine. Admit it, nobody who's a stranger to that particular pain could ever be as driven as us.
Daredevil: Never... Don't you ever say that to me ever again, that is a repellent statement, it's a vomituous insult to every cop, every fireman, every soldier alive who steps up to fight for those who can't! I am sorry for your loss, but if you genuinely believe that only the death of a loved one can motivate a human being to take up a cause...then get your pathetic cynical ass out of my way so I can do my job!
It's relevant because Rachel's stance here was that people like them who fight for causes are solely inspired by loss, only for Matt to verbally skewer her. The subtext here, synthesizing it with the Spidey mythos is that it's misguided to think that losing forever more loved ones is the only way to make a true Spider-Hero.
Flip the narrative and say "Villainy only happens if they're abused/poorly raised, alas, poor villain;" one is warranted to call it a vomitous insult to every abuse victim/improperly raised junior out there who became better than their elders/superiors - i.e. not go evil.
Either way, the greater gist of this is losing a close one for good isn't the way, emphasis on "for good"

Future Implications

Wrapping everything up like above (I mean the objectives), one way or another (not necessarily mine), would show full commitment to the theme of forging one's own destiny right down to the metatextual. The Spidersoc let confirmation bias blind themselves to possibilities and seemingly have yet to expose themselves to the preestablished branch realities where, say, Spider-People lose nobody or a Gwen Stacy ties neatly her romance quest with a Spidey. The themes of doing your own thing openly and honestly and in safety - rather than requesting permission from broken systems - resonate much with an Excel list: People who are queeof colowomen/disabled
Beyond that obviousness, we have disabled Spideys, Muslim Spideys (that female UK one), Blob-fat Spideys - even PLUSHIE Spideys, just to name a few, all to show the movie being the most diverse and inclusive Spidey work to date. These themes are so incredibly applicable to the lives of atypical people or otherwise people who live under systems that aren't designed for them to succeed. IE: POC, women, queer people, people with disabilities, etc. One can argue "doing your own thing" was what made ItSV such a breakthrough success and a decade phenomenon: Everything about the animation
I get that a teen girl dying, even temporarily - especially one who resonates much with LGBT (transgwender specifically) themes - is real bad optics, but we went through this before with Luz Noceda (bi rep exactly) from The Owl House, and things landed on their feet :)
If/When she comes back to crimefighting, this would be the moment she goes by Ghost Spider like her A self - a Gwen who fought fate and died for it, but another Spider loved her so much, he raised her from death to life in Ultimate defiance (getting flowery prose here) that prevails
submitted by ALDO113A to FanTheories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 fassbending “And That’s why you sell stadiums”

“And That’s why you sell stadiums”
This interview was great. Glad these guys had some time to mess around and get some laughs in. Maher used one too many big words for “ol Billy vocabulary”.
submitted by fassbending to BillBurr [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 jamesovitch AK Gunsmiths in Hampton Roads?

Looking for someone in the Hampton Roads area comfortable with working on AKs. Unfortunately it seems Mike from Coastal Gun Works has retired, as he was the primary AK guy around. Trying to get a rear tang installed on an Arsenal SLR-95.
submitted by jamesovitch to VAGuns [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 eric117007 25M - I'm looking for my new best friend!

As the title suggests, I would love to meet my new best friend! I am 25, I am from the United States!
About me - I am a huge gamer, I love video games! I play on PC mostly. I'm a huge metal head! I play guitar, I sometimes make music. I have so many bands I love so I couldn't just tell you one of them! I would have to share my Spotify playlist with you. I have a kitty, her name is Sassy. She's my baby girl! She is super cute!
I am engaged so I'm looking for strictly platonic friendships! I'm just looking for someone who has the same interests as me! I am super easy to talk too! I love getting to know new people! I would most likely send you memes and TikTok's. It's a form of love language for me!
I am in school right now getting my degree in 'Information Technology'. I'm a huge nerd to be honest. I could talk for hours about computers and video games. I'm also a huge Marvel geek. Spider-Man is my favorite superhero, always will be. Since I was little that's who I loved the most (Yes, I've seen every single movie about 35352349 times, I don't care).
Anyway, if you think we will get along, please feel free to shoot me a message! <3 I would love to hear from you!
submitted by eric117007 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 leafybubbless explain student loans to a beginner

basically, title. can someone please help explain student loans to me (where to start, what to do, etc.)
for starters, i’m looking at taking out around $15k in loans per school year, so $60k total for my entire cost of attendance. I have ~$8k saved up, so it’ll be more like $13k in loans per school year, so $52k total.
I know that as a freshman, i can take out $5.5k in federal loans, but then where do i go from there? I’m in a situation where i can’t really take out private loans (i’m not old enough and my parents can’t co-sign due to a variety of reasons), so where do I get the extra $7.5k needed?
I’m planning on getting a job in college to help pay for costs and hopefully allow me to not take out as many loans, but I’ll need at least half of the $7.5k upfront for my first semester.
given all that, what should i do, where should i start, and how should i start?
thank you for any help!!
submitted by leafybubbless to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 Shadoroze I want to get into another Z

I want to get into another Z
I totaled my 2014 Z34 3 years ago just as I was getting started with mods. I still have wheels, exhaust, coilovers, aero and everything in my storage collecting dust. I daily an FRS now and it’s great but it’s not the Z.
Here’s my dilemma.
I want a chicane yellow this time around but all I see are heritage editions and base models. I’d really like at least a sport model.
So I looked for sport models. Noticed that for the price of a sport I could get a v2 Nismo.
Couple issues with that. I don’t really care for the aero of the Nismo and I already have wheels but those seats are sweet…Nismo also don’t come in any color that I care for.
I say all of that to ask this question. Should I spring for a base chicane yellow and just bite the bullet for lsd, brakes and Recaros.. or pick up a Nismo and replace aero bits I don’t like (all of it) with base/sport aero and paint it chicane yellow ?
I’m on the fence whether or not I care for synchro rev match as I didn’t really use it much when I had it.
I’m old I don’t like wraps.
Thoughts ?
submitted by Shadoroze to 370z [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 ToffeeDreams01 How do I get my hammy used to it's playpen?

I finally started to be able to take my girl out of her cage and into her playpen. It was long overdue, as she was really starting to feel bored in her cage and tried to get out T.T I am always using the same cup where she walks into to transport her between playpen and cage. So that she realises that every time she walks in it, she gets to her playpen or back to her cage. I give her free acces to the cup in the playpen so that she can decide by herself when she wants to go back to her cage. At least that's the theory behind it, it doesn't really work all that good rn, as we are just starting. Bc of that, I am really scared that she is stressing out when she is in her playpen, as she tries to get out of it even though it is huge and full of toys. But everytime I put her back in her cage, she doesn't want to get out of the cup or as soon as she is out of it, she goes right back, so I transport her back to her playpen... I don't know if that is the right way to get her used to the playpen though? How did you all get your hamsters used to theyr playpens? How long did you let them stay in the playpen at first? Once she is in her playpen she either goes straight to the wheel that I have there as well, or she ist just running around and digging at the corners of the playpen. Please give me some advice 😅
submitted by ToffeeDreams01 to hamsters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 ObjectiveObserver7 Looking for a GPS dog collar.

Looking for a GPS dog collar.
My dog is a little over 2 now. When I work or go somewhere I usually drop her off at my parent's house. They have 50+ acres in the woods. I would like to let her run with my parents Collie but they disappear for hours and come back limping sometimes. I'd like to give her 5 to 10 areas to run right around their house without worrying about her going too far. I've tried a Halo 3 but after contacting customer support multiple times I still could not get it to connect so I'm sending it back. Does anyone have any recommendations? I don't want to leave her tied up or alone at my house. She needs to run and be around other dogs.
submitted by ObjectiveObserver7 to AustralianShepherd [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:18 caliform [Self-promo Sunday] Hi Reddit, I'm half of the team behind Halide. We just launched a new pro video camera called Kino! Come check it out, let us know what you think and get a promo code while they last

Hey Reddit!
I'm u/caliform, 50% of the team behind Halide, a camera app for iPhone and iPad which turned seven (7!) last week. To celebrate, we released a new camera app: Kino.
(if you want to skip my long post about it, you can find out more about it here:
Kino has been a long time in the works. We always wanted to do a video app - and we got started with Spectre and recently Orion, our free app for turning your iPad into an HDMI monitor. Last year we felt like we had a shot to do this before Ben, the other half of the team, would have his baby, so we posted this video.
Well, babies choose their own due dates 😅. Ben's baby Ethan came early - so Ben went on a brief leave, and Kino spent a bit more time in the oven.
So here's Kino! Kino's whole idea is that like Halide, it's easy enough for beginners to take beautiful cinematic video but work great for pros.
To do that, we include a set of presets made by some awesome pros: Tyler Stalman, Stu Maschwitz, Evan Schneider, Kevin Ong, and Sandwich Video. Also me (Sebastiaan de With)! You can apply these to video on your iPhone in a tap, so you get a pro color grade without having to do any editing. Especially nice on iPhone 15 Pro with Log footage, which skips a lot of processing. You can also apply them to footage later (including footage from other apps).
We do some clever auto-exposure with a feature called 'AutoMotion'. In brief, without getting technical, it optimizes for that nice cinematic motion look you get in film rather than average iPhone shots. No need to tweak settings - just look for 'Auto' to turn green (ND filter in daylight recommended).
It also packs in a ton of pro features - an RGB waveform, layout guides, custom recording presets, audio device levels / connecting, USB-C external drive support, saving to Photos or Files, loading custom LUTs, and a whole lot more.
Now, this *is* a v1.0. We have lots of things we're adding even in v1.1, and huge plans for the app going forward. But we wanted to get it in people's hands and see what people like, what they want, and how it's used. :)
Kino was launched on Halide's 7th anniversary, and that's no coincidence. We're really humbled that we have managed to make a job out of making apps, and we hope that you trust us to keep working on making it better and being right on top of new developments in iOS and iPhone.
Reddit has always been awesome for us — a place to get honest feedback, great community and more. I'd love to hear what you think of the app, and answer any questions (AMA!)!
Thanks for reading all that (I'm sorry for you, or glad that happened) — I'll check in through the day with our promo codes til they're out!.
TLDR: new app from Halide team makes video good and easy, let us know what you think!
submitted by caliform to apple [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:18 Plus-Blacksmith5086 There’s a stray cat in my neighbourhood should I put a home for her outside?

There’s a stray cat living near me and is quite popular with a few neighbours but most of my neighbours are to old to care for a cat or just can’t take the responsibility and I have a dog that would try to eat her for breakfast so I can’t do it also it would be nearly impossible to catch her she has come close to me a few times but if I make a quick movement or bring out anything she immediately runs away also I do know where she used to live and that she went missing around 4 years ago and now the people that had her have already got a cat and do not want her back. She is getting old now and you can see a few grey hairs in her fur the best I could do is build a hut for her outside but would she like this or would she use it?
submitted by Plus-Blacksmith5086 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:18 PhilosophyMission166 #looking for peer programming for DSA and Web dev

I am looking for passionate beginner coders who are looking for learning DSA together and later on Web dev and end goal is to get a good tech job.. I am planning to follow striver A2Z DSA sheet to get proficient in DSA with cpp. Looking for peer programmes to learn and grow together so that we will have a strong group of coders and help each other's to get a good job.
submitted by PhilosophyMission166 to ProgrammingBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:18 thisistheone12341234 Help with school and inattentive type

Hi all - I am hoping to get some ideas to help my adhd- inattentive type kiddo in school (middle school). I am combined type and am finding that my experience of school is completely different from what he is experiencing.
What were the tools, tips, and tricks that helped you?
FWIW- he is medicated, has a 504 (accommodation plan) and is in therapy.
submitted by thisistheone12341234 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:18 eric117007 25M - I want to meet my new best friend!

As the title suggests, I would love to meet my new best friend! I am 25, I am from the United States!
About me - I am a huge gamer, I love video games! I play on PC mostly. I'm a huge metal head! I play guitar, I sometimes make music. I have so many bands I love so I couldn't just tell you one of them! I would have to share my Spotify playlist with you. I have a kitty, her name is Sassy. She's my baby girl! She is super cute!
I am engaged so I'm looking for strictly platonic friendships! I'm just looking for someone who has the same interests as me! I am super easy to talk too! I love getting to know new people! I would most likely send you memes and TikTok's. It's a form of love lanuage for me!
I am in school right now getting my degree in 'Information Technology'. I'm a huge nerd to be honest. I could talk for hours about computers and video games. I'm also a huge Marvel geek. Spider-Man is my favorite superhero, always will be. Since I was little that's who I loved the most (Yes, I've seen every single movie about 35352349 times, I don't care).
Anyway, if you think we will get along, please feel free to shoot me a message! <3 I would love to hear from you!
submitted by eric117007 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:18 Present-Emu-3675 AITAH for getting annoyed at my partner for only helping straight after an argument?

I've always been responsible for the lions share of our domestic life and adult responsibilities and at times this has led to me getting annoyed and having a go at said partner. They defend their lack of actions but eventually promise to help more. Which they do for a few days/weeks/(occasionally) months before we start at the beginning with me getting annoyed. They know how this makes me feel unappreciated, like my time is less valuable (both work full time) and that they're above such tasks. They always apologise and promise to do better.
Fast forward to now and we are in couples counselling and this comes up. They tell the counsellor that I am the problem for getting annoyed. I called them out on it and said that simply if they just tried to meet me somewhere around half way I wouldn't be getting annoyed. Yet they point blank refuse to see that and say I'm the problem. Apparently there is no need for me to get annoyed despite the fact that I only get taken seriously when I am annoyed.
Am I the arsehole for not wanting to be their servant?!?
submitted by Present-Emu-3675 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:18 Happydqys Parents offered to buy my ‘holy grail’ item. Can anyone help me review my options please?

Hi all, my parents are offering to pay aftersale prices for me to choose a colour combination of my choice of any BK that I would like. I'm hoping to make this purchase my 'holy grail' item, but my issue is - I like multiple models equally. My top picks are a K sellier, B25 retourne and a B30 retourne. I would be satisfied with an end collection having: B25 in a cream colour with PHW OR gold with GHW, K in étoupe (I like K25 and K28 equally), B30 in any neutral colour as my 'muck around' bag. My only QB currently is a Kelly cut but it is pink so not very versatile.
I don't think I'll have the option of being able to choose a bag of my choice like this for a long while, so which one do you suggest I add to my collection first? I know a B30 may be the most practical but I don’t think I’d get the chance to splurge on a B25/K25 myself so I feel I should make the most of their kind offer. A B30 is something I could purchase myself (but it’s so practical! And I wouldn’t be purchasing one myself for another year at least). I’m also 5’7, so I’d appreciate advice on whether a B25 may look too small aesthetically on me (I don’t care about its practicality, it would be an occasion bag). So, which one do you guys recommend I purchase first? :) thank you!
submitted by Happydqys to TheHermesGame [link] [comments]