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2024.06.02 20:04 Useful_Walrus1023 CamperVan travel in the USA

me and my friends (we will be about 4 people) want a two week campervan trip in the states, we have a regular driving license (if it would help its called a "B" driving license in israel) and we will get IDPs.
for reasons, we have to start in NYC, and i have a couple of questions and would love to get some advice/guidance.
we want to go to los angeles but we also want to get to miami, so if you have any suggestions it would be of great help.
another question i have if you know what is the cheapest most affordable way to rent a campervan for two weeks and a long distance from NYC and return it in a different place, for example: los angeles or miami.
the dates of the trip are somewhere in the middle of the july or maybe the start of august.

submitted by Useful_Walrus1023 to CamperVans [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:04 Ok-Atmosphere-6272 How do I survive in this economy as a man?

Feeling lost recently. I’m an Architect in NYC. I make 6 figures and my fiance makes $120,000 as an accountant. We’re both licensed professionals and we can’t even afford a home in this area. $1,000,000 minimum for something decent which is like a 9K a month mortgage payment at 8% interest. I’m starting to get sick of working my ass off just to pay $3,000 a month in rent and barely get by as a licensed professional. Is anyone else feeling totally squeezed in this economy? We can’t move due to family and our jobs are here.
submitted by Ok-Atmosphere-6272 to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 Away-Internal-5590 I [31M] am completely at odds with my gf [33F] about moving. We are not getting along. Is there a way to salvage things?

Apologies for the long post.
I’ve been with my SO for five years. We met in NYC. I work in finance, and she works in PR. 4 years into the relationship, she got a good job (on an 18-month contract) in my hometown, and we decided to move there together. I disliked my hometown (she was aware of this, too) and felt like I was thriving in NYC, but I loved her, and we wanted to make the relationship work, so I agreed to make the move. For context, I earn $750K, and she earns $90K. I could work remotely for a while since I travel a lot for work, so it worked out for a bit.
After the move, I started to think about marriage and quickly realized we disagreed about a few significant things. We casually discussed these things before but told ourselves we’d try to figure it out when the time came. We are now at the point where this unique job opportunity is six months from ending, and she will need to find a new job in a different city. We have a few issues, as noted below:
These issues have obviously made everything pretty unpleasant, and I felt like I had already compromised once by agreeing to move the first time. I am unwilling to do that again, and she also seems reluctant to compromise and return to NYC. IMO, our family would be better off financially in the long run, given that our combined resources are higher if we’re both in NYC. Based on that, is it evident that things are ending, or is there a way to find a solution? We have also discussed a two-residence setup (I’ll spend three days in NYC (Tues-Thurs) and four days elsewhere.
submitted by Away-Internal-5590 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:08 Suspicious-While-448 Wanting to move from Houston to NYC.

Hi, I recently turned 21 and I am tired of living in Houston, I've been here my whole life. I visited NYC a couple of times by myself and I just keep feeling the urge to go back but not as a tourist. Does anyone know of any job opportunities that maybe provide housing or pay well enough to be able to rent an apartment? I've had my own place here in Houston for about 2 years now, and I can't stand it anymore, especially with how unwalkable Houston is. If anyone knows anything, please comment 🙏 Thank you
submitted by Suspicious-While-448 to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:01 theragingoptimist Housing Opportunity information from "City of Yes" proposal

City of Yes


Every day, New Yorkers struggle with our city’s housing shortage. High housing costs, long commutes, cramped apartments, and instability are all the result of a lack of options.
Outdated, restrictive, and complicated zoning laws limit opportunities to create new homes and make those that do get built more expensive.
City of Yes for Housing Opportunity is a zoning reform proposal that would address the housing crisis by making it possible to build a little more housing in every neighborhood.
The proposal will enter public review in spring of 2024, receiving input from community boards and borough presidents before going to the City Planning Commission for a vote. If passed, it is anticipated to come for a vote before the City Council by the end of the calendar year.
What would City of Yes for Housing Opportunity do?

Universal Affordability Preference (UAP)

In recent decades, high-demand neighborhoods have lost affordable housing and become increasingly out of reach to working families.
The Universal Affordability Preference is a new tool that would allow buildings to add at least 20% more housing, if the additional homes are affordable to households earning 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI). As a result, it will deliver new affordable housing in high-cost neighborhoods across New York City to working families.

Residential Conversions

Today, outdated rules prevent underused offices and other non-residential space from converting to housing. For example, many buildings constructed after 1961, or outside the city's largest office centers, cannot be converted to housing.
City of Yes will make it easier for vacant offices and other non-residential buildings to become homes, a win-win policy to create housing, boost property values, and create more active, vibrant neighborhoods in areas that have been hard-hit by the effects of the pandemic.

Town Center Zoning

New York is a city of neighborhoods, and each neighborhood is anchored by commercial corridors with shops and vibrant street life – a little town center for every community.
Modest apartment buildings with stores on the street and apartments above exist in low-density areas across the five boroughs – most of them from the 1920s to 1950s. Today, zoning prohibits that classic form even in areas where it’s very common.
By relegalizing housing above businesses on commercial streets in low-density areas, City of Yes will create new housing, help neighbors reach small businesses, and build vibrant mixed-use neighborhoods.

Removing Parking Mandates

New York City currently mandates off-street parking along with new housing even where it's not needed, driving down housing production and driving up rents.
City of Yes would end parking mandates for new housing, as many cities across the country have successfully done. The proposal will preserve the option to add parking, but no one will be forced to build unnecessary parking.

Accessory Dwelling Units

Across the city, homeowners face challenges with rising costs, aging in place and accommodating their families. Regulations limit what New Yorkers can do with their property, which means families have to move farther away from their grandparents or grandchildren, or are forced into uncomfortably cramped houses. Meanwhile, spaces like garages go unused when improvements could make them comfortable homes.
For seniors fighting to stay in the neighborhood on a fixed income, or young people stretching to afford a first home, adding a small rental unit can be life changing. But under current rules, New York City homeowners can't choose to use their property in this way.
City of Yes would allow "accessory dwelling units," or ADUs — which include backyard cottages, garage conversions, and basement apartments. Cities across the country have already legalized accessory dwelling units because they support homeowners and provide more space for multi-generational families without significantly changing the look and feel of a neighborhood.
Accessory dwelling units also make it easier for younger generations or caregivers to live nearby. And they can deliver big benefits while fitting in with existing buildings.

Transit Oriented Development

Adding housing near public transit is a commonsense approach to support convenient lifestyles, limit the need for car ownership, lower congestion, and reduce carbon emissions. Many modest apartment buildings exist in lower-density areas , most of them built between the 1920s and 1950s.
However, current zoning bans apartment buildings like these, forcing New Yorkers into long commutes, increasing traffic congestion and worsening climate change.
City of Yes would relegalize modest, 3- to 5-story apartment buildings where they fit best: large lots on wide streets or corners within a half-mile of public transit.


Across the city, many residential, faith-based, or other campuses have underused space that they could turn into housing. That new construction can pay for repairs to existing buildings, breathe new life into community institutions, and help address our housing crisis.
Today, arbitrary rules get in the way. If existing buildings are too tall or too far back from the street, for instance, zoning prohibits new development on the property -- even if the new developments would comply with current regulations. By removing obstacles and streamlining outdated rules, City of Yes would make it easier for campuses to add new buildings if they wish to. The new buildings could bring money for repairs, new facilities, and housing.
City of Yes advances key recommendations from the Where We Live NYC Plan. Where We Live NYC is the outcome of an in-depth two-year process with over 150 community partners that identified strategies for fair housing and equity.

Small and Shared Housing

NYC banned shared housing in the 1950s and apartment buildings full of studio apartments in the 1960s. This has contributed to the homelessness crisis in the decades since, and forced people who would prefer to live alone into living with roommates.
City of Yes for Housing Opportunity would re-legalize housing with shared kitchens or other common facilities. It would also allow buildings with more studios and one-bedrooms for the many New Yorkers who want to live alone but don’t have that option today.
These apartments are important for so many people – recent college graduates, older households that are downsizing, and everyone who lives with roommates but would prefer to live alone. Allowing more small and shared apartments will also open up larger, family-sized apartments otherwise be occupied by roommates.
submitted by theragingoptimist to StatenIslandPulse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:44 figuringoutl1fe AMITAH for charging my 22 year old almost $1600?

HUGE EDIT (pls don’t be mad): I’m not the parent. I’m the daughter. I wrote it in my parents perspective to try to be more objective about this all because I don’t understand my parents choices. Now I regret it because I can’t ask for advice from my true perspective. I could’ve said all the same things from my perspective. I don’t think many will see this but I’ll keep this up for a while. Everything I said was true to what they say just lied about who I was. I’m not sure how to go about this and if I should make another post
My 22 year old makes six figures and lives with us. She does stay productive at work but doesn’t really clean much around the house. She’s pretty depressed so I get it but still. The only thing she’s consistent with is buying groceries(we still buy groceries on top of her). We live in a HCOL city and we just bought a house.
She doesn’t like the price and feels we’re overcharging and does plan to move out at some point. We love her and wouldn’t charge this much if she was still making minimum wage. If I was making as much as her, I’d spend that much to help my parents without a question. Were not broke or anything but she needs to contribute.
That price is basically a combo of rent and wifi/cable. Am I charging too much?
Extra info: - we live in NYC/Nj area - room for rent in our area would be about 950-1250 - if she moved out rent alone would cost her anywhere from 2200-2800. It could even go up to 3k tbh but she’d try to find rent on the lower end. - we don’t treat her like a tenant She can pretty much do whatever she wants and use all parts of this house - she still is able to save
submitted by figuringoutl1fe to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:03 ExistentialRap Thinking of buying a small house in South Valley. Wife teaches down there and I’m finishing school. Wanna stay here 5 more years and wanna stop avoid rent. Tips? Advice?

I’m Mexican and I know the culture, so no shock there. So far, South Valley has been super safe and friendly. Can are currently living downtown and can afford a small house in South Valley with what we’re paying in rent rn. Maybe a 2 bedroom. Education doesn’t matter much as I plan on moving out before I have kids or before kids hit school.
I’ve had many friends and professors tell me to avoid the South but I’ve had one (who lives down there) tell me it’s awesome.
Haven’t seen much crime in south valley either, just that it’s poorer and more agricultural.
Since our income once I’m finished with school will be able to pay our expected rent many times over, we plan to just save up a good amount and eventually move to a big city like NYC, Chicago, LA, etc… For now, my wife enjoys helping the community and getting involved. Hopefully I end up volunteering again too once I get my school and finances settled.
Also, most of my career paths will probably be remote or mostly remote. I’m not too worried about that.
Thoughts? Advice? Fears? Neighborhoods you recommend / avoid?
Edit: 6 thing I like about downtown - The access to parks, nice neighbors, in center of most things, farmers market walking distance, restaurants (eh), usually nice walks during day 6 things I dislike - The road shutdowns on weekends, the homeless everywhere, not having a backyard for doggy, gunshots all the time, boujee rich people, the COST
submitted by ExistentialRap to Albuquerque [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:50 Mission-Study-930 Bike touring rentals

Hey I am a beginner who's planning their first trip on the empire state trail from buffalo to NYC.
Are there any places in buffalo or nearby that I can rent bikes + bike bags + tents + camping equipment? (Preferably at a low cost)
submitted by Mission-Study-930 to Buffalo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:26 edubspot [landlord nyc] suing for back rent small claims court

What should I expect the judge to ask for? Holdover tenant of mine hasn’t paid rent for three years so suing for the max 10k. What should I present? Besides the rent ledger , lease, cashed checks. Tenant will challenge ie warrant of habitability, harassment. None of which are true.
Those that have been successful what approach did you take? Brooklyn small claims.
submitted by edubspot to Landlord [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:52 RedApples-98 Does “months free” for leases count when calculating rent increase noticed?

My partner and I moved into our apartment on July 1 last year with the first two months being “free”. We have not heard anything about the rent increase yet but when reading the law, it looks like we will be in a weird scenario. Technically our lease is only for 12 months beginning 9/1/23 but we moved in on 7/1/23 because of the 2 months and will have been here for a year next month - which would simultaneously qualify us for the >1 year but <2 60 day notice requirement and also be the last day the landlord can send me the renewal to be compliant with the law. Obviously the hope is that it will be <5% and this won’t be applicable, but I am trying to get ahead of things since this is my first renewal in NYC.
TL;DR - Do “months free” apply for rent increase notices?
submitted by RedApples-98 to NYCapartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:04 gorkana_ materials in garden

materials in garden
hi everyone, rent in nyc, and have been gardening in the back of an apartment built in 1920. before i got to work in the back, the landlord used the area as a dumping area from demo in the basement. somehow i thought i should pick all the rocks/debris out, throw them in a container and slowly throw away. some of the cement pieces were much larger and . i’m not sure if there’s asbestos, i’m guessing probably?
my concern is that the pieces have already been disturbed and me throwing them into a containemoving them was a bad idea. i’m slightly worried about how to remove the rest. thank you for any advice.
submitted by gorkana_ to asbestoshelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:25 FFiresoul figuring out where to live

Background: I've lived in NYC almost my entire life, and I've grown to hate living here. It had some nice benefits when I was younger, but for a variety of reasons I don't go out much anymore. I hate how expensive housing is here; I hate how much noise there is; I hate the crowdedness and the traffic; I hate how everyone and everything is rushed and stressed.
I also went through a horrific experience surviving cancer a couple years ago, and am of the mindset that I no longer want to "wait until retirement" to craft the kind of life that I want to live.
Major Factors:
-I plan to work remotely, so nearby jobs isn't a concern - though reliable internet connection is.
-I plan to not work THAT MUCH or THAT HARD - so someplace with a low cost of living is very important to me.
-I VERY MUCH care about *quiet* and *safety*. What I value most is having a sense of peace and quiet and safety in my home.
-While a quiet suburb is what I envision being ideal for me, I'm willing to be somewhat "out there" as long as internet is reliable and I'm within a 20 minute drive to strip malls / stores / towns, etc..
-While I'm assuming it makes sense to rent at first to get a feel for the place, I'd *ultimately* like to buy a small house (1 or 2 bedroom) for 150,000 or less (might be able to stretch a bit higher if this is unrealistic)
-Unfortunately I have little to no skills when it comes to renovating or fixing a home and am not very good with my hands at all, so definitely would need to find a place that is already in livable condition.
-I really enjoy the changing of seasons, so prefer somewhere that has a good mix of winter and summer - this is more of a "nice to have" though.
-I'm generally drawn to the midwest or south because of the friendly culture. Even though I like to keep to myself most of the time, I imagine I'd get lonely if it wasn't easy to make friends - so a community where people are friendly and welcoming when I do decide to leave my house, is appealing to me.
I'm seeking advice both on specific areas to consider moving to, and the process of how to best temporarily live/stay in an area in order to decide if it's the "right" area for what I'm looking for - should I stay in an airbnb? (they seem expensive). Or just generally the best way to go about something like this.
Thank you so much in advance, wise friends!
submitted by FFiresoul to relocating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:52 bushwickaddict If this works, I can hopefully avoid forever debt.

I think if I do this correctly, I could avoid forever debt.
Hey! Just graduated college yay but that means it is time to repay my debt. I made a pretty bad financial decision and attended a private university in NYC, the school is good…the debt isn’t.
I am sitting at nearly 160,000+ in debt in Parent Plus loans & and about 27,000 in other federal loans in my name. I KNOW, please do not judge me, I UNDERSTAND that this is messed up & I made a bad decision…there is not much I can do now tho.
Unlike many of my friends & the Class of 2024 in general…I actually received a job offer upon graduation where i’ll be making about 67k starting with potential for overtime which is compensated well. My employer is PSLF eligible for my 27,000 in my name, but the bulk of my debt which is in ParentPlus is not unfortunately as my father works for a non PSLF employer. We’ve made the agreement that I will be responsible for the full debt payments (did not expect help)
I made the financial decision to move back in with my parents to aggressively pay off my debt while also being able to afford to enjoy a bit of life (travel, friends, entertainment) While at home, I pay zero rent, my car is paid off & my car is insurance costs only $84 a month. I have about 4K saved in a high yield account with a 5.5% APY and I have set 15% of my salary to disperse into that savings account.
My question is mainly this: If i begin aggressively paying off my debt, should I really just focus on my ParentPlus? My 27,000 in fed loans are PSLF eligible and I believe i’ll be able to enroll in the SAVE plan?
What in your opinion is an aggressive pay-off strategy?
Any tips or advice would be helpful. I lost many nights of sleep over this, but I think I am finally in a place where I have some peace in the fact that my Student Loans will be my ONLY real bill.
Any help would be great thanks!
submitted by bushwickaddict to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:13 Mission-Study-930 Bike Rentals in Buffalo, NY

Hey I am a beginner who's planning their first trip on the empire state trail from buffalo to NYC.
Are there any places in buffalo or nearby that I can rent bikes + bike bags + tents + camping equipment? (Preferably at a low cost)
submitted by Mission-Study-930 to bicycletouring [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:02 ParadoxPath Japan Bike Touring Tokyo to Osaka / China Bike Tour Shanghai to Anywhere?

I am a bike tour novice but an experience biker who can regularly put back to back 100+ mile days in an urban environment (NYC). I am in Asia already and will have 5 days free without obligation at the end of June. Those days start in Shanghai and I will need to be in Osaka when they end.
I was thinking of doing a ride Tokyo to Osaka and am curious if anyone has done that trip and what they suggest.
I know it will be crazy hot and am prepared for that.
I would need to rent a bike and have my luggage shipped to my final destination.
Mostly looking for tips on route, stops, bike rentals, things to do along the way, description of the ride.
Hotel stays likely easier as I don’t have camping gear and will be renting a bike etc.
Would also consider doing a ride in China before I leave for Japan instead if anyone has thoughts or tips for that.
submitted by ParadoxPath to bicycletouring [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:18 differentkindofgrape wanted to be an actor but...

so i (27f) moved to nyc two years ago, and it's been rough. I KNOW IM A CLICHE OKAY. when i came here i was worried, but i had a savings and truly enjoyed just making art and not worrying about money but eventually the art wasn't making enough. i had a tough breakup a few months in that made me realize how alone i was. two years later, i have a few friends, but nobody i see more than every few weeks. i've dated a little but not much as it was hard to get over that one person. and i just got exhausted. i had to take full time jobs to be able to afford life and i kept thinking "i'll save for a while and then make it off art again" but that doesn't work out. life is expensive, working more means less free time so less will to cook, and it's just never enough to build a savings against nyc rent. it feels impossible to find a job that allows me time/energy to be creative while making enough money. never mind the fact that i only really have experience in retail, a dying industry, and with a degree in theatre i'm qualified to do little else. and i know, this is the life of an actor and i should have known before starting. i did know and i wanted to try anyway. i tried to make it easy on myself by saving a year of rent before moving. but now i doubt if i'm talented at all. it's so hard to come up with all of the materials to be an actor and SO MUCH work must be done for free. and without my family, close friends, a partner, it leaves me lonely and just generally unhappy. i don't know what to do. i know if i give up i'll always regret it, and i'm worried i will not survive the shame and failure that i feel. like literally won't survive it. the idea of working a job i hate every day for 5 days of vacation a year makes me want to end it all. my life has no direction, i'm sad that i'm lonely, i'm sad that i'm not creative anymore, i'm sad that it feels so over.
EDIT- i regretted not adding one thing. since moving and working in the industry i have become VERY insecure about my body. i have BDD and started to notice how i look different from successful actors and YES a few beautiful female actors have small breasts but let's be real, it's not making it easier to be flat. so now, i also feel to be successful, i'll need implants, which would take me a year to pay fo pay off.
submitted by differentkindofgrape to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:58 benign_listener Conversation overheard in a pizza parlor

Pepperoni: This type of thing should be criminal.
Vegetable: It’s for sure a grey area.
Pepperoni: What’s grey about it?
Vegetable: Well, like, you hadn’t paid since 2021, right? They were gonna let that go if you just got out and left, you said. Seems like kind of a good deal.
Pepperoni: I wasn’t supposed to have to pay for a bunch of 2020 that I paid. They didn’t tell me that because landlords are all scum.
Vegetable: You mean, what, like you qualified for an abatement?
Pepperoni: No, like the state was supposed to pay the rent for me during COVID.
Vegetable: I guess what I don’t understand about that is why would the landlord keep that from you? They want to get paid. Why would they care by who?
Pepperoni: They just want to screw me over.
Vegetable: If I were you I would’ve just moved. Three free years of rent? Take the money and run.
Pepperoni: I would have if I’d known what they were planning. I had no notice I had no idea.
Vegetable: Hold on. You didn’t go to court?
Pepperoni: Well, once. But it was just to start the process. We were still in the negotiating phase.
Vegetable: That’s pretty weird. You know my parents have that rental attachment on their place so I know a tiny bit about this and usually there’s a whole heap of court involved before they’re allowed to evict.
Pepperoni: I’m sure there is. Everyone’s going behind my head and over my back.
Vegetable: I guess I’m still confused. Let’s say you qualified for assistance for the COVID period you ended up still paying. That was how long, nine months? Ten?
Pepperoni: Closer to a year.
Vegetable: Sure. Let’s even call it 18 months. That wouldn’t take you into 2024, it wouldn’t— like, you haven’t paid for way longer than the period you’re disputing. Why not just stop paying for 18 months?
Pepperoni: My lawyer said not to pay until I was granted the money or I’d never get it because it would be like saying “You don’t need rent assistance, you’re paying your rent fine.”
Vegetable: Oh. What did your lawyer say about court?
Pepperoni: Well, she’s not, you know, my lawyer. She’s a lawyer I know who was like, “This is how it is.”
Vegetable: Oh, got it.
Pepperoni: I should sue that bitch. She’s just in it for the money. Property shouldn’t even be a thing. You know it’s a relatively new concept. It’s a failed experiment. Plus she’s just a bitch. She was out to get me from the day I moved in.
Vegetable: Isn’t Marta a social worker or something by day? Renting that spot is just side money for her I thought.
Pepperoni: If she needs money so badly she should’ve applied for the assistance for me.
Vegetable: If she sucks so much, why do you want to keep living there at all? I wouldn’t want to be living with someone so sinister in my life.
Pepperoni: Because, what am I gonna do, move?
Vegetable: I guess now you are, so it’s a moot point.
Pepperoni: No, no, no. I’m taking her back to court. I’ve got my stuff in storage and soon I’ll be moving it right back.
Vegetable: Okay. Well, lunch is on me. Hope things turn around soon. Glad to have bumped into you. But I’ve got to get going back to the job site.
Pepperoni: Yeah, hey, I’m thinking of applying down there.
Vegetable: You should. We need people.
Pepperoni: Yeah. Maybe in a few months. After this whole thing settles down.
submitted by benign_listener to overheard [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:30 Old-Advisor-2083 Looking for 2 Roommates to Rent in NYC Starting in July (Long-term)

24 M
Hi everyone!
I’m looking for two roommates to join me in renting an apartment in NYC starting in July for a long-term lease. Ideally, we’re aiming for a neighborhood with a reasonable commute to Lower Manhattan.
About Me:
• I’m 24 years old and work as a paralegal • I enjoy sports, reading, and movies • I have a small, potty-trained dog 
What I’m Looking For:
• Two reliable and responsible roommates • Preferably non-smokers and pet-friendly • Must be willing to commit to a long-term lease 
• Looking in neighborhoods such as Upper East Side, Lower East Side, Williamsburg, or any neighborhood in West Brooklyn • Needs to have a reasonable commute to Lower Manhattan • Budget: Around 1000-1500 
If Interested: Please send me a message with a little bit about yourself and any questions you might have. We can set up a time to meet and discuss details.
submitted by Old-Advisor-2083 to NYCroommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:55 Ok-Distance-1935 My rent is increasing and I’m not sure what to do.

My rent is increasing to a price I’m unable to pay in nyc. I’m not sure what to do in this case is there any options to go to that can help me find housing before my lease is up? I’ve tried housing connect and nothing idk
submitted by Ok-Distance-1935 to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:40 Low_Flow7273 (NYC) Roommate refusing to pay rent

My friend is currently renting an apartment with a international student in NYC. Their lease ends in August but my friend is now visiting their hometown and the roommate is supposed to leave the US (they finished their masters) in a few days. The roommate is now refusing to pay any sort of rent until August (June-August) and is ignoring all of my friends attempts of contact. Is there anything they can do in this situation?
submitted by Low_Flow7273 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:02 nanbamfam is it possible to find apartments without brokers? (lower manhattan)

i am moving to NYC in august for my masters (from india) and the apartment search has been a ride… the real estate there is SO brutal and i’d be grateful for any advice or contacts you can share!
for context - my friend and I are looking for 1BHKs in lower manhattan (easy village and mostly around greenwhich). we found a place we rlly like thru a broker that’s 1450$ rent pp, but the brokers fee is 2500$ 😭> i really like this place and so does my friend but I had no idea brokers fees were so high and it’s a tough pill to swallow.
i have 2 questions for you, New Yorkers of reddit…
  1. based on above mentioned details, do you think the price is alright and the brokers fee makes sense?
  2. is there a way to get apartments in this area without a broker? if so… any contacts or specific suggestions?
i’d rlly appreciate ur help! thanks 🫶🏻
submitted by nanbamfam to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:14 ZombieWerewolfGhost [REQ] ($120 CAD)-(#Chicago, IL, USA)-(Repay $135 on 6/14/2024) (Venmo/PayPal)

*USD NOT CAD!!! Sorry idk how that even happened! It’s been a very overwhelming week and I’m a little brain dead. I live in Chicago so definitely don’t want CAD! Thank you to the kind redditor who alerted me of this mistake!!!*
Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend! If you're familiar with me (feel free to check my history on here!) I didn't think I'd be back on here again, but I am finding myself needing to return yet again to NYC to aid my friend in her cancer journey. I am still catching up on funds as I quite literally just paid rent today and do not yet have the funds needed to book travel and other expenses towards this, but my help is needed ASAP. I'll be back in town next week and receive my next paycheck on the 14th. Will repay by that afternoon! I have a great borrow history here, am very communicative and active on Reddit, and have always paid back on time, or early. I appreciate your help and thank you to those who have lent in the past so far, I've had nothing but wonderful experiences. You guys are the best and my friend very much appreciates it!
submitted by ZombieWerewolfGhost to borrow [link] [comments]