One nation rave

One nation, Underwood

2011.11.13 02:06 One nation, Underwood

Subreddit for the Netflix show created by David Fincher starring Robin Wright & Kevin Spacey.

2012.10.20 23:17 One Stop NYC Rave Shop!

A place to discuss raves and related electronic music focused events in NYC

2018.12.12 17:23 CaffeineiFunny One Nation, One People

This exclusive sub is for the people of the ethnostate only. One Nation, One People. Ein Reich, Ein Volk.

2024.06.02 18:51 Jabieski1 Let's be honest... Part 3

This is the third installment of my posts where I provide my thoughts on the team to try and a discussion and learn where we differ. If you’re interested, you can read part 2 here and part 1 here.
Last time around, I led with the statement “No Löwen? No goals.” We’ve only seen Löwen back now for a handful of minutes, and I think I was right on the money. But, it isn’t the whole story.
Löwen, other than Burki, is likely our best player by a large margin. Looking back to last Saturday against Seattle, the entire game shifted when he stepped on the pitch. He didn’t just play for St. Louis City, he was City. Löwen’s ability to pick out passes and create chances is unparalleled within our squad, and missing him was a massive hit to the team and that’s been proven in just 100 minutes.
My hope is that Löwen can finally help the biggest problem since I wrote my last post and even before that. We can’t finish for shit. Every time we get into the final third, it seems like play just stands still and we can’t progress towards the goal. Extra passes, misplaced balls, and a general lack of what to do has plagued this team. Löwen brings creativity and pure talent to the attack at a time when we really need it.
Now that brings me to the “Löwen isn’t the whole story” part. One player does not make a team. I live and die by the Polish National Team, but even with Lewandowski, arguably one of the best strikers of this generation, we’re absolute dogshit. I could write a whole book on why the Poland sucks literal ass at football with decent talent, but that is neither here nor there. They point is that football is an 11 man sport - not 1. Löwen coming back will no doubt usher in more goals, and hopefully more points, but we still need quality across the board to win games, and we’re really lacking a Gioacchini right now.
Cedric Tuechert is Lutz’s answer to the hole left by our old number 11. I’m not trying to be pessemistic, but I’ll believe it when I see it. I haven’t watched him play enough to make any sort of judgement on whether he’ll fit in at City, so I’ll hold any commentary until he’s putting in decent shifts. I hope to God that he can fill the role that Gioacchini once played, just being able to put the fucking ball on net. If we have that, I could see us finishing much higher than our current position.
Now the fun part. There’s been a lot of negativity in this sub - some of it coming from me, I’ll admit - but I think this is the most exciting time for CIty since our first game almost a year and a half ago. We have less points than the same time last season, but I think we’re much better than we were last year. I spoken extensively in my last few posts about our inability to play through the midfield, and if we can figure than part out, we’d be golden. I think we’re finally getting there. I absolutely hated watching the kick and run footy we used to play, just launching the ball up to Klauss and watching him work his magic. It wasn’t sustainable then, and it isn’t sustainable now. Let’s also remember the sheer number of goals that we were scoring from set pieces last season, and now we’re finally scoring fairly consistently from open play.
We’ve needed to lose games and tie (a lot) more to get to this point, but I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Being able to play through the midfield is essential to a good and sustainable strategy, and I’m really excited for what comes next this season. I certainly haven’t been the most optimistic person when it came to City in the past, but I feel it now. Big things are coming.
I had written the preceding analysis before the Miami game and intended to leave it there. It was overall positive and I was finding a lot to like. Bradley Carnell sucks at managing the game while we're playing. The entire Miami game we were in control and we were the better team, and we easily would have walked away with 3 points had BC not subbed on Hiebert and Thor and parked the bus. He makes the exact same mistakes week in and week out and never seems to learn from them. Parking the bus didn’t work the first 4 times, but surely the 5th will buck the trend! Of the 8 draws we’ve had, probably about 6 of them have come from games we should have won, but due to poor decision making in the second half, we ended up with 1 point instead of 3. Miami was just another addition to that tally. I’m not calling for the gaffer’s head quite yet, but it doesn’t take a football genius to realize that parking the bus never works for us and to finally make some smart subs instead of subbing people in and out willy nilly. I had come into the Miami game expecting nothing but I still left watching that game disappointed.
Now that my rant is over, that brings us to my favorite segment - Stars, Standouts, and Stinkers. Just like last time stars are those we are seeing put down really good performances consistently, standouts have shown the have massive potential but don’t bring it every game, and stinkers, well, stink. (-) means that the player is in the same bracket as last time or I didn't rank them. (-1) and (+1) mean moving down or up, respectively.
Burki (-)
Totland (-)
Durkin (-)
Löwen (-)
Vassilev (-)
Célio (-1)
Alm (-)
Kijima (-)
Klauss (+1)
AZ (-)
Big Sam (-1)
(for all the players not ranked, this post is already long enough and I didn't have any major thoughts about them)
I'm really excited for the next set of games. Like I mentioned before, we're finally figuring out how to create chances in open play, but we're still lacking a bit in being able to convert those chances into goals. I've been begging for Lutz to finally spend some money on a good outfield player that will be able to score goals, and I hope one of my next posts will have a lot of good to say about Tuechert. Löwen, apart from Bürki, is our most important player right now. With him on the pitch, the game completely shifts in our favor. Carnell is just straight up bad at making decisions during the game. Every manager has their own weaknesses, and I hope that BC will finally recognize that weakness and try and learn from it.
I know this was a really long post. My hope is, like always, that we can have a conversation about the good and the bad and maybe even debate my thoughts a bit. Looking back to my older posts, it's gone from a scathing review of City, a somewhat measured analysis of both the good and the bad, to now being overall pretty positive. If anything, that means we're on a positive trajectory. We might have won the western conference in the first 5 games last season, but the last 5 games will be just as important this season.
Till next time.
submitted by Jabieski1 to stlouiscitysc [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:50 TopPomegranate4432 Profile Pensions - free £50 Amazon voucher when you open or transfer a £1,000 pension

Profile Pensions is a pension provider and is offering a free £50 Amazon voucher to anyone who signs up via referral and makes a deposit of at least £1,000 OR transfers over a pension with at least £1,000 (free to transfer). The £50 Amazon voucher arrives within 30 days of doing so.
How to get your free £50 Amazon voucher:
  1. Sign up via my referral link here + enter your email
  2. Click on the link in your email and fill in your details. Your National Insurance number will be required
  3. Answer questions to determine your portfolio and risk level (I chose Adventurous in hope of a higher return in the long-term, but you can choose Cautious, Conservative, Balanced etc)
  4. Deposit at least £1,000 (you have to message them to make a one-off deposit), OR transfer across an existing pension of at least £1,000, OR set up a direct debit for the full amount and cancel it after the funds have been received by Profile Pensions (this is what I did). When the first direct debit payment was taken, I cancelled it through my online banking so the second payment wouldn't be taken the following month
  5. A month after paying into the pension, you'll receive the £50 Amazon voucher via Profile Pension's referral partner Mention Me. These exact steps worked for me in getting my voucher!
My experience: I signed up via referral, made my deposit and got my £50 Amazon voucher a month later by email through Mention Me. After I cancelled the direct debit to prevent a second payment being made (I still have my original deposit in there), I received a call from my Profile Pensions Advisor out of the blue, asking about the direct debit cancellation. It wasn't awkward or pushy but perhaps expect a call if you do the same! Regardless, I'll be keeping this pension for the long-term, so you can rest assured that we'll both get our bonuses whatever the timeframe.
submitted by TopPomegranate4432 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:46 Fact-check_my_friend Help me add to the official list of the worst kinds of people in existence

Politicians, Doctors, (fun fact: there's very little distinction in terms of training between those 2 jobs) Lawyers
Professors (yes, it's true; every professor I've seen is misinformed about something)
This one is obvious, but anyone working with, for, or above government, any kind of think tank (these people are wealthy and there's not many of them, so you're unlikely to meet them in person).
United Nations, Unicef, the World Health Organization, the Trilateral Commission, the Open Society Foundation, the Atlantic Council, the Bilderberg Group, the Bloomberg New Economy Forum, the Club of Rome, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Council for National Policy, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Zeta Betau Thau, The Good Club, the Pilgrims Society, the Hoover Institution, Le Cercle, the National LGBTQ Task Force and "almost 50 more."
By the way, I 100% believe those think tanks are controlled by banks and very affluent cults.
submitted by Fact-check_my_friend to unvaccinated [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:42 Fun_Warning8996 i just want to share some tea

im turning 18 this year yeayyy ! but before i finished high school , there is a national exam that is require for every 17 years old ( due to pandemic , most people now take this exam at 18 years old ) sit that will determine of they are able to further they study ( even if they dont here we have multiple choice to pursue your study )
literally a week before the exam , on friday , there is a group of girls from another class , business 2 class ( i am from science class ) fight over this one girl who also in that class . the girl that was turned against by her classmate , lets call her ophelia ( not her real name but i like that name ) was confronted by her female classmates . she was accused of being two faced ( i guess this is why she is mostly invisible because i literally never see her around the school a few months before this fight happened ) . keep in mind the girls from business 2 class are all very united and stand up for each other . and most k of them are apart of the same clique .
basically , she was ditched by her OWN classmates because of her two face attitude . ( tbh i never really like her because she give me such an uncomfortable vibes and how unqualified she is as a team leader )
the fight is interesting because even the vice president , lets call her sephia ( also not real name i just like this name ) of a school title i am apart of took part in it ! she is such a lovely person and this is the first time she ever raised her voice in from of people ! sephia said that she has put up with ophelia behaviour long enough that she finally confronted ophelia .
i dont remember the exact detail of what sephia told ophelia but i think its about how she treat ophelia as apart of her friends but received nasty nasty nasty treatment from ophelia ( i mean yeah , i would be disappointed too if my friends were a two faced bitch but i have experienced that so i ditched her but anyway slayyy sephia love you )
honestly even though i never really like ophelia , i never expected her to be a two face bitch - also this fight took place in the counselor room . me and sephia are apart of this organisation under the counselors supervision .
in case you are wondering why are we in the counselor room ? well me and my classmates want to talk to the counselor about some future event we want to hold after recess and sephia classmates happened to stay at a room near the counselor room so they just came and hang out there . our counselkr are chill about it , dont worry .
and then , the head counselor , lets call her madam emilya . she literally came at the right ! so she stop the fight between ophelia and sephia ( mostly its sephia scolding ophelia for her two faced behaviour ) . then she proceed with advices that we are about to face a big exam the very next monday and told us to just forgive each other so that we can answer our exam peacefully .
then the fight settled with ophelia apologizing to her female classmates ( its an order bg madam emilya btw ) . the fight is so satisfying to watch yet it such a shame that madam emilya entered at the very time the fight get interesting ( ik ik im not supposed to support this but hey , this is my one last sip of tea before school ? )
anyway , as the big exam started , ophelia continue to go through it alone cuz her CLASSMATES literally seems to ditch her and dont even wanna talk about it ( i get them tho ) i pity her ( JUST A BIT ) but i think that is sort of what she deserved ?
at least i end my high school with piping hot tea .
submitted by Fun_Warning8996 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:42 LordTinglewood MMW: only one of the major candidates is likely to survive a second term due to medical reasons

TL;DR: Elderly, obese convicted felon donald trump's health will collapse soon under the pressures of campaigning, poor lifestyle choices, legal trouble, and more.
I feel certain that a perfect storm is brewing over one particular convicted felon on the ticket this year.
Years of poor lifestyle choices have begun to dogpile on convicted felon, rapist, and alleged pedophile donald trump in a big way, live on national TV for anyone who can stomach it.
Convicted felon and adjudicated rapist donald trump's health is going to fail suddenly and spectacularly at some point sooner than later under the crushing physical and mental weight of obesity, a presidential campaign, multiple criminal and civil proceedings, probable seizure of his properties, stimulant abuse, Big Macs, chronic diaper rash, and sexual frustration when Ivanka's around.
Lights out by '28.
submitted by LordTinglewood to MarkMyWords [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:42 woechild91 Narcissistic evil grandmother

Narcissistic grandmother.
Where do i begin.... So my grandmother has always been abusive to me. For as long as i can remember.
As a child my mum and dad practically dumped me on my grandmother and grandfather's step. They took me in. My grandad was always my angel. He loved me so much and I was always the apple of his eye. Sadly in 2009 he died from leukaemia. He was diagnosed on his birthday. Died a year later on his birthday 😔 me and my grandmother never really got along. She always looked down her nose at me. Like I was a piece of shit under her shoe.
It was just me who got dumped on my grandparents step. My sisters went with my mum and my brother with my dad when they split up.
Now.... I don't know much about her upbringing because I literally can't speak to the woman. She is very... Undermining and passive agressive. So I just don't bother as its never pleasant to speak to her. Never has been.
So I have 2 sisters and a brother. My grandmother idolises them. Very openly, almost like it's done purposely to make me feel as low as possible. I am constantly left out of family outings, holidays, meals. You name it. It's making me resent my own siblings.
I became the black sheep very quickly. I have to watch my family doing things together, while I'm constantly left out. Watching from the sidelines, Unacknowledged, Forgotten about if you will.
Fast forward... At this point id had enough. So I moved in with my then boyfriend. I was obviously extremely happy to get away from my grandmother and family. I moved to a different city.
Things were great at first... Sadly he started to change after a while. He started to abuse me also and get violent towards me. I found out he had abused 2 women before me. I escaped with my life barely. But I had nowhere to live or any money as my ex had taken everything off me and used me for my money the entire time and I would like to add that this man also made me disabled. ( trauma induced fibromyalgia, chronic pain and fatigue, ptsd, depression, the whole lot )
So I had to move back in with my evil grandmother, but this time... I'm disabled at this point 😔 the trauma and stress of previous life abuses and obviously the trauma of domestic violence had made me extremely ill. I couldn't even walk. I've been in and out of hospital and doctors you name it.
So now, my grandmother has an evil new tactic up her sleeve. Because I'm now disabled, she uses my illness as a weapon to abuse me. Saying "your brain has gone" " you're crazy " . And calling me and i quote a " fat tw*t " obviously because of my ptsd, I was terrified to leave the house and now my own grandmother is attacking my appearance and mental health and disability all at the same time. My illness has turned my life upside down.
She is taking nearly all my money from me, so I'm unable to save up to leave. Shelters are only offering me places half way across the country, alone, which would absolutely terrify me.
I have had a pretty lonely existence and still live a lonely existence. My pets are my everything and shelters also do not allow pets. So I feel trapped now. I cannot survive without my pets. They're all I have.
I'm trapped with a woman who causes a fight with me any time I leave my bedroom. She attacks my disibilty, my mental health, calls me names, she bins my belongings and throws my stuff around all over the floor. She purposely breaks my belongings. Then she gaslights me.
She literally says I'm imagining things when she does all this stuff to me. All while turning the rest of my family against me by telling them, I'm unruly. Because I'm defending myself and standing my ground on what I know to be true. I've even resorted to recording her when she starts these fights with me. But even when I show my siblings. They instantly side with her or say it's nothing to do with them. Even if I tell my mum. She doesn't care. My mum is a very selfish woman. She has a drug addiction. So she only cares about herself and herself only. My dad has just got a whole seperate life now and a new gf. Wants nothing to do with me or anyone else besides his gf.
I've been abused my entire life. I'm still being abused. I've had enough.
What do I even do about this? I feel like I'm getting more sick by the day because of all this trauma. I'm literally trapped. I'm tired. My soul is literally tired.
If I alert authorities. My entire family will turn on me. All but one. My grandmother's daughter. My auntie. Is also cast out by her. So I do speak to her about the abuse which helps.
But it doesn't help my situation. I'm still trapped here. My auntie has a full house and is also dealing with illness herself. So that's not an option unfortunately.
Has anyone experienced anything like this with their grandmother?
It makes me sick because everyone thinks she's a lovely old lady. She puts on this false image in public. But behind closed doors. She's a monster. An absolute monster. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff she says to me I can barely believe it myself. She's told me to unalive myself and that nobody loves me and she hates me.
I know it's awful to say. But I cant wait until she passes 😢 I can then be free of her abuse once and for all. I hate that I think this way about someone. But when theyve abused you your entire life, Belittled you, called you names, attack you, bullied you, destroys and bins your belongings and has trapped you, then blames you for it. You will think and feel the same way. All whilst rubbing how much she loves my siblings in my face.
She makes me feel like there's something wrong with me. Like I'm unlovable. What did I ever do to her!?!
I remember asking this question once and she said I'm imagining things and im being childish and told to grow up and stop being crazy and that I'm weak.
She loves calling me weak and keeps telling me I'm playing the victim. Well.... I am the victim. You're literally abusing me.
It's not crazy if it's reality right?
Sometimes I feel like Im just not from this family. Even my siblings have nothing in common with me and look down on me and don't bother with me. We are 100% from the same mother and father. I just can't understand how I'm cast out and treated like this. I've never done anything wrong to anyone 😔😔
I've asked many times what I've done to deserve this treatment and they just keep saying the same thing. Stop playing the victim or I'm imagining things and to grow up. My feelings are not valid.
I'm constantly just in my bedroom, because if I come out. I become a target. I barely even eat 😢😢 I have 2 meals a week if that and that's when my grandmother goes out. I go down and make something quick to eat. I tend to buy a lot of snacks online. Things I can keep in my bedroom to snack on when I get real hungry, just to avoid coming out of my bedroom.
Not sure how much more heartbreak I can take.
I've planned a day out at the weekend for the first time in 2 years to go see all my friends. To a rave. Because my legs have gained a bit of strength recently after being bed bound for over a year because I've been so ill. Obviously I'm extremely nervous about leaving my house, but I'm trying to force myself to try get myself out of this rut I'm in. My grandmother has done nothing but attack my image, calling me fat and basically trying to destroy my confidence, so I don't go out and calling me other horrible names because it's a rave I'm going to.
Now I used to rave a lot. So it's the only time I get to mix with like minded people. It's always the same people who go and i class them all as my rave family. I've been super excited and obviously nervous about this rave. I planned it just a week ago. My grandmother of course. Is doing everything in her power to try get me to not go. My friends all live dotted around the country, so i barely ever get to see anyone.
I'm not allowed to be happy. Or have a life or do anything for that matter.
I've been trying to exercise using my hula hoops and other flowtoys. Like my leviwand for example. It cost over 300 pound and my grandmother has gone into the tube it's kept in and binned the chargers and string for it. Rendering it useless and saying she's not touched it and im making stuff up and im going crazy!!!
I know she had done it as it was in her cupboard in her room. It had moved completely from where I actually put it. My room is very cluttered as I've had to cram me, my things and my pets all in here with me, due to having left my ex in such a hurry. I feel like I'm living in a closet. So I thought this one item would be safe in that cupboard as it was expensive. She had moved it and shoved something in its box that I know wasn't in there when I put it in there. She's lost all the attatchments, which I know was all together in that box. So now I can't use it at all. Of course.... It's all in my head and I'm the one who's lost these things even though i know for a fact I kept it all safe and together.
She's constantly sabataging me and saying it's all in my head.
I'm Quickly fading. Giving up. But then.... She will attack me for that too. Fcked if I do. Fcked if i don't. I can't win. No matter what I do.
Even if for example... Something has been on its way out... Breaking for a while and she's aware of it, if it breaks, it's automatically my fault.
According to her... Anything that breaks. Even if I haven't touched it. It's my fault. She will deliberately leave things to deteriorate and then blame me when it finally breaks completely. I'm at my wits end.
I'm so lost and just devastated at how horrible my life has been.
Can anyone give me any advice on what I should do about this situation?
submitted by woechild91 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:41 whynotblaze Want to know if it is possible to get into US with these stats

Did A Levels Grades: C, D, D, E (Business, CS, English Language and General Paper)
Planning on taking any (Marketing, Finance or BA) as my major in the university
Gave SAT : 1520
DET : 130
EFC 10000$ or less
Not looking for those top tier Universities, just want an average Uni which will provide me with a decent scholarship. Got some school level ECs and 2 paid intern related to CS and Marketing 1 in UI/UX and one in a SMMA and 1 unpaid intern as a Social Media Manager
Planning to apply for fall 2025 so got time hence looking out for some national level Olympiads rn or maybe some better ECs?
So wanted to know if an average US university would take me in for these stats.
submitted by whynotblaze to IntltoUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:39 MDLearning 12 Top Online Climate Courses to Learn About Climate

12 Top Online Climate Courses to Learn About Climate
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and it affects every single living being on this planet. From rising temperatures and extreme weather events to melting polar ice caps and rising sea levels, the impacts of climate change are evident and alarming. As individuals, it is our responsibility to educate ourselves on this critical issue and contribute to finding solutions. Thankfully, there are many free online courses available that can help expand our knowledge and understanding of climate change.
  1. Understanding Climate Change Free Online Course: This course, offered by the University of Exeter, provides a comprehensive overview of climate change, including the science behind it, its impacts, and potential solutions. It is a great starting point for anyone looking to understand the basics of climate change.
  2. Climate Change and Human Rights Free Online Course: This course, offered by the United Nations Human Rights Office, explores the links between climate change and human rights. It also discusses the impacts of climate change on marginalized communities and the role of human rights in climate action.
  3. Becoming a Climate Resilient SME Free Online Course: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in the global economy, and they are also vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. This course, offered by the International Finance Corporation, provides SMEs with practical guidance on how to become more resilient to climate change.
  4. Cities and Climate Change Free Online Course: With more than half of the world's population living in cities, it is vital to understand the role of cities in mitigating and adapting to climate change. This course, offered by the World Bank, explores sustainable urban development and how cities can become more resilient to climate change.
  5. Climate Change Negotiations and Health Free Online Course: Climate change has significant impacts on human health, from air pollution to the spread of diseases. This course, offered by Harvard University, teaches participants how to negotiate for climate action that promotes public health.
  6. Climate Change, Peace and Security Free Online Course: Climate change is not just an environmental issue; it also has implications for global peace and security. This course, offered by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), delves into the complex relationships between climate change, conflict, and security.
  7. Climate-smart soil and land management Free Online Course: This course, offered by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), focuses on the importance of sustainable land management in mitigating and adapting to climate change. It also teaches practical techniques for climate-smart soil management.
  8. Water management for climate-smart agriculture Free Online Course: Water is a precious resource, especially in the face of a changing climate. This course, also offered by the FAO, provides guidance on how to manage water resources for sustainable and climate-smart agriculture.
  9. Climate-smart crop production Free Online Course: This course, offered by the World Bank, teaches farmers and agriculture professionals about sustainable practices for crop production in the face of climate change. It also explores the potential of climate-resilient crops to improve food security.
  10. Raising Climate Ambition Free Online Course: As the impacts of climate change worsen, it is necessary to increase our efforts to mitigate and adapt. This course, offered by the World Bank, provides guidance on setting ambitious climate goals and implementing them.
  11. Climate-smart fisheries and aquaculture Free Online Course: This course, offered by the FAO, focuses on sustainable management practices for fisheries and aquaculture in the face of climate change. It also explores the potential of these industries to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  12. Climate Change International Legal Regime Free Online Course: Lastly, this course, offered by the University of London, provides a comprehensive understanding of the international legal framework for addressing climate change. It also explores the role of different actors, such as governments and businesses, in implementing climate action.
In conclusion, climate change is a complex and urgent issue that requires collective action from individuals, communities, and governments. These 12 free online courses are excellent resources for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and understanding of climate change and contribute to finding solutions. By educating ourselves and taking action, we can all make a positive impact in the fight against climate change.
submitted by MDLearning to u/MDLearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:39 Bulky_Atmosphere_113 National socialism is the way forward

Amisom troops aren’t going nowhere. The problem is the lack of funding for an army+police force. Let’s not act like more money wouldn’t solve these problems. Donors are giving a bunch, but it’s not close to enough. These are the facts explaining why Somalia is and has been stuck in this never ending maze of oppression. National socialism will allow Somalia to unlock her own wealth independently of parasitic agents like the UN, US, and the dollar. Time to print a new shilling and conduct all trade with it. It should be seen as a national agent meaning anybody who counterfeits should be executed and any president who mismanages the shilling should be impeached. Undermining the shilling in any way should be a crime akin to high treason. As the shilling grows in value the government will increase its capacity to provide essential needs for Somalis, and build one of if not the strongest army in the world. The shilling is not just for me, but for my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and so on. Embrace ultranationalism.
submitted by Bulky_Atmosphere_113 to Somalia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:39 HonestTangerine721 12 Free Online Courses to Explore the Impacts of Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and it affects every single living being on this planet. From rising temperatures and extreme weather events to melting polar ice caps and rising sea levels, the impacts of climate change are evident and alarming. As individuals, it is our responsibility to educate ourselves on this critical issue and contribute to finding solutions. Thankfully, there are many free online courses available that can help expand our knowledge and understanding of climate change.
  1. Understanding Climate Change Free Online Course: This course, offered by the University of Exeter, provides a comprehensive overview of climate change, including the science behind it, its impacts, and potential solutions. It is a great starting point for anyone looking to understand the basics of climate change.
  2. Climate Change and Human Rights Free Online Course: This course, offered by the United Nations Human Rights Office, explores the links between climate change and human rights. It also discusses the impacts of climate change on marginalized communities and the role of human rights in climate action.
  3. Becoming a Climate Resilient SME Free Online Course: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in the global economy, and they are also vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. This course, offered by the International Finance Corporation, provides SMEs with practical guidance on how to become more resilient to climate change.
  4. Cities and Climate Change Free Online Course: With more than half of the world's population living in cities, it is vital to understand the role of cities in mitigating and adapting to climate change. This course, offered by the World Bank, explores sustainable urban development and how cities can become more resilient to climate change.
  5. Climate Change Negotiations and Health Free Online Course: Climate change has significant impacts on human health, from air pollution to the spread of diseases. This course, offered by Harvard University, teaches participants how to negotiate for climate action that promotes public health.
  6. Climate Change, Peace and Security Free Online Course: Climate change is not just an environmental issue; it also has implications for global peace and security. This course, offered by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), delves into the complex relationships between climate change, conflict, and security.
  7. Climate-smart soil and land management Free Online Course: This course, offered by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), focuses on the importance of sustainable land management in mitigating and adapting to climate change. It also teaches practical techniques for climate-smart soil management.
  8. Water management for climate-smart agriculture Free Online Course: Water is a precious resource, especially in the face of a changing climate. This course, also offered by the FAO, provides guidance on how to manage water resources for sustainable and climate-smart agriculture.
  9. Climate-smart crop production Free Online Course: This course, offered by the World Bank, teaches farmers and agriculture professionals about sustainable practices for crop production in the face of climate change. It also explores the potential of climate-resilient crops to improve food security.
  10. Raising Climate Ambition Free Online Course: As the impacts of climate change worsen, it is necessary to increase our efforts to mitigate and adapt. This course, offered by the World Bank, provides guidance on setting ambitious climate goals and implementing them.
  11. Climate-smart fisheries and aquaculture Free Online Course: This course, offered by the FAO, focuses on sustainable management practices for fisheries and aquaculture in the face of climate change. It also explores the potential of these industries to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  12. Climate Change International Legal Regime Free Online Course: Lastly, this course, offered by the University of London, provides a comprehensive understanding of the international legal framework for addressing climate change. It also explores the role of different actors, such as governments and businesses, in implementing climate action.
In conclusion, climate change is a complex and urgent issue that requires collective action from individuals, communities, and governments. These 12 free online courses are excellent resources for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and understanding of climate change and contribute to finding solutions. By educating ourselves and taking action, we can all make a positive impact in the fight against climate change.
submitted by HonestTangerine721 to climatechange [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:32 AmbitionEmotional777 Fire engineering

One of relatives is really dead set on to making me take admission in Nfsc (National Fire Service College ) in nagpur.
Is fire engineering really worth it ? How good are the placements ?
The college has only 60 total seats and I couldn't find much info on the internet.
My relative say it's a much better option then getting into the rat race for tech jobs.
I could easily get pec chandigarh ee ( and possibly ece ) at my rank with home state quota.
I really don't want to regret making a choice here, if anyone has some info on it please help me out.
submitted by AmbitionEmotional777 to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:30 AdministrativeAge891 Life As We Gomez Last Day of School Vlog

I don’t see people talk about this vlog channel often. However, I just recently saw their last day of school vlog, and I think it should be discussed. They hinted at in the title that something had happened. One of their children has a knee injury that if it were to get worse, she would need surgery. Well, she was at dance and it was reinjured and the girl herself is wanting to get the surgery so she is no longer in pain. Meanwhile, the mom is making it all about herself taking about the money they’ve spent on nationals and how it’s going to be devastating for her. I don’t know, it just rubbed me the wrong way. Any thoughts?
submitted by AdministrativeAge891 to YTVloggerFamilies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:30 SlightWerewolf4428 Better permanent ledger + Casualties breakdown?

I am surprised that there hasn't been a serious attempt on either.
-HOI4 has a war screen but it disappears forever the second a war is over, despite wars in terms of quantity being fewer than in other Paradox titles. Why can't it just save it so you can look it over later with the final statistics??
-Casualties breakdown: for your nation, given it's a world war, did no one think perhaps it might be good idea to have a breakdown by front? To know where you lost most of your resources and troops?
Isn't that useful information?
submitted by SlightWerewolf4428 to hoi4modding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:26 -CRH- [WTS] Shiny Stuff Lots of Nice Silver Bars & Coins Cleaning out the Safe

——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
Kitco ask at time of post: Silver 30.49
🔒 2FA enabled! 🔒 Proof pics will always have my custom -CRH- bar & I can always send video proof if requested. Stay Safe!!
More pics and vids below / non PM on Coinsales
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
• 10oz Fleur de Lis Bullion bar - 315
• 3oz Vintage Omega M&B Mining bar - 200
• 3oz Nevada Coin Mart bar (MH on back) - 180
• 3oz Nevada Coin Mart bar (unmarked) - 100
• 1oz Vintage Extruded 99 bar (1980s / unknown maker) - 70
• 1oz 1973 Foster Inc Silver Eagle bar (beautiful toning) - 60
• 1oz Johnson Matthey Republic Nation Bank of New York bar (<10k) - 55
• 1oz World Wide Mint American Eagle bar - 40
• 1oz Heraeus Jumbo Jet Boeing 747 bar (mint sealed) - 40
• 1oz SilverTowne New Athena Owl round w/ leather pouch - 40
• 1oz Scottsdale “The One” bars (mint sealed) - 33ea (7)
• 1oz 2023 American Liberty Medal w/ misprinted CoA - 80
• 1oz 2024 W ASE Proof w/ ogp - 80
• 1oz 2024 US Liberty/Britannia Medal - 100
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
• 1884 CC Morgan PCGS MS63PL CAC - 500
• 1888 S Morgan PCGS AU58 (under graded imo) - 375
• 1919 Mercury Dime PCGS AU58 (clearly FB but not designated) - 70
• 10fv 90% Washington Proof Quarters (all BU 1955-64 / no 56) - 260
• 1878 S Trade Dollar (artificial toning / altered surfaces) - 175
• 1878 S Morgan Dollar BU - 100
• 1891 Morgan Dollar BU - 150
• 1924 Peace Dollar BU - 35
• 1893 Columbian Half Dollar BU (monster toner) - 30
• 1963 Franklin Proof Half Dollar (pink / blue toning) - 30
• 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar BU (monster toner) - 30
• 1968, 1969 & 1970 Unc Mint sets w/ 40% halves (low mintage 1970D 50c) - 50
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
• 1945 D Philippines 20C PCGS MS66 (beautiful toning) - 80
• 1944 S Philippines 50C - 12ea (3)
• 1915 Cuba 40C - 20ea (2)
• 1967 80% Canadian Dollar - 17
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
• 13oz+ Lot - 10oz Geiger bar sealed / 3 1oz Rounds / 5 Asian dragon coins - 35
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
Everything Priced to Move! Make me an offer, never hurts to ask! NO trades!
Payment: Zelle / Venmo ONLY - NO notes on payment! 🍕pls!
Shipping: 5 Ground / 10 Priority - CONUS ONLY! Insurance extra at your request
Reply here, then send chat
——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
submitted by -CRH- to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:25 TheWarBuggie159 I will sue Job Corps.

Job Corps is a scam, where 94% of graduates return to a certain poverty level ($15,400/ year) and this is unacceptable.
I joined the Alaska Job Corps, and this Job Corps is one of the top ten WORSE Job Corps in the Nation. Three refused to share information, where that is not the worse: that is the most GARBAGE Job Corps. Regardless, the games they have been playing is shameful.
I brough a multi-tool, which happened to have a knife on it (it is under 3 inches and the blade does not lock) and all they say is "you COULD use this knife" to "someone COULD kill themselves with it", making false accusations on the IF. The other "Weapon" was a bottle opener which had a "Metal Point" The two are legal, and their policies are vague. They enforce apologies, yet Ryan who searched my supplies did not apologize about the "probable damage" incident, all he says "oh, well that sucks" and BLAMED ME!
Job Corps is beyond disappointing.
submitted by TheWarBuggie159 to jobcorps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:24 TheForce122 I know how to defeat the NWO. Let's keep worshiping Trump like a god savior and then when he gets in and appoints pure BlackRock/BlackStone/Black Cube swamp to all positions and lets his best friend and hero Bill Gates hit us with the next $24T DARPA pandemic, let's worship Trump even harder

I know how to defeat the NWO. Let's keep worshiping Trump like a god savior and then when he gets in and appoints pure BlackRock/BlackStone/Black Cube swamp to all positions and lets his best friend and hero Bill Gates hit us with the next $24T DARPA pandemic, let's worship Trump even harder submitted by TheForce122 to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:22 TheWarBuggie159 I need to sue Job Corps.

Job Corps is a scam, where 94% of graduates return to a certain poverty level ($15,400/ year) and this is unacceptable.
I joined the Alaska Job Corps, and this Job Corps is one of the top ten WORSE Job Corps in the Nation. Three refused to share information, where that is not the worse: that is the most GARBAGE Job Corps. Regardless, the games they have been playing is shameful.
I brough a multi-tool, which happened to have a knife on it (it is under 3 inches and the blade does not lock) and all they say is "you COULD use this knife" to "someone COULD kill themselves with it", making false accusations on the IF. The other "Weapon" was a bottle opener which had a "Metal Point" The two are legal, and their policies are vague. They enforce apologies, yet Ryan who searched my supplies did not apologize about the "probable damage" incident, all he says "oh, well that sucks" and BLAMED ME!
I am bitter, and Anchorage would not give me much for jobs, and to top it all off: FEDERAL WORKERS SHAME ME. What can I do?
submitted by TheWarBuggie159 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:22 Unk0wnParad0x A look at international schools-from a JAE student currently at one

Grab a snack if you want to reads this lol, this is a long one.
I’m sure a lot of people are curious about the lives of intl sch ppl, and haven’t seen this kind of post before. While this won’t be a comprehensive look at everything, it’s just my experience in the last 6 months. There’s a chance someone here could recognise me based on what I say, but if anyone does, please don’t reveal.
I suppose the first question would be why. It’s the most sensible question after all. Why not do the ‘usual’ route. Unfortunately that decision was never mine to make. A bit of background on me would be helpful first. You could say I come from an elite/good sec school in express stream. My grades, especially from sec 3 onwards, weren’t fantastic. By mid years of sec 4 I had a whopping l1r5 of 39. Fearing for the toll of jc work on me, they decided to start the application process to the intl sch around the same period. Without telling me. Kind of a dick move if you ask me. They informed me around the June holidays, and we had quite a few discussions over the next few days.
The next question would be “Why didn’t I just say no?”. My parents had already put down the initial deposit that is part of the application process, and they would only get back a small % of it if they forfeited my place. And since we're talking about intl schools here, its obviously no kopitiam coffee fee. Even though they applied me to one of the three local intl schs (HCI intl, ACS intl, SJI intl), it still was sizeable, and I didn't want to put another burden on my parents (my sister's in uni). And yeah you can call me rich or wtv, idrc at this point. So now I was pressured to keep to this path. But I wasn't going down without a fight though. I had worked so hard to get into my sec sch, and my teachers were really dedicated to getting the best out of us. Same goes for my tuition teachers. Even though my results said one thing, everyone could read between the lines that I was improving. Everyone except the people it mattered to the most. So I made a compromise with my parents. If I score below 10, I could join the jc's of my choice. As you can see, that didn't happen.
Please don't see this as me being insolent towards people who worked hard to get into any jc. They made a point about my older sister's experience. My sister had an unpleasant time during jc (She did her A's right smack in the middle of covid in 2020). Unpleasant chers, uncooperative pw group mates, council slackers, yk the usual. I guess what pushed them over the edge was that these weren't isolated events, she's had to deal with a fair number of them over the years. And combined with me being on a similar trajectory (I had a terrible math cher in sec 1&2, and a terrible cca teacher in charge), I guess it led them to believe I would go through the same things. I don't blame them for caring about my well-being, but I think they overreacted. For one thing 2020 was an unprecedented year, for all of us, and no one could've predicted the way things went. Also my sister would've had a much different teenage experience coming from an all-girls school to a co-ed jc, as compared to me going from an all-boys. So there would've been things she found weird or uncommon that I would find perfectly normal. But they did say a lot of nasty things about jc and a levels as whole that really irked me. "Anything above 10 is a step down from the IB". Granted it's not entirely wrong, but to completely disregard it is unacceptable. For all its flaws, which there are many, the A levels is still a really good form of education. I don't think a lot of us realise how privileged we are to have our own exam system that is internationally recognised, and can be put against the likes of the American and British system. A lot of teens here strive to get one of those coveted spots, and a lot don't make it.
So then I wanted to get below 10. I guess this is where the problem lay. Instead of proving to myself what I could do, I was working to prove them wrong. Because it hurt, to me it was like they didn't believe in me. And that's the last thing a parent should do, make their child feel as though their parents have no hope for them. In the end I got 14-2=12. While I did lower it by three times from mid years, and twice from prelims, I was still crushed. Cause now I was going to an unfamiliar environment, and all of my friends were moving on, while I was left thinking what if. To add insult to injury, my parents still had the nerve to comfort me and say I still had a choice. Literally 2 months ago they were slamming the system and the school I was posted to (CJC science). No no no no, if I went to cjc and struggled, they're the kind to slander me for the next 2 years.
Now the part you've all been waiting for, my experience. It's only been six months, so anything I say is still quite limited/unfinished. I'll make another post at the end of next year for a better look back on my time here. I'll do things chronologically. Orientation (if you can even call it that), was kinda like getting to know your new class at the start of sec 3. There were only 26 new students coming in this year, so I figured we wouldn't be much of a priority either way. Everyone already knew each other, so I was left to my own devices for the day. And it was only one day anyway, it was more of a sports day tbh. The first few days was just trying to find my way to classes. I had missed a school tour in august last year cause it was right smack in prelims. I had to rely on my timetable and some help from my form classmates. Speaking of which, they're nice people individually, but we haven't had any good moments together apart from one time when we went to Bounce @ Grange rd. And even that was a mandatory event that all classes had to organise themselves.
Before going in I had a lot of assumptions and generalisations of intl sch ppl, a lot of which came from being in the local system. After 6 months in, I won't say they're wrong, but they haven't been completely disproven yet. Yk the usual lah, snobbish, out of touch, don't care about grades. But if there's one things my parents got right out of this whole ordeal, it was choosing the correct local intl sch. At least at the one I'm currently in, there's a lot less of those kind of people than I expected. There's a fairly big sg/pr population here too, which means ns boys hehe. But even the ones of different nationality, and those who have bounced around a fair bit, have been welcoming of me. I've even made a few friends here (playing football every day helps). So life's better that I thought it would have been. I genuinely thought I would've offed myself by know. That's how bad my mental state was at the start of the year. Add to the fact that they start in Jan, so I didn't get my extra 1 month break >:( But yeah life's been ok.
But it's not always been ok. One of the preconceptions I had of intl schools was the overinflated drama, which I unfortunately got from Hollywood. But I never expected it to be true, and somehow on a worse level than sec sch. Honestly I can't even keep track of things at times, and I've even been in the crossfire of a few. Things spread around like wildfire here, especially when everyone's known each other for 5 years+. I thought that after surviving an all-boys school, where people would wrestle half naked, nothing would faze me. But it gets quite extreme sometimes, from what I've heard. The more the money the more the drama ig.
Speaking of which, lifestyles are quite different here. Not in a bad way, it's just something I'm not used to. Everyone is used to each other and can spontaneously just do stuff like pop over to someone's house with zero warning. Leisure back in the hood would be the boys pulling up for a game of footie or a late night gaming session. Here there's a lot of travelling, brands, going out and spending kind of things. Stuff that I've never been accustomed to doing and never been comfortable doing, even when I could. Not saying that doing those sorts of thing is bad. If you have money you can and should use it, not everyone is as fortunate as we are. I don't mean to sound patronizing, this is just new to me, being surrounded by a lot of these people, whereas elsewhere it was just me and maybe just one or two other guys. I've had many friends, close friends who have looked at me solely on who I am, and not the numbers in my parents bank account.
Speaking of numbers, grades are an interesting subject (pun intended). There are your usual mix, the hard workers, the average ones and the slackers. I have classes with several of all, and I try to avoid the slackers, because I knew from the stary that I would be irritated by them. Dyk how many people will kill to be in their spot? And they're doing nothing but rotting on their asses. For some reason, working hard is kind of looked down upon. I guess at this point in the course of the Diploma, there's nothing much to worry about, but that doesn't mean you should be failing. It baffles me, as a person who used to fail constantly, now being top in my class for several subjects. Like I said before, 6 months is not an accurate representation of people's entire lives, but I expected some dignity at least. If there's one trait that's the most different between home and here, is that at home the value of hard work is appreciated and is a common struggle. Somehow me doing the bare minimum here (In my eyes) is seen as impressive, which is something I've actually been told. A lot pf people told me they'd die if they tried the O's.
Friends is another thing. I was fortunate to make a few, but not everyone was as lucky as I was. There was one guy in my form class who joined this year like me, but made 0 friends, so naturally he gravitated towards me, having also come from the local school system. In fact there were more than than just the 2 of us. There are about 7 (from the ppl I've met), including one who was from my sec sch that I met on ori day, which was a nice surprise. I didn't know him too well in sec sch (we were in different classes but played recess footie) , but we've become closer in the past months. We all sort of understood each other in terms of shared experiences, but we made different friend groups, except him. I saw him sitting by himself a lot, be it eating or studying. Eventually he left for poly. (My mum would've dropped dead if I wanted that). He told me that the diploma wasn't for him, which I can understand. I used to think that too (still do sometimes). But I wouldn't be surprised if that had played a part in his decision to leave. Some other kids were more fortunate than me, as they did what I wanted to do, leave after getting their O lvl results. He also mentioned el (they call it langlit over here) as part of the problem, which I also agree with. It's actually my worst subject rn, mostly because I dropped lit in sec 2 and didn't want to deal with it, another reason why I didn't want to do the diploma.
Final thoughts for anyone who's bothered to make it this far: Thanks for bearing with me lol. I have one more week before the school goes on the six week summer break (June hols essentially). Yes the term hasn't ended and yes the term dates are weird. I'm most probably going to lepak in my room the entire time, cause honestly I need it. I don't know what to make of my time here so far, it's felt more like a dream at times, but I'll just go wherever the river takes me.
Edit: can’t believe I forgot to mention this, but one of my childhood friends joined said intl sch in sec 3, she had a topsy turvy sec 1&2, didn’t like school cultures and you know how girls can be sometimes. She described going here as the best decision she ever made. Which is the catch I guess. You can either get a cohort that pushes you to do your best and welcomes you into their family, or the opposite.
submitted by Unk0wnParad0x to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:20 pixiepubes Options after academia?

TW: mental health, suicide
Hello there, It's probably too late to look for help, but I need a little guidance. I quit my extremely toxic workplace as an assistant professor after almost 2 years because it had taken a toll on my mental and physical health. It was a college with unscrupulous practices, intense workload, no time for research, and about 14 hour workday, including travel time. If our biometric showed even a minute less than our required worktimings, the entire day would be docked as absenteeism with loss of pay. We would also be inundated over the weekends, so there was never a moment's respite. The job was obviously respectable on paper, but the stress got too much, and after watching the admin's indifference to a suicide on campus, my health failed. Took a long medical leave and then decided I had to quit to save my sanity after I had recurring panic attacks, migraines, and IBS distress at the thought of returning. I no longer know if I want to be in academia at all. The struggle to find support, lack of mentorship, intense competition combined with my multiple mental and physical health issues (ADD, CPTSD, BPD, PCOS, IBS, migraines) are making me reconsider if I can have a career in this field, or any WFO career for that matter. My PhD. was a mistake, I ended up working on a topic that has no career or practical prospects and that I have lost interest in over time. I also have severe social anxiety, so I could never network or find recommendations in this field. I wanted to finish it once I had started and apply for a postdoc so that I could move to a better country, but it looks more and more unlikely given the current scenario and the high demands of academia. I feel like my last decade has all been a mistake
At this point, I am sick, unemployed, and struggling with severe anxiety about what comes next. I keep going through a thousand options, but all of them mean starting over, and I am not even sure if I am just doing this because of the trauma of my last workplace, or I genuinely don't belong in academia. I'm not sure where to go from here. I think I can work hard and have always received commendations for my work as long as I am engaged and comfortable. I am applying to every possible position that can use my skills as an educator, but there are few options. I don't even know if I should stick around in academia and just work harder when I know it is eventually thankless work with constant burnout. No one warned me, and this is not the life I had planned. Where do I go from here? Everyone tells me I made a mistake. Please be kind if you choose to respond.
Edit: I am in my mid-30s, single, no support, and from a developing nation with no unemployment benefits or mental health infrastructure. I have no other training since I have spent my life in this sector
submitted by pixiepubes to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:19 The_Texidian The Apocalypse; My Predictions

I want to bring a break to all the political posts and do a crackpot conspiracy that I think is interesting. Here we go:
First and foremost, I think it is important to remember this was written around 95 AD, so John would have no knowledge of what an ICBM, a gun or a plane or anything actually is. Therefore when reading this, you must understand he is using things he does know to describe things he does not know. He simply has no words to name what he saw, so he used common items to describe it to people.
Revelation 6:1-8
I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. 3 When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword. 5 When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. 6 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds\)a\) of wheat for a day’s wages,\)b\) and six pounds\)c\) of barley for a day’s wages,\)d\) and do not damage the oil and the wine!” 7 When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
The 4 horseman of the apocalypse. A horse of white, red, black, and pale (possibly green). If we are to assume there are no coincidences in the Bible then the color's mean something. You cant help but notice that Palestine's flag is that of white, red, black and pale. Once you look further, you will notice so is Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Kuwait, Sudan, UAE, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and you see my point.
Lets break down further what is to come when the first seals are broken.
Seal 1: The White Horseman
Once the first seal is broken, a rider holding a sword symbolic of conquest rode out. In the Hamas Covenant of 1988, they say in the first section: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" and "The day that enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem."
People bent on conquest is the first thing they mention. It is Hamas' intention to obliterate Israel and the Jews there.
Seal 2: The Red Horseman
This horseman is set to end world peace and make people kill each other. Lets take another look at Hamas' charter, shall we?
After securing the national of Israel and uniting Palestine under 1 religion, Islam in the praise of Allah. Their defined slogan is:
"Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes." and they talk about how all Muslim nations should join them to bring about Jihad until all nationals say Allah's name.
"They should back and support it, as Allah wants them to, extending to it more and more funds till Allah's purpose is achieved when ranks will close up, fighters join other fighters and masses everywhere in the Islamic world will come forward in response to the call of duty while loudly proclaiming: Hail to Jihad. Their cry will reach the heavens and will go on being resounded until liberation is achieved, the invaders vanquished and Allah's victory comes about."
Seal 3: The Black Horseman
I am assuming during this Jihad, famine will spread across the region as the infidels are killed off en masse. Food prices will sky rocket as Islamic nations erupt into chaos. Their oil production will slow causing everything to inflate, and they possibly going to war with the west as well and cut off our supply of oil.
Seal 4: The Pale Horseman (people theorize this could be a light green or yellow pale)
Global conflict as WW3 erupts across the globe. This is when food and disease will run rampant as every nation devolves into war. This horseman can kill by any means so expect anything. Bioweapons, chemical attacks, energy weapons, herbicides, ecoterrorism, etc. However I do not think nuclear warfare will happen yet because it is mentioned later on.
Now we go into what happens after the world falls into Jihad in Revelations 6:9-17
9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. 10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” 11 Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters,\)e\) were killed just as they had been. 12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. 15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us\)f\) from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of their\)g\) wrath has come, and who can withstand it?
>Seal 5: Judgment Day
>Seal 6: Nuclear War or Super Volcano
An earthquake, strong wind, sky turning red as the sun is blocked out. The heavens (clouds) receding like a scroll. I think this is someone describing a nuclear bomb who has never heard of one. We know nuclear bombs resemble earthquakes and can be detected via seismic activity. A strong wind comes from the blast as well, and such an explosion will move clouds as if they are being rolled back.
I think given the greater context of the apocalypse, nuclear war is the most likely, especially since John would have said something about a mountain exploding if it were a super volcano or made some mention of it.
The Grand Finale
The kings, princes, rich, and mighty + everyone else runs into caves in the mountains....I think conspiracy knows that the rich are building bunkers for a reason. They know what is to come. I think at this point the human race will be greatly reduced in population, and would be feasible for the remaining few to run to bunkers and fallout shelters.
In Zechariah 14:1-2 it states that in the end days, all nations will come to Jerusalem to fight against it. I think in the coming year or years, Israel will do something so bad that all nations will tell them to stop or global sentiment will continue to shift over to support Palestine. At which point the bible says Jerusalem will be captured, houses ransacked, and women raped. Half the city will be in exile. I think this will be the Muslim population that live in Israel and do not support Jihad, currently it is at 38% Muslim there, after the Jews are mostly killed off in the jihad this number will likely be half the remaining population.
Now continuing down in the same chapter, the passage about Mount Olives is interesting. It says on this day it will be split in 2. I am not sure if this is metaphoric (nation divided in this area and explodes into warfare and the dust from explosions block the sun) or literal (the mountain explodes). It also says there will be no cold, light or frost. So I am leaning towards this will be an area of hot conflict that will erupt into warfare, rocket strikes and explosions, etc. There will be a frontline that runs straight down the middle of Mount Olives. The people there will flee en masse which the bible also says will happen.
The Angels:
Revelation 8 gives us insight into the angels in the final seal of the apocalypse and it is almost describing nuclear war perfectly.
Angel 1: Blew his trumpet and hail and fire was thrown upon the earth. 1/3rd of the earth was burned up, all the trees and grass was burned.
Angel 2: "Something like a great mountain" on fire thrown into the sea. I think this is describing an aircraft carrier getting hit, being set ablaze and going into the water. John would not know what an aircraft carrier looks like so to him, it might be something like a great mountain.
Angel 3: A great star comes falling out of the sky, blazing like a torch. A torch is a long object with a flame on one end. Sounds like a missile of some sort. Again John would have no idea what a missile is, so he is using things he knows in order to describe it. This missile poisons the water and is bitter. It is called Wormwood, which in Hebrew is written like לענה. I think John was reading Russian and rationalized it to something he could read, and the bitter water is the metallic taste people get from radiation.
Angel 4: Blew his trumpet and a third of the sun, stars and moon disappeared. Maybe at this point he is describing the response to Angel 3 via a nuclear retaliation. He also describes seeing an eagle. The eagle is symbolic of the USA which would make sense if the Angel 3 was a Russian ICBM.
Revelations 9:
Angel 5: This time John perfectly describes a missile silo. Read this:
"The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. 2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. 3 And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 They were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes. 6 During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them." 7 The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces. 8 Their hair was like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth. 9 They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. 10 They had tails with stingers, like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. 11 They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).
I think a first part with the keys to a bottomless shaft describes an underground missile silo and the smoke is the launch. However the last part is too metaphorical for me to understand. The sting of a scorpion sounds like burns and the wish for death sounds like radiation sickness. This might allude to the marks the government will give us, maybe the government will give a select group of people passes into the bunkers so those without the mark will perish in the nuclear fallout.
I think the locusts is describing air planes at this point. He describes them as horses prepared for battle (elephant walks), and their faces like humans can either be nose art or the fact people try to see faces in inanimate things like cars. So to him he saw faces. This could also be tech we have yet to see. He even describes their engines as thunderous and their breastplates made of metal., which sounds like a modern fighter I think the gold crown they wear is referring to the radar reflecting gold bubble canopies used on 5th gen fighters. John would not know how to describe a radar reflecting canopy back in 95 AD, to him it would be a gold crown.
Angel 6: Releases the other angels from the Euphrates river that wipes out 1/3rd the population. This angel however is responsible for troops in the several 10,000s. So it is either Iraq, Syria, or Turkey. He goes onto describe them as wearing Red, Blue and Yellow. Look up the dress uniform of the Iraqi army, it is a red band on their hat, gold yelow an dark blue. The Iraqi army uniform is perfectly described in revelations, even down to what river they will be coming from. That is too much of a coincidence. He then describes smoke and sulfur coming from their mounts, I imagine they will use chemical weapons or white phosphorus in battle.
Angel 7: I am not even sure tbh. maybe new tech?
My Predictions:
1-2 years: Israel/Palestine conflict will ramp up as Israel continues their bombing campaigns. I think something will happen so severe that it will shock the world and turn them against Israel, telling them to stop cut funding, etc. Middle Eastern countries will come to Gaza and start pushing their troops into Israel. A front line will be established through Mount Olive as full scale war breaks out and the people of Israel flee. The middle eastern forces will take over Israel.
3-4 years: A new Islamic government will be established in Jerusalem. From there, there will be calls for the jihad and some terror groups will appear again. This will send us back into a GWOT type of conflict where NATO is trying to fight off terrorism around the globe. WW3 starts as China takes Taiwan since US troops are spread thing fighting against the Jihad. This might start off with an attack on a US Aircraft Carrier.
5-7 years: Someone hits the big red button and nuclear war breaks out. Chaos. plague, destruction, etc. Full scale modern war.
submitted by The_Texidian to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:19 TheWarBuggie159 Stupid AI, Says I am Suicidal.

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2024.06.02 18:16 JohnBierce Writing Advice: Economic Progression Fantasy

Progression Fantasy is still a very young subgenre, so I think it fair to forgive it a few growing pains, but...
It's got an economics problem. A real economics problem.
Namely: While there have been quite a few attempts at writing economic progression fantasy, where the MC progresses not just in personal power, but in economic strength (wealth, etc)- remarkably few of them impress me. In fact, the only one that I will outright declare a win is Kyle Kirrin's Shadeslinger. (Which, I should note, is not an attempt to build a functioning "real" economy, but instead to build a functioning videogame economy- a challenging task of its own, and one Kirrin does fantastic at for the purposes of his narrative.) (Also Frank is the best, long live Frank.)
Now, I've hardly exhausted the whole of economic progression fantasy, there's tons of examples I haven't read- but the failed attempts I have read, numbering quite a few, tend to have some fairly similar failure states. (I won't name any of them- I don't generally like speaking ill of other living authors' works,just their politics.)
This is of especial interest to me because I'm literally in the midst of writing an economic progression fantasy. I enjoy reading and writing this stuff! (Though, I should be clear, my upcoming series does not have a commerce-based progression plot- rather, it has a magic system deeply integrated into its economy. Also, it's socialist sword and sorcery.)
So here's a non-exhaustive list of failure states for writing economic progression fantasy, and tips for writing good economic progression fantasy/litrpg. And, while I'm very much a socialist and anti-capitalist, this advice is intended to be useful to anyone writing economic PF, regardless if they share my political and economic leanings. (Though I'm still gonna trash-talk capitalism a bunch lol.) And remember: I call them pitfalls, not rules, because these are not things you're forbidden to do, these are things that are harder to do.
Again, this isn't meant to be an exhaustive list! It's just a few pitfalls and tips, in no particularly coherent order. If you want to write really good economic fantasy, of any subgenre, you need to do your groundwork, do your research, and be ready to stress test the hell out of your worldbuilding.
submitted by JohnBierce to ProgressionFantasy [link] [comments]