Bowling name generator

Generate your character names here!

2018.04.30 21:46 Generate your character names here!

Submit a description here to receive naming suggestions for fictional characters, pets, nicknames for people, foreign names, titles and more.

2015.12.30 18:37 PUSClFER People Fucking Dying

Videos and GIFs of people (figuratively) fucking dying.

2009.07.28 20:34 YupYesYeah Bowling


2024.05.20 05:00 BigotryAccuser Are New Openings & Variations Still Being Made?

This might just be a semantic question, but are new "openings" and "variations" still being created these days? It seems like novelties still show up fairly often in the engine age, but all the openings with proper names (think Sicilian Dragon, Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack) are old and/or reference players from older generations. Of course, all the best openings have seemingly been played already, so that explains the lack of new overarching openings, but are subvariations still being named, especially after people? Or is it just a bunch of unnamed novelties which will never pick up steam and become full variations?
The only "new opening name" I've heard of recently is The Cow, and that's because it's a meme.
submitted by BigotryAccuser to chess [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:00 gamblingiscool Anyone know any OG Survival Games Servers?

If anyone played back in the day, like way way back, there was a server where you basically spawn in a randomly generated world with walls surrounding it. There was a short grace period for everyone to get situated, but you basically speed run op armor by mining and such. I forgot the name but surely its closed. Anyone know if something just as fun exists?
submitted by gamblingiscool to CompetitiveMinecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:58 EvilCatboyWizard I saw Talrand, Orvar, and Vesuvan Duplimancy and thought, "Why not all at once?"

submitted by EvilCatboyWizard to custommagic [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:58 Echos_Aus Fan alien ideas?

Fan alien ideas?
What ideas do you have? (Also feel free to add notes to the ideas, even mine) (Here is a base below) Ben Name: Alien Specie: Alien Planet: Abilities: - ... - ... - ... (Add more or less dots) Description: (This is optional, but feel free to add lore or whatever fits) What they look like: (Add images or a description)
Here's an example
Ben Name: The Simulator (might change) Alien Specie: Garnumatian Alien Planet: Ridge Bonverage Abilities: - Running Simulations (kinda like garnets future vision in the winter steven Universe episode) - Levitation - Enhanced Smartness - Zen Personality - Forehead eye lazer - Energy Generation (Limited) Description: their planet is primitive due to their Zen life, even though they are relatively smart, Though the transformation isn't completely Zen like their Specie, so if your hot headed or brash those traits would carry over. At first, you could only simulate the situation you're in, but then you could simulate most things, like what if the lion king was real. But never the less, they are pretty weak physically, having brittle bones and above average human strength. So this Hakutamatata Timone and Pumah Alien is pretty cool in my opinion but not great with fighting. What they look like:
submitted by Echos_Aus to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:54 YoungGriffVI What’s In a Name?: Targaryen Names that Didn’t Get Reused (and Why)

Targaryen names fascinate me. Of all the ones they could pick between, it seems they like to choose from about five. Well, I’m working on a writeup of names that did get reused and to what extent (and sometimes where it stopped), but in a family so determined to repeat names, the ones that aren’t probably have a reason for it. Without speculating too much, I wanted to lay them out and provide possible explanations for the ones that I could. I classified them into six possible categories, each by where the name most likely came from (in my opinion.)
Disclaimer: I only took the name exactly as it is. If it’s one letter off, or the genderflipped version of the name, it counts as not being reused. I did this for consistency so my personal interpretation wouldn’t influence anything. I’ve also chosen to include the first generation of Blackfyres.

There Hasn’t Been Time To Reuse This

Any name that was used for the first time in the past few generations doesn’t count as there hasn’t really been time for it to come up again. I took it back to Jaehaerys II, meaning the ones here are Rhaegar, his stillborn sister Shaena, Rhaego, Queen Shaera, and Princess Rhaelle.

Named After Specific Non-Targaryens

Jon: Technically Jon has come up on the Targaryen family tree, but only as Jon Longwaters. As they’re a Velaryon branch, and Jon is named after Jon Arryn, I’m counting Snow as the only one.
Alyssa: Alyssa, daughter of Jaehaerys and Alysanne, is almost certainly named for her grandmother Alyssa Velaryon.
Duncan: Is named after Duncan the Tall. Case closed.

Named Using a Different Family’s Conventions

I only counted people who had at least one Targaryen parent, but despite all the inbreeding sometimes other Houses did get to sire a kid or two. Sometimes they even got to pick the name. This is the category for anyone with a non-repeating name who seems to be following a different House’s way of naming. It covers Jocelyn Baratheon, Aemma Arryn, Alyn Velaryon, and Brynden Rivers. One could make an argument for Laenor and Daenaera Velaryon to be here too, since Velaryons are still Valyrian so the similarity without repeating could stem from that.

Namesake Sucks

Aerion: Was crazy. Drank wildfire. Kept Maegor from going in this category. Need I say more?
Rhaenyra: I’m going to get angry comments for putting her under this category, but take it in-universe and remember that the Dance almost destroyed their whole house. Aegon only gets away with it because the person he was named after was better than him. Since her kids ‘with Laenor’ also didn’t have their names reused, probably because of association, we can throw in Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey as well (though really Joffrey should be with the “named after a specific non-Targ”; I just wanted to keep him with his brothers.)
Aemond and Helaena also fall victim to this on the Greens side, as they were never used again post-Dance either. Neither was her son Maelor, which could be for similar reasons to Rhaenyra’s kids or even just because renaming a kid after what happened to him could be bad luck or something.

Obvious Inspiration

Sometimes the parents got creative and used another, usually more common, namesake as the basis and tweaked it a little. I tried to keep these very limited as most Targaryen names tend to be similar, so I’m really only taking the most obvious direct influences.
Aegor Rivers is practically Aegon. So are Vaegon and Haegon. Rhae is similar to both Rhaelle and Rhaella. Jaehaera is just female Jaehaerys. Gaemon is Aemon with a G.
Shiera Seastar and Saera have two almost-namesakes each in the too-recent generation, so while those are there, we’ll count these here as the inspiration for them. Rhaegel for Rhaegar as well.
I’m also counting Aelor and Aelora here, even if the first time it was used was whichever twin was born first. The second was still obviously inspired by it.

Less Direct Inspiration

Names that are a little farther from the established ones, but still are well within the Targaryen norms. You’d still instantly recognize it as being a Targaryen and not a different Valyrian (or Andal or First Men!) House. Basically, everything borderline from above.
Baela: Could be from Baelor or Baelon, or even them + her mother Laena.
Daena and Elaena both have the same pattern as their sister Rhaena.
Viserra: Female Viserys, I think, but not as clear as the other genderswaps so it’s here.
Daenora and Naerys clearly are inspired by Daenerys, and possibly Daeron too.

Why Not Reuse It?

So, in the end, we’re left with nine names that are creative, distinguished from the others, and yet never were given to a second baby.
Gael: Had a tragic life, so I can understand not renaming a kid that.
Aerea: Similarly to Gael, I think her fate might dissuade happy parents.
Maekar: He was a good king! I don’t know why none of his kids named any of their children or grandchildren after him.
Calla: Only used for a Blackfyre, which probably does not make it particularly high up on the baby name list.
Valarr and Matarys: Don’t know why these didn’t get reused; Breakspear seems respected enough, and despite dying young they didn’t seem particularly tragic. I’d like to see these pop up again tbh.
Valerion: Probably too confusing, with them being Valyrian, the House Velaryon, and the dragon Balerion.
Maegelle: No clue why this didn’t come back. She seemed to be a sweet and devout Septa.
Alysanne: Another one I’m lost on. She’s regarded as “the good queen,” so her lack of a namesake seems pretty glaring.
submitted by YoungGriffVI to pureasoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:53 YoungGriffVI [Spoilers Extended] What’s In a Name?: Targaryen Names that Didn’t Get Reused (and Why)

Targaryen names fascinate me. Of all the ones they could pick between, it seems they like to choose from about five. Well, I’m working on a writeup of names that did get reused and to what extent (and sometimes where it stopped), but in a family so determined to repeat names, the ones that aren’t probably have a reason for it. Without speculating too much, I wanted to lay them out and provide possible explanations for the ones that I could. I classified them into six possible categories, each by where the name most likely came from (in my opinion.)
Disclaimer: I only took the name exactly as it is. If it’s one letter off, or the genderflipped version of the name, it counts as not being reused. I did this for consistency so my personal interpretation wouldn’t influence anything. I’ve also chosen to include the first generation of Blackfyres.

There Hasn’t Been Time To Reuse This

Any name that was used for the first time in the past few generations doesn’t count as there hasn’t really been time for it to come up again. I took it back to Jaehaerys II, meaning the ones here are Rhaegar, his stillborn sister Shaena, Rhaego, Queen Shaera, and Princess Rhaelle.

Named After Specific Non-Targaryens

Jon: Technically Jon has come up on the Targaryen family tree, but only as Jon Longwaters. As they’re a Velaryon branch, and Jon is named after Jon Arryn, I’m counting Snow as the only one.
Alyssa: Alyssa, daughter of Jaehaerys and Alysanne, is almost certainly named for her grandmother Alyssa Velaryon.
Duncan: Is named after Duncan the Tall. Case closed.

Named Using a Different Family’s Conventions

I only counted people who had at least one Targaryen parent, but despite all the inbreeding sometimes other Houses did get to sire a kid or two. Sometimes they even got to pick the name. This is the category for anyone with a non-repeating name who seems to be following a different House’s way of naming. It covers Jocelyn Baratheon, Aemma Arryn, Alyn Velaryon, and Brynden Rivers. One could make an argument for Laenor and Daenaera Velaryon to be here too, since Velaryons are still Valyrian so the similarity without repeating could stem from that.

Namesake Sucks

Aerion: Was crazy. Drank wildfire. Kept Maegor from going in this category. Need I say more?
Rhaenyra: I’m going to get angry comments for putting her under this category, but take it in-universe and remember that the Dance almost destroyed their whole house. Aegon only gets away with it because the person he was named after was better than him. Since her kids ‘with Laenor’ also didn’t have their names reused, probably because of association, we can throw in Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey as well (though really Joffrey should be with the “named after a specific non-Targ”; I just wanted to keep him with his brothers.)
Aemond and Helaena also fall victim to this on the Greens side, as they were never used again post-Dance either. Neither was her son Maelor, which could be for similar reasons to Rhaenyra’s kids or even just because renaming a kid after what happened to him could be bad luck or something.

Obvious Inspiration

Sometimes the parents got creative and used another, usually more common, namesake as the basis and tweaked it a little. I tried to keep these very limited as most Targaryen names tend to be similar, so I’m really only taking the most obvious direct influences.
Aegor Rivers is practically Aegon. So are Vaegon and Haegon. Rhae is similar to both Rhaelle and Rhaella. Jaehaera is just female Jaehaerys. Gaemon is Aemon with a G.
Shiera Seastar and Saera have two almost-namesakes each in the too-recent generation, so while those are there, we’ll count these here as the inspiration for them. Rhaegel for Rhaegar as well.
I’m also counting Aelor and Aelora here, even if the first time it was used was whichever twin was born first. The second was still obviously inspired by it.

Less Direct Inspiration

Names that are a little farther from the established ones, but still are well within the Targaryen norms. You’d still instantly recognize it as being a Targaryen and not a different Valyrian (or Andal or First Men!) House. Basically, everything borderline from above.
Baela: Could be from Baelor or Baelon, or even them + her mother Laena.
Daena and Elaena both have the same pattern as their sister Rhaena.
Viserra: Female Viserys, I think, but not as clear as the other genderswaps so it’s here.
Daenora and Naerys clearly are inspired by Daenerys, and possibly Daeron too.

Why Not Reuse It?

So, in the end, we’re left with nine names that are creative, distinguished from the others, and yet never were given to a second baby.
Gael: Had a tragic life, so I can understand not renaming a kid that.
Aerea: Similarly to Gael, I think her fate might dissuade happy parents.
Maekar: He was a good king! I don’t know why none of his kids named any of their children or grandchildren after him.
Calla: Only used for a Blackfyre, which probably does not make it particularly high up on the baby name list.
Valarr and Matarys: Don’t know why these didn’t get reused; Breakspear seems respected enough, and despite dying young they didn’t seem particularly tragic. I’d like to see these pop up again tbh.
Valerion: Probably too confusing, with them being Valyrian, the House Velaryon, and the dragon Balerion.
Maegelle: No clue why this didn’t come back. She seemed to be a sweet and devout Septa.
Alysanne: Another one I’m lost on. She’s regarded as “the good queen,” so her lack of a namesake seems pretty glaring.
submitted by YoungGriffVI to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:45 bbcxu7 With the Nuggets eliminated, this will mark only the second time in NBA history where a different team won each of the NBA championships over a 6 season span, the last time being 1975 - 1980

*Reposting because my last post got removed*
Last year, I made this post about how the NBA has historically been ruled by great teams who dominate their eras and win at least two championships over any five-year stretch. When expanded to six-year periods, it has only happened once in NBA history:
1975: Golden State Warriors, 1976: Boston Celtics, 1977: Portland Trailblazers, 1978: Washington Bullets, 1979: Seattle SuperSonics, 1980: Los Angeles Lakers,
With the Nuggets eliminated, it ensures a 6th different team will have won from 2019 -2024
2019: Toronto Raptors, 2020: Los Angeles Lakers, 2021: Milwaukee Bucks, 2022: Golden State Warriors, 2023: Denver Nuggets, 2024: TBD (between DAL, MIN, BOS, IND)
If a different team manages to win next season as well, it will mark the first time in NBA history. Parity in the NBA has never been this good. The talent level in the league right now is amazing, with the next generation of superstars taking over the reigns.
submitted by bbcxu7 to nba [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:44 ab-absurdum Who is Maynard Holliday? Calling all FOIA experts. Let's pull on this string.

I was digging around and found this seemingly well-connected character. I believe there are more than a few good strings here that we could be pulling on together. I'm not at all familiar with the FOIA process, but I know some members here are and might enjoy a new rabbithole to dig down.
If you have experience filing a FOIA request and would be willing to file one or multiple requests for us, please reach out via modmail or comment here.
I really feel there may be some good leads here. Thank you to anyone who is willing to assist!
Below is a biography from
Mr. Maynard A. Holliday is Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. In this capacity, he oversees investment and capability analysis of the Pentagon's critical technology areas. He has oversight of 11 principal directors assigned to those critical technology portfolios and their roadmaps — the comprehensive strategies to manage, provide oversight and guide choices for each critical technology area. These critical technology areas include 5G; Advanced Computing & Software; Directed Energy; Human-Machine Interfaces; Hypersonics; Integrated Network Systems-of-Systems; Integrated Sensing & Cyber; Microelectronics; Renewable Energy Generation & Storage; Space Technology; and Trusted Artificial Intelligence & Autonomy.
Mr. Holliday has more than 30 years of professional experience leading technological innovations in both government and the private sector. Most recently, he was a Senior Engineer at the RAND Corporation working on autonomous vehicle safety metrics and policy, explainable artificial intelligence, swarm robotics and drone defense. Previously, he served as Senior Technical Advisor and Special Assistant to Frank Kendall, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. Mr. Holliday helped establish the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental and was a member of the Defense Science Board. Mr. Holliday has also worked for the Department of Energy as a project manager for the U.S.-Russia Nuclear Material Security Task Force. He was awarded the DOE’s Meritorious Service Award, its highest, for his exceptional service in helping secure tons of weapons grade nuclear material. Prior to his government service, Mr. Holliday was a senior engineering and robotics professional at the Lawrence Livermore and Sandia National Laboratories, as well as various robotics start-ups and technology companies in Silicon Valley.
Mr. Holliday is a co-organizer of Black in Robotics, a virtual world-wide community of roboticists and their allies whose mission is to bring together Black researchers, industry professionals and students in robotics to mutually support one another to help navigate academic, corporate, and entrepreneurial paths to success. He is also co-founder of Robot Garden, the robotics-themed hacker space in Livermore, Calif. He also has been working with Bay Area public schools lecturing on robotics and teaching robotics through the Citizen Schools program in East Oakland. Mr. Holliday was named Citizen Schools Volunteer of the Year for 2012 and was also recognized with a Presidential Volunteer Service Award from the White House for his efforts. Before leaving government service in 2017, he was awarded the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service recognizing his contributions to national security through his considerable and trusted advice on multiple DOD initiatives.
Mr. Holliday graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. He later won a scholarship to attend Stanford University, where he earned a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Design with an emphasis on robotics, international security and arms control. Mr. Holliday also won a scholarship to attend the International Space University in France and was a two-time finalist for the U.S. Astronaut Corps.
submitted by ab-absurdum to UFOdiscussions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:43 Genghgis_cant Advice on charging manufacturers for advertising space...

Hey guys,
So I'm creating a b2b subscription based app within the trade industry. The startup is a few months from soft launch and I have an idea to be able to make a bit of money back my investment by charging advertising space to the product manufacturer.
There are a few steps within the app in order to get to the digital quote stage in which the customer will be able to e-sign.
I cannot divulge too much into it at this stage but the industry only uses one product. This product has many different types and there are 5-10 manufacturers of the product.
At this stage, the quote only mentions the product type used for the job and its manufacturers name.
I am looking to go a little further here and add a few more things to the quote at a cost to the manufacturer in exchange for exposure/advertising.
  1. Brief description of the product type
  2. Manufacturers logo
  3. Manufacturers website (hyperlink)
Hypothetical figures:
Let's go with 2 quotes per day for this equation and drop the potential subscribing companies down to 1,000:
260 working days per year x 2 quotes = 520 quotes per year, per company.
520 quotes x 1,000 subscribing companies = 520,000 quotes per year
520,000 divided by 6 (number of manufacturers) = 86,666 ad exposures per year, per manufacturer.
I hope my working was correct here, please let me know if not. Also, some manufacturers may be more popular than others based on personal preference or product performance.
I think a manufacturer would be interested at the opportunity to advertise even half of this amount at 43K times per year.
What do you think about this idea? Can it generate some income? If so, how would you go about charging for this? Per annum? Per quote?
Thanks so much guys,
submitted by Genghgis_cant to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:39 Busy_Significance803 I've compiled what this sub has turned to

I've compiled what this sub has turned to
Odeofsilence and okproblem are managers at the company named "ikillpeopleandusethiscompanytopayoffthevictimsfamily" they sent the dog video to coolee's cousin machine gun kelly and andy milonakas and he has a song with chief keef (who is a rapper) and so is drake so they're directly involved. rick ross is fat. today i walked by a pet store and i think it's also linked to the illuminati dog bowl embassy hotel "The Mark" which is the drake dog video leak on akademiks stream... the pet store had dog themed items which is a direct reference to drake dog mask and the pizza gate. It's all involved, i saw a woman on tiktok say drake stole her bike back in toronto she might be involved as well
Big breast disabled milk man follows dave free LinkedIn. CA ebony (EP) style freaky midget dog man costume listening to beats for more than 5 minutes... Boi1da made a barbeque sauce back in 17 limited edition sold in the mark seafood restaurant only... it tasted like dogshit so i wonder if thats a double entendre as well
Odeofsilence 6/6/2024 (2+4=6) lucifer himself had entered now we must make a prayer circle to protect his attempts at displacing our thoughts to protect us while the others continue on figuring more stuff out, muslims and jewish friends you should also bring out your respective religious books/scrolls incase it's the devil from your religions!!
This is getting deep drake has a chain that is a circle and thats a shape.. so are triangles... bermuda triangle sinking plane theory.. the leader of iran helicopter crashed..... its getting deep maybe he got the dog video from okproblem and andy so they had to activate the pyramids to take him down
submitted by Busy_Significance803 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:37 chopinrocks Band Names where everyone likes bowling.

submitted by chopinrocks to Bandnames [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:36 PoligamerYT SharpGL Texture Loading

SharpGL Texture Loading
Hello, I am trying to load an MTL file to an OBJ using SharpGL, but for some reason, the texture doesn't load correctly and all my scene gets darker.
using OBJMC.Model.Types; using SharpGL; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; namespace OBJMC.Model { public class ModelRenderer { private readonly ObjModel _model; private readonly Dictionary textureCache = new Dictionary(); public ModelRenderer(ObjModel model) { _model = model; } public void Render(OpenGL gl) { foreach (var face in _model.Faces) { if (_model.FaceMaterials.TryGetValue(face, out var materialName)) { if (_model.Materials.TryGetValue(materialName, out var material)) { ApplyMaterial(gl, material); } else { ApplyDefaultMaterial(gl); } } else { ApplyDefaultMaterial(gl); } gl.Begin(OpenGL.GL_TRIANGLES); for (int i = 0; i < face.VertexIndices.Count; i++) { if (face.NormalIndices.Count > 0) { var normal = _model.Normals[face.NormalIndices[i] - 1]; gl.Normal(normal.X, normal.Y, normal.Z); } if (face.TextureIndices.Count > 0) { var texCoord = _model.TextureCoords[face.TextureIndices[i] - 1]; gl.TexCoord(texCoord.U, texCoord.V); } var vertex = _model.Vertices[face.VertexIndices[i] - 1]; gl.Vertex(vertex.X, vertex.Y, vertex.Z); } gl.End(); } } private void ApplyMaterial(OpenGL gl, Material material) { gl.Material(OpenGL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL_AMBIENT, material.Ambient); gl.Material(OpenGL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL_DIFFUSE, material.Diffuse); gl.Material(OpenGL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL_SPECULAR, material.Specular); gl.Material(OpenGL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL_SHININESS, material.Shininess); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(material.TextureFile)) { int textureId = LoadTexture(gl, material.TextureFile); if (textureId != 0) { gl.Enable(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D); gl.BindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, (uint)textureId); } } } private void ApplyDefaultMaterial(OpenGL gl) { float[] defaultAmbient = { 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f }; float[] defaultDiffuse = { 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f }; float[] defaultSpecular = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; float defaultShininess = 50.0f; gl.Material(OpenGL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL_AMBIENT, defaultAmbient); gl.Material(OpenGL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL_DIFFUSE, defaultDiffuse); gl.Material(OpenGL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL_SPECULAR, defaultSpecular); gl.Material(OpenGL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL_SHININESS, defaultShininess); } private int LoadTexture(OpenGL gl, string texturePath) { if (textureCache.TryGetValue(texturePath, out uint textureId)) { // Return the cached texture ID if it's already loaded return (int)textureId; } // Generate a texture ID and bind it uint[] textures = new uint[1]; gl.GenTextures(1, textures); textureId = textures[0]; gl.BindTexture(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureId); // Load the image from file try { using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(texturePath)) { BitmapData data = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); // Set the texture parameters gl.TexParameter(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, OpenGL.GL_LINEAR); gl.TexParameter(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, OpenGL.GL_LINEAR); gl.TexParameter(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, OpenGL.GL_REPEAT); gl.TexParameter(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, OpenGL.GL_REPEAT); // Create the texture from the bitmap data gl.TexImage2D(OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, OpenGL.GL_RGBA, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, 0, OpenGL.GL_BGRA, OpenGL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data.Scan0); bitmap.UnlockBits(data); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to load texture {texturePath}: {ex.Message}"); return 0; } // Cache the loaded texture ID textureCache[texturePath] = textureId; return (int)textureId; } } } 
Trying to load texture.
Whitout texture.
Is the first time I use SharpGL and I don't know what I am doing wrong.
submitted by PoligamerYT to csharp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:22 arcadiansnail King Günter of Snailalot

King Günter of Snailalot
Rest in Peace my Golden Günter 🩵🌈
We found Günter on the side of the house next to our back door when we got home from work on June 8th 2023. He had clearly been pecked by a bird earlier in the day so he was injured and he was the most beautiful golden color unlike any garden snail I had ever seen in the wild before.
At first my husband said we should leave the snail be because we already had two tanks at the time... so we went inside, but I couldn't stop thinking about him. The second my husband got in the shower I grabbed my little quarantine tank and by the time my husband got out of the shower I had the new snail settled in next to our other tanks.
He didn't notice at first but he saw me looking slightly mischievous and I simply said "he lives here now." My husband laughed and said "of course he does" with a smile. Later that night we were on the phone with my mom brainstorming names and we decided that Günter was the most fitting name for him given what he had been through because it means battle warrior.
Over time he took on many nicknames such as "King Günter", "Günter the Gold", "Golden Boy" and eventually we decided that his full name was "King Günter the Gold of Snailalot" and we said goodnight to him and all of Snailalot every night ever since.
Günter's golden shell developed some battle wounds as he healed from his injury... His mantle prolapsed from the trauma but he coated it in calcium so it became hard and strong. It looked a little odd but it just made his name even more fitting.
In the last month or two I had noticed that Günter was less active, moving a bit slower, and he seemed to be having trouble maintaining a strong enough hold so he fell a few times. Knowing he was probably already pretty old when we found him, I had a feeling that we might not have much time left with him...
Yesterday I noticed that he seemed to be in a weird position and by the end of the day he hadn't moved at all. So I pulled him out to check on him and I suspected he had already passed or was very near to it so just to be sure I placed him on a plastic flower in the tank and waited to see if maybe I was wrong but by this evening after work it was clear that he was gone. 😔
We wrapped him in a paper towel and buried him under a tree in the yard. We are moving soon but since we found him here it seemed right to lay him to rest in the same place he came from. I placed a rock on top of his resting place that was a very similar color to his golden shell to mark the spot.
To many people I am sure it would seem absolutely ridiculous to be crying over a garden snail, but I feel like this community will understand... Günter may have been unusual and small compared to most typical pets but he was very special to me, all of my shellchildren are.
I will miss seeing him cruising around the tank with all of his adopted siblings and snacking on bee pollen in the food bowl and I will miss going on scavenger hunts looking for him every time he decided to vanish into the sphagnum moss for days which was so close to the color of his shell it was the perfect camouflage. I am so glad that I could give him nearly a year of extra time living the good life safe inside away from predators with all the food and comfort and love he deserved.
Rest in Peace my sweet Golden Günter, King of Snailalot, we will never ever forget you. 🐌🧡🌈
Sorry for the mini-novel but if you have made it this far, thank you so much for reading Günter's story. I just wanted to share it with people who would understand and appreciate him the way we did.
submitted by arcadiansnail to snails [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:22 Vitatoe95 Well guess we know why she ended live real quick

Well guess we know why she ended live real quick submitted by Vitatoe95 to VictoriaLies [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 Beneficial_Stay4558 31 [M4F] NJ/NY/PA Northeast USA - Looking for something genuine with great conversation. Long term ideally.

I'm 31 years old, live in NJ. 5'9", 165 lbs (fit/athletic build) 3rd generation Chinese American (my family immigrated here in the 1900s). My family identifies as American as we tend to eat more pasta than rice and my generation has not learned the language. College educated with a Bachelor's in Biomedical Science (switched from an Engineering major...turns out I don't like theoretical math); currently working in the pharmaceutical industry and pretty much love the industry as there isn't any work drama and it's relatively straightforward yet challenging.
I've tried a few long distance relationships and they're quite difficult to manage...they were great when we able to meet in person and I didn't mind putting in the extra work. I'd be willing to try one if the distance is reasonable and the there is a definite spark between us. I am pretty sure I fit the definition of a demisexual, so I'll be strictly trying to form a connection first. I REALLY need the emotional connection before there is a sexual attraction, mentally I can't do hook ups (they're just really hard for me to handle and I have turned people down).
Personality wise I've been told that I tend to bring people together and keep things fun. I have a few different groups of friends and communities I am often with...and they can vary from the youngsters (21 to 30) to the old guys (60+) to the group that's around my age. I would say I'm pretty good at conversing and I try to stay on top of most current events. Mentally I'm an old man and feel more comfortable in that setting, so much that I literally hang out with 60+ years olds at the gym after a workout in the hot tub. I call them the hot tub gang and it's always a set of regulars where we might talk about the same thing every single day until someone newer to the group says that we talked about it yesterday.
I would say fitness is a major player in my life. I started out hating swimming as a kid, but here I am almost 27 years later...I made it through the lessons at the YMCA, joined a club team, swam in high school, swam in college and now I'm a swim coach and instructor as a hobby/side job in my free time. There's something about being a part of coaching people and watching them grow up and succeed that makes me smile.
My free time in the cold months usually consists of planning DIY projects or working on them. I tend to work on all the cars in the family and am the one that fixes them up or finds replacements for them. Or planning my next road trip to somewhere nicer. Whereas in the warm months I love going down to the beach to go for a swim and have a nice relaxing breakfast outdoors. I do have a few kayaks that I'll bring out to go with friends or if I feel it's safe a nice solo paddle to clear my mind. When I think about it, too many of my hobbies involve water. But I do enjoy things on dry land I promise!
I'm really looking for someone I can grow together with, a long term or forever relationship. I want a relationship where both of us put 100% in all the time and if we don't, we can talk to each other about our concerns and work it out. Honestly what I've realized is that maybe I am altruistic...I miss making someone feel happy and loved, miss the good morning texts, the waiting around all day just to see their texts, I miss spoiling someone and the feeling of that feeling of seeing that look that you get when someone truly loves you. I would love to slowly get to know you by having some conversations where the time just flies, then to a point where we talk nonstop, maybe some in person dates and then maybe eventually settle down together and enjoy life together.
Important stuff: Although I enjoy interacting with kids and it's a major part of my life...I don't want any of my own so...sorry if this is a dealbreaker for anyone. I don't drink (except for maybe wine at special occasions....I get really bad Asian Flush so I'll turn bright red if I smell alcohol essentially lol), not into smoking/drugs (Bad asthma and I'm just not into any of that stuff). I don't judge anyone that's into drinking or recreational drugs, it's just not for me personally. Religion wise, I'm Agnostic. Politically I lean relatively to the left.
I'm really searching for that genuine connection; voice calls are definitely a plus and would love to get to know you. It's alright if we end up just as friends that talk here and there.
If it sounds like you could be the one send me a chat or DM and tell me a bit about yourself. My name is Kevin and I'd love to know about you.
submitted by Beneficial_Stay4558 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 Beneficial_Stay4558 31 [M4F] NJ/NY/PA Northeast USA - Looking for something genuine with great conversation. Long term ideally.

I'm 31 years old, live in NJ. 5'9", 165 lbs (fit/athletic build) 3rd generation Chinese American (my family immigrated here in the 1900s). My family identifies as American as we tend to eat more pasta than rice and my generation has not learned the language. College educated with a Bachelor's in Biomedical Science (switched from an Engineering major...turns out I don't like theoretical math); currently working in the pharmaceutical industry and pretty much love the industry as there isn't any work drama and it's relatively straightforward yet challenging.
I've tried a few long distance relationships and they're quite difficult to manage...they were great when we able to meet in person and I didn't mind putting in the extra work. I'd be willing to try one if the distance is reasonable and the there is a definite spark between us. I am pretty sure I fit the definition of a demisexual, so I'll be strictly trying to form a connection first. I REALLY need the emotional connection before there is a sexual attraction, mentally I can't do hook ups (they're just really hard for me to handle and I have turned people down).
Personality wise I've been told that I tend to bring people together and keep things fun. I have a few different groups of friends and communities I am often with...and they can vary from the youngsters (21 to 30) to the old guys (60+) to the group that's around my age. I would say I'm pretty good at conversing and I try to stay on top of most current events. Mentally I'm an old man and feel more comfortable in that setting, so much that I literally hang out with 60+ years olds at the gym after a workout in the hot tub. I call them the hot tub gang and it's always a set of regulars where we might talk about the same thing every single day until someone newer to the group says that we talked about it yesterday.
I would say fitness is a major player in my life. I started out hating swimming as a kid, but here I am almost 27 years later...I made it through the lessons at the YMCA, joined a club team, swam in high school, swam in college and now I'm a swim coach and instructor as a hobby/side job in my free time. There's something about being a part of coaching people and watching them grow up and succeed that makes me smile.
My free time in the cold months usually consists of planning DIY projects or working on them. I tend to work on all the cars in the family and am the one that fixes them up or finds replacements for them. Or planning my next road trip to somewhere nicer. Whereas in the warm months I love going down to the beach to go for a swim and have a nice relaxing breakfast outdoors. I do have a few kayaks that I'll bring out to go with friends or if I feel it's safe a nice solo paddle to clear my mind. When I think about it, too many of my hobbies involve water. But I do enjoy things on dry land I promise!
I'm really looking for someone I can grow together with, a long term or forever relationship. I want a relationship where both of us put 100% in all the time and if we don't, we can talk to each other about our concerns and work it out. Honestly what I've realized is that maybe I am altruistic...I miss making someone feel happy and loved, miss the good morning texts, the waiting around all day just to see their texts, I miss spoiling someone and the feeling of that feeling of seeing that look that you get when someone truly loves you. I would love to slowly get to know you by having some conversations where the time just flies, then to a point where we talk nonstop, maybe some in person dates and then maybe eventually settle down together and enjoy life together.
Important stuff: Although I enjoy interacting with kids and it's a major part of my life...I don't want any of my own so...sorry if this is a dealbreaker for anyone. I don't drink (except for maybe wine at special occasions....I get really bad Asian Flush so I'll turn bright red if I smell alcohol essentially lol), not into smoking/drugs (Bad asthma and I'm just not into any of that stuff). I don't judge anyone that's into drinking or recreational drugs, it's just not for me personally. Religion wise, I'm Agnostic. Politically I lean relatively to the left.
I'm really searching for that genuine connection; voice calls are definitely a plus and would love to get to know you. It's alright if we end up just as friends that talk here and there.
If it sounds like you could be the one send me a chat or DM and tell me a bit about yourself. My name is Kevin and I'd love to know about you.
submitted by Beneficial_Stay4558 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 Beneficial_Stay4558 31 [M4F] NJ/NY/PA Northeast USA - Looking for something genuine with great conversation. Long term ideally.

I'm 31 years old, live in NJ. 5'9", 165 lbs (fit/athletic build) 3rd generation Chinese American (my family immigrated here in the 1900s). My family identifies as American as we tend to eat more pasta than rice and my generation has not learned the language. College educated with a Bachelor's in Biomedical Science (switched from an Engineering major...turns out I don't like theoretical math); currently working in the pharmaceutical industry and pretty much love the industry as there isn't any work drama and it's relatively straightforward yet challenging.
I've tried a few long distance relationships and they're quite difficult to manage...they were great when we able to meet in person and I didn't mind putting in the extra work. I'd be willing to try one if the distance is reasonable and the there is a definite spark between us. I am pretty sure I fit the definition of a demisexual, so I'll be strictly trying to form a connection first. I REALLY need the emotional connection before there is a sexual attraction, mentally I can't do hook ups (they're just really hard for me to handle and I have turned people down).
Personality wise I've been told that I tend to bring people together and keep things fun. I have a few different groups of friends and communities I am often with...and they can vary from the youngsters (21 to 30) to the old guys (60+) to the group that's around my age. I would say I'm pretty good at conversing and I try to stay on top of most current events. Mentally I'm an old man and feel more comfortable in that setting, so much that I literally hang out with 60+ years olds at the gym after a workout in the hot tub. I call them the hot tub gang and it's always a set of regulars where we might talk about the same thing every single day until someone newer to the group says that we talked about it yesterday.
I would say fitness is a major player in my life. I started out hating swimming as a kid, but here I am almost 27 years later...I made it through the lessons at the YMCA, joined a club team, swam in high school, swam in college and now I'm a swim coach and instructor as a hobby/side job in my free time. There's something about being a part of coaching people and watching them grow up and succeed that makes me smile.
My free time in the cold months usually consists of planning DIY projects or working on them. I tend to work on all the cars in the family and am the one that fixes them up or finds replacements for them. Or planning my next road trip to somewhere nicer. Whereas in the warm months I love going down to the beach to go for a swim and have a nice relaxing breakfast outdoors. I do have a few kayaks that I'll bring out to go with friends or if I feel it's safe a nice solo paddle to clear my mind. When I think about it, too many of my hobbies involve water. But I do enjoy things on dry land I promise!
I'm really looking for someone I can grow together with, a long term or forever relationship. I want a relationship where both of us put 100% in all the time and if we don't, we can talk to each other about our concerns and work it out. Honestly what I've realized is that maybe I am altruistic...I miss making someone feel happy and loved, miss the good morning texts, the waiting around all day just to see their texts, I miss spoiling someone and the feeling of that feeling of seeing that look that you get when someone truly loves you. I would love to slowly get to know you by having some conversations where the time just flies, then to a point where we talk nonstop, maybe some in person dates and then maybe eventually settle down together and enjoy life together.
Important stuff: Although I enjoy interacting with kids and it's a major part of my life...I don't want any of my own so...sorry if this is a dealbreaker for anyone. I don't drink (except for maybe wine at special occasions....I get really bad Asian Flush so I'll turn bright red if I smell alcohol essentially lol), not into smoking/drugs (Bad asthma and I'm just not into any of that stuff). I don't judge anyone that's into drinking or recreational drugs, it's just not for me personally. Religion wise, I'm Agnostic. Politically I lean relatively to the left.
I'm really searching for that genuine connection; voice calls are definitely a plus and would love to get to know you. It's alright if we end up just as friends that talk here and there.
If it sounds like you could be the one send me a chat or DM and tell me a bit about yourself. My name is Kevin and I'd love to know about you.
submitted by Beneficial_Stay4558 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:17 ClueWooden6119 CRAZY ROOKIES

Look what we got here, went through another box of my granddads stuff…
submitted by ClueWooden6119 to footballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:10 adamempathy My friends and I just named our summer bowling team the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs. Anyone else name things in honor of the boys?

submitted by adamempathy to shoresy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:10 NickFury55 What we could expect heading into the 2024-2025 season.

What we could expect heading into the 2024-2025 season.
Arizona Cardinals- I can see Arizona improving this season. Not playoff bound or in the hunt type improvement but enough to move into the right direction. They acquired Marvin Harrison in the draft to give Kyler another target to throw at, Jonah Williams to the offensive line, and improved the defense. This team can be competitive as they've shown last year, it's just a matter of playing like that throughout the year. I see the Cardinals going 7-10 or 8-9.
San Francisco 49ers- They have a pretty damn good roster and added to that amazing roster. They are very well in contention for Super 59. But I can't rule out that this might also be a hangover year for San Fran. A Super Bowl loss (in overtime) can be very deflating for a team and have serious complications heading into a new season. Look at Seattle (2014-15) and Atlanta (2016-17) for example. They weren't the same after those losses. I'm not saying it's gonna happen but I'm not ruling out the possibility. I see the 49ers going 12-5 or 10-7 if the hangover happens.
Los Angeles Rams- The Rams are in playoff contention and this might be the last chance to make another Super Bowl run. I can see them make enough strides to make the postseason and make a deep playoff run. It all comes down if they can stay healthy enough to do it. They did lose 8x All-Pro and 3x DPOY Aaron Donald to retirement but the defensive line is strong enough to compete without him. The offensive still has the weapons of Cooper Kupp, Tyler Higbee and Puka Nacua to name a few. I can see them go 11-6.
Seattle Seahawks- This can go 50/50 depending on what happens in the season. HC Mike Macdonald looks to rebuild the defense into something similar when he coordinated the Baltimore defense. OC Ryan Grubb looks to revitalize the offense that greatly underperformed in 2023. This team can easily become a team to be reckoned with or stay on the same course for the past two years. This will mostly be a "prove it" year for Seattle. I can see Seattle go 12-5, 11-6, 10-7 or 9-8. The first 2 are unlikely scenarios and the others are likely. (Let me dream good damn it)
That's all I have for now. Enjoy roasting me to your heart's content.
submitted by NickFury55 to NFCWestMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:07 musicorloseittv Contest Rules For Best Song Of The Month • Updated May 19th, 2024

Contest Rules For Best Song Of The Month Updated May 19th, 2024

Click here to see summary of changes.

Best Song Of The Month Contest

Music Or Lose It hosts a monthly Best Song Of The Month contest at this musicorloseittv subreddit community. There is no cash or monetary value prize at this time. This contest is simply just for fun. Winners earn the enjoyment of being voted the best. Winners may cite the win in their biographies and social media posts.
The moderator (mod) is available to help music creators with the entry process, eligibility requirements, and deadlines. Music creators are allowed to contact the mod to ask questions about the contest anytime and mod will reply as soon as possible.
Music creator: refers to a solo creator, band, group, choir, orchestra, or duo.
Brand identity: refers to how a creator presents themselves as an entertainer making music for the general public. For example, Simon & Garfunkel as a duo is one brand identity. Paul Simon solo is another brand identity.

Process & Deadlines

🟡 Round 1
1) Discovery ◦ Each month, moderator keeps track of songs shared at this musicorloseittv community.
2) Notifying Music Creators ◦ When a likely eligible song is seen, the u/musicorloseittv profile or u/themusicfanman profile will notify the music creator of likely eligibility within the qualifying song’s post. The reply will indicate, “⏳ This song appears eligible for the Best Song Of The Month contest. Please provide the following information…” If the song is confirmed to be eligible by a mod, the mod will make a reply “🟨 This is confirmation notifying you that this song is eligible and in consideration for the Best Song Of The Month contest…” within the qualifying song’s post.
3) Determining Contestants ◦ The Music Fan man will evaluate all eligible songs by the month’s eligibility deadline. He will then at his discretion choose up to 5 songs to compete.
3) Finalists Post ◦ At this musicorloseittv community, the musicorloseittv profile will announce the top finalists (up to 5) in a post tiled “Contest: Best Song Of The Month Finalists (Insert Month & Year).” This announcement will be done in a post made 4 days before the final day of the month. The post will be made sometime in the morning. The songs will be listed within the post in a manner most representative of music diversity as determined by the musicorloseittv profile mod. All songs available on YouTube will be included in a playlist titled “Best Song Of The Month Contestants • (Insert Month & Year)” hosted by the musicorloseittv channel on YouTube. Songs not available on YouTube will be excluded from the playlist. The playlist will be mentioned in this post. The available playlist will help voters get familiar with the songs.
The u/musicorloseittv profile or u/themusicfanman profile will notify the music creators of qualifying for the contest in their post of the song. The reply will indicate, “✅ Congratulations. Your song qualifies for the Best Song Of The Month contest…”
4) Voting ◦ The “Contest: Best Song Of The Month Finalists (Insert Month & Year)” post will specify a duration of 3 consecutive dates during which music fans can vote for only 1 of the top finalists. Voting occurs by the voters making a reply to the post in the following manner: “🗳️ I vote for….” Failing to vote in this manner will result in vote not being counted. To best ensure vote accuracy, voters must not use the “🗳️” emoji anywhere else in the post’s comments section. Music creators may vote for another music creator yet may not vote for themselves. For music creators, it’s “word of honor” voting. The top vote earning song within these three days will become the winner.
‣ Community moderator profiles musicorloseittv and onesongoftheday will abstain from voting. Also, themusicfanman and any special judge involved will also abstain from voting - unless they’re needed to serve as a tie breaker, in the event of a tie preventing a clear winner. If themusicfanman and any special judge involved are needed as a tie breaker, they must come to a consensus to achieve tie breaking. If no special judge is involved, then themusicfanman alone will serve as the tie breaker.
🟢 Winner Declaration!
Declaration Post ◦ At this musicorloseittv community, on the final day of the month, the musicorloseittv profile will announce the winner in a post tiled “Congratulations! 🎉 Best Song Of The Month Winner (Insert Month & Year)” in a post dedicated to celebrating the song. Using the sticky-post feature, the post will be prominently displayed the home page of the musicorloseittv subreddit community for ≈ 24 hours.
Achievement ◦ The contest winner may promote their song as:
My song “Song Title” won:
🏅Best Song Of The Month By Community Vote
(Insert Month & Year)
At The Music Or Lose It Community
The winner may promote themselves and the song as the winner at venues like X/Twitter, Facebook, Threads, or their YouTube channel’s Community feed. The winner may also cite the win in their biographies online including their personal website.
🏆 Song Of The Year
A similar Song Of The Year vote will occur in December. It will be similarly organized and scheduled to conclude on the final day of the year. To determine a Song Of The Year by the end of the year, December’s monthly contest will only be ≈ 2 weeks. Why? Because we need time to conclude The Song Of The Year vote by the end of the year. Additionally, this is a busy time of year for many people. What’s more, non-Christmas music released in December is typically overshadowed by Christmas music. It seems to be a bad idea to release new-original music in late December. See opinion commentary: The Best And Worst Months To Release Music.
Achievement ◦ The contest winner may promote their song as:
🏆 Best Song Of The Year By Community Vote
(Insert Year)
At The Music Or Lose It Community
The winner may promote themselves and the song as the winner at venues like X/Twitter, Facebook, Threads, or their YouTube channel’s Community feed. The winner may also cite the win in their biographies online including their personal website.


Here are the rules for the Best Song Of The Month contest organized by Music Or Lose It just for fun. The eligibility rules are intended to make this contest as fair as possible to the music creator participants.
**👤 Personal: **
✔️ Must be an actual human.
✔️ Must be 17 years of age or older.
✔️ Must be a music creator abiding by the rules of this musicorloseittv subreddit community.
✔️ Must be a music creator posting using either your personal profile or your brand profile as a music entertainer.
🚫 Profiles run by publicists, music labels, or channels hosting performers.
🚫 People posing as other humans using imitation avatar type creations by artificial intelligence (AI).
**🗿 Music creator’s stature status: **
✔️ Unsigned amateur or unsigned professional yet lesser known.
✔️ Lesser known music creators who have not yet achieved two different songs with over 500,000 views/listens and are signed to deals with small to medium-sized record companies or seeming one-song-per-time type distributors.
✔️ Lesser known music creators who have not yet achieved two different songs with over 500,000 views/listens and are signed to deals with to a major label.
**📅 Release date: **
✔️ Your song must be published and accessible to the masses anytime between November 15th of the prior year and 5 days before the final day of the current month.
**💽 Songwriting, singing, & recording: **
✔️ You must be the copyright owner of the song (lyrics and sound recording) or authorized/licensed to perform the song by the copyright owner as the first original performer.
✔️ An exception is made if your song is an authorized/licensed remix or includes authorized/licensed interpolation or sampling content by the copyright owner in collaboration with any other amateur music creator(s) or unsigned professional yet lesser known music creator(s). The aforementioned release date also applies to any remix, interpolation, or sampling content.
✔️ Collaborations within the aforementioned rules are allowed so long as the song is entered into the contest by the lead. Lead refers to the first person named in the collaboration.
🚫 Copyright/trademark violations.
🚫 Songs written by artificial intelligence (AI).
🚫 Songs primarily generated artificial intelligence (AI).
🚫 Cover, parody, nor artificial intelligence (AI) imitation.
🚫 Songs likely to be very divisive for political or religious/anti-religious reasons.
🚫 Collaborations within deceased music creators akin to “Unforgettable” by Natalie Cole featuring Nat "King" Cole.
🚫 Interpolations, remixes, or samplings of a song by a creator signed to a record company of any size or signed to a one-song-per-time type distributor.
🚫 Song with hard cussing. No variations of F word, S word, C word, D word, N word (er or a), ahole word(s), or sexually vulgar words.
🚫 Extremely sexual, gang promoting, violent, or especially scary/gory/maleficent/evil aesthetic content.
🚫 Songs primarily about brands. For example: “I Love Driving Such-And-Such Brand Name Trucks.”
**👂 Recording quality: **
✔️ Professional quality recordings (live or studio).
✔️ Amateur quality (including songs record in a bedroom, car, outdoors, etc…) yet reasonably pleasant sounding.
✔️ Demos are welcome.
🚫 Live records with too much interfering audience noise.
🚫 Recordings with excessively poor sound quality (abrasive on the ears, difficult to hear).
**📏 Song length: **
✔️ Minimum of 01:15 minutes up to 10:00 minutes.
**💻 Distribution venues: **
✔️ A song published and accessible to the general public masses at a well-known music website such as YouTube, SoundCloud, or Bandcamp.
✔️ A song uploaded to a channel hosting live performances is allowed so long as the song is entered into the contest directly by the creator and so long as the creator confirms permission by the channel. Confirmation can be done in either your original upload URL link source or at this community within your posts’ body-text section or a reply to the post.
✔️ The song’s upload date must be visible at the distribution venue website.
⚠️ If you enter this contest with a Spotify or TikTok URL link, ensure you’ve provided a link for the entire song (not a teasesampler) in a manner that does not require login; ensure the publish date is visible; and be weary of looping flashing visuals necessitating a “⚠️Possible Seizure Trigger Risk Warning.” Failing to do this will result in ineligibility.
🚫 Login required to access the song.
🚫 Payment required to access the song.
🚫 Uploads of songs directly to Reddit.
🚫 Links not fully available to the public such as an “unlisted” YouTube video.
**🖼️ Song’s artwork: **
Definition: artwork refers to the image/drawing/photo/visuals accompanying your individual song at a music distribution venue such as YouTube, SoundCloud, or Bandcamp. It is sometimes referred to as “cover art.”
✔️ You must be the original creator of the song’s accompanying artwork.
✔️ Alternatively, you must be the copyright owner of the artwork if you paid to have it made. Otherwise you must be authorized/licensed to publish the artwork as part of the presentation of your song.
✔️ Artwork primarily generated by artificial intelligence (AI) is allowed so long as you are authorized/licensed by the AI source to publish the artwork as part of your song’s public presentation. However this is advised against because public sentiment may be hostile towards AI generated content.
✔️ If your song’s artwork uses aspects of copyrighted, creative commons, or “free” material content, you must confirm you’ve got authorization/licensing to use the content as part of your song’s public presentation. Confirmation can be done in either your original upload URL link source or at this community within your posts’ body-text section or a reply to the post.
✔️ Your own logo that you own the copyright to may be displayed in the song’s accompanying artwork (including on a person wearing a hat or T-shirt).
🚫 Copyright/trademark violations.
🚫 Parody notably displayed in the artwork.
🚫 Visible logos of any brand other than your own logo as a music entertainer.
🚫 Extremely sexual, gang promoting, violent, or especially scary/gory/maleficent/evil aesthetic content.
**🎥 Song’s music video (optional): **
Including a link to a music video is optional.
✔️ You must be the original creator of the song’s music video visuals including: animation; moving graphics; prominently featured still artwork or photos.
✔️ Alternatively, you must be the copyright owner of all the video’s visuals if you paid to have them made. Otherwise you must be authorized/licensed to publish all the video’s visuals as part of the presentation of your song’s accompanying music video.
✔️ Visuals (including: animation; moving graphics; prominently featured still artwork or photos) primarily generated by artificial intelligence (AI) are allowed so long as you are authorized/licensed by the AI source to publish the artwork as part of your song’s public presentation. However this is advised against because public sentiment may be hostile towards AI generated content.
✔️ If your song’s accompanying music video uses aspects of copyrighted, creative commons or “free” material, you must confirm you’ve got authorization/licensing to use the copyrighted material as part of your song’s public presentation within the accompanying music video. Confirmation can be done in either your original upload URL link source or at this community within your posts’ body-text section or a reply to the post.
✔️ Your own logo that you own the copyright to may be displayed in the video (including on a person wearing a hat or T-shirt).
✔️ Allowed music videos include “Official Music Video,” “Live Performance,” “Dance Video Version,” “Animated Video,” or “Lyrics Video.”
✔️ If you opt for an “Animated Video” or a “Lyrics Video,” you must be authorized/licensed to publish all the video’s visuals as part of the presentation of your song’s accompanying music video. If you hire an animator or use AI or an app/software designed to create music video lyrics, you must be authorized/licensed by the animator or AI source or app/software creator to publish the animation and/or lyrics as part of the presentation of your song’s accompanying music video.
✔️ If you opt for a “Dance Video Version,” the dancing and/or choreography must be originally created for your song’s accompanying music video. If you hire a choreographer and/or dancers or collaborate for free or for barter, you must be authorized/licensed by the choreographer and/or dancers to publish the video’s dancing/choreography visuals as part of the presentation of your song’s accompanying music video.
✔️ “Official Audio” type music videos are allowed so long as an accompanying still image complies with the aforementioned “Song’s artwork” rules. Alternatively, if the “Official Audio” music videos has moving visuals, it must comply with these above-mentioned “Song’s music video” rules.
✔️ “Live Performance” music videos may be made from your home/cafield (pretty much anywhere decent and reasonable) or from one of your well-recorded performances from a show. Be sure to avoid copyright and trademark violations in the video.
⚠️ Brief uses of music distribution venue logos at the end or start of a music video may be allowed at mod’s discretion, when the intent is to inform the viewer of venue availability of the song. This is however discouraged unless the distribution venue, at their website, specifies this is allowed. Music videos that display any trademark logos (other than the music creator’s own copyrighted logo) entirely throughout are ineligible.
🚫 Copyright/trademark violations.
🚫 Notable use of virtual reality program recordings.
🚫 Notable use of filters from apps/websites similar to Snapchat.
🚫 Parody of intellectual property characters prominently displayed in the video.
🚫 Notably visible logos of any brand other than your own logo as a music entertainer.
🚫 Notable display of brand products with visible logos including but not limited to toys, stuffed animals, autos, hats, T-Shirts.
🚫 Extremely sexual, gang promoting, violent, or especially scary/gory/maleficent/evil aesthetic content.
🚫 Limitations on involving minors (under 18 yo): no minors doing dangerous stunts; no depictions of minors participating in drugs/drinking/smoking or very sexual behavior (including sexual dancing); do not prominently feature children that are not your own in the video (exception may be made if a relative only allows you to involve their children).
⚖️ Quantities:
✔️ One song per music creator’s brand identity.
✔️ If a music creator uploads more than one of their brands’ potentially eligible songs, the music creator must inform mod which song they prefer to be included in the contest.
✔️ A music creator may win this Song Of The Month contest up to three consecutive times. If this happens, thereafter the creator must abstain from the contest for the next month and then may return to the contest after that 1-month eligibility hiatus.
🚫 Every collaboration will not automatically be considered a new brand. For example, Robert Plant and Alison Krauss collaborating one time should not be considered a brand. Robert Plant & Alison Krauss making an entire album together should be considered a brand. Music creators attempting to enter multiple songs under multiple brand names will be scrutinized. If there is no social media presence for any additional brands, their songs will likely be rejected as “also eligible” by mods. If this happens, the music creator will have to enter only 1 song.
**🖱️ Accounts you may post from: **
✔️ Your post must be made directly from either your personal Reddit account profile or your brand’s Reddit account profile.
✔️ If you have a medical condition necessitating aid, on your behalf, you may appoint a publicist, manager, caretaker, helper, spouse, partner, friend, guardian, or family member to post from either your personal Reddit account profile or your brand’s Reddit account profile.
✔️ If your song is from a band, group, choir, orchestra, or duo brand, the post must be made directly from either from one of the members’ personal Reddit account profiles or from your brand’s Reddit account profile.
✔️ If your song is collaboration, the post must be made directly from either the lead’s personal Reddit account profile or from the lead’s brand Reddit account profile.
✔️ If you want another song to be a part of the contest from another brand identity you are involved with, the song must be posted by a Reddit account profile for that separate brand – or one of the brand collaborators’ personal Reddit account profile.
👩🏾‍🏫 Presentation at this musicorloseittv community:
✔️ You must post a link to the song at this musicorloseittv community by tapping “+” on smartphone or clicking “+Create a post” on desktop/laptop. You must select the “My Song” flair.
✔️ Your post must be done by the “Title & Link Share Only method.”
✔️ The song’s URL you provide must be of the standalone song upload - not part of a playlist URL link.
✔️ You may post an audio only upload URL link (such as an individual song published at SoundCloud or Bandcamp). Alternatively, you may post a music video link from a venue like YouTube.
✔️ You may include a smartlink for the individual song (not album or playlist) within your posts’ body-text section or a reply to the post.
✔️ You may title the post whatever you want within the community’s rules and the contest’s rules. Remember: no vague titles; limit post title emojis to no more than 2 (if you decide to use them); and don’t request feedback.
✔️ Your post title may be done in the style of “Entertainer - Song Tile” (or something similar). Alternatively, the post title may be more elaborate. For example: “This Is My Latest Song. It’s About A Wonderful Time I Fell In Love.”
✔️ In your posts’ body-text section or in a reply comment, optionally you may share details about the song that you feel the audience would enjoy knowing.
**📝 Needed information: **
✔️ Within either your posts’ body-text section or within a reply comment at your post, provide the following information – as is:
❇️ Contest entry for your consideration:
• Entertainer's Name - Song Title:
• Published on: [Insert date & year. Refers to date published at your URL link source]
• Genre:
• I am an independent creator unsigned I am signed to [insert label name]
• Interpolations/remixes/samplings disclosure: N/A this song contains authorized/licensed interpolations/remixes/samplings [specify] of another song released since 11/15 of the prior year in collaboration with other unsigned music creator(s)[specify]. The link to the original song is [insert URL link – publish date from URL link source must be visible].
• Al disclosure: N/A. A portion of this [song/artwork/music video] is created by Al. Explanation: [specify if this applies to song/artwork/music video].
• Copyright disclosure for song: I confirm I’m the copyright owner of all the contents of this song (lyrics and recording) as it is presented including the artwork [(if applicable) and music video]
Copyrighted content I am authorized/licensed to use commercially in the promotion of my song include: [insert details]
• [optional/voluntary] Confirmation of substantial human involvement: A real human substantially arranged/compose this music. [Note: This type disclosure is strongly encouraged by creators who use instrument sounds and beats from apps/software in substation of instruments played live at the time of recording. This is especially encouraged for music creators who do not show their face and/or don’t show themselves creating the music in a music video or behind the scenes video. For music fans opposed to music primarily created by AI, this type of disclosure can be helpful and assuring.]
• Lyrics: [insert URL link or embed URL link into “Lyrics” text] [note if the lyrics are available at the upload source] [only if you're the copyright owner of the lyrics, you may entirely include them] [type “vocalized” or “instrumental” if applicable]
🚫 Uploads of songs to Reddit.
🚫 No engagement pleas disguised as feedback requests in post titles nor in your posts’ body-text section. No feedback requests.
**👨🏼‍⚖️ Copyright/trademark compliance: **
‣ Important note: Aforementioned rules already state you either must be the copyright owner of the content you enter for this contest or you must be authorized/licensed to commercially use the content by the copyright owner. Aforementioned rules already state you must disclose use of copyrighted, creative commons, or “free” material. Mods reserve the right to ask for additional proof for confirmation. Suspected violations will be removed at mod’s discretion. You are strongly encouraged to upload your best, newest, utmost original content.
‣ Resources:
U.S. Copyright Office, Copyright in General
What Musicians Should Know about Copyright by U.S. Copyright Office
U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Index by U.S. Copyright Office
**🤝 Mutual Support **
✔️ You must be active in the musicorloseittv community regarding mutual support and engagement with other posts. You must post a comment reply to at least two other posts of any kind at the musicorloseittv community before the final day of the month. Failing to do so will result in disqualification.
🚫 Posting then ghosting the community.
**😎👍 Encouraging fans to vote: **
🚫 You are not allowed to ask for votes in anywhere in the musicorloseittv community’s comments section.
🚫 Music creators may not offer anything to anyone whatsoever in exchange for voting for them.
✔️ If you see a music fan has voted for you, you may thank them in a reply comment.
✔️ You may make social media posts at venues like X/Twitter, Facebook, Threads or your YouTube channel’s Community feed to encourage your fans to join this musicorloseittv subreddit community and vote for your song.
Example post:
My song “Song Title” is a finalist for Best Song Of The Month at the musicorloseittv community at Reddit. At [insert URL link] please vote for me and my song. Thank you.
**📜 Rules adherence: **
‣ Important note: If you are new to the musicorloseittv community as either a music fan voting or music creator entering the contest, latitude may be given as you get familiar here. It’s up to mod’s discretion.
‣ Important note: This contest is just for fun. Likewise playing boardgames or cards with friends is also just for fun yet people expect rules to be followed.
**🕊️ Truthfulness: **
✔️ Contestants and voters are expected to behave honorably and ethically.
🚫 If anyone is ever discovered cheating or being dishonest akin to author James Frey or music entertainers Milli Vanilli, they will be disqualified and also likely be banned from this community.
Additional Info
If you do not want to be in the contest yet want to continue sharing your songs in this community, it is totally ok. Please inform the moderator. A “Message the mods” option is at the homepage.
In circumstances where uncertainty arises due to an unforeseen issue not addressed here in this outline of rules, moderators reserve the right to approve or disapprove eligibility. Moderators reserve the right to disqualify any song for any reason. Unfortunately, not every contest can perfectly satisfy all participant hopefuls.
Just do your best, don’t take it too seriously, and have fun.
Thank you.
submitted by musicorloseittv to musicorloseittv [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:01 ab-absurdum Who is Maynard Holliday? Calling all FOIA experts. Let's pull on this string.

I was digging around and found this seemingly well-connected character. I believe there are more than a few good strings here that we could be pulling on together. I'm not at all familiar with the FOIA process, but I know some members here are and might enjoy a new rabbithole to dig down.
If you have experience filing a FOIA request and would be willing to file one or multiple requests for us, please reach out via modmail or comment here.
I really feel there may be some good leads here. Thank you to anyone who is willing to assist!
Below is a biography from
Mr. Maynard A. Holliday is Performing the Duties of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. In this capacity, he oversees investment and capability analysis of the Pentagon's critical technology areas. He has oversight of 11 principal directors assigned to those critical technology portfolios and their roadmaps — the comprehensive strategies to manage, provide oversight and guide choices for each critical technology area. These critical technology areas include 5G; Advanced Computing & Software; Directed Energy; Human-Machine Interfaces; Hypersonics; Integrated Network Systems-of-Systems; Integrated Sensing & Cyber; Microelectronics; Renewable Energy Generation & Storage; Space Technology; and Trusted Artificial Intelligence & Autonomy.
Mr. Holliday has more than 30 years of professional experience leading technological innovations in both government and the private sector. Most recently, he was a Senior Engineer at the RAND Corporation working on autonomous vehicle safety metrics and policy, explainable artificial intelligence, swarm robotics and drone defense. Previously, he served as Senior Technical Advisor and Special Assistant to Frank Kendall, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. Mr. Holliday helped establish the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental and was a member of the Defense Science Board. Mr. Holliday has also worked for the Department of Energy as a project manager for the U.S.-Russia Nuclear Material Security Task Force. He was awarded the DOE’s Meritorious Service Award, its highest, for his exceptional service in helping secure tons of weapons grade nuclear material. Prior to his government service, Mr. Holliday was a senior engineering and robotics professional at the Lawrence Livermore and Sandia National Laboratories, as well as various robotics start-ups and technology companies in Silicon Valley.
Mr. Holliday is a co-organizer of Black in Robotics, a virtual world-wide community of roboticists and their allies whose mission is to bring together Black researchers, industry professionals and students in robotics to mutually support one another to help navigate academic, corporate, and entrepreneurial paths to success. He is also co-founder of Robot Garden, the robotics-themed hacker space in Livermore, Calif. He also has been working with Bay Area public schools lecturing on robotics and teaching robotics through the Citizen Schools program in East Oakland. Mr. Holliday was named Citizen Schools Volunteer of the Year for 2012 and was also recognized with a Presidential Volunteer Service Award from the White House for his efforts. Before leaving government service in 2017, he was awarded the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service recognizing his contributions to national security through his considerable and trusted advice on multiple DOD initiatives.
Mr. Holliday graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. He later won a scholarship to attend Stanford University, where he earned a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Design with an emphasis on robotics, international security and arms control. Mr. Holliday also won a scholarship to attend the International Space University in France and was a two-time finalist for the U.S. Astronaut Corps.
submitted by ab-absurdum to UfoTruth [link] [comments]